This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
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I guess you’re all recovering from having attended the jollities at the Notting Hill Carnival?
Steyn is up and about and in combatitive mode. Great headline, too:
Peter from M. 1st Sept at 13-06
Re:Crowds outside Budapest Railway Station;99% are young men.
There are images all over the i-net/youtube of crowds of young men demanding entry to european countries;many of them shouting `allah akbar`.There is one of a group in Macedonia rejecting food parcels being offered to them by the police because they are from the Red CROSS.
Above at 13-56
Macedonian police and refugees.
I noted that a woman called Jenny Watson was pontificating on TV today about what question/s should be on the ballot paper in the forthcoming EU referendum. Having never seen or heard of her previously, I was curious to know why this rather unprepossessing woman appeared to be wielding so much clout in this regard. So I posed the question to myself (and to Google), “Who is Jenny Watson and why?”
This would appear to be the answer:
Elementary (common purpose), my dear Watson. To which you might all reply in unison (pun intended) “No shit, Sherlock!”
Evil can take on such a dowdy and mundane physiognomy.
Read through this website:
It’s a bit lengthy, but if you persevere you’ll find Jenny gets a mention. Interesting if only for the details of who she is married to.
I obviously missed this article some time ago. Quentin Letts in serious vein. Jenny gets a mention:
Radford NG @ 14:11
If only the police had the common sense, push them onto trucks, deliver them to a port in the Med, tell them to board a boat, send them back to their halal friends of ISIS.
The reaction of the crowd shows what sort of people we are importing, troublemakers by and large, if they were hungry they would eat, but even here when they are asking for help they’re telling us they are Muslim first, citizens of free Europe second.
A highly critical article on the Electoral Commission,and Ms Watson,comes from Lord Vinson(Nigel Vinson;one of Mrs Thatcher’s Conservatives).
Thus:ElCom has lamentable record/Chairperson appointed by Gordon Brown/tenure renewed by Cameron (why?)/ElCom failed to pursue LibDems over £2.4million donation/pursued UKIP over £367th.donation;(Court ruled against ElCom)/Messed up 2010 General Election/voting fraud;(Tower Hamlets)/2015 Election;many expats did not get ballot papers/`passing off` scandals (as with Al Murray in Thanet South.
Full article below from UKIP (14 Aug 2015).
And in the Spectator,with comments (5 June 2015).
Frank P @ 10:49
Actually, what the proposed legislation unquestionably proves , Frank, is that violence pays. All one has to do is to turn violent if one doesn’t like what someone says, and voila, those in power will legislate for the offending speech to be banned. It’s totally insane. What if the Muslims asked for the creed to be a part of a schooling curriculum? Could we say no, or would this qualify as an offending answer, punishable under the proposed statute?
Frank P @ 15:01
The stuff is from 2010, Frank, do they still exist, the many ‘outreachers’ of Common Purpose in their safe, out of public view sinecures costing the taxpayer tens of millions?
The ‘bonfire-of-quangos’ promise by the Conservatives has totally disappeared from the MSM, yet it was one of the few things that would have undermined noticeably the pseudo-liberal fruitcakes hold on the society. Why have the Tories given up on it?
Seems they do still exist, not to mention proliferate. Jenny Watson is apparently guiding us in our electoral choices – been all over the telly today. I thought I saw a Puddephat!
That’s Jenny’s spouse. A Labour apparatchik who looks after our ‘ooman rites’.
Via the LSE – of course. Gramscian gremlins in the labyrinthine basements of the C o P.
You may have missed it, last week, the FT ran an editorial advocating – wait for it – the abolishing of cash, admittedly for amounts over £10,000 only, but it’s a start, if the public swallows it, the amount will shrink and shrink, until we have a totally cashless society.
The use of the 500 Euro is already banned here in the UK, you have one, you are told to go to the Continent, visit a bank, have it changed. Getting the £50 banknote from your bank is harder than earning it, when Baron wanted few (a gift to his grandsons) he was told: ‘We are trying to discourage people fro using it, it’s the coke dealers who like it’.
The French seem to be doing the running, cash transactions are only allowed below 1,000 Euro (some £700), and every cash withdrawal above 10,000 is flagged, the authorities need an explanation. All in the name of combating terrorism and crime, the Charlie’s atrocity serves as a pretext.
It’s more creeping State control everywhere, Baron reckons, than anything else.
Baron – 16:45
“Why have the Tories given up on it?”
It is possible they haven’t given up. It might just be there are too few Tories in the Conservative Party. 🙂
Btw – no mention of the pedigree of Mrs Puddephatt during her several appearances today. Just “Chairperson of the Electoral Commission”. No searching interrogation from the anchors (aka Liebor facilitators) about WTF she is doing running the show, considering her partisan connections. Pshaw!!
BBC follow and encourages an illegal migrant all the way from Greece to Sweden. She passes through about 8 safe countries but wants to claim asylum in Sweden. She left Syria with her mother but left her mother behind in Turkey. The end of the piece notes that it had cost her about $3500 to gain a new life in Sweden. And how much will it cost Sweden?
It was all one BBC taxpayer funded advert for illegal migration.
This is rather long, you may scan the piece up to below the white attired hero of Vietnam and his crutches greeting Nixon, it then becomes rather interesting, at least to Baron, who’s never suspected it.
Frank P @ 17:28
The link’s top class, Frank, thanks, not only because it reveals the background of yet another left leaning apparatchik, who occupies a position of power without getting elected. It also furnishes the e-mail address of the freedom-of- expression fighter, the barbarian’s copied it, will be in touch when an opportunity arises.
RobertRetyred @ 17:34
Quite, Robert, how could the barbarian not think of it?
Frank P
September 1st, 2015 – 10:
Couldn’t face the Carnival with this heat wave. Yesterday was so hot I’ve never known a Bank Holiday like it ……..:-)Theyre coming to take me away, away, Theyre coming to take me away, away, ……
Frank P @ 14:33
Bloody hell!
Is it possible for someone to dig a little deeper to find out whose cat’s paw this jobsworth, Jenny Watson, is?
From the smell, my guess would be that someone stepped in a pile of bilderberger.
Speaking of which…
Baron @ 17:30
This has been floated by the globalists for some time, so it should be no great surprise that the FT has now felt it is time to give it its’ imprimatur – and this was picked up by Alex Jones on the date of publication.
We are being played, ladies and gentlemen. What is to be done?
Jenny Watson is ex-Liberty and ex-Charter 88.
Mail on Sunday said…
“Woman in charge of Electoral Commission is long-term agitator for electoral ‘reform’ She once described House of Lords as a ‘relic and active hindrance’ She lives with Left-wing former leader of Hackney Council She’s paid £100,000 a year for a three-day-week – a job set up by Tony Blair”
Andrew Puddephat was also Director of Charter 88.
“Jenny disliked school which failed to spark her love of learning but in 1986, as a mature student aged 22, she began a BA in communication studies at Sheffield Hallam”.
How does someone with a degree in Communication Studies end up being gifted the Deputy Chair of the Nuclear Waste Management Committee? What prepared her for such a role? Who does she know? It’s surely not what she knows?
PfM – 23:31
It’s what she doesn’t know that matters; she knows nothing about nuclear anything, and that is what is important. She also understands that secure energy, and democracy, isn’t in the game plan.
Communication studies at Sheffield Hallam? I doubt she could manage two tin cans and a long piece of string.
Malfleur @ 23:00
Some weeks ago, Baron said by the end of this decade cash would be largely gone, he sticks by it, Malfleur.
What can be done, you ask? Nothing much, we had a chance in May, four million voters backed a party that could have at least slowed down the creeping tightening of the State yoke, thanks to the undemocratic FPTP voting system, they were disenfranchised, are now voiceless.
‘During the interview with the creators … Android Dick said,
“…don’t worry, even if I evolve into terminator I will still be nice to you, I will keep you warm and safe in my people zoo where I can watch you for old time’s sake. ….”
The comments came after the creators asked, “Do you think that robots will take over the world?” ‘
Dhimmi Dave does seem to be in a bit of a tight spot:
Austria threatens to scupper Cameron’s EU negotiations over migrant row
Werner Faymann, the Austrian chancellor, warns he will block Britain’s “catalogue of demands” unless Mr Cameron accepts greater share of asylum seekers
And “Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic … have refused to back down on the issue of quotas.
Hungary, one of the hardest-hit nations in Europe’s immigration crisis, says over 156,000 migrants have entered this year. And on Tuesday the government of hardline prime minister Viktor Orban said that 3,500 troops were being sent to police Hungary’s border with Serbia – along which Hungary has built a heavily-criticised fence.
Antal Rogan, the parliament caucus leader of Mr Orban’s Fidesz party, said “the very existence of Christian Europe” was under threat.
“Would we like our grandchildren to grow up in a United European Caliphate? My answer to that is no,” he said.
And further back along the “pipeline” into Europe, the problems continued.”
It would be (a little) surprising if he gave in to the Austrian chancellor, so his negotiations appear to be heading, from a negligible agreement, towards a null agreement.
Surely, it can’t get more ludicrous than this? (Oh yes it can 🙂 )
In a toss up between Android Dick an George Soros, I guess the Dick has it.
Peter from Maidstone September 1st @ 23:31
‘ “Jenny disliked school which failed to spark her love of learning” ‘
“her” not “a” – She had one, it was just never sparked…
Voting in General elections in the UK is now merely participating in a farce. Leaving aside for a moment the fact that over four million people who voted UKIP are represented by only one seat in Parliament, the Conservative Party -that allegedly won the election, is being dictated to by a woman who is clearly a Frankfort School apparatchik who chairs the Electoral Commission and is married to another of the same ilk. Whether she and her spouse attend the annual piss-up of the Bilderbergers hardly matters; she is being paid £100k to work three days a week within the bowels of the corridors of power to shape decisions which affect our lives; the Puddephats are just two of a whole underground army of subversive communists who are manipulating government; this is sanctioned by the idiot who claims to be the Prime Minister of the UK; the same Prime Minister who wants to remain under the yoke of a conspiratorial bevy of leftist bastards based in Brussels who seem hell-bent on polluting our population with scum of the Middle East who are refusing to fight for and are deserting their own countries – intent on raping ours. Chaos ensues!
However the question is jiggled and shaped, the desire of Mrs Puddephatt, her husband – and David Cameron – is to maintain the status quo. The status quo is disastrous insanity. We must extract ourselves from the chaos of the EU, secure our borders and attempt to restore what is left of our once great nation. It is probably too late, but we must try. It is the fifty-ninth minute of the eleventh hour of the United Kingdom. Unless someone like Richard Kemp is prepared to organise a rapid coup d’etat and clear the Augean stables, we are doomed to complete dissolution before the next election.
Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Schengen Convention allows countries to impose border controls in an emergency
now seems a good idea.
“Jenny Watson (born 25 Jan 1964)[1] is the chairperson of the United Kingdom Electoral Commission. A long term campaigner for women’s rights, she had a 20+ year career in the not for profit sector. ”
HA! She STILL IS IN the not for profit sector!
£100K for 3 days a week – PLUS EXPENSES???
Like all these dedicated selfless public servant bastards SHE IS NOT IN, and never has been, the NOT FOR PERSONAL PROFIT sector!
Her Wiki page reads like it was written by a close relation!
Currently on the road, but have finally stopped taking STATINS !
“Millions of healthy Britons are set to be prescribed them, but why do many GPs say they won’t take statins?”
This is a superb article.
Dr Chand is 100% right, in my experience too. He describes the very same debilitating symptoms that I’ve had for the last four years. I feel that I continue on these drugs, then I’m going to be in a wheelchair before Christmas!
It seems that the Drug companies, NICE and Imperial College are now fully paid up members of the Michael E. Mann school of scientific rigour and “methodology!”
I’m really depressed that Imperial College has sunk so far.
“Austria threatens to scupper Cameron’s EU negotiations over migrant row
Werner Faymann, the Austrian chancellor, warns he will block Britain’s “catalogue of demands” unless Mr Cameron accepts greater share of asylum seekers ”
Daily Telegraph online.
“Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar.”
The illegal immigrant crisis is manufactured by the Bilderberg Group.
Expel all Bilderbergers from Britain now!
EC @ 09:35
Some four months ago, EC, the barbarian did the same, quit taking statins against the advice of his GP.
For a normal human being the level of platelets (these cells help blood coagulation) runs between 150-450 (that’s in thousands). Having taken the cholesterol lowering drug (simvastatin) for four years, Baron’s platelet level had been dropping gradually to below 50, i.e. a third of the minimum. The choice was, still is, between dropping dead from a heart attack or bleeding to death, the latter frees the barbarian from a dependancy on a synthetic drug, requires nothing except the avoidance of gluttonous consumption of very fatty and sugary foodstuff, something Baron has never been keen on anyway.
And another thing the statins did, EC, destroyed completely the barbarian’s muscle tissue, not that he ever was a macho man, but now he cannot do press-ups, his arms are incapable supporting body weight hanging on a tree branch. And this more than irritates.
Malfleur @ 12:02
Please take it not badly, Malfleur, but reading this short posting of yours reminded Baron of Lenin. He, too, residing safely in Switzerland (like you in the Far East) kept sending short messages to his co-fighters in Russia of the sort you do:
“Down with the Tsarist oppression, now” for him, “Expel all Bilderbergers from Britain now!” for you.
Easier said than done, my blogging friend.
The latest news of chaos involving the refugees makes me even more suspicious of the majority of them. Logic says if they are so against the regimes they live in within their own countries, why don’t they stand up and fight and use some of the violence they are displaying away from their home countries? I fear we are being used by Trojan Horses, and these well-fed and healthy looking victims are waiting to take over Western civilization.
I appear to have been banned by the Speccie. Have you? I ask because your posts are far more spikey than mine!
A brilliant post at – I haven’t found the original article, it’s found by google:
“England’s population density is 413 people per square kilometre (413 ppl/km2). Then I’ve worked out how many refugees the main European countries could take for them to reach the same population density as Europe’s most densely populated country – England.
This shows that to reach the same population density as England (413 ppl/km2), Germany could take 67 million migrants, France could accommodate a whopping 160 million and Spain and even larger 161 million. And our close neighbours in Scotland have room for over 25 million! That should please socialist Sturgeon.
In all, just the thirteen European countries could accommodate more than 680 million migrants before reaching the same population density as England.”
3 Things Scientists Need to Know About the IPCC
And the public need to know as well!
Robert R (14:10)
Great piece.
Disseminate, disseminate, Wallsters.
Here’s another seminal essay about the Muslim Brotherhood and its influence over Obama:
Put in the context of the current exodus of Islamic ‘refugees’ into Europe, it’s mind-boggling.
Just witnessed a bizarre ‘debate’ (moderated by the rodent-featured Kay Burley of Sky News) between Ed West, ‘Spectator Blogger’ and Imke Henkel ‘German journalist/author/lecturer from Lincoln University’.
A softening-up exercise to convince the English punters that we should prostrate ourselves before, and welcome with open arms, organised inimical invaders hell-bent on defeating Western Civilisation by demographics.
Who decides who is chosen to deliver this agitprop bullshit? West complies with the Spectator norm for it’s scribblers – baby faced; falsetto voiced and clueless. The Gerry bird is straight out of leftist Ugly-Club of red brick academia. No mention of the Muslim Brotherhood game plan, of course!
Frank P 15.34:
Something very strange has happened to the Spectator today. An article by Isabel Hardman on migration isn’t accepting any comments. Another article on Syrian refugees has had numerous posts removed including my own relatively innocuous comment on a news item about Syrian refugees rioting in Germany. In fact I’ve been blocked altogether. Yet in the last few months the Speccie has been hosting white supremicist posts.
A poster at the other place suggested that this could be because there’s a softening up exercise going on. It’s interesting that in the last few weeks the Spectator has acquired quite a few left wing & shall we say less right wing commentators. Perhaps this is all about moving the comments sections leftwards. Either that or the Spectator has been hacked.
I find it rather difficult to find sympathy with the Syrian ‘refugees’ and wonder if they are for real. For many years in the Israeli/Arab wars and ongoing conflicts, Syria has been the most aggressive participant. Falling into Syrian hands as a prisoner was not only feared by Israel, but by other Arab states, including Jordan. Despite being an educated and science conscious nation, the Syrians have a cruel and barbaric temperament, outstanding even in the tragic history of the Middle East. Cynically I wonder if what goes around, comes around.
Not only threats to EU reform hopes:
Cameron shrugs off German fury over Syria refugees despite threats to EU reform hopes
but also threats to increase our net EU membership fee:
EU warns Britain: We’ll cut funding if you don’t take share of Syria refugees
Is this a plan to ‘dhiminish’ Europe?
Better off Out!
Shades of the 16th century Ottoman invasion on Europe!
Damaris Tighe 1557
If you have been blocked try another moniker (say add a full stop and use new email account)
If you are still blocked they will release the block on your IP address in 30 days
Believe me we know
Thanks for the advice. The new email account doesn’t work as they block the IP address. What on earth is going on? You know my posts – you don’t agree with them but there’s nothing offensive about them, in fact they’re far less offensive than many I see there nowadays.
turn your router off for 20 seconds. your ISP will give you a nice shiny new IP address.
and clear out your cookies. best to install ccleaner
Damaris/ Alexandr
That has not worked for our team
But we have always been re accepted after 30 days penance
Disqus still lists you as number 4 on the roll of Speccie commentators so you have not deem terminated as David Lindsay was
Our experience is that certain prissy Speccie folk take exception to a single post and punish us. Nick Cohen and Sebastian Payne come to mind
I greatly enjoy your posts and cannot recall any offensive posts
I hope you resolve it
i am actually finding the speccie comment annoying. The computer moderation of so called rude words is just childish
you can say fcuk, but not f*ck. you can say b0110cks not bollocks. (as in ed b0110cks)
but really annoying are words that you seed to say. Sex is one word that is moderated. well come on.
On walsall there is a Butts Lane junior school. But Walsall IT have banned the word Butt in searches and the schools page. so they cant make their school page and no-one can find it. And Butt isnt a rude word in the UK, a butt is a barrel where you keep rain water.
I find that I can no longer post to the Spectator site even using the Tor browser. Until today I could do this signing in when using Tor, with my Googlemail address. Not today, that way in is also blocked now.
I have an email address which I will try tomorrow, though first tomorrow I have to pick up my shiny, brand-new model Mazda MX-5 Hey!
Comment to Damaris.
I don’t know about you, but my ADSL router assigns me the same IP address every time I turn it on as far as I can tell.
Tele at 19:10
My ban is still in place after 9 months now. It is a permanent ban not just a block.
Nowt so strange as folk eh?
Install an add on to your browser to allow you to use a different IP address
Baron @12:52
“Don’t get me wrong”: Curious that you should think that I live in the safety of the Switzerland of the Far East. Are you not aware of the world into which we have all been plunged by the bilderbergers? Have you bothered so little to understand the globalists that you think their initiatives and strategies and the dire effect on people’s lives are not worldwide? And of course your parallel, nonsensical at best,falls down completely when it is remembered that Lenin, whoever paid for his ticket, took a train home from Zurich to the Finland Station to be shot in due course by Fanya Kaplan.
Perhaps by way of consistency you might cease any comment here yourself on any controversial topic on matters outside England especially should it concern the Czech Republic – apart may be from its moles?
Back to serious British matters (if I may be permitted):
Malfleur 23-37
I suspect quite a few men think they already do.
Baron (Sept 1st).
The push for the abolition of cash is so that we all have to keep our money in the banks, where the state has control of it.
This is almost certainly a precursor to the introduction of negative interest rates for money in the bank. And if cash is abolished, we can’t keep in under the bed!
Peter at 21:15.
I used the DOS commands “ipconfig/release” and then “ipconfig/renew”, which appears to have given me a new IP address (incremented by 1 from the previous one.
It doesn’t seem to have made a difference.
To be honest, the Spectator’s descent in the pit of Sheol has increased so rapidly recently that not being able to comment doesn’t bother me too much, though I fear we are all rapidly plunging into the same pit.
As far as I know, Damaris is using a Chromebook, so she has very little control over things. You get one network provider and that is it I believe. Certainly there would be no scope for running any ‘IP spoofing’ s/w.
Chris. Have you also cleared cookies for the spectator site? And logged on with a different Disqus account?
The mail on line won’t accept the proposition that Africa was a better place when it was run by the west.
It wasn’t perfect , but can anyone claim it’s better now.
Absolutely any way I try to make this point is not posted. Moderated or so called not moderated.
All the usual tricks with upper and lower mixed up, numbers into words , I’ve got nothing through.
Mind you, I haven’t been banned again recently.
The BBC coverage is so biased I cannot listen to it.
Papers seem to be allowing comments as long as they fit to an agenda.
What surprises me is how they manage to stop comments with ironic content.
Peter at 08:06
No, I’ll clear my cookies now, and try a different Disqus account after I get back after picking up the new car.
John Birch at 08:14
It’s as if all the mainstream media in this country have been told that they are not to rock the boat, on pain of some terrible response if they do.
I find it all deeply sinister.
An alternative view of the migrant situation.
Not quite the BBC line.
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
Use your mobile, or take tablet to McDonalds, Starbucks, Waitrose-anywhere with WiFi
We seem to have lost the good Colonel from Speccie
We cannot afford to lose you
Cashless society:
We’ve all been merrily(?) heading down that particular slippery slope toward totalitarianism for at least the last 30 years, haven’t we. When was the last time that any of us got paid in cash, or in turn paid for the gas/electric bill, rates, a tank of fuel, or the weekly shop, with cash? Inflation hasn’t quite got to the point where we’d need a bloody wheelbarrow but they’s have to start making bigger wallets…
The cashless society has put the likes of Mad Frankie Fraser et al out of business but has left the rest of us much closer to the prospect of a dystopian future.
He hasn’t lost his old skill of waiting until something else is overwhelming the news before slipping out some inconvenient “truth”.
Baron my old son, may we have your ruling on which Coffeehouse Wallies residing in which jurisdictions and of which nationalities are permitted to comment on the news item below published by Bloomberg? Or was your proscription yesterday limited to Englishmen living in the Far East calling for bilderbergers to be thrown out of Britain?
“Czech President Calls for Army to Defend Border Against Migrants
Andrea Dudik Lenka Ponikelska
August 31, 2015 — 7:31 PM HKT
The Czech Republic should defend its borders, using the army to expel “illegal immigrants” because the European Union isn’t curbing the influx of refugees into the bloc, President Milos Zeman said.
Zeman’s comments echoed those of other politicians calling for the EU to take action to stem the flood of people into the region from Syria and other conflict areas as they travel through Greece and the Balkan states to western Europe.
“Of course I would wish for the EU to strengthen its borders, but I don’t see any real action,” Zeman told reporters in Prague castle on Monday. “Therefore I believe the Czech Republic should take of its borders alone and expel illegal immigrants from the borders, including with the use of the army.” ”
telemachus @ 08:54
The good Colonel thrives on provocation – attaboy!
I see that a reply to my deleted comment still says its to Damaris Tighe rather than ‘Guest’. Does that mean I’m still listed as a Speccie commentator? Where is the roll of commentators you mention? I’ve not seen it.
I’m back on! Thanks to everyone for advice 🙂
John birch @ 08:52
Bit too long, John, rather animated in parts, a la Malfleur’s favourite Alex, getting somewhat lost towards the end, but right in substance if not some of the detail. Appealing to the ruling political class to protect what the West has won won’t do, the class sees it differently, their narrative is winning because they are in power, and those in power are right by the virtue of being in power.
Appealing to the migrants to say, copy us, fight for the same rights in their homes won’t do either, most of them don’t want what we have, they have the Koran, that’s their equivalent of our secular freedoms, rights, liberty.
Baron reckons the thought that it’s the cultural, economic, political differences between our societies and theirs which makes us what we’re and them what they’re never occurs to Muslims, if they, the largely uneducated masses of Allah followers, think about it they probably believe that they can have their omni-all Koran as the guide to everything, and simultaneously the same outcomes furnished by our secular arrangement.
Malfleur @ 10:00
It was teasing you, Malfleur, calm down.
The posters similar to yours were on display everywhere – in schools, offices, railway stations and coaches, hospitals … – Baron had few favourites, often added to the message, no watchful cameras then.
Here are some (in translation it doesn’t sound good):
United, we fight for peace (B would add: a fight worth dying for)
To Labour – respect (B would add: To hands – the rest as in resting after hard work)
With the USSR forever (B would add: But not a minute longer).
This chap Zeman of Czecho has been causing trouble before, the Brussels poodles will get rid of him soon, in the country he has a large following, the political class fears he may get re-elected. Baron reckons it’s unlikely because he’s never sober, and too old, either the one or the other will kill him before his term ends.
The countries of middle Europe (Poland, Czecho, Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia) are planning a meeting in September on the immigration crisis, they all oppose it vehemently, it was the Slovak PM who said his country won’t have Muslims because isn’t a Muslim country.
First time on the Wall and being asked for name but not user name.
I’m checking to see if names get published, alas, I am awaiting moderation!
Think I’ll stick with Coffeee House.
Anyone who wants a new ip address.
go somewhere with decent 3g signal with a smart phone.
on you phone in settings there will be somewhere to turn on tethering. Set up a wifi hotspot. Then on your computer/tablet, connect to that hot spot.
nice shiny new ip address each time
Baron 11.54
Totally agree with your comments baron, but after listening to the BBC this morning it was a welcome respite.
“The da-ay war broke out, my missus said to me ….”
Alexsandr @ 12:18
What, what, what Alexandr?
Until this posting of yours, Baron has always assumed the ip address is fixed, it’s a part of whatever ‘net connect enabling’ gadget one had. Are you trying to tell us this isn’t the case?
One may indeed connect to the net from a different point of entry, no problem there, but it will always be possible for anyone who knows how to do it to figure it was your gadget that connected at that site.
Is that wrong or right?
The IP address is leased or borrowed by your device. After a while, especially if not used, it will be recycled and used by someone else. Often, when people are using a public network, it seems that everyone is using the same IP address because the website receives only the outside IP address of the network rather than the IP address that your device is using. So sometimes it will appear that telemachus is posting as a regular commenter, but it will be because both are using the same network, Orange or Vodafone etc.
There is also a really unique MAC address which is the identifier of your network card in your PC or phone. That is unique and never changes. It is possible for a website to run software on your device that reports your MAC address but normal web browsing does not. Indeed I think that usually the MAC address of your device is switched in network traffic for the MAC address of your router, but that could identify you in court still etc.
From a usual point of view, changing your IP address and clearing out any cookies is usually enough
baron. no IP addresses are not fixed. They are assigned when a connection is made. You can set up fixed IP addresses but most dont. I think my ISP wants more money for a fixed IP address.
Thats why all this stuff the government witter on about with recording IP addresses is so much baloney.
Dont confuse the IP address of your computer on your home network with the IP address your ISP assigns your router. Different.
On the early Classic FM bulletin, the newsreader interviewed a newspaper seller who said: ‘A couple of women come to buy the paper this morning, saw the drowned immigrant child, embraced, kept sobbing …’
This will win it for the immigrant lovers, emotion trumps rational thinking any time today.
Having said that, Baron has sympathy with the genuine refugees, those who had to flee because their lives were at risk. It wasn’t their fault the lands they had inhabited are in flames, it was out fault, we – that’s first of all the American neocons, but our part in the botched operation can hardly be denied either – we messed the region up, but didn’t finish the job, didn’t do what el-Sisi’s doing in Egypt. We failed to heed what the wise have known for millennia, viz Ovid, the Roman poet: “Either don’t attempt it, or carry it through to the end’.
What we should do now is to process the numbers, but be vigorous, send back anyone who has no right to claim an asylum. By the look of things, Baron reckons that would be the vast majority of the newcomers.
A diversion here: The more one thinks about the crowd of refugees saying no to the Red Cross parcels the more obvious it becomes it was an orchestrated refusal. In a group of over 100 people with diverse backgrounds, health conditions, religious background and nobody said ‘please, I’ll have one, thank you? It’s more likely someone within the group has threatened everyone, ordered everyone to reject the help. The one or ones who did that should be on their way back and pronto, they are exactly the sort of religious nutcase we can do without.
Still, the boy is making a mistake refusing to help the Germans who, it pains Baron to say it, are behaving admirably and responsibly. The last thing we want is tens of thousands illegals running amok either in Europe or here for here they’ll eventually get, they’re young and strong and cunning.
It’s far better to keep them under control, process them quickly, send back those who have no right to an asylum. That will be the strongest message we could send to the ones who may potentially follow the ones already here. Given that the EU has no intention to remove or even modify the free movement within Europe sending back huge numbers of the migrants is the best tool we can use to stem any future inflows.
Peter & Alexandr:
Baron hears what you’re saying, takes your word for it, hesitatingly, thanks.
Explain this: How come the Government, or rather the agency that specialises in it, can find the address of a hacker, of some bullying thug? There must be something somewhere in each of the gadgets that connect to the net that allows them to do it, no?
Baron, how will a single person be sent back from Germany? How is Germany acting responsibly? It is encouraging this tidal wave, saying “Keep coming, we will make sure every country is forced to receive you!”. There are 12 million migrants already in the UK. That is why we have no room for more, even large numbers of asylum seekers, unless the constant flood of other migrants is turned off and reversed.
Do I want Christian Syrians to come to the UK? Yes, if they have no where else to go. But do I want even more Muslims? No. Put pressure on Muslim countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia to receive them.
Baron@September 3rd, 2015 – 13:30
ISP’s keep a log of what IP address is attached to which phone line at a time. The government can request which phone line an Ip address was attached to at a particular time. Dont know if mobile operators keep logs of IP addresses and mobile devices. Think they do.
A bold cartoon from Saudi Makkah newspaper.
Translation reads:”Why don’t you let them in,you discourteous people?”
John Birch
Many thanks for the Stephan Molyneux link. You are right to assume that he won’t be appearing on Newsnight any time soon. He is almost as pissed off as MOST of us here. ☺
Another voice in the wilderness.
The bleeding hearts brigade have apparently occupied the UK MSM in its entirety. At this rate Britain will fall faster than France did in June 1940.
Radford NG @ 13:58
Truly brave, Radford, but there is another door missing in the cartoon, to the right of the Arabic one, the American door, it was largely due due to the botched up job the Yanks’ve initiated.
Don’t you find it strange the honorary White House Muslim hasn’t yet pronounced on the crisis? One misses his ‘the international community demands that all European countries share the burden, show compassion to my fellow co-religionists ….’
Why is that?
It seems that only two options are being allowed…
Do you want little children to drown to death or should we allow everyone in the world to come to the UK.
Please explain something to me. Why are so many people posting here today conniving to get access to a website that doesn’t want them to post there?
Is it really worth the effort. Why be trolls? There are plenty of non-Leftist sites that welcome rational posters. This one for a start. Moreover you can hurl justified abuse at the New Specstatesman from here – without censure. 🙂
Peter from Maidstone @ 13:33
It’s one thing to say ‘we’ll help processing the waves of immigrants’ and another to take many in, Peter. The boy is a politicians for goodness sake, it looks bad to refuse to help, even the public’s turning in favour now, he should turn, too, offer to start processing the crowds, set conditions so that we would ship most of them back.
What the Germans do is up to them, but given the MSM is fully on the side of the immigrants the Mutti does look good, he looks lie of xenophobic monster. It does him no good in his negotiating endeavour either. The permanent solution to the crisis will not be found dealing with the people already here, it will need more than tweeting the principle of free movement, immigration policies, asylum conditions.
Alexsandr @ 13:49
Thanks, Alexandr.
He should insist on acting so that no boats leave Turkish shores so that no one else drowns, and he should insist on a regional provision for refugees, offering significant aid and expertise to set up an economy in exile for Syrians. If he wants to offer to take in refugees then he must insist on closing down migration entirely from Pakistan and Bangladesh in the meantime. We have already received 640,000 migrants last year, he does not have my support to increase the number.
In all conscience we cannot let this situation drift
The telemachus every now and again recognises a crisis and has to propose a solution
Britain must revert to our historic role and take charge
We must look to our experience at the end of WWII
We must organise perhaps three reception centres, say in Turkey, Gibraltar and Malta
We must get emergency powers from the UN (forget the EU who are incapable)
We must then organise a military operation with SIS imput to sort the wheat from the chaff
The chaff must be forcibly repatriated
Those fleeing the war zones must be documented, processed and given a new State (Not just EU)
Germany says they will take 800,000 then so must we
These numbers arriving in the UK will need to be regimented
This will need emergency laws which embrace equal sharing through all regions of the UK and drafting into schools with new laws ensuring that no school will have more than 25% with origins outside the UK
We need an integration Tsar who will have draconian powers to force integration issues
There will need to be temporary suspension of civil liberties
Only by unprecedented action on this scale will we have been said by our descendents to have done our historic Christian duty
September 3rd, 2015 – 15:0O
I’ve said for a long time the west should take over Africa and the Middle East, we should impose good government on them.
Remove the leaders,
Confiscate their ill gotten gains (aid money invested in London property)
And run the place properly.
It was better when we were in control than it is now.
It would be good to see some decent justifications for British colonialism. I don’t think we should be ashamed. When we are accused of colonial thinking we need to come out fighting. We brought civilization to much of the world, and gaining independence they have squandered it.
John birch at 15:14.
Agreed, certainly for the parts of Africa that were controlled by the British or the French. Perhaps slightly less so for the German domains.
But whatever happens, don’t let the Belgians back in there!
Peter from Maidstone @ 14:32
Not many would want more immigrants, Peter, even a greater number would say no migrants from the ROP lands, but this isn’t what’s at stake here. If the Mutti takes the lot, gives each a resident permit there’ll be nothing for any of these new citizens of EU to come to the UK legally, they’ll be able do so because we, Britain, are members of the EU club, and that’s what the current rules say. Would it not be more prudent for us to get involved in processing the swarms, setting conditions of entry so as to let in just the genuine few, ship the bulk back?
Btw, whilst driving Baron’s heard Jeffrey of the Treasury quoted as saying ‘we’re re-evaluating the immigration procedure”. How long before we toe the line then?
It’s even better, Peter, the boss tells Baron the boy was in the news saying he’d seen the tragic death of a young boy, could imagine what it feels like because he also lost a child …. Well, here we go, was it worth it antagonising the people you want to negotiate concessions from?
telemachus @ 15:03
You’re getting carried away, telemachus.
What Germany does it’s up to them, why on earth should we take 800,000? If anyone has to absorb the bulk of the influx, it’s the Americans, they started it all, they should face up to the unintended consequences. Also, as the cartoon furnished by Radford hints, the Arab brothers should step in, too, one is told how hospitable the ROP is, here’s the chance for them to prove it.
Baron, we are already allowing 10,000 asylum seekers a year to come here. In 2013 there were were 23,507 applications for asylum. How many more are you proposing? I’d say that was a reasonably large number considering we also have 640,000 migrants coming here and an unknown number, let’s say 100,000 of illegal immigrants coming each year.
John birch @ 15:14
Spot on, John, but Baron bets you you’ll wake up, look through the window, see pigs fly before you see any of what you’re suggesting happening. You on?
And lastly, apologies for the many errors, all spellchecker’s fault, the lot, the damn software does what it pleases.
Baron, I don’t want any pretend concessions from anyone. I want to leave the EU and restore the full sovereignty of the UK.
Peter from Maidstone @ 17:39
So does Baron, Peter, but let him remind you, as things are Britain is a member of the club, unfortunate as it may be, to say to the rest of the membership ‘you deal with it, no help from us’ seems rather mean, unfair and, quite frankly, unBritish.
The Germans didn’t take part in any of the fighting in the ME, they didn’t stand shoulder-to-shoulder when the US neocons hit Iraq, bodged it, they didn’t join the French bombing Libya, they didn’t assign crews to the US recent bombing of Syria either.
Not that the barbarian takes the Mutti’s line, far from it, but we have to face reality, we just cannot ‘disappear’ the migrants. What we can do is apply rigorous conditions of entry, send the bulk back. As Baron said before it would be the best message to prevent an even bigger numbers leaving the ROP lands for the West.
Add to it an effective sea policing of the North African coast, arresting the gang leaders who smuggle the immigrants in, and one has a workable arrangement. All this is doable even under existing EU rules.
And when the time comes to say ‘no’ to the EU, then we should say ‘no’. What’s wrong with it exactly?
Baron, if we are accepting 23,000 applications for asylum how are we telling people to deal with it? Are asylum seekers from elsewhere in the world to be now ignored?
The answer must be to provide help in the region. This is what Cameron should be insisting on and volunteering a proportion of our AID budget to achieve.
John birch, Chris Morriss et al. –
I have my doubts about the desirability of any European country taking over those places again because I don’t believe that men of the necessary character and attitudes to do the job are any longer available.
Would not the posts of the new District Commissioners, Provincial Commissioners, Governors, Attorneys General, Judges and so on be, in general, occupied by people who would not only be the brainwashed, politically correct products of the British education system but would, in increasing numbers, trace their recent ancestries to Pakistan?
However, do you think that some places may already be slowly and imperceptibly moving towards being administered by systems that might be called Colonialism with Chinese characteristics?
Baron 15.14
Of course you’re right, but my point is correct, they are incapable of governing their countries. They are tribal, corrupt and racist. It is impossible for them to develop the mindset that our
useful idiots assume they have in the near future. If ever.
Cameron has negotiated the only way he could:
‘We will take thousands of people’: Cameron vows to review asylum policy after claims his policy was ‘shaming the country’
They will be going to a new mega-refugee centre near Witney, Oxfordshire.
… I’m only joking 🙂
Herbert Thornton @ 18:01
You are right, Herbert, that’s why what John’s suggesting can never happen under prevailing conditions of PC and all the other crap.
Baron, however, believes still in the existence of ‘the healthy core of Englishness’. If we were to scrap the licence fee for the BBC, the bastion of the left-wing fruitcakes, the key source of the PC idiocy, ‘burn’ the quangos that spend over £100n of the taxpayer’s cash also promoting it, few of the statutes enforcing it, you’ll be surprised how many professional people who appear ‘brainwashed’ would get ‘unbrainwashed’.
It’ would be not unlike what happened in the Eastern Europe. When the Red Menace ideology ruled everyone seemed affected, the countries resembled an asylum, few years after it collapsed you would it hard to recognise the same people, as if by miracle they became normal, showed common sense, decency, respect for the law and stuff.
It may also happen here, as life progresses the pseudo-liberal Pinky Construct may implode, too, the economic foundation, no longer capitalistic, getting closer to the socialist model may give in, a meltdown similar to 2007, only deeper, and the societal model may flip over to something akin to what we had before.
Fat-arsed Simon McCoy exhibited the true BBC agitprop colours today when he interviewed UKIP’s only MP (per 4.5 million voters) and lost all pretence of objectivity with a display of maudlin sentimentality and vitriol – because Carswell refused to be dragooned into committing UKIP to agreeing to the proposition that Britain is morally obliged to limitless acceptance of refugees from Syria. It was a disgraceful and unprofessional tirade and the rest should be sacked. I’m not a particular fan of Carswell, be he kept his cool in the face of the haranguing. McCoy should be sacked. Pompous prick!
For some inexplicable reason my autocorrect software changed ‘McCoy’ into ‘the rest’ in line 14 of the above post – en route, to boot.
Apo!ogies. Perhaps the robotic overseer thinks the rest of the BBC should be sacked too. I’ll settle for that!
Baron’s posting are unreadable, and not necessarily because of him. Missing words mostly, why? Only the software knows. Apologies.
Frank P – 14:17
Quite, it does make one wonder, Frank…
Frank P – 20:20
20:20 vision!
Baron – 19:00
Baron your faith in the British is quite touching.
The BBC is beyond reform, and you are quite right in stating that it has to be the first to go!
There is no moral imperative that I can construct that we accept untold numbers of refugees, legal or illegal, generated by the bilderbergers and generated by them throughout Europe and across the dismantled border of the United States with Mexico.
We have known about the political application of immigration since Andrew Neather blew the whistle , and Fraser Nelson cowardly backed away from his commitment to write about Neather. The information is there, for those who have eyes and would see, that immigration, following in particular from the subversion of countries’ integrity so as to produce the flow, is one of the instruments of the globalists to wreck nations and subvert cultures, economies and peaceful life.
“The current refugee crisis is not an EU problem, but rather “a German problem,” according to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban as his nation’s borders are swamped with foreigners seeking to travel on to Germany. “People in Europe are full of fear because they see that the European leaders are not able to control the situation,” he exclaimed after a meeting with EU President Schultz. He is right, of course, as we detailed here and here, but the sheer scale of the tragedy is worst than many could imagine. Orban defended his decision to erect a fence along its southern border with Serbia, saying: “we don’t do this for fun, but because it is necessary,” adding rather pointedly that his country was being “overrun” with refugees, most of whom, according to the prime minister, were not Christians.”
When is the Prime Minister going to do what is necessary – or is he a cat’s paw of the globalists’ agenda, so that “necessary” carries a different significance from what it should for a loyal Prime Minister of Great Britain?
The first duty of a Prime Minister is, or should be, to the British people. Whose side is our political class on?
From the article cited above, this Russian view should be considered by those who are not so blinkered as to deny that we are being played, and played in an existential game:
‘ “Refugee crisis in Europe reaches “catastrophic” level as result of “irresponsible” approach to provoking regime change, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova tells reporters in Moscow. ‘
There is no moral imperative that I can construct that we accept untold numbers of refugees, legal or illegal, generated by the bilderbergers and generated by them throughout Europe and across the dismantled border of the United States with Mexico.
We have known about the political application of immigration since Andrew Neather blew the whistle , and Fraser Nelson cowardly backed away from his commitment to write about Neather. The information is there, for those who have eyes and would see, that immigration, following in particular from the subversion of countries’ integrity so as to produce the flow, is one of the instruments of the globalists to wreck nations and subvert cultures, economies and peaceful life.
“The current refugee crisis is not an EU problem, but rather “a German problem,” according to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban as his nation’s borders are swamped with foreigners seeking to travel on to Germany. “People in Europe are full of fear because they see that the European leaders are not able to control the situation,” he exclaimed after a meeting with EU President Schultz. He is right, of course, as we detailed here and here, but the sheer scale of the tragedy is worst than many could imagine. Orban defended his decision to erect a fence along its southern border with Serbia, saying: “we don’t do this for fun, but because it is necessary,” adding rather pointedly that his country was being “overrun” with refugees, most of whom, according to the prime minister, were not Christians.”
When is the Prime Minister going to do what is necessary – or is he a cat’s paw of the globalists’ agenda, so that “necessary” carries a different significance from what it should for a loyal Prime Minister of Great Britain?
The first duty of a Prime Minister is, or should be, to the British people. Whose side is our political class on?
From the article cited above, this Russian view should be considered by those who are not so blinkered as to deny that we are being played, and played in an existential game:
‘ “Refugee crisis in Europe reaches “catastrophic” level as result of “irresponsible” approach to provoking regime change, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova tells reporters in Moscow. ‘
Baron @ 17:56
“…as things are Britain is a member of the club,”
Not by choice; by trickery.
I should add ” ‘club’, my arse!”.
Peter from Maidstone @ 15:19
“We brought civilization to much of the world, and gaining independence they have squandered it.”
…and now they are squandering ours … at the direction of the bilderbergers behind the scenes of course.
In the old days,before the globalists gained control of the language, this might have been called a provocation
“…So in sum, NATO continues to open forward command posts along Russia’s border as Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who were originally emboldened by John McCain’s high profile presence at Maidan are now lobbing grenades at parliament, while Putin is in Beijing attending Xi’s military parade and the Chinese navy is operating off the coast of Alaska for the first time in history.
Thank you Nobel Peace Price winning Commander in Chief.”
Baron (September 3rd, 2015 – 19:00)
I concur with EC that your faith in the British is touching, but it seems to me that there are a couple of elephants in the room that make such faith fragile to the point of being mere wishful thinking.
The first elephant is the fact that the native British people who used to be mainly Christian have now become mainly secular – and have not just abandoned Christianity but have become devotees of the insane ideology of political correctness.
You cite the change in attitudes in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and suggest that a similar change for the better may happen in Britain.
However, there is another (and even bigger) elephant in the room that makes me doubt the possibility of Britain changing for the better.
This huge elephant is the presence in Britain of Islam. This presence has created a demographic trend that is – within only a very few decades – going to produce a population in Britain that consists of a diminishing minority of native British and a constantly growing majority of non-native Muslims.
Will the best of British values (and even the native British themselves) be allowed to survive?
Herbert, we know they won’t intigrate.
Check this out
Graduating to Treason
In the opening minutes of Michael Savage’s radio show last Monday, Savage proves with a montage of quotations from the past 12 months that the blame for the opening shots of the new American Civil War falls on certain individuals, including those in the White House, the Justice Department and the New York Mayor’s Office and their ruse of deliberate anti-police rhetoric coloured with its measured racial bias against white American police.
But one must say it, and say it, and say it again, to save the civilization that we love, that behind these despicable puppets are the puppet masters of the Bidlerberg Conference and behind them….
“If once the thin blue line has gone, who is going to defend you. The thin blue line has kept the hordes from you. And now you’re not defending them when they need you.”
“I am trying to tell you that we are in danger of losing the nation for good.”
John Birch 0645
The bottom line facts:
• 83% of Muslims are proud to be a British citizen, compared to 79% of the general public.
• 77% of Muslims strongly identify with Britain while only 50% of the wider population do.
• 86.4% of Muslims feel they belong in Britain, slightly more than the 85.9% of Christians.
• 82% of Muslims want to live in diverse and mixed neighbourhoods compared to 63% of non-Muslim Britons.
• 90% of Pakistanis feel a strong sense of belonging in Britain compared to 84% of white people.
Speaking of comedy, or perhaps tragic-comedy, away from the BBC’s newscasts, a new Comedy Hour was thrust upon us by the BBC 2 channel last night. I do not know what was worse, “From Cradle to Grave” or “Boy Meets Girl” – both complete rubbish and hard to believe that “Dad’s Army”, “Fawlty Towers etc were produced in the same country. It seems if we want comedy, clowns and blithering idiots we must rely on watching and listening to Cameron et al dealing with the so-called ;Refugee Problem”. At the best bloody idiots, at the worst damn traitors giving the country away. Let the so-called refugees go to one of their fellow religious oil-rich countries.
So, this is a survey that would by its nature include none of those Muslims who do not feel positive. Very scientific.
telemachus – 07:48
“88.2% of statistics are made up on the spot”.
Professor Vic Reeves
anne wotana kaye – 08:04
“There is nothing so hopeless as a scheme of merriment”
Samuel Johnson
The Golden Age of comedy at the BBC ended quite a long time ago now. The BBC’s new-ish Head of Comedy thinks rather a lot of himself, it would appear. On the evidence to date, imho, he is unlikely to bring it back!
September 4th, 2015 – 08:33
As dear old Jonesy would say “They don’t like it up ’em” But on second thoughts, seeing who makes up the BBC, I’m afraid they do!
Tele 07-48
You could have won best joke at the festival with that.
You would have them rolling in the aisles .
The father takes the body’s home to bury them, this the same place he was fleeing from is it, !!!
Eagerly awaiting CHW’s Russian expert’s fisking of Alexander Boot’s essay on the latest manifestation of the sino-soviet muscle-flexing, both literal (in the gym) and metaphorical (at Tiammanen Square vide yesterday’s parade):
… ‘Tiananmem’ – apologies!
… ‘Tiananmem’ – apologies!
Normally the software prevents hiccoughs, Peter? Perhaps I should take Bisodol before hitting the comment button? ☺
The differences between the benign humour of yesteryear and the snide humour of today’s comedians is exemplified by the first line of Robb Wilton’s (catchphrase) to his WWII monologues that I posted yesterday (Sep 3rd – an anniversary I never forget).
The difference between to stoical humour then, and the Dianafied, gushing, crocodile-teared treasonous reaction to the latest threat of invasion by enemies of Western civilisation, is profoundly disturbing:
Four men plead guilty to the £10million Hatton Garden gem heist
Obviously good old style British villains, of the it’s a fair cop guv , you got me bang to rights, let’s have a knees up while I speak to me muver.
Unlike foreign criminals who deny everything when caught by the bollocks with the knife in their hand,
And there’s loads more coming.
John Birch (14:34)
The story behind both the blagging and the arrests is much more interesting than the guilty pleas of the useful idiots who pulled off the job.
Who set it up? (Rest assured he’s not one of those nicked).
How much were the total proceeds of the robbery and how much of the proceeds were bent stashes, anyway).
How much of the total haul has actually been recovered?
Who is benefitting from that not recovered?
How will the rewards from both the police informants’ fund and insurance companies be allotted?
It’s very unlikely that you and the GBP will get those questions answered.
The ones who get porrige in these conspiracies are never the most deserving of it.
Mr Big (and his official collaborators) never get caught. The Game goes on. And it’s a old as the hills. (The modern day equivalent of the Billy Hills) ☺
Nigel kicks of the bid to lift the boot of Brussels off our necks. Good luck with that!!
David Cameron on the news loop –
“We will act with our heads and our hearts.”
First time round a little earlier my hearing aids heard that as “We will act with our heads up our arses.”
Both my head and my heart tell me that my hearing aids got it right first time.
Hi Frank I expected you to answer, obviously what I said was tongue in cheek but I bet you would love to get your teeth into that one.
Keep us informed if you’re inside contacts give you any information which you can pass on in a slightly disguised way.
Herbert Thornton @ 01:57
Could the two mighty beasts of yours, Herbert, crush the barbarian’s take on the potential of the Englishness renewal? He’ll deploy three little mice for each of your two members of the proboscid family to defend his corner.
The first mouse: On the last Sunday in March 1851, the CoE conducted a national survey, the result shocked everyone. Nationwide, only half of the people of England and Wales had gone to Church that day at all, and horror of horrors, only 20 out of a hundred went to an Anglican service. One may well ask where were the worshippers that day? In a pub as the internet didn’t exists probably.
Since it sank its roots into the lands of the then Celts cum Angles and whoever in 597 (?) when St Augustine and his forty helpers arrived here to seduce King Ethelbert of Kent, then to spread the gospels further, the Christian faith has morphed, slowly and gradually, until it became less an outward manifestation of itself, more a spiritual imprint on the inner self of its adherents.
As the centuries went by, the Christian faith has turned more and more into a ‘pillow of comfort’, something to cry into, run to, contemplate life in times of crisis whether personal or communal. Its cannons, rituals, teaching have, however, embodied deeply in the DNA of the unwashed, and whether one likes it or not, Christianity was, still is what has shaped us. To utterly destroy it is near impossible, or so says the second mouse, and Baron concurs.
Secularity may be the ‘faith’ many subscribe to today, yet if you look at the moral code proposed by the secularists, it isn’t that different from what the centuries old Christian codex has preached with few new sexual postulates added e.g. Dawkins’s new Ten Commandments. The original faith suppressed sexuality, and for good reason, medical science couldn’t offer safe abortions on demand (as we have today), contraceptive was a distance of a couple of feet between him and her, Welfare wasn’t available to look after the many more orphans a free sex would have produced.
To sum it up, Herbert, the perceived decline in religion doesn’t cut it with the barbarian. You wait and see what happens if and when a traumatic disaster strikes, a big one, many of the same people who today beat their chest, shout ‘secularist me’ will re-discover God in no time. Faith has the ability to reach those parts of our inner-self science hasn’t penetrated yet.
As for the other elephant of yours, the one of the growing number of the followers of Allah, the forth mouse suggests it isn’t as bad as many paint it, some 5% of our 60n plus unwashed worship at the altar of Allah, if you were to distribute them evenly throughout the UK, in Baron’s village of around 300 they would number 15, not a force to get frightened of.
When shove comes to push, even our PC authorities do eventually react e.g. Tower Hamlets, Rotherham, Birmingham schools. It took time, but it was ‘no pasaran’ for the Islamic infiltrators.
The fecundity of their womenfolk had been higher that that of the indigenous females, but it has started to come down whilst ours has been improving. Theirs is coming down for rational reasons. Having many children was a sort of pension for the old age in countries with not well developed financial industry, the attraction of an epicurean lifestyle must be also at play, as will be the cuts in children support.
The great Mark Steyn used to argue the fertility side of Islamisation, has recently given up because the past trends for many ethnic tribes have reversed, and not only for Muslims in the West, for us, the Russians, too. A trend is one’s friend whilst it lasts, it never lasts for ever.
And lastly, or so says the sixth mouse, you must take into account the Boris factor, some of those who today claim to be Muslims will morph, as he did, to become fully westernised, or at least ‘wet’ Muslims, the equivalent of the current CoE worshippers.
The aggressiveness many of the young Muslims display today should subside if we stop messing up the Muslim countries (or do the job well), loosen our dependancy on oil, go for sizeable energy sources other than solar and the turning contraptions.
We are beginning to do just that, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is coming on stream, we have massive deposits of coal, we can and will use them, which will severely diminish the income of the Arab rulers, the Caliphate dreamers, who have been the key financial source of the jihadi movement.
No, my blogging friend, Baron continues sticking to his ‘healthy core of Englishness’ as the potential for a society without much of the pseudo-liberal crap, one that draws on the past, bridges with it, but feels and is better.
John birch @ 14:34
But will they give up all of the spoils, John, or will they sit it out at the taxpayer expense, get out, live the life of the rich?
Did you know why the refugees in Hungary don’t want to be processed in the country, are dead eager to reach Germany?
Some 90% of the applications processed by the Hungarians got rejected, so said a reporter on this morning Classic FM news bulletin.
Frank P @ 15:18
Where did you get the hearing aid, Frank, the one that interpreted the news right first time, Baron wants one, it will enrich his life, calm him down, help his heart.
telemachus @ 07:48
The descriptive wording of your link, telemachus, reminded Baron of the suggested poster wording for our airports: ‘Welcome to Britain where you’ll feel more at home than we do’.
Nothing to do with comedy on the BBC (awful, bloody awful, and worse, the new comedy stuff), but yesterday, Baron was watching a programme on three named trains that still run (not the same service quality on offer as in the past, of course) written, presented by Andrew Martin. It was first class, informative, entertaining, no manipulative PC crap. More programmes like that, and Baron may get a BBC subscription when the TV licence bribery ends.
Paddy Pantsdown just now on Sky News:
“Mass migration is down to climate change …..”
“I’ve just come back from Kuala Lumpur …”
He sounds more and more like Kenneth Horne, each time they remove the moth balls and haul him before the TV cameras to spout of his pompous relentless piffle –
” Now when I was in Sidi Barrani ….” ☺☺☺
At least Horne always had a funny punchline, albeit it ginger beer innuendo. Paddy is one little unfunny caricature of his former self – that of relentlessly failed politician!
Baron (16:07).
You’re doin’ fine with your own little literary devices, m’Lord, carry on regardless.
And please address my request at 13:49 – I’m all agog!
John birch @ 06:45
There’s just one small flaw in the analogy Nazis – jihadi Muslims, John, the former was an institutionalised set-up, a State run machine designed to kill the Jews, enslave the Slavs, annihilate the disabled, undesirables, conquer new lands. The jihadists act without the help of State institutions (except for Iran, with which the Americans just made a deal), get only financial help from the likes of Saudi Arabia, Gulf States.
Ask yourself a question, why do the jihadists exist today, were not around 50, 100, 200 years ago?
The jihadis exist today because Islam again has the potential to invade and overwhelm many countries. It has always been violent, but has tended to keep its violence in check when it is not opposed, and merely represent and oppressive totalitarianism. Now it sees that the West is weak and much of Africa finds its creed attractive, or can be cowed by threats and examples of violence. 130 years ago Islam would have been resolutely opposed by force. Now it is welcomed by our leaders.
If memory serves, Frank, the KGB colonel got in bed with the Mandarin speakers after the NATO broke the promise not to move east, surrounded post communist Russia tighter than the Red Menace dictatorship, not the other way round as Mr. Boot implies, no?
It was the Americans who spent $50bn in Ukraine (what on?), and with the help of the EU’s kissing Baroness, presided over an overthrow of a democratically elected President of Ukraine. What was Vlad to do? Wait until he gets kicked out of the two Crimean ports, loses the ability to defend Russia?
He had no option but to reclaim the peninsula, then seek a partner as did Winston when he signed a deal with the Georgian thug after the WW2 start. The Britain-USSR tie-up was as an unlikely partnership engendered by need of the hour as is the one between Russia and China today. If anything, long term, the Mandarin speakers are a threat to Russia as they will be to us.
Whether the marriage between the two eastern powers will be fully consummated remains to be seen, for what it’s worth Baron reckons it won’t be, the EU will blink first, the Germans will see to it.
The one statistic that the omni-all Mr. Boot is mis-using is that for the ownership of Russia’s wealth. What’s the source of his ‘one percent of Russians owning 71% of it’?
What he doesn’t tell you either is that when Boris ruled, virtually everything in Russia was owned by a few, most importantly, the major source of Russian wealth, the oil and gas reserves were almost totally in the hands of a few, it was Putin who wrestle it from them, the result was the real wages more than doubled between 1998-2006.
Much of the military gear the Chinese have is of Russian origin, in particular the S-300 system. What irks the Americans is that whilst their military hardware dates from the 70s and 80s, the Chinese and the Russians have more up-to-date gear, yet neither one nor the other power has expanded geographically as much as the Americans, who have military bases everywhere. How does that suggest to the omni-all Mr. Boot that Russia is preparing for war?
The omni-all Mr. Boot’s worsmithing ability is such he interprets facts the way it suits his hatred of all things Russian, he would most likely spit on stuff like caviar, vodka, Russian classical music and stuff only because the people harvesting, producing, or composing it are Russians. Pity that.
Interesting. I’ve been told by someone who would usually treat me with some respect that in fact I am the equivalent of a Nazi and have no compassion because I do not accept that there should be unrestricted migration into the UK, and because I mentioned that we had received 14,000 asylum seekers last year, 5,000 Syrian refugees already, and 640,000 migrants. He insists that we are heading towards becoming North Korea, although his extremist politics would suggest that he would feel comfortable there, and in any case the issue about North Korea is leaving not getting in!
Peter these people seem to have a lack of understanding of statistics, there seems something missing in their reasoning when it comes to volumes and spaces.
I genuinely think some people can’t comprehend what the problem is.
The same person insisted that the UK and Germany had the same area. Germany is in fact 180,000 m2, while the UK is 93,000 m2. And considering just England, which gets the bulk of all migrants, it is 50,000 m2. So almost 28% of the size of Germany.
Peter from Maidstone @ 19:48
It wasn’t one of us, wallsters, was it?
What is rather strange is that when the jihadists were slaughtering Christians, there was no rush to get our co-religionists out, it got hardly mentioned even by the Church hierarchy, now, when the Islamists are slaughtering each other we cannot wait to help.
One can only hope the security services are involved, this messy influx presents an ideal opportunity for the head cutters to infiltrate the crowds, get their combatants settle amongst us.
America, America, America – that’s the country that should take the bulk of the migrants.
Why is the speaker for the international community so quiet, ha?
The four central European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) agreed today not to accept any EU quotas for the re-settlement of immigrants.
In fact, this is an empty gesture as many immigrants who were given residency permits to stay in the four countries are tearing up the new documents, boarding trains and busses heading west, some to Germany, some to Britain, the local papers in the countries report.
Peter from Maidstone@September 4th, 2015 – 20:05
I rather think the criminal migrants will shun Scotland. cold, wet and the mozzies.
dont think they will like the drinking culture there either.
then, its february. er, what is that white stuff everywhere?
then the gas and elextric bill comes. Fuuuuck. £500.
The Russian President who’s going to address the UN session this Autumn, wants to set-up an international coalition to combat terrorism, Russia has been shipping hardware to its base in Syria, is allegedly preparing to send combat troops to fight ISIS (from reports in Israeli papers).
Btw, Frank, still re Mr. Boot’s latest: in his row of dignitaries in Peking for the 70th military bash, he left out two Presidents of European countries who attended, the Czechs and Serbs have sent their heads of State. True, two rather insignificant tribes, but why leave them out?
And this: The Economist has a go at South Africa.
In our case size doesn’t matter; it’s sense, not size, that should dictate. Every time I see a crowd of fit, well-dressed, well-fed, mouthy, agressive Muslims, performing their am-dram emotional and arrogant demands to be allowed to enter our country, whether directly or through a temporary intermediary EU member, I see the potential of their later demands for Sharia law being next on their agenda; then demographic dominance followed by our cultural destruction (already damaged almost beyond
repair); the Dhimmitude of my issue and theirs. The useful idiots who apparently now comprise the majority of our electorate are sleepwalking into national suicide. I would feel the same if we were territorially as spacious as North America. We should resist invasion, whether, cultural, religious or miltary. We should not be gulled by the ploy of innocent children used as shills for begging – or being left to drown while the parents save themselves. Refugees my arse! They are Muslim invaders. Treat them as such and repel them with determination and vigour!
They are not comparable to Jews or Huguenots fleeing from real oppression and death, willing to assimilate and lead productive lives ‘doing as the Romans do’. The Islamic hordes have world domination as their objective and barbarity as their modus operandi.
They do not need guns to defeat us, they can do it with their dicks. ‘Gird up your loins’ has a different meaning for them. ☺
Peter from Maidstone @ 20:05
What you seem to be ignoring, Peter, is it matters little which country grants the residency. When they get it, they are free to move freely within the EU, there’ll be nothing to stop them coming here, that’s the reason they want to get to Germany, a country that’s very liberal in granting the permits, leave Hungary, the country that sent many of them back.
Apparently, the migrants have a detail guide as to what to expect where, the Czechs got hold of a copy (we should have it, too), but the source Baro n got it from doesn’t say who issued the guide or where it was issued.
And lastly:
In his in-tray, Baron has found this e-mail from Zoe and the Global Citizen team. What shall the barbarian do?
Frank P @ 21:04
Well said, Frank, but as it was pointed out before by the one who calls you guru, emotions have it today, and the death of the poor child who drowned together with his mother have raised the feelings for the plight of the lot of them to a level where rational approach no longer gets a hearing. See the Zoe’s e-mail above.
You have any spare room in your abode to offer? (only joking).
Baron (17:45 et seq).
I’ll address your critique later when I’m ensconced in my den. At the moment I’m tapping my tablet and tagging the telly. Not good for dealing with the serious craic. Btw, do you ever address the Russian émigré directly? I have always found him to be an interesting, polite and patient correspondent, regardless of agreement or disagreement with his musing. And what is the neologistic adjective you perpetually use to describe him – ‘omni-all’? Isn’t that a tautological construct? Just askin’?
September 4th, 2015 – 20:25
America, America, America – that’s the country that should take the bulk of the migrants.
Why is the speaker for the international community so quiet, ha?
What about Saudi Arabia and all the other oil-rich countries, and of course Pakistan?
All I want from Christians is my two front teeth ….my two front teeth … my two front teeth.
I picked up that clip (01:01) from the comments on this piece from Dellers:
anne wotana kaye
September 4th, 2015 – 21:58
“America, America, America – that’s the country that should take the bulk of the migrants.
Why is the speaker for the international community so quiet, ha?”
Well, Anna, he is busy in his own way…
‘Anne’, apologies!
September 4th, 2015 – 20:44
“The Russian President who’s going to address the UN session this Autumn, wants to set-up an international coalition to combat terrorism, Russia has been shipping hardware to its base in Syria, is allegedly preparing to send combat troops to fight ISIS (from reports in Israeli papers).”
This is an interesting chess move by the Russians. The globalists, wearing the masks of characters such as Obama and Cameron, establish, fund, arm, train and let loose barbarian shock troops like ISIS which they then publicly oppose and condemn, but without taking significant action to destroy them.
The Russians may have caught “the leaders of the Free World” with their knickers down.
September 5th, 2015 – 01:31
‘Anne’, apologies!
Apology accepted, but not needed. As long as you didn’y call me Allaha! 😉
Peter from Maidstone
September 4th, 2015 – 19:48
The open door to immigrants, particularly muslim immigrants, is meant to divide us in this way. In religious terms, it is perhaps the satanic equivalent of Luke 12:51.
As you may remember, I had a similar experience with the wife of an old friend when I was last in England in January 2013. My sympathies!
Oooook ooook ooook ooookk oook oook!
Baron –
Mouse 1 (I suspect) typed “1851” instead of “1951”, but I find it hard to understand how even a 64-year old survey lends any support for the likelihood of a British renewal. Moreover, Mouse One’s reference to “a spiritual imprint on the inner self of adherents” sounds poetic, but doesn’t convince me that any more than a tiny minority of adherents actually exist. Similarly, the non-scientific reference to the Church’s rituals being “embedded” in British DNA – which Mouse 2 relies on – also sounds poetic, but to my min all it does is evoke the feeling that it would be nice if it were true
I agree – up to a point – with what you say about secularism. I would have been more accurate if I had described the majority of native British people not as “secular” but as “Atheist”. And I can’t bring myself to believe that most convinced Atheists will ever find themselves traveling (in the Biblical sense) along the Road to Damascus.
I’ve now lost count of the mice, so I’ll refer to my second elephant. I suggest that it helps to think of elephant 2 as a (non-Christian) Trinity.
This other Trinity consists of the Koran, the religion of Islam, and the body of people in the world who say they are Muslims.
In this other Trinity think of the Koran as (as it were) the Father. This illustrates the Koran’s status as the eternal, unchangeable source of truth and of Islam.
As anyone who has read the Koran knows, it contains very clear exhortations both to kill Jews and to spread Islam by whatever means will work, including the sword, to compel the entire population of the world to “submit” to Islam.
No other religion that I know of is anything like so power-hungry, implacable or warlike. No matter how benign huge numbers of Muslims may become, the exhortations will always exist so long as the Koran itself exists. This means that it is inevitable that Islam will always convince some of its devotees that it is their absolute duty to obey the exhortations that they read in the Koran.
Add to the foregoing the frightening fact that the world population is already far bigger than is prudent. Consider too that there is now determined mass Muslim migration into Europe (on foot yet and on boats that don’t always sink).
In this situation, the siren calls in the Koran to kill infidels and to thus earn eternal sensual awards for doing so are going to become, for far too many Muslims, more and more irresistible.
Incidentally, – and I say this with no intention to denigrate Boris – I don’t think that what you call “the Boris factor” carries much weight in the context of what we’re discussing.
Lastly – and I’m not trying to denigrate you either, and certainly not to insult you – but some of your thinking concerning Islam reminds me of Dr. Pangloss. That disturbs me.
Malfleur 0227
“The open door to immigrants, particularly muslim immigrants, is meant to divide us in this way. In religious terms, it is perhaps the satanic equivalent of Luke 12:51”
Should we heed Luke
Or drink in Lamentations 1.12 and reap the ‘reward’ in Isaiah 13.13
Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger
And the corollary
Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the Lord Almighty, in the day of his burning anger
In the wake of the 21st century Obama-inspired and leftist manufactured Confederate Flag Controversy a 20th century film of elderly Confederate veterans giving the Rebel Yell (1930s).
I should like to do a bit of Rebel Yelling at the idiocy of Cameron’s puppet government and its Federal masters in Brussels.
Herbert Thornton @ 06:31
Excellent piece, Herbert, hard to rebut because as with any other argument it depends very much on the prism one’s looking through at the facts, evidence, historical experiences. Also, this weekend isn’t convenient for the barbarian, he’s too busy, but as times passes, we’ll both return to topic, that’s for certain, the Islam conundrum is unlikely to disappear.
You may well be right, who knows what the future will deliver, could anyone have predicted the large tsunamis of migrants? Let’s just wait and see, it will probably take years if not decades, Baron won’t see much, he hasn’t got much left, you may.
Only three short point s to your answer:
The gadget didn’t get the date wrong. The survey was conducted last Sunday, March 1851, the year of the Chrystal Palace exhibition.
If it could be done, Baron wishes we had no worshippers of Allah amongst us, or perhaps not more than we had until the gates open.
Extrapolating trends in matters based on or derived from natural human behaviour (as opposed to those that are enforceable by authority) has never delivered.
anne wotana kaye @ 21:58
The Republic’s further away from Europe than the Saudi Kingdom, anne, and the further we can ship the potential jihadis the better, for us and for them, after all, they have a friend in the White House.
September 5th, 2015 – 09:33
Dear Baron, Obama, like all mortals will pass away in time. How can you want you to inflict the millions of decent and fine Americans with the rubbish of humanity pouring out of Syria and other dung heaps? The Sturgeon ( the Scottish slag-heap) is crying for them, so let her take them in them. Bet those hairy bare kilted legs will excite the depraved islamists!
Giles Frasers says frighteningly, because he doesn’t actually care about anyone…
“”How many should we take?….Why not all of them? Surely that’s the biblical answer to the “how many can we take?” question. Every single last one. Let’s dig up the greenbelt, create new cities, turn our Downton Abbeys into flats and church halls into temporary dormitories, and reclaim all those empty penthouses being used as nothing more than investment vehicles”.
Peter (10:55)
Comintern cloaking itself in the Cloth.
Of all the nasty, deranged leftist scumbags now blighting this country Giles Fraser is up there on the top table with all the other sly-faced clowns of the Red Flag.
I want him to pay my bills from his lucrative “employment” as a gobby commie media sleb. That’s the biblical answer to my poverty.
We are not alone in our dilemma:
You want what!
To stay in Australia?
You reckon you’re a refugee
because Indonesia invaded your country
and you fled across the Timor Sea?
Brothers murdered,
sisters raped,
mother jailed
and father disappeared.
Did that justify you fleeing across the Timor Sea?
On what basis do you claim to be a refugee?
Don’t talk in generality,
of escaping oppression and tyranny
or simply wanting to be free.
You say if you return you will be shot,
come now; don’t exaggerate, we think not.
We’ve signed oil deals with generals,
treaties too important for us to lose,
we know your comrades disappeared
and many friends were shot at Santa Cruz:
but we can’t help you-
so go to Portugal if you choose.
John Tomlinson ©1998
“Of all the nasty, deranged leftist scumbags now blighting this country, Giles Fraser is up there on the top table with all the other sly-faced clowns of the Red Flag.”
Humphrey Bogart should have delivered that line! 🙂
Moreover the agitprop meeja (which now includes every TV news channel and TV social forum) clamours to get his overfed frame before their cameras. To think he once held a position at St Paul’s – the symbol of England’s resistance to German occupation! It is a stain of reputation of the guardians of that great cathedral.
It’s worth reminding those who are not aware of the pedigree of this flabby, fey, perfidious ‘useful idiot’:
Wallsters will no doubt fill in the sub-story that exists between the lines. Literally the soft underbelly of our nation.
Listen guys! Cameron has everything under control 🙂
What! What do I hear:
Council chiefs warn Cameron: We need more money to take in Syria refugees
You mean, it isn’t in the plan!
You mean there is a plan!
Kent County Council has already taken responsibility for over 700 unaccompanied child migrants and refugees and has no more foster places.
I was trying to find a refugee charity in the UK I could support. But the one I was reading insisted that British people wanted large numbers of refugees settled here, and then told the story of an Eritrean young man who didn’t want to do military service and so ran away to Sudan, and then Turkey, and then Greece and now the UK. It seemed to me to be essentially saying that everyone in Eritrea should have the right to settle in the UK. All 6 million.
Peter from Maidstone
September 5th, 2015 – 15:02
Syria, as I have mentioned before, was and probably still is the cruelest country in the Middle East. In the many wars and conflicts against Israel, Syria tortured captured Israelis, military and civilian and were bestial in their treatment not only of Jewish people, but also of Christians. The West naturally remained silent. Not a peep out of the governments of Britain and Europe, and the charities rattled their boxes without a word against Syria. Now, as far as I am concerned the Syrians can all rot. If people want to be fooled by their pathetic photos etc. just remember that the UK has many homeless British people and they are at the mercy of greedy landlords, that much of London property is bought up with oil wealth, and so too in the other cities. Charity begins at home, but Cameron is a wimp who wants to feel good and let his own people remain neglected whilst he throws money away with the scum of the earth.
From Peter from Maidstone
September 5th, 2015 – 15:02
Syria, as I have mentioned before, was and probably still is the cruelest country in the Middle East. In the many wars and conflicts against Israel, Syria tortured captured Israelis, military and civilian and were bestial in their treatment not only of Jewish people, but also of Christians. The West naturally remained silent. Not a peep out of the governments of Britain and Europe, and the charities rattled their boxes without a word against Syria. Now, as far as I am concerned the Syrians can all rot. If people want to be fooled by their pathetic photos etc. just remember that the UK has many homeless British people and they are at the mercy of greedy landlords, that much of London property is bought up with oil wealth, and so too in the other cities. Charity begins at home, but Cameron is a wimp who wants to feel good and let his own people remain neglected whilst he throws money away with the scum of the earth.
So Osborne is still saying that we need to overthow the evil Assad regime. Every Christian Syrian I know and every Middle Eastern Christian I know believes that it was only the Assad regime that prevented Syria falling into Hell.
It is now quite rational to believe that both the US and British Governments – and possibly most of the Continental European governments have been so deeply infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood that there is little hope of extracting ourselves from its influence. So what to do? We are headed for blind capitulation to the invasion of Europe. And the Middle East is already goner. This no longer David Icke looney-land. It seems to be the current reality.
PfM – 16:21
I knew from the day Cameron was elected Tory Leader ( Tory! 🙂 Leader! 🙂 ) we were getting a Friday Afternoon British Leyland MP, with no spark, poor timing and only a blue respray, to cover up the over-shiny orangey pink original shell, but he really has blown it. Do they use dice to decide Foreign Policy, a six means they bomb, and a double six means they change sides?
And this, while a small point, makes his ‘do gooding’ stance so false:
REVEALED: The Cabinet ministers whose constituencies house NO refugees… including Cameron
DAVID Cameron’s posh countryside constituency is not home to a single asylum seeker, it can be revealed today.
So, these migrants, that we know will cause us grief, will end up in the constituencies of MPs who are not in Cabinet, where the decisions were made!
And there is my earlier post reporting that those who will be responsible for caring for these migrants are asking for more money, so it appears they weren’t in the loop!
Say it Cameron, “We are all in it together, except for me, my chums and our constituents.”
The guy’s lost it!
Fury as dithering David Cameron ‘retreats’ on plan to withdraw UK from EU employment laws
Dhimmi Dave is a Dithering Dave.
####We Must Be Free Or Die###
It is not to be thought that the Flood
Of British freedom………
That this most famous Stream in bogs and sands
Should perish;and to evil and to good
Be lost forever.In our halls is hung
Armoury of the invincible Knights of old:
We must be free or die,who speak the tongue
That Shakespeare spake;the faith and morals hold
Which Milton held.-In everything we are sprung
Of Earth’s first blood,have titles manifold.
William Wordsworth.
This piece bothers me:
Because I cannot bear to watch the geriatric hippie and Fatbott shagger, Corbyniski talking shite on telly, I have no idea what his aspirations are in relation to the EU stay-or-leave referendum. Can someone explain why Farage thinks he would vote ‘leave’. This shit is now well and truly in Charles Lutwidge Dodgson territory.
Peter – my details are no longer saved in in the comment box for some reason and I’m having to re-enter them each time I comment. Have you changed the protocol?
No, that is down to the Browser. Have you updated or changed browser recently?
I think it is thought Corbyn might be a “leaver” because Tony Benn certainly was. What was Foot’s view?
Yes, I uninstalled both my Firefox and Google Chrome browsers on the advice of my email provider, because my email was infested with a ‘funeral plan advert’ that I couldn’t delete. I then reinstalled both on his advice. Didn’t cure the advert and has obviously affected my settings. So how can I rectify that. He (obviously a Pakistani call-centre) gave up and told me to call in a techie.
Thanks Peter; I just used Google to post my last post and things were back to normal. It’s Firefox that is the problem.
The BBC expect to have a couple of gay men dancing together next year in Strictly Come Dancing.
frank P
Its all here for firefox
Peter from M. at 18-55.
Foot and Labour were against membership of the EEC/EU.This caused all Parties to link opposition to the EU with loonie Labour;the spectator was still playing that hand less then three years ago,claiming Conservative eurosceptics were the wild-eyed Bennittes who would make the party unelectable.
But `Europe` was not the issue in 1980-84.At issue was CND and unilateral nuclear disarmament in face of the Soviet threat;and loonie-left social policies (which are now those of Cameron,Howard,and Haig who have now apologized for opposing them).
It was claimed that Kinnock was damaged by his pre-emptive victory rally in Sheffield;but I think it was a previous TUC Conference when he appeared on the platform introducing the enemy of the British nation and people…..Jaques Delors!
It was also suspicions about his CND past.
Thanks, I was able to fix the auto filler, using those instructions. However, the irritating advert that appears in my inbox every time I receive an email, from a funeral plan company in America, which cannot be ‘moved’ to spam, as an avatar covers the tick-box – is irritating in the extreme. I think Yahoo is to blame with their complicated cookies procedures. Pain in the arse! As for the funeraal plan – they obviously read my mail 🙂
download ccleaner
i run it once per week
I also have this on my pc;s and run it weekly
I think I pay Norton Symantec to do that (automatically) already. Would a ‘download cleaner’ get rid of unwanted spam sent via email? Particularly one that contrives to avoid deletion by the ‘delete/move/spam’ tick-box facility?
I suppose we have to pay for free email service indirectly, but this is a recent development that is becoming very intrusive.
Radford NG (19:26)
Well as Dufflecoat Foot and Bonkers Benn are both in the celestial commune or the Stygian depths – or indeed still in purgatorial pain for their sins, or even reduced to the Big Sleep (as I suspect), they won’t be voting in the referendum. It’s the incipient Labour Party ‘leader’s’ intentions that interest me, particularly if Nigel intends to conjoin with him politically – no matter how temporary the hook-up may be. Obviously I’m not the only one here who hasn’t been paying attention to the Comrade Corbynski’s manifesto.
Colonel?? You’re usually up to speed in the machinations of looney left? What say you?
Peter (19:20)
“The BBC expect to have a couple of gay men dancing together next year in Strictly Come Dancing.”
One negroid and one caucasian no doubt, to fulfil the charter? 🙂 Perhaps they could also arrange a Palais Glide competition with a representative from all classified racial groups and representatives of each element of the LGBTQIA (and the more recent ‘P’ – pansexual – addition) gender groupings.
Or why don’t they all just go fuck themselves! I haven’t watched Come Dancing (strictly or otherwise) since Peter West got shit-canned from it (or died – can’t remember which, now). The Gay Gordons was a whole different ball-game back then. 🙂
Curious to know whether Peter West died with his dancing pumps on I looked it up. Apparently not: a whole list of slebs followed him in ‘one of the longest ever TV series’ – McDonald Hobley, Charles Nove, Terry Wogan, Brian Johnston, Angela Rippon, Michael Aspel, Noel Edmonds, David Jacobs, Judith Chalmers, Pete Murray, and Rosemarie Ford (who she?)
I suppose the whimsical Wogan is STILL with us?
That should bring back a whiff of nostalgia (or perhaps even a touch neuralgia) for you tripping-the-light-fantastic-fans. Ahh! The halcyon days of youth.
btw … Peter stayed with us until 2003, apparently:
“The Gay Gordons was a whole different ball-game back then. :-)”
I have just been given a 110 year old postcard might tend to confirm that!
More tomorrow…
and …
I can imagine which post that will be. And it will undoubtedly offend tele’s sock-puppet, ‘the decoruminator’. If I remember correctly it was photoshopped a few years back to include the Queen in the front row?
postcard – not ‘post’ – apologies.
… meanwhile the whirling dervishes continue to flood through the Gates of Vienna.
Cue Sir Dickie Mottram – and keep your powder dry.
Apparently Suffolk and Norfolk CCs are making plans to allot vast areas of our respective counties to housing the invaders. Where’s King Cnut when he’s needed?
Instead we have a King-sized cnut as Prime Minister, paving the way for ’em.
Frank P – 21:37
I will scan the original post card, put up a link to it tomorrow morning. I’m too tired now after a 9 1/2 hour car journey. I’m thinking maybe that it is the 2nd card, the one that I’ve not told you about, that might get you, and perhaps Anne, chuckling.
Frank P September 5th, 2015 – 20:37
Well, for what it’s worth I hold the cynical view that in almost every lefty there is a full strength communist zealot just itching to emerge, held in check only by a deceitful desire to secure power over us all by not frightening the horses too much (the Fabian proposition). The scumbags give away too much though, they just can’t restrain their relish for control freakery and peddling all the same old student marxist tripe that I’ve been hearing (yawn) all my life.
Unfortunately, with plenty of idiot-sleb endorsement, it has now almost reached the point of transcending from lunacy to being on-trend. I fully expect Corbyn to unite the left and become a sort of Obamamessiah figure for anyone and everyone who is not a truly diehard conservative. The generations are now dumbed down and stupid enough to swallow anything, including a warmed up piece of stale leftist cliché from the 1960s poncing about in a Mao cap. All the monsters in history have been held to be wonderful, admired for their principles and for believing in what they say before becoming monsters.
The BBC are in full-on agitprop mode too, the mask discarded, from the brazen marxism at the Proms and in every single one of their leftist morality plays to describing the Labour party as a “British institution”. You can sense their anticipatory excitement that another “revolution” is in the offing. The other night on Radio 3 there was an earnest discussion about the “working class” featuring a group of wealthy, pompous, urbanite talking heads which was almost a parody, including the obligatory “edgy” north country poet/writer/artist talking about his roots and virtue signalling on the basis of what he was by accident of birth rather than what he wasn’t by accident of birth. The presumptions and lack of self awareness were breathtaking. These privileged ninnies with their parent issues and obsessive hatred of something called “Britain in the 1950s” have never left the latter years of the 19th Century the way they talk about class and the struggle. It needed a very drunk Oliver Reed to shove some genuine outrage up their oh-so-privileged backsides but alas such denizens of earthy reality are long gone from our screens. You won’t see any adults talking freely with a fag in one hand and a whisky in the other on the BBC now.
But you watch how all those Labourites and “Blairites” currently expressing their concerns about Comrade Corbyn becoming Leader will unhesitatingly jump on his bandwagon as soon as they get a sniff of power, Burnham at the head of the queue no doubt, and then God help England. Just as all of them were “Blairites” in 1997 so they will all be “Corbynites” in a few years time.
The bastards.
Colonel M (22:16)
A seminal masterpiece. Thanks – I needed that, after the past few days of national and geopolitical insanity! Don’t be a stranger.
Independent: Bob Geldof has offered to take four refugee families into his London homes “immediately” as he reacted angrily to the inaction over the devastating refugee crisis
Homes! To house four families! How many ‘London Homes’ does this non-singer have? And shouldn’t the housing for these immigrants, that ‘Sir’ Bob is offering, be in Ireland? Is this offer in perpetuity, and will it include all offspring and their families? Does the Irish Government agree?
As ‘Sir’ Bob would say, a “f**king disgrace”!
Guardian: Britain’s failure to live up to its “moral obligation” to accept a fair quota of refugees from Syria will damage David Cameron’s hopes of achieving a successful renegotiation with Brussels, a former president of the European commission has claimed.
We did not sign up to Schengen, because we know that Continents screw up everything, they change the rules and never take account of Britain’s different History; and neither do our Civil Servants, but that is another matter!
It’s also why we want to leave the EU: fairness, on the Continent, means ‘let’s screw the British’.
Do you think this referendum will take place? It looks like being a vote on ‘no credible changes’ and more and more people are seeing flailing politicians in Brussels, in the Cabinet and at Westminster, in the BBC and everywhere else. The heads of the other EU countries are either speaking utter cr*p or telling it like it is!
Frank p
An anti virus wont zap cookies or clean your registry
I have had the trio of the registry cleaner, ccleaner (used to be crap cleaner in its early days) and avg free for many years.
I sometimes run malwarebytes too.
All free.
The BBC are producing a film based on “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”, but I doubt D H Lawrence would recognise it. In this new version, Lady Chatterley returns after service as a V A D badly wounded in her nether regions. Her husband engages a comely lad as a gardener, and soon the two men are bisy taking turns at playing “wheelbarrows”! Well no, it’s not on tonight, but probably will be next year.
Operation Safe Havens:a safe escape route for Syrian Christians.
Radford NG
There are some powerful words ot there.
I am a Syrian.
Exiled, in and out of my homeland, and
on knife blades with swollen feet I walk.
I am a Syrian: Shiite, Druze, Kurd,
and I am Alawite, Sunni, and Circassian.
Syria is my land.
Syria is my identity.
My sect is the scent of my homeland,
the soil after the rain,
and my Syria is my only religion.
I am a son of this land, like the olives
apples pomegranates chicory cacti mint grapes figs …
So what use are your thrones,
your Arabism,
your poems,
and your elegies?
Will your words bring back my home
and those who were killed
Will they erase tears shed on this soil?
I am a son of that green paradise,
my hometown,
but today, I am dying from hunger and thirst.
Barren tents in Lebanon and Amman are now my refuge,
but no land except my homeland
will nourish me with its grains,
nor will all the clouds
in this universe
quench my thirst.
Anna (07:38)
How did your ‘move’ go, btw? All settled in – and cosy, now? Moving home is traumatic at any age, it seems to get worse as the years click up, doesn’t it?
“Jeanne” Kelly, September 3rd, 2015 – 12:15
Gene, go tell it to “Jennifer Oldham”, s/he’s “Singin’ In The Rain” too!
Frank P,
Re: Strictly Come Men Dancing & “The Gay Gordons”
Not so much a Gay Gordon as a Duncan Disorderly, methinks.
btw. I think this is postmarked 1913
Frank P
September 6th, 2015 – 10:47
Dear Frank,
As usual you are so right. Was dreadful! Because of loss of much mobility moved to a place with a lift. Day we moved, lift broke down and we are on 4th floor! Moving men were wonderful and walked up all the stairs with our stuff. After that – well, new fridge failed to work, and had it changed. New one, the light died and we are still waiting engineer to check it out. Argos sent our lamp shades all broken and promised to collet them. Stayed in and they never showed up, so we had to shlap them back ourselves. Finally now at last, begins to seem home sweet home, but just dreading what further domestic dramas are around the corner. Also BT tried to rip us off for a lot of money, but husband stood his ground, threatened Omnibudsman, and it was wiped off.
Frank P, anne wotana kaye
Given Anne’s interest in the Judiciary and your Irish travels, I thought that you both might enjoy this one. Made me chuckle, anyway. I’m told that this one pre-dates WW1.
Tiny writing but the caption reads:
“Murphy bate me, yer honour, and when I asked him for compinsation he tould me to go to the divil, so I come to yer honor’s worship.”
From the days when the P o l i s had a proper Pikel on their Haube!
The artwork is really very fine, and the characterisations priceless!
It is signed “John Carey” who, it seems, produced a lot of fine Irish related cards. Does anybody know if he was related to Irish artist Joseph Carey who was a contemporary?
Baron (September 5th, 2015 – 09:30)
Just two comments –
“Baron won’t see much, he hasn’t got much left, you may.” At 85 I suspect that I have even less time left than you have. If so perhaps I’m the more fortunate of us.
“Extrapolating trends in matters based on or derived from natural human behaviour (as opposed to those that are enforceable by authority) has never delivered.”
That’s a very interesting proposition. I very much incline to believe that what constitutes natural human behaviour varies considerably according to race.
Unfortunately however, the vigorous suppression of such a belief is now becoming more and more enforceable by authority, so I’d better say no more about it.
Colonel Mustard, September 5th, 2015 – 22:16
Seconded, a breath of fresh air. Right on all counts, and not the least in remembering both the talent and the antics of Oliver Reed are sorely missed in today’s world of ghastly, insipid, talentless, PC, z-list slebs!
RIP Oliver Reed
[…even if his antics with the yankee lesbian did get Frank P’s CH4 show, ‘After Dark’, cancelled 🙂 ]
September 6th, 2015 – 11:28
Thanks, EC. Some things never change! By the way, I do love the Irish sense of humour, it really hits the nail on the head.
EC (11:04)
🙂 🙂
Haven’t seen that one before; thought you might be going to reprise this one:
Anne (11:07)
All sounds par for the course. Seems your stickability got you through – well done. Hope you find the contentment you were seeking in your new pad. Very best of luck.
A more salubrious setting? Given that those are becoming less and less available and ever more threatened by current events. 😉
Frank P
September 6th, 2015 – 13:16
Thanks for your good wishes, Frank. Be well and keep writing!
Down in Bournemouth today. Actually sat on the beach and had some fish and chips, of only adequate quality! But walking through the gardens it was hard to hear an English voice. I studied there for three years over 30 years ago. It was always rather cosmopolitan. But now there are lots of groups of migrant young men sitting in the park with nothing to do.
Jan Sobieski……Vienna,1683…….Victory.
Angela Merkel….Vienna,2015…….Pre-emptive surrender.
So:It’s Good Night Vienna.
Goodnight Vienna….Al Bowlly….1932
Hate to admit it, but the BBC made a brilliant production of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”.
Sounds like the same thing that’s going on over here with the slant on the migrants story.
Will David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, do the right thing today
anne wotana kaye @ 11:07
That’s nothing, anne, these little hiccups when one’s settling down, that’s life, most of it you won’t remember, the passing time will do the cleaning, but definitely encourage your husband to hit those making your life unpleasant hard, they deserve it.