This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
Your support is needed, without it the Coffee House Wall can’t function. Please consider a donation of even just £5.
This week I might be setting up a modified version of the site layout on a temporary space to allow regular users to comment. Nothing major.
I mean to comment on the modifications of course.
Is there a button to get from top to bottom and from bottom to top?
My tiny fingers get tired from scrolling on my iPad.
I’m adding something as part of the modifications this week.
On the Wall just gone, I would like to add my views on that inarticulate idiot Dawkins.
“mild Paedophilia is bad, violent paedophilia is worse”
“Date rape is bad, stranger rape at knifepoint is worse”
“Mild date rape is bad, violent date rape is worse”
Now Mr Richard just what category does rape of an eight year old girl by his uncle taking her for a day at the seaside come?
I think your website does not like little me
I keep getting 503
You have to be patient. It is the load on the shared server.
“Murders reached a historic low in NYC for 2014; overall crime was down across the board by nearly 5%; hell, even the holiday slowdown didn’t really lead to any additional crime. So clearly, now is the time when NYC really needs to implement a new anti-terrorism program which would empower a team of NYPD officers to roam around the city carrying machine guns. What could go wrong?”
This also appeared on last week’s blog, in case you’ve missed it, here goes again.
Colonel Mustard @ 09:47
Very well put, Colonel.
And like O(o), Baron’s shouting ‘bravo’, too.
What never ceases to puzzle, intrigue and baffle is how intelligent, evil free, well educated men with a genuine desire to boost the poors’ outcome in life can be getting it so spectacularly wrong.
The critical, the sole yet unsurmountable hurdle their ideas face is that they sound right, noble, compassionate in theory, but aren’t doable in real life. Human traits being what they are, the ideas just cannot work, will not work, and paradoxically, wherever these ideas have been tried, they never failed to be found undoable, detrimental to the society’s generation of wealth, the maintenance of basic human rights, those promoting them had to always turn to violence to keep the utopian construct going.
In the recent past, the Slavs, the Germans, the Cubans, the Koreans, the Chinese have tried what telemachus preaches, they all failed, all of them. Surely that should have been a hint to the likes of tele, the failure of the Mandarin speakers in particular. Almost 1.5bn people living in abject poverty when communism ruled down to just below 0.5bn after only 20 years of a system tele and his nutjob supporters are busy dismantling. Arghhh
Jo, 1041
“Now Mr Richard just what category does rape of an eight year old girl by his uncle taking her for a day at the seaside come?”
I feel sure he would have been discussing Islam.
As for the other points, whilst in no way defending any of the actions in any way, shape or form, logic dictates everything is relative.
Peter from Maidstone February 1st, 2015 – 20:26
“Call the Midwife – excellent and usually gentle amusement. But today it is all homo-sexualist propaganda! Why? How? Who?”
As are all of the soaps (they vie with each other as to who has most homosexual content) the drama series’ all have some ‘gay’ content.
This weekend’s edition of “Call the Midwife” that you refer to was spoilt for us by the totally unnecessary inclusion of two men slobbering over each other.
It was disgusting, I can’t watch.
Natalie Bennett is encouraging voters to write an obscene word across the voting paper if they don’t want to vote for any of the Candidates.
I suppose she’s hoping every time a teller see ‘a*se*ole’, they’ll credit the Greens with the vote.
Jennifer Oldham – 10:30 ‘The Down Button’
This text:
‘Leave a comment’
to the right of the donate icons, acts as a Down Button. It has its own url, so copy that to your favourites, and all is well for another week!
telemachus is currently running a new campaign at ‘the other place’ to characterise me as a ‘cyberbully’.
Comments I make in response to other peoples comments are now being tagged by him with the warning that they should be “afraid” or “very afraid” and the “High Sheriff” labelling has re-appeared.
It seems that whilst telemachus believes he should have the freedom to tag every comment going with his shallow Labour propaganda, any attempt to challenge his assertions, correct his misrepresentations or counter his boasts is somehow “cyberbullying”.
That is a clever wheeze and it shows the direction of travel the lefties are taking in order to shut down dissent to their dogma.
I’m content to be the first martyr to those new tactics so it’s “Adios” folks and keep up the good fight. Consider me “cyberbullied” out of there and here. And a couple of you can bask in that warm sun of the freedom of expression that telemachus enjoys here but wants to deny to others elsewhere.
RobertC@February 2nd, 2015 – 12:02
how did I not find that?
Colonel Mustard February 2nd, 2015 – 12:17
“Consider me “cyberbullied” out of there and here.”
I urge you to reconsider and stay with us.
Winds of change?
SNP fabricated reasons for fracking ban, says expert
“SNP ministers are deliberately misleading the Scottish public by pretending their fracking ban is about health and environmental concerns instead of political posturing, an expert they asked to research the controversial practice has said.
In a damning intervention, Professor Paul Younger, Rankine Chair of Engineering at the University of Glasgow, said the Scottish Government’s justifications for unveiling an indefinite moratorium on fracking were “all made up” and “completely feigned”.”
And what about Westminster?
I’ve deleted a post by telemachus. I grow tired of his trolling, especially when he misrepresents Christianity as Marxism. He is free to post but not free to troll. He should be aware that if he p**ses people of here in slightly greater quantities than he has done so then he will be banned.
Peter from Maidstone
February 2nd, 2015 – 13:24
You can mock Christianity, Judaism or any real religion. Mock marriage and pride in being British, but G-d forbid, it is against the law to mock islam, homosexuals and the filth practised in the mosques.
AWK1 – 14:50
What is so depressing is that so much of the mocking is like double entendres, but with only one meaning – and usually vile at that!
It is a pity because so much of civilisation is an attempt to understand the chaos around us and there are always gaps that can be made if the system is stressed enough, and a good laugh, when appropriate, is a healthy activity, even if we are laughing at those creating the stress!
It’s what stand-up comedians do for a living.
Colonel Mustard
I too hope you’ll reconsider and continue to enhance this place with your wit and wisdom.
I simply no longer read the narcissistic shite that effing cnut writes but find your contributions here and there a most helpful focus for my own feelings, experience and observable empiricism. I used to write far far more, not in your league, but now having given up through overwhelming anger, I find you, among many here ,to be a worthy light fending off the darkness for a little longer at least.
To lose both you and the Viceroy’s Gin in a matter of weeks would really be a blow.
Colonel Mustard
Let me add my voice too. I see no reason to leave here. The troll is well muzzled. I hesitate to ban people but I have no problem deleting comments by known trolls.
“There are many conservatives who prefer organic food, who do yoga, who like trains, and who would prefer living in Brooklyn to living in Plano. De gustibus and all that. The difference is that progressives, blazing with self-righteousness, believe themselves entitled to make their preferences a matter of law.
And that’s the Left in short: A lifestyle so good, it’s mandatory.”
— Kevin D. Williamson
Many a true word in these 2 pages!
February 2nd, 2015 – 15:12
Robert,you mention comedians. Maybe I am considered an old codger, but I really miss the comedians of days gone by. Now, I find it hard to find one that makes me laugh.
Col M. I’ll add my plea to the others. Don’t stop posting because of that vile $#!t.
I used to listen to lots of comedy on Radio 4, but now it seems monopolised by homosexuals and socialists.
Something that Stephen Mayberry may be interested in:
Colonel Mustard,
Don’t go Col. Remember, there is an election coming up and it is all shoulders to the grind stone. As for snotty, ignore him, I do not read anything he posts, I scroll strait past the offending contributions, as should you, his mendacious diatribes are not worthy of your consideration and far below your intellect.
anne wotana kaye February 2nd, 2015 – 17:56
“ Robert,you mention comedians. Maybe I am considered an old codger, but I really miss the comedians of days gone by. Now, I find it hard to find one that makes me laugh.”
Anne the comedian who plays the character ‘Count Arthur Strong’ is not everyone’s cup of tea, however I am trying to persuade my wife to watch his programs because I find him not only funny but a bit like a latter-day Harry Worth.
The link below takes you to a program that we watched last Tuesday I think it might have been a repeat but either way it was extremely funny, no filth, no smut simply great comedy, I urge you to watch it, and it is only half an hour.
Colonel Mustard – 12:17
“Consider me “cyberbullied” out of there and here.”
I also urge you to reconsider and stay with us. Your wisdom would be missed by those who appreciate it.
AWK – 17:56 ‘comedians’
Part of the problem is that, without boundaries, it is difficult for comedians to cross the line in an acceptable way.
I did come across this which, I hope, doesn’t offend anyone:
Eddie Izzard – Cats and Dogs
David Ossitt
February 2nd, 2015 – 19:18
Thanks, David, I will certainly give it a go. I watch “Dad’s Army”, but it’s the hundreth time around!
LOL. Anne, at this VERY moment I am watching Dad’s Army. I know all the episodes almost by heart.
Colonel Mustard – Nil Carborundum etc etc. Keep commenting, becoming downhearted only lets the bastards win, sadly, as does banning them, which prevents us combating them.
And whilst you have the right to be offended, you also have the right to offend. I have always tried to base my opinions on facts, or at least facts driven by evidence. Hence my detestation of socialism as all the evidence is it doesn’t work, my dislike of pacifism as it always fails and my aversion to faith, as it is just that – a belief, no matter how deeply held, without support or evidence. Too often it is the reverse of Voltaire’s statement (I’ll defend your right to say etc etc) – “I’ll harm or kill you because you don’t believe what I believe!”
AWK – last night, Sunday, on Radio 4 at 7.15pm there was a comedy programme called Gloomsbury which made me laugh out loud. I have totally given up on BBC radio comedy except for Milton Jones and Count Arthur Strong (better on radio though I too enjoyed him on TV), but give this go.
And if everyone is feeling just a little too pleased with themselves for knowing the scripts of Dad’s Army better than the original actors ever did, why not go to You Tube, sit back and enjoy Leo McKern as Rumpole of the Bailey!
And now, something completely different, and uplifting if you like drinking beer. For the doubters, check the second link ranking countries by the death rate from Alzheimer, those that drink beer heavily are at the bottom of the middle of the list (the Poles, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Czechs ..), (the countries in the grey part of the list have fewer death still but mainly because people there die young).
Baron’s just opening a third bottle of Budweiser, the one brewed in Bohemia, hops and all.
anne wotana kaye @ 20:38
Baron’s favorite, too, anne, watching it almost makes one regretting there isn’t a war, a place called Walmington-on-Sea, Capt. Mainwaring, sergeant Wilson, Mavis Pike ….
Colonel Mustard @ 12:17
Someone of your high rank, the highest esteem amongst the troops, with sharp mind and a sharper pen still giving up the fight, surrendering to tele? Come on, Colonel, the country needs you more than ever, stay at least till the May count, then decide.
Peter from Maidstone
February 2nd, 2015 – 20:39
Col. Mustard
Col. I regret to say you have brought all this grief upon yourself. You try and argue with a mad beast, and surely you should know that rabies is infectious. Just ignore the raving lunatic, ” Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood” etc.! , You must not go, that is what Private Pike wants. Yes, I think he must look like Pike from “Dad’s Army”, a weedy wimp with a needy expression and a scarf around his scraggy neck. And me? On a good day I’m Mrs Fox, and on a bad day, Godfrey’s sister Dolly! So come on, Col. lighten up and stay and fight the good fight. We all want you to stay.
David Ossitt @ 19:18
Agreed in general, David, but have you ever listened to David Mitchell on BBC4, on Sunday noon (after a couple of minutes of news?)? The panelists are seldom funny, he is, at least compared to the rest of the sad crowd of progressive comedians.
Heh,heh,heh! Now here’s a bone of contention that could sharpen the fangs of a few Wallsters. Personally, as someone who enjoys – and oft admires – most of the output of both Hitch Minor and Alex Boot, I’m torn, I tell you, torn!
But surely … this is an opportunity for Colonel Mustard to exercise his mind and considerable polemical skills
without the provocation of our sadly predictable troll and give us an opinion on the dichotomy between two titans of conservative thinking. It’s way above my pay grade, so forgive me if I sit and watch:
It must be right up the street of our ennobled culture warrior, too. Eh, Baron?
Baron (22:12)
On a slightly less serious note:
“So spake the Brewer’s PRO
For he is paid for saying so.”
J Betjeman, I believe?
In fact – let’s go the whole hog, it’s worth it:
“The village inn, the dear old inn,
So ancient, clean and free from sin,
True centre of our rural life
Where Hodge sits down beside his wife
And talks of Marx and nuclear fission
With all a rustic’s intuition.
Ah, more than church or school or hall,
The village inn’s the heart of all”
So spake the brewer’s PRO,
A man who really ought to know,
For he is paid for saying so.
And then he kindly gave to me
A lovely coloured booklet free.
“Twas full of prose that sang the praise
Of coaching inns in Georgian days,
Showing how public-houses are
More modern than the motor-car,
More English than the weald or sold
And almost equally as old.
And run for love and not for gold
Until I felt a filthy swine
For loathing beer and liking wine,
And rotten to the vary core
For thinking village inns a bore
And village bores more sure to roam
To village inns than stay at home.
And then I thought I must be wrong,
So up I rose and went along
To that old village alehouse where
In neon light is written “Bear”.
Ah, where’s the inn that once I knew
With brick and chalky wall
Up which the knobbly pear-trees grew
For fear the place would fall?
Oh, that old pot house isn’t there,
It wasn’t worth our while.
You’ll find we have rebuilt “The Bear”
In Early Georgian style.
But winter jasmine used to cling
With golden stars a-shine
Where rain and wind would wash and swing
The crudely painted sign.
And where’s the roof of golden thatch?
The chimney-stack of stone?
The crown-glass panes that used to match
East sunset with their own?
Oh now the walls are red and smart,
The roof has emerald tiles.
The neon sign’s a work of art
And visible for miles.
The bar inside was papered green,
The settles grained like oak,
The only light was paraffin,
The woodfire used to smoke.
And photographs from far and wide
Were hung around the room;
The hunt, the church, the football side,
And Kitchener of Khartoum.
Our air-conditioned bars are lined
With washable material,
The stools are steel, the taste refined,
Hygienic and ethereal.
Hurrah, hurrah, for hearts of oak!
Away with inhibitions!
For here’s a place to sit and soak
In sanit’ry conditions.”
Think the Chinese my be catching on?
Betjeman was way ahead of his time.
Free speech at University.What free speech?
Out of 115 universities only 23 have been listed as having freedom of speech;of these some are surprising such as Exeter with its muslim brotherhood connections:the only others in the Russel Group of 24 top universities are Southampton and York.
Universities are listed as RED [banned ideas]/AMBER[chilled free speech]….these include Oxford and Cambridge./GREEN[allow free speech].
This report comes via Briebart UK.
You won’t know whether to laugh or cry if you watch this.
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
What are your thoughts on this.
David Ossitt 19:18 yesterday
Just adding my voice to the Count Arthur fan club. Beginning to approach the surreal lunacy of Father Ted, also written of course by Graham Linehan. You do seem to need a particular sense of humour, though, as some people just give you a blank look.
Frank P – February 3rd, 2015 – 01:29
If I may …..
There’s one thing I find both intensely tedious and irritating, and that is some bloody smart arse foreigner lecturing me on the finer point of English grammar. English is MY language and I’ll use it or abuse it as I please, DAMMIT! [consciously or otherwise 🙂 ]
Despite Boot’s protestations to the contrary his obsession with Hitchens is bordering on monomania, and the irony of his last sentence is obviously lost on him! Furthermore, before we all go the full “Princess Di” for daring to criticise him, there’s already enough bleedin’ teddy bears and floral bouquets on the pavements already!
There, will that do? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Just for you (and me) here’s an amusing little sketch about “Grammar Nazis”
John Birch – 8.03am
After watching that, I needed something to turn the world the right way up – good to know there are still women with actual talent beautifying our world.
I could try and get Alex Boot and Hitchens in the same room?
I’m with Alex on the general point. Saying that it doesn’t matter what sex an Anglican bishop is means that a modernist, liberal and non-conservative position has already been adopted. Liberals only need to keep chipping away at the conservative basis of our society.
It was fun this morning to hear Naughtie trying to put words into the mouth of Professor Anne Glover, the former chief science adviser to the European Commission.
She wasn’t having any of it, meanwhile Naughtie’s anti-scientific bias was laid bare for all to hear. 🙂
Baron February 2nd, 2015 – 22:35
Agreed in general, David, but have you ever listened to David Mitchell on BBC4
I never miss it.
EC @ 09:18
Not bad, the sketch, not bad at all, EC, others in the series were pretty good, too.
Frank P @ 01:29
Mr.Boot can never be right on Russia, Frank, what with a chip on his shoulder of the size which can only be measured with not yet invented hatometers.
And on the CoE issue: For a belief system crafted from the bollocks of a monarch with oversexed desires yet feeble fertility, could one expect anything but further morphing of raw scriptures to satiate the whims of lesser Henrys? Baron says it with respect to those who genuinely believe because, in his view, the trappings of a belief system are but secondary to its teaching. Hitchens’s has a point.
The verse’s first class, so was the one who wrote it, Frank.
Did you know that in the 16th century, during the times of the bard, there was one pub for every 200 English burghers, unsanitised, rowdy but profitable e?
EC @ 09:18
You not only may, EC, you should for your tongue it is, and anyone born outside its imprint – from the first word your mother spoke to you, your first word back to her – can never acquire the same feel for it as you, ever.
The rest of the posting sounds also pretty good to the barbarian.
Baron’s off heading east, may report back to you if, as Bob Hope once quipped, his trip ‘will be successful, he’ll get back’.
Take care Baron, God speed.
Another seminal essay by Soeren Kern:
There seems to be no will, no way
To save our land from this decay.
Brought on by years of deep subversion
By traitors steeped in red perversion.
Now, conjoining with Islam’s ambition,
Through infiltration and sedition
They wage a war of cold attrition:
The ‘road to bottomless perdition’.
Is May 7th the last chance saloon – or just another step along that irreversible journey? I fear the latter.
I’ve just heard a bit of disgusting reportage on BBC 5Live. The studio were discussing a knife attack on some soldiers in Nice with a French reporter. They wittered on about how ‘some people’ were now getting tired of the increased military presence in cities. (after the the Hebdo and Jewish murders – not mentioned by them). Between the two of them they speculated that this could be a motive, i.e some random Frenchman merely tired of extra security measures. The fact that the soldiers were guarding a Jewish centre, that the assailant was a black Malian, and that he has the same (albeit common) surname as the murderer of the Parisian jews was not mentioned.
In other words this attack is guaranteed to have nothing to do with !$lam – so move along there.
ISIS have reportedly just burned the Jordanian pilot alive.
Jordan should now feed its ISIS prisoners to some hungry pigs!
EC – 17:38
A bit of logic is all that is needed to show ‘strength’, and carnage, or mercy to show weakness. What a wicked world we are witnessing! With thanks to the ROP:
‘Kill our pilot and we’ll execute ALL your prisoners’: Jordan ‘says it will hang its ISIS captives’ if airman hostage is dead
Someone taking the p155:
RobertC – 18:53
Tangentially, here’s one in the eye for the feminazis -so to speak 🙂
Imagine the banshee howls and cries of “misogyny”etc. that would arise from the feminazis (and posturing poseurs like @stellacreasy & FatBot) if a CofE vicar had said this:
also… “only an overly ”lenient” husband would allow his wife to work” 🙂
RobertC – 17:57
The inevitable has happened:
Jordan announces execution of six ISIS prisoners ‘within hours’ in retaliation after terrorists release lavish video of Jordanian pilot being TORCHED to death in a cage in yet another new low for humanity
February 3rd, 2015 – 19:55
Despite the utter evilness of this ISIS action, I wonder how long it will be before Britain begs Jordan to show humanitarian feelings and cease from executing any more terrorists, including the bitch they are holding in prison.
AWK – 21:19
We haven’t had the “they’re monsters, not muzlims” from him, so he might be having second thoughts. if so, he could have a quiet word with the P of W!
Our newspapers are strewn with muzlim carnage, from the ME, to Britain. Surely Cameron must see that the label ROP is British satire, except that the intent to reform is well past its sell by date, by about 1400 years!
From the mail on line
In the post, entitled ‘Moaz Was Burnt Alive, Below Is the Islamic Justification for Such an Act’, it gives a list of apparent defences which it says might be in accordance with Islamic principles.
It then concludes: ‘This is what you should say if confronted about these actions.’
Nothing to do with Islam though, obviously.
Thanks very much to those who wrote encouragements here.
To AWK – I don’t see it as argument as such but the correction of misrepresentations and propaganda. There is no argued debate because as soon as any correction is made he doesn’t engage with it but resorts to characterisation and labelling, usually indirectly and elsewhere. The same lie is then posted again and again, an example being the Heywood and Middleton by-election where he continuously boasts of the Labour vote “increasing by 1%” ignoring the reality and context of turnout and shrinking labour majority.
The Labour party do that. They seize whichever cherry appears to support their dogma and then constantly repeat it like a mantra. They depend on those Goebbelesque lies which ignore factual data and do not accept correction, a propaganda machine with little else of substance or integrity.
But I do take your point about him, thank you.
A corrupt police officer and two local politicians – including one serving councillor – have been accused of having sex with abuse victims in Rotherham, it was revealed today.
Wonder what ethnic background they come from.????
Balls shrugs off TV memory lapse
Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls says “it’s an age thing” after failing to remember the name of one of Labour’s main business supporters.
Surely this is a case of age discrimination, and as such Balls should be brought to trial!
AWK – 11:37
Balls cannot remember how Labour, and he in particular, left Britain in 2010: a wasteland!
It is beyond belief how his party can stay in politics, let alone pretend to be HM opposition. Then again we have the Chris ‘what do points mean’ Huhne returning to Parliament, but not as an MP, thankfully:
February 4th, 2015 – 12:34
Some things never change.
A step in the right direction from the boys this week.
Well, it would be a start.
What a day.
I used to think of Ed Balls between the sheets.
But now I see he has three sheets and wind.
Isabel nailed it when she said his failure to remember Bill is of less import than the fact that there is only one Bill.
Mind you he is an august Bill on the Board of the Successful Coop Bank.
And of course he has learned from his time at a failed computer company.
And is all that was not enough Pickles has finally nailed the Labour criminals in Rotherham.
All we need now is Burnham and Johnson in jail for Stafford.
Only the Israelis could do this …
(from Gates of Vienna) ISIS Outtakes
Colonel Mustard February 4th, 2015 – 09:35
“Thanks very much to those who wrote encouragements here.”
Welcome back.
Do not let the troll wear you down.
anne wotana kaye February 3rd, 2015 – 21:19
“including the bitch they are holding in prison.”
I do believe that she is one of the two who were executed yesterday or was it earlier today?
What surprised me was that the King of Jordan said ISIS had some support from Jordanians and he hoped that this support would now end.
That’s it, it is now official I am a nasty racist.
I want this woman and her five offspring (no evidence of a father) sent packing back to the Congo, she has and is bleeding our benefits system for all that she can.
She had a weekly rent of over £500 paid by us, now we not only keep, her and her dead eyed offspring but we pay the huge legal costs of her fight to live in central London.
She is taking the piss.
Everything below has been copied and pasted from MSN News.
Homeless migrant mum-of-five refuses to live in council house OUTSIDE London
A HOMELESS mother of five who refused a state-funded house outside London is taking her battle to the Supreme Court.
Titina Nzolameso refused a council home offer in Milton Keynes
Titina Nzolameso was evicted from her four-bedroom central London flat in 2012 after falling into rent arrears. The Congolese refugee snubbed the offer of a bigger, cheaper home, saying she wanted to stay near friends and not have her children move school.
Westminster City Council washed their hands of her, saying she had made herself intentionally homeless.
Nzolameso has spent the last three years taking her case, funded by legal aid, through the courts.
Now she is to plead with the highest court to make Westminster find her a place to live in the capital, where hard-working families struggle with housing costs.
Nzolameso came to Britain from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998 and claimed asylum.
She now has British citizenship. (In heavens name why?)
She and her children Tasnim, 14, Hussain, 13, twins Jamilah and Amirah, 10, and Daliya, 9, moved to Westminster in 2008.
Millions of people up and down the country have to make decisions about where they can live based on their current financial situation says Jonathan Isaby, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance.
Her rent was covered by housing benefit but she fell into arrears after a £500-a-week cap came into force in early 2012.+
Westminster Council found her a place in Milton Keynes, Bucks, but she dismissed the offer.
Her children were put in foster care and she has since been sleeping on friends’ sofas.
If she loses, Nzolameso could take her case to the European Court of Human Rights, while a win could set alarm bells ringing in housing departments around the country.
Nzolameso’s solicitor Jayesh Kunwardia of Hodge Jones & Allen said the council had failed to look for an alternative closer to Westminster.
David Ossitt
February 4th, 2015 – 16:10
Yes, David, thank the Lord she is dead.
I am sadly not surprised that some Jordanians support ISIS. True the Jordanians are the best of the arabs, but they are still arabs and mainly moslem.
It has just dawned on me I will be seventy-five tomorrow.
Something I read recently urged us to look back from the year of our birth to the year equivalent to our age.
So my birth year 1940 minus the years that I have lived would take us to February 1865, the American Civil War ended on the 9th April 1865.
Doing this brings home to you just how recent our past really is.
David Ossitt 1604
On this day we must not let domestic political differences deflect us from anger at the single worst atrocity that telemachus has seen
We must direct our anger to obliterating these medieval monsters
We have our pilots who must not shrink from their task
In BOTH Syria and Iraq
Cameron should be on a plane to Washington organising a UK/US boots on the ground mission to grind these barbarians into the desert
This is 2015
We are civilised
I council those with the stomach to see the video and then think on what we should do
I implore Peter not to delete this post
Happy birthday David, and if your a racist then so am I.
But we both know we’re not, that women is a parasite as so many are.
They should not be here.
This country is our country, not some piece of land that’s usefull to the dregs of the world.
I think the battle cry should be the simple statement used at every opportunity.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
we have to be cleverer than that
we must have th technology to disable their communications. They seem to have internet and stuff. this could be jammed. i bet GCHQ know how to mount a denial of service attack.
and follow the money and disrupt that.
David Ossitt
February 4th, 2015 – 16:49
Happy birthday, David, and may you be blessed with good health and lots of joy.
I thought that Louise Casey was a mouthy undesirable when she first got high office.
But after her report on Rotherham maybe that’s what we need .
David Ossitt – 16:49
5th February, 2015 – 75 not out – one run ahead of Boycott!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
Happy birthday David Ossitt!
David Ossitt
Monday’s child is fair of face …? I bet your Mum told you that.
And the day after you were born the goverment launched its “Careless talk costs lives” campaign. ” Be like Dad – keep Mum!” “Keep it dark!” … etc.
Churchill travelled to Paris with Chamberlain on the day you were born to meet with M. Daladier to discuss how they could assist Finland against Russian Invasion. 🙂
Many happy returns. Herr Giger, who designed the special effects for “Alien” was born on the same day as you… but he cashed in his chips last year.
Forced vaccination? Alex Jones dedicates his show yesterday to the question.
He thinks it may not be a good idea.
The UK’s role in fighting Islamic State extremists is “strikingly modest” and should be stepped up, MPs have said.
The Defence Select Committee found the UK had carried out 6% of coalition air strikes against the jihadist group and said it was “surprised and deeply concerned” it was not doing more.
In their committee report, the MPs said the “nightmare” of a jihadist state in parts of Iraq and Syria had been realised “in an extreme form”.
‘No clear strategy’
IS has taken control of a large number of areas and been behind acts of brutality, including the beheadings of British hostages.
The report said IS was the “most significant threat” to international security to have emerged from the Middle East “in decades”.
The MPs said the UK “can and should be playing a greater role” in fighting it, adding that “officials, ministers, and officers have failed to set out a clear military strategy”.
And the dynamic Cameron reply:
“The government said military action was just part of “comprehensive” action by the international coalition.”
Well that will make me sleep soundly
Boots Cameron, Boots
This is rather discouraging –
It seems to me to be a senseless waste. Why aren’t these weapons being used against ISIS?
Frank et al, inspired to check my birthday, I see that I was born on a Tuesday and am full of grace. If that means able to dance coherently then something went very wrong indeed.
Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday.
We will go out to lunch today, evenings out we find too tiring.
David Ossitt,
The 5th of February 1940 was notable date in the “Battle of the Atlantic.” It was the day U33 left Wilhelmshaven on a mission to lay mines in the Clyde. It never returned. After HMS Gleaner gave the crew of U33 “a night to remember” Kapitanleutnant Hans Von Dresky gave the orders to abandon ship and he scuttled his sub. The crew were supposed to chuck the Enigma cypher machine rotors in the water once clear of the sub. However, when one is up to one’s neck in freezing water…. One of the crew was caught with three of the rotors in his pockets, two of which were only in use by the German Navy.
These rotors came in very handy because we already had a working Engima machine thanks largely to the efforts of some clever and very brave Poles, the French secret service, and ultimately thanks to the avaricious wife of a German called Hans-Thilo Schmidt! The rest as, they say, is history… which bears very little relation to the Hollywood version!
Read it all in “Enigma: The Battle for the Code”, by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore
EC, I thought that it was all down to the Americans who solved the Enigma code and found the device? Was Hollywood wrong?
In fact I am imagining a Hollywood treatment of the Rotherham scandal in which gangs of white Christians are raping vulnerable Pakistani girls and prostituting them.
This is one of the worst examples of whataboutery I have read:-
Where to begin? Perhaps with the distinction that the ISIS victim was not a target in a military strike, not even a collateral innocent. The author of the piece makes no distinction between death and injury ‘out of the blue’ in a military strike and a ritual murder outside the context of battle where the victim, who knows what is coming to him, dies slowly and in agony as a result of a deliberately contrived execution.
He also makes no distinction of intent. Collateral innocent victims of military strikes are unlikely to be intended and are not usually killed with a deliberate intent to terrorise. This sort of whataboutery has been deployed before, against the Allied bombing of German cities in WWII, where it is sometimes used in an attempt to down play the Holocaust. But German civilians could take shelter, they had a chance and an expectation of survival, their deaths were not contrived as individuals and they were not caged. One memory of the notorious Dresden bombing stands out and that is a Jewish survivor who described how she felt elated when she saw the flares dropping on the city and knew that it was about to be bombed. She was filled with joy and a sense of delivery. The fate of the Germans who died in the city under the bombs was uncertain but had it not been bombed her fate was assured. There were no air raid shelters in the concentration camps, no rescue crews digging in collapsed buildings, no medical teams giving aid to the injured. The fate of the inmates was not one night of concentrated bombing from which they might survive but day after day of systematic cruelty and execution with no hope of reprieve.
But there is another distinction which is that the ISIS victim was a prisoner of war and his humane treatment the responsibility of his captors. He had ceased to be a combatant, was unarmed and helpless. At that point the imperative should have been mercy and compassion, in recognition that he was merely a servant of his country’s belligerence but not its architect.
I watched the video. It horrified me and I have seen a few horrors in my time. It was a revolting display of mediaeval barbarism, an inhuman and disgusting regression. But the world’s response, or lack of response, has saddened me.
When the North Koreans invaded the South in 1950 there was an immediate UN response of action rather than words. They condemned the invasion on the same day and two days later invoked a UN military response involving 21 nations.
I simply cannot understand why a massive international force under the auspices of the UN Security Council – the US, UK, Russia, Turkey, China, France, etc., has not descended on the Islamic State and ground every last inhuman devil of ISIS into the dust. Well, yes, I can understand. Such is the weakness and lack of resolve in our Western leaders and governments, the cowardice of their complacency, that they prefer to gather in the streets of Paris for a bit of collective sanctimony and a photo opportunity rather than gather the forces at their disposal and follow through for civilisation. To be appalled and outraged is easy to say but to do something about it another matter entirely. And I find them wanting in every particular.
The world is not more civilised than 1950. It has regressed.
Peter from Maidstone – 09:54
I thoroughly recommend “Enigma: The Battle for the Code”, by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore. It’s one of the best books, imo, that has been published on Bletchley Park and the Battle of the Atlantic. (I have a small collection on this subject)
He took a personal interest in the story as his family used to own Bletchley Park before WW2.
@09:55 Absolutely ❗
Allison gets it:
Voter fraud. Animal abuse. FGM. Here. In our country.
When will liberal apologists stop making excuses for undemocratic, uncivilised and downright illegal behaviour in Britain?
I should also like to respectfully draw attention to and urge you to read this, although I suspect it might not be welcomed by all:-
I usually avoid commentary on the subject of Islam because I am not unbiased. But the current demonising of the whole faith and its adherents concerns me. I’ll write more about it and the history of British Islam as I gather my thoughts.
It is rather sad that Mr Cameron makes more of King Salman of Saudi Arabia than of King Abdullah II of Jordan and the important Amman Message. The Message should have been emphasised here and the Government and the Church of England should have taken steps to ensure that every mosque and every muslim faith school endorsed it and practised it. It should also have been an incorporated pre-requisite for authorising immigration and asylum.
One of the factors in the current crisis of Islam in the UK has been the breathtaking ignorance of the UK government about Islam (since about 1930) and their failure to identify with or acknowledge its best practitioners but instead to be drawn into a particular strand of the faith and to appease its characteristics. With the loss of Empire the ignorance has abounded and an unfortunate parochialism of hybrid politics has masked some objective realities and the adoption of effective policies.
If you google ‘UK Government and the Amman Message’ the results are sparse. The Coalition and Anglican Synod conspicuously absent.
@PfM 5th, – 09:54
And further to EC, If you’re interested in the intricacies of the machine itself, try Gordon Welchman’s “The Hut Six Story”, ISBN 0 947712 34 8. When Welchman first published his book he was threatened with being charged with offences under the Official Secrets Act. So much for MI5’s watchful eye!
Colonel Mustard – 11:14
You are correct, the UK Government is breathtakingly ignorant about a great deal, but the populous are beginning to cotton onto it.
I am, though, at a loss to understand who ‘Islam’s best practitioners’ are. Are they the British ‘silent majority’ Muslims, who follow British Culture but turn up to the mosque, if at all, in order to stay alive, or ISIS, where they are free to follow their own faith exactly as proscribed in their own literature?
If their literature can so easily be misinterpreted, why isn’t it ‘improved’?
We know why! No one has survived.
There must be many muslims who are in a dilemma: they see the Western way life (sans socialism), based on Christianity, as better in every way, but they fear the consequences of change.
But trying to excuse islam will only make them even more confused.
Extreme muslims’ want to kill infidels, while ‘moderate muslims’ are happy to support ‘extreme muslims’: donating money to ensure the Caliphate continues to expand.
If only it were different! And our elites continue to appease.
RobertC 11:42
The ‘best practitioners’ are those who endorse and undertake the Amman Message. The fact that the Message is so little known and emphasised within the context of Islam in the UK is precisely the point, but I intend to elaborate further about that.
The main reason for the appeasement has little to do with muslims in the UK and everything to do with the UK government’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. In fact I would go so far as to say that the UK government is wilfully ignorant of muslim practices in Britain, their origin and legacy. They use the word ‘Islamophobia’ in the international and EU bien pensant urban dinner party sense, as guilty of generalising and stereotyping as those they accuse. The ‘engagement’ with communities, however, has been parochial and beset by the whispering in ears of a fairly narrow and self-serving message. The current crisis has been fostered by a state apparatus that has exercised tolerance without vigilance, that arising from ignorance, and which has all been exacerbated by the layer of multi-culti political correctness they have coerced over those closer to the realities than they are.
At no stage in this careless rolling out of tolerance without vigilance, based on ignorance, has any element of responsible protection been demonstrated. Now, with the stable door open and the horse well and truly bolted, it is far too late to talk in twee tones about ‘British values’ and expect that to take root.
When Powell spoke of heaping up a funeral pyre – “It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.” – he said ‘nation’ when he should have said ‘government’. But certainly the funeral pyre being heaped up was the funeral pyre of the nation. A nation that a succession of ignorant governments have woefully failed to protect.
Apologies – that link should have been for David Ossitt – who seems to be keener to be ‘full of grace’, rather than ‘fair of face’. 🙂 Which is it David – the 5th or the 6th?
BTW. I found that story about Churchill, Chamberlain and Daladier very interesting. On the way back from Paris Churchill spotted a floating mine in the Channel and suggested to the skipper that they blow it up with a salvo. The skipper complied and Winnie was delighted that it was successful. The mine exploded with a gigantic bang. A big chunk of it landed on the deck of their ship, but nobody was injured.
Here’s a ‘what if’ for you. Had that piece of shrapnel landed on the bridge and killed Winnie (before he had displaced Chamberlain as PM) what language would we be speaking now I wonder?
The pow wow in Paris wasn’t as successful, btw. The Finns capitulated about a month later after a brave struggle and were forced to sign a ‘peace treaty’ with that nice Uncle Joe.
Happenstance is an whimsical phenomenon.
Frank P February 5th, 2015 – 12:18
“Apologies – that link should have been for David Ossitt – who seems to be keener to be ‘full of grace’, rather than ‘fair of face’. 🙂 Which is it David – the 5th or the 6th?”
The 5th Frank, and yes mother always said fair of face.
I was born on a Monday, and therefore must “be fair of face”. Well, I can dream can’t I? 🙂
On a slightly more serious note what can we say to family when they ask the question “What would you like for your birthday present” I can never think of anything.
So I always answer surprise me
anne wotana kaye
February 5th, 2015 – 12:44
EC February 5th, 2015 – 09:28
David Ossitt,
The 5th of February 1940 was notable date in the “Battle of the Atlantic.”
Ec thank you for that, the movers and shakers in Hollywood can not tell a story where the USA is not top dog in every particular.
This has been shown time and again in hundreds if not thousands of Pictures.
I think that this is because the average American has little knowledge of the rest of the world.
For a good example of this google:-
Colonel Mustard
The semantics of the various strands of tribal Islam seem less important than the fact that to all Muslims, we (Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics – in fact all who do not follow the alleged dictates of a mythical paedophile/prophet of 1400 or so years ago) are infidels and therefore targets for religious conversion or dhimmitude.
Moreover Sharia Law trumps our in the minds of the
Ummah and Islam is therefore inimical to the UK. Thus the treasonous immigration policies of successive governments for the past 70 years are to blame for most of our current problems. But as the electorate is to blame for electing the governments we have had, we sadly deserve what has befallen us.
May 7th is unlikely to change that state of affairs.
For some reason my last post arrived in two instalments. Curious!
Ostrich (occasionally) – 11:34
I have the book. The cat was first let out of the bag in 1974 when F.W. Winterbotham first published his book called “The Ultra Secret”. No action was taken against Winterbotham, although his book was heavily criticised.
In 1974 Gordon Welchman had been living in the USA for 24 years, had been a naturalised US citizen for 12, and he had been working for the MITRE Corporation on data and military comms. He retired in 1971 but was retained as a consultant When Welchman published his more detailed account, “The Hut Six Story” in 1982, MI5 lent on the NSA who in turn lent on Welchman quite heavily. He lost his security clearance and thereby his consultancy at MITRE. He died in 1985, aged 79.
Ostrich, if you haven’t got it already then check out “Top Secret Ultra” by Peter Calvocoressi – who was also one of the participants.
“The semantics of the various strands of tribal Islam seem less important than the fact that to all Muslims, . . .”
So I take it that I need not continue?
Stuart Ramsey has produced a 15 minute report for Sky News about the evolution of the ISIS caliphate ambitions, which is interesting more for what it omits rather than what it includes. No mention of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the whole piece; nor does Iran get a mention, except as a potential victim of ISIS.
Taqiyya, from a-hole to breakfast time!
Colonel Mustard (15:31)
On the contrary – carry on, please. I was just interjecting and addressing the flamboyant bullshit of the ‘Amman Address’; expressing the opinion that their differences or agreements within their ‘religion’ (however you define that word) are of little importance to me as I reject the whole concept of prophets and caliphates and was suggesting that if they want to settle here and impose their quaint beliefs and laws on the indigenous population ‘we’ (who ain’t ‘they’) should resist comprehensively, if necessary by exclusion – or deportation if they have already invaded. We can -and sadly do – tolerate idiocy if and when it’s benign, but should we continue to do so once it becomes predatory, inimical and dangerous – as we have experienced exponentially over the past decades?
You state that you are ‘not unbiased’. Well if you are indeed biased (hope that’s not an unfair translation), which way and why? That is important to know, if we are to assess your analyses, which we all (bar one 🙂 ) seem thave valued hitherto and will probably continue to value, regardless of differences of opinion or p.o.v.
As for the way we approach the ”ROP’s” own squabbles, within their cultish practices, when they threaten us from without, then I’m all for using whatever clout and cunning we can muster. Unfortunately current western leaders seen devoid of either, or at least are unwilling to employ what exists, let alone devise an even stronger modus operandi. Which means we are losing the war against Islam, imnsho. And it is Islam in its entirety that wishes to prevail against the “infidel” judging from its history.
The Dutch Provincial Elections are coming up on March 18th, and Geert Wilders really has had enough!
The broadcast is in Dutch, so screen wipes on standby, but it is clear enough what he is saying 😉
…the unholy alliance between the left and Islam is the enigma that troubles me most – aptly dubbed ‘communislam’ by some wit over on Breitbart. One hopes it contains the seeds of its own destruction – ‘a consummation devoutly to be wished’.
Can I have Fry’s with those sweetbreads?
Alex Boot salivates at the prospect:
T.V. comedies.
Birthday Greetings to David Ossitt……and belated 85th birthday greetings to Roy Clarke born in the West Riding on 28 January 1930.
How familiar is the name Roy Clarke(?)… of the greatest TV comedy writers:creator of “Last of the Summer Wine”,”Keeping Up Appearances”;and”Open All Hours”.
I have only just viewed the Xmas 2013 “Still Open All Hours”:a passable sequel to the original.
A-a-a Arkwright’s shop can be tracked down on Google by looking up `Balby Lister Avenue`.
Boot on Fry. The last sentence loses it. If what Mr Fry thinks of God is of no interest to Mr Boot whatsoever why had he just written a lengthy article about that very subject?
Mustard on Muslims. My bias is that I simply refuse to generalise about them or demonise them as a single entity.
Muslims are fighting ISIS. I have served alongside Muslims and never once found them wanting in either loyalty or courage. There were individual Muslims that I liked and individual Muslims that I disliked. The same was and is true of all other races and religions I have encountered.
Far from being flamboyant bullshit the Amman Message contains principles which should address almost every concern about Islam both from within and without. The pity in the UK is that neither the government nor the self-appointed leaders of the Muslim community have embraced the Message or sought to subscribe to it formally. There is no Archbishop of Canterbury or Synod equivalent for the Muslim population of the UK and the vast majority of Mosques are Deobandi (700-800). Deobandi Masjids constitute over 55% of the Sunni Muslim population in the UK.
Here we go again…
Although far from home, I have started to eat Marmite again. What can this mean?
February 5th, 2015 – 22:59
You either love or hate Marmite, therefore you must love it. Unless of course, you are a masochist!
Colonel Mustard (21:49)
The first two paragraphs of that post are not an explanation of ‘bias’ (or ‘not unbias’ even). They are an attempt to establish just the opposite – indeed they seem to indicate an open mind that refuses to take general view about individual Muslims. I respect that p.o.v.
But though I would agree that all Muslims are individuals and therefore different, they do indeed have one thing in common – Islam. That makes them all different to me, because I reject Islam as a philosophy, a religion, a legal system and a cult.which makes me an ‘Infidel’ and therefore in their eyes I carry unacceptable baggage.
Moreover, as I follow no religion, I don’t have to defend my own religion as a basis for living a moral (or indeed an immoral) life. So I feel free to tolerate any religion that is neither predatory nor proselytizing, but utterly reject a religion that accords to a set of rules that brooks no dissent and exhorts death and other extreme puniahments for apostasy. A cult that has millions of adherents displaying barbaric practices that are both abhorrent to the culture and traditions of my native land.
I will willingly admit, therefore, a general bias against all religions because all exploit the superstitious innocence or ignorance of the masses that have been inculcated into their system and build a power structure by ritual and fear of everlasting damnation. But I hold a powerful antipathy to Islam in particular which seems incapable of reform and terrorizes both its own adherents and infidels with its evil manifestations around the world. And the Muslim Brotherhood Project apes Alinski’s Rules and we all know whence Saul’s ideas. If Antonio has transmogrified into a sentient being somewhere in the multiverses I’m sure he will be satisfied with current chaos on Earth as a staging operation, but it would be interesting to hear his take on ISIS. One Long March was ample – two in conjunction is taking the piss. I don’t think even he envisaged that development. 🙂
So – as a free spirit I can enjoy the output of Boot, Hitchens, and Mustard, without agreeing with certain aspects of their respective opinions. I’m even willing to listen to Nick the Mysterious Bubble aka Telemucus, if only to jeer at his transparent adherence to that other cult – Marxism in its ever morphing manifestations.
And I’m sorry, but my bullshit detector went off the scale when I read the Amman Taqiyya. Jordan may be a useful ally, but they need us more than we need them; if only the idiots in charge of Western governments would stop kissing arse for cheap oil.
…and baksheesh – of course.
…not to mention in the case of many among a pliant MSM (foreign correspondents); a dodgy diplomatic corps and our MI (various) a taste for Arab boys.
EDL march in Dudley on Sat 7 Feb against super mosque plans.
The Wolverhampton Express and Star expresses its own views and those of the local police in the headline:”Stay away from Dudley,EDL thugs are told”.This has got three negative comments to the editorial view so far.
Dudley;the reference for this is …
Dudley.Much fuller comments,mainly against a new mosque in Dudley, are to be found at…
This is a comment on Alisons article yesterday.
I wonder if it’s crossed any ones mind that the politically motivated arrest and charge of Incitement to Racial Hatred of Nick Griffin for speaking out against Moslem paedophile gangs might of put anyone in authority (like Rotherham council) right off taking action against these criminals. Its quite likely that people in authorities across the country turned a blind eye that lead to many more victims than there should have been because they saw the highly publicised treatment of Nick Griffin and decided they didn’t fancy being arrested and charged with Incitement to Racial Hatred themselves. I’m no fan of Mr Griffins brand of politics but the Labour government at the time must have been more interested in discrediting a political opponent than they were in protecting children.
That comment was one of over three thousand in the telegraph on line.
Allison has written along these lines before, but I don’t think they have been as strong as this.
And comments were allowed.
I just cannot believe this article would have been published a year ago.
If you haven’t read it you really should.
see RobertC post 11.4 yesterday for link.
Best practice in Buddhism?
Not dead just meditating, reportedly…
Douglas Murray:
Meanwhile in Sweden the descent into farce and dhimmitude continues…
“Sweden’s New Approach to Jihadis: Jobs!”
And Labour’s approach to Democracy:
Nigel Farage abandons walkabout in Rotherham as protesters blockade him in Ukip office
with Sarah Champion, a local Labour MP tweeting:
“Hilarious Farage is trapped inside the #Rotherham UKIP shop by people objecting to him coming to rubber neck at victims!”
Champion’s performance on Daily Politics was appalling. The usual Labour denial, refusal to accept responsibility, finger pointing and deflection. She even tried to wedge in an attack on the Tory-led government for not doing enough to put things right.
“This should not be about party politics” she kept insisting, the usual bleating whenever Labour find themselves in the frame.
Funny they never say that when the Tories are in the frame. Then it is always about party politics red in tooth and claw.
Apparently some of those involved at the council and responsible are now employed elsewhere in lucrative £90-100k “children’s services” jobs. No doubt another outcome from the incestuous practice of “leading beyond (their) authority” that is corrupting the civil service everywhere.
Northumbria police have just charged a group of men for sexual offences against children. Here are their names. I am not sure of ethnicity etc…
– Eisa Mousavi, 39, of Todds Nook, Newcastle has been charged with sexual assault by touching on a female 13 or over; intimidating a witness/juror/person assisting the investigation; rape of a female aged 16 or over; supplying or offering to supply a class B controlled drug; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Monjur Choudhury, 30, of Philip Place, Newcastle has been charged with permit use of premises for supply of drugs; supply or offer to supply class B controlled drugs; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Redwan Siddquee, 30, of West Road, Newcastle has been charged with causing or inciting prostitution for gain; supply or offering to supply a class B controlled drug.
– Mohammed Hassan Ali, 32, of Bentinck Street, Newcastle has been charged with a sexual act on a female and possession of mephadrone with intent to supply.
– Abdulhamid Minoyee, 31, of Gainsbrough Grove, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply or offer to supply cannabis; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over.
– Ebrahim Ali, 38, of Wetherby Grove, Gateshead has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; supply or offer to supply a class A controlled drug; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; arrange child prostitution; rape of a female aged 16 or over.
– Habibur Rahim, 32, of Kenilworth Road, Newcastle has been charged with sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over; administering a substance with intent; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over; supply or offering to supply a class B controlled drug; supply or offer to supply cannabis; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Ibrahim Rousel, 34, of Manor Gardens, Wardley has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over and administering a substance with intent.
– Mohammed Khalique, 22, of Beaconsfield Street, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug.
– Mohammed Azram, 33, of Croydon Road, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply of mephadrone; supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; sexual assault by touching a female aged 13 or over; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Nadeem Aslam, 41, of Belle Grove West, Newcastle has been charged with possession of cannabis; possession of mephadrone; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of premises for supply of drugs; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Prabhat Nelli, 31, Corporation Road, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B drug and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Taherul Alam, 29, of Normanton Terrace, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; permit the use of premises to supply drugs; sexual assault by touching on a female 13 or over; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Yassar Hussain, 25, of Canning Street, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; permit the use of premises to supply drugs; assault occasioning actual bodily harm; possession of mephadrone; possession of amphetamine; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Jahangir Zaman, 41, of Hadrian Road, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Badrul Hussain, 34, of Drybeck Court, has been charged with rape of a female aged under 16; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of a premises to supply drugs and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
– Abdul Sabe, 37, of Dean House, Newcastle has been charged with possession of cannabis; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; non-penatrative sexual activity with a girl 13 to 15; supply or offer to supply cannabis; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over and administering a substance with intent.
– Karzan Mohammed, 23, of Graingerville South, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female under 16; falsely imprison/detain another; supply or offer to supply cannabis; assault occasioning actual bodily harm; administering a substance with intent; rape of a female aged 16 or over and trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.
– Saiful Islam, 32, of Strathmore Crescent, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged under 16 and supply or offer to supply cannabis.
– Nashir Uddin, 33, of Joan Street, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class A controlled drug; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of premises for supply of drugs; rape of a female under 16; causing or inciting prostitution for gain; failing to surrender to custody/respond to bail.
– A 34-year-old man, from Newcastle, has received a summons in relation to a sexual assault and administering a substance with intent.
Colonel Mustard (13:23)
I agree ; Champion’s sanctimonious bleating was emetic. I wondered, earlier this week, why she had been so prominently featured in the Cockerell “Inside the Commons” documentary. Now we know. Brillo exposed her hypocrisy fairly comprehensively; but even then she held on to her newly forged celebrity with typically socialist arrogance. And as RobertC points out she had the audacity to suggest in a tweet that the socialist mafia’s threats of violence against Farage and other members of UKIP were “hilarious”. Neil pointed out the irony, to be fiat to him.
The Rotherham Common Purpose Effect
“By blurring the boundaries between people, professions, public and private sectors, responsibility and accountability, Common Purpose encourages “graduates” to believe that as new selected leaders, they can work together, outside of the established political and social structures, to achieve a paradigm shift or CHANGE – so called “Leading Beyond Authority”. In doing so, the allegiance of the individual becomes ‘re-framed’ on CP colleagues and their NETWORK. Is it any wonder the local authority is “not fit for purpose” in the latest official report?”
Farage just addressed it neatly on BBC News. [Apologies this Nexus tablet keeps ejeculating prematurely before I’ve had a chance to edit and complete a post].
RobertC (14:34)
That’s a terrific and damning round-up. Thanks for linking it. Is Martin Edwards one and the same as the crime author by that name, do you happen to know? I know Brian Gerrish is part of the ‘UK column’ set-up. He’s an indefatigable ferret on the subject of CP.
This excellent linking of the multifaceted tentacles should be the trigger for a major scandal – but will it? Doubtful, I suspect. Makes yesteryears kerfuffle over freemasonry seem tame.
Commonpurposegate! UKIP to note. Unless, of course. No – they haven’t, have they?
Hassan Ali, police officer “under investigation for acting inappropriately with child abuse” killed in car ‘accident’.
The surprising or perhaps not so surprising thing is that every time Common Purpose comes up (again and again in these council scandals) it does not seem to elicit much media or Parliamentary interest.
I’d like to know:-
1. How a business selling training to the civil service can be a ‘charity’
2. How CP got all these government and civil service contracts. Did they tender? Who awarded them?
3. Where their original funding came from.
They set up circa the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, around the time that a huge amount of KGB Moscow slush fund gold disappeared off the books. On their website Middleton (who used to edit Marxism Today) says she had the idea on 25 July 1988 after meeting a woman from the Pittsburg Community Leadership programme. Pittsburg community leadership – uh oh – Chicago community leadership – Obama came from exactly the same “community oreganising” roots and:-
This kicked off in Britain big time when Blair and his fellow travellers took power – all the radicals came out of the woodwork – and I remember this lefty hippy woman cold calling me about “community organising” in the local area circa 2000. When I probed it was obviously a power bid by a group of lefty radicals and once she had established my “unreconstructed” values her attitude changed. I wanted to know why she thought she should be organising any attempt to govern the local area if she wasn’t elected and she began bleating about taking the initiative for change and progress “to make things better” and, here we go, “devolving power” (which usually means seizing it when a politician says it). She was woolly about how this tied in with the parish council and local government but I smelt a very large rat and sent her packing.
About the same time I began to notice more and more Africans turning up at the local bus depot, obviously having just arrived, with suitcases, etc., and barely a day passed without groups of them there waiting for buses.
Check this out too – a sort of Common Purpose chain letter:-
The whole thing really stinks.
I missed the BBCDP party this morning, but this just in…
Desperate Champion chancer
And that’s the nicest thing Danny Lee Weston has to relate about her!
Frank P – 15:24
Another case of S.I.D.S. mebbe? It’s amazing how this malady always strikes without warning. We won’t know for sure what it was until we hear the erudite deliberations of an eminent establishment forensic bod’, and who doesn’t want to become its next victim.
RIP Dr David Kelly
This link from UK column is also worth reading (and watching – video links). The list of ‘directorships’ of Ruth Evans of ATVOD is mind-blowing. Obviously a key nexus in the matrix of subversive power. A one-woman Long March that needs a metephorical double amputation from the hips:
… metaphorical.
Gawd, Peter, do we need an edit tag?
EC (17:04)
How can anybody give any credence to anything that any one of these insidious bastards, within this CP cabal, has to say about anything? Theyareallatit!! (hereinafter TAAAI). The Augean Stables are rafters-high in accumulated feotid filth. And no Heracles on site, or even sight.
Watched some of “Question Time” last nught, and was saddened to see how decrepit and ill George Galloway looked. Do hope it isn’t something terminal! -)
kings fund have been blathering on again
who funds them and what is their agenda?
A lot has gone on during my flying visit to Athens to gauge the reaction to Tsipras
And I immediately see I am stimulated to rise not least to Franks difficult post of 1729
Julia Middleton is another hero of mine and I am proud to have benefitted from
graduation through Common Purpose in 2005.
I council you all to read the splendid tome “Leading beyond Authority”
David Bell ex editor of the FT and now chair of Cambridge University Press and who was Leveson’s right hand man for the enquiry wrote a splendid introduction including:
“Someone once said that there are actually three kinds of people: leaf people who just see leaves, tree people whosee leaves and trees, and far more rarely, forest people who under-stand that leaves and trees make up forests and that forests are verydifferent.
Julia is a forest person. And her book is about what makes forest people, why they matter more than ever, and what it takes to becomeone. Of course, such people are as old as time. How did Hannibal lead so many people – and elephants – over such long distances with-out even one laptop to help him? What made Wilberforce able to persuade so many thousands that slavery was not simply morally odious, but that it should be abolished? Why has Nelson Mandela not exacted terrible revenge from those who imprisoned him? How come John Lewis had an idea for a “non-capitalist” company that still works today – in the most intensely competitive environment we have ever seen?
This book is about what makes this kind of leader.”
Folks seem to equate CP graduates with a left lean
But David Cameron, Francis Maude and Robert Peston are not only graduates but active advocates
I also begin to think of one of Julia’s favourite themes of cultural intelligence
As luck would have it Fraser Nelson has espoused the concept and there are many that have welcomed the tolerant stance of his journal since it jettisoned Matthew d’Ancona
Alexandr 1809
And lilly livered Cameron should think on this
Do not feed the troll – perleeeease!
“…my flying visit to Athens …”
A shame it was not in midsummer, when you might have suffered the same fate as Icarus.
Perhaps it’s time for a reprise of Bill Warner’s You Tube videos.
His lecture on the1400 year history of Islam is a cracker (about 42 mins) but some of the more recent, shorter, clips address current developments. Don’t be distracted by the co!ourful bow ties:
Frank P – 17:12 & 17:29
I concur with your views about Ruth Evans et al.
I remember, and you will have also made a note, that many, many years ago now, [when we were all young and ‘aansome 🙂 ] in at least two other places, some of us had picked up on Brian Gerrish when he first started out, and we were trying to alert others to the insidious and subversive nature of Common Purpose. Several people, including the unforgettable “Phil”, tried to rubbish us, Gerrish, and treat him and his research as a joke. Well – they’re not laughing now!
Gerrish, you will remember, started off by investigating disturbing allegations about children being taken into care, and childrens homes in the Plymouth area. He was met with an omerta by the police, councillors, council officials and social services. He received threats of physical violence, and in all that, that was how he stumbled across Common Purpose – almost by accident. He is a courageous man.
What’s to be done about the stables? Well if we are to believe former Comrade Yuri Bezmenov, and I do, the invading(or stabilising) powers will cleanse the stables of the useful idiots for us – it won’t do us much good though. It’s got to the point where if UKIP fails, then the only alternative is a military coup – no current Generals need apply!
Peter from Maidstone – 13:29
EC, February 5th, 2015 – 22:00
Between Halifax and Newcastle that’s 46 of the buggers, ethnicity escapes me too, charged in the last two days! It’s an epidemic.
Noa (19:05)
I was thinking more along the lines of “Where are the Islamic kamikaze pilots when you need them?” 🙂
But then, one must think of the co-passengers and crew.
Talking of epidemics – we appear to have a large number of Public Sector Workers – correction – we appear to have a large number of Public Sector Incompetents that get paid a good salary and, I expect, a very good pension, for no reason at all. In fact, they cause damage because the rest of us think they are doing their job. And they are not! It’s not only Rotherham, it’s in the NHS – surprise, surprise:
Fatal delays over flu jab: Health bosses knew for six months that vaccine was defective while thousands could have died thinking they were safe
* Officials admitted they had suspected the vaccine was ineffective last year
* Professor Phin said alarm was raised last summer but action wasn’t taken
* Flu jab, which usually protects around 60% of patients, only worked for 3%
* Main strain of virus has mutated so much it no longer matches vaccine
* Thousands of elderly patients died after assuming they were protected
* Also evidence that babies and young children have died from the virus
Somebody has done their homework:
Seems some Americans are waking up
Clear Memories
She’s the dog’s bollocks. Good pick. She gets some coverage over here from time to time, but usually frightens the horses and is stopped in her tracks by terrified anchors.
Robertc 0035
I think the problem was the autumn vaccine was specified in feb and the strain of flu that is with us this winter did not become a threat till june. The lead time for flu vaccine is about 6 months so thats too late.
Shows nature will win sometimes.
Maybe thats some if the explanation for the demand at Casualty departments???
They did a peice on flu and vaccines on Toady yasterday. Pity they did not discuss the fact that basic hygene can do a lot to slow down infection rates. Stuff like handwashing…
EC 20.06
Only for balance
Have you been on the London tube recently
If so have you tried to stay upright without holding the flu transfer grabs
I know posters here do not like me saying be afraid-but I am
Interesting comment at the end of this article about gas attacks on cashpoints.
Some of the resulting explosions were caught on CCTV. The roofs of petrol stations can be seen being blasted apart and twisted metal sent flying.
Mr Mott said banks are reinforcing cashpoints and using dye packs to stain money so thieves can be traced.
The danger is seen as so severe that in November a gang of five men who had targeted cashpoints in Kent had their sentences increased by up to two years and eight months. Lady Justice Rafferty said such offences are ‘accelerating across the UK’ and require deterrent sentences.
Deterrent sentences. !!
That’s in comparison to normal sentences which don’t deter at all then.
Frank P
February 6th, 2015 – 18:42
The following was “broadcast” to the global Twitter “community” this morning:
Tony Blair Faith Fdn (@Tonyblair_TBFF)
“We are working to help counter religious prejudice and #extremism. Find out more about the work we did in 2014.”
Q. What impact?
A. Based on empirical evidence, Bugger all.
What drugs and/or planet are these ar$eholes on???
Tellytubby 0650
So when you come off the tube you have a wash.
And dont suck your fingers or eat food with your hands till you have.
Here’s proof, if it were needed, that totalitarians and/or politicians do not have a sense of humour…
There’s a massive commercial opportunity here. Wouldn’t it be great if the electorate could wipe their bottoms with their politicians – instead of it being the other way around!
With modern technology people upload the image or images of their choice to make going to the bog a uniquely personal political activity. There could also be pre-printed themed or variety packs, including “pot luck” specials etc.
Who would you choose?
Of course if someone dared to reel off a batch bearing the image of the prophet then it would create an almighty stink in the ‘turd world where the inhabitants would undoubtedly go apeshit, or boggart if in Bradford.
EC 09:40 The EU were already way ahead in 2001:-
Note “elsewhere” a certain troll attempting to challenge unlimited freedom of speech. This is the direction of travel. The sly introduction of subjective “mental harm” (rather than real harm) into the law to criminalise offending by speech and visual imagery. Firstly the incremental criticism of free speech from this cod-philosophical perspective that has a chilling effect and encourages self-censorship. That plants the seed and gauges the extent of resistance. Then the scare mongering and fake statistics from all the usual suspects. Followed by the actual repressive law.
Je Suis Charlie my arse.
I think it priceless that the resident troll has come out in such emphatic support of Common Purpose and reveals himself to be a graduate. If ever a better condemnation of that ghastly organisation were needed it could not be found. And it will come as no surprise to most of us that Cameron is an enthusiastic supporter.
I have read ‘Leading Beyond Authority’ and it is a lousy book, full of name dropping and trite, superficial nonsense about leadership. Here are some of the Amazon reviews and comments that are less than complimentary:-
“How to give people what they don’t want & take away what they do – Perhaps I misunderstood, but the thrust of this book seems to be how to give people things they don’t want and raise your own profile at the same time. I had an uncomfortable feeling that there was an unstated political agenda, not necessarily democratic. ‘Networks of leaders’, it seems to me, create an inset and an outset. If I am right, this is far from empowering for the latter. Do you perhaps feel that you have less control over your own life than you used to ? This book may explain why, and I don’t mean that as a recommendation.”
“Amazingly Arrogant – Who ever are these people.The book itself was vague not much more than a long list of name drops. If you really want to know how to manipulate people it’s better to read Saul Alinsky.”
“I’ve known about Common Purpose for a good while but avoided mentioning it because it would be so difficult to prove. One of the clever things (and they are very clever) about the ‘project’ is that if you try to point out what is happening, it sounds like classic paranoia. Not so sure the ‘project’ is solely Marxist. It probably started with the idea of ‘die Europaeische Wirtschafliche Gesellschaft’ (European Economic Community) rolled out by the German government in 1942 when they realised that outright miltary victory was unlikely in WWII. The communitarianism advocated by David Cameron has echoes of National Socialism (e.g neighbourhood manager would be a pretty fair translation of ‘Gauleiter’). I think that there is a fair amount of ‘fellow-travelling’ and things may get interesting when the various agendas start to go in different directions.”
“I am truly concerned at the effect of Common Purpose in the background of various agencies that we should be able to trust. The Audit Commission, The National Health Service, The Police and social services. One of the board members of the currently challenged Colchester Hospital was a first round “graduate” of the new System set up in the eighties in Newcastle. NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) Positive speak to the marrow – see the hospital quarterly – “Mainstream” and yet people die and staff are caused to lie under management duress to achieve targets and management rewards.”
Common Purpose stinks.
Alexsandr – 04:59
Taking most, if not any, allelopathic medication is an increased risk to health. Hopefully it should be outweighed by the good it can do, but I would have thought that the “Flu jab, which usually protects around 60% of patients, only worked for 3%” would make the risk too much. At least the information should have been available, but then there would have been an NHS administrative problem: what do you do with the unused goods and who pays for them.
There are quite a few from Social Services that need to be treated in the same manner, and not jump to another overpaid post in ‘Child Services’:
Policeman’s pension cut over sex with vulnerable prostitute
“A chief constable was praised yesterday for taking the rare step of naming a police officer who has been stripped of his pension for misconduct.
Jasbir Dhanda [who’da thunk it!] was jailed in 2012 after trawling the police computer to find a vulnerable woman for sex.”
The hostile Wolverhampton Express and Star reports on the EDL demonstration in Dudley.Note the contribution from Chief Superintendent Johnson (“Beginning of the gathering of faiths in Dudley,strong,cohesive and proud.”);and the statement from the Bishop of Dudley.Also the Comments to various articles which are mainly supportive of the EDL.
I am working in my study, whilst listening to Radio 4 Any Questions, of late every edition of Any Questions has a socialist clack in the audience who whoop and holler at almost every comment from the socialist panel member.
This bad manners is a fairly recent development.
Birmingham Mail (Mirror Group) reports on Dudley;mainly concentrating on black clad anti-fascists in balaclavas,and anarchists.
Here is the planned £18million mosque with 62ft.tower;passed by the council by 5 votes to 3.
Radford NG (14:46)
Does the plan for the mosque include facililities for a nuclear missile launch-pad, like the one they are planning in the Netherlands, in Gouda? Perhaps the planning authorities missed that detail?
Ah, democracy at work.
“The council had received 370 letters of support and a petition for the application with 1,718 signatures, while 885 letters were sent in against the plans.”
No doubt the signatures on the petition came from places other than Dudley. . .
The mind blowing rhetoric of that long streak of diluted piss, Obama, during his address yesterday to some Christian convention or other, admonishing Christians to “not get on their high horses” about the torching of the Jordanian pilot in a cage by the Islamic nutters of the jihad – “because Christians did that sort of thing during the Crusades and the Inquisition”, is just about the most puerile and idiotic statement ever made by any POTUS.
Imagine Churchill making a speech in 1940 on the BBC, urging the Brits to “not get uptight about Hitler’s aspirations, because we were as bad during the Crusades, so keep calm and carry on, its none of our business.”
Can anyone cite a time, in the history of the last 2000 years, when Western has Civilization suffered from such a pusillanimous crop of wankers as the heads of government throughout Christendom, than at this moment?
The sadness of it all is, that given the dearth of any prospective replacements, we can only descend into the abyss – not with a whoosh! … but with a sustained, mewling, whimper.
All it needs is one man, with courage and charisma to take the lead and rally a coalition of the ready and willing. Where is he?
As it is, we are about to let the the son of a commie immigrant subversive – and traitor – usurp the position of prime minister in the UK – and it is more than likely that the lame-duck Presidency of the USA will be replaced by another cabal of Alinski disciples, with a corrupt cow, acting as a shill for a third-term dissolute ex-POTUS, while the GOP destroys itself with internal petty bickering.
Our generation is to blame for failing to get a grip of our issue, leaving them to mercy of the bastards who have marched through our institutions, riddled with counter-culture warriors (of the ilk of the sock puppet who infests this site). Pathetic!
I’ve changed my mind Peter. I’m seething with anger, rather than detached cynicism. Let us at least deny the fuckers one platform for their poisonous bilge and debar the bubble ‘n’ squeak from this ‘ere coffee house.
Free speech is one thing, but there’s a war on – and we don’t need to facilitate a contemporary Lord Haw-Haw polluting our small section of cyberspace. I’m now with the Colonel. Fuck Voltaire and his platitudes. He’s brown bread! Let’s strike a small blow for freedom from commie cant penned by a commie cunt! Out! … foul fiend, I say … Out!
I am P-i-s-s-e-d O-f-f!!
We’re allowing a bunch of poorly trained savages to call the shots in this world and it’s time for an insurgency of the sanity and strength and sheer bloody mindedness of the bulldog breed!
Frank P – 16:59
I am sure I learnt, from chw, that the Crusades were by invitation from the Byzantine Empire because their churches were being razed to the ground, the men killed and the women raped.
Not much has changed.
Frank P
February 7th, 2015 – 16:59
Must be the sun-spot flares: Boot seems as pissed off as me, albeit from a slightly different, but not wholly unconnected viewpoint:
Anne (18:30)
I’d love to read your other 1% – but perhaps you’re too much of a lady to express it? 🙂
“Facts You’re Not Allowed to Mention in Canada ”
h/t Mark Steyn
Also contained in the above is a link to an outfit called “Emerging Leaders”
Looks like a Common Purpose tentacle to me.
RobertC (18:23)
Exactly! We’re well past the stage when our own J Arthur’s should have stopped trying to gain Brownie points in the geopolitical bullshit game by decrying our own history (with the enemy’s false narrative) and began to punishu! the bastards for the true version of their own savagery and deluded, cultish beliefs. Why anybody can credit any section of ‘modern Islam’ with peaceful intentions, when it is plain that the ‘peaceful majority’ are merely lying doggo until the spearhead of the violent jihad
The BBC should be forced to publish Bill Warner’s lecture on “Why we sure fear Islam”. The jihad started with the paedo prophet and has only paused when strong countries have repelled and stemmed it by culling the worst of their nutters.
Frank P – 18:44
“Boot: The only thing missing is Angie, piece of paper in hand, descending an airplane gangplank and shouting “Peace in our time!”
She’s more likely to be waving Germany’s Gas Bill.
Ironic that Germany’s achilles heel turns out to be gas!
Re: “Peace in our time”
Another piece of comic genius from Peter Cook:
RobertC (18:23)
Exactly! We’re well past the stage when our own J Arthur’s should have stopped trying to gain Brownie points in the geopolitical bullshit game by decrying our own history (with the enemy’s false narrative) and began to punish the bastards for the true version of their own savagery and deluded, cultish beliefs. Why anybody can credit any section of ‘modern Islam’ with peaceful intentions, when it is plain that the ‘peaceful majority’ are merely lying doggo until the spearhead of the violent jihad and the Muslim Brotherhood Project – plus their temporary allies from the multi-headed Marxist hydra – have established control in the West and established Sharia Law over the Magna Carta. It’s a walkover thus far, given that the twat in No.10 didn’t even know what the Magna Carts was, when asked by David Letterman (that well known expert in fuckin’ jurisprudence).
The BBC should be forced to publish Bill Warner’s lecture on “Why we should fear Islam”. The jihad started with the paedo prophet and has only paused when strong countries have repelled and stemmed it by culling the worst of their nutters. It’s time for much more of by all means necessary. I too have many Muslim friends; if they want to retain that friendship, they’d better start integrating fast; because the day is fast approaching when if they don’t, I won’t be visiting them in the internment camps on the IOW or the IOM.
EC (21:22)
Heh, heh, heh!
Problem is of course is that the satire of then is less comical than the reality of now. Or it would be, if it wasn’t so serious.
An interesting comparison between Islamic jihad and the Third Reich by Hugo Schmidt:
Both totalitarian but different MO?
Frank P
February 7th, 2015 – 20:58
Definitely! 🙂
Nigel Farage made a clear bid, in a speech today, to displace Clegg as the Deputy PM, implicitly opting for a Tory/UKIP coalition. If he can pull it off, it’s the best possible outcome available at this time. Provided that in the process he extracts from Cameron a deal that involves early secession from the EU. It’s a tough prospect, but perhaps one that should become a meme on this platform? It might work with tactical voting in the marginal seats.
Nigel has been busy today:
Nigel Farage: Rotherham police are ‘wilfully obstructive’
Ukip leader criticises police after he is forced to abandon public appearance
The DT sometimes gets it right:
Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, is pursuing the wrong cases
The Crown Prosecution Service seems to be making statements, rather than upholding the rule of law
Flu Vaccination
Besides its giving you the flu and never targeting the current variation of the flu virus, the other problem seems to be the things that are being added to the vaccine to make us ill and die.
A friend of mine in the USA who never got the flu was pressed to take it before Christmas by the Veterans Administration. He immediately came down with a severe and prolonged bout. I sent him some colloidal silver. It not only cleared it up but the inhaler which he had been using daily for asthma attacks for the last 15 years has no longer been needed since – an unexpected bonus.
I think I will advise against it when my children’s annual turn for the jab comes around in May.
Alison Saunders looks exactly like the woman with the neck brace who ran the chemist’s in Portwenn and had the hots for Doc Martin. Pity no comments allowed on that article because the author has got the DPP bang to rights. The politicised prosecution gathering pace in this country discredits and undermines justice.
Colonel Mustard (00:51)
You mean this one:
Never watched those series because I’m allergic to the ears of Clune, which remind me of just how deformed humanity can evolve in individual instances.
Did I miss something worthwhile as a result?
… BTW, I visited Port Isaac a couple of times while on holiday at Rock. Found it rather hostile and steeped in a sense of foreboding. Strange.
But the Camel Estuary generally seemed just the opposite – sunsoaked, salubrious and soporific (in the nicest possible way). Then the bright young things invaded it and ruined it – we abandoned it as a favourite holiday getaway.
The British MSM commentariat’s focus on Marine Le Pen shows just how much they are laughing at the dumb British electorate. May 2015 is all sewn up. Lab or Con it’s the same old xxxx. They’ve hoodwinked the voters again.
Marine Le Pen really shakes them up because she’s real change. The same for the new Greek government, always labelled in the British MSM as ‘far’ Left. They’re ‘far’ left in the same way Nigel Farage is ‘far’ right. It’s all a lie to make the docile, dumb British vote for LabCon.
I hear many of the Islamic leaders are putting their voting blocks up for tender. Who’ll offer me taxpayer money for a new Islamic school? Who’ll offer me taxpayer money for a new mosque, oh, did I say mosque, I meant Islamic religious centre. Anything to get the planning permission on the hush.
20,000 Mr and Mrs Khans have vanished from Bradford’s voting register. Labour are very unhappy about that and want internet voting. Imagine that. Internet voting and all the click farms in India. They’ll soon get those 20,000 pluse votes back, plus as many more phantom votes as the clickers could manage.
Prince Charles is due on the radio to talk about building bridges between faiths:first of all on Radio 4 at 07-10am.
Prince Charles is also on the BBC World Service programme Heart and Soul today (Sunday) at 09-32 and 19-32 GMT [DAB radio and Freeview 710 and online].
Frank P at 14.58 Sat 7th.
“Does the plans for the mosque include…missile launch pad?”
What do you think the minaret is for?
Radford NG – 06:30
Charles: “You think that the people who have come here, [are] born here, go to school here, would abide by those values and outlooks.”
He then goes on to blame “the internet” for “radicalisation” but he doesn’t use the “I”, “J” or “M” words, and he sanitises the murder of 100s of Christians and other faiths in the ME, and elsewhere, by using the word “persecution.” The dhimmiwit either does not grasp, or refuses to mention, that it is the adherents of ONLY ONE “faith” that are waging war on the rest(by action or by the tacit joint enterprise of inaction), and that it is a GLOBAL problem.
His asinine remarks about multiculturalism are worthy of someone wanting to be crowned Miss World rather than crowned the King of England!
@09:06 Meant “1000s of Christians” not “100s.”
need more coffee or edit facility, probably both.
Pat Condell [@patcondell ]
“School closed because ONE CHILD correctly connected Islam with terrorism. The truth is no longer a “British value”.
Shocking. History repeating itself.
Do the Germans really want to commit another Holocaust by proxy?
h/t @patcondell
Col Mustard: The troll has been outed by ‘Troll Hunter’ on the Spectator as Nick Hadjinikos (Greek surname), occupation (when not trolling) financial PR, living in a council flat at the top of Richmond Hill.
I agree with others that the best way to deal with him is to ignore all posts. He feeds on response. I know it’s tempting but other readers know he spouts rubbish, it doesn’t need refutation.
On the other hand there are plenty of battles within the ‘right’ that do need fighting. For example, as you say, the need to point out that muslims are not a homogenous group & the need to make the distinction between ideology & individuals. There is often a pogrom atmosphere on the Spectator which makes me feel very uncomfortable. One doesn’t get many upvotes for being a lone voice saying that we don’t know what goes on in the minds of individuals, but the more respected voices who say this the better. That’s why I’d like to see you commenting more on the ‘muslim’ threads. Ignore Tele, please, he doesn’t matter. Making the distinction between ideology & individuals does.
Frank P 7th Feb 16.59 Completely, absolutely agreed; for too long we have allowed the agenda to be set by ALL those who wish us and our country harm, give them no platform, no space to spout their crap – I would not dignify what we hear and see every day as opinion, ideas or debate, it is about control. Animal Farm is here!
My take on Islam & Muslims:
1) From the outside the religion looks toxic & always a ticking time bomb, but being on the outside I have no idea how & to what degree many ordinary muslims ignore or re-interpret it.
2) Muslims live in coercive communities where dissent & atheism are punished, at the very least, by social exclusion. Therefore it’s difficult to know what individuals actually think.
3) However, re (2) a high degree of social coercion does mean that even moderate & marginal muslims may not be reliably ‘western’ if push comes to shove.
4) Many commentators speak with great authority about the Koran & Hadiths. These texts are indeed frightening & toxic. And it’s clear that Islamists & conservative muslims follow them to the letter. But we don’t know how millions of ordinary muslims interpret them, if at all, as the Koran is taught by rote in Arabic, a foreign language to many. I suspect that some muslims believe that their religion is similar to Christianity or Buddhism.
5) Many muslims are better than their religion. We cannot tell them from the outside what they ‘really’ believe.
Damaris Tighe – 09:43
Surely if you let the extremists hide behind the supposed, and mythical, “vast majority of moderate … ” etc. then, as empirical evidence has shown to be the case, the atrocities at home and abroad will only get worse. The problem with that barbarous cult, whose name escapes me, is that they are at war with themselves as well as with the rest of the civilised world. Not until they are ALL held accountable (joint enterprise etc.) will the imperative of reformation be thrust upon them and hopefully achieve a happier outcome. The current leadership failure of the west’s politicians to address the problem for what it is, and also history, suggests otherwise.
“On the other hand there are plenty of battles within the ‘right’ that do need fighting.”
‘The right’ is a broad church and we must be careful not to let the left off by reconvening the old “circular firing squad” – which is why on my rare visits to the other place if I see your name I always give you upvotes 🙂
Damaris Tighe – 10:14
Sorry, our posts crossed in the ether!
EC: Thanks for the link to jewishpress. If the firebombing was not antisemitism but simply an attempt to draw attention to Gaza, then why attack a synagogue in Germany? As you say, ‘do the Germans want to commit another Holocaust by proxy?’.
Frank P 01:32 Did I miss something worthwhile as a result?
Not really!
EC 10.24: Hi there EC. You are of course right about the dangers of letting the ‘extremists’ (I hate that term!) hide behind the ‘moderates’ (another term I hate). I’m doubtful that reformation will do the trick, as reformation in any religion seems to mean a return to scriptural literacy which is the last thing we want.
I don’t know the answer, but I do think that if the west were more confident in its own traditional values we’d abandon the multicultural ‘respect’ agenda, stop affirming this religion which is holds values diametrically opposite to ours, & work to free ordinary muslims from Islam’s bonds. This would mean actively encouraging & protecting apostates. It would also mean that protestant Christian missionaries would stop trying to convert fellow Christian Catholic latin americans & expend their efforts on converting muslims instead. This of course would be more dangerous …
People are attracted to muscularity, confidence & power. Islam has this. By contrast we look rootless, valueless & weak. I think this is why some westerners convert to Islam & why some nominally muslim youth born here become Islamists when their parents were only marginally muslim. In the west it’s the only religion offering clear boundaries in an increasingly boundary-less culture. The trouble is, Islam’s boundaries are in all the wrong places. We need to offer an alternative from our own tradition.
Damaris Tighe 09:43
Nice to see you posting here.
That description of telemachus has been around since 2012 but he himself claims to be an Englishman of huguenot extraction, former stalwart of the Oxford Students Union and SDP, Methodist pacifist, Soviet romantic, hagiographer for Stalin, Vietcong bolstering protest comrade of Tariq Ali and first name terms hob-nobber with the great but far from good of the Labour party and Common Purpose.
Especially outrageous is his Methodist pacifist, Christian “caring” act which juxtaposes so starkly with his calls for dissenting political parties to be destroyed, dissenters to be consigned to re-education camps and his attempted justification of Stalin’s wholesale slaughter as being for the common good.
Apparently he has also been seen canvassing whilst wearing a Mao cap. A former acquaintance of mine used to draw the ire of the incumbent authorities by defiantly wearing a Chinese officer’s fur cap on exercise. It was a war trophy, taken from an enemy combatant he had personally shot dead at very close range whilst his position was being overrun by Mao’s troops. Despite their ire they never got him to take it off. It was an extraordinary looking thing, not the familiar round cap with front and ear flaps turned up but a tall, narrowing shako-like cap of dirty white fur with a leather peak.
Damaris Tighe 10:14
I was going to continue to post some contextual and historical stuff about Muslims in Britain vs elsewhere but soon realised that it wouldn’t change any views here. I learnt that at the knees of my father and grandfather and then experienced it for myself.
It’s a cliché but the issue really isn’t Islam but rather the ideological conflict within Islam. In the same way that globalism and the communications revolution have blurred the boundaries of nations and their ideologies it has fractured and spread two particular strands of Islam that, forgive me, have now made a common purpose. Decades ago the British government very foolishly embraced both and have fostered an unhappy mutation. This colours the common view.
Eventual sectarian conflict here is inevitable and as usual with such calamities there will be a multitude of innocent victims on both sides as the polarised and strident battle it out.
Damaris Tighe@February 8th, 2015 – 09:43
1. I am starting to fee the left and right epithets for political views are outdated -at best unhelpful.
was nazi ideology left (big controlling state)?
is UKIP really far right. EC withdrawal was a far left policy early on.
As for the so called moderate muslims, where are they? Where are the mass marches against Boko Harem, Al Shabib, the so called islamic state and atrocities here in the UK. Isit because the are frightened of being names no true muslims and being persicuted or do they really support the nutters?
Ands what really goes on in the mosques? They are closed to non muslims so we dont know. Anyone can go to a christian worship
Col Mustard: The only headwear I was ever allowed on exercise was a useless & ridiculous green beret. A fur cap would have been a useful bit of kit, but I never got close enough to the Russians to acquire one (by shooting or otherwise).
The trouble with online commenting where we rarely know who other posters are, is it’s easy to spend a lot of time wondering about identities (I’ve certainly fallen into that trap). I think the troll is an irrelevance. Any reply to him is preaching to the converted. And yes when I get riled enough I reply to him & others. But I do think I shouldn’t bother & it’s a waste of time & energy when there are other battles to fight where some good might be done.
Alexandr: You’re correct about right & left. I use the terms as a shorthand. As a former libertarian I saw the spectrum much as you do: collectivism of the national & international kind at one end & lovers of freedom at the other. Or you could see it as a circle with national & international socialists meeting in the middle.
Re muslims, as I said in my 10.14 post, I think it’s very difficult for dissenting muslims to break out & organise because of the social coercion & exclusion they’d experience. That’s why I don’t join the calls for them to do this.
It’s difficult for westerners who’re accustomed to loose social & family bonds to appreciate societies where individuals can’t step out of line without paying a very high price. It requires a degree of independence & courage that we probably don’t expect in ourselves. Multiculturalism, by re-enforcing these closed, self-sufficient communities only adds to the problem.
Col Mustard: I’ve been thinking about globalisation lately & how it has been used as an excuse by those who want to blur all boundaries, especially those of nations. A few months ago I commented at the other place that mass immigration is an effect of globalisation – seeing people primarily as an easily transportable & transferable workforce (& nations simply as real estate). There were a lot of outraged objections from the right to my comment – because I used the words ‘globalism’ & ‘imported labour’.
Col Mustard 11.27: The ‘nothing to do with Islam’ meme does enrage me, because the violence is obviously something to do with Islam. I agree with what you said elsewhere that this is probably a nod to our allies in Saudi Arabia, but I also think it’s a fear of a native backlash. Having caused the problem by destroying a more or less monocultural Britain, they make pathetic attempts to stave off the consequences, like Cnut trying to hold back the waves.
Damaris Tighe: 12:10
We have been literally sold out – in several meanings of that phrase. I find it preposterous that a British utility company is permitted to service its domestic customers via a call centre in India where the staff are paid a pittance. But even more preposterous is the bovine acceptance of it as a way to do business. I’m old enough to remember when you could telephone any business establishment and the call would be answered directly and dealt with by a member of their staff. No automated menu hoops to jump through. The only waiting would be when the staff member asked you to wait while he or she fetched the file.
As for real estate it is sold off willy nilly to wealthy foreigners and that is called ‘investment’.
Old England has gone and nasty little gobshites like dado_trunking caper in barely literate glee about it.
I think the UK is lining up for an abdication because there is now a constant drip, drip, drip of clean-up PR from the palace over Charles’ image.
The public’s fury over Charles learning arabic so he can read the Koran in English, Buckingham Palace’s lowering of the flag for King Abdullah, the Palace spin doctors know how much fury and alienation such things have caused, so there is a very big clean up operation going on of late about Charles, of which today’s drip is just part of a pattern.
This was announced last year (and it’s the reason why Establishment journalists like Peter Oborne suck Islam’s toes):
The future British king, Saudi princes, and a secret arms deal
• Multi-billion pound Typhoon jet deal announced day after Charles visits Saudi Arabia
• Deal not discussed, say Charles’ aides
• Public ‘never going to know’ cost of deal, says company
The day after Prince Charles donned traditional robes and joined Saudi princes in a sword dance in Riyadh, Britain’s biggest arms company announced that agreement had finally been reached on the sale of 72 Typhoon fighters sold to the Gulf kingdom.
Announcing the deal last Wednesday, Ian King, chief executive of BAE [them again], manufacturer of the jets, said the public was “never going to know” how much the Saudis would pay for them. They were reported to have initially offered £4.4bn, but BAE had been pressing for more.
The Palace knows what the public thinks off all this and has been spinning.
It was announced with huge fanfare last week by newspapers that kept quiet about last year’s arms deal that Charles “doesn’t like being used to market weaponry” to arabs.
This is just image-cleaning spin. You don’t sell a Muslim a flicknife, never mind 72 fighter planes. And all done with the assistance of the ‘security services’. Saudi Arabia are the UK’s ‘friends’ in the eyes of the Camel Corps, remember. Now you tell us you don’t want to be involved in arms deals to arabs. Now?
Damaris Tighe 12:28 the “nothing to do with Islam” meme is really just a continuance of the crass ignorance demonstrated by the British government since the 1930s. Certainly they wish to keep the lid on the bubbling cauldron that they lit the fire under and as good Common Purpose graduates they are more outraged by anything the indigenes might kick up about than anything they imported.
But they don’t even attempt to understand realities in the rarified atmosphere they occupy. Some idiot wrote that UKIP will foster popular anger and resentment towards the multi-cultural society that we must accept as a fait accompli (not looking back to the 1950s blah, blah, blah), without appearing to appreciate that it is that aggressive presumptive and peremptory imposition of multi-culturalism which has fostered the popular anger and resentment – not UKIP! UKIP is just a vehicle for the expression of the popular anger and resentment because the other parties all have their complicit heads stuck so firmly up their own backsides.
Frank P February 7th, 2015 – 16:59
A splendid piece.
Do not ask me why because I can’t think what possessed me to ‘Google’ “The flat earth society” but I did.
What I found was totally insane ideas still arguing that the Earth is a flat disc.
Though not resting on the backs of four elephants all stood on the back of a giant turtle, as per Terry Pratchett.
Col Mustard 12.31: In one of my former lives I was a management/life coach. One of my customers was a small business owner who described his new invention to me: an automated telephone exchange where calls would be directed without mediation of real live human beings. He was very excited. I was horrified.
Col Mustard 12.31: P.S. – About a month ago I tried to explain to Asda’s ‘Customer Service’ in India my complaint about my grocery order: that unavailable tangerines had been replaced, not by another type of easy-peeler, but by oranges! The poor woman on another continent had no idea what tangerines, clementines or mandarins are. She also had no idea about the inside of a UK supermarket & the sort of range & stock it carries. Any UK resident customer service rep would have known that after Christmas our supermarkets are stuffed to the rafters with various types of tangerine-type fruit under different names, & that substituting oranges for tangerines is just daft & inexplicable.
Colonel Mustard – 11:27
“I was going to continue to post some contextual and historical stuff about Muslims in Britain vs elsewhere but soon realised that it wouldn’t change any views here.
Please, why don’t you give it a try. How would you summarise the “views here”, why are they wrong, and why you you think the people or “views” here are beyond reason?
David 12:58
That was an old Hindu view of how it was.
The story goes that when one venerable Hindu was asked what the turtle was standing on, he said: “After that, it’s turtles all the way down”.
Re my post of 10.14, the possibility of another Islam does exist. Sayyed Muhammad Ali Husseini of the Arabic Islamic Council (Shiite, Lebanon) has been posting on Facebook in Hebrew, helped by Eddy Cohen of Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Husseini claims 1,800 followers (although I wonder how many of these are hostile):
“We call on rabbis, priests & Muslim clerics … to underplay religious traditions & texts that call for violence.”
He argues that texts should be historically contextualised rather than used to incite perpetual violence:
“Various religious texts calling for the use of violence & ruthlessness are extremely dangerous when used by groups we have warned about in the past. These texts religiously sanction acts of violence & murder. Obviously, these are texts that were implemented in specific, limited situations, they cannot necessarily be applied to our time …”
I think there’s always a problem when a religion’s holy texts & the behaviour of its founder are inherently violent. They are a ticking time-bomb which can be resourced whenever the conditions are right. But Husseini’s comments show that some Muslims approach their texts in the same way as 2000 years of rabbinic tradition deals with the violent aspects of the OT. It would of course be safer if the violence had never happened – it’s takes a special sort of theological convolution to say ‘ok then, but not now’ – but the history of rabbinical Judaism shows it’s possible.
Being on the outside of Islam, I wonder how many Muslims see their texts this way.
EC 14:37 I didn’t say that they were wrong or beyond reason! Just that nothing I could post would be likely to change them! I don’t presume to be right about it – only to hold a different viewpoint.
I thought some might find the Amman Message and the lack of engagement with it here in the UK by both the government and Muslim community leaders of interest if not significance and perhaps an opportunity to drill down to why there is such a problem here but that was just met with scorn. Does anyone know, for example, what branch of Islam Mehdi Hasan worships? As long as there is an entrenched belief that all Muslims are the same and always described as a collective whole it is difficult to swim against that tide.
But the fact remains that the majority of people fighting against and victimised by ISIS are also Muslims and the same is true of Pakistan and terrorism there.
Colonel Mustard – 11:27
“It’s a cliché but the issue really isn’t Islam but rather the ideological conflict within Islam. In the same way that globalism and the communications revolution have blurred the boundaries of nations and their ideologies it has fractured and spread two particular strands of Islam that, forgive me, have now made a common purpose.”
Islam is defined by the koran and the haddiths, and they do contain a lot of conflict, physical as well as idealogical, mostly against the infidels, who are defined as ‘anyone who does not follow the koran’. It is important to focus on the texts. The chronological story is very powerful:
Stage 1: (In Mecca) – No retaliation
Stage 2: (First instruction in Medina) – Defensive fighting permitted
Stage 3: (Revised instruction in medina) – Defensive fighting commanded
Stage 4: (After conquering Mecca) – Offensive war commanded to kill pagans and humble the Jews and Christians
It must be very frightening to be immersed in all this unending violence and arrogance and discover the traditional West, (ie: ignoring the Marxist, Socialist, Green, Common Purpose teachings), where people can have a family, prosper, have a laugh, sing, dance, enjoy themselves and manage their own lives, and without being given permission to do so!
My uneasiness is that the ‘moderate muslims’ that I have met continue to read, follow, outwardly support the literature that appears to me to be so extreme. If it is so easily ‘misinterpreted’, why not amend it? Why read extreme literature to your children, and then be surprised at them taking up arms. There is a difference between reporting ancient battles, as part of your country’s heritage, and being given instructions to seek out the infidel and kill him, yet educated media stars are unable to distinguish it! We are not able to argue our corner because we are not allowed to offend, though others can offend us!
And I don’t think the blurring of national boundaries has been caused by globalism or the communications revolution. It may have assisted the blurring, but the blurring is part of the political elite’s destruction of nations, and even that may be a side effect of destroying the authority of the people. Without border control, borders not only blur, they disappear!
Our MSM is full of koranic violence, in Britain, Nigeria, the ME, India, nowhere is safe, yet our leaders (or is it the MSM?) daren’t acknowledge the slide into ‘medieval dischord’. Our political and financial infrastructure will be unable to function properly, so people will see no reason to support them, and so the slide will continue.
Rotherham Police’s inability to ensure a national politician could not open his local candidate’s public base as planned is a testament to the degree to which we have descended.
As I suspected! 😉
The UK is weeks away from a General Election. There is no party seriously saying they will do anything about Muslims, and certainly not LabCon.
One politician cannot even walk about in Rotherham and today 1,000 Muslims take over Downing Street to support the killers of Charlie Hebdo.
Where are these Muslims when all these white girls are being raped? Are they the ones doing the raping? Are they too busy raping to protest against the raping?
For God’s sake Britain, wake up. You cannot go on like this. You cannot wake up in May 2015 to a Tory or Labour led government. This is post-genocide phase now where they hunt you out and snuff out your freedom bit by bit.
Cameron and Miliband are not different. Not at all. Come June 2015, both of those evil men will take the electorate’s head and ram it up Anjem Choudary’s stinking xxxxhole. This has got to stop. Bring on a Marine Le Pen. And then we’ll be talking serious business.
And still on the same subject:
Birmingham school said to have sent £1 million of public money to Pakistan is revealed to have £3million in debts
* Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham in debt by almost £3 million, council reveals
* It’s alleged to have sent £1 million to build sister establishment in Pakistan
* School has been in special measures since damning Ofsted report in 2013
* Previous leadership failed to introduce a new national curriculum last year
* Pupils ate on floor so new staff had to spend £12,000 on tables and chairs
It is as though this community treats us with contempt, yet our authorities do not care either. They still get paid and look forward to their generous pensions!
I don’t know which makes me more sick to death of it all. Collusion is the word that comes to mind.
Colonel Mustard – 15:58
Thank you. Maybe my lack of interest in the Amman Message was that it all seemed a bit too airy fairy, and I didn’t think it provided a practical solution to current problems that could be deployed in time. I will give it another look later.
The “inner conflict” has been raging for centuries now, and both sides would quite happily turn on and murder the jews in Israel, and elsewhere, tomorrow if they could or they would stand and applaud whilst others did it. If you know of a major strand of Islam that doesn’t mandate or encourage the killing of jews then please can you name it, in order that I can read up on it. Do you think that Israel is paranoid about this threat?
Don’t know much about Medhi Hassan, but witnessed him resort to the knee jerk accusation of “islamophobia” on BBC QT the other week. A construct that is deployed to halt any discussion, at any level, of “nothing to do with Islam” – no matter how justified a rigorous examination might be.
EC 20:23 I don’t believe that Jordan (90%+ Sunni) is in that category of mandating or encouraging the killing of Jews and has had peaceful relations with Israel since 1994 with a mutual trade agreement in 1996. King Abdullah described Israel as a “vital regional ally”. I understand Jordan has also repudiated its former claims to the West Bank territories.
As mentioned before, in the 1960s there was very little fundamentalism or extremism in the Muslim countries of the Middle East and with the exception of Saudi Arabia they were becoming quite westernised. But the Deobandi form of Sunni predominant in the UK originates in the NW frontier region of Pakistan rather than the Middle East and had/has a very strong anti-British imperative!
Actually the Amman Message, for all its flowery language, provides a basis for answering most concerns about Islam because of what it repudiates but unfortunately it has not been endorsed or encouraged here so is for practical purposes almost irrelevant. It should have been enshrined in law as a prerequisite for immigration and the establishment of mosques. But the UK government seems to prefer to foster relations with Saudi Arabia and there is no real co-ordinated spiritual leadership for Muslim faiths in the UK.
If you can stomach it I recommend this website because it provides a very objective overview and pulls no punches about the issues:-
We have the TV on as my husband is bravely watching the British Academy Film Awards. This is taking place at the Royal Opera House, and after this terrible evening is over, I suggest that the place is scrubbed clean from top to bottom. The whole thing resembles a Roman Amphitheatre, with Stephen Fry as Caligula as the Master (Mistress) of Perverted Bad Taste. Fry opened the show by going on about his recent ‘marriage’ , and at every possible opportunity rubbed our noses in his homosexuality. When I think of past prize presentations, this really stinks. The audience are shrieking hysterically, and all we need are a couple of lions or other wild beasts to devour as many as they can. P.S. My husband is yawning and has tuned into Radio 4.
Colonel Mustard – 21:40
I know wiki isn’t the most credible source of information, but it says, quoting another source, that “The [Amman Message] sermon stressed the need to re-emphasise Islam’s core values of compassion, mutual respect, tolerance, acceptance and freedom of religion.”
If only that could happen, it would make the World a better place!
The problem that I have with this is that I have seen how their scriptures can be interpreted to reflect the opposite values and, once enlightened by their evil, I would have thought that the genie cannot be put back into the bottle without a lot of rewriting of the texts, to avoid the ‘misinterpretation’.
This will not happen because it is punishable by death and, as is inevitable, it is the violent and the intolerant that get to set the agenda! It has been that way for 1400 years.
It is like having an unexploded bomb in the living room: it’s been OK up to now ….
Can you see my difficulty? It’s a bit unsettling, especially when the violent are so blessed by such large numbers, even in this country.
The pictures from Downing Street are truly shocking and reflect that the UK is a post-genocide nation. Non-Muslims now live as dhimmis.
Every single Muslim protestor should be deported to a Muslim country instantly. And where did they get the gall for this demonstration? From the MSM, from the bien pensant intellectuals who were so embarrassed by British satire’s grovelling to Muslims they had to come up with an excuse as to why Charlie Hebdo has no counterpart in the UK.
For days on end, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph, Roy Greenslade all came out to say, ‘Well, it’s just not very good satire, that’s why we don’t do that sort of thing in the UK.’ Er, no. The UK doesn’t do that sort of thing because you’d end up in jail if you did. And you know it, Paul Dacre.
That is what has led to Muslims storming Downing Street. The endless, wretched grovelling to them and the threat of locking up anyone who says anything against their Precious Paedo Prophet.
We had ‘intellectual’ Tom Stoppard saying last week: “I really couldn’t, as it were, position myself in the heart of Charlie Hebdo,” says the playwright, who is also a patron of Index on Censorship, in an interview with the New Statesman.
“The ‘Je suis Charlie’ slogan was supposed to be a statement against extremism but actually it was a gratuitous swipe at the entire population of Muslim countries.”
He believes that “what we actually have to do is demonstrate by our behaviour that our values are better than theirs… It will take a long time and you’ll take a lot of hits for it but finally you can’t coerce people. You have to be more attractive than the competition.”
Thanks a bunch, Tom. It’s people like you who embolden these people to know that if you give them an inch, they will take mile. You can bet some windbag like Stoppard doesn’t live next door to a bunch of Muslims and so asks other people to kindly throw themselves under the bus so he hasn’t got to deal with the reality of Islam – he’s too busy living in Luvvieland.
What the Daily Mail (Stephen Golver et al), Daily Telegraph and Roy Greenslade were all trying to cover up was the truth pointed out in this article that went viral at the time and shamed the British MSM:
It is titled: ‘What if Charlie Hebdo had been published in Britain?’
The pictures from Downing Street:
‘Sir’ Tom Stoppard:
The ranks of the banksters continue to be culled on a scale similar to the thinning of the ranks in the US military by the firing of those in the officer class who might still be honourable enough to pose a challenge to the trend of events…
To paraphrase a question from ancient times: what did they know and when did they know it?
Col Mustard: I’m not in complete agreement with your comments re Jordan. Although it’s true there have been peace & trade agreements with Israel, it’s a ‘cold’ peace – the people in general are hostile to Israel although King Hussein (& probably King Abdullah) was friendly behind closed doors. There are also personal contacts between senior army officers & Israelis.
Jordan renounced its claim to the West Bank as a concession to West Bank Palestinian independence. The percentage of the Jordanian population who identify as Palestinian is said to be between 50-80%. The Hashemite rulers are therefore concerned to keep their own Palestinians on board.
EC will like this:
Watch it Steyn! Young Dellers is breathing down your neck. 🙂
But then there’s this: food for the soul and just the restorative I needed after a harrowing weekend of personal sadness on several familial and fraternal fronts. As many here know, I’m sure, bad news can sometimes arrive in batches and often when one is at a low ebb, anyway. Old age can be a real pisser, when loved ones leave before their time – that is, younger than us.
Thank you Gerard for once again producing something wonderful at exactly a crucial moment.
American Digest is an apparently infinite source of wit, wisdom and moving moments.
The Financial Times Weekend Edition joins the army of globalist propaganda in its page 5 attack on opponents of forced vaccination with an article critical of those in the USA resisting the MMR vaccinations. The article chooses to put under the microscope Marin County, “an affluent, highly educated community that retains the back-to-to nature ethos of the hippy culture”. That damning characterisation leads into a statistic that compares Marin County with a measles vaccination in kindergartens less than 90 per cent with Zimbabwe, that bench mark of good health care, where the rate of measles vaccination among one-year olds is more than 90%.
But Lo! an article in the Daily Mail this Monday, not to mention in writings by journalists publishing in the free media, suggests that the arguments may be more nuanced than the FT would have us believe:
And nothing in either article that I saw that touched on the nature and effects of additives that our masters see fit to put in the vaccines that they urge us to take.
Frank P
My sympathy – and empathy, I know what you mean.
Frank P
February 9th, 2015 – 02:06
Know just what you mean. I hope, Frank, that you will get a batch of good news in the very near future,
Thanks Malfleur. But just to restore the balance, lest anyone should think that anno domini has completely mushed my marbles, here’s some more ammunition [h/t same source] for the counter- counter-culture war! And apologies for exposing the chink in the armour.
… I just re-read the ‘cold fury’ piece and realized that the author is indeed more pissed-off with Islam in general – and the POTUS in particular – than even yours truly.
Moreover he has expressed that contempt more cogently and comprehensively than ever I could; thus, in a timely fashion, addressing some of the arguments from the above para-apologists among the Wallsters, who still cling to the hope that ‘westernized Muslims’ will effect a sea change around the globe and in the UK in particular. If Obama had any cojones, that piece would have nailed them to his Oral Office desk! As it is … 🙂
It’s always a batch of good news when you post, old friend.
I had a good laugh at your comments on the BAFTA awards, like you I would not willingly watch such crap, but Stephen Fry as Caligula? No, old Cal was not as bad as the press he received and he was loved by the people. Try Elagabalus, a much closer fit.
Frank P, February 9th, 2015 – 02:06,
Thanks for that Cold Fury link, I’d missed it. GV posts so much stuff on his Twitter account each evening (16:00 to midnight GMT) it is sometimes difficult to keep up!
When I read:
“Nobody should try to give His Royal Majesty a pass for being too stupid to know these things.” AND about the torpedoing of the ship “Jugeared Moron” I did a double take as the initial image I processed was of someone on this side of the atlantic:!:
“The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President.”
Bobby Jindal
That’s the best and most concise put down of O’Bullshit’s humbuggery that I’ve read so far. 🙂
Also, a great link to Jonah Goldberg’s book, “THE TYRANNY OF CLICHÉS: HOW LIBERALS CHEAT IN THE WAR OF IDEAS,”
Damaris Tighe February 8th, 2015 – 23:16
I would not disagree with you but the criteria in the challenge was “mandating or encouraging the killing of Jews” rather than being ‘cold’ towards Israel. So I must stand by my comments about Jordan. As a state I do not believe they do that.
stephen maybery
February 9th, 2015 – 04:57
Try Elagabalus, a much closer fit.
What a vile character! How well he would fit into any government post today. 🙁
Col Mustard 09.54: Hope you’re right. Time will tell. As long as the Hashemites stay in power … 😉
RobertC February 8th, 2015 – 22:14
“The problem that I have with this is that I have seen how their scriptures can be interpreted to reflect the opposite values and, once enlightened by their evil, I would have thought that the genie cannot be put back into the bottle without a lot of rewriting of the texts, to avoid the ‘misinterpretation’.”
That is precisely the problem the Muslim scholars who contributed to drafting the Amman Message attempted to tackle by establishing principles that repudiated those ‘opposite values’. The UK government, showing some foresight and resolve, could have formally endorsed the Message in 2004 and established it within UK law as a pre-requisite to continuing to tolerate Muslim worship and to allow the establishment of mosques here. Any opposition to that would have been difficult to justify. But the UK government relationship is with the Wahhabi House of Saud not the more enlightened Jordan and New Labour had at that time a very different agenda of wanting to ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’ .
So instead the New Labour government passed legislation that attempted to curb religious hate speech and then scandalously failed to enforce it against extremists like Abu Hamza al-Masri and Anjem Choudary, whilst using it against people who expressed similar concerns to yours. A more robust and protective approach would have been to require mosques to formally subscribe by oath to the Amman principles with criminal sanctions for any failure to do so, including deportation. Instead New Labour extended and this Coalition government continued a foolish tolerance to the most extreme and subversive activities being hosted here.
When Cameron et al stand up and say “This has nothing to do with Islam” the answer should be “Yes, because you excused it from needing to be and gave it a free pass here”.
The UK government’s stance on Islam might be rooted in laissez faire principles of tolerance and religious freedom but they have absolutely failed to devise an effective strategy against the proliferation of extremist religious beliefs advocating hatred and violence. Their irresponsible approach has exacerbated the risk whereas the Amman Message gave them a perfect opportunity to reduce it.
Jordanian cold comfort – 1948 style:
Both above are cited in:
Colonel Mustard:
“As a state I do not believe they do that.”
Mebbe! But as a so called ‘religion’ they are mandated to do just that, according to the instructions of the the murderous tyrant/prophet/paedophile, are they not? Moreover, when the Mullahs shout ‘Shit!” – they jump on the shovel. The ‘pbuh’ and other such flowery garbage is a clue, along with the trail of bloodshed and pogroms throughout history to the present day; and taqiyya covers the rest.
Get your Anacapa kit out of the cupboard and fill in the dotted lines. There is enough data to justify everything that ‘Cold Fury’ asserts so ably and which I have tried to say somewhat less eloquently ( peppered with the curmudgeonly scatology of the strasse, which is my wont).
Please let’s have your appraisal of his – er – cold fury. You too Damaris. Don’t just post knowing winks to each other. Try to convince thick old bigots like me that we are wrong in our assessment.
I haven’t noticed you giving the same pass to any of the various strands of socialism/communism/Marxism. I suppose it could be argued that some of its adherents are genuine altruists and lovers of the underdog. Except where were they when the millions were being slaughtered in its cause – the end justifying its means? I think that analogy may not be fsr off the mark?While I greatly respect most of what you have said both here and elsewhere, on so much of the common ground that exists here, I am puzzled that two such implacable counter-counter-culture warriors are so taken up with the nuances of the tribal elements of Islam. You’ve already conceded that it is unlikely that you will convince “others here” of your thesis. Perhaps there’s a good reason for that, rather than your implied assumption that its the dilemma of an irresistible force against immovable object? I am prepared to apply Occam’s Razor to this debate and bluntly say “Fuck ’em all, bar one – and he can fuck himself!” (Piss be upon him).
Col Mustard 10.28: Slightly at a tangent but related to your comment about the introduction of the crime of hate speech which is enforced selectively:
I’ve just found a short blog from the Guardian in January (sorry, don’t know how to transfer the link 🙁 ). The blogger ordered a copy of Charlie Hebdo from her village newsagent. She was told a few days later that the police had called round & requested the names of the four people who’d ordered the mag! I expect you won’t be, but I’m absolutely astounded & horrified.
Frank: I can’t speak for Col Mustard but my view is that while I believe Islam to be a thoroughly nasty & demonic religion in its fundamentals, I have no idea what millions of individual muslims actually believe.
It’s easy to make assumptions from the outside, & quote texts (in effect knowing better than the individuals themselves what they believe), but I think its important to separate the religion from each & every person born into it. If we don’t, we fall into the very trap of collectivism that we oppose in socialism.
Demonising a whole people is a dangerous route to take & it may end in pogroms & great injustice. I’ll continue to be highly critical of Islam as a religion, cult & ideology, but I stop at criticising muslims as an undifferentiated group because I have no idea how each & every muslim thinks & interprets their religion. Religious people can be very creative & turn sows ears into silk purses.
EC: I’m not at all optimistic about the attitude of ordinary Jordanians towards Jews, especially the Jews of Israel. They’re held in check by the Hashemite dynasty, which has learned that it’s more productive to make peace with Israel than fight it, having lost several wars. As 50-80% of Jordanians identify themselves as Palestinians this is hardly surprising. The irony is that with the establishment of a Palestinian state on the West Bank there will be in effect two Palestinian states. Truly a ‘two state’ solution!
Colonel Mustard – 10:28
I can now see your point. 🙂 🙂
It may not guarantee civility, but it would be one step along a long road, an opportunity missed. So, extracting the meat of your post:
“The UK government, showing some foresight and resolve [what, Blair & Brown! 🙂 🙂 ], could have formally endorsed the Message in 2004 and established it within UK law as a pre-requisite to continuing to tolerate Muslim worship and to allow the establishment of mosques here. Any opposition to that would have been difficult to justify.
A more robust and protective approach would have been to require mosques to formally subscribe by oath to the Amman principles with criminal sanctions for any failure to do so, including deportation.”
Very subtle indeed, and very effective if implemented. It could still happen, but we need remove the Old Guard first, and that is just on ‘our side’.
Thank you for your patience.
Frank P – 11:11
Colonel Mustard:
“As a state I do not believe they do that.”
No mebbe, Frank, they have a track record! In 1967 the Jordanians, acting in conjunction with the other 1948 combatants, and with the active encouragement of other regional genocidal parties, threatened wipe Israel off the map into the sea, and they tried it again in 1973! Does anyone here maintain that the elimination of the jews was not the primary motive? Thankfully the Israelis whooped all their arses but next time, thanks to Obama’s nuclear understanding with Iran … ? The Israeli jews won’t go quietly Frank, NEVER AGAIN!
Autumn 1973 was when the thwarted Saudis first hiked the oil price. Coincidence?
PS to Frank: This whole business of lumping all Muslims together & ‘knowing’ with great authority what each & every one believes reminds me of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, where many people thought they ‘knew’ that each & every Jew was involved in a plot. (I am of course aware that there is more reality in the criticism of Islam as a religion than in the Protocols.)
RobertC February 9th, 2015 – 11:51
Thank you.
The Jordan-Israel peace process began in 1994. It might break down, who knows? But the 1948-1973 history lesson is not indicative of the current situation!
Frank P February 9th, 2015 – 11:11
Who is this ‘Cold Fury’ of which you write?
Damaris Tighe – 11:31
“I have no idea what millions of individual muslims actually believe.”
Would you believe them if they told you, or would you look at the litany of horrors being committed daily?
Launching into hyperbole about pogroms is not helpful, in fact it is playing one of the extremists card for them. That dishonest term “Islamophobia” is preloaded with such inferences, and that is how they shut down all discussion or debate.
Calling for action against the jihadists, calling for the end of pandering to permanently offended muslim grievance mongers, and calling for an end to pandering muslims wanting special treatment or conditions is NOT a pogrom.
My main objection to lumping all Muslims together is that it is likely to increase sectarianism and drive even more of them towards extremism. The UK needs to control the situation rather than exacerbate it – and that doesn’t mean appeasement or being a “dhimmi”! The answer is probably not to try to clamp down on the negative but to properly implement and enforce the positive so that the negative is excluded.
Listen to Mehdi Hasan’s talk at the Oxford Union (if you can bear to). Ignoring the unpleasant style of his address and his unfortunate physiognomy there is a kernel of truth in what he says, however unpalatable it might be. But even so, too much of it is defensive and making excuses rather than accepting drastic change is necessary.
Colonel Mustard – 12:41
But you wrote: Colonel Mustard, February 8th, 2015 – 21:40
“As mentioned before, in the 1960s there was very little fundamentalism or extremism in the Muslim countries of the Middle East and with the exception of Saudi Arabia they were becoming quite westernised.”
So why throw it all away by irrational acts in 1948, 1967 and 1973? The Jordan of today might be the best of a bad bunch, but does anti-semitism go away that quickly, particularly when it is being fostered by Arabic satellite TV channels. The content of some of their childrens’ TV channels being quite shocking.
We may not know what all muslims actually believe but at least we have got some idea about what millions of them are being told:
EC: Re your last paragraph, of course I agree with that. Nothing I’ve said precludes calling for action against jihadists & not pandering to muslim grievance mongers. I simply object to statements that assume that each & every muslim is a jihadist or a grievance monger.
Re the first part of your post, ‘would you believe them if they told you’, this is entering dangerous territory. I agree that the doctrine of taqyya undermines trust in what Muslims say, but it is overused by critics of Muslims as an excuse to stop listening to any evidence that might undermine their easy decision that each & every Muslim is an enemy. It’s as if the three monkeys have been reversed: see only evil, hear only evil, speak only evil.
Seeing the litany of horrors being committed daily only reinforces my opinion that Islam is a ticking time bomb. But just because you are born into a religion doesn’t mean you like it or agree with it or follow it to the letter. As I’ve said before, it’s difficult to leave Islam. That’s one of the reasons we criticise it. But we can’t have it both ways: either Islam is a coercive cult, in which case millions of ordinary Muslims are its victims, or it isn’t, in which case all Muslims are as free to choose as western Christians & can be held to account.
Colonel Mustard – 12:57
Damaris Tighe – 13:27
Thank you. Your sentiments are difficult to argue against, but … let’s leave it there.
Baron would approve of that.
Pointless any of us falling out – on a blog??????
Can’t happen, won’t happen.
Thank you EC, I hate falling out with friends.
EC February 9th, 2015 – 13:27
Now I think you are mixing up Islamic fundamentalism with Arab nationalism. Don’t forget that the Palestinian grievance came after Jordan’s territorial gripes and Islamic fundamentalism after both, although the divisions were undoubtedly blurred and much was rooted in long standing disputes and hostilities.
As for taqiyya I think the Amman Message addresses that too.
“Islam requires respect for pledges and covenants, and adhering to what has been specified; and it forbids treachery and treason: Fulfill the covenant of God when you have entered into it, and break not oaths after they have been confirmed and you have made God your surety; truly God knows what you do. (16:91)”
Colonel Mustard (12:45)
“Who is ‘Cold Fury’?”
Indeed! And who is Colonel Mustard? That’s a slippery old slope, isn’t it? I used to think I knew who Frank P was until I read some of his recent posts in the cold light of day, then I realized I had no idea. 🙂
The sun rose twenty thousand times
And twenty thousand times it set.
Oh, how I wished (at fifty-five),
That I was a man I’d never met.
That was twenty six years ago, so you can imagine how much worse it is now.
But one thing he can’t muster, I’m sure, given the current state of the universe, is any sympathy whatsoever for people who come to these shores and try to impose a medieval cult and a new system of laws on the indigenes, by failing to integrate. Then cite fear and/or ignorance as an excuse for failing to reject the bullshit that oppressed them and caused their flight in the first place.
But as you rightly point out: there are many ways of looking at everything – so we can agree to disagree. Unless our name happens to be lowercase ‘t’ Telemachus,
… in which case … well …
Come now, Colonel. That’s a cop out. Tell us where Cold Fury is off kilter. I’m sincerely interested in your take on his rant. But if you can’t be arsed. That’s fair enough, too.