This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
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EC 20.32 The issues. The issues. Phil is long defunct.
This week commented that Ms May’s track record on the issue during her time as home secretary was not cause for optimism.
Citing the 982 children who had been identified as victims of modern slavery last year in the UK, the shadow minister for preventing abuse, Sarah Champion (I know, I know), said modern slavery had increased on May’s watch.
The PM “should be ashamed of her record on protecting child victims of slavery,” Champion told the Daily Mail. If she was serious about tackling the problem, police and other professionals would need more resources, added the MP.
The forked tongue of Ms May on Brexit is becoming clearer day by day. She talks now of the benefits of leaving on entry of European based terrorists. Yet in April she said: “I have heard some people say – especially after the terrorist attacks in Brussels last month – that the very existence of extremists and terrorists in Belgium, France and other EU member states is reason enough to leave. But our response to Paris and Brussels cannot be to say that we should have less cooperation with countries that are not only our allies but our nearest neighbours. And anyway leaving the EU would not mean we could just close ourselves off to the world: the 9/11 attacks on New York were planned in Afghanistan. The 7/7 attackers trained in Pakistan. And most of the international terrorism casework that crosses my desk involves countries beyond Europe’s borders.”
Looks like Emulous is emulating “someone” or “someone” is emulating Emulous. Probably up to his old tricks of “paying homage” or “sharing code” again.
seeking to emulate someone or something.
“Where I deviate from Ms May and other commentators is in the supposition that ‘modern slavery’ is something new.”
Well it is. By its very definition ‘modern slavery’ is not something “old”.
relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.
And to compare the modern form of trafficking and low wage exploitation with the Pyramid gangs and the Coliseum slaves is tripe and demonstrates a telemachean ignorance of history.
The shadowy Sarah Champion? YCMIU!
Sorry, try as I may, I cannot seem to make a distinction, functional, moral or otherwise, between “modern” and “oldern” slavery. Perhaps somebody will enlighten me.
Is Dawn’s record on “modern” slavery any better than her record on FGM?
Perhaps it’s all Alison Saunders fault?
“Phil” is not an acquaintance of mine, so I have no idea about the state of his “defunctness.” His tortured prose, random use of uppercase and *s will I’m sure live forever.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the hols. I’ve rented a small, secluded cliff top cottage just outside the delightful fishing village of Torpoint, Cornshire.
Colonel Mustard – 11:31
“And to compare the modern form of trafficking and low wage exploitation with the Pyramid gangs and the Coliseum slaves is tripe and demonstrates a telemachean ignorance of history.”
That’s why I described that particular post (last week’s CHW) as “disjointed.”
Re: Mordern vs Oldern? Thanks. Either way, not a great advert for homo sapiens , is it. The techniques and the scale are certainly different. Still struggling why there should be a moral distinction between them, though. The use of force is common to both. Compliance at the point of a gun, sword, knife, rope, fist or stranglers’ hands!
Modern slavery: Where does low waged exploitation end and slavery begin? Restriction of movement, false imprisonment?
Colonel Mustard – 11:31
EC – 12:31
Who Built the Pyramids?
Not slaves.
The question of who labored to build them, and why, has long been part of their fascination. Rooted firmly in the popular imagination is the idea that the pyramids were built by slaves serving a merciless pharaoh. This notion of a vast slave class in Egypt originated in Judeo-Christian tradition and has been popularized by Hollywood productions like Cecil B. De Mille’s The Ten Commandments, in which a captive people labor in the scorching sun beneath the whips of pharaoh’s overseers. But graffiti from inside the Giza monuments themselves have long suggested something very different.
No consensus at all.
That bloody woman! And I do not mean crooked Hillary this time. I mean Ghazala Khan. She has been running to the networks to do down Donald over some perceived slight. Well the slight was hers. She tried to use her hero son to do down the one man who can now save America from terminal decline. As Donald said “Am I not allowed to respond? Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me.” Crooked Hillary that is. We will wait on an apology. We’re still good for November 4.
Just for those who are interested. My PayPal account has been unlocked now and if any friends and supporters of the site would like to make a contribution towards costs then the PayPal buttons should now work.
RobertRetyred – 12:43
In the USA “they” are still arguing about the composition and conditions of the workforce who built the White House. So the origin of the pyramids? Fuhgeddaboudit!
With the physique of a hod carrier, Michelle Obama maintains it was either her (or her relations) whereas, as usual, the truth is a little bit more complicated that!
All we can say for sure is, being Kenyan, it wunt Bazza. In fact one could confidently say to him, “You didn’t build that!”
Now, I really do have to catch that train to Torpoint.
RobertRetyred August 1st, 2016 – 12:43
My point precisely.
Pity you didn’t point it out to “Emulous” in the first place.
EC August 1st, 2016 – 12:31
It’s like the distinction between modern and oldern soldiers. They are the same – but different.
When one uses the term “modern soldiers” one does not think of the bowmen of Agincourt but the soldier part is constant.
Colonel Mustard – 14:11
You disagreed with ‘Emulous’, but offered no indication as to the possible status of the pyramid builders.
Coffeehouse Wall – 13:11
RobertRetyred August 1st, 2016 – 14:25
Didn’t realise that I was required to do so. Happy to leave that to experts like you.
But I think the challenge would be to evidence how the pyramid builders and the “modern slaves” of the UK share an identical status. Good luck with that.
Colonel Mustard – 14:40
I didn’t think you had to either, but I came across that interesting article while I was investigating. I recently read/heard that the pyramid builders were unlikely to be slaves, but I didn’t know just how organised they were, going on the evidence in the article.
What is interesting is that it looks like ‘everyone did as they were told’, even the toffs of their day 🙂
EC “Sorry, try as I may, I cannot seem to make a distinction, functional, moral or otherwise, between “modern” and “oldern” slavery.”
My point on the last wall was that there is no difference between slavery as practiced by the Pharaohs, Romans, British Empire, Russian Trafficking Mafias, Lincoln Farmers or Soho Pimps. Ms May is after the Brasier accolade for rectitude.
The jury is out.
See this from Anne Harris Wyckoff:
There is also evidence the Hebrews lived in Egypt, earlier than thought. They were always described by the Torah as making “mud bricks mixed with straw,” and never as building pyramids, which required massive stones:
Hebrews in Egypt before the Exodus? Evidence from Papyrus Brooklyn The making of mudbricks by Hebrew slaves and the difficulties in this task are detailed in the Exodus account (Exodus 5). A remark on the scene in the tomb of Rekmire about an Egyptian master reminding slaves to not be idle lest they receive a beating with the rod brings to mind the episode in which Moses saw an Egyptian taskmaster beating a Hebrew slave (Exodus 2:11). Although many of these connections are circumstantial, the lack of contemporary texts or inscriptions directly attesting to Joseph, Moses, or a large scale enslavement of the Hebrews specifically may be due to the fact that no sites of the period have been excavated in either the central or western Nile Delta region and that few records from the Nile Delta region in this period have survived.However, an important Egyptian document from Upper Egypt has survived the millennia. While the current scholarly consensus asserts that there is no definitive evidence for Hebrews living in Egypt prior to the Exodus, an Egyptian list of domestic servants written in the Second Intermediate Period, perhaps in the 17th century BC, contains not only Semitic names, but several specifically Hebrew names.This document was designated Papyrus Brooklyn 35.1446.
Evidence of slavery is different in various cultures. Hebrews were mentioned in the Torah as simply living in Egypt at first. After they became very numerous, the Tora says they were exploited as slaves. Americans now use materials made by political prisoners/slaves in China–i.e.without any mention or thought given to the slaves who made them. Since slavery often leaves little to no trail even in this modern age of surveillance, physical evidence would be harder to find from more primitive civilizations 5 millennia later.The Torah described the Hebrews as fit and healthy, so finding the remains of people who died of malnourishment would not qualify. In fact, the only way direct evidence could be found, is if there were Egyptian recognition of what happened between Moses and the pharaoh at the time. For obvious reasons, Egypt would not have kept those records as such, but about 200 years earlier, there was Egyptian recognition of the water being fouled, food shortages, and so on.
Douglas has another go on the Spectator’s blog:
The Leytonstone murderer has been given a life sentence, it’s on the Spectator’s blog, the barbarian responded to one of the postings there, the submission was censored. What, do you reckon, was wrong with it?
“Come on, plainsdrifter, you couldn’t have failed to enjoy the beginning of the piece. It starts with ‘he was given a life sentence’ (every paper will report it that way), then few sentences further it says ‘he’ll spend at least eight and a half years …’
That’s a part of the problem, they are willing to die killing us, we give them few years inside, call it life sentence.
At some point in the distant future people (if there’re nay left) will look back at us, say ‘what a bunch of losers’.”
You may enjoy this (or not). It was posted by someone on the blog Baron mentions at 21:09.
Baron – 20:42
Here’s the ‘just good news’ (as opposed to the Good News):
It’s not right to identify Islam with terrorism’: Pope Francis refuses to link Muslims with violence after a string of attacks in Europe
The problem is having a South American Pope: he isn’t European!
And even more ‘good news’ for the Germans, more ‘cultural enrichment’:
Brussels’ plan to INCREASE migration to Europe blasted by furious German MPs
And how’s the Schengen Area going?
EU D-DAY: Turkey demands visa-free travel by OCTOBER or migrant deal is OFF
And that Scottish Woman STILL wants to be chained to the EU!
RobertRetyred @ 22:06
One cannot but admire the tinpot Sultan, Robert, he’s manoeuvred himself into a win-win position, outsmarted the Mutti (with whom Baron disagrees, admires her guts), is about to dispatch another massive tsunami of Turks into Germany.
When the Turkish diaspora gets enlarged, the newcomers settle down, he’ll do what the Saudis’ve been doing for years, set up schools, mosques, help outfits to keep the faith going, prepare for a takeover. Sad, but that’s what the creed demands, why blame him for carrying it out?
The US election may be the time for the point of no return to be reached. Should the Clinton woman make it, it’s the end. Only Donald offers a glimmer of hope whatever his other negatives may be, this boil can only be cured by an American President for it’s the White House that runs the West, it’s the signal the White House sends to the Western vassals under its influence, and what’s needed is for the signal to say ‘enough’s enough’.
Jim Goad expresses my loathing of the Clinton lying bitch more accurately than I could describe it myself:
Some should perform a hysterectomy on her with an ice-pick.
Does anyone really believe old fashioned slavery is dead? e.g.
You could always cheer yourself up with this Paul Weston piece.
How long do you think it will be before this crazy, dangerous right wing fanatic is justifiably placed into protective custody for his paranoid ravings?
The “warning” issued by the Chicoms (see the Guardian online yesterday) over the the delay in moving forward with Chinese investment in the Hinkley Point nuclear power station does not just confirm the wisdom of that pause but cries out for reconsideration of the government’s decision to close all fossil fuel energy plants by 2020. There is no good reason for that closure. The technology exists to produce clean energy from this source while reinvigorating the country’s coal industry. The dangers of nuclear power stations have been well-advertised. Their vulnerability to globalist terrorist forces or conventional attack in time of war must now be added to that concern. The Chinese communist party is no friend of Britain and has historical grudges which it wishes to work through alongside its imperialist ambitions and its ingrained historical enmity to the very notion of our liberties. The destructive work on the United States economy and military by its apparent spy, Hillary Clinton, will become more evident by November and it would be a mad world my masters that did not have well-placed British subjects taking the Chinese shilling in return for their assistance to Beijing in our country.
By the way, has anyone else seen the excellent 3 part series by Paul Barton on the Battle of the Somme on BBC 4 and available on Iplayer?
It’s always difficult for TV programmes, however well researched, to catch more than the essence of such a monumental event in our history.
However IMO Mr Barton, referring to both Allied and German records, has delivered a superb evaluation of the events on the Somme and its apalling military consequences for 1917.
The greatest tragedy perhaps, being not the events of the first day of the battle, terrible though they were, with its near 60,000 casualties, but the failure of the British Command, unlike their German counterparts, to absorb the lessons learned and adapt appropriately.
In the all-encompassing disaster that was the Somme, (so far I’ve identified seven deaths in my familiy alone,) and the subsequent campaigns of 1917 was sown the seeds, not only of the destruction of Britain and its old ways, but of Europe and Western civilisation. The bitter, black, fruit borne, now fully ripened, has been consumed and we stand now, witnesses to its nocuous lethality.
Sarah Champion, She-Labour MP, party parasite and witch for the ‘Easy Meat’ white slave constituency of Rotherham.
“In an interview with BBC Radio Sheffield on 30 November 2012, Champion said that she does not regard herself as a ‘career politician’: “There are some people who from the moment they were born wanted to be a politician. Whereas for me, since I started working I’ve always been working with the community and I want to carry on doing that”
Except that part of the white working class community enslaved and prostitued under Labour’ Reign of Terror and Tears by the muslims of Rotherham.
One to feed your dreams of tomorrow’s dystopia:
And a footnote on Champion; a curious conflation as an inedible piece of that black fruit of WW1, exemplifies the worst qualities it generated: petty greed, meaness and not least a pit of spiritual vacuity without soundable depth:
“It was reported on 15 March 2015 that Champion had claimed £17 on her parliamentary expenses for a Remembrance day wreath she had bought in 2014. The claim was of a type that was not allowed and repayment was being sought but had not been made. Champion later said she would reimburse the money.”
And this one, further evidence of the wisdom of Sir Richard Mottram’s famous cri de cœur:
That’s Londonistan for ya!
FFS Frank!
Upon seeing your link I nearly re-gurgitated the excellent supper I had consumed earlier this evening at Wagamamas.
The lack of self awareness, of modesty, of taste, of manners, of comeliness and dignity, is absolute.
The Heat of the Night, re-made as the Meat of the Blight: mutton on statins.
Definitely not a photo to include in the family album.
More bitter fruit, though not black (necessarily).
Thank goodness for Health and Safety; at least now the new Frankenstiens who create the new mad, replicating me-wemen are safely licenced by the State to do so.
And so to bed, as Samuel Pepys would say. And good morning to those in time zones yet to awake.
That’ll be Torpoint, Tuscany where you’re vacationing then.
Anyway, have an excellent sojourn amongst the sunny appleyards and pizza fields of Romano Cornshire. And subject to the remoteness of your holiday villa, wish you a fine wi-fi signal to accompany your cabernet Scrumpignon. 😉
As usual on Zero Hedge, some pointed comments follow the article. For example:
“Shemp 4 Victory Dutti Aug 1, 2016 5:01 PM
So what we need to do is ensure that we don’t create an environment that puts us on a track conceivably where the United States military finds itself in a civil military crisis with a commander in chief who would have us do illegal things.
It’s a little bit late for that, General Dipshit, not that it really even matters to you.”
‘Stuck on Zero cowdiddly Aug 1, 2016 5:23 PM
…Oops. I just saw this in his Pentagram bio: “He was the first Marine Corps officer inducted as a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.” ‘
Good news-the Saudis are losing their anti-fracking war:
And here’s another one:
JRobby Shemp 4 Victory Aug 1, 2016 5:09 PM
Michael Flynn, former DIA chief, blasts John Allen, retired Marine general backing Clinton… Former Joint Chiefs chairman: Retired generals shouldn’t speak at political conventions…
Oh, surprise! The Washington Times story is no longer available at that link….
Oh! Nor does the one at the Military Times. Funny that.
Noa August 2nd, 2016 – 00:56
Didn’t like it I’m afraid. Barton’s USP is revisionist peddling of the ‘unique’ German side of the story but immersed in their records he appears to have gone native and become completely blind to the propaganda and teutonic junker habit of “telling senior officers what they wanted to hear”. The BBC would have loved his adulation of the enemy and re-heated British “lions led by donkeys” theme.
His conclusion that the Somme was a German “defensive victory” ignored the fact that it occurred in France and he might have usefully asked himself the question as to what the German army was doing there in the first place. Whilst bigging up German tactical prowess he talked down Somme-driven British artillery development that resulted in a superb professional effectiveness by 1918 that was completely forgotten and practically non-existent by 1935. His coverage of the creeping barrage and introduction of tanks was grudging in the extreme, in the latter case focussing on German intelligence about them by showing a few dodgy drawings and indulging in the usual adulation that the Hun had it all nicely covered. Instead of going to Bovington and showing us the awesome clatter and smoke of an actual working tank he crept around a disinterred hulk that had been shot to pieces whilst lovingly relating German anti-tank measures. Hmm.
Most of the anecdotal references were negative and in the “Oh, What a Lovely War” spirit and there was the obligatory wallow in the the execution of a cowardly officer deserter. The execution of deserters by the British was contrasted with the supposedly benign German system which allowed summary execution without trial or record. British trial records reveal meticulous care in administering justice. Barely 10% of the 3,080 soldiers sentenced to death were actually executed and attention to this topic usually ignores the fact that 37 of them were executed for the crime of murder rather than cowardice or desertion. The French executed twice as many soldiers as the British and in fact the rate of desertion in the British Army declined steadily during the war. It was lower by more than half during the Somme compared to 1914-15. But the modern British meme is to focus on the cowards and deserters as ‘victims’ at the expense of the memory of the millions who quietly did their duty.
There were impressive aerial photographs and vistas of the battlefield but the production missed a trick by using one-dimensional diagrams rather than showing positions and movements overlaid 3D on the actual terrain. Long scenes of Barton walking purposefully around the French countryside added little to understanding the progress of the battle.
I suspect that Barton is probably a lefty from his sneering at Daily Mail hyperbole (no mention of the hyperbole in German newspapers), did not care for his water rodent Castoridae facial expressions and thought his Indiana Jones hat a ridiculous affectation.
Colonel Mustard August 2nd, 2016 – 08:16
Thank you for that refreshing de-construction. There is much of value in your counter view.
The fact remains, for me, that the Battle re-inforced failure, the fighting men of both sides were guilty of the desire to tell their respective high commands of what they wanted to hear, and the casualty figures (1 to 1.2 million in total on both sides) did not justify the ground gained, the overall strategic result and the consequent long term destruction of European hegenomy and civilisation.
‘The Heat of the Night, re-made as the Meat of the Blight: mutton on statins.’
Supper at Wagamamas must have included some vintage lubrication to have conjjured that phrase in the small wee hours. Excellent. 🙂 🙂
Colonel Mustard 08:16.
One hope you copied that to the BBC
‘The Heat of the Night, re-made as the Meat of the Blight: mutton on statins.’
Supper at Wagamamas must have included some vintage lubrication to have conjjured that phrase in the small wee hours. Excellent. 🙂 🙂
Colonel Mustard 08:16.
One hope you copied that to the BBC
‘The Heat of the Night, re-made as the Meat of the Blight: mutton on statins.’
Supper at Wagamamas must have included some vintage lubrication to have conjjured that phrase in the small wee hours. Excellent. 🙂 🙂
Colonel Mustard 08:16.
One hope you copied that to the BBC
I think I am salvaging a morsel from the Curate’s Egg: an impossible task, really, but here goes!
William Hague’s article lists many of our gripes, about which he and his gang avoided acknowledging, or even denied their existence [CMD’s INTDWI], to the detriment of our nation, for years, but then, at the end of the article, he comes up with a truth that has been known to the aware voter just as long:
The sun may be setting on the age of western wealth and freedom may be ending
These are just topical examples this week of what needs to be done. On a far greater scale, the hundreds of millions of people in societies like our own, who have grown used to living as they wish, where they wish, and making love or money in their own way, will need to recognise that these rights are not guaranteed forever.
We will have to organise ourselves to protect them, and do it now, rather than when it is once again too late.
And still the Remainers, including that Scottish Woman, think J-C J is the answer!
Colonel Mustard (08:16)
Have you copied that critique to Patrick Holland, the Head of Documentaries at the BBC? If not, please do so. It will be forwarded to Barton and may just put a blight on his complacent self-esteem. These ‘artistes’ (particularly the ones who insist on face time when making docs and dress up for the part to boot, rather than just hiring a good voice-over to link and enhance the footage, are sensitive souls and they don’t like it up ’em. You could spoil his day, with a bit of luck.
Noa @ 03:22
Data filled piece, logical, hard to find even a single sentence to argue with, but caution is required, Noa. The guy has been producing such narratives quite regularly, Russia was supposed to be bankrupt about now, inflation sky-high, rioting on the streets, Putin gone or about to go, well, compare to the reality of the day, nothing remotely comparable has happened, and his prediction that the Saudis will go near belly up in 18 months, will have to change course may come under the same category, however much Baron may wish it happen s.
August 1st – 20:42
Thanks for the link to Murray’s article. I see though that, since Brexit showed him the exit here, the troll is alive and unwell there.
Michael Savage on August 1st (now banned from posting on Facebook by the way):
Frank P August 2nd, 2016 – 11:35
Will do!
Plain bloody bonkers!
“The NHS in England has been told by the High Court it can fund a “game-changing” drug that can prevent HIV after health bosses argued it was not their responsibility.
NHS England had said it was up to councils to provide the pre-exposure prophylaxis (Prep) drug as they are in charge of preventative health.
But that stance was challenged by the National Aids Trust.
The judge said there was nothing to stop the NHS paying for the drug.
The ruling by Mr Justice Green said health bosses had “erred” in arguing it was not their responsibility.”
Thus gays can bonk around again in Turkish baths and worse with up to 40 partners a night and we can pay them the £400 per month it costs for Prep so they can do it with impunity.
Now then forget all the rubbish about modern slavery and Brexit. Can the government focus on the reasons why the Taxpayer has to fork out every month for a bunch of promiscuous gays to spread syphilis around because they are immune from AIDS.
And while Ms May contemplates the effect of using the NHS budget thus on her bid for the Brasier rectitude award, she can contemplate her weak response to the use by Cameron of the awards system to buy him a retirement job.
One interesting award will be to Ian Taylor,the majority shareholder in Harris Tweed Hebrides, an award winning company and the primary producer of the historic Harris Tweed cloth.
Joseph Kagan, the maker of Gannex macs was of course given a lavender honour by another PM before being banged up for tan evasion.
There is no intent, your honour, to draw parallels.
For those on the Wall with ADD, please just scroll down in my link at 14:18 to the unsettling interview of Michael Savage with WALID SHOEBAT beginning at roughly 50 minutes in.
Noa August 2nd, 2016 – 08:33
Well it was an impasse but the British offensive plans under Haig were always too “Big Push” ambitious, seeking to win the war rather than the battle. If Haig had understood that he was engaged in what was effectively siege warfare and dropped his ambitious break-out plans for incremental reduction of the German defences with a view to exploiting their supposedly wonderful counter-attack tactics (© Barton’s “the other side of the wire”) to “draw” their resources he might have done better. Rawlinson favoured this “bite and hold” approach over the idea of trying to incorporate strategic breakouts from fairly deep but wasteful penetration attempts which played into the German defence in depth and for which communications were inadequate. Because breakout was the aim and expectation too little planning went into adequately reinforcing the gains and blunting the inevitable counter attacks. Those more modest operations could have incorporated formidable defensive artillery plans to defeat counter attacks. But the artillery plans were essentially offensive and once the attacks ran out of steam were of little or no use. Barton never really grappled with this British doctrinal dichotomy because he seemed blinded by the dust in the German archives – not so much looking at the other side of the wire as looking out from it and not seeing very much.
Perhaps not entirely true to say that British officers also reported what their superiors wanted to hear, e.g. Walker and Brudenell White vs Gough.
Barton also failed to mention that his beloved Stoßtruppen were developed from a French concept and he seemed confused over their tactics, getting hung up on their expediently defensive “fire brigade” counter-attack role rather than their main role of infiltration and circumventing of strongpoints on the offensive which he didn’t really bother to describe. He also failed to mention that the British quickly adapted to and adopted the concept, producing a manual and perfecting it into all-arms assault platoons that from early 1917 became highly effective and arguably superior to the German methods. Barton didn’t really say much about how British Army doctrine had benefited from the lessons of the Somme – it was all a bit doom and gloom and reminiscent of the way the war was taught fifty years ago.
I noticed also that throughout the programme he kept emphasising “in my opinion” and repeating his soundbite “the other side of the wire” so no doubt there will be a book or books in the offing as a “celebrity historian” with that nice bit of advertising from the non-advertising BBC.
Emulous @ 14:49
Quite, Emulous, why should the taxpayer, for it’s the taxpayer who funds the NHS, pay for a protection for the gays’ promiscuous bonking?
If it does happen, as it must because the gay community’s never been refused what they wanted, Baron will apply for funding of a new motorcycle helmet, the old one seems cracked, he needs one, it’s a life saving piece of an attire for a motor bike rider.
This isn’t a joke, Baron will do it, the helmet serves the same purpose as does the new drug, if Baron’s head were to get injured the cost to the NHS fixing it will be immeasurably greater than the price of a new helmet. Baron can, of course, prevent the injury if he gives up biking, as much a gay man may avoid catching aids if he stops having multiple partners 24/7.
If the NHS says ‘no doing’, Baron intends to take the outfit to the Small Claims Court, fight for it.
Emulous (14:49)
I just came to my computer after watching the news cycle including the latest queers’ charter/BigPharma rip off of the NHS, not to mention the collusion of yet another High Court Judge pandering to the needs of the Fudge-Packers and Dirty Needles Junkies’ lobby.
I see that you beat me to it – couldn’t have put it better myself, except that I would have been slightly less polite. Dirty bastards. Aren’t straight taxpayers already been sufficiently ripped off through the NHS budget? The next thing we’ll see is a daisy chain outside each GP surgery doing cross hand boogies as they queue outside for their monthly prophylaxis issue like squaddies serving overseas in wartime picking up their issue of French Letters. A & E Departments are already inundated with the dissolute arseholes imposing their problems caused by self harm through booze, dope and exotic sexual habits on the public at large. I’m all for opening a knackers yard behind each hospital, where the duty medic is appointed to administer a lethal shot to the fuckers, then on to the incinerator.. We could afford to budget for that under the law of diminishing returns.
And how much was wasted researching such a gingers’ propylactic? The only preventitive measure needed is for each time one of the douchebags arrive for medical advice he/she should be handed a card inscribed thus”
“AIDS can be prevented by desisting shoving shit uphill or having any form of sexual relations with queers or sharing needles during the abuse of illicit drugs. Now fuck off!”
Baron (15:50)
We crossed posts there. I note that you seem to be on message too – and the expansion into other possibilities for funded accident/disease prevention are interesting, but if you ride around on a bike, you too qualify for the knackers yard. You should know better at your advanced age. 🙂 You don’t wear lycra also do you? If the reply is in the affirmative I shall grass you up to EC who, summer break in Cornshire, or Amalfi (whatever), would be prepared to report back for duty to take the piss; the thought of you in helmet and purple lycra pamts would be irresistible for him to miss, I’m sure. 🙂
“The Coffee House Wall 1st/6th August”
Is this a short week?
Robert Retyred (16:11)
Blame ir on Brexit! They told you it would lead to cuts.
The whole of the UK meeja is one long briefing against slicing the Girdian Knot. Is there anybody employed in the UK TV industry now who is not a raving leftie? It was already about 70 – 30 when I worked among ’em. Now it must be 100%.
Malfleur @ 15:19
You’re right, Malfleur, thanks, the guy’s spot on, articulate, knowledgable, fearless. His site seems to have the most up-to-date info from the ME, too, worth scanning, but rather depressing.
Isn’t “raving leftie” a tautology? 🙂
Frank P @ 16:10
The barbarian has been through a number of two-wheelers, Frank, it started with Jawa (not many people would have ever heard of that one), moved through a powerful Honda (200km/h round the Mt Fuji, arghhhhh), other brands, and for some three decades the Harley, a weeping chunk of badly assembled cast iron and steel pieces. Sadly, this avenue of pleasure is being shut for the poorly educate d Slav, the boss has an even stricter take on Baron’s biking than you, and she cannot be ignored, can she?
Lycra for Baron? Sweet baby Jesus, Frank, what do you take the barbarian for. It hide everywhere, or hide and jeans with leather chaps on top, and alot of chains and stuff.
Has anyone come across any latest information about the Incirlik military base in southern Turkey? According to the guy ‘shoebat’ the base holds a fifth of NATO nuclear arsenal, some of it is the most advanced gear.
Is the stuff safe? Could it possible the tinpot Sultan gets hold of it, pinches it from the Americans, takes control of it?
Googling it gets one a short BBC piece from three days ago saying 1,000 police encircled the base.
‘Gordian” sri. My minces get worse every day.
Baron (16:35)
What about tats?
Ostrich (16:32)
You got me there – bang to rights!
And now, for something truly wonderful. If that doesn’t cheer you up, nothing will:
Baron (16:46)
“1000 police circled the base” whose police and defending against whom?”
There again – when you consider that Pakistan already have nukes and the chances are the Iranian Mullahs have access to them we are already under serious nuclear threat from nutters; in fact I have difficulty in believing that Iran doesn’t already have a considerable nuclear capability. How can anybody believe anything the negotiating team spewed forth, considering what they did admit to agreeing?
You mean tattoos, Frank?
Nope, that’s something the barbarian dislikes intensely, finds it vulgar, it reminds him of the tattooed numbers on the arms of those the Nazis marked for annihilation.
Few days back, sitting outside a local Costa, Baron spied a 20 plus stone young woman her body tattooed fully in multicolour creations (any colour one can think of). From a distance one couldn’t say whether it was her dress, as vivid in colour as the body.
She sat down next to the barbarian, talked over a mobile, sipped a large Latte. A pound or two in metal fittings were hanging from her ears, a metallic star was visible in her tongue, and a ring one could hang on in the nose. Quite an attraction, even the local Suffolk folk have turned around to have a second look. It was so kitsch, it was almost attractive – bar her face, unfortunately.
Frank P @ 17:06
More digging produced little, Frank, except that the police were there for ‘inspection’, a high ranking US General visited the base last Sunday, Erdogan may have decided to close the base down.
One can only hope the military controlling the nuclear stuff are all Americans, they have contingency plans in case the tinpot Sultan urges the mob to storm the base and if everything fails, the nuclear arsenal is evacuated somewhere safe pronto. The last thing the world needs is an Islamic nutter in charge of a 600,000 strong armed forces, next door to Europe getting hold of it.
Any suggestion how to tweak the posting below so that it can pass the Spectator’s censors? Not that it’s important, but the barbarian hates it when he cannot reply, it’s so uncivil. Thanks.
“Yup, that’s the one, also involved in more than ‘two-year bromance’ with Winston of this parish, who kept furnishing him (the thug) with any help possible, mostly by sea, often it meant the loss of life and treasure for this country. It led eventually to the unwashed oppressed by the thug beating the Nazi menace in 1945.
Get a book or two on it, educate yourself”.
“You mean tattoos?”
Get with it old son! Like everything these days, it has now been diminished to a three letter abbreviation by the generation emerging into late childhood (some destined to cling hold of it until they are 70 it seems – most won’t make it past that anyway). I call it self-inflicted gbh meself. Fucking morons!
1736 Baron:-
N a z i
Not Nazi
All this crap about the Muslim activist father of a slain marine.
Trump should have reminded him about the slain, unarmed soldiers at Fort Hood. And who killed his son? White Christian militants? And who killed the Americans in Benghazi when Clinton failed to provide timely back-up. And he wants to endorse Clinton? Fuck him!
And her!
A rather good take down of the odious Angela Gibbins of the British Council, a 52-year old woman “earning” £80,000 of taxpayers money who is apparently sound in her socialist, atheist and republican opinions (zzzzzzzzz) and thinks it appropriate to publicly describe a two-year old boy not responsible for the accident of his birth as a “fucking dickhead”.
Probably another Common Purpose “graduate”. Just imagine the consequences if she had been a right wing activist describing the young child of a prominent left wing politician.
Romano Verdi @ 18:23
Thanks, Romano, it did the trick.
Frank P @ 16:47
I had guessed you meant ‘Guardian’…
Colonel Mustard on the Somme.
Good stuff!
Colonel Mustard @ 21:52
What pisses about individuals of the Angela Gibbins phylum, Colonel, is not so much the money she herself gets, but the evil influence the rest of the £155mn generates under her leadership.
You recall, many years ago, the public outcry about the amount of the money the quangos are spending, no accounting to an elected MP? If Baron remembers it was over £100bn annually. And the promise by the boy, also many years ago, to ‘burn’ the lot in a ‘bonfire of quangos’? Well, not a spark so far, and one cannot expect there will be any in the years ahead.
Many of these outfits are sinecures, the equivalent of gold watches for the privileged, the golden geese that keep laying. The others house the progressives like Gibbons. Either incapable or unwilling to make an honest day wage in the private sector, they feed at the troughs filled via the Treasury with the taxpayers money.
We do need a demolisher of this cosy set-up, too.
‘Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration’
Frank P @ 18:27
Amazingly, the MSM seems totally disinterested in the real story behind the man who claimed to ‘just pop in at the convention’.
The good news is the voting public appear unmoved, the progressives may indeed try and rig the count, what else could they do.
The Hon Muslim has weighted in again claiming Donald isn’t fit to run the Republic. Judging by his record, virtually anyone could do better, asleep.
Trump responded to Obama in a statement Tuesday afternoon:
‘President Obama has been a failed leader who along with Secretary of State Clinton created a foreign policy that has destabilized the world and made it an unsafe place. He is the one who is unfit to be President and Hillary Clinton is equally unfit.
Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came. Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another — like Sarah Root and Kate Steinle — and have repeatedly admitted migrants later implicated in terrorism. They have produced the worst recovery since the Great Depression. They have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. They have betrayed our security and our workers, and Hillary Clinton has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office.
She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives. Our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical Islam brought onto our shores. We need change now.’
Malfleur (23:02)
🙂 Even better. Well spotted!
Excellent riposte by Don Trumpo! If he’d stick to such hard hitting data and eschew the jibes that are double-edged-swords giving the almost entirely hostile meeja with their duff segmented polls far too much ammo, it would be a cake-walk imho. But he likes dicing with danger, is very much his own man and captures the news cycle every day. So we’ll see. One thing he ain’t is stupid! But there’s a long way to go. Hubris is fine if he’s aware that nemesis lurks awaiting. So far he has taken his chances and I for one wouldn’t bet agin him. The fact that the Clinton hag is clearly bi-polar and only a step from a full-scale psychopathic incident should increase his chances.
I’m really pissed off with Comey. The other side to that coin is, I suppose that if he had nicked her, her replacement would probably have been a more formidable opponent. Again we’ll have to wait ‘n’ see. It could be that Comey is playing the longer game?
Hobson’s Choice?
‘Father of Benghazi Victim: Either Hillary Is a Liar or Has a Bad Memory From Head Injury’
(h/t Drudge Report)
John Jefferson Burns
These are rarely seen outside Clovelly, as you know. But it seems that it may not have gotten far.
… a longer game because the Clinton Foundation is clearly a RICO Statute jobbie, a racket of long standing, with many conspirators that could bring down the whole house of cards. When I mention it to my counterparts over the puddle they tap the sides of their noses. Depends on which sign language is current these days as to whether that’s ecouraging or depressing. Anyway November looms ever closer, so let’s be patient and and remember what JMK muttered about the long run. 🙂
– Aha, there’s Caligula on the list of party traitors! No surprise there. Explains, if explanation were needed, why Caligula Père is now reading from the Hillary playbook – the chapter on aesthetics. The USA has been a one-party state since the Bush crime syndicate had Reagan shot – would be assassin to be let out of jail this week by the way, ain’t that nice . The following have recently received instructions from the Politburo.
‘These are just some of the big Republican names that the Washington Post says have already committed to voting for Hillary Clinton…
Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state and adviser to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush
Brent Scowcroft, chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board and adviser to three previous GOP presidents
Alan Steinberg, regional EPA administrator
Kori Schake, National Security Council and State Department aide
Doug Elmets, former Reagan spokesman
Jim Cicconi, former Reagan and George H.W. Bush aide
Charles Fried, former U.S. solicitor general under Reagan
Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, former Reagan State Department aide and adviser to the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney
Max Boot, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and adviser to GOP presidential candidates
Peter Mansoor, retired Army colonel and former aide to David Petraeus
Larry Pressler, former three-term Republican senator from South Dakota
Arne Carlson, a former two-term Republican governor of Minnesota
Robert Smith, former judge on New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals
Mark Salter, former top adviser to John McCain
Mike Treiser, former Mitt Romney aide
Ben Howe, editor at’
Alex Jones prays on his Tuesday show for Donald Trump
Meanwhile Jones points out of Hillary Clinton:
“The Enemedia went full Soviet this laSt week.” Matt Bracken
These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin’
and you keep losin’ when you oughta not bet.
You keep samin’ when you oughta be changin’.
Now what’s right is right, but you ain’t been right yet.
These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
It is the silly season and there is none more silly than Il Bugiardo:
This from the colonies a couple of weeks ago (NZ Herald).
Hillary Clinton
Johnson once compared Democratic candidate and possible next US president Hillary Clinton to “a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital”. He said she represents “everything I came into politics to oppose” including “an all-round purse-lipped political correctness”. In 2007 he wrote: “She’s got dyed blonde hair and pouty lips, and a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital”. (Daily Telegraph)
He wrote in the Sun about the US leader that the “part-Kenyan president” has an “ancestral dislike of the British Empire”. (Sun)
The new Foreign Secretary wrote a poem about the Turkish President having sex with a goat which won the first-place prize in a contest sponsored by Spectator magazine. “There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer,” the limerick begins. “Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.” (Washington Post)
Johnson praised the Russian President’s help for the Assad regime in Syria as acting “with a ruthless clarity”. On Putin he said in 2015 that “despite looking a bit like Dobby the House Elf, he is a ruthless and manipulative tyrant”.
Johnson compared the Assad regime favourably to Isis after Palmyra was retaken saying “Assad’s regime may be thuggish and brutal and callous and evil in its own way. But these people are warped and sick almost beyond belief.” He added that: “The victory of Assad is a victory for archaeology, a victory for all those who care about the ancient monuments” and that (Washington Post)
In 2002 Johnson wrote: “What a relief it must be for [Tony] Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies,” he wrote. His column also mentioned “tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles”.
“The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge any more.” (The Spectator in 2002)
Many thanks to the two good friends of the Wall who have provided support. And continuing thanks to all who post here and make it an interesting place for those who read what you write with enjoyment.
Malfleur – 00:49
One of Obama’s loyal Americans 🙂 :
Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’
Alex Boot questions on of the oldest sardonic questions:
Pie Chart of the American Electorate in the November Presidential Election
(h/t Public Intelligence Blog)
More on Papa Frankie’s senile prattling:
Any extrapolation of past history into current affairs permutates dire prognostications. Another WW biggie seems just around the corner and as often before, Western leaders – political, religious or secular are the worst scum to surface on the rivers of destiny.
Trump getting a bad press. But Hillary after Sturgeon, May and Merkel. No thanks.
Frank P @ 14:12
Michael Savage agrees with you and on Tuesday is playing a sound clip of a rant by Adolf Hitler and quotes the reaction of ISIS to the Pope’s latest comments that theirs in not a RELGIOUSLY motivated terrorism – Oh yes it is, they say.
How many orgasms a day can the hedonist have, he asks, and quotes the famous rat experiment of some years back in the course of describing the paralysis of our civilsation in the face of thugs and vermin. ‘The West is in a disastrous tailspin’.
Obama on Trump (at a meeting with a foreign leader) “Donald Trump does not have the experience and temperament to hold the highest office of the United States of America.”
A classic case of black-arse calling the pot ‘kettle’? 🙂
…and THEY are saying that The Donald is unfit to be POTUS?
This morning Today slot on BBC4 Radio, one of the items was to cover the US election, this is what it says in the schedule for the programme:
“Republican nominee Donald Trump claims the US presidential election is being rigged. We speak to Daniel Kay Johnstone – a biographer of Donald Trump”.
The two presenters (one male, one female) fielded two ‘experts’, they both agreed that Donald was ‘unhinged’, should not be allowed to run. A woman (the name escapes Baron, she’s big in the GOP party abroad) plugged her book about Donald written last century, said in exceedingly patronising manner, she finds certain qualities in Donald, but psychologically he’s lost it, he cannot, should not run.
Bunch of wankers, the lot of them.
This is interesting:
Not many professors on this blog, but amazingly, the same take on the events in Germany and elsewhere. Shocking, isn’t it?
Around 42 out of a 100 people eligible to vote in the US presidential election in 2012 didn’t. If Donald could get some of the dormant voters to make it to the polling stations he’ll be the winner. If the experience of Brexit is anything to go by, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Frank P @ 22:54
The old girl’s spot on when she says: …[For instance] the 1920s, we (the Republic) thought we ought to take [an immigration] pause”.
They did, Baron forgets which year (or years) it was, but the welcoming America in the 20s last century sent back more immigrants than she let in. That’s a fact body seems to remember today.
Baron lost a wristwatch (true, he didn’t make it up), perceives the loss as hate loss because of his ethnicity, you reckon he should report it as such?
This is about a poster that appears on the side of Seattle’s King County Metro, it’s sponsored by local Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action and reads: “20 miles west of Seattle is the largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the U.S.
The combined explosive power contained in the base is equivalent to more than 14,000 Hiroshima bombs”.
The existence of the arsenal should make for good night sleep everywhere in the world and, if the Clinton woman gets in, the sleep should be even ‘gooder’, never mind the possibility of its finality.
LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Jacksonville, FL 8/3/16
François Hollande says Donald Trump ‘makes you want to retch’
I heard something yesterday about, I think, a Czech politician who is introducing legislation to permit citizens to bear arms. Have you come across this?
Rudyard Kipling
A.D. 980-1016
It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: —
“We invaded you last night–we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away.”
And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you’ve only to pay ’em the Dane-geld
And then you’ll get rid of the Dane!
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: —
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”
And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.
It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: —
“We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!”
Malfleur 0058 8/3/16:
These are the biggest thing my aunt has in her garden in Clovelly.
(I know the link is Cornwall but that is very near Clovelly, Devonshire).
Is Andy Car Park Dead?
John Jefferson Burns @ 07:41
No, John, he isn’t, as far as one can guess he wasn’t at Russell Square last night, and anyway, it was a female who got stabbed to death, by someone who, the whole country thinks, was just not up to scratch in the mental department.
Here is a suggestion that might help.
Why don’t we offer the knifers, shooters, people mowers (say) one individual from our ranks each week to have his (or her, one mustn’t forget equality of sexes) throat slit, for which they, the knifers, shooters, people mowers will leave the rest of us to live in peace.
We may start the ball rolling with one Anthony Blair.
Malfleur @ 03:06
The burghers of Czecho have been allowed to own a wide range of weapons including small firearms for personal protection since the fall of communism, Malfleur, what the President (Zeman) has said recently is that everyone should have one, including every woman who should carry one in her handbag.
That should have pleased the Brussels wankers no end.
We have more common sense in this country, we employ robocops in massive numbers, well, 800 preciously, and just in London, the precious jewel of Britain. How are they going to protect us i sa mystery, in the gear they carry, dressed in heavy cladding, eyes covered in half burka they would be lucky to move but …..
(Duty calls, to be con..
If citizens are allowed to own firearms for personal protection and one of them “goes off on one” and murders with it then that is a crime little different in terms of potential risk than terrorist attack (where as Baron notes the priority for protection is in London).
But to deny everyone the right to own firearms for personal protection on the basis that they might be misused is treating everyone as children, which coming from politicians and senior policemen who are protected by armed guards is adding insult to injury.
The Czechs, it would appear, are far more grown up about the subject than the nanny, kindergarten hand wringers that we have the misfortune to have ruling over us.
Baron 2246(last week’s wall)
Daniel Creep Korski- a Knighthood:
The Honours System
By Henry Englesman
I’ve been a Toadie nigh four decades,
Forty years of interest and delight.
In brotherhood I’ve lived and loved
Togetherness has been my guiding light,
And I’ve received just a little bit more
Than the effort I’ve put in.
For a night with the boys is one of life’s joys
And I don’t regard it a sin.
I’ve paid all my dues, and I’ve taken my turn,
And in all it’s been really grand,
The ritual’s a breeze, but, explain to me, please,
Something I don’t understand.
There’s a bone of contention I feel I must mention
That has caused a degree of concern.
Who gets promoted? And how is it done?
That’s something I just have to learn.
Now I’ve told you my problem, I’ll tell it again
I’ve thought on it hard and quite long
But whoever I speak to, they don’t make it plain
That’s something I find clearly wrong.
Now canvassing’s out, that’s obviously fair,
Flattery and bribery too
And a friend in high places has no saving graces,
So why did they pick him? And not you!
I visit quite often, almost countrywide
And am many times called on to speak,
I’m asked the same query, until I’m weary,
The answer I give, tongue in cheek.
Who makes this decision that causes division
Just tell us the name of the guy
When I tell them I can’t, if I could that I shan’t
Then I hear this same plaintive cry –
A didn’t want any
B didn’t get any
C got more than he should
Ds little heart sank,
E got an active rank,
F didn’t – but he felt that he could
G had effort ignored
with it all H was bored
and I really couldn’t care less.
J was quite elated, poor K was deflated
it seemed all one L of a mess!
M had been a founder,
but N seemed much sounder
0 for it all to make sense!
P tried to mollify
Q did not qualify,
R did not have enough sense!
S seemed stupendous,
‘T was tremendous,
and at seventy U was past tense!
V had been secretary,
W had just made merry
but X seemed to mark the right spot
Tell us Y (That’s the riddle)
Z to be all a fiddle(!)
How did anyone get what he got???
Will this great mystery that’s gone down in history
Ever really be solved?
I very much doubt it, but with or without it,
I’d rather not get involved.
Baron August 3rd, 2016 – 23:40
This whole peddling of “hate crime” is totally irrational. No one in government has explained why it should be such a priority that one of the most basic protective tenets of English law, that a dishonest or guilty motive should be proved in prosecuting a crime, has been abandoned. What is the point of over recording alleged offences which have no substance unless it is to create the justification for even more draconian laws about what we might think, say or write? Those responsible for this, in the police or in the CPS, should be called upon to explain it because it is doubtful that they even have the right to interpret and manipulate the rule of law in that way.
It is irrational because the emotion of hatred in an individual cannot be “owned” by someone else, only suspected to exist by their word or deed. And suspicion ought to require proof of guilt rather than presumption of guilt. If, as they argue, the state of mind of the perpetrator and the absence of word or deed is irrelevant then there can be no hate in the first place. How can you record hate when the mind, words and deeds of the accused, absent in fact, are disregarded to begin with? It is arrant nonsense. It is la la land. It is beyond the looking glass and the nincompoops responsible for it should be removed in disgrace from any levers of power because they are dangerous fascists who seem set on building up everything that was discredited and overthrown in Eastern Europe under communism.
Is that bloody woman running the CPS trying to emulate Roland Freisler in pursuing kangaroo courts to put the paranoia of the state over the rights of the individual? Someone is guilty of something because she and her suborned banana republic police acolytes says so?
It would be akin to Baron accusing me of wanting to steal his watch because he had a perception to that effect and me consequently being prosecuted for a theft that has not even occurred on that basis. How those idiots in Parliament have let this ridiculous and lunatic situation come about is beyond comprehension. Because they want to send one of their notoriously silly “messages” in a bottle of bad law that we should all live together in blissful leftwing Utopian harmon and not have disagreements or disputes with each other? Poppycock!
They created the chaotic divisiveness and societal fracturing we now have to endure with all its mad, topsy-turvy state meddling so attempting to shut us up about it with bad, oppressive law and worse enforcement will just make the pressure in the cooker rise even higher. A knee-jerk fiddling of statistics on “hate crimes” won’t change any reality.
Anyone unfortunate enough to be dragged into this madness should counter charge, that they have only been accused of a hate crime because the supposed “victim” hates them for their race, gender, religion or sexuality. After all, is their “perception” not equally valid in this age of “equality”?
I should have added that this all arises from feminist agitprop. It started being peddled in corporate HR years ago where it was held that the fact of sexual harassment was entirely down to the “perception” of the so-called “victim” of it, with investigations and hearings largely presided over by indignant women. That this dangerous presumption has now been extended to the rule of law is horrifying to anyone who believes in true justice and English judicial precedents.
This is what comes of appointing ideologues with a political agenda into posts that should be strictly impartial and non-partisan. English adversarial law does not comprehend a “victim” of a specific person (rather than a crime) until the evidence of wrong doing has been tested in court. The prosecution and defence are intended to stand equal scrutiny. Prejudicial presumptions simply undermine the credibility of the law and create kangaroo courts that further political aims for preferred identity groups rather than justice for all.
Malfleur 0306
The Czechs have long had liberal gun laws, indeed the term pistol originated in the 15th century there.
Guns are available to anyone with a firearms license. Gun licenses may be obtained in a way very similar to a driving license. Unlike in most other European countries, the Czech gun legislation also permits a citizen to carry a weapon for self-defense.
After the establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918, the country adopted the existing Austrian gun law of 1852. The law was very liberal, allowing citizens to own and carry guns without any formalities, with restrictions applying only regarding their number. However, gun use was restricted during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia: the Nazis forbade private guns but liberal gun law was returned following the defeat of Germany in May 1945.
The situation changed again after the communist coup d’état of 1948. Although the law allowed for some restricted gun ownership, in reality few were permitted
The new enactment of 1995, after the Velvet Revolution, meant a return to the more liberal times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Accession to EU required a new law compliant with the European Firearms Regulation, which was passed in 2002. However The law remains very liberal despite introducing more regulation.
Recently a KSCM Deputy has proposed return to the position before enactment of the law complicit with the EU.
Malfleur 0306
The Czechs have long had liberal gun laws, indeed the term pistol first originated in the 15th century there.
Guns are available to anyone with a firearms license. Gun licenses may be obtained in a way very similar to a driving license. Unlike in most other European countries, the Czech gun legislation also permits a citizen to carry a weapon for self-defense.
After the establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918, the country adopted the existing Austrian gun law of 1852. The law was very liberal, allowing citizens to own and carry guns without any formalities, with restrictions applying only regarding their number. However, gun use was restricted during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia: the Nazis forbade private guns but liberal gun law was returned following the defeat of Germany in May 1945.
The situation changed again after the communist coup d’état of 1948. Although the law allowed for some restricted gun ownership, in reality few were permitted
The new enactment of 1995, after the Velvet Revolution, meant a return to the more liberal times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Accession to EU required a new law compliant with the European Firearms Regulation, which was passed in 2002. However The law remains very liberal despite introducing more regulation.
Recently a KSCM Deputy has proposed return to the position before enactment of the law complicit with the EU.
One woman killed and five injured in Russel Square last night, the perpetrator is said to have mental issues. Is there a law against calling a spade a bloody shovel? in my day we had sane folk and bloody lunatics, the latter were banged up in the booby hatch and even the loonies did not run around trying to turn innocent strangers into chopped liver.
Of course there is absolutely no mention of the ethnic origins of the murderer, but as he is in hospital and under police guard, we can be sure he is not of Anglo Saxon or Christian origin. Naturally tho police will do their best to hush things up, but I cannot avoid speculating as to whether this outrage could be classed as a hate crime? and would it be unnecessarily provocative to do so?
Despite the London fuzz now dressing like para military SWAT teams from LA circa 1968, another nutter manages to run amok in Bloomsbury for five minutes and injure 7 innocents before killing one elderly woman. And when the much heralded (only yesterday) crack gunslingers arrived, they TASERED the perp. TASERED??
I don’t, and never have, endorsed capital punishment – with one exception: in wartime, mano a mano with the enemy. In which case shoot-to-kill is not only justified, but obligatory. Why do we now have to go through the expensive procedure of nursing the cunt and then dragging him through the costly court procedure – then keeping him in cosy quarters for ‘life’ (which probably will mean no more than five yonks, once the bleeding hearts brigade come to his rescue).
A message to my heirs and successors: null points, fellas! You missed your opportunity to rid the world of a soldier of the jihad. If you’re going to kit up in the gear of soldiers – FFS act like soldiers and do your duty. We’re losing this fucking war!
As for the ‘mental health issues’ upon which our msm are focusing. Take it as read – he’s a Somali and a Muslim. There are 1.2b of the fuckers with so called mental health issues, aka religious delusions. And by the way, given the recent dopey statements from Pope Frankie, it isn’t confined to the Muzzies!
We are not losing this war, we are not even fighting it, and by the time the authorities acquire a set of balls, then it will be too late.
When an enemy declares war on a country (or a civilisation, which is more important) and the country or civilisation refuse to engage – then it is looooosing!
How did you do that? I refer to your blog page suddenly appearing on the screen of my Nexus tablet. Not complaining – just curious?
While I accept that Google moles trawl through everything I write in order to distribute ‘cookies’, it is a little unnerving to experience the speedy targeting involved in this little caper.
Weren’t me guv. I would not have a clue how my blog site reached you as I am computer illiterate and proud of the fact, I can switch the damn thing on and that’s about it. My blog address is supplied to coffeehouse wall so maybe that’s how it arrived at your terminal. If you get an answer to this please let me know as I am curious.
Think I’ve cracked it: I clicked on your name on your last comment and suddenly – hey presto- your blog site appears. Sooo … I recommend that others do the same – interesting narrative and a portrait, too. 😉
btw Stephen, having followed through with your Amazon link I see that one of your books – “My Prime Minister and I” – is listed at $118. Must be some alarming revelations to justify that price? Sadly My budget won’t stretch to such salacious copy. 🙂
… and finally, you wonder why I poked your name in the first place?
The answer id that I was seated in my armchair, musing, with the Coffee House page still on my pad. I nodded off, with my stylus in my hand. It just happend to descend, by force of gravity, in my reverie and the stylus hit your name quite randomly. Thus when I awoke, I was confronted by your blog.
Mystery solved. No Google commercially motivated conspiracy! Just happenstance. … the root of everything. Now you know why I’m not only a determinist, but one who nods off at the drop of a -er- stylus. Anno Domini.
What a good idea!
Muslims joining Angela Merkel’s party in Germany ‘should sign anti-Sharia declaration’
Our politicians could even swear loyalty to the Crown.
Thanks for the info. I checked my Amazon page $118 is the cost of an original edition and is no longer available, just as well as I get nothing, in fact it is a breach of my copyright to resell a copy not that that ever stopped anyone doing it. Revelations? Too damn right, I had some very good contacts in them days and many of the incidents in the book are based on fact.
““The chilling prediction by FBI Director James Comey of ‘a terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before’ warrants an immediate freeze on Syrian refugees,” he wrote in his letter to the president. “I urge you to immediately stop accepting Syrian refugees as a matter of national security.” ”
Over to you. Theresa May; but perhaps you would make an exception for Christian. Jewish, and other non-muslim Syrians. The government should also act to expel those already in the country – on the ground of NATIONAL SECURITY. Whose shilling are you on?
At last, an action plan!
UN Backs Secret Obama Takeover of Police
Another organisation to be added to the long list of those to be abolished as soon as possible – fortunately this one’s headquarters are in Manhattan where angry citizens will soon be gathering with a long agenda of rectification .
Paedophile chaos:
Unlike Butler-Sloss and Woolf, Goddard was knifed by the establishment who see the inquiry dangerously near beginning to get at the truth.
Fortunately Goddard has set up systems and people who can get on with things while Rudd and May flounder around to salvage their own reputations.
Someone needs to draw together and make credible Ferntree, Yewtree, Midland, Cyacos and others and keep that creep Tom Watson out of it.
Emulous (11:36)
It’s yet another gravy train for shysters, bent politicians and lefty activists. Most of the ‘evidence’ is beyond proof or corroboration because of nature of the alleged offences and the passage of time. Humanity is subject to the frailties of the flesh. Perversion and general depravity are part of the human condition. All the ‘inquiries’ that have been or will be will never change that. Look after your own and make sure that they are aware of dangers. If you expect the government to protect you, or your children, then you need to change planets – pronto! Over the past five decades legislation has been deliberately enacted or adjusted to accommodate the perverted sexual appetites of the people in power. That’s why most of them seek and obtain positions of power in government, publics services and charities. The sex industry has been rewarded wirh accolades and legislative enablement.
All political parties are riddled with nonces. It’s not ‘chaos’; it is carefully oechestrated.
I enjoyed the BBC documentary about the remarkable well-preserved bronze-age settlement (“Britain’s Pompeii”) discovered at Must Farm (near Whittlesey in Cambs).
One of the reasons for that enjoyment was this. For years the influence of the left wing within Academia has resulted in the pink-haired alt-crusties employed in archeology attributing “ritual” use to every odd artifact that they cannot explain and obsessing about “ancient communities” as a time of idyllic communes. This extended to bronze age swords which they insisted were carried only as status symbols by high-status individuals and were not intended as practical weapons. They peddled the idea that bronze-age people in England were peaceful, organic, communal farmers – greens and lefties from another age hugging each other and wearing beads.
Must Farm changed all that. The roundhouses had been burned down violently and the inhabitants had either fled or been dragged away leaving pots still containing food. There are the remains of weapons everywhere, including bronze swords showing evidence of use in combat. This tiny settlement of four roundhouses had enough bronze axeheads, spears and swords to suggest every male in the place had been armed to the teeth.
I enjoyed watching the reaction of the BBC historians as they came to terms with that fact. The presenter did not want to run her finger along the blade of a still sharp bronze sword because she thought that it might cut her. And those notches in the blade?
Anyone aware of the malady?
Colonel Mustard @ 11:13
Another top grade posting, Colonel, thank you, you must have a well oiled production line tucked somewhere in your brilliant brain. One hopes you keep the crop safe, consider publishing it one day.
This is rather longish, mainly because it’s repetitive in parts, if you decide to read it it, you can skip the beginning, it becomes of interest after the picture full of old Nippon banners, the red and white ones used exclusively when the military were in charge.
If we debate this, Baron may tell you about his meeting a descendant of one of the samurai class. The young generation may be less keen on the old shinto sentiments, but that doesn’t apply to all of them.
Emulous @ 11:27
You surprise Baron, Emulous, how come you’re so interested in the affairs of this small tribe in the middle of the Old Continent, who speak a language not many non-speakers are willing to learn?
Malfleur @ 10:10
The Clinton woman will finish the job if she gets in, Malfeur.
Frank & Emulous:
When the news hit the airways Baron’s first thought was the Australian was pushed, those who have things to hide may have been getting anxious she’ll get to the truth. As often happens when the powerful are to be found out, someone may have whispered into her ear, she got the message, resigned. The brevity of her resignation letter would back this explanation. The suggestion that she spent too much time ‘abroad’ is ridiculous, people who worked with her said she never failed to attend any of the scheduled meetings.
Here’s a snapshot of the Republic, well, Chicago actually. The u-tube video is from a cop’s head camera, the piece is from the Daily Beast, it gives you the background to the shooting, a young black man stole a Jag, was trying to flee.
One almost wishes Al Capone was back, the streets of American cities may be safer if he were around.
Peter from Maidstone
False Flags – Orlando – Book Review
I think it was in response to the Orlando Massacre that you posted that your son’s immediate comment was that it had all the signs of a false flag. The following came to my attention early this Saturday morning – I am taking the liberty of posting the review in its entirety:
Review: Orlando False Flag – The Clash of Histories
Amazon Page
Kevin Barrett (editor)
5 Star. Blows Apart the False Government Narrative on a False Flag Event Intended to Advance Gun Control & Keep the Fear Going…
The Table of Contents is at the end of this review to help Amazon readers make their decision about buying or not buying. Many of the integrated pieces can be found free online but I believe that the value added by the editor in organizing this information is huge and worthy of your support.
Why is this book important?
Since the assassination of JFK and the cover-up of that assassination led by LBJ, the USA has been under the direct control of the 1% and their fascist, pedophile, and deep-state allies. 9/11 was the largest and most treasonous false flag in the history of the USA (although the war on Mexico and the take-over of Hawaii are up there, both false flags in their own way). Orlando, because of the level of detail that absolutely crushes the government’s false narrative, has the potential to awaken the public to the other less obvious false flags including Sandy Hook, Boston, and San Bernardino. Recent cop killings coincident with Black Lives Matter protests were carried out by white private military contractors — even the Black Lives Matters leaders are starting to see how false flags are being used to re-ignite a race war and distract the public from the fact that we are on the verge of a revolution (see Chris Hedges’s superb book, Wages of Rebellion because for the first time — and Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders both merit great credit for helping — everyone is starting to realize that “we are all black now” and this election is about We the People (the 99%) against the 1% that will pay any price in our blood, treasure, and spirit, to continue with their looting of the US public treasury and their destruction of the Earth.
This is as serious a book as you will read in your lifetime. Of course it has warts — it is not Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time — but for what we need, right now, to rise up and rebel and take charge of our destiny and restore the sacred nature of America and its Constitution, this book is a cornerstone. I am honored as a former spy who has *done* a false flag, to have a chapter in this public service publication.
Semper Fidelis,
Latino Patriot
Democracy Riots! We are all black now — deal with it!
Preface: The Clash of Histories Kevin Barrett, with Rafiq 7
Introduction: Orlando Nightclub Shooting—Another False Flag? Kevin Barrett 13
Part 1: What Really Happened in Orlando?
The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid? Robert David Steele 25
Orlando: A False Flag Attack on Muhammad Ali’s Islam? Feroze Mithiborwala 59
The Orlando Shooter Was an Asset of US Intelligence Agencies John Hankey, with Kevin Barrett 79
Part 2: Historical Context: Contesting the Narrative
Massacres: Where Have All the Islamists Gone? James Petras 85
The Orlando Massacre: The Lies, the Exploitation, and Unasked Questions The Saker 89
The Orlando Massacre and the Zionist Propaganda of Alex Jones Christopher Bollyn 95
Orlando’s Geopolitical Context: The Empire’s Post-9/11 Hegelian-Style Warfare Against Both the World and American Citizens Joachim Hagopian 99
Orlando Magic: Violent Passion Theatre James Hufferd 127
Terrorism: A Matrix of Lies and Deceit Christopher Black 131
This Was Not About Islam: Getting It Wrong About the Orlando Massacre Lawrence Davidson 135
What About the Cops? Let’s Ban Assault Weapons for Police, Too Dave Lindorff 139
Orlando Killer: CIA-Linked Son of Northern Alliance War Profiteer Kadir A. Mohmand 143
The Radical West Has Given Ten Orlandos Every Day to the Muslim World for the Last 15 Years Javed Jamil 149
Terrorism Privatized Gordon Duff 155
Part 3: Islam, Homosexuality, and Cultural Politics
A Gays vs. Muslims False Flag? Kevin Barrett 161
Disco Inferno: The Great Satan Devours His Own Children Michael Jones 171
ISIS and Homosexuality Thierry Meyssan 183
Trump, Guns, Gays, and Islam Miko Peled 189
Tell the Government the Gay Community Is Nobody’s Psy-Op Pawn Rafiq 193
Afterword: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich Kevin Barrett 197
Contributors 205
Notes 211
(h/t Public Intelligence Blog)
Peter, the PayPal link to donations doesn’t work, Baron has tried few times, failed. Are you sure you’ve corrected whatever it was that needed correcting?
Dame Shammy:
Inquiries my arse!
Vermin wallowing in the cesspool of the PoW and occasionally putting their rodent faces through the scum that envelops it. Despicable shitz!
Always knew the prissy little cow was not only a shyster, but also a hypocrite.
As for the other side – Daniel Korkscrew CBE ??!! For cowardice in the face of extreme flak from commenters to his Speccy blog , which he abandoned and then went into hiding in Downing Street? Says a lot about Cameron’s judgement; but after his choice of Andy Coulson – how can anybody be surprised. Is Jeremy Clarkson getting a gong? 🙂
Once again – cue Sir Richard Mottram. We truly are.:-)
From Judicial Watch in my email:
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton will appear on “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel in the 6 am ET hour tomorrow, Saturday August 6, 2016, to discuss the upcoming Hollywood film about Edward Snowden, and how profiting from his treason may violate the law.
Well said the Ouzzies!
Diplomatic Scandal Erupts After Turkey Calls Austria The “Capital Of Radical Racism”
“Turkish Foreign Minster Mevlut Cavusoglu called Austria the “capital of radical racism” on Friday after Chancellor Christian Kern suggested ending European Union accession talks with Ankara. Cavusoglu said Kern’s comments, spurred by a crackdown on suspected perpetrators of a failed coup last month, were “ugly” and that he rejected them all.”
“… While hardly news to anyone, what Kern did was expose the hypocrisy behind the western alliance’s treatment of Erdogan, which is desperate to keep Turkey in its good graces for four reasons: its bases provide NATO with a middle-eastern hub for military missions; it is a key energy nexus between the east and west, it is an outpost for 2 million Syrian refugees which could resume their exodus toward Germany, and if lost, Turkey would promptly gravitate toward Russia’s sphere of influence.
Which is why nobody had so far dared to aggressively criticize what has happened in Turkey, until the Austrian finally admitted the truth…..”
It was brought to my attention by one of mys sons that the BBC magazine for petrolheads “Top Gear” is on sale here and is especially edited for this country market. I was informed that is published in numerous other countries, in each case written for the consumer profile in that territory.
I was wondering, with similar ruminations along the same lines, how this fits into the structure which requires everyone with a TV in Britain to pay a licence fee to the BBC and whether similar BBC enterprises outside the country feature on the profit or loss side of the Corporation’s balance sheet. Don’t know. I just know I can’t get Question Time on the BBC website because I am not in Britain. Small mercies I suppose….
Baron 19:42
It looks like the Clinton woman will get the chance to finish the job.
I’ve thought for a while now that Trump doesn’t really want to be president. I think he got into this and was surprised – and unprepared – to find himself doing so well, and now he is sabotaging himself, maybe unconsciously, but it ain’t looking good.
See for example this report by English journalist Paul Joseph Watson on Hillary Clinton’s physical and mental condition:
‘The Truth About Hillary’s Bizarre Behavior’
Malfleur @ 02:43
Have a look at this,Malfleur.
The barbarian continues to believe that aligning with the tinpot dictator is not only revolting, it’s also far too risky for the KGB Colonel. The Turkish madman has outwitted everyone (and that includes the Hon Muslim), has everyone by the balls. The Americans will let hi m quit NATO only over his (E’s) dead body.
Baron August 5th, 2016 – 19:32
I’ll bite!
The Canadian is an idiot whose ability to speak Japanese facilitated his rudeness. To tell the Japanese that the German constitution would have prevented them doing what they were doing was nonsense. Like an Angolan interrupting a Remembrance Day ceremony in London and telling the attendees that North Korean constitutional law would not allow them to give speeches commemorating their war dead. Or an Irish Republican disrupting a Remembrance Day church ceremony in protest about Bloody Sunday.
As we used to say before protest became a form of intrusive, disruptive narcissism. “there is a time and a place for everything”.
Yasukuni, a Shinto (worship of ancestors) shrine, contrary to the received wisdom of various media idiots, is not a memorial to Japan’s war criminals but to ALL their 2,466,532+ war dead, including the 622 killed during the Boxer Rebellion, 300 on the Allied side during WWI and all the non-combatants, women and children who were burned alive in their thousands in the American bombing campaign of WWII. Commemoration at Yasukuni is mandatory. There is also a separate shrine there to ALL war dead in the world, regardless of their nationality.
Yasukuni has become a focus of ire for those still campaigning against Japanese war crimes as though, because of its war criminals, Japan is not entitled to commemorate its own war dead. Leading the charge are the Chinese, whose version of their long struggle against Japanese aggression from 1937 to 1945 has been established uncritically and exacerbated by accusations about the way the Japanese teach history. I could tell you tales that would perhaps balance the charges but that would be to piss into the wind of a fact-rooted mythology that still makes good box office for Sino-American movie makers. The exception, as they say, proves the rule. Those who suffered but forgave and forgot and those who had reason to be grateful do not make the same copy as those who tell the tales that reinforce the popular perception born in wartime propaganda of the “Yellow Peril” or the cruel “Jap”. Unfortunately but as always the ideological conflict between the left and the right intrudes into the controversy. The righteous left, who have little to say about ISIS, are quick on the uptake when it comes to the Japanese right wing and conservatives pushing back. On 15th August there is always an abundance of Yakuza gangsters and hard-right militant nationalist groups at Yasukuni pursuing their own revisionist agendas. There is also a uniformed, marching contingent of visiting Taiwanese who want that island to return to rule by the Emperor of Japan.
There are 1,068 Japanese war criminals remembered at Yasukuni, including high profile war lords like Tojo and Yamashita. The rights or wrongs of that are open to debate, as are some of the convictions and executions, but when ceremonies are held there they are not intending to celebrate or excusing war crimes or militarism, although there may be underlying feelings of a losing side grievance about some of the executions. The family of a young man conscripted from university as a soldier into a brutal regime, sent to New Guinea and never seen again or of parents or grandparents burned to ashes in one of the many firebombed cities and towns would be understandably upset that a Canadian gaijin should loftily tell them in their own language that they had no right to remember those loved ones. Even Tojo had children and grandchildren who loved him and instinctively defend him still:
The number of victims of Japanese war crimes, which includes those who died as a result of their administrative incompetence, indifference or neglect as well as from acts of deliberate cruelty, is not agreed and is complicated by differences of opinion as to whether the civilian victims of Japanese bombing raids should be included in the total. However it is calculated the total is vast and is something that the Japanese as a nation should be ashamed of. But campaigning for them to accept and globally acknowledge that shame at a national level is quite different from an individual disrupting a religious ceremony because he has an inflated sense of his own importance as a one man judge and jury.
Personally when I think of the Holocaust I think that Germany got off lightly and by rights ought still to be a pariah nation rather than be throwing its weight around in Europe again after little more than half a century. But inherent chauvinism cuts two ways and the same people that huff and puff about Japanese war crimes are often as likely to bristle when it is suggested that reparations should be made for the centuries of transatlantic slave trade that brought wealth to many British families but suffering, misery and death to the millions of Africans who were its genuine victims. Is it therefore a matter of time between a nation’s shame and its exoneration from its historic crimes? Who gets to decide how long the period of penance should be and on what basis?
Frank P 12.38: Much of your text is true. But prior to the inquiry we had that obnoxious creep Tom Watson every day on the BBC acting as judge and jury on fellow politicians. He was mercifully quiet on all this until yesterday. If Rudd cannot get on with appointing another Gauleiter we will continue to hear from odious Tom Watson until she does.
Baron 1937
The plucky Czechs have been in our hearts since Chamberlain sold them down the river at Munich.
Then Alexander Dubček led to the political awakening of a generation of young Englishmen. “You can crush the flowers, but you can’t stop the spring” was a powerful statement and finally came true 21 years after he spoke it. The suffering of the Czech people after 1968 is underestimated by the tourists who trundle down Wenceslas Square and ask where the tanks stood.
One of the most moving speeches at the collapse of the evil of communism was that of Wraclav Havel:
“Our country is not flourishing. The enormous creative and spiritual potential of our nations is not being used sensibly… A state which calls itself a workers’ state humiliates and exploits workers. . . .
Three days ago I became the president of the republic as a consequence of your will, expressed through the deputies of the Federal Assembly. You have a right to expect me to mention the tasks I see before me as president.
The first of these is to use all my power and influence to ensure that we soon step up to the ballot boxes in a free election, and that our path toward this historic milestone will be dignified and peaceful.
My second task is to guarantee that we approach these elections as two self-governing nations who respect each other’s interests, national identity, religious traditions, and symbols. . . .
My third task is to support everything that will lead to better circumstances for our children, the elderly, women, the sick, the hardworking laborers, the national minorities and all citizens who are for any reason worse off than others. . . .
You may ask what kind of republic I dream of. Let me reply: I dream of a republic independent, free, and democratic, of a republic economically prosperous and yet socially just. . . .
People your government has returned to you”
(I even think Nigel Farage borrowed from this on 24 June)
Emulous @ 10:58
Good to see that I may infer that you support the right of the citizenry to bear arms in Great Britain. Can we identify a member of parliament or other public figure of weight who would lead an attempt to have suitable legislation passed – perhaps modeled on the Swiss or Czech example, and drawing on our own traditional right which Colonel Mustard illuminated last week?
More GAVIN MCINNES – Liberals (American Liberals that is) Are Cultural Suicide Bombers
Grist for the mill of the politically incorrect – get yours now
“The biggest problem America has today is that the poor eat too much” etc., etc.
Emulous @ 10:58
Understood, Emulous, thanks for telling us.
Your sentiment cannot but be appreciated except that the barbarian holds not the same view either on Dubcek or Havel. The first one was a communist first, a burgher of the country of his birth distant second, never leading the nation, always pulled by public opinion, the playwright’s name, if anything, should adore a list of world’s leading hypocrites, if there were one. It’s the barbarian’s view, obviously, not shared by many in the small Republic.
Colonel Mustard @ 10:47
Thank you, Colonel, quite informative again.
Both the Canadian and the two Japanese parties (the civilians and the police) have overstepped the code of civil behaviour, agreed.
The key question remains. Should the Japanese acquire a nuclear arsenal for war? In Baron’s humble view, they shouldn’t. The tribe that can entertain the use of kamikaze suicide warriors ought not to possess such awesome weapons (neither should the tribe whose members are looking forward to 72 virgins after death).
Baron August 6th, 2016 – 16:04
Judging by the footage most of the Japanese civilians going after the Canadian were Yakuza which raises a question about the behaviour of the police involved. I found it strange but couldn’t work out whether the motivation of the police was just to keep order in a confused situation or to intimidate the Canadian.
If the Japanese pursue a nuclear arsenal it will be in response to North Korea, so maintaining a kind of MAD balance. The 2005 Chinese Foreign Ministry assurance of no first use and no use against non-nuclear states might make that a bad idea but from Japan’s perspective the relationship between China and North Korea if push comes to shove is not clear. The US have been stirring things up by warning China about Japan’s capability to develop nuclear weapons very rapidly, supposedly to get them to lean on North Korea – but that looks like typical ham-fisted Obamarama stupidity which will probably end up doing more harm than good.
The Japanese kamikaze volunteers (many of whom “volunteered” from peer pressure or hierarchical coercion) were uniformed servicemen who flew military aircraft against legitimate military targets through walls of flak and defending fighters in a theatre of war. Most of them were terrified and under no illusions about what they were going to do or the ultimate futility of it, but they were imbued with the 1882 ‘Gunjin Chokyu’, the 2,700 character Imperial rescript to soldiers and sailors which they had to learn by heart and which included the precept that “duty is heavier than a mountain (but) death is lighter than a feather.” The overwhelming sense from their private last testaments to their families is of sadness, regret and humility – very rarely any fanaticism or triumphalism.
Please do not compare those desperate acts of duty in defence of their families and homeland, however misguided, with Islamic suicide bombers.
BREAKING NEWS: Man yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ attacks police officers with machete in Belgium
Comment, by SteveA2: A “mentally ill” machete, no doubt.
Colonel Mustard @ 16:56
Even the remnants of the barbarian’s Japanese have rusted so much he couldn’t get any of the shouting, Colonel, if you say most of the angry mesomorphs were yakuza he’ll take your word for it. The arrest may have been to calm the shouters down, protect the Canadian.
You’re of course very much correct saying the motives for the two groups’ suicidal behaviour differ, no question about it, the outcome though is the same.
MAD works provided those countries protected by it are governed by sane, rational, prudent leaders, not but fruitcakes motivated by either a religious dogma, the idea of superiority or some other irrational determinant, that’s a broad generalisation, but the years since the split of the atom was weaponised would back it up.
The communist thugs were barbarous, illiterate, hardly civilised, but far from mad. As Baron said many times before he believes they, the communist mafia, would have never pushed the button for the knew any internal disorder, even a short one, would have been the end of the communist experiment.
RobertRetyred @ 17:02
The choice of weapon seems significant, Robert. They seem to prefer the blade, probably because for them it’s the ritual itself rather than the number they harm. The impact on the plebs may be greater because undoubtedly there are by far more knives than guns in every country.
Sooner or later those in governance will have to come u p with much better response to such atrocities than putting heavily cladded armed men on the streets.
Three pieces of very recent news our MSM lapdogs have missed on:
You recall young Ukrainian woman Nadiya (Viktorivna) Savchenko? A former pilot, arrested by Russia (for allegedly masterminding the killing of two Russian journalists), on hunger strike in a Moscow jail, sentenced, then swapped for a couple of Russians held by Kiev, now a Rada member (the equivalent of our MP).
Well, this patriotic girl is on hunger strike again in Ukraine, she demands (amongst other things) an exchange of prisoners (between the East Ukrainian rebels and Kiev), and a change in the Ukrainian Constitution that would strip the ‘thief’ Poroshenko of his powers (Poroshenko’s the current President of Ukraine, chosen by the fuck-the-EU Newland, duly elected by the Ukrainian unwashed).
The Yemeni Shia rebels known as Houthis have been making inroads into the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. That’s a total reversal of what was supposed to happen, the Saudis have been pummelling (with Western weapons) the Houthis for well over a year, yet with not much success, it seems they’re the losing side.
And lastly: The Chinese Government have invited Afghan Taleban for peace talks. (What does the Hon Muslim make of that?).
Baron – 19:35
Ban all knives?
At least the Christians could break bread ….
Breitbart carries the news that Boris scrapped the ban on the flying of the LGTB flag from UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office buildings. The report recommended that missions should fly the rainbow flag in countries where the staging of gay pride events is prohibited.
A blogget Conductor 71 says: “That should make life exciting for our Middle Eastern embassy staff”.
RobertRetyred @ 22:26
Avoid furnishing them with ideas, Robert, they’re more than capable to come up with idiocies aplenty, cutlery may well be banned, we may be asked to go for chopsticks, or eat with our fingers, knives will only be issued after one obtained a special permit from a newly established Ministry of Cutting …
A measured take on Donald’s chances in November – instead of attacking each other, the Republicans should unite, direct the firepower against the one who can bury the great Republic forever – the Clinton woman:
This has nothing to do with anything we have ever talked about, the barbarian found it intriguing for it charmingly brings back England as she once was, a gentle land with eccentrics galore. It runs for an hour, Baron listened to it driving, you can (no obligation though) listen to it in bed. It’s about a woman named Connie Kent, her disappearance, her inquest papers embargoed for 75 years. Why?
Baron 23:25
My wife and I listened to the broadcast driving home from North Yorkshire, very interesting and it raised more questions than answers. I had never heard of the story even though I have lived only a few miles away all my life.
My wife who works in the foreign country called London was dumbfounded to find the holiday cottage she had booked had no internet connection, 3G or 4G.
Nearest place to get online was 15 miles away.
Baron August 6th, 2016 – 23:25
Fascinating, thanks. Sounds like somebody had the body and returned it to the cottage after the war, with the poison bottle placed to suggest suicide. Norman Bates perhaps?
I reckon the stage dresser/seamstress theory is correct and she had probably stolen the fur coats and silk dresses found stashed in the cushion covers. Maybe she was blackmailing the owner of the crested correspondence?
Anyone wanting to better his nation needed to be in a position to change things.
In a police state such as the Czechos were that meant being a member of the ruling party.
Many before and since have made the mistake of removing themselves from the power of office to attack the regime whatever it is.
We see it now Corbyn spouts such nonsense that he in effect has removed the possibility that he can influence the agenda.
Johnson is shortly to find that removing our nation from the marble halls of Brussells gives us no say in the agenda that for economic reasons will continue to engulf us.
Dubcek was a courageous man who gave away an important position in the name of his people to live in mean discomfort for 20 years.
When he died broken at the young age of 70, the New York Times wrote this.
…”This was heady wine in 1968; nothing remotely resembling such independence had existed in Eastern Europe since the Hungarian uprising of 1956, which had also been crushed by Soviet troops. Party conformists in and out of Czechoslovakia were amazed and angry. By the middle of July 1968, Communist leaders from East Germany, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria were meeting in Warsaw to deliberate what had become the Dubcek problem.
Conspicuously absent from the meeting was Mr. Dubcek himself, who would have nothing to do with it. He said the very goal of the gathering constituted meddling in the internal affairs of his country and was thus unacceptable. When other Warsaw Pact nations denounced his own behavior as unacceptable, the Czechoslovak Communist Party’s Central Committee announced rather nervously that Mr. Dubcek’s liberal moves would only strengthen the nation’s ties to the rest of the Warsaw Pact nations.
The relationship between Moscow and Prague crumbled rapidly. In July 1968, the Soviet authorities reluctantly agreed to a meeting on Czechoslovak soil near the Soviet border between Mr. Dubcek and Leonid I. Brezhnev, the Soviet Communist Party leader.
Some concessions were reportedly made by the Czechoslovaks, but Mr. Dubcek resisted Mr. Brezhnev’s insistence that the important liberal reforms that had become known as the Prague Spring be rescinded. In the weeks that followed, Mr. Dubcek got some words of encouragement from President Tito of Yugoslavia and President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania.
Walter Ulbricht, the hard-line leader of East Germany, warned Mr. Dubcek that prudence dictated a quick return to Communist orthodoxy.
On Aug. 21, 1968, after it became clear to the Moscow that Mr. Dubcek was not going to compromise in any substantive way, Czechoslovakia was invaded by armed forces from the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, East Germany and Bulgaria. Flowers vs. Tanks
For days, the world read accounts and watched on television as unarmed Czechoslovak students and workers confronted Soviet tanks and soldiers with flowers and placards, pleading with them to go home. The images contrasted with Moscow’s assurances that the invasion had taken place only because Communist leaders within Czechoslovakia had asked for such intervention.
Inside and outside the Communist world, there was widespread condemnation of the invasion. The Communist parties of France, Italy, Yugoslavia and China, among others, denounced the Soviet move. The United Nations Security Council voted 10 to 2 for a resolution that called for withdrawal of the invading forces, but the Soviet Union vetoed it. Sporadic violence erupted. Within a few days, 20 Czechoslovaks were killed and more than 300 were wounded in Prague, according to Government estimates.
As Soviet tanks rumbled through the streets of Prague, the Czechoslovak Communist Party held its 14th Party Congress in secret and elected a Central Committee and a Presidium filled with ideological allies of Mr. Dubcek. The party re-elected Mr. Dubcek first secretary. Arrested and Taken to Moscow
Finally, Mr. Dubcek was arrested and, with a number of his closest political allies, was flown to Moscow. A few days later, back in Prague, Mr. Dubcek had tears in his eyes as he implored his people to continue to trust him, although “we might be forced to take some temporary measures that limit democracy and freedom of opinion.” He urged an end to the confrontation and asked his people for self-control.
After the invasion, Mr. Dubcek was expelled from the party and first dispatched to Turkey and then banished to an even more obscure job dealing with forestry in his native Bratislava, and there he remained until just before the Wall came down”
I do not know your beef with Havel, but Dubcek was truly a great man.
Malfleur 1253
If anybody, David Davis has expressed sympathy in the past. But he is tied up in the fruitless task of trying to best Merkel. And anyway Hamilton’s Dunblane atrocity has put paid to any thoughts of further liberalisation.
And of course the Dunblane inquiry attacked the wrong target.
Guns not pederasts- as revealed by F Forsyth.
“But the strangest cover-up I have ever witnessed (or suspected because it was highly successful) concerned what liaisons and practices lay behind the Dunblane massacre of 1996.
We were all told to believe that a single psychopath, Thomas Hamilton, with a private armoury, stalked into a kindergarten in a Scottish village, murdered 16 children and one teacher, then shot himself. So sad.
Senior Scottish lawyer Lord Cullen was asked to prepare an investigation and report. He did both. It was one of the weirdest documents the Scottish establishment has ever produced; not because of what it said but what it refused to ask or investigate.
Lord Cullen apparently held 100 hearings in public then six crucial ones in private. He decreed his report should be buried for 100 years.
But that is longer than our nuclear secrets have to remain confidential. So what did those last six witnesses reveal?
Others came forward, not summoned, never heard by officialdom, to allege Hamilton was a practising pervert and pederast.
That he had free access to a nearby boys’ boarding school and could be seen prowling the dormitories after lights out.
That he was the “trawler” for likely boys for a ring of extremely senior figures including police chiefs, lawyers, judges and Freemasons, plus very senior figures in Scottish Labour.
Witnesses disappeared, changed their minds. Editors about to assign investigative reporters were advised that would be most unwise.
The village bobby of Dunblane was transferred so far north he was practically waist deep in the North Sea.
If cover-up it was, and I have not the slightest doubt, it remains one of the most successful ever.
Officially it remains a case of a single psychopath, with guns he should never have had, who sort of went doolally and committed mass murder.
But why? Don’t ask. What about that boys’ school? Don’t ask. Why did so many close to the scene become Trappists? Don’t ask. And why was the Cullen Report buried for 100 years? There above all, don’t ask.”
That is why we need Goddards replacement soon.
To end up. Just what did Christopher Biggins say about bisexuals to get him ejected from Big Brother?
See Breitbart.
(I hasten to add a disclaimer that I never watch Big Brother)
Apparently it was something like, “You want to be careful or they’ll be taking you to a room and offering you a shower.” 🙂
Baron August 6th, 2016 – 19:29
“You’re of course very much correct saying the motives for the two groups’ suicidal behaviour differ, no question about it, the outcome though is the same.”
Not really, unless you just mean the destruction of the human body as a result of explosion? The Kamikaze attacked warships and thereby the sailors on them, both legitimate targets in time of war. The fleet radar and picket ships gave the intended targets fair warning of the attacks and the flak and CAPs the means to eliminate the threat. The suicide bombers seem to go for helpless civilians who are enjoying themselves or travelling on public transport and oblivious of attack. That is despicable and cowardly.
If Western governments had any backbone they would announce that the remains of any suicide bombers or slain terrorists would be buried on pig farms wrapped in pigskin with non-radicalised and peaceful imams compelled to conduct the necessary Islamic ceremonies to consign their immortal souls to Hell. Unfortunately Western governments and the over-promoted wonks that preside in them are as cowardly as the terrorists and would not dare trigger the terrorist-apologists of the ghastly left who would be outraged at such treatment and probably complain that it violated the terrorists post-mortem human rights.
“They are trading our security for money.”.
interview by Alex Jones last Friday with WILLIAM BINNEY, former leader of the National Security Agency
“She stole the nomination.”
As an Agitprop watcher for 64 years of my adult life, I have not seen it ramped up to this head of steam it is pumping out today since the 1968 – 1972 period.
The. MSM is almost entirely engaged in leftist propaganda through news content, documentaries and drama output. moreover those emerging from adolescence are in the thrall of relentless brainwashing through internet propaganda; the main two thrusts of the current campaign are driven through the themes of multiculturism and global warming/climate change.
The funding for this comes from market manipulator such as Soros on the left, but also from global corporations who also seem to be hell bent on destroying national and cultural norms in pursuit of profit.
The weakening of Western Civilisation is obvious and being exploited by an upsurge of Islamic jihad, enabled quite blatantly by Obama, his Muslim Brotherhood insiders and their political a d media hacks.
The coaltion of the Long Marchers and the Muslim Brotherhood project is a potent and toxic element in the current geopolitical zeitgeist. Though Trump is obviously somewhat politically inept and naive – a piece of work in progress – but it seems to me that he, aided and abetteted by a tough cabinet around him is the only hope The West has from acceleration over the cliff.
The fact that we’re all dependent on a largely muddle headed American electorate to overcome the Obama/Clinton stranglehold on Washington is a deeply depressing situation.
As for our own crippling political climate here in the UK – it has descended into a complete farce and we are doomed. All political parties have denounced Trump, so even if he wins in November, he is unlikely to have the least interest in either the UK or Europe at large except to demand a larger contribution to our defence against the jihad and a more sanguine NATO, funded by European governments.
Have a happy long hot summer, folks and hope that November Trump-ets a clarion call to a new political era , rather than an Alinski-ite carrion call to pick the bones of the Judeo-Christian era – the Last Post for our way of life.
Frank P August 7th, 2016 – 15:11
“As an Agitprop watcher for 64 years of my adult life, I have not seen it ramped up to this head of steam it is pumping out today since the 1968 – 1972 period.”
Same here. It seems as though the supposed demise of communism in the East 1989-90 gave a terrific boost to leftist subversives and their aspirations in the West. There is something very fishy about the role of Common Purpose, its transatlantic links and especially its shadowy founder Julia Middleton (former editor of Marxism Today) in all this.
It is also interesting how Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov described (predicted) very accurately what has since happened in an interview in 1984 – which can be seen on YouTube:-
It might just be that the useful idiots are more useful and more idiotic than they ever were before but something stinks about it all. The relentless peddling of the same dishonest themes and the lack of challenge to them within the political narrative, the rise of leftist intolerance and bullying, the empowering of minorities at the expense of the majority, the emergence of deeply weird lefty misfits in “leading” positions and the apparent acceptance of the nonsense they spout.
And I agree that the apparent coalition of Long Marchers and radical Islam is the most sinister aspect of it.
“As for our own crippling political climate here in the UK – it has descended into a complete farce and we are doomed.”
Frank-You surely cannot believe this. We have a new dawn. A true new dawn and not a Blairite apology. For 40 years we were sucked further and further into the mire of Europe, largely because we could not see a way forward with the demise of empire. Nigel Farage hit the right note on 24th June. I see a new exciting chapter unfolding with ourselves the helm. David Davis is a man of energy and ideas and will take us forward.
Nigel said-“I think politics needs a bit of slicing up.”
Well it is happening.
Emulous (17:19)
How in fuck’s name can UKIP, squabbling over who is to become leader after the retirement of Farage, ever be anything more that a fringe group. Its only MP is is a Tory mole and the rag tag and bobtails who voted in their millions in the last election will probably transfer their protest to the Corbynsky cabal next time.
Nah, the political elite of Westminster have just shed their latest skin and replaced it with another – snake’s-skin to match her shoes. You can’t buck the system here, it’s too deeply entrenched, has been infiltrated by Gramscian gremlins and become part of the Long March. Brexit will never happen as we intended; there will be ‘accommodations’ that will leave us with little more than we had before – just a slightly more flexible platform for the bullshitters to gull the voters. All politicians are in it for personal gain and access to the gravy train. Some also have a deep ideological mental illness. Fuck ’em all. From hereon in I shall stick to my own particular method of anarchy. They are all prone to ridicule and they don’t like it up ’em. Poxy parasites! As for DD – does that stand for Dulux Dog? He resembles it, but has less charisma. He and Boris should start a canine chartity. Leaders my Arse!
You were being sarcastic I assume. 🙂
Colonel Mustard (15:11)
Yes, thanks for reprising the Bezmenov tapes, which we featured for a spell on Melanie’s own blog some five or six years ago. His prognostications have been eerily and accurately prescient. It he and W Cleon Skousen (author of the ‘Naked Communist’) laid out the game plan in the 1950s but neither foresaw the upsurge of Islamic jihad and were not aware of the early 60s Muslim Brotherhood project which was obviously modelled on Gramsci’s vision of future infiltration. I can see why it is convenient for the two lethal movements to unite against the American hegemony; what I can’t see yet, is which one of the movements will prevail. They are ultimately incompatible. Communism is the more rational, I suppose; the suicidal nature of the jihad has always stultified their historical upsurges. The power and ruthlessness of the Sino-Soviet bloc will probably prevail unless the Yanks eventually wake up from their liberal reverie, strip out the subversive elements and their facilitators and once again flex their global muscle. That would take some time, even if Trump manages to turn over the tables in the temple of Washington in November.
Colonel Mustard @ 10:38
You reckon, Colonel, that if the kamikaze pilots were ordered to crash into residential areas they would have refused to fly?
The whole of Japan got brainwashed to the point where mothers with babies were jumping into the sea to avoid falling into American hands; the Nanking massacre involved also bayonetting civilians of any gender, age; the prisoners of the Japanese were treated worse than animals.
All this because the force behind was that of fanaticism (an excessive single-minded zeal, irrational in its nature, not lending itself to, often not allowing for anyone saying no to it).
It may well be it happened because of an incorrect interpretation of shinto, who knows, but the British would have never even contemplated to institutionalise suicides of its own troops, the slaughter of civilians with bayonets, mistreatment of prisoners of war. Individual British soldiers may have committed it, but it could never have been (and wasn’t) a part of the system of defence.
Your pig farm burial idea is spot on.
Frank P @ 15:11
You keep ignoring the power of the ‘healthy core of Englishness’, Frank, the one that pushed for Brexit, got it. It may well go further, the barbarian hopes it does, in a calm and measured manner using the tools of democracy, well, the remnants of it, re-set the compass in a direction that may appeal even to you. Whether it happens totally without an economic meltdown first (not likely), or after it may be the question, but happen it will.
Over a million of Turks in a show of unity, for the support of democracy, backing the tinpot Sultan were demonstrating today in Istanbul.
The thing that should worry us is the control over the nuclear arsenal kept in the Turkish military base at Incirlik. Who keeps an eye on it? The Americans or the Turks? If the tinpot Sultan were to take over the stored nuclear ordnance he would have the Americans in his hands.
The barbarian forgot to includeat 21.12 a link to the show of unity in support of democracy by the Muslims of Turks. And some of you think democracy and Islam doesn’t go together, how could you.
Sorry about the errors, all Baron’s fault.
Another boil the Germans have to deal with, to good news is Mutti never goes to this coffee shop:
Baron August 7th, 2016 – 20:56
“You reckon, Colonel, that if the kamikaze pilots were ordered to crash into residential areas they would have refused to fly?”
That’s not really the point when the Allies were pulverising Japanese and German residential areas with bombs. And hypothetical because the Kamikaze were never ordered to crash into residential areas. The main point was not to compare them with Islamic suicide bombers because there is no comparison.
Of course one can say that, well, the Japanese started it. But they didn’t really. They were largely pushed into war by the Americans who objected to them doing in China what they and other Western countries had been doing themselves for a hundred years.
The outcome was that Pax Americana and the bean counter’s bottom line replaced Pax Britannica and a bumbling but ultimately benign amateurism where bean counting was a necessary evil but not the main event. I’ll leave you to ponder which of those might be more preferable.
Colonel Mustard @ 22:00
Good ponts, Colonel.
Actually, the first casualty of the US-Japan war were the Japanese. A patrol boat guarding the Pearl Harbour port spotted something suspicious in the sea, fired at it, most likely hit it. It was only after the war when it was learnt the Japanese sent small subs to survey the Pearl Harbour zone before the air attack..
The first piece of news on ITV at 10? The full ban of the Russian paralympic team, the channel devoted several minutes to it, interviewed the chairman of the committee, also asked the ITV man in Rio what he thought of it, the only question he was asked by the anchor woman in London. The million plus gathering of the Turks in Istanbul took just few seconds.
The barbarian has nothing at all against banning the Russian team wholesale if the evidence is there Kremlin was mixed up in it, serves the KGB Colonel right. But is the banning of the paralympic team something that should be of such grave concern to all of us? Is not Turkey’s morphing into an Islamist state more important? Could it not impact on the future of immigration into Europe amongst other things?
The tinpot Sultan is in Russia soon, if the KGB Colonel persuades him to form an alliance, even an unofficial one, the southern flank of NATO may collapse.
There is talk on some Russian blogs that Turkey may join forces with Syria, hit some of the ISIS forces opposing Assad, bribe the others to join the Turkey-Syria axis, create a kernel of a future Islamic union, a first step in the re-creation of a new Ottoman Empire. Many in the Arab world perceive the tinpot man as their saviour after the coup, there’s plenty on that theme in the east European MSM, blogs, nothing here, one can only guess the Americans haven’t yet decided how to handle it, hence the European lapdogs are quiet about the Erdogan trip, Turkey’s turning into a fully fledged Islamic state, Erdogan’s threat to join forces with Russia. Another success for the Hon Muslim, it seems.
Stephen Cohen has a valid point both on whether Putin wants to take over Estonia, and the purpose of NATO.
On the former: Over 300.000 (out of 1.3mn) people living in Estonia are Russian passport holders. They cannot stand in elections, all government papers are only in Estonian, all education, court proceedings, official documents are in Estonian. If that happened in Russia the Western media would go mad.
There are no statistics about how many Estonians live in Russia, the barbarian guess puts the number in the hundreds of thousands, many left Estonia before the USSR collapsed, got naturalised in Russia, neither Putin nor the Estonian Republic would gain any tangible benefits from Estonia being taken over by the Russian neighbour to the south. If it were not for the EU money, the Estonian economy would depend mostly on its trade with Russia, many Estonians have jobs outside the country, mostly Norway.
The encircling of Russia by NATO forces is nothing but a diversionary tactics from the islamisation of the Old Continent, that’s what the hon Muslim wanted, still wants. It also helps to convince the American unwashed of the need to refurbish the gear of the military. The weapon systems the military currently possess are of old design, they need to be updated, it will cost billions, the unwashed have already been squeezed, real wages haven’t change for decades, to ask the plebs to suffer more in order to re-euip the military there must be a villain, Russia it is, one cannot argue the military need new weapons to beat the ISIL thugs of this world, they have nothing but AK-47s, knives or hijack planes or trucks to kill us, it would be laughable ….
Two more links for those who are still following the line that Trump vs. Clinton is a Hobson’s Choice (gimme a break!):
Baron August 7th, 2016 – 22:43
The Japanese two-man mini-subs were actually intended to be part of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Five of them were launched from larger submarines offshore and two managed to enter the harbour. Each was equipped with two torpedos and a demolition charge.
The patrol boat was the USS Ward, a destroyer, which fired on submarine no.20. Its remains were discovered on the bottom in 2002. No.22 fired its torpedos at two ships in the harbour without success and was sunk by one of its intended targets.
Another submarine beached outside the harbour and its unconscious commander Kazuo Sakamaki became the first Japanese POW of the war. The Americans denied his request to be allowed to commit suicide. He survived the war and wrote a memoir but refused to speak about it until 1991 when he was re-united with his surviving submarine whilst visiting the USA. He became a pacifist and the president of Toyota’s branch in Brazil. The remaining 9 crewmen of the five mini-subs all perished in the attack.
Malfleur August 8th, 2016 – 03:30
The second article resonates with what Frank wrote above about a resurgent leftist collective. The mainstream media is still not joining the dots about what is uniting and funding that movement but it is a transatlantic entity. The deadly premise of its groundswell in the UK is masked by the clown-like antics of its would-be leadership but its destructive potential should not be underestimated. The madness it is bringing into the public narrative is incremental, relentless, year on year, and nothing has so far stopped it.
“Back in the day when Stalinists Gus Hall and Angela Davis were regularly nominated by the party as presidential and vice presidential candidates every four years, the U.S. Communists actually had beefs with the Democrats,” he said. “But, in recent years, the party ceased those efforts in favor of a united front with the Democrats, with whom they have very few differences, if any.”
“The union movement, communities of color, students, women, progressives and the newborn “political revolution” can help generate voter enthusiasm by talking and tweeting about Clinton and the issues.”
Out of power for six years they have still managed to “progress” their agenda. In power their madness would accelerate as it did under Blair.
Monica Lewinsky just released the following statement on Hillary Clinton’s run for President:
“I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. The last Clinton Presidency left a bad taste in my mouth. As we get closer to November of this election year, citizens must remember that they cannot trust Hillary Clinton to create American jobs. The last time she had a meaningful job, she outsourced it to me. I simply blew it.”
Baron (09:00)
Very, very good. Is that your work? If not, please source it as the author is worth following.
Frank P @ 09:35
The reach of Baron’s wit doesn’t penetrate that far, Frank, if only it did.
Colonel Mustard @ 08:30
Fascinating stuff, Colonel, wasted on the barbarian (hopefully not others), if you asked him again in a year or so all he’ll remember in a foggy way is the stuff he posted before. You must have amazing memory to keep the details, and not only of this event.
Comedy notwithstanding, the leftist press and TV are spinning so heavily against Trump and in favour of the wicked witch, he’s unlikely to prevail.
She should have had the worst week in the campaign, but the meeja virtually ignored the new evidence of her lies about her server, emails, Benghazi and the $400m ransom deal. OTOH they jazzed up his retort to the Muzzie ‘Gold Star Family’ and his begrudging endorsement of Ryan, McCain and Ayotte in their primary csmpaigns.
This completed biased coverage is having its effect. The polls seem to indicate that, but let us hope that Fox and talk radio, plus the Trump crowds will swing it back and that ‘the movement’ gains impetus from now to November. Clutching at straws, perhaps the polls are bent? 🙂
Baron (10:55)
Tell me then, who did?
Please see new CHW (8/14 Aug.) as below.