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A sensible petition to sign
David Cameron is precluded from negotiations with the EU in the event of Brexit.
“The Prime Minister has patently shewn himself to be a total advocate of membership of the EU at any cost. In the event of Brexit, he should not be involved in any subsequent negotiations, nor be responsible for appointing representatives.”
Not bad, but not focused enough.
He should have stressed the Dublin agreement on asylum cum refugees, the blatant disregard for it by one, just one individual, the Mutti, who has no role to play at all in the EU decision making process but for a single German vote, and the sickeningly meek acquiescence of all the other EU members to the Mutti’ imposing her will on the 450mn people of Europe.
People need a simple, rational, easily followed argument to make their minds up.
Out it must be, and out it will be, or Britain as it has been for centuries will no longer be.
RR (13:53)
Signed, thanks for the heads up. Disseminate, disseminate!
Baron – 14:49
I think, once you start adding, where would you stop? 🙂
War reporter Michael Buerk: I’m sick of being lectured to by celebs like Cumberbatch
‘I hate it when feather-bedded thesps pay flying visits to the desperate to parade their bleeding hearts and trumpet their infantile ideas on what ‘must be done’.
There’s only so much of the Benedict and Emma worldview you can take.”
Noa @ 21:42
Well targeted piece by the great Mark, Noa, (the barbarian has red it only now, thanks for the link), pity, he didn’t mention the boy’s chairmanship of the Oxfordshire Bee Keepers Association, that was a job that suited him, he should have called it a day there and then, forget politics.
Frank P @ 23:27
Alot of goodwill in the moniker, Frank, the barbarian reckons that’s, partly, why the pretender is getting the upticks, you should at least fire an e-mail to the Spectator.
Noa @ 00:10
The honorary Muslim’s backing for the ‘remain’ camp cannot but backfire, Noa, he should not only speak in the House, but anywhere else where the public gathers in large numbers, perhaps even at football matches.
Not only are people everywhere fed up when a foreign dignitary who has a dog in the fight urges them how to bet, the man is also held in pretty low esteem here, and then you have the colour of his skin (yup, that still matters for some, regretfully), the marriage of an English woman with an African radical that went wrong ….
Another own goal for the deluded pro-EU clowns, Baron reckons.
telemachus @ 09:39
A masterstroke, telemachus, the decision by the Kremlin strongman to call it ‘mission accomplished’ for the Russian Air Force in Syria. He may have done it, in part anyway, to show the American how one should police the world (just like Britain did when she was in charge).
One has an objective, one reaches it, calls it quit. It was what the barbarian feared he would not do, he would fall into the same trap the Americans cannot help falling into. They reach the goal for which they entered the fray, then think, perhaps we do something else, turn the medieval tribes into fully fledged democrats with all the PC trappings, then something else until they’re in it up to their balls, and the result? A massive failure for both the locals and the invaders. Just look at Ukraine, the latest ‘success’, nothing on it in the MSM. Why?
If need be, he’ll be back, the military bases remain, well stocked up, the asked for sorties will go on, the S-400 air defence system’s in place. Apparently, it took the Russians less than 5 weeks to mount the end September campaign, it shouldn’t take them any longer if they need to come back.
The barbarian doesn’t say it because it’s what he feared the KGB Colonel wouldn’t do when the campaign began, he truly thinks it’s right. Btw, in his speech he kept stressing the withdrawal had to happen because the objective had been reached as if to tease the Americans who have been widely and publicly blamed for overstaying in Afghanistan, Iraq, and it seems in Syria, too.
More to the point, Baron reckons he may further surprise letting Assad go, finding accommodation with the new regime, get something from the Americans in exchange. We shall see.
Btw, the clown who runs our Defence Ministry was saying on the radio this afternoon Putin’s withdrawal from Syria is akin to what he has done in Ukraine, merely swapped troops. The man’s not only brainless, but blind into the bargain. We should not only get out of the yoke of Brussels, we should also change the country’s leadership.
No copyright on a moniker, Baron.
Particularly if his name is Frank Parker or some such. I’m still puzzled as to why he can post as Frank P and I can’t. How does that work?
Colonel Mustard @ 09:55 & 10.47
Powerful kicks, on both the Irish front, and the cumryd’s deluded bleating, Colonel, nicely reaffirming your intellectual superiority over our local defender of the indefensible.
Are you certain though it’s children who are in charge? More like cry babies, it seems to the barbarian, as far removed from maturity as from the truth the country yearns to hear.
Frank P @ 16:57
Not that the barbarian knows anything about the technology, Frank, but he’s certain every piece of hardware that can link to the web has its own unique IP number. When a site bans one it does so by automatically by cutting off that number. Get yourself to another machine, try posting on it, you should get through.
RobertRetyred @ 12:21
Doesn’t the behaviour of the anti-Trump protesters remind you of how the Adolf’s Brown Shirts used to go about their vile business, Robert? It’s pure thuggery, and the MSM obligingly ignores it.
It seems to the barbarian that whoever wins in November will have to govern a country so polarised that eventually it may turn upon itself, repeat the horrors of the Civil War.
And what, pray, is IANW?
March 15th, 2016 – 16:44
I agree with you that Putin’s latest move has to be a masterstroke.
Among other things, I think he has out-manoeuvred Erdogan.
Will Erdogan now do something very foolish indeed?
March 15th, 2016 – 17:09
As I told Damaris
Standard Spectator/Disqus practice for a set of “difficult posts” is to ban the IP address, the moniker and the email address immediately
Then depending on the “crime” act as follows:
1.Beyond the pale offenses- full long term ban
2.Heinous but lesser crimes- maintain the full ban for a month after which the ban on the IP address is lifted but moniker/email address remain barred
3,Lesser offences discretionary lifting of both IP address ban and moniker/email ban after an arbitrary period
It is common experience that 2 is the commonest outcome which means that if he changed his moniker/email address they would probably let Frank post again (the actual machine used appears to be irrelevant)
They do get rid of dopplegangers by blocking the email alone (or facebook site used). They have rid me of several red rose telemachus irritants over the years by this means but not the latest (flipkipper) attack yet
Frank P – 16:57
I’ve just put on my wellies, Barbour etc. and visited the Spectatesman blogsite. My word, what a barrowload of trite bollocks it is, with the likes of Hardman, Massie et al vying for Frasier’s “pisseur de copie” hack of the week award.
There is a “Frank” commenting there, but I couldn’t see a “Frank P” on any of the threads I inspected.
1. If you can see the articles but cannot comment it because the spectoids have blocked your Disqus ID.
2. If you are not allowed access to the site then it is because the spectoids have blocked your router’s public IP address. There is a fairly simple way to change this. Unplug the damn thing for 5 minutes and plug it back in again. Once it has powered up again then press the ‘Reset’ button on the back – just for good luck – and when it comes back online then ‘hey presto’ then your ISP in particular will have allocated you a new public IP address.
Before (2) The other thing you might do is to clear out the cookies in your PC’s/Tablet’s browser history.
You can check this has worked by Googling “what is my public ip address” before and after the above. (It does actually work)
If you still cannot access the Spectatesman then it ain’t your IP address that is causing the problem…
So then I can only suggest that maybe Professor Bernard F. knows the answer.
To prove a point, my comment at 19:09 above is “awaiting moderation.”
Almost cretainly because my new allocated public IP address is unknown to Peter!
To prove a point, my comment at 19:09 above is “awaiting moderation.”
Almost certainly because my new allocated public IP address is unknown to Peter!
Baron – 17:12
The thuggery is due to Trump getting past the liberal MSM: a first! Isn’t it already polarised? The difference is that one side is fed up with seeing their reward for hard work going to aliens that hate them.
IANW – It’s A New Week.
Thanks Baron; thanks EC. Should I ever feel the need to post on Trolltopia I’ll try those tricks.
For the time being I’ll let the other Frank P have free rein. It’s difficult to believe that he/she will benefit from my already irreparably damaged reputation. ☺
Baron March 15th, 2016 – 16:33
Your argument that POTUS speaking for the EU will work in favour of we leavers is noted Baron.
That may be so. We have no way of knowing and I doubt any polls will be conducted.
Still, whilst you and I may find it offensive that the leader of the once-Conservative party and the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister should seek American intervention in an internal matter, in a manner which would never be tolerated in the United States, many of the more credulous of our fellow subjects (or is it now citizens of the EU) will think nothing of it.
They will in fact listen and may be persuaded, by the weasel words this man who has no love for Britain, to vote ‘remain.’
On a narrow vote his influence may even prove decisive.
Noa, March 14th, 2016 – 23:57
“Was Slither ‘taking one for the team’ when Barack said he created a ‘sh@tstorm’ in Libya?”
Could Barry’s outburst have been payback for this cruel blow to his phony narrative?
It’s really very mischievous of you to malign the POTUS and his FLATUS in such fashion.
After all, neither were extemporising, both were reading ‘a little something my speech writers cooked up earlier”.
It was merely a simple lack of communication between their respective lickspittles.
Rubio waffling on, having had his arse handed to him in a paper bag. Talking absolute shite! Reading great biblical tracts that are utterly inappropriate in the circumstances.
Trump beat him by about 18 points.
Noa @ 20:37
As the one eyed said to the blind ‘we shall see’, Noa, it’s a hard one to call, but unless Mutti gets certified, dispatched to a safe house, replaced by someone more attuned to the realities on the ground, the Turkish madman keeps on killing his own people (didn’t we invade Sadam’s fiefdom to prevent him doing the same?), and those in power put a stop to more revelations about the EU shenanigans who knows, the great unwashed may live up to the adjective, muster enough courage, vote out.
Kasich wins Ohio, his home State. Trump second, short by about 9 points.
Frank P @ 00:29
Good and bad news, Frank, don’t you think? The good news is the rubbery one’s gone, the bad news is it may not actually help Donald, it’s now just the three heavies, or rather two serious contenders, he and Cruz.
Donald needs another convincing win to seal it, Baron reckons (knowing next to FA about the intricacies of the primaries).
EC @ 19:15
You’re not the only one to be honoured with the special treatment of moderation, EC, it’s the fate of many postings by the poorly educated Slav, too, but then, they have a good excuse when it comes to banishing the barbarian, he’s poorly educated, fits not into the universe of the anointed, Eton (or close to it) moulded elite.
Baron (00:45)
The sad truth is that the GOP hierarchy and most of the media pundits are conspiring to stop Trump, so it will have to go to the GOP convention where the string pullers will try to rig the game.
If they succeed they will lose the general election to whoever is left standing in the Dems.
I’ve got my money on Trump beating the douchebags behind the scenes of the GOP and go on to beat HillBilliary or Uncle Joe.
The Donald the most likeable of all the candidates made a funny short speech acknowledging another successful night at the polls.
Cruz the most unlikeable of the candidates squelching on, like Punch all nose and chin, his slitty eyes feigning a smile, is boring the shit out of me and, I suspect, the American electorate.
Go Trump!
“They have rid me of several red rose telemachus irritants over the years by this means but not the latest (flipkipper) attack yet”
“flipkipper” is a ‘UnionJihack’ sockpuppet troll. Look at its upticks. The same old gang of names still trolling the Speccie with disruptive twaddle and manipulating the threads.
Extremist SNP of the sniggering juvenile persuasion. It wants to encourage an ‘Out’ vote because it thinks that will lead to another Scottish referendum, so it posts pro-UKIP parody. “They” have been targeting the site since Fraser Nelson upset them. Ramping up the trolling for the referendum in June.
Colonel Mustard – 07:37
To quote Spike, “There’s a lot of it about!”
Gangs of Scottish National Socialist Party goons ran a campaign of intimidation on the run up to the Independence referendum. Expect more.
I expect that the IN/OUT EU referendum of June 23 will be tallied by region. If Scotland actually votes the same way as England, contrary to Ms. Krankie’s prediction, then she will have nowhere to go with her demand for another Indy referendum.
Oil currently at $38 per barrel. Regardless of BRexit the Scots will never vote for Independence. They are too addicted to other peoples’ (i.e.England’s) money. I don’t think that Alex and Nicola actually want independence for Scotland. They want the continued subsidy of their grossly incompetent, profligate government and the continuance of their one party state.
Looking at the BBC website this morning (I know, I know) anybody would be forgiven for thinking that Donald Trump did badly last night. It was the media that set Donald up for a fall in Ohio. The fact that Mr Trump ground Rubio’s face into the dust in little Marco’s home (hispanic) state of florida is not worthy of comment or analysis.
“BBC delenda est!”
EC March 16th, 2016 – 09:29
The New Labour Scottish Mafia’s half-arsed “devolution” has been a disaster for the country. It is frankly ridiculous that Scotland has its own Parliament and also sends 56 bolshy MPs to disrupt Westminster led by that pompous bag of wind Angus Robertson. And the political idiots responsible for that mess talk about “one nation”.
Meanwhile the Red Tories are about to impose “devolution” on contrived English regions with “city mayors” (gauleiters) presiding over vast swathes of rural countryside. It is not devolution at all but a top down centralisation with yet more gangs of troughing politicians from the usual suspect parties and their unelected parasite Common Purpose hangers on smothering us with regulation, red tape, bad law and taxing us for the privilege.
Enough is enough. England has been swamped with foreigners, declared to be multi-cultural without the consent of the English people, made to feel ashamed about any expression of its nationality (what is good for Scotland and Wales is apparently not good for England) and cannot self-determine without the interference of the vociferous celtic minorities who seem to think it is all about them.
Pisses me off mightily. And they talk about people being angry as though we have no reason to be.
A transatlantic Obama connection is also suspected. The trolls usually don’t start posting until after noon.
Ding-Dong !
Avon !
Avon Cosmetics has sold-up in the USA and is moving it’s H.Q. to Britain. (Irrespective of vote GO> ) .
Deutsche Boerse agrees to merger with London Stock Exchange : (irrespective of vote GO>).
Colonel Mustard
I’d like to suspend my characteristic cynicism for at least one comment to thank you for your decision to continue posting on CHW, despite your aversion to the pestilence which persists here, regardless of repeated requests to the host to seal off the rat-hole in the wall, or at least divert it to the oubliette beneath as a concession to those who wish to study rodent physiology and thought processes.
The quality of your writing, analysis and relentless exposure of the Left’s (in all its manifestations) history and progress is greatly appreciated. It deserves a wider audience than we have so far managed to muster here, but we at least are the beneficiaries of your experience, nous and measured expositions. I’m very grateful for all your efforts.
Btw I’m probably being unfair to rats by odious comparison, because they are probably unaware of their pestilent status, unlike our resident nuisance, who knows and persists regardless.
Re. Germany.
The AfD is a member of the same European Parliament group as Cameron’s Conservative Party : the European Conservatives and Reformists.
Mine at 13-45.
Syed Kamall (British Conservative) the leader of the ECR group in the European Parliament has come out for vote leave ( GO>).
The leader of the AfD group has called for him to resign.
Colonel Mustard – 12:00
That excellent WND article could have been penned by yourself! It matches exactly your analysis of what has been going on at the Spectatesman, and other UK forums, in recent months /years.
Radford NG – 13:39
From my own “helpless bystander” experience of “mergers” may I suggest note of caution. The devil will be in the detail, and who sits on top of whom.
Obama has nominated a Supreme Court judge today. A Chicago insider. Obviously a trojan horse – or to use a metaphor perhaps even more apposite – a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Let’s hope the the Republicans don’t fall for it. I fear they might. It should be enough that Obama sponsors him with effusive praise and cloying anecdote. The choice of the replacement for Scalia must be for the next President. Let’s hope it is The Donald and that he takes good advice.
An Obomination!
“Obama’s Supreme Court Pick Merrick Garland Isn’t Actually All That Moderate”
@19:31 Maybe even an Obamination…
Oh well, I’ll get me coat
That’s all the barbarian will bore you with today, he got it from one of the US ‘admirers’ of the Brussels pigeon loft:
A farmer named Sam was overseeing his herd in a remote hilly pasture in Hereford when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.
The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the farmer, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?”
Sam looks at the man, who obviously is a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing animals and calmly answers, “Sure, why not?”
The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Apple notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location, he then feeds it to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany … Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored.
He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response.
Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the Farmer and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.”
“That’s right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” says Sam.
He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the boot of his car. Then Sam says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?”
The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?” “You’re a Member of the European Parliament”, says Sam. “Wow! That’s correct,” says the yuppie, “but how did you guess that?”
“No guessing required.” answers Sam. “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of pounds worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don’t know a thing about how working people make a living – or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep.
Now give me back my dog”.
Should Handy Andy be prosecuted?
Baron @ 00:06
Nice one!
AND you can now get to sleep by counting the flock…
‘I never trust a man unless I’ve got his pecker in my pocket.’
Lyndon Baines Johnson (36th President) 1963-1969
A real vulgarian, an assassin, and a Democrat.
Try the First 25 Minutes of Wednesday’s Alex Jones Show.
It’s an acquired taste – like caviar
“Donald Trump is doing the work of ISIS”, says George Soros.
Who still thinks that there are no such thing as globalists?
At 2-30ish am; large meteor crosses the country from the Bristol Channel going North-Eastish. (Radio 5)
Do you really feel jolly infused by Osbourn’s budget?And when since 1901 has a government had a surplus.?
The Brown years were excellent.The problem was they were based on a bubble;young men in the City fuelled by champagne,cocaine and red-bull creating a virtual reality economy….with the full support of the conservative leaders who told us we should not critizise The City which created 20% of our wealth.
“Why did nobody notice ?” :asked The Queen. Well people did in the provinces.They were already having problems maintaining mortgages and small businesses.
Where they were able to comment they were already complaining about top people receiving obscene payments just for having their names on the books;then being payed vast bonuses for doing the work they were paid to do…..and not doing it well.
The complaints not from the old socialists,but from true blue Thatcher conservatives.
Everything in black and white
Rod Liddle
Angry White People: Coming Face to Face with the British Far Right
by Hsiao-Hung Pai
Zed Books, pp.384, £12.99
ISBN: 9781783606924
This is a quite remarkable book. Badly written, devoid of anything even vaguely approaching a methodology, patronising, hideously mistaken on almost every page — and yet it does, inadvertently, answer the very question posed in its introduction: why are certain sections of the white working class so angry about immigration and Islam?
The author is a Taiwanese journalist from the metropolitan liberal left. Her MO is to venture — ‘bravely’, we are informed — into quite the most ghastly areas where working-class people live in their decrepit social housing, with their beer and their tracksuits. Her purpose is to find ‘racists’ and inquire as to why they are ‘racist’. And yet she is utterly incurious and dismissive about their explanations. She believes that they have anti-immigration views because they have been fed a diet of nasty racist propaganda by the mainstream media — the right-wing press (which means for Hsiao-Hung Pai, pretty much every daily newspaper except maybe the Guardian, on a good day). Nothing any of these beastly low-brow people tell her can shake that perspective: they are simply quite wrong about everything, and that’s that. As far as her own theories are concerned, she is limitlessly credulous, to a degree which makes me suspect that she is a cast-iron idiot.
So, for example, she heads to the frowsy estates in Luton to confront members of the English Defence League. The EDL is unique in being the only political movement drawn from the nation’s football grounds and having consisted, in its early days, almost entirely of hooligans. But it has some purchase in Luton, the town where it began. Pai speaks to people called stuff like ‘Darren’ and condescends to them. She finds any antipathy in Luton towards immigrants, and especially Muslim immigrants, utterly mystifying. She dismisses out of hand the statements of those white folk living there that they feel like strangers in their own land. But Luton is still 68 per cent white! she exclaims. (It isn’t: according to the 2011 census, it’s 54 per cent white.)
She is mystified, too, at the anger shown towards Muslim groups which held demonstrations at which the Union flag was set on fire and returning British soldiers were told that they would ‘burn in hell’. She does not even mention that roughly once a week Luton is in the news because a family of jihadis has been arrested. Indeed, so credulous is this woman that, reading her interview with the incendiary Muslim hate-monger Anjem Choudary, you’d think him absolutely charming, twinkly-eyed and lovable, and not a bit like the horrible papers say he is.
She sneers when people tell her that they are proud of their English heritage – or their Britishness
This is the man who organised those Luton demos, is accused of supporting the Islamic State, praised the 9/11 bombings, believes in death to apostates and so on. ‘As Muslims, we reject democracy, we reject secularism and freedom and human rights. We reject all of the things that you espouse as being ideals,’ he once said. But for Pai, he’s like a cuddly old uncle. And absolutely none of this constitutes possible reasons for local disquiet. The Lutonians are simply mistaken, gulled by the fascist press.
When people tell her that they are proud of their English heritage, or of their Britishness, she sneers at them (as she admits, while interviewing a chap called ‘Viking’ in Reading). She lacks even the slenderest vestige of empathy for the people she speaks to, finding them pitiable, pathetic and loathsome — and of course wrong, on every single count.
But you cannot write a serious book about why a tiny minority of the white working class is drawn to extremist organisations such as the EDL and Britain First (and indeed Ukip — all one and the same to Pai) if your mind is so resolutely closed. And so, as I mentioned in my first paragraph, this is how she inadvertently does provide a kind of answer. The rage felt within many white working-class communities is occasioned primarily by bone-headed, arrogant, absolutist liberals who insist to them — contrary to the evidence — that their fears are utterly baseless and should not be taken seriously.
John birch @ 06:18
A tsunami of words by the great Rod to tell us to avoid the scribbler, John.
Her name, that she holds the membership of the club of the anointed, and the tome’s badly written would have ben enough (only joking, her exposure as an fraud to the great profession of journalism was more than enjoyable to read, she, the diametric opposite to the likes of Orwell yesterday, Liddle today make the barbarian sick).
Radford NG @ 04:10
Your posting appeared ‘one hour 40ish’ too late, Radford, not that the barbarian could have glimpsed it even if you were to tell us about it minutes before it crossed, he was asleep, it just he got intrigued by the message’s timing.
Radford NG @ 05:27
Only one point, Radford, you’re telling it exactly as the politicians and their acolytes want you to tell it ‘young men in the City fuelled by champagne,cocaine and red-bull creating a virtual reality economy’, as if the excesses were done by the young men in secret from the ones who set the rules, pass the laws, establish agencies to watch over the young.
We still are in a shite because we’re in denial as to the real culprits of the near financial meltdown.
Baron – 00:06
I second Malfleur at 00:49, or to put it musically…
Malfleur @ 03:57
What would be the response from the gun owning masses if he got through, joined the top layer, swung the vote to ensure no gun ownership by anyone but the State. You reckon the Republic would erupt?
Btw, just the opening musical cords of the Alex’s show feel threatening, Malfleur, never mind what he himself says.
Noa @ 00:09
EC @ 09:31
That’s the kind of music Alex Jones should start the shows with, EC, something light, cheerful, inspiring hope and optimism, no? Instead, the performance opens with a sound that makes one reach for the gun before he opens his mouth. Aren’t the Americans weird? Well, different anyway.
Have you noticed the disappearance from the world of Ukraine and Syria? ‘Nothing writing’ about either in the MSM.
Why, does anyone know why?
The silence lends credibility to Mafleur’s conspiracy theory, it feels as if someone somewhere pushed a button, and bingo, the papers all comply. Strange that.
Malfleur @01:33 writes of LBJ…
“A real vulgarian, an assassin, and a Democrat.”
You omitted southern, patrician, racist. Another quote that is often attributed to him was, “I’ll keep those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.” (*) There is no actually recording of saying this, but there were witnesses. However there are actual recordings of him casually referring to “niggers” on other occasions.
(*) … and so it came to pass after LBJ’s welfare plantation was established. Killing them with “kindness”, dependency and the lack of ambition it brings, and in more recent times on Obama’s watch, killing them with free abortions. There’s been enough black babies aborted to constitute charges of genocide!
That’s Democrats for you!
“Which is a pity because, looked at rationally, Americans have every reason to be optimistic. Their country is peaceful and prosperous, which is why so many people from around the world pay it the ultimate compliment of wanting to settle there.”
Hannan is living in cloud cookoo land. Like the current occupation in Germany, most migrants don’t want to share and add to the traditional customs and way of life. They want to destroy it! For the Latinos, not as much as in Europe, but they don’t care for legality, just swamping what ever was there and expecting the social infrastructure to continue for them! And then there are those who want the West destroyed and are using the US ‘peace and prosperity’ to destroy itself.
I sat mesmerised by George Osbourne yesterday as he delivered another David Laws budget. I thought to myself just what is this economic also ran trying to achieve. The employment contract says that his sole function is to give us economic prosperity and stability. And yet again we see that the actual the budget was aimed towards different outcomes.
He seems to have had three motivations, namely to prevent upset that might swell the Brexit vote. Then to ensure an Osborne vote in the leadership contest triggered in June and finally to produce artificial balancing of the books in 4 years time and thus prevent a UKIP surge.
In the face of world slowdown he flunked the requirement to cut spending. And why? Well we have the referendum in four months and he cannot allow the Sun again to run a campaign of the quality and success of the tax credit fiasco. Furthermore in the face of the need to get business to invest more he produced headline tinkering with business taxes which may well inhibit rather than promote investment. Why? Well he needs the approval of his MP’s for his leadership plans. He forgot that MP’s are not stupid, and a good few are economists. And then he juggled figures of income and expenditure such that without reducing the size of government interference in our lives he can claim to have balanced the books by the next election.
This was a Brown style chameleon performance, a smoke and mirrors performance peppered by lies on the effects of Brexit.
It was a LibDem budget showing that Danny Alexander and David Laws are still with us in spirit. He may jibe about abolishing the Liberal Democrats but we see they live on and currently constitute half the Cabinet. Teresa May sitting owl like next to Osborne will be smiling all the way to Cameron’s resignation on June 24. As will David Davis? Boris will sit in the glow of Brexit in late June but has proved flakey and will probably fail in his ultimate goal.
Frank P March 16th, 2016 – 13:45
Thank you Frank!
Baron – 09:47
The last time, the second occasion, I set foot on American soil was just over 12 years ago. Despite its predominantly European heritage American culture (look and feel) is definitely not Europe. Most of the people I encountered were very welcoming, polite, friendly and helpful. All quite disconcerting, I agree, when compared to say, for example’ the “normality” of the French!
Funds & health permitting, I hope to do a tour of the USA ‘ere long.
RobertRetyred @ 09:57
It only shows you what kind of a berk the man is, all mouthing, no doing, a typical liberal lightweight with alot of knowledge, little common sense, no courage.
Trump isn’t a builder of a nation, he’s the demolishing expert, the dynamite man, he’ll break the hold on power of the undeserving, clear the ground for the builders to move in, erect the new.
How could Hannan say with a straight face contemporary America is the pinnacle of democracy beggars belief, the man not just lives in a cuckoo land, he also must be blind. What about executive orders, the TTIP, half-baked military invasions in whenever on looks for the starters?
Just ask yourself, is the world in the 21st century under the active leadership of the Republic a safer place, could one travel anywhere one likes without fear? Is it financially more stable place, will the few pennies you’ve put aside for the old age be there when you need them? Would you buy a 2nd hand car from the honorary Muslim or any of his acolytes?
Baron – 11:19
Demolition men do need to do their job thoroughly, especially in this case.
It would only be a ‘2nd hand car’ as they can’t make any themselves, like their tall buildings.
Inspired by a post, from where I have forgotten:
“I can work with some who think they are God, but with none who think they are their God’s instrument.”
The economy will continue its slide while the rich, no longer attached to any particular country, will become stupefyingly rich. (Someone recently paid $172 million for a Modigliani). If things go bad in Manhattan, they can easily move to the south of France.
Sorry about the errors, it wasn’t ‘whenever on looks for the starters’, please do trust the barbarian, it was the fugging software ‘what fugged it’.
John birch @ 16:09
This, John, is an excellent point, it goes to the heart of the matter.
People who could have breakfast in Moscow, lunch in London, dinner in NY couldn’t exist before WW2, the air travel wasn’t fast enough. After the world came to its senses again, there were but a few of us who could (nearly) do it by half. Today, the universe of the ‘travelling globalists’ is as big as one chooses to make it.
Baron knows of someone whose wife goes to NY to have her nails done every month, followed by lunch, back home for dinner (almost). They both think the barbarian’s mad wanting to live in a straightjacket of ‘little England’ munching cucumber sandwiches. (You should know when we first met the barbarian quipped that these tea accompaniments were of the quirks of old England he fell in love with, they never fail to bring it up when it suits them).
The majority of us, simple hoi polloi, aren’t wealthy enough to indulge in such globalised life experiences, Baron does his nails using a cheap clipper, but believes sovereignty should trump (no pun intended) everything.
John birch @ 14:46
Good link, John, the guy’s right, but pisses against the wind, which is good only for someone who doesn’t mind wearing wet trousers.
“…they never fail to bring it up [cucumber sandwiches] when it suits them”
That’s the trouble with “snozzcumbers”…[© Roald Dahl]
…they keep on repeating on you 😉
EC @ 11:05
The ordinary Americans, out of the touristy states and the redneck south, are exactly as you say, EC, but it still depends where one goes, not many of visitors could see the whole of the Republic as not many arrivals in Europe would travel through all the countries of the Old Continent.
Some of the off track parts of the Land of the Free truly astound. In north east Tennessee around the town called Sneedville there live people with an unusual appearance – blue eyes, light brown straight hair, tall, but their skin the colour of dark chocolate (google melungeons), nobody knows where they come from, what was the origin of their being there, they themselves know neither, some speculate they are the descendants of the colony of some 100 English settlers led by a chap called White landing on Roanoke Island in 1587, then mysteriously disappearing, impossible to find when a couple of years later the second expedition turned up. It still puzzles the American historians (see below, the barbarian was planning to have a look at this wilderness of America on one of his visits, failed, doesn’t remember now why he missed it).
The barbarian says it not because he has anything to add to the puzzling disappearance of the pioneers of early British imperialism, but because this corner of the Appalachians (the chunk known as the Clinch Mountains) whilst breathtakingly beautiful (and not more than a couple of hours drive from the urban metropolis to the east) is also one of the poorest parts of the Republic, has been for decades. In was the discovery of the poor whites in this part of Tennessee that got LBJ’s going on welfare, not the poverty of the black community elsewhere, that’s a myth created by the Democrats, nobody cares to challenge it.
The usual, i nhaste, plenty of mistakes, sorry.
Have some fun at the expense of the next boss of the world (wait bit before he appears, move the trumpet around, click on it):
A pasty-faced, watery eyed, blackbearded idiot called Mike Axeman (ha!) from the ‘Global Intelligence Unit’, was just given ten minutes on Sky News to float the proposition that were Donald Trump to become POTUS, it would be more destructive to the Global Economy than Islamic jihad. His piece was prefaced by the excellent campaign ad, recently floated by Trump, of Hillary Clinton Barking like a dog and Putin laughing like a drain.
I assume the ‘Global Intelligence Unit’ is funded by Soros, or some other bunch of globalist crooks, who are shitting themselves with fear that The Donald is not only going to derail Billhillary and clean the Augean Stables of DC, but also get a grip of the myriad scams perpetrated by the NWO (and by their poodles the GIU).
Apparently there is a ‘knock Trump’ documentary on Sky News tonight – Rupe must have been on the blower (and I mean the phone – not his new missus, Mick Jagger’s cast off).
The Dems are obviously now running scared. ☺☺
Frank –
Thanks for mentioning the campaign ad – I hadn’t previously seen it. For others, this URL may work –
Herbert Thornton – 19:17
Many thanks, I’d not seen that one.
telemachus is pleased to see attention drawn to WND
Well worth a browse and take up of its free offers.
FREE Devotional Reveals the Truth
about Dinosaurs and Exposes Evolution
as the Greatest Hoax of All Time
Evolutionists teach that dinosaurs died out long before humans evolved from apes. But is this true? Or is their view of dinosaurs part of a colossal hoax that’s being taught as fact to your children and grandkids? Creation Moments – one of the first ministries in the U.S. to defend biblical creation – believes you deserve to know the truth, and that’s why we want you to enjoy our FREE “Today’s Creation Moment” devotional.
Each weekday you’ll learn incredible things about God’s magnificent creation. For instance, here’s a recent “Today’s Creation Moment” presenting evidence that man and dinosaurs really did live at the same time:
(There follows a closely worded article showing that, for example triceratops was known to the Incas and Stegasaurus to Cambodian monks)
Imagine getting one of these devotional e-mails every weekday!
Sign Up Today for Your FREE
“Today’s Creation Moment” Devotional
Day after day you’ll discover new evidence that Darwinism is wrong and the Bible is correct on matters of science, history and so much more. Think you know a lot about the world in which we live? We’ll bet you’ve never heard about:
◾The creature with the fastest jaws in the world
◾The disgusting abilities of the creature known as the “horror frog”
◾Why animals escape unscathed when so many people are killed in tsunamis
◾How geckos can walk upside-down on glass without falling
◾How the speed of light reveals the unlimited mind of God
◾Famous scientists who reject Darwinian evolution
Who said Coffee House Wall was not educational
The privileged, wealthy and very well-fed socialist Lady Nugee, disgraced former shadow cabinet minister and undisgraced current shadow cabinet minister (there is no shame in the Labour party), on QT in Chelmsford last night with an audience of exceptional thickos. Has anyone seen Lady Nugee and Angus Robertson MP in the same room together?
Her pompous, brooking no disagreement manner and style of speaking were most disagreeable. She was also very rude, interrupting other panelists, talking over them and audibly sneering at their comments, ignoring Dimblebore’s weak entreaties to let others speak and given far too much time by him to drone on about the Tories.
The SNP panelist, former Conservative candidate mad-eyed Off-Meds-Shriek, channelling Marty Feldman, droning on about the Tories and the Top Down Red Tory Nicky Morgan, droning on about the Tories, presented Act 4, Scene 1 of the Scottish Play.
O well done! I commend your pains;
And every one shall share i’ the gains;
And now about the cauldron sing,
Live elves and fairies in a ring,
Enchanting all that you put in.
If this be Equality then please give me Patriarchy (“men in suits” © Off-Meds Shriek) now and for ever more. What with Jess Phillips and another SNP rent-a-gob on This Week I’ve had enough of Women in Parliament to last several lifetimes.
Once again the SNP were countering scepticism about the viability of an independent Scotland with the argument that the right to self-determine means that the Scottish government would be empowered to tackle any consequent risks. Apparently this does not apply in the case of the UK independent from the EU. And as usual none of the experts challenged this essential contradiction which is being presented by the SNP again and again.
The proliferation of SNP rent-a-gobs on non-Scottish BBC programming is very noticeable, especially as they represent only 3.7% of the UK population. Might it have something to do with the fact that they are resolute Remainiacs? They have not yet been challenged on why they think that a 300 year old successful Union with their oldest neighbour under a single Monarchy in which they are over-represented in two Parliaments is bad but a post-modern Union with 27 foreign countries under the unelected commissioners and clerks of the basket case EU is good. And, as noted, the essential contradiction of their position that on leaving the UK there might be unknown risks but theirs to manage whilst the likelihood of unknown risks warrants remaining in the EU is neither raised nor challenged by the media “experts”.
Interesting article, with a very interesting post:
“Being proud about being able to earn a living, wanting to buy my own place, wanting to stand on my own feet and provide for my family should not make me a tory.”
Time for Labour to take a hard look at welfare and housing
Pteledactylus @08.06
It’s true! Dinosaurs actually do walk/blog amongst us in plain sight, even to this day. You provide empirical evidence on an almost daily basis.
Dinosauria n, pl. 666. Shapeshifting communists.
Frequently used guises: progressives, socialists, greens, climate alarmists, SJW’s, Scottish Nationalists, feminists etc. etc.
Dinosauria familiars frequently exhibit Troll like behaviour. Particularly dyed in the wool members of this lesser form often take on “pretentious Greek pseudonyms.” as has been noted by Peter Hitchens and others.
telemachus @ 08:06
Not much difference between the WND stuff and what the cumryd’s proposing then, telemachus.
The barbarian doesn’t rule out the existence of a force, an entity, a power beyond the reach of all our sensually perceptive sensors e.g. vision, hearing, smell and whatever. It’s possible (and scientifically quite kosher) to argue such force was involved in the initial combining of amino acids, nucleic acids, the creation of proteins.
The Good Book could be a time distorted allegoric narrative of someone attempting to describe the time of ‘creation’ to people whose comprehension wasn’t much better than that of an ape, and anyone swallowing orthodox Darwinism should have his head examined, and not just once.
EC @ 10:42
Quite funny, EC, and of course right.
EC March 18th, 2016 – 10:42
! √
Also more proof of his/their stalking obsession with a single commentator. Evidently the WND article scored a direct hit. I could reveal interesting facts about the “pattern of behaviour” but my legal counsel have advised me to keep my powder dry.
Note also the remarkable style change.
Colonel Mustard @ 09:19
Good one, Colonel, the SNP are a truly a bunch of ghastly traitors, perhaps we would be better off letting them run around in the wilderness of the hills of Scotland, rather than lecturing us.
(It’s not only what they say, the barbarian can no longer stomach the accent for too long, has to switch off. Before the SNP appeared on the political stage, it didn’t bother him that much of at all).
March 18th, 2016 – 10:42
Peter Hitchens was referring to my good friend Thucydides who does not post here
Baron 1103
” and anyone swallowing orthodox Darwinism should have his head examined, and not just once.”
Why is The Controversy between evolution and creationism important? Why do we spend our time writing about that, and not about other strange beliefs — like crop circles, perpetual motion, or the other nonsense that saturates the kook-o-sphere?
The reason we ignore almost all of pseudoscience is because it’s literally unimportant if someone believes in astrology or magic crystals.
But creationism is different —(it is) a counter-revolution against the Enlightenment. We said that would-be tyrants, theocrats, Grand Inquisitors, fascists, and other assorted despots are nostalgic for the pre-Enlightenment days when men lived in ignorance and unthinkingly obeyed authority. The counter-revolutionaries hope to restore those sub-human conditions, imagining that in such a nightmare world they will be our masters.
Creationism is being used as the front for a coordinated, multi-pronged assault on every worthy human accomplishment. It provides a handy base of exploitable ignorance, which is manipulated to wage a deliberate and relentless campaign against reason itself — and reason is the fountainhead of everything that makes human life worth living.
Anti-reason — cunningly concealed within an old, familiar religious belief — first seduces, then dominates, and ultimately destroys its followers.
The Adversary absolutely despises reason. For the Adversary to triumph, reason must be defeated. And should that ever happen, then although life may continue, as it did during the Dark Ages, nothing of value will survive.
Pteledactylus keeps some strange company but the transatlantic connection looms once more:-
March 18th, 2016 – 09:55
Thanks for that Robert. The article is absolutely correct, their concerned about everyone apart from a normal working family.
As you said , the comments are between those who understand and those who seem unable to grasp the point at all.
Boeing commits it’s self to making London the H.Q. for it’s entire European business.
It is approximately a month since Frank P expressed the shocking and outrageous opinion here that there was “no credible evidence” that any unlawful act had been committed against Supreme Court Justice Sirica to result in his death.
I commented that this was to miss the point.
The point was that there WAS NO INVESTIGATION of the judge’s death.
Evidence would have been gathered during or prior to such an enquiry. During the course of the investigation,had there been one as required by law, it might well have been determined, whether there was any such evidence and, if so, whether it was credible or not.
The evidence shows, to an untrained eye of course, that all possibly “credible evidence” was destroyed or hidden from anyone inclined to question the matter – which can be reduced to a handful of journalists from who actually went there and indeed stayed overnight in the ranch.
It is not therefore clear on what exactly Frank P bases his view that there was “no credible evidence” of any criminal act behind the death of Justice Sirica. We will not insist on circumstantial evidence such as that discovered by the owner of the ranch at which the death happened, who was by chance a major Obama supporter, that Sirica had a pillow on his head. Investigations in Frank P’s day may not have entertained such facts. or have insisted on any investigation by the book following on the unattended deaths of prominent persons.
We now read that Obama has nominated a certain Merrick Garland to fill Justice Sirica’s shoes.
I wonder what position Judge Garland takes on the 2nd Amendment. I wonder what position this fellow night take on habeas corpus and matters connected with the authority of a president to declare states of emergency under which he might perhaps prolong indefinitely his term of office beyond conventional constitutional limits…
Compare and contrast Pteledactylus at 11:43 and the blog that he misquoted from:-
“(it is) a counter-revolution against the Enlightenment. We said that would-be tyrants, theocrats, Grand Inquisitors, fascists, and other assorted despots are nostalgic for the pre-Enlightenment days when men lived in ignorance and unthinkingly obeyed authority.”
“a counter-revolution against the Enlightenment. We said that would-be tyrants, theocrats, Grand Inquisitors, Marxists, fascists, and other assorted despots are nostalgic for the pre-Enlightenment days when men lived in ignorance and unthinkingly obeyed authority.”
The word ‘Marxists’ redacted from the Pteledactylus version, demonstrating the essential dishonesty and manipulative conniving of that species of Soviet inspired dinosaur.
Wonder no longer…
March 18th, 2016 – 13:11
Sirica the Just
Fergus Kipling
And now today can we believe,
That Sirica is gone.
Before the things he must achieve.
His life finished as none,
Would wish without the poison given,
By Democrats you know.
Justice never to be driven,
And politics laid low.
Across a world where all men grieve
And grieving strive the more,
The great days range like tides and leave
Our dead on every shore.
Heavy the load we undergo,
And our own hands prepare,
If we have parley with the foe,
The load our sons must bear.
Before we loose the word
That bids new worlds to birth,
Needs must we loosen first the sword
Of Justice upon earth;
Or else all else is vain
Since life on earth began,
And the spent world sinks back again
Hopeless of God and Man.
A People and their King
Through ancient sin grown strong,
Because they feared no reckoning
Would set no bound to wrong;
But now their hour is past,
And we who bore it find
Evil Incarnate hell at last
To answer to mankind.
For agony and spoil
Of nations beat to dust,
For poisoned air and tortured soil
And cold, commanded lust,
And every secret woe
The shuddering waters saw.
Willed and fulfilled by high and low.
Let them relearn the Low.
That when the dooms are read,
Not high nor low shall say:-
‘ My haughty or my humble head
Was saved me in this day.’
That, till the end of time,
Their remnant shall recall
Their fathers old, confederate crime
Availed them not at all.
That neither schools nor priests,
Nor Kings may build again
A people with the heart of beasts
Made wise concerning men.
Whereby our dead shall sleep
In honour, unbetrayed,
And we in faith and honour keep
That peace for which they paid.
Radford NG
March 18th, 2016 – 12:47
But do we want them?
telemachus @ 11:43
Two things about the ignorance of the deep past, telemachus.
Even today, with all the most most advanced technology can offer we would be hard put to erect a Giza pyramid, the Greeks (and who knows whether they got a ‘wink’ from an earlier thinkers) have figured the basics on math we still rely on today, astronomers going back several millennia BC could confidently predict lunar eclipse.
Why is that evolution ought to be ‘it’? It’s but a speculative explanation of life, a theory, nothing more.
On Common Descent, one can hardly find anything wrong, we have to come from earlier generations, with eyes half closed one can just about stomach Natural Selection, but Random Mutations?
Those who say give a troop of monkeys a keyboard, and unlimited time they’ll eventually come up with Hamlet are wrong. To justify the nonsense the proponents of this line of argument use language to prove it, pick a word (say) ‘monkey’, then haphazardly start joining letters together, you find ‘m’ then after some time ‘o’ followed by ‘n’ and so forth. But this proves nothing for first, why would random selection keep the ‘mon’ together? In real life, any evolutionary stage should have been not just theoretically possible, but biologically coherent, too. Why would a living organism keep an evolving eye going for a number of generations if the eye in the first stages of its evolution were useless?
Second, by choosing ‘monkey’ you, i.e. the ‘designer’, have already chosen what you want. Did Random Selection ‘knew in advance’ it wanted to get ‘monkey’ as the end product? Is so, it must have worked to a plan, must have been the entity.
Emulous @ 15:16
This must be a mistake, Emulous, cheating, bribery, corruption is something that happens only in Putin’s Russia.
Fergus Pickering @ 14:52
Not bad, Fergus, you may make it after all.
Radford NG @ 12:47
More laxed corporate governance, more toothless watchdogs here rather than a backing for Brexit may explain the move better, Radford (see Emulous at 15.16).
You may have seen the SFO has just dropped investigating the forex manipulation, it was supposed to be bigger than the Libor scandal (used to dislodge the Barclays top man Diamond), but alas, ‘not enough credible evidence’, say the investigators.
And two short pieces on things around or east of Elbe:
Housebuilding in Germany’s booming, last year it grew by over 8.0% reaching 312,000 units, the highest number since 2000, in part because mortgage rate’s low, in part because of immigration. The building sector contributes some 4.0% to the country’s GDP, employs 2.5mn people.
In Russia, industrial production went up in February by just over 1.0% for the first time since the introduction of sanctions. In Finland, agricultural output fell by almost 40% all because of Russian ban on agricultural imports from the country, in Helsinki over 600 tractors were driven to the Government offices across the city, the farmers demanded financial help.
Another sin for which the Libyan Colonel lost his life:
Libya dollar fight
It seems you haven’t liked much the video on Donald’s hair (offended, were you?), here’s another one, more serious, and in his support:
Baron – 16:00
Donald Trump is actually far more sophisticated than many people give him credit for…
1419, 1147, 1108 telemachus feels under attack including veiled legal attack in the last mentioned post
telemachus remembers a very different poster on the late lamented Speccie Wall who advised her to desist because the said different poster had the time, the inclination and the money to sue
The said different poster did post here for a while before, funnily enough, given today’s theme, the now famous dinosaur post
“So, Chaps and Chapesses. It’s been fun. But this dinosaur’s asteroid has finally blotted out the sun.”
Hey ho
Glad at least that he went
BREAKING: Iain Duncan Smith quits Cameron’s Cabinet amid disability cuts row
IAIN Duncan Smith has resigned from David Cameron’s cabinet.
I love it when a plan comes together
RobertRetyred – 21:23
Does that mean GO didn’t discuss it with IDS beforehand, or didn’t listen, or he knew that this might be on the cards?
It doesn’t look good – a Brexit, non-Etonian leaving the Cabinet.
Not that I am crying.
The Spectator’s take on IDS :
IDS was one of the most honest most principled ministers of the Cameron rabble
As such he could never compete with shysters like Osborne
Just as Frank Field could not make it with Blair
Boris may tonight offer up a silent prayer
But in truth the true beneficiary is Jeremy
Another man who is true to himself and those around him
God bless IDS
IDS at the Spectator;see :
WE can’t stop the migrants
“The Daily Express has learnt that the European Commission is now blocking a radical Australian style proposal to turn ships around at see and not let the migrants land in Europe.
The same policy was being pushed by Prime Minister David Cameron at the EU summit this week.”
Yet Cameron STILL wants to stay in the EU!
I think a man in a white coat is needed in Number 10.
One good reason for wanting to see Trump win:
“Given the alternatives, I would vote for Mr. Trump, because he may only destroy the U.S. economy, but Hillary Clinton will destroy the whole world.”
telemachus has seen an early draft of the first paragraph of the IDS resignation speech next week:
‘I imagine that it has been the common experience of everyone who spent a great part of a lifetime in politics that at the end he was like some traveller having journeyed on from day to day, finds himself at last in a strange country, where the landscape is no longer recognisable and the people speak in a foreign tongue.’
From this month’s Eurofacts
“Is a cashless EU coming soon?
Recently Bloomberg implored Angela Merkel’s coalition government disinflationary impulse. Mario Draghi officials to “bring on a cashlessfuture” implying that notes and coins were, “dirty, dangerous, unwieldy, and expensive”. But, it appears that authorities and the powers that be seem determined to lay the groundwork for the abolition of what Bloomberg calls “antiquated” physical money.
A statement from Norway’s largest bank DNB, executive Trond Bentestuen said that although “there is approximately 50 billion kroner in circulation, the Norges Bank can only account for 40 per cent of its use”. Therefore 60 per cent of money usage is outside of any control.
“We believe”, he continues, “that is due to under-the-table money and laundering”. DNB goes on to say that after identifying “many dangers and disadvantages” associated with cash, the bank has “concluded that it should be phased out”.
Evidence that officials across the globe are preparing to institute a cashless “utopia”, came when Handelsblatt reported (in a piece called “The Death of Cash) that the Social Democrats – the junior partner in
– have proposed a €5,000 limit on cash transactions and the elimination of the €500 note.
Germany is using a familiar scapegoat to justify the plan: the need to fight “terrorists” and “foreign criminals”. According to the Social Democrats. “If sums over €5,000 have to pass through traceable bank transactions, laundering would be severely hampered, it adds.”
Meanwhile, the Deputy Finance Minister Michael Meister, Germany is proposing a euro-area ban on cash transactions over €5,000 to combat terrorism financing and money laundering, cross-border. He went on to say that, “Since money laundering and terrorism financing are cross- border threats”, it makes sense to adopt a bloc-wide “solution”, but “if a European solution isn’t possible, Germany will move ahead on its own”, he added.
This comes at a rather convenient time for policy makers in Europe. Rates are already sitting at minus 0.30 per cent and are likely to be cut by an additional 10bps in March. But that’s not likely to do anything to curb the
isn’t anywhere close to his inflation target and it says a lot about how ineffective the ECB has been when everyone is relieved to see annual inflation running at the “brisk” pace of 0.4 per cent.
As a reminder, the gradual phasing out of cash strips the public of its economic autonomy. Central bankers can only control interest rates down to a certain “lower bound’. Once negative rates are passed on to depositors, people will simply start pulling their money out of the bank. The more negative rates go, the faster those withdrawals will be.
When you ban cash you eliminate this problem. If the economy isn’t doing what a bunch of bureaucrats want it to do, they can simply make interest rates deeply negative, forcing would-be savers to become consumers by making them choose between spending or watching as the bank simply confiscates their money in the name of NIRP.
Source: Extract from article in the February issue of the Runnymede Gazette.
Mutti and Tetley have the right idea in dealing with the anti-migration Counter Revolutionaries, delegitimise them! And if that doesn’t work be in no doubt that the camps and the Katyn’s will follow.
The Green Terror, as it will be known will no doubt see the heretics being lashed to turbine blades 3 at a time in order to better enjoy the views of the new minarets, that should save a small fortune for the bungee jumpers amongst us.
Ms. Attribution @07:56
Betcha not too keen of quoting other sections of Jerry Hayes’ book review of “Enoch at 100”
Remarkably prescient! Both the review and the book containing many inconvenient truths for you and your lie peddling syndicate, I imagine.
March 19th, 2016 – 09:41
IDS will go on:
“I do here in the most solemn and bitter manner curse the Prime Minister of England for having cumulated all his other betrayals of the national interest and honour, by his last terrible exhibition of dishonour, weakness and gullibility.”
Noa – 09:32
A cashless society is a totalitarian’s dream and a nightmare for the rest of us! Humanity will be have effectively been enslaved by those who would rule over it.
First it was Debit cards, and now the latest wheeze of “tap and go” cards and “Apple pay” etc. etc. supposedly freeing us (ha!) from the burden of carrying fiddling small change is another slide down the steepening slope to dystopia.
Peter from Maidstone,
Hi Peter,
Where do you draw the line between your desire to run a blog committed to free speech and allowing a poster(s) to conduct a war of disruption and attrition against it, with the ultimate aim of shutting it down? eg. telemachus’ crowing (at 17:30 above) about having got rid of Nicholas, also attempting to do the same with Colonel Mustard.
Hasn’t enough empirical evidence yet been amassed to convince you that telemachus & co should be permanently banned from your blog. If not then where’s the tipping point, when will the survival instinct kick in?
EC 10:52
Succinctly put.
Peter. If you want the turd’s stench on your site why don’t you create a compostable toilet for it?
EC 10:51
As EU/Deutchsland moves inexorably towards a new elective totalitarianism it’s becoming very easy to join the dots: a cashless, impoverished society, a meaningless vote that puts you on the march to the camps…
“…Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has called on German intelligence to begin monitoring the AfD, presumably in an effort to silence critics of the government’s migration policy. Gabriel — who leads the SPD, which also suffered significant losses on March 13 — has called the AfD a party of “right-wing extremists” who “use the language of the Nazis.” At the same time, Gabriel has called for Germany to take in even more migrants by airlifting them into the country directly from the Middle East…”
March 19th, 2016 – 09:32
Eurofacts is a valuable goldmine:
“According to the latest figures from the UK 2015 Pink Book the UK made a Gross Contribution to the EU of £19,994 million in 2014 (£55 million per day). It received back from EU Institutions £7,665 million (£21 million per day), therefore the UK’s Net Contribution was £12,329 million (£34 million per day).”
Eurofacts is well worth the £30 per annum subscription on matters pertaining to the EU.
What is not generally pointed out is that the revenues received from the EU are directed at its targets and objectives, not the UK’s. A classic case of the taxman taking a pound off you and giving 10 shilings back, whilst telling you how he’s spent it on your behalf.
The Salisbury Review provides a similar perspective on conservatism for the same modest sum.
You may also find the following CIVITAS link to the Eurosceptics Handbook of interest:
Say it with Flowers.
Peter Oborne: damning with false praise:
“Chancellor George Osborne is beyond doubt the country’s most fascinating politician. He provided the strategic vision that propelled his close friend David Cameron to the Tory leadership and then into Downing Street.
He has rare political courage. Unlike so many MPs who seem to put popularity before principles, the Chancellor is prepared to take risks, shoulder responsibility when things go wrong and suffer unpopularity…”
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Noa (12:20)
If the perverted, egregious, thieving prick had been sentenced to a long prison sentence, which is what should have ensued, he could have gotten his arse punched every day free and gratis, rather than courtesy of the depositors of the the Coop Bank.
There are some outcomes of the legalisation of sodomy that are beyond parody or even discussion.
Except to say, “I told ’em so!”
“A £1.5 billion hole in the accounts of the bank”
That amounts to a mountain of fudge packing and an avalanche of the white stuff, sniffed, injected or imbibed.
The wrong side of history:
Frank P 15:42
A rollicking, outrageous post!
Of course it’s all about the wingeing self pitying heap of revolting perversions and we’re supposed to see him as the hapless victim.
Still, I wish I had acquired shares in the Yorkshire amyl nitrate mills before they had reached their current high.
And given this story in the DT, let’s hope the sod’s not driving.
Amazed, hand-wringing road policing chief Suzette Davenport said: “If that is representative of what is going on it is worrying for us and the public. We have some real challenges.”
Noa (16:04)
“Amazed, hand-wringing road policing chief Suzette Davenport said: “If that is representative of what is going on it is worrying for us and the public. We have some real challenges.” ”
Yerrrss! But I don’t suppose for a moment that those challenges will be addressed by enforcing the drug laws rather than devoting your time cosying up to ‘partners’ in the Common Purpose racket.
Let’s see now, what other notable causes adopt that acronym? Communist Party; Conservative Party?
Is there any real difference these days?
The tramp tramp tramp of the Long March seems to be the common drumbeat beneath all their actions.
And a postscript:
And there’s a dyke I wouldn’t put my finger in, even to prevent the flooding of Norfolk and undoing all of Vermuyden’s great engineering feat.
You teed that up, didn’t you Noa? ☺
The bloody climate nutters just plunged central London into darkness, just as Il Papa fired off his first Instagram (whatever that might be); and so it goes!
Jim Goad let’s off steam about et al:
Good stuff.
Worth watching Fox News streams covering disruptions in New York and Arizona by left wing agitators trying to stop Trump rallies.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio backing Trump; entertaining stuff.
Looks like at last the left v right war we’ve all being forecasting is beginning in earnest.
The naive (or disingenuous) commentary about ‘peaceful right to protest’ spewing forth from the pundits on both sides is hilarious. Obviously none of the were outside the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square riots when our pestlient prick was linking arms with his old mate Tarik Arsehole (allegedly).
Frank P 18:14
Creep Suzette sets herself up. She needs no help from mere, er men, like us.
Thank you for the Taki link, I’ve not been there for a while. Goos stuff.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it:
Modular construction, made in this country, creating loads of jobs, and using proven technology.
I wouldn’t think it’s got a cat in hells chance to get the go ahead.
“Here We Go Gathering Nuts in
MayMarch already!”
Geert Wilders is currently appearing in a free speech show trial being staged at a secret location near Schipol.
I think his legal counsel should demand to have this case dismissed!
Paul Weston says support for his party is pitiful and UKIP bears most of the blame. UKIP does not talk about Islam at all and only about immigration when its from the European Union.
“Looks like at last the left v right war we’ve all being forecasting is beginning in earnest.”
Eight years of “mob” rule culminating in mob rule!
“Anti-Trump groups becoming increasingly organized”
Megyn Kelly
“Hundreds of protesters march to Trump Tower in NYC”
The cancer in the body politic of the USA needs a good dose of chemotherapy or the republic is doomed. People of America, the choice has never been starker, it’s Donald or Die!
Malfleur – 10:22
Without UKIP, supporters wouldn’t necessarily move to his party, if only because they would know that, until the UK is independent from the EU, little can be done.
EC – 10:28
And it looks as though the Media will play its part, with suppressing news. 🙂
Frank P. 19.3.16 19.30
Grosvenor Square. Memories of the great unwashed rent a crowd pouring into the square, and we in the thin blue line having photographers in front of us and behind us
desperate to get pics of some copper in a fight. Ignoring the violence shown towards us.
I was close to the steps leading up to the USA Embassy and so wanted the crowd to attempt entry, where they would have been met by the machine guns inside! Remember a young Jack Straw (Pres Nat.Union of Students) there. Notice his puffing son followed in his father’s footsteps.
Well there are only two counts linking arms with Tariq Ali. The little shit in the Mao cap is probably the pestilent troll.
Ali wanted to form a unit of volunteers to go and fight for the Viet Cong. Unfortunately for Britain he and his little Mao capped troll did not leave the UK and put themselves in harm’s way. There were plenty of better men than those two shits who would have loved to have met them on the battlefield.
EC March 19th, 2016 – 10:51
Having seen his scornful “vicar” posts at the Speccie and evident frustration at not being able (then) to post his rubbish here I was astonished to find him apparently welcome and doing so.
It was a meme for the way the left prevail and the right invariably submit to the intrusion of the most banal agitprop. Those high minded principles that provide a platform for the deadliest of enemies will be the death of us all. One does not seek “a dialogue” with a poisonous snake.
Colonel Mustard – 12:18
The “t”hing has never entered into a dialogue, ever. It posts provocative, usually incoherent rubbish posted. No matter how often it, or its sock puppets, are exposed as a disinformation artists, plagiarists, liars, ignoramuses, and all round idiots they keep on with the same. They are not indulging in free speech they conducting a war of attrition.
Paraphrasing my question to Peter yesterday, it was, I think, “Where is the line to be drawn here?” To put it bluntly there’s a distinction to be drawn between “turning the other cheek” and willingly parting both cheeks and bending over!
Colonel Mustard
March 20th, 2016 – 12:10
I had planned a rest but I thought it important to witness historical fact(dialogue EC)
The front line in the Strand changed frequently and Tariq ensured major contributors all were represented
A slightly different view of your image does include the reasonable one and two friends
But not in the front row
The girl in the cap, for such she was, was not part of our group and was rumoured to be with the Security Service (There were literally hundreds of them in addition to the bobbies)
I will leave you all now
EC @ 10:28
Someone should attempt a social profiling of the crowds, EC, very likely most of the protesters live on transfer money, welfare, have never held a job, they’re the 47% Mitt was talking about when he ran for the Presidency. It’s hard to blame them, it’s their livelihood they are protecting, if Donald were to get to run the country they would be forced to contribute to the society not milk it.
The good news is they, the intolerant mob, may be the stimulant convincing those who have never voted before to walk to the booth, cast their vote, and cast it for Donald. If they don’t, it will be what you say, the Republic will die.
Definitely worth watching and disseminating:
Dr Julia Reid (sp?) MEP was in good form with stats and other data, so don’t skip her segment, Nigel follows her.
If it has already been linked, forgive me; haven’t has the chance to scroll back this morning.
I have known for some time that CMD is the Heir to Blair, as he told us, proudly 🙂 , but the idea that Osborne is the Heir to Brown is much newer. It has also been floated in UKIP quarters, in the Andrew Marr Show:
@10:15, but 8:50 is a good starting point. IDS interview starts at 33:58.
Another interesting article, by Bernard Jenkin, the Conservative MP for Harwich and North Essex and vice-president of Conservatives for Britain:
Iain Duncan Smith was being asked to make more cuts for the working poor. It was morally indefensible
This is not the worst that Donald has to face, these young, well meaning, generous youngsters may not shout at demos, break windscreens, torch cars, but would probably still vote for Bernie, or at least the Clinton woman.
RobertRetyred @ 17:33
Hard to take fully one side of the argument, or the other, Robert.
Unquestionably, those of us unable to provide for living should have the right to make claim on the society, they should be given every reasonable help to live normal lives. Being disadvantaged by nature, then neglected by the society as rich as ours would be too much to bear, too unfair a punishment, yet no personal responsibility for what the disabled is afflicted with (in many cases).
On the other hand, the set-up as it is, run by the central government, is wide open to near abuse. Under the PIP scheme (personal independence payments) run on a point system, anyone who has to put on socks sitting on a bed is now free to claim the bed as an appliance. In the last 18 months the list of devices and appliance claimed under the PIP has trebled.
Adding more of such permissible claims – there some 3.5mn people claiming under the PIP umbrella (and the daily allowance payments) some £15bn each year – the burden on the society has to be controlled, managed, directed towards the ones needing it most.
Where IDS and others are mistaken is in that they believe the central government is the best arbiter who and what one can claim. It is not. The diversity of disabilities is such that it cannot be captured by some central directive driven by points or anything else.
The barbarian knows of three individuals who benefit under the PIP, but everyone who knows the individuals will tell you two of them should not be classed as disabled at all (for good reason, too, one of them cuts hedges, works on an allotment, walks miles). An old woman who can walk slowly for no more than few minutes, then has to sit down (carries a light seat) gets no benefits whatsoever. ‘There are more disabled people than me’, she says to the barbarian who tells her she’s mad not to claim.
The best solution, also the most economical would be to let parishes decide who gets what under a set of guidelines issued by the central government. It is how it was before the role of the State got boosted to a point where it’s considered to be responsible for almost everything.
In a travel in the west country few years ago, Baron visited a church where a brass plaque was fixed on the wall specifying an endowment by one rich burgher for six of the poor living in the parish. It shows what was included: the interest from just over £600, rent from two properties, the dividend from a packet of shares.
Today, one wouldn’t rely on the generosity of the rich what with their obsession for narcissistic living, the State would furnish the funds, the parishes would decide who gets what and why. The decision would be made public. This alone would cut the number claiming under such arrangement for those who today get away with it unfairly would be put off asking for assistance in the first place. If they did, the parishioners would be able to lodge an objection, a court would then decide.
Boot on IDS
“…The amount of poverty in a country is directly proportionate to the amount of socialism in the economy – to the extent to which the government is prepared to bolster state power by creating a class dependent on the state.
By spending money we don’t have on the welfare state, we create a pyramid-scheme economy and, which is worse, a vast underclass of those unwilling and by now unable to work. The ruinous effects aren’t just economic – they are moral…”
Frank P @ 16:51
Done, Frank, (the barbarian has also volunteered), and sent to three others, too.
Baron March 17th, 2016 – 09:40 Noa @ 00:09
Why no reason for such a definite position on Parkgate, Baron?
Are we not all equal before the law?
The fellow’s an absolute bounder, causing £5,000 worth of damage to public property-in front of armed police no less!
He should be up before the Beak, the subject of a (useless) CSO and bound over (as was), doing a brick-laying course so he could re-build the damn thing.
Angry Andy – Should it be CALM or DID for him?
Noa @ 19:24
To re-dust and thrust Popper’s falsification tool on the eye catching “the amount of poverty in a country is directly proportionate to the amount of socialism in the economy.”
Would you, Noa, or anyone else, cared to argue that before the last war, better still, before WW1 Britain, socialism free, had no poverty or at least less poverty than today?
Today’s welfare set-up is to the idea of it of those who brought it in what one’s eating caviar is to one’s excreta of it – see also Baron at 19.20.
Where the omni-all Mr. Boot has all the backing of the barbarian (not he cares) is when he says ‘Mr Osborne’s basically a jumped up spiv with overblown ambitions’. But then, most of today’s politicians would qualify.
Noa @ 19:39
Even the law should make allowances for common sense, Noa. The barbarian’s slicing of the gate ramming has nothing to do with Randy Andy, he, the barbarian, would answer in the negative, if it were you, or anyone else.
Years ago, we had a case in the local paper, a guy ramming a house door because he thought a fire broke out inside, an old woman was in. As it turned out, the woman was out, it was a going fireplace that filled the room he was looking into with smoke, a window on the other side of the house was open, he could have gone, checked before breaking the solid door.
In law, he was guilty for causing property damage, but it was after the incident that everyone got clever (Baron cannot recall how the case ended though).
Not the same as the Gategate, admittedly, but similar, no?
Baron 19:45
There are always more poor than rich. Always have. Always will be. No political system will change that simple fact. Life is not equal. Before or after the war it was Hobbesian, nasty, brutish, short.
The only equality there can or should be is equality before the law.
The point is that socialism institutionalises poverty, deifies it, rigidifies society to make us all poor, destroys and penalises those who would better themselves with the Marxist idiocy of ‘equality’.
Raising none, it brutalises all.
Baron 20:00
Nice try my good Baron. No cigar though.
There may be a superficial similarity between the cases, but judgement would turn on the mens rea, the intent to commit a crime.
In your example there was clearly no such intent. But, and this is the important point, there was a case of criminal damage to answer. The correct and proper conclusion was drawn, the defendant released without stain on his character.
Why not the same for HRH? He is not above the Law.
That this matter has not been investigated, prima facie the subject of prosecution; calling the police bodyguards as witnesses, does not protect our constitutional monarchy. It demeans and weakens it.
On the matter of justice and equality before the law, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty I commend the campaign reported and instigated by Peter Hitchens, to protect the name of one man, presumed guilty without trial.
Baron March 20th, 2016 – 20:00
Without knowing the circumstances or outcome of that particular case I do not think the failure to check through the window first would have constituted the ‘recklessness’ component required for criminal damage in the absence of any deliberate intent. On the other hand the ‘lawful excuse’ element does apply in that “at the time he believed that the person believed to be entitled to consent to the destruction or damage would have consented had they known and he destroyed or damaged the property in question in order to protect property and at the time he believed that the property was in immediate need of protection and that the means of protection were reasonable having regard to all the circumstances”.
The requirement is for him to believe that the owner would have consented on the circumstances as he believed them to be at the time so it should not matter if the owner, post de facto, averred her non consent.
As the charge requires the element of “without lawful excuse” the justification is not merely a defence but, if believed, should obviate prosecution in the first place. At least it would have done in the days of the Police Constable’s Discretion and before the CPS bureaucratised the law.
Noa @ 20:11
Point taken, if Baron gets what you’re saying. There should have been a prosecution, if the court were to find the intention wasn’t criminal, the Duke may have been in hurry because of someone’s need for him (a mistress in heat?), he may have walked free. Is it right?
On point of law, you’re right, the barbarian hasn’t got a stump to stand on, he still maintains though common sense, today virtually nowhere to be found, should apply to the administration of the law as well.
Here’s another short story how it did in the past.
If one gets caught today driving over the limit there’s no human involvement from the point of the camera catching the offender to the point of the miscreant paying the fine, the money finding its way into the Treasury coffers, it’s all mechanical, automatic, no human comes into it.
Soon after the barbarian came over in the 60s, a friend asked him to move a car a short distance, he did, took a short cut through a one-way street. In fact, he was told to do it that way, the one way street was just the length of a house. As it happened, a police car was stationed opposite, a woman PC got up, Baron (his English pretty poor, well poorer than today) explained he did it to cut a short journey shorter still. She could have fined the barbarian, a camera would have done it today, but she didn’t. (Years later, the barbarian met the same young woman again, she worked in an insurance office, the man who ran it was helping Baron to arrange the first mortgage).
The law should allow for common sense to play a part in judging offences, it makes the observance of the law more acceptable to sinful humans like Baron.
Noa March 20th, 2016 – 20:20
On Parkgate I would have said that the circumstances contained all the elements of the offence of criminal damage as set out in the Criminal Damage Act 1971 including both intent and recklessness and that HRH should have been prosecuted. The only question is one of ownership of the gate and whether HRH could argue that it was his own property to damage regardless of how the gate had been funded. I do not know whether the ownership of the property of royal palaces is cut and dried in that regard.
Colonel Mustard 20:26
Thank you for that informed summation, it clarifies (and also corrects) my own superficial summation.
In my defence it is some 40 years since I last put down my Smith and Hogan.
Where, one asks, would HRH stand should the same legal tests be applied to his case?
Protection of property? Hardly.
Inferred consent of the owner to criminal damage? Most unlikely.
Police Constable’s discretion? Certainly!
“The law should allow for common sense to play a part in judging offences, it makes the observance of the law more acceptable to sinful humans like Baron.”
It used to. The Police Constable’s Discretion meant that a police constable could not be ordered to arrest or summons. The discretion was his or hers dependent upon the circumstances. That all changed when the CPS usurped the discretion.
“I hold it to be the duty of the Commissioner of Police, as it is of every chief constable, to enforce the law of the land. He must take steps so to post his men that crimes may be detected; and that honest citizens may go about their affairs in peace. He must decide whether or not suspected persons are to be prosecuted; and, if need be, bring the prosecution or see that it is brought; but in all these things he is not the servant of anyone, save of the law itself. No Minister of the Crown can tell him that he must, or must not, keep observation on this place or that; or that he must, or must not, prosecute this man or that one. Nor can any police authority tell him so. The responsibility for law enforcement lies on him. He is answerable to the law and to the law alone.”
(R v. Metropolitan Police Commissioner at 769)
An independence degraded by the introduction of the political office of PCC, as well as the role of the CPS (lawyers having say over policemen).
Noa @ 20:01
“There are always more poor than rich. Always have. Always will be.”
That, Noa, would have won you the first price in the competition of the bleeding obvious, it’s patently true, but as with the definition of ‘is’ here, too, it depends what definition of poverty we are talking about.
In a society where everyone drives a Rolls, someone in a WV is poor, but he should be thankful for the German contraption if it were furnished by the society, should not have the right to claim a Rolls, too.
In another case where someone has to steal a piece of bread because he’s starving, no job even though he’s willing to work, whilst others are driving Rolls cars there must be something wrong with that society.
More to the point, someone born with a disability, for which he is in no way responsible should, as a matter of right, be supported to the best ability of the group of people he lives with.
Baron couldn’t agree with you more that in a meritocratic society the poor will always exist, will always be in the majority. Where we may differ is in how the wealth of the society should be distributed so that whilst the rich exist and flourish, the poor aren’t poor enough to pick axes and spades, get into a violent wealth redistribution. Things like that have happened.
Colonel Mustard @ 20:26
Tipping his hat, that’s all the barbarian can do, Colonel, your knowledge of the law is too much for him to even whisper a counterargument.
Colonel Mustard 20:34
I am of the same view.
There is a potentially interesting point of law on the matter of the ownership of the damaged gates.
HRH is not the owner and I doubt he has any greater right to commit criminal damage to them than anyone else.
If, as I suspect, Her Majesty is the owner, could she be deemed to consent to the damage?
I doubt that it would be in the public interest to accept such an argument.
His car – her gate. Who’s the complaInb
ant? Take it out of the petty cash. WGAS other than Republicans?
All makes work fore the working man to do. ECHASL. Etc. Etc.
He used to be the spare heir. Now he’s so far behind, it’s over the horizon. Makes for petulance I guess.
HM loves him, let them work it out. I can imagine P the G’s response. Bwaahahahaha!
Who grassed him, btw? Haven’t read the reports.
Baron 20:46
My apologies, sometimes one has to go back to start, ‘the bleeding obvious’, to simplify and clarify ones’ point.
Let the starving thief raise his justification at law. What if he had stolen his bread from an equally starving and defenceless old lady? Is might then right?
Sorry, I’m being bleeding obvious again.
However you have now changed the basis of the argument, from rich and poor, to society’s obligation to support the disabled.
“…more to the point, someone born with a disability, for which he is in no way responsible should, as a matter of right, be supported to the best ability of the group of people he lives with.”
Fair enough, it’s your argument and deserves to be answered.
However, your argument is curiously structured. Upon what basis do you allocate such responsibility to ‘a group of people’?
Is that because they can afford to, or because they have a moral duty to do so?
I notice that you don’t allocate such an obligation to the state. Why not? Don’t you trust the state to act, in good faith, and without self interest, on your behalf on this matter?
I suspect not. The Disabled are voters too, to be wooed.
What is the group that holds this responsibility? The fellow disabled?
Unlikely, if they cannot contribute the necessary funds.
Volunteers? It’s unlikely there are enough of them
Taxpayers? Of course, who else can support their requirements? But, are there enough of them?
But let us consider how the duty arises, it is not from the morality of the state, which has none, but the Christian concept of charity. Formerly a tithe would have been levied to support the poor and needy. Locally, the obligation would have been to your nieghbour, his child, direct and shaming. Not to his workshy lazy, self pitying offspring.
You would have been able to directly distinguish between Little Tim and the Artful Dodger, no longer.
Frank P
That’s exactly what’s happening.
Should it? That’s the debate. Plenty of Copper’s discretion here!
A park worker, to the Sun.
Full (lefty) report.
Great essay from the Z Man:
h/t Gerard Vanderleun.
Baron – 19:20
Yes, it was easier when there were communities and community based action. The Lord of the Manor didn’t go and live in New York. He went around his estate, interacting with those on the estate and ensuring everything was ‘normal’.!
With Central Government setting the guidelines, if not running the system, means it isn’t a post code lottery, but it also means that the system is impersonal, persuasion is politically incorrect, the system can be ‘worked’, and that common sense exceptions cannot be allowed for fear of pushing the boundaries. Nothing new there!
The problem is that people think the needy have a right to others’ wealth, but no thought is given to what it will provide, who the judge will be, or the implications! They do know that, on no account, will it be those whose wealth is being ‘donated’, so it means that little pressure will be exerted on the recipients to be frugal as the rest of the community, especially if those that end up handing out the benefits are anti-wealth creation, anti-family, anti-anything that used to be considered correct! Is that not the case?
I have watched a TV programme that investigates families shopping and find that they can reduce the weekly bill by at least 30%, and they end up eating better! (And the families are always so surprised at how much they can save and grateful, even though the whole nation as been informed of their lack of shopping skills!!! 🙂 ) Do we give these families the extra money because they are SO STUPID, or do we educate them and expect their behaviour to change? The Benefits System is just this, but on a bigger scale, and with even more ‘unaware’ ‘adults’ teaching their children how to be wasteful.
Do we give extra schooling to children with ‘poorly behaved parents’, and tell the frugal, well behaved families that they will be penalised financially to pay for their dire neighbours? That is what happens now. I posted an interesting article on March 18th, at 09:55. interesting because of who wrote it.
Yes, easy questions, but no easy answers, if you want to get elected!
But in addition to the question of IDS’s response to these questions, which we could have discussed last week 🙂 , there is the more important question (in the next few days at least) of the Cameron/Osborne Cabinet’s inner workings.
It looks too much like the Blair/Brown version, with the Tory ‘long term good’ nowhere to be seen, and political sound-bites being the ultimate goal. And IDS being accused of disloyalty by CMD is almost a joke, no matter what you think of IDS.
And Amber Rudd joins in, as informed as well as she is about windmill generated electricity!!!
And then the EU, which CMD wants to rule over us, doesn’t know how much money it has spent on the migration problem, or how the Turkey agreement will work, or how this shortfall in benefit reduction will be made up.
That is the news this week!
Noa (22:06)
I can’t my head around the clamour for HM to lodge a complaint against her favourite son for banjoing one of her gates, when the auto-open catch was malfunctioning, when successive Prime Ministers have banjoed every border checkpoint of this Nation and allowed the enemy to come in with welcome signs, benefits, housing and free health care to greet them.
And through the gates of the Nation in the other direction they have leached most of her sovereignty that matters.
Rather than appearing in the witness box at Windsor Magistrates’ Court to prosecute her favourite son for crim. dam. – she should bang up every top politician since 1975 in the Bloody Tower and behead the bastards one by one – for high treason.
The criminal damage the douchebags have inflicted upon this Nation is beyond tallying on any abacus, calculator or the combined resources of Apple, Google, HP or Microsoft.
And the ex-spare heir comes to the top of the list of priorities for Old Bill?
DMAFF!! ☺☺
And what’s more I speak as as dad whose only son crunched the first car bought for him and one of his own cars that he was foolish to let him drive while his son’s was in for repair. Much to the chagrin of his three elder sisters. I still love him dearly. And them.
‘Parkgate’ my arse.
Boys will be boys (even when they are 58 and spoiled). That’s HM’s son not mine. Mine was young at the time and finding his feet. Hers is old enough to know better – but WTF? He’s still her fav’rit son. Which is understandable, given the other two Kuwaiti tankers. No disrespect Ma’am. ☺
More tea Mo?
Noa (23:20)
YCMIU (and I checked to make sure you didn’t).
And to end this splendid Grand Slam weekend on a happy note, the self-destruction of the Socialist party (the one in power that is,) continues apace.
It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: —
“We invaded you last night–we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away.”
And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you’ve only to pay ’em the Dane-geld
And then you’ll get rid of the Dane!
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: —
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”
And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.
It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: —
“We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!”
Apologies if someone already posted Nigel’s speech before the ‘European Parliament’ on 9th March in which he referrred to the poem:
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: —
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore this time pay you cash to stay.”
That link above runs into a clip from 4th March in which Mr. Farage mentions that there may be a demonstration in London on May Day against the TTIP. Is that right?
The clip following on after that is of Mr. Farage speaking in Manchester on March 11th backed by a table at which are seated a line of men so dour and sombre that I began to assign them names from the list of CHW commentators…