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Malfleur – 00:38
Looking at the KhalsaAid website they not only have a global reach, but it looks like they actually did more to assist the 2015 UK flood victims than our own government did! Makes me wonder, though, why Dave (&Sam) were sending £280 million in foreign aid to India.
Also, it’s not just the Sikhs that care about us, either…
From the 2006 vaults:
“Indian tribe sends a missionary to tackle spiritual void in Wales”
Mm, I’m thinking that the Rev Hmar Sangkhuma missed an opportunity by not naming his new mission ‘The Charlotte Church.’
EC (10:46)
🙂 🙂 🙂
Herbert Thornton – 05:32
It was a smart move of his to step aside from the leadership position, so he could lead as a ‘elder’ statesman – less opportunity for the BBC to bring up their agenda and more opportunity to provide the big picture vision which, in Germany and France, isn’t that attractive.
Shouldn’t we put asylum seekers in a building that they seek, until they are found to be migrants, and then they can migrate back whence they came?
But not Bulgaria: there is a limit for everything:
Germany suicide bomber was due to be deported to BULGARIA: Syrian who blew himself up outside music festival, injuring 12, in ‘Islamist attack’ was a failed asylum seeker
RobertRetyred – 13:48
The question is not why, but WHO provided this poor innocent victim (q.v. BBC) of the German legal system with the bomb/bomb making materials?
“BBC Still Puzzled By Motive Of Syrian With Suicide Bomb Rucksack At German Festival”
James Delingpole
In the “good old days” before ISIS it used to be reported that not every suicide delivery driver of a truck load of explosives was a fanatic, and that of them had wives/children being held hostage. Who knows, though.
I got quite hopefull for a moment until I read it was the 4 legged sort rather than Arabic speaking ones
Munich : Authorities withdraw claim killer was inspired by Norwegian killer. (UPI)
Ansbach : Bomber pledged allegiance to I.S. (Breitbart)
Oh dear, this buggers the BBC narrative up a bit:
“A Syrian man who failed to get asylum in Germany pledged allegiance to the head of the Islamic State terror group in a video before he blew himself up near an open-air music festival in southern Germany, wounding 12 other people, Bavaria’s top security official announced Monday.
According to an initial translation of the Arabic-language video found on the bomber’s phone, the 27-year-old man announced a “revenge” attack against Germany, according to the official, Joachim Herrmann. He told reporters the video strongly suggested the bombing was a “terrorist attack.”
Herrmann said bomb-making material and a series of violent videos on storage devices turned up at the unnamed attacker’s home.
Government officials had ordered to deport the man not once, but twice. He was most recently told July 13 that he would be deported to Bulgaria, spokesman for Germany’s interior ministry Tobias Plate told reporters. He said the first deportation notice was issued on Dec. 22, 2014.”
Do you remember all those recent ‘Welcome Parties’ held in Germany?
I wonder if any of the organisers have changed their minds.
Several recent postings jogged all sorts of memories of topics – e.g. ‘Big Picture’ and ‘Arthur Birse’ and ‘Stalin’.
It’s quite amazing how much the Internet has to offer about those topics.
One example that may fascinate you –
The is a suggestion, or should I say a scenario, in a post on Con Home, that if Labour split, the SNP could become the fourth largest party and lose its privileges 🙂 :
… post starting “A new party name would need to be registered with the Electoral Commission. “
NOW we know why the stumpy, lying little witch ‘picked’ her running mate:
When are the lemmings, known as the American electorate, going to catch on to what is taking place in their demented and deluded nation and realise that the jihad is already occupying the key positions in their administration and are handing over Western Civilisation to Islam, lock stock and barrel?
The stench of the venal corruption involved wafts in on the prevailing westerlies.
Trump just coined a new moniker for the witch: “Hillary Rotten Clinton”.
His script writers are getting better every day.
One for m’Lud: Alex Boot calls the Shirreff to ‘Red Pete’ Hitchens:
Must dust off my ‘Nuclear Ned’ manual from the loft and get the geiger counter checked out. 🙂
This report is dated yesterday, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it. Was it being hushed up? –$category%20p$4
O’Reilly goes ape-shit:
Wham, bam, gotcha Sam!
Con Coughlin weighs in on the gathering storm:
This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness. —Donald J. Trump, Day 4.
Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, ordered deported from our country, are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens. —Donald J. Trump, Day 4.
As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our L.G.B.T.Q. citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. —Donald J. Trump, Day 4.
After a wonderful week we are now being subject to lies, deceit and vomit worthy obfuscations.
That dangerous Marxist Bernie Sanders told us one truth last night:
“Hillary Clinton will nominate justices to the Supreme Court who are prepared to overturn Citizens United and end the movement toward oligarchy in this country. Her Supreme Court appointments will also defend a woman’s right to choose, workers’ rights, the rights of the LGBT community, the needs of minorities and immigrants and the government’s ability to protect the environment.”
This my Limey friends is what is at stake. If pinko Hillary gets into the White House she will pack the Supreme Court with Marxists and fellow travellers and that will be the end of the American Dream.
Frank P – 00:36
Every word Bill said was true.
Rarely heard Bill speak with greater clarity.
Alex Jones Show – Monday – 1st Hour
There’s been another one…
This time in a church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, near Rouen. Priest reported to have had his throat cut… Perps shot dead by police.
If anyone is up for Jones’s FULL Monday programme, especially James O’Keefe of Project Veritas at the start of the 2nd Hour with the secretly recorded position of Hillary Clinton delegates at the Democrat National Convention, here is the link:
And another?
And that Scottish Woman thinks the Continent will be a beneficial influence, if it survives! 🙂
What is the point of monitoring?
Is CMD still proclaiming INTDWI ?
I know there are some financial wizards frequenting this hostelry.
Advice please. My normal instincts tell me this a a scam. Can someone explain why it is or is not?
Thanks. I could do with (a) getting rid of some pain and (b) making a small fortune concomitantly. 🙂
I would probably be more impressed if they had managed to get the visual and audio segments of the video in sync.
Last reservation; why if it’s such a ground breaking and money generating invention are they having to advertise it to me. Btw the spiel is still ongoing some half hour or so after it started. Still waiting for the punch line.
… sorry the link
Either these Kuntz have never heard of taqiyya, or they are part of the problem:
This blog is worth bookmarking; last two posts particularly astute.
Thanks Gerard.
As a young man I temember that it was a common boast of my compatriots to aver that we had won the lottery of life by being born British, in particular English. Don’t hear that as much these days, do we?
I can think of a number of ‘dark’ * reasons for this. Discuss.
* ‘dark’ is the current buzzword of the left in Newspeak, just in case anyone thinks I’m being racist (heaven forfend).
Richard Fernandez on the Wikileaks.
What amuses me most in the latest leaks, is the way in which the narrative is shaped around whether the leaks are orchestrated by the Russians “on behalf of Donald Trump”. Nobody has discussed the duplicity and slime exposed by the leaked emails per se.
Amd still no furore over the running mate’s links to the Muslim Bros. Amazing; even Fox haven’t picked it up. Why is nobody raisin’ Caine? 🙂
Frank P 16:39
Now that Roger Ailes has gone, we have to wonder what else Fox News will fail to pick up ..
v.good! 🙂
Reminds me of an email my naughty niece posted last week:
“My neighbour was admitted to A & E last week with a vacuum cleaner hose stuck up his bum. When I rang to ask how he doing, the nurse told me he was picking up nicely.”
Australian Election.
The moderate Malcolm Turnbull shoots his Liberal Party’s fox in the foot.
After unseating Tony Abbott as party leader and P.M. he went on to loose 14 seats to get the one seat majority to stay in office….inspite of donating A$1million of his own money to party funds.
Federal parliament:
Coalition 76 (liberals 45/Nationalist 31).
Labour 66 / Independents 5.
The notorious Pauline Hanson has won a seat in the Senate from Queensland.
She is calling for a Royal Commission on whether Islam is a religion or a socio-political movement.
Sounds a good idea.
That should be : Labour 69.
Here’s a formula that may swing it in our favour except that nobody (nobody who counts) would even consider it:
(Somewhere in the middle of it you’ll find the sentence:’ …. western European Muslims fear the terrorists more than they fear the police’. In Baron’s humble view, this goes further than that, the western Muslims fear the protection the law offers more than they fear the terrorists. If they keep schtum they’re fine, the state will not touch them if anything they get protection after a terrorist attack. If, on the other hand, they inform, the police are successful in securing a conviction, the sentence is usually laughable, the culprit gets out in little time, he, or his ‘friends’ will make the life of the informer unbearable, may even get rid of him altogether.
Frank P @ 16:39
Former CIA director Michael Hayden said: “They’re (the Russians) clearly taking their game to another level. It would be weaponizing information.” He added: “You don’t want a foreign power affecting your election. We have laws against that.”
It’s in the public domain how the ‘eff the EU’ Victoria Nulland told the Ukrainian politicians who should be the Ukrainian President, PM, who should be happy with a lesser post. Obviously, the Americans have different views on foreign powers meddling in elections when it comes to their own, and those of other nations.
Frank P @ 14:38
Good point, Frank, they have over $3.0bn for something that seems already finished, what’s the other money for?
Baron 22:31
Do that second paragraph again, m’Lud. It may be me, but my synapses can’t process it. And it’s only Tuesday! 🙂
Frank P @ 00:47
It may be that the KGB Colonel, although not as powerful, is smarter than the hon Muslim, but it’s near certain that the tinpot Sultan who doesn’t possess anywhere near even what the Kremlin man does (no nuclear for a start) is smarter still. If Putin puts his trust in him, he’ll regret it, the Americans will never allow the Turkish autocrat to escape from their clutches, they’ll sooner write Europe off, never him.
Frank P @ 22:48
There exists a u-tube video showing Nuland telling a bunch of assembled Ukrainians who should be President, the PM, who should not (the boxer guy was assigned a less important function, Baron forgets what).
The point is this was a direct, blatant interference in the Ukrainian election, Hayden must be aware of it, so why is he now accusing Putin, without any independent proof, in meddling in the US election?
Clearer, guru?
A rather unfortunate take on the violent death of the priest, don’t you think? Martyrs are more associated with the violent past, than the sunny, rainbow enlightened, inclusive society of France of today, no?
Frank P @ 00:13
Sir Richards and the omni-all Mr. Boot live in the cold war past, if you forgive the French, know next to FA about the future anyway.
Baron totally agrees with Peter, even if the planes taking off anywhere in Western Europe were shot down before reaching anywhere in Russia, both the Old Continent and a vast chunks of Russia would be uninhabitable for long enough to write off humanity forever.
Quote from someone who knows bit more than the two esteemed men, Conn Hallinan:
“The bombs that obliterated those cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) were tiny by today’s standards, and comparing “Fat Man” and “Little Boy”—the incongruous names of the weapons that leveled both cities—to modern weapons stretches any analogy beyond the breaking point. If the Hiroshima bomb represented approximately 27 freight cars filled with TNT, a one-megaton warhead would require a train 300 miles long.
Each Russian RS-20V Voevoda intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) packs 10 megatons”.
The Americans have similar systems, a nuclear war would wipe us all out eventually, and that would put an end to Mr. Boot’s hatred of the one British journalist who speaks the truth forever.
Baron (22:42)
Dunno; but rest assured, if cock-eyed Zuckerbollocks is in on the act, there won’t be much left for your few bob and mine to appreciate. The thing that troubles me is why the Breitbart set-up is promoting these hucksters. Caveat emptor ‘n all that, but are they taking the piss or what? If it sounds too good to be true, then it almost always is. And I can’t see the big Pharmas standing by while some upstart undermines the need for pain killers. The virtual reality shtick I can understand as a distraction when one is wearing it – but what happens when you take it off to take a leak, or get on a bus even. Presumably the pain returns?
Pain usually means that the brain is getting signals from another part of the corpus that needs attention. Fix the problem and the pain diminishes in due course when healing takes place.
Psychosomatic pain may be ‘cured’ by kidology (viz. Virtual reality gizmos)
but if one of your organs is rotting, or you’ve broken a leg, or you have a toothache you need a cure, not a distraction.
As they say on the Dragon’s den – I’m out!
Baron (23:16)
Heh-heh-heh ….
I quite enjoy the musing of each of the protagonists; but ne’er the twain shall meet, obviously. I think you cut the KGB Colonel far too much slack and young Pete is pure polemicist. Problem with him, his seventies baggage still reeks and the contents of that had little ‘truth’ in it. Not my kind of truth, anyway.
Frank P @ 23:17
Was there a punch line, Frank? The barbarian must admit he nearly finished watching the talking smoothie when a grey box appeared on the screen, but watched some more hoping to get what was it that eradicated the pain. The guy wasn’t telling, Baron cut him off.
The one thing that seems valid though is that whilst last century, well, the second half of it, was dominated by the revolutionary evolution of high tech, this century (if humanity is still around and breathing) seems likely to be that of molecular biology and its derivatives, the difficulty is figuring which of the breakthroughs one should back.
At the moment I’m watching the Democratic’ National Convention ‘roll-call’. The sea of stupidity flowing from the faces of both Clinton and Sanders supporters is extremely depressing. That so many people can support, with apparent enthusiasm, two different versions of totalitarian socialism when the evidence of deeply rooted corruption has been limpid and persistent is an indictment against so-called democracy, isn’t it?
It is now even possible that the Clinton Conspiracy will be housed once again in Pennsylvania Avenue. And there are those who tried to persuade me that Jim Comey is a true bill. If so the whole Clinton borgata would have been on trial for RICO Statute Offences years ago. As for Sanders, he was a shill for them, a phoney ‘opponent’ who was rewarded by millions of small contribution a from useful eejits who thought he was in with a chance. He’s a rich man as a result. Fucking charlatan! The latest emails prove that the whole primary process was a rig-up.
It is a sobering thought indeed that at least half the eligible voters of the biggest and most powerful country in the Anglosphere are plain fuckin’ stoopid (or at least those that are not in on the corruption – who are far from stupid, the cunning douchebags). 🙂
Just goes to show, once again, what brainwashing through the education system can achieve for those of evil intent. Jim Jones had nothing on this Clinton mob. The Kool Aid is flowing free. Trouble is – this time it’s not just a bunch of gullible fools who will perish, it’s Western Civilisation. It’s already in free-fall.
Baron (00:15)
Nah … the punchline was the offer of a reduced subscription to a financial investment news-sheet; whether any of the rest of the spiel had any kosher data I can’t say. The huckster could have easily made the whole thing up.
I’m disappointed that Breitbart is providing s platform for even more snake oil salesman. Whoreing this right wing website is egregious.The deceased eponymous founder of the site must be turning in his grave.
Marion Le Pen ✔ @Marion_M_Le_Pen
Ils tuent nos enfants, assassinent nos policiers et égorgent nos prêtres. Réveillez-vous ! #SaintEtienneduRouvray
6:04 PM – 26 Jul 2016
(h/t Breitbart)
Stephan in full service marching order:
‘He fixed me with his glittering eye’ …
But the truth of his message cannot be denied. The obfuscation of Muslim barbarity by the MSM is becoming extremely problematical. Perhaps we should email every UK newspaper and every TV Channel CEO with this link.
ISIS warn London ‘next to be attacked’ as UK churches put on terror alert after French priest murder
(h/t Drudge Report)
Video interview of TOMMY ROBINSON by Paul Joseph Watson
Whatever one may think of the KGB Colonel he certainly isn’t as powerful as controlling the US Republican party, is he?
The Hon Muslim used him as a cover for the genuine threat we’re faced with, we see it daily, it feels it won’t end any time soon, more of them are arriving still, the murders are the least of our worries, the biggest boil will become apparent when they settle down, the Saudis start funding schools, mosques, help centres, they become politically active helped by the occasional knifing here and there ….
Now, it seems the one who likes stripping to the waist is running the GOP, arghhhhh
In the pantheon of Heaven the departed souls of many a Christian European warrior from the 11th to the 17th Century must be watching the unfolding self-destruction in sadness and disbelief.
The political and cultural cowardice of European governments and the vile, treasonous and twisted agenda of the chaos-wreaking left are now greater and more deadly enemies within than the enemy without. The fifth column has seized the power to defend us and is making sure that we cannot defend ourselves. We are told that we must live with real hate crime and real murder as the contrived “hate crime” of expressing an objection to that in words is vigorously pursued.
I never voted or consented to mass immigration or for the Christian country of my birth to be deemed “multicultural” by a succession of stupid, short-sighted politicians with their grocer eyes on the petty cash book rather than the awesome legacy of peace and stability bestowed by our ancestors. And they call the rag that has driven so much of this chaotic madness and subversion “the Guardian” – which must be some kind of supreme irony.
On self defence in England:-
There are some misconceptions in the article, in particular regarding the right to own arms and the 1690 Bill of Rights, which are ably cleared up by the commentator “Johnny”.
At last, at last. A mainstream politician says what we all feel. Sarkozy said this:-
“Following Nice, our country has been hit by another barbaric act with particular inhuman circumstances.
“We must change completely how we are reacting.
“Our enemy has no morals, no barriers, no limit.
“I am asking the government to put into action what we told them months ago, we do not have any time to waste.
“This is war and we do not have any other choice but to lead it and to win.”
At least we can say here that Brexit was not only welcome but necessary.
Colonel Mustard – 10:17
Thanks to “Johnny,” and also to you good self for sharing it. The points about “reasonable force” with regard to self-defence vs arrest were particularly well made.
Emulous – 10:38
Stumpy is of course correct, and his comments not only welcome but they also “groundbreaking” for a mainstream western european politician. One has to ask, though, why has he waited until now? Why didn’t he say something, for example, after the Bataclan theatre massacre when the situation was just as “bleeding obvious”? Could it be something to do with him trailing 7% behind Marine Le Pen in the polls?
““Hungary does not need a single migrant for the economy to work, or the population to sustain itself, or for the country to have a future,” he said, stressing, that, on the contrary, “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.””
Viktor Orban
h/t Paul Joseph Watson
“However, exceptional items totalling more than £104m, including an £84m writedown of the value of its stake in business publisher Ascential, meant the company recorded a total loss of £173m.”
“The Guardian retains cash and investments of £765m, down from £838.3m last year…”
“The company has just cut more than 260 jobs through a voluntary redundancy programme…”
It can only be a matter of a short time now!
Not very multicultural, but will our multiculturalists speak out:
Gang of Muslims storm nudist pool in Germany yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ and threatening to ‘exterminate’ women for being ‘sluts’
The interview with Tommy Robinson which I linked at 01:18 above refers to the charge brought in England against him for “hate crime” arising from this photograph taken in France in which Robinson appeared at the request of the group appearing with him behind the banner
The suggestion was that the charge was brought on the instructions of the Home Office. The Home Secretary at that time was of course Theresa May.
If we have any investigative journalists left in the United Kingdom, can one of them look into whether Theresa May has been bought and sold?
ISIS threatens, and we know who set that outfit up, that London will be their next target for barbaric murder aimed at our submission. This means that there are dead men, women and children walking in our capital. Have our political leaders been suborned to help bring this about?
For whom the bell tolls ….
Wake up O Infidels (that means YOU!).
Colonel Mustard @ 10:17
That’s an instructive shot (no pun intended), (or two if one includes Johnny’s two postings) on the question of a private citizen’s ownership of a weapon for self defence – thanks for posting it, Colonel – except for one point.
The Bill of Right (Clause 7) is an Act of Parliament, and as such it has legal force only until another Act passed by the the same of any future House. This is what is meant, or perhaps falls under, the well established legal canon that no Parliament is bound by any Act passed before. It cannot be otherwise for the opposite would essentially disable the power to legislate of any new Parliament.
There’s another point coupled with the right to bear arms, in support of capital punishment for particularly abhorrent crime (the of the murder of an officer of the law or a child).
Imagine, Baron’s making a case for the death penalty, a man in the audience passionately disagrees, pulls a gun, aims at Baron, shoots, misses, moves closer to the barbarian, shoots and misses again, moves closer still, stands only a couple of feet before him, pulls the trigger, the gun misfires. By that time Baron recovers, picks something heavy e.g. an ashtray (that was when smoking wasn’t yet a criminal offence, ha, ha), hits he shooter over the head, kills him.
It turns out, the man was a well respected family man, had never ever had a conviction for anything, but for religious reasons felt deeply about capital punishment.
As the law stands, the barbarian wouldn’t find it hard to get acquitted either by a judge (or a jury), it was a clear case of self defence, the man had a gun, the barbarian used a heavy object, wasn’t to know if the gun were misfire again for the fourth time.
Here’s the conundrum: Baron killed a man who has never in his life committed a crime. He intended to shoot Baron, but failed, had Baron failed to kill him, the man got apprehended by others in the audience, a court of justice would have found him guilty, of course, there were many witnesses, but because of the mitigating circumstances of the case, his religious beliefs, clean criminal record, family and whatever the sentence would have been minimal.
Why is it then the society allows the killing of a (nearly) innocent man, but not a man who repeatedly rapes, then tortures, finally murders a 12 year old girl? (There was such a case some 20 years ago, Baron’s argument was based on it then).
And while we old codgers pass into the valley of the shadow of death (through divers means) let us join Mr Boot, no Spring chicken himself, in musings on methodoly for departure – whether natural, accidental, voluntary, assisted or downright criminal:
Just when I was feeling that my recent brush with the heirs of Hippocrates had been beneficial and the road to recovery was looking less rocky, his sobering words mitigate against complacency. 🙂
This is quite a short video, packed with figures, the simple message couldn’t be articulated any better. It should be shown monthly to all kids, the essence is relevant to white fatherless families, too.
Frank P
July 26th, 2016 – 16:25
“As a young man I temember that it was a common boast of my compatriots to aver that we had won the lottery of life by being born British, in particular English. Don’t hear that as much these days, do we?”
The phrase used to be; “He who has the good fortune to be born an Englishman, has drawn a winning ticket in the lottery of life”.
For modern ears, substitute “He/She” and “Englishman/Englishwoman”.
But to my mind, if you substitute for “an Englishman” the words “in an English-speaking country, i.e. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand” the words still ring true. To me at any rate.
Front page of the Daily Telegraph (Sydney,N.S.W.) for last Saturday re acts of terrorism.
Above;another link.
Baron July 27th, 2016 – 15:37
The point is that it has not been repealed in its entirety and whilst Parliament has passed various acts concerned with the licensing and/or banning of firearms those do not have the effect of making the clause invalid which concerns ‘arms’ and ‘defence’ as a more general principle. Nowhere is there an Act that states that English people should not have any ‘arms’ for their defence or which specifically repeals the Bill of Rights.
The 2009 Parliamentary Briefing Paper on the Bill is instructive:-
“The Bill of Rights is still in operation today, as recent debate on parliamentary privilege for example, has demonstrated. Article 9 protects Members’ rights of free speech in Parliament. However, many of the Bill’s original articles, while never formally repealed, are generally regarded as having been superseded by subsequent legislation. Laws may be obsolete but still unrepealed. For example, the article covering the right of protestant subjects to bear arms is generally considered to fall into this category, although there have been attempts to challenge this from time to time (most recently during the passage of the Firearms (Amendment) Bill of 1996-97.12) The Bill of Rights was essentially a political settlement concerned with resolving the particular political issues of the day. The relevance of some of its provisions to the political life of today is questionable. It is generally thought that, in relation to the provisions in the Bill of Rights on the bearing of arms, for example, and to other unrepealed articles, the courts would have difficulty in trying to apply some (of) the provisions to modern conditions, particularly given the brief and often imprecise wording used in the Bill.”
“Generally regarded” (by whom?), “questionable” (why?), “generally thought” (by whom?) and “difficulty” (so what? When has “difficulty” ever stopped Parliament or the courts immersing themselves in bad law?) do not speak of a settled and determinate state of affairs but instead of the usual, messy Parliamentary fudge where those who rule over us think more about what is good for us than what we actually want and therefore consider how to manipulate the rule of law rather than to respect its ancient provisions.
As the article and “Johnny”‘s comments make clear the whole principle has been fudged to best suit the state rather than the law abiding citizen. The citizen has a surviving right to self-defence but it is beset with caveats and qualifications, the fear of the unknown (potential prosecution from a laughably politicised and inept CPS) and state-sanctioned inequality – the terrorist or criminal can use his illegal firearm to murder, the state cannot guarantee to prevent or protect, but the law-abiding citizen must remain unarmed and defenceless.
I would further argue that there is an ancient right to defend hearth and home that the state has no business interfering in. If things continue going downhill the dog in the manger attitude of the state towards defending life and property will become completely discredited and law-abiding communities will demand to be allowed to protect themselves.
The Home Office and the police hierarchy have quite illegally and incrementally abrogated the right of citizens to justify their application for firearms certificates on the grounds of self-defence and yet those who rule over us are protected 24/7 by armed bodyguards. Ex Prime Ministers might consider themselves Very Important but are their lives actually worth any more than a Priest in France, a drummer in Woolwich absent from his barracks with leave or the passengers on a train?
Radford NG @ 17:02
It was said sex sells newspapers, Radford, how the times changed.
Frank P @ 16:21
Good link, and enjoyable read from Mr. Boot (if that’s the right adjective) Frank, thanks, except that the method chosen by the murderer wasn’t really exotic, the blade has been the tool of the Japanese for centuries, (the Colonel may tell us more on the subject). Exotic for a Nippon man would have required something like an Uzi.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:31
Excellent rebuttal of the current take on the self defence of the plebeians, Colonel, one couldn’t disagree with anything you say.
The difficulty in upholding your view may sit with the House itself. What virtually nobody argues today is that the duty of the Honourable Members was the protection of the citizenry from any shenanigans by the Government of the day. Today, almost the opposite’s true (except for the MPs taking up burghers/ grievances with the ministers of the Crown). How did that happen nobody knows.
Malfleur @ 14:41
A pretext, Malfleur, a pretext it is, pure and simple. The authorities are after him, have to find something to hit him with. The judge will most likely throw the case out, but as the great Mark Steyn says ‘it’s the process that gets one, not the outcome’.
If there should be a home invasion and knife attack a retro dustbin is a useful thing to keep in the house. The metal lid makes an excellent shield to ward off an attacker. If a long shafted sporting implement is to hand then a golf iron is better than a baseball or cricket bat. It has a longer reach, is better balanced and can be used with one hand. With your dustbin lid shield and golf iron you are almost as well armed if not armoured as a member of the Anglo-Saxon Fyrd. Positioned on a staircase you will have a height advantage with protected rear and flanks.
Of course if the intruders have firearms then you are probably fucked.
RobertRetyred @ 13:47
The bathers were lucky not to be raped first, then had their throats slit, Robert.
It’s a telling example of the incompatibility of the two rainbow cultures, locals who disapprove of naked swimming would probably roll their eyes, the followers of Islam spew abuse at best, revert to knives at worst.
One of the German Ministers was saying the other week it would take at least ten years for the new immigrants to ‘assimilate’. Bollocks. If the Koran remains the guiding light for those who worship Allah, as it must, no assimilation is likely to happen ever.
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 (Hilary’s) emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Whatever you say, the man’s got guts.
Nobel Prize for the Hon Muslim, Pulitzer Prize for the KGB Colonel, what’s next, the Booker Prize for Kim Jong-un?
Baron – 18:16
The Authorities haven’t a clue.
Even if they are pretending they haven’t a clue, in reality, they haven’t a clue! 🙂
Baron July 27th, 2016 – 17:54
Indeed. The post-modern concept promulgated by mainly left-wing and wimpish fuckwits that a gentleman should not own or carry a pistol for his self-defence in case he commits a crime with it would have been considered nonsense by Victorian Parliamentarians. Disarming law abiding citizens because of what might be when the criminal or terrorist is under no such compunction and can arm himself and murder with impunity. A crime is a crime and it is irrelevant whether it is committed using a legally or illegally owned firearm.
But of one thing we can be sure. If the terrorists come calling and armed police are not to hand then the people are defenceless. A provisional evil has been elevated above a now seemingly inevitable evil in terms of its risk.
The starry eyed stability and peace of British society in the 1950s and 1960s is over. The times they are a-changing. The police are increasingly tooled up but not everywhere or omnipotent and as more sheep are butchered by the wolves the survivors will begin to question more awkwardly why they are to be deprived of any means to protect themselves and their families by politicians and senior policemen who are surrounded and protected by armed men. Why should Parliament bask in tight, gun-toting security as church congregations gather defenceless in the shires? And then the numpties have the gall to tell churches to review their security measures! Well, yes, Minister, we’ve reviewed our security here in Little Bagditch and decided we won’t feel safe without a machine-gunner on the door. If its good enough for you lot . . .
As Katie Hopkins warned, civil war is coming. The state needs to decide who the real enemies are and where the real threat is coming from. It is foolish for them to incite the resentment and anger of the law abiding majority in order to try to keep the lid on the pressure cooker and to placate the weird and self-destructive leftist fringe.
So what else is new? –
Well, not very new is it?
Colonel Mustard – 20:36
Given the track record of our “new” PM when she was Home Secretary, and given the fuckwit that she appointed as her replacement then I’m not hopeful about the prospects for our rights, and our security. The “new” Home Sec. appears to be more concerned with fighting “Hate Speech” than terrorism.
The prevarication of the “new” PM about Brexit and invoking Article 50 is troubling. She has to find a replacement golden trough for the lawyers’ snouts before the EU one dries up, I suppose.
No deal with the EU would be better than a BAD deal!
Has the “new” PM ever defined what she thinks Brexit actually means?
“Breakfast means Breakfast” is what she’ll likely claim to have said!
Urban – the voice of reason in an insane Europe.
Europe’s summer of terror
Our politicians still cannot accept the reality of Islamic terrorism
How is your Merkelsommer going? For now, Britain seems to be missing the worst. True, a couple of men of Middle Eastern appearance tried to abduct a soldier near his base in Norfolk for what was unlikely to have been an interfaith dialogue session. But Britain’s geographical good fortune, relative success in limiting weapons and our justified scepticism of the undiscriminating ‘open borders’ brigade mean that we have so far been spared the delights of what Angela Merkel’s growing army of critics refer to as her summer of terror.
It is now a fortnight since Mohammed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ploughed a truck along the Nice seafront, killing 84 people. The following Monday Mohammed Riyad, who said he was from Afghanistan but almost certainly came from Pakistan, screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ while hacking with an axe at his fellow passengers on a Bavarian train. The next day another Mohammed, this time Mohamed Boufarkouch, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and stabbed a Frenchwoman and her three daughters (aged eight, 12 and 14) near Montpelier. Mixing things up a little, that Friday’s shooter in Munich was a child of Iranians called Ali David Sonboly. Skip forward a couple of days and a ‘-Syrian asylum seeker’ with a machete was hacking a pregnant woman to death in Stuttgart. The next day another ‘Syrian asylum seeker’, Mohammad Daleel, carried out a suicide bombing outside a bar in Ansbach, Bavaria. And a little over 24 hours later two men shouting the name of Isis entered a church in Rouen during Mass, took the nuns and congregation hostage and slaughtered the priest with a knife.
Although the public know what is going on, the media seems loath to find any connection between these events. Indeed, the same papers that blame an exaggerated spike in ‘hate crime’ on everyone who voted for Brexit seem unwilling to put the blame for these real and violent attacks on the individuals carrying them out. ‘Syrian man denied asylum killed in German blast’ was the Reuters headline on the Ansbach story, neatly turning the suicide bomber into the victim and the German asylum system into the perpetrator. As Reuters went on: ‘A 27-year-old Syrian man who had been denied asylum in Germany a year ago died on Sunday when a bomb he was carrying exploded outside a music festival.’ How terrible for him to lose his bomb in such a way.
The more complex story of the Munich shooter allowed everyone to double-down on their favourite explanations for violence. Inadequate welfare provisions, unsuitable town-planning and bullying were all wheeled out to explain why Ali David Sonboly started shooting in a McDonalds. Others were a little too keen to claim him as an Isis warrior, when it seems he wasn’t. The BBC got around the problem by excising the ‘Ali’ and all reports of his religion. Instead, speculation about the shooting happening on the fifth anniversary of Anders Breivik’s terrorist assault in Norway meant that every-one could ignore the Muslim eyewitness who heard Sonboly shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and headline on Breivik instead. Meaning that in Europe in 2016 a child of Iranian parents can be portrayed as a white supremacist, while no amount of Mohameds shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ can be said to have any connection to Islam.
Before Isis there was al-Qaeda. After Isis there will be something else
Sections of the media and political class seem determined to stop the public coming to any conclusions. But most of us probably did that a long time ago, and these conclusions are being reinforced on a daily basis.
For the time being, the acceptable thing is to blame Isis. There is sense in that. The German train attacker had an Isis flag at his home, the Ansbach bomber left a video pledging allegiance to the group, and at least one of the Rouen church attackers had tried to travel to Syria to join them. The extent to which the group is involved varies, and they undoubtedly talk up their capabilities, but their ability to inspire as well as direct will be a problem as long as they exist.
However, opinion polls show that the European public know that the problem is bigger than that. Before Isis there was al-Qaeda. After Isis there will be something else. A poll carried out two years before the Charlie Hebdo attacks showed that 74 per cent of the French public believe Islam to be an intolerant religion incompatible with the values of the French state. The reaction of most politicians to findings such as this is that the public don’t know enough about Islam or haven’t experienced enough Islam. On the contrary many French people — like the Christians of the Middle East — have experienced quite enough, and do not like it. Mainstream politicians cannot agree with this, not least because they (and Merkel in particular) are responsible for the massive upsurge of Muslim migration into Europe that is fundamentally changing its future. But this is a gap which they must at some point bridge.
One way to do so is to be frank with the public even when there is a political price to pay. The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, was heavily criticised for saying France ‘must learn to live with terrorism’. But he was right. Limiting the availability of guns and explosives is the most important step towards limiting terror. But you cannot limit the availability of knives or trucks, and although a lot of would-be jihadists may be deterred from losing their own lives if they can claim perhaps only one victim, it needs only a few innovative attacks each month to change a country significantly. It is hard to imagine a security plan that could prevent another attack like the one in Rouen. President’s François Hollande’s ‘state of emergency’ has not stopped five terror attacks in the last eight months.
Recognising this, Valls, among others, is willing to be strident about ‘Islamism’. But like every other European political leader, he is unwilling to admit where it comes from. Again, the public are ahead of him. They know that Islamism comes from Islam. The extreme interpretation may be a minority problem, but when a continent is struggling to assimilate the Muslims already here, there is a huge risk in bringing in so many immigrants from war-torn parts of the world where jihadism is already rampant. Some of this summer’s attackers were born here; others were recent arrivals.
Many of those who opposed Angela Merkel’s open-door free-for-all last year opposed it for precisely this reason. If Europe wants to help genuine refugees then it can help them outside Europe, as Britain has sought to do. It does not need to turn Europe into one vast refugee camp: we can’t afford it, and aside from a noisy fringe of migration extremists, the people of Europe don’t want it. The tragedy is that those in charge still refuse to face up to this problem or even find a decent political language for what is fast becoming an indecent political problem. Just this week, Jean-Claude Juncker said that however bad the terrorism gets, Europe will never give up on open borders. UN representative Peter Sutherland repeated his view that anybody who wants to live in Europe — even economic migrants — must be allowed to come here. Not to give our home over to the world would, he declared, be an affront to European values.
In Germany, meanwhile, despite the elections next year, no serious challenger to Angela Merkel has emerged. She is not about to turn around now, look at the disaster she has created, and say: ‘Whoops.’
So as the public continue to move to the right, their representatives will continue to stampede to the left. And the Merkelsommer madness will continue dragging on into the autumn. Which could be not just the autumn of this year — but the autumn of liberal Europe.
Douglas Murray is Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society and author of Neoconservatism: Why We Need It.
Baron 1537. The only function of the law is to order society. It is when moral judgements interfere that mistakes are made. It is not the crime or outcome that is important in themselves but the application of due process of law to ensure that that individual will not do the same again. And also to discourage others from committing the crime. The only function of punishment should be to achieve these ends.
Where societies go wrong is in entertaining retribution and also pandering to the satisfaction of victims.
Human rights should be absolutely irrelevant to the function of the law to order society.
It should be no matter to society that an individual’s human rights are breached in the furtherance of protecting and ordering society.
For example I can see no justification for courts outside this realm insisting that our courts cannot exclude an individual from our society for the whole of that individual’s natural life.
Nor is there any justification for a court to preclude expulsion from our realm of dangerous individuals who originate elsewhere just because they have either family here or expect punishment elsewhere.
We can hope that we will fully regain control of our law with Brexit and aftermath.
I suspect May would like to but she is beholden to too many lilly livered souls.
Baron July 27th, 2016 – 15:37
“Why is it then the society allows the killing of a (nearly) innocent man, but not a man who repeatedly rapes, then tortures, finally murders a 12 year old girl? (There was such a case some 20 years ago, Baron’s argument was based on it then).”
Well, it doesn’t really. Any killing is subject to police investigation, an inquest and a decision whether to prosecute or not – even in clear cases of self defence. In the case of a prosecution the outcome is in the hands of the court and jury, supposedly dependent on the evidence for the elements of the charge, although things seem to have deteriorated in that respect.
This process has always been impacted by the media and public opinion but probably more so now than ever before with the rise of so many lobbying and campaign groups with so many gripes and grievances.
The authorities are now terrified of being accused of cover ups and manufactured outrage so they have become risk averse and buck passing. As a result the police have effectively lost their discretion, routinely arrest on complaint without preliminary investigation and pass files to the CPS for decisions. The CPS is a heavily politicised arm of the state rather than of the justice system (as they like to pretend), seem to consider themselves the moral arbiters of law rather than subordinate to the rule of law and apparently infested by and led by people with partisan political views. Judges also appear to be increasingly political and, particularly in sentencing, swayed by the emotive bees in the state’s bonnet rather than the dispassionate rule of law and the pure elements of the offence. A classic example of this is the confusion between inciting hatred and expressing hatred, the way in which the latter has been contrived to become the former in order to serve the purpose of coercing us all to pretend to love each other despite the clash of our behaviours and the trespasses that occur. The state does not yet seem to understand that it cannot and should not compel or coerce people to like that which they do not, especially when the dislike is reactive. The manifestation of that does not reduce hatred but simply oppresses the right to express our feelings – which then becomes North Korea. Expressions of dislike should not be considered criminal unless they attempt to incite others to break the law. One might think that the ghastly left who created the fallacious concept in the first place would understand its flaws by the extent to which they themselves vehemently hate the right wing and express that hatred in various ways.
The case of the bacon rashers on the mosque doors is a case in point. It might have been offensive but where is the actual crime? It was an offensive insult but was it really inciting hatred? There would have been those who approved and those who disapproved. I doubt very much whether anyone would have been incited by this act to a hatred not already possessed. But the question of wrong doing is now subjective. The state’s punishment of the offenders is entirely political and intended to deter others from similar acts of insult to try to keep the lid on the pot that is about to boil over. And it is in marked contrast to the state’s response to public warning notices about Muslim no-go areas which are also insulting to those members of the public who are not devoutly Muslim. This is all the poison fruit of New Labour’s ridiculous codification of freedom of expression into selective and entirely subjective “hate speech/hate crime”.
The same Parliamentarians who made this rotten law bandy the term “pale, male and stale” without consideration for the hypocrisy of it. By their own law it incites hatred against white, older men. By their own law a white, older man should be able to complain that he is the offended victim of their hate crime. But we know that the state would scoff at that. And so the already rotten law is discredited further and we are into simple political tyranny rather than the impartial rule of law and justice.
Philip Johnson writes a thoughtful piece in the Barclay Bugle:
Navel gazing and inconclusive, but it does delineate the dilemma. How does a government crackdown on the threat caused by successful systematic subversion through the ludicrously liberal immigration policies of 70 years of successive governments. Enemies various have infiltrated our country, our culture and our civilisation. The bone marrow of the skeleton that holds each of those three organic entities together – the Judeo-Christian faith – has been attacked by the twin viruses of islam and communism; my prognosis is that it is terminal, because any attempted radical cure would now be as fatal as the disease.
We have supressed the very natural inclination of humans to discriminate in favour of family, country, race and religion and are now about to pay the very high price of such suicidal idiocy.
And having just re-read my own prognosis I realise that survival must now come down to invidual action for self preservation. Ultimately that means anarchy and the survival of the fittest. Recorded history displays the cycle of such decline and renaissance.
Colonel Mustard (11:06)
Btw, I had not read either Murray’s or your piece before my musing immediately above but we each seem to be in the same frame of mind engendered by recent events.
Is Europe Doomed By Vassalage To Washington? ‘ Paul Craig Roberts
“….Some years ago CIA documents proving that the EU was a CIA initiative were released. See: and
…In the 1970s my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, then a very high-ranking official in Washington with control over international security affairs, asked me to undertake a sensitive mission abroad. I refused. Nevertheless, he answered my question:
“How does Washington get foreign countries to do what Washington wants?”
“Money,” he said. “We give their leaders bagfuls of money. They belong to us.”
…When the US state of Vermont passed a law requiring labeling of GMO foods, Monsanto sued the state of Vermont. Once the paid-off EU officials sign the TTIP agreement written by US global corporations, Monsanto will take over European agriculture.
But the danger to Europe goes far beyond the health of European peoples who will be forced to dine on poisonous foods. Washington is using the EU to force Europeans into conflict with Russia, a powerful nuclear power capable of destroying all of Europe and all of the United States in a few minutes.
This is happening because the paid-off with “bagfuls of money” European “leaders” had rather have Washington’s money in the short-run than for Europeans to live in the long-run.
…It is not possible that any European politician is sufficiently moronic to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine, that Russia any moment will invade Poland and the Baltic states, or that Putin is a “new Hitler” scheming to reconstruct the Soviet Empire. These absurd allegations are nothing but Washington propaganda devoid entirely of truth. Washington’s propaganda is completely transparent. Not even an idiot could believe it….
…Yet the EU goes along with the propaganda, as does NATO.
Why? The answer is Washington’s money. The EU and NATO are utterly corrupt. They are Washington’s well paid whores.
The only way Europeans can prevent a nuclear World War III and continue to live and to enjoy what remains of their culture that the Americans have not destroyed with America’s culture of sex and violence and greed, is for the European governments to follow the lead of the English and exit the CIA-created European Union. And exit NATO, the purpose of which evaporated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and which is now being used as an instrument of Washington’s World Hegemony….
Colonel Mustard
Excellent posts above on the Englishman’s right to bear arms. We should consider consolidating the information and making it a permanent feature of the Wall.
Malfleur – 12:03
Good idea.
Frank P – 11:27
Proving that the Colonel doesn’t need the presece of the troll with the pretencious Greek pseudonym to produce great posts. Our politicians and most of the media are enough! Trolls and traitors the lot of ’em.
I would have given the Colonel several upticks if the feature had been available.
“I realise that survival must now come down to individual action for self preservation.”
I have taken that point on board, and I trust that others will.
Tonight we will hear lies from Crooked Hillary.
Well focus on last week if you will.
The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.
It is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation.
I will present the facts plainly and honestly. We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore.
So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully-crafted lies, and the media myths the Democrats are holding their convention next week.
But here, at our convention, there will be no lies. We will honor the American people with the truth, and nothing else.
These are the facts:
Decades of progress made in bringing down crime are now being reversed by this Administration’s rollback of criminal enforcement.
Homicides last year increased by 17% in America’s fifty largest cities. That’s the largest increase in 25 years. In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent. They are up nearly 60% in nearby Baltimore.
In the President’s hometown of Chicago, more than 2,000 have been the victims of shootings this year alone. And more than 3,600 have been killed in the Chicago area since he took office.
The number of police officers killed in the line of duty has risen by almost 50% compared to this point last year. Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, ordered deported from our country, are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.
The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. They are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.
One such border-crosser was released and made his way to Nebraska. There, he ended the life of an innocent young girl named Sarah Root. She was 21 years-old, and was killed the day after graduating from college with a 4.0 Grade Point Average. Her killer was then released a second time, and he is now a fugitive from the law.
I’ve met Sarah’s beautiful family. But to this Administration, their amazing daughter was just one more American life that wasn’t worth protecting. One more child to sacrifice on the altar of open borders. What about our economy?
Again, I will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper: Nearly Four in 10 African-American children are living in poverty, while 58% of African American youth are not employed. 2 million more Latinos are in poverty today than when the President took his oath of office less than eight years ago. Another 14 million people have left the workforce entirely.
Household incomes are down more than $4,000 since the year 2000. Our manufacturing trade deficit has reached an all-time high – nearly $800 billion in a single year. The budget is no better.
President Obama has doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing. Yet, what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in Third World condition, and forty-three million Americans are on food stamps.
Now let us consider the state of affairs abroad.
Not only have our citizens endured domestic disaster, but they have lived through one international humiliation after another. We all remember the images of our sailors being forced to their knees by their Iranian captors at gunpoint.
This was just prior to the signing of the Iran deal, which gave back to Iran $150 billion and gave us nothing – it will go down in history as one of the worst deals ever made. Another humiliation came when president Obama drew a red line in Syria – and the whole world knew it meant nothing.
In Libya, our consulate – the symbol of American prestige around the globe – was brought down in flames. America is far less safe – and the world is far less stable – than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy.
I am certain it is a decision he truly regrets. Her bad instincts and her bad judgment – something pointed out by Bernie Sanders – are what caused the disasters unfolding today. Let’s review the record. In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map.
Libya was cooperating. Egypt was peaceful. Iraq was seeing a reduction in violence. Iran was being choked by sanctions. Syria was under control. After four years of Hillary Clinton, what do we have? ISIS has spread across the region, and the world. Libya is in ruins, and our Ambassador and his staff were left helpless to die at the hands of savage killers. Egypt was turned over to the radical Muslim brotherhood, forcing the military to retake control. Iraq is in chaos.
Iran is on the path to nuclear weapons. Syria is engulfed in a civil war and a refugee crisis that now threatens the West. After fifteen years of wars in the Middle East, after trillions of dollars spent and thousands of lives lost, the situation is worse than it has ever been before.
This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness.
But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy. The problems we face now – poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad – will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them. A change in leadership is required to change these outcomes. Tonight, I will share with you my plan of action for America.
The most important difference between our plan and that of our opponents, is that our plan will put America First. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo. As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America First, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect. This will all change in 2017.
The American People will come first once again. My plan will begin with safety at home – which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders, and protection from terrorism. There can be no prosperity without law and order. On the economy, I will outline reforms to add millions of new jobs and trillions in new wealth that can be used to rebuild America.
A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests. That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit.
Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.
That is why Hillary Clinton’s message is that things will never change. My message is that things have to change – and they have to change right now. Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.
I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. These are the forgotten men and women of our country. People who work hard but no longer have a voice.
I have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before the national good. I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.
When innocent people suffer, because our political system lacks the will, or the courage, or the basic decency to enforce our laws – or worse still, has sold out to some corporate lobbyist for cash – I am not able to look the other way.
And when a Secretary of State illegally stores her emails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can’t see her crime, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every different form and faces no consequence – I know that corruption has reached a level like never before.
When the FBI Director says that the Secretary of State was “extremely careless” and “negligent,” in handling our classified secrets, I also know that these terms are minor compared to what she actually did. They were just used to save her from facing justice for her terrible crimes.
In fact, her single greatest accomplishment may be committing such an egregious crime and getting away with it – especially when others have paid so dearly. When that same Secretary of State rakes in millions of dollars trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers I know the time for action has come.
I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves. Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it. I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens, just like it was rigged against Bernie Sanders – he never had a chance.
But his supporters will join our movement, because we will fix his biggest issue: trade. Millions of Democrats will join our movement because we are going to fix the system so it works for all Americans. In this cause, I am proud to have at my side the next Vice President of the United States: Governor Mike Pence of Indiana.
We will bring the same economic success to America that Mike brought to Indiana. He is a man of character and accomplishment. He is the right man for the job. The first task for our new Administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens their communities.
America was shocked to its core when our police officers in Dallas were brutally executed. In the days after Dallas, we have seen continued threats and violence against our law enforcement officials. Law officers have been shot or killed in recent days in Georgia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kansas, Michigan and Tennessee.
On Sunday, more police were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Three were killed, and four were badly injured. An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans. I have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: when I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order our country.
Donald Trump tests the teleprompters and microphones on stage at the start of the final day of the Republican National Convention.
Leaked document: Trump will tell the nation, ‘I am your voice’
I will work with, and appoint, the best prosecutors and law enforcement officials in the country to get the job done. In this race for the White House, I am the Law And Order candidate. The irresponsible rhetoric of our President, who has used the pulpit of the presidency to divide us by race and color, has made America a more dangerous environment for everyone.
This Administration has failed America’s inner cities. It’s failed them on education. It’s failed them on jobs. It’s failed them on crime. It’s failed them at every level.
When I am President, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally, and protected equally.
Every action I take, I will ask myself: does this make life better for young Americans in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson who have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child America?
To make life safe in America, we must also address the growing threats we face from outside America: we are going to defeat the barbarians of ISIS. Once again, France is the victim of brutal Islamic terrorism.
Men, women and children viciously mowed down. Lives ruined. Families ripped apart. A nation in mourning.
The damage and devastation that can be inflicted by Islamic radicals has been over and over – at the World Trade Center, at an office party in San Bernardino, at the Boston Marathon, and a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist. This time, the terrorist targeted our LGBT community. As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. To protect us from terrorism, we need to focus on three things.
We must have the best intelligence gathering operation in the world. We must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change that Hillary Clinton pushed in Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria. Instead, we must work with all of our allies who share our goal of destroying ISIS and stamping out Islamic terror.
This includes working with our greatest ally in the region, the State of Israel. Lastly, we must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place.
My opponent has called for a radical 550% increase in Syrian refugees on top of existing massive refugee flows coming into our country under President Obama. She proposes this despite the fact that there’s no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from. I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people.
Anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never will be.
Decades of record immigration have produced lower wages and higher unemployment for our citizens, especially for African-American and Latino workers. We are going to have an immigration system that works, but one that works for the American people.
On Monday, we heard from three parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden, and Jamiel Shaw. They are just three brave representatives of many thousands. Of all my travels in this country, nothing has affected me more deeply than the time I have spent with the mothers and fathers who have lost their children to violence spilling across our border.
These families have no special interests to represent them. There are no demonstrators to protest on their behalf. My opponent will never meet with them, or share in their pain. Instead, my opponent wants Sanctuary Cities. But where was sanctuary for Kate Steinle? Where was Sanctuary for the children of Mary Ann, Sabine and Jamiel? Where was sanctuary for all the other Americans who have been so brutally murdered, and who have suffered so horribly?
These wounded American families have been alone. But they are alone no longer. Tonight, this candidate and this whole nation stand in their corner to support them, to send them our love, and to pledge in their honor that we will save countless more families from suffering the same awful fate.
We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities. I have been honored to receive the endorsement of America’s Border Patrol Agents, and will work directly with them to protect the integrity of our lawful immigration system.
By ending catch-and-release on the border, we will stop the cycle of human smuggling and violence. Illegal border crossings will go down. Peace will be restored. By enforcing the rules for the millions who overstay their visas, our laws will finally receive the respect they deserve.
Tonight, I want every American whose demands for immigration security have been denied – and every politician who has denied them – to listen very closely to the words I am about to say.
On January 21st of 2017, the day after I take the oath of office, Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced. We are going to be considerate and compassionate to everyone.
But my greatest compassion will be for our own struggling citizens. My plan is the exact opposite of the radical and dangerous immigration policy of Hillary Clinton. Americans want relief from uncontrolled immigration. Communities want relief.
Yet Hillary Clinton is proposing mass amnesty, mass immigration, and mass lawlessness. Her plan will overwhelm your schools and hospitals, further reduce your jobs and wages, and make it harder for recent immigrants to escape from poverty.
I have a different vision for our workers. It begins with a new, fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to countries that cheat. It’s been a signature message of my campaign from day one, and it will be a signature feature of my presidency from the moment I take the oath of office.
I have made billions of dollars in business making deals – now I’m going to make our country rich again. I am going to turn our bad trade agreements into great ones. America has lost nearly-one third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997, following the enactment of disastrous trade deals supported by Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Remember, it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA, one of the worst economic deals ever made by our country.
Never again.
I am going to bring our jobs back to Ohio and to America – and I am not going to let companies move to other countries, firing their employees along the way, without consequences.
My opponent, on the other hand, has supported virtually every trade agreement that has been destroying our middle class. She supported NAFTA, and she supported China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization – another one of her husband’s colossal mistakes.
She supported the job killing trade deal with South Korea. She has supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. I pledge to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence. Instead, I will make individual deals with individual countries.
No longer will we enter into these massive deals, with many countries, that are thousands of pages long – and which no one from our country even reads or understands. We are going to enforce all trade violations, including through the use of taxes and tariffs, against any country that cheats.
This includes stopping China’s outrageous theft of intellectual property, along with their illegal product dumping, and their devastating currency manipulation. Our horrible trade agreements with China and many others, will be totally renegotiated. That includes renegotiating NAFTA to get a much better deal for America – and we’ll walk away if we don’t get the deal that we want. We are going to start building and making things again.
Next comes the reform of our tax laws, regulations and energy rules. While Hillary Clinton plans a massive tax increase, I have proposed the largest tax reduction of any candidate who has declared for the presidential race this year – Democrat or Republican. Middle-income Americans will experience profound relief, and taxes will be simplified for everyone.
America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world. Reducing taxes will cause new companies and new jobs to come roaring back into our country. Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation, one of the greatest job-killers of them all. Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion a year, and we will end it. We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy. This will produce more than $20 trillion in job creating economic activity over the next four decades.
My opponent, on the other hand, wants to put the great miners and steel workers of our country out of work – that will never happen when I am President. With these new economic policies, trillions of dollars will start flowing into our country.
This new wealth will improve the quality of life for all Americans – We will build the roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, and the railways of tomorrow. This, in turn, will create millions more jobs. We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice.
My opponent would rather protect education bureaucrats than serve American children. We will repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare. You will be able to choose your own doctor again. And we will fix TSA at the airports! We will completely rebuild our depleted military, and the countries that we protect, at a massive loss, will be asked to pay their fair share.
We will take care of our great Veterans like they have never been taken care of before. My opponent dismissed the VA scandal as being not widespread – one more sign of how out of touch she really is. We are going to ask every Department Head in government to provide a list of wasteful spending projects that we can eliminate in my first 100 days. The politicians have talked about it, I’m going to do it. We are also going to appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution.
The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles. This will be one of the most important issues decided by this election. My opponent wants to essentially abolish the 2nd amendment. I, on the other hand, received the early and strong endorsement of the National Rifle Association and will protect the right of all Americans to keep their families safe.
At this moment, I would like to thank the evangelical community who have been so good to me and so supportive. You have so much to contribute to our politics, yet our laws prevent you from speaking your minds from your own pulpits.
An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson, many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views.
I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans. We can accomplish these great things, and so much else – all we need to do is start believing in ourselves and in our country again. It is time to show the whole world that America Is Back – bigger, and better and stronger than ever before.
In this journey, I’m so lucky to have at my side my wife Melania and my wonderful children, Don, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron: you will always be my greatest source of pride and joy. My Dad, Fred Trump, was the smartest and hardest working man I ever knew. I wonder sometimes what he’d say if he were here to see this tonight.
It’s because of him that I learned, from my youngest age, to respect the dignity of work and the dignity of working people. He was a guy most comfortable in the company of bricklayers, carpenters, and electricians and I have a lot of that in me also. Then there’s my mother, Mary. She was strong, but also warm and fair-minded. She was a truly great mother. She was also one of the most honest and charitable people I have ever known, and a great judge of character.
To my sisters Mary Anne and Elizabeth, my brother Robert and my late brother Fred, I will always give you my love you are most special to me. I have loved my life in business.
But now, my sole and exclusive mission is to go to work for our country – to go to work for all of you. It’s time to deliver a victory for the American people. But to do that, we must break free from the petty politics of the past.
America is a nation of believers, dreamers, and strivers that is being led by a group of censors, critics, and cynics.
Remember: all of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight. No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.
Instead, we must choose to Believe In America. History is watching us now.
It’s waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion, and if we will show the whole world that America is still free and independent and strong.
My opponent asks her supporters to recite a three-word loyalty pledge. It reads: “I’m With Her”. I choose to recite a different pledge.
My pledge reads: “I’M WITH YOU – THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.”
I am your voice.
So to every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you tonight: I’m With You, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you.
To all Americans tonight, in all our cities and towns, I make this promise: We Will Make America Strong Again.
We Will Make America Proud Again.
We Will Make America Safe Again.
And We Will Make America Great Again.
By the way, I should have added to my comment at 11:06 that there is no real difference between the bacon rashers and the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Mohammed. Both are offensive to devout Muslims and yet those who rule over us made great (pretend) play of defending Charlie Hebdo’s right to offend with their “Je Suis Charlie” nonsense whilst prosecuting the dodgy law that banged up the bacon rasher bandits for 9 months. That type of selective outrage and double standard is typical of those who rule over us and simply discredits their law. But the British government’s participation in the Paris charade was especially pertinent given their enthusiasm for pursuing “hate crimes” at home. Perhaps the bacon rasher bandits should have argued that their act was an expression of “artistic creation” designed to draw attention to the hypocrisy of the British and European governments. They are undoubtedly political prisoners and if they are assaulted or murdered in prison it will be interesting to see how the establishment contrives it to be their own fault. Why is it ok to mock Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) in a widely circulated magazine with a herd of be-suited, overpaid, third-rate, group-think cowardly nincompoops defending the right to do so but not ok to hang bacon rashers on a mosque door? What, precisely, is the difference? Both are insulting. Both disrespect a specific religion. There seems to be little or no difference in motive. If one incites hatred then it must be arguable that the other does too. The difference seems to be only that the perpetrators in the bacon rasher case are not part of the left wing establishment or their media but just “little people” and the offence took place in a country where the government is desperate to keep the lid on sectarian tensions that they are entirely responsible for creating and exacerbating.
It is the same sort of double standard that has politicians bleating about lowering the voting age at the same time as claiming that the potential voters are vulnerable children in need of protection (q.v. the SNP who are past masters of this ridiculously siloed mentality).
I am of the view that it is not radical Islam that is the greatest threat to our freedom and happiness but rather our own politicians – inept, incompetent, stirring things up at the same time as trying to keep the lid on and not fit for purpose.
Has anyone else received the Dick Smith Grocery Chain viral email about halal extortion in Oz?
Here is a rebuttal (apparently) from the chain – who seem to have lost their re-bottle. 🙂
I quite approved of the first version with the alleged unapproved emendation. I shall certainly be scanning food labels for the sign involved and boycotting the companies involved.
Clear Memories (Our Man in the Antipodes) – what’s the ess pee on this little saga? I think we should be told.
Colonel Mustard (14:15)
Yea and verily! Keep ’em coming! That’s two blood-rousing tours de force in one day. Note to the Wallster Warriors – disseminate, disseminate!
Frank P & Baron,
Keep your eyes Peeled for this latest (Common Purpose?) crime fighting initiative cruising your neighbourhoods! It’s got the SJWs of Norfolk & Suffolk creaming their pants with
excrementer, um excitement. Read on…
Wasting a lot of money on an ineffectual PR stunt? Cameron lives! Amber Rudd is the Home Secretary.
The world has gone completely mad!
Frank P – 14:32
The halal labelling/certification scam has been happening everywhere.
Google “halal certification scams”
JJB (13:30)
Thanks for taking the trouble to post Trump’s speech transcript. I watched him deliver it via FNC, but only snippets have been promulgated by the UK MSM, which is unanimously anti-Trump. I’ll cut, paste, and disseminate it widely.
Would that that were someone in the UK who could adapt that speech and lead a similar UK charge.
Btw. JJB, why is nobody, including FNC, highlighting Tim Caine’s venal connections with the Muslim brotherhood? For details, see:
EC July 28th, 2016 – 15:18
Nothing wrong with the sentiments but one wonders about their sense of priorities. The crime statistics do not appear to suggest that LGBT “hate crime” is a major problem for them. Like so much of the modern politicised law and order agenda the idea of “hate crime” seems to be more prevalent than the reality of it.
A publicity stunt and propaganda. Seems in contradiction to the spirit of one of Peel’s Principles too:-
“To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour, and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.”
If they were adhering to that principle then they should not need to advertise the fact that they are “straight allies” or dress a police car up in the colours of an identity group with a political agenda. That doesn’t seem very impartial.
Alex Boot’s latest:
Some common sense at last:
Catholic Priest: Christians Have A Moral Duty To Defeat Terror
Well said, Fred.
Frank P.
You should be aware there are 2 “Dick Smith’s”.
Dick Smith, the man, founded the chain and sold it to a private equity Co. I suspect it is they who sent the rebuttal letter, not the man. By the way, they have just gone spectacularly bust!
Dick (the man) has now founded (or possibly lent his name to) a food chain supplying goods made only from Australian products to compete with the Nestles and Krafts of this world – he is a great nationalist. There is a real movement here to stop halal goods. We check everything we buy and boycott anything with the halal symbol. The manufacturers are getting crafty and the leading processed cheese maker, for example, hides the symbol inside the wrapping. As an aside, the product is called Coon (I kid you not). Dick Smith is known for his profound pro-Aus views.
When Qantas reached a codeshare deal with Emirates, the dairy Co. that supplied Qantas had to be certified halal to retain the contract. Within a few months, they had cancelled the Contract, such was the backlash – . The story is from the ABC, about as bad as the Biased Bollox Corp so excuse the story slant.
Pauline Hansen has won seats in the senate for her One Nation party on a ticket of opposing Islam. She is seeking a Royal Commission to investigate whether Islam is actually a religion or a political party and judge whether its tenets are legal under Australian law. They won nearly 10% of the vote here in Queensland and have frightened the main parties as much as Nigel shit the Tories. Australian Citizenship requires you formally swear your allegiance to the Commonwealth. As Muslims must submit to Islam and no other, quite how they can be classed as citizens is open to debate (actually, how they can be classed as human is open to debate. Perhaps if we classed them as vermin, it might be easier to solve the Muslim problem.)
Stating the obvious:
Colonel Mustard @ 11:06
Top grade stuff, Colonel, as is the postscript of the bacon rashers.
EC @ 15:18
The car will boost the career of whoever it is running the combined service today, it will only alienate the locals, this is a pretty conservative area, they won’t say anything, of course, stupid they’re not, but will find a way to show what they think of it.
Btw, what about a black car with الله أكبر. Would that be going too far for the Chief?
Baron July 29th, 2016 – 08:48
I’ve been pondering that bacon rasher business and on reflection the only difference that I think could be applied is that the rashers were seen as an aggressive act – the perpetrators went to a specifically targeted mosque to convey their insult (“hate”) – whilst the Charlie Hebdo cartoons were “passive” and to be offended by them Muslims would have had to buy and/or see the magazine.
But I can’t see much difference in motive. I wonder how those who rule over us might have considered one of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons pasted on the door of a mosque? It’s an odd situation that does seem to create a double standard. And when in the eyes of the state does mockery, ridicule or contempt become “hate”. Plenty of people mock the Christian church and religion(s) in general. And there are demonstrations of “hate” in the HoC every day. It seems that you can only quantify this emotion within a moral hierarchy codified through power. New Labour really put the F in FUBAR when they introduced the political concept of “hate crime” into law.
And none of those who rule over us appear to recognise the nonsense or danger of it. It was one of those virtue-signalling “messages” rather than good law – that to “hate” is bad unless those being “hated” are worse. They should have just dusted off ‘Blasphemy’.
‘[The Supreme Court blocks] Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘totalitarian’ law to appoint a ‘state guardian’ to be in charge of every child in Scotland.’
‘‘You’re a racist’: Islamic street preacher screams ‘Allahu Akbar’ in policeman’s FACE and abuses him as crowd in Birmingham jeer the officer who somehow remains calm and refuses to arrest him….
…Eventually the policeman turns to the crowd which has amassed and explains: ‘This young man has the right to assembly. He can stand here and shout and alarm. He can shock and offend…If he commits a public order offence… then he will be arrested…’
Colonel Mustard @ 11:05
You may well be right, Colonel, how could one get a logical explanation of a piece of law that’s clearly poorly defined anyway. The barbarian thought it was the artistic content ‘what did it’, as was pointed before, the fact the cartoonists got slaughtered helped, too, but who knows.
You’re spot on with the motive argument, this has always been the crunch in any case of criminal law ‘the malice aforethought’ element of the case, and here there’s just not a rizzla paper gap between the two (unless the non-artistic ‘villains’ could hire a good lawyer who would argue that those who committed it were merely trying to introduce the followers of the bearded one to the culinary delights of the culture they’re taking over, or some such).
Here’s is what’s coming:
Malfleur @ 11:33
One cannot but back the preacher, Malfleur, he’s right, this is a free country, unless he commits a public offence, he should be free to say what he wants sans exciting violence bla bla. This must apply equally to anyone else preaching the opposite, but isn’t. That’s the wart that nobody’s too keen to attend to.
Here’s a posting by the blogger MaximPerfect you may like to read, ponder on, even express a view.
“That is why we have Pokemon – mass surveillance and increased government control of the minutiae of our daily lives…… Masses of people wandering around all kinds of improbable places chasing animated cartoon figures on their cell phones are not zombies; they are players in the fast spreading craze of “Pokemon Go,” the augmented
reality game which has attracted millions of users since its release at the beginning of July.
However, seasoned intelligence watchers say that far from being just a game gone viral, it has more sinister uses – for instance, as a novel visual espionage system created by one of the world’s top spy agencies.
To play the game, smartphone users have to download the Pokemon Go app (for free) from Apple stores or Google. When the game starts, the smartphone’s video camera and GPS system go into action. The user has to hunt “pokemons” – animated figures in various shapes – that appear on the phone’s screen dodging through real landscapes, such as streets, airports, museums or observation decks atop skyscrapers.
Pokemon Go, whose technology is so advanced that it may revolutionize future marketing methods, is based on figures from a 1990s card game.
It was developed by the San Francisco, California-based Nantic which was founded in 2010 as a Google startup by the person who established the mapping firm Keyhole.
Keyhole was set up in 2001, funded by venture capital firm In-Q-Tel that was controlled by the US National Security Agency and acquired several years later by Google.
The linkage of these companies to each other, to Google and to the American intelligence agency, leaves little doubt about the real purpose of the game and how the vast amounts of collected data may be used – primarily as a quintessential operational spy tool.
Controllers of the game’s data collection network are also provided with GPS to pinpoint the exact location of millions of users at any given time together with access to their video cameras.
Thus, users of the app will be unknowingly engaging in intelligence gathering with the help of photography from every angle of nearly every location on earth in the course of chasing the pokemons that were released as their prey.
At least one of the features of the game was apparently created under the direction of an intelligence service. Niantic has given various companies permission to publicize the presence of pokemons around shopping centers, restaurants, museums and other sites.
It then becomes a simple matter to spread the word on social networks that a rare breed of pokemons has appeared on the wall of a nuclear power plant in a targeted city. Hundreds, if not thousands, of addicts would head for the new location, clicking their video cameras and GPS systems as they go. This data would be beamed instantly to the monitors of the game’s clandestine controllers.
Nintendo Go and its potential for luring players to high-security and off-limits military facilities also makes it a major hazard in the hands of criminal organizations and terrorists.
A situation in which large numbers of people innocently searching for pokemons with their eyes glued to their smartphones are led into a trap by terrorists can no longer be dismissed as a fantastic scenario”.
That’s interesting, it engendered a debate on another blog Baron has scanned yesterday (forgets which one) on whether the now deceased young man was the source of the the e-mails leak.
Baron reckons this is likely for the modus operandi of the Americans is the disposal before the act they don’t want in the public domain, the Russians prefer the opposite, let the information get out then dispose of of the one who got it out.
And this is one of Bernie’s admirers lamenting the mistreatment of the supporters of the socialist.
Baron – 09:25
I wouldn’t bet against it! Their promotion to Met Chief, and thereafter their elevation to the wearing of ermine robes on red benches would be ensured!
Baron July 29th, 2016 – 12:04
Thanks for the link to the document Baron.
Three aspects are of concern.
1. The use of the term ‘victim’ rather than complainant throughout which prejudges the outcome of any criminal complaint. Related to that is the presumption throughout of accepted facts rather than allegations. I suppose that’s a Common Purpose/left wing thing – with their Utopian mindset they simply cannot conceive of people making complaints motivated by malice, dishonesty or political ambition or they can and simply believe that their Utopian end justifies any means.
That 2014 article reveals that Rudd is now continuing the partisan political agenda begun by New Labour, Starmer and the politically suborned CPS, using “Brexit xenophobia” as a convenient jerk for the knee. The tail is wagging the dog. Those merely charged with prosecuting the law are now attempting to shape it. Does the CPS really have a legitimate role in providing what amount to propaganda “packs” to schools? See also the comment about the CPS by “Angry Harry”.
2. The embrace of third party reporting which Levison was also peddling. This makes it possible for a lobbying or campaign group with a political agenda to get involved proactively make a subjective complaint about anything they don’t like or disapprove of. That is potentially “chilling” or oppressive for any critical or dissenting expressions those groups want to shut down. In the article above see also the comments by Robyn Cotterell-Jones who personifies the Common Purpose/fake charity lobbying problem that takes a partisan, prejudicial view and then wants that supported in law.
3. The reference to “hate incident” – again subjective – for so-called “non-crime incidents”. So if I imagine that someone hates me because of my identity then they do and it becomes a recordable incident. This is particularly pernicious in incidents where people from different groups might be engaged in a disagreement over other matters not related to their ethnic, religious or sexual identity, e.g. neighbour disputes, parking issues, etc.
I’m not convinced that giving minorities special protection and preference under the law by elevating them as ‘victims’ prior to the testing of their evidence in court is in the interests of long term societal cohesion, especially when this document appears to make that presumption even before any complaint or allegation is even made.
Colonel Mustard/Baron.
Top marks for both tenacity and courage in ploughing through that garbage and then summoning enough energy to dissect it. I managed to get past the photograph of the horsey Home Sec. even resisted the temptation to conjure up a picture of AA Gill in his dissolute youth with his head between her legs performing one of his boasted skills of cunnilingus – but failed at the first fence of the stilted copy and its Common Purpose predictability.
Complete horse shit and it would be risible if it were not emanating from the Home Office. Dangerous, totalitarian and sufficient grounds for emigrating to a far- off, mainly uninhabited Island somewhere in the balmy tropics, rather than soldiering on in this barmy and benighted wilting cabbage patch.
We are truly fucked and I can see no redeeming party or individual on rhe horizon capable of reversing the rot. Sorry – I had to abandon it, but I obviously missed nothing, judging from your critiques.
… and that was after watching the Clinton bitch extolling the virtues of ‘family’ with the world’s most celebrated philanderer and a daughter named after a mid-Manhattan hippy brothel.
The ‘family’ she can boast about, is the criminal borgata behind all of their criminal enterprises. She might also spare a thought for the families of those who were slaughtered in the Benghazi fiasco. But “what difference does it make” was the thought that emerged from her cruel cunt-sucking mouth when challenged over that.
Malfleur – 11:33
“I fear I must accept responsibility here. I taught Nicola Sturgeon when she was in law classes at Glasgow University. I seem to have failed to instil in her the most basic rules of how the institutions of government work in the free world. We tried to teach that a one-party government which tramples on the independence of the other arms of the state, and indeed the independence of its own members, is the very antithesis of true democracy. How sad that we failed.”
Alistair Bonnington is former Honorary Professor of Law, Glasgow University
via George Laird
Is America really so far down the Road to Perdition that it would elect three Alinsky disciples as POTUS in a span of some twenty five years; two terms each for two of them. How can any advanced nation be that stupid?
Answers on a postage stamp and ‘Kool Aid’ is verboten!!
Frank P – 16:11
Not thee and me, I know, but the Great British public voted in Anthony Charles Lynton Blair not once, not twice but THREE times in a row! Choice? I cannot see a gnat’s prick width of difference between Blair, Cameron & May.
Neither of the Billaries are looking very well at present, and their health may not stand up to the next three months of slugging it out with The Donald. Also, Julian Assange (c/o Wikileaks, Embasssy of Ecuador, London) hates the Clintons and has yet to play his Joker(s).
Regardless of Assange, and barring assassination, then Donald J. Trump IS going to WIN in November, and be sworn in as the 45th Potus on January 20, 2017.
Here’s a handy countdown clock:
Here’s the countdown clock to the day that Brexit is enforced:
…… infinity. And then some!
I deplore the way that FOX has not-so-subtly changed it’s bias towards the Clintons since the fox-faced little twerp Chris Wallace ‘arranged’ a one-on-one interview with the Hillary witch. post convention. Stand by for a victory lap as he gives her a soft landing. Presumably she’ll use his umbrella stand to park her broomstick.
Fox (Hannity excepted) were eulogising the historical nomination of a ‘woman’ as the Dems candidate for POTUS. Despite the fact that her leaked emails clearly show that the nomination process was rigged against the white Jewish geriatric male and only competitor who, had it not been rigged. would clearly have won. And they still call it the Democratic party, rather than the Party of Dystopian Dykes and ex-Hippies; some not so ex.
With a bit of luck, TRUMP will appeal to the common sense of the electorate and Rudy Guiliani and Chris Christie can spend the first two years indicting Obarmydrama and the Clinton Borgata. I can hear the skeletons rattling in every political cache between the Onion Field and DC via the Big Apple. No doubt Trump has a diagram. Could be fun watching it unfold.
On free – and more importantly – frank (well I would say that wouldn’t I, being eponymous to the concept?) – speech. Interesting revue of its roots:
h/t Gerard.
This is wicked – and also very funny:
Particularly the spot on the tongue thingy.
My diagnosis: Contagious Clitoral Chancre.
But then again, I’m no medical expert. A second opinion anyone?
…. sorry you also need the inner link to appreciate the whole lampoon:
.. and the Munch “Scream” comparison is disturbingly apposite, both physically and metaphorically.
Brief but right to the heart of the matter – the wench has a stench!
Jeez, I hope Trump is keeping up with all this. A cornucopia of caustic criticism of the crazy cow.
Frank P @ 18:14
Truly superb expose of the cultural cum class war, Frank, it makes the barbarian envy beyond what’s humanly possible. It’s already in the bank of the stuff to treasure.
Frank P @ 18:30
The tongue pit aside, only she or the recipients could tell, but the picture looks very much like an ad for a set of dentures, Frank.
Well then -here’s one last dish of the day for the Smorgasbord; sorry that it also carries the ‘stench of the wench’; must be that time of the month: 🙂
sorry – the full link:
Have a nice weekend.
July 29th, 2016 – 16:08
Thanks for that quotation. The Supreme Court is not yet a purely Scottish institution in civil matters, thank God.
Frank P
July 29th, 2016 – 16:11
“E-voting machines without paper trails are still used in several U.S. states, leading to fears that a ‘determined adversary’ could hack this year’s election”
So the outcome this year is not necessarily about choice.
(h/t Public Intelligence Blog)
The zita virus was first patented by the Rockefeller family, I believe, The invasion of the West by the globalists continues on all fronts.Of course, if you like your children with tiny heads, it’s great.
A propos Amber Rudd’s “victims”:-
‘One officer told me victims of abuse were so traumatised they couldn’t be expected to remember the exact time or day,’ says Lynn. ‘It was as if they’d already decided David was guilty from day one. We thought they’d come back and ask David questions about Danny Day’s claims, but they never did.’
‘A Dorset Police spokesperson said yesterday: ‘We take any allegations of sexual abuse very seriously and conducted a thorough investigation in this case. ‘The findings of the investigation were passed to the CPS, who chose to prosecute.’
A thorough investigation? I doubt that the “findings” consisted of much more than the “victim’s” allegation.
The justice “system” is FUBAR.
Should we invoke Article 50 now? North says not:
My Saturday morning read through of the Spectator during breakfast involved more harumphing than usual. There was a letter from the pompous SNP leader in the HoC, Angus Robertson MP, the one who always has the answer for everything and looks like Sandi Toksvig’s twin brother. He was extolling the virtues of Scotland for “new Scots”, everyone welcome to strengthen the country, with the usual pop at the Tories.
We don’t have an English leader in the HoC who could do that for England, even though everyone has been welcome here for years, regardless of motivation, courtesy of the UK’s continuity government since 1997. Robertson speaks for Scotland as though he is its Generalgouverner rather than just the SNP leader in the Commons. That is one the curious consequences of lopsided devolution, that not being in government in the UK he can still represent himself in Parliament (and the Spectator) as the government of Scotland from his role as an opposition MP. And the SNP tend to represent themselves as the voice of Scotland anyway. It does not seem to occur to Robertson in his pompous windbaggery that there are Scots opposing both the SNP and independence.
So Scotland can represent itself de facto to the UK government with two voices from two forums – in the Parliament in Holyrood as government and in the Parliament in Westminster as opposition. Where does England represent itself to the UK? There is not even a leader of a party comparable to the SNP, not in the Commons and not in an English Parliament which does not exist.
England’s national interests are held concomitant to the UK’s and represented only in a fractured state by its MPs, many of whom do not even appear to be English. In fact 33 English constituencies are represented by MPs who are actually Scottish. This fractured national representation is set to become even more fractured with English “devolution” – aka regionalisation – where the interests of the artificially contrived regions, covering great swathes of rural community, will be controlled and represented by gauleiters described as “mayors” ensconced in the urban left safe spaces of regional cities. Someone in a small village in Suffolk will be expected to vote for a mayor to govern from his new-built from taxes “palace” in the left wing city of Norwich, the candidates no doubt drawn from all the usual suspects and coming with the usual empire building gravy train of staff, advisers and haemorrhoid NGOs. It’s a cunning plan to smash the shires and rid England of its Englishness once and for all. No doubt these mayors will champion “diversity” and “social justice” as a high priority and we all know what that means. Local income tax to replace council tax won’t be too far down the tracks either, with plenty of emotional blackmail about “the rich paying their share”. Bloated, multi-tier government gorges money for its schemes of largesse and propaganda.
The establishment have sown the seeds of English “devolution” for several years, first by empowering city mayors and then by talking up regional divides, splitting England into the competing identity groups which create the necessary chaos and “division” that the new order must then reconcile. They have ignored the result of the referendum (the only one of three supposed to have been held) in Prescott of New Labour’s bid to create a North East Regional Assembly in 2004 where 78% voted against. And they won’t make the mistake of asking the “little people” again. Tory government will roll out New Labour EU puppetry, regardless of Brexit, and fracture a country that has no leader in the UK to oppose it let alone prevent it. Any attempt by England to assert itself as an entity will be denounced as “far right”, “xenophobic”, “racist” or the latest contrived pejorative “nativist” (which of course doesn’t apply to nationalist movements in the Celtic fringe).
England are you feeling fucked yet? You should be.
Colonel Mustard
July 30th, 2016 – 10:05
The Spectator letters also contain a bitter pean of self-righteous remainery fron the oleagineous Martha Lane-Fox.
Describing herself as ‘still angry at the exaggerations ‘ of the Leavers’ this smug, extremely wealthy and entitled woman considers it would be an ‘unspeakable act of self harm to to let EU nationals contribute to our economy… and the wonderful cultural richness we value…’ Obviouslly she has not visited the new Roma ghettoes of Shieffied. (Another supra-privileged,inconsolable reamainer, the Vogue Editor Emily Shieffied, perhaps now a tad worried about Daddy’s windfarm income, emotes elsewhere.)
Eventually Lane-Fox comes to her real, self interested,point;
“My own businesses would suffer terribly without the hard work of many EU nationals…”
Businessmen and women such as she have no interest in the values, traditions and people of these British isles except perhaps, in so far as they provide markets and consumers for their products and services. Certainly if the cost of employing them is greater than a Pole or a Latvian they will be contemptuously disregarded. Britons as taxpayers are however useful: they subsidise directly and indirectly, through social benefits, lower wages and standards of living, the labour costs and sureties which Lane-Fox, in a society which properly apportioned those cost to the employer, would be responsible for and pay herself.
Colonel Mustard (10:10)
A perspicacious prognosis there, Colonel. Also looks like a terrible fait accomplis, as there appears to be nobody currently in Parliament capable of auguring your scenario and taking steps to obviate such a nightmare.
UKIP seems to be a spent force; the Tories seem to be settling nicely into their petticoat government; Labour is farce and I don’t even acknowledge the existence of the Libdums, their pop-eyed “leader” is risible. Leader of what??
So here’s one component of England (if that entity still exists – which seems questionable) who can confidently answer the question in your penultimate sentence – YES!
Perhaps other Wallster Warriors can respond to your clarion call with some pragmatic positive suggestions. Those of Richard North seem far too convoluted and likely to lead to something even worse than the status quo ante.
Can no one rid us of these terrible parasites?
Noa July 30th, 2016 – 10:27
There seemed to be a hefty dose of Remain in this week’s letters, probably a guilty attempt to “balance” the editorial. But the personification of bien pensant left wing snobbery must be that ridiculous article by Mark Edmonds about his pedigree King Charles spaniel.
He describes himself as centre-left and an “old-school hack, producer and scriptwriter” but the article is a literary selfie, a common indulgence now as more and more journalists seem to write ego-centric articles about themselves and their private lives rather than any incisive commentary on how this country is being fucked up.
That it referenced that Long March cuckoo Sir Keir Starmer MP, former DPP, brought on the nausea!
Colonel M 10.45
Indeed, I’m surprised you had the patience to finish Edmonds barking poop fest. The fact that the man relentlessly prowls Hampstead Heath with his unhappy hound must cause even the Momentum branch waggers that infest it to flee in terror!
Colonel Mustard @ 10:05
As always, points of excellence, Colonel, what else would one expect, but your cry for a more equitable and permanent solution to the large boil engendered by the West Lothian question may not be strategically the best option.
The reluctance to create an English equivalent to the Scottish Parliament, a duality of governance for the two of the three ancient tribes sharing this island, may be in large part because the new construct would likely turn into an additional, and perhaps the penultimate step towards a Full Monty break-up of the union.
It was amongst the many sins of the ghastly Blair that he decided to open up the door of devolution, it wasn’t asked for, the Scots were everywhere in the government of Westminster, you may recall Baron’s friend’s quip ‘the English (for there indeed are 45mn English burghers in the the Kingdom) are governed by lawyers, sexual perverts and Scots, often the three traits combined in one (individual).
It’s a well known folk truth – give someone a finger, he’ll ask for the whole arm.
Colonel & Noa
Virtually anyone who’s either a member of the middle class, runs a business, or hires labour must have been in favour of remain if his priority is either making or saving money rarer than sovereignty, independence, the pride in one’s tribe.
Immigration, as Baron keeps saying, nobody listens, is an economic phenomenon (as was colonisation before), it suits the middle classes, it makes (saves) money, and it is the middle classes that govern the country for the benefit of the middle classes.
As the fluffy and cute creature says: simples.
Legal matters: The Secret Barrister
A scan of the recent posts yields some interesting reading matter. His description of Chris Grayling as “an incompetent and gold-plated tit” caused a chuckle.
Baron 11.21
We do listen to you Baron, indeed we do. Silence is more often assent than disagreement.
As to the middle classes running the country, would that be the Conservative or Labour middle class?
Today’s Charles Moore column in the DT targets the enemy everyone but the Western ruling elites have known about for a long time.
Under the heading ‘Islamism is an attack on our civilisation – this must be recognised, not evaded’ he essentially repeats the same argument many have made many months if not years before. Credit to him, he goes the distance castigating the politicians, the MSM for avoiding the word Islam when it comes to explaining the atrocities. “They seem to not to want to talk about the motive for the violence as stated by the killers themselves – their Muslim faith’, he says.
But why call it Islamism? Talking about the crusades in the Middle Ages, does anyone call the violent part of Christianity ‘Christianism’? Hasn’t Mr. Moore read what our Turkish friend, the tinpot Sultan said? ‘Islam is Islam’, there are not, there cannot be any strands of it, modern or other.
The interpretation of the scriptures may differ in both Judaism and Christianity, but not in Islam for the Koran (as opposed to the Old and the Ne w testaments) relates the words of God Himself. Perhaps when he pens the next piece, Charles Moore will tell us how to jump over this hurdle, for the future of the two cultures living together by far more critical than the acts of barbarism committed by the deluded jihadists.
Baron – 11:21
“nobody listens”
Oh, you’d be surprised!
When this lot eventually gets rubber stamped, I’ve no doubt that it will be turned upon the general population, not the terrorists, and used to suppress freedom of speech, and any dissent from what the ruling elites think is “best for us.”
Amber Rudd’s, soon to be formed, National Social Media Monitoring Squad will be listening.
RIP the internet
RIP England
Noa @ 11:37
Baron’s sob was meant to get a response, Noa, have an argue (how does ‘have an argue’ sound to your 24 carat English ear), than solicit an agreement. The barbarian often feels we agree with each other too much, it may be healthier if we didn’t, not on principle, but detail, it’s in criticism that one sharpens one’s argument, to be in concert with each other without any dissent may eventually lea d to staleness, someone visiting may feel he’s hit on a small assemblage of self-satisfying robots wanking each other, recording the pleasure of it …. (only joking, please kick the barbarian gently, he’s too old to suffer severe blows).
On the other point;
Amazingly, there’s very little difference between the two, Baron reckons. The external pointers may vary, the Tory middle class member may eat couscous, drink wine, the other chips, and beer, the language, the dress code, even the type of the vehicle they drive may differ, too, but the same aspiration’s there for both – comfortable living, good education for the kids, private health insurance, holidays abroad (the Tory leaning middle classes prefer France, the Labour lot Italy) …
Example? Diane and Michael as seen in Andrew’s TV slot in not that distant past.
EC @ 12:13
Thank you, EC.
For the record (for those listening):
The barbarian fully supports, endorses in total, never even thinks to dissent from anything the ruling classes either here, in Europe, and certainly in the Republic say and do …..
Blair’s legacy, part n.
Cleared in 1972. Case reviewed and closed in 2010.
WTF is going on!?
“The case being considered by Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Service is widely regarded to be politically motivated and designed to appease IRA families.”
Baron – 12:22
We should set those words to music, it would be an extraordinary rendition!
EC @ 13:08
The guy is right when he says “I constantly ask myself what kind of world am I living in when suspected terrorists and murderers are literally walking around with Get Out Of Jail Free Cards in their possession, while I and many others like me who have served our country, are living in fear of being arrested and tried for doing what we considered was our duty”?
Let’s hope the Irish CPS decides not to prosecute, and if it does, the judge throws the case out, as he must.
YouGov Poll this week in Scotland.
Yes 40%
No. 45%
Leave UK and join EU 37%
Stay in UK outside EU 46%
UK General Election 2015 (Scotland).
SNP 50% /56 seats
Lab 24% / 01
Con 15% / 01
L\D 07.5%/01
Baron 12.17
Oh dear Baron, even when you want to hone your intellect and your debating skills along comes someone else who agrees with you. 😉
General Election (UK) 2015.
Con 37% / 330 seats
Lab. 30% / 232
UKIP 09%?/ 01
Lib D.08%. / 08
The whole of Oborne’s superficially rational piece was merely extra camouflage for the nigger in the woodpile, left to almost the end of the piece: HIS support for Corbyn’s sanguine support for Hamas.
Oborne is a duplicitous cunt and his fat over-privileged boat-race, with its embedded, alchohol-soaked shifty eyes is replete with condescesion and cunning, in equal measure. He’s unadulterated MI6. FCO Agitprop.
I think your assessment of Oborn is pretty accurate. The man is typical of the Mail, which masquerades as a right wing paper but never misses an opportunity to slip in a piece which would not be out of place in the guardian. The damned rag has been going down hill since they shafted Melanie.
About ten minutes, and you don’t have to read anything, just listen. Rather pessimistic in tone, as it happens:
Noa @ 16:11
The inadequacy of the barbarian brain cells is the excuse, Noa, but how does Oborne agree with him exactly?
Btw, and this cover Frank’s and Stephen’s postings, too, Osborne may indeed bat for Hamas, Baron knows not if he does, but in the piece he simply says that a change in the cumryd’s foreign policy would help his i.e. the cumryd’s case for Hamas.
Oborne’s accolade, praise and cheering for Nigel resonate with the barbarian, and he, the poorly educated Slav, will join forces with anyone who even remotely sides with us. We need every bit of help we can get, the forces stacked lined up us are formidable, the several decades of brainwashing, bribing, intimidating have boosted the ranks of the deluded, if we want to succeed we cannot be that choosy, no?
Learn from the enemy: When the communists thugs began to rule they proclaim ‘those who aren’t with us are against us’. Then, as things went from bad to worse, they changed that, said ‘those who aren’t against us are with us’. People like Oborne fall into the category of ‘those who aren’t against us’, Baron reckons.
Stephen Maybery @ 19:10
All the printed MSM are like that, Stephen, their readership is sinking, they have to put in stuff that helps to capture as bigger audience as possible.
Baron doesn’t read the rag, scans it in our local Costa occasionally, never misses the opportunity to complain, politely, pointing to the choice of papers the coffee outfit chooses – the Sun, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, every day, occasionally the Guardian, never the DT, or the FT. The answer he gets is always the same, polite but firm, the pundits want the three tabloids, go, buy your own FT.
Radford NG @ 16:19
Thanks for this little table, Radford, it shows more than clearly, if that were possible, the injustice of the voting system, twice as many people voted UKIP than SNP, but the latter has 56 MPs who keep fugging things up (at best), the former just one. Lunacy.
Radford NG @ 15:19
Quite a setback for the deluded Scottish woman, Radford, but will it shut her up?
“…the former just one.”
Yes – and that one has turned out to be a snake in the grass.
Now Nigel is set to become a ‘reality TV personality’ vying for ‘Big Brother’ and ‘ I’m a Celebrity – Get me out of here.’
Ah, well. It was interesting while it lasted. Now it’s clear – not one set of cojones in the whole POW.
As for appointing a woman with no legal experience at all as Lord Chancellor?
Makes Derry Irvine (he of the wallpaper scandal) look positively statesmenlike by comparison. In fact it even surpasses in infamy Jacquie Smiff as Home Secretary.
The Colonel and
Sir Richard Mottram are both right. Well and truly!
And then there’s this Sunday morning cold shower from Mr. Boot for those of us who think Trump might be the answer – the man to clean the Augean Stables:
I fear he may be right in his appraisal of both candidates. The glimmer of hope is his last line.
Baron cheer us up – have all our heroes feet of clay? Tell me it’s not so!
Lord Chancellor:
The Cloaked Counsel has some insider views, which he explains…
What I don’t understand is what seems to be his personal fixation with Anna Soubryty who, in the referendum campaign, revealed herself to be even more of a nutter than had already been revealed by her many appearances on BBC QT.
The legal profession is a giant vested interest. Might I humbly suggest that any objection that they have to Ms. Truss isn’t totally due to her chromosomal configuration, or her lack of experience, or any high minded ideals they have about the protecting a “constitution” that already lies in shreds. Their objections are more likely to be based on a perceived threat to their status and income.
Too late for lamentations. Blair, Irvine and Falconer did all the real damage.
Hillary Clinton lies about everything, even her name!
There’s been another one…
… this time in Austin, Texas.
It has become fashionable within these portals to decry Theresa May and I share concerns about her commitment to the spirit and/or letter of the referendum result. I am very very sure that by the General election we will be asked to approve an arrangement that in our economic interests and for the future of the city we accept interim (say 10-15 years) free movement in return for access to the financial structures of the EU and free trade. For possibly no other reason than that the US and IMF will demand it to underwrite our currency.
We remember well that the will of the Greek people proved sovereign.
And the will of the Irish people was so sovereign that they kept asking them until the answer was correct.
Having said all that Theresa’s diatribe in the Telgraph today is in the words of Elocon Spot on. It is worth repeating in full.
“A year ago the Modern Slavery Act that I brought forward as Home Secretary came into force. The first legislation of its kind in Europe, this Act has delivered tough new penalties to put slave masters behind bars where they belong, with life sentences for the worst offenders.
It has created a vital policing tool to stop anyone convicted of trafficking from travelling to a country where they are known to have exploited vulnerable people in the past. It has delivered enhanced protection and support for victims and a world-leading transparency requirement on businesses to show that modern slavery is not taking place in their companies or their supply chains.
But we must not stop there. Just because we have some legislation does not mean the problem is solved. So as Prime Minister, I am setting up the first ever government task force on modern slavery. Together with my successor as Home Secretary we will hold regular meetings in Downing Street with every relevant department present to get a real grip of this issue right across Whitehall and to co-ordinate and drive further progress in the battle against this cruel exploitation.
First, I want to make sure that the Act itself is having the intended effect, so I commissioned an independent review from Caroline Haughey, a barrister with a proven track record of successfully prosecuting slave drivers. She finds that there has been good progress in the first year of the Act – with 289 modern slavery offences prosecuted in 2015 alone and a 40 per cent rise in the number of victims identified by the State.
But she says there is still further to go on raising awareness of these despicable crimes, improving training for those in our criminal justice system and strengthening support for victims – and I want the task force to help drive work on all three.
She also finds the response of local police forces can be too patchy. For example, between April 2015 and March 2016, six of the 43 territorial police forces did not record a single modern slavery crime. So I am commissioning an HMIC Inspection to make sure that all police forces treat this crime with the priority it deserves.
Second, we must work collaboratively with law-enforcement agencies across the world to track and stop these pernicious gangs who operate across borders and jurisdictions.
The new Anti-Slavery Commissioner that I appointed, Kevin Hyland, is the only such commissioner in the world and he is critical in our fight to stop criminal gangs exploiting innocent men, women and children. Through his work collaborating with other countries we are looking at intelligence flows. This has helped us uncover criminal gangs creating twinned towns of modern slavery between Britain and other nations.
Modern slavery is international and requires an international response. So rather than chasing individual criminals in Britain as they are reported, we need a radically new, comprehensive approach to defeating this vile and systematic international business model at its source and in transit – and we need to flex the muscle of all parts of the UK government and collaborate with international partners. This will be an important focus for the new task force because modern slavery will never be stopped if our police, borders and immigration agencies work in domestic silos.
Third, we played the leading role in getting the eradication of modern slavery into the Sustainable Development Goals, and I want Britain, as a bold country confident in its values, to continue to lead this fight on the global stage. As part of this we will be using over £33 million from our aid budget to create a five-year International Modern Slavery Fund focused on high-risk countries, where we know victims are regularly trafficked to the UK.
It is hard to comprehend that such sickening and inhuman crimes are lurking in the shadows of our country. But the most recent estimates suggest there are between 10,000 and 13,000 victims in the UK alone and over 45 million across the world.
This is the great human rights issue of our time … I am determined that we will make it a national and international mission to rid our world of this barbaric evil
From nail bars and car washes to sheds and rundown caravans, people are enduring experiences that are simply horrifying in their inhumanity. Vulnerable people who have travelled long distances believing they were heading for legitimate jobs are finding they have been duped, forced into hard labour, and then locked up and abused. Innocent individuals are being tricked into prostitution, often by people they thought they could trust. Children are being made to pick-pocket on the streets and steal from cash machines. Others, like a seven-year-old who was found and rescued in Wood Green, are held as domestic slaves, while some children are raped, beaten and passed from abuser to abuser for profit.
One woman I met had come to England as a student but was forced into prostitution, imprisoned in a house in south London and regularly abused, including being threatened at gunpoint. When she finally escaped to north London, she was picked up by another gang that systematically exploited her and raped many others in a squalid high-street brothel.
These crimes must be stopped and the victims of modern slavery must go free. This is the great human rights issue of our time, and as Prime Minister I am determined that we will make it a national and international mission to rid our world of this barbaric evil. Just as it was Britain that took an historic stand to ban slavery two centuries ago, so Britain will once again lead the way in defeating modern slavery and preserving the freedoms and values that have defined our country for generations.”
While reading the Telegraph I also see that Christopher Williams debunks Labour through the new London Mayor:
The Mayor of London has branded Labour’s frosty relationship with business an “embarrassment” in a veiled attack on Jeremy Corbyn as he seeks re-election as leader.
Sadiq Khan told the Telegraph that the party appears “anti-business” and “uncomfortable around success”.
In a wide-ranging interview about his plans for the capital, the former Labour transport minister sought to distance himself from Labour’s drift to the left under Mr Corbyn, declaring himself unashamedly pro-business and positioning himself as an ally of the City as the country prepares for Brexit.
Mr Khan said he was “an advocate for wealth creators in London”.
“I feel comfortable around success and I am pro-business.”
“For me it is a source of embarrassment that at the last general election there weren’t businesses backing Labour. You were hard pushed to find anyone supporting Labour in business. That can’t be right.
“I accept the unease the City had with Labour in the 2015 general election. And particularly with the current leadership the national Labour party has got.
“I speak as someone who used to run a small business. I recognise that politicians don’t create jobs. Politicians create the environment in which business people create jobs. My job is to create the right the right environment for them to flourish and thrive.”
This is fun, if you’re in iconoclastic mode:
Sorry – that link doesn’t work. It was supposed to be D’Souza’s film “Hillary’s America”, which delineates the Democratic Party under the Clinton borgata. It has either been sabotaged or used as a diversion to ads. I’ll try again.
Emulous (09:48).
Oohhh fuck!
That means I’ll have to resume washing my own car again. Steady on, Mother Teresa! Get us out from under the heel of the bastard bureaucrats of Brussels and the slimey shysters of Strasbourg before you turn your attention to the slave trade. Cause and effect?
“FULL: Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party (2016) Hillary Clinton”
Directors: Dinesh D’Souza, Bruce Schooley
Writers: Dinesh D’Souza, Bruce Schooley
Stars: Dinesh D’Souza, Jonah Goldberg, Andrea Cohen
You’re gonna need 1hr 38mins for this.
Emulous – 09:47
Elocon is only a topical treatment, and doesn’t address the underlying cause. I’m guessing that you already knew that.
What a good petition 🙂 :
All European Union flags, emblems and logos be removed from all public buildings
In the EU referendum of 23rd June 2016 the UK voted, by majority, to ‘Leave the European Union’, as such we request that all European Union flags, emblems and logos be removed from all public buildings in the UK.
Emulous July 31st, 2016 – 09:48
Of course the rise of modern slavery in Britain couldn’t have anything to do with almost 20 years of continuation immigration “policy” could it? It couldn’t be the consequence of the ease with which criminals, terrorists and other assorted scumbags have been able to enter the UK to ply their nefarious trades? It couldn’t be related to the infamy of multiculturalism dogma and the sort of nincompoop judicial attitude that says we must be careful of attempting to assert the supremacy of Western cultural attitudes could it?
I venture that if those who rule over us had had more respect for the legacy of cultural values and the rule of law they inherited and were charged with protecting Ms May would not now have such a bee in her bonnet about modern slavery.
When they have presided over a “system” where all can come regardless of motivation, have been empowered, pandered to and privileged over and above the culture and rule of law of the indigenous nation then their precious multiculturalism has embraced the bad as well as the good. So much for Cameron declaring five years ago that multiculturalism had failed. His government and the unelected cultural marxist establishment have continued to reinforce the failure, still insisting that this is a multicultural society and pretending only positives from that.
“Kevin Hyland alleges that young children are made to do begging, pickpocketing and shoplifting”
If we say where these imported practices come from we are being xenophobic.
So AB has joined Caligula as a purveyor of anti-Trump propaganda! Not a surprise given his article earlier this year attacking democracy nor a surprise, in light of his frequently exhibited King Charles’s head, that he has adopted the innuendo distributed last week by the globalists to the controlled media that Trump’s motives, for suggesting that there may be a more constructive way to defend western civilisation by trade and economic negotiations than by provoking nuclear war with Mr. Putin, may be governed by base self interest.
What does surprise however is that this aesthete and arbiter of taste should stoop to the gutter to fish out this personal attack on Mr. Trump and his wife:
“…As an offshoot of his vulgarity, he tends to marry the kind of floosies a gentleman would only see as one-night stands at best….”
How brash, boorish and vulgar a “polemicist” can you be?
Where I deviate from Ms May and other commentators is in the supposition that ‘modern slavery’ is something new. Orlando Patterson, the Jamaican-born American historical and cultural sociologist, writing in the 1980s, ‘there is nothing notably peculiar about the institution of slavery. It has existed from before the dawn of human history right down to the twentieth century, in most primitive of human societies and in the most civilized’. As far as we Brits are concerned, the nature of exploitation has changed from that of the tripartite slave trade of Empire orchestrated from Liverpool and Bristol to the more subtle and hidden forms we see today.
But the underlying heinous ‘exercise of “any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership” – remains. This 1926 definition if used today may not seem in every case to reflect the experiences of trafficked people, who may be exploited for different purposes and in different degrees through a myriad of coercions. We thus have to ask: If we bring human trafficking under the umbrella of ‘modern slavery’, what happens to the trafficked person whose experience does not resemble cotton/sugar cane slavery?
Saint Theresa says “Vulnerable people who have travelled long distances believing they were heading for legitimate jobs are finding they have been duped, forced into hard labour, and then locked up and abused. Innocent individuals are being tricked into prostitution, often by people they thought they could trust.”
This is no different to the Egyptian Pyramid slaves, the Coliseum slaves or the cotton slaves. It is not related to current or past politics. It is related to the greed of man and the failure to understand the sanctity of the human condition.
Wilberforce used to quote the Gospels (He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed) and more recently Mandela used the Koran in his address to the OAU ( The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah). The actual point being that for millennia we have been schizophrenic about slavery. High minded individuals have condemned the practice often misquoting religious texts while society as a whole has cast a blind eye recognising the benefits to the wellbeing of society itself.
We can but hope that Ms May is serious in her intent and not just whipping up a good press.
“We remember well that the will of the Greek people proved sovereign.”
Now who does this remind you of?
Frank P @ 00:29
You worry about the new Lord Chancellor having no legal background, Frank, (doesn’t she look good in the noble attire though). What about the man who until few days ago ran the Treasury, George Osborne. He gained nine A*-C GCSE grades (good show), but only an F in Economics.
Go figure (how did he figure is a mystery).
Frank P @ 09:08
You reckon, Frank, the poorly educated Slav can perform miracles? How could he bore you when he’s visiting gardens in the charming town called the Castle Acre in Norfolk. (If time permits he’ll tell you more about it, and gardening as a hobby in particular).
Still, not a bad shot by the one who knows it all at the two pretenders in the Presidential race, few bits of bias that one must forgive e.g. Mr. Boot cannot miss reminding everyone Paul Manafort was an advisor to “Putin’s Ukrainian stooge Yanukovych” but he forgets to mention the man also advised, ran campaigns for both Bushes, Reagan, even John McCain, Why is that? Also, what’s bad about trading with Russia. To Baron it’s preferable to waging war against the country, no?
Still, not enough time to go through the rant with a fine toothbrush.
In the ST today, Baron’s ‘favourite’ history man Niall Fergusson has a rather better and more balanced take on the two, unbelievably hints Donald can make it.
It’s all about the votes of the Whites, the history man says, in 2012 election out of the 129mn votes cast 93mn (73%) were cast by White voters. Romney won 59% of those votes to the Hon Muslim’s 39%. If Romney had won just 62% he would have won the popular vote, he says and continues ‘to have won just four more states – Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Iowa – and hence the electoral college and the presidency’. He then carries on saying roughly ‘it’s possible Donald will do it’, (hence his (Ferguson’s) slight but noticeable move towards the populist’s camp, just in case it happens).
EC @ 09:27
However much the barbarian would like to enjoy the Clinton woman lying about her name, EC, he cannot. The site refuses to open.
Just watched Chris Wallace “interview” the Clinton bitch on Fox News Sunday in an ‘exclusive’ hagiographical sham. Surprised that he managed to get a single one of his softball ‘questions’ on tape, his head was so far up her arse. He then followed it through with an anti-Trump panel, including the watery-eyed George Will, the exemplar of the arrogant pseudo intellectual hacks inside the Washington bubble, and Karl Rove the neocon backroom boy of the Washington establishment. Not to mention the arsefaced Juan Williams, who would drink Hillary’s piss through a straw. And the woman on the panel ( name escapes me) got all emotional at the thought of a woman being nominated by the Democratic Party as candidate for POTUS.
One can only hope that Trump’s script-writers had their pencils sharpened. Et Tu Rupus!
Obviously the reason Ailes was shit-canned, was nothing to do wirh crumpet, it was because Rupe wanted to shift the ‘balance’ to Clinton with his thumb on her scales and Ailes was not prepared to do the switch, so Murdoch took over the reins directly?
Regardless of his flaws and idiosyncracies, I hope the Donald wipes the floor with these shit-bags. But I fear that, as he has always averred, the fix is in.
Mrs Frank P just reminded me: “Don’t forget that Rupert had the key to the back do to Downng Street; it’s feasible that he has the key to the back door of the White House.” 🙂
I, of course, concurred. Duplicitous douchebag. Will he ever give up – or has he just entered senilty?
Colonel Mustard – 18:52
The disjointed post @17:48 had me asking the same question.
(although it was almost “phil” like, if anybody remembers him.)
Emulous @ 09:48
Thanks for posting the piece, Emulous, the sentiment is hard to argue with, who can be in favour of slavery. What surprises Baron is that cases under this abhorrent ‘institution’ can still be found in this country what with the vast array of state agencies, charities that are supposed to eradicate it.
Bowing out on a Sunday night…
Colonel Mustard @ 11:58
It may be a smart move by the new PM, Colonel, tackling immigration through the issue of slavery, because you’re spot on, the vast majority of these cases (if not virtually all) have their roots in cultures other than the indigenous one.
EC 9.19.
Liz Truss was Deputy Director of Reform who famously said that the NHS should learn from supermarket chains such as Tesco, by mirroring its business model and learn lessons on the care of patients from Mazda, Volkswagen and BMW which have a “zero error” approach to quality assurance.
No reason therefore why the Law should not mirror John Lewis and never knowingly be undersold.
Another of today’s ST articles (page 2) covers the issue of Russia ramping up spending on ‘black ops’ by more than £100mn. Black op, if you haven’t come across it yet, is propaganda by any means including broadcasting e.g. Russia Today.
In the piece, the paper quotes the newly appointed commander of NATO Curtis Scaparrotti, who says it’s hard to combat the Russian dis-information because “in the western world we believe in the freedom of the press, we believe in being truthful in the press, we believe in the rule of law”.
One cannot object to the West defending the West, it’s what we should be doing. What worries though is the flavour of the piece. It seems to be putting, rather obliquely, the blame for the current unrest in the West on Russia, its propaganda of dis-information, not on (say) massive immigration from a culture that’s not exactly compatible with the secular West, or (say) the impact globalisation has been having on the lives of millions, or (say) the de-coupling of the ruling elite, their acolytes from the plebeians.
Could it really be true that had it not been for the Russian propaganda the Western unwashed would be happily embracing the joy of multy-culty, PC, moral equivalence, federalisation of Europe, unchecked immigration, the TTP and the other offerings by the progressives?
Do we need really £33mn to kick this man out?
You may like to know that one of our favorite progressives, Daniel Korski, may find his name on the boy’s donors list, he certainly deserves it.
If any of you think all roads lead to Rome, think again:
The origin of the species’ behaviour explained by the scientists:
‘EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Email’s
But who has the National Security Agency?
Look out behind you, Shariah May!
‘An Imam has told his congregation in Wales that war is approaching and Islam allows them to take women as slaves and rape them.’
Another no-clear-evidence death. Scan the comments for what might have been.
WHAT HOBSON’S CHOICE?! Gimme a break.
July 31st, 2016 – 11:30
July 31st, 2016 – 11:46
Agreed. Away with these baubles!
ALEX JONES strategises against VICHY WASHINGTON for two hours yesterday.
If all the 10,137 people arrested in connection with the coup in Turkey were truly involved in it, the removal of Erdogan may have succeeded. The tinpot Sultan who is to meet the KGB Colonel on August 8 in St Petersburg should think again about the trip, there’s alimit to the patience of the Americans.
You don’t have to read the whole thing unless you’ve got nothing to do, but just consider the long para from the summary below, to start with not for the content, more for the wording. Why cannot they drop the super abstract language, talk as people talk, why obfuscate, confuse, allow for whatever interpretation of the abstract expressions one may want to go for.
On the content: If you ponder what the para says you cannot but conclude they think the environment in 2035 will be roughly what it’s today. Big deal. In reality, if one looks what the world looked like twenty years ago, one cannot but conclude there’s been a substantial change engendered by one single event – the 9/11.
And it’s here where their looking into the crystal ball can go, and very likely will go awry. It doesn’t consider the ad hoc, the unusual, the unpredictable, it simply takes it for granted the current trends will carry on forever. They never do.
“The future security environment will be defined by twin overarching challenges. A range of competitors will confront the United States and its global partners and interests. Contested norms will feature adversaries that credibly challenge the rules and agreements that define the international order. Persistent disorder will involve certain adversaries exploiting the inability of societies to provide functioning, stable, and legitimate governance. Confrontations involving contested norms and persistent disorder are likely to be violent, but also include a degree of competition with a military dimension short of traditional armed conflict”.
Malfleur @ 03:35
Not new, Malfleur, the suggestion was he was one who had hacked the e-mails which, if the latest revelation about the leak are to be true, is false.
Follow the explanation? The barbarian has re-read what the sentence says, cannot say it any better, quicker, but is unsure the grammar’s right.