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Michelle Horst
“Every bird of prey looks over its shoulder before it goes in for the kill, even a hawk. Even they know to watch their backs – every single one but an eagle. It’s fearless.”
― Michelle Horst, Wake Me Up
More authoritative source on the ‘most heinous crime committed by Andrea’ in the history of the country, ever:
The only mistake Andrea has made was to ‘sort of apologise’ in today’s DT. She should have stuck to what she said, people are totally fed up being pressurised, insisted on, ordered to say what the anointed knuts want.
Fergus Pickering @ 09:19
Do give the poorly educate dSlav a hint what it’s all about, Fergus. Any coupling withh the Andrea case?
Baron – 09:59
In relation to her other confessions, is she removing any chance that the BBC will reveal an embarrassing fact, like her being non-PC, closer to when voting occurs?
Baron – 10:00
It’s teletekst trolling you on the hopeless Angela Eagle!
The Sylvester woman has contradicted herself, first saying it was Andrea who raised the issue of a family in politics, than admitted she was the one who brought it up.
This may be to many a non-story, a hiccup, triviality, but in Baron’s humble view, it’s the manifestation of the power the PC clique yields. They have us by the balls, everyone scared of them, everyone gives in in the end.
This story has the ‘made to order’ written all over it, it was well designed, cleverly executed, the woman Sylvester knew exactly what she wanted, the hound dogs of the corrupt MSM phylum were primed, encouraged, and will probably get rewarded.
The Dawn of the Dead?
Guido Fawkes [ @GuidoFawkes 2 minutes ago ]
Sources: “Leadsom quitting at noon.”
EC @ 11:38
If she were to pull out, EC, she isn’t the leader we need.
Frank P,
An update, and more background, on The Murdochs vs Roger Ailes
Baron – 11:40
Too human.
On a totally different frequency, few minutes of fun made in Russia:
PS: indeed, EC, too human, we need a Donald.
PPS: Is tele hounding the poorly educated Slav, EC? After the brexit vote he disappeared, went into hiding to lick his wounds, one imagines, Patria got resurrected, followed in his steps. It may be it’s both of them from now. Be afraid.
Enjoyed the string quartet, thanks.
Baron. 11-40
Totally agree, she needs a thicker hide. Pity.
That abhorrent little fudge packer Nigel Evans is playing a prominent role in the wake of Shariza May’s fuck-me-shoo-in this morning. He is listed as Secretary of the 1922 Committee! Just caught a snatch of his verbal on Westminster Green. “People were torn as to which way they should go.”
Yerrss!. Perhaps you shouldn’t be so rough with your young conquests, duckie. If my memory serves me well that got you into a bit of bovver not so long ago.
Is the 22 another nest of ’em, now?
We are now well past the tipping point, aren’t we?
EC (11:42)
Hmmn. Roger rogered by Rupe’s runts, eh? Tectonic tremors in the meeja melee. Pass the popcorn! Still no comments from any of the anchors of FNC. A bit muted there, though.
No doubt waiting to see whether or not the wiles of Ailes will outsmart the co-conspirators.
Frank P @ 13:49
Bit by bit the anointed are tightening the noose, little do they know it may snap, the first sign of it may be the recent vote.
Radford NG – July 4th, 13:27
Frank P at 4 July 12.06
Gerard Batten MEP for London seems a sound man. He has written a pamphlet called Road to Freedom (4pp). He sets-out why Article 50 is the wrong way for Brexit and what ought to be done.
Updated copy here 🙂 :
John birch @ 14:40
To be quite honest, John, Andrea wouldn’t be the barbarian first choice, he knows next to nothing about, she has been amongst the wolves since 2010, one’s bound to get tainted, her experience of the vile world of top politics is minimal.
What pissed though is the way she’s been hounded since her confident, calm and measured performance during the brexit debate. (She also seems to be a decent human being, her views on the family, gays, politics must resonate with a vast chunk of the unwashed, who’s had enough of the engineering of the human soul).
The good thing is the running of the country for the next few years is a minefield, the sharia Teresa is more than likely to get blown up, and serves the woman well, the barbarian liked her the least of all the contenders, a Judas, she.
We’ve lost a battle, Costa mum, you still believe we may win the war?
Very disappointed about Leadsom quitting. She has done just what the Remainiacs wanted, has been bullied, insulted, ridiculed, and now somewhat understandably, feels she has had enough.
I just hope that St. Teresa, the ghastly Soubry, that old fool Kenneth Clarke, Heselswine, the Times, Telegraph and BBC “journalists”et al spend all their money on medicine. Vile, horrible people.
Leadsom’s alleged dislike of gay “marriage” endeared her to me more than anything. She has been hounded, threatened, bullied, and no one can really blame her for pulling out. Let’s hope May and her vile cohorts have a REALLY HARD TIME sorting out Brexit before they (probably) announce that there is no need for Brexit at all, as they have secured such a wonderful deal from the EU.
Voting UKIP next time. So will many others.
Baron 1000
I should have entitled it: Before she is shot:-
The eagle is a magnificent bird
Who soars with graceful ease
She’s a symbol of our heritage
As she glides upon the breeze
She’s a symbol of our freedom
In her soaring boundless flight
A beacon for humanity
And a splendid, noble sight
Her huge wingspan maneuvers her
In boundless soaring flight
Oh eagle, in your majesty
May we follow you tonight
May we soar like eagles on the wings
Of dreams composed of light
Oh, eagle, in your splendor
May we follow you tonight
Except and think thee not
This Eagle is about to be shot
And now then please do not fear
No bugger here will shed a tear
RobertRetyred @ 15:15
Superb, Robert, why hasn’t anyone mention ed i t? Could it because the elite has no intention to totally decouple from the dying bureaucracy?
We should give it wider coverage, Baron will use it at every possible opportunity, so should all of you.
EC 1039
Correct on subject but not origin.
Tetley as I believe it is now known has no command of grammar or punctuation and thinks iambic pentameter is a 70’s pop group. Besides he is a communist.
And now I will turn my attention to Sharia May.
Lesley – 15:32
I’m quite shocked that you didn’t vote UKIP last time!
You might have noticed that UKIP have gone into meltdown without Nigel.
I fear that they might self destruct before the next election.
Lesley @ 15:27
Seconded, Lesley, both postings, truly well said, let us hope others will follow us.
The barbarian joined UKIP a couple of hours ago, it may not last, at least they get the thirty quid, the battle continues, it will be costly, every little helps.
Hail, sweet Leader May!
Hail, bright Governor May!
Bring sunshine with thee,
Chasing clouds away.
Cameron has left us sighing
In cold and chilly blast,
Andrea’s tears have fallen,
May has come at last!
I will pray to her to guide it,
In truth and wisdom’s way,
And make it pure and balmy
As Sharia Law that springs in May;
I will pray to her to warm it
With the sunshine of her love,
And ensure that endless virgins
Are there in heaven above.
Rod’s got Issues-the call for the second referendum.
Fergus Pickering @ 15:35
As enigmatic, cryptically teasing, as hard to decipher as your other stuff, Fergus, Baron likes it alot, it even rhymes.
As before, may he offer a suggestion or two?
Her huge wingspan maneuvers her
In boundless soaring flight
Oh eagle, in your majesty
May, we follow you tonight
May, she soars like eagles on the wings
Of dreams composed of light
Oh, eagle, in your splendor
May, we follow you tonight
Except and think thee not
This Eagle is about to be shot
And now then please do not fear
No bugger here will shed a tear”
Could that reading of it despoil it?
Fergus Pickering @ 15:46
You excel yourself today, Fergus, and no despoiling suggestions.
Now now Baron.
You are conflating/confusing the Sharia Patrician with the Lesbian Prole.
Noa @ 15:47
Highly enjoyable, but are we likely to see in on the BBC?
What a revelation, Noa, who would have suspected the guy’s multi-talented, it only fuels Baron’s enviousness further, why TF can some be endowed with many gifts, he cannot have even one?
Someone in the Mail comments section said that Michael Gove’s elimination from the leadership race should no longer stand. As Leadsom has now gone, he should be considered the second in the race. Wishful thinking I fear, but it would be wonderful if Gove managed to get himself back in, a slap in the face for May. The Conservative members have been denied their say, so someone representing them should speak up for Gove, if only to prevent the wily, treacherous May’s coronation.
Andy Carpark
Sod Clovelly, Cornshire!
The way things are shaping up I feel Clovelly N.S.W. beckoning…
Christopher Hitchens on Hillary Clinton
(several interviews, 7 mins in total)
“Michael Savage, the host of the nationally syndicated “The Savage Nation,” will be inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame.
…Savage’s show is syndicated across the U.S. by Cumulus Media in more than 200 markets. He is also the author of more than 30 books, including New York Times best-sellers. In 2007, he earned the coveted “Freedom of Speech Award” from Talkers Magazine, where he is consistently listed as one of the top talk shows in the nation.
His bestsellers include…“Banned in Britain…”
” He holds a master’s degree in medical botany and a second in medical anthropology. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in epidemiology and nutrition sciences.”
Theresa May is the most hated woman in England : except in Nottinghamshire where the most hated person is Anna Soubry. So May can not even unite England in hating her.
Fergus at 09-19.
I would have doubts about that.
Fergus at 15-35
Baron at 15-58 (etc.)
Having seen another four Perigrine Falcons off the nest I am encouraged to see there are 1,400 breeding pairs in Britain.
Ready: New Rossum’s Universal Robots: Toward a Most Minimal Wage
Posted on July 7, 2016 by Fred Reed
Being as I am a curmudgeon, and delight in human folly and thoughts of huge asteroids, tsunamis, incurable plagues, continent-shattering volcanoes, and the Hillary administration, I follow the advance of robots with hope. They may finally end civilization as we know it. Currently they spread like kudzu. Herewith a few notes from my favorite technical publication, the Drudge Report. It may convince you that the robots are upon us like ants on a sandwich.
Navy building autonomous sub-hunting submarine. Robots deliver food to your door. China’s use of robots set to surge. Amazon uses 30,000 robots in warehouses. AMBER lab robot jogs like human. Japanese farming robots. Burger-flipping robot. World’s first sex-robot. China’s robot cop. China’s road to self-driving cars. Bloomberg uses robot story-writers. In theme park, robots make food and drinks. SCHAFT unveils new robot in Japan. Boston Dynamics has several ominous robots paid for by the Pentagon. Robot does soft-tissue surgery better than humans. Robotic KFC outlet in Shanghai. And of course everybody and his dog are working on self-driving vehicles.
People seldom click on links. This one, Atlas, from Boston Dynamics, is truly worth a click. Think of him coming through your door by night. Many similar critters exist, often in Asia.
These machines either work well or come very close, and impinge on manufacturing, delivery, war, policing, the restaurant industry, journalism, and service industries perhaps soon to include prostitution. We ought to think forethoughtedly about what to do with these machines. We won’t.
Amazon Robot
Photo: Amazon’s robots. Video. These orange devils carry heavy racks to humans who pick ordered goods from them for shipment. Amazon is working on robots that can do the picking. Who will be left? In principle, 30,000 robots can work 90,000 shifts, plus weekends. With a predictability that makes sunrise look like a long shot, the company says that the robots do not replace but “help” humans. If you believe this, I’d like to sell you stock in my venture to make radioactive dog-food on Mars.
Automation of course means more than robots. As newspaper after newspaper goes all-digital, less pulpwood will be needed to make less newsprint, pressmen will be fired, delivery trucks will no longer needed, and so on. Such ripple effects get little attention. They should.
The capitalist paradigm in which companies think only about themselves, seeking to increase productivity and reduce costs, is going to work decreasingly well. Replacing well-paid workers with robots means replacing customers with a lot of money with customers with little money. People who are not paid much do not buy much. Robots buy even less.
The first crucial question of coming decades: Who is going to buy the stuff pouring from robotic factories?
The current notion is that when a yoyo factory automates and lays off most of its workers, they will find other well-paid jobs and continue to buy yoyos. But as well-paid jobs everywhere go automated, where will the money come from to buy yoyos? Today participation in the work force is at all- time lows and we have a large and growing number of young who, unable to find good jobs, live with their parents. They are not buying houses or renting apartments. (They may, given the intellectual level of today’s young, be buying yoyos.)
Enthusiasts of the free market say that I do not understand economics, that there will always be work for people who want to work. But there isn’t. There won’t be. There is less all the time. Again, look at the falling participation in the work force, the growing numbers in part-time badly paid jobs. Short of governmentally imposed minimums, wages are determined by the market, meaning that if a robot works for a dollar an hour, a human will have to work for ninety-five cents an hour to compete , or find a job a robot can’t do–and these get scarcer.
From a businessman’s point of view, robots are superb employees. They don’t strike, demand raises, call in sick, get disgruntled and do a sloppy job, or require benefits. Building factories that are robotic from the gitgo means not having to lay workers off, which is politically easier than firing existing workers. Using robots obviates the Chinese advantage in wages, especially if America can make better robots–good for companies, but not for workers in either country. That is, production may return to the US, but jobs will not. In countries with declining populations, having robots do the work may reduce the attractiveness of importing uncivilizable bomb-chucking morons from the bush world.
A second crucial question: What will we do with people who have nothing to do? This has been a hidden problem for a long time, solved to date by child-labor laws, compulsory attendance in high school, the growth of universities as holding tanks, welfare populations, and vast bureaucracies of people who pretend to be employed. Few of these do anything productive, but are supported and kept off the job market by the rest of us. But there are limits to the capacity of Starbuck’s to soak up college graduates. (The economic fate of America may depend on our consumption of overpriced coffee.)
As time goes on and fewer and fewer people can find work, and particularly the less intelligent, something will have to give. We won’t see it coming. We never see anything coming. Businessmen will observe productivity going up and labor costs going down. What could be wrong with that? Businessmen do not concern themselves with social questions. Methinks, however, that social questions are about to concern themselves with businessmen.
As standards of living decrease, unrest will come. I will guess that much of Donald Trump’s popularity arises from the sending of factories to China by the corporations that rule America. Now the robots are going to take the remaining jobs. Economists will chatter of this principle and that curve and what Aristotle said about Veblen, but in a free market for labor, robots will win. If we have a high minimum wage, business will automate. If we have a low minimum wage, they will automate, but a few years later.
The obvious solution, one I think inevitable within a few decades unless we want a revolution, is a guaranteed minimum income, enough to live on comfortably, for everyone. Whether this is a good idea can be debated, but it seems likely to be the only idea. Capitalists will tell me that I do not understand markets, or capital flows or pricing mechanisms, and that I am against freedom. I will respond that they need to wake up and look around. And I will point out that economics has become a tedious form of Left-Right metaphysics, Keynes versus the Austrian School, capitalism versus socialism, all unconnected to onrushing reality.
What would be the effects of a guaranteed income? Godawful, I would guess. Some people, probably including those who read columns on the web, would read, listen to music, drink wine and talk with friends, hike in the Himalayas, scuba dive, and earn doctorates in physics. But most would get up every morning, bored, without purpose, anticipating just another of unending days of television, beer, tedium, no driving desire to do anything but discontent with nothing to do. Would the young even go to school? They would have no need. What has happened among the welfare populations that in effect have a guaranteed minimum income?
See? We are doomed. It warms the cockles of a curmudgeon’s heart. Whatever a cockle is.
Which is witch?
John Birch
“What would be the effects of a guaranteed income?”
Who’s the guarantor?
“But most would get up every morning, bored, without purpose, anticipating just another of unending days of television, beer, tedium, no driving desire to do anything but discontent with nothing to do.”
Sounds like the blog-o-sphere to me!
“‘Together we will build a better Britain’: New Tory leader Theresa May delivers vision for the country ahead of coronation as Prime Minister on Wednesday”
1. ‘Together we will build a better Britain’? Never one to let a good cliché go to waste. I see in the video on the DT page that she’s all ‘umbled like Uriah Heep.
2. Coronation – er, pardon?
3. I thought the new leader of the Conservative Party wasn’t meant to present himself at Buckingham Palace until the old one had submitted his resignation in October. Of course, I am out of touch and, for me, the United Kingdom is a far away country of which I know little; they do things differently there now – or may be I have just not kept up with the news. Is the appointment made in Brussels nowadays?
Angela Eagle? I’d rather have Anna Neagle.
Has the country run out of men?
“I’d rather have Anna Neagle”
So would Angela Eagle.
“Has the country run out of men?”
Angela is trying very hard to become one.
Meanwhile, in France…
Soon, we’ll be without the moon
Humming a different tune, and then
There may be teardrops to shed:
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016
Here’s the Global Risks 2016 Report following the meeting in Davos – lovely people.
(h/t caller into Alex Jones Show)
EC 1812
Where is my old mucker Andy?
I have a great affection for Clovelly where my Aunt lives.
And meanwhile back at the ranch we are all headed to Cleveland, Ohio for our convention next Monday to crown Donald. Then crooked Hillary had best watch out.
And just who is this delicious Theresa whose shoes I am told are something else. I hope she did not sign the petition to exclude Donald. And what is Boris doing.
Love to Andy.
Malfleur – 06:50
Great link, and site. Interesting bloke by the sound of it, crystal ball gazing into the not too distant future. The recent post on energy was very good.
I think we, particularly in the cold wet UK, are going to experience the negative effects of overpopulation and the joys power shortages (aka cuts/rationing) sooner than most!
John Jefferson Burns – 07:49
“Where is my old mucker Andy?”
In a safe place, hopefully, “cultivating a sense of ironic detachment.”
Theresa? She is unlikely to grow into Maggie’s shoes. One hopes for the best, naturally, but…
The statute of limitations on Bill &Hillary’s shenanigans doesn’t expire for some time.
So let’s make it TRUMP2016!
It was schadenfreude (for the fruitcakes) at ConHome when Cameron brought back the square root of nothing after his renegotiations, but now schadenfreude squared is approaching, with Theresa May entering No 10 without having had to say what her future holds.
We all hope for the best, for Britain, even for the Tory Party, but …
Lord Tebbit is being uncustomary blunt:
Theresa May will drive Tory members into the arms of Ukip
And IDS, true to form, is just as correct:
Uniting the Conservative Party will be impossible without a real plan for Brexit
The Remainers remain, and the European Union is falling apart, financially, culturally and politically.
Crunch time is approaching, at last!
Hichens on May…oh and Eagle….
Oh, the fun is just beginning 🙁 :
Teachers stage walkout at German school after Muslim pupil refuses to shake hands with female teacher during end-of-term ceremony
A Boot on the shoe-in.
Noa @ 11:56
Also exactly the sentiment of the poorly educated Slav, Noa.
We shall see which party gets out of their own suicidal predicament better, Baron’s money isn’t on either because many of the House’s clowns are there for the money, their career, and the leadership of either outfit cares more for the party than the country.
Noa @ 13:17
Pretty good shot at her, too, Noa.
As some are already reminding her she has no legitimacy, just like the dour Scot she was elevated to govern by a clique by-passing even the small and politically biased electorate of the party membership.
Whether she’s serious about brexit will become clearer after she tells us who will sit in the cabinet, and who will lead the team facing Mutti. One wonders whether she would go as far as considering Batten’s idea of quitting, legally sound, quick, and guaranteed to put us rather than the Mutti’s Brussels apparatchiks into the driving seat.
RobertRetyred @ 12:32
An exact copy of what had happened in a Swiss school few months ago, Robert, it was in many continental papers when it was happening, how it was solved, however, the pliant masses were not told, not one MSM rag (amongst those scanned by the barbarian) carried the outcome of it.
RobertRetyred @ 09:27
Tebbit’s spot on, but then he almost always is, he has common sense.
The gentle ribbing at the end of his piece is particularly pleasing: “Andy Murray’s victory has not been set aside after he attributed his strength to fatherhood. Generously his childless opponent made no complaint”.
Baron has said it before, it may seem trivial to many, but the hounding of Andrea because of her take on motherhood was not only vicious, distasteful, and wrong per se – most women rightly aspire to have children, feel empty when they cannot, look for alternatives – it was also indicative of the true tolerance in the contemporary society, even more disturbingly, it appears pretty close to what it was under the communist totalitarianism, contributed to bringing it down.
In the communist societies, the insistence on the ‘right views’ may not have been labelled PC, the term wasn’t around, but the essence of it was the same, a small group of the anointed blessed a certain way of thinking, anyone who chose to ignore it got punished.
It often produced hilarious results e.g. during the Cuban crisis. It took the Kremlin apparatchiks some time to work out what the ‘Marxist view’ on the withdrawal of the Soviet missiles should be. The communist cell of the institution Baron belonged to had to admit to it openly, nobody saw the pitiful ridiculousness of it.
At a meeting called to lower anxiety, many people were genuinely frightened a war may break out, a senior member of the Czech communist party said: ‘Comrades, we’re in a continuous contact with the Kremlin, will let you know what the view on the affair should be’.
Soon, we will have to behave in the same manner, waiting for the anointed to tell us what we should think, be bereft of views beforehand.
As if the wanking loonies haven’t done enough damage already, one of the right thinking anointed wimin has another piece on the subject in the Guardian today.
Andrea Leadsom’s motherhood insult was contemptible but the motherhood myth is persistent | Zoe Williams
As an afterthought to the Guardian vomit: Could a society where Zoe’s views predominate, are promoted almost insisted on, survive? Should it survive? It may sound sacrilegious to the extreme, but perhaps the takeover by the worshippers of Allah (who slice the motherhood question totally differently) may be a help in the end, no?
Seeing as one of the negative outcome was the world’s inability to deal with global warming got close to turning Baron away from the paper, Malfleur. Global warming is about as big a risk as was Ebola (remember it?). Sooner or later we will wise up, will try to adopt to it rather than impoverish ourselves by combating it.
To get the ball rolling:
No society, however brutal, inhuman or based on total segregation of its human bulk can survive even short term without laws, rules. regulations, ISIS is he most recent example of it. Chaos is no foundation of a functioning society.
If we all were to get urbanised, who will grow the food the urban dwellers need. Or does any of the three scenarios envisage some kind of a pill (as the soothsayers in the 50s predicted)?
The growing wealth of the rich is predicated on the rest of us producing it. The mega rich have never been producers, merely acquirers of it. To move the wealth creators out of sight will cut off the source from those who, by all means available to them (still mostly based on laws), expropriate it.
If the level of expropriation were to reach a point at which the wealth producing layer of the society couldn’t satisfy their basis needs, the production of it (wealth) will cease viz. the societies that endured close to it e.g. the USSR, other communist dictatorships, where people pretended to work, the rulers pretended to pay them.
A conventional war, even far bigger than WW2, will never ensure a full takeover of a territory viz Afghanistan. One can never subdue any peoples by a gun alone, keep the society in permanent slavery, history tells you this.
A nuclear war may make, probably will make this little sun orbiting blob in the universe uninhabitable. One will never be able to be certain whether the air one breathes, the water one drinks, or the roots one chews are not contaminated until it’s too late. Nikita had it about right ‘those who survive a nuclear holocaust will envy those who perished in the initial blast’.
In 1978, when researchers (into the effects of radiation) dug up the body of one Peg Looney in New Jersey, the interior of her coffin was glowing, her body, or whatever remained of it, contained 19,500 micro curies of radium (it was some 1,000 times the amount the scientists considered lethal in the 20s). The girl was one of many who painted dials of watches, clocks with a radium doped white paint, (some of the girls even licked the brush to make it pointed).
It took some time for the effects of the radiation to produce symptoms, but when these became apparent it was too late, there was there still is no cure for it. It’s just a slow, painful, debilitating death. Baron reckons that if only a small chunk of the nuclear arsenal the superpowers possess were to be let off (it matters not at all where, any place on earth will do) living anywhere would become almost impossible.
Noa @13:17
Classic. However, I said it (the punchline ) in fewer @08:51
Where’s my emoticons, dammit!
Baron – 15:44
So true, and I liked the tennis story as well.
In Turkey, women are expect to have at least four children, yet ‘they’ think Turkey will make a good EU member.
As we are leaving it 🙂 I could almost agree: they deserve each other – along with Shariah May (notice – with an H)
Sign the petition. Invoke article 50 now.
Here’s another rationalised take on immigration, patriotism, human rights by Michael Ignatieff.
He finds the key to understanding it in ‘who belongs’, which is logical and defendable, but it doesn’t go deep enough. The immigrants wouldn’t belong, the cosmopolitan elite would not stand for immigration because of ‘rights’ if they didn’t profit, gain from it.
It’s more ‘who benefits’ that drives it (the barbarian’s theory of immigration as colonialism with the travelling arrangements reversed). Colonialism was an economic phenomenon, it benefitted a certain social layer, one that was in control of the society (or governance of it if you prefer) then and now, the middle class.
Would those who have no fear of losing jobs because of immigration e.g. solicitors, farmers, journalists, bankers, top managers in both private businesses and state agencies like the NHS, would they be as solidly in favour of immigration if their source of income were to be threatened by the newcomers?
On top of it, it’s the same middle class again who hire the cheap immigrant labour, often prefer it to the locals. Many of the arrivals mostly from the EU east European countries are well educated but willing to work for little because the ‘little’ exceeds what they can earn in their mother countries if they are lucky to get a job.
It doesn’t help either that the immigrants were let in in massive numbers, in a short period of time. A smaller number over many years may have been absorbed with less resentment from the indigenous burghers.
The growing societal excrescence that embraces the whole of the society (except the cosmopolitan rich) isn’t so much between the ‘citizen and stranger’ as identified by Ignatieff, but between the taxpayer and a tax-enjoyer, the former feels cheated, he has paid taxes all his life finds schools, hospitals, other public services underfunded and overstretched because of immigrants, the availability of public housing disappearing over the horizon.
The last straw to impair the back of the camel’s tolerance was the cultural background of some of the immigrants. They come, enjoy the benefits on offer, bask in a democratic discourse, yet by and large have no intention to integrate.
Obama in Reverend Wright mode. Sanctimonious shitbag. Using a Police Memorial Service as a bully pulpit ranting on and on. If I were on of the relatives of the dead cops I would have started a slow handcap! He’s a major component in the deterioration of race relations in The US of A. Nearly 8 years of fomentation. A mixture of Alinski Rules for Revolution and Black Power politics. Laced with faux-religiosity. How he has lasted this long defeats me. Testimony on just how far The West has travelled down the road to perdition.
What is the difference between the Conservative Party and the RSPCA.
I’ll leave you to mull that one.
Clue to start from : both of them………
Baron (20:19)
Neither the questioner nor the questioned mentioned islam, the jihad, Gramsci nor The Long March. Their conversation was therefore irrelevant. NYT propaganda, pseudo intellectual navel-gazing. The latter from the inside, because each of them has their head up their own arse. Sheer waffle!
Moreover neither mentioned the fact that almost half-million dead bodies of UK citizens and UK colonies are buried across the globe who died while conquering the Axis and liberating the people who now out-vote us 26 -1 within in a deeply flawed bureacratic behemoth that simply does not have the UK’s interests at heart. Fuck ’em! That’s why I voted Brexit and I suspect I’m not the only one.
Shorter than Baron’s rabbit ing, but as usual spot on, Frank.
Radford NG @ 20:49
Both have the letter C in the title, but the former starts with C, the latter has it in the fourth place?
(only joking, but no idea, Radford)
I mentioned yesterday that I missed the bit where Mr. Cameron reversed his original position that he would postpone the effective date of his resignation in order that Britain should have a steady hand on the tiller in the run-up to the Conservative Party Conference in October at which a new leader would be chosen.
Can someone tell me what happened?
Live stream of Trump speech starts in 30 minutes:
Obama, H. Clinton and your backers who formed and funded ISIS: release the British journalist, John Cantlie!
Baron :
Going towards the right direction (but too literal) … we once said :`Whats the difference between Neil Kinnock and a dead parrot?`.
They missed a great chance today; but otoh, they showed more maturity than the pissant POTUS by not turning a memorial service of such poignant gravity into yet another political jamboree.
The (black) Police Chief of Dallas showed up Obumma for what he is. A petulant juvenile activist and agent of leftist black power agitators. Why four brave cops died protecting “protestors” when the current incumbent of the Shite House is protected by a veritable army – a ring of steel – is further proof to me that there is no God.
Radford NG and Baron
and talking of word puzzles, acronyms, etc. …. CM and Cm? Strong style, well-informed, prolific, good sense, born apparently without a sense of humour, You come and go, you come and go, Karma chameleon?
So a new PM and Cabinet emerges from the primordial slime of the Millbank hatchery.
As the saying goes; ‘hoplelessness springs eternal in the human breast’.
Islamo-gangstas – Going Dutch
You may either cry or laugh, hopefully the latter listening to the soft-porn writer sobbing. The fact he is still asked to appear on the box, is treated as a serious commentator, some even listen to the crap he spews tells you something about the elite running the society, its MSM poodles.
How could anyone who wants to count himself as a shrewd observer of life claim that Putin’s happy because ‘he achieved this without lifting a finger’? Could he not see that there must be something other than Vlad, and what he may or not want, that has engendered the anti-EU feeling? Even a dumb down, almost senile, near brainless loony must figure this, but not this former brain behind the ghastly Blair advisory team.
He and others like him have had over 40 years to convince the great unwashed of this country to see the benefits of the EU, to experience the political, cultural, economic gains it furnished, to come to fall in love with it, and they failed, fell short by a mile, hit the bottom leading to the referendum result.
Wasn’t there a tradition in the country to place the heads of traitors on a pole, display them over the London Bridge? Pity it has been abandoned, no?
Dallas Service
Michael Savage says “I know that Obama just gave the most hateful speech of his entire life” – see about 14:45 minutes in – “People are emailing me. They cannot believe what he just did. I can, I know who he is. People said ‘when you hear what he says’ and we’ll play it in a few minutes ‘you’ll start screaming’. The devil in the White House started off by talking with total respect about the dead officers and then turned to talking about the killing of blacks BY cops, how America cannot ignore the racism that is still here, that guns must be limited … this is in 2016 from a spoiled, rotten kid whose grandparents prevented him from even having a newspaper route, who never washed dishes like I did…and now he can talk about nothing but Jim Crow and racism…This is at a funeral service for five fallen officers. You know, if the Devil himself were alive and well he couldn’t have done more damage to America…He’s trying to foment an outright revolution in this country….”
Malfleur @ 05:13
You, Malfleur, and Radford are confusing the poorly educated Slav, who is easily (and frequently) confused by events of daily life.
What is it then, come on, both of you, let’s have the answers.
Today’s confusion:
A letter arrives in the post this afternoon, a renewal of an insurance in case the house water pipes burst. The new annual premium is set over 160 quid, a hefty 20% increase on the year ago, almost double the premium of four years ago.
The barbarian calls the insurer, talks to a polite young guy, tells him that four years ago he faced the same hike, talked to another officer of the company agreed a deal. For a higher access, the premium was cut to almost half, but since then the premium got hiked to the current 160 quid, the access remains the same.
After about ten minutes of bargaining, the young man cutting the premium more and more, a final deal is struck, the renewal premium gets reduced to just over 100 quid.
You tell Baron what sort of business do these people run?
(and be careful, too, when you get a renewal of any insurance, call the company, be polite, argue for a reduction, more likely than not you’ll get it).
Malfleur @ 23:55
Andrea, the other contender, packed it in, the time allocated for the Tory party members to vote (up to early September) is no longer necessary, he goes earlier.
It wasn’t that he changed his mind, events did it for him, Malfleur.
Frank P @ 03:00
It may not be a foolproof observation, Frank, but the guy who penned the piece is right. The honorary Muslim does pre-judge cases (and not only in this instance as Ben Shapiro demonstrates), something that our top politicians seldom if ever do, they are careful to avoid jumping to conclusions before all evidence is in.
This again may not be of much significance to many, (most people won’t even notice it), it is to Baron for it does uphold his belief of the gap between the genuine Anglo-Saxon versus the contemporary American elite take on things.
Former DOJ Prosecutor Sues Obama, Black Lives Matter And Eric Holder For Inciting Race War
May’s Cabinet is taking shape, and I am still hopeful about the future 🙂 :—as-b
But, being mischievous, I liked this from ConHome – Caleyman:
So as they left Downing Street tonight, do you think Boris [FOM, but not EU] turned to Amber [HOM] and said, “Want a lift”?
What IS the difference between the Conservative Party and the RSPCA?
They have both betrayed their core supporters.
The constitution of the RSPCA says anyone can join who supports its principles and many joined in a sense of good-will;but the principles were set at the AGM in London which allowed animal-rights activists to impose their views;then many people in the country-side ,being honest,gave up membership as they no longer believed in its principles,giving greater power to the activists.
We have now seen all the stories of how the RSPCA is out of order financially and in its dealings with the public.
The Conservative Party,like-wise,has abandoned is membership whose views it despises.Somehow activists have got into power there too;perhaps because,as Charles Moore once wrote,conservatives are not political activists;they are a people who get on with their own affairs,like hunting foxes.
A great many conservatives left the Party,not feeling it represented them anymore,leaving the field even more to the activists.
At one time the Party could finance itself with membership fees,raffles and small donations.Now it is reliant on large donors.
Reportedly many more members have left after being let-down by the Parliamentary Party selecting Theresa May.
Nothing to do with the referendum, but nevertheless of interest for the Geraldi’s take on things Russian is exactly how Baron sees it, too, from the first to the last sentence of the narrative:
Radford NG – 23:22
I agree with what you say, but TM may yet surprise us: her current Cabinet selection (and sacking 🙂 ) is a good start.
It doesn’t guarantee long term success, but it is a start.
Radford NG @ 23:22
Thank you, Radford.
The thing is Baron assumed your question was more like a joke, instead you meant it quite seriously, and you’re right, the old time core supporters of each have been betrayed.
Some Tory members have already gone from the ranks, others stay put as members but no longer vote for the party. The barbarian talked to one in the latter category this afternoon, he voted Remain, but objected very much to the coronation of Theresa, said he would not vote for the Tories at the next GE, but abstain.
Malfleur @ 20:21
Good luck to him, Malfleur, but he should not expect to see any of the $2bn, the Republic’s justice system has been politicised sufficiently for the case to be either not allowed to proceed, or not succeed if it goes ahead.
RobertRetyred @ 23:39
You may have a point, Robert.
Even though Baron has bought a year UKIP subscription (the boost to membership numbers is bound to be publicised by the party, a useful reminder to the saintly Theresa not to fudge the Brexit decision), he like you reckons that the last thing we need now is a bitter, divided, bickering country. We have get as united as possible to prevent the hyenas of Brussels to devour us.
Whether Boris is the man to lead in foreign affairs remains to be seen, but what pleased Baron was the appointment of DD to lead the team to negotiate with Juncker. DD was Baron’s choice in 2006 Tory leadership race (when the boy got it).
What does Costa mum make of it? Hopefully he’s still with us, isn’t too disappointed by the saintly sharia Theresa elevation to the top slot.
Btw, Frank and the Colonel have been conspicuously absent today, neither has pronounced on the latest happenings. The same goes for Stephen, John, Malfleur …..
One hopes it isn’t the case of ‘No FT no comment’.
” Dear Dorothy,
How I Hate My Life.
My husband is a liar and a cheat.He has cheated on me from the begining and when I confront him he denies every thing.What’s worse,everone knows he cheats on me.
Also.since he lost his last job 14 years ago he hasn’t looked for a new one….
This is destroying me.What should I do?
Confused ”
“Just dump him.
You don’t need him.
Good Grief woman,your’e running for President of the United States. ”
mariaveintiune at Brietbart.
Baron (00:01)
AA Gill’s cast-off as Home Secretary?? “Maggie” May as PM. Boris fuckin’ Johnson FCO? What next? Eddie Izzard as Health Secretary?
WTF do you expect me to say? The wheels have now even come off the Handcart to Hell. We are now committed to an everlasting state of purgaTory. Some things are just beyond parody. And we complain about the American Election being a TV Reality Show? Jesus H Christ! Even Jezza Corbynski was looking almost sane today.
I thought I had heard every possible permutation of hypocritical claptrap and sanctimonious effluvium in my lifetime; until the last couple of days. The shit pouring from my screens and listening devices caps the lot!
Why didn’t these tyros listen to old Super Mac? “Events Dear Boy, Events!”
He was obviously a determinist too wasn’t he?
Btw Nigel Farage hasn’t quite got his life back; he was opining on FNC today.
Neil Cavuto debunks allegations against Roger Ailes:
July 13th, 2016 – 23:35
I heartily agree. I wonder whether – but fervently hope that – May will get along with Putin as well as The Blessed Margaret did with Gorbachev.
How does an ex pat join this club?
The press are having a field day with Boris, misquoting and quoting out of context etc.
After limp Willy of Arabia he’ll be like a breath of fresh air at the FO. Not as nearly as much fun as George Brown was, though.
Speaking of George, any news of “stone cold” Soubry? Shuffled in/out/off ?
This is the sort of peaceful protest I would be prepared to not only attend but also add my voluble support!
The Dallas cops should’ve dosed up on beans, turned their backs, and used the same tactic on the egregious O’Bummer! I’m thinking Rorke’s Drift here… disciplined salvos!
Angela Eagle’s car crash labour leadership campaign continues…
For whatever reason not many in the MSM are keen to report on this…
Who will fix the vote for her this time?
Baron – 23:55
What with DD & LF, the FO isn’t as extensive as it was yesterday morning.
A testing ground for BJ ?
Noa (03:39)
Thanks for that! Truth to power, at last.
Now! After that cold shower and rub down with the Sporting Life – what next? We broke it, so we own it.
Cameron can waft off and enjoy the fruits of six years of insider trading and network building. We’re sitting here on the scorched earth scratching our bollix as Nigel reclaims his life and yells, “Over to you, chaps!”
Any ideas? I’m too old for the Foreign Legion, btw. 🙂
Frank P – 09:43
Nigel is still an MEP and he has offered to work behind the scenes; hard to believe, but he did attain his goal and continuing the next fight requires a different approach. UKIP needs to plough a new furrow in addition to reacting to the new government, which needs to be spread around a few more people.
Might as well make the changes while there is a pause in general political activity.
RobertRetyred (10:15)
A pause in political activity? Looks more like an ongoing train crash to me.
Romano Verdi @ 06:42
“How does an ex pat join this club?”
Get blackballed by Frank P.
Get the European press. Pictures of Boris stranded on zip wire. The goon will make the UK a laughing stock. Always a fan of David Davis. His appointment as Brexit Minister is inspired. Fox and Davis will sort out Juncker.
Thanks Malfleur.
How do you do that?
Well, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, plus ca change and all that. We have had the dancing girl, now we await the entrance of the clowns, a short wait I think. All so predictable, especially as we have been here before, not the day before yesterday, but 193 AD. The Praetorians having slaughtered Emperor Pertinax put the office of Emperor up for auction, just as the Conservatives have just done. The winner was one Julius Didianus, he did not last for long as he could not pay the soldiers what he had promised them, so they did to Didius what the had so recently did to Pertinax. So, what are Theresa’s chances of political longevity if she reneges on her promises? As the chinese say, we live in interesting times.
Looks like Jeremy Hunt is being rewarded for ongoing services to Cockney Rhyming Slang. Added to the fact that no other bugger would take on the job. 🙂
Romano Verdi 12:28
Re: UK/Boris etc.
Having one’s opponents underestimate one is not such a bad thing.
You’d be surprised how many have “died laughing” as a consequence of that.
It’s having the last laugh, or rather sardonic smile, that counts.
It looks to me more like an excess of free will than any evidence of determinism. With regard to the appointment of Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary, I have to say that at a time like this it is always good to have a Classics man in place and, as we move towards World War III, so enthusiastically sought by Alexander Boot, Caligula, et alios, we can at least expect a clutch of cracking good jokes from the British government.
Stephen Maybery @ 12:31
It is not just a Chinese saying; it is a Chinese CURSE: may you live in interesting times!
Frank P – 13:21
Spider’s pantry! Dawn is keeping some Cameroons the firing line for later. She can fire them to demonstrate “strong leadership” with minimal blowback!
When the government and the opposition have both been defeated by a vote of the people, isn’t it time to call a GENERAL ELECTION – not merely to shuffle the old pack of cards?
Boris is the Charlie Chaplin of political life.
Malfleur – 13:53
Do you want Brexit to fail?
Frank P @ 01:34
Duty called, hence you were spared Baron’s ranting.
No, Frank, you wrong on Eddie’s new job, he’ll run the Bank of England, ha, ha, ha.
And as for the rest of your ‘pick of the last couple of days’? Enjoy, my friend, things may not be as one wishes, but even the longest journey begins with the first step, as the wise Mandarin speakers have it, and a long journey we do have before us if we’re to even get close to the sanity of the past.
Who knows, perhaps she really is till now a camouflaged diehard conservative at heart. On one of the radio stations (Baron knows not which one, he kept surfing the channels for like you it was often unbearable to smell the vomit) someone was saying her standing up to the Americans, banning the extradition of Gary McKinnon annoyed them no end.
You may have noticed the BoE kept the base rate unchanged, thankfully, lowering it would have sent the wrong signal that the economy may be about to enter a struggling phase without engendering any difference to anything except the actual rates charged by the high street banks that would have hiked the retail market cost of money to fleece us even more. (The fugging software flipped fleece to flees twice, but this time Baron won).
Btw are there local radio stations other than those run by the BBC? It’s BBC Suffolk, BBC Norfolk, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, BBC East Anglia, BBC Bury, BBC round the corner from Bury … (well, Baron’s made few of them up, but the airways are overcrowded with the bloody BBC).
Herbert Thornton @ 03:18
One can only hope that the new Government will give up playing an eager and enthusiastic poodle, backing American interests without any regard to the interests of our unwashed, Herbert, but Baron reckons she’ll have to tread lightly, one doesn’t want the scheming Yanks turning against one, it’s a dead certainty they get one in the end.
EC (13:46)
Baron (15:36)
Here: take yor pick:
Btw Boris just said he had a reassuring call from John Kerry. Reassuring for him maybe – not me! Wonder if Boris suggested a re-run of the Iran negotiations, whilst he was being’ reassured’?
Will somebody please tell Boris that with his arse and his default hands-in-pocket posture, the back split in his jacket doesn’t work. He reminds me of a school friend of mine who always adopted that nonchalent pose when he had just nicked some sweet coupons from the old lady at the grammar school tuck-shop, having had his accomplice distract her by asking her to get some Victory V lozenges, which she kept in the back room.
His shirt shows like a plumber’s bum-crack.
Brexit will fail. There is zero chance that May, Davis or anyone else will get access for our banks without some free access of migrants. Marine Le Pen is too much of a threat to allow any sensible deal. May will have to go. Then what.
Noa @ 03:39
Well, Noa, the great Peter may have been right on many a thing in the past, here he may be on the money again, or not.
If one were to re-dust once more Burke’s canon that a true conservative is not glued to principles, tenets, dogmas, but merely guided, advised, informed by them, Theresa’s alleged lack of ideological baggage may not be bad at all.
We seem to have moved out of the ideology driven era, the remnants of those still clinging to the past kosher doctrines of Left and Right are small in numbers (just look at the cumryd supporters, noisy all right, but in terms of GE voting power quite insignificant).
What shakes the society today no longer consists of pure Left/Right fixes, but solutions merely wrapped up in Left/Right jargon that satisfy the greatest number of us. You, Baron, others may not like it, but not liking it does BA to change it. If one wants to yield power one has to accept the fact that people today get moved not so much by rational thinking, facts, the power of the intellect, but by emotions. One can either kick at it from without sacrificing one’s limb, or wise up, join in, make use of it to engineer a change from within.
Baron recalls one of the Flower people of the 60s saying ‘if it feels good, man, do it’. Sadly, this malady has now poisoned so many of our compatriots that going against it is only good for wannabe politicians who’re happy to remain in permanent opposition, a fat lot of good would that do for an ambitious political animal like Theresa who wants to reverse the emotions driven society, if only by a small fraction, one hopes.
Baron prefers to worship at the altar of pragmatism, to a point, will give the saintly sharia Theresa a chance to surprise him. There is nothing else one can do anyway, is there?
Frank P @ 16:04
Thank you, Frank.
As it happens the barbarian tends to listen almost exclusively to Classic FM, it’s only when ‘history is in the making’ he ventures out of the pool of pleasure of the musical greats, switches to talking stations, regrets it quicker than it takes to push the button.
EC @ 09:14
The pink Angela story is a gift that keeps giving, EC, one feels pity for the genuine old Labour members, they don’t deserve it. Not bad for UKIP though.
Boot on Bastille day:
A somewhat less rose-tinted view than the oft-quoted Wordsworthian bollocks:
“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young was very heaven!–“
My own concern is not so much that politicians follow any ideology, but that almost all are only interest in self and power and privilege. I can think of view in the front rank who would allow true principle to trump personal opportunity.
Romano Verdi @ 16:26
One shouldn’t be so sure, Romano, but you’re right, it’s services (banking, insurance, shipping) that are at stake.
They don’t have the know-how in the financial sector, not sufficiently large anyway, it would take time to build it up, establish a reputation (most of the business is conducted on one’s reputation). To do this, they will have to lure people from London most likely to Frankfurt (the biggest after the City), not many would be happy to move there.
If they get difficult on services, we can get difficult on manufactured goods. The largest chunk in this category comes from Germany, already hit by the Russian sanctions. Baron doubts the German industry would go for another hit, and as Baron keeps saying it’s the Germans who decide, the Brussels clowns will do what Mutti tells them.
Baron guesses things will remain by and large as they are now, we will continue to subscribe to the free movement of people, but will be allowed to control it as much much as capital flows are controlled.
If Theresa fails to deliver on cutting down the numbers coming in, she’ll go the way Gordon went six years ago. She cannot be ignorant of it.
Peter from Maidstone @ 16:54
We’ve been though this one, Peter. If being an MP today is a job, who could blame them to go for power, privilege, money, one looks at businesses and the same applies there.
Romano Verdi @ 06:42
You have joined already, Romano, quite successfully, welcome.
Provided you are not a paid up member of the progressive phylum, you’ll be fine, you can ignore Malfleur’s jibe at 11.42, it’s tribal allegiance that did the typing. Malfleur’s our resident expert on the dark forces ruling the world, a conspiracy specialist, a man of sharp insights into the Armageddon of the future, he also admires a man who seems to think that if he shouts at listeners for hours they’ll get scared stiff (and many actually do), he will soon ask you to listen to him, too, be brave, don’t get frightened too much.
Btw, the man who runs the blog is Peter from Maidstone, Frank is one of the two gurus who furnish the ideological flavour, (the other, Colonel Mustard, may to be on leave), the rest of us just labour on.
Stephen Maybery @ 12:31
A neat analogy, Stephen, but she didn’t read classics, she would be blissfully unaware of the story, of what awaits her.
If she doesn’t encounter hidden opposition here, in Germany, in the Republic, she may at least move to the desired target, the environment has been changing, Mutti has begun a U-turn on immigration, it’s no longer unlimited, they have a number now, 500,000 a year, this may get pushed further south as the Alternative for Germany appears to get bolder, their backing stronger, and the German federal election takes place next year.
More to the point, Donald making it in November cannot but help Theresa alot, and it seems the GOP is now saying ‘let’s build the wall’.
May it not be prudent to reserve one’s judgement for a while?
Baron 16.36
Pragmatism? Yes, I favour that Baron.
It’s why I joined UKIP, to effect change. None could happen until the UK left the EU, as our politicians used the shield of legislative control from Brussels to deflect any change towards our national self interest. In thiat sense I share your view that sovereignty is all and that with it, change is possible, though by no means certain.
I distrust TM’s Cabinet to deliver BREXIT and consider that UKIP, strengthened by recruitment from both disenfranchised Conservative and Labour supporters,and probably led by a re-energised Nigel Farage, is best able to ensure its delivery.
As to Labour, one watches its disintegration with great pleasure. I suspect the socialist core will coaesce arounf Corbyn, the academic and middle class support bed down with the Liberal Democrats and the Blairites possibly, join the Tories ‘one nation’ neo conservatism.
At the moment though, UK politics has been re-stablised, will it remain so? We may have a better view by Autumn and I intend to enjoy the summer.
I suspect the centre of political gravity is moving towards central and southern Europe: that the effect of mass migration and unsustainable debt on Italy and Greece and hatred in France for the EU may effect greater systemic change than David Davis’ Brexit negotiations. Geert Wilders trial will resume, AFD will push for a referendum in Germany, Hungary’s referendum will reject mass migration, Austria will elect a right wing President.
All to play for, Baron. Let us watch it all from behind our dyke for a while.
Frank P @ 16:18
The barbarian’s still chuckling, Frank.
Here’s an idea, it won’t take long, goggle the Private Eye e-mail, send this posting to Ian, it must have an above average chance to appear in the print, thousands, and not just the few of us here, will enjoy it.
But, it may also be that he will be the only post war Foreign Secretary people all around the world will remember. He’s eminently recognisable, unique, truly one off.
If there’s one member of the new Cabinet one shouldn’t underestimate it’s him. Baron cannot tell you much except that he once was in correspondence with him. He was genuinely helpful, also imperious, and charmingly haughtish as only the English can be.
‘He should join the queue’, was his answer today when he was told some European political gnome was objecting to his appointment. What a difference from the stale, monochromatic, robot like PC speak of the lot of the political class everywhere.
Noa @ 18:35
Good stuff, Noa, just as the poorly educated Slav slices it except for the Summer, the enjoyment of it. What Summer? Has it been? Has Baron missed it?
Btw, he’s a UKIP member, too, but he must confess he joined primarily to boost the membership numbers, someone is bound to publish them, a solid reminder to the saintly lover of Blahnik footwear that failure to deliver will the political death of her.
On Bastille Day – ‘a reflection on the revolution in France’
REVOLUTION, n. In politics, an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment. Specifically, in American history, the substitution of the rule of an Administration for that of a Ministry, whereby the welfare and happiness of the people were advanced a full half-inch. Revolutions are usually accompanied by a considerable effusion of blood, but are accounted worth it— this appraisement being made by beneficiaries whose blood had not the mischance to be shed. The French revolution is of incalculable value to the Socialist of to-day; when he pulls the string actuating its bones its gestures are inexpressibly terrifying to gory tyrants suspected of fomenting law and order.
Ambrose Bierce. “The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary”
And the great man on referenda.
“REFERENDUM, n. A law for submission of proposed legislation to a popular vote to learn the nonsensus of public opinion.”
True, dat.
On politics, as in equities, is the motto now to be?:
” Sell in May and go away”
As to Boris, one restaurant wrecker has replaced two.
Noa – 18:35
Not forgetting, of course, that Marine Le Penn is going to win the French presidential election in 2017 !
“Cabinet,” n. The principal persons charged with the mismanagement of a government, the charge being commonly wel founded.
Ambrose Bierce. “The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary”
EC – 19.31
Aye, let’s hope she puts Dutch to the sword! ;-)))
Peter Hitchens early thoughts on the new government.
BTW does any Wallster think TM will, like DC, continue to share Jeremy Heywood’s pyjamas?
Just when you think you have heard it all another absurdity pops up to illustrate the witlessness of officialdom. Nottingham police have declared wolf whistling to be an indictable hate crime. Now, I know I have led a sheltered life but I was under the impression that crimes were declared by Parliament, not the rural plod. The way things are headed all men will be required to wear a placard around their necks apologizing for having a pair of balls. In my day we had the battle of the sexes and we all enjoyed the fight.
Major incident with many dead reported at Bastille Day celebrations on Promenade des Anglais,Nice.
What a pity we don’t have David Cameron proclaiming INTDWI.
I’m waiting for Obama to describe it as a ‘personal injury traffic accident’.
73 dead – so far.
Grenades and ammunition in the back of the truck.
No doubt someone will blame Brexit, as the atrocity occurred on La Promenade des Anglais.
The first test for Mrs May and her new Foreign Secretary. The ‘nasty party’ can hardly parade with Francois with placards marked ‘Je suis Nice’ around their necks can they – despite our new PMs declared intent?
It can only be hoped that someone in the nasty party gets very nasty indeed – with the enemy. The time for pussyfooting* around is surely over?
*[I hasten to add that is not a facetious reference to our PMs footwear].
Bill O’Reilly and Geraldo Rivera have declared war on ISIS; Krauthammer is nuancing – as ever. Trump is gung ho!
Trump has delayed his VP running mate announcement tomorrow. Hillary is still sucking her teeth and probably Huma’s -er- teeth also.
Still some speculation about a possible hostage situation in Nice, despite earlier denials.
So France, and by extension, the west, is attacked again.
Has not the time come to wipe the stain on civilisation that is Islam off the face of the planet? France’s Intelligence Supremo advises the Country is on the edge of Civil War. That is exactly what these dumb-fucks want. So let us in the west and the Anglosphere give it them. Quietly warn Israel so they can take steps to protect their people and be ready to destroy the vipers that live among them; let the western nations stand ready to deal with the scum in their midst and then use our WMD’s to render the Middle East a glassy glowing waste.
There will be no ‘second coming’, no final prophet. It is time to stop fucking around; there is no Man on a Cloud. We’ve had 2000 years of religious bullshit and it has got us nowhere. Turning the other cheek doesn’t work (it never did, it just got you two black eyes). Loving thy neighbour when he wants to kill you and rape your wife is beyond stupidity. All religions must now be put outside society and made as unwelcome as racism and misogyny – they are, after all, similar facets of ignorance.
The planet will be better off with 1.6 billion fewer mouths to feed.
O’Reilly finally shamed Hillary out of her bed to opine on The Factor. Dripping with resentment that Trump had the first slot. Ambushed!
He forced her to put Obama on the spot. Classic!
Could be a game changer. Boris – step up to the plate! Destiny on a platter on your first day!
And before I turn in – somebody at FNC: please tell Shep Smith that Promenade des Anglais does not translate as ‘Promenade of the Angels’.
Our English forebears, who once frequented that strip – and gave it its name, were no angels.
Clear Memories (01:58).
True to form and on the button. I’m in. So is The Donald. Let’s hope Flynn will be his Defence Secretary.
Now we will find out if the Vicar’s daughter can grow a pair, as her female predecessor did when it became necessary.
Nice terrorist identified as 31 year old Tunisian.
Vehicle halted outside the Hotel Westminster.
This was broadcast before news broke of the Globalists’ terrorist attack in Nice:
The French president said they don’t know whether he had accomplices I suspect he did, 1 .3 billion of them .
“The Resentment Will Explode” – In Dramatic Twist, McKinsey Slams Globalization”
How long will we have to wait for official French reaction to be stronger than the booing of Boris, and from the EU, to be stronger than the warning from Tusk that our Brexit needs to be unpleasant?
And I don’t count Je Suis Nice as any response at all.
How long will we have to wait for official French reaction to be stronger than the booing of Boris, and from the EU, to be stronger than the warning from Tusk that our Brexit needs to be unpleasant?
And I don’t count Je Suis Nice as any response at all.
France is crying. She is hurting but she is strong. So said that Gramski Goon Hollande.
Well France can cancel Shengen and stop these Islamic terrorists weaving in and out at will. They have identity cards. These can be inspected at every opportunity and those with suspicion attached be interned. I am conscious that the Paris and Brussels bombers were known to the French police. I know Marine Le Pen would know how to deal with this.
It is at times like this that we need a competent Foreign Secretary.
May will run the day of her incompetent appoint.
Romano Verdi – 08:20
He did offer appropriate words, after he was booed.
We need secure borders, and a competent Home Secretary, but we need a proactive plan more than anything, and public backing.
France needs it too. So do all the EU members. They could also do with having their own currency, but then, at least we can do more than dream.
Every time you are driving along a normal road and a car approaches, in the opposite direction, and passes safely by, you both know that neither of you are carrying out jihad, well not yet, anyway.
Until it is acknowledged by the political establishment that we are at war, little will be done; in fact, little can be done.
Noa, July 14th, 2016 – 19:42
Very good!
Yes, Penn certainly had them quakering in their boats in their boats!
No, wait…
Typical of the Delaware Dutch to visit their petty fogging historical grievance with the father upon the son. That’s immigrants for you, I suppose! Still, back in old clogland, despite all the peace and love supposedly engendered by the EU, they really only hate the Germans now!
On the other hand I’m sure that Le Pen will prove mightier than the sward.
France surely need their own currency. Marine Le Pen has a plan. While we need to watch Calais like a hawk.
RobertRetyred – 00:02
I don’t know if our “new” PM has made a statement yet but if/when she does then Im certain that Dawn will be mouthing from the Western leaders’ tired old platitude crib sheet. Will she add, “sharia law benefits a great many people in France,” I wonder????
The Donald cleverly planned his Veep announcement to monopolise the weekend news. The latest terrorist atrocity in Nice proves him right once again.
That civil war in France. It will of course be the fault of the ‘far right’, whatever that is, seeking revenge against innocent, illiterate muslim migrants practising free love.
It’s not Nice, but the bien pensant solution will be to put Le Pen to the sword.
Frank P – 02:21
Clear Memories (01:58).
Newt has the right idea!
EC – 09:53
She would be correct, of course, as would declaring the terrorist was a law abiding citizen, just not not French, British, or even EU, law.
I think she has cleared out enough Cameroonians to have tipped the balance, even if she hasn’t twigged that we are at war.
I live in hope! The BBC is still a quivering mess, and ITV has been accused of trying to put the blsame on Nigel Farage.
What do we do? Building more hospitals to treat the ever increasing number of injured doesn’t appear to be the best long term approach.
h/t Paul Joseph Watson
In 2016 so far, there have been 1268 Islamic terror attacks in 50 countries.
” As a Prof with a PhD could you please explain where I’m wrong about these Remainac lies:
Some of the Remainers lies (apologies, still drafting it):
EU Immigration Is Good For The Economy
Many immigrants are working to save money to spend in their home countries.
That takes wealth out of our economy
EU Immigrants Pay More In Tax Than They Claim In Benefits
That claim is from a study from an EU funded social “science” “research” institute.
It only applies to EU immigrants, even that “study” said non EU immigrants/refugees cost us money.
It is based on the average of out of date figures from a period from some years ago.
It is based on highly paid in work immigrants, eg doctors, bankers, entrepreneurs.
It only counts benefits claimed, not benefits used or provided, eg emergency services, roads, schools, etc.
Or any of the other expenditure that taxes are needed to fund, armed forces, foreign aid, etc.
So the more productive EU immigrants of the past didn’t even pay for themselves, never mind all immigrants.
And since the new accession immigrants started flooding in working EU immigrants aren’t even covering non-working EU immigrants benefits claims!
We Have An Ageing Population and Not Enough Young To Look After Them
But this is just deferring the problem – -what is going to happen when the immigrants retire?
Or are the Remainers arguing all immigrants should be repatriated when they reach 60?!
Fall of Disposable Household Income by £4,300
The calculations were (one) projection of a (possible) fall in GDP, not the same thing (unless all corporate income is paid out to – local – suppliers, employees, shareholders and the government – if any is diverted out of the country – eg Starbucks, Google……. then it all falls apart).
Not only that, it wasn’t a fall, it was a slower rise.
And not only that, they divided the gross future projected GDP figure by the CURRENT number of households, NOT the much larger number of future households!
Emergency Budget
There would have to be an immediate Emergency Budget and cuts in the State Pension
World War Three Would Start If We Left
Labour and the Unions Support Remain
Labour and the Unions traditionally Eurosceptic
Tony Benn, Michael Foot and Jeremy Corbyn and TUC all anti EU
Cameron bought off TUC by changing Trade Union law.
TUC bought off Corbyn.
But some maverick Labour MPs and Trade Unions still supported Brexit.
EU Protects Workers Rights
EU forced Greece and Hungary to ban collective bargaining.
EU Protects Workers Jobs
Look at Southern Europe, especially youth unemployment.
EU Protects Industry
EU gives grants to investors in UK to move their factories to Eastern Europe, and even non EU Turkey – Ford Transit Production
UK Financial Services Won’t Be Able To Operate in EU If We Leave
As I understand it the Financial Services Passport being scrapped in New Year, any bank, etc, whose country has EU levels of regulation, eg UK, will be able to operate in EU
The EU Protects Women’s Rights
It was EU regulations which forced the UK to have a Tamp0n Tax!
The Leave Campaigners Didn’t Have A Plan A
The Leavers weren’t a Government!
The Leavers weren’t even a party!!
They were a campaign group to get the government to get us out of the EU!!!
It was the government’s job to actually get us out, and the government should have had a plan ready when it put the referendum in their manifesto!
We Won’t Have Access To The EU Free Trade Zone
We currently import about half of our food, much of it tariff free from the EU, but have to charge the 30%, is it, EU tariff on all the food we import from the rest of the world.
When we leave the EU we can have tariff free imports from the rest of the world.
If the EU wants to insist on charging 30% tariffs on the tiny amount of food we sell to it, and on paying 30% tariffs on the enormous amount of food we buy from the EU, that’s their problem, not ours, especially as the world will be our tariff free oyster.
The £350 Million Figure Is A LIE!
It’s what we hand control of over to the EU and is the only hard figure available.
Grants and subsidies haven’t yet been fully claimed yet, and often require match-funding.
The rebate depends on the (reviewable by the EU up to three years later) GDP and the amount of grant received.
The veto on scrapping the rebate has as much worth as Ireland or Holland or France’s veto they had a referendum on and either had to vote again, or were ignored!
If We Leave The Economy Will Crash
The Pound and the Property Market were over valued and due a fall.
One of the main factor in strong prices is confidence, in poor figures is uncertainty.
Everyone was, and still is, exaggerating, or even fabricating, the level of uncertainty, and talking down the UK and its economy, so any falls were largely the result of a self fulfilling prophesy
Leavers Are Uneducated
When Old Fogey Leavers were educated half the country didn’t go to university and get degrees like today.
But that’s because hardly anyone went to university, only the most academic high flyers, who took academically demanding, high flying, theoretical courses.
Most people took lower level courses and qualifications, that could well have been much more demanding than today’s “degrees”: HNDs, ONDs, HNCs, ONCs, A Levels, O Levels, apprenticeships. Most of today’s “graduates” wouldn’t have even been able to cope with O Levels, never mind A Levels, from the “Olden days”!
Most people in the “Olden Days” went straight to work after school, whether it was down’ ‘pit or into a manual apprenticeship at 13, into a bank at 16, or into management or public service administration, or a technical apprenticeship (eg aircraft design) at 17 or 18.
Sydney Hurricane Camm left school at 15 to become an apprentice carpenter, then became a carpenter at an aircraft company where he moved to the drawing office, after working for another aircraft company, he joined Hawker at around 30 as a senior draughtsman
R J Spitfire Mitchell left school at 16, gained an apprenticeship at a locomotive engineering works then worked in the drawing office while studying engineering and mathematics at night school, joining Supermarine at the age of 22.
Barnes (Bouncing Bomb) Wallis left school at 17 for an apprenticeship in an aircraft design office.
Frank (Jet Engine) Whittle left school to become an RAF apprentice, eventually getting a degree six years after patenting his turbojet design.
Albert Einstein originally went to teacher training college. Marconi never formally attended a university.
Tommy Colossus computer Flowers undertook a mechanical engineering apprenticeship at the Royal Arsenal while studying for his degree in electrical engineering in evening classes at the University of London. At about 21 he joined the Post Office (GPO) telecommunications branch.
The world today’s “Graduates” live in was invented, designed and built by us Old Fogeys. Remember even Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and Theodore Gateway Computers Waitt were University drop-outs, as were Michael Dell, Tom MySpace Anderson, Julian Wikileaks Assange, Evan Twitter Williams, Mark Facebook Zuckerberg and Dustin Facebook Moskovitz, Larry Oracle Ellison, Jan WhatsApp Koum, Travis Uber Kalanick, Bram BitTorrent Cohen, David Tumblr Karp, Kevin Digg Rose, Shawn Napster Fanning.
Then there’s people like architect Frank Lloyd Wright, geodesic dome inventor Buckminster Fuller, entrepreneur and innovator Ingvar IKEA Kamprad.
Others without a degree include Da Vinci, van Leeuwenhoek, Faraday, Goodyear (tyres), Darwin, Joule, Mendel, Edison, the Wright Brothers!
Not to mention Richard Branson, Ray McDonalds Kroc, Colonel Harlan KFC Sanders, Dave Wendy’s Thomas, and Simon X-Factor Cowell, Roman Abramovich…..)
Oh, and don’t forget most meejah and sports stars didn’t go to university!
Although most old fogey trendy-lefty journos probably did, though they probably spent all their time protesting!
Winston Churchill would have voted for Remain/Supported the EU
Winston’s grandson — Remainer Nicholas Soames — dismissed claims Churchill would have voted Leave as ‘appalling’ and ‘totally wrong’.
Churchill proposed and supported regional groupings, like mini United Nations or regional Commonwealths, NOT federal superstates, for not just Europe, but the Americas, Africa, Asia. But he was clear that Great Britain should not face Europe, but towards the sea, and that the UK’s place was in a Commonwealth of former colonies, including the US!
We are linked to Europe, but not combined,’ wrote Churchill in 1930. ‘We are interested and associated but not absorbed.’
We’re Better Off Changing The EU From The Inside
We’ve been on the inside for 43 years and the only change we’ve seen is ever closer union!
Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!!!
Brexit Will Deprive Our Young Of The Chance To Work Abroad
With up to 50% youth unemployment in Europe, and the youth of Europe having to come to the UK to find work, what on earth makes our youth think there are opportunities for them abroad in the EU?!
Leaving Will Prevent Us From Travelling, Living, and Working in The EU
We manage to travel, live and work in non EU parts of Europe, and managed to do so in the EU before we joined.
There Are More/As Many UK Citizens Working/Living In The EU Than EU Citizens Working/Living In The UK And They Will All Be Repatriated
Remain finally scaled back to the true figures of around 3 Million EU citizens working or claiming benefits here and around 1 Million Brits working or retired in the EU, not over 2 Million as Remainers originally claimed.
There is no way say Spain is going to expel the pensioners who pump their UK pensions and savings into the Spanish economy, employing cooks, gardeners, maids, and providing income for bar and shop owners.
Old People Don’t Have A Right To Vote Away Our Future/They’ll Soon Be Dead
Old people created their future. Their fathers and brothers gave their lives for it.
On the basis of our experience and wisdom we are voting for what we think is best for our unborn grandchildren
We Can’t Leave The EU And Then Pick And Choose Which Bits We Want To Keep/The EU Will Dictate The rules
Lichtenstein doesn’t have to accept free movement.
Iceland doesn’t have to accept free movement of capital.
Mexico has special favoured status and isn’t in the EU.
But, more importantly, we don’t want to be in their club.
And it is the EU who will be wanting tariff-free access to the UK market, not the other way round:
If the EU wants to pay, is it 30%, tariffs to continue selling, or, rather, trying to sell, us lots of food when we will be able to get tariff-free food from the rest of the world, that’s their economic funeral!
We Will Lose Research Grants/Won’t Be Able To Cure Cancer
It’s our taxes, or what’s left of them after going through Brussels, and then often several layers of EU related Quango.
You don’t have to be in the EU to get EU research grants!
Voting Leave/Campaigning For Leave Is Racist/Excuses/Gives the Green Light To/Increases Hate Crime And Racist Attacks
Hate crimes encompass a lot more than race, that any “surges” are in REPORTS and not incidents, and that it is not he, but the Remainers, and the media, who are stirring up the trouble, if there is any, and not just the media fabricating and magnifying any disturbances.
For example, there was a big fuss from the police, and the media, about a race hate incident on a Manchester tram.
But it was a merely verbal abuse, by drunks that might just as easily have “attacked” a fat b’stard, a four-eyed git, a fat s1ag, or a ginger minger, or a trendy-lefty Guardianista for that matter.
They were “abusing” a Latino Yank and telling him to go back to Africa, about as far as you can get from the Brexit agenda.
On the Manchester Police Faceplace thingy the usual suspects were calling for the “attackers” to be locked up for life and throw the key away if they can’t actually be hung, as well as abusing anyone who was a Leaver.
And when a contributor pointed out that on the same day there had been a physical assault on a bus driver and a s€xual assault on a YOUNG girl (7?) and no one, least of all the Police, were taking any notice of them, another responded that they were political point-scoring and of course ALL THREE incidents were EQUALLY serious?!?!?
However, the Bus driver incident was referred to in passing in later news.
Supposedly someone (a drunk?) had phoned a Caribbean rest home and made threats, which necessitated a full evacuation and lock-down situation across Greater Manchester?!?!?
Apparently it was in retaliation for the attack on the bus driver, which would indicate that the driver was white, and the attackers not, but I’m guessing, because the reports I’ve seen never mentioned any such details?!?!?
It would be interesting to hear the “details” of the s€xual assault too.
And whether the Remainers feel that by their campaign they were giving the green light to assaults on the indigenous population by immigrants!
And I note that another lead story is of the widowed pensioner who had excrement pushed through her letterbox and daren’t leave her home.
Which, strangely, is EXACTLY the same story Enoch Powell told in his so-called “Rivers of Blood” speech (which had nothing to do with blood, never mind rivers of it), except his widowed pensioner who had excrement pushed through her letterbox and daren’t leave her home was English, not German, and the press insisted his story was a LIE! (it was eventually shown to be true, he’s just been prepared to sacrifice his reputation to protect her) unlike the current one which they automatically accept to be gospel.
Leave Is On The Wrong Side Of History/Out Of Step With Civilised Opinion
According To A Spectator Article the latest Pew Global Attitudes Survey reports that 73 per cent of voters in Holland oppose ‘ever closer union’, and 85 per cent in Sweden. In Greece, it’s 86 per cent. Even in core EU member states like Germany, Italy and France, no fewer than 68, 65 and 60 per cent of voters, respectively, reject Brussels-driven empire building.
Hardly Any/Ony 13% Of Our Laws Come From Brussels/60% Is A LIE!
The two figures come from the SAME report:
13% of our laws are written in Westminster under EU direction.
49% of our laws are written in Brussels.
62% in Total of our laws come from the EU
And one of Remain’s Project FEAR SCARES was that we are entangled in so much Brussels red tape and regulations that if we voted Leave it would take decades to untangle, if it was at all possible, during which time our government would be paralysed, our economy destroyed, our children’s futures ruined, World War Three would start and the World would End!!!
“And remember, they can’t undo the decision we take. If we vote out, that’s it. It is irreversible. We will leave Europe for good.”
But once we voted for leave we had to have another referendum to reverse the irreversible and do the undoable?!?!
Post Referendum
Leave Should Have Had A Bigger Lead/60% Of the Vote To Count
Remain had a Remain campaign group, with it’s Remain budget.
Plus the Government campaigning for Remain, with an even bigger budget.
Plus most of the Labour Party, and the Lib Dems, and the SNP……
Plus the government had been preparing the Remain campaign months in advance (eg “asking” companies who do – £BILLIONS of – business with the government to support the Remain campaign and even put statements into their annual reports saying their company would be harmed by Brexit).
Plus the Remain camp had access to Civil Service support while the few Leave Ministers weren’t even allowed to see documents relating to the EU in the run up to the referendum!
The original, true-blue, dyed in the wool, dedicated Leave campaigners, UKIP, were relegated to a support act and the Leave campaign funding was given to a new Leave campaign group chosen by the government of dubious dedication and resolve.
Oh, and the Remainers had most of the media, the luvvies, the Bank of England, the Police, the EU, friendly overseas politicians, EU employees and former employees (who lose their diamond encrusted EU pension if they don’t support the EU), even the traditionally Eurosceptic unions, which Cameron bought with changes to Trade Union Legislation, etc, spouting propaganda on its behalf, and spreading Project FEAR and Project SHAME spin!!!
All that was worth far more than 10% ! ! !
Leave Did Not Have A clear win:
(Copied from someone else’s post)
In a binary referendum the winner is the one who achieves 50% + 1 vote.
Leave won with 50% + 1,269,501 votes.
Leave won 270 polling areas
Remain won 129 polling areas
Leave won in 9 regions
Remain won in 3 regions
Translated into seats under our present FPTP system (bit of fun, I know)
Leave 440 seats
Remain 220 seats
The margin of victory for Leave is clear, convincing and brooks no argument.
The New Prime Minister Won’t/Doesn’t Have A Mandate/There Should Be A General Election
In the UK we don’t have a President.
We don’t vote for a Prime Minister.
We vote for local candidates to become MPs.
The one who has the best chance of forming government does so.
If that person dies, resigns, or whatever, then the next most likely takes over and forms a government from the current intake of MPs until the next election.
The Tories have a majority in parliament, holding a referendum was in their manifesto, it was made quite clear in the enabling act that the government intended to honour the will of the people, there was a majority for Leave, May is the new leader of the party with the majority and is forming the new government, which will take us out of the EU, there is nothing there that would trigger an election, regardless of whether anybody is happy with it or not.
H/T B J Mann.
RobertRetyred @ 08:56
“He did offer appropriate words, after he was booed.”
1. Reports suggests that the Foreign Secretary was booed by the British attending the Reception, and applauded by the French. Booed by boorish Remainers on foreign territory in other words.
2. Johnson had offered appropriate words BEFORE he was booed by singing the Marseillaise, though I am doubtful he included these verses:
“What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conjured kings want?
For whom are these vile chains,
These long-prepared irons?
Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage!
What fury must it arouse!
It is us they dare plan
To return to the old slavery!
What! Foreign cohorts
Would make the law in our homes!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would strike down our proud warriors!
Great God! By chained hands
Our brows would yield under the yoke
Vile despots would have themselves
The masters of our destinies!”
and @ 08:59
“Until it is acknowledged by the political establishment that we are at war, little will be done; in fact, little can be done.”
But already last November:
“Declaring that “France is at war,” President Francois Hollande on Monday proposed sweeping new laws and more spending on public safety in response to Friday’s terror attacks in Paris — promising to eradicate terrorism, but not at the expense of his country’s freedom.”
Hollande is of course a globalist sock puppet and therefore, despite the political establishment ackowledging “that we are at war” eight months ago, STILL nothing has been done. In fact. you could turn Hollande’s words around and come closer to the truth this week: “…promising to eradicate his country’s freedom, but not at the expense of terrorism”.
Time to insist on seeing the Bilderbergers agenda for their Dresden meeting earlier this year – and for disclosure of the records of all George Soros’s NGO activities for the last 12 months for starters.
How many of Europ’e’s political and commercial classes are playing for the other team?
Noa – 10:51
A good consolidation!
It is a pity that Giulio Andreotti is unable to see his little trick at the the European Council meeting at Rome held on 27/28 October 1990 finally turn around and bite his country’s banks:
“The Council was meant to discuss the Uruguay Round on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which was due to end in a few months but for which the EC had not developed a policy (alone out of the trading blocs). However the Italian Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti, decided that the Council would refuse to discuss the GATT and instead push for the final stage in European Economic and Monetary Union in an attempt to get Thatcher to either agree or to force her to say “No” and thereby bring about her downfall by Europhile members of her party. Thatcher’s hostility to a federal Europe led to Geoffrey Howe resigning from the Government on 1 November and to his fellow federalist Michael Heseltine’s bid for the Tory leadership which brought down Thatcher on 22 November.”
Thatcher: “No! No! No!”
with contributions from Margaret Thatcher, Norman Tebbit, David Owen, Tony Benn, and others.
Noa @ 10:51
Good stuff!
The next organisation we need to take a close look at is the United Nations.
RobertRetyred – 10:12
Newt is right!
50 countries – that’s a world war!
Ref: @10:35 & @10:11
Frank, did you send Baron an e-mail this morning at 12.43?
This is urgent, the barbarian got in just now, found one in the inbox, see his e-mail to you.
Baron – 13:06
No, don’t think so, I got one too.
Upon detailed investigation it proved to be from some varmint with a gmail account with a similar sounding moniker to F’s.
EC @ 13:30
Thank you very much, EC, perhaps, we should tell someone.
The return e-mail address wasn’t the same as the one Baron got from Frank himself weeks ago, its display in the inbox looked suspicious, too, when Baron put the cursor on it a pop up window appeared, asked Baron if he wanted to include it in his address book. It shouldn’t have, the address true address was already in. That was the warning that the ‘Frank P’ who sent it could not be genuine.
Btw, it’s not only the moniker, that’s the same, the sender knew Frank’s surname, too.
Hopefully, our Frank P will confirm it’s a fake.
No Baron, EC; I did not. Moreover my phone is red hot from similar enquiries from my whole list of email contacts, both in the UK and around the world. Oh Dear! And my techie recently charged me fifty quid to ensure that this sort of thing would happen, again!
My apologies. Let’s just be grateful that nobody drove a 3 ton truck through our parlour windows. 🙂
Baron and Frank – is there a subplot here? Noa – On remain lies, the continental papers are awash with the fact that Boris Johnson told the UK lies to win the referendum. They call him il bugiardo whatever that means.
typo alert – should be “would NOT happen again”. [ Seems the typo is a truer statement than the emendation – with hindsight].
Frank P – 13:58
Re: Your errant techie: Perhaps we should hold a whip ’round for him. Please can I have first go with the whip?
Romano (13:59)
I think any sub-plot involves Lucretia May appointing him to a job as top diplomat, when she is aware that his lack of diplomatic aplomb will most probably lead to a speedy excuse to shit-can him and claim that it was his own doing rather than hers, thus destroying his political career and disposing of her main challenger in one fell swoop. 🙂 Cunning these wimmin, ennit??
EC (14:18)
The perils of the intertubes. Presumably the scamsters must have a percentage of success with these wheezes. Incidentally, your and Baron’s messages finished up in my spam file, along with exotic messages offering services that are akin to offers of gloves for a man with no arms, given my current state of health. Ironic…
Frank Il Bugiardo has moved from hero on June 24 to victim after the Tory election knifing to hero again on Wednesday and now to black villain. Cunning Sharia May as you say is waiting for him to hang himself as he did in his Speccie period. Question is how soon.
il bugiardo
A tepid Daily Politics today, given the French mayhem. What qualifies a Welsh windbag by the name of Owen Smith (who he?) a five minute slot on BBC’s daytime political slot, waffling on about his bid for the Labour Party leadership, on a day when the world’s meeja were covering the massacre. I can only assume that Brillo could not persuade any of Shariza’s new cabinet to put their heads above the parapet on their first day of office. Any road up, Mr Smith makes Neil Kinnock seem positively laconic by comparison. Gawd help us all if Taffy Smiff manages to elevate his status. Brillo kebabbed him of course, but what a waste of time!
Getting the old 503 unavailable shtixkApparently the French Secret Service are striving to find any links between the french lorry driver assassin and terrorism.
From my armchair in Norfuck I can solve that one for ’em. His name is Mohamed Bouhlel and he is of Tunisian heritage. Next!
How many walking or driving time-bombs are there in La Belle France?
Suggestion – about 5 million.
Brexit! Fuckin’ quixit!
This is how Infowar Nightly News covered the breaking news of the July 14th outrage in Nice:
How unlike our own dear Auntie Beeb!
Sorry about that, delete the first six words of that last post. I was getting the 503 rejection message and was about to inform Peter when the two messages conflated and prematurely ejaculated. Probably something to do with my recent TURP. 🙂
Romano Verdi
There is no love for Boris here, or here:
Donald J. Trump [@realDonaldTrump 1h ago]
“I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M.”
Only now… The Bataclan cover up is revealed!
Yet knowing ALL THAT the West’s politicians continued to mouth dhimmi platitudes.
Noa 1654
As well as lambasting il Bugiardo the piece sticks it to David Davis.
I cannot subscribe to that. Not only is Davis sound but he has been Europe Minister and knows the slippery buggers inside out. He will not be rushed. Whether he can get enough for the City without caving at least a little on free movement remains to be seen. But if he can’t no one can. Need to ditch bugiardo soon though.
Frank P – 16:36
Stone the crows! 🙂
DM: Walid Hamou, a cousin of Bouhlel’s [the Nice terrorist] wife Hajer Khalfallah, told MailOnline: ‘Bouhlel was not religious. He did not go to the mosque, he did not pray, he did not observe Ramadan. He drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs. This is all forbidden.
But was he expected to go to the mosque?
Says it all really.
Noa – 16:54
But RN is.
‘Wear a headscarf or be raped’: Sick messages threatening sex attacks on women are posted in Swedish town with stickers demanding democracy is replaced with Islam
Eight out of ten Swedes couldn’t tell the difference between Sharing and Sharia.
If this proves to be true, the French Government will have a job to prevent vigilantes taking security into their own hands:
Incomprehensibly sickening as it lasted long minutes, terrifying in the knowledge it may have happened anywhere (and likely will happen somewhere), but unexpected?
This is how the vicious circle works: an atrocity committed by one or more followers of Allah occurs, the authorities stand shoulder-to-shoulder, the indigenous folks aren’t happy, raise the level of animosity towards the phylum the villain or villains belong to (or claim to be part of), some of those amongst the Allah followers who until then were happy holding placards saying ‘sharia for all’ get more radicalised (it matters not how), slide over the edge to jihadism, strip a bomb around their waist, kill even more than in the atrocity before, the authorities stand closer shoulder-to-shoulder, the indigenous folks are more unhappy towards the same phylum, more of those amongst the Allah followers get radicalised (how it doesn’t matter), commit another even more abhorrent atrocity ….. and the cycle repeats itself with higher and higher casualty rate.
Where does it end? Hopefully not in a civil war, that’s the last thing we need because if that were to happen those in governance would shut down the internet, declare state of emergency, hit us as much, if not more, than the followers of Allah.
More police on our streets, stricter traveling rules, more laws curtailing our freedoms that punish us more than the miscreants, more appeasing gestures towards the Muslim community, more special projects that cost money without much to show for it, all this stuff, and its derivatives, have been tried, and have been found ineffective.
We need a radical change in tackling the threat in both tactics and strategy, or we will lose both our freedoms as well as our security.
During the day, Baron could only listen to the radio broadcasts on the Nice atrocity, one thing was striking. Many world leaders have expressed their horror, condemned it, offered sympathy, but the honorary Muslim.
Not a word from the Whiet House, why is the chi anointed quiet?
Alot of ‘je suis’ even one “je suis épuisée’, but why not ‘je suis imbécile’? It would fit more than any other, no?
EC @ 17:19
The barbarian should have scanned the postings today before he commented, EC – see his posting at 18.42. Apologies (also for the errors).
British Prime Minister May has just announced in Scotland, she will not trigger Article 50 until joint UK approach
EC @ 17:08
Who is Pence, EC, the barbarian has never heard of him.
alan eastwood @ 19:04
Did she explain what a ‘joint UK response’ is, alan?
Frank P @ 16:36
The broadcast reports were saying alternatively, Frank, that he was a French citizen born in Tunisia, but also that he was a Tunisian national, didn’t hold the French passport, just lived in France for a number of years.
They also said that he wasn’t a kosher Muslim, apparently he didn’t observe Ramadan rules, drank.
We shall see how this pans out, but the authorities would be well advised not to twist the story too much away from its Muslim connection, it will only inflame the already highly strung atmosphere amongst the ordinary French.
Romano Verdi July 15th, 2016 – 17:35
I don’t have favourites or pet hates.
Davis is already in potential conflict with May and Hammond, he stating that BREXIT will be complete by December 2018, Hammond saying it will take 6 years, May saying she will not trigger Article 50 until there is a ‘joint UK approach.’
The variance lends credence to Dr North’s view that the Brexit trio have been set up to fail.
1. Motive unknown
2. Mental health issues
3. Workplace violence
4. Er, mechanical fault?
5. ‘Twisted’ interpretation of Islam
6. Why can’t we all just get along?
7. Was ISIS, not French Muslim, phew
8. Triggered by racism and Islamophobia
9. Must do more to make them welcome
10. Retaliation for Iraq, Afghanistan…
Mr Boot in Trump/Newt mode…
“We must prevent any Muslims from entering our countries and regard every Muslim resident here as an enemy alien. Those who’ve already shown their hand by voicing support of jihad must be summarily deported, and every mosque in which such words were uttered summarily shut down and razed.”
The USAF is running out of pilots!
The elephant in the room is not mentioned. i.e. That the moral of US armed forces is at an all time low under Obama!
Anna “stone cold” Soubry, and Ros “deep tan” Altman have been sacked!
EC 20.51
It’s no better, in fact it’s probably worse, in the UK’s armed forces.
“Bouhlel was not religious. He did not go to the mosque, he did not pray, he did not observe Ramadan. He drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs.”
So that’s why the council estates of Europe are depositing mass murdering, drunk, ham sandwich munching, spliff smoking, post Christian ‘lone wolves” onto the streets!
For Wallsters still in (un)gainful employment, with a Friday night feeling.
Breaking news- is a military coup happening now in Turkey?
Charles Moore in the Spectator
t keeps being said that racist ‘hate crime’ has increased as a result of the referendum. One must bear in mind how the public authorities define these things, as confirmed this week by Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Macpherson report on Stephen Lawrence set the current rule. It defined a racist incident as ‘any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person’. The police are instructed to log all such incidents as racist incidents. So you only have to have more people reporting what they see as racist incidents for an exactly corresponding rise in the number of recorded racist incidents. There is no independent way of judging whether these incidents really were racist (or indeed, ever happened at all), so the uninvestigated figures tell you nothing whatever, except about the number of people who, for whatever reason — good, bad, mad, political — complain. There have also been many incidents of Remain people insulting Leave voters. An artist friend, for example, whose eyesight is too bad to drive, was in a party painting rural landscapes. She was refused a lift to the painting site by one of her fellows because of the way she had voted. There is no way of logging this sort of behaviour with the police (unless the victim wishes to perceive it as racist), but it is just as unpleasant as someone who is rude to Poles. By the way, the worst threats of violence at present seem to be offered not by Leave racists, but by Corbyn fans against his challengers.”
Noa @ 21:29
The Americans have had enough of Erdogan, is that it, Noa?
EC @ 20:51
And racial division in the Republic has grown, too, whilst the honorary Muslim was in charge, EC:
“Jon Rappoport: FBI Whistleblowers Soon? The Anger Inside the FBI Over Comey’s Betrayal of His Oath is Palpable….”
(h/t Publc Intelligence Blog)
I’m glued to our T.V. and Internet to learn news of the situation in Turkey. So far it all seems rather obscure.
It makes me wonder how long it will be before the usual knee-jerk in the western Establishments to attribute it to President Putin?
And isn’t it an odd coincidence that Boris (who appears to have some faint Turkish family tie) was appointed to his new office less than a week ago?
I assume that it must be concentrating his mind wonderfully?
A follow-up comment. I wonder – is the speaker just voicing his own wishful thinking?
Thank God for the Brexit vote. Will there be anything left to leave:
Nice Attack: French Prime Minister Says ‘Learn to Live’ With Terrorism – After 84 Die
EC @ 20:48
“Mr Boot in Trump/Newt mode…”
I would call it ‘Reconquista mode’, which is what the situation demands. Perhaps we should study how the Spanish did it. Presumably they started with two or three Tommy Robinson’s.
The camel in the room of course is that the invasion was PLANNED.
RobertRetyred @ 23:31
Plus ça change, plus le Gouvernement de la République française c’est la même chose.
When the Foreign Secretary meets M. Valls, his classical education should set him to thinking if Ephialtes of Trachis.
It looks bad:
“Falak shabir @falakshabir02
Just heard an explosion. Security ejecting us from British embassy bar in #Ankara. #Turkey”
Thatcher: ‘No! No! No!’
Did I get this from the Wall, in which case apologies for reposting it, or did it spring unbidden on to my screen?
I wonder what the Baroness would have thought of the prospect of 80,000,000 Turkish tourists, with or without a coup.
Soon there will be only Cornshire and clotted eggs for holidays.
It is a question of what we want. David Davis has a view more in tune with what is best for the City. Both in content and timing. Hammond will play second fiddle on this. Il bugiardo should be gone soon. May picked Davis knowing he was an awkward sod but a sod with instincts like her own. To me politics is always personality driven and the trick is seeing the winners. I guess I am saying Davis is a winner.
Il bugiardo on Turkey was not so wrong during the campaign. It will be interesting what he will say now.
Romano Verdi July 16th, 2016 – 07:34
Hope springs eternal…
As Davis has been appointed by May she, not he, will trigger Article 50.
And that will not happen soon.
Malfleur, July 15th, 2016 – 23:34
I was going to ask “one hump or two?” but upon reflection, make that a Bactrian!
The invasion was not only PLANNED but openly ANNOUNCED years in advance!
Malfleur @ 23:59
A bunch of amateurs, Malfleur, the colonels who tried to cook up the putsch, forgot to cut off, take over all public communication platforms (radio, TV, internet), left Erdogan to hide in a hotel room (silencing him would have guaranteed half of the job), and most importantly, didn’t get the blessing of the Americans (no coup has ever succeeded without their absolution). They’ll pay for it dearly, the one thing the Ottoman pretender hates most is getting humiliated.
It’s either that, or the whole fiasco was a false flag operation, there will be no stopping Erdogan to get himself proclaimed Sultan for life.
“Anyone celebrating the recent abolition of the British Department of Energy and Climate Change [eg. EC ] needs to keep a few bottles of champagne on ice”
If Dawn of the Dead doesn’t sack him, then you know why!
Dawn of the Dead?
Noa & Romano:
The worshipper of the shoes of Blahnik design has done the sensible thing, boys, keeping James’s kingdom together cannot be all that bad even if it cost the South alot of money. It also shows she isn’t arrogantly imperious, she could have asked Nicola to come down to London, instead she herself travelled to the lands of the haggis eaters, probably told the mad Scottish woman ‘another referendum on Scottish independence only over my dead body’..
On one of the radio stations, it must have been BBC Radio 4, someone called Baroness Featherstone was telling the listeners about the saintly Theresa, and even though the two women couldn’t be more apart on everything (from clothes to political views) the Baroness’s appraisal was quite positive, and rather encouraging: never involved in any backroom scheming, no tribalism, small cliques of close friends, intensely private, goo d sense of humour, pragmatic rather than ideological …. you name it, she seems to have it according to the loopy Lib Dem woman.
B Featherstone isn’t that well known (she was a plain Featherstone, but elevated not that long ago, mostly for the promotion of the gender fluid community), all the barbarian remembers of her is her getting the Stonewall reward, for whatever the trinket gets awarded, for the last (what) 50 years or more.
EC @ 12:01
But he, or rather his wife who does the running on this lunacy, is right, EC, the response to the changing climate favoured so far by virtually every Government around is a seven trillion bucks opportunity to sink into penury.
It was only last week (?) that a new report on the subject was published, and ‘unbelievably’. it said climate change ‘has been definitely happening’. Not a word of global warming in about five minute ranting about the report on the radio.
It didn’t cross the mind of the report compilers that climate change has been a constant feature of the earth’s environment, and most likely the Neanderthal creature who could hardly express himself may have figured it, too. Luckily for us, he and the later sapiens derivative had adopted to it, hence we, and that includes the BoE boss, are here today.
One thing that really pissed on the Nice tragedy was the French PM saying (after it happened, emphasising many times the righteousness of his evaluation), that there was no failure in the security arrangements, no error, no oversight, no laxity at any stage, the security services did a first class job, they should be congratulated …..
Bollocks, why wasn’t the promenade blocked off? A simple concrete cum iron bar slabs across the road would have done it, and no car, no van, no vehicle, and certainly no heavy lorry, refrigerated or not, with or without ice cream should have been let through unless it was authorised beforehand, the driver had his ID, his picture on it. Only ambulances, the crew equipped with IDs with the same security features, or police cars should have been let through.
It would have been done here, the British police are much better at it, it was tested when the IRA killers were trying to hurt us. Baron remembers going through such a zig-zag of concrete blocks near the Barbican (ask not why the Barbican, he doesn’t know), only small cars could manoeuvre around it, if a lorry wanted to get through, there stood a mobile crane that lifted a slab or two, moved them abit. The police were checking everyone, quite thoroughly, but politely, it worked.
The French unwashed are being fobbed off by the PM (and others) telling them nothing more could have been do prevent the tragedy.
This is a piece worth factoring into the current musing:
I would put it into the present tense, rather than the future. In this regard. The future arrived some time ago, it’s just that our ‘elites’, despite current ejections and chaos have not yet become sufficiently uncomfortable to admit it. Using The outer reaches of the east v west dividing line as a benchmark, today’s developments may be an indication that the comfort zone is fast diminishing. Seems like Turkey is definitely not voting for Christmas.
A Turkish copter landed on Greece’s territory, seven army officers, one civilian on board, they all asked for a political asylum, the Turkish Foreign Ministry asked Greece to hand them over.
What will the Greeks do, what they should do?
.. done to prevent…’ is what it should have said in the last sentence at 13.59.
Good point by the institute, Frank.
Hollande’s wrong boosting the bombing raids in Syria, he should focus on combating domestic terrorism, withdraw fully from the ME because the French don’t have to muscle to sort things out à la Sisi, neither do they have the guts for it (the Americans may have more than enough of the former, lack the latter, too).
Not bad for Marine Le Pen though.
Will one of you perky polemicists explain in three sentences WTF is coming down in Turkey. The TV pundits don’t know, Bojo is not engaging (other than with a meaningless tweet); Kerry is playing both ends agaist the middle and the Torygraph is waffling. Have the Islamists in the Military attempted the coup – or viccy vokey? As for the political pundits across the intertubes, they are all over the shop.
Frank P – 14:41
Turkey voting for an early Christmas?
Frank P 14:01
Oops, didn’t see that you got there before me!
(A Captain Scott moment)
EC (15:23)
Actually the fact that we both borrowed the old adage and from polar opposite interpretations makes my plea at 14:41 even more urgent. Moreover another explosion reported a few minutes ago indicates that it ain’t over yet. As I muttered above, WTF? Do the protagonists even know?
Seems the poliics in Turkey is almost as febrile as in the UK. Juat a little more cold-blooded here. 🙂
Frank P @ 14:41
This may help, Frank, because nobody really knows. You may also like to scan the postings, the top twenty under ‘best’ and also ‘latest’.
Most people believe it was staged, the soldiers told to appear at points, then get arrested, the youngsters holding large Turkish flags (have they stored them for this occasion …. This alleged coup of the puffed up Islamic clown allows him to purge anyone he likes, judges for instance. As someone says ‘how many judges drove the tanks?’
If anyone still harbours any doubts the honorary Muslim favours jihadism this should dispel them. Fethullah Gulen, the man the Americans are ready to hand over to Erdogan, is a Muslim leader arguing for a strict separation of religion and state, the Ataturk vision of turkey, the opposite of what the Turkish dictator’s aiming for. Sickening this.
As if one were not confused enough:
In the East European press there’re news about the mob beheading one of the soldiers, young men (members of the security services) beating soldiers who have hands tied up behind their backs, Erdogan saying he will go to war with the US if they fail to hand over Turkish Islamic scholar and preacher Fethullah Gülen now residing in the US. Unbelievable.
I must say that an Erdogan staged coup as an excuse for a muck out of his enemies seems to fill in all the dotted lines; except one – the Mullah in the US? Is that just another opportunity to sabre-rattle for home consumption? Kerry’s public statement was risible, as always. The baked beans gigolo is a clown; looks it – acts it!.
This helps:
Frank P @ 18:57
Peters’s wrong, Frank, the Hon Muslim chose the right side, he wants Erdogan in Turkey for he wants the islamisation of Europe to carry on, he wants the creed to take over the Old Continent, he doesn’t want ‘those who slander the prophet of Islam to have a future’.
The Americans may have been on the planning stages of the putsch, the news that Erdogan has allegedly asked Mutti for an asylum (she refused) came from American sources. The request was to amplify the ‘genuine’ nature of the military takeover, the fact Erdogan was frightened, looked for the back door until the ‘democratic’* forces of Turkey took to the street, called for him to come back, took street revenge on the army.
In one of the east European MSM, it’s suggested that these forces are security personnel in civilian clothes, and if you look at the pictures it may be true, it’s mostly young men around 25, well fed, T-shirts on, brandishing pistols.
There should be * at the start of the last para at 20.02
The Obummer/Kerry stance seems to be further concrete in the theory that the MosBros are riddled through the Western administrations on both sides of the Pond; just like their Gramsci inspired associates in the unholy alliance. The MosBros Project and the Long March are very much in sync. And the POTUS is not only a recruit to both but a plant by both, along with the other apparatchiks in the White House.
But what about the Mullah who is in asylum in the States – Erdogan’s purported enemy. How does that fit into the equation? He’s allegedly a proponent of separation of Church and State. Or is that all part of the scam? Along with Erdogan’s threat to declare war on the US if they don’t hand him over. 🙂
Don’t start using asterisks Baron, or we’ll suspect you of being another front for the absent one. Capische? 😉
Not usually into snuff movies, but in case there is anyone left who thinks that Islam is a ROP, I make an exception for this one.
Thanks Gerard. I think …
…and this:
An internet paper in one of the east European countries, widely read, considered serious, not taking sides on any issue has run a survey asking just one question:
Who’s behind the failed Turkish coup?
Putin – 2%, The Army itself – 7%, an unknown Western power – 14%, Erdogan himself – 76% (the remaining 1% – somebody else).
Sounds about right, don’t you think?
DID ERDOGAN STAGE HIS OWN COUP? (citing article in DM)
sounds righter…
Frank P @ 20:22
He fits perfectly, Frank. The soldiers are just the tool, he’s the brain behind it, surely you cannot fail to spot this.
No, not really capische, Frank, but then bAron is poorly educated.
And: the videos are unwatchable, Frank, barbarian he may be, but he finds the clips too upsetting, old age perhaps or whatever, but after few seconds he had to push the stop button.
‘ Senator Richard Black and Janice Kortkamp discuss the shameful situation in Syria, where the US government is actively arming and funding Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) and “conduits” (“moderates”), blending them together, and then using this model to exterminate the Syrian population.’
Malfleur @ 23:55
That seems to be the view of the majority of bloggers everywhere, Malfleur, see at 20.02.
The crowds of democrats seem only of a certain age, all male, many armed with pistols. The intriguing things is the last year’s November elections may have been rigged, there’s plenty of opposition to him, it doesn’t bode well for the country.
More to the point, what will the freedom, democracy, tolerance lovers of the current American political elite do? They need Turkey, they must back him, and very likely will. Let’s hope Donald makes it in November for if he fails we’re truly doomed.
China Gaining Control Of The World’s Monetary Machine
China’s Supercomputer Dominance
China’s UnionPay Crushes MasterCard and Visa Combined
China Will Use Gold To Back Its Currency
Now if I were a radical revolutionary communist, like Barack Hussein Obama, I would really be giving the turkeys something to gobble about around Thanksgiving.
Booker on what Brexit may be -and a bit of political history. ‘Sing if you’re glad to be gay’
By the way, for those who try to keep an open mind, this comment is appended to the article linked in my last post:
Chris Dakota walküre Jul 16, 2016 6:12 PM
The truck in nice has no blood on it.
Hit over 100 kill 84 no blood.
graphic truck hits deer.
Truck Nice…
It’s old, but listen to it, please:
Such a pity that it wasn’t a real coup d’etat
Much the same technique was used by E. Germany.
They shipped in 100,000s and stuffed them straight across the border. W. Germany was constitutionally obliged to accept anybody turning up at their border that had been taught to say the magic word, “Asyl.”
Turkey: Erdogan’s men have apprehended Marinus van der Lubbe, which proves that the attempted coup d’etat was actually real, honest.
Malfleur – 00:58
There are differences in the circumstances that could explain the different result.
The animal wasn’t wearing any clothes, which would greatly reduce blood splatter; it was forced through a grill, which would create more blood splatter and allow the it to spread over a larger area; the animal was hit with the full force as it didn’t have any arms to increase the length of time of the impact (F=Impulse/Time) and we don’t know the vehicle’s speed at the time of the impact, of the animal.
i see that in this attack “by a loner” seven people have now been arrested. (Voice of America)
“Nice terror attack: Police vans blocking promenade withdrawn hours before as Isil claims responsibility for Bastille Day” (DT)
Just as 911 had a secondary meaning, what about Nice terror attack?
At the moment I am just noting anomalies as they come to light – such as the photographs which appear to be more of dummies than of corpses on the Promenade..
The French government however was able to announced that martial law would be extended yet again on July 14th as a consequence of the attack.
Nicola is full of it…
h/t “Terry”, Lancashire
Is the House of Commons aware that Turkish troops have crossed the border into Northern Syria and should it not be debating the matter? Perhaps the Foreign Secretary could make a statement. (see video in following link)
EC – 13:35
I am not party to TM’s tactics, nor can I guarantee that she is plotting the best course but, I infer (and hope) that her going up to see ‘that Scottish Woman’ is to persuade, as Scottish Whine has a well known reputation for being so persistent. It has a secondary purpose in that TM will know that TSW has been told what Reality looks like. It will make her probable task of persuasion that much easier. It is one of her current strengths, a continuity of thought: something that was absent from the previous Cabinet, even though there was too much cleverness.
Remain has been proved to have made statements without foundation: WWIII hasn’t happened (yet), there won’t be a savage budget and we have ten significant countries queuing up to make trade deals, while the rEU are stumbling even more than usual.
It should dawn on TSW that her followers will twig that the Brexit future looks bright. If it doesn’t dawn on her, TM, or anyone really, only need mention a few of these inconvenient truths.
And I hope the latest news is TM providing extra lengths of rope. 🙂
This is on a totally different frequency – no Brexit, Erdogan’s democracy, or the US sparring over the Presidency. It will take some seven minutes of your life if you decide to watch it. Unfortunately, it’s in Russian, it comes from the blog of Navalny, the former darling of the Western anointed, he doesn’t do videos in English. Baron has been following his blog, and thought this may be of interest to you.
The narrator is Navalny himself (and a dog), the villain of the story is the Deputy PM of the Russian Federation, a guy called Igor Shuvalov (google if you like, alot on him in English), a rich man in his own right, but allegedly one of the cleanest characters on Putin’s team.
The clip begins with the show of what Shuvalov has declared, as he must, as his own property, houses, cars, then switches to a plane he uses Bombardier Global Express, the most expensive executive jet costing more than $50mn. The routes of the flying contraption follow meetings Shuvalov has had around the word, also his trips to Salzburg (he has a dacha there), and other places.
Shuvalov didn’t declare the plane as his own property, it isn’t registered by any Governmental department, it has to be leased, Navalny gives an example of a return trip to Suvalov’s dacha in Switzerland is costing $80,000).
Then, says Navalny, they’ve decided to trace all of the plane’s trips in one year: 13 trips were job related, 17 were flights to his Salzburg’s dacha … but the plane also flew to places with absolutely no interest to Shuvalov e.g. Riga, Prague, Cyprus. They dug deeper and, what do you know, the timing of the trips coincided with the event of dog shows, it was Shuvalov’s wife, a keen breeder of corgis who (the wife) used the plane services, the Government (allegedly) paid for it.
In the end of the video, Navalny says one should keep in mind two things, first both Putin and Medvedev must know about it, they themselves indulge in the same, even more, and second, says Navalny, ‘it’s you people voting for Putin’s party who bear the responsible for this outrageously corrupt behaviour. Not only do the corrupt leaders ferry around in expensive planes themselves when they go on holidays, or their close relatives, they also openly transport their dogs’.
(The story continues in other videos, e.g. a telephone interview with Shuvalov’s wife she tells him ‘come on, keep digging’, but the barbarian won’t bore you with it).
Navalny lives and broadcasts from Moscow, the clip was watched by some half a million people on u-tube (one can also watch it on his own blog which carries more examples of corruption in Russia, but not in a video form).
July 17, 2016 | 10:53 AM
BREAKING: 3 Police Officers Feared Dead; Active Scene In Baton Rouge
Thanks Obama, here we go again!
Not just a few of us here then…
EC @ 16:51
If the Hon Muslim in the White House isn’t careful, EC, there will be no police force left to guard his farewell party.
Btw, the chief military advisor to Erdogan has been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the fake coup. One couldn’t make it up.
I loathe the BBC and everything it stands for.
Currently indulging in a self-congratulatory wankfest about the Olympics opening ceremony which, apparently, celebrated the two greatest contributions Britain made to the Western world – the NHS and David Bowie.
So tediously predictably BBC.
” there will be no police force left ”
That is the plan – at the state and local level. Then his federal militarised police assume their responsibilities…
“Sunday on Fox News Channel’s breaking news coverage of the shootings in Baton Rouge, LA, that has killed three officers and injured three more, Cleveland police officer and Police Patrolmen’s Association President Steve Loomis said President Barack Obama has “blood on his hands.”
Loomis said, “The president of the Untied States validated a false narrative and the nonsense that Black Lives Matter and the media are pressing out there to the public — validated with his very divisive statements. And now we see an escalation. This has got to end. We need some leadership in this country to come forward and put an end to this. I don’t care if it’s clergy, I don’t care who it is, but somebody has got to step up and put an end to this because it’s the false narrative and very influential people that are politicizing the false narrative. Absolutely insane that we have a president of the United States and a governor of Minnesota making the statements that they made less than one day after those police involved shootings. And those police involved shootings, make no mistake, are what absolutely has triggered this rash of senseless murders of law enforcement officers across this country. It is reprehensible. And the President of the United States has blood on his hands and it will not be able to come washed off.” ”
It’s the description of the author that is interesting:
“Mark Almond is an Oxford historian who was visiting professor at Ankara’s Bilkent University and is preparing ‘Secular Turkey: A Short History’”
Shorter than expected!
(I think we just managed Brexit in the nick of time)
I used to think that Islam would take over Europe somewhere around the year 2100. But recent events have made me rethink that.
These – (after a glass or two of an astonishingly good British Columbian Pinot Noir called Cassini Red Carpet) – are my current forebodings. –
By 2025 the E.U. will be barely functioning, but it’s bureaucracy refuses to disband, not only despite inflation of the Euro running at 200% a year but also despite Spain and Portugal, plus Poland and all other other countries with Slavic connections having followed Britain’s example and exited.
Around 2040 around 50% of both the European bureaucracy and the population of Europe still nominally remaining in the E.U. will consist of Muslims.
By 2045, most European law will be based on Sharia.
Around 2050 – it will be announced that after several years of “very cordial” negotiations with Turkey and former countries that used to comprise the Ottoman Empire, the E.U. will expand to include Turkey, Saudi Arabia and several other Islamic states in North Africa and will henceforth be named the Euro-Ottoman Islamic Union.
The capital of the EOIC will be situated on the European side of the Bosphorus and be named Erdoganabad.
Simultaneously, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, and Belarus, will all enter into treaties with Russia guaranteeing their protection from Islamic immigration from the EOIU. Shortly after that, Serbia, Croatia, Moldova and Bulgaria will enter into similar treaties with Russia. The by now Federal Ukraine will follow.
An impossible nightmare?
An interview by David Knight with Mark Hall, an American filmmaker who has made a documentary on the publicly funded islamicist schools in the USA, suggests that the attempted coup in Turkey was NOT a false flag by Erdogan but was initiated by Erdogan’s main rival, Fethullah Gülen, who is a permanent resident of the USA with Turkish nationality.
Herbert Thornton @ 01:43
Not at all impossible nightmare, Herbert, stranger things have happened, but keep in mind it would be a nightmare for some, not for others.
Still, often what seems the most obvious to happen fails to happen, the mills of democracy turn slowly, but turning they do, what if we get rid of the Hon Muslim, Donald takes over, things come to boil in Europe, the EU shatters in that it reverts to a trading block, as it was before, breaks into two parts, the front runners, aspirants, immigration gets the same set of controls as movement of capital has, sanity begins to creep in into the relationship between the Republic and Russia, China ….
(and then Baron woke up).