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Excuse me for doing this,but…
January 12th, 2015 – 08:00
Here are some interesting thoughts on why the false flags by the globalists, including the latest one in Paris, are not wrapped up so tight that the falsity of the flag cannot be perceived with a little effort and attention.
The globalists are looking one step ahead in their strategy and if we are to thwart their plans we must do too. The blogger proposes, to give one example, that the defenders of the national central banks will be sacrificed to the critics of the globalists. Those who have criticised national central banks will be brought in to replace their defenders on the grounds that if only the old guard had, like the new guard, foreseen the problems generated by those banks the banks could have been superceded earlier and the problems thus avoided. The globalists of course aim to abolish central banks run by nation states. Thus people like Obama, Holland, Yellen can be blamed for the disasters when they arrive shortly and new men can be brought in to replace them such as Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Marine Le Pen and – yes! – Nigel Farage who have been slowly tailoring positions to align with the globalists developing needs. Central banks can then be done away with to the extent necessary to meet the globalists’ purposes.
This is of course a frightful thought for anyone here who hopes that Mr. Farage can focus national resistance – but I think that if we are being set up for betrayal we should start to think fast how to recognise and avoid it.
January 12th, 2015 – 08:35
Michael Savage seems to have taken the Paris outrages at only face value in his radio programme last Friday. So far, he only half gets it. He knows and declaims that islam is our existential enemy. He does not yet fully grasp that islam has been militarised and been made militant, and is now being used and controlled by western governments and those who control them against the people which those governments purport to represent.
I regret to announce, ladies and gentlemen, that the government is the enemy of the people.
January 12th, 2015 – 08:53
In view of Cameron’s prominent attendance at the Paris demonstration yesterday, it is worth reviewing this short article from December 2013 from which the following is taken:
“Official correspondence released under the U.K.’s freedom of information law revealed that the government banned the American talk-host [Michael Savage] – who had given no indication he planned to ever travel to the country – because it wanted to use his name to provide “balance” to a “least wanted” list dominated by Muslim extremists.”
The very helpful post describing how I could save the URL of the last post as a favorite can be extended by clicking on ‘Leave a comment’ instead, and saving that URL as a favorite.
You might have to scroll back a few posts to get to where you last were, but it always takes you to the end of the posts, for that week anyway.
Here they go again; it’s Boris this tine:
The Islamists want war, but it would be fatal if we fell for it
It’s ‘islam wants to conquer the world’, as instructed through the koran, and muslims will carry this out, whether they like it or not, on pain of death.
New Year, new job?
Matthew w’Ancona, CMD’s official biographer, in today’s Grauniad :
He should get an OBN for this one.
France seems to realise its at war with part of its own population.
France to mobilise 10,000 troops to protect “sensitive” sites across country after Paris attacks, minister announces
From jihad watch
French PM declares “war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam”
Having just watched CMD linking arms for a photo-op in France, I think that Verity, late of this parish – and apparently missing in action, would want me to remind you all that he has a mouth like a hen’s arse. It was a constant theme of her mordant posts.
And I can only guess what she would be saying about the antics of our politicians over the fast few days, but she would, I am almost certain, posit that they are all currently plotting to ensure that the atrocities in France are used to consolidate the argument for Britain to reman under the heel of the EUSSR. So on her behalf let us all be vigilant in exposing any signs of this ploy and resisting it with invective worthy of our old comrade at arms. RIP.
And the best response possible to that post would be a post from Verity: short and sharp: “Reports of my demise are premature! Now as I was saying ….”
David Cameron to push for more surveillance powers against ‘Islamist death cult’
PM to meet intelligence chiefs this morning, as he calls for “more comprehensive” powers to monitor suspects
@David_Cameron – The #CharlieHebdo march was inspirational. Here I talk about tackling the poisonous ideology behind the murders
No action, just surveillance, just PR! What complete traitors. (The DT & CMD)
This is one for the Shavian Socialista interlopers who persist in defacing the wall:
One word can sum it up: taqiyya.
… The DT is not allowing comments.
… The DT is not allowing comments on the article in the RobertC – 11:38 post.
Marching in protest, arm in arm. Such a lefty style of responding when those contemptible Euro “leaders” have the power to change things by other means.
Guido Fawkes highlights the hypocrisies with his Monday morning cartoon and lets not forget the whole Leveson, police arresting journalists and Tommy Robinson disgrace here. Euro politicians marching for “free speech” when their laws, regulations and quangos are attempting to clamp down on it everywhere.
But the supreme irony is old hen’s arse mouth (hat tip Verity and Frank) sanctimoniously marching on behalf of a country where a magazine like Charlie Hebdo would not be tolerated for 5 minutes before he would be at the forefront of calls for it to be censored.
The “new powers” don’t bode well either, since in Cameron’s Euro-Puppet state we are all suspects. As others have pointed out one new immigration law, enacted urgently, would do a lot more good. But our puppet Parliament doesn’t have that power, only the power to make our lives more irksome, surveilled, regulated, licensed, nudged, nannied and ripped off whilst the elephant still stalks the room.
Frank P – 11:39
Local Radio has had a French woman commenting on the Paris show of (futile) solidarity.
She disliked Netanyahu being in the group of world leaders because he has been accused (by ‘uman rights groups) of misdoings. And then I see your post!
Well done BBC, keeping up the pretence!
“BBC delenda est !”, as Verity frequently said.
I want also to carry the following post over from the end of the last thread because it most clearly underlines the likelihood of a false flag in France and helps to point up that things are more complicate than they seem:
January 12th, 2015 – 01:23
““Police commissioner Helric Fredou, who had been investigating the attack on the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, committed suicide in his office. The incident occurred in Limoges, the administrative capital of the Limousin region in west-central France, on Thursday night, local media France 3 reports. Helric Fredou, 45, suffered from depression and experienced burn out. Shortly before committing suicide, he met with the family of a victim of the Charlie Hebdo attack and killed himself preparing the report.”
Colonel Mustard (12:06)
That’s a concise summary of the irony of the Paris sham demo. Well said!
David Cameron: Muslims must do more to tackle terrorism in wake of Paris shootings
David Cameron agrees with Sajid Javid[*], the Culture Secretary, that it is “lazy and wrong” to say that the Paris attacks have nothing to do with Islam
* in yesterday’s DT:
It is lazy to say Paris terror attacks have nothing to do with Islam, Sajid Javid says
Sajid Javid, the Culture Secretary, says there is ‘no getting away’ from fact that terrorists behind attacks in West say they are Muslim
And this Tory MP is sticking his neck out [Quite an apt simile, don’t you think?]:
Nadhim Zahawi MP: It’s time for the Islamic world to support free speech – and repeal blasphemy laws
But join the dots, and the logical conclusion is to ‘discard’ the Koran and all that it entails! 🙂
There’s a not so wild rumour going about that the Glasgow bin lorry tragedy was in fact a “bin lorry jihad”. One of several interesting pieces on that called “Bin Lorry
Jihad?” at:
Glasgow bin lorry. If it had happened in England I would doubt the conspiracy theory. But because ‘Police Scotland’ now seem to be a centralised state construct under political direction and the SNP have vested interests I’m not so sure. ‘Police Scotland’ commentary on disorder prior to the referendum was extraordinary. A jihadi attack would
a) undermine SNP boasts about Scotland being more tolerant and relaxed about immigration and multi-culturalism than England
b) potentially create racial/religious tensions that would also impact SNP boasting
The SNP rely strongly on the line “we’re better than you are” so there is a real motivation to cover up any embarrassing incidents that give the lie to that.
If the incident was just an accident and the Police/Council are concealing the driver’s identity for fear of revenge or his future safety then that has been poorly handled.
Colonel Mustard – 13:58
Just so!
Colonel Mustard – 13:58
There is the ‘three in the cab’ yet the slumped driver continued driving, the long distance travelled and “Glasgow City Council has previously said the names of the driver and crew will not be released publicly.”
Glasgow City Council? Not the police or the CPS, Glasgow City Council !!!
Delingpole debunks some of the cliches of the ‘free speech’ qualifiers. Timely.
Charlie Hebdo writers once spearheaded effort to ban an entire political party
Guess which one.
Colonel Mustard (et al.)
The authorties have allowed the speculation about the Glasgow tragedy to fester and as Colonel Mustard correctly avers, have poorly handled the news coverage and therefore public perceptions. It is, sadly, what we have come to expect from bureaucracy in general and the police in particular. But even more derelict is the attitude of the investigative arm of journalism, which now appears to be virtually defunct, except in muckraking snippets about the behavior of UKIP politicians. A determined ferret from a half decent news organ should have by now got to the bottom of this incident, and either debunked the ‘terrorist’ rumour, or produced credible evidence to support it. Until someone does, the wild rumours will become even more Icke-ish. As it is, it is unlikely that the speculation will be stemmed until the inquest takes place; by then hoi polloi will, as a result of the procrastination, ultimately even doubt the findings of the inquest. Madness!, Particularly so in the current climate of an upsurge of Islamic jihaddery in Europe.
Perhaps our so called ‘leaders’ could spend a little less time on photo opportunities and kindly sort the chaff from the grain..
My own assessment, admittedly without much evidence, is that more noise would have been forthcoming from the relatives and friends of the victims, had there been real suspicion of a malign intent, rather than it being a tragic serious accident.
I invite fellow fruitcakes and “zimmerframers” (© Dalai Guevara) to carefully note the comments of “UnionJihack” at the other place, especially in the latest blog, which seem to have undergone a remarkable change of style in recent weeks – the current arrogant, interrogative style is suspiciously similar to a troll not seen there of late.
I once asked the owner(s) of that weird pseudonym what it was meant to represent but never got a reply. ‘UnionJihack’, recall, once told us he/she had purchased a whole street of houses to do up and rent.
Further to my post at 14:40, I just tried to post a comment on Delingpole’s thread via my disquis id (as here – Frank P) and it was rejected with an imperative to ‘authenticate the author’.’ My posts normally make it, can anyone suggest why this might be so?
Anyhow – this is what I tried to post:
The mantra that the jihad is a perversion of a great religion is risible. What must be asserted, ad nauseum, is the truth: that Islam itself is a dangerous perverted cult and the jihad is its modus operandi. The fact that over 1400 years it has become peopled by some 1.6 adherents, through a process of coersion, or brainwashing ; by means of stultified education, myth and superstition, is a reason to resist it vehemently. The fact that a majority of its adherents do not propagate violence does not validate it as a religion, in fact it underlines the fact that that non violent hordes can be coerced into submission by Mullahs exercising power by propaganda. The jihad is the very essence of Islam. We accept the taqiyya of so called moderate Muslims and our dhimmi leaders at our great peril.
And BTW, I would say the same about Judeo-Christianity, if it was still perpetrating violent propagation of its tenets and actively punishing its apostates or ‘infidels’ of other beliefs by death or other violent punishment. But it isn’t, so I tolerate – and even admire some of its adherents. 🙂
I don’t trust disquis.
John Birch (16:25).
It’s difficult to trust anyone or anything in the febrile atmosphere that pervades our culture – but why Disquis in particular? Further and better particulars, please, as they say in the shyster trade?
@Frank P 16:09
Admirably concise. 🙂
Fox News have started to go full bore in an anti-islam campaign. Hannity and Meg Kelly the strongest proponents – O’Reilly us still laying off, but is gradually hardening up. Even the Square headed foil guy leftie, Bob Beckel is foaming anti-islamic rhetoric. Amazing what can happen when desk bound journos & cartoonists get whacked, ennit?
Unfortunately the Murdoch Empire here hasn’t received instructions yet, despite Rupe’s recent tweets of a slightly pejorative nature towards Islam. Sky is still pumping the ol’ RoP mantra, both their (w) anchors and selected talked ng heads.
Help, how do I turn off the auto-correcter on my Nexus tablet? It keeps scrambling the text I try to post and it is a worse speller than I am. Moreover, sometimes when I press ‘submit’ having carefully checked
the text, the stuff gets scrambled or even curtailed, en route.
You did instruct me once before, but I’ve forgotten.
Tks. 🙂
FrankP – 17:24
Do you ever catch Emily Miller FoxNews’ DC-CIR?
They won’t get her either.
She packs heat at all times, you know.
Whaddagal! 🙂
BTW Peter.
Can you change the imperative on the ‘Submit’ button to ‘Send’.
It has a distinctly Islamic smell. 🙂
Frank P – 17:32
I do not have my Nexus to hand because I donated it to my daughter a while back.
However this looks to be pretty similar to what I did:
Good luck.
Something to agree with, or something with which to agree:
Political class in denial over cause of jihadist threat, says LEO MCKINSTRY
Emily Miller? No. I’ll look her up. Judith Miller I know, she appears on Brett Baier’s panel from time to time. Judith doesn’t look the type who would carry, but then, that’s how it should be: the element of surprise and all that …
Thanks for the Nexus link. Bingo. I’ve bookmarked it this time.
Ed Miliband recruiting again for UKIP:
Eurosceptics are danger to UK security, says Miliband
NB: After the Paris incident, Spain want the Schengen Agreement ‘improved’.
Frank P
January 12th, 2015 – 16:09
99% spot on. The one thing that I do think needs more attention is the relevance of the concept of “moderate Muslim”. No doubt millions of Muslims are people who would themselves not harm a fly. Perhaps that makes them “moderate”. But that is a long way from the point.
The fundamental point is that despite so many Muslims being essentially decent people, the very existence of the Koran absolutely guarantees that it will convince at least some of their offspring, not to mention fellow Muslims with violent tendencies, that it is their duty to subjugate non-Muslims, exterminate Jews and ruthlessly use whatever deceit, violence and terror will tend to spread and consolidate Islam’s grip.
So what can be done about it?
The National Post in Canada has a very thoughtful piece by Conrad Black on this topic –
Rational thinking suggests that a good start would be the systematic and determined use of modern technology to exterminate every Muslim theologian and cleric in the entire world who urges fellow-Muslims to commit terrorist acts.
But can even that ever be enough? I doubt it. The expression “Final Solution” is so closely associated with Hitler that it feels distasteful to ever use it, but nonetheless, the world desperately needs one.
Must not any Final Solution include the termination of the very existence of the Koran so that no human beings are any longer exposed to it?
RobertC (17:57)
Good piece by Leo. He is, and always has been, a good journo. Sad he took that fuckin’ pornographer’s shilling though. As a Labour party apostate, I suppose it’s difficult to find a decent platform to earn a crust. Come to think of it, is there one, anymore?
Why has the traditional centre-right press fallen to the left or to the cynical and unacceptable face of crap-end capitalism – and the majority of journos baby faced libtards, or, well … hard-faced Long Marchers? Discuss.
Confirmed: Obama watched NFL playoffs instead of going to Paris
@Frank P 12th, – 17:51
“Can you change the imperative on the ‘Submit’ button to ‘Send’.
It has a distinctly Islamic smell. :-)”
I’ll raise you… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Herbert Thornton – 18:25
Thanks for the Conrad Black link, he is always worth reading.
Brigitte Gabriel Educates A Young Moderate Muslim
Ouch! Ms Gabriel is not a woman to be trifled with !
Emily Miller: did you read this?
As you say a feisty filly. Must keep an eye open for both her copy and Fox appearances. She’s obviously been around the block.
Wonder why some of these useless think tanks employed by our administration aren’t doing what we’re doing and keeping tabs on worthy hacks, rather than employing J Arthurs like Daniel Korski. They obviously haven’t a clue abot what’s coming down, either at home or abroad, or they wouldn’t be spewing such crap.
Much as I’m enjoying the stick that Obullshit is taking for not appearing at the French frolic, it has to be said, that even considering the crappy state to which the US Secret Service has descended, there was no way they would, or even could, have guaranteed his safety while mingling in a 2m + crowd in Gay Paris. Whatever the political implications it just wasn’t on. OTOH, given the way his henchman feel about him, they must have been tempted to recommend he went, anyway. ☺
In that regard it could have solved many of the West’s problems.
Colonel Mustard
January 12th, 2015 – 13:58
We at the CHW try to keep the memory alive of the bin murder. Ali Bin Kosomok has been forgotten by all the passive citizens, but unless he comes and proves he is an innocent man, it will be obvious that he is in league with Police Scotland.
Interesting scene on the box a few minutes ago. Mindlessly watching mindless TV (the One Show) with Maureen Lipman as star guest. Some roving reporter bloke can onto the settee to discuss the subject de nos jours…the “crisis” at A & E. He’d recently done a night shift at an A & E and was reporting his ‘findings’ when he made the unspeakable error of uttering the awful words, “It’s actually running quite well.” Basilisk-like, Lipman’s face froze.
A minute or two later he commented, “52% of people are sent away without treatment.” Typical among these was one who had turned up with a broken fingernail!
What? It’s only Monday evening, and the number of postings tops almost 50?
Here’s another take on the Paris gathering, a good one, Malfleur should like it in particular.
Frank P @ 17:51
More than good, this one, Frank.
Here’s an idea for a cartoon that should have been the theme of the Paris gathering.
An outline of the Eiffel Tower, not a big one, up to about half page up, behind it a massive rainbow made up of just three colours: red, blue and white.
Frank P @ 16:09
Bravo on the posting, Frank, you should try again, and not only on Breibart.
If it’s any comfort to you, Baron got blacklisted on the Independent site, the posting appeared, then disappeared within a couple of hours.
If I didn’t know better I’d swear Boot has been plagiarising le style de Frank P.
“…Isn’t Angie aware of the chap’s track record? A girl puts her head on François’s shoulder and before long his motorcycle helmet will turn up at her doorstep…”
Anyway he gives the politicos a well-deserved litre of Jeyes Fluid down their collective drains.
Herbert Thornton @ 18:25
Seconded, Herbert, up to the ‘final solution’, and not because it would be undesirable to get on with life without the teaching of Allah, but because it ain’t doable. One can no more erase an institutionalised faith as one cannot eradicate belief, superstition, faith itself.
The silencing of those who install the hatred in the hearts of many would be enough to cut on the atrocities everywhere. To borrow and adjust an old joke: ‘What do you call three evil preaching mullahs chained together at the bottom of the sea? A promising start’.
Black writes well, and this piece of his is both timely and well argued. However, will anyone in power listen?
Frank p 17.01
I am very suspicious of any mainstream site that allows you to say what you genuinely think.
The easy way to trawl for people is to allow them the freedom to hang themselves
The beauty of free speech is to find out who wants to use it.
Noa @ 20:07
You right, Noa, Mr. Boot at his best, a powerful piece, Fraser of the Spectator abode, the DT, other right leaning papers should print it, if they truly believe in the freedom of expression, in full. But would they? In today’s Britain?
Baron cannot wait for the May count, hopes the great but till now silenced unwashed vote the right way.
John birch @ 20:38
Evil, to succeed, good people, do nothing?
You familiar with it, John?
Hitchens also comments on the meaningless event of Sunday. I tend to think of it as Cameron’s biggest selfie yet, possibly ever.
After all, it’s all about me, or him, isn’t it?
Baron 20.43.
Very baron.
But people like us on this site have opinions. And having opinions seems to be more and more like confrontational politics.
I’m happy to be confrontational, but I like to know who I am being confrontational with.
10,000 stable doors clanging all around France!
Neigh, neigh, neigh. Francois.
John Birch (20:38)
Aye, mebbe so. But fuck Disquis, WordPress, et al. I shall continue to say what I think, regardless, until they screw the lid down and fire the furnace.
“…fire the furnace”.
I won’t be able to get near the fire for Wallsters’ when my turn comes.
… Moreover, I shall contrive to come back and haunt ’em thereafter, or better still, wait for them in hell with a very red hot poker!
Worth catching Hugh Laurie’s history of the blues on Radio 2 (2 of 8) now.
Well we’d better get together ere either of us goes, to discus the membership rules of the New Hellfire Club. Though I suspect Verity has already set it up, so she’ll have the drop on us.
Still, I’ll happily cede my place in the queue to snotty, who is well known for attaching his little horns, leech-like, to the main post. And all those communists, marxists, stalinists, trots, socialists and fabians will be pushing their way to the front as usual. I’ll request the toasting fork to be placed in my mitts, handy for an eternity of poking and jabbing the buggers as they turn on the spit!
We must do so Frank, next month maybe? I can always pop down from Lincoln one weekend….
Yes, I miss Verity and wish I had had the honour and pleasure of meeting her.
Obama’s administration is hell-bent, too. On inflicting the maximum damage on the West during their lame duck two years:
Fucking evil! At a time when the US needs to ramp up its military to max capacity and kick the shit of Islamic jihad, both at home and abroad, they are planning to sacrifice the only General since Stormin’ Norman to have a clue about battle tactics, because he got his leg over on the side.
The American electorate deserve anything it gets for giving these saboteurs the keys to the White House; but do the rest of us deserve it?
Oh – hang on a minute, we voted New Labour thrice, then New Labour lite for afters. Yeh! We deserve it.
I’ll ask Peter if he will forward my email to you. Drop me a line and we’ll fix it when the days are a bit longer. ☺
40,000 walking in Dresden tonight with PEGIDA.
The best response to the woman who, with exquisite mistiming, accused her fellow countrymen of ‘having hate in their hearts’ when they protest at their own ethnic cleansing.
I was sorry to see that at the Paris rally David Cameron was not holding a placard calling on the British government to lift the ban on Michael Savage, holder of an American freedom of speech award; but there you are, and I quite understand that the Home Secretary, no doubt against the mood of the Cabinet, needs to keep an American jew on the list which would otherwise be a bit lop-sided, naming as it did at my last count sixteen people that include Russian skinheads, Hamas and Hezbollah members and a KuKlux Klan member all of whom have advocated murder and violence. A Home Secretary had described Mr. Savage’s radio talk show as one that is “likely to cause intercommunity tension”.
Now that the suspects have been shot dead, perhaps, and the police officer investigating the Paris atrocities has been suicided,and the live French TV footage from the rooftop close to Charlie Hebdo’s offices been doctored of most of the citoyens up there wearing everyday flak-jackets, none of the leaders at the rally have to concern themselves any longer with those persons’ freedom of speech, though the suspects and the police officer have suffered the ban which cannot be lifted.
Mr. Cameron will no doubt have returned home re-energised to clamp down on all threats to our liberties, perhaps at the right moment as in France bringing thousands of troops on to the streets of our cities – fortunately there is no standing army in the United Kingdom because we get an annual vote on the renewal of its budget.
A more pressing concern is cyber-security, and this was probably the reason Obama spent the day of the rally watching American football – he knows the real priorities. In his quest for greater assurances in this area, he ha already called for a global conference on security and is poised to announce new safeguards for the internet.
Just in time! For comes the news (h/t Drudge report) that his organisation, ISIS aka al Qaeda, has just hacked into the Pentagon’s computers and is disseminating to the hairy and the savage the names and addresses and other sensitive information of senior military personnel and their families. Whether those names garnered are of senior officers opposed to the Obama administrations’s subversion of the constitution and determined to prosecute their oath and get the republic back in time for Thanksgiving is not clear at this time.
However, a tweeter tweeted “AMERICAN SOLDIERS, WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK” and some sour pusses might say that the tone of voice has Obama’s ring to it. I am sure however that the president will rouse himself from his ball game and put even more energy into mending these appalling breaches of national security and urging all other governments to work harder together to ensure that the internet can no longer be used for the subversion of everything he values.
A rocket launcher, huh? I wonder where they got that and how they brought it into France? Unfortunately, they are probably dead now and will tell no tales.
Now, about those Stinger missiles which Ambassador Stevens tried to stop his country shipping from Benghazi to Al Qaeda (now ISIS) and your Ryan Jet flight to Ibiza this summer…
The cover of the next issue of Charlie Hebdo (via `Liberation`).I don’t quite get this.There seems to be some confusion here between The Big M and Jesus of Nazareth.
Frank P, January 12th, 2015 – 22:53
EC (00:42)
Thanks. Looks like this particular Sword of Damocles is going to be taken down by public outcry and stuffed up Holder’s arse. Then removed and, without sterilisation thrust up the dainty hole of his mulatto Meister.
Has the General drafted his memoirs yet, I wonder?
Blasphemer declares : “Muhammed….was the most kind,gentle and forgiving that we cannot for a moment think that he would allow the killing of his opponents”.
Charlie Hebdo attackers now linked to multiple US-run terrorists
Weird Footage Prompts Claims of Charlie Hebdo Conspiracy
Video contradicts reports of police officer being shot in the head
A group of EDL supporters are reported to have disrupted a book club meeting in Newcastle. I have no great opinion about that. The book being discussed was one by Russell Brand, so hardly literature. What irritated me was that they were reported as chanting Islamophobic slogans. Looking in more detail this seems to have been …. “No surrender to the Taliban”.
How do journalists get away with such laziness. How can it be possible that our craven Prime Minister can be reported as standing up to islamic terrorism, but your ordinary British national is still not permitted to.
I wanted to post Alex Boot’s suggestions as to what should be done…
As shown by the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and the 1933 Nazi equivalent, it doesn’t take millions of supporters and thousands of activists to destroy a country. Thousands of the former and dozens of the latter can do the job nicely.
Once we’ve understood what is really happening, all kinds of measures could be introduced to prevent the likes of Rahman and millions of those who heed sermons of hate from inflicting upon us a repeat of the Charlie Hebdo tragedy, or something worse.
Norway provides an example to follow. There anyone expressing jihadist sentiments is quickly deported without much fuss. Over 10,000 Muslims have been deported in the last few years, and the violent crime rate in the country has fallen by almost a third.
Among the deportees were hundreds of Norwegian citizens, which destroys the myth of citizenship offering an ironclad right to stay. Rather than being an unconditional lifelong licence, citizenship involves a reciprocal arrangement.
Protectio trahit subjectionem, subjectio projectionem (protection draws allegiance; allegiance, protection) is an old legal principle. Applied to the situation at hand, it’s clear that, as Rahman and the 150,000 British Muslims who regularly log onto jihadist websites feel no allegiance to Britain, Britain would be justified in taking their passports away and kicking them out.
Jihadist websites should have the same (preferably even greater) stigma attached to them as paedophile websites. Anyone following them religiously, as it were, must be punished by large fines and get a criminal record, with repeat offenders imprisoned and then deported.
Any mosque in which one jihadist word has ever been preached, must be shut down and ideally razed, with the preachers themselves treated as accessories to murder and their congregations as lists of suspects.
Anyone convicted of terrorist offences, be it perpetration or planning, must go to prison for a long time and then be deported. Had the French authorities applied such measures to the Kouachi brothers, the tragedy of Charlie Hebdo wouldn’t have happened – having already served prison terms, they were on every conceivable international list of villains.
All Muslim immigration must be stopped forthwith, and every Muslim visitor treated as a terror suspect until the situation improves and Britain (or Europe, if you’d rather) has been cleansed of dangerous elements.
Should any country finance, arm and train terrorists, this must be regarded as an act of war and dealt with accordingly.
Specifically, France and therefore Nato must summarily declare war on Yemen, where one of the murderers received such competent infantry training. Some hideous punitive damage, military or otherwise, must be inflicted on the country for its rulers to realise that hostilities towards the West don’t pay.
Fred on Everything, nixing mixing: it just ain’t natural, says, he:
Given even a perfunctory glance through the rear view mirror – and looking intensely at the road ahead, he appears to have a point.
… Sadly!
I would also appreciate it if Mr. Boot would evaluate the mounting evidence that the Charlie Hebdo hit and the kosher supermarket murders which followed hard on, were sponsored by western interests. In my view, this is important or we risk treating the symptoms only and not the cause of the disease and indeed to fall into trap which has been set for us. In that context, a gloss on this prescription of his should be provided: “Should any country finance, arm and train terrorists, this must be regarded as an act of war and dealt with accordingly”.
Malfleur, I’ll ask Mr. Boot what he thinks.
Fair play to the Guardian and indy for printing the cover of the latest charlie hebdo mag
but shows up the rest of our media as a load of wimps.
BTW i dont think the editorial of Charlie Hebdo is good. But I defend their right to say it. (Sorry Voltaire)
Col Mustard:
I think UnionJihack comes from the same stable as dado_trunking et al.
Now you’re talking!
Thanks Peter.
Where is Andy Car Park?
In the cause of freedom of speech and the freedom to offend, and as a way of promoting world peace and understanding:
EC @ 13:26
You, young sir, are a star. Baron has bookmarked the site, will use it as often as possible, mostly the Chinese vulgarity in kanji.
And this to put a smile on your face as a reward. Baron has herd it only yesterday, the source: his youngest grandson of seven, he brought it back from school.
Teacher to a pupil: ‘Hawkins, how do you spell the word crocodile?’ Hawkins: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-L-E’. Teacher: ‘That’s wrong, Hawkins’. Hawkins: ‘It may be wrong, but you’ve asked me how I spell’.
Malfleur @ 13:21
The plain speaking Mayor follows in the steps of those Muslims here, who were not afraid to speak up, e.g. the regional CPS head who re-opened the file on Muslim grooming of young girls, the parents who complained about indoctrination in schools.
Weird as it may seem, those of the Muslims who break off the yoke of the orthodox teaching of Allah are a better bet in the fight against the evil of the ROP than the PC infused locals in charge at every level of governance.
PfM 10.46
Even were the Government to reverse its policy of spreading marxist anarchy and decide to follow Mr Boot’s plan, how would they do it?
During the N. Ireland Troubles there was a permanent garrison of at least 30,000 troops which during the worst times was raised to over 40,000, the total population being 1.5 million which is about a third of the muslim colonisers in the UK, so even were there a will, I don’t see a plausible way.
One non-militaristic thing that could be added to Mr Boot’s list and would have a profound effect I think would be to simply ban halal meat. Maybe if Cameron, despite him saying that as long as he was Prime Minister halal was safe, were to do this our police or army would find hungry muslims easier to deport than the porkers (sic) we see so often on the BBC.
Where’s a News of the World editor when you need her/him, eh?
Only somebody that wrote:
‘Nudist Welfare Man’s Model Wife Fell For The Chinese Hypnotist From The Co-op Bacon Factory’
…. could possibly come up with a decent headline for this Romeo and Juliet saga:
Sweet n Sour Pork?
Somewhere in the city of Shangqiu in China’s Henan province there’s a dog …
Baron 15:20 – not wishing to be a party pooper but some of the Chinese romanisation is suspect and some essential words are missing from the phrases.
‘Kanji’ refers to Chinese characters that are used in the Japanese language. Two other phonetic alphabets, Hiragana and Katakana, are unique to Japanese and used for words which are not covered by Kanji and for imported foreign words. In written form the alphabets are often combined and to confuse matters even further the combinations have to be read in certain ways because most characters have more than one pronunciation.
Translating written Japanese involves working out the context of a sentence in order to translate the words and translating the words in order to work out the context, not necessarily in that order. There is often much entwined ambiguity as a result.
Frank P @ 10:52
Baron’s not sure, Frank, he entirely agrees with Fred. He seems to be homing on a certain kind of diversity, that at the level of race and faith mostly.
One can extend the diversity check further down to eating habits, colour of one’s hair, sexual preferences …..almost to infinity. What do we do at that level then? Separate all white people in a country into hetero homo transexual regions, separate the tetero region by the colour of their hair, blood type, age? Hmmm
He says ‘it may be OK if the differences aren’t too great’. What is too great? What’s the difference for inst. between the messiah (young, married, kids, well educated, ambitious …) and the boy (young, married, kids, well educated, ambitious …) but the colour of their skin, and yet they gel together far more than any of them would ever gel with you or Baron.
The differences only matter, and often lead to conflict, if any of the minority groups feel, rightly or wrongly, that they are economically disadvantaged or socially ostracised regardless of whose fault that is. (It may be either or both).
Colonel Mustard @ 15:46
Thanks, Colonel, points take, the barbarian will be careful, but given that not that many Westerners have mastered any of the kanji based languages, he may get away with it.
Do you, by any chance, speak Mandarin, or Japanese?
“It used to be that the media would at least wait a day before sweeping the latest victims of Muslim terrorism into the trash to refocus on the looming “anti-Muslim backlash” that never actually comes.”
“Big difference between feeling unwelcome and being dead. Muslims are not victims. There’s no anti-Muslim backlash.” Pat Condell
Peter from Maidstone @ 10:46
Baron hopes you (and Mr. Boot) are aware Norway isn’t a member of the EU, only a close associate. Not that Baron’s against shipping out of the country anyone of foreign birth (down to the level of the birth of one’s parents), but he questions whether it would be doable given the current legal framework imposed by Brussels, Strasbourg.
Malfleur @ 04:48
It must be the advancing senility, Malfleur, but the barbarian is still confused. Was the police officer in the video, th eone on the ground, hands around his head, shot or not? Is he breathing today?
On France 24, the video was shown over and over again, the camera action always stopped at a point close to or identical to that in the video in your link. The reporter was saying ‘we cannot show what happens next, it was gruesome, blood everywhere …’.It was a lie then, was it?
‘Allahu Hackbar’, says the great Steyn. A short, but truthful summary of the response to the Paris atrocity we can expect from those in governance. Please, read it.
A switch to a different frequency;
The 70th anniversary of the freeing of Auschwitz is coming up. The extermination camp was liberated by the Red Army of the Soviet Union, the predecessor of today’s Russia headed by the elected head, Vlad Putin. To avoid inviting him, the Polish Government decided it will be the Auschwitz Museum that will issue invitations. They did, saying everyone who wants to come may come. The KGB colonel decided not to go.
Source: The Rain TV station 12.45, Moscow time.
Baron January 13th, 2015 – 16:20
…’.It was a lie then, was it?
Yes, slowed down footage show that the bullet hit the pavement about 18 inches away from his head
Baron (15:52)
In think what he’s trying to say is that forcing peoples into rapid integration against their will, only exacerbates the natural tribal instinct that is inherent in us all. ‘Civilisation’ evolves slowly, but can be destroyed overnight in relative terms. And we all blame ‘the others’ when the wheel comes off. Assimilation happens slowly but buried instincts and preferences ooze up when territory, customs and power are threatened. ‘Twas ever thus and ever will be.
Each of us is a watershed of many tributaries of mixed waters. I doubt any of us fully understand whence our varied proclivities derive. By threat is threat and if we don’t defend ourselves against one as explicit and immediate as the current one, we shall perish. A choice has to made whose side we wish to take, regardless of the muddled history of culpability. In other words fuck THEM! I’m with US – the I-N-F-I-D-E-L-S.
David Ossitt @ 17:05
Merci, David. What’s there to gain telling a lie that can be so easily disproved? What a mad world we live in.
Frank P @ 17:40
Agreed, Frank.
Every society is always more or less in a state of flux, in particular today what with globalisation, cheap airfares, absence of visas people are moving in and out of sovereign states because they must, want to, or get invited.
The problem we have, or rather every Western national state has, is that many of those who come to either work or settle have no desire to integrate. More to the point, they want to mould the institutions of the state, scrap the centuries old traditions, ignore the time tested culture of the host state on that they left behind.
‘Ils ne passeront pas’, or is it ‘no pasaran’. Better still ‘no way will they succeed’.
EC @ 16:00
Great stuff, this piece of Sultan’s, EC, even though his writings often go on for miles, here he hits the nail on the head well without indulging in repeats of the same thought.
But, (many of you may take the barbarian to task for this, bear with him though) but, could those in power really do anything else than stick to the old narrative? They are, after all, responsible for peace in the community, civilised behaviour, for keeping the opposing camps apart. Let’s face it, there are some amongst us who would like it to take to the streets, burning cars, breaking windows, smashing faces of those they didn’t like.
Politics is not only the art of the possible, it’s an art in disguise, an art of saying one thing in public, doing the opposite behind closed doors as it were. It’s inconceivable to think the political classes are blind to what’s going on, they know, they must be in the picture, the security services must be telling them what the mood of the public is, they themselves must feel it, too.
Their response may not be to our liking, but often policy measures that seem secondary to cure the boil work in the same way as charging Al Capone with tax fraud worked getting him off the streets of Chicago.
In short, unless those in charge are totally imbecilic, or cocksure they can ram any lie down the cranium of the unwashed, we may yet see a response that will do the job. If not, the old political guard runs the risk of losing it because the UKIP bandwagon is unlikely to come to a halt, and they have only few months to try and stop or derail it.
David Ossitt @ 17:05
The Guardian has it wrong then, David. It still carries the article in which it says the policeman was killed, the man who recorded the shooting saying he regrets posting it.
Boris, please take note:
Dutch mayor tells fellow Muslims who do not like the Western world to ‘f*** off’
A MUSLIM politician has said if followers of Islam living in the West do not appreciate its culture then they should “pack their bags” and “f*** off”.
It would lead to fewer ‘dangerous individuals’ being monitored on our streets.
Malfleur at January 13th, 2015 – 04:48, gave us two links, the second one was the link below,
but, whilst it did open for me the video was black and grainy and could not be shown, however glancing down the page this one below caught my eye.
Charlie Hebdo Shootings – Censored Video –
I urge you all to watch it and I would value your opinion Baron.
David. The problem is that we cannot now trust anyone. Is this video doctored? Or the other one? Or both of them?
The impact on the pavement is probably the deflected bullet having passed through the head. At that really close range a high velocity full-metal jacket round resists deformation in tissue and does not transfer the high energy to tissue which means a smaller path of tissue loss. The bullet will pass through intact but the trajectory might be slightly deflected by first impact.
My suspicion was that the policeman on the ground did not really look like the man later shown.
I should have added that people often expect to see what they have been conditioned to expect by the special effects violence of film and computer games. In reality the injuries can appear bizarre and puzzling, even with little blood loss.
Midst all this blood and thunder, the Naughty Niece offers a light hearted distraction for the wrinklies here :
Random Thoughts As We Age…
Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!
Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven’t met yet!
I don’t trip over things, I do random gravity checks!
I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off!
Old age is coming at a really bad time!
When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment … now, as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation!
The biggest lie I tell myself is … “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.”
Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can – and the friends to post my bail when I finally snap!
I don’t have grey hair. I have “wisdom highlights”. I’m just very wise.
My people skills are just fine. It’s my tolerance to idiots that needs work.
Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.
If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would’ve put them on my knees.
The kids text me “plz” which is shorter than please. I text back “no” which is shorter than “yes”.
I’m going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I’ll do that second week.
When did it change from “We the people” to “screw the people”?
I’ve lost my mind and I’m pretty sure my wife took it!
Even duct tape can’t fix stupid … but it can muffle the sound!
Why do I have to press one for English when you’re just gonna transfer me to someone I can’t understand anyway?
Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.
Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?
At my age “Getting lucky” means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.
Baron’ Question: “What’s there to gain telling a lie that can be so easily disproved? What a mad world we live in.”
‘They will use this to strip us of all rights’.
“Economist Martin Armstrong warns that the twin attacks in France will be used by world leaders to push for restrictions on Internet privacy and the total elimination of encrypted communications.
Armstrong, who correctly predicted the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, writes that, “They are using this latest event precisely as they used 911 to strip us of all rights.”
“David Cameron, PM of Britain, wants to block WhatsApp and Snapchat if he wins the next election, as part of his plans for new surveillance. Britain will lead the charge to outlaw encryption altogether when Britain has been walking hand-in-hand with the NSA. They are using this latest event precisely as they used 911 to strip us of all rights,” adds Armstrong.
The economist also relates how he has been told behind the scenes that, “They are looking to use this as a new push to gather all taxes they stupidly think will keep them operating.”
“They are BRAIN-DEAD and cannot see that what they are doing is destroying everything,” concludes Armstrong.” [contd.]
The truth is gradually being told:
Nigel Farage: Ghettos in French cities have become no-go zones for non-Muslims
Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, says that European leaders have been guilty of ‘moral cowardice’ in failing to challenge extremists
That means the ghetto is not the no-go zones – it is the rest of France…
David Ossitt @ 19:44
You know, David, what problem the Barbarian has answering your question? He finds it near impossible to believe anyone.
The first video in your posting was taken down, the other one ran. It does seem strange that except for a chalky puff at one o’clock the shot from the AK-47 didn’t do any damage to the policeman’s head. The 7.62 caliber of the Russian design automated rifle can do alot of damage even from a distance, (experts suggest it’s more effective than Nato caliber, the barbarian knows what it can do, years ago he shot it, and not just once. Nato uses 5.56 caliber, almost identical to .223 for commercial rifles, the difference between the two is more in the gun than the ammunition, Baron can go into it more but it isn’t important here).
But what if the video was doctored? When image recording was analogue i.e. on film, mucking up with the picture was hard, one needed special equipment to alter the picture. In the digital age a competent amateur can do miracles.
It would seem unreal for those in authority to suggest the policeman got shot if it were not true. How could they hide him if he were still alive? Wasn’t there an autopsy, a funeral for him?
The DM has a new footage of the shoot-out.
What if (as it’s likely in the Republic) someone in the buildings in the street where the gunmen parked their car were armed, engaged them, or the police officers in the white car had guns? It would have saved two days of chasing them, may have even persuaded the third thug who raided the supermarket to think again.
As the cliched saying goes ‘if the law abiding are disarmed, only the criminals have arms’.
Malfleur @ 22:35
Scrapping encrypted communication won’t do much to stop the atrocities, those determined to do us harm will communicate face-to-face, they most likely already do so, that’s why the French Secret Service knew nothing about the Paris attack.
This, of course, will not stop those in charge to impose further restrictions on the use of the Internet, force the ISPs to keep data for months, ban encryption. The snoopers charter is coming, only the LibDem are opposing it, and they are toast.
If only we could swap (say) March for May.
Thank God we have your niece to lighten things up, Frank. The one Baron likes most is ‘when did it change from “We the people” to “screw the people’? When indeed.
Meanwhile, in Limoges…
“Police Commissioner Involved in Charlie Hebdo Investigation “Commits Suicide”. Total News Blackout”
There has been speculation in some circles that Police Commissioner Fredou may have performed the difficult, though not unprecedented, trick of shooting himself in the back of the head – twice.
Alex Jones explains. He is a bit upset that governments are attacking the people, so it can sound like a rant at times. Examine the facts though, facts, facts,
HAPPY NEW YEAR to Peter if you are working on the Julian Calendar.
Now to The Guardian to read their review and comments on `Engrenages`5 (BBC4;`Spirals`;Saturdays).
Baron, January 12th, 2015 – 20:30
You wrote – “Seconded, Herbert, up to the ‘final solution’, and not because it would be undesirable to get on with life without the teaching of Allah, but because it ain’t doable” and then you add – “One can no more erase an institutionalised faith as one cannot eradicate belief, superstition, faith itself.” I have to dissent on that point. Thugee for example was erased in India by the British.
Winston Churchill long ago but very accurately, pointed out that the advance of Islam had (up to then) been thwarted only because the west possessed military power combined with modern science.
I think it isn’t a matter of it not being doable, but a matter of our not having the will to do it.
Radford, I’m on the Gregorian, but my Mother Church is Julian. I celebrated Julian Christmas last week in Egypt. In fact I was on BBC Radio this Sunday having been invited to talk about the difference in the calendars.
It is disappointing that Mr Farage has made common cause with the odious Miliband.
“What do you do if you belong to a tyrannical elite that has misgoverned an entire continent for decades, radically transforming its demography and outlawing free speech, when all the dire consequences your opponents warned about are fulfilled in two bloody massacres? No problem: you simply hijack the protests and pose as the champions of free speech.”
You mean like Cameron demanding a draconian clampdown on internet providers in the defence of the right to free speech.
Peter, I’d be interested to know the justifications used by some christians for the continued use of the Julian calendar, despite it having been known to be astronomically wrong since before 1582. 😕
It’s an innate conservatism and a sense among some that the calendar does not need to be astronomically accurate, and that it should be preserved because of its antiquity. In fact most Orthodox Churches are using the Gregorian calender for the fixed dates – such as Christmas and the feast of St George, while also using the Julian for the calculation of Easter so that most Orthodox preserve the common date.
EC (11:14)
Even Gerald Warner’s skilful prose and deep disdain doesn’t adequately describe the cynical hypocrisy and rancid double-dyed politics involved in that Paris jamboree of unadulterated bullshit. Pejorative terms or invective have yet to be invented to define the infamy involved.
Even Obama ducked out of it, when that oily invertebrate would normally crawl naked under the belly of snake and over 200 yards of broken glass for a photo op with his crypto-commie counterparts around the world, to hog the limelight, you know that things have reached a pretty pass.
Sadly the ‘we’ in Warner’s last sentence is still a very small minority in Western society and unless and until it swells into a majority and ousts the ‘ruling elite’, then hangs them on Amey’s gallows (by their balls) the travesty that now masquerades as ‘Western Democracy’ will continue to plunge down the abyss! And the demented Islamic savages will continue to run rings around us with weapons they have stolen (or been given by our own military, under the delusion that the ‘enemies of our enemies are our friends’).
In the round we are indeed charlies, despite GW’s assertion that we aren’t. And the bastards in power are fully aware of it. They intend, through the MSM, its agitprop and the education system, to maintain that state of affairs.
We must rack our brains to devise a way back from the road to perdition. Meantime the pussies from the Westminster Gasworks will squabble like spoiled schoolkids about who is going to debate whom on TV in another orchestrated con to persuade ‘we the sheeples’ into voting them back into power in May.
The other question that must be addressed is this: is the thick end of the wedge known as UKIP sufficiently substantial to crack the trunk of the current power tree so that we can fell it, strip down its branches, and use it as a bonfire of the vanities? Even the thin end of the wedge seems somewhat flimsy at present. But what are the alternatives?
Last election, the majority here rather reluctantly decided that although Cameron was flakey, the alternative – Gargoyle Brown – was unacceptable.
It was Hobson’s choice. Our worst fears were realised – Cameron turned out to be the heir to Blair. This time round requires an honest debate about strategy and tactics. I would be interested to know where Colonel Mustard will nail his colours – and why? How about a considered ‘proper post’ with a suitable illustration Colonel? Time is short and before we know it we will have the spawn of a commie subversive in No. 10. with his Fabian cabal pulling his strings. Action this day Colonel. 🙂
Frank 17:40
I am sorry to say (and see) that your innocent but most pertinent question has been “weaponised” by telemachus as an excuse for yet again tagging the top comment and indulging in a personal attack at the other place.
You might think that an attack against Cameron would stay his hand for once. But no. Such is the malevolence of his intent and egotism of its delivery that he must indulge in his own favourite tactic of tagging and smearing without the context of either article or comment being a burden to his evil.
No sensible debate, meaningful discourse or witty repartee that I can ever see, Baron, to justify your defence of his right to be here. It is like defending the right of a poacher not just to trespass and take game, but to insult the guests of the landowner to boot and then to complain when the gamekeeper takes aim at him.
There at that other place, telemachus pompously declares that he has refrained from telling you “the reality”, Frank, of my nailing my colours to the mast, which alludes to one of his many tiresome labels for me and the imperative for my avatar. What contrivance! What artifice! When he could simply smear me here for your direct benefit.
I know where I should like to nail my colours. . .
Colonel Mustard
Which thread on trolltopia?
Frank 19:46
“Cameron’s reaction to the Charlie Hebdo attacks has been depressingly predictable”
14 January 2015 15:47
Got it! I see that he is whining because Peter has restricted his PLO cell to one sobriquet. Wife/partner? Hmm. Interesting.
Col Mustard.
Nick is nearing his 50th birthday; part of his problem is the mid-life crisis. Most folks grow up at his time of life and by then have usually rejected their Utopian dreams. I suppose a council gaff in Richmond leads to extended envy: the root of all socialism.
You are snotty’s complete superior in every conceivable aspect; literate, widely knowledgeable, with a wealth of informed and substantiated opinion, humorous when wit is more effective.
The troll displays none of these qualities, his posts uniformly resemble the unrelieved tedium of a labour party collective recital of the Gordon Brown biography. Far be it from me to comment but, frankly, he’s not worth your attention, indeed he’s a serious distraction from the more considered and effective critiques of subjects that you could – and should- be making.
I also suspect that, he is strangely pleasured by eliciting responses from you.
An occasional cuff to his impudence is all that is required. Others know him for what he is, let them deal with his tripe.
As Verity would say,don’t feed the troll!
“most Orthodox Churches are using the Gregorian calender for the fixed dates – such as Christmas and the feast of St George, while also using the Julian for the calculation of Easter so that most Orthodox preserve the common date.”
Many thanks for the enlightenment, Peter.
My navigation textbook included, for some obscure reason, a comprehensive chapter on the working of the Metonic cycle…navigationally useless, but it did enable us heathen Jolly Jacks to calculate, in the absence of other sources of information, the correct dates of Easter. Phew! I’m glad we had a reliable means to avoid having our souls condemned to eternal perdition.
But can it can be quite a lot of fuckin’ fun ( fuckin’ f-u-u-u-n!) 😉
Noa January 14th, 2015 – 21:37
I agree.
A spare ‘can’ there, sorry – but I’m my state of ‘elf it is oft necessary.
Fuck – the auto spell check is at it again! Either that or my minces need a rest.
Glenn Beck joins the Russki rumpus:
Boot up Alex. And FSMO for you too, Baron. I’ll sit this one out.
Frank P – 21:01
“Nick is nearing his 50th birthday; part of his problem is the mid-life crisis.”
Not another 50 years!
RobertC (00:15)
Mebbe – only the good ….(etc).
Which is probably why I’m still being allowed to pollute the octosphere with my wheezing exhalent…
Al Murray ‘The Pub Landlord’ has thrown his hat into the ring against Nigel Farage at Thanet South. Despite Nigel’s cheerful ‘bring it on’ that could be a serious problem. Satire is a terrible weapon in politics. And even though Nigel is already a parody of himself, he’ll find the repartee with Murray – er – trying, I would guess. Murray may be a comedian, but he’s no fool, as his inversion of the UKIP logo indicates:
Even a few hundred votes ‘FUKIP’ could swing it. Worse still, considering the mood of the electorate, there’s a chance Murray could pull it off, as the punters say, “A plague on all the lib-lab-con-ukip houses’. Jeez!
Frank P
January 14th, 2015 – 23:45
I clicked on the URL that you posted, and was disappointed to read a reference to “Ivan the Great”. I should have thought that whoever wrote that must have a very hazy grasp of Russian history. There have certainly been rulers of Russia whose names are generally used with the word ‘Great’ – e.g. Catherine the Great and Peter the Great.
But in the case of Ivan it was ‘Ivan the Terrible’.
Quite! Glenn Beck tends to paint history with a somewhat broad brush: you must surely have seen his work on The Blaze? He was shit-canned from Fox News where he previously filled the 5pm slot now occupied by “The Five”. He has adduced a phenomenal data base, but his presentation can be very flakey and he tends to emote at the drop of a hat. He’s a born again; a recovering ‘substance abuser’. He’s been right about lots of things, but then – so has David Icke – and even infowars occasionally gets one right from time to time. 🙂
On the O’Reilly factor tonight, Ryan Mauro a ‘Security Consultant’ of the Clarion Project, laid out the griff about a series of Islamic centers across the US. Military training grounds, mad Mullahs spewing hate and subversion. Nothing can be done apparently – free speech, private property, right to bear arms, etc. Madness on stilts! I’m running a book on the date of the start of the Second American Civil War.
Bedtime – I’m outta here. Sleep well, Wallsters.
Rod liddle.
Meanwhile, as the appalling events in France unfolded, a British man exercised his right to freedom of speech. The Ukip leader Nigel Farage suggested that a dubious policy of multiculturalism, plus unrestrained immigration, might in some way have contributed to the sort of attack we saw in Paris last week and have seen before — and will undoubtedly see again, some time quite soon — in the UK.
‘I’m just trying to find myself.’
The response from the three main party leaders was immediate and unanimous. Let me try to paraphrase it for you here: ‘I am deeply disappointed that Mr Farage sought to make political capital out of this tragedy. Now is not the time to make salient and virtually incontestable observations on the causes of the misery inflicted upon us all. Now is the time to spout vapid, platitudinous drivel about our heavily qualified commitment to freedom of speech and thus our partial and temporary solidarity with that ghastly magazine in France.’
Farage was roundly condemned, as he usually is. But again, he was right — as he usually is on such matters. And why is now not the time to consider the policies which have brought us all, in Europe, to this somewhat disagreeable position? I would have thought that ‘now’ was just about the best time imaginable. We have a degree of focus right now, no? Our minds are concentrated.
But it is easier, I suppose, to wallow in the emotive, if mindless, outpouring of grief and confected grief and to issue a string of canards, the same canards that are spewed out every time something like this happens. This is nothing to do with Islam! (Er, yes it is.) The overwhelming majority of Muslims believe in freedom of speech just like the rest of us. (Are you having a laugh?) Let’s all unite and march onward into a bright new dawn, holding hands and with our pens in our lapels and carrying those placards: Je suis Charlie.
Full article.
Read Why everyone, and almost no one, is Charlie by Rod Liddle at
Read The dangerous lie by Douglas Murray at
John birch- January 15th, 2015 – 06:54
…and don’t forget Brendan O’ Neil’s article in the Australian…
The message is getting out there but is anybody listening?
How many Murrays, Steyns, Liddles, Phillips, Warners, Boots, Farages, Wilders etc. will it take?
Malfleur @ 01:13
You have evidence for this, Malfleur, or is a small part of a bigger conspiracy you will reveal to us soon?
Look, people do get depressed, and policemen are people, the case may have been the last straw. Baron will change his mind if you dig out some facts though.
BTW, Peter, Baron was off because nothing wanted to get in, the dreaded 503 was the culprit.
Herbert Thornton @ 08:27
We are talking cross purpose s, Herbert. You meant religious rituals, rites, stuff that every religion surround itself with to make itself distinct, whilst Baron was talking about religion per se, the whole Monty.
He agrees, the former can be moulded, eradicated, the latter cannot, just look what the Bolsheviks did to the Russian Orthodox Church, and a fat lot of good did it do to get rid of it.
Frank P @ 23:45
Thanks and merci for the link, Frank. Baron must rush to see a chiropodist, could only scan the long piece, noticed the name Dugin, you may recall the barbarian posted a short video in which the man talks about history. Yup, he’s dangerous, clever, manipulative, but he no longer advises the KGB colonel, considers him chicken, wants him replaced.
Any guess whom with? Certainly not a Pussy Riot admirer.
Ostrich (occasionally) – January 14th, 2015 – 23:07
Was your bursting into song an attempt to cheer us all up, and were you down in the engine room with a bottle of rum at the time ❓
“must rush to see a chiropodist”
Does not compute.
Is Durgin the new Rasputin?
Frank P @ 7:14
The messiah didn’t go to Paris, didn’t dispatch anyone of any high rank, not even a message, Frank, because he loathes the rag and its stance on Islam. The White House has issued a number of condemnations of the cartoonists in the past, Barry himself denounced them as peddling bile, hatred, malevolence.
EC @ 10:33
Will you please explain, EC, the poorl y educated Slav doesn’t get it, and has to be really off, now.
“must rush to see a chiropodist”
Does not compute.
The Obamessiah didn’t go to Paris because the gathering was for world leaders.
On the Kent Messenger website, a poll on the article about Al Murray still has UKIP ahead on 38% for Thanet South, with Murray on 33%. Conservatives on only 20-something%. I don’t think Murray will be a significant threat. Labour and LibDems might vote for him as being a more reasonable choice as MP. But despite all the media hype of the moment Farage is still ahead – of course this is not a poll restricted to Thanet South voters.
Noa January 14th, 2015 – 21:37
Thank you. You are absolutely right about not engaging with the troll. I have resolved several times to do that but sometimes find it difficult to let his blatant lies and boasting go unchallenged. Must try harder!
January 15th, 2015 – 10:17
We may be at cross purposes, but not in the way you say. I say that it is possible to eliminate a religion in its entirety and replace it with something else. Has not Islam itself been proving that for centuries?
Baron – 10:39
Hi Baron,
The last time I visited the chiropodist I found it very uncomfortable walking, let alone rushing. 🙁 However, when I came out 30 mins later I was a spry as Usain Bolt, and I was indeed able to rush back. 🙂
The ghastly Labour fascists Burnham and Berger, shadow Health Secretary and “health minister” respectively (what’s that all about?), come out with the most appalling load of nannying guff about “giving people choices” by imposing more bans:-
And yet BBC “comedian” Al Murray thinks it is UKIP that requires confronting with mockery. If only a comedian was brave enough to stand against a public Labour figure by lampooning their ghastliness, perhaps on behalf of the “Labour Pains Party” – “Yes folks, I have decided to seek election as another Labour Pain in order to thrust myself onto the English people and intrude even further into their liberty and freedom.”
I watched Al Murray’s review of the British spy film genre on BBC 4 with co-opted guests Dame Stella Rimington, “political comedian” Matt Forde and film expert Matthew Sweet. Although touted as a “fresh look” it was as flat as a pancake, completely without passion or depth. The three guests behaved as if they were being held hostage by a dangerous nutter most of the time.
Trolls make a living by guarding troll-bridges.They charge two farthings each person;but ten Marks if you’ve got a goat with you.Trolls may be slow on the up-take;but they’ve got awful long memories.
(Ackn. to Terry Pratchett.)
Looks like bureaucracy in South Oxfordshire has overstepped the mark and driven somebody crazy, with spectacular consequences. Our ‘leaders’ to note. How the Westminster Gasworks has lasted for so long since the last conflagration in 1834 defeats me:
New Charlie Hebdo cover:
When I saw it yesterday, same thought had occurred to me.
“The cover of this week’s Charlie Hebdo (right) shows Mohammed shedding a tear and holding up a “Je suis Charlie” sign under the headline “Tout est pardonné” – all is forgiven. The illustration is unclear: Is Mohammed forgiving the secular leftie blasphemers? Or are the secular lefties forgiving Mohammed and his murderous believers?
Most of the European heads of governments parading through Paris on Sunday in support of Charlie Hebdo – including Hollande, Merkel and Cameron – preside over thought-crime regimes ever more comfortable in policing the opinions of the citizenry.”
Mark Steyn
@12:37 addendum, so to speak 😉
“It may be harder to get Hollande and Merkel and certainly Mahmoud Abbas to parade through the streets for it, but I would say that 2015 is more likely to be the Year of the Anus than the year of free speech. Spread the word: #JeSuisUnAnus!”
Mark Steyn
Maybe Nick Clegg and the LibDems aren’t doomed after all. One thing’s for sure though, either way you look at it, a Con/Dem/Lab ar$ehole will be walking thru the door of No.10 on Friday May 8th.
I had to visit you again to bemoan our Muslim loving, Muslim genes, Communist President whose name I cannot bear to speak.
While all your European Premiers and Presidents were arm in arm last Sunday he was at a ball game.
He does not care when citizens are killed in the name of Allah.
He has not even talked to his fellow Americans about our own home grown jihadist Christopher Lee Cornell.
Never mind Jeb Bush is coming.
And Al Murray is coming.
To a Constituency near you.
While David Ward tweets
Je Suis Lib Dem
And Galloway has been lying on Twitter
But Alastair has issued a robust denial
He says on his blog: “A man walking towards me began shouting in abusive and aggressive terms as he approached. As I passed him I did not look at him, did not respond to his insults and put my my arm out to his shoulder to stop him coming any closer.
“If there was any contact at all it was minimal. I walked on a few steps, thought he was doing the same but he turned back, followed me, continued to abuse me and when I turned around he came towards me and aimed a kick at me which came into brief contact with my leg.
While the NHS crumbles
“The A&E crisis has left patients to be treated in store cupboards because their is not enough room in clinical areas, George Osborne was warned today.
The Chancellor said the treatment was a ‘matter of regret’ for the whole government as he urged people not to go to A&E if they do not need to.”
Oh the irony, from 2008:
Blasphemy laws are lifted
Britain’s ancient laws of blasphemy have been abolished by MPs.
“A campaign to repeal the offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel, which made it illegal to insult Christianity, was proposed in January by the Liberal Democrat Evan Harris.
It was supported by public figures including the author Philip Pullman and the academic Richard Dawkins.
They claimed the little-used laws served no useful purpose, while allowing religious groups to try to censor artists.”
“our” president?
“your” European Premiers and Presidents?
Has telemachus been body-snatched by that yee-ha twat Jefferson Burns?
That would be like standing on a nail then falling through a plate glass window as you hop around in agony.
Geert Wilders’ speech to the Dutch parliament yesterday, 14/01/2015
“Enough is Enough”
NB. Video has English subtitles, and there is also a full transcript.
EC @ 11:30
Got it, thanks, you have to make allowances for the poorly educated Slav, EC, who, in addition to his poor sch ooling is also hebetating, irrevocably, (as he’s already told everyone, to the great amusement of everyone), ha, ha.
Herbert Thornton @ 11:21
OK, Herbert, let’s agree to disagree. A deal?
Peter from Maidstone @ 10:55
Murray’s entry into the rink should be applauded provided he attacks Farage and his supporters the way the boy has done, calling them bigots, uneducated, closet wraasist …That’s what Nigel needs, the more Murray and others point a finger, accuse or patronise the unwashed, the more the plebs are likely to back UKIP.
Radford NG January 15th, 2015 – 11:33
“They charge two farthings each person”
Surely that would be a halfpenny piece?
An interesting disappearance from wiki:
From a google search, we get:
Murray was educated at Bedford School before going up to St Edmund Hall, Oxford, graduating with the degree of MA in Modern History. At Oxford he performed …
Yet in his current wiki entry – no mention of a university, at all!
Murray is a Farage plant.
His best gag is bricking up the Channel Tunnel by Poles.
In what follows, Baron is trying to take an objective, non partizan view, avoid kicking him for it too hard:
Neither the jihadists, nor Frank Hollande (and his advisors) seem to be members of the smart people’s club.
Before the two thugs burst into Charlie’s office, slaughtered the cartoonists, the rag had a circulation of 60,000, and Baron bets you not everyone who bought the magazine read it. The majority of the cartoons are rather childishly witless, endlessly repetitive, and above all quite irrelevant. Look for isnt. at the cartoon depicting the Trinity’s copulation. The first thought that hit Baron when he saw it was (he looked through about a dozen of old issues of Charlie brought from France by one of his neighbours) that it was more tasteless than funny, drawn in a style similar to other cartoons, but certainly quite irrelevant to what’s in political vogue today.
What the evil deed of the two achieved was exactly the opposite of what they set up to achieve: a mag’s circulation of at least 5mn, worldwide TV coverage – there very likely isn’t a single person who haven’t heard of Charlie, may now want to buy it, (if only temporarily) – and a non-Muslim reaction that may do alot of harm to the ROP, and not only in France. If anything should persuade the mainstream Muslims that they are the biggest losers if they don’t reign the thugs in, the Charlie massacre it is.
Frank’s response doesn’t rank high on the scale of smartness either, the British response to the Woolwich murder scores by far better, the atrocity disappeared from the MSM pages, the TV screens within days and, as the saying goes ‘out of sight, out of mind’.
To organize the march was to give the atrocity a much bigger weight, import and gravity than it warrants. One’s hard to square Hollande’s saying it was just an act of terrorism, a sickening and an abhorrent act, but a terrorist act nevertheless with the need to get dozens of politicians of disparate political orientation to march together against it. Other acts of terrorism have been by far more damaging and painful, but the response to them never needed a large crowd of political heavyweights to gather on the streets of a major capital city, march rather awkwardly to nowhere.
If Hollande were to be looking for a move to strengthen Marine’s argument on the rainbow society, PC, moral relativism and stuff, push more hoi polloi towards her cure for the boil, he would would have been hard put to come up with something more effective than the march of mostly disliked European politicians.
The messiah (and his advisors) must have figured the march to be an overkill, too. He, and all his top lieutenants, stayed away. That, in the barbarian’s view, was the smart thing to do.
Putin may buy a small country when he retires if what Mr. Boot is saying about the wealth he pinched is right, but can anyone explain how did our glabrous wonder get the money to buy an estate on an MP/ministerial salary?
A new angle on th ejihadi threat:
It takes a bizarre arson incident in bucolic Oxon to demonstrate just how numerous and well-padded are the bosky bureaucrats. The salubrious quarters in which they contrive to tax us and fine us and poke their noses into our lives, to regulate our every move, are replicated throughout our little group of Islands. If these plush rabbit warrens are necessary to administrate the municipal affairs of a sleep backwater of southern England, just imagine what has been provided for the parasites of the EUSSR scam?
Baron – 16:09
I think he has sold a few books, in his ‘spare time’.
Je suis Le Pape
“One cannot react violently, but if [someone] says something bad about my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s to be expected. “There are a lot of people who speak badly about other religions. They make fun of them. What happens is what happens with my friend [who insults my mother]. There is a limit.”
Frank P – 16:33
Impressive, what a few bottles of gas can achieve, ain’t it.
Town Hall Kremlins: The hardworking “Helden und Heldinnen der Arbeit” need to kept be cosy in order to to ease the discomfort of administering cuts in local services and to volunteer groups. Then there are the recovery rooms for those who have been out on patrol making sure that the proletariat have closed their bin lids firmly.
Ever wondered what percentage of your rates bill goes toward proving indexed linked pensions for the feather bedded narcoleptic buggers?
Funny how, with taxation etc., that name “Ponzi” keeps cropping up ain’t it?
RobertC – 17:06; Baron – 16:09
Billy Ten Pints is a pauper compared to Comrade Anthony Charles Lynton Blair et uxor, and The Kinnocks, Keith Vaz et uxor etc. etc. etc.
EC (17:28)
Aye! 🙂
Now I’m watching/listening to a bunch of jocks from Aberdoon bewailing the fact that the falling price of oil is going to hit their economy! What price Scottish independence now, Jockie?
Perhaps you’d like to contemplate how the economy of the rest of us has fared since the feckin’ A-rabs racked up the cartel in 1973 an you bastards jumped on the gravy train and have been ripping us off ever since. Fuck off! And take Wee Eckie with ye! And Rab Nesbit’s twin sister who replaced him.
The Pope must be mighty confused if he thinks punching someone is not violent.
But his double standard is consistent with the rest of that Euro-nob shower who lined up to declare their support for freedom of speech before returning to their countries to plan the imposition of yet more laws to prevent it.
Baron (January 15th, 2015 – 14:30)
Agreed – deal. And in the meantime do we also agree with the measures proposed by Conrad Black?
Seems die untermenschen are saying “Wir haben ganuck!”
The Belgian police have foiled a terror plot and whacked a couple of muzzies in the process, according to Fox News.
Frank P – 19:08
Soon, it will be news when this doesn’t happen on a regular basis.
Pat Condell sums thing up cogently today. Q.v.
‘Hang the cartoonists!’ Pakistani Muslims demand death sentence for Charlie Hebdo staff for committing ‘worst act of terrorism’ by drawing the Prophet Mohammed
Yet 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped in Rotherham alone and social services, teachers, the police, the politicians, they all turned a blind eye.
Now Sky are pushing the line that the American administration are dissing Cameron because he is pushing for a referendum on membership of the EU. Aapparently they are insisting that we stay within Europe because it is necessary for the ‘fight against terrorism’. FMOBB!
Firstly the naivety of the twats who think that Cameron would ever let us get off his gravy train. And secondly what frigging business is it of theirs??
Cheeky bastards. We have no say whatsoever when they vote a commie cabal to the White House. What the UK folks decide about Europe is our affair. I fear though that hoi polloi here have a majority in favour of staying in.
When are the Government going to re-arm the Home Guard? BTW, when they do, let’s get this straight NOW. No ‘moderate Muslims’ will qualify!
Herbert Thornton @ 18:49
We do, Herbert, we do.
As for the non-moderate ones … suggestions are being sought. Answers on a postcard.
Frank P @ 18:17
The engineered lowering of oil prices was also supposed to hit just the KGB colonel, turn the Russian unwashed against him. Baron wonders how much has he had to tightened up his belt, what is it he has to go without, how much he worries about losing his job.
We are told the lower prices are due to lower demand. Really? From $130 per barrel to below $47pb?
The good thing is Baron’s told the Republicans in the Congress have agreed on the key objective – stopping the messiah to remodel the Republic.
Colonel Mustard – 18:29
One has to bear in mind that this article was written by a man who got decked by Jeremy Clarkson.
On the upside, Pope Francis’ pontification has given the rest us the green light to also clobber the sanctimonious, serpentine, sleazeball upon sight. 🙂
Looks like Medhi Hassan is a strong contender to take Piers Morgan’s crown.
My view has been and remains that there should be a status of Acquired British Citizenship and one of Natural British Citizenship, and that those who hold the first type of citizenship should be excluded from government and senior public office. Not because they are bad or anything like that, but because some positions should be restricted to those who have a family history of British citizenship. This does not exclude loons and crooks, but they are our loons and crooks and we don’t need to import more!
10 years without a criminal record to gain Acquired Immigrant British Citizen status, and without illegal entry, and without some determined level of benefits being claimed. Children born in the UK of those with Acquired British Citizen status call also gain this status. The children of those with Acquired Birth British Citizen status who were born in the UK could become Natural British Citizens. This seems to me to balance the importance of our own society and culture with a permeability.
The advantage of this rule? Nick Clegg would not be able to stand for Parliament or any public office. (This would include Head of Religious Broadcasting, a post held by a Muslim)
This could also apply to the Home Guard, though I prefer the idea of the Yeomanry.
My father is a committed Christian. He remembers an ex-officer in his congregation after the war. He’d spoken to him about turning the other cheek and the man said something which I think is sound. He said that when offered violence he would turn the other cheek, and then a second time, but the third time he would hit back.
“Civil servants went on a £1billion spending spree in just eight weeks to hit the Government’s target of spending 0.7 per cent of the nation’s income on overseas aid.”
He has a very good point, you know.
Tommy Robinson [@TRobinsonNewEra 35 minutes ago]
“The mosques of UK claim to stand with us, how many extremists have they reported in the past 10 years?”
Does anyone (cue ACP) have a close up of a hen’s arse for comparison purposes?
Plenty of $150 per barrel Turkeys on display here:
When Alex Salmond is rejected by the electorate for a second time on May 7th Bernard Matthews should consider hiring him as a mascot.
Peter from Maidstone @ 08:21
For this totally unnecessary waste of taxpayers cum borrowed money heads shoulld roll, better still they should be stuck on spikes in front of any department of state whose public ‘servants’ (sic) so misbehaved.
The waiting times at E&As are up, the national debt’s still shooting up, our armed forces will soon number five dozens (if that), and what do the tossers do? Spend the hard come by cash for the sake of spending it. Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate …
If we estimate that 80,000 asylum seekers will be granted permanent residence every year for the next eight years, we reach a figure of 640,000. As it is generally estimated that every new permanent resident from third-world countries will be followed by 2-3 family members or dependents, we are probably talking about an influx of two and a quarter million by 2022.
By that time, Sweden, which prides itself on being a “humanitarian superpower,” will have become a failed state and there is nothing the discontented can do about it except leave the country. This was precisely what the UN predicted, but subsequently, it withdrew this prognosis.
Many have wondered what motivates the political establishment. Why do they insist on filling the country with foreigners, most of whom will become dependent on the state because they do not have skills required for jobs in the modern econ
If anybody is interested, or even remembers my postings about trying to ascertain the identity of the bin driver, I finally received a sort of reply! This weeks after my original emails, and naturally referring to the ‘tragedy’. In my opinion. the greatest tragedy is the complete lack of true justice and transparency.
Dear Mrs Kaye
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter to Nicola Sturgeon regarding the
Glasgow Bin Lorry Tragedy .
A reply will be provided to you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Frank P
January 15th, 2015 – 19:36
When are the Government going to re-arm the Home Guard? BTW, when they do, let’s get this straight NOW. No ‘moderate Muslims’ will qualify!
Frank, no chance! What is a moderate Muslim? One who blows you up rather than beheading?
January 16th, 2015 – 09:48
Does anyone (cue ACP) have a close up of a hen’s arse for comparison purposes?
Good morning,EC, a proctoscope examination would reveal that the hen’s arse is full of piles. Ugh!
PfM – 07:59
I recently read about some research that discovered that the best strategy for success was to be cooperative with everyone on the first meeting, continue being cooperative with cooperative but, with the ‘uncooperative’, don’t put yourself out except, on occasion, be extremely generous to them (in the hope that they will be shocked into changing?).
They called it the Jesus Strategy: there’s nothing like reinventing the wheel, is there?
They should get a quote from the Israelis. They know how to build barricades:
The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia: Kingdom plans to build 600-mile barrier from Jordan to Kuwait in response to the threat of an invasion by ISIS
RobertC, that is to a great extent how I engage in mission here in the UK. And it was the same methodology adopted by the Apostles.
“When asked, other local police departments said they never use mugshots or photos of actual people for shooting practice”
Well they would, now, wouldn’t they!
I find the practice of using actual mugshots, in itself, mildly amusing, but the faux outrage of these “victims” is absolutely hysterical. Next they’ll be demanding compensation for hurt feelings.
@EC 15th, – 10:27
“were you down in the engine room with a bottle of rum at the time :?”
Re-read the last line, EC. And maybe you were unaware of the proposal, earlier this week, that police on duty should be allowed to catch up with their kip during ‘quiet moments’. 😉
@awk 16th, – 10:59
“A reply will be provided to you as soon as possible.”
Sounds like a bed bath…down as far as possible, up as far as possible and then give ‘possible’ a little scrub. 🙂
anne wotana kaye @ 11:06
on reviving the Home Guard…
“Change Gun Laws in Europe to Let Jews Carry Arms, Says Leading Rabbi”
Agreed! But why only European Jews? Bring back the right to bear arms in the United Kingdomfor all of us. And remember, if your government wants to turn tyrannical and. like the Swiss’ the people have arms stashed across the country…
PfM – 11:41
I wouldn’t have expected anything less, especially now that Scientists have ‘proved’ it! 🙂
PfM – 11:41
Though I am surprised that they could name it as they did. 🙂
January 16th, 2015 – 11:57
Bring back Dad’s Army! Seriously, though, I don’t believe many people would actually use arms to defend themselves in dire circumstances.
Ostrich (occasionally)
January 16th, 2015 – 11:54
Thanks for making me laugh. 🙂
Ostrich (occasionally) – 11:51
@EC 15th, – 10:27
“were you down in the engine room with a bottle of rum at the time :?”
Re-read the last line, EC. And maybe you were unaware of the proposal, earlier this week, that police on duty should be allowed to catch up with their kip during ‘quiet moments’.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 11:51
@EC 15th, – 10:27
“were you down in the engine room with a bottle of rum at the time :?”
Re-read the last line, EC. And maybe you were unaware of the proposal, earlier this week, that police on duty should be allowed to catch up with their kip during ‘quiet moments’.
Laura Norder/Ostrich
Arrests of jihadist suspects throughout France, Germany and Belgium. Yet none in Britain? Perhaps we don’t have any potential terrorists here because all the 3m Muslims (that we know about) are all ‘moderate Muslims (hereinafter referred to as MMs). Or perhaps all the Old Bill in the UK were ‘having a nap in their quiet moments’ and didn’t hear the ‘Let’s go!’ Signal from Interplod.
Mind, they managed to nick a kid from Merseyside for ‘hacking into Play Station systems and issuing death threats’. Even YCMIU, Richard Littlejohn!
Hey! You cyber spooks at Cheltenham … WTF!!? Who allowed the fifth column from Sky News into your control room with cameras? Hasn’t anyone told you there’s a war on?
Frank, they think the war is against US! And not the USA.
Andy Car Park
Has Clear Memories been instructing members of the Australian Senate?
h/t Andrew Klavan
MESSAGE TO FERGUS: If you go to the latest James Delingpole article at the other place, gerontius will show you how to get back onto the speccie.
Damaris Tighe – 17:23
Which Fergus? The one that used to post here wasn’t, if you get my drift.
The upshot of the hour or so of rhetorical effluence from the O’bullshitter in chief – and his hens-arse-mouthed bro’ – is that we must be more like America and allow the Muslim subversives to assimilate: that is to surrender to their demands for imposition of Sharia law, to submit to Dhimmitude as the word Islam suggests. And we mustn’t upset Iran whilst this is in progress. Any little local upsets, like USS Cole; the first bombing of the WTC; 9/11 itself, the wars in Iraq & Iran, all the London atrocities; Fort Hood; the Paris massacre – all of those and several I have failed to mention, must not be allowed to thwart the intentions of the POTUS to shape the Western Civilization to the requirements of his Muslim Brotherhood mentors behind the scenes (not to mention those who are pulling his strings openly).
What a pity Sir Richard Mottram didn’t travel with the Camerloon, to whisper his famous mantra in his ear as he left the grandiose podium of treachery.
If anyone can cite two bigger Kunts in the history of both nations, than the two who are currently, and in unison, flushing the remnants of Western Civilisation down the shitter, please let me know, because I neither met them, directly nor indirectly, nor read about them.
I meant “the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan” of course; I’m still looking foward earnestly to the war with Iran, and the sooner the better, so it was a Freudian slip.
EC: Not Fergus Pickering?
I note a silence in the UK media now the Air Asia plane crash black boxes have been found. It has even gone quiet here as well after it was announced the final words recorded were “AllahAkbar, AllahAkbar” (or what ever shit they triumphally shout).
Shame the Glasgow dustbin lorry didn’t have a voice recorder.
I remember Faith in the City, and the new report looks like a repeat performance. It isn’t that the Government have done anything right, it is that the CoE appear to have no idea!
Church of England’s pre-election blast revives memories of Faith in the City
Controversial 1985 Church of England report, which condemned as ‘pure Marxist theology’, hailed as a ‘courageous Christian witness’ by Archbishop of York in new intervention
Fortunately, there is this piece that is more uplifting:
Ten Commandments of Political Anglicanism
anne wotana kaye @ 12:26
“I don’t believe many people would actually use arms to defend themselves in dire circumstances,”
In Switzerland not many people have had to.
“Neoconservatives arrayed in their Washington offices are congratulating themselves on their success in using the Charlie Hebdo affair to reunite Europe with Washington’s foreign policy…
…Once again the arrogant and insolent neoconservatives have blundered. Charlie Hebdo’s empowerment of the anti-immigration parties has the potential to revolutionize European politics and destroy Washington’s empire…
…Russia, tired of Ukraine’s theft of the natural gas that passes through the country on its way to delivery to Europe, has made a decision to route the gas to Turkey, thus bypassing Ukraine…
There is as much circumstantial evidence that the CIA and French Intelligence are responsible for the Charlie Hebdo shootings as there is that the shootings were carried out by the two brothers whose ID was conveniently found in the alleged get-away car. As the French made certain that the brothers were killed before they could talk, we will never know what they had to say about the plot….”
By the way, when I heard that the Pope as a comment on the Paris atrocities said that if someone insulted his mother to his face he would punch him, I saw that as a go signal to the muslims. Shortly after I saw someone writing for the New English Review had the same thought:
Let’s keep our eye on the ball though. Beastly as islam is,the terrorists are being selected, groomed, funded, armed, directed by the corporate banksters and their “security” services.
Meanwhile, the puppet gangster Obama’s family are running Boko Haram (and we know what that means) in an attempt to islamicize west Africa. Now why would they want to do that – not MERELY because they enjoy killing Christians, surely? oh, wait a minute – it’s of only limited application: – and it’s good old anti-British colonial stuff as president Obama would surely approve, especially when it was carried out as a family business huh, Don Obama?
As an afterthought, on the question of who should be punched by the Pope, is it not the Mother Church which is insulted daily by islam?
Jonah Goldberg in fine forrm:
David Cameron – Il n’etatit pas Charlie
I missed this last January:
“…Heywood, sent personally by David Cameron, told the editor [of the Guardian] to stop publishing articles based on leaked material from American’s National Security Agency and GCHQ. At one point Heywood said: “We can do this nicely or we can go to law”. He added: “A lot of people in government think you should be closed down.” H/T Zero Hedge
There’s the 2014 national dog collar award here for somebody.“I am his highness’s dog at Kew; / Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?”
And one reason WHY Obama doesn’t want that conversation:
“…America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance….”
and, one might add, to keep the world arms manufacturers business bubbling.
Peter from Maidstone, January 16th, 2015 – 08:21
Foreign Aid:
“£20,000 bonus for foreign aid chief who handed out £1billion in eight weeks… and that’s on top of his £165,000 salary”
Read more:
So, Mr “Lowcock” (*) has trousered £185,000 per annum for giving away an additional £1 Billion of BORROWED MONEY that future generations will have to pay back!!!
I suppose if demographics take their current course the UK Caliphate of (20nn?) will declare the interest charges on these debts as “haram”, “un-Islamic” and refuse to pay up.
(*) Clock the photo: plenty of scope for nob and/or knob jokes here.
I detest this sort of thing
“Burnham will say:
“Children need better protection from the pressures of modern living and the harm caused by alcohol, sugar and smoke.””
Firstly the constant trailing on the news of quotes from political speeches not yet made – which makes them sound like propaganda. And indeed they are propaganda.
Secondly, Burnham’s and the Labour Party’s delusion that what children ‘need’ is for them and their horrid tame quangos and fake charities to determine, that only state interference can provide ‘protection’, as though parents are incapable of providing that. And a usurpation based on worst case scenarios. Some parents don’t protect their children properly – so Labour proposes to take over responsibility for ALL children.
The irony is that this is the party that wants to criminalise ‘a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour’ as ‘domestic abuse’. A party that is itself guilty of a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour over our domestic lives. Another form of domestic abuse.
When is someone going to criminalise and prosecute the Labour party? That is long overdue for their many crimes against the English people.
Adolf Hitler:-
“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
Cue Andy Burnham, Labour’s Little Fascist Nightmare.
The leader of the Nazi Teacher’s League – Hans Schemm:-
“Those who have the youth on their side control the future.”
I have been sat at my desk doing the weekly accounts, part of which involves checking my most recent Master Card Statement against the retained receipts.
One item on the statement looked decidedly odd a figure of £79 spent on Amazon on 13th November but charged on the 15th that I had no knowledge of.
I brought up my Amazon account on my computer and it showed that on the 13th November I made two purchases, one a cookery book and the second an expensive bottle of perfume both intended as stocking fillers to go with other Christmas presents for my wife, the charge for these were included on my last month’s Master Card Statement.
So I have telephoned the people at my Master Card, to be told that the £79 was an annual subscription for Amazon ‘Prime’ a service that guarantees free fast (next day?) deliver amongst other benefits, none of which I want.
I am now referred to my Master Card disputed claims department and have been told they should contact me this coming Tuesday.
I am old but not senile and would not have asked for a service that involved an annual fee.
Be forewarned.
A better form of amusement, than tweeting, blogging or texting?
Harnessing the Universal laws for innocent pleasure, as a pastime.
A postscript to the Paris massacres and the ensuing festival of hypocrisy:
Is this what CMD and Obama mean by a muslim backlash?
Tonight! – There’s a gathering of the permanently offended:
Saturday January 17th @7:30pm Centenary Square, Bradford.
Bradford West MP George Galloway and faith “leaders” will be among the speakers that are protesting “The Hypocrisy of The Freedom of Speech and the victimisation os 2 billion muslims.”
Rob Wainwright, Interplod calling for more coordination between European Countries to combat ‘terrorism’.
I thought that was what you are getting a fat paycheck for Rob. Get on with it and stop bleating!
Then Chris Phillips, ‘the former head of the Counter Terrorism Security Office – a ‘retired police officer’, also whingeing about it being ‘a massive challenge’. In answer to a question from Chris Eakin, the BBC newsreader about the need for more armed officers, he replied, “It takes a long time to train an armed officer.”
Send ’em to Yemen, Chris, they can train itinerant Muzzies in a couple of weeks, sufficiently competent, obviously, to knick off several innocent Parisiens and bring Paris to a standstill for several days.
Just how many varieties of squads of cops are there specializing in unsuccessfully attempting to prevent a bunch of rag tags and bob-tails from the R o P from popping up on the streets and randomly shooting or casually beheading passing punters or off-duty squaddies. Perhaps if a few of these ‘specialist experts’, were put back on the streets to patrol and keep their eyes open, rather than staring at computers in plush offices around the Metrollups and the sunny south of France in Lyon, exchanging apparently duff info, they would have a bit more success.
Oxford Arsonist – A clear photo of the accused, and full name and address published!
Compare and contrast with Glasgow bin laden lorry driver secrecy.
But then, that would involve a modicum of stop and search and some ‘minority profiling’ wouldn’t it? Heaven forfend that we offend the barbaric bastards.
Sorry EC, that last comment should have followed my own at 17:47, not your 17:51 (though there us a connection of course, but not one we are allowed to mention).
boo, boo, boo
I hear that Fat Pang is warning that Ed Milliband is a greater threat to Cameron than Farage because Milliband is ‘very intelligent and a good debater’ and that UKIP is ‘a pricked balloon’.
A stitch in time, or a stitch-up in chagrin?
Frank P January 17th, 2015 – 16:23
“A better form of amusement, than tweeting, blogging or texting?”
A splendid video Frank, thank you.
Testing again.
You’re coming through OK Baron
Frank P – 18:25
” I hear that Fat Pang is warning that Ed Milliband is a greater threat to Cameron than Farage because Milliband is ‘very intelligent and a good debater’ ”
Fat Pang obviously knows a masterdebater when he sees one. 😉
Cameron’s biggest threat is, and always has been, Cameron.
It seems that heavy smoke coming out of a lorry on a train caused Eurotunnel to cancel service. Surely the illegals legging a free ride know better than smoking en route!
EC (21:31)
A hole in one! 🙂
Can I have the first drink for teeing it up?
Douglas Murray with a prolix version of what most of us have been saying much more succinctly, on blogs various, including the Speccie, for years:
Perhaps even the Barclay Bugle realizes that the game is up?
This is massively enjoyable, not the song, one can barely hear it, but the postings below.
If the UK government now accepts it cannot keep it’s citizens safe (Cameron, Met Commission et al), what is their possible justification for maintaining the Firearms ban and stopping citizens protecting themselves?
Perhaps because they might see the best option as removing the biggest threat – the establishment itself.
Frank P @ 00:22
How wrong can you be, Frank?
Why don’t you listen to the man who speaks for the international community, runs the world, knows what’s to be done. His recipe for curing the festering boil of jihadism is clear, and it doesn’t echo Douglas’s take on things:
Frank P 17January @ 17:13
“Indeed. It may be harder to get Hollande and Merkel and certainly Mahmoud Abbas to parade through the streets for it, but I would say that 2015 is more likely to be the Year of the Anus than the year of free speech.”
Actually it was impossible even to get those characters to parade through the streets for “Je suis Charlie” – stinkers – whited sepulches!
I thought this was just another of those Alex Jones’ conspiracies:
But it’s the Washington Times, so it must be true. Well, yunno, even a broken clock gets the time right twice a day – innit?
‘I thought it was a crime to conspire to incite violence?’
‘Well, only if there’s the rule of law – innit?’
“The director of Soros’s fund said that they have no direct control over the groups they give to, and said they are all trying to improve accountability.”
What he said was “We’re twying hard, despewately hard, to impwoove accountability – but so far unfortunately we have not been fwightfully successful – so sad : ( “.
Frank P 1825
It is his comment about Drunken Farage that is more interesting
Mr Miliband was “highly intelligent” and a “good debater”, the peer told BBC Radio 4’s Week in Westminster.
There have been suggestions that David Cameron’s chances of winning in May depend on squeezing the UKIP vote.
But Lord Patten said Mr Farage “is probably a balloon which is deflating”.
Interview with Nigel Farage (audio)
Malfleur 0753
An interesting interview
An even more interesting promotion of UKIP policies
Binding local and national referenda, at the public’s request, on major issues
private health insurance (except emergency medical care), private education and private housing
Enrol unemployed welfare claimants onto community schemes or retraining workfare programmes
Develop shale gas to reduce energy bills
abolish inheritance tax
Teach children positive messages and pride in their country. We want to unite through better integration.
Very interesting
Shale gas costs $95 Dollars a barrel to extract-Brent Crude is $50.17 and falling
Buy One, Get One Free (Free)
As a chap who delights in showing off to the world one of my wife’s lovingly tendered roses I still understand the hitherto thought to be posturing avatar of others
I now understand that there does become a base need to nail one’s colours to the mast
‘The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation’
We must create a Society fit for our children and grandchildren
Price is not the only deason to frack. Not being dependant on flakey foreigners is one. Not buuying off mid esat countries that sponsor islamic terrorism is another. Balance of payments is another.
Tellytub y@0959
It is not the job of the state to rear children. That is the fole of patents.
Only telemachus could endorse the intrusive evil of the national socialists with no self awareness. No surprise given the parallels with New Labour.
Or fail to appreciate the Englishman’s defiant nature.
Twisting and manipulative he, like all his wretched kind.
Fat Pang has some nerve calling Farage a ‘balloon’. There is another red balloon hereabouts, sadly not deflating, although diminishing.
I don’t know the answer, Frank. It feels like Vichy. For oldsters it is like living in an occupied country. I was taken in by Cameron in 2010, believing, naively, that he meant what he said and might liberate us from New Labour. But now, in 2015, with the UK swamped by foreigners, firmly in the grip of an unelected shadow government, with Euro-puppetry in Parliament and an idiot Prime Minister who appears to want to out-nanny the nannies it feels more than ever that voting won’t make a blind bit of difference.
It isn’t really ‘vote UKIP get Labour’ but more ‘vote for anyone get more of the same’. It feels powerless, disempowering, as the country embraces barmy and each glimmer of light is darkened by resurgent and gobby leftist blobs everywhere you look. My instinct is to vote UKIP but it has no pretence to make a difference, more just an act of bloody minded rejection of the other clowns.
There is nothing more depressing than the bleating boasts of communist scumbags like telemachus to secure and brainwash the future generations, because he is one amongst millions presaging decades of misery and turmoil. The same deluded embrace of madness, not without its lessons, plain but unlearnt. And it seems that the Conservative party have fallen for that crap too and even UKIP is feeling its way gingerly around its barbs and traps to sip appeasingly at its poisonous pools.
There is plenty of right wing insurgency out there but it is not encapsulated within any political movement worth voting for, that could possibly make a difference. There is no leader calling time on the relentless nonsense of the blobs and the leftist idiots reinforced by their EU comrades. There is no English Breitbart. The power is with the corporate left, a new China tug of war between capitalist exploitation and socialist imposition, rotten to the core but sustainable by the creation of a generation of useful idiots who suck it all up and eagerly parrot its inanities, apparently blind to reality.
Malfleur’s 05:41 link shows what a gathering of arseholes holds power over us and the inherent deceit that they practice in order to do so. Parroting ideologues like telemachus thrive in that deception. Truth dies. And with it hope. Our fathers and mothers are gone and we are now alone in this world, prey to the powerful kidult clowns who can’t hold a candle to them.
An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, “Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?”
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep husky voice, the woman next to him says, “Before you tell that joke, cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.
3. I’m a six-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weightlifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy. Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?”
The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, “Well no,
not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.”
Robert C and others: I agree.
MI5 and MI6 are two of the most politcally correct organisations. The Philby types are now there in the guise of legions of Common Purposers. They know what the public think of Islamic terrorists: throw them out.
That is why ex-spook Richard Garrett wrote that piece the other day in the Telegraph that Tele was so salivating over. This is what the ex-spook said: Abu Hamza had all the rights as everyone else and that’s a good thing.
Let me translate that: ‘We all know that you know that if we slung most of this lot out tomorrow the problem would be over. But we’re not going to do that, so we’re going to keep them near to you, where they can use their aggression and breeding to wipe you out.
‘And just to make sure you self-censor and don’t complain and don’t organise yourselves into politcal groups that could stop this sort of thing, we’re going to up the surveillance: on you. You shut your mouth complaining about Muslims, got it?’
If you read the Bill going through parliament it’s all about making anything like the EDL illegal, not protecting people from Islamic terrorists.
Charlie Hebdo’s attackers were so far offline they took three days to be caught. Do you know how easy it is to track people via mobile phone? They can get a SWAT team there in 30 minutes of they have a location.
Charlie Hebdo is being exploited by White Widow Theresa May (she facilitates more Islamic terror than she stops) to snoop on those who think Islam might be the problem:
Noa 18 Jan, 12.18: Yup, I was there.
Kermit – 12:58
“Do you know how easy it is to track people via mobile phone?”
We watch NCIS.
One way of getting around email monitoring is to not send emails 🙂 but to leave them as draft documents on web mail, so that others can log in and read them, after downloading and decrypting them.
I am sure that old forms of manual coding, like one time pads or using a page in a book to get the letters from would still beat security service surveliance.
anyone just has to read Peter Wrights book to learn the pre electrinic age feildcraft that would be still hard to crack.
so all this stuff the gov say they need is useless really.
That’s interesting, Robert C. I also note that they plan a law to outlaw all apps that the security services can’t follow. Apart from the ethical spite involved, how is that workable? Are you supposed to check a list before you buy an app? People would just find a different way of talking about the app.
This all boils down to the opposite of what Richard Garrett and the rest of the security services aparatus (whom he was reflecting entirely) wants. If you throw them out, there is no need for this.
Why do they have the same rights as everyone else? Their beliefs are incompatible with non-Muslims the world over. How many countries over how many centuries does that need to be proved? There is no reformation of Islam. Never has been. Never will. Once it establishes itself, the result is always the same, it becomes more aggressive in the host community – and all the rest is pure taqqya. It’s the political equivalent of a tapeworm. And the cure is the same.
Kermit – 12:58
If Theresa May manages to get the legislation enacted as has been outlined by Peter Hitchens then it will be the final nail in the coffin of free speech, and the death knell of forums like this one.
Meanwhile, today, Mrs May is struggling to convince British jews that it is safe for them to stay here! From whence comes all this anti-semitism in Britain Mrs May? Is it Richard Dawkins and the atheists, the agnostics, the Chrisitians, the Hindus, the Sikhs, or the Buddhists?
Alexsandr – 15:34
Time to dust off the old four rotor Enigma machines!
I know a bloke in Herefordshire who has got one in perfect working order.
Now all we need is a second one…
A very good article by Douglas Murray concerning, free speech, the censorious left, and creeping self-censorship.
I’ve just been contacted by Mohammed Ghaddafi, the son of the late dictator of Libya. He wants me to help invest a large sum of money in return for a 30% commission. This is quite exciting and gives me hope for some positive developments on the CHW this year. If we are being noticed even by ex-Libyan dictators then we are making a difference!
Sounds like a scam.
Frank, you’ve been quiet far too long, the barbarian hopes it wasn’t his ‘how wrong can you be’ posting, it was meant tongue in cheek, an ironic hit.
Come on, hit the keyboard again, the country needs you.
Peter from Maidstone @ 16:42
The barbarian sides with the Colonel, Peter, caution should be your guide. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
EC @ 16:12
The man seems to leading the pack of journalists who re beginning to sense the wind direction may be changing, EC. The joke in the piece is good, too, why indeed should one want another empty glass?
Kermit @ 15:38
Kicking out those who want to do us harm would breach their ‘uman rites’, Kermit, it’s by far easier to deprive the vast majority of us, the law abiding, of our rights some more.
Have you gone mad?
Irony, Tele. Irony!
Alexsandr 15:34.
Using a designated page of a specified book as the key for a one-time cipher is almost unbreakable if it done properly. Have a read of Simon Singh’s book for lots of info on historical methods of encryption. Obviously the book and page number must only be known to those who need to be able to read the message, and the cipher must only be used once! This is very important. A new page of the book will need to be defined and the number sent in a secure manner to the readers before another message may be sent.
Other techniques using a public and private key are secure enough for normal purposes, but I guess the NSA, GCHQ and others have techniques for the factoring of very large prime numbers that are not disclosed, which means that such techniques may be breakable much quicker than generally supposed.
Kermit – 15:38
“Their beliefs are incompatible with non-Muslims the world over.”
That is putting it mildly.
‘Why has the traditional centre-right press fallen to the left or to the cynical and unacceptable face of crap-end capitalism’ – Frank P.
Quite so, Frank. I noticed the Press waited for a lull after Charlie Hebdo and the the Telegraph (an unconscionably wicked newspaper) printed this. No comments allowed.
This is one of those Orwellian ‘this where a word is not what it is, but what I say it means moments’ – and given a platform in the Daily Telegraph.
‘Scorning the Prophet goes beyond free speech – it’s an act of violence’
I kid you not.
‘Abdal Hakim Murad is a British Muslim theologian and broadcaster. His most recent book, “Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions”, is published by the Quilliam Press.’
Ah, yes! Quilliam, that ‘moderate’ Muslim organisation that sucks on the taxpayer teat and whose Majid Nawaz cashed in big time last week on the Charlie Hebdo deaths by wandering all over the news channels telling people what to think. it’s a nice little earner being a Muslim ‘scholar’ these days, isn’t it? Some might call it profiting from murder.
And the Mail shut its gob for a few days before the ghastly Stephen Glover piled in: ‘I can only imagine how ordinary Muslims feel when they see everything that they hold most sacred being held up for ridicule.’
So there you go, who could ridicule a paedophile prophet and ‘Make war on the unbelievers’?
And if you dare mack that – you’re the one commiting an act of violence.
I really do hope no one here gives a shilling of their hard-earned to the Daily Telegraph, which now believes ‘Scorning the Prophet goes beyond free speech – it’s an act of violence’.
That’s your future.
I am surprised at the bleeding hearts and terrorist fellow travellers like Kermit who seem to want terrorists who frankly are mostly born here to have free rein of mobile and Internet communication to plan their wanton destruction
Lord Evans ex MI5 chief reporting in that dangerous communist organ The Telegraph said today
The former head of MI5 is warning that Britain’s anti-terror laws are “no longer fit for purpose” as it is becoming easier for jihadists plotting attacks to evade the intelligence services and the police.
In a rare intervention, Lord Evans of Weardale says it is now “much harder” than a decade ago for the security services to find out “what terrorists or criminals are saying among themselves” because they are discussing plots online.
Increasing areas of digital communications are now “beyond the reach” of security services, whose ability to track plots on the internet is under threat, the former spy chief warns.
Writing for The Telegraph, Lord Evans says new laws to give intelligence agencies the ability more effectively to monitor services including Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat are vital.
Another dangerous Commie and former Thatcher Lieutenant Rifkind told The Telegraph that intelligence agencies should be given updated powers to access terror suspects’ mobile phone records, emails and internet messages, when authorised by a senior Cabinet minister.
Sir Malcolm said it was vital to tackle international terrorism in “the world we live in”, where international jihadist networks plot their attacks over the internet.
Have we noted that the Glasgow bin lorry driver has been named? Harry Clarke…
Re Glasgow bus driver.
Hope that’s his real name. Harry Clarke is famous (among those who know these things) as a very famous Irish-born illustrator of fairy tales at the beginning of the 20th century.
Thank you tele for regurgitating the spin, but it’s already been unspun.
Malcolm Rifkind and Jonathan Evans doing a Joseph Goebbels and repeating their spin over and over until the public think their lie is the truth doesn’t make it any less of a lie.
They just happen to have the vast array of mainstream media at their disposal. And when that isn’t enough on its own, Comments are Closed.
Glasgow bin man
It’s been very embarrassing to have British newspapers not print the Charlie Hebdo front covers.
So how can we whitewash that? Let’s order a set of articles all about how bad the satire in Charlie Hebdo was and pretend that’s relevant. Cue the disgusting piece in the Mail by Glover.
Cue the disgusting piece today by Christopher Booker in the Telegraph:
“What ‘free speech’ didn’t tell us about Charlie Hebdo jokes”
“The French magazine doesn’t represent satire at the wittiest and cleverest level of which it is capable, argues Christopher Booker”
Yes, you see it’s not very good satire. Can we put that on Goebbels loop for a few days until it seeps into public consciousnees.
‘It’s not very good satire.’ Translation: We don’t allow any satire of Islam in the UK and we know you’ve all been wondering why the French can satirise it and you seeing those Charlie Hebdo cartoons shows just how far our jackboot is on your throats when it comes to free speech. So let’s pretend it’s just that we have lots and lots better quality satire of Islam in Britain when actually, there’s none at all.
Eric Pickles doesn’t appear to understand the situation:
Government tells Mosques: force out the preachers of hate
Eric Pickles writes to 1,100 imams and community leaders, urging them to tackle radicals and make young Muslims proud of Britain
I am not sure which will change, the imams, or Britain.
Kermit 2025
DT comments are not closed on Evans
And as usual have some choice cuts:
” Churchill was a disaster for Britain and we are now reaping the payback resulting from his idiotic and irrational hatred of Hitler. On his influence and leadership, we declared war and bankrupt ourselves to fight the one international leader who posed no threat whatsoever to this country; indeed, considered the survival of Britain and her Empire were essential for world stability – and then he went on to ally ourselves to the two future superpowers that had the very opposite policies in mind for our future. We were mad enough to give a war guarantee to a junta of Polish colonels, which we neither had the means or will to honour and giving the Poles the power to drag Britain into a second war with the most powerful nation in Europe. The result can be seen today, a enfeebled and dying Europe under attack from the third world barbarian hordes. Fast forward to this country in 2050 as it is now and then imagine it in 2050 had there not been WW2 – think we are better off? And don’t go on about the … holocaust which … is the only historical event in world history we are not allowed to investigate. All those idiot leaders marching in Paris were unaware had Charlie Hebdo published an edition stating the official version of the holocaust was flawed and erroneous, free speech or not, that is a criminal offence in France and the editor would have been prosecuted and jailed. “,.
And whilst the Telegraph Moderation aggressively take down my postings, the above is the sort of garbage from other posters which they leave up. It has been sitting on the Telegraph site for 7 hours last time I checked
And Roy Greenslade is also covering up the lack of free speech in Britain. It’s embarrassing to see how much free speech is across the Channel, cue:
‘Roy Greenslade: It’s not that we’re timid, but there’s no place for a Charlie Hebdo here’
Ah, I see now. It’s not that free speech has been virtually wiped out in the UK and that Bernard Hogan-Howe would lock up people mocking Islam at the first chance he could. No, it’s not that at all. Perish the thought! No. It’s that ‘there’s no place for a Charlie Hebdo here’. No lack of free speech here. Nothing to see. Move along now.
Tele – Comments most certainly were closed on that Richard Garrett spite you salivated over and that disgusting Abdal Hakim Murad article flagged above.
And throughout the whole Charlie Hebdo week no comments were allowed on any Charlie Hebdo material.
I like it; Cleggover (Private Pike) states he will be forming a coalition in May with either Cameron or Milliband. 🙂
Or with the Raving Looney Party; The Greens; or any other freakin’ rabble that would countenance a liaison with the Party of Ginger Beers. Presumably bunnies will go to Paris; with anyone that buys their train ticket. That’s what Iike to hear – a man of principle. Doesn’t anyone from his party ever play back his puerile video sound bites back to him.
You are absolutely right Colonel Mustard; none of the douchebags vying for our vote are worthy of it; probably it has ever been thus, but the current crop of charlatans are the worst of my lifetime. They make even the old traitor Harold Wilson look almost patriotic. So what to do?
Even in my stage of senile dementia, I feel the need to join a lynch mob to make the best possible use of Amey’s new lamp-posts. They certainly weren’t built to light the streets. As Sir Richard Mottram is a major mover in the company, and because he famously and accurately defined the State of The Nation in his dog days as a Tony Blair apparatchick, he must have had something in mind when he ordered all the street lighting in Britain to be replaced, when it was manifestly unnecessary. I’m just surprised that he didn’t provide extended wire ligatures with each lamp standard.
A stitch up at the only privately run hospital in Britain:
Labour and the NHS stitch-up (continued): How watchdog that shut down first privately run NHS hospital ignored 300-patient survey backing it in favour of critical poll of just 17 people
* Report gave Hinchingbrooke Hospital lowest ever score for care standards
* But damning report ignored large survey showing patients were very happy
* Larger survey showed 300 patients gave it an average of 8.4 out of 10
* CQC report led to Circle, the firm running hospital, resigning its contract
* But investigation raised suspicions report was ‘stitched up’ by senior Labour and union figures strongly opposed to privatisation
Dismissals, without large payoffs or pensions, required.
This is corruption, pure and simple!
Kermit @ 21:17
The point on the Charlie rag made by Booker is valid, Kermit. He doesn’t suggest the magazine should be in any way censored, prevented from printing them, merely that many of the cartoons, and that includes those of the prophet, are not funny. He’s right there, only someone with no sense of humor, love of wit could conjure not so much a laugh, but get even mildly excited. The original Danish drawings that started the bandwagon rolling were in a different league, each made a valid point, avoided the lavatory style of the French output.
Baron’s very much in favour of ridiculing anyone who has power over us, and that includes the cult of Allah worshipping, whether it offends or not, but not in a way that feels like an embarrassment to what our high culture should stand for.
RobertC @ 00:11
It would appear that Margaret T didn’t do the job as well as it should have been done, the Marxism inspired lot are still at it. One can only regret we don’t have anyone who could continue what she started, finished them off for good.
Robert C
You cannot have it both ways
The apologist cabal you advocate in respect of Huntingdon are the same cabal who criticise the authorities over Stafford
Bad practice is bad practice and must be rooted out
telemachus 06:47 dealing in lies again.
You clearly do not understand the implications. That Labour, wherever they are, however they are involved, put party and ideology before the good of the country and truth.
The same at Huntingdon, as at Mid-Staffs and Rotherham.
The ‘bad practice’ that needs to be rooted out is the malevolent dishonesty of the Labour party and all its workings, as you helpfully demonstrate for us, day in and day out.
Parvinder and Habib are street beggars. They beg in different areas of London
Habib begs just as long as Parvinder but only collects £2 to £3 every day.
Parvinder brings home a suitcase FULL of £10 notes, drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage-free house and has a lot of money to spend.
Habib says to Parvinder ‘I work just as long and hard as you do but how do you bring home a suitcase full of £10 notes every day?’
Parvinder says, ‘Look at your sign, what does it say’?
Habib’s sign reads ‘I have no work, a wife and 6 kids to support’.
Parvinder says ‘No wonder you only get £2- £3.’
Habib says, ‘So what does your sign say’?
Parvinder shows Habib his sign.
It reads, ‘I only need another £10 to move back to Pakistan ‘
Colonel Mustard: just to let you know that the speccie troll dado/dalai etc is now also posting as a pretend rightist, VonLomborg. He has also come out as a nasty little antisemite, so much so that he has gained the applause of the racial rightist The Missing Think on the Ed Hussain thread.
Thanks Damaris. I had my suspicions about VonLomborg but I’ve never been able to work out what The Missing Think is on about or from what angle – just nasty it seems.
Col Mustard: The Missing Think is on about race, specifically what he considers to be the jewish race (an ‘inner semistism’ apparently). He can sometimes be cogent but is usually on the edge of madness. However it I did wonder this morning whether in fact he is a sockpuppet from the dado stable. VonLomborg definitely is & he is pretending to be a rightest.
It’s interesting that both dado & VL are using exactly the same language about the ‘juifs’ & The MT is supporting them. A marriage of left & right, the circle of national & international socialism meets at the point where they can both agree – the ‘juifs’.
Sorry for typos – still can’t get used to no editing so post too quickly without checks!
Baron – 00:19
Oh, so true!
Baron – 00:28
Mrs T was supported by the voters, but not so much by the Tory Party, and even less by her Cabinet. QED.
Colonel Mustard – 07:32
Thank you.
Fatty Pickles has upset the Imams.
May be right but he is an odious creature.
Someone is in a bit of a pickle:
“We will be writing to Mr Eric Pickles to ask that he clarifies his request to Muslims to ‘explain and demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity’.
Harun Khan – deputy secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain”
That is a tough one, one has to admit.
RobertC January 19th, 2015 – 12:40
“Muslims to ‘explain and demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity’”
“That is a tough one, one has to admit.”
Tough is a gross understatement, it is impossible, whilst Jews, Hindu’s, Buddhist’s, Sikh’s, in fact all other religions, can and do assimilate into our society those who follow Islam cannot.
Islam calls for everyone to submit to the teachings of a 6th century paedophile or else.
Damaris Tighe January 19th, 2015 – 11:46
“Sorry for typos – still can’t get used to no editing so post too quickly without checks!”
Type it up in word first then copy and paste.
Works every time
Huktra January 19th, 2015 – 12:27
“Fatty Pickles has upset the Imams. May be right but he is an odious creature.”
No he is not, very over weight maybe but in comparison with the current opposition front bench he is a paragon of virtue, and compared with the slimy creature Blair’s front bench he is a Saint.
David Ossitt – 14:50 “Tough is a gross understatement …”
I like ‘tough’, because when the penny drops, the moment is sweeter.
David, thanks for the info but I’m very ashamed to say I don’t know how to do that.