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This Carswell they say he’s quite clever
But able to lead us all never
He jumped on the cart
And he gave us a start
But will we trust him? Not ever
Some timely homo truths about importing deadly disease:’s-add-‘hivism’-glossary-pc-tyranny
When are the MSM and our dozy politicians also going to face up to the nasty fucking (literally) facts? Probably never!
Frank P – 11:18
It has confirmed that Farage is what UKIP, the country, and the rest of civilisation need.
I thought the party’s manifesto was just what was needed: sensible policies, created with the attitude of, ‘if we don’t do this, we would be failing the country’.
It was written by Suzanne Evans, yes, the Suzanne Evans: the one who has hit the recent headlines.
And there lies the problem. For however good this manifesto is, it will not have any effect, unless someone rams it down the throats (or up appropriate apertures) to burst the elitist bubble.
No matter how embarrassing it might be for us at times to do this, we must endure it. The pain will be nothing compared to what will happen if we don’t.
Delers has another Radio Free Delingpole episode. I found it more meaty than the last one:
And I agree with him that it was disappointing that CCHQ thought eliminating Farage was more important that eliminating Clegg. Even though I can see the tactics, it is still disappointing.
JCB demolishes EU.
Lord Bamford says we don’t need to be in the EU.
Articles all over:Express/Independent/Guardian/Mail/BBC on line.
Another pigeon down.Nature red in beak and claw.
RobertC (12:28)
Having listened to Delingpole and Toby Young in mutual masturbation and in congratulatory mode to boot, for 25 minutes or so, it reaffirmed my belief that good writers should stick to their strengths and stay away from visual/audio media. Cassandra (the late Bill Connor) and AA Gill are two other examples of this. I would also include Peter Hitchens, but he’s such a dollop of contradictions that I’m not sure which of the media he frequents expose that most vividly. His brother just about got away with everything because, love him or hate him, his innate intelligence was unquestionable, though both, as commie apostates, carry/carried smelly baggage.
Incidentally, During the 25 minutes before I nodded off, I detected no sign that Dellers is genuine UKIP material. As for Toby Young, he is truly the onanist that he once confessed to be in an ill-advised mea culpa Speccie article four or five years ago.
BTW, what is UKIP material?
The pre-election message on immigration and the EU was compelling, but the post-election shenannagins seems to indicate that the messengers all need to be shot.
Frank P – 11:18
Boot teed off, and scoring a hole in one!
He made an especially good point about HIV and its carriers being a sacred cow, in contrast the vilification of people with, and withholding of treatment for, other medical conditions that are now deemed to be self-inflicted.
Frank P – 15.08
What is UKIP material? Well, someone who might ask Carswell the following question:
The native indigenous white people of Britain, in common with the same in Ireland, France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Italy, are on current demographic forecasts certain to become not only minorities in their own lands, but a minority of a Muslim majority. In what way will their freedoms be protected by your idea of Open Primaries?
Of course, to ask such a question one would have to be prepared for the kind of permanent imprisonment and never ending vilification and death threats to self and family that Geert Wilders enjoys.
Frank P – 14:45
You are being a little harsh: it was better than the last episode, and I think Toby was the reason! I treat it as eavesdropping on two right of centre thinkers who disagree enough to argue, but agree enough to move on. It’s not a polished product, but it gives a better insight to their views as it is not a set piece and edited. Yes, both are in Tory-shire and neither fully understand that while Labour is doomed because it doesn’t understand that there are the deserving poor and the undeserving poor (and, even if they did, they cannot bring themselves to treat them differently), it also affects the other parties.
It is a problem that has to be solved. If it doesn’t, we will run out of our own money! The ‘wealth consumers’ will become more numerous and, even more disastrously, the wealth creators will fade away, by leaving the country, retiring early or dying, and not being replaced.
Toby is a Tory. He said he might stand (as a Tory) at the next election in his home constituency as it was a Labour gain from the Tories in this election.
Delers is much too good as a columnist to be an MP. He is a commentator, sometimes quite outrageously so, and not a policy maker. In fact, did you hear him say he was so relieved UKIP rejected his candidacy for MP? UKIP got it right! 🙂
Irishboy (15:59)
I’ve been sussy of Carswell since day one. Judging by his cranium and physiognomy his poot mother had difficulty birthing him. Looks like a repeat defector to me.
“a little harsh” ?? Really? I was trying to be downright fucking insulting. Forgive me; I’ll try harder next time. 🙂
Frank P – 16:45
I future, will only recommend RFD if there is a gem, and will give you the time slot.
Even though the content density was low, I found the more relaxed atmosphere, of two chums, not on the Left, a pleasant change and to have two fairly like minded people meant that the ideas and views were better defined. I am so weary of any interesting idea being swept aside by a Lefty, or more likely, all the other Lefties including the ‘chairperson’. Not only Economics, but Science, Humanity and Relationships are swept aside because some Lib Dem or thinks it is fair, and that it might earn them a brownie point.
Just so that I’m not accused of “me too” -ism.
May 14th, 2015 – 13:47
Beginning to think that Douglas Carswell has been a CMD agent all along.
I am still inclined to hold that view.
[ “As the advertising slogan goes, If Carlsberg did Conspiracy theories…” Yeah, then they still don’t do ’em as good as EC! 🙂 ]
“What would we do without immigrants working within the NHS” (pre-election mantra of Labour Party):
In moments of total depression about our existential prospects I occasionally find comfort in a possible scenario whereby change could be brought as quickly as Maggie delivered (if you haven’t seen Martin Durkan’s brilliant documentary on this do seek it out. It was amazingly for Channel4). And I wonder if a Government composed of we right-thinking Wallsters simply banned Commom Purpose, sacking all their graduates from the public pay-roll, banned halal, and repealed all hate-speech and other discriminatory laws whether that could turn the tide.
I do take my hat off to Farage for cutting the legs from under Carswell and his other fantasists. Whether or not Carswell is a plant, he’s damaged goods now in both camps and the only thing that could save him in my eyes would be for him to personally raise £650,000 a year to make for his prima donna moment in f**king up UKIPs short money. I see Radio 4 Any Questions is coming from my neck of the woods this coming Friday, well my plan for the late afternoon is to loiter with intent and if I spot him hurl some much needed abuse at rhe prat.
If we have to plead with the US, as sure as eggs is eggs, we will be screwed somewhere else in the deal:
EU Desperate for U.S. Shale Gas & Oil Imports
Why not import a few more with shale oil/gas experience and do our own thing?
As the DECC minister, Amber, is positioned between Red and Green, we can only live in hope.
Someone has posted at the other place, on the thread about the ECHR…
Our rights are not enshrined in any document, especially one created, and liable to be modified, by contemporary politicians. Our rights are those we have always had as Englishmen, and we must defend them with force not by hoping that someone else will do so for us. As soon as we allow politicians to define our rights we become slaves.
Do we agree?
“As soon as we allow politicians to define our rights we become slaves”
I agree with that final sentence.
The self-perpetuating government has a monopoly on the use of force.
In the USA successive federal governments have done everything in their power to throw off the restraints placed uponthem by the inconvenient written Constitution/Bill of Rights, increasingly so under the Obama Mob.
“What if the leadership of both parties give only lip service to Thomas Jefferson’s words in the Declaration of Independence that each of us is “endowed by (our) Creator with certain inalienable rights, (and) among these is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and that the purpose of government is to protect these rights? What if the leadership of both major political parties dismiss these ideas as just Jefferson’s outdated musings? What if Jefferson’s arguments have been enacted into the federal laws that all in government have sworn to uphold?”
Andrew Napolitano
Now where was I…
Ah, yes:
Refutation of Bishop Berkeley
After we came out of the church, we stood talking for some time together of Bishop Berkeley’s ingenious sophistry to prove the nonexistence of matter, and that every thing in the universe is merely ideal. I observed, that though we are satisfied his doctrine is not true, it is impossible to refute it. I never shall forget the alacrity with which Johnson answered, striking his foot with mighty force against a large stone, till he rebounded from it — “I refute it thus.”
Boswell: Life
On a par with Jacques Derrida et al maintaining that Gravity is only a social convention!
Peter f M. at 10am
Briefly: Yes.
Above:these principles have been put forward for about 400 years by Englishmen in their struggle with Crown and with Lord General Cromwell;and with the elected dictatorship of Parliament.
Peter from Maidstone May 19th, 2015 – 10:00
Yes, more or less. I have a strong suspicion that any new draft of Rights will include much about our obligations and responsibilities to the state. In fact the term “rights and responsibilities” was being bandied about not so long ago. I’m responsible to the rule of law by Common Law, not to the state or its transient custodians, especially when much of it consists of a whole gang of foreigners in a foreign city.
The state as female nanny now sees its role as setting out the behavioural standards in the classroom, imposing them and enforcing them. I’d much rather see a Bill of Rights that limits the right of that state to impose and intrude any further on us. They have their telescope the wrong way round. But with so many women in Parliament it will only get worse.
And I’ll never accept the fact that a foul-mouthed 20 year old student from Scotland has the “right” to determine my rights.
“And I’ll never accept the fact that a foul-mouthed 20 year old student from Scotland has the “right” to determine my rights.”
PfM 1000:
As Brits.
For years I have been enjoying Rowntrees Wine Gums. Now I note the name has changed. They are Rowntrees Fruit Gums. Is this because of the moslem market? Also, Rum BaBa pastries are now unobtainable. Does anybody know what is behind the Wine Gum mystery?
Something I have noticed: For years I have been enjoying Rowntrees Wine Gums. Now I note the name has changed. They are Rowntrees Fruit Gums. Is this because of the moslem market? Also, Rum BaBa pastries are now unobtainable. Does anybody know what is behind the Wine Gum mystery?
“Does anybody know what is behind the Wine Gum mystery?”
Hi Anne,
As far as I remember it was always Maynards for Wine Gums, and Rowntree for Fruit Gums and Fruit Pastilles.
Never did accept the fact that “Marathon” bars were renamed “Snickers.”
May 19th, 2015 – 14:09
No way! Both Maynards and Rowntrees were Wine Gums. I liked Rowntrees best, how about you?
Snickers is a silly name.
I suggest that every straight citizen in Northern Ireland should order a cake from Asher’s Bakery (they refused to manufacture an iced slogan to promote queer ‘marriage’), bearing another slogan, viz:
“Abolish the Equalities Commission”.
Action this day. In fact everyone in the Britsh Isles should order such a confection and exercise patience when it comes to delivery. That should keep the bakery going for many months. Suggest they set up a website to cope with the orders; make it a fruit cake, decorate the slogan with holly and I’ll order two for Christmas myself.
Perverted bastards! When and how can we bring this infamy to a close?
Frank p.
I think we should order cakes from Muslim outlets with slogans on them.
Celebrating gay marriage or images of the prophets face imposed on pippa pig.
Obviously nothing to cause offence
Mind you, if they cooked them I wouldn’t want to eat them.
Mrs thatcher and the pea soup comes to mind.
The good Brit General Maude
Ramadi he took by the sword
But now with IS
It is such a mess
It’s Blair’s ultimate reward
Sainsbury sell Rum Baba..
“Don’t Forget the Fruit Gums, Mum”
“An advertising campaign for the gums that ran for three years from 1958 to 1961 included the slogan “Don’t Forget The Fruit Gums, Mum”. The slogan was invented by the copywriter Roger Musgrave (1929-2007).”
WHAT the… ? !
“The night of the long Nigel?”
… and it’s not even June 30th, folks!
Bad move, NOA?
Peter from Maidstone
May 19th, 2015 – 17:38
Thanks Peter, I will call Sainsbury’s and find out which branches have them
Police arrest nine Hatton Garden heist suspects
Poor old pensioners, forced to carry on working by SAVAGE TORY CUTS.
Alas Maynards are not what they once were.
Like Mars Bars and Victory V’s they are much diminished in stature and taste.
Remarkably Blackjacks are still available and much the same, although the wrappers have changed.
Alex Boot brings us up-to-date on the murderous business of governing Russia. Puts a whole new slant on ‘grassing’. 🙂
Malfleur at 14.20
French Mayor `sectioned` (as it is called in Britain) for saying islam should be banned in France.
Farage speaks at the EU parliament (2minutes 18sec.).”We must not allow our compassion to imperil our security.
Patrick O’Flynn tweets:”CBI campaigning to preserve access to cheap foreign labour subsidised by UK taxpayers via in-work benefits.Is anyone surprized by this?”
Diane Abbott wants to be mayor of London. Strange, I always thought she was a mare! 🙂
Some amusing comments about top gear.
BBC bosses told Richard Hammond he might be ditched from Top Gear
What this country needs is to return to a mindset that doesn’t dispatch 6 police snipers to hunt down an English cow that has strayed from its field and then gun her down while grazing by a road in Northumbria as “a significant risk to the public”. (DM)
When I was a boy, I used to sit in the middle of a field and a herd of cows would gather round and lick me.
I thought it was because they loved me.
When I grew up, and put away childish things, I came to understand that they licked me for my salt.
“Google has apologized after reports that a search for the N-word in Google Maps directs people straight to the White House.”
May 21st, 2015 – 00:12
Police snipers shooting stray cows.
October 2014:
March 2013:-
Of what a pleasure it is to have a Prime Minister with a backbone. These Rohingya are Muslims – they believe in the same book of hate that the ISIS scum follow. The peace-loving Buddhists of Myanmar have recognised a bunch of murdering, misogynistic kiddie-fiddlers and responded by driving them out – treating them exactly as their paedophile ‘prophet’ directed his followers to treat non-believers.
Cue photos of wide-eyed kiddies in the western media and a chorus of bleeding-heart liberals wanting a western home for them. Bollox. There’s plenty of Muslim hell-holes they can f**k off to – interesting Malaysia and Indonesia don’t want them – and the kiddie is most probably wide-eyed after being groomed!.
You never know, this enlightened stance by one lot of fairy-story followers might encourage the Pope to grow a pair and advise his followers to stand and fight the vile sect. Can’t see the Archbishop of C*nterbury growing any though – they wouldn’t fit with his frock.
Colonel Mustard @ 01:11 – Nelson!
Dunno why those drama queens needed rifles & helicopters(& still missed!)
All that was required was Harry Callaghan on the scene, casually strolling up to the errant beast with a handful of hay in one hand and one of these in the other:
BANG! Two legs or four, it’s all over. No fuss, no bother.
Definitely not for the limp wristed, or women, though.
Net Migration figures for 2014 just published: 318,000 (268,000 EU)
Now I wonder why this wasn’t published before the election.
Close the borders!
EC at 10.10
That’s 641,000 new settlers.
Radford NG
May 21st, 2015 – 16:32
EC at 10.10
That’s 641,000 new settlers.
a.k.w. at 16.34
Yes settlers;that’s what they are:more than the population of Gateshead and Newcastle combined.
Radford NG
May 21st, 2015 – 16:47
I was being ironic and would have used a much more robust term. I was afraid of being too vulgar, even for me! 🙂
anne wotana kaye – 17:13
settlers vs fuckers?
The word that you nearly used is essential to understanding the cause of the immigration led demographic time that will ultimately leave us English a minority in our own country.
i.e. “too many immigrants fucking” or, to put it another way “too many fucking immigrants.” That’s it, in a nutshell.
It’s just simple maths, and biology (nutshells)
should be “demographic time bomb” !!!
May 21st, 2015 – 17:43
Exactly! 😉
It hasn’t exactly been broadcast from the rooftops, but the French president has made the 7,000 deployment of soldiers to protect synagogues in France permanent. Imagine that! The Italians have 4800 troops on their streets too.
Europe is turning into a super-sized Northern Ireland or Bosnia but the mood music goes on. News of the French situation is here:
…………………………………..What is Common Purpose?……………………………………..
I have received the latest edition of `eurofacts` with a leading article with the above title.As this will not be available free-on-line for a few months I searched around and found much the same article available elsewhere.It is well worth the read.
“CP is an elitist pro-EU political organization helping to replace democracy….with CP chosen elite leaders……Their work is funded by public money and big business,including international banks……….The real objective would appear to be to replace our traditional UK democracy with the new regime of the EU superstate.”
“Trained and operating under the Chatham House rules of secrecy CP graduates come to operate in`their world`of CP.”
“The term `Graduate` is used deliberately so as to prevent disclosure of involvement with with CP.As `members`of CP,which is more appropriate,individuals in the public sector would have to declare their interests……People challenging CP colleagues have been victimised and forced out of their positions.”
“CP is linked to a host of other suspect trusts……and so called charities.”
“CP promotes the `empowerment of individuals`,except where individuals challenge the activities of CP……These people are branded vexatious,extremist,right wing or mentally unsound.”
The full article can be found at `Common Purpose Exposed`.There is much more there also including a list of some `Graduates`.[Find your Town Clerk/CEO.]
why do they keep on with net migration. we need immigrants and emigrants. people leaving being replaced with immigrants is not good either.
The icing on the cake. Eat this!:
Reminding the world of a few matters of fact:
If only she were the POTUS. What a cleaner, clearer world it would be. But no … it is likely that the next POTUS will indeed be woman; but a poison dwarf; a scamster extraordinaire, who will finish the job that Obama started, viz: destroying the American hegemony and with it ‘Western Civilisation’, aided and abetted by our own Wankocracy.
The Hatton Garden robbery makes me kinda proud. Shocking to say, but us senior citizens are either ignored or sickmakingly patronised. Tragically, I fear that politically powerful paedophiles can claim escaping justice by claiming suffering from dementia, etc. These Hatton Garden suspects have neither physically abused nor attacked anybody, but I imagine they will receive heavy sentences. Little children count for less than riches.
“For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our politicians ‘as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone’,”
Anne (22:15)
There is something very fishy about the latest Hatton Garden escapade. The perps themselves could well be the victims of a complicated set-up: patsies in a wider conspiracy, involving old-style collusion of people who should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. But the old adage still stands: when money talks, bullshit walks. If I were still taking the Queen’s shilling, I would be looking beyond the hired mechanics. Same old shit, I fear. Sad. Much of UK serious organized crime was masterminded from Hatton Garden in my era. Matty and Georgie are deceased, but their heirs and successors have obviously inherited the manual. 😉
Frank P
May 22nd, 2015 – 01:26
Frank, as usual I agree with you. I grew up in the days of Watch the wall, my darling, while the Gentlemen go by!
On the news this morning, a migrant human rights lawyer insisting that it is only the Human Rights Act which requires the police to investigate a crime and that without it there would be no obligation on the police to provide justice at all. Really? Even the interviewer seemed incredulous, though unable/unwilling to ask any difficult questions.
And on Radio 4 on Wednesday night as I was driving home from Swindon, a woman was being interviewed and the new orchestra she was organising was described. It will be only for black musicians. I wondered how that was legal, but the presenter thought it a great step forward, and even spoke about the horrors of white orchestras! I may well contact the Equalities Commission for advice. It wasn’t to be an orchestra for deprived people, there are deprived white people, it was to be based only on the colour of skin. Call me old fashioned, but that’s racist!
PfM @0822
Well how is the BBC asian network legal?
Question Time last night was just about the worst ever and a clear indication of what we’re up against with the in/out EU referendum, which henceforth I shall refer to as the In-And-Further-In referendum … the shit, that is!
For the first time in a long time I didn’t watch it. The lefty infested audiences, moronic platitudes about immigration and endless left wing celebrity gobshites have caused something of an allergic reaction. I’m “left behind” by the country “moving on” apparently, so fuck ’em.
I did watch about three minutes of Frankie Boyle’s election analysis, which was regurgitating the usual unfunny racist slurs about UKIP as a done deal. Confirming that he was still an obnoxious twat I switched off and concentrated instead on watching some paint dry.
What would it take to discover and support conservative comedic talent? Is there none? Or does it just get no air time?
It’s a bloody unfair world, you want to do your bit but your passed over for bloody relations of those at the top.
ISIS fighters complain they are not being chosen to blow themselves up
Frank P @ 19:36
Marginally below the belt, her argument. Wasn’t Bush Jr also going to withdraw from Iraq?
More to the point, the Iraqi invasion was doomed to failure well before the Americans moved out under the messiah. It was failed by the invading troops staging a TV war, not doing what an invading army should do, destroy the enemy by either killing it or capturing it. Baron has said it so many times his lips are chipped. The non-destruction of the enemy was what fucked up the whole exercise in punishing dictators, the spreading of democracy, why the whole region is in a mess, refugees boarding boats to the UK via Italy, Isil touching on the outskirts of Baghdad, getting close to Damascus.
By Gomorrah !
North East Kent rejects Farage;two weeks to the day later it is struck by an earthquake.
A quarter of out troops want to quit, says the Times. What surprises Baron is that it’s only a quarter of the boys in arms who’ve had enough, want to leave.
On the referendum, we might as well give up, it’s a done deal, the outcome will be ‘we stay in’. The boy will get few concesions from the Brussels apparatchiks that will be blown up as being of great significance, the unwashed will also be bombarded by pro-EU propaganda from every institution imaginable, told to make a choice between pure sovereignty and cheap mortgages, they plump for the latter.
Any bets against the barbarian?
A biased view of the world, it seems we all suffer from it.
Does this Russian chap knows something we don’t? Instead of robots, high tech gadgets, new technology we in the West focus on, he perfected something that needs just muscle power. He says it was a monk who figured it first (his name he forgot), he just copied it.
Spiked’s Brendan O’Neill gets it right:
“So David Cameron has said it ‘won’t be easy’ to get a better deal for the UK within the EU. And he’s right – it won’t be easy. Because any deal he is able to make, any set of concessions he’s able to snaffle from Merkel and Co, will still not address the fundamental problem with the UK’s EU membership. Which is that it disempowers us, the citizenry. It stops us from holding elected power to account, because large swathes of that power have been transferred to that distant, rootless, transnational body in Brussels. It is this, the democracy-denying essence of the EU, that has always driven us at spiked to call for an EU exit. Not xenophobia, but its opposite: a desire for more and truly democratic engagement, both within Britain and across Europe. That’s why, as our rallying call goes, we’re for Europe, but against the EU”.
It seems to the barbarian that when he posts you all fall silent. Well, it’s time for him to be silent for a while.
Baron – 20:49
And Cameron gives the impression that he does not understand this.
In fact, he doesn’t, and he doesn’t realise that many of the public understand this!
Baron @ 19:35
“Any bets against the barbarian?”
Here’s one!
[ANOTHER] Child protection chief in new payoff scandal
“A child protection chief who was criticised for failing to speak out about widespread sexual abuse by British Pakistani gangs has quit her job with a six-figure payoff and been immediately rehired on almost £1,000 a day.
Sue Berelowitz, who was deputy children’s commissioner for England and chief executive at the quango responsible for protecting vulnerable young people, took voluntary redundancy from her £99,333-a-year post on April 30 and received a severance payment of £134,000.”
Someone needs to tread carefully, otherwise she will get damages for damaged pride, but when someone fails to be human, and in effect that is all she had to do, the system needs to act.
When a night club singer can be put in a police cell overnight for singing kung fu fighting, why does no action get taken over this lack of judgement?
“FBI agents can’t point to any major terrorism cases they’ve cracked thanks to the key snooping powers in the Patriot Act, the Justice Department’s inspector general said in a report Thursday that could complicate efforts to keep key parts of the law operating.
Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said that between 2004 and 2009, the FBI tripled its use of bulk collection under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which allows government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents, and increasingly scooped up records of Americans who had no ties to official terrorism investigations.”
Alex Jones leaves the studio where he is hosting his show live on May 21st to take a bullhorn to a demonstration against Planned Parenthood (abortion) down the road which had attracted a counter-demonstration by a Maoist group, the Austin Red Guards.
Does this count as good news? “Pakistan Indicts 106 People for Mob Lynching of Christian Couple” (Breitbart)
Short form report on the item at 23.40:
Baron – 20:31
A most entertaining video. The brain’s ability to reprogram itself is remarkable, but what is the wider point you are trying to make? I’ve a feeling that I won’t agree, but try me.
Baron – 19:35
If the Euro goes, the EU goes. Currency Unions don’t have a history of happy endings. So far the EUSSR and its Euro currency is doing slightly better in longevity terms than the Third Reich, but it’s only a matter of time…
Malfleur @ 23:16
This proves not that the Bank will not be in favour of our leaving the EU, Malfleur, merely that it has to have a contingency plan if the unwashed do decide otherwise. Every major institution with a European connection very likely has a similar team.
When the Scots voted whether to stay in or get out every financial institution based in Scotland had gone further than considering the implications of a Scottish pullout, they set up subsidiaries down south in case the vote was for Scotland to go it alone.
EC @ 23:58
The guy in the video implied there was more to it than just riding a velocipede, EC, it puzzled Baron, too, but his (Baron’s) brain doesn’t seem to have the ability to comprehend it. Perhaps, but only perhaps, there may be a link to ‘if you tell a man a lie 100 times, he’ll believe it when you say it for 101 times.
Also, what the guy should have done is ask a child that hasn’t yet sat on a straight bike to learn riding on the reversed contraption. But even this would not furnish the prove that the brain behaves in the same manner when it comes to cases where there is no connection between the brain and the limbs, but only the brain is involved, if you can follow this rather simplistic explanation.
Malfleur @ 23:55
It’s hard to decide who’s attacking whom, Malfleur. The guy who lashes out first looks drugged, look at his eyes, both sides feel aggressive, and anyway, Alex is a muscular guy, he should have no difficulty defending himself.
EC @ 00:17
Good point, EC, the Euro does hold the key, but the problem is the Euro also endows the set-up with unquestionable attractivness as the bond market would rather have a financial obligation backed up by 500mn people than one underwritten by any of the individual 28 states each with at best 80mn people (Germany), at worst few millions (the Balkan states). The cunning apparatchiks in Brussels may yet come up with a pan-European fiscal policy they need to keep the Euro going. Let’s hope they don’t.
Pat’s latest
I do wonder with Carswell whether he’s angling to get back into the Tory party by handing Nigel’s head to them on a plate.
Baron – 00:51
I didn’t like the look of that fella or, for that matter, the direction that his over-egged confection/confection of ideas appeared to be going. It’d be off to the re-education camps for the likes of us!
@Baron 23rd, – 00:18
Of course, the leak will have contained nothing of substance, otherwise there’d have been a much greater hoo-haa this morning. But the next thing to ask is, “Was the leak actually deliberate?” There could be no clearer way of putting a shot across Cameron’s bows.
Clear Memories – 07:20
Pat’s comments are 100% true. I know this. In 1998 I was working in some local government offices for a spell, and came across one cheeky twat who insisted on praying 3 times a day during office hours! The departmental manager had to vacate his office for him to do it! The devout guy didn’t last long,not because he was as useless as the the rest of them, but I always assumed that it was because that the Hindus didn’t like his bad attitude.
And what an unbelievable coincidence that the memo should have been sent “inadvertently” to the Guardian! There are now so many left wing Long Marchers and zealot loons infesting the “impartial” civil service who believe it is their “moral” duty to undermine the elected government that we can probably expect more of this sort of thing.
I am sure the story is the same in the UK:
No Progress Since the War on Poverty Began Half a Century Ago
The Alex Jones Show May 22 – a debriefing of the show of 21 May covering the demonstration against Planned Parenthood (pro-abortion) and the anti-free-speech – pro-abortion demonstration by a Soros-financed Marxist-Maoist-Communist Rent-a-Mob of satanic university nihilists and making links with ISIS as a western-backed group and the dampening effect of InfoWars publicizing that ISIS is a western policy instrument.
This May 22 show helps illuminate the explanation for the conundrum of the Unholy Alliance of Islam and the Left. The connection is the satanic death cultures of islam and the left.
EC @ 09:52
Baron doesn’t know about you, EC, but he’s definitely going to end up in a re-education camp with or without the guy in question.
The BBC Has been very matter of fact In its coverage on Newsday of the diversity officer who likes to Tweet #killallwhitemen as a joke. Like everybody here I’m absolutely confident that they would treat a white man Tweeting #killallmuslims in exactly the same measured benevolent tones.
In response to the outrage Bahar whines on about suffering “trauma” daily as an “ethnic minority woman”. There’s only one minority that suffers daily oppression at her university: white males. There’s a witty piece on her here:
Colonel Mustard @ 11:34
The immediate reaction of Baron when he first heard the news was the same as yours, Colonel – why the Guardian?
How does one inadvertently mix up e-mail addresses of people on a restricted list with that of a newspaper? Also, isn’t there a moral obligation for everyone to hand back what was not intended for one, was received by mistake?
The sad thing is nobody will be properly punished, and as you say, we will get more of the same.
Many decades ago, before British people became largely adult children, the subjective “trauma” of Bahar and her sister in angst and agitprop Alibai Brown would have been correctly diagnosed as a manic inferiority complex of their own making, manifesting in an irrational resentment of white males, leading eventually to public expressions of racial and gender hatred, of which both are guilty.
What seeds of confusion must have been sown in the young mind of YAB when she and her family were discriminated against, rejected and cast out by Idid Amin’s Scots-African regime and then offered protection and security by – wait for it – old white males.
The sad thing is that these unfortunate women’s disorders are now reinforced and pandered to by white males all too ready to don a mantle of contrived guilt in order to further other political causes.
John Galt @ 13:35
This chap Moloney is usually good, John, but the one interpretation of the case he may be missing is the motive behind the tweet. What if it was intended as a joke, a humorous attempt to ridicule the PC crap we are surrounded with. You may well think, as those jumping on her did, mostly because of her past, it wasn’t, but for Baron it would be the easiest thing to say adding perhaps ‘then roast them to perfection using one of Mary Berry’s recipes for pork cutlets’.
The one thing on the PC culture that irks the barbarian most is that it curtails humour, irony, satire, it guts wit of its power, turns verbal intercourse of human interaction into bland, grey, monochromatic pap devoid of any buzz, thrill, warmth.
One of Baron’s favourite questions when meeting an armed policeman in every country he had ever visited was (he says ‘had’ because in today’s environment he restrains himself for the obvious reason) ‘have you already shot anyone today?
The last time Baron risked it was on his way to Stansted airport about a year ago, the entrance to it was guarded by a bunch of heavily armed police officers on the approach road, they waved cars down, just looked who was travelling. After Baron inquired about the daily kill, one of the officers shouted ‘no, we haven’t, but unless you fuck off quick you’ll be the first’. It made the barbarian’s day, it suggested no amount of PC baloney has yet succeeded turning us into pre-programmed robots.
‘Has Europe any idea what hell we went through?’
I expect it was the result of non-white rule.
“The Ghanaians, Senegalese, Nigerians, Somalis and Eritreans each had a searing story of flight from war, political persecution or grinding poverty.”
I was right.
So, you want to cross the Mediterranean, and be ruled by Whites, for while at least?
RobertC @ 12:38
You are nor surprised by the failure of the war on poverty, Robert, are you?
Benjamin Franklin knew how to do it, at a fraction of the cost the taxpayers have had to bear whether in the Republic, here or elsewhere: ‘The best way to get people out of poverty is to make them uncomfortable in it’.
RobertC @ 14:41
That’s a top notch observation, Robert, and a point one should make over and over again.
The flight of the unfortunate and desperate people totally repudiates the evil mantra of Susan Sontag, embraced by every and each progressive, rainbow infested Western government since the 60′ ‘the white race is the cancer of human society’.
If we were ‘the cancer’ what would one call what they are all running from?
Pax Britannica.
Now greatly unappreciated, if not condemned outright, but largely vindicated.
EDL march in Halifax this afternoon.Negative article in Courier;but see `comments`:especially two lengthy pieces from `Utterbobbins55`;a British soldier who has been in Afghanistan.
Also click on Courier home page for up-dates.
When I think of the Edl
I know revulsion’s not far behind
In fact I want to scream and yell
But perhaps that is all too unkind
From the Daily Mail;
John Mann, who is on the right of the Labour party, said Labour had lost the election because it was led by an out-of-touch metropolitan elite who saw Britain through a “London eyeglass.”
“One fundamental weakness we have is that so much of our party leadership only experience life through the eyeglass of living in London. London is different.”
LUNCH DATE. Ed Miliband and Douglas Alexander meet for lunch. Two weeks after their dreams of Downing Street were dashed, the pair met for lunch at an ORGANIC CAFE in HAMPSTEAD, North London.
That says it all. Couldn’t they have met at McDonalds in Peckham, or some other dive more in the line of the “hard working families” they are so fond of? It must be the “London eyeglass” effect again.
I also think John Mann is absolutely right.
Baron has learnt more about Bahar Mustafa, reckons the woman should be sacked, never hold a job in the public sector, she has a record, it smells of racism.
But here is a legal puzzle for those of you with better brain than Baron’s. You recall the case of an Irish bakery fined £500 because it refused to put a pro gay decoration on a cake? Right, what if both the gay activist and Ms Mustafa were to ask the same bakery to on the cake ‘kill all white men’, the bakery refused. What would the judgment of the court be then?
And this
You are right Lesley, John Mann’s spot on, but a fat lot of good will it do to Labour, they’ll turn further left, you’ll see, the middle ground’s too crowded.
Yes Baron, they will certainly turn left if Burnham wins, he has the correct cloth-cap image and is in cahoots with the unions. Not so sure about Cooper and Kendall, they just might be an improvement. For the sake of the country let us pray that Burnham does win, with a bit of luck Labour will then remain in opposition till 2025, hopefully longer. Boundary changes will also help to keep them out.
It was very convenient for Cameron that the net immigration figures were kept quiet until after the election. Wonder how they managed it?
38% of Irish turn-out to vote for gay marriage in `stacked`referendum.(Turn-out 61%:Yes 62%;No 38%)
The Quisling in the White House receives “partisan” support to put through a “Pacific Union” bill that none of the United States Congress had read:
As far as can be discovered, the legislation is as much about trade in the Pacific region as the Maastricht Treaty was about trade in Europe.
European Union
North American Union
Pacific Union
This looks as though it might require a Trilateral Commission to run it in our best interests…
Where are the real partisans?
“Foreign investment is of course common around the world and is generally seen as a good thing. Americans mostly like it, for instance, when Japanese investors bid up shares of US companies or Chinese expats pay above asking price for Manhattan apartments. With only a few exceptions we take the money and don’t look back. But there must be a limit, a point where foreign interests own so much of a country that they call the shots and the locals become in effect their serfs. Greece might be the test case that shows us where that point is…”
Another from ruthless truth.
The Canary Has Died
The whole point of the canary in the coal mine is to warn of deadly danger. When the twittering stops and you turn round to find the little chap has breathed his last you have a choice: do something or die.
In Europe the canary has just keeled over but everybody seems inclined to nail him back on his perch like the parrot in the Monty Python sketch.
To no media fanfare whatsoever (incredibly), French president Francois Holland has announced that 7,000 of the 10,000 soldiers deployed in January to protect 722 Jewish schools and synagogues will remain permanently on the streets of France. What was originally a crisis deployment following the murder of 17 people in Paris is now the new normal. The reality of contemporary France is that thousands of soldiers must patrol the streets to deter Muslims from murdering their fellow citizens.
That’s the dead canary. It should tell anybody with an IQ north of a pot plant that something is badly wrong with contemporary France and that something must be done right now.
But another terrible aspect of the threat is that nobody in any position of power or influence in France will dare denounce the aggressors. It’s as if nobody could bring themselves to mention Nazism in connection to the rising threat of war in the 1930s. This is not an inter-communal problem between Jews and Muslims as “The Troubles” of Northern Ireland were a struggle between British Unionists and Irish nationalists. It’s not even a struggle between Muslims and wider French society. There is no reciprocity. It is simply the case of supremacist Muslims attacking the rest of society and particularly Jews.
The 164 incidents of actual violence against Jews recorded last year in France are merely the tip of the iceberg. As Israeli journalist Zvika Klein and others have vividly demonstrated no Jew can openly walk the streets of their own country without being subjected to constant abuse and threats. The sheer scale of the pogrom can be appreciated simply by googling the words Jew, attack and France. To keep the sample to a manageable size add a filter to only include stories from the last month and you’ll get a vivid picture of the reality of life for Jews in the French Republic. Here’s a few of the headlines from my search:
40 Person Mob Assaults 2 Jews on Paris’ Boulevard Voltaire
French Jew Attacked Upon Leaving Synagogue in Paris
Paris Jew Pinned Down and Savagely Beaten in Anti-Semitic Attack
France: Muslims screaming “Hitler did not finish his work” assault Jewish woman
That’s just from the first page of the search and each refers to a different attack. Remember that these attacks are happening despite the deployment of 7,000 troops to protect Jews. Their own country is no longer their country. The canary has died.
In response to the resulting exodus of Jews from France the French prime minister lamented back in January that: “If 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be French, the French Republic will be judged a failure.” And of course he was absolutely right. But they are leaving and in ever increasing numbers so what is he going to do about this destruction of his country?
The best start he and France could make would be to identify the problem. Let’s start with who it’s not. It’s not Islamism. It’s not extremism. It’s not even a perverted version of “the true faith” as British home secretary Theresa May likes to call her own cuddly view of the Muslim religion. It’s Islam. No majority Muslim country respects the equality of religious minorities. None. Not even secular Turkey in its heyday allowed the construction of a single church. The most important factor determining religious freedom across the globe is the percentage of Muslims in the population. The more Muslims the less freedom. It really is that simple. You can have mass Muslim immigration or you can have a modern secular society. Those soldiers patrolling the streets of France are a visible warning that you cannot have both.
While the French were still passively milling around in their millions with those ridiculous and deceitful “Je Suis Charlie” notices Theresa May decided get in on the cheap emoting by echoing the French prime minister. But having a tin ear she decided to combine it with a little sucking up to our fastest growing demographic:
“Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain, just as without its Muslims, Britain would not be Britain – without its Sikhs, Christians and the people of other faiths, Britain would not be Britain.”
An example of a more outrageous reversal of the truth would be difficult to find. Hitler’s blaming his invasion of Poland on a Polish raid into Germany springs to mind for its breathtaking dishonesty.
Not only would Britain be Britain without its Muslims, it won’t be Britain for much longer with them!
The necessity of deploying troops permanently to the streets of France is as clear a call to action as we’re ever going to get. To adapt the famous Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch:
It’s not pining it’s passed on. This canary is no more. It has ceased to be. It’s expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late canary. It’s a stiff, bereft of life. It rests in peace. If you hadn’t nailed it to the perch it would be pushing up the daisies. It’s run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-canary!
The canary in the coal mine has died but the coal miners can’t stir themselves to act and so they wait passively for death.
Only in Holland? “73% of Muslims in Holland consider Muslims who go to Syria to fight jihad are heroes.”
“The more terror tunnels Hamas build & the more terror attacks they carry out the more support they get from the West.”
Radford NG @ 21:54
The serpent of sodomy banished from Ireland by St. Patrick has crawled back then, we are back to our Celtic pagan morality.
The size of the yes vote surprises, one would have expected a closer run in what is supposed to be the most catholic country in Europe. One would have also expected the Pope to help, he kept shut preferring instead to save the world from climate change. Strange world that.
Michael Savage in his show on 20th May is playing Obama’s speech on police reform against the background of the Horst Wessel Song and is drawing parallels between Hitler’s appointment of Goering as Minister of the Interior and Obama’s appointment of Eric Holder followed by Loretta Lynch and their attack on the independence of the local police as preparing the ground for the Gestapo.
Peter Hitchens must have wangled himself the most enormous pay rise. Either that or he resigned in protest at being banned from writing from the ‘free speech’ Mail on Sunday and was then re-hired with a massive signing on fee.
Who knows? Anyway, after three very mysterious weeks of absence (and with no explanation as to why – on Twitter he said he could not talk about it, which sounds like he had lawyers involved), he’s back.
And he’s pointing out to people like James Delingpole who writes headlines such as ‘Our side won’ that, er, no ‘we’ did not win. Perhaps we never were on the same side anyway and that the net effect of a Cameron victory is, er, five more years of Blairism, and a manipulated EU poll in which Britain is likely to stay in the EU, meaning anyone reading this blog will then be ruled by Brussels forever and a day.
So where’s the victory, please? Not having a Labour SNP coalition? As Hitchens keeps arguing with people on his blog, there is little between that and a vainglorious Cameron.
The immigrants will continue marching up through Libya, which Cameron opened up for them, and the UK will be ruled from Brussels (as it is now), only after a manipulated referendum, that’s it. There’s no more gainsaying it.
John birch @ 06:58
A well crafted lament, John, but whether one describes the wart well or not matters little. Nothing will be done, one can only hope things don’t boil over and our pandering to the creed does change minds such as the Muslim garden at this year’s Chelsea, it won gold, was called ‘The religion of peace’, quite right, too – a piece of you here, a piece of you there …
Apologies for the ‘Pope keeping shut’, Baron has a new toy, it thinks it knows better, corrects the barbarian without telling him. The sentence should have read ‘he kept schtum’.
Diane @ 11:09
What Peter Hitchens fears, what you fear, Baron fears, too. The EU yoke is unlikely to lift, the flow of newcomers unlikely to ebb, the unwashed appear to have given up, the years of BBC brainwashing did the job well, the anointed of politics have bought enough votes to keep the status quo going. But in politics as in life events can and do interfere, often massively, when one least expects it. Let’s keep hoping.
Just before the general election, Peter from Maidstone asked what we on the Wall should be doing on and with the site after the election.
With the Home Secretary readying to introduce state censorship of the news and the Prime Minister saying that for too long we [the political class?] have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens ‘as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone’, may be we should begin to come up with some answers to Peter’s question….
May 24th, 2015 – 10:58
Alas, Baron, in this Age of Political Correctness, sodomy is normal, and while heterosexual marriage is becoming rare and bastards are spawn, the Pope in his gown remains silent. The only people profiting are the manufacturers of rectal pile ointments. It’s all a bloody pain in the ass!
Many people noted the Big Media propaganda in the Mail and Telegraph before the UK election: Fewer stories about UKIP to deny them the oxygen of publicity but just the occasional smear thrown in now and then; a story almost every day on white benefit families, even though it is unemployed Muslim families who are typically bigger of that class; a huge dip in the number of stories on immigration (some more damning figures had to wait until after the election); and then, as Hitchens points out, the endless scare stories of the SNP/Labour coalition – here is what he says about that:
“the continuing success of the Tory party in getting conservative people to vote for a radical-liberal party out of fear that , if they do not, there will be a radical liberal government – *and not mind when they find that their votes have brought about the very thing they voted to prevent* – dooms all efforts at supplanting the Tories in the foreseeable future. All that is left is to watch and laugh.”
That was some of the broad sweep of propaganda that we saw before the election.
But there was more. Simon Heffer was just banned full stop from writing about contemporary politics by the Daily Mail, because any contemporary political commentary from him involves criticising Cameron and Gideon.
Heffer was told he could write about historical things like World Was II (always a Mail favourite) and he even penned a pointless character assassination of John Lennon in the build-up to the electon when someone like him is supposed to be writing reams of day-to-day political commentary.
If you noticed Simon Heffer’s column disappeared around Christmas time, that was why. It was just get rid of him, we’re trying to get Cameron elected, let him write about historical things in the four months to polling day, but nothing contemporary. His Saturday column was pulled in its entirety. Heffer is fed up and after seeing out his notice, will be going back to the Daily Torygraph.
And Hitchens himself? Where did he vanish to? Why was his column pulled the Sunday before polling day, not to re-appear for three whole weeks. He appears to have sat in the canteed chatting to Heffer and said well, if you’re only allowed to write about historical things before polling day, I’ll just post up some of my historical columns on my blog because they’re still relevant.
So Simon Heffer and Peter Hitchens – banned by a ‘free speech supporting’ allegedly anti-Leveson newspaper.
The Yes campaign in Ireland was funded by George Soros (who funds lots of these Gramscian things). Soros appeared again on Peter Hitchens blog this week in a post about cannabis. We really are ruled by a wealthy elite, operating from the shadows and using politicians as their puppets:
***PH writes: Similarly I ask readers to seek out a ‘Washingtion Times’ article by Kelly Riddell from 2nd April 2014, which opens with the words : ‘Billionaire philanthropist George Soros hopes the U.S. goes to pot, and he is using his money to drive it there.
With a cadre of like-minded, wealthy donors, Mr. Soros is dominating the pro-legalization side of the marijuana debate by funding grass-roots initiatives that begin in New York City and end up affecting local politics elsewhere.
Through a network of nonprofit groups, Mr. Soros has spent at least $80 million on the legalization effort since 1994, when he diverted a portion of his foundation’s funds to organizations exploring alternative drug policies, according to tax filings.
His spending has been supplemented by Peter B. Lewis, the late chairman of Progressive Insurance Co. and an unabashed pot smoker who channeled more than $40 million to influence local debates, according to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. The two billionaires’ funding has been unmatched by anyone on the other side of the debate.
Mr. Soros makes his donations through the Drug Policy Alliance, a nonprofit he funds with roughly $4 million in annual contributions from his Foundation to Promote an Open Society.’
May 24th – Queen Victoria’s birthday and Canada
Just as we had to watch the MSM’s sleights of hand in the run-up to the General Election, watch them now in the run-up to the EU referendum.
It started the day after the Cameron victory. Isabel Hardman (a true protege of Fraser Nelson in the sense that every words she writes is spin – you just need to work out why she’s writing what she’s writing – not too difficult as most of it is dictation she takes down in the lobby) suddenly got interested in the minutiae of UKIP’s leadership structure.
Why so now? Why, after months of ignoring and smearing, was she interested in a story normally associated with policitcal anoraks?
Because the referendum must take place in 2016. It must take place like the AV+ referendum in the first year after victory when the voters are still stupefied at their ‘victory’ over Labour and the SNP (ho, ho, ho – aren’t they smart for stopping that!).
And a 2016 poll means the race is on to destroy UKIP and – above all – to destory Farage, who has a track record of going on TV in a head to head with Nick Clegg all about Europe and winning the debate.
Make no mistake, LibLabCon do not want a repeat of that TV debate in the run-up to an EU poll. They want rid of Farage. Now.
He can’t be got rid of six months before the poll. That would leave Media fingerprints on the character assassination too close to the event.
So little propagandist Ms Hardman along with all the rest of the lobby were up out of bed the morning after the election with one aim in mind: Get rid of Farage.
Remember the end game in politics: rule by Brussels. That way, all the LibLabCon contest stuff is a suckers’ pantomime. That is why there is no victory in a Cameron victory. There will be phoney ‘I got concessions – looooook! I stood up to them for you!!!!’
All of it will be false, all of it will be pantomime.
What we are looking at is an EU poll in 2016 that will mean rule by Brussels (as we are now) forever.
LibLabCon will say forever more: The question is settled.
And in 2017, the little sheep who ran into the arms of Cameron the Fox will realise just how smart their ‘victory’ over Labour/SNP was: ‘Er, you mean I’m stuck with the EU forever and there’s no party who’ll ever stick up for me? Not now this rigged referendum has been used to destory UKIP?’
Can you hear the roars of laughter from Cameron the Fox as he hands round the bones of the deluded voters to Messrs Heseltine, Clarke, Soros, Blair, Mandelson, Peter Kellner and his awful wife, Lord Ashcroft of Belize, the Barclay Twins, the Rothermeres and so on and so on of the cabal?
Instead of being able to assemble either in UKIP or in a new version of the Conservative Party, there will be no need for any of that – you’ll be ruled by Brussels forever.
And that was the sum of the great ‘victory’ secured over Labour/SNP on May 10.
Terrifying, isn’t it?
I wish I could say that MSM propaganda doesn’t work. But it does. That’s why they do it. That’s why all the scare stories about Labour/SNP worked so well.
So, about that number one election issue: immigration.
How wil Cameron bat away questions about that from now on?
This is a screen grab taken off the Torygraph so lazy they didn’t even change the visual.
For you, because you’re a jerk, we’ll tell you immigration is a rip-roaring success.
And for you, because you’re a different kind of jerk, we’ll tell you it was all the LibDems’ fault. Job done.
And how can I gainsay the Torygraph? It was indeed a job done, their propagandist rubbish won Cameron a majority:
‘The unsayable truth about immigration: it’s been a stunning success for Britain’
‘Tories blame Lib Dems for spiralling immigration’
Speaking of Peter Hitchens:
“How strange to live in a country where the heir to the throne would rather publicly clasp the hand of a Republican apologist for political murder than privately meet a loyal patriot and monarchist.
But there it is. Nothing is but what is not. We must learn to live our lives backwards, sideways, every way but straightforwardly.Perhaps the next biggest absurdity is that we have a virulent New Labour government, which has the effrontery to call itself ‘Conservative’….”
A Commenter on the last-referred to link:
“Londonzone, London, United Kingdom, about an hour ago
Part of the ” Frankfurt School ” plan is to destroy nationalities, and create a world where the people in every country have nothing in common with the people around them. Everyone will have different nationalities, religions, colours, languages, traditions etc. No one will have any real bond with anyone. We will be told that things are great… but, the news will show a different truth! London is a perfect example, local established communities are taking flight and being replaced by millions who have nothing in common with each other… in many cases, not even the ability to communicate in the same language. In many cases living in sheds. The plan to destroy… is working!”
In the run-up to Douglas Carswell’s by-electon victory in Clacton, I read his book The End of Politics.
In it, he argued that the internet would change politics forever and that political allegiance would fracture because of the internet. Choice would come to the fore as never before. And Clacton seemed to prove him right.
I have to say that watching Lynton Crosby and his underlings since the Clacton by-election, they studied that book, and came up with an antidote to it, which was to lock down the internet as much as possible on MSM websites: make people sign in, ban comenters, censor comments, comments are closed and so on.
Don’t ban everything because then the readers won’t stay, just be very selective in how opposition can manifest itself on mainstream newspaper chatboards.
That was the Big Media part of it. But government has come to Lyton and friends’ assistance too in the shape of Theresa May and Cameron, the latter of who has said:
‘For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. It’s often meant we have stood neutral between different values. And that’s helped foster a narrative of extremism and grievance. This Government will conclusively turn the page on this failed approach.’
As Peter Hitchens points out, you think Cameron means jihadists. He doesn’t. The definition Cameron and May are using is so open it would include most of the posters on this blog site. Your views are, to them, beyond the pale.
So although I agreed with Carswell’s thesis. I don’t think he, or I, could ever envisage just how far the government and its media friends would go to shut down free speech on the internet.
On the Big Media news websites, it was done very subtly, but Cameron wants to make sure he and LibLabCon can go further than that.
In a sarcastic review of the film Spooks, Peter Hitchens points out:
‘Spooks let slip MI5’s big secret… it really is useless
‘What exactly is MI5 defending, and from whom?
‘This question kept seething in my mind as I struggled to understand the film Spooks: The Greater Good, whose plot (if there is one) makes relativity look simple.
‘Who is betraying whom? Who is the enemy?
‘I left the cinema even more convinced than before that we would be better off without any MI5 at all.’
This is what Hitchens is taking a swipe at:
‘For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.’
Now can you see why MI5 is useless and should be closed down?
May 24th, 2015 – 13:04
yes, that’s the plan of people like George Soros: divide and rule!
May 24th, 2015 – 13:02
Why are you surprised at the actions of the heir to the throne? Remember his treatment of the mother of his sons, and how he betrayed her from the very start with that used old riding mare!
Interesting to see how the New World Order columnists (propagandists) bang the drum for the same cause. The ghastly Fraser Nelson tells Torygraph readers what a rip-raping success immigration has been for the UK and the even ghastlier Allister Heath, who would like to pay people in smarties if he could bangs the drum just as loud for more immigration.
And over on the Guardian, Andrew Rawnsley screams about the need to have the EU referendum in 2016 – that’s all that counts now for the LibLabConners – win that damn referendum and then they’re done forever. After that, they can just give the punters the ole LibLabCon straw man contest – what matter if they’re ruled by Brussels, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, collapse in laughter all round.
Private Eye has apparently been supporting Hitchens in his battle with the Rothermeres. He is busy pointing out the obvious to Cameron voters on his blog:
Posted by: david brown | 21 May 2015 at 03:46 AM
‘The best and last hope for England is that Scotland leaves the Union. It was the Scots-dominated-Labour party which, out of malice, opened England up to mass immigration,
***Peter Hitchens writes: Where does he get this bizarre partisan view that Labour alone favours mass immigration? The Tories would have done the same had they been in office, and have happily continued the policy since they came to office, whilst pretending noisily that they have an ‘ambition’ (never to be fulfilled) to do something about it. ***
‘while keeping the migrants out of Scotland. In just a decade, figures from the Guardian’s website show the Muslim population has doubled to five per cent of England’s population .
‘The question should not be: Will this or that political party continue to exist, but will England (other than as a geographic entity)? The English are on their way to becoming a minority in England.’
Can someone tell me when in the process of registering and going to vote when they check you are a British citizen and therefore entitles to vote in a GE?
Cos I reckon they don’t, so many voting are in fact ineligible.
any electoral anoraks out there who know?
If you register online all they require is an NI number:
You don’t need to be a British citizen to have an NI Number, do you?
Try it:
I just got quite a long way through the online process as Frédéric Chopin.
there are suggestions george soros may have been instrumental in the irish gay marriage referendum, and could have affected the result through the difference n finding of the yes and no campaigns.
I suspect he may well try and influence the UK Eu referendum. He favours a federal europe.
why he thinks as an american its OK to interfere in other countries I dont know but we must make sure he isnt allowed to fund the stay in the eu campaign.
anne wotana kaye – 13:42
A lot of his Saudi chums are quite good at riding camels, with or without the hump!
EC @ 1554
they quite like riding goats too….
Eligibility is dependent on being on the voting register. All that is checked when you vote is whether you are on the register. To register to vote you have to be resident in the UK and be a British citizen, an EU citizen or a qualifying Commonwealth citizen.
Residency just seems to entail having a UK address although anonymous registration is permitted if there is a court order covering it, e.g. for people under witness protection or in fear.
Registration appears to be self-certifying so if someone from Somalia puts on the form that they are from Pakistan, say, as long as they have a UK address there doesn’t appear to be any verification mechanism for that. Also there doesn’t appear to be any verification of actual presence at the registered residence so ten people living abroad with their head of family resident in the UK could probably register to vote too. Then the resident could get the postal votes filled in on their behalf.
The system is set up to be benign to anyone who wants to vote rather than to protect voting integrity. And that is in the context of the British “sickness” of apparently wanting the whole world to be able to live here and making extraordinary concessions for it to be able to do so.
During the Scottish referendum the SNP made a celebration of foreign voters participating in the ‘Yes’ vote as part of their utterly bogus “civic nationalism” bollocks, but did not extend the right to vote to born and bred Scots living outside Scotland, even those in the rest of the UK. That was outrageous, pandering to a premature notion that Scotland was already an independent country managing its own affairs rather than an integral part of the United Kingdom. It resulted in the ridiculous situation where a German resident in Edinburgh for two years could vote to break up the Union whereas a born and bred Scot living and working in London for one year couldn’t vote to preserve it.
colonel – sounds like its open to widespread fraud then….
Diane @ 12:54
Baron repeats himself here, but you may have missed it, Diane.
Immigration is a middle class phenomenon, and as such its current mutation is but a rerun of the colonial past with only the travelling arrangements reversed. In the days of old, it was the sahib who packed the cases, boarded the boat, settled in the distant lands of Africa and the East where the local served for him in his home or in the fields. Today, it’s the locals from the distant lands, massively augmented by the liberated Slavs who travel up here, labour for the middle classes, serve them Costa, pick vegetables and stuff.
The boy and his friends may blame the confused lot, but they will never do anything to cut the flow of immigrants, what they may do is change the way the stats are compiled. The Tories did that with unemployment figures, pushed a lot of the jobless into the disability category, and voila, unemployment sank (whilst the number of those o n disability benefits skyrocketed), Today, Britain is the most ‘disabled’ country in Europe.
EC @ 15:40
Why hiding your musical talents for so long, EC? Btw, is this yours?
Ireland continues on the road to Hell. 38% of the population vote in favour of gay pseudo-marriage and our press declare it an overwhelming victory. 62% didn’t vote for it at all.
You don’t need to be a British citizen to vote in the GE. You can be a Pakistani with only a few weeks residency. And not only vote, but stand as an MP! What other countries allow non-citizens to vote in GEs and stand as members of Parliament?
Diane @ 13:14
Reading this posting of yours, Diane, a heretic thought occurred to the barbarian. Heretic from the philosophical orientation of this blog that is. What if we, most of the contributors to this blog, are indeed fossils of the beastly past, glued to a belief system that no longer appeals, stuck in some outdated morality, lost in the dark by the progressive forces of youth?
Btw, where is the leading guru of the site, the belesprit amongst us,
Frank? Is he so overjoyed by the success of the Irish gay story he cannot speak? We should be told.
Baron, were we to think in the way you describe then we would have already subscribed to an inhuman and demonic worldview which is destined and delighting in destroying all that is beautiful and good. I do not subscribe to such a worldview, quite the contrary, and I will die fighting to preserve what remains of that which made us great and good.
Peter from Maidstone @ 17:03
It’s a good point, Peter, it may well be argued that the 40 out of a 100, or most of them anyway, who could have voted, didn’t, decided not to participate because for them the referendum was unwarranted, unconscionable, amoral. The unit of a man and a woman is what nature, of Him if one prefers, intended, nothing a man can declare can change it.
Sorry, in the above posting at 17.28 it should read ‘or Him’ rather than ‘of Him’.
Btw, Rod Liddle has a good piece on the May election here and the more recent Irish vote in today’s ST. Talking about the polls before the May count he says: “The opinion polls here showed we were definitely headed for a hung parliament and consequently a coalition between Tombstone Ed and the clamorous, dwarfish, Ginger Hordes From the North”.
Baron yes we are stuck in yesteryear
Our morality maybe should go down a gear
But what would happen to our dear land
Perhaps Farage should be given his hand
Peter from Maidstone@May 24th, 2015 – 17:07
why do we continue to let foreigners vote in our GE’s
if people are not uK citizens then they should not vote
Just checked. British cant vote in Pakistan. then why are Pakistanis allowed to vote in the Ukl elections????
Historically, it is because of Empire citizenship, and is understandable as something that existed in the past. But now… Pakistan doesn’t even have the Queen as Head of State. What is the reason for allowing hundreds of millions of Asians and Africans to be able to vote in the GE in the UK, AND stand as MPs. There must be a reason. No democrat could countenance such a subversion of democracy. It seems to me to be part of the agenda to undermine English culture and English society. It begins with the localisation of migrants so that they become a voting block. Then they elect those who represent their own migrant interests. Then they become a political lobby with a national agenda. And then we all have to be silent as the English people suffer a slow genocide.
The next mayor our capital city, where the native population is already a minority, will have a migrant origin mayor next.
Who else would allow such a thing? In Fiji, the mass migration of Indians led to several coups in favour of the native Fijian population in the 1980s and 2000. At one point the Indian led political parties gained a majority of seats. At another point the legislature had majority representation guaranteed to the native population. When this we changed, under pressure from the Commonwealth, an Indian, Mahendra Chaudhry, became Fiji’s prime minister.
It will happen here. Chuka Umanna is Irish-Nigerian and yet touted as Prime Minister. The Milibands are Polish Marxists. Nick Clegg is only a quarter English and has been taught by his Dutch mother to despise English culture. David Lammy is of a Guyanese migrant family. Diane Abbott is of a Jamaican migrant family. Adam Afriye is half-Ghanaian. Paul Boateng is Ghanaian and spent most of his childhood in Ghana. Trevor Philips is from a British Guianese migrant family. There are lots more. They should not be able to stand as an MP. I am not convinced that they should be able to vote in GE. The electorate should mean something more than just geography.
All lovely people, but not British in any sense other than having a right to live here, or having been fortunate to be born here. It takes more to be British, and certainly more to be English.
not sure that redesignating citizenship like you describe is a winner. But it may be worth a bit of a campaign to get commonwealth citizens stopped from voting in general elections.
Hee, hee Baron! 17:16
There are times when I think I’m living in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (that famous political parable) and ‘is it just me and a handful of uninfected others?’
Genuinely, though? I just think the smoke and mirrors is what does the trick. People are so confused and can’t join the dots always back to Brussels and federalism. I repeat this line of Hitchens’, because I think it pinpoints the voters’ confusion:
“The continuing success of the Tory party in getting conservative people to vote for a radical-liberal party out of fear that , if they do not, there will be a radical liberal government – *and not mind when they find that their votes have brought about the very thing they voted to prevent* – dooms all efforts at supplanting the Tories in the foreseeable future. All that is left is to watch and laugh.”
I don’t think they ever thought they’d have to have this in/out EU plebiscite, but now they do, the timing is all-important.
The Cameron victory left me utterly deflated because it means a rigged poll, almost certainly an IN victory and then what? What do I do from 2018 onwards?
The meta-issue, as Melanie Phillips called it, The Question, The Big One will be ‘settled’, I will be told. It’s 2018, see, chum, and the millions of Turks are on their way to the UK to join the rump of Africa that’s been waltzing up through Libya.
Whomsoever will stand up for me now? Lib? Lab? Con?
None of those three. And the sleight of hand? They never were my friend and ally.
I know the answer to that question now (as I’m sure do the rest of the readers here), but I think a lot of people simply don’t realise what has just happened. By which, I mean, they’ve been bamboozled. They’re reading James Delingpole chuckling away that ‘we’ won.
I also don’t think the majority of people don’t realise that after any IN victory (and I expect IN to win after what I’ve just seen on May 7) – that’s it. That’s all, folks. You are in FOREVER.
I will put the OUT posters in my windows and trudge to the polling booth like everyone else who can see what’s going on, but I’ve just seen the MSM reassert its power in a way I never thought would happen in the internet era.
I fear that in 2018 when the rest of the population realises they’ve been swindled by Mr Slippery, people like us will be living in the Open Prison that is the EU and will be the ones left saying: ‘We did try to warn you.’
This is my favourite ‘not before polling day’ story that was hush hushed before Cameron’s victory by the Mail:
Five Libyan soldiers jailed for night of drunken rampaging through city streets in which man was raped and four women sexually assaulted
Men had been training in the UK as part of agreement to help Libya
Moktar Ali Sadd Mahmoud and Ibrahim Abugtila convicted of raping man
What will we all say in 2018 when Boris is clapping his hands at the arrival of hordes of Muslim Turks? Lock up your daughters? They don’t care. A kuffr mand will do.
Please wake up, Britain. Please.
In terms of practical advice: what do we do?
Well, the first thing I think is we’ve got to help Farage stay as head of UKIP and try to get him to lead the OUT campaign.
That is why the MSM, having ignored Farage a lot in the run-up to 7 May, have put him in their papers almost every day since. They want rid of him because he’s one of the few strong media performers the OUT campaign will have:
“I suppose there is an argument, once the thing [the referendum campaign] has begun, for making the case for exit. But in such circumstances, what chance has my side? It has very few people in it who could be counted good TV performers or public speakers. Its arguments are often not very coherent.”
That is the reason for Isabel Hardman’s sudden interest in the minutiae of UKIP leadership rules. MSM attack dogs like her have been sent out and told: bring us Farage’s head on a plate.
They saw what Farage did to Clegg on TV in that dress rehearsal for what might happen in a referendum and they didn’t like it.
They hate Farage because he’s a terrific debater. The second problem that Farage poses them is this: Who do we put up against him if he leads the OUT campaign?
Think about that. Cameron! No way. But if it’s not Cameron, it looks like Cameron’s frit (he is, he gets Dacre and the Barclay Twins to do his fighting for him). Labour leader? They wouldn’t do it. It might damage their career before it’s begun properly. Lib? They tried that with Clegg vs Farage.
Who then? Who would go up against Farage for an hour – on their own this time – and perhaps for two separate debates?
I don’t think the Establishment have an answer to that. They either ask someone like LibLabCon leaders to go up against Farage and be damaged or they get someone who’s not LibLabCon and expose them for the cowards they are.
Hence the urgency of Ms Hardman and Co’s task in hand at metaphorically decapitating Farage.
They all saw how Farage coped in a fair fight one on one with the Clegglet and they made sure that didn’t happen in the General Election debates. The Establishment ganged up on him and timed him out. Give him time to speak, though, and not be ganged up on by the Establishmen and we all saw what we did to Clegg.
That’s my first bit of advice to all in the OUT camp. For heaven’s sake, keep Farage. He’s a big hitter and we need him.
first we need to establish who should be able to vote
I reckon it should be UK citizens only
people who have not made the commitment to become citizens should not be given a say. Indeen they may be only transients.
and none of this commonwealth and irish allowed in GE’s – just the brits please.
Baron – 16:53
No, far too sentimental. Let that sort of thing take hold and you’re finished!
Baron – 17:16
One or two of us, on more than one occasion, have advanced the theory that the awful truth is that BBC QT Audience might actually be a true representative sample of the great “British” public. A natural decline, accelerated by brainwashing and dumbing down of the education system.
We are, hopefully, prepared for what’s going to happened next, and they are not. Too late for tears, and to quote the Colonel, “Fuck ’em!”
Quite so, alexsandr
May 24th, 2015 – 19:48
That will be the first sleight of hand at rigging the poll. The wording of the question will also be biased against us.
The Lynton Crosby tactical note will look like this:
Rig who can vote.
Rig the wording on the ballot paper.
Do it in 2016.
Get rid of Farage.
What else is on there?
At last, there’s some good news:
Five pupils from west London comprehensive dubbed ‘the socialist Eton’ are killed waging jihad in Syria and Iraq
The trouble is too many of Britain’s independent and top state schools are churning out aggressive Muslims. The one that always springs to mind in Merchant Taylors alumni Mehi Hasan.
Now, why didn’t the MSM put Medhi on TV a bit more in the run-up to May 7?
Might it have given a clue to the EU including Turkey future that Dave and Boris want so badly, but dare not tell you!
Germaine Greer has changed her mind so many times on so many things, she knows a lot of what she has unleashed is her own silly fault. But on this I fear she is right, right, right and has at last seen the light:
Germaine Greer made the bold claim that she suspects the 1967 Abortion Act was only introduced because of lobbying from the fertility industry.
‘The whole discourse has been distorted from the beginning by the fertility industry. I’ve been thinking about this lately, and I’ve got a suspicion, which I need to investigate properly, that we got legalised abortion precisely because the fertility industry needed it.
‘It wasn’t us [feminists]. It certainly wasn’t us. We could have marched until our feet fell off and they wouldn’t have bothered to give us access to abortion. They were the ones who wanted to be able to terminate pregnancies and manipulate the products of conception at will.’
Speaking about Liberal Democrat politician David Steel, who was responsible for introducing the Abortion Act to parliament, she added: ‘He is a politician. He could only make an act after the fertility barons told him what they needed. They are very powerful the medico-legal establishment [YES, GERMAINE, YES].’
Diane @ 19:02
It pains Baron to say it, Diane, but you’re right, and your take on how Crosby will run the show (at 20.000) echoes exactly Baron’s thinking, too, except that he may also order the MSM to ignore any story/topic that may seriously dent the pro-EU campaign (as if this were necessary).
You seemed to have as low an opinion of Isabel Harman as did Kermit, late of this parish. Mind you, I was forced admit that he was, in fact, quite right!
Do you have any amusing anecdotes about Frasier’s gimp – him with the squeaky voice, an indication of undescended testicles?
Back after the global financial crisis, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard led the propaganda charge for money printing.
Now it has failed, he is back, propagandising again. For? Money printing. On who’s say so? A bank’s say so. One of those whiter than white terrorist/drug dealer money laundering, Libor fixing banks.
And look at the timing. Dun, dun, daaaaan! Just AFTER the election we’re going to print to infinity. And here’s the first press release to soften up public opinion.
‘HSBC’s Mr King says the global authorities face awful choices if the world economy hits the reefs in its current condition. The last resort may have to be “helicopter money”, a radically different form of QE that injects money directly into the veins of economy by funding government spending.
‘It is a Rubicon that no central bank wishes to cross, though the Bank of Japan is already in up to the knees.’
There you go. They don’t want to, but – so they claim – they have to.
You thought your savings were destroyed already? They are going to do this to save the banks (like HSBC) and destroy the value of your savings instead of letting the Big Banks go bust.
That’s why it’s an HSBC propagandist arguing for it. And now – just like the referendum – is the time to do it. The election is out of the way, there is a Goldman Sachs placeman heading the Bank of England.
So print, print, print. Destroy, destroy, destroy the value of those savings.
Alexsandr, I guess I want to consider what I think is right, and then see how it can be marketed.
It is my view that the electorate should be restricted if democracy is to be served. What we have at the moment is mob rule. Even from the earliest times it was recognised that democracy could not operate with an unconditional and universal suffrage.
Benjamin Franklin probably did not say, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic”. But it is true none the less.
And Jefferson says, “It is an axiom in my mind, that our liberty can never be safe but in the hands of the people themselves, and that too of the people with a certain degree of instruction. This it is the business of the State to effect, and on a general plan”.
When Aristotle describes the worst sort of democracy he says..
“In order to constitute such a democracy and strengthen the people, the leaders have been in the habit including as many as they can, and making citizens not only of those who are legitimate, but even of the illegitimate, and of those who have only one parent a citizen, whether father or mother; for nothing of this sort comes amiss to such a democracy”.
What does this seem to say to me? It is that those who are not contributing, and have not contributed, to the wider society through taxation at a certain level, or through participation in significant social service, or by having served in the military or by having a certain level of assets – these should not be able to vote, or should have only a half-vote. It is those who are supporting society who should determine its direction.
Likewise there should be a certain degree of intelligence required in those who vote. This might well extend to either simple educational attainment, or to some form of electoral test. It is not supportive of democracy that those who have no knowledge at all of our society and its history should be able to determine its direction.
And finally, I do think that the electorate should not be extended, since this is for the benefit of those wishing to use democracy for their own ends. None of those not born in the the UK should be able to vote. But in the present crisis, none either whose parents were not both born in the UK as British citizens (or on British Civil and Military service elsewhere). To be able to vote in a National General Election should be a very serious and highly valued privilege. I would also want to see the electorate age raised to 21, as not only is a certain degree of contribution required, and a certain degree of intelligence, but also a certain degree of maturity that is not naturally found in those who are young.
I don’t see how democracy can survive without such changes.
Diane – 19:42
‘They hate Farage’
It puts Carswell’s outburst that Farage mustn’t lead the out campaign in a new light.
No wonder Farage couldn’t take a ‘long earned rest’. He deserved it, and needed it.
Can an Irish person vote in Irish elections/referendums AND those held in Britain?
I bet the English, Welsh or Scots are unable to do the same.
UK citizens can vote in Irish elections except for the President.
PfM – you are right about foreigners voting, but it goes further.
I retain the right to a UK vote for fifteen years after leaving the UK. After 4 years here, I can become an Australian citizen (as opposed to resident) and obtain an Australian passport and voting rights. But I retain my right to a British passport and 11 more years of voting.
DM: ISIS slaughters 400 women and children in Palmyra: Hundreds of bodies line the streets after butchers massacre innocents, take soldiers captive and raise black flag over ancient city
We (nearly) end the week on yet another outrageous News item from ISIL.
It is just happening, an air flight away, and no one, apart from some Army chief who is saying we need boots on the ground, appears to be taking any notice.
I suppose everyone is in a ‘difficult’ position, but nothing compared to those poor souls being killed and raped. We haven’t had much bad news from Kenya and Nigeria in the last day or so, but the ME is making up for it.
Britain, and Europe in general, have been engrossed in the ESC 🙂 in, appropriately, Vienna , local politics and, along with the USA, fighting the lethal effects of ‘climate change’, so no time for pondering on the future.
Do those involved in the current carnage, and those unawarely programmed to respond to calls to continue it across the world have any idea what the ‘next steps’ are?
Most populations just want to get on with their lives, with their family, friends and like minded people, trade, grab some leisure time, have a hobby, make a bit of pottery, carve an ornament. You know the sort of thing.
I just can’t see these people going back to their (original) families and settling down again. It looks like perpetual war, even worse than threatened by Alex Salmond 🙂 , and, with 7000 soldiers on the streets in France, Greece even closer to falling off a cliff, etc, etc, and Cameron still expecting Brussels to change every EU pillar in order for us to remain in a club we HATE, I suppose we can carry on ignoring it, until something draws our attention to the problem!
And it’s Monday tomorrow! At least it’s a bank holiday 🙂
Just have to squeeze this one in, but it’s nothing to do with islam:
Rising fears of chemical attack by UK jihadists
“Counterterrorism police are focusing on the “growing threat” of a chemical weapons attack by British jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria, The Times has learnt.
Bombs laced with chlorine, a substance that is freely available in large quantities in Britain, have become the “chemical weapons of choice” for Islamic State, security experts have warned.
A quarter of the roadside bombs in Tikrit, the city north of Baghdad that was retaken this year from Isis by Iraqi forces, contained the toxic substance, raising fears that jihadists plan to deploy their chemical bomb-making skills upon their return to Britain.”
Well, well, well:
EU referendum: Foreigners barred from historic vote
Only British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens who are resident in the UK will be allowed to vote in the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union
After re-posing Peter’s pre-election question and then reading the above posts, I filled in an idle moment by jotting some preliminary notes on what I would like to see as some of the themes of the post-election Coffee House Wall if by some chance we ever had funds and/or energy. Just as an exercise, I invite Wallsters to expand.
Who votes
No muslim countries in the EU
Keep Farage as UKIP leader
Sound money – gold and silver backed
Oppose and expose the West’s sock puppet, ISIS
Oppose and expose Soros and other hydra heads
Pressure the Christians to become muscular and militant
Ramp national classical and humanist culture
Peter Hitchens and Alex Boot
Paul Johnson and Martin Gayford – the merits or otherwise of Picasso
(Is Paul Johnson still on the battlefield?)
P.S. Campaign to deny British jihadists re-entry to Britain.
Clear Memories at 21.31
Why not?
In Australia any one from the Three Kingdoms (of Britain–a term we need to revive) did not need to apply for citizenship.In those days I voted in State,Commonwealth (of Australia) elections and a Constitutional referendum: (it was illegal not to do so).
The old generation (who fought on the Kokodo trail) still called Britain “Home”.
This was before we were betrayed by Macmillan and Heath.The principal civil servant responsible for the abandonment of the Commonwealth (of Nations)…… their behest……was Eric Roll;born in the Ukrainian borderlands of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Radford NG
Yes, I well remember as a boy the pride I felt that Everest had been conquered by an Englishman. Silly me!
I just paid my morning visit to Zero Hedge. For those who may have been reluctant to accept the view that ISIS is a US sock puppet and thus to hold the right people responsible for the widespread murder and destruction, I offer:
Some good comments appended to the Zero Hedge article too, such as:
Tell us something we don’t already know, like when the MSM will carry this story and take these fockers to task… ‘
And from commenter Pinto Currency:
“Oh, and when ISIS disrupts the US across the US / Mexican border it will necessitate marshal law.”
One ISIS training camp in every state except Alaska, if I remember the reporty earlier this year correctly…?
Arrest the US administration on charges of treason. Simples. Did any cojones come across the southern border?
Thanks America; we love you too.
Malfleur at 00.43
Hold on one godam cotton picking minute ;Ive got to look something up here from the BBC World Service.
and for those of you who can’t sleep, two hours of Alex Jones on the TPP et al on 24th May:
Malfleur at 00.43
I partly heard a BBC World Service progamme the theme of which is that the Islamic S.S.(as I call it) arose from small beginings in a US detention camp in Iraq~~~~~~ [Just as the Provos (under the command of M.McG and that defender of gay marriage G.A.) arose from the Maze from those arrested by orders of Ted Heath…….and just as Islamic Terror is being promoted in English prisons today:according to Tommy Robinson]~~~~~~~There is an hour long programme entitled “The World’s Richest Terror Army” which may,or may not,be available world wide at
Radford NG
Thanks! I will try to open it after I have finished with Alex Jones ‘s contribution from yesterday linked above on the Robber Barons of the TPP.
Robertc 2339
Well that is good, but we need to ask loud and clear why commonwealth and irish citizens can vote in a GE. And campaign to end this. Uk citizens cant vote in pakistani, Canadian or Australian elections. Why can they vote in ours.
Guys, post about this on blogs and comments. And email your mp.
My country is a country of tolerance.
We have hundreds of thousands of Irish people in the UK who have never taken citizenship but yet regard themselves to be as British as me.
It is not good politic to alienate them.
As a true Scotland I hate the Snp and would like to see Ireland back in the fold.