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Check out Breitbart.
You know I cannot link from my iPad
“A well known British Islamist preacher, Hamza Tzortzis, has turned up on the Ashley Madison user list that was leaked by hackers earlier this week, according to his own Facebook page.
Tzortzis, who is a prominent member of the Islamic Education and Research Academy which tours British universities posted yesterday that he had been tipped off that his details were included in the leak, but denied ever using the extra-marital dating service.
He is best known for his debates with atheist Richard Dawkins, but Tzortzis has also made statements flagged up in the British media in recent years. He has claimed that those who leave Islam “should be killed” as well as arguing that beheading is painless. He has also argued in favour of setting up an Islamic caliphate.”
So Praise Allah!
Squares with Rotherham.
It seems at least 20 dead in the Shoreham air display crash!
“Three Americans and a Briton who foiled a suspected terror attack on a train have received France’s top honour from President Francois Hollande.” These men were indeed brave heroes and we must all be grateful for their courage. It is right and good that France has honoured them, but I wonder what would have been the outcome here in Britain. Would our wimpish government have dared to honour men who prevented an islamic fanatic from carrying out his evil deed? Would Cameron have protested that this wasn’t the work of moslems, and would the many ‘humane rights’ traitors who defend criminals here have protested at the actions of these four brave men?
EC 19 August 1406
Is it possible that a Court Martial reduced him to the ranks
OK, Peter, the poorly educated (and obviously not particularly observant) barbarian has found it, thanks.
Sadly, Frank, the blue veined barbarian will have to defend the place of religious worship of the CoE at Bury, that’s closer to home, but what with? You reckon a pitchfork will do it?
The man in Kremlin is not only murdering the undesirables, he also set up an account with Ashley Madison for Biden’s son Hunter (how did the cunning KGM man know the infidelity site will get hacked? Of course, the hackers were working for him, too, silly of Baron not to figure this one out). And in case you want to know bit more about Burisma click on the other link.
Your 23:28 Breitbart link imported a bug into my PC and froze me up. Just sayin’.
Obviously there are daemons at work!
Frank P
The bug is probably busy organsing something for you at Ashley Madison. Wait for the knock at the door at 3.00am…
Approx 2330
A very well argued polemic
(Brown/Cooper thread)
“Children as young as three months old have been found to have a bias towards women who are the same race as themselves.
Now, a University of Delaware scientist has discovered a simple exercise that he claims can undo this unconscious racial biases in young children.
Using the technique of measuring how much time the babies spend looking at pictures of faces, Paul Quinn has spent a decade studying how infants classify race and gender.” And failed.
So then the PC can pipe down.
It is innate.
We should “celebrate” it.
I copied it.
The link on my iPad takes me to last week’s thread.
Normally it updates to the current week.
My mistake. I had neglected to change the link. Apologies.
anne wotana kaye, August 24th, 2015 – 18:22
“Three Americans and a Briton who foiled a suspected terror attack on a train have received France’s top honour from President Francois Hollande […] but I wonder what would have been the outcome here in Britain?”
Anne, in the Britain of David Cameron’s, Theresa May’s & Julia Middleton’s Police “Service” (ha!) they would most probably have been arrested, handcuffed and charged with racially aggravated assault!
Attention all 2015 UK Student “freshers”
A fair bet that this is coming to university campuses of the UK this autumn…
“No Such Thing as Free Speech, We Are Watching You, ‘Think Before You Speak’ ”
He’s worse than the egregious Sepp Blatter and Manuel Barroso put together….
Jean-Claude Junckers the EU have to go!
h/t @Nigel_Farage
EC (09:47)
Chilling – particularly so this morning, as when I tried to open my email there was instead a 2000 or so notice from my email provider (yahoo/Sky) informing me that what they intend to send to me (cookies etc), and how they intend to use any information I send. It’s not only a Teflon CYA notice, it disqualifies the subscriber from any privacy protection from officialdom or commercial sharks.
Big Brother appears to have recruited a comprehensive army of apparachiks. We’re in very dangerous territory indeed.
August 25th, 2015 – 09:33
As usual, you hit the nail on the head!
Anticipating the effect that geopolitics is having on the country the naughty niece weighs in to lighten the mood.
Some oldies and some not very PC but thought you’d like them!
A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to Britain
so that they can see their own doctor.
Due to the current economic crisis Greece is cancelling all production of Humus and Taramasalata. It’s a double dip recession.
A dwarf goes to a very good, but very busy, doctor and asks “I know you are
busy but do you treat dwarfs?”The doctor replies “Yes, but you will have to be a little patient”.
63 Pakistanis died in Bradford this morning. It was not a terrorist attack, a bunk bed collapsed. The police are blaming AL IKEA.
Jonathan Ross has been accused of shoplifting a kitchen utensil from Tesco.
Ross says it was a whisk he was prepared to take.
Police stops a Pakistani in his transit van on the motorway. Policeman says “Do you know the limit is 70?” The driver leans into the back and says: “Hear that – 3 of you have got to get out!”
My mate just hired an Eastern European cleaner, took her 15 hours to hoover the house.Turns out she was a Slovak.
Since the snow came, all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I’ll have to let her in.
I’ve been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper.
To be honest I only intended to rough him up.
Two women called at my door and asked what bread I ate. When I said white, they gave me a lecture on the benefits of brown bread for 30 minutes. I think they were those Hovis Witnesses.
Seven wheelchair athletes have been
banned from the Paralympics after they tested positive for WD40
A mummy covered in chocolate and nuts has been discovered in Egypt .
Archaeologists believe it may be Pharaoh Rocher…….
Just A Reminder to those who stole Electrical Goods in Last Year’s Riots…..Your One Year Manufacturer’s Warranty runs out next week.
Two Indian junkies accidentally snorted curry powder instead of cocaine.
Both in hospital…… One’s in a korma……. The other’s got a dodgy tikka!
In the first few days of the Olympics, eastern Europeans took gold, silver, bronze, copper & lead.
Sailing results are in: USA took gold, GB took silver and Somalia took a Middle aged couple from Weymouth .
An Englishman has started his own business in Afghanistan. He is making Land Mines that look like prayer mats! It’s doing well! Prophets are going through the roof!
A boy asks his granny, ‘Have you seen my pills, they were labelled LS?
Granny replies, bugger the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?!
A woman standing nude in front of a mirror says to her husband: ‘I look horrible, I feel fat and ugly, pay me a compliment.’ He replies, ‘Your eyesight is perfect.’
Has someone disinterred Bernard Manning? I know I know, he was cremated – along with his joke book. Didn’t work though, did it? His spirit lives on.
Things seem to be hotting up:
Eat your heart out Bomber Harris.
Frank P
August 25th, 2015 – 12:00
My husband has been working very hard on flat packs, so I told him I was sending a lovely girl around to cheer him up. When she arrived he pulled a sour face, “She is as flat as a board” he complained. “Yes,” I replied, “I ordered her on a flat pack”!
You win!
Another chronicle of communist confected craziness that is about to infect us all:
It’s beginning to make 1938-1939 seem like a comparative doddle. At least then we had the will and fortitude to (eventually) address the gathering storm. Now? Fageddabahdit!
I’ve never hidden my antipathy to militant homosexuality as part of the counter culture war; nor have I ever changed my views about the inadvisability of the propagation of sexual perversion as a ‘respectable’ life style – it is destructive, corrosive- and undermines the family as the foundation of civilised society, imho.
I do however understand why Harvey Proctor felt obliged to publish this denunciation of Operation Midland:
There is a definite whiff of sulphur in the air surrounding these enquiries and by now the police should either put up, or shut up. It’s beginning to look like an everlasting inquiry which has rich pickings for incompetent investigators and politically motivated lawyers. If that is not the case, then how about some outcomes, one way or the other? Feel some collars chaps and let the courts test the validity of the ‘victims’. Justice must be seen to be done. Inference is easy, proof needs some hard work, expertise and sound judgement.
A history lesson from Mr Boot:
September approaches.
France shooting suspect ‘watched jihadi video’ minutes before train attack
But he was still only going to rob a few of the passengers!
EC @ 10:01
Not that Baron would ever defend to chief apparatchik from Brussels, EC, but the idea of open borders is not something new, something with which the EU monstrosity could either get credited, or even be thanked for introducing as a first.
Passports as we know them were introduced only after WW1, before that time one could get a piece of paper to facilitate travelling (a free passage) through territories other than that he was a citizen of. The original idea, dating back to the Middle Ages was to offer the traveller a safe pass through ports and city gates, a must if one wanted to avoid getting ambushed at night in the open countryside. Only the monied people had it. In the British Museum, there are examples of such ‘passports’ of envoys travelling to the Vatican (17th century?).
In continental Europe people could and did travel without a passport before WW1, more important was a piece of paper saying one did acquire a certain professional skill.
A book by a Czech writer named Hasek published after WW1 tells of his travels in countries as diverse as Poland, Italy, Germany, the Balkans, Austria, Hungary and Russia where, as he reports, a bribe was what kept you out of jail (nothing much has changed then).
The one key difference between Europe with open borders then and now was one didn’t get a penny from anyone when crossing into another country, and unless one could prove to have money or employment (or be heading for one), one could and often did get arrested for vagrancy, shipped back to the mother country.
Apologies for the lecture, Baron felt like enlightening you, but do challenge him if you like.
Frank P @ 17:46
Good expose of the realignment between the two totalitarian constructs, one or two details are missing though. Following the Munich Agreement (September 29, 1938) through which Adolf annexed a large chunk of Czechoslovakia, the Czechs also lost territory to Poland and Hungary, the former occupied the Silesian region (quarter of a million people lived there), the latter took over the Carpathian lands in the east.
The training of officers was mutual, Mr. Boot mentions only German military men trained in the Soviet Union, there also were top Soviet military men trained in Germany (before the Austrian mama took over, however), most of them got shot by the Georgian thug in the cleansing of the armed services (army, navy, airforce) either before or after Barbarossa, their wives arrested, some also shot immediately, others when the hostility between the two dictators began.
Frank P @ 17:18
It’s all well thought through, Frank, they go after the men who cannot do much to defend themselves because they’re either dead or too decrepit in order to protect those, many still in positions of power, who either participated in the abuse, or knew about it, did nothing to stop it.
I decry the obsession of the media with gays and their antics
I decry the witch hunt against celebrities on the basis of a single allegation such as those the BBC are pasting on Cliff Richard
However there are others who are aggressive sexual predators and have a history
I have just spent an hour or two tracing events leading to a resignation in 1987
In relation to MP’s I also googled back to court appearances in March and April 2014, of course leading to acquittal but referring to predatory behaviour
I am sure that Mr Detective Superintendent Midland would be pilloried for cover up if he ignored Nick and his friends
Remember Leon Brittan and very recent outcry
Baron – 17:59
An interesting history lesson, Baron. I always wondered how you got here 🙂
Today, the government sponsored population replacement programmes of Europe have turned into a full scale invasion!
“I am sure that Mr Detective Superintendent Midland would be pilloried for cover up if he ignored Nick and his friends.
Remember Leon Brittan and very recent outcry..”
When police investigators start to jump to the order of politicians – or the hue and cry of the mob, we are all in the cacky. They should do their job; objectively, following the evidence and ignore the external clamour whilst doing it. And ‘leaking’ to cover their arses, or for the purpose of fishing expeditions, should be made a criminal offence, per se. It already is, actually, but the chance of that law ever being enforced is indeed very slim.
The politicisation of the police function is now almost comprehensive. It is to be deplored as much as debauchery among the ‘great and good’ (aka the gruesome and gutless).
Megyn Kelly is back from her “vacation, ” and guess what… 🙂
The Donald goes after the Fox’s tail again….
Roger Ailes just added another peptic ulcer to his collection!
EC @ 19:00
Most young and some older people take the Schengen deal as something out of ordinary, a deal negotiated by the EU member countries we should all be thankful for, a feature of the 21st century, but it’s no such thing, travel was much freer before WW1, and the more one goes back the freer it was even for people with little money. It took time, but there were no restrictions at the borders except if one carried a trade, had to pay custom.
Sorry to labour this point, but by pure chance the barbarian had a heated discussion last week with one of his neighbour’s friends who is staunch supporter of the EU (a former teacher, came to visit the neighbour), he raised the issue of free travel, claimed we should be thankful to the Brussels fruitcakes for enabling it, which for some unfathomed reason infuriated Baron more than anything else he said, and there was a lot he said. Still, EC, Baron won’t bring it up again.
Will one of the Wall’s wise wags please reduce this piece to less that 140 characters in order to place it within the the orbit of my limited comprehension, because at the moment two red lights keep flashing in my mind’s eye in the shape of a b and an s.
Frank P – 21:38
Black Holes, in a nutshell…
Gravity nothing can escape. Event Horizon: “Now you see it, now you don’t.” Gone for good? A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma!
138 chars.
As the Rev. W. Awdry once put it [Henry] ….
Once, an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain. It went into a tunnel, and squeaked through its funnel, and wouldn’t come out again!
155 chars.
Frank P – 21:38
“You wouldn’t technically lose any information if you kept all of the ashes in one place …”
I would question his simile, so it doesn’t bode well for the expected information to escape the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Burning increases Entropy, and expecting the paper to remain intact and undeformed is far fetched, so reversal of this process would be a first! I would think that would be true at an event horizon too!
Is there a book publication imminent?
I like the explanation that these sort of problems are caused by poor application of Maths. As an example, we use longitudinal and latitude easily in Britain, but at the Poles it is very confusing: at the North Pole any wind is always from the South! The problem is choosing a coordinate system that works everywhere.
And then there is the possibility that we have something wrong!
Frank P 21.38
As a poor humble Northerner brought up by bootstraps- not the Alexander variety:
Information disappears into black holes
Einstein’s relativity says it is destroyed
Quantum mechanics says this is impossible
Physicists call this “The information paradox”
Stephen Hawking says no problem
The information actually goes into a hologram that spins around the black hole
A giant leap for mankind
Roye;Picardy (pop.6,384):about 35 miles from Amiens.
Tue.evening at a travellers camp:Four people shot dead including a baby and a gendarme.Three year old child and a gendarme also seriously wounded along with the shooter.
Ahhhh; now I feel much better, thank you for those splendid explanations. 🙂
A clever you fellow called Hawking,
Now reduced to computerized squawking,
Says. “Nothing ain’t ‘owt
If you move it about!
His disciples say, “Ah, now you’re talking!”
When Trump becomes the Leader of the Western World, he should hire the fellow to build the wall – and sort out Megyn Kelly. Then again. closer to home the Layber Paahti could do with a bit of ‘elp.
‘young fellow’ – the cyber corrector got its own back – en route. Fuck! As for the closing quotation marks in line 4? Disappeared into a black hole….
The information paradox explained: Information is an abstract concept, bollocks is another matter. That’s it, in a nutshell. 125 chars.
The trouble with theoretical physicists is that they have a habit of creating paradoxes, starting with their existence.
I’m reaching for my Colt 45…
EC (09:55)
“The trouble with theoretical physicists is that they have a habit of creating paradoxes, starting with their existence.”
You’re wasted on this platform. but stick around … the rest of the world doesn’t deserve such sagacity.
Years many and more ago (what a combo, the bard would have been pleased, don’t you think?), Baron has come across a short letter. It described a party of Cambridge students chatting, Stephen was present, the topics swung to the subject of red rain. After everyone had a say, the super brain butted in saying that red rain is the excrements of bees. ‘We were all mightily impressed’, the writer ends. It is for this sentence the barbarian remembers the letter published in the Private Eye.
Frank P 0954
But aside of that.
Stephen Hawking is a pompous media jerk and an abject liar.
Check out the Catholic League for religious and civil rights July 2006:-
“On June 15, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said that Pope John Paul II once told scientists that “It’s OK to study the universe and where it began. But we should not inquire into the beginning itself because that was the moment of creation and the work of God.”
The news story said that Hawking did not say when the pope allegedly made this remark. That didn’t stop us from tracking it down, and what we found doesn’t speak well for Hawking.
Hawking, in his book A Brief History of Time, states on page 120 that at a 1981 Vatican conference on cosmology Pope John Paul II said that “it was all right to study the evolution of the universe after the Big Bang, but we should not inquire into the Big Bang itself because that was the moment of Creation and therefore the work of God.” Importantly, there are no quotation marks around those words and no citation is offered. Ergo, this is Hawking’s impression of what the pope said.
Here is what the pope actually said: “Every scientific hypothesis about the origin of the world, such as the one that says that there is a basic atom from which the whole of the physical universe is derived, leaves unanswered the problem concerning the beginning of the universe. By itself science cannot resolve such a question: it requires human knowledge which rises above the physical, the astrophysical, what we call the metaphysical; what is required above all is the knowledge which comes from the revelation of God.”
The pope then quoted Pope Pius XII as saying, “We would wait in vain for an answer from the natural sciences which declare, on the contrary, that they honestly find themselves faced with an insoluble enigma.”
In 1988, John Paul said that “Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.” We quoted this statement to the media, and then added that “Hawking, who claims—without any evidence—that space and time have no beginning and no end, would be wise to refrain from positing false absolutes and learn to realize when he’s out of his league. Most important, he should stop distorting the words of the pope.”
Hawking got away with his little stunt because he’s the darling of the media. They treat him as if he’s some sort of saintly scientist who can do no wrong. Indeed, the same media outlets that ran with Hawking’s erroneous account of what the pope said at the conference failed to do a follow-up story after we exposed his botched rendering of the facts.
In any event, there is a monumental difference between saying that there are certain questions that science cannot answer—which is what the pope said—and authoritarian pronouncements warning scientists to back off. Hawking should get his facts straight and refrain from putting words into people’s mouths!”
Jeremy Corbyn has gone off the rails again this morning. This time by suggesting that there should be “women only” carriages on trains & underground trains. Can you imagine the fuss from the feminists if someone had suggested that there should be “men only” carriages! Is he trawling for female votes? Ironic that devout muslim males will probably vote for women only carriages too!
Reportedly, rapes and sexual assaults on women on trains, and crimes of violence on other genders, have risen in recent years. I wonder why?
The problem with “women only” carriages on trains is that, logically, they will be as ineffective in preventing rapes/assaults on women as “gun free zones” have been in stopping mass shootings in the USA.
Hawking is fond of Private Eye:
In 1975 he bet fellow cosmologist Kip Thorne a subscription to Penthouse magazine for Thorne against four years of Private Eye for him that Cygnus X-1 would turn out to not be a black hole. In 1990 he acknowledged that he had lost the bet. His explanation for his position was that if black holes didn’t actually exist much of his research would be incorrect, but at least he’d have the consolation of winning the bet.
I am not so sure he is not correct.
When I occasionally catch a late train back from Paddington with my daughter we witness behaviour that would make Corbyn’s idea a godsend.
You have to experience the fear that is engendered by even verbal abuse to understand.
Jennifer Oldham – 11:17
We are either the same or we are not and, apparently, we are the same, and once we make an exception, the charade will be exposed.
It is part of your emancipation!
As Sinn Fein says, “Vote early; vote often”.
Jennifer Oldham – 11:17
Stuffing all the women in one carriage is going to make them an easier to find target, is it not? What about special carriages for other vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the gays, the jews, and non-ruffians in general. Where do you stop?
Surely the new fad of gender politics shouldn’t take precedence over the issue of safety and security of all passengers.
Just a post that I think I need people’s input on….
There is a recent lengthy post by Jennifer Oldham at 11:12 am. Sitting in my moderator pending list is the exact message, also by Jennifer Oldham, but the email which has been used, and which has caused it to go into moderation, is an address used by telemachus, and which does not appear on the site and so is not known to anyone other than myself as Administrator.
It would therefore seem that either i. Jennifer has accidentally typed in telemachus’ email address instead of her own when posting this message, or ii. that Jennifer is another of telemachus’ sock puppets.
I know Jennifer
It was my goodself that suggested she post here
I also know that she is a member of the Tory Party
Jennifer Oldham – 11:05
Cosmology is where science meets religion and the boundaries between the two become very blurred. Objective scientific method demands that in order to be scientific a theory must be capable of being falsifiable by experiment, or observation. If a theory is not falsifiable thus, then it is not scientific, it is rather a belief, cult or religion .
Did not Hawking embrace Climate Change, specifically AGW? Now there’s a cult!
Thinks: 101 Uses for Dr. (my arse!) Michael E. Mann’s unloved and discredited Hockey Stick Graph – as championed by the IPCC (flogger of dead horses)
Use #1
Whereas it has been proved largely inaccurate and useless as a predictor of catastrophic global temperature rises…
…it does, however, seem to accurately depict the rise in third world immigration to
western democracies post 1997 – resulting in a catastrophic drop in global mean civilisational standards as a result.
Peter from Maidstone – 13:13
Thanks to Andy Carpark, the maestro himself, we have come to expect only the very highest standards in terms of SPs. (CHWs ancient & modern)
Jennifer Oldham
August 26th, 2015 – 11:17
“Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn has said he would consider women-only rail carriages to help stem a rise in assaults on public transport.”
I cannot stand the man, but I think women-only rail carriages could be a good idea. This, only if there was a Panic Button to ring for assistance, and help would arrive This country is filled with drunken yobs, and frankly I am scared on rail journeys. The underground is awful too, and even I, a woman approaching eighty has been groped! Trouble is, I don’t think any railway officials would respond to Panic Buttons, and CCTV would have to be of a high quality.
EC – 13:07
anne wotana kaye – 14:26
I think compartments for liberals would be satisfactory to all concerned. Each group, those in the compartments, and those not in them, would be happy!
August 26th, 2015 – 17:15
What about compartments for everybody who is not UKIP?
Excellent piece from someone who seems to know what he is talking about:
Gleaned from Gerard’s top forty.
@Frank P 17:51
Yup, sensible and well constructed article.
Anne (17:38)
“What about compartments for everybody who is not UKIP?”
Or a cattle truck at the rear of the train for telemachus and his sock puppets various?
Frank P – 17:51
Great article.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it:
I have just reread Henry Newbolt’s poem ‘Vitai Lampada’
‘And it’s not for the sake of a ribboned coat’.
As always it brings me to tears.
Frank P
August 26th, 2015 – 18:22
YES ! 🙂
JD in overdrive:
But if he and Steyn can’t arrange a coup d’etat, what chance do we stand? I wonder where The Donald stands on AGW – haven’t hear him mention it … yet!
Alison Pearson urging the Westminster Wankers to grow some:
Go girl!
The Alex Jones Show this last Tuesday – more views from the handbasket
The interview with Representative Matt Shea of Washington State might be of particular interest.
EC – Aug 25th, 23:31
Some further reading, with a picture of a well known ‘expert’, who “knows more than you do, but less than he thinks he does”:
Faith-Based Physicists
Funniest joke of the week?:
🙂 🙂 🙂
Frank P – 01:23
A goodun, that one. 🙂
Got to be Bernard Manning, surely? Bernard was a comedian and not a racialist, contrary to what the MSM and gliberal twats like Esther Rantzen would like everyone to believe. On the run up to #GE2015 that joke featured Nigel Farage.
Did you see The Donald’s cool calm handling of the ‘journalist’ heckler at yesterday’s conference? He’s learning!
Did you see the WBDJ7 TV shootings? The DC race baiters are partly responsible for that one too!
RobertRetyred – 23:42
Thanks, also a good read.
I suppose that there might exist an alternate universe where the output of theoretical physicists doesn’t appear to be the result of too much LSD and pot.
Hang on, if I just thought that, then I suppose it must be true… 🙂
WBDJ7 TV shootings:
RobertRetyred – 23:42
Re: specialists
Sometimes one can be well advised to get a second opinion!
EC – 10:32
I was told a story, in the 1970’s, about a dentist who, being somewhat of a Clasicist, told his patient to brush his teeth with vim, that is, vigorously, not with VIM. It took all the enamel off his teeth!
I would think the bath treatment would have needed to be at an appropriate strength and duration to be safe for any particular area of the body and therefore should have been supervised, and that would be with someone with healthy skin who wanted a few layers of old skin off their arms or legs! And then there are the ‘delicate areas’ to think about!
EC – 10:26
The shooting is DEFINITELY a work place incident.
RobertRetyred – 11:31
Indeed, a tragic workplace incident. To what extent were Vester Flanagan’s grievances, and deteriorating mental condition, exacerbated by a corrosive sense of entitlement fostered by the spirit of ‘racial healing’ promoted so publicly in recent years by Obama, Holder, Lynch, Sharpton, Jackson etc. ?
Mafia moll enobled?
EC (12.39)
Exactly. And nobody ever discusses her role in loosening the gambling laws of the UK to accommodate not-so-hidden mob interests. And the knock on-effects – increased money laundering; loan sharking; gambling addiction; and all the allied trades of gambling – the ‘lifeblood of organized crime’. Truly a trojan horse through the gates of the legislature for the ‘Goodfellas’. But then … there’s a whole stable of them for myriad inimical interests.
Alexander Boot picks up on Corbyniski’s segregated trains proposal and expands the theme set by EC yesterday (why stop at just carriages for wimmin?). I sometimes suspect that Alex visits The Wall – covertly garnering ideas:
I note both the decoruminator and her sponsor are both absent today, having been rumbled by the Moderator. Really. I loved the attempted cop out, “She votes conservative…” Bwaaahahahaha.
Sock puppets of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but a hand up your jacksy!
Noted that the de-spick-able short-arsed immigration activist Jorge Ramos (a news anchor for Univision) spurned Bill O’Reilly’s invitation to discuss his spat with Donald Trump at The Donald’s latest press conference, but accepted Megyn Kelly’s to appear on the Kelly file. So he got what he was seeking – an expansion of his message, without the suffering the scorn of O’Reilly, thereby not only getting a soft ride, but trying to drive a wedge between the two big beast gringos of Fox, where there is already a degree of rivalry brewing up between them.
And, of course, Trump benefits every which way. More popcorn, please.
August 27th, 2015 – 12:39
I am more concerned with peerages for the duck house mob and friends.
“MPs’ expenses: clearing the moat at Douglas Hogg’s manor:
Douglas Hogg, a former Conservative Cabinet minister, included with his expenses claims the cost of having the moat cleared, piano tuned and stable lights fixed at his country manor house.”
Frank P 0123
I know my long posts were frowned on yesterday but I could not resist this:
Dear Minister,
I’m in the process of renewing my passport but I am at a total loss to understand or believe the hoops I am being asked to jump through.
How is it that Bert Smith of T.V. Rentals, Basingstoke, has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a satellite dish from them back in 1994, and yet, the Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date?
How come that nice West African immigrant chappy who comes round every Thursday night with his DVD rentals van can tell me every film or video I have had out since he started his business up eleven years ago, yet you still want me to remind you of my last three jobs, two of which were with contractors working for the government?
How come the T.V. detector van can tell if my T.V. is on, what channel I am watching and whether I have paid my licence or not, and yet if I win the government run lottery they have no idea I have won or where I am and will keep the bloody money to themselves if I fail to claim in good time.
Do you people do this by hand?
You have my birth date on numerous files you hold on me, including the one with all the income tax forms I’ve filed for the past 30-odd years. It’s on my health insurance card, my driver’s licence, on the last four passports I’ve had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I’ve had to fill out before being allowed off the planes and boats over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms that are done every ten years and the electoral registration forms I have to complete, by law, every time our lords and masters are up for re-election.
Would somebody please take note, once and for all, I was born in Maidenhead on the 4th of March 1957, my mother’s name is Mary, her maiden name was Reynolds, my father’s name is Robert, and I’d be absolutely astounded if that ever changed between now and the day I die!
I apologise Minister. I’m obviously not myself this morning. But between you and me, I have simply had enough! You mail the application to my house, then you ask me for my address. What is going on? Do you have a gang of Neanderthals working there? Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden? I don’t want to activate the Fifth Reich for God’s sake! I just want to go and park my weary backside on a sunny, sandy beach for a couple of week’s well-earned rest away from all this crap.
Well, I have to go now, because I have to go to back to Salisbury and get another copy of my birth certificate because you lost the last one. AND to the tune of 60 quid! What a racket THAT is!! Would it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot to assist in the issuance of a new passport the same day? But nooooo, that’d be too damn easy and maybe make sense. You’d rather have us running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off, then find some tosser to confirm that it’s really me on the damn picture – you know… the one where we’re not allowed to smile in in case we look as if we are enjoying the process!
Hey, you know why we can’t smile? ‘Cause we’re totally jacked off!
I served in the armed forces for more than 25 years including over ten years at the Ministry of Defence in London. I have had security clearances which allowed me to sit in the Cabinet Office, five seats away from the Prime Minister while he was being briefed on the first Gulf War and I have been doing volunteer work for the British Red Cross ever since I left the Services. However, I have to get someone ‘important’ to verify who I am — you know, someone like my doctor…
who, before he got his medical degree 6 months ago WAS LIVING IN PAKISTAN…
Yours sincerely,
An Irate British Citizen.
Courtesy of
Rod Liddle at his best on the same topic as the omni-all one.
Since we know Jennifer Oldham is telemachus, does the community wish to humour him? Or what?
Bryce Williams aka Vesta Lee Flanaghan II, the departed shooter who gunned down a TV crew from the Virginian TV Station, whose boss had sacked him two years ago, missed a trick. He could have added to his list of grievances when suing the Station, the hidden code of the Radio Station’s designated moniker WDBJ, which obviously means ‘We Despise Black Journalists’.
‘There’s a slow train a comin’ round the bend….’
Pickin’ up speed, it seems.
Baron (16:20)
Thanks – enjoyed that. But careful, that could provoke the sock puppets to click in with the cliche ‘chauvinista’.
Peter (16:25)
Another spell in the oubliette perhaps?
We could always piddle on him/them through the grating. 🙂
Then again they might be into golden rain … so perhaps not.
Peter from Maidstone – 16:25
Do you think that this could be another Bruce – Caitlyn thing?
The local weather forecast has just logged a full shining King Sol, promising 21 degrees c. for the weekend. Good! That means a tryst with Dolly Varden. After a week’s torrential precipitation, she needs a quick seeing-to.
Gerard VdL has announced a hiatus and left us with this, to keep us in deep contemplation – a quirky conflation of Pound, Dylan and T.S. Eliot (that’s Bob Dylan, not Dylan Thomas, lest there are Cymrophobics among us):
Baron – 16:20
Very good. That’s why Brillo and Frasier have to pay him so much! However, if Rod had ever done any commuting by train he’d know that NOBODY ever talks on the train in the morning, or in the evening. They are all too tired and pissed off, just trying to make it until the oasis of another weekend. You see the same people on the platform each morning – all staring into their mobile phones – You see the same people get into the same carriages each – you notice where they sit – you NEVER sit in THEIR seat. It really spoils your start to the day if some non regular does that! In the evening the rules are more relaxed but you still tend to see the regulars in the same seats & carriages. In the evening idea of segregated carriages is laughable. The passengers are packed in like a tin of sardines – as anybody attempting to board the SW Trains service to Guildford at Clapham Junction will attest. (They employ “whippers on” there you know!)
Baron, if at some future date you are forced to choose a segregated carriage then go and sit with the Gays. The decor will be superior, and furnishings will be comfier. Who knows, you may even be able to strike up a conversation. 😉
BTW, Baron. That’s a nice looking girl in the humorous Glock43 ad that you posted in the comments on Rod’s blog. 🙂
…but in real life her hesitation could have got her killed. Proper training is essential!
… further to weekend contemplation: if you’re looking for something less cerebral and more visceral, here’s a tour de force from St. Mark of Steyn:
Baron – 16:20
Sorry, it wasn’t a G43 or, as you suggested, a G26. It was in fact a G19 Gen4 – as stamped on the slide. Hell, no matter, they’ll all get the job done!
PS. I prefer my brunettes with 38 Specials, meself 😉
When they chose as ‘Immigration Minister’ someone called James Brokenshire, you just have to know they are taking the piss … big-time!
330,000 extra incomers, nett, last year. Equivalent to yet another major city. Broken shires indeed. Infestation on the grand scale. Nigel – WTF are you? Furlough is over. Organise the biggest ‘We want out of the EU” march ever seen in the capitol. I’ll hobble from a marshalling point at Hyde Park to Whitehall – and carry a banner!
… and then there’s this:
In a nutshell: the Great and the Good – Lord Moat and Lady Knickers!
YCMIU! [but the Metro rag did]. ☺
Peter from Maidstone August 27th, 2015 – 16:25
Facilitating his manipulative agenda rather than “humouring” him. He is not just commenting, not just exercising his right to express an opinion, but rather engaged in pursuing an agenda of deliberate agitprop.
The hard left have always exploited the forbearance and fair play of those they cast as their enemies in order to ultimately subvert and disempower them. Bringing various acolytes to the site under disguise is how the other place has been effectively subverted as a place to freely express conservative viewpoints. Almost every thread there now has a gang of left-wing “monitors” tagging and sneering at any “un-reconstructed” comments. Deliberate. Manipulative. Agenda.
EC @ – 18:35 & 18:53
An amazing knowledge of Glock’s line of business, EC, are you by any chance a secret agent for the purveyor of the tools of death?
Not particularly adroit posting under the Liddle piece, the one by the barbarian, as always done in haste, referencing stuff that doesn’t go down well with many e.g. the final solution, the gun, but coming under the same heading as the ‘women only coaches’ in that it fails to address the causes, merely plasters over the effects, only pretends to cure the boil. But then how often do we as a society target the former?
Someone should ask the comryd, and those who favour the introduction of women only coaches, what would happen to the rapists if they couldn’t perform their vile acts inside carriages, will they stop raping, causing GBH, pestering women?
Sooner or later we’ll have to re-dust Burke’s “society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without’, breathe new life into the institutions that used to install the controlling power in us, the family, the school, the church, and also return to real punishment, one that hurts, for those who cannot be taught the rules of civilised behaviour, still break the society’s norms.
Frank P @ 22:17
What surprises is that it’s merely a quarter, Frank, given that the birth rate amongst the newcomers is almost four fold higher than for the indigenous folk.
The Tories made a promise to cut immigration into the tens of thousands, instead it runs in hundreds of thousands and the man Brokenshire calls it ‘deeply disappointing’.
Baron’s missing the MOT (that’s the BBC showing of the premiership matches in case you are puzzled) may be called deeply disappointing, the breaking of the promise that may have boosted their support in the election considerably borders on the criminal.
Baron – 09:09
Hopefully ‘women only’ carriages will put a stop to this sort of thing!
It was a terrible thing for a young country boy of a (then) sensitive disposition to witness :scream:
Glocks? Nah, peashooters. You’d need a Mosin–Nagant, or equivalent, to take down the critter terrorising this railway carriage – always supposing that it didn’t actually belong to the former Member for Hampstead & Kilburn. The look of sheer terror on Dickie Chamberlain’s coupon was mirrored upon my own innocent boyish features. 🙂
Frank P August 27th, 2015 – 23:24
Thanks for the tip. Here’s the cover in case anybody else missed it.
“Brokenshire” Indeed, they are taking the piss! But who but the cognoscenti will “get it”? Not many I suspect.
Remember when Dave used to bleat about “broken Britain” Ha!
Baron – 09:13
The same thing is happening all over the anglo-sphere why?
Now India’s economy has taken off, and with the rise of dark forces in the UK, I am informed by friends in that community that the younger, smarter Indians have started to go back. Guess who we are going to be left with…
Final one for this week, honest.
“Armed Police On Standby For ‘Mr Big’ Funeral
Paul Massey was killed after being shot four times by a masked gunman outside his Salford home last month.”
Did you have a dossier on this, cough, gentleman, Frank?
EC @ 09:55
Not that many viewers for the video, EC, why? Could it be Glenda as a symbol of sex misses the vital ingredient that spawns lust, and more? She certainly has done for the barbarian, nothing there now at the age of the wrinkle, sagging and flabbiness galore (the state of decrepitude is mutual, of course), not then when she was at her prime.
EC (10:44)
If the government appoints a pillock like this to organise the protection of major provincial city;
the inevitable upshot will be the emergence of self-appointed ‘Mr Bigs’ like the subject of your post.
The only Mr Big that should exist in any major conurbation is the Chief Constable, or in the case of the Metrollups, the Commissioner.
It would appear that all such constabulary appointments are now based on the successful applicants being politically pliable and immersed in the tenets of Common Purpose, rather than the wit and will to stamp on criminal upstarts.
Thus any determined two-bit villain is capable of ascension to a dominant role in the bizness of crime and subject only to the discipline of the underworld, which fortunately seems to be somewhat more efficient than the ‘forces’ of law ‘n’ order. ☺
Frank P.
What about a young man who leaves school a 19,joins the Met. Police (Service),is promoted after two years to sergeant, and then to Inspector;before leaving after nine years service to become a barrister:and is now a putative UKIP candidate for London Mayor.He says he policed London’s rich tapestry for nine years.
A commentator (Hybird) at Breitbart remarks:Nobody gets promoted (especially so fast) without exhibiting Political Correctness.
The putative candidate,above,is a Cameronite modernising UKIP member.
630,000 aliens entered Britain last year……or did they?There are no genuine figures;the authorities take a snapshot of 72,000 entrants and extrapolate from there.
Farage draws attention to the figure of 53,000 Romanians and Bulgarians claimed to have entered Britain,and 214,000 National Insurance numbers being issued to this group.
Radford NG. (18:12)
Heh, heh, heh.
(That is a dry laugh, replete with cynicism and utter despair).
Once again YCMIU. But you don’t have to – it just keeps on occurring.
The Glasgow bin lorry inquiry into the deaths of six people has heard that the driver is not “selfish” or a “coward”.
Scotland has some strange ideas and stranger people. I wonder if this is to avoid prosecuting officials who allowed this creature to continue to drive? I hope a “button man” finishes off this piece of rubbish.
… and while I was trawling the bottom of the swamp for evidence of the nature of the above quoted ex-police inspector-cum-barrister, I found this little gem nestling there amongst the scented faeces:
Now I thought I’d been round the block and back again. But someone assist me please. WTF is ‘pansexual’?
Something invented by JM Barrie? I think I read somewhere that he was a nonce. hence is interest in children who never grew up. Or am I getting him mixed up with some other nonce?
And so, to summarise:
” The entire Democratic Party from top to bottom is made of niche interest groups who are bought off by having their narrow self-interest promoted above the interests of the country. The feminists get abortion without limit at the price of infanticide. The gays get gay marriage at the price of religious freedom. The teacher unions get lifetime job security at the price of lousy schools. The government bureaucrats get outsize salary/benefit/pension packages at the price of bankrupting the country. The race hustlers get the President fomenting racial hatred, at the price of people’s lives. Those dependent on the government teat get more and more stuff and a blind eye to fraud, while the economy sinks under our debt. The environmentalists and Silicon Valley get subsidies for green energy and EPA attacks on our energy industry, at the price of energy security and blue collar jobs. The Hispanic activists get illegal immigration, at the cost of good salaries and jobs for citizens. Hollywood and liberal Jews and academia get entry to the jobs and cocktail parties controlled by punitive, blacklisting, fellow liberals. And they all get to feel superior and sanctimonious at the same time by libeling conservatives as uncaring, racist, morons.
The article headline is:
Can the Iran Deal Be Stopped? The Chance is Slim to None
and does explain the answer, but the quote can stand on its own!
Frank P – 19:02
“… and while I was trawling the bottom of the swamp..”
This morning I stubbed my toe on this one, after I rashly said that I’d finished for the weekend:
h/t Guido
Lord Sunlamp?
Have a good weekend everybody.
EC – 20:28
Digging up dirt isn’t playing the game. It is just not cricket! 🙂
UKIP gets a mention:
Law of Unintended Consequences: New EU Tax Laws Force Thousands of Businesses to Close in Just Six Months
UKIP gets to write the article:
The Immigration Debate is Changing Before Our Eyes, And It’s How We Win the EU Referendum
Why should British taxpayers, the proper users of the NHS, be punished?
The outstanding amount should be paid by the Department for International Development. It could them claim back some of the money from the individual or their government. The NHS should also be questioned about its financial abilities, and its political agenda:
African mum of quintuplets let off £145,000 NHS bill: Health tourist who came to UK to give birth says no one’s asked her to pay
I think it was three or four years ago that I suggested that Libya be occupied , the king restored in a constitutional monarchy established along the littoral and financed by generous royalties from the preferably British oil industry established in the annexed interior.
The crook, H. Clinton, with her crass tag “We came, we saw, he died”, and her globalist friends, had other plans however for the region:
Which “scenario” would the Libyans prefer?
Gaddafi’s reply:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Frank P @ 19:02
Does anyone really care what pansexual is, Frank, do you?, Baron doesn’t, and whatever this creature wants to call herself is entirely up to her, she won’t last, soon there will be another one, most likely even loopier, and so it goes, that’s life in the age of enlightenment.
EC @ 20:28
Don’t tell Baron you are surprised at the news, EC, there’s a bunch of them like him slagging the Upper House, then joining it when given half a chance. Hypocrisy is the middle name of virtually all members of the political class, and rightly so.
RobertRetyred @ 22:55
Few weeks back, Robert, the unwashed did have a chance to try a new approach, UKIP offered it, only 4mn of them went for it, not enough, obviously many are quite happy to fund health tourism, sad this, but that’s how the digestive crumbles.
Malfleur @ 23:24
The colonel may have been many things, dumb he wasn’t, and yet they still got him.
Baron (00:10)
Lighten up old fella. Not a question of caring, rather one of curiosity. The lingo of sexual perversion gets more exotic by the day; I’m reassured that you too hadn’t heard of this latest kink. ☺
Frank p
Pansexuality is someone who likes heterosexual & homosexual sex but also sex with trans gender and gender reassignees and other people who are confused what sec they are. Its considered more inclusive than bisexual, who is someone who likes straight and gay sex.
Ps.I looked it up!
Frank P @ 01:50
Latest kink? Frank, you’re trailing behind, pansexual is sooooo out-of-date, my friend, things are moving faster than you can say gender what?, get your niece cracking on the sexual diversity front, and pronto if you want to be taken seriously.
When it comes to equality of sexual deviations not even the sky’s the limit, soon the outer space may not be enough either, Baron’s heart rejoices at the imagination of the universe of the fetish worshippers, he himself is working on another category, too, it will capture a man who loves having sex with as many partners as there are orifices of the human body, hard to decide whether to include nostrils, the health and safety may step in ….
Not that long ago, Facebook was offering 57 ‘gender’ options, that wasn’t enough, members were asked to further enrich the world of the perverted.
‘We’re hoping this will open up the dialogue,’ said Ari Chivukula, a transgender member of the team. And it did, and they did, options now include Two-Spirit, Pangender, Neutrois and Transmasculine, in the UK also Hermaphrodite, and Two* Person – bringing up their total choices to over 70 …..
Alexandr, if you will can you enlighten us on any of it?
Maybe, in this context, ‘pan’ isn’t a prefix of Greek origin but simply a statement of location. Cookery or lavatorial…’s up to you!
Baron, alexandr, Ostrich,
Thanks for bringing me up to speed. One is never too old to be educated, but thank God I’m too old to be asked to participate!
Actually, I’m surprised that you didn’t sus that I was attempting to smoke out the decoruminator (tks EC), but I guess there’s no broadband or wi-fi in the oubliette. Good call Peter!
I also note that nobody reacted to the Pink News item about the pedigree of the prospective Mayoral candidate for UKIP. I suppose the rampant debauchery among those appointed to lead, protect and serve us, has now become so commonplace as to be accepted as the norm.
Btw Baron.
” …if you want to be taken seriously…” sez you.
Heaven forfend!!
Frank P @ 01:50 andBaron
August 29th, 2015 – 09:13
Those employed by the BBC, announcers etc are obviously all pansexual. It encompasses all orifices, including the holes their shoe laces pass through! Probably a lot of magistrates and judges are also in this band of pansexuals. Elizabeth Barrett Browning didn’t know what she was asking when she wrote her great poem, which starts, “What was he doing the Great God Pan down in the reeds by the river”
Forgot to mention, the abbreviation “Pansy” covers Pansexual
Forgive me, I know it’s Saturday and bank holiday w/e to boot, but this is worthy of your attention:
What a tangled web we weave ….
Sorry to pee on the pansexual parade. Let’s hope the weather does the same at Notting Hill.
well there are pansexuals (sex with a skillet?)
there are also polysexuals. not sure of the difference. maybe polysexuals like sex with parrots? or wall filler? or the blond one off The Bill?
Frank P @ 11:00
Re the Pink News, Frank, the cuddly looking young poofter heading the piece (the spellchecker switched poofter to profiteer, not a bad choice given that’s what they often do in the current environment), Baron read it, found it blandish in style and substance, wasted no time commenting on it). It’s of interest, but marginally so, another perceived victim of the pink phylum, but just a plain gay, this, Baron’s afraid, won’t get him very far, he must discover the till now undiscoverable true inner himself, scratch beyond the bottom of the depravity barrel, reveal it all, blame it on abuse by the parents or society, then perhaps the progressives will notice him, he’ll command many a column inch in the MSM, get the backing of the BBC, even the boy may chip in, and who knows, even the Mayorship may get within reach.
anne wotana kaye @ 11:03
Brilliant, anne, bringing Browning on the act, it made the barbarian chuckle.
Frank P @ 11:20
Could the American ruling elite be that deviously clever, Frank? Hmmm It’s more likely the honorary Muslims’s traightforward hatred of the Jewish tribe that drives their ME policy.
August 29th, 2015 – 13:13
To be really vulgar, I hope the pristine Elizabeth wasn’t aptly named in liking a bit of Brown!
I hope I haven’t shocked the barbarian 🙂
Ex police inspector and barrister subject to more persecution according to Pink News. mayor-of- london/
I’m beginning to regret having googled Hendron’s Pink News following. Wouldn’t want CHW to increase their footfalls – albeit light-on-their-loafers footfalls. 🙂 The waft of newly disturbed turds and KY jelly is palpable, even over the cybersphere.
Anne (13:19)
We-ell; she was panned by some of the critics of her day.
Douglas Murray makes (belated) attack on immigration in Daily Express.
“Mass immigration will DESTROY Britain if we don’t act now,blasts Douglas Murry.”
`Immigration has reached tipping point.`
`Britain is the most tolerant and open-hearted country on the planet.`
`but that doesn’t mean you should want to replace the population.`
`The dearest hope of politicians is that their opposite numbers will say something about immigration that they can denounce as racist.`
`(N)ations are not mere tracts of land,staging posts or places to do business.`
`They are the places we call home,and towards which we feel loyalty,pride and love.`
Alexander Boot eschews a bank holiday break from the keyboard to nail Georgie Boy:
Who can argue with the truth of it? Not me!
anne wotana kaye @ 13:19
Nothing much shocks Baron these days, anne, but shall he tell you what might?
The boy saying ‘I’ve instructed the Culture Secretary to tell the BBC the license fee will be scrapped after six months’, or ‘I believe now we humans have very little to do with AGW, all subsidies on solar, wind turbines and any other similar contraptions are abolished forthwith, the money saved will go towards the gasification of our massive coal fields, the energy prices should be down by 75% within 5 years’, or ‘our interests nor always coincide with those of our American friends or our European allies, negotiations for our immediate withdrawal from the EU will start next week’.
Any of the three, anne, and the shock would engender another coronary for the barbarian.
Frank P @ 15:35
Stop sulking at once, Frank, as you can see, Radford’s carrying the rainbow flag for now, Baron will also step in at some point, and he’s sure we can get others to visit the site, follow the tragic path of the pinky candidate to oblivion. A deal?
Btw, the shade of pink the site displays doesn’t appeal to Baron, generally speaking, he has nothing against the colour pink.
August 29th, 2015 – 19:21
Agree! But keep well
Frank P @ 19:06
Will the guru allow the poorly educated Slav to make just a few smallish points on the omni-all’s lament on Jeffrey’s running of the Treasury, please. OK, just two points (for some reason the spellchecker keeps changing ‘points’ to ‘pints’, bloody annoying this built-in self correcting feature).
It’s expenditure above income that causes deficits, not liabilities over assets as Mr. Boot seems to think (that’s point number one), it may seem the barbarian is being pedantic, but he isn’t, a country’s (or for that matter Baron’s) deficit arises because she (the country) or Baron is spending more than her/his income allows, the difference gets covered by borrowing. In case neither could find a willing lender, a bankruptcy follows, and it’s only then that liabilities and assets come into play.
This brings in the second point. The quotes by Brittain and Smith are not comparable. What Brittain meant was that in the case of a family in civilised times, there’s someone ‘above it’ as it were, the Government, it can and should help, if it didn’t people would revolt, vote in another Government. There is nobody that could help the Government, it must help itself. Not that Baron backs fully this division of responsibility, he merely explains what Brittain had in mind when he said it.
Smith’s observation was merely that both a family and the Government ought to exercise prudence, and one can be prudent even if one has to borrow. We, or rather most of us, borrow to (say) purchase a house, not many have enough cash to finance a property deal outright, being prudent here means we borrow within out means, possibly also take up an insurance in case we fall ill, our income temporarily ceases.
Apart from that the omni-all Mr. Boot is spot on, not that it matters, but Baron also reckons Jeffrey isn’t doing enough to balance the books, but that’s politics, he (Jeffrey) has an eye on the top job, has to ‘tread lightly’ to avoid missing it.
How did this crook get into the slot?
Time for Roman Catholics to do the world a favour: clean house by putting the White one back in place of asinus in cathedra – I think he is still available, lives just down the road.
anne wotana kaye 29th 13:19 & Frank P 29th 15:38
Oo, I do love it when others take up one of my inchoate ideas and run with it!!!
Ostrich (occasionally)
August 30th, 2015 – 10:48
Sorry, I’m really in the dark. Please explain Oo.
Sorry Baron, but who is ‘Jeffrey’ and how is he connected to the AB post?
google this
exp(-((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2/1000) + exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2/1000) + 0.1exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2)+0.1exp(-((x -4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2)
alexsandr 14:23
🙂 🙂 🙂
anne wotana kaye 11:23
Well, on 29th 09:46 I suggested that, in the context, other meanings for the prefix ‘pan’ might exist. Others seem to have developed the idea. 🙂
Ostrich (occasionally)
August 30th, 2015 – 17:25
Quite correct! 🙂
Alex Jones on the bi-partisan war on police in the USA:
This comment on Owen Jones amused me.
From spectator C H
Jugurtha kitten
19 hours ago
The New Statesman which refuses to recognise the NUJ? If Jones was the old school left-winger he claimed he wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole and he’d be condemning the other ‘socialists’ who write for it as scabs.
The NS is a silly little rag written by ‘radical’ middle class children for ‘radical’ middle class children whose one aim in life seems to be to shock their middle class parents…who, having seen it all before, doubtless respond with a resigned “oh yes dear, that’s very clever…” while wishing they’d slapped a bit of sense into them as little kids instead of giving them unisex colouring books and social-worker action dolls.
FFS! Get this idiot out of power before he does any more damage…..
Ostrich (occasionally) – 09:47
“Denali” is an anagram of Denial. Quite appropriate for a piss taking 3 day boondoggle selling the Climate Change snake oil, dontcha think…
OR, you think Bazza is trying to tell us something?
alexsandr August 30th, 2015 – 14:23
Ostrich (occasionally) August 30th, 2015 – 17:25
I get some of my best ideas on the pan!
Many a hard nut has been forensically cracked there – talking about intractable software problems…
EC (11:46)
No shit, Sherlock? ☺
The question posed with caring concern, of course, rather than the characteristic terse sarcasm.
Frank P – 11:49
So often I found myself up to my neck in other peoples…
However, quality will always find a way out!
I gave your graph some further dissemination… seems to have left a trail of very confused people! 🙂
It is amazing how layers of bullshit adhere so firmly to earlier laid foundations. Obviously bs is the mortar of all history:
Assuming of course that cattle predate homo sapiens?
If not, then what?
Comedy sketch,as I remember it.
Corbyn promises Portillo-free carriages.If Portillo appears in you carriage making a documentary you can press the emergency button and a blow-up doll of Diana Abbott will be deployed.
“Let it go on until the civil war comes”;say the politicians.(Enoch Powell,1977.)
It is so depressing to see the EPA being used against the US, but the message is getting through that the Climate Change propaganda is ‘make believe’:
Sarah Palin on TV praises Climate Hustle!: ‘An upcoming outstanding documentary’ – ‘We look forward to seeing it’
Notes from the Underground:
Alex Jones launches attack on George Soros and Co.
Discusses how the police have been set up in the course of a globalist strategy to use useful idiots black and white to provoke race war from which the people can be rescued from themselves. “The world is moving into chaos by design.”
Criminal banks are shipping drugs into the USA and are using the proceeds to corrupt the police.
Veterans, police,gun owners, property owners, Christians and libertarians,. and sheriffs moving against the grain of this globalist subversion threaten the chances of success for the globalist.
Corrupt federal politicians and politicos are now demonising State government.
Orchestrated economic crisis..
Alex Jones commits before God to fight the New World Order – launches a final money bomb campaign to raise $1M to take his broadcasts worldwide.
His broadcasts are world-wide for those that choose to listen to them via www. So what’s with the $m dollars?
Frank P @ 13:49
Sorry about the delay, Frank, Jeffrey is Osborne, the honorary White House Muslim once called him that, Baron liked it, adopted it.
alexsandr @ 14:23
Still some clever people around, alexsandr, why cannot Baron be one of them?
Frank P @ 14:47
It doesn’t say, Frank, what is it they’ve tested, the skin, the ink?, could make a big difference.
But, quite frankly, who gives a shite?
Radford NG @ 22:10
It’s almost unbelievable how prescient the man was. Would the BBC ever show this clip?
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 09:47
If they are so keen on restoring the past, O(o), perhaps they transfer the land to the people who lived on it before the Europeans set foot in America, if there are still any left of them that is.
Crowd of migrants outside Budapest station, almost 99% seem to be young men. These are not refugees. They are economic migrants.
Peter from Maidstone @ 13:06
Spot on, Peter, not many look as if they’ve been in any danger ever, most of them are young men, well fed, well dressed, many if not all with mobiles.
Whilst it would be unjust to deny them looking for better life, in no way should they be let in as asylum seekers, or even refugees from a war zone.
Frank P
September 1st, 2015 – 10:28
Tune in and find out. Yes, there is an answer to your question which will not feed your ingrained cynicism.
Btw, while on the subject of cynical English policemen, for those interested in knowing why that MI6 agent killed himself and then, as Inspector Hound analysed it, zipped himself into his own duffle bag in London a few years ago, watch the September 1st edition of the Alex Jones Show (it’s free) at
Spoiler alert – the Clintons dunnit