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anne wotana kaye
January 4th, 2016 – 07:39
Frank P
January 3rd, 2016 – 17:49
Hi, Frank,
Been thinking of you and hoping all’s well. Spent a quiet holiday. and trust all CHWers have a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Talk about War and Peace – the Saudi/Iranian news is utter lunacy. The pot calling the kettle black.
0032 December 20th
I salute George Jonas:
And for the man:
The pinko liberals are coming
To take our jobs and houses.
But, we are not going to let them.
They must think we’re all women.
We are real men, good and true
And we know what we have to do.
We believe in the red white and blue
And the sissified can all just go screw.
We believe in God, and Jesus Christ
And anyone who does not isn’t nice.
If this describes you, take some advice
Go live somewhere else and eat rice.
Because this is a God-fearing land
And if you can’t quite understand
Or you have something else planned
You will feel the back of our hand.
If you can put up with the awful formatting George Jonas’ expounds on Spielbergian whataboutery over the film Munich and his book Vengeance:-
Fergus Pickering
January 4th, 2016 – 10:44
0032 December 20th
I salute George Jonas:
They must think we’re all women.
We are real men, good and true
Cultural enrichment abounds, in Germany anyway. It couldn’t happen to a nicer nation:
REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve
It’s good PR for all those ‘ever closer union’ supporters! 🙂
Most of the news about the middle east is about the current spat between Iran and Saudi Arabia, but I wonder what Wallsters – especially Baron – have to say about these reports –
Is Vlad perhaps now quietly giving under cover, material support to the Kurds inside Turkey?
If so, am I permitted to say “Molodyetz!”?
My daughter is a primary school teacher. She had a Baker Day today and they had a presentation by a speaker on the Government’s Anti-Extremism agenda. The concern of the speaker was for Right Wing Extremism and he did not address Muslim extremism or terrorism. Apparently the greatest threat is from the EDL.
Peter (18:22)
How did she deal with that anomaly/ommision?
Sri – ‘omission’.
Frank, I think she has been fairly well instructed by the authorities. I have another daughter who would have told the truth and damned them all.
Likewise with one of my daughters.
It’s necessary for teachers to eschew their own thoughts and adapt the socialist political consensus if they wish to teach at all.
As for their regular indoctrination of socialism through these Comosol inset days, these are competently summarised and dismissed in the following article, ironic that it was published in Conservative Home of course, as no Cameron government will ever abolish such doctrinal brainwashing.
Peter from Maidstone, January 4th, 2016 – 18:22
Right Wing Extremism = (any dissent from the agenda of cultural suicide favoured by the currently entrenched, seemingly permanent, political elite)
EC January 5th, 2016 – 10:00
Seems that way.
Extraordinary that a country as independently minded as England should actually succumb to and sustain the illogical nonsense (and oxymoron) of ‘Political Correctness’. In a country of supposed robust political plurality how ever could it become accepted that a singular political viewpoint could be ‘correct’ to the exclusion of all others? It should have been laughed at, ridiculed and relentlessly undermined from day one.
Lefties are keen to defend it as a form of politeness. They should call it that then and not make up silly coercive strictures around it.
Cameron’s new found resolve to tackle muslim extremism disappointingly co-opts Louise Casey, the New Labour protégé, whose report on Rotherham disappeared in a can down the road.
Looking at her and Maria Miller a pattern of behaviour emerges. The pudding faced woman in government.
The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year’s Eve.
The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.
City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said. (BBC web)
An interesting prognostication about how the second amendment will be undermined. Seems plausible to me:
We’ll see!
If we live sufficiently long for that scenario to unfold, of course.☺
1121 yesterday
Well then
We are women from every race and creed
We are women from all walks of life
We are beginning to realize who we are
Besides a mother, a lover, or wife.
We are waking up with a mighty voice
Against things that some go through
Be it abuse, shame, or just the ‘game’
We are shouting they are through!
We’re taking a stand against violence
Against discrimination everywhere
We’ve found the ‘system’ may fail us
And society may no longer care.
Women of all ages are fighting back
For the places that we should be
In the college, the public or workplace-
In a world that only we see.
Women are demanding due respect
For jobs well done each day
For hard work in the home or office
For fair and equal pay.
The old saying “It’s a mans’ world”,
Is one that’s no longer true
For women are now getting educated
Until they finally see this through.
So never underestimate the Sisterhood
Or the women who now join hands
For the cause of saying “We are WOMEN-
who are here to change this land!!”
Sounds like Fergus Pickering is now channelling telemachus channelling Fabian_Solutions.
“The old saying “It’s a mans’ world”,
Is one that’s no longer true
For women are now getting educated
Until they finally see this through.”
Appalling syntax. As written this means that women will ensure that it is a man’s world! The sense that should be conveyed is that they will see through the saying that it is a man’s world not that they will see it through.
But anyway I’ll believe all that triumphalist, divisive, passive-aggressive, “low-level non-violent” misandrist (© Jess Phillips) feminist guff when I see women emptying my bins and working on the roads.
Herbert Thornton @ 18:12
Who can tell, Herbert, what the one trying to re-dust the Ottoman Empire has in mind, or what the Kremlin’s boss’s intentions are.
‘The Rain’ TV youngsters in Moscow are suggesting the KGB Colonel has slowed down on running the country single handed, if one looks at the number of new legislation, the ‘yukazes’ (the equivalent of Obama’s executive orders), other regulatory pieces emanating from the Kremlin, the numbers are apparently noticeably lower now than in the past years from the high 300s to just 100s last year.
It’s no longer a minute control but an oversight on things domestic, Vlad has moved ‘offshore’ where the mode of ‘management’ differs of course from that the control he deployed at home, his attention on detail remains however. Whether those reporting to him have the guts to take over, show initiative, imagination, drive, leadership, resourcefulness or whatever they, (The ‘Rain TV’ young blood) don’t say, Baron himself reckons some will, because it the past many did). There also apparently are signs of fatigue on his face, physical exhaustion, tiredness (no more ice-hockey matches, riding bare chested, swimming in fast flowing rivers).
If that’s true, it would suggest he cannot avoid to be in direct confrontation with the Turkish strongman. Who the winner will be remains to be seen. The Turkish top man has the backing of the Americans, the Europeans seem to be having a second thought, primarily because of the proximity of Turkey to the EU, their promise to Erdogan to get the accession talks going again, Turkey’s crackdown on free press, dissidents, the Kurds.
The lack of time in the new year has prevented the barbarian to dig deeper into this, he’ll try to do more, will let you know if he finds anything of interest.
Colonel Mustard @ 13:53
In one respect, Fergus’s right, Colonel, it’s no longer the same world, man’s or otherwise.
The barbarian wonders what Fergus thinks of this:
I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls/And woke to find it true/I wasn’t born for an age like this/Was Smith, was Jones, were you?
No brownie points for guessing who penned it, one can google it, but could one not interpret this either way? George’s intention were clear, but what if one were to read the first two lines separately from the last two?
Even if the four stanzas were inseparable, hasn’t the aim of the socialists cum communists always been the time of aplenty, everyone living in halls, comfort, abundance of everything?
This reminds Baron of an old joke.
A communist outreach activist who’s talking to a crowd about the richness of life under the Marxist ideology says: ‘When communism rules everyone will eat ice-cream…’ A voice from the audience shouts: ‘I don’t like ice-cream’. The apostle of the brighter future turns towards him a shouts: ‘Comrade, under communism we’ll ensure everyone likes ice-cream’.
This so different from everything we usually talk about Baron’s rather reluctant to post it. Still, it only takes 10 minutes, and links to the climate change insanity that’s killing us.
A Christian pastor in a sermon said…
“People say there are good Muslims in Britain – that may be so – but I don’t trust them.”
He is now on trial for those words. Fortunately the judge has found him not guilty. But why was he prosecuted at all?
Item on Sky News, concerning the disappearance of the East Enders ‘Star’, Sian Blake and he two children. According to Jeremy Thompson, the search for her had been ‘far and wide’. Shame they didn’t look near and deep to begin with (which in another era was standard procedure), because it now appears she was buried in her own back garden. Police are anxious to talk with her boyfriend, Arthur Simpson-Kent, who they had already questioned but thereafter allowed to ‘disappear’. They are seeking the help of the public. Well, that’s par for the course. DIY policing has now become the norm.
On the same news bulletin another cock-up, a jihadi replacement for ‘Jihadi John’, on bail for suspected terrorism, but also ‘disappeared’, turns up in another jihad beheading video berating Prime Ministers past and present and bragging about his accomplishments.
Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear! And the two top contenders to replace Cameron when he bows out before the next election are whom? Why the titular Chief of the Met. – one Mayor Boris Johnson and his titular chief, Home Secretry, Mrs “Fuck-me Shoes” Tessie May!
And all this after wall-to-wall Comrade Corbyn hogging the MSM by teasing the pundits with a threat to have a portentous sshadow caabinet ‘shuffle’. I wish the whole fucking Westminster circus would shuffle – of this mortal coil and take their useless apparatchiks with them.
Peter from Maidstone @ 17:10
The pastor said: “There was no way I was out to hurt them (the Muslims). I wouldn’t hurt a hair on their head. But what I am against is their theology and what they believe in.”
Quite, Baron’s take as well, it’s never the unwashed (whether one would like to have a pint with them is neither here nor there), but what’s fed into them, what makes them behave the way they do, what poisons their hearts and minds.
From the Washington Post…..
“The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable”.
Could anyone guess what’s unusual on the above narrative from the opinion forming paper? 100 brownie points to anyone even getting close to the right answer, so please, try.
Frank P @ 18:38
Good one, Frank.
The second item has caught Baron’s eye as well. (The Street actor’s disappearance doesn’t resonate with the barbarian, the TV saga has never been anything he has either watched, cared about or even noticed).
Still, how much confidence could one have in our ‘able’ Security Services, if the guy absconds with the whole family via Paris the day after he got released, was supposed to be on a watch list? The only explanation that would satisfy would be that they let him scarper deliberately, you know, good riddance, you nasty piece of shite.
Arrrgh – e & oe above. My minces are deteriorating by the hour. So much to read, so little time. What with fretting over the Earth’s axis shifting again ”n’ all that. Pretty soon won’t know my axis from my ancient pyramid! Or the equator from the equinox. Down to you Baron. Whence cometh all this turmoil? 😉
Baron (18:42)
Tell ya what! Let’s have a conference in Gay Paree, all expenses paid, with an entourage of “experts” on hand, to discuss it. You could even throw in the prospect of the equator running through a point just north of the Wash. I’d vote for that.
Btw Baron, apropos “East Enders”, I too haven’t seen an episode of it since I left The Job. Prior to that I dipped into it occasionally just to update on which villain had recently joined the cast after acting classes in one of HM ‘Houses of Correction’. Their Christmas party was always good for a spell of surveillance – crime elsewhere always being ‘slow trade’ on that evening.
Frank P @ 18:54
Not obligatory, Frank, the barbarian posted it only because he was totally unaware of the shift, shows you he really knows less than BA.
This clip says nothing that’s new (the video is new) but the MSM poodles seem to have forgotten about it.
Here is a thought: If what the Spiegel man says is right i.e. the colonels and other officers of the former Saddam’s Republican guards were (very likely still are if the money’s good) willing to fight for any master, how long will it take the Americans to talk to them? They may already be doing so, Baron reckons.
Quite long, and penned by a man who ate porridge, but with few points worth thinking about.
(and a promise to post no more links today)
Here is the answer to Baron’s posting at 18.42:
It was published on November 22, 1922. Nothing new under the sun then.
(No need to click on the link, just trust Baron, he knows, he’s clicked on it).
Happy New Year Wallsters – let’s hope !
Peter @ Jan 4 – here is something to help inoculate your daughters against the current lies:
Frank P
January 5th, 2016 – 18:38
Spot on, Frank.
‘Free Thinking’ on Radio 3 tonight was vomit inducing even for that programme. As well as the Aaronovitch boys waxing lyrical about their Stalinist upbringing, the punk musician Viv Lambertine (born in Australia in 1954) was somehow able to describe Britain in the 1950s where violence against women was apparently so endemic that they were being groped and assaulted in all places all the time by all men. This judgement on all British men alive in the 1950s seemed to be based on her own experiences within the sleazy punk music scene in the 1970s. No account given to the changes in morality that began in 1968 largely as a result of the agitprop of people like her. To say that she was bitter and militant about her experiences would be an under statement. Very clearly it was all about her.
The Aaronovitch brothers were given a platform by the BBC to do a bit of anti-Zac campaigning for the London Mayoral election. They both absolutely detest privilege, you see, which is rather odd given that David went to a grammar school and then Oxford and now earns in six-figures for simply peddling his ego. Self hating like most lefties I suppose.
Oh how they all hated notions of Britain in the past, policemen on bicycles and such. But what stood out from this coven of deluded pseuds was their shared parent issues and their romance of revolution and rebelling. As well as the essential dishonesty of the left and their staggering lack of humility and self awareness.
Baron January 5th, 2016 – 16:42
That comes from ‘Why I Write’ written in 1946 but I haven’t read it so I don’t know the context to be able to attempt to interpret it. The first line is not original but was lifted from Balfe’s 1843 opera ‘The Bohemian Girl’ sung as a rather beautiful aria by the gypsy girl Arline, in hopeless love with an aristocrat – and sadly much lampooned and parodied in the intervening years.
“I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls,
With vassals and serfs at my side,
And of all who assembled within those walls,
That I was the hope and the pride.”
The tune is perhaps better known than the lyrics which were written by Alfred Bunn but they are better constructed than both Orwell’s parody and Fergus’ execrable doggerel. Note especially the beauty in the way the second two lines of that first verse are contained.
On that note – night all.
Sit-down comedy from Mark Steyn:
Colonel Mustard @ 23:32
Thank you, Colonel, you astound the barbarian, stun him even, what a depth of knowledge, and what a contrast to the pap peddling witch and the -witches brothers.
The barbarian wasn’t residing here in the 50s, but as you say, by the late next decade if anyone were doing any groping, fingering and ‘free love’ exploring it was the flower people’s caste from which she and they got incubated.
Baron watched a BBC v programme on bread making last night, not in full, he went to make the tea as he got fed up with the narrative. It was the first in the series focusing on early Victorian Britain (around 1840), just before kitchen gadgets were introduced, industrialisation got going forcing agricultural workers to leave the villages, invade the towns.
Bread making was the subject, but the makers of the programme couldn’t resist to include a bit, well, more than a bit of social awareness agitprop. Hunger, poverty, substandard grub i.e. chicken feed featured at some length. Unquestionably, there was alot of it, the transformation of the country’s economy was massive and painful, but it was supposed to be about bread making.
The programme did show, not by design though, the difference, (not a major one, but one that the barbarian couldn’t miss), between your culture and that of Baron’s. On the Germanic cum Slavonic part of the Continent, what was eaten was mostly heavy rye bread (Russia), or rye mixed with wheat (the middle & Germanic parts of Europe), here it was the white variety, which everyone wanted, or at least craved for.
As you well know, the heavier varieties of this essential nutriment are now becoming popular here at prices higher than the bleached white (Waitrose does a commendable spelt bread), over there it has always been the staple diet of most of the people, the upper crust of the society also indulging in cakes. This continues to be the case today.
After the war, Baron recalls having a dinner often consisting of two large slices (cut with the knife) of wholesome (mostly) rye baked in the village bakery smothered with lard sans scratchings and chopped onions. It was either that or going hungry.
Surprisingly, bread then, but other meals, too, seem to have filled the stomach well. Today, Baron could eat the whole loaf, feel hungry within half an hour or so.
Keep your eye on the ball Wallsters.
“Norway: Oslo Police — “We Have Lost the City” h/t Jihad Watch
Alex Jones, Tuesday, Hour 1:
Baron January 6th, 2016 – 02:51
Just happen to like Victorian era opera and ‘light music’, probably infused by the radio programmes my mother used to listen to and her singing when I was a very small boy. Lehar’s ‘Sirens of the Ball’ can reduce to me to a nostalgic wallow:-
And such an evocative title.
The BBC seem to cram agitprop into everything nowadays. In their simplistic polarisation of Victorian society (toffs and peasants) they omit whole tiers of class hierarchy and all sorts of nuance. But the left in general have always focussed on the most negative aspects of society in order to generate the grievance and unrest that is their stock in trade as well as dependency. Of all the classes they arguably hate the decent, respectable and hard working poor the most. It is virtually lost in the era of Corbyn and BBC Spartist myth-making that a greater proportion of such people used to vote Conservative and detested socialism.
Your anecdote on bread was most interesting. Most of the industrial stuff churned out now seems to be rubbish. Falls apart the moment you try to spread it with anything and great holes through loaves from the air pumped into it at the urging of bean counters.
anne wotana kaye
January 5th, 2016 – 12:34
No mention on BBC TV News that the criminals were sand-parasites.
Frank P
January 6th, 2016 – 01:47
Mark Steyn certainly earned his shilling there!
John birch
January 6th, 2016 – 10:21
What is it? Canned music? Or the globalists?
Bread – and the circus:
And the non-industrial stuff, which tastes OK, is probably GMO mixed with high fructose corn syrup (notable among its toxins etc for its mercury content). But who knows? And who cares? With the world that’s under construction, who wouldn’t rather be gaga or have a foot growing out of their cheek?
Malfleur – 04:46
We await a similar announcement from the Cologne police.
Mayor of Cologne urges code of conduct for young women to prevent future assaults
Police say they have not made any arrests after 1000 men “of Arab or North African appearance” commit string of sexual attacks in crowd celebrating the New Year
“The Mayor of Cologne says women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future attacks following trouble on New Year’s eve when women in the city centre were subjected to sexual assaults by hundreds of men.
Henriette Reker attended an emergency meeting with police and other officials on Tuesday to discuss how best to deal with the crimes that occurred when 1,000 men, “of Arab or North African appearance”, took over the area around the main station.
The proposed code of conduct includes staying an arm’s length away from strangers, remaining within your own group, and asking bystanders for intervene or to help as a witness.”
Notice that it is the women who are being told to adapt: the non-muslim women! The proposals are unworkable in a crowded place, like a railway station, and everyone knows it: the police, the women, the public at large, the muslim mob at the station and everyone back in the Middle East and North Africa!
The women haven’t yet been told not to wear short skirts, or even any length skirt, or that they should wear a black bin bag, but then, when anyone in the past has said that wearing skirts that do not even hide their knickers is inadvisable (especially when completely inebriated), they have been shouted down, shamed even.
Click, click, click … Sharia is creeping up faster than our Liberal Elites ever thought possible.
Another report on the same incident:
German mayor blames WOMEN for being assaulted by 1,000 immigrant men on NYE in Cologne
THE Mayor of Cologne has blamed 90 women who claim they were raped or sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve by 1,000 men of “Arab or North African” appearance.
“The group also robbed their victims and threw fireworks at a crowd of people, police said.
Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers said witnesses claimed a group of up to 1,000 men whose appearance indicated they were of “Arab or North African origin” committed the brutal assaults.
Around 90 criminal complaints have been filed so far including an allegation of rape.
Ms Reker – herself a victim of a racist stabbing by an anti-immigrant fanatic last year – earlier said people must not jump to conclusions the men were immigrants.
The incidents are “outrageous,” Reker said. “It cannot be the case that visitors who come to Cologne have to live in fear of being attacked.””
What about the locals? 🙂
And the DM has an article:
Cologne on lockdown as council admits women are ‘no longer safe’
Teenage victim of Cologne ‘African and Arab’ sex mob reveals how she and her friends were surrounded by 30 men and groped as officials admit the city is a ‘no-go’ area for women
Angela is going to find it tough going to get these ‘culturally rich’ arrivals to build any cars up to the standard of A BMW.
Watching today’s “Daily Politics” I realised that the creature sitting next to Jerry Pot Corbyn, is sadly misnamed. Rather than Maria Eagle
, she should be called Maria Mouse.
Second hour of the Jones link above by the way has a special report by Wayne Madsen (formerly U.S. Navy and anti-submarine warfare:head of major security operations at the National Security Agency; then NSA whistleblower) on the organized persecution Christians worldwide by George Soros
About 12.20 minutes in – then, after the first section, you have to roll forward to find where Madsen is brought in again at about 39:58:
Click, click, click ….
Exams to be taken earlier in the day to fit around Ramadan, exam boards say
The world is falling apart 🙂 :
Top Gear in crisis? Filming held up because Chris Evans ‘CAN’T drive and talk into the camera at the same time’
The Sunni and Shia Muslim split explained – in 90 seconds
The solutions will take a little longer.
Mine Sunday 3rd at 05-08.
Received copy of Tommy Robinson’s biography,An Enemy of the State,this morning.
Malfleur January 6th, 2016 – 10:56
You are under no obligation to read – or to scorn for that matter – the exchanges between the Baron and myself. Just pass them by, as we are urged to do with telemachus, rather than risk them agitating your already overworked bile duct.
Also, you might fall in danger of being mistaken for a troll, especially when you are channelling telemachus’ asterisk routine.
“I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls,
With vassals and serfs at my side,
And of all who assembled round Cabinet table
The scourge of Europe will sideline the able.”
Alfred Bunn penned a few more verses that curiously have resonance today
We had riches too great to count, could boast
Of a high ancestral name;
But all that wealth could just be toast
If we keep on playing Merkel’s game
I dreamt that suitors sought my hand;
That Hollande on bended knee
And with vows Old Cameron could not withstand,
They pledg’d their troth to set us free
Ode to Nigel
Ignorance is definitely a description of bliss
Look at Cameron if you don’t believe this
He is never on target, always to miss
His biggest decision is whose butt to kiss
On the EU we were told we it was change
It looks the same, now ain’t that strange
The position of Merkel just rearrange
Take care of her own, they prearrange
Maybe I was hoping for something new
But what I see is the same old doodoo
Filling their pockets, screwing me and you
Spitting on the Red White and Blue
Parliament brainwashed, a robotic crowd
Entitlement minded, crying out loud
Sorry boys, no thinking allowed
Strasbourg will make you proud
They say they will make the country strong
But I’m watching now and see the wrong
Change has been coming for oh so long
But you are still singing the same old song
Bliss isn’t living off a government check
Being a dependent, a financial wreck
Ready to sail but no one on deck
Living with Brussels tied around your neck
Bliss is different for you and me
A pursuit of happiness and being free
Earning a living, the right to be
Productive members of a free society.
I hope this guy’s not right , but I have a horrible feeling he might be.
Big pegida march cologne at the weekend
And anger plod were there in force for a womens protest but not on new years eve.
Is this a defining moment?
The causes of the recent flooding in the UK are explored by Dr Richard North in the following post. No friend he of the EU, nevertheless in his analysis, including a critique of the recent analysis by Peter Walling he comments:
“… the reality of the situation is that the only way an EU directive can have a decisive effect on flood protection is if the local (i.e., national) authorities permit it. Effectively, our own government is the author of our grief, using EU law to promote a “green” agenda…”
John birch (January 6th, 2016 – 15:43)
I share your horrible feeling, but two other factors come to mind –
1. There is only a passing reference to Vladimir Putin and Russia, and
2. I find it very hard to imagine China ever succumbing to the same fate as Europe.
Not that those factors will operate in time to save our own crumbling civilisation.
John Birch (15:43)
Many thanks for the heads up on that wonderful collection of ‘worst case scenarios’. All based on irrefutable building blocks known as ‘facts’.
Disseminate far and wide please. Plough the fields and scatter ….
Hope the Colonel is at this moment compiling his critique.
Colonel Mustard @ 14:49
I have no idea what you are talking about. You are a sensitive flower, however, and I put your incomprehensibility down as a reflection of that.
Malfleur January 6th, 2016 – 22:43
You do that then. I would prefer to be labelled a sensitive flower than pose as a malfleur. 😉
Jack Hughes- Tommy Robinson on Cologne.
An article on the islamic anarchy in Cologne quotes a hotel bouncer named Ivan Jurcevic saying “These people that we welcomed just three months ago with teddy bears and water bottles … started shooting at the cathedral dome and started shooting at police”.
Where did these “refugees” or illegal immigrants get firearms from? A few months back, when the EU decided to open its borders to this unarmed army of islam, I suggested that places d’armes would be set up for them to access at the appropriate time.
The Czech President,Milos Zeman, said on December 29 that Europe was experiencing “an organized invasion”. He did not go further to indicate whether he thought the invasion was organized from inside or outside Europe.
Let’s hope that the Pegida demonstration in Cologne to which john birch draws our attention at 16:03 will include these questions in those that they address.
Is the English Defence League going to attend in Cologne? Unfortunately its website appears to be down; did someone nobble it? The professionally produced, anti-UKIP agit-prop rag-holder, Hope Not Hate,however appears unaffected by such glitches.
Meanwhile, surprise! surprise!, posted on Google about six hours ago we read of a bête noire of Hope Not Hate:
” Tommy Robinson says he expects to be charged with common assault in the coming days after claiming to have been told by officers he had to present himself at Luton Police Station. The former leader of the far-right [sic] English Defence League (EDL) – who launched the UK branch of European anti-Islam protest group Pegida just days ago – was arrested in August on suspicion of attacking a fellow prison inmate, but had originally been told no further action would be taken.”
No connection here between the police, Hope Not Hate and its low-profile funders, and anti-UKIP forces (at home and abroad),I’m quite sure – don’t even bother looking into it.
From: Marina O’Neill
13 February 2014
Dear Mr Green
Thank you for your email of 31 January requesting clarification of the response I sent you on 7 August 2012 – reference F0007043 on whether ‘Hope Not Hate’ had received any funding from DCLG.
On 20 June 2012 we signed a funding agreement with Searchlight Educational Trust for £66k. Searchlight Education Trust established community partnerships in four areas prone to EDL activity. Partnerships set up newsletters which contained: positive stories from the area that promote shared local identities; advertise events that bring the community together; and provide space for faith, community and voluntary organisations to advertise and encourage participation” and you can find more information about it on our website at…. Payments were made to Searchlight Educational Trust as follows:
Date Amount paid
6 September 2012 £16,750
22 November 2012 £46,623.38
26 March 2013 £2,626.62
TOTAL £66,000
Searchlight Educational Trust subsequently changed their name to Hope Not Hate Educational Ltd. As the funding agreement and all other documents in the name of Searchlight Educational Trust, was a separate legal entity to Hope Not Hate, none of the info we held fell into the scope of your original request. We were unaware until you drew this to our attention that Searchlight Educational Trust subsequent name change meant our funding showed up in accounts filed under their new name. We are satisfied that the funding for Searchlight Education Trust was used for purposes outlined in the funding agreement and that no funding was used for the purpose of a political nature. Conditions in the funding agreement prevent funds being spent on anything other than educational work (including a prohibition on any political campaigning). If you have any evidence to the contrary we would welcome your drawing it to our attention. You can do that either in response to me or writing directly to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government setting out your concerns and evidence for them.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me.
When will the Left realise that they are doomed with their current strategy:
And so are we!
Few news media are worthy of being described as employing journalists. Here is one that does:
On 5 Jan `Bild`reports on New Years Eve “Sex-pack on woman-hunt in Hamburg”.
(I recall in 2014[?] `Bild`reporting on muslim riots in Altona.)
Malfleur 23.52
When will the goons in Downing Street realise that unless we get out of the EU it will be Leicester Square next?
There is nothing new about what happened in Germany at New Year : just the scale of it.Immigration has produced disruption and the corruption of the social order all over Germany on an every daybasis;but particularly in Nord Rhein-Westfalen (NRW) and the towns of The Ruhr.
Over a year ago Soren Lock,the young socialist mayor of Duisburg,was warning of the social disorder caused by immigrants in his city.
The whistle was blown recently by Tania Kambouri , a police Inspector from Bochum (near Essen) and of Greek descent. She said there are effectively no-go areas and that male migrants have no respect,especially for women.She puts this down to `social romanticism and uncritical multiculturalism`.
(Search out *Tania Kambouti Bochum* on the web or youtube )
“Outcry of a Young Police Woman”:-
Diane Abbott called a ‘sell out’ and ‘hypocrite’ for sending her children to private school as reshuffle prompts Labour civil war
Abbott suggested departing frontbenchers had no real-life experience outside politics, promting Jonathan Reynolds to hit back: “You’re a total sell-out for sending your own kids to private school”
And on top of that Corbin was shagging her.
What a wonderful diverse world labour is.
The general tenor of Boy George’s speech today could indicate that he read Matthew Bracken’s essay linked yesterday by John Birch? A reminder of the link:
A Peaceful Christmas To Peter And The Copts.
John birch
January 7th, 2016 – 15:17
As Just William’s friend, Violet Elizabeth, would say, “I feel thick”
Sex Jihad at New Year reported from Zurich,Salzburg,Vienna to Helsinki.Nobody chancing their arm in Moscow.
Frank P @15;45
John Birch @17:45
Two excellent links, thanks.
Supplementary to @17:45
Radford NG – January 7th, 2016 – 20:45
“Nobody chancing their arm in Moscow.”
It’d be more than their arm they chanced if ran the show! The Rotherham cabbies, and other rapists, would all be eunuchs!
John birch @ 21:32
“One doesn’t beat women – not even with flowers”, so it says on the piece of paper in front of the Cologne Cathedral (at the front of the DT piece).
Right, that will do it, that will teach the thugs a lesson they’ll never forget, won’t it?
(Just like the ‘Je suis Charlie’ after the last year’s January atrocity in Paris prevented the massacre of 128 Parisian victims in November the same year, the hashtag ‘bring our girls back’ secured the return of the 276 Nigerian girls from the Boko Haram enslavement ….).
If it were the other way round, a group of white youngsters attacking Muslim women, groping them intimately, the police would mount a nationwide campaign, swap the women for any DNA residue of the attackers, march every young white male to a police station, take their DNA …
It would be a miracle if the German police were ever find anyone responsible, which amongst other things also exposes the character of the thugs collectively. Many amongst them must know who was responsible, why is it nobody from amongst the lot has come forward, pointed a finger, told the authorities ‘here’s the one, punish him’.
The Mutti’s blurting that if the police do find them, the thugs may be deported says it all, notice she (and another clown in her Government) said ‘may be’, not ‘will be’. For reasons hard to fathom she’s still blind to the boil of her own creation.
Perhaps, the victims should suggest to her, compel her to spend a month in a close company of those she’s welcomed with open arms, that may convince her of the wisdom of inviting hordes of young, virile, ROP emboldened men from an alien culture to prop up German businesses.
When the news of the first tsunami of immigrants hit the German borders, the Mutti said ‘please come, you’re welcome’, the barbarian predicted that it will her ‘poll tax’ moment, the end of her reign, her undoing. And so it will be, the CDU will ditch her before the year’s out.
Even if one were to accept that the need of an additional manpower to fuel the German industrial boom were genuine (the country’s abortion rate is also high, the birthrate amongst the indigenous population low) the Germans should have never abandoned border checks. Due diligence should have remained in place, proper immigration procedures should have been followed, only those with legitimate reason for asylum should have been let in.
It will be interesting to see how many turn up for the Pegida march on Saturday, the police will try to make it difficult for the organisers, the unions will do everything to prevent their members attending, the civil authorities cum the MSM will do their bit, too.
EC @ 23:08
Quite, EC, quite, the KGB Colonel treats the local Islamist thugs not with kid gloves, which keeps the vast majority of his Muslim unwashed in check (there are more Muslims living in Russia than in any European country).
If we did something similar here (impossible what with the uman rites imbecility) you may find many, if not the majority of those amongst the Muslim contingent would side with us more effectively, tell the authorities about the cancer within, cleanse them on their own.
It’s all about power, control, and winning, and so far it feels the Islamists are the ones who have power, control, and are winning.
Baron’s told the GCSE and A-levels exam times are being shifted because of Ramadan to ensure the 10% of so of Islamic pupils don’t faint taking them. It didn’t occur to the Quislings amongst us that perhaps the worshippers of the ROP should shift Ramadan to ease the burden on their kids. We still are, as far as the barbarian knows, a secular state, aren’t we?
Btw, you recall the case of the new ‘Jihadi John’, the way he scarpered, joined his ISIL friends in Syria (via Paris where every agency’s on top alert)?
Apparently, although he was released on bail, the police couldn’t follow him home because the conditions of his bail negotiated by his ‘uman rites’ lawyers prevented it.
One couldn’t make it up.
Still, we have the honorary Muslim in the White House running things, so it’s OK.
This Week. Astounding that the Spectator should have such a lightweight assistant editor. In presenting a really dire send up of War and Peace to big up Corbyn one might think her clever enough to learn a few words of Russian rather than have to have them dubbed and dubbed really badly.
Then she sat on the sofa with patron and sponsor Neil like the head girl being interviewed for her first job. That was bad enough but we discovered that we have Neil to thank for the ghastly Adrian Chiles being on TV too. Three guests. Three less than subtle personal references to hating the Tories.
Come on Neil you can do better than that.
Your favourite non-resident guru is having a go slicing the EU conundrum, quite rightly, too.
The barbarian would take the argument to a still more aggregate level. The national character of the two major protagonists that matter – the Anglo-Saxon and the German – just don’t mix. The former sees, evaluates, solves issues quite differently from the latter.
The gene of individuality here hasn’t yet died fully, Baron would argue it will never disappear; not many are convinced (in spite of the presence of the cumryds amongst us) the State knows best; leaders are not worshipped but followed often reluctantly, but easily de-throned e.g. the ghastly Blair.
The echoes of British history, her grandeur, achievements in the world cannot be easily discarded, they will continue to shape the country forever. It was after all the Anglo-Saxon spirit that got the West going, seeded elsewhere e.g. the Republic, Australia, Canada, India, Africa (even if not always successfully).
To mix the two is like having two powerful cocks in the same yard, it cannot work, it won’t work. If we stay in the monstrosity, sooner or later it will come to a direct confrontation between us and the Germans. Hard to predict the winner what with the Republic backing us, the Germans recruiting the rest of Europe by bribes or intimidation, probably also coupling with the Russians (Germany is by far the biggest inward investor in Russia, trades with her expensively).
Out it must be, we should not give up on playing our own guitar, getting submerged in Europe dominated by the Germans would be the end of the music, it would be suicidal for the player.
Baron (01:13)
Now you’re talkin, me ol’ china! Welcome to the Association of Judgemental Bloggers. I too thought that Alex Boot had excelled himself with that piece. Good to see two of my favourite scribblers on the same side, for a change, particularly when it’s in the defence of the sovereignty of their adopted domiciles. ☺
Btw it coincided with me watching Soeren Kern occupy a slot on the Kelly File with some excellent facts about the true nature of Muslim migration into Germany. Having read and linked his excellent posts on the Gatestone Institute blog since its inception, Wallsters are aware of his excellent chronicling of the problems, but it’s great to have a face to relate to the copy. Maybe it won’t be such a bad year after all. The message is spreading, albeit somewhat tardily, via the cable media at least.
I do wish Jim Comyn would lance the boil and indict the HillBilliary mob, though. I’m beginning to fear he’s been nobbled, but I’m still hoping he’s waiting for the right moment to inflict maximum damage.
More than a little disturbed that the Septic pundits seem to think that Obysmal’s crocodile tears were a ‘genuine display of feeling for the slaughtered kids’ at Sandy Hook.
The man is a fuckin’ Chicagoan shyster, a Commie shill and a traitor. Which means he is fully possessed of amdram skills necessary to pull off any emotional stunt to achieve the ends of his puppet masters. What is wrong with those folks?
Sorry Peter, John Birch’s 18:25 link to the Paul Weston vid corrupted my Nexus pad and changed my comment box pars. It also froze my screen and caused my techie friend a headache as he sorted it out, this evening. Beware folks!
I assume that is why my 03:10 to Baron finished up in the oubliette?
Sorry frank, there was no hint of a problem on my items or I wouldn’t have posted it.
It came directly from his own website.
Now Paul Western is spokesman for pergida UK alongside Tommy Robinson maybe the funny people are causing him problems. They are after Tommy again.
“Jewish shoppers in Tottenham Hale are bombarded with ……/Jewish-shoppers-bombarded-laughing-gas-canister...
16 hours ago – Jewish shoppers in London are bombarded with laughing gas … men in a van during the anti-Semitic attack on Wednesday at Tottenham Hale …”
This horrible racist attack appeared in the papers yesterday,and today, but absolute silence on the BBC News. Imagine if the victims were moslems or even Christians?
There is an interesting programme on iPlayer about the restoration of a cemetery at Woking for 27 Muslim soldiers who died in the First World War. The men came from a variety of regiments including Baluchis but there was very little about the individuals. Most seemed to have been killed in action or died from wounds in 1915. The restoration called for the creation of a formal garden by volunteers. These were provided by the Army and local schools which included at least one Muslim pupil. What was apparent however was the absence of any young civilian Muslim men of military service age participating in the garden project.
An Army chaplain Imam Asim Hafiz, who has been active in trying to correct misapprehensions in Muslim communities about the British Army, conducted services at the opening ceremony. He was wearing medals but I could not make them out. A number of decorated Muslim soldiers participated. However no connection was drawn between the actions of young Muslim men who served in France in 1915 or young Muslim men in Britain today. The programme seemed to miss an opportunity to explore that.
Unfortunately in their denigration of anything to do with the British Empire the left have poisoned the well of one aspect of shared history that might have served integration and understanding better. By characterising Muslim soldiers in the Indian Army as the exploited and oppressed victims of hated British colonialism the left have contributed to the alienation and victimhood that they now wring their hands about.
Ken Loach, for example, makes romantic films about the IRA. He’s unlikely to make a film celebrating the efforts and sacrifices of the Indian Army, serving alongside the British Army in 1914-18 and again in Burma from 1942-45, unless he could include as main themes racial, religious and class tensions that serve the type of modern left wing agitprop he peddles, thereby exacerbating them in reality. Those aspects of left wing agitprop never seem to be called out for what they are, a fundamental negative undermining successful integration and encouragement to live together in peace and stability. In their failure to promote shared history positively but instead to polarise it and condemn it the left are as responsible for fomenting unrest as any extremist imam.
And here is an example of how the hard left under their new leader are actually fomenting extremism and terrorism:-
New Labour conveniently abolished the broad common law offence of Incitement in 2007 and replaced it with the usual dog’s breakfast of specifically tailored legalese. It is difficult not to view this now in a sinister light as Corbyn’s road show of rabble rousing misfits and revolutionaries gather pace. There is no doubt that the common law offence could have been applied to Asquith who incites the breaking of law in conspiracy with Islamic extremists.
Colonel Mustard (00:50/09:27)
You obviously abandoned This Week after the amdram parody on War & Peace, which was gut wrenchingly cringeworthy, agreed. Having watched the progress of the Speccie’s current resident tottie since I used to clean her clock before I was blackballed from the blog, I often muse to myself, parodying and paraphrasing the old playground tease “Isabella necessary as a bike, at Old Queen’s Street?” She is becoming increasingly smug as the Speccie’s pundit and always has the appearance of someone who has just risen from a good rogering.
The later piece by a blind Moslem whinger from the Queen’s Park Mozart Estate was even more vomit-making. But at least on this occasion even Brillo, Portmanteau and the the cunning little labour-leader-in-waiting Alan ‘deprived background’ Johnson cagged on the content and bit back with some home truths about the so-called ‘deprivation and poverty ‘ of the area.
As I once, very early in my marriage an age ago, lived for awhile in digs there when it was still called Kilburn, I googled to see how it had become occupied territory. This resulted, which you may find interesting and grist to the mill. Little
An old geezer became very bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: “Dr.Geezer’s clinic. Get your treatment for $500, if not cured, get back $1,000.”
Doctor “Young,” who was positive that this old geezer didn’t know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000. So he went to Dr. Geezer’s clinic.
Dr. Young: “Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me ??”
Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young’s mouth.”
Dr. Young: Aaagh !! — “This is Gasoline!” Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You’ve got your taste back. That will be $500.”
Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days figuring to recover his money. Dr. Young: “I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything.”
Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient’s mouth.” Dr. Young: “Oh, no you don’t, — that is Gasoline!”
Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You’ve got your memory back. That will be $500.”
Dr. Young (after having lost $1000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days.
Dr. Young: “My eyesight has become weak —I can hardly see anything!!!!
Dr. Geezer: “Well, I don’t have any medicine for that so, ” Here’s your $1000 back.” (giving him a $10 bill)
Dr. Young: “But this is only $10!
Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You got your vision back! ; That will be $500.”
Moral of story — Just because you’re “Young” doesn’t mean that you can outsmart an “old Geezer”*
Remember: Don’t make old people mad. We don’t like being old in the first place, so it doesn’t take much to piss us off.
So it was Farage misjudging the Press 🙂 :
Nigel Farage: I made a ‘terrible, terrible mistake’ over assassination attempt claims
“I did give them a few bits and bobs of information, that it appeared to have been tampered with. That then turns, in a Sunday newspaper, into an assassination attempt, I never said anything of the kind, and now the speculation as to what the police say or what they didn’t say.”
… though I think it is water off a duck’s back: it’s yet another story, twisted by the time it is presented to the public, especially the headline.
Malfleur (12:09)
Good joke. Though old men used to put it more succinctly in my youth:
“Young c***, flash c***! Old c***, fly c***!”
Robert Retyred (12:28)
Heh, heh, heh. I refer you back to my response when you linked the DM article about the incident.☺☺
Further to mine of (03:10)
This appears to expand on the issue of the Clinton Cult – well worth a read:
Frank P – 13:37
Yes, I was puzzled that the incident was well before the report emerging, a bit like a firework having a delayed extra flare up!
I did think of your response, which is why I thought to post the explanation.
Doctor geezer went to Pisa
In pursuit of all to gain
He met refugees with Mr Hammond
And then re-examined
His drive to stay in Europe again.
Doctor Young his praises sung
Again to piggy his fame
They got in a huddle
But oh what a muddle
He will not come to Cabinet again.
Thanks for posting it; both the original and the sequel. Thoroughly enjoyed both which underpinned my innate cynicism regarding all politicians and almost all journos. ☺
Your old sparring partner has just posted another little gem, this time on Obysmal’s lacrymose ‘Oscar winning performance” . Glad I’m not the only cynic in our little milieu.
Sri – here’s the link:
Sky News just reported that the Cologne police chief has been sacked by Merkel. A new stench hangs like a miasma over that once beautiful city:
“Odour Cologne”. She really is a piece of work. Beginning to make Vlad look positively benign.
That development had not occurred when Mark Steyn wrote this masterpiece earlier:
However, it hardly needs emendation, because it’s already implicit. Please read all the inner links, too.
And here’s another barnstormer’ from Mark about the Clinton fiasco:
God alone knows how his keeps up this output of brilliant copy.
…and Andrew Wilson (Sky News) reacts to he Cologne scandal, not by interviewing victims, but rather a female Muslim journalist who attempted to blame the indigenous ‘jairmans’ and not the north African/Syrian migrants!
In fact, you don’t have to, it just rolls and spews from the MSM.
If I was a betting woman, I would bet that the rascals who carried out the Hatton Garden robbery, in which nobody was injured, receive a far higher prison sentence than those would-be terrorists who fled the country after being bailed on condition that they did not go abroad.
If I was a betting woman, I would bet that the rascals who carried out the Hatton Garden robbery, in which nobody was injured, receive a far higher prison sentence than those would-be terrorists who fled the country after being bailed on condition that they did not go abroad. They have received 2 year sentences -a joke.
Frank P – 17:39
Here’s the correct link:
We could have a sweepstake on when the first German politician admits they have been wrong, but I think the winner won’t be around to collect!
Robert (19:21)
Apologies – more haste, less speed.
Been watching the agonising on Fox News about the Philly cop-shooting at 11:30 pm last night by another crazy Muslim convert who boasted that he was doing it for ISIS because the cop was enforcing law that was not Sharia.
The Mayor of Philadelphia (of course) states that the attack was NTDWI.
Of the two dangerous nutters quoted above, I consider the latter to be the more deranged.
Btw. It was not until the 10pm news here that I saw the shooting reported on our MSM.
I won’t believe they have happened until Cameron proclaims that there are NTDWI:
Migrant rape fears spread across Europe: Women told not to go out at night alone after assaults carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland amid warnings gangs are co-ordinating attacks
* Sweden has issued warnings to women to be wary of potential attacks
* 15 young women have reported being groped by men in Kalmar, Sweden
* Austrian police have come under fire after claims attacks were covered-up
* Finnish police say they have information that the attacks are co-ordinated
* Vienna’s police chief advises women not to go out on the streets alone
* Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers relieved of his duties over handling of
New Year’s Eve sex attacks
While “Dozens of arrests have been made today in connection with the wave of recent sex attacks across Europe”, it is still not being treated as a hostile occupation by a foreign force.
Yet another cerebral and beautifully crafted essay from Richard Fernandez.
And more still from the Eternal Spring of the Fount of Wisdom and Wit:
The dam is crumbling, man the boats!
That’s me for the day; my boiler has packed up and the plumber is an early starter.
“What Pisses Me Off About The German Rape Attacks” – Stefan Molyneux – a member of the Pat Condell breed
A Reason for Brexit – ‘Brexit would enable us to reduce the rape statistics in the United Kingdom’. Discuss – then vote YES to Brexit.
Now the long March had made transgender lunacy (which had been seen as a mental problem) main stream, and something even children should be encouraged to embrace what’s the next perversion to be moved onto.
Paedophilia is out for the time being, but they’ll come back to that later.
Beastiality looks likely as we all love our animals and one persons idea of love shouldn’t be better or worse than others. Mustn’t be judgemental. And have you seen what big beautiful eyes camels have got.
Beating your wife looks like it’s getting more acceptable as the migrants pour into Europe. As long as you only use a small stick apparently. Which just goes to show how caring they can be.
Sexual assault on women by groups obviously needs to be looked at again, if they leave the house without a bin bag on they obviously are wanting it, so the clothing the alleged victim is wearing will be a strong point for the defending team.
We have a lot to do still to bring our laws up to date to suit the world we live in now and bring fairness to all.
Last night Coventry was attacked by aeroplanes allegedly belonging to Germany , mr Churchill wishes to point out this is has absolutely nothing to do with mr hitler, or his party.
This was a criminal attack by a few misguided European youths and we will hunt them down and prosecute them in our courts.
Mr hitler will assist us in any way he can to get to the bottom of this isolated incident. And joins us in remembrance of all who died.
nice one john.
Could this be the work of certain Wallsters favourite off-the-Wall guru with a little help from a sibling at NWO control centre, the Council on Foreign Relations? Don’t you just love the sense of humour of the minions of the global banksters?
Seen at that BBC link:-
“Merkel considers tougher migrant laws
German Chancellor Merkel says she will consider making it easier to deport migrants who commit crimes, after sex attacks on women in Cologne.”
Apart from the weasel word “consider” which can mean everything or nothing, doesn’t this make her sound like a dictator, solely responsible for deciding what is in German law and how it is to be applied. It is resonant of recent Obama and many other “leaders” of supposed democracies, including our own, who behave like executive-empowered heads of state.
All of them need bringing down a peg or two but when is this ghastly, overrated, overpowered, over-deferred to, overbearing, superannuated product of the East German system going to be toppled from her perch?
Frank P January 8th, 2016 – 11:19
I did watch it all, Frank, but the lateness of the hour precluded a full exposition of my reaction to that thing – once I got started . . .
Presumably the bearded weirdo has risen to the position of preferred pundit by ticking a number of left wing boxes but I thought him typical of so many of the supposed ‘moderates’ supposedly peddling the anti-extremist line. They all start of with a few moderate platitudes to satisfy the shallow need of the naive and stupid but rapidly descend to whataboutery, seeking to blame anything other than the shits responsible for their actions and bleating about the usual left wing shibboleths of deprivation, alienation, discrimination and oppression. It was just self-hate rage and a huge chip on both shoulders wrapped up in pseudo-intellectual bollocks.
Then at the end we got the full picture with his strangulated cry about the wicked Tory government just as Neil shut him up.
The bit where he wandered, whining, around the less than desolate wasteland of that supposed deprived estate was absolutely ridiculous for its duplicity. He should be dropped by parachute into one of the many hell hole slums of the Middle East to give him something real to whinge about and good riddance to him.
John birch – 09:09 ‘Coventry attack’
🙂 Yes, I remember it well. At least, I would have, if I had been around.
Colonel Mustard – 11:31 ‘Merkel’s ‘Oh’ de Cologne’
While nothing has improved over here, the enrichment that Germany is experiencing has meant that we have relinquished the crown as the most harassed (or at least annoyed) Northern European country. It means that, for the first time, another big country is taking the flack. We can look across the English Channel (Thank you God for the English Channel) and see more confusion and anger towards their elites than here.
Isn’t much of this cultural enrichment a part of their 1400 year old strategy of ‘rape as a weapon of war’?
RobertRetyred 13.43
Yea, we here know the strategy of rape as a weapon of war, but it doesn’t seem to be fully understood by the mass of the people yet.
String of extremists are touring British universities unchallenged
What punishment between being beaten with a small stick and stoning to death is acceptable for women,
I’ve watched these scum giving helpful advice on beating woman on television while in Saudi Arabia. How anyone who’s spent time in Saudi can like Arabs is beyond me.
Ralf Jaeger,interior minister of Nord Rhein-Westfalen (NRW)—which includes Cologne,stated:`What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat-rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting women`. (Source:BBC)
5 Jan:Cologne Cathedral turned off its lights in protest at a PEGIDA demonstration.
In Dresden the VW plant turned off its lights in protest at PEGIDA. (Source:The Independent)
A live streaming of a PEGIDA demonstration in Cologne today:
‘Far right group’ protesting in Cologne, according to Mark Stone, Sky News reporter, bending over backwards and forwards to deflect blame from ‘refugees’, for the organized rape gangs. Baby-faced little commie prick. Straight out of the Gramsci school of journalism.
Radford NG @ 15:05
A massive police presence at the rally. Where were they when the rapes were taking place?
Melanie Phillips writes in The Times (London)of the part played by social media and Brietbart in exposing events in Cologne.(Source [below]:Brietbart)
Oliver J J Lane (Brietbart) tweeting from Cologne today.
EXPLICIT PICS : Nude Cologne Protest. (Breitbart: 8 Jan)
You want to travel, see foreign places, risk your limb, health, life, return home, do porridge? Join the Armed Forces.
That’s the up-dated commercial to recruit new blood for the military charged with our protection. Not bad, ha?
Whoever hired the one who came up with the idea of investigating the alleged ‘atrocities’ committed by the 280 young men and women in Iraq should be sacked. It’s the surest way to put young people off the idea of serving. Those who may still risk it cannot be of the right caliber, probably are of even greater disposition to commit acts that aren’t kosher.
There’s a big difference between an act that may come under the heading of ‘atrocity’ of someone who, at the spur of the moment, in life threatening conditions, loses it, and a system designed to commit them as a matter of policy.
Unquestionably, during WW2 many soldiers on either side committed acts that were abhorrent, but that’s what war is. What singled out the Nazis was that they created a set-up designed to carry out systemic, continuous, cold blooded annihilation of groups and individuals. Could anyone show any evidence that this was also the case for our Armed Forces fighting in Iraq?
We’re losing the battle with the jihadists (the ROP in general) not because of their numerical strength, superiority of arms, the attractiveness of their goals, but because of the imbecility of the laws, rules and guidelines created and enforced by us both for combat and in every day life. That’s suicidal lunacy.
only 3000 at pegida cologne. not enough 🙁
A sober explanation that shows what the Germans don’t understand. Well, some non-muslim Germans, anyway:
Slave-girls as sexual property in the Quran
Radford NG @ 15:50
She was there before, and the caption identified her as a Swiss performing artist.
To be frank with you, Radford, this may be abit too much of a protest, it links with what Baron finds so wrong with us – if-it-feels-good,-man,-do-it approach. Anyone, and that includes her, has the right to behave as one pleases, but there must be some social conventions that apply, moral limitations, a self-restraint to what we do, no?
It’s not so much how many are turning up for the Pegida demonstration as how much the views of the ordinary obedient Germans have turned since the news of the New Year nefarious behaviour got splashed out in the MSM (late but better than never).
The Mutti’s muttering that the laws of repatriation will have to change is one result of it, and more is to come, Baron reckons.
That’s the topping ‘on the cake’ for Mutti (how many more cases will come to light next):
What has escaped the media here (and that includes the likes of Breitbart) is the alleged defence of one culprit caught by the police. It’s quoted in many German and other continental papers: “I’m a Syrian refugee, you have to be nice to me. I was invited by Ms Merkel’.
According to a German TV programme some 40% of German women say they are scared to go out on their own. Not good news for Mutti then.
Belated Happy New Year to all you decent church-going buggers.
Check out the dancing video in this slice of Merry England.
The one, the only Frank P, shaking his booty, ably supported by EC on accordion.
Tuesday 8.30 pm
War and Peace, starring Benedict Cumberbath [sic] as Prince Bolkonsky and Evan “Prince Albert” Davis as Prince Albert. Sandy Toksvig as Countess Rostova, Pudsey Bear as Pierre and a handpicked troupe of Beeboid peasants, waving their pitchforks and shouting, ‘Global warming! Global warming!’.
Zero stars
Who says he cannot be beaten:
Leaving the European Union should be the priority of the United Kingdom in the first part of the year. Rapes by illegal muslim aliens in German cities and the role played by the European Union establishment in allowing, encouraging, possibly planning, and not acting to reverse their entry should feature prominently in the white and grey propaganda of those supporting the OUT vote.
Readers of the Coffee House Wall should consider making short clips in this context to post on YouTube under their Wall names or their real names or anonymously as they choose.
We might wish to have on the Home Page a roll of links to such clips, or clips selected by Wallsters from those on YouTube made by others.
If, that is to say, the sense of the Wall is to support Brexit…
I see from the live streaming of the PEGIDA demonstration in Cologne today, the link to which was posted by RADFORD NG at 15:05, that a vocal ‘refugees welcome’ counter demonstration by what are apparently ‘anti-fascist’ elements has been mounted, with a number of attractive women in the front row….
Proposals to improve more than 100 of England’s worst council estates are to be outlined by the prime minister.”
What nonsense it is to blame crie for the conditions in old council housing estates. After the war, my parents who were bombed out received a flat in a west London estate. All the tenants were from decent working class families, married women, who were either with their spouses or widowed – no such thing as partners, and no bastards running around causing mayhem. The reason the estates now are so bad is because “social problems” instead of good, lower income families now receive priority on housing lists. Drug addicts, alcoholics, the mentally ill , morally unfit families. The same is now happening with sheltered housing for the elderly. Instead of retired, frail pensioners, the local councils send social misfits and the mentally ill to fill places once reserved for good working class people.
anne wotana kaye @ 10:04
You raise the most difficult question of all: how is a lasting improvement effected in the ethical life of a society – and its corollary: how is the deterioration of the ethical life of a society prevented?
anne wotana kaye January 10th, 2016 – 10:04
Cameron is an idiot. Most of his ideas seem to come from his dingbat hippy wife.
Anne and Malfleur.
“You raise the most difficult question of all: how is a lasting improvement effected in the ethical life of a society – and its corollary: how is the deterioration of the ethical life of a society prevented?”
There are as many soultions to those puzzles, as there are individuals on this crazy cauldron called Planet Earth. What’s the current population? I lost count!
As each of us attempts to survive by our own perspectives, chaos ensues, with pockets of order developing when consensus occurs for short periods between the perpetual recurrence of war between factions – which history tells us is the inevitability of the human condition. When those ‘pockets of order’ develop into ‘freedom’ (usually after decisive victory by one of the warring factions, or an alliance of many) that ‘freedom’ leads to licence, excess, hedonistic debauchery and the cycle off war resumes.
As we all have only a limited ration of existence, as we all doggedly refuse to learn the lessons of history, plus ca change ….
Bite the bullet and try to keep smiling. There are tough times imminent and to quote the busty blonde, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”
As an afterthought, please insert (sic) after the typo ‘soultions’ above, as it could be a Freudian neogolism. ☺
Colonel Mustard (10:56)
You are, I fear, bang on the button. But pussy-whipped Prime Ministers come and go. Just you wait and see how things turn out when Diane Flabbot finally claws her way to the top of the pile, as this crazy country drifts farther and farther to the loony left.
Soeren Kern, with a wonderful and characteristic round up of Gotterdammerung:
January 10th, 2016 – 10:40
I’m no expert, just an ordinary woman trying to live a decent life in a decent society. Seems to me that past governments, as with this one, are prepared to ass-crawl to the degenerates in order to maintain quiet and keep the status quo. Asl long as the rubbish have enough beer money, housing paid for by the taxpayers, and child care, again paid for by the hard pressed taxpayers, they will maintain a semblance of docile behaviour. Frank P, as usual is eloquent and thought provoking and Colonel Mustard has a good point!
My apologies, I omitted to add this to my (11:44):
“…ein Frohes Neuer Jahr, Frau Merkel!”
found this–the-four-forms-and-the-west.html
This explains Jihad isnt necessary extreme violence but may be other ways of undermining non islamic society. Therefore cologne may have been a jihadi outrage, and as such should be considered a terrorist act.
Alex Boot on (rapefest) topic:
And lo & behold, Dellers is in rapacious mode, too:
All in all, this should be worth a visit, come October:
Any fruity lasses looking to get their every orifices explored, will undoubtedly get full satisfaction as the new migrant males come to grips with the local customs. “Willkommen in Deutschland!”
large gangs of men attack and even rape women during major events.
they even have a word for it.
What was I saying about GMO bread last week?
Vote ‘yes’ or the sky will fall! (Not that we’re trying to twist your arm, of course.)
Brexit? Yes, if only to get up Herr Juncker’s nose – but then much more.
“Radical multicultural types will in the end destroy the things they claim to like, because they don’t understand that liberty and reasonable equality are features of stable, free, conservative societies based on Christian ideas, which guard their borders and are proud of their civilisation.
The people who really want to defend our enlightened society, in the end, are dinosaurs like me.”
Brexit? Well, yes, if you are a Hungarian truck driver.
(Warning: strong language)
Isn’t that sexist?
Austrian police chief warns women not to leave home alone in wake of Cologne sex attacks
Britain? Brexit. Poland? Poxit.
It can only get worse;and it didn’t start in Cologne.
First `News Today` (Nyheter Idag) reports that the leading Stockholm `Daily News`(Dagens Nyheter) failed to report that young girls were sexually assaulted at a pop-festival in Stockholm last August;that an editor had spiked it as being a false story put about by the Sweden Democrats.(cont.)
Dagens Nyheter then publishes an article blaming the police for not giving the information;reporting that the police now admit the assaults by young Afganis began in 2014:`We dare not say it because we think it plays into the hands of the Sweden Democrates`said the police chief.(cont.)
Nyhet Idag responds `Bullshit`:a police officer had contacted a liberal feminist journalist at Dagens Nyheter last year.
This issue of N.I. also reports two boys raping another boy at a refugee home;and an Iraqi exploding a bomb in Stockholm yesterday.
Malfleur (20:13)
Hitchens is merely saying what Sir Richard Mottram once said much more succinctly
Because he writes so well, I would like to believe that he really did an about-turn, during the Long March, which he so enthusiastically joined, in quick time during his youth. Yet between his lines there is stll the ocasional whiff of residual Frankfort School.
Borders, enlightned society. Peter? You contributed to the destruction of both. All the abstruse apostasy in the world can’t reverse it now.
Malfleur (19:44)
I’ve seen worse genetic deformities in the so-called Labour Party shadow cabinet. And most of them were born before GM bread was even devised.
Frank P @ 22:05
Nice! 🙂
I mourn the passing of my fellow poet David Jones.
Ground control has just returned from the Big Apple to Brixton.
David Bowie was a great artiste. Will be sadly missed.
Fergus Pickering January 11th, 2016 – 09:01
I mourn the passing of your modesty.
If it ever existed in the first place. . .
If there is anyone the barbarian will not miss, sadly or otherwise, it’s him.
Bowie cost me a fortune when he seduced my young daughters with his androgynous fashions in the 70s; hated that stage of the pop era, but I must say my childhood favourite (and my father’s), Bing Crosby – and Bowie, did make a very nice Christmas record together and I therefore forgive him and hope he finds what he was always looking for, in the Big Sleep:
Colonel Mustard @ 10:49
Well observed, Colonel, the barbarian also finds virtues like modesty, humility, decency to be congenital not in our generation of leading artistic non-entities.
Only the other day, in a Review section of a daily paper, an author about as well known as is anyone amongst the 7bn of us was describing the agony of deciding whether to write (Baron quotes from memory): ‘I kept saying to myself I mustn’t forget I have bucketloads of talent, mustn’t waste it ….’
Radford NG @ 21:5
You want us to learn Swedish, Radford, or what?
To the point: It’s counterproductive for the authorities to hide stuff like that. It may have worked before the internet kicked in, not now. In fact, suppressing, censoring, covering up bad news today only exacerbates the real impact these can have on the plebeians, creating a perceived harm by far exceeding the actual one.
Baron should run the agitprop for the wankers, he would do much better than job than the one who’s in charge now. And he’ll be cheap, too.
The secret in crowd manipulation is to say what the unwashed want one to say, do the opposite or FA. Simples.
Malfleur @ 21:21
If the Brussels pigeon loft apparatchiks didn’t control the Empire, the construct wouldn’t work, Malfleur. What the cartoon shows is a must, someone has to be in charge, whether the set-up is a democracy or a dictatorship.
In the current conditions of Europe, the ones in charge are the Germans because they have the money, the Poles don’t. It has always been like that, money counts.
And please, do avoid coming back at the barbarian charging him with admiration for the strudel eaters, he merely weighs up things, draws conclusions from them.
Baron January 11th, 2016 – 11:45
Indeed. Also more journalists these days seem to write in more egotistical style about themselves rather than impersonally about public issues.
Puns For Educated Minds, or so says a friend of Baron from the Republic:
She was only a whisky-maker, but he loved her still.
No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
A hole has been found in the nudist-camp wall. The police are looking into it.
Atheism is a non-prophet organisation.
Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: ‘You stay here; I’ll go on a head.’
I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: ‘Keep off the Grass.’
The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
A backward poet writes inverse.
In a democracy it’s your vote that counts. In feudalism it’s your count that votes.
When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you’d be in Seine.
A vulture carrying two dead raccoons boards an airplane. The stewardess looks at him and says: ‘I’m sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.’
Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says, ‘Dam!’
Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, ‘I’ve lost my electron.’ The other says, ‘Are you sure?’ The first replies, ‘Yes, I’m positive.’
Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root-canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
Most of the stuff written for the Two Ronnies news sketches were as good or better than this.
Just because the BBC leftie wankers want to relive their childhood doesn’t mean I should have to listen to it.
This is health delivery in Russia (click on the first video in the link):
What you should know is the patient stripped to the waist attacked on arrival a receptionist, the other guy, who also gets whacked, is his friend, he kicked a nurse. The former culprit dies hitting his head on a hard floor, the fully dressed one survives. The doctor faces up to two years inside for ‘killing due to negligence’.
In Cologne, groups of German bikers (and ‘hooligans’ according to some papers) have decided on a cleansing operation. A number of attacks on refugees have been reported to the police, some of the victims required hospital treatment. (Baron couldn’t find any video, the news of the incidents are all in languages other than English).
The NYtimes are suggesting the Mutti should resign, the immigrants deported. Baron reckons that for the starters she should be compelled to account for the disregard of the EU Dublin Agreement on refugees, each and every immigrant should register in the first free country he or she has reached. How come she got away (so far anyway) with breaking the law? (Btw, it is the ease with which the powerful members of the Brussels club break the law that’s amongst the reasons we should leave the monstrosity).
John birchs @ 15:09
Quite, John, will the flags fly at half mast, too?
Whatever pleasure many may have derived from the man’s singing, why should his death rank above those who (say) have lost their lives on ill-conceived, badly equipped, essentially useless forays into the lands of the Allah worshippers. Many of our young men and women had sacrificed their life in Afghanistan, and for what? The Taliban thugs are back, the country’s no better than before, the Afghan unwashed hate us no less.
The last word from the barbarian (not his anyway) on another dianificated event in the life of the nation:
Baron – 15:50
You can’t have been listening to Anne Diamond this morning on Radio Berkshire.
Remind me, was that alcohol allowance daily, weekly, or monthly????
The weirdest response of all to the Cologne mass rapes came from feminists.
First they ignored it.
Then they said it was nothing new despite the fact that hundreds of men assaulting women in public in front of the police is just that.
Then they accused anybody who spoke out for the victims of racism.
Truly surreal. The last word on this was written by that Ruthless Truth guy at:
The explanation for the judicial appointment hides in the last but one paragraph, don’t miss it.
As if it wasn’t enough our legal system got polluted by the codified approach from the Continent i.e. the ‘uman rites’ import, the creeping sharia governed legal canons will further weaken it.
Why are the High Court judges not stepping in, isn’t it their duty to protect the country’s centuries evolved Common Law that has served us so well?
If they can see it from the US, it must be bad:
Germany’s 21st-century descent into hell
The pfennig is beginning to drop:
Cologne Violence Was Likely Planned: German Justice Minister
Long, but worth the time:
RobertRetyred @ 17:19
An interesting twist to the Cologne saga, Robert, thanks, the Reuters are now reporting over 500 reported cases.
A mature citizen of Germany reports how he and other citizens were maltreated by the police at the PEGIDA demo in Cologne;of how a peaceful meeting was tear gassed and had water cannon turned on them.(In such videos that appeared there seemed to be little disorder.) He records seeing a certain person commit a violent provocation,who he reported to the uniformed police,and who flashed an ID to the police who let the man through their lines.(Was this a media man or the neo-stasi?)
The citizen appears to come from Duisburg,up the river,where he says over 40 PEGIDA demos have occurred without violence (from the police).
John Alexander – 16:55
Baron – 17:05
The indifference is so well put by Murray:
Cologne exposes a crisis in our continent, yet parliament is debating Donald Trump
And so is this. It’s not an extraordinary statement, let alone a tirade. It’s more like, ‘just what I was thinking’ after I read the John birch post at 09:09 on the 9th of January:
Britain would have ‘lost WW2 to the Nazis’ if Cameron had been in charge, blasts Ukip
Link to above:
Baron;11 Jan at 12-03.
I always assume use of Google translate or some other device.
The Dom and the Hauptbahnhof are situated at what,2000 years ago,was the edge of civilization;the camp of Germanicus after Varus and his three Legions had been slaughtered across the river be tribesmen lead by Arminius;who had been taken into the Empire and trained in all of its ways.(Here we should note and beware of Cameron’s wish for senior positions to be filled by muslims.)
Later it was renamed Colonia Claudius;hence the (French) name Cologne.
Radford NG @ 17:35
The German police don’t fug around, Radford. Only once did the barbarian witness their handling of a tricky situation, it was a traffic accident, and one could have mistaken it for a major assault on them. They pushed, kicked, shouted at people who were gathering around the place because of their natural inquisitiveness. The friend who was with Baron quipped the police’s conduct must have caused more harm than the incident itself.
Radford NG @ 17:40
Here’s a job for you, Radford, if you’d care to tackle it, the barbarian cannot cope.
On Saturday last, the Spiegel magazine published a summary of a leaked secret NATO document on how things stand in Afghanistan.
It says (Baron’s very rough translation without google’s help) that out of 101 infantry units only one’s OK, 38 have ‘many problems’, and 10 totalling 600 soldiers are dysfunctional. The worst situation is in the south of the country where out of 17 units of the 205th Afghan Army in the provinces of Kandahar and Zábul only 12 are battle ready.
Each day, the Afghan military lose 22 soldiers, last year the total loss topped 8,000 men. Desertions, mostly to join the Taliban, make it worse. On December 6, some 1,600 ISIL fighters took over a large area in four eastern provinces with the aim of establishing a caliphate next door to Pakistan.
So much for the West’s 14-year intervention in that shithole.
This is a good one:
Last year, the Nobel Prize winner who runs the Republic dropped 23,144 bombs on mostly the countries in the ME. If he carries on like this in the last year of his reign, he may double on the prize, the Norwegians are a generous lot.
The postings under the piece are revealing, too.
Before the barbarian calls it a day, he must invite you to share the joy of the vibrancy of our contemporary culture. The two lassies from up North should be unleashed on the jihadis, no?