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Frank P 23rd, – 01:47
“I’ve never forgiven him for shafting Nicholas Ridley, btw. Particularly as what Ridley said to him in confidence is as true today as it was then.”
Any chance you could enlarge on this? My memory fails me (or maybe I was on the ocean wave at the time) ‘cos Ridley was a long way from being my favourite politician…
Anyone read The Road To Serfdom by Hayek? I’m starting it now with interest having skimmed the introduction.
To recap-I spoke too soon!
Your little blog is becoming increasingly introverted.
I now know why our Communist President Obama picks up the phone to Hollande and to Merkel who I see was elected leader of Europe yesterday.
Ostrich (occasionally) (10:28)
Your request provoked me into surfing the intertubes for the original piece from July 1990 by Lawson in the Spectator; I didn’t find that but I did find that he had revisited the incident in September 2011 with some repentance – but insufficient in my view, as it is too self serving. But the story is contained therein – with some spin:
At the time it was clear that Ridley thought that the part of the conversation that caused the ‘offence’ was ‘off the record’. More fool him I suppose, but one would have thought he could have trusted the son of a old cabinet colleague writing for what was then a Conservative magazine.
I’ll venture into my loft to find the original piece. That’s a bit of a dodgy exercise these days and needs careful planning and prior limbering up, but as it’s you …
Frank P – 01:01
Gore the whore eviscerated by Ezra Levant:
Good description on CMGW, but pity about the inclusion of the Y2K bug.
Ignoring that would be like not bothering with the pre-flight checks that rarely find any problems, so why bother? The big problem was that while most IT companies took it in their stride, without any fuss, there were many other organisations that had no one responsible for IT. Many didn’t even know that there was a potential problem, hence the media blitz! I know of several bugs that would have been disastrous! But they were corrected in time!
In the meatime – this from Wiki:
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
On 14 July 1990 he was forced to resign as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry after an interview published in The Spectator. He had described the proposed Economic and Monetary Union as “a German racket designed to take over the whole of Europe” and said that giving up sovereignty to Europe was as bad as giving it up to Adolf Hitler. The interview was illustrated with a cartoon depicting Ridley adding a Hitler moustache to a poster of the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. While Ridley was not one of the most powerful government members, he was regarded as a Thatcherite loyalist and his departure was a significant break in their ranks. Margaret Thatcher herself had to resign four months later. Some commentators point to Ridley’s resignation, its manner, and the European issue at its core, as leading indicators for the next decade of Conservative Party politics. On 8 November 1991, Ridley advised people to vote for anti-European candidates regardless of their parties.[5]
And this is an example of the reaction back then:
If you live within travelling distance of London do let me remind you of Alex Boot’s book launch this Wednesday evening. Just drop him an email to RSVP…
John Jefferson Burns – Yes, Merkel will be the unelected (except by the Germans) president of the EU. It took Germany long decades to get there, but at last they will be ruling Europe. (At least we know the French won’t vote for her.)
Before that happens, Britain should resign from the EU, if for no other reason than not to betray the thousands who gave their lives to keep German hands off Britain.
So it seems we have 100,000 Somalians living
In London .
They come from a war torn country , with no law and no government .
They are some of the most violent people in the world .
How many of them work .
How many contribute to this country.
We are now concerned about the possibility of a violent attack in this country by some of them.
What the fuck are they doing here.
I know the reasons as you do.
But it still doesn’t answer the simple question.
What the fuck are we doing letting violent , useless ,scum of the earth into this country
Our death wish must bring tears of joy to Islam.
John Birch – Well said, from the heart.
UKIP is going to have to address the issue of mass repatriation, no matter the predictablc and trite reaction of the destructive, toxic, malign left.
I don’t understand how the British could have been so bullied by the left – so supine – that they allowed this situation – millions of islamics, who follow an alien religion that is in direct contradiction to the Christian principles upon which British law is founded, allowed -nay, encouraged with free housing, and free money – into our ancient country for which so many tens of thousands have died through the centuries to preserve our country.
As I say, I cannot understand how the average Brit could have been so easily bullied with one simple word used as a gun – “racist”.
I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that some races are more developed mentally than others. The Chinese, for example. The Japanese. The Britiish and other northern Europeans. There! I’ve said it and I’m still typing.
Verity (14:58)
‘Electoral suicide’ has seemingly become the latest buzz-phrase to camouflage cowardice. Which is why Nigel & cohorts are doomed to become just another run-of-the-mill, also-ran political ‘movement’. It won’t ‘move’ anywhere unless it is courageous enough to tell the truth and stop ‘speaking in tongues’.
Mind you, I don’t go far down the road with you that leads to ‘race is a marker for IQ’; there are far too many imponderables in that statistical equation, and very dangerous if you take a look at the white underclass in this country, whose IQ doesn’t seems these days to get beyond what they could count on the digits of both hands, always supposing they could take them off their genitals (or a bottle of lager) for two minutes to count them.
But if you’re talking about the barbaric cult of Islam, the bloody statistics seem to be with you. Importing shit-loads of muzzies into the UK will certainly throw grave doubt upon the IQ of recent and current UK politicians, if there are any indigenous infidels left to write the history of The Fall of Western Civilisation, after it is complete (circa 2050 – at this rate).
I’m glad that my old bones will be ashes by then. My issue’s issue have already been inculcated, through the propaganda of ‘education’ and the telly, with the benefits of the multi-culti melange and the ‘Religion of Peace’ so perhaps they will take to Dhimmitude like ducks to water. But let’s draw a veil over that please, until I join the Great Continuum, or whatever it is that our dust becomes in the swirl of tomorrow. Unfortunately the prevailing wind is the west wind – the”swete breth of Zephyrus”, so I’ll probably end up in a crevice of the Green Dome of the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi in Medina, along with the dust of ancient camel-dung. That would be just my luck. As I’ve already oft lamented if I fell into a barrel-load of tits, I’d probably come out sucking my thumb.
And before anyone retorts, “You’d feel at home there, then” – you’ll have to do better’n that to insult me!
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 September 23rd, 2013 – 14:42
“Labour have promised yet more free childcare. They have also promised free school dinners (ugh!) to all children,”
Anne you and I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch or for that matter free childcare but these evil pedantic pedagogues simply want to ensnare the plebeians.
Here’s one I cooked earlier on Peter’s latest advert/ post for the book launch – a hiccough of my own – as it stretches beyond the topic of Mr Boot’s latest book:
Alex Boot’s ‘recent blog post’ listings have developed the hiccoughs. Perhaps he’s preoccupied and somewhat nervous in anticipation of meeting a bevy of Wallsters descending on him in Fulham like Chelsea Supporters, led by Andy Car Park – who drew attention to his blog way back when.
I would have been be more inclined to make the journey to SW10 , had the publisher of his book “How the West was Lost” taken the trouble to reply to my email, after Alexander had suggested to me I contact said publisher to obtain a copy at less than circa £58 – which was the average price quoted by Amazon at that time.
I eventually borrowed a copy from my local library for £4.50 after a struggle: their fee for obtaining it from Baltimore or some such backwater in Obamaland.
Interesting tome; but I enjoy his blog-posts more, as they are replete with mordant humour. He’s a better piss-taker than preacher, imho.
Btw – did anybody catch Simon ‘The Twitch’ Schama last night, doing a posh version of ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ dressed up as he History of the Jews’? I have a feeling that it was designed to sanitise the Millibrat’s antecedents as a corollary to the current Commie Conference at Brighton.
His carefully selective hagiography of the Hollywood communist moles – a complete whitewash – did nothing to help the plight of the World’s Jewry, imho.
I say that as a fervent support er of Israel and as one who recognises the beneficial contribution of Jews worldwide, who have integrated into and ameliorated so much to Western culture and civilisation. But Schama’s failure to nail the contribution of Marx and Engels to the savagery of Communism from the Russian Revolution onwards; the Hollywood propaganda that fostered Gramsci’s Long March and the villainous contribution of the Kosher Nostra associates of Cosa Nostra, who acted as book-keepers and money launderers for the Mob across the USA, was remiss.
No tribe is without its villains, but to eradicate their role in the annals of infamy is a mistake that undermines any positive message.
Warts ‘n’ all, Simon, if you want to be taken seriously. You didn’t pull your punches when you were delineating British History, ad nauseam, over the past decades. And your main contribution to the ‘world’s poor and downtrodden’, I think we can safely assume, is to make sure that you don’t become one of ‘em, courtesy of the BBC licence fee payer..
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 September 22nd, 2013 – 23:43
“Hi David, Was this really just a typing error or a very clever and apt Freudian slip? :-)”
Regrettably it was a typo.
Robert C (11:30)
“Many didn’t even know that there was a potential problem, hence the media blitz! I know of several bugs that would have been disastrous! But they were corrected in time!”
Maybe so. But that does not mean that many geek flim-flam merchants didn’t contrive a gigantic scam about the ‘Y2K’ bug, aka the ‘Doomsday Bug’ that was a completely contrived threat together with bogus ‘remedies’; I know one such bright little bugger who invented a ‘little black box’ and charged public services throughout the country millions to ‘cure’ a potential problem that never existed.
I was involved in the logistics of providing convoluted manpower cover, including expensive overtime payments for sections of the emergency public services and that involved sizeable chunks of expenditure on ‘defensive’ technology’ to prevent potential chaos if the technology crashed at midnight. This was repeated throughout the country, indeed around the world, I understand. I was convinced the time that it was illogical, unnecessary and criminal waste of public funds; never mind what the commercial world paid for bogus cures for a bogus bug. The IT Industry was at the height of its scammery at the time, selling crap to corrupt government contract managers that was fault ridden or obsolescent before it was even installed – and eventually costing billions to scrap. Much of it involved service contracts that they had no intention of fulfilling, because they had no staff to do it. If something went wrong, ‘upgrades’ rather than repair was the solution and we fell for it hook line and sinker. I’m with Levant on this one and see the parallels with AGW.
Enron seems to have already disappeared into the mists of time. The cost of Information Technology has been enormous and the VFM dubious. As for its impact on culture and geopolitics – you’re welcome to it. Seems a very high price to pay for being able to bullshit each other, ad lib, in the blogosphere and turn into zombies who are never off the ‘smart’ trombone. Ugh!
David Ossitt
September 23rd, 2013 – 15:58
David, you are absolutely correct!
Frank P
September 23rd, 2013 – 16:12
Frank, we seem always to be in agreement.
I have, so far, been most surprised at how good Simon Schama’s “The Jews” has been. I would have been even more surprised, if Schama would have dared to condemn Marx and Engels, and all the useful idiots, Gentile and Jewish, who imagined that these two vile men were the new messiahs. We must remember that Schama is after all a creature of the BBC. Have they ever lionised a right-winger? Personally, I believe the “Enlightment” set in the rot for European Jewry, and the resulting Germans, who were more German than the Germans were their own worst enemies. Reduced to the status of Miechlings (half-breeds), they denied their heritage and were denied the heritage of the Europeans whom they so wanted to emulate. Schama was excellent when he started the programme discussing the Biblical facts, but in my opinion he has come awry lauding the damn commies, no doubt in obeyance with his BBC masters. I will be interested in how he deals with the rebirth of Israel. Wil he try to play to the anti-Zionist establishment? I am afraid he will, not by outright disapproval, but rather by using the softer terms of the Bleeding Hearts brigade, denying the legitimacy of much of the Land, in the name of a Two People Country. Still, the photography is excellent, and he really seems to twitch less!
What is worse about the Somalis in London is that a lot of them use Holland as a stepping stone.
Everywhere in Europe is sick to the back teeth with them and all the other Third World immigrants, which is why they pick as stepping stone and wait for their chance to get to the softest touch of all: Britain.
I’ll bet the Yanks will have nun of this:
So, Light Minds has replaced Melanie Phillips with…
Dominic Lawson, so close to the establishment he could have popped out its aXXX. Oh, he did.
It’s like replacing caviar with a gnat’s fart.
I don’t ever look at the Times as its pay per view, but even when it wasn’t, I never got the end of that school prefect’s propaganda.
Verity – 14.51
It was only very recently that even to whisper the word “immigration” was barely possible, but now, despite the oft seen “Comments are Closed” on various newspaper blogs, the lid is now off and it’s actually OK to say what one thinks – well up to a point at least. Those working in the public-sector are contractually obliged both personally and professionally to support the multi-culti thing. And for me, working in the performing arts, one has to stay stumm in that fetid lefty world.
Anyhow, of course the next word which needs to lose its present toxicity is re-patriation – a word I prefer to deportation as it implicitly contains the sense that those who are being deported aren’t actually from this particular fatherland.
And it seems to me that a good way to do it, and neatly by-stepping the predictable taunts of racism would be to make the receipt of any benefit at all dependent upon a high level of fluency in English. There, done and dusted. (Amazing how many of those who we are told are as British as me and John Bull can’t actually speak a word of their native tongue.)
What a week last week was.
Left and Right sat in ambush for UKIP.
Dacre got in first, using unfocsed pictures of the UKIP conference – ‘Make it look amateurs, please, picture desk. Thank you.’
And then Robert Hardman, that dreadful writer, who spends most of his life crawling up royalty’s bottom of fawning of stately home owners was asked – unsually – to do some political writing.
He went along to the conference and penned a piece saying ‘Has UKIP come of age?’
And his answer? You can guess. The message was: they’re all a bit weird these UKIP people.
And what a loaded, typically Dacre headline. ‘Come of age’?
What? Like stealing half a million quid off a dead woman because nobody likes your party?
That’s what mature, statesmenlike parties do, you see.
And then came Michael Crick. Offended, as Channel 4 always is, on someone else’s behalf.
‘Let’s misinterpret the conference jokes, shall we?’
‘And let’s call a group of white faces racist.’
This is co-ordinated stuff.
And then Kenya happens and we all remember why need parties like UKIP and Liberty GB.
And the Daily Telegraph turns off all its chatboards on the Kenya story, so people have to talk about it on other threads.
It’s just another load of murder and spite and no one in the media talks about it.
They can’t pin it on Israel, America, the West.
So no one mentions the most important bloody thing in the story.
All the reporting on it is a bare-faced lie.
It’s Islam.
By the way, no English newspaper will be allowed to publish stuff like this.
The Scottish media can do it because people up there long ago gave up on Lib Lab Con.
You won’t see this in the Mail or Telegraph:
‘The Tories’ “40/40” election strategy – concentrating all their resources on defending their 40 most marginal seats and targeting their opponents’ 40 narrowest majorities – is a doomed enterprise.
‘It is all over for Dave and the modernisers. By 2015 it will be 23 years since the Conservatives won a general election; when they crash and burn then, the fate of the Liberals post-Lloyd George beckons for them.
‘It was all completely avoidable, but the hubris of public-school millionaires – “Turnip Taleban”, “swivel-eyed loons”, reneging on the Lisbon Treaty referendum, continuing mass immigration, homosexual marriage and every other provocation – snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
‘Under Cameron, Conservative membership has shrunk from 253,000 to a claimed 134,000 [knowing what Cameron does with statistics, I’ll wager that’s a lie].
‘Belatedly, the three consensual political parties and the biased mainstream media have wakened up to the threat from Ukip.
‘In Europe, both EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso and German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble ranted against Ukip.
‘The endangered establishment is in a frenzy to destroy Farage and his party, as evidenced by the contrived “scandals” fabricated to disrupt the Ukip conference.
‘Godfrey Bloom, having elicited from the women in his audience the laughing admission that many of them did not clean behind their refrigerators, in reference to a previous remark he had made, observed (to more laughter): “This place is full of sluts.”
‘On a women’s television show with a studio audience such knockabout would have been feeble but uncontroversial; with the BBC and the other Thought Police gunning for Ukip, it was inflated into a synthetic cause célèbre. It was probably people laughing that gave most offence.’
I thought last night’s episode was the first, it had already started when I clicked into it; must check with BBC i player and catch up, then.
Agree about the footage, both current and archival, and I don’t begrudge him his personal sense of outrage, considering his familial connections and loss, but as a historian he has a duty to objectivity and the truth; that includes, imho, an honest appraisal of Hollywood as the most powerful arm of agitprop.
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, schnainbrow! McCarthy was closer to the truth than Schama in that regard. And the offshoots from those roots of communism in cahoots with crime still continue to flourish to this day.
As for the twitch – apologies for mocking the afflicted. But I always imagine him and Peter Spencer, the erstwhile Sky News political correspondent, shut in a room together, accidentally beating each other to death with their wanking spanners. If ever they had gone to the races together the bookies would have gone broke in a single day trying to keep up with the changes in the odds. (Apologies to Mrs Austin Barry, who took exception to my crude description when I used it once before) and caused Austin to issue a reprimand. As Austin remains firmly ensconced in the D Tel and Speccie blogs these days, I’m hoping that he and she may miss my mischievous repetition.
Frank P
September 23rd, 2013 – 18:25
Tic-tac! Remember Prince Monolulu – I’ve got a horse! 🙂
Re Merkel as the unelected president of Europe: The EU already has three presidents, whose powere is entirely dependent on the economic power of Germany. I look forward to seeing how Rompuy, Barrosso and whoever the other one is, get along when Germany shrugs the shackles of the EU, leaving the economic basket cases to drag the remainder into the mire – in fact the de facto extinction of the Feeble Empire.
John birch September 23rd, 2013 – 14:28
“So it seems we have 100,000 Somalians living In London.
They come from a war torn country, with no law and no government.
They are some of the most violent people in the world.
How many of them work.
How many contribute to this country.”
John you pose some interesting questions, I think the number is 120,000, as to how many of them work and contribute, who knows?
But one thing is for sure we pay far too much in benefit because they can afford to send huge amounts out of Britain.
See the short article from the L.E.S. below.
Just a point would his charity collect as much money if he were to use his first name instead of the abbreviation Mo?
London Evening Standard
Olympic champion Mo Farah today warned that his charity for Somalia will suffer if banks pull the plug on cheap money transfers to the Third World.
The athlete backed a 25,500-name petition demanding that Barclays bank — which has warned 250 UK money transfer companies it will close their accounts for fear of falling foul of new money-laundering regulations — keeps open the “lifeline” to families in poor countries. Shadow aid minister Rushanara Ali was leading a protest to Downing Street.
The move would also affect Britons sending money to relatives.
Farah, 30, said aid organisations also relied on the money-transfer companies to pay staff: “We will no longer be able to get money to the people who so desperately need it.”
First time I saw Simon Schama waving his arms about – on QT I think – I thought he was pissed. Later realised he’s always like that. Perhaps he was taught by Magnus Pike.
Soprano X – “It’s like replacing caviar with a gnat’s fart.” Ha ha ha! V good!
So one day after the sheep-like German electorate votes for the same old mainstream rubbish (Germany has its own Paul Dacres), they find out they’re all on the taxpayer hook for more bailouts.
‘Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, has pledged to provide billions of more euros to banks in the single currency bloc to avert any future threat of a credit crunch.’
When will the wretched European electorate get it?
You must never, ever vote for any of the established parties ever again.
There is no reform, no reining in and so on.
There’s just lie after lie.
They’re just a flesh eating disease.
Having criticised the Germans for being so easily gulled, look at the UK.
Everybody knows what happens in January 2014 and yet still there are people who vote LibLabCon.
More of the same.
I’m preaching to the converted here, but if there’s anyone in any doubt, please, stop it over there.
John Jefferson chompin’ munchin’ Burns etc. etc. @10:34
Here’s The B.S. of A! (he’s a lot funnier than Yow!)
Fact Free News Reporting with Brian Sack:
Is it really surprising that one of the most common-sense governments (and judges) in the world appears to be Egyptian? –
I wonder if there is any chance of Turkey following suit and placing a new and even more thorough Ataturk in power?
It makes me suspect that Britain and western Europe in general will soon be, if if they are not already, in desperate need of a similar remedy.
Bill Whittle is launching his own website THIS Thursday:
It’s going to be subscription only, but most things will be available on YouTube – eventually. He gives full, albeit somewhat rambling, details on his latest edition of “Stratosphere Lounge.”
Herbert Thornton – 22:24 ‘common-sense government’
It has been reported in The Telegraph as well:
The “Court for Urgent Cases” sounds like a fast track path that avoids the ‘uman rights lawyers.
Its as old as the hills and remains as true as when Cicero coined the aphorism:
h/t Gerard Vanderleun.
Soprano X
“I’m preaching to the converted here, but if there’s anyone in any doubt, please, stop it over there.”
Unfortunately you’re not. There are folk here who have already stated its their intention to vote for the war mongering, mass immigration, high taxation, debt increasing, Christian persecuting, foreign aiding, ib dem bed-sharing red tories in 2015.
Truly the exemplification of the repeating yourself definition of insanity.
So, one man, with a legally-held gun, is credited with saving 100 lives. Spot the obvious. Re-instate gun ownership in the UK and all the boastful, thick-lipped, curly -headed scum might be a bit more careful. Put the guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens, not the crooks and scum that the government employs to ‘police’ the streets and watch crime plummet.
How about adopting a nigga-hunting licence for the UK? They’re hardly an endangered species and just think what it would do for tourism. Here in Oz, in Tasmania, you could get an abo hunting licence (apparently) up until the 1930’s.
Go on, you know you want to.
Daily Mail has changed and refined it’s `comments`sections .It also has a statistics page showing internet usage with maps of U.K./U.S.A,/The World.SEE
Clear Memories September 24th, 2013 – 09:25
“Go on, you know you want to.”
I think clear memories has just won the Provocative post of the day award and its only 10.16 am . !!!!!!
In answer to Verity’s question “How did the British allow themselves to be bamboozled into accepting all this left-wing claptrap” the answer is first that knowledge, particularly that of history was stripped from the school curriculum, leaving the populace up that well known ditch without a paddle. The second answer is more profound. Shortly after Maggie’s defenestration I tried to place an article on her. The reaction was that the lady was old news. The piece asked the question was Margaret Thatcher Gloriana, or Julian the Apostate? Julian was Emperor of Rome from 361AD to 363AD He tried, with some success to stem the tide of Christianity. While on campaign against the Persians he was assassinated by one of his own side. That proved a turning point in the fortunes of the Empire, from that point onwards it was down hill all the way to the deposition of Romulus Augustalus a century later. See the similarities?
Nigel Farage bottled it in his reaction to the attack on him last week, and that made me uneasy. The remarks were made when he was at school, still a child, but what gets my goat is that he did not fight back. What about the Marxists, crypto and otherwise in the Labour party starting with red Ed, that little nugget should have been trumpeted from the rooftops. As for Mr. bongo Bongo, I heard a clip of his speech and the audience was in stitches. The left leaning media, which encompasses most of the shoddy bunch will spare no effort in trying to portray UKIP as a bunch of toxic extremists, irrespective of the fact that they mirror the feelings of the majority of the native population, which is what the urbanistas can not tolerate, in trying to appease these people Nigel will only alienate those who would normally support him, who will judge him to be no better than the other residents of the public crapper which is home to the political class.
Radford NG
September 24th, 2013 – 10:02
Daily Mail has changed and refined it’s `comments`sections .
It’s still a load pf rubbish. Moderated into a bland mess of lower-middle class housewife gruel. Usual ‘outrage’ and same old uneducated, humourless readership red arrowing away. Ugh!
Samantha Lewthwaite, a profile can be found on the BBC web. This Buckinghamshire woman converted to islam at the age of 15 and attended regular school wearing the shmuttes of her adopted religion. A shy girl, she was accepted and studied at the Grange School in her home town. Now imagine a different scenario – if she had been a right-winger. a girl proud of her English heritage would she have been applauded by a local moslem councillor, and praised for her ‘bubbly’ nature by the school? Britain breeds these Quisling rats!
Sent a copy of posting re Lewthwaite to her old school, The Grange, Aylesbury. Email can be found on Google – swamp them!!!!
And this lad probably hasn’t yet started school! No wonder he knows the difference between good and bad.
‘You’re a very bad man’: Astonishing moment British boy, four, confronted Kenyan mall gunman… who gave him Mars bars and begged for forgiveness
Cameron could do with some coaching from this lad. In fact I am sure we could offer enough suggestions to make quite a large remedial class! What is it with these PPE degrees that make many of these graduates so completely disconnected?
PPE, is a rice pudding degree, soft and easily digestible, which is why every politician gets one.
Millitwat says they will build 200,000 houses.
That will house some of the people they let in who shouldn’t be here.
John Birch — Yes. Destroying our ancient countryside to house the alien invaders.
Re the turmoil in Kenya … Isn’t Obama’s family in Kenya? Doesn’t an aunt who was at the birth, swear he was born there?
The Josh Williamson arrest ‘breaks through’ to the mee-ja
I’m glad Rod Liddle picked this up. When I get home I am going to email all the clergy in Perth to see if they will stand with Josh W. on this. If Perth were closer I would join him.
A breach of the peace does not mean being audible to others nor does it mean annoying others.
This says a breach of the peace is something that causes or is likely to cause harm to a person or their property.
Neither was the case on this occasion.
The current interpretation is based on R v Howell 1984 which defines a breach of the peace in England and Wales very clearly saying…
There could not be a breach of the peace unless an act was done or threatened to be done which either actually harmed a person or, in his presence, his property or was likely to cause such harm or which put someone in fear of such harm being done.
However loud a street preacher in England and Wales he would be most unlikely to be accused of causing or being likely to cause harm. This seems why in England the police are arresting street preachers for hate-crimes, rather than breach of the peace. In Scotland the law seems slightly different but is being applied to the same iniquitous ends. A very loud street preacher might reasonably be accused of some sort of nuisance if he were louder than all the surrounding market traders and louder than an emptying pub. But Perth High Street is quite wide and at the time of his most recent arrest there were buslers and opera singers in the street using amplification. He was not. And the video some people have seen was not from Saturday, and is an edited snap of what had been a 25 minute open-air sermon.
Here is Josh’s own account..
I did email Josh with my support. We have different views on many things. But I would stand next to him and hope many others would too.
I don’t know who coined this, but its truth is now indisputable – “The British Police are now the paramilitary wing of The Guardian.”
“As John O’Sullivan likes to say, the British police are now the paramilitary wing of the Guardian”
He said it here..
Ah! There we are! Thank you Peter.
It would be interesting to learn why the local shopkeepers of Perth felt it necessary to call the police. Does his persistent proselytizing and panhandling put off punters from visiting their emporia, perchance? No doubt Archie Cuntsbury would object if the market traders from darn ‘The Cut’ were to set up their stalls on the forecourt of Lambeff Paliss.
‘Ere, ya go, Vicar! Rape termarters! A nicker a parnd!”
Correction! I suppose they have to busk their wares in kg these days, don’t they?
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.
Were the Old Bill Muzzies by any chance? Any road up, Josh used his brief spell in the flowery to good effect. A period of meditation (almost spelled that wrong in a Freudian moment, there) is good for the soul, particularly in Perth, I would think. 🙂
To me, America is underpinned by two things: the right to free speech and the right to bear arms.
The Josh Williamson case typifies how under the jackboot the individual is without free speech.
Curse the day Britain sleepwalked into losing those rights.
They have a bearing on people’s lives every day of the week.
They define what it is to be free.
Scottish gangsters are more robust.One of them nearly managed to kill the muslim who committed the most horrendous murder there has been in the UK (or today’s Syria);the racialist murder of a 15 year old boy from Glasgow for being white:snatch ed from the street and treated in a way to terrible to recount,untill”….mercifully he died”said the coroner.SEE
Soprano X – I am in complete accord. The right to free speech is embedded in the Constitution. I agree, as regulars here know, that I attach immense importance to the right to bear arms, and when Tony Bliar made it illegal for citizens to own guns, that, to me, was the beginning of the end. Only as long as citizens can be armed and, if necessary, fight back against an overbearing state, is a country free.
Radford Ng … and what will happen to the muslim piece of allah crap who tortured and murdered this young boy? Counselling?
I don’t think so. Glasgwegians are still robust, especially in defending their own. I think that whether in prison or out on the streets, this piece of allah-turd’s days are numbered.
The USA is 3rd in the number of murders committed in the World.
But if you remove Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans from the statistics, the US is 4th from the bottom of the list.
Yet those 4 cities have the tightest gun laws in the US. (And a significant proportion of the population in those areas can’t pull their trousers up properly!)
Nice to see Blair’s daughter was robbed at gunpoint in London. After all, it was her Dad who robbed the decent of the UK of the right to defend themselves. Perhaps he could explain to her how that made the UK safer.
Fish-eyed Miliband has promised free school dinners for every pupil, more child care for toddlers, cheaper gas and electric, more homes to be built,and now I’m just waiting for a chicken in every pot.
Detroit (Michigan), Chicago (Illinois), New Orleans (Louisiana) and Washiington DC to not afford their citizens a right to carry concealed.
You’d be amazed how polite everyone becomes … how the don’t let the swing door swing shut in your face … when the perp doesn’t know if his victim is armed. There are hundreds, if not thousands, if not tens of thousands of grannies in Texas who carry concealed. I once saw two of them sitting in adjacent chairs, holding their guns to show each other and discussing their respective merits.
Believe me, the riight to carry concealed proves the old saying, “An armed society is a polite society.”
Another incident in Nigeria:
Death toll in Nigeria attack up to 142
The death toll from an attack in northeastern Nigeria that saw insurgents dressed as soldiers set up checkpoints and gun down travellers on a highway has risen to at least 142, an official say.
“We recovered 55 bodies on Wednesday and 87 on Thursday,” said Abdulaziz Kolomi, an official with the environmental protection agency in Borno state where the attack occurred.
I just watched the ‘Josh’ vid on Liddle’s blog.
Wrong example upon which to fight the principle of ‘free speech’. Shouting the odds, even about your harmless delusions, at 150 decibels, at people in the street, who don’t want to hear it – and just want to enjoy a leisurely afternoon up the shops, has ALWAYS been good for a nicking; except in days of yore elderly William would have called the DAO, then the green van – and there would have been an assessment in the consulting room of nearest looney bin. His performance in the clip would have resulted in him being ‘deemed’, probably for further assessment (and agreed undertakings as to future behaviour) in a fortnight.
It just ain’t on to ram ‘religion’ (if that was what his ranting comprised) down the throats of unwilling recipients with a battering ram. Save it for the volunteers in the houses of God that are liberally splattered around the countryside, there are thousands of empty pews in them and some have been turned into Starbucks Coffee Shops because ‘the message’ is falling on deaf ears. I might suggest that the sleazy escapades of some of the custodians of the kirks is in part responsible.
Only problem with this incident is that the ‘officers’ who handled it, didn’t know their arses from their elbow and made a dogs dinner of it. Nothing to see here – move along please, folks.
Robert C (01:16)
Now THAT’s what I call a ‘breach of the peace’. And once again it’s about shouting the odds over religion, except this time, somewhat more insistently. These God botherers will be the death of us all. A plague on all their houses!
Frank, I’ve already pointed out that Josh says the video you have watched is not representative and not of either of the incidents he was arrested for and is a composite.
If people are allowed to scream opera and play pan pipes in the street with amplification then preaching without amplification is not more disturbing.
Once you start silencing people just because you don’t like their message then we quickly reach the place where only approved messages may be communicated.
‘White widow’ Islamist Samantha Lewthwaite was just an average British girl who was ’empty in confidence’, a councillor who knew her as a youngster has said.
But today suspicion is mounting that she was the ringleader behind a bloody massacre in a Kenyan shopping centre in which more than 60 unarmed victims have been slain.
And it has emerged that her frail 85-year-old grandmother has been admitted to hospital because of the stress of her granddaughter’s notoriety.
Elizabeth Allen, from Banbridge, Co Down, was given a panic alarm to contact security services in case terror suspect Lewthwaite ever made contact.
Family friends say the pressure of the situation and Lewthwaite’s now-global notoriety have taken their toll on the frail pensioner’s health and mental well-being.
It’s interesting that two of the most read blogs on the other site are:
The silence of our friends – the extinction of Christianity in the Middle East
Josh Williamson is arrested for preaching the Christian gospel in public
They are connected.
@Frank P 23rd, – 11:25, 11:42 & 11:54
Many thanks for all your efforts, Frank…guess I should have been capable of doing the research myself. 🙁
‘s just that, up here in Norfumberland, his elder brother was the better regarded.
Seems that his Thatcher loyalism was a bit distorted…”She’s ‘one of us'”, rather than, “I’m one of hers.” I note, also, that his fingers were all over the failed ‘lease-back’ negotiations on the Falklands that gave Galtieri the impression of our weakness, that we were forced to disprove.
Yes, he did good work preparing the ground for the 1984 show-down, but I don’t see any claims that he was a particularly effective Trade and Industry minister.
@Verity & Clear Memories 24th, – 23:34
Odd little comparison from some twenty-odd years ago; Detroit had approximately the same population as Northern Ireland, and its society was equally fractured. Yet, despite the eyes of the press being all on Northern Ireland, it was far and away the safer place to live.
But it suited the press agenda of the time.
I didn’t listen to a word of Red Ed’s speech yesterday – he’s a latter day Cicero I hear.
Anyway, I did see that he’s planning on building 200,000 new homes a year and I was wondering if anyone might ask him where the other 600,000 immigrants are going to live? And, what with scrapping the bedroom tax as well, are we going to see the shameful sight of British Foreigners living on the streets? Maybe there the brave boys who once received the Queen’s Shilling and find themselves not included in all that Lefty inclusiveness can finally do the job that actually should have been done in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I see that a ‘Briton’ has been arrested in Nairobi trying to fly back to the UK.
He is of course not a Briton at all, but a Somalian.
We must take back the terms British and English and reinvest them with their proper and consistent meaning. To be British and English does not mean to have a right of residency. It means to be of British and English ethnic origin.
I am English because all of my grand-parents were English, and their parents before them. I am English because my ancestors lie buried all around us, and because I share in common with all English people a common ancestry so that we are all related.
Hearth and Home, Stock and Stone, Blood and Bone.
Peter from Maidstone – Which paper referred to the arrested Somali as “a Briton”. I would like to write to the editor.
Verity, it was the Telegraph…
A recent survey (June 2013) by Comres shows that 29% of white youth and 32% of black youth aged 18-24 in the UK mistrust Muslims.
The response by those conducting the survey, including the BBC, is to decide that those who don’t trust Muslims must undergo re-education!
So 29% of white youth mistrust Muslims. Rubbish. The real figure is higher, much higher, only they are nervous to speak their minds. Not long ago, two young lads came to my place to do some electrical work. One of them asked me what Whitechapel was like, so, me being me told him “Wall to wall wogs” He agreed with me but added that he did not like to use such words to people he did not know. How sad that folk are too frightened of reprisals to say what is on their minds in their own country, a land supposedly devoted to free speech, don’t make me laugh, we are half way to becoming a clone of South Korea.
I am baffled about how the BBC manages to survive in this day of easy, 24-hour access to news all over the world, most of it more honestly presented than that on the BBC, for which Britons are forced to pay.
What does the BBC do that is worth paying for. If it’s some of the entertainment, then there could be a pay-per-view system.
It is a toxic outfit and that Britons should be forced to fund it is too bizarre.
Stephen, it was an online survey. I’d not imagine people were too hesitant to express their views. If they were then why would they take part? A distrust of Muslims is not the same as a dislike of Islam.
Stephen Mayberry, above. North Korea. South Korea is democratic and you can say what the hell you like there. It is also a successful country economically. And the people have a good sense of humour.
O(o) 09:53
Heh, heh, heh. Yea. Far be it from me to hold up any bloody politician of any stripe as an example; but I thought Dominic Lawson’s disloyalty at the time was shitty; I suppose the fact that I agreed with Ridley’s assessment of the EU in general and the Hun Kohl in particular induced me to give Nicholas immunity from his previous sins and inconsistencies and frankly, I had forgotten that he was involved with the appeasers in the run up to the Falklands gig. And I already qualified my remarks by allowing that Ridley was a bit naive (or probably three sheets to the wind) to speak ‘off the record’ to a journalist and then say what he did, which at that time was too tempting for Lawson to let pass. But the point I was really trying to make is that Lawson is not a suitable replacement for MP., although in general I have enjoyed his pieces in the past. I liked his sister too, until the recent fiasco at Scotts. Then again, who know what goes on inside a marriage, apart from the conspirators themselves?
Verity, quite right, I should have written North. It’s the fault of the coffee, I must stop putting sugar in it.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 September 25th, 2013 – 00:44
“Fish-eyed Miliband has promised free school dinners for every pupil, more child care for toddlers, cheaper gas and electric, more homes to be built, and now I’m just waiting for a chicken in every pot.”
Anne as is usual you are being too kind, to be more accurate you should have writ “Dead-fish-eyed”
His promises remind me of that other nutter of the far left Michael Foot he also dribbled high-flown gibberish rhetoric and just look at what that did for Labour.
Mind the BBC are hailing his speech as the next best thing to the second coming, only the superb Andrew Neil in todays ‘Daily Politics’ is trashing labour, watching him trounce that stupid labour education shadow is it Twig?, was a joy to behold.
Whilst I am on my high horse when will people cotton on to the fact that Red Ed’s socialism is in fact communism under a softer name?
Clear Memories September 24th, 2013 – 23:34
“Nice to see Blair’s daughter was robbed at gunpoint in London. After all, it was her Dad who robbed the decent of the UK of the right to defend themselves. Perhaps he could explain to her how that made the UK safer.”
Actually she claims that the two would be muggers ran off empty handed when some friends approached.
But did it actually happen?
Two muggers with guns would surely have said the more to ‘mug’ the better.
A little light relief? Biblical violence on an American Highway… and I just couldn’t stop laughing…..
David Ossitt
September 25th, 2013 – 16:34
Hello, David, Yes dead fish-eyed is a better description. The BBC have found a new messiah and can’t stop praising the filthy devil, Miliband. Todsay, just before 6:00 this evening BBC 4 had a moslem woman complaining that youth had previously been very liberal and were now becoming very prejudiced against her mob. She blames the media for corrupting the minds of the young and turning them against the religion of peace (or pieces as Verity writes). Talk about blaming the messenger!! Actually the whole media seem to bend over backwards to please their barbarian masters.
“Nice to see Blair’s daughter was robbed at gunpoint in London. After all, it was her Dad who robbed the decent of the UK of the right to defend themselves. Perhaps he could explain to her how that made the UK safer.”
I am just having some decoration done. One of the decorators told me he was doing the job because he was shot in the belly in his last job by someone trying to rob them.
He seemed distressed.
I have many Christian friends. Not sure CM would wish to join them.
Just heading home from the book launch in Fulham with a copy of Mr. Boot’s new book
David Burge (@iowahawkblog)
“Your problems aren’t due to bad guys with evil plans, and good guys with nice plans aren’t going to cure them. #HateToBreakItToYou”
That silly woman Allison Pearson has written a silly piece about Kenya.
The starting point is not Islam, which I do not defend.
The starting point is the traitors who let it into the West in the first place.
Why are we talking about ‘no more turning the other cheek’?
How ridiculous that Biblical phrase is now that it is ‘equalised’ (in other words, subordinated) to Islam.
The West should not be in the position of arguing and cajoling.
It needs to be in the postion of getting Islam back to where it belongs: Islamic countries.
And the first port of call is get rid of the traitors: no more putting the cross in LibLabCon.
We cannot win if we are constantly stabbed in the back by traitors who pretend to care for us.
And to be – no rolling on the floor laughing, please – ‘public servants’.
On BBC Radio 4 this evening, just before the 6 o’clock news, a muslim woman whined that the atmosphere was so corrosive when she ventured out, that she would like to stay all the time in her home. Well, surprise, lady, I would like you to stay all the time in your natural home. By your accent, I would say it was Pakistan.
Frank P. 23 Sept. 18.25
Many thanks for the apologies to Mrs Barry, traumatised again by the image of ‘wanking spanners’ waving dangerously in the air like the claws of a demented lobster.
Posting comments in the Speccie and Telegraph is like negotiating a pc maze: the Speccie seems to have a moderation programme which bars any sexual reference unless obscure synonyms are used, while the DT will proscribe any anticipated criticism of Islam with the pernicious ‘comments are closed’ fiat, but occasionally will allow them. So, it makes commenting an interesting exercise in semantics and semiotics.
Good to note your posts are as robust as ever with interesting links.
Hope you and Mrs P are in good nick.
AWK 22:02 — Pakistan’s a made up country invented by Jarwahal Nehru and Mohammad (of course!!!!!!) Al Jinna.
Nehru played a fine hand, although doubtless wriggling his toes in his sandals with delight. He said he wanted the Indian muslims to have a homeland (that was what he said for public consumption), and the two of them cooked up Pakistan and millions of muslims moved there … although not as many, I am sure, as Nehru had been hoping for.
Al-Jinnah wasn’t a bad cove. Smoked and drank. Or perhaps he smoked like a fish, and drank.
September 26th, 2013 – 00:10
Jarwahal Nehru would turn in his grave if he knew what his country had become. So would Lady Mountbatten.
Al-Jinnah would also roll in his grave. But then I fear so would Winston Churchill. The days of gentlemen politicians seems gone for ever.
Austin Barry (22:23)
Oh dear … further apologies to Mrs B; I thought you were both preoccupied and would miss my crude metaphor this time round. How’s she doing with the gigs?
Btw – Disquis kindly emails me a list of your posts on DTel and the Speccie every other day or so, so I can keep up with the craic there without having to plough through the mire to get to your daily aphorisms – little gems all. Casting pearls before swine of course, but someone’s got to do it and I salute you.
They would make an excellent anthology and match anything that Voltaire knocked out – including his oft-quoted and somewhat sanctimonious proclamation about defending free speech to the death – and the dubious reported versions about his deathbed verbals.
My dream paring would be a satirical work by yourself and ‘Furriskey’ who you may remember – a stalwart of Scott Burgess’s Daily Ablution blog (now sadly defunct). ‘Furriskey’s’ style was much influenced by Brian O’Nolan, alias Flann O’Brien. In fact the sobriquet ‘Furriskey’ was a character in one of O’Brien’s books, which you probably have in your library.
And speaking of the Speccie – what happened to ‘Rhoda Klapp’? Has she/he transmogrified, or just jacked it in?
Thank you for asking after Mrs P; she is doing very well, considering her two encounters with the surgeons up the road – and having to put up with me into the bargain. As for my own state of decay, I refuse to depart this mortal coil until I’m sure about what’s next. So I shall probably live for ever, which could well sink the NHS eventually.
Soprano X – You seem to agree, mainly, with Alison Pearson’s article, so I don’t understand your disdain.
Miliband’s two eye-catching wheezes – freezing energy bills and British apprenticeships for British lads/lassies – will fall foul of our Rulers in Brussels.
Maybe he’s planning to leave the EU – funny he didn’t mention it.
AWK – True. But what if there had been no “freedom at midnight” and the British still ran India? An intriguing thought.
On the whole, I think they are better off without us … well, the “us” that is today’s “us”.
Massive earthquake in Pakistan – many dead. (Apart from the obvious thought – what a good start), perhaps there are some considerations we in the West should make before dipping our hands in our pockets.
Is an earthquake an act of God? If so, clearly, the God to which they pray doesn’t like them much. If the earthquake is a random act of chance, why does not their all-powerful, all-knowing God prevent this massive infliction of pain upon his followers?
If this is a natural process that has been going on for millions of years, why does their little book of hate not acknowledge this? And how does their little book of hate cope with and address these eons of geological activity?
The simple fact is that all religions are deficient in these matters, Islam being the worst due to a combination of denial, self-inflicted stupidity and bigoted self-interest. Religions are man-made constructs seeking to explain what was not understood at the time of their founding. Whilst other religions have evolved and largely integrated changing knowledge and social attitudes, Islam has remained firmly rooted in the Dark Ages. Until it evolves, it and its adherents should be treated with disdain, rebuttal and, where appropriate, escalating violence.
Certainly, no alms should be offered and the bleatings of the UNHCR ignored.
And as a final thought, perhaps a question Christian readers might address. The frequent comforting phrase offered is that we cannot know Gods purpose. Thus, if there is a God and an earthquake is an act of God, what right have we mere mortals to interfere in His plans? He obviously inflicted these injuries and deaths for a reason.
Clear Memories – I enjoyed your thoughtful post, as I usually do.
However, one nit pick: “The simple fact is that all religions are deficient in these matters.” This is not the case. Neither Buddhism nor Hinduism is deficient in these matters.
September 26th, 2013 – 04:15
I am not an Indian, but those very words thrill my soul. Of course independence is the best,
Clear Memories @4:38
May a non-Christian try to answer your difficut question? I reply not from any religious basis, but from what I believe. We are but ants, less than the dust on the earth, and our petty lives do not have any individual importance to G-d. Terrible as it sounds, it has the assurance that we are all part of a great design.
“…We are but ants…”
Not so, if I had nephews and nieces I would be an uncle.
Earthquakes happen. We live in a real world with real processes. If I jump into a volcano I will burn. If I jump off my roof I will break my bones. It’s not that complicated.
You want a world where you have no choices? Then that isn’t one in which there is or could be any humanity.
What matters is both how we respond to the needs and hurts of others and how we live responsibly on this earth. Why, for instance, build nuclear reactors on the most tectonically unstable area of the world? And when there is an earthquake, as there will be, why blame anyone but the politicians and energy officials of Japan for the disaster? Why build homes in the UK on flood plains and then wonder why they flood? Why use a naked flame to work on your gas boiler and wonder that it explodes?
My youngest brother died suddenly of a brain haemmorage a few Christmases ago. He had been ill but we didn’t expect him to die so quickly or at all.
We never asked why he died. Everyone dies. We were very grateful that he had died at home and without pain as far as we could see. His was the first funeral I conducted. We never asked why it had happened. There were lots of reasons not entirely divorced from his own choices earlier in life.
Death is part of life. It is only this generation in the West that seems to view death as someone’s fault.
Matt frequently has a brilliant take on the subjects de nos jours:
Dunno why so many people seem to worship Margaret Hodge. Cut her and you’ll find a red streak running from end to end, like Brighton rock; all her pronouncements have to be viewed through the distorting lens of socialism.
I see the DT points out that Hague’s failure to engage with Iran is another error. Seems to me that everything he touches turns to blood. At the same time he is also silent while the AoC describes the mass martyrdom of Christians in the Middle East. He just does not care.
Stemcor, Hodge’s family company, was founded by her father Hans Oppenheimer more than 60 years ago. Analysing Stemcor’s latest accounts in the same way as the PAC has approached other multinational companies shows that the business expected to pay UK corporation tax of just £157,000 on revenues in the UK of more than £2.1bn in 2011. The UK tax payable on the group’s global profits of £65m was only £743k, reduced further by £586k in respect of tax that had been overprovided in prior years. The company explained that the low effective rate of UK tax was because they incurred a loss in the UK in 2011 due to difficult trading conditions.
It seems that the various ideas that Labour are coming up with to bribe the electorate are rather falling to pieces. I like the fact that announcing a fuel price freeze will lead to fuel price increases and has wiped 5% of the share value of energy companies. He really doesn’t have a clue.
And now he is trying to support the idiotic idea of 16 year olds voting. Their brains are not even formed yet. We need to be reducing the franchise not extending it. Indeed the universal franchise is one of the drivers of our present chronic situation.
September 26th, 2013 – 08:42
That’s what insomnia does to me!
Peter from Maidstone
September 26th, 2013 – 09:25
You confirm the point I was clumsily trying to make – other religions, but not Islam, have recognised and embraced the ‘truth’ as it emerges and adapted their tenets accordingly, whilst the Sons of Mohammed remain trapped over a thousand years in the past.
It is my belief that, until they recognise and adapt to the truth of the modern world, they should be, at best ignored, or otherwise treated as the mentally defective savages they are.
Western politicians trying to deal with these imbeciles are wasting their time and our money. Rather than trying to negotiate with the new leader of Iran on matters of import, they would spend their time better seeking to ensure he was toilet-trained, for, as far as his little book of hate (and thus his world view) is concerned, the world is still flat.
Peter from Maidstone September 26th, 2013 – 10:10
“And now he is trying to support the idiotic idea of 16 year olds voting. Their brains are not even formed yet. We need to be reducing the franchise not extending it. Indeed the universal franchise is one of the drivers of our present chronic situation.”
Children, because that is what they are, do not legally become adults until they are aged eighteen.
I specified legally because most in my opinion are not adults until much later.
I would exclude all of the young until the age of twenty one and I would remove the franchise from all who are non-tax payers and all immigrants.
lowering the voting age to 16? never heard anything so daft, another insight to Milimarx’s scintillating intellect. Has the fool never seen the Jeremy Kyle show? All the evidence there to illustrate why the franchise should be restricted. And while I am at it immigrants and their offspring should be denied both the vote and citizenship. Many of these people come from countries which agitated for their independence, so let them bugger off there and enjoy it.
stephen maybery – 12:37
So, you have “never heard anything so daft”? 🙂
You must live beyond the reach of this Daily Mail report:
Here is an extract:
“Tony Blair has said religion needs to be put ‘in its proper place in politics’ in order to defeat terrorists who ‘fight without hesitation, kill without mercy and die without regret’.
Speaking from outside the United Nations’ headquarters in New York, the former prime minister and current envoy to the Middle East said Islamist ideology had created an enemy that was ‘insidious and venomous, but also difficult to beat’.
And he called for the ‘basic long-term problem of extremism based on a perversion of religion’ to be confronted following the Westgate mall massacre in Kenya, deadly attacks on Christians in Pakistan and the conflagrations in the Middle East.”
Does he know how stupid he sounds?
In fact, I’ll make it a statement:
He doesn’t know how stupid he sounds. Just like Boris and Cameron, and he has been exposed to the problems, at a ‘higher’ level, and for longer than those two.
Ignorant beyond compare! A current envoy to the Middle East? On whose behalf?
Robert C – I looked at the number of words with the letter “s” in them, in your post of 13:08 and the thought of Blair’s hissy delivery of all those esses turned my stomach. I hadn’t even had my firstcup of tea.
Ostrich (occasionally) 09:46.
Hodgeism as a new religion? Now that really would turn my agnosticism into hard-core atheism. Just imagine ‘ “Holy Margaret, Mother of God, save us poor sinners in the hour of approaching debt.” (ack. to EC).
The beady-eyed little bitch is the epitome of evil socialism at its deepest and most baleful level. Is she becoming popular? And if so why? I missed this development.
Noa (8:42)
🙂 Excellent twist on the old axiom.
AWK – I don’t know if you’ve seen this:
I don’t know why the DM thinks that is some great surprise. We know that the Jews and Christians in Palestine worshipped together at first. The first Christians in Palestine were Jews after all. It was not for quite a few decades before the Jews who rejected Jesus prevented those who honoured him from having any space in the synagogues and Temple. It’s all in the New Testament so it is not new information – though archaeology is always interesting.
Actually reading the article again illustrates how much drivel the DM produces. There is a synagogue in Palestine from the time of Christ and so it proves that Jews and followers of Christ were around at the same time. Yes? I thought it would have found some Christian symbol in the synaogue, but no. So it doesn’;t actually say anything other than that an ancient Jewish synagogue with ancient Jewish artifacts is being excavated around Galilee.
From the vaults:
David Blackburn:
I wonder what they’ll come up with for Uncle Vince? Nick Clegg is a closet Tory (nice homophobic overtone there), and Danny Alexander reminds anti-persecution supremo Harriet Harman of a ginger rodent.
Frank P:
David B
It is revealing that when ‘closet’ is mentioned then you associate it with homosexuality – nay homophobia. Is that perhaps an indication of your own proclivities.
I always understood that if someone is described as a closet anything, then it is implied that that they are pretending to be something else. What’s buggery got to do with it?
And while we’re on the subject of Hattie Harperson, this little piece by Craig Brown is worth clicking into, if only for the startling resemblance between the picture of the parasite in the first illustration and the one in the second. Uncanny.
Ahhh, ACP! Those heady days of the WBGTDWI meme. Seems like a lifetime ago. No wonder they blackballed me over at Trolltopia.
Andy Car Park – 15:49 ‘ closet’
I thought a closet was a small room used for storage, with only one door and probably a window.
wiki: A water closet (abbreviated “WC”) is not a storage closet but a small dedicated room containing a flush toilet. The euphemistic term comes from the British English definition of a closet as a small private room. In this case, it was a small private room with running water.
Robert C – The term “closet” as in gay, comes from the US an was common use there 40 years ago. A closet in the US, where the term “closet gay” was invented,
is for hanging clothes in. WC is English usage and has absolutely no application to the term closet gay. A closet is the cupboard, usually with the doors closed, where you hang your clothes. Thus the term, “Hiding in the closet”.
When Ed the Red was Energy Secretary in the last Labour miss-government he introduced the hidden green-tax on our energy bills, we are told that these amount to approximately £120 per household and will rise to double that amount in the next ten years.
Despite this fact we have the cheapest gas prices in Europe and our electricity is way below the highest.
Ed the Red announces at the Labour Party Conference that if elected at the next general election he will freeze energy prices, what a plonka, what a superb example of his complete lack of knowledge when it comes to business.
I one stroke he knocks two billion pounds off of the stock price of the top two companies (by the bye the only two featured in the FTSE UK) and at the same time hands David Cameron & George Osborn a huge stick to beat him with.
If they have any political sense they will announce at their conference this coming week that they will cancel the Green Levy (tax) and will find the money from general taxation, if they really had political sense they would scrap it altogether.
Re: Closets
… can’t help being reminded (conveniently – ha!) of the well-known alternative use of gentlemen’s public toilets. Snigger. Sorry, grammar-schoolboy humour will out. (ha! again).
I apologise for lowering the tone.
Thank you, Verity.
Aside from the scope and provenance of ‘closet’ as a signifier of clandestinity, there is also a little used expression, ‘indoor racist’, meaning someone who prudently refrains from propagating his benighted views outside his front room. The term was evocative enough for me to write a short story once about an automaton in a public bar that shouted racial abuse when fed with the appropriate coins. I might even be able to dredge it up from the low rent libertarian blog I posted it on about five years ago, but don’t all rush at once.
September 26th, 2013 – 15:26
Thanks, Verity. Yes, I’ve been there. I just wonder why the vile “DM” is suddenly printing such an article. Have they run out of ‘cabbage gives you colic’, ;cabbage prevents colic’, ‘Man marries ten sisters’, ‘Man marries ten brothers’.
Peter from Maidstone
September 26th, 2013 – 15:44
I have given up on the “DM”, as you so rightly wrote it is filled with drivel. Still, I suppose it is an improvement, however, incomplete, that this article attempts to discuss a serious and spiritual subject.
Andy Car Park September 26th, 2013 – 17:08
Not only would I appreciate the link, but I wonder if anyone has acquired the intellectual property rights to your Racist Machine yet?
Presumably only the Labour Party’s Dirty Tricks Unit stopped it going into mass production years ago.
Hodge, like Vaz in his role as the Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, has been using her position as Chairman of the National Audit Committee to grandstand and move the Labour party agenda forward.
The NAC is essentally toothless, without sanctions or any ability to reform. However she has adroitly used it to manipulate high profile issues without achieving anthing of value.
Which, it must be said, applies equally to the House of Commons and its members.
Andy Carpark – What a brilliant notion! I’d love to see it!
AWK – I look forward to The Mail being inspired by your suggestions and doing front pagers on them.
Frank S, it is the faux ‘caring’ of the Telegraph and its writers that makes me sick – writing a piece like that DAYS after the event when the public have been furious.
Chatboards were not put on the Kenya story for days.
That was the first detailed commentary with comments allowed.
BUT – the last comment allowed was put up at around 1.02am this morning (look on the page beside the poster’s name).
They were so flooded with comments they clearly froze that chatboard.
The same comment is still there at the top of the comments pile right underneath the piece.
Many of those comments have been ‘moderated’ or removed altogether – as the posters attest, asking why their posts have vanished.
The most damning one of all, I thought, was on the second page of comments that ran thus:
Yesterday 06:34 PM
‘If this blog remains open…
‘then its probably an intelligence gathering operation.’
People have worked out for themselves that in a bygone era newspapers published MI5 propaganda to massage public opinion.
In this frightening new era, they do the same but also gather data on people.
It’s the old MPs’ trick of sending letters from constituents to the security services – lest they be politically active – but done digitally and en masse.
Everybody knows the most read parts of news websites now are the comments sections and Big Brother is in there massaging that body opinion and spying on us all.
People are banned, ‘moderated’ (censored), comments closed, chatboards frozen. And then spied upon.
They know damn well people believe hardly a word of the drivel served up in newspapers any more.
As so Ms Pearson, telling Islam ‘no’ is not enough (not that it will happen anyway). It will not take ‘no’ for an answer.
The door needs to be shut.
And those in the West do not need so much a telling off as a plane ticket to the nearest Islamic country.
EasyJet to Turkey, anyone?
It is now quite plain that this is the only thing will work.
You cannot argue or persuade with taqyya.
Go. In the name of God, go.
Our people have bled long enough.
This is long, but excellent:
Clear Memories – 26 September 11:01 –
Your point about Islam trapping its adherents in the kind of world that existed over a thousand years ago was made very succinctly by the Shah of Iran shortly after western, politically correct liberalism had smugly encouraged his being replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini.
I well recall seeing the Shah being interviewed soon afterwards – and hearing him describe Khomeini as being essentially an ignorant man whose mind was completely closed – even to knowledge that was commonplace in the modern world.
The Shah said that as an example, if Khomeini were asked to explain what a vitamin was, he would have no idea at all.
Soprano X @ 19.22
Your idea of go is a no go, my blogging friend. Not only that we as a country will never do Amin. We couldn’t ship the bulk out even if we tried to do what the butcher of Uganda did. The English people offshore very likely outnumber those from the Muslim countries who are with us. If we began repatriating what would the other countries do? More tp the point, we aren’t able to even ship out those the courts deemed dangerous to our national security. The ‘uman Rights’ pap prevents it. You see any possibility of the legislation ever being scrapped?
Can you point to any sizeable political party that would move that way. If any did the left leaning tossers would ensure it were outlawed. Isn’t it unbelievable that at the Labour conference the subject of immigration didn’t register at all? That tells you all you need to know. The top won’t touch it, the hoi polloi are too scared or dumb to do anything about it.
It’s not popular with your, Baron’s fully aware of it, but the only way to stop the spread of this mediaeval creed is to starve those who push it of money. It’s insane that we’ve abandoned coal, we have massive reserves of it, so do other countries, but except for China that digs more and more of it opening new power plant run on it every week, we shun it. It’s as if we’ve determined to commit a slow but painful suicide.
a video to watch when you need to put a smile on your face
Baron, about 3.5 million British have emigrated. We have had about 8 million come here. If we ship Pakistanis home then it would be fair that Pakistan sends our migrants home. That may account for about 1,000 people? The countries our people have gone to have benefited and will not generally want to send our people home. The people we have gained are not generally beneficial to our society and have received very few British migrants. There are lots of British in Spain. I’d imagine that Spain will want to keep hold of people with money, who are also European, and who are not multiplying because they are past child bearing age.
Imagine a group of young boys, teenagers, doing nothing in particular, hanging around a corner, ogling girls passing by, picking up subjects to gossip about at random. Then one of the boys turns the chatting to the teachers, and specifically to one teacher, whom he intensely dislikes. If the boy is the natural leader of the gang it’s unlikely any of the other boys will challenge him whatever he says. ‘Isn’t the guy a bastard’ the leader boy says, ‘perhaps we should teach him a lesson?’ All the other boys agree, some more others less, but not a single one opposes the idea the teacher ought to be punished. ‘Right’, says the leader, ‘I suggest we jump on him, beat him up, perhaps stick a knife in him. Anyone against it?’
If the gang is a temporary but a fixed grouping it’s very likely that all the boys, even those who were silent when the debating went on would not say ”I won’t do it’ when asked ‘are you against hitting the bastard? (It’s a loose usage of the word gang, it means a group that meet regularly, here because they are in the same class, same school).
Apologies for this rather inarticulate narrative in poor English, but Baron reckons, from the experience he has with the followers of Allah, that’s roughly what many of the Muslims are faced with. Some amongst them are like the natural leader boy, the bulk of them are finding it hard to disobey what the ‘leaders’ says. After all, they’re Muslims, the creed’s binding them together more than their profession, British nationality or whatever. If they stand up and speak out against the jihadist he and his pals could make their lives and those of their family hell. If they were to complain to the authorities, and the plod were to take action, any punishment for any harassment or excitement to violence is just laughable, (well, punishment for the most heinous crime seems laughable for anyone these days).
The character of what we are facing is by far more complex than the black-white offerings from either side.
PfM @ 20.20
Baron hasn’t done a good job selling his theory of the ‘healthy core of Englishness’ assimilating the newcomers, then? Eventually.
Pity, we cannot meet and debate, Peter. Baron’s pretty awful when it comes to written English, his forte is ranting, he’s done it for living.
The poorly educated Slav happens to be an immigrant. He can tell you it’s near impossible not to want to adopt the English way of life for it is what any common sense man must aspire to, any other model of political entity is inimical to human nature. It ain’t perfect by any means, it’s just better than anything else on offer.
Do you, the indigenous crew, on occasions lose the bearings? Yup, you do, the current state of the national dichotomy may be one of such times, but, but, but it’s the quintessential quality of your DNA that furnishes the correction in the end, the ‘dumb’ masses take long time to wise up, but they have always wised up and the country proceeded to teach others how it should be done. Baron is deadly certain we will come out of this split between those who govern and those governed again.
If that were to fail, there’s always the possibility of another Tyler emerging, hopefully he won’t be fooled by a boy, and the country must be ready to back him.
I am sympathetic to what you say, Baron.
But it’s time to abandon the sizeable political parties.
Things are getting worse – not better.
If the citizens of various other countries are repatriated too, then that must follow.
I rather suspect it wouldn’t happen like that because the British have always taken valuable stuff for other countries with them – not least the spread of education and healthcare – all wasted, in my view.
I do fear that there will come a time when there will be a disaster moment for the UK – it came very close to it with the riots a few years ago – when everything that has been bottled up and suppressed with surveillance and thought crimes will simply break out and the people will reap the real effects of what has hitherto only happened on a small scale.
I hope it does not, but those riots told a truth many do not want to face up to.
The British will look for their tribe and find they have none. It will all be too late.
I fear something will happen, it might be a Fukushima moment, or similar, and pushed into disaster, British people will find themselves behind the back of the queue of everyone who has waltzed over the border.
There will be no community spirit or law and order. What happened in those riots happens in a smaller scale everywhere round Britain every day. Muslims raping away like little Lucifers on viagra, social services pimping them what they want. Bare-faced thievery and contempt for the indigenes.
Well, if those people ever get licensed by events to do what they want – people cannot say they didn’t know what was coming.
I hope it never happens, but each day the predators become more numerous and more powerful.
Soprano X @ 21.09
Join the UKIP, Soprano to give them a chance, Baron did.
Baron, if you’d like to meet for a coffee or pint in a pub then drop me a line at when you are anywhere in the area.
Delighted to see Russia has locked up the Greenpeace crazyfucks. Perhaps a few more nations might follow suit and remove these demented imbeciles from the public arena.
Their lies and disinformation have been allowed to poison debate for far too long – they are in the same category as those who consider any discussion of immigration as racist. As the Global Warming scandal unfolds, I hope the blame and opprobrium falls on the heads in huge stinking piles.
Did these idiots not realise that, had they succeeded in invading the Russian installation without hindrance, the little sheetheads would have taken note and before long, adopted Greenpeace tactics as a cover for another of their outrages? Shame they weren’t shot the minute they were a potential threat.
We should note they carry out no activities in the lands of the little sheetheads. I was in the Middle East when their boat made an ‘awareness’ visit to Dubai. They were warned, in the media, that any demonstrations, actions or anything that criticised/offended the government or Islam would be dealt with instantly and with the full weight of (Sharia) law.
Needless to say, the behaved themselves.
SopranoX 21:09 – Excellent piece. And you are chillingly correct. Good piece following (0:21) from you, Clear Memories.
Both depressingly and inarguably correct.
On days when depression gets hold of the blue veined barbarian from the East he feels as you do, Soprano. He no longer seems t understand the world, the words that hit his eardrums sound alien, lacking common sense, the deeds pursued by everyone often suggest the people behind them have been released from an institution far too early. And that happens with even otherwise sound, reasonable people, people Baron includes in the healthy core of Englishness. A local man explaining on the box something to do with a kid falling from swings in the local park says ‘…the warning was only in English….
This state of mind never lasts for long for Baron refuses to adopt the defeatist posture, to give up before the end, to talk himself into laying down, turning into a vegetable. And he’s right. He goes out for a walk on a local rural road that twists and turns, and as he steps out on a grass pavement to let the occasional traffic flow, every car that passes acknowledges it, every one of them, some drivers only raise a finger or two, others give a little wave, a smile as a thank you.
You may smirk at it, but to Baron it is in these little nothings that civilised life manifest itself. These people cannot be mad, most likely many of them, not unlike Baron, dislike what they see, experience, or are subject to. And they carry on, as does the poorly educated Slav, hoping a turn will come. And eventually, as the beast of the unwashed wakes up, it will come.
The Muslims who attacked the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi appear to have brutally, obscenely and demonically tortured those innocent non-Muslims they captured there…
Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling. Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged. Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies, it was claimed.
And so we now have lee rights killers pleading not guilty.
How much time and money is that going to cost.
Sorry. Typo.
Lee rigby obviously .
And now we pander to them by allowing them to use new Islamic names. A
And pleading not guilty to other charges.
In a sane world they would be found guilty of the main charge today and be given a date for execution .
With not long to wait.
Now here’s a surprise, Lord Rennard has got off. He is lucky he is not a third rate celeb or he would have been half way to the Scrubs by now. Don’t you just love this country at times, Rolf Harris must be pissing himself.
PfM – 10.29
Well they may be Somalian Muslim murdering scum Peter, but at least they didn’t cause any embarrassment to Cameron or Obama by using chemical weapons.
If they want new names I think we should give them.
Ugly Islamic scum number 1 and 2.
I could add many more words to that as I am sure we all could.
The white witch is on the run and Kenya has issued an international arrest warrant for her. I do not doubt that she will, in the fullness of time be apprehended and handed over to the Kenyans. I also fervently prey that Kenya will respect her religious devotion and accord her a truly Islamic death, that is that the bitch is frog marched to the town square and stoned. Inshallah.
Stephen Maybery – I like it. But you have missed an important step. She should be buried up to her neck in sand, as is the islamic hallowed tradition, and then stoned. In fact, maybe they could bury her up to the neck in sand and then enjoy a long lunch break (to accord her time for reflection) and stoned after lunch.
Just a thought.
Heaven forbid they return her to Britain for trial here, She would be carefully listened to and then told she hd had a hard childhood, and her human rights must be respected. She would be given a free home to live in, and benefits to enable her to travel to Mecca whenevr she wishes. May the bitch rot in hell!
Forgive so many typing errors, but I am very angry and upset. Should never write in a rage! I seriously fear that the White Bitch will somehow return to England, and her expensive lawyers will plead that she must stay here, as her human rights would be breachedif she was tried elsewhere. In the meantime, I am sure the greasy, marxist judiciary is lining up in anticipation of representing her.
I’m drawing attention to this not because I think there is the faintest chance of the meeting persuading Iran to abandon its nuclear bomb programs, but because of the picture showing the meeting’s two main participants. Isn’t it stomach-turning? –
AWK – “May the bitch rot in hell”. I’ve read quite a lot about islam and have lived in two (very moderate) islamic countries, but I have no idea what hell is for a muslim.
Does anyone know?
And yes, AWK, you are absolutely spot on when you mention her “human” rights and the greasy marxist judiciary licking their chops as they come up with ruses (she had premenstrual syndrome; her eye-shadow clashed with her burqa and she saw herself in a shop window, and went crazy).
I have a feeling, though (insh’allah!) that she won’t be leaving Kenya.
Is it easier for Americans to destroy other cultures and countries because they hardly belong to their own. John Kerry is not Irish of course, but of Austrian descent. His family had only been in the US for 38 years when he was born. Is it a sense of not actually belonging which leads Americans to so devalue the integrity of other nations?
Verity@September 27th, 2013 – 15:14
I bet she has spent a large part of her life getting stoned after lunch…
Alexander – Ha ha ha! But sadly, I think she has not. This is a self-righteous ghoul.
September 27th, 2013 – 17:46
Verity you ask what is hell for a muslim. At the rate the slime is pouring into Britain, I imagine they perceive hell as livng in a muslim country.
AWK – Makes sense to me.
The torture and method of killing in Nairobi is so important because it comes out of The Koran and Hadith.
‘Smite’ their heads it says. On and on it goes about ‘smiting’ and so on and inflicting terror.
Islam is about blood lust – not real grievance.
It is about blood lust for your own to dominate and ‘kuffr’ to submit.
That is what the method of killing reveals. It’s not a one-off.
That blood lust may be present in some in non-Islamic society – but until now they have never had licence to use it.
The White Widow is an active participant, but I believe her partaking in violence represents a lot of the attraction for white female converts to Islam – they enjoy the violence.
Their conversion is tied up to their sexuality: they enjoy the idea of a partner or a ‘community’ member that might, at some point, kill off other people and other people’s children through an act of Islamic terror, thereby improving their own family’s and their own children’s life chances.
That’s what these white women get off on. Their own offspring being given licence by politically correct teachers to bully non-Muslim children and dominate the classroom.
I detect in these converts a primeval admiration for Koranic teachings like ‘Make war on the unbelievers’ and that it is tied into their own depraved sexuality.
You don’t read that book, The Koran, and then tell me you don’t know what it means.
Oh no.
Or tell me that I’ve ‘misinterpreted’ it, you taqyya-monger.
For those who want to understand Islam’s uses of sexual terror, this article by an apostate makes good reading:
That woman – the White Widow – is getting off on all this.
She is feeding her sexually depraved blood lust.
And I will not set down what I hope happens to her.
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, French scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.
Not to be outdone by the French: in the weeks that followed, American archaeologists dug to a depth of 20 feet before finding traces of copper wire. Shortly afterwards, they published an article in the New York Times saying : “American archaeologists, having found traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the French.”
A few weeks later, ‘The British Archaeological Society of Northern England’ reported the following: “After digging down to a depth of 33 feet in the Skipton area of North Yorkshire in 2011, Charlie Hardcastle, a self-taught amateur archaeologist, reported that he had found absolutely bugger all. Charlie has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Britain had already gone wireless.”
Just makes you bloody proud to be British, doesn’it?
Freddie Forsyth today on Camoron and chums in Europe:
THE re-election of Angela “Mutti” (Mummy) Merkel as German chancellor for four more years was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
Dubbed the most powerful woman in the world she seems pretty pleasant and quite harmless, friendly in a nice aunty way to our Prime Minister, who is certainly young enough to be her nephew. But appearances are deceptive.
Beneath the inoffensive exterior Angela Merkel is a fanatic. She does not posture, she does not strut as most do. She does not shout the odds, rant or preach like so many. But her smooth destruction of her one-time patron and mentor Helmut Kohl gives the measure of her ruthlessness in pursuit of her goal.
That is the complete – and I mean total – unification of the countries of Europe, Germany included, into a single super-state. Nothing, absolutely nothing, must be allowed to stand in the way of that divine vision. And that includes the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. Because such a withdrawal would not end there.
Established in the European Free Trade Association with Norway and Switzerland, with guaranteed membership of the Single Market as now but without the wholesale removal of our sovereignty to Brussels, others might then find our situation enviable and wish to follow suit. That could start the unravelling of the woollen sleeve. And that for the quietly smiling German chancellor must never be allowed to happen.
If David Cameron wins in 2015 he has pledged to start “renegotiating” our terms of membership and, when he has achieved the best he can, to offer us a referendum on our choice of destiny: in or out.
Technically he will be negotiating with Brussels but behind the scenes the final arbiter on every point, every concession, will be Angela Merkel. And Mr Cameron will be flanked by a team from our Foreign Office – also EU fanatics to a man and woman. And they will be supported by Ed Llewellyn and Jo Johnson, two more Etonian EU-worshippers. The dice will be massively loaded.
The tactic will be to permit tiny, inessential concessions and announce them as massive changes in our favour. Thus a few more pilchards landed on Brixham quay will become a complete restructuring of the Common Fisheries Policy. A few exemptions for hospital interns from the Working Time Directive will become a total rethink of employment policy.
All bunkum but I suspect that is how it will be presented, just as when Harold Wilson pretended to renegotiate Edward Heath’s terms. And the Foreign Office will be at the forefront of the confidence trick.
But if, despite all these efforts, the British people see through the scam and the polls show we are going to vote to leave, then you will see that Mutti Merkel is not so mumsy after all.
For the third time in 100 years Germany has made up its collective mind on the future of Europe and does not intend to be gainsaid yet again by this blasted little offshore nation and its dreadfully disobedient people.
Of course, what is threatening to ‘start the unravelling of the woollen sleeve’ at the moment is Greece, where a murder has allegedly beed carried out by one of the upstart parties.
Only, something’s fishy…
Angela Merkel arrives at Passport Control, Paris airport.
“Nationality?” asks the immigration officer.
“German.” She replies.
“No, just here for a few days.”
Noa, stop it!
I have nearly squirted coffee over my computer twice now!
Oh, ok alexandr- just one more then it’s reality back to reality again:-
A rather bad man dies and meets Satan in a room with three doors. Satan explains, “I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that you have to spend eternity behind one of these doors. But, the good news is that you can take a peek behind each and take your choice.”
So, the man opened the first door and saw a room full of people, standing on their heads on a concrete floor. Not very nice, he thought.
Opening the second door, he saw a room full of people standing on their heads on a wooden floor. Better, he thought, but best to check the last door.
Upon opening the last door, he saw a room full of people, standing waist-deep in excrement and sipping coffee.
“Of the three, this one looks best,” he said and waded in to get something to drink while Satan closed the door.
A few minutes later the door opened, Satan stuck his head in and said, “Ok, coffee break’s over, back on your heads!”
So, back on your heads, Wallsters!
Soprano X at 19-59 (and Noa): Freddie Forsyth,whilst ant-EU,is a Conservative Party loyalist.For the last three elections he has told us we should vote Conservative as there are many euro-sceptic Conservative candidates to be put in Parliament,and not vote UKIP as this will lead to a pro-EU Labour government.(Much as we are being threatened now.)This,of cause,is based on the idea that UKIP supporters would vote Conservative if UKIP did not stand;which they wouldn’t.___________However his remarks on what renegotiation would mean is all too true.
Have you met your new neighbours yet, Peter?
Soprano X
September 27th, 2013 – 19:5
Sopran X and all those anti-Merkelists, well I am the odd one out, yet again! I like Angela Merkel and approve of her politics. Would that she was British and stood in the place of that gormless Cameron.
They were all over the local press some time ago. She can’t work because of depression and he can’t work because he is looking after the children but they both claim jobseekers.
Of course there is a cure for her super-fertility and looking at her husband I’d have thought abstinence would be a happy release from a painful duty.
The invariably excellent Ed West has a post at the Spectator on Ed Miliband’s plan to protect our armed forces through discrimination type legislation.
“…what do we make of proposals to provide extra legal protection to
British soldiers because of the abuse they face in the street, an idea
first suggested by Ed Miliband in May and repeated this week…?”
Simply, It is a classic neo-Marxist response from Comrade Miliband.
The simple, common sense approach would be to treat such behaviour within the ordinary criminal law, but punishable by a sharlply higher punishment, being an act against the Crown and potentially treasonous.
Labour, of course, regards the armed forces as the military wing of the socialist British people and treats it accordingly.
In creating the concept of victimhood and an endless series of ‘communities’ and ‘interest groups’, Labour devised the politicians’ equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. For every event that occurs, horrific or otherwise, a new ‘community’ arises and a new set of ‘needs’ must be addressed through an appropriate tranche of rights. Whether these new ‘rights’ will contradict existing common law or group rights is irrelevant.
The final, reflex degradation of our enfeebled and humiliated armed forces will be to classify them as ‘victims’, so putting them into the same angry ‘rights’ category as the lesbians, blacks, gays and ‘transgendered’.
Whereas I, like most people, prefer to consider our servicemen and women as the people whom we entrust to defend us and our country against our enemies and so, potential heroes, like this:
or this:
So of course you may be absolutely sure that Ed and all those on the fabian and socialist left will strive with all their might and main to prevent us from doing so.
Radford Ng – The outstanding thing (apart from Nigel) about UKIP is, its policies appeal across the board to true Brits. It would be as easy, mentally, for a former Labour supporter to put an X next to UKIP as it would be for a former Tory.
Soprano X 19:59 – Too true.
I do accept that Freddie Forsyth is a Conservative supporter and disagree with him on a lot, but I think he is right about the way the British electorate will be led up the garden path on this.
For what it’s worth AWK, I can only applaud Merkel’s style. People always wonder why Melanie Phillips called Tony Blair a great politician. It’s not because she liked his policies. It was his salesmanship, which hid his radicalism. I think Merkel is one of the canniest, most charming operators around – I just think she’s done a very good job of hiding what’s under the bonnet!
A united Europe is what Obama wants, the UN wants and so on and it’s what so many of the mainstream politicians in Europe want.
There is no ‘negotiating’.
It really is in or out.
To quote Mel again, it’s the ‘meta issue’ that defines all UK politics – in other words, everything is governed by it.
It has got to stop.
I don’t think Dave will be around for much longer. Boris Johnson looks like he will be parachuted into Crispin Blunt’s seat, but he will just be a new face on the same dung heap.
If we are to bury EU rule, we must first bury the traitors – and that starts with the Conservative Party.
Soprano-X, 19.15: FF seems to be under the same illusion that CMD and co hope we all are – the illusion that he has some power to bring the EU to the negotiating table. As far as I know, there is no mechanism with which any member state can force the EU to renegotiate its terms of membership. The only way is Lisbon Article 50, under which a member state must first declare its intention to leave before any negotiations on its future relationship with the EU take place.
FF is of course right in saying that the FO is enthusiastically pro-EU, and that Cameron will try to pass off any tweaks that take place in the absence of any genuine renegotiations as a major breakthrough.
He is also right in saying that Geli currently calls the shots.
Soprano X – My post of 22.28 was made before yours of 22.17 appeared – in which you have made some of the same points as me. No harm in saying it twice, I guess!
Soprano X – 22:17 Superb last para.
Soprano X
September 27th, 2013 – 22:17
“Et tu, Brute?” This reproach could be made by many. if not most politicians in positions of power. In our time, Lady Thatcher was betrayed by those she worked with and trusted, and all Brown’s enemies, who remained silent, crept out of the woodwork. The tabloids are supplied with stories of scandal, spite and secrets by people who held positions of a confidential nature. Merkel is no better and no worse than most (if not all) who have climbed the slippery pole. The fact that she appears as a nice, ordinary woman perhaps makes the ‘betrayal’ of Kohl seem even more shocking. For me, who is too old and has been around the block too long to be shocked, this just proves that the lady is bright, very bright, and politicians, even the best, are amoral.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 September 27th, 2013 – 21:36
“I like Angela Merkel and approve of her politics.”
So do I; but and it is a big but, she is pro the EU and the Euro, and those I will never be.
David Ossitt – You say that you like Angela Merkel and approve of her politics, then add, “but she is pro the EU and the euro”. So which politics of Angela Merkel that you approve of, given that she is driven by the Nazi ideal of a united Europe led by Germany?
Interesting developments in Greece .
Leader of golden dawn and many party members arrested for belonging to a so called criminal organisation .
Yes, John B, it looks like a false flag murder has taken place as a pre-text to close down Golden Dawn.
UKIP’s rise, too, has not gone unnoticed in the EU and that is why they are getting such a beating from the mainstream media at the moment.
Farage spent a fait bit of the summer touring working men’s clubs up north to get his message across.
There is huge interest from ex-Labour voters and the media is determined not to let them join disaffected former Conservative voters.
He was given no air time at all in the MSM over the summer – apart from that massive smear campaign launched by the Tories getting that lobbying firm Westbourne to feed smeary tidbits to the media (who hate UKIP anyway).
So he’s just been doing it in person.
You’ve all seen the YouTube video – Brighton I think it was – when the ‘anti-fascist’ (Labour’s version of the Westbourne arm’s length smears) protestors arrived.
That’s how he’s doing it.
Forget the MSM and just get out there.
Unless you are FibLabCon, you will never ever get a fair balance of coverage in the MSM.
It’s pure Orwell and Kafka.
The state says: ‘You’re a criminal, because we say you’re a criminal’.
‘Now, does anybody else fancy a bit of this free speech malarkey? Now get back in line and vote for the parties we say you can vote for – or your next.’
They will not let anything or anyone stop this EU project.
In the UK people are told all sort of things by the MSM about the upstart parties.
Go to the their websites, though, and none of it tallies with the spin put on it by the journalists.
This is the Golden Dawn press release:
If it comes from the mouth of an MSM reporter, you can bet it’s BS.
I skim The Mail every morning just in case they have some interesting news. This morning, a sub deserves a pat on the back, though, for this headline:
Although s/he was so pleased with the headline that they forgot to put an apostrophe in theres.
Verity@September 28th, 2013 – 13:53
Theirs…. 🙂
mail have corrected it.
Verity September 28th, 2013 – 01:44
Hello Verity the quote “I like Angela Merkel and approve of her politics.” Was taken from Anne Wotana Kaye 1 September 27th, 2013 – 21:36.
My reply, “So do I” was agreeing with Anne’s ‘I like Angela Merkel’ bit but not with her ‘and approve of her politics’, I should have made my opinion a bit clearer, sorry.
The nairobi attack cant have been cheap to set up. Where are this group getting funding from. One hopes that in the UK they are carefully checking money being wired to that region from Soamlis here. While we have to watch the terrorists, we also have to watch the money flow.
Baron’s rather puzzled by your liking the German Frau’s policies (David Ossitt excluded), and simultaneously arguing passionately for getting out of the EU. Merkel, backed up by the strength of the German economic machine and the prudence of her people, is what keeps the political construct going. If you reckon she will allow Britain to get out of the Brussels clutches for free you have to be ready for a shock. The cost of our quitting would be such that even many, if not a majority, of those of the eurosceptic mould will decide not to go that route.
If we were to quit what strength do we have to do well outside Europe? Manufacturing’s largely gone, finance is getting crippled more and more, the North Sea oil wells are drying up…in the end, we cannot all be retail shop assistants or barbers, importing the stuff people want to buy, sooner or later we have to pay the foreign makers for it.
If Britain were to have a referendum on a pure vanilla in/out basis, a referendum proceeded by a campaign, there’s no way the unwashed will vote to get out for one very simple reason. The pro-European will tell the masses that voting for the out option will mean a higher cost of money, higher cost of mortgages and loans, less in their pockets, more of them on the dole. And, however much it pains Baron to say it, they will be right.
They will be right because the bond market says they’re right. The bond market would love it if there was a paper backed up by 450mn unwashed, such paper would be more valuable than what the US, Japan or anyone else anywhere else can offer. And the bond market will be the key player, it has always been the final arbiter.
And if anyone of you is to tell Baron the bond market can lump it, let the barbarian remind you that if you have any sort of savings at all, a mortgage or a loan a large chunk of it will be either invested in or funded by the bond market. It’s our money that’s at stake here, a collapse in the bond market could eventually lead to a collapse of the whole of the financial system.
Perhaps one of the UKIP officials would like to respond to Baron’s comment at 18:23 hours?
Frank P – Seconded! I’d like to read a response, too!
Alexsandr – 17:55 ‘nairobi attack’
Haven’t you seen this, Sunday, 15 September 2013:
Why Barclays wants to cut Somalia’s ‘money transfer’ lifeline
Many Somalis rely on money sent from family in Britain, but the tap may be turned off
Just a coincidence!
RobertC@September 28th, 2013 – 19:10
Um thats clever. shut down the legit money transfer people so people use dodgy ones that cant be monitored.
But we need to look at money sent abroad, because it is a drain on our economy.
And we need to tighten border controls and rights of residence. That would inevitably cut the benefits bill by tens of millions of pounds. I also don’t think any foreign criminal from a primitive country should serve time at the British taxpayers’ expense. They should be instantly — as in, on the next plane to the hellhole they came from – deported and a DNA sample taken so they can’t get back in.
That would mean that people from Somalia and other hell holes would think twice about coming in as a tourist and never leaviing, because if they broke any laws, including getting a parking ticket, they would be deported at their own expense.
Baron – 18:23 ‘German Frau’s policies’
Which policies are we supposed to like?
She is a successful leader, in that she is still in power, just, but as for closing their nuclear power stations, driving renewables to the point that their industry is scared that they will loose industry to lower energy cost countries and bailing out other countries (or is it German banks?), what is there to like, if you were German?
Did you see Digby Jones’ UKIP Conference’s speech? He said Germany would agree to a trade agreement, within 24 hours, in order to keep German car manufacturers in business, if nothing else!
I don’t know that finance is getting more crippled. There is the big question of QA but, I think, more people are in favour of letting banks fail. It might be dreadful, but it would clear the decks, like Iceland has done. It is the unawareness of risk that has caused most of the current financial mess.
Politics is the art of the possible and that includes getting the timing right, so as the EU deteriorates, as it will, people will realise where their future lies. Look at the Global Warming Mass Deceit! The supporters are looking more and more desperate, almost funny! Look at how popular opinion has been changing over the last couple of years: it is much more conventional. Well, it is around my neighbourhood. Or is it that those views are talking a little louder?
There is still a lot of oil in the North Sea oil. It needs taxes more friendly towards the smaller companies that have been finding the smaller oil fields and the legal side to make agreements between multiple parties easier. Then there is shale oil/gas, and we still have the coal which, with newer technologies, could be extracted. It is only the EU stopping us taking advantage of it. I have seen opinion that there will be a ‘peak supply of oil’. This will be because gas will become so cheap that oil will be in less demand as an energy source, leaving it mainly for a chemical stock.
Manufacturing is also doing OK! What has disappeared are the jobs for the uneducated school leavers to walk into, on a production line. For example for how the industries have changed, our car industry is successful and will overtake French production in a year or so. It means education will experience large changes, but then it needs it, doesn’t it?
It comes down to old fashioned thrift, so I agree coffee shops won’t make us wealthy, but for those people who understand that internationally valued skills will be more rewarding, they will still be rewarded. It has always been like that!
As far as bonds are concerned, it will all come out in the wash. Pensions may collapse, ISAs may be confiscated, but life will go on. Terrible, but life will go on.
I don’t think it will be the financial problems about which we need to be most worried.
Also, the idea that Europe would stop trading with the UK just because it sat outside the political construct of the EU is a myth.
There would, of course, be much chicken-licken scaring in the run-up to a referendum, but when have any pro-European referendums ever helped anyone?
The Greeks and the Irish were bribed with their taxpayer own money.
‘Oooooh, free money!’ Now pay for it.
Everybody in Europe, including the UK, is going up the swannee, and, in or out, the UK will not escape that.
The UK is in pre-election propaganda mode, a constany dysentery of stories about recovery and so on. None of it bears any relation to what I am told by people in business.
You can believe all that BS after the election’s in the bag.
Buyer beware.
Incidentally, I note that lots of Golden Dawn politicians have been arrested, but none in connection with the murder they are supposedly linked to.
How very sly.
How very EU.
What happens if EU refuses free-trade with an independent UK?The morning after the referendum Chancellor Merkel phones Wolfsburg: “…bad news…all your exports to the UK are now 10% more expensive (including Audis);and the UK has abolished duties in imports from Korea…That’s the EU.” She then phones Munich(BMW). For more on this see Global Britain (a business think-tank),Briefing Note No.82 at
Baron 28th, – 18:23
This poorly educated Paddy doffs his hat to your erudition and eloquence.
A challenging post from Baron.
Why should UKIP have to answer it. You polemicsts have been poleming around here, there and elsewhere to know the rights and wrongs , ins and outs of these argument inside out.
So the Germans won’t let us leave. And we won’t want to because we’ll all be going broke, as the finance market says we’ll collapse if we do. The words ‘being shackled to a corpse come to mind, as Europe, with its declining population and declining share of world markets comes to mind. The point about an Article 50 withdrawal would be that we could, through EFTA membership, retain the benefits of EU memberships, whilst regaining the ability to negotiate and trade directly in the growing world markets, all without the cost overhead burdens resulting from EU membership.
But, if its money you’re worried about, you’re missing the main point. The EU is’nt about wealth, it’s about establishing the socialist paradise on earth, as the tremendously cheap cost of sacrificing the nations that comprising europe. Quite rightly! They are useless thing that have only ever caused wars and upset the German balance of trade and the Schefflien plan and threaten to put fine upstanding ‘uman beans like Barroso and Van Rumple baclk on the pile of of obscurity.
So the blue veined Slav is right. Germany won’t let us go, and neither will the moneymen. Are you are prepared to accept that?
Resistance is useless so let’s not bother?
To me it’s never been about money, we will make always more when we cast off the suffocating cloak of the EU, its costs, taxes and regulations. But, more importantly by far, we will be on the way to be ing a free and no longer an enslaved population.
In short, we won’t be getting back on our heads.
“And we need to tighten border controls and rights of residence.”
We have no abiility to do so whilst we remain within the EU, As you of course know.
Noa – Of course I already know this! Dumping the EU should have been taken as read.
Baron – 1823 – you might be right that the great unwashed would, in any referendum, be likely swayed by the cost arguments that the pro camp would undoubtedly lie about.
But, and its a massive but, the truth that the can only regain control of its borders and hence sling out the Roma dross, all the other unwelcome euro-scum and the third-world invaders arriving in the UK through collusion of every nation and town from Greece to Calais will outweigh any scare tactic the euro-lovers can come up with.
Immigration and the destruction of the UK by (mentally) third world rubbish is the biggest issue. Until that is controlled, all the others issues (education, housing, NHS, congestion, pollution ad nauseum) can only be tinkered with.
And immigration can’t be attacked from within the EU as the EU and its free movement of people is the whole of the problem.
But be ready for the socialists attacks and MSM lies though. Here in Oz, we have the ‘boat people’. Detritus from across the world reaching Indonesia and then, with collusion from that government coupled with Indonesian Police corruption, they are smuggled to Christmas Island – the nearest Australian landfall. Many boats sink and the Labour government of Gillard/Rudd attempted to save them, thus greatly encouraging more. Considering it takes a long time and a lot of money to get here legitimately – and you must have something to offer and be healthy – this became the biggest issue in the recent election. Late in the day, Labour decided any person who came by boat will NEVER be allowed to settle in Australia, that their claim for asylum will be heard ‘offshore’ (PNG, where, if you escape the camps, there’s a good chance you’ll be eaten, either by the crocs or the locals!).
Needless to say, Labour were trounced at the Polls.
The new government has adopted Labour’s policy but gone further, stating people smuggling boats will be turned back. Yesterday, a boat sank with great loss of life. The smugglers tactics are now to disable the boat and call Australian authorities for help. In this case, they called many times but claimed Australia failed to help, against international maritime conventions.
Turns out the boat was 50 metres from the Indonesian coast when it sank in heavy seas! Indonesia did nothing. How is this Australia’s fault? Be prepared for French fishermen finding another illegal but lucrative string to their bows, no doubt aided and abetted by the French government and supported by the UK’s partners in the French Navy.
Papua-New Guinea was well governed by Australia [after 1914 when the Germans in Papua surrendered to Australia].U.N. reporters were appalled in the 1960s when told by natives they did not want independence.Since it came,civilisation has collapsed in PNG:much the same as in South Africa;and in the North African enclaves in France.
Baron? What have you got to say to Noa? I think he’s right, but as the post was knocked out at the witching hour after a sunny Samstag and, I suspect, a liquid supper, it was a little less lucid than we normally expect from our favourite Ukipper.
FWIW, I say we should call the bluff of the bastards who control the money; there is a gigantic scam being perpetrated against all the taxpayers of all the nations within the EU; the NWO conspirators have more to lose than we do if Britain secedes from the band, because the whole house of cards would tumble if they didn’t adjust the structures to accommodate our withdrawal, moreover, if we went, then the citizens of other nations suffering from the suffocating stranglehold of the Commie bureaucrats would pressure their own politicians for restoration of their own sovereign situations.
Call their bluff! Britain has stood alone before in the ‘gathering storm’, shown a courageous example and prevailed. It cost us dearly and robbed me of my childhood; what’s coming down the road now will denude us of our self respect if we don’t demand the restoration of our rights to self determination. Previously the threat was Nazism, followed by the protracted overt threat of totalitarian communism accompanied by the arms race. Now it’s the Long March conjoining with Islamic jihad (which comprises the lunacy of self exploding suicidal muzzie maniacs and the demographics and stealthy occupation of Islam by invitation, facilitated by fucking idiots who have been voted into political power by other fucking idiots who have swallowed the myth of ‘moderate Islam’, which is not a religion, it is a pernicious and stultifying cult: one that will employ any means to establish a worldwide Caliphate and use the commies of Europe and the US to aid their quest.
Baron is suggesting that we submit to blackmail. Never a good wheeze. We’ve been in the thrall of the bastards for far too long as it is. Out! Regardless of the short term financial cost, that MAY result, but then again – may not.
Farage has the right idea. He has expressed it eloquently from the platform in Europe that he wishes to destroy. We should give him a go. And Toby Young’s little plot to save Cameron’s a (a suggestion of a coalition of the grass roots of Tory dissenters and Ukippers with a star chamber run by him to carve up the ‘winnable seats’ see his piece over on trolltopia) should be ridiculed to destruction.
The current Tory hierarchy is a treasonous cabal; many of ’em bent as a donkey’s hind leg, both sexually and venally too. If the Conservative Party don’t dump the Quislings they won’t get my vote. Farage’s lot are still the front runners for that and I hope they get their act together in time for the 2015 showdown.
As for the Merkel lovefest: I recommend this little anthology on Angela by our blogroll star, Comrade Boot. That should cool your ardour:
The North African ghettos in France,I find, are called*Les Banlieue*:once innocently meaning `suburbs`;now an euphemism for no-go-areas of gangsterism,riot;drug dealing and rape.Mainly around Paris,Lyons and Marseilles.
Adolphe [aka Ralph] Miliband (father of Ed. Miliband) :a brief biography and extracts from his writings can be found at
Austrian election today.Polls have Social Democrats 27%,Conservatives 22%,Freedom Party(ant-EU) 21%.
Radford NG
Ralph Miliband was fleet of pen and had a prose as adept as Rees’ poetry:
“Across a landscape bleak and spare
the tattered shadow-figures march
to congregate in ragged groups
beneath a crumbling railway arch,
where one, more fortunate than most,
may raise a bottle in his hand
and put it to his lips and drink
a toast to life in Shadowland”.
“Through dampness and decay observe
the stunted Shadowchildren crawl…
We will not let them share our world
because they cannot pay their dues”.
And in The Dispossessed:
“They do not move
in true straight lines;
they exist
at right angles to living…
You see them de-evolving
day by day,
undeveloping, regressing, slipping
downscale towards the point
where we can feel at ease
regarding them as a lower species”.
Jews in Nazi Germany or asylum seekers today?
Noa 23.34 & 23.58
Verfluchen im Chor, was eigen Dir ist, werden die Götter,
Here is the translation
Europe’s Shame
poem by Günter Grass
Near chaos,because not compatible on the market,
you are far from the country which loaned you the cradle.
What was searched for with the soul-meant to be found-
is now considered to be of dumping value.
As debtor -naked- put in the pillory
a country suffers which should have been honoured.
To poverty condemned country whose wealth decorates well tended
museums:Taken from you-herded prey.
Those with weapon force harmed the isle-blessed-land
carrying Hölderlin in their knapsacks,wearing uniforms.
Hardly a tolerated country whose men in charge used to be accepted
allies,Land without privileges in which the Might of the dogmatists
pulls the belt tighter and tighter.
Challenging you,Antigone wears Black and nationwide
Sorrow dresses the nation whose guest you have been.
Abroad however,the Croesus’ dextrous entourage
has everything which was golden and gleaming,in your tresors.
Booz finally,booz! shout the commissioners’ claqueures ,
but angry,Sokrates returns the mug- brimful- to you.
Cursing in choir-that which is distinctive of you-
will the Olympian Gods.
This is an ode to Europe in defence of the hapless Greeks.
Radford NG
September 29th, 2013 – 04:08
There is an article in the “DM” on that vile creature, father of the Milibands. I don’t read that tabloid, but I saw it together with the photo of the grave of Ralph Miliband, beside his master in Highgate Cemetary. I wish that the offsping of the two deformed brothers should not breed, and that the corrupted Miliband seed should die out and not corrupt the land. They are a curse and should just fade away. Wistful dream I know, but they are a truly wretched lot.
What? Baron advocating blackmail? Well, well, well…
The barbarian from the East shouldn’t have started it, not so much because he’s afraid of controversy or cannot finish it. More because he’s got little time.
Look. what is it we’re objecting to on Europe? Is it the selling stuff to them, buying other stuff from them? Is it buying houses in France or Greece? Holidaying there without much on any consular hassle….?
None of it, right? What we object to is Brussels, the massive democratic deficit of it, the cost, the constant nose poking of unelected, mostly failed local politicians into this and the other.
In this case, wouldn’t it be more productive to join forces with like minded people across Europe and push for a thorough cull of the Brussels nomenklatura. It was the individual countries that set up the monstrosity, it should be the same countries that cut it to size. It may be argued that the bulk of what the idea of wealth central re-distribution centre has come to an end, alot of money has been sucked up from the big boys of Europe piped to the outskirts like the East. Hence, the time has come to size down the Brussels hydra, and size it down big.
Now, can that be achieved by our insisting on a full pull out from Europe? What does the full pull out means, anyway? That we won’t sit on the myriads of committees and whatever else they have to control us, won’t have to pay into the budget, roughly. And you reckon Europe with Merkel in charge will let us keep on trading as before for free? Sweet baby Jesus, Merkel will ensure our cost of doing business with them after the ‘full pull-out’ will be by far costlier than now. And they would be able to do it because th substitute for their loss of Britain as a market is the whole world. As the muscled Austrian actor turn Californian governor used to say ‘trust me on it now, question me later’.
And this to explain why Baron reckons the smarter way to go is to combine forces with others critical of the set-up, gut it from within.
Imagine, that the barbarian’s right. We have a referendum, the unwashed spaek and they speak in favour of staying in Europe. You appreciate the implications of it, do you? Not only we, the next 5-10 generations will be fugged up. There won’t be any more referenda, and the hydra of bureaucracy will get even more insatiable. You want that?
(Apologies for not answering individual points. If time permits it, Baron will account for himdelf?
Frank P
Very pespicacious of you! A sunny day, spent traipsing in the footsteps of Cromwell around Winwick, followed by a richly enjoyed half-ish bottle of Chateau Noa Rouge, left me more susceptible to the Norfolk One’s wind up than usual.
But you refute our dear Baron’s saturday tease well, as always. Basically it’s UKIP or be caught kipping when the shopping mall goes down with the neighbourhood. The difference between conservative and labour, as Hitchens says in today’s MoS, is that, in his opinion, old comrades Mandelson and Blair now support Cameron and his crew over Miliband in better furthering and consolidating the iniquituous New Labour agenda.
Make of that what you may. We can endlessly debate hether its due to conservative stupidty, cupidity or amorality, but that isn’t important.
The only thing that matters are the consequences of their actions. I ask myself, if Labour had been re-elected in 2010 would we have noticed any difference between them and the Coalition?
The answer is, no, we would not.
Baron September 29th, 2013 – 10:56
“Imagine, that the barbarian’s right. We have a referendum, the unwashed spaek and they speak in favour of staying in Europe.”
Baron you write much sense and appear to have truly conservative opinions coupled with a love of England.
But on one thing I think that you are wrong, I do not think that the great unwashed would vote to stay in; on the contrary I strongly suspect that the result would be very similar to the AV referenda where only three north London constituencies (or was it five) and the University wards of Glasgow, Edinburg, Oxford and Cambridge voted for AV.
The resultant map of the UK showing the no’s in blue and those for AV in red was a joy to the eye.
It must of course be a referendum in which, at the least, only British citizens are allowed to vote, and there must be no postal voting.
Re: EU referendum
Just a wee thought before I hit Sainsbury’s.
By the time they stage-manage the EU referendum, and not withstanding the importation between now and then of another two or three million Yes votes, we will have had the European elections and a General Election and during the campaigns preceding those elections, and however much the politburo studiously avoid the issue, the subject of immigration will increasingly be able to speak its name and not even the combined forces of the Vichy establishment will be able to avoid this reality. Even the multi-culti Guardianistas who inhabit the inner cities will flinch when they see that Tarquin’s the only English-speaking white boy in the Comprehensive, and they may even feel torn a little between heart and head when they have to send little Tabitha off to school every day in her regulation hijab.
But it can’t be a one-pronged campaign. I’ve spoken before about the contrast that I find between Farage’s dazzlingly effective performances in the EU People’s Palace, and how he comes across in the UK, and his capitulation to PC pressure last week over Bloom was a disappointment. There’s Tommy Robinson who I think conducts himself with dignity and his conviction is a credit to him, as is his coolness under fire. And during the election campaigns the media will by law have to at least mention Paul Weston. So I hope, against the odds, because what else is there to do?
Anyway, my escape from all this overwhelming vibrancy is proceeding nicely – I have an offer in on a lovely house in Faversham and just need a buyer for this tiny palazzo in SE London, so fingers crossed everyone – I want to be away before the next wave of diversity hits in January.
“What does the full pull out means, anyway?”
It means no political control or interference; no monthly payments to the EU; being able to agree trade terms with any other country; no more windmills and solar panels tariffs being forced on us; no more ‘uman rights abuses; no more uncontrolled immigration. It means having regaining our sovereignty! Energy, oil, gas, the legal system, the list goes on and on! We can still have discussions, but they will be on equal terms.
Parliament will become accountable because they will not be able to hide behind EU directives.
“In this case, wouldn’t it be more productive to join forces with like minded people across Europe and push for a thorough cull of the Brussels nomenklatura.”
Are there any?
Are there any that we would trust?
Are there any that we would trust and would persevere to the end?
We don’t even trust CMD, and that is at the beginning!
Also, fighting our own corner is a part of our independence, part of having an identity, which is what the fight with the EU is all about! So why start in an inhomogeneous group with different emphases, if not different goals?
Those, in Europe, who are like minded can fight for their own goals in their own country. They will want to be independent, like us, but they will not necessarily want exactly what we want. What they want may offend the ‘elite’ in this country, so we would have to expend energy unnecessarily to the detriment of our own goals and, even more importantly, our own clarity. It has happened already with UK political parties trying to form the Euro-parties in the EP. Extreme-right parties in Austria, I think it was!
It does not stop us from being inspired by independence parties in other countries, and even learning from what they do, but we do need to remain independent, as they do as well!
So the answer to your question is “No”, in fact, it would be detrimental.
Irishboy, maybe you would be happy to meet for a drink when you move to Faversham. Its not far.
Why Baron goes wrong is because he isn’t one of us…..I forget the name now,but there was this man born in the Austro-Hungarian borderlands with the Ukraine.He came to Hull University in the 1920s.[Thinks:look-up Rodney Atkinson.]It was Eric Roll.During The War he served well on various committees.Later he was the chief civil servant who drew-up the notorious report that there was no future in the Commonwealth and that we should join europe. He was the chief negotiator under Heath for our entry [at any price] into europe.He was not one of us.He was made an English Lord…..There were many like him and Adolphe Miliband;from europe and anti-natzi [and/or anti-Stalin].BUT they were NOT one of *US*. As `politicals`they were self selecting;and mostly of the left.They entered into many positions in the civil-service,business,academia.the media and the BBC.They,and their children,have had much influence in Britain (as I,and `James`,have noted before). BUT these european refuges are NOT one-of-US.Even if they are democrates,THEY ARE NOT ONE OF US: one of we British;inheritors of this land and it’s ways;and of the Empire and its Commonwealth.
IRISHBOY : They brew some good beers there at Sheperd Neame.
PfM – A lovely invitation, something that was already in my mind, and of course I’d love to meet for a drink when/if things go as I hope, and am a little surprised that Shepherd Neame don’t pipe their particular nectar into every home in Faversham!
And just an observation from my very short bus journey back from Sainsbury’s – not for the first time on a packed double-decker, I see that I’m the only non-African on board. Even given the Left’s pernicious linguistic relativism and decontructualism, there is no way that one solitary Brit on one packed London bus of about 90 people can be described as diverse.
Radford N G – that hadn’t gone unnoticed, but that I’ve been visiting my very dearest most precious friends in Rochester for more than 20 years, I’m kicking myself that it was only in my recent house search in East Sussex and Kent that I discovered the astonishing and rare beauty of the landscape around Faversham. I really can’t wait. My life will be enhanced immeasurably overnight if this move happens. When I visited Faversham two weeks ago to view a couple of houses, I had breakfast in a little cafe, the least trendy in the village, but within minutes I was drawn into the conversation and humour of the regulars in a way that I haven’t experienced since I left N. Ireland 35 years ago.
(And by the way, I’ve been using the Irishboy thing only because I got fed up with Gerry Adams’ constant bleating about the “six counties” being “his” country – funny how he was never called a xenophobe, or for that matter even a terrorist!)
Peter from Maidstone
September 29th, 2013 – 12:54
It must of course be a referendum in which, at the least, only British citizens are allowed to vote, and there must be no postal voting.
Peter, I am surprised at you. I always thought you were a realist – the above is completely wistful thinking! I’m not saying anything, but I think you can guess what I’d like to do with the postal voters, and where they could go.
AWK – Hello, and good morning my time!!
Agreed that there should be a referendum. And postal voting should be suspended. And voting should be limited to those who can produce their British birth certificate.
Postal voting, in any case, needs to be re-examined and the terms tightened. Only people with a real stake in the country should be on the voters’ register. Nigel Farage, please note. This is a vote-winner.
‘We must be able to chuck out people who threaten our country’: Cameron reveals Britain could leave human rights convention
And the BIG question is: Are Cameron, Clegg and Milliband heading for the same destination: political asylum in Brussels?
Brussels is going to be very crowded!
An EU referendum should be based on the UK government giving notice of its intention to leave under Article 50, negotiating the terms of its departure and then having a referendum upon the negotiated terms.
The result would be a real and not a false negotiation. The UK could and should suspend payments and anything else it doesn’t like, like immigration whilst negotiations continue.
A full and frank declaration of what negotiations have achieved, and not, should then be followed by a referendum in which all the electorate must vote.
At best we woulld leave, regain our national freedoms and retain an EFTA trading link. After all, we spend more with the EU than they with us.
At worst we would have a much better arrangement, politically and economicall, than we do at present. Probably the EU would collapse anyway as the other members rushed behind the UK to re-negotiate their own terms of continuation.
For Cameron to offer the false and rigged referendum he has is an insult to the nation and to us. The man, a shyster of the first magnitude, should be impeached and thrown from office.
Excellent piece by James Delingpole in The Speccie, and you can read it free!
Robert C – Brussels would be the most comfortable place for them … and us. Further away would be good, but I would settle for Brussels.
I mentioned long ago that a visit to Highgate cemetery on a quiet day after a visit to the Flask Tavern enables one to pay due homage to both Adolphe aka ‘Ralph’ and Karl, in one contemptuous gesture of relief without even changing stance. Trouble is, that tends to fertiise the flowers left by the useful idiots who still leave their tributes to both.
It should also be remembered that Ralph first made his living in London knocking out furniture and other possessions salvaged from the Blitz as an East End upmarket totter, before he was finally given his role as chief facilitator of Gramci’s Game Plan at the LSE (aka The London School of Comics – to those us who wee obliged to confront their output on the streets in the Summer of Love).
I suppose spivvery was a good grounding in politics and his sons seem to have inherited the skill.
Sadly, it seems that in one generation his spawn will be occupying No.10 ere long, as the British Establishment totters into collapse as a result of 70 or so years of these death-watch beetles eating at the stanchions of our country and our culture. Aided and abetted by the ‘other lot’ who have quite cynically sold our sovereignty to the cousins and cohorts of the Milliband conspirators in Europe for a mess of pottage (or perhaps for a plot and message, as Terry Pratchett once Spoonerised Esau’s myopia).
Moreover there seems to be no quick answer to our slide into the abyss. A deeper darkness yet must be experienced before the complacency of hoi polloi will be penetrated with sufficient pain to provoke a reaction, but it may already be too late, alas!
Gosh, Frank P … what a well-written and ghoulish post!
Verity (15:26)
Heh! October beckons, it can only get worse. 😉
Btw – I was unable to read either Delingpole’s or Rod Liddle’s latest posts ‘over there’ . Apparently I have ‘exceeded my ration’ of free words from Trolltopia for this month. Short of taking out a subscription (and I wouldn’t subscribe even if I got it as a free Dr’s prescription) I’m cattle trucked. How about colluding to thwart ’em by posting Deller’s piece in full here?
Barclay Bros can survive without a dip into my pension – definitely not a worthy cause.
Your wish is my command, and I’m trying, but it copies the whole page. I am trying to copy just Deller’s column. Hang tight. I’ll get it.
This is the best I could do.
James Delingpole: What’s wrong with being right?
17 Comments 28 September 2013 James Delingpole
Main Political Parties Take Heavy Losses In UK Euro Vote
I’m trying to imagine what Britain would look like under a Ukip/Conservative coalition with Cameron as PM and Farage as his deputy. The idea fills me with horror.
I think, for example, of the runaway economic boom which would result from the sudden dash to exploit our superabundant shale gas resources; I think of the revolution which would occur in education were free schools freed to make a profit; I think of the rolling back of political correctness, the reinvention of the NHS on the Singapore model, the epic reduction in public spending, the cancellation of High Speed 2, the death of the renewable energy scam. It would be a nightmare, I tell you, a complete bloody nightmare. Whatever would there be left for people like me to write about?
Luckily, it’s not going to happen for at least three reasons. The first is that things you want to happen in politics never do happen: instead — which is why my old mucker Dave is more consummate a politician than I’ll ever be — it’s all about compromise, double–dealing and fudge. And the second is that Dave could never work as comfortably with Farage as he does with Nick Clegg because he’s not remotely right-wing — he’s a social democrat.
A few years ago, when we were still on speaking terms, I put this to Dave at the Spectator party. ‘Dave,’ I said. ‘How come you’ve turned into such a fucking lefty?’ I can’t remember what Dave’s diplomatic reply was. But what I do remember is that he made no attempt to dispute the premise. Even back then — not long after he’d become Conservative party leader — Dave had clearly made up his mind that not being thought right-wing was a stigma about which a potential Tory PM could afford to be intensely relaxed.
Which brings us to the third and most intractable problem with uniting the right: the ‘r’ word has been so successfully discredited by the left that even conservatives balk at it. It is synonymous with ‘crap taste in music; even worse taste in clothes; uselessness in bed; sexism; racism; a fondness for spanking, tarts dressed as French maids, water sports and semi-auto-asphyxiation enjoyed while masturbating with an orange in your mouth; insider dealing; nimbyism; wanton selfishness; environmental vandalism; philistinism; greed; stupidity; cruelty; mendacity; corruption; xenophobia; closed-mindedness; extremism; bigotry; adultery and round, unvarnished evil’.
I wrote that list (in How to Be Right) in 2007 and all that has changed is that you’d now include Anders Breivik. But perhaps, now I think about it, there never was a time when ‘right-wing’ had favourable connotations. When you used to refer to someone as being ‘slightly to the right of Ghengis Khan’, it wasn’t to indicate that he was a fervent advocate of liberty, property rights and lower taxes, was it?
Farage, canny operator that he is, has sensed the danger, too. You rarely if ever hear him apply the ‘r’ word to his party’s policies and he is often at pains to point out that Ukip appeals as much to natural Labour voters as it does to disgruntled Tories. What he’s doing here, of course, is claiming the mantle of Margaret Thatcher, who — as Martin Durkin noted in his brilliant documentary Death of a Revolutionary — wasn’t really a conventional conservative at all but an anti–establishment radical who achieved all she did by pissing off the old high Tory hierarchy and galvanising the working classes.
‘Bring out yer Ed.’
‘Bring out yer Ed.’
‘I’d much rather be called Thatcherite than right-wing,’ Lord Bell told me the other day. ‘Being a Thatcherite is a badge of honour, whereas being called right-wing is too loaded and pejorative.’ For similar reasons, he advises Conservatives always to self–describe as Conservatives, never as Tories, a word that lends itself far too easily to being pronounced with a lefty sneer.
So does that mean, then, we should consign the word ‘right’ to the dustbin of history like some crap piece of Ratners jewellery? I’m beginning to wonder. I hardly ever refer to myself as right-wing these days, even in provocation, because I can’t help feeling it does the cause more harm than good. If, simply by association with the ‘r’ word, worthy goals like limited government, national sovereignty and fiscal restraint are made to seem cruel, fascistic and wrong, then clearly the term has long since outworn its usefulness.
With what, though, do we replace it? ‘Classical liberal’ sounds too technical — and is too easily confused with the other kind of liberal. ‘Free market’ sounds too buccaneering and callous. ‘Libertarian’ frightens too many conservative traditionalists. ‘Radical’ sounds too radical. Thatcherite is too freighted with cultural baggage.
Maybe, all things considered, we’ll have to stick with ‘right’ simply because it’s the least worst option. It’s not ideal, but I’m not sure we’ve got the time to sit around trying to dream up something better, because the time for action is now. This is where, for all our occasional differences, I find myself in absolute agreement with Toby Young. He’s a loyal Tory, I’m an out Ukipper, but ideologically we’re two peas in a pod and it strikes me as utterly insane that we find ourselves in parties committed to wiping one another off the map. Does it really have to be this way?
Well, of course Toby will no doubt argue that the Tories have no choice: not with Ukip now promising to contest every seat in the general election, and Farage making no secret of his loathing for Cameron. I’d counter that the natural conservatives in Ukip have no choice either: not with Cameron having so diluted the Conservative brand that it might just as well call itself New Labour.
So it’s going to be like the Civil War, then. Brother against brother; fathers against sons; husbands against in-laws and, at the end, years more misery under a bunch of hatchet-faced puritans. It didn’t need to be this way; it shouldn’t be this way; but it will.
This article first appeared in the print edition of The Spectator magazine, dated 28 September 2013
Frank. Sometimes a web proxy is useful.
Wallsters may be on a mission, but I doubt even the most single minded of us is prepared to go to this extreme to ‘prove’ our point. Still, why not?
The good news is that, unlike the UK, Kenya still has the ability to deal properly with its shopping mall murderers by hanging them.
The bad news is that the last hanging was in 1987.
But the good news is that the prisons are not very nice.
David Ossitt at 12.14
Agreed, Baron may be wrong, (he wishes it more than you may think, he has three grandsons, would want to avoid like hell their having to live in half baked totalitarian construct), he wasn’t born in the country of the cradle of democracy either, since he landed here almost half a century ago he may have failed to absorb the centuries long touch of Englishness….
Let’s just wait and see, we haven’t long to wait, but let Baron remind you of the three consecutive election wins when the ghastly Blair was in charge, tens of thousands of the Countryside Alliance protested, millions marched against the war, the majority of the country showed their dislike of many of the new laws enacted (an offence per day for the three terms, a record) and yet, and yet, and yet when it came to voting the tossers out of office the country failed to deliver because the money was flowing, nobody wanted to rock the dinky. Labour got kicked out only after the flow of money stopped. This key particularity of the years of darkness convinced the barbarian the DNA of the current generation of the English ain’t what it used to be. It seems money matters to the younger burghers more than sovereignty, independence, border control.
Whilst you have asserted that Labour’s 2010 election defeat was due to ‘the flow of money stopping’, I am unconvinced.
However I regretfully must agree when you write that:
“…the DNA of the current generation of the English ain’t what it used to be…”
Indeed it’s not and there is a lot of it, which is the reason why British politics keeps electing immigrant friendly Labour governments.
Radford NG @ 13.51
You’re right, my blogging friend, Baron isn’t one of YOU, as he said before, he wasn’t born here. This, however, doesn’t imply he cannot be right. More to the point, what drives the barbarian isn’t touched with emotions, he didn’t sample the Englishness of the past in full, may have smelt just the end tail of it. The advantage he does have is that he did taste the future this country is moving into, and it wasn’t pleasant. And he reckons that the risk of having a referendum on a full withdrawal from the EU is just too high for if it goes wrong we will be stuck with the monstrosity possibllyy forever.
sorry for the errors, poor education does show….
Frank P
September 29th, 2013 – 15:09
Frank, I agree with every word.
I know children cannot be responsible for the sins of their fathers, but if the whole Miliband tribe was wiped out. all generations, I would rejoice. Odd, how these filthy marxists do not live in the mean streets amongst the people they pretend to care for. They pollute the heights of Highgate and Primrose Hill, and can be seen lounging in the coffee houses of the area. Oh, for one glorious revolution, when their heads would hang at the Tower of London!
September 29th, 2013 – 14:50
As usual we are singing from the same hymn (or battle cry) sheet! Terrible news from Nigeria, innocent students murdered at agricultural college.
Tks very much Verity; well done!
Peter – watch out for the breach of copyright suit dropping on to your Wilton shag-pile, or CarpetRight vinyl – or whatever. Don’t think they would pursue it all the way down to South of the Border, so Verity’s safe.
They might conjoin me for incitement though. 🙂
I’d barricade meself in for the inevitable siege (you’ll never take me alive!) using all the old copies of the Speccie that I accrued over the years when it was a proper conservative magazine, before W’Ancona ruined it and passed on
the debris to the current lisping Kuwaiti Tanker.
Robert C @ 13.39
Top class rant, Robert, beautifully articulated, too, and Baron means it sincerely, except what makes you think we wouldn’t get the same policies on windmills, immigration and stuff outside the EU?
Look, why don’t you see the current immigration as new colonialism, the old concept brushed off with only the travelling reversed. Instead of the English middle class sahibs traveling to the far corners of the earth to give employment to the locals, the locals from the far corners of the world travel here to be gainfully employed by the middle class sahibs or theri modern equivalents. Why, you reckon, there’s never much shouting about immigration from the middle classes, the professionals, teachers, lawyers, journalists. top managers? Behind the scene the CBI, the Institute of Managers, similar bodies are lobbying for more of it, not less.
Baron dislikes the unelected boffins in Brussels, too, but he doesn’t blame them or the construct for all our ills. Whilst the French, the Italians and in part the Germans pay lip service to some of the Brussels originated ‘ideas’ we embrace them in full. The French regularly kick out Muslim preachers who peddle hate, no problem. It took us months of not years, cost us over £12mn to kick just one single nutter.
You genuinely believe that we would shake off the poison of the multy culty, PC, cultural equivalence and stuff if we got out of the EU? Hmmm
The rot of the preaching of Edmund Said, of ‘the-white-race-is-the-cancer-of-human-history’ Susan Sontag and others of that ilk is what we are faced with. Getting out of the EU isn’t going to cure this disease. The EU is but a institutional consequences of it, our quitting the construct won’t root this evil out.
Boot kicks off the Tory Conference with just the right spin on the ball as he fires in a perfect penalty:
I see the Tory gathering has already turned nasty, with two men in military uniform were thrown out for heckling defence wonk Hammond. No room in the script for dissent, I suppose.
And we think our lot have got problems with their leader:
Daniel Greenfield on Westgate (incidentally. didn’t that used to be the Co-op?) :
Baron 16:52 – Not only do the French kick out muslim preachers, but they don’t allow the burqa to be worn. When I lived there, women wearing a burqa were denied entry to any public building … likes schools, post offices, town halls and so on. Then they expanded the fiat to women couldn’t go out on any public streets wearing a burqa. I believe they also cleared the pavements of all those allah freaks having their five times a day prayers on the public pavement.
Britain is craven. I don’t know about Germany. I do read that Sweden has pretty well capitulated and anything the muslims demand, they get. They also seem to get away with rape, under the plea that the victim provoked it by not wearing all that allah gear.
Good point, Verity, our ruling elite seems to have chickened out, embraced the idiocy of the shibboleths of the loony left, encased many of them in law. As Frank pointed out earlier, nothing short of scrapping the statutes would do; as the law stands the hands of anyone trying to bring back what was so natural to English law and order are tied. Why on earth did we have to import the codified approach, therewas nothing wrong with either the civil or criminal lawmaking perfected over the centuries, evolving along the needs of the society. It not only suited the character of the indigenous race, it also delivered respect for the decisions of the courts. Today, not only the public are baffled by some of the sentences, often the judges themselves, too, are critical of the punishment they are allowed to pass.
The other thing that irks is this
When a man who worships the gun murders someone there’s a wave of condemnation of weaponry by virtually everyone, including the politicians of every hue, calls for banning it.
When a man who worships the Koran murders someone the reaction is totally different. ‘Look away, nothing’s to see here’, it isn’t the object of the worship that’s to blame’.
Both the gun and the Koran are man made not inherited, both may help in desperate situations, the former if one is attacked physically, has to defend oneself, the latter when one needs spiritual nourishment for those who believe it. It’s nothing short of blatant hypocrisy.
and another thing, Verity, thanks for the bother of copying the James’s rant. Superb piece, and th guy’s priceless. He and others like him are in part of what Baron calls the ‘healthy core of Englishness’, not all is lost when people like him are still around, and still in print.
The ‘not-one-of-you’ barbarian has just scanned his insignificant take on the gun-Koran dichotomy and discovered abit of it didn’t copy. here it is:
If the hypocrites were rational and fair minded then the treatment of both would be the same. They could either argue that both the gun and the Koran should be banned because they engender death, cause suffering, or that it’s only the deluded thugs who misuse either, murder, cause pain, who are to blame. Baron, who is instinctively against banning things unless absolutely necessary, would back the latter take.
Baron – 16:52 “wouldn’t we get the same policies”
I think what you are inferring is correct, at the moment, we would get the same policies! May be not quite so bad, but still bad, if only because of the inertia of so many in the public sector.
But people’s eyes are opening! It started with the poor (what a surprise 🙂 ) many years ago but they were not articulate and organised enough for the elite to take notice.
It has already started with the comfortably off (but not rich). They are being hit with green taxes, windmills sprouting up in their countryside, where they go on holiday and their traditional culture is being trashed by Authority. They didn’t want another pointless war and they hate impolite people always getting the best deal and they don’t want money spent on foreign space programmes when we have to borrow the money in the first place! It is not what they do!
But they are not used to political activism because, after all, they are comfortable and they have been too busy earning a crust and putting a little by for a rainy day.
However, they have been talking amongst themselves for some time. I have it on good authority, from my late Mother, that this has been so, and she should have known! That is why UKIP are making such inroads.
Momentum is building and I am hoping that the Euro-elections will be occurring at about the right time as we still have some way to go! I think that we are lucky that Cameron has arranged the Westminster election to be after the Euro-elections!
Baron – 16:01 “It seems money matters to the younger burghers more than sovereignty, independence, border control.”
The later are taken for granted and the young haven’t understood that without them, the value of our money is precarious. It is used to buy goods, like children in a sweet shop buy sweets: it regulates what we can afford now. However, they have not yet mastered the concept that money is stored wealth: to be used in retirement. Brown promising generous pensions encouraged this situation, but it is being rectified, with the financial uncertainty regularly discussed in the MSM, such as pension provision, the state of the Euro zone and the unemployment across Europe (and Britain).
“there’s never much shouting about immigration from the middle classes”
I would expect most immigrants would have arrived poor and therefore started life in poor neighbourhoods. But many would have been skilled or have acquired skills and have wanted to assimilate, wanting to gain British values and customs. The successful have inevitably ended up living in middle class areas, whether by moving in to one or raising the whole area’s prosperity, leaving the less adaptable immigrant unmoved. Only one group appears to have difficulty in following this path to success and they have been having a very bad press recently. That would explain your observations.
“we would shake off the poison”
Inside the EU we will never will shake it off but, in addition to leaving, we also need to close down most of the QUANGOs, reduce the size of the State and put some conservative policies through, ensuring that the Civil Service cooperate or get sacked! Funny, this is what Cameron promised, isn’t it? That is what is now driving the protest. People can see, whether it was planned or not 🙂 , Cameron likes the idea of Lib Dem influence to ensure that ‘fairer’ policies are enacted. People are realising that, following Brown, they have wasted 5 years and there may not be a second chance. And every week the EU is ‘saved’, once and for all, and all it costs us, we who are not in it, is more cash!
Keep spreading the news! Time is on our side.
I don’t think the target is white people; it is the Anglo-Saxon world because, over the centuries, Britain has developed a recipe for prosperity that is disliked by the lazy! I think the elite in Britain were more integrated: they let go of their privileges at a slightly faster rate than their responsibilities and because we had an early industrial revolution, the elite had to adapt to waves of new comers.
New skills, like finance, administration, justice, military discipline, owning your own religion, living in big conurbations, had to be learnt and accepted by everyone. All these meant that we do look at situations in a very detached way yet, hopefully, are still able to function as humans(???).
The Anglo-Saxon financial model is derided on the continent, yet the American banks are out of the woods, having admitted (many of their) mistakes, the British banks are in ‘not such a bad state’, while the Continental banks, not yet admitting many of their mistakes, have hardly started to address their problems. It all too cozy over there!
Red Ed is demanding the right to reply to Geoffrey Levy’s piece on his father Adolphe, the commie agitprop apparatchik at the LSE.
Good, the more exposure of the red politics inculcated via his father’s sperm and his mother’s milk’ the better. Interesting that he was Daddy’s favorite. No doubt that’s why the puppet masters placed him above Milimajor in the ‘labour’ party leadership debacle.
Whistleblowers’ Corner –
“The story of how U.S. Navy Seals killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid on an compound in Pakistan is “one big lie,” veteran journalist Seymour Hersh claimed.”
“Some got warning to avoid bloody siege [in Nairobi]”
” Navy Yard Shooting: SWAT Team Ordered to ‘Stand Down’
Elite tactical team responsible for defending DC Capitol complex were reportedly ordered to leave the scene”
[This story was sent to the BBC by the way who ignored the story…)
Frank P
September 30th, 2013 – 01:02
Can just imagine Ed pacing up and down, wearing out the carpet, or at least those parts he hasn’t been gnawing on. I wonder if he has consulted lawyers, his evil litle brain calculating how much money he can extract for these revelations. I am sure he wishes he had the power of Stalin and could have banned Levy’s article and sent him to the gulag.
Baron, September 29th, 2013 – 10:56
“It was the individual countries that set up the monstrosity, it should be the same countries that cut it to size. […] And this to explain why Baron reckons the smarter way to go is to combine forces with others critical of the set-up, gut it from within.”
In an ideal world you might be right, Baron. However, like you say, most of the EU Commission are either “former” communists and/or corrupt – many of them have criminal convictions and jail sentences behind them. How do they get away with it? Because “democracy” in all of european countries is now a charade, and the electorate is either too thick to realise, or couldn’t care less.