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stephen mayberry 21 April 06:55
You said – “….. unless we stop being British for a brief period, we will not be allowed to enjoy our nationality.”
I heartily agree with you obvious sentiment but I think you meant “……. unless we START being British AND STAY THAT WAY ….” didn’t you?
“David Cameron risks causing “alienation” in society by saying Britain is a “Christian country”, a group of public figures has warned”.
Too little too late. I am not going to say what we should do with the barbarians swarming all over this once green and pleasant land. I made it clear, in my last post on the previous ‘board’ that shooting the buggers if they don’t get out would be fine. What concerns me are the imbeciles who signed that this is not a Christian country. Some are mental, in advanced stages of clinical dementia, but others are well-known figures who thrive on public funds. I ask one question: Do these vile traitors actually live in Tower Hamlets or any other of the rat-holes which muslims have created in our citied and towns? I bet that most, if not all, live in very comfortable, middle- or upper-class areas, and never have to face the stench of a black robed woman or girl with a FGM infection. Nor do they have to pass through streets littered with foul garbage, with the wail of the mosque drowning out the sound of church bells.
Up to 10 military aircraft and 11 ships were to take part in Monday’s search for MH370, Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) said in a statement.
JACC said that the Bluefin submarine was searching a circular area with a 10km (six miles) radius where underwater signals were detected earlier this month.
The Bluefin-21, operated by the US Navy off the Australian vessel Ocean Shield, is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that can identify objects by creating a sonar map of the sea floor.
So far the submarine had scanned two-thirds of the area with “no contacts of interest”, JACC said.
And still with all these ships searching the suspect area not one floating item has been found.
It does not make sense.
AWK1 – 10:24
I find it difficult to comprehend how people with above average intelligence cannot see how the loss of England’s traditional political and religious tolerance (compared to others at the time, including now!), as important, if not more so, than Christianity itself, will affect them.
When ever I see discussions about cultural changes, there is inevitable list of sins, the burdens of which, we are expected to carry, from slavery (as if we had invented it, only we had practiced it and never experienced it ourselves), to child abuse, famine and being unable to repeal the laws of Physics, Economics or Spirituality!
Even if we, who liked it as it used to be, deserve all the punishment that is appearing on the horizon, I cannot see how that is enough to ameliorate what athiests, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, the workshy, feminists and those who like a pint of beer or a glass of wine, to sing, to dance, to listen to music, in fact anyone who values joy and happiness are going to suffer.
Lebedev,the Russian millionaire owner of the Independent,writes of the ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Church;it’s churches carved from rock,and celebration of St. George’s Day.
Life in London for the new Londoners, a brilliant buttawdry, hopeless picture of Eastern European migrants by Ben Judah in Standpoint:
Soft power?
This farcical idea is described in the Guardian article below-and ruthlessly demolished in the brilliant rebuttal from Karl Naylor in the posts below it, (from where the Standpoint article above, was taken.)
Is all well with Frank P?
Noa – 13:11 ‘Soft power’
“National narratives – the story we tell the world about ourselves – are key. ”
I nearly fell off my chair! Who is ‘we’? Is the The Guardian inferring that we are a nation?
Yes, Karl’s post is what it is really like.
And soft power costs money! Using some of the Foreign aid budget for it would be money better spent.
Soft power is having a well defined, indigenous population backing a popular Government, and a credible Army, Navy and Air Force, that do not spend all their time fighting wars without good reason. It is having Sovereignty, and exercising it intelligently – unlike Baroness Ashton. It’s keeping your hair on when there is an international crisis – that does leave our Foreign Secretary with a disadvantage.
Some Lefty was moaning recently that the North Sea oil revenues were wasted – by Mrs T, who else! Apart from not realising that costs, including capital and wages, need to be taken out of revenues, a lot of the ‘spare money’went to prop up the nationalised industries and social security, instead of financing the ‘white heat of technology’ that H Wilson spoke about. Yet it was the Left that wanted the money spent that way at the time.
I think Cameron has lost it even more than he had, last week, wittering on about being a Christian country, when he has shaken Britain, and the CoE, to its core and created so much mayhem that the AoC cannot answer a simple question about Christian teaching.
While we have quaint immigrant customs on display in Birmingham schools and the feminists are complaining that the Ofsted hit team contains no women and the local police chief has gone native, we do not have time for international affairs, which s a pity, as so much of the World’s trade requires the rule of law, to which we have contributed for many years and could continue doing so, to the benefit of most nations, especially us!
” Is the The Guardian inferring that we are a nation?”
It should be:
Is the Guardian implying that we are a nation?
RobertC-interesting thoughts.
“…we do not have time for international affairs…”
Indeed we don’t, with over 10 million immigrants to diversify us, international affairs have literally come right next door to us.
Herbert Thornton April 21st, 2014 – 10:10
stephen mayberry 21 April 06:55
“You said – “….. unless we stop being British for a brief period, we will not be allowed to enjoy our nationality.”
Herbert you are missing the point, Stephen is saying that we must set aside our tendency for fair play and natural tendency to be the honest broker, in order to use any method to rid our country of the undesirables.
After reading about the horrific South Korean ferry disaster, does anyone else agree with me that all car ferries are, because of their open car decks, intrinsically unstable and unsafe? I have never, and will never travel on one.
Unless you’ve already read him, Peter’s friend today’s essay delivers a high quality kick to the DT letter writers on whether Britain is or isn’t a Christian country. His quoting from the 1953 Queen’s coronation ceremony is the only nail needed to beat their assertion that Britain is some kind of a rainbow nation now, the time has passed, but her promise still holds.
Lesley C. @ 17:11
You may be far too cautious, Lesley, it was a human error, apparently one of the crew (not the captain) steered the boat too sharply at a high speed, it capsized. If you were in a car that steered through a corner at a speed in the same manner, the contraption may also tip over. It’s carelessness, a lack of expertise or poor judgement of a human being rather than the vulnerability of the contraption one is in command of, Baron reckons.
Noa @ 13:52
Baron has asked the same question earlier, Noa, no answer. Given that many of us are of the age when disaster may strike at any time we should tell each other if our health begins to take a turn for the worse, or we decide to switch off temporarily as you did. Baron’s worried about our local guru, too, but can do do nothing about it.
Verity has also been quiet for days, but it may be the cats that keep her out of circulation.
re the korean ferry disaster
dont know how many here remember the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster. That was a ferry that had the car deck become waterlogged, became unstable and capsized. Safety said that the large car decks of RORO vessels should be sub divided – indeed it was considered that having the stairs etc in a central bulkhead was better than having them at the side and a full width car deck. but that would restrict the versatility of the vessels so wasn’t made mandatory
we keep making errors with ship stability indeed the cause of the Mary rose sinking was too much weight high up causing instability. and the large cruise liners look top heavy to me.
The criticism of the captain in Korea is poor. A ship is always a better life raft than an inflatable, and he knew that loads of people in the water would lead to many deaths. I suspect his error was not knowing how fast his ship would founder, and easy decision in hindsight. The Korean presidents rantings about murder are unhelpful. And the captain of a ship does not steer the ship. He will delegate that to a junior person and will then be mobile enough to look out and to check instruments. He will have competent seaman on the bridge who can run the ship without him if necessary
John birch @ 10:36
Baron also puzzles how come not a single scrap of the massive contraption, or anything from within the cabin, surfaced. Also, nobody has yet explained why on the picture of the two individuals travelling on false passports taken by the security camera both are dressed in identical gear from the waist down, or the mysterious call on the co-pilot’s mobile. A perplexing riddle indeed.
Malfleur, April 20th, 2014 – 10:19
You write:
“You are a master of the snide, but not of the law nor of the facts of this case.”
Thank you for your kind comments.
You write:
“You have opined that “The defaulting Bundy was in the wrong”
I have said that this is untrue. You say my position is “unsustainable”; but as you accuse an innocent person, it is for you, under English principles, to show the ground for your allegation.Invoking Judge Andrew Napolitanao does not do your job for you. He is simply arguing that the militarised Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an arm of the federal government only needed to settle the matter in court.
You obviously didn’t pay close attention to ALL of what the judge and the news anchorwoman actually said in that video. It is a mater of US public record that your Mr. Bundy is/was in default of several court orders ordering to pay up. Very few people are disputing the fact that the BLM has been very heavy handed in trying to collect on Bundy’s debts, but only you appear to be disputing that the fact that he had these debts, and he is in default of court orders ordering him to pay up.
Your position is preposterous, but perhaps explainable – given your infatuation with the individual at the centre of your previous cause célèbre.
Have a nice day.
alexsandr @ 8:05
But didn’t the Zeebrugge disaster happen because the bow doors were not shut? A human error if ever there was one, alexsandr? Most of these contraptions are tested for safety to destruction, what nobody can ever ensure is a human making an error.
In Japan, when a train is in motion, all train drivers have to say loudly what action they are taking, and if it’s a step not prescribed in the manual, why they are taking it. All of it gets recorded. The Japanese argue that this keeps incidents to a minimum.
the Text above was incorrectly formatted…..
Malfleur, April 20th, 2014 – 10:19
You write:
“You are a master of the snide, but not of the law nor of the facts of this case.”
Thank you for your kind comments, however undeserved.
You write:
“You have opined that “The defaulting Bundy was in the wrong”
I have said that this is untrue. You say my position is “unsustainable”; but as you accuse an innocent person, it is for you, under English principles, to show the ground for your allegation.Invoking Judge Andrew Napolitanao does not do your job for you. He is simply arguing that the militarised Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an arm of the federal government only needed to settle the matter in court.
You obviously didn’t pay close attention to ALL of what the judge and the news anchorwoman actually said in that video. It is a matter of US public record that your Mr. Bundy is/was in default of several court orders ordering to pay up. Very few people are disputing the fact that the BLM has been very heavy handed in trying to collect on Bundy’s debts, but only you appear to be disputing that the fact that he had these debts, and he is in default of court orders ordering him to pay up.
Your position is preposterous, but perhaps explainable – given your infatuation with the individual at the centre of your previous cause célèbre.
Have a nice day.
Baron@April 21st, 2014 – 18:30
yes the primary cause of the accident was the bow doors being left open. but the secondary cause was the design of the ship with no bulkhead to stop water slopping from side to side causing instability. If there had been a central bulkhead then this sloshing would not have been as bad and the ship may well have not foundered, the doors could then have been closed, the ship stopped and the pumps removed the water.
With no central bulkhead, once you get a few inches of water on the cardeck the ship is doomed.
Noa, April 21st, 2014 – 13:52
“Is all well with Frank P?”
I hope so.
It’s Easter, and I expect he’s been fully occupied with his family, and garden.
I was up your way last weekend – in church!
[ Fr. K. sends his regards ;-)) ]
Alexsandr – “with no central bulkhead once you get a few inches of water on the cardeck the ship is doomed”
Absolutely, which is why I consider ferries unstable and unsafe.
alexsandr @ 18:42
Point taken. You know whether the design has changed?
Btw, in Baron’s example of the Japanese, he used the noun ‘incident’ because he couldn’t figure what else to use. The meaning of it covers more than just an accident, for inst. a passenger entering the cabin, the diver dropping a handkerchief, i.e. happenings that may lead to an accident because they distract the driver.
David Ossitt (21 April 16:15)
No David, I don’t think I missed the point. To my mind, the tendency towards fair play and honest brokerage doesn’t have much to do with the problem. The problem really is that fair play and honest brokerage have metamorphosed into the poisonous notions of Political Correctness including so-called Human Rights.
When I was a teenager (i.e. until around 1949 of maybe a bit later) I well remember that a foreign troublemaker would quite often be deported by order of the Home Secretary, acting I think under the Prerogative and outside the scope of review by foolish judges. The deportation order would simply declare the troublemaker to be an “Undesirable Alien” – and that was the end of the matter. Out he went.
Baron@April 21st, 2014 – 20:16
I believe the Korean ferry that sank had no central bulkhead. NBC have a piece that suggests that the Korean ferry may have made a sharp turn causing vehicles to move and causing the vessel to list. Once that happened any water could have added to the instability causing the capsize.
The NBC piece also draws parallels with the herald of free enterprise capsize. But the parallel with the Mary Rose is mine. she sank in the solent on 19 July 1545
With the Scottish “Yes” vote now only 3 points behind, all this talk about being a Christian nation becomes increasingly irrelevant – the UK will be more divided than ever! Better get ready for the biggest tide of bigoted racism ever to sweep the British isles as the Scot’s do what they do best – hate the English.
And I return to my point that, with Scotland gone, Labour will be a spent force and UKIP being the second largest party becomes an increasing reality. It seems wherever they are running local Councils, they are doing a good job because they are ‘real’ people.
Clear memories,
absolutely right, if the Scots want to transform themselves into a banana republic then bring it on, then they will really have something to grizzle about. But, if they must go then they are on their own, they can not expect the English to subsidise their reckless venture. The English government, gutless as always will try to give them everything they wish for, however the English taxpayers will just not wear it. As the Chinese say, we live in interesting times.
Here we go again.
Just what is the truth.
We are certainly not being told it I am quite sure about that.
Sources with the search team say the aircraft may have landed somewhere, rather than crashed into the Indian Ocean as previously believed
If no debris is found in the next few days the team may shift search focus
Fits with alleged sightings of MH370 at the time of disappearance
stephen maybery
April 22nd, 2014 – 08:31
My whole point! As you say, the English government, which will initially be the coalition, will give the Scots whatever they want (pushed, no doubt, by the EU and the threat of the European Court of Justice). This will drive the English into the welcoming arms of UKIP.
The English are not stupid. They abandoned Labour years ago, recognising their ineptitude. Labour have only remained a political force because of Scotland. It can be no coincidence that all the damage done by the last government was overseen by Scots. No Scotland, no Labour.
Bye-bye socialists. We all know you’re completely useless. Won’t be long before the BBC is neutered, the Guardian bankrupt and that will be the end of the century-long experiment in spending other peoples money to support the inept, the feckless and the downright bone-idle.
Clear Memories
April 22nd, 2014 – 10:02
Nice posting. But we must take care that UKIP, and not these phoney-conservatives are back in power. A little while longer with the incompetent and stupid Cameron and his crew, and the despairing public may vote in Milliband.
Perhaps one for PfM.
Howsabout Osborne scraps all the tax allowances the CoE is allowed (and all other religions – I assume the muzzies get tax breaks and certainly the Catholics do) and uses the money for welfare purposes.
Would that stop the god-botherers whining?
Clear Memories,
Nothing will stop the God botherers whining, after all that is their raison d’etre, be sensible, having ditched the Almighty they have to have something to believe in, and spending other folks money on the indigent, both the native and the recently imported makes them feel so unutterably sanctimonious and superior to the common herd, not that they have either the intellectual honesty or the guts to admit to such feelings.
alexsandr – April 21st, 18:05
“re the korean ferry disaster
dont know how many here remember the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster.”
I remember it well as two from my office were on it: one survived and one died.
I remember that I heard about it on the car radio, on the way into work, and ‘dealt with it’,thinking that I could re-engage my brain after work, at 5:30pm. But when I walked into the office, there was this complete lack of joviality, that was normally present, that hit me, and I didn’t know why.
It was like being in another world. It was only later in the morning that all our fears were confirmed. It brings home how close we are to death, every day, even crossing the road.
While I have witnessed and heard about some appalling HR department decisions in my time, that HR department did all that they could to help us and the victim’s boyfriend and family. I went to the funeral with a colleague and, while it was a very sad day, everything went as well as I would have wanted it to, with the family meeting two of her colleagues from work.
Clear Memories – 12:47 ‘tax allowances’
Which did you have in mind?
Anyone employed by them would pay income tax.
Any secular goods they sell would be subject to the current VAT legislation. (I think the Holy Spirit, while priceless, is either zero rated for VAT or is deemed to have had no value added by the intermediaries, with zero transport costs.)
They don’t make profits, in the financial sense, so there wouldn’t be much scope for taxation in that area.
Stopping income tax relief on donations would require quite a blanket removal, but I would like to hear suggestions.
Have I missed out anything?
All the publicity about FGM: So what is actually being done? Has anybody been prosecuted?
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 April 22nd, 2014 – 14:22
“All the publicity about FGM: So what is actually being done? Has anybody been prosecuted?”
One case only and that in the past few weeks, it is a disgrace, but then. as with anything to do with the religion (tong in cheek) of peace, they get special measures.
I can’t tell you what special measures I would like to give to them.
Paul Sykes,the Yorkshire business man who is funding the UKIP advertizing campaign,writes in the Telegraph:
EU policy is “cruel and heartless……competition from people from much poorer countries has forced down the wages of British workers”.
“We have a UK Border Force……but we have no borders and no force.”
“22 May is a referendum on our membership of the EU.”
So far there are 1038 comments on this.
Clear Memories April 22nd, 2014 – 10:02
“Labour have only remained a political force because of Scotland.”
Both Scotland and Wales; the Welsh send 26 labour MPs to Westminster and labour send 41.
High time the Welsh were given home rule.
Many years ago I used to watch Kate Burley, and thought what a sweet-faced young woman, a face that helped to lift the dark clouds, no matter how gloomy the news. I didn’t see her again, until today, when she was interviewing Nigel Farage. Hate has made her ugly, a thin, mean mouth, spiteful flickering eyes, a harridan’s voice, another Kirsty Wark. If this is what hate can do to a once gentle countenance , better to avoid such emotion. Farage’s brilliant poster has certainly raised the hackles of the Loony PC Brigade!
The Humanists are at it again:
Quite a few of the comments are supportive of realiity!
“I am not a radical……..”
“I am not a bigot……….”
“I am not a racist……….”
SM 1300
The UK generally exempts public charities from business rates, corporation tax, income tax, and certain other taxes and that includes the recognised religions. The CoE investment fund currently approaches £6 billion and its capital gains are tax free. Only around £1 billion of this is the Pension Fund. It does, however, include a massive property portfolio (£94m) – business rate free. And never forget, all the endowments it inherits from its confused adherents avoid the final government theft of 40% inheritance tax.
A quick check on Google shows the CoE is hardly ‘ethical’ in its investments and, of course, has recently been slated for investing in Wonga, the much-maligned (but highly profitable) pay-day lender.
But let’s be a little fair, they are not the only ones. The Catholics are fairly rolling in treasure and, no doubt, the little sheetheads ain’t short of a dinar or two.
I see no reason why people should have their hobbies (based as they are on unproven faith, irrespective of how deeply held) subsidised. Regularise them like any other business and many of the issues they claim to care about (food banks etc) could be funded with ease.
But then watch the honest, ethical men-in-funny hats wriggle and claim their true base is offshore – Vatican, Mecca, Bethlehem – take your pick, as they would seek to avoid paying their fair whack.
How did we manage before the advent of food banks? Which exist not to feed the poor, but to bash the wicked Tories and to show the nation how heartless they are. We managed quite well actually, there is no need of food banks, they are just another charity scam which exists largely to flatter the consciences of the chattering classes and to indulge the indigent, especially immigrants who come here because they would not be permitted to sit on their backsides doing absolutely nothing in their home countries. Harsh? too damn right, I have been at the coalface of the charity industry long enough to know exactly what I am talking about. This county is being taken for a ride, and when the ponces on the TV talk about UKIP being racist then all I can say is this. About bloody time.
April 21st, 2014 – 20:16
Does Farage’s policy of frying immigrant babies for breakfast extend to the Japanese?
Did anyone see last nights news coverage of the launch of UKIP’s election campaign? Talk about a kangaroo court, but I was immensely cheered by the charade, for it showed how frightened the commie comentariat is. They are on the run. Tallyho.
Clear Memories – 23:24
What is you problem: that the Churches should be shackled to the State, so Socialists can spend their money as well as, no, I mean “in addition to”, ours? Or would you like us to keep more of our wealth so that we can help those who think they are in need and, at the same time, make a profit?
telemachus 23rd, – 07:29
Nurse! NURSE! Quick, the straitjacket!
April 21st, 2014 – 18:40
You won’t engage like a man in a debate on the Bundy affair and its implications, will you?
Once again you can’t restrain yourself from letting a drop of your poisonous snide fall on the page: “Your position is preposterous, but perhaps explainable – given your infatuation with the individual at the centre of your previous cause célèbre.” Blah, blah, blah.
But you can’t address the facts of course if you can’t be arsed to study them, can you. The arrogance of ignorance.
If you can’t frame a coherent case for alleging that “the defaulting Mr. Bundy was in the wrong” except by quoting media pronouncements, my statement that “that is untrue” stands.
Go away and do your homework and then come back and make your case. otherwise you are just another mouthpiece of the political class which we are trying to drive out of the arena of discourse by exposing their pernicious agenda.
Here is a little bit of help from your tutor. Go and read as already advised Estate of E. Wayne Hage v. United States (Petition for certiorari denied on June 17, 2013) and since you have a touching faith in the incorruptibility of the federal courts of the late republic of the USA in deciding matters in which the federal government of the USA has an interest, start here:
which reflects the politicised Supreme Court of the United States, and try to take on board the possibility of a corrupted court which possibility may of course run against the grain of your naive world view.
Then go and read the actual brief:
Then consider the words of the Federal Judge involved in the Hage case analysed by the real media:
“In his opinion of United States v. Estate of Hage, U.S. District Court Judge Robert C. Jones reveals that after late Nevada rancher E. Wayne Hage indicated on his 1993 grazing permit renewal that by signing the permit, he was not surrendering his family’s long-standing water and forage rights on the land, the BLM not only rejected the permit but also conspired for decades to both deny his family’s property rights and to destroy their cattle business.”
Then familiarise yourself with the history of the Bundy affair in the context of the Hage case and the involvement of Senator Harry Reid and his personal commercial interest in the project in joint venture with the Chinese communists which require Bundy to be removed from his land.
Then come back and defend with chapter and verse your “preposterous” and “unsustainable” parroting of Bill Whittle that “the defaulting Mr. Bundy was in the wrong” and your misunderstanding of Judge Napolitano in his interview with the discredited old media.
These sons of bitches are setting us up for war.
Let’s arrest them before they go any further.
Last item was hat tip Drudge Report btw.
‘BUNKERVILLE, Nev. (CBS Las Vegas/AP) — Senate Majority Leader [and notorious traitor] Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.”
Now, EC, what might that “something” bve? A court order, perhaps/
Or an offer that Mr. Bundy cannot lrefuse, such as a bullet in the back of the head, Las Vegas (Nevada) mafia style? After all, he is the defaulting party in the wrong and this is clearly a matter for the Senate Majority Leader [and Democrat and notorious traitor] should have a say in.
Arrest Harry Reid!
“Ostrich (occasionally)
April 23rd, 2014 – 09:46
telemachus 23rd, – 07:29
Nurse! NURSE! Quick, the straitjacket!”
Please read your very own Baron:
“Baron > telemachus • 10 hours ago
You forgot the most damaging thing, telemachus, they also fry babies for breakfast, with eggs, the sunny side up”
Hey, we have an honourable man as Attorney General unlike the gangster AG in the late republic of the USA, Eric Holder:
But Dominic Grieve doesn’t go far enough. He says Christians are afraid of speaking out about their religious beliefs.
Ladies and gentlemen, free men and women are scared of speaking up against the encroaching authoritarian state!
On Eating Babies and Our Beloved Icon Brands:
How cheering to read that violent crime has dropped, that alcohol fuelled attacks have lessened, that the police have control of the streets, Is it by chance the time when new elections are starting to be planned? What really amuses me is when we are shown at least one dozen heavily dressed coppers, breaking down a front door with axes and shrieking like banshees. Are they arresting somebody who hasn’t paid a TV licence? 🙂
telemachus @ 07:29
One can prove anything at all, telemachus, we are dealing with the future here, and as you may well remember one of Baron’s postulates states ‘man can predict everything but the future’.
Your phylum’s argument defies logic. Most of the immigrants from the EU are economic migrants, they do not want to stay, they want to make money, go back. It may well be, in the end they’ll decide to remain, so far, however, evidence shows to the contrary.
Your saying new waves will continue coming is fine except that at some point in the future after the waves of immigrants have transferred enough wealth from here to wherever they come from there no longer will be any incentive for anyone to come. Keep in mind these are economic migrants, there are not people who admire our way of life, want to come, settle, support that way of life. They are motivated by money, and as soon that money runs out here i.e. they longer can get more for their labour here than somewhere else they will not come. We’ll be in a bigger shite than before.
There’s yet another risk relying on immigrants. Imagine if the two petulant tossers, the KGB colonel and the community organiser, were to start something nasty over Ukraine. How many of those immigrants you reckon we need so much would stay, continue looking after the widows, the pensioners, the NHS patients? Baron reckons not many. Most of them would all leave, let us on our own.
Few years back, when we were all scarred of a pandemic of one sort or another, four times as many foreign workers in the NHS (foreign, not necessarily EU) failed to turn up for duty compared to the locals. A hint?
The other matter which the Bundy affairs raises is whether Englishmen should revive and restore their ancient right to bear arms.
telemachus 23rd, – 10:21
“Please read your very own Baron:
“Baron > telemachus • 10 hours ago”
And, pray, how do I do that? it’s not there.
With apologies to the rest of the Wallsters who, like myself, probably couldn’t give a fuck:
April 20th, 2014 – 10:19
Malfleur Writes:
“Behind this question of course lurks the larger matter of the Senate Majority Leader in the USA, Mr. Harry Reid, representing Nevada, who with the assistance of family and political cronies, including one who recently was appointed to head the BLM, entered into a transaction with a company fronting for the Chinese communist government which, as earlier documents attest, required for its implementation the forcing of ranchers off the land and which documents include the name of Mr. Bundy.”
This crackpot theory, along with many of its attendant rumours, has been thoroughly debunked by Snopes and also by, amongst others,
For any of you still awake: The following article gives some historical context to the “freeloading welfare rancher’s” dispute with with federal authorities.:
File under: Voodoo Corporations / Shape shifting lizards / Chinese Commies / Dr. No / Alex Jones’ Herbal Hardon Remedy etc.
I could hardly believe my eyes. Tony Blair saying something fundamentally moral and urgently necessary –
EC – If boring the buzzards off a shitcart was an Olympic sport, the italicised passage would win gold if not set an unassailable record.
Try the Speccie link
Don’t know about `Bundy`but I noticed the 19th was the 21st, anniversary of WACO;when actions of Federal Agents lead to the death of 76 members of a christian sect,some of them British,in Texas.Conservatives said the local sheriff could have solved the matter with a phone call.This was under President Bill-Hillary Clinton.
There was also a killing at Ruby Ridge by Federal Agents under the Clintons;as well as the war against Serbia.Now we have another Democrat President promoting aggression in the Ukraine;after the British people through Parliament pulled the rug from under him over Syria.
Today is the 1,000th anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf,and the death of Brian Boru.
On Good Friday 1014 AD Hibernian forces confronted the Viking rulers of Dublin to the West of Dublin Bay.Although defeated,fleeing Vikings killed the aged High King-Brian Boru in his tent.~~~~~Modern studies tend to see it less Irish versus Vikings as there being various parties on both sides.
At one time Viking Dublin had the largest slave market in N.W.Europe.
stephen maybery April 23rd, 2014 – 07:46
“Did anyone see last nights news coverage of the launch of UKIP’s election campaign?”
Superb; the poster I mean, as are the other two or three that I have seen, the fact that the BBC and MSM are complaining about them tells me that Nigel Farage has hit the right buttons.
Neither the BBC nor the MSM get it, the fact is that the more they try to discredit UKIP the more the public will side with Farage.
See the UKIP billboards :
UKIP Party Political Broadcasts;times:
Survation poll shows Ukip winning Eastleigh at General Election.
David Ossitt
April 23rd, 2014 – 15:39
stephen maybery April 23rd, 2014 – 07:46
“Did anyone see last nights news coverage of the launch of UKIP’s election campaign?”
Great! Let the bolshie bastards eat their hearts out!
Herbert Thornton @ 13:37
The man’s ghastly, he and the dour Scot nearly bankrupted us all, but he can read the mood of the unwashed as well as Lady T used to before the poll tax misjudgment. You recall his milking the death of Princess Diana, the ‘people’s princess’? Pity that when in office, he often went against the wished of the hoi polloi.
stephen maybery @ 07:46, David Ossitt @ 15:39
The reporter from the ITV news team didn’t want Farage to finish his answers, kept interrupting. Farage should have said: “You want to answer your own question, you go ahead”, and walk away.
The more they try to silence him, the more sympathetic to the man on the street he becomes.
Malfleur, here’s a piece of news likely to get your pulse up. What are they up to, a massive pigeon shoot or what?
Farage answers back in Lebedev’s Independent:
Raphael 1 Sako,Chaldean Patriach of Baghdad :”If emigration continues,God forbid,there will be no more Christians in the Middle East”.
telemachus @ 10:21
On this blog, telemachus, there isn’t anyone who speak on behalf of it, we are all individuals with a take on things that may differ, what else would you expect from conservatives but free, non censored, rationally unquestionable thinking. The one thing that unites us though is the fighting of the misguided, unworkable and often malign views of the phylum you inhabit.
I will take no lessons from those who fry immigrant babies for breakfast
Sorry, very sorry for the mistakes in the postings.
(h/t to The Freedom Centre)
Few divides are as impossible to bridge as those of religion. You either believe or you don’t.
When it comes to Islam, non-Muslims are expected to take its goodwill on faith. If you believe your eyes and ears, Islam and violence go together like peanut butter and jelly. But if you believe Muslims and their spin doctors with academic degrees, Muslims are the victims of other religions.
If Muslims fighting Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are the victims of non-Muslims, what are we to make of Muslims fighting other Muslims in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq? Religious civil wars make it hard to believe that Muslims are the victims of other religions instead of the authors of their own violence.
Religions have a long history of not getting along with one another, but there is only one religion that has never gotten along with any other religion, is engaging in a religious war with every religion that exists, with atheists who have no religion, and even with its own co-religionists.
Is all this violence someone else’s fault? Or is it Islam’s fault?
Muslim hostility to Christians and Jews is not a phenomenon that began with the modern State of Israel or American foreign policy.
Muslims have warred with Christians and Jews as minorities and persecuted them as majorities. Academic apologists claim that Muslim hostility toward Christians derived from an ongoing conflict, but at no time during the history of Islam until the twentieth century did the Jews have a functioning state.
Israel has conveniently become the focus and explanation for Muslim hostility toward Jews, but that fails to explain over a thousand years of Muslim hatred and persecution … long before Herzl or the IDF.
Why did Muslims persecute and kill Jews long before Zionism was even a word? For the same reason that they killed Christians.
Islam hated Judaism and Christianity from the start. The Koran urges Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians (Koran 5:51) speaks of “enmity and hatred” with Christians (Koran 5:15) and the Jews (Koran 5:65) who are also to be cursed. The Jews are accused of “creating disorder” (Koran 5:65) and Christians are accused of worshiping their priests (Koran 9:31). The Jews and Christians believe in evil things (Koran 4:52) and Allah’s curse will be upon them (Koran 9:30).
Muslims don’t hate and kill Jews because of Israel. They hate Israel because it is Jewish.
September 11 was part of an ongoing war against Christians dating back over a thousand years.
The real reason why a Muslim carries out a terrorist attack in New York or Boston is the same reason why a church gets burned in Egypt or bombed in Syria. It’s the same reason why teenage British girls get raped and why the Christian population of the Middle East has shrunk from a quarter to a tenth.
Everything else is just Muslim war propaganda that only fools and appeasers take at face value.
The Koran’s scriptural hatred encouraged Muslim warlords to spread Islam through the mass murder, enslavement and rape of Jews and Christians. The legacy of hatred began with the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians from what is today Saudi Arabia and the persecution of Middle Eastern Christians and Jews continues into the modern era.
It is this old hatred that is behind the terrorism against Israeli Jews and Egyptian Christians. It is not a new hatred, but an old one.
The religious basis for everything from Hamas’ war against Israel to Al Qaeda’s war on America derives from these and other verses in the Koran, from teachings in the Hadiths and later rulings of Islamic law.
Terrorism against Christians and Jews cannot be detached from Islam because it is Islam.
When Muslims chant the old genocidal battle cry, “Khybar khaybar ya yahoos,” at Oxford or Toulouse University or when University of California Professor Hatem Bazian recites the Hadith that states, “The Day of Judgment will never happen until you fight the Jews”; the fiction that this is a new conflict dating back to 1948 unravels.
If Islam’s conflict were only with Christians and Jews, it might be dismissed as an old rivalry. But Islam, at least scripturally, hates Jews and Christians less than it hates every other religion out there.
While Jews and Christians have the provisional status of People of the Book, second class citizens, the rest of the world is treated as idolaters and polytheists and faces an even more unrelenting genocide.
If the Koran is nasty toward Christians and Jews, it’s even worse when it comes to everyone else. “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them” (Koran 9:5), “Kill them wherever you meet them” (Koran 2:192) and “When you meet in regular battle those who disbelieve, smite their necks” (Koran 47:5).
These are not mere words. The Muslim conquests of India led to the mass murder of as many as 80 million Hindus. The Hindu Kush mountain range commemorates a small part of the genocide that took place. Likewise the Buddhists were massacred in large numbers.
Islam does not win many religious debates. It achieves its victory through the Koranic command, “Fight those who believe not in Allah” (Koran 9:29).
This isn’t ancient history; it’s why Muslims continue to kill Hindus and Buddhists today.
Apologists will claim that it’s the Hindus and Buddhists, like the Christians and Jews, who are persecuting Muslims. But it’s hard to argue that Hindu and Buddhist minorities in Pakistan are persecuting Muslims.
Not even the most shameless apologist for Islam would attempt to claim that Zoroastrians are being persecuted in Iran… because that tiny oppressed minority is persecuting the Islamic majority. The persecution of the Bahai in Iran or the Kalash in Pakistan show that Muslim religious intolerance exists even entirely divorced from foreign affairs or past history.
Islam is not intolerant as a response to intolerance. It is inherently intolerant.
Ten of the fifteen most religiously intolerant countries in the world are Muslim. There is no way to square that with the claim that Muslims are the victims of religious intolerance, rather than its perpetrators.
Muslims engage in religious conflicts both as majorities and minorities. They engage in religious conflicts with both minorities and majorities. They persecute other religions regardless of whether they are old or new, even if there is no existing history of conflict. They are motivated by a relentless xenophobia.
It doesn’t matter what you believe, so long as your belief differs from theirs. You can believe in nothing at all. You can even believe in another version of Islam.
When Muslims run out of non-Muslims to persecute, they attack other Muslims. In Libya and Tunisia, Salafists have targeted Sufis. Syria and Iraq are being torn apart by conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites.
In Australia, a Sheikh prays, “Oh Allah, count the Buddhists and the Hindus one by one. Oh Allah, count them and kill them to the very last one.” On Al Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Spiritual Guide,Yusuf al-Qaradawi prayed for the Jews, “O Allah, do not spare a single one of them. O Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.” A Gaza sermon demands, “Strike the Jews… the Christians… Allah count them and kill them to the last one.”
This is genocide. It’s also Islam. Not a tiny minority of it either.
Islam did not expand by treating minorities well. It grew through genocide, slavery and war. That is still how it is growing today.
Islamic terrorism is not a protest movement; it is a new wave of religious conquests, spreading fear and death into the lands to be conquered. Into the Dar-al-Harb. The House of War. A Muslim bombing is not a cry for help by the oppressed, it is a demand that the bombed submit to their new Muslim oppressors.
Muslim Seduction and Pimping of Young Girls (so-called `grooming`).
I have come across a lengthy independent report upon this (via *Gates of Vienna*).It is a pdf of 332 pages but it comes down very quickly.
I have not read the full document but have made a few selections.
It began in 1988 with Sikhs in Birmingham taking direct action against Muslims over their girls being targeted.
The next major event was EDL protests in 2009 in Blackpool over Charlene Downes.This seems to be what lead to the whole scandal being bust open.
Until 2009,it says,”the narrative of racism held such sway for the last 30 years [it] enabled Muslim grooming gangs to extend…with virtual impunity”.
This looks a valuable document to read through.
telemachus, April 23rd, 2014 – 20:42
“I will take no lessons from those who fry immigrant babies for breakfast”
Quite right too, Tele. But the BBC would quite like you to note down Mary Berry’s meat loaf recipe. She, seemingly, has a recipe for everything.
The McGonagall breakfast alternative…
(no babies or Mary Berry required)
Why is there no monument
To Porridge in our land?
It it’s good enough to eat,
It’s good enough to stand!
On a plinth in London
A statue we should see
Of Porridge made in Scotland
Signed, “Oatmeal, O.B.E.”
Spike Milligan
Clear Memories
April 24th, 2014 – 00:04
Very clear.
Should be shown to any one who accepts the Muslim as a victim crap.
Baron, April 23rd, 2014 – 20:51
“Sorry, very sorry for the mistakes in the postings.”
Hi Baron,
Re: Phylum/Asylum?
“Phylum” is a perfectly good biological term, and very apt in this case!
as ever,
I detest this bloke…
but he did make me laugh this morning …
Pat Condell’s latest video: A tour de force – not to be missed.
“It’s good to be anti-Islam”
telemachus @ 20:42
You reckon it’s witty, telemachus? A strange sense of humour for an Englishmen, but then you belong to that branch of the lottery winners that has acquired a warped mutation of it, more often than not accompanied by as many 4-letter words as possible. Shocking but sad.
A feisty debate on Douglas Murray blog on the theme of Blair’s foray into the world of those whose grievances we haven’t yet fully answered> Baron hasn’t got the time to take part, but it’s worth scanning ing.
Love Pat – he must drive their demented little brains in ever-decreasing circles.
Clear Memories@April 24th, 2014 – 00:04
Congrats on an excellent post
Peter -this should be an article, not buried here IMHO
Alexandr, i’m in Venice at the moment but will take up your suggestion as soon as I’m able,
Have a laugh:
EC @ 08:51
You may have noticed Pad makes a clear distinction, like Baron, between Islam and Muslims. Having said that, the barbarian from the east finds it as hard hitting as every other video he’s posted.
April 23rd, 2014 – 17:16
Yes, just a pigeon shoot – or, more likely, sitting ducks.
Please don’t read any more Alex Jones website articles – they are nothing but lies and fantastic paranoid visions totally detached from reality.
Just listen to all this rubbish for instance:
Stick with the mainstream media – they are tried and true.
Clear Memories @ 00:04
An impressive knowledge of the Koran, Clear Memories, and a fair take on the past history of the religion.
Not that Baron wants to re-dust the argument we’ve had here before, but the one question that comes to mind again remains the same. What should we do?
Even if there was not a single worshipper of Allah in this country, there would still be somewhere 1.5bn of them. In today’s ‘globalised’ world, one could never avoid meeting them when travelling to the countries where they live if not to take a holiday than for the unavoidable business trip, they do sit on massive reserves of oil, we cannot function without it. To think that we could live in a total isolation from them doesn’t border on the insane, it goes beyond it.
Whether one likes it or not, we have to find an accommodation with the worshippers of Allah, that’s the only way unless one were to argue, God forbid, for an armed conflict. Not only this island, the world would not be a place worth living in after such encounter.
Malfleur @ 16:46
25mn cartridges sounds alot, but actually it isn’t that many whatever the use may be (sitting duck shooting, clay pigeon shooting for training purposes). Baron goes for more than 200 each year (shotgun, 4-10 together), and hasn’t got many dead pigeons, squirrels to show for it.
Peter’s friend and the one you admire has an excellent piece on fundamentalism. He’s right, but uses the adjective ‘anomic’ to describe the contemporary society of ours, one can only hope he’s wrong here, we haven’t yet reached that stage.’t-exist-mr-grieve
…and one billion plus dum-dum bullets.
By the way, an American friend told me this evening that the story on the grapevine is that the US military are preparing to arrest the Obama – from his lips to God’s ears…
The last best hope of the last best hope.
You may well be reading Mr. Boot’s non-shotgun shots anyway, but here’s another one he gets wrong, in Baron’s humble view, only because its the prism of hatred he looks through when talking about today’s Russia.“-threat-radical-islam-is…-growing”-said-blair-once-truthfully
Malfleur @ 17:28
God helps us, Malfleur, if the US military were to interfere, the country would erupt, be ungovernable, it’s split roughly 50-50. Let’s stick with the ballot box, what it delivers is often infuriating, but those who get the chance to have a go can at least claim some legitimacy.
It’s the BBC, one can hardly accuse the mammoth of pro-Russian sympathy:
If I understand our beloved leaders correctly, we are to risk the razing of Paris and London in the defence of the neo-nazi government in Kiev which overthrew the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian administration with funds provided by the West.
Is that a fair summary of where we’re at?
Well let’s go for it!
In an insane Asylum, Marquis de Sade directs the Jean Paul Marat’s last days through a theater play. The actors are the patients.
Cui bono?
Alex Jones takes another look at the paedophile rings, which has been something of what, correctly so-called, has been something of a ’cause celebre’ on the Wall.
Peaches Geldorf’s death? Oh, come ooon!
Of course Jones is just a ranter and liar an probably a paranoid schizophrenic…
April 24th, 2014 – 18:4
Will we ever be told the cause of Peach Geldorf’s death, or is one not allowed to delve too deeply into the Geldorf Holy Family?
Malfleur @ 18:01
A short, but fair summary of what the community organiser and his poodles are up to, Malfleur.
To be frank, if we lived in a better democracy, not in the democratically deficient EU, Baron would be in favour on the basis that everyone else should get the benefit such a construct brings. But we don’t. More to the point, even if we were to take over Kremlin, depose the one who likes to strip to the waist, we would end up with nothing better than a replica of him. Only a dreamer, a hypocrite could expect a better leadership in a country that had lived in a tyrannical dictatorship for as long as anyone still alive there could remember.
Baron reckons Putin is waiting for the Kiev forces to commit an atrocity, not that hard what with an obsolete weaponry they have. They’re bound to fire a shell that will land in a residential area, kill a number of innocent people. That will be enough for the colonel to move in, isolate the chunk of the Eastern Ukraine he needs to access Crimea, stop, start negotiating. If the community organiser wants to act macho he will ask one of the boats the Yanks have in the Black Sea to fire a missile or two into Eastern Ukraine, and that would be it. A set of new sanctions will hit Russia hard, but will also cause damage to us, mostly the Germans. Madness, sheer madness.
Baron 14 April 17:03
I find it hard to accept the arguments that you put forward when you replied to Clear Memories.
To argue that ‘because’ there are 1.5 billion of them, ‘one could never avoid meeting meeting them’ makes me ask what their numbers have to do with it. A complete ban on all travel between Muslim and non-Muslim countries may at present be unacceptable to our politicians, but given the necessary will (think of Stalin’s Soviet Union and of North Korea, not to mention the bans on travel instituted by the nations involved in World War 2) it is far from impossible. Why do you label it ‘insane’?
The same applies to their possession of massive reserves of oil. The non-Muslim world would no doubt be highly inconvenienced if the use of oil from Muslim countries were prohibited, but it would not last for ever, and would certainly not result in our extinction. We have, among other things, the capacity to use nuclear power to generate most our needs for fuel & power. I understand that in France for example virtually all electricity is generated by nuclear power.
But (to me) the least persuasive assertion that you advance is when you say – “….. we have to find an accommodation with the worshippers of Allah….”. In Islam, is not the very notion of ‘accommodation with Infidels’ anathema? Surely that makes the notion of reaching ‘accommodation’ (as we understand the word) with Islam absolutely impossible? The nearest the Islamic mind can come to accommodation is a situation where infidels are (at best) inferior, second-class people who are treated as such, with no rights to speak of (i.e. dhimmis) – or, eventually destined to be murdered because the Koran recommends it.
Finally, when you refer to “armed conflict’ you seem to be making the assumption that we and Islam are now at peace. Does that not fly against the obvious fact that we and Islam are not at peace? Is not Islam is openly and doggedly actually waging it’s own special version of war on us? Further, is it not inevitable, assuming that we continue to turn the other cheek, that more Muslim countries are going to build nuclear weapons? Then, inevitably, in obedience to the commands in the Koran, one or other Muslim government is going to decide that it is not only pleasing to Allah to use their nuclear weapons on infidels, but that their own martyrdom, should that ensue, will lead to them being very richly rewarded by Allah.
Unlike most of your opinions on other topics, I believe that in relation to Islam you are being unrealistic.
Malfleur, April 24th, 2014 – 18:40
You once provided a link to one of AJ’s videos in which he admitted to taking his own herbal hardon remedy – so I suppose you would have been quite justified in adding “bonehead” to your list… 🙂
Meanwhile ….
Since you appear to like things American, I can thoroughly recommend the new TV series of “Fargo.”
It’s highly entertaining:
Herbert, You show a great understanding of Islam. There can be no accommodation between them and us, not now, not ever, give them an inch and they will take a shura. To the Muslim, tolerance is weakness and they will push for advantage, every time some prat of a Western politician preaches understanding of this primitive desert cult is another nail in the coffin of our civilisation. We are now at a crossroads and unless action is taken soon then we can kiss goodbye to all we hold dear, and they who have brought us to this state will polish their credentials as quislings.
I think we must all recognise and accept that, in the final analysis, the relationship of the majority of the worlds population with Islam will end in violence to the point of the destruction of one or the other.
Baron is right in that we cannot avoid meeting or inter-reacting with them. But he is woefully wrong in believing we can reach an accommodation with them because, as Herbert points out and the Koran states, there is no room in Islam for any accommodation with non-Muslims, other than their ultimate destruction. Everything has to be on Islamic terms.
From personal knowledge and discussion with them, the ‘average’ Muslim has no concept of the Cold War philosophy of M.A.D. They cannot conceive that, if Iran launches a nuclear weapon, Israel will respond against every Middle Eastern state almost immediately and that it is highly likely every other nuclear power will follow suit in short order – in the case of the US and Europe for self-protection and in the case of China and Russia, to seek to gain the most when the dust settles. As I have told those that would engage in discussion, the only certainties resulting from the use of an Islamic bomb are (a) a much smaller Islamic world and (b) Mecca only existing as an abstract concept!
Never forget that the Iranian version of Islam believes that the final prophet will not return until after Armageddon – not that different from the Bible, I believe, – but, unlike Christians, the mad bastards are quite happy to sacrifice the entire planet to see if the Armageddon prediction is true. That is why they must never be allowed to succeed.
Maybe not this year or next, but, sadly, I feel the relationship with Islam must end in many tears.
It’s Anzac Day here, a much bigger deal than the UK. Up at 3:45 for the Dawn Service at 5:00, then a solemn breakfast by the ocean. Not like the UK, every shop is closed at least until lunchtime, nobody works – my wife commented that everybody at her workplace was going to a service somewhere. Even the TV is only showing Anzac Day programming. William and Kate turning up (unannounced and unplanned) at the Canberra Dawn Service has seen off the Republicans for at least a generation.
Anyway, the sentimental amongst you might like this:-
The Anzac on the Wall
I wandered thru a country town, ‘cos I had some time to spare,
And went into an antique shop to see what was in there.
Old Bikes and pumps and kero lamps, but hidden by it all,
A photo of a soldier boy – an Anzac on the Wall.
‘The Anzac have a name?’ I asked. The old man answered ‘No’.
The ones who could have told me mate, have passed on long ago.
The old man kept on talking and, according to his tale,
The photo was unwanted junk bought from a clearance sale.
‘I asked around’, the old man said, ‘but no one knows his face,
He’s been on that wall twenty years… deserves a better place.
For some-one must have loved him, so it seems a shame somehow.’
I nodded in agreement and then said, ‘I’ll take him now.’
My nameless digger’s photo, well it was a sorry sight
A cracked glass pane and a broken frame – I had to make it right
To prise the photo from its frame I took care just in case,
Cause only sticky paper held the cardboard back in place.
I peeled away the faded screed and much to my surprise,
Two letters and a telegram appeared before my eyes
The first reveals my Anzac’s name, and regiment of course
John Mathew Francis Stuart – of Australia’s own Light Horse.
This letter written from the front… my interest now was keen
This note was dated August seventh 1917
‘Dear Mum, I’m at Khalasa Springs not far from the Red Sea
They say it’s in the Bible – looks like a Billabong to me.
‘My Kathy wrote I’m in her prayers… she’s still my bride to be
I just can’t wait to see you both, you’re all the world to me.
And Mum you’ll soon meet Bluey, last month they shipped him out
I told him to call on you when he’s up and about.’
‘That bluey is a larrikin, and we all thought it funny
He lobbed a Turkish hand grenade into the CO’s dunny.
I told you how he dragged me wounded, in from no man’s land
He stopped the bleeding, closed the wound, with only his bare hand.’
‘Then he copped it at the front from some stray shrapnel blast
It was my turn to drag him in and I thought he wouldn’t last.
He woke up in hospital, and nearly lost his mind
Cause out there on the battlefield he’d left one leg behind.’
‘He’s been in a bad way Mum, he knows he’ll ride no more
Like me he loves a horse’s back, he was a champ before.
So Please Mum can you take him in, he’s been like my own brother
Raised in a Queensland orphanage he’ s never known a mother.’
But Struth, I miss Australia Mum, and in my mind each day
I am a mountain cattleman on high plains far away.
I’m mustering white-faced cattle, with no camel’s hump in sight
And I waltz my Matilda by a campfire every night
I wonder who rides Billy, I heard the pub burnt down
I’ll always love you and please say hooroo to all in town’.
The second letter I could see, was in a lady’s hand
An answer to her soldier son there in a foreign land.
Her copperplate was perfect, the pages neat and clean
It bore the date, November 3rd 1917.
‘T’was hard enough to lose your Dad, without you at the war
I’d hoped you would be home by now – each day I miss you more’
‘Your Kathy calls around a lot since you have been away
To share with me her hopes and dreams about your wedding day.
And Bluey has arrived – and what a godsend he has been
We talked and laughed for days about the things you’ve done and seen’
‘He really is a comfort, and works hard around the farm,
I read the same hope in his eyes that you won’t come to harm.
McConnell’s kids rode Billy, but suddenly that changed.
We had a violent lightning storm, and it was really strange.’
‘Last Wednesday, just on midnight, not a single cloud in sight,
It raged for several minutes, it gave us all a fright.
It really spooked your Billy – and he screamed and bucked and reared
And then he rushed the sliprail fence, which by a foot he cleared’
‘They brought him back next afternoon, but something’s changed I fear
It’s like the day you brought him home, for no one can get near.
Remember when you caught him with his black and flowing mane?
Now Horse breakers fear the beast that only you can tame,’
‘That’s why we need you home son’ – then the flow of ink went dry-
This letter was unfinished, and I couldn’t work out why.
Until I started reading, the letter number three
A yellow telegram delivered news of tragedy,
Her son killed in action – oh – what pain that must have been
The same date as her letter – 3rd November 17
This letter which was never sent, became then one of three
She sealed behind the photo’s face – the face she longed to see.
And John’s home town’s old timers – children when he went to war
Would say no greater cattleman had left the town before.
They knew his widowed mother well – and with respect did tell
How when she lost her only boy she lost her mind as well.
She could not face the awful truth, to strangers she would speak
‘My Johnny’s at the war you know, he’s coming home next week.’
They all remembered Bluey he stayed on to the end.
A younger man with wooden leg became her closest friend.
And he would go and find her when she wandered old and weak
And always softly say ‘yes dear – John will be home next week.’
Then when she died Bluey moved on, to Queensland some did say.
I tried to find out where he went, but don’t know to this day.
And Kathy never wed – a lonely spinster some found odd.
She wouldn’t set foot in a church – she’d turned her back on God.
John’s mother left no Will I learned on my detective trail.
This explains my photo’s journey, of that clearance sale.
So I continued digging, cause I wanted to know more.
I found John’s name with thousands, in the records of the war.
His last ride proved his courage – a ride you will acclaim
The Light Horse Charge at Beersheba of everlasting fame.
That last day in October, back in 1917
At 4pm our brave boys fell – that sad fact I did glean.
That’s when John’s life was sacrificed, the record’s crystal clear
But 4pm in Beersheba is midnight over here……
So as John’s gallant sprit rose to cross the great divide,
Were lightning bolts back home, a signal from the other side?
Is that why Billy bolted and went racing as in pain?
Because he’d never feel his master on his back again?
Was it coincidental? same time – same day – same date?
Some proof of numerology, or just a quirk of fate?
I think it’s more than that you know, as I’ve heard wiser men,
Acknowledge there are many things that go beyond our ken
Where craggy peaks guard secrets ‘neath dark skies torn asunder,
Where hoof-beats are companions to the rolling waves of thunder
Where lightning cracks like 303’s and ricochets again
Where howling moaning gusts of wind sound just like dying men
Some Mountain cattlemen have sworn on lonely alpine track,
They’ve glimpsed a huge black stallion – Light Horseman on his back.
Yes Sceptics say, it’s swirling clouds just forming apparitions
Oh no, my friend you can’t dismiss all this as superstition.
The desert of Beersheba – or windswept Aussie range,
John Stuart rides on forever there – Now I don’t find that all strange.
Now some gaze upon this photo, and they often question me
And I tell them a small white lie, and say he’s family.
‘You must be proud of him.’ they say – I tell them, one and all,
That’s why he takes – the pride of place – my Anzac on the Wall.
Peter of Maidstone
Dear Peter, Haven’t heard from Frank P for quite a while. Is it possible you could please email him and check out that all is well?
All hail to the Empress of India, Great Britain’s Queen!
Long may she live in health, happy and serene;
Loved by her subjects at home and abroad;
Blest may she be when lying down
To sleep, and rising up, by the Eternal God;
Happy may her visions be in sleep …
And happy her thoughts in the day time;
Let all loyal subjects drink to her health
In a flowing bumper of Rhenish Wine.
And when the final hour shall come to summon her away,
May her soul be wafted to the realms of bliss,
I most sincerely do pray, to sing with saints above,
Where all is joy, peace and love –
In Heaven, for evermore to reign, God Save the Queen. Amen.
Nick the dick is at it again. This time, that pimple on the arse of the British constitution wants to remove the Queen as Supreme Governor of the Church of England. First he engineered the rules of succession to the throne, not that I recall any in the real World clamouring for such changes, and now he is starting in on the Church. He is an atheist married to a Spanish Catholic, his ancestry is a triumph of miscegenation over good taste who regards protecting kiddie fiddlers as a public duty while screwing the constitution as a means to hanging on to power (amending the Quinquenial Act) There is only one way to describe this anal trumpet, but I will do so in Latin, for I would not for the life of me shock you, gentle Wallsters. Matris Futor.
Nick Clegg is a total waste of space, amongst his recent machinations are that men must be brought into the twenty-first century by being re-educated into not seeing themselves as the breadwinner for the family but as a kind of male-mother and they must understand that their wives (partners) should assume breadwinner status.
Apart from the fact that this is all airy-fairy LibDem nonsense one can see where he gets his ideas from, his butch wife earns £500,000 a year and makes him do the school run, I will bet good money that he will never dare to leave the WC seat up, in fact I will bet that she makes him sit down to pea.
Today he is at it again, insisting that the Church of England is split from our sovereign Queen Elizabeth, as a proclaimed atheist he should keep his nose out and as head of the Privy Council he should resign.
The disestablishment of the Church of England has been a foregone conclusion ever since HRH Charles blurted out that he wanted to be “defender of the faiths” instead of “defender of the faith.” (his Saudi chums loved him for this!)
Also, the C of E has been betrayed by its senior clergy, many of whom have been complicit with this move.
Nick and Charles, in that they are both also fervent adherents to the First Church of AGW Settled Science, are strange bedfellows indeed!
No bank holiday but it looks like it is going to be another long weekend for Max Clifford. The jury has been sent home and will resume its deliberations on Monday – which will be day 8 !!!
The jury has reportedly dwindled from 12 to 10, and the judge is now prepared to accept majority verdicts of 9 to 1. (This is quite normal)
Herbert Thornton @ 04:07
It’s a challenge, Herbert, and the barbarian has never recoiled when hit, has always answered back with good intentions though, and in a friendly way, we are, are we not, in the same boat, will continue to row against the progressive tide even if we disagree here and there, right?
First your counterpoints: Indeed, there was a ban on travelling to certain countries when we were at war, the North Koreans cannot leave the country, the people of the USSR were restricted to travel beyond the borders of the nationwide Gulag but, Herbert, we are not at war, would not be at war with the Allah worshippers, and we are not a tyranny either. In today’s world, whether one likes it or not, the freedom of movement is as essential to us as are all othe rfreedoms.
You reckon if we couldn’t burn Arab fossil fuels we would be ‘inconvenienced’? Herbert, we would be on our knees, thrown into a permanent crisis because the cost of the thing would be prohibitive, social unrest would be unavoidable.
Why does the idea of accommodation not appeal to you? In the recent past, up to the middle of the last century, we had been enjoying the benefits of such accommodation.
Baron has said it before: large contingent of Muslims in the Indian Army, when troubles flared up east of India, the Sikhs wouldn’t travel on water, Muslim units alone went, killed other Muslims on our behalf. ‘But they did so because they were impoverished’, was how Joanna explained it when we were having a similar argument last time. This isn’t a feeble retort, it’s no explanation at all. They are millions of impoverished Muslims around the world today, they don’t conscript, kill for us, they strap bombs around their waist, kill us.
Muslims also fought with us in WW1 and WW2, many got decorated for bravery, one with the Victoria Cross, an honour that isn’t given easily to anyone.
A nuclear conflict? Let’s hope it will never come to it, Baron’s convinced it will not, and just as well. he would rather live under Islam than go through a nuclear annihilation. Under the former, he would have a chance to resist, associate with others, overthrow the tyranny, under the latter conditions it would be a slow death from leukaemia, or whatever else a nuclear fallout could cause.
If they are all you what claim them to be, explain the following.
More than ten years ago the BNP raised the issue of child grooming by Muslim (and other) gangs, Nick Griffin was taken to court, nothing was done. Then a newly appointed head of a regional CPS looked into it, (without any outside request for him to do so), re-dusted few cases, and voila, a large number of the gangs has been prosecuted everywhere since, those found guilty punished.
Two years ago, white teachers in some of Birmingham schools complained the schools were breaking rules, teaching stuff that didn’t fit the values a secular society follows, nobody listened, the teachers either left of were sacked. This year, a group of Muslim parents approached a Muslim MP, and things turned. Why didn’t the police, the Local Authority, all the agencies that are supposed to keep an eye on things react? Not one of these authorities is run by Muslims.
And lastly:
Before the collapse of the USSR, everyone feared the Bolsheviks taking over our lands, raping our maidens, destroying our freedoms … The Communists are gone, we are still here. (The ranking of Putin’s Russia on par with the defunct communist empire is equally silly, but that’s for a different sparring).
If we, the West, have an enemy it is the Mandarin speakers. Their wealth creation is based on much sounder grounds that that of the Muslim world, which merely pumps up fossilised trees, spends the proceeds on shopping malls, camel racing, Rolex watches. There may be as many of the them as there are of the Chinese phylum, but it’s not one single polity and, more to the point, the branches of the faith don’t like each other, it’ more likely they will continue to fight one another more (Syria) than us.
China’s economic might doesn’t rely on natural resources (they have but few), but on sheer numbers, brainpower, the hard slog of the many, who are hungrier for success than any other contemporary race around. The amassed wealth will bring power, the power will translate into a push for world hegemony, not unlike what happened when this country got powerful with the Industrial Revolution, the Yanks after WW2, (and still going, just look at them pushing everyone around over the Ukraine boil).
What form will the Chinese domination take is hard to guess, but unless something big stops their ascendancy, come it will, and we better get ready for it, combine forces with as many as we can for time’s running out.
Anne, I’m away from home and my desk but will see if Frank will respond to an email.
The barbarian’s beyond repair, he didn’t check his ranting @ 19.31, he just went like mad , left the key fact: the regional CPS boss was a Muslim, the errors again … All he can ask for is your forgiveness.
EC @ 18:16
You may find EC he said he thought it ought to be ‘defender of faith’ as opposed to defending ‘the faith’. Fortunately, it isn’t up to him to decide, a wiser council is likely to prevail even in our rainbow days.
stephen maybery @ 12:07
David Ossitt @ 15:47
Isn’t it odd that the leader of the party with the smallest popular vote makes suggestions with far reaching consequences? The sooner the new count comes the better, it seems the unwashed will finally put the sandal wearers and their brainless leader down.
Clear Memories @ 08:54
It must be because of his age, Clear Memories, at times, Baron gets sentimental, turns soft, ponders life differently from when he was younger. Reading this posting of yours was one of such times. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Yesterday a new group was announced–Sharia Watch–by a group of young women.It was launched in the House of Lords under the sponsorship of Baroness Cox
Baroness Cox is a cross-bencher;a Christian and eurosceptic.She was nominated by Mrs. Thatcher:and expelled from the Conservative Party by Michael Howard in 2004 for supporting UKIP in the euro-elections.
Baroness Cox also invited Geert Wilders to Britain.[prevented by Home Sec. Jaquie Smith.
Clear Memories @ 08:27
Who really knows what the future brings, Clear Memories? We can all guess, argue, persuade, but as has often happened in the past, events will turn what seems like inevitable today into something doubtful tomorrow, avoidable next week, totally forgotten the month after.
For what it’s worth, Baron reckons the threatt from the medieval creed will wane whe n the West either figures how to run moving and flying contraptions on something other than fossil fuels, or comes up with different mode of transport, and also regains its former sanity, common sense, and renewed belief in a system of governance that has got us where we are today.
Baron 25th, – 23:02
“he didn’t check his ranting @ 19.31, he just went like mad ”
Aye, I guess, despite everything one gains with age, unsuppressed ire can always embarrass one by interfering with the presentation of a coherent argument.
Baron 25th, – 23:14
“the unwashed will finally put the sandal wearers and their brainless leader down.”
Indeed they will…the Torygraph’s most recent opinion poll shows the sandalistas having only 8 seats after the next election.
Radford NG @ 23:32
Good news, Radford, bit by bit, the wheel may begin to turn.
For those interested in American media matters, Alex Jones declared on his Friday show, and supported with argument, that Glenn Beck is the Benedict Arnold of the liberty movement in America and the mouthpiece of the Obama White House.
The Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine does nazi salutes and wears swastikas.…51513.56692.1.59037.….0…1ac.1.42.img..13.0.0.r5pSPmmGbiA#facrc=_&–video%252F%253Fpc%253D83%2526page%253D2%3B600%3B300
Or may be he is just raising a point of order, and anyway it’s only his left arm. Phew!
Nonetheless, wWould little Willie Haig please explain the vital British interest that is at stake in providing the ukrainian government with military and ideological support?
Or is the reason for the British government’s joining the War Party simply because the former elected government of Ukraine, overthrown by the present nazi puppet regime, had decided that after all joining the European Union might not be such a good thing for Ukrainians.
Mr. Haig, it would seem reasonable to assume, receives his agenda from the unelected European Union Commissioners who in turn are told by NATO what to do.
Who tells NATO what to do? Not Rasmussen presumably….
Marat, we’re marching on/Behind Na-po-le-on….
Welcome, welcome, Britain’s new ally, maybe he’s just waving to the crowd:…1585.20816.0.23628.….0…1ac.1.42.img..20.31.2005.g7NwX51Gkgo#facrc=_&imgdii=_&
Hello! Hello!….Hello? Moshi, moshi? Wei? Hello? May I offer you a glass of vodka? Hallooo?
The link for Alex Jones’ Friday show is:
Friday’s programme is invaluable for understanding how the state operates against the alternative media it dislikes and is particularly moving when Jones prays on line in the face of what he considers to be the unfolding of a mortal threat.
I first went to the United States in 1967 and lived on the west and east coasts for a number of years.
It is heartbreaking to see the American people allow their republic to be lost, but inspiring o see Jones fight against the loss and for its reconstitution.
It should not need saying the the outcome of the struggle against the unfolding infamy in the USA has incalculable consequences for Britain.
April 25th, 2014 – 07:40
Malfleur, April 24th, 2014 – 18:40
You once provided a link to one of AJ’s videos in which he admitted to taking his own herbal hardon remedy – so I suppose you would have been quite justified in adding “bonehead” to your list… 🙂 ”
What a clown without substance you are on this topic, as on the Bundy matter.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1
April 24th, 2014 – 20:09
April 24th, 2014 – 18:4
Will we ever be told the cause of Peach Geldorf’s death, or is one not allowed to delve too deeply into the Geldorf Holy Family?”
AWK 1, here is some speculation on the question which is aired on YouTube. As it is by a journalist for Infowars, it is of course completely discredited in advance – good for a laugh though:
Malfleur, April 26th, 2014 – 05:06
“infowars journalist” – now there’s an oxymoron!
“– good for a laugh though”
You rarely disappoint us!
Malfleur. April 24th, 2014 – 17:28
“By the way, an American friend told me this evening that the story on the grapevine is that the US military are preparing to arrest the Obama”
We are still waiting!
More vacuity and snide.
The rumour indicates the tense level of political discourse in the USA.
Irony escapes you in your other quote from my oeuvre.
What you find oxymoronic reveals how shallow has been your dip into the website’s waters.
Stop beating yourself up, EC.
“We are still waiting.”:
“Harry Riley, COL, Ret. is calling upon millions of patriots to march upon Washington D.C. to remove Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder from Office.
He has termed it “OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – Beginning Of Tyranny Housecleaning” and it’s due to commence May 16, 2014.”
Baron – April 25th, 19:31
Muslims are humans, like the rest of us, but it is their reading material that is somewhat non-PC. It’s not inclusive enough to promote peaceful coexistence, though the PC crowd seem not to have noticed!. However, no matter how strong the political will, in any authoritarian regime, humans will, from time to time, cannot help being generous, though they will be brought back into line by the Authority, no matter how ridiculous it may appear, or be!
“Why didn’t the police, the Local Authority, all the agencies that are supposed to keep an eye on things react?”
I would think that non-Muslim authorities would think that complaining about Muslim misdemeanors would be a career destroying act, especially when initiated by an angry infidel, because his daughter has been raped.
The hit pieces on Ukip are coming thick and fast and they will have an effect on those who trust media commentators.
It’s just the bloggers who are fighting back. Delingpole nails them at Breitbart and that Ruthless Truth guy has a great post about how the LibLabCon are mentally ill in, “Far Left Nut Job Seems Normal” at:
It’s not on the same subject but it’s worth your scanning if you feel like puking.
This imbecility of ‘deeply felt feminism’ (on the same blog, look at the video prior to the one furnished) angers Baron to the point he can no longer listen to any of the arguments. It’s patently so mad that one cannot but hope for a major disaster, one that would only hit the nutters obviously. Failing that we should all agree to switch them off, never give them a stage.
Recognition of the Essex people as an official minority only confirms the differences that become obvious the moment you cross the Thames estuary. (pace The Grauniad)
John Alexander @ 2:22
And it will get worse, John, for here is a real threat to the control freaks of the progressive pack. One can only hope the unwashed stay the course. They won’t get many more chances after the referendum.
RobertC @ 11:26
Quite, Robert, in the end it’s our fault, we’ve kept electing a bunch of PC, rainbow, moral relativism …. fruitcakes, who not only embraced the poisonous teaching of Susan Sontag of ‘the white race is the cancer of human history’ fame, they also encased some of its shibboleth in statutes, ordinary people are rightly scared tehy lose if not their liberty than at least their job.
You recall the story of the great Mark Steyn of how we, or rather one of the military rank General Charles Napier, asserted the supremacy of our belief system over theirs on this issue?
If we were still as self confident now as we were then, didn’t subscribe to the malign moral relativism shibboleth, we could have dealt with FGM in a similar manner. enact in law that the farther of every girl subjected to this mediaeval act would be castrated, not a chemical castration, but a physical one, a surgeon will remove his testicles cleanly, under anaesthetic, but irrevocably.
Baron bets you within a short space of time there would be virtually no cases of FGM here, those men of Allah who were still to cling to this barbaric custom would be counted on the fingers of one hand, and deservedly so. Instead, the enlightened ruling class, their puppets of the judiciary, the MSM arselickers shut their eyess to it with the result that tens of thousands of girls suffer.
Malfleur @ 05:06
You do enjoy a good conspiracy theory, Malfleur, don’t you.
At a glance, it seems to fit, but Baron reckons the explanation will be more mundane, pedestrian. the girl must have been mentally not up to scratch, the wild past must have haunted her, a course of treatment may have helped.
Yes, heaven forbid that any section of the population of England should conspire against another. That sort of thing is only done in the ruder countries to the east where there be barbarians.
Malfleur @ 02:32
The Ukrainian guy may be a closet Nazi son of a bitch, but whilst we can use him to beat the macho Russian he is our son of a bitch, and that’s good enough, Malfleur.
Baron reckons Putin is the arch villain both because his take on things like family life, he Judeo Christian culture, homosexuality resonates with the Western hoi polloi. It’s also because it diverts people people’s attention from the war on the Jihadis.
The West felt more comfortable dealing with the Bolshevik East, the confrontation was neatly symmetrical, the race was well balanced, it also needed alot of hardware, it both boosted the coffers of many private companies, provided also secure long term employment for hundreds of thousands, who had a vote.
The asymmetrical fighting required to go after the Jihadis doesn’t suit us, it’s messy, uman rites intrude, hinder success, neither it requires much of heavy weaponry, other manufactures, not many jobs for the hoi polloi hence the re-dusting of the cold war approach with Russia, an approach we’ve been reluctant to pursue vis-a-vis China, too big and too important to make angry. The Ruskies are smaller, the test run over Ukraine, or rather the results of it, may be of use when the Mandarin speakers challenge the US hegemony, as they will.
‘Easy Meat’ – localized grooming.
Jamie Glazov interviews the author of this report on Muslim Rape Gangs in the U.K. , Gavin Body of the Law and Freedom Foundation, in Part 2 of this edition of the Glazov Gang.
Another conspiracy in England, I’m afraid, Baron – and girls’ tongues nailed to a table etc., with the authorities keeping shtumm.
Yes, but the key and trigger of events seems to be the decision of the former government not to proceed with an application to join the EU.
A warning for UKIP and its supporters?
For any Wallsters who are wondering “who the hell is this “Harry Riley, COL, Ret.” who is going to arrest the entire Obama administration in Washington DC on May 16th [ref: Malfleur April 26th, 2014 – 10:13]
….then here is a video of Riley’s previous call to march on the White House:
Revolution & regime change on May 16th then?
Nope, I don’t think so.
Malfleur at 15-45:
SEE;mine Thur 28 April at 04-28.
Full Report is at
Great article here:
Conrad Black writing in The American Spectator:
In America we should be free to call a spade a spade.”
Mine 19-01
For link see
ALSO:introduction,further links and comments the-grooming-gangs/
Third try
April 26th, 2014 – 14:25
“a surgeon will remove his testicles cleanly, under anaesthetic, but irrevocably”.
Why are you so kind? Just chop them off!
I’m just home from a busy week on business in Milan and Venice. If there are things I need to catch up with on the site I will try to do so as soon as possible.
EC @ 19:02
Excellent read, both the Black’s piece and the commentary, EC. The judiciary here are not that far behind their US counterparts either, at least in that they don’t challenge often those EU originated statutes that fit badly our common or criminal law.
EC writer deliberately, and I say “deliberately” to give him the benefit of the doubt, misses the point again at April 26th, 2014 – 18:55 – the point being evidence of the feverish temperature of political discourse in the USA at present.
We of course had our own Colonel who arrested politicians. He was a nobody too – a brewer from Somerset.
Paul Weston of Liberty gb [a party more in tune with `the jihad` then UKIP;but is nowhere electorally] was arrested in Winchester on Saturday for quoting from Winston Churchill (The River War) : “How dreadful the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!……..”
Radford NG
This is outrageous, but part of a pattern to target the weakest like Tommy Robinson in the past and now Paul Weston who insist on courageously exercising their right to freedom of speech and peaceable assembly.
Can we expect the arrest now of Gutenberg, Amazon directors responsible for offering for sale “the timeless classic.”, and Renaissance Classics, the publishers of the River War?
There is a coordinated attack on our residual liberties throughout North America and Europe. Cui bono? Who is making these decisions and where are they d
We should assert against these people the Jeffersonian (and thoroughly English) position that these are not liberties granted by government to the people, they are natural liberties on which government may never properly encroach without the agreement of the people who may then recover them from government as and when they wish.
The muslim ideology, a concatenation of incitement to criminal acts, has been imported into the country either as a result of grossly negligent inattention or as a deliberate act to sow division and dilute our culture.
That Paul Weston should be arrested for quoting from a book by our great 20th century Prime Minister in our ancient capital shows that we are up against the enemy within.
“…Certain citizens, of the highest rank, have conspired to ruin their country; they are engaging the Gauls, the bitterest foes of the Roman name, to join in a war against us; … there are other enemies within the walls, and in the heart of the city; nor can any measures be taken, or any plans arranged, without their knowledge. The more necessary is it, therefore, to act with promptitude.”
Cato the Younger
Mark Steyn’s view of Paul Weston’s arrest:
” Point out problematic aspects of Islam, and the British state’s response is “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.” ”
I think this must be just a conspiracy theory, no? – so we can safely ignore it:
” The alleged ringleader of the Trojan Horse plot wrote a detailed blueprint for the radical “Islamisation” of secular state schools which closely resembles what appears to be happening in Birmingham.
Tahir Alam, chairman of governors at Park View school in the city, called for “girls [to] be covered except for their hands and faces”, advocated gender segregation in some school activities, and attacked a “multicultural approach” to collective worship. ”
“…the actor [Lenny Henry] suggested there were not enough ethnic minority faces on television.” Daily Telegraph
This looks to me like a racist remark fom this chap Henry.
Malfleur – 11:04
” The alleged ringleader of the Trojan Horse plot wrote a detailed blueprint for the radical “Islamisation” of secular state schools which closely resembles what appears to be happening in Birmingham.
Think of the vibrancy it will spread across the land!
““Islam is organised crime under religious camouflage. Any Muslim who is not involved in organised crime is not a ‘true believer’, practising Islam as Mohammed commanded.” ”
(Ukip candidate in Camden, Magnus Nielsen, quoted in the Daily Telegraph – Barclay brothers)
Fair comment I would say,no, Noa?
Mr. Fraser Nelson’s control, the Barclay Brothers, are not taking any comments on those stories. Now why would that be?
Could Mr. Tahir Alam and his co-conspirators be waysists?
Yawn! Yawn! Yawn! If yer all are ao angry, bloody well do something ior shut up!
“The Ukip leader endured what was one of the toughest weeks of his political career and yet support for his party was sustained. Mr Farage could even come first in the elections in less than four weeks.”
So scr-w you Fraser Nelson and Barclay brothers!
Malfleur @ 11:04
Tahir Alam wrote a blueprint for the schools takeover by the jihadists, a group of Muslim parents at one of the schools that followed it alerted the authorities to the Alam’s blueprint…
Go figure, Malfleur.
And another thing, Malfleur.
Not that anyone gives a pinch of a shite what Baron thinks, but just for the record, hopefully for the last time for his lips are chipped repeating it.
Baron believes, and can back it with historical evidence, that no one group of people, sliced by race, skin colour, religious creed and what you have, is born predisposed to do just harm or just good. We are born with the capacity to do either, it’s conditions created by the societal order we live under that’s largely responsible which way we turn. You read the Winston’s dissection of things Islamic, you cannot fail to see he argues the same, distinguishing between Mohammedanism and those infected by it.
More to the point, Baron said it more often than he had dinners, so please listen once more before, in the words of the great Basil (you know who he?) ‘one of us dies’.
The barbarian doesn’t care at all whether Islam is a religion of the eternal peace or a sacred prescription for never ending slaughter, (even though he would prefer it be the former), he isn’t a club member. What he argues is very simple: whilst those who worship at the Allah’s altar share the land he also inhabits they observe the laws of that land. These laws may not necessarily reflect Baron’s take on what they should be, e.g. FGM in particular, law and order in general, et hoc genus omne, but all in all they rank by far above the scribbling of a man most likely under the influence of some mind altering substance many a century ago.
Any clearer, Malfleur? Can the barbarian attend now to what he hates doing, cannot avoid, like lawn mowing?
What Baron said…
We live in hope:
LibDems told to expect to lose all MEPs in Euro elections ‘bloodbath’
RobertC 27th, – 17:18
“LibDems told to expect to lose all MEPs in Euro elections ‘bloodbath’”
What an appropriate gift for a lovely bunch of people.
This seems to me to be the sort of robust anti-terrorism policy declaration that we should also hear from western politicians.
For the present though – thanks to Political Correctness including in Britain the Liberal/Labour and Conservative parties – most western politicians are too short-sighted or too nervous – to do the same.
You cannot read it unless you subscribe to the ST, one of Murdoch’s papers: In the comment column, a guy Adrian Wooldridge (he works for the Economist) makes an argument identical to Baron’s ranting about who it is the West should worry about, comes to the same conclusion – China, for a set of reasons not unlike those the barbarian put forward.
He hasn’t made the follow up to it, namely that we should keep on friendly terms with the unwashed keen on the Cyrillic alphabet who, as it happens, stopped (with a helpful hand of the weather) two contenders for the hegemony of the civilised world, the Corsican in the 19th century, the Austrian in the last one. He may have come to the same view if the conflict in the Ukraine wasn’t on the boil just now, Baron reckons.
It in no way it implies he, and the barbarian, are right, merely that if one detaches oneself from what makes the news today, the future world appears differently.
RobertC @ 17:18
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 17:35
The progressives are very likely to keep digging more ‘bad news’ with the hope to bury the ascendancy of Ukip, but it seems the more they yap against the newcomer the more the unwashed like it.
The barbarian was told not to touch the hard stuff (the one that flows, not the powder) if he wants celebrate future Christmases, but he will open a bottle if the sandal wearers fail to win a single seat. It would be as near a miracle as it gets.
News in brief from some of Russia’s papers:
A serious rift between the hardliners, the moderates in Kiev, the former want to have its armed members incorporated into the regular army, attack the East, the Ukrainian Army leadership is resisting it (it may explain why the offensive against the East has stalled);
One of the pre-federalists in the East Ukraine was critical of Putin suggesting he doesn’t do enough to help Russians in the Ukraine;
The Russians cannot control some of the groups in the East Ukraine, the Kiev government is failing, too, to control some of the elements within its ranks;
The original Maidan demonstrators are turning against those who infiltrated their movement, carried out the February putsch.
Amazing that not one of the MSM has mentioned any of the above, in fact, it seems Kiev doesn’t exist any more.
RobertC@April 27th, 2014 – 17:18
read the comments. the vitriol against the limp dems is awesome.
think they will be toast in May.
What’s your beef, Bad flower?
The copter crash explanation puzzles. ‘It’s a tragic accident’, said the early evening news, ‘but the rest of the Lynx machines in service won’t be grounded’, it added.
Is it not the case that when an unexplained accident happens the rest of the contraptions are taken out of service until the cause is found? Of course, they cannot say the Taleban were involved what with our pulling out, the nutters supposedly defeated, hence ‘tragic accident’ hits the front pages, then after weeks of investigation a true reason for the crash surfaces, gets few sentences on page 5.
The unrelenting mendacity makes one doubt everything they say.
Herbert Thornton @ 19:07
The Mandarin speakers don’t pi$$ around, do they, Herbert, they hit them hard, and still quote uman rites as the justification for it. How come we cannot?
“Mr Alam has said there is no plot, attacking the investigations as “Islamophobic” and a “witch-hunt”.
One of his close allies, Achmad da Costa, chairman of governors at Oldknow school, last night attempted to rally local mosques with a special meeting to protest against the inspections.”
I cannot see how our schools can be a peaceful institutions of learning in the foreseeable future.
If all we do is monitor and, at best, scold, with a multitude of cases going to Court and ending up in the ECHR, which will be at the tax payers expense, it will be like the Maginot Line, in more ways than one!
At some point the situation will have to be treated as something more than individual misdemeanors, and I can see the ECHR’s response to that being unhelpful, especially as we are not a Christian country any more.
I suppose it will show that when the populace are encouraged believe in anything, they will believe in nothing!
Nice to see UKIP take the lead in the Euro polls.
And the MSM and DTP just don’t get it. “UKIP has surged into the lead in the European election contest despite a bruising week of controversies, a poll revealed today.” trumpets the Mail, surprised (along with everyone from the Times to the BBC) that the more shit they throw, the more popular Farage and his band of realists become.
That posing back activist Lenny Henry (I can read Shakespeare, me) is the latest to get a dose of truth, which both he and the media didn’t bargain for. In a nutshell, a UKIP candidate said “Nobody makes you live here, Lenny. You can always go find a black-mans Country and see how you like it there.”
And there is precedent. His old mate Ben Elton soon pissed off. Sadly, he chose to come here to the last remaining stronghold of the white race, where he is either being completely ignored or, more likely, wisely keeping his anti-white, left-wing gob tightly shut.
Most of the UK outside the chatterati bubble would agree whole-heartedly with UKIP. We thought he was mildy funny when he told blackman jokes but when he became right-on, like all the rest of the ‘alternatives’, he ceased to be funny.
So, carry on MSM and BBC, if anything UKIP says offends you, print it in banner headlines and lead the news with it – because it will be exactly what the UK population want to hear and will only grow the UKIP vote. And hopefully, when they have triumphed, after they’ve sorted out the EU, Farage will turn his attention to the anti-English, anti-white scum that infest the media, dust of the treason legislation and have a bit of a purge (as well as some well-deserved revenge).
Hello Baron, I am not sure what you are wittering on about at
April 27th, 2014 – 13:29 and 14:06.
My point was to do with your comment earlier that I really enjoyed a conspiracy theory, implying of course in your gentlemanly way that I am a whacko conspiracy theorist,. That is of course the line that the Catiline conspirators de nos jours push wherever they can to avoid exposure.
A conspiracy under English law is, or used to be the last time I looked, an agreement by two or more persons to commit a criminal act. The Daily Telegraph, presumed to be accurate on this story, refers to “alleged ringleader of the Trojan Horse plot”. This suggests to me a possible conspiracy, but you have perhaps found out there was none by these promoters of islam.
In other posts, I cited other conspiracies plucked at random from yesterdays online newspapers and cited Cato the Younger on the notorious conspiracy of Catiline and the enemies within Rome and those collaborating with a foreign enemy to ruin the country.
“Oh, Cato, you do enjoy a good conspiracy theory, don’t you!”
“That Cato, he’s just a conspiracy theorist!”
Conspiracies throughout history are not rare events only happening in outer space or in the fevered imagination of terrestial paranoids. England is not proof against them. Why, it might be reasonably argued that the entire European Union project is a conspiracy against the people.
Let us not therefore dismiss theories of conspiracy with an easy laugh especially when they may affect the life of the nation. I see some clown in the Weekend edition of the Financial Times argues that the networks of cities not the nation are the buiding blocks of civilisation, and that of course is part of the programme to do away with the nation state which our masters in Europe and North America are so busily implementing.
And which so greedily informs their appetite to take over Ukraine.
Btw, ‘the great Basil’? Are you talking about Basil Fawlty? I must have missed that episode.
“What’s your beef bad flower?”
Can’t remember. Oh yes, at April 27th, 2014 – 11:22 you mean? Well I thought your man’s statement that Islam is organised crime under religious camouflage was unexceptionable and you might agree. Perhaps that’s a conspiracy theory though.
Back in your sand, Ostrich! 🙂
Anne Wotana Kaye 1
April 27th, 2014 – 13:12
“Yawn! Yawn! Yawn! If yer all are ao angry, bloody well do something ior shut up!”
AWK1, as one regularly advocating the cutting off of parts and worse, the cap would seem to fit!
Tommy Robinson did something about it of course – went into the street and called on people to exercise their right of freedom of speech and peaceable assembly.. Denigration was measured out to him on this Wall for that!
RobertC @ 21:43
It’s likely Mr. Alam and his chums won’t be where they are now when the investigation’s over. Just getting rid of them in education shouldn’t be enough though, they should be made to depart to those lands that allow the sort of habits they were trying to sneak into our schools.
Malfleur @ 23:26
Apologies, Malfleur, the barbarian misunderstood. Still on the conspiracy versus cock-up, he does favour the latter, it fits human frailties so much better.
In criminal law, it has been and must still be different, there you’re right, the two may have indeed conspired, let’s hope the authorities don’t disappoint again if that is the casee.
Two superb games tonight, in Premiership, of course. The team of the special one derailed Liverpool’s bid for the top spot. In the other, the blue part of Manchester beat Crystal Palace. Arguably, football here beats any other competition anywhere else, shame that most of the players aren’t English.
April 27th, 2014 – 23:34
Anne Wotana Kaye 1
April 27th, 2014 – 13:12
“Yawn! Yawn! Yawn! If yer all are ao angry, bloody well do something ior shut up!”
AWK1, as one regularly advocating the cutting off of parts and worse, the cap would seem to fit!
Tommy Robinson did something about it of course – went into the street and called on people to exercise their right of freedom of speech and peaceable assembly.. Denigration was measured out to him on this Wall for that!