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It’s interesting that the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK, Ibrahim Mounir, is warning that if the Brotherhood is designated a terrorist organisation it will lead to Muslim terrorism in the UK.
RobertC, April 6th, 2014 – 19:12
Re: Science basics.
Call me old fashioned, but the term “renewable energy” always grates with me.
It used to be the case, I suspect it still is, that most TV and Newspaper “Science Correspondents” were in fact Arts graduates with an understanding of science that is BA 🙄 I think this could, in some part, explain a credulous MSM’s adoption and zealous pursuit of the cult of AGW.
When “the unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable” talk about “renewables” I assume that they are referring to their research grants and subsidy cheques.
Somewhere lodged in the colon of “David Cameron’s “Reshaped Downing Street Operation” you will find none other than our old friend Daniel Korksi. The geopolitical colossus of international affairs is employed by Dave to advise him on “Tech and Life Science” issues. Nothing but the best will do.
h/t Frank P
Baron – 10:39
“Not all Muslims, and certainly not a minority of Muslims living here in the UK, are happy with those of their own faith who hold, spread or enforce the hadiths of war, and venom and hostility and malevolence … towards everyone including members of their own faith.”
So, you think there are Muslims who disapprove of using violence to spread their political agenda. They may well exist, but as the Koran instructs the use of violence to spread their political agenda, I cannot see how they can be Muslim, in the eyes of their leaders, and disapprove of violence.
Recently, a woman who visited Iran and commented that it was “too religious” is in (an Iranian) prison, so where do you think these objectors in Birmingham will end up? Everything points to “With us!”
And do they disapprove of the main objective? If they consider themselves Muslim, they must take on the whole of the Koran, and that means extending the Caliphate, by what ever means. And yet they want non-religious schooling!
Here is their agenda, assuming they haven’t taken April Fool’s Day on in a big way:
“The battleground is the field of education, where the young generation will be educated properly with the Holy Quran in one hand and Sciences in other hand to serve the British society and the world at large.”
Note the order, and serving “British society and the world at large” will only help ‘innocent’ people!
EC 7th, – 12:42
“Call me old fashioned, but the term “renewable energy” always grates with me.”
Moi aussi!
“the unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable”
A reminder from a commentator on a Breitbart link:
” Rick Jones • 10 hours ago
This is What we are up against
Saul David Alinsky(January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. From that book here are Saul’s thoughts on how to create a social state:
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.”
And while we’re on it, WTF is ‘sustainability’?
The only picture it conjures up for me is John ‘Biffo’ Bindon performing feats of eye-watering athleticism with beer mugs for the delection of Princess Margaret.
RobertC @ 13:20
Baron hears you, Robert, also the others and has some sympathy with your take on things Muslim, but cannot endorse it. It’s not only historically incorrect, your saying that because the Koran advocates the use of violence the followers must use violence to spread the teaching of Allah, we’ve been through this before. It’s also defeatists in that it offers no doable solution.
To allow the large number of Muslims to come, settle here wasn’t a smart move, but it happened, it’s done, it’s passe, there’s BA one can do about it. They cannot be forced out, it’s unthinkable Britain would do Amin. No political party, no knowable organised movement has it as a policy to repatriate the followers of Allah. Even the EDL says ‘it will walk alongside Muslims and Jews in opposing the Jihadists’.
It’s even more unlikely the British would rise, man the barricades, push the Allah worshippers out using force. If that were to ever happen Britain, the rest of the world would not be a place worth living in.
The only option open to us now is to find a way of accommodation, segregating those who want to do us harm from those who want to worship the prophet without any intention of jihad or whatever. It’s common sense, we cannot follow the advice of the guy who when asked how to get to A says: If I were you I wouldn’t start from here. We have to start from here, there isn’t any other avenue to travel on.
I have no problem at all with those Muslims who wish harm to others as a matter of principle being removed forcibly from our shores and a close watch placed on others.
On this Islam business, Baron seems to be saying that it’s a problem that we can’t solve so we must live with it as best we can.
Is that not a counsel of despair – exactly the preliminary condition that Islam wants us all to accept?
It makes me ask – why can’t we solve it? We have the means to do it – it obviously doesn’t require the extreme ruthlessness of a Hitler or Stalin, , but it does require that we discard unnecessary and foolish squeamishness.
Like mother , like daughter .
The DOJ in the US has instructed employees to publicly and vocally affirm homosexuality and the LGBT and that silence will be interpreted as disapproval…..
Totalitarianism, coming to a society near you!
Peter from Maidstone – 20:19
So what was prohibited is almost compulsory, but only for DOJ employees, for now!
Baron – 17:30 ‘the flow of logic’
I am not endorsing violence, what I am pointing out is that to be a Muslim requires complete ‘submission to the will of God’, which is only through the Koran and its supporting literature which, in turn, mentions violence quite often in its instructions.
So how can you have a Muslim that wants no violence, in fact, wants a non-religious education for their children?
We will have to ask Jack Straw and Tony Blair. They must have had it all sorted before they opened the floodgates. Apparently, the latter is an expert in the Middle East, or he was until he returned!
PfM – 20:19 ‘Sad news from Fox News’
One of the posters under the article that you link to, Ruby McFarland, has a good point.
On `PM`(Radio 4) this evening a woman from a Christian group opposed to `gay marriage`said they had been banned from The Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre ,Westminster.The evening before the meeting she was phoned and told the Centre cancelled it because it was against their policy of equality and diversity.
The radio item was based on the statement from Eric Pickles to atheists:”This is a Christian country;get over it”.It was not pointed-out the QE Centre is owned by HMG and is under Eric Pickles` Ministry.(see Wikipedia)
PfM – 20:19 ‘Sad news from Fox News’
While Robert Macdonald does appear to have been brainwashed, or is he exhibiting American irony!
Roger L. Leonard appears to be in the real world – and assertive!
What a mess it all is! And this is the DOJ of the, supposedly, only world’s super power! It makes Putin, with or without shirt, almost normal!
Herbert Thornton @ 18:32
Look, Herbert, Baron was unhappy with the gay marriage business, wrote letters, e-mails to his MP, signed two petitions, argued with anyone who was prepared to listen, did numerous postings on at least three blogs regularly when the issue came up.
Nothing helped, the law passed. However much the barbarian thinks it’s an ass of a law, he would not disrupt any gay wedding, cause an unpleasantness at the ceremony, anything that would hit those who take advantage of it. It’s legal, they are within their right to go ahead with it. (The barbarian would, however, continue to argue against it, even join a demonstration).
Those of the Muslim faith are not here illegally either, many got invited, many were allowed by the tossers people have voted for repeatedly, some were born here. Kicking them is, in Baron’s view, futile, inhuman, wrong (unless they did something harmful, of course).
The only way to put a stop to further Muslim immigration is the change the law. This will not, however, change the status of those gays who have already married, or those worshippers of Allah already here, retrospective legislating has never been part and parcel of British law making. It’s a fundamental juristic canon, to violate it would profoundly change the nature of things legal, Baron doubts that the risk those who follow Allah represent is sufficiently mortal to the society to justify it.
Would it not be better to convert as many of them as possible into replicas of Boris, the blonde wonder who may one day lead the cleansed Tories?
Peter from Maidstone @ 20:19
Not that shocking, Peter. Anyone who thought the gay marriage was it was deluded. The gay onslaught will continue for it is the aggressive gays who feel unequal, will need more and more reassurances of their ‘normality’.
Bob Hope got it about right when he said he was leaving Cal when they made homosexual practices legal before they make them compulsory. Arghhh
Radford NG @ 20:58
The country may be what it is, but the ‘equality wants’ of the gay phylum trump everything. Baron expects the next move by Stonewall will be to find a couple who will insist in marrying in a church of their choosing (definitely a Roman Catholic one with an orthodox congregation), will go to law to get there, or have the church closed down. Just wait, it won’t take long, Radford.
A 25 year blonde who had two boys, one named Astala Dylan Willow, the other Phaedra Bloom Forever, dies. The nation may never recover.
Here’s something that doesn’t feature Muslims or gays. The comments are revealing, too.
Promise, the last one from Baron today, he cannot resist it, it’s Peter’s guru writing again on things Ukrainian. Still glued to the analogy of Hitler’s annexing abit of what was then Czechoslovakia, then the whole country, and as the rationale leads him, thinks Putin will do the same.
The minor discrepancy in such a scenario is it ignores Adolf’s real aim, it wasn’t the Bohemians, the Poles he attacked later, it was the guru’s motherland, then the world beyond it to the south which, inescapably, would have included chunks of the British Empire, that was what the corporal was after.
Now, everything’s possible in this crazy world of ours, but as ever some things are more possible than others. Peter should ask the guru what’s the ultimate goal the new eastern Fuhrer is pursuing, the latest piece avoids this aspect of the analogy. Is it the whole of Europe? The Republic over to the West? The world? Will he turn east when he conquers Ukraine as the German one turned west? We should be told.
It’s just possible Vlad has already made a deal with the Americans, one can never rule this out, a deal that he’ll take a chunk of Ukraine, it would help, there isn’t a road between Crimea and Russia proper. What the Americans got in exchange Baron cannot speculate, but the messiah needs something badly what with the Obamacare fiasco, the need to end his rule on high note.
But going beyond Ukraine? Only if the Russian strongman suffered from madness, and so far his behaviour hasn’t even hinted at it. In large part by default helped by the amateurism of the Brussels apparatchiks he got hold of Crimea for next to nothing.
Still, could he bluff his way to the Donetsk part of Ukraine, then the lot as Hitler did when he marched into the country ‘we (the West) knew nothing about’ in March 1939?
Baron’s undecided, it’s hard to read a mind of a KGB man, but reckons the millions of Russians in Ukraine as the country stands now may be worth to him more than the chunk of the Ukrainian land. Not only will the people, who will get elected in Kiev in the coming election, have to respect the sizeable Russian minority, made concessions, it will also be a potent base in the years to come when Ukraine decides it’s really a Slav country with closer ties to the Russian brother than some unelected bureaucrat in a distant city of Brussels. But that will be only after we would have poured in billions, created few dozen more oligarchs, embraced thousands new immigrants …
Well, Baron, neither can I! Here is a worrying report:
“The following press release was issued by GWPF [Global Warming Policy Foundation] yesterday:
London, 8 April: A new report published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation is calling for Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education, to institute an official inquiry into the way environmentalism and in particular climate change are being taught in schools.
/cont ….”
Am I the only one who is sick to death of the wall to wall reporting of the
Oscar Pistorius trial.
Leave it to the jury, if he did it convict him, but just tell us at the end of the trial.
I am not impressed by his lachrymosity or spewing into a bucket. If he cannot show a bit of stoicism in court, he deserves to go down.
John birch April 8th, 2014 – 13:55
“Leave it to the jury”
John there is not a jury sitting at this trial.
David 15.24.
Sorry David, just shows how little interest in this I’ve been taking.
The credo of Derbyshire:
Now that’s a county I could live happily in.
In response to Baron’s question…..
He clearly intends to rebuild the Soviet Union — he as much as has said so. And he does aim to dominate Europe, though not necessarily by direct violence. The model he probably has in his mind is Finland, hence the term ‘finlandisation’ used in political sceince. After the war Stalin agreed not to occupy Finland in exchange for her complete, Soviet-leaning neutrality. The USSR determined Finland’s foreign policy, had first-refusal rights on her trade, had veto power over cabinet appointments. The Soviet arrangement with Austria was almost identical.
I keep saying in all my pieces that parallels with Hitler are obvious, but they should not be pushed to far. Putin doesn’t want to be the direct ruler of the world. He just wants to restore the former Soviet space, a sort of hell that had several concentric circles with Moscow at the hub.
Thank you Baron (23.46) – please carry on giving us your words of Slav wisdom
Michael Adebolajo, given a whole-life term for the killing of soldier Lee Rigby, has obtained the services of QC David Gotlieb, courtesy of the British taxpayer. Gottlieb, who has offices at Thomas More Chamber, 7 LINCOLNS INN FIELD | LONDON WC2A 3BP | +44 (0) 20 7404 7000 has blocked his email address, so it is pointless to try and contact him by that method. The Defence argue that Adebolajo is not a common murderer, but a soldier in a war situation. Fair enough, but I in turn state that he is a war criminal, beheading a ‘fellow’ warrior, even from the other side, when he is laying injured, is not in the rules of engagement. Even Nuremberg would concede that this is correct. Gottlieb, one is certain would have defended Hitler if he had been around at that time, and I believe that this avaricious and vile barrister, thriving on the public purse, is as guilty as his savage client.
PfM 8th, – 17:34
“a sort of hell that had several concentric circles with Moscow at the hub.”
Ye-ess, Solzhenitsyn described his experiences in only the first circle.
Mr Boot on Mr Buerk: the (moral maze) umpire fights back:
This what Alexander is on about::
Btw, I’m not suggesting that is whence our sage sourced his information but that’s all Google would give me. Obviously the wimmin are still in enclave preparing their onslaught.
John birch @13:55
“Am I the only one who is sick to death of the wall to wall reporting of the
Oscar Pistorius trial.”
No, you are not. The MSM, and the BBC in particular, have been quite ghoulish.
Meanwhile, at the show trial back in the UK, Clifford’s Brief may have pulled Max’s todger out of the bag…
The trial also heard further evidence on Tuesday concerning the size of Mr Clifford’s penis. It has previously heard claims that Clifford has a “micro-penis”, while one woman told the court it was “enormous”. Concluding the defence case, Richard Horwell QC told the jury that an agreed fact in the case was that a doctor had measured his client’s penis and declared it “within the average range for a Caucasian male of Mr Clifford’s age”.
I expect that the jury will be scratching their heads wondering where Caucasia is.
Link for the above:
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 April 8th, 2014 – 18:15
“Thomas More Chamber, 7 LINCOLNS INN FIELD | LONDON WC2A 3BP | +44 (0) 20 7404 7000 has blocked his email address, so it is pointless to try and contact him by that method.”
Hello Anne, he might have blocked his own email address but he has not and I suspect will not block the email address of the clerks to Thomas More Chamber that I have written below.
The problem is that evil scum like Michael Adebolajo still have their right to council, if I had my way he would have hung by his neck until dead.
David Ossitt
April 8th, 2014 – 19:27
David, try that clerks email. I did, and it is blocked. Please just try testing it and report back here! Thanks, friend.
Does an inch either way matter, well it does in my beloved’s opinion and she should know, having spent a lifetime looking after me and mine.
Of course the inch that I am talking about is the one inch that our new kitchen worktops are higher than the original ones that are being removed, happily my lovely joiner who has worked so hard yesterday and today has just assured me over the telephone that it will not be a problem and he will lower them to the desired height in the morning.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 April 8th, 2014 – 19:30
Anne I have done as you asked and sent an email headed ‘testing’ so far it has not been sent back as a non delivery.
Did anyone else watch the BBC 6pm news article where all faces were blurred and some dotty woman was talking about female circumcision? When she was actually talking about FGM.
No wonder it goes on in the UK even though it has been against the law for thirty years, with reporting like that is there any wonder.
She told us that it is common practice in umpteen African countries and in the Middle East, bugger Africa it is happening here in the UK.
John Birch: Yes, why is this South African murder trial (No Brits involved, afaik) the top story on BBC news (radio, anyway) for the past 2 days. I’ve been told that the Beeb has sent a large team over to SA to report on this – I don’t know if that’s true, but if so, why?
David Ossitt
April 8th, 2014 – 19:39
Many thanks, David,
I have resent it,plus an addition, and it seems to be holding.
Frank P @ 18:25
Agreed, Peter’s friend’s very good on Buerk and the monstrosity he works for. The newsreader himself looks abit dated these days, it cannot be long before he goes.
Baron remembers him for his work as the corporation’s corespondent on Africa, hence foreign aid. Buerk went to Ethiopia in 1984, the country had around 40mn people then, sent back reports ‘please help, 4mn people are starving here’. Billions poured into the country, the Irish singer, who lost one of his daughters yesterday, shouted ‘give us your fugging money’. Baron did, had alot of difficulties as he was living in Japan, the country didn’t make it easy to send money to weirdly named accounts offshore.
The same Buerk went to the same African country twenty years later in 2004 when Ethiopian population was around 60mn (the increase due to some boundary changes, the rest natural growth), sent back other emotional reports: ‘Please help, 12mn people are starving here’.
That’s a good example of what Western aid, financial support and the rest of it has done to this African country. Only one on ten of its inhabitants starved in 1984. Twenty years later with billions of dollars pumped in the starving numbers doubled.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 @ 18:15
If only we kept capital punishment on the statute books we would not have to face another hefty legal bill. But then, what won’t we do for justice nad lawyers’ pockets, Anne.
EC @ 18:50
No, you aren’t the only one, and the sickness is unlikely to end soon. EC.
Just think, one lies in bed next to one’s loved one, wakes up, hears a suspicious noise in the bathroom. Many would instinctively, and in seconds, made sure the loved one is still sleeping next door, he didn’t; one would quickly grab a handgun, and doing so would, by a glance or a touch, made sure the loved one is still in bed, he didn’t; if one had to put on a pair of walking attachments one would, as a matter of concern, glanced at the space one’s loved one was sleeping, if only once, he didn’t; one would then stand up, hobble or whatever was needed towards the bathroom door, fired a shot or two, and in between the shots again glanced back if one’s loved one were not awaken by the noise, he didn’t. In fact he kept firing even when the ‘intruder’ shouted, yelled, screamed.
Another Simpson’s like verdict in the pipeline, Baron reckons.
Peter from Maidstone @ 17:34
Peter, when the WW2 ended those doing the thinking for the West rightly concluded it was the Nazi ideology that made the vast majority of Germans to follow the one with the funny tash rather than any inane proclivity of the German race towards subjecting other races to pain, murder, ethnic cleansing. This didn’t happen when the communist nightmare ended in Russia as if it was the Russian gene rather than the communist doctrine that subjected both the Russians themselves and others to pain, murder, ethic cleansing.
If anything, the West began hurriedly offering NATO membership like confetti to every country that asked for it except Russia. Yet NATO was set up not against the Russians, they suffered as much as the unwashed in the satellites, and far longer, but against the evil of communism.
Put yourself in the shoes of the ordinary Russians, Peter. How do you reckon these people must have felt when their country was being surrounded even tighter than before by NATO bases? Happy, secure, safe? Many must have thought ‘damn it, we may have suffered when the Bolsheviks were in charge, but at least the West feared us’.
Baron reckons Putin is tapping into such sentiments. Having sorted out the economic side of things, taking back as much of the natural resources from the oligarchs, who mostly stole them anyway, he embarked on a journey of restoring the nation’s self confidence, putting Russia on the international stage again, making the Russians proud of just being Russians.
It may only last whilst the oil and gas continue to flow, but one can hardly blame the guy as a politician for what he does. The election that got him where he is were not kosher, but other candidates were not saints either. The rules of the game in Russia today fall short of fully fledged democracy, but opposition does exists, it isn’t plain sailing for him, if he misjudges the mood of the people he’ll get kicked out. What Baron doubts very much is that the new man will be much better, the Russian hoi polloi, who also still carry the bad bugs of the old, and the West, have to have patience, the old guard infected with the poison of the communist doctrine has to die out before another stage of democratisation can take hold. What we did in Ukraine doesn’t help in this process at all, Baron is sad to say.
Why do you reckon the man is so disliked by the elites of the West? In Saudi Arabia they hand gays on cranes, he merely bans the promotion of homosexuality to those aged 18 and below, yet out government gives £10mn to groups that promote homosexuality in Russia, sends the Royals to shake hands with the Saudi despot.
There are people hanged in China every month, Russia has no capital punishment on the statute books, but our friendship with the elite of the Mandarion speakers cannot be stronger.
He talks about family as the key unit of the society, we elevate homosexual coupling to the level of heterosexual sex for procreation, he stands up for the centuries of the Judeo-Christoan culture, we cannot admire enough every culture but our own.
Once again, he is tapping here into the dissatisfaction of a large pool of the Western unwashed who aren’t at all keen to go the Full Monty with the undemocratic EU, the experimentation of PC, rainbow nation, equality and what you have. If only where he to embrace the progressiveness of the Western governing elites he would be fine, Russia would probably gain NATO membership at a stroke.
Not that Baron’s view of the KGB colonel has any bearing on anything, but the barbarian reckons that if more people in the West were to see Putin’s take on things preferable or at least worth considering to what we are being fed by our governing elites, the BBC, the MSM, perhaps there will emerge a politician who may adopt some of such policies. The question then will be which way the country wants to move, but at least we would have options. As things stand, it’s the same, monochromatic push to some multi culti nirvana that many are reluctant to chase.
That’s the big rant for today, it’s time for the poorly educated Slav to shut up except for this:
When told Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia the Frau has allegedly said: ‘They may have lost Crimea, but those Ukranians still have plenty of high quality dirt’.
You may not be able to read the stuff in the link, the article is about the Ukrainian Special Forces ‘Berkut’ under the control of the deposed president before he fled the country. The video, shot allegedly on Feb 20, shows the members of the squad getting ready for action, sniper rifles, automatic weapons and stuff. It’s taken at the Berkut HQ, which is near the Maidan Square. The days from Feb 19-23 were the bloodiest of the coup, 100 people died (53 shot in the head, neck), some 500 were injured, says the piece. The sentiment of the narrative is anti Yanukovich, anti Putin.
It finishes asking people to let the newspaper know if they recognise any of the men. The newspaper is independent, called New Gazette.
Royal Marine Sergeant `A`,convicted in December last for the murder of a taliban fighter and sentenced to Life with a minimum term of 10 years, begins appeal against conviction and sentence on Thursday 10 April.
There is a documentary on BBC One this evening at 10-35pm.
April 8th, 2014 – 21:19
I agree,
Where is the Ukraine anyway?
Ian Mansfield,Director of Trade and Investment at our Embassy in Manila,has won the Brexit [British exit] essay prize of £82,000 from the Institute of Economic Affairs.
So Maria Miller has gone! Wonder just how much compensation was paid under the counter, and will the fragrant lady be claiming unemployment benefits?
Cameron hopes that Miller will return to the Front Bench soon.
Compensation. She still got off with only having to repay £5,800 instead of the £45,000 the Hudson enquiry recommended that she should re-pay. She even used expenses to pay her parents’ council tax. If you or I had “over claimed” expenses from our employer on this scale we would have been, quite rightly, prosecuted for fraud! NB. She made £1.2M profit on her fully expensed taxpayer funded second “home” when she sold it in February this year. I think that the taxpayer and not the MP should benefit in such circumstances.
The public were very angry after the last round of expenses scandals. If Cameron wants Miller back then I reckon that he has misjudged the mood of the public. Again!
Frank P 8th, – 18:25
“feminists will be spelling michael buerk’s surname differently”
Oddly enough, until his pronouncement for I’ve always thought his name WAS misspelt, but now…I don’t suppose there are any scales to fall from his eyes, but at least he’s confessing to being as much of a tart as the rest of them.
It’s showbiz, move on.
O(o) @10:39
He’s a leading light in the Guildford Ramblers Club – as opposed to Janet Street-Porter’s mob.
So, Maria Millar has been dragged kicking and screaming out of the corridors of power. This should have happened long ago, indeed, such a creature should never have been handed a Government position in the first place. Her departure was couched in terms of utter gracelessness, unable or more probably unwilling to recognise that helping herself to 45 grand of taxpayers money does not go down all too well with the peasants who pay. Cameron is just as culpable, he defended her to the hilt, but then he has form on these matters himself. They want to gag the press, no wonder. Whatever measures go through Parliament to muzzle free expression Fleet Street should ignore, and throw down the gauntlet at these shabby individuals, because Lord help us if they do not. To finish on Maria Millar, Puccini said it all, La Gazza Ladra, the English is not so elegant, The Thieving Magpie.
April 8th, 2014 – 21:15
Baron, those were the days, eh? My old man used to call him ‘whingeing Buerk’ and, even though it wasn’t quite the abomination it is now, the BBC used to have armies of bleeding heart correspondents jetting round the world to rake up doom and gloom.
But I’ll tell you another thing. A couple of years after all the Live Aid shite, a colleague of mine came back from an East African safari. She said that the group had been all right except for one loud, self-important beeboid who never stopped whingeing and subjected the unfortunate local guides to every kind of racist abuse behind their backs. You got it.
O o,
Rossini, Puccini. Them Italians all sound the same to me. Mrs. Mills, now there was a musician. Couldn’t mistake the mighty Glad for anyone else could you?
Stephen Maybery – Au contraire. After six pints, a red-blooded male might easily mistake her for Violet Carson.
Doreen Lawrence proclaimed as most powerful woman in Britain by Woman’s Hour panel.
“For Gods sake give it a rest.White boys get killed but their mother’s don’t hit the jackpot and get a baronetcy.”
Comment to the (liberal) Independent.
April 9th, 2014 – 09:55
The public were very angry after the last round of expenses scandals. If Cameron wants Miller back then I reckon that he has misjudged the mood of the public. Again!
Let’s hope he keep misjudging the mood of the public all the way to sitting in the opposition benches.
Am I overly suspicious, but it seems to me that the investigations into Peaches Geldof’s death are rather odd?
Doreen Lawrence the most powerful woman in Britain? Don’t make me laugh. Anyone heard of Kriss Donald? a 15 year old lad abducted from Glasgow by a group of Pakistanis, driven 200 miles across Scotland and back then tortured, stabbed and set alight before dying. The police for reasons of political correctness tried to down play the incident, mustn’t be racist must we? The boys mother must have suffered dreadfully over what happened to her child, but she grieved quietly and with dignity, which is the British way. She was not given a peerage, not asked to model for M&S, or given untrammelled access to the Home Secretary, Doreen Lawrence, take note. It is time for you to shut up or get the fuck out of our country, as it is patently obvious that you hate our guts, and quite frankly, we hate yours.
Boot on prosthetics: he thinks the inglorious Pistorious doth protest too much and has already decided on the verdict that any logical person reached the day the homicide occurred:
Who can disagree?
The conduct of the Court and the lack of professional expertise of everybody concerned in the CJ system of Serth Efrica leaves much to be desired, btw. All part of St Madiba’s legacy, I guess? If they continue to decline at this rate, they’ll descend eventually to the abysmal British CJ standards of enforcement and prosecution; shaped by the CPS under EU dictates over the past 30 years.
This will resonate with many here of a certain age, I’m sure:
And some may agree that this is not entirely unconnected with my 19:03:
Bill Whittle in full flow.
stephen maybery April 9th, 2014 – 17:13
hear hear
Andy Car Park (15:28)
” …After six pints, a red-blooded male might easily mistake her for Violet Carson.”
Or Liberace, even?
WTF ever happened to Russ Conway, btw? Whatever it was, it can’t have been sufficient punishment.
Wonder whether Keith Blakelock’s widow will be elevated to the House of Lords?
Something that a senior police officer said on tonight’s news whilst remarking on the failed prosecution of a suspect in the Keith Blakelock’s killing.
He said “the problem is that the only witnesses were the large number of people who were participating in the crime”.
stephen maybery
April 9th, 2014 – 17:13
Dear stephen, please remember you don’t speak for us all. You may hate her guts,I don’t and I am certain I’m not alone. Also, it was not always the British way to grieve in silence. We once were a proud nation of warriors, fighters, and when Europe cringed under the Nazi yoke,Britain alone, with allies from the States and the then colonies, presented a fearsome front. Unlike the French who had many collaborators we did not yield, nor accept in silence the murder of our people. Stephen, please remember that the West Indies sent over many volunteers for the armed forces, and they were considered British, and Britain was the Mother country. It’s sad to see you writing in this way, I usually concur with your wisdom, and often wit.
I agree,
So many of our colonies came to our aide in two World conflicts. They were not forced to do so, and it is testimony to the regard in which we were held that they volunteered. But so much has changed since those days, and not by chance. We have been traduced and undermined by the enemy within and it distresses me to say they are of our own race. As you have probably guessed, I have seen more of The World than most and you would be amazed at the number of people who have come up to me and said “We wish the British had never left” Yes. we were a great nation of warriors but I shudder to think what would happen if we were once again tasked with facing another foe, there would be more lawyers in the ranks than soldiers. As for the West Indies, one of the happiest times of my life were spent on North Caicos Island. No phones television or internet and the people were more British than the British. Win the lottery and I’ll be back there.
stephen maybery
April 9th, 2014 – 20:32
If you can bear the thought, I’ll join you! 🙂
Conservative vice-chairman Fabricant has been sacked for opposing HS2 and saying that Miller’s resignation was a good thing.
you are more than welcome, I set part of my second title on the island and I did not make anything up, it was pure reportage, By the way, if Verity and her moggies can get to Cuba, we could row over and pick them up.
Tell the truth and shame the devil is all very well, but if in the process you shame David Cameron, then you are done for, I’ll say this much, the prat certainly has a talent for displaying his talents, which is more than Max Clifford can boast of.
Anne and stephen:
One of Baron’s more famous countrymen said the same: ‘Wherever on this planet ideals of personal freedom and dignity apply, there you will find the cultural inheritance of England’.
Frank P @ 19:23
Never mind an elevation to the Upper house, Frank, where is justice for her. Just imagine if it were the other way round as happened with Steven Lawrence. Sickening.
Baron (23:38)
You’ve just convinced me that we need an ‘irony’ emoticon for this blog. 😉
Frank P @ 1:38
Humbly endorsed, that suggestion of yours, the thing is the turn f phrase ‘never mind…’ just offered itself, Baron grabbed it without thinking, he often does only then thinks, bad bad habit, Frank, but here you are.
And another thing, Frank. What were you up to at 01.38? Are you like the barbarian finding it difficult to sleep, or is it something else, nudge nudge, wink wink …?
Frank P,
Mrs Mills, Liberace, Russ Conway, Violent Carson?
If its nostalgia you’re after then why not pop along to the Princess Theatre at Hunstanton to see Frank Ifield.
Looking at his website, Frank appears to have perfected Andy Car Park’s severed head in a jar trick – even managing occasional outings.
15 Jun 2014 Sunday
“When Aussies Ruled Britannia”
Princess Theatre
13 The Green, Hunstanton.
Andy Car Park, April 9th, 2014 – 15:28
Not only that, after six pints on a good night, the mighty Glad was quite capable of playing a duet with herself.
should’ve, read “a duet all by herself”
… anyways, it’s going to take more than a few pints to rid yourself of that image!
Bon Weekend 🙂
This bloke’s usually quite reliable…
I’d go with all of this, EXCEPT… that the US has lots of desert to place its solar farms, we don’t.
Stephen is on very creaky ice in describing Glad as unmistakable. Apart from Violet Carson and various epicenes, she could easily have been mistaken for Hilda Woodward of Lieutenant Pigeon.
I have a dim recollection that she (Hilda) wore a witch’s hat. Whatever, she was the hottest thing since Anita Ekberg in the Trevi Fountain.
O(o) – 11:00
“This bloke’s usually quite reliable…”
His articles are worth reading, but I wouldn’t put my money on their predictions happening in the short term. He has been predicting the Euro’s fall for many years. It will happen, we all know, but the question is whether it will happen in the next month or so.
Oil is really too precious to burn. Its prime use should be for the chemical industry. However, we have so much of it about and, it looks like it will become much more plentiful in the medium term. Its price will not rise, as the Warmists were expecting, and may even fall, which will make most solar and wind power industries even more uneconomic that they already are. The are currently being financially supported by subsidies, which make everything else more expensive. For example, Drax is being converted run on wood chips, imported from the USA where they will slash and burn many square miles of forest(!), so it can pickup 100’s of millions of pounds in subsidies. If the subsidies are reduced, which they may be, they are pleading for extra money anyway!
Solar and wind CANNOT provide a resilient power supply, so backup capacity needs to be built anyway! Supplying anything over 10% (20%max) will make the National Grid unstable without any advances in storing some of the energy in an economic way.
So many problems, so much propaganda!
This should cause a good deal of hand-wringing and anguish among bleeding hearts & human rights cabal –
Nigel Evans cleared. Could see it coming. Judge’s summing up was straight from the textbook of Mr Justice Cantley. ‘Look out for inconsistencies’ = do not rely on testimony of hysterical queens.
Is it just me or do these thank you speeches after being found not guilty sound exactly like the acceptance speeches at the oscars.
Andy Car Park
April 10th, 2014 – 14:59
They’re all bloody bent anyway. Besides, I don’t think this skinny wanker could rape anyone or anything!
Baron April 9th, 2014 – 23:13
“Wherever on this planet ideals of personal freedom and dignity apply, there you will find the cultural inheritance of England”
I have always felt both lucky and privileged to be born an English man (even more so to be a Yorkshire man) and even though government after government tries to water down or change the essence of what makes us English they will never succeed.
Not bad for someone writing for the Spectator, but still only skin deep. It was members of this outfit who were chasing the Ukrainian deputies when Yanukovich gave up. Not a word about it in the piece.
David Ossitt @ 16:47
And so you should, David, the day when the ‘core of Englishness’ prevails again will come.
You’re spared Baron’s ranting about things he knows little about because he is labouring in the garden. Shall he tell you something? We should have retained capital punishment if only to string up whoever it was who invented gardening. Arghhh
We are told despite ‘Stonewall’s arguments to the contrary that approximately 1% of men are homosexual and that there are a much smaller proportion of homosexual women.
This being the case Parliament, the BBC, main stream media and the London glitterati, do the rest of our wonderful country a great service by taking vastly more than their fair share of these sexual deviants.
Take parliament as an example with 503 male MPs and 147 female MPs statistics would indicate that there would be 5 male homosexuals among the male members and approximately half a lesbian among the women.
But it does look as though there are at least 100 deviants in the male ranks and labours shadow cabinet has at least three lesbians.
Is it any wonder that the homosexual marriage bill was pushed through parliament?
Baron April 10th, 2014 – 17:00
“You’re spared Baron’s ranting about things he knows little about because he is labouring in the garden.”
I did far too much gardening yesterday, my useless right hip has not hurt for many weeks but today it has played me up all day, I have felt knackered since breakfast and so have only sprayed the lawns for weed and moss.
David Ossitt
April 10th, 2014 – 17:13
David, I am in a vulgar mood today. I note your reference to the BBC and Parliament, but what about the judiciary? Pretty certain there a large representation amongst their members.
Peter’s friend has a piece on dictators, quite good and unarguably right in general, too, except when he homes on his motherland, a guy named Andrey Kozyrev in particular. Not someone many know today, but he was a protegee of Boris Yeltsin, and for a time he held the job Lavrov does today, that of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Boot quotes abit of Kozyrev’s speech which, in his view, says quite openly the new post communist Russia is to pursue the same policies towards its neighbours as the Bolsheviks had done, a kind of re-unification of the old USSR. What he omits to add is that the Kozyrev’s speech was a spoof, the man delivered it to warn what may happen if the hardliners in Russia were to take power. Kozyrev retracted the speech, said himself it was a fake, a warning of dangers to come if the wrong people gain power in Russia.
Of course, one may argue that the one who likes to strip to the waist is one of the hardliners, but as far as Baron knows Putin has never either endorsed Kozyrev’s bluff speech or made a similar one.
Andy Car Park @ 14:59
Neither you, Andy, nor anyone else having a meal should continue reading.
Way back in the last century Baron used to know a man who claimed to have aristocratic Indian blood in his veins, Indian as of the Urdu kind. Not that one would guess it what with his pale complexion, blonde hair (Baron doesn’t remember the colour of his eyes though) and an impeccable Queen’s English accent. Cambridge educated, he was a lawyer for the outfit Baron joined.
He also threw up when the talk turn to what gays get up to. (Well, he also was a chain smoker, would flick the cigarette, finished or not, onto the track of a coming train at Tottenham Hale every morning Baron travelled with him. One could smoke on the underground up to the platform these days, not on the train).
Still, about five of us went for a pub lunch soon after Baron joined the company, all amicable, easy banter whilst we were consuming heaps of bangers and mash, drinking ale. Then one of his colleagues ‘noticed’ the brown source, remarked about gays and you know what when the guy didn’t go ‘gulp, gulp’, said ‘excuse me’ to ran away, but kept sitting and just vomited the consumed lunch back onto the plate.
It was only later, Baron was told it wasn’t for the first time that happened, the lunch was a sort of initiation ritual for selected newcomers to the company. Baron remembers it not only for the neatly delivered vomit – it stayed on the plate, didn’t spill over. It was also because what the woman who came over just as the last bit came out of his mouth to collect the dishes said: “You didn’t touch your lunch, dear?
From then on Baron never expressed any desire to join any party that included the guy. It was impossible to avoid him when travelling, and he reeked of tobacco so much even Baron, himself a smoker, found it hard to stomach.
If the guy is still round he must be either mortally slim or dead given the coverage of things gay (and his smoking habit).
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 April 10th, 2014 – 17:44
You are correct Anne, we used to think that only men ladies hairdressers and Marshall and Snelgrove window-dressers were amongst the limp wrist brigade but they now have spread even wider.
Unless you are already fed up with the Ukraine saga this piece is reasonably balanced, it doesn’t go deep enough however. It was the members of the same Svoboda (Freedom) party who made the deputies run for their lives when the putsch was on.
David Ossitt
April 10th, 2014 – 19:04
Yes, David, so many limp wrists that sticky finger are littering the streets! 🙂
Nigel Evans: “I’ve been through hell!”
One wonders if there’s anything he hasn’t been through.
Some people are gay;get over it.
Most people don’t give a ****;get over that.
I was abused/importuned about half-a dozen times[I didn’t keep count]but I didn’t make a federal case out of it.The same seems to apply to the young Conservatives who came across the `tired and emotional Nigel Evans.[See below]
Many celebrities recently accused should think themselves lucky they never came across the young Liverpudlian Edwina Cohen (aka. Mrs. Edwina Currie) who like others of her generation would have known how to handle them.She reports always having a pair of scissors in her hand-bag.
To more serious matters;the appeal of Royal Marine `A`.
FMG;”School holidays become `The Cutting Season` “.
David Icke gets a rival.
David Cameron declares he is God’s Dyno Rod!!
Radford, he also insisted he was a Christian and that Britain is a Christian country, and that he is really going to do something about the persecution of Christians. And that Christians also need to be much more outgoing in defending the expression of Christianity.
He clearly tells people what he thinks they want to hear.
So David Cameron sees himself to be God’s Dyno Rod, he’s finally caught up with the rest of us, we always knew the prat was in the shit.
ACP’s 10 works of the Devil (all organs of State including most of the spurious ‘third’ sector are taken as read)
The performing arts
Twats on bikes
The Spectator (apart from Ross Clark)
The Lottery (pron. ‘ver lo’ereeee’)
Children In Need
It’s, like, the high rise terminal?
Butternut squash
Dinner parties
…”his accusers – five of whom were friends – played down the incidents to the point of levity. “It was like we were out one night and the shadow secretary of state for Wales put his hand down my trousers. Crazy, crazy Westminster. It seemed so funny,” said the first alleged victim”.
Not unlike in Russia we get the leaders we deserve for we vote for them.
There’s hope for Nigel and friends.
Hope for Nigel and friends? No. It’s a shoe in, and I am talking 2015 here. The electorate, irrespective of past allegiances has had a bellyful of the entire political class, sod the lot of them is the consensus of opinion. The outcome of the next General Election has already been decided, it was not only Nero who fiddled while Rome burned.
Radford NG – 05:14 ‘A summer holiday she will never forget’
In this day and age, how can it be argued that it is OK to stop other people keeping their culture? After all, every culture is equally valuable! It is not that I am for it, it is the stupid assertion that every culture is of equal value that needs to be quashed.
Not only do those trying to stop this bodily harm know that their argument is only relative, those continuing the practice KNOW that their culture is a least a valued as their opponents, if not MORE valued because they are not from Western Culture.
And from what I have read, many, if not most, Feminists couldn’t care less about the victims.
stephen maybery
April 11th, 2014 – 14:11
sod the lot of them is the consensus of opinion.
But surely, they, including Cameron and Osborne are busy sodding each other!
Noa @ 13:41
Good to see you look in here and there, Noa.
Any idea if anyone’s working on brain implants? Baron has a list of people in urgent need of help in the cranium department, most are quite well known, some even in position of power.
Stephen @ 14.11- have you mistaken my warped SoH as serious political commentary?
Andy Car Park @ 09:18
Was there a reason you’ve left out Stonewall. Andy, the most powerful lobbying outfit in the history of this country?
Is it brains that are required in Sexminster? It seems that what is necessary, as David Ossitt points out elsewhere, is a solution to the tremendous shortage of arseholes to meet the extraordinary demands from our MPs. After all, if science can grow and implant a new vagina, the NHS should be able to meet the insatiable demands of Strangers Bar for new arseholes.
If there are funding shortfalls then perhaps a special new ‘corkage’ tax could be introduced, to assist in filling the void.
And here’s the missing link for those Lancashire Tory MPs who may has missed it:
Nothing wrong with a warped sense of humour, I’ve got one too, it’s all that keeps me going in this screwed up World we are condemned to inhabit, and nothing is as screwed up as the world of Westminster, where the main goal, in golfing terms you understand seems, to be to score a hole in one.
Noa @ 14:53
The barbarian stands corrected, Noa, but quietly hangs on to his brain implant idea because if only it coul be done, the replacement orifices would not be needed, certainly not in the numbers needed today.
Why is it the electorate is so blind to such shenanigans? One wouldn’t expect those in power to do anything about it, many are amongst the villains, but the people?
Is there a blogger, a journalist who has a list grouping MPs by sexual orientation? If only 2% of us are of the same sex orientation, shouldn’t there be also only a 2% strong homo presence in the House?
Baron – Fair enough. Lose the performing arts and substitute Stonewall. After all, Basil Brush never did no-one any harm.
Ah, Baron, ‘seual orientation’ the craftily contrived language of the hedonist, the banal re-classification of us all by our lacisivious immorality. The grammatical socialism of a Bairnsfather who if he knows of a better hole, should go to it.
Quoth the homosexuals of Stonewall_
“The definition of ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexuality’ and ‘heterosexuality’ is better expressed as ‘sexual orientation towards people’, rather than ‘sexual attraction to’. This reflects the fact that people build committed, stable relationships and is not purely a focus on sexual activity.
Everyone has a sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a combination of emotional, romantic, sexual or affectionate attraction to another person. In other words, it’s about who you are attracted to, fall in love with and want to live your life with…”
Is it, indeed? Such platitudes! Such hypocracy! The false ‘equalisation’ of homo and hetreosexual relationships and the avowal that its all about sexual pleasure and nothing about the consequences, of children, of family.
And the ONS identifies a mere 1% of the population as homosexual. Not ever the 4 to 5% Stonewall likes to claim. But, as Labour identified in its relentless search for votes, even 1% is a significant proportion of the electorate and sufficient to swing the vote in some seats.
The majority of women and men are heterosexual and they experience attraction and seek partners of the opposite sex. The words ‘heterosexual’ and ‘heterosexuality’ come from the Greek word heteros, meaning ‘different’ or ‘opposite’.
Stonewall’s definition continues
“…The majority of women and men are heterosexual and they experience attraction and seek partners of the opposite sex. The words ‘heterosexual’ and ‘heterosexuality’ come from the Greek word heteros, meaning ‘different’ or ‘opposite’.”
Again, this is a travesty of truth, when 99% of people are biologically programmed to reproduce and universally, chose as human beings in their societies to do so through the mechanism of marriage, to protect and enhance their societies and civilisation. Again the use of the term ‘partners’ implies a false, socialistic equality by homo to heterosexual relationships and also conveniently de-christianises marriage.
And what now, is left of marriage, by the currently resurgant Stonewall and state definition? It is merely an institution, open to all, for sexual pleasure and freely terminable upon the of sexual interest within it, regardless of consequence.
Noa @ 17:55
You are right again, Noa, but the barbarian isn’t up the date with all the terms, definitions, nuances of the progressive world. Believe him, he didn’t use the term ‘sexual orientation’ because it’s the PC thing to do, he may have used it before, nobody turn an eye, kicked him for it.
The rest of your observation fits Baron’s take on the issue quite well except perhaps when you say the one single percentage of the bottom worshippers may swing it in some voting districts. The boy may find it will go the other way. Baron knows personally three individuals who’ve never voted for anyone but a Tory, will now vote for everyone but a Tory. We shall see.
Andy Car Park @ 17:02
Not a bad swap, Andy, or we can always broaden the definition of performing arts, chuck in Stonewall in as performing farts.
April 11th, 2014 – 19:27
“the faint aroma of performing tarts.”
There is undoubtedly an obsession with shirtlifters around here at the moment. What the hell is wrong with you buggers?
You have to give Nick Clegg credit where it due, but this little piece of History is not one of them:
At [Cyril] Smith’s 80th birthday party, a gushing message from current Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg was read out, which said: ‘You were a beacon for our party in the ’70s and ’80s and continue to be an inspiration to the people of Rochdale.’
Remember, we are all in it, together:
Police received at least 144 complaints by victims of the predatory paedophile yet the authorities blocked any prosecution – allowing Smith brazenly to continue his abuse.
MI5 and Special Branch officers put pressure on police to drop investigations
Robert C,
No surprises there, they stick together like ordure to a blanket, one law for celebs and another for the corrupt bastards who make the law, it is enough to make one throw up. As I stated earlier, come 2015 there will be a reckoning.
M.I.6 puts `career` adverts in magazines [inc.Spec.] which have the imprimatur of Stonewall.
Quote:”The service is……proud to be a member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions Programme in recognition of its commitment to equality of opportunity regardless of sexual orientation”.
Radford NG,
Words do not fail me, they never have under any circumstance, but this MI5 claptrap really takes the biscuit. When I first went to Australia, back in the early seventies, this country was regarded as a joke. Say you were British and people would laugh in your face, such was the regard in which we were held. Then came Maggie and the Falklands, attitudes towards us changed overnight, suddenly, we were regarded with respect. Blair and Cameron have whisked us back to the era of derision and I fear we are once more an international laughing stock. Who in their right mind would regard a nation who puts its security in the hands of shirtlifters as a serious player in the world’s affairs
Do we really want a PM as pig-ignorant as this?
Epic fail!
People will not turn away from millipede because of his Jewish heritage, but, they will because he stabbed his brother in the back in order to get his hands on the levers of power. If he would do that to his own sibling, then what the hell is he likely to do to the country in the furtherance of his ambitions.
Ostrich (occasionally)
April 12th, 2014 – 09:22
stephen maybery
April 12th, 2014 – 10:31
Millipede and his father long ago abandoned what Jewish heritage they ever had. As a Jewish woman I find the whole Milliband family a disgrace and consider them first and foremost as dyed in the wool communists. I no more consider either of the Millipede brothers as fellow Jews, than I can consider Harman or either of the Blairs as Christians. Alas, most of the politicians of any party, seem to be without belief in G-d, and are in many cases, perverts and absolutely corrupt.
Bang on the mark as usual. As for our ruling elite, ambition and self aggrandisement is the Nicene Creed of their pointless existence. I have just been reading an expose of fat guts Smith in todays Mail, they aught to do what they did to the remains of Oliver Cromwell, dig him up, cut his head off and stick it over the doors to Parliament. Pour le encourager les autres.
Ostrich (occasionally)
April 12th, 2014 – 09:22
stephen, I’m not easily shocked, but the revelations coming out about Cyril Smith and the cover-ups truly horrify me. One thing about misbehaviour amongst consenting adults, MPs etc, but the cruelty and exploitation of children should receive the death penalty.
Sorry, Ostrich (occasionally), the above post should have been addressed to stephen.
You may have seen it, if not it’s worth your scanning it. Colonel Mustard mincemeating telemachus, who turns and twists, but cannot land a punch.
@AWK1 12th, – 10:43
@stephen maybery 12th, – 10:31
And there was me thinking that Disraeli was the first.
Ostrich (occasionally)
April 12th, 2014 – 12:55
Correct! I bet he is spinning in his grave.
O (0)
Disraeli was the first, not only that but one of the best, he was the one who bought the Suez Canal.
Why is it supposed that Cyril Smith wass protected by MI5, I mean why him? There were scandals (both hetero and homo) in other, more powerful parties that were allowed to come out, just what was their motivation to protect this politically undistinguished Liberal MP? Ideas, knowledge, rumours, suggestions anyone?
Imda @ 14:36
It the DM piece, the journalist who’s covered the story recently says it was because the Prosecution Service feared he would make pedophilia respectable, he was that popular. Sounds unbelievable, but it may well be true.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 @ 11:55
Baron shares your disgust, Anne. It may still be going on.
You recall some 3-5 years ago the press was full of stories of the Americans passing to us a list of child abusers, judges, police officers, other high placed public figures amongst them? Well, what has happened to the list, the names of the public figures?
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 09:22
What amazes is how these people – the millipede, he ghastly Blair, the messiah, the lot if power licks them – keep saying how faith, their Christianity or Jewishness – is important to them, yet do things that are totally opposite of what the faith calls for or demands. Bloody hypocrites.
An earlier story on Cyril Smith,from 1979,can be found below.The blog can generally be trusted in its items on child-abuse.
I have just ordered my beloved some packets of seeds online from Chiltern Seeds.
I almost did not bother but my beloved had specifically asked me to place the order.
My reason for my reluctance was that when I registered myself on their website, I was, as is usual asked to give a password and to then repeat said password, only to be told that my password must have a minimum of seven letters or numerals, the password that I always try to use has six.
This happens often and I can never remember whether I have added a 1. or a 1.2. at the beginning or the end of my chosen password.
Why oh why do these people ask for and then refuse our chosen passwords?
April 12th, 2014 – 14:36
Sounds weird. I know, but like protects like!
See the following
April 12th, 2014 – 15:05
Radford NG @ 15:20
Decades ago when the pervert was at the peak of his popularity, Baron, not knowing anything about his private life, attended one of hi gatherings, happened to stand close to him. He sweated alot, and stank even more.
April 12th, 2014 – 12:53
Or you could educate yourselves by seeing telemachus mincemeating Baron and Mustard together on today’s Javid thread
The key is to harness your allies and fellow travellers and go for the gold
telemachus @ 19:40
Well, telemachus, often the ideas you, or those of the same phylum, put forward sound good, noble, compassionate, hard to argue with except that in real life they don’t work.
Look at the EU, your favorite empire the ball-less Ball will sort out, or so you keep telling us, its population is some 7% of the world total, yet it accounts for half of the world’s welfare spending. That’s what the ideas you are promoting converted into realpolitik have led to. The corrective steps that are being taken to avoid an inevitable collapse are causing massive unrest throughout Europe, a rise in extreme politics, real racism, which the BBC, another of your favorite outfits, seems to be largely ignoring.
This culture department may be a small wart of the big problem, but it’s symptomatic of the delusional culture you are backing. If you were to ask people whether their money should be spent buying a can of an artist’s excrement for £25,000 or the money just burnt in a power generating plant, many may go for the latter. And they will be right.
Btw, you still haven’t explained how the good Earl spent taxpayers cashh on rubbishy art.
David Ossitt @ 16:26
We all have the same problem, David, the barbarian thinks he’s solved it, uses the same password for sites that not matter much, it’s only in banking, investing he relies on an elaborate password algorithm. The payment is by a credit card that always asks for additional security password, that’s the complex one one registers with the bank.
If you are still around, telemachus, click on the link, the French seem to be ahead of us in their socialist agenda. You would approve of the new law, wouldn’t you?’t-send-me-any-e-mails-after-6pm-–-you’ll-get-me-arrested
The good Mr Boot writes
“I get thousands of e-mails pitched at the refined intellectual level of ‘Eat s*** and die, you f***ing c***’.”
I am very surprised
Oh, and should we forward his penultimate statement to the Old Bailey Judge
“Perhaps if Rebekah Brooks beats the hacking rap in Blighty, she can get a lucrative job in François’s government”
In the context seems that the good Mr Boot is implying Ms Brooks involvement in hacking
I will leave that to you all to examine your consciences on this
Hopefully this won’t spoil your Sunday:
Who are the two Tories, the one a possible contender for the leadership? Any ideas anyone?
The Mirror prints a knocking piece on Farage;and its readers in its poll vote for him to be next Prime Minister,with56% support. [Milliband 16%;Cameron 6%;Clegg 1%]
Its appears that Telemachus is once more infesting this site. Why I cannot fathom, he can be under no illusion as the opinions of the wallsters. The individual is nothing more than an ego on stilts and an intellectual dose of the clap, hiding under a ridiculously pretentious nom-de-guerre, as he does not have the guts to write under his own name then he should keep quiet.
What a gem of a headline! (not at the top of the article, itself, its on the link to the article.)
Arsenal cracks can’t be papered over
stephen maybery 13th, – 10:51
“he can be under no illusion as the opinions of the wallsters”
I don’t believe he recognises anybody’s opinions other than his own. But he seems to believe that constant dripping wears away a stone. Where I come from it indicates a lack of maintenance.
Any one still in doubt about Maria Millar at Dept. of Culture should see below as to what she has been up to.
It is being promoted we should turn lights out at 11pm on 4th of August to remember the declaration of war on Germany. “Bizarre” writes History Today magazine; “….remarkably stupid gimmick worthy of warden Hodges [from Dad’s Army] ” comments historian Gary Sheffield.
There are many other gross ideas below.
Warning:not to be looked at if you are having a *Gloomy Sunday*.
Spent a few hours dipping into my “Rudyard Kipling The Complete Verse”. No wonder the great man is Persona non grata in today’s degenerate PC dictatorship. Just reading his works on the soldier’s fate in Afghanistan is as fresh and relevant as though written today. At 5:30 there is a TV programme on BBC1 which I must watch: The People’s Portrait, about Falklands veteran Simon Weston and his portrait which will be shown in the National Portrait Gallery.
Thank you, Anna Wotana Kaye and the Baron for your replies: hmm weird doesn’t begin to cover it. Do you find the Daily Mail explanation plausible? I mean CS was popular (in as far as any politician in the UK is popular) because he had a reputation as a normal working class north country bloke who who was leftish but not extreme (the move from Labour to Liberal) and was physically easily recognisable), had he lost that reputation for straightforwardness, he would have lost his popularity – the idea that we would all have just re-classified sadistic paedophilia as normal (because dear old Rochedale Cyril is into it) – is just insane. Would MI5 collectively be that derranged? As for all our elites being a self-protecting club of sexual deviants well, I find that difficult to reconcile with Tim Worstall’s Law that all organisations are eventually run by those who can stay awake in committee meetings (the Rev Flowers notwithstanding). (or perhaps I’ve just realised what they must be dong to keep themselves awake…) But I am also reluctant to believe this, as it is a standard of lazily written French thrillers whose writers have run out of ways to untangle their absurd plots . Can anyone come up with an explanation that combines the complex and the mundane in a way that reminds me more of reality as I think I have known it?
April 13th, 2014 – 17:33
Hi, The “DM” is a rubbishy tabloid, prints filth and has a middle-class attitude of shocked pretence at the same time. It’s speciality is pseudo-medical articles of breakthroughs which are always a year or years away! Their opinions are worthless, trust Baron, or trust me, and you wont go wrong! 🙂
I see somebody at the DT finally caught up with us:
Will someone please tell that ignoramus Ed Miliband that despite being a practicing Anglican, Benjamin Disraeli was the first Prime Minister who was a Jew.
I recognise and respect the opinions of Nigel Farage. He has a charisma that is admirable and the envy of most politicians
I recognise and respect the drive of Michael Gove. He passionately cares about education and the future training of our children
I recognise and respect the passion of Ian Duncan Smith. He has attacked the welfare problem with a zeal that is the envy of those who value societal cohesion
I recognise and respect the technical competence and ideals of Jeremy Hunt. He is changing the safety culture of the NHS
But these four men are dangerous
They could destroy all the social progress we have made over the last century
telemachus @ 04:34
Have you ever considered that following on with the ‘social progress’ may be more dangerous than the reforms of the quad you’ve mentioned?