This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
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Re your last comment on the old thread. I feel that there’s a revolution going on at the Spectator. Fraser has now published two pieces during the Tory conference, one pro-SSM & another extolling immigration. There are several Coffee House blogs pushing a group called Good Conservatism, whose aim is to demonstrate ‘compassionate conservatism’. I was banned for 24 hours – I suspect for questioning an editorial decision. And now comments deleted & disabled under Fraser’s piece on immigration.
Damaris Tighe October 6th, 2015 – 15:06
It is interesting how they are presuming such a moral dimension to their politics.
‘Good Conservatism’ implies that there is something wrong with the old conservatism it is contrived to replace. ‘Compassionate’ these days seems to be a euphemism for being ready to have the wool pulled over your eyes.
Peter Hitchens had them bang to rights when he referred to them as social democrats without a single conservative idea on DP. There is a rather nasty ageism creeping into it as well.
Damaris 1506
As you know I was upset to hear that they banned you and glad they rescinded-I know many who went on the email but know not if that helped
However I can tell you from long experience (which predates 2011 when a blogger who still posts induced the telemachus charter metamorphosis) that Coffee House is one of the most tolerant of blogs
On observation most left of centre posters quit of their own accord after a while
But right wing posters, particularly if they stray into race and immigration lose their rights
An exception was David Lindsay who was a centre left poster who was banned, I think after a sustained volley of attacks from the right (as I articulated at the time)
Overall however the increasing popularity of the Spectator is in no small part to the repositioning from the Right to the Centre Right.
I don’t know what you mean by ‘many went on the email’. What email? This is all news to me.
Also, the Speccie is right in disapproving of true racial abuse (& there was a lot until recently). But does it consider pointing out the (until recently) homogeneity of the people of the British Isles ‘racist’? And referring to dna studies that back this up?
1. You can contact any editor or via twitter advertised on the blogs
2. I would not wish to comment on the CH views on racism save to say that for example Wilhelm lost his rights after a few intemperate posts on Africa
Just popped in and thought I’d logged into the The New Specstatesman. Got dogshit on my shoe in the bargain.
ColM: ‘Compassionate’ is a weasel word to justify the big state. As with all leftist virtue signalling words, it has nothing to do with the compassion that one individual might feel for another in a one-to-one relationship.
Why the West is fucked:
One of the many reasons , admittedly, but if must be up there close to the top.
Yes, I know how to get in touch with the editors! But that wasn’t my question.
Text credits the biggest fiddle land of the Blair Brown administration
Frank P @ 16:30
Say thanks be to Him, Frank, it was only your shoes, you might have drown in it. What has happened to what is supposedly a right of centre rag?
The barbarian figured a way in. One doesn’t make a fresh posting, but replies to one of someone else. Not that it always works, but here and there one succeeds squeezing in.
Baron 16.52:
Yes, I’m very nervous about making a fresh post, as you say. I’m restricting myself to upvotes & like you the occasional reply. They’ve managed to create a climate of fear.
God knows where the word land came from ???
Homeland is back (Sunday) Excellent.
“Homeland Bucks Political Correctness on Islam” (Rebecca Bynum)
Sounds good. It’s only telly, but people do watch it; perhaps there’s hope yet.
Frank P – 16:46
Yup! Here’s two more of several other pieces of supporting evidence…
Damaris 1656
I do not think you need worry
They do not “watch” people
A trigger post which annoys one of them (most often Seb Payne or Nick Cohen) for diverse reasons but usually race or immigration has done for others
Appeal to Fraser or Isabel I think can reverse
I am in touch directly with several bloggers on Staggers, Conservative Home and The Conservative Woman who together with their friends took to the email after your ban
Why I question the relevance is that they all did the same for David Lindsay to no effect (although David was subject to much internal attack by other CH posters)
John Birch at 17:05.
Or even “text credits” as well perhaps!
Telemachus at 18:03.
But Lindsay was deliberately offensive to very many in the way that you (surprisingly?) tend not to be.
I still don’t know why I have a permanent ban on the Speccie site: surely not just for calling the intellectually-challenged Fraser a “Wazzock”.
Not that I have much desire to get back on there now that it has been turned into the political equivalent of “Hello” magazine.
Chris Morriss
Chris, I hadn’t even noticed that.
One thing that you can be sure of with telemachus is that his manipulative protestations and the truth are always mutually exclusive.
Frank P October 6th, 2015 – 16:30
Astounding isn’t it. You might think that having been caught red-handed in his shape shifting nonsense here the opportunity to peddle more mischief might be denied him.
But he here is, sleek with a toxic oil of pomposity and lies, representing himself as some kind of name dropping Mr Fix-it of justice and good will.
Brazen doesn’t begin to describe it.
Please thank on my behalf all concerned. Much appreciated.
Damaris Tighe October 6th, 2015 – 19:31
Don’t fall for it.
I’ve a basic rule – when in doubt, be courteous. After all, the only thing at risk is my ego if I’ve made a fool of myself.
Chris Morriss:
I can well believe that you were banned for calling Fraser a wazzock. This is the man who deleted all the comments (100% critical) from his post today. I think success (& I use that word advisedly) is going to his head.
Peter from Maidstone
Matt Drudge paid a surprise visit to the 3rd Hour of the Alex Jones Show while Jones was broadcasting in demoralised mood on Tuesday. Notwithstanding his reclusive persona, Drudge engaged in due course in an unscripted 45 minute discussion. A brave and encouraging exchange, the conversation may be a timely and stimulating introduction to thoughts on if and how the Wall might be enriched and enrich England.
Damaris Tighe – 20:20
Re: “Comments are closed”
Over the past few years there has been increasing tendency for the MSM to do this when they knowingly publish a contentious article on immigration, islam or ice caps. Apart from “rubbing their readers noses in it,” it simply wouldn’t do for the powers that be to be troubled by the overwhelming dissent of great unwashed on such matters.
What, Frasieur is only a “Wazzock”? A bit mild by Shakespearian standands, innit? Daniel Korski, quite deservedly, had to put up with far far worse, but that was in the pre-Harman heyday of free speech when Pete Hoskin was the CHW-1 moderator and refused to ban or censor anyone no matter how much DK or anyone else protested.
Why anybody cares what Frasieur Nelson, or the rest of his pisseur de copie hacks, thinks or writes on their blogs beats me . Don’t play their game, don’t give them the “footfalls” that generate their advertising revenue.
Forsake ye the New Spectatesman website and, if you absolutely must, visit the Standpoint Magazine website instead. 🙂
EC (10:14)
Oh Yesss! Which is what I tried to say yesterday at 16;30; a bit ambiguously, obviously, because Baron read it as me ‘popping in’ over THERE.
I meant HERE , which is increasingly looking like Trolltopia as people agonise over the machinations of Old Queens Street and the bubble ‘n’ squeak uses it as an excuse to re-infest this platform despite having ‘promised’ to absent himself after one of my lurid outbursts in his direction.
FFS, Damaris!
EC October 7th, 2015 – 10:14
Indeed! It has been well and truly colonised by the UnionJihack/Russell Brand troll(s) clique who is/are now using about 20+ multiple accounts there.
Frank P October 7th, 2015 – 10:53
Mea culpa.
Frank P 10.53:
I wasn’t aware that there are some things that we’re not allowed to speak about here. I just skip over the posts that don’t interest me – saves a lot of heartburn.
EC 10.14:
Thanks for your response EC. I’ll refrain from continuing the convo as it seems to elicit apoplexy in other posters. Why I don’t know as the subversion of a major, formerly conservative, mag should be of concern & interest.
Colonel Mustard – 11:53
I have seen you ‘in action’, taking and giving fire, on Guido Fawkes’ blog where these “people” are trying to do do the exactly same thing. I think that they will be unsuccessful there because they get pretty short shift from the majority of commenters, and they are not being actively enabled by the management there.
A similar situation exists at Breitbart where I don’t think that they are making much headway. One has to be mindful of the automated cyber-nanny when making comments there. I used to enthusiastically join in the fray but recently I have not had the spare time. I notice that Old Goat, C777 and many other regulars are still soldiering on doing a good job there. Austin Barry and Andy Carpark have provided some very sharp observations, and much needed relief on both blogs too.
Twitter is a pointless waste of time as it was set up to further the “progressive” agenda of leftists & luvvies. Matt Drudge is absolutely right about Twitter & also Facebook. I deleted my Twitter account today. (never been on FaceBook)
Damaris (12:54)
Just sayin’.
“Why – I don’t know, as the subversion of a major, formerly conservative, mag should be of concern & interest”.
It once was, it was also the reason we set up a site to obviate the nonsense over there. Since then we have expressed our ‘concern and interest’ ad nauseam. But wittering on about it isn’t going to change their m.o. as some of us realised long, long ago, so to pollute this site with their idiocy is an unnecessary distraction from your other posts, which can be very interesting when you’re not having the vapours about censorship over there. It’s a given; it’s what they are and what they represent. They thrive on it.
As for ‘skipping over the posts that don’t interest me’ – how do you know they don’t interest you when you haven’t read them. That’s a cop out.
With all due respect. 🙂
Colonel Mustard (11:55)
Not having a go at you, me ol’ china. You’ve done your best to rid the patch of the scourge of socialism – a la telemucus. Perhaps it’s time for our troll’s declaration of ‘absence’ to be taken at its word – change the locks, Peter!
Frank P October 7th, 2015 – 13:38
Thanks Frank. It’s clear that he is not just here to comment but to make mischief. That much was demonstrated by the ‘Jennifer Oldham’ nonsense and should have been enough to get him banned.
Before he was allowed in there was a spate of nasty comments from him about “the vicar’s site” at the other place so it was surprising to find him posting here.
As you’ll well know the nature of communist subversion is that one cannot engage with them or give them a break. Theirs is as absolutist an agenda as IS and they run their own form of taqiyya by pretending that they are not what they are and playing the ‘moderate’ card. The moment that one stands by the normal values of decency and gives them an inch they will take a mile and then take everything. They have a single cause which is to force everyone to be like them, to think like them and to conform to their warped ideology. There is no room for multi-party politics in their end game which is why they expend so much energy and time demonising political parties like the Tories and UKIP to delegitimise them (and judging by Cameron’s speech the Tories have fallen for it hook, line and sinker). It’s an incremental, orchestrated process of astonishing patience but persistence and everything else is just the ways and the means to achieve that.
I believe that Britain has already gone through a form of cultural revolution to clear the way for permanent reconstruction without realising it and without any conservative politicians worth the name either understanding the nature of the enemy or fighting them. The model is China – authoritarian, intrusive government in partnership with rapacious corporatism and cultural marxism to bamboozle the masses. And we should be bloody afraid.
Anyone watch the “documentary” on Britain First on BBC3 last night?
A lifetime friend of mine (we have always disagreed politically) emailed me to ask if I was watching it. No.
Just watched it on iPlayer. Started reasonably well, but not long in before B****B****C**** bias, snide asides, the inevitable agenda all start creeping in.
Sadly they seemed, or at least were portrayed as, to be going the way of the EDL and others – ruined by attracting thugs and knuckle-draggers. The demonstrations were clearly smothered by massive police presence. The organisers claimed, fairly credibly, to be doing everything they could to avoid giving the wrong impression, attracting the wrong sort of people etc., although not entirely successfully.
Eventually (of course) things “descended into violence” – but non seemed to be coming from the marchers. There was of course no mention of the identities of the screaming, missile throwing cretins on the pavements. And pretty well every one of the ‘vox pop’ interviews chosen by the programme makers was with inarticulate thickos with tattoos and short haircuts, to fit the approved agenda.
You got the impression, to the undisguised approval of the presenters, that the movement had more or less run out of steam. And we all know what happened to Tommy Robinson.
Oh, and I didn’t bother counting the number of times “far-right” was used.
Any time now Farage will address EU Parliament.Shortly after (3-28pm?)Merkal will address EUP and then Holland(3-38pm?).
Farage has stirred things up.Le Pen is speaking now followed by Merkel and Holland later.Not sure if there is a English translation.
Merkel has learnt nothing:Holland wants common defence.The Chair concludes with a swipe at Farage & Lee Penn:that those who seek to use the EUP to destroy Europe from within have learnt a lessen in democracy.Imagine Mr.Speaker ending a debate with a snide swipe at the Opposition.
I will probably find a video recording of this session later.
Michael Roberts
October 7th, 2015 – 14:19
Anyone watch the “documentary” on Britain First on BBC3 last night?
Certainly not, Michael. I never watch anything the BBC produces pretending it is unbiased political discussion. I am far too fragile to risk bursting an artery listening to their PC lies. By error I saw some of a terrible programme called “Is Britain Racist”. As a life long enemy of both the commies and fascists, it was enough for me to see Oswald Mosley was no better or worse than the faeces governing this country today. The pnly decent man in modern time was Enoch Powell, and they broke his heart.
anne wotana kaye
October 7th, 2015 – 16:23
Forgive me for not mentioning Winston Churchill. Surely his wartime leadership places him above any mere politician – he too alas was undervalued by the British public, voted out of office and the lefties let in.
Farage :”What you have done is open the door to young,male,economic migrants who behave in an aggressive manner….the opposite of what you’d expect from a refugee”.
Speech (3min.39sec.) below.
Another good clip from Farage:
Just think, all ‘our terrorists’ need to do is this:
Vandals key £1million worth of cars in Kent
Alarming CCTV footage shows two hooded vandals keying several cars in Kent
… and all the liberals with expensive cars will be ‘offended’ into dysfunctionality! 🙂
AWK 16:23
Heh, heh, heh. Concur totally, Anne.
I shall have both barrels ready loaded when I pass on my verdict, although I was of course being wound up.
I think the programme you mention may have been part of the same series, and whilst my blood pressure is more or less OK, I think I’ll pass on catching up. No point in taking chances.
The fact that David Cameron’s conference speech has gone down so well with the leftist collective tells us everything that we already knew.
Britain now has a left of centre government, a hard left opposition and the Illiberal Undemocrats.
Colonel Mustard – 18:50
I thought it was only Labour Party voters that would be deserting a hard left party!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Back an integrated EU or quit, Francois Hollande warns Britain
The French president tells Nigel Farage that it is logical for Britain to quit the union during an altercation with the Ukip leader in the European parliament
Could he tell Cameron, to his face, and the rest of the Tory Party?
Farage already knows!
Alex Boot delineates the clear and present danger:’s-syrian-war-west
There have been three times I’m my life when an existential threat to my country became critical: 1939; 1962 and 2015 and the greatest of those is the latter. For the other two there were people in the West who had the balls and the will to overcome. Not so this time.
Frank P
Would you please delineate the existential threat to the United Kingdom this year?
Boot’s penultimate paragraph:
“Hence the desire to earn respect by fostering fear. And what can achieve that end better than creating a danger of world war, triggered either deliberately or accidentally?”
The way things are shaping up in the ME, the ‘accidental’ factor is now a real possibility. Putin just walked in and took over with no fear of retaliation, creating the Putinic hegemony; if it all kicks off the UK would not survive as a nation – whatever would be left of it would be subverted by Europe, always supposing that the West came off best in the exchanges, which is by no means a given, with Obama in the top job Stateside and Cameron farting around here. There is no muscle left in the body politic of the West; the military is at it’s lowest ebb in my lifetime. In 1939 we had an empire we ruled the seas and were not afraid. In 1962 MAD was a leveller and politics was serious. 2015 = entropy and politics is infantile and insane to boot. Pun intended. 🙂
Ergo our very existence is under real threat. A gloomy prognostication, admittedly, but certainly within the bounds of possibility.
Ok. I will read the article carefully and ruminate; but I am a little concerned that Mr. Boot does not address the question of who was meant to do what about ISIS/Al- Qaeda/al Nusra etc. in and around Syria and whether there is a genuine muslim threat to Russia. A cursory glance at Mr. Boot’s polemic earlier suggested that this is another variation on his single string ‘useful idiots’ theme without the depth and breadth required of the situation.
I would really like to see Mr. Boot and Mr. Baron debate this in public – with suitable refreshments provided of course.
Frank P @ 02:27
Quite, Frank, but after all the regurgitation by the omni-all Mr. Boot of the old Putin’s sins in a language even more overblown and abstract than what he usually goes for, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. If the KGB colonel succeeds in trashing the Caliphate builders, stops the flow of refugees to Europe, restores the ME to a degree of sanity, what’s exactly wrong with it?
For what it’s worth, Baron reckons he will not succeed, not because the ISIL troopers are hard to beat for the Russians and their allies, but because the Americans and their friends will turn against him. They, the neocons, have no desire to finish off the ISIL thuggery, it suits them. If they were serious, they would have done it already.
For all the ‘strategic’ thinking by Mr. Boot he somehow overlooks the danger of the festering ISIL blob of thuggery for the Russian Federation. Have a peep at the map, you’ll see how close the danger is. And on top of it, it’s also the matter of the 15mn Muslims living in Russia, the country has the largest number of the followers of Allah in Europe (Mutti’s Germany may soon beat them to it though). This must worry the KGB colonel more than world domination.
The Chechen Muslim leader has asked Vlad for the permission to be allowed into Syria. ‘My men will sort those who’re perverting Islam in no time’, he said. And they probably would, but the Kremlin man said no.
Alex Jones’ soliloquy on the wolves coming for everybody prompted by Matt Drudge’s unexpected visit to his studio on Tuesday and the conversation they had together over the dinner after the interview Drudge gave on air.
Frank P at 02:27.
I disagree. In 1939 we were very afraid indeed, and quite rightly. In 1914 we weren’t, though history shows that we should have been. I still believe that WW1 was the greatest disaster Europe as a whole has ever experienced.
Chris Morriss,
Speak for yourself – if indeed you were alive in 1939. The people around me were not afraid in 1939 – they were furious and determined in the face of a dire threat and came forth magnificently. Even as a child I was inspired by their grit and courage. In the fag end of my years I see the likes of Corbyniski and Cameron. In the one lunatic ideology and in the other overweening self interest. What consumes me now is not inspiring, it is disgusting. The fact that a mob of commies, who have been selling the nation up the river for decade upon decade covertly, can now quite openly get there fingers on the levers of power as HM Opposition, is depressing in the extreme and a portent of what will happen if the balloon goes up again.
… and the fact that Baron seems to imply that the ME would be better under the heel of Vlad the Thug is even more depressing, considering that he escaped from a country that was once
one of its victims. And you know what – with the a-hole in the White House and our measley mob in Whitehall failing to do their duty … Baron may be right! What that augurs for the future of our once great Nation is deeply depressing.
As for ‘Western Civilisation’ – I’m with AB – it’s already an irretrievable goner.
Frank P October 8th, 2015 – 11:33
Indeed. Google images “Blitz – Business as Usual”. Stoicism, phlegm, grit, bottle, defiance, quiet determination. “We shall never surrender”. Not fear, no fear.
Now replaced by blancmange politicians (pink, soft and wobbly), hand wringing, counselling and help lines (“If you have been affected by these ishoos. . . “), copious public weeping and hugging, mountains of teddy bears and flowers and thigh deep mawkishness and the sanctimony of officials.
At the 1952 Farnborough air show disaster in which 29 spectators were killed the flying displays continued after the debris was cleared away, the bodies removed and the injured taken to hospital. Now they immediately discontinue flying, start banning things and hold a minute’s silence.
The stoicism of “these things happen but life goes on” is well and truly lost. The infantilised public now clamour for Nanny to protect them. The strange thing is that Nanny doesn’t, really. She passes ever more laws to curb the freedoms or intrude into the privacies and transactions of ordinary people whilst the criminals and terrorists carry on, bad parents are still bad parents and accidents still happen.
“About 100 British military personnel will be sent to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the MoD has confirmed”.
I saw this headline on the BBC Web, and thought that at last we were doing something constructive to keep the damn East Europeans out. Alas, I was badly mistaken!
On BBC today: “About 100 British military personnel will be sent to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the MoD has confirmed”.
I saw this headline on the BBC Web, and thought that at last we were doing something constructive to keep the damn East Europeans out. Alas, I was badly mistaken!
Frank P
“and the fact that Baron seems to imply that the ME would be better under the heel of Vlad the Thug”
That’s not what Baron is saying or indeed what he is “seeming to imply”…
Frank P
So if you believe that western civilization is “already an irretrievable goner”, why don’t you do it in the road?
Any one else here wonder about the BBC’s lack of coverage of the story of the age. If ISIS didn’t flaunt their barbarity would we even know much about it? Not if we depended on the Beeb! When they do report it’s oh so dry and sanitised. Then there’s the reporting on Palestinian terrorism. There’s a good piece on the difference between their reporting of murders of Jews and Palestinians at:
Malfluffy (13:12)
I’m sure that Baron will correct any false inferences I may, or may not have drawn, in his own good time. I enjoy his mild indignation when I provoke him, which is probably why I do it. Less so with your snide and gratuitous interpretations of his synthesis.
And to address your other point about ‘doing it in the road’. If civilisation was only about shithouses, then we’d be fine provided you were still
around. But it isn’t. And thank fuck you aren’t. 🙂
Whatever can we make of this? Stoltenberg must be suffering from several delusions, e.g. –
1. That Islam – apart from a small handful of fanatics – is well disposed towards western civilisation and is essentially benign;
2. That Turkey is an excellent example of western civilisation;
3. That Putin is as mad and evil as was Hitler; and
4. That NATO puts the fear of God into Putin.
Indeed, it seems to me that David Cameron, most western politicians and institutions, and a frightening proportion of their fellow citizens are suffering from much the same delusions as is Stoltenberg.
Herbert Thornton (18:48)
Richard Fernandez muses in the same vein with a characteristically thoughtful essay:
You flatter the poorly educated Slav, Frank, but he must disappoint you, he is under no illusion that anyone would ever listen to what he says, what his views on anything are, or what should or shouldn’t happen in the ME.
God forbid if the KGB colonel were to ‘take over’ the ME, it would be as disastrous as it’s now with the guys with whom we are in ‘special relationship’ controlling it.
You recall our excursion into Afghanistan some thirteen years ago? We went in to smash the Al-Qaeda training camps, to break the hold on the country by the Taliban nutters. Initially, we did a good job of it, should have left it at that, warn the locals to never let the religious thugs in again, but leave it to the indigenous unwashed to get on with life.
Instead, some deluded fruitcakes in Washington had a brilliant idea of our staying for the long run, turning the the hellhole into a shining democracy with all the trappings of our enlightened thinking. The rest is, as the cliche goes, a history, so when the Americans troops withdraw next year, it will be back to square one except the square will be half broken, full of fiefdoms, ungovernable really.
If the Russians succeed, and that’s a big if, in pulping the boisterous gangs, then quickly assist, together with the old players in the region, in installing a government backed by the consent of the majority of population, then it will be a job well done, it may even earn the Kremlin man a trinket from the Nobel buffoons.
But will they succeed what with the whole world plus Dorris from Neasden turning against them?
We should be told, don’t you think?
anne wotana kaye @ 12:17
One should welcome the move, anne, and just hope the 100 young men aren’t married. Some of the local girls are quite beautiful, long legs, blue eyes, blonde hair, and as you probably know, Baron is very much in favour of the mixing of distant genes. The offspring of such pairing, if one looks at it in big numbers, is healthier, handsome, and quite brainy.
John Alexander @ 13:36
Excellent piece by Moloney, John, thanks for link, but he errs in one respect, the last sentence should have read ‘the BBC has always been the enemy’.
These anointed people, unelected, with FA experience of life – most of the Tristrams are young – and secure in their jobs what with the license fee paid whatever the economic circumstances of those who pay it, they, the tossers, pursue an agenda so skilfully debunked by the Colonel here and elsewhere.
If we were to get rid of the licence, the monstrosity had to find its own place under the competitive sun, most of the ills we often talk about – political correctness, uncontrolled immigration, the rainbow nonsense and stuff – would be curable much easier, and may even be cured fully over time.
Herbert Thornton @ 18:48
The Russians are pounding Raqqa that sits just south of the Turkish border (try google maps) for a good reason, Herbert. It’s the oil producing region, the ISIL thugs control it, are flogging the oil to Turkey.
The Americans must be fully aware of it, have been for months, couldn’t be bothered to stop it even though Turkey is a NATO member. So much for their claim they are fighting the thugs.
Baron has said it before, his lips are chipped. The best way to stop ISIL is to hit the countries, companies, individuals who fund them, furnish spare parts for their gear with which they kill, move around, trade with them. Why haven’t we done it?
Mr. Boot isn’t here, but his blog’s spokesman Frank is, perhaps he will enlighten us?
(Only joking, guru).
And another thing, Herbert.
When on his travel, Baron came across a well connected analyst (deadly against Putin, he may have been Mr. Boot’s brother) who claimed the biggest flaw (he identified other ‘weaknesses’, too) in the NATO set-up was the languages. Not many of the foot soldiers (some officers) speak good enough English, the common language of the outfit. He said that the vast majority of injuries, mishaps, blunders during joint exercises were due to the inadequacy of the command of English. He favoured combat troops from English speaking countries only with the rest of the membership chipping in cash.
Frank P @ 16:15
Always the charmer when your mask is off…
And the last posting to keep you awake, if you’re so inclined.
This comes from a deadly anti-Putin Ukrainian blog, but describes a report by a man who lives in Moscow, works for a prestigious outfit, is free to say what he thinks.
It was published in a magazine translated loosely as ‘Knowledge’, is sold in Russia, may be purchased by anyone. It’s a thinly veiled criticism of the KGB colonel. Baron was hoping to post a link to another piece even more scathing of the Kremlin man, unfortunately he couldn’t find an English version.
How does it square with the constant yapping of the MSM here that no opposition in Russia exists? The piece also hints, although it’s not its intention, why Putin got involved in Syria, his fear of the festering wart of ISIL spreading into Russia.
What Mr. Boot didn’t touch on in his polemic against Mr. Putin:
“Wayne Madsen
Under the directorship of its pro-Saudi director John Brennan, the Central Intelligence Agency envisaged the Islamic State, which controls large portions of Syria and Iraq, as a base of operations from which Chechens and other Russian Muslims would launch attacks on Russia and Muslim Uighurs from western China would launch terrorist attacks on China. WMR has learned of this massive destabilization plan directed against Russia and China from sources in central Asia close to the U.S. intelligence community.
There are entire communities of Chechens and Uighurs now living in cities and towns in Syria and Iraq occupied by the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). These particular groups have been considered off-limits to U.S. and its “coalition’s” attack planners because the CIA and its affiliated George Soros-financed non-governmental organizations, including the Open Society Institute, Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and Human Rights Watch all support the secessionist movements led by jihadist Chechen and Uighur groups who now have a safe haven inside the self-proclaimed ISIL “caliphate.”
Russian and Chinese military forces now operating out of the Syrian port of Tartus and a Russian airbase in Latakia, Syria have enraged the CIA, Barack Obama, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia by hitting these Chechen and Uighur population centers. The Pentagon, which has provided military assistance to Uighurs and Chechens fighting under the banners of the Nusra Front and the Khorasan Group, both linked to Al Qaeda, complained that Russian war planes were striking Syrian “moderate” forces when, in fact, they were hitting Chechen and Uighur targets. Syrian and Iraqi Kurdish forces have insisted that there is no difference between ISIL and the Nusra Front, Al Qaeda, and forces claiming to be with the “Free Syrian Army.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the Free Syrian Army a “phantom group.”
Under the direction of the Turkish MIT intelligence service, thousands of Uighur families now live under ISIL/Nusra Front control in the Syrian cities of Idlib and Jisr Al-Shughur, the latter outside of Aleppo; Abyad, outside of Raqqa; Deir ex-Zor, in the heart of Syria’s oil fields; and the Abu Dhuhur Airbase. The Uighurs were infiltrated through Turkey to Syria by the Turkish government. Some of the Uighurs were encouraged to move to Syria with the help of an MIT-funded Uighur language website in Turkey. Four villages around Idlib, devoid of their Syrian inhabitants who fled to Turkey and Europe, are now almost exclusively populated by Uighur squatters. Uighur children have also been enlisted to fight for jihadist forces.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sees himself as the leader of a future pan-Turkic Islamist state stretching from western China to Bosnia and Albania. His intelligence service and pro-Islamist political party plays host to a number of central Asian Turkic radicals from as far away as Tuva, a Buddhist autonomous republic of Russia in Siberia, to Tatarstan, a largely Muslim autonomous republic of Russia in the Volga basin.
Also living in Syria are large groups of Chechens who are loyal to the Chechen Caucasus Emirate. They have been recruited from inside Chechnya as well as from the Republic of Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge.
Radio Free Asia’s Uighur service and Radio Free Europe’s North Caucasus Service have been used by the CIA to stir up jihadist sentiments among not only Uighurs and Chechens, respectively, but in the case of the North Caucasus Service, among Dagestanis, Kabardins, Ingushetis, Cherkessians, Karachays, Balkars, and other Muslim groups. The following news release of October 5, 2015, is how Radio Free Europe is being used to rally jihadist supporters to the ranks of the Nusra Front in Syria by creating a “bandwagon” effect: “A group of around 1,500 Chechen, Uzbek, and Tajik fighters in Syria has pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda’s Syria wing Nusra Front, a group monitoring the war said September 23.Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Muhajireen Brigade) or JMA made the pledge in a statement distributed by supporters online, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said . . . Nusra Front’s leader said in June his group had around 30 percent foreign fighters, including Europeans, Asians, Russians, and Chechens.” The CIA propaganda issued forth by Radio Free Europe attempts to pain a difference between Nusra Front and ISIL, claiming the Nusra Front leaders are the loyal successors to Osama Bin Laden. Former CIA director General David Petraeus recently suggested that the United States ally itself with Al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq to fight ISIL.
Radio Free Europe/Liberty’s propaganda broadcasts in the Tajik language had their success when earlier this year it was announced that the U.S.-trained commander of Tajikistan’s OMON Special Forces, Col. Gulmurod Khalimov, defected, along with several other Tajiks, to fight for ISIL in Syria. Khalimov had a stark message for the United States, which has been helping ISIL/Nusra Front/Khorasan in Syria: “Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train fighters to kill Muslims . . .God willing, I will come with this weapon to your cities, your homes, and we will kill you.”
“Herostratus burned down the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, considered the most beautiful building ever. He didn’t want to hurt anybody; he only wanted to become famous, but in the end it didn’t matter: the temple was no more. Likewise, I regard the metaphorical temple of Western civilisation as the most beautiful of God’s and man’s creations. That’s why it pains me to watch the edifice being burnt down”
“The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group has blown up a 2,000-year-old temple in the UNESCO-listed Syrian city of Palmyra…
Maamoun Abdulkarim, Syria’s antiquities chief, said the group placed a large quantity of explosives in the temple of Baal Shamin on Sunday and blew it up, causing much damage.
“Our darkest predictions are unfortunately taking place,” Abdulkarim told the AFP news agency.
ISIL kills renowned archaeologist in Palmyra
ISIL “carried out executions in the ancient theatre [of Palmyra], they destroyed in July the famous Lion Statue of Athena… and transformed the museum into a prison and a courtroom.” ”
Malfleur @ 00:00
This is pretty hard hitting, Malfleur, and it goes to the heart of Mr. Boot’s school of thought.
Btw, has he ever said anything scornful about the ISIL thugs? If he did Baron must have missed it. Compared to the warts of both the Western and Eastern cultures, the new emerging Caliphate by any measure beats either one, it certainly does for inhuman cruelty, naked barbarity, the denial of everything he purportedly stands for. Weird that.
Baron 23.20
There are many, currently overwhelmed by the tsunami of refugees in Europe, who will sleep easier in their beds given the decisions and decisive actions of Putin in Syria
October 8th, 2015 – 22:22
I too approve of mixing of the genes. However, your hypothesis is rather in the male chauvinist mode. What about long-legged, blue-eyed blond he-men and almond-eyed, vigorous Tatars for us gals?
anne wotana kaye – 08:45
Just what’d it take…
Now we know! 😉
Baron – 22:17
“We should be told, don’t you think?”
Yes, Baron, what’s your solution?
October 9th, 2015 – 09:13
Shhhhhh! 😉
Are we really supposed to believe that Herostatus acted alone?
Sound’s like it’s gonna be payback time for the Poles, and probably the rest of us…
“History teaches us that when Germans and Russians walk hand in hand both nations and all Europeans benefit. The more often Putin and Merkel talk to each other the better it is for everyone,” Gorbachev told Bild daily.
I might have additionally asked if Herostratus could been considered as the father and founder member of the “Amalgamated Union Of Lone Wolves” [© Mark Steyn]
et seq.
EC @ 09:39
You reckon then, EC, he had an army to light a fire? Hmmm
The man was mad, but then in Greece the distinction between ordinary mortals, Gods and semi-Gods was less of of a problem for everyone, and Gods were supposed to act mad.
The world for them wasn’t sliced in a bipolar fashion, take Heracles, he slaughters his own kids, nobody pays much attention, he adds to it for good measure the slaughter of his brother’s kids, and even though he gets kicked out, he isn’t really punished, goes on another (what) fifteen years killing everything that breathes, ends his ‘career’ as a hero for the Hellines, up at the Olympus.
EC @ 09:16
It’s not the solution Baron was challenging Frank on, EC, but the degree of success for the one who loves stripping to the waist. And B aron has already put his dog in the fight, he reckons the KGB colonel will get too confident, will overstay, get humiliated as much as the American lot did in Afghanistan an elsewhere.
EC @ 09:44
One may question Gorby’s claim of the ever present benefits for the Germans cum the Russians, and Europe as a whole, the two tribes did sign a parchment in the Autumn 1939, the brotherly love didn’t last long, and when the bloody encounter ended there were considerable fewer burghers in both nations.
Overall, however, Gorby has a point, you may recall Baron making a similar argument. The two ethnic groups have so much in common they may as well join forces, and very likely will when the EU construct falls apart.
The Prussians (that’s the east part of Germany, the one bordering with the Slavonic contingent, also the PEDIGA territory, the fighting heart of Germany that is) were apparently Slavs who changed sides probably because they got bribed.
It’s hard to beat blood ties even those established in the distant past, hence it would be better for us, well, for you as Anglo-Saxons, to get out of the Brussels monstrosity dominated by the Mutti’s crowd and controlled by her.
At the time when Herostratus burned down the Temple of Artemis, it was reasonable to believe, whether speaking metaphorically or not, that something of equal beauty could be constructed. Indeed the Temple was in fact rebuilt.
It remains to be seen whether western civilization can be re-established along the north African littoral. No attempt appears to have been made to do that so far by the western corporate banksters who are responsible through their agents for the flood of islamic males of military age into the European Union, for the destruction of the arches at Palmyra on Syria, for the massacre of Christians, Jews, and for the death or enslavement of any other persons in the vicinity not willing to recite in public the centuries old Arabic prayer which roughly translates as “Yes Sir, no Sir, three bags full , Sir”.
In this rich cultural programme, the western corporate banksters and string-pullers have the enthusiastic support of their own battalions of useful idiots.
Indeed the renowned Greek historian of western decline, Nincompoopus, has opined that Vlad the Thug should not strike the muslim forces of Barack Hussein Obama for fear that, after such success, he might drive on from Damascus to Paris and even Brighton or Tunbridge Wells, the current residence of Nincompoopus, threatening the great historian with involuntary Russian lessons, borscht for dinner three times a week and nothing but kvass at his local pub. Rather, to prevent such horror, Vlad should abandon Russia’s historical role as a main bulwark against the spread of the Caliphate and let Syria become a springboard for ISIL’s destabilisation of Europe and of his own country in the interests of cultural diversity as approved by global organisations for the common good such as the United Nations.
Malfleur @ 12:09
You really are on fire, Malfleur, the piece is rather enjoyable down to the name of the one charting the progress of the Europe’s destruction.
Why are we talking about the Greeks anyway, could someone brief the poorly educated Slav? Has he missed something?
Actually, your theory that creating a mess in the ME, which cannot but lead to the exodus of millions to Europe is not an unforeseen consequence, an unintended outcome, but a well thought out design.
If one considers an influx of some 1.5mn young men annually (that’s the latest for the current year, up from 1.4mn a couple of weeks ago), each young man bringing a min of nine others (the wife, three kids, his and her parents), the numbers get impressive very quickly. Not unlike the Germans conquering Europe economically without Panzers and Stukas, the followers of Allah are doing the same culturally, they have no need for ISIL what with the western leaders welcoming them with open arms.
Sorry, a part of one of the sentences is missing, it was supposed to say ‘is right’ after the word ‘design’. (And now to the garden for probably the last barbecue this year?)
Why are you limiting it to only ONE wife?
Here is a statistic that may warrant thinking about, but has nothing to do with Vlad, the ME, or the Greeks.
In 1939, in Britain, the number of people whose annual after tax income topped £6,000 (i.e. £500 then or £30,000 in today’s money each month), was around 7,000. After the war that number sank to just 60, sixty individuals whose net income was £6,000 pa.
This comes from an American journalist Theodore H White, but if you want to question him, you’ll have to dig him up. Baron has learnt ii just now watching over more than a couple of pork belly slices getting brownish on a b-b, sipping a glass of Chilean Merlot. Don’t you wish you were here?
An amazing piece of data, if it’s true, from more than one angle.
Baron – 13:16
Even the orphans will be doing that, no doubt!
Good satire on BBC “balance” at:
There’s a great satire on BBC “balance” at
Fortified, but sadly with only two glasses of the said red, with his stomach full, the barbarian was ready to face the wisdom of the omni-all Mr. Boot, or is it now Malfleur’s omni-all Mr. Nincompoopus? Perhaps not, it’s pushing it too far.
He clicked on the link, and wasn’t disappointed. The subject of today’s fiction is of course the only nemesis of his, but not directly, no, no, sir, this time it’s a crime by pure association, a rather distant association at that as the Kremlin boss is not a Duma member. You can read it for yourselves, the culprit who gets turned into the KGB colonel is one of the family of tossers one can find everywhere, and of whom the Russian Duma is proud to have more than our House (although this guess is arguable). Still, Mr. omni-all whatever then pushes the fictional story till it’s not only non-sensical, but rather boring.
The one omission in tracing the unquestionable expansion of Russia we should all be getting ready for that bothers the barbarian is that of Ukraine. WTF is going on, shouldn’t Vlad take over the cradle of Russia, the Киевская Русь first? That’s something he predicted after the east Ukrainian skirmish began. What has kept the KGB colonel for more than a year?
Relax and enjoy.Here’s Marine LePenn having a go at Merkel and her “vice-chancellor,(the) administrator of (the) province (of) France”;in the EU Parliament on Wednesday 7th October.
The above looks good on full screen.
Baron – 10:53
A few roof timbers got a bit charred by all accounts, but it must have been all that highly combustable masonry and marble that did all the damage…
A Clear and Present Danger – Aleppo? Or Parliament Square?
A further contribution of China to civilization?
“Among the things that will hurt a citizen’s score are posting political opinions without prior permission, or posting information that the regime does not like…”
Malfleur October 9th, 2015 – 20:19
Cameron & Co seem to rather like China and this citizen rating system will no doubt appear here in a dressed up form as combatting extremism and keeping children safe. First expect a gradual campaign to delegitimise anonymity on the web, with horror stories and dodgy statistics to warm the sheeple up, then a backdoor ID system to “make life easier” for citizens when dealing with government departments. They have already been incrementally warming us up to the idea that there are limits on freedom of speech.
Web censorship is also already on the way and there is a well established technique of bullying ISPs in less than transparent processes to comply with the requirements of Mumsnet without the inconvenience of having to pass laws and introduce proper judicial oversight. Cameron & Co have already bought into Chinese firewall software.
Maybe the Chinese investment Osborne is so keen on will be their investment in removing more of our freedoms and creating more Big State on the Chinese model.
For our own good of course.
Radford NG – 16:52
She really meant it, as if lives were at stake, as they have been!
A Manga artist gets kicked, but stands firm, something one can never observe when a politician of ours is attacked by the cabal of the anointed.
Radford NG @ 16:58
It does look good on a full screen, Radford, pity for the translation, it wasn’t much good, and the poorly educated Slav speaks no French.
You may reprimand Baron for it, but the Germans got where they are mostly by being prudent, working hard, and following the Mutti’s orders. The advantageous rate of the Euro has helped, they are an exporting nation, but it’s the failure of the French and the other members of the Euro club not to question the stewardship of the currency.
Follow the van here:
Not arf.
Baron – I haven’t read of all the folregoing but you know Herostrates features in the introduction to The Good Soldier Svejk? Something along the lines of ” … [Svejk is modest and self-effacing] unlike that stupid fellow, Herostrates, who burned down the Temple of Ephesus just to get his name in the history books.”
I shouldn’t trouble about Boot unduly. He may mesmerise certain rustic simpletons (no need to look too far afield) but is pig-headed enough to back child-rapists and cannibals against Putin any day to of the week.
hmm … Having read a bit more, a disclaimer to 00:10 may be in order. Frank P: Hope you’re well. Never in a month of Sundays would I accuse *you* of being mesmerised by anything. Let’s leave it at that. 😉
Andy Car Park (00:21)
Heh, heh, heh! ‘Rustic simpleton’ fits
perfectly; but mesmerised? Nah!. I just enjoy stirring up our baronial pal into fervent invective. He’s very entertaining when riled up. Any which way, you introduced our Ruski exile’s prolific output to this patch, so if Baron has an untimely throm as a result of AB’s anti-Vlad rhetoric … it’s down to you guv’nor (in accordance with my determinist cause ‘n’ effect ethos). ☺
Funny you should mention The Good Soldier Schweik, though: thereby hangs a tale. If ever we get the chance to have a jar and chinwag, I’ll bore the ass of you by relating it.
Btw [Dmitri] – we could do with some of your limericks on this patch. Excellent stuff.
And thanks for that link at 23:55 – nice and nous in equal measure. Those were the days!
Andy Car Park – October 9 @ 22.15
The days when a plummy voice could get you a plum job – no bomb damage in the East End thank God. All cleaned up by 1958. Needs a seasoning of cultural diversity though.
Russian Military Action in Syria
It’s ok. It ‘s a sign of Russian weakness. The Caliph says so.
Colonel Mustard – October 9th @ 22:24
Yes, they’re coming for us – and here Peter from Maidstone is riding point.
For background, Google “Zuckerberg on hot mike” or “Infowars – closing down the internet”.
On the latter, see in particular
This site is simply people talking to each other – or past each other sometimes.
Let’s discuss and re-assess and re-establish the Bill of Rights before it’s too late.
For Hong Kong Foreign Club Aficionados – Herbert Thornton?
Clare Hollingworth celebrates her 104th birthday!
By the way, the Swedish Consul de facto resigned his membership of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club earlier this year as a result of criticism of his rudeness to staff upon being told no table was available on short notice for him and his party, all tables having been taken or reserved.
The President of the FCC commented that it was no longer “the old days”.
I took him to refer to the pre-1997 period. He was entirely right of course – but not in the way he intended.
Down to the ground Baron bows, Andy, what a depth of general, or even better literary knowledge, so accurate the nit-picking often even cavilling barbarian is stuck to get one over you …
Listen, nice to hear your voice on a blog so dominated by the one you’re in love with, but deservedly what with his links and contact to the highest echelons of the police state (that’s a joke, Frank), one has to pragmatic, ha?
Baron cannot stop for a longer chat, the weather’s still good, today’s apricity soothes the skin and is strong enough to take those closer to the grave than Baron (or so he hopes) to the seaside.
Keep hitting them hard, the y deserve it, richly.
Frank P – 01:23
Andy is a man of many hats…
In defense of rural simpletons…
Andy Carpark,
I do hope that all those unedifying stories concerning the activities of Jezza and his biker bitch haven’t led to a recurrence of those Bonnie Greer night traumas. A terrifying prospect indeed.
EDL protest in Aylesbury (Berks.) today as part of world-wide counter-jihad day.Also Aylesbury part of Thames Valley Police Area jihad-rape scandal territory.(Thames Valley-Home Counties-same problem as Pennine Towns.)
Link to protected web-site:
Something wrong there!
Radford NG
We don’t want hundreds of thousands of muslims in England now, any more than we would have welcomed hundreds of thousands of east European and Russian communists here at the time of the Cold War or a million or so Nazis in the later 1930s.
Do we?
Kick them out!
Ex Chancellors of the Exchequer: They’re dropping like flies, and last night it it was Geoffrey Howe’s turn! I wouldn’t bet on the BBC running a two hour special on him, like they did for Dennis Healey.
It must be all rather unsettling for Nigel Lawson who must be wondering who’s next! Hopefully he’ll keep going long enough to see the EU referendum campaign thru to a successful conclusion.
Mind you, the BBC will probably run a weekend special…
More grist to the mill, Baron:
October 10th, 2015 – 13:11
Of course we don’t want them, but the two main parties are greedy for votes, and would sell our country for a mess of pottage. Not only should we kick the aliens out, but also get rid of the bastards who are letting them in.
Ankara. They hate each other as much as they hate us. R O P your having a laugh.
Religion of hate is more accurate.
ObamaTrade (The TTP and TTIP)
Someone gets it! Pr half gets it – it’s not a “trade deal”, it’s part of the plan to bring in world government – you-likee?
Frank P @ 18:04
Why are you doing it to the poorly educated Slav, Frank? Tired and in need of a good night sleep, he nevertheless got seduced, took the bait, clicked, read what the two spent political clowns had to say, and thought: No wonder the US strategy for the ME is in a shite.
We went to war with the religiously inspired thugs more than a decade ago, and going to war has always meant that you clobber the one you go to war against. To quote George Patton, an American of the old mould, from the times the country was still great and exceptional: “The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his”. Substitute country for creed, religion or whatever, and the advice still holds.
If the US command followed this simple instructive observation of what war is all about, it would be ‘all quiet on the ME front’ today. And they didn’t have to slaughter everyone either, capturing them ala Sisi would have been good enough, then sorting the bad from the ones that could be turned, ensuring the former never walk the streets anywhere.
The two who penned the WP piece have also failed to put themselves into Putin’s shoes. One in six of Russian burghers today is a Muslim, the ratio is likely to get boosted if only because the ROP worshippers don’t hit the bottle at all, or in moderation, there’s a talk of a Muslim president in 2050.
As if by serendipity, Baron watched a programme on the TV Rain yesterday on this very topic, and also learnt that the new enlarged mosque in Moscow (reopened recently, the 2nd largest in Europe, Erdogan, Netanyahu in attendance, the latter came over but missed the opening ceremony) was proudly presented with one single hair of the prophet, in a special casket. Unbelievable, ha?
What would one in charge of a country with large and growing Muslim population do if ISIL were spreading like wildfire around its southern borders where most of the followers of Allah reside? Sit and wait until the festering pathogen of the ROP crosses the border?
The Americans fugged up almost from the start conducting a TV war for most of the time they’ve engaged the nutters in the ME. (The 1st phase in Afghanistan may have been different, but after the betrayal of the Northern Alliance it was all downhill).
When Putin stepped in they should have pretended it was because they let him, gracefully allowed him to join the fight, he was there by their invitation for the good of everyone – Russia, the region, Europe, the world. They should have stressed, however, it was still the good USA that was in overall command. And they could have been if they shared intelligence with the Russians. They didn’t have to repeat the old mantra ‘Assad must go’, it was all for the future of the Syrian people, to alleviate their suffering, stem the flow of refugees bla, blah, we deal with Assad, the new regime when the ISIL thugs are a toast.
Their reaction to Putin’s show of strength – he will regret it, he will fail, some of the missiles flopped – shows they were caught with their pantalone down. Addressing the UN the other day, the honorary Muslim in the White House said: ‘We are the most powerful nation in the world’. Well, it they were, it wouldn’t need saying, it would be felt.
The contention in the narrative that the Russian military gear is antiquated doesn’t square with the launch of the 26 missiles from the Caspian Sea. It has not been done by anyone, ever. A launch f rom ships near the theatre of war, from planes is one thing, launching them from hundreds miles afar another.
Ms Rice may have forgotten even the Soviets had a space programme that rivalled that of America, it’s unlikely the gained know-how in rocket technology would have been lost after communism imploded. She may not know either that the Americans are today buying space rocket engines from the Russians, not that long ago (January this year) they signed a contract worth a billion dollars (sanctions didn’t apply obviously).
One can only hope Obama calls Putin, they agree a common front, exterminate the ISIL vermin, then have a chat who rules Syria, better still carve up the region into more manageable chunks, part not as friends, but not as enemies either.
Malfleur @ 00:13
The German behemoth is being hit by unprecedented immigration, an unfavourable trade deal, anaemic economic growth – is the Mutti losing her grip on things?
EC @ 13:52
Never mind Lawson, EC, what about other mortals of the lower rank old enough to remember the departing political gnomes, what about us?
Baron (00:23)
Bravissimo! Wouldn’t disagree with a word of it. Thanks for the time, thought, effort and keyboardery involved. Now get some shut-eye. You deserve it. ☺
Watched a biodoc on Spike Milligan on BBC Four tonight, hoping that it would feature and reactivate some of the hilarious moments of his comic genius. It didn’t!
It was a dirge and the makers seemed determined to merely regurgitate the misery of his bi-polar condition; the extracts of his work they used should have finished up on the cutting room floor. You Tube has a much better anthology. I wonder whether his children, some of whom appeared, were allowed to see the final cut, or had any veto before transmission? The show as probably pay-back for the slating Milligan often gave them.
I don’t know how many of you will have seen this, but it makes me wonder whether, if it comes to pass, the refugee tide will swell to quite dizzy heights. –
A guy I know is in showbiz. He wears a union flag waistcoat when working. He did a gig recently. But after the event agent called him and said they had had a complaint because his waistcoat offended, and could h not wear it for future bookings. The guy said back, I have a better idea. How about you dont book me again.
Good on him.
But if our national flag causes offence in our own country then we need to pit it in the public eye as much as possible.
How about a few union flag mages on this webby, peter???
Frank P @ 00:5
And the barbarian have always thought, it was only the boss who bossed him around. Arghhh
He, the bossed one, has just re-read the rant, discovered it’s but a variation on the old hobby horse of his – how to conduct, conduct not a war. It’s not unlike the omni-all next door does, only the subject differs.
Apologies for it, Frank (and others). He isn’t going to do it again even though in his humble view, it’s at the root of the mess, and not only in the ME.
The great Mark has made the argument before, better and often, pointing to the American strength – some 80% of the world spend on things military, around 40% of all military hardware – (the figures may be dated somewhat what with the Chinese, others boosting their expenditure), and yet the country hasn’t won any military skirmish of any size or form since WW@.
One may of course argue it’s because the West conducts or tries hard to conduct wars in a ‘uman rights’ sanitised, painless fashion, which is not unlike trying to defecate non malodorously. Ain’t doable, in either case, and for good reason.
If one is unable or unwilling to carry out warring the way it had been done before one shouldn’t start wars. As the fluffy creature in the TV add says ‘simples’.
0:00 And now in the studio I am honored to greet the chief of the German police union, Rainer Wendt.
0:04 Herr Wendt, the cabinet has wasted no time passing these new asylum laws; is that enough?
0:09 Well, first, it’s a good sign, and it shows that politicians can react, but
0:14 what I’d like to see is that politicians react in time. Things always have to go up in flames
0:19 before they manage to get anything done.
0:22 All of this should’ve happened at least a year or so ago when we saw the first signs of the chaos.
Kick them out!
Germany: Migrant Crime Wave, Police Capitulate
“According to a classified document, the German government now estimates that Germany will receive as many as 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 920,000 in the last quarter of 2015 alone. With family reunifications, the actual number of asylum seekers could swell to more than 7 million. Separately, German authorities now estimate that at least 290,000 migrants and refugees have entered the country without being registered.
“The behavior of these highly delinquent youths towards police officers can be characterized as aggressive, disrespectful and condescending. … When they are arrested, they resist and assault [police officers]. The youths have no respect for state institutions.” — Confidential report, leaked to Die Welt.
In Berlin, a classified police report revealed that a dozen Arab clans hold reign over the city’s criminal underworld. The report says the clans, which are dedicated to dealing drugs, robbing banks and burglarizing department stores, run a “parallel justice system” in which they resolve disputes among themselves with mediators from other crime families. If the state gets involved, the clans use cash payments or threats of violence to influence witnesses.
“For years the policy has been to leave the population in the dark about the actual crime situation… The citizens are being played for fools.” — André Schulz, head of the Association of Criminal Police.
According to the President of the German Police Union, “In Berlin or in the north of Duisburg there are neighborhoods where colleagues hardly dare to stop a car — because they know that they’ll be surrounded by 40 or 50 men.” These attacks amount to a “deliberate challenge to the authority of the state — attacks in which the perpetrators are expressing their contempt for our society.””
They would be the dhimmi state institutions, wouldn’t it, for which they have no respect?
Baron – 00:36
Unless you reveal even more details of your colourful past than heretofore, then I’m afraid that the BBC will not be prompted to be fugging up your life story.
soles effugere atque abire sentit,qui nobis pereunt et inputantur!
The memoirs, Baron, the memoirs!
PS. Baron.
Re: Russian “junk” vs US hardware. The MiG-29 is still superior to the trillion dollar, committee designed, brand spanking new F-35 in dogfights… as is the older infinitely cheaper F-16.
I don’t know much Italian, so I had to Google it and I got:
“Did you mean: soles effugere atque abi sentit,qui nobis pereunt et imputantur”
Then I looked up a translation into English (from the Italian) and it still didn’t seem to mean anything.
Any clues?
Try this:
Now to himself, alas! does neither live
But sees good suns of which we are to give
A strict account, set, and doth march away:
Knows a man how to live, and does he stay?
“….Mass brawls have broken out between Afghan Muslims and Syrian Muslims over something as trivial as who should visit the bathroom first. How can anybody believe that such primitive honor cultures can be absorbed into a European culture that is radically different? It is rather an exhausted and demoralized Europe that risks being reduced to an appendix of the Middle East….”
Kick them out!
Frank P
It still doesn’t make any sense to me. What’s he on about?
“The Muslim Imam who led a segregated prayer session outside Britain’s Houses of Parliament on Friday lunchtime has published blogs defending terrorist Osama Bin Laden, a terrorist convict nicknamed “Lady Al Qaeda”, and previously launched scathing attacks on homosexuals and Jewish people, Breitbart London can exclusively reveal…..”
Kick them out!
“Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock…”
The hours/days pass and they are reckoned to our account.
Something like that… One doesn’t have to be too literal about it, does one?
Now, I would settle down this afternoon and make a start on my memoirs but…
the Russian F1 GP is far more interesting.
October 11th, 2015 – 13:59
Not only kick them out, but every time I read that any of the bastards have drowned trying to reach civilization, I cheer!
October 11th, 2015 – 13:59
I agree. Not only kick them out, but every time I read that any of the bastards have drowned trying to reach civilization, I cheer!
Die Welt. (5th Oct 2015).
“The Outcry of a Young Police Woman”
An interview with a 32 year old Inspector(?) of Greek immigrant parents in Bochum (in the Ruhr,about six miles from Essen) who criticizes the`social romanticism followers of an uncritical multiculturalism`.
“Policemen are increasingly exposed to violence……muslims have no respect for the police;especially if you (are) a woman.”
“The breakfast service are easiest because the problematic clientele mostly long sleep…at worst it is at night.”
The article is in German-translated by Google. Unfortunately there is no translation of the `Comments`.
This is how it is done:
On the BBC 1 News at 22 hrs, i learned that Syrians who fled to Jordan are returning home in large numbers. They are complaining that they are hungry, have no work or money and that life in Jordan is very hard. Maybe the Western bleeding-heart humanitarians could learn a thing or two from the arabs. It seems that the arab reputation for hospitality is just a fable, especially when it involves fellow arabs, and perhaps the migrants or refugees or whatever, denying that they are financial migrants is also a fable!
EC @ 14:48
Hamilton got lucky, but he deserves it. Not surprisingly perhaps the man from the Kremlin had to be there rubbing shoulders with him. They’re the same the world over.
RobertRetyred @ 21:28
It has been tried in the USSR in the 20s, Robert, the kids turned feral, the communist thugs had to call an end to it. But who knows, a gentler approach might do the trick, manufacture perfectly obedient citizens willingly following the orders of the anointed.
Radford NG @ 19:49
Nothing much on the subject of immigration Baron could find scanning the continental paper (sans German press, he doesn’t speak the language) except the news that Germany won’t have to raise tax rates to pay for it, they’re running a budget surplus.
EC @ 12:52
You’ve forgotten you’re dealing with a poorly educated endomorph, EC, and even though the barbarian did some Latin at school he remembers BA, recalls with horror the struggle with verb conjugation (the irregular ones were pure murder, because of them he spent many a useless hour after school writing them down 20times plus, and a fat lot of good did it do), and even more with declension (?). The language’s been dead for centuries, why do kids have to labour learning it? More to the point, why the early desire to put the Latin straightjacket on English?
Whether learning Latin today is easier who knows, Baron just checked volo (to want), bloody nightmare, hence he admires anyone who’s mastered it.
And if you still are awake, a short summary of news from a variety of east European scribblers:
An unnamed Russian general: “We are hitting and killing everyone who’s fighting Assad, Allah will do the sorting out later”.
The US Administration is weighing up the possibility of backing Al-Qaeda as the least worst option in the ME.
The Iraqi planes intercepted and attacked a large ISIL convoy, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadiis, the Rolex loving leader of the ISIL thuggery, was allegedly injured, taken to an unknown destination.
The British Ambassador to Russia was summoned to the Foreign Office asked to explain whether it’s true British pilots flying over Syria were given permission to shoot down Russian planes.
Junker says the EU should improve relations with Russia, even though ‘it isn’t sexy’, should not be dictated what to do by the US.
Meanwhile … back at the United Nations Stink Tank…
“”It is highly necessary and pressing for the international community to jointly bring about an international code of conduct on cyberspace at an early date,” said Wang Qun, director-general of the Arms Control Department of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, in comments to the U.N. General Assembly.”
Such as:
Article 1 of the Code: with regard to cyberspace the United Nations shall not promulgate nor agree with Member States nor with any of them any regulation or recommendation respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof; nor abridging the freedom of speech, nor of the press; nor the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition any Member State or the United Nations for a redress of grievances.
Your unnamed Russian general was possibly alluding to the supposed order of the Papal Legate in 1209 at the massacre of Catholics and heretics at Béziers:
“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.”
Dafter and dafter.
Trigger Warning: ‘Racists’ Statue Student Official Accuses Herself Of Rape And Bans Herself From NUS Safe Spaces
Vienna City Council Elections (Provisional).
Freedom Party increase vote in Red Vienna.
Socialists 40%….seats 44 (-5)
Freedom..32%….seats 35 (+8)
Greens…..11%….seats _9 (-2)
Probably leading to a Red-Green coalition.
Malfleur @ 02:44
Does this trump yours, Malfleur?
Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.
October 12th, 2015 – 02:44
John birch @ 06:03
Not enough penance, John, she should exile herself, and the further away from these shores the better.
She is though an example of an phenomenon someone should look into, highly educated village idiots. Plenty of them around.
PS sorry about the double address, the barbarian hasn’t woken up fully, yet.
“Ben Carson’s comments that armed Jews might have saved lives in the Holocaust by resisting Nazi terror have been met with condescending mockery from the left. The Jewish establishment, a network of wealthy non-profit organizations that claim to represent Jews without ever being chosen by them and while working against their interests, has reacted in the same way as their liberal brethren.”
Kick then out!