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September 7th, 2015 – 08:03
Will David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, do the right thing today
telemachus – 08:27
For the good of the country, I really think he ought to consider it, but I doubt he’ll do it. I’m sure that there would be no shortage of people willing to loan him a revolver.
EC 7th, 09:22
“no shortage of people willing to loan him a revolver.”
Whaa-at? Shoot telemachus?
“The German government says it will spend 6 billion euros ($6.6 billion) next year to support the hundreds of thousands of migrants coming to Germany.”
That should discourage more from coming. . .
It appears that the be-suited ones who rule over us have completely disregarded the consequences of their deranged virtue-signalling. They demonstrate that they are unfit to govern.
But not all European “leaders” are channelling shallow emotion-driven madness and mass hysteria:-
“Viktor Orban told a meeting of Hungarian diplomats on Monday that the EU migrant quota, which would distribute migrants among the bloc’s 28 countries, makes no sense in a system where the free movement of people would make it impossible to enforce.
“Orban said “How is this going to work? Has anyone thought this through?” Orban also said that migrants who had kept going after reaching safe countries like Turkey or Macedonia “want to live a German life. It has nothing to do with security.”
Of course they haven’t thought it through. They are just peddling virtue-signal headlines to keep the gobby minority of extreme left taxpayer-subsidised factions and muti-millionaire left wing slebs off their backs. The ghastly lefty champions of self destruction. They are more frightened of the disapproval of those collective twats than the deadly consequences for the silent majority of ordinary people who they are supposed to protect.
Cameron, with his credit card already maxed out, is buying expensive teddy bears on yet more borrowed money to try to buy love from temper tantrum children who hate him anyway and will continue to hate him. Infinitely more of a plonker than Rodney ever was.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 09:36
I doubt whether either of them would be prepared to “do the right thing.”
However, history informs us that if tele’s “friends” ever seize power then they will do it for him 🙂 🙂 🙂 , as a matter of urgency, during the “stabilisation period” (q.v. Yuri Bezmenov, Alexander Boot, Baron Pippin II)
Colonel Mustard – 10:06
The ‘European Elite’ are stateless. In order to become what they are, they have disowned their own country, so their actions are not that much of a surprise.
It is only news because of who he is! And he will be ignored, just like the rest of us who have realised the obvious for some time:
Father of the euro fears EU superstate by the back door
Professor Otmar Issing has warned against handing over control of tax and spending before a democratic political union has been established
“The euro’s founding father has warned that Europe’s latest plan for an EMU-wide finance ministry is a dangerous attempt to smuggle through political union, and breaches the basic tenets of modern democracy.
Professor Otmar Issing, the chief architect of monetary union through its early years, said it would be “dangerous” to transfer control over tax and spending to the EU federal level before full political union has been established first on democratic foundations.”
RobertRetyred September 7th, 2015 – 10:17
My reaction is more one of contempt and disgust than surprise. Nothing they do really surprises me anymore, even their all too ready and willing adoption of far left lunacies.
The internet has allowed leftist loonies to organise themselves and peddle extreme and barmy agendas as though they reflect a majority viewpoint. Political parties have been infiltrated by leftist ideologues and what you see is not what you get. Look at the way a very small clique of extremists who do not reveal their political allegiance have colonised and now manipulate the Spectator’s comment threads by multiple sign-in upticking and downticking. They are engaged in subversion rather than propaganda because their imperative is to disrupt and close down the expression of opinions they disapprove of without revealing who or what they represent. The process of distorting a narrative for political ideology is not new and has always been a central strategy for the left. Achieving objectives by any means because they presume an absolute moral certitude is embedded within the rise of every socialist state and regime. It is the founding principle of the Fabian society who dare to presume that their “solutions” are incontrovertible. It is reinforced by the brazen “anti-fascist” fascism of Marcuse which motivates thuggish scum like HNH and UAF, the new Brownshirts. It is the securing of power over persuasion and the suppression of free debate so that conformity can be compelled and online emotional blackmail and intimidation is part of the brew. It was being done during the Vietnam war but the internet has facilitated it on a new and grand scale.
A conservative viewpoint is not just disagreed with but is not to be tolerated, to be delegitimised and ultimately oppressed and eradicated.
Whilst this is happening the majority of ordinary people have no agenda to organise and peddle, whilst their views can be misrepresented by “reports” from “independent” think tanks, dodgy stats and selective polling. The inevitable result is government by and for the most gobby extremists and the zealots, the SJWs who have “causes”. It is government by permanent protest. The irony being that the two sides of this cosy equation profess to oppose each other.
A thesis has been proposed that is wrong, nay libellous to those of a reasonable caring disposition
“Well, for what it’s worth I hold the cynical view that in almost every lefty there is a full strength communist zealot just itching to emerge, held in check”
Let us examine this:
In its simplest understanding communism it the ideology behind a communist society, the socioeconomic order based on the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state
But like us all I believe that individuals have rights and these can not be taken away by a group, no matter how much the group is in the majority
But Groups such as Governments also Have Rights: These rights can then be granted to certain individuals by the group. This system is designed to protect the interests of the group above the interests of any individual. It is understood that because one individual wants to become rich, they can’t do it at the expense of the group
Now some folks call that left wing but in truth it is simply an extension of what we all feel are our own rights as individuals
It certainly is not communism
In truth folks such as I are called leftist for, for example opposing fracking but in truth we are protecting individuals from the vicissitudes of big business in the same way that we aim to protect them from the uncaring policies of Osbornian Government
The ghastly Geldof doesn’t have to queue for NHS treatment or a council house. He doesn’t need a job and his chauffeur driven, air conditioned limousines and private helicopters mean that congested traffic is not a concern. He has multiple homes so inviting illegal immigrants to live in some of them is an easy gesture. The safety of his family is no doubt guaranteed by personal bodyguards and top of the range security systems.
This “musician” is rich and gobby enough for his personal opinions to be narrated as though they somehow reflect some valid insight and should carry weight, even though no-one elected him to participate in the government of this country.
Who would ever have thought that privileged, multi-millionaire “socialist” celebrities would become arrogant enough to stand up and lecture others about compassion.
@telemachus 7th, 11:31
“I hold the cynical view that in almost every lefty there is a full strength communist zealot just itching to emerge”
Tm, old clap, how can that be libellous…..does it not clearly state that it is the view of the writer, rather than an alleged fact?
The hydra-headed communist-socialist collective has always professed that what they are doing is for the ultimate benefit of the people. It is the very presumption of moral certitude that I allude to above.
Unfortunately the empirical evidence confirms that there is always and inevitably a stark difference between what is intended and the actual consequences.
The “caring” always seems to end with disempowered people being oppressed, persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and murdered for their views, real or imagined. This sobering reality cuts through the naive propaganda the collective peddles and therefore has to be ameliorated by even more lies, deceit and propaganda so that they can continue their delusion and force the multi-failed experiments on more victims. It is why the Labour party continuously repudiate responsibility and re-invent themselves as Year Zero.
Assaulting and chasing Farage into a pub to suppress his dissent is just a way station on a dark journey to the Gulag and the Gas Chamber. It is the distant trumpet of the Killing Fields. Even the resident communist-socialist troll has publicly relished the prospect of disempowering and incarcerating his political opponents many times. He has sought to justify the mass murders of Stalin as the necessary breaking of eggs for the omelette.
So no dissembling lectures on “caring” from that apologist for a murdering tyrant required, thank you.
This piece develops today’s theme:
Frank 12.39
I read your link with interest, particularly the Delingpole diatribe
“Every one of the posturing notables simpering ‘refugees welcome’ [such as comedian Rufus Hound pictured above] should be asked if he or she will take a refugee family into his or her home for an indefinite period, and pay for their food, medical treatment and education.
“If so, they mean it. If not, they are merely demanding that others pay and make room so that they can experience a self-righteous glow. No doubt the same people are also sentimental enthusiasts for the ‘living wage’, and ‘social housing’, when in fact open borders are steadily pushing wages down and housing costs up.
“As William Blake rightly said: ‘He who would do good to another must do it in minute particulars. General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.’”
Then I turned to our own National Press
“Yvette Cooper has revealed she’d be happy to open up her and Ed Balls’ home to Syrian refugees.
The shadow home secretary has joined top politicians including Finland’s Prime Minister by saying she’d house an asylum seeker ‘if that’s what it took’.
She was backed today by SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, who also said she’d ‘absolutely be happy’ to welcome refugees into her home”
ColM 11.19:
What baffles me is why centre right posters get banned but the multiple sign-inners who fake conversations between themselves & are often vicious in a personal way, are not.
Colonel Mustard @ 22:16
An exquisitely penned lament, Colonel, an so true.
You should, like Frank, store these gems, have them published. Today, it costs next to nothing even in smaller editions, it will get noticed, it will sell, it may even stir an interest by a big publisher.
anne wotana kaye @ 11:07
That’s nothing, anne, these little hiccups when one’s settling down, that’s life, most of it you won’t remember, the passing time will do the cleaning, but definitely encourage your husband to hit those making your life unpleasant hard, they deserve it.
Herbert Thornton @ 11:40
What’s a difference of few years between friends, Herbert, just remember the secret of longevity. It’s to keep breathing, you do that, and you’ll be fine.
Frank P @ 21:49
Language, language, Frank, what’s this ‘King-sezed cnut, ha?
The good thing is nobody’s likely to start building in a hurry near the barbarian’s abode, it’s miles away from a shop, a post office, the newcomers wouldn’t settle there, leave well before one says ‘welcome’.
Baron’s on the move again, has already talked to many of the current visitors to Europe, all in all not a bad lot, he must say, certainly not as aggressive as the bunch that refused the Red Cross parcels. The deluded locals see only hardship, of course, use their own cars to move the migrants to the border, let them cross on foot, then re-load them again, move deeper into Austria or Bavaria.
It’s impossible to have any serious conversation with the refugees, those the barbarian met anyway, some speak English, not a single one spoke any German, the bigger picture either doesn’t concern them or, which is more likely, they never think of it.
What Baron did probe is whether they would mind going to the American Republic. Anne may be reassured here, they don’t, to a man (to a woman rather because only three females expressed a view) those who responded to this enquiry didn’t want to hear about it, they like the Americans as much as they like the killers who forced them to leave their homeland, and that’s putting it mildly.
The other thing that may seem obvious, but makes a mockery of the EU quota, very few of them want to settle in the east european part of the EU, and who could blame them, the languages aren’t easy to learn (that’s what they all said), the welfare isn’t anything to shout about either (they didn’t mention it, however). The official statistic says only over 600 have settled in the Czech Republic (the EU wants the county to take 3,000 altogether), but Baron’s near certain it won’t be a permanent settlement. One of the men who got processed here said he had brother in Scotland, but didn’t say he would go, also settle in the land of the haggis eaters.
The Slovaks and the Poles will not take any Muslims, or so they say, only Christian Syrians. The ordinary Poles are far less positively disposed to the immigration, so are also the Hungarian unwashed. On one of the motorway petrol stations, Baron met a group of Hungarians, who were talking about taking the young immigrant males back to Italy. In case you’re still wondering why it’s mostly males you see on the TV screens, the women were left behind, they will come if and when the men get an asylum.
That’s enough ranting, enjoy the good weather, it’s bloody cold, and it rains here.
Have any of these ‘celebrities’ who are offering to house immigrants (and any children that are produced 🙂 ) indefinitely, ever been in a Twinning Organisation and received guests?
We have and, while it is enjoyable and enriching, it is exhausting! While we do put in extra effort to entertain, like visits to nearby historic places, it is because they do return the compliment over the years when we go ‘over there’ and much fun is had.
But they do usually only stay over a long weekend, at most, so there is no need to arrange schooling for the children. They can use the spare bedrooms because relatives are not staying at the same time, and we often prepare food beforehand so we can spend more time with them, and it is English food, because our visitors want to experience what England is about! We don’t change our routine because we take a break from it.
I will be interesting to see how many actually do take in immigrants. But why ‘foreign immigrants’, why have they not taken in some of our own immigrants? I have seen many on the streets who could do with similar help.
Our Twinning visitors once asked for steak and kidney pie, and a pint of Bitter, when we were in a pub and had the Mad Cow Disease scare, such was their keenness to embrace our traditions and customs! 🙂
I see that many immigrants in Germany are converting to Christianity! I hope they have seen the Light 🙂 , or are destined to, as miracles do happen! And will those who have not ‘Seen the Light’ gravitate to Britain, or should that be England?
Baron – 14:30
“It’s impossible to have any serious conversation with the refugees, those the barbarian met anyway, some speak English, not a single one spoke any German …”
So they will be staying in Germany … 🙂
RobertRetyred 14.30:
I’ve read the Mail article on Iranians & Afghans in Berlin converting to Christianity. I think this is probably a curate’s egg (pun intended). I’ve read elsewhere that evangelists claim to have converted a large number of Iranians in Iran. Of course Iranians aren’t Arabs & have had Islam imposed on them. They had their own proud culture before they were Islamised. So I can believe that some of the Berlin conversions are genuine.
But the Mail article also points out that there’s a practical advantage in conversion because the asylum applicant can then claim he or she will be persecuted if returned to their home country. Probably intentions don’t matter too much because, whatever the reason, conversion will dislocate them from Islam in Europe – as long as they or their children don’t return to the mosque.
Damaris Tighe September 7th, 2015 – 13:28
Indeed. Probably because they are either sponsoring them or empathise with their views. It is apparent that in this age of no shortage of narratives from left of centre the Spectator now seems to have a remarkable number of left-leaning writers and diarists.
Certainly something fishy going on there with that crew. The alleged chumminess of telemachus with Labour’s resident correspondent there is probably a clue.
telemachus September 7th, 2015 – 12:53
Don’t confuse the facile posturing and virtue-signalling of the tediously juvenile ninnies who rule over us or are seeking to rule over us with anything approaching a serious adult policy intended to address the issue, militate its impact or protect the people from its consequences.
A “Me too! Me too! I’m a good person too!” bidding war from a lot of silly Twitterised half-wits does not impress. There are party political clowns to the right of us, clowns to the left of us and clowns in front of us as we are thundered into the valley of disaster. And our home grown clowns are directed and constrained by an even bigger bunch of clowns in Brussels. Personally I am all clowned out by those clowns.
At some point as the lone wolf attacks increase, as they inevitably will, the governing clowns responsible for importing and facilitating the terrorism must concede that law abiding citizens should have the means of self defence as enshrined in the 1689 Bill of Rights and which they illegally abrogated. Disarming the law abiding and importing and/or failing to deport their potential murderers is a real moral outrage.
Damaris Tighe (13.28).
Most of us who use CHW abandoned, or were barred from, the Spectator Coffee House, because the once-conservative magazine was taken over by a bunch of editorial onanists whose adolescent think-tankish credentials have ruined the magazine. Of the complete crew remaining only Rod Liddle is worth reading, mostly because he has morphed from journalist to entertainer. Why do you persist in providing footfalls for their blog? Why window-lick on a gaff that doesn’t want your company? The few remaining commenters (that are worth reading), also post here. Nothing to stop you slating the content of the Speccy on this blog. Fewer comments here make it easier to pick out the gems and ignore the dross with less use of the scroll key. Here, there are are more good links to right-leaning blogs, also articles from other international publications.
Your loyalty to the Speccie is undeserved, as is your persistence. Fuck ’em! If they don’t want your input let them wallow in their own detritus, of which our resident troll provides bucket-loads. e.g. the crap he has posted here today. When he isn’t providing grist for Colonel Mustard’s mill, or when he gets too tiresome, or tries to use other monikers, Peter confines him to the oubliette. Perfect.
Colonel Mustard (15:25)
🙂 a timely illustration of my point to Damaris about grist to the mill, thanks!
” Disarming the law abiding and importing and/or failing to deport their potential murderers is a real moral outrage.”
Indeed so … THE real moral outrage of this millennium so far, imho.
Here is Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, the one tat propelled him into the political arena:
… and to return to the infestation of this blog by ykw; I often wonder if he is aware of just how comprehensively his arguments are destroyed by Colonel M. or whether he is deluded into thinking that his parries are effective, or whether he’s just a common-or-garden masochist who enjoys being humiliated, or whether, like an abused wife/husband, he cannot bear to leave an unsatisfactory relationship for fear of being isolated.
I promise that henceforth I shall cease to ponder over such enigmata, as it probably feeds his ego.
Frank P 15.38:
For me the best part of the Spectator is the below the line commentary. The articles are just something to bounce thoughts & ideas off. Many of the discussions are ‘live’ back & forth because of the way disqus works. I’ve said before here that I like the disqus platform much better & was shredded for it!
And also (as here) you make online friends & I’d miss them. Simple as that.
Robert Retrod (15:57);
Are you rooting for Carson? Wouldn’t he be better employed in Operating Theatre? Can’t imagine why a man of his credentials would want to waste his time in the Oral Office. Anyway America has had one black POTUS; I guess that fulfils the pc credentials of the electorate. I have a feeling this time they would like a reality TV sleb-cum-huckster to shake up the Washington elite. Long way to go, but Teflon Trump’s resilience is manifest. Just hope that’s he got the best borgata protecting him; he’ll need it long before inauguration day. Helicopter rides must be particularly taxing for him.
I note Hogan Howe has just reported a significant rise in hate crimes involving Islam
Now I got to thinking just what such crime might be
Is it what we see represented week after week by the Lilly liveried nincompoop known as Douglas Murray who seems to find Islam inspired anti semitism in almost every news story
And knows that he will drag out in comment all the rabid Islamophobes that haunt the blogosphere and who have google alerts for all Murray’s posts if they are not trundled out by Murray himself (just try gain saying a single comment of the Murray post if you do not believe me)
Or could it be that a hate crime is examining the religion of persecuted refugees and accuse our caring leaders of importing terrorism
Frank may be correct that the poster in question can argue that black is white
(It remains black)
But common humanity dictates that one cannot take a nihilistic view on every issue
I am done my bile for the day
I am off down to the Town Hall where our group are organising local families to provide shelter for I am afraid pitifully few of the persecuted families
“I have done my pile for the day.”
Please pick it up in a bullshit bag and take it with you. I’m sure you’ll find a red bin somewhere on the way to your good deeds.
telemachus (unbelievably still here after his ‘Jennifer Oldham’ false flag operation) thinks that it is not true that this government has imported terrorism and that any expressions of concern about that should be shut down by accusations of hate crime?
Even without the existing evidence of worldwide attacks by “British” terrorists ISIS allege that as many of 4,000 of their operatives have infiltrated Europe as “migrants”/”refugees”.
Perhaps he doesn’t understand the difference between a terrorist and a muslim or else his twisted distortion of the point in order to level that same old tired, tedious accusation is the real hate crime.
” common humanity dictates …”.
You mean telemachus dictates, par for the communist creed!
And telemachus, the troll, really shouldn’t conflate dissent from his communism-socialism with a nihilistic view “on every issue”.
Or indulge in futile little lefty games of trying to morally blackmail and intimidate those who disagree with him, despise his politics and hold the majority of modern politicians in contempt.
The BBC states that it will transmit broadcasts to North Korea in order to appeal to a wider community.
No doubt the citizens of NK will find the propaganda quite familiar, if indeed they are allowed to listen to them.
FYI – Nigel Farage kicks of his tour at Margate tonight? Live stream at 7:30:
Can anyone explain why, at some traffic lights the green light is partially covered by a grill or louvre?
Harrogate has quite a few, what possible purpose do they have?
David Ossitt
September 7th, 2015 – 19:17
David its normally because sunlight makes it difficult to see the colour change.
Frank P – 16:12 ‘Are you rooting for Carson?’
Not particularly! It is another country, an ocean away, so I can ‘spectate’.
Not that long ago, I did have a small ‘depressive moment’ when I realised that this POTUS race had over a year to run! 🙂
So, now I know it is ‘early days’, I think there is every opportunity for a maverick, like Trump, Carson or Palin, to disturb the blanket liberal culture. They may well fall by the wayside, they may well, eventually, want to fall by the wayside, but now they are angry enough to participate, so others might follow.
And it is refreshing to hear a rational non-liberal view. 🙂
En route from the lounge TV to the bedroom I popped into the den to close down the PC. The temptation to click into Steynonline was too powerful to resist:
Thought I’d pass on the upshot to any Wallsters who are burning the midnight oil.
As ever – a clinical analysis of the last knockings of Western Civilisation, delivered with characteristic whimsy, wit and wisdom, with riveting accompanying statistics.
As a result I shall not sleep well, even though he has, as he points out, oft augured the current geopolitical and demographical upheavals, in his books and columns various over the years. The accuracy of his prognostications to date indicate that his onward extrapolations can hardly be disputed.
Don’t miss him on Hannity (Fox News) tomorrow night at 3am; record it – if it’s past your bedtimes. He will probably link it on his website anyway on Wednesday. I have a feeling it will be an entertaining ‘exclusive’.
I have always enjoyed Steyn
And commend the link to you
Particularly the views on Merkel’s uncritical actions
The trouble with bleating and nihilism is that we live in a practical world
So what is the solution?
The only guaranteed solution for UK plc is
1. Issue all UK citizens with identity cards
2. Withdraw from Europe and regain full control of the borders
3. Require visas issued in the originator country
4. Deport without appeal all without identity cards or visas
Britain is currently run by the media
What do you think they would say about all that
And then…
Well the current Government are beginning to dismantle the BBC
The communist-socialist troll has some nerve accusing those who reject his ideology’s cant as “bleating and nihilism”.
The communist-socialists have been “bleating” their way to forms of “nihilism” throughout my life with aspirations and actions that have almost always discarded the practical in preference to their silly and impractical utopian dreams. In power they still “bleat” about everything under the sun, whining, nagging, hand-wringing – bleating.
Nihilism – the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
Hardly the province of the right. It is not so much the right who have been busy undermining and dismantling the foundation of religious and moral principles in Britain for the last fifty years. It is some irony that many of the vandals responsible now like to slither about in a self-righteous cloak provided by the de-constructed Church of England. Having destroyed the very fabric of our society the real nihilists of the left now like to adopt a tone of moral lecture.
So, yes, the trouble with communist-socialist bleating and nihilism is that we do live in a practical world. Bleating their desire to invite the whole world to Britain and ignorant of the practical consequences.
Bob Geldorf, Yvette Cooper, Nicola Sturgeon & all the other “rush to gush” politicos and b2zlist meeja slebs who offered to take refugee families into their own homes at their own expense:
I hope when these unfortunate people start arriving, that some concerned individual is there to greet them holding up “Geldorf”, “Cooper” & “Sturgeon” etc. banners and organises onward transport for the requisite number of families to be taxied to their doorsteps.
After all, wouldn’t want these lefty luvvies sitting on their lofty perches of unearned moral superiority to expose themselves to being called out as hypocrites would we?
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words…
Colonel Mustard, September 7th, 2015 – 15:25
Twitter is generally ghastly and populated by attention seeking politico and meeja parasites but, having said that, it isn’t all bad. I filter what I want out of it , and use it as a newsfeed. eg. it helps me keep track of what’s happening stateside, and also down under. Also there are some, a few, right thinking people on there with a devilish sense of humour.
EC (10:05)
Must be a fatwa in play for that one? Who drew it? ☺ Spot on!
“And then…
Well the current Government are beginning to dismantle the BBC…”
If only that were true; no need to worry, comrade, Agitprop will survive.
A blast from the past, our old friend Furriskey forwarded this to me today:
Guy starts his new job at the zoo and is given three tasks:
First is to clear the exotic fish pool of weeds. As he does so, a huge fish jumps out and bites him. To show who is boss, he beats it to death with a spade. Realizing his employer won’t be best pleased he disposes of the fish by feeding it to the lions, as lions will eat
Moving on to the second job of clearing out the Chimp house, he is attacked by the chimps that pelt him with coconuts. He swipes at two chimps with a spade killing them both. What can he do? Feed them to the lions, he says to himself, because lions eat anything… He hurls the corpses into the lion enclosure.
He moves on to the last job which is to collect honey from the South American Bees. As soon as he starts, he is attacked by the bees. He grabs the spade and smashes the bees to a pulp. By now he knows what to do and shovels them into the lions cage because lions eat anything.
Later that day a new lion arrives at the zoo.. He wanders up to another lion and says “What’s the food like here?”
The lion says: “Absolutely brilliant, today we had Fish and Chimps with Mushy Bees.
Must pass it on to the naughty niece.
Denmark places anti-migrant adverts in Lebanon newspapers
The guardian of the langauage has spoken:
Language, of course, sorry.
We on this site are aware of the fact that the Muslim faith does encourage its followers in the telling of untruths when it is dealing with nom Muslims, indeed their Koran is quite specific in how the followers of Islam should deal with those of different faiths.
In the press today we are told that Muslims in fear of being deported are converting to Christianity in order to claim that they will be persecuted back home for leaving Islam and so must be allowed to stay.
Duplicitous to the end.
The Times, Opinion: This suicide law will not turn us into killers, by Daniel Frankenstein
Sorry, by Daniel Finkelstein
John birch
September 8th @ 20:36
Excellent questions by Dellers. I myself had begun to ask why, if the boy were dead on a TURKISH beach, the family had not sought refuge in Turkey – not to mention some other muslim nation. Silly question, I know. I had assumed (“never assume!” someone once tried to teach me) that the beach was Greek – i.e. Europe proper.
What did we think was meant by “asymmetrical warfare” anyway? We are learning; we are in it.
For Baron
Another angle on the picture of the drowned Kurdish boy on the Turkish beach
Assymetrical Warfare
“Muslim “refugees” in Budapest chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “f**k you” while others in Italy attacked an old lady and threw feces at bystanders as Germany announced that it would be prepared to take 500,000 asylum seekers every year.
Although mainstream media coverage of the migrant crisis has focused on happy families and children, footage not broadcast by TV networks shows a different side to some of those crossing into Europe….”
But if this IS one front in an assymetrical war wage against us, and if illegal migrants and the ideology promoting them are an army in asymmetrical warfare against which we are floundering to find a defence, what is the “side” and where are the Chiefs-of-Staff, where is the Headquarters?
In brief, who is the enemy? We had better figure it out pdq.
“Masked, I advance.” ― René Descartes
After my last post, I went to the first hour of Monday’s Alex Jones Show where he picks up the theme and runs with it:
Correction: TUESDAY’s Alex Jones Show.
Towards the end of that 1st Hour of Alex Jones Show cited above, just over 43 minutes in, there is an interview started with the English journalist, Paul Joseph Watson, who gives comments prompted by his visit to the Czech Republic last week to investigate the illegal alien problem.
The Czech Republic apparently has a stable population of about 10 million and does not rely on immigrants to sustain a thriving economy.
Who needs immigrants, Mr. Cameron, one might ask, let alone illegal immigrants or, in spades, illegal muslim immigrants covering for a significant proportion of armed and NATO trained and funded ISIS murderers?
Well, Kirov is dead, so are Kamenev and Zinoviev. I have made slow work of Simon Sebag Montefiore’s biography of Stalin which I bought in July I think, but now the gloves are off as the Moscow Trials are under well way.
‘Is that the Bible?’ asked the young trainee waiter at my cafe.
‘No, have you heard of Stalin?’
Thank goodness nothing like that can happen now.
Reports of Terry Gilliam’s death greatly exaggerated STOP Editor of Variety called to account STOP
The very first memory of telemachus was on 2 June 1953 when we were invited into the only dwelling in our mean street with a television to watch the magnificent spectacle
I had the honour of meeting her when I became a Queen Scout
God Save the Queen
John Birch 2036
Delingpole misunderstands
“Is the rule, now, that we have to feel bad not just about the countries (Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc) where our meddling has made things worse – but also that we should feel personally responsible for those countries (Syria, etc) where we have made no difference”
Nothing to do with guilt
It is common humanity
What George Osborne is calling for (the previously defeated policy of Cameron) should be spelled out.He is calling for Britain to declare war on the Arab Socialist Republic of Syria:this is what bombing Assad means.
It shows ignorance of the Middle East and its factional politics.Kobane and Rojava are being defended against the Islamic S.S. by the YPG/YPJ militias allied with units of the (rebel) Free Syrian Army:which have a tacit armistice with the Syrian Army.There are other temporary alliances across the country for or against Assad/for or against the Islamic State…….with the F.S.A.rebels/Al Nusra Front (which may or may not be associated with El Quada)/and many other factions.
John Birch 0609
So let us examine what Mr Warren said
“Francois Hollande had the effrontery to ask if Hungary had forgotten how it was taken in by Europe at the end of the Cold War and welcomed into the EU.
More to the point, has it forgotten how it was abandoned by Europe in 1945 and handed over to the Soviet Union, at a time when the West had the atomic bomb and Stalin did not? Has it forgotten how its bid for freedom was ignored in 1956 while France and Britain engaged in an adventure in (where else?) the Middle East?”
To continue
The rest of us remember the truth of Hungary
A simple look at the first paragraph of Wikipedia tells us all we need to know as we listen to the National Socialist pronouncements coming from the mouth of Victor Orban
“During World War II, Hungary was a member of the Axis powers. In the 1930s, the Kingdom of Hungary relied on increased trade with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to pull itself out of the Great Depression. By 1938, Hungarian politics and foreign policy had become more stridently nationalistic. Hungary benefited territorially from its relationship with the Axis”
Malfleur @ 00:31
Now it’s too late to ask any questions, Malfleur, the genie’s out, the pseudo-liberal crowd has once more beaten us to it, frankly, it couldn’t have been anything else, the whole climate is that of emotion trumping rationality hands down, and has been for decades. There must exists a natural law of societal behaviour we haven’t sussed up yet that has engineered it, this ‘feeling of events’ must eventually lead to a reduction in our numbers, whether natural or man made matters not, and only then could we begin to struggle again anew, no?
Malfleur @ 00:32
Very kind of you, Malfleur, to pass this link on, the guy’s keen on music Slavonic (as is Baron), the boss has few cd’s with him, the barbarian has a problem, the harp doesn’t sit anywhere near the top of his list of preferred instruments, hard to say why, but the harp, the piano and the organ, the last one one in particular turns the poorly educated Slav into near real barbarian, the sound irritates to the point of displeasure, he cannot listen to it for too long, nature has deprived him of one of the unquestionable pleasures others enjoy so naturally.
Malfleur @ 02:09
I won’t take long for the newcomers to come into conflict with those Germans who’ve been keeping quiet so far, in particular in the Prussian end of the country, apparently the idea is to keep most of the refugees in the south.
Malfleur @ 03:49
It fits well with Baron’s take on the unwashed, most of whom are interested in everything but the stuff we talk about, Malfleur.
Radford NG @ 06:24
Have those in charge of our foreign policy ever shown anything but ignorance when it comes to either the ME or the European east, Russia in particular, Radford? More to the point, we cannot really do anything the Americans don’t want us to.
Still, why hasn’t the honorary White House Muslim pronounced yet on the refugee crisis? Why haven’t we heard him saying ‘the international community demands that every single refugee be given an asylum, helped with an accommodation, a job, put on a welfare if he doesn’t speak the language of the host country ……
telemachus @ 07:55
What’s your point, telemachus, that the country was wrong in 1938, thus she’s wrong again today?
It’s more likely the Germans were wrong when the Nazis ruled, are wrong again today, will once more invite ruins on the millions. It feels the Huns have an inexhaustible capacity for falling in love with the extremes, to repent for the sins of the gas chambers they’re blindly embracing a culture that hasn’t got a particularly distinguished record in human rights, tolerance for other faiths, criticism of its own creed which could, not unlike the final solution for the Jews, also end up as a final fix only for the whole of the infidel Europe.
Surly 84 million Germans can’t be wrong;for the third time in a hundred years?
A lot of people are not taken in and are calling all these young men refugees `cowards`for not staying and fighting for their country and their women and children.
Breitbart declares:British Public not buying media refugee narrative …. calling Syrian men cowards.
And it’s not only at nasty right wing Breitbart.Here is the Nottm. Post.(Note; the local refugee spokes-person is paid £30,000 per year till 2017.)
September 9th, 2015 – 09:30
All of the above
The Hungarians were wrong in 1938 for selfish gain
While I sympathise their plight now their rhetoric is nothing less than frightening to the refugees
Germany are quite wrong to have such a stupid open door policy which attracts hordes of economic migrants and puts them at risk of drowning and the trials and tribulations of the traffickers
As far as I can see Cameron has the only correct policy which is a reasonable blend of compassion for the compromised refugees and protection of our communities
Taking vulnerable refugees certified by the UN direct from the camps is surely the way forward
I was astonished that my friend Rod Liddle (1724 8/9/15) last night published such a nihilistic analysis
And in the comment section compounded his errors by quoting Mark Steyn
Radford NG
September 9th, 2015 – 09:54
This calls the men cowards
But it is the men who are beheaded and are thrown off buildings
Not too sure you or I would stay
telemachus September 9th, 2015 – 10:18
Rod Liddle is your “friend” is he? Well, he wrote this in response to one of your sillier comments about this issue:-
“and here we have the entire problem in a nutshell, or in a nut. Cloaked in faux concern, Telemachus accuses those who would stop people coming here, and thus save lives, as lacking humanity. This bloke has answered the question in my blog.”
It is apparent that as the established Norman Wisdom of political commentary here and there you have a lot to live up to, but frankly, give it a rest.
Baron @ 08:42
Abject apologies…I thought the watery sound of the harp conjuring up the Moledava would have brought tears to your eyes. Unfortunately, I have still not had a chance to visit Prague, so don’t have a sense of the river and whether the harp is the right instrument to express it.
I learned to like the organ because there was a grand one in my school chapel and I sometimes used to sit out the voluntary at the end of services, especially if Bach were being played – with all the stops out!
Fauré seems to catch the spirit of the harp in this Impromptu. The harpist, female this time, is also prettily photographed if you show it Full Screen. I will avoid the instrument here in future though in deference to your taste.
By the way, we should not underestimate Dellers as he combines working for the gaiety of nations with a shrewd talent for radical social critique.
As for instance:
“…a curse rather than a blessing.
He said: “Look where it is, it goes far below the knees. I cannot do anything, I cannot work, and I am a disabled so I want authorities to declare me as a disabled person and give me support. Then, I want to go to the Guinness to get recognition.”
Unfortunately, the Guinness World Records organisation cannot oblige because it has no penis-size category. But if it did, it would show that Cabrera’s member is just two inches shorter than the height of the world’s smallest man….”
“David Cameron has said Britain will have to use “hard military force” in Syria to defeat Isil and secure peace.
The Prime Minister said that only so much could be done with aid spending and taking in refugees to solve instability in the country.
It is the strongest indication yet that Mr Cameron is determined for Britain to join American air strikes on Isil in Syria.”
Whose lackey is the Prime Minister?
Isis, Isil. Schisil, Scheisis – you and your punk NATO allies and Arab catspaws created, funded. trained and let loose ISIS!! Whose orders were you taking you traitor!
Soeren Kern weighs in on the taqqiya migration:
Vivat Regina!
And who better to wax fluent on the subject that the best writer in her Commonwealth (imho):
Malfleur @ 13:45
Here, the boy is contradicting the General Secretary of NATO, Malfleur, yesterday, he’s arrived to Prague, the barbarian is watching his press conference. One of the questions the pliable press gang has asked was his take on the Russians getting permission to use Greece’s airspace to get supplies to Syria. He mumbled it was up to each NATO member to weigh up any request it received, he himself was gravely concerned, the conflict in Syria should be solved by negotiations.
The Americans are again moving troops through the small piece of land inhabited by the Czechs, this time east, a new military exercise is planned in Hungary. It’s all a part of a diplomatic pressure on both the Czech Republic and Hungary, the former is resisting the American demand to station troops in the country permanently, the latter has already said ‘yes’ to a NATO contingent, but is too close to Putin’s Russia.
Malfleur @ 12:28
Whatever the barbarian’s musical tastes may be, Malfleur, continue posting any links you find fit for the Wallsters, please, why should Baron’s lack of enjoyment of a musical instrument prevent them to get pleasure from what you can offer?
Frank P @ 17:34
Hear, hear, and hear again, Frank, and may she reign for another 63 years, 7 months and a day, or at least until the barbarian pegs it.
in contrast to Steyn’s flowing prose, Alastair Bruce, the Queen’s Herald and current mouthpiece of Sky TV on all matters regal, just imparted this amusing pronouncement to Sky viewers:
“We don’t actually know the exact time Queen Elizabeth inherited the throne, because we don’t know what time in the night King George VI died … He was found dead in the morning when he was woken up.”
Even by Sky News standards – a contradiction in terms? Who edits Jeremy Thompson’s sloppy slot?
The latest from Brussels:
Every country granting asylum will receive 600,000 Euro per each refugee, that’s almost half a million sterling i.e. a million quid for a couple of the newcomers. You can do the math if the grand total tops million of refugees this year.
The EU has no money except what it gets from the member states, in the end, it will be the taxpayers who’ll foot the bill, other expenditure will have to be curtailed unless governments borrow again.
Where’s Noa?
Colonel Mustard – 11:03
Any sane, rational person reviewing tm’s performance on the Liddle blog and on here would have to conclude that the chap is either mentally ill or as “Kennybhoy” said, “he’s a pissing taking wingnut.” Although I note that Kennybhoy didn’t actually give us an opinion as to whether the “nut” had a right or a left hand thread.
It could always be a Whitworth with a screw loose, I suppose…
Obama’s deal with Iranian nuclear devil:
I do hope that the genocidal nutters in Tehran can restrain themselves until at least December 1st.
People of the Northern hemisphere: Buy potassium iodide tablets, and store plenty of clean drinking water!
There are some powerful voices in the blogosphere with often dogmatic views
That one holds a contrary view neither makes one evil nor deranged
I get more difficult comments on left wing blogs where I use a different moniker but express similar views. Some left wing folk are less tolerant than such as for example Austin Barry or Colonel Mustard
Could finally the Land of the Free be facing up to the mess the honorary White House Muslim has engendered in the ME? No, it’s not him, it’s Donald who’s making the same argument Baron has made.
It’s almost a breath of fresh air to see a TV programme that devotes the same amount of time to conflicting views, and there are many such hours of broadcasting here.
In an hour long documentary tonight, the Czech television covered the refugee crisis much better than any TV documentary on the subject Baron has ever seen in the UK. It showed long shots from every country the fleeing swarms are moving through, the sporadic fighting between different groups of them, the pain and suffering of many, the police handling of the flows, the fact that some men are armed (the argument advanced by one of them was they needed knives for protection), the behaviour of some of those violently opposing the inflows (a female Hungarian TV reporter trips a man holding a child running from one of the camps, then kicks others also escaping: she got sacked on the spot by her boss, also present), the volunteers from the public offering water, food, medical help.
The reporters talked to many of these people, short questions, short answers, but overall one got more raw facts without a bias, one could make up one’s own mind …
The arguments for and against the refugees vary here as much as in the UK, but the programme then let both sides to make a point, invited experts of either camp. One contributor’s argument caught Baron’s attention, the man wrote a book about immigration to the US from the 30s last century till now, specialises in immigration flows.
He says that the early immigrants to the Republic were mostly uneducated, poor and often prosecuted lot, the different profile of later waves in the last century got skewed towards the better educated, in part because the US got more choosy, the huge influx of the Latinos, many illegally, reversed it again. He says that the educational mix of the current European influx is difficult to judge, but even if there’s a large number of professional men, most of the refugees will have to accept low paid jobs to start with because of the language barrier, virtually nobody speaks German, others will remain in welfare possibly forever. (Btw, from a different source: some German and Czech businessmen are already sending scouts to the camps to select possible candidates to hire, the economy here is growing, shortages of labour are everywhere, the Germans are hoping to get growth going, too).
In his view, for the Germans to send economic refugees back is a no-go (the Mutti has said this was what she’ll do), the German business will be against it (see above), if not publicly than behind the scene, and for Germany as such, they may be needed to counterbalance the below replacement birth rate. Retaining them in Germany would, however, considerably delay any Syrian recovery when the fighting stops.
He also says the devotion to Islam of the Syrians shouldn’t be as problematic as that of those from Afghanistan, it’s more attuned to our secular society as most of them are not fanatical followers of the creed (in one of the camps they kicked out a couple of men who were trying to force them to pray instead of eat), many could integrate by becoming Christians, follow the creed the way many ‘established’ US Muslims do (whatever that means).
He wouldn’t commit on the total number of Muslim refugees Europe could take without seriously changing the character of the indigenous societies, but says that if the Czechs take more than 10,000 it would become a problem needing more than two generations to solve.
Not that Baron agrees with everything the man says, he (Baron) only wanted to give you a flavour of the debate here, in a society that less than a generation ago had a total censorship of the media.
EC September 9th, 2015 – 20:48
A Whitworth with a screw loose?
The Whitworth was a British made, muzzle loading percussion cap rifle brought in by blockade runners and favoured as a sharpshooting weapon by the Confederate forces in the American Civil War for its exceptional accuracy and velocity at very long ranges. At the time American arms manufacturers couldn’t get anywhere near the tolerances achieved by Whitworth. The British Army rejected the rifle for military use because they considered its bore of .451 was too small. .
This shooter is stretching it a bit at 1,500 yards but the fall of shot from the target is still testimony to the fine workmanship of the Manchester company’s mid-19th Century engineering. A great many senior Union officers lost their lives to that rifle including General Sedgewick.
As Confederate sharpshooters caused men under his command to duck from single shots fired from 1,000 yards range he admonished them:-
“What? Men dodging this way for single bullets? What will you do when they open fire along the whole line? Why are you dodging like this? They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”
Those were his last words. . .
This one shows the sighting of a Whitworth rifle in detail:-
They were also used with the long barrel-length brass telescopic sights of the period.
Finally, some good news; though, as good news often is, too late for some:
Metal Band Motorhead Launches New Line of Branded Vibrators (h/t Breitbart)
In case any readers of this blog have any residual sympathy for the land of the Ayatollahs, this should help you evacuate it:
From the man who lied to Congress about the extent of NSA spying on the American people:
“James Clapper: Islamic State could infiltrate U.S., West through migrants fleeing from Syria”
You think?
That’s what they want. That’s what the push to persuade the people to accept hundreds of thousands of illegal male muslim aliens is designed to achieve. They want civil war. That is why I call Cameron a traitor. He is not alone.
More moves in the Great Game:
… and more twaddle from the Warmists:
Colonel Mustard, September 9th, 2015 – 23:23
Very interesting, and impressive, thanks.
The widespread use of the Minié ball bullet produced some appalling injuries too.
Day out in carlisle yesterday. Hiijab count – 1
Nice little cathedral.
And a barista called me hinnie.
alexsandr – 12:44
Did you wander through the central piazza by any chance, and see/hear the Scotchman looking/sounding like “Frankie Boyle’s Dad” stood on a bench outside the top entrance to the Lanes Shopping Centre, bible in one hand and a megaphone in the other, haranguing the ungodly heathen English?
The cathedral is a gem, imho.
Hinnie? Carlisle must have been annexed by Hexamgeezer!
apologies, that should be Hexhamgeezer!
Looks like Germany has already fallen to ISIS lite:
We are not alone in our concern:
Frank 1353
A fascinating polemic
The comments are worth reading in totality
LSWCHPSeptember 10, 2015 at 8:00 AM
It’s easy to sink into despair about this situation, but I still have great hope for the long term. The demented leaders of many European countries (Merkel being the prime example) want to commit national suicide for reasons that completely elude me. But the Poles, Hungarians and some others who have bèen dealing with Muslim invasions for the last millenia see things much more clearly
There will be blood. But the invaders are a degenerate, inbred mob of undisciplined imbeciles who will kill each other for sectarian reasons just as easily as they will kill their hosts. Such mobs are fearsome at first, but are ultimately easy prey for determined men. I have no doubt that there are many men in Europe who are preparing to stand between the invaders and their women and children as I write these words.
Dour European determination has been fending off Muslim savagery and idiocy for over a thousand years and I believe it will do so again. Maybe not today, or next week. Things will get much worse before they get better, but I have no doubt that the spirit of Charles Martel still lives in Europe and will prevail.
Meanwhile…it’s damn sad. We will be living in very interesting times.
This is rather telling –
My first thought was –
“If I were a Muslim and if I firmly believed it was the duty of Muslims to spread Islam into infidel countries as rapidly as possible, and if by some miracle I were put in charge of that operation, what would I change from the way things are now actually happening?”
My answers to that question would be –
“Absolutely nothing. Countries that are already Muslim should continue to resolutely refuse to take Muslim refugees in. Instead they should both encourage and subsidise the violence that the Muslim refugees are fleeing from and at the same time quietly encourage and subsidise the resulting movement of Muslim refugees into infidel countries. They should also do their best to undermine the economies of infidel countries, especially infidel oil production (e.g. that from oil shales, tar sands and fracking). The best way to achieve this is to flood the markets with low-priced Islamic oil.”
War using soldiers and armaments to invade other countries is now out of date? It is now more effective to use economics and tsunamis of refugees? Makes sense?
My second thought was more cynical – “It serves the Swedes right”.
I like Denmark. Bring on the Long Ships and bugger the so-called refugees
If you click on the link you’ll see a man gunning down another man, a Full Monty of it. The one who hits the dust is a suspected thief. But, again, be warned, if you object to guns and what pulling the trigger could do, avoid clicking on the link.
Herbert Thornton – 17:16
And when these ‘productive immigrants’ are installed in our industries, they will be productive until, that is, they bring out their prayer mats. Production will be hit, until control has been restored to those in control 🙂
Dhimmis do require dimness as a quality.
Frank P @ 00:09
Hard to decide what’s worse, Frank, the treatment of the canines shown in the link Baron cannot watch, or the treatment of homosexual men by the Iranian Secret Police, glueing the top of their penises, forcing them to drink a lot of water, displaying their agony torn bodies from cranes.
But what matters is the boy got our priorities right, the setting up a fund of £30n to be spent in Putin’s Russia aiming to get rid of the law banning promotion of homosexuality to men younger than 18.
EC@September 10th, 2015 – 13:14
Oh i heard the bloke outsode the lanes alright. I sat outside Costa for a while and he was driving me barmy. I thought ‘why doesnt he go to Luton and try that?
we got the train from Appleby. isnt Citadel stn a gem?
Baron’s watching (as he types) the man who runs the Czech Chamber of Commerce. He says some local employers had already finished a selection process, could give a job to 500 immigrants, are ready to set up a fund to teach them the language, another fund for their kids.
As he’s being interviewed, the TV screen also has a running written commentary, ordinary people commenting on what he says, and in general on the swarms of immigrants flowing (mostly through the small Republic) further west to Germany and beyond.
In the one hour of the programme, not one, not a single one comment is favourable, each and every one opposes the current policy, is critical of the EU, Germany in particular, some of the running submissions border on racism, they’re unprintable. How representative it is of the whole country is hard to say, but the Chamber of Commerce man admits himself that ‘over 80% of his members are in total opposition to his views, the country even more so’. He explains it by the fear factor, says ‘better information, education, closer individual closeness with the newcomers’ will change all this.
A rumour has spread, got picked up by the local MSM that some of the refugees are in contact with ISIS, the PM of the country has denied it on TV saying ‘there’s absolutely no truth in it, the secret service has assured him so’.
If it were true, would he publicly admit it?
Baron – 19:15
Darwinism in action!
Read the comments…
Alexsandr – 19:53
I like the station, but the platform cafe is a bit pricey tho.
How are the Spanish taking this “Reconquista” from the rear?
Speaking of Reconquista, I’m in a different mood today:
Is Rod Liddle a Colonel Mustard clone
Or simply led by him into errant ways
See comments
Exponential drivel! FFS grow up!
What’s the connection?
Far left Sadiq Khan wins the Labour candidature for ‘Mayor of London’. Anybody surprised?
And we’re importing more of the feckers, in hordes – with open arms!
A fitting announcement on the anniversary of Nine Eleven?
As we’ve already surrendered our Nation to them, perhaps they will refrain from blowing it up and killing it’s Dhimmified citizens? Think so?
I see that Labour has chosen Luftur Rahman Lite as their candidate for the 2016 London Mayoral election.
Tessa Jowell lost out by a horse’s head…
and so it goes…
May the farce be with you!
Frank P – 13:01
Shame, and here was me looking forward to London being a sanctuary for displaced Itaiian indigenes. I was looking forward to seeing men in sharp, dark suits not necessarily being Mormons. Bigger shame: That’s Tony’s dream of a London Chianti-shire cafe culture buggered then…
EC (13:09)
Muzzie Mob in – cosa nostra out! Hadn’t you heard?
Wonder what Mrs Mills’s old mate Silvio is up to these days – probably making a buck people-trafficking?
Oh for the days when Mrs Mills was famous for playing the Joanna, competing with Russ Conway for TV gigs.
You didn’t have a bet on Flabbot getting the nomination then?
And speaking of Silvio, Sadiq just did to Tessa what Silvio did to the traffic warden in Germany:
► 0:32
Sorry – the you tubeblink didn’t work … But you know the one.
Frank P – 13:42
Treble whammy tomorrow, as Corbyn is going to be anointed as not only Labour Leader, but and the de facto Archbish’ of C*ntsberry, AND de facto Chairman of the BBC!
It seems that Polly, Tessa, Tony, Mandy and the rest of New Labour’s esspresso sipping & focaccia eating classes will have to decamp to their respective Tuscan villas!
The only upside for Di Flabbert is that she can resume trousering the £700 pw for her Thursday night appearances on Brillo’s increasingly turgid and irrelevant “This Week” program.
e&oe etc.
John Birch 1344
Give Aylan Kurdi his due
Whatever the truth of the Australian reports he has been reported around the world to say this
“I want Arab governments not European countries to see what happened to my children and, because of them, help people.”
and charlotte proudman decides to put a provocative pic on linked in then complain when she gets a compliment.
vacuous bint
Ms Proudman is a litigious barrister
Are you now at risk
If I post agreement
Am I at risk
If I post disagreement
Am I at risk from Alexander Carter-Silk
This is why I despise lawyers from party destroyer Tony down
On what moral grounds could anyone still argue the scrapping of capital punishment was the step in the right direction?
Alexsandr – 17:40
I don’t think she is vacuous at all, and being that she’s got the hump, more of a camel than a “bint.” She’s definitely not somebody whose company I would seek out – she wouldn’t last five minutes with me 🙂 Whatever…
I cannot understand why Ms. Proudman, who is jumping on the contrived outrage/victim of male aggression bandwagon used by so many feminists, is prepared to put up with a surname that is a euphemism for a male erection.
I can only assume that jibes from her male colleagues about her surname combined with enquiries about the content of her briefs, eg. “will it stand it stand up in court” etc., have contrived to send her round the bend. Mr. Carter-Silk’s unsolicited compliment must have been the “straw that finally broke the camel’s back” so to speak!
Very nice of Vlad to arrange a little buzz of British airspace too help publicise Sky’s documentary ‘Top Gun’ tomorrow evening. You know if I was a cynic I might be tempted to think that Sky made it up, to justify the hype, considering that the RAF has been a little less than fully occupied of late, with the exception of tear-arsing around over Norfolk and occasionally targeting the Holbeach marshes.But then, as Wallsters know I’m no cynic, so I’m sure it’s just Vlad flexing his muscles a he looks forward to watching the Sky doc. quietly chuckling to himself. After all, with Obama in the WH and CMD in No.10 there’s not a dewdrop’s chance in hell that anyone will do a damn thing about it, so he may as well have some fun, take the piss and give Sky some sexy footage?
EC (20:37)
She’s not related to Jack Dromedary, Hattie Harperson’s house-boy, is she? ☺
Jack and Hat have had their fingers in many a PIE, so to speak. Speaking of which … See Baron (18:42).
” It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk.
More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.
The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence…. ”
E C 20.37
It’s not her real name, she changed to it a few years ago.
Today Miss Proudman’s aunt Lynda Searancke said: “She did write a vitriolic email to her grandmother.
“There are issues on Charlotte’s mother and I don’t want to talk about those because they are nothing to do with me.”
Miss Proudman was born Charlotte Bailye but changed her name several years ago, saying it was to “honour” her maternal grandmother.
Mrs Searancke, of Cinderford, Glos., denied there had been a family feud, though she said she had not seen her niece in “years”.
Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland have all rejected Merkel’s “refugee” quota coercion. Good for them.
But does it mean what I think it means about the flip-flopping idiot in No.10?
John birch – 05:27
You mean, she’s really “Bailye” of the Bailey???
This keeps getting better and better. YCMIU !
Baron, September 11th, 2015 – 18:42
Frank P, September 11th, 2015 – 21:37
The only cure for that is a firing squad.
Colonel Mustard – 07:40
The BBC are reporting that anointing/enthronement of Corbyn I is at 11:30am.
This is a perfect smokescreen for “the flip-flopping idiot in No.10” to business resume the “business as usual” of the long march! i.e. don’t look at me, look at him, he’s far worse. etc.
Next Thursday’s special offer at – Syrian refugees
Long live the king
This is all we need to know about today
“The tools of fascism are simple — lie consistently and the people will replace the truth with your updated narrative. A few days ago Jeremy Corbyn was interviewed by the BBC about his past — he denied knowing that a friend was a Holocaust denier and referred to meeting up with him some fifteen years earlier. Since that interview, a photograph has surfaced on the official internet site of Holocaust denier Paul Eisen. It shows Corbyn at a formal reception for Eisens’ organisation (Deir Yassin Remembered), held in 2013”
To credit the uncredited “The tools of fascism . . .” etc.:-
Don’t be fooled by the pretend sparring. Labour love him and will readily jump on his bandwagon together with all the disparate communist-socialist political gangs that flirt around them. By 2020 he will be Obama, enjoying hopey changey, yes we can hysteria. Then he will become Chavez to England’s Venezuela.
Presiding over left wing lies and cherished myths to cover up the stink of the rotten truth.
EC September 12th, 2015 – 08:47
Watch for the triumphalism and glee, barely contained as the BBC pretend to offer serious observation. The most fascinating aspect will be how the BBC’s resident Labour rent-a-gob stalwarts go from “reservations” to sycophancy in the hope of a job in his politburo.
The BBC managed this gem about Venezuelan opposition leader Lopez sentenced to 13 years and 9 months imprisonment for not being an aspiring communist lefty (although his party, despite being classed as centre-right, is a member of Socialist International – such is the spread of the political progressive gene):-
“For many poorer Venezuelans, Lopez is seen as a dangerous figure who incites violence and coups against the government and who is out of touch with the needs of most ordinary people.”
Of course. Not even the pretence of a citation for that. Who are these “poorer Venezuelans” the BBC has consulted?
good news on the assisted dying bill getting chucked out. Murdering the inconveniently frail & confused is not what society should do.
Yes I know there are safeguards, but they only need one cock up to make it a tragedy.
Triumphalism abounds
A respected poster in the New Statesman said this
“It is worth understanding the attitude of the right. At the outset of the leadership contest, the more personally unpleasant, troll-ish elements of the British right declared themselves enthusiastic supporters of Corbyn. There were two motives:
Firstly, straightforward triumphalism.
No majority Tory government has ever won an election on such a low share of the vote as the party did in 2015, but its supporters behave as though they won a majority of 200 seats. These elements believe the left has already been defeated, and Corbyn’s ascendance will achieve nothing but the implosion of the Labour Party. Their second motive is to turn the left into a laughing stock, an absurd joke political position that does not have to be engaged with – and thus legitimised – but simply mocked and ridiculed.
Remember this is part of the cathartic process
Jane Hill, the BBC anchor covering the Corbyn Commie Circus, getting very excited and damp in the gusset at the prospect of the Long March moving to quick time. Haven’t seen that much fervour and froth since the Ho Chi Minh trot back in the late 60s.
Shaping up nicely – the prospect of a Muzzie farleft lawyer as ‘Mayor’ of Londonistan – and HM Leader of the Opposition in the Westminster Gasworks, preparing to lead the revolution in 2020 (a ‘visionary’ prospect so to speak).
And of course a full contingent of the Ugly Club out in full force. Someone tell me please – is physical ugliness the cause of communism, or the result of it?
The BBC really does have to go!
AND and in a similar vein… Here’s another tour de force from Richard Fernandez (which Frank P may have linked earlier)
“Fergus Ryan, writing in the Guardian, quotes sources that regret that capitalism isn’t being more cooperative with government. “China’s leaders look powerless against destructive market forces.The longstanding perception created by Communist rulers that they are always ultimately in charge takes a battering from feral capitalism,” his article leads. It’s a phrase we often hear: feral capitalism. What happens when it meets Feral Communism? The score so far: markets 1: politburo 0.”
What “feral capitalism” does is send investors to the barber for a haircut. It will hold up a mirror to the bankrupt and show him his actual state of affairs. This will cause no end of trouble to politicians who’ve promised entitlements to all and sundry because it will make clear to the electorates of Venezuela, Greece, much of Europe, China and the US that all that free government money their leaders have promised them is a lie. Nothing but Three Card Monte, a shell game.
There is still money but the pea under the shell is actually your own pea, not a prize sourced externally from the system. That is the hard reality under the illusion. Most of the other stuff you are counting on obtaining, because it’s been promised by a guy with creased pants, is really fairy mist, lovely to behold at a distance, but smoke and mirrors at close range.
The collapse of currencies, markets, accounts, is really like the fall of dreamscape cities in movies when you are about to wake up. But something of it is real. The periodic upheavals the world undergoes has the purpose of momentarily putting the worst grifters out of business so that in the interval the sheep can recover their depleted numbers.
It’s the Circle of Life, the Wheel of Fortune, Hakuna Matata.
Read it all here:
Frank P – 10:28
“And of course a full contingent of the Ugly Club out in full force.”
Supporting evidence: That Laura Kuentssberg, Scotch Krusty Squawk apprentice, and that’s just for starters!
It is to be hoped that Richard Kemp is preparing for the inevitable. Are there enough of his ilk left to do what’s necessary? It will have to be the armed services that will achieve it, if it’s any long possible; the Constabulary is already a goner.
Corbyn wins Labour.We live in exiting times.
Just watched a weird drama on TV wherein the Labour Party elected Wurzil Gummidge as its leader and a pumpkin, with spectacles affixed, as its deputy leader. Bizarre.
Radford NG
“We live in exiting times.”
You got that right buddy. Exiting stage left!
UK Labour have a bigger problem than they think.
Re-crunching the numbers discounting ALL the £3 votes, Corbyn still won in the 1st round of voting with 51.4% of the votes!
Deputy leader: Thank god we, & our TV screens, will be spared that awful gurning angst of patronising (in)sincerity that Stella Creasy always exhibits!
EC at 13-30
My quick calculation of available figures was that he won by over 11,000 votes from the Party and affiliates;and was short by just over 2,000 party votes of the party members.
Frank P at 13-11
I had a feeling there was some thing wrong with that but was too ecxited to be bovvered.
Radford NG – 13:38
Yes but the rules didn’t state that he had to win every section. With Members & Affiliates combined he got 51.4%. That’s still a massive problem for them!
Surely anywhere else, if the voting citizens were sane, there would be either a revolution or a ‘swarm’ of refugees fleeing these shores. Jeremy †heJerry Pot Rules!
Corbyn: The tributes flood in…
Gerry Adams:
Martin McGuinnes:
Hamas, Hezbollah, & ISIS to follow, no doubt.
One should be magnanimous, congratulate the cumryd, wish him well in his effort to conquer the next stage to no 10.
The country has mattered little before, it matters even less now, apparently his first act as a party leader is to attend a demonstration in favour of unrestricted immigration.
Is there nobody amongst the 60mn plus of us who could put a stop to this madness?
An oddball Corbynite calling himself Lewis Evans wrote this at the other place:-
“Given the history of Britains oppression of Ireland, i see no reason why IRA bombers cannot have a silence just as British soldiers who were involved in the oppression of the Irish have devoted silences.
Do you not see the hypocrisy?? we have minute silences for our British soldiers and then lambast anyone who suggests a silence for the enemy, who were often products of a violent oppression by our nation. Those Afghanis and Iraqis for example who fought against an illegal war imposed by the US and Britain. Should they not be allowed a silence too?
Our use of the term ‘Terrorist’ is absolutely selective and used purposely to completely remove the historical context. Terrorists after all are created in reaction to terrorists. The US and Britain for example are no different to the terrorists who bombed the trade towers. We have invaded or supported the invasion of countries whilst taking the lives of thousands of innocents.
Hamas are labelled terrorists but not Israel despite 2500 palestinians including 500 children being killed and only 75 israelis. Not to mention that it is Palestines rightful land… they are fighting an israeli invasion. So we criticise Corbyn for entering peace negotiations with Hamas, but not Cameron for supporting Israel by supplying them with weapons.
Pure hypocrisy. Go ahead and critisise Jeremy Corbyn for offering a silence to deceased IRA soldiers, but make sure you are highly critical of our minute silences devoted to soldiers who were involved in the oppression of Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan and Ireland.”
I’ve seen some sick crap from lefty scumbags in my time but this one takes a mouldy biscuit near the bottom of a particularly grubby tin. He seems to have a problem comprehending timelines and thinks that terrorists who deliberately murdered over 3,000 innocent people in the Twin Towers and who blow up pubs should be celebrated with a minute’s silence. The fact that Corbyn has mainstream supporters as insane as this should worry everyone.
anne wotana kaye – 14:03
INVASION! Look what’s really happening on the Greek islands
h/t Pat Condell
Feeling very happy today; 1. because Corbyn won, for although I strongly disagree with his politics, I find him a likeable figure, both modest and honest, rarities in politicians; 2. because Burnham lost, I’m still chortling over the sick expression on his face in the pics taken after the result; and 3. because the result will hopefully help the Tories considerably to win the next election. Good news all round. Just hope we’ve seen the last of Burnham in leadership elections. And also the Cooper/Balls combine, both losers.
September 12th, 2015 – 14:11
This is what I have been saying all the time.
Let’s hope a lot more so-called refugees get drowned, although it may pollute the waters. Still, at least the fish will have some meat, even if it is stinking.
Lesley C (15:18)
Honest? Modest? He’s a politician, FFS, and a commie to boot. You besmirch the words.
And while he is strutting the sinistral stage, as Colonel M points out, Cameron can masquerade as ‘centre right’ by false comparison, as he continues – and contributes to – Europe’s own version of the basically same Long March.
This ageing, bearded hippie must be reviled for what he is, a traitorous mi!itant union-backed snake in the grass who sings the Internationale to celebrate this factional stitch up as he joins the rest of Comintern in the corridors of power, with increased access to both funds and influence. Any real conservative who rejoices in this development should visit their optician and report severe myopia.
Lesley C.
September 12th, 2015 – 15:18
Feeling very happy today; 1. because Corbyn won, for although I strongly disagree with his politics, I find him a likeable figure, both modest and honest, rarities in politicians
I do believe that Hitler was honest, he said what he intended to do, and many thought him a likeable figure!
Kuwaits reason for not accepting refugees
“Kuwait and other oil-rich Muslim countries are too valuable to accept low-class Muslim refugees who we will have to support because they don’t want to work. We don’t want people who are different from us”
Frank P – 16:15
“And while he is strutting the sinistral stage, as Colonel M points out, Cameron can masquerade as ‘centre right’ by false comparison, as he continues – and contributes to – Europe’s own version of the basically same Long March.”
Aye, say it loud, and often! Corbyn belongs to the same “he came out of nowhere” category as Obama! This whole affair smacks of misdirection, and makes me wonder if the whole affair was stage managed by some unseen puppet master, and also that such disparate characters as Ann Barnhardt, David Icke, and Alex Jones (who all seem to be agreed what’s happening) aren’t that bonkers after all ! (… meanwhile Glenn Beck is spending far too much time on his knees)
Did anybody else register the “One World(er)” reference in Corbyn’s victory speech? After Cyclops’ gaffe about “this being the first year of world governance” at the Copenhagen Climate stitch up in 2009, his (& Blair’s) criticisms of Corbyn are pure cant!
Corbyn worked, if ‘worked’ is the correct adjective, as an official with the National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers, He also never had a job where he had to work to put food on the table. This made me think of my father, who was born in 1906. Although a brilliant scholar, as the eldest son in a family of eleven, his father compelled him to leave school and work in a tailoring sweat shop. He worked all his life in this trade, except for six years army service in the British Army. After his military service he went to work in a clothing factory. The days of the sweat shop had past, but a new horror plagued many of the workers. THE UNION. Although the period of the Depression and the hard times of his earlier years had made him believe in socialism, he found the corruption and hypocrisy of the Union, which later employed Corbyn, to be unacceptable. The officials were of the same ilk as Corbyn, taking money from the workers and doing nothing for their welfare, so my father left a fairly well-paid job and became self-employed. He still worked long hours, his back grew rounded from bending over a sewing machine, but he was free of the dictatorship of the Union. Seems somethings never change.
A solution to the refugee problem.
A 100,000 tented,serviced,village with room for 3 million:only used one week a year.
(A critical article from Bangladesh.)
Colonel Mustard @ 14:07
The Evans’s narrative you quote, Colonel, is a prefect example of moral relativism, one of the evil viruses that have invaded our society. Unless we keep on resisting the poisonous invader, it will devour us.
EC @ 14:11
Sickening, but the one question nobody has yet asked is ‘why now’? What has unleashed the tsunamis hitting Europe now, the Syrian conflict has been going on for over four years, the refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon have been filling up for over four years. Jordan’s Zaatari camp has been housing around 400,000 migrants continuously for at least two years, even though about half of the people have been returning back to Syria, another quarter dispersed to a number of countries, the rest seem resigned to say put, according to a Czech documentary. (the Czechs have build a power generating capacity providing electricity and running water). The suddenly, a huge move out not only from this camp, but others, too.
Baron suspects the hand of ISIS, strategically, it’s the best way for them to infiltrate Europe governed by a deluded political elites.
Sorry about the errors, the Czechs have built …also, ‘then, suddenly, a massive move out ..’
Lesley C. @ 15:18
The only silver lining of the cumryd’s gain, Lesley, may be that many of those who’ve voted Labour in the past will switch to voting UKIP.
Baron – 18:59 ‘why now’
We can all see many negative influences on our civilisation, but I don’t think they are necessarily coordinated. Each works to its own ends and, eventually the combined pressure breaks the dam. There might be exchanges of information, locally, that might ripple across the World, but it doesn’t need a Master Controller, just a common purpose and an understanding that everyone with that common purpose is on the same side.
It is similar to Capitalism making a pencil, though less wealth creating! Wood is needed, but the tree planter has no knowledge that the tree, once grown, will be used to make a pencil or a table. The paint could be destined for the pencil, or not, yet a pencil is there to purchase.
So I think the answer to your question is, because it could be done with the resources that were available, including our liberal MSM and the dhimmi PM.
RobertRetyred@September 12th, 2015 – 19:59
social media across the world. Once the idea has been seeded a migration like this will just mushroom.
Alexsandr – 20:09
Without any counter force, it is certain. Corbyn’s win is just this in miniature.
Cameron won the Tory leadership because, apparently, he was good at oratory. It was to the faithful, with a little ‘I’m a Euro-Sceptic’ bending of the truth.
He now needs to be able to win the basic arguments about free enterprise, keeping government from manipulating markets, producing independently minded individuals, the importance of parental responsibility. But he has never had to do this before. He has always been protected by custom, culture and the confidence of having available on side, and not far away.
Or, putting it more concisely, he is a liberal, with no interest in Britain’s future. And his chums like it that way.
No thank you, Mr. Obama:
“HOUSTON, Texas – A thin blue line of police supporters stretched for over a mile along a Texas highway on Saturday as over 8,000 Texans took to the streets. The marchers gathered in the #PoliceLivesMatter parade in memory of murdered Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth and in support of all police.”
EC (18:19)
” … his (& Blair’s) criticisms of Corbyn are pure cant!”
Nothing pure in those three cants – except undiluted evil.
Terry McGrath, a seasoned commentator opined yesterday
“People talk about this being an earthquake in politics, but, if you know your Bible, after the earthquake comes terrible wind and fire. You haven’t seen anything yet.”
In a lighter vein:
A Shropshire Lad…………….By John Betjeman.
And Ewan MacAskill
“There is a dread at Westminster among some Labour MPs, officials and advisers from the centre and right of the party. Some of them cling to the hope that Corbyn privately sees himself as a stop-gap leader, ready to hand over to someone else before the 2020 election. Corbyn does not see it that way: he has changed during the campaign, emboldened by the support, and is in for the long haul”
What in fact will happen is that Cameron will drag the Tories to the Blairite centre
Sadly UKIP will walk in to the vacuum on the right
Corbyn has just made Farage viable again
Baron September 12th, 2015 – 18:48
It’s also a perfect example of the way such loons distort history, even its timeline.
The attack on the Twin Towers occurred before Afghanistan and Iraq but that loon somehow transposed it as being reciprocal to those interventions. The comment was seething with undisguised hatred of his own country. Father issues probably, as with most revolutionary socialists.
The justification for IRA murder as “British oppression” is bunkum and ignores both the violent history of the Irish republican movement and the concessions to Irish autonomy made by the British government. In the early years of the 20th Century it was Irish country policemen on bicycles who were being murdered and British “atrocities” were in response to that, not the other way around.
Baron September 12th, 2015 – 18:59
I wonder that too. Why now?
“Seasoned commentator?”
Never heard of him… but sounds like we should treat his remarks with a large pinch of salt!
I see that slippery weasel Burnham has not ruled himself out from participating in Corbyn’s Shadow-y Cabinet, unlike the other leadership contenders. Expect to see that nasty little opportunist chancer’s communist credentials dusted off so that he can still be in the politburo.
And another aspirant feminist bully has managed to coerce a “personal apology” from a man for something he was not personally responsible for:-
Comments are interesting. The sexist feminist agenda of token gender inclusion once again bullies merit out of the room.
In the US, Rupert Murdoch has bought National Geographic in order to save it from bankruptcy and extinction. Nobody else wanted to take it on yet the lefties, who like to call themselves “progressives”, are complaining like fuck about it, calling Rupe a “climate change denier” when , to my knowledge, he’s never made any definitive statement about the subject – I suppose that is his crime – nothing but wholehearted endorsement will do when it comes to a leftist agenda.
NG is 2nd only the SciFi American (formerly Scientific American) in disseminating the junk science of climate change, its mythology and propaganda
The 0940 post was stunning
“That is the freaking point of the whole thing. Most people haven’t heard of them because they haven’t been talked about. That is why this woman is fighting to let people know that these women actually exist and that they did great work”
I was talking to a dog handler the other day. He was slagging his dog off, er, I mean he was complaining about how his dog was a bit useless. So I said “But ??? used to be a very keen, smart and efficient dog.” “Yes he was” he said. …that’s the dog handler talking… “Yes he was, but last week he was promoted to superintendent, and now he just sits on his arse and barks.
Jack Regan – extract , after dinner speech. (Sweeney, S4 Ep1 Broadcast 7-SEP-1978)
Loved the joke about “Alcoholics Unaminous” too.
PS. 1970’s – They don’t make cars like that anymore…
Thank god!
telemachus September 13th, 2015 – 10:41
1. She is not “fighting” but complaining
2. It is not about “letting people know” but coercing a feminist agenda where female subjects are forced into educational syllabi simply because of their gender rather than their merit. That IS sexist. The Mary Seacole factor.
3. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that those women haven’t been talked about and a classic example of the creation of “victim” status to serve a modern political agenda. Hundreds of male composers are genuinely unknown outside specialist musical circles. Clara Schumann was portrayed by Katherine Hepburn in a 1947 film. A two volume biography of her appeared in 1913. The issue is their coerced inclusion in an exam syllabus merely because they happen to be women. The male composers were not included in the syllabus simply because they were men but because of their established stature in music.
3. A man was bullied into “personally apologising” for something that did not require an apology.
What is stunning is that the kind of sexist tripe now being peddled by feminists and their left wing male fawners is conflated with any kind of respect for true equality and merit.
The petty squabbles and schisms of a demoralised party that was wiped out in the last general election; its ceding to the SWP cabal of the party and the thin veneer of politeness – so called ‘niceness’ – of the old Commie hippie who has weasled his way into ‘leadership’ of the ‘pahty’, amount to nothing in the face of the implaccable threat of the EU and its handling of the Islamic invasion that is currently underway. It’s a mere distraction from the forthcoming referendum on the EU. Let’s keep our eye on the ball; the existential threat that faces our country, is not from the risible Comrade Corbyn, but the looming disaster of demographic and cultural annihilation; more ceding of national sovereignty.
The threat from the thin-lipped, effete Jewemy is by comparison a gnat’s fart in a thunderstorm. Remember Michael Foot?
…as for the proposed ‘progressive alliance’ with the remnants of the Libdems: a new issue of Commie camouflage?
At least the last but one poster is in good company
No less than the good Jeremy
“Welcome to the future. To the brotherhood that will sweep to power. Women, know your limits! Don’t fret: you can help. You may already have helped. You may have been a caretaker for the party like Harriet Harman and have received a sparse smattering of applause from the brothers today. Well done.
You may have stood for leader or deputy leader and lost. Again: well done, ladies. Jeremy Corbyn will include you, and consult you on equality. He is a feminist. Let joy be unconfined.
The new brocialism cares deeply about women’s issues of course – just not enough to elect an actual woman. They don’t need to, because good lefties speak for all us. They don’t even notice gender. This can be the only explanation for that gobsmacking meeting today in which Jeremy Corbyn was anointed leader and not one woman’s voice was heard.
Banging on about gender parity, or even trying to look like those you represent, has been consigned to the same bin as Blairism. It’s been taken care of by those who care deeply in theory. Just not in practice”
And telemachus once again dodges any credible engagement for yet more presumptive provocation and labelling.
I’m not in any company relating to Corbyn, Corbynistas or any of the other varieties of communist-socialist gangs or the “victim” groups they have contrived to bully and bleat their way to control over us all.
Detestation of the post-modern feminist agenda and all its horrid works is not misogyny although it is artfully convenient to try to construe it as such. Just as concerns over limitless immigration is now construed as racism/xenophobia/little englanderism and concern over Islamic terrorism and politicking as Islamophobia.
Resistance to the modern breed of feminists is not even male chauvinism since the aspiration of the feminists themselves appears to be female chauvinism motivated by misandry and achieved by fascism. As usual the gangs of the left attribute to their enemies the vile practices they most excel in themselves.
A clue is in the fact that whilst we hear much (ad nauseum) about feminists and misogyny the words masculinist and misandry are curiously absent from the “narrative”. Hence why we are where we are.
Frank P September 13th, 2015 – 12:04
Corbyn will unite as a “leader” all those lefties who conceal their marxism behind the facade of being “moderate” so one could expect a good few Lib Dems to sign up.
What will emerge from this is not how many lefties are opposed to Corbyn but just how few are.
Just realised – better analogy to the ‘gnat’s fart in a thunderstorm’, would be telemachus’s peashooter against the Colonel’s Big Bertha.
I sometimes wonder the Colonel has invented tele as a debating device.
If he did, may I respectfully suggest the device insufficiently testing. To overuse another hackneyed metaphor “shooting fish in a barrel”☺
Colonel M (12:53).
Exactly! Moreover what’s all this anti-austerity’ they’re peddling as a flagship of the new ‘movement’ (movement being the operative word in a different connotation).
What austerity? The largesse to layabouts – and aliens both external and internal – is already profligate and the posturing of the current administration of faux conservatives has done nothing to stem that. Imagine what would transpire if Jewemmy and his Trot twats managed to wrest the levers of the perceived ‘power of Parliament’ (ha!) from the Europhile traitors?
Btw – no sign of UKIP today? WTF is Farage? Has the MSM frozen him out in their orgasmic acclamation of yesterday’s ‘victory’?
Soeren Kern hammers it home:
A taster of om the above link:
“The move by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels to force European countries to throw open their borders — and to require them to provide migrants with free clothing, food, housing and healthcare for an indefinite period of time — not only represents an audacious usurpation of national sovereignty, it is also certain to encourage millions of additional migrants from the Muslim world to begin making their way to Europe.”
“The huge influx of migrants into southern Germany has continued unabated, with the Munich authorities now saying 13,000 arrived on Saturday.
But the city authorities have again warned they are at “the limit” when it comes to coping with the numbers.”
Oh dear, is their patience exhausted”
1257, 1316
It has always been a mistake to deny the tide of history
On Andrew Marr this morning Watson a moderate told us that there would be no new leader before 2020
Jeremy Corbyn has been lambasted by all the mainstream media but all he has said is that we should use the vast resources of society to meet people’s needs
It seems so obvious–if people are hungry, they should be fed; if people are homeless, we should build homes for them; if people are sick, the best medical care should be available to them. Our society should take the immense wealth of the rich and use it to meet the basic needs of all society. The money wasted on weapons should be used to end poverty, homelessness, and all other forms of scarcity
In truth it seems obvious that our society should guarantee every person enough to eat and a sturdy roof over their heads. The education system should be made free–and reorganized so that every child’s ability is encouraged. Health care including prescriptions should be made free and inequalities instilled by BUPA abolished
Jeremy would also make the case that transportation would also be made free–and more practical and efficient. All of these basic needs would become top priorities
Jeremy’s society would not revise the existing wealth of the ruling class, but also its economic control over the world. Under the current system, important economic decisions are left to the chaos of the free market and to the blind competition of the wealthy in the City scrambling for profits. Jeremy will ensure that the majority of people would plan democratically what to do and how do it
So, in that the majority of the people would be better off in a Society following the dictums of JC it follows that 2020 will be a slam dunk for the party of reason and caring
telemachus September 13th, 2015 – 16:11
Oh belt up about your “tide of history” and “Jeremy”. Communist-socialists have always claimed that before they thoroughly stuff up countries and societies.
It is a nice deceit in line with the “progressive” baloney spouted by all the usual suspects that ideological driven “reform” (aka revolution) perpetrated by a small minority of power-seizing commie loons is the “tide of history”. Pol Pot said exactly the same thing. It is not the “tide of history” but the tide of the feckless, unwashed and grievance ridden manipulated by a nasty little gang of gobby chancers with father issues.
Currently you and the rest of the ghastly crew think that it is the rest of the world that should be fed, housed and given medical care at the expense of the British taxpayer. You won’t touch a scrap of that “immense wealth” (some of which is in the hands of lefty grandees and their dynasties, including Blair), but will instead put the squeeze on the working classes who will end up paying in more ways than just through their taxes.
And yes, stop spending money on weapons so that “Jeremy’s” friends in ISIS and other terrorist organisations can wreak havoc here.
Barking, the lot of you.
Colonel Mustard – 16:55
The ‘tide of history’ is that even Muslims think Islamic countries are dysfunctional hell-holes that can only be made into barely tolerable hell-holes if they have oodles of oil to finance their diminished lives.
16.00 – “We are simply full here in Munich,” Dieter Reiter, the mayor told ZF television after 12,000 migrants arrived in the southern German city on Saturday – the most yet in a single day.
Cameron’s constituency, Witney, is already full as can be wilh migrants, with no migrants arriving this month; in fact, no migrants present at all! 🙂
The ‘all-we-need-is-love’ Germans have had enough, with immediate effect they’re closing the Austrian border (roads, railways), may do the same with the Czech, Italian boarder crossings, still insist others must share the burden, which the eastern members continue to resist, would help only on a voluntary basis, moreover, the Hungarians say they will never accept any followers of Allah.
HS2 delivering more bad news:
HS2 will cut platforms at Euston by one third
The rebuilding of Euston station for HS2 will permanently cut the number of platforms for existing trains by about a third, it can be revealed
“HS2 documents seen by The Telegraph show that in its final state Euston will be left with only 13 conventional platforms, down from 18 now. Other sources suggest the number of conventional platforms could fall to as few as 11.
The number of approach tracks for trains entering the station will also fall by a third, from six to four, almost as soon as work starts in just over a year’s time. Some trains from the North of England will terminate at Queen’s Park, near Kilburn, four miles north of Euston, with passengers forced to reach central London by tube.
The successful Overground local stopping service to Watford may also be at risk. It too could be curtailed short of central London, or diverted. Two of the platforms at Euston used by local services will be taken out of service almost as soon as work starts in 2017.
Internal Network Rail minutes say that even these initial reductions in the number of platforms risk a “London Bridge” situation at Euston, a reference to the crowd chaos after a botched upgrade left London Bridge without enough platform and track space to accommodate its trains. Two thirds of passengers using Euston are commuters.”
RobertRetyred @ 19:59
Good point, Robert, yet it does’t explain the question, you could have made the same argument any time since 2011, there must have been a trigger that unleashed the tsunamis now as until now it had been a dribble.
Btw, the Hungarians say there’s about 10 million additional migrants in the ME alone ready to move north in the coming months. Brussels have threatened the eastern ‘reffusniks’ with cutbacks in financial help.
In the last few minutes, the Czech Commissioner for Security said all border crossings with Austria would be closed with immediate effect, no more Schengen nonsense, back to visa based entries only.
It will be interesting to see what the Austrian, Serbian and Italian authorities have to say to this.
telemachus @ 16:11
Why not go the Full Monty, telemachus, make everything anyone desires free at the point of consumption, it will go down the treat, Baron will endorse it, too, why should some entrepreneur drive a Rolls, the barbarian a second-hand contraption, come on, you tell the cumryd to suggests it, the vast majority of the unwashed must also back it, a similar set-up had produced a nirvana for those Russians, Poles, Hungarians, east Germans who tried it, is still creating vast untold wealth for the Cubans, North Koreans, why should the good burghers of Britain be missing it?
For the last time, my sparring partner, one cannot create wealth by sharing it, it ain’t doable, capitalism is awful, but it’s yet to be improved upon, it’s the best because it contains as its core the best motivation for wealth creation – each individual’s desire to improve his lot, this and nothing else is what has always driven societal progress, trust Baron, he knows, he’s lived in the future you and the cumryd want offer the British unwashed.
A start of a new school year in Birmingham, Luton, Bradford …
Ahmed Al Sheriah?
Mustafa Al Sheriah?
Fatima El Bindiri?
Ali Achmah Shabeeb?
Ali Sun Al En?
No answer…
Ali Sun Al En?
A little girl’s voice at the back of the class: ‘It’s pronounced Alison Allen, sir’.
I know you are not a fan of Wikipedia
But consider this
A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000. The three richest people in the world possess more financial assets than the lowest 48 nations combined. The combined wealth of the “10 million dollar millionaires” grew to nearly $41 trillion in 2008. A January 2014 report by Oxfam claims that the 85 wealthiest individuals in the world have a combined wealth equal to that of the bottom 50% of the world’s population, or about 3.5 billion people. According to a Los Angeles Times analysis of the report, the wealthiest 1% owns 46% of the world’s wealth; the 85 richest people, a small part of the wealthiest 1%, own about 0.7% of the human population’s wealth, which is the same as the bottom half of the population. More recently, in January 2015, Oxfam reported that the wealthiest 1 percent will own more than half of the global wealth by 2016. An October 2014 study by Credit Suisse also claims that the top 1% now own nearly half of the world’s wealth and that the accelerating disparity could trigger a recession
Now those are extreme statistics
Jeremy has said he supports aspiration
But aspiration does not have to lead to “obscene inequalities”
Meanwhile,way down south; Mayor Robert Menard in Beziers rounds up a posse and goes and tells illegal immigrants they are not welcome in town.
telemachus @ 19:15
It all depends, telemachus, whether one favours a system that produces a small bunch of sickeningly rich, or one that produces poverty for all.
After the communist thugs seized power in the February 1948 putsch in the then Czechoslovakia, the first step they took was to seal the borders, the next one was a financial reform in 1953. Every penny the unwashed of the country possessed got converted at a rate of 50 to 1, except for a small amount equal roughly to a two month average wage, which was converted at 5 to 1.
At a stroke, every burgher in the country was equal, equal in poverty, the dream of the founder of the communist monstrosity, Lenin, happened at a stroke. Since then until the monstrosity collapsed in 1990, the ambition of an individual counted for nothing, nobody could earn more than what the planners assigned to the job he performed, one’s striving, appetite for self enrichment, initiative got replaced by moral coercion aided by the threat of imprisonment for those who didn’t heed the agitprop pressure of ‘you’re working for yourself, not some nasty capitalist exploiting you, work hard cumryd’.
It was indeed a society where ‘to everyone according to one’s needs, from everyone according to one’s ability’ ruled for a while, a noble, compassionate, a heart warming sentiment, (then the black market kicked in).
Does Baron have to tell you, it didn’t work?
Admittedly, what Jeremy proposes doesn’t mimic the communist model fully, but it’s a big step towards it, taylor-made for a society that would object to a sudden instalment of it.
‘Go home!’ After years of Eastern European migrants starting new lives in the UK now it’s the turn of their own countries to complain about new arrivals
* Demonstrators in Warsaw chanted ‘Islam will be the death of Europe’
* As many as 5,000 protesters attended the anti-migrant rally in Warsaw
* Prague saw several hundred people protesting outside the government headquarters, angry over the arrival of migrants in Eastern Europe
* Slovakia set to veto immigration quotas at EU emergency meeting
“Thousands of angry protesters took to the streets in Eastern Europe to voice their opposition to the influx of migrants into the region.
‘Islam will be the death of Europe’ chanted protesters at a rally in Warsaw, with the pre-dominantly Roman Catholic crowd reaching as many as 5,000 people.
Hundreds of people also demonstrated in Prague and in the Slovak capital Bratislava, some holding banners reading: ‘You’re not welcome here so go home’.
The vast demonstration in Bratislava comes as the country’s interior minister Robert Kalinak confirmed that Slovakia will veto any decision on mandatory quotas.
Mr Kalinak is expected to join ministers from the other 27 member states at an emergency meeting on Wednesday in order to discuss the refugee crisis.
‘I have the government’s and the parliament’s mandate to veto any questions concerning the quotas because they don’t make any sense, they are directly pointed against the refugees and don’t solve the crisis in any way,’ the Slovakian interior minister said.
Hungary has seen some 180,000 people entering illegally this year and has passed a raft of tough new laws that will take effect on Tuesday, meaning anyone crossing the border illegally can be deported or even jailed.
‘These people are not fleeing danger and don’t need to be scared for their lives,’ hardline Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told Germany’s Bild daily.”
And Dhimmi Dave is still planning to renegotiate, in order to stay in this dysfunctional Merkel-State, this Juncker-junket, this Euro-sclerotic corpse!
At least we aren’t the only ‘wacists in this authoritarian mad house! 🙂
And I rather liked our Eastern European waitress, who served us hot chocolate and cake at a local eatery.
And Marine Le Pen is standing for President of the Pais-de-Calais Region in Decembers elections.
A five minute break from “events”
GoPro camera launched, lost in 2013 returns to reveal Grand Canyon from space.
or on YouTube:
(sorry about the music, but that’s youngsters for you…)
Callers challenge BBC presenter over biased coverage of migrant crisis
Shadow cabinet.
Home Office……..Andy Burnham
Foreign Office ……Hilary Benn
Justice Secretary (what-ever that is)…..Lord Falconer.Remember him from the Dr. David Kelly Affair.
RobertRetyred has remarked above on this development.
“‘We can’t take any more!’ Germany stops ALL trains from Austria as they reintroduce border controls and temporarily suspend Schengen Agreement .”
The humanitarian disaster of which “locals” speak is actually an impending civilizational disaster deliberately organized by the usual suspects; but the noise we are hearing is that of political correctness colliding with reality. and the game may not yet be up.
Perhaps they should all be directed to Brussels and Strasbourg…
Even the feminists are beginning to get it…
Baron 2056
But why did it not work
Could it have something to do with human greed
The greed of those in the West who did not want it to work and used every trick in the book to destabilise the situation
telemachus has been to Russia many times and was astonished beyond the Millenium to find that the youth hankered after the height of the old regimes power in the 1950’s
Populations are happy when they are equal
Even equal in what we might consider deprived circumstances
Inequality breeds dissatisfaction
Is it better to be happy or rich
The shape-shifting Uber-Weasel Burnham in the Shadow-y Cabinet yet again. From Blairite to Brownite, still esconced there under Miliband and now slithering back in as Corbyn’s Shadow-y Home Secretary.
Andy will show how we can value police
May, supposedly from a Law and Order Party has stuck the boot in month after month
Meanwhile McDonnell will ensure that the Osborne current imposition of now unnecessary austerity is seen for the doctrinaire attempt to shrink government that it is
He will ensure that Osborne is seen as our Donald Trump
“He will ensure that Osborne is seen as our Donald Trump”
Now I definitely know who you really are!
telemachus September 14th, 2015 – 07:38
Like he showed us how we can value hospitals such as Mid-Staffs.
The police need the boot sticking in, not politicising even more.
More about the ‘friendly’ , ‘nice’ and ‘reasonable,’ ‘leader’ of HM Opposition:
Yet more identity group politics from Labour:-
Division and differencing by government interference where there should be natural integration and homogeny.
More straws in the wind:
Those still unwilling to recognize that real journalism is conducted by the Alex Jones Show and its connected organizations should know that a three-man team filed a report from Brussels on the Tuesday show recounting its visit to the muslim ghetto there which is notorious as the base of ISIS in Europe.
ISIS is, you will remember, the islamic arm of NATO.
The Alex Jones’ journalists, which included among them Joe Biggs, a former Staff Sergeant in the US Army with tours of active duty in both Afghanistan and Iraq behind him’ and the intrepid young Englishman, Paul Joseph Watson, did not receive a friendly welcome from the muslim colonists in the European Union capital…
“It’s worse than we thought.”