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Mike Bell February 7, 2016 NEWS
Tommy F*cking Robinson
Tommy Robinson,
what a ‘pure’ knob:
Racism fisted-him;
a nice hard cock.
ENL suffered,
Pegida’s scream,
his last-vote’s-breath:
A shallow-beached dream.
I sat with a gay man,
And argued politic,
But his defense,
was pure cock-lick.
There is little hope,
For any one vote,
If none of us manage,
To embrace last-hopes.
My decision is minimal,
With where I live,
But my vote is the one thing,
I can ever re-give..
My delete button defeated me.
Mike Bell February 7, 2016
Tommy F*cking Robinson
Tommy Robinson,
what a ‘pure’ knob:
Racism fisted-him;
a nice hard cock.
ENL suffered,
Pegida’s scream,
his last-vote’s-breath:
A shallow-beached dream.
I sat with a gay man,
And argued politic,
But his defense,
was pure cock-lick.
There is little hope,
For any one vote,
If none of us manage,
To embrace last-hopes.
My decision is minimal,
With where I live,
But my vote is the one thing,
I can ever re-give.
Fuck off, Telefungus
Ditto-if I’s allowed such a bold post as a newcomer!
Ronnie O’Sullivan wins 10:7 🙂 All is well….
HOWEVER, on the way out of the TV menu system unfortunately I caught a dose of the “Daily Politics” with Horse Face discussing HM Treasury’s dodgy dossier with some ald biddy called Baroness (my arse!) Prosser and some bloke with an unpronounceable alliterative tongue twister name. (Both deeply unimpressive, and neither of whom I’ had ever heard of before)
“Now you know what’s wrong with the bloody country.” S. Milligan
All of the Remaniac arguments, to date, summarised:
If the UK votes for #BRexit then the moon will float away, and the UK will be hit by a giant asteroid that will extinguish all life as we know it.
You are so right. What will we do if we leave and no longer have Europe to bugger us up in revenge for winning the war? As for the comments on Fergus Dickering, here’s my ditto.
Stephen Maybery – 13:11
Merkel’s migrant miasma is causing European nations to come apart at the seams. Hopefully the damned EU will be dead in the water by June 23rd.
I’ve just discovered Mr Boot’s antidote to Osbourne’s/H.M. Treasury’s dodgy dossier.
“Oui, Minister, being another Jersey is a très bonne idée”
Emulous, April 16th, 2016 – 16:55
BBC: “An injunction preventing the reporting in England and Wales of allegations about the private life of a celebrity has been lifted – but he still cannot be named pending a possible appeal.”
Guido Fawkes hasn’t had any qualms about this though.
Ironically, the whole affair was once rather prophetically summarised in song:
“It’s sad, so sad. It’s a sad, sad situation. And it’s getting more and more absurd.”
I deny knowing what you are talking about until we have heard whether there will be an appeal!
I still think Charles Moore is a brave man.
EC April 18th, 2016 – 12:49
Or, alternatively, if the nation votes for Brexit then a lot of parasites – er, I mean people – who are peddling the Remain narrative stand to lose their lucrative taxpayer funded salaries, subsidies or grants from the EU, much of which is devoted to left wing mischief of one sort or another or bossing the rest of us around.
A moment of light relief (so to speak).
A comment on Guido’s blog from ‘Judas Pharte’ on the subject of the celebrity injunction.
“As Rod Liddle told his Sunday Times readers: I am unable to furnish you with that information.” ☺☺☺
He was obviously sitting in the john when that merry quip came to him.
The local candidates for the PCC are all from the ‘usual suspect’ parties, e.g. politicians. No independents. No ‘ordinary’ citizens. No campaigning. Just woolly statements of intent and very difficult to find out any more about them. They have not actively campaigned as far as I can tell.
EC (13:31).
Thank you so much for linking that little pearl of wisdom and wit from A Boot, Esq. I had missed it and the sun came out as I was reading it. What a shame that it will not be widely read (all due respect to Mr Boot) but I’ll do my best to see that it is widely disseminated.
Trouble is – once again – it’s preaching to to choir. But perhaps it will be the hymn at the next Cup Final, rather than “Abide with me”. Particularly when I’ve never seen WTF that has to do with two bunches of multicultural ‘erberts kicking shit out of each other as they clock up about a hundred and fifty grand a week, on average – courtesy of Sky Sports, et al and idiots like me who pay the ever increasing subscription.
But as Arsene friggin’ Wenger pointed out – before Crystal Palace unceremoniously put an end to Arsenal’s title bid yesterday – that weekly bonanza for soccer players could drop a couple of hundred a week, if we Brexit.
Another good reason to leave. ☺
Taking one example, not my bailiwick, but the Northamptonshire PCC Simmonds (Conservative) generated some controversy when he caused a 60% rise in council tax and employed some of his mates on taking up office. This is just the PCC’s staff costs:-
PCC on £70k pa
Asst Commissioner – Public Engagement on £32k pa
Asst Commisioner – Justice on £24k pa
Chief Exec on £48k pa
Asst Commissioner – Governance on £23k pa
Asst Chief Exec on £47k pa
Asst Commissioner – Resources on £47k pa
Asst Chief Exec 2 on £44k
Director for Resources, Transformation & Governance on £36K
Total = £371k
By 31 March 2014, the number of staff employed by Simmonds had risen to 34, at a cost of £1.4 million.
Within three weeks of his appointment, Simmonds was accused of ‘hiring friends’ including his election campaign manager Kathryn Buckle. In particular, the complaints were that the jobs were supposed to be non-political and no interviews were held. In response Simmonds replied that he wanted people who wanted him to succeed but that he had asked them to forget party allegiances.
In December 2013, Simmonds challenged critics to meet him for a debate, but just prior to the planned event, backed out by issuing an online video, stating that ‘he had more important things to do’.
Another wonderful gravy train gets rolling. . . PCCs, “Mayors”, Gauleiters . . .
Btw, the sour grapes dripping through my last post had nothing to do with fact that Barcelona lost too. Not bloody much!!
Now back to the World going to hell on a handcart propelled by the bastards who we pay great wodges of cash to keep us safe and manage our economy.
Colonel Mustard (15:53)
A wonderful delineation of the cost of these white elephants of police politicisation. Simmons is a classic example. He was interviewed on Look East yesterday (Sunday Politics slot). He got a right pasting from Stewart White, but used his arrogance to glide over the exposure of the profligacy of his exponential increase of ‘positions’ awarded to his cronies. Parasites all.
Our own PCC advertised on the front page of our local freebee ad mag. His name is Lorne Green, who despite not becoming the film star his parents obviously hoped for, nonetheless has achieved another kind of Bonanza by usurping the office of Norfolk’s CC who probably approves of the ‘partnership’ having probably arrived at his own elevation through the auspices of Common Purpose – as his pedigree seems to indicate.
Sorry – his name is Simmonds. (Sp.)
Came across the following gem by Realfish on Gueedo, thought I would furnish it here as part of our open relationship, rather than husband it to myself.
“Amber Melville-Brown, head of media at Withers, a London-based law firm, said: “A publication’s seat of business and where it retains its physical assets are irrelevant to the legal position of where the information is published.
“Think of a postcard exposing private information. It may have been sent from overseas, but if I’m reading it in England, the private information is being published in England. Similarly, the internet server may be based abroad and the publisher’s headquarters are not in England, but the misuse of private information is taking place here.”
So if I’m on the 09:40 Pendelino service from Glasgow Central to London Euston with a copy of the Scotsman or Daily Herald which might have published the story north of the border;
– Does the Virgin Trains guard come round at Lockerbie to confiscate the said publication before we get to England? If not does Richard Branson go to jail?
– Or if I lend the paper to a passenger who gets on at Carlisle and he reads, in England what he shouldn’t, do I go to jail?
– or on the basis of the silly comment, above, from Amber Double-Barrel, as the paper has now crossed the border do we send the editor of the Scotsman to jail (together with Mrs Krankie for letting it happen)?”
This whole distasteful business has been concealed under an injunction, aptly known as a ‘gagging order’, perhaps in future knowledge of the very acts it failed to protect will be known as injunctive jobs.
And on an entirely unrelated subject, I have seen Sir Elton John’s partner described as his husband. Does this mean that he should be properly addressed as Lady Elton, or perhaps Dame Reg? I’m entirely in sympathy with the partner, who is concerned about his own lack of a suitable title, (though I’m sure Frank P could produce one or two at the drop of a … sixpence).
Noa April 18th, 2016 – 17:00
I don’t know about that. The actus reus is one of publishing which must be done where the perpetrator initiates it, rather than where it eventually appears. Otherwise as your various train journeys suggest it could literally fall within hundreds of jurisdictions, all with different and competing laws. It is a bit like firing a missile. Is the guilty act the firing or where the missile lands?
It’s all bollocks anyway. Softening us up for yet more press regulation and crime invention.
Noa (17:00)
If I dropped a sixpence in the company of that little liason I’m afraid it would have to stay on the carpet. Well … would you bend down to pick it up?
Occasional Ostrich could apprise us all of the parable of the Golden Rivet, if he is lurking. Sincerely hope he’s alright. We miss his little interventions.
I won’t even mention the infamy of the decision to entrust two young boys to the guardianship of the type of milieu of which those two individuals are a part. If I did, it might provoke unnecessary ad hominem remarks of a personal nature, which would of course be an invasion of privacy, not to mention a number of recently enacted laws in an increasingly weird world. But what I really mean, is to inflict that sort of cacophony on the eardrums of innocent babes and instruct them that the noise is indeed ‘music’ must be a mortal sin, particularly to someone like you, a faithful adherent to Bach et al.
I only mention this because my father introduced me to Jimmie Rodgers the Singing Brakeman in the mid-thirties, whose records he played on a wind-up gramophone which he crafted himself, with a Stentorian speaker surmounted by a polished plywood horn, HMV style. So I now find myself, in my twilight years, with a complete Rodgers collection and buying Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard and Waylon Jennings CDs and DVDs. But at least none of them were ginger beer, as far as I know. So I have forgiven him. And to be honest I quite enjoy their renderings. But it just goes to show how childhood can be corrupted.
Your little quip also reminds me of that eccentric of yesteryear (when most folks were kinda normal) one Nubar Sarkis Gulbenkian – a man of untold wealth. He bought a London taxicab to get around London and when asked why a man of his means should resort to such a common form of transport, he replied, “I understand it’s able to turn on a sixpence – whatever that is!” ☺
Frank P – A bravisimmo post, a honed delight of wit.
As to that sixpence, it would stay as stuck to the floor as the Victorian pennies in Lancaster’s Shopping Mall – if I bent down to retrieve it I doubt I would never ‘straighten up’ again.
As to the ‘lost boys’, one can only wonder and despair at the so recently inverted values of a legal system (see Colonel Mustard at 18.10 above), judge and society that would place children in the care and control of people who formerly would have been jailed for their behaviour in this country and imprisoned or executed today in much of the rest of the world.
As to Mr Gulbenkian, he obviously started a trend for the rich and famous whizzing anonymously around London. I’d think twice before getting into Stephen Fry’s cab though…
It seems obvious that the trolls – Arsolanus and FP in particular – are dedicated to making the CHW unpalatable reading for decent, normal people.
The names and initials that I’ve used are not of course those used by the troll or trolls, but we all, I think, know to whom I’m referring.
So, Like Noa and Colonel Mustard et al., I add my ditto.
I also suggest to Peter that the troll or trolls have very much abused their privilege of posting here – and that if they are banned it will make the CHW much more appealing to new readers.
My reference to FP is not of course a reference to Frank P. but to the FP to whom Noa has attached the very suitable label, Telefungus.
Fork handles!….No.Sorry!….4 candles on Communion Table for Ronnie Corbett’s funeral.
Apologists, misunderstanding and the profound cultural division between the ex-Christian West and the so-moslem East and South.
Noa (20:02)
Last time I saw the Fat Fop Fry I doubt he could have forced his frame into the driving seat of a black cab.
Thank you for the link and for your comments which are far too kind. I was just musing and meandering through memory lane in my characteristic judgemental fashion. It’s always a pleasure to tag along with your tee ups.
As for the question of the twerps who troll this platform; as you know I’ve let loose with a variety of supplications but mine host has so far eschewed his right of debarment. Pity! (imnsho). The tiresome trolls are both distracting and poisonous. But the fact that agitprop have assigned them to this blog at least means that we are being effective in our modest way. Think positive! Hard advice to offer these days, let alone follow.
Bradford NG 20.55
Thank you for the link, like many people who one takes for granted until they die, I will miss Ronnie Corbett.
Whilst rooting around in the Sun I went to Rod Liddle’s column and found his piece on transgenderiitis there. I guess it’s time we Wallsters asked ourselves where we fit in the rainbow spectrum of delights that we can now choose from. Here are just a few to get you thinking:
“Boi oh boi, these choices are mind boggling
AETHERGENDER – A gender that feels wide, commanding, breathtaking and powerful.
ANTIBOY – The opposite of a boy, but not a girl.
AMBONEC – A non-binary gender identity in which you identify as both male and female, yet you also identify as neither.
BOI – From “boy”. A gender identity that is masculine and queer.
COLLGENDER – Having too many simultaneous genders to describe each one.
CONTRAGENDER – Someone who deeply defies and identifies opposite or against everything or most things that they associate with their assigned gender.
DEMIBOY – A gender identity that is male-like, or both male and genderless.
DIVIGENDER – A feeling that one’s gender is split or divided due to a dissociative disorder.
EPICENE – Gender-neutral or genderless.
FOGGENDER – Close to a certain gender but it cannot be directly pinpointed due to brainfog.
GENDERANXIOUS – A gender that is un- defined because the act of finding a label, or of having a gender, is a trigger for anxiety.
GENDERFAKE – Feeling that your gender is part of your hallucinations or delusions.
HOROGENDER – Feelings of gender change over time, but your core feelings remain.
IMPESGENDER – A gender that flips quickly and impulsively, often too quickly to be traced.
MUTOGENDER – A gender that changes depending on situations or people you are with.
It used to be the case, when I was rowing up, that you avoided certain Gents public lavatories because their User communities were not interested in their primary functions. How simple that choice seems now.
Read it and weep for lost sanity:-
And in context:-
“In 1926, Henry Watson Fowler stated that the definition of the word (gender) pertains to this grammar-related meaning:
“Gender…is a grammatical term only. To talk of persons…of the masculine or feminine gender, meaning of the male or female sex, is either a jocularity (permissible or not according to context) or a blunder.””
“In the last two decades of the 20th century, the use of gender in academia has increased greatly, outnumbering uses of sex in the social sciences. While the spread of the word in science publications can be attributed to the influence of feminism, its use as a synonym for sex is attributed to the failure to grasp the distinction made in feminist theory, and the distinction has sometimes become blurred with the theory itself: “Among the reasons that working scientists have given me for choosing gender rather than sex in biological contexts are desires to signal sympathy with feminist goals, to use a more academic term, or to avoid the connotation of copulation”. Haig, David (April 2004). “The Inexorable Rise of Gender and the Decline of Sex: Social Change in Academic Titles, 1945–2001”
Hilarious. Not the competition which is coarse and in bad taste. But the fact that the Speccie’s “No to press regulation” (“Je Suis Charlie”) Editor won’t permit comments.
I have noticed more and more that the Media Elite and their Political Elite chums are referring to all below line hoi polloi commentators as “trolls”. They get to troll us with wall to wall propaganda and their incestuous Bubblewrap but we must keep quiet or be kept quiet and know our place.
I rather think that a Peasant’s Revolt is long overdue.
What, one wonders, will the Mutawa make of the Bois’ and Collgenders that, in addition to the djinns, witches and wizards already there, that will no doubt soon infest the old souks of Arabia?
No so much a conflict of civilisations as a clash of competing fantasists and insanities.
Colonel Mustard.22.04
“…I would also like to stress that the aim of the competition is to be as filthy and insulting as possible about Recep Erdogan. Rhymes with some political point might be considered, but will inevitably take second-place to works which mull (for example) solely on President Erdogan’s reputed fondness for goats or his notorious untrustworthiness in the vicinity of any public zoo…”
Subject to the name change of Tommy Robinson for Recep Erdogan the obscene piece of mutilated doggerel at the top of the page could fit the bill as well as anything else.
GENDERME – Someone who likes to have sex with the other sex, in uniform and preferably in Paris.
Noa (22:12)
Time for a re-run of the banned film, “Death of a Princess” circa 1980?
Wonder what archive it’s buried
Colonel Mustard @ 18:10 yesterday
The invocation of the concept of actus reus may be reassuring where the English writ still runs; but a note of caution is in order where the internet is in point. Should CHWs have expressed views here on, for example, the contribution of our muslim brothers to the building of civilisation, whether in England or elsewhere, there are pockets of exclusively sharia law which should be avoided by them regardless whether or not the components of a criminal act were present in their post under English law. Wallsters travelling to Burnley, Backburn or Luton, for example, or planning to celebrate Christmas by a beach in Saudia Arabia should first check with Peter that their aliases here are secure. The law in Saudia Arabia is said to have some idiosyncracies which distinguish it quite sharply from the views of Edward Coke. When in Rome, you may find that you had not been doing as the Huns would have done. They might take offence were they to learn of it.
Frank P @ 01:23
It is up in several parts on YouTube. Part One is at
And the links to the other parts show up on the side.
The discredited mass media is being forced to accept that the 9/11 outrage in the USA, and the attacks on liberty and peace which were predicated on it, was perpetrated by the United States government and the Saudi Arabian government and others.
For high octane sleuths, who say that Alex Jones is a “snake oil salesman”, I would point out that he predicted the attack on the WTC by Saudi and US government elements in his show in 2001 on the eve of the event. To learn more, watch the Monday AJ Show April 18.
Malfleur April 19th, 2016 – 01:33
I’m not reassured by current English law because its enforcement and prosecution has been tainted by political direction and the EU. I do not believe that the rule of law is being upheld impartially or consistently. It is apparent that the CPS has a political agenda in the way they bring prosecutions which the government and Parliament seem to be comfortable with. Concerns about that operation have been raised in the media but I’ve not seen them articulated in Parliament.
Territorial jurisdiction is being increasingly undermined by the global precedent. We have seen that with the European Arrest Warrant, the various jollies British police have embarked upon to interfere in the investigation of crimes overseas, the prosecution of people here for things allegedly done there and the latest Merkel appeasement. This is all a direction of travel rather than unrelated one-offs.
The role of PCC’s appears, as was suspected, to have put political direction over the police from all the usual suspect parties. It is not at all clear how PCCs draw any evidence of the “will of the people” in their roles but instead they seem to operate from a combination of personal hobby horses and central party direction, pandering as usual to the newly empowered and very vociferous minorities, all the usual clichés of concern that might or might not be related to genuine public concern or police statistics on crime, which might or might not reflect a true picture anyway, and top down. Turn out of 15% hardly conveys confidence that the PCCs properly represent anyone in their communities.
The much touted regional “mayors” – gauleiters in every sense – will be the same. Society is being relentlessly politicised as it was under the Nazis, with unaccountable bureaucracies imposing a centralised “one size fits all” agenda. The only way to reverse that is to make candidacy for such roles strictly non-party political and to disqualify anyone who is a member of or activist for a political party.
Andy my old mucker – 2240 4/16/16 – you are not dead after all.
Donald has 755 and today gets another 95 in NYS. We will soon be rid of that dangerous communist Obama who I see is giving Queen Elizabeth a birthday tea this week. No good will come of this and Donald sure as hell will not be there at her next birthday after your plebiscite snub. And just so yall know, I know now that Clovelly is in Devonshire, not CornWALL. And over here we never rated Schlock, Aimless and Waterdown.
My prediction for the years ahead.
In the UK the Tories will run a “dead man walking” government for the next four years with increasing left wing agitation opposing everything they do and constant opposition in the Lords. Disorder will increase. The idea of a “progressive alliance” will grow stronger and because of Tory modernisation and appeasement there will be no viably articulated conservative alternative.
Corbyn will win the next election, to be deposed by McDonnell shortly thereafter.
In the USA Clinton will win, but also to be deposed shortly thereafter, either assassinated (blamed on the right wing) or taken with early Alzheimers. As VP Sanders will take over and Obama, who has already promised to stick around Washington, will become his unelected ear whisperer and liaison man with McDonnell to implement the full “Chicago community organising” deal on both countries.
By the time they get operating the establishments of both countries will be totally staffed by enthusiastic and receptive “progressives”. We ain’t seen anything yet.
Colonel Mustard,
Col. I do so wish I could disagree with you, rubbish your predictions into oblivion, but alas, I can not. I have a depressing feeling that you are right on the button. It’s the end of the Roman Empire all over again< and as in 476, we are governed by a witless child.
If we decide, after careful thought and on reasonable evidence, that our political class is destroying our country so that what we love about it will not be passed down to our grandchildren, what should we be prepared to do about it?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Colonel Mustard (11:47 & 12:33)
Exactly; two seminal posts in less than an hour – prodigious. ☺
Gove’s speech today launching the Leave campaign worried me and underpins much of what you say. On the whole he marshalled the facts reasonably well, but his delivery was not good. Apart from having the sniffles, he has the charisma of pox doctor’s clerk. But the thing that worried me most was his insistence on describing his intentions as ‘progressive’ at least four times. I know he’s a Gramsci scholar, as he has waxed fluent with admiration on the Eyetie Commie cripple in the past. Perhaps it is coded speech – a nod and a wink to Obama’s pending visit. [“Leave it to us Barry, we can continue the Long March in the UK more quickly if we detach ourselves from the Leviathan bureaucracy which has swallowed us and join up with you Alinskiites by looking more Westwards!”]
Gerard Vanderleun with a timely and apposite GK Chesterton piece:
Stephen Maybery – 12:58
Frank P – 17:14
Elected PCCs: I remember that a few of us expressed similar misgivings when they were first foisted upon an unsuspecting nation. In opposition to the enthusiasm of Verity (pbuh) at the time, I might add. (Ref: CHWs passim)
“he has the charisma of pox doctor’s clerk.”
Somewhere on the internet there is a picture of him in a kilt at the Oxford Union.
It’s well worth airing if anybody knows where it is, Andy Carpark?
Any update on how the polling is going in NYC ?
Euro-sceptic Cameron? 🙁
Seven times Cameron and Osborne suggested they might vote Leave
What I find amazing is the couple (Lol) who enjoyed a gang bang with the married (LOL) celebrity (LOL) seemed to find no problem with going to the newspapers to inform them of their disgusting little frolic in a kiddies paddling pool filled with olive oil.
Shagging your wife’s sister is enough to fill most men with shame in case their found out.
But in the Brighton world it’s no problem, all good healthy fun. Nothing to be ashamed about whatever.
EC (18:48)
Trump is polling high. Bernie’s supporters (mainly students) are being turned away because they haven’t registered on time. Crooked Hilliary will win there. Bernie is making a bomb in contributions from eejits and is a shill for CH obviously.
Still nothing from the Feebs on CH’s indictment and it looks as though it will have to wait until after the GE. In which case WTF? If she wins it will die in the hole, if she loses, who cares thereafter. I do of course, but the Septics won’t. Business as usual in either event.
Infowars Live Coverage of New York Primary
7pm Central Standard Time:
The Daily Telegraph is also providing live coverage which was slated to start at 12.24am
Current price per ounce: Bid/Ask 1250.70 / 1251.70
Just into my email from an Australian correspondent:
Little Johnny was in the classroom bored to the back teeth on a Friday afternoon, and the teacher decided to have a
game for the kids to get them thinking.
“Okay class. Now I’m going to say a famous quote, and the first person to tell me who said that quote, can have Monday
off.” said the teacher.
“Who is credited with writing the phrase:” “To be or not to be, that is the question?” asked the teacher.
Little Pham Lam Nguyen at the front of the class called out; “Shakespeare”.
“Well done!” said the teacher; “You can have Monday off.”
“No thank you Miss. I am of Vietnamese origin and it is in our culture to study as hard as we can, so I will be here on
Monday studying hard.” said Little Pham Lam Nguyen.
“Well okay;” said the teacher.
The next quote is, “I had a dream!’
Little Fri Sum Kat also at the front yelled out “I bereive it was Martin Ruther King!”
“Well done!” said the teacher. “You can have Monday off”
“No thanka you Miss. I am of Chinese oligin and we also do not take time offa school. Education is evelything to us, so
I will be in on Monday studying hard too.” said little Fri Sum Kat.
“Okay;” said the teacher.
Then she heard a voice from the back of the classroom: “Fxxxxxg Asians!”
“Who said that?” yelled the teacher in an angry tone.
“Donald Trump!” yelled little Johnny. “See ya Tuesday …………”
I wonder how GOLDMAN SACHS wants you to vote on Brexit:
“City of London would take hit from Brexit, warns Mark Carney”
(No ‘Comment’ section there…)
“Carney would get the boot, warns Malfleur”
and Britain is shutting down its coal-fired power plants and negotiating with the Chinese to build nuclear power stations here.
Refer yesterday @ 15:02
The common sense of Donald
Influence: Another Remaniac shibboleth exploded!
“Report Reveals UK Never Gets Its Way In The EU”
Professor Simon Hix — chairman and co-founder of VoteWatch Europe — said that “British opposition to EU decisions occurred especially on budget, foreign policy and foreign aid.” The problem Britain has getting its voice heard in Europe is growing. The reports shows that between 2004 and 2009 the country was on the minority (losing) side 2.6 per cent of the time, but that rate climbed significantly to reach 12.3 per cent from 2009 to 2015.
Be brave – Brexit!!
The Donald is confounding the political cabals over therem. So can we here.
Drawing a veil over Western culture?:
Frank P 12.35
You better believe it.
Paul Manafort (campaign manager)now has no doubts about the Cleveland convention outcome.
Lyin Ted Cruz wants a brokered convention, but Manafort tweeted
“There’s not going to be a second ballot, It’s not going to be an issue.”
“We have several ways to get to 1,237 by early June, And today was a giant step forward. We think we’re going to have another great week next week. But more importantly what you saw – you saw record turnout today in New York. And a record turnout in a primary that everyone knew Donald Trump was going to win.”
Then we will demolish that pinko lesbian Clinton.
Then we deal with your plebiscite.
Love to Andy.
Kenneth Clarke, still visibly under the influence of what I guess was last night’s dinner with pro-EU colleagues, wings in a PMQT question which spewed out another load of scare-tactics propaganda, on behalf of the STAY campaign. I wonder who picked up the tab? Luckily, his liver is registering a message on his boat race that the end is nigh. We hope that also applies to the EU. The profligacy of both must be punished – by an overwhelming LEAVE vote. Another good reason to BREXIT!!
Brighton confirmed today that it is the queer capital of England, when the Head of Brighton Equalities Committee insisted that parents ask their four year old children by what gender they would like to choose to be identified. Apparently a questionnaire to that effect has been delivered to parents applying for school places.
The Long March is now trampling over the sexual parts of infants. Corruption has now reached depraved proportions.
April 2016 – the year that Her Majesty attained her nonagenarian club card – is indeed a cruel month.
I wonder if Prince William, the Second in line, will ask Prince George, the third in line if he is a tranny? I think we should be told! Because by the time he reaches the throne, it seems that private parts will be interchangeable at Harrods. Once again, and all together now:
There’s even a problem with that: who is doing the fucking and with what!?
Both metaphorically and literally!
Full PMQs 20 April 2016 – HD
Enter Ken @23:10 The anxious looks from those in the rows of seats beneath him were a real treat. (The Hattersley effect?)
As I was saying, more or less, last week…
“REPORT: Germany ‘Annexing’ Dutch Military As Secretive EU Army Begins To Take Shape”
Mrs Frank P just read my last three posts and said, “Steady on love, you’ll get yourself sextioned!”
This punnery must be catching! ☺
From a comment on guidos blog.
It’s a scandal in the wind.
Made me smile.
John Birch (15:42)
Christ! Brilliant! How did we miss that opportunity? ☺
EC (15:08)
Great last line in the Breitbart piece. And a devastating put down of the troll “ziggy” in the comments thereafter.
An obvious agitprop apparatchik whom I would bet my ailing bollocks is “known to telefungus watchers”.
Ted Cruz trying to salvage his whopping defeat in the Empire State by putting on his faux preacher/shyster-giving-his-final-speech-to-a-hostile-jury shtick, when he and the jury knows that his client is as guilty as fuck! Delicious!
Heather Nauert, the demure Fox News presenter, has obviously been forced to join the deep cleavage, pussy-pelmet-legs-right-up-to-the bum Brigade of right-on brainy wimmin in the Fox stable. Perhaps it’s Rupe demanding that Roger panders to his well known spousal proclivities. Pity! I liked Heather the way she was.
It has also recently been obvious that the sister station Sky News lassies have been attempting to follow suit.
Rodent featured Kay? Choir girl Jane?
Well it’s not fair to pick and choose, so take a look at the whole stable of Sky fillies. Good idea or not?
Nah, forget it, girls. Stay cool.
Mind you that’s the subjective eye of a clapped out octogenarian dreamer. Some of you young and virile Wallsters might opine differently?
Further to your (15:08) and piss-taking aside. That really is a chilling development. I wonder what else is going on under the radar? I had no idea, despite your heads up. I must pay more attention. So little time … So much to read and watch. And there was me thinking retirement in Nuffulk would be a peaceful twilight to a turbulent life.
If the right POTUS get’s elected we may well need those F22 kites they are siting at Lakenheath to ward off the full might of a Gerry-led EUSSR military behemoth (if indeed we’re not already a component of it).
Trouble is the wankers who organised that ‘Ban Trump’ petition may have already written off the UK in The Donald’s eyes.
If Hillary wins – the whole world is cattle-trucked anyway.
What a choice of futures!
EC April 20th, 2016 – 15:08
I enjoyed that, but a Euro-lefty flash mob has now turned up to confirm our worst fears about the way they operate!
Frank P 15.28
Frank, you truly make my day almost every day when I visit for my daily dose of guaranteed sanity, and, like others, I get an extra thrill when I see that you’ve had recent contact with your NN (though I haven’t excluded the possibility that she is simply a select selection of your exceptional synapses) but am I right in thinking that today is the first appearance, even second-hand, of Mrs P? Well, don’t keep this light behind your bushel any more! Share her! A little dose of joy that was.
“…On April 14 Deutche [sic] Bank (DB) admitted, in a court of law, their precious metals desk had been rigging the silver market and as the information began to surface it was also discovered that DB had been rigging the gold market as well. This is only the beginning…..”
Who was that lady who passed through here last year and left a message on the Wall that the party was over? For Deutsche Bank, and others, she may well have been right.
Politically correct non sequitur of the week?
“David Cameron called ‘racist’ after accusing Sadiq Khan over links to IS supporter ” (DT)
AJ Show (1st HOUR VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday 4/20/16: News & Commentary
Irishboy (23:55)
Mrs Frank P has a message for you: “Please don’t encourage him – he could become outrageous if he thinks that anyone out there is reading his copy.”
As for the Naughty Niece. She has a lot on her plate at the moment with her own health and the health of other dependents. But I’m sure her s.o.h. is still flourishing and I’m hoping that in due course she’ll resume normal service. I assure you she’s a real and much loved niece.
Meanwhile let’s be seeing more of your interventions, which are always on message and nobody appreciates them more than yours truly.
And finally (Mrs P’s supplication notwihstanding) thanks for your kind words. Kindred spirits are few and far between in this increasingly mad world and there are a few here who keep me alive. You are one of the originals who induced me to dip into the ‘sphere, when it was slightly less populated. ☺
Today we all wish Her Majesty a very happy birthday
“I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family”
News of the World : all the news that’s fit to print.
The `McCann’s` loose libel case against Portuguese police chief who now threatens to sue them. Comments do not favour McCann’s.
And another scandal where the Commentators ask `who was looking after the children?`
The following article was published in the Jerusalem Post a week ago. Apologies for my inattentiveness…
Melanie Phillips
NB. Go for the FB link. The JP link is very annoying, with too many flashing banners and inline Ads.
I’m sure that Donald will be most gratified to learn that, in one part of the media at least, he has been downgraded from Hitler to Mussolini. Also, since when did Billary deserve the upgrade from Medusa to the beautiful, and thoroughly charming by all accounts, Lucrezia?
Oh, Melanie!!! Ted Cruz, FFS???? You’ll be wanting Sepp Blatter reinstalled as FIFA boss next, I suppose…
Radford NG – 07:08
Madeline McCann: A terrible tragedy. The press should leave it alone now. It’s between the McCanns and Almighty ‘Bob’.
“You’ll be wanting Sepp Blatter reinstalled as FIFA boss next, I suppose…”
I’d prefer Sepp Dietrich, but like the Referendum and the POTUS elections it’s not a matter decided by democratic means.
Radford NG – 07:08
RegLove lies bleeding etc.Another tragic case, in a long line of high profile cases. No matter whether it’s man/woman, man/man, woman/woman, thing/other, such cases only go to prove that, regardless of social position, “there’s no fool like an old fool.”
You ask who was looking after the kids? Why, the nanny, the housekeeper and the chauffeur of course.
Noa – 09:46
LOL 🙂 There’s no doubt that Sepp D could do a good job sorting out FIFA, in a single night if required!
However, my first choice for the FIFA top job would be Nicholas Van Hoogstraaten. They are badly in need of someone with a non nonsense approach to tcb. The FA have repeatedly ignored my letters suggesting that they hire him as England manager, so The Hoogs should feel free to take the FIFA job with a clear conscience!
One of my regrets is that I never purloined one of the many copies of Pietro Annigoni’s 1955 portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II that adorned the walls of so many offices and rooms I have occupied, visited or passed through in my life.
Today Spoonface will pay tribute to Her Majesty by saying “Throughout it all, as the sands of culture shift and the tides of politics ebb and flow, Her Majesty has been steadfast – a rock of strength for our nation, for our Commonwealth and on many occasions for the whole world.”
It is probably more true to say of Britain that the sand castles of culture have been kicked down or imposed rather than shifted of their own accord and that the tides of politics have pushed and shoved us rather than ebbed and flowed. For all of which, in no small measure, Spoonface has played his PPE part.
@10:26 Belay that suggestion…
On balance I think that Silvio Berlusconi would provide an equally effective remedy for FIFA. SB has more charisma than NvH, or for that matter Bernie Ecclestone, and would undoubtedly host better parties than Max Mosley.
Two men convicted of smuggling arms into Britain : a hundred years and a day after the Royal Navy intercepted the German arms bound for Ireland arranged by Roger Casement.
As a former subscriber, I received email from the other place today which said in part:
“Obama’s overreach. The US president is in no position to lecture the British about foreign policy, says Tim Montgomerie, but his Brexit overreach is typical of his arrogance. The problem is, the British politicians counting on his endorsement don’t understand the resentment he can cause. Americans are rebelling against his imperial presidency – and there’s no reason why British voters might not feel somewhat resentful, too. Plus: Anne Applebaum argues that Obama’s visit to the UK is no fanciful fling. The President speaks for America, and their anti-Brexit consensus.”
This muslim hoodlum whose first act of interior decoration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was to return the bust of the great Anglo-American, thus ending the formal friendship between the two nations,would be better advised to divert his jet when he leaves his scabrous wahabi pals in Riyadh from London to Balmedie.
I guess it is too late for a petition to have his visit stopped, so this would be the best solution if he could not be persuaded just to fly back to Washington where bribes from his pals will ensure him a specious welcome from the other two branches of government.
Anne Applebaum seems to have entirely lost it and offers further justification for no longer subscribing to the old rag.
The one reason I can think of for supporting the poltroon’s visit is that should build further solid support for: BREXUT!
Absolutely infuriating listening to Natalie Bennet’s nasal Australian twang whining about the Monarchy and endorsing Republicanism for the UK on DP.
And whining about the HoL hereditary system. Give me a proper aristo by birth in the HoL any day than any of those contrived, artificially created party political “Baronesses” from their fake charity, social worker or lefty grievance campaigning backgrounds representing all the usual suspects.
Why has Britain become such a magnet for foreign lefties to tell us how the country should be run?
DP now facilitating a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party by the vile Tom Watson, Labour’s Noncefinder General and Smearer-in-Chief.
Colonel Mustard – 12:39
The BBC, aided and abetted by Andrew Neil, is Trolling its licence payers. Don’t watch, don’t pay!
Frank P
April 20th, 2016 – 16:01
You & Noa should know that I have now set up Google alerts to teletw*t and telefungus
And yes of course I post as ziggy, Peta, Fergus Pickering, Fabian_Solutions, Mynydd, Nicholas, Emulous, Declan, John Jefferson Burns, Dalai Guevara and probably many others you do not like
The Boiling Frog and the Slow Death of the West (THE SAAD TRUTH_161)
(4:43 mins)
Gad doesn’t draw a distinction between “radical islam” and any other flavour of it.
So, Dave is called a racist for pointing out Sadiq Khan’s affection for Muslim extremists. From where I stand that was not racist, merely a reiteration of the bleeding obvious. Everyone here in Whitechapel knows what the rat is up to, and the extent of the postal vote fraud and that the casting of the votes is decided in Bangladesh, the Brits do not get a look in. now that is racist.
Democracy is w wonderful thing. If it was not for the bloody voters it would work perfectly. The trouble is, those simple, trusting folk seldom get what they voted for, but invariably get what they deserve.
Calling all doubting Thomases…
“Why I Was Wrong About Atheism”
Stefan Molyneux
Some food for thought there…
April 21st, 2016 – 13:02
Why so modest? A complete list of your various aliases would prove useful, not the ridiculous ones you have posited as a smokescreen. And you never answered the question as to why you LIED here about Jennifer Oldham.
Colonel Mustard – 14:19
telefergus omitted Patriccia Shaw, too.
You have no idea who I like and dislike personally. As for people I have never met – I support or reject their expressed or implcit ideas as I think fit and express opinions accordingly. That’s what the blogosphere is about imho. By their deeds shall ye know them.
As for the hypocritical load of bollocks that you gushed in the small we hours about HM’s birthday…. You won’t be happy until you see the EUSSR subsuming her, us and every other national identity and culture in Yurrop. Your idea of Utopia. Stop bullshitting and tell your agitprop handlers that they are wasting their seed corn; it will not take root here.
Some fine red-blooded posts this morning, guys. Thanks! Got my dodgy claret coursing and was an antidote to seeing Yazzer hyphenated Turd telling a Sky News anchor why the Queen should be abolished.
May I suggest that in her case, Idi Amin chalks up some credibility. She struck a faux-intellectual pose, emulating Rodin’s “The Thinker” during her lengthy (far too lengthy) interview. I was thinking more in terms of Rodent and Stinker. ☺
Col Mustard (12:39)
Great post!
You are correct
I only ever posted as Nicholas
O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall:
Confound their politics
frustrate their knavish tricks.
On thee our hopes all fix
God save us all.
Malfleur (12:19)
EC 1432
As you well know the team posted frequently on Speccie as Patriccia on Palestinian issues. Patriccia posted here for a while and even wrote a leader on the NHS for which Peter kindly provided the picture
The point about the list at 1302 is that none of them are telemachus, although I am accused of all
The one I forgot is the one I am most often accused at Speccie of (Nick Hadjikinos)
telemachus April 21st, 2016 – 14:49
You are not supposed to be making allegations about Nicholas here, let alone pretending that you posted as him.
It was enough that you have obsessed about him for years, stalked him across websites and incited others to breach the Data Protection Act to obtain personal information about him.
A “pattern of behaviour” that you are still indulging in.
Now let’s hear your explanation for lying about Jennifer Oldham please.
EC (09:35)
That saddens me. But I think I understand why. The Donald, early in his flamboyant utterances, in an effort to prove his primacy in the Art of The Deal, suggested that he could solve the Israel – Palestine impasse by being a ‘neutral’ arbiter.
I don’t think he fully realises that as far as M is concerned that is a red rag to a sacred cow. She will never give an inch to the Palestine jihad, neither should she. So along with other unattractive facets to his ebullient persona he has made a formidable enemy there. Pity. But he will learn.
But at least Musso routed ‘Cosa Nostra’ for a few years in Italy and Sicily. The upshot of that of course was that the Diaspora of The Mob which resulted in their taking root in the US of A in at least 28 cities and in North, West and Central London. The most notable of the families here was the Messina family which arrived here via Malta and Egypt and ran a ruthless prostitution racket which formed the roots of later vice cartels including g the notorious Maltese Syndicate which ultimately, with it’s home grown associates, brought down Scotland Yard for a few hectic years, with a series of corruption scandals.
The complex networks of ideology, crime, corruption and overweening ambition are mind-boggling.
It’s what finally boggled my old grey matter and replaced it with a wodge of desolation and despair. Reality was far worse than any of yer fanciful ‘conspiracy theories’. ☺
As far as Hillbillary is concerned I’m with Melanie four square. Lucretia Borgia with knobs on!
For the record tele – don’t get too high on your own notoriety, because one of the renegades here probably nailed it. You are the dim looking Kevin in the photo that Col M linked?☺
And let me whisper something in your shell-like: one of your most trusted comrades on the barricades back in the 70s was a good snout of mine and all his info was always passed on to SB.
Obviously you were rated as just another useful eejit and of no importance. And rest assured that if you have been upgraded in the scheme of things, you wouldn’t be wasting your time here. You are a UI – plain and simple!
And I was proud to be a UI in the 70’s
We know. But the basic fact remains, as your presence here shows. Give it up and grow up. If, as you assert, you were ‘active’ in the ’70s then you are now old enough to know better. Sad. Get a life!
I bear you no ill-will, just stop pestering us by trying to use this impervious platform to recruit Long Marchers. It ain’t gonna happen!
Btw. I suspended my advice to myself on HM Birthday – DFTFT – to make one last message. Henceforth, I shall take my own advice seriously. If you wish to have the last word, then it will fall on deaf ears, or rather averted eyes.
Happy Birthday, and BRexit on June 23rd!
Nice one, Mr. Boot!
EC (18:28)
Yes – a wonderful tribute, both to HM and the unwritten Constitution.
“I’ve set up google alerts…”
Why should I care?
After all,the same identifiable third rate, undigested, regurgitated illiterate tosh rises like rats in sewage in all your mal and stolen personae.
Get a life.
The Britannia Coco-nut Dancers of Bacup
Bluegrass Clog Dancing
I wonder if the Euro-elite will notice:
Islamist Turkey seizes ALL Christian churches in city and declares them ‘state property’
TURKEY’S Islamist government has stepped up its war on Christianity by seizing all the churches in one city and declaring them state property.
The Bell, Chittlehampton
Blowing the horn
(BGA – Before Google Alerts)
Colonel Mustard
April 21st, 2016 – 20:33
Bitter clingers.
Malfleur April 21st, 2016 – 23:40
155 years ago boys just like that left girls just like that to take up arms against another big loud federal government.
If the lights are still on by 2020 please switch them off on your way out.
Noa April 22nd, 2016 – 02:37
The presumption that a declining population is bad given the pressure of high populations on resources and the environment is interesting.
But the term “replacement migration” is chilling and how dare some gathering of foreign wonks at the UN presume to decide what is good the UK.
If I was younger it wouldn’t be light switches I was flicking off in 2020.
Noa April 22nd, 2016 – 02:37
The presumption that a declining population is bad given the pressure of high populations on resources and the environment is interesting.
But the term “replacement migration” is chilling and how dare some gathering of foreign wonks at the UN presume to decide what is good the UK.
This is a test comment as all comments going into moderation
Where’s Baron? Is he on another foreign mission doing his international man of mystery secret agent stuff?
Col Mustard (10:36)
Be Brave and Brexit!!
Paddy Pantsdown got his clock cleaned last night on QT. Started by trying to hog the whole programme by unstoppable reams of sanctimonious babbling, but stopped short by Tim Martin, who despite his latent stutter said what was needed to be said in short meaningful sentences. Moreover he dwarfed the little shit in physical size, also. Are we beginning to see the message getting through. Or am I only seeing what I fervertly want to happen.
The enemy are still using lies, damned lies and statistics to scare the punters.
Surely most of hoi polloi now see that we have a chance of a lifetime to rid ourselves of the Corrupt Continental Cabal and its marble shit houses.
Now the long streak of putrid piss of a lame duck POTUS brings Central London to a standstill carrying a threat to the Great British unwashed that if it votes to leave the Corrupt Continental Cabal then the US of A would find it difficult to trade with the post EU UK.
Fuck him!! Get the hence you Kenyan, British loathing, Muslim loving, Alinski trained arsehole!
Another great reason to Brexit!!
“Get thee hence!” Apologies.
My auto corrector is a soul-less prick.
Frank P – 15:18
Not quite as plain speaking as you, but still on the mark is that complicated fellow, Boris:
Boris Johnson drawn into race row over ‘part-Kenyan’ Barack Obama remark as President urges voters to remain in the EU
It really is ‘starting to happen’ now!
Merkel has been told off by the ECB for interfering (‘We don’t work for Germany!’), the Defence Secretary says UK troops should further integrate with their European counterparts (which should by on the radar 🙂 of all service families), Cameron has realised Trump might win, a German Economist says Brexit would NOT Be Economic Disaster and could lead to a ‘Booming Britain’ (Breitbart), and the most unexpected incident ever:
Question Time economist RIPS APART pro-EU camp with equation and gets BIGGEST cheer ever
How did they pick that audience!
Noa (02:37)
At last! Somebody has now supplied the UN with copies of Mark Steyn’s books and the prognostications therein.
But as you so succinctly point out, it’s too late now to do a damn thing about it. The one glimmer of hope is June 23rd. But … given that spoon face will have to go if we get the right result, who do you see standing in the wings who could reverse the tide?
And another thing … why are UKIP putting up candidates for the latest parasitical growth – the PCCs scam?
Robert Re-trod (16:03)
Some of the applicants must have lied!
RobertRetyred – 16:03
In addition, this morning, Adam Afriyie MP, Conservative MP for Windsor, did well on Her Majesty’s BBC local radio station, Radio Berkshire (2:09:30, for 7 minutes):
(available for a month)
There is a bit of banter first but then becomes very specific. It’s a little understated, which making it more effective, and is very much on the button.
Sky News’s Dominic Waghorn spinning like a top in favour of Stay and gushing like a lovestruck sixteen-year-old teeny-bobber over Obastard. Fucking traitor!
HTF can I neutralise this friggin’ autocorrector??
The Propaganda conference is in progress: Spoon-face and the Manchurian Candidate spewing bullshit to attempt to convince the unwashed that they have saved the world from Armageddon! Fucking jumped-up-never-come-down slime-backed lying bastards!!
‘Scuse me – I must go and vomit.
C’mon Colonel – I’m too incandescent to describe my feelings lucidly.
Some Physics, without any Maths, and with a water feature 🙂
Brian Greene and Alan Alda Discuss Why Einstein Hated Quantum Mechanics
Looks like I picked a good day to spend outdoors in the sunshine in the countryside.
I don’t think my BP/cardio-vascular system would have withstood watching the TV coverage of Barack I’s royal visit.
If I switch on the TV between now and the end of the month it’ll only be to watch the snooker.
Another angle on Brexit:
What BBC won’t tell you about Brexit: Decline of Britain since 1973 EEC Tony Gosling. Why leave EU?
And yet another rational demolition of arguments to remain:
The Boot Rebuttal to arguments for leaving the European Union was put by the Prime Minister in the extract from the press conference for him and Obama which I just watched – ‘Russian Aggression’.
Alex B. has a thing about idiots. I wonder whether he will be saying to himsel, when he watches Mr. Cameron playing that gambit and sage Mr. Obama nodding like a poppy on Flanders Field, “There’s another right pair!”?
O my poor kingdom, sick with civil blows!
When that my care could not withhold thy riots,
What wilt thou do when riot is thy care?
O, thou wilt be a wilderness again,
Peopled with wolves, thy old inhabitants!
The trade treaty Obama is negotiating with the EU is precisely what we do not want and is another reason for leaving.It would allow American corporations to sue European governments if their laws caused lose of profits.
I see that following the the autopsy of this fellow, Prince, it may take weeks to complete the toxicology report.
Why do we bother with all this in the absence of any credible evidence of foul play – not so much as a pillow over the chap’s head.
Of course I understand he was a famous rock star and not a mere Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America – but REALLY!
Alex Jones makes the same point:
The Spectator and commentators address Obama :
Isabel Hardman
Fraser Nelson 9k530f
Anybody banned at the Spectator : do let us know if the disq. refs. above override the Spectator ban.
Fraser Nelson
A merry St. George’ Day to one and all ;
and a peaceful Passover.
Re: “there’s no fool like an old fool” etc.
“Prince”: I must confess that I am in the same position as the high court judge who one famously asked in court who the Beatles were.
As ever, Aunty informs…
“The BBC looks at how Prince redefined the way we look at men’s shoes”
Re: Where the heck is Baron now?
It occurred to me that Baron might well be on a tour of Bohemia and Poland canvassing for BRexit in the postal voting communities!
Seriously, Baron, give us a sign that you’re alive and well.
Judge Andrew Napolitano sheds some light on the reluctance to indict Hillary…
Both 24 hour news channels in the UK have been annexed by the lame duck POTUS this morning to propagandise his Socialist garbage with side frames accentuating his ‘special relationship’ with the Royal Family (Prince George being used as a prop for the egregious shit bag). Fucking Hypocrite!!
So far nobody has asked him when Hillary is going to be indicted for the clearly established crimes she has committed in his own country (or rather his adopted country).
Where is this rig-up taking place?
A hand-picked group of youngsters all asking soft-ball questions while the rest sit in worshipful rapture. The ‘community organiser’ in full flood.
Why are we as taxpayers wasting our resources in what amounts to a full State Visit for this clapped-out politician who has done more damage to Western Civilisation than Hitler and Stalin combined by acting as a shill for both the Muslim Brotherhood and a Cabal of entrenched commies whose pedigree goes back via Saul Alinski to the Frankfort School and Antonio Gramsci.
Cameron should be dragged from his office and tarred and feathered.
Brexit! Then oust this crypto-commie mob from the Westminster Gasworks!
How moderate are moderate Muslims?
There is an ocean between what British Muslims believe and what the rest of us believe
Rod Liddle
‘What’s in the news this week?’ I asked my wife as she browsed the first newspaper we had seen for a whole week, having hitherto been blissfully disconnected from the rest of the country, without phones or the internet.
‘Muslims, largely,’ she replied, flicking from page to page, ‘a bit on in-and-out, but mainly it’s the Muslims.’ Oh, good. A perpetual optimist, I had rather hoped that during our week away the frequently promised Islamic Reformation might have taken place and peace and enlightenment spread all those many miles from the jungles of Banda Aceh to the dilapidated terraces of Kirklees. But nope, apparently not. They were still up to their stuff, a good few of them.
For a start, there was the fallout from Trevor Phillips’s excellent film about Islam in Britain, in which he reported, via an ICM poll, that two thirds of British Muslims would refuse to grass on a fellow Muslim, no matter how much ricin he was storing in his lock-up. And the added worry that virtually none share our outlook on life, don’t want to integrate and possess views about Jewish people which Ernst Röhm would have thought a bit gamey.
The fallout consisted of Muslims interviewed by the Guardian angrily denouncing the film as ‘divisive’: even those who do not blow things up are still partial to a spot of messenger-shooting, then. And then there was the appalling tale of the Glaswegian shopkeeper Asad Shah, an Ahmadiyya Muslim, stabbed to death by, allegedly, another Muslim for offending his sensibilities. And while the Glasgow Central Mosque expressed ‘shock’ at Mr Shah’s murder, its most senior imam — Maulana Habib Ur Rehman — has previously honoured a Muslim who murdered a blasphemer.
Meanwhile leaflets demanding the liquidation of the peaceable Ahmadiyyas were discovered in various other mosques up and down the country and a Facebook site entitled Anti Qadianiat greeted Mr Shah’s slaughter with a jubilant ‘Congratulations all Muslims!’ and drew approving comments from across the Muslim world. In the UK there has never been a prosecution for inciting religious hatred of any Muslim who has urged death upon the Ahmadiyyas — yet it happens frequently. In other news, the Times reported that a substantial proportion of the Muslim chaplains paid by the government to minister to the disproportionate number of Muslim criminals are actually inciting them to acts of extremism, rather than asking them nicely to be law-abiding. This story ran next to a quite astonishing tale about a bear discovered defecating in some woodland. We pay the 200 Muslim chaplains £40,000 a pop to further inculcate in these Muslim miscreants a greater sense of victimhood and irreducible loathing of western values. Most of the chaplains — some 70 per cent, the Times reckoned — are followers of the Deobandi school of Islam. So too are the Muslims who want all the Ahmadiyyas exterminated. Deobandi scholars influenced the Taleban, and the creed is behind a whole bunch of terrorist organisations operating out of Pakistan (and banned by the country’s benighted government). Did we think paying for these chaplains would help matters? What did we expect them to tell the inmates? Sew up those mailbags and find redemption in Jesus Christ?
It is likely that we convinced ourselves that the chaplains were ‘moderates’, as opposed to ‘extremists’ — a mistake which has been made time and time again over the last 15 years. A consequence of our desperate wish to believe that the faith itself is beyond reproach: it is merely the actions of a few evil men that discombobulate us all — the ‘extremists’. But those two terms lose all meaning when applied to the fissiparous and splenetic tribes of Islam. I remember a decade or so back a row breaking out when the then mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, invited the Egyptian Muslim preacher Yusuf al Qaradawi to the capital for a spot of congenial dialogue, presumably at the taxpayer’s expense. Many people objected, calling Qaradawi an extremist who should not be allowed to set foot in the country. No, no, said the Muslims, and Ken: Yusuf’s definitely a moderate.
Well, let’s see. This is a man who supports the execution of apostates, the murder of Israeli civilians, whipping homosexuals, genital mutilation and unconditional support for the terrorists Hezbollah, and who thinks that women who have been raped must prove they are of good conduct before anyone takes them seriously. And yet, in the wider context of the Muslim world, Ken was right — Yusuf is a moderate. For example, he believes that while uppity women should indeed be beaten by their husbands, this should occur only as a last resort and the husband should not use a stick. This makes old Yusuf a sort of Menzies Campbell of Islam — well towards the liberal wing of the ideology. There’s also his leniency towards homosexuals — lash the buggers by all means, but don’t push them off roofs. The term ‘extremist’ and ‘moderate’ serve only to re-inforce our collective delusions. They make no sense. They lead to the kind of problems we are now seeing with our state-sponsored Muslim chaplains, as they wander from cell to cell disseminating hatred or idiocies.
The Deobandis were also regarded as ‘moderate’, you see — and indeed, compared to some of the Salafist and Wahabi maniacs, they are a little more amenable in general. Not all of them yearn for the annihilation of the Ahmadiyyas or whatever other sect fails to believe precisely what they believe. But while there is a healthy trickle of clear blue water between what most British Muslims believe and what, for example, is believed by the Islamic State, there is an ocean between what they believe and what the rest of us here in the UK believe.
A bit of light relief 🙂 :
Maher To ‘Liberals Who Hate Themselves’ For Being White: ‘Crapping on Yourself Doesn’t Fix Anything,’ It’s ‘Narcissism’
John Birch (12:55) & (13:21)
Thanks, both links restored a couple of my synapses to sanity, proving that we are not alone with our ‘subversive’ notions.
Problem is: who’s listening – apart from us? I suppose on June 23rd we my find out. But can we wait that long? The acceleration into the abyss is now head-spinningly terrifying.
RR (14:14)
Maher may have a slick line of patter, but he’s a leftist Khunt, who famously declared that he ‘got a tingle running up his leg’ when he listened to Obama on one of his teleprompted ‘orations’. Rather like the bunch of useful eejits who were coralled into some suitable location this a.m. to be subjected to a good leg tingling session with our esteemed visitor. One of them declared that he felt the electricity engulf him when Obama entered the room. Somebody should have plugged his two thumbs into a convenient electric power socket, so that he could compare the the thrill. And put is feet into a galvanised bucket of water, to ensure that the thrill had a suitable climax.
As Mandela, so Obama. There is some screw loose in lefties, especially the preening kind, that motivates them to elevate those two politicians solely on the basis of the colour of their skin. Had society evolved in a different direction to consider the progeny of a mixed marriage ‘white’ instead of ‘black’ it is doubtful that this leftist electrical frisson, this discharge of fervour almost to the point of hysteria, would occur. But the leftist wiring stimulates some kind of extreme ethnic romanticism which polarises to ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for all generic considerations of ‘black’ and ‘white’. It is why every incident where a white police officer shoots dead a black youth is predetermined on skin colour alone.
Obama is as phoney as Blair but has mastered the art of sounding grave and important. Anyone taken in by his act is a child. He has been a lousy President whose foreign policy has screwed the world and whose domestic policy is wreaking the same societal havoc as the bandwagon jumpers who rode in with Blair here. But never mind that, the poor ‘black’ imitation Jimmy Carter will not be judged by the great, noise creating, grievance fondling, virtue signalling, jazz handed host of the left except by his skin colour alone. The cachet ‘first black President’ is enough.
It is that same warped obsession with skin colour that permits notions of ‘equality’ and ‘positive discrimination’ to co-exist. Just as a similarly leftist generated notion of women is that they are both equal and vulnerable, perpetrators (sisters doing it for themselves) in one silo and vulnerable victims in another silo, but never the twain shall meet. Identity group label trumps all, good, bad, clever, stupid, compassionate, cruel, law abiding or criminal. The leftist mindset cannot ever see past the identity group label and mighty is their discomfort when two silo rule sets collide in a single story. Judge not lest ye be pigeon-holed by the left to the sound of seal clapping and whooping.
Almost every form of strife, angst and grievance affecting our society today is rooted in leftist identify group labels and their evolution from stupid to barking mad. Even our so-called Conservative Prime Minister is tainted with this collective madness. He expressed the desire to one day have a Muslim Prime Minister. This particularly vacuous piece of punditry from the Uber Pundit was greeted not with rigorous challenge or scathing scrutiny but sailed away, fat and happy, on the good ship Media Lollipop. No one asked Cameron why not a Sikh Prime Minister, or a Buddhist Prime Minister or even a Latter Day Saints Prime Minister? Because surely that virtue signalled statement might have been directed at the minoritiest minority of all when it came to appointing a Prime Minister on the basis of his or her religion.
It is with great despair that one must live as a grown up amongst the silly children now ruling over us.
“Leftists for the EU: the radical wing of the oligarchy
The left’s journey from democracy to technocracy is complete.”
An editorial by Brendan O’Neill
St George’s Day greetings to fellow Englishmen and women.
More support for Brexit:
… and something else from the same author, on the ‘Climate Change Scum’:
Adam Corolla at the end of his tether and explaining why Trump:
True and funny to boot.
h/t V de L
EC @ 10:31
The poorly educated Slav did travel, EC, got back, was hospitalised, got discharged only this morning, thanks for your concern. You may again be treated to his occasional rants soon, beware.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:06
Excellent, Colonel.
There is a whiff of revolution in the air. Problem is, the revolutionaries are all too old to bring it to fruition. The young have been systematically brainwashed and are in the thrall of traitors. Over the years we stood and watched it happen, didn’t we? Mea culpa. You too?
Today we saw our children handed over to the front man for the unholy alliance of communism and the jihad; HM and her family were unwittingly (?) complicit. Under the guise of her 9Oth Birthday celebrations, she and her family were used by her Prime Minister to facilitate a propaganda coup. It probably means that BRpexit will be defeated by the votes of our own children and grandchildren. This will mean another click in the irreversible ratchet of the progress of the EUSSR.
Someone offer a more optimistic scenario, if you can. If you dare.
Pessimistic? Barmy? Maybe – but think about it. The smiling descendant of the Mau Mau captivated a generation on the 24 hour news cycle while we gnashed our teeth knowing that there’s not a damned thing we can do about it.
Glad to see you back
But (1.08) not excellent
Just cloaked racialistic hate posting cloaked in a quasi anti socialist polemic to gain support in these climes
Obama for the first time gave health care to all in the USA, not just the rich
He drew Iran back from entry into a Nuclear Arms Race
He conquered Ebola in Africa saving thousands
He, together with Gordon, rescued the World from the economic collapse of subprime
He brought millions of Cubans back into World Communion
He reignited through Paris the saving of the planet from global pollution of the climate
We look forward to Hillary but give thanks to this part Kenyan world superstar
Seeing the various groups of runners in the London marathon left me slightly puzzled.
If it’s so diverse, inclusive and welcoming where are the fat fuckers section. 20 stone and over. To say nothing of the Muslims for peace runners.
I think the organisers should have a serious look at why they are discriminating against certain vulnerable groups .
John birch – 10:09
Are there any transgenders running? Do keep us posted if any get caught short… as to whether they opt for the “Dick Turpin” a “Paula Radcliffe”.
Frank P – 15:36
I’m going for the parable of the Prodigal Son, though I don’t think I am going as far a throwing a feast with the meagre information available.
Just think, if someone as righton as Maher can see the ridiculousness of it all, there must be room for a little hope.
Colonel Mustard (17:06)
Congratulations. You encapsulated the Audacity of the Dope and his outrageous interference in a British referendum.
Nothing he threatened or promised is relevant or of any importance whatsoever. He is a lame-duck and if The Donald continues to surge, Obama will have none of the legacy he boasts about: his egregious measures to impose unwanted changes in America will be nullified.
Now any negotiations for trade with Britain will first have to overcome the stupidity of the on line petition of 500,000 UIs attemptin to get him gated.
In any case any trade deals with the US will have to be arranged company by company and one hopes we have deal makers here who are capable of looking after both their own and the UK interest. Trump will be a deal-maker not a dictator like the current throw-back from the Third World who hates Britain because he believes his father was tortured during the Mau Mau troubles before Kenya’s independence.
“It is with great despair that one must live as a grown up amongst the silly children now ruling over us.”
Yes and the wider population of silly children are hell-bent on diluting their heritage by tossing it into the multiculti cauldron.
But I am still ashamed that we, by default, have allowed them to be brainwashed in their droves by the Gramsci-inspired academia, throughout the West. Orwell warned us and we failed to act to stop the rout.
If Clinton defeats Trump – The Long March will get the order to Quick
I note that Comey was allowed to join Obama’s Royal UK boondoggle, rather than expediting the indictment of the Clintons.
“Obama for the first time gave health care to all in the USA, not just the rich”
Risible tripe.
ObamaCare co-ops were supposed to provide lower cost health insurance alternatives because they weren’t driven by the profit motive. In November 2015, just a few years after the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was implemented, 12 out of 23 co-ops have failed, costing taxpayers $1.2 billion in defaulted loan repayments. The failure rate of 52% even outstrips the Labor Department’s 2011 projections of 36%.
The promise of ObamaCare wasn’t just that insurance would be cheaper. It was that health care itself would be more affordable. It’s an important distinction. Insurance that doesn’t cover anything, strictly limits the doctors you can see, imposes fantastically high deductibles, or costs too much to buy, does nothing to improve access to health care. Nor do insurance plans — like Medicaid — that doctors refuse to accept. So far, that’s all ObamaCare has delivered. Premiums are sky high and deductibles for a Bronze plan average more than $5,000. To keep costs down, insurers skimp on provider networks, making it more likely patients will end up paying out of pocket for care they need. Medicaid enrolment has exploded while the number of doctors willing to take Medicaid shrinks.
The result is that, despite the hundreds of billions of dollars in insurance subsidies, health care isn’t any more affordable today than it was before ObamaCare.
Which of course should be called ObamaCon.
John Jefferson Telefergus
The better view is that Obama is the son of the American communist and pornographer, Frank Marshall Davis.
See, for example:
“(Obama) drew Iran back from entry into a Nuclear Arms Race”
The jury’s still out on that. Google “Obama Iran Nuclear Deal Failure” and even a dogma-driven bigoted little communist muppet like you might see why.
“(Obama) conquered Ebola in Africa saving thousands”
Your chutzpah is as vast and as empty as his. You really are a hagiographic simpleton when it comes to leftist cult leader figures, the type of useful idiot who would stand in a mob holding up your little red book and chanting vacuously. The type of useful idiot who makes cultural revolution, persecution, imprisonment and murder on an industrial scale possible.
“(Obama), together with Gordon, rescued the World from the economic collapse of subprime”
Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices. As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other so-called “progressives” pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
The ambitions of “Progressive” activists like Obama contributed greatly to a housing bubble that burst in 2007, crashed the nation’s economy in 2008, wiped out at least $4 trillion in equity, kept unemployment above 8% for four years, and ultimately harmed the intended beneficiaries of looser mortgage lending standards.
The Germans are catching on.
(h/t Drudge Report)
“(Obama) brought millions of Cubans back into World Communion”
Obama’s visit to Cuba reflects the failure of his policy towards Cuba that, while foreseen for the past seven years, is a bitter insult to the Cubans who have risked their lives to escape from the island dictatorship. It also insults all people who strive for liberty for all. Thousands of Cubans are in prison for demanding human rights. Some were arrested even as President Obama’s Air Force One was in the air on the way to Havana. Cuba’s Communist apparatchiks are busy negotiating business deals with China, begging Venezuela for free oil, making sure Cubans do not have access to the Internet, and filling their prisons with people seeking democratic rights.
By his crass appeasement Obama has made the fate of Cubans worse. He has publicly endorsed a totalitarian dictatorship and given it the seal of approval of the President of the United States.
The visit was an appalling error of foreign policy judgement by a thinly cloaked communist agitator who has conned his way into the White House but no doubt a personal triumph for him in being the guest of a vile regime and dictators he no doubt admires.
Read more:
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“Theresa May risked ridicule on Sunday as she insisted Britain has control of its borders despite official forecasts predicting three million people will move from abroad by 2030.”
Well, she’s keeping Michael Savage and Robert Spencer out…
May is a Clockwork Orange. Our real Home Secretary is somewhere in Brussels.
telemachus @ 06:22
How could anyone, having read this posting of yours, telemachus, still want to ban you is a puzzle. You should be made the chief spokesman, sorry, spokeperson, for the tribe of the anointed.
Obama ‘conquered Ebola in Africa saving thousands?’ Arghhh.
Ebola was about as much threat to us as are the occasional bouts of flu when the winter’s mild. It was brought in to divert attention from the jihadi issue, the one and only boil that still bothers many, but cannot be solved whilst the honorary Muslim remains in charge.
The medics obliged, there always are a few amongst them who want to get their 15 minutes of fame, names into the papers by scaring us with millions of casualties. The bug got defeated almost as it started spreading, an improved hygiene was all that was needed.
On the issue of healthcare for which your favourite politicians will want to be remembered very much read Colonel at 14.39, he cannot be bettered.
Also, remember that there has yet to be discovered a better cost cutting tool for anything, a good or a service, than market competition. Trust Baron on this, he knows, he’s experienced both it, and the model you and your lot favour.
Malfleur @ 15:07
She may have a point that “control of our borders and immigration policy are two different things”, Malfleur. We don’t let in anyone except people who want to come because that’s the immigration policy.
RobertRetyred (11:46)
I’ve always been disappointed that Luke didn’t report the response of the elder son, after his father had explained his reasons for the fatted calf shindig, in response to the whinge about his whore-hopping brother. Had I been the elder bro, Daddy would have not gotten away with that sanctimonious bullshit. But Luke quickly passes on to the parable of God and Mammon.
We shall never know how that family resolved their differences. But I would guess that eventually the younger brother returned to his whoring and further depleted the family fortune.
Some very convenient omissions in the Good Book.
And Maher will jump on any bandwagon to increase his ratings; but he’s a died-in-the-wool ‘progressive’ and a cunning preacher in his own field of propaganda. Why are so few comedians who dress to the right given air time by the MSM? (That’s a rhetorical question, of course, because we all know why).
A piece of news from the East (not verified, but not challenged by anyone either):
Weekly, in Germany an adult immigrant gets 150 Euro, in France 230 Euro, in Sweden 300 Euro. Welfare for children follows a similar pattern: Germany 50-75 Euro (depending on age), France 150 Euro, Sweden 250 Euro regardless of the child’s age (all figures again weekly). On top of it, both France and Sweden also help with accommodation paying between 150-250 Euro per month.
Germany (but not France or Sweden) also funds ‘communities of immigrant minorities’. If the group has over 1,000 members, they get 2.5mn Euro per year from the State, the money’s administered by the mullah in charge, he decides who gets what, runs schools, or whatever else he feels is helpful for the members of his community.
And if you think the immigrants aren’t smart, think again. In Germany, they pocket the payments, travel across the border to the Czech Republic, make purchases there, it’s considerably cheaper.
If we stay in, here’s the shape of things to come.
Quite frankly, it’s either this, a federal Europe, or the construct falls apart. The synthetic currency needs a common fiscal institution, the move towards federalisation is a pre-condition for it, without it some of the Euro members are likely to again hit the problem of borrowing above their ability to repay the bonds.
Any guesses who will run the Federal Treasury?
Obama Destroying the US Marine Corps – Uni-Sex Latrines, Red Highheel Shoes, Breast Pumps, etc.
Frank P @ 15:32
Is is this Maher you and Robert are talking about, Frank? He isn’t that bad, he takes the mick out of everyone, that seems fair, no?
Nigel Farage only got a five second sound bite on the news cycle this morning and instead of attacking Obama and filleting the impertinence of the rig-up at Spoon Face’s behest, he attacked Boris for ‘attacking the man instead of the balll’. Twat! If the various ‘Leave’ contingents keep sniding each other rather than attacking the traitorous shitz comprising the Remain factions, Farage will become yesterday’s potatoes; ..if indeed he hasn’t already. He’s certainly not a UK version of Trump who has employed ad hominem attacks to great effect over there. Fifteen of his seventeen opponents will testify to that. Effective insult is a useful political weapon: ask Gargoyle Broon! ☺
Having said that I don’t trust Boris to spearhead the Leave lot. If the campaign continues as it has so far, the UK will finish up as Remains – in an EU crafted urn. And it will be the Cameron Cabal that will be the beneficiaries of a nice little urner. But I suppose that’s true whichever way it goes. No doubt insider trading that goes with the office has already ensured that.
Baron (15:55)
Yes, that’s him. But don’t be fooled by his occasional digs at his own comrades. Overall he’s the enemy.
All the world’s leftie except thee and me; and I’m not even sure about thee! To paraphrase an old Yorkshire adage. ☺
Anyway Baron, stop worrying about the inevitable; you’re convalescing. Watch the Leicester v Swansea – it’s in progress. Arsenal just frittered away another two points as Big Sam’s boys held them to a draw. Serves Arsene right for speaking out against Brexit.
Frank P @ 16:05
Thanks, Frank, point taken.
The time may have come for the poorly educated Slav to pick another team, he reckons, the Gunners seem incapable of finishing, they’ll be lucky to qualify for Europe, the biggest mistake Arsene has made was failing to get Suarez.
His, Arsene’s, parsimony may have served a purpose before they got the new playing grounds, but not now. This year what with Chelsea falling at the seams, the City stumbling could have been Arsenal’s, it won’t be. He should call it a day, but most likely won’t, will stay until 2017 when his contract’s out.
Nothing seems to be going Baron’s way, not even the fugging weather, it’s so cold in this corner of the Suffolk wilderness he has to wear a padded jacket and a woollen hat. Where is the bloody global warming when one needs it?
Malfleur @ 15:49
The thing runs for almost two hours, Malfleur, that’s a massive chunk of what’s left of Baron’s life, have mercy on him, young sir.
… And speaking of ashes. Prince has hardly cooled in his urn, so it’s probably somewhat uncharitable, though colourfully appropriate, for Mr Boot, in his eulogy to the world genius, to water his ashes with golden rain and purple prose. Wonderfully sardonic though. I’m glad Alex quoted some of Mr Nelson’s poetic lyrics (no relation to Willie, obviously). I had not been apprised of them hitherto and shall file them beside my complete works of Shakespeare, my collection of Housman, and my anthology of Eliot, where they obviously deserve to be. On second thoughts – perhaps there’s a space next to Fergus Pickering’s philosophical musings, where they might rest more comfortably?!
“Just cloaked racialistic hate posting cloaked in a quasi anti socialist polemic to gain support in these climes”
That attempted smear, whether motivated by ignorance or malevolence, just confirms my point about leftists having a screw loose.
The idea that criticising Obama as a piss poor President is somehow racialist is the direct inversion of the leftist belief that he can do no wrong simply because of his skin colour. It proves my whole point.
And there is nothing quasi about my anti-socialist polemic. At least I hope there isn’t because I detest socialists and all their vile works, cloaked in moral superiority but delivering misery by the bucket load and sustained by the power of lies – as you demonstrate for us on an almost daily basis whenever you slither in here.
I’ll tell you what is racialist. It is “positive” discrimination – another leftist invented twisting and corruption of language because in reality it is nothing but negative, eschewing notions of ability, quality and merit for skin colour in a weird form of post-mortem guilt which instead of challenging for all humankind the rotten clowns who rule over us lap up and churn out in appeasement to a very vocal minority of race hucksters. Racialist is the idea that people with black and white parents are always black, as espoused by that vile woman who has become leader of the NUS, which effectively discriminates on the basis of race and renders the white parent a non-person and their ethnic legacy to their child suppressed. That is the sort of racial oppression the Nazis bureaucratised, formulating ethnicity by approval. But then we know that the Fabians were keen on eugenics.
True equality would make racial differences invisible when it comes to assessing worth. That ought to be the aspiration. Not exchanging one rigged system of imbalance for another.
So I’ll take no lectures, lies or smears from you on the subject.
Judge Napolitano on Obama’s Arrogance & Hillary’s Lying about FBI Email Investigation
Her bravado reveals the deal is already done?
I fear so. Comey’s boondoggle over here reinforces that perception. We’ll see. Hope we’re wrong, but I fear we’re right.
Btw I just turned over to Fox having watched Leicester whup Swansea 4 – 0.
Yaki Da!
Unfortunately I clicked straight into the weekend Obamarama fest: jug ears at this moment is congratulating Mutti on her immigration policy.
Napolitano on abortion: It’s not a controversy, it’s killing
The Judge is not frit of the dragons. In the USA Forty four million “procedures” since Jan 1, 1973. Genocide?
“True equality would make racial differences invisible when it comes to assessing worth. That ought to be the aspiration. Not exchanging one rigged system of imbalance”
Nothing could be more true
Sadly racism is rife in our society and disadvantages BME persons in all walks of life. White folks are more likely to be promoted and less likely to be fired than non whites. And the same obtains in relation to privileges and access throughout society
You are correct also about the failure of socialism
The failure of socialism in our society has made it easier for populist right wing politicians to prolong this inequality. The failure has also allowed the extreme conservatism of such as Farage and Gove carefully concealed beneath a demagogic rhetoric of renewal of the Country to appeal to racial and any other kind of profitable prejudice
Get well, keep the undertaker waiting and above all, keep ranting, each and every one a gem.
“Sadly racism is rife in our society and disadvantages BME persons in all walks of life. White folks are more likely to be promoted and less likely to be fired than non whites. And the same obtains in relation to privileges and access throughout society”
Tripe. That is a socialist construct contrived to promote a particular political agenda for which there is no verifiable evidence whatsoever. The socialist intent on changing society to conform to that agenda creates a “problem” which it is impossible to quantify, that stokes grievance to exploit a “victimised” identity group with a “solution” that is inherently ideological, narrow and coerced.
“The failure of socialism in our society has made it easier for populist right wing politicians to prolong this inequality. The failure has also allowed the extreme conservatism of such as Farage and Gove carefully concealed beneath a demagogic rhetoric of renewal of the Country to appeal to racial and any other kind of profitable prejudice”
Tripe. That is another socialist construct. The only “demagogic rhetoric of renewal to appeal to racial and any other kind of profitable prejudice” has come from socialists themselves throughout my whole life. Society, to them, needs constant “improvement” which they deceitfully describe as “progressive” whilst destroying everything good and worthwhile. Each incremental “progress” fantastically results in a worse situation that then requires ever more drastic and coercive measures to “correct”, which is why racial and religious angst is now more acute than it has ever been.
One only has to study your lies and mischief to understand this. You and your socialist comrades are sociopathic misfits who represent a clear and present danger to any form of harmony, sanity, contentment or pragmatism within society. You are agitators, malcontents, subversives, who live by the lie and profit by the lie. Your great deceit lies in the arrogant presumption that your way is the only way and that somehow you are engaged in a noble “struggle” whilst in fact it offers nothing but destruction and chaos. As we have seen.
The wonder is that you still get away with it and have not been pulverised into history like the Nazis. God knows you richly deserve it.
Look at this article, supposedly questioning identity labels but then consumed with the obsession of identity labels. The grievance issue for most of these agitators is simply that they are in a minority and feel disempowered by that. So they seek empowerment. Which is where the problem lies.
I cannot understand the current obsession with racism which has taken root in this country, but then I come from a very old Welsh line, we regard everyone from the Romans onward as a bloody migrant, and any Gypos turning up trying to flog pegs got the dogs set on them. Saved a fortune on Winalott.
“Your great deceit lies in the arrogant presumption that your way is the only way”
Again I must agree
Our way is not the only way
But let us examine the other ways
Standard market economics it is said do not always disadvantage the poor and can be made to work such that all will get fair wages and a decent home. Some say that individuals at the bottom of the heap can after decent education work their way up the ladder through hard graft. Yet others say that the Welfare State is not necessary because philanthropy did us very well and accompanied the greatest period in our history- the nineteenth century
So then market economics does not have at its aim to maximise profit. So our society gives equal educational opportunities to those in Tower Hamlets and those who can afford independent school fees. So then the outcry from most MP’s at the removal of tax credits and this year the removal of disability benefits was political mischief
Sorry I misunderstood
I need a rest from all this
“I need a rest from all this”
Obviously not, you are a masochist who likes being whupped like a dog by the Colonel’s incisive cat o’ nine tails. Does agitprop supply you with a card index to enable you to recycle this shit, eternally. As we have suggested so often – get a life! This Wall is reinforced concrete with an inch calibre thick coating of blast proof stainless steel on both sides designed to withstand commie propaganda. Just fuck off and stop banging your deluded head against it. You are not only unwelcome you are despised – and the butt of ridicule. Have you no pride? No of course not, you are doing the bidding of your puppetmasters. I suppose there must be a cachet in being regarded as the most idiotic of the UIs in the blogosphere. Do you wank into the mirror? Several ejaculations probably as the telly played Obamarama in the background. Little wonder you need rest.
From the Colonel’s Guardian link I saw this side link:
W’Ancona and Flabbott talk of Obama’s intervention in BRexit as “elegant” and “compelling” respectively. Hannan was only slightly less emetic.
Get back to your own shit-heap OBummer and take your bullshit with you. With a bit of luck and a following wind you’ll have no say whatsoever in any trade deal we negotiate either on this side of the Pond or that side, if we manage to achieve in the Referedum what this Country most needs – BRexit. Take your threats and ram them up your ass!
Europe’s political elites have been asking for it, and now it looks they are going to get it! 🙂
“Austrian Nationalists Trounce Political Establishment In Landmark Presidential Election”
“I have valued chancellor Merkel’s thinking and perspective on a whole range of global issues throughout my presidency,” Obama said.
The taqiyya merchant is putting himself about a bit!
April 24th, 2016 – 21:57
“Hofer — the “friendly face of the FPOe” who likes to carry his Glock gun in public — has threatened to fire the government if it fails to get tougher on migrants.”
My kind of guy – but how come the Austrian citizenry seem to have a right to bear arms when we probably can’t even buy an air gun any more? Or is it just a politician’s perk?
(“…likes to carry…” should probably read “…feels it prudent to carry…”)
I shared your mystification over Prince – who he? Indeed when I read the news that he was dead, I thought he had been dead for some years. Then I found that I had been mixing him up with someone called Mercury possibly because of the latter’s connection to a band called Queen.
Now I don’t want to get into the possible and evident connections of Père & Fils to the globalists but there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamed of in our blogosphere and as cats can be skinned (so I am told) in more than one way, we should at least look a little more closely before we say Good night sweet Prince and should consider that perhaps behind all the flummery of the pop world and its easy criticism, now cracks a noble heart.
I have no idea exactly how many fans Prince had among the young and I have no views on his music or his lyrics. I do know that his fans must certainly be in the millions. Since his death, I have also learned that Prince was a critic of the New World Order and had been speaking out. I am aware that his speaking out would have the potential to influence large numbers of the young sleeping classes and that the Prince might thereby wake large numbers of these politically insensible or misguided with the kiss of his thoughts. Does the history of totalitarian countries suggest that in our collapsing civilisation where soft power is preferred, where possible, to the boot this would not give as much concern to our sinister controllers as the continued occupation of a conservative Justice holding the swing vote on the US Supreee Court might give them when game-changing legal decisions needed to be made.
May be there is no credible evidence of foul play. At the lying in state of Czar Peter III of Russia, who died of piles, a scarf was around his neck and his hat was pulled down obscuring his face.
“”Money was a lazy b*tch, until you put it to work! And look how it works! Look how it grows! Materializes out of nowhere! As leaders, innovators, captains of finance, you will always be subject of the jealous resentment, the petty tantrums of the unwashed masses, the insolvent, the irresponsible, the invidious, the losers. They will envy you, your successes, they will despise you, but they secretly want to be like you! Irresponsible single mothers, uneducated immigrants, lead-drinking ghetto-strutters, homeless, crying, babies, starving senior citizens, obnoxious, entitled African Americans who object to having bullets pumped into their bodies by police: all these people are angry, entitled, and making noise, and they are endangering our democracy and economy, our greatness. (Hissing)” H.R. Clinton
You’ve gotta luv her!
You reely do!
“But they have not learned their lesson.
The effects prove themself. Under President Clinton — I like the sound of that!— America saw the longest, most prodigious reaming of the undesirable classes in our history, putting them firmly in their places. And they loved it! He felt their pain! And relished it! Because he was inflicting it!
And I will too!
H.R. Clinton (ibid)
Farage says Obama wants the TTIP deal with EU for his own financial advantage with big corporation.