This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
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Apologies for starting this week with a weird looking link, but the piece has some illuminating graphs on the cost of extracting oil by producing country.
Ignore the language, scroll down to two graphs with horizontal columns, in the first one the columns are in black, in the other one below in grey and free.
The black columns show total cost, the green part of the column in the lower graph the operating costs (the grey represent fixed costs).
Hard to say if the figures are right, they feel OK, the man who penned it doesn’t take sides in the piece.
Only the good die young?
Hillary Clinton is developing a ‘five o’clock shadow’. Perhaps she’s preparing to be the first tranny POTUS?
She must have a clitoris like a beaver’s tail.
Frank P 16.08
Jesus Christ frank, I’m about to have a meal . I hope the meats not chewy with the image you’ve locked into my mind.
Oh well, chew on and think of England.
Statistics do lie if twisted to serve a purpose, Frank, and Mr. Boot uses them, to borrow the well known quip, as ‘a drunk man uses lamp-posts — for support rather than for illumination.’
The argument would be that much more convincing if he told us how many generals the Russian Armed Services have (the service is as top heavy as ours), and also that the rank of general applies to the military as well as the KGB or whatever these nasty people call themselves today.
More to the point, if it’s genuinely true, the in-fighting between the two services by means of slaughtering each other, then it may be because the KGB colonel has decided to test Voltaire’s idea of the best form of government: ‘democracy tampered with assassinations’. Ha ha ha
Frank P @ 16:08
Just as well we don’t have any feminists floating around the blog, Frank, calling for your castration would be the least of their demand, Baron reckons.
On another subject quickly, a few years ago I was working with an old guy in Norfolk who was opening up sites for me to inspect. The conversation got round to shotguns as we were out in the wilds.
I asked him what he preferred, over and under or side by side, he said he had both types and liked both.
As we chatted and he told me about his guns I asked him how many he had. He tol me 153 ( I won’t swear to that exact number as I was so shocked, but it was in the 150s )
Only a very few were legal and none of the rest were stored properly.
It turned out he and all his old mates had always had a few spare guns and every time one of them died they left their guns to him.
There are lots of spare guns around when you get deep into the countryside.
This weeks’s empty headline –
Fat chance, eh? Not just that, but ROTFLMAO….!
Henry Thornton (18:47)
Bagged-up broads from the barbaric cult who are unable to converse in the primary lingo of Western Civilisation should be bundled back whence they came, pronto!
The daft bugger in No.10 should be nicked for conspiracy to misappropriate public funds, if not indeed treason. How DARE he propose to fund potential suicide bomberesses!!? How much longer are the British public expected to put up with this lunacy? Fifty percent of the indigenous children are not getting good education in English and he wants to waste money on educating women from an inimical pseudo-religious cult?
Fuck off Camerloon – keep you hands out of the national coffers to fund your barmy wheezes!
Twenty million more reasons to vote for UKIP and to vote ‘leave’ in the EU referendum (supposing we ever get it).
John birch
January 18th, 2016 – 17:25
D’accord John. shocked I am, Frank P, well, a bit, maybe….
BTW. Thanks for that fascinating insight into London’s villains last week, both the ones in serge and…the ones in blue serge. We wait, with anticipation for the publication of your memoires. Your choice, on line, whatever, but I for one wat to hear them.
In return I’ll bore you with my GWI memoires, soon to be a best seller….
I guess that with the throwaway about Mrs Clinton, Frank just updated the clasisc question the late, great classicist Bernard Manning asked, what’s the difference between a cricket ball and Fatima Whitbread….
What should one do, laugh or cry?
Of cakes and slaves, that’s what today’s Republic obsesses about.
Peter, the barbarian’s grateful you’re keeping the blog going for him, but does it pay off, would it not be smarter to shut it down, put the money in a mattress?
What do you think?
Baron January 19th, 2016 – 08:45
Why are these race issues and angst being ramped up? It seems to have accelerated in the USA under Obama and even been imported into the UK. Instead of Martin Luther King’s reconciliation Obama’s regime seems to have incited grievance and guilt without actually being seen to do that. No-one alive today is responsible for what happened then. Why are the sins of the distant past being weaponised into racial grievance today when it is 50 or more years since the bitterest issues were already resolved?
All this talk of “white privilege” in order to invoke guilt and discriminate seems simply contrived and racist. Used as a stereotype it is nothing more than hate speech. There are plenty of whites born and living without an iota of privilege.
Race hucksters seem to be asserting that merely to be born white is privilege and therefore white people should conform in their actions and language to a presumption of privilege – and guilt. To self censor. But comparing a white child born to impoverished parents in a deprived area of the USA with, say, Obama’s children that is patently untrue.
They are not championing equality but sowing division. There is a chip on the shoulder and it seems to be growing.
Baron – 13:40 ‘oil price wars’
What is important is the price of oil required to maintain the financial status quo in an oil producing country. The KSA might be able to extract oil at $10 to £20 a barrel, but they have a mighty big welfare bill, to keep the natives in check: hence the different figures in the table below “Saudi Arabia is effectively beached”, which gives a better idea of the oil price war:
Another factor is that many Middle Eastern oil fields cost billions to develop and years, even decades, to get into production, while fraccing takes a few months in many cases and once the wells are fracced, the incremental production costs are not that high and the technique is being proved and the public more comfortable with it (in the US at least!). The ability to match market demand is therefore easier for the fraccers in a quickly changing market place.
If LENR is what we hope it is, it will allow oil to be used for the chemical industries and some transport, and bring revolution to the oil cartels in a way that they never expected:
MIT Cold Fusion – The Revolution has Begun!
However, we are still waiting to see what LENR might be, let alone deliver! 🙂
More news, whether good or bad 🙂 , is expected around March time, but dozens of teams have already noted ‘excess heat’ in experiments, so there looks to be something, but we just don’t know quite what it is.
It’s not a mistake, you’re reading it well, it’s not the dictator Putin who’s fired a general (killing him later?), it’s the other way round, the firing was done by the one who who governs by executive orders, the one who’s going to retire to be amongst friends …
Frankies Lament
Eight minutes past four in the afternoon
there was a little beaver he just love to build
building up his dams he was really thrilled
collecting lots of logs so he could build his dome
filled with lots of tunnels this was the beavers home
gnawing down the trees with his teeth so strong
building up his dam very wide and long.
he would build all day till building was complete
then collect some food things he liked to eat
when his day was done he would rest and then
have a little sleep then back to work again
and all the while
dear Hillary had a smile
Or Frankies Lamentable
Don’t think of it as a pussy.
Think of it as a fuzzy wuzzy waterfall
behind which is a secret cave leading to Shangrila ~
but you gotta slip a fiver to the little man in the boat
or you’ll wind up in the Styx just East of Eden.
For real my son ~
this rumbling works for me.
Colonel Mustard @ 09:55
Excellently put, Colonel.
What may have irked the deluded here is not so much the happy cake baking by a black family, but their coupling with Washington. Any mention of many of the Founding Fathers being themselves slave owners is a taboo, off tthe radar, nothing to see issue.
So is the fact that there also were black slave owners, nobody has ever bothered to research it.
Unquestionably, slavery as an institution is abominable, foul, repulsive but, as you say, how could we be held responsible for the behaviour of our forefathers more than seven generations ago?
There also is the point of their living conditions, we’re told incessantly about their mistreatment, which must have true in many cases, but not all. Slaves were an asset in times of hardship, people didn’t have enough money to behave recklessly with their possessions. To ill-treat ones slaves didn’t make sense purely from a practical point of view.
You will get smacked, Fergus.
Baron – 12:41 ‘slavery as an institution is abominable’
Feudalism isn’t far from being benign slavery, yet that was the means of survival for centuries across much of the world. It is the lack of hope that is an abomination. Throughout history, many groups imposed slavery on others, yet few harp on about it, centuries after it was made illegal: at least those transported to America were not castrated.
It is true that freedom is what we all want, yet children are forced to attend school, and they haven’t done anything wrong either: all that Climate Change propaganda! 🙂
The problem we have today, with everyone having a valid view, no matter how ill informed or illogical they are, is that so many can’t even do the basics. They are unaware that including vegetables in your diet can improve your health, food needs to be kept in the fridge (after cooling), being polite helps relationships, etiquette is part of being polite and the most productive activity is intelligently deciding what to do next. The freedom to enact a ‘reasonable’ decision is as much as many of us can expect.
A recent study that highlighted the fact that the unemployed had a high percentage of belligerent individuals was scorned for being a form of profiling, yet letting them continue to believe that their lack of success is totally down to other people’s prejudices is a form of self imposed slavery, one that is passed down the generations as slavery is passed down.
Legitimate war? Has CMD been told?
Islamic scholar ‘says Allah allows Muslim men to RAPE non-Muslim women to humiliate them’
AN ISLAMIC professor has allegedly claimed Muslim men are allowed by Allah to rape non-Muslim women in order to “humiliate” them.
“Professor Saud Saleh – from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt – reportedly said rape is allowed between times of “legitimate war” between Muslims and their enemies.
In a television interview Saleh appears to try to discourage the purchase of slaves from Asian countries for sex, claiming Allah has given Muslim men a “legitimate” way to have sexual relations with slave women.”
It does explain a lot.
Another nail in the ‘Stay in the EU’ coffin:
UKIP question on safety of UK lorry drivers dismissed by EU as ‘offensive to migrants’
UKIP have reacted with fury after they were told they could be refused permission to grill senior eurocrats over the safety of British truck drivers in Calais – after Brussels ruled their question ‘offensive’ to migrants.
Article about how the British govt allies with Islamists to intimidate Tommy Robinson at:
Robert 15.55.
Nothing new there Robert . It’s all detailed in their book.
It’s us who refuse to listen to what they tell us that is the big problem.
Nigel Farage in full flow in the EU Parliament:
How can anybody with a grain of common sense not want to Brexit, after watching this clip?
Here’s a new (to me) name – Iben Thranholm. And here’s a sample of her opinions. I wonder what Baron, Frank – and of course Peter from Maidstone – think of them? –
dont know if anyone here has done peer to peer lending.
I do and it works for me.
but from april, peer to peer can be the basis of an ISA so makes the deal far better.
google funding circle, funding knight and wiki on peer to peer lending.
seem the vacuous naz shah MP invited trump to an organisation linked to Hamas, and who had platformed Haitham al-Haddad who said “Jews… are the enemies of God and the descendants of apes and pigs”
pity she didnt do her homework…
Does Baron smell a whiff of a smoking gun?
Herbert Thornton @ 18:27
Some of it reflects what Baron has summed up in his ‘the Russians have never ha it so good since the first Duma sitting in 1612’, Herbert, even though Moscow isn’t a Full Monty of Russia, most of the country still lives in pretty ‘testing’ conditions.
What matters, however, is that the environment for betterment have changed under Putin, she’s quite right when she says it feels in Russia as if did in the US in the 50’s. To make money, one would do better to relocate to Putin’s Russia rather than Obama’s Republic. The Duma currently debates the new reduced budget (cut of 10% are proposed), Baron watched it on the Rain. What he found amazing was how quickly do the Russians close ranks when danger from abroad appears to hit the country.
Some months ago, the barbarian told you about an Englishman (the barbarian knows his farther) who set up business there, did very well, ran into trouble (a small personal matter of divorce, his wife was Russian), the case came to court, after an initial setback, the English guy won, few Russians who tried to corrupt the court are now in jail. This may not be applicable to what’s going on elsewhere, but bit by bit the Russians are going to get there.
John birch – 17:33
So true, but I think action (in Cologne) speaks louder than words!
Nigel on form again, I see.
Mark Steyn rubs it in, ten years on.
(Jeez – is it really a decade since I bought America Alone):
A terrific update. He ends by urging others to join the campaign to enlighten and warn. Sadly, his prognostications were so accurate that one can only infer that the die is already cast and that it is already to late to reverse the incipient demographic doomsday.
Sooooo … what to do, Wallsters? Buy some popcorn and watch the programme unfold? Which Long March will prevail? Gramsci’s or the Muzzie Bros version? Or a blending of both, which is my own misanthropic prophesy!
Add this piece to Steyn’s and my misery deepens:
John Alexander
January 19th, 2016 – 17:21
The writing was on the Wall in miniature when Frank P and a couple of others attacked Tommy Robinson here in 2012 or so . We knew then that the establishment was not going to allow a natural leader from the ranks to interfere with the planned alliance of islam and the left and its attack on English civilisation. So it has proved.
Today, same old same old:
‘Exclusive–Geert Wilders: Delusional Britain Would Rather Ban Donald Trump Than Confront Unpleasant Facts’
Gates of Vienna by the way is publishing extracts from Robinson’s book:
But it seems free speech must now be silent on this topic:
This morning I received a Fascist-Stalinist propaganda piece (via the postman).
It is from the `Stronger In` EU campaign group.It is a four page A3 size colour production.
Every sentence in it is a lie;some of it highly sophisticated,in the form of disinformation.Dr.Goebbels could not have done better.
The first item to catch the eye is the claim that 3 million jobs are linked to the EU.Very clever:you notice they have dropped the expression`dependent on`.
It claims EU membership costs less then £1 (a day) per household.Actually it is a poll-tax of about £3 per week on every man,woman and child.
It claims that,outside the EU,to get free trade we would have to also have free movement of people; and no control over immigration.This is an out-right lie.
Then it declares it a myth that we need to be out of the EU to trade with the rest of the world.It states the truth is that through the EU we have free trade agreements with over 50 other countries.So;why would we not continue free-trade with them outside the EU (our position being that Great Britain be a freely-trading nation).AND:if Mexico,Jordan,and South Korea can have free-trade agreements with the EU without any in payments or free movement of people (or the Norway model) why can not Great Britain?
It also claims that every household benefits to the tune of £3,000 per year from membership,and that shop prices will rise if we leave,without any explanation for this.
There is here four A3 sheets of this propaganda.I will leave it to others to take-up items,if they wish,then it gets delivered to the wilds of East Anglia and Up North.
(above)…….*when*it gets delivered……
“The western world is going out of business because it’s given up having babies’, says the great Mark Steyn. Nope, on this, he’s wrong.
The western world is going out of business because it’s given up on itself, Frank. Trust Baron on this, he knows, he’s checked it out.
We give up on the notion that all cultures, sexes, skin colours (and whatever else distinguishes each of us from each other) are equal in creating, evolving and maintaining societies and their institutions, and we’ll be OK.
Had German women trebled their baby output, the tsunamis of immigrants from a culture alien to their own poured in as they’ve done last year (and before), the society built by the sauerkraut eaters throughout the centuries would still be in the shite.
Radford NG @ 23:18
Quite, Radford.
In the latest ST, hidden at the bottom corner of page 27 it says that £11.5bn of EU aid was lost to incompetence and graft.
That’s almost what Britain contributes to the monstrosity each year. But then, what would one expect from a bunch of unelected apparatchiks working for an outfit that has never got a proper independent audit.
Out it must be.
Sorry, not only mistakes but a serious omission, too. The penultimate sentence at 05.18 should end:
…..are equal in creating, evolving and maintaining societies and their institutions of the same equivalence to mankind, and we’ll be OK.
Poem Composed Entirely From Emails Sent by Hillary Clinton:
By Zach Schonfeld Sept 2015.
“Can you vet this request
And advise me?”
“Don’t forget the partridge
In the pear tree!!”
“Pls call the house.”
“Would you pls call my berry
So I know the ringer works?”
“And pls add Jake to the Eikenberry…”
“Pis let me know what Phil
Finds out asap”
“Pls call Sarah and ask her
If she can get me some iced tea”
“Can you tell me if China
Has signed this treaty?”
“Also the next day I want to go to
Philly for the party.”
“Please wear socks to bed
To keep your feet warm.”
“Is there a way to get
All our info on a form…
“…That goes up and down
Instead of from side to side?
“I would love to take a photo
W her daughter anytime.”
“I’d like to send a letter
To the rabbi.” “Pls advise.”
“I need a photo of me
To send for a surprise…
“…50th birthday book.”
“Can you give me times for two TV shows.”
“Just knock on the door
To the bedroom if it’s closed.”
“Pls find a copy of the movie
Pray the Devil Back to Hell.”
“Can you provide suggested points
For Iran and Israel?”
“Pls print.” “Pis print.”
“Pls print 3 copies.”
“Print this, not the first version.”
“Pls print for me.”
“Should I take a plane?
I’ll have my Mom w me.”
“Pls print three copies
Of this for me.”
“Do you know where
My pt instruction sheets are?”
Did I do an interview w
Lebanon’s paper An-Nahar?”
“We need to work in reference
And quotes from POTUS Nobel speech near the top”
“I need to discuss Pakistan agenda–
Pls call me thru Ops.”
“Add Gloria Steinem
To my call list”
“Dianne Feinstein–
Put her on my call list”
“Pls put Dean Ornish
On my call list.”
“PIs add to call list.”
“Do you have my call list?”
“Useful insight.
Pls circulate.”
“I would also like an updated list of all the
FMs, DMs and heads of State…
“…w whom I’ve met.”
“Pls be sure I say something about women…”
“Can you pls tell me how many times
I voted against raising the debt limit?”
“Call w King should be scheduled
So keep working w Huma.”
“Let me know what you
Think of Punta Cana.”
“Can you send me a draft this morning?
And, what is the Lamplighter story?”
“Also, can you recommend a
Casual place that’s not noisy.”
“Am I going to the deforestation mtg?
If not, can Todd go?”
“Pls print.” “Pls. print.”
“Can you print for me tomorrow?”
“Pls get me two hard copies of
Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers”
“PIs print.” “Pls print for me.”
“Pls print for me and HAPPY EASTER!”
If Mark Steyn and sultanknish wasn’t enough here’s more.
On the BBC News this morning, following an announcement that the EU want to distribute refugees more evenly throughout Europe, the EU are planning to change the law that requires refugees to seek asylum in the first safe country they arrive in.
Watch closely for concessions to Vichy Dave the Human Blancmange that come with a sting in the tail he’ll have to try to hide or spin.
Radford NG – 23:18
Is this the ‘false Brexit claims’ that you mention?
Tory Remain group’s false Brexit claims – absurd or deliberately misleading?
The British people suffer greatly from a lack of public officials prepared to sit in meetings and say “That’s a barmy idea, don’t be so stupid”. So instead we get the relentlessly naive left-wing drive to be saviour to the whole world, whatever the cost and whatever the risks. Left wing loonies are able to proliferate and prevail in the public sector from the lack of people prepared to take them on and therefore the policies gradually get more and more radical.
The evidence is mounting up:
Courant Times – Tuesday 19th January 2016
Is it larger than the ‘butter mountains’ and ‘wine lakes’ from yesteryear, caused by the Common Agricultural Policy, which hasn’t been changed since it was ‘negotiated’ by Blair, even though our rebate was ‘altered’ in the deal?
This is a nasty one, even as a joke, and if one thinks about it it cannot go down well with (in fact, it could more than offend) those followers of Allah who have given up on the sharia interpretation of the Koran, would not heed a call for jihad.
A guy walks in a bar and asks the barman, ‘Isn’t that Trump and Cruz sitting over there?’ The bartender says, ‘Yep, that’s them.’ The guy walks over and says (he’s an American), ‘Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?’
Cruz says, ‘We’re planning WW III.’ The guy says, ‘Really? What’s going to happen?’
Trump says, ‘Well, we’re going to kill 140 million Muslims and one single blonde with big tits.’
The guy looking shocked and totally bewildered shouts, ‘A blonde with big tits? Why TF kill a blonde with big tits?’ Trump turns to Cruz and says, ‘See, I told you, no one gives a shite about the 140 million Muslims.’
Just as well the American don’t breed more than they do if they’re to end up with such an attitude to labour.
Fergus Pickering @ 07:54
Too long, and why Easter, why not go the whole hog, aim for next Christmas?
For some reason, the barbarian misread Pls for Pis, the Polish recalcitrant outfit, it took him time to figure it was the abbreviation n for please. Really, Fergus.
A Montana cowboy, a Native American and a Muslim are waiting for their plane in a small Montana airport.
The Montana cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table and tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face.
The wind outside is blowing tumbleweeds around and the old windsock is flapping, but still no plane comes.
The American Indian clears his throat and softly speaks.
“At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few.”
The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward,
“Once my people were few,” he sneers, and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?”
The Montana cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth, and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a drawl :
“That’s cause we ain’t played Cowboys & Muslims yet, but I do believe it’s a-comin”.
However much one sides with the direction of Donald’s push for the top job, Sarah’s delivery of her support doesn’t appeal to the barbarian, let’s hope it appeals to Iowa farmers.
How sad it is when youthful innocence fades away.
Are we now going to see more hysterical attempts to demonise Vlad? –
Herbert Thornton @ 17:07
A new season of Russia kicking may be round the corner, Herbert, the success of the Assad’s Armed Forces in Aleppo must have unsettled many.
Few days back, in the Times, one of the resident female scribblers had a go at the cumryd with an attack on Vlad first.
“Vladimir Putin or Barack Obama? For a left-leaning politician, that might sound a straightforward choice between a homophobic, human rights abusing, expansionist demagogue, and a leader of a free world who supports gay marriage and reform of gun laws”, said the scribbler with the face resembling a dry kangaroo scrotum (why doesn’t she have a botox, it would perform miracles for her).
If the gay loving man where truly for gays he would tell his Saudi, Iranian friends to stop killing them, impose sanctions on both countries if they didn’t. On guns laws he can do BA, if he did most of the the Republic’s burghers would revolt, he wouldn’t know whether to hide or run.
Tomorrow, an independent enquiry will report on Litvinenko’s death, no doubt they’ll present evidence of the polonium poison being traced up to Vlad’s door in the Kremlin.
The Defence Ministers of nine members of the anti-ISIL coalition met (what happened to the other seven one isn’t told), Carter, the US man said it’s impossible to broaden the coalition to include Russia. The French clown backed him saying the Russians should stop bombing groups fighting ISIL, another joker claimed 1,000 civilians have died since Russia joined the fray.
What nobody bothers to explain is how could there be a peaceful settlement followed by a ‘free election’ in Syria if ISIL are still in control of almost quarter of the country, a quarter of the land that matters, most of it is just plain desert, no living thing there.
Noa @ 13:05
What does the cowboy know we don’t, Noa?
The way things are moving it will be the Muslim student and his pals who’ll take over, in Europe first, over there next.
Radford NG @ 23:18
This morning, the barbarian got his pamphlet called ‘Europe & you’, the front page narrative headed “The EU referendum: Your vote will decide your family future”accompanied with six key facts of benefits, amongst them that Britain gets £66mn each day in inward investment from the EU countries.
The figure of £66mn per day (from the Office of National Statistic) translates into £24bn per year. What the compilers of the leaflet don’t say that in 2014 (latest full year for which data is available) inward investment in the UK was £1.0 trillion i.e. the inward investment from our European friends came to some 2.5%. We can easily attract the EU share if we go it alone if we wink at the Chinese. Wankers.
At the back page, Baron’s asked there questions (and is prompted to send the answers back to them):
The first question asks: Which of these do you think is the most important benefit of being in Europe: Lower prices, more jobs, free trade for business, more security.
One has to tick the answer, not enough space to answer really. How could we have more jobs if there are around a million of Poles (plus job doing or seeking from other EU countries), or more security when the Mutti keeps letting into the EU millions of refugees, some of whom want to do us harm, without proper checks?
In Denmark, the town council of a seaside town of Ranmders voted by a slim majority of one to make it compulsory to have pork dishes on each menu. This allegedly got the whole of Denmark talking. Hog raising is important for the country, they export alot, too, and pork dishes top the list of national favourite meals.
What do the worshippers of Allah have against pork, it’s the tastiest meat around, they’re missing it.
Baron 17:54
I thought you didn’t believe in the demographics, Baron. What changed your mind?
Intersting, well argued case for ISIL expansion on the Arabic peninsula, Herbert may like it:
Could one of you techie wizards explain why my Norton app risk advisor lists the BBC media-player and Skype as high risk?
The year is 1915 “One hundred years ago”. What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1915:
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
Fuel for cars was sold in chemists only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bath.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
The average British wage in 1915 was £15 per year!
A competent accountant could expect to earn £800 per year.
A dentist £900 per year.
A vet between £600 and £900 per year.
And, a mechanical engineer about £2000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at home
Ninety percent of all Doctors had no university education!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press AND the government as “substandard.”
Sugar cost two pence a pound.
Eggs were 10 pence a dozen.
Coffee was five pence a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and, used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
The Five leading causes of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhoea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was only 30.
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn’t been invented yet.
There was neither a Mother’s Day nor a Father’s Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn’t read or write and, only 6 percent of all British pupils went to universty.
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at local corner chemists.
Back then chemists said, “Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach, bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health!” (Shocking?)
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help…
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A.! In 2014 this figure had risen to 14,249.
In the UK the murder rate in 1915 was 1420. In 2015 it was 537. (Perhaps we are doing something right!)
I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself.
From there, it will be sent to others all over the WORLD all in a matter of seconds!
Can you imagine what it may be like in another 100 years?
This `Europe and You` project from the Stronger In group: they claim it is being sent to 10 million households (although there are 24 million in the UK) costs an awful lot.The Leave campaign says £ One-and-a-Half Million.This is probable about right,working-out to 15p. per copy.That is for two-sided colour printing,folding (twice),and delivery.
A great deal of money.
Noa @ 21:18
That’s a fantastic posting, Noa, thanks, it’s already in the bank of things to keep for there’s never enough of stuff like this that would satisfy the barbarian. Is this from book of statistics, or just an ad hoc compilation from somewhere?
Here’s a shot at 2105
The average life expectancy for men will be 47 years.
Fuel for cars will be sold in chemists only.
Only 14 percent of the homes will have a bath ….
(only joking, but imagine it’s around 400 AD the Romans are leaving Britain, a country with plumbing, sanitation, an effective administration, a police force …if someone had asked (before a bunch of pagan Engels, Saxons and whatever newcomers started to arrive at the shores of this island) what would it be like in 1400? ….)
Radford NG @ 23:51
A great deal of money, Radford, but worth every penny of it, ha ha ha
Noa @ 18:34
What makes you think, Noa, the barbarian has changed his take on demographics? It’s possible he misunderstood the point of the joke thinking the cowboy hinted at a fight. Was this wrong?
Turkish forces have invaded Syria today, ostensibly to combat ISIL, but weird as it may be, the ISIL thugs only watched the invasion, didn’t engage with the invaders, or the invaders with them. The conflict is hotting up, it only needs the Chinese to get involved.
Noa (21:18)
“(Perhaps we are doing something right)”
Depends on how you define murder. ☺
Is Malfleur still with us? This is for him:
Baron (January 20th, 2016 – 18:46)
Thanks for the link. I won’t say that I “liked” what it forecasts, because that can be read as meaning that it’s only effect is to make me rub my hands with glee.
Watching the witches’ cauldron bubble however will certainly be fascinating, and what the various witches will scoop out of it is certain to be nasty.
Somehow the forecast brought to mind Wordsworth’s London 1802. However, the fen of stagnant waters description doesn’t fit Saudi Arabia. But it fits England now just as well as it did then.
So why is Comey dragging his feet? C’mon Guv’nor – feel her collar! StaInless steel bracelets will look good on her. Or do these use the plastic jobbies these days?
Trump v Biden should be fun for the remainder of the cycle. I remember relishing the prospect some time ago.
…do they use … apologies.
Having read this news earlier today I was curious to see how it was being reported in our western media – e.g. our newspapers and the BBC. But so far I haven’t found ANY report of it.
Now I find myself asking – like Donald Trump – “What’s going on?”
Swedens refugee children.
November 9: Social commentator and whistleblower Merit Wager revealed on her blog that administrators at the Immigration Service had all been ordered to “accept the claim that an applicant is a child, if he does not look as if he is over 40.” A staggering 32,180 “unaccompanied refugee children” had arrived during 2015 by December 1 — since then another 1,130 have come — and the government finally decided to take action. If its proposition is approved by Parliament, everyone who looks adult-aged will be forced to go through a medical age-determination procedure. One of the reasons Sweden stopped doing these in the first place, was that pediatricians refused to take part in them. They said the procedures were “unreliable.”
Spoonface is already campaigning to stay in a “reformed” EU and today publicly urging businesses to campaign to stay in a “reformed” EU in the run up to the referendum.
This before any “reform” has actually been delivered. And if the “reform” is anything like his promise to sweep away New Labour’s nanny state, repeal its bad law and build a bonfire of the quangos it will be distinguished by existing in name only.
Taking the piss doesn’t even begin to cover it. The contradictions in his pattern of behaviour over the EU are outrageous. He has redefined the meaning of the word fraud.
The Great Game reached a new level today following the Litvinenko report. An almost empty Westminster Gasworks heard the waffling of Dracula’s bride and her counterpart, the ventriloquist’s dummy, from the ‘Opposition Front Bench’.
Why are they re-boiling yesterday’s potatoes, yet again? So the FSB are a ruthless bunch of murderous thugs and Vlad is still the top-cat in their kleptocratic mafia? Yerrrss! We knew that! What’s new pussycat? And whatchergonnadoabahtit??
Meanwhile we move closer and closer to deeper entanglement with the EUSSR; the US of A slides farther and farther to the left – and the forces of the new Caliphate grow stronger and stronger by the day with our new friend and ally Iran gleefully counting their $150b and flooding the market with their devalued black sludge, throwing the global markets into crippling confusion and rapidly moving towards membership of the nuclear capability club, as they fund terrorism around the globe. And Litvinenko is still dead! Well done, you diplomatic geniuses.
… and ‘Security Services’.
Can’t find much on Tommy Robinson’s latest arrest. I guess I must have missed it.
It’s a shame that it should be such a low priority for the BBC because behind it there’s one of the biggest news stories of the last decade. Tommy Robinson the biggest Islamist target for death was jailed on a regular wing of a category A prison and so surrounded by psycho Muslim murderers.
Apparently they always do that and it’s only by the greatest of luck that the former head of the EDL is still alive. On one occasion he was actually locked in a room with several Muslim guys and lost teeth in the subsequent beating.
So where is the Beeb on this. Our government is effectively allied with the Islamists to intimidate (and probably worse) a British citizen who was jailed for lending some money to a relative. Isn’t that public interest enough for the BBC?
More on that at:
Morden tube station murder: University lecturer Daniel Young stabbed to death on first day of dream job.
Police seem suspiciously quiet about suspect. Which makes me very suspicious about the suspect as well.
CMD had better hurry up with his referendum! 🙂
EU could go UNDER in 6 WEEKS, Dutch PM claims as France admits ‘we weren’t built for this’
Frank P @ 12:53
Well observed, Frank, but you’re missing the timing coincidence of the Litvinenko’s report and that of the ‘leak’ on the Great Paedo of All Times, Sir Jimmy.
Incidentally, it was neither a public inquest, nor was it a trail, but an enquiry, obviously the Russians couldn’t have been invited because most of it was hush hush, but more transparency may have convinced the barbarian to buy the Litvinenko’s take on the affair.
Checking the eastern blogs, Baron was shocked by the attitude of the unwashed summed up as ‘the guy was a traitor, he got what he deserved’ (Not an argument Baron would endorse). All East European MSM are carrying the story, one with a massive circulation and deadly opposed to the KGB Colonel, (often to anything coming from Russia, too,) surprised Baron by saying the judge’s pointing finger at Putin was “un-English, he didn’t offer any evidence to back it up’.
Join the queue for tickets to this one:
One of the comments:
“3 hours ago
A musical ? More like a horror film: Catweazel meets Godzilla.”
Excellent, Snodgrass!
Baron (16:43)
There you go again! Defending the indefensible.
As for ‘missing the Saville link’: I was thinking more of the report as being a diversion from CMD’s proselytising at Davos. A potent mix: daft, devious and dangerous.
That’s more like it”
The UK has missed out on ‘TRILLIONS’ of pounds in trade due to EU membership
BRITAIN has missed out on trillions of pounds worth of trade because of its membership of the EU, a report by a leading think tank claimed last night.
Farage’s GE result needs to be reviewed:
Could South Thanet’s Result Be Overturned?
A quirky little conversation piece from Gerard:
Read the comments, too. It’ll take your mind of the political bullshit flying around today.
Incidentally, I often wonder what percentage of £2 coins spend most of life in piggy banks for one reason or another?
At first this sounds hilarious, but after a few moments consideration it’s obviously good common sense too.
Maybe Italy has better quality judges than elsewhere?
What fills the headlines and makes the TV and Radio News top spots? Why cases so old many have forgotten them. A traitorous Russian spy turned Englishman. A sex-crazed popular theatrical and finally a horrible case of a father possibly having intercourse with his own thirteen month old baby girl. So much now is obviously censored, so to keep the peasants quiet, the most sordid cases are dished up, including an old lord who developed Alzheimers and accused of abusing children, and a war hero also accused of the same crime. Circuses to placate the masses!
Anne 21-11
Totally agree Anne , you can feel and smell the manipulation.
Anne (21:11)
Yes. And think of the willing complicity of those in the various elements of the media where all is coordinated and packaged. Where few have either the wit or the will to expose the propaganda for what it is. The network of subliminal artifacts that are contrived to gull the proles into the perceptions that suit the manipulators. The matrix of deception and jiggery-pokery, with more and more involved in the multiple conspiracies of evil. Humanity appears ultimately to be a wicked phenomenon, by its very own measures. What to do? What event will turn the tables and save us from ourselves? We’ve lived through a few earth shattering eras. The current one is weird and marked by a complacent lethargy. The die is cast for serious and insane reaction – all it needs is a spark to fall into one of the many tinderboxes.
Frank P @ 16:47
Most of those opposing the cumryd (Baron happens to be a member of the same bunch) are making a grave mistake attacking largely him, those around him rather than what it is he’s dreaming on unleashing on us if he gets it. (Similarly, in the Republic with Donald). This may backfire spectacularly for the unwashed will start disliking it, vote for him out of sympathy, without probing his policies.
Alexander Boot takes no prisoners:
Heh, heh, heh. Game set and match!
RobertRetyred @ 17:19
That’s an excellent point, Robert.
So, to run it by the wallsters again, we have received only 4% in inward investment from the EU last year (probably that figure isn’t that different for other years), we’ve missed on far more lucrative trade deals with countries outside the club (in services in particular), and something that hasn’t been raised yet, the growth rate of the club including Britain) over a period of time (Baron has forgotten whether it was a decade or so) has been lower that that of many countries outside it (someone may dig this one up, hopefully will).
What the hell are we waiting for then?
Frank P @ 22:48
The hatred of the omni-all Mr. Boot of things Russian, for this is what it is, Putin’s just the proxy for it, seems limitless. How could anyone bear such a burden, someone who professes to be deeply religious, who quotes extensively from the great thinkers of the past? Mr. Boot should be a subject for a major psychiatric study at least.
He, the omni-all one, was born in Russia, educated there when the bona fide communist thugs, their KGB henchmen were in power, did FA to stand up to them, fled the country. All he seems to have learnt was what he now accuses the KGB Colonel of – an unadulterated hostility not of few men, but of a whole tribe. One must be thankful he hasn’t got the tools to convert the enmity into something tangible. If he were in charge in the Kremlin today, the Russians would be much worse off than they were in the depth of the Red Menace nightmare.
As to the substance of Mr. Boot’s argument, the mafia link, the embezzlement galore, the homosexuality trait, why didn’t Litvinenko go to court with it, why did he limit himself to writing books, articles in the MSM, giving lectures? In the West, everyone can say, write anything everyone wants to (well, to a point), you recall the guy who said the Honorary Muslim has an illegitimate son, other stuff?
As Baron said before (not that it matters anyway what the barbarian thinks) he would accept a jury decision in a properly tested court case, a take on the murder by one man chairing an enquiry most of which is held in camera, spookes of one side only giving evidence, no cross examination of witnesses. What sort of justice is that?
Should a properly adjudged case be made, the KGB Colonel found guilty, Baron will the first to sign a petition for his arrest.
Btw, are you aware Litvinenko’s farther, a deadly opponent of Putin after his son defected in 2001, later changed his view, apologised to Vlad even though he didn’t have to, could have carried on as before?
What do you make of it then, you heh heh heh guru?
anne wotana kaye @ 21:11
Solid points, anne, anything that hides the stories of importance will do, that’s Britain’s journalists (except for a handful of the craft) in the 21st century.
Herbert Thornton @ 20:11
That’s an interesting case, Herbert, perhaps someone would dig up Lord Denning:
‘Unlike my brother judge here, who is concerned with law,’ he once teased at a legal dinner, ‘I am concerned with justice’.
Often today, our learned judges at the highest level of their profession seem to have forgotten not only the the latter, but the former, too. Where were they when our sovereignty started getting eroded, shouldn’t they have raised a voice in defence of (say) the Common Law?
John birch
January 21st, 2016 – 22:14
Frank P
January 21st, 2016 – 22:32
January 21st, 2016 – 23:42
Gentlemen, it seems journalism is indeed in a terrible state. What next? Ah, an article revealing the true story about the Princes in The Tower, and shocking revelations about Richard III.
Frank P, January 21st, 2016 – 03:05
Looking about the interweb there is a substantial body of opinion out there, that after some engineered domestic crisis, Obama will declare martial law, suspend the 2016 election by executive orders, and carry on à la the Kim dynasty of N.Korea. What about the constitution you may ask… Barry has payed little or no regard to that, ever!
Colonel Mustard, January 21st, 2016 – 07:33
If by some miracle the EU doesn’t explode due to the burgeoning “migrant” (rapefugees) crisis this summer then our PR PM will undoubtedly do his best to ensure that the BRexit referendum delivers the right result – for Brussels.
If by some miscalculation, despite €Millions of slush money expended, there is an OUT vote, then the EU Commission will make him repeat the exercise until they get the result that they paid for!
anne wotana kaye @ 23:55
To borrow our guru’s favourite and powerful tool of argument: heh heh heh, anne, good one again.
What amazes is the scribblers have missed completely the anniversary of one top communist thug called Lenin, he pegged it (Baron was going to say today, but it’s gone well past midnight) 92 years ago (how the time flies, ha?)
In Russia, the communist party were in a jubilant mood, plenty of exposure in the press, radio, TV, the gist of their argument was the man is misunderstood, Putin also butted in saying Lenin ‘put an atomic bomb under Russia, exploded it, destroyed Russian history’.
The current communist leader (2nd largest in the Duma) told the KGB man he’s mistaken in his view of Lenin in a radio interview, another communist party member who sits on something or other recited a poem by Paternak (An Honourable Malady (?)), in which the poet mentions Lenin, argued the founder of the communist nightmare was able to persuade all, peasants, workers, intelligencia.
Not to be left out, Zhirinovsky, the leader of the third largest party, was as usual in a combative mood, said the Red Square should be cleared of the ‘graves of traitors’ (Lenin’s tomb still sits in the Mausoleum), called Lenin names, accused him not only of the destruction of the Tsarist Russia, but the USSR as well, and Ukraine, too, called for Lenin’s body to be moved to Ulyanovsk (Lenin’s birthplace).
One of the TV stations reminded viewers that more than half of those polled last year view Stalin favourably (up from only 12% in 1989), and roughly a third have the same view of Nicholas II (that’s the last Tsar shot by the bolsheviks), and Lenin. Putin didn’t figure in the poll, that is wasn’t included.
Why then did the MSM here miss it? It was an ideal opportunity to kick the Russians some more. Hopefully, Mr. Boot will address it in due course.
EC @ 00:02
If that were to come true, EC, the barbarian would win ten quid. Two years ago, he made a bet that the Honorary Muslim would be elected President for Life in the Republic.
(It would be the first time Baron has won anything, but then, he seldom bets anyway).
Try not to miss the LiveLeak video:
Baron (January 21st, 2016 – 23)
That’s interesting – the similarity to Lord Denning’s ethos had not occurred to me.
Your mention of Denning “teasing” a fellow judge at a dinner rang a very loud bell too, because I can assure you that his teasing also reflected a very deep seriousness on his part.
I say this because in about 1962, at a reception for Lord Denning, I heard him give a speech. He discussed frankly the criticisms of some of his judgments and defended himself quite forcefully by declaring that he believed that his first duty as a Judge was to be true to his oath of office – which included the words “I will do right.”
Sadly – as you say in your last paragraph – too many Judges nowadays, in Britain, Canada and the U.SA., and even at the highest levels, lack both the character and the sense of duty possessed by either Lord Denning or the Judge whom he was teasing.
Does the current publicity about the death of Alexander Litvinenko remind anybody of the somewhat mysterious death of Dr. David Kelly?
This is quick, informative, and fun, too. You should put to a test the whole family, friends. The barbarian came up as siding with Donald at 94%.
Two attempts to reply to Herbert has failed, the screen stays blank, Peter. Could you give MI5 a ring, tell them to install a faster server, please.
Herbert Thornton @ 01:44 3rd reply
Imaginative thinking, Herbert, the idea of comparing the two has passed the barbarian by.
If it were a put-up job, it shows how the ‘professionals’ do it, very few clues, almost everything pointing to a suicide, and certainly no traces of blood droplets from the woods where the deed was committed (even though the man is supposed to have lost a lot of blood) to ……. (the Kremlin?, heh heh heh).
A friend of Baron has sent him a posting on the Litvineko story from a paper, it made the barbarian chuckle, Frank should also like it.
“I’m a builder and I came to roughly the same conclusion as that Judge nine years, eleven months, six days, 23 hours and fifty minutes before him”.
January 22nd, 2016 – 11:03
Oh Lordy,
I don’t even like the man and I got 92% for Trump!
A 16 year old German girl makes a video saying she is afraid;that she is frightened to go out in the evening after dark;she doesn’t know why they (politicians)have done this:they have destroyed Germany;she begs for help.
There is a German video available via Breitbart with an English transcript.
There is a video with English sub-titles.
anne wotana kaye – 13:30
I like the guy, but only managed 86% 🙂
I like him, not because ‘I like him’, but because the American political system needs shaking up, violently, as the politicians, there and in Europe (and Britain 🙂 ) have been taking what has gone before for granted and haven’t done any deep thinking. The World has moved on in the last couple of years, let alone the last ten or twenty years.
I read a recent article that said that Churchill was formidable in power because of the many years he spent in opposition. People said he was wrong, mad and worse, yet he persisted. There is no guarantee that it will work out, but if nothing changes in the West’s approach to its survival, it definitely won’t work out!
We need proactive policies that have our interests at heart, unhindered by ‘ever closer union’ to an authoritarian, vindictive, wealth destroying elite, with the policies sourced by the knowledgeable, with experience, with future generations in mind:
“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting”
There is now a strong chance that Donald Trump will win the GOP nomination and could even go on t jjo become POTUS. Think positively about it. Washington needs a shake up and a muck out. He’s capable of doing that. He is probably less corrupt than most others who have previously occupied the White House; certainly a great deal less crooked and more patriotic than the current incumbent.
The West in general needs a strong leader to spearhead the fight against Islamic jihad; to close Western borders to inimical infiltrators. Trump would do that. He could also expose and beat the Clinton mafia ojkkconspiracy. Obviously the current administration is deliberately dragging its feet over the Benghazi scandal, the Email violations and the Clinton foundation corruption, so Hillary will be the the Democrat Party nominee.
You may not like Trump, but consider the alternative. Trump is a street fighter, a savvy media manipulator and would back strong military action, sorely needed as Iran starts to flex the muscle that $150b freed-up funds has given them under the treacherous deal brokered by the quislings of the West.
The Washington elites are now panicking and trying to derail Trump’s campaign. They may have underestimated the frustration and anger of middle America. I hope Trump wins and rubs there noses in it. Not least because the Westminster gasworks had the temerity to debate the ‘gating’ of Trump and because the arty-farty literati here think that Trump is a joke. I hope that the joke is on them.
Having watched the US election campaign very closely over the last few months, it is clear that Trump is the strongest candidate by a country mile.
None of the others would confront the unholy alliance between international socialism and Islamic jihad. I would also enjoy observing Wee Ecks boat race as President Trump played his next round of golf at Turnberry. See yew jummy!
Apologies for the extra consonants that my last post acquired in transit – I checked it twice before I pressed ‘comment’. Probably the dodgy software on my tablet.
Radford NG – 14:15
I found this, after watching your suggestion:
Germans Panic As Muslims March Through City: ‘THIS IS OUR FUTURE’
It’s dated last October, so we know the Elite cannot have been unaware of the situation, and we are now seeing the consequences.
Baron (January 22nd, 2016 – 11:12)
Another way to assess the Litvinenko matter (and the David Kelly one) is to look at them in an even wider context – e.g. by thinking about Julian Assange & Wikileaks – not to mention how both treason and spying are both still considered, by virtually all countries, to be very grave crimes.
The Litvinenko, Kelly and Assange cases all had some sort of relationship to matters of official secrecy, and illustrate the importance all governments attach to keeping official secrets secret. Assange’s fears that he could face the death penalty in the U.S.A. even though he is not a citizen are I think, not unreasonable.
Consider in particular this report in Yesterday’s National Post –
You will see that it contains this sentence –
“Litvinenko was a British citizen at the time of his death, and had spent years on the payroll of MI6, following his decision to defect from Russia in 2000.”
In light of that, can it not be argued that from the Russian point of view, Litvinenko was both a traitor and a very serious security risk indeed?
Since Litvinenko was on the payroll of MI6, is not all the abuse being heaped on Putin personally and on Russia generally, rather hypocritical?
Pat Condell on students.
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
This Anglican priest makes the blood of the barbarian boil, should it not be his duty to care for the souls of the immigrants (if and when they arrive) rather than argue for their numbers to grow? The number is for the politicians to decide, for people to approve.
If as Kassem points out ww were to take everyone who’s living in the lands ravished by wars, violence, social unrest, we would perish as a society.
There really does come a point where you say , just what the fuck is going on.
Herbert Thornton @ 16:16
Valid point, Herbert, but hypocrisy and politics are, have always been, the most intimate bedfellows, so not much of a surprise here, and if the Russians wanted to prevent their secret to be leaked to us, the Americans, they left it too late (unless you believe, as was hinted in the MSM when the case first broke, that Litvinenko had something so big it would sink Putin).
The security services are a world of their own, both here and in Russia, the elected representatives must find it difficult to keep them in line, to prevent their breaking the law, get away with it.
One can never be sure of anything if it involves the spooks, but Baron reckons if the Americans could poison Assange in Moscow, they wound’t hesitate to do, it would be legally marginally more kosher than the Litvinenko’s demise because the Australian hasn’t asked for an asylum in Russia, didn’t become a citizen of the country.
Whatever Litvinenko did before and after he arrived here, the fact remains he was a British citizen, was entitled to the full protection of the law. Plenty of people here, even more in the East (you’re hinting at it, too) are taking the view ‘he got what he deserved’. Baron’s not exactly comfortable with it. However, what makes the barbarian doubt the approved version of events are things, which are hard to accept. Here are just two of the m:
How did the two Russians leave Britain, contaminated with he stuff (after the first attempt), came back few days later, again contaminated, managed to poison him with massive doses, leave the country again glowing when the airport security gate (that’s the contraption one has to pass through) is supposed to detect radioactivity (to prevent a ‘dirty bomb’ material to be smuggled).
Could they, the two assassins, really have been given the polonium (as the judge said) without being told or at least warned that it leaves traces for years? If true, whoever was in charge of the operation should be looked at, he may be a double spy. Frank must know about these things, but isn’t the police always looking hard for the weapon with which the crime was committed? Well, here, the KGB has offered the weapon on a silver plate, and not just the weapon, the brain centre of the crime. Are the KGB that imbecilic? Hmmm
Weird as you may find it, the Berezovsky’s case, closed now, death by natural causes, (if Baron remembers) stinks more of a KGB involvement than the into-you-face case of Litvinenko. But nuffsaid.
BTW, composing this rant Baron was trying repeatedly to open the link you suggested. No luck, it keeps asking for a ‘log in’. Does one have to be a subscriber?
The Telegraph
“Vicars should grow beards to reach out to Muslims, bishop suggests
Bishop of London says priests with hipster-style facial hair in areas with large Muslim populations ‘can only be applauded’
The above seen in today’s Telegraph. Maybe the vicars should give up bacon and eggs for breakfast. It’s odd, but none of the bearded rabbis I have known have ever been applauded by Muslims.
Baron (January 22nd, 2016 – 18:00)
Google ‘National Post 21 January’. That should take you to the front page. You should then see the article at the top right. Click on that and (here, on my computer) it then displays the report.
You ask (rhetorically I’m sure) – “Are the KGB that imbecilic”? Who knows, but I doubt it.
I guess we can equally ask – “Are the British security and Police that incompetent that they failed to detect the Polonium when it was imported?” After spending 95% of my entire career employed by governments – and in consequence being a firm supporter of Donald Trump – I incline to say “Yes”. Incompetence is frighteningly prevalent among government employees. As for politicians, add imbecility too.
Don’t let this pass you by just because it is in the Independent:
Petition calling for Emma Watson to spend week in migrant camp to show refugees are ‘feminists’ grows to 7,000 signatures
Herbert Thornton @ 18:57
Success, the barbarian has found it, thanks, Herbert. The postings are interesting, one asks ‘how many have we killed with drones’, the other that ‘the story’s a crap, another Russia bashing opportunity’, (which is exactly what the boy and is gofers wanted).
You must be quite a brainy nation, browsing through the pages some more Baron found a piece about the discovery of the biggest prime yet, 22.3 million digits. Not the sort of news one finds here in any of the papers.
Btw, the Moscow TV Rain station reported few minutes ago on Kerry saying ‘the Russian sanctions may be lifted in the months ahead’. The ‘brainless’ Secretary of State (that’s the copyright description offered by a top Israeli politician) is reported to say so in a press conference after meeting the Ukrainian President Poroshenko.
It’s only a guess, but Baron reckons it is because with the Western sanctions on (and Russian counter sanction on agri products imports also in place) Ukraine would go near bankrupt, they’re the major exporter to Russia of agri-products.
Russia’s imports of foodstuff ran last year at $30bn, down but still a huge number. They bring in not just pork, eggs, cheese ($1,3bn pa), vegetables, but also potatoes (so much so that their buyers are price setters) and pork scratchings. Unbelievable this. Why cannot they let the hogs run wild in Siberia (as the Argentines do with cattle on their pampas, (or used to, now apparently it’s more economical to herd the animals, feed them in confined spaces).
The question of import substitution was a major subject in a recent gathering of economists in Moscow (The Gaidar’s Foundation was the organiser), the Rain TV covered the conference in great detail, plenty of suggestions what Russia should do, plenty of criticism of Putin (keeps meddling abroad, the country’s down, got priorities wrong, reluctance to drastically alter Russian institutions, sell off state assets that are run badly anyway – it seems your experience of the quality of the civil service applies there, too).
One key point that is valid. Until Christmas last year, the take by the unwashed on the sanctions, falling oil prices and the ruble was that it will pass, we’ll get through somehow, things will return to as before. After the Christmas break that changed, people are beginning to think that perhaps it’s the repeat of another major slowdown. Bad news for Putin, this year’s the Duma election year, the candidates of the communist party, also the Zhirinovky’s lot may benefit, the pro-western lot is nowhere to be seen.
RobertRetyred January 22nd, 2016 – 19:16
Incredible that Ms Watson, unelected and all of 26 years old, has been in Davos giving the be-suited and utterly useless goons who rule over us the dubious benefit of her advice.
God save us from unelected celebrity ‘activists’ and the lunacy of online petitions.
A little light relief:
Frank P @ 21:56
Light but profound, Frank, thanks for posting it, and the guy’s right, have you ever come across someone who knows how to fabricate an IC (that’s integrated circuit for you)?
What sums him up is one sentence from the piece: “If I left you alone in the woods with a hatchet, how long before you can send me an email”?
In Baron’s case, the whole of the time span the humans have been around wouldn’t be enough.
Herbert Thornton
January 22nd, 2016 – 18:57
After spending 95% of my entire career employed by governments – and in consequence being a firm supporter of Donald Trump – I incline to say “Yes”. Incompetence is frighteningly prevalent among government employees. As for politicians, add imbecility too.
Sarah Sands
Paedophile killer’s sentence extended
A woman who stabbed a paedophile to death in east London has her three-and-a-half-year jail sentence more than doubled.
8 hours ago
From the section London
Full article Paedophile killer’s sentence extended
Frank P, January 22nd, 2016 – 14:58
The GOP’s protocols for awarding delegates to candidates vary from state to state and are arcane to say the least. If Trump gains the most delegates but not an outright majority he is not guaranteed to get the nomination. If the GOP party machine puts in “the fix” for someone else (whether or not Donald runs as an Indy) then the Billarys will walk into the White House. (always supposing that she hasn’t been indicted by then)
Not long to wait now!
Buy more pop corn…
Don’t you dare say anything nasty about the poor, *poor* little migrants.
This is part of their war strategy. It is being enacted with military precision.
Cameron really is such a plonker wanting us to be enriched these aliens:
Horror as gangs of migrants ‘assault female swimmers and masturbate in hot tub’
“Other migrants were caught “emptying their bowels” in the children’s pool and masturbating in a hot tub, according to reports.
They are thought to have been caught on CCTV before laughing at pool staff when challenged about their behaviour.
Following the allegations, the historic Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony has banned migrants from the premises until further notice.”
anne wotana kaye (January 22nd, 2016 – 22:57)
They are all part of the horde of government employees, so I agree with you entirely.
This may turn out to be a grave mistake by the National Review, the unwashed will see it as a direct attack by a bunch of the anointed, never a favourite group of people, and certainly very much derided today. Many of those who have never voted before, will very likely do so now, they will see Donald as one of them, or at least as not one of those who’ve fugged up the country – the career politicians, their MSM lackeys, the establishment as a whole. Good news for Trump, Baron reckons.
This is not for Mr. Boot (but then he sin’t a member of our private club), or anyone who’s bought Lord Owen’s verdict on the tragic death of the Russian-cum-British spy.
The video lasts almost half an hour, you can watch it in full, but the narrator’s laboured talking is bit annoying. The video deals with three subjects: a lie detector test for the alleged killer Lugovoy (hmmm), the ease of procuring polonium (not bad, but nothing directly connected with the case), and thirdly a testimony of a bar attendant (as they say ‘now, you’re talking’). This third part begins around 12 minutes into the thing.
Advice please. Teenage grand daughter going to germany for school trip later this year. How do I bring up her safety in germany with her mum?
anne wotana kaye, January 22nd, 2016 – 22:57
Read all about that and other, seemingly all pervasive, societal insanity here:
Trifecta crew: “Is it Actually Gonna Be a Bernie Sanders v. Donald Trump Race?”
A good one, this.
January 23rd, 2016 – 06:33
Thanks, EC. Just had a lovely leisurely breakfast, and now this. Bring back the death penalty – fpr the judges!
“School apologises for ‘bread and butter’ letter for pupils who forgot lunch money”
“‘Bread and water, Mr. Christian” – From Mutiny on the Bounty.
Talk about a Nanny State! Do the fat little bastards good to miss their lunch.
Wikipedia? A somewhat flawed idea!
My old mucker Andy!
Where have you been all my life?
Things are hotting over here and soon we will have GOP Candidate Donald followed by President Donald.
Y’all excited?
I was planning to head over to my aunt in Clovelly, deplaning Sunday, but the weather has delayed my connection.
I will keep in touch.
alexsandr @ 02:59
She would be perfectly OK, alexandr, if she does what one would do on a visit to any country one hasn’t lived in, knows little about the dangers specific to that country or place, often doesn’t speak the local language:
Be aware who’s around yo u; avoid going into empty streets, places; walk around preferably at least in pairs. Baron’s certain those in charge will enlarge on it, but it’s essentially common sense that will do it for her and the ot hers. She should enjoy it.
You have a guess; it took Baron less than a fifth of the clip to get it. Right. Can you beat him?
Alexsandr @ 2:59
How about talking with the school? All the teachers need to know about the escalating situation: show them the long clip of the disparing 16 year old German girl. If later this year is the summer, the EU might have collapsed 🙂 so rather than present an ultimatum, include them in your group of concerned people. If you can’t speak the local language very well you are already at a disadvantage – and more likely to be picked on! Uncertainty weighs heavily with those responsible to groups of people – especially good looking young white girls!
And then we have had the ‘muslim civilian army’ soiling a children’s swimming pool, molesting women bathers, trying to penetrate a women’s changing rooms and men vigourously exercising their right hand in the jacqusi.
Quite a list, considering we are only in January!
This is an aspect of immigration that hasn’t been considered sufficiently, but may be of greater significance that the raw numbers everyone’s concerned about:
Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first cousins.
This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 1,400 years in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away, since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.
The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health. According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan, the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%. The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia , 64% in Jordan , and Kuwait , 63% in Sudan , 60% in Iraq , and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
The risks of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher, and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Other negative consequences: a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths.
Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages.
In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.
Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the “Peace Prize.”
In Denmark, Sennels’ native country, Muslim children are grossly over represented among children with special needs. Studies indicated that 64% of schoolchildren with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant dropout rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.
Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness. The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of patients in Denmark ’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background.
Sennels concludes: There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages has harmed the Muslim gene pool. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims, and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are massive.
RobertRetyred @ 13:19
Come on, Robert, get real, how likely you think it is the teachers will be unaware what has been happening in Germany?
Quite regularly, Baron talks to someone who doesn’t live in Bavaria permanently, but stays there for weeks on end, or travels there each day by car from a neighbouring country. Has he seen many foreigners behaving one way or the other? Nope, last time he talked with the barbarian he complained that he’s ‘unlucky’, he has never ever encountered any of the stuff he sees on the box, feels ‘excluded’. (It may be just as well because he would get into trouble in no time giving his take on the issue).
Yes, yes, Baron can hear your brain getting the answer ready ‘how could one single example of someone who drives in, then sits in an office writing codes all day long could know anything’? You’re right, but he does go for lunches, drinks in the evening, does shopping when he stays in the place.
The reason Baron’s saying it is we shouldn’t overstate the problem, blow it up too much because then the elements of fear, disgust, anger or whatever lose their power, people could see clearly the difference between the inflated take on the issue and the every day reality.
Soeren Kern’s latest chronicle of the creep of the caliphate :
Baron – 14:11
Very interesting! But does it explain why muslims crap in a children’s swimming pool? 🙂
January 23rd, 2016 – 14:11
. Other negative consequences: a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths.
Surely that is the one positive element in muslim inbreeding.
Baron – 14:26
It is important that all parties, from the parents, children and teachers in Britain to the very same in Germany need to be communicating with each other.
All the information in my last post is out in the public arena, but it needs to be discussed: everyone needs to know that everyone else is aware of the situation.
Look at the BBC and how everyone avoided discussing Saville’s behaviour. Even Saint Esther Rantzen DBE avoided the embarrassment. If sometime happened to one of the British pupils, don’t you think that prior discussion would help with dealing with it? Don’t you think that they will be going to Germany, knowing what they might, even unlikely, encounter and wanting to have some acknowledge of this by their elders? It would also be a chance to be collaborative with the other groups mentioned, something that the Germans would probably appreciate.
It might be that some of the British teachers want to raise the issue, but dare not – the BBC Syndrome!
It might be that some of the German parents or teachers want to raise the issue, but dare not – der BBC Syndrome!
Do you think that the frequency and severity of these problems, that have been executed with military precision, are going to reduce?
Have the BBC reported any of these ‘incidents’, and if so, have they explained what happened or have they glossed over it? It would be interesting to know how many of the British teachers know of the extent of the alien practices.
anne wotana kaye @ 15:00
Brilliant, anne, ti was missed by the barbarian.
Something I saw some time ago, but lost the link, so here it is again:
Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy
RobertRetyred @ 14:40
Perhaps, Robert, they think it’s a water toilet, another invention of the crafty infidel. Heh heh heh.
“Suicide remains the leading cause of death for men between 20 and 34 in England and Wales, representing 24% of all deaths in 2013, and for men aged 35-49, at 13% of deaths’, reports the Guardian.
RobertRetyred @ 15:02
Good points, Robert, hard to argue with.
The barbarian must confess his other motive for posting the reply to that of yours was to wake up the other members of this blogging club. It seems to have gone rather quiet on the wall front, no Colonel, no Muffler, no Radford or EC, not even Frank or his niece. What’s up?
Is this really the sort of garbage that ‘journalists’ get paid to churn out these days?
Bizarre objects found lurking in Regent’s Canal
WTF did they expect to find in the Regent’s Canal – mermaids?
RobertRetyred @ 16:11
Illuminating posting, Robert, thanks for locating it again, and posting it.
Amongst the graphs there should also be one that shows the difference between the ‘fulfilling careers’ path and the ability of the Gypsies (bases on either inborn ones e.g. talent, gift or acquired) to perform in the jobs that they want to be fulfilling. Hard to achieve it, if many (if not most) lack not only exceptional talents, but also the level of educational attainment, or the required application in the jobs.
As it says somewhere in the piece: “They (the Gypsies) often feel entitled to a level of respect and rewards that aren’t in line with their actual ability and effort levels’.
Frank P @ 16:38
Well, a dead body or two poisoned by polonium with ‘made in Russia’ label attached wouldn’t come amiss, Frank.
Sorry about it, truly sorry, Baron couldn’t resist it, what a nasty bastard he, heh?
It’s so uplifting to read your spicy hits, it never fails to raise the barbarian’s spirits.
I suppose, on reflection, that as most hacks these days spend most of their time with their heads up their own arses, someone else’s detritus comes as a surprise.
grassroots out launch
Well, well, well, it gets more complicated than ever:
When rape is allowed?
“The barbarian must confess his other motive for posting the reply to that of yours was to wake up the other members of this blogging club. It seems to have gone rather quiet on the wall front, no Colonel, no Muffler, no Radford or EC, not even Frank or his niece. What’s up?”
It occurred to those of us looking from afar that the Wall has become introspective to the point of impending mortality.
Liven up, Limeys, liven up!!!
RobertRetyred (January 23rd, 2016 – 16:51) –
When is rape allowed?
I think that’s the wrong question.
The way the current jihad is going, I think we should be asking – “When is rape going to become compulsory?”
Baron (January 23rd, 2016 – 14:11) –
You’ve given me an idea. Our geneticists should be encouraged to devise, and the civilised world should propagate, a new and highly infectious virus that renders inbred people sterile.
RobertRetyred @ 16:51
Kelly’s description of the news offering over one single weekend the monopolistic hydra had to offer applies 24/7. Nothing new there, Robert, is there?
At one level, one can see where they’re coming from. Reading the multiplicity of blogs, the anger of the unwashed bordering on animosity to the policies of Brussels, our own government is palpable. The officially anointed broadcasters (press) very likely fear that reporting the naked truth would only inflame the situation.
Unfortunately for them, they may think they still have the monopoly on news reporting and their interpretation, they don’t. The internet is taking over, it’s power growing by the hour, it will supplant the old platforms, it must, if they continue to filter, interpret everything through the prism of their dreamy progressiveness.
This is not to say that everything one reads on the net rings true, that the dissection of events by the many is always right. Far from it. What the freedom of the internet furnishes however is genuine reporting of what goes on in the world. People are more than capable to dissect and explain it, and sadly for the likes of the BBC and the MSM that interpretation differs often very much from that offered by the paid TV commentators, the MSM scribblers.
Frank @ 16.44 had a go at the barbarian (rightly so, he was naughty), but he’s right on the former, partly on the latter, too.
Herbert Thornton @ 18:15
A good (and effective) idea that, Herbert, the barbarian drinks to it. It would solve the problem of islamisation at a stroke.
How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? Any blizzards?
Alexsandr @ 16:49
This needs a catalyst personality, Alexandr, somebody with a brutish steal like Clarkson, no?
John Jefferson Burns @ 18:04
Listen, young John Jefferson, don’t you start stirring things up.
You just pray that the ‘united, dear leader governed, Muslim tolerant’ Republic of yours doesn’t get totally snowed up, or you’ll be stuck here with us forever.
I did post something this morning, Baron, but it went into moderation and then disappeared!
‘united, dear leader governed, Muslim tolerant’
I suggest you wait on the Iowa Caucuses Monday week and then New Hampshire followed by Nevada and South Carolina…..and then all the way on up to the GOP convention.
“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,”
Baron (January 23rd, 2016 – 19:09)
Snow? Here, at the extreme southerly point of Canada’s west coast (i.e. at more or less the same latitude as Paris) where we have a climate often described as semi-Mediterranean and the temperature right now at 9 Celsius?
Not a flake of snow, nor have there yet been any this winter.
Moreover, we’re all hoping that this will be one of those years when we get no snow at all and autumn turns gently into spring..
Herbert Thornton 21.12:
Right now that seems a little smug when New York and Washington are seized up. There is no transportation and those trying to get out to England are stuck. I understand the roads and planes but hell even the train stations are closed.
“Blizzard of Global Warming Blankets U.S. East Coast”
On a much, much more serious note…
I’m sure that the S. Yorks police retain the full confidence of er… nobody.
They, and many other cuntstabularies are long overdue for a good root ‘n branch sorting out…
but not in the way that Ms May envisages!
EC, I first heard of Meredydd Hughes in connection with his casual refusal to accept responsibility for two Doncaster sisters who had been persecuted by chavs.
Only later did it emerge that he had adopted a policy of comparable insouciance towards the vulnerable underage girls of Rotherham.
Meredydd Hughes: animated sculpture of sludge. I am in polite mode.
Telemachus 11:15, sorry to learn you haven’t yet choked on all y’all Cornshire cream tea.
Baron (19:06)
“Frank @ 16.44 had a go at the barbarian (rightly so, he was naughty), but he’s right on the former, partly on the latter, too.”
You claimed a slight there that was not directed at you, Baron. That post was merely an afterthought to my previous one – an answer to my own question. I had not read your own 16:44 when I despatched it (note the simultaneous timing). Anyway, when I refer to ‘hacks’ I do not include Wallsters. I assume you are all unpaid philosophers – struggling with your personal demons; expressing your agonies on this cyberarchive for the elightenment of future generations seeking clues as to why our generation fucked things up so comprehensively.
I suppose we should all remember that these digital hieroglyphics are indelible. And open to the interpretation/misinterpretation of future researchers, looking to assign culpability. But , as it is unlikely that any of us will be able to awaken from the Deep Sleep to face the music, WGAS?
anne wotana kaye
January 22nd, 2016 – 18:53
I’ve never trusted Church of England vicars with beards myself.
Without wishing to generalise too many have covered weak chins, weaker intellects and an incorrigible propensity for sodomy with facial fungus.
Just like the islamic counterparts.
Frank P
Indeed you’re right, Frank. The best way to abolish murder, and other crimes, is to ignore them.
One of Peter Hitchens interesting posts on Poland, Germany the EU and Eastern Europe.
Baron January 23rd, 2016 – 14:11
Thank you Baron, that’s a fascinating post.
The fact remains that the muslim world, full of cretins, village idiots and lunatic as it is, is nevertheless reproducing itself faster than a gerontological west: the majority of whose own reproductive activists seems to generate socially dependant imbeciles.
One way or another, humanity seems to be to be breeding itself to extinction.
One can only hope that our successors, the cockroaches, will learn the lessons of our self-destruction.
Noa (01:40)
Nor sure which of my muddled musings you are addressing there. Give me a clue.
Frank P.
Your ‘off the cuffs’ comment at January 21st, – 00:11 refers.
Pinched from the Jerusalem Post
Melanie Phillips
22 January at 08:46 ·
Israel is counting the days until the American presidential election. It only needs, it says to itself, to get through this year, this month, this week.
It must just keep on ducking and feinting to protect its security and the lives of its citizens until the nightmare of this most hostile US president in memory finally ends. Just as it has been forced to do these past seven years.
For Iran, in stark contrast, President Obama’s remaining year in office offers a window of unparalleled opportunity. By gifting its regime more than $100 billion in sanctions relief, Obama has not only released funds with which the world’s most dangerous jihadist entity can ratchet up its terrorist and genocidal program, pumping money into its al-Quds force, Revolutionary Guards and Hamas.
These are also months during which the president of the most powerful country in the world has signaled that the Iranian regime can act with total impunity.
Obama is trapped by his fear that Iran might at any time renege on the nuclear deal and restart its manufacture of nuclear weapons – which a State Department official nevertheless tells us with a straight face the regime has abandoned for ever more. With this blackmail threat now paralyzing the Obama administration, Iran knows it can do what it wants.
It acted upon that understanding even before the nuclear deal was completed, when it almost scuttled the simultaneous and hitherto secret prisoner exchange by detaining the family of the American hostage Jason Rezaian for several hours at Tehran airport.
When they were finally released and the prisoner swap completed, US officials sighed with relief – too soon. For following the lifting of sanctions, Iranian- backed militias promptly kidnapped three Americans contractors in Iraq.
According to CBS News, the US Embassy in Baghdad was warned days previously that a Shi’ite militia intended to seize American hostages. Officials had hoped the Iranian regime would tell it to back off because of the prisoner swap. So the militia waited until that exchange was done and dusted. How Tehran must have smirked.
Iran is intent upon stepping up its four-decade jihadi war against the US and humiliating it in the process.
Just a few days before sanctions were lifted, the Revolutionary Guards held at gunpoint 10 US sailors whom they captured on two American patrol boats which for some reason had entered Iranian territorial waters. On December 26, the Revolutionary Guards test-fired rockets close to an American aircraft carrier, the USS Harry Truman, in the Strait of Hormuz.
Such actions are designed to convey to the world the message that the US is now powerless and Iran invulnerable.
And with its reaction to every such incident, the US underscores that message.
It behaves like someone who, punched repeatedly in the face, insists through a split lip that his attacker is reforming himself and invites him to hit him again.
Its prisoner swap has positively incentivized the further taking of American hostages. The deal released seven Iranians convicted or charged with violating sanctions and halted proceedings against 14 others, two of whom the US had accused of funneling weapons to Hezbollah and the Assad regime.
This was in exchange for five detained Americans who had done nothing wrong. Exchanging suspected and convicted criminals for innocent hostages now puts other Americans at far greater risk.
After Iran revealed it was continuing with its illegal ballistic missile program, the US merely applied sanctions to some of the firms involved. To which limp response the regime unsurprisingly declared that it would now continue its ballistic missile program “more seriously.”
Iranian threats to ditch the nuclear deal almost certainly pushed the International Atomic Energy Authority to close the file on investigating whether Iran had pursued a nuclear weapons program in the past, despite finding that it had continued such activities until at least 2009 – after which the IAEA just didn’t know.
Iran has now announced that it will build advanced nuclear centrifuges capable of enriching uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, faster than its previous models.
Who can possibly be surprised that, presented with craven and groveling appeasement, Iran responds by evermore brazen and defiant aggression? Step forward the US.
Apparently, the White House was shocked – shocked! – by the kidnapping of its three contractors in Iraq. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. The nuclear deal was supposed to moderate Iranian behavior.
Can the Obama administration really be that stupid? Yes it can.
One official said sanctions relief would dilute “the hold on power of the old guard.” Well, here’s how that one is playing out. Since the deal was agreed on last July, the regime has stepped up arrests of political opponents in order to ensure that the political allies of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, dominate next month’s national elections.
And in the first two weeks of this month no fewer than 53 Iranians were hanged.
The implications of America’s strategic, military and moral collapse go far beyond Iran itself. By giving that regime a free pass for its behavior, the US has sent the clearest signal to every other rogue state in the world – that it will not push back against them either.
Accordingly, other countries are also contemplating the next 12 months with intense alarm. Geopolitical realities are being reshaped. Saudi Arabia’s belief that the US has hung it out to dry has already hugely exacerbated Saudi/Iranian tensions.
That means their proxies will be battling it out in Syria and elsewhere for the foreseeable future.
And Saudi will now be intent on getting its own nukes, doubtless off the shelf from an obliging rogue state.
Which brings us back to the Iranian bomb. There are some who believe it already has it, or at least already has access to nuclear weapons having outsourced the testing of the bomb to North Korea. Iran is now pondering how to use the weapon to maximum destructive effect and without leaving its fingerprints on it.
I have no idea whether that is true.
But given Iran’s close association with the North Korean nuclear program, with Iranian scientists and other personnel having been present at three of North Korea’s four nuclear tests at least, does anyone believe that it could not get the bomb from Pyongyang even if it has not already done so? In which case, maybe the Iranian nuclear negotiation was a blind from start to finish. The real action was going on in North Korea while the dummies of the free world were looking the other way. The actual point of the deal was to lift sanctions by appearing to give ground on the nuclear program in Iran itself – thus releasing those billions to ratchet up Tehran’s deniable, proxy war upon the rest of the world.
Which, thanks to Obama, the UK government and the rest of the Western dummy class, Iran is now about to do.…/AS-I-SEE-IT-Iran-for-dummies-442398
January 24th, 2016 – 01:33
I wish you were wrong, but I fear you are right.
Ah, yes, Hughes. Another one of New Labour’s finest implants. In 2012, he revealed his intentions to stand as a Labour Party candidate for the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, despite previously stating that the creation of the PCC position was a mistake.
Interesting that ACP refers to Burns as “telemachus”. Something I’ve long suspected too.
Thanks for that. Pity its buried in israel and not syndicated across the west.
Interesting. One for the sidebar links might I respectfully suggest?
Andy Car Park 0003;
Where have you been all my life?
By the by Clovelly is in Devonshire. Your commiserations are welcome stuck here in a lousy – in more ways than one – hotel.
Where is Austin Barry? And to you and others please do not confuse me with that dangerous communist Telemachus. I know Peter who can locate IP addresses will stamp on that?
For that matter, where is Peter from Maidstone?
Bach for Sunday morning.
And on the trail of your blighted Premier, I see he has been mouthing off about our next President in Switzerland:-
“According to him, the problem with what Mr. Trump and others have said in relation to what Mr Cameron calls “the battle of our generation” is that they make “a fundamental mistake of trying to blame all of Islam and all Muslims for what is the ideology and the actions of a minority”. He added:
“In many ways, it actually helps the extremists, because they want to create a clash of civilisations between Islam and Christianity, or Islam and the West.” ”
End of the special relationship?
Ooook Ook Ook Oook
Oooook Oook Ook.Oooo_________ook !!
corbyn saying we should let inn the 3000 illegals in calais has gone down badly on labour list.
JJB 13.00
What special relationship?
Since Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points US hegemony has increased inexorably, to the resulting detriment of Great Britain and Europe. Incompetent British politicians of liberal and socialist hue have for a hundred years alternatively fawned, yielded and supplicated to Washington in an attempt to maintain their prestige and status. Washington and various POTUS, having decided that Bonn and Brussels were more useful allies, have left our own spendthrift elite cruelly exposed to reality and their own and our pitiful inadequacies as even a junior military, partner.
The reason why Cameron courts the Berlin bovinity is because she is DC’s ‘one stop shop’ for European politics.
Your demented pipe smoking Premier of the1960’s never fawned:-
The Librarian 24 Jan at 14-12
Well said that……..Anthropoid.
As you hope,I trust it may mollify Baron (23 Jan 16.22).
Thanks, now I follow your train of thought. Btw I hadn’t read that Civitas piece before – thanks.
I’ll study it and issue forth with a serious response later.
My first reading of it provokes this short observation: once statistical ‘science’ (and therefore politics) is introduced into functional policing, the function itself – which was always based on common sense perceptions of right and wrong (on both sides of the divide) and a hefty degree of kidology mixed with a frisson of fear – is destroyed. That is the crux of what has happened over the past four decades or so. EC’s “root and branch” reform is probably no longer possible, sadly. Peel and Mayne’s paradigm simply cannot be reestablished because police careerism is now deeply embedded in not only HM Constabulary itself, but also in the culture of hoi polloi. Each has come to believe that the street level power of the Constable at the sharp end is less important than ascending power of the rank structure. But in fact top down policing means gravity fed corruption in all its forms – from venality to incompetence (probably the greater of the evils). Moreover the effectiveness of the sharp end of policing, the immediate responsiveness of police to calls for assistance from members of the public is diminished beyond recognition in comparison to what was provided at peak of my era of policing.
But as I say, I’ll fisk the booklet comprehensively when I feel up to it. My clinical complications are draining my energies just now. Queuing for the quack doesn’t help either. ☺
alexsandr 23 Jan at 02-59
Offer to give your grand-daughter the money to buy a pepper-spray as soon as she arrives in Germany……an item that is legal there (unlike in the UK)….if any are still in stock and not all sold-out.
An entertaining hour or so:
Hear Louis MacNeice speak about and read his poem `Bag Pipe Music`(3 mins.).
If you don’t know it you may know the last lines for which it is worth waiting.
The latest on Donald is that the final GOP debate before Iowa next Monday may be axed if Fox News refuse to exclude leftist Megyn Kelly.
This is big big big here in the U.S.
“Trump’s feud with Kelly has been one of the most memorable storylines of this raucous GOP primary. In recent weeks, it has heated up. In a lengthy Vanity Fair profile this month, Kelly boasted of writing the now famous debate question about Trump’s history of misogynic comments, which ignited the feud this summer. And last week, Kelly sarcastically brought up Sarah Palin’s Trump endorsement, as well as hosted National Review editor Rich Lowry to promote the National Review’s anti-Trump issue.
Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, indicated that Trump could walk away from the debate if Fox won’t exclude Kelly. “Let’s see what happens,” he told me. “It’s fair to say Mr. Trump is a significant ratings driver for these debates. If we aren’t on stage for some reason, they wouldn’t have the record 24 million viewers and would be back with 1-2 million people.”
In my own posting (January 23rd, 2016 – 18:06) I wrote, (apropos a posting from RobertRetyred, January 23rd, 2016 – 16:51) –
When is rape allowed? I think that’s the wrong question.
The way the current jihad is going, I think we should be asking – “When is rape going to become compulsory?”
After thinking about it, and considering the recent co-ordinated assaults on women by refugees in various European cities, is not the answer to my own question – “It already is.”?
For Baron – and for those of you who (unlike me) are currently snow-bound – this is rather intriguing –
Breaking News: An hour of delicious piss-taking by Stephan Molyneux on the MSM’s handling of the Trump phenomenon:
Disseminate widely please, particularly to any of the fucking idiots who signed the petition to ‘gate’ Trump from the UK and definitely to all those wankers aka MPs who urged the Home Secretary to do just that during the debate.
JJB to note in particular, make sure it reaches a wider US exposure, it’s a brilliant fisking as well as a very funny presentation.
The best Molyneux piece so far, imho.
by heck
john sopel at the beeb thinks trump may get the republican nomination
Comrade Wilson is your hero eh?
I once caught him square on the gannex with an overripe egg whilst he was on’t stump at Preston Public Hall. One of his cronies was closing the Grammar schools, of which there were four in town, generally sending a couple of hundred people each year from town to Oxbridge.
Many more than now, but that bridge was drawn up long ago by the public school socialists.
Those were the days.
As for Harold, we remember him cancelling TSR2 and the rumours of KGB kickbacks to eminent Labour catspaws.
Over here we remember how he refused LBJ, himself a Great Society pinko, when requested to shore up the Vietnam Front at the time of our greatest need.
Who knows that with a little will from you Brits in the late 60’s it would have been Hanoi, not Saigon that was renamed.
Thank god Reagan did not take the Wilson line in reverse when you needed our help in the Falklands war.
Wilson was chancellor of bradford uni when I got my degree. Had to shake his hand at the degree ceremony.
Should the UK have supported the US in Vietnam? In what way would it have been in our interest? Any more than there was US interest in supporting the UK and France over Suez.
In respect of the Falklands Obama supports Argentina and the South Americas without consideration of UK interests, in that respect, at least, he is the lineal successor of Monroe..
As to LBJ, didn’t he know our ‘arold were a russophile?
The UK and Vietnam
It also doesn’t mention the cultural revolution, imported from Ashbury Haight along with a growing taste for cannabis, Jimmy Hendrix and the alternative culture. No way was the UK going to re-fight Korea to disprove Kissinger’s domino theory.
The Librarian January 24th, 2016 – 14:12
Ook off.
John Jefferson Burns January 24th, 2016 – 21:31
LBJ and his tame idiots contributed more towards losing the Vietnam War than Ho Chi Minh ever did to winning it. They conspired in the coup against South Vietnam’s most effective leader in fighting North Vietnamese subversion and aggression and then facilitated his murder. LBJ was always more interested in his own political ambitions and electoral prospects at home than in any domino theory.
Silver Star indeed! A single flight in a bomber that turned back with engine trouble miles before the prospect of any enemy action.
Should the UK have supported the US in Vietnam?
You betcha.
With you and those you bring on board we would not only have nailed Ho Chi Minh but we would have gone on to bring the wall down 15 years before it did.
You call Wilson a Ruskie lover. Well your whole goddam secret service were in thrall to the Ruskies. We were brought up on stories of bright red Brits lead by names that play and play over here. Burgess, Blunt, Philby and probably many more. Your civil service is known to be run by pinko homos.
John Jefferson Burns January 24th, 2016 – 22:29
Bullshit. Take a hike you gasbag.
Before you swallow that crap about LBJ and his award-and I said from the start that Republicans here despise him as a pinko- y’all need to know that Robert Dallek who published that garbage also stuck the knife into JFK’s health and morals and tried to tell us he knew Nixon was a wrong-un from the start.
Y’all should also know that much as we like Thatcher and Blair we know their greatness came mainly from fawning over Reagan and Bush.
Herbert Thornton – 19:03
The headline in my Jan 23rd, 16:51 post, ‘When rape is allowed?’, was the headline of the linked article, and I took it to be that it was questioning whether it could ever be allowed, not pondering when it could be allowed.
For the perpetrators, it is part of their warfare strategy, so it isn’t a misdemeanor.
Until this is understood by our elite to the same depth as the (acceptable) posters here, confusion will reign.
John Jefferson Burns January 24th, 2016 – 22:58
I bet I know more about LBJ’s “combat” mission and his award than you do or ever will and none of it comes from the Dalek.
Like telemachus (if you are not just another of his sock puppet hazmat drones) you are here simply to troll and provoke the “limeys” with your bogus JR shtick.
Sorry, you Brits. I have to consider that I will be over there when this damn snow melts. Referring back to Dallek, your Times said this:
“In places, as in his account of the Vietnam conflict, Dallek relies rather heavily on the research of others.”
He is an inaccurate plagiarist.
Colonel Mustard, January 24th, 2016 – 23:49
the “telemachus” thing has a track record of assuming dead/dormant internet identities, doesn’t it?
John Jefferson Burns@January 25th, 2016 – 02:18
dont they have snow ploughs and gritters over there?
John Jefferson Burns January 25th, 2016 – 02:18
You are as bogus in your cut’n’paste jobs as telemachus. The Times review also said this:-
“However, there is ample compensation in some of the fresh perspectives he offers.”
and this:-
“Flawed Giant will be an automatic purchase for academic libraries and for scholars specialising in 1960s America. Because it is such a fine antidote to the plethora of popular nonsense written about the Kennedy-Johnson era, it also deserves to be given shelf space in every British public library.”
But which part of “none of it comes from the Dalek” didn’t you understand? You are the one who brought him up – not me.
EC January 25th, 2016 – 06:40
Indeed. The JJB character is as bogus as they come and created only for mischief. Probably a creation of —- like telemachus himself.
Alexander, they are doing their best.
In places it is shoulder deep and the snow vehicles cannot get through. In this locality there have been a couple of old guys who had coronaries clearing snow and they could not get to the cardiac facility for hours.
Boy, it is bad.
John Jefferson Burns January 25th, 2016 – 10:39
You are up early. 5.45 a.m in New York and already trolling. Wet the bed?
Frank P @ 19:44
Not bad, Frank, but too long. Baron has spent most his allocated time listening to him this morning. It read almost like a judge’s summing up, but he could have made it shorter e.g. in going through the list of papers all saying almost the same about ‘Donald the racist’, he could have chosen just three of them where there was a marginal difference, then say others were just parroting the three.
Better still, instead of saying what percentage of women running from Mexico get raped, he could have shown a picture of one who got raped and then killed (sorry about the invitation to a gruesome image).
Which brings Baron to the main point not only about this chap Molyneux, but others on the same side of the barricade.
Where do the Left leaning wankers score so well? The answer: with a skilful use of images.
What will people remember most of the last year’s invasion of immigrants? The little boy, curled up on a sandy beach. By far more that’s what’s imprinted in people’s minds. Nobody will remember much the hordes of young men, all well dressed, well fed, expensive mobiles at the ready.
Instead of yapping unceasingly about the number and percentages and whatever, just one picture of a girl molested, then beaten up by the mob would have done more to our cause than the reams of words uttered over the last few months.
Btw, Frank, it’s rather generous of you to let the barbarian off, he thought reading your unaddressed posting it was him, considered it too strong for the teases, but then thought some more and figured, perhaps it was deserved coming from one member of the unchallenged duo of gurus we sport on the blog. Could Baron promise to behave in the future? Well, we shall see.
John Jefferson Burns @ 10:39
A fair amount of kicking, heh, John Jefferson? Already thinking of cancelling your trip?
I alerted you yesterday to the spat that could threaten the Des Moins debate.
Now Erik Wemple is trying to stick the boot in:
“The suggestion from Trump’s tweet is that his so-called spat with Kelly dating to the Aug. 6 Republican presidential debate in Cleveland somehow bootstraps Kelly into a posture of ethical compromise. As everyone knows, Kelly in that debate asked Trump a killer question about his misogynistic (our word) treatment of women over the years. Trump tried to deflect the question, but subsequent events have made clear that he couldn’t handle the heat: In an interview with CNN, he appeared to suggest that Kelly asked the question because she was menstruating; he later tried to allege that she’d taken an “unscheduled vacation”; and so on and so on. The criticisms commonly surface on Twitter, the coward’s medium of choice.”
The pinko liberal establishment are going all out to stick Trump.
It just will not wash.
Baron: I rebooked just now on line for Monday next.
Before rushing off (duty calls) here’s a morsel for though.
When the price for oil was hovering around the $140 mark, Baron remembers well Goldman Sachs saying it may touch $200, some other soothsayers were pontificating of an even higher price ($400 got mentioned by another broker).
In one of the broadsheet papers over the weekend, Baron has spotted a NY broking house arguing the price of oil may go as low as $20, citing reasons for it like the Saudis determined to kill off the US shale producers (their loans are coming to rollovers), the Iranian flooding the market, the Russians showing no desire to lose market share, and other obvious crap that ought to be already discounted by the current price.
Still, why this ranting about something we not often cover? Because the barbarian has decided to take a risk, bought few shares in a major UK/Dutch oil major last week, will get some more, wants to get your feel (if you have any) on the issue.
Is he on the road to ‘fugging up once more’ as the boss has it, or could he be right? Any thoughts will be be gratefully received, answered after his return.
Apologies for mistakes, that’s Baron for you.
A very brave man.
Here we are getting out of drilled oil into fracking. I have been given a London punt on Cuadrilla or Igas.
John Jefferson Burns January 25th, 2016 – 11:42
Interesting false flag approach there, telemachus, no doubt trying to damage this forum by posing as an ignorant redneck American but at the same time sticking it to Trump.
A word in your shell like old son. When it comes to investment as in most other things, look to history, there is nothing new under the sun, it has all happened before. What goes down must go up again in the fullness of time. I do not think it will take much to spook the juveniles of finance to gallop away in the other direction.
The oil majors will not go up for a while. The Saudis and Iranians are in a race with our frackers.
And Colonel you do not come over as congenial. You seem to also have a downer on Malfleur who has not posted in a week and this Telemachus who has not posted in three. As to coincidence of John J with T, I suggest you ask your moderator about global IP addresses.
And what the hell do you Brits know about Donald Trump anyway. You petitioned to ban him. You know even less about Ted Cruz who may yet pip Donald. Rubio and Bush seem dead in the water.
John Jefferson Burns January 25th, 2016 – 15:47
Yeah, that clinches it. You’re another telemachus sock puppet.
Baron – if you’re looking for a speculative investment, maybe you should consider buying shares in a Japanese condom maker –
Baron at 11-47.
I have no hope that the price of oil is going to go up… least not in the next three weeks.
The low price of oil may seem good to some; but it is not good news for share-holders in BG Group plc [no connection to British Gas] which is about to be sold to Royal Dutch Shell plc come this Thursday at a price which includes allocation of Shell shares (or their cash price).Considering the Dividends I think it preferable to realize the assets.
Now I will try and find the Weil song about Shell and Margate.
Many thanks for your advice, the barbarian will mull it over, the condom idea appeals if only because it reminds Baron of a distant pleasure ….
John Jefferson Burns @ 15:41
If the oil price remains low even for another 6-9 months (or more as it may well do) many your frackers will be out of business (well over 80% of their earning goes towards debt servicing), John Jefferson.
And who do you reckon will buy their assets on the cheap when they get towards defaulting? The oil majors, Baron reckons. They not only have cash, they have assets against which to raise cash, and the fracking business fits them just fine.
The France24 TV Channel says – Baron was watching it munching his dinner – the Syrian Peace talks are scheduled to start on Friday according to the UN envoy. What puzzles is why?
The two parties to the conflict, one led by the US the other by Russia, cannot agree who should see around the table. The smaller participants cannot agree whom they would share the table with either. The Saudis attempt to unite the rebel forces in Syria has failed. At their last meeting, the Jabhat Al-Nusra, who often fights alongside Ahrar al-Sham, were not invited but the al-Sham thugs were, walked out because they objected to the word ‘democracy’ in the document that was supposed to be discussed, which left only Jaish al-Islam, a the group of any size. They are fully funded by the Saudis, had no say whether to stay to leave. The Kurds were not invited by the Saudis, the Free Army either because of their recent friendliness towards Russia.
What no MSM scribbler has ever mentioned is that all of the rebel fighters in the Syrian conflict are mercenaries, they fight for money. Whilst we bask in gender fluidity the armed thugs opposing Assad go for the fluidity of cash, whoever pays more buys their loyalty. With little work to be had anywhere i nthe ME, many young men have opted for the gun, and since it’s their lives that are at risk, a reasonably precious commodity even amongst the ROP followers, the market mechanism ensures a steady wage inflation. This, and the danger of the Assad Forces beginning to display more guts, is ensuring that even many ISIL AK-47 operators are defecting to the side they previously fought against, as do fighters from the other groups.
Th two grown-ups in Syria – the US and Russia – have no desire to end the conflict soon, Baron reckons. For Putin it’s a useful diversion from domestic problems in the Duma election year, for Obama, it’s a question of prestige as well as hope.
In the last year of his presidency he can hardly afford to lose to the Russians, who seems to have been too successful in Syria. In a matter of weeks they have managed, with the cleansing ability of the Assad’s Army, to retake virtually all of the Aleppo region, essentially because they were serious hitting the ISIL thugs. The Americans haven’t really, it has suited them to take it easy – here is the hope part – in the hope that the headcutters just might get muscular enough to unseat Assad. Not now, not when the Russians are there.
The prospects for any peace settlement, not to mention an election, are so slim as to be laughable. At best, the fighting will continue with its own ups and downs. At worst, the two biggies will get to hit each other. Both Carter and Biden (the latter says it was a misunderstanding) have said in the last few days the US would be prepared to go for the military solution if the talks fail. And why not. Instead of faking it in military exercises, the Americans and the Russians will do it for real in a region distant from their respective homelands, testing their newest killing gear, the resilience of their foot soldiers, the ability of the officer corps to outwit each other.
Bad for Europe, the longer the fighting continues the more the need for us to absorb the victims, and not only from Syria.
A French surgeon Sergio Canavero working in China is preparing to carry out a head transplant, says one of the continental paper. He has performed the procedure successfully on a monkey. A Russian computer programmer Valery Spiridinov, who suffers from Werdnig Hoffman disease (body waisting) wants to the first human to undergo the same surgery.
We should all hope the human transplant does succeed, we have plenty of candidates here, all of them at or near the top of the political pyramid. Better still if the surgeon could fix a monkey’s head onto a human body. How that would boost the politicians’ IQ, ha?
The great Mark Steyn as great as ever on beards, T-shirts versus the ROP, and another topic, on which Baron’s cheering for him and Trump, and fugg the National Review.
Can you remember yours?
This by Helmer may be of of interest.
What the piece doesn’t say is that Surkov (his picture’s there) in on the Russia sanction list, cannot travel outside the country, hence the Nuland meeting’s venue was Kaliningrad. It doesn’t say either that Surkov is one of the most pro-Western politicians in Russia, and have never hidden his sympathies. (If you want to see the video of the unfriendly friendliness towards Nuland click on the other link below).
The Lavrov’s fleeting touch may be enjoyed by the Russian audience, but it may also swing the American side both on the Syrian front and the sanctions on Russia to be more unaccommodating. However obnoxious the State Department 2nd in command may be, she’s well connected, yields massive power in the Administration, and is rumoured to be offered the Secretary of State job if Bush gets in as President. Not a smart move by Lavrov to anger a beast of that caliber.
According to the Russian ‘insiders’ Kerry, ‘the brainless’ has gone ‘native’ (i.e. has got too close to the Russian side), and the Honorary Muslim swings between him and Nuland on Russia. No brownie points for what the woman will tell him.
A good post from the other place, by Liberanos:
A muslim is one who believes that every imperative in the koran is true.
An islamist is one who believes that every imperative in the koran is true and ought to be followed.
An islamic terrorist is one who believes that every imperative in the koran is true and follows it.
Do not think so.
Fracking is politically secure. Iran remains at risk from an Israeli nuclear strike. And the Saudis are I fear soon to get their own dose of home grown Al Qaeda.
Or you could take Herbert’s advice and buy Reckitt Benckiser shares- they bought Durex in 2010.
It is disgraceful that in London, the capital city of the English-speaking world, some people are so ignorant of our native language that they make basic mistakes in its usage. In Clerkenwell, I saw a newsagent shop which advertised that it sold, apart from magazines and newspapers, stationary. Yes, STATIONARY! When I was a child, we had teachers who were immersed in the English language and knew how to impart knowledge. I will always remember Mr Chalk, and how he taught us the correct usage of words. “Stationery,” he would say, “has an ‘e’ for ‘envelope’.” Alas, no doubt today the EU would condemn such rigid rules, and in the bastardisation of the English language would, in ugly accents, claim that Health & Safety condemn the young from following strict usage of the English language.
So the latest Fox polls:-
“Trump bests Ted Cruz in Iowa and now receives 34 percent support among Republican caucus-goers. Trump was at 23 percent in the Fox News Poll two weeks ago (January 4-7).
Cruz is second with 23 percent — down a touch from 27 percent. Marco Rubio comes in third with 12 percent, down from 15 percent. No others garner double-digit support.”
Hillary better watch out!
anne wotana kaye – 21:38
I am sure I read, recently, that no matter how much you pushed an envelope, it would always remain stationery.
I do remember it was from a very reliable source 🙂
DM: Swedish asylum worker, 22, is stabbed to death ‘in frenzied attack’ at a CHILD migrant centre as refugee boy, 15, is arrested for murder amid rising tensions over violence and sex assaults
Is anyone surprised? No, not on this blog, at least!
Regarding the attempt in China to transplant a human head. I cannot but feel that Diane Abbot would benefit from the procedure. Her arse could be placed on her shoulders which should improve her expression and her head placed where it could perform its natural function.
‘ “When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”
Marquis de Lafayette’ (by a Commentator on the following)
And this:-
“Real-estate billionaire Donald Trump has a seven-point lead over Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Republican race in Iowa, according to an American Research Group poll released Monday.
ARG’s poll showed support for Trump at 33 percent of likely Republican caucusgoers, while 26 percent supported Cruz. That’s a stronger lead for Trump than the one recorded by the same poll earlier this month, which showed Trump beating Cruz 29 percent to 25 percent.”
Last year, Baron wrote here that he found Jones “emotive” – apparently a pejorative term.
I hope that all Wallsters, as their civilisation is destroyed by the Globalists before their eyes like the arch of Palmyra and the Christians and Jews of Syria, will recognize in their comment here that this is not a matter to become emotive about.
January 25th, 2016 – 23:10
Good! 🙂
And now CNN poll of polls:
“Updated CNN Poll of Polls averages nationally find that in both parties, overall preferences remain fairly stable. On the Republican side, Trump continues to hold a wide lead over Cruz, 35% to 19%, with Marco Rubio holding on to third place with 12%. Ben Carson dips one point to 9%, while Jeb Bush and the rest of the field remain at 5% or less. Last week’s Poll of Polls found Trump at 34% to Cruz’s 20%, suggesting the addition of two post-debate polls here did not have as meaningful an impact as in Iowa.”
You Brits will live to regret your petition.
While Hillary’s UK pinup is reported here to have said this:
(Pinko Liddle)
“I would have thought that the requirement for amyl nitrate to relax the sphincter muscle and lube to accommodate entry was God’s way of telling you that what you’re about to do is unnatural and perverse. Or your body’s way of telling you – your call. So eeeeuw.”
This we are told was discussed in your Parliament. Congress tends to debate mightier things.
Someone is having a laugh:
Bomb threats spark evacuations at 14 schools across London, Cornwall and West Midlands
“Thousands of children were evacuated from least 14 schools across England this morning after a string of bomb threats were made in a suspected hoax.”
It must be someone’s culture, so what can we do but evacuate!
Migrant crisis RIPS EU apart: Schengen agreement SCRAPPED amid final bid to avert chaos
TURMOIL within the European Union has grown as bewildered leaders agreed to scrap its founding principle of free movement in response to the escalating migrant crisis.
“… amid final bid to avert chaos”, but you Continentals are already in chaos!
All those with villas in continental Europe, fitted out for their long summer holidays, must be wondering if they will be available this summer:
As the Schengen treaty guaranteeing open internal European borders continues to crumble, Italy is gearing up for a tidal wave of as many as 400,000 immigrants “in the coming weeks,” according to Italian sources, and worse still, they will be coming to stay.
“Migrants” – or: who are the facilitators and pay-masters?
RobertRetyred – 12:43
It has happened in Paris, six times:
Thousands of pupils at 14 schools across Britain and six in Paris are evacuated after series of bomb threats
John Jefferson Burns January 26th, 2016 – 11:26
“Congress tends to debate mightier things.”
RobertRetyred (14:51)
That link is unreadable: rambling and incoherent. They need a subbie, or a good copywriter.
My apologies, I was referring to the UKIP link at 14:30.
Milos Zeman, the President of the tiny Slavonic tribe of the Bohemians, has done it again. Answering a question from a student on how to get rid of the Czech PM (who’s perceived by the majority as a poodle of Brussels ) he said: ‘One way to do it is the democratic way through the ballot box, you’re still young, you can do it”. (The election is due next year). “The other undemocratic way is the AK-47”.
You can well imagine the response, and not only in the Czech MSM.
Voltaire, as you well know, had the same side quipping: “The best governance is democracy tempered with assassinations’.
John Jefferson Burns @ 10:46
You shouldn’t conflate the deluded with the Full Monty of the tribe, John Jefferson.
There was another petition calling on the Government to let Donald in, Baron signed it. What is there for him to regret then?
Colonel Mustard @ 15:42
Good one, Colonel, it does show the American lawmakers can be seriously having fun debating a piece of legislation that’s not available, but perhaps we’re too critical of them, in an increasingly un-real, virtual world they could have been debating a piece of virtual legislation.
Stephen Maybery @ 23:36
Your imagination seems to be running too wild, Stephen, but strange as it may be the reshaped Diana could be an improvement on what’s available now.
John Jefferson Burns @ 11:26
Congress debates mightier things, John Jerrerson? Hmmm
The barbarian recalls Ms Pelosi saying ‘we will find out what’s in it when it becomes law’. That was the Obamacare bill she was talking about, a piece of legislation as big and costly as they come.
You still certain the Congress debates?
It should be ‘Voltaire had the same IDEA’ at 16.20, it is the software cum Baron’s failure to check before clicking, sorry for it, and the other errors.
RobertRetyred @ 14:30
Nothing new for the barbarian here, Robert.
Some many months ago when we were mulling over the issue of governance Baron said the country was governed for and by not the people but Brussels (the majority of laws originates there), people with money (e.g. Google’s pitiful tax rate as an example), and lobby groups (your link as an example). The boy or whoever may reside in no10 is but a mere facilitator of the trio’s wishes and demands.
No reason for the barbarian to change his mind.
577,700 vs 44,448
Yall going to need to watch out next January 20
Malfleur @ 01:30
Not that he does it often, he lacks the time, Malfleur, but on this occasion, Baron clicked on your offer, listen to 40 minutes:
Even if Alex’s right, his presentational skills must put people off, he looks unhinged, he jumps from one size to another, more often than not, he has no tangible evidence to back it.
In the instance of the bussing of illegals he screens an interview, but what about the 10,000 Chinese women per week being flown in, the deliberate poisoning of the unwashed by the Big Pharma, the GM maize infected with the HIV virus. What’s this all about?
If it’s all true, would it not need a deeper investigation?
The only issue that’s disturbing is the granting of unlimited powers to the President. Even this needs a more thorough looking into. When was it initiated, who backs it, when could the new powers get activated, that sort of stuff.
The Obamacare disaster was a good example of graft driving the political process. The leftists won but it will be repealed next January.
John Jefferson Burns @ 17:53
For most people the banning petition was not an issue, John Jefferson, if one were to conduct a proper weighted polling the result would have been the opposite of that of the two petitions, people believe the freedom of expression is one of the basic human freedoms, its curtailing by the anointed but a temporary (and rather unfortunate) hick-up.
As you’re well aware, there was no vote, Donald can (and probably will visit if only to play golf), and who knows, it may have been a smart move to dampen the enthusiasm of those who want to silence everyone they disagree with.
John Jefferson Burns @ 17:59
Let’s hope you’re right about next January, John Jefferson, because the way things are shaping up you may still be governed by the honorary Muslim.
What do you make of this:
I believe that garbage no more than I believe in your Operation Temperer.
Now Jerry Falwell, who in my humble opinion should have put up for the White House when Mike Huckabee started going belly up has endorsed Donald:
“President of Liberty University Jerry Falwell Jr. – the site where Sen. Ted Cruz
launched his presidential campaign – endorsed Donald Trump for President of the United States on Tuesday.
Falwell said Trump is “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”
The Washington Post reports the endorsement represents: “the blessing of one of the evangelical community’s biggest names just days before the Iowa caucuses.”
“It is truly an honor to receive Jerry’s endorsement. Not only is he a high-quality person, with a wonderful family, whom I have great respect for — I also consider him a very good friend and his support means so much to me,” Trump said of the endorsement.”
Trump is on a roll. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Just in case yall are unaware what a big deal this is you should know that others on the American Evangelical Right were backing Cruz:
“The religious right, desperate to choose the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, was determined not to repeat the movement’s previous mistakes this year. Heading into 2016, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins spearheaded an initiative that pulled together dozens of like-minded social conservative leaders for one purpose: to choose the next president.
Late last year, the group, which referred to itself as “The Group,” met in a hotel boardroom in Northern Virginia and agreed that Ted Cruz would serve as the movement’s standard bearer.”
A good overview of the problems in Germany:
Here Comes The Rubbish
There is a good link in it, to here:
New years eve 2015, Immigrant riots in Cologne Germany – An eyewitness account
The Channel4 ran a documentary ‘The Mad World of Donald Trump’ tonight, it finished minutes ago. The barbarian devoted the whole hour watching it, rather unusual for him.
It was fronted by Matt Frei, (who may have written the script as well). Not much of any departure from the standard hatchet job on a politicians the anointed not “don’t like’, but hate with gusto. Two things though are worth noting (if you didn’t see it).
The last time I’ve seen people queuing in such numbers was in 2008 when Barak Obama was going for the presidency’, said Frei soon after the programme began. Also, the last few closing sentences he offered as a commentary on the Trump’s mad world.(Baron quotes from memory): Donald Trump is offering the Americans not hope and change, but fear and loathing.’
It obviously didn’t occur to Frei that it must have been the eight years of ‘hope and change’ that pushed the Americans towards hate and loathing of the vacuousness the ‘hope and change’ represents.
Your David Miliband has just been on Prime Time to tell us that the migrants are no problem. Europe apparently is the richest market in the world and can absorb all that Syria throws at you.
Was Miliband not in your Government? Do you Brits really believe that crap. Here the wise know that the migrants will break you, just as surely as the Mexicans will break us unless we come up with radical solutions
RobertRetyred @ 22:02
Good links, Robert, thanks (even though he says only what all of us were saying anyway, the sex and age profile of the the asylum seekers).
Pointman blog is worth visiting more often.
“Donald Trump’s economic pitch to Iowa is simple: the blessing of his Midas touch;
Other Republican candidates attempt to sound like agricultural experts, pandering to rooms supposedly full of farmers by expressing their undying love of ethanol and their undying hatred of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Trump, in contrast, spent several precious minutes at a recent rally explaining to his loyal fans how you could make a fortune buying and selling parcels of land the government was obtaining through the powers of eminent domain.”
In short ONLY Donald offers hope!
“Intelligence officials fear terror groups are increasingly exploiting the huge migrant flows to set up jihadist sleeper cells throughout Europe” DT
Oh really? Well, surprise, surprise! It is unfortunate that “intelligence officials” did not advise government and opposition of their “fears” long, long ago, and well before the European government decided to compel national European governments to open their borders to mass illegal immigration from arab countries. Perhaps those fears only crept up on intelligence circles, foreign and domestic, recently.
Perhaps though they had, and have, no such fears.
A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of neatherism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into an unholy alliance to incarnate this spectre….
Or am I being what Baron would call “emotive” or possibly “unhinged”?
The Grauniad is reportedly hemorrhaging £4.5 million a month!
Loved the schadenfreude in the comments on this one.
Stephen Maybery, January 25th, 2016 – 23:36
Baron, January 26th, 2016 – 16:47
I am reminded of a little ditty from the late 1960s by “Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention” who correctly identified Fatbot’s worst feature. Prescient!
Insomniacs of the UK, and other idlers on the CHW…
Here is a great interview with Bill Warner that adds to his impressive collection of scholarly but accessible videos on Islam.
imo he succeeded in nailing the jelly to the wall when talked about the quantum nature or duality of this most infernal death cult masquerading as a religion.
Dr. Michael Savage, an American talk show host whom some would characterise as “emotive” or “unhinged” particularly by those who don’t listen to him, and who has been banned from the United Kingdom by two successive and regressive Home Secretaries, who it may be safely assumed fall into the same category, has just published “Diseases without Borders”.
I would recommend this publication to all “intelligence officials”, foreign and domestic, patriotic and treasonous, anglophile and anglophobe, since it is not primarily a diatribe against feckless and criminal immigration policies but offers advice on strengthening the immune system (physical, not legal for which they have it in superfluity).
Acquaintance with the content of Dr. Savage’s work might
Purchase of the work by intelligence officials might also have the merit of raising fears. In due course, those fears might be communicated to the Daily Telegraph, and, Sir David Rowat Barclay and Sir Frederick Hugh Barclay approving,be fed into George Osborne’s Bilderberger filter and from there be translated etiolated into a modest nervousness in the minds of the less oxygen-deprived members of Her Majesty’s Privy Councillors.
Zika virus looks like an interesting addition to the compendium of English diseases – I hope it won’t make our “intelligence officials” fearful. I don’t think so. Our intelligence officalils will know that this little chap will contribute to our diversity.
Zika virus looks like an interesting addition to the compendium of English diseases – I hope it won’t make our “intelligence officials” fearful. I don’t think so. Our intelligence officials will know that this little chap will contribute to our diversity.
Most insomniac Brits voted in the petition for views diametrically opposed to Bill Warner.
Up Helly Aa !!……from Lerwick.
The top 10 areas where asylum seekers have been sent;first is Middlesborough with 1 per 173 people.
The bottom 10 areas have Cornwall at the lowest level with 1 per 545,000 people.
Yet more Fisking of the MSM and Fox News from Stefan Molyneux…
“Donald Trump Not Participating In Fox News Debate | True News”
Radford NG, January 27th, 2016 – 09:07
It’s got to be Witney/Chipping Norton, surely?
Yet another master stroke. By announcing that he will not debate, Trump ensures that his campaign of truth will dominate news coverage and deny Cruz, darling of the evangelicals a face-to-face confrontation before Iowa Republicans go to caucus.
And gives Fox pinko Megyn Kelly a bloody nose.
The BBC wants over-75s to opt out of having free BBC TV and Radio Licences. Well, sorry to say, the only advantage I can find in being a senior citizen in contemporary Britain is that I can see and hear most of the rubbish for free!
Wallers: please note regarding Jefferson Burns’s last post that it has supposedly been made between 2.45 am & 5.45 am US time.
0545 EST.
And all the while you pinko petitioners take no heed of one of your own:
“Muslim communities are “unlike others in Britain” and “will not integrate in the same way”, Labour’s former head of Britain’s equalities watchdog has stated.
Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission under Tony Blair, argued that it was disrespectful to merely assume that Muslim communities would integrate like other groups.
Addressing a meeting at the Policy Exchange think tank in Westminster on Monday, he said that Muslims “see the world differently from the rest of us”, the Times reports.
He added: “Continuously pretending that a group is somehow eventually going to become like the rest of us is perhaps the deepest form of disrespect”.
“Because what you are essentially saying is the fact that they behave in a different way, some of which we may not like, is because they haven’t yet seen the light. It may be that they see the world differently from the rest of us”, he explained.
“Part of the integration process is for the rest of us to grasp that people aren’t going to change their views simply because we are constantly telling them that basically they should be like us.”
And why was Trump correct? Dave Gaubatz has it in one.
“Muslim children attending mosques and Islamic schools are being taught to hate America, our government, our military personnel and its non Muslim population. In this article I will identify three significant mosques in America that are leading the way in teaching Muslim children to hate and influencing them to commit violent acts inside our country.
In America we have been programmed by the media and political leaders to believe violent teachings of Islam are only being taught to children in Palestine. We have watched the Muslim Palestinian children spew their taught hatred of the Israelis. What Americans are not being shown (due to political correctness) are that Muslim children throughout the world and specifically inside America are also being taught violence and hatred.
Children as young as seven years old are being taught that to assimilate with America is to disrespect and dishonor Islam. They are being taught that our military personnel are the enemies of Islam, and that it is justifiable to kill anyone who dishonors or oppresses the Islamic ideology.
During my research I have identified numerous mosques that are teaching young Muslim children to hate America and are leading them to commit future violent acts against our country and innocent people….”
See my post at 02:53
‘Zika virus spreading in Europe as 1st person tests positive in Denmark’
Thanks, European Union and the Globalists. What would we do without you?
I don’t know; but I’d like to give it a try…
Why Trump ?
Two words : betrayal and projection.
Many people feel deeply betrayed by their leaders, and Trump seems to be a person on whom they can project their hope for change – projection can be dangerous, last time round it gave us Obama.
No postergirl Obama grew out of disillusion with unending unwinnable wars and a subprime mortgage crisis wrongly blamed on our Party. McCain would have served us better.
Gladly the Democrats this time have no hope. They are offering us at present the choice between a has been cuckold wife and a mad communist well past his sell by dates.
We are offering a successful businessman who tells it like it is. He will know how to deal with Putin and Iran.
He will respect Netanyahu.
People will have no need to feel betrayed.
J.J.Burns at 15-17
Muslims are not like us : Trevor Phillips.
Daily Mail : (Sourced via the EDL facebook site).
A certain jailed serial killer has admitted to the murder of Molly Dowler.
He now calls himself Yusuf Rahim. (Source:BBC)
BBC Radio 4 : Thur 28 Jan at 8pm ; `The Report` on PERGIDA UK.
(Source:Tommy Robinson)
Radford NG
January 27th, 2016 – 18:19
11 Public Figures Who Agree With Trump’s Muslim Ban Plan
“Congress — The Wall Street Journal reported that Congress long ago enacted legislation that gives the president at least some of the powers Trump would need to enact his plan. Title 8, Section 1182 of the U.S. Code says in part, “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
Fox News Anchors are now all under orders to diss trump; but are finding it difficult to do so with a mixture of egg on their faces, between their grimaces of sour grapes.
Trump has no doubt watched Kelly, Baier and Wallace planning a hit job; they telegraphed their intentions by winks and nods – and during interviews with other candidates. He has thwarted their ploy and all that remains to be seen is whether, as Stephan Molyneux aversTrump will gain, or lose by this tactic; it remains to be seen.
Fox News is on the horns of dilemma; if they freeze Trump out of the daily commentary, their competitors will reap the ratings rewards. Certainly the Trump free debate will lose Fox millions in ratings revenue. I wonder if Rupe will step in and order Ailes to ‘work something out’. When money talks bullshit walks. Intriguing.
Murdoch is finished in this country.
We watched with glee when he was deprived of a television network over there after authorising phone spying.
He talks of the right but he never understood the Christian Right.
He needs to come on down to a Paul Washer revival.
January 26th, 2016 – 17:55
Malfleur @ 01:30
“Not that he does it often, he lacks the time, Malfleur, but on this occasion, Baron clicked on your offer, listen to 40 minutes:
Even if Alex’s right, his presentational skills must put people off, he looks unhinged, he jumps from one size to another, more often than not, he has no tangible evidence to back it….”.
Jones programme is broadcast 6 days a week; 4 hours a day Monday to Friday, and two hours each Sunday. It has been on the air more or less consistently for about 21 years.
Alex Jones Show is only one of the sub-sites of
which is self funding.
The site produces inter alia documentaries and sells films and publications which document its main themes and complement the interviews which reinforce those themes. These latter recently included Donald Trump.
Infowars’ monthly page views number conservatively 25,000,000 and the site also offers a daily news programme and news items. It provides an opportunity to comment on stories. Currently, one such item reports that “Regular Bilderberg attendee and associate editor of the Financial Times” Martin Wolf insists that the ‘global super elite’ must stop Donald Trump from winning the presidency” and that “the potential consequences [of the global elite not stopping him] are frightening”.
That article is by the excellent English journalist, Paul Joseph Watson, out of London.
I don’t know what your first “go-to” radio and TV site is for international news and comment, but I would recommend that, whatever it is, you switch to INFOWARS.
Hope and Change – only a click away, Baron!
Get ready for trouble!!!
.Sweden’s Interior Minister says the country intends to expel up to 80,000 migrants whose applications for asylum have been rejected
Bill O’Reilly has just attempted, on The Factor, to get Roger Ailes off the horns of a dilemma by attempting to blarney Trump back into the debate tomorrow night. He spent a full half hour cajoling and cuddling, but got the bum’s rush.
The remainder of the slot was spent talking to others about Trump’s decision.
So once again Trump took all the oxygen out of the room. Moreover he was given the opportunity to promote his own competing event – a fund raiser for vets staged to occur simultaneously to the Fox debate.
Heh, heh, heh.
Frank P:
Trump said. “In this case I was being taken advantage of by Fox. I don’t like that. Now when I’m representing the country, if I win, I’m not going to let our country be taken advantage of. … It’s a personality trait but I don’t think it’s a bad personality trait.”
Yes. So Putin, Iran and all the Mexican hordes are on notice.
0540 EST
Alex Jones makes an open appeal to White Hat FBI, Police and Military
About 3 minutes in – Wednesday’s Show at:
Tuesday’s Show by the way was a great broadcast with interviews with Robert Steele, Max Keiser (an acquired taste) in Red Square, Moscow at night, and Wayne Madsen.
Here is an example of what the Left leaning bunch does to ‘win an argument’. They simple deploy what Baron calls ‘the pick&enlarge approach – choose bits of a story that are undeniable true, then wrap the whole of the story in it, present it as the correct, objective, the only possible interpretation of it.
The bit they always go for must have a high emotional content, the higher the better. They can get away with a dead body of a refugee child curled up on a Turkish beach. If those opposing them wanted to display a girl raped by a refugee, her face beaten up, it would be considered ‘unsuitable’.
In the clip, ignore the initial skirmish over the word ‘bunch’, the boy used it because it has a marginally pejorative feel to it, but since he, (the boy), can do FA on immigration without displeasing Brussels and the Honorary Muslim, using such words is the only response he has.
Ignore this and listen to the argument of the anointed one. What does he come back to over and over again? A woman with a child, a sick child …
Well over 90 out of a hundred of those we see on the tV screens are young, healthy, well fed and dressed men of the 16-30 age bracket, but he won’t give up creating the image of a suffering sickly child, hoping (and probably succeeding) in implanting in the minds of those who watch the perception that all immigrants are like that, that this defenceless little child is just the tip of the iceberg, that one has to put one’s hand in the pocket, give and get ready to welcome the suffering ‘bunch’ with open arms.
Btw, did you know the rather emotional rant of the German teenager who said she were afraid to go out was taken down from Facebook? Bastards.
You may like to give the link below a miss, it’s about a subject we seldom mull over.
The barbarian has posted it because, not by design more by overlooking (not being perceptive enough to consider it), the writer of the piece reveals something more significant than the mere blunder of choosing a new generation of fighter jets for the USAF, namely that the US technological supremacy isn’t what it used to be, here it’s the Swedes that come top with the Gripen design, excellence in combat combined with high cost effectiveness both at the stages of acquisition and operation.
Malfleur @ 11:06
If the interview in the Red Square was conducted at night, Malfleur, were the lights on, or was there a complete darkness when they were chatting?
Frank P @ 02:01
This was a masterstroke by Trump to do the fundraiser for vets (the Americans worship their armed forces as much as Jesus) the same time the Fox debate’s on, particularly as he (Donald) came under alot of fire for kicking McCain for his ‘heroism’.
In Baron’s humble view, McCain is another unhinged one, thanks be to Him he isn’t in the White House, if he were we may be all glowing now.
John birch @ 23:48
Here’s a hard conundrum for you, John.
You wake up tomorrow morning, look through the window, see pigs fly, or the 80,000 are actually shipped out.
Which is more likely then?
In Germany where some 1.3mn refugees arrived last year, already some 600,000 have gone ‘missing’, the authorities know not where they are, says the spokesman for the equivalent of the Home Office.
That’s totally bewildering, 600,000 people, which is roughly five times the population of Cambridge. It’s also the size of the white people exodus from London in ten years.
When you think about it it’s almost unbelievable that the 600,000 individuals could vanish. Where are they?
Just to put a smile on your face, this excerpt of a newly released song could do it. The girl in the pink dress is writing a letter to the ‘nachalnik’ which is Russian is the one who decides (Putin?) asking him to ensure one ruble equals to one dollar, and not a kopeck more (kopeck is the subdivision of the ruble, the pence for us).
It was aired on the TV station The Rain, but you couldn’t get to watch it there because you’re not subscribers.
On a more serious note, Baron has scanned a number of analytical essays on what should Russia do as the crisis continues, is likely to get worse if oil prices stay low (the Saudis have today approached all oil producing countries with the idea of each cutting output by 5%), the sanctions remain in place (the German business federation is putting strong pressure on Mutti to have them lifted), world economic growth slows down further. You would be amazed how free the essayist are in their criticism of the Russia’s leadership from Yeltsin to Putin.
This easily learnt ditty is doing rounds in down under, the aussies seem to like it served straight.
Baron at 17-13
“…..ensure one Ruble equals to one dollar.” Bad idea.
For years the Soviets claimed the Rouble was worth £1……whilst the value of the Rouble was what those helpful young men in black leather jackets who used to hang around tourist hotels where prepared to offer for it.
Ultimately it became virtually worthless.
Check out Huff P:
“…the underlying truth here is that if Fox News conducted itself as an ethical news outlet, these kinds of messy spats and hurt feelings wouldn’t be an issue. Instead, Fox is often run as a Republican National Committee marketing arm, or a GOP clubhouse, raising expectations from Republicans in terms of how they’ll be treated. Trump clearly senses a weakness there and is now trying to exploit it.”
Meanwhile Republican God Almighty Mike Huckabee, a long standing hero of John J. Is joining the Vets rally.
And further women here in New York State are in panic:
“President Obama yesterday urged fast development of vaccines and treatments (there are none at the moment), which is good. And today the World Health Organization (burned by its slow response to Ebola) announced it was scrambling to put plans into action. But in the meantime, the fears are so visceral and the images so graphic that it’s possible to imagine a future where easy contact begins to break down. (Zika has also been tentatively linked to a bizarre condition called Guillain-Barre, whose victims are paralyzed for weeks or longer.) The social and ideological stresses of the 20th century divided the world into distinct camps; now, as we are forcing the planet’s physical systems to change at the same breakneck pace, it seems possible that we’ll see a replay of those divisions, this time along epidemiological lines, and as usual making life hardest for those who have done the least to cause our problems. Zika provides a glimpse into a future we should do everything possible to avoid, a terrifying reminder why the fight for a stable physical planet is the fight of our time.”
Trump has said it is the wrath of God- and who is to say he is wrong?
And to finish, I see my old mucker Andy has run off again. Is he a figment? Will he return when I set out for Clovelly on Sunday?
Devonshire, my Brit friends, Devonshire.
Radford NG @ 21:21
Spot on, Radford.
Anyone visiting the grandly named Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (before the communist monstrosity there collapsed) from the ‘rotten capitalist West’ got for one dollar either seven units of the local currency (called the crowns) or seven units in vouchers called Tuzex bills (the visitor had to change a certain amount per day into the local currency whether he wanted to or not, every expense he incurred in the country had to be settled with it).
The parallel currency was easily and happily traded, each unit worth five of the local crowns, i.e. the market rate of exchange for the greenback was five times over the official one.
One would one do with the Tuzex bills?, you may well ask.
In Prague, some other cities there was a chain of shops called Tuzex selling stuff, all imports from the ‘decaying’ West, things like whisky, gin, sweaters, Levi jeans, underwear, Gillette razor blades (the ones packed in a hard white little plastic container, one slid them out individually, the container had on it ‘Made in the U.S.A in black lettering), and American cigarettes, amongst which one brand called Peter Stuyvesant, (white soft packet) was the barbarian’s most frequent purchase there …
These, Radford, were the days of nicotine addiction for the barbarian, ‘an avenue of pleasure shut to him’ for a while now. Sad this.
John Jefferson Burns @ 21:48
So how long will it take for your Commander-in-Chief to come up with another three deadly threats to mankind: Zika, Putin’s Russia and ISIL, John Jefferson?
And sorry for the errors at 21.21, the most obvious one ‘what would one do …’, software to blame, of course.
What happened to the governor of this blog, has Peter left the country, went into hiding, overslept?
For the record, this is Ukraine today, two years after the ‘Fuck the EU’ team de-throned Yanukovych, installed Poroshenko. The source of the data is Western (World Bank and Gallup).
JJB at 21:48
Perhaps it’s just God trying to reduce the birth rate of the world’s less desirable people?
He’s tried Aids, Ebola, neither of which did the job. Perhaps this one will?
Were that the case, then the epidemic would be centred on Iraq, Syria and Libya.
No Trump is correct it is the wrath of God visited on those who have deviated from the message of Rome and the Southern Baptist convention.
John birch @ 09:10
Superb, John, so very enjoyable, and so bloody true.
And the masses go along with it, they get their bowl of porridge regularly, can indulge in sex galore, raising pigeons or growing carrots hasn’t been banned yet, all’s well in the no-God’s world.
John Jefferson Burns @ 11:38
Seven wasted minutes listening to this religious infected madman, John. An whilst he was rambling on Zika, dead birds, the shaking of the earth and whatever, Baron thought ‘how TF could the Republic be still functioning as she does when looniness rules”‘.
The Zika pandemic is going to do to us what Ebola did, FA. It’s only pregnant women who are at risk, and only if they get bitten by a mosquito that carries the pathogen. Since the recent scary ‘outbreak’ there has not been recorded any noticeable increase in microcephaly, not even in Brazil where it hits most.
Ebola was West Africa.
Zika is here.
Everyone is sh*t scared.
In my hotel this morning inspectors came round to check if the hotel was Zika safe.
For the love of Jesus it is the middle of winter with snow still lying and I guess anyways they never see a mosquito in summer hereabouts.
And who watched Fox last night.
Riveting assassination of Cruz who just cannot cope.
“Cruz might have been motivated to drop Kelly in the grease due to his being repeatedly targeted by the moderators during the debate. After his rivals were again and again given a free opportunity to tee off on Cruz, the Texas senator finally objected:
“I would note that the last four questions have been Rand, please attack Ted; Marco, please attack Ted; Chris, please attack Ted; Jeb, please attack Ted,” Cruz accurately pointed out.
Chris Wallace responded, “It is a debate, sir.”
This motivation was due to the Voldemort name given to Donald by Kelly was leaked by a sore Cruz.
Second mistake- the Voldemort name will enhance not diminish Trump.
Marco Rubio was the most articulate of the attending mass-debators. But he’s a boy, a lightweight beside Trump, who has chutzpah in spades.
As for the others: all steeped in the argot of Washington politics: flakey as a Mexican donkey’s back and as crooked as its left hind leg.
But the sad fact is that the US electorate is naive, gullible and as fickle as fuck – so who knows?
Fox has ganged up against Trump and those on the Fox firm that were floating his boat are now trying to scupper it on the orders of Ailes.
At the moment my money’s still on Trump; after all, he has wheeled and dealt with The Five Families, both in New York and nationally, in the Casino business, in real estate and through the unions. He has screwed them a few times and has survived through “the art of the deal”, amazingly, because he always has an escape clause – money talks – bullshit walks.
Now we’ll have to wait and see how it plays out in the political power game – the ultimate Mafia. Will Don Trumpo become the capo di tuti capi? I wouldn’t bet against it.
The GOP is a mess. If they insist on sabotaging his canditature he has the option of third party entry. That means the HillBilliary mob retakes the Shite House.
Knowing the way Trump works, he’ll have already cut a deal with Bill to play that card as a last resort. And ‘resorts’ are what The Don is good at building. ☺
Addendum to above: on the gullibility of US voters. They voted for Obambi – twice!
On the possible recapture of 1600 Penn Ave: one proviso – I’m assuming that Comey will bottle out and not indict her/them. And even if he recommends prosecution, the DOJ will bury it. Mutual blackmail is a powerful tool in the Great Game.
“Trump, who has chutzpah in spades.”
You are not wrong.
His main card is that he will be intimidated by no man, Congress, Putin or Ayatollah.
He will get rid of Obama’s socialist healthcare bill and stop the Mexicans taking over our country.
This man is our Thatcher.
Loretta Lynch will fix things for Hillary.
But Bernie Sanders will be up against Donald in November.
Mark Steyn seems to be sucking his teeth over the Trump v Fox spat. Interesting! Perhaps waiting for the post debate polls, or even the Iowa caucus showdown?
DT:The sex attacks that took place in Cologne on New Year’s Eve were simply a “matter of public order” and had nothing to do with the refugee crisis, Jean-Claude Juncker’s inner circle believe.
🙂 not the incident, but the myopia.
Leaving aside the ludicrousness of a Parliamentary committee called “Women and Equalities” advocating that “we should be looking at ways to strip back talking about gender”, its pudding faced chairWOMAN (yes, really), the truly ghastly Maria Miller, thinly disguised as a conservative, wants “mandatory national transphobic hate-crime training for police officers and the promotion of third-party reporting”.
Third-party reporting (or complaints), you will recall, was something also urged by Leveson for press reform, and is a means to facilitate the pursuit of criminal charges by agenda lobby organisations without the inconvenience of having to have a real victim making a complaint or having to prove actual harm. By this means such groups can be “offended” by or deem as “hate-crimes” on behalf of notional victims anything that they disapprove of, without having to prove actual harm. The concept of victimless crime was something New Labour was very keen on creating, undermining as it does the basic tenets of justice that have served this country for centuries, and allowing the determination of wrongdoing to become entirely subjective. You are guilty of wrongdoing because we say you are – mark it well.
Of course this outrageous embryonic fascism is fully bought into by the National Police Chiefs Council (the re-invented ACPO) who have already appointed a “National Policing Lead on Transgender”, presumably because this issue, affecting a tiny minority, is far more crucial to maintaining law and order than any other trivial matters such as public disorder, vandalism, burglary or robbery which involve that nasty capitalist concept of private property.
Last time I looked we did not have “Police Chiefs” in this country but rather Chief Constables, but the latter term probably does not provide sufficient cachet for the kind of common purpose egos that populate the council, judging by Hogan-Howe’s affectation of a comic opera uniform, reminiscent of a banana republic dictator at the turn of the last century.
Policing leads on transgender. We are also plagued by such sh*t. But Trump will have none of it. He made short work of Jenna Talackova.
The PC brigade tell us that transgenderism is biologically determined while the beauty of the Southern Baptist creed expounded by politicos which include not just Mike Huckabee but Palin and Trump is that this is not what God gave. It is a psychological aberration. We are a tolerant society so we will not persecute these deviants. But we do not want them trumpeting their warped sexualism and poisoning our children.
We will begin to stop all that Monday.
Mobs of ‘hundreds’ of masked men rampage through Stockholm station
Richard Fernandez delineates the path to hell, which world leaders have trodden – and dragged the rest of us along in our half century of delusion and reverie:
John Birch at 11-47
The last time I saw a photo like the 14 year old who killed this Swedish welfare worker,it was of one of our British boxers who had just won a world boxing championship.
Footage of Winston Churchill’s funeral,30 Jan 1965 (video).From History Today.
Here’s one that Baron must’ve missed:
I’m sure he will enjoy it as much as I did:
Not sure how many of you dudes read the Drudge Report:
“Those who might argue — or hope — that the Trump fever will break because of the fight with Fox might want to take notice of those, yes, unscientific results. Pundits have predicted Trump’s demise time and again over the last six months. First it was his comments about John McCain’s war record. Then it was his clash with Megyn Kelly about his treatment of women, followed by his remarks about blood coming out of her eyes. There was the Muslim travel ban, the tepid performance in the second debate, some nasty words for Carly Fiorina during a debate, and then another debate where he did not seem to understand the nuclear triad. Every outrageous statement has prompted analysts to project that the next professional polls will finally show Trump’s support is softening. Except that his lead only grows. His support doesn’t decline, and every Drudge poll reflects that — and then the real polls follow a few days later with confirmation that the businessman is still the GOP front-runner.”
I am kinda taken back To Reagan in 1980-before he helped your Maggie to power.
A constant observation across the media and the blogosphere is that ‘James Comey is a straight-shooter cop who will go with the evidence in the Clinton email enquiry and will not be swayed by political considerations’.
I await with interest the upshot of that theory. But perhaps perusal of his pedigree might help others to decide whether that assertion is anything more than a meme, spread by the Obarmy administration to validate his ultimate decision, when he decides that the ‘evidence’ is short on the shilling.
Firstly, he’s not a cop – he’s a lawyer and a political one to boot; one who was chosen by Obama’s puppeteers, viz: Valkyrie Jarret and Eric Holdonaminute.
It will therefore come as a very pleasant surprise if (a) he recommends indictment and (b) if his recommendation is rejected, that he resigns as’ a matter of principle’.
Someone please convince me that any political shyster ever scrabbled to the top of any government sinecure by ‘sticking to his principles’ – always supposing that there ever was a political lawyer who had any principles (other than self-interest).
But I would be delighted to be proved wrong on this occasion.
30 January 1933 : Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor. ( History Today )
Springtime for Hitler.
“I was just a paper hanger”
“No one more obscurer”
“Got the phone call from the Reichstag”
“Told me I was Fuhrer.”
The European Union is a False Association
“The European Commission has declared the Cologne sex attacks on New Year’s Eve have nothing to do with Europe’s ongoing migrant crisis, describing such links as “false associations”.”
The Boy Marco Rubio is a Globalist Shill – with a Past…
Articulate he may be, but though on the other hand he may be an anchor baby and thus unqualified to be president of the USA, he may have a brother in law who once moved in insalubrious circles in Miami, he may as a young man have engaged in some financially motivated hanky panky in a Miami public park in 1990, he may be considered by some to have the worst voting record in the Senate both substantively and in terms of attendance, but the damning thing about him is that he is advised on foreign policy from the globalist propaganda arm, Council on Foreign Relations,by an expert on guerilla warfare. Those who have dismissed, or never considered, the ideathat formidable political forces may advance behind masks may not know that the CFR is an arm of the globalists presently bent on the ruin of western civilisation – and so far doing quite well.
Here’s a thought: if parliament can be brought to debate the rubbish petition on Donald Trump, how about opening a petition with more substance calling for George Osborne to give evidence under oath of the agenda and discussions at last year’s Bilderberg conference – oh alright, limit it to plans and their purpose for the flooding of the European Union with millions of muslims, legal and illegal, if you must. British Chancellors of the Exchequer should not really be allowed to attend such higher level insalubrious events without giving us an account, surely? But then I may be unhinged…
Gerard V d L confesses to a misspent youth and much else in his latest post over on American Digest:
A whimsical/serious piece of stream-of-consciousness musing.
‘Smokey’ – a commenter thereafter – quotes Kipling in response:
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date…
That the Saxon began to hate.
Melanie has written a piece in Trolltopia on gender-bending of children. It is pay-walled for subscribers only. Anyone here still one of those? Not suggesting a blag … just hoping that someone else thinks it’s worthy of a wider circulation? 😉
… and for old times sake.
Zika is being characterised as a racially-targeted bio-weapon and connections with the geneticist,Bill Gates, are being indicated.
Time to take the gloves off with these people in the propaganda war?
Read In defence of gender by Melanie Phillips at
MallfleurJanuary 31st, 2016 – 00:19
I emailed timmerman and asked him if he was lying or just especially stupid. No reply yet.
If we email these people it may just knock a small piece off their smug arrogance.
Apedelrazak Badram – what is his immigration status, where is he from? So what is
Dr. Francis Boyle on the ZIKA vius interviewed by Alex Jones.
Baron, Dr Boyle’s credentials are given in part at the beginning of this clip before Dr. Boyle appears. Please don’t repeat your earlier general statement about Alex Jones some days ago and tell me that Jones has not documented the representations made by his broadcasting station about the possible weaponisation of this virus and the involvement of Bill Gates in deliberately releasing it into the general population. Deal with the reputation and representations of Dr. Boyle. Don’t indulge yourself in facile and inaccurate anti-Jones polemic.
John Birch (08:00)
Good try John, but the same thing happens: the pay-wall comes up after the first two paragraphs.
Not even to enjoy Melanie’s melifluous words will I contribute to the funds of Old Queens’ Street and the nest of vipers and associated onanists who congregate there. In fact I’m disappointed that she’s still submitting copy to them – casting pearls before swine! But I guess she has to earn a crust and who knows? Perhaps even the remaining readership of the New Specstatesman might heed her message.
‘The Big Question’ on BBC this morning was another Muzziefest of taqiyya. A microcosm of things to come, as the hordes amass on the continent and the Wankers of Westminster contrive to let more and more of them invade and infiltrate. In the twenty minutes or so of the ‘debate’ not one indigenous voice was allowed to participate. Nicky Campbell completely lost the plot as the Sharia advocates shouted everyone else down. Propaganda on stilts!
MP’s article doesn’t appear to be paywalled now, but…
EC (12:11)
Thanks for the cut ‘n’ paste.
Now there’s a thing! Last night (01:25) when I noted Melanie’s article it was definitely pay-walled. Likewise when I read at (11:01) this morning, John Birch’s link of (08:00).
Now the link has been freed up. Can we assume that The Wall is being monitored by the Old Queens mob?
Anyway – it’s another brilliant seminal piece by the Queen of the counter-counter culture. Sadly, I doubt that it will stop the Cameroons from continuing on their course of cultural destruction.
Already most schoolchildren are not taught the difference between their arses and their elbows, so the ‘no-gender allowed’ shtick will be easily inculcated. As for dragging (ha!) police into the equation – what does that say about the current parlous state of HM Constabulary?!
OMG. I have followed this blog fairly regularly ever since it purported to be a viable alternative to Spectator Coffee House. Being somewhat ‘right of centre’ I have often agreed with points made. But I have equally often NOT agreed and been quite appalled by what this blog considers to be acceptable opinion.
For instance:
Frank P
January 18th, 2016 – 16:08
Hillary Clinton is developing a ‘five o’clock shadow’. Perhaps she’s preparing to be the first tranny POTUS?
She must have a clitoris like a beaver’s tail.
I do not like Hillary Clinton, and I would happily say so in terms of her policies and sense of entitlement. But this? Apparently the moderator of this blog thinks that such a comment is acceptable.
There was some early project to produce an internet show, with requests for donations to support it and for a short time the level of donations. Which I note has disappeared and no show materialised.
Presumably the vociferous posters weren’t willing to put their money where their mouths are.
I’m pretty right-wing, probably ‘extreme’ in some minds. But I find this blog disgusting and have made my feelings known in some quarters, which may or may not have anything to do with the much-hyped ‘future interviews’ that never actually happened.
I think the point is that like all good things, the way has been lost.
I am unsure from where you hail but over here we know well that the Limeys only play at Right Wing politics.
Hillary must be attacked for none of us want Obama continuity socialism.
The least worst option would be Cruz but as it looks from NY State we’re good for Trump tomorrow.
I deplane at Heathrow tomorrow morning and will assess for myself the state of Limey politics.
Meanwhile you do not have to visit or post.
The blog has only a few weeks to demise.
Peta (14:14)
Thanks for drawing attention once again to my observation about the HillBilliary hag. A timely interjection, considering the Iowa caucuses. Sadly the choice between one Aliniski-ite and another makes the outcome irrelevant – the Iowaians are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
I rather wistfully look forward to seeing the ex-First Lady in an orange jump-suit where she belongs, but more in hope than expectation, given Comey’s foot-dragging.
I infer that with the moniker Peta that you are really more pissed off with my approval of Melanie’s article, than my little ad hom about the appalling possibility of the Clinton borgata re-taking the Oral Orifice.
Now fuck off Sir/Madam! Back to your agitprop enclave and giggle with Telemachus, if indeed you are not he/she.
… or are you ACP, giving my ‘clitoris like a beaver’s tail’ another run, with a faux outrage ploy? If so nice one, Bruce!
Now back to serious mode:
Another sane voice from America.
January 31st, 2016 – 10:00
I”ve just read your post where you refer to Baron having made “an earlier general statement about Alex Jones some days ago”.
I’ve looked back through Baron’s postings, and I think that while he certainly referred to a “religious infected madman” I rather doubt that he wast referring to Alex Jones. Wasn’t he referring an earlier posting by J.J. Burns at 11:38 that, in turn, drew attention to a video of a man called “Blizzard Jonas” ? –
Malfleur – This time it’s my mistake. The man’s name isn’t “Blizzard Jonas” It’s Paul Begley.
From the naughty niec
During a lady’s medical examination, the doctor says:-
“Your heart, lungs, pulse and blood pressure are all fine.
Now let me see the bit that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble.”
The lady starts taking off her underwear but is interrupted by the doctor.
“No! No! Don’t remove your clothes… Just stick out your tongue!”
I took Frank P’s comment to be anti-beaver.
Frank P :
The Melanie Phillips article was free to view at 2am today;so I don’t know why you could not get it.
On my screen the article generates an advert for the Security Service,thus : “MI5 is proud to be named employer of the year 2016 by Stonewall”
A comment at Brietbart has raised the question as to whether this should raise concern about MI5 being biased against President Putin and their reports being influenced by this ; as over the death of Alexander Litvinenko.
Herbert Thornton @ 17:41
I was referring to Baron
January 26th, 2016 – 17:55
1.Des Moins….?
2. Clovelly…in January…?
Or February…?
January 31st, 2016 – 23:12
Thanks – it’s clear that I misunderstood. It all seems to have turned on Baron’s use of the word “emotive”.
We are certainly faced with a barbaric, ruthless and power-hungry ideology disguised as a religion. It is a menace that is brazenly dedicated to the extinguishment of not just every civilisation including ours, but to the murder – or at the very least enslavement – of every human being who does not submit to it.
Our own civilisation’s people desperately need both to recognise that fact – and to do whatever it takes to extinguish the menace. And the more calmly and cold-bloodedly we can plan and do what is needed, the better.
But is not human nature such, that the calm and cold-bloodedness we need can actually be accompanied – and reinforced – by, strong emotive feelings?
Do you remember that trick some 7 years ago with a list of top financial bozos + one other and the question `which of these has an accepted qualification in Banking`?
Now one less qualified person.
RIP : Terry Wogan (77).
Herbert Thornton
Yes! But robots, not the 7th Cavalry, may come over the hill first.
Mallfleur – February 1st, 2016 – 01:01
Yes indeed. But whose robots will they be? I find it hard to imagine that the robots will all be waving the Koran, much less be relishing their looking forward to their rewards of 72 virgins….
Or have I missed your point?
Herbert Thornton @ 00:20
Nobody could have hit the nail on the head better, Herbert.
Those of us opposing the takeover of Europe desperately need not dry data, mountains of statistics, rational arguments, but imagery, visual symbolism of how it disturbs the indigenous culture, intrudes into our daily lives, what its likely outcome will be, in short, something that appeals to the hearts of people, not their brains.
Just have a look at the link, this is what gets the mileage amongst the unwashed in a world that runs on emotions rather than cool rational thinking.
SO now “Malfleur” has morphed into “Mallfleur”????
Is M on a shopping spree…
or is this yet more impersonation mischief from the telemachus internet trolls???? (aka TITs)
Radford NG @ 00:54
How could you, Radford, Terry and the bankers in the same picture? Never.
If there ever was a genuine national treasure, someone of the people, for the people, with the people, Terry Wogan has been it, one of the few knighthoods fully deserved if for anything than for making Baron’s car commuting from Hertfordshire to Torrington Place in London bearable for years.
For the barbarian’s money, not many come close to his sense of humour, and – he hates to admit it – so far the death of nobody of Terry’s (i.e. Baron’s) generation has hit the barbarian as badly as his.
(We’re talking mainly about his radio persona) when in the the 80s, his only fault was not playing often enough ‘Save the last dance for me’ sung by Patti Boulaye.
EC @ 09:46
Well spotted, EC. It could be a deeply conspiratorial makeover, who can tell, something that could ultimately lead to a wholesale takeover of the world (or is it the universe?).
Peta @ 14:14
If you meet a man for the first time, Peta, it’s never helpful to point out what’s wrong with his dress code even if it’s the zip. And certainly not if the man is of Frank’s caliber.
Trust Baron on this, he knows, he’s checked it out.
Malfleur @ 23:27
Sorry for the delay, Malfleur, the barbarian has only now come across this posting of yours. Thanks for the short summary on ‘what’s what and who’s who’ on the ‘talk them to death’ network (only joking).
It’s only now Baron has also noticed to imbecilic errors in the posting, the ‘jumping from one size … which should have read ‘jumping from one issue …. (The fucking software and Baron’s unwillingness, laziness, forgetfulness combined are a lethal tool for turning the language of the bard into an incomprehensible twaddle).
Herbert Thornon
I think my point was that while “whatever it takes to extinguish the menace” should include calm and cold-blooded human reason reinforced by emotion it was at present more likely to be robots of the globalists who arrive to exterminate the moslem threat they have set in motion than militant humanism.
Frank P @ 13:18
Veni vidi vici, the piece by James you are referring to, Frank. Well, not really conquered, more like put in a halfpenny’s worth of the barbarian’s usual, you would have see n it had you scrolled down the hundreds of postings.
Yes, Baron’s take on the issue differs little, in fact not at all from James’s slicing except for the Litvinenko’s case. There he (and you and many others) are in the wrong.
And you know what, the barbarian has come to the view the judge has actually exonerated the two alleged killers. Here’s why.
In the report, the judge says” ‘They were given the poison, but were not told what the poison was’.
What? How likely is it they didn’t know what the stuff was. Just imagine (it’s only imagine) that you are asked to extinguish someone, given a capsule containing some liquid or powder, would you not ask what it is, what the effect will be on the targeted individual, and equally importantly on you in case things go wrong, you spill or drop the capsule? Would it also not be in the interest of those giving the order to kill to ensure there are no traces of the tool used to commit the crime?
Is it believable the killers may not have known the polonium would leave a footprint for years? Even better, is it possible to believe those who furnished the poison were unaware of the substance’s ability to cling to surfaces almost forever?
Nope, it was a put-up job, as have been the many others (MH17?) to turn the world’s unwashed against Russia or here against the KGB Colonel (which is the same for them), to have the masses scream ‘exterminate, exterminate, exterminate’. So far, it hasn’t worked, but they are still at it hoping something will stick, there will be another Maidan, another failed state will get manufactured.
The judge couldn’t say it’s all false flag bollocks, but what he could have done is to put in a sentence or two that defies common sense. And he did.
Here you have the result of our special friends instalment of democracy in Ukraine. Notice it is Radio Free Europe, not a buddy of the KGB Colonel, that furnished the news.
How come the MSM, the BBC in particular, don’t shout about it? Why isn’t there another Maidan to dethrone the puppet, why isn’t the boy declaring ‘the President (of Ukraine) is discredited, he must go’.
What you make of this:
And this:
Nazi Roots of Ukraine’s Conflict
Newsletter 2016/02/01 – The Internal and External Ring
BERLIN (Own report) – Within the EU, the mounting pressure to ward off
refugees, is intensifying the debate about a possible dismantling of
the Schengen system. It is yet unclear, whether Berlin can reach its
objective of stopping refugees at the external borders of Greece to be
immediately deported to Turkey. Alternately, attempts are being made
to turn Macedonia into a buffer state against refugees, while
threatening Greece’s exclusion from the Schengen system. The
establishment of a “Mini-Schengen” is being considered as an emergency
solution. Even while officially continuing to reject such a
“Mini-Schengen,” the German government is already involved in its
planning, which the Netherlands is officially directing. Any option
beyond effectively sealing off Greece’s external borders, i.e.
abandoning part of the Schengen-system, would be a first retreat –
with unforeseeable consequences. According to observers, this could
seriously weaken the EU.