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Andrew Brigden is correct:
Marshal Roberts,
Yes Marshal, the man is right, it used to be called Dane Gelt and the Danes always came back for more as will Brussels. It is time to put a stop to all this nonsense and as for a divorce bill, we are still a sovereign nation and can not be made to pay anything. If the political class think they can shovel even more of our cash to the Vikings of the EU and we will supinely accept the situation, then they are heading for an almighty shock which will outstrip the one they suffered after the referendum vote.
A family man in Bury St Edmunds has had his parked car attacked overnight by a gang of youths armed with metal poles. Every window was smashed and every panel dented or scratched. Local police spokes”person” says:-
“The Safer Neighbourhood Team has received some isolated reports of criminal damage on the estate but none of a volume that indicates any significant issues.”
Carry on Constables! Too busy parading about in red high heels, dancing for You Tube, engaging in other narcissistic “charity” stunts or monitoring Twitter for dastardly “hate speech”.
Peel’s Second Principle of Policing:-
To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.
Epic fail.
Colonel Mustard:
Now what will the Suffolk police do?
Marshal Roberts November 21st, 2017 – 19:01
I see that the ghastly Brown, emerging from his crypt and reeking of formaldehyde, is still peddling “Regionalisation” which far from devolving power from Westminster simply increases the control of the usual suspect politician class via its “city region mayors” aka gauleiters. The final urbanisation of the English shires.
This group is trying to kill off ad revenues of the Daily Mail, Sun, and Express. The left has seen it is unable to counter arguments with facts, now moved onto outright fascistic endeavours.
Stop Funding Hate (@StopFundingHate)
21/11/2017, 19:05
We’ll be tracking the most prolific Daily Mail advertisers over the Christmas shopping period & publishing another list in the next few weeks. Who’ll be the number one biggest spender?…
The non-left in Britain has not yet learned to stand their ground and ignore the bleating and shrieking of left wing fascists.
It is become binary. You are either part of the left wing hegemony and advocating it or not. It is defining now. To be simply anti-left rather than right wing (although they’ll label that) or anything else. To be against them because of who they are and how they behave, offering no alternative political ideology or creed.
Unite Against Leftist Fascism
Tally Ho!
Colonel Mustard,
The Mayors are paper tigers. I am more concerned about Brown’s blueprints for the Sturgeonisation of the whole of Britain.
A wonderful paper by John Griffing and George Buchan:
Halstead co-op This time Baron.
It’s nearly always a co-op.
Which is odd or a clue.
John birch – 09:03
There’s clearly a gang of “ethical” smash and grabbers on the loose!
Where exactly is our international man of mystery?
[Baron Pippin II, to give him his full title.]
Mark was guest hosting “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last night”
“Newsweek compares Trump to Charles Manson” and other TDS insanities.
“Dems at the center of sex scandals”
More than dominos toppling, it’s an avalanche!
Lt. Colonel Roy Potter suggests there’s a bit of tension between the CIA and President Trump…
This link and the one which follows after – two different styles dealing with Q Anon and the tremendous drama unfolding with the US government at its centre.
We were lied to! Secret document FCO 30/1048 kept truth about EU from British for 30 years
All of them!
They mutter about Ted Heath cottaging, but this is much more serious.
He should be dug up from Salisbury Cathedral and reinterred in Strasbourg.
Why did we not listen to this man in 1974
“Mr Powell listed the ways in which, he said, the power to make decisions had moved to Europe and referred particularly to Britain’s commitment to economic and monetary union by 1980. This, he pointed out, meant effectively within the lifetime of one more Parliament. “Do not laugh or shrug your shoulders,” he said. You have been told. It is your own fault, and the fault of the public, if you do not listen.” The supreme right of the Commons to tax, legislate and call the executive to account has already been ceded. In the next Parliament will be completed the absorption of Britain into the new European State as one province along with others. Between there lies one event, one hurdle to be cleared, one barrier across the way – a general election. There is just the little matter of securing for all this, before it is irrecoverable and irreversible, what used to be considered as manifestly indispensable – the full-hearted consent of the British people.”
Marshal Roberts – 17:16
He screwed the old, the young, everyone, in fact.
All you young people who have been moaning this is your chance.
Get out there and snap up a half million pound house now.
Marshal Roberts – 17:16
Especially the fishermen.
‘A moment of hope’ (for the gentle unwashed of Zimbabwe), these were the words of the Blonde Inseminator after Mugabe gave up, and for once he’s spot on. A moment it is between the resignation of the old thug, the inauguration of the new one on Friday.
Who in his right mind would argue that Zanu will give up power, let the opposition to have a say, allowing it to probe into the corruptly amassed millions when cumryd Mugabe was in power?
The best that can happen is for the Chinese to replicate their model of governance, allow businesses to prosper (with their investment expanding even more than till now) for the price of a one party leadership, in case of Zimbabwe the party being Zanu, of course.
Paul Lewis’s Money Programme on BBC Radio4 is one of the few outputs of the MSM monolith the barbarian listens to, more or less regularly. Today, the budget was on, rather a dissection of it, what pi$$ed mightily was a family of four (thankfully a heterosexual family, two parents, he and she, and two grown up daughters), the offspring and the mother wingeying about the inability of the young being unable to get on the property ladder bla, blah ..
What Paul should have asked the family is to furnish their income and their outgoings, specifically on items not available when the parents (better still their grandparents) were trying to buy a property decades ago. One suspects the girls are spending a noticeable amount of electronic gadgetry, cars, fashion and possibly holidays. Without knowing about it the family should not have been allowed to moan about their daughters difficulty to get a flat or a house.
RobertRetyred @ November 22nd, 2017 – 16:25
Not much coverage of the document in other MSM, Robert, and for good reasons. One suspects we are going to learn about other ‘secret appendices’ to publicly available texts of treaties in the future.
Heath may have departed, others who knew about may still be alive, someone of the phylum calling itself journalism should ask them, no?
Malfleur @ November 22nd, 2017 – 13:48
In one of the two videos, Malfleur, it takes over five minutes for the leather cladded guy to tell us he’s adjusting the gadget, he wishes everyone happy thanksgiving, and he could refer us to someone but wouldn’t.
The barbarian watched about ten minutes of each, couldn’t figure what’s what, may have come back to it, but other sources furnished a shorter and better briefings. If they’re right, this week may be quite eventful.
John birch. @ November 22nd, 2017 – 09:03
In the past, John, the barbarian used to scan the postings on the Suffolk Constabulary site, gave up, it was rather scary. You can have a look:
Vova’s yer uncle!
For News and pretty pictures of police cars , put into the search engine
*norfolk suffolk gay pride police*
Baron 22-25
I bought a book while in Africa a few years ago about the corruption and problems of tribalism.
When one lot are removed from power and another lot replace them the saying is Now it’s our turn to eat.
I think that says it all really.
Paul Joseph Watson
It’s odd how heterosexuality is now frowned on in the workplace but gay sexuality is brought openly into the workplace so that it becomes part of the police public relations. All because of the supposed “phobia” and “hate” inventions of the Left.
The police are now policing attitudes of the mind. You might be able to change those by persuasion but you’ll never change them by repression, only shut down any utterances disapproved of whilst inciting resentment and undermining respect. You can’t forbid someone from disliking something or force them to like it. And expressing an opinion of liking or disliking is a fundamentally personal freedom that the police, of all people, should not be interfering with.
It might be thought those who rule over us would have learned something from the East European communist experience, especially from East Germany. But not a bit of it. They are busy reproducing all its ridiculous controls, including a politically directed police, believing that was is not permitted to be written or said is no longer thought. Idiots.
Colonel Mustard @ November 23rd, 2017 – 10:36
Good point, Colonel, one’s feelings get driven underground, remain unchanged. More to the point, often those positively disposed towards the many human sexual anomalies, or those who couldn’t have cared less turn around, the dislike of the way it’s being handled forces them to do so.
EC @ November 23rd, 2017 – 10:12
What a creep, EC, but then he is of the Left progressives, can get away with it.
John birch. @ November 23rd, 2017 – 06:19
Good point, John, this, the looking after the tribe, the clan, or at least the extended family if one’s rank isn’t powerful enough and the high procreation rates (the equivalent of our pensions) have been the two factors dominating the political discourse after we left. Nothing on on the horizon that would suggest it’s going to change any time soon.
Radford NG @ November 23rd, 2017 – 00:33
A couple or so or so weeks ago, Radfor dthe barbarian is browsing for books in a charity shop (for some time now his most valuable source of them), about a dozen other customers rummaging through other stuff when the door opens, a man of about forty comes in, unkept long, black hair, the face unshaven, not the designer bristle, just unshaven. He’s dressed in a black short coat with fur collar, probably fake, over the shoulder he carries a large bright red squarish bag made of heavy plastic.
He looks around, quickly picks up an item that Baron cannot recognise, a scarf perhaps, comes to the cash desk where an old lady takes the money, says to her in laud voice: “I’m transitioning, and I like it, and I don’t care what anyone thinks, I am happy, and that’s all that matters, well, I am really only half through transitioning ….”.
He keeps repeating it over and over as the old lady takes his money, gives him the change, once he looks furtively right and left if anyone’s listening, the customers pretend they are not, all busy touching things, ears pricked up though, many moving towards the door even though the one in transit is no threat to anyone.
As Baron leaves the shop he glances back, it’s only now he can see the bottom part of the trans’s attire, it’s a short reddish skirt similar in design to a kilt, rolled down socks of uncertain colour that may have began life white, and high heels, not the pointed high heels, but high nevertheless. What’s most striking, a serious rugby player wouldn’t be embarrassed by the size of the half man-half woman’s calves. Massive.
It may well be that people like him are fighting inner demons of either or both sexes, if the coming out promoted by the progressives, seconded by the governing elites helps that’s fine, but the handling of it so much in the face of everyone turns the process into a rather tawdry affair, not every man looks sexy, this one was far from what the adjective decribes, one couldn’t but pity him.
More to the point, the barbarian cannot claim to be knowledgable on this issue, but he thought only four combinations of the two chromosomes were recognised – XY, XX, XXX (the Turner’s syndrome), or XXY (the Kleinefelder’s syndrome, for which the barbarian had to google). Or has the medicine progressed beyond this?
Frank P @ November 23rd, 2017 – 00:32
Listen up, Frank, this is truly the last time the barbarian bothers, the man repeats the same trash, no point in responding. Again, here comes, the last time:
There’re two groups of haters of today’s Russia, in the first are those who know next to nothing about the country, cannot be bothered to find out, their brains are more than happy to hold on to old prejudices whilst imbibing the official agitprop pumped out by the MSM poodles.
The other group is made up of people for whom the hate of races other than their own furnishes their daily bread, many in this group would love to wipe out the Russians just because they exist, freer and more prosperous than ever before, or at least turn the country of the Russian Slavs into what it was before when the communist doctrine of a Prussian scribbler on matters economics was applied to state governance by a group of fanatics (of whom the biggest killer was a thug from Georgia).
And then there’s the omni-all one, on his own, crowning the hate brigade, he combines the worst traits of the latter group, tops it up by deploying the skills he learnt from observation (when a sheepishly spineless citizen of communist Russia) to spread lies, half-truths and deceptions in the most articulate, refined and admirably persuasive language (that impresses mightily those of the feeble or prejudiced mind, heh, heh, heh).
In the case of the v video what the omni-all one fails to tell you is that before Anna Kuvychko created the masterpiece in question this female Duma member was known to the Russian public about as much as a Tory MP Royston Smith is known to us here (google him if you must), that the video received a spontaneously negative reception amongst the public immediately after ti got released, it was mocked by virtually everyone (few old cumryds loved it though), and that both the state and the opposition media (and bloggers) found it distasteful, creepy, sickening (it reminds people of the adulation of the butchers of the communist era’ was the most common posting on threads).
It got thoroughly censured as was her defence of it when she tried to explain why she produced it, the main TV channel, the one allegedly linked to Vlad, Russia 24, attacked her most savagely accusing her to have created it to gain publicity, others on the programme Baron watched defended her arguing ‘one has the right to be stupid or behave stupidly even if one gets elected to be an MP, which is what she is, probably will be after the next count.
The barbarian didn’t tell you about it (he doesn’t tell you about most of the stuff from the East, it’s hard to explain without you knowing the background).
To sum up the bleating: Why would this piously hateful man “let factual truth interfere with (his) innermost convictions”?
Sincere apologies for the errors, syntax, bad spacing, not nougat time, sorry, the poorly educated Slav had to leave.
Arghhh, ‘not enough’ time, ‘nougat’ time will arrive with Christmas, it’s the fugging software what did it, sorry again.
Politician in “moderate” Malaysia says freedom of religion does not allow no religion, and that atheism can be punished under both sharia and civil law. Good place for civilised people to stay away from.
Baron (12:15)
Oh dear! I Seem to have hit a sensitive nerve there. Just passing on news from Russia, old fella, as you often do youself for some peculiar reason (given that you are a native of CZ; that the Russkies banged you up – and that you decided to ‘scape to the relative calm of Blighty). I have oft enquired, out of friendly curiosity, why your concern for motherfuckin’ Russia – and your abhorrence for an exiled Russki who seems to me (a mere Anglophile, admittedly), to have rational reasons for his personal aversion to Uncle Vova and his crew of kleptocrats? So far you have avoided replying to those apparent inconsistences.
As you say, I haven’t lived in the ‘East’ (East Anglia is far enough east for me – you too now supposedly – though your frequent junkets o’er the channel followed by communiques from MFR keep us informed, as an antidote to ABs “old prejudices”).
In mild defence of my ‘uninformed ignorance’, I was subjected in my own youth, as a consequence of public duties, to some persistent propaganda from the Eastern bloc, which was alarmingly similar to that depicted in the Uncle Vova clip, and later in another and longer stint of public duties saw at first hand on the streets of our once revered Metropolis, the effects of that propaganda and was forced to confront mano a mano the useful eejits/traitors who swallowed it. I also suffered a Sino-Soviet funded campaign to have me ousted from my duties for political reasons. So you can perhaps understand why I am less inclined to be believe apologists for MFR, or their Chink allies, than someone who has documented his childhood in the USSR (which I read with interest and empathy) and who seems to have good reason to despise the residual dregs of that totalitarian behemoth. Just sayin’. Don’t blame the messenger m’Lud.
Btw, AB has modified his onslaught of yesterday, by a more optimistic essay today:
Suppress your scorn and read it: it may help. 🙂 🙂
As the shysters often request in the process of argument, when playing for time, “I request further and better particulars in writing from my learned friend.”
… or to put it nother way, chronical your own halcyon days experience as a counterpoint to ABs How the Future Worked
… it would be a very interesting read and I hereby reserve a copy in advance. Tell your agent.
Frank P @ November 23rd, 2017 – 15:03
You’ve never seen the barbarian then when his ‘sensitive nerve’ gets hit, Frank.
He’ll say more when he has the time, will go as far as to answer what you’ve asked (and will also read the new link, promise)).
Sad music
Henry and Alice are aid workers who are trying to save the world by living in five star hotels in Africa.
As Alice say’s, in our hotel we are creating jobs for local people and that’s good. However .
Henry and Alice have a problem, their TOYOTA land cruiser is now two years old. It’s not as efficient as the latest model and Henry and Alice are worried they may be polluting the wonderful locals.
Alice cry’s every night thinking about this.
Other aid workers with brand new land cruisers laugh at Henry and Alice and this makes Henry cry.
Henry is a modern man and it fills his heart with sadness thinking of Alice being driven around poverty stricken townships in a two year old land cruiser.
Every night Alice cry’s herself to sleep as Henry listens.
But, you can help. For just £3 a month you could give Henry and Alice a brand new TOYOTA land cruiser and allow them to drive through poverty stricken townships with a feeling of pride.
Don’t look away, think of the pleasure you could bring to Henry and Alice for just £3 a month.
Thank you.
John birch. – 17:13
RobertRetyred – 17:23
John birch. @ November 23rd, 2017 – 17:13
Good one, John, and so fitting.
We’ve had a spat of this sort few times in the past, Frank, it’s not that the poorly educated Slav wants to convince you or anyone else, you and the others have been around for a while, you know how the world ticks, it’s just that Baron enjoys backing what he says with a rational argument as vacuous of emotions as possible, if often harsh, that’s it.
Not only the West, the malady seems to have infected the world at large, people have abandoned rational thought for emotions, it’s feelings that form the core of their responses to world events, that is a risky path, it can never lead to solutions that benefit anyone.
One can never shake off one’s deep rooted emotions-based prejudices, dislikes, hates, they are a part of us, but one has to try.
Baron has always made a distinction between a creed, an ideology, a faith, and the bearers of it. It’s not those who sit on the top of any such pyramid of faiths, the creators of them who bear the brunt of the ideology, it’s the unwashed, who either by persuasion, or under threat, big or small, have to live under it. They have no choice but to carry out the ‘orders from the top’.
You see how difficult it is here for even large number of people to get heard, the institutionalised inertia of the Project of the progressives prevents a reversal of it whatever one says or does (within the law), not even a marginal tweeting of the Project seems possible, and that in conditions of relatively free expression, certainly immeasurably freer than what was possible when the communist thugs ruled the East.
The Russians didn’t choose to live under communism, the tyranny was hoisted on them in the October 1917 putsch, as a tribe, they are no more predisposed to kill other tribes than the Germans were to gas people of other tribes.
What happens to Vlad matters not to the barbarian, he doesn’t give a hoot, what happens to the Russian unwashed – even though Baron isn’t one of them – does. You would find Baron making the same arguments if it were the Republic who got surrounded by the Russians trying to bring the land of the free to her knees, acting like some juvenile bully boys.
You’ve seen the response to the budget everyone’s talking about, the BBC suggesting our living standards will worsen in the years ahead, the comparison with the past isn’t much better either, the economy hasn’t been delivering, the masses have and will suffer still.
(Do you wonder why the barbarian brings up the budget?) It’s to demonstrate to you once more that what matters to people in this country is how the present and the expected future stacks up with the past. The past of this country, not that of the Republic, Russia, Outer Mongolia or wherever.
That’s what people in every country do, that’s what the Russians do. They look back what they had 10, 30 or 50 years ago, money, jobs, freedoms. In spite of what Vlad, Medvedev or the oligarchs may have robbed from the Russian treasury, the vast majority of the Russians have never had it so good. They have real jobs, not some fake employment for which they get fake wages.
That’s why Putin and not one of the Pussy Riots girls, is in the the Kremlin. Conversely, the Americans went for the Donald because they see themselves less well off that they were 10, 20 or 30 years ago, and think the future under the old regime would have been unlikely any better.
Is Russia under Vlad a beacon of free press, tolerance, democracy? Far from it, it has boils and warts and pustules aplenty wherever one looks, but the country’s far better than it was when Boris was in charge with his hundreds of US advisors, and immeasurably better off compared with the country’s communist past.
Why kicking at Vlad then, when there’re more tyrannical regimes around, and we’re friends with them, we honour them as valuable partners in business? We have Brexit to take care of, we should trade with Russia, not shout about their gay laws.
What if a deluded Russian mid-ranking military guy near the Baltic states border were to lose it, lob few shells into a US camp nearby, the Americans were to respond, the conflict were to escalate? Do we need that? The barbarian has three grandsons, the last thing he wants for them is a future not that different from the horrors of WW2, possibl y worse given the weaponry each side possesses today.
Nuffsaid, and apologies not just for the errors, for the simplicity of the argument, too. When Baron gets back to the Wall next week, we can indulge in sparring some more. A deal?
And this:
The new link you insisted Baron has to read is essentially what the poorly educated Slav said in the piece that prompted you to jump on the ‘outcast from the East’ (only joking), the response to the deluded Duma woman was pretty unanimous (few old guard commies didn’t join in in the kicking, but that’s what democracy, however imperfect is all about).
Mr. Boot’s examples go against what he’s been trying to convince everyone that opposition, the freedom of expression, the tolerance of views contradicting the Kremlin doesn’t exist in Russia. It does, not as much as we can indulge in here, but if you knew what it was like when Baron lived in Moscow, you couldn’t fail to agree.
Baron (22:09)
Your trip round the houses (twice in ever-decreasing circles) was interesting; but smoke and mirrors will not obscure or deflect my curiosity. Only two questions, m’Lud:
(1) Why TF did you choose to live in Moscau, given your stated nativity?
(2) How TF did you finish up in a flowery at Lubyanka?
I can understand why you settled in Engerland, given that you seem fond of “the essential core of Englishness” (difficult enough for a native to define, harder for a settler, I would have thought, but you are entitled to your opinion) and our erstwhile freedoms – now sadly much diminished in the thrall of the Brussels Behemoth; but your so-called “argument vacuous of emotion” gets very emotional indeed when you address the problem of AB; in fact your emotional cup runneth over in the form of palpable hatred. Why? He has one take on his native land, you have a different one. Both of you have your reasons. That’s life. Whence cometh all this venom and turmoil?
With that final question (two more than I originally intended) I’ll await your response. 🙂 🙂
A Mark of repect and a paean of praise at Thanksgiving and a “Who Do You Think You Are” genealogical dig on the Turkey:
Question Time yesterday had to be curtailed due to illness in the audience. Can’t say I’m surprised given the bias of the panel, the rigged audience and the crap emanating from both. I almost had an apopletic throm myself.
BBC delenda est!!
At least 184 dead after bomb and gun attack at packed Egyptian mosque
And we’re told to believe the nonsense that all cultures are equal.
What a load of fucking bollocks.
Frank 16-59
Like most towns colchester is not what it was. I left there three years ago and moved to England
DE: France will take lead in creating a world which protects us says Macron
We, or rather France, is doomed! 🙂
Doesn’t he know that there is a tiger loose in Paris?
I am not kidding!
Frank P November 24th, 2017 – 16:59
Dimblebore was quite disgraceful in the way that he rounded on the Tory to challenge him over Diane Abbot’s ridiculous plan to increase the debt. Quite how that stupid woman thinks that the government will get an “investment return” from council house rents is mind boggling. But for Dimblebore keep bullying the poor man over that tripe was disgraceful. He is supposed to chair the programme not do Labour’s dirty lying work for it.
Lots of whooping in the audience too. Always a sign that the audience is packed with Labour activists. That ghastly hatchet-faced woman in the audience who wouldn’t shut up was clearly a Labour party stooge.
And the comic opera commissioner was well out of his depth.
Colonel Mustard
So Diane Abbot wants to exploit council house tennants? 🙂
Colonel Mustard (19:21)
Agreed, agreed and ageed!
A week of constant pro EU agitprop across the MSM, topped off by this deeply treasonous programme and its deplorable and increasingly senile anchor from a nepotistic dynasty.
“Terrorism is what makes the rogue state U.S. exist, … [and] the U.S. is the biggest terrorist sponsor and the biggest state-sponsored terrorist universally recognized by the international community,” it continued, according to a summary in the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), another outlet.”
BBC QT: I don’t know why anybody bothers to watch it expecting it to be anything other than a rigged left wing wankfest baiting a lone hapless low calibre token Tory.
The BBC did manage to put on a half decent program last week:
“Britain’s Greatest Pilot – The Extraordinary Story of Captain Eric Winkle Brown”
They made a reasonable attempt at it, but it was not as good as his autobiography. “Wings On My Sleeve Most – The WORLD’S Greatest Test Pilot Tells His Story.” Typical of the BBC to diminish a Brit’s achievements, but interesting sequences with him talking straight to camera, telling his story without a BBC filter.
Captain Eric Melrose “Winkle” Brown, CBE, DSC, AFC, Hon FRAeS, RN
(21 January 1919 – 21 February 2016)
The BBC are also currently re-running Ben Macintyre’s “SAS Rogue Warriors”
also available on iPlayer
Rainbow fuckin’ laces!!
Who is going to call a halt to this rampant corruption and depraved propaganda aimed at the already damaged youth of this country?
So called sporting activities are now becoming a paradise for perverted predators.
The recent scandals involving the abuse of young boys in football clubs, both amateur and professional, have done nothing it seems, fto stem the rot. The nonces are doubling down and demanding their ‘rights’.
If this is happening under a so-called Tory government, just imagine what it’ll be like when Corbynski and his Marxist mob take over.
WATCH: Polish Government Releases Video Blasting EU’s Record on Migrant Crisis and Terrorism
It’ll never happen here.
EC (11:36)
Yes, it was a repeat. Saw it first time round and wept for our Nation. Winkle Brown was one of a now extinct species, I fear.
Frank P – 11:46
Last weekend I switched a MEN’s international Rugby game on only to discover that there was a Wimmin commentator. I returned home last night, switched on the telly and noted that England vs Bosnia was in progress. I switched channels only to discover that it was Wimmin’s ‘effing football !
It’s enough to send one straight down to the local mosque to “swear by the prophet!”
EC (12:05)
Me too, I was looking forward to an advertised international “soccer” match only to find a field full of English and Bosnian vociferous vaginas clod-hopping around the stadium, sporting biceps and gastrocnemus muscles that Steve Reeves would have been proud to display when he was Mr Universe.
Eventually found a simultaneous Premier Lague match of purported male soccer players, one with a pony tale, prancing around the Olympic Stadium only to find that they were all sporting rainbow coloured bootlaces in support of rampant sodomy. How fitting that this campaign started at the home stadium of a football team purchased in part from the proceeds of industrial scale perversion, pornography and prostitution – the godfathers of which are currently under scrutiny for tax evasion.
Bobby Smith and Dave Mackay (famous for his sanguine sliding tackles) must be turning in their graves. One can only imagine where post-match, the slide-in tackle of the current proponents of ‘the beautiful game’ finishes up while romping in the communal baths of the premier league stadiums. But I pefer not to.
.Incidentally, the pony-tailed player was interviewed naked from the waist-up, steaming like a horse that has just completed the Grand National course at Anfield, by yet another gobby girl, who after exchanging the using string of mind-numbing cliches and platitudes, ordered him to, “Better get yerself inside and warmed up.” Yerrrss!
Never was the theme song of a football team more appropriate. All we need to know is who amongst them is known as ‘Bubbles’?
… or do we? Perhaps not.
‘Usual string’ not ‘using string’ – friggin’ predictive text function. I keep turning it off, but it insists on rebooting itself. Urratatin’, I tell ya, it’s urratatin’!
The kick-off at Oxford Circus yesterday is, imho, another clear indicator of the lack of discernment and judgement of the people manning the emergency services these days, in particular the transport police and their Met Police counterparts. The arse-covering reflex of pressing the panic-button before implementing even the basic prerequiste responsibiliy of establishing confirmation of a reported incident, before bringing Central London to a standstill, means that the chain of command is diffy from ahole to breakfast time. The whole of Central London, above ground and below, is under 24/7 vid and audio surveillance. Checking the ground is almost instantaneous.
Under these knee-jerk conditions the terrorists don’t even have to carry bombs or guns. All they have to do is shout “Boo!” to a fellow pasenger, in order to cause mass panic and a life-threatening stampedes.
But …no suprise, when the Gold Commander who was at the helm on the day of the Jean de Menezes fiasco, is now in charge of the whole shebang and her office is close enough to the Major Ops Control Room to have given the green light to a full scale emergency response, yesterday.
Or is she still touring the US, doing her Christmas shopping and seeking advice on how best to facilitate the LGBTQWERTY Community?
Btw – has she yet arranged for the old blue and white striped armband to be reinstituted, but this time in rainbow colours, to be waved prominently by the limp-wristed, fluid-gender cuntstables as they mince their way around the Central London beats?
Though I jest, it’s really no laughing matter. Get a grip, ossifers!
A great writer on the subject of a fast-dying breed:
How can those who still survive those deeds ever forgive us for what we have failed to prevent since. What would those who paid the ultimate price then, have to say if they were able to return and observe the abuse of their legacy?
Kathy Gyngell: Why won’t politicians admit the truth about rampant immigration? | The Conservative Woman
John Birch (8:59)
Great article. It prompted this one – equally seminal:
Both need dissemination among not only those on message (as grist to their mill) but to ditherers who are becoming increasingly seduced by the SJWs and their siren calls. I fear the balance may have already tipped, though. That we are headed for another spell of socialist insanity, mainly due to the current crop of craven c-c-c-‘conserative’ MPs.
Frank P – 01:33
Our fate was sealed on July 5th, 1945. Since then we’ve only managed to wriggle a bit within the straightjacket of consequence the 145 seat socialist majority put us in. With hindsight, THEN would have been the time to emigrate, but unfortunately I wasn’t old enough.
It’s always a pleasure to highlight some good news in the relentless trough of despair that is normally CHW.
So let us rejoice in the remarkable bio-diverse re-cycling possibilities of the Capital’s massive assets and henceforth our war cry be “Yes We Khan!”
Noa – 12:44
Bejesus, Paddy. London is now officially the capital of the turd world!
Noa – 12:44
Not for nothing is the Trough of Bowland twinned with the Slough of Despond!
🙂 🙂
Our lives in his hands
re: 17:22- h/t O’Remus (q.v.)
Frank P 17:35
Thank you Frank for linking a masterpiece of visceral, vernacular but veracious vituperation for this treasonous USAF clunt.
Mangina Hyten’s reservation unto himself on whether or not he will accept orders he doesn’t agree with raises interesting questions for the very survival of the Western democracies.
After all, if each and everyone of those serving in the public sector chooses to ignore those instructions and to enable and enforce policies he or she doesn’t like or agree with we will shortly cease to function as a society.
Of course one of the first things to stop will be the payment of taxes, as we choose to arm ourselves or employ guards directly, in preference to paying police who no longer enforce laws.
Frank P November 26th, 2017 – 17:22
There is definitely a “look” to those fuckwits. Welby has it too. A sort of weak but nevertheless oh so pleased with itself facial fuckwittery.
This idiot like so many others doesn’t have a clue what deterrent means just as the idiots in government don’t understand what negotiation means. Here’s a clue for their weak, fuckwit brains:-
They are not the same as APPEASEMENT.
Colonel Mustard 19:18
A most perceptive comment Colonel. I knew he reminded me of someone, the same sly, bovine asininity, assiduous troughing capability and contemptuous disdain for others, especially ‘the little people’…
Sadly rugby has now gone the way of professional football and little or nothing of either honour or glory remains. As you allude winning is everything. The richer Northern and Southern Hemisphere nations systematically loot the South Sea islands of their best players who, entirely understandably, seize whatever chances are available to them to leave. The real theft, and hypocrisy, is when the Tuilagis, Vunipolas and and Roconigunis of the world loose even their nationhood and what was something wonderful, like a proud independent Fijian, Samoan or Tongan national side have become nothing more than feeder clubs for greedy transnational nations and teams.
As for yesterday, the balance sheet reads: England RFU £7m, Samoa. Nothing. England players £22k Samoan players £650, if they’re lucky.
What pride can there be in nationhood or an England win, from that?
Could the Newspectator sink much lower?
An era may be passing:
A few snippets of info on the coup in Zim. First off it was organised by the British secret service, the CIA is spitting feathers as they had no advanced warning, they were also planning to insert their own candidate to replace Mugabe, a former Vice president. All those close to Mugabe were removed in advance, there was no resistance. If you were wondering how come the reporters and TV crews were on hand to chronicle the event, they were briefed well in advance, a month before the event all was explained to them. Mugabe’s replacement is no saint but he is approaching exiles and inviting them to return and act as advisers, which suggests there is a chink of reality in line for the economy of the country. All in all a very British coup. Nice to know we can still pull these things off.
An interesting p.o.v from Jordan Peterson that seems to nail the bogus communist ethos: in two words – envy and spite.
Dressed up the camouflage of ‘social justice’.
Peterson, a Canadian ‘political philosopher’, goes some way to explaining why communism persists, despite its historical failure in all its geographical and cultural fields of implementation –
the rivers of blood; the deliberate starvation emanating from it – and the oppression that is necessary to maintain its tyrants. Is youth resistant to those implicit messages and evidence? Or ignorant of the facts underpinning its history, because of deliberate policy? The latter is probably the major factor, because the evil proponents of it now dominate the Western educational functions from Academia to infant school. The same applies to the content of media output across the board. This nation is on the brink of disaster and a majority of the electorate apparently see a cabal of the worst Marxist traitors ever to achieve political prominence in this country (masquerading as champions of the deprived and oppressed), as a viable alternative to the current administration.
I would imagine it would be seen as cruel or tasteless to suggest that the cost saving to the taxpayer over the next 50 years from the car hitting the tree and killing five occupants would be considerable.’
Gangsters , car thieves, and trouble no more.
How sad.
And part of the problem is that the current administration seems unwilling, or unable to combat the menace, but rather facilitates it by adopting some of policies, which leads to the possibility that the so-called tories are deeply infiltrated by left-leaning imposters. Certainly an exponential number of identity groups that form the Long March of useful idiot are now part of the Tory parliamentary party. Never in my lifetime (and therefore the ifetime of all Wallsters- perhaps with the exception of Herbert who has a couple of yeas on me, I believe) has this country been in such political peril. Not even 1945 was a portent of today, though the more discerning among us may have suspected it as a watershed (q.v. EC @ November 26th, 2017 – 11:16).
Frank P – 17:51
There are also the Feminist supporting men who are then able to get closer to women, to abuse.
And the sjw and transgender agenda in schools.
stephen maybery @ November 27th, 2017 – 12:55
Was the new thug’s visit to China one week before the army took over (or not as they insisted) a part of the MI6 plot, stephen?
Harry’s engagement to the divorcee actress is a good move for ‘the Family, he’s sufficiently distant from the throne in the succession queue to get there, she ticks all the right boxes to woo many of the young, the deluded, the progressives to the royal course, certainly more to compensate for the loss of those who would have preferred he married a woman of a similar class.
Facially, she looks like a daughter of Mrs. Simpson, her background is similar, too, what is it that keeps the royal males so attracted to older divorced women of America? we should be told.
John birch. @ November 27th, 2017 – 19:14
You’re not alone feeling sad about the loss, John, the barbarian has gone through many a handkerchief crying uncontrollably since he heard the news.
Baron – 22:59
Independently minded, yet feminine, likes men and not so bad looking: can be summed up by ‘not a feminist’. 🙂
Frank P @ November 27th, 2017 – 17:51
He certainly challenges one’s mind, Frank, even when the mind has already lost most of its ability to take things in because of age e.g. the barbarian. On the broad level, he has a point that’s hard to refute.
Baron knows next to nothing about countries other than Russia and its satellites of the communist era, but the loss of life in post Romanov’s Russia was much greater amongst the members of the party than the classes that did the oppressing before the communist thugs arrived, or non-party burghers. The communists were excellent killing each other, at least in communist Russia.
Also, the founding fathers of the Republic did well, but not well enough to prevent the civil war, a skirmish big enough to have lost the Republic more lives than have since all other wars put together.
RobertRetyred @ November 27th, 2017 – 23:06
You may have noticed, Robert, the barbarian has made no prediction as to whether the marriage will last. She’s 36, must have a rich past, and you know what the gutter press is like.
Also, in an interview on Sky, Harry said he was very much in love with her, hoped she was with him, too. She said nothing in response. This reminded the barbarian of an interview in which Di sitting next the Charlie said ‘we’re very much in love’, to which the heir to the top royal chair said: ‘Whatever love means’ or words to that effect.
Noa @ November 26th, 2017 – 20:57
This is truly sad, Noa, the barbarian has been a loyal customer if only to keep the company going, the staff has always been helpful, the girls and older females must have come from a class that had its roots in the England of old.
Noa @ November 26th, 2017 – 20:26
Good point, Noa, when big money gets into the game the game changes.
When we won the World Cup in 1966, the players were paid what was then the average wage. Today, the likes of Sterling & co wouldn’t turn on the pitch to extrude a fart for that money.
Frank P @ November 26th, 2017 – 17:22
It would be equally niteresting to know, Frank, if he were to initiate a nuclear attack if he felt he should without the Donald issuing an order for one, no?
Noa @ November 26th, 2017 – 12:44
What is even more surprising, Noa, is that the often maligned Victorians built a sewage system that would still be functioning well today if we didn’t clog it up with stuff they didn’t even dream would one day exist.
I suppose there is no possibility that the fine examples of professionalism, knowledge, wisdom and leadership shown by prominent women such as Theresa Maybe, N.Sturgeon, H.Clinton and all her female co-leaders, A.Merkel, the NI leader, the Welsh leader, Diane Abbot, Christine Lagarde and Tess Daly’s dress sense 🙂 , couldn’t encourage the feministly mind to reconsider their goals.
And this, how could the poorly edu Slav miss it:
Frank P
November 24th, 2017 – 01:16
Which part of the posting you’re referring to smells of hatred on Baron’s part, Frank, could you point it to him, please?
It’s the ‘healthy core of Englishness’ rather than ‘essential’.
The barbarian using ‘smoke & mirrors’? Hmmm He prefers facts, derives his slicing of events from facts, always has, you will not find him hiding things as your guru did in the initial spiel on the Duma woman, had to come with another piece saying in detail what the barbarian had said in response to his first.
On your two questions:
The barbarian did a part of his studies In Russia, when he arrived there he was a convinced Marxist, (this he cannot deny, he was as brainwashed as is a dinner set in a Bosch’s dishwasher), it took him a couple of years to do a U-turn that has lasted till now.
As a Moscow student he made use of the ‘Nikita’s thaw’ (you know what it was, do you?), his revolting led to an imprisonment, a spell at Lubyanka, and three charges (one of which got dropped before the trial). For reasons that aren’t fit to reveal in this medium Baron got off lightly (suspended sentence). In 1968, as the Warsaw troops invaded Czecho he got involved with those opposing the ‘friendly assistance’, had to flee in a hurry, decided to stay here, got naturalised, keeps annoying you.
Newspaper headlines in 2045:
A white minority of Britain’s indigenous inhabitants is fighting to have English recognised as the third language.
Children from two-parent, married, heterosexual families bullied in schools for being ‘different’. Tolerance urged.
Manchester schoolgirl expelled for not wearing a burqa.
Professor Goldman of LSPC says there is still a long way to go in the fight to stop people saying what they think.
Prime Minister Mohammed Yousuf claims increased growth through more immigration is the secret to success.
Baby conceived naturally. Scientists stumped.
Post Office raises the price of a 1st class stamp to £18, reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
Average weight of a British male drops to 18 stone.
Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil and human rights.
Victims to be held partly responsible for crime.
New law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2035 as lethal weapons.
Not good news as Liberty GB disbands.
The visit to China was before the putsch. Everything was carefully co-ordinated. Zuma also met with him before his return to Zim.
I knew Priti Patel was a good-un:
“As for the divorce bill (which is currently thought to be at around £40bn), the Conservative MP told the audience she would have told the EU to ‘sod off’ with their excessive financial demands.”
stephen maybery @ November 28th, 2017 – 02:14
Thank you, stephen.
Could one conclude we were in cahoots with the M andarin speakers on this? And why haven’t the plotters pick edon someone less tainted with the regime of the old thug?
Baron hears the new cumryd has started a campaign of wooing emigrants to come back to Zimbabwe. The degree to which he succeeds could tell us about what people think of him, no?
Is it right to say that the country’s made up of essentially two ethic tribes, the Shona around Harare and the Matabele tribe around Bulawayo with the former accounting for 80% of the population? A recent letter in the DT the barbarian remembers said so adding that this imbalance was a permanent source of instability.
Noa @ November 28th, 2017 – 00:38
Not necessarily bad news, Noa, it’s better to unite than to remain fragmented, and the girl has better CV than Paul Weston, will not be that easily ignored by the MSM (for it is being derived on public exposure that kills those standing against the progressives).
The fragmentation is also the malady the Russian Left opposition suffers from, they would do better, if not decisively so, if they were to stop bicker ing, joined forces.
Marshal Roberts @ November 28th, 2017 – 06:34
Wouldn’t she do a better job at no10 than the domestically bred daughter of the vicar from Oxfordshire, Robert?
The Chinese are deeply embedded in Zim and are also deeply resented in the country. They were fully aware of Mugabe’s unpopularity and that his continued grip on power was a threat to their stranglehold on the economy, there would certainly have been nods and winks regarding his future.
As for the wooing back the exiles, a friend of mine has been approached and is holding back until the picture is a little clearer.
You are bang on the mark regarding the Matabele, no election can be legitimately won without their support. Nobody out there is has any illusions about the Croc but as things stand anyone is better than Captain Bob and his rapacious missus, neither do his children reside in the hearts of the nation.
Almost all the Tory top brass would be better than the Saintly One, Baron.
Right now however we need some realism from Sir Keir Starmer and his entourage.
Or even Sir Vince.
Right now however we need some realism from Sir Keir Starmer and his entourage.
Or even Sir Vince.
Mr Boot’s disrespectful and perceptive take on the Harry-Merkel engagement.
Noa at 14-45.
No,no. Markle not Merkel.
Radford NG 15.55
Phew! 😉
Noa (14:45)
As a supporter of Contitutional Monarchy, which is imho (on balance), as Spinoza averred after due contemplation just before he died, better than all the available alternative forms of the apex of natonal government, I concur with almost all that AB asserts in his admirable antidote to 24 hours of schmalz.
But I would go further: my deep suspicion is that the Long March has now extended, via the Soho House mafia (and probably with the collusion MI-funf und secht – traitionally in the thrall of the League of Lefties AND the Camel Corps ), to the Cottage at Kensington Palace, where Harry got well and truly stuffed before, during and after, Meghan’s attempt to stuff and roast a chicken there (yeah – right) during their cosy sabbatical ‘getting to know each other’. It’s Di’s revenge with knobs on. Meg bears all the hallmarks of a hardened LA leftist vociferous vagina, with the added nuances of multi-culti and mixed racial credentials (all honed to perfection later in Toronto – another hotbed of louche liberal politics). What better Trojan Mare to breach the several Halls, Castles and Palaces of HM Realm; to infiltrate the Royal Charities and ensure that anti-Trump propaganda permeates the soires and cosy gatherings of the G & G.
I agree with Baron about her resemblance to Mrs Simpson, but would suggest Gt. Granddaughter, rather han daughter. With her (straightened) hair coiffured and shortened in thirties style she would be a ringer.
A double-edged sword, this one. Hollywood, currently under a miasmic stench of depravity, gets a Royal make-over – and Royalty goes full-on Hollywood. Poor Harry – tarred and Prince o’ Wales feathered.
I know he’s only Fifth-in-line, but it’s the access that is the danger. What with his dad (?) already Defender of Faiths and other assorted wacko causes; his mother who nearly succeeded in downing the HoW – as a spare heir, he’s an obvious chink in the Royal armour for yet another attempt at, not so much a coup d’etat, but a coup de grace against our ancient realm.
On the other hand, as in most fairy tales, they may just be in love – and live happily evah after.
Let’s hope that my knee-jerk conspiracy theory (not my usual reflex) is as far off-kilter as most of the other Icke-like crap permeating the intertubes.
Frank P November 28th, 2017 – 16:47
Agree with ALL that, and the AB piece, with the added comment that the Prince Harry has been spouting to the press makes him appear a blowhard. Too full of himself and too ready to share it.
I think the combination of his blowhardery and Gina Miller Mk.2 might be fatal, especially if she decides to channel Diana and Mrs Clooney.
. . . the “stuff” Prince Harry has been spouting . . .
Why hasn’t the barbarian invested in the exciting modern art? He would be rolling in it now:
Frank P 16.47
Mmm. Prince Hal not only as 5th in line but Hollywoods 5th column as well eh?
Truly a Game of Thrones, where the ineffable meets the inedible.
Perhaps there’s more to him than meets the eye, and William needs to keep the keys to car and helicopter safe.
“I know you all, and will awhile uphold
The unyoked humour of your idleness:
Yet herein will I imitate the sun,
Who doth permit the base contagious clouds
To smother up his beauty from the world,
That, when he please again to be himself,
Being wanted, he may be more wonder’d at,
By breaking through the foul and ugly mists
Of vapours that did seem to strangle him.
If all the year were playing holidays,
To sport would be as tedious as to work;
But when they seldom come, they wish’d for come,
And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.
So, when this loose behavior I throw off
And pay the debt I never promised,
By how much better than my word I am,
By so much shall I falsify men’s hopes;
And like bright metal on a sullen ground,
My reformation, glittering o’er my fault,
Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes
Than that which hath no foil to set it off.
I’ll so offend, to make offence a skill;
Redeeming time when men think least I will…”
OTOH Mrs Noa vouchsafed the view that this was now a shotgun wedding to spare the blushes of the vergin’ bride. 😉
Colonel Mustard (17:49)
Yes indeed… Remember this? :
Noa (18:57)
.. and in the reproof of this, lies the jest?
I read in the DT today that Somerville College’s LGBTQ officer, Eilidh Wilson has proposed changing male and female lavatory signs with “gender-neutral toilet” and “gender-neutral toilet with urinals”
Ms Wilson added that Somerville should also recognise “non-binary people” by introducing unisex lavatories in the bar and dining hall.
Now just where do you start with all this?
For starters who pays for a fairly small college to have a LBGTQ officer?
Second which loo do I use since I am neither gender neutral or non-binary, whatever that might be.
The government should cut University funding until all this gay and safe space claptrap stops.
Baron, thanks for that link.
It led to this, I’ll not be eating a quorn ‘mincing’ Shepherd’s pie again.
Baron – November 27th, 23:27
The young have had to tread a completely different path to most of us, so it is even more important that any couple form a strong enough bond to survive the continued attack on what precious to them, no matter who they are.
I hope this couple find a common cause. For heaven’s sake, there is so much that is wrong today and few appear to be aware that their lifestyle is in any danger from the 7th Century or the 19th Century.
One example is our local airing of Mental Health Services and the expectation that more money for the NHS will help.
Jordan Peterson, who has been mentioned here before, has said that no one ever came to him saying they were mentally ill, they come and say their life is too complicated. It made me realise that the NHS is set up for victims. It would be, being set up by a Labour Government! Yet there are few supporting the idea that doing a normal job well is to be admired.
I think a maverick course may be less risky for them, especially if they can remain grounded and build on what they have already experienced.
I don’t think a fairy tail life will help them live a fulfilled life together.
Frank P 19:24
In part yes, with an implication of illegitimacy for good measure within the plays.
23.20 Robert, talking of Jordon Peterson you have probably seen this on political correctness:
“The UK has offered a larger potential “divorce bill” to the EU – which could be worth between 40bn and 55bn euros (£35bn-£49bn), the BBC understands.
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said the offer was communicated to Brussels after last week’s crucial cabinet meeting.
There has been no final agreement on a number but the larger offer was given a “broad welcome” by Brussels, she said.
No 10 has played down reports agreement has already been reached.
The amount of money the UK will pay as part of Brexit has been one of the main sticking points in the first round of negotiations with the EU.
In September Theresa May suggested the UK was willing to pay about 20bn euros, and the EU has been calling for its offer to be increased.”
I think someone here mentioned Danegeld – do not be surprised when Juncker comes back for more before he will let us go forward.
As week follows week I am becoming more convinced that the cliff edge March 2019 scenario makes more economic sense than mortgaging our children’s future.
So Rocketman has just revealed his suicide pill.
Very appropriate headline:
BREXIT BETRAYAL: Appeaser Theresa Agrees to Hand Over €45-55bn to the EU, Cover-up Planned
Great picture.
Picture of the month:
To start as they mean to go on ?
The first joint public appearance of `Harry` and Ms. Markle is on Friday at the Nottingham Contemporary art gallery ( a corrugated iron shed ) for a Terrance Higgins Trust World Aids Day charity fair . How Diana would have approved.
“Britain’s foolish, liberal 20th century continental interventions were ultimately, to no avail and have cost her dearly, and unlike Britain itself, to no discernible change or self-benefit in either the overall geographic structure or hegemonic power of either Russia or Germany between 1914 and today. Indeed the latter is, at the present time, extracting £40 billion from us and upwards to support its Zollverein.
That money is of course better spent in protecting the UK from those direct threats it faces and which it can actually address. Regrettably that cannot include the ‘defence’ of western Ukraine or the Baltic states from perceived threats.”
Scroll down to 6.43 27/11/17
Marshal Roberts @ November 29th, 2017 – 06:27
Why TF do we agree a sum of money before we know what the outcome of the trade negotiations is? What if, after the talks start, the Brussels gnomes insist on totally unacceptable conditions for future trading, curtail the rights for our banking, insurance, travel companies? Do we still pay?
We should have made a downpayment for the obligations linked to our commitments when we were a part of the undemocratic set-up, deposit the money with a reputable non-EU legal outfit (say) in Switzerland, tell Brussels we adjust the sum according to the results of the trade talks. If Brussels said it wasn;t doable we should have told them to go fugg themselves.
The Irish, too, seem to taking an advantage of our amateur handling of the break-up, our team seems to be on the back foot here, too. Would we lose alot if we simply cut them off, once and for all? They’ve been nothing but a pain in the neck for decades.
All this defensive posture stems from the fact that our politicians have become poodles of the Brussels tyranny in the last 30 years, they are not fit to govern, all they are capable of is carrying out orders from Brussels. Tragic this.
Marshal Roberts @ November 28th, 2017 – 19:28
All this yapping about male and female toilets could be solved at a stroke, Marshall. We could simply agree to relieve ourselves wherever we wish, in shops, in shopping malls, on the streets. After all, animals do, and we’re well on our way to behave as brainless animals.
Marshal Roberts – 03:44
I have seen much of what he said in earlier clips but it is certainly the most up to date. And, as he says, he has almost nailed it, within a 15 min slot.
There was a follow on clip:
You might want to reset the clip back to zero (and edit out the usual suspects, after sampling a few seconds to verify my judgement 🙂 ).
At least we can give up on this sharade, but it looks like Canada is drowning in a sea of incoherence and unreality. Those academics swimming around in their own imagination must be cot the public a pretty penny!
I wonder why any parent would send the child to university, even for free!
And I thought it was bad here.
I thought that pronouns were used so that we didn’t have to remember everyone’s name, and that ‘he’ was originally used for everyone but, as women are so special 🙂 , ‘she’ could be used where it was definitely a woman. It is still so in French.
Baron – 14:18
To the sin bin! 🙂
You forgot the spectrum of transgender toilets and, on another plane altogether, there needs to be a spectrum of transgender lavatories.
Are you aware there are a large number of private hashish clubs in the country, (over 2mn people smoking the weed0, the police are aware of them, have relaxed policing the crime?
A policeman fro Durham was saying on the BBC Radio You & Yours that they have more important jobs to do (hate crime prosecution?), if someone were to smoke a joint in front of a policeman he would get arrested, but otherwise it’s OK.
Prosecutions for possession or growing dropped by 40% in the last few years, as did convictions (around 30%), but the programme didn’t give any actual figures. A professor on the same programme opined that the weed could be dangerous if one starts young, for some smoking could be addictive, few might become schizophrenic, but for the majority not much harm.
RobertRetyred – 14:29
… or is it plain?
It may be both!
What was the guy saying just before he took the poison?
Baron November 29th, 2017 – 14:13
The Irish whinging over the border approached a threat on DP as the Irish government minister warned that the “peace process” would be undermined if border controls were in any way established. That confirmed in my mind that the Irish government has always slyly supported the IRA campaign, a long held suspicion.
Our government is weak in the face of that sort of thing, terrified no doubt of the huge left wing support for the IRA and anything which romanticises both Ireland and Irish Republicanism. But if the government were strong it might decide to announce a review of the freedom with which Irish nationals travel and vote in the UK, being incompatible with Ireland continuing to be a member of the EU and Brexit. That too would result in a huge left wing outcry like the totally disproportionate fuss and hand-wringing over “EU nationals” living here. It seems the established doctrine is to let anyone from anywhere do anything in this country, including lecturing us all as to how it should be run, hence that Greek communist Varoufakis now seems to be a permanent BBC fixture for “expert” opinion on Brexit and the British economy. There was little or no media attention to the protectiveness or otherwise of other EU countries towards British nationals living in them. That is so typical of a perverse and leftist-originated homegrown “narrative” which appears not just to roll over in the face of anything foreign (even criminality) but to invite it to kick us in the face as well. From overseas “investment” in property to the sustenance of foreign criminals the UK seems to just love foreigners taking the piss. Any concern over that becomes “xenophobic”, to wit we have no business objecting to the taking of liberties by all and sundry.
There is so much so cumulatively wrong now and sustained by such a persistent insanity that I can see no chance of any alternative ever arising. Just the tightening of the same demented screw.
I Had three good friends who were into drugs in the 1970s,
Two were very heavily into cannabis because unlike dangerous cigarettes cannabis was a herbal substance and perfectly safe .allegedly ..
One was in to heroin but only as a recreational user , All three were strong willed guys not the wasters you see drugged up to the eyeballs on street corners.
The Guy into heroin used it and seemed to have no problems.
Back at work on Monday morning perfectly ok and able to do his job.
However, the two on cannabis slowly deteriorated over the years into the very people who you imagine when you hear the words hey man wanna smoke a spliff .
Both the cannabis users died in their 50s both of Lung cancer.
By then they were wasted most of the time.
The guy using herion seemed to have no ill effects at all.
Just my observations.
Baron November 29th, 2017 – 14:29
That is just another example of selective enforcement which simply undermines the rule of law. Either it is illegal or it is not, so that idiot in the Home Office and that stupid woman’s government should get a grip. But selective enforcement has been further sanctioned by that weasel word “priorities” now at the whim of PCC’s from all the usual suspect parties.
Once again Peel’s Principles of Policing are turned on their head:-
“9. To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.”
So the crime becomes visible and any police action in dealing with it is absent.
Stupidity beyond belief.
Trump throws a stoat into the hen-coope . He re-tweets three tweets from Jayda Fransen the Deputy Leader of Britain First of muslim violence .
Provoking fury from Mrs May , Piers Morgan ( that up-holder of journalistic standards ),
Jeremy Corbyn , the widower Brendan Cox ( a promoter of the Syrian White Helmets , a wing of the al nasra front ) , The BBC ( Radio 4 PM ) . The Spectator : all in hysterics about the far right .
Radford NG @ November 29th, 2017 – 17:34
Just minutes ago, Radford, Baron tried to post the following comment on Freddy’s Spectator blog on this subject, the guard dogs refused to let it through. What was wrong with it? Can anyone help?
“The point of them (the re-tweeted videos) is to say ‘Look, Muslims really are vile”
No, Freddy, you wrong, very wrong, that’s the reading of it by someone who’s deficient in the brain department. It’s the religion, the creed, the ideology, call it what you will that leads its followers to do these vile acts. The hadiths approve of it, google them.
Some 75 years ago, the Germans were gassing people not because they’re predisposed to do it, but because of Nazism, another vile creed. Today, the Nazi ideology’s gone, the members of the same tribe behave much differently (if stupidly).
If only we had the guts to do the same as we did removing the poison from the German society, or at least keep it under control (as we did until the middle of the last century), the world would be a place with fewer vile acts.
Colonel Mustard @ November 29th, 2017 – 15:01
Excellent expose, Colonel, except that perhaps the over tightening of the screw may break the insanity. It has to, or soon we’ll see people marrying their dogs, walking around naked, getting heroin injected by policemen.
Colonel Mustard @ November 29th, 2017 – 15:10
Amazing, Colonel, that the Peel’s principle you quote has been turned upside down.
The crime’s rising continually, last year was particularly bad, the police cannot do enough telling us how they’re here ‘to protect and to serve’. Few weeks ago, in our local town they had a large stand enlightening the burghers of the good job they do.
EC @ November 29th, 2017 – 14:57
Something about the truth not out, he responding accordingly in the presence of the court. But the barbarian cannot swear it’s correct, EC.
About two years after the Balkan convulsion a film crew from the Czech Republic did a documentary, it was hard to tell who was the bigger villain, all of the factions behaved despicably, but the Serbs were the least to blame. That they are getting hit more than the others may have something to do with their shooting an American plane that was supposed to be non detectable, and that they have always been close to Russia (that’s historical).
The filmmakers wanted to show the documentary to that ghastly woman Albright at some gathering somewhere, but she had them literally kicked out of the premises (Baron has forgotten most of the details, his short term memory stinks, it all happened around fifteen years ago).
John birch. @ November 29th, 2017 – 15:02
Except for nicotine (and alcohol), the barbarian has never touched any other mind altering substance, John.
Not that it may change anything, but the barbarian maintains the current status quo does nobody any good. We either make drug use legal, control it, educate against it, tax it, or hit those engaged in supplying the stuff very hard (hanging a few as an example), those using it hard.
RobertRetyred @ November 28th, 2017 – 23:20
Has there ever been a more pampered generation of the young than ours, Robert?
So why is the suicide rate amongst the 16-25 year old the highest ever? Could anyone explain it? How come that a young, bright boy doing well at school takes his own life?
What’s the bet the take on immigration but the great unwashed of the East (but also of Austria and Germany) will be ignored?
One of the clips the Donald re-tweeted:
Apologies for errors past and future.
Robert 1425:
“thought that pronouns were used so that we didn’t have to remember everyone’s name, and that ‘he’ was originally used for everyone but, as women are so special , ‘she’ could be used where it was definitely a woman. It is still so in French.”
We should all be Royal and use “one”
And of course:
“If you are uncertain as to the gender of the person in question, then simply introduce yourself and add the pronouns with which you wish to be addressed or referred to. If that person doesn’t take the hint or is uncomfortable with that topic, move on and don’t dwell on it. Do you address people as “Excuse me, she,” or “Say, him, how ya doin’?” Of course not. You address them by name, not pronouns, so if you wish to converse with a transgender person, introduce yourself and greet them by name, not pronoun.
However, having said that, if you refer to that person with pronouns of your choosing, in their presence, without them telling you which pronouns they prefer, then you risk a faux-pas of rather unpleasant proportions. If that person is present during the conversation and you need to refer to them (rather than address them directly), then, again, use their name. If that person is not present and you need to refer to them, use their name.
Do you see a pattern here? The person is more important than their gender. Gender is only one of the many things we are and is not a pre-requisite for polite, civilized discourse.”
It seems our cynicism is micro-aggression:
“Sirens go off all the time, as you can imagine — but now they’re all screaming at once, thanks to an article by the journalist Jonathan Chait that appeared in New York magazine the other week. In it, Chait argued that ‘large segments of American culture have convulsed into censoriousness’ — and what he says of America is increasingly true over here, too: ‘At a growing number of campuses, professors now attach “trigger warnings” to texts that may upset students, and there is a campaign to eradicate “microaggressions”, small social slights that might cause searing trauma. These newly fashionable terms merely repackage a central tenet of the first PC movement: that people should be expected to treat even faintly unpleasant ideas or behaviours as full-scale ”
Stretching it a bit possibly, but Daniel has a point:
The constant focus of the media on trite sexual scandal on both sides of The Pond for the past few weeks is becoming worse than tiresome.
It seems that those who believe sincerely that ‘the Old Adam’ kicked off the human race with its original sin, must surely soon begin to believe that it will also, ere long, end it.
Every group, political or commercial, with sub rosa agendas are clamouring to board the bandwagon. So folks like to fuck; some inappropriately. Is that ‘news’?
TGAT John 8, 3-7.
Frank 0136
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Except in this day and age of hounding men the stones are being thrown at we poor souls.
To devastating effect.
“Wife found Welsh AM Carl Sargeant hanged at home after reading note left on door, inquest told”
I have just heard a reasonable Trans story on Today.
An aristocrat who has 4 daughters and whose title would go to his brother at his death says that when he reaches the pearly gates his eldest daughter will announce that she has always considered herself a man and demand the title.
Colonel Mustard 1501
I will risk the wrath of Ostrich by saying I am tired of the Irish Question and when I continually read that the Dublin minority junta are threatening our progress in following the will of the British people on our exit from Brussels rule I despair.
We should say what the Irish want to hear and then follow our best interests whether that pleases them or not. Words are cheap.
Frank P – 01:36
Have you taken up the Bible again, Frank? 😉
I am reminded about a story of when W.C. Fields was in hospital and visitor who caught him perusing the said book asked him the same question. Quick as a flash Bill replied, “I’m looking for a loophole…”
To many people, it just doesn’t seem right that God would punish someone in hell for all eternity, and so they look for loopholes in the Bible’s clear teaching about eternal damnation (Rev. 14:11, etc.)……
Add it all up, and a more accurate picture of hell appears. Hell is not filled with cries of repentance to which God turns an unfeeling deaf ear. Like the description of the Tribulation we just read, the air is rather filled with the sound of blasphemy, voiced by men who are eternally convinced that God is wrong and they do not belong there.
So the twittersphere is hell.
What a bloody stupid woman!
She thinks she can out-wit Trump by virtue signalling!
“The UK negotiators are in desperate need of help. They have already conceded the bathwater and the baby to the EU, with every likelihood of more goodies to follow. The upper limit for offerings seems so colossally high that it is not yet in view. The EU will continue to press because they have not yet been rebuffed.
The EU do not negotiate as such. They set up stout barriers. Then they march you into a corner and wear you down with complex and gnawing side issues. You run out of time and stamina, then you collapse and yield. The EU do not act in good faith, there is only blunt force and raw power. But a skilled boxer can defeat a puncher.”
“Not too long ago, Boris Johnson said the EU ‘could “go whistle”’ if it wanted a big Brexit bill. Now, the Foreign Secretary has changed his tune in light of a reported offer of some £40bn – a sum Boris hopes will “get the ship off the rocks”. This U-turn is ‘important’, says the Times, which suggests the PM has succeeded in uniting the cabinet around her on this issue. EU leaders must now do their bit and ‘begin discussing the most ambitious trade deal in the EU’s history’. The ‘priority’, if talks do progress next month, says the Times, ‘should be a transitional period after March 2019’. This should take the form of a ‘standstill’, suggests the paper, as this will allow businesses to continue under the same conditions as now. ”
I see.
So we are staying in.
One for your Amazon wish list?
‘Tis the season of goodwill , possibly, but does it extend to squirrels?
Full auto 700 pellets/min belt fed air rifle powered by a handy 3000psi tank.
File under: Squirrogeddon, Squirropocalypse etc.
Robert Sheriffhales – 08:56
EC (08:05)
Never left it, myfriend. My King James is much thumbed and will continue to be so until my eyes are closed for me after ‘the departure’. It’s a compendium of rich poetry that resounds in the veins of my generation, whether we like it or not, inextricable from our language and thought processes. I have only shed the cant and cunning of the priests and charlatans that have used it over the centuries as a literal ‘truth’ to exercise power over the credulous and gullible by fear and superstition. I benignly envy those who see it as a road map to heaven with the hellish pitfalls clearly delineated; wishing I could similarly delude myself. Long ago I reconciled myself to the Big Sleep and frankly, given the current intense insanity of the vanguard of humanity, not mention the manifest stupidity of hoi polloi, look forward to it with a sense of relief and release.
Meantime I dip into the musings of the sages of the ages, including the KJ and the CHW for stimulation, comfort and amusement, convinced that what we think, feel and do are often unconnected; that we are all mere spectators in an accidental event, of which we have no control whatsoever and foolishly interpret time, space and matter through our own miniscule perceptions and the incomprehensible bullshit of scientific explanation, prognostication and adaptation through hindsight. In other words there is no foresight devoid of hindsight, and ‘now’ doesn’t exist either, because we don’t recognise it until it becomes then.
Hope that answers your whimsical enquiry. Now, on with the motley (and prep for a top-end endoscopy this pm). Not only am I unable to swallow the metaphorical bullshit of our elected representatives, I am also having difficulty in swallowing my food. 🙂
Frank P 1153
I wish you well and pray for benign findings.
Frank P – 11:53
I think that, mid 1950s, I must have been one of the last school intakes to have the KJV beaten and browbeaten into me by a fanatical spinster. I am told that I had previously been declared PNG at Sunday School but there was no escape from not so tender ministrations of Miss X at Bash Street Infants & Juniors! Thus I got to know the Bible quite well. I still have two, but seldom pick them up as everything is online now.
Quotes/Bible quotes: As Robert Sheriffhales (above) quite correctly points out, there is always some clever bugger who will massage and twist any words to suit their own purpose. An arrogant posture of having a superior hinterleckchewall interpretation provides an easy way to deflect flak. [Our friend Aleksandr Botinok(?), is quite adept at this and many other blogging devices.]
My 08:05 was only a vehicle for remembering W.C. Fields. I sincerely wish I’d not bothered now.
Good luck with the top down “alien probe” this afternoon.
Here’s a couple of good ones…
Spike Milligan – The Attenborough Auditions
Spike Milligan – The Bermuda Triangle
JRM at his best- worth listening right through.
Did anyone hear Ann Coulter on Today this morning-
Fast forward to 2 hours 15 minutes from the start.
“The Truth About Trump & Britain First”
Paul Joseph Watson
Lots of fluttering in the dovecotes of Westminster on Thursday. The Prime Minister, in Jordan, opined that President Trump in re-tweeting the Britain First videos “was in the wrong”.
The implied corollary would appear to be that inviting into and facilitating the settlement in the United Kingdom, in a caring way, hundreds of thousands of military age men many with battle experience from muslim countries in the Middle East, and no doubt including members of the CIA financed ISIS, “was the right thing to do”.
May and the political class was accordingly responsible for the dangerous build up in Britain’s foreign muslim population and no significant element of that class appears to have warned against that reckless policy or to have been called to account. There is a suspicion, not lacking evidence, that government and opposition over the last twenty years have been implementing a deliberate policy cooked up by the globalists to destroy the decent core of Englishness which Baron so persuasively identified recently.
As recorded a couple of years ago on the Internet, “A few days after jihadis killed and maimed scores of EU citizens, EU and UN join in a united attack on European culture to promote (Muslim) immigration…. EU’s chief for security: “Islam is a victim itself … political Islam should be part of the [European] picture”.
“The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration [Peter Sutherland] said in 2015, as was noted on the Wall at the time.
President Trump has identified May as of the globalist party and called her out on her inaction and indifference in the face of Brexit and now of the spread of a pernicious ideology in our land. As his draining of the swamp unfolds in the USA, the spotlight on May as the Fabius Cunctator handling anti-globalist policies in Britain is likely to render her role clearer.
It is rumoured that sealed indictments of more than 4,000 swamp creatures have already been prepared in the USA and that perhaps one-third of the members of Congress there will be arrested.
In England…?.
Watching QT from Scarborough you would never believe that 62% voted to leave the EU. The audience is stuffed full of Remainers (and the usual Labour “activists”) and 4 out of 5 on the panel are Remainers.
Plus an arrogant Greek communist telling us how our country should be run.
BBC disgraceful yet again.
Malfleur @ November 30th, 2017 – 22:01
They never learn, do they, Malfleur.
The more they yap about Britain First, the more people, ordinary people, are attracted to the outfit. If they were smart, they would have ignored the Donald’s tweet, gave it as small an amount of airtime, column inches and tweets as possible.
On one of the TV channels (Baron forgets which, he was jumping from one to another) it was said Britain First has reached a million supporters. Here you have it, the not that unexpected result of the onslaught on the outfit. Stupidity galore.
Colonel Mustard @ November 30th, 2017 – 23:32
Sorry, Colonel, the barbarian has weak heart, watching QT may be fatal for him.
EC @ November 30th, 2017 – 21:42
Good link, EC, the barbarian has seen it earlier.
Nobody seems interested in whether there’s any substance to the Donald’s tweet, it’s all about the far right outfit calle dBritain First, of which the barbarian was not aware until the story broke.
Btw, the White House says the Donald did;t know about the outfit either when he let his eleven million followers know of the three cases of the ‘not-that-friendly-behaviour of the ROP followers.
Marshal Roberts @ November 30th, 2017 – 21:03
One has to register, Marshall, and it’s the BBC.
Frank P @ November 30th, 2017 – 11:53
Keep your spirits up, young sir, you’ll be fine, it’s all down to age, you’ll see, and the ever helpful, even of crisis ridden, NHS will patch you up, you’ll be good for another decade or so. The country needs you.
Frank P @ November 30th, 2017 – 11:53
And this:
Strange that a bi-sexual monarch who never washed, (had to be scraped occasionally), sired more than a handful of offspring, wrote lewd letters to his gay lover the Duke of Buckingham were to produce a translation of the Good Book that’s so admired to this day, (allegedly wrote some of the translation himself). Explain that.
EC @ November 30th, 2017 – 09:26
Fun it may be, EC, but this avenue of pleasure is closed to burghers of this country, not only is it an automatic weapon, it’s also the 3000psi that makes it illegal, would require a licence.
Noa @ December 1st, 2017 – 00:43
‘Page not found (404)’ is what Baron gets clicking on the link, Noa. What’s up?
Baron 0017
But it is worth it to hear Robinson stymied by Ann Coulter. Registration takes a few seconds and there are no checks on veracity of email addresses.
I have heard the far end – on Today – yes on the BBC.
A Glasgow cleric has asked us to pray that Prince George is Gay.
I hear that Neil Lewis of the Met did a Gallery View of Damian Green’s computer and concluded that he had extensively and repeatedly accessed porn.
Many politicians probably do it. Problem for Green is that he has repeatedly lied about it. Therefore his denials of the sexual charges are suspect.
Bigger problem is that he let Lady Nugent destroy him at PMQ’s on Wednesday.
Damian Green is toast. For the sake of the Government, the Country and good progress in Brexit, he should fall on his sword today.
Baron 01.13
Try this:
Absolute, Obvious, Unacknowledged Disaster: A Racial Snapshot of America | Fred On Everything
1st. day of Advent :
Im sure you like me look at the trolley load of stuff that people who look unemployable push around in supermarkets and think how can they afford that.
Coincidence ??????
Benefit fraud surges by £200m in a year as record levels swallow up £2.1 billion of department’s budget
The USA, a nation of laws? Then it’s over!
Radford NG – 07:15
Global warming?
Meanwhile, in other news…
Cressida Cancelled Christmas
The sooner we all have chips inserted in our brains the better, so that pornographic thoughts at work can immediately be relayed to the authorities for preparation of notice of summary dismissal.
Marshal Roberts @ December 1st, 2017 – 06:48
Thank you, Marshall, it’s to the point, short, not that different from other sensible slicings of the current events linked to our ROP friends.
John birch. @ December 1st, 2017 – 07:12
In this country, John, he would have to hide in a deep deep cave having published the piece.
A large number of people here will access it over the internet. The by-passing of domestic laws is the key reason those who govern us will have to take control of the platform, edit or otherwise filter what goes on it, or lose power.
EC @ December 1st, 2017 – 09:30
The insanity, of which this is a part, cannot last, EC. All it needs is a trigger, Baron reckons it has to be an economic trigger, for the whole edifice built on feelings to come crushinging down.
The video is also one of those that the barbarian tries to avoid, it upsets not just the pulsing chunk of the muscle in his body, but his whole demeanour for the day. How could anyone responsible for letting this vile man out live with it, look into the eyes of the girl’s parents, call himself a human being. These people are as guilty as the man who pulled the trigger.
WE ARE MARK CARNEY’S ARMY. (To the tune: Aurelia)
What is the difference between the Conservative Party and the Labour Party?
£225 billion
“Borrowing more could put the country at risk of suffering from a collapse similar to that experienced by Venezuela, he suggested. Mr Sharp, a member of the Bank [of England]’s Financial Stability Committee, spoke just days after Philip Hammond announced a £25 billion spending spree in the Budget and at a time when the Labour Party is advocating borrowing an extra £250 billion.” (H/T DT)
Everything fits in the story but the reaction of the candidate to the firing, one would have expected her to call a lawyer, argue a wrongful dismissal, get a chunky compensation, no?
:// cdd07b248e
How is Frank doing?
As a man of fine mettle, how could he be but fine. Soon we should hear again the voice of his sharp intellect, deep knowledge peppered with few tastefully acerbic gems of wisdom.
She was unhappy with her appearance.
What have we done to the new generation, because it is us, the society, that has created a fake dream like environment of perfection, brainwashed the young with it.
Prince Harry caught whispering to a female police person : `Are you behaving?`.
This is clearly a serious sexist offence and Prince Harry should resign from the Royal Family immediately.
John birch. December 1st, 2017 – 07:37
A £200m surge in benefit fraud is probably a small increase in the overall and incalculable fraud that is committed in the 2017 budget of over £114 billion.
Where else does the money come from?
EBay Internet fraud is a popular and growing system of theft with the criminal classes, safer and much more convenient than burglary and virtually un-policed.
Be careful how you buy out there.
Baron 10.29 Agreed.
Frank P
Let’s hear how you are as soon as you’re able.
Try this link to all the ad hoc posts on The Salisbury Review.
(EC beware, this includes the brawling vicar posts ;-).)
Your grandchildren’s’ ever-growing debt. Look at it and weep.
Radford NG 17.47
As he clearly doesn’t want to be a member he, and those of like mind, should resign forthwith. So clearing the way for one who might have the necessary sense of dignity, gravitas and responsibility.
Prince Hal, an excellent enough fellow to share a raucous night out on the tiles with, but not someone you would leave alone with your wife or girlfriend, is most likely to be remembered in the future as the self-indulgent man-child who more than any other contributed to the abolition of the monarch’s residual role in Britain’s constitutional monarchy.
We badly need a heads up on Lewis and Quick.
Frank, can you help us?
Apparently dysphagia is not unusual in clapped out old geysers, especially those that have been subjected to about ten years of oral cytotoxic junk, plus daily aspirin doses and hypertension quellors, for a chronic myeloprolific blood disorder – and had their prostrate burned out, to boot, in attempts to prolong a misspent life, which obstinately continues despite the forecasts of the heirs of Hippocrates.
But they have snipped some wee bits out of my dodgy gullet for biopsy, in order to make sure it’s ‘benign’; the results will be returned “within two weeks”. Meanwhile soft diet is recommended. 🙂
Thank you for your concern, guys.. Sorry to alarm you with my response to ECs query about my biblical quote, I was musing flippantly, rather than seekin your concern. I am nonetheless touched by your kind enquiries.
Berlin’s Beacon Policy
(Own report) – Germany and the three remaining major West European EU member countries should formulate a joint foreign policy and implement it even without an EU-wide consensus, demands Norbert Röttgen, former Chair of the Committee of Foreign Affairs in the German Bundestag. Such an approach would be inevitable, because a foreign policy consensus in the EU is impossible “within the foreseeable future,” although rapid and resolute activity is needed to reach an “equal footing with the USA and Russia.” Experts are proposing, as an alternative, the introduction of foreign policy decisions being taken at majority votes. This would mean that EU countries – against the will of their respective governments – could, for example, be forced into serious conflicts with third countries. Reflecting major shifts in the global political fabric, these proposals have become elements of an intense debate within Berlin’s political establishment. The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) is warning against the escalation of conflicts, for example, with China, and the military does not rule out the possibility of Berlin’s loss of power, through the potential disintegration of the EU.
Noa (18:54)
The cold wind of harsh reality creeping through that report. Where does it leave the estwhile clout of the UK, Brexit or no Brexit? Seemingly diminished beyond retrieval, given the current prospct of a lurch leftwards at the next election (from the already current left of centre policies of the twats purporting to be the Tory Party – my arse!) and the depletion of all our armed services.
Add to that the juvenile attitude and hysterical hatred of Trump by hoi polloi of the UK across the political spectrum – and we are in dire danger of becoming Ruritania with fairy tale Royalty, the palette of the apex of the Realm embellished with a TOTTB and a so-called parliament of puppets in the thrall of the globalist sharks. Cue Motters!
Pat may cheer you up, or not:
Noa @ December 1st, 2017 – 18:36
Would you, Noa, be ready to sacrifice willingly and happily your whole life to be a glove puppet, albeit a pampered and glorified glove puppet, of a bunch of here today gone tomorrow politicians?
Noa @ December 1st, 2017 – 18:16
To be frank, Noa, the last graph which is the one that matters (the interest on the national debt as per cent of the GDP) isn’t as bad as the barbarian believed it to be, but things may change for the worse as the cost of money edges up as it must.
Currently the nation pays around 2.5% of its income i.e. the GDP in interest to the holders of the Government paper, many of whom are pensioners, you may be one of them without knowing it (if you’re in the category of the retired, have an annuity).
Noa @ December 1st, 2017 – 18:07
Thank you, Noa, the whole of the issue is interesting.
Radford NG @ December 1st, 2017 – 17:47
You shouldn’t tempt him, Radford – see Noa @ 18:36.
Noa @ December 1st, 2017 – 18:02
The benefit fraud puzzles, Noa, considering that one has one surname, a fixed date of birth and one NI number to go with it, right?
Years ago, the barbarian was a player in the benefit fraud in reverse, he was taxed twice, once under his surname, the second time under his first (Christian) name, which in the no-computer days must have confused a scribbler in the department of the Treasury dealing with taxes. It wasn’t much, but then the barbarian didn’t earn much.
Noa @ December 1st, 2017 – 18:54
So much for equality of the EU members, and the unity of the whole bunch of them, Noa.
It may be that with a bit of luck the Brexit may turn OK because the bureaucracy will fall apart before we exit it. Multi seems to have problems putting together a coalition that looks like furnishing the pliable unwashed with the same as before (that they clearly rejected in the election), in France, the pale replica of Bonaparte has quietened down, has little to show for his earlier promises, keeps travelling abroad, and in Italy the mood has turned noticeably against the Brussels gnomes.
It may be too much to hope for, but weirder things have happened.
Much as I admire the attempts of David Davis to support his friend Damian Green, what credibility does Green have when such strong allegations have been made.
The allegations cannot be proved or disproved at this stage. The all is beginning to look like a John Major Government.
Should we believe Lewis and Quick, Frank?
Frank P – 22:54
All true, I’m afraid. After 100 years , large swathes of the Labour vote plantations still look like the worst third world slums and yet the stupid buggers still vote Labour.
Noa – 18:07
He’s perfectly safe when in print. 🙂
Re: Flynn – Mueller
Oh dear, James Comey has resorted to Bible quotes:
These sort of moralising Tweets don’t tend to age well… If Trump survives then both he and Mueller may end up indicted on other matters!
That’s a big IF at the moment.
This blog estimates benefit fraud at £5billion per year, with half a million ‘at it’, which sounds more likely than the pootling £200m HMG ‘fesses up to.
Still, it keeps 3000 benefits fraud investigators and a raft of lawyers in work, so it’s contributing to the economy, though more to the Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian and Eastern European economies. Lets hope Putin reclaims them soon for the new workers paradise Mr Boot identifies him to be creating.
I don’t know about your Baron, but £50b a year is serious brass where I come from. When rising interest rates force it up to @20% of the total tax revenue HMG will initiate rapid inflation to wipe out the debt; leading to a European wide Weimar-type crisis.
So buy yourself a bigger wheelbarrow whilst you can still afford one. Go on, you need it for the DIY anyway! 😉
No-one will get a pension then. Except the index linked political elite and their Establishment.
@Frank P 1st, 18:49
“a misspent life”?
Ah but we need the experience and knowledge that misspent life has amassed to inform and guide our opinions on those dark corners of the nation with which we are, thankfully, unfamiliar.
Did anyone see the UKIP Rupert’s performance on QT?
Does it presage the party revival hinted at in the following spiel I was emailed?
“Congratulations to Henry Bolton on a great QT Debut
Last night saw Henry Bolton make his debut on Question Time. As ever the audience was strangely unreflective of the venue. Scarborough voted 62-38 to Leave, I got the feeling the same couldn’t be said of the people sat in the room.
Dimbleby even managed to sound surprised when each one of the other guests announced they were Remain supporters. Just like every other week David, just like every other week.
With questions ranging from the Brexit Bill, Trump’s tweets, the Royal wedding, the situation in the Yemen and social mobility in coastal towns, Henry took the opportunity to set out his stall.
He did so strongly, being the only one who accepted that though hamfisted, Trump does have a point about the rising tide of Islamism in the UK.
On The Brexit Bill, Henry was clear that we owe Brussels nothing and on coastal regions, he was the only panellist that got full support from the audience, pointing out how the legacy parties have let down coastal regions for decades.
On top of all of that, we learnt that Henry supports the idea of a bank holiday for the upcoming Royal wedding. We’re going to do everything we can to make sure that with local elections in May, we have more to celebrate on a special day off than just a wedding!
It was a great debut performance, which can be seen here if you missed it.”
Noa – 10:16
I’m sure that the forthcoming economic privations will be “water off a duck’s back”, so to speak, for the majority of your fellow countymen.
I gather the ToB twinning association has been working to expand upon its twinning ties. In addition to the virtual arrangement it has with Bunyan’s SoD I am informed it has established contact with the mudmen of the Wagi Valley, Papua New Guinea.
An initial visit has been arranged for May 2018 to coincide for when the winter rains have abated, the local mud has subsided to a safe levels, and coagulated to a workable consistency.
If you are able to accommodate any of the visitors at Noa Hall please reply ASAP to:
ToB Twinning Association,
Village Hall
Dunlop Bridge
Noa @ December 2nd, 2017 – 10:16
The sangre azul barbarian from the East is a proud owner of four wheelbarrows, Noa, three of which have rusted through bottoms, holes of the size of a culinary bap in the tray pan.
He has to hope the inflationary banknotes will be large enough (say) the size of a tabloid, not to fall through the holes whilst he goes on his weekly shopping trips to Tesco, otherwise he goes hungry, expires eventually, reducing the net number of foreigners here. Surely an outcome to be in favour of, no?, heh, heh, heh.
You have a point though, the £50bn and rising is not pocket money, but please do consider the point of the debt being a major cum stable cum dependable and above all as safe as possible funding source of private pensions in the uncertain world of hours (unless of course the country goes belly up).
EC 11.44
They’d be an vast improvement on the current residents since Noa Towers was long since requisitioned for social housing by the Conservative LCC.
At least the sustained volleys of Kalashnikov fire being practiced by the Council sponsored Welcome Home Jihadist Group would be replaced by some decibel friendly stone spear throwers. :-0
Four wheelbarrows Baron? Four??!
You certainly took bloated plutocracy to heart when you flitted from behind t’iron curtain!
Even the remaining peasant at Noa Towers only has one, since the son-in-law pinched his spare.
They are best looked upon, perhaps, as assets to be sold in the event of that hyper-inflation. Or, if the baronial Rolls Royce has to be sold, they may, with a cushion or two fitted, provide adequate transport for the Baroness. 😉
EC @ December 2nd, 2017 – 11:44
Intimidating it may be, EC, but is it fit for the purpose of running through a thick forest and catching pigs and women? Hmmm
Not only that the masks must be heavy, it’s like carrying a large flower pot on one’s head, the risk of being hit over the head with a stick, or even have the mask turned around would be such that if the barbarian were a member of this club he would take the chance of catching the pigs and women without the clay pots.
The bamboo finger extensions are equally silly, for scratching the pigs (or women) fine, for catching and holding them, near impossible, and what’s more, one would not be able to pick one’s nose.
A sharp spear for the pigs, and an impressive member, hanging freely and fully exposed, for the female catches would probably be the winning combination, no?
Noa @ December 2nd, 2017 – 13:41
It’s hard to comprehend how filthily rich a man can be, Noa, but such is life, bloody unfair to some whilst rewarding others with four wheelbarrows.
Your suggestion of selling off the RR is good except for one thing. Will there be anyone rich enough to buy it when Armageddon hits? The cumryds, perhaps?
This will do it, the impeachment of the Donald is a cert now, Flynn will bury the 45th head honcho of the Republic for good. Or will he?
Is talking to an Ambassador of a country a crime in the Republic? Is failing to tell it to the FBI a crime? It seems in the land of the free the answer’s yeas in both cases.
Whatever you say about Britain, about the pervasive rot of the progressives here, about the rule of a bunch of third rate political clowns, we still retain some common sense.
Liddle’s latest Speccie polemic
The deaf are beginning to annoy me. They seem, paradoxically, more voluble than the blind. Perhaps this is because, understandably, deaf people suspect that their voices are not being heard. Which of course they are not, literally, by other deaf people — and in some cases this must lead to a state of suffocating paranoia.
Anyway, the severely deaf American singer Mandy Harvey has received death threats from some of her country’s deaf community because she, er, sings — i.e., she is promoting a ‘hearing’ activity and is thus guilty of perpetuating something called ‘oralism’. It is always a pleasure to bring you a new ‘ism’ coined by a new tranche of enraged victims. Oralism is the favouring of lip-reading techniques over sign language in the education of deaf people, and a hefty bunch of militant deaf people believe it to be a form of cultural imperialism because, they would assert, signing is every bit as rich as the spoken language.
So they have their victim bunker and they are hunkering down behind it, rather like the militant deaf people who object to people getting cochlear implants because it somehow betrays the cause and removes someone from their pristinely deaf community. Any connivance with the hearing world is a betrayal, be it singing, or indeed being afforded the ability to hear. Anything which helps the deaf better integrate with the rest of us.
This is a militancy which defies rationality, I would suggest. A controversial argument, I know, but I would advance the proposition that it is better to be able to hear than not to be able to hear and that any technique applied to that cause is to be commended, rather than construed (with fury, death threats and bile) as a kind of Uncle Tom-ism, a sop to the oppressive hearing scum who rule the planet. And yet this view of mine is routinely condemned by even averagely militant deaf people, many of whom would deny that being deaf is a disability at all.
Incidentally, I have heard Mandy Harvey sing and her pitch is perfect, exquisite. Even with clever electronic guidance, I don’t know how she manages that: her ability is astonishing. It is horrible to think that even while she is on stage some jihadi of deafness sitting in a dank basement flat and swathed by righteousness is furiously plotting her end, ready to ‘sign’ the equivalent of ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he makes his move.
And yet, in fairness, the militant deaf are only following the template laid down by countless other bastions of real or acquired victimhood. What begins as an admirable and necessary attempt to raise our awareness of iniquity in society almost always ends, somewhere down the line, in a form of lunacy. This is true of feminism, anti-racism, transgenderism, gay rights and especially, perhaps, the disability lobby. It always begins with advocacy groups insisting, almost certainly rightly, that their particular tranche of victims are wrongly discriminated against. But it is in the nature of advocacy groups — and human beings in general — that they cannot simply clap their hands, cheer and close down their organisations when legislative battles establishing equal rights have been nobly won. They carry on and on and on. Whereas once they insisted that iniquities occurred because the victim groups they supported were a small minority, they now expand their remit and argue almost the opposite, almost always to the disservice of the people they were representing in the first place.
So it is, for example, with the disability lobby, who will tell you that one in three British people is ‘disabled’ in some way or another. No they’re not. Not remotely. We may have a touch of sciatica or eyesight which diminishes year on year, but we are not quadriplegic or blind or deaf.
Of course, if you are an advocacy group it is more profitable to be advocating on behalf of 20 million people than two million, and you will catch the ear of the government rather more easily. Gay lobby groups regularly inform us that one in three, or one in five, or (at the lower end) one in ten of us is homosexual. An attempt to show that homosexuality is not a deviation from the norm, but actually part of the norm. Nope: the official figures suggest that 2 per cent, at most, of the population is gay: all TV weathermen, 40 per cent of actors and some rugby union players. That’s about it.
And then comes the next stage of the advocacy paradigm. It is no longer enough to insist that your previously beleaguered client group is equal to the rest of the population — now it is imperative to assert they are superior, and that the majority population should recognise this fact. So it is with those who argue that it is better not to hear, that sign language is superior to that awful thing, oralism.
In pursuing an anti-racist agenda, campaigners end up arguing (as they have done with Black Lives Matter) that white people should give up their houses so that black people can move into them. That being white confers what they refer to as ‘privilege’ — but what they mean is a definitively lower state of being, a kind of parasite, someone to be discriminated against. And too often our rulers are so terrified of causing offence — through the micro-aggression of not clamping down harder on the oppressor — that they give in.
So perhaps it is a little harsh to single out those militants within the deaf community for special opprobrium: they are only following the trail left by every other advocacy group. And an apology — I suggested earlier that it was better to be able to hear than not be able to hear. I still think this is true in almost all cases. But not when Tina Brown’s incalculably boring, self-regarding diaries are being serialised by BBC Radio 4. Then, I grant you, it’s better to be deaf.
Noa December 2nd, 2017 – 10:44
I did and found him a bit underwhelming with no charisma. He was outnumbered though and a couple of the panel were trying to do that moral indignation thing of casting him as a deplorable. He retreated from “quislings” somewhat weakly instead of confronting the alleged extremity of that term with the extremity (and extent) of anti-Brexit conspiracy.
The programme appeared rigged, as your email suggested, to present a consensus completely at odds with Scarborough’s referendum result, an observation I made here on November 30th, 2017 – at 23:32 – above. I found the whole thing disgracefully and very obviously bogus and biased. It seemed as though Bolton was being set up. The applause for Brexit was weak in comparison to the Remain/Momentum applause and regulation whooping, and not a single audience member endorsed it or had a go at the ghastly Umunna or even more ghastly Varoufakis. This was the smug BBC putting the new UKIP leader down with a bit of panel demagoguery from the odious Varoufakis.
Marshal Roberts @ December 2nd, 2017 – 08:01
A massive piece on the subject in today’s DT, Marshall. If you’re interested get yourself a copy, good read that.
It’s all about police’s revenge (or rather one senior now retired policeman’s revenge) for something that happened over a decade ago, all the result of politicising the police force. Madness.
You may be right, having the result of the computer search out in the public domain Greene cannot go on, but looking at porn, even searching for it isn’t an offence, or is it?
Perusing my Daily Mail TV guide, after finally tearing myself away from the 20 page Megan colour supplement, I see that “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” is on the box later.
It is billed as a feel-good movie about British retirees living in a rundown Indian hotel.
Other than the present cast of Bill Nighy and other prominent thespian charity chuggers, do Wallsters have their own specific nomination of Brits who should be exiled to this Blackpool on the Punjab B&B? And Why?
Colonel Mustard !4.01
Thank you for that analysis Colonel and indeed I had noted your earlier review, though I wasn’t aware then that Belton was on the panel. Given that UKIP remains almost the last hope for a conservative reconquista in the UK it was specifically his performance as the new leader I was interested in.
The hanging jury remains out.
The first twenty minutes of yesterday’s Tucker throw more than just a flicker of light on two issues: The Flynn’s charge, and the Steinle case (the girl murdered by an illegal immigrant, seven-time felon, five times deported Jose Garcia Zarate).
One’s more than puzzled by the latter case that is essentially a spat between the Federal statutes and the State laws. Not the barbarian knows much about it, but it was his understanding that the former applies over and above the latter, that a State cannot enact a statute contradicting a Federal law. If, as it seems, this isn’t the case the whole idea of the Republic falls apart, no?
What’s the Federal Justice Department for? What are the other federal agencies doing to enforce the laws, why cannot the SF city councillors be apprehended, taken into custody, charged with breaking the law?
What if a State were to stop collecting taxes on behalf of the Federal Government? Would that be OK? Would the Treasury, the FBI take it as nonchalantly as the Federal Department of Justice seems to taking the breaking of federal laws on immigration?
The historian Toynbee was right, empires get seldom murdered, they commit suicide. The issue of immigration in the Republic is a part of such suicide.
In the past, the Republic has not been as open to newcomers as those in favour of open borders think. In the mid-20s, the US shipped out of the country more people than it allowed in. In 1882, the Federal authorities passed a law prohibiting the Chinese labourers to settle in the country for ten years (even though the number of the Chinese in the country was minuscule the fear was that their willingness to accept low wages will impact the locals).
Isn’t the increased risk of atrocities committed by jihadists a good enough reason to suspend taking in immigrants from regions that unquestionably breed them?
Colonel Mustard @ December 2nd, 2017 – 14:01
You would be well advised, Colonel, to give up watching the QT and other agitprop pumped out by the BBC, it only hits your heart, you, the rest of us, are impotent to do anything about the panelists, the audience, the subjects the deluded Auntie selects.
Noa @ December 2nd, 2017 – 14:00
Given the mass of verbal shite expunged by the progressives, Noa, the barbarian sides with the oralists, the less one hears the better, no?
Mad or brave, what do you reckon?
Baron December 2nd, 2017 – 16:27
Old habits die hard. Watching what the enemy gets up to is one of them! Besides, then you can write scathingly about it and their lurkers know there are those who are not deceived.
Lewis and Quick: Don’t know either. But given his m.o. when he was i/c of Terrorist Branch, adjudged Quick to be an over-promoted prick when he got himself into trouble towards the end of his ‘career’; I’m sure Wallsters will recall these events:
Noa December 2nd, 2017 – 14:24
I don’t think Belton will cut through. He seems inclined to “modernise” UKIP in the way Cameron “modernised” the Tories. His performance was too much like Tory ministers on the panel, articulating reasonable but timid stuff in a polite way which will be too easily ignored or drowned in the shrieking wind and crashing waves of leftist propaganda. Shrinking in the face of self righteous bombast from the usual suspects.
He proved unable to counter Varoufakis’ smug rabble rousing and snide asides. He was far too polite to ask the Greek communist what it was to do with him anyway and why he didn’t think that Greece and his own compatriots needed his obvious economic talents more than the British. Why, if Varoufakis was such an expert economist he was not still Greece’s Finance Minister? Why, if Varoufakis thinks that the EU is best reformed from within he had scuttled from Greece the moment he faced EU opposition there to a country that has voted to leave the EU anyway? Belton should have exposed Varoufakis for the opportunist chancer and blowhard self publicist that he is, coming to Britain at the invitation of his communist friends here to exploit the way he thinks the Corbynista/Guardianista wind is blowing.
I remember Quick with his face like a slab of raw beef. Reeked of New Labour. The truth of Home Secretary Smith and Quick’s connivance over the arrest of Damien Green will never be known but the five-month police investigation which cost the taxpayer five million pounds collapsed after the CPS decided there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Green or his Home Office informant Galley because the information leaked on the government’s immigration policy was not secret and did not affect national security or put lives at risk. The whole thing stank and let’s not forget that a current Labour shadow minister was then the supposedly “impartial” DPP.
The whole thing served to demonstrate the extent of New Labour’s immigration conspiracy and their unsavoury politicisation of the police. Starmer probably realised that if he had decided on prosecution it might come back to haunt his future Labour party ambitions. In hindsight of Starmer’s swift parachute descent into the Labour party from DPP how intriguing his statement at the end of his decision:-
“However, I have not been asked to consult, nor have I consulted, any Minister before coming to my conclusion.”
The most interesting aspects of the whole charade were the contents of the leaked documents and New Labour’s twitchiness over them.
Baron 14:04
“or is it?”
In the private sector, any guy caught using his employer’s computer during working hours for that sort of thing would most probably get fired.
One has to marvel at the incompetence of the civil service for not having blocking filters installed to prevent dubious content being accessed. It’s not rocket science.
But the question remains, was it really him? I take it that the cops haven’t got a trail of DNA evidence to examine?
Let us not forget the crime here. David Davis told Damian Green to get “as much dirt on the Labour Party as you can”
So Green became a close contact of Galley.
The fact that they could not get a chain from the Home Office Computer to Green led Starmer to make a correct DPP decision.
To make Starmer seem the sleaze ball here is quite quite wrong.
Colonel Mustard @ December 2nd, 2017 – 17:15
Good point, Colonel, the barbarian does often the same, but one has to watch one’s blood pressure, that’s priority numero one.
Frank P @ December 2nd, 2017 – 17:3
Why do police officers have funny name? Dick, Quick, Mick.
And this (source: Wikipedia):
Crimes reported within the Met selected by quarter centuries.
• 1829/30: 20,000
• 1848: 15,000
• 1873: 20,000
• 1898: 18,838
• 1923: 15,383
• 1948: 126,597
• 1973: 355,258
• 1998/9: 934,254
EC @ December 2nd, 2017 – 18:15
On the scale of political shenanigans, sexual or other, this ranks pretty low, EC, it titillates, fills the pages of papers, but should have a shelf life of days, unless someone wants to milk it for purposes other than the caught politician’s suspect morality.
Baron (23:02)
It would be interesting to see a statistical breakdown of indigenous English v non-English ratio of perpetrators over the nineteen or so decades of crime recorded by the Met. police. And in the case of English perps, what proportion were second generation of non-English parents.
But you never will. 🙂
Co!onel Mustard (17:35)
You and I exchanged posts when the new leader of UKIP emerged from obscurity and usurped the top job out of the blue and when the general reaction was ‘Enery Who? Our assessments have not been proved wrong with the passage of time. UKIP is over. It was a one trick pony and the circus has moved on without it. We will have to suffer a spell of Albert Steptoe and his commie cabal for a stint, during which time one hopes that resultant disaster will engender a root and branch muck out and shake up of the Conservative Party. I see no potential dynamic leader on the horizon, but the actual materialsation of the current Shadow Cabinet filling the three main offices of state: the Exchequer: the Home Office and the Foreign Office, should provoke either a sanguine Tory to emerge to save the nation, or failing that, the Boy’s Brigade should organise a coup d’etat.
A suggestion for everybody.
Pick up a copy of George Orwell’s 1984 and read it again.
Then consider – are we now close to living in the Oceania of Orwell’s nightmare?
With the BBC and most of the newspapers for example being branches of the Ministry of Truth?
I remember when Alan Milburn, Blair lapdog, by his grandstanding nearly destroyed the Health Service before he left for the funny farm.
Cameron in his wisdom gave him a new toy called The Social Mobility Commission which amongst other things has tried to destroy Education.
Today he is back to grandstanding resigning from his august body, no doubt for another spell in the funny farm, saying
“(the Government) is understandably focused on Brexit and does not seem to have the necessary bandwidth to ensure that the rhetoric of healing social division is matched with the reality”
Bonehead Milburn goes on to analyse Brexit:
““If you’re a West Coast liberal in America railing against Trump or a member of the metropolitan elite in the UK railing against Brexit, the tendency is to say that it’s completely irrational but there are reasons why people voted to leave. It’s wise to be tough on Brexit but it’s also wise to be tough on the causes of Brexit.
“If you’re in Minehead or Blackpool or Mansfield or Stoke there’s a seething political alienation and resentment. We’ve got to understand it to be able to deal with it.
“It has a consequence for people, but a political consequence as well. It means more anger, more resentment, and creates a breeding ground for populism. The politics of it genuinely worries me”
Back to Quick and Lewis, I read this on the Times site.
“This is outrageous. It reads like a low-grade mafia story: collecting and keeping dirt on somebody in case it should come in useful one day. Jim Waterson, the politics editor for Buzzfeed News, tweeted his response to the BBC report this week: “The headline on this Damian Green story should be ‘The police don’t delete your data when ordered to do so and are liable to leak details of the legal porn they found in order to embarrass you’.” I could hardly put it better, except in this regard: what’s happening is not an attempt to embarrass Green. It’s a naked attempt to destroy him.”
And following those tweets:
“Kassam believes that sabotaging the prospects of the “very big, very powerful” trade agreement which the U.S. president has been seeking with Brexit Britain will be used by the prime minister to push for Britain to remain more closely entangled with the European Union after departure than it would otherwise need to be.
“She’s going insult Trump to the point where the U.S. won’t want to do a deal with Britain, then she’ll blame Trump for being mercurial and say we need to water down, or abandon Brexit because Britain needs economic security,” he stated.”
And why this must not happen:
The picture says it all.
Has The Mail become Remainiac?
Baron, December 2nd, 2017 – 23:11
My point was about double standards, Baron, which you appear to embrace with all the cognitive dissonance of a Corbynista and committed Guardian/Morning Star reader. [Take THAT, you swine!]
Of course if “they” were unwilling nail Jacqui Smith on expenses fiddling where they actually had hard evidence they ain’t gonna be able to make a case against Green for his alleged keyboard fiddling – nothing that would stand up in court anyways 🙂
In Green’s case, another departure from the government wold probably bring it down so it ain’t going happen.
“Either we all matter, or nobody matters”
Harry Bosch
Frank P – 01:01
There is a monumental discrepancy between the number of baseball bats sold in the UK and the number of actual baseballs sold. A similar breakdown of purchasers might prove interesting.
And Rod Liddle nails Brexit:
“Yes, let the EU speak English. For £50bn
The former Italian prime minister Mario Monti wants the EU to adopt the English language once we’ve left. Monti says English would help the EU be more competitive in trade deals with the rest of the world. Well, indeed. Nobody’s going to buy anything from you if you jabber at them, excitedly, in French or Italian. They will think you are marginal and devious. Even worse if you bark at them in German. Monti is right, if presumptuous.
We should privatise our language and lease the intellectual property rights to the EU for 15% of every trade profit it makes. Or a one-off, upfront payment of £50bn and a few crates of prosecco. As an American politician once said: “If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it’s good enough for me.”
Liddle on Lewis:
“Guilty until proven innocent
A former rozzer, Neil Lewis, says he was “shocked” by the amount of pornography on first secretary Damian Green’s computer. Lewis was part of a 2008 operation to seize computers from the House of Commons and have a good poke around. There’s no suggestion that the material was illegal. So isn’t that a breach of privacy? Green is already “under investigation” by the Cabinet Office for once having been pleasant and helpful to a young woman. The party’s former whip, Charlie Elphicke, also remains suspended on account of some allegations. Nobody will tell him what they are. There have been no charges. Madness, surely?”
EC 0823
Methinks that David Davis has ensured Damian Green’s survival.
And more:
“A very irreverent vicar
It’s a one-horse race in the prestigious Most Fatuous Vicar of the Year Awards. So step forward the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, who has said we should pray Prince George turns out to be gay, as that will help make the Church of England be “more inclusive”. I can’t imagine any Anglican reverend, no matter how “Very” he is, will out-cretin this pronouncement.
The one remaining sensible cleric in the church, Gavin Ashenden, says Holdsworth’s view was un-Christian and doesn’t “have the prince’s best interests at heart, but uses him as a gender-political football to please 1.7% of the population”. Quite. Bad news, then, for the Rev Richard Coles, formerly of the godawful Communards, who threatened to reunite his group “for charity”. He was my tip for the prize until Kelv came long”
Meanwhile as we await with excitement tonight’s super moon there are ongoing concerns about fake news:
What happened to Esther?
Nigel Farage,
At last a sensible take on the tweets:
Anyway he is coming.
Baron December 2nd, 2017 – 22:49
My tip for avoiding any increase in blood pressure is to feel less anger or frustration but instead to articulate more light-hearted contempt, ridicule and scorn at the performers for their self-righteous smuggery, be they panelists or audience members. Umunna had me in stitches with his almost descending to mockney “Look, I’m a person of the people” schtick and the Greek communist gave me a wonderful opportunity to exercise my lexicon of pejoratives, although I’m ashamed to admit one single syllable noun in particular kept asserting itself. Must try harder!
Again and again the left wing panelists on the programme, including Dimblebore, do the same thing to any right wing panelists and the right wing panelists invariably plod along politely, trying to make their sensible but weak points, instead of fighting back and attacking. The left are masters of diversion and projection so that it is always their enemies under scrutiny, on the back foot and attempting to defend themselves. That needs to change.
Colonel Mustard @ December 3rd, 2017 – 13:06
Quite, Colonel, the barbarian is keen telling others what to do or not, is himself guilty of the same.
The World This Weekend today, Mark Mardell in the chair, the ghastly Blair the first guest.
One may ask why is this treacherous man, who’s done near unrepairable damage to our way of life, still sought after for his views, amongst which was once more his argument, indeed an insistence that the referendum result can be reversed, people know more now than before, the NHS isn’t getting the money allegedly promised if we left, (Mardell should have told him we haven’t left yet, didn’t), conditions have changed since we voted.
So fugging what? Conditions are changing continuously, would keep on changing even if we had a new referendum.
If we did have a second referendum, people voted to stay in, economic and social conditions failed to improve, perhaps got worse, would the ghastly man lobby for yet another, third referendum? Where is the end of referending then? For him, and those like h im, when they get what they want obviously.
The ghastly man then went on, Mardell let him, reciting the advantages of our being in the single market, the size of it, the standardisation of goods, the cooperative nature of our relationship blah, blah, blah, but not a sentence, a single sentence about the federalisation of Europe, the process kept secret from the unwashed since 1973 that has been eroding our sovereignty, the main reason for many to vote out. Mardell, of course, kept it off the table, it didn’t suit either one of the two fuggwits to even mention.
Tossers, both of them.
Btw, the interviewed guy was so full of himself then pricking him would cover the whole of the country in shite a foot to two deep.
Marshal Roberts @ December 3rd, 2017 – 11:39
Not a smart move to have him come, Marshall, the two women’s judgment stinks, they should work to eradicate what the message identified, not be critical of the messenger completely ignoring the core of his tweet.
What the saintly One should have said was ‘I appreciate it the Potus raised the issue, we’re fully aware there are certain individuals who want to do us harm, are doing everything we can to find a solution blah, blah, blah. She should have avoided mentioning the Britain First crowd altogether.
(Not that the barbarian would endorse such a reply, but it would be by far more pragmatically beneficial for her, the Tories, an dthe country for if the Donald gets angry, he can do what the Dems in the Congress still propose, put us at the back of the queue for a trade deal.
The woman should have been sacked months ago, those MPs voting for her as well).
EC (08:48)
An interesting statistic. 🙂 I’d like to think that the vast majority of the bat-buyers are Engishmen, preparing for the inevitable and necessary uprisng against the foreign incursion. Sadly, it’s more likely that the metaphorical lack of balls in the equation is the case, judging by the predominance of soy boys and gingers among the upcoming generation.
Marshall Roberts
Why has that jug-eared agitprop arsehole Marr not been sick-pensioned and removed from our screens? He is a fuckin’ embarrassment. Divert him to radio, woman’s hour or something, if they feel they must exercise sympathy for his debility. As for Mohammed’s bride – the tartan muzzy seated next to Farage – how did he manage to resist the temptation to either tell her to shut her fukin’ gob and allow him to answer the question, or better still, stuff a handy haggis into it. There must be a stock of them in the BBC canteen with hogmany loomin’ in the glomin’ and Burns day not far behind.
The other vociferous vagina – an American ‘liberal’ (aka communist gob-shite)- made up the usual ‘balanced BBC ‘debate’: three rampant Marxists v. one retired, failed UKIPper- who failed to assert himself in the argument and employ the weapon of ridicule that, as the Colonel so rightly points out, is the most effective weapon in the resistance to the looney left. Far too many furriners shouting the odds in this country and a majority of them split-arse mechanics, to boot!
Frank P
You cannot criticise Marr.
He has a d i s a b i l i t y and cannot be gainsaid.
Mind you I like the idea of twinning him with that odious woman’s hour presenter Jenni Murray.
Sorry – Dame Jennifer Susan “Jenni” Murray, DBE.
Viva Charlie and the entrance to Manchester’s Christmas Market .
Nice …
The Eye by Robinson Jeffers
The Atlantic is a stormy moat; and the Mediterranean,
The blue pool in the old garden,
More than five thousand years has drunk sacrifice
Of ships and blood, and shines in the sun; but here the Pacific–
Our ships, planes, wars are perfectly irrelevant.
Neither our present blood-feud with the brave dwarfs
Nor any future world-quarrel of westering
And eastering man, the bloody migrations, greed of power, clash of faiths–
Is a speck of dust on the great scale-pan.
Here from this mountain shore, headland beyond stormy headland
plunging like dolphins through the blue sea-smoke
Into pale sea–look west at the hill of water: it is half the planet:
this dome, this half-globe, this bulging
Eyeball of water, arched over to Asia,
Australia and white Antartica: those are the eyelids that never close;
this is the staring unsleeping
Eye of the earth; and what it watches is not our wars.
H/T Gerard VdL.
Gazing at it from various vantage points on the West Coast, I was variously unimpressed (e.g. from Huntingdon Beach, Ca.) and enrapt (e.g. from Pebble Beach and 17 Mile Drive,Carmel Bay), but I never flew over it. Mr Jeffers makes me wish I had.
Christ Almighty the whole House of Cards is coming down, not because of venal corruption, but becaue of pussy!
There is somhing quite comical about this. They have no need to rewrite the script, just put it on at the Whitehall Theatre. It will run and run. Pity Brian Rix is not still around. He would have had a choice of a dozen parts.
President Trump delivers a blow to Peter Sutherland’s global dream of a world of international basket cases, as envisioned in “…during the Arab revolutions [sic], the EU missed a historic opportunity to begin weaving together the two sides of the Mediterranean.” (Sutherland quoted in Wikipedia)
“The Trump Administration announced plans to pull the U.S. out of a United Nations pact on the handling of migrant and refugee situations. The announcement came from the U.S. mission to the United Nations. U.S. officials said the program is “inconsistent” with American policies.”
Colonel Mustard
On taking the fight to the enemy. Unfortunately such attacks seem to happen only once with the perpetrator subsequently suffering social and media exclusion of Milburnian proportions.
Mine 3rd Dec at 18-14 .
Further comment on the Manchester Peace Wall .
Christmas market in Lyon cancelled because the can’t afford the €20,000 security costs.
Radford NG @ December 4th, 2017 – 09:47
The authorities missed a chance here, Radford, why not decorate the concrete slabs? It would brighten things up. How about ‘Have an unforgettable Christmas with the ROP’, or ‘Together with the ROP for our brighter future’, or ‘Give a kiss to a member of the ROP today’.
Noa December 4th, 2017 – 09:24
The fight won’t be carried to the enemy via the BBC. That is a hegemony of the left to begin with and a bien pensant echo chamber of left wing mythology where dissenting voices are only invited to be heard in order to bully, ridicule and discredit them. The hegemony of the left on British TV was reinforced rather than challenged by Channel 4 which aims to out-left the BBC. The whole thing is a disgrace, a custard pie in the face of political diversity and rubbed in as well, a democratic deficit. Injury is added to the insult by an uber-smug dismissal by the establishment and BBC of any cries of “foul”. Marr can jauntily admit the bigotry and still get away with it.
For real balance Britain needs a new TV channel with a conservative hegemony. Right wing billionaires take note. Marr and the rest of the cosy cabal need not apply. When documentary after drama is stuffed with puerile leftist propaganda and shibboleths a lone voice of conservative reason won’t cut through. If the BBC can’t or won’t deliver balance then balance must be provided by an equally empowered counterpoint. Every true conservative MP should be demanding it.
Radford NG @ December 4th, 2017 – 09:55
This the barbarian fully endorses, Rradford, the festivity has become too commercial, it’s nothing but spending money on useless trinkets, gorging on food to excess, boozing. The boisterous ROP boys and girls should be thanked, no?
Colonel Mustard @ December 4th, 2017 – 09:56
A brilliant idea, Colonel, but would that Right leaning TV channel last? Hmmm
Significant numbers of Germans are beginning to demand that their government pay muslim enterers to relocate to Islamic states.
Here’s a thought then, let May attach a condition to the payment presently under negotiation and to be made to the Brussels oligarchs of billions of Dane geld to allow us the mercy of an exit from a fascist grouping that no one paid us to enter.
The condition would be, and would be linked to a suitable ‘Trust but Verify’ mechanism, for the purpose of funding the relocation of these types all over Britain and the Remainers to areas outside Europe in which they would be culturally comfortable and could slice off their daughters clitorises (clitorides?) in a relaxed and supportive environment. This could be named The Immigration Stabilisation Fund. Why, if the Commissioners hands could be kept out of this deep pocket, we might happily agree to MORE than 40 or 50 B sterling, which amount is itself now unacceptable to a significant percentage of the British electorate. All member states presently ensnared in the EU and bedevilled by the ideology of islam.
The narco funds from Afghanistan could be used to supplement the Immigration Stablisation Fund, were it to prove insufficient, and I am sure that the European government negotiators have the necessary connections required to draw down the agreed additional amounts.
Malfleur @ December 4th, 2017 – 09:21
The barbarian has also noticed the US pulling out of the immigration racket, Malfleur, strangely there was only a muted response from th e progressives, either they must have gone completely bonkers (are hospitalised, and about time, too) or have given up screaming.
Malfleur @ December 4th, 2017 – 10:04
On the same subjec, Malfleurt:
The refugee families from the ME placed within the Czech Republic will receive the equivalent in the local currency of the money paid in Germany in Euro, it’s to stop them running back to German,y who in his right mind would want to learn a language of an obscure and tiny tribe.
You can imagine how well has it gone down in Czecho, the indigenous burghers are dancing in the streets, embracing the immigrants … or not.
Frank P @ December 3rd, 2017 – 20:46
But is it free, Frank?
A talented canine, you must admit:
Has anybody written to Santa to ask for a new CHW, before he gets too busy with the
hostilitieser… celebrations?Now that erstwhile ‘Gold Commander’ has said her bit this morning, does that make Green unfireable? And, if so, did she realise that was a possible consequence and was she happy to run with it?
Noa (09:24) Colonel Mustard (09:56)
The history of the past 100 years or so seems to illustrate that in the polemical struggle between “Left” v “Right” the Left has prevailed by both brutality and stealth. Moreover it now has its tail up and displays an arrogance that hoi polloi seems to admire, as its promulgators use the “social justice” meme to seduce a deeply brainwashed, dependant and idle electorate here in the UK, hooked on the cradle to grave welfarism.
In Europe, comintern has already established a stranglehold through the Brussels behemoth and the UK’s govenment’s risible, half-hearted attempt to extricate us from a forty-year scam has exposed our weakness and the bully boys are rubbing it in. Had we acted quickly after the referendum we could have destroyed the EU, but it is clear that Cameron and Osborn were on the gravy train and were convinced that the referendum would go the other way. The current administration, also with season tikets on the gravy train, has no intention of allowing us to leave and the fudge will continue until the next election, when the Left will press home its ever increasing advantage and take control here. They will then arrange a whole new ball-game which will be a consolidation of our current submission to the EUs stranglehold and an irretrievable slide into the EUSSR – the dream of Corbinski and his hatchet-face traitorous Shadow Chancellor. Maybe, just maybe, this stark reality my resuscitate the “healthy core of Englishness” which our resident optimist continues to espouse. I fear not.
As for the equivalent of Fox News Network here. No chance. The PTB would contrive to block it every which way, with legalistic and monopoly hurdles that would be insurmountable.
Nah, the only thing that can divert the slide into the Leftist swamp, is a catastrophic geopolitical event, provoked by one of the loonies with their twitchy fingers hovering over the nuclear buttons. Then it will be all bets off. I suppose its time for a culling, given the 7b and rising. There just ain’t room for that exponential equation to materialise. We have already poisoned our sustaining resources beyond retrieval. There simply has to be a planetry readjustment in favour of the cockroaches and plankton. We as a species are self-destructive idiots. It is written in the stars and our demise has probably already happened in cosmic terms. The current nonsense is delayed-action poist mortem twitching. 🙂
At least our politics are not reduced to this:
Frank P 11.43
Well that’s cheered me up no end Frank!
At least its a refreshing change from reading the the ex-Russian and communist Mr Boot, who considers everyone who doesn’t share his particular viewpoint to be a Putinist, a fascist or similar.
Definitely a man whose roots are showing.
And Corbyn will never press the red button, Diane will insist on doing it to advance Wimmins’ rights.
On Hannity yesterday, Mr. Trump promoted “clean coal” . He reminded people that Hillary Clinton supported closure of the coal mines. Prime Minister May also promotes that policy in the United Kingdom.
Perhaps the president should send a further tweet to Mrs. May to explain briefly that clean coal is a possibility, can develop a country’s resources, and bring dead coal towns back to life for many families.
Here’s the link to the Hannity interview with Trump:
Marshall Roberts (11:55)
Yes, saw that on Sky News this morning. I was hoping that it wood have provoked a post from Clear Memories, our antipodean correspondent. So far no show. Pity.
would – not wood. Sorry my feckin’ fingers are now beginning to type phonetically, a bit like those sub-title bods on the TV.
Noa (12:07)
Yerrrs! I saw your exchange with Alex over on the Boot blog. His premises within that article once again whizzed past – way above my head. I have neither the tools nor the inclination to grapple with the notion that the entire panoply of goodness of humanity which emerged from about two millennia of ‘civilisation’ emanated from the Christian ethic – and all that was evil was man made and therefore explains our current chaos. As a determinist, I see that as all part of the arrogant delusion of Man and his search for the unfindable: rose-tinted solopsistic hindsight. If the Cosmos ain’t perfect, then the Godists have got to come up with a better explanation for the fuck-up than the granting of free-will to the naked ape by a benign Creator. If the Cosmos is perfect, then we just haven’t understood the complexity of the GSOT and our self-perceived evil is just part of the plan. If that is so, all of us may as well do what I l already do, order the popcorn, sit back, watch the narrative develop and google and giggle from time to time to relieve the boredom of The Wait.
And take comfort from the fact that we can only die once, so WTF does it matter how that is culminated and when. So far I have spent 84 years dying and the protraction is fast becoming tedious, particularly as it now requires the interference of quacks to prolong the process often accompanied by petty discomfiture or downright pain. The only thing that keeps me going at the moment is my curiosity about what wheeze Baron will next come up with to extol the virtues of the long suffering Slavic race and to excuse their propensity for stoicism.
Remember that old joke about Jewish stoicism? Buried up to their necks in the sand in the face of the oncoming tide, they manage to get their hands free and -vwaving their hands and heads from side to side in unison, sing “Oh we do like to be beside he seaside!”
Way to go!
Arlene bloody back end of bus.
I know Ostrich hates me carping on the Irish.
But if those buggers scupper Brexit……
Frank P December 4th, 2017 – 11:43
You are quite right that there will never be a TV channel leaning as much to the right as the BBC leans to the left. Not just a Fox news but dramas and documentaries that focus on presenting a conservative narrative.
But real conservative politicians (even those few!) should still be demanding it and complaining of the current bigotry at every opportunity. They should not co-operate with the likes of Marr but view every interview as an opportunity to challenge and expose his and the BBC’s bias. They should turn the scrutiny around, be belligerent, difficult, challenging.
“Mr Marr, having admitted the leftist bias of the BBC and yourself, how on earth I am expected to treat your hectoring questioning seriously as any kind of objective analysis?”
It goes against the grain just to give up. I’d rather die in a ditch with my face towards the enemy and cursing them. And by God they deserve it.
Noa – 12:07
Oh no, you’ve not gone been dun it again have you Noa? 🙂
I penned an encouraging but unposted CHW message for you after your last spat with Comrade Botinok on 28th November on his “Mobilisation Means War” blog post.
It’s a brave, or uninformed, man that calls you a “flippant egotist!” Does he not know that you are a holder of the “Stiletto d’oro” awarded by “la gilda degli Assassini” of Firenze. They don’t do “flippant” do they? 🙂
Mind you, one lives and learns. eg. I’d never considered that Ukraine was “a major European country” until he put me right. I thought the clue was in the meaning of its name.
I don’t comment on his blog but I do occasionally read it. I had a YCMIU moment this afternoon when he broached the subject of “anal intercourse” on his “Blind Alleys” blog post. I was tempted reply and mention the inadvisability and medical hazards of such a practice but I held back as I didn’t know if there two “f”s in sffincter.
I meant to add that conservatives are the insurgents now, the dissenters. They need to start behaving as such, instead of pretending that modern British politics is some kind of balanced and urbane give and take.
The equivalence between the “far right” and jihadism that the establishment is so desperately trying to assert is tripe.
Several thuggish, violent left-wing movements have crafted a justification for their disgusting behaviours out of that tripe and sufficiently intimidated our cowardly politicians to make them go along with it.
Push back is just that. It is never caused by any inherent imperative. There was no French Resistance in France before the Nazis invaded. When people are pushed to breaking point their reaction is not a “rise” but an effect of the cause. If you deliberately kick sand in someone’s face don’t complain when they get angry about it. Don’t pretend their anger is something to be denied and deplored.
Frank P – 11:43
“The current nonsense is delayed-action poist mortem twitching. ”
“Trunk music” also comes to mind.
Many comments here and in the street about the commercialization of Christmas, the spending of money one does not have, the boozing and gluttony. Has nobody heard of Saturnalia? It took place at this time of year.
Well Colonel, this gal agrees with you:
Cheered me up no end. Must drop her a line of encouragement. Imagine her and Richard Kemp arriving at No. 10 with a contingent of the SAS..The result would be bloodless, but they would
have to wade knee deep through the shit from the loosened bowels of the incumbents.
Frank P, EC
I confess, it’s a pleasure to wind him up.
If he’d been Jesuit-flogged and religiously educated he might have absorbed a little more humility and honest to goodness atheism to counter all certainty. After all you’re not a true Christian if you’re not wracked with self-doubt.
As to preparing for war with 3.5m Russians on behalf of Germany and France… words fail me.
Frank P
December 4th – 21:28
Yes, agreed, a great speech and a great girl endowed with true English wit and grit. Thanks for the link.
But what a pity that, trammeled by your role as the Wall’s Guru of the cynics, you have not bee able since 2012 to register one post in support of her brother, Tommy Robinson!
And when she drew attention to the division of our country into two parts, Londonistan and the Rest, wasn’t she referring to that core of English decency that the Guru of cynics mocked when Baron invoked it recently in this space?
For those still unsure what Baron means by “uninformed” views of Russia, try this:
“Lionel Interviews the Inimitable and Ineffable Peter Lavelle, Host of RT’s ‘Cross Talk’ ”
So Ms May has been recalled for consultations with Arlene Foster.
She will go back and sit down with Juncker with her new instructions.
At 2.30 on Monday afternoon Gerry Adams will appear at a news conference with men in balaclavas sporting armalites in the background.
It is at times like this that we decry Henry II for getting us tied up with these barbarians.
“Irish broadcaster RTE said Britain was ready to keep the EU customs and single market rules for Northern Ireland in order to meet Dublin’s insistence that Brexit should not bring back a “hard border” and threaten a peace process that ended decades of sectarian tensions.”
This appears to be the trigger for yesterday. Fake news for “regulatory alignment.”
Farage predicted this debacle.
“Brexit campaign leader Nigel Farage has described the concession as a “bitter betrayal” of the 17.4 million Leave voters who carried the EU referendum last year, as well as “a concession too far, for it will lead to endless problems in Scotland and damages the integrity of the United Kingdom”
It takes a special kind of stupidity for those who rule over us to think that a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK is a “solution” or that a precedent to leave part of the UK under EU hegemony would not stir up Sturgeon and her divisive national socialists to demand the same.
It should be up to a sovereign nation how it manages its borders. And if the Republic of Ireland’s thinly veiled threats to re-export terrorism into the UK as a consequence come to pass then the UK should deal with them with far more Israeli-style resolve this time.
It is astonishing that the same clowns who decry Putin for his activities in the Ukraine turn a cowardly and indulgent eye to the similar behaviour of the terrorist-born Irish Republic to Northern Ireland. Brexit should not be all about the Republic of Ireland or how much more murder and mayhem they are prepared to sponsor in order to seize Northern Ireland from the Crown.
What has transpired should demonstrate to Remainers just how much sovereignty has been ceded to the EU and the tinpot nations it covers for.
Colonel Mustard.
I could not agree more. The Gay Irish PM has become more dangerous than Gerry Adams and Arlene Foster is a worthy successor to Gusty Fence.
You cannot deal with these people.
I do not blame the EU. I blame May only in as much she put herself in the position of ransom to the Irish Question by her stupid election.
The only comical thing is seeing how mystified Tusk looks when dealing with the Irish.
“Hannity: The American justice system is hanging by a thread”
A neat summation. Sean is Muellering over the recent Strzok-ing revelations!
Although much of this EU confusion could have been averted with better leadership, in fact, one could say ANY leadership, from Cameron and the ‘Conservative’ ‘Party’, which elected a Remainer when the country had decided to change course, it has highlighted just how unneighbourly our neighbours are, and have been, going back to 1914 and even earlier, and just how underhand the policy makers and implementers have been.
The political intrigue over last couple of years appears worse than before, only because it is much more out in the open. How Anna Soubry can still make out a glorious future inside the EU for herself, let alone for the UK, is beyond me. I can’t even see it for anyone on the Continent: quite the contrary.
For example, the problems caused by Energiewende in Germany are much, much bigger than is being reported.
RobertRetyred – 09:42
A lotta bottle?
“Anders Vistisen said the union risks being “overshadowed and left behind” if it continues to hit out at the UK for voting to leave.
The Vice Chair of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, took a swipe at the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Guy “Mr Brexit” Verhofstadt who called Theresa May’s pledge to deliver a new EU trade deal by 2019 “impossible”.
He warned if the EU does not “appreciate and work constructively with the UK’s objectives” it risks being overcome by popular discontent and “Denmark could well be the next country to leave the bloc”.
Malfleur – 03:55
Great speech on that occasion but, sadly, Katie is not always that eloquent.
Katie Hopkins was the only “Apprentice” finalist to ever put the willies up Claude Littner in the final interviews. Lord (my arse!) Sugar’s feared hatchet man, Claude, was visibly rattled.
Courtesy of the 1A, here’s the real deal…
How come I never heard of this fake charity scandal via the MSM?
Oh wait a minute…
“Former United States Congresswoman Corrine Brown from the great state of Flarda” is/was a Democrat.
EC @ 10:12
Lost me a bit there, EC; but then I have never really followed American ice hockey in the modern ear. I can see though that if muslim immigration into the USA continues its trend, we could soon have another ALI-GATA in Flarda.
Colonel Mustard – 08:18
I despair, almost constantly these days.
All three main parties seem to be comprised of spineless self serving individuals. They are very low calibre people with barely a shred of TECOE between them.
Frank P is right. Without someone emerging from the pack MPs who is willing to show some resistance to the takedown of the UK then I fear that Col. Kemp and his lads from the Royal Anglian, together with the chaps from Hereford, may be the only answer. [Col Kemp would hate me to suggest that though]
Marshal Roberts @ 09:56
Verhofstadt is the anti-Farage troll who looks as though he took advantage of the borderless EU to have his teeth fixed under the NHS.×272.jpg
Malfleur – 10:30
I had previously thought that Maxine Waters was the finest that the Democratic party could muster.
God Help America!
Sorry, that was ad hominem.
hǔ fù wú quǎn zǐ
May is no daughter to Thatcher.
EC @ 10:41
Here’s a dark horse in the competition
(and that was before she more recently “crossed the aisle” (so to speak).
The Make America Gaga Again party….
A better analysis of the EU gossip than most
Away from the serious stuff for moment this is a true story which happened to me yesterday .
In Tesco. 25% off for 6 bottles of wine.
Just heard this old couple conversation.
Some of the bottles were 2015 or 2016, seems the sale was to sell off old stocks.
They weren’t fooled, they hunted out some which were 2017.
Marshal Roberts December 5th, 2017 – 10:59
Or, in May’s case:-
虎头蛇尾 – hŭ tóu shé wĕi – “tiger head (but) snake tail”. Plenty of apparent strength through bluster at the start but slithers away weakly and never achieves anything at the end.
She has had one triumph- the disastrous General Election put an end to the onward march of Sturgeon. For that we must be grateful.
John Birch (13:26)
The should have stocked up on Beaujolais Nouveau Day 🙂
Moraymint, former poster on the DT, provides one of his occasional lozenges to suck on.
An enjoyable hour or so that will consolidate your prejudices:
They speak for me. Let’s continue to follow their advice and speak up. It’s probably too late to stop the rot, but ‘do not go gentle into that good night … rage, rage against the dying of the light’.
This comment by “Ministry of Hope” to yet another self-hating Eurotrash/SJW/Remainer troll at Spiked is worth sharing as it encapsulates the horrible anglophobia that lurks behind the tedious virtue signalling of those types:-
“You are captive to an ideology of hate that completely withdraws all human worth and meaning from the English, and renders our natural claim on life as a thing of hate itself. This, of course, is something you would never entertain in the case of any other native people. So the racism is yours, isn’t it?”
Indeed it is. Nasty anglophobia, masquerading as Euro-BS virtue signalling.
And of course one of the issues is that those types continuously deny that the English ARE a native people, with their diminution of us as a “mongrel nation”.
When I was growing up there was no doubt, whatsoever, of who the English were. And in this age of supposed respect for “self-identification” I’m getting mighty tired of the kind of constant, offensive insults against the notion of an English people peddled by the likes of Bonnie Greer.
Now – 11:24
EURef – probably because it wasn’t pushing any agenda! 🙂
Frank P at 16-06.
Del Boy will be on the look-out for bargain offers on Beaujolais Nouveau…..the ’79.
Oh boy!
h/t Gérard.
Read it all, it will (or should) blow your mind.
Picked up from the Moraymint blog post cited by Colonel Mustard in the comments (all excellent) :
If you didn’t watch Tucker Carlson tonight,
make sure you watch it on Live Stream on YT.
Seminal content throughout.
More details:
The two men arrested for the plot – Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, from north London and Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, from Birmingham – will attend a preliminary court hearing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday morning.
I am relieved. The Germans are telling us there is a clear solution:
“‘Keep the UK in the single market’
Meanwhile, political parties across the UK have called for May’s government to offer a different approach to Brexit, one that would ensure equal status across the kingdom.
“This could be the moment for opposition and Brexit/remain Tories to force a different, less damaging approach – keep the UK in the single market and customs union,” said Nicola Sturgeon, who leads Scotland’s devolved government, in a tweet.
Read more: Brexit poll: Half of Britons support second referendum
“But it needs Labour to get its act together. How about it Jeremy Corbyn?” she added, referring to the leader of Britain’s main opposition party.
Keir Starmer, the Labour party’s Brexit spokesman, told parliament on Tuesday that the collapse of a deal was an “embarrassment” and showed that May’s government was in a “coalition of chaos.”
“Yesterday, the rubber hit the road: Fantasy met brutal reality. Will the prime minister now rethink her reckless red lines and put options such as a customs union and single market back on the table for negotiation?” asked Starmer.”
Keir Starmer is of course Labours Great Hope for the future.
“The Daily Mail agrees: ‘heaven help Labour’ if Starmer is the party’s choice as Corbyn’s replacement. As he detailed Labour’s Brexit plan yesterday, Starmer looked ‘wholly out of his intellectual depth’ and ‘achingly dull’. His strategy was also inconsistent: saying that he would end free movement but still considered the possibility of remaining in the single market. The Mail says this means only one thing: ‘Labour is in favour of both leaving the EU and remaining in it’. The paper is also less than impressed with Labour’s idea of guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens living in Britain on day one of a Corbyn government – something Theresa May has so far refused to do – pointing out that this gesture would mean asking for ’nothing in return to protect the million-plus British expats in Europe’. ‘If this is the best Sir Keir can offer’, concludes the Mail, ‘mightn’t Labour just as well stick with Mr Corbyn?’ ”
Newsletter – “Good for Europe”
(Own report) – Following yesterday’s euro zone finance ministers’ approval of a new austerity dictate for Athens, the Greek population will be confronted with more measures exacerbating impoverishment. The measures agreed upon late last week by the Greek government, relevant EU institutions and the IMF include the expansion of evictions. Critics are warning of an increase in homelessness. At the same time, the sale of state-owned property continues with plans to sell off four power plants. Unions have announced plans to strike in protest, but they cannot be sure that they will be allowed to carry through, because their right to strike has been severely restricted due to pressure from Brussels. Alleged initial successes, such as a slight decrease in unemployment, turns out to be a sham, because it is based on a dramatic increase in particularly low-paid part-time jobs, which do nothing to reduce poverty, but, on the contrary, consolidate it, in the long run.
Noa – 16:16, 08:55
Ah Moraymint, the too good to hurry mint.
Re: Athens:
In a spectacular own goal, Der Spiegel let the cat out of the bag in March, 2015.
It’s an occupation, definitely not a holiday!
Frank P – 01:54
I’m afraid I have to watch him on his somewhat delayed Fox YouTube channel.
DoctorRandomercam is in Canada at the moment (for a freedom of speech trial?) and has just posted some Tucker related content.
“Tucker Carlson vs Prof. Dicknozzle & lggbdtttiqqaapp – FIXED”
EC 09.42
German financial advisers and tourists arriving in Greece.
Noa – 10:12
The comments are both highly unedifying and amusing.
Trumped again!
It’ll be too late now to get in on the ground floor in the Jerusalem property market.
A better bet for a safe retirement home than SW1A 2AA.
Once again, on behalf of the town that inspired Hard Times I must apologise to the world for housing this vacuous, self-satisfied, brain-choked buthopefully lesbian, failed dementia dodger in the post industrial slums that once made Britain proud and wealthy, but now support some of its most vicious jihadists.
Noa – 16:23
When and where in the UK, I wonder, will the Christmas “lone wolf” mass murder event that’s NTDWI take place?
Sadly, there’s no IF about it.
In answer to your question see my 15.06. 😉
The 6th of December 1917 ( 9-04 am ) : Halifax , Nova Scotia , devastated by the largest non-nuclear explosion in history when an ammunition ship blew-up in the harbour ( 2,000 dead; 9,000 injured ).
Noa @ December 6th, 2017 – 16:23
Actually, Noa, she isn’t that bad judged by the past winners of the trinket worth £25,000. But could she beat the Turnip Prize, that’s the question.
Btw, do note the caption below the masterpiece saying what ‘one’ it, (and we wonder why the young are so dumb, arghhh).
Btw, you should thank BT for the absence of the poorly educated Slav, all systems have been down in the last few days. It could be the barbarian has been re-routed to MI5, or whatever it is that watched over the fascists, the Putinistas, the other undesirables.
The saintly One is once again lecturing the Donald, she and the Blonde Inseminator, are unhappy with his decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
The idea is bonkers, but why does she have to publicly contradict him? Has she been asked? Who cares anyway what she thinks? Her view (not to mention that of the BI0) is on par with that of the Outer Mongolia. Only the usual suspects have complained, the Saudis, Jordan, Turkey and also France, a country that’s as close to a Muslim one as it gets.
Her job is to negotiate Brexit, not to worry about where the Americans want to house their diplomats in Israel. The woman must be truly nuts.
Himid’s mother was white and from Lancashire in England.
The slave trade in what became Tanzania was operated from 1840 by Said bin Sultan Al-Said who was not a British imperialist or colonialist but the ruler of Muscat and Oman. More slaves were held on the African coast and in the Sultan’s other African conquests than were ever exported from there to the USA, let alone Britain. As usual the Arab involvement in the slave trade is disregarded as not fitting a leftist narrative demanding that we should feel guilty for something that none of us was responsible for.
For Himid to speak of London’s streets filled with the descendants of slaves demonstrates a poor grasp of history as well as the reality of post-war levels of immigration and their origins. In 1764, The Gentleman’s Magazine reported that there was supposed to be “near” 20,000 black servants in Britain and it was reported in the Morning Gazette that there was 30,000 in the country as a whole, though that number was thought to be an exaggeration. Not all of those people were slaves as there also were black sailors and soldiers as well as free men in their own trades. Even taking the higher figure the black population was less than 0.5% of the whole. In 1950 the non-white population of Britain was estimated as 20,000 or 0.04% of the whole population.
We live in bogus times with much exaggeration being used to serve a purely modern political agenda contrived to divide us and ignite racial tensions from historical circumstances that no longer exist.
A visit to a GP surgery recently, a large blackboard plastered with notices, one of the most prominent ones is warning about an epidemic of hepatitis A, the most effected section of the population are the gays.
It says: “It’s caught from tiny amounts of faeces (poo) getting into your mouth during or after sex”, then urges those at risk to get vaccinated, visit a for more information.
This is brought to you by the barbarian in case you haven’t been to see the doctor recently, have a need to protect yourselves (whilst continuing a robust, enjoyable and varied sex life). Baron expects you to be grateful.
Baron 1729.
Wrath of God, Baron.
Wrath of God.
Noa @ December 6th, 2017 – 10:12
That’s a fascinating footage, Noa, Baron cannot get enough of the stuff documenting the oldish world of ours (not just military), the Japanese NHK channel was running old documentaries from around the world recorded before and after WW1. Fascinating, Baron didn’t miss a single one. The difference a hundred years make is unbelievable.
I looked on the NHS website and found this:
How hepatitis A is spread
You can get hepatitis A from:
eating food prepared by someone with the infection who hasn’t washed their hands properly, or washed them in water contaminated with sewage
drinking contaminated water (including ice cubes)
eating raw or undercooked shellfish from contaminated water
close contact with someone who has hepatitis A
having sex with someone who has the infection – particularly if you touch their rectum (back passage) with your fingers, mouth or tongue
injecting drugs using equipment contaminated with the hepatitis A virus
Someone with hepatitis A is most infectious from around two weeks before they start to develop symptoms until about a week afterwards.
I guess that in addition to watching where we put our fingers and tongue we should avoid oysters beforehand.
The DUP do not just attack Dublin and May.
“A unionist MP is viewed as “being on the side of the Dublin government” over Brexit issues, the DUP’s deputy leader has claimed.
Nigel Dodds aimed his remarks at Independent Lady Hermon as debate in the Commons turned to the Irish border’s future.
Lady Hermon (North Down) rejected the assessment, telling the Commons she was “not in the pocket” of the Irish government and had not spoken to them.
The pair clashed during day five of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill’s committee stage.
Conservative former cabinet minister Ken Clarke challenged the DUP to confirm further details about why they objected to a proposal for post-Brexit border arrangements.
Mr Clarke, while intervening on Lady Hermon, said: “The DUP could always actually rescue their reputation if they confirm that their only objection was not having regulatory and customs convergence across the whole United Kingdom, and they were quite prepared to agree – as she and I would – that regulatory and customs convergence across the whole of the island of Ireland is certainly in the interests of inhabitants of both sides of the border.”Lady Hermon described it as a “very interesting” intervention, but said the DUP would have to speak for themselves.
She also said she hoped progress had been made between the UK Government and DUP over the issue, adding: “If I’m not right I’m sure one of the members for the DUP will quickly be on their feet and contradict me, and they haven’t.”
Mr Dodds, also the DUP’s Westminster leader, intervened at this point to ask: “Could she answer the question posed by (Mr Clarke) when he said do you accept, as he does, that it’s a good idea to have regulatory convergence and common rules between Northern Ireland and the Republic.
“Could she give a straight answer to that because many in Northern Ireland now view her as being on the side of the Dublin government on these issues.”
A shout of “shameful” could be heard from one MP, with others groaning at Mr Dodds’ final remark.
Lady Hermon replied: “The Prime Minister and indeed the Brexit Secretary yesterday made it absolutely clear that – at least I understood it – it was always the intention of the Prime Minister and the Government that there would be the same regulatory alignment right across all of the United Kingdom.
“Just for the record, if (Mr Dodds) wants me to say it again – I am a unionist and I am not in the pocket and I’m not propping up and have not spoken to the Dublin government and I strongly resent the implication in his question that I was.”
The DUP do not know the time of day.
Having watched Mrs May at PMQs and being no fan I have to say she did rather well under the circumstances.
The DUP expressed their support and deplored the home-grown jihadi plot to murder her. The churlish Corbyn said nothing about that but his sympathies when it comes to terrorism are well known, as is the relish which so many leftists seem to have for violence when it is directed at their political opponents.
The SNP, representing only 2.44% of 74% of Scots and less than 1.5% of the whole UK population, but with rather a lot of questions allowed to them by the Speaker, carped and whinged about money as usual. Given their own Parliament in Scotland it was an astonishing over representation. Not one MP spoke for England.
The Speaker behaved throughout like a peevish master recalled from school days, a patronising, pompous little bully whose demeanour demonstrated that he is a Conservative in name only. He allowed the odious Corbyn long rambling polemic speeches going nowhere rather than questions. And told a Tory MP not to hide as he could see him misbehaving, telling him to see him in his study afterwards (I made that last bit up). What an odious little creature who brings Parliament into disrepute every time he bleats and snarls, wigless, from the Speaker’s chair, which is too big for him in so many ways.
Baron December 6th, 2017 – 17:19
“Her job is to negotiate Brexit, not to worry about where the Americans want to house their diplomats in Israel. The woman must be truly nuts.”
That is a fundamental misunderstanding of Mrs May’s role. Her sole task, eschewing any and all principles and personal beliefs that she might hold, is to do whatever is necessary to keep the Conservative party in power.
In this matter both she and Johnson, are faithfully adhering to the loyal and consistent party FCO support of the anti-Jewish and Israel Saudi/muslim agenda.
Baron December 6th, 2017 – 17:36
With the record of German atrocities in Crete as well as Greece I thought the triumphalist teutonic music and obvious propaganda footage distasteful. Crete was no easy win for the Germans either, with the loss of over 5,000 dead, wounded or missing and 284 aircraft. They landed only with pistols and had to recover the rest of their small arms from separately dropped containers. No small number were shot dead as they hung helpless in the olive trees.
Then they perpetrated numerous murders of civilians who had taken exception to German jackboots trampling over their island:-
(scroll down for WW2)
Who speaks for the English?
Colonel Mustard.
Bercow has never been a conservative.
“John Bercow’s socialist schooldays
Written by: Josh May Posted On: 9th February 2016
John Bercow
John Bercow used to read the Socialist Worker magazine, it emerged this afternoon, and it played a role in him becoming a Conservative.
The Speaker made the revelation in response to a point of order about a document leaked to the publication about potential government concessions on the Trade Union Bill.
Bercow said: “I must admit I wasn’t conscious that ministers had a hotline to the Socialist Worker newspaper.”
Tim Farron, sitting next to the Speaker’s chair, piped up at this point to shout “not yet” before Bercow’s bombshell.
“I read the journal myself very occasionally when I was a school student but it hasn’t passed my desk since.”
Veteran Labour MP David Winnick raised his own point of order afterwards:
“You said that in your youth you read the Socialist Worker. Would it be right to come to the conclusion that, having read that revolutionary journal, it decided you to become a Tory?”
Bercow revealed not one but two of his school friends were proponents of the left-wing literature.”
Totalitarian Watch:
“Problematic Positionality”
A grim tale with maybe just a small glimmer of hope at the end.
Raconteur Report: “F***k you, you ignorant sanctimonious retarded bitch … › 2017/12
Couldn’t have put it better, meself. 🙂
Full link to Frank’s 22:39 above
I likey this guy/gal’s way with words. 🙂
“You’ve single-handedly probably sold more blood pressure medication there to Tories under NHS than HopeyDopey sold guns here in eight years of concentrated fucktardation.”
Ain’t that the truth! Not only did Obama double gun sales during his 8 years, he doubled the USA’s national debt too.
Frank P – 22:35
Sorry, you beat me to the full link.
Blog is now bookmarked.
Baron – 17:19
She is nuts!
I suppose not moving the embassy hasn’t created peace, so Trump is doing something different! 🙂
I read that there is a bigger picture, including the round up of royalty in KSA, and Trump knows how to build magnificent buildings, like embassies. 🙂
What with WWIII in NK, Jerusalem and on the Irish border, it does seem pointless planning a summer holiday next year.
Lieutenant Colonel Potter
Malfleur – 04:21
Here’s the Matt Bracken interview with Owen Shroyer that was referred to in the video above. [ starts @4mins:48sec in ]
I think that Bracken’s “Operation Valkrie” analogy to describe the coup against Trump is a bit of an own goal though.
EC December 7th, 2017 – 09:19
Malfleur – 04:21
Interesting Matt Bracken’s comment about the unhealthy appointment of “buddy” deputies.
That is precisely what happened with Saunders replacing Starmer as DPP here. Starmer was appointed from “outside” during the Blair regime but sustained in post by Cameron despite his socialist credentials and Labour links. Cameron’s AG Grieve in opposition had criticised Starmer for using his public office to promote a partisan political agenda but nevertheless sustained him in post after Cameron became PM. Saunders was Deputy Legal Advisor to Blair’s AG (Goldsmith, a former High Court judge and a current Labour peer), central to the Lawrence re-trial and the first DPP to be appointed from within the CPS – under a supposedly Conservative government. At the time of her appointment she was Chief Crown Prosecutor for London.
The Labour party “capture” of the CPS, sustained by the Tories, explains what has been happening with the police and the rule of law since 1997. There has been 20 years of relentless left wing politicisation of those institutions and the Tories have stood by and allowed it.
Colonel Mustard – 09:54
Christmas markets without armed police are now a thing of the past | Coffee House
Chinese charity
Why is China sending aid money to mend bikes in Surrey?
When I first hear that my well-heeled Surrey neighbourhood is receiving aid from China, I assume it must be a hoax. I don’t believe it until I see a press release from the borough council confirming that the Dongying municipal government has made a £5,660 donation to help the unskilled and socially excluded of Guildford through projects including bicycle-mending.
Ever get the feeling you are living in a parallel universe and that the world you once understood a little bit has left you behind, in terms of the dwindling sense that it makes? Who’s funding who in the overseas aid fandango is one of the great mysteries of globalisation that can make you feel like you are going stark, staring mad.
The stockbrokers of Surrey ended up on the receiving end of Chinese charity after Guildford borough council ‘partnered’ itself with Dongying, a city of two million people in Shandong province in eastern China, where the average professional salary is a few hundred pounds a month. Why they did that is all part of the mystery. Dongying is home to the Shengli oil field, the China University of Petroleum and a range of heavy industries whose links with Guildford are not immediately obvious. Nevertheless, council leaders said it was essential to forge links and set off there for some ‘fact-finding’.
Their trip cost taxpayers £7,134 in flights and accommodation: on the face of it more than swallowing up the Chinese donation — and causing a stir in the genteel streets of Guildford and its surrounding chocolate box villages. Some complained it was a most dreadful humiliation.
But council leader Paul Spooner insists that the donation assists the council’s do-gooding arm, ‘Guildford Philanthropy’, which improves the lives of some of Surrey’s ‘most vulnerable and less-advantaged residents’. Guildford Philanthropy lists only two projects, the first being Glade, a work experience scheme needed because ‘although Guildford has been judged one of the luxury towns of the UK there are around 4,000 people with no qualifications. Some parts of the borough are the most deprived in Surrey.’
That is not going to get any pulses racing in Jeremy Corbyn’s office, but never mind. The other project the Chinese will be helping to fund is called the Guildford Bike Project. This takes donations of unwanted bikes from the general public, fixes them up and sells them back to the community at an affordable price. But hang on just a minute — with the aid of money from China?
The film shows a young chap in nicely pressed overalls working on an upside-down bike, explaining how this project has changed his life: ‘Well, it goes on my CV.’
‘You get your own bike at the end of it, you know,’ says another fellow.
‘It’s not the same pressure as having a real job or anything,’ says a sloaney-looking girl.
‘We’ve created a market for second-hand bikes in Guildford that didn’t exist before,’ says a project organiser.
Yes, well. I think we’ve got the picture.
‘There are nine million bicycles in Beijing,’ as Katie Melua sang. ‘That’s a fact, it’s a thing we can’t deny.’ And there are now hundreds of second-hand bicycles in Guildford reassembled with money from China. And that’s just stir-fry crazy. Not least because Britain is still sending millions of pounds of aid every year to China. The government doesn’t admit this, of course. Officially, we said aid would stop in 2011 after the Chinese stepped up their space programme. But, behind the scenes, billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money still finds its way to China under other guises. The Department for International Development has been spending £8-10 million a year to support China ‘becoming a more effective leader’, with further money pumped in through the Prosperity Fund. And now they’re sending us money back. There are, according to Mr Spooner, 50 other partnerships between UK local authorities and China, although I wasn’t able to verify that.
Of course, if you believe local councils just twin themselves with remote Chinese petro-chemical towns in return for some help with local bike-mending schemes, or to go on a jolly, you are perhaps a little naive, especially when you consider the presentational difficulties. Guildford is inundated with twinning offers. Versailles is currently making overtures. But no, Dongying it is, where there are rumours of human rights violations, and worst of all, as one councillor opposed to the scheme tells me, there might even be a dog-eating festival.
I put this to the council and they will neither confirm or deny it. Mr Spooner says: ‘It’s important to remember that there are differences in cultures across the world, and what seems strange, controversial or unacceptable to some is part of other peoples’ heritage.’
I wouldn’t count on the people of Surrey embracing dog-skinning as cultural heritage. Surely, if you are going to accept that, you might be better bringing back fox hunting?
No, it doesn’t make sense. With all the bother, there must be a better reason for accepting five grand from China. Opponents of the arrangement, including local Tories, allege it must be to do with land deals and Chinese eagerness to find safe investments. But when I put this to the council they explicitly deny it and state very clearly that no land will be sold to the Chinese.
Another theory that occurred to me centres on China being the fastest-growing destination for British recyclables. Currently, Guildford sends almost all its recycling waste to one leading British firm. However, the three neighbouring councils send their paper waste to China, where although the environmental impact is less certain, the price they pay is much higher.
Dongying’s major industries include paper manufacturing, rubber production, textiles, and it has a number of firms importing waste materials. But when I ask Guildford council if it has discussed recycling possibilities as part of its links with Dong-ying, I am given a firm no.
So I’m back to square one. I don’t pretend to understand any of it, or to have got anywhere near a valid reason for accepting charity from China. All I know is what I am being told: the Chinese have sent the people of Surrey five grand (of their own money back) to mend bicycles. I suppose that makes no less sense than anything else about the overseas aid programme.
Colonel Mustard – 09:54
More from the Revolving Door Sinecures department…
Howard Woolfenden: Birmingham City Council hires child protection boss from scandal-hit Rotherham Howard Woolfenden recruited for £85,000 per year role, despite being part of team that ‘closed group rescuing young girls’
File under: YCMIU, Littlejohn etc.
E C 12-57.
Fucking unbelievable.
Fucking disgusting.
Fucking outrageous.
A perfect example of how it works.
Was common purpose involved.
“The Absolute State of Britain”
The White Rose
## Warning ##
Contains 100% factual content.
Shows disturbing footage of the modern Met’s finest.
John birch. December 7th, 2017 – 12:40
All part of the Common Purpose “shadow” government and the “Third Way” (authoritarian communist/communitarian government wedded to exploitative corporate capitalism).
As for Mr Spooner’s respect for cultural relativism you will note that never seems to apply to “strange, controversial or unacceptable” aspects of English cultural heritage, which the likes of Mr Spooner and his Common Purpose alumni are always eager to condemn, criminalise or abolish, the long standing English tradition of fox hunting being just one. They are going after the Morris Dancers who black their faces now. It won’t be long before the burning of the Guy will be challenged.
Cameron The Slippery One initiated the unsavoury smooching with the communist regime in China, busily importing their ideas and systems for internet firewalls and censorship as well as eagerly encouraging Chinese “investment” in the housing market which has contributed to house price inflation. The lack of democracy in China was apparently not the same burning issue as it was in the Middle East.
The Dongying-Guldford collaborations are vanity projects pursued by our new class of local government “leaders”, by which they swan about on taxpayer funded junkets to spin virtue signalling PR. They used to be called “civil servants” and “town clerks”, but that was too demeaning for the puffed up bureaucrats and apparatchiks endowed with a new right to “lead beyond (their) authority” and to conspire together to invert the ages old relationship between the English people and their local governments.
EC @ December 7th – 09:19
Thanks. Yes, just watched it. Good stuff!
John birch – 12:40
I used to live in Guildford. When something doesn’t add up there’s usually a reason.
I’m afraid that Surrey CC, Surrey Police, Guildford BC and many other councils were infiltrated some years ago now… By 2012 most of CP’s targets had been acquired.
“SURREY Police has been revealed as the latest public body to pay thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money to a third-party training provider.
Documents and e-mails showed Chief Constable Mark Rowley selected Detective Superintendent John Boshier, Supt Chris Moon and project manager Michelle Grondona to attend the Surrey InsideOUT programme.
Surrey County Council ceased sending representatives on the courses last year.
An internal audit found the council could not justify how it ignored its own procurement process when agreeing a £48,000 deal with the company in November 2008.
Common Purpose is a not-for-profit organisation that organises training and networking events for selected “leaders”. Critics of the organisation claim it has a hidden political agenda.
Mr Rowley is one of 12 members of Common Purpose’s Surrey advisory group, which plays a role in selecting future candidates.”
Anyone reading EC’s post of 1334 would be forgiven for concluding that Surrey Police paid a disproportionate amount for leadership training while the actual amount was £2333.33 for each of 3 officers.
As a graduate I know the absolute benefit to the organisation and hence the people of Surrey from these modest sums.
David Lindsay 13-56.
Or whoever you really are.
I’ll leave it to Colonel Mustard to tear you to pieces, he’s better at it than I am.
We might have expected that the creepy lurker’s pointed ears would twitch at the mention of Common Purpose. The fool is totally un-self aware that his interjections and boast of being a “graduate” simply confirm what a vile, subversive and incestuous left wing organisation it really is. The troll defending CP is like Nero defending arson.
And there has been much amiss in Surrey when it comes to Common Purpose. July 2013:-
“Council bosses ordered a review of Surrey’s relationship with Common Purpose after it emerged that tender processes were ignored when the agreement was struck. Last month it was revealed the council paid £41,000 plus VAT to send four senior officers and 10 external delegates on a training course. The deal was agreed in August last year by the then chief executive, Richard Shaw, who had previously served on an advisory panel for the (Common Purpose) Oxfordshire operation.”
Note “operation”.
Council policy dictates that at least three quotes should be obtained for all expenditure of more than £3,000.
“A waiver request was submitted by the council’s HR department to its procurement review group, asking for the deal to be approved without tender. The group refused and asked for more information. However, the deal was given the green light after acting head of policy and public affairs, Neelam Devesher, who worked with Common Purpose during her time at Bradford City Council, challenged the procurement manager.”
Pure corruption facilitated by the Common Purpose network of “leading beyond authority”. How and why is this creepy organisation permitted to by-pass proper procurement procedures? The government need to answer that too but the media is far too dozy to pursue the massive anti-democratic, unaccountable, secretive conniving involved.
As for the CP Surrey “InOUT” training programme that is shrouded in the usual secrecy as well. Ordinary taxpayers will not get to know what they are paying for or what implications these “training programmes” have for their freedom of conscience, speech and action.
An example of “leading beyond authority”:-
Common Purpose “graduate” (see above) Superintendent Chris Moon, Head of Surrey and Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “There is no safe limit for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.”
Actually, Superintendent Moon, for alcohol there is. And it is published on the government’s own website.
Less than 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath, less than 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, less than 107 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine.
You might expect a Police Superintendant responsible for a road policing unit to have known that and not to make a false assertion for which there is no legal basis. But that seems to have become something of a routine for Police Twit(terer)s these days. Pretending that the law is more than it is in order to intimidate and bully the public.
Another example of “leading beyond authority” by Supt Moon:-
We used to call it “exceeding one’s authority” or an “unlawful exercise of authority”. But these terms have been airbrushed from the establishment’s lexicon once it caught the “leading beyond authority” bug.
Nicely put Colonel,
BREAKING NEWS: Terror suspect is convicted of being ISIS member
I most certainly am.
Leveson, Middleton and the rest of the UK Swamp
“The Media Standards Trust established Hacked Off, the virulently anti-popular-press campaign group which has boasted of its role in significantly increasing the Inquiry’s terms of reference. The Media Standards Trust shared the same headquarters address as Common Purpose. It then shared an address with Hacked Off, whose funding it controlled.
Common Purpose has claimed more than 35,000 people have ‘graduated’ from its courses in the UK and across the world. As well as firms in the private sector, government departments, local authorities, quangos, charities and police forces have all sent staff on Common Purpose’s leadership programmes. A week long ’20:20′ course in advanced leadership costs almost £5,000.
Common Purpose ‘alumni’ are encouraged to network and assist each other, though a full list of their identities is not publicly available.
“‘It’s a new old boys’ network,’ he explains ‘but the Left’s version of it — and I don’t like secretive deal-making and “group think” of any kind.
‘What is interesting is that the same people appear in the same jobs, in different places, as if through a revolving door. They work for local authorities, leave, then come back as freelance “consultants” with huge, inflated fees. They are often mediocre and there is no evidence of how or why they were chosen.
‘They can leave a council with a terrible reputation yet pop up next minute as head of a regulatory body and as a trustee of numerous bodies. It is a real money-spinner.”
Frank P,
It’s that man Quick again!
There seems to be a revolving door between the Surrey C*nstabulary and the Met.
A veritable Who’s Who.
The incumbent is also from the Met. A former Staff Officer to the Commissioner Lord Ian Blair (former Surrey CC) no less!
Merkel Saved!
“Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD) voted this afternoon to allow preliminary talks on whether to enter a “grand coalition” with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its sister Christian Social Union (CSU).
About 600 members of the center-left party gathered for several hours and voted with a large majority to enter exploratory talks that could eventually end Germany’s government stalemate.
The SPD motion said the “open-ended” talks will start next week and would lead to three options: a new grand coalition; the acceptance of a Merkel minority government or, if negotiations fail, new elections.”
Common purpose, eat your heart out, here’s the future:
Lt. Colonel Potter again on December 7th and , you have been warned, this is 40 minutes long; so if you have moles to hunt, or similar pressing duties, or if you dislike slow speaking, honest soldiers doing their bit to honour their oath by trying to give an overview of the state of battle in the middle of this great saga of our civilisation, then scroll on by.
I though like the sound of honest men talking and will forgive such a man for hesitatingly feeling out his thoughts, or another such, for example, for wearing his tie two or even three inches below his belt:
The Storm to Restore the Constitutional Republic of the United States
What a shambles.
Juncker said in contradiction to May that the ECJ would continue to rule over their 3 million citizens here.
That we will continue to contribute as usual until 2020 and then on a slightly diminished scale.
And that if the Irish say then we would continue in the customs union.
I await JRM with interest.
Meanwhile the Polish Camp Commandant said this:
“The President of the European Council said that Brexit means the Uk will be stripped of any of its rights while it remains in the single market during a transition period.
Donald Tusk said: “As you know the UK has asked for a transition of about 2 years while remaining part of the single market and customs union and we’ll be ready to discuss this but naturally we have our conditions I propose that during this period the UK will respect the whole of EU law including new law .
“It will respect budgetary commitments, it will respect judicial oversight and of course all related obligations.
“Clearly within he transition period following the UK’s withdrawal EU decision making will continue among the 27 member states, without the UK.
“All of what I have said seems to be the only reasonable solution and it is in the interest of all our citizens that it is agreed as soon as possible.
“This is why I will ask the EU leaders to mandate our negotiator to start these talks immediately.””
The one glimmer of pleasure is the displeasure of the fishwife”
“First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said “the real lesson” of the past week was that Scotland “will always be at the mercy of reckless decisions taken by Tory governments at Westminster” unless it becomes independent.
“The sooner we are in control over our own future here in Scotland the better, and this week has proved it,” she added.”
Baron – 00:27
Ho Ho Ho
“That’s a cracker…”
RIP Frank Carson
Marshal Roberts, December 7th, 2017 – 18:40
Re: “Merkel saved”
To paraphrase a well know Austrian,
” Kein Joke, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!”
Hillary Gets Sign from God
Mark Dice
A pleasing thought for the Christmas season but, as at least commenter pointed out, it could’ve been a set-up arranged by BJ to make him look good. The interview was scripted, as ever with HRC, and the only genuine thing about it was her reaction.
Marshal Roberts – 08:00
Unfortunately WE, and Scotland, are stuck with her until at least Thursday 6 May, 2021
Baron December 8th, 2017 – 00:27
The narrator’s voice is creepy and the concept is pants. This is kindergarten stuff as the Soviet Union and the EU have tested smaller pilot schemes to destruction. It is also incredibly naive about the way the Third World operates. Africa has been going through crisis my whole lifetime with billions of aid being demanded. Very little has changed there. South Africa and Rhodesia have gone backwards.
Whoever is behind that tripe (alien lizards?) needs to be committed to a secure facility as soon as possible.
“Getting to this point has required give and take on both sides…’
T. May.
Yeah yeah, Theresa.
England coughs up the dosh, whilst everybody else takes.
EC – we live in interesting times. 🙂
Guido: Senior Tory Brexiteers are cautiously backing the deal and think this still means we are heading towards a proper Brexit. But they are under no illusions it’s a fudge and the real battle on the end state is yet to come…
QT from Swansea was a hoot. One leaver, a mildly reasonable Tory, Bernard Jenkin, who was constantly and aggressively interrupted by a partisan Dimblebore and the anti-democratic, motormouthed Remainer gobshite Owen Smith who, in addition to trying to stop Brexit by firehosing scare mongering tripe, was concerned for the rights of returning ISIS jihadis. Absolute twat doesn’t even come close to describing this Labour horror
Two other Remainers (for “balance” you understand). A dimwitted, juvenile, Mekon-headed bighead called Richard Bacon, broadcaster (last night loudly broadcasting his own stupidity), prone to Blue Peter hysteria and the over-simplification of complexities too complex for him to grasp. Then a posh spoken and cross looking Englishwoman, Liz Saville Roberts, with no neck and an uncanny resemblance to a photoshop squashed Clare Short, who touts and touted crossly for Welsh independence (very odd).
Finally an American sounding economist Kate Andrews tending towards Leave-Remain neutrality and common sense, but also constantly interrupted by the gobshite. She made a very good point that Brexit has been hi-jacked as a domestic political football rather than faced for the good of the whole country.
Bernard Jenkin managed to make the rest of the panel, including Dimblebore but excluding Andrews, look deranged, peevish and puerile. The least said about the audience the better.
Balanced discussion? No. Just another BBC attempted anti-Brexit stitch up. There must be something very compelling about the EU for Dimblebore to make himself look such a chump in its service. What is it? Villa in the Algarve? Relatives in lucrative EU employment? Romantic ideas for swanning round Provence or Tuscany on a BBC taxpayer funded junket wearing an expensive straw hat?
Midst all the craven, treasonous and devious ‘negotiating’ of of own lily livered government, let us give the platform to the sanguine sense of The Raconteur – a rasping, brave breath on the deathbed of Western Civilisation as the red menace, in conjunction with Islamic jihad, calls the shots and we meekly obey, egged on by a compliant media with nary a dissenter among them:
Colonel Mustard (11:14)
Great summation of yet another episode of agitprop drivel. I would only add one rider, why was the Bacon boy invited, anyway. He was shit-canned from Blue Peter FFS , for doing cocaine and now lives in the States spewing anti-Trump propaganda. Perhaps I answered my own question there by delineating his credentials. Cunt!
This brilliant satire is no doubt lost on its target, but its worth the reprise given the current hypocrisy of the ball-breakers:
Just in time.
“Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats Martin Schulz has called for a “United States of Europe” by 2025. But what did he mean? And where does that lead the SPD? The former European Parliament president told DW more.
Returning to the stage for day two on Friday, the former European Parliament president defended his proposal, calling on the 600 present delegates to “once again develop a passion for Europe.”
“Economic, cultural, social and political integration: The best protection against fascism, war and anti-Democrats,” he added, prompting rapturous applause across the conference hall.”
As Simon Heffer said on the eve of the referendum:
“Five years ago I wrote a piece referring to the control Angela Merkel exerted over Europe as “the Fourth Reich”. I was accused of a horrible breach of taste. However, when one looks at German power today one realises that, when I wrote, she had hardly even started. The key to German success is this: it participates in a weak currency (whose value would collapse without it) enabling its exports to sell far more cheaply than had it retained the Deutschmark. Therefore, it continues to grow in economic strength relative to its partners – including us – but especially those in the eurozone, notably France and Italy, who would benefit greatly from restoring the Franc and the Lira.”
The `Express` ( and Farage ) speak for Britain.
“The Truth About Jerusalem”
Paul Joseph Watson
Marshal Roberts @ December 8th, 2017 – 19:48
Simon’s right, Marshall, but the benefits for the German industrial behemoth furnished by the undervalued Euro account for only a part of the success, one has to see the whole picture, the German unwashed are hard working, prudent, stick to a leader who’s delivering for them, and the Mutti has been doing just that.
This may be an unpalatable truth, but one should not deny it because of it.
Marshal Roberts @ December 8th, 2017 – 19:44
The man’s so deluded he cannot see that his dream of a federal Europe may be the reason for the whole project imploding. There’s little support for it not just in the east of Germany, the German masses aren’t keen on it either, it’s just the loonies in the SPD, and you look where it got them in the last election.
Colonel Mustard @ December 8th, 2017 – 11:14
It was a treat for you to watch it then, Colonel?
Seriously now: This posting of yours would qualify as a top column in the top MSM of a country that had free press, a column that would be backed by many, and one that would make you a guru not just on a single blog.
Frank P @ December 8th, 2017 – 14:48
You’re quite right, Frank, the mockery will be lost on those it targets, but think of the lawyers, they must be laughing all their way to not just a bank, but banks, one single institution of finance wouldn’t be able to hold all the money they’re likely to earn from the tsunamis of sex cases.
Frank P @ December 8th, 2017 – 12:33
A thoughtful essay, Frank, applicable not just to the people of the Republic, and not just for the present time. It seems the human crowd is incapable to learn from history, has to experience pain anew.
Btw, the first posting under the piece resonates with the barbarian. More to the point, will the Republic even with the Donald at the helm be able to do what the Raconteur says i.e. ‘to surge up a new war machine …..’? Hmmm.
Colonel Mustard @ December 8th, 2017 – 08:53
Fully agree, Colonel, crap it is, but given the seemingly un-stoppable spread of madness everything’s possible. One would be interested to know who’s behind it. Soros?
EC @ December 8th, 2017 – 21:43
Joseph’s great, EC, agreed, but leaving aside his punches what you reckon is the Donald trying to achieve by rehousing the US Embassy? What’s his goal? The Holy Grail, the cunning plan, the final objective of this move?
On the Brexit deal so far:
The money is the last thing that worries the barbarian, even though it may be the most discussed (and criticised) part of the compromise. The amount will be spread over a number of years (if Baron understands it right). We had no legal obligation to agree to it, but it seems right because we signed up for the current EU budget, we also did agree to financial obligations that will run for years, and we want those of our compatriots who were lucky to accumulate pension rights working for the monstrosity to continue to be lucky, have pensions many of us could only dream of.
Policing in the Lands of the Free:
And this for a good night sleep:
Israeli fighter jets are hitting targets in the Gaza strip in retaliation for rockets launched from Gaza into Israel. One can only hope the skirmish doesn’t escalate.
Alex gets justifiably a little excited here, Baron, but Malloch is a cool customer who remains unfazed.
Teresa May will go down in history as the greatest traitor in English history after Tostig ( Godwine’s son ).
Baron 0004:
Martin Schulz is a transparent communist who wants to erase all nation-states in the EU and complete the consolidation of political, military, and economic power into the hands the elite of Strasbourg and Brussels directed by Germany.
He pays lip service to the German Bundeslander because he can manipulate their apparent independence and democracy to give him a veneeer of democratic respectability.
We should fear his coalition with the CDU given his attitude to anyone or anything tarnishing his vision which Brexit clearly does.
He already has the French in his pocket.
“The head of Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD), Martin Schulz, revealed in an interview on Sunday that he had received numerous phone calls and text messages from France’s Emmanuel Macron, urging him to form a ruling coalition with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc.
Speaking to Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Schulz also indicated that he would cherish the opportunity to work together with Macron and other European allies, saying that neither France nor Germany would be able to protect social democratic values on its own.”
And why we absolutely need to enforce exit by March 2019:
“In his speech, Schulz listed center-left priorities such as a relatively liberal approach to immigration, rejecting the idea of a cap on the number of refugees allowed into the country.”
There appear to be strange interpretations of yesterday’s deal in the media today.
“But he said that “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed” at the end of the process, and the British people would then “be in control” to make the government change direction if they were unhappy.
“By the time of the next election, EU law and any new treaty with the EU will cease to have primacy or direct effect in UK law,” said Mr Gove.
“If the British people dislike the arrangement that we have negotiated with the EU, the agreement will allow a future government to diverge.”
Not sure I read that anywhere. Seems to me that we signed up to appeals to the ECJ until 2027.
IDS on Today was more sage. He said that this weeks events, albeit triggered by that dreadful woman Foster showed that the EU were desperate to rein us back from a no deal hard Brexit. And would do anything to ensure an amicable free trade arrangement in the end.
I was heartened to see Juncker and Tusk turning from aggressors to supplicants.
May, stiffened by IDS, Villiers and Gove seems at last to be showing skills unsuspected with these Brussels snakes.
Andrea Leadsome surprised me on Today. She destroyed Nick Robinson and even acquitted herself well over Fallon’s political assassination.
Perhaps she should be added back to the next leader beauty stakes.
If a woman is desired then she and Priti Patel are surely preferable to Ms Rudd.
Baron – 00:48
“The money is the last thing that worries the barbarian…”
I know, I know, Baron. Your pensions are the stuff of legend!
Once the USA had so generously set the Germans and the French back on their feet after WW2 they should’ve been made to repay UK ALL the costs (adjusted for inflation) it had incurred for liberating them. The UK having been bled dry by the US both during and after WW2.
I forgot.
Today is a very happy day – it is Jean-Claude Juncker’s birthday.
Looking at the photos in the Times today he looks 73, although he is in fact only 63.
Even with all current grief, Theresa May looks at least 10 years younger.
EC @ December 9th, 2017 – 11:24
It’s amazing how things get imprinted on the psyche of the young, EC.
The barbarian was raised in a society where money was close to the paper currency of the game of monopoly, nobody had much respect for it. First, because nobody had much of it, second, because even if one did get to accumulate abit of it through the black market, there was nothing to spend it on unless one were genuinely keen on steel ingots and such.
Even if one got lucky, put one’s hands on some stuff imported from the West, acquired it, displayed it in public, the risk was that someone were bound to spot it, ask ‘how TF could he buy that, where does the money come from?’, and that was the end of one’s joy of money, a stint in a hole mining uranium.
Believe it or not, that’s the barbarian’s attitude to money still, it has never bothered him he doesn’t have much of it provided he has enough not to die from hunger or exposure to the elements.
Marshal Roberts @ December 9th, 2017 – 12:13
Be that a warning to you, Marshall, stay away from the booze.
Marshal Roberts @ December 9th, 2017 – 08:49
Agreed, Marshall, the barbarian could never comprehend why the animosity towards Andrea on this blog, she always seemed to lean towards our take on the world, confident, of common sense. And she can talk without reading the words.
Marshal Roberts @ December 9th, 2017 – 07:08
The issue of ‘realignment’ seems to be the chewing bone of contention, Marshall, if one were to listen to the commentariat on the BBC Radio4.
Not that it would change anything, but the barbarian’s slicing of realignment with the EU on any issue whatever is simple to the extreme. We can realign as much as possible for as long as possible on any issue possible provided we, i.e. the MPs in the House, possess the right to de-align if the country commands it.
Being a member of the undemocratic construct we had been aligned without the possibility of shaking off the alignment, there were other 27 members who had a say on it, out of the monstrosity we will regain that sovereign power, the power to alter, to reduce or altogether put an end to any realignment, it’s that which matters to Baron.
Marshal Roberts @ December 9th, 2017 – 06:58
It looks likely the grand coalition will get formed, Mutti saved, a new Government cobbled up, which will end the impasse created by the election’s result, but one cannot help feeling that this contradicts the wishes of the electorate. This cannot but help the AfD in the long run.
Radford NG @ December 9th, 2017 – 04:57
Any deal that DD negotiated must be a compromise, Radford, that’s what life’s all about, to expect us to get what we would ideally want is a non-starter, the same goes for the other party. It cannot be the Full Monty for either.
Even if one takes the extension of the interim phase, it’s not mortal. We’ve been a member of the monstrosity for close to half a century, another couple of years is unlikely to kill us, no?
How did we miss this?
Propaganda, but I hope that you find it amusing nonetheless.
“Spy Camera Shows What Putin Really Did To Erdogan”
PS. The snooker is on, now!
Here’s Nigel, his take on the first stage of the Brexit deal.
Some of you may side with him, Baron reckons he’s losing it somewhat, what people voted for is regaining sovereignty, the ability of the House, as the bearer of it, to decide.
There’s nothing in the deal that would suggest this will not be possible. Or is there?
EC @ December 9th, 2017 – 13:17
Good one, EC, but Vlad should be careful, the tinpot Sultan could do it to him, too.
On your @ 13:18
If the idea is to stop the barbarian posting, it should be applauded, but then, if it were not for Marshall and Baron, this blog would be covered in moss by now.
Baron 1301
I thought the Friday documentation was a masterpiece of obfuscation and double entendre designed to shut the Irish up.
Now I think they are crushed and we can get on and negotiate what we want in the certain knowledge that whatever is decided will be compatible with the wording.
Whatever the hardliners of either end say in the next few days we should go back to the sage words of IDS.
EC 1317
Brilliant Putin chuckle.
Whatever we think of Russia’s aggression he is a brilliant politician.
Baron – 13:40
Mid-session interval: It’s already Ronnie O’ Sullivan 4 : 0 Stephen Maguire
Ronnie hasn’t been playing that well this week, whereas Stephen has. Blink and you’ll miss the rest of the match.
Baron – 13:40
Like Cameron, Nigel Farage opted out after the referendum.
Frame 5/11 !
EC – 15:13
From what did he opt out?
He is still an MEP, with many contacts in Brussels, and he has extended his horizons to helping similar minded people in other countries. That is something to which he is eminently suited.
I don’t think that he could have done much more as leader of UKIP. It was better that he left that on a high. He only stayed on because Cameron called the referendum early and his failure to gain mm kindThanet South has still to play out on the Courts. Had he won, History might have been diffetent.
He is still in much pain due to his injuries from the plane crash, I believe.
EC – 15:13
And Cameron broke his promise – after only preparing Britain for a Cameron win, and then loosing! 🙂
Baron – 13:36
‘There’s nothing in the deal that would suggest this will not be possible. Or is there?’
There’s nothing in the deal that would suggest this will be possible.
It is not a Clean Brexit. I remember giving up some of our rebate in return for a CAP reorganization.
How did that work out?
Baron December 9th, 2017 – 13:36
Farage is spot on about this.
May keeps talking the talk but nothing that has been done so far reinforces the words. Far from it. We face years of pissing about and being pissed about which will simply provide a huge opportunity for the British Eurotrash fifth column, including the BBC, to undermine the whole thing, as they have been doing. Look at that uber-twat Heseltine quoted by Max Hastings in this week’s Speccie: “The fight goes on”. They want to stop it and the longer and more complicated the “negotiations” (aka the protracted EU blackmail and extortion) the more likely that will happen. The British are not as a nation inclined to rebellion and the fifth column and EU know that very well. They will want to ramp up the pain factor to force another referendum to get the result they want – as they did in Ireland. The BBC are peddling that pain in every news bulletin and current affairs programme, setting the seeds of doubt.
Without a swift trade deal the economy will suffer and that will be blamed on Brexit. Instead of a swift, clean break to make our own way in the world we face years of halfway house and skullduggery where every disaster, caused by the procrastination, will be blamed on the end objective.
And the problem is that the UK’s fate is in the hands of people who wanted to remain and are just repeating the canard that they “respect the result”. On the supposedly “respected result” the House of Commons is awash with negativity, self doubt, frivolous and time wasting challenge, exploitative party politics, fudge, scare mongering and those weasel words of naysayers that they don’t want people to be poorer. If those clowns had an ounce of collective integrity they would have united to support withdrawal the moment the referendum result became clear, no ifs buts or maybes. Instead they have demonstrated why there damn well ought to be a rebellion, why they deserve a rebellion.
And Northern Ireland are promised a “say” in the final agreement? Don’t make me laugh. We know what “consultation” means to our politicians. And our politicians are pussy footing around trying to appease a bunch of n’er do well foreign politicians, many of them unelected and including that shit stirring, war mongering Taoiseach weirdo, Ireland’s answer to Macron, another weirdo. Farage is right – it is humiliating and crass beyond belief. But I expect the Oxbridge idiots in the civil service are congratulating themselves on their timid “diplomacy”, what fine, civilised, compromising gentleman they are. They’ll show the world how spineless they are and think it an admirable quality.
As an addendum to that rant the day Cameron scuttled off in pique at the result the Tories should have made damn sure that the person leading the government and Brexit was a Leaver, with a cabinet of Leavers. What actually happened was ridiculous and a recipe for disaster. But oh so typical of the “modernised” Tories who don’t know their arse from their elbow.
The rights of EU citizens living here. What?! If they don’t care for British laws after Brexit no-one is stopping them from leaving. The idea that they need “protection” from the ECJ is ridiculous and should never have been entertained. But of course it was foisted in the first place by the treacherous, treasonous, self-hating Left who always care more for the rights of foreigners than for the homeless Englishmen sleeping rough.
RobertRetyred – 16:31
It’s all pretty much “water under the bridge” now, as a “General Belgrano” enquiry might have concluded.
Colonel Mustard – 18:43 et seq.
I agree with every word.
Cameron was a vanity project PM Don’t get me started on the sewer breathed dwarf, Sarkozy. Remember our posturing hero in Benghazi?
EC – 22:17
Water above the bridge, in that case.
I agree, Farage won us a referendum, while it was past events and the Remainers that ensures the Brexit win. Unfortunately, Remainers have always been in charge, so Cameron’s promise was very hollow, but I think the tide has turned. If Trump endures, it will help things along, or at least not hinder.
I do wonder just how long the EU can hold itself together. The Remainers just can’t see it. 🙂
It is going to be tough going, with German energy consuming ever more subsidies, Climate Change will hit the buffers and the children will find out that their teachers (and the BBC) have lied.
“The documents obtained by German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung showed the rocker Bono, whose real name is Paul Hewson, to have been a stakeholder in a company based in low-tax Malta that owned a shopping mall in Lithuania.
“Anti-poverty campaigner Bono told the newspaper in an interview published Saturday that once the investigation into the matter is complete, “I will be the first to report on all the details.” The paper quoted Bono saying he wants fans to know: “Should anything fishy have happened, I would be at least as angry as they would.””
It is apparent that tax avoidance and virtue signalling are not mutually exclusive. As if we hadn’t guessed . . .
Colonel Mustard @ December 9th, 2017 – 18:43
What would happen if there were no Brexit, if we were to sever our ties with Brussels without a deal, walk out, Colonel?
Nobody can be sure, it has never happened before, but one thing is certain. Our trade, financial, political relations with the EU would not be the same. Both the EU and our side would revert to WTO rules, both sides would probably try and make life harder for each other, a negative impact on the financial markets both here and on the continent is a certainty.
Would that really be of any help to any party in the divorce proceedings if, all things considered, everyone knows that neither we nor the EU can ignore each other? At some point in the future, we would have to enter into negotiations with the EU anyway in order to obtain more favourable conditions than the WTO rules allow, the EU would also have to negotiate as they have done with other non-EU members before.
The point is, would anything constructive be gained from a no deal?
Not everyone on the negotiating team is a remainer, DD certainly isn’t, other committed Brexiteers keep a watch, the Tories must be aware that any deal they negotiate will be adjudged if not in another referendum that in an election. In fact, the next national count is likely to be a judgment on the Tories success of failure to deliver a deal that’s acceptable to the unwashed.
It would be interesting to know what Jacob and his crew make of the deal so far. It’s only a start, the core of the settlement is yet to be decided, and if we aren’t happy, the first phase will matter not, it will get scuttled.
Your argument may be more valid after we know what the new trading arrangement will look like, no?
Colonel Mustard @ December 9th, 2017 – 18:54
There’s a time limit on the ECJ jurisdiction after we cut the chains, Colonel, the barbarian doesn’t know why, but the reasons for it should be explained. If the justification for it stinks, Baron will join you complaining about it.
Colonel Mustard @ December 9th, 2017 – 18:49
As you well now, Colonel, the Cabinet is made up from elected politicians of the winning party (or MPs from the parties of a coalition), it’s the voters who elect the MPs, and some voting constituencies chose MPs who argued we remain. There’s no mechanism for ensuring only Brexiteer MPs were to get Cabinet seats, the people in Government have to be of both camps, it’s a democracy, no?
RobertRetyred @ December 9th, 2017 – 16:37
What is it you want to get from the separation, Robert?
Baron has been open about what will satisfy him: The Government in full control of our borders, the House the only source of our laws, the judiciary having the last word on cases before them. That’s it. What’s wrong with it? isn’t that the bulk of sovereignty? Would not that be sufficient to reclaim our independence e.
EC @ December 9th, 2017 – 15:08
How could the barbarian break it to you gently, EC?
He rates watching snooker on par with watching paint dry. Please, ask not why, he does.
Baron – 00:35
May is a Remainer – and she is in charge, so nothing else counts.
I would have thought that the German car makers would want to sell cars to us!
A No-deal would be a clean break, without interference from people who gloat at any of our mis-steps, real or not. You either take responsibility for your own life or you let others, who dislike you and show signs of vindictiveness, interfere.
We didn’t join the Euro, and it has caused misery, we didn’t join Schengen, and it has caused chaos, and we joined the EAW and it allowed parents of a sick child to be arrested because a British hospital were so arrogant! We are not used to Napoleonic authoritarianism, and don’t want it!
Neither do the Eastern Europeans!
‘The Government in full control of our borders, ‘
Pull the other one!
Gerry still loves us:
“Germans increasingly see Russia as a more reliable partner than the US, a new study released on Saturday has found.
The poll of 1,004 people by research institute Infratest dimap showed that 28 percent of respondents felt Moscow was a reliable partner, compared to 25 percent for Washington.
The result is the first time the public’s trust in the US has fallen below Russia in over a decade. An Infratest survey of public trust in Germany’s global partners in June found both countries tying at 21 percent.
France and Britain fared far better in the German public’s eyes. More than 90 percent said Paris was a reliable partner, while more than 60 percent said Britain, which has been trying to exit the European Union (EU), was a reliable partner.”
What a shock.
Who could have known.
Even worse than we thought
Outdated attitudes towards women.
Jaded version of Islam.
Not integrated into our society.
But as usual it’s our fault for not integrating them.
Another load of bollocks.
Even with the truth in front of them they can’t, or refuse to see it.
Grooming gangs of Muslim men failed to integrate into British society
Baron December 10th, 2017 – 00:45
No. That is a conflation of the electoral system with a referendum, mainly peddled by Remainers.
The referendum was won, regardless of how close percentages were, by a majority of the whole UK who wanted to Leave. The whole country had spoken and it was the duty of ALL MPs to deliver. Constituency results, celtic fringe results and even more so city results were all irrelevant. Otherwise you could argue that cities returning a majority of Conservative MPs in a General Election would not be obliged to accept authority from an elected Labour government, say, and we would get that whole “#notmypresident” crap. What has happened is that chancers like Sadiq Khan, for example, have been allowed to set themselves up as an “opposition outside Parliament”, without any real challenge or counterpoint to their posturing, to defy not just the will of the people but of the elected government. Not good for the successful running of a country – Italy before unification.
And it would have made good sense, beyond any notion of representing all views, for the government leader and cabinet going into negotiations with the wily EU, to be dedicated Leavers. Everything that happened was indicative of a reluctance on the part of politicians to deliver the will of the people and was a gift for the EU. It also set a precedent that the results of referenda and elections can be selectively rejected by the losers, leading to all the chicanery and squabbling we have since seen.
Look at it this way. The result of the referendum “elected” a single purpose to the House of Commons and there should have been absolutely no opposition, prevarication or procrastination from that place from that point on. MPs might like to think that they represent their constituencies but in a referendum result they must represent the whole country. The fact that does not seem to be understood demonstrates what a low grade, third rate, constitutionally poor political class we have.
Baron December 10th, 2017 – 00:39
The “time limit” on ECJ jurisdiction (actually an extension of their power) will cause untold problems, like the booby traps left by a retreating enemy. It is a sop, a fudge, contrived to empower foreigners within this realm at a time when the nation should be re-empowering itself. It panders to the very aspirations of the EU that we as a nation have decided to reject. It says that our rule of law must be compromised by foreign court intervention, that something inferior be given precedent over what is superior.
There is a very good reason that plasters are pulled from a wound quickly. The notion of transition periods demonstrates the timidity and reluctance of those who rule over us. There was no such caution in imposing the seismic change of single sex marriage. There was no circumspection then.
John birch. – 08:38
Something else to ponder about…
Justice may be blind, but with judges it’s complicated!
The PC who was assaulted would have probably got the sack if he had responded in self defence with proportionate force, even though in saner times he really should have stunned the cunt with his baton. (a poor substitute for the old lignum vitae)
It is clear to me that the government and opposition are engaged in a conscious policy to destroy the country mainly through building up our Islamic population and running down our military. I see no real signs that the monarchy is opposed to this.
What is to be done?
…well,yes – but apart from that?
Britain has long lagged behind the USA in the fertility and inventiveness of its alternative media. Tommy Robinson has cottoned on and is crowd-sourcing the building of a studio:
Baron – 00:56
You favour watching what its apologists call “the beautiful game”, no? Its beauty is lost on me, I’m afraid.
I can understand, though, why watching 22 mainly foreign, overrated, overpaid, tattooed, coke sniffing, shirt pulling, diving cheats, kicking a ball around for 90 mins (+8 for ManU) would hold its attractions for some.
Rugby? Cue: Austin Barry 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’ll get me coat……
A surprisingly good podcast from the DT about the Brexit talks:
Malmo’s finest, at peace with the World:
Colonel Mustard @ December 10th, 2017 – 09:54
Good point, Colonel, the ECJ extension may indeed lead to what you say, but it could also be merely technical stopgap furnishing time for our untangling from it, no?
The FT says ‘the ECJ is the arbiter in disputes involving the single market and is the backstop to dozens of EU regulatory bodies covering sectors including nuclear, medicines and aviation, and agreements on security and justice co-operation”.
Only time will show what the real reasons for the additional years are, but the positive aspect of it is that the ECJ powers here will end, or one hopes they will end.
Colonel Mustard @ December 10th, 2017 – 09:45
Point or rather points taken, Colonel, the barbarian doesn’t know enough about the legal aspects of a referendum, your take on it seems logical, after all, if in an election, party A wins, it’s party A that forms the government.
Good stuff from CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS in conversation with Greg Hunter (who they?) on how the deep state moves from the USA as a criminal enterprise to a new model: . The missing $21 trillion is there and can be recovered, but how to deal with the liabilities…
John birch. @ December 10th, 2017 – 08:38
The report seems one sided calling for more and urgent measures by the relevant institutions to integrate the offending members of Muslim ethnic groups into the British society, it should also address the mores, attitudes and values that these members have been inculcated with for ages. Many of them have lived here all their lives, how come they still harbour views (here on women) that the indigenous culture have found unacceptable for decades if not centuries.
Malfleur @ December 10th, 2017 – 23:14
Good video, Malfleur, the barbarian doesn’t have enough background knowledge to absorb most of it, a pity that because Catherine seems a seasoned fighter.
The Russian, (on the right in the video), Dmitri Hvorostovsky, the Siberian baritone, has died recently, he was the boss’s favourite, not many know of him here, you judge for yourselves:
What dampens Baron’s joy, his untrammelled happiness, the near uncontrollable jubilation from the news that from March next year the unwashed of Saudi Arabia will be able to go to the pictures is the sad fact that his postings are again full of errors, shame on him, and deep apologies to anyone on this, obviously, ‘dead blog’.
The Saudis may be allowed to go to the pictures from next year but they will not be shown anything more risque than cartoons of Mickey Mouse, the censorship out there is nothing less than draconian. so, any of the populace hoping to slip in for a showing of Inside Linda Lovelace is going to be bitterly disappointed and will still have to slip over to Soho for a bit of excitement.
From the letters column in the Salisbury Review blog linked below.
Correlli Barnett’s definition of the mandarin class in his great book “Audit of War”:
“Thus in the early 1850s was born the Whitehall mandarin, able to at a touch to transmute life into paper and turn action to stone. Henceforward the British governing elite was to be composed of essay writers rather than problem solvers; minds judicious, balanced and cautious rather than operational and engaged; the temperament of the academic rather than the man of action: And where would such mandarins be recruited other than from Oxford and Cambridge, their original breeding grounds, the cosiest of symbiotic relationships had thus been established”.
This is the rot.
Noa – 15:55
If only our MPs, other than Gavin Williamson & Rory Stewart, got the point. They will ‘ere long if their inaction continues!
stephen maybery @ December 11th, 2017 – 11:25
But it’s a start, stephen, a promising start, who knows, in another century or two the Allah worshippers may be permitted to glimpse Linda’s knickers as one of the many official headcutters chops her head off.
Good for LBC:p
‘Politically correct do-gooders’ preventing debate over Muslim grooming gangs
“The fact is that since 2011 these sort of crimes have occurred in cities up and down the country, they are spreading.
“They have occurred in Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Telford, Leeds, Birmingham, Norwich, Burnley, High Wycombe, Leicester, Dewsbury, Middlesborough, Peterborough, Bristol, Halifax and newcastle and only in two of those cases were the men not of British South Asian Muslim heritage.
“All of the victims, in all of those cities and the list was very long, except three were white teenage girls.”
The research by Quilliam found out of the 264 people convicted for gang grooming over the last 12 years, 222 were Asian.
This is in stark contrast to the ethnicity of child sex offenders in paedophile rings, 100 per cent of whom were white, according to the most recent figures from the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command which were released in 2012.
December 11th, 2017 – 00:04
I saw Dmitri Hvorostovsky about 11 years ago the Opera House in Covent Garden. Forget tenors, he has the most magical memorable baritone voice of all opera. He was sadly struck down by a brain tumour the week before last.
The Russian torch is being taken forward by Anna Netrebko now. She is coming to London for Macbeth in the spring.
of Eugene Onegin
Sorry, that was meant to say that he sang Eugene Onegin 11 years ago.
Just what is Putin at?
“early November, several Russian media outlets — including Moscow’s independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper — reported that “Russia has received unexpected orders to prepare for war.” Two news reports in quick succession had stoked this worry: First, Russian President Vladimir Putin had declared during the Zapad 2017 military exercises in September that private and state-run companies should prepare to quickly ramp up production in times of war. A few days later, instructions emerged on social media informing schools in Russia’s Siberian Krasnoyarsk region to ready for wartime operations. The order turned out to be authentic. Russian authorities, however, played it down as merely a “routine” affair.
Saber-rattling as a campaign ploy
Talk of war is nothing unusual in today’s Russia. Again and again, Moscow stresses that it feels threatened by the West. Still, many were surprised by these recent orders to prepare for armed conflict. Novaya Gazeta has linked Putin’s behavior to the presidential election in March next year. It was an open secret that he intended to run for a fourth term. Last week, he officially declared his candidacy.
Some security experts, too, say the presidential election plays a role in all this. British historian Mark Galeotti, for instance, does “not think Russia is preparing for war.” Instead, he believes “this is in fact part of Putin’s larger narrative aimed at building legitimacy” ahead of the vote. “This posturing is meant to suggest that Russia is surrounded by hostile states and that all available resources need to be put into defending the Russian homeland,” Galeotti said.
Stephen Blank, a military specialist and Russia expert who works for the American Foreign Policy Council think tank, views Putin’s saber-rattling as part of a larger picture. “For years the Russian government has believed it is at war with the West,” he said, adding that Russia’s moves to mobilize for war forms a crucial element its security strategy.”
No worries, the EU will fix him:
European Union member states on Monday moved ever closer towards establishing a defense union, after the European Council adopted the creation of a new European defense and security cooperation network known as PESCO.
The Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), which was first set out in the Lisbon Treaty, will allow members states to jointly develop military capabilities, invest in shared projects and enhance their respective armed forcas”
When I brought up my children I had the ridiculous notion that they were boys and girls.
I betrayed them.
“An NHS health survey given out in schools is asking children aged ten whether they are “comfortable in their gender”, as well as whether they are a boy, a girl or “other”.
While the questionnaire has traditionally been used to monitor pupils height, weight and fitness, forms sent to schools across Lancashire by the county’s NHS foundation trust asks Year 6 pupils: “Do you feel the same inside as the gender you were born with? (feeling male or female)”.
Children are also offered a choice of “other”, in addition to male and female, in a question asking them to confirm their gender, according to the Daily Telegraph, which reported that it is unclear whether trusts outside Lancashire have adopted the initiative.”
“Last week, the renowned Pew Research Center published updated figures about the growing Muslim population in the broader EU region (i.e. the 28 European Union member states plus Switzerland and Norway). The figures are truly dramatic. Unless there are radical changes to the present policies towards immigration, 30.6% of the population in Sweden will be Islamic by the middle of the century. Sweden is as good as finished.
But the situation elsewhere is hardly better. 19.7% in Germany, 18% in France, 17.2 % in Britain, and 15.2% in the Netherlands. This is what Pew expects to happen if the migration patterns continue at the 2014-2016 levels.”
“A teacher who faced disciplinary action after he referred to a transgender pupil as a girl is taking his school to an employment tribunal.
Joshua Sutcliffe, from Oxford, says he was investigated after he said “well done girls” to a group that included a student who identifies as a boy.
The 27-year-old Christian pastor is now suing the school for constructive dismissal and discrimination.
The secondary school previously said it would be “inappropriate” to comment.
Mr Sutcliffe, who teaches children aged between 11 and 18, said the incident took place on 2 November and he apologised after the pupil became angry.
He said a week-long investigation found he had “misgendered” the pupil and “contravened the school’s equality policy”.
Christian beliefs
Mr Sutcliffe claims the school has “systematically and maliciously” breached his rights and he had left his job as it had made it impossible for him to continue working there.
In a letter to the head teacher he wrote: “As a Christian, I do not share your belief in the ideology of transgenderism.
“I do not believe that young children should be encouraged to self-select a ‘gender’ which may be different from their biological sex.
“Or that everyone at school should adjust their behaviour to accommodate such a ‘transition’; or that people should be punished for lack of enthusiasm about it.”
The maths teacher, who is also a pastor at the Christ Revelation church in Oxford, said he tried to balance his beliefs with the need to treat the pupil sensitively.
He claimed he did this by avoiding the use of gender-specific pronouns and by referring to the pupil by name.
The state academy school where he was employed did not respond to requests for a comment. It had previously said the matter was confidential.”
“only in two of those cases were the men not of British South Asian Muslim heritage.”
So what were they?
Marshal Roberts @ December 11th, 2017 – 19:35
Two things:
Would someone whose approval rating hoovers around 80% have the need for a risky move, a move that could backfire?
The narrative you’ve linked to says that after the takeover of Crimea Russia begun modernising its military. That’s bollocks, the re-eqipping began early in the century when the treasury was awash with taxes from oil and gas.
The barbarian has said it before. What Boris, later Putin, inherited from the USSR in terms of military gear was crap, all scrap metal, the stuff couldn’t threaten a bunch of Scouts.
The Americans have missed on it, discovered only in the Syrian theatre of war their hardware got largely obsolete, it was designed mostly in the 70s and 80s, it requires a serious MOT – see the Rand report, listen to the Donald on the subject of the military, look at the boost to the US military budget, the additional money poured into the military complex is bigger than the total Russian defence budget.
Marshal Roberts @ December 11th, 2017 – 16:48
His premature death was the reason for the Baron’s posting, Marshall, he’s one the boss’s favourite.
RobertRetyred @ December 11th, 2017 – 16:36
The report, rather the link to it, was posted before by John, Robert, it, or the increased police awareness of grooming seems to have done little to stop it.
This will perk you up:
Have a happy Christmas
The co-op have had enough of the ethical criminals Baron. They
Ram raided the dedham shop again, and did extensive damage.
Baron 2218
A very pessimistic report from Rand. But then they are putting out Brexit pessimism this very day. I cannot link to this, but you can catch it on the Business Section of Today at around 6.20.
It’s here:
Frank P – 02:44
An interesting comment below that:
fergusmason says:
December 11, 2017 at 9:19 pm
Oh, we know. The barbarians are inside the gates. And, like the tired and worn-out Western Roman Empire, we’re too afraid to throw our last legions against them because admitting that the enemy is on us is more frightening than quietly accepting defeat.
Meanwhile our globalist rulers and their servants are sitting in their cosy bubble protected by their praetorian guards, salting away dosh to escape somewhere safe when the sewers explode setting fire to the city!
Interesting comment in this mornings Telegraph.
If Putin wins the upcoming election he will be in power until 2024, meaning that he will have been in power almost as long as Joseph Stalin.
Marshal Roberts – 14:41
To date, Angel Merkel has been the Chancellor of Germany(Bundeskanzlerin) for the same number of years as Adolf Hitler.
John birch. @ December 12th, 2017 – 13:34
What the police should do, John, is infiltrate the immigrant community, the barbarian reckons the lucky cash dispenser pickers hail from there, it was a highly professional job, executed very fast, professionally, it could’t have been anyone from the local amateur diaspora.
The problem with the offer is, if the barbarian’s right that it was the newcomers who did it, that not many of them speak English, perhaps the reward should be promoted in the same range of languages the NHS pamphlets are printed.
Marshal Roberts @ December 12th, 2017 – 06:24
This report, Marshall, just like the one on the military smells of a political put-up job, the Deep State which continues to govern in the Republic, (in her foreign affairs fully), would love to have us in the EU (as would Putin btw) because it makes controlling the combined ‘vassality’ easier, who knows who may get elected to run Britain in the future, it may be the cumryd, it may be his polar opposite, neither may toe the line of the US swamp that the Donald intends to dismantle.
Not many know it, but in Brussels there sits a US representative who has the final say on any agenda of any EU Committee (Baron forgets its official label, it never reaches the MSM, which has never looked into it, why?).
The argument that our inward investment got boosted 28% because those companies putting up here have been able to sell freely on the Continent makes no sense, it’s the currency that matters, its swings, that would have been the deciding factor for any major investment decision, and yet in spite of our staying outside the Euro the inward investment money still came in.
Trading today is less about tariffs, more about barriers other than import duties. These may indeed hurt us, but we can play the game, too. We could insist European imported goods, cars and, all pass custom clearance at the Duirinish railway station on the Kyle of Lochalsh in Scotland. Let them truck the stuff up there and back, that will teach them.
It’s also nonsense to claim that by 2019 we are to be almost 5% poorer, and the EU would suffer only marginally without revealing what assumptions went into the model predicting it.
How could anyone say the EU would be only marginally hit when we’re by far bigger customer for the monstrosity than they’re for us?
The biggest danger for us is the EU would cut us off in the financial sector, but where would they find a ready replacement, a bunch of financial institutions capitalised as well as are our banks, insurance companies, other financial institutions? In Albania?
Would many big European companies be willing to risk it, entrust and IPO to a bank with a doubtful capital base? You recall the series of EU capital tests not that long ago, in those tests not many European banks were found to have enough cushion to withstand a similar meltdown that hit us in 2008, not even the mighty Dresden Bank.
Add to it the political climate within the EU – Schulz pushing for federalisation, the rest of the EU for reshaping of the ungovernable construct, the Poles being hit for their judicial reform, Hungary & co resisting quotes of immigrants, the Euro sitting still only a monetary unity, nothing on the fiscal side making the synthetic currency vulnerable.
If the EU ain’t careful, treat us badly, the monolith will crack before the Brussels gnomes know it.
Breitbart exposes Rand Corporation as in the pay of EU oligarchical groups ( funded with our money ) and with EU oligarchs as its advisers .
Frank P @ December 12th, 2017 – 02:44
As the barbarian keeps pointing out, nobody seems to listen ‘one can predict everything, but the future’.
It’s all trending to a sticky end as the guy says, Frank, but ‘trend is your friend only as it lasts’, and no trend has yet lasted forever, that’s an indisputable fact, no argument here. Events, my blogging friend, events interfere.
The events may indeed be apocalyptic, some of us may end up in wall cities, some in the gutter. Then again, humanity may reassert itself, the gluttonous desire of the West may gradually transfer more of its wealth through wages of those labouring in distant lands on trinkets to ally the desire of the West to consume, the failing Western democracies may find it within themselves to regenerate themselves, give the voice to the currently impotent, let common sense prevail. The pendulum may reverse.
In the world of stockbroking the one who makes it big is the one who backs the sold out stocks, paper which is out of favour, not many would touch. Evidence supports such course of action, and it is the experience of the markets that may apply here, too.
Too ‘panglossy’ for you,innately atavistic, hopelessly hopeful?
But what remains of life if one abandons hope?
Radford NG @ December 12th, 2017 – 17:06
This Quisling-like stance of the broadcasting monstrosity should be addressed with some urgency, Radford.
Instead of boosting the nations confidence, uniting us, backing the decision of the unwashed, the deluded progressive fuggwits are determined to do everything they can ensuring we fail.
We should scrap the fee, turn the monolithic behemoth private, let them be funded not through a tax, which is what the fee is, but earn the money in the market place of ideas.
What do you make of the new man at the Defence, Gavin Williamson?
Having a public spat with Hammond wasn’t the smartest thing to do, the beancounter runs the Treasury, he has the money that Gavin needs, and needs desperately.
His take on the jihadists smells of electioneering, it must appeal to the unwashed all right, but it’s just words, nothing more. The official policy remains to treat as many of those who departed to fight for the throat cutters gently, convert as many as possible into law abiding burghers no money spared.
Is he thinking there will soon be a vacancy at No10?
All the sensible in the piece was dwarfed, squashed indeed negated when he said that “Trump (may have) effectively acted as Putin’s agent in the run-up to the election (which in my (Boot’s) view is a distinct possibility)”
It must be the Pavlovian dog syndrome, a patch in his brain that reacts in a totally predictable fashion anytime the word ‘Russia or Putin or anything else linked to them’ appears.
Could someone explain what does ‘acting as Putin agent entail’? Please, the barbarian will be very grateful if you enlighten him on this.
Let’s hope they’re gay, or trans friendly.
Noa @ December 11th, 2017 – 15:55
That’s a top quality quote, Noa, the barbarian has forgotten to tell you he’s filed it in his drawer of re-usable quotes, will shamelessly put it in a posting if an opportunity arises.
The thing is though where would one recruit if not at the two most prestigious farms for breeding young progressive brains? Neasden Poly?
Ireland is an island to the west of Britain but Northern Ireland is just off the mainland – not the Irish mainland, the British mainland.
The capital of Ireland is Dublin. It has a population of a million people, all of whom will be shopping in Newry this afternoon. They travel to Newry because it is in the North, which is not part of Ireland , but can still pay in Euros.
Under the Irish constitution, the North used to be in Ireland , but a successful 30-year campaign of violence for Irish unity ensured that it is now definitely in the UK. Had the campaign lasted any longer the North might now be in France.
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It has a population of half a million, half of whom own houses in Donegal. Donegal is in the north but not in the North. It is in the South. No, not the south – the South.
There are two parliaments in Ireland. The Dublin parliament is called the Dáil, (pronounced “Doyle”), an Irish word meaning a place where banks receive taxpayers’ money. The one in Belfast is called Stormont, an Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘placebo’, or deliberately ineffective drug.
Their respective jurisdictions are defined by the border, an imaginary line on the map to show fuel launderers where to dump their chemical waste and bi-products.
Protestants are in favour of the border, which generates millions of pounds in smuggling for Catholics, who are totally opposed to it. Travel between the two states is complicated because Ireland is the only country in the world with two M1 motorways. The one in the North goes west to avoid the south and the one in the South goes north to avoid the price of the drink!
We have two types of democracy in Ireland. Dublin democracy works by holding a referendum and then allowing the government to judge the result. If the government thinks the result is wrong, the referendum is held again. Twice in recent years the government decided the people’s choice was wrong and ordered a new referendum. Belfast democracy works differently. It has a parliament with no opposition, so the government is always right. This system generates envy in many world capitals, especially Dublin.
Ireland has three economies – northern, southern and black. Only the black economy is in the green. The other two are in the red.
All versions of the IRA claim to be the real IRA but only one of them is the Real IRA. The North’s biggest industry is the production of IRAs. Consequently, we now have the Provisional, Continuity and Real IRA.
The Real IRA is by far the most popular among young graffiti writers simply because it is the easiest to spell.
Hopefully this clarifies things and has answered many previously unanswered questions for you.
Noa @ December 12th, 2017 – 18:13
Naughty, but nice, Noa.
It’s of a distinctly phallus shape, a well worked out one stripped of the baggy parts to reduce friction. The world should be on alert, it may discharge a sperm like fluid, enough of it to impregnate all world’s females who, in turn, would give birth to a new species.
And there’re still some who think humanity has no future.
Noa @ December 12th, 2017 – 18:27
If there are amongst us people capable penning stuff like this, surely not all is lost, Noa.
You, sir, are a star.
Baron 18.17
It’s not the location of a place of learning that is the problem. Baron. It is the methodology of thought acquired and practiced there- or not.
A warning for you:
No button on a keyboard got touched, the barbarian was reading a page (he forgets what or where) when a new blueish window overlaid the screen with a message ‘three bugs have entered your computer’, also some text that Baron didn’t manage to read, next door was a red round window that flashed ‘screen for bugs now’. The barbarian quickly closed Safari, after a while re-opened the app, everything seems in order.
The warning must have been a fake, but how on earth have someone managed to have it displayed without Baron sending out any command? Be aware.
Can anyone explain?
Noa @ December 12th, 2017 – 18:35
Point taken, Noa, but it’s Neasden Poly for the barbarian nevertheless, heh, heh, heh.
Avoid staying in American hotels.
More seriously, how come this cop got acquitted of killing the man? The Land of the Free seems to have become the Land of the Killing cops. Unbelievable this.
Now, you make the point about the Irish much more eloquently than I and I hope without Ostrich’s disapproval.
Above relates to Noa 1827
(My iPad always tries to turn Noa into Now)
Getting a bit closer to the truth .
And in my opinion much much closer to the truth
@Noa 12th, 18:27
Spot on, sir!
(and h/t to Marshall Roberts for pointing me that way. 🙂 )
Baron @ December 12th – 18:59
“The Land of the Free seems to have become the Land of the Killing cops.”
Your assertion is woefully absent statistics.
Malfleur @ December 13th, 2017 – 13:53
Will this do, Malfleur?
What’s more surprising on the Alabama result is that Jones haven’t won by much bigger margin.
Moore has been accused by scores of women, some have credible stories to tell with evidence, the current atmosphere on sexual harassment cannot get any hotter, known public figures are being dropped off by the dozen, and the MSM has been piling up dirt on the GOP candidate for months. And yet Moore loses only by a small margin.
Not something that would suggest a change in the wind direction, more a disenchantment with the speed the swamp is getting cleansed.
Here’s how to understand sexual harassment at work:
The Church of England could learn a thing to two from the Swedish experience, (unless it has already embraced the future:
Facebook found just 73p on pro Brexit adverts
You’ve made the barbarian puzzled, John, until he clicked on the link, learnt it was the money spent by the Russians.
Surely some mistake Facebook, the executive who released the figure may not have the brightest future at the outfit.
Seriously though, the whole saga of the Russian meddling in either in the Republic or elsewhere makes little sense to anyone with any functioning brain cells left, but it’s a clever ploy. Until the Deep State and its lapdogs discovered cyberspace it was false flag operation, but that ran the risk of non-MSM journalists and busybodies probing the planted evidence, finding the culprits behind it.
Cyberspace is a different kettle of sardines, it’s harder to get to the truth, if anyone probes too deeply, the Government can always say ‘we cannot reveal the source, it would compromise our security’, and that’s the end of it.
The interference by Putin is indirect, it’s his ranting about the heterosexual family, the sovereignty of individual countries, the need to defend our Christian heritage and stuff, a take on the world that both contradicts the progressives, and resonates with a large chunk of the Western world unwashed. This the Deep State & co cannot admit to, hence the need for find a proxy whip with which to beat the Ruskies, i.e. interference via cyberspace.
The risk such an approach carries is obvious, it presents Putin’s Russia as a far more powerful opponent that she deserves, it also implies the seventeen American agencies (their equivalents elsewhere) charged with insuring the Republic’s or the West’s security are not fit for purpose. If Russian genuinely interfered either before or during the Presidential election why didn’t any of the agencies raise it? Why did they spring to action only after the Donald won the race?
Mediaeval Baebes : In Dulce Jubilo.
My local paper
Fucking disgraceful.
The Muslim situation is a little bit like Fawlty Towers and the Germans episode where Basil says we’re all friends now or at least we pretend we are
John birch.
It’s not far off what is happening with Brexit, what with TM pretending we are negotiating with sane diplomats while they demand, gloat, contradict each other, threaten and are economical with the truth.
Might I just express my utter disgust at what happened in the House of Commons last night.
“Tories” who do the dirty work of the EU and undermine their own government in the face of Corbyn are the real deplorables.
We all know that this “meaningful vote” on the final deal is just a very thinly veiled attempt to prevent Brexit happening.
Excuse me, but. Cunts.
Colonel Mustard – 13:24
No quibble here. You named them exactly right.
Whatever one might think of the May/Davis negotiating abilities they had the rug completely pulled out out from under their feet last night. It has rendered their visit to Brussels today a complete shambles.
The sight of the smirking Dominic Grieve on TV last night saying “one has to put country above party” did nothing for my BP. Which country?
The complete list of “cunts” is listed by Metro as follows:
Heidi Allen (South Cambridgeshire),
Ken Clarke (Rushcliffe),
Jonathan Djanogly (Huntingdon),
Dominic Grieve (Beaconsfield),
Stephen Hammond (Wimbledon),
Oliver Heald (North East Hertfordshire),
Nicky Morgan (Loughborough),
Robert Neill (Bromley and Chislehurst),
Antoinette Sandbach (Eddisbury),
Anna Soubry (Broxtowe),
Sarah Wollaston (Totnes)
Re: Tory rebels’ Hoc Brexit shenanigans…
Mr Boot has it exactly right!
Shame about that, as I was hoping Mr. Boot was going to comment on Vlad’s reported crackdown on Russia’s farmers:
“Cow-nterintelligence: Farmer faces ‘spy’ charges for wiretapping his cow”
Fake moos from RT?
Why prolong the agony?
Mrs May should take a drive up The Mall and ask the Queen to dissolve parliament ASAP. Fuck the rebels, and fuck Christmas. There is no hope of a recovery until after Corbyn’s Trots have reduced the economy to rubble.
Colonel Mustard (13:24)
No Colonel, that otherwise very useful noun is totally inadequate as a pejorative to describe the perpetrators of this infamy. I’m still trying to think of a term that expresses my contempt and disgust. It will be difficult, but I know that somewhere in the murkier depths of my experience there must be previous mutations analogous to these stinking, scurvy sacks of gangrenous, maggot-ridden pus. I fear that it will need an imaginative neogolism. Working on it! Would welcome suggestions from the skilled coiners of curses, whose renowned graffiti customarily adorns the CHW.
Thanks EC; naming the mutinous members of HMS Wankfest is a good start!
For once I absolutely agree with Nadine Dorries;
Nadine Dorries
✔ @NadineDorries
Tonight, the Tory rebels have put a spring in Labours step, given them a taste of winning, guaranteed the party a weekend of bad press, undermined the PM and devalued her impact in Brussels. They should be deselected and never allowed to stand as a Tory MP, ever again.
8:06 PM – Dec 13, 2017
Well said, Nadine. These b******s are a disgrace to their party and should be “dishonourably discharged” as the Army puts it.
…. No_ shot on the spot – for desertion whilst under fire!
Colonel Mustard @ December 14th, 2017 – 13.:24
Seconded, Colonel, eleven Judases just in time for Christmas, what a coincidence.
If the Central Office still has any power left under the saintly One’s leadership, it should summon the constituency chairmen of the eleven traitors, instruct them either to de-select the eleven, or at least ensure they won’t get the party support.
EC @ December 14th, 2017 – 14:32
You may well be right, EC, that’s the way things are shaping, a total collapse first, and only then could a fresh Phoenix rise from the ashes. It will be painful though.
Agree, but would hanging them at Tyburn fit better?
L.C. @ December 14th, 2017 – 15:27
Bravo, Nadine, and thanks L.C. for pointing her out.
She is one of the few MPs who’ve embraced the Brexit decision of the unwashed fully, that’s how it should be.
If the remoaners had any brains they would stop moaning about the majority in the referendum. In a democracy, it’s always that way, in an election a majority of few votes makes it, otherwise any MP could have challenged the electorate’s vote after every count, demand a new election until he or she got the result he wanted. That’s patently a nonsense.
EC @ December 14th, 2017 – 14:26
The farmer should have argued the spying was to ensure the cow or cows didn’t discharge too much methane, EC, contribute to global warming. In a sense, he was saving mankind from Armageddon, even Vlad could’t object to it, no?
John birch. @ December 14th, 2017 – 08:20
This truly beggars belief, John, and the story has made it only locally, how many more like him get punished and for what? Treating the Koran as any progressive to$$er would treat the Good Book at will, and nobody in authority would blink an eye.
Has anyone seen anywhere any mention of a 19km bridge that will span between the Russian mainland and Crimea? Baron hasn’t, not a word about it in the MSM. This may change as the US and Ukraine are considering another wave of sanctions on Russia because of the project. The charge? An environmental damage.
This doesn’t border on the insane, it spills over it.
Just imagine if these plants were to be digested by the progressives, the plants light emitting DNA were to concentrate in their brains, the lumen intensity could be of such power we could dispense with electric street lighting, instead have the progressives placed along our road network. The killing of two birds with one shot.
Baron – 17:27
Yes I’ve heard of it, but I cannot remember where. However the Chinese can beat that. They always think big, and invest for the long term. I’ve seen this from the air and on the ground. It’s quite a thing!
Baron – 17:37
Useful, but they’d have to pull the heads out of their arses first!
EC December 14th, 2017 – 14:16
“The sight of the smirking Dominic Grieve on TV last night saying “one has to put country above party””
Grieve, for whom I already nurture a particular disgust for his protection of that odious Labour cuckoo in the civil service nest, Starmer, has put the gangsters of the EU before his country and his party. And because we have already voted to leave the EU and Article 50 has been triggered his behaviour is all the more contemptible.
It adds insult to injury that these 11 shits who very apparently don’t what Brexit to happen at all are attempting to wrap the stinking ordure of that mysteriously fanatic obstructionism in the bullshit of a finer moral purpose. No one is fooled.
If I was a pro-Brexit newspaper editor I would have my investigate journalists fully engaged digging up just what it is that makes those 11 shits so enamoured with the EU. There must be something and, knowing politicians, it is doubtful to have anything to do with the benefit of this country. As others have stated these 11 shits and their co-conspirators have stood by and rubber stamped edict after edict emanating from Brussels without so much as a question in the House. Now suddenly they are filled with a mysterious zeal to “protect” their country and give aid and comfort to that gang of foreign chancers in Brussels.
But a supposedly conservative former AG relaxed about keeping Starmer as DPP is probably just as relaxed about a Corbyn cod-communist government. And let’s face it there is little to distinguish “modernised” Tory wets from the “centrist” socialists sitting on their hands on the opposition benches unperturbed by what is leading their party and sensing power at any price. And what a price the English will pay for that.
I have never before so wished for an outright civil war to rid this country of the treasonous, self-hating slime stinking it up or that I was young again and could participate in it. Surely no other nation would tolerate the presence of so many so determined, through guilt or malice, to do their own country down. In this new Battle for Britain never before have so many been fucked over so much by so few. What is it about Britain that it fosters a continuum of vociferous traitors and hand biters, both home grown and imported? Oh for a Pinochet.
h/t Guido
Who’s on QT tonight?
Nicky Morgan, Quisling, Labour
Rebecca Lon-Bailey, Labour
Geoff Norcott, Comedian, probably Labour
Robert Winston, Labour
Isabel Oakeshot, Ind.
From Barnsley, Labour.
Sigh, what’s the ___ing point…
Barnsley EU Referendum results.
Leave.. : 83,958
Remain : 38,951
Turnout : 69.5%
Good for Isabel Oakshot on QT. She just told Morgan what she thought of her “sanctimonious twaddle”, and so say all of us.
You would be hard put to come up with better summary of the Mueller’s circus, note some of the pearls of wit e.g. “Robert Mueller, a career swamp-dweller”, or “like
a walking toilet of ethics breaches”, or “corruptocrats”. The postings below are also worth scanning.
Mark as great as ever.
Colonel Mustard @ December 14th, 2017 – 18:44
Well said, Colonel, truly well put, and the noun fits beautifully, that’s what they are, malodorous ‘shites’.
EC @ December 14th, 2017 – 18:29
You’re right, EC, let them keep their heads in the discharge slots.
Radford NG @ December 14th, 2017 – 22:07
Any idea how this result compares with the last year’s referendum, Radford?
This is Tucker from a day or two ago, it lasts over 40 minutes, but you may like to watch the first 15 minutes or so, the slot with the Democratic Congressman from California. The issue Tucker keeps banging about is about the dossier, who fed into it, the tarnished investigators on Mueller’s team, blah, blah.
Instead, what Tucker should have done is ask why has the issue of Russia’s interference or collusion got raised only after the election. Why didn’t any of the seventeen security agencies, that are now certain Russia tried to interfere both in the pre-election period and after, didn’t say anything when the interfering was going on? What were they waiting for? Would the issue of the Russia’s meddling was investigated today if the Clinton woman won?
It feels the swamp goes so deep that not even a dozen of Donald swouldn’t be able to cleanse it.
Baron December 15th, 2017 – 00:06
I thank you. Morgan’s performance on QT last night could be summed up by the one word – arrogant. I have never liked the woman but last night she reinforced my prejudice. Her smug expression whenever members of the audience agreed with her, “glances aside” and sly signalling to Dimblebore said it all.
Mediocre. And God knows how she has rose to such a prominent position in the Tory party. Oh yes – Cameron. That clown.
Colonel, there is a triumvirate of the destitute. Those determined to impose their smug will on the world, namely Morgan, Soubry and the worst Heidi Alexander. These 3 and their 8 co conspirators are Traitors and must be marked for action.
It is unfortunate that May’s majority precludes drastic party action but their sins cannot go unpunished.
It’s only now the barbarian read what he had penned and got nearly a coroner, the mistakes are u=inexcusable, it’s a nightmare, no wonder nobody wants to post on blog that houses him. Truly sorry for the errors, will not happen again.
Coronary and inexcusable, sorry, it will happen again.
Colonel Mustard
Yes, arrogant and with no possible cause for overweening pride or such smug self-satisfaction. WTF did she ever do, apart from slither up the greasy pole? What’s more she is ugly and with a bipolar glint in her eye. She is a dead ringer for Mad Aggie, a lady I once knew – a renowned madam/abortionist/brothel keeper of the late 1950s, from St Stephen’s Gardens W11, who, well past he sell-by date, of a summer’s afternoon would sit on the top step of her stoop wearing no knickers with her legs wide open as a supposed inducement to passing punters. A deluded ploy, as all it attracted was the bluebottles from the nearby dustbin, more often than not containing the remnants of the foetuses she had skilfully extracted the day before with deft manipulation of knitting needles and a douchebag. Unfortunate resemblance, but nonetheless, whenever I get glimpse of our ‘Secretary of State for Education’ on TV, I think of Mad Aggie, the legs akimbo and hear the buzzing of flies. Ugggh!
I’ve just read – and watched – this –
It made me remember this –
and also a comment on it that I posted on the Wall at the time. Baron will probably remember it.
I don’t have a record of my posting but does anybody know where I can find a copy?
Westward Ho! council by-election.
Ind… 46.9 (+46.9)
Cons. 18.7 (- 21.5)
UKIP. 13.2 (+13.2)
Lab… 05.1 (+5.1)
Short video of Jayda Fransen ( Britain First ) on the Shankill Estate at the Peace Wall ( which is what they build where there is no peace.
I see that Austria are about to take a firm grip on immigration as The Freedom Party and Heinz-Christian Strache move into power.
While Ken Clarke here says that it is right and proper that full free movement should continue for yet another two years of transition.
Marshal Roberts @ December 16th, 2017 – 07:16
Morning news on Classic FM, a short interview with the Arch Judas Green, the subject, the Government compromise on another issue to avoid defeat, the vanity overflowing fugger’s yapping about the importance of it for a while (the explanation eluded Baron) then says ‘that makes me perfectly happy’.
The fuggwit seems to truly think that the governance of this country is to make him happy, how vain can a second-rate lawyer get before suffocating in the vomit of his own hubris, is there no end to the puffed up arrogance of this $hit??
Radford NG @ December 16th, 2017 – 01:47
Tragic this, Radford, very tragic.
Tragic because she’s barking at the wrong tree, those in power want us to do exactly what she’s doing, attacking people whom she thinks should’t be here instead of kicking those who let them in, people who passed laws that have allowed them to arrive, settle legally, pursue business.
When time permits Baron may expand, but you get the gist of the argument, don’t you?
Herbert Thornton @ December 15th, 2017 – 21:05
How kind of you to think the barbarian may remember, Herbert, but he has to disappoint you, sorry, his memory can hardly reach the last five minutes as he staggers on each day.
You you may try to google the coffeehousewall blog immediately after the DT piece appeared, your posting could be there.
Radford NG – 01:47
It is similar to when a bit of road ceases to function: they put up a sign that states ‘Road Works’, when it clearly does not!
Joseph is having a go, and it sticks:
This is Tucker from yesterday, the Full Monty of it runs for almost 40 minutes, you may like to watch it from 11.20 minute in. The reason? Tucker hasn’t yet wised up to what the great Mark has been saying for years. It’s the process that does the damage, not necessarily, and seldom ever, the outcome.
This Russia meddling saga is exactly that, that’s why it’s dragging on and on, the MSM poodles keep yapping about it, no shred of any wrong doing has surfaced, it’s hard to see that when something comes up it will be ‘big’, if it were ‘big’ surely something from it would have seen the light of day already.
Nobody anywhere can provide a scrap of real any evidence (except for the 75p spend by the ‘Russians” on Facebook), the MSM lapdogs must have been trying to unearth it, too, have been also coming empty handed.
That really matters not at all. It’s the duration of the investigation that furnishes the MSM with plenty to speculate about, to fake blow up, to boost. That will do the harm, or at least that’s the motive behind it, it will be used against the Donald, may even help to impeach him. Treacherous this.
December 16th, 2017 – 11:49
Your suggestion worked. Thanks!
“European right-wing leaders meet in Prague, slam EU and immigration
Meeting in Prague, right-wing leaders from across Europe have praised Austria’s anti-immigration party joining the new coalition government. The politicians are seeking to build cooperation among populists.
Meeting under the banner of the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedoms (MENL) the conference was hosted by Tomio Okamura, whose anti-Islam and anti-EU Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) party won 10.6 percent of the Czech vote in October’s parliamentary elections.
“In Europe or in our country people should behave as European or he should leave,” said Okamura, who was born in Japan to a Czech mother and Japanese-Korean father. “We want a Europe which respects national individuality, national identity and freedom.”
The European Parliament grouping brings together right-wing parties, including Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France, the Freedom Party of Heinz-Christian Strache in Austria, Italy’s Northern League and the Dutch Party for Freedom of Geert Wilders. ”
Baron 1135
“The fuggwit seems to truly think that the governance of this country is to make him happy, how vain can a second-rate lawyer get before suffocating in the vomit of his own hubris, is there no end to the puffed up arrogance of this $hit??”
What has happened to the Brits. Francis Chichester, Robin Knox Johnson. Have we sunk to mediocrity?
At last someone is addressing the yellow peril-
“The United States and East Asian allies must unify to constrain China’s “frightening, “audacious,” and “global” ambitions, said Breitbart News’s Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Sunday.
Confronting China’s ascendance and growing hegemony, said Bannon, required America and her allies to enter the “valley of decision.” Drawing on twentieth century appeasement of Nazi Germany as illustrative, he warned of the dangers of appeasing China as an ascendant competitor nation state:
We’re going through – for the next ten, or fifteen, or twenty years – the valley of decision. Now go back and study what happened in other eras [such as] the 1930s, when leaders of the world [and] leaders on the side of freedom appeased people; didn’t face reality; kicked the can down the road. All the easy decisions are decades behind us. We don’t have any easy choices. We don’t have any easy decisions. There are no easy options on the range of alternatives. There’s only hard choices. There’s only tough choices.
American and Western elites had facilitated China’s ascendance through political negligence, said Bannon. Decades-old predictions of China’s integration into the global economy cultivating political liberalization in the communist state, he added, had not come to pass.
Chinese mercantilism and central planning, said Bannon, had been reinforced over time as a function of Western elites’ openness to China’s joining of post-WWII Bretton Woods international economic system – contrary to the aforementioned predictions from “geniuses” of inevitable democratization in the communist state:”
And Today’s fantastic Liddle for those who do not contribute to Murdoch’s Pension:
“I was playing tennis with a Pakistani friend on the courts of my sixth-form college back in about 1977. We were wearing jeans and lurid T-shirts. My mate was just about the only ethnic minority kid in our school, a quiet and diligent boy who ponced too many cigarettes off me, but was otherwise OK.
We’d knocked the ball about for maybe three minutes when we saw the thick games master stomping towards us, a look of fury on his face. “Off, off!” He screamed. “Get off the courts. You should know the rule. Whites only on the tennis courts.”
My friend looked aghast for two seconds and then, like me, collapsed in hysterics. Even back then that word — white — carried with it a certain potency. But only until you realised its other meanings. That is, if you’re sentient, for about two seconds.
I was reminded of this exchange last week when snow threatened and University College London (UCL) put out a memo to students informing them that it would still be open, adding: “Dreaming of a white campus . . .? We can’t guarantee snow, but we’ll try!” Oh, the furore. Oh, the anguish and outrage.
My favourite response came from some deranged undergraduate who wrote: “You know who else dreamt of a white campus? Adolf Hitler, that’s who! Disgusting!” And then there was another student, Kumail Jaffer, who demanded an immediate retraction and apology, pointing out that the college must be unaware of the very real suffering and oppression occasioned by people of colour, etc, ad infinitum.
And what did UCL do? Oh, come on. You know what it did. The cringing apology began: “We chose our words very poorly yesterday . . .” Yes, that’s right, UCL. Continue to swaddle your students in the nice, warm thermal blankets of victimhood and stupidity. Accede to their imbecilic objections, to their inability to think.
Oxford University hasn’t given in yet, but I fear it will, some way down the line. One of Christ Church’s eminences, Nigel Biggar, professor of moral and pastoral theology, has been talking about the British Empire. Biggar accepted that “atrocities” happened as a result of colonialism, but that it was wrong to see the empire as entirely negative in its outcomes for the people of the country colonised. That seems to me incontestable. I could name you at least 25 countries I suspect would be an awful lot better off now — for their people — under imperial British control than they are under their own leaders. Shall we start with Zimbabwe? Somalia? Then work our way through the Middle East and head, tentatively, towards Pakistan?
Then there are the countries that benefited more marginally from our colonisation, such as India, which gained perhaps less than it lost. But still gained a little. And you might disagree on the specifics, and you might be right. But that’s the point: very little in history has been unequivocally good or bad.
What Biggar is really challenging is not the practical (or moral) worth of the British Empire, but the very modern and corrupting absolutism that closes down debate, that shrieks with fury when it is challenged, that insists there can be no challenge. And that proceeds from this bizarre, totalitarian viewpoint to insist that not only was the empire wholly evil, but that every misery that afflicts the people who were once its subjects, no matter how long ago, is the result of that imperialism. When, patently, that isn’t remotely the case. It is a deluding narrative that reinforces the notion of a spurious victimhood among people who, if we’re honest, are not victims of the empire at all. They are victims of their leaders. If they are victims at all.
It is a sacred fact that, as a Turkish taxi driver put it to me recently, Britain invented slavery and was the only country ever to practise slavery. Not entirely true, that, is it? And yet that is, by and large, the narrative of our times: unchallenged, idiotic and deluding.”
Whilst I had a vague knowledge of suffragettes slashing paintings and diving under racehorses, I had no idea of just how militant and violent they really were. The BBC, especially, airbrushed out this aspect completely when they were recently wallowing in their rose-tinted “celebration” of female emancipation. Anyone who thinks “feminazis” are a recent phenomenon should read Simon Webb’s “Suffragette Bombers – Britain’s Forgotten Terrorists”. I quote from the blurb:-
“Those conducting this terrorist offensive were militant members of the Women’s Social and Political Union; better known as the suffragettes. The targets for their attacks ranged from St Paul’s Cathedral and the Bank of England in London to theatres and churches in Ireland. The violence, which included several attempted assassinations, culminated in June 1914 with an explosion in Westminster Abbey. Not only were the suffragettes far more aggressive than is generally known, but there exists the very real and surprising possibility that their militant activities actually delayed, rather than hastened, the granting of the parliamentary vote to British women.”
In an age of new-minted political words we probably need one to replace the misused “misogynist” for those who love and respect women but detest the current crop of militant and divisive political feminists. The words “normal” or “sane”, whilst appropriate, probably won’t cut it. But just too easy (and intellectually lazy/dishonest) for those opposed to the various militant and divisive lunacies of the left to be misrepresented as “misogynists”, “racists”, “islamophobes”, etc.
Marshal Roberts December 17th, 2017 – 09:42
On the merits of Empire and the current shrieking hysteria about it there was a very good article “How the hate mob tried to silence me” in Standpoint magazine (Issue 97, December 2017/January 2018) by Bruce Gilley who had published a scholarly and well respected article on colonialism which “outraged” all the usual suspects of the left.
Personally I’m sick to the back teeth with the left ramming their one world view down our throats. They shriek against hatred whilst inciting it, perpetuating it and spewing it themselves.
Colonel – yes – tells it like it is.
“The British governed their colony of Nigeria with considerable care. There was a very highly competent cadre of government officials imbued with a high level of knowledge of how to run a country. This was not something that the British achieved only in Nigeria; they were able to manage this on a bigger scale in India and Australia. The British had the experience of governing and doing it competently. I am not justifying colonialism. But it is important to face the fact that British colonies were, more or less, expertly run.”
As Rod says, compare this to now.
Baron 11:35 , December 17th, 2017
Marshal Roberts 06:21December 17th, 2017
“The fuggwit seems to truly think that the governance of this country is to make him happy, how vain can a second-rate lawyer get before suffocating in the vomit of his own hubris, is there no end to the puffed up arrogance of this $hit??”
Marshal Roberts – 10:30
In his autobiography, “The Outsider – My Life In Intrigue” , Frederick Forsyth chronicles his brief time at the BBC, his of coverage of the Nigerian civil war before he was sacked, and then afterwards in Nigeria as a freelance reporter. His reportage of what was actually happening in Nigeria, as opposed to the narrative the Camel Corps insisted the BBC put out, was the reason he was effectively sacked.
The BBC has always been Fake News!
Do read the whole book though, it’s absorbing.
One really has to work at being a criminal to be sent to prison. When it takes convictions for 45 offences before being sent to one of HMPs’ recreation and exercise facilities. So making crime a very viable and profitable career option in internet crime offers new horizons for both our NEETs and OAPs alike.
70% of custodial sentences are imposed on those with at least seven previous convictions or cautions, and 50% are imposed on those with at least 15 previous convictions or cautions.
Any large reductions in the prison population would therefore mean far fewer proli c criminals going to prison.
Non-violent prisoners tend to be the most proli c criminals
There are substantial numbers in prison for non-violent offences. But they tend to be the most proli c criminals. Non-violent crimes such as theft have relatively low custody rates, with 77% of theft offences (and 95% of rst-time theft offences) resulting in a non-custodial sentence. But nonetheless there are a substantial number in prison for theft offences simply because of the large number of proli c criminals who commit these offences.
Civitas has just published an excellent survey of who goes to prison and who doesn’t.
“Who goes to prison? An overview of the prison population of England and Wales.”
Read it and, before heading off to abase yourself before the HR manager at B&Q, try picking up a crowbar, (or jemmy as we cognoscenti like to call it), from the special offers in the Hardware department.
Well then.
Guess what the Germans are trumpeting tonight:
“BMG Research asked 1,509 adults living in Britain from December 5-8, “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union, or leave the European Union?” Of the respondents, 51 percent backed “remain,” while 41 percent voted “leave.” Seven percent said “don’t know,” and when they were pressed to give an answer or be left out of the results, 55.5 percent backed “remain” and 44.5 percent backed “leave.””
All very well until we find the source is that paragon of neutrality, The Independent.
Marshal Roberts December 17th, 2017 – 19:55
It is so typical of the “establishment” forces that they expect us to defer to a poll of 1,509 people in order to discredit a referendum of over 33.5 million people and overturn the result.
They will keep chipping away at this until they manage to force an “Irish Re-Play” on us. There is neither the will nor the integrity in the political class to prevent it and far too many unelected but vociferous chancers being allowed to contrive it. For his infamous Tweet, for example, Adonis should have had his peerage and citizenship revoked and been escorted onto a plane to Brussels with a one way ticket.
The following letter in Hitchens column in the Sunday Mail, commenting on Peter Hitchens campaign to clear the name of George Bell, the late Bishop of Chichester, is worthy of wider circulation:-
“Although not British I have followed Peter Hitchens reporting on George Bell with great interest. The whole sorry saga reflects very bleakly indeed on the Church of England and what is becoming the farce of British law in general.
Baroness Newlove, the Victims Commissioner, said the following in 2016 on what she viewed as improvements in Police investigations of sex offences.
“The police especially, have made great strides in changing the way they deal with victims and survivors of sexual abuse. One of the most important changes is that they ensure victims are listened to and that their accounts are believed.”
She seems unable to grasp the fact that if the victim is believed, the alleged offender must be guilty. Does this not fly in the face of “innocent until proven guilty”?
The correct attitude for Police when investigating reports of an alleged crime is one of complete neutrality. What other crime, murder, assault occasioning grevious bodily harm, or any other category of crime is the investigation of the alleged crime begun by Police believing the complainant?
I have watched with dismay the British system of justice fall apart over the years. Arrest without charge and held for increasing periods of time, the de facto removal of the right to silence being two examples of this decay. And now Police are to assume guilt when investigating crime. Peter Hitchens has done a wonderful job bringing to notice this collapse of British justice. He is also correct in saying he is writing the obituary for Britain.”
Posted by: John McCarthy | 17 December 2017
Noa (00:37)
Entirely agree, both with the comment and the need for it to be disseminated widely. My own list of contacts will get it tomorrow. Including a handful of those with arses that polish the red benches – even though they no longer reply. 🙂
Colonel Mustard
December 17th, 2017 – 23:10
Well they may keep chipping away but they will will not reverse Brexit. The integrity of the Conservative Party depends on it. And that integrity is more important to the High Command than life itself.
Marshal Roberts
“…The integrity of the Conservative Party depends on it. And that integrity is more important to the High Command than life itself.”
That integrity being demonstrated by, for example, Britain’s offer to trade the Falklands for Argentine support in 1940? Or more pertinently, John Major’s failure to facilitate a referendum on the Maastricht Agreement, whilst arguing lustily for a second referendum now.
Thank you though, for my first hollow laugh of the day. 😉
My thanks
It makes depressing reading but confirms everything we ( and people like us ) have been saying for years.
Assimilation vs. Parallel Societies > Norman Berdichevsky
History on Repeat – The Salisbury Review
Now – 00:37
In the Auditing ‘Community’ there is a saying: Trust and Verify.
Trust what they say and follow their line of thought, until it can be verified.
Isn’t that what detectives do anyway?
Noa December 18th, 2017 – 00:37
“Survivors” used to mean those who had escaped death. The word has now been distorted to put a contrived political spin on sexual abuse which people used to “suffer”.
And there is the usual inconsistency involved. Whilst the left is busy ramping up the definition of actual harm to include a person’s feelings the word “survivor” implies no residual harm. Yet it is apparent that many sufferers of sexual abuse are indeed permanently damaged as a result. They are therefore not “survivors” but “sufferers”, suffering still. The language is being degraded by numpties trying to weaponise it for political campaigning.
Baroness Newlove, who is an emotionally appointed peer (for being the wife of a murdered man) in a manufactured, virtue signalling “job” (Victims Commissioner) should have been strongly criticised – in the House of Lords – for playing so fast and loose with the principles of British justice. Unfortunately the whole lot of them have bought into this Through The Looking Glass nonsense where feelings run high and common sense, objectivity and circumspection have left the building.
What has made the once stiff upper lip and ice cool British so blubberingly mawkish and emotionally incontinent? Is it something in the water?
RobertRetyred 0818
“We have listened to the wisdom of an old, Russian maxim,” Reagan said, repeating a phrase he had repeated scores of times. “The maxim is doverey, no proverey—trust but verify.”
“You repeat that at every meeting,” Gorbachev said good-humoredly.
“I like it,” Reagan said”
For me, people need to prove their worth to earn my trust.
@Colonel Mustard 18th, 08:28
““Survivors” used to mean those who had escaped death. The word has now been distorted to put a contrived political spin on sexual abuse which people used to “suffer”.”
Ah, but the modern presumption is that, if you suffered sexual abuse, you were likely to top yourself. And if you didn’t, you were a ‘survivor’.
Whenever I heard or said the word ‘survivor’ in conversation (ie, not on TV or radio), there was always a sense of irony when used as above, if only because survivors, whether from long term suffering or an acute event, invariably have collected unpleasant baggage along the way. And helping to remove that baggage is what friendships are for and what should happen in a civilised world.
It doesn’t work on TV when said by SJWs, perhaps, because politicising it dehumanises the whole thing.
I have found that the abused are more confused than suffering, but the confusion then creates the suffering.
As Jordan Peterson has said, noone ever came to him and said that they were mentally ill, they would say their lives are too complicated. Yet the Cr*p that SJWs proclaim only makes the lives of the sane even more complicated.
He also said that if you don’t believe in god, then you believe in an agenda, of which victimhood is but one example.
It’s old news, but worth acknowledging:
I’m marrying into that reality TV family I told you about, Meghan Markle tells mother
RobertRetyred. December 18th, 2017 – 08:18
Rather than adopt the “Audit community’s” aegis to circumstances which are more suited to commerce than justice, I would prefer to place my trust in the proper operation of the Peelian principles of policing which have
The principles which were set out in the ‘General Instructions’ that were issued to every new police officer from 1829 were:
1.To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.
2. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.
3. To recognise always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.
4. To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives.
5. To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion; but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour; and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.
6. To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.
7. To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
8. To recognise always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.
9. To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.
Essentially, as explained by the notable police historian Charles Reith in his ‘New Study of Police History ‘in 1956, it was a philosophy of policing ‘unique in history and throughout the world because it derived not from fear but almost exclusively from public co-operation with the police, induced by them designedly by behaviour which secures and maintains for them the approval, respect and affection of the public’.
In essence the power of the police derives from the common consent of the public, as opposed to the power of the state. It does not mean the consent of an individual. No individual can chose to withdraw his or her consent from the police, or from a law.
In adopting any policy which discriminates against a significant section of the public, in this instance the 50% of it constituted by men, several of the above principles are directly or indirectly infringed, to a greater or lesser extent and often severely or even over-ridden, as the following analysis demonstrates:
1- The punishment for rape is severe, as with any crime it is incumbent upon the authorities to maintain the respect of the public by ensuring that investigation, prosecution and sentencing are fair and just.
2- The treatment of unsupported evidence as the truth both prejudices the defendant’s right to a fair trial and erodes public trust and respect in the police and courts.
3 – Arbitrary allegations, subjective and inconclusively founded charges resulting in unsafe convictions will undermine and public respect in the law and ultimately result in the justice system being held in public contempt.
5 – The policy enunciated by the DPP, Saunders, offends this principle by clearly discriminating favour to a specific interest group within the general weal of public opinion; but clearly demonstrating an partial service to law, lacking in complete independence of policy, and giving preference regard to the or injustice of the substance of individual law, in this case the law pertaining to rape.
7. The relationship between the police and the public is, as a result of unpopular and discriminatory policies being created and enacted by both politicians and the DPP undermining and progressively destroying “the relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”
8. The progressive Common Purpose agenda, which Colonel Mustard has exhaustively analysed in these columns, clearly and destructively deviates from “…the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.”
9. In seeing rape where there is none due to acquittal by the courts the DPP is clearly offending “…the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.”
Yes, Gerard. You speak for every victim of the worst scourge to afflict the human race since it emerged with the snails from the cosmic swamp:
RobertRetried (15:35)
Oh ‘arry boy! What have you bin ‘n gone an’ done?
Only half of ‘dangerous’ Islamists actually dangerous – German police
The German police is applying more sophisticated criteria to its assessment of what it calls Islamist “endangerers.” The new RADAR-iTE instrument is meant to help identify risks more accurately.
Only around half of the people currently identified as dangerous Islamists in Germany are actually dangerous, according to a new report by the German federal police (BKA).
The Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, along with public broadcasters NDR and WDR, reported on Monday that of the 720 Islamists in the country categorized as Gefährder (literally “endangerers”) by German domestic intelligence, half are not particularly dangerous, while the other half are, according to the newspaper, “highly dangerous.”
Simple then. Why cannot our authorities think like the far sighted Germans?
Now Navalny cannot run Sobchak, a journalist is giving Putin a run for his money.
“She questioned Putin in one of the liveliest moment of his annual press conference, which lasted around four hours.
“Unfortunately today this is the only way to ask you a question since you don’t take part in debates,” she told him.
“Are you against everyone here, or just against everyone?” Putin asked her, questioning why she did not have a “positive plan of action.”
“I’m for Russians and against the lack of handover of power,” Sobchak responded. “I’ve got a question about competitive elections.”
“I might have known,” Putin responded.
She asked if “the authorities fear honest competition.”
As a result, Russians “understand that being an opposition politician in Russia means you’ll either be killed, or you’ll be jailed,” she said.
“There undoubtedly should be competition and there will be competition,” Putin said of the polls. “The question is just about the degree of radicalisation.”
Frank P – 20:02
Given that it would be wise to only use verified information, I don’t know what the problem is. The rest would be classed as potentially useful, waiting for verification.
Says it all.
How the `Independent`was able to claim Remain now had a 11% lead ; exposed by Breitbart. Mainly by bullying those who did not vote and had no view of their own.
Robert Retyred (21:29)
Does’t help when he does a gig with the Kenyan Commie Pretender on Radio 4, does it? He’s dragging the Monarchy even farther left that it has already been coerced into going by successive progressive administrations of HMG.
All his light-heartd banter is dangerous. One would have thought that his stint as a squaddie would have wised him up, but his dick is ruling his head at the moment and his current squeeze has already made her leanings clear. If she’s not a Trojan Mare then my arse is a kipper. The Soho House mafia has driven a horse box right through the gates of KenPal. Buckhouse, WinCast and even Sandringham – ‘ere we come!
Surely Phil the Greek can see what’s coming down here? Have a word in the boy’s ear, guv’nor! Or is it too late?
On May 8th 1945, when a weary nation suffering from real austerity (ulike the current misuse of that word by overfed, dependent, idle bastards on the scrounge from enterprising taxpayers) was apprised by a radio bulletin of the allied victory over the axis: when as a teenager, I went into the street outside my birthplace and told a passing squaddie, hitch-hiking in full FSMO back to his barracks, what I had just heard – and witnessed the elation in that hero’s eyes; it never occurred to me on that day, midst the out-pouring of relief and rejoicing, that I would live to see the day when I would witness my country being poured down the shitter by our own government, comprised largely of sexual perverts and other diverse cowards, as a gathering of the the resurgent conquered – and ungrateful liberated – circled the basin and pissed on us in concert as the vortex gurgled en route to Barking Creek. After which a bevy of vociferous vaginas would complain bitterly because a handful of patriots wrote (or ‘tweeted’) to them accusing them of treason, suggesting they should be hung for their treachery – and the poisonous dwarf aka “Big John” aka HM Speaker of The House, rubbed the ‘abused MPs’ down with a copy of the Sporting Llife, assuring them that they were following the democratic procedures of Parliament.
But I have!
Frank P – 14:09
My mistake – I was responding to a different question.
Maybe that is why the Cambridges are expecting a third child.
Where is Baron?
I need his take on Sobchak.
See 2023 18 December.
Hardly a day passes without news of another middle-aged or even elderly man’s career being suddenly ruined by “news” of some sexual misconduct alleged to have happened several decades ago.
It would, I suggest, be convenient to have an acronym for the accusers.
How about DREGS? Disgruntled Revengeful Ex Girlfriends?
The English Defence League along with the two leaders of Britain First have been banned from `Twitter`.
Excellent Herbert! Wonderful addition to the CHW LEXICON.
DREGS! Exactly.
Oh the curse of predictive text.
Fred received the following text from his long time friend and neighbour, Alan.
“Hi, Fred, this is Alan next door. I have a confession to make. I have been riddled with guilt these past few months and have been trying to get up the courage to tell you face-to-face, but I am at least telling you in text as I cannot live with myself a moment longer without you knowing.The truth is I have been sharing your wife, day and night when you’re not around. In fact, probably more than you.I haven’t been getting it at home recently, but I know that’s no excuse. The temptation was just too great. I can no longer live with the guilt and hope that you will accept my sincerest apologies, and forgive me. It won’t happen again. Please suggest a fee for usage, and I’ll pay you.
Regards, Alan.”
Fred felt so angered and betrayed that he grabbed his gun, ran next door…….and shot his neighbour dead.
He returned home, poured himself a stiff drink and sat down on the sofa.
He took out his phone where he saw a second message from his neighbour, Alan:-
“Hi, Fred, this is Alan next door, again. Sorry about the typo on my last text.
I expect that you figured it out anyway, and noticed that darned Auto-Correct changed “wi-fi” to “wife.” That’s today’s technology for you, hey!
Regards, Alan”
Noa (18:46)
Bwaaahahaha! Nice one. I needed a chuckle and that one was right up my street. Are you the author? Kudos if so. If not pass on my thanks to whomever.
Noa @ December 19th, 2017 – 18:46
That’s the gun crazy Americans for you, Noa, the lot of them, thanks God we live in a country where nobody (certainly not ordinary people communicating through emails) but only the criminals have guns.
Radford NG @ December 19th, 2017 – 17:28
A promising start then, Radford, how long will it take them to get to us?
The charming Anna Soubry’s amongst the most vocal calling for banishment, she was on the box pleading for offenders to be kicked out of all platforms. She may have forgotten the time she called certain people racist only because they disagreed with her.
Herbert Thornton @ December 19th, 2017 – 17:21
A fitting label, Herbert. What would also help is a time limit for any accusation of sexual nature to be cleared.
Waiting decades defeats one’s memory, one says ‘sex’, the barbarian thinks ‘yup, remember it, vaguely, mind you’.
Marshal Roberts @ December 19th, 2017 – 17:19
Charming, Marshall, by far more sexy than Vlad (she appeared once in nude), articulate but, but, but.
Russia should return Crimea to Ukraine, the US and their friends should keep sanctions on her motherland, boost it if Vlad doesn’t clear off Eastern Ukraine, and yes to gay marriage.
You reckon she has a great chance to get the job then?
Frank P @ December 19th, 2017 – 14:09
Intellectually, Frank, a matching pair.
Thankfully, the British mesomorph will never be able to do as much damage as the American one did.
December 19th, 2017 – 21:17
‘You reckon she has a great chance to get the job then?’
Anyone but Putin
Herbert Thornton – 17:21
Noa – 18:46
Marshal Roberts @ December 18th, 2017 – 20:23
You take cue on Russia from the objective, well informed, never wrong BBC, don’t you, Marshall?
As even her arch rival Navalny pointed out ‘ if she says opposition politicians are either killed or in jail, why isn’t she?’ (The rumour has it Putin wants her to stand to further disintegrate the already fragmented Left).
Still, for whatever it may be worth, the danger to Putin will not come from the Left leaning crowd, but from the Right. The probability of Sobchak or any other progressive winning the presidency in Russia is akin to the Britain First getting the majority in the House here. The barbarian’s said it so often before his lips are chipped.
Amazingly, the Western MSM never mention the union of the openly old commies plus the re-painted old commies. If they do it is to say they always back Putin. This is only half of the truth. The Right loonies indeed back the permanent resident of the Kremlin, but they also say he doesn’t go far enough like taking over the whole of Ukraine. Most of the burghers of the Russia’s western neighbour would welcome it, the sanctions from the West would probably be the same as they’re today. More to the point, they, the Russia’s Right, are also saying that the end objective of the American policy is taking over Russia, its natural resources, its territory (that’s needed to incircle China).
The great Joseph sums it up nicely:
Baron December 19th, 2017 – 21:09
I’d like to see Soubry banished from the platform of trying to stop Brexit. Her gob is many times bigger than her brain and her antics are more divisive to the nation than anything Farage has ever said or done. She and the other “Sabotaging Eleven” who by their actions have gravely damaged their own country in its negotiations with the EU, should probably keep very quiet in the shame of their dastardly deed, like Profumo, who was guilty of far less. But so far has the notion of integrity fallen, or been dragged, that we must see these perfidious viragos and their dissembling co-conspirators huff and puff their treachery in our nation’s Parliament.
Her views on immigration, which amount to simplistic and predictable platitudes contrived to conceal a great crime perpetrated on the English people without their consent, are probably to be expected from the member of a party which promised to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands 7 years ago, lied, and has instead presided over the same, uncontrolled, mass influx of hundreds of thousands year after year which began 10 years before that with New Labour’s plot to “rub the right’s nose in diversity”.
In the light of that, her accusing people she doesn’t know, whose minds she can’t read, of being racist for their concerns, precisely amounts to adding insult to injury.
Is there no end to the Russian meddling? literacy rates
Scots, Welsh and Irish people espousing a national identity in their own homeland – ok.
English people attempting to preserve their national identity in their own homeland – racist.
English people are not even allowed to be English on their bloody government forms. This, apparently, in an age of hair trigger offence taking, is not offensive.
We the English must not be angry about this, but if we are and dare to say so, further offensive insults come our way.
The guy has a point, one has to be more careful talking, even more careful judging what one hears.
Colonel Mustard @ December 19th, 2017 – 22:01
Agreed, Colonel.
Th egreat Joseph makes a very valid point (in the clip at 22:00).
The people decided to leave the bureaucratic set-up, entrusted the Government to deliver on the decision, but not the MPs. The House wasn’t involved in the pre-referendum process at all except for voting for it. If, after the deal (if any) is signed, the House votes, says ‘no’ to it, that’s totally undemocratic.
The only judgement on the Government-negotiated deal should be by the same people who took part in the referendum, the country as a whole, and it will happen – in the election. If the people are not happy, the Tories will feel it, they’ll be out in the cold, licking their wounds.
By all means, let the House be consulted as we move along negotiating. But why should the MPs be ones to either accept or bury the final parchment? It’s an issue of such significance that it should be only the people initiating the divorce who should pass the judgment on the outcome, no?
This comes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses (penned before AD), it fits as well today as it must have done when he wrote it. It seems the human lot cannot improve much even in 80 generations or so.
“The final age was of iron (that’s from the Greeks till now);
the floodgates opened and all the forces of evil invaded
a breed of inferior mettle. Loyalty, truth and conscience
went into exile, their throne usurped by guile
and deception,
treacherous plots, brute force and a criminal lust for
Quentin Letts has a piece in the latest Spectator, it’s a double column job, old establishment on the left, new on the right e.g.
Order of the Garter BBC Sports Personality of the Year
Parliament’s Woolsack The Supreme Court
The Borgias Sir Nicholas Serota and friends
William Rees-Mogg Owen Jones
Jacob Bronowski Simon Cowell
Shirley Williams Lily Allen
Toad in the hole Sushi
The Dimblebys The Dimblebys
Church Times The Economist
Joyce Grenfell Nick Clegg
That’s only a small selection of it, but we could improve on it (if we had the imagination) and have a third column on some of the entries that ask for it – ‘the establishment of the future’ e.g.
Parliament’s Woolsack The Supreme Court Mob lynching
Toad in the hole Sushi Roasted cockroaches
Church Times The Economist Renmin Ribao
(OK, Baron will get his coat).
As I said on a previous occasion we will see the second coming before we see brexit and we are cruising towards a re-run of 1848. Nice to read your snippet of Ovid, we can always rely on you to add a bit of class to the wall. As for regarding what one says, well I say exactly what I think and I do not give a bugger who I offend. That’s all for now folks, I will be back tomorrow with a bloody good moan concerning the financial incontinence of our ruling elite as seen from the perspective of the people’s republic of Tower Hamlets.
Steyn on blistering form:
Baron December 19th, 2017 – 22:37
They are tricky little blighters, Baron. They have seized on the ultimate sovereignty of Parliament, aspired to by the Leave campaign, as a justification for thrusting spanners into the Brexit machinery.
“You wanted the sovereignty of Parliament?” they declaim slyly, “Very well, then you can’t complain when the sovereignty of Parliament stops Brexit and surrenders its own sovereignty back to the EU”
And as many others have already noted, where was this dogged defence of the sovereignty of Parliament when the laws, regulations and red tape of the EU were being enthusiastically rubber stamped day in day out by a succession of governments?
Here is Harold Wilson’s pamphlet to the people for the 1975 Referendum, some of which makes interesting reading in hindsight:-
Wilson’s promise as to the sovereignty of Parliament and the veto proved hollow. In most areas of policy within the EU, covering as much as 80% of EU law, the UK no longer has a veto on EU decisions, courtesy of John Major and Gordon Brown. So no surprise that two men so willing to surrender the sovereignty of Parliament should be in the forefront of quisling propaganda for the EU.
Appropriate numeration for the above post.
And it is appropriate to see the aims of the EU set out by that giant Harold Wilson.
To help maintain peace and freedom
To help the poorest regions of Europe and the rest of the world
To raise living standards and improve working conditions
To bring the peoples of Europe together
How can we turn our backs on all that
Who ever you are 10-09
A vast amount of people in this country have a job to pay their own bills without having to worry about looking after the rest of the world.
The EU has not helped the poorest regions of Europe. Rather the opposite. The EU has not raised living standards because the free movement of cheap labour reduces wages, undermines societal cohesion, lowers the quality of life and leads to the rise of extremism.
Peace and freedom have not been maintained by the EU. Rampant imported terrorism and the oppressive legislation it is used as an excuse for do not bring peace and freedom. The policies and interference of the EU have led to actual conflict and their attempts to coerce their agenda have resulted in the erosion of freedoms once enjoyed.
And while we are at at it. Stop lurking. Stop stalking. Stop trying to persuade people to breach the Data Protection Act. Stop pretending to be someone you are not. Stop blathering your tedious, sanctimonious cod communist-methodist-socialist sloganist twaddle and jog on. Go and design fatuous slogan posters for some ghastly communist state somewhere and look up the difference between intention and consequence. People here will NEVER swallow your tripe. Deal with it (as your alter ego girrrrrrrlpower might write).
Harold Wilson
And a Murraymint after your Steyn.
Picked up on Frank P’s Steyn link.
“England is the country of the English… England is the stage on which the drama of English history was played and the setting within which the English became conscious of themselves as a people … when politicians and preachers attempt to frighten and cajole the English into pretending away the distinction between themselves and people of other nations and other origins, they are engaged in undermining the foundation upon which democratic government by consent and peaceable civilised society in this country are supported … those who at the end of the twentieth century wish to keep alive that consciousness of being English, which seemed so effortless and uncontroversial to our forefathers, will discover that they are called upon, if they take their purpose seriously, to confront the most arrogant and imposing prejudices of their time.”
Enoch Powell 1988
And British governments have welcomed those to live in England who like to deny that England and the English exist, who describe us as a “nation of immigrants” or a “mongrel nation” in order to justify further plundering of our cultural identity.
Noa (11:45 & 12:50)
Both seminal essays, thank you – they will travel. The Solway piece has echoes of the plaintive prognostications of the Northern teacher sacked for his article a few years back telling home truths about racial issues in his school – who died recently and whose destruction by the race relations industry became a cause celebre.
[Ashamedly I’m having a senior moment and his name has been buried in the sump that was once my memory bank. Tried to google it with the usual triggers, but a mountain of bollocks appears from the usual suspects – his existence appears to have been erased; help me somebody, I am bereft. No-one, particularly me, should forget his name, which should be emblazoned in the annals of historical injustice].
Colonel Mustard
Some great work from you today. Thank you.
Frank P
This’ll be the chap. Lest we forget, as opposed suffering to a momentary lapse..
And for those who prefer suck their humbugs whilst considering another, darker, Christmas.
A rotting potato goes into Tele-Lindsay’s wooden shoe tonight!
Frank P December 20th, 2017 – 15:11
Thank YOU. Btw tomorrow on Freeview Channel 81 is showing a 1947 documentary on the London sights which might interest you. That channel, “Talking Pictures TV”, broadcasts nothing but archive films and documentaries from the 1930s onwards, many of which show England as it once was, populated by English people, including many rare gems and classics which will never be seen on the BBC. Some of the older films – like “Nine Men” (1943) – were completely unknown to me. A bit cheesy but with marvellous depiction of the Lee Enfield in “rapid fire”.
I believe Ray Honeyford is the head teacher and English martyr you refer to?
Sorry, Noa has already mentioned him!
Noa and Colonel M
Yes Indeed! RAY HONEYFORD. Thanks for the heads up. The affliction is becoming worse.! Not bene, fellow Englishmen. A leading light in the CHW Hall of Fame and his moniker slipped my fading memory. I remain abashed, but glad to have had the opportunity to provoke a rerun of his prescient essay. Thanks again Noa, Colonel and Roger Scruton of course.
Nota bene. Fucking interfering predictive text. I’ll get me gun! 🙂
Things in this country are rapidly progressing from the absurd to the preposterous. Broadcasting on the London news tonight a teenage girl leading a protest to downing Street demanding free sanitary products for young women, it’s their yuman rights innit.. What about my yuman rights? I want a free supply of bog paper. I am entitled to have the state to provide me withe a few rolls of andrex. I mean this, I am not arsing about here.
Just to add that Channel 81 was not available on Freeview in East Anglia but it is now.
I have just watched PMQ’s on iPlayer.
The shabby sunken figure of Corbyn is a national disgrace.
Theresa the appeaser looks a figure of stature in comparison.
Democratic EU applies article 7 to autocratic Poland
“Judicial reforms in Poland mean that the country’s judiciary is now under the political control of the ruling majority. In the absence of judicial independence, serious questions are raised about the effective application of EU law,” the Commission added.
Timmermans accused Warsaw of ignoring EU executive warnings that its judicial measures were undermining rule of law
Thirteen red flags
Announcing the decision to launch the censure process against Poland, Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans said that the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) had adopted 13 laws in the last two years that created a situation where the state “can systematically interfere with the composition, powers, the administration and the functioning” of the judiciary.
One of the most worrying reforms in Poland, the Commission said, was the government’s move to grant the president greater powers to appoint judges to the Supreme Court, whose duties include confirming election results.
Timmermans also accused Warsaw of ignoring three warnings by the EU executive that its judicial measures were undermining the rule of law. “At the end of the day it is only the law that can protect us against naked political power, at the end of the day it is the law that keeps the European Union together,” he said.
Pot calling kettle?
Stop press.
Turn off the porn.
Or suffer the fate of Damian.
He looked relaxed next to May at PMQ’s.
I hope Maltby feels good.
What we have seen recently is the law used to impose naked political power. When a government decides that offending someone is a potential criminal offence and then rigs enforcement through selective criteria based on the political views of minority identity groups then that government becomes oppressive.
In 2013 Mrs May, then Home Secretary told MPs:
“I respect the review taken by their Lordships. They had concerns which I know are shared by some in this House that Section 5 encroaches upon freedom of expression.
On the other hand, the view expressed by many in the police is that Section 5 including the word insulting is a valuable tool in helping them keep the peace and maintain public order. Now there’s always a careful balance to be struck between protecting our proud tradition of free speech and taking action against those who cause widespread offence with their actions.”
There, right there, was the cut of HER jib. And of course the Repeal of Section 5 was smoke and mirrors as confirmed by the then DPP and current Labour party MP Starmer:-
“We are unable to identify a case in which the alleged behaviour leading to conviction could not properly be characterised as ‘abusive’ as well as ‘insulting’. I therefore agree that the word ‘insulting’ could safely be removed without the risk of undermining the ability of the CPS to bring prosecutions.”
Weasel words from that “impartial” and “non-partisan” partisan civil servant in Labour’s pocket, then and now.
“I deeply regret the distress caused to Kate Maltby following her article about me and the reaction to it. I did not recognise the events she described in her article, but I clearly made her feel uncomfortable and for this I apologise.”
For goodness sake.
Colonel Mustard @ December 20th, 2017 – 16:33
The TPTV has been one of Baron’s favourite for some time, Colonel, the fifteen minutes slots about old England aren’t totally informative, the scripts were different then, but even the amateurish ‘glimpses’ reveal a country one wished still existed.
Some of the older films the channel runs have actors Baron knows from their more mature days later in their career, performances are sometimes woody, acting was, well, acting, none of the brutal realism of today, but it’s the the background that’s revealing, a country that’s no more.
Marshal Roberts (20:33).
Albert Steptoe, late of Shepherd’s Bush Scrap Yard.. Destined for Downing Street.
Noa @ December 20th, 2017 – 15:18
Ray Honeyford (and Roger Scruton) are living examples of what happens to one who’s right, but paddling against the enforced dogma of the anointed, Noa. It seems we live in a society that rewards only those meekly submit to the fleeting orthodoxy of the day, and not just in education or philosophy.
Colonel Mustard @ December 20th, 2017 – 14:53
A timely quote, Colonel, and fitting commentary by you, but can anyone ever erase fully and irrevocably the past of a tribe, it’s heathy core in particular, whose past paved way for others?
Noa @ December 20th, 2017 – 13:10
Baron reckons, Noa, that the sorry state of educational attainment of the contemporary American youth engendered by political correctness, racial equality quotas for admission to top universities, the suppression of ideas that don’t fit the progressive orthodoxy is one of the reasons the Republic is losing its hegemonic position in the world.
David Lindsay @ December 20th, 2017 – 10:09
If one looks across Europe today, David – Poland, Hungary, Catalonia, Brexit, Austria, Sweden …… what does one see? An abysmal failure on every one of the aims by the ‘giant’ Wilson.
Col. Mustard (16:33)
Noted – thanks. I’ll be there.
Colonel Mustard @ December 20th, 2017 – 09:46
Excellent point, Colonel, the one about sovereignty, the hypocritical treatment of it by the remainers, but the irony of it seems lost on the eleven Judases.
We should seriously consider selecting those who end up governing us on the basis proposed by the good burghers of North Carolina – no lawyers, no preachers, no teachers (or the today’s equivalents of the last two).
stephen maybery @ December 20th, 2017 – 00:37
You should keep a diary of goings on in that little ROP kingdom you reside in, stephen. With your sharp eye, brilliant use of irony (you know where you’ve already made use of it), and plenty going on each day, it may be a winner.
Mistakes, what else, apologies.
It’s not racist to say that migration has fuelled the housing crisis
Noa, December 20th, 2017 – 15:33
No need to go to Iceland to experience the horror or “Magic” of Christmas!
This, in your backyard!
Baron December 20th, 2017 – 23:11
I discovered it only recently, aware that it existed but previously unable to get it where I am. It’s brilliant but very distracting so I tend to record programmes to watch when I get time. I was ignorant that Bushey, Herts, of all places, had an active film studio in the 1940s and 50s to rival Ealing and much amused to see their actors “projecting” the corny scripts as if on the stage.
Baron, December 20th, 2017 – 23:58
Re: Apple’s not so helpful “Correct Spelling automatically feature”
I’ve never been plagued by this on either of the Macbooks I’ve owned but I know people, like you, who have.
Mac Apps such as “Mail” and “Safari” [and other browsers] have settings in their “Preferences” section where you can control this. I was helping a distressed friend last week who upon changing these settings [Mac OS High Sierra] found that the changes still had no effect.
I then discovered that the geniuses at Apple had hid the primary Global settings for this feature (which overrode what was set in the other Apps) within the Keyboard App.
So what you need to do:
Click the “Apple” Menu Icon [top lhs of screen]
Click “System Preferences”
Click the “Keyboard” App icon
Click the “Text” tab [these are the global settings for Max OS]
UnCheck/de-tick the “Correct Spelling automatically” Checkbox.
THEN Revisit the “Preferences” section of your Mail and Browser apps to configure the spelling and grammar settings you desire.
Hope that helps, it cured my friend’s problem.
There is “managed decline” and then there is what we have in this country – unmanaged decline combined with deliberate vandalism of anything that was worthwhile or sensible.
The increasingly visible cracks are hastily papered over with platitudes and delusional wishful thinking by the incompetent pygmies who rule over us. Prince Harry appears to be another emotionally incontinent SJW, probably encouraged by that sword dancing, wannabe arab of a father. The red aristocrats are always the worst.
We are being led down the garden path towards a Corbynite landslide by a worthy successor to Major and Cameron, the one who ushered in Blair and the other who couldn’t usher out Brown’s unelected secret army. Clueless doesn’t even begin to describe it. What kind of idiot attempts to run a government with the House of Lords bursting at the seams with opposition place men and women? With eleven traitors on board and a ship full of holes sinking fast.
Now would be a good time for an Austro-Hungarian army to invade and liberate us. Please.
EC @ December 21st, 2017 – 11:34
You’re very kind, EC (even for the season of good will – only joking), going into such detail. Baron followed your instructions on the ‘Apple’ menu to the full, it was easy, the little window ‘Correct Spelling Automatically’ wasn’t clicked i.e. it was empty already (Baron wasn’t aware of this facility, he may have visited it, but if he did he’s forgotten about it).
As an experiment, Baron clicked the window, i.e. ticked it off, went to Pages, then Safari, the automatic spelling correction facility was as on happily as when the little window ‘Correct Spelling Automatically’ is unclicked, i.e. it makes no difference whether it’s ‘checked’ or not.
Also, there was to the left a large window and an example in it that said onw will be changed to ‘On my way’. Baron played with it, typed ‘omw’ and it indeed changed to ‘On my way’, but when Baron retyped the ‘omw’ it automatically changed but to ‘now’.
Btw, you may have forgotten the barbarian has taken the gadget to an Apple store locally, the geniuses tinkered with it, couldn’t figure it either.
Baron also complained about the e-mail and filing systems, after several years using the gadget he still cannot fathom how specifically the latter one works, the colour flag cross filing confuses, often it’s impossible to find what one filed minutes before, absolute fugging idiocy, you give a nerd a chance and he completely fuggs up something that needed no correcting whatever.
Still, EC, what does Baron do visiting the ‘Preferences’ section of his browser, Mail? It’s more options there, Baron could;t find any that remotely offered the chance to mess up the auto spelling facility even more. He’s more than capable of it. Any help here?
(Out for until the late evening, EC, please be not surprised if no answer before then, jobs to do).
Baron – 12:54 & @11:34
Apologies, the Spelling & Grammar options for the Mail & Safari (etc) Apps are accessible from the drop down “Edit” menus within those Apps.
Never mind, at least cured someone’s problem this week. I’ve nevver bin trubbled by this issue as my cuntless e@oe(s) opheur der yeers will attess… 😉
BBC website:
“The man who deliberately drove a car into a crowd in Melbourne is a drug user with mental health issues but no known terrorism links, police say.
The car the 32-year-old was driving hit a number of pedestrians on Flinders Street, a busy junction in the centre of the city, said Victoria Police.
Fourteen people have been injured, with several in a critical condition.
A second man, 24, was arrested after being seen filming the incident. He had a bag of knives with him, police added. “It is now believed he had no links to the incident, however he is still assisting police with enquiries,” they said.”
YCMIU ! I await developments with interest.
Yeah, yeah, I was wandering ’round on Flinders Street with a bagful of knives, iPhone at the ready, only this September.
Move along now, nothing to see hear…
EC 14-59 .
Lone wolf today, got lots of mates tomorrow virtually all named Mohamed.
The mental health issues have to be taken seriously obviously, but may be linked to the fact his mother was a camel.
And the fact they are all stupid to begin with.
Why did god give oil to these useless fuckers.
EC 10.53 & 11.34
– I’ll ask the SinL, a PC at Morecambe whether these were 3 of the Icelandic ‘Yule Boys on a friendly visit!
Many thanks for the MacBook Pro tip. That may reduce the dents in the plaster.
So. Damien Greene has been given the boot for watching mucky videos on his computer, why the fuss? Westminster is full of wankers so I do not understand why Greene has been singled out for indulging himself. I just hope he will not go blind. His other great sin is that he has lied to MPs. What is so terrible about this? they spend their entire careers telling us porkies, it will do them good to receive a dose of their own medicine.
Nice one Stephen
Mark Steyn’s take on the Australian incident:
Mark Steyn, in full flow 🙂
stephen maybery @ December 21st, 2017 – 18:10
The guy is supposed to be a senior, well seasoned politician, an advisor to the young of the political phylum, stephen, instead it seems he’s just the opposite.
He lies about being told what the police found on one of his gadgets, he says it wasn’t him watching the sexy clips when he must know (or someone should have told him) that all searches are time stamped, it’s easy to find out who used the PC before the user clicked on a porn site, and the time that elapsed from the non-porn use. The police must have found a pattern, he was the one using the computer for whatever legitimate business he had, then switched to watching porn.
As you say, why not tell the truth? He had a job at the Home Office, could have said he was researching porn, its ill effects, how it evolves and stuff.
What worries the barbarian about the story is not the actual matter of porn watching, as you say others’re likely to be doing far worse things than that, but the immature handling of it by a man near the top of the tree of politics, a man entrusted to pass legislation on things that may have grave and lasting consequences for all of us. If he’s capable to fugg up a trivial matter, how can one trust him on the other stuff that matters?
As we have all said on this site at one time or another, the buggers could not run a whelk stall. They are totaly insulated from the patterns of life as lived by the rest of us and surrounded by acolytes who are all too eager to flatter the mediocraties attracted to life in politics.
Now, forget all that political crap, and Ovid come to that, Saturnalia is fast approaching so how about a few appropriate lines of Catullus to kick start the revelries.
Politics is a largely squalid world which attracts a largely squalid class of person. Anyone ‘eard of some geezer called lord Acton?
And we still don’t know the name of the driver in the last London incident do we.
Or did I miss it.
It is difficult to determine which is the more stupid: voting against the US in the UN vote, or this:
We could do with a Patriotic Conservative in No10. I remember when there were more than a few about, with a backbone!
Well worth reading.
Girrrrrrrrlpower! YCMIU.
Where was girrrrrrrrrrrrrrlpower at Alamein, Imphal or Normandy? Are we going to see same sex versions of Othello or Romeo And Julian, as well as Patrick Stewart taking the lead role in Cleopatra?
How much nicer it was when politicians were more concerned with people as a whole and not a pecking order of manufactured identity groups or manipulating culture to reinforce political messages.
stephen maybery
December 22nd, 2017 – 00:04
“…….. Saturnalia is fast approaching so how about a few appropriate lines of Catullus to kick start the revelries…”
hello, Stephen, here is one of my favourite love poems by Catullus…
So let’s live – really live! – for love and loving, honey!
Guff of the grumpy old harrumphers
– what’s it worth? Is it even worth a penny?
Suns go under and bubble bright as ever up but –
smothered, our little light,
the night’s one sudden plunge –
and oblivion forever.
Kiss me! Kiss me a thousand times! A hundred!
Now a thousand again! Another hundred!
Don’t stop yet. Add a thousand. And a hundred.
So. Then post, sitting pretty on our millions,
sums that none – we the least – make head or tail of.
Don’t let’s know, even us. Or evil eyes might glitter green,
over such a spell of kisses.
on the number of sweet kisses
you of me
and I of you, darling, have had
NB; I have read several translations of this poem, but this one, by John Frederick Nims, is my favourite.
Reading all the previous comments on life in “old England”, I have only two things to say;
Best thing about “old England”; the standard of education, which ensured that all children of moderate intelligence could leave school able to spell, punctuate, and add up.
Best thing about “new England”; the miracle of modern medicine, which obviously applies to all civilised countries, but is no less applicable, and has kept me, my husband, and many friends, alive long past our “sell-by” date.
Lesley C,
Thank you Lesley for one of my favorite quotations from the big C. You are a star. I to am past my sell by date, but i ain’t giving up yet. Nil desperandum and bugger the undertaker.
Is any Wallster willing to pay $100 for vaginal insanity?
More insanity:
December 23rd, 2017 – 10:13
Fracking? At that price the version spelled with a “u” instread of “ra” must have a wider market.
Although there must of course be something in it (pardon the expression) because in Iran very learned men indeed have discovered that the “u” version causes earthquakes.
And isn’t fracking somewhat similar to an earthquake? So (again pardon the expression) it all fits together, scientific, like, donitt?
Herbert Thornton – 16:57
There have been hundreds of thousands of fracked wells, many in Britain, without any problems. I know, in the US, there have been seismic incidents but they happened because the operators reinjected the excess fracking fluid back into the ground – which would be be illegal in Britain. British regulations are stricter than in the US and would be adapted if any problems arose. If seismic data showed that water resources would be polluted they would not drill. I cannot understand how the public are so misled by ignorant public figures. Caroline Lucas has a PhD, but it is in Elizabethan (the FIRST) Literature, and she doesn’t know squat!
Of course accidents happen, but they happen in every industry and appropriately skilled professionals keep them to a minimum.
The main danger is to the windmill industry – it isn’t credible – and the Green Blob are creating scary stories about things that are meticulously planned NOT to happen.
Who ‘d have thunk it ! The Goldman Sachs headquarters in Britain is in the Black Lubyanka . ( See LEAVE.UK photo below )
Well.that time of year has come again, so, to all the Wallsters, past and present a very merry Christmas. As for the new year, all I will say to that is Gawd ‘elp us. In a few hours my carer will arrive to fish me in and out of the bath, and suitably scrubbed I shall toddle of the the East London mosque for the carol service. Never let it be said that I do not possess a sense of humour.
You already up, so early in the morning on Christmas Eve, stephen?
Merry Christmas to you, too, and also to everyone else, those deserving or not, those helping others or just themselves, friends and foes alike.
“Merry Christmas… despite Brexit” [©️ BBC, Mail, Telegraph, Times etc. ]
I would imagine the sales of mistletoe well down this year
John birch. – 10:26
December 23rd, 2017 – 18:00
You’ve got me a bit worried – I hope you don’t think that I’m really against fracking!
Rail tour of Britain ( 14 days ) for only £45,000 per person.
David and team wish everyone a peace and a joy and a happiness for today and enjoin to all a sense of warmth and fulfilment and optimism for the coming year.
If you feel like getting your self-confidence up, test yourself.
To get less than 19 is near impossible, the barbarian reckons the prof who devised it says the best result amongst his pupils was 9 may not be telling the truth, he may quote the low figure to entice you try it, feel superior, exceptional, cut above the young.
You should find the time to at least scan the piece, somewhere near the middle you’ll find a reference to a local brewery as the best friend of the newcomers even though, as the article points out, they don’t drink alcohol.
The irony here cannot be bettered, people making beer are welcoming people who are against drinking, if the trend of de-popuation of drinkers continues, the followers of Allah take over, the brewing of beer will have to close.
At one level, one cannot but feel sympathy for the new breed of arrivals, Baron was one of them 50 years ago except that he got a job (soon after three jobs) to support himself (he spoke passable English, as he still does). One gets the impression from the narrative that not many of the new settlers do, the barber may be an exception, hence cannot have a job. Pity the Guardian writer who penned it didn’t touch on the subject of cost at all.
Mentioning money may seem mean, but it cannot be avoided, we are short of it when it comes to virtually everything one cares to mention – the Armed Forces, care of the elderly, the A&E of the NHS, the whole of the NHS ….
Someone should wake up Peter, ask him politely to turn the knob, or whatever he has to do to get a new week started.
When future historians analyse the past (if there’s a past to be discovered and dissected), come across this powerful blog attracting millions, reaching beyond earth into the wider universe, read by top politicians of Left and Right, they will puzzle why the man who owned it hibernated.
Christmas or no you won’t find me venturing out into no man’s land to embrace the enemy with festive hypocrisy.
That a self-appointed “team” of left wing trolls should be permitted to mark their territory here (of all places) as part of an orchestrated campaign to harass and disrupt any website deemed to be right wing, that a particularly obnoxious irritant should be made welcome to intrude with his silly attempts at disguise to provoke and make mischief time and time again, despite periods of banishment, ultimately unsuccessful, is a meme for this whole sorry country. Don’t fight the left, don’t give it to them straight, but concede, appease, play fair (so that they can take you for fools), let them urinate on your lamp post, let them shove their foot in your door. The last place that the Cameronism of losing your friends to placate your enemies might be expected to be found is here. Even here, they are not sent packing but permitted to peddle their tripe.
Happy Christmas to all wallsters.
Herbert Thornton – Dec 24th, 22:08
No, but you’d got me a bit worried! :)D
On the first day of Christmas……..on the Bala Lake Railway .
I know it’s supposed to be about Trump, but it sounds more like it’s about Theresa May, Angela Merkel and that bl00dy woman in the far North and every regional political leader who thinks that international negotiations are within their remit, as is undermining the PM:
And I am looking forward to HRC, Nick Clegg, Gina Miller and all the unelected with an agenda in Brussels, the FBI and the DOJ being put on the Naughty Step, but I do expect to be disappointed 🙂
I forgot the biggest culprit of them all: David INTDWI Cameron! 🙂
“In September Mr Clegg suggested the question of Brexit should be put to the people again because Leave voters are dying off. ”
So give him a knighthood.
There are those who might feel an irony here.
And what about slippery Keith Vaz.
“A few weeks ago Guido asked what had happened to the Standards Commissioner’s investigation into Keith Vaz, which still hasn’t reported back after nearly a year and a half. Today the ongoing investigations list has been updated to reveal that the Vaz inquiry has been “suspended for medical reasons”. It’s certainly true that Vaz has gone missing in recent weeks – he didn’t vote between 18 October and 13 December and he’s only spoken in the Commons once in the last month. He did however manage a trip to the Middle East earlier this month and to vote on the EU withdrawal bill last week. Get well soon…
UPDATE: Tory MP Andrew Bridgen told Guido:
“It’s deeply disappointing but not surprising. If Vaz is not fit to be held to the standards expected of a parliamentarian then he’s not fit enough to be a parliamentarian and we should be expecting a by-election.”
UPDATE II: Guido is reminded that slippery Vaz also went ill around the time of 2001 election when previous serious allegations against him were made. He went to ground for several weeks and so avoided Michael Crick. It’s hard to doorstep a sick man…”
Marshal Roberts – 08:33
It was for helping Brexit win. 🙂
If the Infowars stuff on HRC/FBI/DOJ spreads to Obama, which looks quite likely to some extent, let’s hope all is revealed before next May:
Though a (political) bombshell at the beginning of May would be fun! 🙂
Is this the same Obama that told us to get to the end of the ‘queue’? 🙂
Colonel Mustard, December 25th, 2017 – 11:13
It appears that the skipper, or gatekeeper, of this site has abandoned ship.
A Christmas Tale
“It has been another great effort from everyone and I want to thank you for all your hard work and unstinting support in the run up to Christmas. Now that Christmas Day is upon us and we have successfully completed all our respective tasks and we have once again made so many children and their parents around the world very happy and contented we can all relax, enjoy our Christmas dinners, take a short break and enjoy the holiday, before we start again in the New Year.”
Looking up, over the top of his spectacles, Father Christmas finished his speech. He beamed as he looked down at all the smiling elves and cheerful dwarves and others who together made up the Christmas Team, before stepping down from the back of the sleigh. His crimson coat was dusty and heavy with the smell of coal, wood smoke and reindeer sweat. His boots mired in slush and sticky with mince and pastry, as a round of applause and clapping broke out around the Great Grotto.
Tor and Nils, the two head elves from the stable, moved forward from the crowd to take the lead reins from the reindeer team as he turned towards the Meeting Hall.
As always after Christmas night and even more so than previous years, he felt tired. Even though he never ceased to love the excitement and activity of Christmas. Perhaps it was a natural sense of anti-climax, a certain jadedness. He would rather have the Annual Review with the Board of Elders at some other time, but traditionally it was always held on the morning, after all the deliveries were completed and before the Christmas day celebrations got fully underway.
He changed in the anteroom, exchanging his coat and hatfor a green smokers jacket and matching tasselled cap. Entering the busy room he declined a small glass of Oloroso from a waiter. Over the years he had developed a profound distaste for sherry, but took a bite from a mince pie, (one had to keep up appearances) offered by a comely young elf in pink tights and moved towards his place at the Boardroom table. Bright eyed suited elves completed last minute preparations were erecting a large overhead projector screen opposite. They met in little huddles every morning, whispering together before dispersing like worker ants across the buildings and their Report and its recommendations would be the main subject of this morning’s Review.
The agenda at his place at the head of the table confirmed that the two main Items for discussion were “Christmas Present! (Yes Please!)” (the old jokes were the definitely the worst, he thought) and “Christmas Future?” with a question mark. As always when the time for action came He his sense of tiredness and unease vanished as he stood up at the head of the table, and tapping on it with a pointer called the meeting to order.
Christmas Present
“Good afternoon fellow Elders, senor Elves and Dwarves fellow shareholders and thank you for attending this our Annual Board meeting. As you are aware, following the Review before you this year’s meeting I’s particularly important. “But, please, make sure you have a glass of sherry and a mince pie back with you,” he said. as he smiled at the young fairy. Let young Bottom there know what and how many you want and he’ll arrange it all for you.
“And be careful on the drive home, don’t forget to keep a tight rein.”
As laughter echoed around the table it was time to bring them to order and move to business.
“Turning to the first agenda item. “Christmas Present”, I do not need to remind you all that recent years have seen significant external changes which have resulted in ever increasing pressure on our traditional Christmas practices and the ways in which we meet the demands placed upon us.
It is no secret that we have struggled to meet the various challenges that we have faced as we have sought nevertheless to maintain our traditions whilst adapting to the modern world.
In particular our people, the key to our success, have been subject to immense internal and external pressures.
The implementation of the Working Time Directives has meant that our traditional work force has been restricted in the hours we can legitimately ask them to work. As an ethical employer, we welcome these necessary protections for our people of course, but we have faced severe challenges as a result, as we have not been able to work all the hours necessary to meet peak seasonal demands. As you know, these demands have become ever greater since our eminent founder, Charles Dickens, laid the foundations of the modern Christmas we all recognise and love now.
The declining numbers of elves and dwarves who have been willing to work in traditional toy making, sleigh transport maintenance, reindeer husbandry and tree forestry has meant that we have had to recruit in new labour markets, particularly overseas. Diversity and equality legislation has required us to employ, integrate and train substantial numbers of unskilled and illiterate migrant Trolls and Goblins. They are unused to a modern work culture and have not adopted well to the work required
More positively some have been willing to work at night, especially the vampires, which has meant we have been able to meet, just, our increased production requirements.
But there have been difficulties in integrating them with the existing workforce. Old feuds and ill-feelings between the new Goblins and the Dwarves have frequently surfaced. There have been pitched battles with hammers and swords over the toy production lines. The fairies in particular have felt the workplace is no longer a safe environment. This has meant that to keep the peace and maintain production, we have had to segregate the workforce.
Other legislation has also affected us. Sleighs have had to be extensively retro-fitted with tachographs to ensure drivers comply with rest requirements, delaying tight delivery schedules, and stringent MOT requirements have substantially increased both our fleet maintenance costs and required us to replace them much more often.
The forest trolls have presented particular problems. Neighbourhood farms have complained that many of their billy goats have gone missing. We also suffered the unfortunate loss of an entire night shift of trolls, who were turned to stone after an elf foreman failed to get them back to their transient cave accommodation before dawn broke. Although he was fully exonerated from any wrong doing after a formal Elf and Safety Enquiry the incident nearly resulted in a general strike that was only resolved by extensive counselling and significant compensation payments to the tribal elders of the deceased, who were represented the notorious “no claim no fee’ lawyer Phil Shyster and Partners.
Our core child customer base has grown ever more demanding, and I am sorry to say they have also become ruder. As you know we sub-contracted our grotto operations some years ago to the reputable Santa Claus franchise, retaining the responsibility for providing suitable elves and fairies as their support staff. The fairies in particular, as they have become increasingly militant, have taken objection to the fairophobic abuse they have suffered in the queues for Santa. Many Santa’s themselves complain about increasing demands for expensive presents like iPhones and laptops and insults. They now insist they are escorted at all time due to possible allegations of abuse.
The RSPCA has until recently always recognised that Prancer, Dancer, Dasher, Donner, Blitzen and the rest of our reindeer herds have been well cared for, now however they consider that our use of them is cruel and unusual punishment and we are required to phase them out entirely. As you know, and contrary to popular legend, Reindeer do not eat carrots and mince pies. They eat lichen, vast quantities of it, which has to be both expensively imported and the end product removed. The loss of our trolls has also consequently resulted in a serious problem in the stables.
Christmas Future.
Turning to our future, as Christmas changes so must we.
You will have noticed we have engaged consultants to help us address the changes we need to make to ensure the survival of Christmas for future generations.
And so, I turn to the matter of the Boxing Day sale.
I’m pleased to say that we have received several substantial offers for Christmas, but your Board were not looking only for a substantial return on the shareholders’ investment but an organisation which would not only preserve the spirit of Christmas but bring its own innovative vision to our venerable traditions.
We have closely evaluated the four major bids we received. All reached the target price but only one met and indeed our key criteria and requirements:
Germany’s industrial might and capabilities are renowned and they had made a very substantial proposal combining both the modern and traditional new. New robot and migrant rich factories would manufacture both traditional toys and modern before distribution by massive fleets of Mercedes vans, Siemen’s trains and Airbus planes, all interconnected and managed by their world beating business software. Their bid was a close contender, but ultimately, the runner-up
The Chinese had proposed a truly integrated production and logistics network based on low labour costs and a truly global integrated maritime and aviation logistics network. But ultimately, we felt that the Chinese Communist government, though it has happily embraced capitalism since the fall of Mao Tse Tong, did not truly represent the true spirit of Christmas as we go forward to the 21st century.
We also gave most serious consideration to the bid from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Although it incorporated many innovative features and offered a very good indeed the best price for the business, we felt that the transfer of the Business from Bethlehem to Mecca, and their logo replacing Father Christmas with the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him) riding a camel into Jerusalem created major business and cultural issues which struck, fatally, at the heart of our traditions of our existing customer base and would fail to be offset even by the Saudis’ projected expansion into the fast growing ‘Winterval’ world market.
We are delighted to announce that we were unanimous in our selection of the winning bid. It offered by far the best value and future business opportunities whilst promising to maintain the essence of our Christmas traditions. Not only do they offer the best present product identification and selection service but their transport and logistics facilities are the envy of their competitors. We were intrigued by their imaginative proposals to establish a future network of both pre and post-seasonal Gay, Black and Trans Santas, to exploit market opportunities in the government sponsored LGBT market and for Easter, mid-Summer and Winter solstice business opportunities through collaboration with Walmart, Aldi, Lidl and other international supermarket chains. In addressing distribution issues their plans to licence and build new fleets of the Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, otherwise know as drones. Using the latest Boogle mapping these will identify and target every house in the known world and be capable of accurately delivering presents down each and every chimney, or door and window. When not in use for Christmas deliveries they will be rented to the North Korean and Russian Defence Departments in an innovative, new approach.
I am delighted to tell you that the existing Christmas management team will be retained and integrated into the new owners. Whilst I will step down as Father Christmas I will take on the new role of Chief Operating Officer, Christmas Opportunities. The Board of Elders will similarly take on new roles as Finance, Production and Operations Directors.
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to give a hearty welcome to our new Santa Claus, Jeff Pesos who, through his great company Amarzon, is now the new owner of Christmas.
He will take us to new heights whilst maintaining our finest and best traditions!
As Dickens said, we may trust it will be said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed God bless Us, every One!
Germany getting the inevitable results of their actions:
“Russia’s Kremlin suggests Alexei Navalny’s calls to boycott election ‘are breaking the law’
The opposition leader has urged Russians to boycott the vote, saying “Putin is terribly scared.” The European Union have expressed serious doubts about Russia’s electoral system.”
Russia’s Kremlin suggests Alexei Navalny’s calls to boycott election ‘are breaking the law’
The opposition leader has urged Russians to boycott the vote, saying “Putin is terribly scared.” The European Union have expressed serious doubts about Russia’s electoral system.”
On the second day of Christmas……..the East Lancashire Railway.
Mark Steyn on excellent form…
John birch. – 10:26
“I would imagine the sales of mistletoe well down this year”
Long gone now, I also imagine, are the comparatively innocent days of “Vicars and Tarts fancy dress parties. Probably a self-selecting bunch but I remember the female attendees, far from feeling slighted, throwing themselves into to their role with great enthusiasm… 🙂
BTW. A pox on the Murdochs for closing down The News of the World!
Trains delayed . Horses on line near Wellingborough.
Radford NG @ December 27th, 2017 – 14:07
You are sure you’ve got it right, Radford? Is it horses on the line, or snowflakes? (Only joking).
Abandon Ship ! Britain and the EU .
EC @ December 27th, 2017 – 10:46
The great Mark comes up with the best prism through which to dissect events, EC, then forgets about it when a massive opportunity arises.
The Russian dossier charade takes so long because it’s the process that does the harm, the months of investigation allow the MSM poodles to keep rabbiting about any aspect of Russia’s involvement, real or fake, they can offer suggestions as to what it could have been the nettlesome Russians did, there’s no limit to what what they can come up with, and the public, true to the saying of the faker magnifico Geobbels, hear it 100 times, believe it when it’s said the 101st time.
If the Russians did indeed manage to swing the election their way, they should be applauded, thanked, asked to advise on how to avoid election interference, no? Also, as the great Mark says if they can get their candidate elected with hundred thousands bucks the Americans can save themselves billions following their recipe. Lunacy, the whole fugging exercise.
The racist trees video is superb, vintage Mark from top to bottom, the barbarian has given it wider circulation.
Radford NG @ December 27th, 2017 – 15:05
Ben, the guy who drew the cartoon, could have been more adventurous, Radford, shown the Mutti sinking. The old coalition partners may ask for her to step down from the number one slot as a condition for joining the new ‘old coalition’, or at least ask for the terms of reference of the job to be curtailed.
We shall see, they start talking soon.
Our good-looking son, though now no longer young, still attracts girls like flies to a honey pot.
He recounted to us this Christmas that while at work and chatting to a girl who worked in the same department, he remarked, quite innocently, that he didn’t often eat candies, but was especially fond black chocolate.
Oh my God. Accusations of causing her deep embarrassment, sexually harassing her in the workplace and racism too? She was, you see, black.
Not at all. She smiled broadly and immediately hugged him.
E C 11-01
Tarts and vicars. Dear oh dear.
Snowflakes would be fainting.
could anything else be an example of a different world.
Here’s a tragicomic dream that may come true.
The Hon Muslim gets invited to the wedding, the Donald doesn’t. Before the event, the former gets indicted for unlawfully letting the Clinton woman to bug the Trump’s presidential campaign, the latter instructs its Commerce Secretary to put Britain at the end of the queue for a trade deal.
The boy’s been ill…
A Special New Year’s Message From Paul Joseph Watson…
Get Well Soon, Paul
2050 New World Order?
Herbert Thornton @ December 28th, 2017 – 00:28
Laughter tTo the point of a belly ache, Herbert, a superb fine, will be used over and over again, thanks.
Worth a read, Baron, no?
“Russia’s presidential election: What you need to know
Vladimir Putin will win Russia’s 2018 presidential election, there’s no doubt about that. But the recently-kicked off campaign nonetheless has several points of interest. DW gives you an overview of the sideshows”
Putin would do better to protect his people.
“A homemade bomb blast at a supermarket in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg injured 10 people Wednesday, officials said, sparking a probe into attempted murder”
Nikki at her best:
Good size, but not complete:
There’s something to get your head around (as the bishop said to the actress) 🙂
The CofE’s own “Mad Mullen” sticks one on the scouser. Did the Bishop pinch his tyres?
It was a privilege to be lectured by preening, self-righteous, hereditary multi-millionaires on the BBC’s Today programme.
Do you think they are related?
Frank P – 10:03
Welcome back to…
To paraphrase Mr/Commander/Admiral Spock
“It’s immortality, Jim, but not as we know it.”
Thank God for the CofE, the gift that keeps on giving.
Noa – 15:08
…they both have “official” fathers who reportedly… well, er… aren’t!
Noa – 16:40
The adage, “there’s no fool like an old fool” reaffirmed.
btw “Geronimo” – sounds like a real sphincter buster. YCMIU !
The egos have landed.
Noa – 16-58
You could’ve warned us…
Baron , EC etc.
Our host is to be found at :
World Map 2050
A more sophisticated version – if it works –
Noa (15:08)
“Do you think they re related?”
Probably not, but ‘Enery’s future issue may carry similar DNA (supposing the Trojan Mare deigns to foal – and also supposing he doesn’t knock one out on the wrong side of the blanket with a BOS when he realises he’s been used ).
EC (16:38)
Yerrrs. My smart phone takes ten minutes to plough through the 788 comments after clicking into the “leave comment” tab.
Perhaps we should all move en bloc to another blog?
Brendon O’Neill from “Spiked” sorted Scarlett MccGwire on the BBC News Channel “Papers” slot tonight. qv if you can Google it up. She is the daughter of Mike MccGwire, a WWII spook from the same crew as George Blake (!!).
Worth scanning his pedigree because it shines light on the wheels within wheels of the Long March and its Common purpose contingent. She was Harriet Harpy’s media consultant and also involved in the “Baby P” hoo-hah. Marfy Cah!
Brendan not only sorted her, but kneecapped the Adonis rat, too. For once the Empire fought back.
Some fucking ‘meeja consultant’! She was like a squealing doe bunny caught in the headlights.
Great stuff Brendan! Don’t suppose you’ll be invited back, buddy. 🙂
Gear up for the 6th season of `Engrenages` ; BBC 4 at 9pm Saturday.
For those who haven’t seen it before it is a French-noir police series about the Police Judiciaire (who aren’t to be messed with) , the examining magistrates ,lawyers, and dubious superiors .
It is three years since the last series during which the jihad has broken out openly.If it doesn’t deal with it directly , it still `grasps the harsh reality`. Their former boss is now appointed to a police post in Seine-Saint-Denis [ and we all know about Seine-Saint-Denis ] and is working to ” empty an ocean of `merde`with a spoon “. -for-terrorists.html
Try again.
Ringo Starr, Nigel Clegg, Darcey Bussell.
What about Nigel?
Sorry, Nick Clegg – Freudian slip.
Radford NG, December 29th, 2017 – 20:04
“Baron , EC etc.
Our host is to be found at …”
Tried that last week, so if I may be allowed to respond in the theatrical vein of the season then…
Cue Peter
@Radford NG 30th, 05:57
“Engrenage” was a black, sticky lubricant, marketed by BP in the 1980s for use on wire ropes and open gears that were exposed to the weather.
BBC website: “Rick Stein, CBE for services to the economy”
Whose economy, exactly?
Last week, after watching a program via another provider, the TV inadvertently switched back on to the BBC and some Travelogue/Cookery program presented by Rick Stein. He was sat in the Cafe La Habana, Mexico City, waxing lyrical about the romance of sitting in the same seats once occupied by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, the revolutionary heroes of his youth, he said. Not a mention of the mass-murderous activities of either of his heroes. It was rather a disgusting spectacle to watch, as is much of the BBC’s output.
SIR (my arse!) Nick Clegg?
@EC 30th, 10:03
Try him at
Alternatively, it may work if you remove the periods.
EC December 30th, 2017 – 10:51
Corbyn will become Britain’s Castro if he ever manages to slither into No.10 on a slime carpet of votes from communist loonies and their strange bedfellows, assorted foreigners, useful idiots and foody twats like Rick Stein. The stubborn old tosser will not be winkled out so easily.
Still, maybe it will wake the dozy Tories up, they’ll fumigate their options and someone will suggest a “conservative coalition” instead of the stupidity of aiding and abetting their enemies. Or else they’ll double down and do a Prince Harry (Kari).
Marshal Roberts December 30th, 2017 – 08:54
Establishment Enemy No.1 because he won’t swallow their immigration BS. The Enoch Powell of this era. The Tories would rather employ a New Labour rat like Adonis than even acknowledge Farage.
Frank P December 30th, 2017 – 02:17
Wish I’d seen or heard that. Common Purpose needs a good dose of sunlight. Some proper investigative journalism. God knows there is enough of a trail of stinking slime around their activities.
Radio 3 seems to have been taken over by beatniks. Strident jazz with ghastly audiences of whooping lefties and experimental music of cats being strangled, old tin cans being bashed and ghastly audiences of whooping lefties. Currently trying to keep racial tensions going with guilt-ridden angst about slavery and a woman screeching and gargling to the accompaniment of someone who can’t play the trumpet and is making balloon noises.
All the ills of the modern world and the BBC is endlessly wringing its hands over transatlantic slavery more than 200 years ago.
This makes me think that my tongue-in-cheek 2050 characterisation of N.America as “”N.Anarchia” was underdone. It looks like it already merits being called N. Insania –
I recall that somebody – I think it was Evelyn Waugh – held the opinion that Evil and the Devil were not just imaginary, but a very real force. Is not this bit of news persuasive proof that he was right?
Theresa May faces new David Davis rift over claims Brexit won’t happen
Colonel Mustard, December 30th, 2017 – 21:19
I couldn’t come up the exact B O’N interview but I see that Frank P has supplied a substitute above.
However here for you delectation is Dr. David Starkey calling out Dimblebore, Shirley Williams, Harpie and the smug Victoria Coren for what they really are. As you will see from all the bluster and howls of protestation he got right under their skin!
“They don’t like it up ’em!”
Hestletines new year message that Corbyn is preferable to Brexit:
““Well, we have survived Labour governments before. Their damage tends to be short-term and capable of rectification. Brexit is not short-term and is not easily capable of rectification. There will be those who question whether the short-term pain justifies the avoidance of the long-term disaster.”
That from the man who destroyed our best leader since Churchill.
Colonel 23.22
I lost patience with Radio 3 when they had a Sunday Feature on John Cage a couple of years ago.
For example (my grandkids can better this):
Nigel on the Adonis letter:
“I’ll tell you about nationalism Lord Adonis. It’s an organisation that has a flag, an anthem, a police force, it wants an Army, a Navy and an Air Force in place by 2025.
“And worst of all, it’s expansionist. It wants to bring in more countries to the East.
“It’s already helped provoke a war with Russia.
“If you want to talk about nationalism, please come with me to Brussels and see them when they stand ramrod to attention to the European anthem. That’s nationalism.”
(listen to the accompanying soundtrack)
So why are we still up-putting with May?
Difficult to disagree.
Simon Heffer – JRM for Party Chairman.
Happy New -ear, everybody
Marshal Roberts December 31st, 2017 – 12:57
Adonis is a skunk amongst skunks. A ghastly. unelected gobshite from New Labour empowered by the Tories to slag them off. YCMIU.
Sick of these turds in suits running this country down on behalf of assorted foreigners, home and away.
On reflection this has been a year of infamy, most of it committed by our wretched, treasonous MPs and government, at the expense of those we expect to protect us.
I don’t expect it will improve after midnight.
This year we will take inspiration from Benjamin Franklin
“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every new year find you a better man.”
We are buoyant and filled with joyous anticipation and like Einstein will
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
Happy New Year Everybody.
Noa (1:51)
You are right – it didn’t! For those that are not too keen on negro music, it was a bleak transition – fireworks notwithstanding.
WTF happened to Andy Stewart and Kenneth McKellar?
Lang may yew’re lums reek, Wallsters. Let’s hope 2018 completes its full stint.
Btw – where did Jools round up that bunch of weirdos as guests for his ‘hootenanny’?
From the local ‘care in the community’ refuge? I know that ugliness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder; but it would require some serious opthalmological laser treatment to compensate for that lot! As for that wee prat, Jon Culshaw – well past his sell-by date. His ‘impression’ of the POTUS fell as flat as a cow pat. Even Holland cringed!
Found this on YT as I was seeking alternatives to the BBC ‘celebrations’.
LOB, no doubt, but as we suspected, the very existence of the Trojan Mare is the inroad for those who seek to destroy our Constitutional Monarchy, our culture and it traditions.
However he world’s best known disc jockey produced his usual seminal, definitive, timely and appropriate essay: 🙂
I love the man.
Happy new year.
From the internet :
The Polish government set up a `safe zone` to protect women at New Year celebrations. It’s called Poland .
I am reading, with great pleasure, A.N. Wilson’s THE ELIZABETHANS published in 2007. Part One Chapter 7 ‘A LIBRARY AT MORTLAKE’ treats of Copernicus and his turning upside down of beliefs held since Aristotle.
What would Copernicus say? After a gob-smacking 2017 this prepares the mind-set for 2018.
Happy New Year to the Coffee House Wall!
I see that the lamp post has dog pee on it again.
Gitmo flights for Cabal Crims & FOI request to be submitted 2017 12 31
Obama, HRC, Soros, Dick Cheney, George Bush et alios indicted
If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it.
Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Lewis, Jr., May 9, 1798
3rd president of US (1743 – 1826)
A republican government is slow to move, yet once in motion it’s momentum becomes irresistible.
Thomas Jefferson
Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
Thomas Jefferson
Christmas Day 1113 New Year’s Day 1250
“There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,’ returned the nephew. ‘Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round—apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that—as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!”
HSBC is currently running an advert stating that they hope to increase the bicycling population to two million within two years. WTF??
Are they running a financial institution or a spare parts bank for the NHS?
JHC! Imagine two million aggressive Lycra Louts weaving in and out of driverless cars?
What’s New Zealand like EC? Having watched Countryfile revisit yesterday after 15 years; old friends greeted them. Nothing much changed according to whassisname (the presenter/reporter) -a farmer himself. Not a mosque, nor a cyclist anywhere to be seen. Same land mass as UK. 4.5m population. Hmmnn …..
Fag end of existence in comparative paradise? Disperse my delusions, EC … or I may sell my adobi hacienda beside The Wash and buy two one-way tickets to the wee antipodes, predominance of Scots and the All Blacks with their Maori chant, nothwithstanding. What’s an earthquake now and then, in contrast to the constant tsunami of incoming shit here? Not to mention the buggered Brexit, Albert Steptoe in No.10 ere long, flanked by the beady-eyed Hamas associate in the Treasury and Flabbot in the Home Office.
Ring Quantas, love. Make some preliminary enquiries. Assuming they will transfer our pensions.
VEHICLES destroyed in multi-storey car park blaze
1,400 cars destroyed.
So being Liverpool that’s at least 10,000 insurance claims, god help the insurance companies.
“”The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars (€29 billion) in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!”
The Donald gets 2018 off to a good start.
Marshal Roberts 20-41
About time we started telling the truth.
17:30 Sanctimonious tripe from a stalker who continually deceives and deals in mischief.
“There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not washed from his filthiness.”
(Proverbs 30:12)
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”
(Matthew 6:1)
Scott Anthony: What The Media Has Not Told You About Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
So a plane which is not designed to land on water and has full engine failure is brought down onto the Hudson River and no one dies. (a miracle I know)
And a plane designed to land on water goes straight in and everybody dies.
I’m not suggesting anything other than it’s a bit bloody odd isn’t it.
John birch. January 2nd, 2018 – 08:18
In the first the plane was brought into a controlled water landing – “ditching” – by an experienced pilot. It landed level on the water and did not immediately sink. The seaplane appears to have stalled out of a tight right hand turn at low altitude and dived straight in. The Beaver’s floats project ahead of the nose and even if the plane hadn’t broken up on impact it might have somersaulted over and sank upside down. If anyone had survived the crash it would have been difficult for them to get out before drowning.
RAF/RN helicopter crews train regularly to egress from a cabin inverted under water and it isn’t easy. The civilian passengers, if alive, would have been in shock and totally disoriented with no experience of extracting themselves in those circumstances.
Storming Norman:
“…Lord Heseltine, who is now backing the neo-Marxist IRA sympathiser Mr Corbyn… argues that it would be such a disaster if this kingdom were to regain its independence from rule by the European Commissioners in Brussels that even a neo-Marxist government determined to follow the policies which have ruined Cuba and Venezuala [sic] would be a better alternative.”
“AfD politician ‘censored’ under new German hate speech law for anti-Muslim tweet
Beatrix von Storch, a leading figure in the Alternative for Germany party, is one of the first hit by new hate speech laws on social media. Critics say the legislation opens the way for censorship by internet companies.”
They are out to get us>
Is the (current) Pope a Catholic :). :
Marshal Roberts January 2nd, 2018 – 09:08
The latest German state interference in freedom is down to this rat, whose “Welby-ist” appearance will not surprise you:-
He is responsible for various other diabolical state intrusions which are listed in Wiki. No doubt the large number of ex-Stasi officials now working for the German government and EU have also facilitated these draconian abuses of power.
In 2015 “Reichscommissar” Maas procured the help of Netz Gegen Nazis, (Network Against Nazis or NAN) – for his internet crackdown. NAN was founded by and works in partnership with, the Amaedu Antonio Foundation, run by Anetta Kahane, who between 1974 and 1982 worked for the East German Stasi under the code name ‘Victoria’ and is another complete horror who should not have been allowed anywhere near the corridors of power:-
These people are authoritarian leftists, if not blatant communists, who disguise themselves under such nonsense as “centre-left” and who are politicising the law to support far left ideology of the Marcusean kind. Their aspiration is a single party state where all views that can be deemed “right wing” are oppressed or criminalised. This is a European wide plot by soviet-sponsored communists set adrift and “rehabilitated” into politics by stupid Western governments after the fall of the Berlin Wall. With these people empowered, whether elected or unelected, the freedom of all Europeans is in serious jeopardy, especially because genuine centre ground politicians are either buying into the crap or too cowardly to resist it.
I should have added that mainstream politicians and journalists dismissing this neo-communist conspiracy as “tin-foil hat” stuff plays right into their hands. The “It couldn’t happen here” complacency lets it thrive unhindered. It needs to be exposed, confronted and disempowered.
They need to remind themselves of all the British traitors in the past who beavered away, unsuspected, on behalf of the Soviet Union, pretending to be part of the “respectable establishment” whilst subverting and betraying it. The fifth column never went away when the Wall fell, they just re-invented themselves and found that the corridors of power were less closely guarded and accessible to them.
The great hysteria about the “far-right” and Nazis is shining the spotlight the wrong way and an absolute gift for the real fascists in our midst.
Good News:
Try not to cynically laugh when you read this and remember it is a serious issue And remember it’s only been going on for the last 20 years or maybe 30.France declares violence crackdown in ‘ghettoised’ suburbs
Mine : 30 Dec at 05-57.
`Engrenages` : episode 2 ( 02-45mins iplayer ).
Herville ( Station Commander ) : ” Here crime fighting means emptying an ocean of shit with a teaspoon. ”
Laure ( Captain,Police Judiciaire ) : ” You wanted Seine-Saint-Denis ; you got it. ”
Herville : ” The good thing is the bosses leave me alone , and no-ones after my job.”
Waiting for your review on the first two episodes of McMafia; so far I’ve only gleaned one useful piece of info – McDonalds is bigger than Burger King (hence the series title).
Wooden acting: the lead, is a ringer for Laurence Fox, (DS Hathaway in Lewis) whose talent obviously emanates from his Dad – the King of the forest of wooden actors. Two expressions:
comatose and wry.
Two French police kill themselves after record 66 suicides in 2017
Turkish Delight PIE 🙂 :
Oooopps. Bannon and Trump now in open warfare. TSHHTF Bigtime! Wonder which way thee base ill swing?
Frank P
January 3rd, 2018 – 19:52
Fake news, Frank.
Nothing here-
New Wall coming?
Sorry- must be true. It is in Speccie:
“‘Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.
Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look. Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. Yet Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years by Republicans. Steve doesn’t represent my base—he’s only in it for himself.
Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was. It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.
We have many great Republican members of Congress and candidates who are very supportive of the Make America Great Again agenda. Like me, they love the United States of America and are helping to finally take our country back and build it up, rather than simply seeking to burn it all down.’”
@John birch. 2nd, 08:18
“I’m not suggesting anything other than it’s a bit bloody odd isn’t it.”
I think the manner in which the plane enters the water may have a lot to do with it?
Robert Sheriffhales (08:55 et seq)
Most offended that you would assume that I would spread fake news; particularly as I spend the small wee hours live-streaming the skinny from America, so that I can update the CHW. Then you add insult to injury by believing it simply because the Specstatesman publishes it?? You certainly know how to hurt a counter-counter culture warrior!! 🙂
As for the event, because the author of the book who quoted Bannon,, Michael Wolff, is as flakey as Kelloggs, perhaps Don Trumpo should have given Bannon a chance to debunk it by denial. OTOH Wolff is cunning enough to have it on tape; if so, Trump would know that – and struck whilst the iron was hot. His tweet puts Bannon into context and demolishes his self-contructed image.
No one should underestimate Trump’s nous. He’s one shrewd cookie. He screwed the Mob on a few occasions and still lives. That is a good indicator. However – Hubris -Nemesis … the fable is inexorable and gets them all in the end. The other consideration – what is the hoo-hah distracting?
We shall see…
Robert Sheriffhales (08:55 et seq)
Most offended that you would assume that I would spread fake news; particularly as I spend the small wee hours live-streaming the skinny from America, so that I can update the CHW. Then you add insult to injury by believing it simply because the Specstatesman publishes it?? You certainly know how to hurt a counter-counter culture warrior!! 🙂
As for the event, because the author of the book who quoted Bannon,, Michael Wolff, is as flakey as Kelloggs, perhaps Don Trumpo should have given Bannon a chance to debunk it by denial. OTOH Wolff is cunning enough to have it on tape; if so, Trump would know that – and struck whilst the iron was hot. His tweet puts Bannon into context and demolishes his self-contructed image.
No one should underestimate Trump’s nous. He’s one shrewd cookie. He screwed the Mob on a few occasions and still lives. That is a good indicator. However – Hubris -Nemesis … the fable is inexorable and gets them all in the end. The other consideration – what is the hoo-hah distracting?
We shall see…
Whoops! A hiccough…. sorry, didn’t think the software permitted that to happen?
Frank P 1218
Sorry- Bannon will lose here.
Robert Sheriffhales, January 4th, 2018 – 08:55
“New Wall coming?”
Trump stands a good chance of getting his wall built first.
BWAAAAA……. hahaha
“Former Prime Minister Tony Blair dismissed claims he warned Jared Kushner that British intelligence may have spied on the Trump team as a “complete fabrication.”
Veteran journalist and author Michael Wolff in his explosive tell-all, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” alleged Blair shared the “juicy rumor” with President Trump’s son-in-law because he’d been “angling” to be Trump’s Middle East Envoy.
Blair amid the 2016 election suggested there was a chance “that the British had had the Trump campaign staff under surveillance, monitoring its phone calls and even possibly Trump himself,” according to Wolff.”
Now who is the biggest liar?
Robert 1254
“Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour would “annihilate” the Conservatives at the next election if it changed its position on Brexit, Tony Blair has predicted.”
“The intention is to encourage repeated attempts to arrest the former prime minister. We have four purposes:
– To remind people that justice has not yet been done.
– To show Mr Blair that, despite his requests for people to “move on” from Iraq, the mass murder he committed will not be forgotten.
– To put pressure on the authorities of the United Kingdom and the countries he travels through to prosecute him for a crime against peace, or to deliver him for prosecution to the International Criminal Court.
– To discourage other people from repeating his crime.”
“Germany’s Federal Court of Justice declares transgender woman legal father of child
The court ruled a transsexual who donated sperm before becoming a woman cannot be the child’s mother, a distinction only given to the person who gives birth. Gay and lesbian groups are calling for the law to be changed.
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice (BGH) upheld a lower court ruling in a case on the legal definition of who is a child’s mother or father.
The case involved a transgender woman who had frozen sperm before undergoing a male-to-female sex-change.
The plaintiff in the case was listed as a woman in a 2012 same-sex marriage who is now fighting for the right to be listed as the mother of the child born to her partner in that marriage.“
Breitbart breaks cover:
President Donald Trump is going to war against Michael Wolff’s book, sending a cease and desist letter to his publisher.
The letter demands that Wolff apologize to Donald Trump for “defamatory statements” and demanding that they not publish the book.
Trump’s lawyers also sent a cease and desist letter to his former aide Steve Bannon, complaining that he had breached his non-disclosure agreement.
The letter read:
On behalf of our clients, legal notice was issued today to Stephen K. Bannon, that his actions of communicating with author Michael Wolff regarding an upcoming book give rise to numerous legal claims including defamation by libel and slander, and breach of his written confidentiality and non-disparagement agreement with our clients. Legal action is imminent.
But according to Axios, Wolff spent a lot of time with Trump officials in and out of the West Wing, including with Bannon, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and his deputy Katie Walsh. The book was sanctioned by the White House, although Trump aides are blaming Bannon for enabling Wolff.
Wolff has dozens of hours of recorded conversations with Trump officials even though many of them thought they were off the record.”
And while we are on Breitbart:
“A study conducted by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs has found a direct correlation between the mass influx of migrants during the migrant crisis and the rising level of violent crime in Germany.
The criminologists behind the study looked at the period between 2014 and 2016 in the state of Lower Saxony and found that before the migrant crisis violent crime had only increased by 10.4 per cent compared to after the height of the crisis where the number had dramatically increased to 92.1 per cent, Die Welt reports.
Migrants have been shown to commit far more violent acts proportionally to their size of the population in Germany and according to the researchers, they accounted for suspects in one in every eight violent crime cases.”
These are the countries we want in our new diplomatic network:
“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland have predicted a “year of great battles” with the EU establishment at a summit in Budapest.
“We don’t want to live in an empire. For us, the European Union is still the alliance of free European nations”, declared the veteran Orbán, who has been in office since 2010.
“The EU’s immigration policy is not working. What is more, it is not only not working but it has failed spectacularly,” he said.
“It’s clear that European people don’t want immigration, while some European leaders are still enforcing the failed immigration policy.
“The Hungarian standpoint is that we have to protect the borders [and] migration must be stopped. We shouldn’t bring migrants here, but we should bring the help where it’s needed,” he added, referring to his country’s ‘Hungary Helps’ programme of works to help people in the countries migrants typically originate from, particularly Christian minorities.”
We live in an age of great madness where to challenge the sanity of the powerful is to be denounced as insane. The English dead would rise up in their millions if they could.
Colonel 1855
Beats winding up dead:
‘Follow the trail of dead Russians’, security expert tells intelligence hearing on Trump-Kremlin links’
Is everyone digesting the new UKIP leader’s new domestic arrangements, or are they not even bothering because they or the party are of no consequence, even though Brexit is still a nebulous entity?
His mother (and siblings) are not happy.
His new partner has an interesting political History, which won’t help, or maybe it will – it’s hard to know these days.
It really is. And I thought that UKIP were aiming for some solid, no nonsense, party building, with no surprises, to ensure a Clean Brexit, and even become a voice of reason and hope after Brexit. There is still a large space for one!
Given the timing that can be deduced from the information in the Press, it does appear that some information takes longer to travel than the rest.
Robert Retyred (00:03)
I warned you about the little twat the day he usuped the UKIP leadership. He’s a carpet bagger and apparently now something even more despicable. UKIP was dead in the water as soom as Farage abandoned it as Leader. The rotting fish of it corpse now beginning to reek.
Just watched that skinny arrogant pos Stepen Sackur haranguing the Dambuster hero George ‘Johnny’ Johnson on Hard Talk on the BBC 24 hour news channel; attempting to instill guilt in him and to make him apologise to the current generation of snowfakes for the ‘immoral’ actions of WWII Bomber Command in general and the dambuster raid in particular.
It was a digusting piece of agitprop TV journalism and had I been in the studio, old as I am, I would have appointed myself surrogate to the old hero and chinned Sackur on his behalf for the insults and effrontery of the questions.
As a result of a 200,000 petition;, Johnson, one of the last two surviving Dambusters, was awarded, in November last year, the MBE for his wartime service and his recent work of propagating the memory of the fallen members of Bomber Command.
The MBE, ffs! In the same month that it was decided that Ringo Starr and fucking Cleggover should receive Knighthoods.YCMIU!
There is something seriously in need of urgent attention in this country.
The BBC, the Honours System and the whole Palace of Westminster and its parasitical occupants delenda est.
I can only pray that the sales of Johnny Jonson’s book took off as some compensation for being subjected to this BBC abuse. The old bomber pilot held his own throughout the interview with the great foreberance and dignity that we have grown to expect from that irreplaceable generation. Sackur was left lookng like the cunt he so clearly is. So in that regard Mr Johnson performed yet another honorable and valuable service or his much depeted country. May he coninue to live in robust health to keep the home fires burning.
Apologies for the o & oe.Piss-poor eyesight and an increasingly insensitive virtual keyboard on my tablet now becoming real handicaps. But I had to do something to release the fury in my heart after what I just witnessed.
Frank P – 1:29
His win was a relative surprise, for me anyway, especially by such a large margin, IIRC.
Even though a similar event in a similar party might not have had such a large PR problem to deal with, the Party needed this news like a hole in the head. They don’t have the expertise, let alone the awareness to deal with it as we can see from recent events. And I don’t just mean Carswell.
As you say, rotting from the head, down, leaving some good, hard working local representatives in public office.
I have one thing to say about John Warboys.
This would not happen if Sydney Silverman had behaved.
“Perhaps the retributive philosophy of “an eye for an eye” precludes the taking of a life for a rape. The disproportion between rape and death, however, is by no means self-evident. And as the dissent in Coker explains, a punishment that is no more severe than the crime it punishes often has little power to deter the crime in question, because many criminals can count on avoiding apprehension. “For example,” argues the dissent, “hardly any thief would be deterred from stealing if the only punishment upon being caught were return of the money stolen.”
A thought re recent TV dramas :
In Paris the Police Judiciaire have changed a lot since the days of Inspector Maigret.
Anyone who thinks bombing the Germans was immoral should educate themselves about what happened to the badly injured Royal Engineers sappers captured in Norway after their gliders crashed.
Or listen to the Jewish woman who in hiding watched the RAF flares descend on Dresden and realised that they represented her liberation. She knew she had a chance of surviving the bombs but no chance on a cattle train to Auschwitz.
Some people need their moral compass adjusting with extreme prejudice, Sackur appears to be one of them.
No TV watching, newspaper reading, blogging for almost a fortnight, an absolute bliss, Baron can tell you.
Nothing changed here then, we seem to be closing on the 1,000th posting, Peter must have either emigrated or fallen asleep at least.
Here’s a piece of news that could turn Comey into a toast, or will it?
Baron (23:54)
Both sides in this war have big toasters. Problem is the mountains of bread available to the protagonists have clogged the toasters and blown the fuses.
We are experiencing the destruction of any remnants or indeed any semblance of functional criminal justice systems on both sides The Pond.
This simply can’t be coincidental: as we know, planned chaos is proceeding apace. What will replace Western Civilisation after its current descent into anarchy is as yet to be decided.
Your considered guess as to which totalitarian movement will prevail? Currently I can only address the interim stage and quote the famous expostulation filed in CHW Lexicon as the Mottram Mantra, which the New Year’s news has ratified beyond all doubt.
Welcome back m’Lord! Glad you enjoyed your sabbatical.
To amplify that theme a little before I turn in: when I was at the sharp end of the criminal justice system in the 1950s I was already aware of the worldwide leftist movement to overthrow the Judeo-Christian based order of the West and the sino-Soviet funded infiltration of Western Governments and other institutions including segments of the media industries.
But if anyone had tried to convince me then that by the second decade of the next millennium I would witness the damage to our nation, our culture, our heritage and our hopes that is now in rampant progress within the Western World I would have regarded them as deluded to the point of derangement; if they had described the current daily dysfunction of policing, the Courts, the legislature and the judiciary I would have scoffed and deemed it impossible. Those who augured our current descent into the abyss were ignored. They were right. We are all to blame for not doing more to ward off the baleful bastards who have engineered baneful and treacherous sabotage of our beloved Country. We have opened our gates to divers enemies who have routed us because of our our myopic stupidity, credulity and vulnerability to propaganda.
Is it too late to reverse the decline? Read the newspapers tomorrow, then scour the social media. Not a straw in the winter wind to indicate ca cause for optimism, sadly.
Not even the link injected above by Baron Pangloss of Bury St Edmunds, I fear. ‘Tis but another ploy in the long game of blackmail and leverage orchestrated by the shite-hawk shysters of the Washington Swamp and their political puppets. Any potential prosecutions of anyone by anyone have already been compromised beyond any prospect of success because of the manifest chicanery of all sections of law enforcement, the judiciary and multiple and warring intelligence agencies. Therein lies the planned chaos to which I earlier referred. 2018 will be a very weird year indeed.
Sleep tight.
Twelfth Night : 5th/6th January.
Epiphany : 6 January.
T.S.Eliot reads ” Journey of The Magi “.
“A picture is worth a thousand words” ….
Have you bought his birthday card yet?
It is Sir Nick Clegg’s birthday tomorrow.
He is only 51. Plenty of time for him to wreck something else.
Frank P @ January 6th, 2018 – 02:20
Eyeing the Republic’s political elites, Frank, the full spectrum of it, only one thing’s certain, all of them are loopy, irrevocably delusional, preposterous, in need of locking up in an institution, then throwing the key into the depth of the Atlantic. And who knows, the silencing of them may happen one day because if it doesn’t, the shite these fuggwits extrude will suffocate not just the unwashed of the Republic, but those of the world, too.
Not so sure about this little, rain sodden island going the same way south though, the Brexit rebellion may be the last act of defiance of a dying culture, it may also be a start, albeit a meekly one so far, of something that will shock the progressives, please those who believe historical past matters, a century nurtured culture can defeat any ideological aberration that feels good, but is inimical to real life, common sense prevails in the end.
The fully fledged Red Menace’s project to re-engineer the human soul failed spectacularly in the East, no single institution of the State, a voluntary organisation, or an individual felt strongly enough to defend it, keep it going (even though the communist parties in both the USSR and its vassal satellites got cleansed of any dissident thought after the invasion of Czechoslovakia). The construct collapsed almost overnight.
The pink version of a similar re-engineering project in the West continues, sadly, but cracks are beginning to appear, it’s not just Brexit, it’s Catalonia, it’s AfD, it’s the Visegrad countries standing firm on the issue of immigration, it’s the Poland’s Government two fingers to the Brussels gnomes ….
Anyone surveying these evolving fractures of today comparing with what was happening ten, twenty years ago cannot fail to feel pleased, encouraged, more hopeful. In fact, perversely, the more of the of the boils of any sort, judicial, political, diplomatic, pop up, the better for the collapse of the nightmare.
Give the barbarian from the East a chance, have patience, nothing has ever trended in the same direction forever, often it, the trend, reverses when nobody expects it. And when it does, stoppable it isn’t.
Herbert Thornton @ January 6th, 2018 – 08:40
True, Herbert, but the words are worth something, too, it’s the NY Times, the paper that has backed the ghastly pair.
Colonel Mustard @ January 5th, 2018 – 22:58
Seconded Colonel.
Another example of Nazi barbarity there exists closer to home, too, a major Luftwaffe raid took place on 8 December 1940 over London: German bombers dropped over 380 tons of high explosive bombs, at least 115,000 incendiaries killing 250 Londoners seriously injuring 600 more, destroying scores of properties, disrupting utilities.
The Germans had nobody but themselves to blame. Collective punishment is not something one would back in times of peace, but it was war, in war morality morphs into whatever it takes to beat the enemy, and rightly so because it’s an existential struggle, it’s either one or the other party to it that comes victorious, and there has never been a single reason justifying the Nazis to have come on top.
Radford NG @ January 6th, 2018 – 06:30
Thanks for posting it, Radford, one cannot but endorse the last line of it.
Listening to the poem, Baron discovered other narrators of the gem, had a test of a few, liked best the one read by Sir Alec, it’s his voice that cuts it.
In case you feel desperately down this may either floor you fully, or put a smile on your face. Some of them are genuinely witty, and well drawn, too:
It sounds rather un-British and mildly cringing to hear someone say of himself ‘I’m a genius’, but when one thinks about it, the man has a point (even if he says so himself), he made a pile of money in an industry that doesn’t allow fools to last long, then he followed it up getting himself elected to a top job in the world in spite of everyone in power, the Dems, the GOP, the MSM, the Academia, anyone fighting him fiercely, openly and often dirty. If that isn’t a result of a genius mind, what is?
Why is it some of us have the death wish? If we were to encourage more of it there would be no need for wars, and those refusing to indulge could have a laugh, permanently:
Baron January 6th, 2018 – 16:26
The current revisionism condemns the strategic bombing on both moral and military grounds, claiming that it served no purpose. That underestimates the effect on German infrastructure, industry, communications and the resultant diversion of huge military and aviation resources to defend against it. For example the dual purpose 88mm guns were far less in number at the fronts destroying Allied tanks because they were needed for anti-aircraft defence in Germany as well.
Historians like Max Hastings seem incapable of seeing the complexities and connections of the big picture and isolate the facts to fit their polemics. They tend to ignore inconvenient details like how the V1 and V2 threat might have developed had Peenemunde not been bombed. Dresden is characterised as that nice baroque city full of lovely buildings and innocent Germans making china ornaments and playing chamber music with the war so close to ending that it was unnecessary to bomb it.
There is an awful lot of such tripe on the internet about Dresden not being of any military significance. The whole of Nazi Germany was a war machine with a politicised infrastructure servicing not just their waging a war of aggression but hundreds of concentration camps throughout Europe, many of them extermination camps. And they kept up the fight using every trick in the book, supporting Hitler to the very end.
When the faint hearted began to question the bombing of German Cities Air Chief Marshal Arthur Harris gave a splendid riposte.
Harris responded by claiming that he had been instructed to win the war by “all means necessary” and that “barbarianism and savagery were a unfortunate consequence.” According to Harris “war is a complete breakdown on civilization so it shouldn’t have any form of ethics attached to it.”
The German Nation were bent on destroying the British Empire as well as any non Aryan people in Europe. You cannot tell me that ordinary Germans knew nothing about concentration camps and the progressive genocides. If we had not got to crush Germany so effectively by conventional means, I have no doubt that the first A bomb would have been dropped on a German city with blessing from all of us.
The Establishment then, as now is full of hypocrites.
A very politically correct reshuffle.
Having just listened to a heap of garbage on the Wolff book I was delighted to turn the page to the Great Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times.
“have a book coming out this month about Donald Trump, culled from hundreds of interviews with important people close to the US president. It will detonate within the political firmament like an enormous dirty bomb made of highly enriched plutonium and cobalt-60, and I thought I would share some of its revelations with you today.
I have been told, exclusively, by at least two sources, that Trump is “kind of nuts”. A third described him as “crazier than a shithouse rat”. I can also reveal he is sometimes “coarse-mannered” and prone to “childishness”. Crucially, I discovered that he has “strange, orange, hair” and is “not always entirely respectful towards women”. This stuff is going to blow the lid off his presidency, I’m telling you. And it will rank alongside my previous investigations into US presidents, such as my one about Nixon, in which an insider explosively revealed he could be “a little devious, on occasion”, and Lincoln, who “was quite keen on the theatre and black people”.
Happy Christmas, Peter.
They’re closing in!
That ghastly woman May seems to be going out of her way to alienate grass roots by walking the road of politically correct dishonesty, which most people outside the Westminster/London/Media bubble are already sick and tired of. For a bit of genuine diversity get some proper conservatives in your cabinet you stupid woman.
She is certainly heir to the ghastly Cameron, the blancmange who was heir to the ghastly Blair, a leftist wolf in sheep’s clothing. Crowned Queen of the Metropolitan Wets without an election to avoid the rebellious votes of the deplorables in the shires. After her cowardice over the fine English tradition of fox hunting I’ll have to get a bigger print of The Melton Breakfast to hang over the fireplace as a FU to all the Tory wets.
Parliament now appears to consist of New New Labour in government and Old Hard Labour in opposition. Trying times for conservatives and the English, now totally unrepresented in Parliament and with Mr Too Dodgy By Far leading UKIP (probably up the garden path). The rozzers are closing in on the far right for a bit of state perpetrated equivalence propaganda – but where, really, are there any far right terrorist “incidents” beyond the scheming manufacture of the “progressive left” twerps governing us?
Has the Tory “strategy” of trying to solicit left of centre and foreign voters achieved anything? Or are they still hated by the proper socialists anyway? Answers on a postcard. God help England and all who wail in her.
EC January 7th, 2018 – 10:31
Interesting that cats can now be “murdered”. I suppose it won’t be too long before people can marry them in church with the blessing of Justin Welby.
Colonel Mustard @ 10.34
In his Saturday DM column Peter Oborne speculated that Conservative party membership had dropped to 70,000.
I’m surprised it remains that high.
Marshal Roberts January 6th, 2018 – 19:46
Hasting’s criticism of the strategic bombing campaign is justifiably based on its military ineffectiveness, the waste of aircrew lives and the allocation of resources diverted into aviation production.
Hitler, an avid fan of the British Empire, espoused a foreign policy of avoiding war with Britain at almost costs.
Noa 1209
Hitler may have admired our aristocracy and Empire but the average German has a deep seated hatred of all things British, as can be seen by the reaction in the German Parliament and Media to our legitimate Brexit demands.
The Teutonic Knights are alive and well and continuing their quest for world domination.
Marshal Roberts 12.43
I’m not aware of or have experienced any deep seated hatred from the average German. The real politick of British – German relations is another matter.
It would be interesting to study the possible correlation between the effects of the strategic bombing campaign and the rise of German anti-British sentiment.
Noa January 7th, 2018 – 12:09
Hitler might have wanted to avoid war but was already at war with Britain when the RAF strategic bombing campaign began. And he would have invaded at the drop of a hat if he thought he could get away with it. The effect of that on the country has been greatly underestimated, even in “what if” studies.
On the Max Hastings view of the bomber campaign we will have to disagree. With the blitz against Britain in 1940/41 the British public would have been less than impressed by a war cabinet decision not to retaliate because to do so would be ineffective, wasteful of lives and divert resources. It would also have played into a German propaganda narrative that Britain was finished off. And in any case Britain’s commitment to nocturnal strategic bombing was developed pre-war and then evolved to such a fine art that by 1945 it was the most effective nocturnal destroyer of cities bar the atomic bomb. People tend to focus on deaths and morale but the disruptive impact on infrastructure was enormous.
D-Day would have been infinitely more dicey had the Germans not suffered from any nocturnal area bombing for four years when it was launched. Those, like Max Hastings, who think the campaign was ineffective are viewing it in isolation rather than in the context of the whole – and criticising in cool hindsight without the passion of being under Nazi bombs.
Hastings is also a Blairite “Tory” who voted Labour in 1997 in 2001 so I’ll take no lectures on Bomber Command from him, thanks! Xien loi!
This is a very interesting interview with “ZACK” , an anonymous figure in US military intelligence, on the THIRD hour of last Friday’s Alex Jones Show:
Noa January 7th, 2018 – 12:57
The Germanic tendency towards beastliness in war is not matched by the British despite various post-war attempts to establish equivalence. It is a simple and straightforward exercise to compare and contrast the British military government of occupied Germany with the German occupation of Europe. After 1945 Germany got off lightly, far more lightly than Britain, drained of its best, stabbed in the back over Suez and in debt to the USA until 2006.
This is a very interesting interview with “ZACK” , an anonymous figure in US military intelligence, on the THIRD hour of last Friday’s Alex Jones Show:
The 4th Hour has a different angle on Steve Bannon from Mike Cernovich, but the link above does not include Hour 4.
Noa 1257
As always Margaret’s analysis was correct.
“Margaret Thatcher’s relationship with German chancellor Helmut Kohl was so bad that the US feared she was preparing an entente cordiale with the Soviet Union to contain Germany, declassified files show. The revelations underline how the then prime minister struggled to come to terms with European politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall and how, in her last months in office, she suspected a unified Germany could dominate the continent. US diplomats were particularly alarmed by a phone call between Thatcher and President George H W Bush in February 1990, when she reportedly said the USSR was “an essential balance to German power”.
Colonel Mustard
Thank you for following through so comprehensively to my rant about Sackur’s interview with Johnny Johnson: most of us who lived through the thirties and the subsequent barbarity of WWII, (not to mention the despoilation of our childhood) not only desired but demanded that Germany be destroyed at any cost.
A visceral and justified hatred prevailed at the time. To hell with the revisionist historians, who pick the bones of dead heroes to earn a parasitical living and dare to insult those who risked their lives and survived. Disgusting ingrates all.
Frank P January 7th, 2018 – 14:28
Thanks. It is no burden to defend Bomber Command. There was once a smiling young man who never once thought his life would be wasted if he flew for his country against Nazi Germany with all his might and made the ultimate sacrifice. His photograph stands on the cabinet today and age does not weary him. He went out night after night in a draughty, cold aircraft to do his duty, which was far more onerous than writing books about why he need not have bothered.
I watched the film Dunkirk recently and was impressed that it managed to capture some of those contextual sentiments which you have articulated so well, without the usual nonsense of trying to put a modern PC spin on everything. The character played by Tom Hardy especially exemplified a spirit that is far more to be admired than the Max Hastings of this world who are so ready to belittle it. Hastings never had to face “the Hun” or the prospect of living under his jackboot which makes him supremely unqualified to pass judgement on how we chose to fight him.
Colonel Mustard (15:42)
God bless the subject of the photograph. He understood – and I’m sure his conscience was impervious to the stain that a succession of cowardly ideologues have attempted to tattoo upon it with the graffiti of their ludicrous scribblings and judgements. As for the scum that has subsequently risen to the surface of politics who try to suppress the current equally justified hatred against the rampant militant jihad of Islam and the tactics of taqiyya, by mean of luicrous legislation, viz. “hate crimes” – may their souls be committed to the eternal fires of hell. Of course, as I don’t believe in heaven or hell, except in the metaphorical sense, I fear that they will expire on a bed of self-satisfied complacency and the warm stench of righteous incontience, as their beneficiaries count their ill-gotten gains and attempt to maintain the scams into perpetuity. Loathsome, disgusing scoundrels!
Usual apol for o & oe. Virtual keyboad sticky as shit, probably not surprising, given the output of its current operator! 🙂
Colonel Mustard 15.42
“…There was once a smiling young man who never once thought his life would be wasted if he flew for his country against Nazi Germany with all his might and made the ultimate sacrifice. His photograph stands on the cabinet today and age does not weary him. He went out night after night in a draughty, cold aircraft to do his duty, which was far more onerous than writing books about why he need not have bothered…”
A similar photograph, of my uncle, hangs in my cousin’s home.
My mother was a victim of German bombing and I was witness to its lasting effects on her. Unlike Tom Hardy my father really was evacuated from Dunkirk, to subsequently endure surrender at Singapore and the life-long, traumatic after-effects of being a PoW in Keiko.
The disgusting behaviour of Sackur in his interviewing a courageous and dignified gentleman who deserved his respect, not his insinuations, does not prevent a right to assess objectively either the subsequent consequences of Britain’s declaration of war on Germany or its ability, or not, to conduct it effectively.
In this case the efficiency, effectiveness and achievements of a campaign that resulted in over 57,000 allied deaths and the loss of over 8,300 aircraft, premised upon a clear objective to attack the enemy’s military infrastructure and not the civilian population is under consideration.
Accurate, precision bombing was not possible before 1943, when the Battle of the Ruhr and Hamburg effectively disrupted German steel production, cutting ammunition manufacture and halting the previously rapid increase in Luftwaffe production.
However, area or saturation bombing, with consequent civilian losses, continued after the defeat of Germany was certain, and it is this aspect of the bombing campaign that will remain the most troubling and contentious.
Colonel Mustard
January 7th, 2018 – 13:29
That was my point. I’m simply not aware of or have ever personally experienced any significant anti-British sentiment in my dealings with Germans.
I would be interested to know if any empirical evidence of such sentiments exists.
Marshal Roberts
January 7th, 2018 – 13:57
Is there a specific reason why you think I would benefit from a subscription to the (pro -EU) Financial Times?
Or perhaps you meant The New European?
Noa January 7th, 2018 – 20:23
In the film Tom Hardy is not evacuated but stands defiantly by his burning Spitfire on the beach as German soldiers close in on him, having expended the last of his fuel in shooting down a Heinkel attacking the evacuation ships. A deliberate decision to continue to fight rather than returning home. That kind of stubborn defiance and determination once so characteristic of the British is sorely needed now.
Noa January 7th, 2018 – 20:35
Yes, I have encountered it in Sri Lanka of all places.
I see that Nanny May has been publicly spanking naughty Toby Young for not being a good little progressive. I don’t particularly like him or his Spectator column but the furore neatly obscures the fact that yet another left wing ideologue, Sir Michael Barber, has been appointed to head that quango by a supposedly “Conservative” government.
Secretary of State for Education Justine Greening confirms Sir Michael Barber as “the government’s preferred candidate” to become the Chair of the OfS. Read it (between the lines) and weep:-
Plenty of code in there to suggest that it will do freedom of speech no favours. The Common Purpose script will continue to be applied.
Barber worked in the education department of the National Union of Teachers. As a member of the Labour Party, he was elected to the council of the London Borough of Hackney, becoming chair of the education committee. In 1987 he contested the seat of Henley-on-Thames for Labour. He served as Chief Adviser to the Secretary of State for Education on School Standards during the first term of Blair, from 1997 to 2001. During Blair’s second term, from 2001 to 2005, he served as the Chief Adviser on Delivery, reporting directly to Blair.
A fit and proper person to head up an influential and empowered quango under a “Conservative” government? YCMIU. Far more dangerous to the country than Young’s old tweets.
“Students should be made to feel “uncomfortable”, the incoming chair of the Office for Students has said, as he insists that the new watchdog will not curtail free speech.
Sir Michael Barber, who will head the new higher education regulator, has warned that those who try to limit discussion and debate for fear of offending their peers are embarking on a “slippery slope”. He said that the OFS will adopt “the widest possible definition of freedom of speech: namely anything within the law”, and urged all universities to follow suit.”
Well, Sir Michael, the Blairite “law” is rather wide ranging and elastic in its curtailment of free speech. You either have free speech or you don’t. And Nanny May has done absolutely nothing to dismantle Blair’s “law” but instead has sponsored its reinforcement.
EC @ January 7th, 2018 – 10:31
Thanks for the warning, EC.
In one of the Sunday papers a heading: ‘The cat killing person may be a serial killer’, arghhh.
Colonel Mustard @ January 7th, 2018 – 13:22
Agreed, Colonel, Adolf and his crew expressed a certain admiration for you, i.e. the Brits, mostly because of your ability to put together and hold an Empire. That fake admiration did not prevent them from planning to kick you out of India if they were to break through the defensive lines down south in Caucasian Russia (that’s roughly speaking, but true).
Hastings is a wet, follows what’s in vogue, aims for a gong, Baron reckons.
Malfleur @ January 7th, 2018 – 13:26
Impossible to figure what the guy says, Malfleur, not only because Alex keeps interrupting.
Colonel Mustard @ January 7th, 2018 – 15:42
Well done, Colonel, both then and now. This posting of yours also explains why you feel so aggrieved, fed up and angry with what’s going on today. Baron would feel the same asking himself ‘what was it for?’
Colonel Mustard
January 7th, 2018 – 21:19
Thank you for clarifying Tom Hardy’s role.
On balance I prefer the real, but quiet courage displayed by my uncle and parents to the cinematic theatrics described. Having lived and endured through momentous events they simply returned to ordinary lives and got on with their lives as best they could.
Learning lessons from the mistakes made then, leading to and during that war, might have helped prevent the post war defeats from which we suffer now.
Noa @ January 7th, 2018 – 20:23
Valid points, Noa, except that it was unavoidable to reciprocate for reasons other than military. Baron speaks from memory, but after a German bombing of London in one of the Autumn months of 1940 the RAF bombed Berlin the next day, not much damage done, the German capital was well protected, but the raid must have more than reminded the Nazis that they and the people were not safe from retaliation. The effect on the morale of the German unwashed was considerable, it pricked Goering’s boasts about the infallibly powerful Luftwaffe.
Frank P @ January 7th, 2018 – 16:32
Seconded, young sir.
Noa January 7th, 2018 – 23:51
Actually the cinematic theatrics in Hardy’s role were very understated and reflected many real incidents. One of the commendable aspects of the script was the quiet courage and professionalism in the pilot’s radio communications and flight procedures. In revealing those to a wider audience with no personal connection to the events no harm and perhaps much good was done.
Wearing black doesn’t go far enough, it should be black, no knickers.
Dr. Jerome Corsi works with Tracy Beanz to decode recent posts of QANON.
Corsi has of course appeared on Infowars, but the difference is that Ms. Beanz allows him to speak without the interruptions which Alex Jones appears to find unavoidable with many (though not all) of his guests.
A question which I believe Wallsters should be addressing more vigorously is who are the globalists in our own country (and in political groupings with which we still remain connected) and how to we assist the Trump camp to expose and root them out – whoever they are and however high they fly.
Baron – 01:20 – it probably is.
Baron 01;20
When whoring becomes a pretentious ‘art form’ with a political agenda it is time to call out its proponents and boycott their product. Empty the cinemas and concert halls; turn off you TVs and gizmos when they appear. They are the worst of fucking hypocrites – literally.
While you were on Sabbatical I asked for your opinion on the BBC One drama ‘McMafia’ which would appear to be right up your stamping ground. A critique please. See my 22:38 Jan 2nd. Surprised your not on the credits as series consultant.
Beware The Flu Shot Propaganda Push! – Friendly Vaccine Reminders
(Where is AWK by the way)
ALERT! Are We At Defcon 1?
Lt. Col. Roy Potter about an hour ago calls out POTUS and Q: calls for an end to the puzzles and speak plainly to the American people with an explanation of a Twitter announcement of “DEFCON ONE NON NUCLEAR”.
Baron 23.53
The strategic bombing campaign in Europe was not based on a principle of reciprocation but on a clearly stated intent to attack military targets in the enemy’s country.
Unfortunately the accuracy of bombing required to deliver this objective was not possible before 1943, according to the RAFs own study bombs missed their targets by up to 3 miles.
The technology that would deliver the required objective did not initially exist. Whether the human and material resources expended have been been better utilised, for example by supporting the Royal Navy in its convoy duties in the Atlantic by extending the umbrella of aerial protection, or by providing aerial support to the forces in the far East, which might have tipped the balance in the defence of Malaya and Singapore, or reinforcing the initially successful British and Commonwealth forces in North Africa, are questions that both politicians and senior military figures of the time, have avoided.
Noa January 8th, 2018 – 08:39
You can play the game of “what if?” ad infinitum. But it has been done by cherry picking from a revisionist animadversion to Bomber Command’s bombing of German cities. And it misses the point of evolution and development in the techniques. If the nocturnal bombing campaign had been given up to divert resources elsewhere then we are back to the German war infrastructure being allowed to continue undisrupted with consequent serious impacts on the other theatres you mention.
Although the RAF dallied briefly with daylight strategic bombing their experience in night bombing stretched back to the First World War so it was more resumed and enhanced rather than newly invented.
Despite the original intention of restricting bombing to military targets the German bombing of Rotterdam was considered a violation and the deliberate bombing of “strategic industrial areas” began quite early. As early as September 1940 RAF bomber crews were advised to drop their loads on “targets of opportunity” if they failed to locate their primary objective and that was specifically and officially justified because of indiscriminate German bombing, e.g. reciprocal. Mannheim was bombed indiscriminately on 15/16 December 1940 in reciprocation for the bombing of Coventry. The Germans, typically, denounced that as the first “terror bombing” and British leftists, pacifists and self-haters have been quick to climb on that bandwagon with the usual attempts at equivalence, conveniently ignoring the bombing of Coventry the month before.
So the inaccuracy of bombing which you mention was not a burden on the decision to bomb cities as has been claimed. That proposition, that because the RAF couldn’t bomb accurately they targeted civilians instead is cherry picking revisionism and simply not true. The decision to switch to nocturnal area bombing was in the main reciprocal and the inaccuracy issue continued. The concept of the 1,000 bomber raid was both to overwhelm German defences and to achieve a concentration of bombs which would compensate for issues of inaccuracy. The first such raid was in May 1942 on Cologne.
And the questions were not avoided. There was much wrangling during the war over strategy but little of that has made its way into popular histories because most authors have cherry picked from what actually happened to present an “angle”.
Lt.Col. Potter gets feedback from “B” on “Defcon 1” (see 5:18):
Malfleur – 03:48
I have seen a report that NHS staff must get a flu jab.
On pain of dismissal?
Would a note from their Mum excuse them?
RobertRetyred 13:13 “Follow the money…”
More cod science: Lord Christopher Monckton talks to David Knight on the atmosphere in which his forthcoming paper on climate change will be delivered:
He also gives a footnote on Theresa May’s position on Brexit and on Catalan aspirations to independence.
Frank P @ January 8th, 2018 – 03:14
Moi, as a consultant to a BBC dross, Frank? Arghhh
Listen, my blogging (or should it be sparring) friend, apologies for missing your posting, after return Baron had scanned back, obviously not enough, remedied it, looked as far as he could now, found also a challenge (?) from Marshall.
Here’s the thing, the barbarian hasn’t watched any of BBC offering on the rich Russians holed up here, to answer your question he turned to the i-player, couldn’t get the sound going (why?), had to watch it with sub-titles, jumped from one scene to another for about 15 minutes, gave up.
There’s a book the series is supposedly based on, the book’s non-fictional ‘McMafia-seriously organised crime’, the barbarian put in on his Amazon wish list, at a Christmas party was told by a neighbour with connections to Russia it was rubbish, fiction rather than non, the man was wrong, the Russian nouveau riche are more than likely to behave as the book (and probably the series) say, it’s non-unlike the behaviour of the Russian aristocrats under the Tzars when visiting Paris or London, scooping caviar, lighting cigars with high denomination notes, their women wearing diamond trinkets aplenty, reeking of body odour.
All of the riches would have been acquired through non-kosher means, often disposing of rivals at will, syphoning the cash off out of Russia with the help of respectable Western banker ‘friends’, investing with the assistance of the host country. (You may not know it, but almost immediately after the collapse of the USSR the British Government offered a residential status to anyone investing a million quid here (Baron believes the sum has gone up since), it wasn’t accidental, must have been done to lure the Russian mostly unclean money to Britain.
What the series will not show is that any request from the Kremlin to extradite the thieves (for this is what most of them are) is refused, they’re given political asylums, allowed to stay together with their cash. The Americans are beginning to take a different approach. So far they, too, refused to ship anyone back, but things are changing, the FBI is using the paperwork submitted by the Russian Government to go after the oligarchs and their money.
Not that they would extradite the culprits back to Russia, of course, they get a due process in the Republic, will be fined, the fine will shrink their illicit gains to the minimum. Vlad has spotted it, is offering the ‘naughty boys’ an amnesty, says ‘come back with the money, you can keep it if you invest it in Russia.
Go figure.
“Spenser is the classic example of the radical conservatism of the Renaissance, its belief that in order to achieve a just society, or to be wise, it is necessary to go back and rediscover the wisdom of the ancients: ‘O goodly usage of those antique times!’.
The Elizabethans, A.N. Wilson, Part Two, Chapter 11.
How “clean” was Sir Francis Drake’s money?
The Hollywood milieu used the Golden Globes gala to counteract the Weinstein Wankfest scandal, launch a renewed feminazi drive and allow Oprah Winfrey to promote herself as the notional candidate to take on Trump in 2020 … if he hasn’t been whacked before then. The pussy-whipped male contingent, of course, just swallowed it. I doubt there was a pair of functioning cojones among the complete gathering. They all had to report for testosterone extraction before being allowhed into the ceremony. The resultant harvest was a thimbleful and that was inadvertantly taken from a tranny lesbian who volunteered just for kicks.
Watch your back Don Trumpo – she’s black, feminazi, celebrity and has a shit-load of bucks tucked away in divers stashes. Get you team on to it … forthwith. Action this day!
On the article about Navalny (and the forthcoming presidential election in Russia).
Not that you’ll listen to the blue veined barbarian, but you should avoid any written piece or one on a video that says Navalny could be a serious contender in the count. The man’s chances of winning are close to (or perhaps slimmer) than those for Jill Stein, the 2016 Presidential candidate for the Greens in the US.
The challenge to Vlad will never come from the progressive Russian Left, it’s mostly young people who back Navalny, they have no responsibility, think they know it all, are hopelessly idealistic, not unakin to the 50% of young Americans (up to 25 years of age) who say they would prefer to live in communism rather than contemporary America.
The Russian courts have done Navalny a favour, Baron reckons, if he were allowed to stand he would get humiliated, now he can kick Vlad for not letting him run, and he does, each day on his internet TV channel. Some of it borders on the pathetic e.g. his criticism of Russian petrol prices (they got hiked, a litre costs now around 40 pence, it was less before Christmas, he doesn’t say how much, Baron doesn’t know).
The Russian Left is stupidly segmented, the candidates kick each other as much as the kick Vlad, often more, one of their runners even suggested that Navalny is working for the Kremlin, breaking up the unity of the Left. Navalny spends most of the airtime criticising all the others, they him, it’s pathetic, they should come to their senses, unite, then they would collect a respectable number of votes, perhaps.
The court verdict that bars him from standing doesn’t appear to have been fixed, when the criminal proceedings began, Navalny didn’t express any wish to stand in any elections, his outfit was set up to fight corruption.
At the trial, he originally argued that everyone does what he and his co-defendats did (some scam on VAT), his brother and another guy pleaded guilty. He took the case to Strasbourg. The ECHR asked the Russians courts to re-examine the case, they did. Navalny changed his defence, argued the documents submitted by the prosecution were false. That wasn’t a smart move, (his lawyer keeps holding press conferences in Vienna (?), then goes back to Russia, he lives there, but refuses to turn up at his own court hearings (what for Baron has forgotten).
Th above’s from memory, you can google details, better still, learn Russian, the barbarian will furnish you with sites in Russia that will floor you if you still believe there’s no criticism of the man in the Kremlin.
I am no apologist for Navalny and recognise that Putin has given the Ruskies back the pride stolen by Yeltsin. But the man is becoming a Stalinist dictator.
Navalny has called a day of protest on January 28 and if I were in Moscow I would join in.
Marshal Roberts @ January 8th, 2018 – 14:58
Only someone who hasn’t felt the fist of the Georgian Thug could compare Vlad to him, Marshal.
Good on you to join any demonstration, there’s nothing to stop you buying a ticket to Moscow (be smart, choose the right airport, some are quite a distance from the capital), join in the fun.
Not that Baron would be keen to befriend the man in question (or accept an attempt by him if it ever happened), but he’s the best for the Russians, best for the West, you have obviously no idea what the serious opposition to him is offering, the MSM here has never ever mentioned it, doesn’t suit their narrative.
It was during Boris’s governance most of the thieving of Russian assets happened (with an unquestionable help from the West, out of the 250 advisors to him, most were Wall Street financiers), Putin managed to cut it back, has alot to do still, but isn’t that keen, the oligarchs have huge power (they provide jobs). The ‘siloviki’, the civil service apparatchiks, mostly appointees of Putin, cannot have it all their way.
Btw, the caviar feasting in the BBC series fails to say the caviar concessions are owned by the Germans, to the great annoyance of the barbarian who also loves the stuff, has to pay much higher prices now because it’s priced in Euros. When he was resident of Moscow it was his treat to visit GUM (you’ve heard of it?), have a couple of glasses of the bubbly and as much caviar as his stomach allowed, the delicacy was as cheap as were oysters here hundred years ago. These were the days.
Malfleur @ January 8th, 2018 – 13:29
The mother of all puzzles, this, Malfelur.
Have you watched the clip? AGW and the Lord nowhere to be seen, a guy who gets tired towards the half an hour chat having talked at a speed of a word per minute (probably because he sleeps with his eyes open, heh, heh) is all one gets.
Who the hell is Q or B?
Listen, and please do not take it badly, your recommended videos run for hours, have gems in them, but why is it you either go for someone who cannot stop talking i.e. Alex, and then for another bloke who talks as if he were constipated? Explain, please.
As to caviar, there is little the Germans do not now own, and as I keep telling Noa they intend to own even that little the rest of us have left.
RobertRetyred @ January 8th, 2018 – 13:13
The DM carries a piece few days back, Robert, suggesting the flu vaccine targeted the wrong strain of it, hence the epidemic, overcrowded hospitals, the saintly One under fire.
Malfleur @ January 8th, 2018 – 12:52
Apologies, Malfleur, the barbarian didn’t see this posting of yours when he responded to the one at 13:29.
Shall the barbarian be honest with you on the Colonel who does the talking in the clip? Just as well he got retired.
Still, who is B or Q, please? The Defcon he refers to is a military system, isn’t it?
Marshal Roberts @ January 8th, 2018 – 16:53
An analyst in the Czech Republic says, Marshal, the talks between the CDU/CSU and the Schulz’s SPD cannot succeed (the take on immigration by the Bavarian CSU cannot be reconcile dwith that of the SPD, totally opposing each other), Mutti will retire, a new election looms.
Pity that, she would have been better for the Brexit round 2.
Colonel Mustard @ January 8th, 2018 – 11:47
A logical explanation if there ever was one, Colonel, and right, too.
The American sran a complementary bombing, never any regrets as far as Baron knows, not then not now.
Noa @ January 8th, 2018 – 08:39
You have a point on the accuracy issue, Noa, even after 1943 the targeting was rather haphazard it seems, the barbarian has a little abode in a building in Prague that narrowly escaped bombing (by the Americans) close to the end of the war, they confused Dresden and Prague, dropped the bombs on the latter (in a daylight).
Nanny May promotes David Lidington to Cabinet. This David Lidington:-
who really, really wanted to remain in the EU.
Colonel Mustard. January 8th, 2018 – 11:47
My reply:
“You can play the game of “what if?” ad infinitum.”
1. I was not playing ‘what if’. I gave three specific examples of viable alternative strategies to the doctrine of strategic area bombing, of course there were other alternatives.
“But it has been done by cherry picking from a revisionist animadversion to Bomber Command’s bombing of German cities.”
2. No it wasn’t. My views are my own, like yours they are informed by my reading and consideration of the subject. Furthermore, it was plain both then and now that if it was impossible to bomb accurately then the claimed strategy of effective bombing of military targets was impossible and doomed to fail. It would have been more honest, and more acceptable to the public, if the Government had simply admitted to this and clearly stated that its policy was one of area bombing, rather than pretending otherwise.
“And it misses the point of evolution and development in the techniques.”
3.No, it doesn’t. The evolution and development of night and other bombing techniques was a consequence of pursuing the doctrine of strategic bombing. Electronic developments and Pathfinder squadrons increased the accuracy of area bombing, they did not increase precision. The adoption of alternative strategies would doubtless have seen similar supporting evolutions.
“If the nocturnal bombing campaign had been given up to divert resources elsewhere then we are back to the German war infrastructure being allowed to continue undisrupted with consequent serious impacts on the other theatres you mention.”
4. An interesting point. Early British success in North Africa in defeating the Italians would have secured the Mediterranean, precluding Hitler’s despatch of troops there and enabling timely and effective reinforcement of the Far East and avoiding the loss of Malaya and Singapore. Hitler would have launched the attack on Russia earlier, in May 1941 and so commenced the war on two fronts which resulted in Germany’s inevitable defeat.
“Although the RAF dallied briefly with daylight strategic bombing their experience in night bombing stretched back to the First World War so it was more resumed and enhanced rather than newly invented.”
5. The largely unopposed inter war bi-plane daylight bombing of villages in Iraq and Afghanistan bore little or no resemblance to the RAF’s strategy of night strategic bombing. The contemporary air warfare lessons from Spain were learned by the German and Italian air forces and not the RAF.
“Despite the original intention of restricting bombing to military targets the German bombing of Rotterdam was considered a violation and the deliberate bombing of “strategic industrial areas” began quite early. As early as September 1940 RAF bomber crews were advised to drop their loads on “targets of opportunity” if they failed to locate their primary objective and that was specifically and officially justified because of indiscriminate German bombing, e.g. reciprocal. Mannheim was bombed indiscriminately on 15/16 December 1940 in reciprocation for the bombing of Coventry. The Germans, typically, denounced that as the first “terror bombing” and British leftists, pacifists and self-haters have been quick to climb on that bandwagon with the usual attempts at equivalence, conveniently ignoring the bombing of Coventry the month before.”
6. An interesting comment on the first steps in the RAF’s bombing campaign, but ultimately beside the point I made, which was that “The strategic bombing campaign in Europe was not based on a principle of reciprocation but on a clearly stated intent to attack military targets in the enemy’s country.”
Or do you consider that retaliation was actually the major factor in the strategic bombing campaign?
“So the inaccuracy of bombing which you mention was not a burden on the decision to bomb cities as has been claimed.
7. Well, given the inability to drop a bomb within 3 miles of a target perhaps it should have been, if only to obviate wasting expensive ordnance and scarce valuable aircraft and crews.
“That proposition, that because the RAF couldn’t bomb accurately they targeted civilians instead is cherry picking revisionism and simply not true.”
Where have I said that the RAF targeted civilians? I have not made or inferred any such allegation. This is your proposition, not mine.
“The decision to switch to nocturnal area bombing was in the main reciprocal and the inaccuracy issue continued. The concept of the 1,000 bomber raid was both to overwhelm German defences and to achieve a concentration of bombs which would compensate for issues of inaccuracy. The first such raid was in May 1942 on Cologne.”
8. Horrendous aircraft losses on daylight bombing raids, the inability to provide long range fighter cover and increasingly effective air and ground defences were the primary reasons
for the switch to night bombing, which of course only exacerbated the inaccuracy of the actual bombing.
“And the questions were not avoided. There was much wrangling during the war over strategy but little of that has made its way into popular histories because most authors have cherry picked from what actually happened to present an “angle”.”
9. Debatable. Hastings, Grayling and Overy all cover both the senior in-service and contemporary political debates in varying degrees of depth.
May’s vertebra free government continues to slither onwards Gollum-like, towards its and our ultimate plunge into the depths of a one party, Venezuelan comparable state.
In such circumstances Henry Bolton may well have the right idea in taking up with a 25 year old bimbo. His assets, if any, will be confiscated by Corbyn before ever his various wives sequester them.
Fortunately the raid was made in error.
nb. he distance between Prague and Dresden is 73 miles (or 117 kilometres in Juncker currency).
“Peter Sutherland, the notorious mass migration and multiculturalism campaigner dubbed the ‘father of globalisation’, has died.”
Noa @ January 8th, 2018 – 19:44
They would say that wouldn’t they, Noa.
Seriously, it could have been an error, the skies were cloudy, visibility low, the trip over too long, more to the point, both cities stand on both banks of the same river, Elba, not that far apart.
Malfleur @ January 8th, 2018 – 19:52
It may have been the good life that did it, Malfleur. The great Mark has the news, too.
Noa @ January 8th, 2018 – 19:30
You’re trying to cheer the barbarian up, aren’t you, Noa?
Colonel MUstard @ January 8th, 2018 – 18:10
The man’s gone local after six years, Colonel, probably had a cushy job lined up over the Channel, will try to ensure the deal leaves the possibility of our returning to the German command open. One can only hope the whole team be gone soon.
Wallsters might want to sign this petition, or not, for all the good it will do.
Malfleur 19.52
Thanks for that, some good news at last and so early the new year.
Baron 19.57
I suspect a young, blonde model would do a better job of cheering you up than I, Baron.
In fact that’s precisely the sort of lass needed to look after a pied a terre in the fashionable part of Praha….
Let Harry and Megan take note and following the splendid example set by the ladies of the boards at The Golden Gobs Awards dress in black, (with trousers optional) at their wedding.
Has Trump Gone Crazy?
Paul Joseph Watson
January 8th, 2018 – 19:09
“1. I was not playing ‘what if’. I gave three specific examples of viable alternative strategies to the doctrine of strategic area bombing, of course there were other alternatives.”
Three alternatives whose outcomes cannot be proven and are therefore “what if” scenarios. You did it again with your No.4!
“2. No it wasn’t. My views are my own, like yours they are informed by my reading and consideration of the subject. Furthermore, it was plain both then and now that if it was impossible to bomb accurately then the claimed strategy of effective bombing of military targets was impossible and doomed to fail. It would have been more honest, and more acceptable to the public, if the Government had simply admitted to this and clearly stated that its policy was one of area bombing, rather than pretending otherwise.”
I wasn’t specifically referring to you but to the selective arguments of revisionist historians like Max Hastings.
“3.No, it doesn’t. The evolution and development of night and other bombing techniques was a consequence of pursuing the doctrine of strategic bombing. Electronic developments and Pathfinder squadrons increased the accuracy of area bombing, they did not increase precision. The adoption of alternative strategies would doubtless have seen similar supporting evolutions.”
That was precisely my point, although there was more to it than just the two aspects you mention. You seem to have taken that sentence out of the context of the whole paragraph but perhaps I failed to make it clear.
“4. An interesting point. Early British success in North Africa in defeating the Italians would have secured the Mediterranean, precluding Hitler’s despatch of troops there and enabling timely and effective reinforcement of the Far East and avoiding the loss of Malaya and Singapore. Hitler would have launched the attack on Russia earlier, in May 1941 and so commenced the war on two fronts which resulted in Germany’s inevitable defeat.”
Another “what if” scenario.
“5. The largely unopposed inter war bi-plane daylight bombing of villages in Iraq and Afghanistan bore little or no resemblance to the RAF’s strategy of night strategic bombing. The contemporary air warfare lessons from Spain were learned by the German and Italian air forces and not the RAF.”
I was referring to the experimental high altitude daylight bombing conducted by RAF Fortress aircraft rather than the pre-war “police” actions.
“6. An interesting comment on the first steps in the RAF’s bombing campaign, but ultimately beside the point I made, which was that “The strategic bombing campaign in Europe was not based on a principle of reciprocation but on a clearly stated intent to attack military targets in the enemy’s country.”
I don’t believe it was beside the point. The intent was qualified immediately the war began with the statement that the British (and French) would “confine bombardment to strictly military objectives upon the understanding that these same rules of warfare will be scrupulously observed by all their opponents”
They weren’t and the British changed their policy in May 1940 after the phony war.
“Or do you consider that retaliation was actually the major factor in the strategic bombing campaign?”
Perhaps not the major factor but certainly the basis on which it developed.
“7. Well, given the inability to drop a bomb within 3 miles of a target perhaps it should have been, if only to obviate wasting expensive ordnance and scarce valuable aircraft and crews.”
You have misunderstood my point. I was describing how indiscriminate area bombing arose from reciprocation rather than accuracy issues by using the example of Mannheim in December 1940.
“Where have I said that the RAF targeted civilians? I have not made or inferred any such allegation. This is your proposition, not mine.”
I did not suggest that you have. But it has been said by others, including published historians, many times.
“8. Horrendous aircraft losses on daylight bombing raids, the inability to provide long range fighter cover and increasingly effective air and ground defences were the primary reasons for the switch to night bombing, which of course only exacerbated the inaccuracy of the actual bombing.”
The first night raid on the Ruhr was on 15/16 May 1940 with permission to attack civilian industrial targets and had nothing to do with daylight losses, lack of fighter cover or increasing defences. RAF night bombing capability was a continuum from the First World War with the inter-war development of heavy night bombers and anti-searchlight camouflage (for example) and there had been regular leaflet dropping sorties at night even before the Ruhr attacks. Daylight raids continued anyway but usually with light/medium bombers.
“9. Debatable. Hastings, Grayling and Overy all cover both the senior in-service and contemporary political debates in varying degrees of depth.”
The existence of those debates proves that the questions were not avoided, although some might not have arisen in the first place and were therefore not conceived rather than avoided. Hindsight often misses that reality.
Good discussion. thanks.
Hi Baron @ January 8th, 2018 – 17:04
This will answer some of your questions – sorry for the delay:
These existential matters are however continually unfolding in a way that is surely unprecedented for a government’s Executive and its people to communicate on the most dangerous and sensitive events bearing on their political liberties. There are numerous sites that can bring you up to date among which you will probably be able to find a personality which doesn’t rub you the wrong way, all the way from Lt. Col. Roy Potter to Lionel.
Lionel on RT: What is QANON? (December 28)
That brief interview is followed automatically by a piece dated December 31 by James Munder entitled ‘#QANON SHOCKING INTEL’
Lidington is not all bad:
“New Justice Secretary David Lidington has consistently opposed LGBT rights including gay marriage and has voted in favour of repealing the Human Rights Act.
Prime Minister Theresa May replaced Liz Truss with the MP for Aylesbury during her cabinet reshuffle, following the Conservatives’ disastrous performance in the general election. He will also hold the office of Lord Chancellor. “
They could do with Lidington down under:
“First Daughter Ivanka Trump praised Oprah Winfrey’s widely-discussed acceptance speech at Sunday night’s Golden Globes as “empowering and inspiring” in a tweet Monday night.
The president’s eldest daughter and senior adviser included a link to video of Winfrey’s speech and urged her followers to “come together, women and men, and say #TIMESUP,” with the hashtag referring to Hollywood’s newly-created Time’s Up initiative, which provides resources to victims of sexual harassment and abuse.”
Interesting given that the rest of the media are talking up her chances of beating Daddy in 2022.
A time for sanity.
I meant 2020
Bannon binned by Breitbart.
Frank P 0231
I have never trusted a man who cannot bother to shave.
Sloppy Steve is about right.
Operation Condor – How NSA Director Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis…
Bannon Resigns in Shame, President Trump Outs White House Traitors
by Federico Cardella, INSPONEWS
Paul Joseph Watson launches a petition: Oprah Winfry Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Imagine the mark that PJW might make on the United Kingdom if he were to direct a British InfoWars.
Fortunately, Great Britain drained its swamps long ago.
Colonel Mustard
I can only post this link; dare not comment, because if my thoughts materialised in print the Stasi would close down this blog, nick me and bin me in the East Anglian equivalent of Lubyanka .
Surely Richard Kemp must be moving towards the point where he deems it necessary to step in and save England from the madhouse that has developed in the Westminster bubble. The cabinet shuffle was bad enough – then this! Ye Gods!
Below is a link which begins with a caveat to the authenticity of some recent #QAnon posts, but then moves quickly to introduce a site which provides comprehensive diagrammatic guides to the who, where, what of numerous globalist groupings. Invaluable for understanding and recognizing the reach, scope, organisations, and individuals who make up the New World Order.
Invaluable information which would take an individual thousands of man hours to compile.
When I have time, I must give especial attention to the United Kingdom and the EU.
Frank P January 10th, 2018 – 11:52
It’s already happening and not just because of the left wing “box set” being shoved down everyone’s throats, but also because so many young men are now being brought up in a totally feminised society, from single mothers to the female teacher dominated education system, where “feelings” trump everything. I have seen it in the overly “touchy, feely” behaviour of young male relatives, some of whom seem more comfortable in female company and are coddled by their mothers at an age which in the past would have been expected to demonstrate manhood, toxic or otherwise! It is repulsive to see a teenage boy snuggle up to his mother on a sofa and have his hair stroked languidly by her, half expecting that some public breast feeding is about to start.
I watched a documentary last year which showed a Royal Anglian unit in action in Afghanistan. One of their patrols made contact with a Taliban group and a soldier was wounded. Their cohesion immediately broke down and all effort was focussed on recovering, tending to and evacuating the single injured man. The NCO rushed away apparently totally distraught that one of his men had been injured and joined the near hysterical group gathered around the injured man. It was all about feelings rather than fighting and it shocked me to the core. They behaved more like a group of paramedics than soldiers. The fighting objective was abandoned.
In the Second World War and long afterwards, even into the 1980s, the focus was kept on fighting the enemy (the raison d’etre of soldiering) and any casualties were to be disregarded. They either had to make their way back to a dressing station themselves (as so many did) or wait for the assigned regimental stretcher bearers to pick them up. Preliminary first aid might be administered by a fellow soldier if circumstances permitted but troops were constantly reminded not to stop for wounded comrades in battle. That is the nature of war and future enemies won’t make any concessions for the fact that the British Army is emotionally incontinent and blubbering to each other.
Trooping the Colour 1934 and 2017. Compare and contrast. The slim, straight physique and matching height of the earlier Guardsmen are to be noted. As are the mismatched waddling short arses, squat physiques, slouched heads and poor deportment of the later Guardsmen.
Colonel Mustard @ January 10th, 2018 – 13:00
In the past, Colonel, the troopers were cast in a mould, (that explains their almost identical appearance, bearing, posture), today it’s equality that rules, a man of every height, girth, shoe size can apply, get in, march.
But you must admit, today’s trooping is more colourful, and of a mix gender (there are females there), a progress that, but not enough of it, the gender fluid will be marching soon, too, heh, heh, heh.
Learn the NWO Map
This link by SGT Report refers with rather better production values than my post at 12:27. The House of Windsor by the way is shown with a central role in one diagram.
Noting Frank’s and Colonel Mustard’s observation on the decline of the British Army, this is surely not unconnected with the ambitions and policies of the NWO. We must therefore pray and work harder for its timely defeat. The meetings last November and December of those responsible for the various European military groupings, present and anticipated, suggest that the NWO’s thinking is in a period of disarray. This ought to be a time of fresh thinking by those who oppose NWO-driven political correctness and the NWO’s measures to reduce the military’s effectiveness as part of a more general drive to defuse national pride and sense of identity. There are signs that President Trump favours reform, but may not yet be strong enough to press for it in his own armed forces, let alone in those of European countries. A much broader agenda against the NWO must first win major advances before a nation’s military can disengage itself significantly from the enemy within. What is the political connection between the bearing of Guardsmen in the 1930s and those of today? How to effect a re-volution to the former?
After the way Sgt Blackman was hung out to dry by the Army, I am not at all surprised that the Army is now short of recruits.
And what on earth is wrong with “BE THE BEST”. Short, succinct and realistic. But the snowflakes have taken over, as everywhere else.
The school once attended by my granddaughters, Altrincham Girls’ Grammar, has now allegedly forbidden the use of the word “girls”. Sums it all up really.
Wholeheartedly agree about Blackman.
Distinguished service in Iraq, Northern Ireland and finally Helmand.
And the crime- killing a Teleban Terrorist.
He should have been given a medal.
“EU President Donald Tusk has warned that Poland’s PiS government could push the country out of the bloc if it stops being a net benefactor of EU funds. Relations between Brussels and Warsaw are at an all-time low.”
The Army’s latest recruiting campaign is simply another example of the acidic effect of the truly insane Harman/May Equality legislation burning away traditional values of British society. It follows logically from the preening of education to the abolition of a deterrent Justice system.
Ultimately its effects will be disastrous and lead to the fall of government. Unfortunately this will follow first the local, then the general collapse of society.
January 11th, 2018 – 08:36
“Ultimately its effects will be disastrous and lead to the fall of government. Unfortunately this will follow first the local, then the general collapse of society.”
The fightback against one aspect of this garbage begins.
And to add again New Wall?
And Farron wins the post going into the second millenium
“But if we’re all sinners, does it make sense to call gay sex sinful? Surely straight sex is also sinful, and so is celibacy, and so is knitting, because it’s done by fallen humans. If someone gives up having gay sex, is he or she then no longer ‘falling short of the glory of God’? It doesn’t add up. I suppose Farron might say that gay sex is a manifestation of the sin that all of us share.”
“1001 Cleans a Big, Big Carpet For Less Than Half a Crown.”
How, these days, it’s difficult to beat Rug Doctor.
Robert Sheriffhales – 09:17
Dead heat. I wos robbed!
The Spectatesman only allows comments from subscribers these days, or I else I might have been tempted to make an observation…
Also… Surely Farron’s obsession with and worship of Blackburn Rovers is idolatry?
Robert Sheriffhales – 08:50
No rush!
The Orthodox New Year isn’t until Jan 1th.
Baron AWAKE!
Your bête noire has been on form recently…
“There goes that reversed Cartesian aphorism, proved false yet again.”
That one’s a keeper!
Also, in addressing his bête noire, there’s another keeper in here…
“I’m sure Mr Hitchens is aware of these facts. But that awareness has produced no knowledge, in its true epistemological sense. And this obtuse ideological ignorance is more dangerous than any other.”
My @09:44 – Correction!
The Orthodox New Year isn’t until Jan 14th
As ever, e&oe
“Also… Surely Farron’s obsession with and worship of Blackburn Rovers is idolatry?”
Nah, just mental instabilty
Tommy Robinson on army recruiting.
Below ( the contents are as on the label) :
EC @ January 11th, 2018 – 09:55
When hatred consumes one, it consumes fully, EC.
Mr. Boot seems to have lost it altogether. Knowing that driving in France is on the right is indeed knowledge, whatever he may say (knowledge definition: ‘facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education’), disobeying the rule may be an offence, recklessness, an atavistic stupidity endangering lives of others or whatever, but ignorance it isn’t for ignorance is itself a ‘lack of knowledge or information’ i.e. lack of facts.
Millions of people in this country have known about the undemocratic, bureaucratic, enslaving EU, yet this knowledge didn’t stop them voting to remain, it’s either that they had benefited from our being part of the monstrosity, or their brains, brainwashed by decades of agitprop, weren’t capable of judging the dire consequences of that membership.
The point?
Knowledge itself isn’t enough, it may be interpreted by its bearer any way his guiding principles of life lead him to.
Still, it would be a waste of time to dwell on his general points on Putin & co, these are but a rehearsal of what he keeps saying over and over again.
The icing core of his argument rests on the US Congress beginning to pay attention to the illicit riches tucked in US banks by men who, he implies, were (or still are) Vlad’s cronies.
(For some reasons he fails to mention Putin’s amnesty. Why should that be? Well, because it doesn’t fit his narrative, obviously).
The irony of it cannot fail to enchant anyone following the demonisation of Russia. Most of the sickeningly rich ‘political refugees’ amassed their riches when Boris was in charge, they had to flee when Vlad took over (most of those who didn’t, refused to give up the spoils of their robbery, faced the fate of Berezovsky).
The Russian authorities tried to go after them, spent tens of millions in Western courts, furnished whatever documentation was required, but to no avail, the escapees, claiming Putin was after them for political reasons, were allowed to stay, keep their illicit gains.
Today, the FBI, or whoever it is that’s going to handle the cases, will make use of the same evidence, the due process cannot fail to find most of the oligarchs guilty, confiscate their wealth, boost the US Treasury receipts.
A smart move, if there ever was one by any Administration anywhere.
(That’s the last and the only posting by Baron, when he opens the site the ‘runner’ on the right hand side stops roughly around December 1, refuses to go any further for minutes if not tens of minutes).
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The Windmill is to be closed down. Some wimmins group has complained to the council about the activities taking place in the iconic establishment. The Council, all sanctimony and no balls have caved in,but what else could one expect in this lunatic age. The group who have complained, have naturally elected to remain anonymous, their identities should be published without delay, the girls employed at the windmill are not frogmarched through the door at the working end of a shot gun, they are there at their own volition, and have the right to earn a crust in the manner of their choosing. As for the vituperative dykes who are so eagerly disrupting the lives of others, they really do need taking in hand.
So DT is not coming. More loss to him.
Baron, Hi!
I would be interested in your comments on this most recent video by Lt. Col Roy Potter. The reference to Project Veritas and its latest under cover exercise against Twitter executives is probably something which you are aware of.
Something is about to hit the fan – and it’s not going to be rose petals.
Peter Schiff, in this podcast, comments on the implications of the Chinese suggestion that they may stop buying United States Treasury Bonds:
Thanks for the sanity link on January 9th!
“The European Union (EU) will seek to keep the UK tied to the bloc’s restrictive fishing quota system during the proposed two-year Brexit ‘transition period’.
The UK should continue to be subjected to the widely despised European Common Fisheries Policy, Brussels diplomats and Brexit negotiators have agreed, according to The Guardian.
The policy gives European boats access to the UK’s territorial waters and places harsh restrictions on how many fish UK fishermen can take, sometimes forcing them to throw them overboard dead.
Michael Gove, the Environment Secretary, has previously said the UK will “take back control” of fishing after Brexit in 2019.
However, an EU diplomat told The Guardian: “We notice Gove hasn’t repeated that recently. Perhaps he has been reined in because it isn’t going to happen.”
The claim comes two days after the European Commission’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, said he wanted to continue “cooperating” with the UK on fishing after Brexit, as well as other areas.”
As I said on a previous occasion “We will see the second coming before we see Brexit” We have been bought and sold. The will of the people is all well and good, but democracy can not be allowed to obstruct the desires of the liberal elite.
Anyone see QT last night from Islington? When Dimblebore was busy contriving an equivalence between Dominic Raab and Gina Miller in order to slyly undermine Brexit (again) not one person on the panel or in the audience made the point that Raab is elected whilst Miller is not. How she has been allowed to set herself up as a de facto politician and “leader”, empowered by the BBC, should be of concern to every elected MP in Parliament – but apparently it isn’t.
There she was, not just spouting her opinion but telling the country what should happen. Unelected, no mandate, but intervening in the right of 17 million people to get what they voted for.
“However, an EU diplomat told The Guardian: “We notice Gove hasn’t repeated that recently. Perhaps he has been reined in because it isn’t going to happen.””
Horrible. And people here still want utter scumbags like that to rule us. Government cowardice in the face of those jumped up foreign busybodies is appalling.
Colonel Mustard,
Col.I did not see Question Time nor would I ever do so, but I did catch the trailer and if I had been so inclined the presence of Gina Miller would have stopped me in my tracks. That bloody woman should be told that if she does not like the direction our country is taking then she should go back to where she came from.
Supporters of the HS2 project should take careful note of a similar scam that is under way in California that has already doubled its projected cost to 64 billion bucks. Bust outs both – and the taxpayers will pick up the tab. Trump pulled federal funds from the California project today stating that he will no longer throw good money after bad. Owners of productive land and businesses confiscated for the Californian hi-speed rail route are pissed, because they know it will never happen. The promised private funding did not materialise.
Did anyone ever write a book about the Channel Tunnel rip-off, for which the taxpayer also paid because of widespread financial chicanery – and was only completed to consolidate our eventual subservience to an even bigger scam, the ultimate formation of the USE (aka the EUSSR) with the UK designated as the offshore dumping ground of the world’s human detritus?j
All of this villainy perpetrated with impunity.
Today Carillion is in the throes of financial disaster – join the dots. Carillion millions – schmillions!
Video by Kit Daniels
As to the United States Embassy in London, some might argue that it has moved to one of our capital’s.
…and while we wait for the British to develop a sufficient source of cultural energy for its own social media to flower into an indigenous Infowars, here is Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars London correspondent, on the difficult question of whether some societies might be more civilized than others:
‘Trump is Right; Some Countries Are Sh*tholes
Sorry if that hurts your feelings’
Whose idea was it to move the US Embassy in Mayfair to a shit-hole sarf of da rivva?
Who bought the Mayfair site?
Join the dots!
Impossible not to tell you:
Over two days, the Czechs are voting to elect new President, the old one is called Zeman, not popular amongst the progressives. He was casting his vote when a 27-year old Ukrainian activist pulled off her T-shirt, ran towards him shouting ‘Zeman’s Putin’s whore’. The same words also adored her breasts. The bodyguards handled her rather harshly, as she’s dragged out of the room, she’s heard screaming ‘it’s painful’.
Malfleur @ January 13th, 2018 – 01:06
Good one, Malfleur.
What race is a $hithole country?
Frank P @ January 13th, 2018 – 02:13
You should be in bed, getting a rest, Frank, not bothering about the new location of the Embassy of our special friends. Allegedly, it was Bush, or rather his team who chose the new location.
A lecture by Charles Murray – no go; Lecture on anal sex – yes, please.
Pollution from lignite is a third higher than from hard black coal, and three times higher than from natural gas:
Anyone in touch for a 2018 wall?
Baron, January 11th, 2018 – 16:35
(That’s the last and the only posting by Baron, when he opens the site the ‘runner’ on the right hand side stops roughly around December 1, refuses to go any further for minutes if not tens of minutes).
I hope you all managed to purchase a souvenir copy of The Currant Bun yesterday.
The cover was a tabloid classic. So good it was reminiscent of the glory days when Kelvin McKenzie was the editor. Demonstrating the correct usage of the apostrophe whilst at the same time being redundant!
EC (09:23)
Excellent. Seems Peter has achieved a Bonexit at least. A bit like our own Peter, who has apparently decided on a CHWexit. Our little neglected platform is fast becoming a prism of schisms.
Westminster Bubble – toil and trouble.
Baron, January 13th, 2018 – 02:54
They should’ve asked Douglas, as he might have done a BOGOF deal for them.
Frank P – 02:16
Aye, follow the money!
Baron (02:30 & 02:34)
“You should be in bed, getting your rest …”
Look who’s talking – pots and kettles? 🙂
Actually I’m being kept awake by the suspended Sword of Hippocrates over my head. After two gastroscopies – first one “inconclusive” second one – result not yet forthcoming (but followed by a CAT scan a week later,) I await the results of both, which will be imparted Tuesday next when I am booked in to see the guts consultant. Patience is a virtue, they tell me. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Meantime my dysphagia persists; I’m having particular diffculty swallowing the bullshit cascading from my telly screen via the mouths of our current administration and even more so from HM Opposition. I’m hoping that eventually my fears will be groundless and that prescription of jollop added to my already exotic cocktail of cytotoxic poisons will assist me in swallowing both my food and the political agitprop garbage we are all obliged to consume when we turn on our tellys or surf the intertubes.
As for your Harvard link – they missed an opportunity there, did they not? They could have invited Douglas to speak on immigration, then quickly transferred him to the butt-hole class, to give tips on irrigation – of the rectum – prior to ‘equality pleasuring’, which is another area of his expertise – allegedly.
Butt-holes, shit-holes, marital schisms and endoscopial-radiological intrusions. No wonder our patron is giving CHW a miss. What next? A merry syphilis and a crappy gonorrhea? 🙂 🙂
EC (13:18)
Apologies, you pipped me at the post with that succint riposte.
Seven or eight murders in London mayoral-ality this year (2018).
Kassam of Breitbart comments :
“… borrow a phrase from Donald Trump,London is turning into a shithole under Sadiq Khan”.
EC @ January 13th, 2018 – 13:18
Listen up, EC, you trouble seeking monster, the barbarian keeps trying, more often than not the ‘runner’ stops before it reaches the latest posting, at other times it behaves. It behaved when the series of informative, enlightening and timely postings of Baron got submitted that night.
Is that clear, or shall the blue veined barbarian turn up at your place knee your Big Jim and the Twins? (heh, heh, heh).
Frank P @ January 13th, 2018 – 13:29
It goes without saying the fingers will be crossed, Frank, and you’ll get out of it rejuvenated, stronger and happier, too.
A good friend of Baron faces a similar predicament ‘down below’, the certainty of two bags, not that pleasant, but that’s what life’s all about.
You keep your spirits up, young sir, never ever give in, stay on top of things, cling to the belief you get better, the belief will help, it’s the strongest medicine you can have, and you are in control of it. It helped Baron who’s gone through three near mortal scares himself, is still breathing (just).
You don’t like Douglas, do you.
Radford NG @ January 13th, 2018 – 15:44
Good one, Radford.
What pisses Baron is everyone of the progressive phylum calls the expression racist. That’s bollocks, what race is a $hithole country then? Ukraine, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Haiti …..- would anyone whose cranium isn’t totally vacuous of functioning cells find ‘race’ as the common denominator to that list?
Annoying fuggwits they are.
EC @ January 13th, 2018 – 13:18
In plain English, EC, BOGOF is what?
Malfleur @ January 12th, 2018 – 11:14
Marginally over 20 minutes listening last nigh, Malfleur, and that was that, the barbarian cannot afford another coronary.
What was this Q ranting all about, you explain, please.
Baron at 16-13:
Buy One Get One Free
Hawaii – aloha… WTF was that all about?
Shades of Nuclear Ned. 🙂
Rod Liddle, brilliant as usual this morning:
“Indy has a Brexodus breakdown
Terrifying news from The Independent of a mass “Brexodus” of EU academics from our top universities. Cultured and decent Germans, Italians, Croats, etc, are fleeing the country in anticipation of the hell that will descend when we leave the EU: properties worthless; funding dried up; assaulted by shaven-headed fascists when they try to do their shopping; swarms of killer bees preying on their children, etc. One university quoted by the rather forlorn remains of the paper was Cambridge: “173 EU academics resigned . . . last year, up from 153 staff the previous year, and 141 in 2014-15.”
And this:
“Potty mouth Trump has Haiti spot on
Are Haiti, El Salvador and most African countries “shitholes”, as President Trump reportedly put it? Sadly, the term is rarely used by the UN when debating countries’ merits and demerits — it prefers terms such as “vulnerable” , “diverse” and “vibrant”. The nations mentioned are certainly all of these things, assuming those terms are clever synonyms for “impoverished”, “deeply corrupt” and “violent”. El Salvador, for example, has the highest murder rate in the world. The UN calls Trump a “racist”, but couldn’t these misunderstandings be easily cleared up henceforth if the UN adopted the president’s terminology and provided a league table of world shitholes? My guess is that Haiti, El Salvador and most African countries would hog the leading positions.”
@Radford NG 13th, 16:30
“Buy One Get One Free”
‘Bog Off’ also used in the ’80s by ‘comedian’ Mike Harding to get away with expressing the sentiment that uses the ‘f’ word but which the meeja find unacceptable.
Baron, January 13th, 2018 – 15:59
Well, that might at least provide a temporary distraction from other matters!
A Happy Orthodox New Year!
A farewell to 2017.
The final CHW “cliff hanger”?
Black to the future.
Dublin style.
US Constitutional Crisis? The Deep State is Running Scared: Interview by Greg Hunter with Kevin Shipp
A line of logic runs through this brainstorming blether – and its optimistic.
And he formulates an amusing interpretation of yesterday’s Hawaiian ‘false alarm’:
It is all a matter of judgement.
If you were asked to make a choice between a delicious 25 year old and a defunct political party which one would you choose?
Marshal Roberts (17:51).
It depends on whether you are normal; or a short-arsed, philandering carpet bagger with a flakey pedigree, who tried (and apparently failed) to compensate for his lack of stature by pursuing military, constabulary and a variety of political aspirations and offices, while dumping (or getting dumped by) three wives in the process.
The least that his ‘defunct’ party should do is to dump him forthwith. If there is any future for the UKIP political movement it would have to be under a different moniker with a different leader. It’s nothing to do with what his latest squeeze said, or even thought. He’s a returning-to-base-empty Kuwati Tanker … manifestly so.
You are right – it is a question of judgement – and not just his. The twats who voted for him wihout exercising due diligence are equally to blame. The once high hopes or a viable alternative in British politics is now a busted flush. Stand by for the rag’n’ bone man to move into No.10.
See mine of:
January 13th, 2018 – 00:09
Looks as though it’s been worse than even I evisaged. An even bigger bust out. Follow the money indeed, EC. There is no legal enforcement agency in the UK, or anywhere else that Carillion has left its footprint, that is willing, or even capable, of winkling out the villainy and deliberately ignored criminal incompetence, of this gigatic milch cow. Small subbies and suppliers will go to the wall, jobs by the thousand will be lost and pension funds will be raided, or at best compensated by the taxpayer. The ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’ emerges once again, in cahoots with successive governments of all stripes. White elephants stomping around everywhere and the mug punter picks up the tab. Someone should complile a list of ex government ministers and apparatchiks who have been employed a directors, advisors and consultants by this behemoth and tally up the bonuses and exes that have been dished out for failure. Who are the accountants and auditors and how much have they accrued for allowing it get to the sorry state of affairs that has now been exposed? Combined they make old fashioned bank robbery look respectable by comparison.
As for plod: just contemplate the gut wrenching case of Poppi Worthington. The whole chain of deplorable incompetence by almost everybody involved in the non-investgation of the death of this infant and the aftermath is indicative of the decline of the state agencies over the past forty years or so. Five years on, nobody nicked or even sacked and once again the Police and the CPS exposed as worse than useless! How can such an egregious chronicle of criminal incompetence occur in a civilised nation?
It is a difficult, complex subject with many in the real media contributing to the effort to understand what is unfolding. Here is one recent contribution to that understanding and which I think you will find full of substance and worth watching from start to finish.
BACK ON THE BOARD – “The Great Awakening: Q ANON Clearance” – Tracy Beanz
Uranium ONE (Imperator Rex), DEFCON 1, Hawaii Inbound Alert, Haiti, Treason at the Highest Level, Puppet Masters Removed, Peegate Dossier a Disinformation Campaign by the Russians against Hillary Clinton unknowingly paid for by Her….
Jeremiah 29:11
Fred agrees there a shit hole countries.
Y’all still there?
Or not many. It is January over here, but I see you have not progressed beyond November 26.
From the news feeds I see much heartache that Donald will not go over even with a promise of lunch with Queen Elizabeth thrown in. Well what do you expect when the Mayor of London is calling folk out onto the street. He looks like a nasty little piece of work whichever way.
And what of your Premier who dares to lecture Donald on his tweets. Astonishing. Brecht is good but you need friends and nothing is for nothing. Love to Andy.
The latest piece of governmental horseshit. A Minister for Loneliness appointed. Apparently it is what Jo Cox would have wanted.
Shouldn’t be long now before a Minister for Silly Walks is considered essential.
In other news Theresa May’s cabinet attempts to run a whelk stall, but fails.
Cathy Newman’s 30-minute interview of Professor Jordan Peterson, proving HER to be a blithering idiot, and him a genius
H/T poster, Mike Buchanan, here:
Here is the other link from that post:
8 December 2016: Cassie Jaye interviewed by Emma Barnett (BBC Radio 5 Live)
Here is the TED Talk about the same subject:
Cassie Jaye: MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men’s Rights movement
Spectator Cartoon :
Two sources can be found below for a view that the recent Hawaii missile launch was not a mistake, but a real attack which was foiled.
The first clip below is in the form of an interview which also goes more broadly into the efforts of President Trump to drain the swamp including focus on the one million plus page, recently filed, Report of the Office of the Inspector General and other matters which is underpinned by the national emergency declared and the authority granted by the Executive Order made on December 21 last year..
The second clip is a measured analysis by Roy Potter.
Feeling up-beat after Tuesday, Frank?