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Boot on Boris (and Winnie):
As he so auccinctly puts it: temporis mutantor!
‘auccinctly’? …please note the proxmity of the a and the s on my mini keyboard. And kindly make allowances for deteriorating minces.
Btw some shitbag has well and truly hacked my email so will my extra-mural correspondents ignore any strange requests for loans purportedly emanating from yt. If the bank won’t advance me, you certainly shouldn’t. 🙂 And at the moment our pensions are covering our outgoings, anyway. Just!
I’ll let you know when I am debugged, though who knows, when the bad guys seem ahead of the firewall floggers?
In Milwaukee another cop has been shot whilst sitting in his car.
Bratton on the box:
“NYPD’s Bratton: Country And Police Profession ‘Are In Perilous Times’ ”
Winnie? Boris would never keep up!
EC (13:50)
Police have always lived in perilous times. What’s different now is the lack of support for real policing and the pandering of politicians to activist groups – and rules of engagement. Allowing rabble rousers to obstruct highways and impede everyday working life is not only counter productive, it’s cultural, national and civilisational suicide. Bratton is a blowhard politician; if he had an ounce of real professional pride he wouldn’t be taking orders from a commie Mayor. How many pensions does he need before he retires to his nursing hom, ffs? Empty rhetoric – let loose the dogs of war! If the fuckers want to declare war – let ’em have it. Sixty eight was the beginning, let 2016 be the end of it. Fucking savages!
“Muslims Were The Real Victims Of The Nice Terror Attack, The BBC Explains”
James Delingpole
Surprised it took BBC that long to peddle the tired old backlash narrative! As we all know, the French don’t piss about when they do decide to take civil action, and the backlash will be more than a few cold stares and a bit of name calling.
Gun club memberships quadruple after terror attacks as mood turns nasty”
Erdogan – man o’ the people:
Whilst retaining a respect for the original concept of the Police Service and certain Officers I have worked with, far too many have alienated themselves from the population at large by dressing as Darth Vader’s bastard offsprings and victimising and harassing motorists and the generally law-abiding whilst ignoring the scum and dross that spoils society at large.
This seems true of the anglosphere the world over. The real elephant in the room, however, is the criminality of Blacks. Their presence in the prison populations is out of all proportion to their numbers in society as a whole. In the UK, they are responsible for more than 80% of crime yet are only 10-13% of the population (depending on how you judge black and based on Home Office figures.)
They are malevolent, malicious and resentful. They expect free stuff, they expect to take what they haven’t earned and they cannot reason or discuss – their default response to any kind of refusal or rebuttal is ultra-violence.
Short of genocide, I don’t have an answer.
To fill in the ‘silly season’ day – two stories, in the same paper, side by side, that fit like a glove:
Three pieces of news that may or may not be true:
Erdogan jet carrying him back from holiday was intercepted by two F-15 fighters that took part in the uprising, they had the plane locked on their radar, didn’t fire.
The pilot who shot the Russian fighter jet months ago came from the same unit that took part in the failed coup.
The sacking of the four thousands plus judges deprived the Turkish judiciary of virtually all senior legal personnel.
Whether these stories from the east European MSM are to be believed is hard to say, most of what we’re going to hear from now on is likely to be pure fabrication e.g. the Americans had no idea of the coup (statements from the Hon Muslim to any other US government related source).
EC @ 14:00
Those were the days, EC, of genuinely talented people, no pretence, near atavistic innocence, they’re never to come back. Isn’t it sad?
What scares most on the tinpot Sultan’s boosting his hold on Turkey is that the half a million strong armed forces of the country are likely to be turned into an ISIL lookalike if and when the Western trained officers are replaced, only better trained, equipped, and on the EU southern borders.
In Germany and Austria his supporter held rallies (largely peaceful, say the papers) shouting the usual stuff about Islam taking over, sharia for all, calls for him to help spread the creed. Madness.
Clear Memories
The Liberian solution perhaps?
Fingers crossed for Alex Jones and his team in Cleveland.
Malfleur – I doubt we’ll ever see a great rush to return to their homelands, not enough free stuff and, of course, whitey wouldn’t be around as the eternal excuse for their inevitable failure.
As we contemplate the world from Cleveland the GOP will adopt Donald’s policies encapsulated by this speech
“But today there is only one thing to discuss: the growing threat of terrorism inside of our borders.
The attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was the worst terrorist strike on our soil since September 11th.
This is a very dark moment in America’s history.
A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation.
It is a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.
It is an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.
It is an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country.
We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.
But the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and think and act clearly.
If we don’t get tough, and we don’t get smart – and fast – we’re not going to have a country anymore — there will be nothing left.
The killer, whose name I will not use, or ever say, was born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States. His father published support for the Afghan Taliban, a regime which murders those who don’t share its radical views. The father even said he was running for President of that country.
The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.
That is a fact, and it’s a fact we need to talk about.
We have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country, and it does not permit us to protect our citizens.
The immigration laws of the United States give the President the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate.
I will use this power to protect the American people. When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.
After a full, impartial and long overdue security assessment, we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of America.
We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country, many of whom have the same thought process as this savage killer.
Many of the principles of Radical Islam are incompatible with Western values and institutions.
Radical Islam is anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-American.
I refuse to allow America to become a place where gay people, Christian people, and Jewish people, are the targets of persecution and intimidation by Radical Islamic preachers of hate and violence.
It’s not just a national security issue. It is a quality of life issue.
If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans – women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians and all people – then we need to tell the truth about Radical Islam.
We need to tell the truth, also, about how Radical Islam is coming to our shores.
We are importing Radical Islamic Terrorism into the West through a failed immigration system — and through an intelligence community held back by our president.
We have to control the amount of future immigration into this country to prevent large pockets of radicalization from forming inside America.
Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with his actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? Clinton wants to allow Radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country—they enslave women, and murder gays.
I don’t want them in our country.
Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities.
America will also be a safe society.
We will protect our borders at home.
We will defeat ISIS overseas.
We will ensure every parent can raise their children in peace and safety.
We will make America rich again.
We will make America safe again.
We will make American Great Again.
Thank you.”
Rudy Giuliani – Passionate Speech at RNC 7/18/16
A barnstormer!
Rudy Giuliani is a straight up guy. He had the right response when the Muzzies started all this back at 9/11.
Pity Bush, otherwise also a straight up guy, could not have had the same domestic response as that shown by Donald now.
The French must be getting mightily tired of this!
“Mother and three daughters stabbed ‘for being inappropriately dressed”
h/t Drudge
Clear Memories
The two broad groups you mention in your (22:56), viz: ‘police’ and ‘blacks’ have each been subjected to a determined propaganda campaign for 50 or so years by Agitprop. The first group, through infiltration of the police training establishments and the introduction of Newspeak, changes in recruiting criteria, abandonment of its independent role as an apolitical arm of the criminal justice system and ultimately the removal of its discretionary power at street level by suborning it to a new and unnecessary political entity – the Crown Prosecution Service.
Concomitantly the second group has been, through subversive propaganda from the media, the education system, social services and the propaganda of faux-arts and the far left social justice warriors, encouraged to believe that the police are the enemy and that they are entitled to constant redress through dependency, allowances and positive discrimination in not only public service positions but also through legislation in private industry and commerce also. The judiciary with an over representation of bien pensant, muddle headed ‘progressives’ have underscored this bias in their routine judgements – and also, in particular, during public enquiries when their overarching invective against ‘the police’ and in favour of minority activists, particularly black activists, has been virulent and destructive of law ‘n’ order.
Unnecessary and utterly confusing changes in legislation have underpinned this madness and we are now where we are: all victims of exponential influence of the Gramsci-inspired undermining of societal values, traditions, heritage – and something the Anglosphere was once noted for: pragmatic common sense and stoicism.
But among the two broad groups you mention for the sake of polemical discourse, there is a wide variety of differences; all groups have their good bad and indifferent.
Which why I, like you, find it difficult to find a simple solution for the problems inherent in both groups. And of course the Anglosphere is itself diverse and every country and every region within its countries are beset with diverse problems.
Many tributaries have filled the current watershed, the overflow is just beginning and there will be much bloodshed as people fight for positions on the lifeboats. In the end – the colour won’t matter – survival of the fittest will. Which is why we must choose leaders with balls and make sure they appoint coppers who are both impervious to propaganda and adhere to the general principles of policing a free society laid down by Peel and Mayne. It’s now a tall order. But I repeat – it can be achieved if we choose the right leaders across the Anglosphere. At the moment we are failing to do that and the tail is wagging the dog. Perhaps if Trump manages to get America back on track, we will follow. If Hillary is allowed to continue with Saul Alinski’s map for America then we are in for a scorched earth scenario. The woman is clearly bonkers – a mini, muff-diving megalomaniac; and the way that our meeja across the board has endorsed her is an indication of the depth of the shit we are standing in.
A touching mea culpa from Mr Boot:
A little unfortunate however that he used a portrait of Susan Boyle to illustrate his penance. She can, after all, rip out a rousing chorus. Perhaps he’s volunteering his missus for an accompanying tour as part of the sackcloth and ashes shtick? I’d buy a ticket for that if only to watch Alex’s expression, if he deigned to attend.
As I was saying yesterday/last week/last month/last year…
“When the French mood finally snaps, Marine Le Pen will be waiting”
Douglas Murray
Frank P,
Cut and paste of above article. (i.e. obsidian plums edition)
EC (17:30)
Thanks for that. I enjoyed the essay, bur also the first comment from NickG.
The Eagle has crashed. Now we’re left with yet another Welsh windbag to challenge the garden gnome for the job of HM Leader of the Opposition.
Does anybody care, FFS?
The Eagle turned out to be a low flying turkey after all. Deselection is coming at the next meeting of her Wallasey constituency Labour membership!
Clinton and her cunt-suckers are really scraping the bottom of the barrel by accusing Melania Trump of ‘plagiarising’ a couple of cliches from a speech by fat-arsed Michelle a decade or so ago.
Makes a change from Hillary plagiarising Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Revolutionaries and other Marxist bollocks which she and her mob regurgitate endlessly. Or Obummer endlessly coming the Rev Wright or Al Sharpton.
And frankly one thing is certain; whether Melania inadvertantly uttered a few similar cliches served up ten years ago to the communist cow who currently shares the White House with the current pussy president, Melania sure as hell looked a lot hotter as she delivered the words. In fact so much so, I didn’t even notice what she said. 🙂
If the American electorate decide to grant the keys of the White House to a debauchee and his dumpy, lying, hard-faced little dyke, in preference to The Donald and his lovely and intelligent missus, they deserve everything that will follow.
Trouble is we’ll suffer the consequences, too.
Fox: Roger that, over and out.
Frank P
“let loose the dogs of war!”
Why not? Whatever Peter Hitchens may argue (and with some but not total justification, the enema within has been successful in letting loose the drugs-and dregs- of war.
Rod Liddle plagiarises John Betjeman for comrade Smith’s obituary.
From beyond the grave, John Betjeman offers his analysis of Labour leadership challenger, Owne Smith:
I am a young executive. No cuffs than mine are cleaner;
I have a Slimline brief-case and I use the firm’s Cortina.
In every roadside hostelry from here to Burgess Hill
The maîtres d’hôtel all know me well, and let me sign the bill.
You ask me what it is I do. Well, actually, you know,
I’m partly a liaison man, and partly P.R.O.
Essentially, I integrate the current export drive
And basically I’m viable from ten o’clock till five.
Mohamed Bouhlel may not have been a mohamedan, who knows? Perhaps the French police will shed light on this after they have interrogated the seven persons they have arrested in connection with the man’s crime.
Drugs may have pushed Mohamed to go on his rampage, and call for weapons to be brought up while he was on it. I wonder what part they might have played in prompting him to visit the Promenade des Anglais twice in the rented truck before he committed the crime.
“What doom and gloom? Axed George Osborne to charge up to £76,000 for giving SPEECHES as he wastes no time leaping on US gravy train circuit” (DT)
Payback time?
So George Osborn is to charge £75K a pop on the American lecture circuit, no surprise there, the only surprise would be if he actually finds someone dumb enough to pay to listen to him.
It was the will of Allah that kept Erdogan alive, safe, in power as the plotters were raging about killing innocent people.
The coup was the 2nd item on the BBC4 radio World at One today, Mark Mardell in the chair. He asked the BBC Turkish correspondent whether the miraculous escape of the tinpot Sultan was genuine, the answer was ‘it must be genuine, because so many people cannot tell the same story without it being untrue’.
Figure it for yourselves:
Two minutes after Erdogan left his holiday villa that evening, 14 paras descended on the building from a copter on ropes. He moved to another hotel, not knowing what was happening, an obliging guest was at hand recorded his message to the nation on a mobile phone, transmitted it to many TV stations left untouched by the plotters.
To get to the nearest airport by the presidential copter was out of question, Erdogan decided to cover the one and a half hour trip by car. It was chased by the plotters, the driver managed to lose them.
Erdogan boarded a Gulf Stream jet to get to Istanbul. It got intercepted by two rebel F-15 fighters, they locked him on their radar, the pilot of the jet managed to convince them that only private passengers were on board, was allowed to land as the only plane that night.
At the airport cut off by rebel tanks (btw, only two tanks were reported at the airport when the news broke), Erdogan was greeted by thousands of his supporters who thanks Allah for his safety, began attacking the soldiers (in total, 3,200 soldiers were reported to have taken part in the uprising everywhere).
So far, 45,000 officers of all branches of the military, soldiers, judges, governors, university professors, teachers have been either arrested or sacked. That’s those who allegedly ‘supported the coup actively’. In the second wave to be announced shortly, those who didn’t ‘actively stand up against the plotters’ are scheduled to follow the same route.
Almost 300,000 e-mails between officials of the AKP party (that’s Erdogan’s brown shirts) have been blocked by Turkey. These were released by WikiLeaks, allegedly contain proof the plot was a fake engineered by Erdogan himself. Not a word about it by the BBC.
(The above is a rough compilation from a range of East European sources).
Stephen Maybery @ 13:33
How could you, Stephen, the man has to put food on the table, what is £75K for someone of his intellect, experience, caliber. The Clinton woman once allegedly collected half a million bucks for an evening lecture. Now, that’s what Baron calls a profitable evening.
2300 July17
There are those who loathe everything.
The blog has been wonderfully colourful and peaceful these last many days.
And then we are treated to a “constructive” post on what one poster loathes.
The BBC has many failings.
It can be criticised for being a monopoly.
It can be criticised for facilitating enormous salaries on the back of our money taken as poll tax.
Its political stance can be criticised from right or left because of perceived slights.
But there has to be some substance to “loathe”.
Bile is all very well but a serious blog needs substance to posted criticisms.
The first item on the Mardell’s World at One comedy show taking over half an hour to cover was, you’ve guessed it, the saintly May’s first PMQT in the Commons (good humour), and Brexit with three guests. One was a Scottish woman who claimed that because Scotland voted to remain in the EU the wish of the province’s electorate should be respected.
If memory serves, London voted to remain, too, should the government respect the Londoners’ wish, let it remain in the Brussels club?
Still, all of those debating the issue of brexit were of the view it will be near impossible for Britain to remain in the single market and to have immigration controls as well.
As things stood, still stand, we have free movement of capital (capital and labour being the two components of globalisation that catch the attention), but with strict controls, one is able to transfer money into any EU member state, but if one wants to buy a house there one has to follow rules and regulations that govern the buying and selling of houses in that country.
The same goes for a company that wants to acquire another one in an EU member state. The regulations are there to ensure that the newcomer conforms to the same laws that govern all other local companies in that state.
On the basis that we would control immigration as we control capital, there should be no reason why Britain should fail to have access to the single market whilst having a say what labour it will let in, i.e. control immigration.
Another thought that you may like to ponder:
There won’t be any brexit before the nationwide elections in both Germany and France next year, Baron reckons.
Jennifer Oldham @ 15:51
What bile exactly have you found in the posting, Jennifer?
The BBC Turkish correspondent did say he believed the Allah engineered miracle (Mark did challenged him on it), you can listen to it on the i-player. The compilation below the short para about the item on the World at One programme is factual (factual inasmuch as it’s in the public domain) down to the wikileaks ban, it’s even in the Guardian, FFS.
Just grow up, young lady.
No idea whatever who Own Smith is but his saying in an interview, he’s is ‘normal because he has a wife and children’ must have put an end to his candidacy at a stroke, no?
Baron July 20th, 2016 – 16:04
It’s telemachus referring to my 17 July 2300 post. Back to his thinly disguised disguises, stalking obsessions and divide and rule ploys. Probably enraged by my articulation of suspicions about his “GirlPower’ alter ego elsewhere.
I thought Peter had finally got rid of the odious chancer. Looks like he is “sharing code” and “posting in homage” to his sockpuppets again!
PS I loathe the BBC and all it stands for.
Baron 1611
I see Sharia May, now renamed St Theresa, said at PMQ’s that she wished for a long relationship with Communist Corbyn.
May of course has experience of challengers trumpeting family and no doubt had spotted the Owen Smith gaffe. It is important that Corbyn wins to keep the socialists away from power.
Meanwhile il Bugiardo had to be rescued by the smarmy Kerry from the media. How long will that man last?
The shape of things to come in the Republic, or the howling of a bad loser?
Jennifer Oldham @ 15:46
Is the posting you’re attacking from 2300 July17, Jennifer? Come on, come clean.
An d the usual, sorry for the errors.
I’ll bet even Owen Smith doesn’t even know who Owen Smith is.
I was hoping that the choice for our leftist trolls would be between a garden gnome, a sheep-shagging windbag and a mutual muff-diver. The latter has obviously realised that the bedroom arrangements at No 10 would probably present some problems and who would be the ‘first lady’? Nah, you’re right matey. The time still isn’t right. Back to lorry driiving!
The Race is on – to the bottom:
Baron – 16:04 & 16:54
Don’t do it, Baron.
It’s the troll. DFTFT!
Baron (16:54)
Obviously The Colonel is being stalked again; the stalker using one of his old alter egos. Twat!
In the same way that many of us have used other means to post elsewhere when we have been banned so it is possible for other to use the same techniques here. Rather than get hot under the collar it requires only an email to be sent to me.
Owen Smith told us on the Today programme this morning that he believed in the same things as Jeremy Corbyn. He even said he agreed with the Momenum spokesman.
When pressed as to what was the difference between him and Corbyn he said that Corbyn identified the need but that he (Owen Smith) would get it done.
The man is dangerous and must be stopped. At least with Corbyn, all except Momentum and fellow travellers see him as a joke.
Much as we may feel shocked by it, if we force ourselves to look at it from the Islamic point of view, is not Erdogan’s dismissal of so many judges, teachers and other academics entirely rational?
I ask this because of the kind of debased, perverted “justice” that we see so much of, these days, in our own, western countries. This time it happened in Finland, but are not similar injustices frighteningly common in Britain?
Looking at it of course not from the primitive Islamic viewpoint, but from the point of view of our own advanced, Enlightenment-based civilisation, does not this gross Finnish injustice demonstrate how desperately our own countries need to dismiss those of politically correct mindset who infest our own police, judges, teachers and other academics? –
Colonel Mustard & Frank & EC
Message received, (that’s rather below the belt from tele), but how come Baron didn’t get the Colonel’s posting at 16.14 before he pushed the ‘submit’ button at 16.54? That’s a puzzle, Peter.
Frank P @ 17:07
Excellent piece, Frank, but should we be surprised when our esteemed judges were told years ago that anyone who harms a non-heterosexual should receive harsher penalty (double, if memory serves) than the one who does the same harm to a heterosexual person? The new ‘one-way’ definition of hate crime is merely an extension of it. It’s one law, but different treatment and punishment for different groups.
July 20th, 2016 – 18:23
My 16:14 comment went into moderation at first, Baron, perhaps because of the names contained therein? So although posted before yours it only appeared after clearance.
The BBC have competition 🙂 :
(All White) German ARD Television Jabs At GOP – For Lack Of Ethnic Diversity!
Colonel Mustard @ 18:52
Thank you, Colonel, that explains it.
Here is yet another slicing of the recent events in or about Turkey:
The guy penning the piece may be right, or he may be misreading the events completely.
You recall the meeting last week on Monday between Kerry and Putin in Moscow? It was supposed to come up with new peaceful initiative for Syria, but nothing much has happened in that war torn country since then that would suggest peace is any closer than before.
The Russian killed some civilians near Aleppo, ISIL managed to establish a small foothold in the north of the country, the Americans bombed a village, also killing some 60 civilians. Where is the coming ‘peace’ in this?
Unless, of course, the meeting in Moscow wasn’t about Syria and peace, but was to discuss the forthcoming coup in Turkey last Friday night (both the White house and the Kremlin must have known about it as much as the plotters and Erdogan). What deal was struck one doesn’t know. In the days ahead the clue may be in the reaction of the Americans as the cleansing by Erdogan’s thugs continues whether the counterpunch guy’s right or wrong.
If the new diplomatic orientation of the tinpot Sultan is on his own initiative and is truly such a serious setbacks for the Americans, Turkey should be kicked out of NATO, the Europeans should be told to sever any dealings with Erdogan, the Hon Muslim should go for sanctions on Turkey.
Does any of you expect that to happen? Baron doesn’t, reckons it’s more likely pigs will fly and sing a duet in very loud voices.
RobertRetyred @ 21:27
There aren’t many black Germans, Robert, the jobs of other minorities (mainly Muslims) are predominantly manual in nature (both in manufacture and services), not the easiest stepping stone to a seat at a board level. That’s just a guess, Noa may know better and more.
Herbert Thornton @ 17:47
Valid point on the cleansing exercise, Herbert.
You recall Baron telling you about his chat with some young men of Turkish origin, all recent immigrants? When he suggested to them Turkey should emulate us, the warring groups should sit down together, make deals, live like good neighbours, rather than continuously kill each other because of family, political or tribal differences, he was told ‘that’s the way we do it, we like killing each other (or words to that effect)?
The tinpot Sultan should be careful though, he will not kill all of those who oppose him, his policies, his political outfit (amongst the five Turks the barbarian spoke to only one was an Erdogan’s man). The country’s been doing rather badly recently, the events of last weekend are unlikely to boost tourism, some 15% of the country’s GDP, the overtures to Russia, Israel, Syria may put other countries off from doing deals in the country. It may not end well for him, most dictators in the region fail to die in their own bed.
The Finnish clip is either a hoax, or the narrative doesn’t give enough facts, not even the Finns can be that imbecilic.
Sam gets it, and the barbarian feels sorry for him already. What can anyone do to stimulate a bunch of young, overpaid, marginally talented men?
A time there was when talking about money was considered vulgar, distasteful, common. When did it switch to the opposite?
Baron, July 20th, 2016 – 16:48
Sore losers? Last night at the RNC in Cleveland Ted Cruz got booed off the stage after failing to endorse Donald Trump. You will remember that all the GOP candidates made a pledge to support the winner. Also, John Kasich has been missing this week – for the GOP convention in his home state!
Baron – 00:08
‘Black’ means non-white in the right circles.
Neither of us frequent those circles, except when we are confronted by PC proclamations 🙂 , but times are a’changin.
An emergency suspension of her CLP!
So this is how Angela the Turkey has managed to avoid the ‘Vote of No Confidence’ at her Wallasey CLP due to be held tomorrow night!
Disappointing for the local members, but typical scumbag Labour tactics really.
“I am Sick to the back teeth of (BBC/C4) of Continuing the Doom n Gloom (Brexit) Debate.Who’s paying them to Do this?Ahhh the EU!!”
Msg.elsewhere from one of the ex-speccie (etc.) commentators who has since gone on to other cultural things.
Frank may enjoy this, unless he’s already read it. The postings below the piece are particularly telling.
Pity they didn’t ask Frank years ago, he’s been banging about the rot at the politicised higher echelon of the Peel’s squad for years, nobody’s been listening.
Crikey! Someone’s written a manual…
“Becoming a Barbarian”
Roger rogered by Rupert.
Ailes be seein’ ya!
“…rogered by Rupe…”
A very long list, metaphorically and otherwise!
I tend to listen to Radio 3 in the evenings, for the music, but at 10 pm there is a programme called ‘Free Thinking’. It bills itself as an Arts, Culture and the Media discussion programme.
Last night they took a Marxist slant on the Magna Carta by featuring the playwright John Arden and his 1960s play on the subject ‘Left Handed Liberty’. There was the usual frisson of excitement from host and guests that Arden could be revealed as a Marxist with the usual BBC presumption of the virtue of that with no reference, of course, to the world wide misery,persecution, imprisonment, torture and death the pursuit of Marxism has caused to millions of people.
This was par for the course. I have sometimes considered keeping count of the number of times this programme, which I listen to with a kind of fascinated horror, overtly celebrates the left, Marxism, left-leaning writers and “observers”, left wing arts, race and class “issues” etc., etc. In fact I’d put it in the category of a relentlessly narrow left wing echo chamber. All done of course with that irritating and smug BBC presumption that enthusiasm for the left is universal and Marxism is enthused about by everyone.
I cannot recall, ever, a reference in this programme to right wing or conservative thought other than in the form of a pejorative, mockery or a cosy presumption of wrongness. Right wingers and the demonised are only ever referred to by their surnames – “Bush”, “Blair”, “Thatcher”, etc., whilst worshipped lefties get the full name treatment. Most of the guests seem to be ghastly bien pensant lefties, race hucksters, re-heated class warriors, ethnic fetishists or chippy grievance peddlers. The lack of self awareness about the bigotry of this programme and its pretension to represent ‘Free Thinking’ is astonishing even for the BBC.
Arden, from a privileged middle class background, was a pacifist, an anti-nuclear campaigner, a one time member of Official Sinn Féin and a founder member of the ‘Committee of 100’, another pretentious duffel-coated 1960s left wing anti-war group that promoted civil disobedience and the ‘Spies for Peace’ racket. To drag him out in celebration of Magna Carta says it all about the BBC.
The Committee of 100 included Ralph Schoenman, an imported American misfit and associate of Bertrand Russell involved in setting up the Russell Tribunal which awarded itself the right to “investigate” war crimes in Vietnam. Only US and South Vietnamese war crimes came under its perusal though, enthusiastically sponsored by the communist North and the communist insurgency in the South. Staughton Lynd of March on Washington notoriety objected to participating in this Tribunal when invited to do so because it would not address North Vietnamese and Viet Cong war crimes. When he asked about that he was told that “Anything is justified that drives the imperialist aggressor into the sea.”
Apologies for the rather long post but it was motivated in part by Frank P’s
July 19th, 2016 – 14:58 as the subject is part of that same continuum. The creeping ability of wrong ‘uns and misfits in this country to establish a presumption of their absolute moral superiority and then to twist truth, justice, common sense and good order on its head for their own nefarious ambitions.
Colonel Mustard (14:59)
Please don’t apologise for the paragraph count of a truth-laden essay which deserves the widest audience. Glad you are finding at least some comfort through the medium of music, but of course you will not be allowed to bask in that relief for long when agitprop controls the medium, using the bait of artistic excellence as the hook for their message. You should be commended for sitting through the process in order to point out the insidious ploy of the relentless machine behind multifaceted never-ending attack on freedom. It is widespread, utterly toxic and arrogant in its determination to metastasise into the body politic. Luckily there are still many who are impervious to the cancer and the intertubes facilitate such inoculation.
And despite the havoc that socialism, in all its transmogrification, has caused over the centuries, it is in the end – self destructive. But even in its own ruins it lies dormant and zombie-like, always ready to emerge at the first sign of freedom and initiative: parasitical, poisonous and pestilent. But the dead eyes of its propagators tell the story. Ugliness and evil incarnate. The weedy, wizened, bearded, reedy voiced little gnome, who ‘leads’ the current upsurge of virulence in HM Parliament exemplifies my description. Walking weakness on matchstick legs, pseudo-intellectualism, masquerading as obstinacy. His hangers-on even more despicable. Turning on to any BBC Channel audio or visual, is like lifting a stone in an untended garden and finding fat little slugs feeding on their own excrement.
BBC delenda est!
Thank you Frank. The bearded one has risen from the same miasma, surrounded by the same combination of communist subversives and useful idiots. The manufacture of useful idiots to such astonishing modern levels in the UK must be one of the greatest achievements of a political creed that should have been utterly discredited in 1989 and reduced to pariah status but was instead infused with a mysterious sponsorship and funding to enable it to continue making mischief on a grand scale.
The Tet Offensive, the great hope of the aggressive communist North imbued with the same presumption of universal popularity as the BBC, ran from January through February 1968. It was thoroughly defeated but less than a month later, in March 1968, Tariq Ali, Vanessa bloody Redgrave and their misbegotten comrades were marching in Grosvenor Square. Coincidence of timing? I very much doubt it. It was the Comintern in all its grisly subterfuge and lies. The offensive had failed so now the agents of influence and useful idiots in the West were needed to subvert the will of the enemy to continue.
Tariq Ali, Ho Chi Minh’s poodle, is no doubt one of the BBC’s heroes. I prefer to remember Lance Corporal Warren, a Marines M-60 gunner at Hue who took the full blast of a B-40 RPG through the window he was firing from. He was carried to the ground floor with severe leg injuries but picked up an M-16 and crawled to a window in order to continue engaging the NVA. Several other Marines concealed wounds constituting their third Purple Heart, an automatic ticket home, in order to stay with their mates and continue fighting. Some of them eventually collapsing from loss of blood as a result. Marines went out into the streets time and again to drag back wounded comrades under direct heavy fire, one REMF died doing so. The men he was fighting with (he was a clerk-typist) didn’t even know who he was.
Here is how the BBC reports the 1975 communist invasion of South Vietnam and the imposition of a single party communist state:-
“In 1975, fullscale warfare resumed between North and South Vietnam – without American intervention. In 1976 the first elections were held to a National Assembly, finally reuniting North and South.”
No mention of invasion, communist violation of the peace accords or the single party state. No mention of the murder of South Vietnamese officials, the re-education camps or the boat people exodus. The glorious BBC continuing to misrepresent and lie for the Red Menace.
“The people’s flag is deepest red”. Indeed it is, drenched with the blood of the untold millions murdered in the cause of the virtue-signalling scum who wave it. And astonishingly its advocates like Seamus Milne and Paul Mason are treated as respectable rather than akin to Neo-Nazis as they deserve.
Nice last week, Munich today!
Colonel Mustard @ 14:59
Good stuff, Colonel.
Listening to any such programmes is likely to undo any peace of mind the music may furnish. Baron has switched years ago from BBC3 to Classic FM, which is more the pop side of the classical genre, but one seldom gets to be exposed to the hidden agenda of the BBC engineers of the human soul.
Ian Bolton’s Feedback on BBC4 Radio this Friday afternoon, the first subject the handling of the referendum by the agitprop, all of the callers expressed criticism of it, suggested a bias, accused the BBC programme makers of presenting the Brexit supporters as badly informed racists, bigots, extremists.
Would the BBC apparatchik fielded to answer the callers’ concerns even acknowledge what the callers said? Nope, he was articulate, calm, but totally unmoved by anything put to him. According to him everything was above board, fine, no guideline was broken either in the news coverage or any other programme the outfit pumped out before the polling day.
The argument was turning around the issue of balance and impartiality. To achieve a balance isn’t hard for the BBC, all they have to do is allocate roughly the same amount of time, issues debated, and guests with opposite views.
But could the Corporation be ever impartial, even handed, neutral? Never, Baron reckons. And it’s not a reflection on any of the BBC staff, it’s just not doable. The nature of the animal cannot but colour its behaviour.
One could hardly criticise someone like James Naughtie to always lean to Left, dissect everything from the Left, implant in anything he says the ideas of the Left. He’s a carrying member of the Labour party, he passionately hates the other side, for him to ignore his nature would be unthinkable, it would be an act of betrayal of himself, his ‘world’ would collapse, whatever he’s ever done or said would amount to a waist of time at best, a ruination of his philosophy of life at worst. He cannot be expected to destroy himself.
The only way we can ensure a balance in the society (no impartiality involved) is to have another broadcaster, a kind of British derivate of Fox, an outfit populated with people of the opposite worldview to those who set the political compass, commission the programmes, do the talking at the BBC.
Now it’s a shopping plaza in Munich. When is it going to sink into the heads of the governments elected by indigenous Europeans (not to mention the entire Establishments of European countries) that it’s ETDWI?
If you proposed a sweepstake, betting on the next target, many would be more offended by you, more angry at you, than the terrorists.
Complete panic by authorities in Munich; confused reports. Could be one nutter or four at the moment. Only footage involves just one man with a small arm type gun. Let’s wait until the dust settles. Allegedly one suicide.
Lot’s of speculation from meeja. Few solid eye-witness reports.
Illustrates just how easy it is to bring a major city to a standstill. Apparently ‘President Obama stands with the German people.’
Oh good! That should sort it!
It’s unlikely that the German authorities will be keen to disseminate hard information given the previous cover-ups, with New Years Eve rapes, etc.
The man in charge of the West says ‘we don’t know yet what’s happening in Munich’, which is rather disconcerting. Aren’t the American TV and radio networks covering the atrocity? His advisors may like to watch or listen to it, tell him, at least six dead, one or two gunmen still at large, the city has been shut down.
You may recall that within hours of the MH17 being downed, the Hon Muslim was saying ‘it may have been the Russians or the Russia affiliated rebels in East Ukraine who shot the plane. Here, he seems rather ignorant as to who may be behind the act of terror. Telling this.
Those witnesses who say at least three gunmen are involved should have also spotted the appearance of the villains. Why is nobody saying anything about it, the information may be of vital importance if anyone spots an individual behaving strangely. Are we looking for someone looking like an orthodox Jew?
What frightens is not only that a loony religious fanatic or three could mess up the lives of millions, but also the response by the state agencies to it. One doesn’t know what’s going on exactly only what one is fed through the broadcasting networks, but three hours is a long time, if the thugs have automatic rifles every minute counts, and it’s well past three hours since it began.
If police cars were capable of apprehending the gunman or gunmen, Munich would already be back to normal.
My guess is there is only one gunman – a nutter. No real evidence of more, just confused rumour.
I hope she gets protection:
The shooting at a McDonald’s across from the Olympia shopping mall occurred about 5:50 p.m, police said.
A Muslim woman, named by CNN as Loretta, told the channel she heard the gunmen shout “Allahu Akbar” – meaning God is Greatest in Arabic – as they shot children.
She said: “I come out of the toilet and I hear like an alarm, boom, boom, boom.
“I saw the shooting of children, who were sitting down to eat. They could not run.”
Loretta said the gunman was right behind her but had his back to her, and she later heard him shouting “Allahu Akbar”.
She said: “I know this because I am a Muslim.”
She claims her eight-year-old son had been in the bathroom with the shooter, whom she described as heavyset and wearing dark clothing.
The woman then said she took her children, ran from the McDonald’s and went across to the street to the mall.
Nine people have been confirmed dead and an unknown number have been injured in the attack.
No wonder the WH is vague.
Nobody blamed Donald Trump yet. Only a matter of time, I suppose.
Newsnight got close by linking Trump to David Duke.
Could it be right? Did he say … see them leaving (the high school), now, they’re dead …? Or did Baron misheard him? This is a real not a mischievous question.
‘Did Baron mishear him’ should be the real question, sorry, the poor education does show, doesn’t it?.
Frank P @ 23:15
It’s a nasty thought, Frank, but what happened in Munich must be worth more to his campaign than any speech, endorsement, or donation of money. Sad this, in a way.
White House Press Secretary Joshua Earnest has released a statement, asserting that Washington “condemns in the strongest terms” the “apparent” terrorist attack in Munich.
To whom is the condemnation of the White House addressed? The perpetrators of the terrorist act? Those who helped them? Those celebrating the atrocity on social media?
It’s one thing to express disgust, revulsion, perhaps anger that it happened, show that we stand united against it, promise to act preventing similar atrocities, but condemning it seems rather weird, could anyone but those who harbour evil against us not condemn what happened?
It’s like the police driving around in cars with signs ‘to serve, to protect’. Is there anyone who would think a police force shouldn’t serve and protect?
Donald’s response was much better – ‘this cannot continue’.
Colonel Mustard
July 22nd, 2016 – 16:38
Well said sir! Even though I was a mere youth in those days, I couldn’t see why the Tet offensive was seen as a victory for the North. Maybe that was my introduction to media lies.
Baron – on the importance of being Earnest
Washington’s condemnation voiced by Earnest would have rightfully been addressed to his own masters in the White House and their puppets in the Oval Office, in Paris, Berlin, and yes in London, and elsewhere.
We have to identify the masters and arraign them. Nuremberg might be an appropriate location.
As usual, news and analysis is provided by InfoWars which the controlled media does not permit itself. Here in the 2nd hour of the AJ Show is an interview with Syrian Girl on Friday by Paul Joseph Watson which is interrupted by the breaking news from Munich – but it all ties together. Syrian Girl by the way has an interesting angle on the failed coup in Turkey and Brexit.
This cannot continue
People on this site who have worked with interpreters will be well aware of the suspicion you are not being told the full story if it’s to their advantage.
I should know, I married one.
Malfleur @ 05:28
The Syrian girl has a unique style of talking, rather engaging, certainly not unpleasant, Malfleur, above all she isn’t in a habit of shouting and going over each point over and over again. Worth bookmarking.
Her point about the French bombing villages, but not the supply convoys says it all, the West really aren’t interested in destroying ISIL, the aims sit somewhere else.
One point she hasn’t sussed up yet, the turmoil the neocons have created in the ME (spreading gradually to Europe) is a actually the goal, as the barbarian keeps pointing out, the last thing a faltering empire needs is seeing rivals being successful, getting stronger, enjoying steady economic growth. The EU together with Russia, China, India are perceived as rivals, picked one by one, destabilise.
On the Turkish coup she may well be right except for one thing. Turkey will never escape from American control, the country’s too valuable for the neocons, they will do everything in their power to keep Erdogan on side, they’ll bribe him (may even extradite Fethullah Gülen), if it doesn’t work they’ll organize another coup, may go as far as faking an incident, starting a civil war, getting invasion forces in – remember Turkey’s strategic position (Europe – Asia – ME), the control of the entry into the Black Sea, but also sizeable armed forces, most officers US educated, and a massive stockpile of nuclear weapons, delivery systems in the country.
There (in the apartment of Riaz Khan, the Afghan refugee, and the axe and knife train killer of few days ago) the police have discovered a hand-painted Islamic State flag and a note in an exercise book saying: ‘Pray for me that I can take revenge on these infidels and go to paradise.’
This sentence sums up neatly the risks, the near inability as well as the imbecility of the West’s mass immigration policy. The gap between the cultural heritage of the two strands of the rainbow (that of Islam and that of the secular West) is just too large to cross.
Many of the Muslim immigrants get angry because they think someone slandering the prophet, some because they dislike the gays, others because we refuse halal meal, the list of what may upset them is long. Then one day the anger spills over, they pick a gun, an axe or whatever, go on a rampage.
One wonders how those in charge will solve it. More of the same, Baron reckons, we are likely to be blamed, hit, eventually silenced.
The piece is rather thoughtful, and show s how a well intentioned (and costly) gesture could turn into tragedy both for those who want to help, and do, and those in receipt of the help.
Baron, July 22nd, 2016 – 23:41
I think he said “…now about to leave their Dad…”
What an egregious @£#! he is! Talking about his kids when commenting on the latest “incident” when people have just lost theirs.
Every time, with increasing regularity, he is forced to the microphone to comment on the latest Islamic mass murder or assassination of a cop by #BlackLivesMatter he never calls it for what is is. It’s always an “incident” of a “developing situation” followed my the usual vapid platitudes. BUT when a felonious scumbag, who just happens to be black, is shot by the police whilst resisting arrest, and/or in a fire fight, then he always rushes to judgement by implying that cops only shoot black people.
I have run out of bad words to call Obama (& the Clintons), perhaps Frank P would oblige. Many thanks.
DT: While police initially called the mall shooting an act of terrorism, they said they had “no indication” it involved Islamic extremism and at least one witness said he heard a shooter shout an anti-foreigner slur.
Well, I suppose it was either Islamic, and therefore not that extreme, or it was extreme, because it wasn’t Islamic.
EC – 09:42
He was dehumanising the incident, then making light of it, as he would if he were part of their propaganda effort.
Declan July 23rd, 2016 – 03:29
Thank you.
Don McCullin’s photographs of the fighting in Hue and the way that they were being presented in British sunday newspaper magazines at the time to slag off the US Marines made a huge contribution to the misrepresentation of Tet and the legacy left-wing mythology about the Vietnam War.
RobertRetyred – 10:23
An obvious “reverse ferret” by the German police as they weighed the avalanche of shit about descend from, and political consequences, for Mutti!
The German police and media cannot be trusted to be honest.
eg. withholding of information, lying and general misreporting of the ongoing rapefugee crisis.
McCullin’s own testament about one of his most famous images of a shell-shocked US Marine:-
“This photograph was taken in the great Tet offensive, and this was a particular battle that took place in the city of Hue which is just below the demilitarised zone, that separates the north and the south of Vietnam. This was a Shell Shocked Soldier from the 5th marine battalion I just found him sitting on a wall, he’d got to a point in the battle, or in his life, that he couldn’t take any more of it. And I asked somebody ‘what’s the matter with him’, and he said ‘he’s shell shocked.’ And so I kind of dropped down on my knees and took 5 frames with my 35mm camera of this soldier and he never blinked an eye, his eyes were completely fixed on on one place. He was staring off into the horizon and every negative I took of this man is identical I checked them all out thoroughly. And I left this soldier after I’d photographed him and I went in to another yard to see some other people. And there was an almighty explosion, and I don’t know whether that explosion, which was an incoming mortar shell, killed this soldier, I knew it wounded some people in there, I feel slightly ashamed I didn’t go to check to see whether he was injured or still alive. I’ve come to actually kind of not particularly like this photograph because it gets used and used and used I don’t like seeing my photographs too many times. But I got to the stage with this picture now I’m sick of printing it, you get like that you know, I’ve slightly had enough of looking at it now. I don’t know what message it sends out, I think naturally it’s meant to be anti-war photograph but I don’t know how people perceive it because it has a slightly iconic value to it which could be slightly defeating part of the object of me taking it in the first place. This picture is a kind of silent protest in a way, to express a kind of silent protest about the futility of war. You can see this man’s life has possibly been damaged forever, on the other hand he is in the military he knew there would be some eventual situation that would bring great fear and harm to him possibly. By the time these soldiers got to this battle they’d been in many, many other battles so this man was no newcomer to the to the confrontation that has, brought him to a standstill.”
Apart from the fact that McCullin immortalised a single casualty rather than the hundreds of Marines still fighting hard to liberate the city, there was nothing futile about contesting the North Vietnamese invasion as the subsequent discovery of their mass murders revealed. Also he is factually wrong. Most of the Marines involved in Hue had never been trained for or experienced any street fighting in built-up areas before and many of them, drawn hastily from a myriad of non-combatant elements, had never even seen action before. They were outnumbered by regular North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong Main Force units and were fighting hard to clear areas of the city where the NVA had dug in to fight a defensive battle after their flawed offensive ground to a halt. In the Hue Citadel ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam – South Vietnamese army) were also fighting a battle largely ignored by history.
“On my farm, the bull is the king of the yard;
He’s big and bad and fast, he’s strong he’s . . . hard.
All my other animals would readily concur
That he is the one you salute, he’s the one you call “Sir”.
But my hens, a noisy, flighty flock –
Led, of course by my unsubmissive cock –
Whenever His Majesty the bull importantly goes by
They dance along behind him and they cry:
“Beware of the bull!”
The bull, the bull is the biggest of all.
He is the boss, he is, because he’s big and we are small.
But the bigger the bull, bigger the bull, bigger the balls.
The bigger the bull, the bigger and quicker and thicker the bullshite falls.
Beware of the bull! The dancing cock is right:
Beware of whoever looks down upon you from a height.
Beware of His Honour, His Excellence, His Grace, His Worshipful,
Beware of His Highness, because of the bull.
For if the boss, the chief, the chap at the top
Should let a single lump of claptrap drop,
The greater the weight and the height he is, the harder it will go
With a grander splat! on the bleeders below.
Beware of the bull!
The bull, the bull is the biggest of all.
He is the boss, he is, because he’s big and we are small.
But the bigger the bull, bigger the bull, bigger the balls.
The bigger the bull, the bigger and quicker and thicker the bullshite falls.
The hero arrives, we hoist him shoulder-high.
He’s good and wise and strong, he’s brave, he’s . . . shy.
And how we have to plead with him, how bashfully he climbs
Up the steps to the microphone – two at a time.
Then down it comes: slick, slithery pat!
If you must put people on pedestals, wear a big hat.
The tongue he’s got is pure gold, the breast is pure brass,
The feet are pure clay – and watch out for the arse.
Beware of the bull!
The bull, the bull is the biggest of all.
He is the boss, he is, because he’s big and we are small.
But the bigger the bull, bigger the bull, bigger the balls.
The bigger the bull, the bigger and quicker and thicker the bullshite falls.
At long last, the revolution comes
And in no time at all we’re erecting podiums.
Comrades with chests of medals by the balcony-full;
After the Red Flag, the galloping bull.
The Saviour came especially from on high
To face up to the punters eye-to-eye.
No sooner is he dead and gone, there’s blessed pulpits-full;
Bestride the holy lamb, behold the bull.
Beware of the bull!
The bull, the bull is the biggest of all.
He is the boss, he is, because he’s big and we are small.
But the bigger the bull, bigger the bull, bigger the balls.
The bigger the bull, the bigger and quicker and thicker the bullshite falls.
These well-known men, so over-glorified –
There’s one of them here his name’s on the poster outside –
And he’s up here like this, and you are all down there.
Remember his cock and his bull and mutter: “Beware!”
For when they’ve done, we clap, we cheer, we roar:
“For he is a jolly good fellow! Encore! More, more!”
How glorious it would be if before these buggers began
We all stood up together and solemnly sang:
“Beware of the bull!”
The bull, the bull is the biggest of all.
He is the boss, he is, because he’s big and we are small.
But the bigger the bull, bigger the bull, bigger the balls.
The bigger the bull, the bigger and quicker
And the bigger and quicker and thicker
And the bigger and quicker and thicker and slicker the bullshite falls.”
Jake Thackray
The problem. Not all muslims are terrorists, but all, yes all, terrorists are muslims.
What is the solution?
More muslims, as Europe’s politicians advocate? Or perhaps fewer muslims? Or none?
I’m sick to death of fucking Muslims, is there one single country in the world where they live in harmony with the indigenous population. Everywhere they go they cause problems. They are a plague on this planet.
EC @ 09:42
Thank you, EC, it’s the slow but inevitable approach of deafness for the barbarian that failed him to detect the word, runs in the family.
What grates Baron most is his cavalier pose cum insolence when facing the camera, it feels as if he talks not to respond to whatever the issue may be, but to admire his own voice, each word measured in pure gold, each stopgap a massive loss of it, the gold, to humanity. Truly a narcissistic, conceited and shallow individual that reflects the caliber of the new generation of the political gnomes well.
John birch @ 12:19
In the short term, John, it would be wise of those in charge if they were to toughen up the treatment of those who may be on the verge of doing us harm, but they won’t, they will say our animosity towards them it was that engendered some of them losing it.
Longer term, to cure the boil we have to distinguish between the creed itself and those poisoned by it, or at least by the wrong reading, interpretation, or grasp of the Koran. We have to, there’re over billion and a half of them, there’s no other way, we have to live together.
Silencing those mullahs who inject the evil, not only closing down internet accounts calling for jihad, but imprisoning those who run them for long stretches of time, hitting countries that breed the mullahs, finance them, send them to preach hatred around the world.
EC @ 11:26
Superb, EC, thanks, already in the bank of things to save.
Munich, Nice, Paris…whose next?
“…hitting countries that breed the mullahs…”
Ah, the Mecca & Medina glazing solution. It seems to have a growing inevitability. Far enough away from the oil fields too.
Baron 12-45
I equate Muslims to bellbine, I’m trying to remove it from the garden of a house we bought a couple of years ago. It’s of no use whatsoever, it’s whole purpose is to strangle everything it comes in contact with and the only way to stop it is ruthless digging and chemical attack.
“Any concrete motive other than terrorist abduction for the Marham incident would surely have come to light by now.”
Paul Joseph Watson [@PrisonPlanet 2h ago]
“Muslim Activist Pilot of MH370 Flew Suicide Route on Home Simulator; Info Suppressed.”
Noa @ 13:02
If it were a choice between the Turkish Sultan and the Saudi King, Noa, the former would be Baron’s choice any time even though he (Baron) loathes the Ottoman pretender more than any other dictator bar the North Korean thug.
In the world of dreams Baron often inhabits, the three world leading ‘democratic’ dictators (Putin, the Sultan, Assad) get together, promise to flatten the Saudi Kingdom then turn it into additional sand dunes, and live up to the promise.
EC @ 14:41
How wrong can one be, EC, what if the two wanted to take the jogger to a tea and cucumber sandwiches garden party? Could the police, better still, should the police rule this possible motive out?
You see, not much of thinking on the police’s slicing of the incident, and voila, their decision to rule nothing out seems the right one, doesn’t it?
John birch @ 13:31
We’ve been through it before, John, the barbarian understands where you’re coming from, often feels the same, then abandons the emotion, thinks some more about it, figures one cannot kill idea by destroying the carriers of it if they number in the billion, one has to go after the idea itself, beat it with another one, hopefully win.
Calvinist Thomas Carlyle, the famous historian of Victorian England, was better to stress the power of ideas. He is said to have been dining with a businessman who, tired of Carlyle’s loquacity, reproached him: ‘Ideas, Mr. Carlyle, ideas, nothing but ideas!’ To which Carlyle replied: ‘There was once a man called Rousseau, who wrote a book containing nothing but ideas. The second edition was bound in the skins of those who laughed at the first’.
Carlyle seems to have possessed not just a sharp intellect, but also an exceptional wife (any feminists around to kick the barbarian for the unPC usage of the verb?) of whom L. Hunt wrote a poem ‘Jenny kissed me’ that ends with (if memory serves): Say, I’m weary, Say, I’m sad/Say that health and wealth have missed me/Say, I’m growing old, but add/ Jenny kissed me). Is the q uoting of it right, anyone? Fergus?
The usual postscript: sorry for the errors, it was the large glass of a cheap Chilean Merlot ‘what contributed to it .’
Baron – 15:31
I would respectfully ask that you take that up with the Colonel, Baron.
Good luck!
You can contact him at:
I’d keep you powder dry on this one. The slight whiff of rodent pervades in the balmy atmosphere of Norf Nuffuck.
EC @ 16:33
You are as ever very kind, EC, but the barbarian will give it a miss, he means he won’t contact Colonel Kemp, who may not even talk to him. When Baron left the armed forces (the ones equipped with AK-47s rather than AR-15 or similar) his rank was the lowest of the officer’s rank, (acquire d through hard slog in training, dedication to duty and the party, of course, and excellence in target shooting – only joking for the first two attributes of the barbarian’s service).
Btw, when Baron typed ‘to contact C’ the bloody software changed that to ‘taconite acing’. True, unbelievable crap, the software.
PS: Not that it has anything to do with Colonel Kemp, Iraq or anything else we’ve ever debated, but it may please you to know the ninth squirrel down this year about an hour ago. The precision air rifle did the job splendidly, not a jerk from the tree rat after it got hit. What one learns in one’s youth, comes handy in one’s decrepitude.
Frank P @ 17:31
You mean in a county with many people few surnames, Frank? What a surprise, ha.
If any of you have nothing to do this evening enjoy Freddy, the Donald’s slayer:
Never let it be said that the CHW isn’t educational!
Taconite n. a low-grade iron ore, containing about 27 percent iron and 51 percent silica, found as a hard rock formation in the Lake Superior region.
Not extra hot Tacos after all.
What % of the population actually believes that questioning of immigration levels is “racist”?
If it were >30%, I’d be appalled.
July 23rd, 2016 – 09:12
I found it interesting Syrian Girl suggested that the result of the Brexit referendum had led Erdogan to move away from commitment to the EU towards a rapprochement with Russia. It was an expression of the Russians’ recognition of this which may have persuaded them to tip off the Grand Vizier just in time that Washington was playing the Gülen card.
Recognition of the EU’s impending dissolution may dissuade Turkey from pressing for those 80,000,000 visas. Or Shariah May (where did costa mama come from and go to btw?) may accede to them as a surprise bargaining chip with the Stasi Chancellor and as a means to accelerate the downfall of our House.
“…she isn’t in a habit of shouting and going over each point over and over again…”
It is fortunate for some that they lack the passion to be driven to shout about, or the need to repeat to hundreds of thousands of new listeners each week, unsettling information gathered over the past twenty-one years. They can be found at CNN or Sky News.
Or here is Michael Savage also shouting and repeating himself. – try the first 15 or 16 minutes – he seems to be upset by the news from Munich breaking on Friday and the comments made by Obama, particularly to a party of muslims at the White House the evening prior. What is the MATTER with Savage? You would think the world was coming to an end or something. Why can’t he just keep calm and carry on?
Do you want your nation to live or do you want your nation to die. It’s that simple.
The revenge of French officialdom for BRexit? Plausible but when weighed against a lifetime’s experience of the French being complete cunts then maybe not.
Munich – The Turkish Connection – Remember Walid Shoeblat?
“The Munich Massacre Is A Complete Coverup. The Munich Shooter’s Facebook Including His Family Background Shows He Is NOT Iranian But A Syrian Islamist Pro Turkey.
Ali David Sonboly is no Iranian but pro Turkey’s Islamists from Syria. That plus he had a record with the Interpol and was being watched.
First of all. There is only one way to spell Sonboly in the Arabic (سنبلي), but in the English it can be spelled multiple ways (like Sunbulli, Sonboly), yet it is always the same spelling in Arabic: سنبلي
Unless one knows Arabic, they do not know where to look. Examining clan Sonboly and even Sonboly’s own Facebook, we find that the Turkish flag is a main symbol.
Okay, perhaps he had a fetish for the red color and the crescent moon? But his clan also are of Turkish origin living in Syria and Turkey and this same Turkish flag as well as the Syrian flag is the pride of this clan as can be seen from Facebook.
The case for this clan’s love of Turkey’s Erdogan is ironclad. Plus he lived in the Turkish neighborhood.
Why then advertise him as an Iranian which would make him a Shiite Muslim? Is it possible that Germany wants to avoid the repercussion when Germans know that Turks or Syrian refugees who are entering Germany by the droves are the culprit?….If Ali Sonboly was Iranian, what then is he doing with the flag of Turkey hovering behind him on his Facebook and on the Facebooks of his relatives and his contacts?
There is also a photo of him being arrested (but we only get the back of this big guy) and what few know is that Sonboly was being watched by Interpol. They show you his face as a kid when he is a mature individual as photos from eye witness video shows. So what is up with the baby face? There are no photos of this man as is? This is a big guy….’ [Read on]
John Birch 12.19 / Malfleur 0955
I agree.
Week after week after week we have our news agenda dominated by how a small minority of the European population behave towards us. Ordinary citizens in the UK go in fear of going to major crowd venues.
The German authorities worried about accusations of French incompetence are swinging the line of a mentally ill teenager obsessed with guns and Breivic.
They cannot get away with that. The man was Iranian or Syrian and when I last checked neither Iran nor Syria was a Christian country. Merkel is letting in millions of these people and until we trigger article 50 they can all come here.
On the other hand they did release this “A full transcript of the filmed exchange:”
Man on the balcony: “You fucking asshole you.”
Alleged shooter: “Because of you I was bullied for seven years …”
Man: “You asshole you. You’re a asshole.”
Shooter: “… And now I have to buy a gun to shoot you.”
Man: “A gun? Fuck off your head isn’t on right.”
Shooter and man on balcony shouting at each other, inaudible
Man apparently to people filming: “He’s got a gun, here, the guy has one.”
Unknown speaker: “Shit/fucking Turks!”
Man: “Shit/fucking foreigners!”
Man to someone else: “He’s got a gun. He has loaded his gun. Get the cops here.”
Shooter: “I am German.”
Man: “You’re a asshole is what you are.”
Shooter: “Stop filming.”
Man: “A asshole is what you are, what the fuck are you doing?”
Shooter: “Yeah what, I was born here.”
Man: “Yeah and what the fuck you think you’re doing?”
Shooter: “I grew up here in the Hartz 4 (unemployment benefits in Germany) area.”
Man and shooter talk at same time, inaudible
Shooter: “I haven’t done anything here for [inaudible].
Just shut your fucking face man”
Man: “You asshole you.”
Man away from shooter: “Hey, he’s on the upper floor here, [inaudible]”
Man goes into cover, shooter starts firing and man shouts something at him about “shooting here”
Shooter: “Yeah, that’s where you’re right. Yeah you’re right with that. Yeah you’re right.”
On that last link of mine, Walid Shoebat cross-refers to another site where it says:
“Rescue Christians: The focus of our work is to save the lives of Christians whom are suffering from the ‘Blasphemy Laws’, aiding relatives of martyred families, women and children who are victims of rape. We aid the most severe cases. For example, blasphemy laws are used by Islamic extremists to make up charges against innocent Christians in order to steal their property and stir up violence against the Christians population. We provide means of escape, safe houses, legal help, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions. This includes cases of abduction of women, rape and forced marriages. Our mission field also includes aiding suffering Syrian Christians, Iraqi Christians and Christian Copts in Egypt. ”
Would someone please ask the Prime Minister to let us know what efforts are being made to give sanctuary in the United Kingdom to these candidates for refugee status? We don’t seem interested in holding the British government to account for its reckless policy of admitting hundreds of thousands of muslims whose claims to refugee status have never been considered and who consider Christian and other infidel nations to be fair game for their barbarism and lawlessness. Perhaps Prince Charles might raise the flag of St. George on the Christian refugees’ behalf as envoy of Queen Elizabeth as Defender of the Faith. If the two of them are already active in this corner of the field, then of course I apologise for implying otherwise.
It’s a great day for thickoes and wogs, the government has announced that henceforth Latin terms will no longer be in use on official websites. This is because people whose first language is not English may be confused. Well, we wouldn’t want thay would we now? But why not go the whole hog and have all government information transmitted via Urdu, that way all foreigners will know their rights and the Native Brits will be made to realize they no longer have any.
Emulous (10:14)
What’s the source of that transcript?
Stephen Maybery – 10:20
Re: Tattooed thickos: I found this little gem in the internet, and thought it might amuse…
“What is the correct latin phrase for Nill Illigitimi carborundum?
Nill Illigitimi carborundum I have come across many spellings and then some say it’s not Latin? I know it’s “Don’t let the bastards wear you down” But I need the correct Latin for a tattoo”
Frank P @ 10:54
Someone else’s translation, plus a video, here:
Stephen Maybery – 10:20
Jobs for the Boyos?
“Gweithio yng Ngwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru”
Then I saw this and I thought, “Evans above!” (or maybe down under)
I do not know the Latin for tattoo but will attempt to source it out, by the way, the correct phrase is non illigitimus carborundum, as nil means nothing whereas non is not or do not.
There’s been another one…
This time in Hamilton, Ohio.
Peter Hitchens: A Jezza but not a Trump fan then…
I’m still voting UKIP!
Tattoo, cutis inscripta, unfortunately I could not find the equivalent of “No shit sherlock” Had a bit of a giggle over the Government foray into the Welsh language, a fatuous waste of money as so few in Wakes speak the language. My old man must be spinning in his grave, he went spare when I said I was learning Welsh “Wasting your time on learning the local gabble” was how he put it, but then they had not invented PC in them days, not that it would have made any difference if they had.
Full interview of NIGEL FARAGE by someone or other at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland:
Soeren Kern reports the facts:
EC @ 09:39
More than plausible that the delays are in response to Brexit, EC, the French have form in such underhand actions, they did it before.
In the 80s, when imports of Japanese TV sets, other consumer durables were flooding Europe, the French set up a custom clearing house for Japanese imports only on one of the many hills near Poitiers, single access road, narrow, twisting, one lane only. This was a revenge for the lowering of tariffs agreed between the then EEC and the Japanese officials. It turned out very effective, imports of brown goods from Japan nosedived for months.
Frank P
July 24th, 2016 – 15:18
Renate Künast, German Green Party politician, with plenty of baggage, believes police should take off their shoes before raids against Muslims :-ünast
YCMIU but there are plenty of like-minded idiots in British politics now. It is simply horrifying that such perversely minded lunatics can become politicians seeking to rule over us. Google her image. Horrible looking woman, her madness plain to see in her face.
Current shipping movements;Straits of Dover;map and sat.
`Pride of Canterbury`;Calais to Dover;17.8knots, c.5mins.ago.
Colonel Mustard (15:33)
As she dresses like a bull dyke, she probably is one. Just another of the great band of activist wimmin who would rather be men. Resembles our own BBC star Clare Baldwin, but to be fair to the latter, as far as I know she never asked her close police friends to take their shoes off when performing any service.
Frank-this is the unexpurgated version:
Colonel Mustard – 15:33
In the UK the ACPO have had guidelines on “appropriate” footwear to be worn on police raids for a number of years now! Even including….
“Now you know what’s wrong with the ruddy country”
Spike Milligan
Baron – 15:32
Yes we all know about that, and numerous other examples too. eg. Setting fire to truck loaded with British lamb. None of that detracts from my point that is based upon empirical evidence gathered by countless Brits over the years.
AND another one…
“Syrian ‘Refugee’ Machetes Woman To Death, Injures Two More In Germany”
No doubt the German police will discover a signed photograph of Andreas Britvic in the ‘tards wallet!
*Reutlingen*(c.130 miles N.W. of Munich). Breaking news : 21 year old Syrian refugee murders woman and injures two other people before being arrested.
Top honcho from Mecca mosque opens new mosque in Preston.
Outrageous! The troughing bastard!
Radford NG @ 19:23
In Preston, yet. Soon to be renamed probably. Mullahton? Prestonabad? Wahhabiton?
Somebody who believes it’s too good not to be shared just sent us this – quite a contrast, eh?
Bloody good show, we need a bit of that here. Ship the bloody lot out and if they do not want to go then lock ’em up on a strict diet of cheap plonk and bacon sarnies.
There are a lot of things about us women
That sadden me, considering how men
See us as rascals.
As indeed we are!
July 24th – 09:39
Noted in your link the photograph of a couple of smiling Sikh chaps delivering 6,000 bottles of mineral water and snacks through Khalsa Aid.
Go Anglosphere!!
NIGEL FARAGE: “I am not leaving the movement”
New atrocities seem to be coming in rapid succession in Germany – here’s the latest –
How long it will be before people in Germany begin to think seriously about entrusting their safety and survival to an updated version of their former leader, Adolph Hitler?
Herbert Thornton – 05:32
It was a smart move of his to step aside from the leadership position, so he could lead as a ‘elder’ statesman – less opportunity for the BBC to bring up their agenda and more opportunity to provide the big picture vision which, in Germany and France, isn’t that attractive.