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Today John Bingham of the Telegraph brought to my attention some Dark Forces
He alerted me to a whole new set of acronyms
Who knows of the dark workings of the “Transformations Steering Group”?
There are more pertinent questions to ask other than
Is God a woman?
Can’t see that re-casting God as female is making it “gender-full”. It just replaces a patriarchy with a matriarchy.
Can’t see much evidence that casting God as male has excluded women from the Church. In the old days it always seemed that women predominated in congregations, organising flowers, etc.
Is the Church of England about religion for EVERYONE or now just a vehicle for LGBT and feminist political agendas?
Probably vote UKIP too.
Colonel Mustard – 10:57
The word ‘man’ used to be gender neutral, just as in French, and similarly in other languages, with ‘il’ and ‘ils’; it is male, in the singular, but male or possibly male and female in the plural, while ‘elle’ and ‘elles’ is only for women.
In fact, I thought wo-man was a man, with a wo-mb or, perhaps, more likely from wif-man, a female man, where wif has morphed into wife.
So we could return to times, around 1000 years ago, and continue the old practice. But it wouldn’t be as politically damaging.
While the CoE is becoming even more of a feminist vehicle, it will become even less relevant to Christians and more like a QUANGO, just as the RSPCA has been hijacked. After all, the feminists, and the CoE, are aligning themselves with political agenda, which is impersonal, and not focusing on enriched close individual relationships, which is, after all, what Jesus was ‘encouraging’.
While we see such gratuitous cruelty reported every day in the newspapers, with hardly a break, often against Christians living in areas that have Christian for longer than our cathedrals have been standing, while the Established Church remains silent, to say it is ‘less relevant’ is an understatement.
And its elite are supporting the fastest growing faith: Climate Change, with its chief culprit, Man (and Woman ?), having to be eternally punished with increasing energy costs and a deteriorating electricity supply!
This is very funny.
Russell Brand stars in “Forgetting Ed Miliband”
The recasting of language about God has long been expected. It is the development of a pagan Goddess religion. It has nothing to do with Christianity. The Anglican Church is unable to resist this movement since it has no foundation of faith on which to rely. Of course many individuals will be critical and resist it. But having allowed the primacy of opinion to dominate and determine belief even this heresy will eventually, and probably rapidly, be established as the new Anglican orthodoxy.
RobertC – 12:27
The RSPB has been hijacked by CP-Eco axis too.
On any day of the week, including Sundays, the Church of JD Wetherspoon has more attendees than the CofE. To avoid extinction the CofE are going to have to think outside their collective boxes, feminist or otherwise!
“The First Baptist Bar & Grill”
RIP Tim Wilson (1961 – 2014)
EC, all the liberal groups have seen a massive loss of membership. Why go to church if it means nothing and if the sermon is the same as a Guardian leader? It is those which actually believe something which are growing or stable.
None growing as fast and those “places of worship” engaged in a war against the host nation.
I feel sorry for that kid, but upon reflection he’s probably better off out of it. (the smoke)
I’m not sure that I generally consider Islam a religion, other than in the sociological sense that Nazism was a religion.
Peter from Maidstone
June 1st, 2015 – 14:19
June 1st, 2015 – 14:18
I feel sorry for that kid, but upon reflection he’s probably better off out of it. (the smoke)
I am usually against the State removing children, but if this BBC report is correct, the child is in the hands of dangerous maniacs. The father should be sterilised to prevent more poor infants being born. Horrible case.
A two-year-old boy living in a house filled with cigarette smoke will be placed for adoption because of concerns about his welfare.
A health visitor told a court in Hull there was so much smoke she had difficulty breathing.
The house was described as dirty and unhygienic and there were other concerns about the boy’s care.
The toddler had breathing problems and had been prescribed an inhaler, the family court heard.
The health visitor, Julie Allen, said she had never seen such a “smoky house” in her career.
Nursery nurse Emma Green said the house was cluttered with rubbish, including empty cigarette packets on the floor.
‘Cloud of smoke’
Judge Louise Pemberton concluded the child should be placed for adoption.
She said Ms Allen had “graphically highlighted” concerns about smoke.
“On entering the living room Ms Allen described being able to see a visible cloud of smoke surrounding the father and the boy,” said the judge.
“He was asleep on the sofa and had been unwell for some time by this point.
“Ms Allen described the room as ‘so smoke entrenched that I had difficulty breathing’.
Health and social services staff had also raised other concerns about the boy’s care, describing how his toys and clothes “smelt heavily of smoke” the court heard.
The judge was told that the boy’s father had mental health problems and had tested positive for cocaine, the house was “dirty, smelly and unhygienic” and that “potential drug paraphernalia” had been found there.
The judge added: “I am afraid that all of these matters lead me to an unavoidable and difficult conclusion that the risks to the little boy in being placed with his parents are far too high.
“Adoption really is the only option now available.”
Big Brother is here!
From the BBC web:
A woman who breached a court order that barred her from making “loud sex noises” has been jailed.
Gemma Wale, of Small Heath, Birmingham, was given a two-week prison sentence.
A civil court judge concluded she had breached an anti-social behaviour order by “screaming and shouting whilst having sex” at a “level of noise” that annoyed a neighbour.
The details emerged in a written ruling by Judge Emma Kelly following a hearing in Birmingham County Court.
Johnny Kingdom is on ITV (there is just about time to miss it on Freeview 33:but it is also on `itvplayer`for 30 days.)
He is the `Clarkson` of the natural history world.See his web site at
The above should be:
anne wotana kaye – 19:55
What’s in a name?
“Gemma Wail” & “Loud sex noises”
You Couldn’t Make It Up ! (c Richard Littlejohn)
PS. I bet “Wayne” gets plenty of offers while she’s inside!
Mark Steyn on top form
A short gem to make the world a little more understood:
Why Modern Feminism Is Illogical, Unnecessary, and Evil
The book mentioned looks like an eye opener for those who might need it!
Alex Jones Monday on Rand Paul’s speech in which the Senator states that president Obama wants terror attacks so as to blame him.
So God is to be metamorphosed into a woman. Inevitable really, but this is but the first phase of the operation. This will be followed up by the Almighty being rechristened Grayson Perry and the Bible will be replaced in churches by copies of the Guardian. Daft? do not laugh people, in the preposterous era in which we dwell, today’s absurdities are guaranteed to become tomorrow’s realities.
Today we are going to be regaled with an outpouring of hypocrisy from the establishment and media usual suspects
We must however remember the reality
Stephen Mayberry
If you read George Bernard Shaw you would know that your thesis cannot be true
“The ordinary Britisher imagines that God is an EnglishMAN”
Worth reading through the link for his views on other religions and how they have been distorted by Wiki anonymous editors
Anne, our previous next door neighbours, while high on cocaine and other drugs, would engage in very loud sexual activity throughout the night so that no one could sleep. I don’t see it as Big Brother but the normal exercise of the law in reducing nuisance.
Shut up telemachus.
I’d rather have a month of hypocrisy from the establishment and media than one more hypocritical comment from you.
Anyway, telemachus (and multiple sock puppets) you promised to piss off.
Another lie.
This forum (and another) is besmirched by the trail of slime you leave on it.
And don’t conflate respect for the dead and simple courtesy with “false affection” and hypocrisy, you nasty little man.
Peter from Maidstone
June 2nd, 2015 – 08:01
Peter, my remarks was a weak attempt at humour. On a more serious level, I worry about the “normal exercise of the law”, when so many of the judges, and judicial figures are perverts, paedophiles and plain crooks. This accusation is made as neither humour nor irony.
“Just days after George Soros warned that World War 3 was imminent unless Washington backed down to China on IMF currency basket inclusion, the hacker collective CyberBerkut has exposed the billionaire as the real puppet-master behind the scenes in Ukraine….”
I was in the car, yesterday, listening to TWAO on the radio, when this American started mourning the fact that Britain wasn’t playing such a leading role in the world.
It was ‘perfect propaganda’ for the BBC, with digs at Bush, the Libyan invasion (I think), etc, etc.
Funny they didn’t mention that their (twice elected) President promotes the EU, and all that it entails, interferes in our politics and sends back the bust of Churchill.
None of this was mentioned, at all. I am not surprised, just saddened that I had to hear such treachery.
Qxford, again!
Shabby effort from england in the headingley test.
Peter. How about a permanent cricket thread….
Alexsandr – 13:46
Isn’t the world depressing enough as it is?
“They Can Hate Us For Free!”
Wild Bill for America
NB. Mr Cameron, his comments are equally applicable to the UK.
RobertC @ 11:49
Good point, Robert.
When the Americans wanted to ‘regime change’ in Iraq, they set up the coalition of the willing. The allied forces did invade, the Yanks in charge, fugged up, let those with the military know-how go into hiding, they are appearing now in charge of ISIL. The countries are in turmoil, the refugees flood out of the combat areas that grows by the day, head for Europe only. Why? Why don’t the Americans help, offer sanctuary to some of the messiah’s brothers and sisters? It’s all about who should take how many within Europe, nobody even whispers that the one coalition partner who stared it all, bears the brunt of responsibility for the burgeoning disaster, isn’t taking any of the unfortunates.
EC @ 15:47
You know what’s tragic on it all, EC? If the guy did indeed run on the ticket he favours he would lose, the number of those on the receiving end must now be larger than that paying for it, and they bother to vote.
Malfleur @ 10:15
You right, Malfleur, nobody voted for the Hungarian.
You know the barbarian take on things Ukrainian, he sticks to it, but painful as it may be, Baron happens to agree with the aims of his proposal, if not the means reaching them. The last thing we need is an Ukrainian collapse, the 40m of the unwashed will be the ones to suffer, and who knows, the unrest may spread, the nationalists cum communists in Russia may get the upper hand, topple The KGB colonel in next year’s Duma election, move into Ukraine.
This takes some 18 minutes, tells you alot though, and explains, in part, why the Russians feel threatened:
This s only for the ‘willing’, but shows again an opportunity lost. Instead of pursuing the détente further, allowing the thaw to reach a full Monty of melt the West decided to enlarge NATO, encircle the land of Ivans tighter than the USSR. Madness.
To your instant relief, Baron was out for a while. His MacBook broke down, went for repair (‘up to two months’ the genius at an Apple store said), so he acquired a small new gadget, the MacBook Air. It didn’t work, two sessions with an Apple engineer in Greece followed, still no luck, Baron had to replace it, and unbelievable as it may sound, the new contraption works pretty badly, too. It refuses to connect with the world.
Be warned, Apple ain’t what it used to be when Jobs was around.
So Sepp has been blattered.
just a footy story or will it affect politics? Fallout for russia and qutar (corruption in getting the tournaments??)
Colonel Mustard @ 08:27
Colonel, Baron’s always siding with you, here and elsewhere, but wouldn’t it be better to call it a truce between you and the one on the other side of the barricades?
The barbarian may not be the one to advise you what with having merely the rank of second lieutenant, but he reckons your postings would be much enhanced if you only hit the deluded one and his teammates with your thoughtful, logically elucidated, and superbly crafted postings, no anger attached. Telemachus may be beyond salvation, but some of his phylum (on the Spectator site) may be convinced by you, defect if your enmity towards them (not towards what they stand for) didn’t boil over each t ime you hit the keyboard.
Please, do take this as well meant, Colonel.
Alexsandr @ 19:28
Yup, Alexandr, that was always the target, deprive the Russians and Qataris of the finals. The former will be hit more badly because they’ve already spent billions.
Baron expects the Americans getting it either in 2018 or 2022. The made a bid last time, failed because they didn’t bribe as much as the other two.
anne wotana kaye @ 16:53
Spending a year filled with cigarette smoke is the same as smoking one cigarette in that year, anne. That was the conclusion (in 1998) of the agency that worked for ASH for years. When the research agency presented this finding it got sacked, disappeared from the radar screen, boycotted by everyone.
EC @ 12:34
Not a bad s[poof, EC, the men who fancy other men may be enjoying it most, no?
June 2nd, 2015 – 19:52
Agencies and committees – Fah!
Baron – 19:55,
Not a spoof, Baron, it’s a real story.
Don’t know about poofs, Baron, but soon it’s going to be a right bugger to find a minicab driver in Oxford who hasn’t been locked up.
BTW, Baron, you missed this one last week. In that, you have something in common with Mr. Boot 🙂
EC May 29th, 2015 – 17:24
Another case of V.I.D.S.
(Vlad’s Instant/Impending Death Syndrome)
Only 33, too.
The canaries have been singing so loudly 24/7 the Feds have been unable to get any sleep!
“FBI sources say Blatter is now the focus of their corruption investigation”
I was on an island last week not a thousand miles from where the Chinese have been reclaiming land around submerged shoals to stand as military platforms and “facts on the ground” to further their ambitions to control as their own the entire South China Sea. In my hotel, US Marine Corps officers, who are engaged in a two month exercise with local military called “Shoulder to Shoulder”, mingled with well-regulated Chinese mainland tour groups.
The Chinese government has been quite feisty in some of its statements on this issue of sovereignty in the South China Sea these last few days.
The following information reported by the Daily Mail, and the anticipation that there may well exist other advanced weaponry which may not have been disclosed yet, may give them pause:
It is a pity however that the US government has been taken over, temporarily one hopes, by such unsavoury characters. I suppose we can still just about say that they are OUR unsavoury characters
EC @ 22:10
One is hard put to evaluate, only one party to the story talks, but the barbarian cannot for the hell of it comprehend Vlad ordering the attempt. To him no benefit accrues, the NGOs that are about to be kicked out of usia or at least have their activities checked, are not the prime threat to the man whatever Mr. Boot says. The omni all pundit should have a go at the nationalists, Marx followers, they are the ones who may topple him.
On his recent visit east Baron met a number of Russians, the more thoughtful ones feared the victory of the right wing in the next year Duma election, the Nemtsov tribe has little support outside the metropolitan areas (they have connections, often money, however). It’s more likely the poisoning, if that is what it was, was the result of infighting between factions (the Left leaning factions are at each others throat, cannot agree on a common front, that’s their weakness), or some disgruntled low wolf, an opponent of the Left leaning groupings (amongst the hotel catering staff) took the initiative to hurt him.
The agenda of the Bilderberg Group conference later this month will include World War III and nuclear devastation.
EC @ 22:3
They are all at it, Baron reckons, the whole set-up needs fundamental overhaul, better transparency, independent auditing, change of status (the FIFA, national associations are classified as charities for tax purposes).
Btw, Baron posted a response to someone at the Spectator’s blog who was promoting Dyke as the new headman. As you know he was given a £16,000 watch by the Brazilian FA, returned it only after some arm twisting. The posting was removed immediately without the magazine saying ‘this posting was removed’. What does it tell you about the transparency, accountability bla, blah of the potentially new ‘FIFA leadership’?
Malfleur @ 02:58
Do they know something they are not telling us?
It seems Snowden may have achieved what he set up to achieve:
June 2nd, 2015 – 19:28
Reflecting on the events in the World’s most popular game in Zurich, I look at the World’s second most popular game and thank God that it remains a haven of fair play and joy (see my post of Sunday)
However the amount of sanctimonious pap being spouted, particularly in the Sunday Times is breathtaking
Folks attribute Blatter,s demise to the FBI but we Mancunians know that our own David Gill triggered all this
Yesterday he said this
Former Manchester United chief executive David Gill, Fifa executive committee member: “Naturally, I fully welcome today’s news as a major step forward for Fifa on the road to proper reform. As I announced following the election at Fifa congress, I simply could not countenance serving on the Fifa executive committee alongside Mr Blatter. I respect his decision but am pleased he is standing aside and by the clear determination for real change within Fifa. This in turn allows me to reconsider my position. Having yet to confirm formally my resignation, I am more than willing to play my part in helping to bring about a positive future for Fifa and to work with the many people within the organisation who are only committed to developing and promoting the game around the world.”
Baron – 02:59
Good point, Baron.
I’d had forgotten about Mr. Dykes watch.
Been troubling cyber nannies at the Spectatesman, eh 🙂
You should always quote the Gruaniad there. It would make their heads/algorithms explode if they thought about censoring that.
“Fifa code of ethics” Hahaha, love that!
Malfleur – After this one, if the FBI are kicking about looking for something else do, then they could do worse than to take a good look at the IOC.
Malfleur @ 01:19
You are next door to the area, Malfleur, you should pick things of interest from the ‘local’ papers, in articular in those neighbouring countries that are disputing the enlargement, too. It may well be the Chinese thought ‘right, the Yanks have their hands full dealing with Vlad, we’ll use this as an opportunity to get few more feet of ground to stick the Red banner into, build an artificial island, install some heavy weaponry there, get one over the people we keep sucking wealth from ….’
Do we need this in the cities, towns and villages of Europe?
Be advised, the video doesn’t contain cats, dogs, other fluffy animals, but violence.
On FIFA: if we pull together a number of threads, God may not be a woman but we can arrange the next best thing.
A woman FIFA president would clean up the corrupt bunch at a stroke.
We could start by proposing Helen Grant.
What about it Anne?
Baron June 2nd, 2015 – 19:44
Quite right Baron. I was incensed by his comment at the other place on Mr Kennedy’s untimely passing which he quickly edited and then retracted, subsequently apologising for it. My anger was reactive to that but I am disappointed to see him back here again after all the evil stuff he has posted.
He now appears to have made the curious transition from Yorkshireman to Mancunian. No doubt just one of his many shape shifting Mitty-erish identities deployed in futile attempt to enhance his credibility.
Education Secretary, ‘Nicky’ Moron plans to turn 1000 failing schools into “Academies”. Presumably 1000 failing academies!
Never mind, Nicky luv, I’m certain that the pointless expense of the rebranding exercise will change the attitude and achievements of their clientele overnight!
Baron June 3rd, 2015 – 09:06
Interesting film. The deployment of apparently unsupported tanks in unsecured urban areas is bonkers and was a lesson learned in Europe over 70 years ago.
As if not blind enough they have to make smoke. If you can see them to film them you can kill them but the insurgents seem as incompetent as the tank men. And infantry buttoned up in APCs are no use if they stay buttoned up in them just as it useless to splatter an APC with AK-47 rounds whilst shouting “Allah Akbar!”. The armour seems to be just roaming around as targets in an obscene reality video game destroying what is left of the city. Drive in, fire a few rounds at buildings that might or might not have insurgents in them, sit there as a target and then reverse out.
Bonkers. The Western powers could destroy ISIS in a week if they had the will to do so.
Please don’t propose Helen Grant for anything! She is my useless MP.
Being useless is in no way a bar to high office and fat superannuated salary. In that regard Helen Grant is totally eclipsed by Baroness (my arse!) Catherine Ashton.
Following her stint in Brussels she must be on the lookout for a nice little earner.
No hiding place!
Seems the bbc has spent millions of licence fee payers money on the corrupt fifa world cup. Why aam spending my hard earned on this. Sport is no longer public service and the bbc should stop paying for it. Or become subscription.
Jennifer Oldham
June 3rd, 2015 – 09:25
Sorry, Jennifer,
But with the exception of some UKip members, all politicians are corrupt.
‘Academy’ – What double talk. Academies are places where the highest intellectual levels of study combine with moral values. Think Plato, et al. Today the word had become debased and too often used to cover up the failings of State education.
“Europe has 5,000 companies that don’t make or sell anything. They’re fake firms used to keep long-term unemployed folks busy, and to train them, while they hunt for a real job. Scott Ott Thought he saw some striking similarities between the phony foreign companies, and a major fake-jobs institution in the United States. Come, join him in the land of make-believe work.”
IT’S TRUE! Here’s the story that was is in the New York Times (a former newspaper)
:scream: Please stop the planet, I want to get off!
Colonel Mustard @ 10:19
Your last sentence hits the core of what’s lacking in the US pseudo-liberal or, if one prefers, the neo-conservative approach to problem solving everywhere in the world (and domestically, too). The ruling elites have the means, lack the will to do the job properly.
In part, it’s the statutory framework the left leaning anointed mafia created that prevents, or at least makes harder any successful outcome, e.g. a lawyer somewhere in Florida deciding whether a drone can fire on a bunch of men planting home made IEDs in Afghanistan.
In part, because peoples other than the Americans follow cultural norms, belief systems, nurtured habits, rituals, conventions that differ widely from those of the Yanks.
And in part, because the current American political elite holds the view that once they depose a dictator, or rather someone who doesn’t see things their way, the masses will automatically elevate to the position of power individuals who will mimic the American way of life, follow dutifully the provisions of democracy like free press, free election, independent judiciary and stuff like that.
This approach ignores that there exists something called ‘the forgetting curve’, a reluctance to change, habit of sticking to things that are familiar, that one has been accustomed to for generations. The longer the plebeians live under given conditions, the longer it takes for them to adopt to a new set of conditions.
One can see it both on Britain and the former satellite countries of the USSR. In the former, people continue to cling to the notion of sovereignty, uncorrupted elections, the freedom of expression et hoc genus omne, feel unhappy when these centuries old certainties are being eroded. In the latter countries, the habits necessary for survival in the malfunctioning economy, cultural and moral morass of the past live on, are imbedded deeply in the psyche of the people, impossibly hard to eradicate quickly. As the cliched saying goes ‘it’s easier to take people out of communism, it’s bloody hard to take communism out of people’. The papers and other media in those countries are full of corruption scandals, misappropriation of money, bribery, still today almost quarter of a century after the evil of totalitarianism crumbled.
EC @ 19:35
Not bad, EC, Baron wants one of such jobs, provided he can be remunerated for it.
Baron @ 3.05
Not necessarily:
If you want REAL NEWS on “The United States Freedom Act” (Hah!) and the NSA, I urge you to watch the interview with Kirk Wiebe, another more senior NSA whistleblower and of a more senior generation in the 2nd hour of the Alex Jones Show on yesterday.
This is the link for the 2nd hour and I apologize for the length of the link.;_ylt=AwrSbnOQgW9V3d4Alw5XNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA21jYWZlZQRncHJpZANBd1Rac080SVR1cU9LSjhxREFpZTJBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzUxBHF1ZXJ5A3RoZSBhbGV4IGpvbmVzIHNob3cgKDFzdCBIb3VyKSB0aHVyc2RheSBqdW5lIDMgMjAxNQR0X3N0bXADMTQzMzM3MTExNw–?p=the+alex+jones+show+%281st+Hour%29+thursday+june+3+2015&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=mcafee&type=C111US0D20150510
Today is my birthday. I don’t say that to generate a lot of messages, and I know that you wish me well. But it makes me consider what I have done with my life, and what I could or should do with what I am granted in years to come. We live in serious times now. And birthdays are becoming serious matters.
“Aye, one morrrrgh and one less.”
Random Scotchman in street, one New Year’s morn.
The older one gets the more serious they become!
Have a good one Peter.
You’d better give this link a miss until tomorrow; it might spoil your day:
Jack Warner has just splattered Blatter:
Omerta? Schmerta!
EC @ June 3 – 19:35
Another reason for wanting to stop the planet and get off is that not only is it life in the the Pacific Ocean that is being destroyed, the psychopaths are doing it and this time deliberately, to the Atlantic
So if your grand-daughter – or in the case of many CHWs – your great-grand-daughter, is born with a foot growing out of her head, you can blame the Satanists.
But I am having a real problem seeing how humanity survive these damned fools.
I do not think Obama is a villain, merely over promoted and entirely out of his depth. That is what happens when one overdoses on democracy. America got Obama and we were lumbered with Dave. While I agree with the overall premise of Franks link, there if one glaring inaccuracy, Sir Walter was executed on the orders of James VI&! in order to appease the Spanish, good Queen Bess had nothing to do with the event. The moral being, if you are not sure of you facts then keep your trap shut.
My last post may be misconstrued as talking a pop at you, please be assured that I was certainly not, it was the author of the link who I had in my sights.
Peter from Maidstone.
The Bishop-elect of Maidstone (Rev. Prebendary Rod Thomas) has been appointed to minister to traditional parishes of the C of E.
He estimates 300 congregations (10%) oppose women bishops.
This is from an American website hosted by David Virtue which he declares to be “The Voice of Global Orthodox Anglicanism”.
This is about the Episcopal Church in the USA / the C of E. /and the World Wide Anglican Commune.
Frank P @ 10:40
James Lewis’s comparison of Elizabeth 1 to Obama is entirely inappropriate. She most reluctantly signed the warrant for the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, who had been caught unambiguously in a plot to murder her.
By the way, Sir Walter Raleigh was not executed by order of Elizabeth, but in 1618 – under James 1.
Nonetheless, I agree that contemplation of the traitor Obama is not recommended on one’s birthday.
stephen maybery @ 13:10
Apologies, I did not see that you had arrived before me.
I do think that Obama is a villain, however, and certainly one that smiles and smiles.
Currently reading a very interesting book on the fall of Tsarism. The chapter on Kerensky is particularly illuminating, a mediocrity who lusted for power, then had no idea what to do with it once he had slaked his ambitions. Now, who does that remind you of?
stephen maybery – 13:55
It’s no one residing in Brussels, for certain!
They appear to know what to do, at any time of day or night, even if it completely impractical, stupid, wrong, unsustainable or against the rules they agreed to previously. Perm any three from the five to ensure there is complete agreement from any Europhile.
Since we don’t have access to the Rest of the World, it must be someone nearer home. 🙂
Peter from Maidstone
June 4th, 2015 – 08:34
A very happy birthday, Peter. You have a good social conscience, and unlike most people you do not just moan, but actively try and improve what you see as lacking. Many more years filled with good health and happiness.
Frank P @ 10:40
The guy, who penned the piece you want Peter to read tomorrow, is surely wrong, Frank. Isn’t the position of the top villain already taken by the KGB colonel?
Many happy returns, Peter. Aim for 100, it’s a nice, round number.
stephen maybery @ 13:55
The barbarian could furnish you with a list of people who would fit the mediocrity label, stephen. Lucky for the Russians, they had a revolution coming, got rid of Kerensky, alas we are stuck with ours.
Malfleur @ 01:13
Thanks, Malfleur. It would be an even greater help if you could give the barbarian a hint which of the 10-hour sessions is the one he has to watch (only joking on the length of time the guy has the energy to talk).
Happy birthday, Peter.
The trouble with getting older is that birthdays come round faster and faster. As Noel Coward once said, “I seem to be having breakfast every five minutes”.
lesley. as one gets older, kids age faster. my teenage grand-daughter was only born yesterday, I feel. worse, a neighbours son who was a baby so recently has suddenly sported a big black beard.
How do we define “evil”?
Malfleur (23:25)
Don’t even try to define it, it’s another of those concepts that is very much in the eye of the beholder. Just contemplate the fact that it is an anagram of ‘live’ and ‘veil’ and ‘vile’. How much more shit can you squeeze from four letters? Four letters, four words! I’ve been trying to think of four other letters that permutate similarly. So far no joy!
Btw – Webster’s goes on about it copiously:
[but it won’t let me post the link].
Frank P
It is also in the word ‘devil’ of course.
But ok, evil is in the eye of the beholder. That of course sums up the view of a society that believes that all values are relative.
Bildeberg Group meeting in Austrian “Wolf’s Lair”
There is an extract from an Infowars News report on the planned coverage of this month’s Bildeberg meeting at the start of thes 1st Hour of yesterday’s Alex Jones Show linked below.
The full agenda has not yet been obtained yet, but will include
Abolition of cash
Ukraine crisis
Flow of refugees into Europe.
After the extract, Alex Jones then comments.
Does anyone know if Mr. Cameron is attending this year?
Malfleur June 4th, 2015 – 23:25
Each time telemachus is allowed to post a comment.
Colonel. I am just heading out to drive down to Exeter. When I get back I’ll set up a poll and we can gauge the opinion of the readership of the CHW in regard to the question “Should telemachus, and other trolls as identified in the future, be required to post in the Coal Cellar if they wish to post at all?”
The Economist rejoices at the elimination of the White British (and Irish) in Luton,Slough,Barking & Dagenham,Newham and elsewhere by 2031.
For the above Economist item go to:
Malfleur, June 4th, 2015 – 12:50
It is/was a great shame that the embryonic environmental movement of the 60’s & 70’s was politicised/infiltrated by left wing subversives, and latterly it has been hijacked by the AGW CO2 scamsters. These days the preservation of wildlife and its habitats only mentioned in passing, to prick the conscience of wet guilt ridden western liberal suburbanites, and in order to keep the donations topped up.
Sadly “charities” like the RSPB can now be added to the long list of fake charities infiltrated and run by Common Purpose primarily to provide fat cat salaries to the benefit of their “graduates” – aka members.
The real elephant in the room, of course, is over population and the impact that 10+ billion “humans”, the majority of them wanting a free lunch, will have on the rest of the planet.
Radford NG,
You should not post such things so early in the morning old son, you can not imagine what effect this has n my blood pressure. Later I will post on the current situation in Tower Hamlets, that will really make your hair curl.
Radford NG @ 09:13
One can question whether the Economist’s rejoicing at the ‘diffusion’ is what the country desperately needs (needed to start with, or whether much of the ‘diffusion’ has actually happened. What one can say with some certainty is that the statistical know-how of the two guys who wrote the report is more than questionable.
They fall for the trap of believing the trend in immigration is a straight line, a linear regression as a statistical technique is to social science what a screwdriver is the DIY. But it’s wrong, in this case it’s certainly wrong because if taken beyond 2031 you get the nonsensical outcome of immigrants totally filling up the country at some point in the future. This would only happen if and when the last indigenous man or a woman were to leave the country, or drop dead.
Malfleur @ 23:25
In his human incarnation, masquerading as the devil as Frank helpfully points out, evil always looked as any other man may have looked except for the two horns sticking through his dense curly hair, black in colour, and the tail, long and thick, which he usually hid in his pants. And, of course, the smell of fire accompanied him every he went what with stoking the eternal flames 24/7.
Today, thanks to the advancement of science, the horns have been surgically removed, as was the tail, and the malodorous smell that would have given the game away at a stroke has been suppressed with the use of perfumes, seldom cheap. The result is that the average, common type pleb everywhere has lost the capacity to recognise evil, often errs to the point of worshiping evil as he would a saint, votes for him in a charade called ‘the election’, then moans and groans, walls and sobs, but it’s too late, the evil destroys him, moves on to find other victims.
Does this help, Malfleur?
EC – 09:15
Until recently, local issues were what drove community policy, which was often unsaid, let alone written. This was true to a great extent, even 60 years ago. It was just sensible. Risks of a bad harvest (or two) encouraged long term planning of population, food supply and job mix; marriage and the nuclear family were central to life as, outside it, children were too vulnerable; parents passed on their property, including their dwelling, life skills and even job, to their children and foreigners (from the next county or even town) were expected to ‘move on’ or, on rare occasions, be productive and assimilate. The only resources available were themselves.
Today, while the individual is freer, it only worked to the good while those who exercised that freedom did so to the benefit to society. Doctors, lawyers, Engineers and even craftsmen and others specialised in scarce skills might have moved to where work was available, but it was rare for the unskilled to move (unless there was a massive demand), let alone the unemployable.
Now that everyone is equal, it means that children of the completely incompetent can demand everything, to the point of perfection, and continue to produce more children! Where as most of us would start out in their first home with some second hand furniture, maybe from relatives, those who have been abandoned in childhood will not only expect everything on a plate, it will need to be new. After all, there is H&S to consider!
Maybe we need to return to questions that were initially raised by Socrates. The most important answers are not about how the world works, the big picture, but how we treat each other – and that doesn’t mean, for example, taxing the rich so the poor can put their elderly relatives in free accommodation. And if people started rejecting the political responses, which are mostly Socialism, if not Marxism, they might even force our legacy churches to rethink what their role is. It’s not promoting the gay agenda or Feminism!
If the expectation was that children inherited a good fraction of their wealth (from grandparents ?), many good practices would return, from having more numerous stable nuclear families to a reduced State, reduced State interference, fewer social workers and a lower cost of benefits to the undeserving. It would do away with the ignorant in Authority giving away other people’s money to the undeserving poor, and then getting the glory, and even more power, for it!
I think that it is this that has meant that we run an annual deficit and are loosing our culture. While the Marxists talk about sustainability, we are in fact loosing the skills and practices that are required, including uncorrupted Science, that is needed for sustainability. Fewer and fewer can do general DIY, cook proper meals, plan anything or understand the basics skills of life.
We could manage with a higher world population, but more of them would need to be ‘hard working, middle class, white collar, technology friendly, family orientated’ people able to work within productive wealth creating teams.
On second thoughts, perhaps we can’t! 🙂
Malfleur @ 04:38
Abolition of cash is something Baron has always been looking forward to, what’s the point of carrying around filthy pieces of paper, heavy coins of negligible value fearing one may lose them, stay poor till one dies? The advantages of cash are but a few, it makes cheating the taxman easier, allows those who don’t trust the financial authorities to stuff mattresses with it, aids bribery in that it leaves no paper trail and, not to be forgotten, it gives birth to a wierd group of people called ‘the collectors’ (yup, there are people who collect not only coins, but paper money, too, an uncirculated Bradbury T1 series, first run from 1914 would set you back hundreds of pounds, cash).
On a second thought, and as the abolishing of cash would tighten the grip those in power have over us by a notch, a considerable notch at that, Baron would rather we kept the filthy pieces of paper, pocket destroying coins. What about you, Malfleur? l
Malfleur @ 10:58
Clever trick, Malfleur, well done to spot the site. It won’t stop the TPP coming though, the Americans want it, that settles it.
Talking about the American governing elite, two of their government agencies have had their sites hacked in a big way, this time the Chinese are to blame, or so the MSM poodles tell us.
Doesn’t it surprise you how often the Americans suffer cyber attacks? They must be either incompetent or careless or both. Of course, we have to take their word for it, there’s no way the hacking can be verified.
The culprit and the timing may seem rather handy. China and the Republic are having a spat as to who owns a spot of a South China Sea – China or nobody (i.e. the Americans). To bolster the claim the piddly islands are international waters what better than to show the bloody Mandarin speakers are up to no good altogether, cannot be trusted, steal secrets.
And another thing. You reckon the CIA (or some other agency camouflaging as an NGO) has never hacked into anyone else’s servers? We know about the Germans, who complained noisily for a while, then it all went quiet. But has anyone ever heard of the Chinese, Russians complaining about a cyber attack? Why don’t they?
Apologies for the errors, misspellings, unfinished words, far too many to list here, you forgive?
Peter from Maidstone
Weren’t you looking to pick up cheap an armoured troop carrier a few years ago?
Hayden Hewitt, is an Englishman participating in an entirely independent alternative media cooperative. He has some views on the attack developing on the alternative media and on “non-violent extremism” (aka. freedom of speech) in Great Britain and in the last few minutes of “overdrive” on Thursday’s Alex Jones Show, accessible through the link below, he gives some ideas which might be a starting point in considering one possible direction in which the Wall might want to move.
Not that Baron wants to clutter the blog with stories that fit not the moaning mode he favours, but this is real life, the Darwin rewards that is, honouring the “least evolved” among us. It’s a shorter, edited version, the stories are mostly from the land of the free, it will become obvious why when you read them
Here Is The Glorious Winner:
1. When his .38 calibre revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach, California would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
And Now, The Honourable Mentions:
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef’s claim was approved.
3. A man who shovelled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.
4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride. He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies. The deception wasn’t discovered for 3 days.
5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train. When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit.
6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer… $15. [If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed?]
10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street by sucking on a hose, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline, but he plugged his siphon hose into the motor home’s sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he’d ever had and the perp had been punished enough!
Malfleur 17:22
The Red Cross marked contraption, fully refurbished for £55,000 (no 3) seems like a bargain, may come handy if we get close to what the Ukrainians are going through.
Most of you tech-savvy bods probably know all about this scam, but just in case there are any who do not: today I was phoned on my landline by someone purporting to be from a firm commissioned by Microsoft to deal with malware and ‘bad files’ on my computer. Of course everyone has issues from time to time with micrsoft software, so it’s a plausible opening pitch.
When I questioned her about her whereabouts, name etc. she gave the name of Alena Jones and her address as 14 Hanover Street London. Her firm was Software Solutions again she insisted that they were representing Microsoft. As she had an Asian accent, I doubted it. But she persevered and suggested I allow her to fix my problems by remote control. I asked to speak to her line manager, as I had reported no such problems. she became belligerent and accused me of being ‘very rude’ (she ain’t seen nuthin’ yet) and suggested that she would terminate my Microsoft Operating System. I insisted that I speak to her line manager. Then a man with an Asian accent came on and announced himself as Chris Thompson (‘with a ‘p” he qualified) and he continued the pitch, becoming even more belligerent – and also threatened to ‘terminate my contract’ with MS and he gave me a ‘termination reference. He also attempted to get me to allow him to access the computer by remote control, when he would ‘show me the files which were contaminated, and were actually contaminating the whole Microsoft system’ – so unless I agreed they would have to take defensive measures by ‘terminating my services’. I put the phone down on him, but he phoned back four times, finally giving up after I had issued some of my well-honed permutations of invective, about his incestuous tendencies, his illegitimacy, the general imagined cut of his gib and suggesting he perform impossible sexual acts (unless of course he had a three foot dick capable of penetrating his own entrails up to and exceding the full extent of his alimentary canal, finishing it off with an auto-blow job.
Then I phoned the support desk of Microsoft in Berkshire and confirmed that it was a common scam, whereby the scamsters gain access to the computers of the gullible and get up to all sorts of diabolical tricks.
What I don’t understand is why they persist when obviously the game is up. Perhaps they just get bored shitless at failing 99% of the time and do it to amuse themselves. Or perhaps they just get a kick out people talking dirty to them. 🙂
Frank P @ 18:53
Thanks for the warning, Frank. Baron is neither tech savvy nor did he he know anything about this scam. The Apple domain, where the barbarian lives, seems to be less prone to schysters of this kind, possibly because there are fewer of us hooked on the brand.
Two cases of sickening criminality on the evening news.
A woman, said to be a troubled alcoholic, smothers a terminally ill man with a pillow, gets life, the judge recommends she spends min 9 years inside. A couple of vile women maltreat a seven year old girl shown begging for a drink in a shop. Later she’s found dead with horrendous injuries. All three are related. One of the women gets eight years, the other four.
Misplaced justice, if you ask Baron. The two bitches should have been condemned to death.
Does anyone have any insight into the Greek tragedy? It seems the country will default, leave the Euro, re-adopt the drachma. The national debt (175% of the country’s GDP) stands at some Euro 315bn, the banks holding the paper are mostly European, some of it may on the balance sheet of our banks.
Should Baron panic?
Exactly the same has happened to me, there is a constant intrusion onto my terminal. To say I am irritated would be an understatement, especially as I am now unable to purchase anything online as there is an obvious danger of fraud. The last straw was when they phoned me, my number is unlisted and given out to very few, so how the hell did they get hold of that?
And yet we are told we can win:
stephen maybery – 21:37
Did they know your name?
They might have been phoning, starting at xxx 0001, 2, 3 up to 9999.
No, they did not know my name, but when I have finished what I am currently working on I shall buy a new terminal fitted with security devices.
Malfleur, what do you make of this. It was penned by a US Vietnam veteran:
“In the Fog of War, the U.S. Has Armed ISIS”
‘In the fog of war’, my arse!
Baron @ 23.01
I had not heard of the use of these weapons in Yemen. As you will know, I do not have any ideas on geo-political matters unless and until Alex Jones has put them there. However, I guess that the brutes in government have realised that using the big ones threaten destruction of their favourite restaurant, hence the increasing popularity of tactial nuclear weapons.
I do remember earlier in the year there was a story which speculated that such a weapon had been used in Ukraine. The explosion and subsequent blast was captured on film. See:
My preferred solution to this, though I cannot advocate anything so clearly illegal, would be a 21st century “Guerre aux châteaux. Paix aux chaumières” with such weapons being deployed accordingly working fir starters from a list of the attendees of this year’s Bilderberg Group meeting.
What a pity that it is only governments who are legally allowed to make war on the people.
If the RSPB weren’t your favourite charity, then this won’t surprise you:
RSPB ignores widow’s wishes and looks to sell land for housing
Charity RSPB is looking to sell land for potential £6 million profit to build houses after widow bequeaved it to them in her will inspite of her wishes that it should “not be built on”
Baron @June 5th, 21:48
Unfortunately, ‘the black guy with his feet on the desk’ is not on our team.
Frank P June 5th @ 18,53
‘What I don’t understand is why they persist when obviously the game is up.’
From your account, the scammers move from logic to escalating intimidation. Like governments using false flag terrorist acts which they themselves concoct, the scammer hopes to conquer through fear. They feel for that point of submission and cannot be certain at what point the game is up, until you either do what they want – or put the telephone down.
Baron on the Yemen explosion – footnote – the Guernica factor
The West establishes, funds and trains ISIS; ISIS announces it will attack London and Paris and also sets up training centres in 50 states in America;two days ago ISIS announced that it could purchase a nuclear device from Pakistan and transport it to the United States through drug-smuggling channels (thank you for the open border with Mexico, Mr. President);ISIS seeks a suitable venue to test tactical nuclear weapons.
The rest will be history…
A question to ponder: have there been any muslim terrorist acts in the west which have not been sponsored or executed by the west?
Cold callers have machines that automatically dial numbers. It logs whichnumbers are active and which are inactive.
Which is why you get dead calls.
Then the active numbers are used to call later.
I bamboozled the bloke who called me. I asked him which computer was infected as we have more than one on the network. I asked him for the ip and mac addresses, which he didnt have. I asked him how he got through my firewall. No answer. So then I asked him where he was and he said watford. But he didnt know the postcode. Then I called him a lying waste of space and that he should get a proper job. He hung up.
June 6th, 2015 – 06:13
There are increasing high power folks out there dragging more go getters into this annoying field
“The enormous potential of cold-calling
It’s worth making a big effort to see cold calling in a different way because it is both a key to personal success and to business success.
Why does cold calling hold so much potential?
Cold calling uniquely:
1. positions you in a crucial pivotal role – you are an interpreter, translator, controller
2. is the key to new fresh opportunities – business and anything else
3. and more generally the cold calling capability empowers you to define and determine and take control of your own future.
Cold calling by its nature opens business opportunities that are new, fresh, ‘shape-able’, free of baggage and history, and not weighed down by unhelpful patterns and expectations, etc.
Also, cold calling situations can largely be of your own making.
You are in charge. You own it. You can define each situation as you want – even if apparently you are quite constrained.
Believe it – people who are successful at cold calling can very quickly become extremely independent and powerful.”
And so on
They should be criminalised
Baron at 23:01
That image looks very much like a thermobaric (fuel-air) explosion. Certainly not a nuclear fission explosion.
And though I’ve never seen a fission explosion, I have seen a fuel-air explosion.
Malfleur and Chris:
Not that it matters what anyone, Baron in particular, thinks, but he agrees with Chris, it wasn’t a tactical nuclear device (both in Ukraine and in Yemen). In all the pictures of the blasts from it the mushroom like top is clearly visible.
Btw, the new second in command in NATO, a Czech general by the name Petr Pavel is on record in the last few weeks saying ‘if the Russians try anything in the Baltic NATO will not hesitate to deploy tactical nuclear weapons’.
telemachus @ 08:00
All of the shysters, like the ones that jumped on Frank, are based offshore, telemachus, would criminalising help?
If a legitimate business engages in the practice it could be argued it is a marketing tool, as such it would be hard to ban. However, o ne can ask the telecom provider to block cold calls. Whether it works Baron doesn’t know.
Malfleur @ 00:27
You are pushing it too far, Malfleur.
The ISIS is armed with western weaponry, has access to funds not because anyone in the West facilitates either, but because they capture the military gear from the fighters that we’ve supplied, exactly as the link you posted at 23.41 says. On th e funding side, it’s our inability or unwillingness to cut them, most probably because the funding comes mostly from Islamic countries.
Still the same subject Malfleur raised at 23.41:
Baron – 23:01
Chris Morriss is right.
…or else the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen or Orla Guerin would have been stood in NBC suits next to a pile or irradiated corpses lamenting the fate of those brave militants!
One of the neutron bomb designers speaks:
Frank P – 18:53
Keep a high pitched whistle next to the phone!
An elderly friend of mine once received one of those calls and he didn’t even own a computer at the time! He strung them along for about 5 minutes 🙂
I have since got him and his wife up and running on an iPad so they can order their groceries etc. online when they don’t feel good enough to go out.
Doesn’t look like a tactical nuke, unless the USA has been selling stockpiled Davy Crocketts to the Soviets – er – Russians.
Tactical nukes usually look like this:-
The apparent camera line up before the explosion occurred is suspicious and this is strange:-
Tactical Nukes are no bad thing.
They would save a few heartaches in Syria or Iraq.
I am unsure whether the reluctance to use is a moral reluctance or continued fear of a reply in kind by Russia or their client Iran.
Jennifer Oldham June 6th, 2015 – 11:36
“Tactical Nukes are no bad thing.”
You probably wouldn’t think so if one dropped on your house or went off in a town or city centre where you were shopping.
War is terrible and dear old Baron’s You Tube links just remind how obscene it all is. Unfortunately the Western social democratic approach of pretending it isn’t happening whilst legislating to coerce us to hug each other in a warm and cuddly embrace appears to be ensuring that the killing proliferates.
Everything is FUBAR.
So we now have a homosexual in charge of schools in England. How is that going to affect the education of our children? Does he have a hands on role in the curriculum? Is he able to influence the attitudes which are inculcated into the young minds in his care? How many others are secret homosexuals?
Peter from Maidstone
June 6th, 2015 – 14:58
Peter, in reply to your question, you may recall the latest case of the schoolmaster in Barnes, London, at a prestigious school, who collected filthy videos and photos of schoolboys.
A former teacher at a boys’ preparatory school who was caught with thousands of indecent images of children has been given a suspended jail term.
Anthony Fuggle was sentenced to four months, suspended for two years, at Kingston Crown Court, south London.
Fuggle, 58, admitted six counts of possessing indecent images of children.
The ex-classics master at Colet Court, in Barnes, also admitted seven charges of making indecent images of children on or before 10 September 2013.
He was found to be in possession of more than 1,000 still and moving images of children, the court heard.
In answer to your question, I present another question: Why did this beast only receive a suspended sentence? I put it that there are many secret homosexuals, now not so secret. Many are judges and magistrates and of course politicians.
Everything is FUBAR.
Please translate!
Regarding Cameron’s choice for a homosexual in charge of schools in England, I see an oxymoron in Cameron’s wanting “a world corruption purge”.
Colonel Mustard @ 10:27
The camera positioning may be strange, Colonel, but the guy at around 1.44 says ‘the house is trembling, as if it may collapse’, which may suggest that whatever blew up was massive.
Also, what about the other lethal impact of the explosion, the fall out? Are the tactical shells radioactive fallout free?
Peter from M. at 14.58
It will not make any difference at all.The impositions on schools to follow the gay agenda imposed by the Ministry could not be greater.It was Gove who instituted a witch-hunt in council schools against children misusing the word `gay`;using it (as they do) to mean `boring`.And Arch-Bishop Welby has ordered a similar heresy-hunt in C of E schools.
And what was it George V allegedly said about Bognor?
Colonel Mustard @ 13:27
Seconded, to the power of 10, Colonel.
Almost 50 years ago, the barbarian got caught in the middle of a conventional battle, vicious, but mostly small fire with tanks around, not firing (nobody knew they won’t fire when the fighting was going on), and let him tell you pleasant it wasn’t. To think of a nuclear blast, tactical or not, as a good thing beggars belief.
Wars should be the tool of last resort in solving world’s disagreements, it’s mostly the innocent unwashed who suffer, and the final outcome is always settled by negotiations.
FUBAR = F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
Radford NG @ 15:55
The campaign may be counterproductive, lead to greater resentment amongst parents with orthodox religious beliefs (Muslims in particular), get some of the vile anti gay violent elements out.
This the latest from Kiev, the Moscow based internet TV ‘the Rain’ has longer video of the incident, but it’s only on subscription.
Be warned, it’s bloody.
Anne, I also note that the minister in question intends to marry his secret long term boyfriend, who is the CEO of Populus, the polling organisation. Is it any wonder that we are subject to so much gay propaganda at the highest level!
This current ‘Head’ of the Metropolitan Police has already indicated, since his appointment, during his random utterances over the past few years, that he probably has the IQ of a nematode (on second thoughts – my apologies to my slithery friends in the Dolly Varden), but this latest spurt of bilge from the notional ‘leader’ of London’s finest just about takes the biscuit. If it doesn’t provoke a call for his instant dismissal, then I fear for the future of our Metropolis, already FUBAR (thank you Baron for reminding me of that useful acronym):
“If other people think we are institutionally racist, then we are.” – states the Queens Commissioner for the Boys in Blue.
‘We should pay off all residual white officers to make way for more black Bobbies.’ … is another quote from his latest considered analysis of the quality of the ‘force’ for which he has now been responsible for four years.
So, forgive me if I employ the logic of the Met’s boss: if other people think that the Commissioner for the Police of The Metropolis is a brain-dead cunt who should put his papers in before inflicting any more damage on the the organization for which he is responsible, then he should!
So, my little spotty faced Bramshill butterfly, clear your desk and fuck off back to the corrupt provincial sinecures whence you slithered!
On while we’re on the subject of FU logic, the TV screen just informed me that 14 ships are on way to ‘rescue’ hundreds of third-world invaders, en route from various FU muzzie hell holes, who find themselves in difficulties on the high-seas, hell bent on evading immigration laws in order to infiltrate and take over this country using the ploy of demographics.
It’s rather like asking in 1941 the small boats from East Anglia and the South Coast to set sail in order to help that nice Mr Alolph Hitler’s forces to invade Dover. YCMIU!
Peter Hitchens reprises a 2008 vid from Brussels:
Baron June 6th, 2015 – 16:03
Unfortunately for some, as the films reveal, it is addictive.
“The Islamists are especially interested in converts who have not yet taken on Muslim names and whose official IDs still have their Christian names, so they can purchase weapons without drawing the attention of police.
At least 50,000 Muslim converts are currently living in Spain. Police say that converts are especially susceptible to radicalization because they are facing increasing pressure from Islamists who are calling on them to carry out attacks to “demonstrate their commitment” to their new faith.
Spain has also become a key entry point for human trafficking mafias being used by jihadist veterans seeking to return to Europe after fighting in the Middle East.
“Turkey is the Seven-Eleven of false passports.” — Spanish agent working on a human trafficking case.
A barn-stormer from Dellers:
Frank P @ 17:00
It was the Colonel who used the acronym, gave an explanation of it, Frank.
More importantly, on the Met front: you take over, Baron will join you, he’s a proud owner of an air rifle, it may be useless, but it looks impressive enough to scare shite the deluded cretins in charge of the men in blue.
Apologies to the Colonel. Scrolled too rapidly.
The Tory Party is stirring, at last:
50 Tories plot Britain’s exit from EU
A new group, Conservatives for Britain (CfB), is preparing to campaign for an “out” vote in the EU referendum if David Cameron cannot win radical reforms from Brussels
A society that is definitely FUBAR!
File under Sodom & Gomorrah etc.
Frank P @ 19:37
Lord Christopher Monckton deals with climate change, and with some finality with global warming, in an interview yesterday with Alex Jones.The next big push for the interests behind climate change policy will apparently come in December when a major conference is due to be held in Paris. Lord Monnckton also talks about UKIP, Margaret Thatcher and the EU.
The programme is good value inter alia in also offering an interview with Francis A. Boyle.
Mr. Boyle, who in my view holds highly arguable not to say unsavoury views on Israel and its position vis a vis the “Palestinians”, which he does not get into in this interview, suggests that a major reason for keeping secret from everyone including Congress (now voting on it) the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership so-called is because it is drafted to mirror the arrangements of the European Union and the North American Union so as to facilitate the bringing together in due course of these supra-national and unaccountable governing structures into a world government.
RobertC @ 22:05
Any sense of what chance there might be of these 50 Tories agreeing to Nigel Farage leading them for the purposes of the “OUT” campaign? And would that be a good idea?
Malfleur – 00:00
No. Currently, we don’t even know what CMD is going to recommend 🙂 , when he is going to recommend it or not, when the vote will take place, whether ministers will be allowed to back the BOOs, etc etc.
I think the Tory BOOers have realised that they need to start before they have the answers to all these questions. I pointed out on ConHome that it would be difficult for a Tory to lead the BOOs when they were supposed to be backing the renegotiation attempt of the ‘leader’ up to the point of the ‘announcement’. It didn’t go down to well!
Some Tories have posted that UKIP have made it too political, and too much about immigration, when it should be about sovereignty, etc, but UKIP were the result of Tory arrogance and treachery, from what I can see, especially from the Heir to Blair!
He is supposed to be representing us, not the EU!!!
Frank P @ 19:37
Very powerful, Frank, but then Ridley’s top class, too, his Genome should be a compulsory reading for anyone with interest in microbiology, however small.
Is the nonsense stoppable though? Baron reckons it isn’t, the politicians got on the act, nothing short of a calamity of biblical proportions will turn us back.
EC @ 23:23
A culture that’s messing up with its own reproduction is on a slippery slope to oblivion, Baron reckons. The reckoning may be far down the line, but it will come.
But then, what will we not do in the epicurean, narcissistic times of celebrated vanity? Next to nothing, it seems, in the Republic both the messiah and his wife have been tweeting about a transexual man, no women, no man …. whatever, she’s everywhere.
The one thing that would guarantee the Clinton woman the top job would be if she said she was a tran. She’s already half there, she looks like one.
Frank P 6th – 17:39
“14 ships are on way to ‘rescue’ hundreds of third-world invaders, en route from various FU muzzie hell holes, who find themselves in difficulties on the high-seas,”
The FU meedjah are describing then as “stranded” on the high seas. How is this possible? “Stranding” means roughly “inadvertently parked on an unexpected beach”; the German/Scandinavian etymology makes that obvious. When standing on a beach in Libya before embarking on their various pieces of flotsam (yes, I know that also is not the correct usage of the term! 🙂 ) these economic migrants were on a ‘strand’ and hence ‘stranded’, but not once they had left the shore.
How can one take seriously a report written and sub-edited by people with such an inadequate knowledge of the English language…..what other unnoticed terminological inexactitudes does it hide?
“The reckoning may be far down the line, but it will come.”
Hmm, Baron. ‘The eye of the beholder’ principal comes into play again here.
Take a good look around you. Don’t you see what I see? I know ‘hope springs eternal’ and all that comforting jazz, but from this beholder’s, albeit somewhat jaundiced, eye, the reckoning is already writ large.
In fact were Tony Blair and his successors at No. 10 to pop their clogs tomorrow, I would recommend that each of their epitaphs should mirror Christopher Wren’s on the floor of St Paul’s Cathedral:
“Reader, if you seek his memorial, look around you.”
Ostrich (occasionally) 10:57
Their illiteracy is matched only by their illegitimacy, in both criminal intent and pedigree. 🙂
These boat people have paid criminals to get them into Europe, that they have paid would indicate that they have or had money.
We are told that millions are awaiting their turn to board boats.
This illegal act must be stopped, in my opinion it will not stop until we all adopt a policy of returning every single illegal immigrant whence they came and we must stop aiding and abetting these boat people.
Our western welfare and benefits systems are as a lit-candle is to a moth, we must change so as not to be as attractive as we are to the third worlds poor.
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 10:57
Leaving aside the poor language ability of our ruling class and its poodles (it’s enough they are PC, in fact, it often feels as if the worst accent, grammar, syntax, the greater the accolade in the rainbow family of ours, keep this in mind, Ostrich), the deluded are missing something here.
Why are we, and the others, rescuing the unfortunate people when they are afloat? It must be risky, we may miss some, it’s not as effective as it would be if we told them to gather in selected ports, our boats would anchor, they would board the ships in an orderly manner.
Come to think of it, we may even start airlifting them, it may take time, according to some reports there are half a million of misplaced refugees waiting in Libya alone, but, hey, we need them badly here, let’s start cracking …
And still the question Baron has asked before. As it was the Yanks who’ve been fugging up the region most and for some time, shouldn’t they take the large chunk of the poor people? (Calling them ‘poor, unfortunate’ isn’t meant to be ironic, Baron feels for them, but he reckons the ‘rescue-at-sea’ solution to the boil stinks, won’t do, will make it worse both for them and us).
Malfleur – 00:00, again
We do know that CMD is allowing Government money to swamp the argument and that the Tories now have a BOO group called Conservatives for Britain: quite an inclusive name, don’t you think.
At the moment, I can see there being several groups: UKIP for Britain …. Lib Dems for Britain? Sorry, perhaps a couple of groups, though there may be a NOTA for Britain. :).
David Ossitt & Baron
“The EU said it also wants to mount a military operation to knock out the vessels used by people smugglers, notably in Libya. The EU communiqué on Thursday night said: ‘We commit to undertake systematic efforts to identify, capture and destroy vessels before they are used by traffickers.’ But EU leaders are aware that this will require UN authorisation since it will involve a military attack on Libyan sovereign territory. This will take time to negotiate, not least because of likely Russian objection. So it may not happen at all.”
What is happening at the UN
It seems to me that we are all being supine
Or too busy with
The Out Agenda
As someone said
If the yanks were threatened it would be solved tomorrow
This is very interesting: ‘Believe it or not’: Ron Prosor on UN takeover by political terror. ‘UN is Hamas wing’.
Ambassador Ron Prosor, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, speaking just now at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York:
h/t Melanie Phillips
telemachus @ 12:38
Good points, telemachus, except that the EU couldn’t mount a military operation, they have no army.
The rescuing on high seas, or anywhere else, can only encourage others to move to Libya, join the queue, risk it. Not that all of those rescued will end up here initially, but the majority eventually will. If they speak any language apart from their native tongue, it’s mainly English, many have friends already here, they know how Britain treats refugees, all they have to do is get permission to settle anywhere in the EU, and after some time, voila, they land at Dover, no reason for the Immigration Service to turn them back.
News about Verity….
I’ve put a lot of effort into trying to find out how Verity is. I’ve finally managed to contact a friend of hers. He tells me that she was helped to leave Mexico last year, and is now in the UK, close to family and friends, in good health and being well cared for.
I think this means that we can be glad that she is in the UK and safe, but that I and we should not seek out further contact at this time.
PfM – 21.39
Thank you for your kindness in seeking news of Verity, and Verity, if you are reading this, I do hope that you continue in good health and that the indefatigable energy and focus which your very many posts displayed is still with you! A daily inspiration!
Peter from Maidstone
June 7th, 2015 – 21:39
G-d bless you Peter, and if you are reading this, Verity, G-d bless you too.
If a slogan or group name is needed:
Peter from Maidstone @ 21:39
Very commendable what you’ve done, Peter, you should be more than thanked.
Verity: Keep your spirits up, as a guy called Maxim Gorky once said: ‘they’ll will be, one day, a celebration on our street, too’.
(Reposted) News about Verity….
I’ve put a lot of effort into trying to find out how Verity is. I’ve finally managed to contact a friend of hers. He tells me that she was helped to leave Mexico last year, and is now in the UK, close to family and friends, in good health and being well cared for.
I think this means that we can be glad that she is in the UK and safe, but that I and we should not seek out further contact at this time.
Well done, Peter!