This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
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Hallo there, you Coffee House Wallers. For better or worse I am back!
Seems like Jeremy the Jerry Pot is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. On second thoughts, there could be one positive result from his faecal presence on the political scene – he might destroy the chances of Labour regaining power. Come on UKIP get in there, we cannot rely on Cameron’s weak party.
@Baron 16th – 20:26
“You know what nearly floored Baron, and he was driving when he heard it for the first time? – Brown saying the Labour party must elect a leader with a ‘sound economic policy’. Arghhh. arghhh, arghhh”
The ‘Torygraph’ puts it equally neatly:
anne wotana kaye – 09:51
Welcome back, Anne.
You’re correct, the latrines of the UK political scene do need several generous doses of bleach and flushings out! Nothing will much will change until something is done about the BBC. Don’t expect Dave to do anything about it though!
August 17th, 2015 – 11:12
Regarding the BBC, I believe that they are prejudiced against heterosexuals. The guy dismissed from “Top Gear” was obviously a heterosexual man, and Tom Jones thrown out from “The Voice” is all male. Only the Claire Balding and other Lesbians and homosexuals who fill the BBC are secure in their jobs. It seems against the law to prejudice against homosexuals, but there is no law if one persecutes or prejudices against heterosexuals. A last thought: Is Jerry Pot being so promoted by the BBC since he is a closet queen? 🙂
Welcome back Anne; you’ve been surely and sorely missed as the commie creep has become the equivalent of the Ho Chi Minh trot! Won’t be long before they are pulling the Aldermaston dykes out of their Nursing Home (or more likely the BBC executive dining room) and recommissioning them for a tented stint at HMNB Clyde. Talk about deja vu all over again!
And of course it’s equally as bad over the Pond where Alinski’s pupils have now got a real hard on with the shining levers of power mostly won. One almost hopes that the hyperconman, ‘The Donald’, pulls it off. My fear is he’ll have a chopper ‘accident’ ere long. Or a quick throm from all the excitement. I understand that such a condition is easy to induce without trace these days; bodyguards and food tasters notwithstanding.
Did you watch the Fox debates and the ensuing hoo-hah? Great fun. Anything to distract my attention from the ineffable Corbyniski. What a J Athur!
Sri – Arthur!
And now back to the them of the month: revenge by rape as a battle strategy, this time in contemporary, rather than historical context:
Bestial bastards!
Frank P
August 17th, 2015 – 13:55
Unfortunately `i have missed a lot of TV debates, but now getting back to normal, and I will once again gnash my teeth (mostly) at the horrible events taking place in this beautiful world.
If anyone on this site is a closet poofter I am sure none of us have a problem with it. Just please, please, don’t tell the BBC when you come out.
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 10:34
Thank you, O(o), the same point, wittier made, the cartoon.
anne wotana kaye @ 09:51
It’s about time, anne, if you’ve left it any longer the barbarian would have complained, as only he can, the ranks of the contributors have been slowly depleting here, it’s all Frank, EC, you know, the two seem to be hugging the wall, picking the topics, setting the tone …..
hi Anne, nice to see you in action again!
I am happy to see Corbyn doing so well in the leadership stakes. If he wins it is practically a guarantee of keeping Labour in opposition for many years to come. And it has the additional benefit of keeping Burnham the king of opportunists, out of the top job. Out of the four Labour contenders, I reckon Cooper to be the least obnoxious, but they are all nonentities. Unfortunately, any government needs a strong opposition, and we won’t get that from this bunch.
Lesley C.
August 17th, 2015 – 17:47
Nice to see you again. Lesley. Do you think Burnham wears mascara? I rather admire his eyelashes!
August 17th, 2015 – 17:46
I like barbarians – Genghis Khan was a childhood hero.
John birch @ 17:25
The blue veined barbarian solely swears he ain’t, never will be, John, how could he be, he’s a barbarian?
Still, a big feature in one of the Sunday’s papers about a son of a famous judge, the son’s name is Adam Mars-Jones (who he, you may well ask?) well, the farther made his name either defending to persecuting well known cases, has since died, the heading shouts ‘Don’t judge me dad…. I’m gay’.
Who TF is interested in his sex preferences, anyone?
Lesley C. @ 17:47
Agreed, except for this:
What if the austerity bites more than many of the unwashed are prepared to bear, the economy keeps struggling as it well may do, in the last few years it was fuelled by strong consumer demand underpinned by a growth in house prices, gentler than before the meltdown, growth nevertheless, people felt ‘richer’, opened the purse more, this cannot continue forever.
Add to it the economic slowdown in China, the slackening in the Republic’s economy, the inability of the European zone to even get started properly, and what you get is a promising ground at about the right time for someone like the bearded cumryd to make it for No 10. Weirder things have happened, you know.
Baron – 17:46
Following your appreciation of last Friday’s Shakespeare night, don’t forget this Friday it’s Biblical Plagues of Egypt night!
John birch – 17:25
“If anyone on this site is a closet poofter I am sure none of us have a problem with it. Just please, please, don’t tell the BBC when you come out.”
Beware the ides of August! The time of year around when the BBC announces its selection of the pride of British manhood that will be getting £65-£100K to mince around the dance floor of Strictly Come Dancing from September until Christmas!
In the other dressing room, I wonder if we’ll get a transgendered “female” this year, in addition to the obligatory roly-poly, crusty, sociopath/politician, unemployed soap actress, and hot pop chick?
Arrgh! Time to fire up the motorbike and head out west!
anne wotana kaye
Welcome back!
Random musing, not a theme or a tone…
” eee’s as honest as the day’s long, Guv.”
Anybody know where that expression comes from? Did it used to be code for a Burglar, before Sir Matthew Hale’s definition was changed?
anne wotana kaye
Yes, welcome back!
I decided my status needed to be included in my name, so it is me! And as fortune would have it, I had a puncture in one of my car tyres this week, but it was mended, a much cheaper option than a new tyre!
Lammy, another migrant candidate for mayor of our capital city, has proposed an amnesty for all the criminals who are in the city illegally. He thinks it is 300,000. It is at least a million! More watering down of the indigenous population by migrants who are taking control.
Tim Stanley does an admirable job in explaining why Corbyn is attracting so much support by putting the reader in the shoes of Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters:
Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign is a rational response to 30 years of compromise and failure
However, he spoils his tale with the last few sentences:
“… the Right [represented by Burnham, Cooper and Kendall] has confirmed the Left’s suspicions about its motives by banging on about electability and opinion polls. They deserve their fate, even if Labour’s constituency of the poor and the desperate does not.”
The poor and the desperate do not deserve the Labour Party, with its roots in Ludditism! They need a party that can help them to prosper, and a radical solution, as loved by the radicals, is to leave Labour for another party, and let Labour fade away.
They could do with a newspaper to reflect that position as well!
Welcome back Anne, the wall has not been the same without you.
David Ossitt
August 17th, 2015 – 19
Thanks, and hope you are keeping well.
August 17th, 2015 – 19:33
Love it!
stephen maybery
August 17th, 2015 – 20:18
It cheers an old gal to know she is missed. Good to be back
stephen maybery
August 17th, 2015 – 20:18
It really cheers an old gal to know she is missed. Good to be back
Welcome back AWK
but the bomb in Bangkok today
no-one is saying.
August 17th, 2015 – 20:39
Thanks, Alexsandr.
Maybe I am paranoid, but seems to me there have been a lot of unexplained incidents in that area. Planes crashing, planes vanishing et al. I see the evil hand of ISIS…..
EC (19:24)
Does this help?:
Just when the amusement falters, there is always someone who has to initiate another wave of mirth:
Yvette Cooper: Andy Burnham is too similar to Jeremy Corbyn and must step aside
Andy and Jeremy are, at this moment, drawing straws to see who will be returning fire to declare that Yvette is too similar to Liz, and one of them must step aside.
I’d say, amongst the four of them, a beard is a unique attribute, so no need for an election: Jeremy has it by a whisker!
BBC among broadcasters to repeatedly breach Ofcom impartiality code over funded content
“International broadcasters including the BBC repeatedly broke the Ofcom code by screening programmes funded by foreign governments, charities and NGOs, an investigation has revealed.
News films and documentaries were acquired for nominal fees and the identity of the funders not disclosed to the audience – in what has been dubbed a “£1 programme scandal”. Ofcom has uncovered nearly 50 breaches of its code by CNN, CNBC and the BBC after a four-year inquiry into the global news channels, which are beamed into hotel rooms around the world.
The media regulator discovered a series of contraventions of its impartiality guidelines and found hundreds of nominal-fee programmes had been paid for by bodies ranging from United Nations departments to the Indonesian ministry of trade and a Cambodian casino firm.
It said the practice carried “inherent risk to independence and editorial integrity” and it has ordered an “industry-wide” meeting of news networks to address the matter.”
What! No mention of the EU?
Included in ‘foreign governments’, no doubt.
(h/t Zero Hedge)
To paraphrase the great Steyn’s: “For the Republican establishment the issue is Trump; for a large part of the base the issue is the Republican establishment”.
For the Labour party’s top layer the issue is the comryd; for the voters the issue is the Labour party’s top layer.
Malfleur @ 23:54
This news will disturb Baron’s sleep tonight, but it’s too incredible to be true, isn’t it?
anne wotan kaye.
Welcome back,Anne…………..and now for something completely different.
Anne Wotana Kaye:
I also add my welcome.
And hope it will moderate some of the more bawdy comments of the boys.
And the language.
And now to the Thailand situation.
Was it not a Hindu Shrine?
And should we look for precedents?
And turn our thoughts to the South of the country and its supporters.
“The city of Mumbai alone has been terrorized on four separate occasions. On March 12, 1993, 13 separate explosions in various parts of the city killed 257 and wounded more than 700. Most of the terrorists involved received arms and training in Pakistan, and Indian authorities contend the Pakistani intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was actively involved as well. On July 11, 2006, a series of pressure-cooker bombs exploded on commuter trains, killing 209 and wounding over 700. Once again, the ISI was involved, along with the Pakistani Islamist militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba, and the Students’ Islamic Movement of India, according to Mumbai police. On November 26, 2008, another wave of terror attacks perpetrated by Muslims targeted two luxury hotels, a Jewish center, a tourist restaurant and a crowded train station. Another 166 people were killed and more than 300 were wounded. And on July 13, 2011 three separate bomb blasts killed 26 and injured 130.”
Not that I wish to consider any parallels.
Frank P, August 17th, 2015 – 21:33
Thanks, I should’ve have known that one. It’s nearly always the Bible or Shakespeare.
Baron, August 18th, 2015 – 01:09
That’s the last time James Bond gets a day off!
We’re your slumbers haunted by Spectre, then?
The labour party is in total disarray and it does not take a genius to understand both the cause and the reasons.
Ed Miliband and his minions decided to change the rules for the election of leader, all party members will have a vote for the leader plus a second preference vote, sounds ok until you add in the fact that Ed Miliband decided that anyone can have a vote if the pay a nominal sum of, was it three or six pounds?
A ten year old child could spot the danger of this nominal sum nonsense, that it would attract many who wish to bring down the party by the election of a rabid-Marxist as leader.
Radford NG – 07:34
Re: HELL’s GRANNIES: Wonderful! More than a grain of truth in that! My great aunt Agatha is on the warpath again. Unless she starts taking her meds again the NHS might have to retain the services of an American dentist…
EC @ 09:59
One shouldn’t make jokes about serious stuff, EC, this time round Malfelur may have hit on something real, many doubt him, but when the kinetic thing rips into their garden allotment totally destroying organically grown onions or whatever, it will be too late to do anything about it.
The Russians want Rachmaninov back, the aristocratic composer who left the country after the 1917 revolution, moved to the US where he died sometimes during WW2.
To be more accurate it’s Vladimir Medinsky, the Russian Minister of Culture who wants the body to be brought back to the composer’s mother country, the Americans would have none of it, argue the man died a US citizen.
As if there wasn’t enough animosity between the two.
An odd bunch, the Ruskies…
One shudders to think what’s on Vlad’s mobile/cellphone/handy …
Baron (10:25)
At the risk of being accused of ‘hugging the Wall’ (or hogging it, even) I feel obliged to point out that your auto-correct changed the word ‘opinions’ to ‘onions’. And please allow me to agree that the ‘organically grown opinions’ on the Wall are becoming increasingly scary. ☺
Baron has visited the site run by the omni-all Mr. Boot, the piece about ‘what would Jesus do …’ attracted his attention. And lucky he. There, towards the end of the rant, kicking India Knight btw, was this gem:
“In 1904, when the Moroccan brigand Raisuli kidnapped a Greek-American named Perdicaris, President Theodore Roosevelt immediately sent warships to Morocco. The ships levelled their guns on Rabat and flew the signal “Perdicaris Alive or Raisuli Dead!”
How many words? Less than 40, and yet those few words say alot, and the little in words, the lot in substance is framed beautifully, too. This is where the omni-all man is at his best, it’s close to the powerful one liners so casually manufactured by the great Mark Steyn.
EC (10:58)
“..One shudders to think what’s on Vlad’s mobile/cellphone/handy …”
Particularly the ones he took when he “whacked ’em in the shithouse!” Apologies to Spinning Jenny for the epithet; but it was a quote … I assume that’s allowed under Jenny’s new rules of sanctimony?
EC @ 10:58
What’s odd about it, EC? It’s an age of equality, why should someone who’s dropped dead be deprived of his or her right to it, like a nice selfie with someone, who hasn’t snuffed it yet?
And as for the living taking the selfies? Well, in our society governed by ‘if it feels good man, do it’, it’s obvious that for some taking pictures with the dead feels good, no?
That they are the Russian apes only adds to the picante flavour of the news. Imagine, apes taking pictures, what’s next? Pigs flying?
Frank P @ 11:01
Listen up, guru, it was hugging and hugging it stays, Baron likes it. The ‘onions’ to ‘opinions’ substitution is a clever one, but the question one has to ask is which one does engender more lavish tears? The member of the alliaceae family, or the profound thoughts of someone like the poorly educated Slav.
Shall we fight for it?
Frank P @ 11:19
Whatever Jenny may think is one thing, Frank, but the barbarian’s confused, where exactly is the quote from?
Roger Scruton’s right, the lawmakers shouldn’t be turned by the fanatics, prevailing opinions when emotions run high, but then somewhere in the piece he says “The MP represents the interests of his constituents, not their opinions” which of course is what it should be, unfortunately it isn’t. The members of the House represent many things, their own interest mostly, but not the interest of the constituents. The sentence should have read ‘the MP should represent ….”.
At some point the MP must represent the opinions of his constituents. Not in all things. And not all the time. But to act against the opinions of his constituents as if they counted for nothing is not democracy, especially since we cannot remove MPs.
There is also the issue that MPs are not freely representing their constituents but are members of illegal political parties which direct their actions and votes through threats and bribery.
Apologies, anne, it’s the barbarian who’s hogging the blog (it’s hogging here so as to ‘provoke not an esteemed wall contributor to wrath’, this is paraphrasing a genuine quote from the Good Book, Ephesians 6:4 – provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord). It’s the last posting today, you may be glad to hear.
Has anyone watched last night the BBC4 90 minutes written and narrated by prof David Reynolds on the Georgian thug in charge of the USSR when the Nazis attacked, his handling of the war, the meetings with Winston, the rest of it?
Baron (11:48)
You obviously missed this piece from Britain’s equivalent to Radio Tass:
And this piece from our old wordsmith pal Taki – with whom I don’t always agree, but whose prose is quite unique and would occasionally and definitely offend the vicar’s wife:
Hearsay, I know – but isn’t most of our banter hereupon based upon just that. After all, this isn’t the witness box of the Old Bailey, where that was verboten.
Sorry – just realised it wasn’t Taki at all;
but merely in his Blog magazine; it was written in fact by none other than your old adversay adversary Alex Boot. A double whammy ( and perhaps, in your eyes, even more suspect). ☺☺
Radford NG
August 18th, 2015 – 07:34
Had a good laugh, Grandad! 🙂
Jennifer Oldham
August 18th, 2015 – 08:10
Anne Wotana Kaye:
I also add my welcome.
And hope it will moderate some of the more bawdy comments of the boys.
And the language.
Well, I can only try! Afraid though that I have become corrupted.
Jennifer Oldham
August 18th, 2015 – 08:21
The situation is terrible, and the cover-ups are equally bad. I am pretty sure that the moslem terrorist movements are involved with the sinister disappearance of planes en route over the sea.
Sounds like a twee name for a Northants garden centre specialising in garden gnomes:
The daily goings-on between Corbyn, Burnham (urgh!) Cooper, Kendall and their various followers, have become enthralling entertainment. Every day a new bout of snarling, attempted coercion, threats, veiled warnings and so on, adding greatly to the gaiety of the nation.
We are still enjoying the sight of David and Ed Mililband having regular love-ins (how those two brothers really love each other, NOT) and do they really think the public are daft enough not to realise that they actually hate each others’ guts?
But the “leadership” contest is better than Dad’s Army, for sheer entertainment value. Long may it continue
Lesley C.
August 18th, 2015 – 16:47
The daily goings-on between Corbyn, Burnham (urgh!) Cooper, Kendall and their various followers, have become enthralling entertainment. Every day a new bout of snarling, attempted coercion, threats, veiled warnings and so on, adding greatly to the gaiety of the nation.
The Gaiety? Tut tut 🙂
Frank P 1603
BBC 24 August last year
On Corbynomics
“400 garden gnomes have gone missing in Vorarlberg in west Austria.
The gnomes, known as “Coolmen”, are the property of the left wing Social Democrat Party.
They were being used as political campaign advertisements in the run up to provincial elections in Vorarlberg on 21 September.
Reinhold Einwallner from the Social Democrats told the BBC there were suspicions that the gnomes may have been removed by rival party the OeVP.”
Rumour has it that Burnham has stolen Corbyn’s gnome
Telemachus (18:02)
… Corbyniski obviously acted as the sitter for the sculptor who modelled the the gnomes. Life size model, to boot. Short-arsed commie megalomaniac!
Anne (17:44)
I love it when that word is reclaimed for proper use. Oh to return to the days before it was corrupted by the finooks. ☺
Frank P @ 13:54
Double whammy or not, Frank, it answers the ‘loo’ question (can Baron say loo, Peter?). The barbarian truly didn’t know.
Look, why are you, some others assuming Baron’s in love with the man in Kremlin? That’s not a case at all, if the KGB colonel were defenestrated tomorrow, would the barbarian morn, regret it, get anxious? Probably, but not because of the loss, but because of the most likely replacement.
The Russians had known nothing but dictatorship since the first sitting of the Duma, and that was way back in 1612. After the collapse of the Red Menace, the most brutal phase of the 400 years of pain and suffering, they got a chance to breathe, to find a place under the sun, to join the civilised world. The fear the barbarian harbours is that when the KGB colonel is pushed out, the one who takes over will not be a mutant of Nemtsov, but a truly bigoted nationalist, who will not only boost the threat to us, but who will also put the unwashed of Russia once more into chains.
In his savaging of Putin, the omni-all Mr. Boot says he (Putin) owns 4.5% of Gazprom. Whether it’s true or not nobody knows, but if it is, then someone else owns the remaining 95.5%, right?
This is what’s different between then and now, the wealth created by the country is being shared by the country. Bribery, corruption, nepotism? Unquestionably ‘yes’. As bad as when Boris was in charge? No way. And this is what matters for the ordinary Russians, they compare what they have now with what they had then, the Putin’s reign wins hands down, on the standard of living, safety in the streets, the pride people have in their country. Anything wrong with it?
BTW, there are many sites that do ranking of countries by corruption, the one B aron came across (if he finds it, he’ll post) had three countries running neck and neck at the top of the list. Russia was one, can you guess the other two? A hint: we’re very friendly with them, they are members of NATO, and they aren’t that far from us.
Peter from Maidstone @ 12:19
If MPs cannot be removed,Peter, what sort of democracy is it?
Also, if 60% of the constituents say no to immigrants, 30% say yes, the rest don’t care one way or the other, what’s the the ‘constituency opinion’?
Baron has yet to stomach the Guardian piece, he’s busy on the grand project of boiler exchange.
telemachus @ 18:02
How can Baron get his hands on one, telemachus, please tell.
Frank P
August 18th, 2015 – 18:11
“Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay,” I agree, Frank
HJ Fountain is on to something here, imho:
However, following Peter Ustinov’s maxim that “The only food for thought is more thought” (tks Gerard) and leaving Russia to fend for itself for a bit, let’s examine the political corruption on t’other side of The Pond:
Richard Fernandes strikes a gloomily optimistic note with the help of George Orwell.
telemachus – 18:02
Frank P – 18:08
Baron – 18:35
The SPD Socialists in Germany have a track record with Gnomes. An affinity dating back to early 1920’s Munich, no doubt.
Reminds me of what was once the publican’s plea at closing time: “Ain’t you peepul got no gnomes?!” ☺
On a serious note, this You Tube clipped appeared on my desk top as an icon tonight – out of the blue:
Great interview, but who engineered it on to my desk-top and how? Somebody obviously knew I was interested in the interviewee, Diane West; we have discussed her books often on the Wall, but what Google process bookmarks my interests and updates my desktop? Eerie!
Google are indeed a sinister organisation
I have just had a very successful wedding of my daughter orchestrated by us in the grounds of a country house
Not only do my emails now have sidebars of wedding regalia but you tube adverts scream Yurts, stretch marquee’s, catering etc
Even the YouTube “recommended for you” have a wedding flavour
Mind it makes a refreshing change from the recommendations on doubtful Newsnight and PMQ’s clips
Or Stafford
Here’s a gem, icymi.
“Naomi Klein has claimed that the reason Americans, British, Australians and Canadians are the world’s leading “climate deniers”, is that we share a “frontier mentality”.”
Er… NO, Naomi, luv. It’s because prior to the education systems being wrecked, post 1980, the anglosphere was better educated than most. Thus we still maintain a healthy skepticism of the output of junk scientists who pay no regard to scientific method, who cherry pick their data, fiddle that, and then keep it secret using legal chicanery.
EC @ 09:44
Good point, the one of yours, EC, someone also please tell the woman that if we all stopped doing everything we do like cooking, flying, steel bashing, driving, the lot you may think of, the annual discharge of the useful gas would drop not by 40%, not even by 14%, but a mere 4%, four per cent, FOUR PER CENT.
However, humans also contribute to the discharge of the CO2 exhaling it. Perhaps the loopy female would start a campaign for willing people to cease respiring, volunteer herself to stop breathing, too, preferably forever.
telemachus @ 07:58
Congratulations, telemachus, the barbarian hopes they’ll be happy.
You must be a youngish chap if your daughter gets married now. Why the hell you wasting your time blogging? Give it up, live.
EC – 09:44
(Frank P – 00:09)
I think it is more than just knowledge (due to having an education). It is something Diana West mentions in Frank’s clip: an awareness that what we are fed isn’t always true. It can only be sustained if we continually question.
Frank P @ 00:09
They’re watching you, Frank, that’s why it popped up, and rightly so, you must admit.
EC @ 22:09
No answer for now, the plumbing lord calls.
11.19, 11.48 18/8
Baron and Frank
I do not know how to copy links on my iPad but the quote was from Frontpagemag “Islam’s war of annihilation against Hindus”
I assume Frank was attempting a little extraction of renal detritus.
In which case I say decorum is the mark of a gentleman.
And to finish why Mr Baron do you style yourself barbarian?
The Mob rules!
“Wow! Obama drives down coal company stocks, and Soros buys them on the cheap!
The left-wing hedge fund legend has raised eyebrows with major purchases of stock in two large coal companies, firms his critics say he helped bring to their knees. While buying low is the hallmark of any shrewd investor, buying coal goes against the political and environmental ideology Soros has long espoused.”
Read more at :
And Frank to show I am no prude, my rant of the day relates to Flibanserin.
“Because of a potentially serious interaction with alcohol, treatment with Addyi will only be available through certified health care professionals and certified pharmacies,” Woodcock said. “Patients and prescribers should fully understand the risks associated with the use of Addyi before considering treatment.”
What spoilsports
Frank P,
An appropriate link, with an enquiry to the above?
see also: Clinton Foundation
@11:26 – “the above?” being @11:18
Jennifer Oldham
@11:01 No such quote in that article, but it was an interesting article nonetheless.
@11:25 Bwahahahahaha. “Woodcock”? YCMIU!
Another pharma scam!
Future archaeologists will conclude that this was a costly, risky and unnecessary treatment when they unearth 1980’s videos with evidence of American females who gained relief from their debilitating condition by simply calling the plumber!
EC 1202
The below link I think does have the quote
It also says
“Time has come for Hindu leaders and masses to remember Arnold Toynbee’s famous quote: ‘Civilizations die from suicide, not murder.’ Time has come to face the jihad courageously and stop sleep walking towards [the] suicide cliff.”
Right so let us return to the era of Tony and George and get some boots into Syria
telemachus – 12:18
We, or I, must have been talking at crossed porpoises then – with regard what we believe the quote was. No matter.
Arnold was definitely no forbear of Polly then?
Are you referring to my pinup who writes much sense in the context of party soul searching:
“Just consider how much will change in the next five years, with a new Tory leader after a bitter EU referendum. The 2020 landscape is unknowable now. The cuts George Osborne has announced – 40% in most departments – are unthinkable, but he has ordered ministers to rethink the size of the state. Labour needs a tenacious and clever leader to confront the Tories at every turn and Labour members know that. Choosing an unelectable leader would betray all who desperately need a Labour government.”
Polly, no doubt, penning that little masterpiece on her patio, in the shade of a tree, next to the pool, of her villa in Tuscany, Chiantishire, or wherever.
If only 45 years ago, graduating with nothing but the rags that I slept on the floor in, if only I’d known that there was so much money in patronising “the poor” in print then I’d have jumped on the same bandwagon as Polly and Owen… Happily I didn’t have the requisite number and depth of moral character flaws for THAT!
You need straightening out again. What have you done with Colonel Mustard?
Frank P – 00:09
Another great interview:
Diana West on Sam Sorbo May 22 2015
The ECHR – the worst of all worlds – allowed to enter and then stay in the UK.
“Almost one in three cases Britain has lost at the European Court of Human Rights were won by terrorists, prisoners or convicted criminals, it was revealed today.
Murderers, IRA gunmen and suspects linked to Islamist terror groups like Al Qaeda are among the 94 claimants to have won 297 cases against the UK in Strasbourg since 1975.”
I am on a roll!
This is Diana West, on the subjects of conspiracy and exposure:
Who Betrayed America?
telemachus – 12:18
Before we have boots in a Sharia controlled country, it would be worth listening to the Diana West clip at:
RobertRetyred – 14:07
The other two clip are useful, but are broader and longer:
Frank P – 00:09
RobertRetyred – 15:54
All highlight the unreality that the Elites in the West want us to believe, but the 14:07 clip shows boots on the ground would be a never ending, very costly failure.
I have seen persuasive arguments to put the onus on the Islamic states, if only because only they can solve the problems of Islam. We can support, but engaging would be a mugs’ game.
If we had a Prime Minister that didn’t proclaim the Religion of Peace and say the recent atrocities were nothing to do with Islam, it would be a step forward, but not wearing boots on Islamic soil.
Frank P,
Got your popcorn at the ready?
“A Bad Lip Reading of The Republican Debate”
The first seven minutes will get you hooked:
Diana West at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Town Hall
Robert Retyred (15:54)
Better still – if you haven’t already – read her book. For me it joined most of the dots that I had mapped out myself in a fairly comprehensive matrix during a long lifetime of investigation at the sharp end on both sides of the Atlantic.
The apostate ex-lefties hated it; they savaged her. Exposed their erstwhile stupidity/treachery.
Assiduous research and notation. She’s one of the true heroines of the counter-counter-culture war.
The Gates of Vienna featured the hoo-hah a couple of years ago when the book was published.
This is truly chilling
Someone, somehow, has got to bring this insanity to an end.
EC (18;23)
🙂 🙂
It’s going to be 12 months that will either make or break Christendom. Our lives in their hands. Midst all the serious shit that’s coming down, one has to keep a teflon s.o.h. Thanks for the light relief.
August 19th, 2015 – 10:32
Yes, they undoubtedly are; but nice to see they are on my side, slipping me Miss West’s gems and successfully setting both the theme and the tone, ably augmented by Robert. Maybe there are still good men and true in GCHQ. Hope you’re keeping up to speed with Diane’s work, btw; there’s stuff there that relates to a lot of your copy, m’friend. Am hoping for your opinion about the validity of her research – or otherwise. But get rid of the plumbers first – of course.
Decorum? DMAFF!!
I suspect that, generally, the definition of a gentleman hereabouts is one who takes the weight on his forearms and knees.
Ah Yes! I remember it well. 🙂
Oh Dear Frank:
Fairly soon we degenerate to this famous post on Buzz feed
“A few years ago, a friend and I began writing a weekly advice column for’s Tech page. Like every column on the site, ours included a photo of the two of us, a smiling shot a friend had snapped in our neighborhood one afternoon. Like all good journalists, I scrolled to the comments section shortly after our first piece went live, ready to respond to factual questions and content-based feedback. Instead, we’d elicited such insightful comments as “I’d stick my dick in that,” “I’d do the short one but not the tall one,” “Can you imagine waking up next to that freak?” and “She’d look better with longer hair.”
The comments on our appearances and fuckability literally outnumbered remarks on the piece itself. I clicked over to columns in the section penned by men and found that their commenters (while no less vicious) kept looks out of their invective. Our editor was aghast. I was sick to my stomach.
Similar comments poured in on the next column and the one after that. Finally, our editor stopped running our headshots. Sexism still roiled on the comments section, where we were deemed “two angry former cheerleaders” and “lesbians” and “Future Spinsters of America” (OK, some of it’s pretty funny now) and accused of sleeping our way into the job and/or getting it from Daddy. (We are not siblings. Logic was not these commenters’ forte.) But an interesting thing happened: Readers came to our defense. They decried the personal attacks, complimented the writing, explained in slow, simple sentences what sarcasm is.”
And my thought for the day relates to the Mass to be held today at St Mary’s Chourch in Woolton.
The readings are to be given by Jimmy Tarbuck, Cliff Richard and Paul O’Grady.
Now just what do those three have in common?
Frank P – 23:01
I have been reading The Death of the Grown-Up, but the clips of her discussions are easier to absorb, even though her style is better than OK.
I have a queue of books to read, so I appreciate the overview that the clips give.
Has telemachus transgendered?
Careful – any mention of CNN on this blog usually invokes violent episodes of GTS on this site. However, by and large you’ll find that the meds work fairly well here. ☺
Relax gal, we treat our ladies here with deep respect, provided they don’t try to regulate modes of expression – and they haven’t heretofore. Give as good as you get – and have a little fun. I’m puzzled that you can worry about a little basic Anglo Saxon, when the real shit that’s flying around out there from the ROP and the Deep Left needs addressing with whatever angry invective can be mustered. But it takes all sorts .
Enjoy your posts btw, when you’re not wagging your finger in the wrong direction. You’re among friends, judging by the general tenor of your remarks.
Let’s wait ‘n’ see…. ☺
“…explained in slow, simple sentences what sarcasm is.”
That nearly did it, but I still have a glimmer of hope. The jury’s out again.
Robert (11:01)
I know … I know; so much to read, so little time. Thanks for the other West vids. Trouble is, I fear like the rest of us she’ll become unhinged by the sheer frustration of ‘the folks’ not giving a toss what the politicians have been up to over the ages, as long as they keep up the flow of ‘stuff’ usually financed by OBEs (other bugger’s efforts).
News Flash.
Tommy Robinson was arrested by police yesterday at airport upon arriving back from holiday accompanied by his wife and three children.
Even the naughty niece is behaving herself – amusing rather than risque:
For those of my generation who do not and cannot comprehend why Facebook exists:
I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles. Therefore, every day I walk down the street and tell passersby what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later, and with whom.
I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day.
I also listen to their conversations, give them the “thumbs up” and tell them I like them.
And it works just like Facebook. I already have four people following me: two police officers, a private investigator, and a psychiatrist.
Frank P@August 20th, 2015 – 18:10
thanks -I spilled my coffee
Best label I’ve heard so far for the Clintons’ server(s) fiasco:
Wiper-gate! Brilliant! Eat your heart out Carl Bernstein.
Inadvertantly watching Cliff Richard performing at the funeral of ‘Our Cilla’ today, I wondered what was the upshot of the South York’s Police/Guildford Police/Scotland Yard/BBC helicopter bust on his Surrey apartment a few months ago. An eerie silence! Have they given him a combined bung to prevent having there arses sued off? If so – will the public purse pick up the tab? Or is the cloud still hovering above his head like the BBC chopper?
‘ their asses’ – bloody auto-corrector!!
frank. arses was right. an ass is a donkey
‘ere we go again #1
Reportedly, the peanut farmer will shortly be paid a visit by the Grim Reaper. He’s not even dead and the tidal wave of sentimental gush and claptrap emanating from the MSM is the USA is overwhelming and nauseating.
‘ere we go again #2
Greece: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced he is resigning and has called an early election.
Frank P – 18:39
Did Sir Cliff burst into song? Wasn’t “Suddenly” or “Travelin’ Light” perchance was it?
In 1970 he released “”Goodbye Sam, Hello Samantha” which only got to No.6 in the Hit Parade. I can’t help thinking that if he re-released that single in today’s enlightened times it would get to No.1 faster than a greased Colonoscope up a…
STOP IT! STOP IT… the Deco-ruminator will not be pleased.
AND… Now for something completely different…
NO, hang on, wait a minute…
That’s much better!
What a sensible country:
Slovakia will only accept Christian migrants
“Slovakia has announced it will only accept Christian migrants when it takes in Syrian refugees under an EU relocation plan.
Interior Ministry spokesman Ivan Metik said the Eastern European nation will accept 200 Christian migrants from camps in Turkey, Italy and Greece, as Muslim migrants would not integrate as easily into Slovakia’s predominantly Christian population.”
There are many countries that would be able to do the same for the non-Christian refugees. They would be more at home with their fellow co-religionists.
Frank P – 15:24
Funny you should say that. I was thinking what separate universes the politicians and the rest of us live in.
It is apparent that holocaust denial is back in the news courtesy of Corbyn
But immigration denial is thrusting to the fore
(for those not up to speed in Swedish there is a translation on Speccie)
Tele at 08:12
The translation of FN’s silly Swedish article in his Speccie blog enraged me so much that I had to load up the Tor browser and make one of my sporadic forays into commenting on that increasingly irrelevant website.
Who does FN think he is? I’ve not read such a self-satisfied load of garbage since something you posted a few weeks ago!
alexandr (18:43)
It was the replacement of the collective pronoun with a demonstrative adverb that I was complaining about. They can auto-correct ‘a-holes’ in either the Queen’s English or the Americanized version; either will do for me, as I use both (being strongly influenced by my life-long interactions with the Septics, I’m afraid). 🙂
.. and just in case you should infer any hidden meaning in the word ‘use’ in relation to the arses/asses/a-holes, let me assure you I meant it only in the literary connotation.
Tsipras’ resignation should remind the scumbag union agitators in the Labour Party that electing an anti-Semite on an anti austerity ticket is doomed to failure.
I read these prophetic words from Sean O’Grady in January, just after the election:
“Popular mandates don’t mean a thing
Or at least not in the hard world of international finance. It really doesn’t matter that much, when push comes to shove, if your government won 35% of the vote or 65% per cent of the vote in a general election. You owe the money; you need to pay it back as agreed. Alexis Tsipras and his new cabinet will soon be told that.”
On the other hand they are between a rock and a hard place. Who will trust a man who wears mascara and the Corbyn beard is at least sexy. As for the girls, they are poor apologies and measure up poorly to the likes of Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton or even Theresa May.
OK Frank P (14.09) you miserable foul mouthed misogynist apologist of a man!!
That do?
Decoruminator (tks EC – wonderful!) 11:23
Miserable? Only in short spurts, mostly just pissed off in the angry sense – comes with the age if this forum is anything to go by.
Foul mouthed? Often. sadly, but usually only when warranted and after extreme provocation or to loosen up the craic.
Misoogynist? Nah. Ask Anne. Not too too keen on the ball-breaking sisterhood, but I adored my grannies; my dear mother; my marriage of 58 years duration to the same feisty woman; all my sibling sisters, all my daughters and granddaughters and 99% of the female of the species that I have known and worked with. My naughty niece helps to me keep sane, too.
Apologist?: I don’t apologise for anybody or any cause that doesn’t deserve it and if they deserve it? … well they don’t deserve it, really, do they? Btw I think you meant apology of a man, didn’t you, as I see you used a similar barb in your 11:18 post – something of a tic, obviously?
Man? Well… depends what what YOU mean by that. Certainly not new man. If that’s what you mean.
And back to ‘Gentleman’ , no belay that, I think we already dealt with it.
But I’m sure you feel much better with that off your chest, so no offence taken. 🙂
Let it rip, gal! That’s what we’re here for. 🙂
“Executives from the CBI, IoD and Weir Group will attend the reopening of the UK’s embassy in Tehran this weekend, Sky News learns.”
Looks like the return to a BOMB or bust economic policy, then.
Trebles all round!
Jennifer Oldham @ 11:01
Apologies for the delay, Jennifer, it’s not the lack of social mores that has engendered it this time, nor the grand project of a boiler exchange, Baron had to act, still does, as a ferryman for a friend whose health turned south, many of his relatives, friends are similarly afflicted, want to visit, don’t drive.
Still, it’s the barbarian because often his views are to the right of the self-proclaimed conservatives of the new enlightened age, you know, further to the right than the soup spoon so to speak.
Those interested in Benghazi, the downfall of the Clintons, illegal US government arms running, and the out of control islamic puppets such people created etc. might do worse than listen to CIA operative, Robert Tosh Plumlee, on Thursday’s Alex Jones Show. Other items of value to be found there too, by the discerning.
EC @ 12:38
From the pen of Robert Conquest, one of Baron’s favourites, who has sadly departed from us recently:
You cannot when dealing with Toynbee,
Just pay him back in his own coin, be
Cause talking such a piss,
Would come rather amiss:
So how would a kick in the the groin be?
Baron has just scanned the Spectator site, the magazine itself. The onslaught on cumryd Jeremy has reached such intensity, the barbarian is thinking of joining his campaign, paying the three quid, voting for him, just for the hell of it.
telemachus @ 08:12
Be kind to the poorly educated Slav, telemachus, furnish the link to the translation, please.
Baron, you’re back!
Here is the Friday night treat that I promised you. The Biblical plagues of Egypt, with a nod to the Hammond/Wurlitzer Organ Society….
Chris Morriss @ 09:00
Not that Baron has read the piece, he cannot locate it, but you are aware Fraser’s married to a Swede, has been keen on things Swedish for a while.
You’re on fine form tonight, Baron!
And so to bed.
EC @ 23:04
Not the sort of stuff one wants to watch close to a midnight after a day of utter frustration, EC.
And since you ask what was it that irritated, annoyed, vexed the man, Baron will tell you. Driving around more than usually in the last few days, the barbarian got fed up with diversions, tens of them everywhere, some signposted badly, some taking him miles around the places he wanted to get to, some of the diversions set up by someone who’s likely to live on Mars totally lacking local knowledge.
And that’s not all. The roads re closed, but there’s no one doing anything in the out-of-service segments, no sign of life, intelligent or otherwise, some gear, yes, but the hardware still needs men to perform.
Why now, ha, the season is in full swing, plenty of cars, more than the occasional biker or bikers, many caravans, too, most of the drivers who visit are easily confused with East Anglian signposting when the roads are open, the diversions have turned the place into a large pool of car queues. Truly irritating that, Baron will definitely pen an angry missive to the Council even though it’s an utter waste of a first class stamp, he reckons.
And the last one before Baron follows O(o)’s idea, calls it a day.
Passengers on a high speed train Thalys that runs between Paris and Amsterdam may have been more than vexed today. A shooter opened fire, was overpowered by fellow travellers, the police were called, even the Interior Minister came over to have a look.
It would be interesting to find out who the shooter was.
Ali Talulatah
Baron 2301
PS But care: It made Chris Morriss unwell
Baron, the shooter was a Moroccan Muslim with known Islamic terrorist connections. He was overpowered by a couple of US marines who were suspicious of his behaviour and heard him loading his semi-automatic in the toilet. If not for them he could have used all the 300 rounds he had with him to kill as many people on the train.
But it’s nothing to do with Islam!
Peter from Maidstone – 08:48
Indeed. How long before we also get told that this fella was: “the umpteenth member of Local 473 of the Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves”, I wonder?
You could actually look at it as a racial rather than religious problem
Islam particularly Sunni Islam is simply the creed that the Arabs took from the founder and believed they could control for and in the interests of the community(of Arabs)
The Arabs gained spectacular success in the early centuries until the Europeans triumphed and dominated the world
The Europeans still do despite forays from Japan-repulsed and China- collapsing
Now here is a wave of sectarian and political violence washing across North Africa and the Middle East. But are we not witnessing just reaction from events of the Arab Spring? Or are we witnessing the end result of generations of tyranny: decades of suppression and distortion of political discussion, of deliberately weakened civil society and corruption
This has been turned on the very societies of their envy to the North
This in my view is a political struggle and we must return violence with violence
How on earth can we with the crushing might of Western armed forces allow for example Raqqa, the source of current Arab political conquest to exist?
I want to see a vicious response against this political threat
The point is that if we see this as an Arab threat we can respond. Just what solution is available if we regard it as a religious issue?
EC (09:49)
Loved this comment after the Breitbart piece:
“It’s not a lone wolf, it’s grandma having a bad day ! Lil’ Red Riding Hood.”
Again we see apologist bollocks written after yet another Muslim atrocity.
No it was not the Southern Muslim insurgents who bombed the Hindu Temple.
Yes it was a disaffected migrant that took his AK47 on a train.
Time to be honest:
“…..Transnational Islamist ideology, specifically of the militant Islamists, assert that Western policies and society are actively anti-Islamic, or as it is sometimes described, waging a “war against Islam”. Islamists often identify what they see as a historical struggle between Christianity and Islam, dating back as far as the Crusades, among other historical conflicts between practitioners of the two respective religions. Osama bin Laden, for example, almost invariably described his enemy as aggressive and his call for action against them as defensive. Defensive jihad differs from offensive jihad in being “fard al-ayn,” or a personal obligation of all Muslims, rather than “fard al-kifaya”, a communal obligation, that is, some Muslims may perform it but it is not required from others. Hence, framing a fight as defensive has the advantage of both appearing to be a victim rather than an aggressor, and of giving the struggle the very highest religious priority for all good Muslims.”
I cannot link from my iPad but above is the Wiki entry for Islamic Terrorism.
telemachus – 10:24
The “lone wolves” have been of many different nationalities and racial heritage, so your argument doesn’t really hold water.
Feynman Rules!
Lawrence Franklin, reiterating what most of us here already accepted several years ago. However, as at least half the population of the ‘free world’ don’t seem to want to accept the bleedin’ obvious, it’s worth promulgating his authoritative chronicle
(with footnotes) yet again, in the hope that at lest a few more folks will wake up to the dire threat and demand that we act appropriately:
EC (13:36)
“Feynman rules!”
It may come to that and pretty damn soon, the way things are shaping up. Madmen v Kuwaiti tankers. The rest of us – Holy Ghost.
Did you watch The Donald in Alabama last night? W…T…F!!!??
Dhimmi Dave has a certain ring to it.
Sweden. (Re Spectator.)
It was in 1975 that the Swedish parliament voted unanimously to make homogeneous Sweden into a multi-cultural society.
Tommy Robinson has been released on police bail after being arrested upon returning from holiday.The charge is in respect of a fight with a Somali in Peterborough Gaol the last time he was arrested;he having been warned the Somali was going to throw boiling water over him.The prison authorities did not take the matter any further;so who has?
Enjoyable, the second one written wittily throughout, pity nobody has yet figured how to do one, in which the Austrian house painter hears about the cumryd election.
Thank you, telemachus.
Nothing much new in the piece, the first few paragraphs are essentially of the kid ‘the electorate have voted, the bastards’, the rest of it follows what the man from the land of the haggis eaters has said before.
Fraser has embarked on a campaign of repentance since the demise of the Old Australian’s News of the World, he contributed to the rag, after the paper folded up, he also wrote a piece in which he tried to suggest, quite rightly, that not everything the paper touched was corrupted. He must be hoping the left leaning tossers will forgive him for it, embrace him as one of their own, he needs this acceptance to move to pastures greener, more rewardable. He’s wrong on this, but will he listen?
telemachus @ 10:24
The barbarian would join you, if you gave him one single example of our intervening somewhere, the conditions of the indigenous unwashed got better after our meddling.
Kosovo may appear to be the one instance, but only appear, the tensions between the Muslims and the Serbs are as much alive as before, it’s only the might of the peace keepers, the bribe of EU membership to Serbia, with large monetary gifts from the Brussels monstrosity that keep them from boiling over, quite costly exercise it also is re Kosovo what with our paying for the Kosovo’s civil service, the Middle East has been an unmitigated disaster, and it ain’t over yet, the crowds leaving the place will thickens before the region gets sorted, Ukraine has been turned from a basket case country to one of just a case without the basket, God forbid if the Americans get involved in the South China Sea ….
And you want us to poke our nose also in Syria? Come on, get real at least for once.
Peter from Maidstone @ 08:48
Thanks, Peter.
Malfleur @ 22:51
That’s all factual, Malfleur, but who needs facts, evidence, true testimony today? it’s emotions that decide who gets what, the woman is one of the sisterhood, shouldn’t that be enough to get her the top job?
Frank P @ 14:03
Tell us more, Frank, has the Donald Duck performance got recorded, can we see it?
Baron 1829
The actual problem is resolve and carry through
Iraq was undoubtedly better after Saddam was toppled
Ask any Kurd about losing the threat of Chemical Ali
When the natives got restless in 2007, George dealt with it effectively with the Surge,
So then first Blair got scared and then the US got that weakling Obama
Genesis of ISIL
The Arabs are fundamentally a weak and servile people trying to recreate the glory years of military might stiffened by their then servant Sunni religion
They need firm handling
1nt rescue off Libya
“Explosion rocks China chemical plant”
Yet another explosion in China. I must be getting paranoid, because I think ISLAMIC?
anne wotana kaye
August 22nd, 2015 – 19:43
Please ignore first line in above – copied in error!
Baron – 18:52
I’ve just watched Donald J. Trump’s speech on PostTV, and I have to say that it was an impressive performance. Almost, I’m tempted to say, a masterpiece of political oratoryby today’s standards.
telemachus @ 19:17
If by firm handling you mean doing Sisi, you are right, unfortunately the West hasn’t got anyone of his ilk, and even if it did, it would be of no use what with uman rites, PC and all the other hand tying stuff.
anne wotana kaye @ 19:43
It may be the love of the Mandarin speakers for large fireworks, anne, over the top though.
EC @ 20:44
Was he better than the honorary Muslim, EC, that is the question.
The time for jokes from this year’s Edinburgh festival of jokers:
This comes curtesy of the DT that made a selection of the top 20, few merit the label ‘a joke’, most of the others are just pathetic.
Here are the three Baron can stomach:
I look at fighting the same way I look at physics. I cannot do it, but I respect the ability of either to solve problems.
I’m proper Anglo-Welsh, my parents burnt their own cottage.
I’ve run this joke past all my black and ethnic minority friends. She says it’s OK.
To type the pathetic ones Baron cannot be bothered, example of one: My farther lived in this really racist part of Boston, called Boston.
One entry asks for a closer inspection, it’s from the mouth of the well known lovvy, a BBC favourite Joe Brand (the DT puts her at number one):
I am the one in the family that does all the driving, because my husband never learnt to drive – in my opinion.
To start with, it’s vacuous of any humorous content, it’s badly constructed, too. If would be improved if she said it the other way round i.e. my husband never learnt to drive – in my opinion, that’s why in our family I’m the one doing all the driving.
But, more importantly, imagine the husband were to say it about her. The uproar of the sisterhood would be deafening, he would be accused of misogyny, she would be forced to divorce him. Equality indeed.
This one should have been included to get your blood hotter, Baron rather likes it, it’s cast in a time proven mould.
A guy named Wang, born here was the one who said it: At the next election I’m voting UKIP, just to see where they send me back to.
The Donald is on a roll; I’m still trying to figure out how they will stop him. Megalomania on stilts – and the punters love it, despite his using at each venue so far, the same pitch; the same jokes; the same inconsistences; the Petticoat Lane hucksterism; the shills in the crowd; the private jet plane used as a prop. Somebody quipped that if he wins he will be the first even POTUS to think he’s slumming it when he steps into AirForceOne!
Elmer Gantry, Billy Graham, Cassius Clay, John Gotti, Jimmy Walker ; Randolph Hearst, and Rupert Murdoch – all rolled into one 70 year old bundle of braggadicio and bullshit – with a personal bankroll (?) to fund the campaign. And we’re all hoping he can pull it off, if only to see the consternation on the smug faces of the Washington elite and the MSM. But then what?
Can it be worse that what currently obtains, I hear you say. I fear it might. But you’re right. Highly entertaining stuff. Buy shares in popcorn, it’s a 12 month non-stop rollover.
He’s secured a Judge Jeanine slot at 2am bst on Fox News tonight. Or lives in his hands.
Few day back, the local ITV news carried an item of a 88 year old man, totally deaf, crippled also with other ailments of the old age, stopped by police officers who spotted a shotgun in his car. He used it to kill vermin on his allotment.
The case came to court, he was found guilty, sentenced to two years, the minimum the judge could give him even though it his long life it was his first offence. Subsequently, his defence team did a review, found he was charged under the wrong statute, asked for his release, he’s back with his wife now.
One can never be sure what would have happened to him in barbaric Britain of yesteryear, but Baron reckons the case would have never reached the courts. The officers, having spotted the gun, would have most likely told him ‘look, old man, stop carrying the gun around, leave at the shed, better lock it up to make sure it isn’t stolen. If you don’t, we find you with it again, the law will kick in’. And that would have been it.
Today, the police, admittedly different forces, have ignored pleas from young girls groomed by gangs for decades, instead of hitting hard the grand peado of all times they went to dine in his abode, in demonstrations organised by the followers of Allah they ignore placard wearers saying ‘kill the infidels’ …… but are keen to arrest an old man in possession of a shotgun to shoot vermin. Total lack of common sense.
‘Our’ lives! (tried to turn off the auto ‘corrector’ and obviously failed again).
Btw, what’s the betting that if he nukes Mecca nd Medina, he’ll get the contract to rebuild both.
And lastly, a postscript on the Toynbees:
You know it, but in case there’s doubts whether the barbarian is aware of it.
The Toynbee who quipped ‘civilisation, cultures do get murdered… was Arnold Toynbee, a well known historian, the Conquest’s limerick was penned for his son Philip Toynbee (daughter Polly).
Apologies for the errors, too, all Baron’s fault, the spellchecker isn’t to blame.
It’s very likely he’ll get the contract to re-built, Frank, there’ll be nobody left in Europe, further east up to China, the winds are all westerly.
I think perhaps you won’t be able to bear this one:
A bare-faced calumny?
Frank P – 00:41
Re: Donald. OTOH if you’ve got a successful routine then why change it?
eg. Ken Dodd. Last time I saw Ken’s show about 12 years ago. He came on stage at 7:40pm and he walked off stage at 00:45 the next morning, with only a 30 mins break! The routine, the jokes were exactly the previous times I’d seen him. We all laughed, we had heard all the jokes before, we knew which jokes were coming next! – but the audience loved him for it. BTW. Aged 88, he’s on again in October, in Blackpool. it’ll be the same 5 hour show, it’ll be a sell out, and they’ll still be laughing. Whadda Guy! (His/your pre- antibiotics generation are definitely made out of sterner stuff than the rest of us!)
Getting back to Donald: The Mobile speech was my first time, so to speak…
The number of times he reiterated his half dozen basic messages/bullet points in between the theatrical interludes made it a very effective speech. I loved the theatrical bits. My favourite was the signing of his book, his working the audience, leading up to him claiming that it was only his 2nd favourite book, and it was in fact the Bible that was his very favourite book … Now that was masterly! He out sugared Sugar, who, I’m sure (grin), is one of your favourite barrow boys. “Lord” (my arse!) Sugar ain’t even in the same league, let alone the same division as DT. I also enjoyed his dig at the Kennedy woman as a device to highlight the appalling amateurism/shamateurism of the current administration.
The start reality was that this market trader, providing that he’s not gagged and bound by Megyn et al, can make the rest of his GOP rivals look like a bunch of merchants!
Nice day here, spending the rest of it in the DV.
Frank P, Baron – 01:14
Not at all surprised. Hairy women start at all points east of Harwich/Dover etc.
… and North of Hadrian’s Wall !
The Corbyn Car Crash hasn’t been caused by Corbyn. He is the lighted match igniting the lingering inflammable vapour, left by Blairism, with Brown ensuring the elimination of anyone with an awareness of natural laws and a sense of direction.
Are we seeing another perfect storm in the making? Will we see the Tory Party crash, brought down by the Heir to Blair, Dhimmi Dave? Being smart, Dhimmi Dave knew that failing to plan means planning to fail, but he forgot the corollary needs fine tuning: planning for success does need a successful plan and some secrecy, especially in the early days. Failed on both counts!
Tories must demand the truth about the EU
The renegotiation of membership terms with the EU is an illusion. Conservatives must hold David Cameron to account
“The Government knows this pretence cannot be maintained much longer. It is reported that Mr Cameron intends to “choreograph” a row with the French government next February at a European Council Meeting. The authority for this was Andrew Lansley, ex-cabinet minister and trusty of Mr Cameron. Notes for a speech by him indicated that our European partners should recognise the need for Mr Cameron to point to “victories” he has won after standing up to them, to encourage a vote to stay in the EU. ”
For Andrew Lansley, an ex-cabinet minister and trusty of Mr Cameron, to let the cat out of the bag indicates that there is a third failure: trust is breaking down, the Infantry are revolting: they are being pushed too far.
The Westminster bubble is collapsing, and we are left with scum. The BBC, the EU funded propaganda outlet that still collects local income by force, will need to report events even-handedly to avoid more damaging publicity.
Surely more Tory MPs will break cover! They have a meal ticket for four more years and the battle will have been decided well before then.
It has been posted before, Baron’s aware of it, his posting it again is to remind everyone that not only it’s one of the best, if not the best presentation of a problem, but also that to help the world’s poor, migration is not the key solution. As the guy says ‘let’s help them where they are’.
Unfortunately, the countries that could put together such humanitarian project to help the 2-dollar per day poor are short on genuine leadership, they have many a politician, no statesmen, who would have the foresight, the resolve, but who would also command the respect and trust of the rest of us because the cost would be immense, and it will be our taxes that will have to fund it.
RobertRetyred @ 11:13
Good point, Robert, but the cunning politicians, particularly the better known names, are playing a waiting game, trying to figure which way the wind blows before they make up their mind which camp to join.
EC @ 10:23
His immigration policy sounds just what the indigenous American want to hear, well, the conservative ones anyway, but it would be a legal nightmare, many of the undocumented have been in the US for years if not decades, have indigenous American wives, kids born in America. They, the US Government, has left the boil to fester far too long for a simple cure to be applied.
Easily ‘beared’, the piece by the omni-all Mr. Boot, Frank, and not even a whiff of disagreement except perhaps that sexual transgression of the moral code rank not high amongst the Russian males, drinking does.
Why does the insightful sage think the bear tormentors had sex with the beast puzzles the barbarian, if you watch the video you may as well skip the first 4 minutes unless you enjoy witnessing a wild animal trying to wiggle itself from under an SUV.
Btw, the involuntary bear trappers got arrested by the police, charged for cruelty to animals. Serves them right posting the thing.
The government is planning to slash solar panel subsidies drastically, according to a front page piece in the ST.
When the idiocy of subsidising the most inefficient conversion technology began, homes and businesses were offered 43p per kilowatt, which was nine times the wholesale rate. Thank s to this imbecilic policy we have to pay around 30% more for our electricity that would have been the case if solar wasn’t that heavily subsidised.
Baron – 13:01
Thank you for the link. I have been looking for it recently as it is so relevant to our circumstances! I shall be scattering the link in appropriate postings.
It should be transgressions (at 13.35, plural), than don’t rank high … Apologies, no balme on anything but the poorly educated Slav.
Shite (sorry Jennifer), the transgressions that (not than) don’t rank high, and blame, blame, bloody blame and not balme at 15.50.
Baron gives up, he’s incapable of avoiding errors, it must be the few remaining cells in his brain he thought may still be functioning have switched off.
And re-reading, patiently and thoroughly, all his recent postings, the barbarian has found other mistakes, but he won’t correct them, no point, he’ll probably make more errors in the corrective postings, do have mercy on him, please.
The plane has crashed, the wreckage has cooled, the area is available for investigation. How is it possible they don’t know how many were killed in this incident.
John birch – 16:23
I expect they probably know, probably, but can’t rule out finding a body, say, under the plane, which, I gather still has the ejector seat, un-ejected!
Many years ago, I was in a train, delayed by a ferocious fire near the track, and the authorities wouldn’t say how long the delay would be, at a probable minimum. I didn’t want anyone to drive in to pick me up and then find I was at home! They didn’t dare give out any information, in case they were sued.
It was over a couple of hours until something happened, and then we were let off the train. Luckily I caught a lift from someone else’s ‘rescue’, so I was home sooner than expected.
John birch@August 23rd, 2015 – 16:23
I fear they may be trying to assemble lots of badly burned body parts… Each part would need its DNA mapping so the right bits can be collected together. Then check dental records.
And the police can be very cagey about releasing details until all relatives have been informed. What if some were foreign?
Grisly business.
Here we go
Blimey! The market crash is obviously worse than even Malfleur ( via Zero Hedge) forecast. Are you all under you beds guarding your gold??
Here something to cheer you up:
… and this in the comments of another article about Planned Parenthood and the grisly body-parts scandal:
Vennoye Nancy Tannenbaum • an hour ago
It is seriously time that we look at the cycle in the rise and fall of great civilizations……decide where we are and get to work to change it!!!
The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith,
From spiritual faith to great courage,
From courage to liberty,
From liberty to abundance,
From abundance to selfishness,
From selfishness to complacency,
From complacency to apathy,
From apathy to dependency,
From dependency back again to bondage.”…
Read just the heading, then scroll to the postings, enjoy.
The market crash is nothing compared to the American Thinker piece, Frank, markets crash regularly, that what they do, the youngsters who run money today have little experience of corrections, Baron bets you many of them would have sold stocks at lower price than they bought them not than long ago. The coupling of markets with the real world is just illusory, China will recover, will get going again, the country still has around half a billion unwashed who graze to survive, they are hungry enough to keep going.
Armageddon then, Frank? Hmmm, but what’s next?
Baron (18:51)
What next?
Today Benghazi (and of course Palmyra). How long before the interior of St Paul’s and Westminster Abbey (not to mention the Westmonster (sic) Gas Works)? They’ve already taken Tower Hamlets!
But don’t worry, I’ve organised a stalwart defence of Ely Cathedral; about an an hour from you, Baron? It has survived almost a millennium – I figure it’s here to stay – after UDI for East Anglia, of course. We must arrange that soon. Trumpian times!
Hey folks there is a new Wall
Yes, I created it first thing this morning as I always endeavour to do.
Where would that new Wall be, Peter, it certainly doesn’t appear when Baron clicks on the address of your site.
PfM – 20:05
Where? 🙂