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A farmer named Sam was overseeing his herd in a remote hilly pasture in Hereford when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.
The driver, a young man in a Brioni® suit, Gucci® shoes, RayBan® sunglasses and YSL® tie, leaned out the window and asked the farmer, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?”
Sam looks at the man, who was obviously a wonk, then looks at his peacefully grazing animals and answers calmly, “Ok, why not?”
The wonk parks his car, whips out his Dell® notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3® cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The wonk then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop® and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot® that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL® database through an ODBC connected Excel® spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry® and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-colour, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet® printer, turns to the Farmer and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and
“That’s about right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” says Sam.
Sam watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then he says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?”
The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Sure, why not?”
“You work for the EU Commission”, says Sam.
“Wow! That’s correct,” says the wonk, “but how did you guess that?”
“No guessing required.” answered Sam. “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of pounds’ worth of equipment trying to show how much smarter you are than me but you don’t know a thing about how working people make their living – or about cows, for that matter. This is a flock of sheep. Now give me back my dog.”
Who is lying? Javid? IDS? I bet Javid.
Green candidate wins Austrian election from Freedom Party on by narrow margin on postal votes. (Source:Britain Elects)
Expect a recount on Green Party win.
Green Party…..:50.35%
Freedom Party :49.65%
Every plane should have one on these $500 devices! NTSB take note!
“Why don’t plane cockpits have live feeds?”
The 17 year old kid, Jeremiah Pate, is awesome.
Don’t let him go anywhere near college!
“one of these” not “one on these.”
Damn the poxy WordPress software!
Radford NG – 16:32
Reportedly, Austria’s new president is called Van der Bellend.
(quite appropriate name for a “Green,” I suppose.
Postal votes:
“Mr Hofer led narrowly after Sunday’s election but postal votes gave Mr Van der Bellend victory by 50.3% to 49.7%”
Mm, I smell several rats!
General hilarity all round!
“Michelle Fields Hired by Huffington Post to Cover Trump Campaign”
The other day, on a coach to a town that housed one of the Nazi concentration camps Baron meets 14 high school students from Manhattan NY – a rainbow mix, two Muslim girls, scarves only, two who could have been Obama’s sons, three of Chinese origin, all males, three of Mexican, of which one was a rather attractive girl, the rest white Caucasians, males. All but one (a boy of Chinese parentage) were Bernie’s supporters, friendly, articulate, comprehensively convinced Bernie has all the answers, the Republic will move his way, if not this year then at the next election.
If only the barbarian had listened to Bill before engaging with the lot, perhaps he, Baron, may have dented their conviction:
EC @ 17:29
But she looks good, EC, that must count for something in today’s environment where only the beautiful people are displayed, no?
EC @ 17:04
The young guy’s brilliant, EC, but the whole story only shows why we’re fugged up, it’s the bureaucratic hold on the society in general that kills the initiative of the masses, the big corporations aren’t interested either, not much money to be made on a $500 gadget.
The Brussels Business – Who runs the EU?
Bach worse than bite
My apologies, the link above at 18:58 is blocked, but if you go into You Tube and search on “The Brussels Business. Who runs thw EU” – it is available there.
And btw – BRexit – The Movie is worth watching if you haven’t already.
Malfleur and Colonel M have linked it already, I know, but it needs to be as widely disseminated as possible. Only a month to go and this morning’s gobshite from spoon face and George took some stomaching.
Noa @ 20:09
Not such a rare breed in the age of gender fluidity, Noa, a young castrato.
Frank P @ 21:03
The Austrian result is abit of a setback, Frank, but given the Freedom Party hasn’t been around for too long, almost collapsed after 2002, came back, got so close to winning the contest the Right could have another boost if the Left winning Van der Bellen dances to the Brussels tune, which is likely, alienates more people.
The BBC is already ecstatic, saying “Austria far right thwarted …” as if their man won by a huge margin.
Baron – 22:09
They were only thwarted by the postal votes!
Baron (22:09) & EC (22:48)
I caught a bit of Newsnight tonight; the last 10 minutes or so of the Brexit debate with “an independent focus group of undecided voters chosen by a respectable polling organisation – not the BBC “, according to the skeletal freak Evan Davis. As I didn’t see the whole debate, I can’t really judge whether the focus group, independent or otherwise, were justified in voting 9 – 1 to remain, based on the quality of the participants in the debate.
But frankly speaking, I don’t believe Agitprop’s national arm would allow an unbiased focus group to take part, moreover there is no such thing as a respectable polling agency when it comes to the EUSSR, they are all in the tank. But supposing for a moment my prejudices are wrong, it bodes very badly for June 23rd. The scare campaign seems to have worked. The other thing about the focus group was that they appeared to be mainly foreigners and the one women who voted to remain was … well … watch it if you dare. I just can’t watch it from the start on BBC iPlayer, my blood pressure is already in the danger zone and I must get it down, as I’m in the queue for a serious encounter with the scalpel next month , probably wielded by … let’s say someone who would regard me as an infidel. That’s after an exploratory Asian invasion of my very own Khyber Pass and on into the hinterlands last week, a skirmish to sus out the lie of the land with a troubling outcome, so to speak. Wish me luck!
As for the Austrian Presidential election. Well … as his name begins with H and ends with R he was on to a loser from the outset, wasn’t he? Even if they hadn’t rigged the postal votes he would have been branded Der Neo-Fuhrer by the EUSSR Agitprop press and broadcasters.
As I haven’t really followed the politics of Österreich since 1953 when it was still under Allied Four Power Occupation – and one of the ‘Allies’ was Uncle Joe just before he was ‘neglected’ to death – allegedly – I don’t really know whether Herr Hofer was ‘extreme right’ or just a patriot attempting to wrest control from the Left – or indeed both, which is entirely possible, I suppose. And as everybody not affiliated to the Left in this country is immediately branded ‘extreme right wing’ if they openly oppose the current alliance of Leftist douchebags of both main parties, then I’m perfectly prepared to accept the Herr Hofer is, like you and me, trying to stem the Long March. You can therefore fill me in with your take on the ‘narrow loser’ of the Austrian election. Was is los in der Berchtesgarten heute arbend (as the old song goes). 🙂
And, of course, this: (just to remind you of those post war [?] adventures. 🙂
I can still taste the garlic.
Colonel Mustard (09:00)
Great Joke – and an even better – and timely – parable. 🙂
This just popped up on my screen:
Obviously whoever is tagging me at GCHQ is sympathetic to the cause. 🙂
Thanks, Op Spec!
… which led to this:
which I shall read tomorrow, as the amitryptyline is kicking in. Nighty night.
Frank P, May 17th, 2016 – 15:52 & 17:34
Radford NG, May 17th, 2016 – 16:33
They are such fun guys at Merrill Lynch…
Malfleur, May 23rd, 2016 – 02:01
“But in an astonishing response, Sir Nicholas reportedly told Mr Cleverly: ‘F*** off you c***.”
Just healthy everyday banter in the HoC. Male bonding, or maybe even foreplay?
Nick waving the white flag in the general direction of Germany? One wonders what stream of invective WSC would unleash upon his grandson, had he been alive today?
Good News! Dave is looking more relaxed, and happier than I’ve seen him for ages.
Looks like “<> Dave” has found a new soulmate and, at long last, possibly his true vocation.
What epithet, I wonder, would The Donald use for Dave? I bet it would be a good one!
Belgravia? There must be a lot of money in part-time tutoring!
Right. I’m off out into the sunshine, to take some photographs of the echoes of souls who supposedly died in a battle a long time ago!
Yall still there? I am visiting back with you Thursday.
Now you see we have Trump on the ticket for real. And pinko Hillary is about to have her closest friend Huma Mahmoud Abedin laid bare.
Not only is this corrupt Pakistani a former editor of Muslim Minority Affairs but she was central to Hillary’s corruption. The American People will be saved from another 1974 impeachment debacle only by Donald.
Love to Andy Car Park. Is he dead?
That Ruthless Truth guy has nailed it on Brexit. The Leave crowd have every advantage apart from any strong arguments:
Bill Bratton blames drug violence in NYC on pot
EC (18:28)
“Hashish” and “Assassin” are words which derive from the same root. The lie that hash is a ‘happy drug’ is bollocks. At the height of armed robbery at banks and payroll robberies back in the sixties almost all the robbers smoked weed before embarking on a ‘job’. It removed fear. Likewise with comparatively petty criminals. Dutch courage. Then there’s the violence involved in drug gang turf disputes. The nutty professor should be indicted for inciting crime. The failure of police to enforce the laws of possession is contributory to a great deal of crime here and elsewhere in this crazy world. The brainwashing of coppers by Leftist ‘decriminalisers’ and the making of folk heroes out of dissolute kuntz like Howard Marks, was all part of the Long March.
Frank P – 19:25
An impressive resumé but, as you pointed out previously, Jack Maple’s contribution has all but been airbrushed out of the above.
EC (22:58)
Indeed so. But the marriage of politics and policing was always deeply embedded in the United States at both State and Federal level, so OPPs and OBEs are par for the course over there. Unfortunately in recent years that has been imported to the UK. Nobody realised how important the independence of the function was until it was eroded.
Bratton is already a quadruple dipper; Rudy will become Secretary of Homeland Security if The Donald thwarts the string pullers behind the scenes who are still plotting against him – and makes it to the White House. Chris Christie will become AG, if he can shed the slime of Bridgegate; it’s still a hot potato with some of his staff and ex-staff in NJ who have so far not spoken out. They might if he becomes the top Fed Prosecutor. If he makes it, he’ll rip into the Clinton borgata and Rudy will contribute to that, too. And why not; BillHillary have been a threat to Homeland Security for about four decades.
Boot up for BRexit!
Expats reclined,
Spanish, coast-lined, in fat,
oiled up on olives,
pre-paid at Dignitas:
White-carcass, Lycra-clad,
shell suits, half-zipped,
these aren’t immigrants
who’ll force ‘Brexit’:
They never left Blighty,
EC rules on Spain’s shores,
with their exported, off-shored,
Brit-branded flaws:
Marmited, chipped,
sunk fat-food-glad,
their life is a sun-stroked,
Every beached gran,
toasting her skin to dark hide,
would be repatriated too,
a subtle genocide.
Life is good, fighting the good fight.
Beating up on the leaders and
Standing up for what is truly right.
It’s what we do on Saturday night.
Lambasting with venom the blacks,
Reds, Greens and fags
And any not quite right whites,
Chanting Give us Freedom under our flags.
It’s the Modern way.
No matter what labour says
It’s the only true way,
Be a conservative today!
Make a public stand
Show them where you live.
Hate anybody who is not
A red-blooded conservative!
The Corbynistas are coming
To take our jobs and houses.
But, we are not going to let them.
They must think we’re all women.
We are real men, good and true
And we know what we have to do.
We believe in the red white and blue
And the sissified can all just go stew.
We believe in God, and Jesus Christ
And anyone who does not isn’t nice.
If this describes you, take some advice
Go live somewhere else and eat rice.
Because this is a God-fearing land
And if you can’t quite understand
Or you have something else planned
You will feel the back of our hand.
The Remain team lose all the arguments but they are winning in the polls!
They know how weak their case is because they get trounced in every open and free debate. To deal with this they are using a great slash and burn tactic. They overwhelm us with scare stories and they don’t care how many of these are debunked or shown as craven lies. They don’t care because they are not trying to persuade with rational argument, but to create a nameless fear of change in low information voters.
And this killer argument is working:
Throw the bums out!
In 1916, this was the question by which Pavel Milyukov, the leader of the KADET party, denounced the Russian government in the Duma.
In 2016, we ask the same question of the Cameron Cabinet as it leads the campaign to stay in the European Union, another incompetent autocracy doomed to collapse.
Let’s not have the EU take the United Kingdom with it when it goes. Now that the first tremors of the earthquake are felt, leave the building as fast as possible and get out into an open space before the structure comes down.
I’ve been visiting the CWGC cemetery at Souda Bay. Immaculately kept and very moving. Unlike the cemetery at Basra, now bulldozed and used as a football pitch.
01-18 May 26.
Baby-sitting.Look carefully to see mama bird sitting on the ledge.
” Nighthawks ”
An appreciation of Edward Hooper’s 1942 painting. BBC Radio 4 Extra.
” Nighthawks ”
Edward Hopper’s painting.
An examination of where in NYC the original of Hopper’s painting may have been.Many photos.
Even fruitcakes and fascists are more popular than the flaccid centre
Norbert Hofer, Alexander Van der Bellen, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are all part of the same phenomenon
Rod Liddle
Alexander Van der Bellen of Austrian Greens and Norbert Hofer of Austrian Freedom party (Photo:Getty)
Alexander Van der Bellen of Austrian Greens and Norbert Hofer of Austrian Freedom party (Photo:Getty)
28 May 2016 9:00 AM
A depression has settled on the Liddle household ever since Norbert Hofer narrowly failed in his bid to become the president of Austria. I like a man who keeps a Glock pistol in his jacket pocket, and there is something noble in the cut of his jib. Norbert was thwarted by the voters of Red Vienna and the usual fraudulent postal ballots, most of which will have come from immigrants, as happens time and again in this country. So he lost. Instead the Austrians are saddled with a lunatic, Alexander Van der Bellen, a hand-wringing Green halfwit representing what George Orwell was habituated to call the ‘pansy left’.
Interestingly, both of the two leading candidates for the job of president seem to loathe Austria and wish for it to be abolished. Van der Bellen’s party once distributed posters bearing the witty and profound statement: ‘If you like Austria you must be shit.’ He is an opponent of the nation state per se and would be delighted to see the Austrians ruled from Brussels. But then there’s Norbert, who hankers after the sort of Greater Germany which once commended itself to the fiery but controversial late Austrian politician Adolf Hitler. Norbert has no objection to Austria being ruled from Berlin and even wore one of those little blue cornflowers which Austrian Nazis used to wear. I am not sure what it says about the psychological state of a country’s population when the vast majority vote for two candidates who long for the country to not exist. Fair enough if it were Luxembourg, or Somalia, but Austria is full of likeable, sensible people and has done fairly well for itself since Stalin, rather surprisingly, gave it up.
The press and the BBC were of course aghast when it seemed that Norbert had it in the bag. They even forgot about Trump for a moment (ironically at the very moment he swung ahead of the hapless, frozen-faced Clinton in the opinion polls). Was this, the commentators intoned darkly, a case of the Austrians reverting to type? There were pictures of the aforementioned Hitler — every political debate these days needs a quick squirt of Adolf, no matter what the subject. When the fraudulent postal votes were counted and Norbert was deemed the loser, the Guardian began its commentary with the word ‘Phew!’ But then worried that Norbert’s Freedom party, which is ahead in the polls, might well win the chancellory two years from now.
Worry no more, you writhing pinkoes. If the Freedom party does indeed win then it will be subjected to the same sort of fascist interference from Strasbourg and Brussels which is now being inflicted on the poor Poles, who dared to elect a government which was mildly socially conservative and (ironically, you might argue) not hugely impressed by the influx of immigrants. The ruling Polish Law and Justice Party has effectively been ruled illegal by the European Commission; it is quite possible that Poland will have its EU voting rights curtailed and its money cut. The EU had been half-minded to launch similar proceedings against Viktor Orban’s somewhat right-of-centre government in Hungary, but didn’t quite dare to do so. But then this is what happens when the population of a sovereign state feels it has had enough of the corporate liberal claptrap foisted upon it by the European Union.
If the Front National ever wins in France you can expect the same patently undemocratic bullying to occur. The EU cannot stand diversity of opinion. It cannot stand the views of many — perhaps a majority — of its citizens. This, more than anything else, is the reason for the UK to vote Leave next month, despite the almost certain nuclear armageddon, melting of the polar icecaps and plagues of locusts that Cameron and Osborne assure us will transpire. Oh, and Vladimir Putin will be happy. A bit like the Hitler stuff, making Vlad happy is seen as the sort of clinching argument in almost all political debates at the moment. Don’t vote Leave — it will make Vlad happy. Poland, get in line — you’re making Vlad happy.
Truth be told, I’m not absolutely convinced that Norbert is the kind of chap I’d like to see running any country, and my guess is that nor would most of the people who voted for him. But they did so because he was the only candidate prepared to stand up for values which an enormous proportion of the Austrian population — probably more than half — believe in: social conservatism and a curb on immigration. And Herr Van der Bellen, like Bernie Sanders in the USA and Jeremy Corbyn over here, and Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain, represents another form of populism — i.e. left-wing policies with which a large tranche of the voters instinctively agree. Greater equality, more spending on infrastructure, and so on.
My guess is that in the USA quite a lot of ordinary voters who are tempted to go for Trump would also be attracted by a lot of what Bernie Sanders has to offer (and vice versa) — but have no time at all for Hillary Clinton or Marco Rubio. Across Europe and also across the USA, the flaccid centre — liberal and yet authoritarian, prone to spouting platitudinous drivel, utterly estranged from the electorate — is in retreat. In France, those two forms of populism are very nearly united in the statist and redistributionist Front National. Only the party’s (arguably) former, loathsome anti-Semitism prevents it from sweeping all before it.
Incidentally, this is not just any old column. It is a column written by a graduate of the London School of Econoumics and Political Science. In future I think I should make this point every time I write anything, because of the immense pride I feel in my alma mater. Especially so now that it has awarded the actress Angelina Jolie an honorary professorship in Rights for Women, or some such abject bilge.
The banning of Eagles of Death Metal is a victory for Isis
Brendan O’Neill
23 May 2016 1:45 PM
If you want to know how lost Europe is, how thoroughly it has abandoned freedom of speech, get this: two French music festivals have banned Eagles of Death Metal, the American rock band whose gig at the Bataclan was turned into a bloodbath by Isis last November, after the lead singer said some dodgy things about Muslims.
Yes, six months after they watched and heard 89 of their fans being slaughtered by Isis for the crime of engaging in ‘perversity’, Eagles of Death Metal are now being shut down by festival organisers for saying allegedly perverted things about Islam. Isis must be delighted: Western liberals are doing their dirty work for them; they’re silencing the people Isis judged to be blasphemous; they’re completing Isis’s act of terror.
The fuss kicked off last week when Jesse Hughes, the singer, said iffy stuff about Islam. In an interview with Taki’s Mag — founded by this magazine’s Taki — Hughes stated his belief that Muslim workers at the Bataclan knew about the attack and helped the killers get in the building. He also claims to have seen Muslims celebrating the massacre on the streets of Paris. ‘I saw it with my own eyes.’ And he reckons everyone should lay off conservative Christians — who are blamed for ‘everything in the world’ — and instead subject Muslims in the West to greater scrutiny.
For saying these things, his band have been expelled from two French festivals due to take place in August: the Rock en Seine and the Cabaret Vert. The organisers said, ‘As we are in total disagreement with Jesse Hughes’ recent allegations… [we] have decided to cancel the band’s performance’. So you can only play at these festivals if the organisers agree with your views on Islam, Muslims, terrorism and other hot issues? If you think and say the right thing as decreed by the festival overlords? That’s a bit stiff for a music festival, no?
Of course many will disagree with Hughes’ views. I do. I think he sounds rather paranoid. But here’s the thing: why wouldn’t he? Stop the press: man who fled for his life from Islamist gunmen, and heard the wails of his fanbase as they were mown down by those Islamist gunmen, is not a massive fan of Islam. Man who saw people killed in the name of Islam has hang-ups about Islam. That seems reasonable to me. He’s distressed, pissed off, and he’s saying it out loud, as is his right.
The fact that Hughes is wrong, and maybe shocking, is no justification for punishing him. And that’s exactly what the expulsion of his band from those festivals represents: a nasty punishment, a severe rapping on the knuckles for the crime of having been offensive, for having said scurrilous things about Islam and its adherents. Hughes and his band are being cast out as blasphemers. The censorious message is clear: cross the line, say outré things, ridicule Islam too much, and you’ll be sent packing from respectable cultural circles.
This all points to something quite terrifying: the similarity, the interplay, between lefty liberals’ moral cowardice and Islamic radicals’ violent urges. Western liberals are intellectually intolerant of anyone who disses the Islamic faith, branding them ‘Islamophobes’ and sometimes marshalling the law to deal with them; and Islamic radials are violently intolerant of anyone who disses the Islamic faith, shooting them at their desks, in the case of Charlie Hebdo, or blowing them up in the Bataclan in the case of the Eagles gig.
There’s a shared worldview here, between the decent liberal and the gun-toting Islamist: both agree that ridicule of Islam is intolerable and must be punished, whether by censure or violence. Isis justified its attack on the Bataclan by arguing that the band and its fans were anti-Islam: they were ‘idolaters’, it said, gathered for a ‘party of perversity’. And now that band is punished once again for being anti-Islam, for being outrageous about Islam, for being ‘perverse’, only this time by French cultural bigwigs rather than Islamist killers. These festival censors have done what Isis wanted to: they’ve prevented a perverse, un-Islamic rock group from gathering with its fans for a ‘party of perversity’.
Many people are appalled at the mindset of Islamists who think it’s legitimate to take up arms against cartoonists or writers who mock Islam or against everyday people who simply live in an un-Islamic way. But in a way, this is the Western mindset, this is the modern liberal mindset, which has created laws to punish Islamophobia and which shames and No Platforms and expels those who are stingingly critical of Islam. Their mindset is our mindset — that is the tragedy. We say ‘You can’t say that’; they take it one step further and say: ‘We’ll kill you for saying that.’
Apologies for posting the whole article but it’s probably behind a paywall.
Worth reading.
Why Osborne’s dodgy dossiers are even worse than Blair’s
In their EU campaign, the Chancellor and Prime Minister have put dirty tricks back at the heart of government
Peter Oborne
28 May 2016 9:00 AM
Sir John Chilcot’s report into the Iraq invasion, due to be published on 6 July, is expected to highlight the novel structure of government created by New Labour following its landslide victory of 1997. As Tony Blair started to make the case for war, he began to distort the shape and nature of British government in several ways — the most notable being the deliberate debasement of the traditional idea of a neutral, disinterested civil service.
Under Blair, civil servants were told to concern themselves less with the substance than the presentation of policy. They were informed that their loyalty lay more with the government of the day, less with the British state. This had dramatic effects. Some officials (especially the ambitious ones) abandoned the Whitehall tradition of caution, astringency and integrity. They ceased to treat information as neutral and value-free. Instead, facts became malle-able building blocks towards the creation of a wider ‘narrative’ to be discarded or rearranged to fit the requirements of the party in power.
All of this allowed Tony Blair to mis-represent the intelligence on the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. This meant that Britain could invade Iraq on the basis that Saddam presented a devastating threat to his neighbours — even though we possessed no evidence at all to prove it, and every reason to doubt that this was true.
When David Cameron became Prime Minister six years ago, there was every reason to suppose that he would end the abuses of the Blair/Brown era. Cameron made a show of reinventing cabinet government, and boasted that new systems were in place. For the first few years of the coalition, there were grounds for believing that these assurances were sincere. This is no longer the case. David Cameron and his chancellor, George Osborne, have returned to the cronyism and abuse of due process which defined the Tony Blair years.
Lying and cheating are, once again, commonplace in the heart of government. There was a particularly ugly example at Prime Minister’s Questions last month. Cameron named Suliman Gani, an imam from Tooting, as an ‘IS supporter’ in order to damage Sadiq Khan, Tooting MP and Labour candidate for London mayor, by association. Several senior Tories repeated the baseless slander in the weeks that followed. They, and eventually the Prime Minister himself, were obliged to utter grudging semi–apologies — but only after the mayoral contest was over and the damage had been done.
Yet more troubling was Cameron’s widely ridiculed appropriation late last year of 70,000 ‘moderate’ rebel allies to make the case for bombing Syria. In his speech to Parliament, the Prime Minister invoked ‘our independent Joint Intelligence Committee’ to justify his controversial figure. This was a blatant repeat of Tony Blair’s politicisation of the same committee 13 years ago.
The alarming truth is that Whitehall integrity is in collapse again. Cameron, who once boasted that he was ‘heir to Blair’, has taken and refined the techniques of dishonesty that New Labour invented. This time, however, the most serious instances of this abuse do not involve foreign intelligence. They concern Britain’s relationship with the European Union.
During the run-up to the Iraq invasion, intelligence officers would hand ministers an estimate, an allegation, a straw in the wind, in certain cases (the 45-minute claim being the most notorious example) an outright fabrication. Tony Blair’s office would then bless it with the imprimatur of a government assessment, usually employing vague wording — in the hope that the media would repeat and then amplify the message.
Cameron and Osborne have become masters of this kind of politics. ‘We’re paying down Britain’s debts,’ said David Cameron in 2013. This was a straight lie: the national debt was soaring as he spoke. ‘When I became Chancellor,’ observed Osborne last year, ‘debt was piling up.’ True — and he has been piling it up ever since, even now rising by £135 million a day. This kind of deception works: polls show that only a minority of voters realise that the national debt is still rising.
George Osborne has now converted the Treasury into a partisan tool to sell the referendum, exactly as Tony Blair used the Joint Intelligence Committee to make the case for war against Iraq. Before becoming Chancellor, Osborne was critical of Gordon Brown’s Treasury, and rightly so, because it had been so heavily politicised. He rightly stripped the Treasury of its forecasting function and created an independent Office for Budget Responsibility — an encouraging sign that he was determined to avoid the culture of deceit which was such a notable feature of the Brown/Blair era.
It is therefore very troubling that the Office for Budget Responsibility has not come anywhere near the two Treasury dossiers that make the case for the EU. It’s easy to see why — they would point out straight away that the Chancellor has been engaged in fabrication. For example, let’s take a hard look at how he induced Treasury officials to endorse his central claim that families would be £4,300 ‘worse off’ if Britain left the European Union.
The main technique that Osborne used was his conflating GDP with household income — and referring to ‘GDP per household’, a phrase that has never been used in any Budget. As the Chancellor used to argue, GDP is a misleading indicator which can be artificially inflated by immigration. Immigration of 5 per cent may well raise GDP by the same amount, but nobody would be any better off. ‘GDP per capita is a much better indicator,’ said Osborne when newly in office. He made no mention at all of GDP per capita when launching the Brexit documents published by the Treasury.
Then, in an audacious innovation not even deployed by New Labour, Osborne and his allies have been briefing the media and touring the broadcasting studios before releasing the Brexit documents, even under embargo. This means that journalists cannot challenge his headline figures and calculations. By the time the documents have been published, Osborne (or, in this week’s case, Business Secretary Sajid Javid) are nowhere to be found. This technique makes deception easier by keeping scrutiny to a minimum.
Had a company director presented a prospectus on the London Stock Exchange on the same basis as the Treasury case for Brexit, he — and his chairman, his accountants and advisers — would risk prosecution for fraud. The government insists on the truth being told in the City, demanding standards it never applies to itself. To mislead investors about a pension is quite rightly illegal. But to mislead taxpayers about the trajectory of the national debt, or the real economic effects of leaving the European Union? Well, all’s fair in love, war and politics.
This is all bad luck on Tom Scholar, who has just taken over from Sir Nicholas Macpherson as permanent secretary to the Treasury. His first task in his new role has been to perform the same function for Osborne and Cameron which John Scarlett (as chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee) carried out for Tony Blair. If anything, Scholar’s dossier is even dodgier than Scarlett’s.
But the same questions need to be asked in each case. Were there any protests from Treasury officials about the blatant politicisation of their department? If not, why not? What instructions were issued from ministers and special advisers? Why did civil servants agree to get involved in a political project of this kind?
The truth will doubtless come out in the end — but once the referendum is over, just as the truth about the Iraq dossier became known only after war was declared.
This level of deception has become normal in Cameron’s second term. Take jobs. During the election the Prime Minister claimed he would create two million new jobs in the life of the new parliament. We hear no more about that now. The forecast in the last Budget was 1.1 million jobs before 2020. Or take immigration. Cameron said he would bring it down below 100,000 a year. Yet the topic was never even raised in the Brexit negotiations — almost certainly this manifesto pledge was dropped at the insistence of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. Indeed, the Prime Minister’s entire referendum strategy now stands exposed as a monstrous deceit. On seven separate occasions, Cameron and Osborne insisted that they would rule nothing out and were open to backing Leave. These claims were exploded when the Daily Mail revealed that the Prime Minister was involved in secret negotiations with business leaders to support a Remain vote. And what of his pledge in the last Tory manifesto to ‘insist’ that EU immigrants would not be given benefits until they had been here for four years? Or that UK benefits would not be paid for children living abroad? He did not mean either pledge, as his renegotiation shows. The Tory manifesto itself now looks like a dodgy dossier.
Lies at the top have set the tone for mendacity below. The Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, has implausibly claimed that Inter-railing across Europe would become more difficult. Environment minister Rory Stewart suggested that endangered animals would become extinct, and trade minister Anna Soubry claimed on Any Questions? that all exports to Europe would ‘go down to almost absolutely zero’.
The Iraq War showed how easy it was for New Labour politicians to abuse the government machine. Their techniques have been reinvented by Cameron and Osborne. Like Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell in 2003, David Cameron and George Osborne seem not to believe that their arguments, honestly expressed, are strong enough to win the day. They are so determined to win the vote that they are preparing to do so on the back of a series of fictions: that the economy will submerge into recession; that World War III might break out; that family incomes will be slashed etc.
This involves an attack not just on truth but on democracy itself. Citizens have a right to form a fair and balanced judgment, and are therefore entitled to be informed about their political choices. Lying disempowers and therefore debases those who are lied to. Politicians who lie to voters deprive them of the ability to reach a well-informed decision. In doing so, they convert them into dupes.
That is what Tony Blair and New Labour did to take Britain to war in 2003, and what Osborne and Cameron are doing to keep Britain in Europe in next month’s vote. This is not just morally wrong, it is politically disastrous. Cameron has said that he wants to settle the European issue once and for all. He can only do that if he makes a fair and honest argument.
Peter Oborne is a columnist for the Daily Mail and author of The Rise of Political Lying. His Not The Chilcot Report was published this
John Birch thanks for those pieces. Breaching the proxy pay walls is a valuable public service at this time when Agitprop is at its peak pumping out bilge and bollocks. Every little helps.
Boot up for FRexit:
Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning
Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston, one of the killers of Rasputin, was a member of the Bullingdon Club.
So much for fucking petitions – just another opportunity for the bastards to propagate their lies and propaganda.
The only question that remains is: what viable alternatives have we to voting Tory at the next election? And does it really make any difference, whatever bunch of mendacious, self-serving traitors are available for election. If only it were possible to organise a nationwide campaign of civil disobedience. Where would we start?
Why did the text of the reply to said petition disappear en route?
I’ll try again. Stand by …
Dear Frank,
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “David Cameron is precluded from negotiations with the EU in the event of Brexit.”.
Government responded:
The Prime Minister has secured a new settlement for the UK, which delivers on the Government’s commitment to fix the problems that have frustrated people in Britain.
The Government believes Britain is stronger, safer and better off within a reformed European Union. The Prime Minister has secured a new settlement for the UK, which delivers on the Government’s commitment to fix the problems that have frustrated people in Britain.
However, if the British people vote to leave on 23 June, they would rightly expect the process to exit the EU to start straight away. The rules for exit are set out in Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. This is the only lawful route available to withdraw from the EU.
Article 50 provides for a period of two years for the negotiation of exit terms. The two year deadline can be extended, but only by unanimous agreement of all EU Member States.
But the process is unprecedented. No country has ever used Article 50 – it is untested. Article 50 does not specify how far the arrangements for the UK’s future relationship with the EU could be included in a withdrawal agreement. However, it is likely that the scope of those arrangements, including the terms of our trade, would require the negotiation of a separate agreement with the EU.
While the Government would secure the best possible deal for Britain in the event of a vote to leave, if we want full, meaningful access to the Single Market of 500 million people we will have to accept significant trade-offs.
These include accepting the free movement of people, contributing to the EU’s programmes and budgets, and being bound by the rules of the Single Market without having a vote or a say over them.
The Government is clear that none of the alternatives to EU membership provide the best of both worlds offered by continued membership of a reformed EU.
The Government has published a number of information papers ahead of the referendum. These can be viewed on the dedicated EU Referendum website,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Click this link to view the response online:
The Petitions Committee will take a look at this petition and its response. They can press the government for action and gather evidence. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Committee will consider it for a debate.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
as I said … unadulterated bullshit.
Judging from the above reply – you can imagine with what we will be bombarded in the unlikely event that the Leave campaign wins the referendum.
Sooner or later we are going to revert to a rash of civil wars, here and on the continent; it’s already happening beyond. I don’t rule out a nuclear set-to. Perhaps it was inevitable, Nature’s way of culling the human population again.
When it kicks off in earnest it will make the Thirty Years War look like the 1950s punch-ups in The Alma Pub, West India Dock Road – and a fair bit of culling occurred when those reached a crescendo, on occasions.
Another pigeon down.
Trump to win Republican nomination. (Source:AP/BBC/Spec. )
Falcons gone walkabout along ledge.
According to some horse-faced female newsreader on BBC News Channel – the fourth such physiognomy I have seen peering at me from Agitprop today (in which stable do they breed these mares?) if we ‘Leave’ the European ‘Union’ (aka the biggest fraud ever devised on the British Sheeple) it will be deleterious for ex Pats who live on the Costa Del Sol.
Oh Dear! What a fucking shame! All those drugs and crime barons will be inconvenienced. Not to mention all the tax exiles and retail tycoons and overpayed BBC Newsreaders who are a bit shy about how much the licence fee payers have to stump up to have propaganda delivered by arrogant shit bags and horse-faced wimmin working a three day week.
Frank P
“The rules for exit are set out in Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. This is the only lawful route available to withdraw from the EU.”
Someone may need to rework the concepts and language of the Declaration of Independence to fit present contingencies.”
“…Nature’s way of culling the human population…”
Of course there are other more “natural” ways, but like the Zika disease they may also be weaponised:
(h/t Drudge)
Malfleur (01:53)
Cameron will no doubt suggest that the only way to diminish the risk of the superbug is to stay within the warm embrace of the EU.
Be Brave and Brexit!
They dragged the political corpse of Miliband Minor out tonight on QT to shore up the Leave campaign. Two opposing emotions rippled through my rotting carcass. The first one of disgust at seeing his ugly reshaped boat race again, when it had already been erased from my failing memory. The second was a perverse pleasure in the thought that with him on the Leave side, Brexit stands a much better chance of winning. I’m surprised that Cameron didn’t pull strings with his man at the Beeb to have him blackballed.
Apologies – I of course meant that Miliband was representing the Remain side. So amend Leave to Remain in line two and the same in line six.
Btw – how will the referendum voting paper be worded on the day. Has that been agreed yet?
Frank P May 27th, 2016 – 02:55
The fact that Miliband kept demanding ad nauseum which country the UK should “emulate” on Brexit demonstrated his inherent contempt for it and the constant notion of the imported Marxist that it must be changed to reflect the more European model they or their forebears fled from in the first place. Even if, as Steve Hilton said, Britain had not already enjoyed a thousand years of unique, independent identity it would be like Americans denouncing their own revolution “becauth we have no idea what the country would be like afterwardth”. A congenital socialist idiot attempting to soar on pig’s wings from a Marxist nest.
Both he and that silly irritating woman Lucas were peddling ideological dogma, collectivism, once again making the fundamental lefty error of presuming intentions and consequences to always be the same despite over a century of empirical evidence to the contrary. And as usual their “arguments” were larded with the delusion that socialists have some divine right to rule and that the present Tory government is illegitimate simply on that basis. It’s a sort of weird lefty Remain logic straight from the slippery SNP playbook that insists that if they can’t rule here then they want to make sure a Tory government is at least constrained by enlightened European socialists. The extent to which that underrates the British constitution and overrates European politics is mind boggling and scary.
Earlier, Salmond had been in full greasy flow from Glasgow but I couldn’t watch that BBC stitch up with its carefully age defined Scottish audience reflecting their hypocrisy over diversity, as though the Referendum should revolve around the imaginings of the Yoof of a socialist suborned country wanting to emulate Greece and representing less than 10% of the UK population.
But the most irritating lefty of the night on QT was probably that blue-pullovered dweeb in the audience, almost at the point of tears and stuttering his internationalist indignation that a British state might emerge from Brexit with a national identity, confidence and independence that he clearly despised.
The inexorable decline of the dead tree media?
If The Telegraph went the same way as The Independent it would be thoroughly deserved.
Will the Spectatesman be next in line for a Barclay Bros bloodletting, I wonder?
Colonel Mustard (09:40)
Beautifully expressed Colonel – thank you. Those are the words I was struggling to find and failed so, as ever, I resorted to ad hominem insults
out of sheer frustration.
But once again, the audience, albeit garnered through Agitprop’s processes no doubt, seemed to react predominately towards BRexit imho. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope?
Btw Alex Boot attempts to define conservatism today. It’s worth your time if you haven’t visited his blog already.
Colonel Mustard – 09:40
Ed Miliband: “A congenital socialist idiot attempting to soar on pig’s wings from a Marxist nest.”
Speaking of congenital idiots…
Here’s hoping that, sometime before June 23rd, Russell Brand will hit Youtube, and thereby the BBC news, endorsing the EUSSR. This and a subsequent “be afraid” warning from Owen Jones could win us the referendum at the same time as sealing Cameron’s fate!
One for Frank P
Thanks Noa. I just skip read it and it seems to be a seminal piece. I’ll expand on it a little later, but at the moment I’m listening to a recording of today’s Daily Politics and till gurgling over the filleting Brillo performed on Professor Simon Yates of Birmingham University from some Think Wank or other, who attempted to justify the Remainers propaganda. He failed – miserably! The scruffy little shit was obliterated and in the process the Remain case was reduced to rubble.
Three drivers charged with causing death by dangerous driving
Never mind where’s wally, play spot the English name with this.
AhSo! Obama-san currently in Japan apologising for the atomic bomb and 70 years of Pax Americana.
The sort of odious creep that lurks in Dark Alleys
Noa (14:03) and Frank P (15:34)
Having read it thoroughly it is indeed an excellent and seminal essay. However, Hitchens hasn’t delved into the roots of it, choosing to start with the Lawrence enquiry. Moreover I note he has not included Common Purpose either which has been one of the vehicles for the brainwashing in exercise in recent years. Perhaps it’s because it’s a ‘conspiracy theory, espoused by Icke and his ilk. His own newspaper has dipped their toe in too, but senior journos don’t like to be branded by a ct, even when the theory is based on true facts.
The Bramshill Brainwasher also played a part in Newspeak from about the seventies onwards.
Read this:,_Bramshill
Particularly the latest developments and the European angle.
They are angling for a National Police Force. Read this:
Read between the lines. Ere long if we stay in the EUSSR England will become a region of a Europol. What price the Manga Carta then?
What to do about our own Stasi if we do manage to break free is another story. I’m working on that. POWIP!
EC (19:29)
Grit your teeth! Only five months to go. The Trump Train is full steam ahead now. Unless a large rock is thrown in its path I’m hoping it will roll over the hag.
Trouble is if it increases speed, the Dems might throw her under it via the ‘FBI Primary’ and start a parallel run with the Biden Express. That could change things considerably, even making my prognostication materialise. I fear Uncle Joe might get his nose in front, tardy though he is. He is popular – God alone knows why!
Heh, heh heh!
Not even MAD … CMD is just plain mad.
Frank P : 27 May at 09-35.
The referendum ballot paper is as below (scroll down).
Seminal day in Britain : the last British cigarette factory ( John Player’s ) closes down.
Dr. Henry Heimlich, 96, performs lifesaving technique he invented for the FIRST TIME when a woman chokes on her hamburger in the seat beside him
Read more:
Radford NG (11:28)
Thank you very much. That’s very helpful. Even I should be able to get the cross in the right box now.
Be Brave – BRexit!
Malfleur (00:26)
Excellent archive footage of him about to give Johnny Carson one. So to speak.
Radford NG
May 27th, 2016 – 23:34
Shocking news. I’m of an age that I remember the pleasures of Weights and Players No. 5. To my son, weights are something you lift in the gym and player no. 5 is a footballer or a rugby player. Tempus fugit!
Dear Dave Cameron,
The UK has very little or no influence in the 28 member state EU, hence your struggle to gain any meaningful concessions in your renegotiations – save for the reduction of VAT on Tampons from 5% to 0%.
Part of the UK’s lack of influence is due to the fact that we we are not part of the EURO currency. Should the UK vote to stay in the EU should it not also finally join the EURO? If not then why not?
Declan @ 06:09
Tempus fumat?
Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile tempus, singula dum capti circumvectamur amore
One reason why Islam sucks – of many:
I took Noah Harari’s “Sapiens A History of Humankind” as holiday reading. It’s a readable, fast paced history of our species, its origins and possible future. 13.5 billion years in 450 pages.
His biology centric prognosis isn’t terribly good for us stick in the mud nostalgic conservatives though. Immortality may beckon, at least for a few; whether as cyborgs or as glorified computer programs, but its at the cost of the innumerable species we’ve already wiped out and the remainder who hang on by a thread.
Oh, and the tread to world government by a remote elite seems to be inevitable.
I doubt that Tetley will like what he wishes for so devoutly when it eventually arrives though. Which schadenfreude will at least be poetic justice and some consolation for the rest of us.
In its conclusion it’s a brilliant reprise of ‘Brave New World’ underpinned by a solid(?) scientific basis.
Still it’s a rollicking roller coaster holiday read, from Sapiens’ pre-history to date, journey being challengingly and entertainingly re-evaluated as we hurtle towards that unknown future. I learnt much, disagreed with more.
What more can one ask for a pool side read?
Now, then where’s that copy of the Sun I picked up at the airport….
Noa – 14:24
Shurely shome mishtake? 13.5 Billion is the age of the universe innit? Was this guy Noah Harari employed by HM Treasury before he took up writing?
Anyway it’s all in the Quran dontcha know….
[Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne…]
There’s some tortuous dhimmiyya in the above article that arrives at the 13.5 and comes out with the age of the Earth being 4.543 billion years old. One could always go for the Creationists’ 6000 but, like my lunchtimes and your expenses, it’s all relative, I suppose.
Allah’s Throne is sometimes called Allah’s Arsh, which somehow seems quite appropriate…
Toodle Pip!
I watched the documentary ‘The Last Days of Vietnam’ (on iPlayer) and it filled me with a renewed visceral loathing for the likes of that troll who boasts about walking arm in arm with the odious Tariq Ali in Grosvenor Square.
I can’t even express that loathing adequately.
And here we are again. The cancer that is the Left working assiduously to empower or exonerate those who threaten us most.
I sat on a park bench for a few minutes today and ate a banana. It occurred to me that just as little babies are landing on one end of the conveyor belt, sad old men are falling off the other. I reckon that’s the way it goes.
Andy Car Park (23:54)
Ask not for whom the bell tolls …
And speaking of conveyor belts and the inexorable drift – Alex Boot goes nuclear again:
Cameron spoke of “Russian aggression” as a justification for remaining in the European Union. This article ominously suggests that the opposite may be true. In either case the outcome is likely to be the same.
Andy Car Park – 23:54
…and then there are those, who others have determined, that don’t have to wait their turn.
(ideal BH Sunday afternoon viewing after your pub outing, nap, but not before your ritual observance of St.James of Bowen of Bullseye – naturally. “Be seeing you!” LOL)
Andy Car Park – 23:54
… but seriously, I think that Rheinhold missed a trick with the banana.
“What is it, stupidity or treason?”
Michael Savage (banned from entry to the United Kingdom by Labour and Conservative governments) expresses his thoughts on Obama speaking at Hiroshima just before America’s Memorial Day weekend:
Colonel Mustard, May 28th @ 18:34
I am sure I stand on common ground with you in contempt for the desecrators of the Vietnam war memorials in the USA this weekend.
I kid you not young feller. 13.5 billion years it is. Since the Big Bang that is. And all down hill since then. So you and my namesake are both right. He gives the ROP a bit of a kicking on his journey, as befits a Prof at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, along with other religions, as befits someone who might find the Jihad in his kitchen any time soon. But he finds plenty of other culprits for the mess Homo Sapiens has made of it all.
It’s still well worth reading. Or you could try Owen Jones’ “The Establishment” if you really want to get down in the weeds….
ACP may rant about bananas and the price of conveyer belts, but down here the price of beer is about to soar, due to the Greek Parliament upping VAT and taxes to pay the German Banks the interest the want on their interest…
“Get down to Maleme I said last night over a pint in the Taverna to my Cretan friends, take a lesson from what happened to the last lot of Teutons who dropped in to rob the place. Aren’t you your grandfathers’ sons and daughters?’
‘Oh, nobody would come here. The drachma would soar. We’d have rampant inflation. And we might miss Ronaldo scoring if you keep interrupting the match.”
And there we have it.
A bankrupt Greece is already overrun with a million ‘migrants’ from Turkey and the Greeks are more concerned about the Waxed Wonder’s dribbling!
The meme for a dying Europeis a multi-millionaire rolling around pretending he’s been elbowed in the face, whilst 500 million viewers think something of meaning is happening on their screens.
Truly we’re doomed!
And writing about Comradista Jones reminds me that Rod Liddle has apparently been suspended from the Labour party for not adhering to the party group think on muslims. Lucky Rod say I.
Does he really care if he’s now considered to be a counter revolutionary, a non person, a deviant or whatever the apparatchiks of New old Labour, or Old new labour, now considers itself to be? He’s less of a man that I thought he was if he gives a damn what that set of wankeristas thinks.
And what does being ‘Suspended’ actually mean?
Has he been put in Socialist Limbo, there to reside until his ‘sins’ are considered to be expiated by a Committee of Corbyns’ Commissars. Or is he doomed to swing, one armed, in the branches of a Banyan tree, eating bananas brought by eloi like Tetley, until he falls on the conveyer belt below?
Or perhaps ‘suspension’ is a coy term for a new Final Solution: the Corybyn gibbet, the new Summer essential in every Islington terrace, wherein recidivists are put on display ‘to encourage the others’, and yes, of course, stuffed with bananas until kharma descends upon them.
Of course the real question is why he wants to be in the Labour party in the first place. As Groucho said, “Why would I want to be a member of a club that wants me as a member?’
Anyway, he has alternatives: engaging the genii in Matrix Chambers to seek a judicial review perhaps? Or, taking a capitalist approach, just ask for his subs to be returned, or join Liberty UK or UKIP.
/I for one will watch future developments with interest.
Banana smoothie anyone? Before I spin the cage….
Malfleur May 29th, 2016 – 14:57
The latest in almost a year of memorial vandalising all across the USA. It began in 2015 with various Confederate memorials vandalised during the Confederate flag controversy and then memorials to police officers fallen in the line of duty which have been desecrated and sprayed with “Black Lives Matter”.
The resurgent left are worse than anything seen in 1968.
Why doesn’t some ask Cameron, at one if his ‘rallies’ aka Agitprop fiestas,
“If you are saying that you are not capable of governing this country efficiently, if the people, by plebiscite, decide to extricate themselves from a gigantic multinational scam, spearheaded by a ‘German racket’ (ack. Nick Ridley) – then resign forthwith and make way for someone in your ‘conservative’ party’s who thinks he can!”
Very unkind of you to rub salt into Rod’s wounds.Milwall failed to get promoted in today’s play-offs at Wembley.
Tipped three “undecideds” into the BRexit Camp today. Every little helps. 🙂
‘Are you good at languages’, asked Baron. The stewardess puzzled why the question when the subject was the referendum, admitted she wasn’t, not much anyway, ‘abit of French at school, all forgotten now’ she said. ‘Pity’, said Baron, ‘you may want to start learning German, even words like Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän, because if we vote to stay in, it won’t take long for the Germans to insist on it, it won’t take long for them to start running the outfit not behind closed doors, as they’re doing now, but openly.
And so it went along similar lines that the barbarian has found rather persuasive. Who, after all, would want to be governed by people whose predecessors were trying to gain governance of this island by different, and rather unpleasant, means.
Amazingly, two stewardesses (from two different crews) said all of the passengers who touched on the June vote were for leaving. When challenged by the barbarian that perhaps those who wanted to remain were too shy, embarrassed, or unwilling to say so, they argued this wasn’t the case.
Here you have it then, if the poll carried out by two friendly, talkative females who’re helping to run the flying easyjet contraptions is anything to go by, we’re out.
(Btw, it took Baron some time to learn to pronounce the German word convincingly even though it’s just ‘the captain of a Danube steamship company’).
If it’s any comfort for you, the rest of Europe, well that bit of it the barbarian had the chance to talk to, is as fed up with Europe as we are.
The Poles, as religious as we’re decadent, fear both immigration, and the power of the German diktat. Their southern neighbours, the Czechs, whose biggest export client is Germany fear mostly immigration from the Muslim world, openly. Many TV programmes addressing the issue are bombarded with statements that would be considered racist here. (The debating programmes run a line at the top of the screen that displays viewers reaction, comments, questions).
The point being even if we vote to remain, the outfit is unlikely to survive, it will either implode or get reshaped. The question is could it be re-modelled? There just isn’t a way to set up a governing structure for almost 500 million people so that their will is reflected in it, unless of course one resorts to what the Chinese have, or what the EU currently is.
Frank P – 19:10
Deterministically tipping three Remainiacs into to the Lynn might also have helped!
Colonel Mustard @ 17:28
This politically motivated vandalism has been around for some time, as you well know, Colonel, and it doesn’t stop at the desecration of memorials of the Confederates in the Republic. Jewish graves, synagogues, even private house have been a target, too, as were other targets like statues, political posters.
What pisses the barbarian may be a lesser vandalism, that of the graffiti spraying idiots. If one travels into London, the approaches to the city are full of it. The railway companies should have cameras there, catch the culprits, make them lick the paint off.
Noa @ 15:50
Wrong country for drinking beer, Noa, but what about the sun? Beaming down? Burning the flesh? Boosting one’s mood?
Here, the here means Suffolk, it’s bloody cold, so cold Baron has to cut the grass in a sweater and a jacket. Where TF is the global warming?
Frank P @ 01:16
Nope, Frank, the omni one gets it wrong again, the West can be as satanic as anyone because the West is populated by people, and people can be satanic or not. Adolf wasn’t by any definition a member of the tribe Mr. Boot hates (and believes to be cruel and vicious), but he was as satanic as they come.
The only difference the West enjoys is that it’s system of governance still retains a mechanism for correcting mistakes, satanic or not. Just.
Baron May 29th, 2016 – 21:53
The graffiti is celebrated by the lefties who just love a “vibrant” urban dystopia. They encourage it. Put it in galleries. Make urban heroes of the feral scumbags doing it. And blame it all on the Tories of course.
As “art” it is derivative crap. Once you’ve seen one fat-lettered meaningless word disfiguring a public space you’ve seen them all.
EC (
You are testing my local knowledge there, aren’t you? Into the Lynn what?
The Great Ouse is fast-flowing, currently (so to speak). If I get a chance I could help a few traitors into that for a late-night swim.
Oops … read EC (21:47) above. Getting forgetful. First signs?
Think I should be looking for landings up The Wash? The Channel invasion has already started. In my youth they would have been sinking the fuckers, now they’re saving ’em. And with June 6th approaching, too! There is no end to the stupidity of our Administration; more seriously to hoi polloi, brainwashed and bien pensant.
We’d better reform the Observer Corps. Or do they still exist?
Frank P @ 18:36 Sunday
I am not hearing Cameron or “the loyal opposition” being asked ANY hard questions on this or other ‘sensitive’ topics – but perhaps that’s because I don’t receive any regular thrusting reportage by British journalists here…
Just as an example, in my daily review of dispatches over my first cup of tea today, I came across
” Growing numbers of citizens from Western European nations are moving to conservative, Christian central Europe to escape the developing political and social situations of their home countries…”.
Time for some hard questions for the government and opposition – or we may have to study how the Spanish sorted the same question in the Reconquista. Ferdinand and Isabella could have answered reporters questions. If Britain ends up with its own Flamenco and Tapas tradition in consequence, who’s to complain?
Cameron and Corbyn have imported the rival army – now just follow the script? Except Cameron and Corbyn may not be of the same stamp or inclination as the Catholic Monarchs.
Baron (22:28)
I took a much simpler message from that essay, Baron. Nuclear Weapons of the past, when in the hands of rational people, killed thousands, but saved untold millions. MAD was the acronym.
This time the chances are that we may well need them to retaliate, if Iran decides the time has come for the Twelfth Imam. Or if some barmy jihadist decides to start the ball rolling with a dirty bomb.
As for the Vlad v Alex angle, his blog has a comments facility now. Take him on; I’ll hold your jackets. 🙂
Colonel Mustard
May 29th @ 23:19
…and behind the lefties and their graffiti lurks…and behind the CIA lurks…?
The globalists are the Ugly People and they want to make everyone and everywhere in their image.
Malfleur (00:04).
Farage seems to have left the room. Boris and Gove are ‘spearheading’ the BRexit Campaign. Those spears are about as sharp as a lavatory plunger and not even half as useful. The MSM is in the tank for Remain. I’m hoping the ‘silent majority’ is still extant. We shall see … only three more weeks of this crap, then the fun of the night of the long knives will begin. Cameron is done politically, whichever way it goes. But he knows that and he will already have ensured a lucrative world tour of ‘speeches’. After all he is H2B and a friend of Hillary. The paradigm of each is gold plated.
Bastards! Traitors!
Just watched The Head Hun and The First Frog ‘gettin’ jiggy wit it’and sharing ‘peace in our time’ face time at Verdun. Be afraid … be very afraid.
Richard Kemp with seven minutes of fundamental truths:
Mr. Boot has not examined, so far as I am aware, the possibility that the threat is not from Russia to the West, but from the West against Russia. As Mr. Boot explains on his home page however, everything he writes is a polemic.
Fred on Ever’ting pledges his vote to The Donald, then rips him a new one.
Mind you, he does live in Mexico. Wonder if he knew Verity?
Malfleur 01:36
I’ll hold your jacket too, if you join the fray in Alex’s comment facility. Should be fun watching.
Frank P
Yes, Farage disappointing. Perhaps he did not leave the room, but was shut out. Or may be he was offered a helicopter ride.
On Verdun: so with France and Germany in, or should it be Germance in, why the concern about war if we leave? Perhaps they have a cunning plan.
Simon Sebag Montefiore’s brother, Hugh, has a book coming out in September named “The Somme” by the way. May be they will be inviting the Queen to the commemoration of the centenary of the Somme Offensive. Do they think that in that way they are contributing to the next war that they appear to be preparing? Let us hope that Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump live to defuse that. Her Majesty may be in Bognor Regis by then.
A lot chaps here are asking ‘why the need for another book on the Somme?’:
I still plan to buy it – geopolitics permitting.
Yesterday, I learned that there were only 54 villages in the country which did not lose someone in the First World War – ‘the Thankful Villages’.
Should beat that in the next.
Bugger Bognor Regis! Let Her come home to Sandringham and Her homing pigeons.
Sorry Noa.
Frank P
Here is a haunch of meat for Mr. Boot to get his teeth into first.
I find the central power concept which the writer uses, the AngloZionist Empire, to be as unproven as it is objectionable. At the same time, his strategic, military and political arguments have at least to be met and dealt with, however the author characterises those he views as the bad guys.
Frank P
I would support building her a new Palace at the people’s expense on Arthur’s Seat if she would just come out publicly for BREXIT!
Sorry Noa.
Frank P. / Malfleur :
Farage has been going through the people like a fish through water.
Last week he has been appearing in market places across the country in the open top UKIP bus.
Dagenham/Dudley/Bulwell (Nottm.)/Chapeltown(Sheffield)/Bolton/Newcastle; last heard of in Aberdeen.
Farage in Northampton at 2-30pm , Tuesday.
Radford NG
Good news!
I hope UKIP’s public relations department is now posting video of his stops everywhere possible on alternative media.
The House of Commons comatose: “IS THIS STUPIDITY OR IS THIS TREASON?”
“Britain’s wide open borders: Second boat of Albanians tries to land on UK shore as just three patrol boat patrols guard 7,700 mile coastline and French coastguard chief says the Channel is the new Med
Britain’s borders have been branded a ‘complete mess’ by ex Navy chief
It is feared the country’s borders are completely open to crime gangs
Migrants sneaking into Britain on ships are being sent back to Germany
A group of 18 Albanians have been caught trying to reach the Kent coast”
Frank P – 23:47
Remarkably prescient of you!
Radford NG. (03:49)
Hope that works.
Trump’s success thus far has been his ability to force the MSM to cover his repetitive and at times outrageous spiel for the sake of ratings. Fox has provided him with a powerful platform and love him or hate him, there’s no denying that he’s a skilled communicator and knows how to work the meeja and the crowd. He’s a mixture of Elmer Gantry and Billy Graham.
No way will the MSM let Nigel do the same here. Cruz employed ‘the ground game’ that Nigel is following. Look where it got Cruz.
I know it’s a different scenario, but Sky and the Beeb have largely ignored Nigel. ITV are now irrelevant. Neither Boris nor Gove have the charisma to inspire the Sheeple to overturn the Status Quo, imho. I hope I’m wrong.
Nigel should have made some outrageous and politically incorrect claims, like Trump. He should have hit Islam harder, but he lays off everytime the subject is raised. That would have energised a following; a movement. He did well in the last GE here. But the internal squabbles in UKIP and between the BRexit elements have largely neutered the BRexit campaign.
Maybe the next couple of weeks will change it. But Cameron v Gove in a non-debate? On separate evenings? Nah.
Cameron’s scare tactics have worked. The people have been largely bamboozled. Gove will neither unscare nor unbamboozle them.
Please convince me I’m wrong, I need my spirits lifting. .
Oh my Gawd! I must start taking the EDP. And that happened last August??
How many have succeeded, I wonder? Must say, I thought Kings Lynn was taking on a new demographic lately, but I was half joking about the WWII gun emplacement opposite my gaff being reactivated. Looks like I should get serious!! 🙂
Mayor of Londonistan and Cameron on the same platform in SE London.
Khan took the lead – clapped by Cameron, who looks on in admiration.
Fetch the sick bucket, mother.
Now Cameron – multi cultural crap! Reformed European Union. Single market, single market, worker’s rights. Safer Britain. Lying douchebag.
There must be at least twenty people clapping.
Where are you Verity?
Malfleur 30th, – 02:16
Yes, and there are 13 “Doubly thankful” villages whose servicemen all returned home safely from BOTH world wars!
Donald Trump appears regularly on the Alex Jones Show and Michael Savage’s The Savage Nation. Their ratings make those of MSM outfits like Fox, CNN and NBC look like a joke. Roger Stone, who is one of Donald Trump’s leading advisers, is frequently on the Alex Jones Show and even more frequently on the phone with Jones. Moreover, Stone disclosed live on air with Jones about 10 days ago that he buys “Brain Force” from the snake oil salesman. Some re-balancing of the comparative influence of MSN and alternative media is called for here.
Will Mr. Cameron be the third prime minister in a row that the Queen fails to honour with a knighthood when he leaves office? And if so, why?
Trump canned Stone. Stone avers he quit. There ya go. Perhaps it was the brain food that led to the confusion. 🙂
The BBC News this morning reported Trump saying that illegal immigrants are treated better than veterans and added the caveat “without providing any evidence to show that”. I have never known them to use such a caveat when reporting the claims made by all the usual suspects, Cameron, Corbyn, Clinton, etc., especially those of the “X will say . . . ” type.
It will be interesting to see what happens to the recently trafficked-in Albanian “migrants”, whether they are elevated to “victim” status and allowed to stay as “refugees”. Or if we even get to find out.
Cameron himself seems to have moved his position from reducing immigration to the “tens of thousands” to now saying that recent mass immigration is the reason the economy has done so well. Kavanagh has written a scathing article about it:-
I’m sure Cameron probably agrees with New Labour that rubbing the right’s noses in diversity is a good thing because he ain’t no right winger. It appears the mask is off and the EU puppet elite, if not stopped in their tracks, intend to continue to swamp this country with immigrants.
England and the English are no longer being represented, let alone protected, in Westminster as the puppet elite refer to “Britain” or “UK” and proceed with plans to regionalise rural England and put it under the control of urban gauleiters – er, I mean “mayors” – based in the various regional cities. The urban politicians who get the mayoral roles will probably buy into the whole multi-culti, vibrancy nonsense that will be the death of the shire and county character and effectively the death of England, because the “devolved” regions will further fracture the national identity. It will be like being run from half a dozen local Londons. Bien pensant urban interests will prevail and immigrants will flock into these centres of power and begin to agitate in politics.
Colonel Mustard (15:46)
I never thought I would agree with an article the last line of which was, “We should be eternally grateful to Gordon Brown [for stopping him]. But I just did; with every word – except of course, the last sentence. Whatever the little Scottish Gargoyle did, or didn’t do, it was always self-interest that drove him. He’s been remarkably quiet during the BRexit campaign. I can’t even remember which side he’s on. No doubt he’s keeping his powder dry, or just doesn’t want to admit that he’s on the same side as Blair, Major, Corbynski and Cameron. He must be really pissed off that Jezza could well become PM in the shake out after BRexit – regardless of the outcome. Perhaps he still thinks that he may still rise like Phoenix from the scorched earth he partially created. It would be a wild punter indeed who put money on who will be PM in 2020.
I’m in New York City for a week, and on the evidence of my own eyes walking round the East Side of Manhattan I’d say that this city is still a majority white city. If Americans had experience of London’s demography Trump would romp home. Except of course there wouldn’t be enough of his own people to vote for him, and that’s how evil the Left’s immigration plan is. And how successful. Absolute cnuts.
Colonel Mustard @ 15:46
Truly excellent piece by Trevor, Colonel, lucidly argued, correct and hard hitting except for the ‘thank to Brown bit. It’s far from certain he (Brown) would have been against joining but for the fact the economy was doing splendidly, he feared it may stall if we joined, hence the five tests.
The BBC4 PM today had an item about immigration, their reporter, a young female visited Holland, talked to few newcomers to the country, one of them, a girl said she was in Holland for two years, had only one friend, the culture was different from that in her mother country, Syria, but she was ready to ‘accommodate.’ Another young man from somewhere in Africa (Baron has forgotten the country) claimed that people in the West thought immigrants were either of two groups, one that needed help, the other of criminals, he claimed that was the wrong impression, the immigrants were neither, they needed no help, didn’t milk the system, worked hard. No mention of the numbers arriving, the increasing demand on services, the pricing of indigenous people out of jobs or anything that would have balanced the report.
The brexit bunch should have someone scanning the broadcasting monstrosity, taking them to task for this bleedingly obvious bias.
Also, apparently, some local authorities have issued instruction leaflets for voters showing both the remain and leave options, but a pencil next to the former. After many complaints the Electoral Commission concluded it was unfortunate, but nothing can be done about it what with the cost of printing the leaflets.
Frank P @ 10:37
You should be hired to predict the future, Frank.
Months ago, a joke in the Spectator addressed the same boil.
A British frigate patrolling in the English Channel spots a small rowing boat, four people in it, intercepts the contraption, the captain of the patrol boat shouts ‘what are you up to?, one of the men in the dinghy shouts back ‘we’re invading Britain’. The captain and the crew laugh, shout back ‘what, the four of you?’. ‘No,’ the man shouts ‘we’re the last four, the others are already there’.
Hard not to fully agree with Patrick:
Three pieces of news that you won’t find in the British MSM, but only in the media of the EU East:
The Turkish President (he has four children) has asked Muslims to avoid contraception, go for large families, three as a minimum. He also opined women aren’t equal to men.
The Americans troops have again travelled through the former satellites of the Soviet Empire. On a road in the Czech Republic, a dissatisfied burgher lowered his pants, displayed his backside towards to the travelling column. In a poll immediately after the accident, a vast majority (86%) thought the arse displaying protester was right to do as he did. The reason given by most respondents was the Czechs got rid of one occupation (by the Soviets after the 1968 invasion), they have no need for another (by the Americans).
Few days ago, a Czech lawyer, a feisty female, delivered a speech at a conference ‘Should We Be Afraid of Islam?’ attacking the creed, comparing it to nazism and communism. The Turkish Ambassador to the Czech Republic demanded an apology, didn’t get it, has kept quiet since, the authorities are investigating.
In the usual haste, the barbarian forgot to include the video of the accident of the naked bottom. (The guy claims he was inspired by “Pussy Riot, and also numerous gay parades where naked arses are in full display, something the progressive media welcome”. That’s obviously a big mistake on his part, his act has nothing to do with free gay sex, if it did, he wouldn’t have been arrested).
Malfleur @ 02:45
A rather frightening piece, Malfleur.
The comparison with the Cold War doesn’t really fit well. In those years, both sides were armed to their teeth, but the West was prosperous then, no need to actually go to war, the East lived in penury, its Kremlin leaders knew starting a war would be suicidal. Today, the Western economic wealth producing machine is sputtering, the East (both China and Russia) are in economic ascendancy. Hard to guess how will the Americans react if the economic malaise of the West carries on, dollar loses its reserve status, the masses revolt.
Irishboy @ 20:34
You may know the place anyway, Irishboy, but when the barbarian used to visit the place the Carnegie Deli was the joint to go to, engage in gluttony. It’s on the 55th street (7th ave), the barbarian usually stayed in a hotel nearby, has always been keen on their corned beef or pastrami sandwiches, massive sizes, gherkins aplenty, and the cut of their cheesecake could have fed an army. You cannot imagine how Baron envies you, you lucky man.
Anybody around? No challenges to any of the rants? Have you all left the country
Frank P @ 15:28
You are your own little dinosaur media sometimes, you wry little elf!
The piece is rather longish, doesn’t say much you don’t already know, but it mentions a book (the Nobility of Failure), which Baron highly recommends if you want to learn about the Japanese culture. If the barbarian were richer, he would spend alot of time there, he loves the customs, rituals, the tolerance and gentleness of the people, the countryside, the food …
What’s the difference between a Russian and his girlfriend? The girlfriend has a higher sperm count.
This and other amusing quips you’ll find in the link below.
Sweden today. Tomorrow?
BRexit. Sharpish!
Baron (21:56)
Heh, heh, heh! Just about sums up my sentiments. As I asked EC earlier today, anyone know where to can buy an Oerlikon 20mm Cannon for my personal WWIi pill box, strategically situated along the NW Norfolk coast?
Trouble is, unless the tide is well in, the buggers could still walk to shore even if we sank their dinghies. So I suppose a Bren gun would be handy, too, for mopping up operations. It will come to this y’know, when we declare UDI for East Anglia. Bags I the job of Home Sec for five years or life, whichever is the longer. 🙂 I suppose you want the job of British Ambassador in Moscow, where you can keep an eye on your old mate Vlad. Home at last! You can take Hitchens Minor, as your Press Attaché. Nod, nod. Wink, wink!
Inspired by Colonel Mustard at 15:46 yesterday, I am returning briefly to why Her Majesty should come out publicly for Brexit. Insofar as anyone in England is able to overcome the paralysis which strikes our people when called upon to address the constitutional role of the monarchy, many might object that for the Queen to do so would precipitate a constitutional crisis because the monarch is meant, by tradition, to shut up and do what her prime minister tells her. And her prime minister is telling her to remain.
I have expressed my view before that we are already IN a constitutional crisis.
Peter Sutherland, a Bilderberger and UN Special Representative for International Migration, speaks for those who have forced the crisis on us when he argues against national sovereignty or, in EU terms, for ever closer union. He has said in his official capacity that the EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states and that caps on refugees enforced by certain countries in Europe are “directly reminiscent of the type of caps that took place under the Reich [against] the Jewish population”, and so on and so forth.
June 23 offers the possibility of a re-assertion of national sovereignty, national self-determination and national constitutionality – all those goods that we were told the British Empire was being dismantled to allow to its colonial components.
June 23 also threatens or, to Mr. Sutherland, promises the dissipation of national identity with the abolition of national borders and the remnants of self-rule – evils that we were accused by some of struggling to impose on others.
Here’s the thing for Her Majesty to ponder – and I hope that she is gracious enough to be reading this: if the United Kingdom remains in the European Union, what is the point of the Monarch?
Speak up Your Majesty! Which side are you on?
Perhaps there is a diplomatic way to signal from your golden cage or perhaps you are content with the way things are moving… I think we should be told.
Extract from a comment bt EFORCE at 14:20 on May 30 at the above sero hedge link at 01:23″
“….There is one silver lining to this cloud. The government’s censorship must have been so good that the parliament petitions committee did not realise the significance of a petition presented to them =
“We require Lord Kilmuir’s letter to Edward Heath be debated in parliament”. The letter can be read from a link on this site.
If this petition gets to 10,000 before 23rd June, the government has to comment on it. This should release those previously censored as the letter’s existence would be acknowledged on a government’s own site.
The problem is that the petition has such a boring and obscure title and more importantly even the so called alternative media with the notable exception of Don Hank and Rodney Atkinson whose site “Freenations” promotes it. Rodney Atkinson was the man who together with Norris McWhirter took John Major, Francis Maude and Douglas Hurd to court for Misprison of treason for signing the Maastricht Treaty. The attorney general then took it over and said there was no case to answer; presumably when not being on his oath of office.
So dear reader, if you live in the UK, please sign the petition and get everyone you know to sign it.
Think about it; if you are caught doing something wrong you have to stop doing it. Get this letter’s contents into the public domain and you can then demand that the treaties be declared null and void so that the laws that gave away our sovereignty back to 1972 would revert back to the position pertaining in 1972….”
Irishboy (20:34)
Nip Uptown to Harlem, or across the Brooklyn Bridge, Downtown. You’ll find a bit more diversity. I understand The Bronx has been ‘gentrified’ but I’d be surprised if it’s without its 50 shades of humanity. And remember, all native New Yorkers abandon Manhattan in August. It makes Hades a skating rink by comparison. And on the subject of skating rinks don’t forget to visit The Donald’s masterpiece in the Park.
For real America, take a bus ride to Newark. You’ll then feel you are back in the East End, or Ladbroke Grove circa ’68.
But I agree with Baron. I don’t suppose I’ll ever make it back to Midtown Manhattan, but I too can recommend the ‘corned beef’ aka Salt Beef on Rye, with the very trimmings that his Lordship still salivates over. It even surpassed the Nosh Bar in Great Windmill Street, Soho, (London that is, before it became Queertown next Cinatown) – and that’s saying somethin’!
I suppose the Nosh Bar is no more? Check it out for me, one of you gay blades. If it’s still there I may take one last ride to the West End, already.
ACP, you’re a man about town, get your WBGTDWI banner round to where the Windmill Theatre used to be Brucie; you know, the one where you used to queue before 12 for those front seats, when Peter Sellers and Michael Bentine were warm up acts there, Look across to the North side of Windmill Street; it was tucked away on the corner of Ham Yard. If it’s still there, please let me know. 😉
Ma!Fleur (01:08)
Send it to me at:
Anmer Hall
Sandringham, Norfolk.
PE31 6RW
I’ll hand deliver it when HM next drops by to feed her homing pidgeons, she’s in Balmoral at present.
Pigeons, sorry.
Baron and Frank P
Well, all quiet around Trump Tower, no permanent protesters that we had to put up with for decades in London. And Baron, I wandered past Carnegie Hall today, and a very handsome building it is too, and as I’m staying on the corner of 57th and 8th, it’ll only be a 10 minute walk to the Carnegie Deli. Will be Thursday before I have time I think, but will report back on its existence and the quality of the corned beef and cheesecake. If these are on the menu, I won’t be choosing anything else.
And of course, diversity has afflicted NY too, but at least in this part of town one can almost pretend otherwise, whereas in London there’s no hiding. No escape.
Actually, I may not be able to wait until Thursday to seek out that cheesecake!
May 30th, 2016 – 21:47
Sir, may I recommend a visit to
You will find lots of us monitoring the offences. However, the site is plagued with a few trolls who seem to think that we are all racist reactionaries. Why does that sound familiar?
Frank P
May 31st, 2016 – 02:16
Thanks for mentioning the Nosh Bar. I used to call in there all those years ago when I was working as a security guard in some of the offices in the area. You have brought back many happy memories. It is even possible that we were both in there at the same time!
More benefits from Islam.
Baron May 31st, 2016 – 00:08
The author of that article “Israel Shamir” (he uses other names) is a controversial provocateur who has been justly accused of holocaust denial and anti-semitism. He has also attempted to defend Pol Pot:-
“New Cambodia (or Kampuchea, as it was called) under Pol Pot and his comrades was a nightmare for the privileged, for the wealthy and for their retainers; but poor people had enough food and were taught to read and write. As for the mass killings, these are just horror stories . . . ”
Supposedly an ethnic jew from Siberia who converted to orthodox Christianity, Shamir also used a Swedish name Jöran Jermas from 2001 to 2005, before changing his name to Adam Ermash, although continuing to use Israel Shamir as a pen name.
He is something of an icon for a certain type of left-wing, anti-American, anti-semitic, peace protester of the Corbynista mould. Many of those types have embraced Japanese culture with rose-tinted spectacles and revised the Second World War as a prequel to the War in Vietnam with the Americans as cruel bombers of a gentle people. The resident ‘gaijin’ wallowing in Japanese lore is a common literary feature creature, too mesmerised and immersed to write about historic Japanese cruelty and modern Japanese weirdness.
Colonel Mustard – 07:50
What are their kids taught? Have Japanese militarism and the abominable acts that their armed forces perpetrated in WW2 been erased and/or sanitised from their nation’s history curriculum?
Reportedly, Vlad has changed Russia’s school history text books regarding Stalin’s heinous deeds.
Colonel Mustard @ 07:50
Thank you, Colonel, the barbarian wasn’t aware of any of it. What he says in the piece is not really that controversial. The Kurosawa film reflects the sentiment of many Japanese, still, the barbarian can vouch for it (in Okinawa in particular), and the book isn’t political at all, you know it, of course, for Baron it was revelation for a tribe to honour failures rather than victors, quite an unusual take on a nation’s past.
Still when it comes to the bomb, Baron reckons Truman’s decision to drop it was the last act a confident, rightful, and morally guided America. The blast and the sickness engendered by it killed some 250,000 (the official Japanese figure), but who knows what the casualties may have been had the blasts not happened. Also, the initial occupation, the new constitution turned Japan into a provider of good in the world of innovation, manufacturing, commerce. There should rightly be no apology, not unlike in the case of the Nazis, they (both) started it.
If you feel like correcting the poorly educate d Slav, please do.
John birch @ 07:18
The guy who penned it, Gavin, seems to be lacking somewhat the capacity for ‘noticing’ when he says ‘he’s confident we (the people of the Republic) can avoid the fate (of embracing PC).
The elites, some sections of the community e.g. many students, the Hollywood celebrities, the bulk of the progressives, the MSM have already done so, bought the Full Monty of the PC crap, hence the problem.
More to the point, the anointed have enacted a range of statutes, derived rules, regulations based upon them e.g. in the Armed Services, that enforce PC whether one likes it or not. If Donald gets in, the unwashed of America have a chance of reversing the trend, if he doesn’t they’ll get as fugged as we’re.
John birch @ 07:05
But, amazingly, John, the flow has ebbed noticeably in recent weeks, the barbarian smells as big a rat as they come for the last thing the Remain lot need is another million or so refugees crowding into Europe in just few short weeks. It shows that if they wanted to, they could stop them coming, they obviously don’t want to as the guy in your link says.
Declan @ 05:40
Thank you, Declan, a useful and informative site, the barbarian has added it to his list of places to visit to either calm down, or get the heart racing.
What the barbarian does when he spots a biased reporting is he writes a short letter to the BBC, never more than one page, (a concentrated argument works better). Seldom he gets ignored, often he receives long letters full of platitudes justifying the bias, pointing to programmes that balance it out, thanking him for the bother to write .…
To be (shamefully) honest, this is what the barbarian used to do, he has mostly given up on it some time ago, he found it was a waste of time really. If anything he sends an e-mail, if possible, but the response rate is not as high as it was when a letter was sent.
Baron – 12:04
The Japanese were tough nutters to crack.
I don’t think that they were responding to conventional bombing.
If the A-bombs had been ready sooner they would have saved more live.
Truman was fully justified.
Here’s an interesting graphic:
The barbarian permits himself one big rant per day to bore yu o with, here it is for today:
Many and more years ago (deep in the last century, in fact), in the Tokyo building that housed the offices of the outfit Baron worked for, one could use a toilet that, amongst other things, was heated, could be adjusted for height, and not only wiped one’s bottom with squirts of pleasantly warm water after the job was done, but also gently perfumed it, a kind of sweet, air caressing reward for a task well done. One could even choose the fragrance one’s bottom would smell of, ‘narcis’ being one of the options, in spite of the fact cultured daffodils have no smell, only the small wild ones do (si it right?).
If one were already (and enthusiastically) into a gender cum species fluidity, morphed into a canine than a perfumed bottom is almost a must, but for someone neither gay nor barking, the toilet was an overkill. Soon, it’s novelty value wore off, it was left only for the European visitors to use, discuss at lunch, a favourite subject it was, too.
The morale of this rant (that ain’t finished yet)? If technology can do, it doesn’t follow it must do.
In his current state of health, the barbarian was asked to have a blood test, something he’s done many times before. Nothing could have been simpler in the past: one goes to a medical centre, takes a small chitty with a number on it, waits few minutes, but never more than half an hour, when the number’s called the nurse pricks one’s arm, fills up one small tube or more.
No longer that simple, it got computerised in West Suffolk, one has to go online, click on the quick queue site, register (a mobile telephone number is a must), choose a five minute slot, book it, then turn up on time, being late results in going through it again.
You may think so what? What’s wrong with it? Well, nothing at all, but then there was nothing inherently wrong with the Japanese, perfume dispersing toilet either. It’s just an overkill for both.
The whole booking system isn’t coupled with any other part of the NHS web of computer based systems, it’s a stand alone job, it’s like using the largest hammer one can find to crack one of the smallest nuts around, but no more. It must have cost millions to develop, set up, the running costs aren’t pocket money either, it has some teething troubles anyway (whilst Baron was registering, a pop up window appeared saying the chosen appointment time was taken over by someone else, prompted the barbarian to go for another slot. In fact, the message was wrong, Baron ended up with two consequent time slots, had to cancel one).
If any of the people who commissioned it were to own the service as a profit making business they would never computerised it, Baron reckons.
As a finale for this rant: A neighbour of Baron, close to 92, said she liked it very much, it was modern, it ‘excited her’ (one doesn’t get much excitement at her age, so that’s a plus). ‘But you haven’t got a mobile,’ Baron said. ‘No, I haven’t, but I will never do it myself anyway, it will be my great niece who will do everything for me’, she said.
EC @ 12:20
Quite, EC, exactly what the barbarian thinks (as if it mattered).
EC @ 12:20
And this, EC:
This is for the first time the barbarian came across this map, EC, thank you for furnishing it.
It indeed does prove to defeat the Japanese deploying conventional weaponry would have been costly both in lives and treasure, (but their towns would have burned more easily that ours what with being mostly constructed mostly of wood and paper).
Apologies for the errors, worse than at the Guardian.
Malfleur 01:33
Thanks: signed
Baron – 12:28
The expensive, and needles(sic) “Swiftqueue” system is totally flawed. In order for that system to operative efficiently then the NHS needs the bloodletters and the bloodlett-ees function like automatons! Even rocket Ronnie O’Sullivan ain’t cuein’ like he was a few years ago.
That perfumed garden of Kyoto khazi would not have worked in the real ale & black coffee fuelled world of the UK’s 70s/80s IT sector. The standard office advisory of “I’d give that five minutes if I were you” sometimes having to be doubled or even quadrupled! At one software house, one always knew when Geordie Bill had been in as the next visitor usually cried “somebody call a doctor!” before executing a rapid retreat and rushing the stairs to the bog on the floor below. However the experiences of my earlier career did not fully prepare me for the horrors that awaited any unsuspecting user of the 3rd Floor (IT dept) bogs at Leicester City Council in the mid 90s. A time when cultural diversity, circus balancing acts, and pebble dashing techniques had really taken hold – of the cubicle walls!
Give me the Kyoto khazi any day!
PS. Sorry to lower the tone, “I’ll get me coat….”
Two YouTube videos for you:
Pat Condell “The Moment of Truth” (31/05/2016)
Tony Gosling: “What BBC won’t tell you about Brexit: Decline of Britain since 1973”
I dunno who this Tony Gosling is but there are some boggling revelations in the above.
The Truth About Brexit | UK’s EU Referendum
Stefan Molyneux 31/05/2016
Stefan has all the figures.
I am sure that our masters will withhold the go-signal to their creature, ISIS, until after June 23.
By the way, since CHWs have moved on to the subject of bogs, I could add my own pennysworth on the communal open plan gentlemen’s lavatory in a courtyard home in old Peking inhabited by a number of families in the 1990s.
But I think I will leave it to your imaginations with the phrase “trench warfare”.
Whoops – dividing asterisks misplaced – sorry.
Headline in the DT online:
“Exclusive: Migrants who want to enter Britain must be skilled and speak English, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove pledge as part of Brexit vision”
Editor, after “must” insert “do so legally” and after “English” insert “and not be muslim or communist”.
Are you now or have you ever been…?
No need to read the blurb, just click on the embedded video.
The barbarian has no track whatsoever with the message – one would be hard put to find more abhorrent one – but the delivery is to perfection. That’s what appeals today in the environment where emotions rather than cool thinking rule.
Baron – 10:18
Let us pray – that The Donald wins in November!
Exactly right, what the piece says. To argue around matters of the economy, finance, trade is unconvincing, assumption driven, inconclusive. These i.e. economic growth, level of interest, trading partners, are all derived from the base, the conditions in which they happen, and the conditions are made of the principles, laws, time established conventions and traditions of the society which pursues them.
The Anglo-Saxon take on things differs, has always differed hence the disagreements, arguments, opt-outs we’ve had with Brussels since joining (in number more than any other EU member).
We don’t fit the construct because the notion of ‘no taxation without representation’ is ingrained in the psyche of the British unwashed more than in other tribes of the EU.
Malfleur – 00:11
You might think that asterisks are harmless but there is plenty of evidence (CHWs passim) to the contrary.
Two YouTube videos for you:
Pat Condell “The Moment of Truth” (31/05/2016)
The Truth About Brexit | UK’s EU Referendum
Stefan Molyneux 31/05/2016
Immigration: Stefan has all the official figures – which are damning all by themselves
Forget Chilcot, arrest Blair and all his “ites” for this betrayal our our nation,
You may recall, if only vaguely, Baron’s theory of life, that at any stage of human evolution there has never been anything perfect, at the stage we’re at there ain’t the ideal pizza, wife, political argument …. but some pizzas, wife or political arguments are closer to the ideal than others.
On the theory, Baron challenges you to find anyone who’s made a finer argument than Pat in just 10 minutes.
If the Leave boys and girls were smart they would parcel the 10 minute argument into five two minutes slots, ran it as a commercial.…
EC @ 10:46
How dare you, EC.
EC @ 10:32
You may think the barbarian has completely lost it, EC, but he has made few bets, one quite substantial, that the June vote will be a decisive ‘out’, and that Donald will get in.
And you k now what? He sleeps better for it.
Another economic clown, this time it’s a female called Mann, has said how disastrous it will be if the UK voted to brexit in June, and not just for us, or the EU, no, sir, for the whole fugging world which got caught in a low’ growth trap’.
Two things:
Perhaps, the low growth trap has been, if only in part, engendered by actions such as the sanctions against Russia, for which the EU was directly responsible.
And the other thing, you may not care for it, but read the Guardian blurb, it isn’t that long, there isn’t one reason why brexit should be bad for anyone. There’s plenty of the magnitude of it, as bad as the China’s hard landing, plenty of figures on the outcomes of our leaving, but nothing at all of the assumptions, or reasons for such d isastrous consequences.
Just think. From tomorrow, we’re out. So what could happen? Nothing, absolutely nothing will change, the trading patterns, which is the one aspect of our leaving everyone often points to, nothing will happen on trade because if a deal was advantageous to the two parties that entered into it before brexit, why should it be not advantageous after it?
EC May 31st, 2016 – 11:33
The most recent school book spat I know of was in 2007 when there was a row over the mass civilian suicides at Okinawa. A completely revisionist text book which caused outrage is now still in use but only in a minority of private schools.
There has always been a right-wing, revisionist minority of the “Mishima” persuasion lurking under the surface in Japan but it is countered by vociferous pacifist and left wing movements. It is a rump of militarism that survived American post-war colonisation and is generally anti-Western in sentiment, often with links to organised crime. The pacifists and leftists kicked up when the constitution was altered to permit Japanese troops to operate overseas, even though that was restricted to peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. But the Japanese government recently gave a green light for the military to be used overseas for “mutual defence”, thought to refer to North Korean sabre rattling.
At some point Japan and China will probably resume armed conflict, but more likely to be another “incident” rather than a full blown war.
WWII Japanese veterans, of whom there are not many left, and the war dead are being gradually rehabilitated as sacrificial patriots and victims, especially the Kamikazes, separated from the crimes of the “military regime” in much the same way as wartime Germany is now being separated from the Nazis. The deeds of grandfathers are being more openly honoured and questioned in families and there are even re-enactment groups dressing up as WWII Japanese soldiers.
Baron May 31st, 2016 – 12:04
“What he says in the piece is not really that controversial.”
Really? How about:-
“This huge human flesh burnt offering (the bombing of Japan) has been the real true holocaust of 1940s, while the Jewish one was introduced in the late 1960s to undermine the real thing. A baby-boomer, I grew up in the world that bewept Hiroshima, the subject of many films and events, and did not know of Auschwitz.”
I don’t know where he was booming as a baby but the horrors of Auschwitz were well known in this country immediately post-war although the term “Holocaust’ was coined later. And there was little or no “be-weeping” about Hiroshima. The Pacific War legacy, where both sides dehumanised each other, was bitter in both the UK and USA and the racial stereotyping is still prevalent.
Voting Brexit is not even a tough call. On one side of the debate we have unanswerable propositions like that we should be able to choose and reject those who make our laws. What is the percentage of people who disagree with that?
Or, why not leave a stagnant, would be super-state that is stumbling from crisis to crisis that cost us progressively more money to solve? Who really disagrees with that.
On the other side of the debate we have only lies, scares and fantasies. The economy (freed from some regulation and costs) will slump! Travel will be affected. Danger of war is increased. ISIS wants us to vote Leave! Cancer cures will not be discovered. Trade with EU will fall to zero!
This should be the easiest decision we ever have to make:
Alex Jones’s Tuesday Show’s First Hour kicks off with a critical report on the Grauniad:
Colonel Mustard @ 12:14
You’re right again, Colonel, but then when are you not, the barbarian should have read the piece more carefully, he cannot recall the passage you quote, unless there’s more of the same, he won’t bother to re-read, his eyes were drawn to the film, the book, he likes both. Also, Shamir expressed his liking for the Japanese culture, something the barbarian shares.
Still, are you aware not all conservatives endorse, or rather have expressed views not in support of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing?, amongst them Eisenhower, Reagan if the barbarian memory’s right.
Malfleur @ 14:54
The report on the paper is short, well argued, spot on, Mafleur, but it seems Alex is running out of steam, only 45 minutes?
If you like bears, this is for you:
Baron June 1st, 2016 – 15:41
I have mixed feelings about it. In some respects the Americans were responsible for the Japanese going to war.
The Japanese had been steadfast allies of the Western powers during the Boxer Rebellion and again during WWI when they sent a destroyer squadron to the Med and helped put down a mutiny in Singapore. The Americans managed to split the Anglo-Japanese naval alliance during the 1920s which sowed the seeds for future war, hastened by their sanctions against Japan in the 1930s.
From the Japanese perspective they were simply joining the colonial powers in China and could not understand when the USA objected. Racial inferiority issues then crept in. Why was it ok for the British, American, French and other Western powers to carve up enclaves in China but not for the Japanese? The Japanese wanted to be treated as equals.
Has this been reported by either the BBC or any of the British newspapers? –
Herbert Thornton – 17:37
Honour killings happen in the UK too. They are not necessarily exclusive to one “religion.” Over the years, to my recollection, there has been the occasional instance of bride burning/murder in the UK where the poor girl’s family haven’t stumped up the promised dowry, but those cases, I think, have had NTDWI. Reporting on any cases that would give a negative impression of “minorities would today be considered “Racist.”
This is really good, even Baron might feel compelled to agree… 😉
Dave Booted again!
“It is intriguing that the UK is so feeble that we wouldn’t be able to make our own way in the world; yet the EU would collapse without us.”
Random nonsense…
“Europe – The Brexit Countdown” by The Private Gentlemen’s Yacht Club
This would have won the Eurovision song contest.**
Ridiculous over-reaction to murder/suicide at UCLA: seems pragmatic discretion has been removed from sharp end cops. Which means that Islamic terrorism has struck a serious blow to law enforcement in America
Sultan Knish follows the infamy of Obama’s world tour of praise of Communism’s mass-murderers:
Delingpole deep sixes G7:
Frank P June 1st, 2016 – 20:55
Excellent. Someone who knows what the Vietnam War was really about and writes exactly how I feel about it.
Fuck Ho and fuck Obama, Tariq Ali and all the other communists too, whatever they are pretending to be now. Alex in Montana says it for me.
EC @ 19:19
Indeed an excellent rebuttal of Ferguson’s fanatical rant in favour of the Remain bunch, EC. The barbarian has read the ST piece only today (the historian currently in vogue has a regular column there, infuriates the poorly educated Slav endlessly), was going to do one of his long permitted rant, won’t bother now except for one thing. The esteemed historian happens to be factually wrong.
Ferguson claims (as Mr. Boot points out) that ‘no one can seriously deny that European integration has ended centuries of conflict (within Europe)’.
What? Pax Romana ensured peace for longer than the post-WW2 stint. Closer to the recent times, the period between the ending of the Napoleonic wars and WW1 was also considerably longer. It was interrupted by a number of localised skirmishes amongst them the unification of Germany and Italy, but so was the peace after 1945.
The Greek Civil War immediately after WW2, the invasion of Hungary by the Soviets in 1956, a similar event in Czechoslovakia in 1968, the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, the Bosnian War 1992-95, the Kosovo War 1998-99, the Chechen War 1999-2009, the East Ukrainian War that’s still going on, and that’s to mention only a few of the conflicts in Europe or nearby, in which many died, got maimed, displaced.
If Ferguson means by peace in Europe the absence of a conflict between Germany and France, he’s right, but surely Europe counts for more than just two countries in it.
The two major conflicts in the 19th century (Italy, Germany) didn’t involve warring between the two protagonists (France, Germany) either. If one excludes the localised wars after WW2 mentioned above, one should also ignore the two civil wars of unification in the 19th century, hence making the almost 100 years (ending with WW1) as the longest stretch of peace for Europe as a whole.
More to the point, history hasn’t yet ended contrary to what Fukuyama may have said, who can predict what’s installed for us in the years ahead. The festering boil of animosity between NATO and Russia may yet lead to another conflict flaring up in the Old World, bigger and more devastating than anything before, the existence of the EU, our being in or out of the Brussels monstrosity, are unlikely to stop it.
Colonel Mustard @ 21:17
That’s alot of fornication, Colonel, you should think of your heart. Ha, ha, ha.
Frank P @ 21:12
The swing poster stinks, but thankfully wasn’t banned. Thankfully, because the barbarian reckons it may be instrumental in convincing some undecided to turn to the brexit camp.
It’s a laughable caricature today, was laughable when young thugs dressed the way the man on the poster does. The Indians have never posed a problem, if anything there has always been a certain nostalgic affinity between India and Britain. The woman in the picture may, however, remind voters that there also are more recent newcomers from other tribes where no such sentimental attachment applies.
Frank P @ 20:09
It’s overreacting everywhere, Frank.
On his latest trip, Baron was hoping to take with him a paltry amount of Manuka honey. It was in a small, see through plastic container, just 125ml of it, the stuff’s quite pricey, sealed, bought at Waitress. No luck though, the content was near liquid, over 10ml, it got confiscated. There was no point arguing it was honey.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:06
Interesting points, Colonel, the barbarian cannot comment, he knows next to nothing about the Pacific theatre of war, but he knows the first shots in the US – Japan war were fired by the Americans, the first casualties were Japanese.
An American patrol boat guarding the Pearl Harbour facility spotted a suspicious craft in the water days before the Japanese attacked in force (it was a small Japanese spying sub), fired at it, very likely sank it.
Frank P at 20-55
There’s a $11.3 billion deal there for 100 Boeings for VietAir.
EC @ 19:21
Laboured abit, EC, but to the point.
The boy is a politician, one has to make allowances for it, except that the volte-face occurred in such a short time, one can only cringe seeing the two mutually admiring each other. Sadiq’s a Muslim, he can get away with it, but did the boy have to go through with it?
Above at 00-14
As for Sultan Knish on Bitburg : this was grossly hyped-up by the Establishment who hated Reagan (and Thatcher) as much as they hate Trump ; and who discovered that about 2% of the soldiers buried there were from the Waffen SS.
This was at a time when the West German voters (and the British) were resolutely refusing to remove nuclear-armed Cruise missiles from their country.
June 1st, 2016 – 15:56
Better fifty minutes of Alex than a cycle of SKY TV.
Here’s the third hour – yes,item: starting at 5:00 minutes in, recently retired US Marine Corps Colonel Matt Smith-Meckand CIA man, Robert Tosh Plumlee, disclose that a military base iin the USA is about to send another shipment of ‘fast and furious’ arms through Mexico to ISIS. According to these gentlemen, a word I use here without irony, yhe House Oversight Committee in Washington DC was notified but, following a pattern common to the CIA and the FBI et alios, has refused to act.
By the way, ignore the first five minutes which features Roger Stone who, as Frank P has presented clear evidence for, has quit the Trump campaign and therefore has no standing to speak for it.
I now look forward to reading what smart-arse comment Frank P will come up with to deflect attention from what Col. Smith-Meck and Robert Tosh Plumlee have to say on this snake-oil salesman’s link. Please make sure it is sufficiently cute to seem so still when the Stinger missiles start to bring down European airliners and the bullets of the jihadi machine guns rake the children and teachers in English schoolls.
Soeren Kern chronicles the West’s weaknesses in defence against the jihad.
“British police chiefs are struggling to recruit enough officers who are willing to carry a firearm, because many fear they will be treated as criminal suspects if they use their weapon in the line of duty.”
So it goes.
Malfleur @ 03:37
You’re right on the preference front, Malfleur, one can also easily substitute Sky for any other broadcaster controlled by the anointed, it would still apply.
The Alex’s story is a different cattle of sea bream, it’s either deadly, frightening beyond comprehension, or lending itself to a perfectly innocuous, almost jejune explanation. What he calls ISIS may, in fact, be the fighters the Americans train. If the supply of weaponry to the Syrian tribes that love democracy, cannot wait to live in it, ready to die to bring it up includes sophisticated gear like shoulder fired missiles, one would expect the men firing them to receive a thorough training, why not have in on the US soil?
Colonel Mustard.
In light of recent discussions hereupon about Vietnam, Obama’s recent visit and general fragmented discourse on the subject, I’m interested on what your assessment is of the very lengthy Wiki entry on the history of the conflicts there. There is a very dense notation appendix, a great number of citations from the NYT (which I usually ignore on principle). But I wonder if you could recommend a serious book on the subject that you rate as accurate? Your opinion is much valued here and elsewhere.
Frank P @ 13:22
Should the lack of recruits for the order maintaining agencies of the State be really a surprise, Frank?
Increasingly, the barbarian is coming to the view that the cost of preventing the possible future terrorist accidents is escalating beyond what a society should approve. We should go back to the pre-terrorist days, begin profiling (as the Israelis do, quite successfully, too), ask the public to take over, spend the saved money on stuff like better, more up-to-date gear, drugs, front personnel for the NHS.
Btw, in the posting above, it should read ‘kettle’ of whatever, not cattle. Software to blame (largely). Very sorry.
Yesterday afternoon, the barbarian equipped with a 4-10 was staking squirrels, they seem to have infested the neighbourhood, six have been dispatched to the maker so far.
The temperatures in the garden hoovered just above double digit numbers, before the darkness set in, they fell well below, last time Baron checked they were 5.50degC. This morning, it wasn’t any better, in fact the last three days were as cold as any November day in an average temperature year.
Not that Baron minds the cold spell, what irks him is the ecochondriacs keeping quiet about it. Not a word about the cold, it’s ignored, temperatures are barely noted when the weather forecast’s on. If, however, the temperatures were above the average, we would hear about it 24/7. Bastards.
It looks Bernie over there could beat the Clinton woman.
A glimmer of hope for Nigel, he may be able to get to the house after all.
Indeed the Carnegie Deli is still there! There’s been a long line outside when I’ve passed it but will have time tomorrow to queue and will report back. Am so looking forward to being a glutton – indeed from what you say, one has no other choice.
And isn’t the Carnegie Hall the most handsome building in New York? Well, from what I’ve see so far. Beautiful brick, proportions and discrete. No time to actually get inside the famous hall itself due to my own commitments on another stage.
Baron – 16:52
Can Czechs pronounce the word “squirrel” properly, or do they hit the same stumbling block used to trap 98+% of Germans?
Baron ((16:43)
Answer to question. No.
As for “kettle” and “cattle” apparently some of the police bosses in recent years correlated the two words as a matter of convenience. It seems the practice has now been abandoned following a controversial case involving the sudden death of a street newspaper seller.
Btw is there any such thing as a street newspaper seller any more in Londonistan? The cry of “News. Star and Standard!” – intermingled with “Violets, lovely Violets” and “Chestnuts! Hot Chestnuts” is still ringing in my ears, from days of yore, along with the chuntering of London Hackney Cabs and the roar of the London Transport, deisel-engined, 97 horsepower omnibuses. Heard usually through dense smog from November to Christmas. Dunno how we survived this long? Do you? Or was that before your arrival to our safe shores?
Baron (17:01)
Good link. The inner links are also very illuminating. Particularly ‘The Canary’ stuff. If only half of it is true, Cameron should be in deep trouble. But I’m sure the faceless behind the scenes will ensure that it comes to nothing. ‘The Project’ is too important. After June 23rd, maybe not. We shall see.
No doubt it was ever thus, but the leaks in the boat are too numerous to plug in the old fashioned way.
Once all it needed was a few calls to the editors. Not any more!
Frank P June 2nd, 2016 – 16:35
I haven’t really looked closely at the Wiki entry as I’ve found more and more that it is becoming a vehicle for blatant leftist revisionism, whitewashing and less than subtle brainwashing. This is unsurprising bearing in mind, that as our formerly resident troll continuously demonstrated, the left are incapable of any kind of real objectivity or balance but see everything through the prism of their own dogma and mythology. If it ended there we might have a chance but they are determined to suppress any dissenting views too.
Much of the journalist written literature about Vietnam is of the Western self-flagellatory type if not actually leftist and the North Vietnamese communists largely get a free pass, or the “I was there, man and you weren’t” bitter closure testimonials. There is little or nothing from the South Vietnamese point of view in the mainstream. Compounding this is the Hollywood hippy myth of the anti-war movement as virtuous if not romantic rather than the cynical and misplaced aiding and abetting of North Vietnamese communist aggression and war mongering that it really was, the very definition of treachery.
I’ll aim to provide feast from starters to coffee and a mint rather than famine and then you can decide for yourself what might be worth pursuing as the fancy takes you.
Black Flags in Vietnam (1968) by Henry McAleavy provides the historic background, explains why the North and South were never one country and charts both the French colonisation and the Chinese influences.
The First Vietnam War (1985) by Peter M Dunn is almost unique in describing Ho’s skullduggery in detail and how the US sowed the seeds for their own disaster by actively queering the French pitch in what was Indo-China during and immediately after WWII. The post-war British occupation and involvement is well documented too. Excellent, illuminating book but hard to find.
Edgar O’Ballance’s two books The Indo-China War 1945-54 (1964) and The Wars in Vietnam 1954-1980 (1981 enlarged edition) provide a good, fairly balanced overview but can be a bit dry.
For the nitty gritty Ronald H Spector’s After Tet (1993) charts 1968 in detail as “The Bloodiest Year in Vietnam”. Eric Hammel’s Fire in the Streets (1991) tells the story of the Battle for Hue in the same year and pretty much puts you there. A remarkable book with haunting images of very brave men who deserve to be remembered more than John Lennon. They couldn’t even ‘imagine’ surviving but still did their duty when he was “getting away from everything” with Yogi (the Indian mystic not the bear).
Unheralded Victory (1999) by Mark W Woodruff is a revisionist military history text that sets out to bust myths and set the record straight but tends to cherry pick to reinforce the arguments. Interesting as a corrective to all the left wing sponsored guff though.
Overall top recommendation for seeing it all from the perspective of the South Vietnamese must be Mark Moyar’s Triumph Forsaken The Vietnam War 1954-1965 (2006). Its 512 pages take Sheehan’s A Bright Shining Lie apart at the seams and reveals it for the bright shining lie it is. Sheehan was very selective in reporting military disasters whilst ignoring the successes. aided and abetted by other journalists who took it upon themselves to present glass half empty rather than glass half full. Unfortunately Moyar’s brilliant, fascinating, readable book only takes the story half way and the planned second volume is not yet published. Michael Gove should have put this book in the curriculum as an exercise in overturning left wing historical mythology but it is an anger generating read as the saga of American political stupidity, cynicism and short-sightedness piles up. Don’t ever let anyone tell you it was the American military that lost the Vietnam War. It was American politicians and the US media together with home grown leftist and communist traitors, “agents of influence” and all their many useful idiots. What they managed to whip up in the States was a Question Time audience for the war. The policy of being fearful of and appeasing the “soft” left, whether in the USA, South Vietnam or in dealing with the North was disastrous. The Tories should have learned by it but instead have taken the same route.
Sorry for the length of the preceding “comment”. Hopefully some good might come of it. I’m feeling pessimistic about the chances of “right”, “truth”, “honesty” and “integrity” just now.
The only bit of good news I’ve heard today…
Napolitano’s latest: “Hillary’s email explanations rejected”
…apart from Baron’s news @17:01
Colonel Mustard (19:36 et seq)
Thanks very much for your comprehensive reply. I’m very much obliged for that round-up. Given the citations in the Wiki entries, I guessed that it was dressing to the left.
I shall attempt to read some of the books you have included, though I fear that as tempus fugit, accelerates apparently, as the years clock up, it may be I’ve left it a little late to assimilate all you recommend, so your prioritisation is also helpful.
I saw far too much of the Left’s antics on the front line of street protest in the late 60s to early 70s to doubt a word of your analysis.
I’m sure others here will appreciate you efforts also. Thanks again.
Btw. Your post were a refreshing shower after watching Clinton’s wooden, teleprompter delivered-attempt at denouncing Trump this evening. Given the pedigree of the reader, it was a risible litany. God alone know who wrote it, but he must have been living on a different planet for the last forty years, if indeed he/she/they have been alive for forty years – which I doubt.
Was not were (first line) … corrupted in transit, I promise. I know I live in Norfolk, but I avoid the colloquial (unless deliberate). 🙂
Yet another retail bust-out- comes to fruition today. It would make Carlo Bambino smile in wry envy if he was still alive. And I can hear Tony Schneider saying, “That’s my boy!” from the grave.
Oh Dear. Apparently I missed our Prime Minister’s own wooden performance at the Sky studio this evening. What a shame…
This fucking auto ‘correct’ is really pissing me off. See 22:15 and emend Bambino to Gambino. I corrected the ‘correction’ – twice but it obviously insisted when I wasn’t looking.
[This time I beat it – I hope!]
I always preferred the Plaza Hotel, but you may consider it a bit corny. It was a haunt, so I am told, of Diamond Jim Brady who died of a surfeit of fresh orange juice.
His gal:
And since we are down memory lane, does anyone remember the Magpie and Stump across from the Old Bailey and adjacent to Britannia House?
Alex Jones with Kit Daniel reports, on his Thursday show, that the EU has proposed a government ID to usethe internet.
The TLS has published `A letter to the British people from Europe`.
It has a host of names.Those that might be reconized are ;
Raymond Blanc
Alfred Brendel
Nana Mouskouri
Renzo Piano
Mario Vargos Llosa
Arsene Wenger (Arsenal FC)
This also gives a link to a Symposium : `Please Don’t Leave Us Alone`.
Amongst others there are items from ;
Mary Beard
Felipe Fernando-Armesto
Simon Jenkins (neutral)
Jan Morris (given up on the dream)
Piers Paul Read
D J Taylor (neutral)
Adam Thirlwell (neutral)
Robert Tombs (It’s not Europe,it’s Globalization with credit cards and cheap air fares )
Bee Wilson (PDO defending `terroir`.
The answer to Bee Wilson (TLS) on Protected Designation of Origin is ;
“Let them not make `Melton Mowbray`pork pies,and we won’t import Sherry from South Africa “.
Same link as above but about 55 minutes in – stick with it Baron, not to be missed! – Larry Nichols is introduced by Alex and then addresses Hillary Clinton directly before discussing his grim forecast for the rest of the year with his recommendations,. –
Radford NG – 05:03
Thanks, I had no idea that Alfred Brendel was still alive or, for that matter, the increasingly mummified Arsene Wenger.
Melton Mowbray PPs: Stick to home made. The factory produced ones made in Lenton? You’d be surprised!
The French, and the rest of ’em, have got nothing that can even get close to the heavenly bliss of a Long Clawson Stilton – proving that not only does God exist, but that he’s an Englishman! (with apologies to our host’s French genes)
Frank P @ 18:07
How did we, how did anyone survive in the ‘dark’ Britain, Frank, is indeed the question the barbarian often asks when a whole community is offered counselling what with getting ‘traumatised’ by the inability of a cat stuck up high in the tree on the village Green to climb down, or a similar ‘chilling’ accident.
The barbarian does remember the tail end of the London you describe, it’s all gone now, never to be resurrected, one’s sad to guess. Gay Hussar in Soho was the joint he used to go to, as was proper for a PR man of a company of 20 flogging stuff like resistors, made by a foreign company called Iskra, sold to British companies like Pye,
ending in TV boxes in people’s living rooms.
EC @ 18:06
Squirrel is no problema to pronounce for the Bohemians, EC, the combination of ‘th’ as in ‘the’, and the letter ‘w’ as in ‘we’ are. They, but obviously not Baron, you understand, pronounce the former hard as in ‘de-tect’, the latter as ‘v’ as in ‘victor’.
Irishboy @ 17:54
It is indeed a rather handsome ann imposing structure, Irishboy, one of the few big buildings in NY constructed the old way, no steel girder in sight. All the barbarian knows about it is that it was Tchaikovsky who opened it, Dvorak’s 9th premiered there.
You enjoy your stay, avoid overdoing if at the Carnegie Deli, (also, stay away from tall buildings, one never knows).
Radford NG @ 05:03
Before the start of hostilities in the 30s last century, Radford, one could envisage a similar letter written by Hans and friends inviting us to join in Adolf’s dream. Stupid of the Führer not to try it, but one hopes the answer then would have been, in June will be ‘thank you for the offer, but no’.
Frank P June 2nd, 2016 – 21:33
If you read only one then I suggest Moyar. Despite its length it reads easily and well, is engrossing and illuminating, plus shines the light where it has been most dim – on the South Vietnamese. Also on the plus side it infuriates thinly veiled communist leftists who believe in the Vietnamese communist “revolution” and cannot conceive a political pluralism or a Vietnamese identity that doesn’t derive from the barrel of Ho’s gun.
Frank P, June 2nd, 2016 – 21:48
Watton not Swarrphum or Darsnam.
“If it rain or if it snow, keep a going,
If it hail or if it blow, keep a going,
Ent no good to sit and whine
Cos the fish ent on yer line,
Bait yer hook and keep a tryin.
Keep a going.”
From “The Seaside Outing” page on…
The 3mins 9sec in his speech at CPAC2012 that got Andrew Breitbart killed?
Just two weeks before he succumbed to S.I.D.S.
“No credible evidence”
That’s the whole point of S.I.D.S.,%20andrew_report.pdf
Cause of death: “sudden cardiac arrest”.
Apart from a little local difficulty in the left anterior descending (diag. P30) the rest of him seemed to be in remarkable nick. OK, at 43 he was 17st but he was 6 footer – hardly John Candy(died aged 44 at 26st)
Pity we don’t have an equivalent autopsy report for SCALIA (who was a Supreme Court Justice by the way) – oh well, no credible evidence, let’s move on…
Even autopsy reports are open to question, some more than others!
eg. Dr. David Kelly’s.
EC (10:52)
Do ee fa’er kip a dicker, bor?
Donald Trump has announce that he will now be turning up at Turnberry on June 22nd.
That should put the cat amongst the referendum remain pigeons!
EC (11:27)
Did you let the sequence run on? I just enjoyed an hour or so of the litany of infamy of Barry Soetoro. Almost a decade since we ran that all through on Melanie No.1 blog and Daily Ablution. Seems to have all come true ….
Thanks; all our yesterday’s.
Nigel has put his money where his mouth is: £1000 at 5-2 with Ladbrokes. There is a distinct whiff of rodent in the air. 🙂 🙂
Colonel Mustard (10:39)
Thanks. I’ll take your advice. Look forward to reading it.
The progressives are beginning to devour each other:
What’s the bet we’re going to see a WC split: men, women, trans men, trans women, yet undecided ….
Who’s the author of the piece below Baron doesn’t know, but it’s succinct, cannot be denied, hits the core of the June vote.
The late Bristol MP Tony Benn, (as Left leaning as they have ever come), asked five very important questions of politicians. He asked:
What power do you have?
Where did you get it?
In whose interests do you exercise it?
To whom are you accountable?
How can we get rid of you?
These are important questions I believe everyone should be asking of the EU Commissioners before casting their votes in just under three weeks time. The answers are simple.
The power of the Commission is absolute; it alone in the EU has the power to propose new legislation and EU law is superior to all national laws. Unlike MPs in the UK, MEPs in Brussels can only “suggest” or “amend” new laws, they have no real authority, an important matter reflecting the lack of democratic accountability in the EU.
They obtain that power from the 1957 Treaty of Rome, signed into British law (without a mandate) by Ted Heath in 1972.
The Commission exercise that power for their own ends, not the betterment of Europe, as 50 per cent unemployment, a falling world GDP, and huge levels of corruption at the highest levels show all too clearly. A new report showed corruption in the EU cost the taxpayers £675 million last year alone, or nearly £2 million a day.
They are accountable to no one, being unelected, appointed by other Commissioners, and other high ranking EU officials (Treaty of Rome).
And finally, we can’t. Since the EU’s highest are unelected the electorate hold no power over them.
Put those five answers together and the lack of democracy in the EU is blindingly obvious. We have but one chance to restore a proper, meaningful, democracy in Britain on June 23rd. We must leave the EU.
Baron at 10-38
It reminds me of the Manifesto of the Ninety-Three signed by Max Planck and other German intellectuals in 1914 protesting the innocence of Germany in the face of French and British aggression.
Feisal fucking Islam. Need I say more? Yes…
Pig faced Boulton.
Rat faced Kay.
Is that enough?
Behind the scenes – Rupe and his acolytes.The Global string pullers.
What a farce.
The fat gutted “small businessman” epitomised the Remain campaign. Basically “What is going to happen to my long lunches and pole dancing ‘Long ‘meetings, Dear!'” You’ll manage, you fat git, you always do.
BRexit! Even though Farage should have been in the hot seat. He would have swallowed the little chirpy Islam whole.
Radford NG @ 19:38
That’s an excellent reminder, Radford, the famous and mighty (also rich) have other interests than the bulk of us. Even making allowance for what is the cause and what is the effect, the 93 were wrong then as much as the 37, or whatever the number of economists was, are this time.
The guy who runs JP Morgan (contributed half a million to the Remain camp) says thousands of jobs in his firm may relocate elsewhere if we brexit. So what? The EU together with local quislings have already decimated the UK banking sector, we might as well kick the American houses out of the country, too. Good riddance to them.
Frank P @ 21:19
An excellent summary of what the barbarian refused to watch, Frank, the last thing he needs is be upset by some upstart who has held no job in the real world.
From elsewhere, the barbarian has learnt Michael said he was glad the economists were not on his side, they got the EU wrong, missed the near meltdown.
Quite, they are a bunch of people who, if you forget your telephone number, will estimate it for you. Big deal, ha?
EC @ 16:50
Bringing forward the visit may work for us, it may not, EC.
Hopefully, If Donald says ‘it’s up to you, good burghers of Britain, it’s your future, you decide. I’ll stick by you whatever you decide’ that’s fine. If, however, he recommends ‘brexit’, it may do more harm than good, both because nobody likes a foreigner to tell one what to do, and also because it may energise some potential abstainers who don’t like him to go cast a vote for the remain camp, Baron reckons.
Malfleur @ 01:18
What attracted her to him, Malfleur?
And no, the barbarian doesn’t remember the place Magpie and Stump, his job never took him anywhere near it.
Venezuela on the brink tonight. Another socialist experiment up the pictures. When will they ever learn?
Oil rich. Brain poor.
Baron (23:06)
The Magpie and Stump: replete with rich shysters and shylocks: hacks; snouts; gangsters and their relatives; coppers rejoicing or commiserating (perm any two from seven), depending on “How’s it going?” over the road “up the steps”.
The problem faced by the US Navy in the Pacific is not unique, it’s common to all the services, in all parts of the world, the major reason for it is the lack of money, the Federal military budget is being cut at a time when China and Russia are re-equipping their military with newly designed gear.
The money coming from the budget can be used in two ways, either financing research, development and finally manufacture of new weapons, or procuring weapons designed and developed in the past. Because of the American fighting on many fronts (from Afghanistan after 9/11 through to Syria today), the latter expenditure has taken preference over the former. The makers of the gear aren’t helpful either, it’s by far more profitable for them to make the same stuff for years than to re-tool for something new.
The newly emerging powers, China in particular, but also Russia, had the advantage of starting anew, neither has been involved in as many conflicts as the US in wars that have cost a fortune e.g. in Afghanistan the Americans have spent over $1tr, not a pocket money even for a rich country like the Republic.
Frank P @ 23:59
What an apt description of the haunt, Frank, thanks, fancy Malfleur should know it.
Frank P @ 23:40
It was bound to happen, Frank, the surprising thing is it has taken so long.
You know what’s funny? When oil prices peaked, went south a columnist in the DT who calls himself Ambrose Evans-Pritchard did a large piece arguing Russia is going to implode what with her dependance on oil, had plenty of figures to prove it, it all gelled up quite nicely. The barbarian sent an e-mail to the paper as a response saying perhaps other countries were more exposed, mentioned the Saudis and Venezuela.
Of course, Russia may still go belly up, who can tell, so can the Saudis, but it rather pleases the barbarian because he knows next to FA about Venezuela, just what one reads in the papers. And you’re right, the social experiment couldn’t have ended in anything but a bankruptcy.
One shouldn’t rejoice much though, there must have been western banks involved, we may hear about it soon, and as Malfleur and his guru Alex are telling us, the whole world may then fall apart, the current inclement weather seems to point that way.
Baron (00:16)
A depressing scenario, but augured by many here over the past seven and a half years. As Verity (pbuh) would repeat, ad nauseam, “What can you expect if the Manchurian Candidate is installed as POTUS.” Or words to that effect.
Baron (00:44)
The weather is another good reason to
Baron @ 23:06
Perhaps his “rather handsome and imposing structure”?
The price of gold bounced US$33.10 an ounce on Friday.
This day in 1989, I was lying in bed in a university room in Peking listening to the sound of gunfire coming over my radio through the BBC in London and the sound of the same gunfire coming through my bedroom window. In accordance with Falstaff’s maxim, I abandoned the centre after the tear gas incident outside Zhongnanhai when I had just finished lunch and was strolling with a Chinese friend within canister range.
RIP peasants, workers, intellectuals, and free speech.
VENEZUELA: Socialism + International Finance = No Food
or so my guru “Zero Hedge” tells me:
but westward, look, the land is bright! or so my guru “Alex Jones” tells me:
“The current crisis might end up creating the conditions for the rebirth of freedom in that country”
What do your gurus tell you, Baron, or do you fly to Venezuela once a week to ensure a personal update?
First, many apologies for the errors, not just spelling errors that can be blamed on the software, but the others. The barbarian has to do better, lower the speed of typing, check and re-check, think (an ability he may have never had in the first place).
Malfleur, no knowledge of, no intention of learning, quite frankly, not much interest in either Venezuela, or he whole of the South American continent. The barbarian will expand on it when he get s back.
What next in the Barclay’s Bugle? Obviously a sad case of drooping circulation:
Baron @ 09:49
” …quite frankly, not much interest in … Venezuela…”
Your comment reminds that Trotsky said only too truly:
“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”
I have seen the future, and it is Venezuela. If you have not yet read it, I would recommend Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.
Just heard Lord (LOL) kinnock saying people who want to leave must be mad . Well a respected man like him has to have his opinion respected and taken into account.
John birch – 13:00
Well he would say that, wouldn’t he…
BRexit indeed! As the Welsh Waffler has decided to squeak, comfortably wrapped in his ermine and arrogant self-regard, we should remind ourselves of not only the graft of the EU cabal, but the concomitant nepotism:
Not only BRexit – cut off their Kinnocks!
If the kinnocks were milking cows there would be no milk shortages.
John Birch (15:27)
There ya go again – quoting Confucius! 🙂
‘The Cold Wet Blob” persists over Norfolk – and nothing on t’telly apart from wall-to-wall Cassius Clay – the useful idiot who imported black supremacism into the UK, in conjunction with Stokely Carmichael via the Trinidadian con-man Michael De Freitis aka Michael X (unfortunately the only one of the bastards who was hung) – aided and abetted by that other gobby useful eejit and cod ‘philosopher’ – John Lennon.
Hence most of da yoof of the fin de siecle took on a mixture of Cockney and West Indian patois laced with the argot of the American rap culture -and the incidence of hybrids increased exponentially. Welcome to the lefty multi-culti paradise of Great Shitheap with the Prime Minister-in-Waiting, Jezza Corbinsky – ennit marn? Dinah Flabbot, his bit of spare, is triumphant. Did I say BIT of spare? Perhaps LOT of spare would be more appropriate. Ahhh – the thought of those two copulating al fresco brings tears to yer minces, dunnit?
In France, as is customary, if rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it:
“Hence most of da yoof of the fin de siecle took on a mixture of Cockney and West Indian patois laced with the argot of the American rap culture -and the incidence of hybrids increased exponentially.”
Add to that the free cash(benefits), tattooed white slappers with non-white kids in tow, the drugs and firearms and you’ve got Croydon!
Re: The deceased boxer
I wonder if he did the Ali shuffle as he went…
Re: Michael de Freitas
A nasty piece of work, by all accounts. Sentenced to a short stretch despite the efforts of Lennon’s expensive lawyer. “Never mind Michael, chin up!”
Re: The deceased boxer (2)
Was he really “The Greatest?” Surely, had they met in the ring both in their prime, then Mike Tyson would’ve buried him. Our ‘ennery almost did.
Never mind Tyson, Sonny Liston would have mutilated him had he not been under threat from the goodfellas. Most of Clay’s fights were as flakey as
Joe Louis, at his peak, was the heavyweight greatest.
But Sugar Ray Robinson, in various weights, was the greatest boxer of all time, combining strength, perfect poise and style, the fastest and most lethal left jab ever.
Michael Savage, who has been banned from England by the ConLab government for threatening to exercise a right of free speech, says the Civil War in the USA has begun. He wrote a book about how to stop it. I fear that the situation in England is developing similar characteristics to the one he describes in his own country.
Listen to his first 10 minutes here:
and in the second 10 minutes, he quotes JEREMIAH.
Gerry who? Hoo dat?
The violent, intolerant, fascist left.
They think their claim to morality justifies all that. And in this country Gazza is prosecuted by the Prosecution Wing of the Cultural Marxist Revolution for an inappropriate joke.
Malfleur @ 12:41
And ‘you may not be interested in politics, but politics will be interested in you’, who’s said that.
The barbarian doesn’t have to be interested in Venezuela, Malfleur, dance the joropo, drink Polar or Cuba Libre, join the PSUV, he has lived through the conception, execution, the the Full Monty of it. Their socialism was just a pale replica of what the Marx bred thugs wanted to install in the tribes of the (mostly) Slavs, thanks be to Him, failed.
Still, thanks also to you for the book recommendation, it’s noted, duly recorded for stuff to read in the future. The barbarian is on;y now finishing Colonel’s recommendation on the Templars. At Christmas, he decided to re-read the twelve books he likes, values, intends to recommend to his grandsons to compulsively read. This takes time, everything new gets pushed to the back of the queue.
Sky News is becoming even worse than the BBC for bias in the referendum ‘debate’. It just ‘reported’ a smidgeon of what Nigel Farage ‘had said’ about a protected increase of rapes on women by Muslim ‘refugees’ if we remain – pretty obvious stuff (not even an actual video clip of what he actually said – in or out of context. It was followed by a video clip of the turnip headed commie Tom Watson and another video clip of the clapped out
Prime Minister who had spent most of his Premiership shagging Edwina Curry – the Egg Women with the motor mouth – and getting us even more deeply embroiled in the Euroscam; now accusing Boris of being a Court Jester. At least Johnson doesn’t decorate his bit of spare’s head with his underpants as an added frisson to his libido. Fucking grey faced wanker! Who dragged him out of the Museum of Political Disasters to help the Remain cause? Let’s hope it backfires, as it surely should. The MSM are freezing Nigel out of TV face time. Nota bene folks, as he continues his ground game. The PTB can’t censor that.
Incidentally – Tom Watson’s ‘lowest common denominator’ is what’s happening all over Europe. It’s diabolically low, it’s certainly common – among the Muslim ‘refugees’ between 18 and 24 years of age, who comprise the biggest tranch of the east to west invasion. Raping white women is their pastime apparently, if Germany, Sweden an Austria are anything to go by.. Why not here? Perhaps it’s thought that our white women will welcome the sexual opportunities?
Oh I forgot – BREXIT!!
ZERO HEDGE _ MONDAY Reading the morning’s dispatches, I just came across the following and in particular the comment of ‘To Hell in a Handbasket’
“To Hell In A Ha… bugs_ Jun 5, 2016 3:11 PM
This is one of the foremost economics websites, frequented by many people who are educated in mainstream and non-mainstream economic theories. To see the demise of Venezuela, solely through the eyes of socialism and a “FREE LUNCH”, would place you and fellow thinkers like yourself, in the economically illiterate camp.
Venezuela is under attack by TPTB and if you were even a little bit “well-read”, with books like Diplomacy; by Henry Kissinger, Tragedy and Hope/The Anglo-American Establishment; by Carroll Quigley, The Confessions Of A Economic Hitman; by John Perkins, The Blood Bankers; by James Henry, or A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind; by Stephen Mitford Goodson, then you would know what you have written is total horseshit, by somebody who hasn’t a fucking clue.
To understand what is happening to Venezuela, just look at Brazil. ie; If TPTB could not find traitors inside Brazil, like Michael Temer et al, to do their bidding, Brazil would have come under financial attack, but then again, that would require you to think outside of your bullshit left vs right indoctrination. ”
This one’s for Malfleur:
Malfleur @ 00:19
Awful, Malfleur, but it’s the eating of cats and dogs, and the lack of toiletries that really scare the barbarian, just think of the poor stomach, an even poorer bottom. Arghhh
Frank P @ 14:31
And as if the suspender shagger wasn’t enough, Frank, the Welsh Kinoccio has also joined the fray, pity he didn’t bring in the other family members freeloading at the expense of the taxpayers. They must be truly desperate.
The Euro 2016 is about to start, the French President has issued a warning about a possible terror threat, one only hopes the jihadi thugs won’t make a move. If they do, the Brexit boys and girls exploit it, the football lovers joined them voting out, the Remain crowd will kiss good bye to victory on the 23rd, the barbarian reckons.
I am sure ISIS has instructions to hold their fire until after June 23rd.
“The Prime Minister sends his greetings to all Muslim communities for the holy month of Ramadan…..”
May 29th again. Groundhog day.
Radford NG @ 06:26
El Wankah
Please go to next weeks CHW (6-12 June);below.