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Am I the only one annoyed by the met Offices’ new irritating and infantile habit of naming the weather?
Storm Frank will no doubt be following in due course by something equally asinine, probably ‘Raincloud Edwina” or ‘Cloudburst Fakim’, as, no doubt we will soon become as multicultural in our weather as in everything else.
Can anyone explain why the Scandinavians put up with this?
More to the point, how long before this level of acquiescence emerges here? From conversations during the festive season I detected worrying signs of incipient Dhimmitude among the natives. Seems that the subliminal propaganda of the MSM is being effective: another good reason to exclude the troll from this platform. Peter?
Bravo Frank,
we are all behind you on this one.
Frank P 15:36
As with most of Europe, proportional representation will be the death of Swedish democracy.
The one party that opposes mass invasion, the Swedish Democrats, is consistently outvoted by mendacious combinations.
December 29th, 2015 – 14:55
“…Am I the only one annoyed by the met Offices’ new irritating and infantile habit of naming the weather?
Storm Frank will no doubt be following in due course by something equally asinine….”
Erm… no disrespec’ Frank, We know ‘You ain’t no Asinine, Bruv!’
We may have had it on the blog before, but in case we haven’t, enjoy.
Jennifer @ 14:01
You’re either too generous (for no reason), or have a diacritic sense of humour, Jennifer. (No need to answer).
And the same to you.
The question is when? Could Baron dream to be still breathing to witness it?
Herbert, here’s another take of things Syrian, good points, but rather optimistic reading of the possible outcome for the Kremlin man, Baron reckons. One mustn’t forget the GDP of Russia is roughly one tenth of that for the Republic. In the end, it’s always money that counts, cunningness can get one that far, but no further.
Noa @ 14:43
Good one, Noa, thanks, Baron has a similar one, it works but what the hell, let’s live dangerously.
Frank P @ 15:36
One of Baron’s postulates states that ‘man (or woman) get get used to and survive everything except his (her) own death.
The raped woman who feared the rapist would be kicked back to Iraq if she reported him wasn’t killed, was she. She got used to the new world of PC crap, and why wouldn’t she after years of brainwashing.
Strange are the times we live in, Frank.
Noa @ 17:11
And the difference under the FPTP system would be exactly what, Noa?
At least under the Swedish system if (say) 40% of the country backs party A, the party has roughly 40% of the seats in the law making body. Here some 4mn plebs, or well over 10% of those eligible to vote, are without any representation at all.
Go figure.
Noa @ 14:55
If storm Frank got truly unleashed on the country, Noa, the anointed would be incinerated instantly, the clouds of PC would clear, the unwashed would become free again. Baron’s certain of it.
Baron – 18.44 and 18.49
Touche Baron.
But FPTP permits of real change, for good or ill, whereas PR doesn’t, as we witnessed in France two weeks ago.
As to Storm Frank-it would be more a tempest, methinks.
“Thou makest me merry; I am full of pleasure:
Let us be jocund: will you troll the catch
You taught me but while-ere?”
And a re-post from last weeks Wall for those who may have missed it.
For anyone interested in developing an understanding of America’s role and strategic interest in the promotion of an eastward expanding and German led EU, and Britain’s role within it. I recommend former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard” as compulsory reading for an understanding of US realpolitik from the ’90s to the present.
In particular Chapter 3 “the Democratic Bridgehead” offers a profound, (and profoundly challenging (and imo misguided) analysis of Europe’s future as America’s partner.
It can be read here in full:
Noa @ 19:06
You think right, Noa, it’s that the poorly educated Slav’s imagination doesn’t reach that far.
Each of the arrangements has its dis and advantages, but if one wants to avoid sharp turns, uncertainties, calamities – an advisable approach in today’s society where a change in policy costs billions – e.g. Trident or no Trident, in or out the EU, ‘uman rites’ or the Common Law, – the PR system is preferable.
It did wonders for the Germans, will still do wonders for them. They’ve just hired 8,500 teachers to ‘learn’ the immigrants German, the scouts from the businesses have selected whom they want, the budget of 17bn Euro has been set to integrate them. Whatever Baron or anyone else has against the Mutti, she’s bloody smart, may have the last laugh.
Think about this: Any major Islam initiated atrocities in Germany? Nope, and you know why (in part anyway)? Baron’s told in Germany, those Muslims who behave do grass to authorities on those who wouldn’t.
That’s an excellent link at 19.08, Noa, we should debate it.
anne wotana kaye
December 29th, 2015 – 19:08
Not enough that flooding has caused havoc to countless people. Impossible to find shelter in their own homes, possessions ruined and food spoiled, life is very hard for very many people. To add to the victims misery, looters are grabbing what they can find, taking property from deserted homes. It may sound extreme, but I think the punishment should be death by shooting, once robbery is indeed ascertained. No long drawn out court cases with half-cracked magistrates and judges, but swift and well deserved punishment for those no better than traitors.
Baron (20:29)
You muse:
“Think about this: Any major Islam initiated atrocities in Germany? Nope….”
Mmm. Hope you’re not suggesting that the way to avoid rape, is to lay back, open your legs and smile sweetly?
Must be something to do with the continental European approach to survival. And there was me thinking it was just la méthode française. ☺
Those hard working new Germans. At the risk of being accused of cynicism I suspect they’re just biding their time.
It really is down to the demographics, as Mr Greenfield describes more elegantly than I…
“…there’s a basic cultural difference between Europe, between the West, and Islam, the Muslim world. Europe, the West, we’re a work ethic culture. We believe in working. We believe in coming home and saying okay, honey, what did you do? I worked 8 hours a day. That’s great. The Muslim world, it does not work like that because the Muslim world is a slave culture. We’re in the south now. We’re in Charleston. We’re supposed to feel very bad about slavery, which is a 19th century thing in America. In the Muslim world, it’s a 20th century thing…”
– See more at:
I would appear that the Germans are now resorting to desperate measures their numbers, but it will do little to stop the migrants coming…
@00:40 argh, do pardon the signature cock up!
There is a short item, less that 5 minutes, on the connection between Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ and Obama at the start of Tuesday’s Alex Jones Show.
Fortunately, nobody in England tries to implement those Rules.
Noa, December 29th, 2015 – 23:13
The Democrats have still got them corralled on LBJ’s Benefits Plantation!
“White America getting tired of poor attitude of other groups”
Sheriff David A. Clarke
anne wotana kaye – December 29th, 21:05
I missed it too, so here are links to Mark Steyn, again:
Mark Steyn, with Rudy Giuliani:
Another Mark Steyn ‘surprise’:
(not to be played while at the dinner table! 🙂 )
Mark Steyn, about Angela Merkel and Germany:
30/12/1915 HMS natal blew up in Cromarty firth. Thought to have been some badly made cordite.
My Gt Uncle died.
Oliver Letwin is in the news:
Files released by the National Archives in Kew, south-west London, show that Mr Letwin – then an adviser in Margaret Thatcher’s No 10 policy unit – blamed “bad moral attitudes” for a series of major disturbances which broke out across a series of mainly black inner city areas.
I would have thought he is the last person to speak about “Moral attitudes”. Dpes anybody recall the odd affair when `Letwin supposedly got up, from his bed, to let in a man `aking for a drink of water after midnight. It seems that Letwin was left with two black eyes……..
Oliver Letwin is in the news:
Files released by the National Archives in Kew, south-west London, show that Mr Letwin – then an adviser in Margaret Thatcher’s No 10 policy unit – blamed “bad moral attitudes” for a series of major disturbances which broke out across a series of mainly black inner city areas.
I would have thought he is the last person to speak about “Moral attitudes”. Does anybody recall the odd affair when `Letwin supposedly got up, from his bed, to let in a man `aking for a drink of water after midnight. It seems that Letwin was left with two black eyes……..
So is Tower Hamlets:
I told you this would happen (Tower Hamlets edition)
Why did Letwin apologise? With the benefit of 30 years of hindsight we can see that he was (mostly) correct in what he wrote.
That section of society had “bad moral attitudes”, both then and now. Left and right may argue why that is, but the truth of it is self evident.
If this appears twice, then it’s my fault. I posted a reply from my Windows 7 laptop, as I’ve had horrendous internet access problems since I “upgraded” to the latest patch for Windows 10 on my normal machine. I foolishly used my other email address from the laptop, so the post is in quarantine.
However, what I posted was:
Why did Letwin apologise? With the benefit of 30 years of hindsight we can see that he was (mostly) correct in what he wrote.
That section of society had “bad moral attitudes”, both then and now. Left and right may argue why that is, but the truth of it is self evident.
Chris Morris’s (14:24).
My thoughts exactly!
The cult of apology is becoming almost as suffocating to free speech as political incorrectness.
Chris Morriss – 14:24
Something is certainly amiss, but it’s caused by Climate Change! 🙂
Frank P @ 22:38
The musing was observational, Frank, not judgmental.
Frank P @ 22:38
Good point, Noa, and a complete agreement with Sultan except for this: The country we are talking about is Germany, Allah worshippers in Germany, German laws, practices, attitudes to things including work. It’s still the Germans who hold the whip.
The 4mn plus of Turks (most of the Muslim immigrants till now have come from Turkey) arrived mostly in the 60s, they’ve have morphed from the original gastarbeiters status, can now become German citizens if they have a job for eight years (plus other conditions), their children become automatically German (can also hold citizenship of another country), but at a certain age they have to choose to be one or the other.
Most of the Turks from the first wave of immigration were not keen to become Germans. This may have changed because as far as Baron knows the German authorities are keen to convert them.
Again, it’s merely an observation, but it seems that the integration of the Turkish contingent into the German society (some 5% of the total population) has been relatively successful.
The birthrate of the indigenous Germans has been sinking for years in the recent past, it’s now amongst the lowest in the world, no Government policy seems able to reverse it. If the German industrial hegemony is to survive, the country needs immigrants more than we do. Whether they successfully integrate the non-Turkish immigration contingent that is flooding their land today remains to be seen. If they fail they’ll be fugged up as the top dog of Europe, we’ll have a chance to take over.
Btw, in Weimar Republic the country had suffered from a sinking birthrate, too, it was Adolf who reversed it, boosted it by close to 50% in just half a dozen years or so when he was in charge.
Malfleur @ 00:48
Alex’s right here, Malfleur, thanks for pointing it out.
EC @ 00:56
Rather courageous of the sheriff, EC, but he can get away with it, can he not?
Still, this years (so far) the police in the Republic shot over 1,000 people, most of them non-white.
It may displease Frank again, but if the Russian police were to shoot the same number of Russians, and most of them were (say) Muslims, the western MSM would mount a campaign urging the free world to nuke the KGB Colonel without fail. (And if you think the Russian police has no reason to shoot villains, rioters, thugs, it’s only because we never hear about crime in Russia).
anne wotana kaye @ 21:05
Strong words, anne, but spot on.
Why the worry about the Russians, Frank?
RobertRetyred @ 11:22
The great Mark taking a great piss, Robert? Ha ha ha. Btw, didn’t Celts gurgle urine to whiten their teeth? Or is Baron getting the ethnicity of the teeth whitening tribe wrong?
On the Mutti business: She may not be able to germanify the Greeks because they are not in Germany, she has a limited control over them, her policies could interfere in Greece only indirectly. She may not be able to to turn the Muslim newcomers into fully fledged Germans either except that she will compel the German unwashed to do the job for her, and give them 2-3 generations to work on, who knows, they may do it.
It’s hard for Baron to make a case because he, like you, isn’t in favour of an alien culture infiltrating Judeo-Christian Europe, but he knows a thing or two about the German character (in his pedigree there’s certain dose of German blood), Mark seems to be missing this.
It links with what the barbarian has been trying to tell you before about the dominant 80mn plus tribe of continental Europe. The Germans are (in Europe anyway) unique in that they will do what the leader tells them to do, they may grumble, but carry on diligently nevertheless, their obedience to the Führer is near unquestionable, their focusing on pulling the way he or she says they have to pull is unshakable, come what may.
As Mark says the governing partners of the Mutti, the Social Democrats, don’t like it at all. A sizeable minority of the plebs hate it. Furthermore, most of her own CDU leadership are at least sceptical about the project, but they stick by her. Extraordinary it may seem, but that’s the Germans for you.
Cast your mind to WW2. By the end of 1944 it must have been obvious to everyone, and that includes the German dogs and cats, that the war was lost. Yet the Germans not only kept on fighting, they stuck to administering, executing, behaving as if nothing were happening to the idea of the 1000 year Reich. To the last hour.
Btw, this should be the key reason why we cannot remain in Europe when the Germans are in the driving seat. The two gene pools, the Anglo-Saxon and the Germanic, just don’t mix, never will in the foreseeable future. We stay in, we have to accept the Germans will control us for as long as the EU set-up favours them. For the boy to think the Mutti gives in, let him change the rules under which Germany acquired her status is beyond belief. Why should they change something that has suited them so well?
Apologies for the mistakes, and to Noa. Baron’s posting at 18.17 was to his at 23.13.
All done in a rush, you know.
A fitting tribute it is:
In an overwhelming 35-10 vote, the state Senate of North Dakota advanced a bill naming a 650-acre site currently under construction after the nation’s 44th president. Governor Jack Dalrymple is expected to sign the measure into law Tuesday.
When completed, the Barack Obama Memorial Landfill will be the largest waste disposal site in North Dakota, and the 17th largest in the United States. It will be especially rich in toxic waste from the local petroleum and medical industries.
“We wanted to do something to honor the president,” says Republican State Senator Doug Perlman, who was the lead sponsor of the bill. “And I think a pile of garbage is a fitting tribute to Obama’s presidency”.
Baron@December 30th, 2015 – 18:17
the germans dont translate everything into 233433 langiages. for most stuff its german or nowt.
most eating places outside the main tourist areas the menus are in German.
the train notices are in german.
even turkish shops the labels are in german.
i bet government forms etc are in german only.
but come to the UK and Tesco has labels in arabic and polski.
Baron at 19-43.
Right On! Keep on trucking!
While in Britain a NHS choir comes top of the Xmas pops,in Germany the top tune is Gemeinsam sind wir stark (Together we are strong):the anthem of PERGIDA.
See:local-Germany at
Daily Mail at
Baron – 19:43
ISIS plotting ‘to slaughter THOUSANDS’ in 2016 in bid to spark huge FINAL BATTLE with West
ISIS is planning to massacre thousands of civilians in public places around the world in 2016 as it desperately seeks to draw the west into a titanic “final battle”.
Brussels mayor cancels New Year’s Eve festivities over terror threat
NEW YEAR’S Eve festivities have been cancelled in Brussels over a [Islamic State] terror threat.
I am waiting for CMD to declare INTDWI.
But Teresa May has the situation completely sussed:
Government ‘may exclude’ Donald Trump after 565,000 sign petition calling for UK entry ban
Home Secretary Theresa May warns that she ‘may exclude’ people from UK entry after US Republican presidential contender makes controversial remarks about banning Muslims from entering the USA
It doesn’t look like she will lead the Leave campaign.
Baron, December 30th, 2015 – 18:32
Behave yourself, Baron. You’ll be suggesting that armed response by the police should be constrained by equal quotas for every ethnic group next.
Take a look a the USA crime statistics, and you’ll see who commits the most crime and why the figures work out the way that they do.
Alexsandr @ 20:20
Thanks for pointing it out, Alexsandr, that’s how (in part) the Germans handle integration.
Radford NG @ 21:09
There’re millions of Germans who either actively participate in Pergida demonstrations, or at least sympathise with the movement, Radford. Given their large number, it would be reasonable to assume that at least some of them are also involved in handling the immigrants, in one capacity or another e.g. ferrying them around, supplying them with stuff, inducting them in the German ways of doing things.
Baron reckons they do what’s asked of them attentively, tirelessly, well. When he goes next to that neck of the woods, he’ll try to find out if he’s right.
EC @ 22:35
Nothing to disagree with, EC apart from one small detail. We’re not talking about crime per se, but about shooting people before they get their due process.
One perhaps cannot blame the men in uniform to use guns so readily because the villains are armed, too. But one would expect the police to be trained well enough to disable the culprits rather then shoot them dead, wouldn’t you agree?
Years ago, Baron got partly mixed up in a chase and a shoot-out on a Florida turnpike (he was in a car travelling on the same road as the villain and the police). The fleeing guy’s car hit a baluster, turned around once, stopped. The rules must have been more relaxed then because the two guys in the chasing patrol car stopped quite a distance from the disabled vehicle, just in front of Baron’s car, and kept firing at the miscreant as if ammunition would never run out. Fortunately for the idiot who kept on hobbling around, they were pretty useless shots, didn’t hit him once. The arriving ambulance clipped him though, which may have saved his life. Btw, the guy’s skin wasn’t black.
Baron – 19:29 ‘Mutti’
I wouldn’t want to bet on the outcome of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object, whether it is a mountain or not. 🙂
Remember Diane West’s rediscovery that there were quite a few Germans willing to surrender well before 1945, but only if they could surrender BEFORE the Russians got to them. I think that is one contributing factor in their determination to continue fighting to the end.
You have seen recently just how even a false threat can cause a large disruption, with Brussels stopping its New Year celebrations, a flight being diverted due to a pretend bomb and an American school being sued for £25m (or some stupid sum) because they treated a pretend bomb as a real threat, with the connected mosque later found to be connected to extremism.
And then there was that football match in Paris last month! And T.May is thinking of banning Trump! You couldn’t make it up! But, remember, INTDWI!
This is only for the connoisseurs of things Slavonic, or specifically Ukrainian here. After the US sponsored Kiev putsch, the country has become a model of democracy, corruption has vanished, the future is bright. Well done Biden, Victoria & co:
RobertRetyred @ 23:40
Good points, Robert. It occurred to the barbarian, too, that the outcome may go either way. On balance though, the Germans have an advantage of the home territory, the religiously motivated nutters play away.
Who knows, only time will tell.
Baron (17:38)
“The musing was observational, not judgemental”.
You can’t get away with that slippery attempt at a cop out.
” She’s smart and may have the last laugh.”
That is a judgement. It also implies that the rest of us should be ‘smart’ by allowing the fuckers in and converting them, by putting them to work and using the old Commie trick of cultivating informers among the proles to grass on the ‘terrorists’ among them. Bribe the finks with better jobs maybe? Allow them to keep their misogynist practices; fgm, etc. etc. A modicum of Sharia here and there? Just to keep the workforce happy?
Fuck that for a game of soldiers!
Mutti is an old firm East German commie. She is volunteering to flood Europe and, by EU chicanery, the UK with Muslim immigrants. Cameron is wooing her for concessions. He’ll bargain with Old Nick to keep us in the EU conspiracy. He’s in the thrall of the financiers who run the whole show.
The Russki’s and Chinese financially backed the traitors of this country who infested the Secret Services, Labour administrations, the leftist press and the myriad ‘minority’ activist groups of the 60s and 70s. In fact they infiltrated the corridors of power comprehensively, either by bribery or blackmail or both. (What the current enquiries into sexual depravity in high places will not uncover is how much of it was instigated by the sino-soviet infiltrators – not difficult, given the proclivities of the British public school system).
The damage done in those years through infiltration of higher education and the destruction of primary education with imposition of ‘comprehensive’ education, has been disastrous for our culture. It ain’t over, my Baronial co-blogger, despite what you try to tell me in favour of Vlad.
We are still riddled with agents of the old Comintern. Now you are suggesting that we can defeat Islam by assimilation? DMAFF!!
It’s not terrorism that is an existential threat to the UK. It’s the demographics.
Now that IS judgemental, me old China. And citing a bit of Monty Python doesn’t do anything to weaken my aversion to Mother fuckin’ Russia. As long as they have the KGB/FSB at the top of political system I want our nukes primed and cunts like Corbyn kept as far from the levers of power as possible.
As for any accommodation with Islam in any way shape or form – moderate, ‘westernised’, apostate, fuggetabahtit!!
… and you’ll note that I didn’t even mention that useful idiot, friend of Tariq All-lie, the agitprop teletwat!
And as it’s already NYE, a happy and Commie/Muzzie free, New Year.
Frank P
December 31st, 2015 – 02:38
“Tariq Ali: And we thought this was wishful thinking because ISIS tends to monopolise power just as soon as it can, even when it took power in an area in combination with others. It’s also extremely paranoid, so it’s going to kill anybody whom it thinks is preparing to stab it in the back or rise up against it… So I think it’s just wishful thinking to imagine that ISIS is going to be displaced in the areas it has conquered.
..A lot of people have speculated that the Saudis in some form or the other, if not the government directly, people close to the government in Saudi Arabia, were partially responsible for creating, helping and funding this force as a sort of proto-Saudi intervention against Shia domination in Iraq after the occupation. To what extent is this true, if at all?
Patrick Cockburn: .. The Saudis have always been behind the Jihadi movement in general, above all abroad, not within Saudi Arabia. And generally they will support those who oppose Shia governments, and don’t really distinguish or didn’t really distinguish who they were supporting. But it’s also pretty clear that a lot of their support did go to ISIS, did go to other groups like Jabhat al-Nusra, this was all through private donors, not just Saudi Arabia, but Kuwait and Qatar, and Turkey.
The US and Britain would [try to] distinguish between the moderate Syrian opposition in this corner and the Jihadi extreme opposition in the other corner. But actually the two were together,
I mean there was a report this very week by a research organisation itemising various weapons in the hands of ISIS that appear to have been supplied by Saudi Arabia last year to the supposedly moderate Syrian opposition, but were immediately transferred because the gap between the two is much more limited than you’d imagine…”
A very sage interview
So Putin was correct (RT 30 Sept 2015)
“If it looks like a terrorist. If it acts like a terrorist, It is a Terrorist”
And they are amongst us in europe. And we are letting more of the intolerant, violent, paedophile, mysogenistic, little girl clitoris chopping, rapist members of this vile death cult every day.
Ironic that Tariq-Ali, the quintessential traitor, should write about a vile terrorist organisation’s monopoly of power when he once supported another vile terrorist organisation’s attempt to monopolise power by conducting assassinations and waging war against a peaceful sovereign nation on behalf of a belligerent communist state. Comrade Tariq even expressed the desire to form a unit of volunteers to go and fight for his spiritual comrades in the Viet Cong. But maybe that was just the blowhard rhetoric of an agitator in the Corbyn mould who denounces any war waged by his own country and her allies but condones the terrorism of communist aggressors. Were his exertions on behalf of Ho Chi Minh paid for by Moscow gold and therefore quid pro quo rather than conscience? Who knows.
Own country? Well, the country of his adoption at least. Like so many militant communists Comrade Tariq hailed from a privileged family that had lorded it over an impoverished peasantry in a way that had not been seen in England for many centuries. But finding the Pakistani regime a little too robust in their attitude towards his type of militant agitprop he fled to the safety of the UK where, like other ungrateful refugees from less forbearing regimes, he soon turned his attention towards telling his hosts, loudly and unceasingly, how their country should be run and inciting various forms of disruptive protest that increased the burdens of the British police and taxpayer. Not so much contributor as blight.
But to return to Comrade Tariq’s exposition of ISIS. It doesn’t exactly read as a condemnation but rather just an assertion of their power. There does seem to be, and we have seen it also from the resident Stalinist parrot, a certain relish for their behaviour. Who can ever forget the troll’s demand to give “the Caliph” a fair hearing and his description of Bush, a British ally for good or ill, as “Crusader” using the language of the jihadi? That instinctive but repulsive sympathy for and attempted justification of insurgent murder and mayhem that runs through the militant left like Brighton through a stick of rock and which Comrade Corbyn and his ghastly sidekicks absolutely reek of. Through his relentlessly trolling hagiographer Comrade Tariq now wafts a similarly disgusting stench into this safe space.
Break out the air freshener.
Frank P @ 02:28
Does the blue veined barbarian need this on the last day of the year? Arghhh
OK, Frank, you have the last word this time round because almost certainly we will come back to sparring over this again and again.
And the happiest New Year to you, too, guru. Inshallah.
A puzzling discovery in Newton Stewart, one of the communities worst affected by Storm Frank, this morning. The police recovered a letter, unopened, dry, not at all damaged in the storm. It was addressed to the town Mayor telling him to block any river in the region his people could reach. It’s the signature, however, that puzzles even more consisting of five letters, only two appear familiar, the letter U and I, the other three will have to be examined ….
Baron December 30th, 2015 – 23:17
Well Baron, shooting to disable used to be taught by police forces – “I remember it well”. Rounds had to be fired at and strike the limbs of the sedentary silhouette on the target at various ranges, standing, kneeling, etc. The posture of the silhouette reminded of a dapper mannequin in a gents outfitters window. Later things became more realistic with shooting at real people on film screens in various scenarios, including the one where the double decker bus full of passengers which you never noticed first time cruised slowly past behind the gunman you were firing at.
Shooting to disable was largely a PR exercise “for the good of the service” and to avoid “frightening the (public) horses” – quite impractical in a real firefight or even where a perpetrator was cavorting and waving a machete. Soon Army instructors with a more realistic view of close engagement taught to shoot at the central mass of the body and the disabling thing was quietly forgotten. It was straightforward enough to kill a life-threatening scumbag and then vouchsafe a valiant attempt to only disable him afterwards. Missing a limb and hitting the heart in the heat of the moment was as likely as missing the limb and the scumbag altogether. Also, with some life-threatening scumbags the imbibing of various hallucinatory substances meant that a round in the arm or leg might not take effect in the few seconds of his cavorting towards you and then there might be the embarrassment of powder burned bullet wounds on the body, perfectly reasonable in the circumstances but suspicious looking in the rarified atmosphere of the courtroom or coroner where the machete was safely labelled inside a plastic bag rather than threatening involuntary body modifications. It takes a fair degree of cool and is a rare and astonishing quality to keep absolutely calm, hold your breath, aim true and gently squeeze the trigger when the other git’s rounds are buzzing past your ears or he is engaged in violent machete waving cavorting of ever closer proximity. The justification of firing in good faith and self defence – or the defence of others – was sufficient and should be. The human rights of the life-threatening scumbag are very much post-mortem. Those in close proximity to his erstwhile skill at arms don’t care very much about them.
In the days of Fairbairn and Sykes and the “old Army” they used to teach something called point and shoot – snap shooting – where the theory was that when you point at something there is an instinctive invisible but true line between your index finger and the object pointed at. The barrel of the revolver or pistol then became in effect an index finger and the weapon was fired without aiming but by throwing out the arm to “point” at the target. It is many years since I fired a revolver or pistol so I don’t know if that particular theory is still practised anywhere.
telemachus @ 06:45
Full of facts, revealing, and actually generally supporting what many have suspected for a long time (even though Baron doesn’t think much of the opinion of either man). That’s on the content of the link, telemachus, thanks.
(to be continued, the barbarian’s needed somewhere else).
Baron – 00:07
But they are aren’t nutters: it is that they follow a nutty agenda.
And have you seen what you expect / wish to happen elsewhere?
I think it will take two miracles for the Germans to civilise the ‘refugees’.
It is the curse of oil
But all is not lost. Iran and fracking have changed the game
“We Just Sold Another Billion Dollars Worth of Weapons to Our Frenemies in Saudi Arabia”
“The Saudis problematic relationship with extremism isn’t news. In US embassy cables leaked by Wikileaks, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in 2009, “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” She said that the United States needed to keep encouraging the Saudi government to do more to stop “the flow of funds from Saudi Arabia-based sources to terrorists and extremists worldwide.” The cables also list Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates as major sources of money for militants. These three nations are part of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen, and each has bought weapons from the United States, including guided missiles and Apache helicopters (to Qatar), Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods for their F/A-18s (to Kuwait), and guided bombs—a lot of them (to the UAE).
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, Charlie Pierce of Esquire called for the United States to change its stance on its “Middle Eastern ‘allies’—the states and bankers and political elites—who persist in funding mass murder.” He argues that this means cutting off not just the money trail, but also arms. “It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway—not another bullet will be sold to you, let alone advanced warplanes, until this act gets cleaned up to our satisfaction. If that endangers your political position back home, that’s your problem, not ours. You are no longer trusted allies.”
The Saudis have been staunch US allies since World War II. Should the renewed push to defeat ISIS force a reassessment of that relationship?”
The Wahhabi sect and their adherence to Kitab at-tawhid (Arabic, “Book of Unity”) is the source of most recent terrorism and the debacle that is Iraq, Syria and Libya now
The time has come to pull the rug
The time has come to pull the rug on you too telemachus.
Colonel Mustard (10:58)
Indeed it has. Surely the time has come for this platform to be purged of pernicious propaganda?
An agitprop-free 2016 Peter?
My counterpart from Noo Joisey woke me up today with this link:
Bad news travels fast and far.
I replied thus:
“Yes my friend; it has now descended to that level here. The cult of ‘statutory apology’ is now being enforced on those who dared to tell the truth 30 years ago. A bunch of fucking savages hacked a Police Constable to death and burned down a neighbourhood and the Gramsi/Alinski inspired thought police, delving around in yesteryear’s files, want an ex-government Minister to apologise to the perpetrators for the mild admonition “immoral”.
It’s a funny old world!”
Typo alert: Gramsci, of course.
Frank P December 31st, 2015 – 11:16
Baron seems to like having him around and treats him as a sentient human being who bears no ill will.
That and Peter’s willingness to let him post here is almost a meme for conservative capitulation to the narrative of the left. The giving of an inch from high ideals in the shires so that the orcs of the left can take a mile and trample on those ideals.
I’ve watched that depressing and repeated imbalance degrade conservative values and vandalise civilisation for many decades and across the globe. And telemachus has been discovered many times to be a mischievous propagandist who resorts to various disguises and manipulations, so here of all places for an exercise of the left’s cynical dishonesty to be hosted is quite extraordinary forbearance. Do you recall the bile he used to post at the other place about this place when he was not permitted here? After all that when I returned and found his trademark garbage freely spewed across these pages I thought it absolutely astonishing that any conservative would make a welcome for that.
telemachus must chortle at the naivety that lets him harass this site with his orchestrated agenda of agitprop on behalf of his latest red idols.
Colonel Mustard December 31st, 2015 – 12:03
Amen to all of that.
Telemachus’ witless and often vile posts should be deleted, or consigned to the dustbin so aptly created for them prior to the GE.
I, for one, will be happy to contribute to the continued existence of the Wall if that occurs, and not before.
Baron December 30th, 2015 – 18:17
You miss the point Baron.
When the demographics give the muslims a majority in Germany then the Code Napoleon is subsumed into the Code Sharia and the peace of Islam will reign.
The arrival of a million or so sexually active male muslims a year, with consequent resettlement rights for their dependents and families, will ensure the accelerated arrival of Dar as-Salam within Germany in ten to twenty years.
Noa (16:28)
Exactly! One wonders at times if Baron, who claims to be a fan of Mark Steyn, has read Steyn’s books ‘American Alone’ and its sequel ‘After America’: both deeply researched and replete with prescient sagacity (added to which Steyn has a ‘dancing pen’ that dispenses wit and humour that surpasses even Voltaire – whom Baron has obviously read, because at times his Panglossian view of the possibilities of assimilation of 1400 years of inbred bellicose barbarity into Western Culture without degradation of it, is taking ‘the best of all possible worlds’ ethos to sublime delusion).
Moreover, the diabolical conspiracy between the current American far left cabal that now occupies the White House; Russia, in cahoots with the other poodles of The West (Hammond – the pox-doctor’s clerk – was our ‘negotiator’ FFS!), to cut the ludicrous ‘nuclear deal’ with the West’s most dangerous enemy, Iran, and unfreeze some $150b to be used to fund the jihad, will surely go down in the annals of infamy – if ever anyone has a chance to chronicle the fall of the American hegemony in particular and Western Civilisation in general.
And Baron still hasn’t understood that the bloody mindedness of our island race, in failing to submit to invasion – either through military force or infiltration remains as strong as ever among some of us, as it has for a millennium or so. As I said in my previous post:
“Must be something to do with the continental European approach to survival. And there was me thinking it was just la méthode française. ☺”
Sadly, submission and Dhimmitude now seems to have been imported to a degree that even England’s nascent generation has largely lost its immunity – and its bottle. Mindblowingly depressing!
Baron 29th – 18.21
Just dip in here occasionally – and really enjoy your take on Russia. Also, you seem always to write with a glimt in your eye. What does diacritic mean? Never mind, I’ll look it up. Once again, HNY.
telemachus:Obama and Cameron saw the events peculiar to Tunisia and assumed all wogs were the same;so promoted `the Arab Spring`:where,as a hard-headed Marxist analysis would have revealed,there was no potential in those countries for the Bourgeois Revolution and where the Leninist (pseudo) Proletarian movements,such as the PLO,had failed; partly from the lose of the Great Socialist Fatherland (the USSR) and from the corruption of their leadership:it now being into this vacuum that Islamist groups have stepped.
Note to the above:
Bourgeois revolutionaries are what political naivests such as Cameron and Obama call `moderates`.
The revolution in Russia went bad when Lenin and Trotsky gusumped the Bourgeoisie and overthrew the Workers,Peasants and Soldiers Soviets in the name of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (ei. themselves) opening the way to First Secretary Stalin.
Putin was right when he said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a great historical disaster (anybody could be a Soviet Citizen:not everybody can relate to the Russian Federation) but this was inevitable after Trotsky destroyed the Soviets.
Baron (from Xmas):
I also recommend Cockspur Rum from Barbados (along with Dragon Stout from Jamaica):although I note English Whisky is being produced at St.Georges Distillery,Roudham,Norfolk;(and there is also a Cornish Whiskey).
Further musings on your posts extolling the virtues of Frau Merkel and her system of spying on the “New Germans.”
Surely these policies you praise, embodying principles of the Gestapo and with echoes of ‘Arbeit macht Frei’, must carry sinister echoes even to the obedient, liberal Old Germans whom they are designed to replace?
After all, is it not a logical contradiction of the highest order to import a muslim population who the government must spy on, and then continue to import more muslims in order to create more spies, and so on, ad infinitum.
Is it then a perpetually, work creation programme for both new and ethnic Germans so that they may spy on each other? Damned inefficient if that’s so.
Heydrich did not need more than 8,000 to implement Volksgemeinschaft in Germany. How many does Frau Merkel?
Perhaps all that spying by the State comes more easily to those raised in the post-totalitarian societies of Russia and Germany. After all the Okhrana existed before the Cheka, the NKVD and the KGB. The Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt before the Gestapo.
Britain herself was fortunate never to have had a need to develop such sinister institutions.
Perhaps the greatest crime of the British political elite’s sanctification of mass immigration has been to necessitate the creation of Britain’s own secret police; which perversely cannot effectively police terrorism except by creating a system of spies and political crimes, of ‘race hatred’, ‘thought crime’ which have resulted in the progressive (hah!) destruction of our most precious liberties.
On which thought I wish you all a happy, safe and prosperous new year.
Just listening to Iestyn Davies and after that Handel’s Messiah – all with full blast. A good way to come into the new year…..We are a bit ahead of you in the UK
A humdinger of an open letter to the Prime Minister and the UK Floods Minister Rory Stewart MP, from Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction:
” The certainty … of more weather extremes in the next two decades and the failure of the CO2 theory means that all anti-carbon measures, taxes and money-wasting schemes such as wind-farms should cease and instead more resources be diverted to emergency services and practical water and flood management safety schemes.”
An alternative New Years Honours List.
Another useful quote from Piers Corbyn’s letter:
“Apart from the failure of the CO2 theory in its ‘confident’ prediction of more and more blazing hot summers in the UK and the end-of-snow in the UK and other temperate regions the problem with the actual dangerous weather events of this and recent years is they are the wrong type of extremes for the CO2 hypothesis and totally confirm the solar-based theory both in terms of event types and associated solar-activity.”
So, this is more than an airing of views. It is a confrontation that cannot be ignored by Windmill Dave, DECC, the UEA, Mann, Ward, Mark Steyn.
Or can it? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Happy New Year to all. May it be filled with blessings.
England, Awake! Awake! Awake!
Happy New Year to you too Peter from Maidstone and I hope your Copt Church fairs well and better next year.
RobertRetyred, December 31st, 2015 – 21:08
I initially read that as “Rod” Stewart !? 🙂
Peter from Maidstone – December 31st, 2015 – 22:47
Thanks, but how long are we going to be “blessed” with Jennifer aka tele-marcuse?
One wonders at times why Frank P, who does not claim to be a fan of Michael Savage, has not read Savage’s book ‘Stop the Coming Civil War’ and its sequel ‘Government Zero’: both deeply researched and replete with prescient sagacity. Probably for the same reason that, with prescient sagacity, he attacked Tommy Robinson for what was essentially having ‘the bloody mindedness of our island race’ and so made his contribution to the stymieing the unique work of the English Defence League. I think it’s the PDCMWTF syndrome. This syndrome also informs his tenacious Cold War view of Putin and the bloodymindedness of his continental race; this, mind you, even in face of the light shone by Seymour Hersh in the current edition London Review of Books where he writes “One of the constants in US affairs since the fall of the Soviet Union has been a military-to-military relationship with Russia”. May be he views the US military as nothing better than football hooligans.
I note that the recovery of Colonel “I shall not return” Mustard from his latest hissy fit coincided with an outbreak of telemachus on the Wall.
It is good to read Noa write “After all, is it not a logical contradiction of the highest order to import a muslim population who the government must spy on”. I am sure he knows that the answer is “No!” when the importer has his eye on establishing a rationale for political control of the entire population. Spying, except perhaps for the spies, is never an end in itself. Unfortunately when the ultimate dream of the spymasters is realized, spying on everyone, in the absence of observed recantation we still have people on the Wall who,vide Frank P a couple of years ago, come to attention and praise the developed arts of,say, the National Security Agency of the United States, their practice since held illegal by the U.S.Supreme Court last year, as necessary for ‘national security’
And a happy new year to you too.
Musical start to 2016:
Sonatina in G
Dream Children, Op.43
Une Idylle, Op.4/1
May Song
Douce Pensée
Echo’s Dance
Three Characteristic Pieces – No.2: Sérénade Mauresque
Variations on an Original Theme (Enigma), Op.36
Ashley Wass (piano)
Call it the bloodymindedness of my island race, but where is the English equivalent of this:
Or this?
Or this?
Malfleur January 1st, 2016 – 01:04
Thanks. Happy New Year to you too.
Colonel Mustard
I appreciate your posts.
Interviews of interest with:
1.Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: December 30 at 6:20 minutes to 24 minutes into 2nd Hour:
2.Seymour Hersh: 5:00 minutes to 25 minutes into the 3rd Hour:
3. Steve Pieczenik. Baron, your question on Steve Pieczenik “Who is this guy?” was further, though not fully, answered on the Alex Jones Show on December 29.
The following starts the interview at about 1:53 minutes in and is introduced as a kind of footnote to the Seymour Hersh article.
Colonel M (01:35)
Actually, the Elgar pieces can be heard played on his own piano. I am listening on Spotify. Not sure if can be found on YouTube. Here is the link to the written information:
Sir Edward ELGAR (1857-1934)
Songs and Piano Music played on Elgar’s 1844 Broadwood Square Piano
“A senior Western official familiar with a large cache of intelligence obtained this summer from a major raid on an ISIS safehouse told the Guardian that “direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now ‘undeniable.’” ”
75 million and rising Turks will shortly have the right to enter the United Kingdom this year. The representatives of the European Union in our country of some 65 million, otherwise known to us more familiarly as the Conservative and Labour Party.
The Irishman and former Non-Executive Director of Goldman Sachs (present;y Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group) who is the Special Representative of the Prototype World Government for the Destruction of Nationalities (otherwise known among jobsworths and quislings as the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration) was urging our government in Brussels as early as 2012 to “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of the United Kingdom, which they promptly fell to implementing more fully with renewed enthusiasm.
In June 2015, shortly after the annual meeting of his fellow Bilderbergers on the continent to discuss ” a far away agenda of which the British know nothing” even though we had a government Minister in attendance who in the old days when the British had their own government would have been grilled on that agenda by a Select Committee of the House of Commons. Sutherland recommended an annual immigrant quota fir Europe of 240,000 and remarked that unlimited immigration from Africa was a benefit – possibly revealing thereby that he knew a little more about what was to come than his humanitarian principles were willing to let on…The Honourable Bilderberg POS (former Attorney General Sutherland of the late Republic of Ireland), pausing only in September to condemn the makeshift “refugee” camp in Calais as an indictment on British and French society went on later in the year to comment as millions of illegal muslim males, organized in the view of the Czech president, poured into Europe across its eastern and southern land borders: “If there is no agreement to share refugees between the countries of the European Union, it risks undermining the very essence of the European project” and noting a measure of opposition in established European societies, “It’s amazing that this is the reaction of central and eastern Europe to the whole concept of solidarity, having only just joined”.
Well we have not “only just joined” and the scales are falling from our eyes too.
Are we REALLY going to allow these gangsters to force these illegal immigrants on us in order to destroy our homogeneity and now a further 75 million Turkish muslims together with a government in Constantinople collaborating with Bilderberg’s ISIS? I think we should throw the EU out of our islands along with any of our politicians in Westminster who do not renounce the Brussels shilling.
Malfleur at 04:06
I think there is a great deal in what you say in this post, though I also fear that the “Bilderberg group” is simply the current name for a dangerous organisation that has been around for 150 years or so. (Though it is not deemed acceptable to mention its name).
Colonel Mustard @ 12:03
Why this continuous harping at telemachus, Colonel? As far as the barbarian remembers this blog split from the Spectator, was spawn by Peter on the understanding it will not discriminate, it will not, unlike the Spectator, ban people with whom someone – it matters not who -doesn’t see eye to eye, but it will do what it, or those who contribute to it, preach: be a platform for everyone.
Baron sees nothing wrong with it, is truly bewildered that someone like you should be so provoked, irritated, even troubled by the, so far, untroubled observance of this founding commandment. It reflects more than well on Peter ha has stuck by it.
On telemachus: Just ignore him, give him the cold shoulder. evade responding to his postings. The ability to fail to notice happens to be a powerful gadget from the toolbox of putdowns the British have endowed the world with, and an effective and painful one, too. You are 24-carat Brit, use it, stop torturing yourself.
The poorly educated Slav doesn’t believe the views of everyone labelled Left must always be erroneous, unsound, ready for instant dismissal. He prefers to examine them, check them out, probe them before he discards them. You may like to do the same, it will put you in the category of those who listen to a wise Chinese warrior who quipped (you must know it anyway) “keep your friends close, your enemies closer’. One can hardly keep anyone close if one’s in the dark about him, his views, intentions.
And apologies for the delay, Baron’s been on duty, unbelievable as it may sound there are people older than him who, on few days of the year need a little bit of extra …
Colonel Mustard @ 09:34
This posting of yours was missed by the barbarian, Colonel, the rundown of history on the subject is useful, the ‘point and shoot’ approach intriguing, thank you.
Why don’t you join a shooting club, Baron’ sa member of one, enjoys it, the pistols and revolvers look awkward what with a prescribed length of the barrel, or rather the overall length of the thing, but it’s fun.
Noa @ 16:28
Unfortunately, Noa, the one you see erring is under time pressure, cannot give the subject of demographics it’s “due process”.
In short, Baron has never bought the theory of demographics as proposed by the great Mark. It’s fallacious, unsupported by historical evidence, unsound as a basis for forecasting.
In the distant past, birthrate was massively higher than today, the population growth slow because of deaths at birth. Today, we kill newly born as a matter of convenience. We stop, the birthrate gets a noticeable boost.
More to the point, it makes no sense to suggest birthrate trend cannot reverse, it can, often does, and spectrally so, you may like to check Germany’s in the last century, Russia’s in the last few decades.
What will reverse it?
Birthrate has got lowered in part by the seductive lure of epicureanism, the feeling one may be happy if one consumes in access, indulges, lives for oneself only. More and more people are coming to realise that owing 100 shirts doesn’t make one any happier than if one were to own just a few. An extension of the old ‘not by bread alone does a man live’. The change may already be kicking in, our birthrate has stabilised, began creeping up since the start of the new century, Baron believes.
Radford NG @ 20:27
What a list of indulgences, Radford, so tempting, but whisky from Norfolk?
Because of few health issues Baron’s homed (not exclusively though) on Merlot, the king of grapes, he believes.
Noa @ 20:45
Rather disingenuous of you to make this argument, Noa, flog it for the length you do.
What spying would this be the Germans have installed, are boosting because of the new arrivals? The same, the identical one, not unlike the one our Government, the police, the security agencies here have installed under the heading “tell us if you know of anyone behaving ….” Or you reckon our security services spying on those they suspect of something fishy is OK, theirs isn’t? They all do it, here, there, everywhere.
If you genuinely believe new Britain (since roughly the start of the last century) has not indulged in institutionalised spying on her burghers you should apply to join a monastery, there’re still few of them around, some in a tranquil, peaceful, currently flooded Scotland.
And for the record: Baron has never extolled the virtues of what the Germans have done, are doing. He comments on it, speculates whether it will or will not work.
And the happiest of new years for you, too.
Frank P @ 18:01
How could the poorly educated Slav miss this posting of yours, Frank, but in the haste he did, it needs a careful reply to avoid being sent to the corner.
It will be short though.
So, which way is it to be, Frank? Is the bloodymindedness to come on top, or does the lost bottle crowd win?
Malfleur @ 01:42
Thank you, Malfleur, useful.
December 29th, 2015 – 14:43
Thanks for the tip, Noa. I have added it to the armoury.
Speaking of which:
Farmer Martin, who in 1999 was foolish enough to have shot a burglar dead
instead of offering him and his business associate a cup of tea, has discovered again that the law is a ass.
Following his release from jail in 2003 since when he is “thought to have spent the last 12 years sleeping in his car and at the homes of friends”, a “planned action by police” – not it would appear an unplanned action, resulted in his arrest “on suspicion of owning an illegal shotgun”. This presumably means that, despite their planned action the police could not find the shotgun but arrested the farmer anyway.
All interesting information for the ISIS terrorists who are no doubt now in the country as a result of the “planned action” of Brussels’ trusty Commissarius, Monsieur Cameron.
Chris Morriss @ 08:45
Yes, this is one of the first wars in which, while the enemy can be identified, it is hard to name him. “Bilderberg” has at least the merit that the group has annual meetings of a representative group whose members are largely now public knowledge and which, in theory, can be brought to account. They are though fighting an asymmetric transnational war and their think-tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, has probably had someone studying the history of guerilla war which will help to make them more elusive. Steve Pieczenik was once a member of the CFR, and engaged in soft regime change of a number of governments including the Soviet Union, before resigning following ‘9/11’. Perhaps the activities of the Bilderberger Group need to be more thoroughly illuminated before the right name can be found.
Thanks to those folk who have made unexpected donations today to support the running of the Coffee House Wall, and those who made donations last year. It is very much appreciated.
If regular readers want to help keep the site on the road then donations can always be made, and are gratefully received, by using the donate button on the site.
May this New Year be filled with hope and signs of renewal, or at least resistance.
Baron 10.31
You remained silent the point that the more migrants Frau Merkel (or Hollande, or Cameron,) import, the more they have to spy on them. A self perpetuating role for the state: taken for granted on the continent with its philosophic traditions, from Plato to Montesquieu, rooted in the state’s over-arching role; but anathema to Englishmen, by nature and temperament inclined to a Burkeian role for government, a necessary evil, that must be watched and chained to prevent tyranny.
So, Baron, if I understand it correctly your argument is that it is sadly necessary for Europe to replace its dying natives with red blooded mohammedans, and that if we must re-create some form of Weltanschuang to ensure order amongst the New Mongol hordes, why that is a small price to pay for the preservation of Hans and Fritz’s pension!
And you argue that Britain too, has always had its secret police. Mmmm. Certainly Elizabeth 1 kept order through her feared spymaster Sir Francis Walshingham, but the establishment of a constitutional monarchy acted until recently as an effective safeguard against tyranny. Now recourse to the courts may be limited for many defendants charged with offences against the state and the collective of socialist laws applied by the police; themselves an increasingly centrist, state directed and secretive organisation. No longer accountable locally.
In summary Baron, the British government, like its European counterparts, has evolved to address the problems it has itself created. More immigration? therefore more social unrest and crime. Hacking policemen and soldiers to death on the street? Not uncommon in third world countries, is a problem imported by our politicians/. Would they ever admit it? Of course not! Because to do so would mean they had to admit they were wrong to permit such people to enter Europe in the first place. So for them, the solution is simple, we must all suffer, starting with the prevention of any criticism of politicians and their policies, continuing through the creation and imposition of thought crimes, to the fining, sacking and imprisonment of dissidents.
A topical example is the fact that Tommy Robinson’s autobiography, “Enemy of the State” can now no longer be purchased on Amazon. Any thoughts on why? Or whether it will become available again? No Baron, no Englishman can look with favour on secret policemen, and damns the politicians who create a tyranny for their own ends.
You ‘don’t believe in demographics’? Well you may not, but Frau Merkel et al do.
As to Britain’s rising birthrate, well that isn’t down to the shirt owning natives, rather the credit goes to the thobe adorned immigrants. Disingenuous of you to imply otherwise, don’t you think?
Noa @ 11:32
Nothing to disagree with, Noa, except your assertion Baron backs the German solution (you generously enlarge it to a European one) to the lack of manpower. You’re wrong, Baron doesn’t take sides, he only speculates whether it may or may not work for them, on balance he reckons it may.
Is one allowed to make a speculative judgment that doesn’t please everyone, or would one also blame the establishment for the lack of right to do so?
Baron’s deadly against the Labour cumryd, would very likely leave the country if he (the cumryd) made it to no10. This has never stopped Baron from speculating about the cumryd’s chances of making it, concluding the odds are pretty good (you may like to check Baron’s past postings). The barbarian has no reason to live in denial, it’s a risky state of existence, a lousy way of thinking, it better be avoided for it often lands one in a shite.
And yes, since about the start of the last century Britain has funded an institution (the MI5) charged with spying on her own citizens, it’s a matter of record. It was enlarged alot when Winston was in charge of things.
I wonder why so many here think that a drop in the population of the UK would be a bad thing? Yes, it would result in a transient bulge in the number of elderly people for a couple of generations, but this would pass through to leave a normal balance. History shows that once a lower population (<50 million?) was reached, the increased quality of life resulting from that (lower house prices et al) would result in a normal negative-feedback loop which would (if the appropriate damping factors were in place *) maintain the population at that level.
This of course assuming that suitable measures were put in place to dissuade economic migrants and indeed to offer inducements to such people who are already here to return to their places of origin.
*Sorry to sound a bit techy. It's being a design engineer that does it 😉
Noa @ 11:43
And where did Baron say the boost to the birthrate was due to the natives, shitless or otherwise?
The barbarian has never made any such claim, he’s fully aware immigrant mothers have been the major contributor, but – wait for it – not the only contributor to the production of new Brits. Have a look at the table in the link (annex A). Whist births to non British born mothers have more than doubled since 2001, the births to British born mothers have also increased by some 50%. Much lower than for the former, but up, too.
Do add to it the almost 200,000 or so abortions annually (that’s mostly British born mothers, around 10% are black mothers even though their %tage in of black people in the population is around 3%) and you can see what we could do if we tweaked the ab on demand insanity (if the nature mother didn’t want the kid, adoption would step in).
Baron January 1st, 2016 – 10:00
We will have to agree to disagree. He is a troll, however he might beguile you, and as it says at the top of the page ‘We don’t want to engage with trolls’. You do engage with him and encourage him. He and I have a different sort of engagement founded in mutual detestation. Even Peter once declared his irritation and mused about banning him. My heart leapt but he stepped back from that exorcism, mainly because of pleas like yours. And it is precisely why we are where we are, having giving them an inch they have taken a mile.
So I stand by my point about the broader implications of his trolling here as a meme for why conservatives are ultimately self-defeating. Those wonderful principles have allowed the left to dominate the narrative and call the shots. Conservatives are astonished by this but still let them do it. Yes, give them a platform – they won’t give you one but will use every trick in the book to shut you down and proscribe your opinions!
Chris Morriss @ 12:17
A thought provoking posting, Chris.
Baron may be corrected, but he reckons the massive boost to population since WW2 has been due to two factors: fewer die at birth, and more live longer. Both thanks to science. We’ve already corrected the former (abortions), are working on the latter (euthanasia).
Colonel Mustard @ 12:19
That’s indeed a hard nut to crack, Colonel, for the barbarian finds your argument as persuasive (the second para in particular, didn’t Adolf get in using the ballot box?) as he finds his desire to let everyone have a say imperative in a society that worships the freedom of spee ch.
We shall see, it’s Peter’s creation, he runs the show, makes the r ules.
Baron January 1st, 2016 – 10:10
Please don’t read into my observations any enthusiasm for picking up firearms again. They were always just a professional tool rather than a hobby.
If we had the right to arms for our defence that our Bill of Rights once enshrined but our politicians have since trampled on then you might find that my bedside table drawer had acquired a pistol. And I might need to practice, eyesight and steadiness of hand not being what it once was. But it would still be just a tool. Like a spanner kept for when one might need it. I wouldn’t want to join a spanner appreciation club and meet to undo nuts together. Firing successfully at targets is a skill and maybe a sport, but the firearm’s primary existence is to kill living things, preferably in necessity only. As they say, “I’m old and I’m nervous and I’m unfit for service” so done with all that now.
Btw on the subject of the 1689 Bill of Rights I meant to mention something that came up about it in a previous discussion here. One of us, I forget who, made the point that it consigned the right to Protestants and therefore discriminated against Catholics.
There is a book, by Colin Greenwood, on Firearms Control (sub-titled A Study of Firearms Control in England and Wales), which falls into that unfortunate category of sage writing from the past now forgotten in the present clamour of idiots, so is uncomfortable to read. He makes the following points about the Bill (and he was a police officer who believed in the right of self-defence and pointed out many misrepresentations and deceptions in the statistics being used by the Home Office to trespass upon that right):-
“It is important to note that parliament considered that they were claiming no new rights, but merely reciting those rights which they understood to have existed at Common Law, and which had been trespassed upon. The object of the Bill was to enshrine these rights to ensure that they were not trespassed on again. It was a statement of a part of the unwritten Constitution and has formed a basis of that Constitution since then.”
The book was written in 1972 and unfortunately both the Bill and the Common Law right have been trespassed upon again – very much so. The Parliamentary briefing note on the subject of the Bill of Rights, written by two women, scorns the Bill as irrelevant in a way that in the USA would have outraged the population. Here not a single clown in the House of Commons or Lords raised so much as a squeak. Our capitulation to the forces that would exert control over every aspect of our lives was meek and without resistance.
And, most pertinently to the previous discussion, Mr Greenwood wrote:-
“The Bill did not seek to disarm Catholics, but merely to ensure that discrimination against Protestants in the matter of keeping arms for their defence should cease”.
James II had discriminated against Protestants by disarming them which is what the Bill addressed. Context is everything. The English believed that they had a Common Law right to possess arms for their defence and James had trespassed on that right. Therefore the right was written into the new Bill so that it would not be trespassed on again. It was – is – a right held by the people that Parliament has no business trespassing upon. No Parliament can bind a future parliament – it cannot pass a law that cannot be changed or reversed by a future Parliament – but the question of enshrined Common Law rights is a little different. Parliament has set out to impose legal restrictions on the right to arms and the Home Office has imposed illegal restrictions by deciding that self-defence is not a valid criteria for granting a firearms licence. Actually defence was the principle that underpinned the original right. So the behaviour of our Parliament and governments have been doubly pernicious to our right to defend ourselves, the police via the Home Office intruding to usurp that right and responsibility.
Now because of all this collective and compound idiocy what stands is an ambiguity, an uncertainty in matters of self-defence that simply benefit the criminal and clog up the courts.
I’m sorry to belabour the point but that scornful treatment of our Bill of Rights is typical of the modern breed of third-rate politicians blighting our lives who, imbued with arrogance and an ignorance of our past, see themselves as reformers and controllers rather than caretakers and protectors. In their little lives they think they possess the right, knowledge and experience to vandalise and overturn hundreds of years of history and tradition, our rightful legacy not theirs to deny. One of the worst examples of this trait was Clegg, but Cameron comes a close second.
When Cameron talks about British values as though he alone owns their definition, it infuriates me. He is the Bercow of his cabinet.
Baron 11.56 & 12.18
Baron, of course you are entitled to your viewpoint. Where did I say you weren’t? I put forward a different view; outlining my thoughts as to why I opposed Frau Merkel’s solution, the natural tool of the Stasi, in turn the descendant of the Gestapo and the KGB.
And it’s simply wrong to compare MI5 with the KGB and similar instruments of state repression, they were not like for like, and their role, expanded by necessity in time of war, was still circumscribed by and subsidiary to the laws enacted by Parliament-until recently that is, and that is where our views may converge.
As to Mr Corbyn, where is he different in essence from David Cameron, or, more pertinently Antony Blair? It was New Labour who introduced permanent revolution in Britain, the successful march through the institution was largely established in 2005, completed by 2010, continued by the present conservative government.
“…And where did Baron say the boost to the birthrate was due to the natives, shitless or otherwise?”
You didn’t, Baron. And I didn’t say you did, did I? (Though I’m blowed if I know where the cessation of defecation that you refer to came from.)
You wrote:
“…our birthrate has stabilised, began creeping up since the start of the new century, Baron believes…”
The reason why it’s creeping up Baron, is not due to increasing birthrates from the the indigenous folk of the UK.”
Baron at 12:26.
I share your distaste for abortion. We should not emulate the former Soviet Union and use it as a method of birth control. That is not something that any society that considers itself civilised should do. However, given the easy availability and performance of modern methods of contraception, abortion should be a rare event, and I have to say I do not understand why the rate is so high, but the desire of certain elements in our society that want male children, and the willingness of medical staff to tell the prospective parent the sex of the unborn might have something to do with it.
I don’t think the live-birth percentage has gone up much in the last 60 years, but the average age of death has certainly risen. As someone who is feeling the effects of ageing, a system of ‘one-stop’ euthanasia clinics, where one’s legal issues such as ensuring that a valid will was available, and that the names and contact details of all relatives were well defined, would be a great relief to me.
I’ve seen too many people die a long, degrading and painful death. To be able to be painlessly removed from life, without having to go to a tatty back-street clinic in Switzerland would be welcomed by many I think.
Chris Morriss and Baron
There is nothing wrong in a reduction in the population per se, although I would like to think that a healthy society would be able to use its inventiveness to adjust the world’s present population to the more than sufficient land mass. The problem arrives with the purpose and method of the reduction. At random, I chose a website which deals with the well documented views of “the globalists” – that group so active in designing our destiny and yet so difficult to name with an acceptable noun:
“The elite have long viewed a rising population as a threat to their dominance. They realized that eventually a large number of people will inevitably overthrow and remove them from power. They are particularly concerned with the middle class whose intelligence and capacity to organize makes them the biggest threat. Consequently, the elite plan to destroy the middle class and make all [of the] public equally poor and thus incapable of rebelling. As written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6+ billion people must die over the coming century.”
The prior problem is therefore how to rid nations of government by psychopaths and establish, or reclaim, constitutional government without bringing the world down about our ears..
Black Americans for Trump
An interview on December 31 by Alex Jones of Pastor David Manning of Harlem starting about 9:18 minutes in:
Colonel Mustard @ 12:36 & 13.13 & 13.22
A superb slicing of our ruling class the treachery, Colonel, an essay in miniature, but what a miniature. You should keep these postings, combine (you’ve addressed the same issue before) and edit them, set up an internet site, make them available to all. You would be surprised how much interest this would generate. It would do more to what you’re aiming at here barking at telemachus.
Noa @ 13:23
Enough’s enough, Noa, or we end up bickering like two old gossiping women over a garden fence. A ceasefire, or you claim a win, if you prefer.
We will very likely come to the subject again, but for the record the word should have been not ‘shitless’ but ‘shirtless’ a reference to your …. Baron hasn’t spotted the error having read his two postings few times, arghhh
is it just me or does anyone else thing the Dubai hotel fire is RoPist activity?
Malfleur @ 14:55
Manning comes on somewhat later, Malfleur, but the guy’s less emotive, more rational, believable. His predictive power, if Alex’s right, borders on the prescient, and if he’s right that the honorary Muslim will use some pretext to declare martial law before he goes, then not only the Republic’s unwashed, but we too are fugged, there will no more be any argument about whether telemachus should or shouldn’t come here, there’ll be no Wall at all, they’ll shut us up, too.
You truly think it’s coming?
Drunken jihadi 🙂
Alexsandr @ 17:29
A puzzle it is, the fire, Alexsandr, for the first report on al-Jazeera had a witness on who said the fire began at the bottom of the building, was massive from the start, spread up very quickly. Two hours later that witness disappeared from their reporting on the fire. Why?
Chris Morriss @ 14:25
If one could obtain a pill in secret, Chris, nobody knowing one has the killer drug, the pill ending one’s life quickly and painlessly, then Baron would be on the market for it. To get the officialdom involved with everything it entails is not something the barbarian would go for.
Alexsandr @ 17:32
They don’t drink, Alexasandr.
I was in Gambia late 90’s. Plenty of drinking there. They were all fermenting coconut milk at the top of palm trees.
They may not drink in public but i reckon some of them get well bladdered in private.
and all the p*ki shops sell booze. quite happy to sell the stuff. especially to kids.
I was in Senegal and the Gambia in the early 80’s. I travelled a fair bit, on my own and with missionaries. It was all a bit hairy.
Were we arguing? Winning or losing? A friendly exchange of ideas I had thought, no more than that.
And ‘shirtless’?! Ahhhh. bwahargh!
This is a leap year, right? How do those born on the 29th of February enumerate their birthdays? Are they only a fourth of the age of the rest of us?
Baron – 19:56
I do believe that they celebrate on the adjacent 28th, so at least the month is the same! While they only celebrate a quarter of the numbers of ‘birthdays’, they have lived for the rest of each year!
I remember something about Feb 28th being 48 hours long every leap year, and 24 hr for the other years, so there isn’t a problem!
Does anyone know if that is true?
Noa @ 11:32
“Tommy Robinson’s autobiography, “Enemy of the State” can now no longer be purchased on Amazon. Any thoughts on why? Or whether it will become available again?”
Possibly because it is given a 4.3 star rating out of a possible 5? And while it is only available now on Kindle at Amazon UK, Amazon US has the hard copy version. Hurry, while stocks last!
Baron @ 17:30
Just about everything asserted by the site, except of course predictions, is documented. They are journalists.
As to Pastor Manning’s view that martial law is coming down the pike, that will depend…
Certainly, Obama’s obsession with “gun control” in the face of declining rates of homicides caused by firearms points to the man’s real agenda.
One step back though: BEWARE THE YELLOW FRINGED US ADMIRALTY FLAG! the machinery is already in place and the state of martial law declared by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War has never been lifted and Barack Hussein Obama is the Captain of the good ship USA.
If the efforts now under way to restore the republic are unsuccessful in the USA, I agree with you that in the United Kingdom “we too are fugged”.
Baron, December 30th, 2015 – 18:17 et seq.
Re: Germany’s post WW2 migrant fuelled “Wirtschaftswunder”
Not all Germans are as convinced as you are as to the benefits of this.
“German finance minister says too many Gastarbeiter were allowed in. Wolfgang Schäuble enters multiculturalism row, saying problems of integrating Turkish guest workers have grown with third generation”
Chickens coming home to roost!
(It should be noted that until fairly recently none of these gastarbeiters were allowed to become full German citizens and they were not allowed to vote in general elections.)
The gastarbeiter paradigm won’t work for the latest avalanche of “migrants.” Most of these young men have no intention of working. It’s an invasion, pure and simple.
The Dubai Hotel
Why didn’t it pancake, like the World Trade Center’s twin towers (and, following a somewhat lengthy interlude, the unstruck and unburning Building 7)?
Or do I have the question inverted?
Baron January 1st, 2016 – 19:56
Under English law, you complete your legal age on the day before your birthday. For example if you were born on 15th August 1962, then on 14th August 1963 you become 1 year old. And on 14th August 1964 you become 2 years old – and so on.
Consequently, anyone born on 29th February 2016 will become 1 year old on 28th February 2017.
As for the day on which to celebrate your birthday the sensible thing for anybody born on February 29 is to simply celebrate it every year on the last day of February. RobertRetyred’s formula gives the same sensible result.
Baron, January 1st, 2016 – 10:13
“In short, Baron has never bought the theory of demographics as proposed by the great Mark. It’s fallacious, unsupported by historical evidence, unsound as a basis for forecasting.”
Here’s some more recent evidence from that dodgy outfit the ONS, via various media outlets.
Yup, it’s Mo’ again, by a mile! It should be noted that that most of the MSM misreported this saying “Oliver was the #1. But when one aggregates the various spellings of the great man of peace he heads the list again, as he has done for several years now.
The Barclay Bros Bugle, BBC etc. were guilty of this too!
Er, Monsieur Cameron, Brexit s’il vous plait!
There is a message in this essay that applies equally to England:
A crie de coeur.
There is a beautifully written essay by Theodore Dalrymple at the following link in the January issue of the New English Review sparked by comments that he now strongly resembles his father.
Douglas Murray in the latest Standpoint Magazinealso has an excellent piece which takes its starting point from the recent debate in the House of Commons which committed the country to some token military moves against Syria, I mean ISIS. Murray does not yet seem to have taken the step across the red line by acknowledging that ISIS is a monster bred in the West’s stable. This is perhaps though the current price to be paid for taking a fee from Standpoint.
Malfleur@January 1st, 2016 – 23:20 The Dubai Hotel
I saw a thing on tv that suggested the twin towers collapsed due to a design defect. The lattice structure that formed the outer skin was a major part of the structural strength. Once that failed (airliner hitting it and heat) it allowed one floor to crash onto the floor below. That dynamic load then caused that floor to fail and you have a domino effect. The part above the failure stayed intact till the whole thing hit the ground.
I think the twin towers failure has changed how they build.
Besides the twin towers were designed to have unrestricted floors. Hotels have lots of small rooms with strong (soundproof) walls so the design may be quite different.
Obama pulling the same “I got a letter” stunt as Corbyn to justify his knee-jerking. Although it isn’t knee-jerking but part of an orchestrated power grab.
January 2nd, 2016 – 07:43
You are partly correct
The outer perimeter tube in fact survived the impact destruction of several of its columns caused by the airline
It was the fire that caused the collapse
All skyscrapers are built to withstand failure of more columns than the jet destroyed and normal fires without collapse
However that does not allow for a 90,000 litres Jet Fuel Inferno
It was this that led to melting of the angle clips that suspended the floors
Floors below were designed to withstand 1300 tons above their own weight but received around 45000 tons as the angle clips of around ten floors above failed due to the jet fuel fire
Then your domino effect
No design since has felt it cost effective to protect from jet fuel fire. They have input features to protect from more prolonged diffuse flame fires than hitherto
However the perimeter tube concept is still the most effective way to take both the wind load and gravity load
What we need to do every day is remember that it is the successors to the perpetrators to this heinous crime that are committing the atrocities of Raqqa and Paris
January 2nd, 2016 – 07:43
I have seen and read as you have about the open plan design of the twin towers and it makes an argument as to why it happened.
What puzzles me is why this isn’t put forward as to a likely reason more forcibly.
However, that still leaves building 7 to be explained and I don’t think anyone has done that unless you get into conspiracy theories.
Alex Jones takes time in downtown Austin, Texas to have a stab at answering your question which you posed at 17:30 yesterday:
Now with a tenuous remit to do so the Local Government Association jumps on the nanny bandwagon and calls for calorific information on alcohol labels. Another EU ‘initiative’ but compliance is optional so an agenda is again at work. As with tobacco so now with alcohol and meat. The thin edge of the entirely predictable wedge.
When those dweebs attend PPE wonk school there must be some kind of indoctrination that plants the idea in their walnut sized brains that ‘Restrictions’ are to be their main if not only contribution to society. They projectile vomit the stuff at us and what a delight it is to have another tier of control freaks in Brussels adding to the misery. A fantastical, taxpayer funded, growth ‘industry’ of inventing rules and regulations by creating problems and then pretending to offer solutions.
Watching the execrable ‘Sherlock’ last night (which managed to cram any amount of BBC prone shibboleths into the plot, especially the now trending ‘transgender’ – ooh woman dressed as man wearing moustache! Edgy! Zzzzzzzzzzz) I was much amused by the obligatory warning that the programme contained scenes that some viewers etc. Was there ever a more moronic statement of the infantile degradation of the once robust adult mind than the obsession with warnings. Does anyone, anywhere see this and think “Uh-oh, better not watch it”? Is being distressed or offended really so actionable that morons at the BBC and elsewhere feel compelled to take risk averseness to such heights of ludicrous banality? What happened to England? Where a once humour filled, irreverent and stoical society has somehow turned into such infantile delicate flowers? Anyway, if this new mania for trigger warnings is meant to be inclusive better put one on PMQs. I feel distressed and offended every time I watch spoonface trying to pull the wool over the eyes of England.
I would fingertip a vitriolic review of ‘Sherlock’ but unfortunately I fell asleep at an indeterminate point in the turgid proceedings and only woke up in time to cringe through the last ten minutes of suffragettedom and Cumbertwat establishing his “This is what a feminist looks like” credentials, wishing its nonsense to be soon over and mighty relieved when it was. Watching two preening lefty children pretending to be adult Victorian gentlemen worrying their pipes got the nausea rising alright.
Two further thoughts on “the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there”. Couch potato with self-inflicted wounds yesterday and watched Dr No. James Bond’s flirtatious banter with Miss Moneypenny would now fall into the category of “historic sex offence” and he would find Plod and the BBC descending on Horsen Ferry Road to search his flat.
Blue Murder at St Trinian’s. Surprised this has not fallen foul of the New Puritans but a pleasure to see George Cole as a teddy boy spiv complete with his own theme music and Terry Thomas in the archetypal ‘Captain Bounder’ role.
January 1st, 2016 – 13:13 & 13:22
Thank you for that detailed explanation.
“When Cameron talks about British values as though he alone owns their definition, it infuriates me.”
Yes, infuriating. Cameron is particularly glib!
Colonel Mustard@anuary 2nd, 2016 – 09:01
WTF has food labeling got to do with local government. they empty bins and stuff like that. Methinks local government needs a sharp lesson to do its core purpose properly and stop scope creep into matters that dont concern it.
Colonel Mustard@anuary 2nd, 2016 – 09:01
WTF has food labeling got to do with local government. they empty bins and stuff like that. Methinks local government needs a sharp lesson to do its core purpose properly and stop scope creep into matters that dont concern it.
Alexsandr January 2nd, 2016 – 10:34
Is there an echo in here? 😉
Apparently they see themselves as having a responsibility for social care and are worried that people are unaware that alcohol makes them obese and therefore that impacts on local government care budgets. The solution is the usual lefty bollocks of creating a “sign” and/or “sending a message” – in this case a warning label on bottles – the bureaucratic equivalent of a selfie virtue signalling a placard with a sanctimonious facial expression – “This is what a meddling tosser looks like”.
But it is really part of a wider trend that these jumped up bureaucrats are somehow in charge of us and think they should control our behaviour. Part of the post-Blair idea of government nudging (we need to shove back). The impact of fat pissheads on care services is brayed about because it fits into the lefty disapproval meme. They won’t say a thing about the impact of mass immigration on budgets and services because they approve of all that. The siloing of such issues, selective cause and effect, dodgy scaremongering stats, the linguistic gymnastics involved and the mental disconnect are astonishing – not least because the media allow them to get away with that.
It’s politics as morality (one cannot oppose it without being labelled ‘a bad person’) and government as corporate employers/primary school teachers. Positively feudal. We are apparently their serfs. The sooner the English disabuse them of their notions of such power over us the better.
Maria Miller is calling for gender to be removed from all official documentation, including passports and driving licenses. Her ambition is a world in which a person can wake up each day and decide if they will be a man or a woman.
What evil. Yet she is a member of a so-called Conservative party.
How do we overcome such an embedded ideology?
“siloing of such issues”
Siloing is indeed a problem
But it can be solved by induced cooperation and what has been called cultural intelligence
Big problems can no longer – probably never could – be solved by one person or sector operating alone. Bridging divides collaboration is increasingly crucial
At present silos continue unbridged and thus policy fields clash and resources are be wasted. The major problems stay unsolved
Soon Ang and Linn Van Dyne introduced cultural intelligence as a concept to knock down silo mentality
(PS I detest no man)
Robert & Herbert:
Thank you, the 48 hour day as a solution is smart, Herbert’s point of one being a year older the day before one’s birthday is new to Baron.
It may seem trivial, but isn’t e.g. private pensions rule stipulating a payment for a minimum number of years, the pension holder dying around his birthday. Then not only the day, but each hour must count.
EC @ 23:18
Good points, EC.
It’s always hard to figure what the key ingredients fuelling any economic variable may have been in things like the GDP, exports, employment and whatever, EC. But unquestionably, the Germans have done well, it isn’t judgmental, purely a matter of statistics, you look at their budget surpluses, foreign trade surpluses, employment levels, they seem to doing well.
How much of it is due to their mostly Turkish imported helpers is a matter of opinion, but one may hazard a guess that had the immigrants not been helpful they would have been sent packing.
Malfleur @ 07:24
Murphy Donovan’s piece in the same issue is also good.
Colonel Mustard (09:14)
Surprised you missed the dramatic adaptation of Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little Niggers” over Christmas – renamed by the BBC/PC police as “And Then There Were None”; and the script re-jigged (where absolutely necessary) to “Ten little soldier boys”. (A subtle and cunning subliminal juxtaposition, of course) 🙂
Not only is ‘the past a different country’, Colonel, it’s a different planet. And cultural climate change has destroyed it beyond repair.
Truthers should stop peddling wacky theories about the ‘covert Zionist conspiracy’ involved in the collapse of the twin towers and direct their energies to the rampant and overt leftist and jihadist conspiracy/cies to connive the destruction of infrastructure of Western Civilisation for disparate ends.
And even that would be a pointless exercise, for the reason delineated in the last sentence of para two above. 🙂
When we started these amusing exchanges in the blogosphere some 13 years ago, there was perhaps a slim chance that things could be reversed. The developments since then make it fairly clear that we we are now just pissing against the wind. But as with the Titanic, I suppose, it’s important that band plays on while the ship is still sinking, just for our own amusement, and to keep up the spirits of the remaining crew and passengers, as we each get to the last glug.
I once went along with the meme that ‘we have a duty to be optimistic’; but then real life intervened. Then again, as we still have Baron Pangloss urging us on in this best of all possible worlds, hope springs eternal. So Happy New Year Baron, lang may yer lum reek (or the equivalent in Slavic lore). On a personal note lets hope its not our last New Year as we continue to confound the quacks. 😉
On the boys’s names, EC:
Before making the observation Baron must declare he isn’t making it because he’s enchanted with, supports or in any other way sympathises with the creed of Islam:
The reason Mo wins on numbers in all its mutations is because virtually every Muslim boy is called it. It must the limited imagination of the parents, or their deep love for the original Mo.
telemachus January 2nd, 2016 – 12:08
Cultural Intelligence is just more lefty bollocks and psychobabble, touted, implemented but sadly lacking in any evidence of any beneficial or positive outcome. It is contrived to subvert by tying people up in “socio-linguistic” knots rather than achieving effective, practical outcomes. It hasn’t done the US military much good so far.
It is a classic example of “guru”-led theory trumping practical experience and reality and it reeks of lefty minority and ethnic obsessed “offence” avoidance as a primary consideration rather than getting on with the job and KISS. Minorities are minorities. The clue is in the word and when majority society is coerced by minority cheerleaders to spend its whole effort and time pandering to their supposed sensibilities the point of societal existence and evolution is lost. Minorities don’t get to dictate to majorities and those who dream up ways to facilitate them doing so are engaged in societal vandalism and subversion. Look at the narratives prevailing in the UK today. They are all about the tyranny of minorities and the subjugation of majority interests and needs.
Peter from Maidstone January 2nd, 2016 – 12:06
Something stinks in the state of Maria Miller. Personally I think she’s a Long Marcher with a fairly sinister sponsorship empowering her. Her voting record and lobbying of Cameron are so contradictory as to raise questions about who she is actually working for. She represents another example of spoonface’s appalling judgement of character and the slippery way he tries to protect his bad choices. Maybe spoonface was drawn to pudding face? She is also a product of the LSE. The current third rate, middle management corporate style of spoonface facilitates the over promotion and over rating of such greasy pole climbers.
Forced to resign from the cabinet over her scandalous expenses claims and tax avoidance in April 2014 she was returned unopposed to the chairmanship of the Women and Equalities Select Committee in June the following year. There is no longer any shame in that nest of Common Purpose vipers ruling over us. No cleaning toilets in the East End for the likes of Ms Miller.
Another example of silo mentality too. If the stupid cow had an ounce of reason or joined up thinking she would understand that her stupid idea about making gender invisible should also apply to the ‘Women and Equalities’ committee, the very existence of which is about as far from notions of equality as you could get. Remove the word ‘women’ from your silly committee, Miller, and your equally silly idea might at least demonstrate a certain consistency. But as usual it is “Do as I say not as I do”.
Ghastly woman. And the fact that she was once rated as the 17th most powerful woman in the United Kingdom (by the BBC) should depress us all.
Frank P January 2nd, 2016 – 12:47
I did watch it, post mortem on iplayer, as it happens, but not a fan of Agatha Christie. Never read the book but thought the drama was full of plot holes. Here is a measure of the stupidity of the name changes:-
A tatty paperback from 1963 is now worth 65 quid.
The rest of your lament is true enough but depressing. Personally I intend to follow the Welshman’s advice (apart from the gay bit):-
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And Heaven knows the light is certainly dying – all over Europe and the UK.
An excellent series of three comments there Colonel. Though I fear you are a voice crying unheeded in the wilderness.
Baron@January 2nd, 2016 – 12:41
GDP is a meaningless number the number that matters is GDP/capita.
Germany also does well because its currency is undervalued, so its exports are cheap. It has done well in the Euro at the expense of other countries, esp Greece.
Well. delve into anything being peddled by spoonface’s regime and you’ll soon find the instincts of a grocer. Sure enough:-
“3. Develop expeditious and transparent procedures for changing the name and sex of a transgender person on birth certificates, identity cards, passports, educational certificates and other similar documents”
Human Rights and Gender Identity
Issue Paper by Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
The EU again. Presumably spoonface’s bean counters have done a quick cost benefits calculation on the cost of removing all gender from official documents vs the ongoing cost of establishing mechanisms for people to change their own gender on official documents.
One of spoonface’s little tricks is to get one of his minions to cheerlead stuff expected from the EU as a “call for” so that the “consultation” (worthless) and opposition (ignored) can be dealt with before the EU deadline follows the steaming pile of red tape coming down the tracks. And also so that he and Parliament don’t look like the helpless EU puppet government that they really are. All this stuff requiring the majority to toe the line of minorities (in this case to transgender rights) is usually obfuscated in pages and pages of EU legalese and waffle initiated by their SJWs. There is always loads of it fed into the system before the headline catching shockers are actually dumped on a largely unsuspecting public. In this case it looks like the garbage train began its journey in 2009.
Chris Morriss January 2nd, 2016 – 13:59
I don’t mind. Whether anyone hears or not it’s better than going quietly.
A new year comes
A poor year goes
My ears are agog
For the spring frog
“…The reason Mo wins on numbers in all its mutations is because virtually every Muslim boy is called it. It must the limited imagination of the parents, or their deep love for the original Mo…”
The eldest male is always called Mohammed, subsequent ones, of which there are generally several, have various other phlegm related monikers.
A like minded message from a like minded site:
A question or two, Mr. Cameron
Something to drag comrade Telemachus out of his pit tomorrow morning.
Nigel Farage will be hosting his own show on LBC from 10am tomorrow. With an exciting year ahead, Nigel will be touching on a range of issues.
You’ll be able to tune in live tomorrow on the LBC website.
December 30th, 2015 – 18:33
anne wotana kaye @ 21:05
Strong words, anne, but spot on.
Thanks, Baron. Now as regards the following:
“UK soldiers who fought in the Iraq War may face prosecution for war crimes, according to the head of a unit investigating alleged abuses……..
UK soldiers who fought in the Iraq War may face prosecution for war crimes, ”
BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said Mr Warwick’s comments may have been a response to an interview by Michael Fallon reported in the Telegraph.
In it, the defence secretary said soldiers were inhibited on the battlefield because they feared “ambulance-chasing British law firms” would haul them in front of the courts on their return.” BBC WEB
I have more strong words, “Sod them (Iraqis amd sand lice) all!”
Noa @ 15:36
Well observed, Noa, the fondness for the denomination of Mo with all its mutations is nauseating, but it furnishes an infallible guide to the ROP membership.
anne wotana kaye @ 17:05
That’s opening a can of rats rather than worms, anne, it will not go down well with the unwashed. They will do nothing now, but hopefully remember, administer revenge when the next count comes.
How could anyone in his or her right mind become a soldier today, someone trained to kill the enemy (rather than be killed by him) if the probability is high that he/she could face a court martial, be sent down after the fighting’s over?
Think about it. We are facing a bunch of morally vacuous thugs who not only cut our throats as if slicing a piece of cheese. They also don’t think twice to commit suicide killing us if that’s what they have to do. We, on the other hand, would not only ever entertain the idea of strapping on an explosive loaded belt to commit suicide defending out culture. We are also preventing those amongst us who volunteer to protect us to kill them. How could the political clowns think we can win?
RobertRetyred @ 16:56
The last sentence sums it up well, Robert, the boy is indeed nothing more than a district ‘Gauleiter’, but the HQ is located over the Atlantic, the Brussels is but a regional command post.
Colonel Mustard @ 14:46
How could you do it to the barbarian, Colonel, the paper is quite long, somewhat dated, (there must have been ‘progress’ since its publication in 2009), and rather uninformative about the number of the ‘transgender’ individuals (which would explain why Ba ron has never come across any such individual and as he’s been around for a while).
Here is how the author of the paper defines the group:
“Although the number of transgender persons is small, it should be pointed out that the transgender community is very diverse. It includes pre-operative and post-operative transsexual persons, but also persons who do not choose to undergo or do not have access to operations. They may identify as female-to-male (FTM) or male-to-female (MTF) transgender persons, and may or may not have undergone surgery or hormonal therapy. The community also includes cross-dressers, transvestites and other people who do not fit the narrow categories of ‘male’ or ‘female’.
What is small is nowhere specified. Are we talking about one in a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand? Also, why should someone’s crossdressing be included? Is Grayson Perry transgender, does he need special treatment, is he bullied?
Further down, the paper acknowledges that the medical profession sees these individuals as suffering from a mental disorder, and many of them are reluctant to be diagnosed differently because they fear they would lose whatever medical attention they need.
“The first aspect in discussing health care for transgender persons is the existence of international and national medical classifications defining transsexuality as a mental disorder. There are currently two established international systems for classifying mental illnesses: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) which includes the term ‘gender identity disorder’ as a mental health disorder and uses it to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria, i.e. discontent with the biological sex they are born with.33 Secondly, the WHO International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) lists transsexualism as a mental and behavioural disorder.34 It is important to stress that transgender persons are thus labelled as having a mental disorder”.
That’s enough boring you with the subject except to say Baron has always been against discrimination on any grounds, but this obsession with sex, gender, crossdressing and stuff seems to have moved beyond the boundaries of common sense. The medical profession gets it right, we should stick with it.
And so for the woman who calls herself Miller, the less said the better.
Frank P @ 12:47
What with not being born as a winner in the lottery of life, Baron doesn’t have the full empathy for the nuances of English, but for him certain words do not sound right, and not necessarily because of the current PC environment. The barbarian didn’t use them before, avoided using them primarily not because it would’t have been right in an individual case, but because he felt their usage tarnishes the whole of the tribe, such as pommies, banana-benders (Queensland inhabitants), aussies, huns, niggers, frogs …. Ruskies doesn’t come under he same label, it feels diminutively cuddly.
Still, the one word the black people shouldn’t have given up on is the word Negro. It invokes bigness, macho-ness, inner strengths mixed with the mystique of a deep African jungle. The word never fails to conjure up in Baron’s mind the body cum the voice of Paul Robeson, a massive bodily frame and a majestic sound if there ever was one.
A feeling close to it overpowers the barbarian when he listens to the theme music to The Wire (way down in the hole). The barbarian never missed it even though ti was broadcast very late. It hasn’t been bettered yet.
And a sunlit, radiant and cloudless New Year, and the 366 days that follow to you, too, my blogging (only seldom ruffled) friend.
And, most importantly, sorry for the errors.
Baron (19:44),
Paul Robeson? A other dyed-in-the-wool commie! I prefer Francis Albert’s version of ‘Ol’ Man River’, anyway. Or even Peter Dawson’s.☺
Words are words. Baron. Sticks and stones break bones. If we allow literature to be expurgated of all words that offend, then most literary giants would be erased from the libraries of world.
Nigger brown was once a useful shade of clothing. ‘Nigger in the woodpile’ was a useful metaphor. We have bent over both backwards and forwards to accommodate the sensibilities of of non-indigenous races. Only recently the Sandringham gift shop was denuded of golliwogs? Why, FFS? How have we been repaid? By vitriolic emnity, by and large. I spent most of my professional life being vilified by them, with pejoratives various, Fuck ’em! Let Agatha Christie rest in peace, says I. Even though I agree with the Colonel her plots were formulaic and predictable, she and her stories were true to the Zeitgeist of the Twenties/Thirties.
Did you read my link at 00:55? The writer has addressed some of your concerns. We need the equivalent of the First Amendment in this country. In fact our Common Law probably grants us freedom both to offend and be offended, provided no immediate breach of the peace is provoked by words. It’s patronising to the posited ‘victims’ of ‘racial labels’ to believe that they can’t deal with epithets. How many times have you heard ‘Brit’ spat out by non-British subjects (and even some traitorous indigenous lefties) as though it was spelled ‘shit’? Enough already, let the language flow. Where’s Clear Memories when he’s needed, anyway? ☺
Baron, January 2nd, 2016 – 12:41
The point is that they went to Germany for a job that actually existed, in factories etc. Also any real asylum seekers had to go in to special accommodation for 3 months in order to learn basic German and learn how things work.
The current wave of migrants (there’s many more to come) are being dispersed (by the the authorities) to rural towns and villages where there there are no jobs, and precious little accommodation. How would your little community cope with a sudden influx of 5000 migrants, 85% of whom are illiterate young males with an air of entitlement and a bad attitude toward the host community?
Mutti has fucked Germany and she’s hell bent on foisting the problem that she’s created on her neighbours, including us. The good fairy that you appear to believe in does not have enough magic fairy dust to fix this problem.
Make Britain Great Again – First, Take Back Our Parliament
“A self-described “Moroccan living in the UK” has been appointed serjeant at arms at the House of Commons, a role which requires him to sit in the Chamber and carry the mace. Kamal El-Hajji, the first non-white in the 600 year old post, will take up the job with “the help of Allah”.”
The European Union is the albatross around the neck of the British body politic and is the punishment for our not being alert for our liberties in the 1970s. Admirable as is Frank P’s call for the equivalent of the First Amendment in this country, already by the way under heavy attack in its home, the priority in 2016 is to kick out the EU from our business.
Don’t withdraw; kick it out!
Questions Constitutional
Even though, from the citation of John 1:5 in her Christmas message last month, the Queen appears to be no longer using the King James version of the Bible, she did present a modest defence of the faith.
Of course her advisers inserted the occasional side swipes. “For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesus’s birth — in a stable – were far from ideal, but worse was to come as the family was forced to flee the country.” Hm.
She also quoted the motto of Amnesty International, an organisation which,some say, is something of a curate’s egg: “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” Amnesty International has told us that we are failing the illegal immigrants.That is presumably the candle that Her Majesty’s advisers had in mind that we would be better lighting.
Since her government had just committed her to military action in Syria, those same advisers might have allowed a brief expression of concern for Syrian Christians, though not many of those that have not been murdered are C of E one suspects – all the same…
Although we do do our bit:
I can’t help wondering though, if Britain does not kick out the European Union this year and if the moslem population grows at its projected rate, what is the role of the monarch? Perhaps a royal tour of Bradford, Luton, Blackburn and Tower Hamlets would be timely, just to test the waters.Oh, and may be a State Visit to Brussels? Prince Charles could pinch hit.
Malfleur (22:40)
What percentage of the UK electorate in the forthcoming EU referendum understand just how important is their decision to England in particular and the UK in general? It is the only chance we are all likely to have to restore our sovereignty in the foreseeable future. My recent straw poll among family, friends and acquaintances was very depressing. I fear the worst. Bullshit appears to be a digestible delicacy for the average UK punter. And unless someone clears the Augean Stables of Westminster, there is a surfeit of it available for distribution.
What’s more, with something like 1.5m inimical aliens amassing in ‘La belle France’, awaiting transport to our land of welcoming authorities, it’s not just our sovereignty that’s at stake. It’s our very existence as a nation and people.
It is getting serious:
Nigel Farage’s car wheels ‘were sabotaged in an assassination attempt’: Ukip leader lost control of Volvo when wheel fell off on motorway… and police confirm foul play
… cont/
“The crash, which took place in daylight at the end of October, has been kept under wraps by Mr Farage until now. He agreed to talk about it this weekend after being contacted by this newspaper.”
RR(00:37 et seq)
‘Police confirmed foul play’ – to whom?
Why keep schtum about it?
Why does he not persist with the allegation?
If the police are satisfied that the wheels were deliberately tampered with then it’s an attempted murder jobbie and ‘le flic’ can’t just abandon it. In fact it’s not just attempted murder, it’s a potential attempted political assassination (cue Freddie Forsyth).
Unless of course there is a personal motive, like a jealous husband, or even a jealous wife?
In which case the reluctance to pursue the matter would be understandable.
All sounds a bit flakey to me.
Much as I like Nigel, he does seem to be unravelling a bit. WTF is going on?
Rumours of him abandoning politics for a career in TV?
If Max Clifford wasn’t in stir, I’d be thinking it was a publicity stunt devised by him to herald Nige’s new career on the goggle box.☺
I think we UKIP supporters should be told. Further and better particulars please Nigel?
One hopes he is not handing over UKIP to YKW with the dislocated mandible – the serial shafter of political party leaders? 🙂
EC @ 22:18
You will like this:
A driver in a car stuck in a traffic jam hears a knock on the windscreen. He winds it down, sees a man who says: ”Chancellor Merkel has just been kidnapped by terrorists. They demand a ransom of 10 million euros, otherwise they’ll douse her with petrol and set her alight. We’re asking people for help”
“Good grief”, says the driver, “So how much do people give, on average?” The man says: “ A gallon, two …”
RobertRetyred @ 00:37
That will teach him to buy a Volvo, Robert.
Frank P @ 22:13
But have you read the posting of Baron at 19.44 you’ve responded to, Frank?
Nigger brown as a shade of colour is fine, what Baron’s uncomfortable with is calling a man a nigger, not because it offends him (it would certainly offend him today, land the offender in court because of the engineered victim culture). Baron would’t call him nigger, frog, hun to his face because it degrades the man, turns him into a low grade subspecies of the human race, elevates the one who says it to a position he has no God given right to occupy. (The barbarian may be over sensitive here because he was bred in a small, insignificant Slavonic clan that got kicked around by bigger tribes alot (and no t only the ones surrounding it), and the kicking went beyond the boundaries of an offence, he reckons).
One of the greatest empires of the past from which we learnt alot, the Romans, made no distinction of one’s skin colour, place of birth, physical stature. Many black people were as wealthy, powerful and respected as the people of Rome themselves, some of them got to the position of greatness from slavery.
You must have missed it, Baron doesn’t categorise people according to their skin colour, the shape of the eyes, their height or anything they were born with, it’s not their fugging fault what is the size of the penis they were born with, or where they were born. It’s their character make-up, the innate or acquired abilities, their conscientiousness, intelligence, creativity and stuff like that which slices it for the barbarian.
It may well be that some of the races had a higher proportion of members who are good at kicking the ball rather than running banks, but in no way does it mean that nobody with black skin cannot have the brains to get to the top of a bank.
The lament you’re referring to reads well, feels right, echoes what we indulge in daily, but is essentially an excuse for a failure that has its roots not in the mixing of whites with blacks. The racial mix played only a small part in it. And anyway, it was the whites who were in charge when things started going pear shape d, it’s still largely whites who hold the positions of power, wealth and influence.
What exactly was the point of the 4,000 plus word narrative? The setting up of white enclaves? That would do it? Sweet baby Jesus, we really do need help if this is the solution to ours ills.
You may have tasted the rough end of the racial mix, but you may have (you probably did) got treated like that by villains with skin as white as snow. Why would one write off one tribe of a certain skin colour, ignore another?
Brit, on the other hand, the barbarian likes. It has a kick to it, the barbarian would be proud if someone were to call him that.
I have just purchased a copy of Tommy Robinson’s biography,”An Enemy of the State”: ( paperback;£16-50 inc. p&p) :through Paypal and via
Baron@January 3rd, 2016 – 02:44
But baron, I have heard frogs, niggers and pakis use those names about them selves. Its OK for them to use them but not OK for honkeys.
Baron, January 3rd, 2016 – 02:12
I had a conversation with my wife about this the other day, I find his wearing cheap supermarket wellies absolutely patronising. It makes him look a fake rather than a man of the people.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it:
“Ten Little ……………..(insert your own choice of noun).”
There are a number of versions available.
`And Then There Were None`from 1945 with Walter Huston and C.Aubrey Smith.
This starts out as a comedy.A good copy (1hr37) is at
Above 08-29
There is a much better and more dramatic version from Russia (with English sub-titles).
It is said to follow the characters and the plot of the original.
It goes under the title of `Ten Little Indians`,but I don’t think this is the Russian title.It begins with African figurines.The version above (08-29) has `racist` Red Indians.It is from 1987 and is 2hrs.09.
I do hope the resident Stalinist was able to watch the documentary on the Leningrad orchestra last night. Some interesting revelations about his hero that put the lie to his claims that modern Russians revere the “strong man”. Thirteen thick volumes of martyrs to Stalin’s Great Terror in St Petersburg alone and a forest where the trees are adorned with the photographs of those murdered and dumped there, bringing to mind another forest that bears the imprints of Stalin’s bloody hands. Shostakovich himself only appears to have survived because the official about to interrogate him had been purged and “disappeared” himself.
Of course the lefties, a la Corbyn, are feverishly attempting to re-write and re-state the history of the Cold War to make the Soviet Union benign and the Western Allies the real villains. Tonight ‘Deutschland 83’ will begin and it will be interesting to see what subtle or not so subtle political nudges are woven into the story. Sometimes it seems as though German unification brought the West into the East rather than the other way around and the number of ex-Stasi individuals now ‘re-habilitated’ and employed by the EU is astonishing. Then there is Frau Merkel herself and her Obama-like shadowy past.
The Great Excuse, trotted out with the usual whataboutery, is that none of the socialist regimes that imprisoned, tortured and murdered millions for not toeing their single party line were ‘proper’ socialist regimes. And if only they can be given the opportunity to try again and to get it right this time. Unfortunately the rise of Corbyn and the current trend for purging the Labour party does not bode well, even if the flocking of the spit in your face brigade to his bloody red banner are ignored. Coercion runs through lefties like the name Brighton through a stick of rock. Their Utopia cannot be contrived without coercion because the collective, commune, call it what you will, cannot prevail with dissidence. Coercion breeds resistance, real or imagined, and leads to oppression. Then it’s a short walk to the Gulag and the murder forest.
If Corbyn purges that writing will be clear on the wall.
John birch January 3rd, 2016 – 08:25
Spoonface, Mr Slippery, is a PR man and a corporate PR man to (wellington) boot. There is a clip somewhere of him slyly manipulating one of those silly virtue-signalling charity wrist bands into view when he thinks he is not being filmed.
alexsandr @ 07:15
If y ou carefully read, or just scan Baron’s posting on the subject ever, alexsandr, can you find any word, reference or even a hint he backs the banning of the offending words by law, criminalising anyone using them, erasing them from literature, art …?
What other people do is up to them, and you’re right, not only would some members of tribes other than white called themselves nigger (watching the above mentioned ‘The Wire’ is a good example of it), they, or rather some of them, would call whites ‘white nigger’, too. One can only stop this by education, persuasion, pubic opprobrium and such, doing it via the law isn’t the most affective or even thesmart way to do it.
This isn’t because Baron believes we’re all equal, but because he believes as unequal we have to live together, the bloody planet has shrunk, will very likely shrink some more if air travel gets faster and cheaper, and we have to treat each other, insist we should also be treated by legal, societal, business entities equally.
All Baron has said on the subject is what he would and would not do, and why.
Colonel Mustard @ 09:14
Spot on, Colonel, it’s emotions that work in our society, not cool rationality. In this the boy continues the virtue signalling behaviour of his hero, the ghastly Blair. You recall his holding a cup of cup of tea in front of the cameras …
Colonel Mustard @ 09:03
Strong words, Colonel, and right, too. Totalitarian dictatorships of whatever hue and orientation murder, lie, conceal truth.
The whole of the USSR was a nationwide Gulag, people couldn’t move freely within or without Russia, private property was destroyed, markets didn’t function, the word of a single man was final. The damage inflicted on the Russian unwashed was immeasurable, their suffering beyond imagination, it was only the never ending love for Mother Russia that pulled the country through, will always pull it through.
It was a fully Red dictatorship the Russians have to endure. The Pinky version pushed in the West by the likes of the cumryd will reach, in colour density, a point at which it also implodes.
Radford NG @ 05:08
T hanks for the tip, Radford, done.
Baron (10:10)
“The damage inflicted on the Russian unwashed was immeasurable, their suffering beyond imagination, it was only the never ending love for Mother Russia that pulled the country through, will always pull it through.”
I would admire them more if they didn’t continue to vote in droves for a KGB Colonel as their dictator, particularly when he connives to make the ‘elections’ appear to be democratic by standing down for a spell and swapping jobs with his lickspittle, then quite blatantly resuming business as usual (that business in part whacking those who propagate any opposition to his grip on the levers of power) when it suits him. It seems to me, under those circumstances that the ‘long suffering citizens of Mother Russia’ deserve what they get. But as you rightly say, it’s their business; but only insofar as it doesn’t pose a threat to the rest of us. We seem to differ on that issue, understandably perhaps, considering the different routes we have travelled across this mortal coil.
What concerns me even more is that there are now sufficient numbers of voters in this country to ensure that, because of our flawed Constitutional Parliamentary ‘democracy’, Comrade Corbyn could acquire the position of ‘Leader of HM Opposition’ – and there is more than an outside chance, now that he has a foot through the door, that the markedly leftist mainstream media will one day brainwash a sufficient proportion of the population for him to be voted into No. 10. Thankfully there may be sufficient numbers within the hierarchy of his own mob to oust him before that occurs – not because they think he is wrong in his ideology, but because he’s too blatant in trying to achieve it and they want to continue with the Gramscian doctrine of softee, softee …
Let’s face it, the electorate voted for that slippery old crook Harold Wilson and his commie apparatchiks – and Gordon Brown in more recent times. There will always be enough weak and envious people around who think that the world owes them a living, to maintain the belief that the phenomenon of ‘levelling down’ is the way to ensure justice, when in fact it has been amply demonstrated throughout history that the opposite ensues. But it seems to be inevitable, so we may as well get used to it I suppose.
Which brings me back to your post of 02:44 in which you express admirable sentiments, which I shared for all of my professional life and indeed until very recently, when I came to the sad conclusion that those whom we had bent over backwards to accommodate and indeed assisted to assimilate had no intention of being satisfied with equality of opportunity and respect , but were demanding privilege and ‘positive discrimination’. Moreover the mendacious activists among them seemed hell bent on organising violent civil disorder to undermine the established culture of the indigenous citizens and dominating rather than assimilating. Thus the race card is employed persistently in all things political, particularly by those politicians who contrived to facilitate a tsunami of immigration in order to achieve electoral success and have managed already to change our society into a multi-culti melange with seething undercurrents of violence and resentment, mainly against what is still the white majority, but may soon become no such thing. Maybe not during what’s left of our faltering existence, but certainly
within the lifetimes of our issue.
Where I do draw the line, is when the arty-farty literati decides to strip our literature of words and phrases which THEY deem to be offensive and changing laws to criminalise free speech. I don’t think anybody here advocates confrontational insults – that has always been against the laws relating to breach of the peace. But the extent to which the thought police have now extended their insidious intrusion into thought and expression is beyond the pale.
As for the article by Gregory Hood. Again, in general I agree with your concerns. I deplore “white supremacy” as a political movement, always have and still do, but reading through his evolution of thought processes, some of them bear examination and discourse. I can see the parallels that are developing in Britain (England in particular). But “Black Power” is the opposite side of that coin and as any discussion of that phenomenon has been largely suppressed, or at least slanted to the point of imbalance – the scales now being stacked against white indigenous population – that will eventually cause a reactionary upheaval. Suppression of free speech will only exacerbate it, along with the leftist meeja’s insistence on trashing all aspects of the history of the British Empire. The Islamic jihad of course introduces a whole new dimension to the degradation of our culture and indeed the whole of ‘Western Civilisation’ – or what’s left of it.
One last thing:
“One of the greatest empires of the past from which we learnt a lot, the Romans, made no distinction of one’s skin colour, place of birth, physical stature. Many black people were as wealthy, powerful and respected as the people of Rome themselves, some of them got to the position of greatness from slavery.”
Heh, heh, heh. Indeed so – and look what happened to it?!
Imperial Echoes?
And just to underline my concerns, my Noo Joisey pal despatched this piece of self-loathing treasonous shite from one Charles Lambert, in the New York Times; just the sort of drivel that the NYT falls over itself in its haste to publish it:
I guess this could be the ‘Charles Lambert’ who penned the NYT piece?:
From the Mervyn Barg school of thought, apparently. 🙂
“Armed militia, incl. Bundy bros, occupy forest reserve HQ in Oregon, call ‘US patriots’ to arms.
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s three sons and “about 150” militiamen have occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge HQ to protest the pending imprisonment of two Oregon ranchers accused of arson, arguing the federal government has no authority in local cases.”
“Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Saturday the idea of religious neutrality is not grounded in the country’s constitutional traditions and that God has been good to the U.S. exactly because Americans honor him.”
Frank P at 13:31.
He sneers at the owners of these mansions open to the public, but appears to be the worst sort of journalist. Is there any journalist who isn’t parasitic on the real working population of this country?
“One of the greatest empires of the past from which we learnt a lot, the Romans, made no distinction of one’s skin colour, place of birth, physical stature. Many black people were as wealthy, powerful and respected as the people of Rome themselves, some of them got to the position of greatness from slavery.”
Not sure that is particularly reassuring given that the Romans also made no distinctions as to whom they enslaved in the first place.
Frank P 1321 and 1331 – this is Charles Lambert:-
He writes and peddles his own books from his home in Italy which makes him no more elevated than the National Trust or erstwhile mansion owners. No doubt that piece was peddled around to earn a few Euros before the NYT bought it, probably relishing its Anglophobia.
It is nothing more than a polemic, reeking of a spiteful envy and calls upon us to discard the false heritage of a lost elite for . . .
. . . well, yes, wait for it, a new elite of those who aspire to “lead beyond authority” and who write sneering books about a heritage they disdain and a class system they are more usurping than eradicating. He uses the term “the rich” in the same way lefty idiots do, ignoring the inconvenient fact that the leftist elite and its hierarchical machinery is also now very rich. He’s wrong anyway. A day out to look at a mansion and its contents and gardens is just as much a viable “product” to be consumed by the public as his own books and arguably more accessible and better value. To assert that those things have not been created is nonsense, both by their original owners and the NT which keeps them going.
The line that tells us all we need to know about him is “Some years later, as a teenage Maoist”. And the line about paintings being hung too high to be seen is hyperbole. He is very selective and simplistic in describing the evils to condemn for funding the mansions and they read like the usual distorting lefty bollocks. He should brush up on his knowledge of the opium trade and he would find a few facts less to his liking. The slave trade we all know about. We must be nearing that point in the importing of US race relations into the UK where the Home Counties must accept guilt for all those slave worked hop plantations in Kent.
To paraphrase him:-
“The leftist collective will always be with us is the essential message, however envious or deluded or criminally manipulative they may be, and we’d better get used to it.”
A forthright article about the US presidential scene:
Black Lives Matter: We Saw It Coming, Now Here’s What’s Coming Next
Frank P 2 12:58
You do write bloody well, guru, waste your talent on the poorly educated Slav, he ought to grateful rather than irritating.
Nothing to disagree with (as if it mattered if Baron did), but on things Russian he’ll keep on convincing you that however dictatorial, unpleasant, lacking true democratic credentials the KGB colonel may be (in truth is) he’s genuinely tolerated, backed, almost worshipped by the unwashed for he is just about the right sort for the interim phase of transitioning from the 400 or so years of totalitarian darkness and into civilisation.
Colonel Mustard (16:15)
Thanks – great critique! You express my thoughts better than I ever could. But I shall continue to try. 🙂
Btw the writing world seems replete with ‘Charles Lambert’s’. Despite their similarities they have different photographs, so the coincidence can’t be good for their individual self-esteem.
Frank P @ 13:21
Agreed, Frank, Mr. Lambert is a first class wanker, but the thing is if he were offered a peerage or whatever (and he might be one day preciously because he will keep on lambasting the ‘dark past’ for decades), he’ll grab it, join the upper crust, sit in the House of the Perverted enjoying the privileges that come with it.
Go figure.
Colonel Mustard @ 14:45
That’s true, too, Colonel, they, the Romans, did treat everyone who wasn’t with them as being against them, and acted accordingly.
Colonel Mustard @ 16:15
Every age has its own aristocracy, and our age cannot be an exemption. This scribbler may be the first generation of the Lambert clan, its wealth based not on land ownership, a large country house, beautiful paintings, but assets more appropriate to the new age. In essence, however, it will still be a money based caste, as were those in the past going back millennia.
Baron (16:46)
You know I enjoy our exchanges – and the scatological and ad hom elements of my more provocative ranting are often designed to incite your own little gems of wit and wisdom. Long may that prevail. How bloody boring it would be if we all agreed about everything, which at one stage we were in danger of doing on this platform.
Heaven forfend that we should become mealy-mouthed hereupon just to satisfy the criteria of the thought police. Honest and forthright polemics is and should remain the hallmark of this blog, imho.
One reservation, though I was originally one of those who thought that blackballing the teletwat troll was contrary to the free-speech ethos loosely cobbled together by the host and the rest of the Wallsters at the outset of our schism from the Speccie.
I have now been convinced by Colonel Mustard that giving agitprop a soapbox here is inimical to our general purpose in combatting the Long March, given his modus operandi, his duplicity and his stalking of Colonel M. He’s a piece of work (imho) and should not be in progress here. I know you think that the Colonel is the antidote to his bullshit and I’m sure most, if not all, otherl Wallsters are impervious to his propaganda. But one question – why give a committed lefty yet another string to his bow? Why give him the satisfaction of picking and choosing his moments to intrude on the craic here and gain Brownie Points from his puppet masters.
I’m sure our occasional internecine squabbles here provide all he grist to the mill that we need to keep the conversation going without having to suffer his intrusions and unadulterated proselytising of the Comintern.
Did anyone listen to Nigel’s induction to LBC this a.m.? Is it worth the candle to hear it through?
RobertRetyred @ 16:23
The evolution of the issue of race pushed by the deluded Left, of which ‘the black lives matter’ is but a part, is based on the premise that the blacks aren’t good enough, hence must be helped through legislation. This in itself is racist, but it satisfies the anointed, even though the results have been largely unnoticeable, for they aren’t really after genuine racial equality, but merely after a virtuous gesture that implies it. If they were truly resolved to bring racial equality about they would seek solutions within the black community, not outside it.
The law can do many things, but it cannot re-engineer the human soul.
Where’s our Anne, btw? Been a quiet festive season from her neck of the woods? Let’s be ‘aving yer, gal.
RR (16:23)
Not quite sure where Stranahan is coming from. He quit Breitbart some time ago and appears to have had a change of heart again. But then again, I’m always suspicious of leftist apostates, given the way the Long March operates.
Various posters have been again mentioning the topic of race – and as Baron says, the issue of race continues to be pushed in wrong directions by the deluded left
To my mind the most important question is what it means when we are constantly directed to believe that all races are “equal”.
I ask this because, as a consequence of that “truth” about “equality”, we are increasingly treated as criminals if we even try to discuss the possibility of the existence of any important racial differences whatsoever.
For that sort of attitude to have any logical validity, does it not require that we must also believe that in the case of humans, evolution is no longer happening? I find that impossible to believe.
Ha ha! Less than three minutes into the BBC adaption of War and Peace Pierre Bezukhov is ranting commie agitprop like a student SJW and virtue-signalling “This is what a feminist looks like”.
“We need a revolution” he bleats.
Frank P @ 00:07
About 50% of the electorate appear to want out of the EU at present.We can expect some “dirty tricks” in the coming months designed to push that number into a minority coupled with a barrage of pro-EU propaganda from large sections of the media – the editorial in the Weekend Financial Times is a case in point, the general drift of which being that the Britain’s membership of the EU is “a good thing”.
Whether those in charge of the EU, and thus of our country, are desperate enough to whack the leading opponent of membership remains to be seen.The free shit constituency and the moslem bloc vote (legal and illegal) are probably fixtures in the pro-EU camp. As you say though the referendum, if it is held, is our only chance in the foreseeable future to restore our national sovereignty. The swing vote may remain relatively small in the absence of some event which persuades large numbers to offer up their freedom in exchange for a false promise of security.
So now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.
Defenseless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.
Colonel Mustard
A newspaper reported over the weekend that none of the cast had read the book.
Oh no. That archetypal SNP lefty luvvie and QT panel fodder Brian Cox as General Kutozov in a very silly pirate hat. Looks as if he has been overdoing the deep fried Mars bars too.
The problem when luvvies ramp up their political activism is that it undermines their credibility in acting roles. One doesn’t imagine Kutozov but instead sees a gobby, bolshy Nicola Sturgeon groupie who’s raided the dressing up box.
Malfleur January 3rd, 2016 – 21:53
I can believe that.
Natasha and her chum channelling the talk and gestures of modern British middle-class girls. The BBC contrive her naked in a bath scene – any excuse. Then a bit of suggestive incest with Denisov and his sister Hélène canoodling in bed together. Pierre dreams of her naked on a bed inviting him to touch her. Later he says “It’s complicated . . . ” and for a second I wonder if is he going to come out as transgender.
Battle scenes poor. Music good. BBC vandalise another classic. Wondering now how they’ll weave a few BMEs into the plot.
Colonel Mustard (22:07)
Mark romps through the New Year Honours List:
One for EC and the Colonel:
Looks like the incipient Home Guard is a little better trained and equipped than Captain Mainwaring’s crew. But the post conflict series about them probably won’t be nearly s funny… I’ll bet.
An insightful essay by Clarice Feldman on the Trump – HillBillary tussle. Perhaps the Clintons have at last met their match; presumably The Donald’s security detail has been thrice positively vetted and one hopes that his chopper is double checked before every flight:
Having now reached the stage where I think that anything may be possible, the thought of the White House being converted into the latest Trump Tower is a consummation devoutly to be wished. His first job will be to organise a thorough fumigation. Just imagine the handshake at his inauguration from the outgoing resident. Can you just see the expression on the faces of both?
Wee-eelll … worse things have happened in our lifetime. And the reek of sour grapes from the MSM will – or (let’s not count chickens just yet) would, be a heady aroma. Gawarn gawarn, Amerika … give us all a treat, it may be my last chance to laugh myself into the Big Sleep.
And the next treat will – er – would – be the chirruping of Wee Eck and the consternation of Dracula’s bride, our esteemed Home Sec. How’s about gating the POTUS, missy? Oh dearie me,the prospects are salivating.
Donald Trump may be one of those “truthers” that Frank P mentioned in passing last week, especially as he had fired a shot across the bows of the Good Ship Bush family by highlighting that they had assisted in the evacuation of the Bin Ladens shortly after ‘9/11’ at a time when air travel for the rest of the country was locked down. That indicated that he understands the connection between the destruction of the Twin Towers in 2001 and the crisis of political power in the USA this year.
Just yesterday,Trump could be seen even on that dead beat TV station, CNN, ‘claiming’ that ISIS is the creation of Obama and Clinton – something which ‘truthers’ have been shouting at deaf ears for some time:
Alex Jones on his Sunday show finally came out as able to report that Obama is a radical moslem praying to Mecca five times a day in the White House and that he and his wife treat the Secret Service like dirt. Jones is interviewing someone today in Arizona whose profile is apparently higher than Trump’s. Michael Savage said a few days ago that Trump was giving an interview on his show this week. As Savage is not known as a fan of either the president or his former secretary of state, we can therefore expect more bare knuckle fighting from Mr. Trump’s corner, advised by some powerful and professional seconds.
Could it be that there will be a gaol door or exile between Obama and any chance of seeing that handshake with Donald Trump at his inauguration next year?
Frank P
January 3rd, 2016 – 17:49
Hi, Frank,
Been thinking of you and hoping all’s well. Spent a quiet holiday. and trust all CHWers have a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Talk about War and Peace – the Saudi/Iranian news is utter lunacy. The pot calling the kettle black.