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The BBC Breakfast news annoyed me this morning. One of the presenters stated…
“Al-Shabaab calls for attacks on Oxford Street and Westfield centres in new terror threat…”
And then the other presenter said “But first, over to Hollywood”.
It seems to sum up the priorities.
Peter from Maidstone
February 23rd, 2015 – 08:37
Peter, as usual, you are right!
Felt sick seeing the vile faces of SIR Rifkin and Jack Straw in the media. Yesterday, before the news broke I wrote to the three main parties stating that they are all collaborators. As we are really in a state of war, (but the Government don’t know) they should all be shot as aiding our enemies. I will be away on two weeks holiday, and will be in contact when I return. Take care and be well.
anne wotana kaye @ 09:32
Your letter writing will make history, anne, and Baron admires you for it, wishes he, too, could use the pen rather than sending useless e-mails that get mostly ignored. The barbarian has wised up over the years, reckons it’s a waste of time, the letters end up in a waste paper basket anyway, the reply is seldom anything but a mixed bag of cliches, platitudes, PR speak.
Peter from Maidstone @ 22:43
EC has a valid point, Peter, one would be hard put to find someone who isn’t corrupted by his office, often because the perks have been negotiated, agreed by his predecessors.
Baron – 10:54
As Peter said, Baron, the expenses involved were quite justifiable, and also small change compared with the wholesale fraud that MPs got/still get away with.
That Breitbart story was just another example of action/reaction, a shot across the panes of some glass houses – unfortunately the modestly remunerated Bishop of Leicester copped it, when others might have made a more worthy target.
Here’s the link to that TV program that I mentioned:
“All Gas and Gaiters” (1966–1971)
[ John Barron, Robertson Hare, William Mervyn, Derek Nimmo (Noo-oo-te!)
Happier days.
(before the advent of tone deaf guitar strumming twats in the pulpit)
At the moment nothing gets my goat so much as the dangerous posturing, orchestrated by the USA over the Russia question. It is frightening how ignorant the ruling class on both sides of the Atlantic are when it comes to historical consequences. Comparisons have been made with 1939. Rubbish. Look to 1914 for the parallels to the present situation, when Europe was drawn into war as a consequence of a series of interlocking treaties. Much of what is happening today is the result of America meddling in matters of which she knows nothing. We will need the friendship of Russia when the Golden Hoard returns.
Three policemen have been dispatched to Turkey in search of the three stupid bints who fled to ISIS for the glory of Allah and who in all probability are now being screwed in his honour. Leave the fools there and prevent them coming back here where they do not belong in the first place. Have the police nothing better to squander our money on?
Still on the subject of plod, they are investigating an alleged racist rant on the Paris metro. Now, what in hell has this to do with the British Constabulary? Truly there is something rotten in the state of Londonistan. Having got that lot off my chest I am going back to my Lemsips.
Pink Van Mockery Goes Global
h/t Guido Fawkes
Nice to see Labour on the receiving end for a change!
@Baron 23rd, – 10:54
“one would be hard put to find someone who isn’t corrupted by his office,”
Indeed. A Chief Engineer I once knew, objecting to the stance I was taking on a particular matter, exploded, “What’s the use of having power if you can’t abuse it now and again!”
Sultan Knish addresses the issue of the State Department’s spokeswoman declaring that we can’t win wars by killing people – which is probably the most tstuous
Correction … the most fatuous statement ever uttered by a representative of the ‘most powerful nation on earth in history’.
After four or five attempts to speak to the revenue about a tax code that they have sent me (it’s wrong), the calls lasting an average of nine minutes, I today resorted to the Web.
Whoopee they have an online form to enable us to query our tax code, I set to, to complete it.
I took great care with my information and all of the figures, almost 30 minutes later I finished and clicked the end button but nothing happened, there was no red highlights to show where I might have missed something just nothing.
It makes me feel quite ill.
David Ossitt 16.41
Whenever I’ve tried to register online with HMRC it always fails because my house in common with all the houses in my street doesn’t have a number, only a name and I suppose I should be grateful that this “error” appears in red, but it shows that the State simply can’t and won’t deal with the infinite variations of our existence.
Obama nailed – again!
Austin Barry with a one-word cruncher:
Austin Barry 3 days ago
The Met Counter-Terrorism Commander stated:
“Our priority is the safe return of these girls to their families.”
Sums up today’s Met?
S.I.D.S. the curse of recent times, along with L.W.S. naturally.
A list of scientists without breath, 2004 – 2015
It would appear that, as a career choice, being a scientist/engineer is as dangerous as being an international banker.
RIP Dr. David Kelly CMG. 1944 – 2003.
Irishboy February 23rd, 2015 – 17:47
Irishboy@February 23rd, 2015 – 17:47
does your address appear here
that will be the database HMRC are validating against. Its called the PAF
Frank P February 23rd, 2015 – 18:30
“Our priority is the safe return of these girls to their families.”
Sums up today’s Met?
Frank sometime last week I suggested that these young women have used the trouble with ISIS as an excuse for what in my opinion are the real reasons for their running away.
I suspect that they all come from homes where strict parenting has kept them away from the temptations and moral dangers that most non-Muslim teenagers are surrounded by and I’ll bet that they do not like it, more than likely they will all be virgins, once they are with ISIS that will soon be remedied.
For the Met to send out three officers to look for them is silly.
Frank P @ 18:22
A short, but insightful and perceptive essay, Frank. Pity, he hasn’t dug deeper, or broached wider probing also the messiah’s petulance and vanity, two personal traits that cannot but introduce an even greater degree of risk for the Republic, if Fernandez is right that the man’s narrative life history forms the basis of his governance.
Alexsandr @ 19:16
That’s quite useful, Alexandr, thank you.
This is a repost from near the end of last week’s Wall.
It looks as though the globalists, read here the Council on Foreign Relations, is about to clean house, namely the White House – so may be I didn’t get out of bed on the wrong side after all:
Frank P @ 15:11/15:15
‘Mr. Jindal [Governor of Louisiana] went on to single out and rebuke recent comments on the situation from the administration, including from Marie Harf, a spokeswoman for the State Department, who said recently on MSNBC that “we cannot kill our way out of this war” and suggested a lack of opportunity for jobs could be at the root of why people are joining such groups.
“This is madness,” Mr. Jindal wrote. “Killing the enemy is exactly the way you win a war. More than any other statement, this one demonstrates in broad daylight that the president is not up to the job.” ‘
‘ManUtd fan, Mexico, United Kingdom, 4 minutes ago
A Liverpool girl goes to the welfare office to register for child benefit. “How many children?” asks the welfare officer. “Ten” replies the Liverpool girl, “Ten?” says the welfare worker. “What are their names?” “Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan and Nathan” “Doesn’t that get confusing?” “Naah…” says the Liverpool girl, “It’s great because if they are out playing in the street I just have to shout ‘Nathan yer dinner’s ready!’ or ‘Nathan go to bed now!’ and they all do it. “What if you want to speak to one individually?” says the curious welfare worker. “That’s easy,” says the Liverpool girl… “I just use their surnames” ‘
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From today’s questions to the Chancellor.
Little Gideon: “Arsonists throwing rocks at the firefighters putting out the fire that they started.”
I wonder who wrote that for him? The first word must have had Mr. Speaker gasping like a fish out of water while he tried to recollect what he’s actually heard!
🙂 🙂
@Malfleur 23rd, – 22:43
The oaf and buffoon is the Mayor of Liverpool who’s too thick to realise that the article was a trap deliberately set for Scousers, into which he so obligingly walked.
You may be sure that, with Clarkson’s reputation, not one word or innuendo of that column escaped scrutiny by the sub-eds who obviously decided to give it a fair wind.
Alexsandr 19.16
Ah yes! I am indeed on the PAF. Whatever that is! But they’ve had their money and how I hate them. Mind you, they hate we Schedule D people back. In the interests of returning our freedoms, PAYE should be abolished. The mere task of every tax payer having to find the money twice a year would force people to confront how much they give the Government and make tax a far more potent political issue. And the effect on Government of never being certain of how much the Treasury would get should concentrate their mind too. But their mind is sociopathic so that will never happen. But it would of course open the most desirable possibility of tax-payers withholding payment in mass protest and maybe, an outside chance I know, quell the whinging of those too many in non-jobs or no jobs and make them realise that what they class as fair, is anything but.
ALEX JONES on February 23 had Daniel Estulin as a guest starting about 42 minutes in.
Mr. Estulin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and is in the post-production phase of a documentary based on his book, The True Story of The Bilderberg Group, which he hopes to be released in a few months’ time.
See also:
If you knew nothing about the situation, you could be forgiven for believing these school girls had been abducted. The headline ‘missing girls’ screams out from televisions across the country today. This is the way rolling news channels are choosing to present their story and yet it couldn’t be further from the truth.
That’s part of a story in the telegraph.
It was the couldent be further from the truth, that caught my eye.
Pretty much like the response to the whole muslim problem.
There have been four female terrorism supporters found at this school in London (and I do not mean that the school has facilitated their views). Since the police were unable to detect this, even when the first terrorist identified herself, and even though she has been in contact with others, then it is reasonable to ask how many other terrorist supporters are also in this school and what is being done to identify them, beyond insisting this is a minority pursuit. I would have thought that every person at the school who is contact with the first terrorist should be considered a serious risk.
Anybody noticed petrol/diesel prices slowly, silently, creeping back up in their area?
Up to 4p/litre in the last 10 days – even to a lesser extent at ASDA.
Frank P,
Is this more supporting evidence for determinism?
I am waiting, with unabated breath, for the first sanctimonious selfies of “Bring Back Our Girls” to appear.
The transmogrification of hostile, arrogant, would-be jihadi handmaidens into “victims” is a wondrous thing to behold in a country of, apparently, sentient beings. One wonders what it will take for any semblance of reality to jolt this society from its mawkish and deluded hysteria.
This information has been “out” for some time – and indeed was referred to here a few months ago. This does not mean however that the point of the information has been understood and absorbed by our culture.
This sounds like a conspiracy theory:
So does this, but take your nascent iodine supplement just in case;
EC (09:06)
More supporting evidence of determinism?
Hmmnn? That and each and every other click that occurs in the matrix of The Great Aftermath, I fear. Including your reaction to it – and mine.
But I’m sure the faithful will be able to rationise it as ‘all part of the plan of an omnipotent, omniscient and loving Creator’. Sadly, my credulity has never been that accommodating. My epitaph has been provisionally pencilled in:
And neither does this very interesting essay on religious comparisons allay my scepticism; but our political leaders should read and assimilate it, because it does purport to explain why most of their geopolitical decisions of at least the past two decades have been so disastrous. Not merely a question of ‘know thine enemy’ but also and perhaps even more important – “know thyself!”:
BBC News and Fiona Bruce long of face and sanctimonious of manner.
“It is now known that the three missing schoolgirls have crossed into Syria from Turkey . . ” in hushed, reverent voice.
“Missing” schoolgirls? WTF? And then followed an attempt to find someone to blame.
What is wrong this country. Almost threw my shoe at the television.
Talking to my Dad this evening, even he was agreed that the girls had made a decision and were not groomed or vulnerable, and that they would have to face the consequences of their own actions.
‘As European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker stated, “there can be no democratic choice against the European treaties.” ‘
Malfleur, just as long as we are all clear on that!
A link dated 29 January from a commentator on the above ZH link:
Frank P 15.57
Superb essay by Spengler. Thanks for the link.
A secret smile will yesterday have crossed the lips of most correct thinking people in our sceptered isle after the LBC Gaffe of the Odious Green Sydney Reject
But be not fooled that these folk are just incompetent. They are evil
As a student of the DT I recall:
“The Green Party are spiteful, malicious toddlers
Their reign in Brighton shows why Syriza’s British cousins aren’t to be trusted with power”
As my second thought for the day, I am delighted at the lead BBC news on Today this morning
I have bemoaned the hegemony of the Deep South East over the North but now we are about to get sensible health in Manchester as the Manchester City Council takes over GP’s and Hospitals. A sensible beginning to Andy’s health plans.
You should all come here
Colonel Mustard
February 24th, 2015 – 21:04
Children in Tower Hamlets could not do that
Regionalisation by the back door. Decisions about budget spend in Manchester and a directly elected mayor. Nothing about English Votes for English Laws.
English rural life and the shires is going to be sucked into an urbanisation programme focussed on Labour controlled cities. Instead of powers being devolved there will actually be more single party political control from the centre.
What we are seeing is the conquest of our Cities in the same way that Eastern Europe was conquered after WWII. It is in the National Interest to divest these City Councils of power over our lives whether in health or other before the inevitable chaos descends.
The Left always ends in failure, if not by incompetence (Brown and Balls), by the profound intellectual bickering exemplified by previous leftist City Conquerors like arch Militant Peter Taaffe.
I have just been watching breakfast news and see we are now being invited to encourage sodomy on the NHS.
“Healthy gay men should be offered daily HIV drugs to prevent infections, say UK Medical Research Council and Public Health England scientists.
Their study, on 545 high-risk men, found one case of HIV could be stopped for every 13 men treated for a year.”
When do we get a say in this madness?
BBC are spinning their report on muslims like mad today
BBC say
‘More than two-thirds of respondents said acts of violence against those who published such images could never be justified.’
that means one third think violence is justified.
wiki says there are 2,786,635 Muslims here
that means there are nearly a million of them who think violence is justified.
Good spinning BBC
Alexsandr – 09:58
And it is the violent who will be blessed.
“The monarchy was neutered in 1688, the House of Lords in 1911. The signs are multiplying that history may be on the move again and that this time the House of Commons may have exhausted the mandate of Heaven, as used to be said of failing Chinese dynasties. It will be an interesting general election.”
Gerald Warner
I haven’t seen PMQs yet, but there’s a good sketch by Simon Carr over at Guido’s Gallery:
Saudi Arabia has sentenced a Christian to death for abandoning Islam. Saudi Arabia is one of our valued allies! Who do we contact to raise this issue? I am writing to Helen Grant, my MP.
You can write to whomsoever you wish until your fingers drop off, but the British establishment are in hock to the al Saud and will do nothing to offend them, which is why they are allowed untrammelled access to our institutions with view to undermining our civilisation. They do not fear us as they have quite rightly adjudged our ruling elite to be entirely gutless.
I can not imagine Helen Grant is much use.Perhaps the only person with any clout with them is Prince Charles.I believe the proper form is to write first to The Personal Private Secretary to H.R.H.The Prince Of Wales,St.James’ Palace saying you believe H.R.H.may be concerned to learn…..etc.It would help if you found out the P.P.S’s name so to address it personally.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it:
Hold on. The information is in Debretts (although they have mistakenly referred to `The Duke of Wales`).
EC @ 13:06
Wishful thinking that, EC, the House will carry on as if nothing happened. That’s what’s so tragic on the story.
It appears Rifkind could be bribed whilst in the chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee. One cannot be certain of anything, but Baron’s guess is that had the affair happened when Winston was around, the culpable man would have faced not just total disgrace, but the full weight of the law.
Baron – 19:17
“EC @ 13:06
Wishful thinking that, EC, the House will carry on as if nothing happened. That’s what’s so tragic on the story.”
I agree, there will be a lot of talk but nothing will change. The unholy alliance of MSM/LIB/LAB/CON are all determined to bury the only “game changer” in town.
Unless I have missed it, there has been no mention here about the leader of the Green Party’s cock-up on the radio, where her interviewer, with the deftness of a skilled surgeon, took the skin of her back strip by strip all the time posing his extremely polite questions, that that she had neither the knowledge wit nor skill to answer.
At a later press call when asked a question by a journalist she was given no time to make a fool of herself, because a ‘mad women’ (I think the party president) leap to her feet and grabbing the microphone shouted I will not let her answer that.
Thereby making fools of both of them, Caroline Lucas their only MP made up the trio looked terribly smug at her leader’s embarrassment.
The mad women was on last nights ‘News-night’ trying to defend the ‘Greens’ Evan Davis toyed with her until he got bored and finally let her go.
stephen maybery @ 18:30
You are so right, stephen, if the country sentencing the Christian to death were Putin’s Russia (it couldn’t be, Russia has scrapped capital punishment), Peter would have more than a chance, but it’s Saudi Arabia, the country worshipped by the half Muslim messiah in the White House, he didn’t find the time to go to Paris for the Charlie’s gathering, was on the plane in no time when the old despot expired.
Radford NG – 18:49,
Prince Charles is the “Duke of Cornshire” though. (as John Jefferson Burns might have it)
David Ossitt @ 19:29
David, the only party the MSM tries to bury is Nigel’s UKIP, the Greens belong to the untouchable tribes.
Cliff’s in the news again, but the grand peado of all time, Sir Jimmy, has been conveniently forgotten.
telemachus @ 06:12
And the money to fund these grand projects creating jobs in hundreds of thousands, the business hub of prosperity, the nirvana for all will come from where, telemachus?
Colonel Mustard @ 10:02
A short observation, but fittingly germane to the story, Colonel.
If only the authorities showed just a small fraction of their concern for the three when the hundreds of white girls were being groomed.
Frank P @ 15:57
A well argued exposition of the Abrahamic faiths, the differences between them, Frank, and rather adamantine in substance, Baron had to read it slower than other pieces of this kind.
If, as Spengler claims, “violence is incidental to Judaism and Christianity and fundamental to Islam” why so many follow the latter, what is it that attracts them to it, the masochism of its rituals, the pagan nature of its postulates, the idea of total submission in an age where so many avoid rather than seek commitment?
I thought I would see what is happening down under, what with Owen Paterson’s report on his visit to Aus, a.t.o.p.. It was definitely from a ‘right’ perspective, but he is supposed to be a Tory.
Anyway, I wasn’t expecting this:
Gillian Triggs: Set on a course of self-martyrdom
Quite a car crash!
Provocative? Moi!?
Linked from the article above…
6 years ago it seems the Estonians were being provocative twats then, too.
@Baron 25th, – 19:39
“Cliff’s in the news again,”
What are interesting are (1) the weasel words being used by the police/bbc: “More than one allegation.” That’s two, then, otherwise they’d have said ‘several’. and (2) The timing, straight after they’d been publicly lambasted for an unwarrantable intrusion into Cliff’s privacy. This is simply wasting police time now…..which is an offence. Why can the Chief Constable not be charged with this?
Mind, Cliff’s songs have been crap for decades! 🙂
I am watching yesterday’s PMQ at:
and about 10.37 minutes in the Prime Minister quotes from a letter received from the Leader of the Opposition:
“The British people need to know that when they vote they are electing someone who will not be swayed by what they may owe to the interests of others.”
Sitting next to Mr. Milliband was Mr. Ed Balls. As the accusations of yielding to the influence of the trades unions were thrown at the Opposition to be succeeded by accusations by Mr. Milliband that the Conservative party had been bought and sold by the hedge funds, I recalled the clip that was shown on this Wall last June of Mr. Balls searching through the many files which he had brought along to the Copenhagen conference of the Bilderberg group for his authority to attend.
Unfortunately the cut and thrust of the people’s voice did not extend to the Prime Minister raising the issue of whether Mr. Balls is someone elected by the British people but who may be swayed by what he may owe to the interests of others.
BBC Childrens’Television has been moved to BBC North at Media City,Salford.This is over the canal and about 3 miles from Manchester City Centre…….and two and a half miles from what Google maps/earth lists as `Gay Village` off Princess Street.Should we be concerned about this?
Salford man charged with racially aggravated criminal damage by placing stickers reading `Beware Halal is barbaric and funds terrorism`in Sainsburys.
Radford NG
I get the ‘racial aggravation’, but what was the criminal damage that was ‘aggravated’? I am a bit out of touch with progressive developments in English criminal law since 1985.
By the way, I do not see that anyone has yet asked Mr. Cameron or indeed Mr. Milliband my paraphrase of Mr. Geert Wilders’ question, would you prefer more or fewer Somali immigrants? Would to pose that open one up to the same aggravated charge? In a sense it would be putting a sticker on the politician.
Radford NG – 04:16
Back in the early 80’s I was “treated” to a “behind the scenes” tour of Pebble Mill studios in Birmingham. The last stop was the bar and I had been warned beforehand, “Whatever you do, if you drop a pound coin DON’T bend down to pick it up!”
That was a “pointless personal reminiscence” as Verity used to call them.
However, later that decade… 🙂 I spent a whole day in the Central News Studio in Nottingham where “going for a quickdrink after work” would result in certain liver damage, and possibly a driving ban.
Malfleur – 08:54
The charge was “causing racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage..”
It’s a double whammy. The religion in question is obviously not a “race”, but they’ll get the bugger for associating halal, and by implication sharia and islam, with terrorism. This assertion is most aggravating, particularly to our political masters who tell us that it is not so.
… also sticking extra labels on Sainsbury’s shite is classed as food tampering and renders their stock unfit for sale – hence criminal damage.
EC @ 09:14
I notice from the link that the stickers were not put on Sainsbury’s shite but “on equipment in Sainsbury’s” – Criminal damage? Not guilty, m’lud!
(Given Ed Balls recent newsworthiness, perhaps stickers should be put on his equipment.)
Who, now, in the age of the wailing siren and the increasingly militarised police, remembers the Winkworth gong?
The shiny black Humber, the ding-a-ling-a-ling of pursuit.
The Blue Lamp. The black and white police duty brassard worn on the sleeve. The ‘Metropolitan’ police whistle (1884) with its distinctively urgent tone (once the product of J Hudson & Co, Birmingham – now ACME – and still being sold).
Dixon and Gideon.
While at it. perhaps Radford NG could throw light on the long red paint brush (or possibly pain brush) held by the hatless police officer on the right of the photo at the same link of the force responding to the sound of the discharge of shotguns in an area of Salford. The hatless are also wearing combat boots which is presumably de rigeur nowadays for those with stomping authority. If I may go further, without fear of retribution for a politically incorrect and sexually aggravated offence,one of the lady police officers looks quite fit.
Malfleur – 09:42
True, but I wonder what they mean by “equipment?” Trollies?
PS. Loved the video you linked of “big shot” Ed. Balls trying to gain access to the BB’s conference. 🙂
“RELATED: GOP retreats on bill to block unprecedented ‘net neutrality’ regulations”
I hope that the GOP doesn’t count as a “net neutraity group”. I would hate to the think that any part of that US$196,000,000 was a Straw in the in the Rifwind.
Soros. Soros? Where have i heard that name before…Ukraine? Ferguson? Ed Balls’ Appointments diary?
Or in this old song?
Yes, it’s that man again!
Colonel Mustard – 09:43
Those were the days.
Inspector Lockhart’s car had an electric bell. Don’t know if that counts as a “Winkworth”, but he had motor cycle outriders. Now that’s class!
No Hiding Place (1959–1967)
TV Series – 60 min – Crime – er… ITV, I’m afraid.
Stars: Raymond Francis, Eric Lander, Johnny Briggs
They knew how to compose TV theme tunes in them thar days.
Insp. Lockhart’s not as catchy as our Baron’s though 🙂
… sorry that’s “Chief Supt. Lockhart” – he was an inspector of sorts.
And here is the George Soros organisation plotting its dark work to bring the light of civilisation to the 0.001% of the world’s population which will survive without us:
Malfleur @ 23:15
Provided it doesn’t escalate, Malfleur, doesn’t go beyond our boys parading few yards from Putin’s backyard, their bomber jets cruising few miles south of Bournemouth, Baron minds not. Both the KGB colonel and the half Muslim narcissist behave like two immature schoolboys baiting each other with ‘my toys are faster, bigger, noisier …., it will take someone of authority to tell them how to behave. We should have patience, it will not take long for China to do so.
EC @ 23:39
This is more serious, EC, because it installs in the mind of the young the notion of hatred, something that is also relevant vis-a-vis our Muslim friends here. It usually takes years to indoctrinate someone to the point of his converting ideas into action, it only takes h ours to instruct someone how to load, aim and pull the trigger on an AK-47.
After his destruction of the free internet, George Soros after some botox work launches his first online show:
(Not a few American patriots were hurt following the making of this programme.)
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 23:39
Seconded from the first to the last word, Ostrich. Why indeed should not the police be charged with wasting their own time time?
Radford NG 04:52 & co
If the sticker didn’t say halal, the guy would have been told politely to FO, book an appointment with a psychiatrist by the Sainsburys management. What a difference a single word makes, ha?
EC @ 10:25
Not bad, EC, and well spotted, but not as chillingly potent as Baron’s favorite. It comes from the Wire, the best in the past decade or two.
Baron hates to hoist it on you, it runs for many minutes, but if you have the time, listen to the guy, there are few facts that explain for inst. the root of the closeness of the relationship between the Saudis and the US. When it comes to the PR stuff about the book, you can switch off.
If I may, that red object in the police photo is, I believe, something in the vegetation to the right of the house door. The policeman referred to is holding a dog-catching pole, a retractable wire noose attached to a rod for securing and controlling any pet dogs found on the premises. That is another use of force that may or may not be justified.
There are no less than 7 plod in that posse wearing – or not wearing – it seems, an extraordinary variety of headgear. I understand that in my local ‘service’ the wearing of headgear is now optional and at the discretion of each officer. So we are treated to the remarkable sight of body armour being worn but the head bare, unprotected, often shaven and vulnerable to a single, incapacitating blow.
The psychological, protective and reassuring/intimidating (dependent upon the nature of the interaction) effect of the police helmet is clearly now lost on most Chief Constables, the muppets.
The combat boots impart an especially thuggish look, not ameliorated by the impression of black rather than blue uniforms and those ‘casual’ tee or polo shirts.
I meant to add, will it be long before such posses routinely wear black balaclavas to hide their faces, justified no doubt on the grounds of ensuring immunity from revenge attacks?
And then Terry Gilliam’s dystopian film Brazil will have become reality in England too.
Colonel Mustard @ 12:05
Where’s the police photo you’re referring to, Colonel?
Brillo hosted the Daily Politics today: it should have been subtitled The Sodomy Slot; we could then have been warned and avoided the experience of watching the simpering Ivan Massow (who apparently aspires to replace BJ as Mayor of London) and equally fey Peter Tatchell cosying up on the couch and debating whether queers are more likely to be Tories than not.
Brigitte Bardot is up tall before the man again for “inciting racial hatred” or in short for telling the truth about Islam.
The French have the best record in Europe in assimilating their Muslim populations for all the good it will do them. Even though many Muslims are doing well in France many more are going nowhere mainly because of the lethargy that Islam induces. The resentment of these failures of French society together with the toxic message of French socialists will give all the edge the fanatics neeed.
There’s a pretty good outline of the current state of France in a post at Ruthless Truth:
Baron February 26th, 2015 – 12:49
Go to Radford NG’s 04:52 link (to the Manchester Gazette) – then on the sidebar to the right of the page scroll down to the ‘Police Detain Man in Salford After Shotgun Discharge’ headline and you will see the image – hopefully.
Baron at 12-49 above;go to salford-after-shotgun-discharge
Here are the `Beware!Halal……`stickers.
Frank P – 13:17
Brillo was on Twitter last evening informing the nation that is on the front cover of the latest edition of “Calibre Quarterly Magazine”, out today – 180 pages!
[ #warning# not to be view by those of a nervous disposition ]
With a face like that he should’ve be editor of Punch!
Radford NG – 14:25
Nice of the press to give out his full name and address, eh.
Frank P – 13:17,
Peter Tatchell: An odious little creep rather conspicuous by his absence from TV screens in recent months…
Colonel & Radford: thank you.
Baron wasn’t aware we had so many policemen. Seven to arrest one man.
cant see what they can charge the bloke with the halal stickers with. What is incorrect on the stickers?
Hope you Wallsters are duly chastised by 25 minutes or so of Islamic propaganda from one Asim Querishi, a mouthpiece of CAGE (whatever that is) who has just been given the world stage by Sky News to explain that “Jihadi John” was a very nice boy until the Security Services corrupted him and turned him into a bloodthirsty beheader. It’s all our fault, so there!
It’s still ongoing … another cock-eyed bearded bastard is sounding off about the iniquities of the UK and how we should accommodate their wishes and desires – or else!! Fucking bestial scum.
And our media are giving them the stage to propagate their cause. It is beyond belief.
There is a civil war raging in the UK and “we” are not only losing, but our government and the Dhimmi media are on ‘their’ side, it would appear.
Frank P @ 13:17
Lets ‘ovesaturate’, Frank, on the gay front, that is, and in case you object, Baron will otherize you.
Alexsandr @ 15:22
Quite professionally printed, the stickers, Alexandr, could one buy them?
I’m sorry Baron, I’ve read your post three times and the link – I’m still stratching my head
… scratching my head. Would you like to emend or rephrase what you were implying?
Frank P @ 16:41
Two things, Frank: First, to direct you to yet more of what you were critical of, the excellent take on the diversity of the non-straight phylum by the great Mark, second, to enlighten you on the newly created verb ‘otherize’. Nothing deeper than that.
(If you are still scratching, Baron will rephrase again after he gets back from a GP appointment, probably after 19.00 hours)
No that’s fine, it’s just that I was hitherto unfamiliar with the word ‘ovesaturate’ and my Webster didn’t help. 🙂
Frank P,
Did you pick this one up via American Digest yesterday?
Andy Car Park has been outdone, and he needs a bigger placard!
Perhaps the placard should now read, “WB LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM GTDWI?”
Cue Richard Littlejohn.
I don’t think those who rule over us understand the anger over the halal issue. They can try to keep a lid on it by prosecution but those labels suggest a strongly motivated campaign.
The question must be if it is an offence to apply warning labels to the meat why is it apparently not an offence to slaughter millions of animals without stunning contrary to UK and EU law?
Somehow I think if those labels had been warning of the danger of sugar, in support of some feminist agenda or protesting the exploitation of workers the response would not have been so zealous.
Protesters in Rotherham breached the Queen’s Peace, behaved in a disorderly manner, obstructed the right of way of and exhibited threatening and intimidating behaviour towards a man going about his lawful business in a public place. Not one of them was arrested and the police stood looking on.
Sorry, UK plc, your law and its enforcement stinks.
Frank P, Re: my @17:08
Sorry, I hadn’t read Baron’s Steyn link.
Otherized? Gone are the days when you could get by on the simple maxim, “I’ll be buggered if I’m voting Liberal.”
EC (17:08)
Yerrss! It was the predatory advances of a Weslyan pastor that raised in me, at the age of about thirteen, my first doubt’s about heavy-breathing clerics and ultimately to my questioning of the mandates and mythology of all things ‘religious’. A dallying with determinism was the upshot. But though that seems, pro tem, to be a better explanation of TGSOT than all the other abstruse ideas and creeds that have bombarded the fears and desires of humanity, my overriding inclination is still agnostic. Seems to me that you, I and the accrued knowledge and wisdom of humanity, past, present and future, will never fathom the secrets of existence and death; or indeed matter and ‘spirit’.
But is is an unquestionable fact that the weird proclivities of the perverted sexual urge do disproportionately find a cloak in the offices of the clergy. Where the vulnerable and credulous exist – so the predatory foregather, it seems. A sad fact of life.
Politics, the meeja and showbiz seem to be catching up rapidly, it seems, not to mention my old calling which now seems replete with fanooks, dykes and divers nonces.
EC (17:20)
Frank P @ 17:03
Apologies, Frank, the ‘ovesaturate’ was part of the feeble joke of Baron’s, the made up verb was supposed to complement the awfulness of ‘otherize’. The latter sounds revolting even to the barbarian, and his feel for the bard’s tongue is far from perfect.
Baron promises to behave from now on, no more play with words.
EC @ 17:08
Have they missed any letters from the alphabet, EC?
Baron – 19.47 / EC – 17.08
Yes, they missed out the letter N. For normal.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:08
In the link (Baron’s posting @ 11.50), the guy who’s interviewed said something that Baron wasn’t aware of. Apparently, he was a member of the team that visited Saudi Arabia way back in the 60s, made a deal with the tyrants: They will accept oil being priced in dollars (this cemented the greenback status as a reserve currency, created the petrodollar market – dollars that never return to the FED, it allows the Yanks to print as many bills as they like without boosting their internal money supply, effecting price levels). In return, the Republic promised to guarantee their security (beneficial to the Saudis, less military spending, more money for gold fittings and stuff for the princes).
If the guy’s right, it would explain alot – amongst it the Bush’s embrace, hand holding, Obama’s bowing to the King, his missed attendance in Paris, visit to Saudi Arabia after the old despots expired, his total subservience to the Muslim cult ….
It also, in part, explains why Muslims can get away with things we cannot. The boy (and before him the ghastly Blair) cannot do anything that would displease the Muslims, and hence the Republic’s political elites, the half Muslim messiah in particular. The political elites here act only under public pressure, and not many unwashed are willing to join any pressurising incentives because of fear, both of the Muslim thugs, and the law that seems to either ignore the transgressions of the Allah’s followers, or isn’t capable of stopping them. Halal is a part of such breaches of established customs, traditions, laws.
Irishboy @ 20:22
Well spotted, Irishboy, how clever of you.
“Almost threw my shoe at the television.”
Please be careful Colonel, that sort of behaviour can be the death of people.
There were a couple of shoe in the screen near misses tonight as even the BBC’s security correspondent seemed to be making excuses for Jihadi John (he’s not to blame, only taking orders, etc.) and then at the VC award ceremony the rather portly awarding officer (in service dress) gave the recipient (who appeared to be in working dress) a hug.
A hug? WTF? Since when did the British Army become the French or Italian Army?
And it’s QT tonight. The outlook for that television is not good.
Anti-semitism in Britain, now often under cover of anti-Zionism, is such a disgrace and potential disgrace to the country that it was very encouraging to read the article by Rod Liddle which a CHWaller posted here last week. In itself the spread of the mental disease needs push-back; a fortiori now it has become a leading ideological weapon of the islamo-left alliance.
Here is an article on the British scene from a different angle.
I haven’t read anything by Howard Jacobson and I have never been to Israel. Two things I would like to put right this year.
Jacobson is from Manchester and I see the EDL is demonstrating there on 7th March. Perhaps if Radford NG is in the area Friday week, he could give us his impressions.
Colonel Mustard (21:51)
There was an hour of jihad apology this morning on Sky News (see my 15:57 today). It was not only nauseating, it was of William Joyceish treasonous agitprop dimensions.
And my flabber ghasted, too, at the mafiosi hug at the VC award ceremony.
The General should get cashiered for undermining good order and military discipline after making such a tacky gesture at an important function.
For those devotees of QT
Rachel Reeves knocked spots of the smug brigade- Mark Reckless and Grant Schapps
Provocation? Nous? – Further
Rachel Reeves is absolutely ghastly. That expressionless face and those dead eyes – and that voice. Surely an alien reptile in a fabricated human skin.
As for Tessa Munt. Stupid, stupid, stupid woman.
Colonel Mustard and Frank P – the Hug
This was not in fact a hug; it was an “abrazo”.
As we enter “North America”, agreed by secret treaty and implemented covertly with the finality of the borders opening between California and Texas, and Mexico and to which the United Kingdom is an afterthought.we should expect more of this.
Whether the Japanese and other conservative races in the East will adapt is a question for the future as the Trans-Pacific Partnership also wends its secret way, secret from legislatures and public alike, into ‘a fact on the ground’. But the political leaders are already trained to wear those silly coloured jackets at APEC meetings.
The “European Union” if it does not fall apart this year, together with the continental component of NATO’s armed forces which keep the EU politicians in line should money and status prove insufficient, is of course to the abrazo born. England itself has been much softened up, first with Zorba the Greek all those years ago (1964) which told us what a starchy, emotionally stunted bunch we Englishmen all were, but showed exactly what kind of abrazo-ready man we should be aiming to drag from our cold hearts.
Teach me to dance, Herr Juncker! – Teach the whole army to dance!
Herr Juncker: Abrázame! Abrázame muy fuerte!
The 1st Hour of Thursday’s Alex Jones Show is of particular interest because about two-thirds through Alex Jones learns live that Obama has banned the most popular gun ammunition by executive order on the pretext that bullets are”cop killers”.
In more news from the muppets who rule over us, Cameron now wants to give the vote to Welsh Labour-voting schoolgirls. When schoolgirls vote they are young adults perfectly capable of self determination but when they travel to Syria to join IS they are vulnerable children who need protection.
This strange paradox was stark on QT last night. No-one thought to challenge the muppets over it.
Tech’ Support thru the “ages” (LOL)
More than a grain of truth here!
A little late to reclose the gates of Vienna, but at least it’s a start. UKIP to note (the noises being made by Reckless last night in relation to Islam were wet):
See the government want to scrap the pacers on the railway
What rolling stock a TOC gets is decided by the DfT.
And new franchises will have to cost in new trains into their bids for the new franchises.
So how much will this cost HMG?
The best way to rid us of pacers is more electrification – ROSCOS are nervy about residual value of diesel trains making them more expensive.
trouble is they have put old class 319’s electrics into the North but no diesel trains have been scrapped because of passenger growth. operators want all the trains they can get.
Labour’s Jack Straw fears ‘firestorm’ over cash-for-access sting will mar his career
No chance of that Jack, no chance at all! 🙂
What career?
Sarcasm from Clavan seems a weak reaction to the egregious crimes of the current POTUS, but it’s better than nothing, until someone with something a little stronger finally rids us of this turdulent piss-taker:
Sri – Klavan …!!!
Frank P – 16:41
I like Andrew Klavan’s humour, but it must be difficult to keep even the gallows humour up in the face of such unrelenting damage, week after week, the Obama mob are causing to America and the rest of the world. And, unless he’s impeached, he’s still got the best part of two years to go. Will we survive.
Meanwhile, news from Pamela Geller, of a new emoticon that even Verity might have used, to devastating effect! 🙂
h/t Gerrard Vanderleun
We should all be at Margate with our buckets and spades
Yes Spades
Far too many
Take that dreadful woman Harriet Yeo
“Yeo says she is not pro-immigration. But she is pro controlled immigration. We have not got the infrastructure to support current levels of immigration.”
So Buckets then
Or perhaps not just buckets
Kent is Rozanne Duncan territory
“I don’t know whether there is something in my psyche or whether it’s karma from a previous life or whether something happened to me as a very, very young person and I’ve drawn a veil over it – because that sometimes happens, doesn’t it?
“But I really do have a problem with people with negroid features.”
RIP Leonard Nimoy (Mr Spock)
Spock would never have got near the Starship Enterprise in Farage’s brave new world
Colonel Mustard,
Over at trolltopia, on the UKIP threads, I notice that a manic telebot obsessing about “The High Sherrif” again. A sad case, bad weed or more than likely, both!
telebot – 18:42
The inescapable LOGIC of a points based meritocratic system says he would have.
Now fuck off!
A very large reward, say £25m, should be offered for information leading to whereabouts of Mo Emwazi; better still, why not offer a similar reward in stages: first for his testicles – recently severed – £5m; then his kidneys – £5m; then his eyeballs – £5m; then his head – £5m. All delivered in cardboard boxes and deposited in a luggage repository at a European Airport, known only to the Secret Services. Payment only after DNA testing.
They published his photo tonight. An arse-faced, obviously pea-brained Islamic savage, as anticipated.
Frank P
This is the one indication for a CIA-Bin_Laden style death squad
MI5 have been unnecessarily vilified here
They could earn our undying gratitude with a joint SAS/MI5-6 style squad to solve the issue
The naughty niece surfaced today:
“See!” says she, “Men do remember.”
A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband is not in bed.
She puts on her robe and goes downstairs to look for him.
She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in
front of him.
He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.
She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.
‘What’s the matter, dear?’ she whispers as she steps into the room. ‘Why
are you down here at this time of night?’
The husband looks up from his coffee, ‘It’s the 20th Anniversary of the day
we met.’
She can’t believe he has remembered and starts to tear up.
The husband continues, ‘Do you remember 20 years ago when we started
dating? I was 18 and you were only 16,’ he says solemnly.
Once again, the wife is touched to tears.
‘Yes, I do,’ she replies.
The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.
‘Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?’
‘Yes, I remember,’ said the wife, lowering herself into the chair beside
The husband continued. ‘Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my
face and said, “Either you marry my daughter or I will send you to prison
for 20 years?’
‘I remember that, too,’ she replied softly.
He wiped another tear from his cheek and said, ‘I would have got out today.’
Ya talkin’ ta me?
Alexsandr – 14:34
It is a ‘career’ that cannot be marred.
EC February 27th, 2015 – 18:45
Yes, he does that. Lefties hate it that people are free to disagree with them and always resort to some kind of label to de-legitimise dissent.
And another from the NN:
(this was actually reported by a teacher):
After Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school.
One child wrote the following:
We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa.
They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Bateau Bay where everyone lives in nice little houses, and so they don’t have to mow the grass anymore!
They ride around on their bicycles and scooters and wear name tags because they don’t know who they are anymore.
They go to a building called a wreck centre, but they must have got it fixed because it is all okay now. They do exercises there, but they don’t do them very well.
There is a swimming pool too, but they all jump up and down in it with hats on.
At their gate, there is a doll house with a little old man sitting in it. He watches all day so nobody can escape. Sometimes they sneak out, and go cruising in their golf carts!
Nobody there cooks, they just eat out.
And, they eat the same thing every night — early birds.
Some of the people can’t get out past the man in the doll house. The ones who do get out, bring food back to the wrecked centre for pot luck.
My Grandma says that Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday too.
When I earn my retardment, I want to be the man in the doll house. Then I will let people out, so they can visit their grandchildren.
If you click on all the links in the following article, you will go mad; but as reason fades, you will understand the deep doo-doo in which the USA finds itself – and into which it is dragging us all down.
That nice Mr Putin (the model for the Oscar Effigy) simply does not like dissidents:
Vlad’s had a face lift dontcha know – which one you ask.
My advice to the Mail’s “Will Stewart in Moscow” would be to get the hell outta Dodge pronto!
Mr. Obama doesn’t like dissidents either:
I can hear youse coffeehouse tossers knocking me. It takes me back thirty years to a Tyrolean evening and a convoluted joke punning on W.C. and ‘Wesleyan Chapel’. I now realise that what I should have done is got to my feet, upset a table-full of beer, pointed a quivering finger at the Lederhosen-clad comedian and challenged him to explain what buggery had to do with it.
His position as Chief Political Commentator/Political Editor – whatever he was; he was the top political commentator at the Shariagraph – meant that no-one would ever lambast him elsewhere in Barclay Twin publications.
Peter Obore spent huge amounts of time defending LibLabCon, and the coalition in particular, calling it things like the most moral government in our lifetimes. He waxed lyrical over Baroness Warsi to make the readers suck Islam’s backside and so on.
Well, now he’s gone, Douglas Murray has decided it is safe enough to point out just a sliver of the poisonous cant that pours out of Shariah Obore’s pen:
February 27th, 2015 – 17:40
Twinkle, twinkle, little Earth.
Doesn’t telemucus realise the problem is spades – there’s just too damn many of them!(and spics, wops, slopes, dagos, spivs, frogs, krauts, polacs, pakis and mussies. Apologies to any minority I’ve missed.) And don’t bother calling me a racist, I’m not, I decry them all equally, even the ones that are not a race. I think the correct term is bigot.
Not that much has changed at the Shariagraph since Obore has left. It’s still the UK’s number one paper for crawling up Muslims’ backsides. It was waxing lyrical all week about London being a hub for Shariah finance:
Britain to lead the world in Islamic finance
And who should pop up to sell the UK down the swannee to the Muslims? Yes. London Mayor and Barclay Twin favourite, Boris Kemal. Now, why was this quote from Boris Kemal not put on the front page of the Shariagraph or the Daily Mail?
Shariagraph reporter Mehreen Khan writes: ‘London has cemented its position as the “eighth emirate of the world”, according to Mayor Boris Johnson, who hailed the role of Middle Eastern investment in the capital.’
You may have missed that in the Tory media but I’m going to repeat it. The next leader of the Conservative Party, Boris Kemal Johnson, thinks London is the “eighth emirate of the world”.
We know this from Tower Hamlets. But we know it is something bad. Boris Kemal thinks it is something good. Actually, he’s a liar, because he knows it’s a bad thing, and that’s why he doesn’t live in an area infested with Muslims.
And elsewhere this week, the Shariagraph pretends an abortion story is about the Left. It writes: ‘The Left is fanatical about abortion. Here, at last, is the proof. The defeat of a bill to outlaw explicitly abortion on the grounds of gender is a turning point in British politics.’
Er, no. It’s not about the Left at all. That is pure spin to hide the Shariagraph and Conservative Party’s own axis of evil with Islam. It’s about appeasing Muslims and those people who voted down the bill in Parliament this week to prevent abortions based on gender weren’t just abetted by the bogeyman of the Left. The Muslims were abetted by Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston. One reader commented:
‘”Addressing the problem of sex selective abortion will “stigmatise entire communities” – in the words of Sarah Wollaston MP – because it will imply that some parts of the nation are more progressive than others. This argument is perhaps the most spurious of all.”
‘- “Spurious”? No. This argument is the most sickening, puke inducing cultural relativist poison.
‘I’m finding our polity and the discussions that surround it increasingly surreal. We’ve truly lost our way if such arguments cannot be dismissed for the pure, nasty idiocy that they are. And yet they gain traction because cultural relativism has become part and parcel of our increasingly dysfunctional society.’
Some of the comments on that story have been deleted. What they dared to point out before they were deleted was that Islam has always used the womb as a weapon of war, both to breed like rats and – hopefully – to breed a son who can rape infidel women in the style of the Prophet Mohammed, as happened in Rotherham and elsewhere, where some of the victims were impregnated in the rapes and kept their babies.
So you’ll have noticed how little coverage was given to those two stories in the Mail and Telegraph, because there’s an election on. And how both newspapers used the Jimmy Savile report to cover up Dave’s immigration figures (that was what Lynton Crosby intended).
Sickening scenes of ISIS lunatics destroying ancient artifacts in Mosul Museum. The sooner these insane barbarians are totally destroyed the better for all of us.
I just started to watch Alex Jones’ show for Friday, 27 February. He has picked up on the secret Chicago black sites referred to above and sends two of his journalists there live on the programme:
The Guardian had some people in Chicago earlier this week and published this story on Thursday:
Jones reports two further black sites in Chicago.
Frank P
February 27th, 2015 – 22:35
I have the feeling that it may be a mistake to assume that it was President Putin who ordered the murder of Boris Nemtsov.
Ever since the coup in Kiev, the new Poroshenko government in Kiev has seemed (to me) to be quite hysterically anti-Russian. At times many statements coming from Kiev have had an aura about them that reminded me strongly of the propaganda Tariq Aziz kept broadcasting form Baghdad when the U.S. was toppling Sadaam Hussein.
I even wonder if it’s too far-fetched to suspect that Boris Nemtsov’s murder was carried out by Ukrainian agents – with the aim of discrediting Putin.
Ya talkin’ ta me?
Yes and re 22.35
In Russian terms he supped with the devil
“He was shot four times in the back, as a result of which he died,” Elena Alekseyeva told Russian television. She added that the killer escaped in a light-coloured car. Other official sources told Russian media that Nemtsov had been walking with a female companion, who was unharmed, at the time of the killing. The woman was reportedly a Ukrainian national and was taken for questioning by police. A representative of Russia’s investigative committee at the scene of the murder said investigators were considering “all possible versions”.
Meanwhile here we concentrate on important matters
Sir Cliff Richard’s lawyers have criticised a committee of MPs for publishing a letter about the police inquiry into sex abuse allegations against the singer.
The letter from South Yorkshire Police said the investigation into Sir Cliff had “increased significantly in size”.
His lawyers said the disclosure was unnecessary and have written to Home Affairs Committee chairman Keith Vaz.
Sir Cliff’s lawyers complained of another round of “extremely damaging media coverage” as a result of the release
Gideon Benaim, of Michael Simkins LLP, said in his letter to the Home Affairs Committee that had Sir Cliff been given an opportunity to comment “the damage” could have been avoided.
“The committee have, through their actions, facilitated coverage which would not have otherwise occurred.” he said.
“It does of course remain the case that our client has neither been arrested nor charged with any offence and that he denies any wrongdoing whatsoever.
“In addition to not knowing much about the claims of new allegations, our client has not of course been interviewed about them.”
Sir Cliff has said the claims against him were “absurd and untrue” and he had “never, in my life, assaulted anyone”.
Random guy culturally enriched randomly by two random geezers with machetes.
Midnight in Moscow
Spiteful public schoolgirl Isabel Hardman (formerly Lib Dem, now a Tory – how very coalition) has had a visit on on one of her posts from Leo McInstry, who has put her right on a few things our little public schoolgirl wilfully ignored over immigration.
Not much has changed at the Shariagraph since chief Islamist Peter Obore has left. It has waxing lyrical all week about London being a hub for Shariah finance, but only on the business pages (not on the main pages where it tries to focus public debate – propaganda isn’t just about choosing sides for newspapers; it’s about what they draw readers’ attention to):
Britain to lead the world in Islamic finance
And who should pop up to sell the UK down the swannee to the precious Muslims? Yes. London Mayor and Barclay Twin favourite, Boris Kemal. Now, why was this quote from Boris Kemal not put on the front page of the Shariagraph or the Daily Mail?
Shariagraph business reporter Mehreen Khan writes: ‘London has cemented its position as the “eighth emirate of the world”, according to Mayor Boris Johnson, who hailed the role of Middle Eastern investment in the capital.’
You may have missed that in the Tory media but I’m going to repeat it. The next leader of the Conservative Party, Boris Kemal (grandfather’s name) Johnson, thinks London is the “eighth emirate of the world”. We know this from Tower Hamlets, but we know it as something bad. Boris Kemal thinks it is something good. Although he doesn’t live in an area infested with Muslims.
And elsewhere this week, the Shariagraph pretends an abortion story is about the Left: ‘The Left is fanatical about abortion. Here, at last, is the proof. The defeat of a bill to outlaw explicitly abortion on the grounds of gender is a turning point in British politics.’
Er, no. It’s not about the Left at all. It’s about appeasing Muslims and those people who voted down the bill in Parliament this week to prevent abortions based on gender weren’t just abetted by the bogeyman of the Left. The Muslims were abetted by Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston. One reader commented:
“Addressing the problem of sex selective abortion will “stigmatise entire communities” – in the words of Sarah Wollaston MP – because it will imply that some parts of the nation are more progressive than others. This argument is perhaps the most spurious of all.”
– “Spurious”? No. This argument is the most sickening, puke inducing cultural relativist poison.
I’m finding our polity and the discussions that surround it increasingly surreal. We’ve truly lost our way if such arguments cannot be dismissed for the pure, nasty idiocy that they are. And yet they gain traction because cultural relativism has become part and parcel of our increasingly dysfunctional society.
Some of the comments on that story have been deleted. What they dared to point out before they were deleted was that Islam has always used the womb as a weapon of war, both to breed like rats and – hopefully – to breed a son who can rape infidel women in the style of the infamous Prophet Mohammed, as happened in Rotherham and elsewhere, where some of the victims were impregnated in the rapes and kept their babies.
So you’ll have noticed how little coverage was given to those two stories in the Mail and Telegraph, because there’s an election on. And how both newspapers used the Jimmy Savile report to cover up Dave’s immigration figures – that was what Lynton Crosby intended.
US Secretary of State Kerry on death of Mr. Nemtsov: “I’m shocked, shocked”.
Kermit – 08:55
Thanks for the h/t. I’ve just read Mr. McInstry’s excellent contribution.
You were right about IH, and I was wrong. Seems her two years mixing with the great unwashed at Godalming College did her no good whatsoever. Very disappointing.
In addition to her switch from LibDem to Tory, it would also also she has joined the ranks of the pathetic “wimmin” whose knee jerk reaction is to shout “misogynist!” if you have the temerity to imply that her scribblings really aren’t up to scratch.
Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief was interviewed by Alex Jones on 23rd February.
Skousen is certain that the elected Ukrainian government was overturned by a coup organized by the RUSSIANS.In that regard, he is of a mind with Mr. Boot. He goes quite a bit further though. He sees the long game being as a manoeuvre towards provoking a nuclear strike three or four years down the road against the US military so as to destroy a potential force opposed to the globalists ambitions. Clinton ensured that US forces are bound to absorb a first strike nuclear attack. Once the US forces are out of the equation, the globalists would be free to respond against both Russia and the PRC with secret weapons waiting in the wings.
Sounds like a lot of fun. Take a listen starting about 1:30 minutes into this second part of the interview:
Re: LibDems net migration to Tory/Labour: “Shits deserting a sinking Rat!”
telemachus @ 06:41
Cui bono?
Glad you like it EC!
I am sad that people who come from such privileged and cosseted backgrounds cannot think of what it’s like for the poor who have to live near Muslim immigrants.
I have the utmost respect for Leo McInstry who once worked as an assistant to a Labour MP and so has gone the Peter Hitchens’ route, not from Left to Right, but just realising that is a trick of the light to make you think they’re opposites – and rejecting both for the total and utter fraud both perpetrate on the people of the UK.
McInstry personally used to knock on doors with a copy of the electoral register in hand and found out literally on the doorstep that virtually no one on the electoral register matched who was behind the door in these inner city immigrant-heavy areas.
He has seen it for his own eyes and has not left everyone else in the filth to rot by running off and writing up what the Common Purpose teachers want to hear.
Leo McKinstry
The truly shocking figure is gross immigration, which last year reached an incredible 624,000 foreign arrivals. We are living in the midst of a revolution for which we never voted. Our entire social fabric and national identity are being transformed.
Supporters of mass immigration love to proclaim that “Britain is a land of immigrants”, but that is a complete lie.
Until recently, we were one of the most homogenous nations on earth. In 1940, during our finest hour, there were just 238,000 foreign nationals in Britain, barely a third of the current annual influx.
Another fashionable myth is that all migrants come here to work, thereby boosting the economy.
In fact, rates of joblessness, economic inactivity and welfare dependency are significantly higher in migrant communities from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, who have made up the majority of immigration over recent decades, than in the indigenous population, hence all the wailing from the race relations industry about poverty, social exclusion, discrimination and marginalisation.
Frank P @ 22:35
Et tu, Frank? The world’s truly fugged up, not even He can do anything about it.
The barbarian reckons everyone, but the KGB colonel.
Btw, reading our MSM before the murder one would not know there was any opposition in Russia. Didn’t Mr. Boot, the rest of the poodling scribblers argue opposition in Russia was extinct, zilch, nothing, zero … Where did this chap Nemcov come from then?
Baron February 28th, 2015 – 10:42
“Btw, reading our MSM before the murder one would not know there was any opposition in Russia.”
Too true, neither the BBC nor any of the papers tell us anything of Russia’s opposition parties.
Mind the way that Putin has kept control makes it look as though any opposition is irrelevant.
From Leo McInstry’s Express columns:
In 2001 Tony Blair’s government introduced postal voting on demand without any restrictions.
The ostensible purpose was to combat apathy and boost turnout but the real reason was cynical partisan advantage since Labour knew that a postal voting system could easily be manipulated by apparatchiks and so-called “community leaders”.
That is exactly what has happened.
Clear Memories February 28th, 2015 – 00:19
“I think the correct term is bigot.”
Everyone is to some degree a bigot, it is a natural human condition, we all have opinions that others might regarded as us being bigoted.
One you missed ‘wog’s’.
“If the CIA assassinated Nemtsov, they killed their own asset. It remains to be seen if the propaganda gains justify the CIA’s loss of a Putin critic.” ”
“Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY.”
– Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg Trials
(H/T Zero Hedge)
Kermit February 28th, 2015 – 12:22
Our local television news told us that the black woman who was selected by labour to stand against George Galloway as the labour candidate in Bradford, has stood down explaining her decision to stand down was for family reasons.
This of course is a load of bullshit, first she had not expected to be selected, she was simply throwing her hat into the ring in order to be seen to want a chance of a labour seat at Westminster, secondly she was fully aware of a system prevalent in Bradford and in all areas that have a large Muslim presence (this has a name but I can’t remember it) this system is simply a block vote, it is easy in Muslim areas for the family elders to use the vote of all who are under their influence.
And the postal voting makes it easy to gerrymander by registering hundreds if not thousands of fictitious voters.
It should be stopped.
My American daughter in law has lived in England for over thirty years and yet she cannot vote, but the wogidogs can.
David Ossitt @ 12:12
It pains Baron to say it, David, but it’s getting worse in Russia, it’s not so much the KGB colonel own cult of personality colouring the political scene (although to deny it would be foolish), it’s the masses, the great and truly unwashed that’s pushing the Kremlin boss to be more dictatorial, smash the unpatriotic opposition, and he knows that should he fail to respond, the communist/nationalistic bunch will kick him out.
They, not the followers of Nemcov, Navalny or whoever, are the threat to him, trust Baron on this, the real political force that can kick Putin out of the Kremlin is the thuggish, chauvinistic tribe of Dugin, Zhirinovsky, they have together over a third of the Duma, not that fewer deputies than the Putin’s lot. It may take if a couple of dozens of Putin’s deputies changing sides (as it did in the Ukrainian Rada after the putsch), and the KGB colonel’s a toast.
The omniscient M. Boot hasn’t yet had a go, he will definitely nail it what with the murder taking place just in front of the Kremlin. He may even hint it was the KGB colonel pulling th etrigger.
Malfleur @ 12:50
Good quote, Malfleur, it’s all moving towards a conflict. the outcome of which we will all regret.
The 11.00 Classic FM news: the first item, the murder of Nemcov introduced as ‘a prominent critic of Putin’ followed by an ‘expert’ opinion, a man Baron has never heard of before saying ‘it all points towards Putin, has his trademark, and if not directly to the Kremlin dictator then to the forces close to him’. The second item in the news bulletin was a minor apparatchik in the boy’s government (the name escapes Baron) saying the murder suggests we must boost our military forces, prepare to face Putin …..
Baron has said it before, here goes again. Before the half Muslim messiah’s out of office, the West will be dragged into war with Russia.
Here’s a list of possible suspects (in no particular order)
The Nationalists, communists, the CIA (or a group linked to, funded by it), the Ukrainian fascists, the jihadists (Nemcov has been critical of the jihadi thugs, weird as it may sound, he criticised Putin for not doing enough when a couple of Russians got beheaded by them). Baron rules out madmen, Nemcov must have been followed, it wasn’t that the murderers have happened to come across him. The car must have been filmed by a camera that sits on one of the Kremlin towers.
PEGIDA demonstration in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to day.The local paper presents a biased report with a special contribution from George Galloway.Scroll down for opposing comments from readers.
EC @ 08:05
Have you read the postings, EC? A replica of our blogs, some arguing it was the job of Putin’s cronies, some the opposite. If it were true there were no opposition voices in Russia, the anti-Putin postings would be absent.
Radford NG @ 13:30
This German import is unlikely to succeed here, Redford, it smells non-English – too specific, too noisy, too direct.
On the subject of Pegida in the North, I find it interesting how the MSM tells us George Galloway is the last great orator, a firebrand alternative.
THe first reason is that you cannot stand up in Parliament and make a barnstorming speech about Iraq when you sat at the feet of Saddam Hussein to salute his strenght, his courage and his indefatigability.
This is a man who grabs the nearest Muslim he can to proppel his own West-hating ends. Never mind his 10-minute Chilcot Parliament diatribe. It is that short salute to Saddam that tells you he is a fraud. We can all make mistakes and have mistaken faith in people but that is like grovelling before the Devil.
And the second reason why Galloway is not an alternative, caring sort is because if anyone ever tried to say the opposite of what he says, with the same sort of firebrand rhetoric, they would not be given airtime and would – most likely – be given a jail sentence.
I know many people who would love to go 10 debating rounds with George Galloway but the MSM would pull the plug on them before they’d finished their first sentence. Not because they would shout and be abusive, but because they would simply suggest mass repatriation of Muslims to Muslim lands.
How else is it going to end peacibly?
I hope Pegida do succeed in their trip to the UK. Just as the EU and all its tentacles were put in place by a joint effort, so must those wishing to undo them co-ordinate. It doesn’t need violence. In fact, that’s the last route that must ever be used.
There clearly is a need for new political parties across Europe, either those scenting their first ever stints in office, or those just starting up. And if the new parties betray the people – as has happened with Syriza in Greece (God give me strength!) – then new politcal parties after that must be formed until Draghila and Co all have political stakes put through their blood-sucking federalist hearts.
Has someone woken up?
Stop funding terror apologists: Charities urged to cut support to extremist-leaning groups
CHARITIES were being urged last night not to fund groups that support extremists like Islamic State executioner “Jihadi John”.
Mind you, it’s only “cut support”, not “stop all support”.
A very depressing statement of facts that confirm my suspicion that the delusions of religion (all religions, that is) contain the seeds of destruction of homo sapiens:
If ‘goodness’ and ‘enlightenment’ cannot exist without belief in an Omnipotent Being, as some claim, then aren’t those concepts also delusional?
All rational scientific discovery seems to point to the comparatively short existence of ‘life as we know it, Jim’.
So WTF are we all squabbling about, other than those apparently innate or inherent delusions?
It has always seemed to me that the only existence that is worth acknowledging, is the fleeting moment of now, just before it becomes then – and therefore beyond correction. Thus, what one does in that miniscule
moment determines the difference between fulfilment and drift.
My apologies for attempting profundity of a Saturday, but the article provoked it. 🙂
Kermit – 14:40
George Galloway claims to be capable of pulling off the remarkable feat of being anti-zionist and anti the Israeli state whilst in no way condoning anti-semitism. He does all this in the full knowledge of the declared genocidal intentions of many of Israel’s immediate and regional neighbours.
I think that he is a very dangerous man. No further comment. (for Pete(r)’s sake!)
RobertC, I have grown sick of Richard Littlejohn’s closeness to the Establishment over the past few years but his first piece yesterday was all about this and – apart from the tickbox grovelling to ‘hardworking’ Muslims sets the arguments out against these ‘human rights’ groups perfectly.
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: No, Britain is not to blame for Jihadi John
By Richard Littlejohn for the Daily Mail
Let’s get one thing straight: we are not all to blame for those dopey birds from East London who have flown to Syria to become jihadi brides.
Frankly, I’m sick to the back teeth of being told that the responsibility for their deranged decision to join up with Islamic State rests with, variously, the police, the security services, passport control and society in general.
If you get your news from the BBC, you will have heard that these are ‘vulnerable’ girls who have been ‘groomed’ on the internet.
The girls who ran off to Syria to become Jihadi brides were not driven there by society, the police, passport control or security services – they decided to go there themselves
This is an attempt to excuse their behaviour and liken them to helpless victims of sexual abuse.
Yet in the next breath we are informed that all three are highly intelligent ‘straight A’ students. So which is it?
Their apologists can’t have it both ways. Either these are clever young women destined for a bright future, or they’re so thick and easily manipulated that they are seduced by ‘romantic’ images of beheadings and infidels being burned alive.
Of course, on a human level we can sympathise with their families. But not to the extent of projecting their guilt and despair on to the rest of us.
All week, we’ve been assured that the parents aren’t responsible for what’s happened, that the school isn’t to blame and, perish the thought, that joining a murderous army of Islamist terrorists in the Middle East has ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
I listened to one alleged ‘expert’ on Radio 4 trying to convince us, presumably with a straight face, that their actions were motivated by British foreign policy and rampant ‘Islamophobia’ at home.
Oh, for heaven’s sake. Soppy teenage girls have always done this sort of thing.
A few years ago, they’d probably have run away to join the circus or camp out in some pop star’s front garden. Jihad Johnny and his crew are this year’s Bay City Rollers.
But because these gormless girls are Muslims, even the Prime Minister felt it necessary to chip in his three penn’orth, saying: ‘We all have a role to play in stopping people having their minds poisoned by this appalling death cult.’
No, we don’t.
If the authorities should bear any responsibility it is that they are so scared of being accused of racism or ‘Islamophobia’ they allowed these girls to waft unchallenged through the airport en route to Turkey — while security staff searched harmless Howards and Hildas from Hemel Hempstead on their way to Majorca.
It was this kind of institutionalised cowardice which failed for so long to address the scandal of 1,400 genuinely vulnerable girls being groomed for sexual abuse by gangs of Muslim men in Rotherham and elsewhere.
Not that this craven policy of appeasement has done much good, if the latest survey on Muslim attitudes is anything to go by.
More than a quarter sympathise with the terrorists responsible for the Paris massacres and 20 per cent of those living in Britain believe Islam is incompatible with a free society.
In which case, why don’t they move to Syria or Saudi Arabia?
On the plus side, most of those questioned said they feel loyalty to this country and believe Muslims should obey British laws.
Unfortunately, that’s not the impression created by those who noisily demand the imposition of Sharia law here.
Look, I have no doubt the many valued Muslim readers of the Daily Mail are just as tired as we all are of having to put up with self-appointed ‘community spokesmen’, waving a shopping list of demands and parading their rabid intolerance of free speech and other faiths.
They simply want to be allowed to get on with their lives, and raise their families in peace and harmony with their fellow citizens.
What then, must they make of that bunch of headbangers from an outfit called CAGE who turned up on television yesterday singing Jihadi John’s praises? They must despair.
Asim Qureshi, who calls himself CAGE’s research director, described the Isis executioner — unmasked as Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British citizen from West London — as ‘extremely kind, extremely gentle and the most humble young person that I ever knew’.
Qureshi says that the Emwazi he knew was a ‘beautiful man’ who ‘would never hurt a single person’. This is the gruesome sadist who for the past few months has been broadcast around the world hacking off the heads of captured prisoners and ‘non-believers’.
He has been taunting the West on slickly produced videos, holding knives to his captives’ necks.
Let’s not forget that among his victims was the British taxi driver Alan Henning and the British aid worker David Haines.
Emwazi is not only guilty of war crimes, he’s guilty of treason and the cold-blooded murder of his fellow citizens.
How dare the goons from CAGE, which risibly describes itself as a ‘human rights’ group, seek to defend him? What about the human rights of those he slaughtered?
They looked like they’d been rustled up from Central Casting, complete with obligatory shaved heads and comedy beards — especially Ceri Bullivant, who spent two years under a control order designed for terrorist suspects.
Much as I am a passionate believer in free speech, I have to doubt the wisdom of Sky News and the BBC giving these sick cranks the best part of an hour’s live, uninterrupted airtime to spout their vile propaganda.
Qureshi’s poisonous lies will fuel the paranoia and persecution complexes of young British Muslims
This was a major publicity coup for radical Islamists. It was like inviting Lord Haw-Haw to Broadcasting House in 1944 to address the nation and letting him describe Hitler as a lovely man who wouldn’t hurt a fly, just as the Final Solution was getting into full swing.
Talk about train crash TV. Someone should have pulled the plug. These nutters shouldn’t have been given free rein to make such inflammatory allegations and speak glowingly of the world’s most wanted man.
Why should the relatives of Alan Henning and David Haines have to turn on the six o’Clock news and be confronted with this offensive garbage?
Needless to say, CAGE tried to blame the security services for Emwazi’s transformation from ‘beautiful man’ to bloodthirsty ritual killer.
They claim MI5 ‘harassed’ Emwazi, helped radicalise him and tried to recruit him.
It’s MI5’s job to harass those they believe are involved in terrorism. It’s also their job to try to get terror suspects to become informants. That’s how they thwart attacks and help keep us safe.
Blaming MI5 for radicalising him and turning him into a stone killer is utterly absurd.
It is part of the terrorists’ armoury, designed to destabilise society and portray psychopaths like Emwazi as the real victims.
Asim Qureshi said: ‘When are we going to finally learn that when we treat people as outsiders they will look for belonging elsewhere.’
The danger is that these poisonous lies will fuel the paranoia and persecution complexes of young British Muslims already at risk of being seduced by terrorism.
Just like the three girls who have fled Britain to become jihadi brides, the clear implication is that we are all to blame.
No, we’re not.
I think that, as an opinion, I might also be allowed to say that I consider GG to be more of a rabble rouser in the Oswald Mosely mould rather than a great orator.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Cllr. Alam
If you have had your ANNUAL TAX SUMMARY 2013-14 i hope it’s a little more accurate than mine.
These are new forms to show how your tax is spent from HMR&C.
My income after tax is three times higher than reality.
They must think I’m a single mum on benefits.
Frank P – 15:16
In addition to Mr Spock’s famous line, “It’s life, Jim, ” (+/-) “but not as we know it”
there is Dr. Leonard McCoy’s more frequently occurring counterpoint to be considered:
RobertC February 28th, 2015 – 15:05
Charge their overpaid, unelected “CEO”s with treason and if convicted hang them, preferably in public.
Baron, my noble friend. In all despotic nations there exists an ‘opposition’. It is how effective that opposition can become, and what happens to it when it becomes a real nuisance, rather than a permitted gestural cloak for the tyrant/s, that we are discussing, surely?
The chronicle of crapouts of those who upset the Colonel is becoming lengthier by the day – some of the victims disposed of here on the sacred sod of perfidious Albion, with little redress thus far.
I await with interest the input of A Boot Esq. who may not please all Wallsters with his exiled expositions, but whose opinions, having read the account of his childhood in Russia, do carry weight for me when contemplating the motives of Vlad. I’m somewhat perplexed that you demur so much from his p.o.v., but then, I have yet to read an autobiographical account of your own halcyion days. 🙂 Perhaps … one day?
Frank P – 15:16
Thinking about those “fleeting moments” of fulfilment, how many customers of some of your old Soho “clients” lived to regret them a few days later, I wonder? 😯
Sorry, did I miss the point, again? 🙂
Kermit @ 14:40
An excellent portrait of the misguided galoot, Kermit, his crawling in front of the heinous Saddam, and as a cat in the ‘Big Brother (?) series should be enough to persuade one never to trust the man’s judgment.
Colonel Mustard @ 15:40
Boot’s blog latest:
Frank P @ 15:40
A minor point first, Frank, it’s not ‘some of them who were disposed off’ here, but one, if you’re referring to the guy Litvinenko.
And in general: Baron’s far from endorsing the one who cannot stop stripping to the waist, the barbarian doesn’t give a muted hoot for what happens to him, or any of his cronies, it’s the Russian unwashed he cares about.
Not one of the ‘punishments’ the West has meted out so far in any way impinges on the KGB colonel, his hacks, it only hurts the ordinary people. You tell Baron just one case of sanctions leading to a regime change. Just look at Cuba, have the half century of sanctions done anything to dislodge the commies there? The same applies to Russia, the sanctions are pointless, totally counterproductive, designed to impoverish the already poor, enhance the hegemony of the Republic’s political elites.
And as for the barbarian days in the land of the Soviet Gulag only this: How many people living here today could claim to have spent time in the infamous KGB hotel Ljublanka? Did Mr. Boot ever visit the place, involuntarily, of course? Not from what Baron discovered in his tome of reminiscences. In fact, the opposition to the regime he engaged in was on par with an ant fouling the pavement in from of the former insurance building in Moscow.
You reckon then someone who got nearly hanged by the old KGB would be in love with the security services? Hmmm
EC @ 16:21
The omniscient Mr. Boot has pronounced, essentially regurgitating what he has said umpteen times before.
The important bit in the howling of his is the interview in which Nemcov says he isn’t afraid of Putin. That’s very likely exactly how he felt, he was no rival to the KGB colonel, he knew it, the West may have worshipped him (well, far less than Navalny), but in the context of Russian politics he was akin to the leader of the Republican Party here.
Has anyone ever heard of Nemcov before yesterday? Not even the omniscient guru has mentioned his name in the past.
Baron (16:25)
Your last two paragraphs merely underline my eagerness to peruse the detailed account of your own adventures vis-à-vis ‘The Evil Empire’. Let’s have more.
And I still believe after perusal of both your’s and Prof. Boot’s prolific pronouncements on the subject, that you seem to have more in common than either would admit to. Just a different prism through which you each view the shenanigans.
Incidentally, I agree that our own gub’mint’s foreign policy towards The Bear, like that of the US of A has been one gigantic fuckup, not just for years or decades, but for centuries. After reading Diana West’s “American Betrayal” and the reaction of so-called aostates
Frank P @ 15:16
Not only you shouldn’t apologize for the ‘profundities’ of yours, Frank, you should furnish as many of them as you can, collect them, publish.
That will not only determine ‘the difference between fulfilment and drift’ for you, but for many others. Trust Baron, he knows, he;s been around for a while.
Btw, the article fails to mention that there clearly appears to be a direct relationship between the Islamisation of Europe, and the ‘reappraisal’ of the holocaust.
The Daily Mail has sought to publish photos of those Pegida supporters with tattoos on their faces and some missing teeth. Why no close-ups of the other Pegida supporters? Why no close-ups of Pegida’s rainbow flag? Why no close-ups of Pegida’s Israel flag?
Because Paul Dacre puts his lenses where he wants you to look. He’s a newspaper man through and through all right – and his best trick against Daily Mail readers is when they don’t realise he’s spinning against them.
And the comments underneath reflect our discussion here today:
AW14, SUNNY ENGLAND, United Kingdom
Why on earth is Galloway allowed to get away with this he is just a rabble rousing trouble making chancer who will align himself with anyone just to stay in the public eye !!
The key question with all these anti-Pegida protestors is this: do they live among them or send their kids to school where Muslims outnumber the whites.
If the answer is a Michael Gove (Greycoats Hospital School for his daughter), David Cameron, Alistair Campbell (children in ‘state school’ in a millionaires’ row Hampstead postcode!) then the answer is that they’re lying.
Muslims and Islam are a lifestyle they vehement want for poor whites, but never ever for themselves.
… apostates of Marxism and its myriad tributaries, I despair!
I would implore you to educate me further in the messy matrix of East v West, but that would be a waste of effort on your part, as my assimilative faculties are now beyond hope; the rubbery state of the grey matter, which was once capable of absorbing great tracts of info and images about the ungodly – and adducing enough of it to present as testimony against the ungodly, now hardly retains enough to get me from my fleapit, or couch, to the karsey in time to avoid the embarrassment of senile decay. But at least I can still enjoy the narrative of first hand experience of those that have been there, done that and wear the TShirts bravely – and the considered vicarious commentary of those who honestly try to analyze the ‘great game’. So indulge me and entertain us, please. And don’t be misinterpretating my genuine puzzlement about the differences between yourself and AB. No reflection on either the validity of your p.o.v, or your entitlement to express the way you see it, rest assured. And I won’t offer invidious opinions about the merits of either the literary ability or factual substance of either protagonist, as each is equally interesting to seekers of the truth, such as yours truly. 🙂
My apologies for the two-part reply Baron: my Nexus tablet has a tendency to auto-submit. Moreover, both halves of the post are marked up by our host as “awaiting moderation”. Warum, Obermeister?
EC (15:55)
🙂 You never miss the point. Particularly when its time to get my feet back on the ground!
Ahh! I see why I finished up in the sin bin. My blog moniker seemed to have acquired a couple of extra letters (for some unknown reason). Curious.
Baron (16:25)
Just Litvenenko? Really?
So you don’t believe, for instance, that Boris Berezovsky was ‘suicided’, then?
A little unspinning of the Tory Press and how they protect the next in line to the throne. There has long been a go-easy policy in Fleet Street on Theresa May, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson among the Tory press because once the current fraudster has been found, the next must be relatively ‘clean’.
Let me digress a little. The trouble is that 10 Downing Street’s Mr Slippery didn’t win a majority in the last election and so can never win one in May.
This has led to the most fascinating phrase being used by LabCons: “Only one leader of two parties can be in Downing Street after the election”.
The sleight of hand? We know from the last election that being one of two party leaders to enter the front door does not mean that you’ve won the election. Not by a long chalk.
But it’s a phrase designed to make people vote for the legacy parties, trying to imply that any vote not for a main party is wasted, which we now know is not true.
Because the public have rumbled this, the Tory Press is looking to the Tory Party’s substitutes’ bench even before this election is over.
And we all know who the Daily Mail and Torygraph’s favourite for next Tory leader is – this was a Mail headline this week:
Send for Boris! As poll shows he reaches voters no other Tory can, pressure grows for Johnson to front election campaign
Two days later, this headline appears in the Mail:
Boris slams Theresa May for easing control order regime which made it easier for fanatics such as Jihadi John to escape MI5’s clutches
Yes, Boris did two things at once there. He knifed his rival, Tepid Theresa, and told the public how much he’s on their side against Islamic threats.
Boris against Islam?
Not at all. For also this week – although not covered at all in the Daily Mail and only buried away in the business pages of the Telegraph, kept away from the main readership’s eyes, was another Boris Johnson. Muslim-loving my-grandfather-was-a-Muslim Boris Johnson.
Why was this quote this week from Boris Kemal not put on the front page of the Shariagraph or the Daily Mail?
Shariagraph reporter Mehreen Khan writes: ‘London has cemented its position as the “eighth emirate of the world”, according to Mayor Boris Johnson, who hailed the role of Middle Eastern investment in the capital.’
You may have missed that in the Tory media, but I’m going to repeat it. The next leader of the Conservative Party, Boris Kemal Johnson, thinks London is the “eighth emirate of the world”.
We know this from Tower Hamlets, but we know it as something bad.
Boris Kemal thinks it is something good. Although he doesn’t live in an area infested with Muslims.
The Shariagraph – a newspaper with utmost intention to help the Islamification of Britain (because the Barclay Twits think a few of their mates in the City can get rich off the back of Saudi money, while everyone else in the UK lives under threat of being ‘Rigbied’) – had enormous problems this week in reporting the aborttion debate.
There is only one group of people hell-bent on aborting baby girls because of their gender.
But the bill to prevent abortion based on gender was stopped by Tories, as well as others.
The Shariagraph doesn’t like it to be known just how pro-Islam the Tory party is and so pretended this was like the old abortion debates (the ones when people used to believe in Left and Right):
‘The Left is fanatical about abortion. Here, at last, is the proof. The defeat of a bill to outlaw explicitly abortion on the grounds of gender is a turning point in British politics.’
This was not about the Left at all.
It was about appeasing Muslims and those people who voted down the bill in Parliament this week to prevent abortions based on gender weren’t just abetted by the bogeyman of the Left. The Muslims were abetted by Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston. One reader commented:
“Addressing the problem of sex selective abortion will “stigmatise entire communities” – in the words of Sarah Wollaston MP – because it will imply that some parts of the nation are more progressive than others. This argument is perhaps the most spurious of all.”
– “Spurious”? No. This argument is the most sickening, puke inducing cultural relativist poison.
I’m finding our polity and the discussions that surround it increasingly surreal. We’ve truly lost our way if such arguments cannot be dismissed for the pure, nasty idiocy that they are. And yet they gain traction because cultural relativism has become part and parcel of our increasingly dysfunctional society.
Some of the comments on that story have been deleted. What they dared to say – before they were deleted – was that Islam has always used the womb as a weapon of war.
Prophet Mohammed knew the womb could be used to breed like rats and – hopefully – to breed a son who can rape infidel women in the style of the Prophet Mohammed, as happened in Rotherham and elsewhere, where some of the victims were impregnated in the assaults and kept their babies.
One of the other posters on that story points out that people like Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston MP now get the chance go to ‘community leaders’ (imams) and point out that they defeated this bill and ask can they now rely on the votes of that ‘community’ (Muslims – possibly with tens of thousands of fraudulent postal votes) in the May elections?
This was an absolute sop to those from minority communities which elsewhere in the world routinely murder or abandon female babies at birth and a shameful insight into the way in which the paid political class desires the aggregate of their vote in an undifferentiated scene.
The Shariagraph has had the hump with the readers because any time there’s an article on Muslims, the readers put up replies and anything pro-Islam gets next to no votes, whereas anything suggesting UK citizens don’t want to end up like Egypt’s Coptic Christians gets votes by the tsunami. Funny that.
Well, the Barclay Gits have had enough of that. They’ve paid for a propagand machine so that’s what they want.
From now on, you have to be signed in to up-vote!
Which a lot of people will never do because they know Disqus is a database shared with the nonces in MI5 who seem to have a lot in common with the Muslims they so love. Muslims in Rotherham, MI5 in Kincora – peas in a pod the pair of them. I always knew they had something in common, such is the level of their mutual appreciation:
Frank P @ 18:17
Why on earth would Putin wantto murder either, Frank?
Two things on the one that looks more probable.
Isn’t it strange the tracing of the polonium went from the Lugovoi’s hotel room almost to the door in the Kremlin? How convenient, ha. The guy who is alleged to have administered the poison may not have known it’s so easily traceable. But the people who gave it to him must have known. Why didn’t they warn him to be careful, not to spill it, and if he did, what to do to disguise the traces of it?
One can always blame it on the amateurism of the KGB, an error, an emission on their part, but Baron doubts it. This was a highly sensitive job, to make an elementary error like this (not warning the thug how to handle it) just doesn’t seem likely.
And another thing. Litvinenko was murdered because he was to publish revelations that would have buried Putin, that’s the official motive for the murder, right? Well before he met his death, Litvinenko had been debriefed extensively by the Spaniards, and by our security services (that guarantees the Americans were on the act, too). How likely is it the guy could have withheld from the three professional services something as vital as that? Something that could have finished the KGB colonel? Unlikely to the extreme, Baron reckons.
If the security services in three countries are in the possession of this ‘secrets’ what’s stopping them publishing it, or at least leaking the stuff to the many willing poodles in the MSM?
A similar ‘convenience of facts’ in the murder of Nemcov, it happened in front of the Kremlin (how long will it take for the CIA to produce a picture of Putin looking at the assassination through a Kremlin window?).
The murder must have been put together by someone who wanted Nemcov killed in view of the public, of the whole world. It fits into the scenario of a total onslaught on Russia: the $5bn spent in Ukraine prior to the Maidan massacre (no investigation who killed the policemen, members of the public), the ‘democratic’ putsch in Kiev, the downing of the HM17 (now hardly mentioned), the interception of Russian bombers (they have been doing it for years, our planes are engaged in similar exercises) ….
Nothing gets ever proven in the court of law, it’s all circumstantial, all too close, but no cigar. Enough though to prepare us for ‘let’s go and nuke the Russians’. Criminal this, Frank.
If only Mr. Foyle were around …..
The only honorable thing Peter Oborne has ever done in his life is resign from the Shariagraph. If only he would recant so much of what he has written. You will recall the resignation was over the allegation that HSBC was able to insert bias the coverage it received in the newspaper.
If you missed his article, it’s here (it’s very long and boring- it’s of much less interest than the two links below from the Shariagraph):
What the politically correct opponents of the Shariagraph will not point out is the newspaper’s relationship with Muslim advertisers (and this crosses over with HSBC).
This week, a Shariagraph headline gloats:
Britain to lead the world in Islamic finance
And what is that reporting on? And where was Boris Johnson speaking when he called London the eighth emirate of the world?
Why, all those news stories were sourced from the Daily Telegraph’s Middle East Congress 2015 held in London.
Yes, the whole congress was organised by Telegraph Events!
And look at the list of vipers involved, Boris Kemal Johnson and a chairman of HSBC:
Ah! So that’s why Boris Johnson (a Shariagraph writer) and the Daily Shariagraph are so ‘independent’ in the way they report on Muslims.
There’s lots of money in it for them! Well, who’d have thought it.
Good old, independent Fleet Street journailsm, eh!
A Shariagraph headline gloats:
“Britain to lead the world in Islamic finance”
And what event is that reporting on? And where was Boris Johnson speaking when he called London the eighth emirate of the world this week?
This might join the dots for you. All those news stories were sourced from the Daily Telegraph’s Middle East Congress 2015, which was held in Londonistan this week.
The whole congress was organised by Telegraph Events!
And look at the list of vipers involved, Boris Johnson and a chairman of HSBC (whom you’ll remember from being at the centre of corruption allegations over how they were given influence over their coverage in the newspaper):
That’s why Boris Johnson (a Shariagraph writer) and the Daily Shariagraph are so ‘independent’ in the way they report on Muslims.
There’s lots of money in it for them! Who’d have thought it?
Baron (19:36);
Having now read Alex Boot’s take, I’ll leave the file open for further enquiries if you don’t mind. But with Vlad pencilled in as Suspect No. 1.
Just one wee thought: WTF would dare do such a thing on one of the Capo’s many doorsteps, without his permission? Not even ‘in the shithouse’ … on his doorstep!?
Seems to me that he’s either the strong man he purports to be (and who many Wallsters think he is), or he’s weak and allowing the criminal rabble to take the piss. Which is it – and cui bono?
And of course what you, I, or even AB thinks, is of no interest to Vlad whatsoever, but luckily we are able to speculate and bullshit about the possibilities or even probabilities; how long that state of affairs will continue is debatable, given the moves that are afoot to curtail free speech in general and the intertubes in particular.
“the moves that are afoot to curtail free speech in general and the intertubes in particular” – bang on Frank.
It’s all happening straight after the election. The whole Leveson Common Purpose bandwagon was parked out of sight until it could be done away from the election.
Leveson, Common Purpose – just because they aren’t talked about in the MSM – don’t worry – they haven’t gone away. The MSM will be given privileges and small blogs will have to be hosted abroad to avoid heavy fines, prosecution etc.
The MSM and Common Purpose have the rage of Rumpelstiltskin over the internet – they absolutely hate its free speech.
And they’re damn well going to put that genie back in the bottle.
Kermit (20:25 & 23:11)
Cue Dickie Mottram, who uttered a mantra that applies to all of us except, paradoxically, those whom he was addressing when he coined it. And he’s an expert bullshitter who walked straight into the money with Amey’s Army.
Star Trekking:song with lyrics.(3min.38)
Star trekking across the universe
on the starship Enterprise
under Captain Kirk.
The MSM/DTP just don’t get it! The cartoon is both funny and accurate and reflects the true views/opinions of so many of the UK population, based upon what they see and experience on a daily basis.
No longer does the population slavishly follow what the BBC tells them; they have to put up with their lives degraded on a continuous basis by these stereotypes portrayed and they now recognises lies and bullshit when it flows out of their TVs and radios.
Very many people are now supporting UKIP and they have the outdated parties and the establishment scared shitless. Attacking UKIP in this way is not going to work. The genie is out of the bottle, there is an alternative and those downtrodden for far too long have an outlet, they have a voice, they recognise they have an opportunity to rid themselves of the yoke of multi-culturalism.
The left, the unions, the media and ConLabLib pact have woken up far too late. Any attack on Farage and his acolytes is now seen for what it is – unjustified and unwarranted slurs. Further, they just strengthen the forces now arrayed against the establishment. The media, especially, realise that one of the first things likely to happen when UKIP have power (but so far un-vocalised) is that steps will be taken to draw their teeth, especially the BBC and C4 to stop their biased activities for good.
A pox on all their houses!
And the ‘stereotypes’ are more than accurate – Home Office figures reveal 86% of violent crime is committed by blacks of African descent (be they Jamaicans or Somalis – they’re all blacks in the eyes of the multi-culti twats), the BBC reported last week on how many so-called moderate Muslims there were, inadvertently revealing just how many were potentially murderous, western-hating jihadis and court report reveal that honour-killing is broadly limited to those from the Indian sub-continent (identified by so many as turban-wearers).
So, not so much stereotypes more accurate depictions then.
Nothing but speculation so far on the murder of Nemtsov, and in particular from Mr. Boot, who seems to be developing a thing for Mr. Peter Hitchens.
Unlike many others, Zero Hedge has not gone off half cock; and has also dug up some evidence, albeit not decisive except to remove 99.9% of any possibility that this was a “lone wolf” killing.
And as one commentator on the ZH article puts it pungently:
“02/28/2015 – 19:59 | 5841092TungstenBars
He thought he was getting laid by the 20 year old Ukei chick so he was thinking with his dick.
She had other plans. She brought him to the spot specifically to get whacked. ”
Here is Peter Hitchen’s most recent view on the Crimean question:
I think it would be healthy to have a debate between Mr. Boot and Mr. Hitchens on this question, and their selected seconds perhaps. I wonder how much it would cost to organize.
This Emwazi worm aided by CAGE continues to blame us for his actions in killing our citizens and burning pilots
“British advocacy group Cage has disclosed an exchange of emails it says it has had with Mohammed Emwazi, the Islamic State militant known as “Jihadi John”.
Cage campaigns against “state policies developed as part of the War on Terror” and says Emwazi first contacted it in 2009 to complain about being interrogated by a British official at Schipol Airport after trying to visit Tanzania.
In one email, he described being interrogated in Amsterdam by an MI5 officer who identified himself as “Nick”.
“He knew everything about me; where I lived, what I did, the people I hanged around with,” he wrote.”
Further the Guardian reports:
Isis killer Mohammed Emwazi had link to 2005 London bomb plot
I can only hope the SAS have a squad out there to rub him out
Those were the days…
“The boy failing to call us up as I commanded, I was angry, and resolved to whip him for that and many other faults, to-day.”
Pepys’ Diary
Friday 28 February 1661/62
“Home, and to be as good as my word, I bade Will get me a rod, and he and I called the boy up to one of the upper rooms of the Comptroller’s house towards the garden, and there I reckoned all his faults, and whipped him soundly, but the rods were so small that I fear they did not much hurt to him, but only to my arm, which I am already, within a quarter of an hour, not able to stir almost. After supper to bed.” (Ibid.)
BBC website regurgitating the mail story that jihadi john was driven to the so called islamic state by harrasement by UK security services.
Sorry. Its the security services fucking job to harass jihadis. So is aww diddums to cage and their apologists.
March 1st, 2015 – 07:40
They should have locked him up there and then in Amsterdam
They probably knew by then his involvement in the 2005 bomb plots
If not we truly need a draconian Data Communications Bill, resisted hitherto by the Bleeding Heart LibDems and military posters on this august blog
Clear memories
Stereotypes are formed from information gained in many ways, it’s basically a survival mechanism.
Might not be correct all the time, but evidence supports the suspicion.
As we know, that’s why the left pretends were all the same instead of pack animals.
“If not we truly need a draconian Data Communications Bill, resisted hitherto by the Bleeding Heart LibDems and military posters on this august blog”
Oh belt up. We all know why you want a draconian Data Communications Bill, you stalinist creep.
There I was, sort of enjoying reading this week’s Spectator with a cup of coffee and piece of toast, crisp, when I noticed a book review by Will Self.
My heart sank. Another preening lefty invited into that increasingly progressive tent (I use the word progressive in its negative sense).
But wait. I commend the review to fellow rebellious inmates of this soft-bordered isle. One would have to search long and far for a better example of pretentious, puffed up waffle trying to cram as much pseudo-intellectual jargon and as many pompous sociological references as possible into such a short piece of prose. The only thing missing was the rabble rousing appeal to the audience that this ghastly human donkey deploys when he sits on the QT panel.
Will Self I salute you for conveying to me the gratitude I feel for being me and not you.
telemachus @ 07:50
If the wind of political direction changes, telemachus, and we have your draconian bill on the statute books, you may be the one silenced by it.
telemachus @ 07:09
This Emwazi worm should have been rubbed off years ago, telemachus, in a society governed by common sense laws he would have been.
Peter, could you look into Baron’s postings going into a black hole, please. Like this one:
Frank P @ 22:58
Once more wisdom prevails. You cannot be more right even if you wanted to, Frank. Good old Francis of the Assisi abode said it even better: ‘Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference’. The barbarian’s total absence of wisdom was what has plagued his life, got him into trouble, turned him into a wreck ….
“Stereotypes” exist all races/religions/ cultures – for the reasons stated above.
We are now ALL legally obliged to observe the dictats of myriad multi-kulti laws the prime directive of which states that all cultures, and thereby stereotypes, are equally valid. Any PC psychomarxist who maintains, somehow,that the western nations are not equally entitled their own, are to be condemned by their own doctrine and laws as racists!
In any election campaign, the voters are always encouraged to be frightened about something – ‘Who do you trust to take that call at 3am in Downing Street if we’re under attack?’
The trouble for LabCon this time is, the UK is not at threat from outside attack. It is being attacked from within, it has entirely and utterly capitulated – and it was all planned and is still aided and abetted by LabCon.
Barcaly Twin propagand outfit The Spectator says the Tories should ‘weaponise’ defence as an elction issue. And it seems the Tory press is helping them by saying ‘oh, yes, look at Russia, they’re coming to get you’. No they aren’t.
That is very much propaganda to try to fill the defence area of policy. To say: this is what we think on defence. So forget Russia.
But someone else is coming to get you. Has already got many of you and will continue to go after you – and they were all helped and will continue to be helped by LabCon. That is where there should have been a policy on defence, but deliberately was none.
Boris Johnson and the Daily Shariagraph held an event in Londonistan this week in which he called London the eighth emirate of the world. So Johnson – the great saviour – will save you from nothing.
Peter Hitchens explains (I have deliberately delected the paragraphs in which he has to go through the motions about not all Muslims are terrorists etc – that’s not the point):
Terror is all about nasty surprises, and MI5, for all its poker-faced grandeur, cannot predict the future. Nor will it help anyone to ban Islamist blowhards from speaking at university meetings. It will just make us look silly.
If you’re worried about an Islamist threat to Britain, Jihadi John isn’t the problem. That’s to be found in the astonishing figure of 300,000 net migrants into Britain last year. A fair number of them will be Muslims, reinforcing what is rapidly becoming a highly influential minority in this country.
They think differently from us about the world. And they believe in something, which most of us do not. That’s the chief difference between us. And bit by bit, as they become more numerous and find their way into our institutions, helped by their competence, self-possession and sobriety, they will change society into one that suits them.
I don’t see how this process can be stopped now.
That is the spine-chilling defence issue none of the main parties will talk about.
Peter Hitchens:
Have you, too, been forced by your bank to have a contactless credit or debit card which you can use without a PIN? Are you frequently urged by shop assistants to ‘pay by contactless’?
My advice is to object. The contactless system is an invitation to spend more, faster. It is, by its nature, insecure and means a lost or stolen card can be quickly used to make plenty of unverified purchases, while you are still trying to cancel it. And the £20 limit on contactless purchases will start to go up in September. How long before it is much, much higher?
Some companies will relent, and give you a non-contactless card. Others are obdurate. They should be challenged.
I am a massive fan of Dave and Gideon’s Long Term Economic Plan, because it’s so long term they won’t be around when those stupid enough to be duped by zero contract hours as ‘jobs’ realise what’s happened, Dave and Gideon will be long gone into multi-national sinecures as a thank you for handing out such spiteful working conditions. It’s the funniest joke this Parliament.
And the hilarity continues because if it the Long Term Economic Plan (jam tomorrow) sounds like it was the sort of idea dreamt up by someone smoking a crackpipe, well, it probably was:
Top economist and George Osborne cheerleader ‘seen smoking crack cocaine through a glass tube at north London drugs den’
I feel sorry for Brian Sewell, who is being robbed by people he considered friends, but what can I say?
If he was poor and in ‘sheltered housing’ – council housing for the elderly and infirm – if you die in one of those places the wardens and cleaning staff and the housing association staff will strip the place bare of all your possessions before they call your relatives.
And you can guess what most of their ‘cultural backgrounds’ are.
It’s all so diverse.
After UKIP – The First 100 Days, the BBC has joined in with another pro-EU propaganda film: The Great European Disaster Movie.
Even the BBC sometimes grasps that it has gone too far. And 11 days ago, it went into a five-star panic over its plan to show a more-or-less crazy pro-EU film tonight.
I assume that, spooked by the derisive reaction to its laughable pro-Labour drama A Casual Vacancy, its chiefs suddenly realised that they had another embarrassment on their hands. The planned transmission was abruptly cut by several minutes, losing a large chunk about the migration wave across the Mediterranean.
And this helped make space for a post-programme discussion, heavily loaded with critics of the European Union, including me, former Chancellor Norman Lamont and Ukip MP Mark Reckless. This is really a figleaf to cover its naked bias, as you will see when you watch it tonight.
I took part because it seemed silly to miss any opportunity to make the case for British independence.
I’m very happy for Bill Emmott to make as many films as he likes for the BBC about the wonders of the EU.
The trouble is, you cannot imagine the Corporation giving anyone the chance to make a film about how miserable it will be if Britain stays in, and how good it will be if we leave.
For this programme is blatant propaganda. And the only cause for joy is that it’s not very good propaganda. A doomed plane is zig-zagging across a divided, blacked-out Europe, bearing Angus Deayton and a little girl who has supposedly been deported from a xenophobic, cruel England because her mother isn’t paid enough.
This provides the excuse for a patronising series of lecturettes from Mr Deayton. Everything about it is run through with the stupid, ill-informed prejudices of the BBC. Opponents of the EU are portrayed as ‘anti-European’ nostalgists and haters of abroad. Opponents of immigration are portrayed as dislikers of immigrants. Things which are the EU’s own fault, such as its self-inflicted economic crisis, are not blamed on the EU. Wild fantasies are explored in which a British departure causes everyone else to leave – though why they would, if it is so wonderful, I cannot tell.
Baseless guff, about how the EU has brought peace, is repeated unquestioned. In fact, to the extent that it has had any influence on war and peace, the EU has brought war, most recently thanks to its aggressive push into Ukraine.
Winston Churchill’s Zurich speech of 1946, which it partly quotes, is a plea for continental Europe to unite, with Britain, the USA and the USSR acting as outside sponsors. Oh, and the Berlin airport for which the fictitious plane is originally bound closed in 2008, as anyone who knows Europe would be aware.
The BBC should be closed down immediately on the strength alone of that Daily Mail account of its dirty propaganda.
It won’t be.
The option is to shut down all three traditional political parties in May by voting them into oblivion. There will then be a short window of opportunity before the banksters have time to organize the corruption of the UKIP government and its MPs and perhaps to murder a couple of key UKIP leaders. Let’s take advantage of that short period.
Start planning now!
By the way, is it both BBC and Channel 4 that have now produced an anti-UKIP agit-prop documentary in the run-up to the general election?
This is unprecedented, isn’t it?
I concur Malfleur. I notice the Tories now want state funding and the reason is this. A Common Purpose placeman would say what was, or was not, a legitimate political party.
If you then used your own moey to fund an election campaign, you would have broken the rules and the result be voided if not treated as a criminal matter.
LabCon are fighting like cornered weapon dogs – don’t think they’ll go quietly.
If Messrs Hitchens and Boot are going to debate the Crimea crisis in a CHW forum, they had better first absorb the following to give their arguments more nuance:
The Historical, Legal, and Political Contexts of the Russian Annexation of Crimea
by Lawrence A. Howard (March 2015),_Legal,_and_Political_Contexts_of_the_Russian_Annexation_of_Crimea/
“By the way, is it both BBC and Channel 4 that have now produced an anti-UKIP agit-prop documentary in the run-up to the general election?
This is unprecedented, isn’t it?”
Also a big mistake
“I’m not a fan of UKIP, but I do think the media is biased against UKIP. However, most parties of UKIP’s size would die for that level of coverage, I mean just look at how jealous the Greens are. If UKIP were smart they used the negative media and turn into something positive, rather than just constantly bitching about it, like they do now.”
Anyone still unsure of the horrors consequent on the ministrations of “community organizers” need do no more that read Frank Dikötter’s The Tragedy of Liberation
A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957.
The United States is warming up for this right now. Can no-one stop it?!
And speaking of death on a large scale, here is Theodore Dalrymple meditating on cemetries:
Julian Barnes’ “Nothing To Be Frightened Of” is for those with more time, but – inconclusive…
And speaking of cemeteries, ere long they may not be necessary. Mass cremation seems inevitable as O-Boom!-a stokes the furnace:
… and when you’ve assimilated them thar apples, I suggest you crunch into these, as you may need the juice to continue:
‘Scuse me for being apocalyptic this Sabbath, but I’ve just been watching our esteemed ‘leaders’and manqués performing on TV all morning. I should have stayed in bed. Now I must go and see how Chelsea-Spurs is shaping up. 🙂
Frank P 1557
You should know that Twelvers are one of the most vociferous opponents of ISIL
You should also know that one of our number posted a link to this on Speccie, for which I thank him
“We want to live in a civilized society where people, irrespective of background, are valued and treated with respect. We stand together for a diverse and inclusive society. We believe we can live together with dignity and peace, learning from each other’s differences and contributing to a better place for future generations to live in.”
Malfleur @ 12:49
Thanks for the link – superb. It backs Peter Hitchens to the full, is unlikely to persuade the omniscient Mr. Boot, how could it.
Malfleur @ 13:43
Like the great Darlymple, the minnow Baron, too, loves cemeteries, always has. When living in Tokyo the cemetery next to his abode was his most favoured place both to consume packed lunch, and to contemplate.
In a cemetery in the the smallest Irish county Leitrim, on an old gravestone there is the following inscription: If only he jumped one way/the tree fell another/the poor John MacAuley/would still be with his mother.
Nigel Farage [@Nigel_Farage12 minutes ago]
BBC’s Pro-EU mockumentary – UKIP asks ‘Where’s your EU logo?’
“The BBC has received 22 million pounds from the EU in the last 7 years though this does not appear in their public accounts. It does however appear on the Financial Transparency website of the European Commission”—UKIP-asks-Wheres-your-EU-logo.html
The BBC needs to be shut down in the manner that Verity often indicated!
“We want to live in a civilized society where people, irrespective of background, are valued and treated with respect. We stand together for a diverse and inclusive society. We believe we can live together with dignity and peace, learning from each other’s differences and contributing to a better place for future generations to live in.”
They won’t do that by attacking UKIP’s right to be different. When that rabble of leftist extremists and agit-prop grievance peddlers treat UKIP’s right to exist and campaign with respect then they might have some credibility. All this “say no” stuff is just negative tripe. If they had to campaign on a positive what would that be? It certainly wouldn’t involve trying to shut down free speech and to intimidate the right to a dissenting political opinion.
Until then, sorry but I don’t subscribe to Marcusean oppression by the few of the many.
More sound sense from Andrew C McCarthy:
It’s sad that such logic is regarded as ‘extreme’ by the ‘leader’ of the western world.
Baron – 16:51
Crimea: How far do you go back? Stick at 1954 and blame it on Kruschev, or go back further?
I note with some amusement that the comments section of Peter Hitchens’ blog is still being haunted by, as PH puts it, “The contributor who posts under the pretentious Greek pseudonym …”
Obama graphic – This is real scary!
h/t @Van_der_Leun
I have always been a prolific hater of ‘Sir’ (they’re always ‘Sirs’, aren’t they?) Malcolm Rifkind. I hated him first time round and I hated him even more the second time round, where he was presented as some sort of grand elder statesman, as so many failed politicians are.
I have hated him even more vehemently for his work on the ‘anti-terror’ select committee, which he was chairing until last week, because in his role as chair of an anti-terror committee, he took great delight in ramming the heads of the British public up the backsides of Muslims, whom he could always go out of his way to lavish praise on. What’s ‘anti-terror’ about that?
There must still be people in the UK who vote Conservative, but it must be mainly the politicians’ friends and families, whose very income depends on their being in office, because I still don’t speak to anyone in the UK who votes Conservative and even they don’t know anyone who votes Conservative. I can’t even understand what a Conservative voter is any more – even by a second-hand account.
Talking of Malcolm Rifkind and exploiting high office to rip off the taxpayer, here’s Conservative MP Charles Hendry and Conservative Lord John Gummer. Unless someone actually knows these people and stands to benefit from their largesse (and it’s a whopping taxpayer-funded largesse) – why would they vote for them?
I suspect that the precursor to the trouble in Ukraine was the crimea war in the 1850’s. i have briefly read up on that war and dont really understand, tho it seems to have been set off by a declining ottoman empire.
I think you will find that the thrust of the Crimean war was the aim of the Anglo-French to destroy the Russian Navy*
The Russian Navy that were in the Russian port of Sebastopol
The Russian port of Sebastopol
You see Russia are currently simply retrieving what is rightfully theirs
*Yes to prop up the Ottoman’s against a Russian carve up but that is not relevant to your point
EC @ 18:14
One doesn’t have to go that far, EC, it’s enough the man received largely an Islamic education. It shows, and it’s also the key determinant of his foreign policy. Homing on Russia as the bogey man furnishes him with useful diversion from the cancerous boil of fanatical Islam. He needs it to masque his inability cum unwillingness to face up to the creed he either genuinely admires, or at least isn’t inimical to.
30 years ago people may have believed this codswallop. Not any more:
Don’t blame immigrants for ills of society, says Catholic church as Nichols voices ‘dismay’ that it is an issue for election
Letter to 500,000 parishes warns of blaming immigrants for ills of society
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, voices concern
Insists parts of Britain would ‘grind to a halt’ without immigrants
Most who come to UK ‘work hard and make a very positive contribution’
Cameron’s pledge to cut migration in tatters after figure hit almost 300,000 [NB: gross immigration last year was 624,000 foreign arrivals – so the brain drain is the bright and the rich getting out of Cesspit UK]
telemachus @ 20:31
Neither side ever mentions the significance of the Crimea’s Sevastopol -Simferopol naval base, yet it’s the key to the conflict. Who controls it controls Russia. This may an overstatement, but it’s essentially true.
If you ever find yourself in that part of the wood, visit a place called Sudak, excellent beaches covered in golden sands, hot but dry, the sea warm and blue.
Not up to you Davenport. You don’t make the law and you shouldn’t be trying to influence it. Your duty is to enforce the existing law.
Let me remind you of Peel’s 5th principle of policing (I shouldn’t have to – you are the Chief Constable not I):-
“To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws”
Got that? Read it. Learn it. Practice it. A Chief Constable blatantly breaching that principle should be sacked.
So stop trying to “lead” beyond your authority and just get on with your job.
Frank P @ 15:42
Report: Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike
“DEBT DEFLATION is a nightmare for the Fed because it would almost immediately bankrupt both the US and the Too Big To Fail Wall Street Banks.”
Sounds like a plan…
Mark this man up as a potential spearhead for the inevitable coup d’etat; the only way out from the current political decline of a once great and benign empire :
Colonel Mustard – 22:00
An uncanny resemblance to Top Gear’s Richard Hammond !
“Truth is the mortal enemy of the lie and thus, by extension, the truth becomes the mortal enemy of the State.” J. Goebbels
See more at:
(H/T Zero Hedge)
EC (22:11)
Someone needs to put a finger in the orifice of that dyke before it bursts and floods us with even more crap.
Frank P – 22:11
Frank P – 22:11
EC @ 22:11
Sir Cliff Richard, surely?
Frank P @ 22:11
I’m with you on that one, Frank.
Re: Hamsterganger
see what ! mean…
A ringer! Thing is, does she stand up to pee – or does he sit down?
EC (22:33)
Thanks: two great links.
Obama should be shut in a darkened room for a month, deprived of all food except bread and water, deprived also of sleep, with a recording of Col. Kemp’s address to the UN Independent Commission on the Gaza Conflict repeated constantly for the whole month. Then he should be taken outside and shot. It is the only possible just punishment for his treacherous foreign policy – indeed for all the sins of his Presidency: the worst in US history.
or, autrement dit,
Malfleur (23:20)
May I suggest that the second link of your post is factored in to the software of this blog to automatically follow each of telemachus’s future posts?
“The finance ministry noted that creditors can be forced to contribute to the costs of winding down Heta – or “bailed in” – under new European legislation that Austria adopted this year so that taxpayers do not have to shoulder the entire burden.”
A propos 00:20:
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society,they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” Frederic Bastiat (h/t Zero Hedge – flicr photostream)
Is Pat Boone still alive? He could sing this one: “Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone …”
Frank P
March 2nd, 2015 – 00:40
But I’m pleased to see that you’re enough of a gentleman to avoid saying that you heard about it from your Naughty Niece.
It could give entirely new meanings to things like –
“The line is busy”;
“Please hang up and try again later”;
“Call me any time”. Etc.
Well it would be possible to follow telemachus’ posts in such a way. But it would take a little while to code.
Malfleur @ 00:26
A profound and telling quote, Malfleur. Why is it the past had thinkers, whose thoughts are still valid, we have plonkers, who say nothing of any value?
Baron (10:50)
I dunno – there’s always Austin Barry. 🙂