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“The next two years could be the hottest on record globally, says research from the UK’s Met Office”.
in the meantime it’s ruddy freezing here in London!
I thought we were about to have the coldest and longest Winter for 50 years according to research from the UK’s Met Office!
A belated “שנה טובה” to all our Jewish friends…
Meanwhile more empty words from Dave…
He’s trolling again!
September 14th, 2015 – 10:12
Thanks, EC, and let’s hope it will be a good New Year for everybody.
Richard Hernandez with another thought provoking analysis – with a sting in the tail for us:
In the context of Richard’s panoramic shot, even Alex Massie seems to have a point.
Anne (10:24)
I’m sure you appreciated Corbynski’s tweet in the comments of EC’s Guardian link.
Particularly in light of his decision to appoint a ‘Minister for Jews’. 🙂
Frank P
September 14th, 2015 – 10:41
Sure, sure! Might as well have Haman (From the Purim story, Book of Esther) 🙂
An interesting rant from the comments of Rod Liddle’s latest piss-take:
“Dan O’Connor • 11 hours ago
Unfortunately the mainstream Conservative / Tory / Republican parties in the West are not only far from being the exact opposite of Leftism / Cultural Marxism / Progressivism , they are in fact just the more buisness friendly version of it and they adopt Liberalism as the knee jerk default setting because they are petrified of the Left’s student’s union total dominance as the sole arbiters of right, wrong, evil good, and what is beneficial or destructive to Western society and morality.
Many capitalist Fortune 500 companies and billionaires and ther foundations including the Left’s hated ” Koch brothers “, donate to all kinds of Left wing causes and Left wing studies at univerisities such as combatting ” White privilege ” .
There is no such thing in the West as a coporation or capitalist billioniare who donates to right wing nationalist causes or groups.
The neo globalist capitalist plutocracy is not culturally / ideologically ” right wing ” and the Neo-Left technocracy is not presenting any oppostion to globalism / capitalism
The Neo-Left is a cult of middle / upper class cosmopolitan newly emerging technocrats, intellectual aristocracy, priesthood with no working class roots , who despise the white working class, but pretend to be their friends just to get their votes
This emerging Neo-Left is in fact the Left wing of the crony Capitalist plutocracy., and they go along with it for certain benefits.
This is why Goldman Sachs , Microsoft , Apple, Facebook ,BP Oil , the Bilderberg Committee , CNN , MNSBC , and all the major donors to every Western political party go hand in hand with your obligatory multicultural sensitvities and diversity studies training course . Basically , this monster , this leviathan and all of its tentacles, self-perpetuates and self-replicates itself . Western civilzation is programmed to be on self-destruct auto-pilot for the short term gain of a number of interest groups.”
I would have read more of the comments, but Rod seems to have attracted a little band of nutters of late. And of course our resident troll feels quite at home in that company, even though Rod spurns him continually with short sharp jabs.
This Wonderful World:
Wonder what John Grierson would have made of today’s geopolitical chaos?
I see the Met Office is predicting that global temperatures will begin to rise soon, even though they have been stable for 18 years. But they are sure that they are about to start rising, just after the longest and coldest Winter for 50 years. Oh, but the UK might get seem to be getting cooler. But really it is about to get really hot everywhere else, so we need to stop using carbon and all pay lots more green taxes.
I agree with Alex Boot; Corbyn’s installation is part of a pandemic, like tuberculosis. Obama coughed and the rest of the Western World have become infected by the bacterium of evil:
Bad news from Australia.Tony Abbott has been defeated as PM by Malcolm Turnbull.
No Corbyn jokes circulating yet? The City usually starts the mill rolling. I suppose the fact that he managed to ‘outwit’ his co-candidates is the joke per se – difficult to cap that! Mind you Eddie the Eagle as Shadow Chancellor must be at least a contender. 🙂
Does he count her among the ‘wimmin’ in his ‘administration’? I demand a recount!
Radford NG (14:58)
Waiting to hear from Clear Memories. WTF is THAT all about?
Spectator:Tony Abbott…… has been put to the sword.Here’s why.
I’m sure all Wallsters will already be on their way to this jolly function; anyone got a spare drone and some surplus Libyan gelignite. If the devil could cast his net!
There is a fundraiser and a celebration for Jeremy Corbyn at The Forum, NW5 on September 14 featuring Jeremy Hardy, Francesca Martinez, Mark Steel, Sara Pascoe and Ava Vidal, hosted by Arthur Smith. Guest speakers are Owen Jones and Brian Eno. Jeremy Corbyn himself has promised to attend unless circumstances dictate that he can’t. Tickets –
See more at:
Frank P – 14:19
Another beautiful piece from Mr. Boot, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak 🙂 Hitchens and Corbyn are part of the same pantomime.
By comparison Max Boot’s recent piece on 9/11 was a bit of a pot boiler.
Frank P – 15:42
Tempting, but unless Marcus Brigstocke, Sandi Tossvig Piers Morgan are appearing then I definitely won’t be going… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Chocks away!
EC (15:58)
Yes; the two Boots are not on he same foot. Fathers & Sons in the same trade rarely harmonise. Probably evolutionary.
Frank 1520
“Why did the chicken cross the road?”
“That is a very serious issue at the heart of agricultural and transport issues and not helped by PFI”
If you are on Twitter try @corbynjokes
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Doctor who?
That’s right, a withdrawal of funding WILL lead to less doctors.
I had already looked at those but dismissed those from being anything that could be regarded, in any categorical sense, as ‘jokes’ or even mildly humorous, The Left attempting to be funny is even more pathetic than its attempts to be serious. And even my gallows humour cannot stretch to making a hundred million or so victims of the various strains of ‘socialism’ in under a century of infamy, in any way shape or form, ‘funny’. Not even the deaths of the useful idiots who subscribed to their ‘ideals’ and got whacked anyway. Not even ironic! Just plain evil as Alexander Boot adjudicates.
I thought Mr Boot agreed with Corbyn
Referring to Jeremy, Alexander Boot wrote:
” “We went to war,” he said, “that was illegal, that cost us money, that lost a lot of lives, and the consequences are still played out with … refugees all over the region.”
All true”
And goes on
“let’s shout ‘Hear, hear’ when the possibility of sending Tony down is mooted”
The Independent – 2 hours ago
Jeremy Corbyn has appointed a shadow “Minister for Mental Health” to his shadow cabinet, …
As the Colonel is busy I feel bound to point out that our troll quotes half a sentence, truncating its meaning and intent. Fuck off you warped wanker!
Anne (17:40)
Now there IS a Corbyn joke! Well done. Said Minister will be fully occupied dealing with the derangements within his own party. Get in line tele! There’s a waiting list of 18 months – it will get longer as the weeks pass..
Frank 1740
The full sentences
All true, while Tony’s defence makes no sense at all: “Saddam Hussein,” he says, “wasn’t exactly a force for stability, peace and prosperity for his country.”
By all means, let’s shout ‘Hear, hear’ when the possibility of sending Tony down is mooted.
EC @ 10:12
Seconded, EC, the message to our Jewish friends, and this.
God’s looking down at the mess, thinks ‘what an awful lot, the three Abrahamic faiths, instead of living in peace and harmony, they bicker, rape, kill each other without a break, I’ll teach them a lesson, another flood would do it, but this time no ark, no dove with bit of greenery in its beak, no sir, this time I’ll flood the lot, keep it that way forever. He calls the three leaders in, tells them that in one week, the earth will be nothing but a large pool of water.
The priest of the Christians gathers his flock, says ‘all our lives we’ve sinned, we’re all sinners, lets get on our knees, pray for salvation, the only path to heaven’.
The Islamic mullah orders every men in, says ‘we’ve prayed all our lives, did the pilgrimage to Mecca, killed the infidels and unbelievers, lets prepare to get our reward of the many virgins’.
The one in charge of the last Abrahamic faith surrounds himself with everyone, says ‘listen up, Jews, we have just seven days to learn how to live under water’.
שנה טובה
Frank P @ 14:19
The omni-all Mr. Boot’s right in that evil, whether of the Right or Left, is gradually creeping in, what he fails to see is that it’s the wholesale failure of past policies of the ‘consensus middle ground’ to solve the problems we’ve been facing that is at the core of the cumryd’s (or UKIP’s) success. Policies that ignore the bulk of the electorate, favour minorities, the ever increasing role of the State, the poisonous multi-culty, moral relativism and stuff – all that the pseudo-liberal Left has pushed for is coming back to bite them, the extremes of any hue are taking over.
UKIP have a new recruitment consultant:
Anger as Labour MP tells Government: Let’s keep accepting refugees until Britain BREAKS
Another version of that has thee stoical Jews, buried up to their shoulders, as the tide comes in, waving their hands and singing “Oh We do like to be beside the seaside!”
One of Jackie Mason’s I believe. Shame the Ummah have neither humour nor stoicism in their barbaric personae.
Some of you seem to have written off Peter H, Baron, who’s catching up on things, has scanned his blog, and even though he doesn’t share it all, the gist of Peter’s argument can hardly be faulted – the masses have been sending signals, nobody has responded, the ruling party, the old opposition, the MSM have turned a deaf ear to the brewing unrest, just look at the immigration data, it’s been aall yep, yep, yep, no deeds.
The cumryd appeared, is offering a new recipe, in Baron’s humble view, a recipe for a disaster, but it’s a plan as opposed to the vacuum of the any genuinely conservative vision. But then, is the boy, the H2B, really a conservative?
How should one explain this?“us-is-a-terrorist-state”-burn-us-flag-at-london-9-11-rally/?utm_source=Western+Journalism&utm_campaign=afb903c9ca-WCJ_9_12_119_12_2011&utm_medium=email
There was once in Britain a vigorous and thoughtful young leader of a small movement of people who were concerned about the islamicisation of their country.
He was quickly marginalised and threatened by those in whose interest it is to see British society torn apart and its civilisation further dismantled.
Where is he now?
Here is a filmed interview with him given to Breitbart on September 11, the anniversary of the date on which elements of the American state treasonously collaborated to murder 2,977 people, most of whom were their fellow citizens:
Frank P et al
My take on Abbots removal is that he is a true conservative following honestly-held Christian principles (and as a devout atheist, I actually see nothing wrong with that). He has steadfastly challenged the PC norm on every topic utterly pissing off the intelligentsia and sophisticates (if they’re not oxymorons here in Oz), the media, the socialists and the soft left.
He has scrapped the hated Carbon tax and reigned in the Climate change quangos.
He attacked the national broadcaster and started cutting their funds, stating (not unreasonably) that taxpayers money should not be used to funds attacks on those who voted in the government.
Whilst supporting Aboriginal rights, he pointed out that if they wished to follow their (alleged) culture, they were free to do so, but it was not up to the rest of us to fund their lifestyle choice.
He has stopped the boats and brought immigration fully under control.
He has started a Royal Commission to look into Trade Unions. This has exposed the thuggery and corruption at the heart of the Australian Labour Party. This has resulted in Federal Police starting investigations and the Crime & Corruption Commission looking at the activities of Union leaders and Labour politicians.
His government has agreed a free-trade agreement with China, to the howling anger of the unions and the protectionists that still pollute this land.
But, perhaps worst of all from the PC wankers viewpoint, he has promised a referendum to resolve the issue of single-sex marriage, knowing full well that most Aussies will vote it down. We can’t have democracy and the will of the people stymieing the wishes of the shirt-lifters, muff-munchers and sundry other deviants, can we?
Turnbull will soften on these issues at his peril. I may move in the wrong circles but I detect no public support for a soft liberal agenda on any of these issues; this nation is still broadly right of centre politically, believes in equality and a ‘fair go’ for all. They don’t actually care what people get up to in private, they just don’t want it rammed down the throats of them and their kids; they are receptive to immigration, but won’t accept scroungers, anti-social types and are becoming increasingly hostile to Islam. Most importantly, the see through the Climate change scam and refuse to fund it through their taxes and limits on their comfortable lifestyles.
Clear memories
Turnbull is a dangerous republican
I hope the Queen’s health remains robust
Aussies I perceive still like her as a person
Woe betide the monarchy if the choice is Charles
Instinctively folks like me are attracted to an ever bigger Europe
The chaos however induced by Frau Merkel however has not only put us at risk of free entry of potential Arab terrorists to the UK but also increased the magnetism of Europe.
The magnetism to well dressed bundle of currency carrying top of the range smartphone toting young males to Germany and later ourselves
The only way forward is to stop free migration from the EU to the UK
They will not allow this
We therefore must seriously consider pulling out
Perhaps the drive to this Eurosceptic view will be the lasting real corollary of the Jeremy accession on Saturday
telemachus September 15th, 2015 – 06:23
It’s not about a “choice” but the rules of succession. It’s not a Diane Abbott “we will have a discussion” thing where bolshy, whingeing lefties get to pre-determine a narrative. It’s not an X-Factor sleb popularity contest for the society you and your comrades have dumbed down.
On succession Charles himself could abdicate in favour of his eldest son on various personal grounds.
If anyone else starts talking about “missing a generation” in the succession then they are missing the point as well as being treasonous.
Let’s just make this crystal clear:-
telemachus September 15th, 2015 – 06:34
“Folks” like you are attracted to any sclerotic, undemocratic, bureaucratic behemoth of government as long as it waves a red flag and peddles socialist tripe.
Looks like Turnbull will be almost as big as disaster for Australia as the return of the ginger commie would be.
Corbyn and Turnbull both get a special mention in Mark Steyn’s excellent round up of what’s happening in the Anglosphere:
Worth passing this on as a necessary corrective to telemachusitis*:-
* A condition where the brain is addled into believing that politics inhabits a moral absolutism that is more religious than religion. One of the causes seems to be wearing a Mao cap and attending too many protest marches and rallies where the condition is highly contagious.
“58% of welfare payments in Sweden go to immigrants, who make up the majority of robbers, rapists & murderers.”
Paul Joseph Watson [ @PrisonPlanet 7 minutes ago ]
An ancestor of Frank P, perhaps?
We should have the right to defend our families and homes too. The un-repealed 1689 Bill of Rights enshrines that. Politicians have trampled on those rights and continue to do so whilst demonstrating that they and their politicised police are increasing unable or unwilling to protect us.
Not a very cheering piece of analysis, also a call to action, but ‘what action’ is the $64 thousands question.
Btw, does anyone know if the fertility rate includes aborted children? A quarter of a million in the UK alone, if Baron’s right.
Only we’re to blame for our cultural extinction, we bonk until we drop but have fewer kids, we have laws enabling a virtually unrestricted immigration, we’ve disarmed ourselves even though, as the Colonel points out, the 1689 Bill of Rights still sits on the statute books. As the Good Book says ‘one reaps what one sows’.
Malfleur @ 12:04
Our, the shorter, version rolls off the tongue better, Malfleur.
Colonel Mustard @ 11:09
You may have to correct the barbarian, Colonel, he quotes from memory, it’s from Machiavelli: I saw gravediggers, dancing, holding hands, shouting ‘thanks be to plague’. A scene not unlike the one of the cumryd’s backers dancing and cheering after the leadership count.
EC @ 09:44
Excellent piece, EC, what else, except that the day the cumryd got in wasn’t the day the Tories died, it was the day of their funeral, perhaps, the caput moment occurred when the boy got in well back in 2005.
I am working my way through Simon Sebag Montefiore’s excellent book, STALIN – the Court of the Red Tsar. It reminds me of my experience with Ian Kershaw’s equally fine two volume biography of A. Hitler. I bought the first volume of this last item in London in January 2013 and found it, like tackling the Montefiore book, like wading thigh deep across a lake of shit on a fine day. I have not yet bought volume 2, though it promises to be the more “exciting” of the two.
Largely past “the Terror” of the late 1930s, I am embarking on Part 6 – 1939-1941 and on the first page note Mikoyan noting that the great man had taken to speaking of himself in the third person (I have met one or two such people) and commenting “I think he went barmy”.
I don’t know how others read such books, but I find myself turning continually to the photographs to stare at the faces of the characters in an effort to contemplate, create and comprehend the reality of these people.
With recent denizens of the White House given to decorating the Christmas tree or their houses with Stalinist or Maoist themes, I think the times dictate that we identify and use all means to suppress totalitarian memes in politics at the earliest possible date. I turn from the biography of Stalin each day to the horror of the apparently unstoppable events in our time and see the path unfolding towards the same filthy crimes by the same people in different costumes speaking different tongues.
How do we stop it?
What is to be done?
Perhaps our house Stalinist, telemachus, has some ideas….
telemachus @ 06:34
The guilt chip on the shoulder of Germany seems unbearably huge, add to it the Mutti’s personal remorse for her East German past, and this is what one gets – they’ve opened the borders, then quickly realised the fallout may not be dissimilar to that of the Nazi days, camps galore thus they shut the borders. It’s too late, it’s bolting the stable door up after they’ve got in.
Not one of the past immigrants who was refused asylum has ever been deported back from Germany. Does anyone think the new immigrants who don’t make the grade for an asylum will be? Sweet baby Jesus, if you’re there, forgive them, they truly know not what they’re doing.
Corbyn refuses to sing the National Anthem at the Battle of Britain memorial service. He is a traitor and must never be allowed near power.
Malfleur @ 13:16
Perhaps not strange at all, Malfleur, the barbarian does the same, is also drawn to look at the faces of those capable of unimaginable evil, few appear almost angelic, many certainly quite normal, one feels one could have a pint with them.
If you’re in the market for that sort of stuff you may like to consider (unless you’ve read it) Hannah Arendt’s ‘The Banality of Evil’, a hard to stomach book on Eichmann.
The title is quite well known, Baron always felt it somehow trivialised evil, made it commonplace, which hopefully it isn’t.
Peter from Maidstone @ 15:27
Quite, Peter, mind you, he may not know the words anyway what with the ideology he lives by.
PfM: The beginning of the end
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to sing God Save the Queen at Battle of Britain service
Wearing a red tie with his shirt unbuttoned at the top, the newly-elected Labour leader stood solemn, but silent
It came hours after the Labour leader was embroiled in a row with his own MPs after refusing to say if he will wear a red poppy on Remembrance Sunday.
IT’S the most enduring image of Labour’s wilderness years in the 1980s – party leader Michael Foot wearing a donkey jacket at the Cenotaph.
Mr Foot’s appearance on Remembrance Day 1981 came to signify his image as a slightly scruffy character, out of touch with the public mood.
Labour’s lack of patriotism damaged it in England and the party must now “wrap itself” in the St George’s Cross to win back voters, the shadow education secretary will say.
telemachus September 15th, 2015 – 15:54
Labour + Patriotism = Oxymoron
Anyone who believes that his country benefits from coerced diversification, mass immigration and multi-culturalism, who denigrates and despises its history, who aids and abets its enemies directly or indirectly, and who thrusts a flawed devolution spanner into the workings of a successful Union is no patriot.
And as usual, instead of being honest, Labour connives and schemes about how it might win votes, just as it schemed and connived to “rub the right’s nose in diversity” by swamping the country with immigrants.
“Fire chiefs could become chief constables despite no previous experience of arresting criminals, the government has proposed”.
Why is this latest bit of news surprising? Here we have government ministers who have never had a real paid job and who have control on vast sums of public money, and frankly know bugger all of what they are supposed to do. There are also Shadow Ministers, like Jerry Pot Corbyn waiting in the wings who are totally inexperienced in the real job market.
Anne (16:15)
Let’s hope they don’t decree that any of the current crop of Chief Constables therefore reciprocally qualify as Chief Fire Officers. Now that would be terrifying!
It’s a typical corporate management “solution” to save money. They haven’t got a clue.
Here’s an idea Cameron, you wazzock, if you want to save money stop hosing it abroad and borrowing it to spend on foreigners.
Colonel, you should realise by now that being white and British we are responsible for all the ills of the world, all of them, and so we must bankrupt ourselves in some attempt at reparation and open the door to any and all who want to make their home among us and at our expense.
There was a devious lack of clarity from Corbyn about his intentions in the forthcoming EU referendum during the Labour leadership circus. Hilary Benn just nailed Corbinki’s bollocks to the mast by emphatically stating that Labour is for remaining IN and declared that it is ‘the leader’s’ clear intention and has always been so. So Nigel’s assertion that he would appear on the same platform as Jewwemy can now be rescinded. Benn’s babbling was bizarre. I suppose it runs in the family, but at least his old man had one grain of sanity – he knew that the EU was a scam and he wanted out.
Watching BBC 1 News I saw an interesting item about AI (Artificial Intelligence). I started thinking how ghastly it would be if the ‘robots’ decided to cllaim refugee status and swarm onto our shores. Given that AI is becoming so highly developed, razor-sharp barbed wire would be no obstacle for them, and they would make the current swarm of Syrians and other flotsam as no more than a minor nuisance.
It’s finally out–The big review paper on the lack of political diversity in social psychology
You’ve failed the barbarian badly not telling him Elton John wants to talk to the KGB Colonel about homosexuality. He (Baron) learnt about it from a Russian paper, apparently Kremlin hasn’t received any request from one the giants of the Western bottomless pool of celebrities. Whilst Elton’s at it, could he also have a chat, preferably face-to-face, with the Iranian mullahs, the Saudi King, the Taleban ….
I was thinking Elton John could always get a ‘plane to Kingston,Jamaica,and go and have a word with the young `rappers`in the slums there.
Or he could go down to Brixton or Brick Lane;(those are different places arn’t they?).
Here is an item not to be missed:a Swiss M.P. speaking out for Europe and civilisation against the barbarian hordes:We are not against people;we are FOR people.
He seems to have been speaking in Berlin…..then I noticed it was dated on the Tenth Anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers.
Come on, admit it, you couldn’t make it up:
Radford NG @ 20:07
Not a promising future for this young man in progressive Europe then, Radford, but one could hardly sum up the danger better, and he’s so right when he says the Germans should know better one cannot appease a fanatic.
Radford NG @ 19:56
Why the expense of traveling so far, Radford, there are many places closer to home he would be welcomed equally warmly.
Peter from Maidstone September 15th, 2015 – 17:38
It is bemusing that having obtained independence from our “oppressive” Empire so many of the citizens of its former colonies want to abandon their precarious freedom to obtain the security, safety and justice that their independent rulers now fail to provide. The icing on the cake is that many of the sanctuary seekers, once safely ensconced, have the brazen ingratitude to slag off the Empire and opine about how this country should be run. There appears to be a seamless, rapid and unchallenging transition from foreign citizen to resident rights demanding Labour voter.
The left think that this state of affairs, which few other countries in the world would tolerate, is wonderful.
The yearly QS World University Rankings have been issued.
At the top is MIT,with Harvard 2nd ; Stanford and Cambridge equal third. Oxford is 6th,and UCL 7th.
Most of those in the top 200 are from the USA,Britain and north Europe;also from the smaller south Asian nations.
The top Muslim country(Saudi) appears to be at 199 and the next at 303rd.
Entry to this report can be found at:
Baron – 20:15
But did it stand up in court?
…and speaking of Hitler and Stalin…and their ilk
“A little history about countries implementing gun control and what took place as a result of gun confiscation.
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated…”
Fortunately, as the silence of Wallsters on the issue proves, there is no need in Britain to re-establish our right to bear arms…is there?
Corbyn no doubt objected to these words:
‘Not in this land alone,
But be God’s mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family’
But the ones to watch more closely are those who sing the anthem lustily but advance the New World Order behind their masks.
Has Vlad the Bad been listening to the Alex Jones Show?
Unfortunately, irony abounds. Did they really think they were coming to live in an English city?
Our boy would have been safer in Sierra Leone: Family hit out after pupil is tenth to be stabbed to death in capital this year
The Times: Germany today threatened cash penalties for countries which refuse to support a compulsory quota system to distribute asylum seekers around EU nations.
So they invite everyone in, without any agreement from anyone else, then want everyone to share their burden?
It is really true!
At Toronto film festival, London directors call for more movies about the middle-class
Panel of UK-based directors protest [against] capital’s middle class cultural chokehold while also calling for industry to spotlight gentrified masses, rather than more period dramas and social realism
” A number of the directors agreed that the perception of British film-making as either period drama or gritty social realism was limiting the industry.
Tom Geens, a Belgium-born film-maker who moved to London 20 years ago, said there were not enough films about the middle-classes being made.
“We’re playing poor relative to the US market,” she said. “Everything that’s produced has to be appealing to the American audience because of our language. I’ve been in so many meetings where people have said ‘You can’t do a film about the north and have people going ‘Eeeee … bloody hell’ because the Americans won’t understand’.””
So that that is why we don’t watch much drama on the BBC. The actors, and the actresses especially, have no idea how not to be assertive: the servants, because they mustn’t, and the toffs, because they don’t need to be! And the gritty social realism is too much like the News! 23-14.
Briefly:knife culture was brought here by the bad n€€ers of Jamaica.A victim of this was Damilo Tayler,a 12 year old from Sierra Leon stabbed by bad ni€€ers born and bred in Britain because he wouldn’t join their gang culture.
Another case was some youths abandoned by their Leaders (the Labour Party,the trade unions,the CofE,Methodists….the Conservative Party).They took up the only roll model they had;the bad ni€€er gangs,amongst whom-as an initiation ritual-a new member had to go and stab somebody.(I hear there were many stabbings in the district at the time.)So they went out to initiate a new member.He did a stabbing in the street…………the person he stabbed was Steven Lawrence——-and you know the rest.
I should have said Damillo Taylor was from Nigeria.
RobertR. at 23-45.
UKIP should be taking advantage of this,as the 4th Reich unwinds,to promise a place for dissident states in a Hanseatic League of the future when Britain is a nation once again.
FRANK P was asking the other week why Alex Jones needed to launch a “Money Bomb” raising US$1,000,000 from listeners/viewers with what will now be a 28 hour non-stop broadcast starting on 16th September (Texas time) – but did not stay for an answer.
Here at the start of the 3rd hour of his show on 15th September, Jones says a few words on that question.
This link deals exclusively with the topic:
More Comedy
“A bear in your house”
The bear?×157-Q8V.jpg
Malfleur @ 22:43
What silence, Malfleur, the subject has been covered before, Baron’s in favour, UKIP had de-criminalisation of guns as one of its manifesto aims, one of the reasons he voted for them. This and capital punishment which, if it sits on the statute books, saves lives.
telemachus @ 06:06
Except for the tash part of the picture there is no resemblance at all. If that what you find funny, telemachus, you’ve lost it wholesale.
Without any facial closeness, the cumryd and Adolf have more in common, certainly the heavy role of the State in the lives of ordinary people.
telemachus @ 06:06
Both may be wrong, the bear may stay longer than they think, both the cumryd and the Labour MPs will compromise, the latter because the House membership is a rewarding sinecure for them, he in the belief that it’s better to have half of the cake than none.
Re: National Anthem shocker:
Today’s front page of The Sun’s front page is a collector’a item!
Almost harking back to the golden days of Kelvin Mackenzie… 🙂
“Leader is spurious;
hapless and furious,
not to reign over us…
Corbyn snubs the Queen”
All this and PMQs yet to come!
What’s the betting he doesn’t turn up!
@09:08 – e&oe!
Baron – 07:08
I’m afraid he’s not been paying attention, Baron.
The issue of allowing the British public to own firearms is not as attractive as it might at first appear. I have no objection to myself being legally entitled to own and to keep firearms in the home for self-defence. However, I would object very strongly to a very large percentage of what has now become the great “British” unwashed being allowed the same privilege!
One of the great things about our country is that until recently there has never been a pressing need to walk the streets packing heat. Discounting our own professional criminals(*) , the real swarthy villains & untrustworthy mountebanks likely to carry weapons started the other side of the Channel & North Sea. Admittedly, these days it’s different. (* many of the S. London bank robbers of the 70s & 80’s were loathe to discharge their weapons even in a show of bravado because they knew that with that reputation, once earned, the Flying Squad would show no hesitation in taking them out.)
I would hate to see the police carrying firearms on a regular basis, it would no longer be England! (Large parts of it aren’t!) However, having said that, the law is very equivocal when it comes to our human right of exercising self-defence, it needs to be sharpened up. I am of the opinion that anybody who comes into your house uninvited, day or night, leaves ALL their human rights at the threshold.
EC@September 16th, 2015 – 09:51
If the brits can carry arms, that would also mean that immigrants can too once they have been given citizenship. So lots of jihadis with guns. What could possibly go wrong?
Mark Steyn on Sean Hannity C2C last night:
Looking forward to The Donald vs the rest tonight even more than PMQs today.
The very term ‘gun control’ is ridiculous.
Law abiding citizens can be disarmed in order to provide some assurance that they won’t go mental and use the firearms illegally. That does not prevent the illegal ownership and use of firearms by criminals and would-be terrorists as well as determined nutters. That can be deterred, combatted and responded to but never ‘controlled’.
Incidents like Hungerford and Dunblane prompted a knee-jerk response from government that focussed on the weapons held under licence rather than the licensing and inspection regime – and the operational police response. In fact the furore over gun control after Hungerford distracted from questions about the inadequacy of policing:-
The telephone exchange could not handle the number of 999 calls made by witnesses.
The Thames Valley firearms squad were training 40 miles away.
The police helicopter was in for repair, although it was eventually deployed.
Only two telephone lines were in operation at the local police station which was undergoing renovation.
In the 1989 Monkseaton shootings the perpetrator took and used his father’s shotgun.
The 1996 Dunblane massacre should have raised more questions about why the authorities appeared unable to add two and two. Five years before the massacre Hamilton was reported for prosecution for serious offences. He should have had his licence revoked and firearms seized long before the massacre. But again police incompetence was masked by a knee jerk focus on the firearms resulting in the New Labour Sledgehammer of banning all handguns. That ban did not affect the use of handguns by criminals or terrorists but just addressed a relatively small risk with a disproportionate solution.
The 2010 Cumbria shootings involved a licence held shotgun and .22 rifle but again the perpetrator was a previously convicted criminal who was awarded a firearms licence 17 years after that conviction. Once again the focus was on the firearms and their ownership rather than the police procedures in issuing, inspecting and response.
Each incident narrows the focus on the type of firearms needing ‘control’ without addressing the other underlying issues. The police attitude seems to be that they don’t want to bother with the chore of administering and inspecting licences so they encourage the banning agenda. The question of the citizen’s right to defend hearth and home has been entirely disregarded in the presumption that firearms have no legitimate role in that.
The whole subject has been manipulated in a situation where the police are incrementally reducing their capability to deter and respond and where, arguably, there is more rather than less reason why law abiding citizens should be able to protect their homes and defend their families, a right under the 1689 Bill that has been simply disregarded by politicians and police without proper scrutiny, debate or repeal.
A measure of the arrogance involved can be appreciated from the HoC Briefing Paper on the subject:-
This constitutional issue was peremptorily addressed by a senior research clerk and researcher/librarian:-
“The Bill of Rights is still in operation today, as recent debate on parliamentary privilege for example, has demonstrated. Article 9 protects Members’ rights of free speech in Parliament. However, many of the Bill’s original articles, while never formally repealed, are generally regarded as having been superseded by subsequent legislation. Laws may be obsolete but still unrepealed. For example, the article covering the right of protestant subjects to bear arms is generally considered to fall into this category, although there have been attempts to challenge this from time to time (most recently during the passage of the Firearms (Amendment) Bill of 1996-97) The Bill of Rights was essentially a political settlement concerned with resolving the particular political issues of the day. The relevance of some of its provisions to the political life of today is questionable. It is generally thought that, in relation to the provisions in the Bill of Rights on the bearing of arms, for example, and to other unrepealed articles, the courts would have difficulty in trying to apply some of the
provisions to modern conditions, particularly given the brief and often imprecise wording used in the Bill.”
We should remember that. That Bills are a “political settlement concerned with resolving the particular political issues of the day” and can simply be disregarded without being formally debated or repealed. It reduces the credibility and legitimacy of any law produced by that House of Fools to zero.
Read this and have a good laugh.
Brit ‘Supermarket Jihadi’ moans ISIS fighters do not know how to QUEUE
Bloody arabs, you know what their like.
Still, regardless their all welcome in the west.
Just been watching “The Daily Politics”. Naturally it was dominated by Jerry-Pot Corbyn. What amazes and shocks me is how so many people, not socialists, say he is a very nice chap. Wasn’t the same said about Hitler and other leading Nazis prior to the Second World War?
Despite the prior hype and BBC anticipation and build up, PMQ’s confirmed what we all know; that Comrade Corbyn is as vacuous as his supporters and as a result it was the most boring session of Parliament for many years. What a twat!
I suggest he cedes the ‘leadership’ to Dennis Skinner. At least it will give us a mid-week laugh amid the deepening gloom and insanity.
Forgot to mention: I cannot understand why Jerry-Pot is so concerned with mental health in this country. After all, the mentally sick must comprise a large percentage of his followers. One would have to be seriously insane to vote to him!
is now a good time to buy fencing contractors shares. Methinks the europeans will be buying loads in the coming months
September 16th, 2015 – 09:51
“I’m afraid he’s not been paying attention, Baron.”
You may well be right.
The essence of the 2nd amendment in the USA is to assert the right of the citizen to have the means to defend himself against an overweening government.
All the other stuff is flummery.
I am not interested in those who want to deprive us of the natural right when and if it becomes necessary to bear arms against the government.
We have to look for the Swiss in ourselves and get our bottle back.
Lest we forget what a “nice” bloke looks like!
h/t Guido
Remember that attack video the Tories released on Corbyn on Monday? A viewer called Adrian Cousins has had it taken down from YouTube with a spurious copyright claim over footage of Corbyn calling Hamas his “friends“. Who is this person who doesn’t want the public to hear Jezza’s own words?
Watch the video now!
Disseminate, DISS-EM-IN-ATE! (Yes, they’re back on the BBC shortly too!
Malfleur – 15-01
“I am not interested in those who want to deprive us of the natural right when and if it becomes necessary to bear arms against the government”
Stirring stuff, and fine sentiments. However those of us who still have our “boots on the ground” in the UK still have to cope with those people of no interest to you but would have you locked up for a mandatory 5 years should you be courageous enough to come back into the country waving your Walther PPQ about. Until the SHTF here nothing is going to change.
Is the government of the country in which you live and work less tyrannical than that of the UK? What is the law governing the ownership of firearms in your chosen country?
Jeremy cannot be written off
In PMQ’s he appeared ultimately reasonable and made Cameron appear slightly juvenile
Jon Snow just finished challenging him in his Commons Office. He came across again as responsible and reasonable and his personal positions and consensus on issues confidently and credibly explained
And finally
“I love my country”
As the Tories fall apart over Europe and Tax Credits (as they will when reduced in December) we will see the public fall in love with this personable likeable man
We are not in the USA. So the 2nd Amendment is irrelevant and just flummery here.
telemachus September 16th, 2015 – 19:39
A tedious continuation of your usual Labour ‘Great Leader’ hagiography and fawning, now its ‘Jeremy’. This is presumably because your arch-hero the Uber-Weasel Burnham has slithered onto his bandwagon.
Pity about ‘Jeremy’s’ friendships with several groups of murdering terrorists who hate this country. It makes his protestations about as credible as your infamous predictions.
So spare us the flummery here and confine your interminably regurgitated tripe to the other place or at Conservative Woman where you are operating a trio of feminazi sockpuppets.
An interesting post @ 20.45
Then you will be familiar with this written by Laura (a friend of Isabel’s)
“We stand at a social and political crossroads. The last 50 years have seen a dramatic social shift – loosening ties of obligation, a relaxation of personal responsibility and a valuation of personal freedom above all else.
We value communities, the informal ties of mutual aid that hold them together – solidarity expressed between people as opposed to solidarity imposed by the State.”
Could have been written by Jeremy
September 16th, 2015 – 18:33
When you can address the issue in a civilised way, I may answer you.
I don’t know where you are; but if you think that the 2nd Amendment has no relevance in England, then you are intellectually lost on the point.
But I can see where both you and EC “are coming from”.
Then enlighten me. Please explain its relevance to England so that I might find the point that I am intellectually lost on and that you are dancing around.
telemachus September 16th, 2015 – 21:39
You really are a dishonest little agitprop-ist with your cherry picking and dissembling. She also wrote in the same piece:-
“Reversing these (lefty) trends means strengthening respect for marriage, motherhood and religion across society. It means advocating values and approaches marginalised in a media dominated by feminist orthodoxies.”
Which is hard to imagine the Lord of the Living Dead endorsing. But you continue to be his Renfield, eat flies in your padded cell and chortle about your Master’s coming if it gives you purpose and fills that cavernously empty head of yours.
Malfleur September 16th, 2015 – 23:09
Meeeow! Hiss! Spit! (Fleurcat shows its claws in direct fire for once)
I don’t do other boys homework for them.
Malfleur September 17th, 2015 – 00:45
That’s about your level – the fourth form. And a classic cop out.
It’s not homework. It’s an assertion that you have not substantiated.
Colonel Mustard – 00:10
My enquiries of @18:33 were perfectly civilised. I really don’t know what our migrant’s problem is.
Evasion is his trademark. Evasion and making snide remarks accusing others of making snide remarks… are two of his trademarks. [… etc] No, wait a minute… Amongst is trademarks are […] , and an almost fanatical devotion to …
As for the “homework”, it’s all in his dossier! 🙂
Of course, I could get all the “i”s dotted and the “t”s crossed, but why waste time and favours owed on something of absolutely zero consequence.
Either you two have not studied the history of the English constitution or you have your reasons for not wishing to recognize what any fule kno that the right to bear arms plays a significant part in the tale and was carried through into the Second Amendment to the Unites States Constitution.
To give you such credit as can be afforded you in this bind, I would settle for the second alternative.
And, by the way,in argument ad hominem is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
scoundrel @11:41
There you go again!
You seem to be confused about the difference between ‘relevance’ (as in current relevance to the existing law in England) and ‘origin’ (as in historical origin). So I’m still keen to learn what relevance the 2nd Amendment of 1791 has for us over and above the un-repealed Bill of Rights 1689 and our Common Law.
As for ad hominem, direct fire is preferable to your snide indirect technique. Old women (and scoundrels) who play that game are always the first to whine in holier than thou protest when they receive some counter battery fire. And I just bet you’ve stabbed a few good men in the back in your time.
EC September 17th, 2015 – 10:20
Spot on. His snide technique is well observed.
Surely trying to argue that the provision of the 1689 Bill of Rights: “That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law” is still operative is like pissing into to wind in the light of all the Acts of Parliament that have comprehensively superseded it? The US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment is a different matter entirely, it has not been completely superseded by subsequent legislation, and well worth US citizens fighting for what is left of it!
When ever governments legislate to try to “control” anything it usually makes the original problem worse!
Poor Sweden, they never deserved this. But it’s too late now.
“No, don’t…”
First Hour (16th September) of the 28 hour Alex Jones Show/Infowars MONEYBOMB
EC September 17th, 2015 – 12:57
Yes, the phrase “as allowed by law” is open to interpretation. One interpretation favoured by politicians and police has permitted superceding “law” without the necessity of repeal of the original Right. Another interpretation is that it refers to Common Law and that the subsequent acts are effectively illegal.
UK government launches probe into BBC cameraman incident outside Jeremy Corbyn’s home
International Business Times UK – 1 day ago
More news for Corbyn hit bbc camera man
No news on radio or TV about this. Imagine if Nigel Farage wd involved!!!!!
The future!!!!
A lot of heat and light seems to have been generated by the topic of gun control
I think the most useful comment was
“Each incident narrows the focus on the type of firearms needing ‘control’ without addressing the other underlying issues”
and was posted at 1033 on Sept 16
How very true
And what is the main underlying issue
Violence is endemic in the our country and drives our foreign policy.
What is our biggest manufacturing sector?
Could it be the arms industry?
And what is our biggest exporting industry and how does it achieve this?
Remember the ongoing concerns about bribery in Africa and Eastern Europe from our arms industry
The allegations were widespread covering South Africa, Tanzania, Romania, Chile, the Czech Republic and Qatar. The SFO also investigated allegations of bribery and fraud in Bosnia, Nigeria, Zambia, Costa Rica and Egypt
And of course we hitch our self to the most violent country on earth
The US executes hundreds and the police kill thousands and the position of the US in the world relies on its ability to inflict deadly violence on all
Remember the US, with our connivance, brought us horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with 200,000 dead when the Japanese were in the process of capitulating
So yes indeed Malfleur, EC and friends we do need to address other issues
Racist Britain:
Judge rules it is right that child molester who abused ethnic minority girls got longer sentence because Asian sex crime victims suffer more than whites
“Violence is endemic in the our country and drives our foreign policy.”
Tripe. Take a look around the rest of the world, especially the Middle East. And don’t try to pretend that violence there only began with George Bush’s adventures.
Why do you think Jeb Bush is not Republican front runner
Now I am a poor simple Northern lad but I do read
“A college student named Ivy Ziedrich stood up and said that she had heard Bush blame the growth of ISIS on President Obama, in particular on his decision to withdraw American troops from Iraq in 2011. The origins of ISIS, Ziedrich said, lay in the decision by Bush’s brother, in 2003, to disband the Iraqi Army following the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s government.
“It was when thirty thousand individuals who were part of the Iraqi military were forced out—they had no employment, they had no income, and they were left with access to all of the same arms and weapons.… Your brother created ISIS,’’ she said.”
I’ve sent a question to Jeremy Corbyn for next week’s PMQs. I suspect the exchange will go something like this:
“I’ve a question from Austin, a vulnerable pensioner.
Austin asks, ‘Why in the U.K. can’t I turn left on a red light when there is no traffic approaching from the right? It is allowed, mutatis mutandis, in the U.S. and Canada’.
Can the Prime Minister explain why the reactionary, fascist Highway Code, the Mein Kampf of this Tory government, prevents hardworking pensioners like Austin turning to the left when he wants to?”
Prime Minister:
“I can’t encourage Austin or anyone else to turn left when the Honourable Member for Islington North is in the driving seat (hoots and shouts). But we will look into it as we, unlike his party, have the interests of pensioners at heart.”
Come back Punch and Judy politics.
And Cameron is correct
He has the interests of rich pensioners at heart
He needs to stoke their natural tendency to vote for him
But what of the strivers that Osborne is determined to attack by withdrawing their tax credits
He hoodwinked Harman into supporting him on this vicious attack on the working poor
Jeremy is stronger than that
Jeremy also recognises that Cameron plays well to the camera in Punch and Judy and will have none of it
And while we are at it I have to say that your retro views have been sadly missed and make a welcome change from recent gun obsessions of the Republican Right
There’s a great short piece on why we shouldn’t take any Syrian refugees. Worth a look at:
“. . . vicious attack on the working poor”
Classic. You should have been on the QT panel last night with the other emotional blackmailers of the left. Toksvig, the “non-politician” (as she risibly asserted last night) currently using her “fame” as a comedienne to create an overtly sexist political party (as if we need another or any more single issue politicians), was especially odious.
Salmond rattled off a list of famous British refugees as the audience from Wembley seal clapped in absolute rapture. No one challenged his ridiculous rant with the reality that not all refugees are Nobel prize winners or gold medal winning sportsmen and that some of them even commit crimes. The Disunited Nations of the audience included people who could barely speak English but could nevertheless enthusiastically endorse Corbyn. Neathergate made flesh.
McDonnell seemed adept at tugging on the Disunited Nations heart strings, his dark reptilian eyes glittering as his explanation for honouring the IRA became a rant and his apology turned into a virtue signal. Some of the historical imperatives he invented in hindsight were far from truth but the aura of holiness emanating from him and the other two lefties, and eagerly worshipped by the congregation, served to obscure that. The conniving and scheming cogs could almost be seen revolving as he got into his stride and treated the gullible and the faithful alike to another fine performance of the “respectful silence” hogwash, “Jeremy” so immersed in his thoughts of young RAF heroes that he forgot to sing the National Anthem.
John Alexander @ 07:00
Moloney’s right, his argument is in part erroneous, the Syrian crisis started as a part of the Arab Spring (in the Spring of 2011), the Americans were keep players, the Saudis got involved for sectarian reasons. Also, it’s purely a power game both amongst the families of Islam and the Americans, the Russians, the Chinese, Islam’s just the cover.
If anything, it’s the Iranians whose regime is closer in brutality to ISIS, although one would be hard put to choose between the cruelty of the Iranian version of an Islamic state and that of the Saudis. When Russia got involved, it seemed the conflict would be unsolvable.
The other thing is the Syrians aren’t the major part of the current inflow, in the mid-European countries (Serbia, Hungary, Czecho) they are a minority amongst the asylum seekers around a quarter of the lot, many of the refugees come from south European countries like Kosovo. This may seem strange, it seemed strange to Baron when he was told about it.
John birch @ 07:11
Short, to the point, and 100% correct, John, except where he says ‘the West will run out of altruism well before it runs out of refugees’. Under the current leadership in Europe, it’s likely to be the other way round unless it ends in some serious civil unrest, Baron reckons.
Austin Barry @ 00:21
Nice to hear your voice in this parish again, Austin.
The barbarian from the east also has a question for the cumryd: ‘What do we do when we run out of rich people to tax?’
telemachus @ 20:13
Ivy Ziedrich is right, it was the West’s fugging up the invasion that contributed massively to both ISIS, other groups before it, he’s wrong on the number of the Republican guards, their number was 400,000.
The ‘West’ (e.g. the US government) didn’t fug up the invasion but the post invasion occupation. They made insufficient provision for effective transitional military government, disregarded policing requirements and made some crass decisions about detoxifying the hierarchical infrastructure.
The US has a fine record for this kind of own goal stupidity as when they let their cretinous politicians and Frenchmen in the CIA blow their own feet off in Vietnam by orchestrating and supporting the coup against Diem.
John Alexander
September 18th, 2015 – 07:00
John. this article shows †he situation exactly as it is. Some time ago, I wrote here on how barbaric the Syrians are. Even in the sad situation of the Middle East, their cruelty is infamous. Yet, strangely Britain and most of the West condemn Israel, whilst barely a word was spoken or written on Syria. Jordan and other more civilised countries avoid being outspoken about their Syrian neighbours because they know the terrible price they would pay. Israeli prisoners who managed to return home from Syria are a living testament to the evil that is Syria. Even the most anti-Israel, or anti-Jewish Westerners are deluding themselves if they find any sympathy for either Assad or the so-called refugees.
Austin Barry – 00:21
🙂 🙂 🙂
Carpe Jugulum!
Colonel Mustard @ 09:33
Good point, Colonel, but this is what the barbarian meant, the dissolving of every possible institution in Iraq, letting virtually every member of the republican Guard (including the officer ranks) to disappear, hide, re-group (as ISIS or whatever else), appointing a man whose experience of running things didn’t stretch beyond the post of a CEO of a hardware chain in America, totally lacking Plan ‘B’ … …
The invasion itself was just a reality TV, sanitised for the ‘uman rights’ sensitive masses.
Since the end of the war, and certainly beginning with the JFK administration, the Americans have’t really distinguish ed themselves, it’s been all downhill for them.
Baron September 18th, 2015 – 10:54
They pulled the same stunts during the war. Roosevelt worked assiduously to undermine the British Empire and to aid his own enemies. Both Ho and Mao were succoured and empowered by American wartime skullduggery and those who should have been allies were ruthlessly betrayed. It is difficult to ascertain just how much of it was due to stupidity and how much to Long Marchers but it would be incredible to believe that home-grown elitist traitors burrowing into the establishment was a phenomenon exclusive to the UK.
US foreign policy has been crass since they undermined the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in the 1920s which set the foundations for the Pacific War and it has led to much of the World’s current problems.
901 1054
Oh Baron
Please see things for what they are
George Bush started a crusade against a Muslim enemy including Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and later Gaddafi in Libya with “a coalition of the willing” (for this read with the exception of Blair) the coerced followed by so called “nation-building”
Except that he knew not how to nation build. These folks did not want democracy anyway
In essence Bush pursued an American jihad followed by a botched attempt to establish an American caliphate
He dismantled and destroyed state power in the three countries in which he pursued his jihad. And as a result destabilised surrounding countries and now the region itself
He and Blair need to go to the Hague PDQ
“George Bush started a crusade against a Muslim enemy including Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and later Gaddafi in Libya with “a coalition of the willing” (for this read with the exception of Blair) the coerced followed by so called “nation-building””
Really? I realise that you lefties like to play fast and loose with historical truth and to distort timelines (as McDonnell did last night) but the Bush presidency ended in 2009 and Gaddafi was toppled in 2011 following UN and NATO intervention in what was effectively a civil war.
You have also conveniently missed out the bit as to why Bush started his “crusade”, that little business of the attacks on the World Trade Centre and other “targets” by Al-Qaeda.
Your latest silly provocation about a “crusade” harks back to your starry eyed endorsement of the ISIS “caliph” at the other place, pretty repulsive even for you. He should be given a fair hearing you told us then, also accusing Bush of being a “crusader”. Your use of the words ‘American jihad’ and ‘American caliphate’ reveal just what a particularly loathsome specimen of left-wing relativity you are. A fitting companion in lies and terrorist apology to the odious McDonnel and Corbyn.
PS Blair was leader of the Labour party and a Labour government. You voted for him three times. You and your whole sorry gang rooted for him and his regime so your pathetic attempt to condemn him now is as hollow and unconvincing as McDonnell’s apology.
2 points
Blair was not of our movement
“You will struggle to find more devout supporters of Tony Blair than those at the top of the Conservative leadership. “I can’t hold it back any more; I love Tony!” Michael Gove once exclaimed.
David Cameron famously described himself as “the heir to Blair”, and senior Tories refer to him as “The Master”. “His influence is very firmly felt,” a senior Tory told The Times. “He’s like the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo – gone but still greatly admired.” ”
And no lesser man than Ron Paul said this
” Ron Paul said that American policymakers were at least partially at fault for the country being attacked on 9/11 during a discussion of foreign policy on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday.
Paul argued that the American military presence in Saudi Arabia – rather than ideological differences or anger over American prosperity – were motivation for the September 11 hijackers.
“Just remember that immediately after 9/11, we removed the base in Saudi Arabia, our policies definitely had an influence,” Paul said. “To argue the case they want to do us harm because we’re free and prosperous I think is a very dangerous notion, because it’s not true.” ”
Colonel Mustard (many recent salvos from the Big Bertha).
E cellent
Try and make sense of the following:
Britain, a key NATO member is attacking ISIS from the air killing its members allegedly focusing on British jihadists. Another NATO member, far greater armed forces than ours, is supplying ISIS with military grade material.
Excellent rebuttal of ideological based cant, distortions and downright lies from our resident masochist. Pity that it feeds his perverse pleasure – but someone has to do it, or he would run amok.
Colonel Mustard @ 11:10
The Anglo-Jaanese relations prior to WW2 is a subject Baron knows nothing about, Colonel, if you feel like it, and when you have the time pleas e tell him more about it.
The line of argument the barbarian’s following is similar to the view held by the great Mark Steyn, who says that since Hiroshima & Nagasaki, i.e. since roughly the end of WW2, the US policy of intervention in the affairs of the world has been either a complete or partial failure. That includes the war in Korea where the Americans thought of deploying the a-bomb, resisted the temptation even though the Chinese cum the Soviet side couldn’t drop it, Kremlin had the bomb by then, but not the delivery system.
telemachus September 18th, 2015 – 14:41
Risible. Blair was the very embodiment of your movement which has subterfuge, lies and shape-shifting at its very core. Just because the Conservative party became tainted with him after the fact doesn’t exonerate Labour from creating him, supporting him and riding his bandwagon to power, then joining with him in abusing this country. To describe Blair as “not of our movement” is about as ridiculously incredible as the rest of your tripe. You and your rotten stinking party should take some responsibility for once.
And “motivation” for the 9/11 attackers does not exonerate them from their atrocities or the consequences of those. Just as Breivik could not be excused on the grounds of the left wing behaviours that motivated him.
Still, supporting, justifying and apologising for terrorists, whatever their persuasion, seems to be another part of Labour’s DNA.
Frank P
September 18th, 2015 – 14:48
“Excellent rebuttal”
Well well
And this gets to the heart of it
Where is the creed
Society needs to be led
The leader has to have a philosophy to back that leadership
If we tear down everything what have we left
What I read is that Cameron is a weak vacillator
Farron is a inconsequential man faking compassion
Jeremy is an intellectual impractical dreamer
Farage is a dangerous factionalist
You have to nail your colours to the mast
You cannot be forever a nihilist
It was not for nothing that a well respected commentator on a right wing blog coined the term Makhnovist**
** A Makhnovist someone adhering to the philosophy of Nestor Makhno. During Makhno’s lifetime a Makhnovist was was someone expressing anarchistic nihilistic views and opposing both state and political parties, as well as bureaucracy
“Still, supporting, justifying and apologising for terrorists, whatever their persuasion, seems to be another part of Labour’s DNA.”
And just who has been active in calling for a strong data communications bill to nail these terrorists
Gordon Brown said in February 2008 of the IMP, “communications technology is changing rapidly; there is a switch towards internet protocol communications, with the clear implications that that brings for our security. Accordingly, we have launched the interception modernisation programme to update our capability to ensure that, under those new circumstances, our national interests will continue to be protected.”
Sadly following consultation conservative industry forced the bill to be deferred
Then came the coalition
Warming to the theme of Blair the Destroyer, it has become very noticeable since the rise of Corbyn that the Labour parteh script is attempting to disown him so vehemently that we are now expected to believe that 1997-2010 was really a Tory government. This is hilariously brazen when one considers the gang of Labour stalwarts who sat continuously in his cabinet and in Brown’s cabinet, large as life and twice as ugly.
Of course all communist-socialist tyrants have been disowned on the grounds that they were not really communist or socialist enough so don’t count for their litany of crimes committed in the name of the creed. Thus the failed experiment can be attempted again and the SJWs who subscribe to the creed can continue to pretend their moral superiority from the re-calibrated Year Zero. Occasionally they let slip, like telemachus, their admiration for the Stalins and Maos of this world and their relish for coercive violence to achieve their utopia. The most impressive aspect of this disowning and reinvention is that they appear to get away with it, time and time again.
But Blair was and is a Fabian. The original shape-shifting, scheming society of subversive liars that slithers around everything Labour does – including Corbyn.
“In the 1990s the Fabian Society came to be a major force in the modernisation of the Labour Party, building on its work from the 1980s and developing many of the ideas that would come to characterise New Labour.
“A New Constitution for the Labour Party was instrumental in the introduction of “one member, one vote” to party elections and contained the original recommendation for the replacement of Clause IV. The Fabians applied themselves to the challenges that Labour faced in building an election-winning coalition of voters and in the Southern Discomfort series pointed the way towards many of the changes that would take place and help Labour to its historic 1997 victory.
“After Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 1997, over 200 Fabians now sat in the House of Commons, including many of the Cabinet. However, the Fabian Society developed its role as a critical friend, supporting the Blair and Brown government’s in developing policy”
And now we find that this “Society”, so happy to connive with Blair then, is endorsing Corbyn now.
Communist-socialists all.
telemachus you should disabuse yourself of the ridiculous notion that anyone who doesn’t subscribe to your ghastly political cancer is a nihilist. Is a doctor seeking to destroy an especially nasty virus a nihilist?
“Where is the creed”
Creed – A system of religious belief; a faith. e.g. the politics of the left, a form of pagan devil worship masquerading as virtue.
“Society needs to be led”
Ah, the essence of the communist-socialist tyrant’s “creed”. The Dear Leader, leading beyond authority, leading us up the garden path, leading innocent victims to gas chambers and the Gulag. Societies evolve telemachus, they are not led, except by monsters like Stalin and Mao.
“The leader has to have a philosophy to back that leadership”
See above. The benevolent despotism of Frederick the Great would be preferable to any communist-socialist “leader’s” wretched “philosophy”.
“If we tear down everything what have we left”
Rich, given how much the Labour party has managed to tear down and destroy in what was once an essentially gentle, good and peaceful country. My destructive focus is on tearing down only Labour and all its works – not everything. I consider it a duty to my grandchildren and their children. I shall never surrender.
“It was not for nothing that a well respected commentator on a right wing blog coined the term Makhnovist”
Of course it was not for nothing. It was part of his insidious and intrusive one man campaign to subvert and disrupt conservative discussion at that blog, by the labelling and demonising that is an integral part of the cancerous leftist mindset, thereby ruining it for everyone. But really, “well respected”? Come now. You are as much detested there as you are here.
Don’t blame me for “opposing both state and political parties, as well as bureaucracy”. Blame the current state of the state, political parties and bureaucracy for “motivating” me. Your cause and effect mumbo-jumbo cuts two ways telemachus. And I am one of those who inconveniently for your “education” programme can compare how it was with how it is from personal experience. Your Fabian wool will therefore never be pulled over my eyes.
Baron September 18th, 2015 – 14:58
It’s a long story Baron but I’ll endeavour to write something about it in due course.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:17
Superb repartee, Colonel, the point on the ‘societal leadership’ in particular.
The fanatical obsession with strong leaders characterises dictatorial set-ups of both Left and Right so well. The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (the forerunner of the Communist Party) split on this principle alone, the Mensheviks (the Minority) wanted a collective leadership, Lenin, the eventual leader of the Bolshevik (the Majority) faction, would have none of it, his idea, on which he refused to compromise, was that of a powerful leader, a вождь, who decides all.
His will prevailed, the RSDL party segmented, the Bolshevik wing (later renamed the Communist party of the USSR) seized power, the result was a time of darkness, an almost total annihilation of humanity in a large part of the globe for near three generations, and not only for the Russians, but other Slavonic tribes, a part of Germany, other emulators of the creed elsewhere, too.
Why cannot you learn from history, telemachus?
gentle reminder
tomorrow is international talk like a pirate day
aharr me hearties
I read history voraciously
Just one question
If you were asked to name a recent politician who was a conviction politician and who led from the front brooking no dissent
Who would spring to mind
I will now shut up for a little while
What do you get for $42 million? Five guys!
telemachus September 18th, 2015 – 20:15
You might read history voraciously but you don’t seem to learn anything from it.
anyone else noticed the annoying narcissitic habit of re stitching the left buttonhole in red cotton as an ‘i vote labour’ thing
do the people who do this (including david mitchell) realise how twattish it makes them look.
some nobody on bakeoff spinoff with the vile jo brand on bbc 2 just now has his buttonhole done too.
Syrian crisis: The shocking truth about Obama’s volunteer Syrian army | Fox News | FOX Business
So far, the U.S. has spent $42 million on the training and deployment of the Obama Brigade.
It is hardly news, but it is worth recording:
BBC ignores religious background in its analysis of terror stats
telemachus @ 20:15
This is where you’re wrong again, telemachus, the Lady’s convictions were not ideology driven, she never followed a prescription worked out by a theoretician of yesteryear, someone whose aim was to mould the people, to manipulate them, to downgrade the individual to a position of a cog in a machine controlled by the State, her convictions were guided by certain principles, true, but principles of tolerance, the respect for the country’s heritage, customs and traditions, principles of an opportunity for everyone, and above all common sense.
Take as an example her stance on the power of the unions, her greatest achievement. In a democratic set-up one cannot have a powerful group of unelected apparatchiks co-govern the society any more than, as today, we shouldn’t have groups of fanatical, issue obsessed cabals interfering with the functioning of the institutions of the State either.
Our voting system may not be perfect, far from it, but the meddlesomeness of the unions then (the deluded busybodies now) compounds the imperfections, cuts the silent masses off, turns them into impotent observers of their misfortunes engendered not by their lack of abilities, but the constraints hoisted on them by the State.
This has been bleedingly obvious in (say) education for decades, It was Labour who brought in comprehensive schooling that fucked up the lives of tens of millions, and for what? For trying out an experiment that was bound to fail. The same goes for the multi-culty crap of today, everyone sees it failing, polarising the society, turning communities into ghettos. The cumryd wants more of it with his call for unrestricted immigration. If he gets in, puts it into practice, the country will be gone by the time he and his pals are voted out.
We’re already in a shite, we’ll suffocate in it completely if he gets in.
Has anyone noticed what Baron did this evening?
When the cameras are scanning the masses of refugees it’s mostly young men (say) up to 20-30 years old, standing or sitting around, kicking the fences, throwing bottles. All quite well dressed, sneakers on, no sign of hunger or any physical disability caused by a conflict. Some are using mobiles (there’s an app that tells them stuff like how much to pay for a SIM-card, a taxi, which route to take….).
But when the reporters interview a refugee it’s only women, mothers often surrounded by kids. This is so for every broadcaster the barbarian watched from the BBC to Fox News.
For some, it must have been an ordeal, Baron has no idea who these ‘some’ are, but believes they are amongst the crowds. They do deserve sympathy, help, assistance, hopefully temporary.
The majority of the young, however, should have no place amongst us. Baron has said it before, the screening by the Hungarians have shown that a majority are (were) young men from Kosovo, Albania and Turkey. Most likely when they observed the waves of genuine refugees moving through their countries, they decided to chance it, joined in. Let’s hope that even the Germans will wise up, send them packing.
John birch @ 21:42
This is rather long, John, just scan it, but it sums up the Syrian fiasco of the White House honorary Muslim well. It also touches on the Obama’s fighting force of Syrians in Syria.
Alexsandr @ 19:32
What if one gives it a miss, Alexandr?
Hard to explain it, but over the decades, the barbarian has evolved an aversion to any designated world day, we seem to have a day for everything under the sun, you name it, and a day for it have been taken up by a group of zealots – there may be a day for eating garlic, poking an eye of anyone one meets, the day for kneeling ….
You won’t regret the ten minutes, have a look at the second video clip in the link below. It’s Mr. Ezra Levant talking about Germany’s suicide. He endorses fully what Baron suspected from the start of the massive boost to immigration into the economically most successful European country, the Germans, or rather the Mutti, sees the inflow of Muslims as a way of atoning for German sins of the past. Incredible that, but true.
14 year old kid from Somalia walks into a school in Texas with an aluminium brief-case containing an IED (minus the E);police are called and take him away in handcuffs.There is a great fuss before he is invited to the White House by Obama for being a brilliant scientist.
When questioned by teachers and the police the kid refused to say anything except that he had made a clock.
It turns-out his father is a muslim activist;has debated Robert Spencer and been a write-in candidate for President of Somal
Danny:`He was carrying a IED. That’s an Improvised Explosive Device.`
Gerry:`Where I come from that’s a home made bomb.`
Mine above at 00-19
Photo of `not a proto IED`brought into school on day after “9/11”.
And msg. from Obama.
“President Obamer@POTUS
Cool clock,Ahmed.Want to bring it to the White House.”
Baron – September 18th @ 14:47
You wrote “Try and make sense of the following:”
Here’s one of the main pieces in the puzzle:
“In early 2015, Yousaf al Salafi, a man believed to be the Pakistani commander of Islamic State, confessed during investigations that he has been receiving money through the United States.
A few months after al Salafi revealed the funding he was receiving was routed through the United States, Michael Flynn, former director of Obama’s Defence Intelligence Agency, said he warned the Obama administration three years ago that the groups they were funding in Syria were actually Islamic jihadists. Now, a group of 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have complained that their reports on Islamic State and the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda were being incorrectly changed by senior officials…”
The larger picture prompts the question ‘who is giving instructions to the White House – and why?’.
It seems more than likely that a good percentage of the young men of military age who have been sent across Europe’s borders are members of this islamic army.
Is it not also possible that if in most of such countries,Switzerland being the honourable exception, the right to bear arms having been eroded to the point of meaningless,or never having existent, a place d’armes for islamic forces has been established in advance of the arrival of those young muslim men, we can expect some peppery dishes to be served in the near future – which we shall have no alternative but to eat?
Anyone wants to know what the American rapper and presidential candidate Waka Flocka Flame thinks of the transgender and stuff? You’re just a click away from being enlightened.
Don’t you ever get the gut feeling that the invasion of the worshippers of Allah is for a purpose? Because, as Dubya often said, ‘make no mistake about it’ Flame’s coming our way (unless he’s already here).
Malfleur @ 03:03
That trumps Baron’s earlier example of duplicity, but it still beggars belief, could every institution in the Republic be so corrupt that nobody notices it, leaves it without proper scrutiny? Surely the power doesn’t rest solely with the executives in the federal government, (say) the judiciary somewhere in the country cannot all be that blind, there must be some who see it, have the guts to look into it, no?
Didn’t Baron say so few days ago? It seems he erred on the side of the Syrians.
Radford NG @ 00:56
Who’s right, Radford, shall we ‘fight for it’?
This as the last:
The reception of the American troops moving through Slovakia to Hungary for a joint exercise near the Russian border (video). The authorities feared it won’t be warm, the convoy was moving at night. Not that the Slovaks are in deep love with Putin’s Russia, they mostly fear the conflict in Ukraine may spread west into their small mountainous lands, and they’re also having to absorb a large number of immigrants from the Poroshenko’s fiefdom.
Only 20% of migrants seeking to enter the EU are from Syria, according to official EU figures….
Baron – 03:35
>Radford NG @ 00:56
>”Who’s right, Radford, shall we ‘fight for it’?”
Don’t do it Radford!
He’s a big bugger, sprightly and probably still very ‘handy’ in my estimation…
I was going to recommend a video on the migration crisis to CHWers. It’s two hours long & made by someone who up to now I’ve considered someone who balances fairness with a strong critique of 21st century European & British degeneration.
I’m now hesitating because of an incident on the video about one third of the way in, which has greatly upset & disillusioned me. One of the attractions of the speaker (who simply goes by the name of his YouTube series) has been his cool, intelligent forensic analysis combined with an understanding of what it takes to be a cohesive nation.
Anyway, about one third of the way in the speaker loses it. It’s the first time I’ve seen him do this & it’s the only time he completely loses it on the whole two hour video. Nothing as he talks about the migrant crisis, the behaviour of the Europeans who collect teddy bears for the migrant children, or the migrants who discard these gifts with soiled nappies in train corridors, makes him lose it. He stays cool. So what is the one issue that causes him to froth & swear in anger? Amazingly it’s Israel & Gerald Kaufman.
Israel has taken hardly any Syrian refugees (what a surprise given the politics of the region) & this is suddenly linked to “f*cking c*nt GK” who has demanded that the UK take more refugees. No matter that GK is not a friend of Israel. No matter that GK has no influence on Israeli policy whatsoever. No matter that the only link that GK has with Israel is that he is Jewish. A spurious link is set up which implies something sinister, a blame not fully spelled out. And this gross misrepresentation is the only occasion on the video where the speaker’s anger spills over.
I’ve seen this linkage made with increasing frequency by people who should know better. Not the far far right but right wing conservatives. As the crisis grows people are looking for someone or a group to blame. Europe has been here before (sorry Mr Godwin).
So. I don’t have the skills to provide the link but if you have two hours to listen google “youtube millennial woes migrant crisis” (not African Migrant crisis – that’s an earlier video). I’d be interested to hear CHWers views. Am I overreacting? As a whole I think the video hits the nail on the head, but the Israel/GK bit was so very disappointing.
A belated shana tova to all Jewish readers.
I find it difficult to stomach the emoting over the “migrant” crisis in the face of so much footage showing what appears to be mainly young well-dressed male Islamic fighter types resorting to violence as they attempt to enter European countries illegally.
Don’t know whether the champions of those criminals are just stupid, naive, brainwashed or absolutely aware of what they are up to – or perhaps a mixture.
But apparently when the authorities respond to the violent criminal behaviour with riot police, tear gas and water cannon that is “barbaric”.
Fed up with the distortions, lies and hysteria over it all.
Talking of distortion and lies, factual content is hard to come by the BBC’s new revamped website.
Damaris Tighe at 11-14
The video is presumably as below,although I havn’t been through it.
Yes, that’s it. Many thanks.
Damaris Tighe
September 19th, 2015 – 11:14
Gerald Kaufman is a lousy turd, a typical armchair socialist. He is a disgrace to the Jewish religion, but then unfortunately all religions have their paedophiles, self-haters and other deviants, and GK should shuffle off this planet as soon as possible. I had better stop this rant since I believe I have mader my point.
Thanks Damaris for your kind Shana Tova wishes, and all good wishes to you too.
Peter from Maidstone
September 19th, 2015 – 08:44
Only 20% of migrants seeking to enter the EU are from Syria, according to official EU figures….
And that’s 20% too many!
I ‘Googled’ the armchair socialist:
Parliamentary expenses scandal[edit]
Kaufman was involved in the 2009 expenses scandal, where a number of British MPs made excessive expense claims, misusing their permitted allowances and expense accounts.
Kaufman was found to have claimed £115,109 in additional costs allowances on his London flat between 2001 and 2008, and submitted a claim for three months’ expenses totalling £14,301.60 in June 2006, which included £8,865 for a 40-inch LCD television and £1,461.83 for a luxury rug imported from New York City (plus £389.91 in customs expenses), which violated regulations forbidding claims for luxury furnishings. He blamed his self-diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder for his claims, and also said that his condition led him to purchase a pair of Waterford Crystal grapefruit bowls on his parliamentary expenses.[11] Between 2005 and 2007, Kaufman claimed £28,834 for home improvements. He was subsequently summoned to the Parliamentary Fees Office to explain these claims, and in the end was paid £15,329. He also claimed £1,262 for a gas bill that was £1,055 in credit. His claims for food between 2004 and June 2008 were £19,200, close to the maximum allowed. He was also challenged over regular claims for “odd jobs”, which he submitted without receipts at a rate of £245 per month, then £5 below the limit for unreceipted expenses, to which he replied by asking why these expenses were being queried.[12]
What’s the difference between Labour and a dead cat……..a dead cat bounces at least once.
Opinion polls variously show little change in voting intentions in past few days.Both main parties have increased by one or two points;Conservative lead is variously given as:5 or 7 or 12,as before.
In local by-elections Labour vote has held up.
What do Cameron,Osbourn and Corbyn have in common?….42% of the electorate have an unfavourable view of each of them.
Independent publishes polls on:voting intentions;various views on Corbyn;and opinions on leading politicians.
I look forward to hearing the announcement from the White House that Obama thanks the Syrian government (and Russia) for taking on the terrorist organisation, ISIS.
“81 percent of Syrians believe the U.S. and its allies are behind the creation of the ISIS, according to a recent survey from research firm ORB International.”
Obviously these are conspiracy theorists who have been listening to Alex Jones; ignore them. After all, as we wiser heads understand, living in Syria as they do, what would they know? ISIS was of course created, funded, equipped and given its mission by the Tooth Fairy.
Malfleur @ 23:38
But the Syrians are right on ISIL, it was created to get rid of Assad, the idea got incubated in the same deluded brain that spawn edMaidan in Kiev, many other ‘spontaneous’ acts in other countries before, the quip that the Americans could never have a ‘democratisation’ process in their own country because there isn’t a US Embassy in Washington gets it in one short sentence.
This is to get the number of postings to 200, a round figure, who could not like it.
Still, whatever happened to Frank, he’s been absent for a couple of days or more, has he had enough, has he given up, emigrated south to the growing emptiness of the lands of the Allah worshippers?
Baron very much hope it isn’t anything that would ‘body connected’, you know, a touch of flue, a running nose, or an ingrown toe-nail.
Baron – 09:50
This week’s cover of Der Spiegel featuring Frau Merkel as “Mutter Angela” is rather amusing. See:
Mind you, the Polish (satirical?) magazine WPROST! got Angie ‘banged to rights’ way back in 2007 when it published their infamous “Europe’s Wet Nurse” Cover.
If the Poles ‘got on her tits’ back then they must really be sore and inflamed now that the ungrateful Poles have refused to bend over and take the muslim jihad on board.
It was the American insistence on democratisation in South Vietnam that led to the downfall of the Diem government and the whole sorry mess that followed. As well as a failure to understand how North Vietnamese communist political infiltration and subversion was working, especially amongst the buddhist monks. Diem understood that communism could only be defeated by absolute ruthlessness and that it subverted by turning liberalisation against itself, e.g. democracy just being the bus they get on to travel to power and then get off.
You’d think that the penny – or dime – might have dropped by now given the repetition of the scam but of course there are the Long Marchers and their useful idiots with the loudest voices. And look at the way they close in to silence any voices of dissent.
RIP Brian Sewell aged 84
Surprising to see he was son of Philip Heseltine (aka.Peter Warlock).
Turner prize:”…ignoring it is the kindest thing to do”.
Tracey Irmin:”Art’s Jade Goodie”.
“…..his refusal to compromise or dumb-down…..bizarrely ensured his enduring mainstream appeal.”
Another Good Old Boy gone.,uk/news/entertainment-arts-34304203
bloody biased BBC again
no mention that the railway is already 75% nationalised (Network rail is public sector)
and that the TOC’s are management agents for the DfT, which sets the service level and many of the fares, and what trains the TOC has to provide the service.
EC @ 11:10
It may be, EC, the Polish collage of the ‘stepmother’ cum the Kaczyński brothers was suggesting their sucking the EU i.e. German money, which they were, and it would be hard to blame them for it. The Poles have a saying ‘the one who gives is stupid, the one who takes not even more so’.
The picture of her as the Mother T is more to the point, except that the real Mother T took on a responsibility without trying to pass it on to others.
This is what irks the barbarian. The Mutti was needlessly keen to take in everyone who was coming, now she says other EU member countries have to share the burden. Rather unfair of her to bask in the sun as the most benevolent, generous and charitable politician in the EU, then unload the massive tab of both the monetary and social fallout of her indulgent altruism to those who took a more pragmatic line, got it right from the start.
Alexsandr @ 10:27
Another nice number, Alexsandr, a prime.
Why cannot we stop the boats coming to Europe? Another one has capsized again, many drowned, some of them children.
NATO countries and the Americans have enough military boats with over the horizon radars to crowd the relatively small pond between us and the lands south of it. It’s beginning to look the politicians are telling us they’re doing everything they can to stop the refugee boats coming, in reality they do FA. Why?
Radford NG @ 13:10
Sad he’s gone, he was, to Baron anyway, the acceptable face of homosexuality. RIP.
Malfleur, you should love this.
Gerald Celeste, the slow spoken guy whose anger is rather charming is saying a new war is just round the corner. It should hit us before this year outs.
The programme of his new movement appeals, but as with every other initiative of this sort, it’s unlikely to ever translate into the universe of every day politics.
Baron – 18:50
201, a prime?
201 = 3 * 67
RobertRetyred @ 23:09
Damn it, you’re right, Robert.
David Cameron and the dead pig.You wouldn’t read about it. Now you can.
What happens when you cross Lord Ashcroft.
prime numbers
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997