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Dame Vera Lynn : 100th birthday today .
Noa – 17:19
That didn’t read like the Colonel.
More likely to be yu-know-hu up to his old tricks?
March 20th 11:41
“As a policeman, a top one at that, cannot you smell even a whiff of hatred in this wrapping, Frank?”
I learned very early on during the discharge of constabulary duties not to confuse the emotions of ‘hatred’ and ‘justified contempt’ – and during allegations involving either, to take the “eye of the beholder” into consideration. Moreover in days of yore before police politicisation, hatred was not a criminal offence unless it led to an act that was. Then the act was on the charge sheet and, except perhaps in the case of murder (when ‘malice aforethought’ was a component), the emotion was of no concern to the police; though of course, the beak – or the judge – might factor it in to the sentence if satified that guilt was established.
I also learned the hard way – and not through academic inculcation – something about psychological projection (ask EC, he has a keen eye for the diagnosis). As your friend Nietzsche is reported to have instructed – and I paraphrase – “Be careful when you look into the abyss, it has a nasty habit of looking back”. 🙂
EC March 20th, 2017 – 21:06
It was definitely me!
CalExit has been revived-
I have to say that this had not penetrated my consciousness but clearly there is a history:
“In 2009, then-GOP Assemblyman Bill Maze proposed the state of Coastal California consisting of 13 counties, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. Maze argued that coastal liberals politically drowned out California’s more conservative regions.
The desire to create a conservative haven led then-Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone in 2011 to propose the state of South California. Thirteen counties, including Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino, would have been part of this 51st state.”
Maybe Trump will make this all happen.
Frank P March 20th, 2017 – 21:10
I like that comment although everything about it speaks for what has sadly been lost. Now that once dispassionate objectivity of the constabulary – actually reassuring to those seeking help – has been replaced by emoting and incontinent opinion masking the inefficiencies of a state police engaged in promoting a political agenda.
Liz Truss has been busy continuing Starmer’s dirty work, turning the presumption of innocence on its head and the age old right of the accused to face his accuser(s) in a court of law. Whereas the constabulary understood that “the test of police efficiency was the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them”, the CPS are statist and managerial, driven by the need to churn out convictions, not “by pandering to public opinion” but by pandering instead to a specific political agenda demanded by feminists, which is even worse.
In bringing charges the constabulary understood the need “to seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy”. Since levering that role away from the police, worse after 1997, the CPS do the complete opposite as a creature of the state. Even determining prosecution on the likelihood of conviction is, excuse the phrase, a cop out. And plea bargaining, which is coming, another ghastly Americanism. Not justice.
Equity was introduced by the Crown to temper rigours of common law and statute. Equity brought justice where it did not exist before. Justice brought peace. Might plea bargaining not be considered as a variation of the equitable principle?
No mention of Project Dragnet yet by Fox News or James Comey.
May be someone should send them a copy of the Infowars article and the video of Alex Jones’s interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi….
Recipients would have the choice of looking at one or the other and can only be blamed if they can be irritated by Jones’s passion but still choose the video.
Colonel Mustard (22:11)
I have oft tried to write those eloquent and concise sentences to summarise the predicament you describe – but usually fail miserably by allowing my ‘justifed contempt’ – or what my old mukka Baron might describe as ‘hatred’ – for the self-serving bastards responsible for destroying the once civil backbone of the UK, to overcome the objectivity that once characterised my m.o. in The Job – and to lead off with the tirades that sadly only demonstrate the impotence of old age, in the certain knowledge that there is nobody around likely to be able to reverse the decline before I pop my clogs. I’d like to think that ‘it will have to get worse before it gets better’ but doesn’t history tell us that failing civilisations get ‘worserer and worserer’ until they implode and are supplanted by voracious usurpers who exploit the sloth and stupidity of the incumbent so called leaders (in reality parasites), who fail to defend and protect what has been bequeated to them by their inventive and valiant forebears – often at the cost of their own lives.
Once again, I can only cite Voltaire’s lament, admittedly in another context, but nonetheless apropos:
Once did I sing, in less lagubrious tone,
The sunny ways of pleasure’s general rule;
The times have changed, and, taught by growing age
And sharing of the frailty of mankind,
Seeking a light amid the deepening gloom,
I can but suffer, and will not repine.
Malfleur March 21st, 2017 – 00:25
Very well argued.
Alex Jones Show Monday – further report by Dr. Jerome Corsi, Infowars Washington Bureau Chief
Drain the swamp! And a new trial for Sheriff Arpaio!
Malfleur March 21st, 2017 – 03:30
Your argument not mine. I just disagreed. Saves me the bother of stating a case which you will ignore anyway. Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt.
You should not presume what I will and will not ignore.
Frank P March 21st, 2017 – 00:45
Yes, the impotence of knowing what has been lost – or destroyed – but having to live amongst those who don’t and where a sly political revisionism sets out to discredit everything about what once was.
And as you observe we are beset by leaders who consider themselves infallible in “improving” in less than a lifetime on the legacy bought with much blood, treasure and patience by those who have gone before. The notion of being transient caretakers seems to escape their pea brains as much as the consideration of consequences for their enthusiasm for reform.
Liz Truss, one time Lib Dem from a hard left background, emerged from the wonk-tank Reform and their website is a hoot if BS amuses you. Lots of teenage wonks on their staff and the “article” by Louisa Rolfe, Deputy Chief Constable of West Midlands Police on “Reinventing public services for citizens’ use” reads like the worst type of corporate managerial BS attempting to sell sand to arabs. Government loves this, elevates this unelected “charity” to select advisor status and proceeds to “change things” rather than just govern well. We are doomed because wonk opinion and theory gets fast tracked to policy. Nothing there about what has worked in the past, the theories about what is wrong grow into the theories of how to put it right, all narrowed to political correctness and ideology of course.
“You are not there to shine yourself or acquire power or prove yourself as you think you are up there among the elites of the nation.
You are there as the guardian of your fellow countrymen.
That they may be safe, they may be prosperous, they may be well governed and lightly burdened,
But above all that they may be free”
Colonel Mustard @ 07:53
Baron reckons the change happened, Colonel, when the police stopped walking around, bought cars, put on the cars ‘to serve and protect’. That’s always the giveaway, the slogan substitutes what the police actually did before ergo no need to say it, people experienced it.
Malfleur @ 03:40
Listening to a part of the Intelligence Committee session, Malfleur, the barbarian got a distinct feeling that unless the Donald regains initiative he’s toast.
Frank P @ 21:10
Having no experience of trying to figure ‘who done it’, nor wasting any time reading the likes of Agatha either (sorry boys if you admire her), the poorly educated Slav would have thought that emotion could be as valid a reason for committing a crime as anything else, in crime passionnel is positively shrieks ‘look; look, I’m the reason the axe is stuck in his cranium’.
The learned men may as well add another category to the can of crimes where emotion is the the prime or at least a co-driver, a category the progressives helped to boost in numbers by invading the lands of Allah, fugging things up, then leaving letting the religious fanatics rule.
The motive of the jihadis cum suicide bombers in particular cannot be anything but hatred for the infidel, love for, obsession with, worship or whatever of Allah, it’s what they often record for us to read or watch before leaving to say hello to the virgins.
Whilst looking into the abyss, the abyss blinking back, it seems the key point of Baron’s posting has been totally forgotten – that it’s at least wicked, pitiless, for a gentleman rather graceless to abuse a human for a life changing illness, or rather the consequences of. A savage may go for it, but someone of classic education, claiming the higher moral ground, and religious to boot, hmmm.
Radford NG @ 19:01
At 100 she looks better than the barbarian looked at 20, Radford, but then she is of the beautiful sex.
A remarkable girl, let she make it another 100, Happy Birthday, Dame Vera.
So, our former Chancellor, Ozzie, the Screaming Lord Sutch of economics, is to become editor of the Evening Standard. Can we assume the the rag will now be re-named Gideon’s Bible?
Baron, March 20th, 2017 – 11:41
You prompted me to re-visit Mr. Boot’s webpage to view his ‘hit piece’ on Ms. Jolie. I didn’t think it was that bad, even mildly amusing, as compared to some of his obituaries of recently deceased “celebrities” he feels compelled to deliver his judgements upon. At least Ms. Jolie is in a position to return fire should she ever stumble upon his particular diverticula portion of the intertubes.
I note from her wikipage that the thrice married Ms. Jolie has six children, so whatever else Mr. Boot has to say about her breasts they’ve had ample opportunity to do their job as nature intended! Breast cancer is no joke so if Ms Jolie had the slightest concern that her family history would render her susceptible to it then she was prudent to get her norks removed.
As for the humour? Well it’s all a matter of timing as Jimmy Carr, Mr. Boot’s favourite comedian, might say. Nobody who’s just had a relation hanged is liable to find a joke about Albert Pierrepoint funny.
I wonder Mr Boot also enjoys Frankie Boyle, who ups the ante a bit on Jimmy Carr? In general it doesn’t matter how awful, sick or tasteless a joke is… if you laugh, then you own it!
As a final thought I wonder if Mr. Boot will be brave enough to share his thoughts on the life and worth of Martin McGuinness? I do hope so.
Frank P,
Interesting, that in his Jolie piece, that Mr Boot Snr. refers to the LSE as “a formerly reputable university.” Was it ever thus? As far back as I can remember, early 60s onwards, it was a hotbed of commie agitation.
Max Boot may have only spent “one semester” there but they certainly did a number on him didn’t they!
Baron March 21st, 2017 – 10:18
Yes, and became reactive. As well as dog in the manger. “We might not be able to protect you as we disappear from your streets and villages but we are going to make damn sure that you are not permitted to protect yourselves”.
Instead of part of us they became part of them. “Them” being the gradually inflating and inter-connected state. And any proactivity or vigilance on their part now seems to be more directed to what we might say or write contrary to the “keep a lid on it” narrative.
The hollow “boast-slogans” you refer to are everywhere, ever increasing as the quality and efficiency of actual delivery declines. Intention not consequence or outcome.
Stephen Maybery – 10:42
The question still remains, just what were George Osborne and Peter Mandelson up to on Oleg Deripaska’s yacht, the ‘Queen K’ in Corfu? (take the quips about cabin boys, bottom bunks, and golden rivets as read)
and this…
I wasted two hours yesterday watching the live feed from the Congressional inquisition in DC. When Comey and Rodgers did answer any questions I was struck the naivety of their replies. Eventually I was rendered Comeytose.
Whilst I was conscious nobody mentioned the elephant in the room. i.e. Wikileaks Vault 7, and the CIA’s ability to masquerade as anybody they like in cyberspace.
The proceedings were a farce, indeed a show!
Well the Londonderry Commander is dead.
That will deflate the Boston Irish Liberals.
The dreadful outpouring of crocodile tears from the high ups here and over there is a trial to behold.
The man ordered executions while pushing buckets for money around East Coast Irish bars.
The world is a better place today.
Norman Tebbit telling it like it is:
Rand Paul: ‘Somebody Was Spying On The Trump Campaign,’ Flynn ‘Lost His Job’ Because Of It
“It sounds like what the president said has already been proven to be true.”
Mark Stein on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” – last night
discussing the DC inquistion…
Comey’s opinion that Russia was behind Brexit was particularly bizarre!
Rupert Murdoch has “disappeared” Judge Andrew Napolitano – until further notice.
EC @ 14:15
This guy Stein scares more than nukes, EC, not because of his take on Russia, because of the quality of his reasoning, the man is an excellent example of the dumbed down Americans one can laugh at on u-tube, but this is serious, fruitcakes like him are to be in governance in the Republic, that’s the future generation of leaders, sweet baby J, keep an eye on the Donald because if he fails we truly are fugged up.
EC @ 14:25
That’s the reach of the Deep State, the judge is right, the GCHQ have helped the CIA before, they must have been helpful on this occasion, too, but as Frank once pointed out the mechanism was that of winks and nods, no smoking gun anywhere.
The Donald made a mistake keeping Comey in, he could have replaced him, put his man in, cleansed the outfit which seems totally under the influence of the progressives.
Malfleur @ 12:47
Paul’s right, but didn’t think it through, Malfleur. If as Comey said yesterday, the FBI has been looking into the misbehaving Russians and their connection to the Donald’s team since July last year, they, the FBI, must have put surveillance on the Donald, too. How do you separate him and whoever it was who’s on the FBI watch list? How do you listen to the one, but not the Donald?
This is all fake, the investigation is taking so long because it takes time to manufacture fakes, to convince people who may testify later that they either saw or did’t see what fits or doesn’t fit rest. the fake evidence the FBI is putting together.
That’s why the barbarian reckons the Donald has to act fast, if he doesn’t they will produce enough fake ‘facts’ to have him impeached, he won’t have a chance, the faking will be irrefutable.
The reception of the Russian interference has morphed into certainty, listen to the Stein Congressman from the EC’s clip, he’s convinced, but both Comey and the other guy who testified yesterday said no evidence of any wrongdoing’. Lunacy.
EC @ 12:28
Norman’s the one who gets it right, EC, the man was a killer, the world’s better for it.
EC @ 11:28
That’s our swamp that needs cleansing, EC, the whole bunch of them, but no Donald is sight.
That clip was not Stein (sic) but Stallwell. ??
Colonel Mustard @ 11:18
Have you noticed, Colonel, how when a major accident happens, the scene is crawling with hundreds of police, even though one hardly sees a bobby on our streets? Where do they come from?
Frank P @ 17:21
Thanks, guru, but the real name cannot change anything, the guy must have come straight from a college, Tucker should have asked him if he knew the capital of few European cities, then have a laugh at the answers.
Tucker is amongst the first sites the bar barbarian seeks when he opens his MacBook, the guy’s articulate, witty, his sense of humour resonates with the poorly educated Slav. Have a look here, it’s few days old, the female comes under the same heading as the Congressman Stairwell. Can you follow her argument?
For those who still remember the fate of the passengers of the MH17, it’s by Helmer, but the Australian stance must be for real, he couldn’t have made it up:
Frank P – 17:21
I think it must have been representative Eric Stalwell (D-CA) that Baron was referring to. The same generation/mindset as Max Boot?
Few more points on the Comey charade:
Why didn’t any of the Committee members asked about Podesta and his merry men, who were actively lobbying on behalf of Russian entities, the Clinton campaign was openly collecting contributions from wealthy Russian donors, e.g. Roman Abramovich’s wife Darya Zhukova.
Comey has a short memory saying he could not recall any instances “during his lifetime” of law enforcement agencies going after journalists for publishing classified information.
When Obama ruled his Administration, the Justice Department went after Fox reporter James Rosen for refusing to reveal a source. He was listed by the department as co-conspirator in the State Department leak case in 2013. Another Fox reporter, Jana Winter, was also threatened with imprisonment for contempt of court for refusing to reveal her sources in the 2012 Aurora mass shooting investigation.
Comey also said that “If all they (the leakers) have done is lie to a reporter, that’s not against the law.” Just think what that does to the field of leaks. Bonanza for everyone who happens to be close to the decision makers, because if he’s right, one can make a little earner out of leaking, no fear of punishment.
On the BBC Radio4 yesterday, hosted by the Carney woman she had three guests to talk about the grilling of Comey, two Democrats, one Republican commentator based in London, who might have been a Democrat, too. One of the Dem senators said that the Donald will have to get used to the leaks, it’s what happens today.
It’s OK for Snowden to return to the Republic then?
Stephen Maybery @ 10:42
You have to speed up on the news up-take, Stephen, this was in the headlines days ago.
EC @ 17:49
Would you be kind, click on the link you furnished at 14.15, run it in full, EC? It was this link, your prompter that it was ‘Mark Stein’ in that clip that confused the easily confused barbarian.
Since you are back online you might find this short video tour around the Kalashnikov Factory of interest. I did. I didn’t realise that they made such an array of products. The attractive young female presenter is so cool she could sit on a block of ice and it wouldn’t melt!
Baron – 18:02
Mark Steyn was on for the first 5 mins of the Tucker Carlson program, and representative Eric Stalwell (D-CA) was on at the end. I agree with you, he’s real wazzock, and a dangerous nutter to boot. The Dems have no shortage of those!
Amusement from Northern Britain?
Yes! 🙂
‘MISSING: NICOLA STURGEON’ First minister told to return to DAY JOB by local constituents
MISSING posters demanding Nicola Sturgeon returns to her day job have sprung up in the Scottish first minister’s very own constituency.
This one will bring on a touch of schizoid rage, I fear. Another touch of justified contempt (aka “hatred”).
But Mark Steyn must have pleased you with his little stint on Tucker Carlson’s show last night?
… then there’s this one: cold, clinical and kerrrect!
Alex Boot seems to have read your questions – and answered them. 🙂
Btw … “Comeytose” – wunnerful!!
all 6’8″ – all arsehole! He must have a JEH type dossier on Don Trumpo, or he would be toast by now. Troubled times ahead, I’m afraid. This Manafort thing ain’t going away.
This the sort of poison being fed into the well by the ‘imperium in imperio’:
The circus is now in full swing.
Where is Rudi G hidin’? Must ask around.
RobertRetyred, March 21st, 2017 – 21:20
Great news! 🙂 Signs of a Jock Spring?
When the permanent political classes around the world effectively shut down the “social” media, deny ordinary people those forums to communicate, then the resistance will have to go Old School!
“The Russians are coming! Run for your lives!”
John McAfee
His latest thoughts on cyber security, and both state organised and gifted amateur hacking.
HS2 – Drain the swamp!
Quite amusing:-
It’s a constituent of long established lefty self-hate, being dissatisfied at being “boring British”, in turn an extension of adolescent parent issues, resulting in the fetishisation of everything “not British”, especially anything ethnic or involving eating or drinking at pavement tables. It seems to have become more prevalent with the rise in gap year travel funded by the bank of Mummy and Daddy.
The only corrective to this is probably to replace gap years with two years compulsory national service followed by five years in the reserves with compulsory annual camps, weekly training sessions and one weekend in four on exercise. Hipsters would have to shave their beards off.
All this huffing and puffing about what the Ruskies are up to is enough to make a rational being throw up. Does anyone doubt that what the Russians are doing to us is not being done to them by the Western intelligence services? ‘Tis the oldest game in the book and ever will be. The second oldest game is to silence domestic unrest by provoking a war which is easy to win, but seldom is. That is how WW1 kicked off, and we all know how that ended up. A century on and we are still paying the price of that folly.
The Apocolocyntosis of Martin Mcguinness. Pace Seneca. While I am on that subject let no-one forget the role the Americans played in funding the IRA and the reluctance of successive US governments to put a stop to it. Special Relationship? don’t make me laugh.or get me started for that matter.
Stephen 1042
I am not aware that the Americans or MI6 have tried to influence the Russian elections.
Sorry I posted that before this:
“US President Donald Trump’s one-time campaign chairman secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to assist President Vladimir Putin, the Associated Press (AP) news agency reports.
Paul Manafort is said to have proposed a strategy to nullify anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics a decade ago.
AP says documents and interviews support its claims about Mr Manafort.
Mr Manafort has insisted that he never worked for Russian interests.
He worked as Mr Trump’s unpaid campaign chairman from March until August last year, including the period during which the flamboyant New York billionaire clinched the Republican nomination.
He resigned after AP revealed that he had co-ordinated a secret Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine’s ruling pro-Russian political party until 2014.
Newly obtained business records link Mr Manafort more directly to Mr Putin’s interests in the region, AP says.
Of course Stephen Putin is a fine man:
Just ask anyone on the list below.
Alexander Litvinenko
Anna Politkovskaya
Natalia Estemirova
Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova
Boris Nemtsov
Boris Berezovsky
Paul Klebnikov
Sergei Yushenkov
“A Crimean Tatar leader who has criticized Russia’s seizure of the Black Sea peninsula appears likely to face trial soon on what he says are spurious charges of separatism.
Ilmi Umerov, deputy chairman of the Crimean Tatars’ self-governing body, the Mejlis, said he and his lawyer were informed on March 21 that the case against him had been sent to a court in Russia-controlled Crimea.
He also said he has received the final written charges, a step that is often followed within days or weeks by a trial.
Umerov, 59, was charged with separatism in May 2016 after he made public statements opposing Russia’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine in March 2014.
He denies the charges, saying he has the right to express his opinions freely.
Russia took control of Crimea after sending in troops and staging a referendum considered by most countries worldwide as illegitimate.
After the takeover, Russia adopted a law making it a criminal offense to question Russia’s territorial integrity within what the government considers its borders.
RFE/RL contributor Mykola Semena went on trial in Crimea on March 20 on separatism charges he says are unfounded.”
So Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has denied that Russia was preparing to annex territories in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts occupied by Moscow’s proxies.
And when you consider all the other things the Kremlin has denied (things that turned out to be — you know — like, true) well, then you can’t help but wonder if the annexation of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics might actually be on the table.
After all, when the Kremlin denies that it’s doing something, it’s not a bad rule of thumb to pay a little bit more attention to that particular something.
And then there’s all the, you know, stuff, that’s been happening lately.
Stuff like Russia recognizing travel documents issued by separatist authorities.
Stuff like Moscow encouraging the use of the ruble in the occupied parts of the Donbas.
Stuff like Kremlin-backed warlords seizing mines, factories, and other enterprises owned by Ukrainian-registered firms.
Stuff like Ukraine cutting off cargo traffic to the territories in retaliation.
And stuff like Russia building up its armed forces near the Ukrainian border.
In recent months, the last ties between and the Russian-occupied parts of the Donbas and the rest of Ukraine have been pretty much severed.
It’s become clear as day that the much-maligned and deeply flawed Minsk peace process is finally dead in the water.
And it’s become clear that Moscow’s Plan A — forcing the occupied territories back into Ukraine as a Trojan horse — has failed.
So now Russia’s war on Ukraine is entering a new phase.
The Kremlin may be preparing to annex the occupied territories. It may be preparing to recognize their independence. Or it may be preparing for a new offensive.
But it is clearly preparing to do something.
But perhaps we should understand?
“Russia’s annexation of Crimea returned post-Soviet Russia to a narrative of imperial glory that stretched back to the days of Kievan Rus, the medieval state that was the forerunner of both Russia and Ukraine. In the 10th century, the great conqueror Prince Vladimir of Kiev converted his people to Christianity after being baptised, it is said, at the ancient Greek settlement of Chersonesus, in Crimea. The peninsula was thus the symbolic starting point of Russia’s membership of the Christian world. And it was Crimea that Catherine the Great annexed from the Ottoman empire without firing a single shot – asserting Russia’s new place as one of the world’s greatest civilisations.
Of all the losses that accompanied the end of the Soviet Union, Crimea was perhaps the most haunting for Russia. As part of his quest to restore lost Russian glory, Putin picked up where Catherine the Great and Prince Vladimir had left off. After annexing the peninsula in March 2014, Putin announced that Crimea was the “spiritual source” of the Russian state. This gave Crimea “invaluable civilisational and even sacral importance for Russia”. Putin underlined his point last November, when he unveiled a 16-metre statue of Prince Vladimir outside the Kremlin.”
stephen maybery – 10:42
I agree. (see John McAfee at 09:07)
Re: The oldest game: Until I read Machiavelli, Sun Tzu etc. ……
I used to think that second oldest profession was stargazing (i.e. Astronomy) with first place being taken by er, um, well, you know… what Frank P used to try and police in Soho in his days as a tender young PC!
stephen maybery – 11:13
Recently someone gave me some post WW2 “Empire Youth Annuals” 1947 – 1952.
It’s been a real treat reading them. It seemed to be an age of optimism, and the Commonwealth countries seemed to be prospering. All this despite the enforced austerity at home due to, in part, our ‘special’ ally. I still have my Ration Card somewhere.
Please tell me it isn’t true:
Department store [in Holland] criticised for using heterosexual rabbit family in Easter ads
1/ mental Health issues
2/ nothing to do with Islam
3/ he is a perfect son said his dad
4/ a lone wolf no one else involved , well not for a day or two until other things emerge.
5/he played cricket and loved England no one could’ve suspected a thing
6/ everyone shocked
7/ he’s been let down by the authorities
8/ there was no need to shoot him
9/he never showed any interest in terrorist activities
10/ on and on and on with the same old shit.
And sorry of course how could I have missed out that Muslims are terrified of the right wing backlash
What do you think will concern them most, the rape and abuse of 1400 white girls in Rotherham or an attack in Westminster on potentially a few scumbag MPs.
John birch – 15:58
Such minor irritations when compared to the Dutch horrors of promoting Easter using heterosexual rabbits.
No word yet on the nationality or religion of the attackers.
Marshal, no , it’s a complete mystery.
My guess is right wing extremists, Brexiters, or Israelites. Or possibly Russians trying to undermine trump, or maybe support him.
Or welsh nationalists, or Cornish separatists ,
Must be one of that lot, I can’t think of anyone else.
This suspected attacker certainly looks nothing like a Muslim does he? More like a normal, white, British Londoner, eh?
It appears that the police knew the identity of the attacker, dear God, what is wrong with this bloody country? If the attacker is announced to be British, then I will finally go off my trolley.
Amber Rudd.
The priority of the government is the security of its people.
Is it.
I don’t think so.
Empty words.
John Birch,
They think we are stupid and worthy only of their contempt. What has happend here in London merely underlines what Donald is trying to do on the other side of the pond.
John 1828.
The internet photos of the attacker on the stretcher show a bearded chap with a suntan.
You are right he must be a Celt.
Marshal Roberts.
Marshal, must be a Celt? cheeky sod.
“Amber Rudd.
The priority of the government is the security of its people.”
That being the case she should resign forthwith and take Liz Truss with her. For as long as those two are responsible for security and justice we won’t enjoy either.
John birch @ 18:28
One of the best postings on the massacre, John, and not only here.
Unbelievable, the barbarian was close to the place where the extreme of one culture of our rainbow society met the mainstream of the other, just up near the Trafalgar Square, knew nothing about it, the crowds were as peaceful as one would expect, only the central line of the underground seemed more crowded, the reason for it the barbarian learnt on a train from London, the first thought of his was ‘could it be another ploy by the man in the Kremlin?’
It was the 15:37 the barbarian was commenting, John, (gave you and uptick on the other blog, too), but the 18.28 isn’t bad either.
Isn’t it weird we talk about a life changing event for the many involved as if it were an accepted part of our life today?
Colonel Mustard @ 10:26
That he knows how to say in French how to get to the place where he can buy a piece of fish is more than enough for the MSM fruitcakes to take him seriously, Colonel, that’s what most of their experts are all about.
EC @ 09:07
That’s someone who knows what he’s talking about, EC, a man like him isn’t really listened to, it’s the experts who know next to FA that rule the opinion forming today.
Frank P @ 23:44
Spot on, this piece by the omni-all one, Frank, except for one small omission, a surprising one considering his extensive knowledge of everything. The bombs that were dropped on London, the weaponry, the IRA used were manufactured by Putin directly. Why has he not mentioned it beggars belief.
EC @ 18:04
The newer versions of the original AK-47 are quite complicated, too, EC, the old model was the best, all it needed was an up-dating of the stock, few other bits, adding an attachment holder surrounding the barrel (a torch, a laser, a bayonet or whatever).
If they were not so lethal, these weapons would qualify as works of art, this isn’t a joke, the barbarian has tried many, liked the look and feel of most of them.
Frank P @ 23:10
Explain, please, why you expected Baron to be overtaken by ‘a touch of schizoid rage’? He read it twice, nothing new there except for the inclusion of Jeffrey into the bleat.
What the omni-all one doesn’t say is who was it that made the two villains he mentions in the piece to get so prominent, allowed them to enrich themselves, let them unpunished? Why not, what do you reckon?
And please do try to respond. The barbarian has noticed you seldom respond, keep quiet for few days, then re-join the fray challenging the barbarian with another helping of the verbal vomit by the omni-all. Baron has told you he’s given up responding to him, no point really, the man is driven by nothing but pure hatred of things Russians, it’s an emotion, it can never serve as a base for objectivity, but it must appeal to anyone who’s prejudiced, right?
What amazes the barbarian is the omni-all one hasn’t yet discovered a direct link between today’s atrocity at Westminster and Putin, still, give him a day or two, he may, it’s such a marvellous opportunity, and you would lap it no doubt.
Apologies, as always, for the errors, tiredness mostly.
The Donald scores again, and it’s probably just the beginning of the story:
Baron – 22:41
It’s part and parcel of living in a big city. (Especially a city more populous than Scotland.)
At least we don’t have that tw*t David INTDWI Cameron in Number 10.
What is most alarming is that a man with just an agenda, a car and two knives can do so much damage.
Another example, a fresh one, of the man of Kremlin mortal danger to us, Frank must be rejoicing seeing this, it confirms his prejudices are not for nothing, they do reflect reality so well, the omni-all will do a piece about it, he must, NATO should really hit the KGB colonel, who does he think he is …..
Katie sums it up well, that’s what many must also feel:
RobertRetyred @ 00:07
You recall what 18 determined men with little weaponry did in 2001 in NY, Robert?
Should we really accept atrocities to be part and parcel of a modern rainbow Britain?
Baron – 00:27
The London Mayor thinks so!
And this, in Bedford, from over a year ago:
I think I’ve said this before here but what gets me about these attacks is the enormous cost to us in psychological, liberty, and fear never mind the cost in financial terms.
And what cost to them, a car a knife and a supporter of Islam.
John 0649
After 7/7, my children would not go by tube for a number of years. The mad bastard drove down the Westminster Bridge cycle lane an I will think a few times before taking my bike (power assisted) in the cycle lanes for a while.
One sad thing is that they were forced to kill him.
Those who attack Parliament are usually put to the rack.
“Faukes confessed nothing the first racking, but did so when told “he must come to it againe and againe, from daye to daye, till he should have delivered his whole knowledge”
Beware of politicians who promise to keep you safe, (whilst taking away the ability for you to defend yourself.) How would the jihadi of yesterday have fared if subjects had been able to defend themselves and shot him?
And Hitchens on Monday’s story, the death of the traitorous, murdering terrorist Mcguinness and the future of NI’s minority protestant population in the Peoples’ Republic of Ireland.
Of course today’s terrorist is tomorrow’s Mandela, suitably anointed and sainted by the appeasers of the future, the new Rudds, Trusses and Mays, we can confidently expect the present day Choudray’s and Hamzas to be lauded for their heroism and political vision in a future Britain as the founders of the theocratic Islamic State that we are becoming.
Ok, this one is for the Colonel…
I think “Godders” may have a point there.
“Those who attack Parliament are usually put to the rack.”
Really? I refer to my post of 09.47
h/t James Delingpole “The best piece you’ll read on Martin McGuinness.”
“The morally illiterate obituaries to Martin McGuinness are just what he would have wanted” Douglas Murray
Unfortunately this is behind their £wall. Pls could somebody do a cut and past job from the Spectatesman
BBC local radio says it was a lone wolf attack.
Murray on Mcguinness
Well the obituaries for Martin McGuinness are in. And many are as morally illiterate as the man himself could have wished for. For instance, various obituarists have noted that the young McGuinness’s failure as a young man to get an apprenticeship as a mechanic started him off on the road to terror. Few of these eulogists have noted the many people across continents and generations who also failed to get apprenticeships (often for even more sectarian reasons) and yet strangely refused as a consequence to pick up some pliers and an Armalite and torture and kill their way to political power.
Other obsequies have been even stranger. Alex Salmond, for instance – perhaps recognising a fellow nationalist – praised Martin McGuinness as ‘a friend of Scotland’.
While recognising that Scottish Nationalists must claim their friends where they can these days, whatever his stance towards Scottish nationalism, McGuinness was not, of course, such a good friend to Scots. For instance he was not a friend to Peter Deacon Sime of Glasgow, shot by the IRA while on duty with the King’s Own Scottish Borderers in West Belfast in April 1972. The 22-year old Lance-Corporal Sime left a wife and an 18-month old child.
Nor was Martin McGuinness a great friend to the Glasgow-born 21-year old Paul Jackson. On the 28th November 1972 the organisation McGuinness was then heading chose to put a bomb at Long’s supermarket on Strand Road in Londonderry. Gunner Jackson was part of a bomb disposal team which went to disarm the device, but it exploded when they arrived, shattering his skull and killing the married father of two.
Nor was McGuinness a good friend to John Gibbons of Edinburgh who was killed on 5 May 1973 by a roadside bomb planted in Armagh by the IRA. Trooper Gibbons was 22 and married with one child.
Details, I know. But the list can – and does – go on and on. Not just the list of Scots, but the list of people from across these islands who lost their lives because of the IRA. And though one might have endless admiration and indeed awe for those people who lost a loved one and learned how to forgive the murderers, it requires an act of exceptional moral presumption to forgive the murderers on behalf of the bereaved, as our society now seems intent on doing.
‘But what about the violence on all sides’ some people keep demanding, as though those of us who deplore one set of murderers must by some necessity approve of another. This historical and moral ignorance matters, because it is at moments such as this, in consideration of past violence, that our attitudes towards present and future violence will be formed.
Presently it is being made to appear as though there is something not just uncharitable but churlish in not admiring a man who spent the best years of his life torturing and killing people only then – when the possibility of achieving his ‘goal’ looked further off than ever – for the same man to choose not to torture and kill people any longer. As I have pointed out many times over the years, the people to be admired in the Troubles are not the ones who butchered people and then decided to stop butchering people, but the people who never started butchering people in the first place.
My new colleague Stephen Daisley seems to regret the inability of people like me to recognise that it was only the people with guns who had power to give up. But if such regret exists it is because many of us with knowledge and experience of the conflict in Northern Ireland can point to too many people who abjured violence and thuggery throughout and who were continuously and consistently cast aside by a political process which seemed at times almost deliriously intent on rewarding the men of violence. To us it does not appear an inevitability that all that hatred should have been whipped up for all those years by the likes of Martin McGuinness and Ian Paisley only for the two of them to reconcile at the last and carve up all the political power between themselves. Whether or not the devil has the best tunes, he definitely turns out to have the darkest jokes.
As the obituaries of his ‘chuckle-brother’ also showed, McGuinness was fortunate to live into an age of such moral ineptitude. Like Gerry Adams and Alex Salmond, he lived into an era when you just had to talk the language of left-wing social justice to persuade a new generation of people that your life’s ambitions had mainly been in the realm of LGBT equality and a reduction of the wage-gap in order for your lifelong pursuit of bitter and bloody sectarian conflict to be overlooked. Even more strangely it is the victims of McGuinness and his organisation (like Lord Tebbit, who lives every day with the effects of the IRA’s ‘war’) who are now portrayed as the ‘ungenerous’ and hard-hearted ones.
Yet there is one bright light. For now that McGuinness is gone, perhaps we will finally get to the bottom of some other truths about him and his career and why he was indeed so very lucky. As I pointed out in the Spectator six years ago, the British government somewhere has the files on McGuinness’s involvement in multiple murders, in particular his involvement in the killing of Frank Hegarty. The government of John Major deliberately ‘disappeared’ these files in order to pursue their negotiations with the almost defeated IRA (the now textbook example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory). And as I imply in my book on the Bloody Sunday Inquiry there are many facts around McGuinness’s involvement on that and many other days which are yet to come out. They were never going to come out in McGuinness’s lifetime, but perhaps we can now hope that they will come out in ours.
Umm. Wolves return to Westminster? We have much to thank the liberals and the eco warriors for.
I dislike the term ‘lone wolf’, I don’t like being considered a judas goat staked out by my ‘elected representatives,’ no matter how solicitous of my safety they profess themselves to be.
No doubt it will transpire he was devout, on benefits, dutifully collected the jizya.
“loan rat” perhaps?
Noa 0949
But you use the rasping tongue and acerbic pen, not gunpowder and knives.
The wolf/rat I mean.
Marshal Roberts – 07:51
No jihadis required. If only cyclists in London and elsewhere would…
Stop cycling on the pavements, shouting at and endangering pedestrians.
Stop weaving around traffic especially at road junctions.
Obey speed limits, traffic signals, and the Highway Code generally.
Failing the above, Carry a donor card 😉
As for the burgeoning numbers of the undead driving “mobility scooters” full pelt, terrorising pedestrians in town centres… Don’t get me started on those ‘rards!
Noa – 10:06
Thank you.
From DW (Deutsche Welle)
Assange: ‘Only 1 percent of the CIA material has been published’
More popcorn in the TV lounge please, nurse.
If for nothing else you deserve a commendation for your 10-50. If the jihadists are to come to this country, blessed by those in authority who are all too eager to turn a blind eye to their antics, they could at least do us the courtesy of blowing the crap out of cyclists who are convinced the rules of the road do not apply to them and pedestrians are a legitimate target.
Apologies for any and all spelling mistakes, it’s the fuking yank spelling on this site, does my friggin ‘ead in.
Oh dear!
Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack ‘Not Islamic’
The Prime Minister has said the “Islamist” attack on Parliament was not “Islamic” and Islam is a “great faith”.
Taking on the role of a theologian, Theresa May insisted: “It is wrong to describe this as Islamic terrorism. It is Islamist terrorism. It is a perversion of a great faith.”
Speaking in Parliament, she also said the attack showed “the importance of all of our faiths working together, and recognising the values that we share”.
I think sticking to Brexit would be a good tactic for her to follow, even a good strategy. 🙂
RobertRetyred – 17:16
We have been betrayed. It doesn’t matter which party is in office they, and much of the Whitehall and the Westminister bubble, are all traitors in equal measures. I knew Treezer was a dhimmi when she donned that headscarf to meet “community leaders.”
Three cheers for Marine Le Pen who when asked to wear one, told them in no uncertain terms to “va te faire foutre!”
EC – 17:44
For some unknown reason, I am reminded of the saying, ‘It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.’.
I can’t think why! 🙂
CHANNEL 4 And GUARDIAN Sanctimony Backfires
Flabbot on BBC;
Nauseating. Is it on You Tube yet? FMOBB!!
Earth has not anything to show more unfair;
Dull would he be of eye who could pass by a sight so touching in its infamy.
This City now doth like a Hijab wear the horror of this dawning: silent bare.
Ships, towers, mosques and minarets lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky.
Gunpowder, bloodstains and bits of bodies, DNA lie.
Still reeking in the morning air.
Never did Sun more manifestly steep in its first splendour
Evil shock and ill.
Ne’er saw I, never felt, an anger so deep.
The blood stained River glideth at its own sweet will;
Dear God, both Upper and Lower Houses seem asleep
And all that mighty Parliament is lying – still.
[Not penned by William Wordsworth on Westminster Bridge Sep 3rd 1802 – but then he was into revolutions, wasn’t he?]
As I remarked earlier (CHWs passim)
“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”. That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.”
Enoch Powell, 20th April 1968
He never would have imagined the catastrophic impact, on what used to be England, of the mass immigration resulting from Heath’s and then Blair’s & Brown’s treachery!
Masood was a married father-of-three, former English teacher and a religious convert who was into bodybuilding, according to Sky News.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said this afternoon: ‘Masood was also known by a number of aliases. He was not the subject of any current investigations and there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack.
A number of aliases ????
One for each benefit claim.
Surely not.
Exactly how can you revise a death toll from 5 to 4.
It’s not some god forsaken battlefield with people lost in the mud.
If the barbarian were younger, still looking for a trade, going into candle manufacture or flower growing would be the thing.
Apologies for the flippancy, it may not be warranted, it seems though that it’s quite apt given the response our leaders favour, nothing on the horizon what would suggest this may change.
It is said there are some 15 hundred individuals, the common denominator being presumably members of a certain religious school, who may do us harm if they were not watched over, the cost must be more than pocket money, past evidence points their number is growing, we’re just about to de-couple from Europe, the future’s uncertain, tourism was one of the solid earners for the country, how many will decide to change the destination for their next holiday?
It may sound like exaggerating, but it isn’t. Imagine what would happen to the sales of baked beans if increasingly some buying the stuff were to be in danger of losing their life, would the sales of the nutriment boom or sink? The ‘ealth&safety’ would be on the makers, asking them to recall the cans, punishing them, possibly forcing them to close down. That’s what is likely to happen with baked beans, if the procedure followed that of the atrocities, the response would be a candle vigil every time anyone consuming the pulses were to drop dead.
Recently, The Germans expelled two would-be jihadists to the country of their parents. Couldn’t we consider something similar? The family of anyone committing an act adjudged to be a terrorist act should be automatically shipped back to the country it (or its predecessors) came form. It may seem barbarous, but Baron reckons it would be a powerful deterrent to anyone thinking of embarking on the jihadi track. After the Israelis decided to burn down the dwelling of the family that incubated a terrorist, the number of incidents dropped noticeably. A similar outcome would be likely if we did expel the families of those intending or actually doing us harm.
If not, there may come a time there won’t be enough candles to go round.
Second para: … that would suggest..third para: .. membership of a certain, forth para … punishing (not pushing) them … And that’s just what he noticed himself, sorry.
John birch @ 19:25
It’s quite believable, John, the guy was as ordinary as the many other followers of Allah, converts or not, one meets, yet it makes it that much more scary. How could one tell, more to the point, how could the authorities tell?
Here, they should have been smarter, he had misbehaved before, if the procedure the barbarian suggested at 20:11 were followed he wouldn’t be here (it assumes, of course we would have a proper control of our borders, not the shambolic control operated by the Brussels fruitcakes).
EC @ 19:23
One would hope those in governance would have got the message by now that one cannot built a society on diversity of cultures, particularly cultures that are polar opposites from each other re governance, only a cultural unity, a genuine one, not the fake one concocted in the verbiage of the gnomes of politics, could guarantee a society at ease with itself.
RobertRetyred @ 17:59
The great Joseph posted on the story on the Guido’s blog, at 17.00 hours today, three hours ago, already got 80 upticks. Have you seen it, Robert. Good man, he, nothing escapes him.
EC @ 17:44
One can have a smidgen of sympathy with the saintly One, EC, she didn’t set the rainbow train rolling, she’s only maintaining its direction, who knows how willingly.
Those who started it, couldn’t have imagined that there will appear a sizeable and growing bunch of people amongst out midst, who will refuse to subscribe to their progressive project, will push for an alternative, and push not only within the legal framework put together by the anointed, but outside of it, too.
Many of the statutes that we’re governed under tie the hands of those in power, they’re stuck, nobody wants to do the Donald (they cannot really, they would look at least silly doing a U-turn, at worst lose their cushy sinecures), the only way out is to vote someone in who isn’t tarnished with this rainbow crap of building a cohesive society.
But is there anyone anywhere close to the Donald? One can hardly dig up Enoch, can one.
That’s how it feels, but the MSM are likely to switch again soon telling us about the threat from Putin’s Russia. They have to for they are either unwilling or unable (or both) to face up to what will be the undoing of us, sooner or later, whatever the Ruskies do.
A could of interesting observations from the great Douglas:
‘A couple of’ not ‘a could of’, sorry, it’s not Baron’s fault, yet you have to suffer.
Two other atrocities today, in Foggia Italy and Antwerp, both predictably by North Africans.
But the Weatminster attacker was from Kent for Gods sake.
Not Luton, Bradford, Leeds or even Tunisia.
The Garden of England.
Could someone answer a simple equation?
Why wasn’t the Police Constable Keith Palmer, the 48-year-old husband and father, armed? Apparently, he was guarding the only allowable entrance to the House, the level of the threat is the highest ever, and he stood there without an arm?
If you answer then please answer the ‘question’, not the ‘equation’, sorry. The barbarian is signing off, he’s done enough damage to the language of the bard today.
March 23rd, 2017 – 17:44
I enjoyed your news about Marine Le Pen telling someone “va te faire foutre!”.
I’ve checked on the various translations of it, but to my ears it translates best as – “Go and get yourself f****d”.
I like to think that it was directed at a pink-hatted vocal female, because in such a case it would carry extra overtones that are especially apropos.
Baron 21-06
Cressida Dick.
Cressada Dick , Chief of the Met Police Service , failed to put an armed guard at the gate entrance to Parliament .
Mayor Sadiq said she was the `best possible person`.
Amber Rudd , Home Secretary , said she is ` an exceptional leader `.
Pay and Benefits : £5,204+ per week.
Radford NG (23:19)
Not a Commissioner in sight today; has Ms Dick taken over, yet? Or is it a ‘twixt and ‘tween cock-up (so to speak)?
Does anyone remember the GOD (no not Him – The Good Old Days) of Melanies blog, when she took the H.O.C. protection detail to task after some idiots scaled the walls? Those were the days! They should have paid attention.
Wonder what she has to say today, EC? Must pop over and look at her ‘tweets’, no pun intended. 🙂
Oh Dear, Cressida. Not a good start, if you’ve received the baton already!
Don’t even think about it EC! 🙂
Nigel Farage on Fox News (from 4:20)
Baron @ 21:06
Good question
Better question: why not restore the right to bear arms?
Frank P : 00-03
No Commissioner at the Met.
Deputy Commissioner in charge.
So orders should still come down to Hogan-Howe’s watch.
So who is responsible for this situation? Some combination of Mayor Khan and Home Sec. Rudd ?
Telegraph article (not on £/Premier web).
In search of Melanie’s tweets, I found this. A worthwhile visit to her new platform (available still on our sidebar):
Time to remember our renegade roots.
Given Don Trumpo’s problem with his tweets, I’ve decided that it would be one affliction too many for me. So please keep me posted about hers.
This Obamacare/Trumpcare battle is a Godsend to the Dems/Never Trumpers.Why don’t they learn anything from our weaponised NHS? The GOP is ripping itself to pieces. Fools!
‘BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On It’
‘NSA To Provide “Smoking Gun” Proof Obama Spied On Trump’
Malfleur : 00-43.
Now you mention it :
In 1793 the Mayor of Nottingham shot dead a member of a Tory mob attacking his house .
He was praised for upholding an Englishman’s right to defend his home. A certain Blackner , in his `History of Nottingham` (1815) claims it , as an inalienable right of all Englishmen, the right to defend their own property even if it comes to killing people who may be presumed to be attacking it.
Radford NG (00:45)
Thanks for that; due to erratic health issues, I’m losing track of NSY. Must try to wrench myself from FNN and get back to knobbing Sky and the Beeb. But after watching agitprop snce the early 50s, I need a rest. All my contacts at the Big House are now either part of the Hades Crime Squad or The Celestial Criminal Intelligence Service. For some reason I am still in limbo, obviously pre-punishment is not yet complete. Watching current geopolitical madness unfold is obviously ” l’epreuve du Feu.”
… meantime – back to FNN:
Eric Bolling is in for BO’R tonight. Trouble at t’mill over last night’s talking points? Hmmnn.
Baron, Radford, I would not blame Cressida Dick.
Her boss, Rambling Rudd must have walked past this guy every day.
What is it about Putin and Presidential elections?
“Marine Le Pen has approved Russia’s takeover of Crimea and wants EU sanctions lifted
France’s far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is in Russia for talks with senior officials.
In Moscow, the National Front (FN) leader will meet Russian MPs, but it is not clear whether she will also hold talks with President Vladimir Putin.
Ms Le Pen favours strong links between France and Russia, and wants the EU to lift sanctions imposed on Moscow over the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.
The Kremlin also looks favourably on Ms Le Pen, a BBC correspondent says.
Ms Le Pen’s visit – her fourth to Russia since 2011 – comes ahead of the two rounds of French presidential elections on 23 April and 7 May.
Each time she has been treated in Moscow with the kind of respect that few other capitals are prepared to give her, the BBC’s Hugh Schofield in Paris says.”
Just who is in charge at the Met ?
The acting Commissioner has been withdrawn from the case as he was a witness to the attack.
Mark Rowley , head of counter terrorism policing , is acting deputy commissioner.
He has stated : ” ….Our muslim communities will feel anxious…..given the past behaviour of the extreme-right wing “.
Mark Rowley of the Met warns about extreme-right wing.
So Mark Rowley will now be withdrawn from the case for having similarly disqualified himself?
Adrian from Kent. Hmm.
I recall that the one English Pope was called Adrian.
Really a sock puppet for Nicholas Breakspear.
He dissuaded Henry II from getting involved in the Iberian crusades.
Radford NG 0803
“The Acting Commissioner Craig Mackey is being treated as a significant witness as he was at the scene when the incident started. Whilst he is not injured, it would be inappropriate for him to talk about the incident at this stage. Ours and his thoughts are with all those involved and those responding to both incidents.”
Marshal Roberts – 06:21
“What is it about Putin and Presidential elections?”
One might also be tempted to ask, “What is it about the BBC and elections?”
The author, “a BBC correspondent”, disqualifies themselves from further serious consideration by immediately invoking the term “far-right.” It’s one on the primary markers of a fake news organisation. The rest of the article doesn’t disappoint either.
The FN is, of course, primarily a socialist movement.
How does Marine Le Pen visiting Moscow constitute Mr Putin interfering in the French election, as you implied?
Not that you’d ever catch the Yanks interfering with foreign elections, though, eh? We are all greatly indebted to President Obama putting in a personal appearance in the UK days before the referendum last June 23rd. His hectoring speech, telling us to “vote remain, or else…” really swung it for BREXIT 🙂
Mark Rowley (head of counter terrorism) was mildly taken to task the other week by John Humphreys on the `Today` programme [Radio 4] for muddying the waters by describing the death of Jo Cox MP as an act of terrorism.
Rowley,the State appointed anti-terror officer,based his defence on statements from other state police persons, the state prosecution service and the state appointed judge: this is all a closed circle. Doubts were raised about this at the time (not to go into them now).
Simular comments were made by the same rank of state agents about the Birmingham 6 and the Guildford 4 : innocent people sentenced to `life`for the crimes of Martin McGuinness.
Currently the state agents ( from Teresa May down ) are in denial as to the real problem and are always linking actual terrorism to fantasized far-right extremism.
The `Today` item can be heard at 15:42 on the item below :
Herbert Thornton, March 23rd, 2017 – 22:11
Just for you!
Very Fake News – latest examples from CNN,MSNBC and ABC
Richard Littlejohn says smug MPs sowed seeds of terror
Deja vu or we’ve been here before.
Mr Boot cries out in the wilderness about the vacuum of leadership in Britain and the West.
Good! 🙂
May ‘FINALLY set to block EU access to British fishing waters if Brexit talks fail’
THERESA May is reportedly preparing to deny EU vessels access to British fishing waters if Brexit talks break-down.
The Prime Minister is set to announce Britain’s withdrawal from the London Conventions Act 1964 – which gives Brussels states access to between six and twelve nautical miles from the UK’s shores, according to the Times.
The London Convention would allow a number of European states to access the UK’s fishing grounds even if the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy is torn up as it pre-dates Britain’s entry into the crumbling Brussels bloc.
UK fishing rights: Come on chaps, we need 60K more signatures to ensure this is debated in parliament.
I hope that the too rapid exit of Ms. May from the Houses of Parliament as the muslim terrorist closed in on her will have brought home to the Prime Minister what damn fools successive British governments have been on the matter of Islamic immigration, legal and illegal.
One or two Wallsters did their bit a few years back to ensure that Tommy Robinson did not lead a grass roots movement effectively against islam in Britain. Perhaps now would be the right time to republish the article on him which Peter bravely put up in 2012 or 2013 was it? What might have been!
The grip of the totalitarian state tightens:|grp|brand|na|group_newsletter|control|mar17|article1|button|PE0434&utm_source=group-newsletter-March25&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Group%20Newsletter%202017
Who paid Saga to scare the shit out of its geriatric punters??
Mrs Frank P – “What do they do with all that money they collect?”
I just spent half an hour telling her. Top of the list was Lorne Green, the Bonanza PCC. The downwards through Common Purpose seminars, etc. etc. You can imagine the rest – or substitute your own pet parasites.
March 24th, 2017 – 08:59
“…..We are all greatly indebted to President Obama putting in a personal appearance in the UK days before the referendum last June 23rd. His hectoring speech, telling us to “vote remain, or else…” really swung it for BREXIT”
Hear, hear! It is a fact, apparently unknown to Obama, that the more someone tells one what to do, or how to vote, the more likely one is to do the complete opposite. Natural human contrariness, I suppose. After seeing Branson, Becker, Carney et al badmouthing the Leave campaign, many would be forgiven for thinking “whatever that lot want, I don’t want it, on principle”.
This also applied to the U.S. when after Obbie had finished prancing around the country telling everyone to vote for she of the private e-mail scandal, they voted for Donald instead.
EC (13:48)
Done. Thanks, I had missed that one. Passed it on.
Frank P – 14:59
First we have a DPP trying her best to introduce prosecution targets & conviction quotas, and now Crime and income based punishment?
A slippery slope!
There is an item on my 2017/2018 Council Tax Bill, “PCC for Mordorshire” £245.
Is this all for Lorne Green’s counterpart or does some of it go on his men, to keep them neatly trimmed – with a supply razor blades etc. ?
EC (15:32)
🙂 🙂 Indeed.
Here’s a distraction – just in from the Naughty Neice:
“If we could convince the Chinese that the Jihadists’
testicles are an aphrodisiac, they could be extinct in ten
Not sure whether she means the Chinks or the muzzies? 🙂
Some interesting background to the Met mouthpiece Rowley who yesterday made astonishing comments about the danger of right-wing groups (not even far-right groups!) after the Islamist terror murders.
A graduate BA who joined the police as a Constable in 1987 and was a Chief Superintendant by 2000 but yesterday seemed barely able to read a script!
On the news, Westminster terrorist had worked in Saudi Arabia as a teacher. First you can not just walk into Saudi, you have to have a written invitation from your prospective employer. Most imp[important you have to have documentary evidence of your qualification submitted to the embassy before a visa is issued. The Saudis have some questions to answer, and our government must ask them and not waste any time in doing so.
Of course Stephen, Ms May will be straight onto King Salman demanding answers which will be given by return.
Forgetting of course that the whole Al Qaeda/IS debacle was initiated by the Saudi Wahhabi Mafia.
Wahhabism continues to condemn all other Muslims. It cites the Quran’s description of war made against unbelievers in the first centuries of Islam to justify, indeed to demand, unceasing war to the death against other less observant Muslims and especially against non-Muslim unbelievers. This war against the “infidels” is the jihad, a moral obligation of every true Muslim. The Wahhabis, however, insist on an understanding of jihad that other Muslims have long since left behind. For the great majority of “the faithful,” jihad has long been divided into the “Greater Jihad” and the “Lesser Jihad.” The lesser jihad is the jihad of war, death and blood. The greater jihad is the inner struggle of every pious Muslim to bring himself closer to God through self-denial, charity and a moral life. This was not, and is not, the Wahhabi way. For them, the unbeliever, including non-Wahhabi Muslims, must accept their view of orthodox religious practice or suffer the consequences.
The Wahhabi/Ikhwan movement believes that the Islamic world is corrupt and that the West has corrupted it. They believe deeply that existing governments in their countries must be brought down to make way for a “pure” Islamic life.
So a drive across Westminster Bridge and knifing a few parliamentarians is pure Wahhabism.
Do not listen to those who talk about madmen and lone wolves.
American Healthcare Act. RIP. No vote (no point!). Let Obummer care implode. Trouble is once socialist cradle to grave has poisoned the well, it can’t be removed. Vide Nye Bevan.
God Bless the Right-Wing Social Justice Warriors – Taki’s Magazine
Is anybody surprised? –
What jobs can the Donald create for that half of Detroit’s population that’s lacking in the literacy department?
This explains why the barbarian’s MacBook Air misbehaves:
A beautiful summer’s day, two English tourists are driving through Wales, at Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogoch they stop for lunch, one of the tourists asks the waitress ‘before we order, you could settle an argument for us, can you pronounce where we are very, very, very slowly, please?’ The girl leans over and says, ‘Burrr gurrr king’.
‘Stop Soros’ Movements Emerging in Eastern Europe…
“But to assert – as Mrs May did – that Islamism is therefore not Islamic is demonstrably ridiculous.”
Malfleur March 24th, 2017 – 14:55
“One or two Wallsters did their bit a few years back to ensure that Tommy Robinson did not lead a grass roots movement effectively against islam in Britain…”
Even by your own very remarkable standards the idea that we Wallsters prevented Tommy Robinson leading a ‘grass roots movement’ is fake news par excellence.
“did their bit” Noa – back to English class.
WILLIAM BINNEY, former Technical Director of the National Security Agency introduced and interviewed on Friday by Alex Jones at about 7.00 minutes in to the 2nd Hour here:
I recommend the interview with Larry Klayman which follows the one with Binney.
“Like Trump, Ronald Reagan had his early—and painful—baptism of fire. But the 40th President bounced back and entered into the pantheon of American immortals. Yes, he made mistakes, but he knew how to recover from them, and keep his eye on the agenda ahead. History smiles on such leaders.
In addition, Virgil remembers the wise words of Ronald Reagan, who had his share of defeats—and more than his share of victories. Quoting an old Scottish ballad, he liked to say, in tough situations, “We are hurt; we are not slain. We’ll lie us down and rest a bit, and then we’ll fight again.” That was the optimistic, don’t-let-‘em-get-you-down spirit that made Reagan the effective leader that he was.”
Baron 2200
Or from 2009-
On a beautiful summer’s day, two English tourists were driving through Wales.
At Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogoch they stopped for a snack lunch, and one of the tourists asked the blonde waitress,
‘Before we order, I wonder if you could settle an argument for us.
Can you pronounce where we are, Very, Very, Very Slowly?’
The blonde leaned over and said …
” Maaaack …….. Donnnnnnn …… alllllllddssss” !
From the Conservative woman website
The great Godfrey Elfwick summed up the idiocy of the liberal left on terror beautifully :
“Brendan Cox is correct. 37 Islamic attacks across Europe don’t represent Muslims. Unlike Thomas Mair who spoke for everyone who voted Leave.”
Marshal Roberts @ 07:40
Possibly better one, but the barbarian hasn’t heard it before hence any mutation will do, Marshal.
Here’s the schedule of indictments: counsel for defence, please?:
Love him or loath him, the old curmudgen does put his shit together well. 🙂
Marshal Roberts @ 07:34
He, the Donald, may ‘fight again’, Marshal, but it won’t get him far unless he regains the initiative, he, his team seem to be responding to events, always chasing things up, explaining instead of initiating events, he must also stop ‘mellowing’ on his promises.
Those who oppose him still do, those who backed him are beginning to fall off from the team as he scales down or trims on what he promised to carry out before the election.
And not only that Baron,
“Donald Trump could be forced to leave office over the investigations into his administration’s links with Russia, a former national National Security Agency (NSA) analyst has warned.
John Schindler, a security expert and former counterintelligence officer, said that if the US President was to face an indictment over allegations his campaign team colluded with Russia to disrupt the presidential election, it could put an end to his presidency.
Speaking to CBC radio, Mr Schindler said: “If, not just people around him, but the president himself is facing possible indictment down the road, that could be a game changer. He could be removed from office for that, whether he wants to be or not.”
Frank P – 10:12,
“Here’s the schedule of indictments: counsel for defence, please?:”
“Ooo, you are awful…” 🙂
An acquittal? Only the infamously gifted Charles Waterstreet could pull that one off!
CHW History Buffs: As an ignoramus seeking enlightenment, the question I would like to ask is… During which period in the many centuries of its existence has Russia ever been ruled over by any person or regime that could be considered “nice”? You know, like us CHWallsters…
Miraculously, despite reportedly being “thrown from a 4th floor window”, Mr Gorokhov escaped death and permanent injury and is expected to make a full recovery… albeit, by the sound of it, a temporary one!
A wicked world, ennit!
EC (11:37)
Heh, heh, heh.
[Incidentally – as we have limited access to emoticons on this platform: that three word response indicates a resigned and smiling, albeit enigmatic, chuckle; as opposed to “he, he, he” which is more likely to be an expression of mischievous, if not indeed malicious intent. But in the cybersphere the absence of body language can sometimes lead to misunderstanding.]
Marshal Roberts (11:13)
Isn’t that the ” Independent ” – one of the ” British ” rags owned by Evdeny Lebedev, that other well-known English patriot?
What a tangled web ….
Its a pity teles lost interest in us because I would like to hear his answer to this. (Genuinely)
As a Muslim, I am Shocked by Liberals and Leftists
Tele is a strange person( or group ???) they seem to be oblivious to the obvious and you wonder why, have they not grown up and realised their student ideas were nonsense.
The 1960s ideas were built on foundations of nonsense and they still believe it even though all the evidence is against them.
We are tribal , we like being with our own kind.
That’s why Muslims form ghettos, they don’t want to be with us, they just want to inhabit our country
Another David Wood production:
Debunked-PM Calls London Terror Attack “Perversion of a Great Faith”
Frank P 1258
Evgeny Lebedev’s famous friends are eager to tell you what a darling he is.
“Piers Morgan says that he is ‘one of the most charming, well-connected, exotically attired and fascinating figures in English society right now’. Stephen Fry says that ‘for a man of his power, status and wealth, he is endlessly teaseable and humorous’. Boris Johnson says that he is ‘a major force for good’ and ‘a very generous soul’. ”
So the turncoat Carswell turns again: Always new he was a bad ‘un. I liked the “I won’t be joining the Tory Party.” ‘King right! The chance would be a fine thing, presumably. 🙂
Some useful tabulation:
The new footage of of the lax security at the HOC at the time of this week’s ‘lone rat’ incident should lead to the Met. Commissar being sacked. Problem is – which one? The outgoing or the incoming. The locum has recused himself for the duration. 🙂
Douglas Carswell QUITS UKIP to become independent
Robert Retyred (13:10)
Tell Archie Cuntsbury. He’s been attit again: INTDWI ….
… and see my 13:07 (just to join the dots to your 13:21. 🙂
Frank P March 24th, 2017 – 14:59
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it does seem draconian and perhaps devised by righteous, London-dwelling, lycra-clad gerbils on bicycles who worship Caroline Lucas as a goddess. On the other hand when conforming to the speed limits in rural villages I often find a mad young cow in a plasticised 4×4 on the school run sitting mere inches from my rear bumper and glaring at me. Women drivers seem to tailgate more than men. Driving deliberately closely to show impatience is a very aggressive thing and I’m tempted to make an emergency stop but often, unbelievably, these fast-driving, tailgating women have small children with them.
Colonel Mustard (13:34)
Concur with all your points there: but the issues of arbitary robot-detected offences, decreed in bureacratic backrooms, by greedy revenue collectors who adjust penalties to pay for their perks, while denuding the streets of reasonable enforcers with discretionary common sense to control boorish behaviour, is my complaint. And that proceeds exponentially in myriad
ways. Moreover your justified complaints are not addressed. I’ll leave EC to deal with the lycra issue, it provokes his purple prose. But if I may be allowed to mitigate that last point a little: the pharmacist in our local ASDA sells mens’ ankle socks with high lycra content which neither stops your circulation nor goes floppy on you (unlike Hall’s soft-tops (hitherto my choice), which fulfil the circulatory prerequisite but definitely droop after the first couple of washes). 🙂 Not a commercial btw, just a tip.
Carswell hasn’t quit, he was never In in the first place.
HOW come my comments have awaiting moderation on them. ????
AND that one
Just a snapshot from the DE:
1) Poland and Greece plot Brussels MUTINY
2) ‘They SHAFTED us!’ Ireland will punish Brussels with shock EU exit, says Dublin think tank
3) Now Brussels set to slap ANOTHER Brexit bill on UK with demands for €100BN for ‘EU army’
4) Brussels mayor warns: All our mosques are being controlled by Salafists
5) EU leaders meet in Rome but growing Euroscepticism in Italy threatens to TORPEDO bloc
6) ‘EU anniversary is NOTHING to celebrate’ Leading economist predicts bloc collapse by 2023
And still Tim Farron will lead thousands of anti-Brexit protesters on a march through Westminster!
Pat gets into the groove:
It’s all been said before, but can’t be repeated often enough – and he does have a clever way of repackaging. I hope his paucity of hits on this one are not an indication that people on the right are becoming complacent and bored with the plain truth of Islamic jihad. Therein lies submission; its aim!
OTOH it’s the deluded left that needs to heed his warnings; probably something it is genetically incapable.
Lovely day in Narfuck, constant sun and 360 horizon to horizon cerulean sky. Chilly easterly though, which my diluted claret shrinks from braving.
Hence this stream of drivel. I’ll get me coat!
Robert Retyred.
Tim Fallon “will lead”?? FMOBB. Now there’s a case of the boggle eyed baby berk leading the blind!
But one hopes that the Dublin ” think tank” has stumbled onto something and implements it.
Colonel Mustard 1334
“How to deal with aggressive tailgaters
This one’s simple: as soon as you can, and it’s safe to do so, let them pass. That’s it.
Not everyone will agree, and aggressive tailgaters clearly press a lot of motorists’ buttons.
It can be tempting to hold them up, wind them up, think up tricks that will make them mad.
But it’s just not worth it. No-one benefits and there’s nothing to be gained by doing so.
‘They’re not about to back off’
Peter Rodger, head of driving standards at the Institute of Advanced Motorists, says: “The thing is with these drivers, they’re already aggressive. So they’re not about to back off.
“Anything you do to try and make them back off will just make them more unpredictable.”
So not only is there nothing to be gained by getting your own back on tailgaters, but you’re potentially creating an extra problem.
You could easily trigger road rage, which is only going to make the situation worse.
If you’re just further enraging the driver behind, it’s difficult to see how anyone’s going to win. Don’t feed the trolls.”
Not sure I agree.
These aggressive women need winding up.
RobertRetyred 1533:
Farron as usual has done himself a lot of good.
James Delingpole at his best published a series of posts made against himself for daring to challenge the climate fascists:
“Delingpole is clearly a stooge for the oil industry but his denial of the Great Barrier Reef’s damage over the last two Australian summers is lowdown and dispicable even for him.
The guy is actually , properly mentally unwell and should quite clearly be sectioned before he becomes a danger to himself and others. I mean what other explanation is there for peddling a belief so comprehensively wrong.
Isn’t James Delingpole in fact an algorithm, probably Kremlin-designed, randomly trying to create environmental disinformation?
Boycott America until they smarten up. It’s the only thing they understand!
Like Katie Hopkins, Delingpole is a one-note hack who has to knock out 1000 words in time for a deadline day after day, week after week. It’s how he stays afloat, and it’s much easier to crank out instant yah-boo-sucks pieces like this one than devote any serious thought to anything. He’s not worth wasting time on.
Adolf Hitler always said that when lying to tell the most outrageous ones possible because they are far more likely to be believed.
Fake news eh,Delingpole or whatever?Well come up to QLD central where I live and I will take you out in the boat to have a look.
Careful of the tiger sharks they have been pretty cranky lately.I think they are hungry.
That snivelling little toady? A waste of a bullet.
“Enemy of the people, James Delingpole, lies again ” would be a good headline for most articles that include him.
An article titled “The lies of James Deilingpole” would be a useful in depth review of the genre of denials of fact and a fairly cost effective way to produce a full size article on the subject.
Who actually reads this brightfart or whatever its called?
How much funding comes the way of these jokers from the fossil fuel industry? Or is that a fake question?
James Delingpole is another extreme far right brainless dingbat who should be ignored by sane people everywhere.
This is unbearable. How did such complete morons come to have such power and influence?
Why do the police force and the government spend so much money stalking and intimidating environmental activists who are just fighting a bloody hard fight to defend the earth we ALL depend on from arse-scum like this guy?
Line ’em up and blow their fucking peanut brains out of their heads, they don’t use them anyway. Why are we allowing this sub moronic scum to promote this flat earth bullshit because it’ll get us all killed, and quite possibly within ten years?”
No English lessons required, your sly insinuations from a safely distant sanitorium, from which you seek to provoke and incite, demonstrate clearly what you are.
Marshal Roberts @ 11:13
And the Republic will gift the Presidency to the Clinton woman backed by her Podesta’s team, right?
Noa March 25th, 2017 – 17:01
Marshal Roberts (13:06)
I tried to read Freddy Gray’s prolix piece but became bored shitless halfway through and gave up. Did I miss anything important?
Frank P March 25th, 2017 – 14:49
Fully concur re the fines.
Thanks for the socks tip!
Marshal Roberts (16:29)
Have you tried keeping your right foot on the gas and just touching the brake with your left foot to activate the warning light? It’s usually quite effective – but be careful, your left foot can get confused, particularly if you are still using a shift-gear and clutch jobbie.
I think Gavin is trying to be Billy Connolly’s replacement but probably won’t make it:
Frank P – 15:47
Perhaps it is that the others will follow. Some may just be inquisitive 🙂 They will be those carrying provisions, a first aid kit, (distress) flares and a life jacket.
I saw this post, here:
Ian Wragg
Posted March 25, 2017 at 11:34 am | Permalink
Just returning from Europe there is precious little to celebrate.
Across the Po valley in Northern Italy there are swathes of industries boarded up.
In Spain there are thousands of villas and apartments for sale. Shops abandoned and youngsters hanging around with no jobs.
There are immigrants everywhere living in makeshift accommodation (etc ed [by JR]).
Not many waving the flag.
[JR] Reply No, that is interesting. I was struck in Amsterdam recently by the presence of many Dutch and Amsterdam flags and no EU ones.
I am not surprised that I haven’t seen this on the BBC – I don’t watch the propaganda on their programmes labeled news/current affairs.
Colonel Mustard – 17:24
Frank P – 14:49
The elasticated top jobbies on offer at most places are real bastards. Like an effing tourniquet!
The ASDA socks that Frank describes are brilliant. I bought six pairs in January to take on holiday. (without the intervention of Mrs EC that’s at least 3 months worth)
When donning a pair of new socks I ponder what it must be like to be rich, never having to wear the same socks twice.
Frank P – 13:07
Is Carswell, I wonder, going to do the honorable thing, resign his seat and stand as an independent? I’m not holding my breath for the announcement.
“When donning a pair of new socks I ponder what it must be like to be rich, never having to wear the same socks twice.”
Surely one of the simple pleasures of wealth is knowing that one’s Dhobi wallah has hand washed rinsed, softened, stretched, folded and stored ones’ garments, ready for the manservant to lay out in the dressing room….
EC – 18:37
Carswell has said not, he will stay as an Independent:
I will not be switching parties, nor crossing the floor to the Conservatives, so do not need to call a by election, as I did when switching from the Conservatives to UKIP.
While I can see your point, I’m not going to ‘go on a march’ over it. 🙂 The country is in ‘just get Article 50 invoked and onward’ mode, even most Remainers. (I thank them.) Carswell won’t vote much differently in the future and party politics has almost been obscured at Westminster by Brexit, with Remainer May leading the Brexiters (I think/hope), someone here questioning whether Tim Farron can lead a march and Corbyn not even trying.
Sometimes life isn’t tidy: Carswell’s constituency wanted Brexit, so he just needs to support the Brexit May, not the Tory May (which doesn’t exist, by the way!) 🙂
It will be interesting to see what evolves. My posts @ 15:33 & 18:29 highlight the state of the EU. The reply to the quoted post (about Greece) on the JR thread is even more dismal.
The EU may change its tune once A50 has been invoked, but if it doesn’t, I can’t see a happy ending, as specified in the EU treaty 🙂 and, with so much up for grabs and so uncertain, I think an early General Election looks unlikely, unless circumstances change, of course! 🙂
There will be a load of MEPs looking for new roles, and I expect knowledgeable people needed to run what the EU used to run, but is that a case of two problems creating one solution, or not? 🙂
A message from Paul Nuttall,
As you will know, Douglas Carswell has announced today that he is resigning from UKIP, to sit as an independent MP. He has said that he is doing this “cheerfully and amicably”.
This is not a surprise. I was elected on a pledge to forge unity in the party, and have had many discussions with key players to try and make that happen, but it had become increasingly clear to me that some things were simply beyond reach.
Douglas was genuinely committed to Brexit, but was never a comfortable Ukipper. On Monday, he had been due to meet with the National Executive Committee to answer various questions relating to longstanding issues, including published allegations that he had joined us in order to try to minimise Nigel Farage’s involvement in the Referendum.
Douglas’s defection to UKIP in 2014, along with Mark Reckless, and the two by-elections we fought successfully for them, proved that UKIP was capable of getting members elected to Parliament – albeit, it was still a tough task (as I know only too well, personally).
Our party has not benefited financially or organisationally from having Douglas in Westminster. With this in mind, his departure will make no difference to my ability or focus on delivering the reforms I promised when elected as Leader.
As we redefine our mission and take up the next phase of our campaign to rebuild a confident, independent nation, Douglas would have been increasingly out of kilter with our members’ aspirations.
We now have an opportunity to put behind us the most damaging internal conflict which has dogged us over the past year, and look forward with optimism and unity of purpose to the very real challenges of policing Brexit and further reforming the vigorous democracy of the UK.
Kind regards
Well, I for one am mystified about what UKIP currently represents.
What, one asks, is a ‘vigourous democracy’? As Mr Boot would acquaint him it is simply a ballot, a counting methodology. And one that has not served UKIP well so far.
On the plus side keeping the 4.4 million UKIP voters in the dark over future intentions means that they might still vote for him in the event of a snap GE.
Or they may not.
Fingers off Cressida’s, on yer Lycras Mr N! And get a shave!
RobertRetyred – 15:33
Just a snapshot from the DE, continued:
7) EU set for ANOTHER political earthquake? Swedish party that wants referendum LEADS poll
8 ) ‘The EU experience is over’ Protesters take the streets of Rome as leaders gather – THE eternal city became the city of protest with no fewer than SIX European Union rallies taking place on the streets of Rome.
Nothing to be surprised about – just move along there, nothing to see:
Pope Francis Tells EU Leaders: Populism Is ‘Egotism’
Carswell welcomed back by the Conservatives, he had never left them.
For those interested in modern Russia may I recommend Peter Conradi’s well written knowledgeable and informed book “Who Lost Russia?”
For those interested in the subject I’ve hi-jacked the following review on Amazon, to save the labour of having to review and summarise the book myself and not doing it as well.
“By Dr Barry Clayton TOP 500 REVIEWER on 16 Feb. 2017
Format: Hardcover
Conradi first went to Moscow I988 as a Reuters correspondent. Wherever he went he was watched and tracked. His apartment was regularly searched. He left in 1995, returning in 2016 to research this interesting book. He found a different place. Moscow was more affluent. The first McDonalds had served thousands by the end of day one. However, the mood of the people hsd altered. Optimism and euphoria had been replaced by resignation, grievance and wounded pride. Conradi’s account sets out to find out how and why Russia has changed over the past 25 years. He does so through the prism of its relations with the West.
Many commentators are claiming we are heading towards a new Cold War. The key reasons are : the character and actions of President Putin in the Crimea, Georgia and the Ukraine ; the wounded national pride, and the desire of Russians to find a place in the sun , a desire reminiscent of the Kaiser’s in 1914. This is a tale of misunderstandings, high hopes and missed opportunities.
The author sketches a balanced survey of the actions of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin. The latter’s flexing of Russia’s military muscles is particularly disturbing. Military force has and is being used together with propaganda, cyber warfare, bribery, corruption, threats and even murder to quell dissidents at home and abroad. As a result, the Baltic states, Finland, Sweden and Poland are increasingly on edge . Russia’s support for Assad and its fanning of troubles in the Balkans is also creating concern in the West.
Given the state of Britain’s armed forces and Obama’s reluctance to use America’s , Russia’s growing military might is worrying. This is why President Trump’s warning to his NATO allies that they must contribute more or the US will withdraw is extremely important. Russia’s superiority in battlefield nuclear weapons makes it crucial that the the West increases its conventional forces.
Putin is a lawyer, an excellent chess player, a master at Judo and very fond of himself. Photos showing off his physical attributes , preferably on horesback, have been plentiful. His time in the KGB is also important . Putin is on record as saying he is determined to put Russia on the map again. He has gone to great lengths to resurrect the memory of the Tsars. Bookshops now have pictures and books which extol the memory of the Tsars. Putin has no great love of Lenin. A forthcoming book by Robert Service will amply provide evidence for this. Putin has said on many occasions that the collapse of the USSR in 1991 was a geopolitical disaster. He is determined to use. Western weakness to restore Russia’s economic and military power. He will not allow Syria to fall under Western control. That this vast land of independent states can be sidelined by the West is, of course, ridiculous as well as being impossible. Whether we like it or not , Russia cannot be ignored. The swagger of Bush while claiming that the US was now the only superpower is not only misplaced it is dangerous.
What is needed urgently, as this book and many others have shown, is a coherent Western policy that replaces the old style containment that has guided America since the end of the Cold War. Today, the level of hostility in Russia to the West is at an all time high. Sanctions have failed to curb Putin. Obama’s policy was an abject failure. It remains to be seen if Trump’s more collaborative approach will work. What must cease is a President at loggerheads with his intelligence agencies. This can only weaken western endeavor and boost Putin’s position. One of the West’s most difficult tasks is to convince Putin that he is not surrounded by independent states intent on throttling Russia. Russia like America is an elephant in the room. If we are not careful the pygmies will get crushed.
The odd title is a reminder that in 1949 America ”lost” China to Mao.”
Are you a right wing SJW? Will you take the low road too?
“It is hard to see how Islamism will be eradicated, but one day it will. I wonder if the nature of terrorism (itself a relatively new phenomenon that started in the late 19th century) has changed forever. Terrorism’s roots lie with the Anarchists but are to a large extent a part of the phenomenon of total war that began with the Spanish Civil War and then the Second World War. In those wars civilians were massacred as a matter of course.
Terry Jones of Monty Python said all there was to be said about the war on terror when he said, in 2001, “What really alarms me about President Bush’s ‘war on terrorism’ is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? It’s rather like bombing murder.”
You can’t make war on Islamism, either, and you can’t stop an individual Islamist from killing innocent people, as may have happened last Tuesday.
What you can do is stop further immigration into Western countries from mostly Muslim ones. It won’t help solve the problem of terrorism, but it would help stop things getting worse over the next ten, twenty, thirty, or a hundred years.
At the same time you must prevent ordinary law-abiding Muslims from thinking the authorities are anti-Muslim. If they start to do so, things become very dangerous indeed. So the easiest thing to do is sharply reduce settlement in Europe by all non-Europeans.
How can this be squared with declining birth rates?
In this way: Immigrants could still come and work in Europe but leave after completing their contracts, just as Europeans do when they go to live in, for example, the Gulf.
This is exactly what Merkel, Macron, Juncker, etc. are determined never to do. So perhaps Trump is not so bad after all.”
Noa – 19:13
“Well, I for one am mystified about what UKIP currently represents.”
I think you are looking for a rabbit to appear out of a hat. And it won’t happen. Well, not for a while!
At the top of the list is Brexit. Assuming that Article 50 will be invoked on Wednesday, it is still a big assumption. It’s quite likely, but still an assumption. The negotiations are still ahead of us, and I do wonder what will happen as the EU appears completely disorganised.
All the more reason for the Prime Minister and the Government to be on their toes and for them to be aware of the massive support for Brexit within the country, from Brexit voters and especially from Remain voters, who had their fears magnified by Project Fear, but can now see how dysfunctional the EU is becoming and how, freed from alien politics, we can seize the new opportunities that will be created. This is where UKIP has been successful. In spite of its lack of electoral success, it has moved the political goal posts.
It needs to continue this task until it is irreversible.
After that, who knows? I suppose Labour, having obtained better working conditions for the working class etc, are wondering what their next goal will be. The Lib Dems don’t appear to have a meaningful goal to aim for (apart from a credible leader) and the Tories are ‘doing OK’, but they are not comfortable with themselves. The Greens will find their heads exploding after Climate Change is shown to be a scam, the climate gets a lot colder or when the National Grid fails big-time. And the national parties will be buffeted in the political storms, with the big parties working out what to do next.
In the mean time, UKIP needs to keep putting out sensible policy directions, and updating what it has already. We don’t know what it will represent in 2020, the likely date for the next election, because so much will change before then and it needs to respond to the members concerns about difficulties that either haven’t happened or are not being discussed in a constructive way. It is part of the reason why Brexit is so important: the EU stopped change happening, stopped people thinking and stopped the thinking people gaining influence.
I am frustrated at how slowly TM has conducted Brexit, but if I was in her position, I would do what she has done – let everyone mouth off and (hopefully) get everything sorted behind the scenes.
I hope she has done that, and I hope UKIP can do something similar 🙂
It is said that the differences between an average business and an excellent business are not found in the good times: the excellent business is more profitable because it is an excellent business. The difference is in the bad times, when the market is in the doldrums, where the excellent business will be preparing (often invisibly) for the good times. The poor business will just coast.
I am sure it is the same for political parties.
Noa – 21:26
As in Italy, comedians are having a better ‘stab’ at the intricacies of international politics, while the politicians are looking more like clowns. In Britain, we also had Rowan Atkinson making an effective argument on free speech just over four years ago.
“Ministers face an explosive row over migrant benefits amid claims that they are poised to violate another manifesto pledge as Theresa May fires the starting gun on Brexit this week.
EU migrants who have come to Britain will continue to be paid child benefit after Brexit to send to their families back home, under plans sent to ministers last week”
Behind the paywall, a useful site.
RobertRetyred March 25th, 2017 – 21:40
An interesting post, though I stand by my comments. If you know what political principles UKIP stands for, being they Conservative, Neo-conservative, Libertarian or Labour, please let me know.
Simply saying they must hold the government’s ‘feet to the fire’ whilst they negotiate Brexit is not a policy, it is a statement of fact and will happen regardless of UKIP.
Where they stand on key issues, including inter alia immigration, the national debt, controlling waste including NGOs, welfare including the NHS and foreign aid is unclear and unsatisfactory.
Are they moving to the Right or the Left, who knows.
If any Wallsters still subscribe to Sky TV, could you please advise me?
It is now impossible to talk to anyone other than a robot on their helpline, which permutates endless options, none of which are appropriate.
Q: If I use the “Catch up” tab to download an episode of a BBC drama that I missed, the request for my pin number appears on screen. Does that mean I will be billed? And if so – how much?
The robotic age continues apace. Moreover there seems to be no option to “cancel my subscription” – which after 20 minutes or so of fruitless bollocks, was one option that became more and more attractive. I suppose the answer is to block the direct debit function! Tempting….
Nuttall did well, in spite of the headline:
UKIP leader Paul Nuttall mocks and laughs at the idiot Douglas Carswell
Noa (11:40)
My sentiments exactly. It turned out to be the most disappointing political movement in the history of the UK – more so than even the Monster Looney Raving Party. At least Lord Sutch had a degree of self-awareness that was amusing. The UKIP cunts just qualify for derision. We are doomed to be ruled by one or another cabal of vocal vaginas ad infinitum. 🙂
The only thing that is more risible is the current state of politics over the Pond. Which explains why I am trawling the airwaves for Danish crime drama broacast by the BBC. Thank God it’s Spring and the garden needs attention. There’s a bucket of sand out there, too, that I can bury head in.
Noa – 11:40
“An interesting post, though I stand by my comments.”
I don’t disagree with them, apart from them being a bit negative. In this world of instant information it is hard for parties to keep up. Organisations need to organise and early information is condemned as being not polished, and waiting for some maturity in the argument creates an information vacuum.
“If you know what political principles UKIP stands for, being they Conservative, Neo-conservative, Libertarian or Labour, please let me know.”
In my post I suggest that no party knows what the political scene will be in 2020 when the next GE is likely, so your labels are movable feasts. Many have said politics isn’t right/left, it’s globalist/nationalist, or is it globalist/patriotic or global/local. It’s too fluid to have policies now, but the party needs to be ready for the changes and, in the mean time, be involved in the current discussions.
“Simply saying they must hold the government’s ‘feet to the fire’ whilst they negotiate Brexit is not a policy, it is a statement of fact and will happen regardless of UKIP.”
The Paul Nuttall interview does indicate the UKIP are doing something. We need to be ‘supporting’ the PM, reminding her what is expected.
“Where they stand on key issues, including inter alia immigration, the national debt, controlling waste including NGOs, welfare including the NHS and foreign aid is unclear and unsatisfactory.
Are they moving to the Right or the Left, who knows.”
Yes, but neither do the other parties! It depends so much on what happens with Brexit, as Paul says, and Nigel is saying here:
Nigel Farage says Donald Trump is strengthened by losing obamacare repeal
Preparation is what is needed.
Do I feel as if there is a lull? Yes.
Do I know what UKIP are doing? Preparing, yes, but not what the detail is.
Sometimes it is more important to still be in the game rather than continually trying to score goals. It requires tactics. Time is more on our side than it has been. UKIP need to use it wisely.
…. wisely? UKIP?
What is the emoticon for ROTFLMAO?
Bernie Golberg on the Healthcare cock-up. He’s been waiting to put the boot in: no friend of The Donald:
Read the comments; some are much superior to the article (as ever).
Frank P – 13:48
“I am trawling the airwaves for Danish crime drama broadcast by the BBC. “
YE GODS! Have you lost the will to live, man?
@13:28 SKY?
1) Take the option that says “I want to leave SKY” You’ll speak to someone soon enough.
2) You won’t be charged to “Catch-up” TV. The pin number request will appear when you ask to watch something that would normally go out on BBC/ITV etc. after 9pm.
Frank P – 15:25
You need to save some of that dispair for the other parties. Politics is a funny old game, as I am sure you know.
TM’s rop response doesn’t bode well for her party in the long term.
RobertRetyred 14:24
Well, no doubt your intentions are good but any party that can’t distinguish between its principles and how it intends to implement them through its policies, simply portrays itself as a disparate and desperate set of crooks who should be kept away from the levers of power at all costs.
As for the “…globalist/nationalist, or is it globalist/patriotic or global/local…” dilemma that concerns you I trust you won’t be offended, (though I don’t mind if you are) if I describe it as the purest hogwash. At least it resonates with the honest sentiment of the other, greater Marx:
“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
BTW I write as a current member of UKIP and a former area Chairman.
Frank P – 13:48
“I am trawling the airwaves for Danish crime drama broadcast by the BBC. “
Wallender (Series 1 & 2 with 26 episodes, many not shown on the Beeb)) is on Netflix. These are the original series -not the poncy Branagh version or the one with the fat pervert chap.
Walter Presents (via Channel 4 iPlayer) has some good European and Argentinian crime dramas too)
Noa – 19:46
UKIP has been spending a long time choosing its new leader. That has been part of working out where it is heading. It has been messy, but I have seen worse, though not much worse, and my optimism is that the messiness isn’t a good indicator future success. It is up to who is left. As to whether UKIP will become the official opposition, it’s not really on my radar yet, if at all. My concern is, like Farage, Nuttall and most if not all of UKIP and unlike Carswell, is to ensure Brexit happens, a Clean Brexit. It will take a while and, with a GE unlikely, there should be time to prepare for the future. The future is a mystery for the first time in over forty years where the future has been ever closer union, less and less sovereignty and a more and more dysfunction Europe spending more and more of our money. It will be different and UKIP is still in the game, having got Brexit (by Wednesday 🙂 )
The Tories went through a similar period of confusion, until TM ‘won’ the leadership contest, but it now has a Remainer (working for Brexit) leading even more Remainers, with a few that won’t stop whinging. Something will need to give there, but by working on what is current, Brexit and ‘events’, changes may occur gradually 🙂 ; I can see why the Tories are optimistic, (tempting fate!)
Are you happy having no border control? That is what the globalist agenda is and ordinary people are fed up with it.
I have worked in companies with good and ‘poor’ colleagues and the hardest part is working out which is which, surviving, and ensuring the right side wins. If you have had enough of it, then OK, but UKIP after Brexit could be a party without a goal. It is what the MSM like to crow about. The good news is that there will be plenty of opportunities, given the fluid nature of politics today, and all parties will need to adapt.
Just a snapshot from the DE, continued:
9) Spain’s EU exit on horizon as ‘only a miracle’ can save nation from debt bubble BURSTING
SPANISH university professors and economists are calling on Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to come clean over its debt burdens as calls for the country to leave the European Union (EU) grow.
Robert Retyred (19:37)
My despair for the ‘other parties’ was establised long, long ago. For the first time in my life, I saw a glimmer of hope in the UKIP message. I’m not a ‘joiner’ by nature. Loyalty to any political party or cause involves a loss of personal freedom and compromise and I was obliged to be apolitical in all of my working life: I have an aversion to joining an club that would have me as a member (Groucho Marks?), but for the first time in my life at a very advanced age I joined the UKIP and even parted with thirty quid, so to do – fool that I am! There’s no fool like an old fool. But to mix metaphors, yet again, once bitten twice shy. My weak excuse is that I didn’t realise what a bunch of Kuwaitis they were until I started to speak and correspond with them. They are all over the shop politically.
And though Farage claims credit for pulling off Brexit, he’s deluded if he really believes that; frankly I don’t believe he really does. Cameron did it, inadvertantly when he agreed to the referendum, then organised the Remainers. Tried to frighten the punters with Armageddon and pampered prick that he is, was unaware what bloody minded sods most of hoi polloi are. The rest is bullshit. Farage is and always was a chancer. That is, of course, hindsight talking but I did suspect it all along and oft epressed my doubts, even though like most everyone else on this platform, I hoped …
A plague on all their houses.
EC (18:08)
Heh, heh, heh!
Not quite but as you can see from my 2307, the nadir is fast approaching.
Thank you for the Sky advice; that’s very useful. I was hunting for the “I wish to cancel ” option but couldn’t find it. I eventually got their Bracknell number, but the conversation with the robot almost saw the end of my TV. I threw my zapper, but missed!
I did see both Wallander series (with different Swedes in the leading role). Liked the older of the two best. But when Branagh usurped the role, I seceded from the union.
Quite enjoying ‘Follow the Money’. A bit far fetched and too many social justice issues in the screenplay, but that’s ‘Scandanavian Noir’ for ya. Not good enough to pay to download over and above my very basic subscription, which is why I panicked when the pin number request appeared on my screen. Thanks for putting my mind at rest.
Now back to work:
Meanwhile, while UKIP searches for its raisons des stat & être the Great Game continues into its 103rd year. Worth reading in full.
Newsletter 2017/03/23 – A Dangerous Game
LONDON/BERLIN (Own report) – Berlin and Brussels are intensifying
their pressure on London prior to next Wednesday’s official Brexit
notification. “Britain’s example” will make all others see “it’s not
worth leaving,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
declared. According to Brussels, the Brexit could cost the United
Kingdom up to 60 billion euros. London sharply objects to this
impertinence, pointing out that, the EU and particularly Germany, are
dependent, for economic and military considerations, on consensual
exit regulations. German industry would in fact be hit hard by a
hostile British exit. Britain is Germany’s export-oriented economy’s
third largest customer and second largest location for German direct
investments. For quite some time, Berlin also has set its hopes on
Great Britain’s contribution to the EU’s militarization – even after
Brexit – because of the military clout of its armed forces and its
nuclear arms.
Interesting comment from Russia about the E.U –
“..,.until now, they have not offered the world anything but the consumer society and the protection for the LGBT community.”
… and this:
Polemical pot and Peter.
“We”re all going to pot, whether we like it or not”
Thanks to Willie. 🙂
Any Chuck Berry fans will enjoy this half hour with Mark Steyn in his original element before he got hooked on politics:
Ramp up your sound system. A fitting tribute, imho, as ever with Mark.
Herbert (00:05)
I can still hear it in my headphones and bracing myself for the bullshit that followed the call sign in English, French and German.
It has changed its style and its technology, but isn’t the underlying message the same? Seductive copy for the credulous: truth wrapped around hidden malicious intent? I know I’m anachronism personified, but plus ça change …
As i linked above:
Which is worse – CNN or TASS? 🙂
Noa (00:04)
Good catch. Thanks.
Frank P @ 02:12
This must be fake news, protests in Russia? In a country where opposition doesn’t exist? Shurely shome mistake here, the omni-all one will put it right, hasn’t he pronounced on it yet?
Herbert Thornton @ 00:05
Actually, Herbert, the comparison works on a broader scale than that, Brexit and the election of the Donald are akin to what happened in the communist Russia in 1956 (Nikita’s thaw) or the perestroika of Gorby by the late eighties, Baron cannot decide which, but both were a reaction to the existing societal direction, engendered by different forces, but an attempt at a change of direction nevertheless.
We shall see whether Brexit, the Donald succceed (as Gorgy did), or fail (Nikita’s case), which will requite something more robust later on, but ‘a more robust’ that will come (in part thanks to the ‘healthy cores’ similar to ours).
Globalist Paedophiles Beware!
Alex Jones is preparing to redirect Infowars’ fire against pedophiles in the USA, and paedophiles in the European Union, and against child abusers and traffickers in the United Nations generally, announced in this second hour of his two hour show yesterday.
Noa @ 20:35
If the review you quote accurately describes the book’s conclusions, Noa, then it essentially regurgitates the standard offering of the hate-Russia dish. What’s missing is the key ingredient though, Putin is hated because he stands for the opposite to what the progressives of the West want, the majority of the Western unwashed reject (hence Brexit, the Donald).
If he gave up on it, he would be able to arrest and torture as many journalists, civil servants, lawyers as he wanted (as the tinpot Sultan’s doing now), kill as many gays as he liked (as the ‘good forces’ opposing Assad do), slaughter as many women in broad daylight on a street (as the Saudis have done for decades). He certainly could build Russia into an empire again, isn’t the tinpot Sultan successfully pursuing the same?, and anything else he may dream of doing.
Malfleur 03:26
He should be careful, Malfleur, this may be a dangerous re-direction, these people don’t mess around.
What does UKIP stand for?
What does Labour, the Tories stand for? In the past, there was something to fight for, the slicing of the cake between those who laboured and those who had the money, but today? Who’s labour? An outreach worker, a man whose job lasts for few years then disappears because a piece of automated gear takes over, someone who tells people at a supermarket how to mark and pay for for groceries then gets the sack?
The same goes for people with money, the vast majority of the ultimate holders of equity, bonds, real estate are the unwashed through units trust, mutuals, pension funds, bank deposits, mortgages then freeholds.
Both Labour and the Tories benefit from political inertia, many burghers still believe if it says Labour on the tin it tastes labour, it doesn’t as Brexit proved, that Brexit that was opposed by all parties and their hangers on except for UKIP, it was a single issue party, it won what it said it wanted to win, whatever softness of our leaving we’re out which is what matters, refurbishments of the leave could come in stages, it will take time for UKIP to re-adjust, find someone who has a smidgen of the charisma, of the people’s touch, of the conviction of Nigel. Or he himself comes back, revives the outfit sooner.
(The only serious criticism of Nigel is he didn’t nurture a couple of eager contenders when he was in charge).
Frank P @ 10:12
On Voronenkov: The omni-all gets it sort of right, Voronenkov did (as did other communist deputies in the Duma) supported Putin’s past actions, the ones mentioned, what he fails to say is he (the communists) wanted Putin to go further i.e. take over the whole of Ukraine, kick non-Russians out of Crimea, annex Georgia, would that be what a friend would do?
(As Baron keeps pointing out this is the force Putin fears, that’s the bunch that could kick him out, in an election, perfectly legally)
Having smuggled offshore a sizeable fortune (as the omni-all admits), Mr. Voronenkov decided to follow it, turned a vocal opponent of Putin, began singing from the anti-Putin hymn sheet, got his dues for it.
On Voronenkov killer: Voronenkov got killed by an armed Ukrainian bodyguard, who must have been a Putin’s man, too, no? The Ukrainian authorities should be more careful whom they hire, or Putin’s men will be everywhere.
Amazingly, when all the ‘true’ Russian democrats, lawyers, journalists lose their lives, someone like Navalny, his extensive team walk free, he calls Putin a criminal on public TV, publishes dossiers about Medvedev that find little resonance with the Western MSM (or the omni-all one), organises demostrations, legal or not. What’s wrong with the one who likes stripping to the waist, he should get him, too, the West wouldn’t mind, Navalny has turned as much an empire builder as Putin.
(Btw, virtually all opposition journalists in Russia have turned against Navalny accusing him of not acknowledging their contribution to his famous (not in the West though) dossier, Medvedev has responded, too, saying he did nothing illegal, which happens to be true, all the riches he has amassed, if these assets are indeed his, were acquired legally, above board except for the conflict of interest on the vineyard, Baron reckons).
Putin’s “there’re enemies and there’re traitors, enemies I can reason with; traitors I wipe out” sound about right, the country can hardly afford to lose billions transferred offshore illegally, there’s enough corrupt officials within Russia herself impoverishing the unwashed.
The finishing paragraph of the omni-all one says: “There’s an important difference between ISIS and Putin: the former can only kill a few hundred people here and there; the latter could ‘whack’ whole countries – something of which Vlad and his mouthpieces never tire of reminding us”.
Hmmm, is Mr. Boot totally of his rocker, and shortsighted to boot?
It’s non ISIS that’s the mortal danger to the Western secular culture, it’s the mainstream Islam with its maxim of conquering the world (so far so good), That’s’ the boil that the West has no idea how to deal with, needs the hate-Russia campaign to hide behind.
When it comes to whacking whole countries dear Mr. Boot gets it totally wrong. Not only has Putin never said he would ‘whack anyone’, but if memory serves, it has been until now the Americans, its lackeys that whacked a list of countries as long as one’s arm, and alot of fat good did this do, no?
The American unwashed like to possess guns to ensure people at every level of the society behave, it’s in their blood, history tells why, often a loony goes berserk, shoots many, the Left howls, the majority of burghers aren’t convinced by the shrieking, accepts the killings as the price of their (often insane) gun ownership rights.
The Russian unwashed like a tough government (headed preferably by an enlightened strongman) to maintain peace in the society, it’s how they’ve been governed for centuries, it’s in their blood, sometimes those who oppose it get killed for disagreeing by an extremist loony, the Western progressives howl, always point a finger at the man in Kremlin, but for the Russians these killings are the price for their preferred model of governance.
In both cases, it will take generations for the in-built attachments to guns or Tzars to morph into something more akin to the British model of governance. (That’s not a prediction, it’s a guess).
Tucker on a case of rape (as an example of an open debate about a sensitive issue, albeit limited to one TV channel, the one he works for):
Frank P @ 01:46
The other Chuck Berry
Since he went room temperature, there would be a lot of folks who would like to hear Ludwig van’s Variations on Roll Over Beethoven on arrival.
That was a good piece by Mark Steyn and the music brought back of course Chelmsford in the 1950s.
An American I knew in New York told me that you had to know as much about a writer, an artist, a poet as you could and not sum them up on their work alone. He ruined a lot of writers, artists and poets for me that way.
I nonetheless recommend this sourer note on Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry: Automourn, Feigned Eulogia and the Illusion of Superlative Humanity –
Yet another way of pretending that the murders can’t possibly have anything to do with Islam –
Whatever next? Police parades to celebrate Islamic Pride Day?
There’s a new wall.