This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
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A new week! Here’s a bit of fun before we all get that feeling of “it’s déjà vu all over again.”
The facts of life…
No Voters Required!
Colorado Republicans cancel primary – Cruz gets ALL 34 delegates!
appropos the above:
Taking their lead from the Democrats, seems like the RNC have perfected “The Art of the Steal.”
Trump and Sanders are both getting screwed!
The USA channelling Zimbabwe must make Robert Mugabe’s chest swell with pride as the tears well up in his eyes!
There’s a lot more act left to perform before the fat lady sings.
After ignoring Dutch voters we have this:
EU wants control of YOUR pension: Brussels’ secret plan REVEALED
“Senior MEPs fear Brussels is planning a “social union” but legislation is being held back until after June’s referendum.
Already plans for a common European unemonth by Commissioner Marianne Thyssen and would start with the eurozone countries but would see other EU members put under strong pressure to join.
The concerns have been highlighted by Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman who has said that the European Commission is holding back a massive amount of centralising legislation until after the referendum.”
It is out of control!
Leaflets calling for the slaughter of Ahmadi Muslims are found at mosque
“A stack of leaflets calling for the killing of a sect of Muslims have been found at south London mosque, it was reported today.
The flyers, uncovered in Stockwell Green mosque, are said to have labelled Ahmadi Muslims apostates, claiming they deserved to die if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam.”
But the murder of Asad Shar was just a lone wolf, one off?
“So far as I can see the Prime Minister has done nothing whatsoever against either the letter or indeed the spirit of our tax laws in managing his own tax affairs. Indeed, I would sooner defend his behaviour than that of Mr Blair.
However I do have a much larger bone to pick with him about the statement of his government’s views on the EU referendum which will shortly be dropping through all our letter boxes at a cost to the taxpayers of some £9 million.
The fact is that it is not a statement from the government, but a statement from one faction of the government, cooked up in secret from the other faction, which had no opportunity to offer any criticism or views on either its content or the use of public money to produce or distribute it…
…The worst legacy of Mr Cameron’s time in office is the damage which it has wrought to our system of Cabinet – damage which had already suffered under Mr Blair’s Labour mal-administrations… “.
Norman Tebbit
THOMAS JEFFERSON Born: April 13, 1743
THOMAS JEFFERSON Born: April 13, 1743,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,h_1200,q_80,w_1200/MTE5NDg0MDU1MDEwMjQ4MjA3.jpg
Radford NG
April 11th, 2016 – 03:19 –
I tried, but searching “National Enquirer, (U.S.)” produced a labyrinthine avalanche of both National Enquirer pages and other sites that purported to be quoting items from the National Enquirer – so much so that I became confused. Maybe some of the posters who responded before I did have led to what you were looking for.
Bill Whittle’s latest Truth Revolt/Firewall video:
The Social Justice Warriors — the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife — have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this, and has a list of grievances all his own.
John birch – 14:07
Those brought up in a completely different culture are going to find it difficult to adjust. The problem is that our elite cannot see it.
There was that English rugby league player who returned from NZ, where he played in the scrum, to play for England in last year’s World Cup in the three quarters and, while he played better than most of us 🙂 , couldn’t reach his best because he hadn’t managed to absorb the different culture, the different rules and the different game that his new position required.
It might seem a different situation but it is all about how past experiences play such an important part of building up our ‘gut reaction’ and world view.
How those in the Humanities could have missed such a large elephant in the room is incredible. What was it that they were studying? 🙂
Tommy Robinson says thank you for the support.
The egregious has landed! The pro EU booklet, that is.
So why don’t you post it back, with an apposite note and comments at the Conservative Party’s expense, to:
Why are you commemorating the treasonous, slave owning, totalitarian atheist’s, birthday?
Well, knock me down with a feather (the Douglas Murray version):
Trevor Phillips is finally discovering the pitfalls of the term ‘Islamophobia’
Another Boot up CMD’s jacksie:
Government leaflet duly despatched to No. 10 as suggested by Nigel Farage, with appropriate rejoinder.
The paper was even too shiny for use in the Benghazi.
Frank P – 23:41
Today, £30,000 will hardly buy half a decent car, and that is for a non-battery sort! 🙂
We are living in lala land.
Why are we having a referendum when nothing is legally binding?
Why did the Dutch have one?
Cameron’s EU renegotiation is nothing more than a deal ‘hammered out down the local bazaar’ and isn’t legally binding, says top eurocrat
We know why but it is crazy.
Robert Retyred (23:21)
Thanks for that link. As I am blackballed from the site I couldn’t read Murray’s piece – only the comments. But it was worth it, if only for this comment from Simon in reply to Malcolm Stevas:
“Malcolm, I agree with you all you say here, except that I can’t buy into your exculpation of the great British public. Gosh, how I wish I could.
The fact is, we (not me or you maybe, but huge numbers of our countrymen) voted for Blair in 1997. We then re-elected him in 2001, and again in 2005, by which time his agenda was abundantly obvious. Then in 2010 we elected his self-described heir, David Cameron, in full knowledge that he was another cloth-headed social liberal who would deliver more of exactly the same. After that, we gave him an absolute majority in 2015 to carry on in the same vein, despite his total failure in the meantime to slow immigration in any way whatsoever.
Now, after yet another year of pathetic impotence, net immigration is running at 350 000 to 500 000 every year. Our youngsters can’t afford homes, our public services are cracking up, and the growth of the violent, parallel society that is Islam continues to erase the native culture of ever more of our cities. Yet nonetheless, around 50% of the population seem prepared to back his campaign to keep us in the EU, which if successful will guarantee we won’t be able to do anything to address any of our problems for at least another generation – by which time it will almost certainly be too late to save what’s left of our way of life.
Whichever way I look at it, I can’t see how the British public haven’t brought this on themselves.”
Spot on!
LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Albany, NY (4-11-16)
David Miliband says that leaving the EU would be an “act of arson against the international order”.
Sounds good to me. Who voted for this “international order” anyway?
Corbyn says that he wants the EU to be a “social union” by which he really means a “socialist union”.
Day by day it is becoming more apparent that the EU is the comintern by stealth, foisted on us by Long Marchers.
The BBC is carefully concealing the New Labour connection with the scandal of crumbling PFI schools in Scotland.
A certain creature once extolled Gordon Brown for replacing and modernising our “crumbling Victorian schools”. Well they lasted more than a hundred years. The Scottish PFI schools have only lasted ten.
The Guardian is focussing on the 2014 profits made by the consortium that built the schools rather than the fact that they were built in 2006. This will facilitate shifting scrutiny on to the current Tory government in the usual conniving way of the left.
The Guardian article for all its huffing and puffing fails to mention the involvement of government in PFI at all, which is probably because the devolved Scottish government in 2006 was SCOTTISH LABOUR with a NEW LABOUR government in Westminster.
Before any focus on corruption and fraud in 2006 the lefties will collectively shout “Quick! Look over there! TORY PROFITEERING!”
Curious how this lady, Andie Pauly, who only does what millions of lefties do, is described as “divisive” by the BBC. Could it be because she does it from a right wing position?
Of course. When the BBC and other lefty institutions say “divisive” about right wing political views it simply reveals their aspiration for a single party state where left wing orthodoxy is coerced and dissent is outlawed.
The more bizarre and extreme forms of left wing Political Correctness increasingly manifesting amongst students are not “divisive”. Oh no. When a black student attempts to forcibly cut the dreadlocks off a white student for “cultural appropriation” that is somehow not “divisive”, let alone bullying.
But when a courageous woman of the right pushes back and gives the left a taste of its own medicine, then that becomes “divisive”. “Divisive” is lefty code for anyone who doesn’t swallow their crap and is not afraid to say so in public.
If she was in the UK she would have been arrested by now.
Colonel Mustard – 07:48
She seems like a perfectly rational, regular all American gal to me!
Thanks, BBC, Colonel, Andie has got one more “follower” on Twitter now! 🙂
Colonel Mustard – 07:31
The Scots will always seek blame everybody else but THEMSELVES!
Frank P – 00:05
Bliar: My conscience is clear, but I do have to confess that I held my nose and voted Conservative, not UKIP, despite Cameron in 2010. We should have all voted Labour in 2010 in order to hasten the end, in the hope that finally something decent would rise up from the ashes!
The former head of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission has once again said the ‘unsayable’. In a piece for the Sunday Times (ahead of a Channel 4 documentary to go out on Wednesday) Trevor Phillips unveils an in-depth new poll carried out by ICM (which can be viewed here).
The findings include the facts that:
inRead invented by Teads
23 percent of British Muslims polled support the idea of there being areas of the UK where sharia law is introduced instead of British law.
39 percent believe wives should always obey their husbands.
31 percent believe it is acceptable for British Muslims to keep more than one wife.
52 percent think homosexuality should be illegal in the UK.
The usual people are trying to find ways to quibble with the authority or depth of this poll. Their effort only proves once again that however bad the facts, some people remain so sectarian that they will continue to blame everything except the problem for the problem (‘How dare that bigoted polling company discover our dirty laundry?’)
But in some ways the Phillips piece is most important for what he himself admits. Among other things Phillips confesses that Britain has for years been telling itself a lie in relation to its Muslim populations – not least in pretending that they will blend in just like everyone else. Phillips writes:
‘Britain desperately wants to think of its Muslims as versions of the Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain, or the cheeky-chappie athlete Mo Farah. But thanks to the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslim opinion yet conducted, we now know that just isn’t how it is.’
He even recognises that the authority for these views may in fact come from Muslim scriptures and traditions. After a discussion of British Muslim attitudes towards women he says:
‘We didn’t get to discuss whether the injunction at sura 4:34 of the Koran to chastise your wife falls under this rubric. I have no doubt that many husbands will claim that it does. The bland Koranic platitude, in my view, hides a clear invitation to legitimise domestic violence.’
For all of which – and more – Trevor Phillips deserves considerable praise. Once again he has proved able to break taboos which too many liberals in the UK are keen to continue enforcing in the face of all available evidence.
But a problem remains which Trevor Phillips himself continues to be a part of. While admitting to the fact that he and others woefully misunderstood the nature of Muslim attitudes in the UK, and while admitting that many British liberals continue to be too frightened to face up to the facts, he says near the outset of his piece:
‘When I was chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, I played a principal role in the creation of UK laws against religious discrimination — and it was a report that I commissioned exactly 20 years ago that first introduced the term Islamophobia to Britain.’
Later on he says:
‘Twenty years ago, when, as chair of the Runnymede Trust, I published the report titled Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, we thought that the real risk of the arrival of new communities was discrimination against Muslims.’
And then:
‘Non-Muslims who live and work in areas with a large Muslim presence have been uneasily aware of the emerging differences for a long time, but many are too worried about being tagged as Islamophobes to raise the debate.’
Well isn’t that the problem right there? I am as happy as anyone to see the liberal dams cracking when it comes to the big issues of our time. But it is harder to celebrate those causing those cracks when they are the very people who put up those dams in the first place.
It was the mainstreaming of the fraudulent concept of ‘Islamophobia’ and the whole grievance-industry set up by Trevor Phillips, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission and their ilk that made Britain so incapable of answering this problem any earlier. Even now Trevor Phillips remains principally helpful in waking up to things just a few years too late. So although his proscriptions for how to deal with this problem may be helpful, even this late in the day, they miss perhaps the biggest remaining ‘unsayable’.
So having mapped the fact that Muslims are uniquely unwilling to integrate into Britain, Phillips writes:
‘There are now nearly 3m Muslims living in Britain. Half of them were born abroad, and their numbers are being steadily reinforced by immigration from Africa, the Middle East, eastern Europe and the Far East, as well as the traditional flow from the Indian subcontinent. The best projections suggest that, by the middle of the century, the number of Muslims in Britain and elsewhere in Europe will at least double, given the youthfulness of the communities.’
Now if you accept the reality that Phillips now does accept – and that mainstream opinion across Europe is coming to accept – would one particular answer not stand out as eminently sensible at this juncture? Such as turning that flow into the merest trickle? If a community is currently causing a lot of challenges and looks like posing them for many generations to come, why on earth would you not slow that ‘steady reinforcement’? Other than out of fear that you might be branded an ‘Islamophobe’?
I know from experience what an honourable and decent man Trevor Phillips is. So here is a prediction. In ten years time he will agree with people like me that the numbers matter, and that it is purest insanity to continue encouraging through migration the growth of a population which raises so many problems of integration once it is here. Of course for another ten years those of us who do say that will be pelted with the same insults Phillips and some of his colleagues set in motion all those years ago. And when he does say it there will be as much rejoicing as there is today for these latest statements. The only snag is that ten years from now, when Trevor finds it comfortable to say this, it will be even later in the day to turn these trends around.
I’ve received an email saying the Tommy Robinson legal fund has now collected over £24.000. Twice the amount sought.
Colonel Mustard – 07:48
The irony escapes the Beeboids that by publishing Andie’s personal information on the internet they are in fact guilty of the same crime of “DOX-ing” (a new one on me!) that they accuse her of. As always double standards!
Kudos to Ann Barnhardt who when threatened with “dox-ing” by trolls, and death by muzzloids, published her own address her website along with a photo of herself with her AR15 with the caption “don’t come calling without an invitation!” 🙂
That useful research institute for the right thinking Civitas has a new publication on healthcare, downloadable as a pdf file for free as usual.
“Ms Harms” YCMIU !
“Greens Want To Ban Referendums On European Questions, As Direct Democracy Threatens the EU”
I noted, in reading the BBC blog that one of Andies critics, was a ‘single mother’ who claims she lost her job because of her ‘re-tweets’.
The causal link as described is speculative at best and stupidity by this aptly named female seems the more likely cause of her victimhood.
“…In November, the company’s Twitter account was bombarded by naked pictures of Dozier, pictures she says she was tricked into sending to another Twitter user. Not long after that, Dozier was sacked from her job…”
Dozy is sefinitely a candidate for the 2016 Darwin Awards (delayed lethality category, unfortunately).
Judge Jeanine Pirro’s Opening Statement: A tour de force exposition on the RNC’s chicanery, followed by an interview with Donald Trump.
I know we are all aware of this but it’s interesting and ideal for showing to people who are not up to date on Islam and Muslims
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
Frank P April 12th, 2016 – 00:05
Never voted for Bliar and I’m proud to say I have never voted for Labour ever in my life but I think Simon is wrong on Cameron in 2010. His description of Cameron “as another cloth-headed social liberal who would deliver more of exactly the same” is more from hindsight as before the election Cameron had presented and promised in a very different way. We now know it was guff and if Simon really had him pegged in 2010 then credit where credit is due. I didn’t! I thought the stuff about quangos, rolling back the state and sweeping away all New Labour’s bad law was genuinely intended at the time.
Here are some examples from his 2009 speech in Manchester:
“But this idea that for every problem there’s a government solution for every issue an initiative, for every situation a czar…. It ends with them making you register with the government to help out your child’s football team. With police officers punished for babysitting each other’s children. With laws so bureaucratic and complicated even their own Attorney General can’t obey them. Do you know the worst thing about their big government? It’s not the cost, though that’s bad enough. It is the steady erosion of responsibility. Our task is to lead Britain in a completely different direction.”
“That the state is your servant, never your master. Common sense and decency. The British sense of community.”
“And we will have to tear down Labour’s big government bureaucracy, ripping up its time-wasting, money-draining, responsibility-sapping nonsense.”
“That’s why ID cards, 42 days and Labour’s surveillance state are so utterly unacceptable and why we will sweep the whole rotten edifice away.”
And, in his 2009 speech to Reform:
“growth of the quango state is one of the main reasons so many people feel that nothing ever changes, nothing will ever get done and that government’s automatic response to any problem is to pass the buck and send people from pillar to post until they just give up in exasperated fury. Too many state actions, services and decisions are carried out by people who cannot be voted out by the public, by organisations that feel no pressure to answer for what happens – in a way that is completely unaccountable.”
Then in 2012:-
“Five in six quango staff will keep their jobs despite David Cameron’s promise to have a bonfire of bureaucracy. Ministers have been criticised for slow progress in getting rid of “non-departmental public bodies” as new figures reveal that 100 out of 900 have been culled. Around 150 more have been merged down to 70 but it appears many staff have simply been transferred across to different bodies. Official statistics show only 18,000 jobs out of more than 110,000 at quangos will be scrapped in total.”
And this:-
Then, in 2015:-
“Taxpayers who felt pleased when the government last year announced the abolition of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) are now feeling cheated. Yesterday it emerged that Sara Thornton, head of the body established to replace it, the National Police Chiefs Council, is being paid £252,000 — £50,000 more than her predecessor.”
John birch – 14:02
Very well put together!
I found it here with a handout that can be printed:
Colonel Mustard – 15:29
On the night CMD won the Tory leadership, I knew that the Party had been duped; I knew he was a wrong un. Just how wrong I couldn’t measure, but I have never been surprised at events since then, only dismayed.
I thought he hinted at being Euro-sceptic just before the decisive vote, which brought many onside, but Euro-sceptics don’t hint, do they? They are passionate about it. He has never had an ounce of passion about doing anything about Brussels’ Rule. And the LibDems were so useful, weren’t they?
Even so, if you had told me then what we now know, it would be unbelievable. So many on ConHome were duped. It is sad, because the country has been damaged so deeply.
Scandalous reports that the blog *guido fawkes* is hosted in the republic of Ireland and its ownership is in St.Kitts and Nevis.
At the same time it continues to make comments upon affairs in England and Wales,and Scotland. (So bad ! ).
It exposes a scandal re the BBC and overseas funds ;yet this is oly about a pension fund. To read this you have to go to the home page and scroll down to page 2 .
Robert R at 16:02.
Me too, but then I am naturally a mid-19th century classic Liberal, who would have much preferred David Davis.
Cameron even back then was as shiny, slippery and as see-through as a new sheet of plate glass.
I think we all admire Peter Oborne
This is what happens when the rule of law is politicised and the “Heir to Keir Starmer” is running the CPS:-
They are pursuing a feminist agenda rather than justice.
The “common purpose of politics and the law” eh? Says it all.
Chris Morriss – 19:09
I think I am just mid-19th century 🙂
It is getting rather boring, too much EUro-prosperity:
Italy on the BRINK:
Emergency rescue fund set for banks amid fears of ANOTHER Euro crash
A good summary, and choice!
#EUref: A remainian win would be a Pyrrhic Victory at Best
RobertRetyred April 12th, 2016 – 16:02
Agreed. In fact in hindsight his 2009 speech wasn’t that Eurosceptic:-
“Well, here is a progressive reform plan for Europe. Let’s work together on the things where the EU can really help, like combating climate change, fighting global poverty and spreading free and fair trade. But let’s return to democratic and accountable politics the powers the EU shouldn’t have.”
Astonishing to hear a supposedly Conservative leader talk of a “progressive reform plan” and then go on to pin it to two lefty shibboleths.
I should have known and I agree about David Davis.
Colonel Mustard – 22:24
He forgot ‘World Peace’! 🙂
Better leave that to Bliar though.
Remainers must be wondering what hit them!
BRUSSELS SHOCK: EU plots tax on British…to fund benefits for jobless in ITALY
BARMY Brussels bureaucrats are plotting to tax British shoppers to help subsidise the growing benefits bill for the Eurozone’s jobless.
“Leaders on the continent want to milk Britain’s growing economy by slapping a VAT-style tax on goods and services to fund an EU-wide unemployment benefit fund.
The plan would mean British shoppers shelling out millions more at the tills every year to pay for benefits and job creation schemes in Mediterranean countries including Spain and Italy, which have high unemployment rates.
Other options being considered by Brussels chiefs include a windfall levy on GDP, which would hit Britain disproportionately hard because the UK is Europe’s second biggest economy.
The proposal is just the latest plot by other European nations to raid Britain for cash to pay for their own problems, coming just weeks after Germany said it wants to tax UK motorists to subsidise the growing bill for its 1.1million migrants.”
John Whittingdale the Cunture Secretary coughs to a bit of inadvertant hanky-panky with a lady of easy virtue, whom he trawled from an on-line pimping agency.
At least he’s not queer, like a sizeable proportion of his parliamentary oppos.
Who cares? Apart, of course, the “Hacked Off” mob who now want the press to do to him what they comp!ained about the press doing to them. Heh, heh, heh.
Sharia … click … click … click
First it was Germany ‘BANS’ sexy women in adverts after Cologne sex assaults
I have seen the future; and it works.
“The geriatric crime wave is accelerating, and analysts note that the Japanese prison system — newly expanded and at about 70 percent occupancy — is being prepared for decades of increases. Between 1991 and 2013, the latest year for which the Ministry of Justice publishes figures, the number of elderly inmates in jail for repeating the same offence six times has climbed 460 percent.
If it weren’t so, so sad, it would be positively elegant. You are an elderly Japanese person who can’t get by. You are not aggressive so you want to commit a crime with no threat or hostility. So, you commit one of the most non- hostile crimes possible – shoplifting.”
EC (09:09)
Colonel Mustard (15:29)
It would be interesting to read our comments in the run-up to the 2010 election when Melanie still had her blog on the Speccy site. Pity they are no longer available.
If I remember correctly we all had our reservations about CMD, but he was at that time the best option to oust the clearly manic Brown from No.10.
The general drift of the craic at that time was although we suspected his credentials, a Tory vote was necessary and if he turned out to be a sheep in wolf’s clothing, we could oust him in the next election. I can remember posting a congratulatory post after his victory appearance with his pregnant wife, who looked particularly radiant on that day and softened my heart.
Verity (pbuh) took a somewhat more hard-assed view and augured what has indeed turned out to be pretty accurate.
Anyway, I voted UKIP in the next show. Fat lot of good that did. A plague on all their houses. Richard Kemp – step up to the plate, before it’s too late!
Brexit first. Then a bloodless coup d’etat.
Well we can dream, can’t we? ☺☺
Robert Retyred (23:22)
Make sure you never make eye contact with someone when you are eating banana!
Frank P April 12th, 2016 – 23:52
Yes, agreed. I do think Cameron was viewed in the context of Gordon Brown and 13 long years of New Labour.
Boot kicks open a window on Luton and Labour:
Shortly after taking up the leadership of the Conservative party our hero chartered a jet plane and flew 1000s of miles to pose for this photo:
From that moment on we all knew, deep down, that we’d got a PR/Con man on our hands, didn’t we?
… also he turned the party logo into a crayoned blue tree, FFS! Blue, presumably the colour that pensioners are going to turn the next hard winter when the wind turdbines stop.
The first thing spoon face did when he got into No. 10 was attempt to appoint an “official” (aka vanity) photographer at public expense. Verity(pbuh) was particularly scathing about that!
Dreaming: It would be great to hear a military man (this time upon instructions from HMQ) deliver these words in the HoC again…
“You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately … Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
Ever more true, never more needed!
Frank P, April 13th, 2016 – 00:04
Eye contact: I now remember, back in the ’70s, seeing a particularly gifted and stunningly attractive,stripper whose routine incorporated a parasol and a banana. She was a class act. Thanks for jogging that memory! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Open Europe’s views on the UK policies required in the event of Brexit.
Can someone explain to me why cyclical UK labour requirements can only be ever be satisfied by the permanent immigration of low skilled foreign criminals and their broods? And why is there not linkage in any way to facilitating the return of the 4 million or so indigenous benefits class to work?
When I worked abroad it was on time limited visas, with my employer responsible for my behaviour and a swift exit at the end of my contract. There was no opportunity to claim social benefits and the purchase of real property was prohibited.
Frank P, EC.
Have you gentlemen ever watched a game of ping pong?
Tommy Robinson = Nelson Mandela?
What an insult, to be compared to a communist terrorist and murderer.
No, but once received a detailed description from someone more widely travelled than myself.
A savage analysis of Trevor Phillips before tonight’ mea culpa on multiculturalism and muslimophobia.
EC 10.43
Here’s mud in your eye!
Innocence in spades?
EU is in ‘mortal danger’ of collapse, warns billionaire global finance guru George Soros
“Mr Soros said: “Thirty billion might sound like an enormous sum, but it is not when viewed in proper perspective.”
After all, it’s just loose change, isn’t it? 🙂
Delegatus Non Potest Delegare
Alex Jones Show – Tuesday 12th April
Jones shreds Cruz and the Republican National Committee in Hour 1
Roger Stone on Trump campaign interviewed by Jones in Hour 2
Dr. Jerome Corsi – Financial collapse and nuclear war – Globalists will not miss 6 billion people
Ode to The Press
Alright my little hero,
Are you ready to squeal?
No time for second guessing
This fantasy is real
Hush, now stop your talking
The cat’s already out of the bag
I’m removing my fishnet stocking
And using it as a gag
Snap on the cuffs
I will not ask you twice
I am your mistress
Rarely do I play nice
You are my slave
Obey my call
I rein with wrath
I’ll keep you in thrall
Panama How Could You?
How could you hurt me the way you did?
How could you forget everything we shared?
How could you do throw away our future?
Panama how could you?
What about the tears we shed together?
What about the laughs we had together?
What about the love we made?
Panama how could you?
How does it feel to know that you broke me?
How does it feel to know you’re on my mind every single day?
How does it feel to know that I can’t move on yet?
Panama how could you?
Why did you abandon me when you knew I needed you?
Why did you break your promise to me?
Why did you leave me?
Panama How Could You Do That To Me?
Fergus Pickering April 13th, 2016 – 12:33
Are you a poet or a plagiarist? And are you known by other names, especially a certain troll who also specialises in uncredited and modified cut’n’paste jobs?
Taylor Mickles (
Sep 23, 2013
Alright my little piggy,
Are you ready to squeal?
No time for second guessing
This fantasy is real
Welcome to my dungeon
The manacles fit you well
Prepare for delicious agony
This is the best kind of hell
I want to hear you scream
Yeah, I know you love the pain
Bad boys need a spanking
YES! Say my name!
My lips are blood-red
I’m wearing a black latex top
Your entranced by my thigh-high stilettos
And my riding crop
Shh, now stop your talking
The cat’s already out of the bag
I’m removing my fishnet stalking
And using it as a gag
Get on all fours!
I will not ask you twice
I am your mistress
Rarely do I play nice
You are my slave
Obey my call
I rein with wrath
I’ll unleash it all
Chris Morris @ 19:09
DD was, still would be, Baron’s choice, too, Chis, for his take on things was the closest to the barbarian’s. What does it tell you about the conservatism of today’s conservatives though, the fact they opted for the H2B?
It’s short, runs too fast, one cannot savour sufficiently the charm of all the points:
Colonel Mustard @ 19:35
Quite, Colonel. “Attorney General at the heart of our constitution”? The result is the shite we’re in.
Noa @ 09:53
Amazingly, Noa, the one society that has been ageing faster than any other, the Japanese, has so far managed very well without importing tsunamis of immigrants, it’s as pure Japanese as it gets, it’s easier to teach pigs fly than to obtain Japanese citizenship.
Nobody seems to have noticed. Why?
Frank P @ 00:25
One would be more than hard put to disagree with Mr. Boot on this one, Frank.
The barbarian is travelling, cannot keep with the news regularly, hopefully even the cumryds will act here, weed her out, no?
Baron – 14:54 ‘today’s conservatives ‘
Yes, but I think you mean 2005 conservatives! Recently, ConHome has been a place for grieving, as reality has dawned – though there are a few left ploughing the old furrow! I have seen on Guido Fawkes that, in answer to a Douglas Caswell question, Cameron thinks that he will be leading the Brexit negotiation if we vote to leave! I am not so certain, even with fixed term parliaments:
Dave Thinks He’ll Oversee BREXIT Negotiations
Sometimes it is easy to think a different leader would have changed events completely. While DD would have been the better choice, I don’t know whether he would have been able to overcome the groundswell against him in the way that we would imagine, or hoped. Remember how Mrs T fought against it and eventually succumbed. I admire her, not for her ‘perfectness’, but for the fact that she managed to get anything done at all. Not even her Cabinet was ‘for her’. She changed much, but there was so much else to do inside the political machinery, from the EU to …. everything associated with EU, including their mindset. 🙂
I think times have changed and are still changing; the tide has turned. The Steyn/Farage event in Canada, though still losing the final vote, still won on the number of votes turned. News headlines reporting the winds of change are occurring daily. People are, at last, putting the pieces together and creating a picture to which they have contributed, but they don’t like it.
Even Trevor Philips has confessed. He is to be praised, for being big enough to admit to it, and intelligent enough! It is so hard to escape a cult, especially when rewarded with salary, prestige and brownie points.
Noa @ 10:50
How could anyone ever think that the followers of a creed insisting that its adherents are of the creed first, of anything else second can integrate in other societies beggars belief, Noa. The best we can hope for is that they submit to the primacy of our belief system (as they did in the ‘barbaric’ past) with all its trappings like man made laws, freedom of expression, association, etc.
RobertRetyred @ 15:28
The winds may be changing, Robert, but it will require the potency of the mother of all hurricanes to dislodge the anointed. Let’s just hope, you’re right.
RobertRetyred @ 11:23
If only he were right, Robert, the barbarian would gladly back him, for the first (and last?) time.
Baron – 15:36
I think he wants to save the EU, not the European people.
So the ‘conservative government’s’ ‘Leave’ campaign rebel rump have been ‘officially appointed’ as the spearhead of Brexit. Thus all the subtle levers of power and promises and threats will available for CMD and his cabal to affect the outcome, added to the already criminal diversion of £9.3m from the Treasury funds to fund their propaganda. Inspector Knicker-Hypenated-Knacker. How’s about alerting the ‘Serious Fraud Squad’ and the ‘Public Corruption’ outfit. Seems to be a prima facie jobbie there, who knows what some serious delving might unearth?
I regard many in Vote Leave as false-flag organizations : those under such names as “Xxxxxxxxxx for Britain”.
But of course they are apparently already heavily engaged in investigating Whittingdale’s dalliance with a ‘sex-worker’, another red herring to divert us from the government’s duplicity and treachery. Who cares if he dates employee from the local poultry farm, whose job it is to sex chicklets? Hacked Off or Pissed Off, notwithstanding.
By the way – joking aside. Has the word ‘prostitute’ now been officially removed from all legislation and CPS directives?
I am so so sorry
“It means Nigel Farage will not feature on official Leave campaign literature, with Vote Leave insiders fearing the UKIP leader would alienate centre ground voters they believe hold the key to winning.”
Farage and UKIP are finally finished
Come over
Are voters going to be encouraged by those people in the photo at the top of the Spec. page on this ?
Turd alert!
Watch how you step folks! The commie has been dropping stinkers again.
I think that Alison Saunders has redefined them as “victims.”
Here’s a new one on me…
Prestitute: A noun, referring to a person in power who “sells out” for some personal gain, betraying his/her supposed ideals.
Plenty of them in the HoC, in the HoL, and in the Westminster meeja too.
Frank P April 13th, 2016 – 17:18
Hee-hee. There lies a SJW dilemma. The “sex workers” are both vulnerable sisters doing it for themselves and “objectifying” themselves for males so to be disapproved of – hence the agenda to blame and criminalise the male punters.
The manipulation of language is so transparent, the conniving so obvious that I wonder who they think swallows it. Useful idiots probably.
Meanwhile , elsewhere , La Lutte Continue !
Re: the item banned by the Courts.
From the Daily Mail:
Eh Tetley
You’re having a larf artn’t ya?
Don’t worry about UKIP, the 5th May elections will test you Corbnards to destruction.
You know where it is – and you know you want to do it.
Frank P – 17:07
Was looking up our old friend George Laird on Twitter to see what the craic was in Peoples Republic of Sturgeon. Thought that you might be amused by this:
Noa – 18:17
Corbyntards, shirley? 🙂
Noa (09:55)
Well, I was once known for my descriptive prowess in my youthful undercover days in the vice squads in Central and West London and I seem to remember reporting on such shenanigans occurring in various premises of ill repute, when the law still proscribed that kind of sporting activity in ‘High-Class’ bordellos; dodgy basement clubs, pubs and knocking shops general. Dunno if they ever kept some of the juicier reports in the National Archives for historians to peruse in future years, when studying the decline in public mores, but it often had the local beaks smirking knowingly- (probably thinking back to military service abroad) and the regular idlers who packed public galleries at Bow Street, Marlborough Street and West London Courts ROTFLTFAO!
Then Lady Chatterley got herself legalised and thence it all became pointless. Nobody could have improved on Peter Cook’s parodies thereafter. They were closer to the truth than real life itself. I’m sure EC could produce some examples employing his own prowess in surfing the more exotic sectors of You Tube. ☺
EC (18:36)
Not bad!! ☺ Especially the Cameron/Brady Photoshop. Eerie.
But I still think the nearest ringer to Moira Hindley is Jacqui Smiff our erstwhile Home Sec. No need for Photoshopping there.
Btw. I’ll give Boris a pass on this one. He’s now a parody of himself.
Ann Barnhardt in full flow:
h/t Gerard.
Nigel Farage in an amusing Lunch with the FT:
“‘I am what I am,’ says the Ukip leader over six pints, a bottle of wine and two glasses of port.”
(which description omits mention of the ladle of port, compliments of the old boys’ rugby team from Dulwich College).
The humourous interviewer is constrained by his position with this New World Order organ, now nominally owned by a bunch of Japs, to frame Mr. Farage as a time traveller from the 1980s.
Speaking of the FT and the New World Disorder, with enemies like these, who needs friends?:
Zuckerberg delivers political broadside
Facebook chief slams ‘isolationist’ policies in swipe at Trump
(h/t FT)
Posted by : williambanzai7
Post date: 04/13/2016 – 10:00
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.–Thomas Jefferson
Watching what do Muslims really think and it’s hard not to laugh at the surprise from most of these results.
Why do we pretend that all Muslims are sweet, smiley and integrated?
Channel 4’s What British Muslims Really Think will come as no surprise to the British public, says James Delingpole
James Delingpole
What British Muslims Really Think with Trevor Phillips
‘Our findings will shock many people,’ promised Trevor Phillips at the beginning of What British Muslims Really Think (Channel 4, Wednesday).
But the depressing thing is that I doubt they will, actually. I think the general British public have known for some time what Phillips’s documentary professed to find surprising: that large numbers of Muslims don’t want to integrate, that their views aren’t remotely enlightened, and that more than a few of them sympathise with terrorism. It’s only the establishment elite that has ever pretended otherwise.
As former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Phillips was very much part of that elite. He commissioned the 1997 Runnymede report that popularised the word ‘Islamophobia’. The fact that so impeccably liberal a figure is now issuing a mea culpa like this speaks volumes about how dire the situation has grown. ‘Everyone who has pinned their hopes on the rise of reforming and liberal British Muslim voices are in for a disappointment,’ said Phillips. ‘These voices are nowhere near as numerous as they need to be to make an impact.’
Here are the stats to prove it: 52 per cent of Britain’s three million Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal; 39 per cent think a woman should always obey her husband; 18 per cent sympathise with people who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet; 4 per cent — that equates to about 100,000 Muslims — have ‘sympathy for people who take part in suicide bombing to fight injustice’. Oh, and if any of them knew someone was involved in supporting terrorism in Syria, just one in three would report it to the police. The other two million, then, would keep schtum.
Normally the PC response to these surveys is to shoot the messenger, as the BBC and the Guardian and the usual dhimmi apologists did last year, when the Sun revealed that one in four British Muslims sympathised with the motives of the Charlie Hebdo killers. They’ll find it harder this time, not just because Phillips is black and probably reads the Guardian, but also because the survey was so thorough. It was conducted, face to face, by people of the same religion. And when it came to the really tricky question — the one about terrorism — a blank envelope was provided for the answer, so that respondents felt freer to say what they really thought.
There wasn’t much to disagree with in this brave and honest programme, except for the odd momentary lapse, as when Phillips said, of Islamophobia, ‘I’ve no doubt that most of it emanates from sheer blind prejudice.’ I doubt even he believes that excuse any more. It was just a legacy of the kind of language all public figures were pretty much forced to use about the Religion of Peace till quite recently — Cameron showing the way with that disingenuous speech about ‘moderate and reforming voices who speak for the vast majority of Muslims’.
Of course we’d all like to believe that stuff, but the truth just doesn’t accord with the fantasy. Take those 85 Sharia councils currently violating one of the most basic principles of English justice — equality before the law. Yes, we can cosily delude ourselves that they just deal with civil issues — marriage mainly — that can safely be regulated by religion. But can they? A Zurich professor called Elham Manea, herself a Muslim, had attended these courts and found them promoting a version of Islam as extreme as that practised in her native Yemen or by the Taliban, where women were treated as ‘minors in perpetual need of male guardianship’. How exactly does that accord with the legislation and practice of a country where men and women are supposed to have guaranteed equality?
Our solution up until now has been a kind of national cognitive dissonance — one where we all agree to pretend that Muslims are sweet, smiley and integrated, like lovely Nadiya from Great British Bake Off and that her fellow Lutonians — the 7/7 suicide bombers — have, as the weasel phrase has it, ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
It’s not easy, though, and getting harder — as we saw on this week’s The Island with Bear Grylls (Channel 4, Mondays). I don’t doubt the producers were overjoyed when they managed to recruit their first Muslim castaway — Bradford body-builder Rizwan Shabir. But any hopes of a male Nadiya vanished this week when he quit, pleading an inability to cope with ‘living with women who are half-naked’.
Hmm. Seems to me that even before the men encountered the women, he was struggling to integrate — or indeed pull his weight — and that persuading himself he was being a good Muslim was the perfect way of ducking out of more hardship at no cost to his ego.
I’ll leave the last word on this yawning cultural chasm to Noshaba Hussain, middle-aged former headmistress of Springfield Primary, one of the Trojan Horse schools in Birmingham. A nine-year-old pupil had asked why she wasn’t wearing a headscarf, declaring, ‘Only slags don’t cover their heads.’ ‘This attitude is not acceptable in state schools in Britain,’ observed Ms Hussain. Well indeed. As Ray Honeyford was so maligned for telling us just 32 years ago.
John birch – 05:39
What did you expect? You should’ve watched “Normal For Norfolk.” It was also captivating, but in a non life threatening way.
EC 09:19
Agreed, I’d hoped to spot our Frank in the pub, or on the way to the Chippy, but it was all English eccentrics and Lithuanian labourers.
EC 19.08
Re ‘Corbnards.’ Isn’t the ‘why’ silent but obvious, and the ‘t’ optional? 😉
E C, I wanted to watch that, will make a note to watch it on catch up. !!!!
Noa – 11:00
For some reason BBC website isn’t too keen to show me Jezza’s somewhat less than ringing endorsement on continued EU membership. “Warts and All”, indeed. All warts, more like!
I suppose I’ll have to watch Brillo and his chimp at Noon.
John birch – 05:39
I have recorded it, in case I need to see what was being said.
I think it will be déjà vu if I do!
Even now, the evidence hasn’t got through enough to some.
Seen it now.
“Low energy” is how I’d sum up Corbyn’s speech.
If it wasn’t our money, it would be funny:
Failed Green Deal scheme cost £17,000 for every household that signed up
I can’t believe that Delingpole sat through all two hours of Trevor Phillips’ alleged ‘mea culpa’.
I forced myself – and found it replete with the customary Channel Four bullcrap. What’s the old mantra? “Lies, damned lies an then statistics!”
Apart from painting a much rosier picture than actually obtains, the programme needed an editor to strip it of padding and self-serving garbage and reduce it to the salient facts and time-frame: 30 minutes, at most.
But I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies and let’s hope it’s the thin end of the wedge.
Anyway, the damage is already done. Probably irreparable!
Frank P 13.59
Thank you for that summary.
I had been considering whether to watch it on ‘Catch up’ but, the main facts having been well publicised, being unable to stand the prospect of being patronised by one of Blair’s premier Gauleiters and not possessing a Ping Pong table, I defaulted to Matt Ridley’s excellent “The Evolution of Everything”.
Noa – 14:34
Frank P 13.59
Ditto, except that we watched something else entirely!
Frank 13.59.
It might have seemed like 2 hours, but it was only one.
Establishment stitch ups are catching!
“EXCLUSIVE: Over Half Of Electoral Commission Committee Members Have EU Conflicts Of Interest”
Megyn Kelly is well and truly BUSTED! She really has to go!
Yall still there?
Well I read your crowing about the success of that crazy Lyin Cruz and thanking Jesus that you will not be punished for plebiscite excluding Donald from your fair island. We will show you next Tuesday when all 291 New York delegates will be in the bag.
Talk of a brokered convention is bunk. Donald Trump is the only man who can win. And the only man to beat pinko Hillary in November.
Love to Andy.
JJB (15:16)
I can’t recall anyone on this blog entering into the anti-Trump shtick. Au contraire (as they tend to say in The Guardian – which you obviously get your misinformation from).
Most of us here would welcome The Donald throwing spanners into the American political machine which is a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Corrupt as arseholes. So if you want t to creep into the crypt, crap and creep out again, at least do your homework before making your jolly faux-Septic quips.
EC (15:02)
Megyn crawled into Trump Towers yesterday with a white flag in an effort to stem her tanking ratings. The Donald rather graciously accepted her olive branch and agreed to (perhaps) appear on her slot (so to speak). Seems they are both learning the game.
Btw perhaps I’d better explain that “Septic” in Cockney Rhyming Slang = Septic Tank = Yank ( no to be confused with jerk). As your visits seem to be confined to Cornshire you my not know that.
(Though I still suspect that you are ACP creating his own foil). ☺
Tommy Robinson walks free from Court , Judge slams police persecution. (Breibart)
… an’ anuvver fing: HillBilliary pinko?
She’s unadulterated Gramsci thro’ Alinski! Developed into 24 carat self-serving money grubbing faux- charity, grand-scale thief. But she may still win because her constituency wants stuff and are sadly both ignorant and stoooopid! Then there’s Benghazi and her secret server (no – not the Abedin string puller and beaver tender – her dodgy main frame in her techie’s bathroom).
John Birch 0539,
They are exhorted to smile:
What if we all smiled to a total stranger,
instead of walking past them if they were danger,
even smiled at those who hates us
perhaps thieir hearts would soften and they would embrace us,
smile when it rained
showing gratitude to almighty what he has created,
smile at our brothers and sisters
so that it creates love and removes suspicious,
smile even at our neighbours
something our prophet emphasise with eagerness,
smile on trivial matters
escaping from jealousy and hatred,
smile at those who are in distress
pray to allah to give them happiness and success,
smile to please the most kind, the most merciful
allah will love us indeed allah will love us.
(Apologies to Kalima)
And now to smile again and again
Smile to see Aisha making all the grain
I will not marry as my mother says I’m young
But you O Prophet can make her hold her tongue
Alex Boot adds another impeccable reason for supporting Brexit:
Funny, too.
So he’s “paying homage” to Fergus Pickering now, as suspected.
When is it going to end, Peter?
Tommy better put any change left over towards the next prosecution by the state. There’s bound to be one.
Labour agitators Lammy and Umunna stirring up racial tensions again. Lammy whining that only 13% of the BBC is made up of BAME.
I know Lammy is not the sharpest tool in the box but since BAME constitute only about 10% of the population where exactly is the problem?
If we are all supposed to be equal why is Lammy trying to establish special status for one identity group?
F22s coming to Lakenheath. What gives? Good thing or bad?
Won’t be long before Vlad starts buzzing the Wash. Hope our RAF responds a little more firmly than the US Navy are doing in The Baltic!
Colonel Mustard (18:52)
The whole purpose of the black activist movements is not the quest for racial equality or even fair representation, but rather the quest for power. It is therefore racialism in its most insidious form, now practised by all public institutions under threat of prosecution if you object. Madness.
Info from a somewhat ominous sounding organ of the press until one realises that it is based in Bury St. Edmunds!
Frank P – 19:52
Quite so! In the USA #BlackLivesMatter until it comes to abortion. On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions.
EC (20:16)
Forgive if I don’t drive that t-up down the fairway, or even into the rough. There be dragons! ☺☺
… and yes! The Suffolk rag must have laboured over that title: not!
Look East featured the F22s as a rescue for Lakenheath, economically. No respect for the greenhouses of Norfolk, obviously, nor for my summer afternoon snooze in the Dolly Varden.
Ah well!
The EU apparatchiks have come up with a solution to the immigration fiasco, the proposal is quotas per country will be allocated centrally by Brussels, individual EU members will have no say.
That’s a sure winner, Baron reckons.
You have a take on it?
Frank P @ 20:34
A hard choice this, Frank, it’s either your nap in a country garden or a Raptor training (just in case the KGB Colonel decides to pay us a visit).
I finally clicked on your first post of the week and got stuck there for about an hour…
Radford NG
April 14th, 2016 – 16:32
Great news! We will have to see if Peter can arrange for the Beak to have a word with Frank.
Headline on DT Home Page:
Revealed: Official EU referendum document ‘No 10 doesn’t want you to read’ admits Britain is obliged to accept all EU laws and judgements
Yes, well; Charles the First had a ‘belief system’ something along those lines.
The key question about the whole Tommy Robinson Affair is why the state. and who in it, would see a national interest in thwarting his leadership of the English Defence League and his ability to operate even after he had resigned from it, even to the point of conspiring to pervert the course of justice with a view to bringing about his death.
Also the DT:
Comment: Like Robert de Niro, any parent might fall for the MMR vaccination conspiracy
Handy for Paveway strikes on the ISIS bunkers in Rochdale and Oldham.
Malfleur – 02:42
The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Destroyed for Telling the Truth
“What you will not read in the mainstream media, however, is that both the BMJ and Lancet have strong financial ties to the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine. (See: BMJ & Lancet Wedded to Merck CME Partnership) You probably also did not read that Dr. Andrew’s co-author in the study, Prof. John Walker-Smith, fought an expensive legal battle against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council and won. He was completely exonerated.”
Another quote:
“One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.””
or ….
One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that Scientists are either pro-climate-change or anti-climate change, and that the anti-climate change ‘scientists’ are all “deniers.”
Here’s an interesting video from Gad Saad – short (8min), and to the point.
Creating Zombies: Political Correctness, Spider Wasps, and Brain Worms
(Only 8mins)
Gad is not a natural YouTuber but his videos can be nonetheless interesting.
His interviews with Tommy Robinson (THE SAAD TRUTH_147) and Milo Yiannoupolis (THE SAAD TRUTH_121) are also worth a look.
As I sit at my desk this grey morning overlooking the Weald waiting for the next downpour and reading my local favourite Vita Sackville-West, I see the leaves unfurling and draw on the words of Joyce Kilmer-
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
If there was any doubt that “Sanctimony has always been a key ingredient of Scottish politics, second only to self-interest” . . .
. . . then it should have been dispelled by the performance of Angus Robertson MP on QT last night. This Westminster leader of a national socialist party representing 0.15% of the UK population and exclusive to Scotland was permitted by the BBC to demonstrate ad nauseum to the people of Doncaster and the UK at large that he always has the answers for everything. Sanctimony and pomposity might have been his middle names as his smug, fat, piggy-eyed Sandi Toksvig lookalike face filled the TV screen and rabble-roused the audience to great acclaim from the small army of gobby and whooping left-wing party members, supporters and activists in the audience.
You might be inclined to conclude from the foregoing that I dislike this person. Well, I do. But I dislike more the fact that he is being allowed to throw his considerable weight around in England as well as the UK Parliament when there is no English parliament and no English party exclusively representing its people in that place. I object to his intrusive interference in the politics of England with so small a mandate in the scale of things.
Colonel Mustard – 12:32
If there was any doubt that “Sanctimony has always been a key ingredient of Scottish politics, second only to self-interest” . . .
“It’s déjà vu all over again.”
No, it really is!
Reminiscent of the 1930’s! Totalitarians hate free speech, comedy, and especially satire!
Merkel was left with the final decision on whether Germany’s state prosecutor should start proceedings against Böhmermann, after Erdoğan requested the comedian be prosecuted.”
EC April 15th, 2016 – 14:08
I note Splurge-on’s weasel words:-
“Yes, I would be absolutely happy to do that as part of a bigger, wider, organised approach.”
In other words she dodges responsibility to kickstart that bigger, wider, organised approach herself by taking them in. Suddenly the making of role models and sending of messages so beloved of politicians like Splurge-on vaporises and she steps back from the brink, still sanctimonious but spare room emptiness intact.
That “bigger, wider, organised approach” ought to be the compelling all politicians, but nobody else, to take refugee families into their spare rooms, second houses, holiday homes and other vacant properties. Then there would soon be a change in attitude to immigration by those who rule over us.
USA watchers:
PJTV is closing down on May 11th, so Bill Whittle is handing the offertory plate around asking for subscriptions to in order to keep not only himself, but also Scott Ott and Stephen Green going with Trifecta.
That’s a tough ask financially, and I guess he’s going to find out just how popular his “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz supporting buddies really are! Already the trains in the US have started slowing down to observe the wreck…
Merkel was brought up and indoctrinated in a Stasi-oppressed communist regime. The idea that she is not indelibly tainted and compromised by that is incredible. This fluent Russian speaking former district board member of the East German Freie Deutsche Jugend socialist youth movement and secretary for Agitprop has no business running a Western democracy. She only gravitated to the democracy movement after the fall of the Berlin Wall and it is obvious that she saw the writing on that wall as to where her best interests lay.
Persecuting people for speaking truth to power is in her DNA but this story plays into a wider “chilling” message from the EU puppet governments to be careful what we say or write about the Elite. Merkel has more in common with Erdoğan than the countryman her Stasi are persecuting.
When the Wall came down in 1989 people saw it as the liberation of Eastern Europe. Now it appears that as the Wall collapsed and the defences came down a torrent of contaminated ideology flooded in to the West to make common purpose cause with the lurking agents of influence and chip-shouldered agitators already here. So many left wing change agents, fake charities and campaign groups came into existence after 1989 with shadowy funding. Something bad happened but the full story has not been told and now the power lies with those most determined that it never should be.
Colonel Mustard – 15:24
Spot on. Surgical!
Noa 7.59, appropriate to mention Oldham and Rochdale.
Interesting post from Chris Tomlinson:
Coming hard on the heels of Rotherham and Rochdale and knowing that Merkel wants Turkey in the EU, a NO vote in June is looking certain.
So why are the Leave campaign not screaming this from the roof tops?
Colonel Mustard @ 15:24
According to one of the analysts on the TV station ‘The Rain’, the KGB Colonel is on the phone to Mutti daily.
It’s hard to confirm, but if it’s true, what the hell do they talk about?
EC @ 14:15
This is beyond parody, EC, and Mutti and the boy want Turkey in the EU.
One can see why she agreed to it, she would probably sell her own mother not the anger the Turkish strongman, but it cannot go down well even with the loyal and obedient unwashed of Germany.
Erdogan must either think he’s God or close to Him, or he has gone completely loopy, he should be aware that it will further harm his image, even the Americans are beginning to be more outspoken about the policies of his government. Why cannot they fix a Maidan event, kick him out, install Muhammed Fethullah Gülen, he would be more acceptable, he argues for a strict separation between Islam and the Turkish state.
Emulous – 17:41
No need to scream when the current events are being reported in the media. We would only get in the way. 🙂 It doesn’t mean that there is nothing to do, but churning out information isn’t always the best form of persuasion, especially when others are doing it for us.
We need to be encouraging others to suggest responses to the threats: how can we protect our children, our teachers? I think that has been our frustration: we ask questions and others respond with, ‘what threat’ because they haven’t seen what is creeping up on them.
They do now!
If anything unsettles the barbarian, this does:
They are neither civil, nor servants.
Charles Moore is a very naughty boy. (Spectator)
Daniel Hannan starts Vote Leave campaign with an attack against UKIP .
Vote Leave given recognition as designated official campaign because of ability to represent and outreach to other groups.
How do you feel about the Czech Republic being renamed Czechia; or don’t you? A rose by any other name …?
This is what is happening on the Continent:
Shock map shows Schengen FAILURE as army tanks scramble to migrant borders
THIS map shows how the Schengen is falling to pieces as Austria and Switzerland seal themselves off from Europe in an attempt to avoid the migrant crisis.
And there is plenty of evidence that everyone needs to tread carefully:
EXCLUSIVE: Over Half Of Electoral Commission Committee Members Have EU Conflicts Of Interest
No wonder they want to minimise UKIP’s influence.
And Osborne is spreading fear again: mortgages may go up after a Brexit!
But that would be nothing compared to what is happening in Europe (see above)
Radford NG – 20:43
I think a period of getting on with the main task would be most beneficial.
It doesn’t mean that observations should be forgotten. Remember what has already happened. Nigel Farage has offered warm words to Vote Leave while Arron Banks has abandoned the legal challenge to Vote Leave leading Brexit campaign.
Earlier today Farage made it clear that he was opposed to a legal challenge and that he would be urging Banks to drop the idea.
Last night Banks seemed quite committed to going to court. He tweeted this:
Arron Banks ?@Arron_banks
Vote leave document is full of lies and misrepresentations we will consult but expect judicial review .
7:09 PM – 13 Apr 2016”
My posts are disappearing into a black hole – is it anything to do with Baron’s telescope, at 18:10, I wonder? 🙂
And we (as a species) think we know everything! 🙂
DT: Boris Johnson’s dispute with David Cameron over the EU deepened on Friday night after he called the Prime Minister and his allies the “Gerald Ratners of modern politics”.
Britons looking forward to receiving orders from US President
April 15th @ 18:10
Hubble, double toil and trouble:
I find it calming and reassuring.
What unsettles me is a bad toothache.
April 15th@ 17:52
“…what the hell do they talk about?”
How to recover Constantinople for western civilization without provoking Obama and the globalists?
Eric King: “…As that unfolds, is that the beginning of the end (of the current global financial system)?”
Nomi Prins: “It is…”
If you consider contemplation of far distant galaxies unsettling, try this view of what was going on at the WTC on 9/11:
“Although it’s now public knowledge that former Florida Sen. Bob Graham told the Tampa Bay Times that the secret 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report are poised to be released within the next few months, one can only question what the White House’s new and urgent motive for their release is.
One thing comes to mind, right off the bat, and that is the fact that strong evidence exists suggesting that up to three thermonuclear devices were detonated at the World Trade Center site on 9/11, hence the nickname “Ground Zero.” ”
The full article with videos can be found here:
Tong in cheek from mr Moore
For some strange reason when you touch the comments button it disappears and there are none.
How very odd.
History repeating itself…
“Lieutenant Wouter van Rossen, the Dutch platoon commander in Germany, explains that “I am and remain a Dutch soldier, but I am under German command.”
The Dutch Army and Navy are now more or less fully subsumed into those of Germany.
I can confirm that I, too, am totally pissed of with EE !
Taking the shine off the polish…
Rights and obligations of EU membership….
A comment from the Conservative woman website
2 days ago
Feminism has become an obtuse form of virtue signalling for middle class women who have it all.
They emote, wail and bemoan the behaviour of white men and have absolutely nothing to say on the subject of Muslim men and their behaviour towards women .
They’re strident and brave when there is no chance of being bundled off to Pakistan or being kept as a house slave.
Feminism has gone from the self sacrificing bravery of the suffragettes to a ‘ like ‘ on an anonymous messagebord or a cosy echo chamber on Womans hour where they just self affirm over trivia, ignoring the elephant in the room.
It’s both cowardly and pathetic.
John Birch 0835:
Someone said the law is an ass.
Or if you are a penetrating wit three!
A very muddled article which attempts to undermine the observation of parallels between the Nazi concept of ‘Europa’ and the EU but instead makes them all the more apparent:-é-brunet/is-eu-nazi-project-debunking-enduring-myth
“Hitler’s “Europe” was a profoundly hegemonic construction, with Germany at the centre of an expanding empire, with all other states within that empire subservient to Germany.”
The current EU is not hegemonic or dominated by Germany? Could have fooled me. There’s a nasty sideswipe about Britain’s role in the war too, sneering at it as “so the national narrative goes”.
As for OpenDemocracy, a butcher’s at their funding tells the story:-
Eu gravy trainers who want the EU gravy train to continue. Quelle surprise.
Here is the author of that OpenDemocracy crap, another French Canadian and socialist no doubt. Just why is it that so many French Canadians are active in agitating for the EU and why there are so many foreign socialist activists active within the UK? They have been flocking here since 1989.é-Brunet.aspx
The jester, the Frauleiter and the Sultan:|image2
where do AK47s’ come from, Daddy?
Noa April 16th, 2016 – 11:53
Merkel’s “dilemma” illustrates the consequences of not repealing bad law.
We don’t get a mention there but for a flavour of what’s coming:-
“In addition, applicable rules often fail to cover the liability of operators for the publication of hate content by bloggers or users of social media sites. The liability of bloggers and users of websites is often regulated; however these individuals are sometimes difficult to trace back, moreover it is often difficult to prove their motivation. The situation is an issue of concern given that internet remains a critical tool for the distribution of racist and hateful propaganda. To overcome the potential impunity of offenders it is recommended to regulate the liability of operators, thereby encouraging them to better control the content of blogs and social media websites. Alternatively Member States could reinforce their efforts of monitoring the content of websites. This however, should be done in a manner ensuring the sufficient respect of freedom of expression.”
Je Suis Charlie . . .
“Due to the provisions’ possible clashes with constitutionally guaranteed principles and in view of the diversity of religious beliefs in Europe and of the democratic principle of the separation of state and religion, it seems necessary to reconsider the criminalisation of blasphemy/religious insult.”
The internet is also a critical tool for the distribution of incessant leftist propaganda which is full of hate speech towards those who do not conform to its ideologies. One man’s hate speech is another man’s resistance to left wing tyranny
Tremulous @ 10:20
No, he said ‘the law is a ass – a idiot…’ – and conditionally.
“It was all Mrs. Bumble. She would do it,” urged Mr. Bumble; first looking round, to ascertain that his partner had left the room.
That is no excuse,” returned Mr. Brownlow. “You were present on the occasion of the destruction of these trinkets, and, indeed, are the more guilty of the two, in the eye of the law; for the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction.”
If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, “the law is a ass — a idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience.”
Nothing much changes. The new “domestic abuse crime” of “controlling behaviour” is directed entirely at men, by women and for women, despite the evidence of the new kitchens industry and the long established cultural meme of the henpecked husband and the battleaxe.
Colonel Mustard 12.50
Thank you for those links, the enemy grows ever stronger and a legislative tsunami will overwhelm us in due course, whether we Brexit or not, I suspect.
There is one small hope remaining; in religious chicanery. I shall consider anointing myself as Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Ark, a polytheistic sect encompassing all maritime and aviation deities and beer. You may similarly wish to promote the sanctification of, say, mustard pots.
After all, both credos would have the same level of veracity as mohammedism and need have less deadly consequences for deniers and apostates.
“…The current study, developed on the basis of information gathered through eight national studies (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Poland) revealed that offence provisions applicable to blasphemy/religious insult often overlap with hate speech provisions, thereby calling into question the necessity to separately regulate blasphemy/religious insult. The study concludes that Member States should assess whether the need to protect public order by protecting individuals and groups belonging to minority religions could actually be better satisfied by reinforcing or duly implementing the existing national legislation on hate speech.
EC (09:14)
☺ … pedipun of the year!
Gallows humour of course; as always, the best vehicle for serious shit.
Pope declares himself insane.
What a surprise:
Aid worker warns Britain many migrants have ‘no intention of living under Christian law’
Another chilling communique from the one and only:
And yet another compelling reason to Brexit.
He’s excellent here, Frank, relaxed, hard hitting, wittily funny. Great man.
Btw, the novel ‘The Joke’ is worth reading not just because of what Mark says, the mild tap at the totalitarian set-up, it also shows how people start to self-censor, how the whole process intensifies until it comes a full circle, becomes a joke in itself, imprisoning one’s personality so fully there’s no escape from it.
RobertRetyred @ 15:23
It seems virtually everyone who is in direct touch with the ‘refugees’ is of the same view, Robert, but the politicians who run the show. It would help if someone like the Mutti were to spend time with them, get to know them well, live amongst them.
Pity, Noa, he didn’t suggest that the Saudis take more than three families, they have the facilities for them.
John Birch at 08.35.
Charles Moore is a very naughty boy.
Full article and comments at
Colonel Mustard @ 12:50
The freedom the internet facilitates will have to be curtailed, Colonel, no question about it, it’s what limits the brainwashing by the anointed.
The KGB Colonel has been lampooned often on German television, often far more than the Turkish dictator, (on the Crimean crisis for instance), someone should suggest to him to do an Erdogan. It would be revealing what the Mutti’s reaction would be then.
Burnley’s white working class being ’embraced’ by mohamedism
EC @ 09:00
If NATO has to function well, EC, to be a force to be reckoned with, this submerging will have to go a Full Monty. Non-standard gear, and the inability of the foot soldiers (often also officers) to speak one language well (English) list amongst the two serious drawbacks of the alliance.
Radford NG 1636-As Jimmy thought:
I speak for many when I say I would have had no interest in this story, I wouldn’t have even clicked on a link about it but given the attempt to use secret courts to try to restrict free speech, it became of enormous interest to me and I now know all about it as do you all. Whoever advised him/she/it has clearly never heard of the “Streisland Effect”.
(An effect where the act of censorship in fact ends up publicising the information more extensively- named after Barbra Streisand, who tried to censor photographs of her residence in Malibu ending up causing a media storm of interest in her Malibu house).
Nonetheless Charles Moore is a brave man. If His Honour upholds the injunction at 1230 on Monday, the tumbrils may come for him (and perhaps Fraser Nelson). I am not sure where Paul de Laire Staines lives but he may have his collar felt.
Malfleur @ 03:05
One can only hope your guess isn’t the case, Malfleur, after Crimea and eastern Ukraine that’s the last thing Europe needs, another land grab.
Frank P @ 20:44
The new label doesn’t appeal to the barbarian, Frank, it sounds like a particularly nasty affliction that needs urgent checking like hernia or phobia, even though the names of a number of countries have such endings e.g. Serbia, Syria, Bulgaria, Bavaria.
The main reason everyone here is so keen on Czechia is the shortness of the word, the Czech Republic’s too long for them, it doesn’t roll off the tongue easily, that’s the main reasoning against the Czech Republic or the Czechland.
But what about the United States of America, USA in short, also known as the Republic, America, the States… Also, how many people would say ‘the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland’?
Bohemia would have been Baron’s choice (also shortish, ends with -ia), it is what this chunk of lands used to be called from the times of Rome through the kingdoms of the middle ages until roughly the end of the 19th century.
Btw, Baron cannot even type the new name of choice, the software would revert it to Czech, funny that.
Not a bad rant about our new transgender friends:
Radford NG @ 16:36
The barbarian has now read the piece twice, Radford, cannot fathom why you think the man who penned it is naughty. Please, tell him.
The standard apology for the errors is the last posting by the poorly educated Slav, you will be pleased to read.
Baron 16:27
Saudi Arabia is famously hospitable to the Hadjis, those moslems making the pilgrimage to Mecca from places and from even less civilised than there.
On one occasion the Saudia Air jet I was travelling on from Riyadh to Jeddah and was treated to the spectacle of several assorted Hadjis, in their white ihrams, producing a lighting a camping gaz stove in the passenger aisle on which to make chai. After several minutes protests they were persuaded by the panicked steward and some other passengers, myself included, to desist.
Expect similar adventures as a newly re-enriched Europe embraces its new population.
Correction, the Saudi rebels were Salafists.
And talking of the clergy, will Abdul Aziz Al ash-Sheikh reciprocate his Holiness’s opening of the Vatican to moslem refugees by throwing opening the church doors of Arabia to persecuted Christians from Syria and Iraq, providing them with chess sets for entertainment?
It seems unlikely.
Noa April 16th, 2016 – 14:16
In 2007 there were estimated to be about 17,000 ex-Stasi officials working for the German government. More than 100 ex-Stasi are now employed in the police force of the eastern state of Brandenburg where the weekend home of Merkel in Uckermark is located. There have been reports that her residence is guarded by police who are ex-Stasi including one from Abteilung III the telephone surveillance unit.
Google ‘Rosenholz’ but be prepared for a long trawl. The CIA were supposed to release the ‘files’ of 50,000 Stasi ‘people of interest’ which supposedly included agents of influence and 121 non-German nationals. Instead they handed them over to the German government and they are now held in a ‘public’ archive to which the public usually get refused access. Since then ‘Rosenholz’ has been steadily downplayed as a simple card index, a right wing conspiracy theory, an exaggeration, a myth, etc., in precisely the usual way the leftist establishments undermine any threat to them. And what happened to this:-
It’s all gone very quiet on the Stasi. I spent some time exploring the subject but strange things began to happen when I tried to access certain articles about it. Websites froze, active cookies began slowing down my computer, scrolling stopped working. I began going through the cookies carefully and there were some very odd results connected to “charity” sites and think tanks in the UK.
Apparently ex-Stasi can’t be prosecuted in Germany because of employment legislation which seems strange given the eager prosecution of geriatric SS clerks. But then I suppose the current German regime does not view the Stasi in the same light.
Everything is being orchestrated to give us a government by 2020 which will pursue Corbyn’s aspiration for a “Socialist Union” in Europe. The term now being used is chilling. It will be communist in all but name. All is coming to pass as Bukovsky predicted.
Just as a postscript to that. There were stories around 2004-5 of ex-Stasi working as bureaucrats in the EU Commission. It was then reported with outrage and investigations were promised. Merkel became German chancellor in 2006. Those stories are now impossible to find.
Merkel claimed that in the Freie Deutsche Jugend (FJD) Socialist Youth Movement she was only secretary for culture. When her former FDJ district chairman contradicted her she asserted that to her memory she had been secretary for culture but then said: “But what do I know? I believe I won’t know anything when I’m 80.” Merkel’s progress in the compulsory Marxism–Leninism course was graded genügend (sufficient – passing grade) in 1983 and 1986. Then suddenly, in 1989, she became interested in the democratic movement.
She rose in government after that partly as a result of scandals toppling politicians who stood in her way.
Merkel’s handling of the immigration crisis was astonishing. Almost textbook Frankfurt school. The Wiki entry on Gramsci and the Frankfurt school now downplays it and frames ‘cultural marxism’ as a right-wing conspiracy theory. Wiki has been well and truly nobbled by socialists.
“The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” – Max Horkheimer
Austin Barry id alive and well.
Emulous at 16.55
Paul Staines is in Dublin.
He is `adviser` to a blog published in St. Kitts.
Its servers are in the USA.
An answer to yours might bring it to the attention of `t’s` favourite lawyers.
Baron;mine 18.47.
We will excuse your naivety for being a poorly educated Slav.
Hate Apple Macs, hate its spell checker and the consequences thereof.
I often use Czechia; but I would suggest Bohemia-Moravia : as with Papua New Guinea and Kwazulu-Natal.
Baron:mine 18.43
Trust not the false prophet, David Icke.
“Icke” is a compression of Isaac. The Messiah is himself a lizard-person. Yesterday, Old Amos birthed a lamb with two heads. Anti-Christ is coming, as foretold.
What is going on?
Horror as Turkish is made an ‘official EU language’ before ANY voters support membership
TURKISH is to become an official language of the European Union, as the Islamic nation draws closer to being admitted as a fully-fledged EU member.
Clovelly:capital of Cornshire.
Where minotaurs walk unmolested down the streets and three-breasted floozies pour bulls’ blood into the tankards of grinning yokels.
Where the undead come climbing out of the drains and the music of Stock, Aitken and Waterman is piped into every home.
Pepys’ Diary – 14th April
“Sir G. Carteret tells me to-night that he perceives the Parliament is likely to make a great bustle before they will give the King any money; will call all things into question; and, above all, the expences of the Navy; and do enquire into the King’s expences everywhere, and into the truth of the report of people being forced to sell their bills at 15 per cent. loss in the Navy; and, lastly, that they are in a very angry pettish mood at present, and not likely to be better.”
…especially when they learn that Turkish is to become an official language.
I think the time has come to bring back tarring and feathering.
Baron @ 16:57
We want it back, Baron, and the north African littoral.
“WASHINGTON — Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.”
A Bill of Attainder of the the U.S. government officials and othercitizens involved would also be timely. Given his cavalier use of his pen, I am sure Obama would have no problem overriding Article I, Section 9 pf the Constitution of the United States and signing the Bill into law.
So Arsene Wenger “fears for the future of top flight football in the UK should we leave the European Union”.
Some of us fear for the future of Arsenal football club if the wanker continues to manage them! Perhaps they should have a referendum among its supporters.
Get your arsene back to where you came from you arrogant frog!
Having watched the shocking link at 16:51 yesterday, posted by Noa, to the intimidation by moslem thugs of people talking on a street corner in Burnley, I think that tarring and feathering of our government may be the least of what’s required.
From that link however, seen in the context of Mark Steyn’s piece linked by Frank P at 15:52, we see that the function of political correctness is to prevent the discussion of real solutions to a real problem, even as government pursues measures to increase the size of the problem to the point that real discussion of it has no chance to bring about a solution while the problem disappears as those seeking a solution themselves become the problem.
Gentlemen, our government has led us to a position where we are about to be a problem to be solved by moslems…
What is to be done?
Andy Car Park , April 16th, 2016 – 22:40
Clovelly: “three-breasted floozies…”
Chorus: They “should be so lucky, Lucky, lucky, lucky” etc.
“…we are…a problem to be solved by moslems….”
An inexorable resolution to the issues of liberal democracy by the world’s political
elites, welcome to the new Helots.
Radford NG
Bohemia-Moravia? Heydrich would be pleased.
Good morning! For those who’ve been following it, there’s a first hand account of Tommy Robinson’s court proceedings at
It’s the third article down after the News Feed and the Robert Spencer clip and includes some interesting comments about the magistrate’s court system.
Colonel Mustard This week’s CHW on Merkel.
All true beautifully put. Over the years, my own rather inarticulate attempts to convey misgivings about Merkel, and also the German Green Party, to friends and relation living in Germany have fallen on “deaf ears.” It’s all coming true now!
On June 23rd vote OUT
Your point about Wiki is well founded. It should be regarded with the same suspicion as the output of BBC, Pravda, Isvestia, Al Jazeera, RT … etc.
Frank P, April 16th, 2016 – 15:52
Dragons and intimidation be everywhere!
Let’s have some last “last laughs” with Mark, while we still can…….
Mark Steyn – Speech to the IPA’s Gala Dinner in Melbourne 2016
(NB. His anecdote @13:38 about the fate of the guy from Rugely, Staffs who joked about renaming his PC, “Nelson Mandela”)
Damaris Tighe @ 10:07
Thanks for the link.
Btw, Robert Spencer (and Pamela Geller) are (as is the American talk show host, Michael Savage) BANNED from entering the United Kingdom by the Home Secretary. Shame! Shame!
Hitchens on drugs, with this memorable aphorism on Nick Clegg:
“He’s never met a cliche…he doesn’t like.”
Alexander Boot dismantles the International academic Niall Freguson:
Ferguson – sorry I’m trying to watch Leicester v West Ham simultaneously.
Dear President Obama 🙂
Noa – 11:20
My eye caught this:
“Well, last week the Ukrainian premier resigned, mainly because of his utter failure to tackle the real corruption (vicious and viral, affecting every corner of life) in which that country is neck-deep.”
No wonder the the EU Elite want to get involved.
From Damaris Tighe’s link on the Tommy Robinson hearing @ 10:07 and the authorities’ review of whether to prosecute him:
“…Furthermore it came out that at the time this ‘assault’ was investigated by the prison authorities and a decision not to take the matter any further — fear of their own complicity in this State-sponsored campaign to rid itself of this turbulent peasant, probably. Also it was revealed that after his release this incident was again investigated by other authorities, and it was again decided not to prosecute — possibly for the same reasons. Only later, when he appeared as a co-leader of the British branch of PEGIDA, was this current scurrilous prosecution launched….”
The parties making the decision to prosecute should be identified, the reasons for the decision and the surrounding circumstances investigated, and if a criminal conspiracy were to be uncovered, the parties should be punished including any politician involved, particularly if of Cabinet rank.
“Yesterday evening, after the court case against him was dismissed, Tommy Robinson was interviewed at length by Trinity Channel, an American Christian broadcaster. The topic was “The Islamization of the United Kingdom”.
Now that Tommy’s legal entanglements are over (for the moment), he is able to speak out freely about the persecution he has suffered at the hands of the British state. In this excerpt there are details about what happened to him that I hadn’t heard before.”
If any Wallsters missed Bret Baier’s “Rising Threats Shrinking Military” documentary it’s now available on You Tube. Just type in the title and click into the link.
It is the most damning indictment of a serving POTUS since Nixon or Bill Clinton. In comparison their impeachment evidence involved mere peccadillos.
As we augured, from the moment Obama emerged as a presidential candidate, his mission as a front man for the unholy alliance of Alinski-ite communism and Islamic jihad was to destroy the American hegemony and the Western Alliance. He has succeeded and denuded the West of its military and commercial supremacy.
Our own politicians have slavishly followed his lead. We are deeply in economic imbalance to most of our most dangerous enemies.
The traitor has the effrontery to plan a trip to the UK to advise us that it is ‘in our interests’ to stay within the EUSSR.
Unfortunately I am too old and too frail to organise a lynching mob to deal with the Commie/Muslim bastard when he arrives.
Btw. Fox News are only ten years too late with their exposé. I wonder whether the old adage ‘better late than never’ would be far too kind in this case? We had the story on Melanie Phillips’ original blog (before her Spectator platform) from about 2004 and ran it concurrently on the Daily Ablution blog.
And still at least 50% of hoi polloi in the States still don’t get it. Dumb bastards!
Btw. Fox News are only ten years too late with their exposé. I wonder whether the old adage ‘better late than never’ would be far too kind in this case? We had the story on Melanie Phillips’ original blog (before her Spectator platform) from about 2004 and ran it concurrently on the Daily Ablution blog.
And still at least 50% of hoi polloi in the States still don’t get it. Dumb bastards!
I know I’m preaching to the choir. But if any of this is allowed to exist in any form in years to come (which I doubt – as moves are being made for the Unholy Alliance to take control of the intertubes), I want my grandkids and theirs to know that the handful of renegades here, in our dotage, tried. ☺
Mike Bell February 7, 2016
Tommy F*cking Robinson
Tommy Robinson,
what a ‘pure’ knob:
Racism fisted-him;
a nice hard cock.
ENL suffered,
Pegida’s scream,
his last-vote’s-breath:
A shallow-beached dream.
I sat with a gay man,
And argued politic,
But his defense,
was pure cock-lick.
There is little hope,
For any one vote,
If none of us manage,
To embrace last-hopes.
My decision is minimal,
With where I live,
But my vote is the one thing,
I can ever re-give.