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Paul Weston speaking in Luton at the English Defence League rally on 22nd November 2014:
Malfleur – 02:07
Clear Memories – 03:00
Radford NG – 05:28
Theresa May: Britain is facing greatest terror threat of its history
Home Secretary believes that the Government can stop UK citizens becoming radicalised and travelling to Iraq and Syria is by restoring a strong sense of the meaning of “British values”.
Look on the bright side, if she believes that …. the Tories are doomed!
RobertC – 11:52
Mrs May’s plan of ‘restoring a strong sense of the meaning of “British values”’ may not work for every terrorist or potential terrorist, so what does she have in mind for those who are unpersuaded?
I think an abso may be a little inadequate!
‘ISIS have sleeper cells in the UK and will unleash war on Europe’: Jihadi hunter who rescued his own son from fighting with extremists in Syria issues chilling warning
* Dimitri Bontinck says ISIS chiefs have European countries ‘in their sights’
* Built contacts with branch of Al Qaeda and sources close to ISIS fighters
* MailOnline shown proof that confirms dealings with intelligence groups
* Army veteran is known as Jihadi Hunter after rescuing youths from Syria
* One of those was his son Jejoen who is on trial over alleged terror links
* Comes as Theresa May says ISIS-style attack is now ‘almost inevitable’
“A decorated army veteran renowned for rescuing youths from Islamic State today warned that the terrorist group is placing ‘sleeper cells’ in European countries including the UK.
Dimitri Bontinck, who is known as the ‘Jihadi Hunter’, spoke out as he prepared to support his own teenage son in a criminal trial after bringing him home from Syria.
It came as Home Secretary Theresa May and senior British police chiefs also said that a terrorist atrocity involving an ISIS-style beheading or bomb attack on civilians is now ‘almost inevitable’.
Referring to their campaign of atrocities carried out abroad, Mr Bontinck, 41, told MailOnline: ‘It’s not the kids who are the principal danger – it’s the chiefs whom you never see in the videos.
‘The mature men running this organisation are deeply sinister, and extremely well-funded, and they have European countries such as Britain, France and Belgium in their sights.’ ”
Our LibLabCON elites have still not realised, but the public are beginning to. We are approaching the day of reckoning where the problem will be confronted. The question will be how, but it won’t be very ‘liberal’, whatever the outcome.
Gates of Vienna calls for the freeing of Tommy Robinson:
“…After he was released, we re-arranged Tommy’s debate at the Oxford Union for the 26th November. Tommy was visited by the Probation Services and informed that if he attends this debate, he is not allowed to talk about Islam, Mohammed, or the Koran. If he does he will be recalled to prison…”.
(Gates of Vienna op. cit.)
I wonder whether the authorities would look benignly on his debating mortgage arrangements? Probably.
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler
If You Think We’re On The Run?
We Are The Boys Who Will Stop Your Little Game
We Are The Boys Who Will Make You Think Again
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler
If You Think Old England’s Done?
Mr Brown Goes Off To Town
On The Eight Twenty-One
But He Comes Home Each Evening
And He’s Ready With His Gun
(So Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler
If You Think Old England’s Done?)
So Watch Out Mr Hitler
You Have Met Your Match In Us
If You Think You Can Crush Us
We’re Afraid You’ve Missed The Bus
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler
If You Think Old England’s Done?
I would like to see a spoof tv news program with Cameron as winston explaining how bombs falling from aircraft onto London have nothing to do with Germans.
It’s extremists following hitler behind these issues, nothing to do with germany at all.
Anyone suggesting otherwise ( ignoring the fact that Germany has declared war on us) will be guilty of hate speech.
Tommy Robinson;an article and comments at Harry’s Place :”I shared the puzzlement of others when I heard about the conditions attached to Tommy Robinson’s bail…..”
(You browser is checked before entering the site;presumably to guard against attacks against it.)
Should be:
“Theresa May: Britain is facing greatest terror threat of its history”
For which her government and previous governments, are entirely to blame.
Selling out the UK to the EU and its socialist superstate project bent on the destruction of Western Christian culture, values and law
Irresponsible and reckless immigration policies
The promotion of societal fracture by “multi-culturalism” and other left-wing dogma
Granting asylum to known terrorists
Irresponsible and reckless foreign wars
Angela, Derby, United Kingdom, 2014 Nov 24 circa 13:28
Yes and that is why I ended up having to de-register my son and teach him at home when his schoolm admitted such high numbers of teenagers in year 10/11. He ended up with higher passes than his friends who remained in school as they were basically ignored while the others were taught English. They may end up bilingual but at the expense of native English children.
Theresa May chose ‘Dancing Queen’ as one of her desert island discs, just before swearing undying loyalty to David Cameron.
Deep subliminal message there.
John birch November 24th, 2014 – 13:01
“( ignoring the fact that Germany has declared war on us)”
Germany did not declare war on us we declared war on them.
At 1115 BST the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, announced the British deadline for the withdrawal of German troops from Poland had expired.
He said the British ambassador to Berlin had handed a final note to the German government this morning saying unless it announced plans to withdraw from Poland by 1100, a state of war would exist between the two countries.
Mr Chamberlain continued: “I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and consequently this country is at war with Germany.”
RobertC, November 24th, 2014 – 12:21
Our LibLabCON elites have still not realised, but the public are beginning to. We are approaching the day of reckoning where the problem will be confronted. The question will be how, but it won’t be very ‘liberal’, whatever the outcome.
Oh, but they do all realise. Quislings the lot of them.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Winston Churchill
A small step for the Law Society …..
Sharia law guidelines abandoned as Law Society apologises
Law Society apologises over advice to solicitors on how to draw up Sharia-style wills penalising widows and non-believers
We must welcome every sinner who has seen the error of their ways …. …. even lawyers!
telemachus, “the game is up for handguns”
No, not really. Their main utility is to buy one enough time to reach one’s rifle.
David Ossitt
November 24th, 2014 – 14:37
Sorry David , I know your correct.
But it was just an example of the sort of nonsense we are fed every day.
I have just heard there’s a serious child exploration problem in Birmingham, wonder who’s behind that.
Colonel Mustard 13:26
“Theresa May: Britain is facing greatest terror threat of its history”
For which her government and previous governments, are entirely to blame.”
What is remarkable is the way in which politicians, all of them, every single one praise the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, claiming that we are ‘enriched’ by it.
Cowards and deceivers all, knowing they are liars and simply trying to delay the moment of truth and retribution as long as they can.
John birch November 24th, 2014 – 16:51
“I have just heard there’s a serious child exploration problem in Birmingham, wonder who’s behind that.”
It would appear that it is not just Pakistani/Bangladeshi men across the length and breadth of this country who are now and have been for many years’ sexually abusing young girls.
But that there have been criminal conspiracy’s to cover up sexual shenanigans throughout the political, civil service, armed forces and legal the systems, from what we read in the press these crimes have been going on for decades.
I do not think that we will ever get to the bottom of it (no pun intended).
Perhaps the Sixth crusade is starting! If Eric Blair could do it for the Anarchists if Spain, so can others, and for a far better cause.
Worth a few minutes of your time:
Forgive me if I repeat the comment I appended to that Breitbart link:
While we are all exercised with the problem of self-deporting Muslims joining ISIS and whether they should be readmitted – “on our [that Mrs May’s] terms” – there are literally millions more Muslims, organised by the Mus.Bros., quietly taking over here within our own borders, both by infiltration and subversion of the institutions and through the demographical imperatives of breeding. In large areas of London and provincial cities, white English subjects are already outnumbered and Sharia Law is practised de facto. The violence of ISIS, both here and abroad is a red herring. What’s taking place within our borders is far more inimical to England than all the terrorist attacks both here and abroad of the past thirteen years combined.
No political party (including UKIP, sadly) has the balls to admit to those facts, let alone act to address them. The cultural changes that have already taken place are now probably irreversible and are lauded by the bien pensant art-farti liberati (which includes the entire current administration not to mention the neo-Marxist Milibandits) as ‘adding to the ‘vibrancy’ of our culture and ‘enriching the nation’. While the msm amplifies such flatulent thunder; the BBC and the C of E sanctify it – and the blogosphere comprises but a lavender-scented lady’s fart with about the same chance of being heard as a baby’s cry in Wemberley stadium in an FA Cup Final between ManU and Man City.
Cue SIr Richard Mottram: “WF! – IF! YF! WAFF!”
By the way, having made that very true statement to his Laird & Maister Tony Blair, they both decided to do something about the first two expostulations of that famous outburst; Blair by arranging for himself the most lucrative gravy train ever acquired by a British ex-PM – and Mottram by joining one of the most powerful outfits in the world with access to local and central government contracts.
See the following:………
As for the rest of us – the last of his succinct scatological summary remains even truer now than it was then.
I just heard on a Skype call with the USA, though without yet having had an opportunity to check it, that the Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, has been fired by Obama because he complained about the number of military officers that are being dismissed and the damage being suffered by the US armed forces.
The president seems clearly to be taking orders from someone at the end of the yellow brick road; but could it be that the empire of Ozbama is beginning to crumble?
… btw, one can only guess at what Cameron and his treasonous crew have lined up for themselves when they get their marching orders in May. As for Cleggover …. the mind boggles!
“Hagel Chucked” – headline in Breitbbart.
Fred on Everything in prescient mode:
The coverage of the Ferguson Grand Jury decision by both the BBC and Sky News was egregiously biased in favor of the black rioters, as were the questions asked of the State Attorney General by British reporters at the press conference. An indication of what is in store for Western ‘civilization!
The story is clear. Robber stopped by police after convenience store robbery. Robber assaults police officer, attempts to grab officer’s gun and officer shoots and kills robber in self defence!
Black mobs use Grand Jury decision as an excuse to riot. Same old shit!
Stores looted! What else? Fucking barbarians!
There are some interesting comments here on the referendum by the Swiss people next Sunday, 30th November, on whether to require the franc to be backed by gold.
“The evidence clearly shows that Officer Darren Wilson was justified in shooting Michael Brown, so why is this case being hyped by the mainstream media and the leftist political establishment?”
My worry next May is that the scum of Scone will hold the balance and impose Scottish Socialism.
With a touch of European bureaucracy.
It would be most unfortunate if 59 Scots MPs at Westminster representing 5 million Scottish people who have their own Parliament already were to hold the balance of power over 53 million people in England who have been excluded from devolution.
The current trend for noisy minorities to hold sway over silent majorities already extends to decisions in Westminster but that would be taking the biscuit.
Still, not much sign of spine anywhere. Whatever the anti-democrats dish out, whether in Westminster or Brussels, seems to end up being taken with a bit of inconsequential huff and puff. In theory MPs representing English constituencies should be able to counter all that but the European socialist project, the pervasive view that “It’s All About Scotland” and tribal party loyalty means that they probably won’t.
Ivan Massow, a Gay Rights campaigner, has declared his potential candidacy for the Conservatives (clearly not conservatives) in the London Mayoral election. Is that what we deserve? Is this what Conservatism has reduced itself to?
Frank P – 03:48 & 03:59
Quite so.
Looking at the body chart in the autopsy report…
… it would appear that the officer made every attempt NOT to kill his assailant before the final ‘bin-Laden’ shot. It must have been quite a struggle.
The officer could have drawn his weapon and took the guy down with a single shot to the central body mass before he got within arms length. The fact that he didn’t imho proves self-defence, and that it was not a casual shooting beyond, reasonable doubt. However the MSM never let reason get in the way of a good “black victim” story do they. Scum!
‘Apparently Theresa May has an American namesake. She’s a pornographic film star, of some repute in the business.
‘Perhaps they could do a job swap ?’
– Cambridge Elephant, the Oubliette
Peter from Maidstone – 10:14
An exotic creature indeed !
Beggars belief, but to quote Hillary, “What difference does it make now?”
I think London would have been better off with Tony, don’t you?
[h/t Andy Car Park]
Andy Car Park – 10:48
Is there such a thing as a zombie porn genre ?
EC 10:17
Not necessarily. Those shots would also be consistent with attempts to hit the body mass with a fall of shot to the left of the aiming point. A common cause for that is a right handed shooter with a left ‘master’ eye (right ‘lazy’ eye) which can affect aim even with a two-handed grip. The head shots appear to show the same bias to the left.
The multiple shots could indicate the shooter’s failure to stop the assailant advancing despite aiming at the body mass.
The article doesn’t indicate the distance they were apart when Brown turned and advanced on Wilson.
EC – I remember Tony’s half-brother, Colin. Olympic table tennis medallist and former MP for Lewisham. He was as wet as a bucket of piss.
On BBC Radio 4 at 8.00pm tonight and Ipod later; “Afghanistan: the lessons of war”
A former commander of British and Coalition forces in Helmand embarks on a personal journey to find out what has been achieved by the thirteen-year campaign in Afghanistan. It is a quest that leads Former Major General Andrew Mackay to some of the key military and political figures of the past decade.
He puts searching questions to former US General David Petraeus and ISAF
Commanders General John McColl and General David Richards, to discover if there ever was a coherent strategy for coalition troops.
He reflects on what was achieved in Afghanistan with leading politicians including former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband.
And he looks to the future of the country with a senior figure from the current Afghan government – Mohammad Mustafa Mastoor, Deputy Minister for Finance.
General Mackay also believes that any future interventions should be based on lessons learnt in the Afghanistan campaign. But what are those lessons? He hears from experts who have studied the campaign to help him consider the role he played and to find out what conclusions can be drawn.”
Colonel Mustard – 11:09
I suppose that in the heat of the moment things are very different from the firing range. I don’t suppose the police budget is big enough for ‘under stress’ training exercises.
In the ‘News Headlines’ section of the online ‘Torygraph’ I’ve just noted the following headlines juxtaposed:
Homosexual thoughts ‘an essential part of human evolution’
‘Arson’ at firm blocking Tottemham stadium.
EC 12:03
Some police forces use it but I don’t know whether Ferguson do. Even so the exertion and adrenalin rush is never the same as in a live situation. In this case Wilson had probably already been affected by the previous altercation and tussle and in a high state of agitation. If he was aware of a possible bias in his aim from range shooting it would still require a remarkably cool-head to remember it in that situation and to aim off. The number of shots fired suggests that he didn’t or that he was trying to disable Brown as you concluded. The coolest shooter would have let Brown get close with warnings only and then dropped him with two shots and/or a third ‘Mozambique’ round to the head. In fact looking at the shooting pattern Wilson might have been attempting to do just that multiple times!
I’d be surprised if in the USA they were still teaching to shoot at limbs to disable rather than at body mass but don’t know for sure.
The Bishop of Rome has given a lengthy address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
While he is committed to the EU as an institution he has some sound things to say:
“……care must be taken not to fall into certain errors which can arise from a misunderstanding of the concept of human rights and from it’s misuse.Today there is a tendency to claim ever broader individual rights…….detached from all social and anthropological contexts…….”
“……those rights will end up being considered limitless and consequently will become a source of conflicts and violence.
“……a conception of unity seen as uniformity strikes at the vitality of the democratic system…….This leads to the risk of…..confusing the reality of democracy with a new political nominalism.
Ferguson – Transcript of officer Wilson’s police interview.
I know the fact you are reading this post attests to your lack of belief in censorship
However do we not all agree that Facebook should now be closed down
‘Just a matter of time’:
Forty gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their Transit vans and caravans.
St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones up GOD, saying:
‘I’ve got 40 travellers here. Can I let them in?’
GOD replies ‘We’re over our quota on Pikeys.
Go back out to the Pearly Gates and tell them to choose among them which are the 12 most worthy, and I will let just the dozen in.’
Less than a minute later St Peter is on the phone to GOD again.
‘They’ve gone’, he tells GOD.
‘What?’ says GOD, ‘All 40 of them?’
‘No, the Pearly Gates’.
Just in case any of you were caught up in a terrorist attack and thought it right and proper to go up to these uncivil specimens and ask them for their name and address, so they could be reported to the police, help is at hand, from the Government!
Commuters told to ‘run, hide and tell’ in leaflet distributed by police warning of Mumbai-style gun terror attacks at train stations
* New campaign by police to encourage public to be aware of terror threat
* Leaflets handed out at stations telling passengers what to do in attack
* Police say the campaign is the result of an increased threat from fanatics
* But some commuters have criticised the leaflets as ‘scaremongering’
‘Run, hide and tell’, who would have thunk it?
But it is hinting at what is to come.
Can potato guns still be bought in Britain? I have to work on my lazy eye.
EC 17:23 thanks for that. Interesting.
Malfleur 21:51 nothing wrong with your sniping though.
Obullshitter at his demagogic worst in Chicago today, with a backdrop of trained seals smiling and clapping. He’s worse than Sharpton. Hypocritical bastard! Lying streak of tepid piss. Tacitly justifying the violence while urging the thugs, arsonists, thieves to ‘lawfully protest’! The shitbag is determined to bring America to it knees by dealing the race card off the bottom of the deck as a Parthian shot in his lame-duck half-term. Pass the puke bucket!
Even Krauthammer failed to see through the ruse and praised the President’s tone, while taking Holder to task for pursuing the Federal investigation into Brown’s ‘civil rights being violated’ ; as if any of the looters is in the least interested in the so called ‘victim’ of ‘police brutality’. Obama and Holder were pulling the ‘hard cop/soft cop routine – agreed beforehand. Both Obama and Holder are busted flushes – cynical turds.
For the looters It’s party time with free stuff on tap; fences waiting in the wings to recycle the surplus and shopkeepers queing up to perpetrate insurance fraud. The race grievance industry is just another division of Organized Crime. It hovers, waiting for any incident to trigger the action. A nationwide scam is in progress. Stand by for repercussions on this side of the Pond. It’s a time-bomb – primed and ready. The Long March is doing the Ho Chi MinhTrot again; only this time the chant is O-O-Oba-Ma!
Malfleur – 21:51
A trip to SpecSavers might help, but it didn’t work for this guy:
Spud guns: Not that easy to stay within the law…
…even in the freedom loving USA where, in some states, “A well regulated militia” demands that spuds should be eaten but not fired.
Frank P – 00:35
Obama thinks he won the Midterms. The MSM told him he did.
Two more years of this shit.
Over there, that is. At least we’ll have a shot at changing things here in May. Perhaps …..
We are all combatants now – according to “British” Islamist British Islamist Mizanur Rahman (a.k.a. Abu Baraa)
MEMRI TV: “British Islamist in Support of ISIS Beheadings: Adult Infidels Are Combatants”
So, by his twisted logic then ALL the benefit claiming so called “moderate” muslims in Europe are also combatants. Enoch Powell was right. Things are going to get really nasty.
Break out the spud guns! er… maybe not.
Either they don’t teach Newton’s Third Law anymore or they weren’t listening.
What’s the bet the investigation will either fizzle off, or find no evidence of the alleged murders?
Infowars will give you the real story of the anarchy in Ferguson last night. Scroll down to Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs’ account of real news reporting while CNN and the other MSN run for cover.
Alex Jones sees it as terrorists firing on police and firefighters. But his analysis suggests there is more to it than that.
It starts well, the cheerful look at a group of people one cannot avoid joining.
telemachus @ 17:39
You reckon then if we closed down Facebook those who want to do us harm will cease to communicate with each o ther? Come on, telemachus, get real.
Interfering with post was illegal in he past, (still hopefully is, is it not?), opening a letter would have meant facing a judge, possibly a stint in jail. If the two jihadists wrote to each other the police, or whoever does the watching, would have to get a go ahead from a judge to intercept. How does the content of a Facebook’s correspondence differ from that contained on a sheet of paper? You can explain, can you?
It’s nothing but a cunning attempt to gain control of the Internet, curtail some more the freedom of expression.
1. Shutting an ISP down will be a powerful message to others hiding these barbarians
2. Yes if Facebook shuts they will communicate by other means. We rely on that
3. Unless they simply meet they need to communicate electronically
4. This is why we need a draconian communications data bill to allow access to all fixed line, mobile and Internet communications for the security services
5. Those who oppose this will rightly be branded as Traitors to their country
6. This is war
“Those who oppose this will rightly be branded as Traitors to their country”
Those who promote this will rightly be branded as traitors to their country; restricting and potentially abolishing freedom of speech and communication by placing its control in the hands of government.
The solution is the arrest, imprisonment and/or deportation of those who would harm us -and even you know ho they are.
The old “defence of the realm” gambit. Been there; done that.
Meanwhile, I see that the Lieutenant Governor of Missouri is accusing the Governor of Missouri of ordering the National Guard to stand down under pressure from the federal government interested in fomenting unrest in Ferguso. Little t will fit in happily in Obamaland if it spreads over here…
1. Shutting an ISP down will be a powerful message to others hiding these barbarians
No it won’t. They will simply find another way.
2. Yes if Facebook shuts they will communicate by other means. We rely on that
You, simple minded as ever, would rely on that.
3. Unless they simply meet they need to communicate electronically
You don’t understand electronic communications do you. If you think real terrorist plots are conducted on Facebook (as opposed to the two thick as mince amateur African jihadis) you are an even bigger fool than your comments suggest.
4. This is why we need a draconian communications data bill to allow access to all fixed line, mobile and Internet communications for the security services
They already have access if they want it. It is called targeted surveillance and is/was protected by judicial oversight. As it should be.
5. Those who oppose this will rightly be branded as Traitors to their country
No they won’t anymore than you were branded a Traitor to your country for urging us to give the ISIS “Caliph”a fair hearing (remember that?)
6. This is war
A war caused by a succession of reckless and foolish government policies on immigration, multi-culturalism and real wars started by New Labour, the party of telemachus.
Colonel Mustard @ 15:57
From the Post and Courier, South Carolina:
Michael Anderson Godwin had spent several years awaiting South Carolina’s electric chair on a murder conviction before having his sentence reduced to life in prison. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and self electrocuted.
The world seems to be full of simple minded individuals, Colonel, our telemachus is in a good company, whether sitting on a metal toilet or not.
Vicious hate speech from the David Cameron sponsored street fighting thugs against Tommy Robinson speaking at the Oxford Union this evening;with a list of 200 of their supporters from the Labour and Green parties and Trade Unions.
telemachus @ 15:13
Why not go the Full Monty, telemachus, monitor the conversation of each of us 24/7? It won’t be that hard to figure a set of algorithms that can separate the mundane and banal from the possibly injurious, then human interpretation will have to take over.
Baron reckons this will need the engagement of millions to carry it out, but what the heck, we have millions without a job, and the borders are fully opened, we can get an unlimited number of immigrants, preferably the ones who follow Allah, to flood the country, join the interpreting service, too.
How about setting up a petition? You on?
Noa @ 15:33
Your solution to the boil appeals to Baron alot, Noa, but for tiny hitch in it. Who, in this society of progressives can embrace it, carry it through?
Could Ukip be of help?
So that the purely Dickensian weather doesn’t depress you as much as it does the barbarian from the East, here’s something from the People’s Cube to cheer you up. News headlines the site didn’t have time to cover in detail:
Obama: ‘If I had a city, it would look like Ferguson.’
Ethicists agree: two wrongs do make a right so long as Bush did it first.
White House: Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders.
Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic voters think ‘midterm’ is when to end pregnancy.
Desperate Democratic candidates plead with Obama to stop backing them and instead support their GOP opponents.
Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences.
Fun facts about world languages: the Left has more words for statism than the Eskimos have for snow.
African countries to ban all flights from the United States because “Obama is so incompetent, it scares us”.
Nobel Peace Prize controversy: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it.
And a correction of the bleeding obvious: it should be ‘a tiny hitch’ in the posting at 17.13. Sorry.
Radford NG @ 16:55
How long will it take for this bunch to claim to represent the good burghers of Oxford, or even the country at large?
The boy in charge will have to get to grips with this mob style of governance of the country before the silent majority wises up to it, takes to the street for real.
Sorry but I wont be posting anymore. My identity has been stolen and even worse rubbish than I would write has been written in my name. I wonder if Mucous (or Phlegm) has done this dastardly deed? Anyway, once I have arranged a new email I will once again enjoy participating with mostly intelligent people.
Anne, which post was not by you? I can easily check the IP address.
If you are referring to me I would wish to assure you that notwithstanding I have not now or ever used your identity
Peter knows well or should my IP addresses including the address that still requires moderation
I am sorry to hear of your difficulty
I know you have remained true to your blogging identity
Anne Wotana Kaye 1 November 26th, 2014 – 17:50
“Sorry but I wont be posting anymore. My identity has been stolen and even worse rubbish than I would write has been written in my name.”
Anne please do not stop posting and do not change your email address, as Peter writes at ‘November 26th, 2014 – 17:55’ he can easily see who has done the foul deed if you tell him which posts are not from the real you.
He can then stop any posts from this nasty fraud.
I stuck this on ConHome, but it worth airing here:
Doesn’t this make any talk of a surplus just a waste of time?
UK faces £34bn bill for black hole in EU budget
EU accused of financial mismanagement after auditors find huge black hole in the Brussels budget
“Auditors have identified a black hole in European Union budgets that could lead to extra demands for cash from the British taxpayer of up to £34 billion over the next six years.
David Cameron will be legally obliged to make up a share of a shortfall of £259 billion by 2020 with liabilities for the Treasury estimated at £33.7bn, calculated at the usual rate of Britain’s EU contributions.
The hole in EU spending has been identified by the European Court of Auditors and represents a political disaster for the Prime Minister who has made repeated pledges to bring down the amount Britain pays into Brussels budgets.”…
We shouldn’t be surprised, as we have known that the EU hasn’t had its accounts passed for around twenty years, but why should Britain have to pay so much when we are so much against the practices of the EU?
Because our Prime Minister wants us to stay in, I expect we shall pay up, just like we are going to pay the recent demand of €2 billion, in full.
This ‘£34 billion over the next six years’ is IN ADDITION to what would be paying anyway. And I can’t see Italy, Spain, Portugal having any ready dosh to help out!
David Ossitt
November 26th, 2014 – 19:13
We will meet again, dear friend. 🙂
Do not leave the site, you are respected, cherished and admired here. Your opinions echo the best traditions of the British Nation. I would write more but the optics are not delivering a full measure at the moment.
Who’s being a very naughty boy,then?
QUOTE:”Released tomorrow polling Doncaster North showing UKIP 2nd so if Tories tactically vote for UKIP Milliband loses.” Lord Ashcroft.
Paddy Power betting for Doncaster North.
Strange bedfellows.
“One reason why UAF will not campaign against Islamist extremists is that one of its own vice-chairmen, Azad Ali, is one. As well as his UAF role, which he took up last year, Mr Ali is community affairs coordinator of the Islamic Forum of Europe, a Muslim supremacist group dedicated to changing “the very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed from ignorance to Islam”.
“Mr Ali has written on his blog of his “love” for Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda cleric closely linked to many terrorist plots, including the September 11 attacks, and used to attend talks by Abu Qatada, the extremist cleric whom Britain is seeking to deport.
He has described al-Qaeda as a “myth” and denied that the Mumbai attacks were terrorism. On his blog, he also advocated the killing of British troops in Iraq. He sued a newspaper for reporting that he had said this, and lost.
“Filmed by an undercover reporter for The Sunday Telegraph and Channel 4’s Dispatches, he said: “Democracy, if it means at the expense of not implementing the sharia, of course no one agrees with that.” Mr Bennett (UAF Secretary) defended Mr Ali, saying: “He’s done valuable work for us. I’ve heard him speak on many occasions and he’s never said any of the things he’s been accused of.”
“UAF, 10 years old this year, is one of Britain’s most prominent anti-fascist organisations. It has received hundreds of thousands of pounds from the biggest trade unions, and support from dozens of mainstream politicians. Its vice-chairmen include Christine Blower, the general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, and Hugh Lanning, the deputy general secretary of the PCS civil service union.
“Even David Cameron, when a backbench MP, signed its founding statement. It has avoided substantial scrutiny because, as in the case of Mr Brett, anyone who criticises it risks being smeared as an ally of the vile groups it opposes.”
From the Telegraph (June 2013):-
Now UAF and its many SWP fellow travellers are trying to demonise UKIP as a “racist” organisation simply because it offers the chance of liberation from the self-hating, Anglophobe, genocidal, PC-imposing, “-ist”, Marcusean socialist goons that bully and dominate the public narrative, the real fascists.
Alex Jones on Wednesday vindicated his predictions for the direction of the conscious, planned state assault in the USA on freedom and the bill of rights and tries to hold the line against the attempt to manufacture civil war as a pretext for imposing a militarised police state:
and begs Americans not to fall for it.
“Who do you blame for the riots and looting? …Who do you blame for the businesses that were burned to the ground – all minority owned…? …Who do you blame for not reporting that this innocent young man Michael Brown was not returning from a medical school class in anatomy or physiology, he was not walking back from college…he had just beaten up an immigrant Indian shopkeeper, it’s on tape for you to watch…beat the guy up, threw him around like a little rag doll in his store and then robbed his store of cigarillos and whatever,petty larceny and an assault and he was out on the street, and the Indian shopkeeper called 911, the police were looking for someone who matched the description of Brown, Wilson saw him, said get over to the sidewalk, the rest is history…but why is that left out of the narrative, that this kid was not coming from medical school, from an anatomy lab,they made it sound like an innocent black guy was walking around and a white guy hunted him down and shot him. That’s Al Sharpton, that’s Jesse Jackson, that’s Eric Holder, that’s Barack Obama, that was their narrative FROM DAY ONE DAMMIT!This is not an easy show for me to do, but I’ll tell you where the blame lies, it lies in the White House; the Obama machine lay the groundwork for Ferguson from the get-go; from the day they seized power, from the day they were foisted upon us, they’ve been dividing and turning us against each other…”.
Michael Savage, the only western broadcaster banned from entry into the United Kingdom and by the current and the previous Home Secretary, begins his Tuesday’s commentary on the riots in Ferguson.
By the way, Michael Savage gets a little agitated a bit further on into that monologue.
Pat Condell @patcondell 2h2 hours ago
“I guess #Ferguson is payback for all the white rioting and looting that went on when OJ Simpson was acquitted.”
Colonel Mustard – 09:38
Interesting and true. I’ve never seen the UAF exhibit any behaviour other than that of hardcore 1930’s Fascists.
The UAF’s Islamist connection particularly interesting. An echo of the past, perhaps? For some reason Yasser Arafat’s uncle comes to mind:
A population the size of Sheffield, 580,000, has arrived in the UK this year. So much for getting a grip on immigration. And Margaret Thatcher said we were being swamped when immigration represented 50,000 a year.
Idiot of the week
The immigration figures published today struck me as being the kind of data that UKIP would seize upon to claim both prescience and justification for their claims and policies. I saw the announcement on Sky News and therefore waited in anticipation of seeing the reaction of either Nigel Farage or one of his co-MEPs, or better still, one of his two newly minted Westminster MPs. I decided that there was a better chance of seeing an objective presentation of the data on SKY than the BBC. I gave up on expecting objectivity from the latter neo-Agitprop ‘news’ service many years ago.
Anyway, having persevered through four of five cycles of Sky News, no sign of UKIP! Just lots of the same-old, same-old, from Cameron and Miliband, reiterating their dubious self-justifying claims. As I’m a subscriber of BSkyB I decided to enquire as to why they had not invited a UKIP representative to comment on the newly released figures.
It took me more than thirty minutes to discover that Sky News has no telephone number, which either members of the public in general – or indeed subscribers, can contact the Sky Newsroom, either to express an opinion, or indeed to give the news reporters or presenters information that could be of interest to them. It wasn’t until I threatened to cancel my subscription that someone called Arfan finally agreed to put me through to the subscriptions department, who in turn agreed to pass on my complaint to someone called Mike Phipps from the News Department. I am still awaitng his reply.
Having been given the bum’s rush from SKY, I decided to contact UKIP to see what proactive steps had been taken by their hierarchy to acquire access to the MSM to have their voice heard. Their HQ in Devon, it transpires, in manned by a volunteer, who was unable (a) to given me any information about either UKIP press policy, or supply me with the number of anyone who could. After some perseverance on my part she finally deigned to refer me to my local UKIP candidate and suggested that I read UKIPs web page.
So I contacted Mick Stone, whose number was already known to me. He merely reiterated that UKIP has to wait for invitations from the MSM to comment on political exigencies.
Needless to say, I am disappointed that UKIP has not established proactive inroads into Sky News.
If they are merely waiting to be invited to the party, they stand no chance of developing their PR and building their membership. They missed an open goal here.
Frank P – 16:49
Does it need UKIP to point out the LibLabConGreen Party’s successes? If the TV and newspapers are highlighting it, UKIP can keep their powder dry, and if they are not, let it be another nail in the MSM coffin.
The information is available and can be used at the appropriate time.
Successes? The figures underline UKIPs claims and refute Cameron’s. The TV coverage needs UKIPs voice. Who said anything about the Coalition’s successes?
Frank P – @16:49
Looks like UKIP are bypassing the MSM by producing their own video content. This “Tweet” from Nigel Farage about an hour ago:
Nigel Farage @Nigel_Farage 56 minutes ago
“Make sure to watch our video on the Tory #immigration failure. And while you’re on my website, sign up for updates:”
The UK desperately needs its own alternate news media. Even “the plebs” have sussed out that the BBC/SKY/DM etc. etc. are not trustworthy. In the US “they” have PJTV, Glen Beck’s “The Blaze”, and Alex Jones’ Infowars to draw upon.
WHY is UKIP putting out news content on Nigel Farage’s MEP website FFS? Newton Abbot FFS?
UKIP’s media organisation and management would appear to be a disorganised amateurish bloody shambles. After some very generous recent donations surely UKIP can afford to do a more professional job.
‘Swiss Eat Dogs!’ Screams Activist
What did Michelangelo invent, Harry? The Cuckoo Clock.
(continue forever)
EC (17:30).
Fully agree that ‘alternative’ media is important, but the MSM is still the way that most busy UK punters get their news and form their opinions. If Sky are failing to provide UKIP with a platform to strut their stuff when their prognostications are corroborated by ‘official figures’ then they need to be taken to task by their subscribers who support UKIP. I found the passive attitude of UKIP HQ alakefic at best. And I would have thought by now that Farage would have established ‘contacts’ within all the MSM news outlets; he’s fairly good copy and the controversy factor in this sort of statistical release must attract even the cynical news hacks. I deduced from my telephonic conversation with Mick Stone – the local man, that proactive MSM coverage is lacking. If they are just using their backers’ money to send glossy pamphlets to each other, it’s a waste of resources. Surely Farage, Reckless or Carswell have developed inside contacts with the main newsrooms and can just pick up the phone and say, “Count me in.” If not – then its time they spent less on beer and fags for themselves to present a personal image, and more on a few long lunches with the hacks? Missed opportunity IMHO.
As you say, there is no equivalent to the US ‘alternatives’ and SKY is not an equivalent to Fox News. Breitbart has its UK division though. Let’s hope Delingpole picks it up.
Andy Car Park
“This Is Your Dish” 1973
EC (17:44)
Sorry we crossed posts.
Exactly! We made similar points. If the HQ is a volunteer girl who just refers enquiries to the UKIP website (which is crappy) I hold out no hope for them as a viable outfit. In fact The whole operation is looking flaky when even if the most superficial examination reveals amateurish ‘structure’. What a pity. I had high hopes for them.
Our old friend Furriskey is still extant’ but somewhat curtailed by his current brief ‘somewhere in the middle east’. Nonetheless he cheered me up today with this email:
A man went to see his doctor after gaining a lot of weight through attending work functions. “I can sum up my advice in four words,” the quack said, writing them down.
“Don’t eat anything fatty,” the man read.
“You mean no cheese, butter or chocolate?” asked the plaintive patient.
The GP took back the note and scrutinised it.
“Sorry,” he apologised, “I missed out a comma after the third word.”
I agree Frank-they need to get a grip (gripe!) on the MSM and their communications.
I’ve said this myself to their Comms man in the Smoke-they’re missing open goals Left, Left and Centre.
EC 18:23
The way their little heads are lined up on the platter never fails to raise a chuckle!
Robert Morley was an archetypal Labour luvvie and Meredith Merridew’s fate would have been pretty much condign in real life.
Re the above about Sky
surely they are in breach of their broadcast licence conditions to provice unbiased news.
I think a complaint to Ofcom is in order.
Frank P
I’m afraid you were on the wrong channel.Farage was debating on BBC Daily Politics (BBC2) at noon.
yes but who got the sound bites on the BBc six o clock news
Disastrous immigration figures;disastrous Public Borrowing figures;and now Andrew Mitchell gets thoroughly stuffed in the High Court.
Frank P – 17:25 ‘LibLabConGreen successes’
I was being ironic. I don’t know that the BBC would give it a fair treatment. Sometime they spend all their time on something dredged up from years earlier.
I can understand why UKIP are trying ‘alternative’ media.
Radford NG
Well – it would have been helpful for UKIP HQ to have apprised me of that and my local candidate Michael Stone obviously missed it and didn’t see it, either. I already expressed the reasons that I gave the BBC a miss. Once again – fair do’s to Brillo – shame he perseveres with the Beeb agitprop.
Btw I don’t do Facebook.
Anyway, apologies to NF. He did a good on Daily Politics and he can’t be in two places at once, but he still needs to get the UKIP info people coordinated. Brillo skewered and kebabed Pritchard. Sullivan exposed Labour’s open door policy on immigration. All in all Farage … 9 (would have 10 had not Reckless shot his mouth off earlier about ‘two-tier systems’) The Rest … 0. Pritchard is a twat!
Wasted six hours watching Sky News obviously; and missed Andrew Mitchell’s own goal live – had to make-do with the replay. He congratulated his legal team. Bwaaahahahaha. If I were him I’d sue them for taking money under false pretences. I bet they were ‘in funds’ before they put their wigs on (as they always are). One could be forgiven for suspecting that CCHQ set him up because he has become an embarrassment to the Party. I know Old Wihelmina on the Gate brought it on herself with Jobsworth behaviour; the new fangled Police Federation was abysmal in the handling of the whole affair, but Mitchell’s hubris at the outset has destroyed he Conservative Party’s relationship with the rank and file of the police and the Home Office and the public will suffer as a result. His Nemesis is well deserved.
I hope UKIP can get a better relationship with the Police, and not by putting up candidates for the P & CC scam.
RobertC (20:07)
Weeeeell. Okay – if you say so. Perhaps my irony detector was turned off, but it would need some fine tuning to pick up the scraps of the iron-filings in that post, taken in the round.
And credit where it’s due – Farage got a fair deal from Brillo. Watch it!
Btw – I must buy the Currant Bun tomorrow. I bet Rupe had to be fitted with larger capacity diapers after the Mitchell verdict today. Best laugh he’s had for about 5 years, poor old sod.
Perhaps they can find a plot for Mitchell in the political graveyard next to Emily White Van. While their actions were somewhat different in nature, the tacit arrogance in both incidents was remarkably similar. 🙂
And both were the antithesis of the little englanders that infect our Sceptered Isle
Thrasher was the most articulate and effective International Development Secretary we have had
And Thornberry did us the service of showing the inward looking nature of a segment of the population that was letting the morally degenerate Faragists hold sway
Frank P @ 16:49 et seq (very vigorous contributions, are you on some high potency nutrient?), EC. et al.
Very interesting posts. I have been wondering for some time why the UK has not developed its alternative media as far as the USA. Of course, as someone who used to listen to Radio Luxembourg and the like on a cat’s whisker radio under the bedclothes, I am aware that Americans had a long head start over us.
And Alex Jones, for instance, started his programme 20 years ago. It took him that long to build up, though whether it would have gone or did go faster with donations is a question. He of course now regularly receives death threats from all the usual suspects and he pulled out two of his reporters from Ferguson where they had stood among the flying bullets, while the likes of CNN staff ran, because they were being directly threatened by who knows, agent provocateurs,etc?
Unfortunately, by the time anyone with the talent and money can get around to establishing a reliable alternative news site in England, the government will probably have found a ruse to close all alternative media down. If one were successfully set up to speak honestly, frankly and reliably though, it would probably find itself facing unpleasant pressures, not least from our muslim brothers and sisters. UKIP would soon have that problem were it to begin parsing the immigration figures and proposing solutions.
This piece from Breitbart puts the whole thing into focus. Nigel Farage should have had this at his fingertips today.
BTW, I wrote to Farage twice today, once to post the links to this blog and once to apologize (with reservations) for missing the Daily Politics gig.
On both occasions, I received an inappropriate automated reply. Hopeless!
‘Thrasher was the most articulate and effective development secretary we ever had’
Yerrrs – not entirely unconnected with his banking career, perhaps? Very keen to dispense loads a dosh from UK taxpayers to foreign potentates, if I remember correctly. As for ‘articulate’ – FMOBB! His arrogance oozes through his upturned nostrils. Pompous prick! Him, that is, not you Telly … your Gramscian dhimmitude is quite sad. I sometimes detect in your copy a latent desire to be rescued from the result of your inculcation. Which I have assumed is why you continue to visit this platform. And why I would hate to see you blackballed herefrom. There’s a glimmer of hope for you, I’m sure.
Even after the ‘ morally degenerate Faragist’s’ silliness. Yes, even after that, I still refuse to see you as a lost cause. Deep down you want to be part of our little cabal, don’t you? C’mon … Admit it! You’ll feel much better if you do….
Malfleur (22:05)
Breitbart covers UK affairs and is one of the best of the alternative media sites. I think UKIP should host a blog on its website, rather than just canvassing for members and funds and linking Farage’s You Tube gigs. Surely their backers could afford to housekeep a blog of the Breitbart quality, at least? We could fill it with pro UKIP copy in our spare time. I’m sure Austin Barry would add to the debate; we need to burst the Westminster bubble and UKIP, for all its shortcomings, is the most convenient spear to use. Nigel Farage (I wish my fucking tablet would stop automatically changing his name to Garage) has the best potential as the spearhead! Particularly with a little less giggling and a little more gravitas.
“The judge said … that the “old-fashioned police officer” Toby Rowland lacked the “wit, imagination and inclination” to make up the damning phrases that brought the politician [Mr. Mitchell] low.” (Independent)
Sounds as though the learned jurist was calling Mr. Rowland a “f***ing pleb”.
Tolstoy fans:
Frank P – 20:34
CMD does have ‘successes’, but they suffer ‘setbacks’, often quite expectedly! 🙂
Take this one for instance, after ‘succeeding’ in getting an earlier bill reduced:
RobertC – Nov 26th, 19:30 ‘UK faces £34bn bill for black hole in EU budget’
RobertC (01:03).
I get the drift. 🙂
“Sounds as though the learned jurist was calling Mr. Rowland a “f***ing pleb”.”
Exactly what I said to my missus! Have you got my gaff bugged by any chance?
That case calls for the resurrection of Peter Cook. It’s now well beyond travesty and farce, it’s pantomime on stilts.
…And while we’re speaking of cops being libelled. I must enquire whether an American cop can sue a British medium for libel? Is there a lawyer in the house? If he can, then I’ve got the perfect answer to Darren Wilson’s future as an ex-cop – a golden handshake courtesy of Diane Abbott, the BBC and perhaps even Brillo. Wilson was defamed tonight quite cynically.
Diane Abbott stated in the “take of the week” opening to the BBC programme ‘This Week’ tonight, that A Grand Jury in Ferguson had refused to indict a policemen for “the cold blooded shooting of Michael Brown with 8 shots (one in the back)’; she then likened it to the Rodney King incident in California a few years ago. She tried to qualify it by murmuring that she ‘had not seen all the evidence’ but nonetheless implied that the Grand Jury was wrong and that the militarisation of the police was partly to blame for the riots. Brillo concurred and said “Two great picks.” [Portillo had chosen Pope Francis’s address to the European Parliament]. They completed the Abbott ‘pick segment by “When will it ever end?”
Complete bollocks! And certainly defamatory of Darren Wilson, who had in fact challenged a 6’6″ black robber, who had just robbed and roughed up the clerk of a convenience store then strutted through the High Street with the loot in his hand and when challenged by the officer punched him as he was still seated in the car and tried to grab the officer’s gun. After the struggle Brown refused to stop when again challenged, telling the officer that he was ‘too much of a pussy to shoot him’. The officer warned him to stop and assume the position, he refused and the officer shot at him when his hand went to his waistband. Then Brown turned around and charged him, according to one one black witness, “like a football player”. Wilson then shot him dead. “In cold blood” my arse! He was junked up and was staring at the officer, “Like a demon.”
As for the implication that militarisation of the police’ being a contributory factor to the riots, the main complaint post GJ decision was that the Governor of Missouri had failed to send in the National Guard and that the thuggish rioters were allowed to riot, pillage and torch the main business area of Ferguson; in fact the stepfather of Brown exhorted the rioters to “burn the bitch down – burn the motherfucker down!” Many of the businesses being owned by African-Americans or other hard-working immigrants. the graaand Jury heard 70 witnesses, deliberated for about three months and came to an inevitable and correct decision. But Britain’s answer to Al Sharpton, Diane Abbott, disagrees, apparently.
A no brainer. Licence fee payers, you’re about to contribute to a worthy cause – if indeed it is possible for him to sue here. And Ms Abbott can deplete her considerable savings too.
I’m sure officer Wilson will scrutinise the link and hand it on to his lawyers; he needs all the help he can get, as he’ll never work as a cop again and will have to have protection from the barbarians for the rest of his life.
And I DID read the evidence. I’m sure officer Wilson’s lawyers will be happy to scrutinise this link:
What David Cameron should say
1. Britain has been made great by the migrations over the last two millennia
2. Current discontent is real and must be addressed
3. Such plans must not include stopping migrations that improve our national ethos and performance
4. We need to address the ghettoisation of recent and previous migrants
5. We need to ensure all migrants speak English and understand grammar to GCSE level
6. We need to ensure that no school and no school class has more than 20% migrants
7. We need to allow benefits only to those who have contributed to our NI system for a minimum of twelve months
8. We need to institute mandatory induction courses for all migrants part time over three months
9. We need to require employers and schools to provide education in British values
10. Lack of compliance should lead to removal of all citizen rights
Has somebody hacked ‘mucus’s e-mail? His post almost makes sense, although he’ll never truly get it until he drops (1) and understands that (4) really means moving those in ghettoes acting against the English beliefs to recreate their own little hellholes right out of the UK bck to the hell-holes they OR their forebears originated from.
That means Muslims trying to create sharia zones deported, along with their entire extended families, back to Pakistan and blacks returned to western Africa, irrespective of whatever tortuous route their genes took to pollute these fair shores.
If other nations offer to take them – fine. But they go.
Frank P @01:24
“That case calls for the resurrection of Peter Cook. It’s now well beyond travesty and farce, it’s pantomime on stilts.”
Here is Peter Cook’s version of “A” Judge’s summing up of the evidence at presumably the Jeremy Thorpe trial. Comedy genius. Satire like wot it used to be.
As Malfleur suggests above, the establishment is so thin skinned these days they would probably have locked Peter Cook up for this – courtesy of some anti free speech law enacted by Harridan et al.
I just watched FatBot’s egregious misrepresentation of the Ferguson facts on last night’s “This Week”. I was particularly disappointed that Brillo didn’t pull her up on that, and that he actually simpered while she conflated that incident with other incident – also of dubious provenance, imho.
After the Defamation Act 2013 was enacted, claimants have to show they have suffered “serious harm” before suing. WTF is “serious harm”? Being called a cold blooded murderer might once have been considered enough to pass that test. In these morally bankrupt times I suspect that “serious harm” only means “financial loss”, and that a ordinary man’s Reputation stands for absolutely nothing.
telemachus @07:14
I remember that you were always very fond of compiling lists for everyone at the Spectatesman.
(8) Germany used to do that for asylum seekers only, but the numbers are far too great now even for non-EU migrants.
(10) Given your oft’ expressed admiration for “Uncle Joe and all his works” I have some doubts about what you actually mean by this. Please clarify.
Clear Memories – 07:55
But …. most, if not all, all points can be interpreted very widely! They are discussion points, not actions, and demand little, if anything, from those that need to change:
1 – pointless remark, and only used to be true, after all the wars, for the victor!
2 – ‘address discontent’ – like remove the indigenous population?
3 – ‘improve our national ethos/performance’- like remove the indigenous population?
4 – ‘address ghettoisation’ – like remove the indigenous population?o
5 – ‘speak English’ – we need to ensure …! WE already speak English.
6 – ‘<20% migrants in schools' – 'wacist! And what do we do with the excess?
7 – '1 year NI contributions' – incompetence will prohibit it!
8 – ' induction courses ' – QUANGO, QUANGO!
9A- 'British values' – what do the indigenous children do in the mean time?
9B- 'British values' – employers are there to employ, to create wealth, not indoctrinate
10- 'removal of all citizen rights' – and leave them here, in Britain, penniless, without the NHS?
Improved, but still to dangerous to be freed, even on licence.
Given your oft’ expressed admiration for “Uncle Joe and all his works” I have some doubts about what you actually mean by this. Please clarify.
Ship them out
David Cameron immigration speech live
The Prime Minister gives his long awaited speech on immigration reforms and warns Europe he is prepared to leave the EU if he does not get his way
So, which EU is he talking about?
“The entire European Union is built on a gift for compromise, for finding ways round difficult corners, for accepting that sometimes we have to avoid making the perfect the enemy of the good.”
He has realised he has been backing the wrong horse and he’s trying to catch up with UKIP!
But why vote for UKIP-lite?
It does mean though, that we will be able to see what Juncker’s reaction will be. Van Rompuy’s recent response, to CMD’s demand to lower the £34bn bill for the ‘black hole’ in the EU budget, was: We’ll survive without Britain.
Interesting times.
RobertC November 28th, 2014 – 11:01
“Van Rompuy’s recent response, to CMD’s demand to lower the £34bn bill for the ‘black hole’ in the EU budget, was: We’ll survive without Britain.”
But not for long, when we eventually come out of the EU, it will set up ripples across the entire Euro-sphere that will eventually lead to others leaving.
I am convinced that not having to pay the huge absurd amounts of money as our membership fee, and also being free of the nonsensical diktats will lead to a richer happier UK.
Clear Memories November 28th, 2014 – 07:55
“That means Muslims trying to create sharia zones deported, along with their entire extended families, back to Pakistan and blacks returned to western Africa, irrespective of whatever tortuous route their genes took to pollute these fair shores.”
If only!
PS Add to that list Eritreans Somalian and Ethiopians.
PPS: and can Rowan Williams be ‘sent back’ to sharia land?
David Ossitt – 11:19
Any idea that the smaller countries used to align themselves with one of the Big Four (D, F, I or UK), to get policies amended, has been superseded by the Big One! 🙂
No wonder the EU don’t take the UK seriously.
It beggars belief how, for decades now, the UK’s political elite have been bestowing such unearned largesse upon immigrants courtesy of the taxpayers. (Particularly generous compared with Germany & France)
Nigel Farage MUST turn GE2015 into an OUT NOW referendum!
I attended the launch for Alex Boot’s new book – Democracy. He had asked me to say a few words by way of introduction, which I was very pleased to be able to do. There were a few folk there I knew and I enjoyed the chance to speak with them about a couple of projects. Alex spoke for about 10-15 minutes about his book, and then he fielded some questions. The launch took place at Daunt Books on the Fulham Road in Chelsea. Here is a photo of the man himself addressing the gathered throng.
EC 9:20
‘the establishment is so thin skinned these days they would probably have locked Peter Cook up’
As it happens, I recently read about the time Harold Macmillan rocked up at the Establishment Club, only to be lampooned in his seat by Peter Cook and his mates.
One has to speculate about what would happen if Dave joined the studio audience of ‘Mock the Week’, or similar beeboid atrocity that for obvious reasons I’ve never watched. Either:
(i) He would wet himself with excitement on the basis that negative attention is attention nonetheless; or
(ii) Recognizing a fellow Common Purpose graduate when they saw one, his fellow comedians would queue up in the gangway to perform a Duchess of Argyll.
“…today Mr Cameron has pulled it off yet again.”
– Peter Oborne, DT
This is by no means the first time that Cameron’s shills have lauded his ability to get out of tight corners like a political Houdini.
The same script has been given to Matthew d’Anconanist and James …. Forsyth. See? The little tosser is so fücking insipid I couldn’t even remember his surname at first.
And you know what? The said script has never provided one single example of Dave’s Houdini-like escapological genius. Not one.
What a bunch of shits the stooge media are. When they cue up at the Pearly Gates for interrogation by St Peter, they are going to look proper Charlies, I can tell you.
EC, Malfleur, My Missus.
Peter Cook’s ‘Judge’ skit will probably never be surpassed; but Alex Boot has taken a good shot at it. See his latest post entitled ‘Class war in England hitting up’. He expands on the slightly more succint summary offered here yesterday. Very witty. Maybe satire isn’t dead after all.
Sadly our culture is not only being diluted by international intrusion and our institions being trampled down by the Long March; the output of academia charged with heading the institutions and appointed as guardians of the culture are manifestly a bevy of chinless idiots and seem to enjoy pissing our heritage down the drain. I despair.
I am in sympathy with Boot’s appraisal of David Mellor, who met his nemesis at the hands of the short-lived Referendum Party, requiescat in pace.
However the canard that he wore a Chelsea shirt while rogering Antonia da Sancha was a canard perpetrated by convicted nonce, Max Clifford, as he could easily have checked.
Somalian Sex Gang gets off lightly
Andy Car Park;
Agree with both your literary review of Alex’s piece on Mellor and with the qualification. I met Mellor a couple of times professionally when he was Home Officer Minister. He has a good analytical brain and did some excellent work in providing resources for OC investigation. But he was, of course, always the politician and, as history shows, a hard-on Hubris is always punished by the Nemesisian bucket of cold piss. He’ll survive though! And I have a little less sympathy with the image of ‘yer ‘onest London black cabbie’ than Alex – and as portrayed by Jack Rosenthal. Most knew myriad excuses for keeping the clock ticking and had an unerring eye for avoidable snarl-ups. A few ran ‘brothels on wheels’ and colluded with the toms to rip-off punters. Money first, then out through the offside door in traffic, aided and abetted by the ‘mush’. But then – as a Prince of the City, you know this only to well, me ol’ mukka.
OTOH they also were some of the best snouts on the patch. And of course lots of Old Bill took it up as a second career. Now THAT was a useful addition to law ‘n’ order. 🙂
More Breitbart on Ferguson:
“Call it what is – The Obama Riots.”
Saw the news headlines on TV tonight for the first time in months.
Watching the routing and looting in the shops, thought it was the latest news from Ferguson.
It’s obvious to see why it’s called ‘Black Friday’.
Frank, another little CMD ‘success’ lies in tatters:
Angela Merkel forces David Cameron to retreat from EU migrant cap
Prime minister disappoints Eurosceptics by softening message on immigration after German intervention
“David Cameron has stepped back from a radical plan to cap directly the number of EU migrants entering Britain after an intervention from the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, who warned him she would not tolerate such an incursion into the principle of the free movement of workers.”
Even I thought we would get through the weekend before we had another!
It is becoming tiresome. I am beginning to wonder whether a man in a white coat needs to pay a visit to No 10.
How could anyone not realise that this would happen? There are supposed to be ‘high flying’ civil servants, with double firsts from Oxford, advising!
But then, that might be the problem.
JFDI = Just France, Germany and Italy.
Y’know, Norman is usually spot on the ball in his comments about the current Conservative Party but I think he’s ‘way up the spout on this one…does he consider how many countries found themselves fighting on Hitler’s behalf only after being invaded, or to stem the advance of Uncle Joe? Does he think of the number of grandparents who, ashamed of their acts of collusion in WWII, have, in their tales to their children and grandchildren, embroidered them with a patriotic bias.
There were thousands in Norway, the Netherlands, France and other countries who, in their dotage, must have shuffled off this mortal coil with almost a sigh of relief at not having been found out.
Brilliant Peter
Do you think that if we had embraced rather than shunned them we would not be reading current news?
“Take a look at these fine specimens of Somalian manhood. They are part of the much welcomed migrant population from East Africa helping to supply the local demand for experienced and highly-skilled pirates that our own failing educational system is unable to meet. Unfortunately, though bringing a colourful culture of marine violence to the UK, they also have a rather less attractive cultural inclination towards the sexual abuse and exploitation of vulnerable white British girls. Rumours that the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie was to be filmed in Bristol had naturally led these potential cast members to the city. But while waiting for the opportunity of an audition, they were unable to restrain their natural dispositions.
fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists
Meanwhile there is Iran
telemachus, you understand the fable of the Farmer and the Viper? Or its more recent incarnation the Scorpion and the Frog?
What is it about the leftist mindset that must conceive evil as somehow never to blame in its preferred ethnic identity groups but the responsibility of those it is prejudiced against, which all too often seems to be the host nation and its indigenes? You do realise by doing that you are also guilty of discriminating purely in terms of ethnicity? Well, we know this because of the way you rant against the English white working class.
You pull this vacuous and incredible stunt of trying to (selectively*) blame terrorism and atrocity on its victims or its host communities again and again. It is a miserable projection, surprising from a supposed Christian (Methodist?) to believe that criminal evil is only engendered by the failure of its victims to “embrace” the poison.
But to return to your assertion. Are young Somali criminals in Bristol shunned or shunning? There seems to be no shortage of self-identifying Bristol-based Somali support groups publishing in the English language:-
Bristol City Council appears well aware of the existence of that Somali community as an integral part of the broader community:-
So, perhaps instead of just jumping to a stock prejudice from your leftist bag of tricks you could provide some evidence of how these men were “shunned”?
*We note that the story changes when you are busy accusing Israel of “terrorism” and UKIP of “racism”.
O(o) 23:47
Lord Tebbit’s misconception there is viewing the factions as national rather than political. He quotes Slovaks as fighting on the “right side” but the country was in fact governed by a puppet regime that provided armed contingents to fight alongside Germany on the Eastern Front and which deported its Jewish population to death camps. That part of Slovakia that sided with the Allies and instigated the uprising in 1944 was united with the exiled Czech government in aspiration for a post-war united Czechoslovakia rather than a separate Slovak republic.
But the main focus of any “cricket test” should be on the Cold War rather than the Second World War. How many former East European communist apparatchiks and “reformed” marxists have slithered their way seamlessly into the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the EU?
I have it on good authority from former dissident East European friends that the UK is now viewed as a welcoming haven for those whose failed experiments in the East have not deterred them in the slightest from their ideology. There is a belief that the post-modern socialist experiment of combining an effectively single party authoritarian state with corporate capitalism (as embodied in China) can be successfully created here. And sadly this aspiration seems to be shared by too many “Conservative” politicians who have forgotten or abandoned what it is to be a Free Englishman.
The attraction of that outcome to the apparatchik is no surprise. He or she can indulge their lavish taxpayer funded elitist lifestyle with no risk that the “little people” can expose their hypocrisy through a muzzled, coerced, conformist media whilst at the same time wallowing in socialist sanctimony – “This is what a socialist looks like”.
Unfortunately that model seems to be increasingly embraced by politicians of all mainstream political parties.
h/t Pat Condell
“Excellent piece by Charles Moore on the inability of the UK’s security services to understand what we’re up against.”
MI5 don’t, but does Charles Moore really “get it”? I’m not so sure.
“How many former East European communist apparatchiks and “reformed” marxists have slithered their way seamlessly into the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the EU?”
The same old snouts, different golden trough!
“How many former East European communist apparatchiks and “reformed” marxists have slithered their way seamlessly into the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the EU?”
It may tickle you that my team does occasional small contracts for EASME but they are rigorously performance managed
telemachus 10:38
I sincerely doubt that anything you or your “team” do would tickle me. As for EASME Václav Klaus addresses that sort of deceit in this month’s Standpoint magazine:-
“We also assumed that everyone understood that government failure is inevitably much bigger than any imaginable market failure, that the invisible hand of the state is always much more dangerous than the invisible hand, and that vertical relations in society must be less productive (and less democratic) than horizontal relations. Again we were wrong.”
Speaking of his own negative expectations vs reality gap after the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia:-
“It was caused partly by the victory of social democracy in our country and partly by the importing of the European (EU) economic system, with its overregulation, high taxation and redistribution, welfare state and fascination with all kinds of anti-market measures, connected nowadays mostly with environmentalism, with its anti-democratic social ideology which successfully hides its real substance while pretending to care about nature, the environment and our Blue Planet. We may be oversensitive in this respect because of our long Communist experience but we see many similar phenomena, tendencies, ambitions and arguments around us today.”
That could have been left at “Whilst pretending to care” (q.v. telemachus). But no doubt Mr Klaus understands that the best thing governments can do to stimulate SMEs is to get out of the way and instead to focus on the corporate monopolies and their too often unhealthy relationship with politicians (q.v. Juncker and Luxembourg tax haven).
The revelation that you are involved, even peripherally, with such EU “initiatives” must be cause for alarm. But then socialist ideologists and zealots always gravitate to power and formulating the rules for everyone else, as you continuously demonstrate for us.
There is a coterie of left-leaning but politically and nationally ambiguous trolls currently swamping the other place with disruptive tripe:-
“dado trunking”
“dalai guevara”
They are marked by a similar tagging style, often deploying irrelevant inanity and weak attempts at humour and pun in a rather unpleasant “Euro-zany” style that leads some to believe they are not British. They frequently resort to the leftist gambit of applying distortions, diminutives and familiarities to the names/pseudonyms of other commentators. This is an old trick contrived to turn apparent chumminess into a form of attempted domination.
They often make references to Germany and German eco-initiatives in contrast to the UK which they enjoy slagging off whilst keeping their own nationalities secret. When pressed on this point the most arrogant of them, “goatmince”, linked to the EU passport, which both answers and fails to answer the question of his national allegiance.
They seem to be young enough not to have a clue about any objective history before about 1980.
Their scornful style is frequently directed at England “not being” a nation, deployed as a kind of triumphant boast. The Anglophobia is more acute and nasty than the subtle style adopted by telemachus, say. This suggests that whatever they are, they are not English. Their rhetoric has been ramped up in recent months, perhaps as we approach a General Election and they frequently stalk and target particular commentators, including myself, although their stock in trade, like telemachus, is to tag the top comment.
Two things struck me in respect of the possible German origin of those trolls, the first an Eco-issue, both a counter and amusing in respect of German Eco-Triumphalism:-
“Environmentalists, meanwhile, point out that Germany’s hunger for lignite flies in the face of its green credentials. “Germany has a coal problem,” said Regina Guenther, Director Climate and Energy at WWF Germany. “Despite the expansion of renewable energy the carbon emissions are rising because the dirtiest coal power plants are running at full steam.”
“The low cost of coal-based energy means that the cleaner, but more expensive, gas power plants are not running at full capacity, she said. Vattenfall, one of Europe’s biggest energy companies, says the five open cast lignite mines and three lignite power stations it operates in the Lusatia region a couple of hours drive southeast of Berlin provide over 33 000 jobs. Anti-mine campaigners put the figure much lower, but still conceded that the jobs run into the thousands, in an area with high unemployment.
“At least as important as the jobs is the energy that comes from the 60 million tons of lignite mined there each year. That’s because Germany’s ambitious plan to shut down all its nuclear reactors by 2022 and dramatically ramp up the use of renewable sources — known as the “energy switchover” — requires coal as a stopgap.
“Lignite is part of the energy switchover because it offers a bridge to the time when, as is the goal in Germany, 80 or more percent of energy is generated by renewable means,” said Thoralf Schirmer, a spokesperson for Vattenfall.
“Even after 2050, when all nuclear plants have been closed for 28 years and renewable sources should be highly developed, there will be a role for lignite, he said. “If you have little wind or sun available,” he said, “then you have to rely on one of the remaining conventional energy sources.”
“Last year, about a quarter of the German gross electricity production came from lignite, according to the German Federal Statistics Office. More than a third of the lignite — up to 10 percent of Germany’s total energy supply — comes from the region around Atterwasch.
“Vattenfall has recently outlined plans to sell the German lignite mines and power plants as a part of the Swedish company’s own drive toward renewable energy. But it is unlikely that the buyer of the plants would want to stop the mine expansion given the vast lignite deposits — estimated at hundreds of millions of tons — and potential profits to be made.”
The second will follow on.
The second thing relating to those (German) trolls slagging off the English is a sobering one, concerning Churchill’s view of the Holocaust.
“There is no doubt this is the most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world, and it has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilised men in the name of a great State and one of the leading races of Europe.”
Well, whatever one might say about England now and in its past, it has no stain like that to tarnish it.
At which point, I would recommend a re-reading of Melanie Phillips article mentioned here earlier this year charting the would-be infusion of islamic ideology and cod history into the faith of the Church of England:
and the way out? :
I forgot to mention that they invariably post comments after 12 noon (GMT) except once where you_kid posted specifically in response to my pointing that out, suggesting perhaps he had waited up or got up early in order to do that.
It seems probable that they are foreign even if based in the UK and their agenda disruptive first and anti-conservative second but it would be interesting to discover if there is a formal EU connection.
A timely and apposite trip down memory lane. Seems all satire is merely descriptive (or prescriptive, even) of the future. 🙂
If Lord Harries is calling for the next coronation ceremony to be opened with a reading from the koran then, in anticipation of its commentary on the day, the BBC might be advised to research the last occasion on which the crowning of a new monarch was met by rioting in the streets.
It would not be the first time.
Perhaps the then Caliph might be persuaded to carry a cross in procession up the nave of Westminster Abbey. That would be a first – as a creative act of accommodation of course, no more.
An attack was launched by the Islamic S.S. from NATO territory early this morning.
A suicide bomber blew-up a truck at the border gate between Turkey and Kobane,coming from the Turkish side of the border.Gun fire then came from nearby Turkish grain silos.The Turkish army wasn’t to be seen.Later Turkish ambulances took away wounded and dead.The Kurdish YPG militia have retaken control of the gate.
There are numerous social media reports,including
Tried to create a new identity and just got my knickers in a twist. So you are stuck with me a little longer! By the way, is the latest deserter from the Conservative party David Cameron?
Delingpole talking rubbish:
As we have yet another Muslim paedophile rape gang exposed (I was going to say ‘locked up’, but the sentences were so derisory as to make that term inappropriate) it’s worth considering the fate of Nobel prize winner James Watson, who helped discover DNA (so he should know).
He’s now facing penury and had to sell his Nobel prize to make ends meet, having been shunned by Common Purposed academia. The reason? I quote:
In an interview with The Sunday Times Magazine on 14 October 2007, Dr Watson was quoted as saying he is ‘gloomy about the prospect of Africa’ because ‘all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours ? whereas all the testing says not really’.
He said he hoped everyone was equal, but added: ‘People who have to deal with black employees find this not true.’
The views were also included in a book, published that week, in which he wrote that ‘there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically’.
He said: ‘Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.’
Forget the spin, the statistics, the laws against freedom of speech and all the other myriad things put in place to stop people even considering the argument put forward by Dr Watson.
What do your eyes and ears tell you about Dr Watson’s views?
I was sat in a cafe yesterday with a 24 hour news station on. A lady turned to what I think was her husband and said: ‘Now I know why they call it Black Friday.’
Andy Car Park
November 28th, 2014 – 18:14
This has been an enormous week for CCHQ post-Rochester – make no mistake about that. And the way it’s done is set off a small herd of Judas Goats all saying more or less the same thing: Cameron is wonderful. He’s doing something. He’s escaped.
We can all see he’s made five trips to a by-election (has that ever happened in modern history?), there was a taxpayer-funded spoiler party there, the Press smeared the UKIP candidate etc. And Cameron is a Big Fat Loser on Friday.
Cue our little chorus of media Judas Goats all lining up in harmony: ‘He’s escaped. He’s a genius. You gotta hand it to him. He’s cool. He’s Dave.’
It’s an MSM echo chamber. And if you’re dumb, you’ll fall for it. And I think more people would fall for it but we’ve had more than half a century of this globalist, Bilderberg XXXt rammed down our throats. Look out the window, look out the door and speak to the people. Dave the genius? Only if you have control over the media.
I noticed a lot of comments deleted this week on Telegraph articles, particularly Hodges, whose anti-UKIP diatribe was filled with post-Rochester loathing.
The tactics post-Rochester are thus: quadruple the anti-UKIP poison, silence dissent and get Dave making speeches where the little chorus of Judas Goats tell the public how to interpret them: ‘Ah, yes. This time it’s different, see folks. Oh, yes, didn’t you notice what genius Dave did? He’s on your side, you fool. Oh, yes. He’s escaped. He’s wonderful. I’m not the only person to notice. It’s me, Obore (banned lots of comments on his article on Interpal this week), with my posh boy accent, and Kirkup, and Daley, and Forsyth and D’ancona and Finkelstein. We can’t all be wrong, can we? No. We wouldn’t toe the line because our jobs depend on it. You just listen to the chorus and we’ll tell you what to think.’
Make sure you scroll down to Austin Barry’s comment:
Much subliminal propaganda being woven into TV poIitical discourse in an attempt to restore the political fortunes of Emily White Van.
While I applaud any attempt by the left to portray Miliband’s knee-jerk reaction, in sacking her, as the mark of a politically inept twat, the miserable thought of having that political equivalent of Hyacinth Bucket (minus the funny lines) back in the corridors of power far outweighs the pleasure of seeing agitprop savaging its own.
Just the one … hic!
The former Bishop of Oxford, Lord Harries, suggested in the House of Lords that the next coronation service in Westminster Abbey should include readings from the Quran.
Knowing how Islam is a religion of peace and above all, tolerance, will the reader be a Lesbian Iman who is also a transexual?
And then, as I nip over to the other place, I see that Matty Parris chooses the Emily syndrome too, as a excuse for a much more prolix exposition of fear and loathing of the ‘mob’, longing for the days when (fifth) columnists like him were protected against the opinions of hoi polloi by their own quaint methods of censorship. Steady on Matty, you with a dose of diarrhoea is not good for your love-life. OTOH …who knows?
…just in case you like his drivel:
November 29th, 2014 – 10:04
That’s an interesting piece, but it still falls short. It goes up to the fence, by saying the security services do not have an ideology unit. But that can’t be their remit.
The plain fact is that you can lump the ‘terrorist crisis’ in with the ‘housing crisis’. These people should not be in the UK, Europe or the US. Or the Anglosphere. They belong in Africa, Pakistan and so on. If it’s Islam they want, Islamic country for them.
Even if they had an ideology unit, what could they do? Tell us The Koran is the religion of peace? We have enough people on the government payroll doing that.
And Charles Moore assiduously avoids the real point about the Rigby murder: it was all planned offline. Yes, they sounded off online about how much they hated the West, but this was the murder that proves the Islamic terrorists have learnt their lesson: say nothing about plots online, plan nothing online.
Yet Theresa May has spent the past fortnight exploiting the murder to say she needs to invade the privacy of non-Muslims on the internet because of the Rigby murder. It’s a bare-faced lie. Faced with the rise of UKIP, the powers that be want to know about political dissent (of any kind) and so have ramped up their online snooping on the back of the Rigby killing.
There is nothing that Lee Rigby’s killers did that can be cured by online snooping. His murder can be summarised thus: knock down, meat cleaver out, head off. No need for the terrorist duo to put any of that online. All this BS about Facebook having blood on its hands it so much nonsense.
How many Muslims spew hatred of the West on Facebook? It doesn’t amount to pre-planned murder, does it?
‘Ideology unit’! Read the Koran (in unison with Prince Charles): ‘Make war on the unbelievers… etc’ That’s the ideology. No need for an ideology unit. A repatriation unit maybe, but not an ideology unit.
Meanwhile, Theresa May and the MSM has got away scot free by lying over the past fortnight and taking more away of people’s freedoms – espeically those who might dissent about the way she kow-tows to Muslim terror – by pretending such Orwellian intrusions would have saved Rigby. They would not.
What would have saved Lee Rigby is if the pair that killed him weren’t in the same country in the first place – you know, the one isssue they won’t allow people to discuss.
The Liverpool manager flies to Kabul to watch a young Afghani play football.
He is suitably impressed and arranges for the player to come over.
Two weeks later Liverpool are 2-0 down to Newcastle with only 20 minutes left.
The manager gives the young Afghani striker the nod, and on he goes.
The lad is a sensation. He scores 3 goals in 20 minutes and wins the game for Liverpool . The fans are delighted, the players and the coach are delighted and the media love the new star.
When the player comes off the pitch he phones his mum to tell her about his first day in English football.
‘Hello mum, guess what?’ he says ‘I played for 20 minutes today, we were 2 – 0 down but I scored 3, they call it a hat-trick, and we won.
Everybody loves me, the fans, the press, they all love me.’
‘Just wonderful,’ says his mum, ‘Let me tell you about my day …
Your father got shot in the street, your sister and I were ambushed and assaulted, she would have been raped but for a passing police vehicle.
Your brother has joined a local gang of looters and set fire to some buildings and all while you tell me that you were having a great time!!’
The young lad is very upset.
‘What can I say mum, but I’m really sorry.’
Sorry?!!! Sorry?!!!’ says his mum.
‘It’s your bloody fault we came to Liverpool in the first place!’
The former Bishop of Oxford, Lord Harries, suggested in the House of Lords that the next coronation service in Westminster Abbey should include readings from the Quran.
Knowing how Islam is a religion of peace and above all, tolerance, will the reader be a Lesbian Iman who is also a transexual?
“Brilliant Peter
Do you think that if we had embraced rather than shunned them we would not be reading current news?”
This is the most appalling cliche. And since when were they not ’embraced’? They’ve been given residency in the UK and this is how they return the embrace. In fact, it’s not even an embrace they gave, it’s a pinned down raping.
Why don’t the bien pensant ’embrace’ them by moving next door to them, instead of moving to all-white streets?
When do we ask anyone to ’embrace’ Cyril Smith, Jimmy Savile or Peter Righton?
We don’t. We want paedophiles -whatever their antecedents – out of our gene pool and preferably set alight with petrol in broad daylight with everyone turning a blind eye. So why – yet again – must Muslims get special privileges with negligible jail terms?
The only reason the police went after them in the first place is that the electorate noticed and has started voting non-elite parties. If that hadn’t happened the polce would have carried on turning a blind eye and privileging Muslims. Embraced!
They’ve been put on a pedestal. Any white paedophile exiting jail faces a gauntlet of death threats. This lot with get the full banquet of state benfefits and a heroes’ welcome from the Islamic community. It’s the ’embrace’ that led the to the Muslim paedophile rape fest in the first place. Time to try a little non-embracing.
They did it because they copied Prophet Mohamed’s ’embracing’ of Aisha. Not because they’re hard done by.
Belligerent Boot blasts hopeless Harries:
A visit to Canterbury Cathedral anyone, next time the Bishop calls?
Excellent Alexander Boot link Frank P, although I fear you’re being a little harsh on UKIP. Sky News is much the same as Al Jazeera these days. UKIP do not get automatically equal coverage on anything anywhere and certainly not on the subject of immigration!
Moreover, this was a very important week in which to ignore UKIP, the best to forget what happened last week. That is not random.
Immigration is so carefully handled in the MSM I recall Andrew Neil saying to a paying Spectator audience at one of its debates on immigration that the reason why there were no female panelliests were because there were only two females he felt were of the highest to debate the subject and they couldn’t get there. That is the stranglehold the MSM have on that debate. They decide who gets to put forward an opinion and who is of the ‘highest’ standard. Andrew Neil thinks only two women were fit enough to debate immigration to his standard? That means only one thing: MSM debates on immigration are rigged as deviously as Question Time shows. (1.06 on the tape)
In fact, during that debate, Andrew Neill screamed at Peter Hitchens to ‘shut up’, (1.29 on the tape) I think because at the time Mr Neil was sleeping with his secretary at The Spectator (he is allowed to, he’s not married, he’s a single man), she was an extremely young black woman and I think Brillo wanted to show he could compete with Jon Snow of Channel 4 by dating a young black woman (although Brillo’s was much younger than Snow’s).
Neil puts it about on This Week that he’s a blowsy old tulip with a bottle of Blue Nun and Molly the Dog. From what I am told, though, his behaviour off-camera on the Daily Politics and This Week is akin to David Mellor and Andrew ‘Thrahser’ Mitchell. ‘I’m the xxxxing talent!!!!!!’ If it’s on the box, it’s fabricated.
Another day, another murderer dies in the name of Allah…
The past week has been a Dog That Didn’t Bark in the Night week, by order of one Lynton Crosby. We all see the significance of UKIP’s low press profile, but why is there such a low press profile this week? It is only because it was cooked up by Lynton Crosby, the BBC, Barclay Twins, Murdoch (Sky News) and so on.
Lynton Crosby’s objective is this: the Tories were never expected to lose Rochester. Oh xxxt, they have lost it. The Tories must – somehow – wrestle back the agenda on immigration. The BBC, Sky, Barclay twins etc will do the heavy lifting – in other words, not mentioning UKIP – and then Lynton can work his magic with BS speeches and fake fights with Merkel designed to drum up headlines that this time, Dave really means it.
Crosby will want this phase to go on as long possible. That’s the key for the next few weeks: wrestle back the agenda on immigration because Rochester proves we Tories really are knee-dip in the xxxt.
In truth, Nigel Farage was so desperate for coverage, he invited a group of journalists to watch Cameron’s speech with him and hear his running commentary thoughts on it. BBC, Skky and newspapers all ignored it. Farage will keep doing things like this, but unless the MSM feel they have a ‘foot in mouth’ moment from him, such events won’t make the TV news or the front pages. For the next few weeks it’s Cameron, Cameron, Cameron. ‘We Tories have wrestled back the agenda on immigration.’
Here is Nigel Farage’s running commentary to Camoron’s xxxt-faced Lynton Crosby-written ‘anti’ immigration speech (as unseen on BBC, Sky etc):
anne wotana kaye
I didn’t recognize you without your 1. I thought it was your husband.
Frank P @ 15:25
Shortly after Austin Barry’s observations, the comments shaded into a riff on circumcision. Where is our Herbert Thornton?
The Swiss are voting today on the question whether their currency should once again be backed by gold.
The Swiss presently own 1,040 tons, though one fifth of that is held for them by the dodgy Bank of England. The Swiss would have to buy approximately a further 1,500 tons to provide the proposed support for the franc.
But relax, “Citi[group]’s global chief economist Willem Buiter said in a note from Nov. 26 that the Swiss vote is ridiculous and no self-respecting central bank should ever be putting a large chunk in a single commodity…Buiter also said he views gold as a “6,000-year old bubble”.
‘As of December 2013, the UK retained a gold reserve of 310.3 tons’ (Wikipedia)
Until Brown’s Bottom, we held more than twice that amount.
Thank God for that. I was worried we might have too much of it.
Willem Buiter
Born 26 September 1949 (age 65)
The Hague, Netherlands
Nationality American; British
Institution Citigroup, London, United Kingdom
Bank of England
London School of Economics
Field Economics, Finance, Political Economy (Wikipedia)
“No single country in the world has had a public physical audit of its gold and a public audit regarding all lending, leasing, etc. It’s only at that point that it will be revealed the Western central banks clearly don’t have the gold they claim to possess. Western central banks refuse to have the audit because all of this will be exposed. When that is proven it will lead to absolute panic in the gold market.”
Oh, THAT kind of bubble…
Chimp Smoker @ 21:52
The Nigel Farage piece underlines the need for the ‘alternative’ media to break up the monopoly media.
Point and counterpoint on Switzerland’s position outside the EU was apt:
“But would that REALLY be in our best national interest?”
“That would be terrible, wouldn’t it? We could be rich. It would be awful.”
Frank P
November 28th, 2014 – 19:36
This is just a brief nocturnal check-in but thanks for that sample of London lore. Anything involving mobile knocking shops has the ring of truth and goes straight into the dossier. 🙂
Tut, tut, Andy! ‘RING of truth?’ How could you doubt any element of my testimony regarding my diligent days as a Peace Ossifer of Our Dear Lady HM QEII. Rest assured that before I post any recollection of London life in these hallowed annals ( please note both nn’s), I hold up my King James version and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but …
And before you consult your dossier and cunningly point out that I have in the past confessed to agnostic proclivities – that’s neither here nor there! The very act of so swearing still entitles even Doubting Thomas to the penalty of porridge for perjury. Would I lie to you?
I appended a smiley with a halo to my last post. It failed to register. Was that my punishment for blasphemy? 🙂
Chimp Smoker
Hard on UKIP? Someone in their press set-up needs to get a hard on, for sure. It’s a joke! Their HQ has a lone rider lass who is both clueless and evasive. My local candidate was no better. I have their interests at heart and have voted twice for their party. I want them to succeed; they are the only hope I have left, at the dog end of my spell on this mortal coil, of seeing an end to Cameron & Cohorts and the Marxist Milibrat and his Primrose Hillbullies.
But this blog promotes plain speaking – a no spin zone! Take a look at the motto that surmounts it.
We have, in the round, been very supportive of Farage, but not uncritically. He needs to respond to support with more than bullshit email proformas.
At this moment in time his operation is at best flaky. A one man band with two recent signings, both unprepossessing Tory deserters, doth not make a summer; certainly not an end to the winter of our discontent.
Peter Hitchens opens his column this week with an obvious blast at that Orwellian nightmare of a Home Secretary: ‘Theresa’s right, we DO face a dire new threat – from people like her’ – to which I can only say hear, hear, she is a snooping pest and a menace to free speech and liberty in general.
He then mentions an obscure speech by a Russian diplomat made last week. I would urge readers to read it all. Read what the Russian says to understand why Cameron demonises Russia so much and why the Western MSM hates Russia so much. It is so full of common sense as to astound. Russia admits there is a thing in the world called Christianophobia, a condition wherein Christians are treated like dirt and banished.
Talking of what Cameron has unleashed with the removal of Gaddafi and the other problems in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the diplomat says: “minorities, including Christians, are banished. In Europe, these issues are deemed not politically correct. They are ashamed when we invite them to do something about it together at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). They wonder why would we focus specifically on Christians? How is that special? The OSCE has held a series of events dedicated to keeping memories about the Holocaust and its victims alive. A few years ago, the OSCE started holding events against Islamophobia. We will be offering an analysis of the processes leading to Christianophobia.
“On 4-5 December, OSCE ministerial meetings will be held in Basel, where we will present this proposal. The majority of EU member states elude this topic, because they are ashamed to talk about it. Just as they were ashamed to include in what was then the EU constitution drafted by Valery Giscard d’Estaing a phrase that Europe has Christian roots.
“If you don’t remember or respect your own roots and traditions, how would you respect the traditions and values of other people? This is straightforward logic.”
Is the man telling the truth about the way the ‘intellectual’ West treats Christians?
And the rest of the speech is full of home truths too. No wonder Cameron and his media lackeys are apoplectic with rage at Russia. This is what Cameron thinks when he goes off to these big international security summits with Western lackey media smearing Russia: “Imagine if the folks back home in Britain could hear what these people think of me and all the other ghastly European politicians like me.”
Where are the British politicians talking about Christianophobia at the next OSCE meeting, Dave?
Frank, I must say, UKIP’s biggest failing is to keep being handed Tory hand-me-downs!
November 29th, 2014 – 22:03
Please excuse my lack of IT skills.
Malfleur@November 29th, 2014 – 22:55
I own gold
You can buy it in small amounts, and they keep it for you. once you have a decent chunk you can have a gold or silver bar delivered.
I buy £50 worth of it a week as part of my saving forretirement.
Chimp Smoker
“I must say, UKIP’s biggest failing is to keep being handed Tory hand-me-downs!”
Allow me to demur slightly on that score; imho their biggest ‘failing’ is that their most influential politicians are on the EU gravy train and are doing very nicely, thank you. It’s amazing what a fat pay cheque, plus exorbitant expenses will do to tailor the attitudes of those who hold, or aspire to, positions of political influence – and how the interests of their electorate diminish commensurately once they have their seat in the Pullman Car of the Gravy Train.
Forgive me for reiterating my concerns, please. When, incensed, I tried to phone Sky News to express my indignation at the piss-poor analysis of their chief political wonk Feisal Islam (FFS!!), concerning the latest immigration figures; the lack of balance in the news coverage and the absence from the ensuing debate of the one ‘party’ that espouses UK severance from the bastard Brussels bureaucracy, I was unable to reach anybody within the BSkyB news organisation, because now, like the BBC, their News reporters appear to have no direct interface with hoi polloi, other than through social media, which they obviously ignore or address as they wish.
I was deeply disappointed, because ot all that long ago I often picked up the phone and was passed directly to the Sky Newsroom, had interesting chats and passed on useful info to them. No longer possible, it seems.
So, interested to know what UKIP thought of this, I contacted their HQ to find out. I have described what ensued in my previous posts on this thread. It was an unsatisfactory outcome. Continuing to pursue my interest by replying to the proforma replies to my written requests on UKIP’s website, I have been bombarded by more identical proformas that mean absolutely nothing (except that obviously they do no want interface, either mano a mano, or through correspondence).
When I previously forwarded the links to my (and others) entries on this thread to Farage (via his invitation to contact him on the UKIP website), I even anticipated that it might provoke a response on this very blog from one of the UKIP heavyweights, or even Farage himself, particularly as the host of this blog and many commenters here manifestly support UKIP and have done so for several years.
We could then have entered the debate and put some of our concerns to UKIP directly. such as: what is their attitude to the burgeoning success of Islamic infiltraitors (sic) in placing themselves into high positions in the media, local government, and central government? And what do they think of the powerful influence in this country of the Muslim Botherhood (sic) and its offshoots that seem to be held in such high esteem by the Mother Church of our Establishment and indeed by the PM himself and many of his cohorts?
These and many other matters. not least of which is my daily and complicated doses of chemotherapy, keep me awake at nights (as perhaps you will deduce from the timing of my recent messages on this blog).
That is why I don’t think I’m ‘being hard on’ the United Kingdom (ha!) Independence Party, Mr Chimp Smoker.
Btw, could you explain the significance of that sobriquet – I’m curious. Am in right in assuming this may be a clue:
… along with your interest in the wise words of the Foreign Secretary of the murderous Russian kleptocracy?
Sorry – in the indirect debate between Hitchins and Alex Boot, I tend to side with Mr. Boot. I remember Hitchins from the ‘street’ days of his miss-spent youth and am still not entirely sure he has purged his old sinistral tendencies, despite his plaintive ‘mea culpas’.
Douglas Murray v Baroness Arsie:
As Brillo and Fatbott would no doubt murmur (while Portmanteau* smiles enigmatically into the distance) – “When will it ever end?”
*Definition: a large travelling bag, typically made of stiff leather and opening into two equal parts (I’ll bet!).
Frank, your complaint seems perefectly justified to me. UKIP are a political party and as such are likely to get up to the evasive things political parties do. That is not good. Your grievance seems justified. Aren’t we nearly always left with the lesser of evils when making political choices?
They are indeed on the EU gravy train but surely the fact that they are turkeys voting for Christmas actually shows their merit on that matter? If they get the UK out, hopefully that’s a load of taxpayer-funded salaries saved.
I don’t endorse everything Russia does, but I note that it calls a spade a spade: Christians are being treated like dirt around the world but no Western politician ever talks about Christianophobia. Only now the Russians are turning up at one of these Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe events and intend to point it out to all the Western politicians who want the issue buried. Why does no Western politician recognise this phenomenon?
Why do they run about like headless chickens over the ‘plight’ of the Palestinians while in Egypt Coptic Christians are raped, murdered and treated like second class xxxt by the darling Muslims Western leaders so fawn over?
These Muslims are out and out Christianophobics – it’s time someone said so.
Hitchens: ‘Mr Lavrov’s speech last week, in which he warned that sanctions directed against the Russian people are blatant, unprecedented bullying and won’t work’.
Sergei Lavrov: ‘they [Obama and Co] went all out in Ukraine and supported extremists, thereby giving up their own principles of democratic regime change. [funny that]
‘What came out of it was an attempt to play chicken with Russia, to see who blinks first. As bullies say, they wanted to Russia to “chicken out” (I can’t find a better word for it), to force us to swallow the humiliation of Russians and native speakers of Russian in Ukraine.
‘Honourable Leslie Gelb, whom you know all too well, wrote that Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU had nothing to do with inviting Ukraine to join the EU and was aimed in the short term at preventing it from joining the Customs Union. This is what an impartial and unbiased person said. When they deliberately decided to go down the path of escalation in Ukraine, they forgot many things, and had a clear understanding of how such moves would be viewed in Russia.
‘They forgot the advice of, say, Otto von Bismarck, who had said that disparaging the millions-strong great Russian people would be the biggest political mistake.
‘President Vladimir Putin said the other day that no one in history has yet managed to subjugate Russia to its influence. This is not an assessment, but a statement of fact.’
In other words, Dave and Barack, you historically illiterate pair of globalist, bank-loving, Bilderberg grovelling, ‘pleb’-hating filthbags, if you can’t feel the hand of history upon your shoulder by now, you best watch out because, as Otto von Bismark tried to warn you, you don’t xxxx with the Russians – their hand hand of history is to smack firmly in the face anyone trying to trample on them.
They don’t kow-tow to Islam and they’ll be xxxxed before they kow-tow to you. Amen to that.
“…will the reader be a Lesbian Iman who is also a transexual?”
It’s time that the Equality Commission got its act together and implemented it ‘equality and human rights’ mantras in the mosques and madras of Britain.
Fresh from its victories in the B&Bs of Blackpool and Liverpool; the bakeries of Northern Ireland. It should be replacing the sandalistas of hate with the slingbacks of cis and transgender love!
So, its now time to initiate a campaign with Nicky Morgan.
Let us demand more kohl to Newcastle now! Or at least to its mosques.
Why are there no women preachers of hate? Why no homo marriages in every mosque?
We will never achieve true equality until Fatima and Jasmina, (formerly Mohammed and Abdul) can be wed in the Tower Hamlets mosque, with the best man a happy, smiling comrade “Mucus. (sbuh)
Chimp Smoker
Many of your points are well made; I agree that my niggles about Farage’s hubristic attempt to buck the system, by joining it, then attempting to destroy it from within, are small beer in comparison to how the West’s current crop of so called ‘leaders’ are handling both Russia and China – let alone the menace of the various strands if Islam’s resurgence. Through terrorism around the globe, combined with Gramscian styled propaganda employed by both the left and the Muslium Brotherhood – and worst of all, the evolutionary phenomenon of inimical demograpics, aided and abetted by our legislators on both sides of the Pond effecting such changes through ludicrous immigraton policies and legislation against free speech, Islam is outfoxing the “infidel” by a country mile.
For the first time in my life I’m seeing the ancient laws of our land being adapted to accommodate a ruthless enemy, which is not even recognized as such by our treasonous governments, who apparently can’t see the wood for the trees. It is beyond belief.
Any geopolitical exigency viewed from our benighted Kingdom seems beyond the wit of Western civilization to address effectively. The ‘what ifs’ that should be urgent priorities of our military chiefs, are manifestly being ignored. As for the police force of which I was once proud to be a part, it has, within the space of a couple of decades been completely destroyed from both without and within. The subjects of our Constitutional Monarchy are in dire peril, yet such has been the ravages of the educational system infiltrated by the modified-Marxist counter-culture warriors, that (judging by the average audience of Question Time), it seems said subjects are happy with the multi-culti melange and incipient Dhimmitude. I know some on this patch comfort themselves with the notion that the BBC rigs the audiences for QT, but after conversations with my own issue, theirs and my wider family, friends and neighbours, I don’t think our national broadcaster needs to do any such thing. As a nation, a culture and as an erstwhile Judeo-Christian civilisation, we have thoroughly lost the plot.
And when a murderous KGB trained kleptocrat appears to be the most rational of the ‘World Leaders’ – I think we have a problem, Houston.
I’d second all of that Frank. Things will only get more interesting for the West because the Western economies have just about been kept on a plateau – it’s like watching Wyle E Coyote tread thin air having gone over the cliff edge before he drops. The Russians have always lived hard, but I think the drop in living standards (which is already happening in the West) is going to accelerate after the UK General Election.
It’s a tribute to people like the Barclay Twins, Murdoch and Dacre that there is this notion of ‘recovery’. It’s only talked about through relentless Goebbels-like ‘tell the lie often enough and people will believe it’. Recovery isn’t much talked about by non-politicians because for most people there was no ‘recovery’, just a scaling back, scrimping and saving and modestly making do without. That scraping gently by can’t go on for much longer.
As Segei Lavrov says, the Russians don’t plan around two-year election cycles. They know how to survive, they’ve always been history’s ‘bear’ – grumpy, sometimes aggressive, yes – but they survive, and they look after their own. Oh how Western countries will pine that they had the foresight to do such a thing. Barack Hussein Obama is just the start of their descent. And I’ll bet if you’re a Rotherham-style victim, you’d wish you had a bear to tear apart your oppressor.
As per your link Frank: ‘Baroness Warsi ignores entirely the horrific and continual human rights abuses in her own family’s homeland of Pakistan. Whether it is Christians being burned alive or the practice of “bonded labor” (slavery), Warsi appears utterly unconcerned. At present, a Christian mother of four is due to be hanged for blasphemy.’
Pure Christianophobia on the part of the unelectable Baroness. How the Press have covered up over her for Cameron! People should be reminded every day that this woman was elevated to high office without an election and will be part of Britain’s legislative body until she dies because she is now permanently in the House of Lords.
The Lords is stuffed to the gill with people like her. Danny Finkelstein is also now a lord. The electorate is stuck with him forever, too, even though he’s never won an election.
Chimp Smoker
Soooo …. given that most scribblers on this Wall see UKIP as opening Jacks in the current political game, nothwitanding their somewhat flimsy political structure – perhaps you could suggest a strategy for us bystanders who are past useful physical participation and whose financial resources are limited, but would dearly like to urge them on to greater efforts? We have until May to put in our two penn’orth.
Having been ‘on duty’ in one form or another, for 62 years ( a year longer than our Monarch 🙂 ), like HM, I am loath to call it a day; at least in my current role as a decrepit desk-chair bound shit-stirrer and lampooner of the louche liberati that has latched on to the levers of power – and the mendacious Muslim/Marxist miasma that is suffocating us all. Whaddawegonna do??
When I was five I had gas-mask drill at infant school in newly constructed air-raid shelters. We cross taped our windows with sticky paper and put up blackout curtains. We watched tank-traps being built in the country lanes of my childhood. I did my stint as fire watcher on top of our church as a seven year old. I had extended ‘holidays’ from school in Autumn to help lift the crops. I saw old men issued with guns and uniforms. I saw young men drafted to fight in foreign climes against a tyrant and his maniacal jackbooted stormtroopers. My elder brothers helped build the runways of nearby aerodromes and two of them later enlisted, one in the RAF and one in the RN. That show lasted 6 years. The current one, which in many ways poses an even greater threat, has already been mismanaged for 13 years and we’re not only losing it, despite the bravery of the sharp end warriors in the hell-holes of the ME, we have been comprehensively invaded at home by the enemy; with ne’er so much as a raised voice. Where are our defensive weapons, Mr Cameron? Where are our military leaders – Oh! There they are – hiding behind those piles of tracts of political correctness! Fucking traitors!
Reams of intercepted copy from the Eastern Block when I was a squaddie spook – what use was it? All that training from Nuclear Ned when I was a cop in 50s/60s/70s era when the alleged threat of nuclear war hung over us all. Now the shill in the Oval Office is contriving to come to a nuclear deal with an even worse potential enemy. Madness!
Let’s have it from all you keystones in this ‘ere Wall! When do we throw away our crutches and march on Whitehall. I’m in – as I say, Jacks for openers. Let’s be ‘having ya, Nigel! And put down that pint, stub out your fag and answer my fuckin’ email, while you’re at it … please!
November 30th, 2014 – 15:20
Romans 12:20
“if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Not quite kohl!
After that – perhaps a reprise of my favorite Housman:
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows.
What are those blue remembered hills?
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content;
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
anne wotana kaye November 30th, 2014 – 18:50
Anne is this the real you?
Where has the ‘1’ gone?
Just to confirm, it is the same Anne. Just a different moniker.
AWK – 17:04
Over at the other place there is a clip from BBC Radio 4′s Today programme, with Douglas Murray putting up a good fight:
Should the next coronation service in Westminster Abbey include readings from the Quran?
November 30th, 2014 – 20:00
Thanks, Robert
So the next threat is a dirty bomb
The Revolting Truth: “The True Story of Ferguson and the Gentle Giant”
Frank P
November 30th, 2014 – 01:42
I was not misdoubting your veracity so much as explaining my own magpie mind. Let’s suppose I keep a file entitled ‘mobile knocking shops’. I have actually patronised one such establishment in Paris, ‘Bus des Dames’, which consisted of a proper London Routemaster bus, gate-kept by a Parisian ponce with a droopy moustache, smoking a Gauloise.
That meant that your mention of a London counterpart in the form of a black cab found its proper place in the file, or had the ring of (poetic) truth. On the self-regarding assumption that you could give a sh1t, I don’t remember much, good or bad, about the trick, save that there was a zoo nearby. After zipping up I went in, sat on a bench and watched the monkeys swinging around.
Andy Car Park (22:49)
You paint a word picture of gay Paris as vivid as any produced by the deft brushes of Henri de Toulouse Lautrec himself. And I bet he never tucked himself on the rear seat of a big six-wheeler scarlet painted London Transport diesel-engined 97 horsepower omnibus (even a recycled clapped out version acquired by a frog souteneur for the purposes of peripatetic prostitution) to record the transaction between a randy London city slicker and une fille de joie.
No doubt in your post coitus relaxation at the menagerie you contemplated on just how little we have each progressed beyond our mutual forebears of the little simian sods you observed indulging in onanistic pleasures to break the monotony of their miserable captivity. All a question of degree, non? Plus ca change …
Sorry – typo – should have written ‘le menagerie’, of course. 🙂
And after that whimsical rummage through ACP’s dodgy dossier, back to work, with an interesting, cerebral take on the nature of more serious wickedness:
Forgot to h/t Gerard over on American Digest for the 00:58 link. Apologies.
Andy Car Park (22:49)
“Minkies”, surely?