This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
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Now that Phil Hammond has tentaively raised his head over the parapet as being possibly maybe not completely in favour of the EU I hope this drip drip of minor dissent will be enough to force dave into putting a bit more flesh on the bones of his ‘ ‘renegotiation’ propectus. This is a bit like getting blood out of a stone but at the very least it legitimises the heresy of the anti-Euro position. It won’t change the way that dave and his liblab euro chums and the BBC think but it will force them to revamp their ‘loonies, fruitcakes, and closet racist’ angle of attack.
How many divisions does the Pope have?
He has a better PR department than most:
Thousands pack St Peter’s Square as Pope Francis canonises 800 Italian saints who were slaughtered for refusing to convert to Islam
The ‘Martyrs of Otranto’ were 813 Italians who were slain in the southern Italian city in 1480 for defying demands to renounce Christianity by Turkish invaders who overran the citadel.
I think the canonisation of the Martyrs of Otranto is very significant. Whether or not it has a mystical significance can be a matter of opinion, but politically and socially it seems very important to me that the focus should be put upon 800 Christians murdered because they would not become Muslims.
I imagine there are three reasons why Gove and Hammond have come out in favour of a OUT vote.
i. The Conservative Party wishes to suggest that there are a variety if opinions and so sticking with them might lead to a referendum and even an out vote.
ii. Gove and Hammond genuinely believe this is a matter of principle and are willing to speak out even if it harms their prospects in the Party.
iii. Gove and Hammond are positioning themselves for the continuing decline of the Cameron party in the Conservative Party, and the possibility that after a very bad showing in the European elections Gove could make a move for the leadership in ‘the Common Good’.
Of course it may well be a mix of all three to some extent.
Bad day. Huhne and Pryce are out.
Reading a piece in the DT, I learn that in the land of Mohammed there are over 5000 children (girls of course) married each year who are 13 years of age and younger.
In fact Saudi Arabia has no minimum age at which a child can be married.
On Otranto, I was reading yesterday (I forget where) someones comparison between a Christian and an !$lamic martyr. A Christian one dies at the hands of someone else while the other crew’s martyr is usually the one doing the killing.
Hexhamgeezer, May 13th, 2013 – 11:21
Many a true word said in jest!
Pat Condell @patcondel
“Oafish Andy Choudary and his nasty little rabble of Bronze Age bearded muppets embarrass themselves in public again. ”
Friday mayhem! It must be a great life on benefits!
Pat Condell @patcondell
“The fruits of “progressivism”. Islamic bigots welcomed on campus, while anyone putting Israel’s case is shouted down. ”
## Warning ## article contains smirking photo of Abbo Retarda!
How many divisions does the Pope have?
“…Europe’s churches are emerging as a powerful pole of authority, filling a vacuum left by political parties of all stripes tainted by the crisis. German leaders may be more ready to heed criticism from the Vatican and their own clergy than from Club Med politicians….
Wakee, waaaa-keeee!
I think it is also significant that the first Christian leader the Pope of Rome welcomes to the Vatican is the Pope of Alexandria, leader of a Church which is suffering under the pressures of Islamic domination.
Stalin was whacked by his own in the power struggle when he became too weak to outsmart his detractors any longer. The USSR went down tubes as a result of the arms race and its own stupidity, or at least gave the impression of imploding – history will probably expose that as a ploy, judging by current developments. As for Islam, let’s hope it will over-reach itself as it always has in the past and weaken itself through internecine struggle. Israel will have to thwart Iran’s efforts to get nuked up, for that to obtain. Our own western Leaders are in the thrall of Arabists, the Muzzie Bros and commies.
I note that nobody that responded to my comments about 800 newly minted dead saints, addressed the other issues I raised that are the inconvenient truths about the RC Empire; the rampant exploitation, by perverts within their set-up, of thousands upon thousands of vulnerable children and the cover-ups over the ages by Popes various; nor its historical interaction with the Italian Mob (and many other international scamsters) in dodgy financial dealings and similar cover-ups over those scams too.
Perhaps those 800 new Saints will help out with those little problems? Papa Ratzi didn’t have much luck with that did he, on either count?
I share disgust of Pat Condell (much quoted here) with religious cant, btw, though I’m less certain than he of the absence of a First Cause. He’ll have NONE of it.
But the moral relativity to one side; a plague on all the ‘whited sepulchres’ of the befrocked priests. What we need are strong, pragmatic, patriotic political leaders, not plastic saints and superstitious flocks of the gullible. Écrasez l’Infâme!
Another pragmatist:
In other words – stop praying to the newly minted saints and do the business from 35,000 feet with some real earth-shifters. The Mullahs understand that as ‘negotiation’.
A nicely acerbic comment from Douglas Carswell, MP and noted Tory EU realist. When asked on the Beeb today why he wants legislation on a referendum when dave has promised one in the next Parliament, he said that he was concerned that as far as the public was concerned there was a ‘plausibility’ issue.
Nicely put.
Indeed one could say that as well as the democratic deficit afflicting Brussels dave has an equally toxic ‘plausibility deficit’ which no amount of words can overcome.
Frank P,
“I note that nobody that responded to my comments about 800 newly minted dead saints…”
You say, 800? Perhaps this is the Roman Catholic church’s version of “quantitative easing.” Like the current vogue for printing Pounds, Euros and Dollars it does rather debase the currency somewhat, I would have thought.
I thought that either a miracle or a mutiny was required for someone to be cannonised…
Frank P,
I note that Malfleur and/or the EDL are on manoeuvres again! (see end of last week’s CHW) Any Demo will be counterproductive of course in that it will give “the rabble of bronze age bearded muppets” a free photo op’.
NEWS:Heir to Blair becomes Obama’s european poodle.
EC (15:18)
Yerrss! No doubt Malf will be flying home to support the a.k.a. warrior.
The points raised are idle and silly remarks, are unworthy of notice and I shall therefore disregard them (ack. Sir Richard Maybe.
… Oops! My feckin’ tablet is playing games again … That should read Sir Richard Mayne. (close brackets).
I find it horrible that the perverted Hazell. who has admitted to killing a 12year old girl is being defended by Lord Carlile. I have often thought that Carlile is one of the typical ‘liberals’ we have to suffer in our twisted judicial system. Strange how free legal aid has been cut to the bone for decent people who are poor and who need representation in our law courts, and yet a creature who not only sexually assaulted a child, and murdered her, gets an expensive (at taxpayer expense) legal counsel. The poor child never stood a chance. Her own mother had a quick relationship with Hazell and then he went on to the grandmother. These two women felt it safe to allow Hazell to mind little Tia, despite his terrible record. Where were social services all this time? Yes, and now we have Lord Carlile bleating about poor Hazell having such a nasty childhood, bla bla bla.
Radford NG (20:24)
Yes, Sky News are trumpeting the fact that the commie POTUS has instructed our wet PM to fix Yurrop, rather than seceding from it. So now our sovereignty is ceded to Obama, as well as the Marxists in Brussels. Referendum? My arse!
For those who may consider that the fight to leave the EU has just begun, Peter Hitchens’ ‘This Septic Isle’ shows just how long and hard the fight has been, is, and will be, Amen.
And for Verity, may I recommend going to You tube and searching “James Delingpole Watermelons”.
Spiked is an interesting site:-
Fatty Boris gets a well deserved kick up the backside from Dr North for calling us lazy barstewards:-
“…It also says very little for the news values of this business that it chooses to headline the claim by its employee that “this country’s workers are plagued by ‘sloth’ and under-perform compared with their foreign rivals” – something which is dead easy to write when you are getting £250,000 a year for writing a crappy column for the Telegraph Media Group Ltd, on top of your Mayor’s salary of £143,911 plus expenses (£11,445.93 last year)…”
EC @ 15:18 and Frank P @ 21.06
Ho, Ho, Ho.
I notice by the way that while Frank P disdains to visit Chatham House website to do his homework on the EDL because it is a think tank, he is happy to recommend Gatestone Institute (an interesting link) – a think tank.
“Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.”
— John Adams
Yes, Frank, the ‘us’ included you.
The point about the Roman Catholic Church is surely not its dark side, which is not news to most well-read people, but that in the balance of things it is more FOR the defence of western civilization than subversive of it. Certain people on this site who consider themselves street-wise above the common run because they have supped with the dark side are with us because an unholy alliance was forged in the Second World War with all anti-fascists including the USSR. The 800 new saints are an ideological weapon in a struggle of ideas and the easy mockery of their creation betrays a failure to understand when, where, how, and indeed, if to fight.
Don’t miss Melanie’s blog post today.
Thanks for the Richard North piece, Noa. A timely reminder. I hadn’t visited EUReferendum for ages: another one for the blog roll, Peter?
Btw, Peter, to answer your objection the other day about ‘overcrowding’ the blog roll, it is not too too long imho. There seems to be no technical reason for having the links of the like minded available here, surely?
P from M 10:41 — “n fact Saudi Arabia has no minimum age at which a child can be married.”
Well, of course not, silly! Aisha was just five when ol’ Mo’ saw her being pushed on a swing by her mother and sent for her immediately. Mo must have had a few dinars tucked away, because he insisted on “marrying” the little girl immediately and the mother seems to have been very willing to strike a deal.
Noah 22:52 – I am second to none in my admiration for the cunning and witty Mr Delingpole.
Malfleur; Re EDL:…..At `Gates of Vienna`under `categories`is EDL;this leads to a long item on a report from a certain `ICSR`which is both highly prejudiced against the EDL whilst all it’s evidence shows that the EDL is in the classical liberal tradition.Yet it still seeks to link EDL and the counter-jihad movements to xenophobia,Breivik,and the BNP.//…………//Scrolling to the next item we have Cameron declaring:”…..some parts of our society (are)sick,and there is none sicker then the EDL”.//……//There is a lot of material,but worth looking at.
Radford NG @ 02:27
Here’s the most recent interview I can find with Tommy Robinson of the EDL posted on May 3rd.
For those with more genteel tastes, Paul Weston’s new party, Liberty GB will hold its first public meeting on 25th May, not in Newscastle but Croydon.
He has a good-looking website at
I cannot vouch for Mr. Weston being neither a former football hooligan, nor a poufter. He clearly does not however have a mouth like a hen’s arse; nor, as far as my time for research of these important questions has so far allowed, does he wear hats usually associated with somebody’s idea of racetrack turf accountants. We may therefore infer that his ideas are sound and I feel able to recommend him here for your kind consideration.
For anybody with a passing interest in NYC, the self-styled Patrician of NYC, or even Bermuda, then here’s Mark Steyn on top form:
“Michael Poppins”
” We’re just going to scare the public out of [physical gold], destroy investor psychology, and we the elite, the insiders, will acquire more at these cheap prices. And if the downside is there is a redistribution of tangible wealth from West to East, so be it. So to sum up, Eric, this is a criminal conspiracy.” ”
A couple of years ago we discussed in desultory manner the construction of networks parallel to the conventional party systems. In a way, UKIP is half like such a system, because it is a network of like-minded discontents which have no representation in castrated British parliament, but which has found, or is finding, a way of asserting itself nonetheless. The trick will be to ensure that it is not absorbed back into the establishment.
The “correlation of forces and means” of politics and economics seems to me however highly unusual at the moment. I have been won over by the argument that the next “bubble” in the economy will be the fiat money bubble. That is to say, the Central Banks will not be able to withdraw from circulation the colossal quantity of paper money which is being printed and the bubble will burst when that money is recognized as being as worthless as a 100 billion Zimbabwean dollar note:
or indeed the 100-trillion-dollar bill which in 2011 turned out to be worth about US$5.
A website like the Wall discussed linking with like-minded sites to share opinions and give mutual moral support, and we did not really consider the practicalities of parallel self-governing systems, which in any event sound absolutely ghastly; but it might be worth considering a more visionary and yet at the same time perhaps more practical approach which would see these sites available in a political/economic crisis which might descend out of the blue like the Phuket tsunami of 2004 and available to act across the country as emergency services, a 21st century version of the 19th century cooperatives which could assist voluntarily and without government participation in transferring goods and services from the parts of the country where supplies were available to those ares where they were not.
In the meantime, as gold coins are a bit expensive, laying in a supply of silver might be a timely choice. After all, if the criminal elite are buying precious metals even as they talk them down…
EC @ 8:16
Ain’t dat de troodth! Brilliant.
Anyone else think the tories are in a blind panic acting like headless chickens over the EU?
When it is possible I do hope to be able to move the site to a more protected and resilient location in case the lights start going out, both physically and metaphorically.
April May
Lab 38 34
Con 32 28
LD 15 11
UKIP 9 18
Source ICM/Guardian
Gets better and better 🙂
Was this some kind of test or trial run?
h/t Atlas Shrugs
Hexhamgeezer@May 14th, 2013 – 11:04
maybe he was going to make a pot roast.
a nice brisket cooked with veg in a pressure cooker is well yummy.
Ah yes, brisket. Is that not a lovely cut? Slow roasted/cooked.As beefy as beef can be.
Hexhamgeezer@May 14th, 2013 – 11:27
or skirt for a stew 🙂
Hexhamgeezer @ 11:27
I am not familiar with brisket, except by report; but my mother used to make a delicious stew with a cut called “skirt”. I can make the recipe myself, but now I am in Asia and perhaps because real butchers are disappearing, I have been chasing skirt for many years without success.
Right!! Just saw your post.
Malfleur@May 14th, 2013 – 11:53
Perhaps it has a different name.
Our old friend Qaradawi (Red Ken and Galloway’s chum), one of the architects of the Muslim Brotherhood Project – the egg-head of Muzz Bros, is back to high-profile propaganda:
Kerry is either stupid, or evil. Or perhaps just an insouciant tool of Obama’s Chicagoan commie puppeteers as a second occupation to that of gigolo to the Heinz heiress.
However, the combination of the Benghazi infamy, the IRS scandal and the AP eruption is beginning to gain traction. Even the MSM is beginning to realise that there is nothing that can’t be thrown under the Obama ‘bus – including it, in the acquisition of a New World Order.
Ah, I see – skirt is right next to brisket. I think I will have to take the diagram of the cow to the supermarket though to get any cut close to it.
Meanwhile, in contemplating the other stews that we can get ourselves into, some of us must be scratching our heads at the prescription of the Curtis Le May of the outer perimeter of the Sandringham estate to “do the business from 35,000 feet with some real earth-shifters”.
How this robust and remarkable policy would work in practice is not spelled out, but in so far as the recommendation is that it be adopted to solve our internal islamicisation problem, we must hope that it will be conducted well clear of the purlieus of Kings Lynn where a number of national treasures live out their well-earned retirement and that, in anticipation of error, Her Majesty if in residence on the dread day will be given sufficient notice that will permit collateral damage to be limited to the stray corgi.
Obama fairness for eagles:
and a linked article reporting that the US IRS have been targeting in a political way:
“The agency[IRS] last week apologized for targeting conservative groups with names involving “tea party” and “patriots” for extra scrutiny of their applications for nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)4 filing status. A forthcoming Inspector General report reveals that the targeting was more widespread and was happening earlier.”
Just the sort of chap to advise us on how to deal with the EU:
Alexsandr 09:17
Anyone else think the tories are in a blind panic acting like headless chickens over the EU?
My guess is the Cabinet?
Malfeur, I continue to be very interested in the question of how ideologies hostile to our democracy should be managed in a pluralistic society without causing harm to free speech, and free thought and worship. I will have to ask Mr. Boot’s opinion when I an next fortunate to meet him.
Peter from Maidstone@May 14th, 2013 – 14:44
Peter. To me its a matter of balance. People should be allowed to worship a deity or not according to their own beliefs. What they should not be allowed to do is to attack those who disagree with them, but accept others have as much rights to their beliefs as they do to theirs. And certainily not perpetuate acts of violence on those whose life style offends them. Their deity is a private matter. It should remain so.
Everyone should obey the laws of the land – their culture is not a reason for ignoring them. So no treating young women like trash, no genital mutilation.
So no calling non muslims ‘infidels’, no attacking people whose lifestyles they diagree with, like gays or while women who wear scanty clothes., no jihads etc.
Lastly, we should do all we can to avoid ghettos. The way certain ethnic groups live in non english speaking enclaves is bad for society. We should think of ways to force them to integrate. Maybe by bussing kids so we dont have 100 immigrant schools, maybe by not translating everything. But reading about Saville Town in Dewsbury makes me realise this will be difficult.
Robert C 14:10 Seconded. Lead by headless-chicken-in-chief “Let’s Pretend I’m Called Dave” David Shamoron. What will happen when the electorate forces him to bin the windfarms and stop enrichinghis father in-law to the tune of … what is it ? – several thousand pounds a day.
EC 08:16 – One of the few Steyn columns I couldn’t plough through all the way to the end. I my opinion, it just didn’t carry the reader along with the dizzy hint of the chase the way his pieces generally do.
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
Will self, what a sneering snakelike slippery detestible left wing wanker.
Up against the wall will.
9 men found guilty of sex offences against young white girls in Oxford after a four month trial and guess what their Muslims.
No mention yet about it not being racist , but its bound to come.
John birch May 14th, 2013 – 16:17
“9 men found guilty of sex offences against young white girls in Oxford after a four month trial and guess what their Muslims.”
There was a similar case reported a few days ago, this prompted my wife to ask me if there was anyway of finding a list that shows all of these cases to date.
We thought that there must have been at least a dozen if not more, does anyone know where such a list could be found?
draft bill is up on Guido
but it has clause 4
(4) An order under this section may not be made unless a draft of the order has been laid before, and approved
by a resolution of, each House of Parliament.
so its useless, as parliament can block it.
Alexsandr, more info please.!!!
John birch@May 14th, 2013 – 16:41
Its the draft referendum bill. sorry
David read this.
Verity – 15:02 ‘Lead by headless-chicken-in-chief’
After all the intervening posts about Oxford and the financial arrangements of the BBC moving to Salford (BBC staff paid up to £150,000 to move to Salford), your post is my high point of the day so far!
This completely illogical description explains why the Tory Party is where it is!
How can this not be a headline story that demands answers, the last one only a week ago was buried deep inside newspapers or not reported at all.
That was with the police saying it was not racist.
If it was the other way round they would have done.
That Vicky Pryce. She’s no oil painting. Huhne’s ruggie stood by him anyway. Looking at them simpering together on Clerkenwell Green last night, it struck me that comparisons of her to Bernard Bresslaw (by Alison Pearson) were grossly unfair. To Bernard Bresslaw.
John birch @ 16.04
Thanks for the link to QT and Will Self. That led me to this other clip from the same show where Peter Hitchens invokes Neather and sticks it to Labour. I still say though that the debate on mass immigration has neither been strangled nor opened. There are some shouts heard in the dark, that’s all, and this clip is one of them:
Alexsandr – 14:59 ‘obey the laws of the land’
After being thought of ‘worse than the Nazis’ for not believing in the Global Warming scam, I find being call an infidel a little more than an annoyance.
It is the ‘being killed’ bit, having been labelled as an infidel, that I find more than a little unsettling.
Heard on BBC Radio that a load of ‘Oxford men’ had been convicted of being involved in a grooming gang.
Blimey! I thought, A load of academics abusing positions of trust at the university.
But no.
John birch
…and THAT clip led me to THIS one of Michael Savage – see my earlier post a day or so ago and the comment that he was denied entry to England – on the Boston bombing, the FBI, double agents, the missing Saudi, and irresponsible immigration policy:
Alexander Boot has a piece on the subject of the EU referendum, it’s argued lightly but well, essentially agrees with Baron’s view that it’s risky to have it either now or after the next election. As he says if people can be made to believe that one brand of beer reaches the parts other beers cannot then it will take only abit of PR skill and alot of money for the same pliable electorate to get convinced jobs will go, mortgages will be more expensive outside the EU to say ‘yes, sir, full bags of the EU, sir’.
Regretfully, the EU bandwagon (not unlike to entitlement culture) has reached a point at which a political solution ain’t on the cards, only a market engineered implosion of the construct will create conditions for a new settlement of Europe more attuned to the historic past.
Hexhamgeezer @ 17:43
“…Bassam, 33, a married father who worked as a security guard…”
“married father” … time was when “married” would have been redundant. Shouldwe feel better about the guy? “Doh, at least he wasn’t an unmarried father innit?”
“worked as a security guard…” Oh, that’s comforting. Did he have a gun? Trustworthy type – why not? Good background; sound cultural roots. Immigration policy filling a need – you don’t want English football hooligans to be given that kind of work, do you? can’t fill the positions without drawing on the pool of Eritreans and anyhow he was first generation British. Salt of the earth. Enriching the culture – probably listened to Mozart in his spare time or would’ve, if he’d been given a chance in life. I see him as a kind of victim – there but for the grace of God, innit?
Hyperinflation is coming your way;
So save some gold coins for that rainy day.
David Ossitt 16.33
Mohammedan child sex gangs?
Try this list…,-2.15332&spn=6.302993,14.0625&z=6&source=embed
Appalling map Noa. I’ve posted it on my Facebook page.
Noa 18.24.
Backs up all you suspected .
For those who might appreciate a bit of light sexist humour. Do watch it to the very end.
Malfleur at 17.57:
The plot thickens, but it doesn’t reflect badly on the messiah, does it. The ide aof infiltrating the deluded jihadist movement smells fine, its the execution of it that doesn’t. It’s hardly the fault of the guy in the White House (or, surprisingly the Saudis) though. The protection of the Saudi member of the group makes sense, too, you don’t want him in an open court. This explanation, if true, would indeed be more satisfying than what was previously on offer, two jihadists missed even though Russia warned the FBI. There still is, of course, the question of why the FBI people running the pair didn’t spot the double dealing, how could a pair of deluded thugs fool a bunch of professionally trained agents.
I don’t know about you, Malfleur, but Baron’s rather encouraged by it. We could never hope to eliminate the deluded religious fruitcakes by the gun, infiltrating the movement, taking them out one by one seems by far the best option provided we can hire people who can be genuinely relied upon.
Noa very kindly passed us the link below in answer to my previous question asking how many cases have been prosecuted of these Muslim child sex gangs, I found them so sickening that I had to stop reading them.
Sufficient to say this link shows 66 cases, how many more cases have gone unprosecuted I wonder. A few only had one culprit but most had many.
I am obviously not a nice person because if I had the power I would deport every single one of them and send with them every member of their immediate family.,-2.15332&spn=6.302993,14.0625&z=6&source=embed
David 19-49
I must be a lot less nice than you because I would be sending far more than their immediate family away.
And it seems the police are on to another group of them in Oxford abusing a vast number of young girls.
Bring in the third world , import third world attitudes.
To all those people cooking delicious stews, winter fare for this global warming May, I would like to suggest chuck steak. My mother used to make a very tasty stew with this cut, which is also called blade. During the War, I recall skirt steak being slowly fried with field mushrooms, and whilst tough, was very tasty.
I’ve made stews with minute steak which is cheap. I gave it a good bashing with a rolling pin to tenderise it and then cooked it very slowly as a stew.
Wallsters like to consider the eternal themes, life death, morality, politics, religion.
I came across this tale, encompassing them all.
In a London Nursing home an old priest lay dying.
For years he had faithfully served the people of the nation’s capital.
He motioned for his nurse to come near. “Yes, Father?”, said the nurse.
“I would really like to see David Cameron and Nick Clegg before I die”, whispered the priest.
“I’ll see what I can do, Father”, replied the nurse.
The nurse sent the request to No 10 and waited for a response.
Soon the word arrived; David and Nick would be delighted to visit the priest.
As they went to the hospital, David commented to Nick,
“I don’t know why the old priest wants to see us, but it certainly will help our images”.
Nick agreed that it was the right thing to do at this time.
When they arrived at the priest’s room, the priest took David’s hand in his right hand and the Nicks hand in his left.
There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest’s face.
The old priest slowly said: “I have always tried to pattern my life after our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ”.
“Amen”, said David
“Amen”, said Nick
The old priest continued,
“Jesus died between two lying and thieving bastards and I would like to do the same….”
As Wallsters like to debconsider politics and religion
John birch @ 20.24
Baron reckons the majority of the indigenous unwashed would second your way of dealing with the boil, he does.
The other aspect that angers the barbarian from the East is the failure of the myriad of agencies, and that includes the police, with highly paid tossers in charge who were told, did bugger all to stop it. He expects a press conference with a dozen or more of them saying how sorry they are, how they must learn from it, how they’ve already looked, changed, improved. Arghhh
What would it take for the unwashed to wake up?
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 May 14th, 2013 – 21:11
“To all those people cooking delicious stews, winter fare for this global warming May, I would like to suggest chuck steak. My mother used to make a very tasty stew with this cut, which is also called blade. During the War, I recall skirt steak being slowly fried with field mushrooms, and whilst tough, was very tasty.”
Hello Anne my wife still uses chuck steak in her casseroles and it is delicious, however skirt if cooked slow in the oven with shin-beef and neck of mutton makes a stew fit for the Gods.
Baron @ 19:19
Throw this into the mix:
H/T Drudge report
David Ossitt @ 23:21
My mother would add kidneys to the skirt which, with onions of course, reached the same heights…
Oh, and sometimes with suet dumplings…it all comes back to me…
Alexsandr @14th11:34
or skirt for a stew?
In times of Chaucer and after I believe that one went to the stews for skirt.
We’re looking forward to the rainy season here. It almost looked like rain behind the mountains today and we all perked up, but it didn’t happen. One more month to go.
David Ossitt @14th 23:21
We called the neck ‘scrag end’ but top notch protein it was.
Didn’t kidneys come with the liver for nowt? Or am I getting mixed up with me lamb n’beef? I think some regulations put paid to the meat/kidneys marriage and to the tripe availability.
I reserve my greatest food obloquy to those TV chefs who have popularised ox tails and lamb shanks with middle class Guardianistas. Once cheap stuff is now ranked a ‘must have’ bits of animal (shytes)
PfM (do we need a cooking/culture supplement to this blog?)
Hexhamgeezer @ 00:34
Ah, now you are taking us back to religion again by way of the Bishops of Winchester.
I remember being told that offal was free – or thrown away – but that was presumably before the War.
English breakfast (often advertised now as “the Great English Breakfast” for some reason) if complete has to include liver and kidneys; but these are never seen to my knowledge on the English breakfast menu offered in Asia not even at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Hong Kong.
What often now appears (though not at the FCC) is black pudding,like it or lump it, which I am afraid I view as an alien additive and not something to be eaten by a southerner, and baked beans (which the FCC does serve and in a twee little side dish) neither of which, I think, have any kind of tradition behind them but I am ready to stand corrected on the black pudding by friends from the north. To my best recollection those two items were not served at what I consider the locus classicus of the English breakfast, at least in the early 1980s, namely the “Greasy Spoon” on Chestnut Grove near Balham tube station, which a quick google shows to have disappeared.
Lacrimae rerum!
This for instance (click and then scroll down) does not seem to make the cut in my mind when measured against my ideal of an English breakfast:
Malfleur@May 15th, 2013 – 01:17
I will have to ask you out at dawn with duelling pistols on the subject of black pudding. It is a most agreeable addition to a fryup.
as is lorne sausage, white pudding and fruit pudding. But thats scottish.
I’m not the world’s greatest fan of fruit pudding. But Lorne sausage is fine when I go to Scotland to stay with my wife’s family. I enjoy black pudding very much but for various reasons no longer eat it.
David Ossitt
May 14th, 2013 – 23:21
Good morning, David and all CHWallers. With all the vile news about young English girls being abused, the posts about cookery ingredients helps to take the nasty taste out of my mouth. Anybody recall blackberries picked on the now vanished hedgegrows and made into a pie with apples? (Real tasty fruit not the supermarket type)
would someone care to list the recent cases of trans race grooming and expolitation of underage girls. While the drip drip of these cases it doesnt sound so bad but its becomeing a serial story now.
Some knob on radio 4 today saying this is not a race issue. oh FFS.
My wife last picked blackberries when we went to Richborough Roman fort, a very interesting location, about 10 years ago. She didn’t want to look round, and so I wandered off and she picked blackberries with my youngest who was then a toddler.
St Augustine would have known Richborough. He landed in Kent nearby. There was a Roman church there, and the adult font is still visible. And then a small Anglo-Saxon church was built at the same place. All ruined of course. But I wonder if St Augustine picked blackberries there at all, or was given a bowl of them by some Anglo-Saxon goodwife.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1@May 15th, 2013 – 10:00
What about crumble? Or with other stuff made into summer pudding?
And of course loads of Birds Custard (Proper stuff made from the pink powder, not the ready made stuff)
BTW, did you know custard powder was explosive. The Birds factory had a custard explosion in 1981!
AWK @ 1000
Up here one of the Autumn school holidays was called Blackberry Week. It was (is?) our most abundant crop as it grows readily around tips, landfill, quarries, old slag heaps and hedgerows.
At least 20 years ago I remember farmers rushing to pull up thousands of miles of hedgerows to meet some deadline on some CAP nonsense. Up here it meant that we lost ancient hedgerows that housed some amazing wildlife as well as miles of gooseberry bushes that grew intertwined with the mainly hawthorn hedging.
Very very sad.
Hexhamgeezer@=May 15th, 2013 – 10:44
Some good news
They have planted new hawthorne hedge all along the new A46 between Widmerpool (south of Nottingham) and Newark. Will look good in 2-3 years time. Hope they get it laid properly.
I wonder how the moderation/filtering system is set up at the Other Place.
I posted the comment below yesterday on Mr Liddle’s latest about the Stuart Hazell murder case. It went straight to moderation and has disappeared. No swearing and fair comment it seems to me.
Hazell’s plea was both a self serving move to reduce his sentence and a demonstration of power as he waited until the worst of the evidence was put in the public domain before pleading guilty which he could have done a week ago to spare the details being aired.
Judging by what we know about the dysfunctional and quality free swamp Tia was immersed in I do not think one can assume that anyone is feeling real ‘agony’ on her behalf. Occasional sadness, self pity, or anger maybe at the light shone onto their lager and fag lifestyles but ‘agony’? The jury in the court of public opinion is surely out on that one.
May 15th, 2013 – 10:31
Wonderful! No, I didn’t know it was explosive. Rhubarb is, but that’s another tale 😉
May 15th, 2013 – 10:44
Remember the birds’ nests in hedgegrows, the hazel nuts and sloes, they were places to hide secret messages when in infants school, and really believed there were fairies living in the moist greenery.
Dr North on guerrilla warfare for the anti-EU Right;-
“…Major changes in political systems are rarely achieved without a degree of what might be loosely called “agitation” – action against government through mechanisms outside the normal electoral process. In fact, working within the existing political system is rarely effective as political parties generally serve to create and reinforce the status quo.
Non-violent activities might range from street demonstrations of varying size to non-cooperation, passive resistance, and active civil disobedience. The essence it to reflect the withdrawal of consent to being governed under the current system, which has little effect unless it is communicated in very visible ways.
The problem which revolutionary groups confront, especially in England, it that we have generally a conformist and obedient society, and one which is often slow to complain, even when there is good cause to do so.
Conformity, of course, is learned behaviour, conveyed by parents and schools, and through employers, plus official actions and sanctions. By the same measure, non-conformity and outright disobedience has to be taught, with guidance and active instruction given.
Activities can range from the most simple, such as the late-payment of official imposts – such as Council Tax, water bills, BBC license fees and other such fees. Even a low-grade nuisance campaign can have an effect, such as refusing direct debit payments, and sending cheques instead (without official reference numbers). Instead of being sent to payment offices, these can be addressed personally to the private offices of chief executives, stressing their administrative systems.
A suggestion which reached me was a small sabotage campaign called “English spoken here”. If we are required to provide immigrants with information about how to claim benefits, etc., let it be in English. We visit every agency, every employment office, etc. and remove all information (leaflets, brochures) not in English. Such small actions are the way to go. A lot of littles make a lot.
A very wide range of activities is in fact possible, many entirely risk-free and totally within the law. All tend to rely on numbers for their effect, but the range is limited only by the imagination of campaigners, and the extent of any networks, which are needed to spread ideas, techniques and experiences…”
And much more at
Posting for the new cooking and country section.
The best thing to do with blackberrys (after eating some as you pick them )
is to make wine with them, also elderberrys.
Today’s wine yeast is much better than the type available in the past.
Not hard to do and always good fun to test the end result.
Noa@May 15th, 2013 – 14:19
Far more fun is to over or underpay stuff by a few pence. Generally it breaks automatic cash allocation programs, and can be a right pain for the credit controllers. But 13p is not enough to start getting heavy with the payee. So generally it gets added to the next payment due.
The article is behind a pay wall but this part is visible and the film clip can be played from the paper’s home page:
Oxford council head and police chief will not quit over child sex scandal
“The chief constable and council chief executive whose failings allowed a street-grooming gang to abuse girls as young as 11 with virtual impunity have both refused to resign.
Sara Thornton, the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, said today, in her first interview since seven members of a gang were found guilty of raping and trafficking girls aged from 11 to 15, that she took responsibility for her force’s failings. She apologised for not acting sooner.”
What will it take for the elephants in the room, small and large eared, to be noticed?
How incompetent must the public organisations that are supposed to combat these activities become before any meaningful action is taken against them?
They are a complete waste of space, time, money and allegiance, and only hinder peoples ability to recognise the problems we are facing.
It is institutional, and must be present throughout the organisations, for such dreadful activity to be ignored for so long, in so many locations, on so many occasions. I believe Common Purpose, with its lack of audit trails, has a large present in the Oxford area. That does not help.
I am being naughty, but Sara Thornton killed her husband in 1989.
I know. different Sara Thornton…
Alexsandr -14.31
As indeed was recommended by no less than the late and great Sir Patrick Moore….
More information here:
“The gang groomed more than 50 vulnerable youngsters before selling them for sex around the country.
They used knives, cleavers and baseball bats to inflict severe pain on the girls for their twisted pleasure.
But a catalogue of golden opportunities to stop the abuse were missed from as early as May 2005.
Three of the girls who gave evidence at the trial were reported missing from residential care on 254 occasions. One went missing 126 times in 15 months.
Astonishingly, carers at the children’s homes – which were run by Oxfordshire County Council – just watched as the men collected the girls at night.
On one occasion, a manager refused to pay a 14-year-old victim’s taxi fare when she returned to her care home. The girl was then driven back to Oxford where she was raped.
The care worker was later sacked and the privately-run care home, where the council placed children, was closed down.
Nine out of ten social workers in Oxford knew that girls were being groomed by Asian men, a school support worker told the court. Five girls were abused while in the care of county council social services.”
Who would now admit to being a social worker in Oxford?
RobertC@May 15th, 2013 – 15:49
I think we are entitled to ask if the people charged with caring for these girls failed to act because of perverted politcal correctness that told them that these men were lovely people, or worse, that investigating this stuff was somehow perceived as racist.
All complete b0110cks of course. The were simply unprofessional and should be discliplined.
Malfleur May 14th, 2013 – 23:43
“My mother would add kidneys to the skirt which, with onions of course, reached the same heights…”
As would my mother, unfortunately my wife does not like kidneys and so she adds the shin-beef and best end of neck of mutton to compensate.
As to suit dumplings all light and fluffy cooked on the top of the stew, my wife still serves me them occasionally, as to suit; after much pleading my wife gave us as a desert for last Sunday’s lunch a suit based baked raspberry-jam roly-poly with home made custard, heaven.
“We called the neck ‘scrag end’ but top notch protein it was.”
I do believe that there is both best-end and scrag-end of neck of mutton.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1
“Anybody recall blackberries picked on the now vanished hedgegrows”
Anne many of the hedgerows around these parts, particularly on the back roads have an abundance of blackberries, these as well as for baking do make a lovely bramble-jelly.
Has this country gone entirely potty? Read today there is a new product on the market which indicates when a child’s nappy needs changing, what next, a fart metre? The metropolitan yummy mummies will love this, but what if the gizmo goes awry and the little darling end up to his eyeballs in shit? I do assure you this is true as I would not dream of taking the piss.
May 15th, 2013 – 12:44
Poor Tia was betrayed by both her mother and grandmother. The mother had a short relationship and the vile man then went on to the grandmother. I agree that there was no real agony, these lower than the dirt people only know self-gratification. I also believe that the mothers of those poor abused girls in the Rochdale, Oxford and other cases are as guilty as the social services and police who ignored the girls for years. The sins of the mothers are nearly equal to those of the evil pimps. The fathers do not even enter the equation, as years of Bolshie ethos have destroyed the institution of marriage. Harriet Harman must be very happy!
Alexsandr – 15:59 ‘unprofessional and should be disciplined’
You are describing two sides of the same coin.
What needs to be determined is how subordinates within the public services were trained and whether any were disciplined for acting or trying to act correctly (as we now see it). If so, they need commending, even if they were part of the problem, while their managers need to be dealt with severely.
I do understand that, if attempts to do the right thing are punished, it can be difficult to proceed further, with confidence in management undermined and an acute awareness that your superiors are out to get you, perhaps on trumped up charges. Even worse is when you are all geared up to act on the next incident and they leave you alone and ignore you to let the pressure build up.
In films, in such cases where everyone knows the script, success for the lead actor is guaranteed just in time for the credits to roll, but in real life, it can be very disorienting as well as affect your whole life.
But no matter, I read in The Telegraph it’s all Nick Griffin’s fault and we have been saved by …. no I’ll leave you to find out. The suspense is worth it and I will not have to work out how to describe the ending in a politically correct manner:
The self-serving Dorries, in talks about a joint UKIP/Conservative seat at the next election, comes partially clean on her motive for doing so, but with no mention of wanting to keep her seat as a motive.
“…I feel it would be a travesty if Ukip came in and took the seats off our councillors or indeed me when actually their policies and their beliefs are very much Ukip. Because what we have done, we have thrown clothes off and they have picked them up and put them on.’
Really? If the Conservatives, Dorries included, are anti EU, then I’m Antony Blair’s spurned love father.
RobertC @15.49
Completely agree, and on top of what you say, these agencies are also costing us a fortune.
The DT piece (the Afzal’s part of it) confirms nicely Baron’s take on things integrational. The majority of the Muslim population have no desire to do us any harm. Not unlike us, they want to live in a law abiding society, have jobs, raise families and stuff. They side with the jihadi thugs (by keeping shtum mostly) because they, the thugs, are perceived to be winning. If the two boy tossers in charge dismantled the PC agenda, stopped the inflow from the Muslim world, insisted on assimilation rather than the idiocy of the multy-culty, the core of the Muslim community would switch sides, back us rather than the jihadists. The rest of it would be left to the cultural strength of the Britishness of the indigenous unwashed. Give it few decades and the Muslims would be as integrated as were the other waves of immigrants in the past.
Baron 18.02
“…The majority of the Muslim population have no desire to do us any harm. Not unlike us, they want to live in a law abiding society, have jobs, raise families and stuff…”
Really? Can I refer you to another article here, by Peter, on this very subject. The results of the survey he quotes from do not make happy reading.
75% of young Muslims in the UK want women to wear the hijab or burkha.
40% of all Muslims want Sharia Law to be introduced into the UK.
33% of Muslim students believe that killing is justified to protect Islam.
33% support the establishment of a worldwide caliphate based on Sharia Law.
36% of young Muslims in the UK believe those who leave Islam should be killed.
13% of young Muslims in the UK admire Al Qaeda.
24% of British Muslims believe that the 7/7 bombings in London were justified.
16% of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Israel.
7% of British Muslims support suicide bombing in the UK.
50% of British Muslims believe that British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.
Such attitudes do not envisage muslims acceptance of current Western society, rather they indicate an inevitable future struggle for supremacy between irreconcilable cultures
Completely off topic but… Daughter getting wed, and I have 10 days to come up with a father of bride speech. “You don’t have to make a speech, Dad,” says she kindly. “Oh yes I do,” I reply grimly. In spite of having years to prepare this, I’m clueless. I must have sat through quite a few such speeches, but obviously I wasn’t paying attention.
What sort of thing is father of the bride supposed to say? Suggestions appreciated!
Frank Sutton
Congratulations! Google has much to offer, but I like this site for plagiarising…
Frank Sutton – 18:35 ‘wedding speech’
Do not forget books can be a useful aid, if ordered soon enough:
And if all else fails:
David Ossitt 15th, – 16:11
“Anne many of the hedgerows around these parts, particularly on the back roads have an abundance of blackberries, these as well as for baking do make a lovely bramble-jelly.”
And they’re much improved from former years when your car exhaust had smothered them in tetraethyl lead. They make a lovely wine, too.
Noa @ 18.22
Listen, my blogging friend, Baron would rather this country didn’t have as sizable a population of peoples with different belief system to the indigenous unwashed as it does. But we do and there’s no way it can be substantially reduced even if UKIP gets in in strength, forms a government. One has to be a realist, accept the status quo, start from here and not from where one would wish to start.
The figures, except for the wish to wear the tent and to prosecute those who insult Islam back Baron’s view that the majority do not want to have sharia laws (60%), say killing isn’t justified to protect Islam (67%) …..and this in conditions that, as Baron pointed out at 18.02, favour the extremists.
Here it goes again, if we took a more robust stance when some jihadist thugs display placards ‘kill the infidels’, when they treat vulnerable girls as slaves, when they preach hatred and stuff the figures you quote would be even more in favour of Baron’s take on the thing.
Baron happens to know some followers of Allah, they are more an acquaintance than friends, and he can assure you not only they have no intention of harming the barbarian or any other infidel, but also that they would welcome a rougher treatment of the thugs who do. In private of course for they are scared of the thugs even more than we are. They live amongst them, they can get hit as much of not more than our lot.
As the Dutch say ‘man can predict everything but the future’, and your take on things may be right, who knows. History would, however, back Baron’s view. The Britishness thingy isn’t something that only those who lived here favour, endorse, defend, it’s a universally favored construct of the rule of law, individual responsibility, governance by consent and stuff like that. It cannot but appeal to everyone who wants to get on in life, grow carrots, have fun, raise a family, die in bed.
My dear Baron.
It’s the numbers that dominate. By 2050 we, that is the current white, generally post Christian indigees of European origin, will be in the minority in Britain.
By then sizable sectors of the country will have fallen under dominating muslim control. It is likely that we will have a substantive muslim fundamentalist party with 150 plus MPs. The Labour party has already been subverted so it will be in permanent control, a puppet of your ‘moderate’ but oh so very cohesive ‘moderate’ muslims.
Christianity will have been dead for 30 years, its churches converted to mosques and madrassas.
The sullen lumpen proletariat will be confined to its estates, ignorant and ineffective, compliant with their mohammedan masters’ requirements and submissively paying their jizya.
Have you not yet realised, like successive and traitorous British governments, that there is no distinctive British culture that they are prepared to recognise, defend and save?
Frank Sutton May 15th, 2013 – 18:35
Frank, simply Google “father of the bride speeches” and you will find just what you need.
After reading Noa and Baron discussing Islam, I get the distinct impression that while Noa is accurately forecasting ever increasing antagonism in Britain between Islam and western values (leading eventually to civil war) Baron is saying that there’s probably nothing we can do about it in our lifetimes, so why bother?
It makes me ask two questions –
1. Is it possible to form a British political party called the British Nazi Party that advocates the construction of gas chambers to exterminate all British Jews? The answer to that is, I believe, a resounding “NO” – because if it is not prohibited already Britain would very quickly outlaw it – and rightly so.
2. In light of the answer to question 1 – since Britain certainly has the stomach to prohibit the rise of a Nazi party – why should Britain not also have the stomach to outlaw Islam and Sharia?
At last, a better article in the Dt: (Dt, as in Ukip 🙂 )
Oxford grooming gang: We will regret ignoring Asian thugs who target white girls
What a god-awful mess this country has got itself into over multiculturalism, and once again our fear of racism will lead to the betrayal of hundreds of young girls
Allison Pearson does well, and the comments aren’t bad either!
Herbert Thornton – 23:35
“… why should Britain not also have the stomach to outlaw Islam and Sharia?”
But what would trigger such legislation?
-Mass muslim immigration and hyper-reproduction?
-The crushing financial burden of supporting an intrinsically hostile and parasitic culture?
-Various depraved acts of national and international jihadist terrorism?
-The suppression of criticism by ‘anti-hate’ laws?
-A compliant and complacent political class?
-the educational, cultural and sexual debauchery of the native population?
-The promulgation of a drugs and crime culture by the muslim immigrants?
All these things are already happening, yet there is no significant opposition or resistance.
Noa May 15th, 2013 – 23:54 ‘what would trigger such legislation’
Two women not resigning?
Oxford grooming ring: council and police chiefs ‘should consider their positions’
Noa – (15 May 23:54)
You may well ask what can possibly trigger such legislation. It will certainly not be triggered by the existing and apparently unending supply of bread and circuses. That has the exact opposite effect.
Maybe it will be either very severe economic conditions of the sort that followed World War I, and that produced Hitler. Or maybe something even worse – e.g. the transfer, from Pakistan or North Korea (or from Iran) to Islamic terrorists – of a few nuclear bombs which they then detonate in several western cities?
The penny has dropped!!
I have been struggling to understand why Plod has put so much effort into investigating the sexual antics of a dead deviant and dragged in so many of the living. I couldn’t see the point – I mean, really couldn’t see the point. It was a different time and it is difficult to accurately measure the nature of (many of) the alleged ‘offences’ against todays more “enlightened” attitudes.
Then I read the Dt article referenced by Robert C (coincidentally, the first honest piece of reporting on this matter since Nick Griffin was taken to court so many years ago for telling the truth). As I reached the end, my eye was drawn to the headlines noting Eddie Shah’s alleged misdemeanors and I had a blinding realisation – it is all a smokescreen.
The establishment has to redirect public anger; it has to dilute the potential backlash against the vile cult that it has allowed to swamp the UK and what better way than to throw some much-loved TV characters onto their bonfire, shouting “See, white Christians (and a druid) are just as bad.”
All of a sudden, it makes sense. Plod is so busy nicking ol’ Nick-Nick Davidson for feeling up a couple of dancing girls (of legal age), that they’re too busy to chase around after muzzies drugging and raping pre-pubescent toddlers. After all, they’re only following the example of their epileptic figurehead). And how can Plod be expected to know what’s actually going on? They can no longer think for themselves, just follow the PC, multi-culti, CP line.
And how would Plod know who to nick? Well, they all look the same, act the same and smell the same.
Let’s give Plod a clue. If it sticks it’s arse in the air, it’s a potential rapist. If it thinks the world started around 600AD, it a potential bomber, rapist and kiddy-fiddler. They’re not hard to spot; they’re called Muslims and they’re proud to be medieval misogynists, anti-semitic and full of hate.
I suggest Plod gets a grip or legislation won’t be needed to deal with them because the public at large will.
Guess it won’t be long before Plod’s union, including the one for Black tax-collectors, will start campaigning for the removal of CCTV and the banning of cellphones with cameras. Too much exposure of their thuggish ineptitude is occurring.
Everything you say above about the demise of England and the English is 100% correct. I sometimes wonder why otherwise intelligent people bury their heads in the sand. “We” have been betrayed by self-serving (*) politicians of successive governments – although it was mass immigration under New Labour that ultimately sealed our fate, and that out our children. As you correctly say, it’s written in the demographics, or what I like to call the demon-graphics! (*) I was going to describe these politicians as unthinking, or having short term thinking, but some of these malign bastards knew exactly what they were doing!
It is futile to expect that the failed politics and politicians of this country, as represented by Dave, Nick & Ed of the tripartite cabal, will save us. Of course I hope for the best, and I wish Mr Farage and UKIP well ( I vote for them), but the Westminster parliament is such a gerrymandered charade I don’t see UKIP making much of an impact before it is too late.
Another scenario is a military coup. However the aforementioned “bastards” have already ensured that our armed forces no longer have the numbers and equipment (or indeed senior officers of the right mindset) that is required.
As someone once said, “I’d prefer something a little more reliable than hope.”
Frank Sutton@May 15th, 2013 – 18:35
Frank Sutton@May 15th, 2013 – 18:35
And meet up with the best man and discuss. So you dont say the same stuff.
Clear Memories, May 16th, 2013 – 05:03
“I suggest Plod gets a grip …”
They won’t!
See Frank P’s many references to the “Bramshill Brainwasher” (CHW’s passim)
(See also the many references to Common Purpose and the police.)
Anyone know where the list of MP’s who voted for the amendment last night can be found. Surely should be in the public domain by now?
£5 says Nadim Zahawi mp for Profumos old seat in Stratford upon Avon didnt.
An interesting post (third one down, starting: Plus ca change) in this thread about the BBC, on a site known more for its fight against the alarming Warmists:
It is an abbreviated list of known Labour supporters and the positions they’ve occupied at the BBC since the the early 90’s. There is a link to the original information.
Quite a long list!
And another to add to the list:
Ian Katz is the new editor of Newsnight
“Katz is not the first left-winger to be appointed by the Corporation’s new boss Tony Hall. In recent weeks Labour’s James Purnell has been appointed to an executive role while the former Times editor James Harding — forced out by old Rupe for his less-than-dry views — has been brought in to head up their news operations. As one BBC insider lamented tonight: ‘welcome to Labour BBC.’”
RobertC – 10:45 ‘And another to add to the list’
It’s a repeat of the information above, but has a little more information.
So many quotes relevant to today, yet it is dated April 27, 2009!
And Imam Khomeini is a top shia authority, no less!
I recommend Allison Pearson’s column today in the DT on the Oxford grooming case. It is refreshingly direct on who are overwhelmingly responsible for these offences. My only criticism is that the DT’s front page refers to ‘women’ when what they should say ‘girls’ but that is corrected in the column itself.
What the column and previous cases are showing is a particular type of official facilitating and protecting Pakistani Mu$lims and their associates.
In this case we have Joanna Simons, allegedly a ‘Chief Executive’ at Oxford council. We have Sara Thornton picking up money under false pretences as a ‘Chief Constable’ in Oxford.
Starring on TV we have also had something called Sue Berelowitz, also living high on the hog posing as a ‘Deputy Children’s Commissioner’ (I believe that’s what she has sewn on the insides of her knickers anyway) who stands by the party line that this is not an !$lamic or Pakistani problem.
Add to those we had Joyce Thacker, hero and shield for abusers in Rotherham and we get a pattern.
Look at the pictures of these people. Dead eyed Stalinist Rosa Klebbs to a woman , secure in their unsackability, knowing as they do that they, like their hero Sharon Shoesmith, are quids in regardless as they dispense contempt for the masses promoting diversity.
RobertC@May 16th, 2013 – 11:35
One factor not mentioned there is the so called Swedish model as regards prostitution. There paying for sex is illegal. One wonders if the number of rapes is increased with this model?
(Note, consentual paid for sex is 100% legal in the England and Wales. It is illegal to kerb crawl, operate a brothel (a place where 2 or more people offer sex for payment) or to have sex with a coerced prostitute (Law brought in by Jaqui Smith and no convictions to date as far as I know). Sorry, don’t know about Scotland or NI)
Note the police were happy to use the children’s rights angle at the time to effectively allow the situation to continue against the desire of parents to get them home.
Many people (not here) have no idea that the issue of children’s rights was really to remove the authority of parents, and still don’t.
Some one horse dorp in Somerset has banned the flag of St. George as it might offend Muslims and remind them of the Crusades, will these fools never learn? I fear not and it is we who one day will have to pay the bloody price for their moral posturing.
stephen maybery@May 16th, 2013 – 13:48
Thought these dinosaurs were extinct?
some comments on Guido about her appearance.
After Oxford, this appears very mundane news.
However, it is damming news all the same!
The National Audit Office [has] severely criticised the Treasury’s work, pointing out that it had paid compensation to only 0.02pc of company pension scheme members – or one in 5,000 – who lost money in Equitable. The NAO added that 200,000 of Equitable’s [350,000] victims may never be paid compensation, before the scheme is due to close next year, because they have died or moved home without leaving a forwarding address.
So, many people who have put money aside, for a rainy day, can belatedly wave good bye to it, because the complete incompetence of those who were paid to be competent, with a good pension of their own to follow, of course!. Remember, the original problem of promising too large a return on investments was not picked up by the auditors nor any regulatory authority. Total scum!
As a coda to Hexhamgeezer’s post above on Allison Pearson’s coruscating piece on the Islamic grooming gangs in the DT, the many hundreds of comments, overwhelmingly supportive, have all been removed.
Does anyone know how to make the default font larger, permanently. My new office is darker than my old one and I can barely see the tiny type on this and other sites.
Can anyone help, please?
ctrl +
ctrl – to make smaller
ctrl alt and the down key is fun too.
ctrl alt up may be needed too
Wikipedia has it that, in the famous novel Black Beauty, the last paragraph of Chapter 13 is:
“…. there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham….”
It is a comforting thought.
Verity (16 May @ 16:02) –
If you use Firefox as your browser, just Google, download & install an add-on called Nosquint. It lets you choose both a “Global settings” default font and default fonts for specific web sites.
Austin Barry – 14:04 ‘Allison Pearson’s coruscating piece, with ALL comments gone’
God knows where the comments have gone.
And so do we!
They are stewing, (as has already been discussed in this week’s thread), ready to reappear at the next shocking piece of news!
I love the way that ugly moron Councillor Eleanor Jackson thinks that just invoking ‘the Crusades’ is enough to have the English flag banned as if ‘the Crusades’ were some kind of undisputed war crime that their very mention gainsays no argument even almost a thousand years later. That cretin is supposed (h/t Alexandr) to be a university lecturer. I dread to think what in – Care Home Studies or Progressive Adoption Policy Studies’ perhaps?
She ‘fears’ (hopes?) that mu$l!ms would be offended, although the cretinous harpie is Ok with flying the rainbow flag of lesbian transgenderism which, as we all know, is something that brother mu$l!m stands full square behind.
I’ve got an idea for Councillor Jackson. Fly a flag with a silhouette of a kneeling naked 12 year old girl on it surrounded with phone numbers of local care homes with a sword across her neck.
See how offensive that would be.
Now if they’d had the balls to finish t’job…
Ostrich (occasionally)@May 16th, 2013 – 18:27
Maybe we should invade Leicester. Imagine a troop of coffeehousewall knights on horseback charging up the London Road to take the city back for the king, christian values and st george. at 21st century crusade.
I’ll take my medication now. promise.
May 15th, 2013 – 22:15
Well said but futile.
Noa – 22:59
“…Christianity will have been dead for 30 years, its churches converted to mosques and madrassas….”
I seem to be bang on schedule:-
Typing this on the husband’s Mac. I am absolutely filled with disgust at the judiciary and the police. The dreadful case where a poor Indian woman was made a slave, raped, physically abused and made to sleep on the kitchen floor, escaped and turned to the Herts police for help. They returned her to her tormentors! The judge has sentenced the man to prison but let off the woman optician and another woman to do community service. The optician, a millionaire from Moor Park, poured boiling water over the Indian woman and threatened her with a knife. She works for the NHS as well as having a business in the Strand. Is it possible that baksheesh was paid to get her an easy ride? The judges and the police are wild carnivorous animals, the social workers are the jackals, scavengers, who feed on the remains of tormented children and vulnerable people.
Just back from a lengthy but fruitful day in London. I was fortunate to spend three hours in the company of Mr. Boot. Now why doesn’t he start a political party?!
Noa, the Telegraph report on declining Christianity seems odd as it is not what I understand from various bodies that concentrate on this.
In fact clearly if the British population is swamped with Muslims it does not mean that Christianity, or any British statistic is reducing, only that the percentages will naturally change. There is an answer to such a problem.
alexsandr 16th, – 20:19
“I’ll take my medication now. promise.”
Don’t bother…get on that nag!
“…it is not what I understand from various bodies that concentrate on this.”
The evidence is in the massive closure of churches in recent decades, (I can think of seven near to me), which due to the commensurate decline in congregations and the increasing secularisation of the UK.
The DT article is generally correct, I believe, in identifying that Christianity is now in massive and near terminal decline.
Off topic, but a plea for assistance. i recently did a very big household move in Mexico and I found that when I sat down at my typewriter, damn me if I had not forgotten how to do accents over letters. How would I do a grave accent or acute accent over an e, for example?? Something I’ve been doing all my adult life and the knowledge has fled during the stress of the move.
Noa. No that’s not true at all. I am well aware of the situation being professionally interested. Lots of nominalism has been shaken off. Attendance has stabilised and is growing.
What happened in past decades among some groups is not what is happening now.
AWK 23:23 — “The judges and the police are wild carnivorous animals, the social workers are the jackals, scavengers, who feed on the remains of tormented children and vulnerable people.”
Verity – knowledge comes and goes (and even though Google will often scratch that memory itch, I hope a person to person reply will do as well).
Accents… option (aka alt) e followed by the letter you want it to appear above should give you an acute é (or any other vowel you fancy); for a grave, option “grave’ key (it’s the one that shares its upper case with the tielde on my keyboard, and is directly above the option key) followed by the letter to be accented (only works with vowels).
Umlaüt (or should that be umläut?), option u followed by the letter in question. Circumflex – the same procedure, but option i- î; çidila: ç – option c; tielde: option n followed by an n.
I believe ( and I may be wrong) that the generic word for accents etc is diacriticals – a word I’ve never managed to work into conversation so far.
Of course , it may be quite different on a Mexican keyboard layout.
Thanks for the wedding speech suggestions – I’m encouraged by the knowledge that less is more, brevity is best and attempts at wit are best left to the best man.
Frank Sutton, thanks so much for riding to the rescue. I am too exhausted to follow your suggestions just now, but will do it tomorrow morning, God willing, after a good kip. Thank you! I knew it was something to do with alt, but I’ve been doing it without thought for around 30 years and could not recall a single thing. Complete blank-out. Thank you!
Schoolgirl who converted to Islam ‘ran away from home after getting married over the phone to older man she had never met’
The 15-year-old, whose British father is a Christian, is set to give evidence against seven men arrested in Mulhouse, eastern France, pictured.
Full Story:
In France as well.
Frank Sutton@May 17th, 2013 – 01:20
But please dont pass on your last chance to truly embarrass her with tales from her childhood. Both during mine and the best mans speech my daughter could be heard muttering ‘oh god, what now?’ Maaaarvelous.
actually not the last chance. as their kids grow up you can tell them about their mum as a teenager. Loads of fun.
Frank Sutton@May 17th, 2013 – 01:20
When my daughter, a medical Doctor, married, I recounted the tale of an early lecture where the question posed was “What part of the male anatomy expands 10 fold when stimulated?” When she giggled and blushed, the learned Professor said “Young lady, the answer is the iris of the eye. And you are in for a big disappointment on your wedding night!”
Went down well with all except my wife, daughter and (my) Mother-in-Law. Still, if you can piss off that coven in one go, the expense is most probably worth it after all.
Have a great day and enjoy the experience.
Catch up with Farage on dealing with the BBC and the bigoted arrogance of their Scottish branch.
If a few more politicians acted this way, perhaps the BBC and their slimy voice-pieces might slither back to their proper place in society.
And I’ve always had a great admiration for the way John Nott dealt with the smarmy turd that was Robin Day.
Too much time spent on gay marriage, says Hammond
This story seems to have been ignored by speccy and guido, and is well buried in the bbc webby. Could be more damage for cameron.
or does hammy want to lead the tories?
or are we seeing some closet UKIPers in the tory party waiting to come out later?
Alexsandr – 10:47 ‘Hammond on QT’
I can’t see Hammond having the fire within him to lead anything! I saw Question Time last night and Hammond seemed resigned to loosing. Whether it was the SSM vote in Parliament, the next general election, the EU referendum or all three, we shall see! It might even have been his parliamentary seat as well!
His take on the EU referendum would have been more acceptable five or ten years ago, but with the Eurozone at the point of being fixed and well on the way to recovery (wait for it!)- monthly, for the past five years, and the continent’s political screaming out for more integration, more controls, more taxes and, of course, more of our money, he does well to keep a straight face.
The Telegraph has an article reporting that even the euro-financiers can see that the FTT will lower growth in Europe and inhibit the banks ability to build up reserves, which is close to sabotaging the EU dream itself. It will also distort the markets to such an extent that some will cease to function, creating more instability! It also has another article pondering on France’s economic descent. I think it may be our only hope as a referendum is fraught with difficulties. Go for it Hollande! Vous savez que vous pouvez le faire pour nous!
The SSM topic took to the limits ‘The Tony Blackburn Philosophy Of Life’ of just being nice to others, with the addition of ‘especially to those with whom you agree’, and threw everything else out of the window. While Hammond did state that, if the bill passed, the institution of marriage would change, which stunned the rest of the panel and the audience, he did not elaborate! Dimbleby then managed to pick a sincere but innocent to explain the finer points of Hammond’s to the hostile crowd. As soon as this poor soul mentioned the Bible, we knew his debating days were over! Despicable of the chairman! It was only when the original questioner extended the discussion, battling against Dimbleby’s poor chairmanship, that any meaningful discussion took place. Although he was driven by his Faith, his points were founded in reality, not that anyone else there realised! They had already won!
Last night’s QT did remind me why, apart from a couple of occasions when UKIP have had representation on the panel, I do not watch it.
Did it discuss the Oxford tragedies, each life a tragedy in itself, and how many members of the general public can see a pattern emerging but, for some reason, the highly paid in the public sector are still perplexed, though they are adamant that lessons will be learned once they have got to the bottom of it and that they need to stay in their well remunerated positions to see it through?
I ask as I missed the beginning of the programme?
to explain the finer points of Hammond’s argument to the hostile crowd.
Often, when people tell me that they think that the quality of teaching within Universities needs to improve, I respond with, well the quality of lecturing and tutoring need to improve, but if they need to be taught, they should go to a technical or training college.
John Major thought he was making progress. I shall have to redefine progress!
RobertC@May 17th, 2013 – 12:09
Then they announce that they want to have accelerated promotion for social workers with degrees.
dont they realise a degree is just the start of training. To be competent you need years of hands on experience, not 3 years reading books.
I’d rather see social workers doing articles like accountants rather than having degree entry. (In fact that goes for teaching, police, nursing etc etc)
Peter from Maidstone May 17th, 2013 – 00:36
“Noa. No that’s not true at all.”
In lieu of any convincing evidence to the contrary Peter, and you have provided none.
I prefer the evidence of my own eyes and experience, which the census analysis reported in the DT supports.
As to adjusting the percentages, I’m curious as to what your answer is.
Noa@May 17th, 2013 – 14:13 and Peter above
I thought CofE attendance was declining but non conformist and catholic attendance was rising, due mostly to immigrants.
Decline in people putting CofE on census is probably due to people not feeling it was right to put CofE when they are in reality non believers.
And do these figures include services held outside churches. An elderly relative of mine lives in a care home, and attends a communion service there once a month. People like her should count in church attendance numbers, they would attend church proper of they could.
C of E attendance has stabilised. Most of the church buildings closing were Anglican and certain types of Protestant. Many groups are seeing good growth. All the churches I am involved with are growing. There is no problem with people who are not Christians admitting it. That is mostly what has happened. And groups that had ceased to be Christian have lost their raison d’etre and closed.
Noa, a few churches have closed in Maidstone over the last decades, but they were all groups retreating from serious, orthodox Christianity. A few Anglican Churches, United Reformed etc etc. Most churches are still there, and there are many new Churches.
The reason %’s change is that there are so many immigrants, many of whom are not Christian. In Shadwell in the East End for instance, the Christian population has been replaced by Muslims. Does this mean there Christians are abandoning their faith or that they are being phsyically replaced?
On a national level. If there are 1000 people in the UK, and 50% identified themselves as Christian then the rate of Christians would be 50%. If, as seems the case the population now includes 13% immigrants, and actually their children and those who are now classed as citizens then we have a population of say, 1200 people in the UK. If there are just as many Christians as before, with no crisis of faith, they would still be reduced to only 42% of the population.
This might be reported as a loss of Christians. But it is not. It is a gain of non-Christians.
We could do the same thing with white British people as a category. If we all stayed here in the UK but 10 million non-White British people were imported then we would reduce in the % of our representation in the population even without reducing in numbers.
In fact the Media and Politicians do this all the time. It is never white-British people who are asked particular questions. It is white-British people PLUS all the immigrants. So we are asked – do you think immigration is good? – for instance. And then instead of monitoring the opinion of white British people we are given only the views of a reducing % of white-British people and a growing % of immigrants – so surprise, the number of people thinking immigration is good goes up.
I don’t trust newspaper statistics at all.
I could easily have recourse to the published statistics of those organisations well known to me who specialise in the statistical analysis of Christian communities and who have shown that attendance has stabilised now at a level of commitment. But I hesitate to elaborate on Christian matters here as some find it irritating. If you are interested I can provide links. But as a matter of fact I can think of no recent church which has closed in Maidstone and several which have begun activities. In the other places I worship I can also think of new churches which are starting, indeed I am involved in two.
““What part of the male anatomy expands 10 fold when stimulated?” When she giggled and blushed, the learned Professor said “Young lady, the answer is the iris of the eye. And you are in for a big disappointment on your wedding night!””
The version I heard, in a pub quiz, was “what part of the anatomy becomes larger when excited?
The answer has five letters, beginning with “p”.
The answer was, “pupil”.
Alexsandr – 13:55 ‘Degrees and careers’
“I’d rather see social workers doing articles like accountants rather than having degree entry. (In fact that goes for teaching, police, nursing etc etc)”
I could have written that myself! Even Law used to be entered this way.
I can see that doing a relevant degree can be an advantage, in that a lot of information can be absorbed in a short space of time, but having an accelerated career path just allows the immature to rise above those with common sense.
When a few went to university, they would enter into the world of work alongside those with more practical experience. The smart graduates would/should have realised that these non-graduated had skills that they needed develop themselves. Unfortunately, all are graduates now, many sub-standard, and they do not have the opportunity to discover that some practical skills are necessary to be useful.
On the Dam Busters commemoration it seems a good time to bring peoples attention to the Bomber Command Clasp which started to be issued this year
So anyone who has a relative who served in Bomber Command during WW2 can read about it and get the application form here:-
Alexsandr, sir, a question for you as you seem to know far more than Baron how to do clever things on the PC.
Do you know (does anyone know) how to manipulate the keyboard’s hidden capabilities so that one can write a sentence, such as ‘the treatment of Farage on his Scottish trip….in such a way that anyone reading it and clicking on the ‘Farage’ could get whatever Baron would like to link it to. In your own posting from today at 10.47, instead of having the link there you would couple it with ‘Hammond’ or ‘gay marriage’. The link wouldn’t appear in the posting, clicking on ‘Hammond’ would get one to the address instead. Many do it, it must be be possible, but Baron cannot even figure even how to express it so that he can google it.
Do you follow this rather weird description of what it is Baron’s after?
Many thanks
Visit W3Schools
i did that by putting in
“Visit W3Schools”
without the beginning and ending inverted commas
sorry. hard to post html without it interpreting it
and find example. thats what i posted
Many thanks, alexsandr, will try to learn it all.
very good this
UK Column Live – 15th May 2013 – OCVC Bullfinch Paedophiles (non Asians!)
So who here admits to being a ‘swivel eyed loon’?
Alexsandr with 2 pencils up his nose saying ‘wibble’
It seems to me that the End of Life Assistance Bill is fraught with hypocrisy. Medical doctors should rather dedicate themselves to honouring the Hippocratic Oath, to do nothing to harm their patients and if not healers, at least do no harm. Weblive in an age of extreme hypocrisy, babies are murdered in the womb, but the actions of these clinics are called ‘terminations’. Doctors are complaining at being overworked now, think of how much busier they would be bumping off everybody who has had enough, let alone unscrupulous families. A new type of professional should be introduced, a Terminator, who would need a certain amount of legal and medical knowledge. These Terminators could study for the NVQ, the ideal aim of jobworthies, and the NHS could despatch a surplus of ‘patients’ to Boots or Specsavers, as they already do for GP surgery overloads. I see a great opportunity for apprenticeships to be available, thus helping to solve youth unemployment. Somehow I think these work opportunities would be extremely popular with our alienated youngsters.
Inspired by Alexandr with 2 pencil up his nose! 😉
What Cretin Cameron says to his imbecilic tattooed wife as they sit down to eat with their not-quite-right offspring, “Jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate Wibble wobble, wibble wobble, jelly on a plate Sausage in a pan, sausage in a pan Sizzle sizzle, sizzle sizzle, …”
I have said on the Dt article, and I will here:
Better a fruitcake than a swivel eyed loon.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1@May 18th, 2013 – 14:24
I have just been to see Mum in a care home. She is struggling with short term memory as she has had mini strokes.
She does not like to trouble the care staff with her needs as she thinks she will be too much trouble. But they are good and make sure she is happy and cared for.
But if you ask her what she wants to do or what she wants, she will try to find out what I want to do so she isn’t a bother to me. She was quite subservient to Dad when he was alive and now she does it to me.
So I can see that if I were to say ‘Mum, the family think its time to ask the doctors to end your life’ I can see her saying ‘If you think so, yes’
So I am against any form of assisted suicide because I think we will end up killing the vulnerable & subservient.
And that would be so wrong
As an aside, I think the care home where she lives do a great job, they care for Mum and keep her safe. They keep her occupied and entertained. Think we were lucky to get her in there (or maybe we were diligent finding that home)
For Bill Whittle fans; get out your tin-foil hats and be entertained for a couple of hours or so:
Perhaps Jesus was God’s first replicator? Beam me up, Guv’nor! This planet is fucked …
May 18th, 2013 – 17:10
I can understand your posting, especially as my dear late mother was always subservient to my departed father. I wrote in a perhaps ironic manner on what I believe is a very serious concern. The fact that she is well-cared for, is obviously because you and your family were dedicated to finding her a real home, versus, ‘home’. If only there were more care homes of this quality and families prepared to
take an active involvement in their parents’ wellbeing. As the old adage goes, A mother can look after ten children, but ten children cannot look after one mother. Alexandr, I wish you well, and I am sure your mother feels loved and safe with you as her son. Despite her illness, she is a fortunate and blessed woman.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1@May 18th, 2013 – 19:03
Thanks for your kind comments
Alexsandr @ – 17:10
In the same way that the right to have an abortion has been stretched and abused by the medical and political establishment we would find that any ‘Right to Die’ would soon become a ‘Duty to Die’
Having seen the extremely poor medical treatment meted out to my mother and mother-in-law in the run up to their deaths I believe the ground has been sown for this economically convenient position.
Some Ministers have already publically stated in the past few years that the elderly should stop being selfish and hogging all the national resources and consider whether hanging on to life is fair on others.
Peter from Maidstone@May 18th, 2013 – 19:28
and we baby boomers are hogging jobs the young uns should have.
Peter from Maidstone and
Shows what the politicians truly think of us. The swineherds are actually those with their snouts in the troughs!
AWK1 18th, – 14:24 & Alexsandr – 17:10
Yes, couldn’t agree more. I truly believe that it is beyond the wit of man to devise any form of legislation that would allow assisted suicide while properly protecting the lives of those who might be vulnerable to undue influence from…whomever. (especially from later amendments that would wish to water down the safeguards that would of necessity be built into such a bill [and once we crossed that bridge those amendments would surely spring into existence!])
Best that it’s stashed in the back of the bos’un’s locker until dark and then quietly dropped overboard when the Old Man isn’t looking!!!
We diminished ourselves when we allowed (effectively) abortion on demand…this would only be the next step. May David Steel, and those who voted through his bill, burn in the everlasting fires!
Peter Mandelson has apparently blown the whistle on the scandal that was exposed and later retracted by Andrew Neather:
As I am blackballed from the Spectator Blog, perhaps someone would like to stuff this link up Frasier’s jacksey for me.
Littlejohn in non-satirical vein by the way. A hard-hitting serious essay. One criticism – he lays off a little too vigorously with the ‘hard-working immigrants who have brought prosperity to the UK’ shtick. I suppose he has to, in order not to be bulldozed by howls of “RACIST!” from the left.
Perhaps Nelson will now keep his promise to “address the Neather issue”. I won’t be holding my breath in anticipation.
For the past three or four days the Obama Administration have been under siege as a result of a triple-whammy scandal: Benghazi, The IRS targeting of Conservative Groups and individuals and the monitoring of AP reporters communications. Not a peep from the UK media.
Lord Feldman?
Didn’t he once have a swivel-eyed relation called Marty?
Oops…just a minute…
May 18th, 2013 – 19:18
And then how big a step to Soylent Green?
Frank P @ – 22:59
Done. It’s on Fraser’s story at the top
`The Prince of Darkness` and migration:the original story was at the DM.on 14 May;it was not found anywhere else.
“..swival-eyed loonies”:this,or similar,is what James Forsyth was often writing in the Spectator until recently;about MPs who banged-on about Europe [a clear reference to Redwood]:and likening them to Bennite loonies who made Labour unelectable in the 1980s.
“A Charter for Killing Grannies…….”;promoted “by humanists and the solipsistic right to die brigade”……along with an expose of other malign meddling by Lord Falconer (inc. how he abolished the Lord Chancellor and created a Supreme Court) can be found under `Quentin Letts’s recent comments` [14 May] at the Daily Mail.
Noa 16th, – 22:40
“…Christianity will have been dead for 30 years, its churches converted to mosques and madrassas….”
It’s been happening for well over 20 years, through neglect. An acquaintance of mine in Durban used to organise trips for ex servicemen up to Kenya and Ethiopia to see the places where they served during WWII. On their return they would always report to her the southward infection of I$lam, as Christian church after Christian church fell to the RoP and were converted to mosques.
From today’s ST:
“Tony Blair to advise next government of Albania”
If only he’d realised his limitations 20 years ago, instead of aspiring to run a real country…
The BBC, through the medium of the midday news bulletin, just managed to propagate from the seed of a demented rant by the semi-senile old fart Howe, a conflation of pro-Eurofederalist and pro-sodomist bilge that once again illustrates just how organised are Gramsci’s disciples. They never sleep!
Quite obviously the Tory Party is in another self-destruct phase.
And Farage decides to strut his stuff with the beer and fags shtick in the land of the Jocks?
Will the last serious British politician please turn out the lights as UK plc goes belly up?
Perhaps if the Tories succeed in their proposed legislation, Cameron and Hague can get married, with Mandelson as the Maid of Honour.
I have read that Argentinians [in Argentina!] are buying BMWs as store for value vs their peso, hinting that the people there do not trust the fiat currency, and then I saw this:
How a group of young radical utopians has captured the Argentine state,
collapsed the economy and institutionalized authoritarian rule:
Makes you think, especially when Argentina was as wealthy as the USA around 1900, or so I have been told:
Can any of the CHW globe trotters vouch for these musings about 21st century Argentina?
Frank P – 23:06 ‘Obama Administration under siege’
I have just been watching Sky/BBC24 and:
1) Benghazi – nothing found; the scandal is that people are still digging. How could they?
2) IRS targeting of Conservative Groups – it only broke last week, so isn’t yet a scandal.
3) the monitoring of AP reporters communications – I turned over, looking for the Test Card, as it was more newsworthy.
I think that Mr. Boot is still interested in meeting his readership and speaking on our present situation. But I need to sort out my own circumstances before I am able to commit the necessary time and attention in organising such an event, so please do bear with me.
Frank P May 19th, 2013 – 12:31
“…Farage decides to strut his stuff with the beer and fags shtick in the land of the Jocks?
Will the last serious British politician please turn out the lights as UK plc goes belly up?”
I don’t agree with you there Frank P. My take on the situation, for what it’s worth, is that he handled the circumstances of the mob and the hostile BBC interview, to maximum advantage.
Consider, it provided an excellent opportunity both to attack the Left and to re-engineer the hostile tone of BBC interviews.
The debate now is around freedom of speech denying hard left Scots loonies and a freedom denying SNP. And it doesn’t do Beeb interviewers’ careers any good when their subjects hang up or counter-attack them. And, in a similar counter-attacking mode Godfery Bloom extracted a n apology from Gavin Esler, no mean feat.
Noa. @ 1918.
I’ve been trying to locate that clip of the odious Esler. I saw it live (on BBC News 24) and yooToob and I-Player dont seem to have it – or am i looking in the wrong place,
Bloom was rightly furious and ESSler couldn’t quite hide the fact that he’d ben spanked.
Here ’tis
On the speccy, the Telemachus troll seems to have been modded out of existance. Quite spoiled the flow on the mandelson thread.
Anyone know why?
Anne 14.05
Nice one anne.
John birch
May 19th, 2013 – 20:30
Yes, John
They are ‘orrible little men!
Alexsandr, is it true that they have finally tired of telemachus at the Spectator? I haven’t been able to even access it for ages. They have blocked me completely.
Peter from Maidstone:
Just checked (first time in weeks I went there). The scum bag is blogging like mad. Here is oen example:
•Reply•Share ›
telemachus Colonel Mustard • 7 days ago
Multicultural England in multi-ethnic Britain taking its place at the heart of Europe
1 7 •Reply•Share ›
This rubbish written seven days ago, and he has nearly 4,000 comments and leads the field! Hope they all trip up and fall in the muck!
On the two latest Speccie CH blogs all Tele’s posts are not shown but are “awaiting moderation”.
Does that mean exclusion?
Alexsandr 19th, – 20:17
“On the speccy, the Telemachus troll seems to have been modded out of existance. Quite spoiled the flow on the mandelson thread.”
Wie schade!
I posted a question a couple of days ago regarding Tele. I wondered out loud how it was that he was allowed to post in such a desultory fashion, clearly not attempting to engage or develop any arguments. I wondered out loud about the commercial effects of the deluge of tripe the Spec were allowing him to deposit on their blogs – what image this gave.
I can’t be the only one. Incidentally apart from tele, the Spec keeps quite a tight rein on postings. I believe that apart from targeting individuals they have extended the filtering well beyond the sweary word criteria although I am struggling to ascertain exactly how they are operating at the moment.
Noa @ – 19:44
Much obliged.
I love the ending where Mr Bloom points out on TV (which will not be followed up by the Beeboids) that Scots Nationalism is nothing of the sort – merely a realignment of their relationship with Brussels.
And eSSler is a complete cant.
Hi Noa! I see you have adopted an avatar at the other place, but not here…?
Malfleur-I’ll get around to it, sometime….
Go to you tube and watch THE THIRD JIHAD.
Frank P, May 19th, 2013 – 12:18
Snap! I couldn’t have summed it up better myself. They were still repeating the the bilge at 10pm!
I don’t think that Howe ever got over Margaret’s summation of his resignation speech, in which he intended to knife her in the back. In response she dismissed his remarks as, “like having been savaged by a dead sheep.” Bwahahahaha – what a woman! Of, course “they” got her in the end. Traitors, the lot of them!