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RobertC, December 29th, 2014 – 14:37
“We wait for formalities to proceed, and hope we get to the truth!”
It’s Glasgow, so don’t hold your breath!
@17:19 … Glasgow is a special case, but that also goes for anywhere where the council staff, and police etc., are “leading beyond authority.”
December 29th, 2014 – 17:45
When the tragedy happened, the ;orry driver was taken to hospital with the victims. The doctors and nurses and other staff must have had their mouths closed with sticking plasters! Will this take decades to reveal like the ‘historical paedophiles’?
The “authorities” bizarre response to the recent tragic events in Glasgow is/was high handed but, sadly, fairly standard these days, as is acceptance of it by the supine media.
Has anyone come across Karen Hudes?
The clip, near the bottom, not the top, of the linked article is 23.5 minutes long and she tells her own story about world events, and it all seems a little above my pay-grade. Can anyone provide links to some concise background notes. To me, it looks like layer upon layer, upon layer of confusion, but it also looks like a glimpse on some important stuff. The important task is to make sense of it!
World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World
“Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel. She was in a unique position to see exactly how the global elite rule the world, and the information that she is now revealing to the public is absolutely stunning.”
The Tory Party is crumbling:
Nine Tory ministers to tell Cameron they will push for EU exit …as Barroso claims that the Prime Minister has moved Britain to the margins
Will it last as long as the EU/Euro?
Greece comes back to haunt eurozone as anti-Troika rebels scent power
Greece’s finance minister warns ECB could “strangle the Greek economy in a split second” if it cuts off life-support for banks.
It looks like three posts in a row, but I do find this revelation beyond parody:
Former Bank of England governor claims Labour government not to blame for last financial crash
“The former Bank of England governor Mervyn King has denied that the previous Labour government was responsible for the last financial crash.
Mr King, who was governor of the Bank of England from 2003 to 2013, has apologised in the past for the actions of financial bodies and policy makers, in 2012 admitting: “We let it slip” and acknowledging people were “entitled to be angry” in an interview with the BBC.
“I don’t think there is any point blaming them for it. It came as an enormous surprise to everyone that banks were not creditworthy.””
Unbelievable! Why do we pay these incompetents large salaries AND PENSIONS? Isn’t it to ‘do their job’! To make sure it isn’t a surprise?
The Glasgow incident gets curiouser and curiouser.
As a holder of a Class 1 HGV licence for the UK, and an HR licence and Dump Truck licence in Oz, there isn’t much I can’t legally drive. In the first instance, this vehicle could not have been doing ’70mph’ – it has a speed limiter that restricts it to 56mph.
HGV’s do not accelerate at a great rate. The power band of a diesel engine is narrow and requires frequent gear changes to increase speed. Given its role, this vehicle may even have been automatic.
Looking at the road layout on Google Earth, it is unlikely a great speed could have been achieved, more likely, a low gear was selected and the engine revs held high, giving more impetus. This could have been deliberate or accidental – a medical event could easily cause a spasm leading to the throttle being fully depressed. The result would have been to race the engine loudly whilst proceeding with maximum forward force.
Others in the cab would have had to react very quickly and their ability to do anything would be determined by the layout of the controls. If the handbrake was in easy reach (centre of the dash), this would stop the vehicle (lorry brakes are very effective) but the gearlever might be out of reach. A determined driver could prevent any interference with the controls, especially interference with the steering.
All this speculation is being caused by the arrogance of the Authorities refusing to reveal simple information. If the driver was a Muslim, the public will find out in the end and Politicians and the Police will suffer a further fall in public trust whilst “Community Cohesion” will suffer. If he is not and was simply taken ill, there can be no justification in withholding information.
The whole thing stinks and the smell will only get worse until the truth claws its way out.
December 29th – 22:51
Thanks for your linked article.
Useful background reading, and recommended to me some years ago by a flower seller in Shanghai…, is Jon Perkins’s book Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2004).
Here is Mr. Perkins explaining in interview how the hit goes down:
Clear Memories
December 30th, 2014 – 01:38
George Galloway is sure to know the name of the Glasgow lorry driver.
Seriously, all very well complaining here, but why don’t you do, as I am, and write to Glasgow City Council?
anne wotana kaye – 03:13
If the media did their job there would be no need for letters. I’ve just asked Glasgow’s “man in the street”,George Laird, if he knows.
December 30th, 2014 – 09:37
Good work! I wonder if Laird will respond. It is just because the media do not do their job that we have to pursue issues.
This deserves the widest circulation possible. Viral e-mailing?
According to Sky News the New Year’s Honours List is once again ‘hideously white’. We ordinary subjects were invited to submit suggestions for honours to ethnic minorities. How about Wallsters recommending Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, for drawing attention to the public at large the vulnerability of off-duty members of the armed services.
Perhaps the Queen’s Birthday List next year could be entirely black or brown, to assist in the apparent ultimate aim of the counter-culture mechanics: the complete eradication of the ‘hideous white indigenes’ from the entirety of these ancient islands, rather than just great tracts of the metropolis and the provincial cities of the Midlands and Lancs and Yorkshire as presently obtains.
I’m sure HM QEII would enjoy next summer the vista of her back garden at Buckhouse resembling the Hajj at Mecca. Or perhaps she might deputize her heir, the Defender of Faiths on that day – and put her feet up at Windsor, wearing her sun glasses so as not to be dazzled by all those and snowy-white retainers and chinless Berkshire aristocrats – not to mention the white Russian kleptocrat neighbours.
Frank P
I know you jest but we live with these folk and nothing makes groups feel more excluded than failure of opportunity for a minority
I remind you of the “No Blacks No Irish” of the Sixties
Black and ethnic minorities now make up 12% of our population
They receive only 6.7% of the honours
Now the BBC is yapping on about diversity. Radio 4’s Today will be introduced by Blacks, Asians and a Lesbian song writer, If I was a Black, or Asian, I would find it insulting to be considered with homosexuals. How about some REAL diversity and get rid of all the bum-boys and butch-females running the BBC and have some normal people?
Anne, normal people are not diverse enough. Indeed we are probably not diverse at all!
I like Clare Balding and Evan Davis
Just Saying
And the ratio of per capita crime? Not to mention cultural incompatibility, inimical religious bigotry and barbarity; exponential demographical change within a time that amounts to virtual invasion and occupation?
My sardonic suggestions are less jest – more a crie de coeur.
I have just spent ten minutes watching the Chief Medical Officer of the UK: a ‘jolly hockey sticks’ pan-faced, ‘leading beyond authority’ waffler, rabbiting on about the latest Ebola cock-up.
Says she, “We look at every incident and see how we can improve; we look at how we move patients around; we look at our screening processes; we look at our protocols. This will be no exception. We must learn as we go forward. Ebola is a big unknown. What we do know is that it is very difficult to catch.”
Oh really?
How’s about the stupid bitch who travelled on a three stage journey having copped it in Sierra Leone and put two plane loads of unsuspecting punters at risk?
If people want to put themselves on offer to treat people in third world shit-holes, that’s their affair. But if they do, they should be banged up in isolation in situ and thoroughly tested before they are allowed to return. The MSM are, of course bending over backwards to inflict political correctness on us all and to try to make light of the potential risk – despite the fact that the CMO’s statement is a clear indication that the arrangements in place are chaotic and they cannot be trusted to protect the citizens of this country against the shortcomings of African culture and hygiene. Madness on stilts!
T (18:22)
Both in the same bed I assume? A menage a trois that could go viral if you play your cards right with your Skype camera. The Balding filly is not averse to bedtime scenes in her telly adverts. So three abed with Evan & Telly on tele could be a winner. Viral in more ways than one perchance? Ugghh!
There is a treasure of no less than nine Betjeman documentaries on iPlayer.
A sweet irony in that the BBC has been instrumental in destroying the England that he gently lamented the passing of.
The telemachean idea that honours should be proportioned to percentage is silly and just makes a debased and discredited system even more so. Typical trendy lefty ethno-romanticism as exploited by crap Caribbean “poets” on QT. Points awarded for skin colour, “deprived” background and a criminal history. The same empty lunacy that permits rich and privileged Red Princes to parachute into safe seats and then pass laws over the rest of us.
“Awards are recommended by committees with independent chairs and a majority of independent members. We will carefully consider the committee’s recommendations”
So said a Cabinet Secretary spokesperson in response to criticism of unfairness to specific groups by MP’s in 2012
Now what do you think is the average nationwide proportion of black and ethnics on such committees?
Yes you are correct 3.9%
There shouldn’t be “specific groups”. This whole lefty idea of creating identity groups and then pandering to their imaginary grievances is ridiculous. That is not about equality at all but about weaponising minorities for political ends and it has resulted in the tyranny of minorities.
Does the proportion of ginger-haired MPs reflect society? If not why not?
Ridiculous. And the fact that telemachus is beefing about it is absolute confirmation of that.
Bassingbourn! Another example of official idiocy that is proof positive of the Mottram Assertion.
So Nigel Farage was correct:
Pepys’ Diary
Monday 30 December 1661
“I staid at the Mitre, whither I had invited all my old acquaintance of the Exchequer to a good chine of beef, which with three barrels of oysters and three pullets, and plenty of wine and mirth, was our dinner, and there was about twelve of us…and here I made them a foolish promise to give them one this day twelvemonth, and so for ever while I live, but I do not intend it. ..”
I am listening to Today
Edited by Baroness Butler-Sloss
About the Honours including one for the good Ms Woofe
Woolf, a former Lord mayor of London, is awarded a damehood two months after she was forced to step down as head of the sex abuse inquiry. Victims’ groups had protested that she was an unsuitable chair because of her links with Tory peer Leon Brittan, a friend and neighbour, whose role as home secretary in dealing with allegations of child abuse in the 1980s is likely to be scrutinised.
Simon Danczuk said: “Fiona Woolf misled the home secretary over her links with Leon Brittan, caused unnecessary distress to victims of child abuse and caused a lengthy and avoidable delay to a very serious inquiry that urgently needs to get started. It seems inappropriate that she’s now being invited to Buckingham Palace to pick up one of the highest honours. I can think of many more worthy recipients of this honour, but once again it looks like the establishment is looking after their own.”
Still I suppose this is evidence of proportionate honours for those covering up and obstructing child abuse in high places
Labour have also weaponised historic child abuse ahead of the General Election, working hard to associate it with Tories whilst conveniently ignoring their own role in creating the “multi-cultural” political correctness and intimidation that facilitated the modern covering up and obstruction of justice for child abuse in low places, like Rotherham.
A party of scheming reptiles.
“Among the political honours, former Liberal Democrat leader Lord Paddy Ashdown is appointed a member of the elite Companions of Honour”….
Brian Rix was honoured three times for dropping his trousers twice nightly, to the amusement of all. We’ll never know how many laughs Pantsdown got for doing it in private.
“Dame” Esther Rantzen??? Fuck me!
“Dame Kristin[Scott-Thomas], who is shortly to play the Queen on stage in The Audience, said she was “thrilled, astonished and worried that I might suddenly wake up”.
I expect that the audience of ‘The Audience’ will feel exactly the same way.
Can anyone definitively corroborate or refute the story that the driver of the Glasgow bin lorry was a muslim?
I think the whole concept of Dames and Honours is a lot of BS! Why give honours for those supposedly doing their job? Hardly better than the House of Lords, a whole stable of parasitical garbage.
The tyranny of minorities is not confined to the lefties, Cameron’s ‘righties’ must also take their unfair share of the credit for continuing the long march.
Care Noa
PS are you longbow64
anne wotana kaye – 09:57
Re: “Honours”
HoL – Absolutely, a bunch of scrotes -in a nutshell, so to speak.
Sportsmen/women – I’ve never understood this, as, if they are any good, they get medals on merit anyway.
Ted Kennedy: Got an “honorary” knighthood in 2009 – presumably for his services to the IRA and Road Safety.
On Ted’s passing Gordon Brown was moved to comment, ” We owe a great debt to the life and courage of Senator Edward Kennedy” cue Richard Littlejohn!
Rix retired from farce and devoted his time to charity.
alexsandr – 11:02
May the farce be with you!
Labour created the tyranny of minorities. The “modernised” Tory party aided and abetted its creation by being useless in opposition and appeasing in government.
The Tories are a wet, intimidated party which in opposition thinks: “We can’t oppose this because all the powerful unelected lefties will make us look bad” and in government thinks “We can’t repeal this because all the powerful unelected lefties will make us look bad”. So Britain ends up being governed by a clique of powerful unelected lefties (aka grievance monkeys).
Cameron promised to “sweep it all away” but instead has gleefully joined in and made it even worse.
Mucus – is that what passes for a sense of humour in that sovietised brain?
Glasgow CC’s attempts to prevent the driver’s name being revealed are an attempted infringement of the justice process.
With six people dead, inquests and Inquiries yet to be held, any attempt to prevent the facts being revealed are doomed to failure.
Colonel Mustard
December 31st, 2014 – 11:18
Unlike the two main parties, you sure cut the mustard. Bravo!
Another attempt to further the Republican cause:
Personally, I think “Dame Joan Collins” is the most offensive of the lot, if not all time. Why? What has she achieved? I despair, I do honestly. I thought Sir Bruce Forsyth was scraping the barrel. I she names on there that make me cringe. Sir Wayne Rooney? Dame Sharon Shoesmith?
With regards to the “under representation” of blacks and ethnic minorities, could it simply be because they don’t make a contribution to the Empire? We have all this with football manager positions as well. Paul Ince was a great success wasn’t he? Bobby Moore/Charlton were great players, it didn’t work out as management though
One of my resolutions for 2015 will be to always look to spend my money with fellow Brits in preference to ‘immigrant’ businesses.
Previous arguments in taxi ranks with non British drivers have ended with me telling them in no uncertain term that who I spend my money with ins my business and not theirs.
They have a problem with “diversity” in India, reportedly, where one can be arrested merely for acting on one’s sincerely held beliefs:
mucus 10.04 ‘care noa’ – see my post of 10.00 and go take a running jump in your attempts to silence me!
another leftie curse word is ‘funding’ various charity or arty groups saying they require funding. that means they need other peoples money for their unviable businesses. why do we need to fund this stuff?
No-one should be silenced
Except perhaps Reckless, Carswell and longbow64
telemachus 13:03
That just about sums you up. You might as well have written “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others”.
You don’t do shame, far too egotistical and brass-necked for that. But my absolute contempt for you and all that you stand for more than makes up for that.
Keep posting your communist agitprop bilge so that all precisely understand the true nature of the enemy.
Another health ministry failure: the fiasco of the Ebola air traveller. If all these would-be Albert Schweitzers and Dr Livingstones want to bugger around in Africa, let them bloody well stay there!. it’s all ego kick and if they really wanted to help their fellow men/wpmen, there are thousands of elderly UK patients rotting away, neglected in geriatric wards and starving alive at home.
Free speech for totalitarians!
When mucus advocates ‘free speech’ what he really means is free speech for
himself and his self regarding fellow long marchers.
Noa 1514
May I quote from your excellent link:
“freedom of speech requires responsibility”
“Certain expressions can have “serious repercussions”
Clearly there’s a whole multitude of reasons to clamp down on free speech.
i. Political expressions which don’t abide by socialist/ progressive politics or ideology show a ‘lack of responsibility’, have ‘violent or anti-social consequences’, etc.
ii. Political expressions which do abide by socialist/ progressive politics or ideology are deemed acceptable.
I am glad you agree
Fred on Everything:
An astonishingly frank take on what America has become and why. The British version would require little emendation; in fact we may well be ahead of the game. The piece was written
In October, considering what has occurred since he penned it, it is even more seminal and prescient than he implied at the time of writing.
Twisting on the Spit of truth as usual, you ‘forgot’ to finish the quote, in order of course to twist it for your own purposes. I will take this opportunity to complete it – and your education.
“What left-wingers do – and The Guardian newspaper is an excellent example of this – is conflate free speech with the state or authorities allowing politically correct people to say politically correct things. But that’s not free speech, is it? It’s a political con masquerading as a defence of free speech.”
Very true-and so you.
The 503 glitch seems to have been rectified. Can we assume that the tsunami of seasonal sales sewage sluiced into the cybertubes was responsible for a serious case of back-up?
Frank P
An awful, alluvial, alliterative, accumulation of telemachian cess probably clogged the conduits and culverts of original thought
Noa (16:03)
I doff my cap! 🙂
The thought police issue their verdict:
The most chilling sentence: “…must also undergo a mandatory education programme.”
30 years on from what “Orwell” augured 30 years too soon. Un-fuckin’-believable!
Katie Hopkins remarks have aroused the wrath of Scottish Police. Pity they don’t devote a moment of their time to revealing the name of the Glasgow Bin Lorry driver.
A message posted on Police Scotland’s Twitter feed on Tuesday stated: “Please be aware that we will continue to monitor comments on social media and any offensive comments will be investigated.” FROM BBC WEB
I do not think that what I am about to comment on has been mentioned on our ‘Wall’ as yet, if I am wrong then I apologise.
What is making my hackles rise is the knowledge that the quango-crat who is in charge of our railways is paid a fortune.
The railways are a not for profit quango owned by you me and every other resident in these troubled Isles.
This head honcho who is paid a salary of £675,000 and is in line to receive a bonus of £135,000, thereby bringing the total of his earnings to £810,000.
Who decides on these obscene amounts of money?
There are 365 days in a year, if we subtract the days not worked, Saturdays and Sundays x 52 = 104 we are left with 261 days less 6 weeks annual holidays = 30 we now have 231 days, take off the Bank Holidays, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Early May bank holiday, Spring bank holiday, Summer bank holiday, Christmas Day and Boxing day = 8 so 231 minus 8 = 223 working days.
£810,000 divided by 223 days worked = £3,632.29p per day, if this chap works a 7 hour day we are paying him£518.90p per hour or £86.48p per minute.
This chap is not on his own, there will be others working for NetWork Rail who will be paid less, but equally obscene amounts, when we add on their pension provision, Private Health Care, Company Car, their expense account and use of a NetWork Rail Credit Card etcetera it will make you sick to your stomach.
Examples like this can be found throughout the whole of the public sector, every ware and any ware that is a not for profit enterprise, it is high time that these corrupt practises were stopped.
Mucus or Marcuse? The technique of de-legitimising dissenting views by conspiring to presume a “correct” and settled political morality was expounded by Marcuse and has been exploited by every totalitarian communist regime. All leftists are on a journey towards totalitarian communism. But the political power elite are always careful to shield themselves from the misery they like to impose on others in the name of “progress”. In recent years the so-called “moderates” of the left have become more blatant in espousing extreme “solutions” (for which they must of course invent problems). Surprising given that the factual history of their odious regimes available for all to study.
And so, here in the UK we face the prospect of being governed by the weird wonk son of a foreign communist, aided and abetted by a gang of left-wing extremists who range from the insane sexist (Harmon) to the deviously arrogant (Burnham). All intent on re-visiting proven failure and controlling other people “for their own good”.
Marcuse reckoned that “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left” and other totalitarian bollox dressed up as “progress”.
But he ends up with a superb indictment of the very thing he espouses:-
“Surely, no government can be expected to foster its own subversion, but in a democracy such a right is vested in the people (i.e. in the majority of the people). This means that the ways should not be blocked on which a subversive majority could develop, and if they are blocked by organized repression and indoctrination, their reopening may require apparently undemocratic means. They would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc.”
In the UK the subversion has not been by a majority of the people but by a disproportionately powerful and largely unelected minority of nutters determined to slavishly pursue the censorship of any groups, movements or individuals they deem to be within Marcuse’s categories and in so doing elevate themselves to assume a majority. Marcuse, communist fathead that he was, failed to appreciate that the fatal flaw in his “philosophy” is the deeming, as by who and by what criteria, which far from originating in a majority has been peddled by an elitist minority seizing the levers of power in a Long March.
It is bleedin’ obvious what has happened. But the wool pulling is still surprising when one considers the historic cynicism and distrust of authority (as in the bureaucracy and officialdom so beloved of national socialists) attributed to the British.
How on earth have we ended up with a society where the police think it is their legitimate role to investigate “offensive comments” on social media? God help us all.
And to think that in their origin Parliament decreed that it was illegal for the police to investigate people for crime. The rise of the police detective, as with the curtailment of the right to bear arms, was achieved by the police themselves breaking the law, without consequence or sanction of course.
The history of the misuse and political appropriation of the police in Britain is chilling and a testament to the utter stupidity of the idiots sitting in Parliament who are supposed to be there to protect our freedoms not to service unelected “civil servants” (ha!) to create a police state.
Frank P – 15:32 ‘Fred’
This is from so long ago:
“… in the results of a competency test given to applicants for teaching positions in Pinellas County, Florida (which includes St. Petersburg and Clearwater), cited in Time, June 16, 1980.
To pass this grueling examination, an applicant had to be able to read at the tenth-grade level and do arithmetic at the eighth-grade level. Though they all held B.A.’s, 25 percent of the whites and 79 percent of the blacks failed.”
Now, it must be even worse: 25 percent of the whites … failed. Unbelievable!
Persecuted by the fascists went to the US and found a society rotted to the core by greed
He has many great tracts which I commend to you all:
“Liberation from the affluent society does not mean return to healthy and robust poverty, moral cleanliness, and simplicity. On the contrary, the elimination of profitable waste would increase the social wealth available for distribution, and the end of permanent mobilization would reduce the social need for the denial of satisfactions that are the individual’s own-denials which now find their compensation in the cult of fitness, strength, and regularity.”
We need to examine our current society and apply some of his philosophy
David Ossitt
December 31st, 2014 – 16:25
Just the tip of the whole corrupt society we live in. Such extremes of wealth brought forth the French revolution, and the terrible Russian upheaval, where nothing really changed save those so rich and powerful whilst the populace struggled to survive.
tout change mais tout reste le même
“We need to examine our current society and apply some of his philosophy”
Have you tried examining your stools for the signs and symptoms suffered by King George III? You display disturbing traits of gullibility and confusion within your posts. Mild sedation and counselling would probably help.
Yes, telemachus, but confirmation of your being another communist fathead is not required. There is more than enough evidence of that already.
Marcuse was poison. Yet another of those foreign communists who found sanctuary in a country he then set about slagging off and subverting.
anne wotana kaye
December 31st, 2014 – 14:24
“Another health ministry failure: the fiasco of the Ebola air traveller. If all these would-be Albert Schweitzers and Dr Livingstones want to bugger around in Africa, let them bloody well stay there!. it’s all ego kick and if they really wanted to help their fellow men/wpmen, there are thousands of elderly UK patients rotting away, neglected in geriatric wards and starving alive at home.”
Couldn’t agree more, Anne. I am sick of hearing about these “brave” heroes/heroines who put their lives at risk to help others. And put other people’s lives at risk as well, through their misguided stupidity.
They should certainly be forcibly quarantined both on the flight home and on their return, whether showing any symptoms or not.
Here’s one for Baron:
Not sure what ‘luck’ has to do with it, but I’m sure our noble Wallster will elucidate. I can guess what Gospodin Boot would have to say about the analysis, so I won’t trouble him with it.
This was a blatant ‘bust-out’ (LFF) and if there existed a half-decent fraud squad, collars would be felt:
David Ossitt@December 31st, 2014 – 16:25
network rail is part of the DfT. its debt was reclassfied as public by ONS so itsborrowing is part of PSBR a QUANGO then…
anne wotana kaye
December 31st, 2014 – 16:18
Forgot to mention that I agree with Kate. Go on, Scottish Police, now get your kilts in a twist. Naturally the Scots get their medication free from the NHS, courtesy of us Emglish muggins!
anne wotana kaye – 16:18
Katie Hopkins has just done it again 🙂 🙂
Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins)
“Glaswegian ebola patient moved to London’s Royal Free Hospital. Not so independent when it matters most are we jocksville?”
Go girl! 🙂
December 31st, 2014 – 18:08
Go girl! 🙂 Amen!
anne wotana kaye – 17:56,
Disappointingly, no reply yet from George Laird on the over bin laden lorry.
Upon investigation, he was last “seen” on Dec-8th. I wonder if he’s been grabbed by the CyberNats? 😯
“Quite the stupidest “news” story I saw over Christmas was the one about how Winston Churchill was apparently urged in a letter by one of his future in-laws not to convert to Islam.”
James Delingpole
BTW. The inimitable Austin Barry returns to the fray on this one:
Alexsandr December 31st, 2014 – 17:52
“network rail is part of the DfT. its debt was reclassfied as public by ONS so itsborrowing is part of PSBR a QUANGO then…”
Did I not say it was a quango?
December 31st, 2014 – 18:22
Me neither! Wonder what will happen when the Inquest takes place? Even the Nuremberg Trials named the criminals.
BBC One presents : “Mapp and Lucia”. (Mon/Tue/Wed. this week.)
It is a quiet and amusing drama from the 1930’s.Who else but the BBC would make it these days……..and with a weighty ethnic presence on Tuesday!! Against expectations it stands up with the previous adaptation which featured Geraldine McEwan as Lucia and Nigel Hawthorne as Georgie…..even makes theirs over `camp` by comparison.
Quai-hi !….as Major Benjy was wont to exclaim.
Happy New Year to you all. I am setting off on a trip tomorrow so need to get some sleep. May 2015 bring more of what we need.
A happy and prosperous new year to you Peter and to all the true Wallsters.
No new year truce with the long marchers.
A Happy and Healthy New Year to Peter and (as Noa writes) all the true Wallsters.
Someone can see sense:
The slippery slope from halal meat to FGM
If we exempt ritual slaughter from animal welfare laws we open the door to far worse crimes
Radford NG December 31st, 2014 – 19:32
“BBC One presents : “Mapp and Lucia”. (Mon/Tue/Wed. this week.)”
The very best of the Christmas television quite outstanding.
Happy New Year to all who post here.
2015 – may it be a better year for everyone that congregates here; lang may yer lum reek!
Frank P
It’s 8:13am already here – and so far so good…
Happy New Year to you and all other Wallsters!
BTW … Can’t we resurrect Kenneth McKellar, Jimmy Shand or even Andy Stewart? Jools Holland’s Hootenanny is a multi-culti, metrosexual cacophany – a mass gathering of the ultra-ugly club. And BBC One’s celebration of sodomy and STD, after the fireworks, has surely soured the shampoo.
Sri … (sp.) the cacophony provoked the typo.
Obviously you under-indulged at the end of a shitty year for Western Civilization. Congratulations on your early start. 8 hours ahead … Now let’s see … Thailand?
A auspicious year
A year of novel military seasoning
A new year when as all other New Years we must make our resolutions
telemachus will as usual make 10
1. I will maintain humility even in the face of the crushing defeat of UKIP in May
2. I will not get angry even in the face of the monstrous provocation by xenophobes and Islamophobes in the run up to the election
3. I will keep cool as I see for-us-and-ours Osborne try bribes prior to his failure in the election
4. I will not even giggle when wannabe Thatcher Theresa May takes the reins in the wake of Cameron’s humiliation next June
5. I will confine myself to a wry smile as Reckless is crushed by Kelly Tolhurst in Rochester
6. I will send a Grimond Rump Congratulation Card to the 6 residual LibDem MP’s: Danny Alexander, Tom Brake, Duncan Hames, Adrian Sanders, Jo Swinson and Simon Wright.
7. I will refrain from rejoicing as Caroline Lucas is turfed out by the Good folk of Brighton
8. I will initially refrain from scheming to get the charismatic new Chancellor of the Exchequer to replace the PM by 2016
9. I will applaud only softly as Tristram restores education from the Govian Darwinian damage inflicted these last 5 years
10. I will hope and pray that the defeat meted out to Farage in May will lead to the implosion of the flawed venture
“…Chancellor Merkel’s speech, which will be televised tonight, has been previewed by European media and will instruct German citizens to shun the PEGIDA movement, and to accept what it protests with open arms. In the pre-recorded tape, Merkel made reference to the rally slogan of the Patriotic Europeans ‘we are the people’, a phrase inherited from strollers in a previous generation who campaigned against censorship and oppression in Communist East Germany.
The chancellor said: “Today many people are again shouting on Mondays: ‘We are the people’. But in fact they mean: You do not belong – because of the colour of your skin or your religion.”
The most telling statement from this neo-facist was:-
“…It goes without saying that we help them and take in people who seek refuge with us”. Merkel said because of the falling birthrate and an ageing population immigration was necessary, and indeed was “a gain for all of us”.
So without a mandate, the leader of Germany and the EU has implemented a policy of population replacement. Blair, Brown and of course Cameron have been doing this for years.
When we don’t like their policies it’s time to change the politicians.
In this case it’s a race, it really is a matter of replacing them before they replace us.
Our resolution must be to make sure yew do so in May.
As I posted on Speccie on 29 December
I recall the opprobrium apportioned to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
in 1920 and 1921
Then they put together the Brownshirts to deal with the opposition
Soon Pegida will learn from history and organise a section to deal with those opposing them in Germany today
Then they will forge an international alliance with the likes of Wilders, Michaloliakos and Farage
Only then will the duped voters of England see what Ukip is all about
long-marchus, January 1st, 2015 – 01:38
“A new year when as all other New Years we must make our resolutions
telemachus will as usual make 10
1. I will maintain humility…”
You failed at the 1st hurdle there, old bean.
“I recall the opprobrium apportioned to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
in 1920 and 1921”
Ah…is THAT why your posts display all the incoherence of senility!
Am I mistaken, or has Patriccia changed her prose style again to mark the new year?
Noa – 09:10
Desperate stuff from Merkel. Because of Germany’s federal system there’s always an election somewhere just around the corner. Permanent torpor, but some call it democracy!
Out of the 16 German federal states Merkel’s party, the CDU, doesn’t control one in its own right! (I discount Bavaria because the CSU is semi-detached, so to speak) In some states Merkel’s CDU is only in government courtesy of a coalition with the SPD, their main political rivals! Talk about pigs and troughs, eh!
In the former East German states Der Linke, the heirs of former DDR communists, are now in government in 2 states, and one of their apparatchiks is now the PM of Thuringia! [cue Richard Littlejohn]
Note how many states (8) where the Greens (aka Reds!) have also got into coalition government. Now even in Baden-Wurtemburg the PM is actually a “Green.” Apart from Bavaria, Germany is “völlig gefickt” ! [cue Sir Richard Mottram ]
Pepys Diary
” Tuesday 31 December 1661
My wife and I this morning to the Paynter’s, and there she sat the last time, and I stood by and did tell him some little things to do, that now her picture I think will please me very well; and after her, her little black dogg sat in her lap; and was drawn, which made us very merry; so home to dinner, and so to the office; and there late finishing our estimate of the debts of the Navy to this day; and it come to near 374,000l.
So home, and after supper, and my barber had trimmed me, I sat down to end my journell for this year, and my condition at this time, by God’s blessing, is thus:
My health (only upon catching cold, which brings great pain in my back … as it used to be when I had the stone) is very good, and so my wife’s in all respects:
My servants, W. Hewer, Sarah, Nell, and Wayneman: my house at the Navy Office. I suppose myself to be worth about 500l. clear in the world, and my goods of my house my own, and what is coming to me from Brampton, when my father dies, which God defer. But, by my uncle’s death, the whole care and trouble of all, and settling of all lies upon me, which is very great, because of law-suits, especially that with T. Trice, about the interest of 200l., which will, I hope, be ended soon.
My chiefest thought is now to get a good wife for Tom, there being one offered by the Joyces, a cozen of theirs, worth 200l. in ready money. I am also upon writing a little treatise to present to the Duke, about our privilege in the seas, as to other nations striking their flags to us. But my greatest trouble is, that I have for this last half year been a very great spendthrift in all manner of respects, that I am afeard to cast up my accounts, though I hope I am worth what I say above. But I will cast them up very shortly
I have newly taken a solemn oath about abstaining from plays and wine, which I am resolved to keep according to the letter of the oath which I keep by me. The fleet hath been ready to sail for Portugall, but hath lacked wind this fortnight, and by that means my Lord is forced to keep at sea all this winter, till he brings home the Queen, which is the expectation of all now, and the greatest matter of publique talk.”
I found a charming portrait of Nell Gwynn with a “little black dogg in her lap”, but could not find this one of Elizabeth Pepys. Does anyone know if it still exiists?
An outbreak of mental illness in France
I just have to agree with this comment.
I think there’s got to be more to it than that. Call me paranoid but I think strings are being pulled by an unseen puppet master for an unknown agenda with this whole muslim issue. Nothing else makes sense when you look at the scale of it. It’s happening on a worldwide basis in every western country.
Noa – 09:10
AM: It goes without saying that we help them and take in people who seek refuge with us
Look at what good it has done the Lebanon.
I remember listening, in 1982, to a colleague from there, who was Christian. He wanted his parents to leave because he knew what was about to happen.
And he has been proved correct. He had already dodged bullets in his home town, so it was obvious what was coming.
mucus missed No 1
As a follower of the great man of steel I will actively participate in my own and my kins’ ethnic cleansing and genocide by the followers of the ROP and their supporters.
We will support you in this resolution.
Thank you for that useful summary of ‘Germany gefuckt!’ One of my favourite countries. I used to spend a great deal of time in Munich, flying in there directly from work.
More than anything else I find the very idea of elected and paid politicians presuming to lecture their fellow citizens on what they should or should not think an absolute impertinence.
They are paid to listen.
And when we want their opinions we’ll give them to them.
RobertC 11.47
I assume you’ve seen this…she’s talking about Blackburn or Luton in ten years.
The prognostications for 2015 of Mr Delinigpole:
Just what we need to cheer us up on a wet and windy first day of the year!
Frank P, January 1st, 2015 – 15:08
Re: “Mark Steyn’s Brilliant (and Funny) Critique of Multiculturalism”
That was superb!
Here is the shortened link:
EC (17:13)
I agree; I’d like to say he’s wasted as a journalist: but frankly, politicians are fast becoming redundant and his brilliant satirical analysis adds an essential coruscation to public debate. Luckily, the soldiers of the ROP are too thick to appreciate the damage he does to their aspirations; if they knew, they would probably arrange something very nasty indeed to halt his irrepressible flow of crafted invective.
The fact that he has no regular Grub Street column is a statement of all we need to know about the sorry state of UK journalism.
Just as well the Intertubes are now rendering the dead tree medium almost defunct. I suppose Breitbart can’t afford a regular Steyn slot; pity. But then again his prolific output from his own platform, plus his books: his Limbaugh slots, etc. require our constant vigilance, so we mustn’t be greedy.
Proof that the devil does not have all the best tunes:
Some old friends among the honours. There is hope for us all, despite the persistent effluence from Tele’s agitprop cohorts. Dunno about the rest of you but my blog roll needs some emendation.
A burgeoning shrub in the winter garden. Should bloom by November 2016. Is that a good
… or bad thing? Discuss.
As I was saying last week:
Too bloody windy tonight so they’ll be “braked/constrained” to prevent damage – and the wind farm operators will STILL get paid!
Pop over to BBC Four and watch/listen to the Vienna Philharmonic under the inimitable baton of Zubin Mehta. The New Year Concert. Let the windmills GFT for an hour or so. 🙂 Fond memories of a Grinzing bier keller in the halcyon days.
OTOH; according to The New Specstateman and Norman Lebrecht, perhaps we should take off our jackboots and listen to some soothing Beatles masterpieces instead.
Nah – fuggit! Zwei bier bitter!
Bitter’s fine thanks Frank. Mine’s a pint 😉
On a more serious note.
Perhaps the reason why Mehta was favoured with the EU promoted New Years concert is alluded to in the article below.
Frank P
January 1st, 2015 – 20:53
Yes, Frank, I saw it on TV this morning. The music was wonderful and BBC2 presented the best programme for the whole holiday. The glorious surroundings, the marvellous presence of Zubin Mehta, plus the delightful ballet dancers were a fine start for 2015. Oh would that an Age of Elegance could replace the rubbish inflicted upon us.
Herbert Thornton and others might be interested in this:
“…Nathan served as governor from 1904 to 1907. Born in London, he was a soldier and an engineer with a reputation as a competent and decisive administrator.
“He wanted to develop Kowloon, which was a muddy backwater in those days. My husband’s grandfather remembers walking around in gumboots because it was a swamp. Nathan decided that for Kowloon to flourish it needed an access road, to link it to the hinterland of the New Territories. Many thought he was making a mistake but he was determined to push the project through.”
Once dubbed “Nathan’s folly”, Nathan Road – the shopping megastrip that bears his name – catalysed the development of the whole area, proving the wisdom of his decision…”.
It also has a great photograph of David Sassoon and his sons by the way.
anne wotana kaye
“Oh would that an Age of Elegance could replace the rubbish inflicted upon us.”
Many bloggers seem to be doing UKIP a disservice by saying they are racist. Turns out that we must use code
” is old fashioned and out of touch.”
‘Ukip will be ‘buried’ if its critics can link it to a racist age admits Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage believes the only thing that would ‘bury’ Ukip is if the public link his party to a ‘racist age’, new documents revealed today.
He spoke out after a councillor was accused of publishing an offensive post on Facebook calling for ‘free-loading’, ‘benefit-grabbing’, ‘illegal immigrants’ to ‘go home’.
The comments reveal that Mr Farage and the party leadership feared being linked to any type of racism, as the Tories and Labour continue to suggest UKIP is old fashioned and out of touch. ‘
For a racist party, old fashioned and out of touch one need look no further than the Labour party.
Cynical and secretive mass immigration policies imposed without the consent of the people of England, in violation of United Nations declarations about the rights of indigenous peoples.
An official policy of multi-culturalism imposed without consent and coerced by legislative and intimidatory authority. Who exactly are the English? That now open question would not be asked about, say, the Japanese, yet the English occupied the country called England and self-identified without major issues for over a thousand years before the Labour party turned up and decided to pursue its sinister race replacement and divisive sectarian policies. It is remarkable how many architects of those policies within the Labour party and amongst its many fellow travellers, the Fabians, quangos, fake charities, etc., are not actually English people.
Old fashioned. A party wedded to late 19th century concepts of class war and social revolution that have proven to fail every time they have been attempted across the world, over a period of almost one hundred years. Those experiments have brought death, oppression, persecution and misery to millions. Yet the messages of the once again “re-invented” Labour party are the same old nonsense that motivated those crimes against humanity. Nothing new, except the cynical accommodation of the ultra-rich and privileged into the party and as its mouthpieces; the same relish for authoritarianism and wealthy elitism seen in China where wealth and privilege are only problems when attributed to those who are not embedded within the socialist movement.
Out of touch. The concern of ordinary people about the scale and rate of immigration has never been higher and yet the Labour party continues to dissemble, obfuscate, lie and evade the issue. One of its most prolific and pernicious propagandists comes here to attack UKIP from the perspective of supporting mass immigration and the strictures of the EU, harping on about its supposed racism because it reflects the concerns of the wider population. Ignoring the results of the European elections and the rise in UKIP voting, even within Labour dominated and controlled constituencies. Out of touch?
So, Labour and your minions. Outraged by UKIP? Look in the mirror. UKIP have never held power but you have. And look what you have done with it.
“Ignoring the results of the European elections”
We cannot ignore them Colonel-See Huff Post
European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament
Front National (France)
• Jean Marie Le Pen suggested only last month that “Monseigneur Ebola” could sort out Europe’s immigration issue “in three months”. He has regularly been convicted under France’s race hate laws, and has called the Nazi gas chambers a “small detail” The party took a quarter of the vote in France, with its popular anti-immigration platform.
National Democratic Party (Germany)
The neo-Nazi NPD has been campaigning on a platform of stopping immigration and been called racist and anti-semitic. They have fought under the banner of slogans like “Money for granny instead of Sinti and Roma” and “the boat is full”, given interviews insisting Europe is “a continent of white people” and have marched with banners proclaiming the Nazi ideology of “National Socialism”.
Golden Dawn (Greece)
The Greek ultra nationalist party Golden Dawn has swapped its jackboots for suits in the run-up to the elections and been rewarded with its first seats in the European Parliament. Its main spokesman has a swastika tattoo. Its slogans have been daubed on mosques, synagogues and cemeteries. In May 2012, Golden Dawn ran in Greek elections under the slogan “So we can rid this land of filth”, set up ‘Greek-only’ food banks, and its spokesman has quoted from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in parliament, But the party insists it is neither criminal nor neo-Nazi. It is now the country’s third most popular party.
Finns (Finland)
Finland’s anti-euro populist party has picked up two MEPs. Previously known as the ‘True Finns’ . Its MP James Hirvisaari was fined in 2011 for comments he made on his blog about Muslims, another declined an invite to the Independence Day ball because he did not want to see same-sex couples.
Danish People’s Party (Denmark)
The Danish People’s party won nearly 27% of the vote and has doubled its number of MEPs. The party’s founder Pia Kjærsgaard holds the view that Denmark is not a country where immigration is natural or welcome. “If they want to turn Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö into a Scandinavian Beirut, with clan wars, honour killings and gang rapes, let them do it. We can always put a barrier on the Øresund Bridge.”
Party for Freedom (The Netherlands)
Dutch far-right ‘Party for Freedom’ leader Geert Wilders did OK in the Dutch poll. His party has been dogged with controversy. Known for his vociferous criticism of Islam, Wilders is known for saying “I don’t hate Muslims, I hate Islam”. He campaigns to end all Muslim immigration to the Netherlands and repatriate Muslims currently living there. “Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe. If we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia and Netherabia will just be a matter of time,”
Jobbik (Hungary)
The right-wing nationalist party Jobbik, one of the most obviously neo-Nazi parties in the European parliament, matched its 2009 EU election results, garnering 14.7% of the vote and three MEPs. Members have called for the country’s Jewish inhabitants to sign a special register. “I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary,” the party’s deputy parliamentary leader, Márton Gyöngyösi said.
Austrian Freedom (Austria)
There were huge gains for the far-right Freedom Party, which gained around a fifth of the vote for its anti-immigration platform. It doubled the number of MEPs, from two to four and says it hopes to form an alliance with the Front National. “If there are immigrants, from Turkey, who complain there is a cross hanging in the classroom at school, then I say to them: ‘go back home’,” was the slogan from leader Heinz-Christian Strache this week. The party is fiercely anti-Muslim immigration, and believes Austria should not accept any more migrants. Strache says he himself is not a racist because he “eats kebabs.”
Lega Nord (Italy)
The far-right party gained 6% of the vote in Italy. “Africa hasn’t produced great geniuses as anyone can see from a Mickey Mouse encyclopaedia,” one of its ex MEPs said,
BUT BUT one bit of good news in Britain
Nick Griffin lost his seat in the European parliament, the party’s only MEP after Andrew Brons quit the party.
RoP Nigerian body count:
Bravissimo Mustard!
Trouble is, the damage is already irreparable. Self destruction is a powerful phenomenon, both personally and collectively.
Perhaps it is one of the evolutionary processes of nature, curtailing the predominance of any one species or sub-phenomenon? The Great Scheme of Things – the unfolding of the inevitable? The time frame of human existence is miniscule in relation to the entire inexorable process, despite our aspirations, claims and dreams. Enjoy your brief role in the unfolding drama: debunker-in-chief of telemachus and his ilk. ‘Twas all predetermined when the whole thing kicked off. We are all mere spectators who delude ourselves into believing that we are actors, rather than puppets dancing to the pull of the unseen hands of the seven blind bastards of fickle fate. Enjoy the rest of the ‘New Year’ – one of the frames of existence that we use to convince ourselves that we understand how this thing, of which we are all wee parts, functions. Don’ worry – be ‘happy! (As one of our Caribbean newcomers once sang). He had a point.
telemachus and his ilk
Frank P
The new year is on us
As posted on 1/1/15 it will be an auspicious year
There have been 5 years of backsliding that will come to an end
It is not just a question of policies
It is a question of tone
Those at the bottom of the heap are now living in fear
We need to return the good folk of Tower Hamlets to self respect and freedom
Freedom from poverty
As I mentioned, tele – delusion is just part of the process. Even you, at the very ‘bottom of the heap’, can enjoy the experience of being buggered daily, your fundamental orifice lubricated by Mustard, if you accept your fate philosophically.
Ah, telemachus, how you dodge and weave.
I was specifically referring to UKIP’s success in the Euro elections here in the UK as an expression of the democratic will. It outstripped support for Labour, which as we know is rooted in vested interest anyway rather than what is good for the whole country.
No amount of Labour-instigated “far right” scare mongering, cherry picking and twaddle about what is happening in the rest of Europe alters that basic truth, however long your tedious cut’n’pastes are. UKIP racism is alleged and never was until they began making ground and putting the wind up you and the rest of the socialists breezing complacently in the three main parties. Labour racism is proven by word and deed. They have deliberately sown the seeds of racial and religious sectarianism and violence in this once settled, stable and peaceful land and hopefully will one day be properly held to account for that.
The dividing lines are becoming clearer. Essential freedom and truth, the rough and tumble, warts and all British way of life with its traditional distrust and scorn for authority, bureaucracy and officialdom versus the authoritarian, nannying, lying, race replacement policies of the rest, the parties of control freaks, thought police, subversives, wonks, Long Marchers, rent seekers and immature professional politicians who spend their time tweeting inanities at each other and bandwagon jumping, and who appear to want this country to be over-populated, over-taxed, over-policed, over-regulated, under pressure and riven by sectarian hatred.
Frank – I don’t believe it is over until the fat lady sings. And she hasn’t yet.
They look like they are winning but it is ever darkest before dawn and the more power they accrue the more their self-destructive and oppressive policies will alienate and radicalise the majority. Three years ago when it became apparent that Cameron was just peddling more of the same tripe I would never have thought to see the rise of UKIP, the backlash against PC or the rejection of the ‘racism’ debate quasher.
By their own history of dissent and protest the Long Marchers ought to understand this. They can never ultimately win by coercion, however powerful they become. In fact the more they try the more the opposition to them will grow. They have overplayed their hand. They are the Nazis in 1943. Still strutting and arrogantly disregarding the forces gathering against them, thinking they can win by the same old accusations and bullying. Personified by telemachus, here. Shoving themselves where they are not welcome, spewing labels and pejoratives at their perceived enemies and assuming that will empower them. When it does the exact opposite.
Blunkett – September 2008 on Labour’s shadow government continuum
Where Blunkett continually refers to “Civil Society” he does not mean the ordinary people, but rather the unelected socialist apparatchiks infesting, “leading” and controlling the societal infrastructure, in quangos, fake charities and subsidised or sponsored pressure groups.
His ‘quad’ of “Government, Parliament, Industry and Civil Society” is the means by which real society is utterly and relentlessly controlled and regulated from a single authoritarian socialist perspective.
Yes, though I find your determination inspiring and admirable, I also hear fat ladies singing all over the shop.
Spending time with the four generations of my extended family – a prolific tribe – over the Christmas period – and young friends of mine and theirs, I found that the dilution of patriotism and cultural confusion is now widespread; the infiltration of the educational function for well over half a century; the stifling of pride in our heritage and institutions, the diminution of the Judeo-Christian influence in favour of ‘accommodation’ of inimical religions and ideologies, is clearly irreversible. Added to that the apparent demographic implications are bleak, already set in concrete..
Governments of all stripes have conspired to facilitate radical change and cede sovereignty; some motivated by lust for power, creating larger geopolitical power blocs; some driven by a naive guilt trip over perceived sins of our forefathers’ colonial conquests.
Surely in the end it all comes down to human frailty: greed, lust for power, deficient intellect, cloying sentimentality and destructive gullibility. Humanity will never be able to lift itself by its own bootstraps – it is weak, deluded and doomed. I fear that was written into the hardware from the get-go, regardless of the delusionary software that, pro tem , keeps it limping along. In the GSOT, the gigantic accident, we were cast as observers of our own stupidity, despite the apparent ‘achievements’ of science, the arts and what we perceive as progress. All frippery and escapism from harsh reality.
I hope you’re right and that I’m wrong. As ‘the days dwindle down to a precious few’ I find myself returning more often to the words of Francois Marie Arouette,
“… Once did I sing, in less lugubrious tone,
The sunny ways of pleasure’s general rule;
The times have changed, and taught by growing age,
And sharing the frailty of mankind,
Seeking a light amid the deepening gloom,
I can but suffer, and will not repine.”
“lust for power, deficient intellect, cloying sentimentality and destructive gullibility. Humanity will never be able to lift itself by its own bootstraps – it is weak, deluded and doomed”
This is the justification of demogogues down the ages
The latest manifestation being that we are doomed by the tide of immigration and dictat from beyond our shores
Unless we heed and vote for the charismatic leader clothed in Barbour and pint jug in hand
Come follow me to the promised land
A land of milk and honey
But no schools, no hospitals and no roads
Robert N Smith, ex Editor of the Quack’s journal, “The Lancet” declares that to die of cancer is the best and easiest death. Well, Smith, you are a fu**ing eejit and one of my 2015 wishes is that you have a VERY EASY DEATH!
Well, Smith, you are a fu**ing eejit and one of my 2015 wishes is that you have a VERY EASY DEATH!
Rush not to judgement easily
Examine his words
They were wise:
“Buñuel was clear about how he didn’t want to die. “I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of dying alone in a hotel room, with my bags open and a shooting script on the night table. I must know whose fingers will close my eyes.”
“An even more horrible death,” he wrote, “is one that’s kept at bay by the miracles of modern medicine, a death that never ends. In the name of Hippocrates, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.”
Buñuel saw how Franco died and found himself pitying a man he hated. Franco’s death in 1975 still stands for the most horrible medical death, a death that only doctors could devise. Organ after organ failed, and the doctors tried to compensate. As a medical student a year before graduation, I watched in horror. I think of the death as an incompetent carpenter trying to get a table level, sawing something of one leg, then the next, and eventually ending with the table on the floor.
No, tele; the demagogues over the ages have all been murderous socialists with a vision of an imposed ‘Utopia’ , rather than purveyors of the free spirit. Level down by theft, rather than lifting up by freedom and enterprise. It remains to be seen whether any ‘leader’ can restore some of what was gained by the two worst episodes of human carnage in history and the sacrifices that were made in the fight for freedom. I need hardly reiterate that I doubt it; the resilience of the generations that prevailed during the last century appears to have died with them; my generation merely acknowledges their worth but has failed miserably to pass on that appreciation, by allowing the ‘progressive’ forces of the Long March to dismantle the foundations from which those courageous warriors launched their defence of the greatest (and probably last) civilization to emerge. We are in the process of decline through depravity, which is what socialism amounts to.
“It isn’t generally known that [the Prime Minister] is fond of tricycling.He has been seen in London wheeling his way along the lower part of Trafalgar Square on his way to Downing Street.” The Graphic:1901.
Telemachus, why bleat on about the right wing parties across Europe. The last time I heard, we were a democracy. These views exist through cause and effect.
Hijacked planes flying into office blocks.
Trains and buses blown up with more innocent people on them.
Suicide bombing aimed at innocent women and children.
Vehicles in France driven on pavements.
What part of “This must stop” don’t you understand?
Professor Plum
Of course this must stop
But one dimensional politics is more dangerous than the risk of the isolated events you mention
We can bolster MI5
We can introduce a robust data communications bill
We can promote community vigilance
We can use our educational system to foster understanding
We can embrace rather lambast minorities so driving them into the arms of the radicals
Must we accept a Council of Defeat
telemachus, the tripe you write is incredible in the true sense of that word. There is no merit in any of it. It is garbage.
“But no schools, no hospitals and no roads”
Don’t be ridiculous. Britain had schools, hospitals and roads long before Labour imposed its mass immigration, voter importing, race replacement programme. And Britain will have schools, hospitals and roads regardless of how many MPs UKIP have in Parliament. Those things are not dependent on immigration, or the EU, or your Labour party.
Don’t try to elevate a weak and false justification for Labour’s crimes above the divisive destruction of them. And don’t try your rotten scaremongering here.
Telemachus, you make the age old mistake of assuming that there is a desire for compromise between two or more reasonable groups. Do you know what assume means?
What is reasonable about a group that wants to impose its own laws on their host country?
Why do you think that a group that wants to prosecute women drivers as terrorists can be reasoned with?
Labour has destroyed this country with its programme of self destruction. How many more pension thefts do you need to experience before the truth dawns?
Perhaps you would like me to send my pension contributions straight to IS?
Colonel Mustard January 2nd, 2015 – 18:37
“telemachus, the tripe you write is incredible in the true sense of that word. There is no merit in any of it. It is garbage.”
Should that be ‘rotten’ garbage?
David Ossitt
Mucus has become the anvil upon which the Colonel beats eternal Burkean principles from the hot, raw slag of socialism.
The flaccid schwerpunkt of his rapier thrusts.
The punchbag for his daily exercise.
A logical, original thinker of wit and erudition routinely deconstructing the illiterate, arch bore of cut n’pasted twaddle.
There is no contest.
‘become he n
Professor Plum, January 2nd, 2015 – 19:03
“Why do you think that a group that wants to prosecute women drivers…
COUGH, ahem, er….
Actually they might have a point there. Have you been to Surrey? 😈
💡 At the very least they should be banned from driving those large 4×4 behemoths until they’ve passed an additional driving test. The school run and supermarket car parks would far safer.
“A comparison of both the Capital Cost and Energy Production Effectiveness of the Renewable Energy in Europe.”
Some excellent graphics and analysis here:
h/t @Fenbeagle via @wordpressdotcom
“2014 was a real roller-coaster of a ride when it came to the news. But it’s the local headlines that taught us the really valuable lessons of the year.”
This is a copy of an email sent to Glasgow City Council. It is now 2015 and still hoping for an answer!
The name of the driver who caused the tragedy whilst driving the bin lorry can not be hidden when the Inquest takes place.
Are Glasgow Council trying to pacify George Galloway’s supporters and follow their pro-‘palestinian’ agenda by defying the law? Is this a way to collect votes?
to FirstMinister
Dear Ms Sturgeon,
Would welcome your comments on email sent to Glasgow City Council:
The name of the driver who caused the tragedy whilst driving the bin lorry can not be hidden when the Inquest takes place.
Are Glasgow Council trying to pacify George Galloway’s supporters and follow their pro-‘palestinian’ agenda by defying the law? Is this a way to collect votes?
This was sent to Nicola Sturgeon
And while we’re on the subject of our northern neighbors, JD is on their case again today:
Och – stop yer whittling, Jock!
Liddle throwing stones from within the glasshouse:
The ground swell gains impetus:
H/T Steynonline.
Frank – a bad thing discuss:
After jeb, are we going to get Miss Clinton, the daughter? 🙂
Priti Patel (aka Pretty Pathetic) the Treasury Minister has just promised a “cap” of £95k on civil service and NHS golden handshakes, as authorised by the Old Pal’s Act 1997.
“This will bring an end to the culture we have seen over the years and more recently Chief Executives who have left their jobs and received payments on leaving of £168k – and on top of that pension pots of £65k a year and then that individual went on to be rehired in a similar lucrative post …”
The end to a culture?!
Don’t you mean the beginning of a major investigation of a conspiracy to steal from tax payers and community charge payers? Why haven’t the payers and payees of these rip-offs already been banged up at the behest of Fuck-Me-Shoes – your counterpart over at the Home Office, Ms. Patel?
This latest ‘promise’ is a bit like telling bank robbers that provided they limit their loot to a max of £95k per hit, then that’s okay, chummy.
Robert (14:38)
For a country that rejected monarchy, they seem to be very keen on creating a kitsch version of their own. 🙂
Seems like a good idea. Pity about their mouthpiece, who is apparently no better’n he should be.
Similar sentiments:
@Frank P 03rd, – 14:40
“Priti Patel (aka Pretty Pathetic) the Treasury Minister has just promised a “cap” of £95k on civil service and NHS golden handshakes, as authorised by the Old Pal’s Act 1997.”
Just a cotton-pickin’ minute!!!
When I was made redundant at the tail end of 1986 the redundancy payment I received, if inflation over the last 29 years were to be applied, would come to noticeably over £95k today. And I’m just an ordinary Joe, paid at the going commercial rate.
Depends on what you mean by ‘redundancy’, sailor. I think we all know what it meant in the case of some of the incompetent parasites who were sucking on the public tit, in sinecures invented by their political friends; dispersing resources that should have been directed towards the underresourced sharp end where it was sorely needed. You obviously do not fall into that category, judging by the content of your sagacious posts hereupon. :-).
I’m in favor of a soft landing for those ousted by happenstance having worked hard in jobs that were productive and ended by unforseen economic shifts (usually due to ideological economical impositions). But some of the audacious rip-offs of the past decade or so, were worthy of a boat load of porridge.
…and another thing – whatever Miss Priti ‘promises’ is unlikely to amount to very much in light of the result of the next GE. So let’s wait and see what the other vote catchers think up to match it with equally unlikely pledges.
Frank P @ 15:51
From that Der Spiegel article:
“Felix Menzel, 29, is a polite, unimposing man wearing corduroys and rimless glasses.”
Never heard of him, but there are three things in that very first sentence that might lead a cautious person to possibly conclude that he might be a “wrong ‘un.” [I do hope that this doesn’t set Andy Car Park off, but at least if it gets him off the subject of (dead) dogs it might be worth it 😆 ]
“We cannot label 10,000 people as right-wing extremists. That creates more problems than it solves,” says Saxony Interior Minister Markus Ulbig, a member of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU). According to Ulbig, there were many “middle-class citizens” among the Dresden demonstrators, “and you can’t toss them all into the same Neo-Nazi pot.”
Quite so. The recent display of resentment has been backing up, down in the German political sewers, for decades. The “consensus” of the political classes meant that German electorate were never consulted about 1) Immigration, 2) The CAP, 3) The Euro, 4) Maastrict, Lisbon or any of the other EU “treaties.” 5) subsidising the French (see 2 to 4) Sound familiar?
“Are Germans Yearning for ‘Good Old Days’?”
As it was in Russia in recent years, in code it is spoken, “I remember when there used to be law and order in this country.”
The only thing that I find amazing is that, after treating their electorate with utter contempt for the last 70 years, the German “bvggerocracy” are surprised by current events.
Hope Baron is okay; he’s been AWOL over the festive season.
In 2002, the BBC ran a telephone poll to establish the 100 Greatest Britons. As with all of their suspect “polls” they never actually published the raw numbers, but thankfully Sir Winston Churchill came out on top ahead of, would you believe, Princess Di in 3rd, and John Lennon in 8th place. 3rd & 8th, really?? YCMIU! … or perhaps maybe they did.
In 2003 the German channel ran a copycat production: “Unsere Besten”
The whole affair was a hilarious, but nonetheless telling, fiasco from start to finish. The shortlist was strictly controlled to prevent the inclusion of some names that would have been highly embarrassing. However, historically, the Germans have never quite known where to draw their borders and were happy to annex some Austrians (eg. Mozart, Freud) as their own, and they also claimed France’s Albert Schweitzer, and Poland’s Nicolas Copernicus.
The point? Luther came second, Karl Marx was third.
Here the list (minus the infamous Austrian. Ironic, though, that Georg Elser made it at #94)
Whoops! The dreaded 503 zapped that last one. Three attempted launches, before it fired.
Difficult to keep track of the days over the Christmas/New Year hostilities, but surely Hymn #503 should be reserved for Sundays only…
EC (18:45)
Amazed to see that Max Schmeling lived to be 100 years old (well – 99 plus, but let’s award him his century, anyway) particularly after his two encounters in the thirties with the Brown Bomber. I remember quite clearly listening to the radio commentary of the second fight in 1938, on our Decca 9 valve radio, which even in those days could pick up scratchy transmissions direct from America on its shortwave frequency. The first round KO was one of the most exciting climaxes in a sporting event ever of those times: Louis was the perfect fighting machine by then. Had he been around in the days of Cassius Clay, he would have whopped him. No match! The best right hook, ever. Bar none.
Ahhh – all our yesterdays! Actually Schmeling turned out to be a real gent. Looked after Louis financially in his twilight years, when Joe hit skid row – and was a pall bearer at his send off.
H/T P Hitchens
Glasgow bin lorry deaths.
On the evidence in this article the jury is still out, but will it ever be allowed to convene?
“the nephew of 68-year-old Jack and 69-year-old Lorraine Sweeney, who were killed in the crash along with their granddaughter Erin McQuade, 18, all from Dumbarton, said he did not blame the driver for their deaths”
EC 1845
The NHS is a sacred cow and one of the only 2 budgets fully protected by Cameron
The grounding was laid by the Greatest Briton of them all
The man who was also integral in the emancipation of women
“Through his friendship with Sylvia Pankhurst, he insisted that women’s liberation involved women not just as voters, but as mothers, workers, human beings. He crusaded passionately against poverty: his proud description was “member for the unemployed”, campaigning for the minimum wage and eliminating child poverty. He pioneered social welfare, advocating a national health service financed from redistributive taxation, not a poll tax.”
Pity the female emancipation thing has now run beyond the curve and become blatant sexism against the male of the species, reliant more on controlling language and concepts than promoting merit. And that the crucial role of women as mothers in partnership with fathers, as homemakers and domestic nurturers has been not just abandoned but relegated to the realm of “unacceptable thinking” by the Harmonites of the left, God rot their tights.
Those prattling on about equality should better understand what equilibrium and balance mean rather than “setting above” and that goes for the homosexual agenda too.
Pankhurst and the whole suffragette malarky is long overdue for some pretty caustic revision but it set the scene gloriously for the sort of wealthy, privileged gobshites who have perpetuated and re-kindled class war, gender war and race war on behalf of the ghastly left.
Queen Victoria must have been prescient of the Harmonites when she wrote:-
“I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of “Women’s Rights”, with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feeling and propriety. Lady Amberley ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to unsex themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection.”
And of course Harmon and the other sexist Harpies of Labour precisely owe their positions to the protection of the male hegemony in their party, as Thatcher owed hers to the male hegemony of the Tories and was eventually de-throned by it. The left have always harnessed their bandwagon to grievances and many men in Britain now enjoy lucrative salaries for climbing up on it.
The Long March is a series of ratchets. Ratchet up, stand back to observe response. No resistance or wet resistance then ratchet up again. Someone needs to take a long overdue sledgehammer to that ratchet.
anne wotana kaye, January 3rd, 2015 – 11:29
Noa, January 3rd, 2015 – 22:05
Socialist cabal that dominate up there will never admit to anything that goes against “the narrative.” i.e. That Scotland is a warm, welcoming, safe place that is beacon of religious tolerance – it’s the only place on the planet where multi-kulti prospers, apparently. Yeah, right!
The’ve always had a problem with reality up there, reportedly.
I see the beeb is in full pro labour cry quiting large parts of douglas alexsanders propoganda paper full of unsubstantiated rubbish. When are we to be rid of this biased broadcaster we are all forced to pay for.
… and how long will it be before they write/rewrite this out of history.
WTF Dave, who cares? For pete’s sake stop trying to show how ‘in’ you are with other world ‘leaders’ and recognise what they already know, that any superficial friendship will be ditched the moment it ceases to suit their national interest.
Now, start looking at the way those around you have jerked and pushed you these last five years and recognise that you’re quite a bit off course and need to sort things BIG STYLE before 7th May.
January 4th, 2015 – 09:30
Exactly! By th way, I hope the mainly apathetic public will not let the Bin Man concealed identity story die. I am plugging on, but need legal advice. Who is in charge of jurisdiction in Scotland? Does T. May have any power there?
January 4th, 2015 – 10:29
Just let them keep out of ENGLAND AND WALES!
“Despite coming from opposing wings of their respective political systems, Mr Cameron and Mr Obama have always appeared relatively at ease in each other’s company”
The word ‘allegedly’ is missing from that sentence which would have explained the ease with which Dave accommodates Long Marchers. Dave has more in common purpose with that socialist product of the Chicago ‘change’ scam than any conservative. He is a wet lefty masquerading as a Tory who forced his Parliamentary colleagues to applaud Tony Blair.
By the way, in the latest Tory posters the airbrushing of Dave has made him look like Data in Star Trek after being switched off. Void of any evidence of cognisant thinking inside that Durex-shrouded head it probably requires the concerted efforts of Mumsnet to switch him on again, whereupon he’ll treat us to more pre-programmed metro-sexual uber-punditry.
I’ve just found Coffee House Wall by accident by googling the Spectator’s page of the same name. I see many familiar names here. Please can someone explain this site’s origins? Is it a rebellion against the speccie stalinists?
Fair point about women in Surrey and their 4x4s.
While we are on the subject, do you know if 4x4s are bought by bad drivers, or does owning one make you a bad driver?
In reply to Colonel M.
It makes Cameron look like a gray alien in a mask. Then again…
Now that I’m banned from the Speccie site (as is The Viceroy’s Gin as well I believe), my normal path of comment for politicians’ foolishness is closed.
Professor Plum
January 4th, 2015 – 11:44
and EC
Hate to generalise, but the women drivers of Surrey are a nightmare. Cannot even blame alcohol. I think they choose 4x4s as a form of protection for them and their wimpish offspring, by sheer size compared to other vehicles. It is a wonder their sprogs have legs as they are driven everywhere. 🙁
Professor Plum@January 4th, 2015 – 11:44
driving cars that feel safe will lead to careless and aggressive driving. driving a smaller car where you feel vulnerable will make you a safer driver.
I go along with jeremy clarkson, who says there should eb a big spike mounted in the centre of the steering column. That would make people drive very safely!
Professor Plum – 11:44, AWK – 11:55
To be fair, I think that most of the women struggling with unwieldy 4×4’s on the school & supermarket run have had them bought for them by their husbands. These “men” like to drive them around in high speed macho fashion at the weekends. This type of Surrey male is far more deadlier than their unfortunate female companion.
January 4th, 2015 – 13:19
Alas, this is a rare occasion in which I must disagree with you. Many, a majority, of these women have disposable ‘partners’ rather than husbands, and these male consorts are very much the passive partners in these not permanent unions.
Virtually all the stories about the bin lorry crash in Glasgow that killed 6 and injured many have been scrubbed from the internet…including the one that was posted here at Bare Naked Islam. Mostly what you can find online now are stories about funerals for the dead and tales of injured survivors. The driver’s identity is being hidden intentionally.
Being removed are they.
It won’t be long before a d notice goes on these ‘incidents’ as the police like to say when dealing with things they don’t want us to know about.
EC@January 4th, 2015 – 13:19
thick fog here today
noticeable that most of those who dont have lights on are 4X4’s
why do people drive with no lights in bad visibility? my default is headlights on all the time unless its very sunny. and no chance of people starting off with misted up windows.
In reply to John Birch.
I am gobsmacked by the overt and shameless manner in which all the facts about the driver are being withheld, and in such an amateurish manner too. The authorities really are able to manipulate the media in absolute contempt of the rest of us.
Further to the 4×4 discussion, I have also noticed that different rules apply and that they are allowed to drive in the outside lane of all roads. This applies whether driving at 63mph on the Motorway with a tailback of half a mile; or driving on the same Motorway while 2 feet behind the car in front with those hideous headlights on full trying to intimidate the driver in front. Just possibly on the phone as well.
Professor Plum
January 4th, 2015 – 14:46
Just possibly on the phone as well.
And a disposable cup of coffee!
Professor Plum
January 4th, 2015 – 14:46
or on the wrong side of the road on country lanes
The autonomous Police forces in Scotland have been abolished and replaced by the Scottish state police [compare with the Prussian State Police;known as the GESTAPO].This is called “Police Scotland”.It’s officers are now on routine patrol bearing side-arms:this in rural areas which are the most peaceful in Britain.
As a humble contribution to the 4×4 debate
Speeding drivers are likely to be in their 40s or 50s, living in a household with two cars and to be driving a company car, a BMW or a 4×4.
Rich People in posh cars are a danger to working class children.
That’s the only conclusion you can draw from two surveys out this week.
One shows that children of people classed as ‘unskilled workers’ are five times more like to be involved in accidents than the children of those labelled ‘professionals’.
Paul Streets from the official NHS Health Development Agency (HDA) says, ‘It’s shocking that in 21st century England children are more likely to die because of the social class they are born into. The difference in road injury rates between poor and rich children is a stark and unacceptable example of health inequality.’
The report argued that 20mph speed restrictions could save 13,000 children each year from death or injury.
A second report found that drivers tearing through estates and racing at dangerous speeds don’t fit the stereotype of young, working class men. Instead those convicted of speeding are most likely to be executives, professionals or senior managers, says the report by the RAC motoring organisation and Autocar magazine.
Speeding drivers are likely to be in their 40s or 50s, living in a household with two cars and to be driving a company car, a BMW or a 4×4.
Reports available at
Your comment is awaiting moderation
anne wotana kaye – 13:34
True, they can be a mercenary bunch, and without mercy too! When the 2008 financial crash was in the offing the divorce lawyers’ turnover trebled as these women sought to have their partner’s assets valued at the best available price.
Nature Notes:
The classic Surrey 2nd wife can be best identified when accompanied by their partner in Waitrose(*) at weekends. She: Blonde, well coiffered, early 30’s, reasonably trim. Partner: Late 40’s/Early 50’s, overweight, balding, hungover, pushing trolley with a screaming brat in it, whilst failing to control a second that is getting under everyone’s feet! (*) Cobham.
The Glasgow bin-lorry appears to have run through a Christmas street market,crossed a main road,and crashed into a passage between two buildings.
January 4th, 2015 – 16:07
Wonderful descriptions! Poor buggers (the males)
telemachus@January 4th, 2015 – 16:03
my useless ISP keeps assigning me a US IP address. Upsets the auto moderation.
or it may be cos i have typed my email wrong 🙁
Radford NG
January 4th, 2015 – 15:59
Thanks for your information. I have just sent off an email to Police Scotland. If I am suddenly ‘bumped off’ please investigate!
Below is what is written on Police Scotland website!
Police Scotland has many obligations in regard to allowing access to information and the pages in this section provide further details on how you can make requests under the following pieces of legislation and the types of information which may be exempt from disclosure.
Details are also provided in regard to what information is published as part of the Freedom of Information publication scheme.
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004
Data Protection Act 1998
Damaris Tighe January 4th, 2015 – 11:04
“Is it a rebellion against the speccie stalinists?”
You have got it in one.
In reply to David Ossitt.
I’ve just started on this site today. I see the first comment I made is through moderation, but the second is still pending I guess.
Is the need for moderation simply to show that the poster doesn’t start flinging mud around, or is it more complicated than that?
Wrote to Scotland Police re: Freedom of Information. Copy of my email:
Please explain why the identity of the bin lorry driver has been kept secret. Also, please state who ordered that the name of the driver should not be known. Explain also why this was decided. Finally, is it legal in Scottish jurisdiction to deny the public such information?. Will there be an Inquest?
Please respond. Thank you.
Let’s hope this wears them down!!!!!!!!
Alexsander – 13:48
“my default is headlights on all the time unless its very sunny.”
Me too.
Welcome Damaris. It is a delight to see you posting here.
This Wall was set up by Peter of Maidstone for dissident refugees from the old Spectator Coffee House Wall, a free-for-all that fell foul of the creeping editorial censorship of that magazine which in a supreme irony said ‘No’ to Leveson. It might be no coincidence that this week’s edition came with a free Telegraph magazine as I understand that newspaper’s blogs have been nobbled by the censors too.
With left wing guest writers and house writers, an assistant editor who makes no pretence of her pro-Labour position, sustaining on its comment pages the relentlessly facile tripe of the thinly disguised communist extremist telemachus who publicly praises the genocidal monsters Stalin and Mao and who waxes lyrical about the oppressive, freedom suffocating regime of East Germany, but exorcising those commentators who express an opinion anywhere to the right of wet Cameronian multi-culti, metro-sexuality. A strange and contemptible fate for a once fine conservative journal. The Editor believes in the freedom of the press but not apparently in the freedom of the public to comment on it.
I found my way here as a result of telemachus adding two and two to make six and sneering at me over there. Fantastically I find that reptile is tolerated in both places. Perhaps a meme for what Britain has become.
“The present report by an independent research team from University College London, Imperial College London and the University of Oxford . . . ”
Ha ha! What a laugh. The whole thing is bollox from beginning to end apart from this key sentence in the conclusion:-
“There was strong support among the professional interviewees for a project, which would seriously consider the range and nature of the costs of adjustment that might result from more coercive measures for car use reduction.”
Professional interviewees
Coercive measures
All linked to emission targets that idiots in Westminster enjoying chauffeur-driven luxury signed up to.
“Speeding drivers are likely to be in their 40s or 50s, living in a household with two cars and to be driving a company car, a BMW or a 4×4. Rich People in posh cars are a danger to working class children.”
Tear inducing hilarity, even for you. But please don’t forget that the impact of those moustache-twirling, top-hatted imperialists on the Range Rover dodging shoe-less poor of Tower Hamlets as they make their way through the city to sweep chimneys for the industrialist fat cats is made even worse should they live in the Home Counties and be accompanied in their death-dealing car journeys by a black labrador.
It is you, rather than the black labradors, who is barking.
You should know that soon after the migration of the Hoskin Speccie Wall some reasonable commentators were precluded
It is to his credit that Peter set this up after his splendid John Ball blog folded and to his greater credit that he let first my good friend and sometime lover Patriccia Shaw post followed by my goodself
I am hoping that Mynydd will come over soon
Yankee Imperialists (Manchester United) hard pushed by Yeovil Town (Division One:in reality at the bottom end of League Division Three as it was known before league inflation).Manchester United 2-0 Yeovil.
“We should arrest anyone who supports Man.U. who doesn’t come from Essex”:DCI Gene Hunt;`Is There Life on Mars`.
It I’ll behoves posters to belittle the poor
There are families in Tower Hamlets where the daily choice is between fares for transport to school and bread on the tea table
Where a birthday present for the young brother is bought at the expense of blisters through the holes in elder sisters shoes
We have just had the tinsel laden renditions of Dickens and congratulated ourselves that we have moved on from Victorian repression
But I tell you that Bob Cratchitt is alive and suffering in Tower Hamlets
Damis Tighe and Chris Morriss.
This site was set up by `Peter from Maidstone`some three years ago;with some financial support from volunteers (see top of page).This was after The Spec.abandoned its own C**** H**** W***. [David Ossitt at 16-46]
Chris Morriss:Peter probably checks out the URL (if that’s what it is called) of new commentators.
We also have our own club bore:know what I mean,vicar;nudge,nudge;wink,wink.
Cartoonist Peter Brookes of The Times responds to the latest Conservative Party poster.
“I am hoping that Mynydd will come over soon”
God help us.
17 out of 36 comments (47.22%) so far from the arch Labour dogmatist telemachus on the latest Speccie blog but several right wing commentators banned.
My disgust at the apparent triumph of unmitigated evil knows no bounds.
In response to Radford NG.
Thanks for that info, I remember Peter from the old Speccie days. Do you know if this site can be set so that the follow-ons to a particular commentator’s post are threaded? It’s all a bit jumbled up as it is, though I can see why it could be argued that such a way means that new posts are immediately seen.
Chris Morriss January 4th, 2015 – 16:50
“I see the first comment I made is through moderation, but the second is still pending I guess.”
The site is run by Peter from Maidstone and regular posters posts go live within seconds, I am sure that yours soon will be.
We have one resident troll, you will recognise him/her/it very soon, a rabid socialist who enjoys posting rubbish here.
It is designed democratically
Some posters post here to satisfy their craving for adulation
They have to be satisfied by the epithets “inspiring and admirable”
Others like Malfleur and the reasonable poster have to suffer the slings and arrows
Big hello to all who already know me. Thanks for your welcome Col Mustard. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by Disqus but I have to agree with Chris Morriss that I’m finding the post a little hard to follow as there’s no threading.
Just to say i am away from home at present and with very occasional internet. Moderation picks up new commentators but when approved people are free to post. I’ll pick up on possibilities for setting up differrent ways of looking at the comments when i get back.
Peter from Maidstone
I hope that you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…
Dodgy Church-deeds in Maidstone?
It appears the C of E intends to appoint a Christian as Suffragan Bishop of Maidstone.This is unusual as there are only three Christian Bishops in the C of E.The idea seems to be that he will be a “flying bishop” for parishes that do not accept Priestesses being appointed as High Priest in their Diocese,as desired by the Arch-Druid Welby and David Cameron.I am not sure what Diocese Maidstone is in;and if this position covers both Arch-Dioceses in England.Already there are doubts being raised by Christian Anglicans.It is a matter that needs looking into.One item I would raise is that Maidstone is near to Canterbury;so the Arch-druid can keep an eye on him.
The two editorials in the Weekend Financial Times, the pink pullulator and suppurator of globalisation, suggest that while the battle is still on, it has developed not necessarily to its advantage, while the general trends of the world have all turned against its interest.
Now that the rumours which have been circulating for quite some time about paedophilia and worse practised by members of the royal family have now gained credence by publication of the Duke of York business in the controlled media, we may have to draw certain unpleasant conclusions.
The media and police and courts seem to have been largely nobbled with regard to exposing and dealing with this topic even when it concerned only the staff of the the BBC and members of parliament. Those would-be world leaders who have their own annual ‘parliament’ and who it might be said are not great fans of national culture, may now however have decided that things are not proceeding fast enough towards the complete wreck of the United Kingdom and that therefore the monarchy has to go – in public esteem at least.
In our small way here,and pace our resident republican, we will be faced with the conundrum of whether to help the ‘parliament’ of fouls in their work or to construct arguments for shoring up the monarchy. Perhaps, at the right time, some combination of the James VII and Edward VIII scenario would play to cure this curate’s egg? At the levels below the monarchy, while we do not want a witch hunt, I think a root and branch approach would be appropriate which, as annual goings on at Bohemian Grove suggest, might catch a good number of our local wreckers in the uprooting.
Preserve and restore to health English culture by constitutional means.
For those concerned re. Scotland see
I’m out of the country till Wednesday but trying to keep up with things when i get intermittent internet access. Fortunately the TV studio i am sitting in, waiting to be recorded in interview, has open WiFi somewhere.
“…Russia has presented a startling proposal to overcome the tensions with the EU: The EU should renounce the free trade agreement with the United States TTIP and enter into a partnership with the newly established Eurasian Economic Union instead. A free trade zone with the neighbors would make more sense than a deal with the US.
It surely would, but then how will Europe feign outrage when the NSA is found to have spied yet again on its “closest trading partners?”…. ”
Malfleur (10:35)
Yerrrss! From then on the new bloc could be entitled the EUASSR; and CMD, rather than being addressed as ‘Bro Cameron’ in the ghettoize of The POTUS, could get matey with Vlad and his Russoligarch Notting Hill neighbours instead and become ‘Comrade Cameron’ – much more dignified – and alliterative, to boot. Fair rolls off the tongue. He’s pretty much in sync politically already as a front runner in the Long March.
And speaking of Boot, let’s fly the proposition past Alex and see whether we can get it ratified. Not sure we can can count on that, though.
I’m beginning to suspect that you may have gone native: time you returned to your roots for some reprogramming, old chum. The exotic East has claimed many an expat throughout the ages: all that spicey food, I’m told.
… rots the reasoning function of the brain.
Subject: Bin Lorry
Please explain why the identity of the bin lorry driver has been kept secret. Also, please state who ordered that the name of thh driver should not be known. Explain also why this was decided. Finally, is it legal in Scottish jurisdiction to deny the public such information?. Will there be an Inquest?
Please respond. Thank you.
Ms Kaye,
To provide you a quick response it is likely the injured party’s family and possibly the hospital medical staff will have requested anonymity whilst recovery is ongoing. Such wishes will always be considered by the Police where it does not impede ongoing police enquiries. Public identification of victims is usually only done when in the interests of justice and likely with the permission of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS).
The question of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) is a decision that will be taken by COPFS in due course.
Kind Regards
Insp Graeme Cuthbertson
Police Scotland
Information Management (FOI)
Dear Sir,
You have failed completely to answer my questions. I was discussing the identity of the driver and NOT THE VICTIMS!
I am sorry if my email was not clear enough, so please reread it and respond accordingly.
This it appears is a typical example of misunderstanding a simple request for information.
I will let you all know if I ever get a sensible and honest reoly from Scotland Police.
Ms Kaye,
Firstly, your original email is unclear but on the premise this concerns the tragic events of 22 December in Glasgow City centre, then in the sense this appears to be a tragic accident, subject to ongoing police enquiries, the driver is a victim (injured party) in this case.
If you wish nad to provide a full reponse I can record this as a formal request for recorded information held concerning the incident, namely that you seek:
1. information regarding the policy for identification of persons involved specifically concerning the driver of the Glasgow City Council bin lorry,
2. where a decision has been taken not to identify that individual who made that decision,
3. confirm the lawful authority to do so,
4. information regarding any decision to hold a Fatal Accident Inquiry
Does this assist? If so please confirm my understanding and your enquiry will be allocated for provision of a response within the statutory response period of 20 working days.
Kind Regards
Insp Graeme Cuthbertson
Police Scotland
Information Management (FOI)
Thank you. YES I WOULD LIKE to make a formal request for recorded information regarding the Driver’s name, as well as the two workers who supposedly sat by him whilst the carnage of 22 December in Glasgow City Centre was going on. Is this clear enough for you?.
Kind regards.
Malfleur @ 10:35
Nothing more than wishful thinking, Malfleur, the Republic’s political class of whatever hue will nuke Western Europe rather than allow the Old World to join forces with Russia.
Having said that Baron keeps holding on to his view that after the EU falls apart, as it must and will, and the Republic’s hoi polloi get more obese, racially divided, medicated, indebted …. and clash with each other, the Huns will find the courage to join forces with the Russian empire for the benefit of both, but primarily to prevent the Mandarin speakers conquering the west.
anne wotana kaye @ 17:51
For almost a fortnight, Baron has switched off, and thus missed all the debating of the club of the rightful.
Does the barbarian get it right, anne, you doubt it was a tragic accident, one of those rare instances of misfortune that happen, thankfully seldom, in the course of life?
telemachus @ 17:53
Run it by Baron again, telemachus, a choice between a bus ticket and a laof of bread?
In our local Waitrose one can buy a large loaf of wholemeal for 75p when on sale (daily, towards the day end, often cheaper than 75p), a 250g chunk of lard for 30p, a packet of three large sweet onions for 75p, in total £1-80. Not that anyone would want to live on the combination of the three forever, but if need be, a couple of slices of the wholemeal, smeared with lard, half an onion on top is a perfectly balanced meal. Baron knows, he lived on it, on and off, when he was young, near penniless, looking for a job, (btw, he didn’t have wholemeal bread, just the bleached white variety).
You find it amazing the barbarian survived, do you, telemachus?
It’s not just anne, baron.
There are lots of things that are suspicious in light of the ROP saying use motor vehicles to kill.
If they are not muslim the police could make a simple statement.
IE , no one in this vehicle was muslim.
That would clear the issue.
Frank P @ 15:19
You’ve got it, Frank, it must be the spicey food that do it for Baron, too. Not a day goes by without the barbarian consuming a mighty blob of hot mustard with smoked ham, a chunk of chorizo salami on its own, vinegar infused gherkins with a pork cutlet, few boxes of anchovies on a small pizza, a hot Indian curry, you name it, if it’s hot the barbarian devours it, gently hebetating.
Is there no end to this recklessness of his?
John birch @ 18:42
Got it, John, and thanks for enlightening the barbarian who assumed the driver was a haggis eater.
Come on, admit it, this is exceptionally good:
How long will it take you to locate the letter N?
In the days running up to the Glasgow incident there were two or three attacks by muslims on Christmas shoppers on the Continent involving vehicles being driven deliberately at pedestrians. This form of attack is also common in Jerusalem.
I expect this is why Anne wants info about the driver although, of course, Glasgow could just be a terrible accident.
Clear comments by salvage guy about the car transporter.
Mr Davis said that redistributing the cargo would be “an exercise of shovelling weight from one side of the vessel to the other and removing any weight possible”.“You are unlikely to be buying the Jaguars after this,” he said.
“There’s some pretty big heavy machinery on board too and however much you lash it down, if you have a 50 degree list that will now be other side of vessel.”
Is sex slave who traveled the world willingly, a new word for prostitute now that a woman involved in sex has to be a victim.
And don’t tell me about her age , because as we know from Rotherham these are girls making lifestyle choices.
According to those who should have been protecting them.
Baron (19:28)
Narrow the eyes and the right flank has a kink four lines down; trace the line left and bingo! 6th letter in.
About 3-4 seconds or so?
Good to see ya back. AOK?
A clarion call from Klavan:
THE SUN – a headline on tomorrow’s edition:
cue Andy Car Park
Frank P @ 21:58
No spec savers then for the lucky, wise and macho top dog of this parish. Well done, Frank, it took the doddering, creaky and age battered barbarian a minute or so.
And thanks, guru, AOK.
EC @ 23:04
Who’s the bride then, EC?
Frank P – 22:17
Ann Barnhardt, not known for mincing her words, has a similar clarion call for 2015
Frank P @ 22:17
Offending people a a natural outgrowth of telling the truth? In a society that has forgotten to speak the truth? Hmmm
if you scroll down the link, there you’ll find a posting from ToThe West. Worth reading his succinct observation that links nicely with EC’s posting at 23.04.
Baron – 23:05
You’ll have to pay 40p for that info – it’s on page 9. Never mind the glad tidings will be in the chip wrappers within the next day or two.
Damaris Tighe @ 20:39
Baron has not seen a paper, watched the TV, opened a PC for some 15 days, Damaris, but didn’t the driver have a heart attack? Even the followers of Allah have a coronary here and there, it’s what life is about.
Damaris Tighe January 5th, 2015 – 20:39
“I expect this is why Anne wants info about the driver although, of course, Glasgow could just be a terrible accident.”
Oh no it couldn’t, the police are even referring to the driver as one of the victims in this killing, you can bet your boots that when it comes to the coroner’s court we shall then find out his name.
Baron @ 19:28
About 10 seconds. Is that good, bad or indicative of an impending aneurysm?
Welcome back!
“Total world debt, excluding financial firms, now exceeds $100 trillion. The worldwide banking syndicate has an additional $130 trillion of debt on their insolvent books. As if this wasn’t enough, there are over $700 trillion of derivatives of mass destruction layered on top in this pyramid of debt. Just five Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks control 95% of the $302 trillion U.S. derivatives market. The reason Jamie Dimon and the rest of the leaders of the Wall Street criminal syndicate commanded their politician puppets in Congress to reverse the Dodd Frank rule on separating derivatives trading from normal bank lending is because these high stakes gamblers want to shift their future losses onto the backs of middle class taxpayers – again. ”
H/T Zero Hedge
“Sensetti says:
This world wide debt bubble will be settled on the battlefield, mode of payment will be the blood of youth.”
The Prince of Wales seems to have been largely silenced since the article above which is dated June 2013, not least by Princess Anne who last April opined that “opponents to GM crops should accept that genetic engineering is inevitable”. Oh, well that’s that then.
Comments of this calibre come from the same stable that would have us believe that the political unification of the European Union is inevitable. When Prince Charles suggests that GM food might carry serious risks to health he is presented by the controlled media as a kook in much the same way as David Cameron tried to present UKIP supporters as ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’.
Did Monsanto nobble the Prince of Wales and donate generously to Princess Anne’s favourite charity?
Anyone on the Wall care to speak up for the health benefits of GM food?
I am sure that if Prince Charles has not been made an offer to shut up that he cannot refuse, he would be most welcome to post an article ruthlessly expressing his latest views and findings on the truth about GM here on the Wall.
He could of course choose a suitable pseudonym, Frank Prince perhaps.
65 Health Risks of GM Foods
Section 1: Evidence of reactions in animals and humans
1.1 GM potatoes damaged rats
1. Rats were fed potatoes engineered to produce their own insecticide.
2. They developed potentially precancerous cell growth in the digestive tract, inhibited development of their brains, livers and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, enlarged pancreases and intestines and immune system damage.
3. The cause was not the insecticide, but in all likelihood was the process of genetic engineering.
4. GM foods on the market—which were created with the same process—have not been subject to such an extensive testing protocol.
1.2 Rats fed GM tomatoes got bleeding stomachs, several died
1. Rats were fed the GM FlavrSavr tomato for 28 days.
2. Seven of 20 rats developed stomach lesions (bleeding stomachs); another 7 of 40 died within two weeks and were replaced in the study.
3. The tomato was approved despite unresolved safety questions by FDA scientists.
1.3 Rats fed Bt corn had multiple health problems
1. Rats were fed Monsanto’s Mon 863 Bt corn for 90 days.
2. They showed significant changes in their blood cells, livers and kidneys, which might indicate disease.
3. Although experts demanded follow-up, Monsanto used unscientific, contradictory arguments to dismiss concerns.
1.4 Mice fed GM Bt potatoes had intestinal damage
1. Mice were fed either GM potatoes engineered to produce the Bt-toxin or natural potatoes spiked with Bt-toxin.
2. Both diets created abnormal and excessive cell growth in the lower part of their small intestine (ileum).
3. Similar damage to the human small intestine might result in incontinence or flu-like symptoms, and may be precancerous.
4. This study overturns the assumptions that Bt-toxin is destroyed during digestion and is not biologically active in mammals.
1.5 Workers exposed to Bt cotton developed allergies
1. Agricultural laborers in six villages who picked or loaded Bt cotton reported reactions of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract.
2. Some laborers required hospitalization.
3. Employees at a cotton gin factory take antihistamines everyday.
4. One doctor treated about 250 cotton laborers
1.6 Sheep died after grazing in Bt cotton fields
1. After the cotton harvest in parts of India, sheep herds grazed continuously on Bt cotton plants.
2. Reports from four villages revealed that about 25% of the sheep died within a week.
3. Post mortem studies suggest a toxic reaction.
1.7 Inhaled Bt corn pollen may have triggered disease in humans
1. In 2003, approximately 100 people living next to a Bt cornfield in the Philippines developed skin, respiratory, intestinal reactions and other symptoms while the corn was shedding pollen.
2. Blood tests of 39 people showed an antibody response to Bt-toxin, which supports—but does not prove—a link.
3. The symptoms reappeared in 2004 in at least four other villages that planted the same corn variety.
4. Villagers also attribute several animal deaths to the corn.
1.8 Farmers report pigs and cows became sterile from GM corn
1. More than 20 farmers in North America report that pigs fed GM corn varieties had low conception rates, false pregnancies or gave birth to bags of water.
2. Both male and female pigs became sterile.
3. Some farmers also report sterility among cows.
1.9 Twelve cows in Germany died mysteriously when fed Bt corn
1. Twelve dairy cows died on a farm in Hesse Germany, after being fed a diet with significant amounts of a single GM corn variety, Bt 176.
2. Other cows in the herd had to be killed due to some mysterious illness.
3. Syngenta, the producers of Bt 176, compensated the farmer for part of his losses, but did not admit responsibility for the cow deaths.
4. In spite of demands by the farmer and even public protests, no detailed autopsy reports were made available.
1.10 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had liver cell problems
1. The liver cells of mice fed Roundup Ready soybeans showed significant changes.
2. Irregularly shaped nuclei and nucleoli, an increased number of nuclear pores and other changes, all suggest higher metabolism and altered patterns of gene expression.
3. The changes may be in response to a toxin.
4. Most of the effects disappeared when GM soy was removed from the diet.
1.11 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had problems with the pancreas
1. Mice fed GM soy showed changes in the synthesis and processing of digestive enzymes.
2. The production of alpha-amylase, a major digestive enzyme, dropped by as much as 77%.
3. This, combined with other pancreatic changes, suggests that GM soy may interfere with digestion and assimilation, as well as alter gene expression.
1.12 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had unexplained changes in testicular cells
1. The structure and gene expression pattern of testicle cells of mice fed Roundup Ready soybeans changed significantly.
2. The cause for the changes is unknown, but the testicles are sensitive indicators of toxins.
3. Some of the changes might possibly influence adult fertility as well as the health of the offspring.
4. Mouse embryos from GM-fed mothers did show a temporary decrease in gene expression.
1.13 Roundup Ready Soy Changed Cell Metabolism in Rabbit Organs
1. Rabbits fed GM soy for about 40 days showed significant differences in the amounts of certain enzymes in their kidneys, hearts and livers.
2. A rise in LDH1 levels in all three organs suggests an increase in cellular metabolism.
3. Changes in other enzymes point to other alterations in the organs.
1.14 Most offspring of rats fed Roundup Ready soy died within three weeks
1. Female rats were fed Roundup Ready soy starting before conception and continuing through pregnancy and weaning.
2. Of the offspring, 55.6% died within three weeks compared to 9% from non-GM soy controls.
3. Some pups from GM-fed mothers were significantly smaller and both mothers and pups were more aggressive.
4. In a separate study, after a lab began feeding rats a commercial diet containing GM soy, offspring mortality reached 55.3%.
5. When offspring from GM-fed rats were mated together, they were unable to conceive.
1.15 Soy allergies skyrocketed in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced
1. In a single year, 1999, soy allergies in the UK jumped from 10% to 15% of the sampled population.
2. GM soy was imported into the country shortly before 1999.
3. Antibody tests verify that some individuals react differently to GM and non-GM soy varieties.
4. GM soy also has an increased concentration of a known allergen
1.16 Rats fed Roundup Ready canola had heavier livers
1. The livers of rats fed GM canola were 12-16% heavier than those fed non-GM varieties.
2. The liver is a chemical factory and primary detoxifier for the body.
3. Heavier livers may indicate liver disease or inflammation.
4. If this were caused by oil-soluble toxins, they may be present in canola oil.
1.17 Twice the number of chickens died when fed Liberty Link corn
1. The death rate for chickens fed Chardon LL GM corn for 42 days was 7%, compared to 3.5% for controls.
2. GM-fed chickens also had more erratic body weight and food intake, and less weight gain overall.
3. The study was designed so that only huge differences would be statistically significant.
4. The results were therefore dismissed without follow-up.
1.18 GM peas generated an allergic-type inflammatory response in mice
1. In advanced tests not normally part of GM crop evaluations, protein produced by GM peas generated a dangerous immune response in mice.
2. That “same” protein, when produced naturally in beans, had no effect.
3. The GM peas produced a subtle, hard-to-detect difference in the way sugar molecules attached to the protein, which likely caused the problem.
4. The response in mice suggested that the GM peas could provoke inflammatory or allergic reactions in humans; commercialization of the peas was therefore cancelled.
5. This type of subtle but dangerous change in the GM protein would rarely, if ever, be detected in the safety assessments typically used to approve GM crops.
1.19 Eyewitness reports: Animals avoid GMOs
1. When given a choice, several animals avoided eating GM food.
2. In farmer-run tests, cows and pigs repeatedly passed up GM corn.
3. Animals that avoided GM food include cows, pigs, geese, squirrels, elk, deer, raccoons, mice and rats.
1.20 A GM food supplement killed about 100 people and caused 5,000-10,000 to fall sick
1. One brand of the supplement L-tryptophan created a deadly US epidemic in the 1980s
2. The company genetically engineered bacteria to produce the supplement more economically.
3. Their product contained many contaminants, five or six of which were suspected as the cause of the disease.
4. Discovering the epidemic required multiple coincidences, suggesting that adverse reactions to GM foods may be hard to identify.
Part 1: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods
Section 2: Gene insertion disrupts the DNA and can create unpredictable health problems
2.1 Foreign genes disrupt the DNA at the insertion site
2.2 Growing GM crops using tissue culture can create hundreds or thousands of DNA mutations
2.3 Gene insertion creates genome-wide changes in gene expression
2.4 The promoter may accidentally switch on harmful genes
2.5 The promoter might switch on a dormant virus in plants
2.6 The promoter might create genetic instability and mutations
2.7 Genetic engineering activates mobile DNA, called transposons, which generate mutations
2.8 Novel RNA may be harmful to humans and their offspring
2.9 Roundup Ready soybeans produce unintentional RNA variations
2.10 Changes in proteins can alter thousands of natural chemicals in plants, increasing toxins or reducing phytonutrients
2.11 GM crops have altered levels of nutrients and toxins
Baron, January 5th, 2015 – 23:22
“Even the followers of Allah have a coronary here and there, it’s what life is about.”
… not to mention death.
Baron, January 5th, 2015 – 18:53
“gently hebetating”
WOW, I must remember that next time I have a vindaloo.
Re: Bread and dripping sandwiches.
I agree. Back in the 50’s, at Bash St. Junior school, I remember we had a teacher(ex army bod) who used to send out for them at break-time. Imagine that happening today!
Re: GM foods (@02:45)
Inserting one’s genes in the old fashioned way is far more fun, but I guess that’s why the planet has a over-population crisis.
Daniel Hannan [@DanHannanMEP 21 minutes ago]
“NHS spending has increased by £12.7 billion over this Parliament. The word “cuts” is now used so randomly as to be almost meaningless.”
Insert an “n”, however, and you have the Labour Party.
Hello Baron
Yes, we have been told that the driver had a heart attack & I accepted it. It’s just that there have been some questions recently, especially as the incident happened at a time when this was being done deliberately elsewhere in the world. If it was indeed a heart attack, I can understand why the authorities will not release his name.
Somewhere above there is a link to barenakedislam which raises the questions – specifically that there is cause for suspicion as the crew appear to be ‘Asian’. But I’m not a conspiracy theorist. It could be just an amazing coincidence. They do happen.
Two from Alex Boot, who is back from his festive travels. The first will attract little dissent from this blog, other than perhaps our resident Muzzie sympathizer:
The second will probably excite the interest of those Russophiles, particularly those who see Vlad as a feisty fucker who is looking out for his folks:
In lieu of my promise to do a proper post on ‘modern policing’ within a ‘diverse society’ – Fred Reed has beaten my to it: the shape of things to come (and I fear that he only has his tongue HALF in his cheek):
… and to harden the outline of ‘the shape of things to come’:
We used to shake our heads and say, “only in America”. No longer appropriate!
anne wotana kaye, January 5th, 2015 – 17:51
Mark Steyn is on McPlod’s case now…
… as well as that of “Superintendent Mabs Hussain of Leeds District Police”
Apologies for not responding to your question on the Speccie New year Slipup thread from Sunday Night
“You’re against gay marriage then Tele?”
Even forgetting Christianity. Society has understood marriage to be the union of a man and a woman for five millenia. The one good thing about Islamic Societies is that they still understand this.
How on earth did we allow our Government to change the definition of marriage
It is absurd. Should two men both ‘bridegrooms’ or will they masquerade by each being ‘the spouse’ of the other?
Are we really expecting these sham marriages to be recognised as the real thing when the parties travel to the Third World?
Nick Clegg said: “I support gay marriage. Love is the same, straight or gay, so the civil institution should be the same, too. All couples should be able to make that commitment to one another”
But love is not the same. The love you have for your wife is wholesome and amongst other things expressed sexually. The love you have for your brothers and sisters is not. Homosexual love should be platonic
What homosexual marriage does is to enshrine in law and in a sacred institution that which God describes as an abomination. Sodom was like that
Jesus said ( Mark 10:6-8) that from the beginning of the creation God made us male and female and that is why a man leaves his father and mother to cleave to his wife
And by implication some kind of marital ceremony in which the wider society is involved
He said ‘the two shall be one flesh’ and being one flesh is something a pair of homosexuals can never be. They lack the physical complementarity parts
‘Tis a consummation devoutly not to be wished
As for Stephen Fry and his Toy Boy
Students of the German dominated EU should find the link below to the ‘German Foreign Policy’ site of interest. It has articles of remarkable frankness, in both English and German, on a range of interesting subjects,icluding PEGIDA, Ukraine, to Ireland, from a German perspective.
For example, Germany is looking openly to control the EU nations’ military capability and even to take away their independent sovereignty in matters of war and peace.
“…Military experts of the SPD group in the German Bundestag are calling for an EU “military academy” and “permanent military headquarters” along with other steps toward establishing an EU army. “As Social Democrats, we want to be the driving force in Europe of a parliamentary controlled European army,” declared its “Working Group on Security and Defense Policy” in a position paper. The paper was presented last week by the SPD parliamentary group’s defense policy spokesperson Rainer Arnold. The EU is “a global actor” due particularly to its economic influence, the authors explain. Its foreign and military policy, on the other hand, is inadequate and “urgently in need of improvement.” These demands are being raised at a time when the Bundeswehr has begun to establish “European” military structures through bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects, and when Germany’s Minister of the Economy is calling for the establishment of an EU armament industry with a strong German base, independent of the USA. Already a few years ago, SPD politicians called for reopening the discussion on the EU’s war and peace decision-making authority, and possibly taking this authority away from the national parliaments…”
Allied with my previous link to the fascinating article by the Frenchman, Emmanuel Todd, what emerges is a picture of a fast-emerging pan-European power hj which, driven by a focused and energetic Germany, is aspiring to compete with the USA for world economic dominance.
Frank P – 15:58
Mr Boot forgot to mention the Belgian beer, and the big roads where the speed limits are seldom heeded. I choose not to drink these days, but when I did I found that Delirium Tremens, at 8.5% abv, tasted good and rapidly induced a state of temporary hebetation.
“…being one flesh is something a pair of homosexuals can never be. They lack the physical complementarity parts…”
Into a state of temporary hebetation, no less.
EC January 6th, 2015 – 18:27
“I choose not to drink these days, but when I did I found that Delirium Tremens, at 8.5% abv, tasted good and rapidly induced a state of temporary hebetation.”
She who must be obeyed and I used to tour Belgium using some of the Trappist Breweries as a guide to the rout we would take, Westvleteren, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle and our favourite Chimay.
On one of these trips we had some hours to wait before catching the ferry to Hull, our car was well laden with crates of some excellent beers and we spent our time exploring a small coastal town, stopping for drinks we sat outside to enjoy them and I read the menu, I read out loud from the menu “Kasteel Donker at 11% ABV” a local man at the next table said ”keeps old men young and revives the dead” and so on his recommendation I bought my father a case.
After this my father would drink nothing else when he came for his Sunday lunches.
I still have four bottles from a case bought from the monks at Westvleteren the cap says 11% ABV these will be over twenty years old, EU rules have since then stopped the Westvleteren monks from selling their beer unlabelled as had been their practise with all details on the bottle cap.
Would that not be a state of co-hebetation, Noa?
Stephen is looking a tad florid these days. He should take it easy lest, the strain prove too much. Here he is a few years back being interviewed by Kenneth Williams. A start contrast. Fry, smug, doing his best Oscar Wilde, and poor ken looking like death.
EC (18:27)
… speed limits, traffic lights, one-way-streets and most other modes of traffic regulation, neither observed nor enforced apparently.
One brief stay in Bruxelles was enough for me; my wife and I were both mugged by two fleet-footed Arabic footpads (I know, I know … don’t even ask … came from behind like a mischievous mistral … snatched my briefcase and cut her handbag handles with a chiv … knocked her over and while I was helping her, they swirled off into the dark back alleys adjacent to Place du Samedi). Next day an elderly friend from the States whom we met there slipped on the cobbles and broke her arm. Then, intending to retrieve our car from an underground car park, found it had been thoroughly crunched down one side, by a fellow parker who had already departed and was apparently not inclined to leave essential details of identity, etc.
It took us four hours to locate the British Consulate (our passports were part of the proceeds of the robbery, along with our money, credit cards and much else (carried in our respective brief case and handbag – for ‘safe-keeping’ – ha! ). Nobody in Brussels could direct us to the British Consulate – even the staff of the American Embassy – which we found by accident, then had an obviously extended and unplanned tour of that shitty city in a cab, after requesting to be taken to the British Consulate which, when we later scrutined a map of the patch, turned out to be about a hundred yards from where we had hailed the cab: the cabbie obviously took a five mile scenic trip and charged accordingly.
Needless to say, it was both our first and last visit to the capital of Europe.
Never visited Baghdad, but suspect it may have been both safer and more interesting before March 2003, apart, of course, from off-chance of bumping into wee Georgie Galloway on his way to kiss Saddam’s ring.
Talking of Belgian beer…I used to drink Mort Subite when in Paris many, many years ago. So I looked it up in Wikipedia and found:
“Mort Subite is the brand name for a number of lambic beers brewed by the Belgian brewery Keersmaeker. The beers take their name from a café in Brussels, À La Mort Subite.[2] Mort subite means “sudden death” in French, but can also be used to refer to the final throw in a dice game. Underground trading once took place within À La Mort Subite – it was named after the speed at which one could lose one’s money.
It is explained that the name was derived from the bar’s location to the law court. In effect, lawyers & clerks would play cards during their lunch break and when the bell rang to resume proceedings, the hand held was subject to sudden death rules to ascertain the winner. ”
A photo of the cafe (and a glass of the beer) is on site.
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation is taking the position that court warrants are not required when deploying cell-site simulators in public places. Nicknamed “stingrays,” the devices are decoy cell towers that capture locations and identities of mobile phone users and can intercept calls and texts.”
(h/t Drudge Report)
I think the FBI may have been spending too much time with Frank P.
Perfect way to end the day: Pat’s latest.
Islam in the Workplace
EC 20.05 Tee Hehe betation!
There are suspicions raised over the Glasgow bin-lorry incident:the vehicle jihead committed on The Continent;the Glasgow and Scotland authorities reticence on giving information;the nature of the crash.
The bin-lorry went on a fairly straight course taking it across George Square,across a main road,to become halted in a gap between two buildings.There is very little damage either to the lorry or the buildings.
There is a video that has appeared.It shows the lorry cross a road lane,the pavement and into the gap.This takes about 4 seconds.There may be those able to estimate the speed of the vehicle from this.The lorry does not just plough into the buildings,but can be seen bouncing back.This raises suspicions.
This should please telemachus. Three of his heroes agree on tax policy:-
I lived in Baghdad during the eighties when Saddam was at the height of his powers, and it was safe, and also great fun.
Having spent 11 months working in Belgium, my favourite ale is Hommel from Popperinge.
Visiting The Sultan in Ypres, our Sprint Car team drank the place dry, with 6 of us seeing off 4 crates – wonderful, drinkable stuff! Affligem Blonde comes a close second, taken in the monks café, part of the Abbey wall with the Ale piped straight through.
Michael Roberts (20:56)
Wonder why Pat has never been invited on to Newsnight?
Inadvertantly just clicked into Newsnight BTW and was transfixed for a couple of minutes as Evan Davies and Will Self performed a pseudo-wank on the subject of “selfies”. Phrases like ” retro moralizing framework” … “Bi- directionality”
Inadvertantly just clicked into Newsnight BTW – and was transfixed for a couple of minutes as Evan Davies and Will Self performed a pseud’s corner mutual onanistic riff on the subject of “selfies”. Phrases like ” retro moralizing framework” … “Bi- directionality” … “Unified electrical field” … “Epical technological change” , farted from their fey little lips as they preened and smirked with self satisfaction (literally one suspects). No Willy and all Self.
Get a fucking room, you wankers! And FFS surcease from polluting the ether with your pretentious flaffeling. Dire! At least I don’t contribute to such broadcast effluence anymore. Not directly through the extortionate license fee, anyway.
Apologies for the incomplete and unemended first draft of the above self launching. Probably repetition of the word (and turd) “Self” caused the glitch.
Can only concur with JD’s take on the Chef Evans kerfuffle. Alison Pearson also nailed it.
Paul Staines is playing with fire
‘French President François Hollande says Canada and France must not back down when faced with terror threats.
“I reassert here that in the face of terrorism, there is no room for backing down, for concession, for weakness. Because terrorism threatens the values both of our countries are based on,” he said, speaking in the House of Commons(C).’
Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Labour Party, in a statement to the House of Commons, said:
Let’s be clear about what this is: ISIL is murdering Muslims. So to those who say that military action against ISIL is somehow an attack on Islam: I understand the anxiety. But the truth is entirely different.
And it is Muslims themselves who are saying this. And leading British Muslim scholars and Imams wrote recently: “they are perpetrating the worst crimes against humanity … It is a war against all humanity.”
ISIL’s ideology has nothing to do with the peaceful religion practised by people across the world and by millions of our fellow citizens, who are appalled by what we see. And it is not simply that ISIL is a murderous organisation, it has ambitions for a state of its own – a Caliphate across the Middle East, run according to their horrific norms and values.
And make no mistake, not only is Guido giving succour to the barbarians but some might consider so do those who peddle his reprehensible views
ISIL must be bombed to Glory, then crushed by the boot
Oh Tony Tony
Where are you when we need you?
This is how I would like all my newscasters – Alex Jones on 6th January:
Damaris, Radford: point taken, thanks.
For the past day or so , the curse of 503 has kept Baron from posting. Something’s quite wrong, Peter, it doesn’t happen at all on any other site.
telemachus @ 03:41
Who supplies the ISIL thugs? They must need spare parts for the military gear (all US made), ammunition, drugs for the wounded. Why don’t we go after the companies that keep them going rather than bombing them, which seems to be good for nothing but the recruitment of more fighters. So far, the use of drones has killed more civilians than ISIL fighters.
What’s stopping the clerics who criticise ISIL issuing fatwas on everyone joining the misfits, telemachus?
Noa @ 18:24
Excellent link, Noa. One can hardly blame the Germans though, they have money, the enabler of the power to dominate the losers. Every successful nation has followed the same path, we did it, the Americans are doing it now, the Mandarin speakers will do likewise whe n they’re ready.
The barbarians are clever
Their resources are stolen- kidnap proceeds, oil fields seized etc
And their equipment is equipment legitimately given to Iraq or bought by Syria
Just how do you imput into all that
Except to call for Blair and Bush
telemachus @ 18:05
Good stuff, telemachus, good stuff.
telemachus once demanded that we should give the ISIL “Caliph” a “fair hearing”. So his protestations about that organisation ring hollow.
I think Viceroys Gin reminded me abot Rotherham once
Or was it twice
Baron – no use asking anything of Teletubby.
He will not be aware of the real reason for Sharia and that is that no Muslim may judge another for that is the role of Allah. Sharia law is based upon interpretation of the Koranic verses, the reported sayings of Mohammed (piss be upon him) and other statements from those around Mohammed when he was alive and kiddie-fiddling. Hence fatwahs are based on those interpretations, taken as fact by ‘scholars’.
This interpretation allows Clerics to make statements based upon the word of Allah (as they see it) and they are not being judgemental.
Given the amount of bile, malice, animosity and vileness promulgated by this cult, no Cleric could issue any statement condemning ISIL without risking his own life, for any unpleasantness towards infidels is encouraged.
I know that the authorities in England butchered a Christian cleric for trying to follow canon/ecclesiastical law at the behest of Alexander III- in a Cathedral for goodness sake
All Sharia Law is, is guidance to folk where local laws are unclear or unfair
Do not make it a big bogie
telemachus, your preposterous relativism and advocacy of Sharia is as repugnant as your other dogma. Your friend the “Caliph”would no doubt be delighted by your enthusiasm for his “guidance”.
Here we once had a single rule of law and tolerated all religious worship provided its practitioners did not break that law. Now we have minority identity and lobby groups in a state of perpetual warfare with the tripartite ‘justice’ authorities trying to tailor the law to pander to their multi-kulti client state, protecting, denouncing, covering up, censoring and intimidating while the majority look on, seething but silenced.
That is all largely the result of the efforts of your party and its fellow travellers of the Red persuasion to destroy what was once an open society, of decency, the rule of law and liberty in order “to create a tabula rasa on which to erect their utopian fantasies of the future”. Those fantasies are never realised of course but just continuously cited as justification for the continuing vandalism and to foster the grievances upon which your creed depends for its power.
“I think Viceroys Gin reminded me abot Rotherham once
Or was it twice”
He has been banned from the Spectator and you have not. An injustice that offends the eyes every time your bloody red rose is seen besmirching the pages there. The fact that you are still permitted to post your squalid provocations here as well adds insult to injury.
I wouldn’t give you the time of day, but instead a taste of your own Marcusean principles, proscribing you in a heartbeat. And it would not bother my sense of tolerance or advocacy for freedom of expression one little bit.
You would be an exception, dreary, boastful menace that you are.
That’s the 300th posting this week if it gets in in time.
You won’t be crossed with Baron if he tells you he doesn’t fully share the sentiment of the joke, but a joke it is, and in his view, a good one, too. Hopefully, you agree with the barbarian at least on the question of the joke’s quality.
A follower of Allah dies, by mistake goes to heaven, Peter stops him at the gate. ‘Listen. Mohammed,’ says Peter, ‘you’re in the wrong place, this isn’t the resting place for Muslims, no virgins here.’ The Allah worshipper shows no intention to leave, begs to be let in. ‘Look, Peter’, he says, ‘I have done some good Christian deeds, you know, only last week I gave fifty quid to an old couple who got burgled, on Monday I dropped twenty quid into a collection box at our local hospice, and just hours before I expired I rewarded a couple of huskers with ten quid’.
Peter puts his hand gently on Mohammed shoulder, and says: ‘OK, wait here, I will talk to God and let you know what we can do’. Few minutes later, Peter comes back. ‘I’ve consulted with God’, he says, ‘and we both agree. Here’s your eighty quid, now fuck off’.
Look out! Mary Piddle is on the loose again!
Malfleur @ 04:38
You do have a taste for long pieces, don’t you, Malfleur, and the longer the better.
Earlier this week you posted a link a piece warning us about the imminent collapse of the world, well, world economies rather. Baron responded in a longish piece, too, but it didn’t get through because of 503, got lost in the process of posting.
Try to limit your recommendation to links that last max 15 minutes, that’s alll the barbarian can stomach.
10 dead in shooting at Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris.
Masked men, machine guns, no doubt just your normal everyday criminals.
Baron 11.11
Almost certainly a fatwa for you
Sky News reporting on three Paris terrorist incident utterly dire; bending over backwards to blame the cartoonists who have been rude to Mo. “How do we reconcile free speech when it offends so many of the population of Paris” and such shit. Two gendarmes turned up on as bike and quickly decamped, according to the reports. Waffle, waffle, waffle. Cue Dickie Mottram; expanded to include Western Civilization ,though, not just Blair and his cronies.
telemachus 11:32 will you be getting your hero the “Caliph” to arrange it? You appear to have a relish for fatwas, prescription, putting people who do not share your views in camps, etc.
Gendarmerie on bicycles two by two. Muzzies with AK 47s and hand grenades. “Two lone wolves”, ” Not planned.” “Self starters”
Jesus H Christ! When will the brainwashed wankers from the MSM wake up, when even after an attack on their own ilk, the pusillanimous bastards want the infidels to back off, and accommodate these barbarians.
“Only a small cell” “Not part of a wider conspiracy”.
Of course not. Couldn’t possibly be what the ROP wants – could it? Just another ” local incident”.
This sums it up perfectly:-
Our clown politicians will fail to take heed but continue to heap up our own funeral pyre. The tragedy is that those who suffer as a result won’t be the idiots who took the decision to turn England into a multi-kulti “paradise”.
BBC: “Attack on ‘contraversial’ satirical magazine”.
Shouldn’t all magazines be contraversisal at this time in history? Satirical or otherwise?
No of course not, if we ‘accommodate’, the aims an objectives of these insane savages and allow them to take over, then they’ll all be nice to us. That’s a much easier solution.
Hollande trying to do a Churchill! Pathetique!
“Security being stepped up in other locations”.
Must be a run on the local bicycle shops. Every cloud has a silver lining, I suppose.
Death toll now 12 (at least 40 seriously injured – more deaths expected).
The tenor of the rhetorical speculative questions being posed by the BBC reporters is a clear indication of the attitudes entrenched with the staff of of ‘national broadcasting agency”. Dhimmis all.
Only a matter of time before a loud speaker to broadcast the muezzin’s call to prayer is fitted to Broadcasting House in Regent Street. I’m surprised that All Soul’s Church hasn’t already been converted into a mosque.
Telemachus January 6th 18.05:
I find myself agreeing with much of your post although I’d put it a different way. Following CS Lewis I see the male/female polarity as an enshrinement of difference, metaphysical if like me you tend to platonism:
“Gender is a reality, & a more fundamental reality than sex. Sex is, in fact, merely the adaptation to organic life of a fundamental polarity which divides all created beings. Female sex is simply one of the things that have feminine gender; there are many others, & Masculine & Feminine meet us on planes of reality where male & female would be simply meaningless … [T]he male & female of organic creatures are rather faint & blurred reflections of masculine & feminine. Their reproductive functions, their differences in strength & size, partly exhibit, but partly also confuse & misrepresent, the real polarity.”
The cultural marxist project of dismantling the age-old intuitions of traditional culture must also deconstruct the polarity of Masculine & Feminine, the pillars of reality.
SSM & gay sex are a refusal to acknowledge the fundamental difference of gender throughout nature &, as Lewis says, beyond nature. However, I defend the right of gay lovers to refuse difference in the privacy of their bedrooms. It’s up to them, & if kept private does no cultural harm. SSM as a public institution is on the other hand culturally subversive – as it’s intended to be.
Why didn’t you answer my question on the Spectator, where it was raised?
I should have said, my quote is from CS Lewis, ‘Perelandra’, Harper Collins edn, p 253-4.
Colonel Mustard Jan 7 10.08:
I find it even more outrageous that Viceroy has been banned but the trolls he was trolling – dildo & at least one sockpuppet – Damian Hurts (goatmince & U kid seem to have disappeared) are allowed to stay.
Co Mustard:
Sorry for the odd punctuation – still haven’t got used to not being able to edit my posts!
That’s all our reading material self censored before we get it.
SKY: “France’s equivalent to Private Eye.” Really? Can we dig out some anti-muzzie cartoons in Private Eye; seriously, I missed those. If none, perhaps today’s the day for them to earn that comparison.
In fact every magazine and news publication throughout the West should reproduce the All Baghdadi cartoon published by Hebdo today.
“Why didn’t you answer my question on the Spectator, where it was raised?”
As you no doubt have noticed “sexual” matters need much modification to pass auto-moderation
Frank P 12:57 – doubt it. Hislop is only bold when it comes to litigation. Not so brave in the face of violent threats.
Damaris 12:44 Agreed. That unilateral action from a magazine that boasted ‘No’ to government censorship of the press is contemptible.
It used to be a solidly conservative journal but it has declined under its present ownership and editorial team who seem to want to embrace leftyism. telemachus was always boasting about having an insider relationship with Hardman and a commentator has accused him of being employed by them to provoke commentary and controversy.
I much prefer Standpoint but even they employ Nick Cohen who regularly dissembles about “the right”.
Just got back into the UK. Been busy abroad. Will try to catch up with things asap.
Female cartoonist from Hebdo let the killers in by entering the code to the lock on their request? She says they claimed to be Al Qaida. She had been out of the office to collect her daughter. She survived. Her ethnic origin has not been divulged. One hopes le flic will be -er – somewhat inquisitive about her antecedents. Just sayin’.
SKY: “The Pope has condemned the attack”.
Oh Good! That will have the Muzzies cowering in their shit-holes. No more ” random attacks” for at least a coupla days, I’ll bet.
President Obama has promised that he will assist President ‘Allende’ in finding the ‘culprits’. In the meantime he’s busy planning to release the remaining inmates of Gitmo.
The senile old fart Ming Campbell has just been put his oar in via Sky. Completely oblivious, apparently, that he and his ilk are major contributors to the problem. How long will it be before one of the a-holes are pointing out that we must strengthen our bonds with the EU in order to ‘fight terrorism together’. But that ‘free speech’ should not include insulting the religions of others.
The Muslim Brotherhood had condemned the attack. (Or was that contagiyya-ed the attack).
Haven’t heard any interviews with the lady who will be the French leader after the next elections.
French police searching for three suspects, I must have misheard it because they should be looking for three million.
Ming Campbell and Shirley Williams. The gender duality of boring old fartism. Aided and abetted by their honorary offspring uber-bore Paddy Pantsdown.
The mood online is angry and I doubt the clowns in Westminster will be able to smear it all as “right wing extremism” or “Islamophobia” this time.
Show us your cojones SKY and BBC – let’s see a picture of the ‘offending’ cartoon!
Throughout WW2 Bertha Wilmott, The Crazy Gang, Tommy Handley and others constantly took the piss out of the prophet Adolph Hitler: even throughout the blitz, they carried on regardless.
These days we get the pacifists and quislings that would have been banged up for the duration in the Forties, being given airtime to put the ‘other side of the story’: thereby indicating the ‘objectivity if the media’.
Not only national suicide, it’s western civilisational suicide.
An appropriate and proportional response from the West is to mount a ruthless and sustained attack with overwhelming force against ISIS, forthwith. Eradicate the bastards. Any ‘British’ born emigres found fighting with them should be subjected to immediate execution, rather than ‘being processed for deprogramming’ as is the apparent government policy.
John Birch (15:09)
:-). Or perhaps – how many Muslims in the global ‘family – 1.6 billion or so’?
Peter? Why are my recent comments coming up as ‘awaiting moderation’ .
They’ve are unusually ‘moderate’ for me – I can’t remember writing ‘fuck’ all morning. The shit coming down today is deadly serious.
Delingpole has just shown his cojones – bravo James:
Another ‘victim’ has been released from hospital today. No less than the unnamed Glasgow lorry driver. As Arabic will soon be compulsory here, I am giving you all a free Arabic language lesson. The name of the lorry driver can now be revealed: IT IS ALI BIN KOSOMOK (Kosomok is the vulgar term for YOUR MOTHER’S HOLE).
I see Nissan has floated an advert for their cars on Delingpole’s cartoon article. That’s very brave of them. My missus reckons that they’re just jealous of all those Toyota pickup trucks used by ISIS et al. In Iraq and Syria – and are hoping to pick up some business for their Nissan 4 x 4s (which according to some Wallsters are the favourite mode of transport used by Surrey school-run mums to mow down unalert geriatric pedesrians).
Damaris Tighe January 7th, 2015 – 12:48
“Sorry for the odd punctuation – still haven’t got used to not being able to edit my posts!”
Write them in Word, then edit in Word, and then copy and paste on to the wall.
If I hear the name, convicted rapist ched evens again I will not be responsible for my actions.
Frank P January 7th, 2015 – 12:57
“In fact every magazine and news publication throughout the West should reproduce the All Baghdadi cartoon published by Hebdo today.”
Almost word for word what my wife said.
Harriet Harman and Justice Secretary Chris Grayling condemn `Islamophobia`on The World at One (at 18.15 and 19.20 mins).
Radford NG
We want no Krystallnacht here
Colonel Mustard – 13:36
Hislop has become the very thing that he used to like to lampoon, an establishment arse licker. He ought to award himself one of his “magazine”s OBNs.
Radford NG – 17:16,
Ironic, isn’t it, that every time that some islamist perpetrates an atrocity rather than holding islam to account the dhimmis in the Westminster bubble hold up islam at the victim.
Cue Sir Richard Mottram!
David Ossitt – 16:36
I agree. If they ALL made a stand by publishing ALL the cartoons it would send out a very strong message to what can only be described as the forces of evil and darkness.
You are a weasel, Mucus (which is probably an insult to all rodents). Even you should shrink from equating a justified fight-back against barbarism (such as we saw today – not to mention countless previous bestial examples of mindless Islamic atrocity), with the national socialist perpetration of genocide of a race/religion truly noted for its passivity -Judaism.
“Rightly” my arse! Harman and Grayling – another liaison which indicates the true nature of the liblabcon conspiracy to present the West on a plate to the unholy alliance of the corrupt ideologies of Islam and modified Marxism.
You really are a defective, deluded cunt. I’m pleased that I supported your continued presence on this forum, as you regularly expose the evil that you and your fellow ideologues represent. Keep it up!
Can someone tell me whether or not my posts at 15:25 et seq (seven in all) are appearing on the thread, as they are marked up as ‘awaiting moderation’. They appear on my screen, nonetheless.
Ian Hislop has offered his condolences and support to his French counterparts (can we hope followed by tangible evidence of that in the shape of a crafted and appropriate cartoon on the front page of a special edition of Private Eye?).
@D O 7th, – 16:36
“In fact every magazine and news publication throughout the West should reproduce the All Baghdadi cartoon published by Hebdo today.”
Almost word for word what my wife said.
But NOT what the Torygraph has done as a response:
Unfortunately there are some in society who are deaf to irony…probably caused by the racket from their AK47s.
I haven’t seen the number of the getaway car published yet? Why not, surely everybody in Paris need those details? Why has the CCTV traffic network not detected the vehicle?
Ostrich (occasionally) 18:22.
Yes indeed. They obviously haven’t ban irony detector in the DTel set-up. It would have been a good wheeze had they included an ‘unapproved’ cartoon immediately beneath it.
Most commentators now agree that the heinous events of today for which there can be no justification or excuse emphasise the need for European solidarity
It was heartening to see Merkel and Cameron standing shoulder to shoulder before the television cameras
It was heartening to hear of their joint call to the French President
Let there be no more divisive thoughts
We need to be strong together in the face of adversity
If there is one message of today to take forward into 2015 let it be united we stand, divided we fall
Let us see the demise of Farage and his ilk
Mr Cameron, don’t you wish you had a pair of balls?
Enough is enough
EC at January 7th, 2015 – 18:45, gave us the link to the Geert Wilders comments on the tragedy in Paris today, I have copied and pasted below the entire article.
We need our own Geert Wiolders.
Geert Wilders: The West is at war and should de-Islamize
Wednesday, 07 January 2015 17:57
The assassinations of ten journalists and two policemen today in Paris serve as a warning to all the countries in the free world. We are at war. Charlie Hebdo was under police protection following numerous threats because of its outspoken criticism of Islam. Despite the protection by the police, terrorists were able to murder their opponents.
Western governments have to realize that we are at war. We should no longer show any respect for an ideology that rejects our fundamental values. The only way to defend our democratic values and fundamental freedoms is to start the de-Islamization of our societies.
Geert Wilders: “We have to close our borders, reinstate border controls, get rid of political correctness, introduce administrative detention, and stop immigration from Islamic countries. We must defend ourselves. Enough is enough.”
I have just emailed my thanks to Geert Wilders, for your information he can be written to at:-
Your message has been sent to Geert Wilders (
Gerrt wilders is right. How can anyone think otherwise.
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 18:22
Ostrich, wake up, this is the enlightened, progressive West, nobody will publish anything. Instead, there will be calls for the banning of any outfit that’s critical of the ROP.
Just look at the posting of our resident progressive, telemachus, he’s got the right response to the atrocity, and it hasn’t taken him long: Ban everything and everyone critical of the ROP. Just as the ‘great’ Lenin would have wanted it – freedom as an appreciation of necessity.
Frank P @ 18:25
The car has been found, Frank, the thugs haven’t. It it was well planned, as it seems to have been, the police will not find it easy to locate the bastards.
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 18:22
Actually, Ostrich, the blank, ‘terrorist approved cartoon’ says it quite well. Regretfully, it isn’t up to the cartoonists or even editors to do much more, it’s the political elites who run the MSM on this issue, and they know that to displease the narcissistic half-Muslim in the White House would not be the smartest thing to do.
Frank P @ 18:12
Yup, there are seven postings up to (but excluding) the one at 18.25, Frank.
Peter, please, could you start a new week, Baron’s getting far too many 503s again.
The messiah (after the Banghazi atrocity) at the United Nations on September 25, 2012: ‘The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam’.
This is what we are going to hear from the progressives in the days ahead: The magazine has brought it on itself.
“…If there is one message of today to take forward into 2015 let it be united we stand, divided we fall
Let us see the demise of Farage and his ilk…”
Mucus, what a blackguard, scoundrel and completely deluded tosser you are.
Gerald Warner tells it like it is. Explaining the EU political eletes now admitted population replacement programme. [Which of course includes the ultra thick dhimmi mucusian twat, if he but realised it].
“…Migration, [Peter Sutherland] the Well-Lunched One declared, was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”. Declining populations in countries like Germany was the “key argument” for “the development of multicultural states”. He condemned Europeans “who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others. And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.”
That is plain speaking. A member of the innermost elite confirms the EU’s role as undermining homogeneity. Europe, formerly the most civilised entity in the world, is to be subsumed into a globalised pool of cheap labour exploited by large corporations and regulated by bureaucrats. All distinctive culture, national identity, the Judaeo-Christian ethic and everything that contributed so greatly to human civilisation are to be expunged in favour of profit for the few and state regulation for the many.”
Noa @ 20:34
Quite, Noa, but sadly for telemachus, the atrocity will do just the opposite, it will boost the size of the UKIP, and the National Front in France, the Freedom party in Holland, the Alternative for Germany in Germany ….
Btw, at least one Czech paper has republished the cartoons, well, twelve of them. You can them here:
And the Tories and Socialists, nary a sheet of izal between them, conspire to rule after they both lose in May.
Will Rafael Behr’s comment make Daily Mail quote of the week? I doubt it.
“Cameron doesn’t have big answers, he shrinks questions. And that is how history will remember him”
Baron 20.46
I would like to believe you are correct M’lud. Sadly I fear that the media (for ‘elf ‘n safety’) reasons, the journalists and reporters (Vide Pym Fortyn) and the politicians (with more suppression of terror & fee peech legislation) with ally very well with the muslims to silence the indigenous population of Europe that they are in course of cleansing.
” . . . All distinctive culture, national identity, the Judaeo-Christian ethic and everything that contributed so greatly to human civilisation are to be expunged in favour of profit for the few and state regulation for the many.”
A brilliant assessment of concentrated accuracy.
telemachus 18:43 Let us see the demise of Farage and his ilk
Farage is neither the problem nor the danger. It is people like you who have caused this and are now set to make it worse.
Let us instead see the demise of telemachus and his ilk.
Let be noted as a matter of public record s that I, like any journalist who writes, or politician who shills for their very humble living, say that I stand shoulder to shoulder and cheek to cheek with my bro’ Barry and state that this atrocity has nothing to do with islam, which is a religion of …..zzzzzzzz
A strange, bizarre sight. A protester against the Paris massacre, standing in Trafalgar Square holding up his mobile phone, which bears the legend “Je Suis Charlie’.
The spirit may be d’accord, but is holding your mobile in the air positive action and protest?
The Warner article is seminal: our job is to disseminate it widely. As the Colonel pointed out, it is is a deeply accurate synthesis of most of what we have all been expressing hereupon and elsewhere for many years. Let’s use it as our own manifesto. Please post it as a ‘proper post’ Peter with due accreditation. Thanks Noa for drawing it to our attention.
Farage appeared on the Neil Cavuto show tonight: he was okay, but even he hedged his bets with the ‘musn’t blame moderate Muslims’ qualifier. No Nigel! Lets not blame the idiots who blindly follow the crazy cult, but do let us blame the cult itself and the heirarchy that embraces all who operate under its dictates to undermine Western culture and civilisation , whether by barbarous violence or through demographical impetus.
No more Islamic immigration; no more mosques; no more proselytizing on the streets; no more virtual madrassas in provincial cities or occupied.sections of the Metropolis.
And finally let our military join in a purge of ISIL from Iraq and Syria by all necessary means forthwith. Make this day the first day of the war on Islamic jihad and let’s make absolutely certain that we win it!
They have made their intentions quite Krystal clear on this day, 7th January 2015. Even clear enough for Telemachus to be able to understand. Let us make ours even clearer, first by a massive bombing strike on known ISIL concentrations, just as a warm up. Carnage is the only thing these savages understand. Let us dish out some of our own. Listen up Cameron, before we take to the streets and start to do it without your assistance.
Noa (22:20)
“Je suis un Charlie” would have perhaps been more appropriate – but I suppose, or rather hope, his hearts in the right place.
Fox News reporting names of all three suspects in French massacre. Raid taking place 90 miles from Paris.
Said and Sharif Kawachi (age 34 and 32) and Hamid Marage (age 18) at least one of them with a prior terrorist conviction.
Frank P 23:11
You make a reasonable comment. -I am a charlie, indeed.
But, as one who remembers the riots outside the US embassy in the sixties and the leftist students in Paris, who sat with the plaster gnomes in the Amsterdam Town Hall Council Chamber, (placed there by the anarchists), all of which lefty activities actually achieved change (for the worse). I doubt that any number of tweets, no matter how strongly felt or worded, or mobiles held aloft, is going to resolve the very real and immediate concerns they are protesting.
It will take much, much more.
Here’s a reminder for you, Noa. I don’t need one, it’s still embossed on my memory; can still smell the horse-shit.
And I have listened to – and read – a great deal of horse-shit proffered by pundits about the causes and effects of it. The Long March started in London that day, converging from many points both east and west. If the devil could have cast his net that day he would have trawled a sizeable catch. You’ll recognize some of the faces. Many are not only still extant, but also active.
Reports that one of the terrorists killed two in custody. Unconfirmed.
Looking good – pictures of ‘arrest’ location on Fox.
Still on hold: monitoring Fox/BBC/Sky/Google News/ Euronews. Still no confirmation of arrests and shot suspect. Reports of arrests now in doubt. Looks like raids hither and thither – duff information and speculation.
Think my shift is over: hope by the time I return there will be some news from other Wall invigilators.
Last snippet – NYPD have ’embarrassed ‘ Al Sharpton by exposing that he has a prescription for Viagra. Big fucking deal – literally!
People all over the world can stand in City squares as much as they like – nothing will change until Muslims start appearing in large numbers as lamppost decorations.
Vive La France. Now bring back the guillotine.
Frank P @ 01:43
The professionalism of the operation suggests it won’t be easy to get the culprits, Frank, they had it thought through well, and that must include their avoiding capture; the accomplice’s surrender also suggests the two still at large, when found, will fight to the end, very likely kill more, the accomplice will do the talking, promoting Islam, telling the French how to run their foreign policy when his due process comes along.
In one of the last night shows of indignation on the box, an Irish writer stood silently at Trafalgar Square holding up a pen. When interviewed he expressed his revulsion at the atrocity, then opined: ‘The pen has always been mightier than the sword’, which s true except for a sword fight.
It looks to Baron we are in a fight, so we better get ourselves a sword before it’s too late.
The police look incredibly smart and uniform in that Grosvenor Square film. No balaclavas, no body armour, no weapons, no para-military gear, not even the batons out. On the other side red stars, Che, Mao, North Vietnamese flags, the usual 1960s subversive communist bollox. telemachus arm in arm with Tariq Ali and Redgrave.
A breath of fresh air from Bill Maher:
Another shooting in Paris, one policeman reported dead, another one seriously injured. The killing is not related to the magazine atrocity, or so it’s said on Sky News.
I’m noting a particular bias in the meeja this morning implying that Charlie Hebdo dissed islam disproportionately. To anyone who repeats such clap-trap to you, show ’em this:
Pat Condell [@patcondell 23 minutes ago]
“I feel a line has been crossed with the Paris murders, and it’s time for some serious western sloganeering, hand-wringing and self-blame.”
David Cameron et al – Tick!
I rarely agree with Nick Cohen, but today I’m broadly in agreement…
O(o) – 10:11
Re: Cohen – Even a broken clock gets the time right twice a day.
My daily newspaper in Denmark “Berlingske” has bravely printed a selection of the “worst”, “funniest” cartoons today; as should every other newspaper in the world. I am proud to live here – most of the time.
Douglas Murray, hot off the press:
He also appeared on Sky News and became rightly incandescent because the Islamic extremist who was invited to join the debate was given an inordinate share and allowed to proselytize the usual demented rubbish, while he (Murray) was more or less ignored by the female link whose name escapes me.
Murray is now on BBC Daily Politics.
Simon Heffer in the Mail is saying it is all our fault and we deserve it for upsetting people!
In all the discussions, none of the talking heads have pointed out one simple truth: that Islam has declared war on Judeo-Christianity and all ‘infidels’ of whatever stripe; that if we do not accept that fact and take necessary steps to crush the jihad, we will lose what’s left of our civilization and succumb to the enemy within.
Now Dunga Flabbot is being given a platform on Daily Politics. An example of things to come. She is fucking obnoxious.
Farage is being condemned in the DM by Clegg et al for pointing out the obvious.
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 10:11
Agreed, O.
Nick happens to be the best of the lot so far in the UK MSM, Douglas’s piece in the same issue of the Spectator doesn’t come close, and Simon’s in the DT borders on the disgraceful.
Religion is.always controversial in its raw form, but when people tinker with the beliefs of religious groups for the purposes of entertainment, things definitely heat up. Some of the films on the list- next post- have caused riots, and some have even resulted in deaths. Hardly a great example of religious tolerance.
ast Temptation of Christ is a film adaptation of the controversial 1951 novel of the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis. Like the novel, the film depicts the life of Jesus Christ, and its central thesis is that Jesus, while free from sin, was still subject to every form of temptation that humans face, including fear, doubt, depression, reluctance and lust. This results in the book and film depicting Christ being tempted by imagining himself engaged in sexual activities, a notion that has caused outrage from some Christians. Protests against the movie from religious communities began before the film had even finished production. The studio was expecting a backlash due to the controversies revolving around any media treatment of Christ (see dramatic portrayals of Jesus Christ), but the protests accompanying Last Temptation were unprecedented. Major religious leaders in the United States blasted the film in fiery sermons, and condemned its subject matter as pornographic. On October 22, 1988, a French christian fundamentalist group launched molotov cocktails inside the Parisian Saint Michel movie theater to protest against the film. This attack injured thirteen people, four of whom were severely burned.
So what of Heffer
I will return to my good friend Tariq
If you want to peruse not only cartoons of the Islam founder but his religious images, too, here is a site to bookmark. Read it, then click on any of the files.
Frank P: 12.02
Thanks for the link to Douglas’s Gateshead Institute article. Douglas is always sound & perceptive. I particularly liked his point, following on from his excoriation of the easy ‘blame the victim’ response to yesterday’s events, that it’s also easier to blame an open, pluralist country like Israel than the shitholes it has to fight.
Miserable craven cowardice wherever you look.
On a completely different subject: I share a birthday with the King! Happy birthday to me!
Do we imagine that any political party will have the balls to address the Islamic 5th column in their manifestoes for May?
huktra – 14:22
I thought my last post was a taster.
Judge the reaction, not what was said, for the effectiveness.
Huktra (14:22)
No … ‘We’ don’t imagine any such thing, because that would be as deluded as those believing that Mohammed was an historical figure worthy of adopting as an exemplar for modus vivendi; or indeed believing in the tooth fairy. Unless we laugh openly and heartily at the idiots who express such beliefs they will continue to believe that they are not only worthy of respect but that we should be prosecuted for taking the piss out of them and their beliefs.
The politicians (of all stripes) will continue to humour them, on the off-chance that this may garner a few more votes. They are thereby feeding the monster that will eventually devour not only them, but also the rest of us.
Tolerating stupidity which is backed up by extreme violence and propaganda directed against ‘infidels’ or apostates of any creed is self destructive and craven.
Give me a picture of Mohammed and I will wipe my arse on it and laugh. I commend it as catharsis of ignorance and bigotry.
Damaris Tighe (14:16)
Yes indeed, but do you mean Henry V of Rome & Germany, or Elvis Presley of Memphis &Graceland (the latter actually dying on ‘the throne’).
Trust telemachus to engage in some blatant and feeble ‘whataboutery’.
Par for the course for someone protesting on behalf of the murdering Viet Cong via the comintern. As for Tariq Ali:-
“This Pakistani-born, Oxford-educated activist almost single-handedly founded the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign. In his revealing autobiography, Ali admits that by 1966:
The war in Vietnam… had become an obsession…. It dominated my thoughts and actions…. What made matters worse was the complete sense of powerlessness that one felt…. I often thought about the possibilities of organizing international brigades from Europe, Americas, and South Asia, which would enable some of us to fight side by side with the Vietnamese…”
More Tariq Ali, this time trying to justify Al Qaida rather than the Viet Cong:-
Your commie face is now so blatant telemachus that you might as well stop wearing the “socialist” mask.
Damaris Tighe @ 14:16
Many happy returns to you, young sir, and to the King, if you were to care to dig him up.
If only you’ve half as talented as him, and not necessarily in the vocal way, you wife would be the luckiest girl in the country.
PS It’s only the ones in the know of many things who have to ask what King, for the poorly educated Slav, there’s and always will be just one King.
Frank P Jan 8th 15.57:
Frank, there is only one King.
Baron Jan 8th 16.12:
Thank you very much Baron, but I’m not a Sir. I was going to say I’m a Madam but you might misunderstand …
Baron – 16:12
Wenceslas? 😆
… but he wasn’t he only a Duke?
Can I start to get some feedback about whether or not users would like me to try to set up the Disqus system on the site, to replace the WordPress comment system? I’ll need to see if there is a cost etc. And I’ll back everything up in case there is a disaster. I do intend to make some changes to the site over this year to make it more useable and useful, and this would be a first activity.
Let me know what you think please, on here or by email to me.
Baron (16:12)
To enable you to be ‘one of those in the know’ about many things – from
physicists, composers, pop-stars, (even a famous policeman) and kings, here’s a list of those who like Damaris, had parents who got their leg over during a brief rush of late Spring Fever:
Damaris (16:32)
What about Stephen Haw-King. You share a birthday with him too.
Your given name has an interesting derivation. Can we assume that with the surname Tighe, you would claim the Celtic, rather than Athenian connection – if only to disassociate all possible connections to Telemachus. 🙂
Damaris Tighe 16:34
Apologies, Damaris, the barbarian will address you properly from now on.
On more serious issue: The two thugs are still on the run, the French President has invited leaders of other parties to work out a plan of action, the National Front wasn’t included even though the French PM wants them in. People in Paris, other cities are again gathering, but the biggest rallies are planned for Sunday.
The information comes from France 24, Baron’s watching the channel, they should have more bodies running around covering the story.
Re DISQUS – yes please!
Frank P @ 16:51
Merci, Frank, an interesting list, Malenkov (the man who took over in the Kremlin after the Georgian thug dropped dead), and also the current North Korean leader Kim Yong have birthday today.
Frank P:
No Frank, I’m not claiming any exotic ethnic derivation. The name DT comes from a novel, The Place of the Lion, by Charles Williams. Williams was a member of the Inklings, the group around CS Lewis & Tolkien. I claimed the name because I identified with the character – but you’ll have to read the novel to see what I mean. I recommend it, but it is a bit esoteric.
I am now going on record to fully dissociate myself from any possible, actual or implied connection with the pseudo-Athenian calling himself Telemachus.
Baron Jan 8th 17.37:
We Capricorns are known to be vicious, scheming, power-grabbers.
Peter from Maidstone @ 16:45
If installing Disqus doesn’t bankrupt you, and gets rid of the dreadful 503, get the package.
Yesterday, everyone on France 24 talked about unity, the need for the French to stick together. Today, the Left is refusing to include the National Front in the big rally planned for Sunday. A mistake that.
The French Interior Minister, in a press conference, warned against any violence against Muslims or places of worship (so far there have been three such attacks), and the Muslim Council in Paris has urged Muslims to attend the planned rallies.
Gerard Vanderleun reacts to the latest Islamic attack on the West and has similar remedies to the ones I feel are entirely appropriate: bring it on!
“World Wars do not end by talking your enemy to death. They end by decimating his armies, his roving bands of guerrilla, and his population base.
Well-begun is half done.”
On this day of all days we should laud my good friend and confidant Tariq Ali**
As I posted on Speccie Tariq, a prominent Muslim has nailed his colours to the mast
“#Israel #ISIS #JSIL #ISIL I stand against all religious & secular terrorism
Tariq Ali@tasi”
Would it be that the current emotion triggered by the reprehensible reactions in Paris trigger a major boots on ground push on ISIL
**more of that later
Listening to bbc radio it seems we need an attack say once a week, it’s done wonders to bring community’s together.
They must be right because the people they have been talking to sound happy as can be.
Some roundabouts decry belief and commitment using “The Long March” as a put down
My journey as a soldier of reason began as one of the team who toiled to get Tariq elected to Presidency of the Union in ’65
It progressed as our core team became disciples of Soper when we decamped to London-incidentally TA had identity of political views with Soper and understood his radical theology
Sadly the needs of Mammon intervened with those of us who I regard as mere minnows only to become activated as the reasonable administration until 2010 was supervened by the unnecessary austerity and vindictive treatment of the poor disabled which followed
Does this New Year need a new code to refer to the inspiration behind a growing phenomenon? I suggest – “RoH8”. Any guesses what it stands for?
Hint – fake Greeks like the RoH8.
For those who date from the heady days of opposition to aggressive hegemony of the anti- communists, one of your posters stimulated me to find one of the rare images of pre-telemachus in his days of active association with TA
Pre-telemachus has changed a little
But his zeal has not
And Mark Steyn keeps up the pressure:
Another bravura outburst of brilliant invective, while the politicians indulge themselves with opportunist spurts of empty rhetoric and Asghar Bukharin continues to pump Muzzie propaganda shit onto the carpet beneath my TV screen courtesy Sky News, who must have him on a fat fee retainer – and one of Amey’s new and unnecessary dim new lamp posts glimmers suggestively through my lounge window. Not sure the flimsy lamp-strut would take the weight long enough to do the trick, though. But the resultant fall might!
If I survive, in a few brief years I will be eighty years old. I know social and moral mores have changed, things have altered making comparisons difficult in the acceptable ways for men and women to act. But, when I was a young woman, it was common knowledge that for a woman to go alone into a man’s hotel room was asking for trouble. Today, surely a woman does not go alone into a man’s room expecting a cup of coffee! I am heartily sick of hearing all about rape, and question the motives of these young women. In a way I pity the contemporary young girls and women, but I pity even more the males who do not have a lodestar to guide them.
Eric Holder, the US Attorney General is coming to Paris for talks this weekend. What can he offer? Nothing comes to mind except perhaps telling the French how to use the atrocity to beat the National Front with: If you shut up, stop blaming the followers of Allah, the atrocity wouldn’t have happened. That’s what his boss, the messiah, would want more than anything else.
Re (18:39)
… Make sure you tap into the inner links. Kathy Shaidle’s is particularly amusing.
dont get the useless disqus
consider IPS community
Holder is just paying a visit to his commie chum Francois. I’m surprised Sharpton isn’t carrying his brief case (or perhaps vice versa). I suppose a trip to gay Paris during his lame duck stint is a perk bestowed from Obama. Douchebags both!
telemachus, thank you again for not one but two confirmations of your radical communist antecedence and tendencies.
Tells us all we need to know about you, and that you are inherently dishonest too.
An A level in Brand? You’ve got to be joking!?
Frank P – 18:39
Yes, Mark Steyn says it all…
… and yes, “Five Feet of Fury” (Kathy Shaidle) is spot on too:
“JIHAD Works both ways”
“The only way to deal with musloids is to run at them as hard and as fast as you can – and mean it. No bluffing. No games.
What I did (reading and then burning, page by sickening page, the koran manifesto bookmarked with raw bacon) was far, far more provocative than the French magazine’s cartoon of mohamed. Why was there ZERO musloid backlash against me? What did I do that the French magazine did not do?”
Despite publishing her full address and postcode on the internet she got nobody turning up at her door. Here’s why:
Geert Wilders on Paris
I have not had a chance to watch the Alex Jones show since the Paris massacre, but the event recalled to mind the day some months ago when he had Max Kaiser in his studio as a guest. The question of death threats by various parties against Mr. Jones and his operation came up. Among these, Mr. Jones had heard from ISIS. Mr. Jones said that he and his staff were prepared and, to cries of stonishment on the part of Mr. Kaiser, he began to take out and place on his desk and arrang of long guns and small arms.
You will know what I am about to say. CHARLIE was not prepared. The staff were sitting ducks.
The Spectator a few years ago made a decision not to publish the cartoon of mohammed with his turban a bomb with a lighted fus. That was in the interests of the safety of the Spectator’s staff. Fraser Nelson was, I think, correct. If all other media had decided to publish, perhaps he should have been criticised, but they did not.
The diffrence between Infowars, the Alex Jones news and analysis site in Texas, and Europe is that Texans have not foregone the right to bear arms.
CHARLIE’s people ere defenceless by government policy. So are our journalists in England.
Now, you may argue that it would be “a bad thing” to have English men and women carrying. You may argue that it would be “undesirable” and I would know what you meant. Certainly all Wallsters want a civilised western society in which it would be, as it used to be, unnecessary.
The murderers in Paris were inspired by an ideology. We do not yet know who financed them, equipped them, trained them, pointed them in the direction of Paris. Those persons may or may not be muslims. We may have two enemies.
The murder of the staff of CHARLIE HEBDO, and the further atrocities which will follow, could have broadly two consequences domestically:
(1) an insistence on the right of the people to keep and bear arms as being necessary to the security of a free state; or,
(2) the voluntary acceptance of martial law lite.
I know which governments prefer.
By the way Mr. Jones has not, so far, had occasion to use any of the guns kept at his news studio.
A consensus of wettery from the waffling wankers, male and female, on QT tonight. Platitudes and pious liberal rhetoric. David Davis should hang up his political boots. The fact that 12 people were slaughtered by Islamic adherents and 30 odd others maimed, for publishing cartoons about a bloodthirsty paedophile who died 1400 years ago (if indeed he ever existed at all and was not just a figment of some nutty scribe’s imagination) was completely ignored by all of them. They should sell tickets and hand out AK 47s for the man hunt in the Fleury Forest.
I’m with Ann Barnardt.
Two links on today’s Drudge Report:
Before attack, French began ceding control of neighborhoods to Islamists…
Jewish residents fleeing…
You must scan the postings below the piece, some of the goofy images are scary:
I see that on 23 December Noa picked up on the earlier video urging “jihad” on France and that just before that Peter noted that his father had suggested that after France, England would be next.
December 23rd, 2014 – 12:41
Alex Jones on Tuesday January 7
Alex Jones on Wednesday January 8 (1st hour)
Baron (00:03)
Thanks for pointing us to the comments of the link you cite: had you not done so I would have missed this:
Condom History:
In 1272 – Arabic Muslims invented a condom made from the lower intestine of a goat.
In 1873 – the British somewhat refined the idea by taking it out of the goat first.
[There is an illustration to e chance the joke – sadly I can’t copy the whole comment, but you get the drift].
… enhance.
My friggin’ illiterate auto-spell-check again!
Alex Boot kicks the crap out of the press coverage of the Paris massacres:–-who’s-next
… and points out some unpalatable truths about the victims, in the process.
Interestingly, my wife who has just come back from seeing her parents in shanghai tells me there was no coverage on chinese news about the Paris atrocities.
Obviously got enough trouble with there own ROP without encouraging them.
Going after these two guys in France (which they have to) makes me think of going after two German soldiers while ignoring the nazi party and hitler.
Well, they crossed the Rhine…parlez vous! :-p
What am I doing wrong..I can only get the basic ‘smiley’ (and grimace) to work?
Q. What does it take for the West Midlands Police to overcome fears of being labelled racist?
A. One of their finest polling up to work in a shiny red Ferrari, reportedly.
The trail in the second case goes back to the mosque.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 10:14
💡 I find this page useful:
Tom Stacy has posted an excellent article on ‘the soul of the nation’ on the Spectator.
Sorry, Stacey not Stacy.
Melanie Phillips reflecting on this week’s event with her customary forensic exactitiude.
Peter blogging software upgrade.
1. Indented (threaded) replies will save a lot(gallons!) of cyber ink in quotations.
2. The ability, of the hoi polloi to post a graphic occasionally (see 1. a picture is worth a thousand words.) This might have to be closely policed though.
3. The ability for trigger happy, illiterates like myself to edit their comments after posting. Less need for e&oe etc.
Q. How did the French terrorists manage to avoid being detected by helicopter mounted thermal imaging cameras last night?
If the French authorities wanted them captured alive they should be full of tranquillising darts by now. (180 ! etc.)
Will Self, the literary equivalent of a tattered Salvador Dali melting clock poster on the bedroom wall of a pretentious fifth-former, has spoken out in the wake of Charlie Hebdo.”
Egyptian President Al-Sisi gives an “ice bucket” sermon at Al-Azhar to Islamic clerics. Courageous. I wonder how long he’ll last?
One of the best Baron has come across for some while, the Stacey’s lament in the Spectator r. Thank you, Damaris for pointing it out. It should be a must read, here’s the link:
EC @ 11:41
Actually, EC, Baron finds the short speech quite powerful, he’s framing the need for change in terms that may be acceptable to the clerics. If aided by both by the promise of rewards for those who obey, and hell or death to those who refuse to get moulded, it may work before some nutter has a go.
Isn’t it amazing he’s managed to contain the seemingly unstoppable brotherhood, so far anyway?
Thanks Baron – I don’t know how to do links to specific articles!
EC 9 Jan 11.17:
The ability to edit would be much appreciated by this ham-fisted poster. Could we have direct reply threads to posts as well? That would be even more appreciated – saves scrolling up & down to find who is replying to who, which I’m finding very annoying (not to mention remembering the exact date & time of the post I’m replying to).
Re Sisi:
Isn’t it amazing that this brave man receives no support from the West? The MB government was an elective dicatatorship similar to that of the Nazis in Germany. The MB has its roots in European fascism. I’ve realised that the West has learned all the wrong lessons from 1933-45.
Sorry, I see you mention threaded replies. My botched reply to you is an example of 1) My need to read the comment properly, 2) The ability for idiots like me to have the comment in front of them when replying, 3) The need for an editing function.
Baron – 12:15
It was a very powerful and courageous speech, an ice bucket over the heads of those clerics. As you know, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi IS the Egyptian Army. Better educated and armed, it’s the only way that country can be successfully governed for the next 100 years or so.
Damaris Tighe, Baron
That excellent Tom Stacey article made a refreshing change from the usual fayre on offer from the staff hacks at the Barclay Bros.’ organ. 🙂
Never Neather Nelson should hang his head is shame.
I was knocked out by it. Talking about the soul of the nation has been completely removed from political discourse because it was used by the nazis (but of course it was also used by respectable philosophers way before they came on the scene as I said in my post to the article). I didn’t think I’d see an article like this written by a contemporary in my lifetime.
On another subject: the attack on France continues – Sky is reporting shooting & hostages at a kosher supermarket.
PS to Baron:
The Barclay Bros organ is indeed usually flaccid 😉
Thank you Damaris and Baron for alerting and providing a link to that Speccie article. It is tucked away and I would probably not have found it.
It is the article that Fraser Nelson should have written in the aftermath of Neathergate, promised to but failed.
Last night on This Week Andrew Neil in his introduction made the most direct and startling criticism of Islam I have ever heard on the BBC, describing it as a “death cult”. It was shocking but so surprising that I failed to take in the whole.
Richard Delingpole [@DickDelingpole 52 minutes ago
Dave Cameron in 2007: “It is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life.” Nice one Dave. Muppet.
Here’s where he said it:
“British Asians are role models, says Cameron”
The Observer, Sunday 13 May 2007
Yeah, right, way to go, Dave.
I wonder whether hoi polloi ( throughout the West) will finally grasp that the last few days have demonstrated that our military and civil authorities are both unequipped and unprepared to deal with a determined Islamic jihad insurgence in the West, when already a handful of jihadists have not only brought Paris to a standstill, but accomplished the biggest propaganda coup since 9/11.
We can only hope that these events will provoke a better and more ruthless response than has ensued since 1st September 2001. Let’s have a little less ‘nation building’ aspiration and a great deal more eradication of the followers of the peadophile prophet. The time has come.
We really must start to look for a Churchillian leader to grab our so-called government by the balls and turn this war from half-arsed defensive to a full on offensive!
One simple question: does any frequenter of this platform have any confidence that the current COBRA constituency is capable of organizing a piss-up in a brewery? They collectively make Nev Chamberlain look like General Patton.
Any suggestions for which of our off-shore Islands is big enough and sufficiently secureable as an internment camp for x number of potential ‘British Muslim’ combatants. Put your own number on the x above. Between one and one point given million is my guess. Then there are the quislings from our own indigenous rabble – must leave enough room for them.
And the economic cost of this latest little burst carbuncle so far?
Colonel Mustard Jan 9th 13.13:
The language is changing all of a sudden, isn’t it? The term ‘soul of a nation’ hasn’t been used in any publication that wants to remain ‘respectable’ since at least the end of WW2. My comment on the speccie was that it’s guilt by word association to the nazis, because they also used the term. The nazis were also pro-euthanasia & many were pro-vegetarianism. But none of the enthusiasts for assisted dying or for vegetables think that their cause is tainted by this association.
Good that Andrew Neil has used the term ‘death cult’ on the MSM. But I suspect that when all this has died down things will return to prevaricating normal … until the next time. It’s interesting though that it took the mass killing of journalists at their editorial meeting to really shock our own journos.
EC/Colonel Mustard.
I can’t help Tom Stacey to locate the ‘Soul of the Nation’ but I can point him to the arsehole of the nation – the current incumbent of No. 10 Downing Street.
Sisi attended the Christmas Liturgy of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Cairo on Tuesday evening with what looked like much of the Government and military chiefs. This was a significant gesture, not seen since Nasser’s time. It reflects the loyalty of the Christian community in Egypt to civilization and freedom, and shows that Sisi considers them friends and allies. They and Sisi need our support.
There is a good piece by Richard Littlejohn in the DM. Has anyone linked to it yet? He speaks about the “vast minority” of Muslims in the UK who DO support terrorism…
One hopes that the police throughout Britain are currently searching known radical Muslim strongholds for weapons and other arms. Obviously the French have been abysmally deficient in that regard and are suffering the consequences of such dereliction.
It’s happened in the past. What is being stored in a mosque somewhere now?
Frank P 14:49
Agreed. He is a stupid man who reminds us of that fact every time he opens his mouth.
In reply to Frank P (14:21)
The realistic answer is the Isle of Man, though a much more satisfying one would be Rockall.
Not a bad outcome of both sieges: the hostages are safe, the thugs are getting ready to bonk the virgins, those in charge can return to ensuring the ROP comes to no harm. Thanks be to God.
No doubt the muslim world will have tears of joy knowing the culprits from their tiny minority have been killed.
Yep; on first reports, looks like they took exactly the right decisions and executed the coordinated strikes with great skill. Congratulations to those with the cojones who called it. A long drawn out seige would have played into the hands of the Muzzie bastards.
EC – 13:14
The whole article has become satirical! What about:
“‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he [Cameron] writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today.’
Seems the hostage situation not as good as first reported
Frank P – 14:21,
One more for the Scrabster ferry…
…but I think we’re going to need a bigger island, or build a wall around High Wycombe.
With all the killers dead it’s the worst possible outcome for the French lawyers.
RobertC – 17:15,
Looking back to 2007 through the prism of history it’s beyond satire or parody. Chilling isn’t it? Back then many were on CMD’s case, especially Verity and Frank P, pointing out that the H2B was the emperor with no clothes, a vapid PR man, and that under Blair-lite the long march would continue. I remember that some of the Tory diehards on the Speccie blogs got quite cross about it. And so it came to pass….
John birch – 17:32,
Well, at least there’s a silver lining…
It’s been so cold in N.France today that the lawyers have had their hands in their own pockets!
Sisi is a marked man.
Apparently Neil said that Islam – not Islamists – is a death cult. Brilliant & about time.
While we are focusing on a dozen or so deaths in Paris, the carnage continues elsewhere:
Boko Haram ‘kills 2,000’ as it burns Nigerian army town
“Militants from the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram have slaughtered more than 2,000 people over five days in the northern town of Baga, according to local officials.
Baga’s streets are strewn with bodies and almost every building has been burnt down after the Islamists went on a killing spree in one of the key towns in Borno state, the main battlefield in the government’s war on the extremists.”
Do you think the Authorities can find a connection?
Some pithy observations from across the pond by Richard Fernandez
h/t Gerard Vanderleun
The potential for a domestic attack has led the UK to convene COBRA — not to fight GI Joe — COBRA happens to be an acronym for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, from which emergencies are normally managed. But the although the initials suggest that we are watching a superhero battle between good and evil, the reality is that these theatrical appellations conceal the most mediocre and mendacious political leadership of modern times.
A friend of mine asked “is this all our mighty civilization has come to? Candles, flowers and hashtags?”
“For some,” I answered, “that would be bingo, bingo and bingo.”
“Tiny minorities” and IDS (Islam Denial Syndrome)
h/t Gerard Vanderleun via “The Thinking Housewife”
Here is the advice currently being given to service and civilian personnel working at military bases:
(as at 09 December 2014)
The National Threat Level from International Terrorism is SEVERE (an attack is highly likely) and this threat extends to Defence Personnel as well as the rest of the UK population. There is no immediate cause for alarm: however everyone should remain extremely vigilant
The following advice is for all personnel including families
• If you think there is an immediate threat to life – Dial 999.
• Do not hesitate to report anything suspicious (particularly the activity of people and vehicles) to the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 (They really don’t mind if it’s a false alarm – better safe than sorry).
• Security is your responsibility (as well as MoD’s) and extends well beyond the workplace.
• Be proud of who you are and what you do but remain alert to potential threats at all times and take sensible precautions, including when travelling, socialising and when on-line. Where possible, avoid setting patterns when travelling to and from your place of work.
• Wearing of military uniform in public There remains no ban on the wearing of uniform in public, but neither should people feel compelled to wear it outside MoD Establishments when common sense says a lower profile would be more appropriate. As usual your commanding officer or head of establishment will guide you on what is appropriate in your local circumstances. This could possibly include not wearing uniform outside the place of work; covering uniform and military insignia when commuting to and from work; or continuing existing practice. In all cases you should continue to remain extremely vigilant and report anything suspicious immediately.
• Understand your ‘digital footprint’ and secure your on-line presence. Your chain of command should provide guides. See DII (Pol and Guidance / Sy / Sy Awareness) for advice including ‘Personal Online Security’ or internet site
• Do not disclose sensitive information on-line. This includes personal details, operational activity or our force protection / security measures. It also includes posting or re-posting photographs of operations or operational activity, because the location can be ascertained through geo-tagging i.e. the location data embedded in digital images.
• Ensure that you protect your personal electronic devices (and MoD’s) at all times, particularly when travelling.
• Inform family members of the need not to mention information about operations and deployments involving you or your colleagues in public or on-line i.e. don’t discuss when you’re going on operations, when you are coming back or what job you’re doing when you’re there.
• Don’t ‘brag’ or provoke others whose personal views differ from yours. Do not publicly disclose your Defence associations or disclose sensitive information when socialising (including online) or when travelling in public.”
Peter from Maidstone @ 15:14
The Littlejohn’s piece rings so true, Peter, that it beggars belief it has to be said. UKIP should hire the guy as a PR advisor.
Mr. Choudary has spoken, but you read the postings that attracted the highest scores, encouraging that.
The outcome of the Abu Hamza circus demonstrates how pathetic the UK government has been in protecting our society.
That scumbag has been sentenced to life imprisonment in the USA but spent years here agitating openly on the streets whilst the authorities looked on and taxpayers funded him and his family.
Blair, Brown, Cameron – you are USELESS and you have betrayed your responsibilities to your fellow countrymen and women.
RobertC @ 17:52
Unbelievable and sickening, Robert.
Would no one in the position of power anywhere wise up to the evil inflicted under the umbrella of the ROP?
Whilst the half Muslim narcissist is in charge of ‘the international community’ it’s near impossible, Baron reckons.
An excellent Brietbart post and fascinating link to an article written in 1990 (before GW1), on the roots of ‘muslim rage’ against the West overtaken by news of the day’s events. The analysis of the origins of islamic antipathy remains valid, though the writers conclusions are unlikely to find much appeal with readers as we move slowly but inevitably beyond phony war to ‘islamkrieg’
Noa @ 18:55
What’s next, Noa, a personal bodyguard for everyone employed at a military base?
EC January 9th, 2015 – 11:41
“Egyptian President Al-Sisi gives an “ice bucket” sermon at Al-Azhar to Islamic clerics. Courageous. I wonder how long he’ll last?”
EC superb.
If you have not clicked on this link provided by EC, I urge you to do so.
The Egyptian president will have my vote anytime, here he tells all of the seated Mufti’s just what is wrong with their interpretation of Islam.
“Any Questions ?”,Radio 4 at 8pm (and Saturday 1-10pm) features candidates from 5 parties for the General Election:Con/Lab/Lib;UK Independence Party,and Green Party.
As usual “Any Answers?”(Saturday,2pm) will probably be more interesting.
Useful idiots state their position on Hebdo an ‘all, it’s all a racist plot by the capitalists against the international proletariat, innit, cumrod mucho?
Security starts with a well trained militia as with the YPG/YPY in Kobane.
Baron 19.16
I place greater reliance on the ‘Stop the Drone wars’ campaigners than the gate guard carrying a probably unloaded SA80.
After all the peaceniks, wrong headed though they may be, are, like the notorious pacifist, Oscar Wilde, more likely to interpose their bodies between mine and any wild eyed kalashnikov wielding loon.
Regrettably, like the loons they are just as likely to be on our UK military bases as the jihadists.
January 9th, 2015 – 16:48
Not a bad outcome of both sieges: the hostages are safe, the thugs are getting ready to bonk the virgins, those in charge can return to ensuring the ROP comes to no harm. Thanks be to God.
Baron, at least four Jewish hostages were killed at the kosher supermarket, but perhaps teir live don’t count.
“…at least four Jewish hostages were killed at the kosher supermarket…”
I’m sure that these poor innocent souls will be in all our thoughts and prayer s.
Moraymint’s take on it:-
January 9th, 2015 – 21:15
Yes, Noa, you are right. Guess I’m feeling very sensitive at the moment. I spent such a happy vacation in the Marais district before all this hate and terrorism took over.
January 9th, 2015 – 21:15
You are correct. Yes, Noa, you are right. Guess I’m feeling very sensitive at the moment. I spent such a happy vacation in the Marais district before all this hate and terrorism took over.
Ann Barnhardt again. This time with the definitive summary of what this latest circus is all about:
As EC says, “Whaddagal!”
Sorry Gerard, I should have hat tipped you for that last one.
Colonel 19.06
One of the now thankfully dead French Brothers Cherif was mentored by Beghal who studied under Abu Hamsa at the Finsbury Park Mosque
Anne and Noa
A lot of intemperate things are being said in the wake of the supermarket atrocity
I hope tomorrow we see the same outpouring of sympathy about the victims as we saw about the journalists two days ago
Asterix The Gaul comes out of retirement:
I think Sisi is relatively safe. The Army runs Egypt and has massive investment in business. It will not tolerate chaos and is willing to imprison thousands of those whom the UK seems to prefer to support with our taxes.
EC – 11:41
The guy does ask the right question:
Egyptian President Al-Sisi at Al-Azhar: “Is it conceivable that 1.6 billion (Muslims)
would kill the world’s population of 7 billion, so that they could live (on their own)?
This is inconceivable.”
Roberts (22:38)
Read what Ann Barnhardt says about Sisi in the link at 21:41:
“This is why Egyptian president Sisi’s recent speech calling for a “reformation” of islam is nonsense. All Sisi’s speech did was confirm that Sisi himself doesn’t actually believe any of it, and instead of doing the morally correct thing and renouncing islam, Sisi wants to have his
pancakes and eat them too. He wants everyone – like him – to subscribe to and associate themselves with something that they don’t actually believe in or take seriously. (How very Pope Francis of him.) Well, you can pour maple syrup on a puddle of bloody, diarrhetic hogshit all you want, but it will never, ever be pancakes.”
Exactly! The problem is ISLAM! Which will never reform itself.
Read it all: it’s a killer piece.
Noa @ 18:55
Advice for those on UK military bases:
“If you think there is an immediate threat to life – Dial 999.”
And then while waiting wear a brown paper bag?
Unnoticed in little old Englandshire Russia bites back, with Putin presenting a poisoned pill to Merkel. There Angela, you’ll need to go and talk with Erdogen if you want Germany to cook with gas in the future:-
“…On December 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the South Stream pipeline project was being scrapped, due to the numerous obstructions imposed by Brussels. A pipeline crossing Turkish territory (“Turkish Stream”) to the Greek border will now replace South Stream, which would have supplied gas from Russia, via the Black Sea, to Bulgaria and, from there, to several EU countries. Besides confronting the immediate economic damage, to secure its gas supply, in the future, the EU will be forced to negotiate also with Ankara, rather than solely with Russia… ”
Given as how this one has been doing the rounds, how come it has not been resolved in this symposium?
Sir Elton John has ‘married’ his partner, David Furnish. On the assumption that Elton, formerly Reg, will not be changing his name, it would seem that David could take one of four titles, depending on whether he is a ‘stone’ or a ‘sponge’, videlicet Sir David John, Lady David John, Sir David Furnish or Lady David Furnish.
No doubt he will be asking himself the same Grecian riddles as he takes it up the Gary Glitter tonite.
I can hear you drole proles knocking me about dead dogs. Check out the ‘Global Roadkill’ calendar, not arf !!!
Frank P – yesterday – Mr. Boot’s article ‘France Draws Fire – who’s next?’
The most telling sentence was:
“What the French government, along with the British and other Western European governments, shouldn’t have allowed is the burgeoning of vast communities of those who are institutionally and religiously conditioned to hate everything the West stands for.”
Why did they allow it? What were they up to? What ARE they up to?
Time to settle accounts: the May election. I hope though that Nigel Farage has 999 as the default setting on his cellphone.
May 7th 1915 by the way was the date on which SS Lusitania sunk by a German submarine served as a pretext for the entry of the USA into the Great War.
I think the Wall needs to pay more attention to the false flag which complicates arriving at an accurate analysis of many apparently straightforward events.
Malfleur 23.04
Yes, useless, indeed despicable ‘advice’ from a cowardly government isn’t it? It’s David Cameron and co who have put paper bags over their heads.
Double, nay triple baggers, the lot of them!
The instruction should surely be for forces personnel to wear uniform at all times and to carry and be prepared to use sidearms in their own and others’ defence.
Anyone to attacking a member of HM armed forces should be considered to be engaging in treasonable activity and so liable to summary trial, sentencing and execution, rather than limp wristed handwringing.
Frank P – 22:56 ‘It will never reform itself’
At least the Egyptian president asks the question, but he does not appear to be aware of the dangers, or he is a very brave man?
Unlike the complete tw@t Hollande:
“These madmen, fanatics, have nothing to do with the Muslim religion,” Hollande said in a televised address. “France has not seen the end of the threats it faces.”
He is just as bad as C*mer*n on the first point, but correct on the second, only because of their own ignorances!
telemachus: 21:50 the UK is increasingly being seen by the rest of the free world as a particular haven and breeding ground for Islamic terrorism.
Time that our USELESS politicians got a f*****g grip.
The UN gets worse by the day!
UN SECRETARY-GENERAL: French Terror Not ‘Religious War’–Just ‘Criminality’
“UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters on Friday in New York that the terror attacks in Paris, in which radical Muslims targeted a Jewish supermarket and a newspaper that had mocked Muhammad, were “criminality” that had nothing to do with religion.”
Noa: 23:29 assaults on police always used to be treated very seriously in the courts because they represented an assault on the Crown, on the office of constable and the uniform rather than the man.
The same should apply to attacks on service personnel outside the context of legitimate warfare.
They should be considered as aggravated assaults. If there can be racially aggravated assaults then there should be aggravated assaults for police and service personnel carrying a more severe sentence. A religiously motivated aggravated assault should do it, with a tariff of life imprisonment without remission.
anne wotana kaye @ 20:44
When Baron did the posting, anne, nobody mentioned the four dead at the supermarket, every TV channel was saying only the three thugs were killed when the police went in. Trust Baron on this, in no way would he ignored the four, may they rest in peace.
Colonel Mustard January 9th, 2015 – 23:43
errata to 23.56: ‘have’ is missing in the last sentence, sorry.
Noa @ 23:18
The cancelation of the pipeline bypassing Turkey may be a coup of sort for the KGB colonel, Noa, but it’s the little man who will suffer most, jobs will go, the already shaky recovery will get dented further.
What the piece doesn’t mention is the pressure on the EU (Germany in particular) to buy US shale gas. For Russia, gas supplies compared to those of oil are a small beer.
Who do they think they are, the BBC tossers?
I’ve just watched “Rich Hall’s California Stars” on BBC iPlayer.
A welcome diversion, and a very well made documentary of sorts.
As if Ukraine didn’t have enough oligarchs Soros’s planing to breed some more:
Another outrage by the Mob in Brussels:
Climate fraud as a pretext for world government – audio:
George Soros has almost certainly got a vested interest in money being thrown at Ukraine! It’s a little bit like these ‘capital raisings’ by multi-nationals, pretending they’re building up a war chest for acquisitions, when in fact they’re filling a hole in their accounts. Talking of which, Santander is ‘capital raising’ 7.5 billion euros. For ‘acquisitions’. Stop laughing at the back.
‘Acquisitions’, ‘stimulus’ – there’s a black hole.
Malfleur – 06:30
An excellent radio interview with Monkton, thanks.
Gordon Brown let the cat out of the bag in 2009, in an unguarded comment at the Copenhagen Climate Conference He said that 2009 would become known as the first year of “Global Governance”. I thought that was an odd comment for him to make, but, as usual, none of the press corps picked up on it, or if they did they didn’t challenge him to explain himself.
George Soros has almost certainly also got a vested interest in having governments form, finance, arm, and train bands of fanatical muslims to set them loose in France so that his friends in government can say that the answer is to give them more power.
January 9th, 2015
David Ossitt – 19:38, RobertC 22:38, FrankP 22:56
Ann Barnhardt seems to have her finger on Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi’s pulse, but exactly where I shudder to think.
Sisi’s piety may, or may not, have been showbiz but his message was clear, the subtext of which was “islam is bad for business”, don’t mess with us. [The Egyptian military has a “vested financial interest” in any enterprise of worth in Egypt.] Make no mistake, Sisi is a ruthless as Putin. He’ll have a spy in every mosque, and any ‘troublesome’ cleric will be fast-tracked to paradise.
Democracy cannot coexist with Sharia anywhere, ever. Egyptians will make more progress, be materially better off under Sisi than under the terror of the theocracy that the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to establish.
The Pope is on his way this coming week. He will do his bit for climate change in which he is an expert. For me, if it gets any warmer out here I shall have to travel around in a jock strap, frightening the horses.
But the good news is, on the global warming front, that it was snowing in Hawaii on Christmas Day – possibly a warning shot across the Pope’s bows by God.
This is the Michael Savage radio Show on January 7th after the muslim terrorist attack in Paris:
Mr. Savage has been banned from entry into the United Kingdom by two successive puppet Home Secretaries, for no clear reason that those eloquent ladies have been able to give. He is a Jewish American.
EC (10:39)
Yes, I agree that Sisi is currently the best option for Egypt from the West’s pov. But I just thought her somewhat pungent and colorful analogy of hogshit and pancakes was worthy of a reprise. 🙂 And I agree with you also that Sisi will do whatever is good for Sisi and in that regard it just happens to coincide with our interests, particularly as the alternative is the hardcore of the Muslim Brotherhood which was spawned in Egypt. We haven’t heard much of Yusuf Al Qaradawi of late, have we? Must do some googling.
Well – rich pickings, first go:
And if this guy was ever to write a true memoir of his wheeling and dealing with politicians of all stripes, but particularly those of the 70s Labour Party, it would be very enlightening:
I doubt that we shall see any protests or sanctions from our craven politicians about this:-
especially as they seem rather keen on suppressing bloggers here too.
They like to lecture us about their liberal credentials and how we should behave, are keen to poke their noses into world affairs and spend taxpayers money on it but are rather less enthusiastic about lecturing countries like China and Saudi Arabia. Hypocrisy and double standards now permeate the establishment of the UK as never before. ‘One nation’ my arse.
When a document is written for an illiterate paedophile, by one of his victims, no less, nothing good can come out of it, apart from its complete rejection.
If you feel like it, you can join in, Richard North is having a one to one debate about the Paris atrocity:
Colonel Mustard @ 12:37
Good point, Colonel, not only are we not punishing the Saudis for the cruel treatment of the man, the atrocity doesn’t even qualify for a few print inches in the MSM.
One can only hope the unwashed vote the right way in May.
Frank P @ 12:07
The most intriguing feature of this man’s life is that he has survived till now, is still at it. A smart guy.
Nigel Farage speaks on Fox News.
another blog software to consider
another downside against disqus
it runs a java scrpits all the time so if your connection is a little slow it just freezes your connection for minutes at a time.
(Thats how it puts up ‘more comments below’ banners)
On the Global Warming front, it was snowing in Alexandria as I was leaving Egypt this week. Puts a new slant on the film “Ice Cold in Alex”!
The issue is whether we want threaded comments or prefer to read everything that we all post as it comes in. It might be possible for me to implement a system that does both. In the past Verity did not want to have to register for any access and so I implemented a system that did not use accounts. It would be possible for those who want to, to register for an account, and this would then, probably, allow for editing comments, selecting preferences such as threaded/no threaded etc.
What are people’s views?
i would prefer topics that anyone can start, and the ability to quote. when you see a quote there is a link to click to take you to the thing being quoted.
Baron – 13:51
Just treat it as a parody, it will at least keep your blood pressure down.
Alexsandr, the issue I have is that when I started, it was with a Bulletin Board type system with lots of threads and the majority of folk didn’t like it, and many said they would not use it.
Speaking as a hated outsider, I like the current system
Much preferable to Disqus where miscreants need to tag the top comment
Frank P @ 11:50
Another one of the indestructibles: 88, arrested by nearly every Egyptian ruler, still going. In the longevity cum infamy race, he should be a role model for us all (only joking).
telemachus @ 17:09
Agreed, telemachus, if the number of postings in Disqus exceeds (say) 30-40, the only way to get noticed is to tag the best posting. The useful feature, however, is the editing. It would save Baron may postings in which he does little more than apologises for errors in earlier postings.
Btw, Peter, would it possible for you to summarise the cons and pros of the systems you’re considering?
On the registration front Baron has no objection. Should he hav e any?
If regulars were to register, a straightforward process, then it would mean being able to edit posts. That would be the main benefit. I don’t see any negatives except some people don’t like registering for things. But they would continue as at present.
I’ll add some up and down links to the comments this coming week so that going to the top and bottom is easy. I’ll make no sudden changes and will demo anything significant elsewhere first.
Unfortunately for us, telemachus, you are a hated insider. And you are the miscreant (singular) who most often tags the top comment at the other place. It is not a technique easily attributable to any others.
Mr. Boot has a piece about the willingness of people to fight for the countries they’re citizens of. Perceptive, well argued, Putin’s Russia appears, too.
What escaped him is a small contradiction in his argument: How come the man running the outfit that compiled the Russian survey of warring attitudes can say in the dictatorial-no-freedom-of-expression-all Putin-critics-in-jail Russia: ‘I congratulate Putin. He has succeeded in creating a state of such stratospheric scum that I’m no longer scared. I’m simply disgusted’, and still walk free the streets of Moscow. Arghhh
Will someone who meets Mr. Boot ask him about ‘the Rain’, the web TV channel. Why doesn’t he do a piece on it, explain why are they still pumping news, commentary, analysis about as friendly to the KGB colonel as are the views of the tea party goers in the Republic to the messiah?
Baron (17:10)
Indeed so. A slithery slimey reptile. One of the prime architects of most of today’s geopolitical problems. Moreover he’s an associate of another invertebrate – this time from the pond life of leftist politics, the Livingstone creature.
Uggghhh! The thought of the latter’s hooded eyes and the permanent sneer on that pasty physiognomy, make me shudder; something that escaped from the Styx; seeped through serpentine passages of hell to Earth’s crust and evolved in the stagnant, putrid pool of politics, until it assumespd a rather ugly and poorly formed facsimile of a human being, with a strange nasal intonation to a whining vocal emission.
Outsider? Nay … more a whipping boy! Don’t underestimate your usefulness as a receptacle for the catheter of other Wallsters’ surplus venom.
Frank P
Hated? No, despised now…
Time for the resident fifth columnist to undergo re-orientation and dialectic re-programming. Spiked, the British communist party’s online organ publishes an excellent article on how Hebdo couldn’t happen in Britain’s totalitarian state.
Thought your contributions over on the R North thread were excellent. But you are wasting your time; North is the type of pseud who thinks that he own rationale is far superior to any other within the Intertubes. One can agree with some of his assertions, many of which can be answered with the useful acronym, ” NSS!” But he will brook no dissent, once he has issued what he considers to be his faultless pronouncements. Pope Richard I of the Cyberfaith.
Pompous prick!
I presume we’ve all already had a look at this:
brought to my notice by Rod Liddle.
Frank P 10th, – 18:08
“Outsider? Nay … more a whipping boy! Don’t underestimate your usefulness as a receptacle for the catheter of other Wallsters’ surplus venom. ”
Or, as the drill sergeant used to say, “You’re not completely useless…you can always serve as an ‘orrible example!”
A capital offence, eh, Nick?
My, my!
Ostrich (occasionally) 18:26.
Your drill pig was more polite than mine; he used the same mantra, but punctuated it with suitable and even hyphenated expletives? I won’t elucidate, as we have ladies present in the saloon bar, but I’m sure you can guess. Moreover he was a red-faced, ginger-headed Scot! He destroyed the whipping boy of our troop; these days he would have been nicked for torture. [Colonel M to note. ☺]
Frank P 18.23
Well said. EUreferendum is his blog and he can write what he wants on it. But his arrogant bullying of those who dare to not accept the gospel according to Richard North verges on the psychotic. He is strangely obsessed with Farage, completely ignoring the fact that a party run by North would be a political train crash. He has never got over being thrown out of UKIP and his hatred borders on the irrational, devaluing his real abilities as a researcher and policy developer.
I am not sure that Geert Wilders goes far enough. If we all returned our Muslims back to the country of of origin, we would solve the housing crisis and cut the benefits bill, whilst reducing NHS waiting lists
Lowercase mucus.
You really, really want to be one of the team here don’t you? Just take a deep breath and renounce your previous deluded ideology. We know you really want to; it’s there between the lines of your text. Tell you what, arrange an appt. with the Colonel through Peter and he’ll receive your confession and supplication – then inculcate you into fully paid up membership of CHW.
We’ll all pretend you never were what you didn’t ever really want to be. You were obviously misguided from a very early age by some trusted mentor; you needn’t be ashamed. We understand. It can happen to anyone. You know it makes sense. And of course we all appreciate that ‘there’s no Catholic so devout as a convert’.
Mind you. … you’ll have to take a chance on not being blackballed by Noa.
Has there ever been a link to such undiluted bilge
“Nigel Farage and his party may be wholly wrong or misguided in singling out multiculturalism as a causative factor in terrorist attacks. Their words might be inflammatory in some quarters, especially the excitable Ms Jowell. But it is a debate we need to have. And turning on Farage and his party as if he and they are nasty racists for mentioning it is itself a sign of bigoted intolerance.”
May be misguided?
Nasty racist and bigoted intolerant?
Well watch the Channel 4 interview
Here is an example of what the sanctions on Russia have succeeded doing so far:
In 2012, some 2.9mn cars were sold in Russia, the expectations were for well over 3.0mn vehicles in 2015. That would have pushed Russia into the 2nd place in the European car market after Germany. With the sanctions on, it’s likely the market will fall below 2.5mn this year, and may dip below 2.0mn the year after.
Nine out of ten cars sold in Russia are Russian made by foreign firms, they are all there with joint ventures from GM, Ford, to Nissan, Honda, to Skoda, Kia …
Renault-Nissan that holds a third of the market predicts a 26% loss this year, but the biggest loser is Ford (brand Focus) which makes virtually all cars sold in Russia in the country with a projected 40% loss in sales in 2015. GM Europe‘s expected loss of $387mn is due entirely to Russia. Other carmakers loss falls in between the Renault-Nissan –Ford dip.
Does any foreign automaker plan to leave Russia? Nope, they are all saying they will stay, they are there for the long haul, they all forecast the Russian market to beat any other in Europe in the future, they all curse (in private, and quietly) the politicians and their sanctions.
Source: a non-Russian paper as anti-Putin as the circumlocutory Mr. Boot.
I thought we had a monopoly on retraining and re-education
May I recommend that you read The Ragged Trousered Philanthopists
Such are the days that shall be! But
What are the deeds of today
In the days of the years we dwell in
That wear our lives away?
A beautiful novel that will introduce you to reason
Frank P @ 17:58
One can only hope you keep your postings safe, will publish the best (i.e. all) in a little big Black Book, the equivalent of the far less readable Mao’s little Red Book.
Does the well of yours of invectives, philippics and sarcasm have no bottom?
Baron (20:10)
Now, now, my noble friend. It’s unlike you to accuse someone of being prolix just because you demur from their opinion. And isn’t using ‘circumlocutory’ instead of prolix (or wordy) a case of kettle and pot? Just saying’. 🙂
Colonel Mustard may have made it a part of his mission to correct your many fallacies, bigotry mis and partial quotations and general lies.
I have better things to do, trusting to the wisdom, maturity and sagacity of my fellow posters here and elsewhere, will address your crapulous postings if, as and when it suits me.
“…Obama, Cameron, and Hollande condemned the attack as merely “terrorism,” carefully omitting to say what kind of terrorism this was.
This follows their absurd statements that the Islamic State terrorist group has “nothing to do with Islam” and that “no religion” condones that kind of barbarism.
Really? What links Islamic State, al-Qaida, Hamas, and Boko Haram? It’s a religion beginning with the letter I and ending with M.
A very senior British civil servant once told me that Islamist terrorism couldn’t be about Islam, because that would “demonize” all Muslims. This absurd non-sequitur was like saying the Inquisition had nothing to do with Catholicism, in order not to demonize Catholics…”
Melanie Phillips in the Jerusalem Post
Baron (20:28)
My apologies, we were posting at the same time there. Blushingly side-stepping the complimentary nature of your simultaneous post (while I was jokingly taking you to task for putting the Boot in (so to speak), I must gently challenge the ‘sarcasm’ element of your otherwise kind critique of my invitation to tele. My efforts to save the soul of our ‘fellow travelling’ Fabian were genuine, rest assured. After all he was was window lickin’ for ages before Peter finally let him in out of the cold.
Sadly, as you can see from (20:19) he has spurned our generosity of spirit and even has the audacity to do so by cut ‘n’ pasting Willy Morris doggerel. A lost cause, obviously. Perhaps it is best we just avert our eyes when he henceforth appears, like ignoring the furtive fart of a friend’s dog when invited out to dinner by a friend in the country.
As for “The Ragged-arsed Philanthropisstakers” …???!!!
But it’s bad manners also to talk about him behind his back, so let us desist.
I have found the behaviour of the media over the past week more interesting than the events in Paris (what actually happened is predictable and no longer rare). Once again we see, like Enoch Powell, the river Tiber foam with blood. And the Daily Mail says: the UK could be next.
It would be laughable were it not so insulting to Lee Rigby and the victims of 7/7. And worse than that, such stories are placed there to speed up the infringement of civil liberties on non-Muslims. Almost immediately, there were stories about how more snooping powers were needed.
Let us be clear. If they need keeping tabs on, they shouldn’t be in the country full stop.
The terrorists worked out long ago that everything must be done offline and off digital. Lee Rigby proves that. So does Charlie Hebdo.
Those two brothers knew how to do this without their pre-planning showing up. The third jerk did something on social media but that was too late in the day to stop him joining in.
The terrorists know how to avoid detection. They were going to work it out in the end. Most of the smart ones already had. But now even the most hare-brained jihadi knows: you so much as fart near a smartphone and MI5 will know about it. You can learn that just by watching Crimewatch. It’s got nothing to do with Julian Assange or Edward Snowden.
All this digital snooping is on those who oppose Islam. You want to catch Islamic terrorists: Stop them at airports. Target your searches. Kick them out. All the things the security services and governments won’t do. Indeed, this week one spook screamed at those of us not fortunate enough to live with the elites behind electric gates: ‘Abu Hamza had the same rights as anybody else. That shows the strength of our society’. Er, no. Why are we all being targeted? That is what that man is saying: We’ll use this as an excuse to spy on the lot of you. And if you open your mouth about Islam, there’ll be a knock at the door.
And just look at the propaganda all week. No comments allowed on Charlie Hebdo stories on the Telegraph all week. They were offering a subscription of £50 for six months, which is now £1 for three months! Who would pay for such filth? It’s pure and total filth.
MI5 and MI6 have been publishing thinly veiled press releases all week, sometimes as stories fed straight to reporters, at other times, MI5’s embedded MSM columnists (newspaper columnists on MI5’s permanent propaganda payroll) have been banging the drum for more infringement of civil liberties.
There was a truly sickening piece by Max Hitler Hastings in the Mail today, defending the secret service snoopers (he said we could all blame Julian Assange and Edward Snowden) and in fact, we could all chill out because “Islamic fanatics……… pose no existential threat as did Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union.”
I have always wondered if Max was one of those Fleet Street public opinion influencers on an MI5 stipend.
Who knows? But what a disgusting thing to write. One person wrote underneath: ‘They cannot be compromised or parlayed with, because they have no rational political demands. They have far worse and dangerous demands: Demands stemming from religion! Their crimes are ordered by “God”. We are living World War III, but we haven’t yet understood it, because we are only at the beginning.’
Simon Heffer wrote another nasty piece of propaganda earlier in the week. I don’t think he’s on an MI5 stipend, but I do think Paul Dacre was helping the government out, even if he wasn’t asked to, by trying to placate public opinion (the press often simper round Islam at times of Islamic terror attacks). It was a nasty piece, full of propaganda excuses for violent Muslims. One poster wrote below:
‘Mr Heffers comment: “Perhaps it is not surprising that young Muslims who have grown up in the squalid banlieues, feeling they are victims of racism and persecution, regard themselves as soldiers in a modern-day extension of the old colonial wars…” is a disquieting support for terrorism which should never be equated with the actions of “soldiers” who follow rules of engagement and are accountable.’
Norman Tebbit wrote an article that the Telegraph quickly took off its homepage: ‘Our politicians like talking about free speech. Now will they let us have it?’
The reason it disappeared into the archive so quick? That headline on a news site still not allowing the public to comment on Charlie Hebdo stories. Beyond satire.
The Common Purpose mindset of MI5 and MI6 was again revealed this week in this piece of filth (again, in the Telegraph, again, no comments allowed), written by Richard Barrett, former global counter-terrorism director at MI6.
‘Abu Hamza had the same rights as anybody else. That shows the strength of our society’
I’ve dealt with that MI6 propaganda above. It just went on and on, propaganda after propaganda. And vile Allister Heath was unleashed to tell us all the world would end if someone had the balls to vote for a non-mainstream party. His headline was: ‘An extremist backlash in France could eventually bust Europe’s economies’.
Extremist is usually a lame euphemism for Muslim. But here it means the ordinary folk who might actually be the worm that turns one day and stops voting for a LibLabCon (a phrase now banned by the Spectator’s web chat censors) and their counterparts in Europe.
Smearingly, Heath writes: ‘Marine Le Pen’s National Front and its nasty brand of demagogic populism are already polling terrifyingly well’.
What does all this mean? It means we have lost. There was no tipping point at 9/11, 7/7, Lee Rigby or this week. It means we are all living in a globalist Orwellian prison with us all under 24/7 surveillance from the bien pensant pigs in the farmhouse, who know the Islamist terrorists and Muslim paedophiles can never touch them in their cosseted surroundings. And unless we stop voting LibLabCon and all the rest nothing will change. That’s what really put the wind up them. That the worm might turn at the ballot box.
I pray to God that the people of Greece or France will kick these people so hard in the ballots we never see their like again. Their contempt for the rest of us over the last week is writ large in the nasty selection of press examples above.
A useful link to an excellent report on state spending with charity/qangos
Nigel Farage in the link to Fox News which I posted January 10th @ 14:26 identifies:
1. an islamic Fifth Column in Britain out to destroy our whole civilization and way of life;
2. mosques heavily funded by some mid-eastern states pushing a deeply unpleasant, anti-Christian culture
3. uncontrolled immigration, in some cases just not knowing in many cases who the people were.
It is certainly true that a number of muslim states in the middle east are heavily funding all three – the muslim Fifth Column, terrorist ideology in mosques and uncontrolled muslim immigration.
I would add however that there are other interests not necessarily islamic who have been found to be involved, including elements (I hope only elements) of our security services, in funding, organising, training and directing these three contributions to the subversion of our country. In addition, immigration especially of people from muslim populations is not necessarily “uncontrolled” either outside the country where middle-eastern states may have this on their agenda, or within Britain where as Neather demonstrated active British political interests controlled the “uncontrolled”.
Nigel Farage is already venturing into dangerous territory for himself personally and for his party and its supporters by extending the scope of national discourse in this area which the other main parties have, for reasons of self-interest or political correctness, so long avoided.
We should do everything here to bring out the whole, not the partial, truth about such scandals as the Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket political murders and to identify not only the spear that killed, but the man hiding in the bushes who threw it.
In this way, we can do our small part in providing the security of a wider, deeper, truer national dialogue as a base of discourse for Nigel Farage and his party whether or not it is the one for which we would cast our votes.
Frank P @ 20:38
It is, Frank, it is, but then we all seldom avoid that of which we accuse others (what a use of English, ha).
And as for the other issue at hand, Baron feels you all are too hard on the man, it is, after all, the diversity of views that makes any debate interesting and worth having, and sharpens ones’ own argument.
I see that having been thoroughly shaken by the events in France the UK “liberal” left are rapidly trying to regain control over the narrative by their usual manipulation of language.
Noa @ 21:19
Melanie cannot be faulted on the analogy with crusades and catholicism, but will it change anything?
Even if one were to accept that the likes of al-Qaida, Hamas, ISIL, Boko Haram are simply misunderstanding Islam, following the wrong hadiths, interpreting it so erroneously (to attain goals unconnected with it), the the question still arises why so many get the teaching of Allah so wrong? What is it in the creed that engenders such a misguided reading of the ROP?
It pains Baron to say it, but he reckons that whilst the messiah sits in the White House we will progress not an inch on this.
What if the Emperor’s new clothes really aren’t there? What if all the Emperors are naked?
Will people just laugh at their flaccid, uncomely nakedness?
“Without a moderate Islam the Socialist projects of Europe which depend on heavy immigration collapse. America’s War on Terror becomes the endless inescapable slog that the rise of ISIS has once again revealed it to be. Multiculturalism, post-nationalism and Third World Guiltism all implode.
Without moderate Muslims, nationalism returns, borders close and the right wins. That is what they fear.
If there is no moderate Islam, no moderate Mohammed, no moderate Allah, then the Socialist Kingdom of Heaven on Earth has to go in the rubbish bin. The grand coalitions in which LGBT activists and Islamists scream at Jews over Gaza aren’t the future; they’re the Weimar Republic on wheels.”
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 18:23
Spiked should keep a copy of this piece on file, it may be used on many an occasion with only minor alternations, e.g. the campaign to stop Ched Evans playing football again.
Your point taken.
However there comes a time in every politician’s life when the polity stops listening to him, the crowd no longer buys his snake oil and that which he most fears happens: he is removed from office by those who he has ignored. His verbal balm no longer soothes and his dead hand is removed from the tiller directing tax expenditure.
Across Europe and the States the fatuous plea of ‘this has nothing to do with islam’ is being increasingly and widely rejected for the somnolent lie that it is.
As Daniel Greenfield is quoted as saying in my previous post, Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and their ilk are the ‘Weimar Republic on wheels’, and we are all, collectively, helping those wheels to come off.
The sultan again, wry, sardonic humour. No so much dry as parched.
Noa 01:20
Some of that must get through to even to the crap inculcated synapses of the ummah? Surely such sardonic wit can penetrate even 1400 years of the stultifying, inherited lore of a deeply psychotic cult. It is difficult to believe that any human mind is absolutely impenetrable to chinks of light that spark from the satirical prose of the likes of Mr Greenfield? But then again he’s Jewish, so every letter, word and paragraph is haram to the ‘believers’. But among 1.6 billion of them there must be chinks in the carapace of custom and practice. As in the case of Sisi, self interest alone must eventually prevail. The free world, even with its paradoxical imperfections, must be more attractive than the oppression of this malign and murderous cult, even to its most faithful adherents; the speed of accessibility of acquisition of knowledge and news through the multifaceted methods of modern technology must eventually take its toll, even on this profoundly entrenched superstition. It’s our only hope. Otherwise 75% of the population of Earth will forever be under threat from 25%. That possibility can only be true if the majority remains both pliant and placid. History indicates otherwise. Perhaps, as old Otto von Bismarck put it, eisen und blut will settle these things in the end?
Baron (00:24)
As usual , you are both kind and correct. Mea culpa. I shall now turn in and pray for forgiveness. Sleep well. You too, our lower case tele.
Frank P at 21-29;10 Jan.
I went to school with ragged trousered boys from the wrong side of the road.I see on line that at least one of them became the owner of a (vinyl) record store.Every child by the age of eight or nine had an adequate grasp of reading,writing and figuring.In the school photos all of us were hideously white.
One branch of my family lived in Council(?)flats at the top of Caledonian Road(London).One Xmas holidays in the ’50s four of us aged 10,8and 6 roamed central London alone.A few years later we would see the youngest collecting `pennies for the Guy`at the top of Caledonion Road.I gather that that kind of thing doesn’t happen now.A different age when the world was white (and trains travelled at 32 miles an hour).
The Weimar Republic was the most liberal/progresive state the world had ever seen(and we know what happened to it):while Britain was a racist/sexist/homophobic/right-wing represive society.
When our `fathers` come back after 1945 they said the trouble with the Germans was they failed to understand you should not tolerate the intolerable.
An immoderate private poster on Speccie drew my attention to the tract below
So why are an estimated 100,000 Muslims going to join the million others in Paris today
When you say that moderate Muslims don’t exist, you are calling him a bad person. When you challenge Islam, you are attacking multiculturalism and he will call you a racist, regardless of the fact that Islam is as much of a race as Communism, Nazism or the Mickey Mouse Fan Club were races.
The moderate Muslim is an invention of the liberal academic, the secular theologian, the vapid politician and his shrill idiot cousin, the political activist. Like the money in the budgets that underpin their plans and the scientific evidence for Global Warming, he does not exist.
And it is not necessary that he should exist. It is only necessary that we have faith in his existence.
The degraded lefty descendants of Christians and Jews wait for a moderate Muslim messiah who will reconcile the impossibilities of their multicultural society by healing the conflicts between Islam and the West. Until they find him, they have to believe, not in a divinity, but in the moderate Muslim.
Odd anniversary.This day in 1755(or 1757);Alexander Hamilton (later of the USA)born in the British West Indies.
Do not tolerate the intolerable – What a very important message from Radford’s post.
LOL! I’ve just been interviewed on BBC Radio for a church thing. About 7 minutes. Very interesting and enjoyable.
What is an “immoderate private poster”?
Such a peculiar turn of phrase. What does it imply about its originator?
Egyptian Cleric Mostafa Al-Adwy on Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack:
“By God, We Are Happy”
An immoderate private poster on Speccie
There are 2 such, familiar around here, discovered by clicking on the name
telemachus is as always open and honest
Benjamin Netanyahu [@netanyahu 16 minutes ago]
“I’m on my way to #Paris, to stand against the Islamic terrorism that is threatening all of humanity”
PfM – 07:58
You mean, like this:
‘What do you expect if you insult Islam?’
The LibLabCon really don’t get it. And with the reported 2000 dead in Nigeria, there is really no excuse either. It is world wide, with one commonality!
The legacy parties are up the creek without a paddle. In their multicultural plans, they expected collaboration, just as they did with EU negotiations but, in both cases, they have been shown to be naive to the point of being a spent power.
Baron 11th, – 01:00
“it may be used on many an occasion with only minor alternations, e.g. the campaign to stop Ched Evans playing football again.”
Indeed. 🙂
I followed one of Noa’s links, and fell upon this, only 3 and a bit minutes long:
Why the Charlie Hebdo massacre was “100 percent Islam”
Kermit – Jan 10th, 22:07
“I have found the behaviour of the media over the past week more interesting than the events in Paris (what actually happened is predictable and no longer rare).”
The target is a Left leaning establishment, so the empathy among journalists, especially Jon Snow, will be greater.
The 2000 reportedly killed by Boko Haram in Nigeria is ONE HUNDRED times the number killed in Paris, but it is further away, and on another continent, and those killed were not leaning to the Left.
“How could trillions of dollars be laundered from the Wash DC regime to Saudi Arabia? Why, through Citigroup, of course.” April,9.
The position is such that it makes money when oil prices drop, thus “hedging” Saudi Arabia. If the poop hits the fan, thanks to the Cromnibus, 100% of Citibank’s derivatives portfolio is now under the umbrella of the FDIC, which we all know means the Federal Reserve printing dollars to bail out their friends. The FDIC is only sitting on a few billion in assets. It’s a joke.
So, the Washington DC regime has essentially posted YOU AND SEVERAL GENERATIONS OF YOUR PROGENY as the collateral guaranteeing a short hedge on oil prices that it is providing for Saudi Arabia through its ownership of Citigroup. In other words, MONEY LAUNDERING, EXCEPT ON A MULTI-GENERATIONAL, CIVILIZATIONAL SCALE.”
“Lee Greenwood could not be reached for comment…” although she might have tried Sir Richard Mottram GCB.
RobertC – 10:28
This covers an area many are unaware of.
In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, for Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel et al to continue to utter vapid platitudes like: “Nothing to do with Islam” ,”Islam is a religion of peace” means that they are either:
1) Dhimmiwits
2) Quislings/traitors.
Either way they are unfit to be in government.
Since 9/11 the total of “nothing to do with…” incidents is 24,826 and is rising each week.
EC (10:54)
This too:
Nice to see someone else other than Geert Wilders speaking up:
Rupert Murdoch ✔ @rupertmurdoch
“Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.”
2:07 AM – 10 Jan 2015
Rupert Murdoch ✔ @rupertmurdoch
“Big jihadist danger looming everywhere from Philippines to Africa to Europe to US.
Political correctness makes for denial and hypocrisy.”
2:10 AM – 10 Jan 2015
This got the Grauniadistas in a right old froth around their chops!
Much as I decry cutting and pasting from the right wing press (DT) I was taken by Richard Barrett’s article on terrorists
“Here lies the challenge of counter-terrorism. We cannot criminalise an analysis of international politics or a critique of society just because we think it is wrong or harmful to social cohesion. Hate speech, incitement to violence and outright racism are correctly banned, but the appeal of, for example, Isil, is more subtle than that. It offers a new beginning, a sense of purpose and a heroic role that is of huge attraction to many disaffected people around the world. Most of these potential recruits probably know very well that Isil is a ruthless and horrifically violent organisation, but at the same time they both excuse it and believe that they needn’t get that involved. The truth will disappoint them; but by then it will be too late, especially if there is no obvious exit and the doors of return are shut in their faces. In the meantime, more determined and radicalised terrorists will still manage to mow people down in the streets of Paris or London with self‑justifying cries of “Allahu akbar”.
So the answer is that we cannot prevent every attack. We are still at the beginning of our understanding of the appeal of violent extremism, and even further behind in working out how to counter it. But one thing is for sure: providing Abu Hamza with his several hundred days in court demonstrates the strength and values of the society that we are fighting to preserve. We should have the confidence, even in the immediate aftermath of terrible terrorist attacks, to believe that, ultimately, focusing on what we are fighting for will have a more lasting impact on terrorism than focusing on what we are fighting against. “
Telemachus January 11th, 2015 – 11:31
“Much as I decry cutting and pasting”
OH my, not a simple drop of self knowledge!
Rupert Murdoch has said that the world has 1,400,000,000. Muslims and that maybe most Moslems are peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.
I would agree, but if a proportion would see us all dead, and if that proportion was 10% then 140,000,000 hate us.
On that basis, of the UK’s 1,600,000 Muslims then we have 160,000 living in the UK, Nigel Farage has said that we have a 5th column living within our midst.
He is not wrong.
“telemachus is as always open and honest”
Not the two qualities that spring readily to mind when contemplating your output.
A timely decision:
Muslim charity stripped of state funding over extremism fears
Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, decided to take action against the Muslim Charities Forum after the Telegraph found links to a group alleged to fund Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood political movement
“A leading Muslim charity that was given a £250,000 taxpayer-funded contract to run a major faith project has been stripped of state funding in a crackdown on Islamist extremism.”
Frank P – 11:17
“Paris: Grand Mosque Open, Grand Synagogue Closed”
Say it all, doesn’t it! Gives us a clue as to why in the video I linked @10:11 Benjamin Netanyahu said, “I will say that any French Jew who wants to immigrate to Israel will be welcomed with open arms.”
Col. Richard Kemp has made some further observations:
40 minutes ago
You’re well on the way there. French PM: “If 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The Republic will be judged a failure.”
26 minutes ago
“Fear of anti-Muslim backlash in France. But Jews, 1% of population of France suffered 40% of all violent racist attacks in 2013.”
22 minutes ago
“In France, fear of anti-Muslim backlash, but reality is: “Grand Mosque Open, Grand Synagogue Closed”.”
EC @ 10:08
Sisi has still alot to do, EC, and he better get on with it before these fruitcakes make a move on him.
Sisi only has to reverse the letters of his name and he will be quite safe; particularly from any attack from the West.
Further to my @10:08
Tunisian Cleric Bechir Ben Hassen: Anyone Cursing the Prophet Muhammad Should Be Executed:
Sultan Knish nails it again:
Let’s laugh at Islam:
Extract: “The true war against Islam is not a military war, it is a cultural war. For Islam it is a religious conflict by an empire intent on transforming every aspect of life into one defined by Islam. For us it is about preserving our way of life. The cartoon controversy woke many Europeans to the fact that free speech and many of the other attributes of democracy that they take for granted are incompatible with Islam. Under the relentless pressure of multi-culturalism, they and we are increasingly deciding that our way of life has to bow to theirs.
This is the ultimate victory of Islam. Not the fall of the Twin Towers or any single act of terrorism is as great a victory for Islam as when our own government and press repeat their propaganda and muzzle their critics. This represents the submission of the West to their rule. It turns Islam into the only legally sanctioned religion in Western nations that have long since instituted separations of Church and State. –
See more at:
Mahmoud Abbas is on the Peace March in Paris, emphasising the commitment of Moderate Muslims to promoting their religion of peace.
EC @ 11:24
The old man’s tweet is significant not because he commands that many followers on the Twitter platform, has many admirers overall, but because he has a good nose for the way the wind blows. He must feel a change is coming, wants to re-position himself, get on the act early on. We shall see if he’s right.
Baron cannot blog, he’s watching the gathering of the powerful in Paris.
The missing accomplice of the powerful is the Grand Wizard himself. Neither he nor any of his sidekicks – Kerry, Biden, the Clinton woman – is (or is it are) there. How come? Is he not ‘united’ with the Republic ‘oldest’ ally, does he not believe in free speech, condemn the atrocity?
We should be told, but nobody has yet said anything, on France 24 anyway.
EC @ 14:11
Another one for the chop then, EC.
PS: Peter, the dreadful 503 is taking over again.
Frank P @ 14:27
When the great Sultan says: “Under the relentless pressure of multi-culturalism, they and we are increasingly deciding that our way of life has to bow to theirs” he’s right, but, regretfully, nobody can do anything about it whilst the half baked Muslim messiah calls the tune, everyone’s scared of him, nobody would dare stand up to him, and those who disobey (China, Russia mainly) are shouted down, ignored, kicked.
OTOH, this comment in reply to the Sultan, will appeal to some Wallsters:
DenisO said…
Suggesting in the first paragraph that we are fighting a “war” against Islamic terrorism is nonsense. A war aims to take the heart out of the enemy, by striking his strategic assets, his leaders, high-tech control networks, and any major weapons systems. Wiping out his cities and populations has long been a strategy that takes the fight out of enemies, endangers leaders and keeps them looking back over their shoulders. Our blood and treasure has been directed against their ignorant foot-soldiers and relatively small arms caches. We spend $millions to wipe out penny ante soldier-leaders and their cheap weapons, and we do this because our leaders fear losing power in a “system” they have learned to master, so the military action they chose is just enough to show they are “trying”. That is what’s behind “politically correct”, maintaining the status quo and your position in the Big Government that allows little people large compensation, benefits, and privileges. Those leaders need to be dumped for some who know how to totally destroy an enemy.
Fear and greed are the two greatest emotions that control man who is driven by survival genes that brought him thru long hardships on the planet. Terrorists are following the ages-old techniques of earliest “primitives”. By being viciously cruel and savage, they inspire disabling fear in any surviving competitor. The little terrorist’s greed for power and privilege is easily directed back to his savage nature. Fear is removed in him by religious leader-driven conviction that there is honor and reward in dying for Islam.
Since there are few strategic physical assets or major control networks, we have to attack what’s left, the terror driving leadership. We attack the secular leaders, but fear that attacking the source of religious terror, in the mosques, will paint our leaders as savages, not the elite image they want. They “fear” to fight positively.
The easiest and most effective strategy would be to induce great fear in their religious leaders; few are that religious that they won’t fear losing their power and lives.
If a force of unknown origin focused on the quiet disappearance of the most vocal and incendiary clerics that incite terrorism, perhaps after a particularly inspiring sermon, fear and wonder might slowly displace their hate and religious zeal. Just think about a better target and let us know.
– See more at:
Well, we did both both while waging WW2. So let’s have a good laugh
We crossed posts there again Baron, but Dennis O’s solution seems to address your point – non?
Peter – the last sentence of my post at 15:15 was curtailed either en route by GCHQ or by your moderating pen in light of the immoderate suggestion about what we should do after we’ve had a good laugh. Can you advise me as to which applies?
Perhaps I should just rely on the imaginations of the other renegades here, by giving three clues – Mecca, Medina and Mouthy Mullahs.
No offence meant, of course, Patriccia. BTW – who suddenly pulled your chain? And why aren’t mingling with the gay Parisians and your pal Mahmoud?
A quick scan of the obits (a day late due to intense cyber-watch concerning imminent – and, perchance, immanent – exigencies), I note that the Reaper has struck with a triple whammy: Lance Percival, Richard Meade and Rod Taylor, all of whom trigger the memory cells as being not bad coves – but who nonetheless have to go the way of all flesh. Makes one feel very, very old, dunnit Baron?
May all three RIP.
Patriccia Shaw aka telemachus aka Common Purpose aka David Lindsay (if the avatar is a black labrador)
. . .
Frank P @ 15:15
That’s right, Frank, we can never win with the gun only, Baron has said it, too, we must go after the source of the evil. The guy’s prescription – “the easiest and most effective strategy would be to induce great fear in their religious leaders; few are that religious that they won’t fear losing their power and lives’ – is the route to follow, alas we are not doing it what with the messiah ……
As for the obits, guru, why, oh why do you even look at such pages when their perusal only reminds one of the end? A full 100 is what you shouldbe aiming for, just the thought of getting there will do it. Look at Baron, he intends to live for ever, and amazingly, so far so good.
Baron (16:21)
Sage advice, m’Lud. Thanks. My eldest sibling is 93 in a day or two and she is a fine example of dogged determination, despite dire and dastardly doses of devilment from the seven blind bastards of fickle fate.
But then the fairer sex seems more resilient to the SAAOOF, apparently. That’s what the demographical statistics tell us, anyway. The matriarch of our tribe made it to 95 and even then would have survived a broken femur had it not been for the incompetence of the local meat factory. So let’s both heed WSC and “keep buggering on.” – if only to keep an eye on the Shavian School of Socialistas – and negate their utopian agitprop with earthy rebuttal, punctuated with appropriate scatological slingshots. This and many other unfinished tasks are incentive enough to defer our spot in the obit column, pro tem.
There are some excellently irreverent comments about the assorted EU Puppetry presiding over the March of the Million here:-
I especially appreciated this quoted Tweet:-
“Je suis Charlie – terms and conditions apply. (excludes Le Pen, Front National)”
The ghost of Marcuse is stalking that hugfest.
Patriccia Shaw is the telemachus brand in Palestine.
Telemachus Jan 11th 10.10:
If you’re referring to me, my Spectator posts have only been private since a muslim &/or palestinian troll attached itself to me as a follower during a Palestine debate. I have nothing to hide.
Frank P 11th, – 15:56
“the Reaper has struck with a triple whammy: Lance Percival, Richard Meade and Rod Taylor,”
Quadruple now…Anita Ekberg. 🙁
She mightn’t have said much, but she photographed well. 🙂
Frank, I never moderate your posts. If something doesn’t appear from your pen it is always technical.
I want you all to scroll down to pictures 3 and 4
French President Francois Hollande welcomes Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Elysee Palace before attending a solidarity march in the streets of Paris
French President Francois Hollande welcomes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the Elysee Palace before attending a solidarity march in the streets of Paris
They marched in common cause today
Let that march continue in the Levant
telemachus, your Patriccia Shaw alter-ego is not welcome here. Either post as telemachus or you will be moderated.
Thank you Peter
I have been watching a million people marching in Paris today
I know Peter, I was being facetious and using the glitch to develop the riff. Rule one: never miss an opportunity to turn a mishap into an opportunity.
Now that is really sad news. La dolce vita apparently turned very sour at the end:
I liked her quote about paradise and hell. Let’s hope she paves our way to either, Baron. Imagine laying your head to etetrnal rest on that chest – or even sharing her Bacchanaliuan feasts in Hades.
John Birch – 11 Jan@10:54
The content displayed by the URL about Islams’s fatal flaw is both insightful and accurate, but it has itself one fatal flaw. It consists of the four words of its final sentence. They are –
“Islam needs a reformation.”
The flaw consists of the fact that in the case of Islam, reformation is impossible.
Why, one idly wonders, would someone believing himself to be “always open and honest” post comments on the same websites under a variety of pseudonyms?
Help me out here, telemachus, what is your motive for that? Does it make you feel that you have a posse?
Frank P @ 17:16
That’s a deal, Frank, let’s keep buggering on.
And this:
You reckon many of these exuberant youngsters who took to the streets two days ago were also marching today with the Europe’s powerful? (No need to answer, the barbarian knows it).
Hollande has missed it, he should have invited the National Front, the march was about unity, unity to uphold France’s liberte, fraternite, egalite, something everyone in that great country would subscribe to whatever the political affiliation. It wasn’t about the unity of how to achieve it, there the views should differ, as they differ on other objectives, different parties offering different solutions.
Patriccia Shaw @ 18:24
Patriccia, or whoever you may be, when the two ME politicians march together in the Levant, Baron will join your phylum, not before.
Sadly, the boil in that part of the world goes deeper than the two shaking hands, Abbas is but a puppet of another power, a power whose objective is to destroy Bibi’s tribe.
As an addendum to my post yesterday regarding the Daily Telegraph’s transparent use of itself a propagnada tool,
(Kermit; January 10th, 2015 – 22:07)
I revisit the DT today and still no comments allowed on Charlie Hebdo material, despite all the headlines saying We Stand Against Terror etc. Melanie Phillips is right. What’s with all the ‘Je Suis Charlie’ schtick. No, you’re not Je Suis Charlie. Not at all. You’d never do what Charlie Hebdo did. Who are these fake grieving liars pretending they stand up to Islam?
On the DT, I had to look at an article on ‘wonky vegetables’ before I could find an article that allowed comments. There, underneath the wonky vegetable article comments are appearing. Not many people are chatting about vegetables, wonky or otherwise, but a lot of contempt for the DT (so Blairite now that telemachus is copying and pasting huge chunks of its output above).
Oh, and a lot of prominence is given to Boris Kemal on the DT today: Boris Johnson: I am not bothered with civil liberties stuff for terror suspects
But this attack, as I argued earlier, is like the Lee Rigby attack, most of it was planned offline. The terrorists know they’re being listened to and watched. Boris Kemal’s viewpoint is about listening to those of us who criticise Islam and sending round the thought police.
Peter Hitchens deals with the ghastly Boris Kemals today:
The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON’T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst)
I was pleased to see him refer to MI5 as ‘that sinister organisation’. I wonder how long his editor will let him get away with that.
Errata: the sentence @ 19.32 should read’… than for the two to shake hands to end it’.
It only tells you the barbarian cannot multitask: watch the box, hit the keyboard, answer back the boss simultaneously.
Kermit @ 19:39
Good points, Kermit, and an excellent link, too. Peter H got himself up a gear or two from the start: “Once again, we are ruled by a Dictatorship of Grief ….” What an opening.
Baron’s off, Foyle’s War is on.
Baron 1932
My partner is unable to answer
On this day that the French marched for Charlie
Life here will be poorer
Kermit – 19:39
Not long, now, before Le Menu will consist of boiled frog. In that respect, we’re all frogs now!
“Imagine laying your head to etetrnal rest on that chest”
I imagine that one would experience an immediate loss of hearing!
Kermit @ 19:39 on Peter Hitchens
“I was pleased to see him refer to MI5 as ‘that sinister organisation’. I wonder how long his editor will let him get away with that.”
Yes, see Malfleur @ 00:11:
“I would add however that there are other interests not necessarily islamic who have been found to be involved, including elements (I hope only elements) of our security services, in funding, organising, training and directing these three contributions to the subversion of our country.”
Outline new plans for Internet…”
(Drudge report)
oh yes, please, please, my masters, save us from the threat you created!
Looks like payback time to me…but what could it be for…?
Any investigative reporters left in the West?
“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.”
– Plato
Malfleur at 21.07, I noticed telemachus regurgitating ex-MI6 man Richard Barrett at 11.31 this morning (I don’t know if mucus followed my link to it at 22.07 yesterday) so you can see who the Fifth Column spooks share a mindset with.
And of course, there’s ex-spook Alastair Crooke, who was involved the incident that led to the split between Melanie Phillips and The Spectator. He demanded a libel apology for something she wrote on her Spectator blog, which the magazine gave. I don’t know if she gave an apology, though, because after that she went.
I could never work out if she wouldn’t give in to Crooke, but the magazine would. Was she saying: ‘You can apologise, but I’m not, so I’m off’? Because that’s what it looked like.
The point is that the public outpourings of these ex-spooks tell you what is going on inside these organisations: that the security services are Fifth Columnists, that they are all (in private, while leeching and punishing the txapayer) metaphorically bent over more submissively than even Lawrence of Arabia when he was raped by a bunch of Muslims and screaming for more. And then spying on people who don’t want that.
Every act of terror seems to be greeted with more cries to get on our knees to Islam. To ’embrace’ their taqqya embrace.
Unless the traitors are called traitors and recognised as such, we’ll get nowhere. They are LibLabCon, they are the judiciary, they are the spooks. The evidence is right in front of people if they would but see.
Kermit – 19:39
Rod Liddle picked up on that Peter Hitchens’ blog too:
Noa is in action over there and he’s speaking French! In solidarity with the frogs soon to be boiled, no doubt.
Kermit @ 22:35
Yes, we want to see a Rump Parliament in May: LibLabCon face to face with a New Parliament…let’s hope the country has the wit and the bods. We may not get another chance.
Patriccia Shaw January 11th, 2015 – 18:24
That is not she, that is Telemachus.
EC (20:31)
I shall leave my hearing aids behind, anyway, so WTF? As Bob Hope would say (and probably did to Ms Ekberg) “Thanks for the mammaries”.
““Police commissioner Helric Fredou, who had been investigating the attack on the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, committed suicide in his office. The incident occurred in Limoges, the administrative capital of the Limousin region in west-central France, on Thursday night, local media France 3 reports. Helric Fredou, 45, suffered from depression and experienced burn out. Shortly before committing suicide, he met with the family of a victim of the Charlie Hebdo attack and killed himself preparing the report.”
Olly North was just asked by Judge Janine why he thought that that The POTUS didn’t attend the French rally.
“Because it was only for world leaders.” he replied.
In a chilling suggestion that further attacks will come from ‘lone wolves’, terrorists working under their own initiative, which leaves very little trace for intelligence services to pick up on, the statement continues: “Do not look for links or affiliation with Jihadi fronts. It is enough they are Muslims. They are Mujahideen. This is the Jihad of the Ummah [the Muslim diaspora]. So France, are you ready for more attacks; …
That’s a statement from our friends.
Notice the line where they tell the truth which our leaders deny.
It is enough they are muslim.
Here are some interesting thoughts on why the false flags by the globalists, including the latest one in Paris, are not wrapped up so tight that the falsity of the flag cannot be perceived with a little effort and attention.
The globalists are looking one step ahead in their strategy and if we are to thwart their plans we must do too. The blogger proposes, to give one example, that the defenders of the national central banks will be sacrificed to the critics of the globalists. Those who have criticised national central banks will be brought in to replace their defenders on the grounds that if only the old guard had, like the new guard, foreseen the problems generated by those banks the banks could have been superceded earlier and the problems thus avoided. The globalists of course aim to abolish central banks run by nation states. Thus people like Obama, Holland, Yellen can be blamed for the disasters when they arrive shortly and new men can be brought in to replace them such as Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Marine Le Pen and – yes! – Nigel Farage who have been slowly tailoring positions to align with the globalists developing needs. Central banks can then be done away with to the extent necessary to meet the globalists’ purposes.
This is of course a frightful thought for anyone here who hopes that Mr. Farage can focus national resistance – but I think that if we are being set up for betrayal we should start to think fast how to recognise and avoid it.
Michael Savage seems to have taken the Paris outrages at only face value in his radio programme last Friday. So far, he only half gets it. He knows and declaims that islam is our existential enemy. He does not yet fully grasp that islam has been militarised and been made militant, and is now being used and controlled by western governments and those who control them against the people which those governments purport to represent.
I regret to announce, ladies and gentlemen, that the government is the enemy of the people.
In view of Cameron’s prominent attendance at the Paris demonstration yesterday, it is worth reviewing this short article from December 2013 from which the following is taken:
“Official correspondence released under the U.K.’s freedom of information law revealed that the government banned the American talk-host [Michael Savage] – who had given no indication he planned to ever travel to the country – because it wanted to use his name to provide “balance” to a “least wanted” list dominated by Muslim extremists.”