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Apropos to nothing much, Film 4 are currently showing the 1943 film ‘The Gentle Sex’ which amply demonstrates that the modern feminist movement is a load of deliberately fabricated bolleaux.
The pictures from Downing Street yesterday were truly shocking and reflect that the UK is a post-genocide nation. Non-Muslims now live as dhimmis.
The protests were not featured on BBC TV news and have been removed from the Mail’s homepage now, such was the anger they generated. But why get angry if you’re only going to voter for Camerband?
Every single Muslim protestor should be deported to a Muslim country instantly. And where did they get the gall for this demonstration? From the MSM, from the bien pensant intellectuals who were so embarrassed by British satire’s grovelling to Muslims had to come up with an excuse as to why Charlie Hebdo has no counterpart in the UK.
For days on end, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph, Roy Greenslade all came out to say, ‘Well, it’s just not very good satire, that’s why we don’t do that sort of thing in the UK.’ Er, no. The UK doesn’t do that sort of thing because you’d end up in jail if you did. And you know it, Paul Dacre.
Or even worse, we had ‘intellectual’ Tom Stoppard saying last week: “I really couldn’t, as it were, position myself in the heart of Charlie Hebdo,” says the playwright, who is also a patron of Index on Censorship, in an interview with the New Statesman.
“The ‘Je suis Charlie’ slogan was supposed to be a statement against extremism but actually it was a gratuitous swipe at the entire population of Muslim countries.”
He believes that “what we actually have to do is demonstrate by our behaviour that our values are better than theirs… It will take a long time and you’ll take a lot of hits for it but finally you can’t coerce people. You have to be more attractive than the competition.”
Thanks a bunch, Tom. It’s people like you who embolden these people to know that if you give them an inch, they will take mile.
What the Daily Mail (Stephen Golver et al), Daily Telegraph and Roy Greenslade were all trying to cover up was the truth pointed out in this article that went viral at the time and shamed the British MSM:
It is titled: ‘What if Charlie Hebdo had been published in Britain?’
The pictures from Downing Street:
‘Sir’ Tom Stoppard (who doesn’t live next door to a bunch of Muslims and so asks other people to kindly throw themselves under the bus so he hasn’t got to deal with the reality of Islam – he’s too busy living in Luvvieland):
I noticed in that Spiked article a passage ridiculing a website called Chortle. It’s a comedy review and listings website. As far as the reviews of comedians are concerned, their politically correct credentials are always examined in case they are un-PC. Always glowing reviews for people like Stewart Lee, though, the Godfather of Political Correctness in Comedy and Official Muslim Toe Licker.
Was it our anne who the police investigated for buying a copy of the Charlie mag from the local newsagents. ???
John birch
February 9th, 2015 – 18:26
John, tell me more……
This is what happens when a police service has become terminally politicised and engages in knee-jerk risk aversion:-
“There was no specific threat nationally and nothing to suggest newsagents in particular would be vulnerable.”
“A police officer visited a local shop and post office in Corsham to make an assessment of community tensions and, if appropriate, encourage the newsagent’s owner to be vigilant. During this conversation the officer requested information about subscribers to the Charlie Hebdo magazine.”
John birch
February 9th, 2015 – 18:26
I googled and saw that a lady called Anne, a retired ward sister.was bugged by the police. A sad reflection on what the British poice have become. Stasi or Gestapo by any other name.
Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream ‘racism’ these days.
A customer asked, “In what aisle could I find the Irish sausages?”
The assistant asks, “Are you Irish?”
The guy, clearly offended, says, “Yes I am, but let me ask you something…
If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for Polish sausage, would you ask if I was Polish?”
The assistant says, “No, I probably wouldn’t.”
The guy says, “Well then, just because I asked for Irish sausage, why did you ask me if I’m Irish?”
The assistant replied, “Because you’re in Halfords.”
More playful cultural enrichment 🙁 :
Teenage Islamist fanatic ‘caught on his way to behead a British soldier’
Court hears Brustholm Ziamani, 19, was stopped and found with the weapons wrapped inside an Islamic flag. He denies preparing an act of terrorism
But there aren’t that many around:
Terror suspects arrested every day in UK as police call for extra funding to cope with Isil threat
Metropolitan assistant commissioner Mark Rowley says fanatics are detained on a daily basis and Isil “misifts” (sic) are gravest threat to UK
“Police are now arresting a suspected terrorist every day with ministers poised to boost funding amid fears of attacks from Isil “misfits and criminals”
Police are also taking down 1,000 web pages of extremist material every week.
“We are not just dealing with a classic terrorist organisation, organising plots across the world,” he told the BBC Andrew Marr show.
“We are dealing with a group trying to create a corrupt cult of people, of followers who will act in their name.”
The ease with which bugging is done is exemplified by Microsoft (and others) demise in China and Russia. Once those countries knew that American-made computers were all being filled with spyware, they cancelled the orders. The effect has been to make Russia go it alone, pulling millions in sales from Western computer giants. The same for China. They are now using state money to seed private digital enterprise. America has lost that custom forever.
Until today I had heard it said that all new TVs are capable of bugging their new owners. This story confirms that. It plays down the security services angle by suggesting people don’t talk about their private life. If Samsung are doing it, everyone is doing it and anyone in ‘security’ land can access it.
Is your TV eavesdropping on PRIVATE conversations? Samsung reveals its smart sets can capture every word
And don’t think you can hide your political opinions from anti-free speech goons like telemucus:
Scouring the DEEP WEB: US government builds ‘Memex’ search engine to catch cyber criminals lurking in the net’s deepest recesses
Even your electronic printer and photocopier has a ‘naked to the human eye’ ‘fingerprint’ it leaves on every page you print out. We wouldn’t want people distributing pamphlets that might contain challenges to the Establishment.
There is an awful lot of pleading for free speech from one telemucus. It’s always worth remembering he doesn’t believe in free speech himself. What follows is a verbatim quote taken from Mucus on The Spectator:
telemachus replies to WinterMonarch
Free speech is all very well
Free speech means the right of anyone and almost exclusively on the right to say anything they want whatever harm and damage it does to our fellow citizens
Free speech tells us it is OK for political parties to drag billboards around the North of England attacking indigenous minorities in the hope that others will think it correct to exclude them from our society
And remember what free speech in in images in Danish and French publications led to
On Free Speech and Noxious Muslims:
Before “total war” breaks out,on the cusp of which we now stand (h/t Paul Craig Roberts in King World News), I am hurrying to finish Peter Ackroyd’s excellent 2014 work, Civil War.Volume III in The History of England. As with accounts of the French Revolution, a history of the English Civil War is always worth reading as the events provide clues to so may of our contemporary problems and solutions, besides being fascinating in themselves.
So as the psychopaths, including Mr. Hammond with his recent characterisation of Vladimir Putin as “a tyrant”, a necessary pre-condition for the NATO coalition to strike at foreign governments, herd us towards war, I still have some 300 pages of Ackroyd’s 470 page book remaining, and time runs short.
Sir Nathaniel Rich was a member of a delegation sent by the House of Commons to petition King James at Newmarket and took objection to the King’s prescribing the topics which might be raised by them.
‘ “When I speak of freedom of speech,” he declared, “I mean not licentiousness and exorbitancy, but speech without servile fear or, as it were, under the rod” ‘
God save us all!
corr. proscribing
Let’s hope our noble friend returns from the east soon – and intact. We need his emollient arbitration. 🙂
Not only that, but also A Boot Esq. has done another jobbie on Vlad, which Baron will wish to address, I’m sure.
He’s fisked one of our ex-diplomats with some very undiplomatic commentary about his piece in the once conservative flagship. I must say I see Mr Boot’s point/s, despite the reservations of some Wallsters on the thorny subject of the ‘Aspergers Syndrome Premier’ of the burgeoning USSR 2.0.
And for Nigel Farage and his band of brothers to think about:
“…one purpose of the “sovereign debt crisis” is to establish the principle that private lenders are not responsible for their bad judgment. Instead, the peoples of the country who were not parties to the loans are responsible. The EU is using the crisis not only to protect powerful private interests, but also to establish that over-indebted countries lose control of their fiscal affairs to the EU. In other words, the EU is using the crisis to centralize authority in order to destroy country sovereignty…”
Proscribing/prescribing: probably both. 🙂
And speaking of Monty:
“The US has broken the second rule of war. That is, don’t go fighting with your land army on the mainland of Asia. Rule One is don’t march on Moscow. I developed these two rules myself.”
―Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
Frank P
Malfleur, I do wonder whether people like Philip Hammond are going to drive intellectual Brits out of the UK to become fighters in foreign lands as happened in the Spanish civil war?
Incidentally, there was a story today of one Brit gone off to fight against ISIS. This sort of thinking is already clearly happening.
The Powers That Be have thought all this through, which is why they will fight to hold on to Europe’s federal structure, but day by day, year by year this federal structure is being exposed for what it is. And when it falls apart, what a reaction we are likely to see.
People are likely to cross borders to fight in skirmishes whence so ever they are. If they would just let it go and let sovereign power re-assert itself once again as the dominant ideology, but no, we get Phillip Hammond going after the apotheosis of sovereign power: Russia.
Russia has never been put under the yoke in its history. It wrote the textbook on scorched earth policy. And if they think Putin can be mad, if they get him ousted, there are people in Moscow who are far more hardline than him. And if Hammond thinks they intend to grovel to some spoilt Etonian member of the Bullingdon Club, he’s got another thing coming.
David Cameron seems universally unpopular in Britain but God knows what some powerful hotheaded Russian general would do to him given half the chance. There might be shortage of people willing to throw themselves under the bus for you, Dave.
In order to avoid libelling him, Dan Hodges has written a very gnomic article asking what Lord Ashcroft is trying to achieve with his polls.
Well, I think we al know, Dan. THe same a Peter Kellner tries to achieve with his. I didn’t know that Ashcroft actually doesn’t have a polling company himself. He buys them in and then publishes them as Ashcroft polls.
I can summarise all polling by any company in the UK as follows: What public opinion would you like massaged, what questions would you rig to get the result that helped you massage opinion? And away you go.
There is actually no money to be made in political opinon polling. It’s a very expensive business. It needs to be product market research to be monetisable. Ashcroft seems to want to spend more than anybody else has in the past just to fill up the news pages between now and the election. SNP wipes out Labour. Get a poll with that ‘result’ and you can run that story for a few days off the back of that. Clegg is gone in Sheffield. Same again. Get a poll with that ‘result’ and you can run that story for a few days off the back of that.
All the while, the spotlight is gently kept off one David Cameron. I know a lot of conservative-mined people in the UK. Yet whenever I speak to them on the telephone, not one of them ever says they are a Conservative Party voter. It may only be a straw poll. But I’m not rigging it. And I’m not paying anyone else to rig it for me.
I think there might be something Lord Ashcroft doesn’t want to tell us with his polls and so he likes to use them to distract attention from that.
Oooooohhhh, fuck!!
Bwaahahahaha. Fox is having a ball with it, too.
The global warming is 8 feet high in Massachusetts. Hope it doesn’t get that warm here.
Kermit – the inestimable Sir Humphrey proving what Ashcroft and crew are up to. What a truly prescient series, still full of relevant nuggets to this day.
Frank P – 00:58
And hideously white?
Frank P – 00:55,
Life imitating art! Tim Wilson had a comic character called “Uncle BS” who, like Williams, could recall being present at any event he was ever asked about – including December 24, 1hour BC 🙂 etc.
Tim died from a heart attack in February last year, aged only 52.
I’ll miss Tim, his songs and his comic take on this world.
RIP Tim.
Muslimrapegang .If Britain were still a sane society, every politician, Labour and otherwise, who knew about these Muslim rape gangs and kept quiet for fear of losing Muslim votes should be barred from ever holding or seeking political office again, and a serious investigation would be undertaken to determine whether or not charges of treason were warranted. But Britain is no longer a sane society.
“Sex gang victims were ‘sacrificed’ to avoid Labour losing votes in the Asian community,” by Jerry Lawton, Daily Star, February 9, 2015:
SEX gang victims were “sacrificed’ to avoid Labour losing votes in the Asian community, it was claimed.
One woman said a probe into the Rotherham scandal over-looked the fight for votes.
Known as Jessica, she said local politicians “buried the truth to suit their own ends”.
She said: “I’ve said all along that this has been about two things – money and power,.
“Girls like me were sacrificed because no-one wanted the boat rocked because they knew it’d cost them votes if the finger of blame was pointed and because they thought we were worthless.”
Solicitor Dave Greenwood, who represents 38 victims, added: “There was an echelon of people who scratched each other’s backs.
“But I think there’s an ‘X Factor’ at play here. It’s quite apparent there was a feeling of the need to maintain the Asian vote to preserve Labour’s majority in the town.”
Last week a government probe headed by Louise Casey attacked “a culture of bullying, political correctness, incompetence and cover-up”.
Colonel Mustard, February 9th, 2015 – 13:54
I am intrigued as to when you think that “Islamic fundamentalism” began?
A strong dose of reality from the USA
EC February 10th, 2015 – 11:15
From its outset I should think, although I wasn’t there. But I think you were hoping for something that would provide the opportunity for another anti-Muslim rant?
Colonel Mustard – 11:46
Absolutely not.
Please enlighten me as to why you think that it only began “after both”.
EC February 10th, 2015 – 11:58
Ah, I see. You mean this:-
“Don’t forget that the Palestinian grievance came after Jordan’s territorial gripes and Islamic fundamentalism after both, although the divisions were undoubtedly blurred and much was rooted in long standing disputes and hostilities.
I was referring very specifically to the Israel Palestine situation and the subject of the Palestine Liberation movement morphing towards Islamic fundamentalism and the off shoots in that region. It was not meant as a broader historical comment or pan-regional.
“…the Palestine Liberation movement …”.
What’s that when it’s at home?
Frank P February 9th, 2015 – 21:52
“… in which case … well …
Come now, Colonel. That’s a cop out. Tell us where Cold Fury is off kilter. I’m sincerely interested in your take on his rant. But if you can’t be arsed. That’s fair enough, too.”
I don’t know who ‘Cold Fury’ is let alone telling you where he is off kilter! You didn’t provide any reference to him other than that name, no link, and I couldn’t see any posts by such a person in last week’s thread. I’ve just re-checked it in case I missed something.
So it is not a cop out. I can’t comment on a rant that I haven’t read! And I can’t even decide whether to be arsed to read it and comment on it or not if you can’t be arsed to provide a proper reference – which is why I asked the question about who he was in the first place!
I’ll try again.
Please be so good as to advise where Cold Fury’s rant might be read, thank you.
It appears to me that very many fatal road accidents involve lorry drivers. The arrogance of many lorry drivers can be witnessed as they speed along nudging other vehicles out of the way. This arrogance is only slightly matched by the cyclists who take up the middle of the road and use which ever lane suits them, including pavements. The most recent incident in Bath is truly heartbreaking, but I think that once again, the police will fail to hold a lorry driver responsible, and teh carnage will go on.
Malfleur February 10th, 2015 – 12:52
The Palestine Liberation movement was founded in 1964 when Ahmed Shukairy, who less than 10 years earlier had denied the existence of Palestine, became the first chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, around which various other factions revolved in the Middle East and elsewhere, e.g. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Fatah, etc. The PLO charter proclaimed its sole purpose was the destruction of Israel.
AWK @ 1256
I did some computer work for a truck manufacturer.
I looked at the warranty recall file and was appalled to see many vehicles that had been recalled for defects had not been in for the fix.
Why is the truck industry so unregulated compared to rail?
And dont get me started on foreign trucks, their roadworthiness and the standard of their drivers. and their unsuitability for UK roads with the driving position on the wrong side.
(Why are any artics with the steering position on the left allowed on UK roads. Its not as if they cant attach a UK unit at the port. And so many have the numberplate at the rear dangling on a bit of chain so they are not properly illuminated as per the law)
Council investigating claims Islamic school used public funds in Pakistan
Chiefs probing Birmingham’s Al-Hijrah School over severe budget deficit
Accused of spending £1million to build hi-tech school 5,000 miles away
Cuts halve hours at £189m library
The opening hours at Birmingham’s new £189m library are to be cut by nearly half to save money, the city council confirms. Staff at £189m library halved in cuts
Two items which say it all!
Anne 12.56
Anne I once travelled as a passenger in a lorry for about 200 miles which included the m25.
Droning along at 56mph which it was limited to, made me amazed there are not a lot more accidents with drivers falling asleep .
The constant steady engine noise and the speed limiter makes the concept of being a driver far from the truth.
Richard Gatiss appeared in court charged with assault and intent to rob
He was remanded in custody until his next appearance on February 24
The disabled 67-year-old suffered broken collar bone during alleged attack
Beautician Katie Cutler, 21, set up online fund which has raised £330,135
I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes if he’s sent to prison, even scum have a code of conduct.
Colonel Mustard (12:55)
See Frank P
February 9th, 2015 – 02:28 on the previous thread.
Here’s the link again, to save your scroll key:
And bear in mind my some of previous comments were coloured by the content of CF’s post.
For anyone interested:
Melanie Phillips stopped updating her blog on her EMBOOKS website last August. I didn’t realise because I’ve been picking up her articles via her @Melanielatest Twitter feed. However for anybody not on Twitter you can access all her published material by visiting her Facebook main page:
NB. You do not have to sign up for Facebook to access her material.
eg. Here’s her latest Voice of Israel broadcast – incl. Jordan – quite topical !
Damaris Tighe.
I had you listed as a kindred spirit; not so sure now, since you pulled the moral equivalence ‘Protocols of Zion’ shtick. As EC implies, that’s a hackneyed leftist ploy to discredit opponents, an agitprop mantra when anybody dissents on the ‘Palestine cause’. Naughty naughty. This is not the platform for that device – just ask tele – he tries it on ceaselessly.
There is no evidence of any aggressive Jewish desire to rule the world. They may exploit the communities they join to the best of their abilities, but that, more often not, has a beneficial spin-off for the non-Jews among us. They also encompass some of the cleverest crooks around, but usually in cahoots with our home grown ones. 🙂
OTOH, the Muslim Brotherhood protocols have manifested themselves in myriad bloodthirsty and taqiyya ways. Their intention the declare war on the West is limpid and lethal. Unless you are blind.
But I am not prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to any adherent to the idiocy of Islam, ‘peaceful’ or otherwise, while the military wing of their so-called ‘religion’ declares its bellicose intention to wipe out Israel, attack the “Great Satan” and give all “infidels” the choice of conversion, Dhimmitude or death. What they do to their own adherents is beside the point: there’s a war on – and in wars one must take sides whether one likes it or not, you many want to stay on the sidelines, but when the shtf – everybody gets some.
We did it very successfully, ‘twixt 1940 and 1945. And in case you think I’ve ignorantly missed 1939, no! I was both existent and sentient then and even I, despite my tender years, realise that year was an all-round fuck-up – and I was very afraid. It needed Churchill to replace the backbone of the bulldog breed and we were all inspired when he did – and won! In a five year spell of eisen und blut that none of us who lived then will ever forget.
There is little chance of that happening with the Kuwaiti tankers in charge of this show. Cameron thinks he can win the war by pissing up the backs of the business community; but then the only war he is interested in is the one that will keep him in Number 10. At the moment it looks like he’s gonna lose that one to – and to a Marxist whipper-snapper, to boot.
No Damaris, just as we hardened our hearts to the ‘innocent German volk’ and the ‘innocent Japs’ who ‘were not on the side of Hitler’ and Tojo; so, if we are to survive, we must harden our hearts to the so called ‘moderate Muslim’ who ‘ ‘don’t support Isis’ and tell them to stick their Q’ran where the sun doesn’t shine and if they don’t like it, there are planes still leaving every fuckin’ airport in what’s left of the UK.
So wink away at the Colonel, imply all you like we are too thick to appreciate the nuances, but you had better choose sides sooner or later, or learn friggin’ Arabic, Russian or one of the many tongues of China. Too late for me to reach your level of intellect I agree, thank God, or whatever it is drives this unfathomable grinding machine of which we are all a part (and sometimes apart, it seems). But thick as I am – I still recognise the enemy when I see him. Had lots and lots of practice, and some of them were supposed to be our compatriots.
Now that’s a wrap. And may well be, according the Colonel, a rant. If so, then its not before time and it’s a rant that should be echoed throughout this benighted Kingdom, before the bleeders – ‘our leaders’ – do for us all. Capische?
Malfleur, February 10th, 2015 – 12:52
“…the Palestine Liberation movement …
What’s that when it’s at home?”
😯 I think that it resulted in a sphincter busting turd called Yasser Arafat.
Ezra Levant with Melanie Phillips – Anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe
Three months on, the situation is worse – despite what Dame Esther says.
February 10th, 2015 – 13:12
Read your posting with interest, Alexandr. Whereas I simply wrote as a layman(woman), you are an expert in the field. Sadly, the police, as usual are hopeless, but then they are probably scared of being accused of racism if they comment on the foreign drivers ignoring our laws.
John birch
February 10th, 2015 – 13:17
Compulsory breaks should be instigated, but then the mad rush for profits would impede this move.
February 10th, 2015 – 17:13
Three months on, the situation is worse – despite what Dame Esther says.
Dame Esther Teeth Rantzen is the female equvalent of a prick!
Frank p.
Sounds a bit like a rant I had with socialist workers stall in my town recently.
It’s getting to the point of which side are you on.
All the fine and fancy details of augment are becoming irelevant. It really is down to who’s side are you on.
And to paraphrase the rapture of Robert Duval in Apocalypse Now, “I do love the smell of rotting Yasser in the morning!”
Frank P – 15:53
Colonel Mustard – 12:55
A link from your link:
Jindal to Obama: ‘Medieval Christian Threat is Under Control’
On a point of order … can someone explain the anonymous last ‘proper post’ with no comment facility on it and the pregnant pause of no explanation – other than the content. I assume it’s you Peter, or have we been cunningly spammed?
February 10th, 2015 – 13:12
anne wotana kaye
February 10th, 2015 – 17:18
It’s all part of the monstrous conspiracy that is a combination of Leviathon and Behemoth that comprises the EU – and the willingness of our puppets in Whitehall to facilitate its every wish, whether legal, commercial or political. And despite the faux promises of CMD – and the posturing of Nigel nothing is ever going to be able to get that gigantic all devouring genie back in the bottle. Not only that we’ve lost our bottle. Stand on me!
RobertC (17:29)
Yeah … that’s a meme that is trending throughout the cable network meeja and the dtp over there. Our Verity always rated Jindal, but I fear he’s an also ran in this two year tussle. Looks like it will be last man standing from Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio.
On the other side, Hillary’s star is beginning to wane, her baggage is beginning to pile up around her and they may have to find someone with less previous, because it’s going to be a nasty, gutter-struggle for the duration. The lying journo scandal has already been used to remind everybody of her false ‘under fire’ claims, which will be hammered along with the Benghazi scandal ’til the cows come home.
We can only hope they leave her intact as the candidate, because her opposition is weak, regardless of which of the tepid alternatives come forth from the GOP. She’s her own worst enemy, well her and Billy boy, that is. She may sick-out in the end, I guess.
Excellent ‘Yes, Minister’ clip, Clear Memories!
What a shower this wretched election is. The Torygraph seems to think that if it publishes articles every day for the next 100 days that, in essence, say ‘Every day in every way it’s gettin’ better and better’ that it will be so.
Today it’s Comical Ali Heath, the boy who grew up in the south of France because his British dad was so scared of paying a penny in UK tax, despite having lots of businesses there. Salt of the earth Comical Ali is telling people how their wages are rocketing upwards, and that there’s full employment, and that people shouldn’t worry about mass immigration because it benefits the economy. You wouldn’t want to lose that feelgood factor now, would you?
Be a docile dope and vote Tory, there’s a good little dhimmi. And if you’re working harder for less pay, it’s because someone has to pay the benefit bill for Mrs Khan’s 10 children, and it ain’t going to be the Barclay Twins or Comical Ali. Every day in ev’ry way it’s gettin’ better and better…
John Birch at 11:41 posted a link to a short speech by Newt Gingrich.
If you haven’t watched it I urge you to do so, I repeat the link below.
David Ossitt – 19:15
John Birch – 11:41
Newt is always worth listening to, and that was superb.
Thank you.
David O (19:15)
I agree, thanks – I missed that. Well worth the time investment. Gingrich can cut the mustard, when he’s on blob. Pity he didn’t float to the top in the 2008 bid. I think it would be a different world now. O’barmy has been a global scourge. Who will rid us of this turdulent pest?
Serious Question: In this perverse and sick society, can a lesbian same-sex married couple claim paternity leave for the ‘butch’ partner after producing a child by artificial insemination?
The chilling fact that comes from the Gingrich speech is that is was delivered on 24th of January this year and there has been no coverage of it on any of the media (including even Fox News) of the words of an ex-presidential candidate that are the best exposition of the current global conflict uttered by any top politician, anywhere.
It’s becoming a cliche to say that if you refuse to even accept a problem as a problem and refuse to define it – name it – then there can be no resolution of it. Mass treason of leaders in concert throughout the Western world should be met with the most dire punishment.
When are we going to sally forth and demand it? Even in my state of health I am prepared to join a ground swell of outraged citizens convened from around the country to demand that at least OUR government rises to the occasion and eradicates by all means available this bunch of demented savages (don’t call them barbarians – they were comparatively civilized) and the so called ‘religious’ morons who stand by while they slaughter our citizens in the name of their prophet.
Lord Cashcroft: Is that Peter Pollster of Spin Gov?
Peter Pollster: Yes.
Lord Cashcroft: I want series of polls that ignore UKIP as much as possible, that say Labour are as a good as dead, that say the Lib Dems are as good as dead, but that also – and this is the sneaky bit – give the Tories only the smallest lead in the polls. Just enough of a lead to make the dumb voters think that they might still have a dog in this fight and so switch their vote from UKIP (shooooosh!) back to the Tories. How much would a load of those ‘opinion’ (heh, heh, heh!) polls cost from here to election day?
Peter Pollster: Including VAT?
Lord Cashcroft: No tax, pal, I’m offshore.
Peter Pollster: Five million, and I’ll throw in a free ‘business survey’ saying the outlook’s rosier than ever. If we just carry on with Cameron in power.
Lord Cashcroft: Now I know why everyone comes to Spin Gov! I’ll see you at Lord Mandelson’s LabCon coalition post-vote after-party.
Peter Pollster: I thangyew.
Here’s something at the other place that’s both relevant and topical. Makes a change:
“…A new review says evidence from trials did not support the advice. It says it is ‘incomprehensible’ that such advice was introduced for 56million Britons in 1983 and 220million Americans six years earlier ‘given the contrary results from a small number of unhealthy men’…”
Now they tell me!
Greg Gutfeld.
“This is not a White House, it’s a shite house! It’s so full of crap! ”
His response to Obama’s assertion that the shooting by ‘a bunch of violent vicious zealots’ at the Kosher deli in Paris was just ‘random’ shooting of a ‘bunch of folks’.
The image of Obama with All Sharpton, that surmounts the article in the link below, defines the current US administration; no further words needed:
Al Sharpton – the pesky auto-correct poking its nose in again!
False memory syndrome:
Just witnessed BBC Newsnight’s Evan Davis, plus psych, trying to give NBC’s Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton a free pass on tonight’s show.
According to the expert WAAAI, and why should they be expected to be any better that the proverbial “man in the street.” Ha! “Nothing to see here, move along now.”
Well the PLO is the PLO. But the Palestine Liberation ‘movement’, rightly defined, is something else again.
Newt Gringrich, in the C-Span clip linked above by Wallsters, dedicated his speech to illuminating its scope and drive . I would have gone a bit further to examine the part played in its funding and arming by western interests along with the enemies of western civilization elsewhere including the ranks of the left. In essence though, set in motion as it may have been and broadly controlled by the corporate banksters together with arab feudal and populist forces, the Palestine liberation movement is taking place in the bowels of islam and expending its efforts throughout the world. Its aim, and the aim of its controllers and moneybags, is to destroy the moral order of western civilization while making a quick buck. That’s the Palestine Liberation movement.
Frank P February 10th, 2015 – 15:53
Thank you. Sorry that I missed it but I have now read it.
Jihad after death – the plot sickens!
Whatever next, segregated maternity wards?
Mind you, it was Leicester, where the strangest things happen:
Photographs of people with raised pontificating fingers: When I saw that photo of Militw*t it immediately brought to mind a cartoon of Stafford Cripps, some time in the early 1950s. I guess it was the first political cartoon I ever recognised.
But what’s this I see? Yesterday a photograph appeared of a young jihadi, currently in custody, in exactly the same pose.
Gerald Warner – A magnificent piece from him on Breitbart
EC 08.54: Appalling story & made even more inexplicable by the fact that this is a Multi-Faith Cemetery, which the Muslim family must have known. Add to this the cemetery’s authorities disgusting grovelling by suggesting to the Roma family, who are not the ones making the complaint, that THEY have their relative’s body exhumed at reburied. In other words making them responsible for sorting the Muslim family’s problem. The word Ubermenschen comes to mind.
Did I really miss this headline?
George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action
Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened activists
And a report on the WT exposé:
The Mysterious Sponsor Behind The Ferguson Protests And Media Campaign: George Soros
Soros-funded group helped make ubiquitous the “hands up, don’t shoot” slogan
“… liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.”
Frank P: Apologies for delay in my reply – only just found your post.
I did make it clear in the post you mention that while there is no reality in the Protocols whatsoever, the situation re Islam is very different.
The point I was trying to make is simply this: I find the belief that we know what goes on in the hearts & minds of all individuals belonging to a religion they were born into is dangerous. It makes innocent people targets. Perhaps the Protocols wasn’t the best example of this because it was a forgery whereas Islam really is a potentially dangerous religion. I used it because it purported to ‘know’ the thinking & intentions of Jews. The analogy I saw was with the tendency to ‘know’ what every Muslim ‘really’ thinks & believes better than they themselves.
The Muslim Brotherhood & its offshoots are everything you say they are but not every Muslim supports the Brotherhood. Muslims as people are not homogenous. I am not saying that the majority of Muslims are peaceful saints. I’m saying that we don’t know what they think, partly because nominal & atheistic Muslims will usually not speak out because of the danger of social & family exclusion, partly because believing Muslims who just want to get on with their lives & aren’t interested in jihad or imposing sharia on others will not speak out because moderation by its very nature doesn’t put its head above the parapet, doesn’t organise, doesn’t demonstrate.
It’s one thing to criticise Islam as a religion & specific individuals & groups we know about, quite another to attack each & every individual Muslim qua Muslim however much you or I may dislike their religion. It will result in bricks through windows, arson & great injustice.
Damaris Tighe – 13:05
It could be a case of last in first out, but as you say they should be no need for it in a “multi-faith” cemetery. It provides an interesting illustration in minority rights “top trumps” though doesn’t it?
I’ve only heard of a forced exhumation and relocation of a corpse once before, and that was in an idyllic rural churchyard with splendid views over a lake and mountains in the distance. There had been a mis-interment due to a clerical error by the vicar. The complainant claimed the plot had been reserved for her so that she be buried next to her husband (poor bastard) whilst they awaited the Last Trump together luxuriating in the view. It caused a bit of a hoo-hah, I can tell you!
Damaris Tighe – 14:12,
I think that you will find this Michael Coren interview with Althar Khan will grab your attention, especially with regard to the “moderate muslim” mindset
It’s from Canada where they are in the same mess that the UK is in. The difference is that at least Canada has Ezra Levant and Michael Coren on regular TV shows where, thanks to Mark Steyn’s and Ezra Levant’s stand, they are at least allowed to discuss this stuff! It wouldn’t happen here!
EC (08:54)
Has anyone investigated the possibility of the pikey having been whistled to death by the milkman? And can’t you just tell from the picture of the cheery milkie that he’s a bleeding whistler? Don’t think much of his playlist either!! 🙂
Ostrich your mention of Stafford Cripps a labour politician brings to mind a true story that I read many years ago.
The BBC were due to have their very first ever live party political broadcast, they had selected a very capable announcer to introduce the broadcast McDonald-Hobley and they had schooled him in what to say and more importantly what not to say.
They pointed out that he must be completely impartial and that his introduction of the Labour Member of Parliament Sir Stafford Cripps should be in a balanced tone of voice.
When the moment came McDonald-Hobley in a clear steady voice introduced this historic program and then the speaker, Sir Stifford Crapps.
EC: Thanks for the link which is very interesting. The testimony of Althar Khan who I assume is from a Pakistani family must be taken seriously as he is on the inside, & one of my arguments has been that those who take all Muslims to be complicit are on the outside & can’t know what all individual Muslims think. Pakistan, especially rural Pakistan, has a pretty unpleasant culture. I wonder if the same generalisation could be made of people from the most populous Muslim country, Indonesia?
One of the issues Khan raises is defensive tribalism. This is difficult for native westerners to understand as we no longer have religious or ethnic tribalism – only the tribalism of political parties. In fact we’ve travelled so far in the opposite direction that our elites fall over themselves in destructive criticism of their societies & privileging the ‘other’.
Damaris (14:12)
Yerrss, gal. I hear what you say! However repeating something doesn’t necessarily make it any more convincing.
When Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics (like me), in fact any listed ‘infidels’, start throwing bricks through windows, or beheading Muslims for their ‘faith’ aka delusion; or burning them alive in cages (or out of cages, come to that) on the grand scale that Islam is currently dealing with ‘infidels’, for merely NOT being Ummah, I may warm to your argument. In the meantime let me reassure you that even if I tried to lift a brick in my current state of health, I’d probably drop it on my own already swollen toe.
But tell me, after that slight qualification – do I have your permission to tell each and every Muslim, regardless of their ‘inner thoughts’ to stick the ludicrous and alleged reported instructions from their bestial and tyrannical ‘prophet’ (as reported by their cunning and totalitarian Mullahs) up where the sun rarely shines – even though they they attempt to let it, by pointing it towards that setting star five times a day and achieving the dual purpose, as I suspect, of expressing what it feels about Western civilisation?
And I don’t discriminate on that score, as Mormons and various other proselytising zealots who knock on my door and try to foist their weird beliefs on me also get short shrift, including con/lib/lab/green candidates who are currently appearing in large numbers. I might listen to any UKIP candidate, but even they will get a grilling about their somewhat confusing manifesto – supposing they bother to turn up, which so far they haven’t!
Enough, already! The moral relativity is sickening. We are at war and I notice you didn’t address that thorny issue in my wee diatribe. When push comes to shove I want to know who is on which side. When we start the bleeding hearts shtick we lose wars rapidly. Man up there missy and get your FSMO kit bulled up and ready for action. I’m relying on you. My already rotting geriatric corpus is in your hands and the Camel Corps are selling us up the Nile, so don’t you start worrying about the ‘peace loving muzzies’. I’m convinced they can look after themselves very well, aided and abetted by their barmy armies, when necessary.
I’m fairly sure that Colonel Mustard will put his ‘humanity’ to one side when the sRhtf, as he has shown the grittier side of his nature when confronting our resident troll – and I’m sure there is an infinite reservoir of that venom left to deal with all 1.2 billion muzzies single-handedly. I sometimes sleep a-nights with that reassuring thought in mind.
EC (10:26)
Thanks for the latest Warner piece: disseminate, disseminate! The Wall is fast becoming a compendium of the best bits of renegade journalism around. …
& (14:26)
… but I doubt that Bierce will ever be bested. 🙂 🙂
His are the most thumbed books in my den – and that was before he was available on the intertubes.
It’s good to see that the new North Korean Parliament has met. The session began with a period of extended clapping!
North Korea is something of a model democracy I think. They have really perfected the ideal of “one man, one vote”.
re the Leicester Cemetery – these places are not needed, we already have sites for burying all the rubbish of society in one place together. They’re called landfills.
I’ve just picked this up on a Breitbart thread: It is one of the most disturbing videos I’ve seen in a long while. (that animalistic chanting is like something out of ‘effing ZULU !)
WTF was this all about?
Any idea what denomination these “holy” men were?
Why is Theresa May letting this happen?
Frank 15.48 / Damaris and the Colonel
Whatever gradations of islamic doctrine individual moslims may adhere to, they can’t be unaware that they are attached to a totalitarian collective and anyway their purpose in having been brought into the West is to act as a collective bulldozer in the Left’s scorched earth policy of eradicating all freedom and individuality.
It didn’t take Lenin long to feel let down by the workers, just as later the Labour party felt when they realised that their voters may hate the bosses and the Tories, but still loved their country, so Labour ditched the white workers and brought in the black workers and through them continued their war by proxy with the first major casualty being the police and the justice system. But even the blacks disappointed Labour, and having milked the Lawrence affair for twenty interminable years ditched them (it’s been a while since we’ve suffered the numbing adagio of Darcus Howe’s speech pattern), presumably because of that stubborn streak of Christianity which just wouldn’t go away (manifesting itself most gorgeously on South London buses on Sundays on which West Indian women besported themselves as so many Didos, Queens of Carthage). Thus came the moment for the Marxist Stormtroopers and they certainly can’t have disappointed those who brought them. How quickly we have been disinherited, dispossessed, forced into abjection and silence (in public at least) with civil war (if we’re lucky it being the only way out) being guaranteed, the smallest twitch of dissent by the natives crushed by every institution in the country (see Douglas Murry’s latest in The Speecie on Lord Woolf performing the hitherto thought impossible act of simultaneous arse-licking and kowtowing). And all done without a shot being fired, and a mere four, by my count, heads literally rolling.
So I’m with Frank on this. To worry yourself Damaris about bricks through windows, and I’m guessing we might have heard by now if such an epidemic had broken out, is a suicidal indulgence. They, so newly here and not missed before they arrived, have 58 effing countries to eff off back to if things don’t turn out the way they want. Can I ask, if things don’t turn out well for us, where the fuck are we supposed to go?
RobertC @ 13:59
Before Infowars on 18th January had published its comment on that Washington Times story about Georges Soros funding anti-police riots in Ferguson dated 14th January, Infowars itself had published the Washington Times piece the next day, 15th January
Alex Jones rocks! …and the Washington Times has joined him on the front line!
EC @ 22:17
It’s OK, I think it’s the Armani Spring 2015 Men’s Collection.
Malfleur – 22:40
Lessons of the English Civil War
“Rex est lex.” ..Charles 1st
“…when the president does it, that means it is not illegal…” Richard Nixon (David Frost interview)
Btw, is George Soros a Struldbrug?
On Cynics
My late American friend used to say that a cynic is someone who thinks that even a twig is bent for an ulterior motive.
EC they are Sufi Muslims welcoming one of their leaders. This is from 2013 rather than this week though. Quite scary.
Is this article moderate enough for you lot?
The Only Strategy to Defeat Jihad
There is an outside chance that it is. 🙂
Irishboy (22:31)
RobertC (23:43)
Yes & Yes. You geddit! Thank you. And so, apparently, does Jonathan David Carson.
Colonel? Damaris?
Who is Jonathan David Carson?
This catalogue may help:
but this is a quicker quirky clue to where he’s coming from:
I doubt you get many of tham thar sorta academics to the pound, even though Ph.D’s do seem to be rather thick on the ground in the good ol’ US of A. 🙂
Cue Andy Car Park, whose aversion to the Stars and Stripes usually brings out the best of his eloquence. Or perhaps its just JJB that evokes – sorry – provokes, that particular strand of satire.
Robert C @ February 11th – 23:43
The excellent American Thinker article which you cite should in my view be read in the context of this:
and this as subsequently extended by events:
Moreover, on the local level, Nigel Farage’s “Appeal to Britons” published online today in the DT should have a rider that UKIP policy on islamic immigration should be to bring the percentage of the population in Britain which is muslim down to below 2%. That is the trigger point identified in the first article above at which muslims “… begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs”.
Locally and internationally the focus of the alternative media should be on illuminating the globalist funding and directing of islamofascism and its cultural cover organizations. Those funders seem to have decided that with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 an alternative ideology was needed to replace communism as the globalists’s mask and trojan horse and general disrupter of civilized life.. This may well of course explain why the left in general moved into the “Unholy Alliance” with the green and black flag with such ease and so little heart-searching.
In the DT article, in the top photograph Nigel Farage is sporting a tie whose design seems to be based on the Bayeux Tapestry.
It should be remembered though that the English fell to William the Bastard because on 25 September 1066 the army had had to defeat the Viking army in the north and then make a forced march to defeat by the Norman on the south coast less than three weeks later on 14th October. Enemies can come from more than one direction, and at the same time.
One in the eye for Eric Holder and his minders:
(h/t Breitbart)
Frank P – 00:53
Re: Jonathan David Carson and Chicago:
He should serialise that on the radio! It would make a bracing change, if not an antidote to the anodyne “Lake Woebegon.”
Staying alive doesn’t sound a lot easier up the shoreline in Milwaukee either.
I think that Verity would have warmed to this guy. Here is Sheriff Clarke being interviewed by Megyn Kelly about Ferguson/Holder etc. If you think he’s a tad overcritical of Holder and Obama then you should hear what he’s got to say about Al Sharpton ❗
… and that includes Bill de Blasio too.
Malfleur – 01:21
Depressing, isn’t it.
John Jefferson Burns in the deep dark south…..
So THIS is what you get up to when you should be in church, eh?
[as seen on YouTube]
We don’t need to worry about this because it is on a different planet:
Escape from Boko Haram: what the survivors witnessed
On the shores of Lake Chad, families who have fled the clutches of Nigeria’s Islamist fanatics tell David Blair of the methods and madness of group’s massacres
EC: They’re chanting ‘Allah-hu’. I think they might be Sufis.
In answer to your second parag: yes. Not sure why you asked the question as I’ve made it absolutely clear that I loathe Islam as a religion. (But I probably wouldn’t do so myself as I’m far too polite.)
Re the rest of your post – what moral relativism? I’m the least morally relativist person I know. I wonder what in my comments led you to that conclusion. I’ve often commented at the other place about Islam’s inversion of Judeo-Christian values. For example the Judeo-Christian moral imperative ‘Thou shalt not kill’ (better translated as ‘murder’). I was told several times by a Muslim poster that in Islam oppression is worse than murder. ‘Thou shalt not steal’ – but Islam sanctions pillage & booty under the umbrella of religion. ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’ – Islam sanctions taqyya (compare this with the willingness of early Christians to be martyred rather than bear false witness).
If I didn’t answer your question it’s because I find it very difficult to keep scrolling up or going back to another thread (I do wish CHW would use disqus). I take it the question was about which side I’m on when push comes to shove. I’m on the side of the native British against the reverse-colonisers. Please God it’ll never come to that.
But I agree that war is war & just as all German nationals in Britain were interned (including paradoxically Jews) in WW2 a gov genuinely committed to defending its people would have to look very closely at all resident Muslims. Any delicacy about individuals would have to go hang. However, as there are now so many here & embedded in our society I doubt that would happen. In other words, we’re f*cked.
I don’t see how any of these comments of mine contradict previous statements that Muslims aren’t a homogenous group. We’re not at war yet & owe each person the dignity of being treated as an individual. That’s not moral relativism; on the contrary it’s a moral imperative.
Damaris Tighe February 12th, 2015 – 13:54
“(I do wish CHW would use disqus).”
There is absolutely no need for ‘discus’ here.
Nor do many have to need to explain their posts.
Remove the unnecessary ‘to need’
“Ukraine:The Untold Story of the Maiden Killings.”
It is almost a year since the Peoples Revolution/Fascist Putsch that overthrew the government of the Ukraine.Whilst Obama [instigated by the State Dept. which I see as the dark force behind this] is upping the ante by threatening to give the Kiev forces armaments…….inspite of those he gave to Iraq being abandoned to the Islamic SS (hence the mocking hashtag `Give us back our Humvees`)…..and fight a proxy war against Russia in our joint European Homeland,France and Germany are seeking to negotiate a peace.
Meanwhile at the BBC there is a review of what happened on the Maiden on the fatal night.There has been an ongoing dispute as to who was doing the shooting with the EU/State Dept./Obama/Cameron/MSM position that it was the forces of the pro-Russians.At the same time in those newspaper web-sites of both left and right which allow comments a great many oppose the official view and (in Britain blame Baroness Ashton-a political nobody sent to Brussels to become the unelected EU foreign minister).
On the BBC we hear a story of what happened that night;of a sniper on the protesters side,and shots fired from two buildings:one held by the government the other by the protesters;of protesters and police being shot.
This is on the BBC World Service programme `Assignment`,tonight at 20-32GMT and Sunday 15 at 10-05GMT (in the UK on DAB and Freeview 710) and at
Also from the BBC;The untold story of the Maiden massacre,with a link to a 15 minute video report:
Andrew Lilico is another spin doctor posing as a journalist but this headline about Greece is at least right:
Eurozone leaders believe Syriza must fail and be seen to fail
The worst thing Syriza can do is get caught between two stools and dilly dally letting the EU take hold of the reins again via one of their lapdog legacy parties.
Syriza have got to get Greece out. They have got to snap the EU’s legs in two, the same way that Roy Keane once did to Alfe Inge Haaland’s legs. Snap the EU’s legs in two and after you’ve done it, walk up to them and say ‘Take that, you cxxx.’ Why? Because they would do the same to you.
Stop xxxxing about with these EU people, Syriza. It’s time to give them and their bankocracy a damn good hiding. Miss the moment and it could be 10 more years for another reckoning. I say again, snap their EU legs off so they can never, ever get the project up again. Enough is enough.
I have to hand it to the Torygraph propaganda unit just for filling up the pages with ever more guff each day.
Today, the paper was dealing with Dave’s lack of action on immigration (like everything else, it’s happening ‘tomorrow’). So how do we explain five years of Muslim influx? Why, we call on Andrew Green of MigrationWatch, who was ennobled to the Lords by? David Cameron. And Lord Green obligingly says, it’s the BBC that stops Dave acting on immigration. You earned your corn on that one, Mr Green.
So it’s all sorted. The buck never stops with the Tory Party. Please vote for them.
Syriza have got to get Greece out. They have got to snap the EU’s legs in two
My brother in law is a Greek Professional employed by the Greek Government and his pay has dropped to 40% of his pre Troika levels
His take on it is that he wants out of the Euro and back to the drachma. His friends in tourism then predict a major boom that will boost the rest of the economy
They did enjoy the kudos of being in the Euro but they have suffered too much
“The Gathering Storm”, anyone?
Geert Wilders’ “State of the Nation” speech to the Dutch parliament earlier this week.
Q. When is tax avoidance not tax avoidance?
A. When the Milibands and the lefties do it, of course
The hypocrisy of the BBC and MSM is boundless.
My relatives in the UK tell me it is a post-genocide nation. This confirms it:
Home Office guide to migrating to the UK is top borrowed book in London libraries
On the Comment homepage of the Daily Torygraph today we have UKIP-hater James Kirkup rolling his tongue around the inside of the UK’s imams as he faithfully reproduces the findings of a report produced by the Muslim Council of Great Britain (that august body). An article on Britain’s real enemy: Muslims and their fifth columnist supporters (which includes Kirkup and the Barclay Twins – the lad knows what side his bread is buttered on) – no comments allowed.
Below it, a propaganda article once again telling us how Vladimir Putin threatens the people of Rotherham, the white girls of Bradford, the white girls of every town in Britain, the soldiers of south London, the people on the tube and so on. An article not on Britain’s real enemy and, in fact, in Chechnya, the only world leader I can think off the top of my head who is still in office who knows how to deal with Muslims. Comments allowed – and they ain’t sucking up the Barclay Twins’ xxxx.
Anybody who buys an ISA is practising tax avoidance.
Anybody who takes out a life insurance policy is practising tax avoidance.
Anybody who saves money in a pension fund practises tax avoidance.
Just how far do you take this bloody silly argument?
We are told the Glasgow truck driver was called ‘Harry’. Was that Anglicised slang name for a Muslim name?
Once again the question must be asked because this is what you would have epxect to have happened within days of the Glasgow event: a name, with photo and details. Lots and lots of details. As has happened in Bath; a name, an age, photos, details:
We have never, ever seen anything even approaching that for Glasgow. And it was all at the same time that Muslims were driving vehicles at people across Europe. It stinks. And if you think otherwise, please explain the contrast in the press coverage aftermath.
February 13th, 2015 – 09:07
Q. When is tax avoidance not tax avoidance?
A. When the Milibands and the lefties do it, of course
The hypocrisy of the BBC and MSM is boundless.
What puzzles me is how bolshies and lefties like the vile Milliband cabal amass a fortune. Stinking Grandpa was a confirmed leftie, as was Daddy Milliband. Conchies, afraid to fight for a country that gave them refuge. Milliband, the politician naturally has a fortune, and as a true ‘armchair socialist’ owns property in Hampstead. How I loathe hypocrites, far worse than out and out robbers.
February 13th @ 09:00
Good stuff – no one speaking out like Mr.Wilders in England, yet. Of course you have to be willing to sacrifice your freedom in order to do so.
Damaris – Feb.12th 13.54
We’re not yet at war?! It’s nearly over!
As we huddle in the Last Ditch the only moral imperative is to keep the flame of freedom protected whilst a tyrannical tsunami engulfs us. If you want to speak out you have to be prepared to lose your job and suffer all forms of opprobrium and ostracism. Whether or not you break the law is entirely dependent on the opinion of the offended, rules of evidence trashed and no empirical measure on whether you are acting legally or not. And on and on. No war in this country has displaced so many hundreds of thousands of Englishmen, white schoolchildren in London now make up only 10% of the total roll, 80% of births in London are by women who weren’t even born here.
It is not my responsibility to protect the consciences of those muslims you speak about, they should deal with that themselves, they have free will after all, and maybe they should just be a bit more careful about what club they care to join. We, unprovoked, against popular will, unasked have been forced into an existential crisis more serious than was faced in WWII (it’s a tricky old thing to deal with when your own Government is the enemy) and our only hope of prevailing is through the guts of rough men prepared to take an absolute line without tying one hand behind their backs with indulgent self-defeating nuances.
“It is not my responsibility to protect the consciences of those muslims you speak about, they should deal with that themselves” – hear, hear.
This is the opposite of the argument put forward by the spitebag James Kirkup today and by so many before him.
First, it doesn’t work. The first influx was tame, but the more free gifts in welfare they got and the more free passage they were given culturally, the more they took. Give a Muslim an inch and they’ll take a mile. It’s always the thin end of the wedge with them.
Second, it’s the sheer stinking hypocrisy of this argument. Why don’t these people who preach this live next door to Muslims? They either live behind electric gates or do what their masters do and live offshore in Sark. Why are David and Frederick Barclay walking past a mosque each day, or finding that they can’t park in their neighbourhood on a Friday and being threatened by Muslims if they dare say a word about it. Why aren’t David and Frederick Barclay paying the tax bill to fund the UK’s Muslim breeding programme?
Embracing Muslims and giving them things is just a case of the Frog and the Scorpion – you will get stung every time.
It’s the same the world over. There’s a wonderful book on the Middle East called ‘Because They Hate’, which reveals how exactly the same things happen there as in the UK – find it on Amazon.
Muslims do bad things Because They Hate – not because anyone has ever done anything bad to them or hasn’t done enough for them. They belong in Muslim countries and nowhere else. All they want is submission – the meaning of their religion.
They behave they way they do Because They Hate – no other reason:
I always remember a comment about Arabic I read , you can hate better in Arabic.
I think that sums it up.
Tax evasion is illegal it is a crime and anybody who practises evading tax should quite rightly be brought to justice.
But tax avoidance is quite legal, in fact it behoves everyone to arrange their finances so as to pay as little income tax, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax as possible.
Governments encourage us to take out PEPS (now obsolete) and ISA’s, to pay into pension funds to obtain tax relief on our contributions.
But we now have a situation where the awful panellists on question time seek to demonise those wealthy individuals who avoid tax.
With nary a mention of the labour lovies who hurl money into these spurious illegal investment schemes thereby evading income tax.
Shocking report…. it is being suggested by an MP that up to a million children may have been abused in the UK by “Asian” sex gangs..
I have friends in the North of the UK and Labour is in huge trouble there. At some point, the core vote was going to do what the Tory core vote has already done and just resalise how badly they’ve been mugged off.
These things are always hard to pinpoint but I think Rotherham has crystallised it for Labour voters in a way nothing else has. Labour is in a panic and has now decided there must – at least this side of the election – demanded there be public mea culpas. That’s why there was a mass of resignations in Rotherham. Don’t worry, their Common Purpose chums will ensure that after the general election they get work in some other public sector post, with the titanic salary to match. And it’s why this Labour woman is showing such concern now.
This pre-election propaganda from Labour and Tories is sickening. Dave says people deserve a pay rise – on their zero hours contract, Dave? Labour cares about Muslim paedo rape gangs. Dave is vewwy sowwy he didn’t do anyfink about the immigwation. Odd. Because when I read the business pages of the Telegraph, Dave’s mates and backers want more of it to slash labour costs.
I think we have 100 days of crocodile tears from Dave and Ed about how very, very sorry they both are.
And then I think you’ll find that after muggins the voter has done their docile duty (again – how many times will people vote for this?), Dave and Ed will clench their fists once more so tightly and start raining down donkey punch blows on the thick-as-mince voters and they’ll wonder how they fell for it again. It’s gonna be a painful June. 50 Years Of Submission! And it ain’t no fun when Dave and Ed are shafting you senseless.
Put your head in the pillow, there’s a dear. Whitehall doesn’t want to hear your screams after May. Punch. Punch. Punch.
A country’s leader accused of being in an alliance with terrorists:
Argentina’s president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner charged
“Formal charges have been brought against Argentina’s president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, investigating her alleged role in the country’s worst terrorist attack.
The charges against Kirchner, brought by prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita, are the latest developments in the political earthquake set off by the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman.
Pollicita acted on the 289-page criminal complaint against the president that Nisman made public on January 14th, four days before he was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in his Buenos Aires apartment.
Nisman had been scheduled to present his findings to Congress the next day, accusing Fernandez of secretly conspiring with Iran in trying to derail a criminal investigation into the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires which killed 85 people.
Nisman had alleged that Fernandez entered into “an alliance with terrorists” starting in 2011 to exonerate five Iranian suspects from responsibility in the Amia Jewish community center bombing.”
In Britain she would be reported to the Police:
Incredible moment elderly woman confronts IS fighters and calls them DEVILS
telemachus, you sneaky little toerag, why have you nicked your disqus flower avatar from the Facebook page of good ol’ down home, God-fearin’ John Jefferson Burns?
Is there no depth to which you will not stoop? You deserve to be trussed up like the 15 year old Bishop of Fado and publicly sodomised in the Square of Rimini.
If you are a student of Speccie you will remember a phase 2 years ago when I changed my name by trivial variation many times and each one was stolen by a stalker who usually took my avatar, which, by the way is taken by my wife in our beautiful garden
I had always assumed the stalker was one of my ‘friends’ from the wall but could not figure how he could get identical names past the IT of the time
The avatar is easy to highjack
At least I do not stand thug like with a baseball bat in my avatar however much I am accused of Commissar like action
Those Italians!
Another little light of liberty extinguished today. Canada’s Sun News Network closed down after four years. The only conservative voice on the Canadian airwaves, which gave a different view to the ‘liberal’ echo chamber of the CBC, etc. SNN was where you could hear interviews with people like Douglas Murray for instance, and where the usual narratives of the media were challenged. Pity..
I have often wondered about Tommy Robinson but I do think he was genuine. They wouldn’t have fitted him up (and on such paltry charges) if he wasn’t genuine. The charge was mortgage fraud but it wasn’t his own. He vouched for a cousin’s annual salary and in a country where people only go to prison unless they have donw something exceptionally violent (who goes to prison for petty white collar fraud in the UK?) – he was given a draconian custodial sentence and his assets freezed.
Whatever he was doing with Quilliam was clearly dodgy. It looked like some sort of government cleansing exercise: give this Quilliam group credibility and we’ll think about leaving you alone.
Here is Robinson at the Oxford Union. He may have been manipulated after he became a political figure but I don’t think those were his roots, not at all. He wasn’t a plant from the off. He speaks here like a man with nothing to lose, because he’s lost it all anyway:
I have always found the use of halal to be one of the most powerful psychological weapons in Islam because it embeds cruelty in the believers and suffuses it with religion. It’s OK to be brutal, because it’s religious, innit? It’s OK to do taqqya, because it’s religious, innit? It’s OK to hate non-Muslims, because it’s in the Koran, innit?
In the same way that serial killers start out by killing animal is cruel ways, it really does seem to help wind up Islam’s followers to make them even more hateful than they already are.
I think there is a psychological element too to white women converts and the way the already Muslim women back up the men. It’s the idea of watching your man kill another woman’s children. Or another woman’s spouse. I think these things appeal to a small number of cruel women with dark thoughts.
This is a particularly nasty piece by spoilt public schoolgirl Isabel Hardman on halal – how dare UKIP single it out:
I have spoken to a niece who came across Isabel Hardman at Exeter University, where Hardman was then a Lib Dem – and gobby wannabe journalist, editing the university’s rag.
A public schoolgirl, she poses as a journalist but is in fact a lobby journalist: someone who takes dictation in the lobby. She’s a spin doctor, like her mummy, who runs a PR company called Four Communications. And she’s very good at spinning against UKIP. Oh, to be brought up in a cosseted life away from all those Muslims, Isabel! How nice to sneer at those who can’t afford white flight.
The Spectator likes to spin about its recruitment policies too I notice. It lets comprehensive schoolkids come in and use the photocopiers under the Social Mobility Foundation and then screams about that as if it’s helping social mobility.
But when it comes to actual hires: “David Blackburn, Sebastian Payne, Alex Massie and Camilla Swift all first came through these doors on work experience.” Ah. So that’s who was hired.
And what drivel they write. How many of them went to public school? How many hires came through the Social Mobility Foundation? None is the answer.
That’s the fig leaf charidee because they hate being accused of being a bunch of toffs. Sebastian Payne and Camilla Swift ain’t out the local comprehensive, that’s for sure. They spend their wretched lives churning out hateful essays about UKIP because they don’t want their own kids anywhere near Muslim enclaves.
Kermit re: Halal
It is a vile forced submission too little known about and not enough cared about. What is it that those who elevate the barbarian mohammedans are getting from this betrayal? Still, it’s safe as long as the cnut Dave is in No.10
“Let me make it absolutely clear that while I am Prime Minister in this country, halal is safe in Britain.”
And I agree about Hardman – was it Colonel Mustard or the Viceroy’s Gin who always referred to her and the others as the Speccie Kids? Douglas Murray isn’t much older than the others there but he’s got a hell of a brain, he has put in the slog of hard work and he sticks his head above the parapet in the brightest spotlight with all the guts we can imagine such a thing takes. I hope Hardman et al lick the floor he walks on, but their preening self-regard somehow makes me think they don’t.
And on white flight, well it’s not only whites who fly. Roger the Indian Sikh sub-postmaster left my old bit of SE London years before me, and Sid the Indian Hindu at the corner shop left a year before me, and both told me I shouldn’t leave it too long either. The opening of a Halal Meat Centre across the road from them and two hundred yards from my old front door gives good people itchy feet. And a seething anger.
“At least I do not stand thug like with a baseball bat in my avatar however much I am accused of Commissar like action”
It’s a cricket bat. The avatar is a Colman’s Mustard advert from 1890 depicting W G Grace. If you were really English you would recognise that at once.
You are wrong yet again but your Commissar-like activities, soviet tendencies and attempted smearing remain indisputable.
Who provoked the downfall of the democratically elected Ukraine government in Kiev? How did the shooting in Maidan Square begin?
(h/t Zero Hedge)
Although Huguenot my family have been English for generations and proud of it
And like a semi outsider my loves closely mimic Alex Massies:
And I could plagiarise a splendid paragraph in that post
Sure, you can find xenophobia if you seek it but the people we really hate – and always have – are the Home Counties Smug Set who have the gall to disagree with our own preferences.
A nice quiet Saturday morning and I have just listened to some leather stocking straight out of Harman’s pink van whining about the rights of drug addicts, alcoholics and the pathologically obese.
The rights of these parasites to steal a couple of hundred quid each every week from me when they will not seek help or try to get back to work.
They are asking some Dame to look at it and I have no doubt that she will say it is difficult and if we do anything we will breach their human rights.
Is this tosh or is it tosh?
There is no reason that from Monday we cannot say to these parasites that unless you bring a certificate that you are engaging with the health service to treat your addiction to food, drugs or alcohol you will have no benefit.
And then if the addiction is preventing work in six months you will get no state support whatsoever.
As a nation we should be done with pandering to these renegades who are a blight on our society.
Peter f. M. : Fri 13 at 19-36
Well,there have certainly been millions of rapes.Rotherham;1,500 victims over 10 year period,minimum.Work out the maths.
Thought for the Day.
“Never invade Russia”.Attributed to Field Marshall Lord Montgomery.
Actual quote:”Rule 1,page 1;Do not march on Moscow”. [Hansard]
Correct page not coming up.
Kermit, February 13th, 2015 – 23:39
True, Isabel Hardman did attend St. Catherine’s School until she was 16, but thereafter she went to Godalming College which, despite its rather grand sounding name, is a 16 -18 state school. St. Catherine’s (girls) School is private, it is expensive but it is also highly selective, and the parents’ bank balance is only a secondary factor to gaining entrance. God help the poor soul who enters there who is not academically capable of 98th percentile and above. Godalming College trumpets its position in the ‘A’ Level league tables but it is elevated above the state bog standard by private pupils who opt to go there. This can be for a number of reasons, financial or social, and/or because they (& their parents) are gaming the Oxbridge entrance criteria.
Isabel got where she is through sheer bloody hard work, she wasn’t gifted anything. Whether we agree, or not, with what she writes is another matter but in her case, imo, I think that any inverse snobbery is unwarranted.
In answer to your next question, No I’m not her dad. 🙂
PS. Isabel is only 29. At that age, Melanie Phillips was still writing for the Guardian.
anne wotana kaye
Re: Miliband dynasty: The Straw dynasty isn’t a whole lot better!
The judiciary:
I always thought that Judges, like the Pope, were appointed into dead mens’ shoes by the legal profession going into some sort of group huddle? Now I find out it’s done via a civil service committee – explains a lot!
May I draw your attention to “Baroness” Prasher CBE
With the exception of the lovely Isabel, 🙂 in consideration of the rest of this list, and to quote the late Spike Milligan, “Now you know what’s wrong with the bloody country!”
@TM 06:36
Malfleur;14 Feb at 01-10.
See mine,CHW-12 Feb at 19-03.The BBC iplayer may not work outside GB.The `Assignment`programme “Ukraine:The Untold Story of the Maiden Killings” is on BBC World Service on Sunday 15 at 10-05GMT [although it isnt clear if this is on world wide].
Radford NG
February 14th, 2015 – 08:59
Yes! See:
February 9th, 2015 – 23:00
February 14th, 2015 – 09:42
anne wotana kaye
Re: Miliband dynasty: The Straw dynasty isn’t a whole lot better!
Politicians, all the same! If they don’t inherit ill-gotten funds, they fiddle the books themselves. Remember some of the last governments greedy buggers?
The three principal parties have announced their intention to fight climate change a la outrance. I can not think of anything which defines their shallowness better, or their contempt for the common herd who in actual fact pay the price for their vacuous pretensions. The majority of this planet is composed of countries filled with farting cows, crapping peasants and coal fired power stations belching out CO2. Why do the posturing clowns ever point out this inconvenient truth?
Phobia: – “In clinical psychology, a phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.”
Xenophobia as now applied is another fairly recent construct of the left. In my youth it was common for many people to have an innate contempt and/or distrust of foreigners as a stereotyped collective based mainly on an indoctrinated and to some extent empirical belief in British or English superiority in the face of their habitual behaviours. “Bloody foreigners” was an oft-heard retort. I was reminded of this watching a You Tube video of Farage addressing the EU Parliament and shots of Martin Schulz and other assorted Euro-foreigners looking smug, arrogant and scornful as he spoke. The same reactive expressions you used to see years ago whenever an Englishman asserted himself abroad in the face of foreign intransigence or idleness. There was no anxiety about that assertion. It was about self-belief, an unambiguity of identity and confidence as to the correct way to do things. And it more often concerned their behaviour than their accidents of birth, which was identifiably characteristic.
The left’s conflation of ‘phobia’ and dislike/contempt is a pernicious thing. The freedom to dislike something on many grounds should not be confused with an involuntary mental disorder.
So I reject xenophobia as being a quite different thing that is rarely if ever manifest in the true sense of that word ‘phobia’. It sits there with things like ‘climate change denier’ and historic abuse ‘survivor’, contrived to impose a moral certitude and intimidation over subjects which should be open to differences of opinion and the freedom to dislike.
Part of the outcome of that constant drip-feed of manipulative linguistic engineering has been the loss of that self-belief, unambiguity of identity and confidence as to the correct way to do things which has led in turn to politeness and courtesy turning into appeasement of and pandering to foreigners. Dislike of the native English is permitted and manifests itself in the frequent slagging off online and attempts to tell us how our own country should be run. Interlopers bearing chips and much baggage have worked their way into our political “multi-culture” usurping our right to speak for ourselves and intimidating those who genuinely represent us into silence. They throw their weight about and if we express a dislike for that we’re accused of xenophobia.
O (O) 1017
anne wotana kaye – 11:10
Indeed! Here’s what one of those £70 million smirks looks like:
From a modestly paid PM + MP with combined salary of £197K per annum in 2007 to stash £70 million in only 7 years! A feat rivalled only by Yasser Arafat, and perhaps an infamous Austrian? Without Roy Castle to confirm we’ll never know for sure.
I wonder what the son of the manse really thinks of TB. Alan Milburn is reportedly doing rather well for himself these days. To quote Frank P, TAAAI !
February 14th, 2015 – 14:53
Forgive a delicately raised lady not knowing wha TAAAI means. Please elucidate.
Ah well, come the revolution………
Three police reported shot and wounded at blasphemy debate in Copenhagen where French ambassador was speaking
Wonder who did that. ???
There’s a great piece on why a terrorist war is likely on the streets of Britain.
The government has closed down free speech and made protesting Islamism illegal.
What remains to do for somebody who’s not prepared to see their country disappear without a fight? It’s as if the government wants to start a war.
It’s called “Warmonger” at:
Canadian police foil Valentine’s Day massacre plot
Nova Scotia police arrest three people in an alleged plot to open fire in a public place
“The suspects were reportedly on a chat stream and were apparently obsessed with killing and death and had many photos of mass killings. Police and other officials said it was not related to Islamic terrorism.”
No, not related to Islamic terrorism, but it could be the monsters.
anne wotana kaye – 15:27
@11:10 “Politicians, all the same! If they don’t inherit ill-gotten funds, they fiddle the books themselves. Remember some of the last governments greedy buggers?”
Hello Anne,
Frank P recently proposed “TAAAI” as shorthand for “They Are All At It”, which you so astutely observed above.
A handy addition to Andy Car Park’s “WBGTDWI” and Littlejohn’s “YCMIU” perhaps?
February 14th, 2015 – 17:59
Thanks, EC. 🙂
I see there was a random killing by a zealot in a Copenhagen cafe today.
‘Senator Inhofe said in a statement: “The Ukrainian parliament members who gave us these photos in print form as if it came directly from a camera really did themselves a disservice. We felt confident to release these photos because the images match the reporting of what is going on in the region. I was furious to learn one of the photos provided now appears to be falsified from an AP photo taken in 2008.”‘
Surprise, surprise Senator; you, and a good part of the decision m,akers in the western world, have been played.
What did Victoria Nuland know? And when did she know it?
…and thank you Hussein Obama:
“Border Patrol agents arrested a Middle-Eastern man as he tried to sneak into Texas by illegally crossing the border. The man’s country of origin was not readily available.”
Malfleur – 21:46
“Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt told reporters in Copenhagen: “We feel certain now that it’s a politically motivated attack, and thereby it is a terrorist attack. “We take this situation extremely seriously.”
You don’t say!
“A Conservative MP has called on Labour leader Ed Miliband to publish documents relating to his share of his parents’ former home.
The Daily Mail says provisions were made to split ownership after his father’s death, which could be used to cut inheritance tax liabilities”. (From BBC web_
Surely a case of ‘people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’
It’s not often that I agree with the Guardian … and this article below is no exception, but even though the author has a different world view, I do empathise with many of his remarks:
Is Mr Cameron the most parochial PM ever?
Passing the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 must have made CMD think he was having all his Christmases at once.
Another shooting in Copenhagen:
“00.04 We’re getting reports of more gunshots in Copenhagen city centre. Stay tuned.
00.08 Sky News has the news that a man in a grey hooded top has been surrounded by six armed officers after apparently shooting at Krystalgade synagogue.
Breaking: RT @RodrigoEBR: Shots fired near Copenhagen main synagogue -Live pictures on Sky News
00.20 Reports just in that one person was shot in the head and two policeman shot in the arms and legs in the gunfire. Police say it is too early to say whether the two attacks are related or whether it is the same gunman. The man fled from the scene on foot.”
Another ‘lone wolf’ ?
“Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion.”
On the World at One just now they spent 15 minutes discussing the the shootings yesterday in Copenhagen but not once were the words muslim or islam mentioned either by interviewer or interviewees. Mark Mardell asked one journalist “has Denmark become more divided since the publication of the famous cartoons ten years ago?”. So the hoardes of criminal muslims won’t have affected the delicate balance of society then? That three-quarters of all crime there is now perpetrated against white women by moslim men isn’t any sort of litmus test? I think they need Harman’s pink bus as much more than us.
The Left love to denigrate lovers of freedom as deniers, racists and extremists. Let’s fight back in kind and call them collaborators. Mark Mardell is a collaborator.
February 15th, 2015 – 13:29
I agree! I think that when aoolying for a job at the BBC, one should at least be a paid up member of the communist party or an a**e crawling arab lover, e.g. Orla Guerin
awk – in my world of classical music I’ve had dealings with BBC music producers on and off for thirty years and they are without exception all smug supercilious know-it-alls who speak to you from their self-regarding elitist position giving us, the ones who actually perform, the feeling that we’re in the gutter but that this condescension is a personal price they have to pay as stoically as they can. They of course can actually do sweet FA!
February 15th, 2015 – 17:18
I found the same here when I took positions in the NHS after a long working life overseas. The managers, who knew FA dictated to highly professional staff, and reminded me of Captain Bligh if one dared to question their decisions.
Malfleur (12:48)
Good link. Here’s a slightly longer version of it:
But I fear that nothing can change during the lame duck two years and who knows what state the world will be in by the time the next POTUS assumes the position. I fear that whoever that is will be in thrall to the Muslim Brotherhood.
18.01 More from the Danish police on the gunman.
He was a Danish-born 22-year-old known to police because of past violence, gang-related activities and possession of weapons, police said in a statement on Sunday.
Police did not release his name.
18.30 Danish television has named the suspect as Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein.
This has not been confirmed by the police.
That is a very Dutch name indeed!
RobertC – 18:58
… or even Danish!
21 Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS in Libya. Lord have mercy.
PfM – 21:38
You beat me to it.
A caption on the five-minute video read: ‘The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church.’
More lone wolves?
Douglas Murray asks:
How many more terror attacks until we have a serious discussion about offending religions?
Twin pronged revisionist offensive by the cultural marxists tonight.
J K Rowling demonising English village life on BBC 1 and Channel 4 demonising the Raj.
It’s not about offending religions though, is it. That is the other trick that the enemy will try to use. It’s just about Islam.
I wonder to myself what responsibility the US and UK governments have for these deaths since it was their actions that destabilised Libya and allowed Islamic terrorism to take control.
Re: the Raj. 65 years after independence from the cruel yoke of British rule, 600 million Indians have to go to toilet in the street and several hundred million have no access to clean water.
PfM – 22:46
Can one be responsible for something of which one is not aware?
My link yesterday, at 23:01, will fill you in.
Peter (22:46) and RobertC (00:13)
There is such a thing in law as ‘vicarious responsibility’; it cannot be avoided by the claim of lack of mens rea, because holders of certain offices and licences must make sure that they know what those to whom they delegate responsibility are doing and take steps to prevent abuse or dereliction. And remember ignorance of the law cannot be posited as an excuse for breaking it.
To illustrate the principle in a simple example, I once successfully prosecuted the licensee of a restaurant for breaches of the licence by the manager of his establishment. The licensee was in prison when the offences were committed on his premises and he claimed ‘no mens rea’ by stint of his incarceration. He was found guilty because, as the licence holder, he had vicarious responsibility for the premises regardless. He was fined and his licence revoked.
This principle should be applied to abuses by government; Presidents and Prime Ministers should be held vicariously responsible for the failures of their underlings. The same should apply to major public corporations, such as banks. Think Fink and go Green, so to speak.
And if Prime Ministers and Presidents were held responsible for deaths arising from their own cock-ups and those of their delegates, perhaps politics would become slightly less populated.
The only consolation is that in the end the Reaper claims ’em all, individually.
Damaris Tighe
February 12th, 2015 – 13:54
Weee-eeeelll, okay! But I never suggested that Muslims were a homogeneous group; but that they all have one thing in common – viz. ISLAM! And because ISLAM has declared bloody war on the Kafir (evidenced by the horrors of the last 20 years or so), why should you or I give a toss about the sensitivities of any of those that practice the bestial cult. They all have a choice to reject it in this country, but they don’t.
As for adapting their book of rules to suit the mores of today – DMAFF! The same chance of that as a dewdrop in Hades as long as the Mullahs call the shots. But if you can comfort your conscience by giving the ‘peaceful ones’ the benefit of the doubt, then who can deny you that right. You are obviously a very nice person and let’s hope your optimism is fruitful; may my undiluted cynicism never seep into your gentle soul.
Colonel Mustard
February 14th, 2015 – 12:23
Four hundred and forty-six words of sound sense. Bravo!
It is clearly important not to attack English Village Life
It is the bedrock of our Society and where Hedge Fund Managers instruct Government Ministers on the Village Green on Sunday afternoon, maintaining the hegemony of the core Home Counties values on the whole of our Sceptered Isle
It is why we need to get back to the Non Conformist values of the North. Just ask Hexhamgeezer
The “bankers” we are talking about do not include your local bank manager.
Alex Jones on Sunday – his 12 year old son asks people in the street if they know what the TPP is. No-one does.