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A lovely sunny day.
I never went away.
Fergus – there’s a message for you on one of the speccie threads. Did you see it?
David Ossitt – 14:50 “Tough is a gross understatement …”
I like ‘tough’, because when the penny drops, the moment is sweeter.
Damaris Tighe January 19th, 2015 – 15:23
“Fergus – there’s a message for you on one of the speccie threads. Did you see it?”
Damaris if you are referring to Fergus Pickering then I have to tell you that some suspect that some other persons have taken over his name.
David Ossitt, January 17th, 2015 – 15:51
Thank you for the ‘heads up’ about Amazon Prime.
A lot of people do the “30 Day Free Trial” and then forget to cancel.
I issued a timely reminder to one of my sons this morning!
UK wind turbines @15:30 were supplying .23GW(0.48%) of the UK’s total energy demand of 48.06GW.
Connoisseurs of merciless hatchet jobs will enjoy this this one. 🙂
“Brigadier General James Taylor?”
By Kevin D. Williamson
David: Ah, that explains it. I did think that the person of that name here seemed very different from the person I know at the other place.
“New FBI Hate Crime Report: Only 2.3% were anti-Islam. Will Obama address the “savage inequality”? ”
Scott Ott
In the UK “Tell Moma” will no doubt be fabricating more “They gave a funny look” ‘incidents’ in order to redress the balance with real anti-semitic violent attacks!
EC – 15:38
As the capacity of the windmills in Britain is around 11,000 MW, and we are generating 230MW, the windmills are at 2% of their maximum power output.
Rather amusing:-
I’m not holding my breath but I hope this (and other recent events) might provide the first glimmer of Labour and its lefties getting their long, long, long overdue public comeuppance.
EC @ 15:59
Good one, it made Baron chuckle for a while. Thanks for the link, EC.
A big-wig from CAIR objects to the pejorative nature of the word ‘Islamist’:
Tough shit!
@Colonel Mustard 19th, – 16:46
“Rather amusing:-”
Yes! And, despite his choice of unconventional vocabulary, pretty accurate!
EC will enjoy this one:
Or perhaps I should say, DID enjoy this one, as he’s usually ahead of the curve.
Tonight’s BBC news featured an article commentating on the letter that Eric Pickles has sent out to all of the Mosques in the UK it also showed David Cameron agreeing with and supporting Pickles.
But why was it necessary to show a white female journalist who was stood outside a Mosque with a scarf or shawl covering most of her head and shoulders.
Also a western looking suited Muslim complaining that none of the Christian Churches were sent similar letters, why did the BBC bod holding the microphone not point out that it is Muslims who are committing atrocities all around the world in the name of their God not the Jews or the Christians?
Oh dear, another critic of government succumbs to stress and shoots himself.
In the back of the head again, twice, one wonders?
“…the northern European countries — the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany — they are all expressing interest in getting their gold back.
I’ve seen it suggested that this may be preparatory to these nations starting a northern European currency bloc in case the euro fails. The euro has been imposed on these countries and it hasn’t worked at all. It seems to me that if the northern countries, which are in much more solid shape than the peripherals, decided they were to go it alone, it may be a good idea to have their gold back. ” (John Embry @ King World News)
Gordon Brown! Could we have OUR gold back?
Frank P @ 18:03
Enjoyable link, Frank, but some of the postings? Unbelievable hostile, some over the top, making no distinction between the creed, its numerous mutations, and the unwashed (and often reluctantly willing) followers of it. One has the right to offend, that’s given, offend in way, however, that fits a civilised society. But then, as the definition of America has it ‘a country that moved from barbarism to decadence without being touched by civilisation’, what can one expect from some of the inhabitants of it?
Here’s something less vicious, yet beggaring belief. You don’t have to read it all, it makes little sense in places, but is any of it relevant to the 21st century? And the joke, at no 12 on the sheet, what’s there to laugh at?
Amongst the 1,000 or so mosques here, around 40% are of the Deobandi fix (google deobandi if you must, plenty about their origins, beliefs and stuff).
The Deobandi doctrine holds that the first loyalty of a Muslim is to his religion and only then to the country of which he is a citizen or a resident; that Muslims recognise only the religious frontiers of their Ummah and not the national frontiers; that they have a sacred right and obligation to go to any country to wage jihad to protect the Muslims of that country. Not that all followers of the diobandi doctrine follow it to the letter, if they did, all of them would be now in the ME, but Pickles and co have a job on their hands nevertheless.
Frank P @ 18:38
The guy is either a genius, Frank, or mad as a hatter. Baron cannot wait what EC has to say about the piece.
David Ossitt @ 19:33
If you have the time, David, you may like to read this book, your library must have it, if you don’t want to spend the money. Readable, to the point, objective.
David Ossitt @ 19:33
David, you may like to read this book, your library must have it, if you don’t want to spend the money. Readable, to the point, objective.
Sorry, Peter, the two postings are near identical because the first one didn’t appear after many attempts, the message was always ‘a duplicate posting ….
Frank P – 18:38
That William M. Briggs is a clever bloke.
Reading that piece of his made me regret my having put so many of “my little grey cells” to the sword over the years!
Insomniacs all,
If any of you find insomnia for a companion tonight, and if you a not already familiar with the saga, then I can recommend Mark Steyn’s 2008 tale of “The Shagged Sheep.”
At the centre of the piece is a dispute (Steyn vs f*ckwits) about quotations from the Ayatollah Khomeini’s “Blue Book”. (1979) This dealt with livelier issues of “contemporary” Islam, and dispensed helpful, detailed advice on romantic matters concerning animals and children with regard to Islamic law.
1) Never pick a fight with Mark Steyn.
2) We must remember that Islamic culture is superior to all others. UGH!
“A doctor is accused of performing the act on a new mother after birth, in the UK’s first trial over female genital mutilation.”
Glad you liked the Briggs blockbuster: BTW my apologies to Gerard VdL whom I should have hat-tipped for the link. By the time I had read and digested it – and read the comments, to be honest, I completely forgot where I had picked it up. Tonight as I was scanning American Digest for updates, I found it again.
And thanks for the reprise of the Steyn destruction of his critics over the sheep shagging riff. An unforgettable and ruthless massacre. If anyone can top it, I would be grateful for the tip. Unless it’s another example of Steyncraft, I doubt there is such a piece of annihilating literary nuclear warfare, anywhere. The concentrated malice was sulphuric.
Perhaps we should send copies to David Cameron and the Milipratt.
Come to think of it, Farage could probably find a line or two from it useful as he also has a tendency to follow the RoP mantra; perhaps he’d like to suggest that the P in that acronym means something other than Peace, given Khomeini’s useful instruction on how to deal with 9-year- old virgins
The attempt by the MSM over the past week to try to negate the barbarity of the current upsurge of the jihad with accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ is beyond Orwellian.
Damaris Tighe at 19 Jan ;15.23: re Fergus.
There are two of them.One self identifies as John Whitworth;fattish,baldish,back-looking provincial poet,whose works can be looked up (and purchased).He also writes as the ten year old Phoebe Flood.
The false Fergus is a suspicious character on the internet.
“Life at Eighty” by John Whitworth (read by Tom O’Bedlam).
Interview with John Whitworth:
“The Examiners”by John Whitworth (read by Tom O’Bedlam).
Looks like another victory for the dark and narrow forces of puritan repression as buxom young ladies loose the freedom to show their charms on Page Three. Not to worry, you can still see plenty of boobs in the National Gallery, for the time being. And to think this was once the land of Carry On films and Benny Hill.
Female beauty and male attraction to it. As old as civilisation itself but increasingly treated with disapproval and censure in this miserable country of gobby left-wing grievance monkeys.
Congratulations, you sour-faced femi-nazi prunes. What next to ban one wonders?
Much good reading on this site.
Arguments have long been made against the idea that media sexism genuinely affects how we view and treat women, but over the past year, various sources have disputed this. In January, for instance, Alison Saunders, head of the Crown Prosecution Service in London, suggested the media portrayal of young women could affect juries in rape trials. “If a girl goes out and gets drunk and falls over,” she said, “they are almost demonised in the media, and if they then become a victim, you can see how juries would bring their preconceptions to bear.”
And of course 16 year old girls groom teachers who can then be excused, notwithstanding the age of consent of pupils being 18 with teachers
The page 3 mentality is part of the mentality leading to paucity of female experts in broadcasting and the dearth of older women on TV, and the media sexism which affects women on a personal level, feeding into a culture in which women’s confidence is undermined, ambitions narrowed, and experiences of rape and violence disbelieved. There’s a growing sense this could be a watershed moment, when coverage genuinely changes for the better.
telemachus – wall to wall tripe as usual. Just your routine dose of deliberate provocation, poorly delivered. It is a cut’n’paste from one Kira Cochrane of the Guardian (natch), without quotation, presumably because you are too stupid to consider and form your own arguments.
Alison Saunders, like the odious Labour party place man who preceded her, has an agenda. To begin with she has no business suggesting anything. She is not an elected representative and is paid to oversee the efficiency of prosecutions under the rule of law, not to pontificate in public about the psychology of juries, let alone bleating about how the media might adversely influence them – presumably if it is not ‘controlled’ by people like Saunders. Juries might also read the incontinent observations of Saunders in the press and conclude that no conviction would ever be safe in a prosecution delivered by a service presided over by her.
Linking Page Three to rape and violence is risible, even for a leftist-indoctrinated muppet like you.
Last time I looked there was no shortage of female experts or older women on TV. In fact one can pretty much count on most BBC drama being appropriately feminised for the era in which we are forced to live. Numerous older women have made it on TV and in film – good for them. Numerous women are portrayed as hard boiled detective leaders and that is not new – Cagney and Lacy date to 1982. This whole farrago about women being under represented has been manufactured quite recently, it was ramped up following the Beijing gathering of international leftist witches in 1995.
The watershed moment is the increasing capability of left wing nutjobs like you to ban and censor free expression, to actually be taken seriously by the muppets who rule over us rather than your barmy and creepy ideas being laughed at and ridiculed as they deserve.
Vous êtes un right Charlie.
Not all cut and paste
One # original
Do not denigrate Alison
Like Kier before her she is an incisive independent public official
She’s a hugely experienced barrister: a “barrister who has prosecuted some of the country’s most infamous criminals”and probably the UK’s most experienced criminal prosecutor
She is fascinated by crime: and has worked her way through the ranks at the CPS, becoming London’s chief crown prosecutor after a stint heading the CPS’s Organised Crime Division, which deals with human trafficking, immigration, drug-running, counterfeiting and money laundering.
She was honoured for her work during the London riots: she and her colleagues worked round the clock to keep courts open so that the flood of offenders being arrested by police could be dealt with rapidly
She has strong views on rape and those who commit it and said she was “frustrated by how many rape trials end in acquittals” and said society was “lagging behind the legal system when it comes to its view of women”.
She can cope with the most gruesome cases: Saunders says it never ceases to amaze her “what humans can do to each other, and how awful some humans can be”. But she’s able to cope with the grimmest cases because she’s “very good at compartmentalising”.
Only one case has given her a sleepless night: Saunders says the night before the jury went out in the Stephen Lawrence case at the Old Bailey in January, 2012, she realised an 18-year investigation was riding on the verdict. The next day, Gary Dobson and David Norris were found guilty of Lawrence’s murder and subsequently jailed for life. Saunders said she was relieved that Lawrence’s family “have got some justice”. ·
“Like Kier before her she is an incisive independent public official”
Come off it. Starmer is now seeking election as a Labour MP. He was never independent but pursued a Labour/left wing change agenda from day one and was unfathomably permitted to continue to do so by the Coalition government.
The lack of independence in the civil service, once legendary, is one of the greatest threats to democracy in Britain.
And however experienced Saunders might be she is still a civil servant and should refrain from publicly expressing political views or views that might be construed as political and therefore partisan. The fact that she (and others) have not been reined in demonstrates how low the service has fallen and how constitutionally incompetent are both the senior civil servants and politicians responsible for it.
She has no business declaring that society is “lagging behind the legal system”. How can that be quantified by acquittals? Since her service is responsible for prosecutions the statement clearly articulates a conflict of interest and could as equally be taken to imply that her service is not fit for purpose. Her statement is the barrister opining where the civil servant should not. She is responsible for prosecutions as to the determinable and presentable facts under the rule of law, not for publicly criticising the jury system on behalf of a feminist agenda. She should have been sacked at once for doing so, or at least reprimanded. But of course we know what would have happened if any male official had dared to do so.
It was a sad day for the UK when the CPS was established in 1985 because as usual it brought with it a plethora of unintended consequences, undermining the ancient Constable’s Discretion and subordinating the police (and therefore the rule of law) to often political considerations.
Baron January 19th, 2015 – 22:31
“David, you may like to read this book,”
Thank you Baron.
Colonel Mustard (10:41)
An excellent summary of a ‘service’ that has destroyed both the police and the ‘criminal justice’ system: a whole raft of current social problems can be traced directly to its inauguration. It comprises the Long March, writ large.
Damaris, Fergus is no fake.
But for goodness sake.
He will run nay charge.
In his support of Farage.
Fergus lives by the sea.
And with all would agree.
That no one on the planet.
Is better to conquer South Thanet.
BUENOS AIRES—The prosecutor who last week accused Argentine President Cristina Kirchner of working with Iran to subvert a probe into a 1994 terror bombing was found dead in his apartment on Sunday, less than a day before he was to testify in Congress over the unresolved crime.
Frank and mutual admirers:
I guess I must be wrong about Alison Saunders, Kier Starmer and the CPS
In these days of financial stringency we should leave it to the Police
Nearly 400,000 cautions were issued by police across England and Wales over the last two years. These cautions are added to the Police National Computer that is searched by the Disclosure and Barring Service, the body that conducts criminal record checks and issues criminal record certificates to assess a person’s suitability for employment in certain roles.
Now folks do not realise this and take a caution to prevent hassle even when not guilty. And the Police get a “result” without the interfering CPS
Folks should also read– Joey Pyle: Notorious : the Changing Face of Organised Crime by Earl Davidson
“The policeman said ‘we know you know where Bertie is and we advise you to tell him to give himself up’
‘Why, so you can verbal him up?’ “
Heh, heh, heh.! No oxygen left in the tank, tele. Get back to the ‘real crime’ section at Richmond library, and entertain us with some more cranky quotes from the crime gentry, ‘diamond geezers’ all, and the useful eejits who regularly swallow their bullshit and regurgitate it in book form. Who are these ‘folks’ who should read this, that and the other on your recommendation, pray?
Suggest you try the other place, not too many credulous kuntz from the arty-farty literati hanging out here. Watch how you go.
Boo! Look behind you; there’s a Community Support Officer following you, adept at persuading you to cop a caution for walking the streets with no rear lamp, rather than feeling you collar and handing you over to that nice Alison Saunders.
telemachus – who do you think is mostly responsible for the way the police now conduct themselves in the UK?
Hint – it isn’t the police. They are just the means of delivery of the consequences from the cumulative decisions of others.
Police cautions should also not be confused with the Constable’s Discretion. Police cautions were introduced under Major in 1995 but were significantly bureaucratised by your dodgy comrades in 2003 (Blunkett but probably initiated under Straw). The current government wants to scrap them and has conducted pilot schemes.
It would be better to return to a situation where the police investigate complaints to first establish whether any offence has actually been committed instead of deciding whether to caution to save work or to arrest and then investigate afterwards under the supervision of the CPS (a horrible foreign way of policing). And it would be better for the police and the CPS to refer to complainants as complainants and not as victims until after a conviction has established that they are.
As for Saunders and Starmer. If no further evidence were available we might know from the simple fact that you are defending and advocating for them that they must be wrong ‘uns. They belong to your tribe. They are part of the same conspiracy.
Leopards and Spots
“Shortly before the 2005 general election Gordon Brown (then chancellor of the exchequer) rang up Martin Winter and asked him to bring about the selection for the safe Labour seat of Doncaster north for one of his protégés.
“A few days later Ed Miliband turned up. He lived with Mr Winter for nine weeks and proved an incompetent guest, on one occasion setting fire to Mr Winter’s office. (A carpet was badly burnt, and the future Labour leader bizarrely bought him a Muslim prayer mat as a replacement.) Mr Winter nonetheless arranged matters to Gordon Brown’s satisfaction, and Ed Miliband became the local MP.
“The account contains a number of insights into the character of Labour’s candidate to be Labour prime minister, but the most important story concerns the crash of 2008.
“Mr Winter says that Mr Miliband told him that Ed Balls knew of an impending global crash in 2007, adding that this was why Mr Balls was so eager to hold a general election that year.
“This is a sensational story, of first-class political significance. Yet when this allegation was put to Labour by the Mail on Sunday, a party spokesman dismissed it as “ancient history”. Only later did Labour issue a weak denial.”
You should know that Martin Winter the originator of the Mustard tripe was lambasted in the Mail on Sunday in 2009 in a piece on Doncaster, a town described by the paper at the time as “the rotten borough they call the Haringey of the north”
Ed Balls also denied the claim made by Winter, who resigned as Doncaster mayor in March 2009 after Balls, then children’s secretary, ordered the council to bring in a new management team after the deaths of seven children in the area.
Ministers invoked powers under the 1996 Education Act to draft in an experienced management team. The same powers were used in December by children’s secretary Ed Balls to remove Sharon Shoesmith as director of Haringey children’s services in north London after the Baby P scandal.
Once again attention is drawn to the dynamism of the Charismatic Shadow Chancellor
Bobby Jindal Sets The Bar For Addressing Radical Islam
“The governor hit these realities directly – and the danger of ignoring them:
We have to stop pretending that right and wrong do not exist. For example – Shariah law is not just different than our law, it’s not just a cultural difference, it is oppression and it is wrong. It subjugates women and treats them as property, and it is antithetical to valuing all of human life equally. It is the very definition of oppression. We must stop pretending otherwise.”
RobertC – 21:10
Jindal gave his speech at the Henry Jackson Society in London.
It worth reading the whole article.
When C4 gets it’s i-Player stuff up for today, I’d recommend C4 News for a beautiful cock-up in the form of an interview PC priestess Cathy Newman and an ex-CIA operative. The subject was Iraq/Syria/ISIS and unfortunately for them they’d booked a man who has utter contempt for the political class and their litany of failures. He slammed the idea of air-power being a substitute for boots on the ground and praised the fact that sunni and shia were at each others throats. He slammed the fact that the modern West sent troops in with one hand tied behind their backs and slagged off our multi-cultural mess. I swear that halfway through the interview Newman was blushing. Wonderful and all too rare TV
And you should know, telemachus, that ‘tripe’ is © Colonel Mustard and only to be used to refer to the inane witterings of you and other assorted lefty horrors.
Also, please do me the courtesy of distinguishing between my own tripe and tripe which I have copied and pasted (with credits and links) from other sources for the precise purpose of getting right up your nose.
I received the following from a credible Malaysian Indian friend this morning and, without being able to evaluate it myself (caveat emptor), pass it on:
Recently, one person was admitted to a nursing home at Chinchwad, Pune due to severe chest pain. He had an earlier attack in 2013 and was under treatment. The doctors now suggested Angiography.
Upon undergoing Angiography at multi speciality Hospital Doctors diagnosed multiple blockages for which Angioplasty was ruled out and instead, suggested ‘Bypass Surgery’.
That evening, he was brought home as doctor suggested his heart being very weak, bypass could be performed only after 10 – 15 days.
Meanwhile, after discussing the matter with relatives and close friends, fresh information came from a family friend.
A new treatment known as-“Chelation Therapy” has been introduced into the Indian medical theatre.
With this therapy, a patient who has to undergo by-pass need not do so.
Instead, the patient is given about 25 bottles of blood in which certain medicament are injected. The blood cleans the system and removes all blockages from the heart and the arteries. The number of bottles given may increase depending upon the age-factor and health of the patient.
Cost per bottle may be around Rs.1,500/- Treatment takes about a month.
Currently, only a few doctors in India specialise in this field
One of them is DR. DINKAR KADAM (Pune)
He has a list of patients who had to undergo by-pass from Ruby, Birla and other major hospitals; but, instead after undergoing the new treatment, they are absolutely fine and are leading a normal life.
Doctor’s details for your info are:
Dr. Dinkar Kadam.
“SPANDAN Cardic Rehabilition & Research Center.
(Holistic Cardiac Care) .
Chinchwad, Pune.411033
Mob: 9975219322 / 9975061273
Dr. Yogesh Pachupate. SPANDAN Cardiac & Rehab Centre,
Nimbalkar chamber, 1 floor, chapekar chowk, Chinchwad, Pune.
Tel: +91-9975061273
Glad to see that you are still of the company. Haven’t seen you post for a while.
This link has a reading list calculated to keep you busy for a while, should you have time away from your moles:
Let’s hope that there are enough good guys to direct the flood in a healthy direction when the banks break…
And talking of banks breaking:
Hexhamgeezer – 21:34
An ice bucket of reality chucked, with great civility, over Cathy Newman.
That was a refreshing change 🙂
‘US being beaten hands down in fight against Islamists’
Malfleur @ 22:36
That sounds too good to be true, and probably is. What’s in the bottles, the good doctor doesn’t say, but should.
Still, Baron has copied the contact details, who knows what the future decides to bring.
As for your reading list, you must be joking, Malfleur, just getting the reading stuff would probably take what the barbarian has left on this unfortunate planet of ours, unfortunate because it happens to be populated also by the human species.
EC @ 23:24
The fake death jihadist Snow’s talking about at the start of the news bulletin was trying to sneak into the country via Bulgaria, but gained his infamy before by posting a picture of himself with a severed head of a Syrian soldier.
What a sleek coupling of one of the time honoured customs of the cult he follows with the latest craze the ‘hated’ West can offer – a selfie on a social media.
Baron@January 21st, 2015 – 00:58
You ask whats in the bottles?
may I suggest gin?
Baron @ 0:58
I asked my Indian friend what herbs were in the remedy. He did not know, but said that the named doctor is very reputable.
The more interesting question of course is whether you know or care what is in the pharmaceuticals you take. I think that very often you would have a very nasty surprise if you read the list of inserts and found out of course what they were and what were the possible consequences of ingesting them.
To the extent that you know the names of the main pharmaceutical ingredient in any said medicine, does knowing the name mean anything to you? Not to me, certainly.
Malfleur @ 22.37. Greetings. Busy fighting the blizzard of b0ll0x that Life throws at you!
Just received this from UKIP HQ. Don’t see the point of them getting in a lather over this issue:
Farage should be urging the government to organize a shock ‘n’ awe assault on the exponential threat from the Islamic jihad, both at home and abroad. We’ve spent far too much money and time already on Chilcott, which us just one more milch-cow for bureaucrats and shysters. Yet another rigged post mortem on the decisions which led to the necessary removal of Saddam and his Stalinist aspirations is both pointless and counter productive. What are UKIP hoping the achieve? More and more they are making out like ‘politics as usual’.
When Verity compared CMDs mouth to a hen’s a*se she’d never seen Nicola Sturgeon’s.
What load of nasty bile poured from her and Jim Murphy’s mouths on the news this evening.
Hexhamgeezer @17:51
Ah yes, the blizzard. It’s cold over here in South East Asia too…
Malfleur @ 14:30
Good point, Malfleur, alot of the chemicals we take as medicine are poisonous, they have to be to kill the germs that are trying to kill us. It’s doubtful what the Indian doctor uses consists of noting else but herbs, although many herbs can be poisonous, too.
The chelation process is well established, but as far as the barbarian knows (which is next to nothing), it’s been used for removing heavy metals from one’s body. It’s the use of it for cleaning one’s clogged up arteries that’s the surprise.
Many years ago when Baron lived in south London, at a dance party, a joker put few tiny droplets of mercury in the drinks of many to see them run to the toilet, many not making it (mercury’s one of the strongest laxatives/emetics, as you know), one young man collapsed, was treated by chelating agents, his kidneys pained long after the incident.
Frank P @ 18:50
The Chilcot’s inquiry was supposed to be independent, right? i.e. not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, interpretation of facts and stuff. Well, the man takes six years to look into it, six long years, he takes submissions, interviews those involved, examines other evidence, then writes a draft, lets those criticised to read it, gets back their objections to the criticism, says he has to re-write it. How independent is that, Frank? Arghhh
Alexsandr 12:44
That’s wishful thinking, Alexandr, and anyway, if it were true, the condition of Baron’s arteries would be close to that of a young baby.
The Ukrainian President Petro Porochenko has cut short his visit to the economic forum in Davos because of the escalation in fighting in East Ukraine.
Baron has an uneasy feeling that the ‘escalation’ will get worse, there are reports of many Blackwater advisers in Ukraine, also of a top US military mission visiting Kiev last week, and of US made heavy weaponry being deployed by the Ukrainian government forces.
A switch to a full scale war (into which Russia may well get sucked in fully) would be a neat diversion from the threat the jihadis pose, the idea being the western unwashed will forget about the islamist menace, unite against the Russian bear. Madness.
Baron (20:59)
There is no such thing as an ‘independent inquiry’. In the political scheme of things that is one of the myriad oxymorons in their lexicon. But I repeat my question – why should UKIP waste their time and energy? It is yesterday’s potatoes, boiled, sauted, fried, eaten by the dog, spewed up as indigestible, then licked up by the cat that just sat and purred enigmatically. And was probably stroked to sleep by Verity, after the act. As for the weapons of mass destruction? WGAS? Saddam, his sons and the whole ba’athist mafia were walking, breathing, poisonous WMD. Their annihilation was an imperative. The problem was not that we went to war, but that we didn’t win it. The rest of the political crap, including Chilcot, is a futile attempt to camouflage our defeat. One of the side effects of this fact was the election of Obama, 2008. Since then he has not only consolidated our ignominious defeat in Iraq, but added a defeat in Afghanistan and probably ensured the ultimate destruction of Western Civilization. Or rather his puppeers have. He is too thick to have had any input, other than as a robotic shill.
Frank P, 18:50 – “We’ve spent far too much money and time already on Chilcott”
Baron, 20:59 – “Well, the man takes six years to look into it”
Frank P, 21:30 – “why should UKIP waste their time and energy?”
AND it won’t be published until after the General Election!
That is like telling me how to fill in the football pools on a Saturday evening.
For a change, you can go to bed with some pleasant thoughts:
The case for wind is running out of puff
“A Ten Minute Rule Bill to outlaw public subsidies for wind farms has just been voted through the House of Commons. It squeezed through with 59 MPs in favour, and 57 against, the support of UKIP’s two MPs proving decisive.
This wasn’t just a victory for UKIP in the Commons. It was a defeat for the subsdised scam otherwise known as the wind energy industry.”
Do they still exist? I thought Littlewoods converted to the rag trade and Vernons became a girl band when the lottery mafia put them out of bizness? WBGTDWI?
… And Carswell is advertising solar panels on his blog??
Decries one scam and benefits from another?
Read It’s all kicking off again in the Islamic world by Rod Liddle at
Sent from The Spectator Magazine app. Find out more at
I am always fascinated by Rod Liddle
One spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain asked: why no similar letter to Christian church leaders demanding they disassociate themselves from the English Defence League?
The EDL is habitually reviled by British politicians and church leaders alike …its thuggish opinions and marches… The EDL.. has not sent its thick-as-mince legions to fight for the Islamic State. Reprehensible ..
The morning ‘hate’ from the enemy was a little late today. There we were at ‘stand to’ at dawn expecting a few of the usual squibs from the harassing gun we call ‘telemachus’. But nothing.
Then after nine, replete with corned beef and biscuit, settling down with a smoke (from a branded packet, courtesy of Queen Mary) and a read of the Magnet when over comes a damp squib with ‘telemachus’ name on it.
Aimed in the wrong direction and at the wrong target again.
Frank P 22nd, – 00:54
“and Vernons became a girl band”.
Only for those of a certain age… 🙂
Ostrich (occasionally) – 10:18
… and for the rest it was Ivy Benson’s gals. 😯
Ahhh … Ivy Benson; thems wuz the days!
I can still imagine Monty conducting them with his Field Marshall’s baton, at the VE Day celebration concert in Berlin in 1945. 🙂
Shame his (and their) ilk no longer exist):
“Shame his (and their) ilk no longer exist)”
James Delingpole [@JamesDelingpole 1 hour ago]
“You know how 20 years ago we looked at dumbed down schools and thought: when those kids grow up we’re fucked? Well, now they’re grown up.”
Aye, but he might have gone back a little further in time, and also included Eton in that too !
“Not racist, not violent, not far-right, not far wrong”
@12:11 I was specifically thinking about the Cameroons there.
Don’t worry, EC, in the end they all become impotent old curmudgeons like – I was about to write ‘us’ but perhaps I’d better just confine that to “me” – and they can do no more harm. On with the motley! 🙂
John Birch (05:43)
‘sfunny … I managed to slip in a couple of comments on Rod Liddle’s “kicking the Islamic world” thread. But when I tried to enter a comment on his new “travellers” thread, the moderator woke up. Just for the record, this what I tried to post:
Visiting Co. Mayo, Eire, about 40 years ago, I was shown around the County by a Garda Sergeant. During the patrol, we came across a group of diddicoys camped by a rather picturesque lake, with all their attendant garbage and some dismantled car parts – and six dogs.
“Ye’ll be movin’ on tinoight, den?” the Sergeant suggested.
“No, Sergy, we’re t’inking of stayin’ fer da summer.” Replied, the spokesman for the camp.
“Ye’ll be gone in da marnin’, or I’ll be back wit’ me shotgun and shoot all yer fuckin’ dogs!”
Next day we drove past the spot and other than two piles or shit – one human and the other K9, there was no sign of the diddies.
Just saying’.
No animals (or diddies) were harmed in this anecdote, by the way.
Delingpole takes on the Greens – very witty, and about time:
Colonel Mustard January 22nd, 2015 – 09:59
“settling down with a smoke (from a branded packet,”
After a life time of smoking, I started at 13 years of age and stopped shortly after my 63rd birthday.
And so after 12 years without a cigarette, my pipes or cigars, I still miss them but my C.O.P.D. will not allow.
All this stupid talk of having all cigarettes in plain packaging makes me angry, the cigarettes are all hidden behind blinds or shutters at the supermarkets, the packets have a half page smoking kills on their fronts and hideous photographs of diseased lungs on the back, but the doo-gooders want more.
Remember the wonderful packaging of times now gone, Wild Woodbine, Sweet Afton, Three Barrels, Senior Service, and the exotic American brands Lucky Strike, Camel, Marlboro, or my favourite Chesterfield.
We will never see their likes again.
Leon Brittan. Oh, dear, oh? dear, oh dear. Stand by for several other piles of shit of various hues laying on the political landscape!
‘Bunnies will be going to Paris’ in droves and hiding on the left bank until the fan-borne effluent stops flying.
Where have all the pips gone?
I am referring to my favourite eating apple the Cox’s Orange Pippin, in days gone by you could pick up a Cox and shake it and hear the pips rattle.
They still are splendid to eat but I miss the rattle.
Frank p 14.09.
We had a couple of guys setting up a water intake screen in northern island many years ago.
They were making sure it was level before it was grouted in.
A couple of Irish guys were watching from the roadside, they said I wouldn’t bother too much about that because were going to blow it up tonight.
Everyone had a good laugh and next day they went in to find it had been blown up during the night.
David Ossitt (14:58)
The Sandringham orchard Cox’s rattle almost as loudly as the skeleton’s in Prince Andrew’s closet are rattling at this moment in time. 🙂
“A plain pack of lies”
James Knight
John Birch (15:10)
Yerrss. I was on duty the day they ‘redecorated’ the Old Bailey and Whitehall Court (where we waited with bated breath while the Bomb Disposal Officer tried to diffuse the bomb). We found another one in a car opposite New Scotland Yard that morning: had it gone off, the glass fronted edifice would have killed more cops and civilians than perished on 9/11 in New York. Even my gallows humour couldn’t raise a smile that day. But whatever pushes your button, so to speak.
EC (15:31)
Hmmnn. The is a tag at the top of the article “estimated time of reading 3 minutes”.
Is there an estimate anywhere of how much for that article would be worth to BAT.
Roger Scruton could probably hazard a guess. 🙂
Frank P – 15:24
David Ossitt (14:58)
The PYO Sandringham orchard Cox’s are superb, or they were in the 70’s when I lived close by. They keep well if properly stored, too.
News of late relating to School inspectors working to their own politically correct agenda are quite disconcerting, two Christian faith schools who less than a year ago were each given an excellent rating are now downgraded to poor and might because of this have to close.
Both schools were situated in white rural areas, at one of the schools an inspector asked a pupil “what do lesbians do” not, what are lesbians but what do they do, the child could not or would not answer, hence the poor school report. Had the inspector asked what ‘are’, he or she might or might not have had a reply but to ask what do they do (muff diving amongst other things) could be very embarrassing for a child of such tender years who lives in a sheltered non-divers environment.
At the other school a ten year old sitting in a group discussion, when asked “what are Muslims” said that some were terrorists, the school should have been given an accolade for having a ten year old pupil abreast of the daily news.
Sod pots the lot of them, come the revolution.
Leon Brittan? I think he may have got out just in time.
They’re going to have a Dickens of a job sorting this lot out now.
A thoughtful item on Leon Brittan.
This is ingenious, and an excellent idea for countries with plenty of cheap labour.
David Ossitt @ 14:58
Dunns are Baron’s favourite, David, but buying them today one cannot. They are still grown in South Africa.
EC @ 16:25
One would be hard put to fine tune the timing more accurately, EC. Lucky guy, he, and many are probably breathing more easily today.
Reportedly, West Yorkshire Police have voted to replace their traditional “Dickson of Dock Green” helmets with something slightly more in keeping with their expanding role in the 21st century.
[ ]
EC (17:25)
Unlike you to get such detail as the spelling of hallowed sobriquet of Jack Warner wrong. DIXON … Perleeeease! 🙂
… but I enjoyed the tenor of your comment. Sad … joking to one side, it’s just another blow against traditional policing by the CCW. Worn by the men who once donned it, when the recruiting criteria would have precluded many who now disgrace it, both in appearance and character, it was a symbol of trusted and quiet authority. Those were the days!
David Ossitt – 16:16 ‘What do they do?’
The children should have said, “According to Queen Victoria, not very much in particular”.
Frank P – 18:06
My ‘umble apologies, guv. A brain fart – as opposed to the other sort!
I really unno how it ‘appened, as I used to watch Jack & co every Saturday evening without fail. I was even there the night when George sent his son-in-law, Andy
CarparkCrawford packing!It’s been ‘kin cold in these ‘ere parts today and what’s left of my “little grey cells” is number than the face of a botoxed up Essex granny.
It is duly noted that the new name for Islamic jihad is ‘DASH’, according to Lurch ‘Gigolo’ Kerry, the US Secretary of State. Why not just 5 asterisks? Or perhaps MALSI? We could ask one of the modern-day heirs of Alan Turing decrypt it for us perhaps?
I’m dashed if can believe that anyone could make this shit up! I know it’s the lame duck era of US stupidity at the Shite House, but Ferfuxake!!!
The evolution of American policing in one cartoon. (h/t zero hedge)
During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, “How do you determine whether
or not an older person should be put in an old age home?”
“Well,” he said, “we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup
and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub.”
“Oh, I understand,” I said. “A normal person would use the bucket because
it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup..”
“No” he said. “A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed
near the window?”
Malfleur @ 23:00
Good one, Malfleur, but the guess is many young people, senility free, would fall for it, too.
David Ossitt @ 16:16
You’ve made the ‘what do lesbians do’ question up, David, confess you did. It would beggar belief if this question was asked a pupil even in the PC infected Britain.
David Ossitt @ 14:45
Baron overflows with nostalgia for the weed, too, David. Peter Stuyvesant was the brand he enjoyed most, have stayed loyal to until he switched to Balkan Sobranie smoking mixture and a pipe. Cigars were out of his reach, too expensive. He still has few ounces of the pipe tobacco left, tightly packed for his last days, if He grants him the strength to fill the pipe up.
The switch to plain packaging goes beyond the insane, may achieve the opposite, and will certainly make the cigarette smugglers richer still.
Frank P @ 14:09
Also a good one, Frank, but shall the barbarian tell you why it didn’t appear in print?
The verb for Baron’s loyalty in his posting at 23.44 should have been ‘had’. Blame his poor education.
RobertC @ 18:23
Better still, Robert: ‘I have no idea, will you please show me?’
The messiah should fly the star and stripes at half mast, he must.
Baron January 22nd, 2015 – 23:35 David Ossitt @ 16:16
“You’ve made the ‘what do lesbians do’ question up, David, confess you did. ”
I have not made it up, I read it in the Daily Mail, can’t remember which day.
Read this, and weep…
[with added lesbians]
“what do lesbians do”?
I’d tell you, Baron, but it would make your hair curl 🙂
RobertC posted this You Tube clip on Rod Liddle’s, Islam thread:
An excellent synopsis of our most pressing problem. Deserves widest dissemination.
A respected poster on Speccie yesterday said
“A troll is clearly a right wing commentator who infests reasonable sites such as this…..”
This and the reposts to this set me thinking and, as of coincidence, I began reading one of my Christmas presents last night by the delectable Gabriella Coleman* and came across a splendid definition
“trolling”: the targeting of people and organisations, the desecration of reputations and the spreading of humiliating information
Now I just ruminated this cannot possibly be attached to a reasonable poster whose only motivation is to extol the merits of a potential reasonable government
telemachus 06:47 – your morning ‘hate’ is back.
That ‘respected poster’ was you. Your egotism in referring to yourself as ‘respected’ is not unexpected but badly misdirected.
You ‘targeted’ the Spectator and you tried to ‘desecrate’ the reputations of other posters whose political views you disagreed with by stalking their comments (‘tagging’), labelling them, smearing them and attempting to get them ‘proscribed’ by lobbying the editorial staff there..
Ms Coleman’s definition therefore fits you perfectly. You are a troll. There and here.
And far from extolling the merits of a ‘potential reasonable government’ you simply peddle relentless propaganda on behalf of the Labour party, propaganda based on delusion, lies, dissembling and distortions.
Found out the other day that there is a variety of apple called golden balls. Imagine going round to your next door neighbour and saying “‘ere Vera, want to feel me golden balls?”
So much of life today gets on my tits, particularly that iniquitous text on packets of fags which announces “Smoking kills”, well so do politicians but I do not notice any of those bastards walking around with a notice slung about their necks admitting the fact to the rest of us. Should any doubt the truth of this, then just count the number of body bags which came back from Afghanistan.
Frank P – 02:13
Phew! That was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but here is the full link:
A haunting voice from the past! Under its original title of “What Islam is Not” since 2008/9 it has been uploaded by various people with varying degrees of success in terms viewing counts.
The empirical facts contained therein and chilling predictions have self-evidently been wilfully ignored by the political elites and/or the security services of the West. Perhaps by 2008 it was already too late to do anything about it. Pandora’s box had already been opened, in the UK, notably, by Tony Blair et al.
Our lord, masters and phoney barons and baronesses cannot say they were not warned. There bleating now, but they’ll be squealing like stuck pigs ere long. Who’ll get the blame for the betrayal of western nations by their elites? Not them, WE the ordinary citizens will! There’s already a few articles washing about the internet to this effect!
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has died. It is also mentioned that the price of oil will rise. Just when speculators were moaning about prices dropping. Allah indeed is great!
Oil jumps as Saudi king’s death feeds market uncertainty
Reuters – 2 hours ago
Baron here it is.
Colonel Mustard January 23rd, 2015 – 07:21
telemachus 06:47 – your morning ‘hate’ is back.
“That ‘respected poster’ was you. Your egotism in referring to yourself as ‘respected’ is not unexpected but badly misdirected.”
Colonel nearer to the election other Telemachus will appear each with a slightly different spelling.
Marine le Penn is allowed to write this in the NYT?!
It would appear that one of the West’s main organs of agitprop may have realized at last that it was a mistake to allow Islam to lockstep the Long March; that the tail is now wagging the dog; that it might have to recruit the forces of the right to cut it off. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. And that is not an allusion to the latest scam of quantitive easing in Europe.
As so often is the need – h/t Gerard VdL.
Moreover … Even Marine seems to be labouring under the delusion that there is a difference between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism. But then, she’s a politician and has to keep all electoral potential in mind?
Christine Lagarde, in Davos, speaking about the death of Saudi King Abdullah, saying “in a very discreet way, he was a strong advocate of women.”
I suppose it must have been her vestigial conscience that prevented her from saying that with a 100% straight face.
Mark Steyn:
“I sincerely have no wish to live in the world these guys are building for us. And by “these guys” I mean not just the “Allahu Akbar!” crazies but a western left that thinks it can mediate relations between Islam and free societies if the rest of us just agree to let our liberties be a little more constrained. Nuts to that.”
But read – and listen – to it all.
EC (12:14)
Ahh well. The lower petrol prices were nice while it lasted. No doubt they’ll delay the hike as long as they delayed the drop? SFH!
Delingpole back on max output:
Since most of the petrol cost to us is tax and duty then a 10% increase in crude price should surely not equal a 10% increase in fuel at the pump price? If the crude price was 50% of the fuel price, and I’d guess it is much much lower, and if we are paying 75p per litre tax and duty, then at 107p, it should increase to 107-75=27 => 50%=13.5 => 13.5+10%=15 => pump price only up 1.5p. Any more would be profiteering and I’d expect it to be a lot less.
Tits have been in the news in so many different ways this week, and I’m not just talking about Nicola Sturgeon.
“A Scottish government backed event aimed at ‘removing the barriers’ to breastfeeding told mothers that breastfeeding would not be ‘appropriate’.”
Incidentally that last piece by Dellers on the climate change lie is one of the best little essays on charlatanism that I have ever set eyes upon. Watch out Steyn, a peer is fast emerging.
Frank P – 12:30
In the comments section on Delingpole’s “Breastapo” post I really liked this H.L.Mencken quote:
Jan Smit • 4 hours ago
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
H. L. Mencken
Abdullah is finally dead.
We here in the West are filled with dread.
IS is up North.
Al Qaeda down South.
And Reds are still under the bed.
Michael Crick [@MichaelLCrick 2 hours ago]
“Why are flags flying at half mast around Whitehall for the head of the Saudi regime that sentences a blogger to 1000 lashes?”
Additionally Buck House, and undoubtedly Clarence House too!
January 23rd, 2015 – 13:28
“Why are flags flying at half mast around Whitehall for the head of the Saudi regime that sentences a blogger to 1000 lashes?”
Additionally Buck House, and undoubtedly Clarence House too!
Whitehall’s King Abdullah half-mast flag tribute criticised by MPs
The Guardian – 11 mins ago
The flag at Buckingham Palace in London flies at half-mast as a mark of respect for King …
EC (14:18)
I suggest the the parents of the children involved go to the local nick and file an official complaint of child abuse against the interrogators; then if they refuse to investigate it, go to the Mail or the Sun and stir up hell’s delight. These perverted bastards need bringing to book. And what is the new education secretary Nicky Morgan doing to address this travesty? She no dyke, she is married with a son, I believe. It’s just the issue to stir up a hornet’s net, pre-election. If it was one of my kids or grandchildren I’d hunt the bastards down and punch their lights out.
What are UKIP doing about it?
EC (13:28)
Good question – but the wrong person to ask it. Fucking lefty, short-arsed oleaginous slime ball and Channel Four whore! I’d hang him at half mast, given half a chance. 🙂
On a lighter note, it is reported that Adrian Chile’s, the badger’s-arse-faced sport’s anchor from ITV has got the heave-ho. One hopes that Carol Thatcher has been advised. I still remember the golliwog stitch up between him and the fat arsed, similarly featured Jo Brand, when they got Carol sacked from the One Show because she compared the hairdo of some frog footballer, very accurately, as ‘like a golliwog’. She only said what everyone else was thinking and the two lefty shitz reported her to the BBC bigwigs.
Good riddance! Croation shitbag!
“…Now I just ruminated….”
The only thing the bovine mucus ever wrote that I agreed with.
Anne’s a bit annoyed
The Saudis kept faith with us during the dark days of the recessions of the 70’s and 90’s and again in the world recession of 2008
They kept and keep hundreds of thousands in jobs by buying our arms
They facilitated our troops in the crushing of Iraq- twice
They help us in the crusade against Al Qaeda in Yemen and IS in Syria
They are a safe source of oil
We should rejoice that our country mourns the passing of a fellow monarch and stand with Cameron when he welcomes the new King tomorrow
Now Noa old chap
I suggest you reflect and ruminate on the meaning within the truism of 0647
Frank P
Michael Crick conspired to exonerate Thrasher before the libel judge sorted him out
Crick published this
“Andrew Mitchell told Political Correspondent Michael Crick: “I got a call from Downing Street to say that the Sun were going to splash on an altercation with the police, and my first reaction was there’s not really much of an altercation to splash on, and it was only later that I heard these toxic phrases which had been attributed to me.”
“There were, there were three phrases above all which were hung around my neck for the following 28 days, every day in the press, which were used to destroy my political career and were used to toxify the Conservative party. They are completely untrue, I never said phrases like that at all, I would never call someone an effing pleb. Anyone who knows me well would know that it is absolutely not in me to use phrases like that.”
Asked why he did not give a more detailed account at the time, Mitchell said: “Well, when the story broke, the decision was made that I would apologise for what I did say and my apology was accepted. There was no police complaints and that we would let it lie. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, that was clearly the wrong decision.”
Or Mebbe you believe he was verballed?
I thoroughly enjoyed Steyn’s monstering of Miller (whover he might have been and guidance from old Ayatollah Khomeni on sheep and shagging and child rape, though it’s probably not much use in Lincoln in January, now if I lived in Wales, the Lake District or Rotherham it might be a different matter. Still, the following immortal lines struck me, for some reason putting me in mind of the death grip Colonel Mustard has on snotty’s purulent throat:-
“..Nor, despite a flying visit to the Falklands and a couple of wet weekends in Wales, have I ever been attracted to sheep-shagging. But I imagine it feels a bit like dealing with Messrs Miller, Murphy and the Law R Cool kids: No matter how often you roger them senseless, they keep on bleating…”
At least I think it’s his throat his fingers are gripping so tightly…
John birch
January 23rd, 2015 – 18:32
Anne’s a bit annoyed
Yes, John, I am annoyed. but my anger and disgust are somewhat calmed by the knowledge that Abdullah and Leo Britan have left this mortal coil.
A ‘friend’ of mucus is not a friend of mine, though personally I always found the Saudis very hospitable, booger.
If you were, and are, a Western expat in the centre of Riyadh on Friday you had every chance of being courteously but firmly pushed to the front of the crowd to sample the Boleynsque delights of a public execution…
Now, for a tokarov espousing taldi like you, such palm tree totalitarianism must be right up your ovine alley!
Civilised people often shake their heads about the importance that religions of various sorts attach to trivial and absurd differences of doctrine.
But the same can now surely be said about differences of doctrine among modern Liberals especially those of the the Politically Correct persuasion. Just as do many religious fanatics do, they bring themselves to believe that even absurd trivialities are matters of great profundity.
See following example of absurdity – in the business section yet – of today’s issue of our local rag called the Victoria Times Colonist. –
I said that civilised people often shake their heads, but the report in the Times Colonist makes me wonder whether it is any longer appropriate to think of Sweden as being worthy of the description “civilised”.
I would rather Britain was honest and poor than having anything to do with terrorism supporting, Christian killing, women enslaving despots like the Saudis. Not long ago they were a bunch of desert chancers with no culture except the most unpleasant. They still marry children and mutilate their genitals.
An evening salvo this time I see. Two undershoots and a couple of misfires.
Counter battery fire is late but effective.
Truism: Both the axiom and the truism are instantly seen to be true, and need no proof; but in an axiom there is progress of thought, while the truism simply says the same thing over again, or says what is too manifest to need saying. The axiom that “things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another” unfolds in the latter part of the sentence the truth implied in the first part, which might have been overlooked if not stated. In the truism that “a man can do all he is capable of,” the former and the latter part of the sentence are simply identical, and the mind is left just where it started. Hence the axiom is valuable and useful, while the truism is weak and flat, unless the form of statement makes it striking or racy, as “all fools are out of their wits.”
To make a claim about oneself which is not publicly and universally acknowledged and declare it to be a ‘truism’ is probably the very pinnacle of a ridiculous egotism. But even more astonishing when it is in fact an oxymoron – as in ‘respected telemachus’.
But in the case of the serial provocateur telemachus the empirical evidence of his own comments suggests that an antonym of ‘truism’ is more appropriate, as in :-
absurdity, contradiction, demonstration, nonsense, paradox, sophism, etc.
A big head, dense hardwood between the ears, supported on a brass neck that sticks itself out with an amazing lack of self awareness in places where it is not welcome. Despite this weight of ignorance and arrogance the extent of the hot air emanating from its hubris causes it to rise balloon-like in its own estimation and float hither and thither, a sort of gigantic aerial humpty dumpty, emblazoned with a red star, and dropping what it naively believes are pearls of wisdom but which land with all the finesse of a wet cow pat. Its imagined contrivance must be the virtual equivalent of a protruding tongue clenched firmly between the teeth as the hand struggles to create a legible sentence and the tiny pea brain whirs and clatters, grasping for something, anything, that has not been said already by third rate Labour wonks. Then finally, exasperated, gives up and copies out the usual tired mantra of self delusion that not a single sentient being who reads it believes. The tiny, inconsequential impact dwarfed by the effort and the misplaced triumph that follows.
One can only wonder at the persistence of such a creature, like watching a man sitting on a branch and sawing determinedly between himself and the trunk with a blunt saw. And pausing, gazing up at the mighty oak with its thousand branches and declaring to fondly imagined but non-existent admirers “I’ve got this tree sorted”.
Frank P – 17:09
Those Ofsted people need sorting out!
Here’s something that @vanderleun has just linked to:
“Guy in charge of the sex-ed curriculum’s a child molester, but don’t worry about that, says his boss, the lesbian.”
Greenpeace – another bunch of despicable ar$eholes that need sorting out!
A great video from Bill Whittle debunking the left’s narrative about gun ownership.
Colonel Mustard – 22.27
Virtuoso Sir! I salute and admire you. You have surpassed even yourself, inched ahead of Anthony Burgess no less and left the Speccie Kids fumbling formlessly with Playdoh in the kindergarten.
EC (23:33)
You must, like me, be receiving the Truth Revolt update, daily. I was watching Whittle’s statistical hatchet job on the anti-gun lobby, as you posted that. Brilliant stuff. Wouldn’t it be nice to see some of this stuff on our MSM. Surely there is someone left, throughout the media circus, who has not been suborned by the surrogates of Sodom.
Perhaps as we reflect on the death of a corrupt old Arab potentate and ask why our official flags are at half mast, those of us of a certain age should also remember the details of the link below and remind our current band of spivocrats (ack. Prof. A Boot) of this event :
And, in the third tongue of said Professor, make the following observation:
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Irishboy (01:27) cc Colonel M.
While I concur with the ‘virtuoso’ paen; to extend the analogy of the Colonel himself; is it really a worthwhile exercise to take, from its satin lined walnut case, a James Purdey 12 bore shotgun, which took 500 hours of loving hand-craftsmanship to manufacture at Audley House in 1885, then load it with a handmade cartridge filled with the powder of EC, Diamond Smokeless and Schultze, just to shoot a minnow, wallowing in the tin can of a teenager angler who had landed it by means of a willow stick, a piece of string and a worm dug from the river bank with a pocket knife?
Wonderful prose and research, Colonel. But surely wasted on such a paltry target, if you don’t mind me saying so? Your crafted essay merely inflates his already bloated and foetid ego, I fear.
But then again Colonel, on second thoughts, I can see that as a device to lance the seething carbuncles of the left at large, he is juxtaposition of the ‘useful eejit’. 🙂
1965: m.v. “British Corporal” steaming south down the Red Sea, heading for Abadan.
Two whistle blasts from the bridge, junior apprentice scuttles up there post haste.
Standing at the wheelhouse door, the 3rd Mate hands him a rolled up Red Ensign.”Here, Paddy, put this up at half mast. Churchill’s died.” So I did.
At sunset, two whistles summoned me back to lower the flag. And that was it.
We heard about the funeral on the BBC World Service, but saw nothing else until four weeks later when, in Fremantle, the padre from the Seamens’ Mission brought on board selected old British newspapers.
But life had already moved on.
May Prince Charles, Cameron and all who follow them to Riyadh be subjected to MGM (Ugh!)
Saturday morning sermon from Brendon O’Neill:
Luckily the sun is shining and the grandkids are laughing, nonethess.
Jim Goad interviews James Goad of Ukip:
Worth reading.
So Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament, where one D Cameron plies his snake oil trade in lecturing people about yuman rights, flies the flag at half-mast for King Abdullah, the Christian-hating mullah.
Why does the British elite have this relationship with the Saudis? If you ever read The Liar, the account of Jonathan Aitken’s downfall, you will know. Tons and tons of kickbacks for ministers from arms deals, tons of money for British arms sellers.
I remember reading it thinking, this is very insightful but anyone stepping in Aitken’s footsteps will do just what he did (he was the pre-eminent Muslim toe-licker of his day, arranging prostitues for arabs – Inglenookie was the nickname of the venue – and arranging arms deals with them), only make sure they’re not caught. The security services were clearly in on it all too. They couldn’t not be, given what was going on.
This essentially is what the ‘Foreign Aid’ budget is for. Token sums are sent off to real causes as smoke and mirrors, but huge parts of it are essentially bribery money so that donors to the Conservative Party get to sell their sxxx abroad. Cameron wants the Foreign Aid budget enshrined in law as a fixed percentage so all the wannabe Jonathan Aitkens in the future get to make money just like him, complete with the British taxpayer paying through the nose for it under the guise of political correctness.
It is the reason why Peter Oborne is a chief suspect as being one of Fleet Street’s MI5 propagandists. His love for Islam, for Sayeeda Warsi and for Sajid Javid, is all pre-dated by his ardent and prolonged campaign to close down the criminal investigation into the BAE Systems arms deal with Saudi Arabia that so angered the Americans.
The Americans wanted the BAE chiefs on trial in America, and the British government said, let us deal with it all and kept kicking it into the long grass as the British establishment tried to smother the whole thing in smog. Oborne stood out like a sore thumb as Fleet Street’s biggest propagandist for dropping the investigation. It was, eventually.
After all, what matter if some poor northern kid makes the weapon that blows another northern kid’s limbs off when he grows up to be a squaddie and gets posted in the Middle East?
A few tokenistic lines from the Whitehall about not forgetting the veterans should whitewash the fact that it was the politicians that sold them down the river before they even arrived in the war zone.
And poor old Aitken. His daughter married a Sikh and went to live far, far away. She’s now divorced, wanders round the place in pantomime costume looking like she’s lost her marbles:
* Indian reports claim Alexandra Aitken has separated from her husband
* The former It-girl married Punjab ‘warrior’ Inderjot Singh in 2010
* She has since been living in India and calling herself Uttrang Kaur Khalsa
* Her family this week confirmed the 34-year-old had ‘detached’ from Singh
* Alexandra was seen barefoot attending a Sikh festival in Anandpur Sahib
* Staff at her lodgings describe her as ‘quiet’ and eco-conscious
What is it with these evil Tory grandees? Bilderberger Michael Heseltine’s daughter converted to Islam. Careful, boys. Spew enough multi-culti xxxx and the kids will fall for it.
Colonel Mustard – 22:27
I ‘d love to see the expression on their faces as they are among the first to be “normalised” by their “friends” after the invasion. (q.v. Yuri Bezmenov, CHWs passim)
January 24th, 2015 – 14:06
Saudi Arabia is an ally for better or for worse
They are an important cog in the anti-terrorist drive of the West
They are an important cog in most Western economies providing safe fuel and bolstering trade
You do not have to like someone to acknowledge them as important allies
We live in the real world
sa is not an ally. they are part of the islamic bloc who hate the west and what it stands for. And their human rights record is one of the worst.
they are no anti terrorist, they sponsor terrorists
If we frack we can tell them where to shove their oil
The new butch leader of ‘The Greens’ who hails from the antipodean latitudes has said that our beloved Queen should be given one of the newly built council house to be built when her party is in power and they abolish the monarchy.
Will Cameron and Farage bring this topic up at the proposed party leaders debates, they should because such nasty republican cant will not go down well with the silver surfers who always vote.
January 24th, 2015 – 18:56
America is an ally despite Guantanamo and waterboarding
Pretty shocking news on the Spectator site about a corrupt UKIP MEP who has defected to the Conservatives.
The internal document posted here really shows the depths to which some communities will stoop to gain power…
Allies in Wonderland
This post is dedicated to the 1% of the 1%
Peter from Maidstone
Does this have any positive implications for the Wall? If yes, would there be a cost involved?
(h/t zero hedge)
The Tories try to hide their dhimmitude and much else from the voters but for the Scots Tories, who need every vote they can get, David Cameron’s licking of the stinking xxxxhole of Abdullah, a woman-bashing, gay-hating, Christian-hating, every sort of hate crime you could think of in the UK tyrant means they have had to declare:
Scottish Tory leader: Flag-lowering a ‘steaming pile of nonsense’
I’m not surprised. How can people vote for such filth. That’s all it is. Filth. And Whitehall – alone among European powers – is on its admiring knees. I believe this is why the French call the UK capital ‘Londonistan’.
The initial zero hedge link by the way is to:
Amjad Bashir is a little like all the other UKIP defections. How many more ‘sleepers’ are in there?
He’s also a little bit like every other token pick in every other party. This time, it’s different. Sajid Javid will be different from Sayeeda Warsi. Chukka Umuna will be different from Keith Vaz and Diane Abbott. But they never are.
This is what happens every single time someone is chosen for any job because they are ‘representative’ of society. Representative. Yes. Of what, we dare not say. But are they actually any use? Never ever. And the closer they get to power, the more they take for their communities.
Didn’t you love Eric Pickles writing to the imams. He didn’t like being called ‘far right’! You don’t like being smeared, Eric. How do you imagine we feel?
It was like watching a big fat sheep being squeezed by a boa constrictor. Eric the Sheep whispered: ‘Can I, can I, can I have a quiet word, please, on my kness, Mr Imam?’ And the imams, like the muscles in a poison snake, gripped tighter on Eric’s lungs: ‘Farrrrrrrrrrrr Rrrrrrrrrrrrrigggghhhhhhhht, are we, Errrrrrrrriiiiic? What’s that quiet word you wanted? You shut up like good dhimmi now, you hear?’
This is how the British public live their lives every day now, Eric. A word out of place and they’ll be squashed to death by politically correct vipers. Give these snakes an inch and they’ll take a mile. And now you’re like the rest of the UK: in a deathly tight grip.
When is a pattern not a pattern…
Now I wonder, Kermit, whether the so called politically correct vipers are really saints who provide the glue that holds together our society
On Tuesday we will thank God for such folk
Meanwhile back at Ukip
“Police are investigating claims of “financial irregularities” at Ukip, The Times can reveal.
The Metropolitan Police said they were looking into a series of allegations made against Nigel Farage’s party by Jasna Badzak, a former Ukip press officer and parliamentary candidate.
David Manning, an acting detective superintendent at Scotland Yard, outlined five claims that he intends to investigate in an e-mail sent to Ms Badzak last week. They include financial irregularities “regarding the funding of the party” as well as a number of other allegations made against individuals associated with UKIP”
No lesser source than the Murdoch Press
Malfleur, I will read up on maidsafe, although I am not very positive myself about distributed systems on ordinary people’s computers simply because I am always concerned that it would be easy to compromise the entire network for various sinister reasons. I did investigate running a dedicated server, and hosting a dedicated server out of country where freedom of speech rules are more robust.
telemachus: 07:17
You perhaps should have included the date for your cut’n’paste from the Times.
It was 1st April 2014.
For more on this can of worms, Lee Jasper’s blog of September 2014 might be of interest:-
The campaign against UKIP by the communist conspiracy in Britain is fascinating as it unfolds. Here is a party that supposedly “no-one” takes seriously and yet is the target of one of the most orchestrated and widespread propaganda campaigns.
Telemachus January 25th, 2015 – 07:17
Meanwhile back at Ukip
Copy and past as usual.
Kermit January 25th, 2015 – 00:16
“This is what happens every single time someone is chosen for any job because they are ‘representative’ of society. Representative. Yes. Of what, we dare not say.”
Of course we can say, the word is black or possibly more accurately Negro.
Or possibly more correctly.
A person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa).
The Grauniad has started doing pre-obituary eulogies now. Reportedly, Wales’ favourite former drug baron, Howard Marks, will be checking out sometime soon.
In his book, ‘Mr Nice”, Marks was very keen to inform us all of his superior intellect.
However, eventually, presumably after sampling too many of his own “harmless” goods, his pot addled intellect failed to see Tony Moynihan coming. Nice one Tony! 🙂
(h/t Andy Car Park)
I have just heard NF say, on internet radio, that the only surprise he has had in this incident has been the Conservative Party:
The moment Amjad Bashir defects in person to David Cameron
Ukip’s former star Amjad Bashir tells Tim Ross why he is pleased to be supporting David Cameron at the election, as the Prime Minister says he is “very proud” of his newest recruit
““I have become truly British,” says Amjad Bashir, minutes after announcing his defection from the UK Independence Party to the Conservatives.”
Do these allegations explain why Ukip’s Amjad Bashir defected to the Tories?
We wait and see: it looks like double or quits! 🙂
Why is my comment ‘awaiting moderation’?
Peter has seen the light
Colonel Mustard@January 25th, 2015 – 13:25
different or foreign ip address? mistyped email?
Colonel Mustard – 13:25
In addition to @13:35
If you specify more than two url links in a comment then the WordPress software here seems to go into “moderation” mode.
1146 & 1152
I guess rounding allows conclusion of adherence to GNAA
A very odd article in the Sunday times about Anders Breivik written supposedly by rod liddle.
Though I would never have guessed it. For example.
Or , muslims whom he feared, without very much evidence were taking over both Norway and indeed europe.
Worth reading if you can.
It’s got me a bit puzzled.
It’s a rod who seems to be an alternative version of himself.
EC (12:53)
Yerrss! If anybody needs yet another example of the permanent damage cannabis does to the brain cells, it’s this paragraph in the Guardian pre-mortem report:
“Another of Marks’s friends, the actor Keith Allen, reacted with sorrow and warmth when he heard the news. “Howard should get an OBE for keeping Britain stoned in the 70s and 80s and a knighthood for what he’s done since he came out of prison,” said Allen. “He is one of the cleverest, nicest and most charming old rogues I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. He is a Welsh national institution and a national hero and will long be cherished as such. On second thoughts, he should probably turn down the knighthood.”
The ‘lost generation’ indeed.
John Birch 15.54: Rod has been writing some pretty fiery stuff on the Spectator site.
Exactly, that’s why I am puzzled.
John Birch (15:54)
Rod is capable of providing copy as a polemical controversialist from any point on the political spectrum that his whimsy chooses, on any particular day, for any rag that will publish him. He’s also an agent provocateur, bear that in mind – and beware of Millwall fans bearing gifts..
Sorry Damaris. Didn’t notice the spell checker at work.
… Even when he’s kebabbing Dunga Flabbott.
Col Mustard: re Spectator trolls.
What really puzzles me is that dado_trunking & his sock puppets are allowed to continue to troll the Spectator (with some pretty unpleasant comments about Jews of late) but regular rightist commentators have been banned for less. Why, for instance, was the Viceroy banned for doing exactly the same as dado et al, ie trolling the trolls. I’d have understood if they were all culled, but that’s not what happened.
I’m not advocating that dado be banned. I’d just like to see some even-handedness.
While surfing the TV news channels a few minutes ago I inadvertantly zapped into “Songs if Praise” to be informed by the lady presenter, speaking of some incumbent vicar that, “…after his wife died he lost all interest in the organ…”
‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’, I suppose. But they really should have a producer/editor vetting the scripts to prevent viewers from spluttering their Sunday evening glass of wine all over the Axminster.
In fairness to the vicar, I stayed just long enough to establish that he was a musician who lost interest in his church’s harmonium during his period of mourning, as you do.
Damaris 16:45 You are too kind. I’d ban the lot in a heartbeat and good riddance to them. There’s freedom of speech and then there’s disruption, sabotage and plain sociopathic nastiness. Have you noticed how all of them “target and tag”? Rarely do they write comments in response to the articles but just single out other commentators for smearing and nasty innuendo and all that fake “zany” stuff.
They exploit the freedom their nasty dogma doesn’t tolerate on their own sites.
The Office of High Sheriff is the oldest secular Office in the United Kingdom after the Crown and dates from Saxon times. The exact date of origin is unknown but the Office has certainly existed for over 1,000 years since the Shires were formed.
The word ‘Sheriff’ derives from ‘Shire Reeve’ or the Anglo Saxon ‘Scir-gerefa’. The King’s Reeve was also known as the ‘High’ Reeve. Some Sheriffs led contingents at the Battle of Hastings. The Normans continued the Office and added to its powers. During the 11th and 12th centuries a High Sheriff’s powers were very extensive. For example, they judged cases in the monthly court of the hundred (a sub-unit of the Shire); they had law enforcement powers and could raise the ‘hue and cry’ in pursuit of felons within their Shire; they could summon and command the ‘posse comitatus’ – the full power of the Shire in the service of the Sovereign; they collected taxes and levies and all dues on Crown lands on behalf of the Crown and were in charge of Crown property in the Shire. In short, High Sheriffs were the principal representatives and agents for the Crown and were thus very powerful within the Shire.
Although their duties declined in the interim, the function has revived in the Internet age. Their power now however lies in the exercise of the metaphorical pen
Damaris (16:45)
“I’m not advocating that dado be banned. I’d just like to see some even-handedness.”
From the Barclay Bugle? DMAFF!
The sentiments expressed in this little verse are obviously still extant, embodied in you – some 280 years later:
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest.
The soul, uneasy, and confin’d from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.”
Alexander Pope – An essay on Man.
Let’s just hope that Pope springs eternal and Nelson doesn’t.
The campaign against UKIP by the communist conspiracy in Britain is fascinating as it unfolds. Here is a party that supposedly “no-one” takes seriously and yet is the target of one of the most orchestrated and widespread propaganda campaigns
This from that dangerous communist Liam Fox
“But it is not simply a matter of policy – it is also a matter of attitude. Name-calling – the accusations that Ukip activists or representatives are “cranks” or “crackpots” – is ill-advised and counter-productive. Many decent and patriotic people have been willing to consider flirting with Ukip. We should not insult their motivations by denigrating their voting choice. Rather, we should point out the unavoidable consequences of a vote for Ukip, particularly in the coming general election. For a start, only a Conservative majority will guarantee a referendum on the European Union, which so many of us want. Only a Conservative majority has any intention of forging a renegotiation of Britain’s fundamental relationship with the EU.
Either David Cameron will continue as Prime Minister in 2015, or Ed Miliband will replace him. That will be the choice. In all my dealings with Nigel Farage, I have found him personable and reasonable. I share many of his aspirations for our country. But I do not believe for a moment that those considering voting Ukip really want to see a Left-leaning Socialist government led by Mr Miliband and Ed Balls.”
I enjoy Pope
“Statesman, yet friend to truth! of soul sincere,
In action faithful, and in honor clear;
Who broke no promise, served no private end,
Who gained no title, and who lost no friend.”
It is said that Tony Blair kept this at his bedside
looks like the greeks have voted for the socialists anti austerity.
expect eurozone trouble.
wonder who killed Zacary Evans in gloucester.
machete? Sounds a little unenglish.
anyone know?
Peter from Maidstone:
Seems telemakesitup has appointed himself ‘Sheriff of Wall City’. Think perhaps that its time for the Marsall to confiscate his badge – and his peashooter – and banish him to Dodgy City (aka Trolltopia)? He has abused the badge of free speech here for long enough. Just saying’.
Local man aged 40 according to the Gloucester Gazette
telemachus@January 25th, 2015 – 19:43
but what is his ethnicity?
Police are not releasing that
Does it matter?
telemachus @ 18:58
If you had half a brain you might realise that Dr Fox’s reasoned appeal is a wholly different animal to you and your comrades silly bleats of racism. And completely at odds with them.
It is amusing to picture you reading the comments of better men, lips moving over the words in a puzzle of comprehension, then pulling your little green Mao cap firmly down over your ears as you launch Google in a desperate bid to find a vaguely relevant but sadly second hand riposte.
Col Mustard: Oh yes, I know that, dado has been targeting & tagging me with his nasty bull (maybe he misses Viceroy) but I think has given up as I usually don’t respond.
Frank P, I am always ready to be advised by contributors and telemachus was only given space here because of advice. If a few folk want to indicate with a show of hands then I’ll take appropriate action.
“A Banzai7 salute to the Greeks for signaling the bankster $hitheads of the world (and their Eurocrat enablers) to shove it where the sun don’t shine.”
Meanwhile, an anglo-French love song for late Sunday night – vive l’entente cordiale!
(English lyrics –
Allies in Wonderland
But someone has a different vision of Europe for you:
Peter (21:12)
As you know, I am generally agin blackballing anyone for holding an eccentric opinion; but the sinister tone of some of the recent ‘contributions’ of our leftist troll/s makes one wonder
whether the open door has to remain open for someone who just wants to shit on the carpet and thereby insult the other guests. Trespass, per se, is of course no offence; but trespass with inimical intent is another matter. Particularly as many here suspect that the Shavian mob was instrumental in getting many regular contributors here barred from the Speccie Coffee House (and of course provoking a schism which spawned this platform). Some also suspect that the same flash mob may have contributed to the events that put Melanie into the dilemma that hastened her departure from the Speccie; after all her blog there was why most of us were there anyway; that and to give Dan Korsky a regular rogering. 🙂
As the landlord of this hostelry, it is your call. Perhaps a little holiday? I know the Colonel would appreciate it, even though the subject tends to bring out the best of his invective. Our noble friend the Baron might want to opine before you change the admission code on the door?
My final thought on the matter: a little grist to the mill can be useful, but when it starts to damage the mechanism of the Windmill, so to speak, it’s perhaps time to rethink, given that the next 100 days will be replete with dirty tricks and vast amounts of horseshit being spread around the Intertubes.
Robert C – 13:01
“double or quits”
Dave’s on a roll 🙄
!) Defective defector
2) Spooked by fake Spy Chief
Peter (21:12)
While I sympathise with Frank P over the crap peddled by the house charlatan, I believe a current knowledge of the style with which he and his cohorts distort arguments is important. In the months to come, we may have need of it when rebutting their twaddle. Know thine enemy.
In any case, if his posts were not visible, nor would the Colonel’s coruscating ripostes.
Bashir-gate : from above
“Respect’s Bradford West MP George Galloway hit out: “Not only has this man not got a shred of principle, his acquaintance with the truth is distant to say the least. He joined Respect, now he’s lying about it. I don’t know if what he is saying about Labour and the PTI is correct but his denial that he joined Respect, was selected as a candidate and then de-selected, is a shameful and damning untruth. If the Tories are prepared to embrace this man then I think it says even more about them than it does him.”
Never mind Amjad, why not try the Greens or LibDems?
EC (23:33)
JCA! If the politics of the next hundred days means that we have to use the poison dwarf Galloway as a witness for the persecution, then I secede from the band. 🙂 🙂
… and bear in mind that I used Jimmy Fratianno and Ray Ferrito, two mob hitmen, to make a point in the past.
Ostrich (23:32)
Having made similar noises myself in the past, I can’t really take issue with your plea to keep our whipping boy as . an exemplar of sinistral stupidity. But don’t you recently get a whiff of something a little more sulphuric: rather than just stock socialist-stupid and self-satisfied? The baleful glint of a potential stasi; a self-appointed invigilator of this platform – a blog that garners the best of the anti-left links and effectively takes the piss out of the morons that still espouse the multi-
culti melange of the miserable Marxist counter culture warriors.
Surely Colonel Mustard can find other leftist tossers who excrete their crap via the Web to continue to craft his essays here: the twats who don’t infest this blog. And mucus would no doubt continue to be licensed at the other place, so the ‘grist to the mill’ would still exist if he wished to occasionally draw our attention to his risible rubbish.
But now I am dropping more crumbs for the bottom feeder, having already declared ‘my final thought’ on the matter at 23:12 above. He’s probably enjoying all the attention. Aye, there’s the rub!
Just to change the subject to another impending threat:
Usually if NYNY gets it we follow in quick succession. Which reminds me of another late January of my youth:–47_in_the_United_Kingdom
That stayed until March – then came the thaw: then the floods. Imagine a repeat of that coming up to the GE. It would make the current Greek crisis seem positively idyllic by comparison.
I’d be quite happy to save keyboard wear and tear. It was surprising to find him posting here when he already dominates the other place.
If the postings were actual reasoned and credible arguments from the left rather than just silly provocations, innuendo and smearing then I’d support the right to express them.
But he is just a troll. Performing the usual trick of exploiting the tolerance of the right wing perspective in order to attack and undermine it.
Frank P – 00:15
Noted, and I take your point, but maybe the irony of, “Not only has this man not got a shred of principle, his acquaintance with the truth is distant to say the least” escaped you. GG might just as well have been talking about himself!
The next 100 days? To paraphrase W.C.Fields, “I’d rather be in Andalucía!”
Maybe a good time to lock the TV in the cupboard! It might also be a good time for Peter to switch the all too predictable Tele off too …
BTW. I read up on Fratianno and Ferritto. Very interesting and educational. Amazing that they both managed to dodge the electric chair, death by ‘family’, and die of natural causes!
I think it is wonderful that the CHW allows anybody to post. It is the true expression of free speech, which the Left and the Pseudo-Conservatives and Liberals have crushed. This is the reason I support Peter from Maidstone and the way he manages this ‘blog’ – for want of a better word. However, I feel many fellow posters encourage trolls to spew forth their mucus and vomit over the web. Just ignore them, without acknowledgement of their existence they cannot survive. I make a point of never responding to a troll, they are like the nuisance cold callers, who once you give them an ‘in’ will haunt you ever after. Remember, he who wrestles in the filth with rubbish will emerge feeling dirty, whilst the troll will believe he has succeeded.
ES @ 09:51
I had a much love American friend, now dead alas, who actually had a lapel button which read “I’d rather be in Paris”. Unfortunately, he did not bequeath it to me when he went.
Dateline Manila
Muslims murder 40 Filipino policemen:
“President Benigno Aquino ordered an investigation into the incident, a major test of the accord intended to end a 40-year insurgency that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.”
(49 at last count)
“My dear friends in Dresden,
What is taking place here in Dresden is truly fabulous. Dresden is leading the way. All of Europe is watching you. You are not alone. You are part of something huge. In Germany, in Holland, in all of Europe. You are fulfilling the hope of many. You are the voice of the population against the elite. You are the people!
People in Germany have had enough.
People in Holland have had enough.
In all of Europe, people have had enough.
Enough of terror and hatred.
Enough of attacks, enough of bloodshed.
Enough of Islamization, which betrays our Judeo-Christian identity and our traditions, which destroys the future of our children and which is selling out our countries and our civilization.
In all of Europe people are saying: “We are the people!” And we are sick of it!
I support you with all of my heart. Millions all over Europe support you. I am proud of you.
We want what you want: a free people, a free country, a civilized country and no Islamization.
Let us fight together for all this. No one can stop us. Long live freedom!”
— Geert Wilders