This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
Your support is needed, without it the Coffee House Wall can’t function. Please consider a donation of even just £5.
Sorry for my neglect of the site over the last couple of weeks. I have been staying and working in the Milan area of Italy and have only just arrived home. I thought I could cope with a Tablet but it was too limited for very much administrative action.
John Birch, I don’t remove posts. But too many links, or a mistyped email address or name, lead the site to put the posts into moderation for me to check, as they seem to be first posts from a new user.
The presence or absence of telemachus is of no great significance to me. I am simply trying to maintain a forum that as many people enjoy as possible with as much freedom as possible. If a couple of voices don’t want him here, and a couple do, then I am between a rock and a hard place. If people want to make suggestions that can be accepted by all then I am more than happy to hear them and act as far as is possible.
Peter from Maidstone March 13th, 2015 – 11:03
“The presence or absence of telemachus is of no great significance to me. I am simply trying to maintain a forum that as many people enjoy as possible with as much freedom as possible.”
I agree, I often do not read his/her/its posts for reasons that will be obvious to all who post here.
The posts will without a doubt increase both in number and cursedness as we near to the election.
As Verity and Anne would remind us do not feed the troll!
Milan? not the prettiest of the Italian cities but excellent coffee and food.
EC’s suggestion at 09:26 seems like a good compromise between the ‘no censorship’ lobby; the DFTFT wing and the more sanguine ‘Exterminate! Exterminate!’ green beret hit men who already have his address in Richmond. A spell in the Lubyanka basement should curb his Shavian enthusiasm, but OTOH it would elevate his status as a martyr to the cause, so that has to be considered.
As to the ‘grist to the Colonel’s mill’ factor; he could then ignore or address those issues at his pleasure if he felt in the mood, rather than as a general distraction to the flow of the craic.
Whatever …
David, I was staying in a small village outside. I didn’t go into the heart of the city on this visit.
Both should be handled with care!
Let sleeping dogs lie.
If posters post bilge attack them.
Cover them with shit.
Rather Telemucarse than some of the boring toads on trolltopia.
I would suggest putting tellytubby in premod but then some poor sod would have to read all his bile and decide whether to put it on the site.
maybe we should all agree to ignore his stuff except to reply #SHUT UP TELLYTUBBY#
Ironic, to be published today, Red Nose Day:
The whistleblowers who broke the Jimmy Savile story have seen their careers nosedive while executives protect their own status
“The scandal is simply this: the BBC is forcing out or demoting the journalists who exposed Jimmy Savile as a voracious abuser of girls. As Meirion Jones put it to me: “There is a small group of powerful people at the BBC who think it would have been better if the truth about Savile had never come out. And they aim to punish the reporters who revealed it.””
RobertC@March 13th, 2015 – 16:17
Cohen is up to his neck in saville
yes the cohen who suspended clarkson
Cohen countenanced a Jim’ll Fix It tribute programme despite it being known within the BBC about Saviles “dark side”, the Radio times reported: “I think it will be a great tribute to Jimmy to recreate his famous show as a Christmas treat for audiences,” said BBC1 controller Danny Cohen.[13] The Pollard review into Newsnight’s decision to drop an investigation into sex abuse claims against Jimmy Savile found that Mr Cohen had not read emails that had been copied to him warning of Savile’s “dark side” and which indicated there was knowledge within the BBC of the unsavoury side of Savile’s character. Had he done so “it was at least possible that further questions [on the advisability of running the tributes] would have followed”.
Saville, Rotherham and the financial crash have one thing in common.
No one knew, no way anyone could know, no one could be blamed as no one knew.
And as time goes by the evidence suggestes many people knew , warned , wrote reports and were ignored.
Nothing changes.
John Birch, the true connections between Savile and the financial crash, and his involvement in masterminding the Rotherham sex abuse scandal have yet to be reported.
Bad dog!
Treason to the left of me…treason to the right of me…Stuck in the middle with you
Richard Fernandez creates a cerebral conflation of Putin, Obama and Shakespeare:
For God’s sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings;
How some have been deposed; some slain in war,
Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed;
Some poison’d by their wives: some sleeping kill’d;
All murder’d: for within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear’d and kill with looks,
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
As if this flesh which walls about our life,
Were brass impregnable, and humour’d thus
Comes at the last and with a little pin
Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king!
Recovering alcoholic, Charlie Kennedy, did not cover himself with glory on QT last nite. But then saturation in glory never befell recovering fornicator, Paddy Ashdown, recovering perverter of the course of justice, Chris Huhne, recovering shirtlifter, Jeremy Thorpe (RIP), recovering serial groper, Lord Rennard, recovering coprophagiac, God help us, Mark Oaten, nor recovering turncoat, B.S. artist and all round duplicitous little toerag, Nick Clegg.
An anticipatory goodnight to the recovering maggot-infested cadaver that is the Liberal Democrats. The crematorium of history awaits you; thank you and good fkg night.
Andy Car Park (00:02)
Noted that you let Friday 13th peter out before you threw the last handful of earth on the still warm, but already rotting cadaver of the Albatross on HM’s Government. What’s superstition got to do with it?
BTW how come you omitted Simon Hughes from the colourful eulogy? 🙂
… and as some wag on Breitbart observed today, “Kennedy pissed and mumbling made more sense than the Aussie Green harridan sober and babbling.”
Douglas muray at it again haviing a go (in the speccy) at the bogus islamic human rights commission. He is a rarity amongst the journos having the balls to tackle the islamonutters.
But we need proper scrutiny of islamic charities and I dont think the charities commission is up to it.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it:
Theresa May: Sex abuse runs through every level of society like a ‘stick of rock’
Perhaps not the best way to have put it. !!!
See the health select committee are worried about the lack of prosecutions for FGM. I wonder if they asked if the people charged with protecting girls from this abuse failed to act cos of PC worries about being branded racist.
This PC crap has really failed some people hasnt it?
PC wasn’t invented to control not serve the sheeple.
Oh gawd! Let me say that again:
PC was invented to control not serve the sheeple.
Better now?
e&oe – how you know it’s genuine the EC ! 🙂
David Shambaugh on China – always thought-provoking – but caveat: he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations whose organ, Foreign Affairs is the magazine which teaches the globalists what to think.
Suppose you were a shareholder in a leading international fast food chain – McDonalds, say – and the company’s new director of products announced that in the nutritional interests of the customers he’d now decided that, for their own good, he was going to take hamburgers off the menu. How do you think you’d feel? And, perhaps more to the point, how long do you think the guy would last as the company’s product director?
The analogy isn’t is as absurd as you’d think because the scenario I’ve just described is pretty much exactly what has happened at the BBC since it appointed a perma-stubbled bien-pensant called Danny Cohen as Director of BBC Television.
You might think that the job of Director of BBC Television would be to ensure that viewers were treated to the highest quality broadcast entertainment: comedy that was funny; dramas that earned the accolade “landmark”; documentaries that were original and insightful and so on.
But Danny Cohen doesn’t quite see it that way.
We know he doesn’t because of his edicts.
One of his first orders when he took charge of BBC1 was to accuse its comedy of being too middle class. He singled out for disapprobation a popular comedy called My Family which may, admittedly, rarely have scaled the heights of Dad’s Army or Blackadder, but which did pull impressively high ratings for a number of seasons, suggesting perhaps that for all its disgraceful middle-classness it was at least something which a lot of people wanted to watch.
Another of his more recent rulings is his ban on all-male panels on comedy panel shows. (A comedian called Jason Manford agreed with this policy, but says it should have been done in secret. If Cohen is trying to instill more political correctness in the world of comedy he is pushing at an open door).
Cohen also, inevitably, agrees with ‘comedian’ Lenny Henry that there should be much more ‘diversity’ on television. (Presumably, he was very jealous that Broadchurch season 2 was an ITV production and not a BBC1, because it featured a court case involving an Indian female judge and a black female defence barrister. In real life, the likelihood of this happening is apparently about 7500 to one. But never mind verisimilitude, eh? It’s the message that counts…)
Then, of course, there are Cohen’s views on Jeremy Clarkson. As white, millionaire middle class public school boys they ought really to get on better than they do. But Cohen is not a fan of Clarkson as he made clear last year at the Edinburgh Festival, with reference to some of the Top Gear frontman’s politically incorrect remarks.
Cohen said: “I was very, very clear in public and in private that I was incredibly unhappy with his language.
“I have made that really clear. Jeremy knows that’s my position and that’s going to impact on the way the show is thought about in the future.
“I talked to loads of people who thought me being so angry about it is an overreaction – I disagree. I don’t think it’s an overreaction.
“He disagrees too, by the way. He doesn’t see a problem with some of the language used – I do.
“I think it’s unacceptable, I’ve made that really really clear to him and we’ll go from there.”
He added: “He feels differently about that than me. But I think it’s very very important that if you think a member of a team including on screen talent does something that’s unacceptable, you tell them.”
Ah yes, “unacceptable”: that marvellously elastic weasel word so beloved by priggish liberal-lefties like Cohen. It masquerades as an objective standard, inviting us to believe that we inhabit a culture where everyone agrees what is “acceptable” and what is “unacceptable.” But what it actually tells is about nothing more than the personal prejudices of the gag-inducingly self-righteous, epically presumptuous, painfully right-on gimp who is using it.
As Richard Littlejohn rightly notes, the things that Cohen finds most unacceptable about Clarkson are that he’s too white, too middle-class and too damned British. This – and not the trivial issue of whether or not he had a “fracas” with one of his producers – is the real reason Clarkson has been suspended.
What Cohen doesn’t seem quite to have twigged is that most of the BBC’s viewers ARE white, middle-class and British and that an awful lot of them are very fond of Jeremy Clarkson. That’s why Top Gear has for years been the BBC’s biggest single money spinner, raking in millions for the corporation (which it is then able to spend on the kind of programmes people like Cohen think we ought to watch, such as the Muslim comedy show Citizen Khan or the adaptation of JK Rowling’s socialist apologia the Casual Vacancy). So by taking Jeremy Clarkson off air Cohen has done the equivalent in the analogy above of deciding to withdraw the Big Mac because he thinks the cheese is a bit synthetic and he doesn’t think much of the (far too white) mayonnaise and gherkins and anyway ground meat is full of cholesterol. The fans all want their Big Mac; but as far as Cohen is concerned they can go stuff themselves (down the road at KFC maybe: or ITV as its known in TV land) because he’s the Big Cheese and they are mere peons who probably crack offensive racist jokes in their spare time.
Only in the warped world of state-funded television could Cohen get away with this. In the private sector he would be judged entirely on his merits: Are you making good programmes? Are people watching them? But because he is at the BBC he is under no such pressure. Indeed, as he’s showed in all those directives above, not only does he feel immune from the need to bring in cash or high ratings but he also feels under no obligation to produce the highest quality programming. If he did, he wouldn’t be muddying the waters of artistic creativity with all that political correct interventionism.
Outside the deluded, precious, liberal-left circles in which people like Cohen move, no one gives a toss how many ethnic minorities or female comedians or disabled people there are on TV. All they want to know is: is this programme any good? If they decide it is they’ll keep watching; if they decide it isn’t they switch to another channel.
If Clarkson were a television programme, they’d keep watching.
If Cohen were a television programme, they’d chuck loads of stuff at the screen, then switch channels to see if there was anything featuring Jeremy Clarkson.
So how come Cohen is the one still with his job and Clarkson is the one who has lost his? It makes no sense. But then, little about the BBC really does.
From breitbart.
Alexsandr – 09:20
Another word changes its meaning: prosecutor: someone who stops prosecutions
‘Door wide open’ to gender abortion as CPS blocks prosecution of doctors, campaigners claim
Prosecutors halt case against doctors filmed in Telegraph investigation over ‘public interest’ considerations
“Prosecutors have been accused of leaving the door “wide open” for gender abortion in Britain after blocking an attempt to bring charges against two doctors accused of agreeing terminations based on the sex of unborn baby girls.”
“…a perma-stubbled bien-pensant called Danny Cohen”
Brilliant! 🙂
Jezza will always be available on “Dave.”
NB. Oisin Tymon should count himself lucky. If the starving and enraged Jeremy Clarkson owned a set of teeth like Luis Suarez, then Oisin might have lost more than an insubordinate smirk!
Here’s one of Terry Pratchett’s quotes, that I think chimes with Frank’s philosophy of life and eternity:
“Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out ’til too late that he’s been playing with two queens all along”
@John birch 14th, – 10:15
“Only in the warped world of state-funded television could Cohen get away with this. In the private sector he would be judged entirely on his merits:”
Remember when Piers Morgan allowed something stupid to be published in the ‘Daily Mirror’? He was hustled out of the building so fast he didn’t have time to get his coat! 🙂
Ostrich (occasionally) March 14th, 2015 – 14:30
“Remember when Piers Morgan allowed something stupid to be published in the ‘Daily Mirror’? He was hustled out of the building so fast he didn’t have time to get his coat!”
I worked for Barclays Bank, at a business conference on the final day a Friday, from the platform we were introduced to a new chap who was, so we were told, going to head up a new department that would benefit all of us, he then stood and told everyone just what his new department would do for us, we his audience reacted with little if any enthusiasm.
On the following Monday he turned up for work at his new suite of offices and was amazed to find that over the weekend they had been stripped of everything, furniture, computers, files etcetera, he saw just empty space, we never heard from him or his plans ever again.
I was taught that a good manager should always make quick decisions’ and then if they were wrong they can quickly put them right, bad managers take too long to act.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 14:24
Female bodybuilders strike a pose for Arnold Schwarzenegger at competition in his honour
Surely more than one of these a bloke? I suppose those longer voyages taught you not to be too fussy… 😉
😯 ## WARNING ## 😯
Viewing the DM article above could put you off your high tea or cause you to lose it ❗
There’s a funny post on how Madonna is a raddled old bag but relevant when it comes to her politics. Particularly last week when she described France as like Nazi Germany.
It’s at:
Just heard through the walls of Chez Car Park
I am going to put you in a home.
Don’t put me in a home! Don’t put me in a home!
I have had it up to HERE and I am going to PUT you in a HOME!
Don’t put me in a home! Don’t put me in a home!
PUT you …
Don’t put me in a home! Don’t put me in a home!
… in a HOME!
Don’t put me in a home! Don’t put me in a home!
… up to HERE with YOU!
Home! pashmina Home!
Cos I have had it …
You ain’t got the right!
… up to HERE
You ain’t got the fkn’ RIGHT!
You belong in a HOME!
Don’t you fkn’ talk to ME!
Up to here with …
No fkn’ RIGHT!
Outlived your wits
Not going in no fkn’ HOME
Had it up to …
You fkn’ bag o’ SH1T
Don’t you talk to ME ….
(continues …)
Suck this one up, you coffeehouse ockers.
Clearly, the soft-left are shitting themselves as people start to wake up to what is really going on. The BBC is their common Purpose mouthpiece, although the CP poison is in every branch of the establishment. They didn’t pay enough attention to UKIP and now it is beyond their control. Every attack, whether marshalled through the media, through their useful idiots acting for the Labour Party and the Unions or their place-men in local government (like the SS woman in Rotheram’s fostering mob, is blowing up in their faces.
Even though Clarkson is nothing to do with UKIP (yet), he epitomises and vocalises what a vast majority of the nation thinks. Top Gear has evolved into the last bastion of the oppressed white anglo-saxon male and, as such, has to go.
But it won’t. It has a life of its own. Clarkson should sue both the BBC and the executive briefing against him. And he should, swiftly followed by May, give Cohen a thick lip and a black eye – something his whole life he has clearly missed out on. Perhaps an early kicking would have stopped him turning into the soft cnut he clearly is.
And when he’s down, Hammond can kick him sharply in his atrophied knackers with his favourite cowboy boots.
Pepys’ Diary
Friday 14 March 1661/62
“In the afternoon came the German Dr. Kuffler, to discourse with us about his engine to blow up ships.”
Clear Memories @ 04:47
“They didn’t pay enough attention to UKIP and now it is beyond their control.”
But see this article on the Conservative Party’s not-so-secret weapon:
Andy Car Park @ March 14th – 23:17
Come again?
Andy Car Park @ March 14th – 22:49
You have to move out of Islington, Andy.
Andy Car Park, March 14th, 2015 – 22:49
Sounds like the BBC were in there doing Clarkson’s disciplinary hearing.
More bad news from Sweden
“They didn’t pay enough attention to UKIP and now it is beyond their control.”
I cannot see it this way
New parties start from time to time usually thriving around the personality of one or more charismatic leaders and serve a definite purpose before they are tamed by the combination of establishment need and public lethargy
In the 80’s on the back of a Labour Party failing to provide the vehicle for the needs of its historic constituency, the SDP was created and forged ahead with the charisma of Owens and Williams and the gravitas of Jenkins
It did not last but led to Smith and then Blair who again made the party of the Left electable
In the 90’s on the back of Major’s perceived betrayal of our interests to a Federal Brussels Behemoth UKIP was born. It would have floundered were it not for the justaposition of Tory impotence on Lisbon, Tory impotence on immigration and the coming of age of Nigel Farage as a likeable populist leader who knows how to marshall the issues dear to the core Tory heart
What will be the future?
Well the “business model” of UKIP is unsustainable long term. So all depends on the results in May. If the Tories are the largest party and there are a decent fist of UKIP MP’s to sweep Cameron to number Ten dependant on their confidence and supply offer, then there will have to be an early referendum
If the result is OUT, the purpose of UKIP is gone. It will wither/be absorbed
If the result is IN, the Party has failed. It will wither
Should Labour win the GE there will be inevitable merger with the Tories
UKIP like the SDP has been valuable in taking a broad swathe of public sentiment, holding it, moulding it and ultimately delivering it back home
The Greens of course do not fit this British Way
They are mountebanks and anarchists who promise the young a future that is inconsistent with human nature and family life
Andy Car Park – 23:17
Thongs!? Have you been hanging out at the Jetlag Sports Bar again…
or been to one of Mandy’s weekend parties?
teletubby – of course you can’t see it that way – you have red-tinted spectacles and a closed mind.
I suppose you’re a CP ‘graduate’.
Clear Memories 15th, – 04:47
“he should, swiftly followed by May, give Cohen a thick lip and a black eye”
That’s Teresa? Right?
I see some posts around the net suggesting that there has been a coup in Russia because Putin hasn’t been seen for 9 days. Any firm information from anyone?
Peter from Maidstone @ 17:10
The best bet for you, Peter, is to ask the one who knows it all, Mr. Boot.
BBC Radio 4 Feedback slot today: The guy who runs it read three letters, all three about the BBC’s future financing, one suggesting a Government funding as a percent of the nations’s GDP, the other preferring a household levy that would capture each and every household, and the third one from a pensioner (not yet 75), who said she was on a very low income, but pays the TV license happily because the BBC is her best friend. Arghhh
telemachus @ 07:50
The one and the only component of the ‘UKIP model’ that the opposition will home at heavily is their proposal to control immigration (easily twisted as wraasist, you see), perhaps through a point system, an approach introduced by Australia.
The whole UKIP movement, however, is but a revolt against the monopolisation of politics by the three stale, look-alike, monochromatic, idea vacuous party elites. It virtually matters little what policies the UKIP bunch comes up with, people will vote for them to get rid of the three.
Last week, the East Anglian ITV news crew visited a school in Sudbury (around 800 plus pupils) accompanied by the candidates of the five parties that will stand in the May election. The candidates talked to the pupils, answered their questions, explained their policies. The kids then voted, the result was surprising for the ITV lot, the candidates, and Baron, too. The UKIP guy won it, not by a large margin, but a win nevertheless.
This cheered up the barbarian no end for it told him the boys and girls most likely reflected the views of their p arents. There is yet hope for the disenfranchised, telemachus, the end of the rule of the anointed may come to an end sooner than you think. Strange as it may sound to you, it won’t mean an end to life as we know it, quite the opposite, you’ll see.
Andy Car Park @ 22:49
Rather mysterious eavesdropping, Andy, but the subject matter relevant to the barbarian’s near future. Who was the one doing the resisting?
Clear Memories @ 04:47
Someone should find out what was Cohen doing when the Great Peado was around and active. He (Cohen) was the one who proposed the anniversary celebration of the pervert.
Baron – 22:48
Cohen reportedly hated Clarkson and Top Gear. What’s the likelihood that he had an agent provocateur or mole on the inside to ensure things went wrong. eg the Argentina affair, Mm? (not to mention all the previous attempts at “fitting up” Mr C)
BBC 2 tonight was bloody awful.
Baron @ 22.15
Now, now!
These two maps are instructive though in the context of the wider conversation:
EC 15th, – 23:16
“What’s the likelihood that he had an agent provocateur or mole on the inside to ensure things went wrong. eg the Argentina affair, Mm?”
I, too, had let that thought drift through my mind…especially when I read that the ‘Top Gear’ team had no part in the buying of the cars.
I do like this site but the appearance of the tele thing on the main thread is just too much. It should be quarantined in a separate section – not banned – so those who wish to read can do so but it’s appearance on the main thread is just like having a bucket of cold sick thrown at you.
Vladimir Putin is reportedly not dead, but in bed with “a very bad cold”.
He must have been persuaded to have the flu vaccine.
The only way that Common Purpose will be challenged is if untainted public figures, and it will take courage, declare that they are not a graduate of Common Purpose whenever an issue is being discussed, as a matter of routine denouncement. It would also require media interviewers and journalists to routinely ask the question “Are you a Common Purpose graduate?” and routinely include the information – “X is a graduate of Common Purpose” in articles.
Can’t see that happening because the invisible power and reach of the tentacles of that organisation seem inviolate, even over those who are not members/graduates.
“Je ne suis pas Common Purpose” one might say.
Colonel Mustard – 07:20
An excellent idea.
The irony is that the Police are forbidden to become Freemasons, members of BNP etc., yet the politically subversive Common Purpose is OK.
I am not a Freemason but, despite my innate cynicism, I am reliably informed that they do occasionally sponsor genuine charitable causes.
Steyn on the “Tropic of Cankle” (…and Hillary’s “flaps!” 😯 )
As I said, Senator Warren is a mere two years younger than Secretary Clinton, which means, if she’s ever going to run for president, it has to be now. Why not go for it? Wouldn’t Democrats like to elect a real first female head of government like Thatcher or Merkel or Golda Meir or all those Scandinavians? Why should all those Americans itching to cast that “historic vote” have to have it tainted and thrown away on dynastic succession? How “historic” can your vote really be when, insofar as Hillary’s “running” at all, she’s running as if she’s already won and she’s just running out the clock till the coronation? Are Democrat women so cowed and subservient they’re just going to have the House of Saud’s candidate shoved down their throats and meekly be driven to the polls in theirs burqas by Lanny Davis?
Well, yes. Probably. Okay, definitely.
But we can always dream. And my bet is that, after Tuesday, a lot of Democrats are dreaming. A Hillary presidency is an “historic first”: not the first female president, but the second Clinton president, and the second-rate Clinton president.
STEYN fans do not miss out on this one, it’s a beaut’!
James Madison (born 16 March 1751).
“As long as the reason of Man continues fallible,and he is at liberty to exercise it,different opinions will be formed.”
The Federalist,No 10,1787
Putin reappears to meet President of Kyrgyzstan in St.Petersburg.
“At last!A man who dares to tell the truth about race”:(Trevor Phillips).
Or does he?Daily Mail readers are not too impressed by his conversion.
Northern League effectively ban building of new mosques in Lombardy;from their regional capital Milan.
Severed pig’s head being put at site of future mosques and islamic schools is becoming common in some European countries.(Breitbart)