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So just what does Boris want?
His Telegraph tour de force today is as opaque as ever
“You can’t begin talks by telling our friends in the rest of Europe we hate the whole Brussels caboodle, and are determined to recommend a No. Why, in the face of such fundamental negativity, should they make any concessions to Britain? And symmetrically it would be ludicrous to tell them that whatever happens we will want to stay in the club, and can therefore be counted on supinely to vote Yes to continued membership. That would rightly be seen as hopeless tactic, and, again, unlikely to produce reforms or concessions of any substance. There is only one way forward, and that is to enter the negotiations in good faith, but to make clear that if we don’t see progress then we must be prepared to walk away.”
telemachus @ 10:23
That’s typical Boris – articulate, but no spine. He erects a couple of straw men, kicks them.
There’s no reason doubting the boy who’s doing the negotiations does so in good faith, (if anything, posterity would hail him as the one who saved Europe from bureaucratic dictatorship or worse), what one can doubt, however, is whether the concessions he’ll get (if any) will be enough to prevent Europe turning federal with the future place for Britain vis-a-vis Germany resembling that of North Ireland vis-a-vis Britain today.
And another thing: It’s your health you should focus on, get the NHS cracking, tell them you are the number one.
And yet another (the last) thing, Verity: The cats OK, do they enjoy breathing the good old British air?
Boris Johnson’s piece in the DTel?
Typical hyped hackery. The metaphors are tired and will he ever write another article without mentioning WSC, whilst staring in the mirror? He gets more deluded by the day. Stick to HIGNFY, Bozzer. I give that a miss these days, because it’s hackneyed and PISBD. So it’s right up your street.
Baron – 11:11
A conundrum that the combined brains of Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger and Karl Popper might struggle to answer. In the absence of all else have faith, although Karl was somewhat agnostic about that.
Good piece by A Boot today:
Can’t disagree with anything he asserts in it, except perhaps the implicit suggestion that it was a bad idea to kill Saddam Hussein and his gang of nepotistic thugs from the Ba’ath Party. That should have been achieved by Bush 41 and Stormin’ Norman in the first show, when they lost their bottle on the Road to Basra after the squeamish MSM statred to get the vapours over the carnage.
He’s spot on, though, about the second campaign – and all its chaotic consequences that continue to this day and will echo through what’s left of western civilisation, until it ceases with a weak whimper.
Seems there will be no third campaign to avoid that grisly end. Just pockets of resistance from the remnants of a generation that stood for something and who are grateful to those who fought and died for it.
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
Pat condell spot on as usual
EC @ 12:11
Behave yourself, EC.
Frank P @ 13:55
A good piece, Frank? Hmmm
How does it fit with the following then.
It would appear that whist Mr. Boot correctly believes the American model of democracy cannot fit all ethic tribes of the world, in his slicing of contemporary Russia he has always been of the view it would fit the country of his former abode.
Islam may have been at war with the world of the infidels for 1400 years, but unquestionably there have been times when the war was at least suspended, even reversed.
Nobody can deny Muslims lived reasonably happily with the infidels when Britain ruled the world, many joined the British armed forces voluntarily, killed other misbehaving co-religionists, got awarded the Victoria Cross, other military rewards for their courage (only two of them Victoria Cross, but still).
Britain did have a template for dealing with unsavoury behaviour of peoples infected with creeds that didn’t fit the British way of thinking. It wasn’t the imposition of the Full Monty of the way of life you enjoyed here, it was a construct that took over the old, destroyed the worst aspects of it, injected roots of the new – gradually, painstakingly, carefully.
It must have worked because in many countries you colonised, a large number of the descendants of the indigenous people of the past say they would have you back to rule them again in preference to their own contemporary rulers. One can never be sure of anything, but Baron reckons not many inhabitants of the countries the Americans have invaded will be of similar opinion fifty years hence.
Had the old guard of British politicians been in charge when Saddam got toppled, they would not have dissolved the Iraqi armed forces, the civil service, the police, they would have merely replaced the top layers, punished the worst offenders of the Saddam’s regime, injected the constitution, the statute books with a limited number of edicts, decrees, laws aimed at moulding the behaviour of the locals (something similar to what general Sisi has been doing in Egypt). They would not have expected instant results either, (as indeed one can hardly expect an instant morphing of the totalitarian Russia of 500 years standing into a shining democratic entity in just one generation).
The beauty of the British approach to problem solving in the world was that it accepted countries of differing tribes have their own past with habits, conventions, customs, and that if we are to have a lasting peace there must be a lot of compromising
before an ethic tribe moves from its barbaric past to greater enlightenment. But that may be too much to expect from America, a country that herself moved from barbarism to decadence without getting touched by civilisation (only joking).
In Turkey the AK sectarian-muslim party of President Erdogan has been reduced in their election to 41% of the vote,thwarting his wish to change the Constitution in his favour.At the same time the HD party gained 13%,earning them seats in parliament. This is the secular United Kurds party which has picked-up votes from the progressive left.
Meanwhile in a Mayoral election in Dresden a candidate from Pegida picked up nearly 10% of the vote out of nowhere;the Social Dems. and the Liberals coming 1st and 2nd with Chancellor Merkels party coming 3rd.
Baron (18:33)
I cannot accommodate Islam in any way shape or form. Apparently you can. Good luck wirh that!
The manifestations of its evil are all too clear to me. There are no redeeming features. Any pretence of accommodation on their part, is clearly taqiyya. The fact that it has been suppressed for periods in history is because it was repelled and conquered by superior forces with a determination and will that appears no longer to exist in Christendom.
You feel sympathy for the supine adherents of the cult. I feel none. Just as I felt none for the ‘supine’ adherents of Naziism under Hitler’s mob – another murderous cult. The stupid should not be pitied when they chose to follow a ludicrous and belligerent belief. Save your sympathy for its victims.
As for Alex Boot thinking that American democracy would fit his native land? He recently wrote a book stating in essence the very opposite.
Frank P @ 19:42
The barbarian didn’t have the pleasure reading yet another masterpiece from Mr. Boot, he takes your word for it, Frank, although he should be forgiven for thinking the way he did reading Mr. Boot’s hateful criticism of all things in contemporary Russia.
Baron is far from accommodating the Islamic creed here, but he does feel for the followers of Allah everywhere (here in particular), and even if he didn’t, he reckons we must find some accommodation with them, short of a full annihilation of the creed (and everyone who worships at its altar) there’s nothing else we can do.
Also, Baron must remind you that several months after Adolf became the Chancellor, Germany held an election for the Reichstag, the unwashed of this well educated, cultured, enlightened country voted 92 to 8 for the party of the Austrian maniac.
If the victorious nations after WW2 were to follow your prescription, what should have they done? Keep the camps going, change the inhabitants, extinguish 92 out of every 100 Germans? Hmmm.
Baron reckons (and has said so many times before) it was the enlightened thinking of the Allied politicians that sliced it right – seperating the unwashed from the evil Nazi ideology (same goes for Japan, Italy). That’s why we’ve had almost three generations of peace, totally unlike the arrangements after WW1 when the victors kicked the German plebs what with the annexation of the Ruhr, massive reparations, bans to join international treaties ….In less than one generation, Europe was at war again.
It seems it’s hard to get over the hurdle of distinguishing between a creed, religion, doctrine, ideology … call it what you like, and those who follow it, often involuntarily. Not many Germans were through and through Nazis, not many Russians communists (towards the end of the Red Menace days not even the top of the party was), not many followers of Islam are genuine jihadists, throat cutters, sharia adherents … but the majority of the unwashed under any of these headings did join, are still joining in because seldom did or do they have a choice, if the penalty for not joining is a ruined life of theirs, their family at best, death at worst.
What do you, or anyone here, propose to do then? Not that it matters, nobody’s listening to us anyway, but please, convince the poorly educated Slav of the winning fix, he’s willing to embrace whatever you may suggest, provided it’s doable, avoids bloodshed on a colossal scale.
Radford NG @ 19:26
The BBC World @ One avoided mentioning the scores, not once did anyone on the report (pushed down the bulletin) say how many votes did Erdogan get. And the Dresden election didn’t get a mention at all. How weird, ha?
The story of Mo is puzzling. The celebrated double winner withdrew from some competition up north (‘I’m mentally and physically drained’, he said) after it was alleged his trainer was feeding drugs to those he coached. Both the trainer, and Mo have denied the story, the latter also saying he will leave Salazar unless the coach convinces him it wasn’t true because it would haunt him for the rest of his career.
Why should Mo worry if he has not taken any drugs himself?
Baron – 20:57
He might be fearing that he might have unknowingly taken some.
Baron – 20:43
Muslims aren’t the problem. They don’t like being killed either. The problem is their book which is an instruction manual for conquering the world through indiscriminate violence.
The question, is why do we allow this book to have such reverence. It is the basis of all their problems, taking over every aspect of their lives.
“Also, Baron must remind you that several months after Adolf became the Chancellor, Germany held an election for the Reichstag, the unwashed of this well educated, cultured, enlightened country voted 92 to 8 for the party of the Austrian maniac.”
Now, now, Baron. In the November 1933 Reichstag election it would’ve been difficult to vote for anybody who wasn’t on the Nazi party list! Also, not voting was a risky business! Robert Mugabe must have used one this as a model for his elections.,_November_1933
Watching this evenings News, it was impossible for me not to feel deep sadness at seeing little children, babies and men and women crowded into makeshift vessels, at the mercy of the sea, elements and above all the greed of fellow human beings who profit from unhappy and desperate people. I don’t think the answer is holding these people for years, whilst they cannot work legally or buid decent lives for themselves and their families. I am no expert, but I do not think the answer is dumping on Europe, a continent full of its own problems. What about the vast lands in South America which are undeveloped, and could hold opportunities for settlers if an infrastructure was developed. Instead of ‘sticking plaster’ solutions, the rich countries, including America, could finance a basis i.e. land clearance, food production, health and education facilities. The ‘boat people’ could start work immediately, and housing placed in the hands of these settlers. Maybe a silly dream, but just maybe with enough good will this could be realised.
Baron @ 20:43
The de-nazification of Germany was never carried through.Some argue that there was some reverse engineering. Certainly, the implications of Operation Paperclip on the United States are still debated.
In March 1933 the German parliament effectively voted to abolish itself when it passed “The Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich”.
The Congress of the United States is poised to abolish itself if the House of Representatives follows the Senate and approves the so-called “Trade Promotion Authority”.
At least 95% of the Senators voting on the Bill had not read it.
The dumbing-down of the American people now has the fcing the choice of this alternative:
‘We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.’
This fateful development does not appear to have created much of a stir here. Nor has the impending meeting of the Bilderberg Group in its Austrian Wolf’s Lair whose members are not unconnected with its unfolding.
Re. The Bilderberg Group
Those of us who feared an Ed Balls on every street corner in a future Great Britain, but who relaxed a little when he was thrown out by his constituency in the general election, may now be intrigued to see that his name is retained on the list of attendees at the Bilderberg Group conference in the Wolf’s lair from 11th-14th June.
George Osborne’s name is also there and someone might like him to account to Parliament in public session for this connection.
Why Niall Ferguson will attend can only be speculation by me. Perhaps the Group will be asking him to re-write history when their global government is in place.
(H/T Drudge Report)
CHWs may be able to throw light on some of the other less well-knownattendees, but as Infowars says with regard to the agenda “the list of topics to be discussed is so vague as to almost be meaningless”. One item though is “the United Kingdom”. Could it be that there is a wish to keep us in the European Union at all costs so that we will be there when the EU interlocks with the North American Union and the Trans-Pacific Union? China has expressed an interest in joining the latter. O frabjous day!
Most, if not all, of the islamic terrorism affecting the West seems to be deliberately created by the rulers of the West for their own interests. This proposal probably extends to the arbitrary creation of muslim population centres in western countries.
If this possibility is at the least not entertained, our reactions to islam may take the shape intended by those rulers.
On the central question of the origins and mission of ISIS, the possibility is given support by the article published today in Zero Hedge in which former United States intelligence officers confirm the earlier report by Judicial Watch that ISIS is at least in an important part the creature of the Pentagon.
So the United States government has been sending its military to fight an enemy which it itself has created.
The corollary is that to stop ISIS the United States government must be stopped.
Perhaps the Bilderberg Group will be discussing this conundrum later this week….
Of course the article may rest on nothing but gross fabrications. You would think someone might at least be discussing it.
Be like dad, keep mum.
Papieren, bitte!
Worth reading, I like his choice of 1 or 2, and not being keen on 2.
RobertC @ 22:13
Quite, Robert, that’s the slicing of it Baron buys, too.
EC @ 23:13
But eight out of 100 Germans did cast a vote for candidates other than those of the NSDAP, EC. Dangerous, risky, challenging it must have been, the voting that is, but if anyone wanted to oppose the thugs, it was doable. Not many did because of fear, or because, as the great Mark Steyn did remind us relating the infamous Osama’s quote ‘people will always bet on the strongest horse’.
But even assuming that you’re 100% right, it wasn’t possible to cast the vote for anyone but the candidates of the Nazi outfit, that also fits Baron’s argument ( see above “it seems it’s hard to get over the hurdle of distinguishing between a creed, religion, doctrine, ideology … call it what you like, and those who follow it, often involuntarily”).
Many of those 92 who endorsed the NSDAP did so ‘involuntarily’, they feared they would lose their job, career, harm the family or whatever. Baron knows how hard it was under the Red Menace, the voting cards were marked, people were let known they were marked through gossip, often openly, the authorities could check who voted for whom, and yet in the early election after 1948 in Czechoslovakia when the communist thugs took over many people still didn’t vote for them, a new safer system was devised, all parties had to subscribe to the communist creed under the umbrella of the ‘national front’ …..
However, Baron believes the vast majority of the unwashed who vote for the likes of the NSDAP, the communist p artis, Mugabes’s thugs do so because they are pragmatic, don’t really give a toss who’s in charge provided they can have a family, a job, raise pigeons or grow carrots.
No party before an election says to the voters ‘we’re going to take your freedoms away, imprison you if you don’t back us, dress you in uniform, ask you to gas the Jews, the undesirables … and stuff like this, have a listen to Adolf’s speeches, it’s all jobs, prosperity, peace. That furnishes those whose interest in politics stops at casting the vote when asked with a good ‘excuse’ when the day of the reckoning comes (as it did for the Germans in 1945). And who could blame them?
How does this rabbiting fit the case of the followers of Allah? Easily, because of apostasy, the fear of the jihadists amongst them, the inability of those in governance to hit the medieval throat cutters hard, either string them, put them inside for life, many of those Muslims who would gladly follow a reformed version of the faith (similar to the Christian interpretation of the Book) do not do so either because of fear or because they don’t give a shite since they themselves follow life not that dissimilar to ours …
Apologies for the rant, EC, will not happen again n.
anne wotana kaye – 23:18
I think you will find South America is a continent full of its own problems: think Argentina, Venezuela, even Brazil.
And what about the vast lands in Africa which are undeveloped, and could hold opportunities for settlers if an infrastructure was developed.
As I was told, in the mod-1970’s, by one of the top Businessmen/Geophysicists of the time, that globally, there are only two resources that are scarce: human intelligence and political stability.
It is even more true today.
There was an extraordinary comment at the Spectator yesterday:-
“I’m not bothered really. Its possible to have freedoms and a decent life without democracy.”
The Chinese model where the government confers a degree of fiscal “freedom” to make money provided that you toe their line in all other respects. That seems to gel with those who rule over us, busy creating their own “post-democratic” model to control us all as employees in their corporation, governed by their codes of conduct, or pupils in their school, ditto.
The frightening thing is not so much that they are doing this as that more and more people appear to be just meekly submitting to it.
One of the most pernicious aspects of the NSDAP state was not so much the rigged voting as the politicisation of society. The infestation of every activity with officialdom, bureaucracy and state monitoring and control, extending of course to the constant hectoring of how to live and what “correct” thoughts we should think.
Again it is a model that seems to be vigorously pursued even by Tory governments after that trend was firmly established by Blair and his horrible New Labour regime, building on the first shoots of nannyism that we saw from the Pea Eater who preceded him.
In my youth people in villages could organise anything, do anything without ever coming into contact with officialdom. Fetes, sports days, clay pigeon shoots, pub crawls, etc. The only representatives of the state were likely to be the local Special Constable who partook of the jamboree mainly as an excuse to wear his uniform. If anyone was hurt accidentally it was an accident and treated as such. There was no strident finger pointing or demands for redress. Civil servants were civil and behaved as servants of the public rather than seeking to control their behaviour. There was none of this “leading beyond authority” and town clerks elevating themselves to the status of highly paid corporate CEOs. Society was largely at peace with itself. And even if that peace was flawed it was as nothing compared to the divisions, grievances and resentments created today as the diversity of society splits it into identity groups permanently at war with each other.
The lefty trolls now infesting the Spectator in huge numbers sneer at and denounce such comparisons as a desire “to return to the 1950s”, most of them not having any clue what the 1950s was like beyond the left wing propaganda and revisionism that has condemned it and brainwashed them. That they really hate what Britain once was (or characterised to be) is apparent from their sneers of “Little England” and the slagging off of any attempt to eulogise homogenous national identity and culture as “xenophobia” and/or “racism”. Any comment made there is likely to be tagged and sneered at by one or two of the usual vile suspects with irrelevant abuse and the number of conservative commentators is visibly decreasing. The site has been under orchestrated attack for some time but the operators appear oblivious to its ruin.
Nothing expressed the sadness of a lost nation more than a spoof sign displayed at the Guido Fawkes website:-
“Welcome to England – You will probably feel more at home here than we do”
Colonel Mustard (11:16)
I had missed Guido’s spoof. What a useful device for the coming Out Campaign. Thank you.
Your piece also addresses the point I was trying to make to the Baron: once the war had started in 1939 any sympathy for ‘innocent Germans’ was suspended for the duration. Such sentiments were scorned along with nuances that had existed right up to September 3rd.
Our antipathy to the German nation as a whole thereafter and our resolve to kill the bastards who were presenting the threat, was a major factor in our ultimate victory.
I see no such resolve in the face of Islam, which poses an even worse threat – and is winning because many are gulled into thinking ‘ they want to live among us in peace’.
If that were the case they would abandon their evil cult and “when in Rome, do as the Roman’s do”.
Unless we both recognize the enemy for what it is and reject it implaccably by all means necessary we are done for. Which is why our Baronial friend, who is so often right about most things is wrong in this regard. Give them an inch and they won’t just take a mile; they’ve already taken a chunk of our capital and several provincial cities. Abroad they have reversed all the gains made prior to Obamadon and Israel is now in dire peril. I think perhaps that brave little patch will put up a fight, unlike our now largely pusillanimous ‘nation’. And though perhaps its unkind to say so, the Czechs went under to two successive oppressors. Up until now, Britain didn’t. That may be simplistic, but it’s also a fact.
June 9th, 2015 – 10:45
anne wotana kaye – 23:18
I’m very ignorant about population numbers, but I do believe there are large tracts of land in South America which are not occupied. I agree, Robert that the three S. American countries you mention lack a decent civilized morality. But, unfortunately there is a lot wrong with Europe, especially Eastern Europe.
“As I was told, in the mod-1970’s, by one of the top Businessmen/Geophysicists of the time, that globally, there are only two resources that are scarce: human intelligence and political stability.” I do not agree with the remark that human intelligence is lacking. What is lacking is education by dedicated men and women, who will not only teach academic subjects, but by example show how a good and decent citizen behaves. A few hundred Matthew Arnolds, with muscular Christianity would enrich the territory. Political stability can only exist where there is true democracy. What is not needed is the so-called western humanitarians with their same-sex marriages, political correctness, murder of the as yet unborn young by abortion and of the elderly and infirm by euthanasia.
anne wotana kaye @ 23:18
Better still then the South America, anne, is the north. The Republic is equally sparsely populated, and what’s more, it would be s sort of reward for the Yanks starting a job in the ME, massing it up.
anne wotana kaye – 13:31
Yes, there is a lot wrong with Europe, but there is a lot wrong with every part of the world. Why don’t these immigrant go back to their homeland; it is where they are most comfortable, even if they don’t know it. There is plenty of space! Why inflict them on South America. The South Americans probably have similar views to us: they are doing OK because they haven’t had many of them arriving in recent times and they don’t want their fragile cultures swamped by those who will eventually kill them to further the Caliphate!
The hardware for human intelligence may be present in abundance, but until the software is up and running on the hardware, it’s not a working system. And without numerous examples of this, working together, political stability does not even stand a chance of succeeding.
Democracy doesn’t guarantee political stability, especially when there are two, or more, groups of about equal size with incompatible ideals. It can help to control the Elite in a fairly like minded group, but even that is not always the case.
Baron – 14:06
And it would make the Obamas feel even more at home.
Colonel Mustard @ 11:16
that’s a good point, Colonel, and it applies to any totalitarian regime, right or left incubated. It begins with the politicisation of the agencies of the State, spreads to to the public domain, ends up with each and every one us having to follow the ‘official line’ like ‘the science of global warming is settled’, to ‘immigration is but beneficial’, ‘gay child adoption’s fine’.
RobertC @ 14:15
Good one, Robert, very good one.
I certainly have nothing against America, a land full of diverse people. BUT I LOATHE OBAMA! Who the f*ck is he anyway? A Manchurian Candidate, a robot, or a devil sent to plague us?
So the Tories don’t want to win the London Mayoral election?
Looks like this Toytown outfit is becoming a ‘Bugging’s turn’ jobbie.
Let’s hope it’s the first stage in its abolition. Boris, having used it to further his overweening Churchillian ambitions, is now sponsoring a candidate with all the charisma of yesterday’s leftover salad.
Frank P @ 12:23
Nothing much to disagree with except perhaps that the poorly educated Slav gets things often right. You have obviously never talked to the one who bosses Baron around, have you.
Still, Baron hopes we are not going to fall out with each other because of our differences that should be bridgeable. More to the point, what’s the truth anyway, ha?
Baron’s been around for while, lived (not just visited, but was a part of few cultures (in Czecho, Russia, US, Japan and now in the country that was once the beacon to the world, a beacon with boils and warts, but beacon nevertheless).
He recalls meeting a reformed Nazi in the 50s before he arrived here, one couldn’t meet more gentle, considerate, helpful guy. The reason Baron mentions this man is that once he observed him, kneeling alone in a garden, sobbing, howling, the trembling hands held together as if for prayer, hitting the ground with his head. It was a shock for the barbarian to see this outwardly balanced man behaving so oddly, he quietly crept away.
Few years later, the man committed suicide, everyone said it was because of kidney failure (he drank alot, but then everyone drank alot), but Baron suspected the reason he took his life was different when he (Baron) learnt about his evil past, and here the barbarian’s suspicion is probably righter than the official version of his death.
What made the man to behave so beastly in his SS uniform? The construct he was a part of, Baron reckons. We humans have the capacity for both evil and good, it’s the legal, philosophical, cultural framework we live under that mostly leverages the bearing of our own moral compass, makes us to act badly or goodly, or somewhere in between.
Provided the worshippers of Allah are human, Frank, there must be a chance of salvation for them, well, most of them, not the throat cutters, their DNA should be expunged from the world bank of human DNA, the sooner the better.
Colonel Mustard @ 10:46
The same sentiment expressed in the Spectator’s comment you are rightly finding appalling, Colonel, is what Baron fears may have implications for the outcome of the EU referendum. The majority of the current generation of the British burghers will willingly swap sovereignty for low cost mortgages, freedoms for cheap trinkets made in China. And those in charge, who should guard against the erosion of our democratic rights for some transient gains, will do BA about it, even encourage it.
The answer to the Africa migrants problem is simple, the west should invade Africa and the Middle East and take control of their countries.
If sensible western rules take place life would become bearable.
They clearly cannot govern themselves,
Racist, possibly, who cares.
If people are so backward they need assistance it’s a blessing that people who can help do so.
We need to start ignoring cries of racist , all nations are racist, it’s normal . It’s how groups suvived in the past.
I know it’s crude but I am increasingly coming to the opinion that the correct answer to the accusations of racist is FUCK OFF.
I’m sure some people can put it better than that, but we have to challenge the leftie narrative .
Just because your leftie doesn’t mean your right.
The right is usually right in the long run.
List of participants at Bilderberg meeting on 11 to 14 June in Austria.
It would be good to have a website that just revealed all the connections between this list of Bilderberg attendees!
Baron – 15:20
While not forgiving individuals would take us further away from Christ, for those who follow Him, anyway, anyone with with any intelligence should see that prevention is better than cure, or even Forgiveness and their Salvation.
Discouraging people to become part of such an evil legal, philosophical, cultural framework, that Islam is, should be part of our culture. It is not sufficient to hope, or even silently pray, that they will only become a Muslim sleeper.
Any activity on the ‘discouraging front’ would also assist in the Forgiveness and Salvation phase, though that does require leadership, which our old Etonians appear to have left on their playing fields.
Padstow song by spitting images.
Michael Wood writes on Greek civilisation in BBC History Magazine for June:
“The legacy was vast:to the Roman and Slavic worlds,to the west and to Islam.Greek philosophy and science transformed the Islamic world from the ninth century (for when we speak of Islamic science,we mean Greek science,transmitted and reinterpreted in Baghdad and Cordoba.”
I recently heard somewhere,what we know as `Arabic numbers`are known in the Middle East as Indian numbers:it being the Hindus who invented the crucial concept of `0`, nought;inspired by certain of their religious concepts.
And,while we are at it,the modern concept of `The Middle East` (which has superseded the separate term,Near East) comes from the Royal Air Force which in the 1920s established its Middle East Command in Cairo,which stretched northward through Greater Syria and Persia to the border of the Empire of India.
Radford NG – 20:27
Given your sobriquet I would imagine that for you:
The “Near East” is Bingham
The “Middle East is Grantham, and
The “Far East” Boston/Skeggy ?
Radford NG – 20:13
True, more or less.
Radford NG – 16:58
I note that one “Edward M. Balls” will be attending the 2015 Bilderbergers.
I bet it won’t be long before he’s gifted ‘a living.’
Baron – 09:31
“Baron believes the vast majority of the unwashed who vote […] don’t really give a toss who’s in charge provided they can have a family, a job, raise pigeons or grow carrots.”
That, my friend, is why it is going to be well nigh impossible to get a majority OUT vote in the upcoming IN/OUT EU referendum. Very difficult to get a vote for change whilst there is still food on the supermarket shelves, petrol stations are still pumping petrol, and not too many people are getting beheaded on the High Steet.
The OUT campaigners can talk about sovereignty issues until they are blue in the face but unless they win the economic argument emphatically they will not win. The “great mass of people” will vote with their pockets in mind. Why risk voting for change unless there is an imperative reason for doing so?
Sad but true.
Drudge Report post from the Independent on the upcoming Bilderberg Group conference:
Drudge Report post from the Independent on the upcoming Bilderberg Group conference:
Baron on Nazi psychology
I have a friend in the USA who was born and grew up in Germany and became an American citizen after serving as a Medevac helicopter pilot in the Vietnam war. His history teacher at school, of whose teaching my friend speaks highly,had also been an SS officer. He used to tell his class that his period of service was the finest time in his life.
See also some of the readers’ comments on the Independent article linked above.
An apology:
In Baron’s posting at 15:20 there appears a short paragraph telling you the countries Baron lived in. You may be puzzled why he should be saying it, what was the point of it, and you would be right.
Well, the short paragraph went on to say much more, in essence that however distinct the ethnic tribes he lived amongst may have been, the people’s response to failure, grief, happiness or any other event that one may encounter in the cause of life was surprisingly alike. The forms of expression may have differed, the underlying emotions that drove it didn’t, they were human.
Anyway, before posting, in haste as always, Baron wanted to delete a sentence, deleted the whole lot, hence the apology..
Malfleur @ 23:32
It’s often that Baron ponders how he would respond if forced to carry out evil deeds, and if he did, whether he would be able to live with it. One cannot really say unless faced with it.
EC @ 21:48
The barbarian fears the same, EC, the referendum may not be the right course of action. We just should get out, and be done with it for if the vote is to stay in, we’re fugged for generations to come.
John birch at 19:45
Somewhat dated, John, the players, but superb, they should re-dust the series. The inclusion of the blonde boy was a stroke of genius (the Cabaret?).
John birch @ 15.47
What you are saying, John, makes sense, but it’s more likely that you’ll wake up tomorrow morning seeing pigs fly than our offering help in governance to the failed countries, in which the political elites know of only one tool to settle differences – violence, and we are left with the consequences as the unfortunate masses leave, head for our shores.
Alex Jones has news for the Austrian police:
The Man in White seems to be the only person in the Church to have got the message.
This will come as no surprise to Anne Wotana Kaye…
“‘Judges saved Janner from child sex inquiry’: Cover-up fears over Labour peers link to senior legal figures”
The fact that currently Theresa May, any of them past and present, are prepared to be complicit in the cover up makes them unfit for office.
The British establishment is rotten to the core. A saga of perverts, “Magic Circles”, and very probably fairy rings too!
What’s to to done about it then, Colonel Mustard? Difficult to say, isn’t it, without sounding like a revolutionary or a Dalek.
Hoe eager would you be to join a club that has this creature amongst it members?
June 10th, 2015 – 09:48
Yes, they are all bent and a lot of ruddy pooftas!
June 10th, 2015 – 09:48
Yes, they are all bent and a lot of ruddy pooftas!
Or this:
A male member of the Royal Society speaking at some gathering in South Korea apparently said women in labs fall for male colleagues, cry more than males. The Society has quickly distanced itself from this abhorently un-PC take on our society of absolute equals, the twitter has been calling for his dismissal.
It is in times like this one cannot but wish for a large doze of sharia (only joking).
Baron – 10:02
A superbly apt typo, Baron.
Whatever else, she certainly seems an eager hoe!
Baron doesn’t know about climatic conditions where you live, but around his place of abode temperatures plunged last night to 5degC, unpleasantly cold, so much so he had to cover himself with a thick blanket on top of the summer blanket that has bee n sufficient in past years. And that’s near mid-June. It also seems apricity may have peaked last week on Thursday, since then it has been less sunny, and any time the sun hides behind the clouds the temperature sinks like a stone.
Perhaps the scientific and political geniuses will explain where is the bleeding global warming when one needs it.
Baron (00:34)
“It’s often that Baron ponders how he would respond if forced to carry out evil deeds, and if he did, whether he would be able to live with it. One cannot really say unless faced with it.”
Once again, old friend: the ‘eye of the beholder’ decides. The Bard said ‘conscience doth make cowards of us all’.
What of those without conscience? Who have instead fervent ideology/belligerent religion or other inculcated murderous cult; who regard conquest as the ‘ends justifying the means’ or ‘orders from Allah’.
I understand your humanity and concern for the fellow travellers and the useful idiots; but without them the tyrants and conquerers are as naught. Defence of freedom at times requires hard-headed resolve in order to ensure victory. Save the soft heart for post-victory magnanimity. Otherwise you perish. That is the hard reality, sad though it is. The so called ‘passive’ adherents of the Islamic cult have a remarkable aptitude for changing sides in their intenecine struggles and as you say, “submitting to the strong horse”. But though the desires for supremacy may lie doggo, sometimes for centuries, history shows us that when they spot weakness on our side, that is to say the side of the infidels, they exploit it. Their hatred for ech oher may fluctuate, but for the infidels their is no fluctuation, just duplicity. The West is not just weak at this point in history, it is a mewling, pathetic mess. We cannot afford the to allow the empathy, pity and mercy inherent in the Judeo-Christian civilisation to show through the whites of our eyes: the cowardice of conscience. They smell it from 2000 miles downwind, particularly in these days of mass communication when news travels in split seconds along the contrations with which the great unwashed have been supplied, by our technological tarts with an eye for the main chance but no foresight about he consequences.
Similarly those who have embraced Marxism as a modus vivendi. They have developed a form of Taqiyya that is even more cunning: they infiltrate and wait. Which is why I suspect any so-called ‘apostate’ of socialist dogma. And the useful eejits will always be seduced by promises, ‘stuff’ and the proceeds of other bugger’s efforts.
Fuck ’em all. Gird up your loins, Guv’nor – We. Are. At. WAR!
And we cannot be reminded often enough that Islam means submision. Or that ‘socialism’ means reducing everybody to the lowest common denominator – except, of course, the Commisars in their Dachas and sumptious edifices of office. And a few extra crumbs for those, like ‘telemachus’ of their agitprop machine.
Apologies e & oe above.
Baron 1019
Forget climate change
Where do folks stand on the Scotch Egg
One of my favourite picnic foods packed with flavour and nourishment
My breakfast this morning was ruined when I turned to the bottom DT leader and then wandered my eyes to the feeder article
They were created almost 300 years ago by Fortnum & Mason as a pocket-sized snack for aristocrats travelling by horse-drawn carriage.
But now the scotch egg has been labelled a junk food and is being removed from children’s lunch boxes by schoolteachers.
The traditional dish – a hard-boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat and coated in breadcrumbs – is seen as too unhealthy to be part of a balanced diet at Cherry Tree Primary School in Colchester.
The school has taken the unusual step of asking teachers to look through pupils’ lunch boxes and remove items that are deemed inappropriate.
Along with Peperami sausages, scotch eggs are being confiscating until the end of the day, at which point the teacher replaces the item, adding an explanatory note for parents.
Is this Elf and Safety to extreme or simply PC gone mad
If they nicked my kids lunch I would be down there
Remembering my own schooldays the physical searching of lunchboxes in front of other pupils (presumably) would be a humiliating experience doing far more damage to a child’s psyche than a bit of sausage meat, hard boiled egg and breadcrumbs would do to their physical health.
That such an intrusive and excessive exercise of power is implemented by a school is absolutely appalling. It flies in the face of all the bolleaux about child rights and protection but of course is being peddled by exactly the same type of people.
My suggestion would be for the parents to band together and send their children to the school without lunchboxes at all on the grounds that since the meddling nincompoops running the place think they know best then they can bloody well feed the kids as well. That of course would be construed as child neglect if not abuse and probably result in the parents being arrested by the police.
No, I think Twitter selfies are required with all concerned holding up placards with “Bring back our Scotch Eggs” emblazoned on them.
Seems a reasonable summary to me. Alarmist? Or tardy? Taake your pick!
telemachus – 11:25; Colonel Mustard – 12:10
This has occurred in other parts of the country too. All it takes is a combination of a Labour controlled LEA and a zealot as a head teacher for this evil to occur. Yes, it is a manifestation of evil!
This happened in my former, and now current, local area in the early 2000’s, and I wrote to the local and national press about it. Fat lot of good that did!
It could be viewed as an attempt to bully parents into buying expensive school meals, making it easier for schools to manage lunchtimes.
EC at 21.23; 9 June.
Nice one Cyril / Nice one chum……
“EU Parliament Descends into Farce over TTIP vote”: 10 June 2015.
telemachus – 11:25; Colonel Mustard – 12:10
After expensive school meals, now expensive school trips!
EC June 10th, 2015 – 13:31
It’s a far cry from a day trip in the rain to Grime’s Graves on a dirty old coach with a packed lunch of Scotch Egg and crisps and a teacher whose idea of discipline was hurling the board rubber at your head!
Inspired by Colonel Mustard
June 10th, 2015 – 14:35
EC June 10th, 2015 – 13:31
It’s a far cry from a ‘route march’ (nature trip, in 1943) through the mud with a packed lunch of spam sandwiches and a teacher whose idea of discipline was slashing your bare legs with her walking stick!
Here’s fun. Let’s have the Coffee House Wall equivalent of Python’s Four Yorkshiremen . . .
Begin with “It’s a far cry . . . “
How I love this poem….
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear: o clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariots of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight;
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.
Telemachus at 11:25.
Perhaps it’s time for lots of selfies announcing:
“Je suis un œuf d’Ecosse”
Radford NG at 20:13.
Our modern form of the numbers 1 to 9 do come from India, but as far as historians know, they crucially did not invent the extremely useful concept of Zero. Our word ‘Cipher’, which in Victorian times commonly meant zero, comes directly from the Arabic ‘Sifr’, which was the name they gave to the symbol.
Radford NG
More on Zero…
(no Moors required, reportedly… )
It would, however, be deliciously ironic if some islamic “scholar” had independently come up the concept of Zero, because that would represent the sum total of that barbarous cult’s contribution to civilisation in the last millennium.
Certainly the Indian Brahmi number system only had the digits 1 to 9, but later had an indication of the ’empty place’, though this is not the same as what we would now term the digit zero, which (as far as I know) first appeared in the work of Al Kharizmi.
I heard from some Chinese colleagues around 3 years ago that the Indians and Arabs stole the number system from the Chinese, though I have no knowledge of how likely this is.
EC at 20:58
The Arab contribution to the international number system happened many centuries before the murderous cult of Islam from the barbarous region of Saudi Arabia spread across the area. In those days for example Persia had a flourishing and sophisticated culture. The over-running by militant Islam destroyed all that.
Chris Morriss – 21:17
What has happened to Iran is a tragedy.
RadfordNG @ 13:31
Many thanks for that link.
It’s good to know that so many people in the EU parliament (and someone on the Wall) is awake to the TTIP. I have to say that I was unaware that a vote was being held on it in Brussels. Nigel Farage at the tip of the spear again.
Anyone opposing the EU and the way in which the United Kingdom was inveigled into joining, should oppose the TTIP and the outrageous manner in which the globalists are trying to foist it on the US people. The latest outrage is on Drudge Report today which links to another Breitbart article as follows:
“Congress is being so secretive about Obamatrade that Congressional authorities are not only keeping the text of President Barack Obama’s various trade deals secret, they’re also keeping the log that lists which members of Congress went to go read the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) private as well.”
Here’s an article on the Brussels vote.
‘A Conservative spokesman in Strasbourg told Breibart London: “On the debate – call us old fashioned but we think it’s best to know what a report says before we debate it….” ‘ (ibid)
EU, TTIP, North American Union?
My theory is that it’s all one big conspiracy…
Chasmatic comment over on American Digest:
While all is being said, not much is being done.
To address a scourge such as Islam we must think in terms of extermination.
Think: Dresden;
Think: Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Collateral damage? Every time some unfortunate guy gets beheaded and the video goes viral?
Really, collateral damage? You’re worried some kids or old people are gonna get killed?
When they kill one of ours, we kill one hundred of theirs.
It has been seen and experienced in most every other country in the world, from the “super-powers” to the Third World yocky-dock countries: Islam is not a good thing. It benefits nobody, apparently not even the adherents.
We are all listening to rumors that something bad is gonna happen. Instead of cowering and hoping that it won’t happen near us we should be fire-bombing Baghdad and other concentrations of Muslim terrorists. Can’t find ’em? Enlarge the target area.
The justification, if one is needed, is that the Muslims are Evil. Whether we are spiritual or worldly, believers or atheists, young, old, gay or straight, male or female, White or Black, or any other combination of the above, the paradigm in which we all repose dictates that some things are good, some bad, and some Evil.
The remedy to the damage and destruction, the murder most foul and the barbaric actions of Muslims can only be met with a force strong enough to overcome once and for all that which threatens all others.
Death sudden, overwhelming, final, no hesitation, and thorough by whatever means will accomplish the end result — elimination of the Evil.
Wait until they break out the nukes.
Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 24, 2015 2:42 AM
Frank P, I have no wish to become as evil as the evil that is to be opposed. Where is the evil? Islam? What about those in the West who are funding and have funded and trained these Muslim groups, and have done so for decades? Surely those who facilitate evil are more evil? And those of us who have known this and done nothing? Just voted into power the same utterly corrupt and soulless zombies.
There is much that should be done. But it is Islam which is the problem. It can be opposed. We have chosen not to do so.
In response to the view expressed by several CHWs above that people in the United Kingdom will not vote ‘out’ on the argument for restoring our national sovereignty since people’s main interest is their economic welfare, I think the main focus of the Shout Out for Britain campaign should be on the threat to people’s economic welfare posed by EU immigration laws. Of course, the campaign should be prepared for Mr. Cameron to anticipate that point in negotiations which he has with the EU prior to the referendum and, temporarily no doubt, ameliorate it.
In that contect, it should be highlighted that the aim of the “in” crowd is to see the EU link up with the TTIP and the NAU to form one government comprising the present EU.
Therefore the following has implications for a Britain which remains in the EU:
“Discovered inside the huge tranche of secretive Obamatrade documents released by Wikileaks are key details on how technically any Republican voting for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal would technically also be voting to massively expand President Obama’s executive authority when it comes to immigration matters.”
and it should be kept in mind that, if passed, the TTIP contains a mechanism which permits its terms to be changed (the so-called ‘living agreement’) without any further debate or vote in Congress. That principle would also be part of what would be voted on by the EU parliament if the matter ever reaches that point in its debate.
Immigration to the UK as a matter for the sole discretion of the President of the European Union with no right to challenge his decision will rob the British of their economic security – such as it is…
Peter from Maidstone.
The only way the evil will be defeated will be through superior force. It has already gone beyond the point where civilized negotiation will solve the problem. However you and I feel the missteps that have empowered the evil, somebody has to take it on with overwhelming force – soonest. The longer we shrink from the task, the worse it will get.
You say there is much that should be done? What – and by whom?
Chasmatic makes the extreme case. It may well come to that. As he forewarns – wait until they break out the nukes.
Frank P @ 10:44
Point taken, Frank, thanks, and a powerful advice it is, too, you should be the one delivering sermons of the mountain.
telemachus @ 11:25
Not that the scotch egg would be on the top of Baron’s culinary dreams, telemachus, but to deprive anyone who lusts after it is travesty. Scurvy on loonies.
Malfleur @ 22:25
You know more about this secretive TTIP, Malfleur, than anyone else here, what is it that it hides? In the Republic, apparently there’s just one copy in a safe room, only some are allowed in, read it, no copies, even notes can be taken. What’s going on?
Frank P @ 22:48
Surely we haven’t yet reach a point requiring a ‘Hiroshima’ solution the guy seems to be advocating, Frank. The barbarian’s guess is the one who penned this kill, kill, kill narrative is young, never suffered more that a little prick from a cutlery eating lime guacamole with quinoa crusted feta.
Send him to Africa for a year or so, he may get real.
Baron’s sticking to what he said many times before, we figure a substitute for oil, and at the same time we drop the delusion that all cultures, societies, races or whatever are equal, and we, the white tribe are racist because our predecessors behaved badly towards tribes of skin colour other than white.
We do those two things, Frank, the Islam marinated Arabs will go back to what they do best, race camels, drink black coffee, move around the sand dunes. No need for nukes.
In the past I would have supported the exercise of overwhelming force to destroy ISIS. But the problem I have is that those who would authorise such a use of force are the same ones who have funded, trained and sought to use ISIS and Al Qaeda for their own purposes.
Domestically I would…
i. Stop all Muslim immigration to the UK.
ii. Repatriate recent Muslim migrants and students.
iii. Prevent any Muslim holding public office or membership of the Armed Forces or Police Force.
iv. Require all mosques to be registered.
v. Make any Islamic political activities illegal.
vi. Strip citizenship from any Muslim found supporting ISIS or travelling to combat zones
vii. Deport any Muslim without citizenship who is found supporting ISIS or travelling to combat zones.
viii. Do not allow any non-British citizen to vote in any elections.
‘we haven’t yet reached’, of course, not reach.
This is what you get eating breakfast (porridge with berries, nuts, if you must know), posting on the Wall, and having to listen to what sins have the barbarian committed yesterday (many, if you also must know). ‘What a life without a wife, even worse with one’, a friend of Baron’s used to say, and bloody right he was, too.
‘has’ of course, ‘has’ and not have. Baron will be worse the Guardian soon, if he continues piling up mistakes in his error correcting postings.
‘Chasmatic’ is, I infer, from his many posts on Gerard’s blog, very much of the ilk of old farts like me, who with (fast-diminishing) time on their hands and a critical eye express their frustration at the world going to hell on a handcart by suggesting the remedies of the past that seemed to have worked, such as those signed off by Winston Churchill/Bomber Harris, Harry Truman and later Margaret Thatcher. Or even the threats issued by JFK, or Ronald Reagan, which the potential enemy believed would be followed through. Or Bush 41/Stormin’ Norman who didn’t quite go far enough on ‘The Road to Basra’. That’s all within our lifetimes. Having read some history of times before our era, It seems fair to conclude that Christendom had some ballsy bastards who knew how to deal with Islam in days of yore and whose definition of ‘evil’ was losing a war waged against the evil cult.
The only analogy that fits the current crop of so called ‘leaders’ of what is now loosely described as ‘The West’ (which is a different, multiculti animal than the one of that spawned me) is that of the queer body builder who builds a mountain of muscle, but only uses it to bugger his friends – and as a result the muscle becomes schlerotic and useless; diseased and self- destructive: the AIDS of moral fibre.
Unfortunately therefore the remedies of Chasmatic, me and yes – even Peter’s long list – have a dewdrop’s in Hades chance of ever being implemented.
I know an old friend of mine will forgive me if I repeat a maxim he coined in a letter to me this very morning:
“The meek shall inherit the Earth – unless someone objects”.
Very profound, replete with irony and the quote of the millennium – so far, IMHO. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Very profound! Nota bene , Peter.
That’s not what meek means, Frank. So your friend is not so profound.
Sez who?? 🙂
To be meek is to be self controlled, and to act with determination and not in a blind and useless rage. The meek are those who will choose the right response to ISIS and act at the right time. Nothing at all to do with weakness.
Sez who? Are you a Bible scholar all of a sudden? Do you know the Greek words in the Beatitudes? I do know New Testament Greek, and I have studied what this passage means in Greek.
What should we be doing? The meek man seeks to find the right response. Too many of us, I mean myself, are encouraged by the media to be filled with an impotent rage that will achieve nothing, instead of acting in the necessary way to accomplish everything.
Look up ‘cobblers!’ in the dictionary.
You are not Charles L Dodgson reincarnated, by any chance?
Why cobblers? If you are going to misquote the Bible then you need to know what the Bible teaches. Have you spent years studying the Bible? I have. And in Greek.
“The meek are those who will choose the right response to ISIS and act at the right time. Nothing at all to do with weakness.”
Who dat? Obama? Hillary? CMD? Andy Burham?
Perhaps Nigel Farage?
Now we’re back to ‘dewdrops in Hades’.
Perhaps I should ask my friend, who reads and comments hereupon, and who is no bubble and squeak, to define what he meant. As we usually converse in English, I understood him perfectly and his profundity is as deep as the abyss into which we are fast descending 🙂
But you haven’t actually proposed anything. Posting from some guy who wants to nuke everybody isn’t a plan. What do you actually suggest be done in the UK to actually help resist the danger we face? And it’s not just a danger from Islam here in the UK.
What he meant, and the implication that this is what Christianity teaches, are not the same thing. He can speak to what he meant, but it requires other authority to address what Christianity teaches.
BTW I didn’t quote the bible, I quoted my friend, who filched a phrase from it and converted it into an ironic quip.
I also remember that the Mullahs and Imams have a habit of interpreting the Q’ran any which way that suits them for convenience, during debate. And if the Bible translators of yore didn’t want to be misunderstood, they should have taken more care.
Chas and I have made suggestions; you have made yours. Tell ya what – run a book on which is the most likely to happen within ten years, given the cranky negotiations with Iran, Israel’s sensitivity to its existential threat, the boiling cauldron of hate that is now the Middle East or more exactly, what it was once called , the Near East (nearer than most of us would like!)
My money”s on a new Big Bang, or rather a series of ’em that will pale into insignificance, by comparison, the Original gnat’s fart. And that, of course, will also be ‘God’s Will’ ( but there’ll be no bugger left to write about it, in misinterpreted Greek or otherwise).
I don’t think nuking everyone in the Middle East resolves our problems in the UK. Unless we are to consider nuking various urban centres in the UK? But there are things that could be done here and campaigned for.
“Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God’s strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness.”
Well, Bomber Harris et all brought the UK based Gerries into line and as for Harry T – haven’t seen much action from the Nips here since the WWII show, except their rather aggressive propensity to sell us very nice cars.
Who knows? Perhaps a well placed fizzer on Tehran or Mecca, would convince the Mullahs that we’re more amenable to cars than the Q’ran? Not a bad strategy, perhaps, considering they supply most of the fuel to run ’em. A win-win situation.
It’s okay, you don’t have to demonstrate that you were not ‘the friend’ in question – the regulars here would know that just ain’t so. 🙂
A touch of the snide there I think, Frank P old chap.
Papieren bitte!
June 10th – Alex Jones has news for the Bilderbergers:
Just a touch? Don’t be so meek!
The next 10 years.
I suspect the Islamic idiots to get a small nuclear bomb and use it, I suspect the west will stand back wherever it was used and do nothing.
Am sure that once the threat becomes obvious Israel will take out Mecca with the first strike and then targets of slightly less importance.
By the time they are finished Islam will be put back in the box for the next thousand years.
The west will grow some balls and destroy all the mosques and give Muslims a blunt choice of with us or go .
There can be no happy ending to this.
Malfleur (14:13)
I normally give Alex Jones a miss; his brand of alarmism is a little too strong, even for me, but as the Bilderbergers were on the menu, I thought I’d sample a taster.
Thank you; his young pale-faced wild-eyed acolyte, whose name I have already forgotten, is really exercised, isn’t he? Probably his right wrist is even more exercised, I would guess. Anyway, in two minutes flat I was thoroughly convinced that the Bilderberg periodical piss-up of self-regarding jerk-offs is responsible, not only for the proliferation of weeds in my Dolly Varden, but also for my wife’s toothache. Sinister!!!
Sadly, the power emanating from the gathering didn’t help one of its attendees, viz. Edward Balls in the last election, did it?
As for poor old Henry K, at least half of his co-diners must have been distracted from the devious plans while trying to prevent him from dribbling into the soup, or nodding off and drowning in it.
PfM 0956
My only question is this.
How do you identify a Muslim?
In the first instance you ask.
To identity a Muslim will be less of an issue after what’s coming. There will be no political correctness .
If you look like a Muslim ,act like a Muslim, talk like a Muslim, and show signs of thinking like a Muslim you will be out.
After a few nuclear exchanges the world will not think like today.
I’ve worked all over the Muslim world, they hate Jews with a passion. It’s in their DNA they will use any weapon of mass destruction against Israel with joy, with no thought to the consequences because they are stupid.
They seem to have no ability to see the result of action taken.
Apart from being bone idle, this is the reason they have to employ people to do all the work that has to be done in their countries.
They are fucking useless.
And if anyone thinks their ancestors built the pyramids they are living in a parallel universe.
They couldn’t build a shithouse with the seat in the right place without western help.
I’ve been all over the main parts of the world and can respect most people I have come across , but there is something wrong with Muslims.
It’s the whole issue of Islam.
Totalitarian, racist beyond belief, institutional hatred towards anyone of a different belief. The concept they are superior when the reality is they are fucking useless, their attitude towards women.
There is nothing good about Islam. What benefits has Islam given to the west apart from stealing our benefits payments because they are to useless to get a job.
What taxes do they pay in the dubious jobs they do do.
They are all cash hand jobs, taxis, hairdressers, kebab shops, drugs, copy tobacco.
How much cash through the till ends up with the government.
They are a cancer on our society.
That’s it, I’ve had my say.
And a very good say it was!
You should found a Society.
Apology to Anne for the language.
John birch
June 11th, 2015 – 20:27
John, no need to apologise, I am afraid I swear these days in a manner my late mother would find hurtful. Now about moslems, I agree with a lot of what you say, and I know how rotten many, but not all, of them are. True there are many who exist in work that enables them to evade taxation and claim benefits, and like any people that do this, they are disgusting. But John, what about the gifted and talented doctors and surgeons who daily save lives? Yes there too, we can find rotten ones, but so we can find bad doctors and professionals who are not moslems. Have a rant by all means, I do, it’s cathartic and makes one feel better and hurts nobody. But, John, don’t let us become bigots who hate blindly and brand all with the same sins. We must constantly guard against becoming mirror images of those who hate us.
John Birch – various.
Having lived amongst the mad f***kers, I can only agree with and endorse all your comments and observations.
They will, without doubt, get their hands on nuclear weapons and use them against Israel. At which point, the West will have to respond and Putin and the Chinese will lob their toys in hoping to pick up as many non-glowing but beneficial assets as they can.
India and Pakistan will surely destroy each other. I am hoping my adopted homeland will survive, being too far away from the crucible of hate to be affected. But I am not convinced.
I believe western politicians realise this is the unavoidable future but lack the ability to persuade their populations and the balls to act aggressively and appropriately to defend their peoples.
From Mark Steyn’s website:
A live feed from the IPCC, well worth watching.
Sorry that link didn’t work – try this:
And it the ICCC, not IPCC (a Freudian slip).
Frank P at 19.23
…………./Nice one chum/……..
To Pot at 15:01 from Kettle: I had intended to include a smiley to duplicate the one graciously ending your earlier post, but I can’t do smileys and suchlike in this window. May be Peter could add a little panel of them to click on, like Skype, without missing out the one with horns on of course 🙂
a smiley face just requires the characters : and – and ) all next to each other with no spaces. 🙂
Frank P @ 16:37
Glad to see you engaged your mind with the Alex Jones show. The result – much as expected. Is it the Show or is it the mind? : )
How do I add horns?
Tower Hamlets Mayoral election today.Police out in force.
This is grumpy 🙁 The ) upside down (
Now I will try it with horns! ):-)
Dont know if it worked!
) 🙂
On islam and demonstrating power without undue harshness.
None of us, I presume, wishes to be a cat’s paw.
There is an argument to be made, and which has been made, that islamic terrorism in the West is an expression of deliberate western policy. The latest example is ISIS and its works.
There is another argument for which evidence has been adduced that this policy’s mainspring is the Bilderberg Group. The aim of the policy is to divide the people, and thereby generate a crisis in which the abolition of our rights can be justified and further control be established.
A Chinese sage said that when a wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at his finger.
If we are wise, we should not be indulging in speculation about how many muslims need to be killed – and the consensus above seems to be not a few – if the necessary power to defuse the threat can be applied without undue harshness.
I would say that we have a better chance of success by dismantling the Bilderberg conspiracy and in any event none of us that I know of, except perhaps Frank P, has access to nuclear weapons anyway.
Our option is to bring about the downfall of the Bilderberg conspiracy with the weapons of freedom of speech and the exercise of political liberty.
If however I were to be asked who could bring down Bilderberg by military means but with the least damage to the furniture, my thoughts would turn to someone like Admiral Martin Dempsey who took an oath to defend the constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. This would be an exercise of power, some would say God’s power, without undue harshness.
The Admiral and any officers who might be of this mind will have to hurry though.
Sorry to be alarmist, but the theatre’s on fire.
anne wotana kaye
It looks as though the horns fixed grumpy and turned him smiley. I will have to try it in any further exchanges with Frank P…
I mentioned a while back that I had started reading Andrew Roberts’s first-rate book,Napoleon the Great, and I am sure there are many on the Wall waiting for me to bring back geo-political lessons.
While living at Malmaison, from time to time Josephine would dress an orang-outang in a chemise and seat her at the dinner table among the other guests to eat turnips.
The smiley faced reminded me of an old ditty.
“The Sun has Got His Hat On” by Ambrose & his Orchestra (1932):with the original words (now banned).
Radford NG @ June 11th, 23:11
May be we should petition the government to turn all administrative units in the Kingdom which are dominated by islamicists into intimidation free areas? First define “intimidation” though – there’s the rub.
I don’t want to be alarmist, but
Where do we all stand on the Hunt debacle
Sarah Vine at her withering best today
“First of all, let me just say that I do not intend to resign on account of what I am about to say. Or issue a grovelling apology, or cry in the loos.
So if you’re a touchy ‘feminazi’ with the sense of humour of a Ryvita, or just one of those weird people who like getting in a massive lather about things, save your spittle. If, that is, you have any left. Because you did it, ladies. You got your man. Sir Tim Hunt, 72, Nobel Prize winner, one of Britain’s top scientists last night resigned.
No doubt it will be extra helpings of organic non-GM muesli all round at breakfast this morning now that this scourge has been banished from scientific circles. After all, men like him can’t be allowed to go around the place making giant scientific breakthroughs of the kind that may one day lead to, oh I don’t know, a cure for cancer, unless and until they have fully submitted to the will of the mob.”
Well worth a full read including the video
Do we now understand this woman’s husband……
Good for Sarah Vine!
I was particularly incensed by the treatment of John Inverdale by the BBC.
Wimbledon is looming and we are to be treated instead to wall to wall lesbianism purveyed by just married Mr Balding.
Feminazi does not begin to describe what has become of the BBC. Any deviation from the PC norm and you are out on your ear. They did for Paxman. They assassinated Clarkson. They axed Ross. The Antiques Roadshow girl is coming under suspicion.
What can we do?
I think Woss (do you mean him?) has been rehabilitated and slithered back into the BBC. He is no anti-PC crusader. I remember his interviewing of Oliver North where he waited until that guest had left the studio before sneering at him to incite the usual seal clapping and whooping of the audience-cum-mob. I thought it the behaviour of a snivelling coward then and now. Nothing since has disabused me of that view.
telemachus – 06:25
You must find it hard to keep on top of Sarah Vine, given your punishing daily regime, but thanks for keeping us abreast of developments. 😉
Colonel Mustard – 08:53
Wossy is a truly dreadful, overpaid, crass, boorish, humourless philistine. Although I never watch his “shows” I take great comfort in knowing that there’s someone out there who is bigger oik than I am.
Point taken Anne. ✔️
I feel quite pleased with the girl who stripped off in Malaysia, her and her friends wanted to travel and experience other cultures, which is excellent.
I think a lot of western women should go and have experience of other cultures, it would do them good to see that things here are not so oppressive as they might think.
John, put it this way: We were once upon Snowdon in a car during Easter and it started to snow. If Western women, or indeed men,decided to strip off here on top of a mountain, I don’t think it would do them much good. 🙂
Tower Hamlets mayorality won by Labour against an Independent from Lutfur Rahman’s group.
1st Round/Lab 39.1%(27,255)/`Ind`37%(25,255).
2nd Round/Lab.32,754 votes/`Ind`26,384 votes.
Turn out 37.7%
Labour win Stepney bi-election giving them majority on Tower Hamlets council.
Lab 42.1%/`Ind`37.1%.
Turn out 47.4%.
This morning, backing up the blog so to speak, I got around to viewing yesterday’s squawkfest and display of ruffled feathers in the Ogla nut tree hereabouts.
I thought it a tad ironic that, in the wider context of a general discussion regarding the advisability and effectiveness of thermonuclear options in tackling existential religio-fascist threats, a dispute about a tiny four letter word could cause such a heated dispute.
A living language is similar to climate in that it is constantly changing. If the clergical types had always stuck to the original Greek derivations when dispensing wisdom, then might “heretic” not now have such a pejorative connotation?
Fearing a dump from any of you eddicated hinterlechewals up there in the upper branches, my tin hat is now firmly on…
Baron et al,
Yes, of course its nice that Verity is back in the UK and being looked after by the Health Service that she has vilified for years on this site. Cats are a plague in my garden too.
I just saw a huge cat gallop over my small garden wth a fledgling in its jaws! I suggested to the RSB recentlly that they should adivise cat owners to keep their cat flaps shut during the day in the Spring. I was told that that, that would affect mice, and other small rodents…RATS
Baron, don’t ever stop writing about the “Russian Mother Land” – please.
Jennifer @ 14:32
A cat’s collar fitted with a little bell would do the job as well, Jennifer, one can buy them, nobody does. Neither the RCPB, nor certainly the government has the guts to impose the wearing of one, not even to promote it, bloody hypocrites.
Malfleur @ 00:58
One wonders whether they would be as willing to sign the parchment if the guy were to show them the video below. This dates from 2011 or earlier, but given our propensity to improve on things, both the US, the other nuclear powers like Russia, China probably already have something even more devastating, like a device causing temporary blindness, (say) three/four months coupled with a fast decay of radioactive particles, (say) a month or so that would enable the attacking forces to occupy the enemy territory, enslave the occupants.
Doesn’t it make you jump with joy to be a part of the human race, Malfelur?
Jennifer @ 14:14
So it’s not only the male crew of this abode who’s in a gladiatorial mood, you too, Jennifer?
Not unlike EC, the barbarian will also have to find a tin hat, put it on, hope for the best.
No, no, no dear Baron, take your tin hat off! – on your side.
George Osbourne (a regular attendee) will be at the Bilderberger meeting in Austria,along with Ed Balls.
Also the chair of the BBC Trust,Rona Fairhead;General Petraeus (ex CIA);Henry Kissinger; and Michael O’Leary (Ryanair).
A link from the above:”Why do people believe in cabals?” (8 June;comments closed).
Because they exist?Would the Bilderberger Group have gone public if it were not for conspiracy theorists discovering it and hounding it.
Anne 12.53
Probably frighten the sheep too.
Above at 15.43
If Michael O’Leary what about our very own (Sir) Stelios?
Jennifer June 12th, 2015 – 14:14
“Verity is back in the UK and being looked after by the Health Service that she has vilified for years on this site.”
How, when, where, I have never seen Verity vilify our health service?
June 12th, 2015 – 14:14
You sound a charming lady……..
Radford NG @ 13:13
Not that much difference then, Radford.
And now, something completely different:
EC @ 13:38
T. S. Eliot’s definition of a heretic: Someone who seizes upon a truth, pushes it to the point at which it becomes a falsehood.
Clever, but how does it fit logic, if falsehood is something false; an untrue idea, belief?
Baron @ 15:08
Most unpleasant. I think we chatted about undisclosed advanced weapons some months ago. My hope is that these, including tactical nuclear weapons, will be used surgically and that the days of war against the population no longer has its logic. Unfortunately, the Bilderberg Group aim to reduce the world population to 500,00,000, so we must hope that someone carries out a surgical strike against them as a priority.
By the way, the petition to Obama to carry out a first nuclear strike against Russia was the latest in a series of spoof petition designed to show how dumbed down the American people are. It was carried out by Mark Dice who can be seen discussing it on the Alex Jones Show on June 11th at Personally, I think it’s a little alarmist so I have ignored it and anyway even if the US government wanted to initiate a first strike, Bill Clinton obviated the policy sy substituting a requirement that the US military absorb a first nuclear attack before striking back with nuclear weapons. This, conspiracy theorists believe, is designed to allow the US military to be knocked out at the start of hostilities. But why would anyone on “our side” want to do that? Too alarmist, don’t you think?
This belled cat business…is there a solution there somewhere to your mole problem?
RadforNG @ 15.43
Good points. Does anyone know if Mr. Cameron will attend in Austria to take instructions on the referendum? The published list of attendees is not necessarily exhaustive, Balls by the way may have been left on it because the arrangements had been made before the unexpected election result. Is anyone going to “get in the face” of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to ask what his agenda was with these dubious characters?
EC @ 13:38
I think the point was whether the translation of the word in the Bible aimed to reflect the original meaning faithfully but got it wrong; not whether a useful new word was created by the mistake. We have an interest in understanding what the original said, surely? That was the reason why the bible was translated in the first place.
Now of course we lack a word for “exercising God’s strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness”. The nearest thing is the phrase “an eye for an eye”; but that too has, I believe, been mistranslated into its common usage to mean barbarity rather than restraint.
Baron @ 19:10
I daren’t look at your link because it is too early in the morning and having almost finished a cup of tea I am about to go back to bed in the hope of sleep.
But is its topic similar in kind to the new offence in New York City of “manspreading”?
anne wotana kaye and jennifer
I think women are so nice they should govern. Vote Hillary!
Btw, are you pro-Marmite or antiMarmite?
Baron @ 15:13
Personally, I prefer to wear a duck’s back on my head – especially when dealing with
June 12th, 2015 – 20:47
Point taken, but Verity isn’t here to defend herself, and weird as it seems, I feel she is a very old friend. Btw, I adore Marmite! A plateful on hot buttered tast. Hillary, well I forgive Clinton for Monica.
Malfleur – 20:39
Mm, the church wasn’t exactly overjoyed when the bible was translated into English, was it?
“In 1535, Tyndale was arrested and jailed in the castle of Vilvoorde (Filford) outside Brussels for over a year. In 1536 he was convicted of heresy and executed by strangulation, after which his body was burnt at the stake.”
A wonderful tract in support of Brexit:
anne wotana kaye
I hope Verity will soon feel able to rejoin the fray and that she knows that the Wall was looking for her.
Good to hear that you are one of the Marmiteers!
From the English people’s point of view, all the more reason to translate the Bible correctly. The attempt to keep the Bible’s message from the English people has a parallel in the attempt today to keep knowledge of the EU, North American Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership from the understanding of the peoples in those area; albeit those treaties are the bibles of, as it were, the Anti-Christ.
By the way, I was not aware that Tyndale was imprisoned outside Brussels. One of history’s ironies.
Post colonialism rules – OK!
“That reminds me of Zimbabwe and their recent hyperinflation. They had a staggering 500 billion percent inflation. Zimbabwe has now declared that the Zimbabwe dollar will be demonetized and people who have 175 quadrillion dollars or more will get 5 U.S. dollars. So not only were landowners’ properties taken away from them, but also all the savings in the country have just vanished.”
A bit alarmist of course; so let’s ignore it.
Nancy Pelosi – the worm that turned?
Alex Jones Sounds the Alarm: Something Wicked this Way Comes
Friday June 12 Show:
In that June 12 Show, which I have just been watching part of, there is an interesting interview with the economist, Martin Armstrong, on why the banksters held a secret meeting in London recently to discuss the abolition of cash and why the Bilderberg Group has this topic on its agenda.
Marmiteers. Try marmite and cucumber sandwiches. Or even marmite, Philadelphia and cucumber. The saltiness of the marmite, the texture of the cheese and the crunch of the cucumber. Mmm
If you have left over pastry roll it out. Spread with marmite and add grated cheese. Roll it up like a swiss roll. It needs to be about an inch and a half diameter so plan accordingly. Chop into 3/4 inch thick slices. Place on baking try and cook. Not too much. No idea how long they keep!
Sounds yummy – don’t get me started on Bovril…
Malfleur @ 20:25
The conspiracy theorists aren’t Baron’s favourite phylum, as you well know, and he wasn’t aware of the preemptive doctrine.
The moles have been eradicated, well, all but one who refuses to be tempted into a box charged with a bait. The cats are a different cup of earl grey, one cannot really exterminate them, can one?
Malfleur @ 20:44
What’s next? Baron would suggest ‘arseplacing’, a person with a massively oversized backside should not be allowed to sit next to anyone, but has to stand. Standing burns more calories than sitting because it’s is less relaxing as the great Winston would have it: Don’t ever stand if you can sit down, and don’t ever sit down, if you can lie down’.
Frank P @ 00:31
It seems the poorly educated Slav must oppose what the omni-all Mr.Boot says as of habit, Frank, but it isn’t so. However, his argument based on individuality falls when tested against evidence. Britain as we know it today wasn’t always a united country, but a mix of tribes that differed in custom, habit, even in language. Other current EU nations, too, began life with the amalgamation of neighbouring tribes. The language of the Prussians and that of the Bavarian end of Germany some 100 years before the country’s unification was sufficiently apart for ordinary people not to understand each other well. The barbarian mentions the tongue because it’s often taken to be the one unifying feature of a well defined national polity. It isn’t so, however, just look at the Swiss.
Baron’s opposed to the EU not because the idea of united Europe isn’t doable, but because it’s being imposed from above for motives other than a natural evolution of societal, demographic, cultural trends, and secondly, because of the speed at which it’s being implemented. Old habits die hard, and the millennium plus old habit of being British may not ever die.
It may well be though that in the year 2200, give or take a couple of years, if humanity is still around, Europe may indeed be a single polity with regions like Germany, Italy or whatever as distinct as are the individual states in the Republic today. (Note, Baron hasn’t mentioned Britain as a ‘region’, he reckons the anglo-saxon tribe is the hardest nut to crack, hence the burghers of this island may, reluctantly again, join it (say) around the year 2300.
Just been watching the Trooping, an incomparable pageant. Along with many on the Wall, I loath what has been done to our country, but when I observe something like the Birthday Parade, it triggers a frisson within me, an unquenchable pride in our Nation. These feelings will never be eradicated from the British psyche, especially by the tidal wave of illiterate peasants imported from the Indian sub continent for no other purpose than to vote for labour.
Yes … The Trooping went off with absolute precision and because it was the turn of the Welsh to strut their stuff, I was even prepared to forgive Huw Edwards and his unruly top lip, which for once he managed to keep under control in keeping with the occasion. Could have done without Clare Balding though.
Phil the Greek continues to amaze us with his stamina and stance. And of course The Boss was at her usual immaculate best. Indomitable! Long may she reign indeed!
Last night I could choose between the homosexual Clare Balding or the homosexual Alan Carr. How has a tiny minority gained such public influence, prestige and power? Who is promoting these people?
It is possible to watch, on You Tube, films of the Trooping of the Colour from before the Second World War, through the 1950s to the 1960s.
Comparing then and now it is apparent just how much the drill and deportment, especially the latter, of the Guards has deteriorated. Guardsman are fatter, shorter and more hunched, partly the result of the modern gym work out mania. It probably won’t be long before we are treated to the sight of even shorter Guardswomen with fat arses waddling along, with unsightly buns of gathered hair sticking out from under their bearskins.
Also on You Tube are films of Guardsmen shamefully performing funny walks and hamming it up in other ways for tourists and You Tube “fame”.
Malfleur – 01:02
Surely any translation’s accuracy depends on the translation & interpretation of what, by whom and via how many languages. This was always, and evidently still is, the jealously guarded preserve of the clerical “scholars” of the various desert dogmas and their Heinz 57 offshoots. Certainly, William Tyndale paid the ultimate price for breaching the CoR clergy’s exclusive deal with almighty Bob.
Over the years, differences of opinions regarding the various interpretations “of what and by whom” has lead to schisms, even open internecine warfare resulting in piles of corpses.
Closer to home, regarding gentler factional disagreements, I’m reminded of Max Boyce’s wonderful joke about a Welshman who got stranded on a desert island for five years.
Fear, control, intimidation & punishment, not to mention power, money & sex. So disappointingly having little to do with God, Organised Religion historically has had (still does?) so much in common with Organised Crime. If they were operating like that in the USA today, if the Feds spent less time on football, some of them would surely have fallen foul of the RICO Act (1970). Oh, just look at that…
EC @ 14:10
So a Welshman gets stranded on a desert island for five years, and then what, EC? Or is the joke ‘a Welshman stranded on a desert island’?
Around seven sex doped young men and women were posing naked on the sacred pile of rock, but the media seem obsessed with just one female. Anyone knows why?
Peter from Maidstone – 13:36
I chose watch Graham Norton. He’s usually quite entertaining but he’s only as good as his guest. Last night’s three americans and Dara O Brian were quite disappointing, with the latter sticking out like a sore thumb.
Then, following Baron’s lead I got lost in YouTube.
Baron, Seen the Davy Crockett portable nuke?
@ 20 tonnes TNT equiv. it was the world’s smallest nuke!
(range 2 miles -decommissioned in the 70’s)
link for the above:
Baron – 14:20
This is a close approximation of the joke as told by MB.
Gareth James, a Welshman, was shipwrecked and managed to survive, he was marooned on a desert island. A passing ship picked him up some seven years later and the crew were amazed to find his little island covered in fine buildings that Gareth had constructed all by himself.
With pride Gareth took the Captain round the island and pointed out to him his house, workshop, and two chapels.
‘But what do you need the second chapel for?’ demanded the perplexed captain.
‘Come on, boyo,’ smiled Gareth impishly, ‘THAT’s the chapel I don’t go to.’
Colonel Mustard @ 13:57
About a couple on months ago, on the Travel Channel they screened a documentary that featured a lot of American soldiers both from the early fifties and now. The most striking feature of the two lots was their physical appearance. The warriors from the mid-last century were all tall, lean, they looked as if they came from a mould. Today’s soldiers looked as you say some of our guardsmen do, Colonel. In a close-up of a face, one of the men had a fading tattoo on his neck saying ‘cut here’ but the fatness of his neck distorted the work of contemporary art, it read more like ‘cui nere’, but what the soldiering lot of the past missed is this:
(Sorry, it won’t copy, a huge, tree part poster of an ‘LGBT pride month events’ at an US military base ‘walk, run, get covered in colour’. it says, then ‘tell your story’ and ‘enjoy the meal discussion, and community’).
What else does the future hold? We should be told, shouldn’t we?
EC @ 14:41
A good joke, worth remembering, thanks, EC.
Frank P @ 13:11
Seconded, Frank, the last sentence most of all that is.
You know what?, the barbarian has an unsettling feeling it will all go pear shaped when she goes, the tree hugger takes over.
PS it was a ‘three part poster’ the barbarian was talking about, sorry.
Colonel Mustard – 13:57
Trooping the Colour (B&W)
Colonel Mustard – 13:57
Trooping the Colour (B&W)
NB this link will play, 1951 and then continue with 1952, 1957, 1958 & 1960
Just watched an excellent documentary on Yesterday channel about the first day of the Blitz. Very interesting. Lots of interviews with those who had been young on the day.
Peter from Maidstone @ 13:36
Baron’s luckier than you then, Peter, he has a third option – choosing neither.
You may know it anyway, but homosexuality was first put on the statute book in 1533. It carried the death penalty, and one of the very first people to be convicted under the statute was Nicholas Udall, the then Headmaster of Eton where he taught Latin, and was known to be fond of flogging (what else for someone with his sex preferences?). He appealed to Henry VIII, was out after a year. Later he was appointed Vicar of Braintree, then Headmaster of Westminster in 1554. He must had had few friends of the same bent in high places, Baron reckons.
I am quite charming and extremely nice – I don’t swear as I think its lazy. Quite good looking too – very long legs and a nice face – ash blond hair – going grey. Sailed half way round the world in a small boat and never been to a muslim country on the boat thank goodness. Seen terrible poverty in South and Latin America and believe in capitalism. I’m 1/4 Jew. I like reading the “baron” on Russia – which is why I visit this site!
Malfleur @ 02:56
I won’t happen very often, it cannot happen very often, Malfleur, Baron simply doesn’t have the time, but the barbarian did listen to that part of the show that had Armstrong on. Frankly, the guy doesn’t have much to say except repeating that ‘when the crush comes, the markets will go down 80% because there’ll be no bids’. This is like saying ‘when the rain comes, there will be no dry patch under it’. It bleeding obvious, there are no bids when any market’s in a meltdown, it’s the mechanics of it. What he didn’t say was what the trigger will be, why October, how one should position oneself to avoid penury.
His take on the abolishing of paper money is right, the move would prevent a run on banks, one simply couldn’t withdraw any cash, there won’t be any. The note-less or cashless financial system would indeed give those in governance a total control of one’s financial assets. No so, however, of tangible assets i.e. houses, land, gold and stuff like that.
Whether those in power can pull it off is questionable, it would require a forceful imposition, Baron reckons, and that may be something that will wake up the pliable unwashed everywhere. Whether China, Russia, India other non-Western countries will join in is yet another question, but the cashless set-up doesn’t need every country in, it can be implemented country by country. More to the point, Armstrong has also repeated few times the MSM are full of it. Are they? Baron must have missed it, but then he seldom bothers to read the papers.
Plus ca change, plus ca la meme chose.
This may be of interest
Jennifer @ 16:05
Rather chuffed he is, Baron that is, you like his rants on Russia but, please, Jennifer, remember the barbarian doesn’t have the patent for truth, his judgment must be tainted, subjective, prejudiced. Also, he hails not from Russia (although he lived there when the Red Menace ruled the country), but an adjacent Slavonic country. You should always calibrate and polish what he says, be aware of views other than his. Mr. Boot, well educated, erudite, superb wordsmithing talent, and born in Russia to boot (no pun intended) would be a good blog to visit to get your take on the Russian tribe right.
And this: Your small sailboat was just sails, no engine (out or inboard)?
stephen maybery @ 16:19
Quite, stephen.
Mark Stein
Mark giving the breakfast keynote speech to a capacity crowd at the Heartland Institute’s 10th International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC:
07:40 Tom Harris, introducing
14:45 Anthony Watts owner of
22:00 Introducing …
28:00 Mark Stein, the one and only!
The arsonist who caused the destruction to three shops in Maidstone has been charged and held on remand. He is a Slovakian. He has lived here for two years and has no fixed address – well he does now! Another one of the benefits of unlimited immigration.
There is a well known Guards drill scene in The Colditz Story (1955) where in order to distract the goons actor Lionel Jeffries drills actors Ian Carmichael and Richard Wattis in the slow march, all supposedly Guards officers.
Jeffries served during the war in Burma in the Ox and Bucks Light Infantry qualifying for the Burma Star. Carmichael who often played buffoons in films served in Normandy in the 22nd Dragoons (79th Armoured Division). Wattis, who was a homosexual, served in the Royal Army Medical Corps, but Wiki for some reason has him serving in the arms acquisition section of SOE at Station VI ( Bride Hall, Herts). I suppose he could have served there in the RAMC.
The drill is quite impressive in the film and Jeffries was clearly familiar with the ‘old army’ parade ground but the drill instructors at the Guards Depot at Pirbright of that era would have turned puce at the lower leg not being kept perpendicular to the ground when raising the knee in marking time and turns.
The captured British soldiers at Arnhem kept in step as they were marched away which impressed their German captors especially given what they had been through and the fact that many were walking wounded. There is a German newsreel that shows the young men defiant and one of them making a hostile V-sign towards the cameraman.
During the attempt to reach Arnhem a Private Brown of the 5th Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry destroyed a Tiger tank with a PIAT (Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank), a somewhat Heath Robinson spring loaded affair that fired a hollow charge round and required the firer to be very close to a tank like the Tiger to have any chance of destroying it. Brown left the shelter of a ditch to approach to with a few yards of the Tiger which had been disabled by a mine. The resultant blast as he hit the tank injured him and blinded him in one eye. As he was evacuated and his bravado at getting so close as to wound himself was remarked on in wonder he said “I don’t care – I knocked the b*****d out”.
When notorious lefty luvvie Attenborough made “A Bridge Too Far” the XXX Corps effort to get to Arnhem was caricatured, Hollywood style. No modern British film has paid tribute to the real efforts and sacrifices of the British Army in NW Europe in the way of Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, etc., and most dramatic reconstructions are tarnished by the self hating, self destructive mythology of the left which infests the arts, always seeking to embed Fabian morality play and class war out of context. The Peter Jackson Dambusters remake is still on hold but it should probably be a matter of alarm that Steven Fry has been commissioned to write the screenplay. The mind boggles as to how his preoccupations might be woven into the script.
PoM. When he completes his sentence he should be sent back to Slovakia, and barred from entry again.
Cant b too hard to stop him at immigration can it?
or better still send him to slovakia to serve his sentence.
We had a girl from Bratislava as a cleaner. She was quite quick with most jobs but took a long time with the hoover
She was a slow vac
RobertC – 17:07
Thank you that speech by Mark was absolutely wonderful.
RobertC (17:07)
I watched it all yesterday – and the previous sessions on the day before. Riveting footage!
But pleeeeaaasssee! Do spell Mark’s name correctly – viz. SteYn. His glass is definitely not half empty.
The MSM, of course, have covered the conference exhaustively – not!!
A short commercial, at which the barbarian can only sigh, thinking ‘what the hell is it he’s after’?
Alexandr 1644,
I saw your link, however, I did not read it, I had no need to do so. When last in Saudi, I worked on a hospital in Riyadh. This was not your every day A&E, it was what was called in less prescriptive times, a loony bin. This establishment has 750 rooms and was for the exclusive treatment for the physical and mental defectives of the royal family. It would be of more use if they refrained from screwing each other rather than building hospitals to treat the results of their incest.
This facility has 750 beds to treat the 20K of the royal family. This behaviour is not confined to the Saudis, the Pakis are just as bad. There are 3.5 mil in this country, how much of the NHS budget is expended on treating their cripples?
June 13th, 2015 – 16:05
I am sorry if I offended you with petty sarcasm, but Verity is a person I am very fond of and respect. I am inclined to defend those whom I hold dear.
Lenny Henry, an actor who I admire, has been made a knight, a CBE, for services to charity amongst other reasons. One of the reasons, just had to be there, it was for ‘increasing the diversity of the characters on BBC shows’. Well, as Peter has observed
Peter from Maidstone
June 13th, 2015 – 13:36
Last night I could choose between the homosexual Clare Balding or the homosexual Alan Carr. How has a tiny minority gained such public influence, prestige and power? Who is promoting these people?
Seems there is no lack of diversity when the homosexual members of the public are concerned. Also, didn’t Lenny marrying a fat white woman help to promote diversity on two counts? 🙂
The mind of the apparently indestructable, zombie-like, Marxist left; expressed by the odious Mehdi Hasan in an article about the Milibrats:
Frank P – 18:23
I did manage to get his name right in his website URL.
Anyone going on holiday to Turkey in the near future?
SHOCK WARNING: Terror threat to MILLIONS of holidaymakers as ISIS target TURKEY
“MILLIONS of sunseekers visiting Turkey are at serious risk of being attacked by terrorists hungry for British blood.”
No shock at all.
Colonel Mustard @ 13:57
Baron @ 14:48
Well, I suppose it could be argued that rationing had a role in keeping the guardsmen slim in 1951 rather than any superior moral strength. On the other hand, the American marines I saw attending the “Shoulder to Shoulder” exercise earlier this month were tall, straight, and lean, notwithstanding tattoos – nary a hunch, double chin or short arse in sight.
What struck me about the 1951 clip however was the dress,grooming and comportment of the men and women watching the ceremony.
Obesity and lack of a coherent or indeed attractive style in dress today can probably be put down to consumerism, at once the glory and despair of modern capitalism. Those more despairing than glorying will take comfort from the fly in the soup of our masters’ grand strategy which involves the destruction of consumerism and thus of the great conglomerates who currently support that strategy:
Will the conglomerates continue to play along? I don’t think so. There is hope for the short back and sides, decent tailors, the millinery business and even the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers.
Baron @ 16:14
Having read Jennifer’s post at 16:05, I think you should maximize your available time to writing more on Russia here on the Wall…
Armstrong was not being interviewed to offer his views on how we serfs can avoid penury unfortunately. Your question “why October?” indicates that you missed the sections on “The Forecaster”. His comments on the MSN were secondary to his reflections on why the US government, largely lawyers, wanted his advice but did not want to try to understand it or indeed to listen to it, let alone adopt it.
Term report: must try harder.
Here is your holiday homework:
Moles and cats: I would never advocate exterminating cats. I am very fond of them, though here in exile I am not in a position to own one. I have never seen one gallop; scamper, yes. I had an idea which I had and still have not thought through that perhaps by belling one you could rid yourself of your last, stubborn mole. I still don’t quite know what I almost had in mind.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:40
Montgomery’s concept for Operation Market Garden was brilliant. I believe that some think that without the fluke of two German tank divisions having been sent to the Arnhem vicinity for R & R, it would have succeeded. Is that so?
I was interested to see you say that the remake of the Dambusters is on hold. Would that be pending a decision on the renaming of Guy Gibson’s dog Nigger?
I believe it is “peace for our time.” Go home and get a nice quiet sleep
An open letter to students
Peace for our time…
Colonel Mustard
June 13th, 2015 – 17:40
If Fry does the screenplay, there’ll be niggers in every plane and plenty of bouncing bums.
Asghar Bukhari – And The Case Of The Missing Shoe
Unless Andrew Neil comes up with the goods, you won’t get a better laugh anywhere else today: 15 minutes of paranoia with added slice of blood libel.
There is only one cure for this bloke…
[ “Where’s me shirt, I can’t find me shirt anywhere…” Ken Dodd ]
Next week is shaping up as an auspicious week for the English.
Malfleur June 13th, 2015 – 23:59
That was one factor in the failure but it was more a combination of several factors together that contributed to the end result. Had XXX Corps reached the bridge in time in main strength the presence of those two SS divisions resting and re-fitting in the vicinity (they were not at full strength but there was a tank school there too) would have been less potent. As it was the Germans were able to cobble together their usual ad hoc battle groups to both contain the airborne forces and interfere with the XXX Corps advance.
It was a risky venture that departed from Monty’s usual methodical dotting of I’s and crossing of T’s in the planning and preparation in order to exploit what was thought to be a German Army still largely on the run from Falaise. Hollywood and Attenborough notwithstanding even the local Dutch were not fully aware of the increased German presence and advised the first landing elements accordingly. In fact the Germans had already started to recover, re-group and defend in depth. Their ability to react so quickly was aided not least by their ruthless treatment of ‘reluctant’ soldiers – they executed 15,000 in NW Europe for cowardice, desertion, shell shock and failure to fight. German soldiers were well aware that risking their lives in the face of the enemy was less unhealthy than trying to avoid that.
Cornelius Ryan began the hindsight treatment that ignored the fortunes of war and encouraged American veterans and writers to condemn Monty who they had already been gunning for post-war anyway. Bradley, who was no ball of fire, hated Monty and never missed an opportunity to shaft him. That all facilitated the bitter one line condemnation in ‘Saving Private Ryan’ that “that guy is overrated”. Montgomery was a better General than Bradley or Eisenhower but in a different mould to Patton and constrained by political considerations that the Americans did not face.
The accumulated factors for failure at Arnhem are suggested to be as follows:-
1. Stronger German forces in situ than expected/believed.
2. Landing zones too far from the objective.
3. Airborne forces landed in separate stages rather than in a single coup de main due to transport shortages.
4. Failure to land airborne forces south of the bridge to capture both ends from day one.
5. Logistical and tactical difficulties of advancing a Corps on such a narrow front in the face of re-grouping and reacting enemy forces. The combination of road congestion and enemy interdiction was fatal.
6. Gavin’s decision to make capture of the ridge rather than the bridge at Nijmegen a priority.
Any one of those avoided could have ameliorated the effects of the others.
EC @ 10.16
It could have been a Christian poltergeist wot dunnit.
The fuss over Gibson’s dog’s name is a measure of the puerile times we live in. Apart from the historical fact of it the dog was not named in contempt and the word was then in common use to describe a particular brown colour. In England it did not have the US connotations that seem to be objected to now even more strongly than when state-sponsored prejudice there was overcome – supposedly. Part of the objection is probably the wholesale import of American culture to the extent that some British people seem to live race relations vicariously in the context of American history. But it is also due in part to the race hukstering that has crept in here from America too.
We have been coerced from a concept where it is the motivation and context in which a word is used which determines it offensiveness to one where it simply becomes offensive in order to either virtue signal or to pursue the foolish belief that to control words is to control thoughts and attitudes.
Shock horror, real or contrived, at the reality of Gibson’s dog’s name 72 years ago co-exists with the casual racism, sexism and ageism of the term “pale, male and stale” quite happily bandied about by the hypocrites in our Parliament and media. I prefer to eschew real prejudice rather than to replace one form of it with another.
Colonel Mustard
Thanks – illuminating. I also understand that on the strategic scale even had Montgomery persuaded Eisenhower to adopt a narrow front strategy, the better view is that the push to Arnhem, though successful, could not have been maintained thereafter. Is that right?
Colonel Mustard
Yes, and I understand that American troops were aghast to find racial integration was the norm in the British military or at least in certain parts of it – then unheard of and indeed unthinkable in the American.
EC @ 10:16
You shouldn’t do it to the time pressed barbarian, EC. He clicked on the link, listened expecting some funny punchline, instead the bloke kept on yapping for what seemed like ages about some zionists creeping into his house at night, stealing his shoe when he, his family, were asleep.
He’s never caught them doing (even though it’s easy to install a battery run camera, catch them in the act), but hey, he’s got a logical explanation of the shoe theft – the zionists have stolen the land o f the Palestinians, their houses, freedom …. pinching the shoe would be much easier than stealing the serious stuff …..
Whoever it was who thought this fruitcake how to speak ought to be punished, severely.
Malfleur @ 23:43
On Armstrong: The only thing Baron remembers about him, Malfleur, or his forecasting ability is the prediction gold will top $5000 made when the metal was breaking new highs around a year or so ago, then topping $1700. Today, it’s just over $1100. He will, of course, be right at some point in the future, as we all will be, whatever we say.
On Russia: Not much demand for things Russian, the country, or rather her leader, who has vanished from the the pages of MSM in the last month or so. It puzzles because since the pinnochio Kerry, the ‘fuck-the-EU’ Nuland visited Sochi (mid-May), then Moscow, there has been few noteworthy events, in which Russia is unquestionably implicated, most particularly the FIFA bidding process, the awarding of the 2018 final to the land where Putin rules. Yet, the Western media have respectfully maintained a silence. Why?
We could, or rather should have been told about a large gathering in Moscow about a month ago. It was the presentation of a report proving conclusively Russian troops are fighting in east Ukraine. It was put together by the Nemtsov crowd. The meeting, the report conclusions were splashed across pages of all Russian papers (pro or against the KGB colonel), the TV channel ‘the Rain’ has been going about it for days, pointing to the evidence, interviewing people involved….
Not a murmur in the West. Have the poodling boys, who called themselves journalists, been held back, told to ignore it, have the West finally figured its agitprop on Russia has been misfiring?
The lull may be coming to an end though.The front page of the ST shouts: ‘British spies betrayed to Russians and Chinese’. You read the peace, puzzled, as there’s nothing new to what has been said about the Snowden’s leaked e-mails before, the same old stuff, regurgitated, yes, but nothing that would warrant splashing it on the front page now.
Unless, of course, one remembers the first anniversary of the ill-fated flight of MH17 is coming up. Perhaps, the plucky Dutch will finally reveal who’s the culprit that shot it down, and the only contender for it is no other than Putin’s Russia, or possibly the separatist fighters in east Ukraine. They must have done it, because they stood to gain the most shooting the plane down (only joking).
Btw, Baron has always been under the impression we didn’t have spies, only the Russians, Chinese stooped so low as to deploy them. Now, the ST narrative says we’ve pulled them fearing the nasty KGB will kill them. Go figure.
Baron at 13.12
It’s the tap-dancing moles that do it.
“I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again” (at 02.24min)
What is happening next week that is auspicious for the English? It’s St Alban’s day on Monday week.
Some good points being made:
WATCH: Paterson explains to Marr the importance of purdah
Radford NG @ 16:12
Absolutely spot on, Radford, the tap-dancing moles must have done it, they ‘do it quietly’, the blabbering victim had no chance to hear them.
What a difference between the humour then and now, ha. By cruising the hundreds or so TV channels the other day, Baron hit on a parade of what must be the top of the comedy tree, or what passes for it. Not one of the approved comics would have much to say, if swear words were taken out. And that is supposed to be a part of our contemporary culture.
I’m looking back to see how things have changed so much and so quickly since 1945. I’ve produced this short list of events which seem to be to be symptoms of change and also accelerators and facilitators of change themselves. I’d value people suggesting other key events. I’m also interested in the fact that Roy Jenkins’ fingers seem to be over many of these changes. What was he trying to do and why?
1951 Foreign born population increases from 2.7% to 4.3%
1959 Obscene publications given defence in law
1965 Capital punishment abolished for murder
1967 Abortion of infants under 24 weeks gestation
1967 Homosexual acts in private between two consenting men
1969 Voting age extended to all 18 year old males and females
1973 Divorce on basis of separation for 2 years or unreasonable behaviour
1973 Edward Heath leads the UK into the EEC
RobertC @ 18:04
The sticking point on the EU negotiating process is the definition of ‘fundamental’, it seems to Baron. If it is that the Brussels apparatchiks were to allow Britain to have the final say on credit for immigrant workers, an issue similar to it, the changes were sold as ‘fundamental’, the referendum vote were to be ‘yes’ (we remain in the EU), then we are truly stuck.
Fundamental renegotiation must mean our regaining full sovereignty. The democratic deficit of the House as it stands (with the FPTP voting system) has already widened to a point where MPs of the party in power often totally ignore the wishes of the people, just back the top of the party hierarchy.
Shifting powers to Brussels pushes the deficit further still, far beyond what a truly independent country should tolerate.
14th of June (New Style) 1905:mutiny begins on the Potemkin.
Auspiciousness for the English
15th June 1215
18th June 1815
…and rain after long drought is forecast for where I am on Wednesday.
Malfleur June 14th, 2015 – 11:33
Hard to say. Montgomery wanted to break out onto the North German plain before Christmas with the intention of causing a rapid German collapse in the West. Deep armoured thrusts like that are always a gamble as to whether the chaos caused to the enemy will overcome their capability to cut the penetration off and stabilise a front.
The drive through France and Belgium certainly caused chaos and the Germans only began to recover as it slowed due to logistics issues. In fact the rate of advance was faster than the Germans achieved in France in 1940. Monty’s focus on trying to ‘bounce’ the Rhine and get into North Germany distracted him from the task of securing Antwerp’s port facilities by clearing the Scheldt which would have eased the logistic challenges. But his resources were stretched two ways by that and he already faced manpower problems. Eisenhower would have had to draw down on Bradley and Patton to prioritise Monty which US press opinion would not have tolerated so he ended up dithering and trying to please everyone. Monty and Patton faced very different opposition so it is hard if not impossible to compare their generalship objectively.
Had Monty succeeded in crossing the Rhine I suspect that those logistical problems would have become even more acute and the German capacity to regroup would have exacerbated them further. What it might have done is to prevent the Ardennes offensive because the British Army was better at soaking up and defeating German counter attacks which ultimately ground down German capability to maintain a front. The US Army was less adept at that which is why the Germans targeted their offensive against the American sector in the first place. Exceptions like Bastogne have tended to distract from what was an American rout. Bradley was infuriated that Monty had to step in to stabilise the situation, not helped by Monty’s own arrogance about it. There is little doubt that the political imperative and psychology of the Americans undermined the post-Falaise opportunities in NW Europe but British writers seem to have preferred to denigrate Monty rather than to put the boot in to Eisenhower, Bradley and the British anti-Montgomery clique at SHAEF. The American Hart first wrote to rehabilitate Monty after decades of condemnation (in his ‘Montgomery and Colossal Cracks’) and more recently Buckley has completely re-appraised not just Monty but the performance of the British Army in NW Europe. As the immediacy of Monty’s abrasive personality recedes he will probably be seen as the best Allied general in Europe but hampered by the prevailing mediocrity of Eisenhower and Bradley.
Peter from Maidstone @ 19.38
“…Roy Jenkins…What was he trying to do and why?…”
I don’t know but a quick google shows that Jenkins was a Bilderberger. Here are a couple of randomly identified references:
This one gives lists of attendees at Bilderberg conferences from different countries over the years. I doubt it is comprehensive. Jenkins, if rarely an attendee at the annual conference, will have know many of these people.
If only 10% of what is stated on this second site is true, Britain is in deep doo-doo.
“…The day after Labour’s defeat in the 1959 general election, Roy Jenkins, Anthony Crosland and Douglas Jay were among a small group who met with Gaitskell to propose that Labour drop its old commitment to traditional socialism, particularly Clause IV which pledged “common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange”.
In February 1960, William Rogers, general secretary of the Fabian Society, set up a steering committee with Crosland, Roy Jenkins, Patrick Gordon Walker, Jay and some sympathetic journalists. This group started to work on a manifesto to be released in the event of Gaitskell’s defeat in the defence debate at the party conference that year….[read on]”
Colonel Mustard @ 23:26
I appreciate your comments.
Friday’s vote in the House of Representatives – not without implications for us in the Kingdom.
Unfortunately, this is a 12 round fight.
The meat of this link is in the comments.
Why they needed a second pope before the first one had gone – any one see an agenda here?
Or am I being too alarmist?
June 13th, 2015 – 16:14
I was in a bit of a rush, so failed to pick you up on this earlier but feel I must now where you write “…the guy doesn’t have much to say except repeating that ‘when the crush comes, the markets will go down 80% because there’ll be no bids’. This is like saying ‘when the rain comes, there will be no dry patch under it’. It bleeding obvious,…”.
You omit the context and therefore misrepresent Armstrong. He had been saying that all the politicians who consulted him wanted him to say and identify sinister groups who had caused the crash by shorting the market and the politicians wanted to blame them. Armstrong said there were no such sinister groups and that in effect it WAS ‘bleeding obvious’ that what REALLY caused the crash was a general loss of confidence expressed in an absence of bids! By the way, it is “crunch” not “crush”.
I also seem to have seen a post by you mocking Armstrong’s prediction of gold at $5000 an ounce. I was going to respond to that but I can’t find it. May be I have reached the point where bloggers start dreaming of hostile posts and must rest for a while…