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If what Raheen Kassam says is correct
Why is IFE not proscribed
“Islamic leaders and some of their family members blamed the internet for grooming the four schoolgirls, who were all pupils at Bethnal Green Academy in Tower Hamlets, East London.
But now it is claimed that Sharmeena was first radicalised inside the East London Mosque, Whitechapel, allegedly by women from a group called Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE). She then allegedly groomed three friends to join her at the meetings.
This is of course, the same IFE that so many of us hard warned about, specifically with regards East London, radicalisation, and the now terminated mayoralty in Tower Hamlets of Lutfur Rahman. Hats off particularly to Andrew Gilligan and Ted Jeory, who have been banging on about this for longer than most.”
See above
Cameron is committed as are we all to smashing the barbarians of ISIS
And yet he will not flatten Raqqa or shut down ISIS recruiters here
Weak weak weak
The story of Dr. Barnado is an inspiring one. He was associated with the Christian community I grew up among. Unfortunately the organisation has little connection to its original foundation or founder, and that a Pakistani Muslim now runs it shows just how far it has ceased to be the Christian organisation he established.
Frank P 3rd – 00:02
“go outside and take it out on the weeds – you’ll feel much better if you do!”
It works for me! 🙂
Anyone see Oranges and Sunshine?
The film is about 130,000 children effectively exported from Britain to supply free labour to the Commonwealth. The practice began in the late 1800s, a collaboration by government and charities including Dr Barnardo’s. In the years following the Second World War 4,500 children in care were despatched, the last landing in Australia in the 1970’s.
When the Prime Minister apologised for this recently all Barnados were moved to say was:
“This policy was well intentioned and many who advocated it before and after the Second World War sincerely believed migration would offer impoverished children the chance of a radically better life.”
No apology.
Jennifer Oldham
August 3rd, 2015 – 11:34
They may well have been right, many people thought exactly the same and paid to go.
we have to be careful not to judge according to the current social viewpoint.
I had an aunt who was deserted by her husband during WW2. she had 3 young kids.
She made the hard decision to send the boys to NZ after the war.
They both became successful sheep farmers and had long marriages. How would they have done in war torn london, I wonder?
Someone was asking on the mail website exactly what advantage had this endless illegal immigration brought to us.
This was the best I could come up with.
But I am sure that you can think of others.
Long term decline.
Dearer houses and rents.
No chance of a school place.
Longer wait to see a doctor.
Falling wages .
Higher taxes.
Green belt disappearing.
City’s looking like places you don’t go want to go to.
Council tax up.
Council services down.
Police don’t want to know you, unless they can fine you.
Personal safety declining.
Being a stranger in your own country.
The pleasant sound of a call to prayer drifting in on the wind.
Politicians telling you how lucky you are to live in a country that’s so inclusive.
Wondering when you voted for your country to be inclusive.
The list is endless.
Here’s one for Noa – and he’s going to get me convinced if these leaks continue – the Queen is alleged to have been taking out contracts on people who know too much about the funding of “9/11” – and, NO, this does not come from Alex Jones:
“The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved.”
“…After the horrific attacks of 9/11 the US was quick to respond with a massive new law called the Patriot Act which no one has yet to explain how it was ready for Congress to vote on mere hours after the attack 🙂 which, among other things, changed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) allowing any US governmental agency to demand telephone and Internet service providers hand over consumer data that has been stored on servers….”
Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC)
Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear,
And he shows them pearly white;
Just a jack-knife has Macheath, dear,
And he keeps it out of sight!
When the shark bites with his teeth, dear,
Scarlet billows start to spread;
Fancy gloves, though, wears Macheath, dear,
So there’s not a trace of red!
On the sidewalk Sunday morning
Lies a body oozing life;
Someone sneaking ’round the corner;
Is the someone Mack the Knife?
From a tugboat by the river,
A cement bag’s dropping down;
The cement’s just for the weight, dear;
Bet ya Mackie’s back in town!
Louie Miller disappeared, dear,
After drawing out his cash,
And Macheath spends like a sailor;
Did our boy do something rash?
Suky Tawdry, Jenny Diver,
Polly Peachum, Lucy Brown;
Oh, the line forms on the right, dears,
Now that Mackie’s back in town!
Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear,
And he shows them pearly white;
Just a jack-knife has Macheath, dear,
And he keeps it out of sight!
Just a jack-knife has Macheath, dear,
And he keeps it out of sight!
Just after noon today, under the guise of reporting Obama’s declaration of war on the US coal industry following his recent announcement of policy changes to accommodate the “Climate Change” lobby; Samantha Simmonds, the cock-eyed Sky TV newsreader, midwifed a five minute or so rant from one Craig Bennett, who is apparently a ‘Friend of he Earth’. This garrulous gobshite, spewed forth more garbage (in the form of spurious data and poisonous propaganda) than has been discharged into Barking Creek for the past half-century. The flow of his rhetoric went completely unchallenged by the obviously admiring Simmonds who murmured approvingly to punctuate the flow and added a few comments of approval about her idol Obama. No challenge to the alleged ‘facts’, no opposing opinion from anyone who might disagree with Bennett, Obama or indeed Simmonds. Ofcom? DMAFF!!
I know, Ostrich, the weeds … the weeds…
Anyway, curious about who this douchebag Bennett is, to be given so much airtime when there are more important things to be covered, (such as the premature demise of the Queen of Scouseland, who according to one devoted admirer was the “life and soul of every party; never to be seen with a a glass of shampoo in her hand and a smile on her face”, which coupled with a report from one of the emergency staff who were called to her villa on the Costa del Crime, that “she had apparently fallen over after a dizzy spell and died of natural causes” , seems to encapsulate her untimely departure in a nutshell).
But I digress, digging through the links of ‘Friends of the Earth’ in its myriad international guises, one wonders where the dosh to fund this army of nutters comes from? It’s just another gigantic subdivison of the AGW scam, I can only assume. The biggest fraud ever to be perpetrated against the punters of Western Civilisation? Or at least a close second to the European Union rip-off?
Btw – Resht in Peash Cilla! And Mr Boot has joined in the condolences and has managed to weave his love of animals into the tapestry, too:
Malfleur @ 13:33
Malfleur, the blue veined barbarian is getting seriously worried about you.
How’s the weather down where you move, very hot, unbearably hot? In your family, any history of major psychotic disorders? Any reputable psychiatrists around your place of abode?
and another thing, Malfleur, three enigmatic postings in a row? Hmmm
Perhaps you should have a lie down for a week or so, relax in the comfortable surroundings of a bed, allow the brain to regain some sagacity.
Could it be Confucius who confused you? We should be told.
The airwaves will be full of the Obamaclimate crap for many a day now, one will have to bear it, the outcome of the proposed legislation, if passed, will be another nail in the coffin of the American Dream.
Just as an illustration, the UK petrochemical industry, once amongst the best in the world, got fully decimated when the cost of energy shot up thanks to a similar initiative here, China has become the new source of supply, her energy needs being met from coal immeasurably more than ours. But that’s OK, it’s more important we, the enlightened West, are ‘saving the planet’ for the new generations.
Staying in the show-biz mode in order to ward off the ways (and woes) of the current wicked world, I do like to have the sump of my sepia memories stirred to evoke the halcyon days of wartime/early post-war England when, in the one-and- ninepenny back seats of my local cinema, at the age of twelve or so; holding hands (and anything else that was available) with my thirteen-year-old sweetheart – I liked older women in those days, it was possible to wallow in the romance of Hollywood’s output and escape from the dark days of the Forties.
And who better to evoke such memories than the inimitable Mark Steyn with his peerless “Sinatra’s Songs of the Century”:
Is there no end to the talent of this man?
Frank P @ 15:11
It’s ‘the dying from natural causes’ that puzzles, Frank. When Baron heard the news first he thought ‘what natural causes could it be?’ She wasn’t that old, had the money to get any medical treatment, remedy, care she may have wished, no impediments, certainly not any that the MSM would have missed were ever mentioned. Truly puzzling.
In the latest bulletin, it is said it may have been her moving from one room to another another without noticing the rooms’ temperature differed. Even more of a puzzle.
Baron reckons we will learn more, be puzzled more as time goes on.
She drank a lorra lorra gin. What could be more natural than that?
Apologies I omitted the musical link to my 15:44.
Baron will have to give up nitpicking Mr. Boot’s enjoyable philippics, seldom he can resist though.
He, the omni-all one, may not be aware that the whole of mankind, the 7bn of us called humans, could be accommodated by the Isle of Wight, the place would of course be rather crowded, but it’s doable. Someone wrote a letter about it in the DT recently, someone else responded saying ‘I sincerely hope it won’t come to it’. Well, the way things are going Baron wouldn’t bet on it.
On a marginally more serious note, the American military exercise in Iraq and around wouldn’t have ended the way it did if the neocons learnt a thing or two from history, more specifically from how you, the British, dealt with recalcitrant tribes when you were policing the world. The only one in the ME who seems to have imbibed the lessons of history is Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, the man in uniform who rules Egypt now.
Further to 16:06. I know that Baron and paradoxically Mr Boot might not agree with me, but I really think that Frankie/Wright/Forrest edged it over this version:
O-kayyee. Weeds and other distractions to one side – and back to work:
More hokum about ‘what motivates’ the jihadist nutters. Good old fashioned brainwashing passed down over fourteen centuries will never suffice, will it?
Philipics M’Lord? Don’t be goin’ all bubble and squeak on us, now Baron! Moreover the word brings back memories of ‘phil’ from the blogosphere of yesteryear. A particular bête noire of the regulars here on previous platforms. The Troll of the Noughties
back in the less jaded days of blogging innocence.
And another blast from the past:
FrankP. 15.44. dangerous times ,Frank, to admit to having a thirteen year old girl friend.
Malfleur at 13-50.
Here’s `Mack the Knife` (Mackie Messer) sung in German by Lotte Lenya.
Strapworld (18:02)
Better than having a 13 year old boyfriend, I would have thought (particularly at the age of 12), but then we lived in comparatively innocent times, before ‘teenager’ became a pejorative term and sex education was unnecessary. Things evolved quite naturally in those days. Natural and normal are now forbidden terms, of course.
But if you hadn’t ‘made windows’ in the back row of the cinema by the time you had reached 13, you had had a very sheltered life indeed. 🙂
But, Frank, philippics is just the word, not in the original meaning of the Athenian orator ranting against Philip, the king of the Macedon, but in the derived sense of someone castigating everyone and everything, unceasingly, mostly wittily, but often with barely suppressed touch of hatred cum narcissistic topping thrown in if the subject matter calls for it. The blue veined barbarian from the East would be honoured if someone were to call his rants, if only here and there, philippics, wouldn’t you?
Still, the gun as a penis extension to explain the boisterous jihadi movement isn’t that original, wasn’t it said about cars, too?
And the latest on the death of a national treasure still under the spotlight. She may have stepped out into the heat of Spain from an air-conditioned room, fainted, and that was it.
Not that Ms Black was a hot favourite of Baron, but she was OK, made it big from nowhere, never tried to branch out into things political, the unwashed liked her, neither she nor her family have ever hugged the from pages of the tabloids for the wrong reasons. RIP.
FrankP1855 memories of double seats on the back row, nylon stockings, suspenders gosh got to go now!
Baron (19:00)
You are pushing your luck by alluding to The ‘Pewl as ‘nowhere’! Particularly Scotty Road! Surely you know that all life began and will probably end there. Ask the Mayor of London. He was foolish enough to cross the scousers.
Malfleur, if you’ve recovered from the royal conspiracy, here’s something that may get your juices going again, it’s the newest on the MH17:
Frank P @ 22:27
But if the barbarian apologises, says sorry, he should be OK, Frank, no? Others repented for their sins against weightier matters like the new orthodoxy on what marriage should be (many a Cabinet Ministers e.g. the saintly Teresa May), then acknowledged the errors of their way, embraced the wisdom of the anointed, were allowed to live, there must be salvation for the poorly educated Slav, too.
Here’s a piece of news that may cheer up the boy, apparently the German Mutti may stand again in the next year election, the polls suggest her CDU may win outright, no sharing with anyone, the handling of the Greek crisis boosted her popularity. It would make her the longest serving Chancellor, she came to power in 2005.
The first para of B’s posting at 22.61 should have continued as a new para with: But it’s the scousers we are dealing with here, isn’t it, arghhh
Not that it matters, but why has the sentence been cut off?
Kohl was Chancellor for 16 years. Would Merkel still be in office in 2021?
Apologies, two of them.
You right, Peter, Kohl, her predecessor did better.
And the national treasure that departed this world recently did dabble in politics, she has apparently signed a letter ‘Better Together’, a big mistake that, the Scots are eating her (not alive though).
You may like to consider signing this petition, Baron has.
The inevitable has happened.
MP: use anti-terror powers on Christian teachers who say gay marriage is ‘wrong’
New Extremism Disruption Orders should be applied on those who “teach” traditionalist Christian views about marriage in the classroom
“New banning orders intended to clamp down on hate preachers and terrorist propagandists should be used against Christian teachers who teach children that gay marriage is “wrong”, a Tory MP has argued.
Mark Spencer called for those who use their position in the classroom to a teach traditionalist views on marriage to be subject to “Extremism Disruption Orders” (EDOs), tough new restrictions planned by David Cameron and Theresa May to curb radicalisation by jihadists.”
They will be getting children to report on their parents too.
WTF is Luul Awil and why?
Gawd above! Even the mighty Steyn is resorting to Cecil and Cilla for copy. Looks like the Great Hereafter is going to be Blind Date in a Safari Park. I give up!
August 3rd, 2015 – 15:20
“…and another thing, Malfleur, three enigmatic postings in a row? Hmmm
Perhaps you should have a lie down for a week or so, relax in the comfortable surroundings of a bed, allow the brain to regain some sagacity.”
I am working on it – but impossible until next week.
In the meantime, I am sure that you are right as usual, that there is nothing to worry about, and that
Radford NG
August 3rd, 2015 – 18:26
Now there’s the real flavour of the times! Even Baron may not find it enigmatic put like that. May be I’m just whiling away the time.
The Return of the Silent Majority
by Rebecca Bynum (August 2015)
On Nov. 3, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon first called on the “silent majority of Americans” to support him and his plan for “peace with honor” with the North Vietnamese. Then, like now, vocal minorities dominated the debate and bullied the majority into silence. The majority of the country held their counsel until Nixon spoke for them and rallied them to his cause, which meant never to sacrifice American honor. However, the silent majority had its hopes shattered as we well remember.
In man, poor beast that he is, the lynch-mob mentality is never far from the surface and the press seems to take a perverse pleasure in whipping up public emotion against their chosen targets. In fact, putting Dick Nixon’s head on a pike has widely been considered the golden age of American journalism, but in truth it was a smutty business.
Now, like then, average Americans feel as though the wheels have come off and the country is headed for a ditch. Even so, our leaders seem more solicitous of foreigners, from Mexicans to Iraqis to Iranians, than concerned about our own. The interest of America and Americans is being willingly sacrificed on the altar of the global village. This is an America Americans don’t recognize. Worse, the silent majority knows it is being lied to by both politicians and the press on the vital subject of immigration and its effects.
On this single issue hangs fate of the nation. It is our people who create our nation; the nation does not create the people. There is no magic wand which alters the cultural values of a human beings once they cross our border. Everyone knows this except the press, most pundits and almost all politicians, who pretend that all cultures and all cultural values are exactly the same. They know they’re not, we know they’re not, so why are they lying to us? Oh yes, to avoid the likely firestorm ginned up by the press.
Men are created equal in one sense only – that of spiritual potential. In all other areas, there is nothing but inequality. Men differ most profoundly in their spiritual receptivity and that factor alone sweeps aside all other areas of inequality. But the truth of this statement has no bearing on the survival of nations. The survival of nations depends on cultural cohesion. Loving our country means loving its people. However, it often seems there are those who claim to love America, but who don’t like our people very much and would like to change our people for another.
Yet in the sane world, when we’re discussing immigration, we’re talking about the potential for new immigrants to become fully integrated, productive members of society. Do they contribute positively to the national fabric, or do they strain it? Do they become like us, or must we become like them? The issue is not about saving suffering humanity, we can alleviate their suffering where they are. We don’t need to import Third World problems by importing people who will inevitably be dependent on social services, But the fact that they will, on the whole, become reliable voters for the Democratic Party makes them valuable to that party.
The Labour party has done something similar in the United Kingdom by deliberately engineering mass Muslim immigration, mainly from Pakistan. Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, revealed the truth when he wrote, “I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended – even if this wasn’t its main purpose – to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.”
Sound familiar? According to Ann Coulter in her absorbing and funny new book, Adios America, this is exactly the Democrats’ plan – admit so many immigrants who will vote Democratic that they effectively seal in a majority for the foreseeable future and run the table on all issues. We would become a one-party state much like Mexico with its Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) which held power from 1929 to 1988 or possibly some other one-party states I could name.
Though our current immigration policies and open southern border policy are the result of deliberate government action and inaction, the press conspires to make us believe that the slow-motion transformation of our nation from a first world powerhouse to third world basket-case is an inevitable aspect of progress. Even to the slowest among us, this does not compute.
Adding insult to injury, we are now being led to believe that we must accept jihad terror attacks on our soil as another inevitable aspect of this wonderful new progress in diversity. After the Chattanooga jihad attack, Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, suggested that the best strategy is to arm Army recruiters and put in bullet proof glass at recruiting stations. Only Senator Rand Paul came forward with the idea that restricting immigration from Muslim countries, but naturally he was ignored in the press. As Ann Coulter puts it, if your house is being flooded, maybe it’s best to turn off the tap before arguing about whether to use a mop or a sponge to clean it up. We’ve been arguing “mops and sponges” for years and years, meanwhile the southern border is wide open and we’re bringing in 100,000 Muslims to permanently settle here every year through our refugee program and H-1B work visa program in addition to granting 127,000 student visas to young Muslims to study, not to mention all the other types of visas. Every one of the 9-11 hijackers were here on tourist, business and student visas.
Every aspect of our immigration and visa granting process is broken.
There have been hundreds of videos and written statements by Muslim terrorists which carefully explain their religious ideology and motives to the world, but very few, if any, have made it to the nightly news. This gives the press cover to report, for example, that the Chattanooga killer’s motive is “a mystery.” The only mystery is why the public’s trust of the press is as high as it is, just above trust in government (only 13% think the government can be trusted, trust in the press is slightly higher). The public’s confidence that government can protect us from terror attacks is steadily eroding too, which is not surprising considering their main response to the jihad threat has been for the FBI to attend open houses at mosques. So far, we haven’t heard a single lie emanating from the Muslim community that the press has not swallowed hook, line and sinker (everything from a few dozen families saving their pennies to build those multi-million dollar mosques, to my boy’s a good boy, he was framed, or he was depressed, or he was discriminated against by the evil Americans in Hicksville). In practice, the FBI is actually a bit more circumspect.
As Coulter points out in her book, neither the press nor the government has seen fit to provide Americans with the most basic information on immigration. The number for Mexican illegals has been stuck at 11 million for a decade, even while the press admits that between 500,000 and 3 million more are entering the country each year – no one really knows how many. Other questions the press is strangely incurious about include: How much are both legal and illegal immigrants costing the taxpayer? How much are wages being driven down for our poorest citizens? How much welfare are new immigrants using? How much money are they sending out of the country? How many are entering our schools and requiring special services such as remedial English or Spanish-speaking teachers? How many roads, urban sprawl, cars driven, concrete, tires, trash, water polution, air pollution, and general environmental degradation are they causing? How many are in our prison system? The government collects data on all kinds of things, but very little on this. Apparently Americans can’t be trusted with the facts. They might decide such massive immigration is not such a hot idea, even if they vote the straight democratic ticket.
Donald Trump was the first Presidential candidate to seriously promise to secure the southern border and he immediately shot to the top of the Republican field. Americans know what needs to be done. We’re tired of being flooded with illegals while the politicians promise either sponges or mops to take care of the problem while the tap is still running. Americans know we’re playing Muslim roulette by bringing in upwards of a million and a half more Muslim immigrants since 9/11, not counting visas. We don’t want our civil liberties taken away just so we may have the privilege of welcoming new Muslim neighbors to show off how tolerant we are. We don’t want our public services overwhelmed and our taxes increased so that big agriculture, big contractors and big hotel owners will have plentiful cheap labor. America cannot survive as America if we import a permanent, underpaid, welfare dependent underclass.
The silent majority knows this. Will our politicians listen?
Rebecca Bynum’s latest book is The Real Nature of Religion, published by New English Review Press.
Frank P @ 00:59
One assumes, Frank, he or she is a human being, more to the point, a human being close in thinking to what many of us think on Calais.
The spiel furnished by John at 06.41 above answers your ‘why’ question better than the barbarian can, the boy’s using sponges and mops to contain the flooding of the house, that won’t do, it’s the the tap that needs shutting tight .
Malfleur @ 01:36
First, an apology, Malfleur, the barbarian has overstepped it, he has no right to have a go at you, not even in jest.
Not everything’s awesome as the song claims, it, the song, could hardly be called ‘awesome or cool’. But have you noticed it has over 1mn viewers, that would of course include you, the barbarian, too. What would be more telling is to know how many, after they’d listened to it, said: ‘Awesome? Pure crap more like’. The content though is on message all right, we’re all children of the world, aren’t we?
telemachus has to hang his head in shame this morning
For years of harbouring dark thoughts about The Lady
“Thatcher thought Edward Heath was gay. Moore records a note that Bill Deedes, the former Tory minister and then editor of the Daily Telegraph, made after a conversation with Thatcher in 1976: “M. seems convinced TH [Ted Heath] is a homosexual. (Women have more accurate instincts than we.) I said charitably: ‘an instinct sublimated in boats’.” In an interview in late 1974, before she challenged him for the leadership, Thatcher referred to Heath not having a family. Moore says she was deliberately hinting he was gay.”
Well other thoughts scurrilously sullying my breakfast this morning in my DT certainly put into perspective comments on simple failure to suppress in other parties relating to the NCCL and Rotherham
The worm turns
John birch @ 06:41
Nothing to argue with as far as the the key point of it goes, it’s indeed people who create nations rather than the other way round, it’s the same with schools, armies, institutions of the state, any set-up devised by men, often when it’s pointed out this or the other isn’t the same as it was it is because the people who staff it aren’t the same as they were.
Only one thing Rebecca says but Baron finds impossible to agree with. In no way are we born equal, not even in ‘spiritual potential’, however one may define the potential of the spiritual. Science is telling us there’s inequality in the way we’re ‘put together’, the minuscule tweaking of the DNA, the tiny substitution, deletion or whatever of the genes, the end result of which is the inequality of the finished good, the human body. If it were not like that we couldn’t evolve.
telemachus @ 08:14
It’s certain we are going to get more revelation about Ted’s sexuality, he’s dead, wasn’t particularly liked anyway, it’s all passé now, it may be controversial, but quite safe to dig things up when one cannot dig up the man, ask him.
Funny though there’s nothing about anyone from the top layer, and still breathing.
We know John Major liked his Indian Curries
What about the links between evangelicals like Sir Cliff Richard of Sheffield and Tony Blair
“Any reasonably educated person will be aware that homosexuality isn’t a disease. It is, however, an aberration”
I hope Operation Stack is finished
You do not want to be diverted to the A2
“Tuesday’s abuse claim, reported in The Mirror, comes from a man in his 60s, who claims he reported being sexually assaulted aged 12 in 1961 by Heath – before he became Tory leader – but was branded “a liar and a fantasist”.
The man claimed Sir Edward picked him up along the A2 road in north Kent as he hitched a lift.”
Alexsandr Aug 13th 12.33:
‘we have to be careful about judging according to the current social viewpoint’. Very true. Apparently Philip started courting Princess Elizabeth when she was only 13 (he was 18). I think that would be excoriated as ‘paedophilia’ in today’s climate.
I am not sure that it could be said that he began courting Her Majesty when she was 13. He began writing to her, a cousin, while he was serving in the Royal Navy. I am sure many serving members of the armed forces corresponded with relatives as a necessary aspect of keeping sane.
The documentary I watched a couple of days ago said that Mountbatten had already lined up his nephew, Philip, as a suiter & that Princess Elizabeth was in love with him from the day they met.
The point of my comment is the witchhunt for 1960s & 70s male celebs who touched up their young groupies. I’m not defending it, but it’s forgotten that the categorisation of young teens as children is a very new thing.
Damaris, he was still going out with other girls until the future Queen was 17. Whatever Mountbatten may or may not have planned. Philip later had to tell Mountbatten to keep his nose out of his business.
John Birch (06:41)
Thank you for drawing attention to the writing of Rebecca Bynum. Who can argue with that essay? Of course she hasn’t expressed anything that hasn’t been already scrawled on this Wall in fits, starts and rants, by most of the contributors here; but offered as a considered essay she seems to have have nailed her colours to the Wall.
New English Review has some excellent contributors. One for the blogroll, perhaps, Peter – as a daily reminder?
The ‘tap & sponge’ metaphor is good one, but it reminds me of the insurance spam regularly disseminated by the water companies, reminding us that the pipes in our houses are prone to deterioration, may burst at any time and suggesting we should cover against such eventualities. Governments have ignored the warnings for decades and are now asking us to get used to being inundated with sewage and adapt to the stench. The Polish plumbers are all too busy and we haven ‘t trained enough of our own to cope with the crap.
Just as we suspected. Out NOW!
Somebody on Twitter has just referred to “the son of the manse” as the “The cyclops bogey scoffer…”
How disrespectful ! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I can hardly wait for the school holidays to end, and then we might get Summer Part2
Frank P, Baron
Re: Diana-fication: You might enjoy this one…
Katie Hopkins behaving as I described above and being heavily criticised for outraging the sensibilities of the great British public.
Katie Hopkins ✔@KTHopkins
“If there are any celebrities who haven’t yet tweeted their sadness over Cilla, please report to Sincerity Services immediately #rushtogush”
Luvviedom’s reprisals demonstrating that the truth hurts!
On the Times front page, today:
“Alan Yentob, the BBC’s creative director, has been accused of attempting to use his position to quash Newsnight’s coverage of Kids Company, the embattled charity of which he is chairman of the trustees.”
I like it: the BBC’s creative director! Creative? And it’s Newsnight again!
Another front page ‘thought for the day’ in The Times:
“Corbyn would lead the country down a disastrous road”
It is amusing that, when the Labour Party gets a leadership candidate who thinks and speaks like the caricature we expect from the Labour movement, the Party’s establishment panic like there’s no tomorrow. Perhaps, for them, there won’t be a tomorrow. Corbyn will either succeed (within the Labour Party) and throw them out, or the Party will be overtaken by more voter appealing party, again.
Javad Khan CEO of Barnardos (which has been commissioned to provide support to victims in Rotherham-at a cost of £3million ) comes from the same place as the child molesters.That is Mirpur district on the Pakistan side of the `line-of-control`in Jammu and Kashmir.
On 22 Jan.2014 he turned up at Haveli Baghal village,Dudyal,Mirpur district with a gang of armed men to seize a piece of land claimed by his family,threatening with a gun a British-Pakistani woman who challenged him.This is recorded in a court report in the Pakistan Daily Times:8 April 2014. (Source:Baron;12.24, 3 Aug.)
Here is an article from the Daily Mail on how Javad Khan `took armed gang to settle long running land row`:with comments.
Radford NG (14:18)
Has this been flagged up in the MSM here?
Radford NG
Sorry – our posts crossed. Thanks.
At the time of the gun incident in Mirpur,Javad Khan was CEO of Victim Support in UK;and CEO,elect of Barnardos.The response of these two charities was to dismiss the matter out of hand,claiming there was no evidence.This is reported in `Third Sector`,5 March 2014. This also refers to the incoming CEO of Victim Support and his career with crime commissioners and with police authorities.
EC @ 11:59
It is because Britain is booming, needs more labour, EC, didn’t you hear the boy to say it the other day?
Radford NG @ 14:47
The right move by the trustees, Radford, this was the one serious allegation the man should answer, the other complaint raised against him, the support for ‘Tell Mamma’ or whatever the outfit was (still is) called, can be explained away, the Guardian poodles stuck by the Muslim charity for longer than him.
RobertC @ 12:36
The Yentob’s title may raise an eyebrow, Robert, but how about titles such as ‘Client Solution Executive, Thematic Advisor Government, Head of Audiences, Vision Multiplatform, Change Management Lead?
The monstrosity used to have 4,500 job titles, 2,000 of them were managers way back in 2011. The titles may have been cut back, the managers remain.
The sooner this agitprop hydra is culled the better.
Die Schottische Nationalist Sozialistische Partei get creepier by the day!
Introducing the “National Women’s and Equalities Convener”.
More details here:
I know you passed through your Leonard Cohen stage some years ago, but the depictions of this new presentation of “Repent” are creative and disturbing; I would say turn down the sound while you watch it, but better just grit your teeth and watch and listen. The prescience is stunning. Not for the faint hearted, though:
Thanks again Gerard.
EC @ 12:04
Summer MK2 still to come, EC? Hmmm
It seems to be over, this year’s summer, a couple of days of temperatures around 37degC, then what, rains, winds, cloudy skies.
This morning when Baron went out to fill up the bird feeders there was more than a whiff of Autumn in the air even though the sun was up and visible (for an hour or so only).
Baron – 15:03
I pay about as much attention, respect or regards to HIM and his Cameroons as they do to the rest of us.
Low barometric pressure stifles the soul. Take a stroll by the sea. The blue moon is waning fast.
Frank P – 15:25
Er… thanks, I think.
A challenging and remarkably upbeat eschatological little ditty.
Like you say, the prescience was indeed stunning.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have always been so dismissive of poets and their works.
My philistinism is my last line of defence!
Thought you’d enjoy it. Heh, heh heh …
As mentioned previously, I’ve heard of Frank Sinatra, but who TF is Philip Clarke?
… or Philip Clark, even.
Perhaps this is more up your street. Not too late for you and your camera; will never make it there meself, now, but transportation by the medium of good scribbler can be a delight in itself:
Thanks to the cornucopia of AD and Gerard, as usual. Must admit that my attention had never been drawn to Yunnan before. Every day is a history/geography/English lesson.
Baron 1528
The fact that summer is over is the wrath of God.
Punishment for our misdeeds since the second world war, including setting up a selfserving economic blok called Europe at the expense largely of our poor partners in the third world Commonwealth.
We can deal with it all in the referendum and get our sunshine back.
One sentence news from or related to the East of Elbe to keep you up-to-date:
Kiev is considering buying coal from Russia and the rebellious republics in the east (Donbas), if the price is right; The sixth wave of conscription in Ukraine proved a disaster, over a third of those rounded up to serve escaped, the seventh wave got cancelled; Only the President of the Czech Republic will travel to Beijing for the celebration of the end of the WW2, all the other EU heads of state refused to go because Putin will also attend; Maria Gajdar, The 30-year old daughter of a former PM of Russia was granted Ukrainian citizenship, few weeks back she was appointed deputy Governor to Governor Michail Saakashvili (a Georgian citizen) in Odessa, an Ukrainian port town on the Black Sea. The Kremlin has banned import of flowers from the Netherlands, annual total running at 300mn Euro; When asked what they regard as the biggest threat to Poland, over 40% said Muslim immigration, over a third refugees from Ukraine. If Jeb Bush is elected President Victoria Nuland, the one of the ‘fuck-the-EU’ fame, is tipped to become the US Secretary of State.
huktra @ 18:00
If only it was that easy to get our summers back, huktra, if only.
Frank P @ 18:00
An enchanting essay, beautifully framed, too, Frank, how the hell did you dig it up, Baron has bookmarked the site.
Perhaps the time has come to bring recusancy back, either they convert to CoE, or pay a fine.
When Elizabeth I ruled, it cost only 12 pence to miss attending the new Anglican service, but in 1981 (?) when the danger from the Spanish Armada loomed on the horizon, the fine was raised to £20 a month. Amazingly, some 200 burghers were rich enough, and sufficiently pious to pay it. Since we are no longer serious about attending the Anglican service, the fine will be for those attending prayers in mosques, (say) fifty pence, but when an atrocity happens, is proved to have been carried out by the Allah worshippers, this could be raised to a thousand quid per month, payable to the victims’ families for the damage, loss of life.
PJ O’Rourke with a pleasing exposition that should titillate the chuckle glands, but only if you enjoy Gonzo journalistic smart-ass humour.
Peter from Maidstone at 10:15.
Is the DOE really a first cousin of the Queen? I take no interest in the pedigree lists of our royalty, but if it is the case, then it might explain the abysmally low intellect of the their offspring.
Chris, they are third cousins I think.
In addition to the “Hmong”, who featured in the 2008 Clint Eastwood film ‘Gran Torino’, and were generally referred to as “montagnards”, there were the “Bodes” – ethnic Cambodians from South West Vietnam (which was once part of Cambodia) – who held the Vietnamese in disdain but detested the Vietnamese communists in particular and who fought gallantly against them as organised guerilla forces alongside US Special Forces.
Many of them went back to Cambodia to join the Cambodian army to fight the Khmer Rouge and with the fall of South Vietnam and Cambodia were then hunted down by the communists in both countries, very few escaping via Thailand.
Cambodia was a beautiful and strange country before Pol Pot. Jon Swain’s 1995 book ‘River of Time’ records first hand the disaster that befell it and conjures exceptionally well the country that once was.
“Time inevitably dims the intensity of one’s feelings. Yet often I have a burning desire to go back to where it all began for me. But not so much the Cambodia I knew at the end, in its most tragic and lonely hour, when Phnom Penh was a city under siege, swathed in barbed wire, swamped by refugees whose suffering presented one of the most haunting images of twentieth century Asia.
“I want to go back to the Cambodia of early 1970 and the innocence of my first trip to Indo-China. I dream of Phnom Penh’s flower-scented streets, the simplicity of the villages along the banks of the Mekong surrounded by mangoes, bananas and coconuts; the splendour of the jungle; the rice fields green as lawns; the exquisite women; the odour of opium; the warm caress of the heat; and the peace that reigned over it all. The dawning of a beautiful love affair – that too belongs to the Indo-China I cherish”.
I know the feeling.
Colonel Mustard (21:30/47)
Thank you for prolonging the exotic spell. Graham Greene eat your heart out. 🙂
One fears for the future of our nation…
Herdwicks are hardy, but not THAT hard! Easily scattered, methinks, by a chorus or two of “Land Of My Fathers” or chanting “Allah-ewe-whack_baa” whilst waving a copy of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s “Little Blue Book”.
Bracknell is in Berks, right?
Frank P – 18:00
It would be nice to see it before the commies destroy it.
Want to see what a Corbyn Britain will look like? Look no further than Venezuela, a country with the second largest oil/gas reserves in the world!
Thousands dying early as medical system implodes in Venezuela
“With the economy in free fall, inflation running at 75 per cent, and foreign investors fleeing the country, the country’s healthcare system is imploding. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of people are dying unnecessarily because of a lack of basic medicines and months-long waiting lists for vital treatment.”
Chris 1935
Peter 2112
It is more complicated
Like all aristocracy the relationships are multiple
They are third cousins via their relationship with Queen Victoria
But second cousins once removed by their relationship with Christian IX of Denmark
Queen Elizabeth: relationship to Christian IX of Denmark
Elizabeth’s father was George VI.
George VI’s father was George V, Elizabeth’s grandfather.
George V’s mother was Alexandra of Denmark, Elizabeth’s great grandmother.
Alexandra of Denmark’s father was Christian IX of Denmark, Elizabeth’s great great grandfather.
Philip D of E: relationship to Christian IX of Denmark
Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark was Philip’s father, married to Princess Alice of Battenburg-a deaf schizophrenic
George I of Greece was Prince Andrew’s father and Philip’s grandfather.
Christian IX of Denmark was George I’s father, and Philip’s great grandfather.
Wills is a bright chap- the Diana genes do you think?
Apparently the ever-surprising weather here in the British Isles is because (uniquely) we’re influenced by four weather fronts: arctic, maritime (Atlantic), continental (Siberian) & tropical. What we get is down to where the gulf stream is. It loops like a river’s meander & depending where the loop is, it pulls in a weather system from one of the four fronts. That’s why our weather is forever changing & a constant talking point! I agree, this summer has been miserable & depressing.
EC Aug 4th 23.16:
Yes, I’ve had my eye on Bhutan – possibly one of the last of the Tibetan cultures to survive (except Ladakh?). Apparently their ruler forbade TV until recently & native dress was mandatory. Wise man, but he’s like the little Dutch boy trying to hold back the sea.
PS to my comment on Bhutan:
Amazing how the left has little or nothing to say about the ethnic cleansing of Tibet. The ‘swamping’ (shock, horror) of the native population & the destruction of their culture.
Damaris Tighe @ 08:36
Thank you, Damaris,
telemachus @ 05:55
You, telemachus, a proud member of the club of the Left exhibiting deep knowledge of the roots of our monarchy, an institution the fellow club members love to hate often passionately? Hmmm
Would anything change in the individual relationships if one were to include by-blow siblings of whom we know nothing, but whom there must be if not many than at least some?
(Come on, it isn’t envy talking, begrudging them anything, but imagine, you have BA to do some days, plenty of rooms to hide, comfort everywhere, drinks readily available, alot of servants, ladies in waiting for this or the other, some sexy but brought up to be submissive, discreet, faithful, wouldn’t you be tempted? And for the females, wouldn’t it be a feather in her cap to have a royal child, keeping it a secret forever?)
And also, Diana bright, telemachus? Arghhh. Only if compared to Charles, but then even the IQ of a peanut would be higher than his.
Sorry, that was a long winded way of commiserating!
Lady Di was bright and beautiful
As to the thrust of your post
Don Corleone said
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Damaris Tighe – 08:49
Yes, Tibet. Terrible crimes committed by the Chinese government, who like to pretend that they are civilised. I don’t think that the Maoists are finished with Nepal yet, either.
Incidentally, if you get the chance to go to one of Doug Scott’s talks on his Himalayan exploits it is an enthralling evening. ALL the money he raises goes to Community Action Nepal, which really is a worthwhile charity.
Re: Ethnic swamping.
Didn’t the Russians try that out in the Baltic states post WW2? Now the boot is on the other foot, the sizeable numbers of colonists that went aren’t enjoying their former privileged status. I can’t believe that while Vlad is ‘on a roll’ he won’t try and take at least one of them back. Particularly with the USA being currently so weak.
That was synchronicity! I watched a BBC docu on the sherpas last night.
Ethnic swamping is a form of genocide practised by both left & right. I’m tired of seeing comments at the other place about British colonialism when we’re discussing immigration. The numbers of British who went to live in India represented a tiny percent of the native population.
A smart move by the next PM of Britain on an issue many, if not a vast majority, would readily endorse.
August 4th, 2015 – 07:51
I have no objection to you having a go – and no apologies are necessary. It would be a dull old Wall without it and it helps to hone our skills polemical, etc.
The song has to be related to its context. I visited the site to obtain the link for my post, but originally I learned of the piece when taking my daughter to the film, the LEGO Story, which under the guidance of, yes, Alex Jones (currently reporting from Rome), I learned may have an anti-globalist message…
Which one in the picture is the Tory Prime Minister?
“Prime Minister David Cameron was “mesmerised” by the Kids Company boss Camila Batmanghelidjh and over-ruled concerns raised, it has been claimed.”
Blairite politics, again!
“On its Facebook page, Kids Company criticised the ‘media frenzy’ and said the ‘collective focus’ should be children’s welfare.”
Corbyn economics again!
Controversial Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary is charged with terrorism offence after ‘inviting support for ISIS’
* Muslim hate preacher has been charged under the Terrorism Act today
* The 48-year-old extremist from Ilford has been detained in police custody
* He is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court at 2pm today
* Another man, Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, 32, also faces the same charge
“Controversial Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary has been charged under the Terrorism Act for ‘inviting support for ISIS’, Scotland Yard has said.
The 48-year-old extremist from Ilford, north east London, has been detained in custody and is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court at 2pm this afternoon.
He has been charged with the same offence – which can carry a maximum prison sentence of 10 years – alongside another man, Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, 32, from east London.”
Still nothing to do with Islam?
RobertC @ 13:29
The latest on the Kids company is it no loner exists, Robert, it’s caput, dead like the parrot. Insolvency is the reason given for the termination of its business. We won’t be told of course but one would dearly love to know how much money they got, from where or whom, and where has it all gone.
So, Choudary has at last had his collar felt. What took so long? He and his ilk should have been slung out years ago. And what is the betting that the usual gaggle of shyster lawyers will not get the charges slung out? One swallow does not make a spring and this benighted country of ours is in dire need of a bit of ethnic cleansing. Racist? who bloody cares?
“Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn has suggested Tony Blair could be made to stand trial for war crimes over the invasion of Iraq.”
This guy is an evil political genius! Given that Blair these days is about as popular as a blocked khazi on the International Space Station, Corbyn is going to be “in like Flynn!”
stephen maybery – 14:15
Rather than face a costly trial at our expense, I think that Andy should be given his expressed wish to go and join ISIS. He should be parachuted onto Syria/Iraq border ASAP.
Why a parachute? no point on throwing good money away.
It took Baron decades, but he’s finally cracked it.
He’s to set-up a charity called ‘How To Make It’, in short ‘Hotomat’ (it sounds sufficiently progressive, a touch hightechy, too) counselling young people about to enter the real life. The charity will advise them along the following lines:
Obtain another citizenship over and above that of Britain. (This shouldn’t be a problem, double citizenship isn’t illegal). Go exclusively for countries of the African continent in past colonised by Britain (the guilt factor) that are currently in vogue because the local ethnic tribes are fighting each other (plenty to choose from), or at least the ones where the young are revolting (where aren’t they revolting).
Search hard for any physical or mental impediment in the family history, argue you also suffer from it even if it hasn’t yet fully manifested itself. Failing that focus on what the teenagers exhibit as a matter of fact – laziness, disobedience, drug taking and stuff – explain you’re impaired by it because of the trauma of your pre-teen years caused by sexual, verbal abuse, or just societal pressures.
Claim to be handicapped, ostracised, bullied because you’re gay, lesbian, or both, or because of a weird sexual deviation like needing to have sex simultaneously with a man and a women (that’s anew one, worth exploring this), the society must ensure you aren’t deprived of it.
Get a suntan, truly deep suntan.
Learn well the jargon of the Left such as ‘I’m entitled to’ whatever it is you desire, it is ‘the society’s fault’ I’m what I’m, or ‘I know my rights, the Government must ….’.
Any you man or woman equipped with the above recommendations should be able to get any job he or she desires provided they’re not to really do anything, which seems to be the aim of many young people of today.
The funding shouldn’t be a problem, no progressive, enlightened government is likely to turn down anything that caters for the young. The money should also be sufficient for the barbarian to travel around the world learning from others in places as diverse as the Caribbean or Japan.
When the outfit gets going, the barbarian begins recruiting, he may turn to some of you to help to run it. Be prepared, please.
Have you noticed google’s logo today, the moving traffic with signal lights? Imaginative, attractive, well executed.
How do they do it?
Baron at 18:49.
Yes, it was certainly eye-catching, but all a bit frantic!
Anyone else hear the interview on R4 PM programme with that Camilla Batman… person?
I had never heard of the strange creature until this week, but she certainly seemed a self-obsessed, prima-donna. Where did all the millions go? And why did the government continually put its hand in our pockets to fund her lavish ‘look at me’ so-called charity?
Baron – 14:03
From the BBC article:
“It was given a £3m government grant a week ago”
🙂 🙂 🙂
Chris Morriss,
There’s none so blind as they who do not wish to see. This ridiculous and self regarding woman had been adopted as a totem by the political class so as to highlight their caring credentials. Such figures are never to be criticized, until that is they are unmasked, at which point they are quickly ignored. I wonder when that other icon of expensive compassion, Crisis, will be unmasked?
Chris Morriss @ 19:18
Baron did listen to it, Chris, (the whole interview will be broadcast tomorrow at 20.00 hours), and you are right about her, a typical narcissistic individual, everyone’s at fault but her.
RobertC @ 19:22
It was the £3.0mn grant that sank the outfit, Robert, apparently one of the conditions of the grant was not to use the money to pay the numerous staff, the condition was ignored, the Government asked for the money back, insolvency followed.
The charity must have had trustees, who were they, and why didn’t they spot things were going badly?
Baron – 21:30
“The charity must have had trustees, who were they …”
On the Times front page, yesterday:
“Alan Yentob, the BBC’s creative director, has been accused of attempting to use his position to quash Newsnight’s coverage of Kids Company, the embattled charity of which he is chairman of the trustees.”
” At the main migrant camp outside Calais known as the Jungle, there is evidence of more radical activities at work.
On a caravan that acts as an information bureau, a map denounces “Fortress Europe”, showing Italy as racist, France as colonialist, Germany as repressive and Britain as exploitative.”
The French colonial! Did they ever have an empire? 🙂
RobertC @ 21:40
That explains a lot, Robert, the power the monstrosity exerts over other institutions, individuals would have been enough to scare off everyone who dared criticise the outfit in the past, even the boy, who continued funding the woman’s self-promotion vehicle until the end.
Also, re your posting at 21.44: A poster at the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp is apparently advising applicants for asylum in the UK to claim they are homosexuals as gays are very likely to be granted asylum because of their mistreatment in all countries of the ROP. As if we didn’t have enough of both.
In mid-July this year, Russia delivered two RD-181 engines to the US Orbital Sciences Corporation for its Antares rocket under a $1bn contract, signed despite several rounds of Western-imposed sanctions.
The trade between the US and Russia got a boost after the imposition of sanctions whilst that between the EU and Russia tanked. This comes from Euromaidanpress, a deadly anti-Putin outfit.
What a world we live in, arghhh
What’s the KGB colonel up to in the ME?
You may like to scan the content of the link furnished at 23.06, it makes an interesting reading, most of the stuff is unlikely to appear in any of our MSM.
“In the 1990s Paul Wolfowitz enshrined the Wolfowitz Doctrine into US military and foreign policy. In its most bold form, the Doctrine states:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
As a former member of the original Cold War Committee on the Present Danger, I can explain what these words mean….”
Good news all round then.
Alex Jones in Rome –
reports at about 21 minutes in on the deliberate destabilisation of western Europe by policies aimed to reduce the region to “Third World” status.
The Kids Company trustees are…
RobertC August 5th, 2015 – 21:44
The SWP/UAF/SNP Goon Show trolls are less active at the Speccie recently. They must be too busy in Calais, fomenting violence and disorder.
UnionJihack’s attempts to tag the top comment at Guido have also failed miserably.
Baron August 5th, 2015 – 23:06
“What’s the KGB colonel up to in the ME? ”
Interesting. Has Russia’s foreign policy changed that much in the last 200 years?
If you’ll study the photograph for a moment you’ll notice that Saudis are now leading the world in cloned moustaches. Also, the military bods in the photo all appear to to sporting a chest full of medals… Now I know I’ve not been paying attention, but how many Saudi military campaigns have there been in recent years?
“The EU is deliberately bringing in as much immigration into Europe as possible in an effort to ‘divide and conquer’ the original inhabitants of Europe, political commentator David Noakes told RT.”
Whatever will those Russians try to have us believe next!
I would not disagree with that statement at all. The arrogance of the Brussels elite and their contempt for the common man knows no bounds. Of course you and I know this will one day come back to bite them on the bum, my fear is that our arses will be the first to be bit.
There has been a sinister turn of events today
The very media that briefed against Kids Company and led the private backer to withdraw a few million such that it was not viable are now actively spreading innuendo about dark deeds that would make Savile on the one hand and Nick Leeson on the other blush
Even the respectable Fraser Nelson is posting threads laden with innuendo
“It seems that when donors called up with their own concerns, they also didn’t receive convincing answers. As anyone who runs a charity knows, accountability is the key to survival. Camila Batmanghelidjh had a gift for fundraising, and charming fellow alumni of elite English private schools, that can take you far in today’s Britain. But only for so long.
Kids Company has now collapsed – and not because journalists had (finally) been allowed to start asking questions. It has collapsed because Camila Batmanghelidjh ran up financial costs that she was not able to cover. She ran the charity, the responsibility was hers – it’s odd to hear her suggest otherwise”
John birch @ 05:50
If the DT guy were correct, the Saudi monarchy were to break down, it would cure two huge world’s boils at a stroke – one of the pillars of our post-war economic miracle would come on stream again – cheap, abundant energy, both the West and the developing world would benefit handsomely, and also the funding of the dream of Islamic Caliphate would come to an end, all projects financed by the dictatorship from the jihadi gangs to the wahhabi mullahs in mosques preaching hate would cease.
Sadly, things though never go as one would wish, nobody predicted the near financial meltdown, the takeover of Crimea by Russia, the collapse in oil price, it was ‘no boom, no bust’ before 2008, not a word of a possible annexation of the peninsula before 2014, the forecast was for the oil price reaching $150 by the end of this year before the collapse in price hit the oil producers.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard himself tends to get things wrong, even though the rationale and logic of his argument cannot be faulted. Last year, he predicted Russia’s GDP this year fully imploding, social unrest brewing, the rouble becoming virtually worthless, nothing of the sort has happened, not yet anyway. If memory serves he also said Greece would quit the EU, it hasn’t, even though his argument was impeccable.
Btw, the Russians are going mad, they’ve started destroying food imports that have leaked through the embargo, want to cut back on imports of condoms. The Kremlin denies it is concerned with the protective rubber, but the madness of the Russian nomenclatura is not unlike ours of the PC variety.
The ban on condom imports borders on the irresponsible, around a million Russians suffer from aids, 20,000 die from it each year, 200 new cases are diagnosed daily. The question also is why don’t they make condoms themselves.
Our Polish friends have bit of a financial problem, too. Many Poles took up mortgages in Swiss francs, the liability is around 8% of their GDP, when their interest rates were sky high, Swiss low. Then the financial meltdown hit, the Swiss franc strengthened, the repayments skyrocketed. A new law, if it goes through, would allow people who bought smallish properties (up to 100 sq metres) to get help, but the new President wants everyone to qualify, which would hit the banks massively. The EU to the rescue? Britain chipping it? We shall see how this one goes.
Malfleur @ 01:08
They, the Americans, can just about stop the Russians, there aren’t that many of them, the economy relies too much on oil exports, the oligarch network cannot be helpful in the macro management of the economy, but the Chinese present a different challenge altogether, sooner or later, the unipolar world must end, the Mandarin speakers will see to it, Baron reckons.
Malfleur @ 11:22
It’s arguable, Malfleur, whether the influx of immigrants is a deliberate policy on part of the EU, it may have been here, but not for the EU, certainly not today, Baron reckons, there had been enough unhappiness and warts e.g. Greece in the Brussels construct without another boil opening that of massive inflow of mostly young men of different cultural, religious background.
It’s more likely an unintended consequence of the pseudo-liberal, open border policy at a time when our special friends from the Republic fugged things up in both the ME and Africa. Would we get the same flow of people arriving at our doors if both regions were to be more or less peaceful, the unwashed controlled by strong armed dictators albeit ones not to our taste?
telemachus @ 12:47
Any links of the sinister innuendoes you could furnish us with, telemachus?
Malfleur @ 11:22
The RT or rather the chap Noakes is getting it wrong. 40mn immigrants here? Come on, Malfleur, we have a population of just over 60mn, that would mean immigrants are already a majority.
You’re way out Baron. The official end of June figure for this year, gives the UK population of almost exactly 65 million. Though I have to say I share your scepticism of the 40 million figure. (For the moment at least!)
Telemachus at 12:26.
That doesn’t read like innuendo. It reads as if Fraser N has finally started making sensible comments in his usually dreary articles.
Peter from Maidstone @ 09:03
Baron googled four of the names, not much to report except that Mr. Handover is a director of 33 companies, and of the three females, one has been a director of a tennis club since her early age, the other ran recruitment company that got delisted, and the last one has nothing to put on her CV. Not much expertise to keep an eye on the founder of Kids Company then.
Poster robl-v2 on Breibart says: “Western civilization was built upon the triad of Greek philosophy, Judaic monotheism, Roman law. The three bedrocks mixed provide the cement which bequeathed the building blocks of morality, virtue and honor. It was Christianity which synthesized the brick to erect the Enlightenment which birthed modern Britain, Europe and the USA which to different degrees practices, espouses and exports the pinnacle ideals of Western Civilization; limited constitutional governance, individual liberty, rule of law, free markets and national sovereignty”.
Another, John Richardson, in reply says: “Re the history, yes but…..
We are not swapping original thoughts and so (as you will be aware) the historical paradox is that liberty delivers wealth and wealth allows for degeneracy, this degeneracy creates the conditions for total destruction by enemies that should not be able to ‘spill your pint’ under normal circumstance.
That’s where we are. It happened that way to the Romans.
Blaming the Germ….erm…blaming the violent alien backward invaders is pointless.
We are the illness and the cure.”
They both have point, Baron reckons.
Group photo;crew of the Enola Gay,70 years ago.
The subject may be distasteful, abhorrent even, but Mark’s argument is perfection itself. This is the country that claims to be exceptional.
Has everyone left the country, is it left to Radford and Baron to switch off the lights?
Baron – 22:33
$165 ? After Rotherham, anything is possible.
Such as this:
ISIS executes 19 girls for refusing to have sex with fighters as UN envoy reveals how sex slaves are ‘peddled like barrels of petrol’
So that is where the financially competent went:
Kids Company trustees accused of ignoring finance warnings
Source tells Guardian that two finance directors quit over failure to build up reserves despite funding rising by 75% in five years
I wonder, did they report it to any authority?
Cameron still on holiday?
Channel Tunnel could close as migrant ‘makes it 30 MILES through Channel Tunnel to Kent’
THE CHANNEL Tunnel could be closed overnight as the Calais crisis deepens – after it emerged that a suspected illegal immigrant allegedly walked almost the whole way through the Channel Tunnel from France.
The two biggest threats to civilisation are (it seems to me) Islam and Political Correctness Disease.
It makes me wonder what will happen to this thoroughly common sense Chinese initiative –
It also makes me wonder whether it is the USA or Western Europe that is the more afflicted with Political Correctness Disease. Is it perhaps an indication that the Chinese believe that Western Europe is the sicker of the two?
Apparently, he is back today!
RobertC @ 23:20
Searching most of the afternoon, Baron has failed to discover not only what was so exceptional on the charity, but also what actually the charity did. They were supposed to look after kids the social services either couldn’t or didn’t want to look after. So what exactly did the company do?
The closest Baron got was one short article, in which someone working for the outfit in the past said ‘you cannot really solve a kid’s problem by handing over an envelope with money’.
RIP George Cole (age 90).
Encomium Arthur Daley: “See you,Arthur.You’re a barmpot.A right barmpot.” [at 39.10]
Geert Wilders and Mark Steyn are now shining more light on the insidious undermining of civilisation that I mentioned a little earlier (August 6th, 2015 – 23:24) –
Baron – 00:05
“From its original “drop-in” centre in South London ….. By 2015, the charity was supporting 36,000 children and providing 3,000 meals per week.”
That is one meal every twelve weeks for each supported child. As you say, what (else) did they do?
Your observations could be continued across all Socialist, Left Leaning, Liberal activities. Some of Camila Batmanghelidjh’s ideas may have been not far off the mark, like this from the wiki article suggests:
“The philosophy of the charity was based on Batmanghelidjh’s belief that children’s behaviour is biologically determined, with the quality of parenting at an early age ‘hard-wiring’ a child’s brain for success or failure, deviance or conformity.”
‘Biologically determined’ is a bit strong, but by definition poor parenting will result in problem children, however it is defined, or explained!
But apart from believing, or acting as if you believed, that financial management was not important, it did the opposite of what the unthinking supporters (hopefully) expected: it ended up in making it easier to be a non-parent. No need to provide meals for your children, Kids Company was there to do it for you, for free!
No long term strategy, just emotion, other people’s money, and PR. No wonder Cameron was involved: Blair politics!
With everyone on this site doing what the Underground employees did on Thursday, Baron had a look at the Spectator site, got into a mild sparring with someone who calls himself cartimandua, see link below, then discovered he’s everywhere, in a thoughtful piece on abortions he filled near half of the postings.
RobertC @ 09:25
The short last paragraph sums it up, beautifully, Robert.
Baron, August 6th, 2015 – 22:37
“Has everyone left the country, is it left to Radford and Baron to switch off the lights?”
Jimmy & Jonny have a theory…
It would appear that Piers Morgan has found a soulmate, at last…
Surprised at Megyn Kelly… The unmuffled Trump made her look like an amateur!
Speaking of Jonathan King!
James Delingpole [@JamesDelingpole 3 minutes ago]
“Lots and lots of exactly the right people getting twemendously cwoss about this:
… in the Spectator. Wot larks!”
Here’s something to cogitate on your late night stroll this wonderful summer’s evening.(well, it is here anyway)
Today Australia dies.
For Damaris
‘UnionJihack’ is another creation of the deranged you_kid. Identical style, same troll. Several of the other names exhibit the same style too.
you_kid 9 Oct 2014:-
“I hereby claim full copyright of the terms ‘Union Jihack’, ‘Union Jihab’, ‘Union Jihackists’, ‘Union Jihabists’, ‘union-jihackery’ and any associated use of terms thereof. Watch me – this will be really lucrative.”
‘UnionJihack’ created 22 Oct 2014.
you_kid banned from Speccie circa 29 Nov 2014 and apparently rumbled and banned from Breitbart much to his annoyance. Still posting comments as you_kid at the Telegraph. ‘UnionJihack’ now regularly tagging top comments at Guido with amateurish ‘Fiends of the Earth’ (Farage, Goldsmith) and ‘Vote Corbyn’ posters.
Worth a careful read
Daniel Greenfield revisits the word ‘nice’ and defines it much more comprehensively than I attempted a few days ago:
So the hoohah and the razzmatazz of the Fox Presidential debates has almost run its course. What remains? Three non-politicians attracted more attention than those of the political machine: Trump, Carson and Fiorina. Will they be allowed to succeed by said political machine. Doubtful!
Trump missed a great chance when he was ambushed by the disingenuous ‘hands up’ question, which was clearly directed at him alone, rather than as pretended, at all the candidates. He should have assumed his best Robert Di Niro glare and retorted, “You talkin’ to me?!!” Then, midst the ensuing laughter, just ignored the question – which would have diffused it.
When Megan Kelly fired the ‘describing women as fat pigs’ taunt, he should have smiled sweetly and retorted, “You know, Megan, I’ve always admired you for not joining the great band of strident feminists. Surely one of my playful jibes at Rosy O’Donnell in a TV knockabout didn’t drive you into the arms and the Amazonic ball breakers – I employ thousands of women and thousands more are clamouring for jobs in my businesses – don’t confuse TV banter with business. Moreover I’ve now entered the serious business of defending America against a weak government, its invaders and its enemies within; I’ve become very serious indeed and am investing my hard won business success in the future of the country, because I’m as mad as hell and I ain’t gonna take it anymore.”
He’ll have to get quicker on his feet to stay the course in the cut-throat world of political intrigue – good as he is in the world of cut-throat property dealing.
Sorry – ‘Megyn’. (Pretentious derivative notwithstanding).
Baron:Fir 7 Aug at 11.01
`cartimandua`; that would be a female (and militant feminist).
Historical note.
Cartimandua;Queen of the Brigantii ;allied with Claudius and Nero;notorious for betraying Caractacus to the Romans.Reigned in the north at the time of Boudicca’s rebellion.
Frank P @ 16:13
His answer wasn’t that bad, Frank:
Why cannot he get rid of the ridiculous hair piece?
Radford NG @ 17:11
Thanks, Radford, the barbarian has given up on the Spectator, his postings appear, then disappear, silly really.
EC @ 21:00
Thanks, EC, no time for strolling at any time, or blogging for that matter, a major reconstruction project is under way, the old Slav’s too busy cleaning up.
Alexsandr @ 18:04
There’s a price for everything, Alexsandr, even for the Full Monty of a rainbow it would seem.
What surprised the barbarian was the fifth position of New Zealand in the chart, the country of 50mn sheep, of which 5mn think they are human (only joking, sorry).
Colonel Mustard @ 13:53
That’s a part of the worrying tragic downward spiral in politics today, few deranged fanatics shouting, waving their arms, threatening. The politicians, being cowardly by nature, give in easily to the bullies, the civilised but silent majority suffers.
In today’s DT, the military historian Con Coughlin puts forward once more an argument why ‘our boots must be on the ground in Libya.’
Leaving aside the little matter of money, also of the abysmally small number of our ‘boots’ available for any such venture, any ground operation would end up in failure anyway.
The West has lost the ability to fight wars, not only have we recast the substantive meaning of the word ‘war’ – we’re fighting ‘wars’ on obesity, teenage pregnancy, drugs, you name any social ill, we are in ‘war’ with it, we have also tied our hands with statutes that prevent us fighting wars the way nations fought them in the past, in the words of General George Patton of the WW2 fame ‘winning it by making the other poor dumb bastard die’.
Listen to the great Mark Steyn in the November 3rd 2001 issue of The Spectator:
With hindsight, the turning point was the first night of the bombing raids, when (according to the New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh) an unmanned CIA Predator reconnaissance aircraft identified Mullah Omar’s car fleeing Kabul. Lacking the authority to ‘push the button’, the agency relayed the news back to central command in Florida, where General Tommy R. Franks, the head man, replied, ‘My JAG doesn’t like this, so we’re not going to fire.’ A JAG is a Judge Advocate-General — i.e., a military lawyer — and the only reason I know that is because there’s a show on CBS called JAG. It says something about our times that the only military adventure series on American network TV is about an army lawyer. So, rather than offing the mad mullah and worrying about ass-covering later, the asscovering took precedence and the mullah got away.
Private Fraser got it about right, we are doomed.
Frank P – 16:13
Zaphod Beeblebrox!
“He was briefly the President of the Galaxy (a role that involves no power whatsoever, and merely requires the incumbent to attract attention so no one wonders who’s really in charge, a role for which Zaphod was perfectly suited).”
A character created by Douglas Adams.
The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy (various)
I think that the candidates for POTUS strayed into the Zaphod Beeblebrox genre some decades ago.
Who was president of outer space?
Ronald Ray-gun.
I don’t often quote the NYT, but here you go…
Excellent retrospective by Mark Steyn on Charles Bronson and a film that, perhaps, marked a turning point for the fortunes of NYC.
“It’s a perfect time capsule of a failed age.”
An age which Mayor de Blasio seems determined to revisit!
EC (09:30)
Blimey! Someone on the editorial staff of NYT will get shitcanned for letting the piece through the filter on to the page while the watchdogs are taking their break in the Caymans (and checking their numbered piggy banks). 🙂
EC (10:51)
I sincerely hope that Steyn is arranging for his complete works to be buried in some nuke-proof material, so that if and when some vestige of what we now know as humanity manages to re-emerge from the toxic soup, that we are now surely destined to become, some will know who we were and how we blew the fabulous potential we had – as a lesson for their own survival. He’s probably the most comprehensive chronicler of the human condition ever to put ink on paper.
Alexandr (06:59)
Bit early to open the Christmas crackers, ennit? Or are you just clearing your den of last year’s detritus? 🙂
Mr Boot in ebullient and depressingly accurate mode on the iniquities of the NHS administration, its failure to ensure continuity for patients – and its role as a facilitator of socialist control:
And another reminder to cheer up your Sunday ruminations:
h/t Gerard
This should at least cheer up Spurs fans – West Ham just scored against Arsenal 🙂
Mind you, I’m watching a lapsed recording of the match – so … knowing West Ham’s form, the chances are that by now ….
Nah …. it got worse (or better , depending on your viewpoint, or ‘WGAF?’, even): Arsenal 0 – West Ham 2.
Rejoicing in West Ham and ‘Totting-Ham’. 🙂
Yall still there?
I’m back in your little old England visiting Brecon to see the Jazz Festival.
You do these things well.
Since I last visited with you Donald Trump has forged to the front in the GOP race. A little unconventional but better than the dangerous communist Hillary or waffling Joseph Robinette Biden who appears to be challenging.
So where is my old mucker Andy Car Park?
Frank P @ 13:35
Not hitting hard enough, the piece by the omni-all Mr. Boot. It’s virtually impossible to see the same GP, the result is one has to either tell each of the doctors the full history of the ailment, that takes time, it’s hard to manage it within the six allocated minutes, or the doctor has to scan the screen, learn it there and then. The GP function has morphed into a business of poor maintenance, it’s almost useless, anyone who’s learnt the jargon of the trade can act as a GP.
The whole of the NHS is but a replica of the communist model, it’s based on the same tenets, exhibits the same symptoms of failure, like communism it has been subject to the same futile attempts to improve it. Unless it abandons the communist principles on which it rests, it will implode as the communist construct did.
One cannot run any organisation that has limits on its funding yet it’s faced with unlimited demand for its output hoping it will succeed. It ain’t doable, miracles don’t happen. The solution that seems to be creeping in is to limit demand with NICE deciding who gets treated and what with. This, however, raises the question ‘is constraining access to treatment by a committee morally more justified than if the access were limited by one’s money’.
Baron will have to switch to another club if he wants to avoid another heart attack, the bloody Arsenal, full of prima donnas, cannot even beat the Hammers, how on earth could they aspire to win the Premiership.
well someone is coming close to the truth.
Yarls Wood illegal immigrant was attacked by protesters made up of 23 different far-Left groups that included Black Women’s Rape Action Project, London Palestine Action, South London Anti Fascists, Jewish Socialist Group, Left Unity, Black Dissidents, Leeds Feminist Network and SOAS UNISON. The didn’t succeed in breaking the inner fence but caused a lot of damage. You can google it, plenty of news about it on the Net.
It would interest Baron to know whether these love all cumreds have jobs, what kind of jobs, and who funded the bussing to the site.
Alexsandr @ 17:04
The bean counter can say what he wants, his saying it won’t make any difference, the flood is going to get worse, much worse, it would need an embarrassingly major U-turn on part of the EU to put a stop to it.
Even if one disregards the welfare for life attraction (this may change hopefully), the minimum wage alone – around six dollars per hour in Germany, not much less here – must seem like a pot of honey to people who live on a couple of dollars per day. Quite frankly, who can blame them, the blame lies squarely on the imbecilic policy of the EU, and we’ve been a part of it under both Labour, the coalition and now the Tories.
The only silver lining may be the reaction of the indigenous unwashed, the flood may finally wake them up, but will it?
Yes the immigrants come here thinking of the income they can get. But they dont think of the costs. Of heating their home, of transport, of food, of warm clothes.. £7 an hour is a fortune when you live in a subsistence economy. its f-all when you have to buy everything in.
Alexsandr @ 17:29
Not only could they, and often do, live half a dozen per room, get warm clothing from charity shops (Baron does, too). Welfare’s here to also lend a helping hand, Alexandr, we’ve created a honey trap, seem to be unable to limit the honey to those who helped to collect it what with equality and stuff.
Even if the whole truth, nothing but the truth about the cost of looking after the immigrants were to surface, nothing much would happen, the indigenous social layer that suffers most because of it is mute, not very articulate, has been at best tolerated by the rest of the society, doesn’t have anyone to speak for them (it partly explains the surge in Corbyn’s standing in the election race in the Labour movement).
The societal segment that is largely untouched, benefits from the incoming flows is the middle classes, and here, Baron’s theory holds: Today’s immigration is but a return to the colonial past except the travelling arrangements have for reversed, instead of the son of a middle class family packing his bags, boarding a boat, aiming for a distant land where the local would work the fields, cook, serve the afternoon tea for him, it’s the locals who get here, often illegally, some even well educated from Eastern Europe, work the fields, cook, look after his kids, serve him latte at Costa.
Deja vu really.
It’s all kicking off at Yaris Wood and the Goon Show trolls are curiously absent from the Speccie.
Was the 400+ mini-riot by masked revellers in Stoke Newington a deliberate diversion to draw in police resources?
Baron (16:58)
Oi! Even when your bête noire writes something you broadly agree with, he seems to be unable to agree with you enough to please you.
Loosen up a little, M’Lord. 🙂
I thought he knitted together a pungent little treatise that should make the bastards who censured Professor Thomas – and ousted him – hang their heads in shame. But of course they won’t – arse-covering trumps all … so to speak.
I agree entirely with both you and him; through personal experience during my last career in the NHS (having been married to it since I met my wife who was a nurse until she was 65 with breaks only to have our children) – and more recently as both of us have been patients, I can only advise young people to stay fit and stay away from quacks. The computers have taken over. Unless your numbers don’t compute – you ain’t ill – and even if they don’t, it’s “keep taking the tablets” – ding! Your 6 minutes is up! Once past 80 you are either a bed blocker or coffin dodger and unlikely to catch the eye of an available MD. They’ve laid off the consultant who has kept me alive for 8 years and replaced him with a computer and a telephone. ‘Nurse technicians’ now bear the brunt, God bless THEM, at least!
Btw – I rely on the Mayo Clinic (via the Internet) to keep me up-to-date with my own affliction. Adjustments can be achieved with gentle nudging, provided you don’t make it too obvious.
frank. isnt the mayo clinic on radio 2 mondays to fridays from 5-7 ?
Frank P, Baron, Mr. Boot.
The are still many dedicated professionals serving within the NHS. There is one particular type of consultant that labours week in, week out, without praise or glory, but he/she are still there in our hour of need. I for one am very grateful!
Let us shown them that we appreciate them. Now please join with me in giving them a rousing chorus…
I now understand the source of your jokes – belay the ‘cracker’ crack. 🙂
And that slot was ruined when Johnny Walker left it; he beat cancer, too.
EC (20:32)
Did you realise that the Bowser & Blue clip segues into two outrageous Billy Connelly skits in similar vein (or blue vein would be more accurate)? Or was that serendipity? Brilliant – and sadly reminiscent of many similar experiences.
Billy, of course, eventually knew what it was like to get a ‘positive’ after a probe. Divine retribution?
Apologies – my 20:37 was a riposte to Alexandr at 19:55.
Here is a truly appalling article, but many of the comments make good reading – in the Independent!
Kids Company’s closure is no cause for celebration
Frank P @ 19:16
Point taken, guru, one ought to be more amiable when Mr. Boot comes over copacetic to one’s take of things, but be honest, he, Mr. Boot could be truly annihilating in his witty criticism, and often is when it comes to the EU fruitcakes, the KGB colonel to name just two of his favourite hobby horses, here, he’s abit subdued, as if the failings were just an irritant, yet the state of the mammoth monopoly is something that’s affecting us here and now, personally (certainly more than the man in the Kremlin ever could or shall), and will do so even more when euthanasia comes on stream. Still, the essay was good, spot on, should receive much wider coverage.
Good point of your on the Mayo Clinic, the barbarian is a frequent visitor to the site, too, they’re balanced, don’t frighten as much as some other advisory sites, have a wealth of information. Years ago, Baron was treated in one on the hospitals, superb, one almost wished to stay.
Alexsandr @ 19:55
That’ a good one, Alexandr, even though it may not fit exactly, the BBC Radio2 has yet to give a boost to the barbarian’s health, but who knows, weirder things have happened.
Talking of jokes (Alexandr, Frank), today’s BBC4 twelve noon, the IASIHAC (I’m sorry I haven’t a clue for those who boycott the PR centre of the Left leaning fruitcakes) with the usual crew, of which Barry Cryer’s Baron favourite, the other two are OK, too, somebody else joined them today, (the barbarian forgot his name), Jack Dee in the chair.
Towards the end of the half an hour, the panelists were supposed to answer questions submitted to them. One of them was ‘what shall I do to ensure my son gets into the private school of his choice’. It was (Barons thinks) Tim Brooke-Taylor who answered: ‘Black him up’.
Are you eager yet to know why is Baron telling you about it? Well, after every answer there was a boisterous response from the audience, they laughed, the laughter was immediate, noisy. After the T B-T’s answer there was a gap before the audience responded, not too much of a gap, but a noticeable discontinuity as if everyone waited for someone else to begin laughing first. That’s how conditioned people have become, amazing that.
And another kick at the MSM today:
The ST, the comments section carries a large piece by the other ‘lover’ of the Kremlin strongman, a female named Anne Applebaum. The heading shouts: While Russia bans books, the useful idiot Corbyn swallows its lies whole’.
One reads the rant, it’s all mostly about the horrors of Stalin’s Russia, Robert Conquest’s revelations, his other achievements (the man died recently, he’s been one of Baron’s favourite, a great man), it takes more than half of the piece until the pouting Anne (her photo’s there for all to see and admire) says: The trajectory of of Conquest’s career is worth remembering right now, particularly as the Russian government returns once again to the time honoured practice of banning books. Not long ago, the school district of Yekaterinburg decided to take a stand against “Nazism’.
In order to do so, the authorities decided to ban not the works of Hitler or Joseph Goebbels, but the works of Anthony Beevor and John Keegan. Both are British military historian who have written objectively, but not always flatteringly, about the Red Army and especially the campaign of rape and terror that it carried out during the conquest of Berlin”.
That the Red Army did rape (and not only German women, but also Russian females who had a misfortune to be captured by the Nazis, shipped to Germany for forced labour) is unquestionably true. To explain it by the equally barbarous treatment of Russian women by the Nazis when they entered Russia cannot justify it, but it can help to explain it. Baron has no sympathy for either.
But it isn’t the Russian government that banned the books, it was one district in Russia that did it, the heading of Applebaum’s rant accuses the whole of Russia, the government. Not unlike a piece in the Spectator in which Putin was blamed for trying to legalise polygamy in Russia, yet reading the article it was Chechnya, one of the federal regions, where polygamy’s legal. It’s legal in Utah, too, yet nobody has ever accused Obama for supporting it, endorsing it.
Paradoxically, both Beevor and Keegan should be glad, the ban will if anything boost the demand for their books. That’s what always happens when things are banned, people get curious, want to find out for themselves. Keegan himself has written about the ban in the Guardian, it’s a more balanced take on things, hard to disagree with him, but that’s what happens in a system where the centre doesn’t control everything, parts of the Russian colossus differ from the diktat of the Kremlin, so what.
Btw, you may have seen it, the Allied Forces were not blameless either when it comes to raping women at the end of the WW2. Nobody has banned the Gerhardt’s book, but the MSM doesn’t give it much publicity, virtually ignores it, which is perhaps worse because the public doesn’t get to know about it.
Apologies for the long rant, it won’t happen again, well, not often. What pissed the barbarian was the woman’s conflation in the piece when she says: … the Russian government returns once again to the time honoured practice of banning books. Not long ago, the school district of Yekaterinburg decided … That passes for journalism today, George Orwell must be glad he’s no longer around.
There’s a bad mistake in the posting @ 23.15, in the 5th para (middle of it), it should read ‘to justify it by the equally barbarous … (and not ‘to explain it ….’). Sorry.
It still makes no sense, here’s another version of the second half of the paragraph:
To justify it by the equally barbarous treatment of Russian women by the Nazis when they entered Russia one cannot, and should not, but it, the horrific treatment of the Russian unwashed by the Gestapo, the SS can help to explain it. Baron has no sympathy for the rapes by either side.
(The poorly educated Slav is as bad as the Guardian when it comes to correcting errors).