This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
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April 24th, 2016 – 16:28
“Nothing seems to be going Baron’s way, not even the fugging weather, it’s so cold in this corner of the Suffolk wilderness he has to wear a padded jacket and a woollen hat. Where is the bloody global warming when one needs it?”
Ne’er cast a clout til May be out!
Translation: Do not divest thyself of thy garments until June
Unlike some countries the English seasons are perfectly equilateral:-
Spring = March, April and May
Summer = June, July and August
Autumn = September, October and November
Winter = December, January and February
More often than not they overstay their welcome rather than arriving early. This Spring seems especially cold with plenty of sun but no warmth in it.
Wrap up warm, find a pub with comfortable chairs round a cosy fire and settle in for the duration. The cost of a long drawn out pint of heavy with a whisky chaser is less than the central heating bill.
Flanders and Swann – A song of the weather
No truer words have ever been penned/sung in praise of our capricious but unrelenting weather. All this before climate change too! 🙂
Herr Hofer is Austrian so Glock would be the natural choice for him. Pricey but, as you know, Glocks are considered to be one of the most reliable semi auto pistols on the market. The “Volvo” of its genre, so to speak.
BTW, remember those iconic James Bond movie posters of the early 60s? Look closely and you’ll notice that Sean (I’ll do anything for Scotland except live there) Connery was actually toting a Walther Air Pistol… YCMIU! 🙂
There had been a bit of a cock up with the props for the photo shoot and photographer David Hurn had to improvise with using his own air pistol. In the editing the ad agency were supposed to shave a couple of inches off Bond’s Barrel but I suppose they left it in as it was more in character.
There is a link to an interview with David Hurn below, showing a lot more of his work from the 60’s.
In the 50s Billy Graham toured Britain and received a rapturoums response from masses of young people who became ‘born again’ in the hundreds of thousands if not indeed millions. He got high on his own rhetoric, too. And he scooped up millions into to his bank account.
As a youngster it was the first time that I realised how gullible people are in the face of a mellifluous pitch.
The Obamarama fest continues this morning at the G5. It is a similar phenomenon to Graham. Cut to the audience: more enrapt UIs, hypnotised by this snake oil salesman’s rhetoric and lies delivered with the arrogant narcissism of a B movie Hollywood ham.
The Alinsky mob obviously saw the potential early on in Chicago and saw him as a shill for their future plans.
One wonders what they have in! store for him now that his seat at the toppest of top tables is coming to an end?
His role at the moment is to make sure that the UK does not escape from the EUSSR. But what next? Front man for the Climate Change scam?
Whatever. Invest in Kool Aid. There is obviously a vigorous market for it out there.
Is it the G5 of the G1 by the way? His muted image has been performing on Sky News for at least an hour. I look up from time to time and see from the captions that it is the same old shit; but sadly as they cut to the audience, it is clear from the enraptured clapping and glassy-eyed adoration that the audience is swallowing it in buckets full.
Jim Jones had nothing on this bastard.
Christ Almighty! The muted image of Obama has now been replaced by the muted image of ‘Fuck me Shoes’ – our esteemed Home Secretary – who has all the charisma of an overused dish cloth. From the captions I see that she is pitching the Remain spiel. It is time to switch over to recordings of yesterday’s Fox News!
Btw … Thanks for the meteorological diversion, Colonel and EC. A much needed antidote to the MSM and the Ministry of Truth.
I wonder what Mr. Boot will make of this latest piece penned by his bette noir?
I also read Hitchen’s piece in the MoS, a truer piece ha never been penned. One has to wonder why this pean to the bleeding obvious has not been shouted from the roof tops since the Suez debacle, or, why the British political establishment has been so eager to be kicked around and humiliated by successive American presidents. It is about time that this country stuck two fingers up at the Yanks and got on with doing what it does best, trading with the world, and the next time America wants British troops to shed their blood in defense of American commercial interests, tell them to fuck off and ask the EU for assistance.
It took until December 2006 for he UK to pay off war debts to the USA and Canada.
WW1 debts were cleared in 2015 when George Osborne borrowed the money at a lower interest rate in order to pay the bond holders off.
Am I wrong in thinking that Germany has paid the UK the square root of (FA) in reparations?
When Nicholas Ridley described the EU as “a German Racket” he was quite right! Despite the smoke and mirrors and protestations to the contrary Germany runs the ECB!
Ah yes, German war reparations. Apparently we are an Evil Empire who should be paying reparations to everyone else.
Colonel Mustard
“…Wrap up warm, find a pub with comfortable chairs round a cosy fire and settle in for the duration. The cost of a long drawn out pint of heavy with a whisky chaser is less than the central heating bill…”
One of your best posts-other than the by now ritualised all seasonal kicking of Tetley’s red arse.
Take a look at you local town/city/county web site….see if it is making a one sided promotion of the local benefits of the EU.
Our no different to us friends show their tolerance again.
EC (14:10)
Always wondered why Dominic Lawson, then editor of the Speccie, shafted Nick Ridley. His article (containing that quote) finished Ridley both politically and healthwise. Mind you, the demon drink had already taken its toll by then, which was how the article was achieved, if I remember correctly; Lawson loosened him up over a liquid lunch Can’t remember now who it was who wanted Ridley gone and used Lawson as the hatchet man, can you? I’d like to get into the loft and dig out the old copies of the Speccie to judge the Zeitgeist of that moment in history with the benefit of hindsight, but the loft is no longer a negotiable proposition for my old carcass. Mrs P forbids such adventures, with the caveat: “If you’re daft enough to get up there and can’t get down, I won’t even bother to call the emergency services, you can rot up there!” Hmmnn. Perhaps my curiosity about dead politicians isn’t all that urgent after all.
EC @ 1125
I missed the top slot today but on the subject of Peter Hitchens, I recall his historic oration from A Shropshire Lad on QT last year:
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
Those happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
A.E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad
Frank P :
It was all the europhiles,led by Heseltine,who were against Mrs.Thatcher;hench against Ridley.
Here is the original item :
If you are banned and can not access this try the disqus link (let me know if it works) :
And on the day before the doctors strike for yet more money:
Doctors and Dentists
are evil it’s true.
They always find something
wrong with you.
You go for your head.
They examine your feet.
You say your butt hurts.(not personally)
They sit you on your seat.
After waiting for hours
he enters the room.
bringing with him
an impending doom.
He asks you professionally.
“So what is the problem?”
You sit and stare and
want to pound his noggin.
Why do those who “help us so
cause the worst problems of all?
Why not prescribe a nice movie?
Or a fully paid ~trip to the mall?
Mused by Bedlam
Radford NG/EC
Thanks for the Disquis link (the Speccie one refused me access – petty twats).☺
I’d forgotten that Lawson Jr had reprised that piece in 2009.
He never pleaded guilty to shafting Ridley, though. I suppose at the time it was too good a cue for a hack to turn down. And who knows, perhaps Ridley deep down wanted him to report it? Talking ‘off the record’ to a hack is less than wise, certainly; Ridley wasn’t stupid but perhaps he thought that the son of a Eurosceptic colleague wouldn’t betray his confidence. Who knows? One thing is certain Ridley’s prescience was spot on. Wonder what he would say if he was reincarnated now? And had he witnessed the Obamarama deutschfest today, he would have reached not only for a gasper and a bottle, but his revolver, too.
The auto corrector turned coup into cue. Exterminate! Exterminate!
Frank P – April 23rd, 15:36
I see what you mean 🙂 :
Maher: ‘Alarmism Is Called For’ on Climate Change, ‘War on Coal’ Is Good, Fracking and Nuclear Power Are Bad
RobertR (17:14)
Believe me Robert, as a seasoned watcher of the Septic MSM, I’ve got the enemy tagged to a man. Maher is the enemy. His occasional digs at his own comrades is the equivalent of taqiyya. ☺ Softee, Softee catchee Maher.
“Servus”. Aaahh! That brings back the smell of blanco, boot polish, the warm smell of an overheated RCA AR-88 receiver, the encapsulated world between split frequency earphones and the garlic breath of the mädchen of Thalerhof bei Graz circa 1952 – not to memntion the sweaty smell of the lederhosen of an Oompah Band.
“Du bis mein lieber,
Mein lieber, von Wörthersee,
Ooli, ooli, ooli, oo-li, ay.
Ooli, oo- li, ay!
Servus du!
There are a lot remaniac and “socialist union” trolls madly camping on right wing websites and pouring scorn on aspirations for independence. The mentality to control and denounce is strong in such creatures.
It is striking how many of them adopt a high moral tone of pompous certitude and are scathing of websites like Guido, Breitbart and Conservative Woman as beneath their contempt. One of these creatures referred to Conservative Woman as “in the gutter” (!) which is par for the course for Big State socialist extremists who view any dissent from their tedious orthodoxy as some kind of moral aberration.
Wrapping up their approach in one word I suggest it is Schamatic. A sort of preening, sneering, arm waving sanctimony larded with outrage that anyone dare think differently – with ham at its centre. A practitioner of such performances might be considered a Schamatist.
I was going to add that the similarity of Scham and sham is not without its amusement factor.
Hope you’re reading this Simon!
James Bond with a short barrel would be unthinkable.
That aside, my question was really how Herr Hofer is free to carry any kind of sidearm in public, when we risk arrest if seen on the streets with a water pistol. No doubt our defencelessness will be justified by our political class after ISIS changes out of mufti, collects its long gun of choice from its armoury in the local mosque and…
Would Brexot facilitate expulsion of this Trojan horse? It could.
So I found myself asking why did the Queen permit herself to be dragged into the Obama visit which was a brazen interference in our internal affairs set up by Mr. Cameron, who can only be seen as a vassal of Brussels in a country where 90% of its laws are now made there by diktat.
What skin has the monarchy in that game?
Indeed unless it has a larger agenda you would think that the monarchy would discreetly be signalling “BREXIT!”. What might such an agenda be? Monarch of the merged EU, NAU, and TPP?
If there is any strength and will left in British public opinion, we should at least hope to see a visit before the referendum to the royal palaces in London by a suitably prominent Brexit advocate. Obama was merely a walking Remain pamphlet distributed by No. 10 at the people’s expense on the instructions of Herr Junker’s bosses.
Wayne LaPierre perhaps?
Any idea why the Daily Mail is not accepting comments on that Hitchens’ article? Afraid of rudery perhaps.
“…just when you think things can’t become any more artificial or ludicrous, Bloomberg comes out with a report that the Japanese central bank, by virtue of its month-to-month purchases of Japanese stock ETFs, is now a top ten holder in approximately 90 percent of the Japanese companies that make up the Nikkei 225 Index…”
News to make Alexander Boot’s heart flutter with excitement:
A formula for peace: The closer you bring armed forces to Russia, the better you deter their aggression…simples
Apologies for reposting the following, but they were pasted at sparrow yesterday and the new Wall was up early this week.There may be more to say this weel:
April 25th, 2016 – 01:49
I shared your mystification over Prince – who he? Indeed when I read the news that he was dead, I thought he had been dead for some years. Then I found that I had been mixing him up with someone called Mercury possibly because of the latter’s connection to a band called Queen.
Now I don’t want to get into the possible and evident connections of Père & Fils to the globalists but there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamed of in our blogosphere and as cats can be skinned (so I am told) in more than one way, we should at least look a little more closely before we say Good night sweet Prince and should consider that perhaps behind all the flummery of the pop world and its easy criticism, now cracks a noble heart.
I have no idea exactly how many fans Prince had among the young and I have no views on his music or his lyrics. I do know that his fans must certainly be in the millions. Since his death, I have also learned that Prince was a critic of the New World Order and had been speaking out. I am aware that his speaking out would have the potential to influence large numbers of the young sleeping classes and that the Prince might thereby wake large numbers of these politically insensible or misguided with the kiss of his thoughts. Does the history of totalitarian countries suggest that in our collapsing civilisation where soft power is preferred, where possible, to the boot this would not give as much concern to our sinister controllers as the continued occupation of a conservative Justice holding the swing vote on the US Supreee Court might give them when game-changing legal decisions needed to be made.
May be there is no credible evidence of foul play. At the lying in state of Czar Peter III of Russia, who died of piles, a scarf was around his neck and his hat was pulled down obscuring his face.
April 25th, 2016 – 03:10
“”Money was a lazy b*tch, until you put it to work! And look how it works! Look how it grows! Materializes out of nowhere! As leaders, innovators, captains of finance, you will always be subject of the jealous resentment, the petty tantrums of the unwashed masses, the insolvent, the irresponsible, the invidious, the losers. They will envy you, your successes, they will despise you, but they secretly want to be like you! Irresponsible single mothers, uneducated immigrants, lead-drinking ghetto-strutters, homeless, crying, babies, starving senior citizens, obnoxious, entitled African Americans who object to having bullets pumped into their bodies by police: all these people are angry, entitled, and making noise, and they are endangering our democracy and economy, our greatness. (Hissing)” H.R. Clinton
You’ve gotta luv her!
April 25th, 2016 – 03:15
You reely do!
“But they have not learned their lesson.
The effects prove themself. Under President Clinton — I like the sound of that!— America saw the longest, most prodigious reaming of the undesirable classes in our history, putting them firmly in their places. And they loved it! He felt their pain! And relished it! Because he was inflicting it!
And I will too!
H.R. Clinton (ibid)
Colonel Mustard, April 25th, 2016 – 23:13 & 23:15
Re: Scham, schamitic, schamatist etc.
Excellent. Satire bites back! 🙂
Humour gets right to the heart of the matter, and that’s why totalitarians want it banned via “Hate Speech” laws.
“Hope you’re reading this Simon…”
Post your definition in enough places, and undoubtedly he will. 🙂 🙂 🙂
“Schamatic. adj. A sort of preening, sneering, arm waving sanctimony larded with outrage that anyone dare think differently – with ham at its centre. A practitioner of such performances might be considered a Schamatist.”
Might I suggest that if you want a wider audience for this definition you email it to Mark Steyn. As I’m sure you know, especially since the Munk debate, Mark is a big fan of the person in question. 🙂
Might I humbly suggest a few additions: Schambles; Schamster; Schamker, Schamkerati etc.
see also Schametic.
Anybody got Dr. David Starkey’s email address?
More anti semitism from the core of Labour!
Where is the outrage from the BBC?
“Frank Field: Pro-EU Jeremy Corbyn is writing ‘second longest suicide note in Labour’s history'”
“A practitioner of such performances might be considered a Schamatist.”
Or, even more simply, a Schaman.
Frank P 17.02
Try accessing the Species through the following link:
They’ve just sent me a subscription renewal notice. Given the consistent stream of Neocon drivel that emanates from Fraser Nelson and Madame Hardman I doubt I’ll bother renewing. There are better information sources and comment elsewhere.
Species??? Whilst it might be apt I did mean Speccie.
I do loathe Apple’s patronising auto-spell checker
Switch the damn auto spell checker off then! It’ll still put a red-dotty line under what it thinks is wrong – Malus afterthought – just in case.
What’s the worst that could happen?
Oh, um, er…
Herbert Thornton,
“Gavin McInnes of has a message for Americans threatening to move to Canada if Donald Trump is elected president. ”
Er… sounds delightful.
And the Hillsborough inquest unfolds as just another anti-Police, anti-establishment blame-fest.
The basic underlying fact is that the Police and authorities were dealing with a violent, anarchic, anti-social scum amongst the generally decent fans. The fences weren’t there because Dads with kids needed coralling up, they were there to control the lawless. The Police will now be crucified, fortunes will be awarded but the Football Association will pay FA and will continue as before. FIFA epitomises football – a corrupt and corrupting organisation controlling a money-grabbing, tribal business that believes itself and its adherents to be above the law and the centre of the universe.
Thankfully, it’s a marginal and inconsequential activity here in the Antipodes. Long may it remain that way.
RIP the dead – but nobody forced them to associate with scum and they learnt nothing from Heysel, Ibrox and numerous other atrocities.
The problems remain – reports this week of fighting at motorway services as ‘fans’ travel to some “important” tribal meeting.
Colonel Mustard/EC
The Devil’s Dictionary needs updating. You should collaborate in writing it. Ambrose Bierce would approve, I’m sure.
Meantime a letter to Mark Steyn is an excellent idea.
Clear Memories (11.56)
Undoubtedly there was complacency and incompetence among the Police Chiefs on duty that day; indeed one of them coughed to it. But the attempts to cover up the cock-ups afterwards contributed to the protracted outrage emanating from the relatives.
But as you point out the root causes of the disaster involve culpability beyond the Constabulary cock-up. You’ve brutally delineated those with your comment.”Unlawfully killed?” Could the jury have dared to come to another verdict given the tsunami of MSM coverage since the event?
Perhaps this little sermon from Theodore Dalrymple inadvertantly sums up my feelings about this and other uber-gushes of public outcry:
Alex Boot with a seminal essay on the doctors’ strike and the NHS in general:
Trouble is: how do we kill this gargantuan beast and substitute it, when since it was born it has been weaponised by each political party in power in an attempt to destroy their opponents? And it has been a graveyard for almost all Health Ministers. One suspects that Prime Ministers award the office to those they wish to destroy.
… and speaking of Mark Steyn:
It’s unusual for a great writer to emerge who can also expess his ideas so eloquently vocally. Great stuff!
More on the suppression of free speech in the West:
Worth exercising the optics and the grey matter behind them.
A co-blogger (moniker ‘Furriskey’) who some of you may remember from Melanie’s original blog; on The Daily Ablution and then the Speccie Wall, sent me this communique today:
> The Guatemalans seem to be being really aggressive towards Belize at the moment and there is a UK Gov petition about this, which you might like to sign, though goodness knows if it will do any good!
Do send it on to anyone else you know with affinity for Belize.
Here is the latest news, but previous to this there have been a number of other incidents. My neighbour in Belize tells me … “Just a couple of weeks ago, one of our security men was shot in the gut and some months ago at the Caracol ruin, they came in and took away the gun from one of the security and executed him on the spot in front of tourist and then left through the bushes.” <
Seems another outpost of Empire still under the reign of QEII is being neglected and under threat. I signed as requested and pass it on for Wallsters consideration.
I too will not be renewing my subscription to the Speccie, these days there is little in it worth reading, with the exception of Rod. Drivel from start to finish.
This is worth listening too
How feminist destroyed Europe
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
Clear Memories April 26th, 2016 – 11:56
Football. The teams used to represent towns, cities and works. The players grew up in those towns and cities or worked in those works. The fans lived in those towns and cities or worked in those works. Roy of the Rovers epitomised the football of 1954. Saturday afternoon sport. Ticker tape football results clacking in black and white as the light faded and the coals burned and Mum got the tea.
Now players are drawn from the whole world and are paid millions in a corporate club and TV racket as the fans come from everywhere. They refer to “my team” or “we” as though they are playing in the games. Millionaire Prime Ministers and BBC celebrities do it too – “we won”, etc., to virtue signal their “common man” credentials, or wear celebrity football players shirts like ten year old boys. And the managers dress in Armani like corporate bean counters but prowl the sidelines chewing gum and shouting foul-mouthed invective. And the casually dressed pundits sit in sci-fi studios and discuss the minutiae of the games ad nauseum as though they represent some burning philosophical enigma.
Like EastEnders Football has both tracked and guided the dumbing down of Britain.
Time for Bradford West to relocate to Saudi Arabia?
“Border security:Free movement allows Islamic State sleeper cells into Britain, warns US intelligence chief” Headline in DT
Who would have thunk it?
Frank P, April 26th, 2016 – 15:26
That Theodore Dalrymple piece was 24 carat. I couldn’t remember what his real name was, so I had to look it up. From his Wiki entry I note that Anthony Daniels, as he is, was, like you, also one of the expert guests to appear on “After Dark.”
Re Hillsborough: Reportedly today “The Sun” has apologised for its hasty, ill advised, “Scum!” headline. With 20/20 hindsight I imagine Kelvin McKenzie would have chosen a better time to tackle the topic of football hooliganism which had at that time been a major problem for years.
I hope that now all the press and especially the relatives will let the dead rest in peace.
“…In the context of the US presidential election, the Bilderbergers have in the past liked to meet on American soil. Exceptions prove the rule. And 2016 is such an exception. Although the upper-echelon secret meeting has taken place in Europe three times in a row, the conference in June will be in Dresden. Are there deeper reasons for this? What does this choice of location signal?….”
Colonel Mustard – 08:47
Sport corrupted by money and drugs is no longer sport.
Frank P, April 26th, 2016 – 18:28
That Gatestone article made for grim reading.
Better news!
Trump sweeps all five states last night gaining 60% of the vote!
He now has 927 of the 1237 delegates required for a non contested GOP convention.
Only 310 more needed.
Finally, I don’t think that either Angela or Recip are going to like the latest “cover” of “Vive Charlie!”
Sums the situation up rather nicely dontcha think!
Why is there only the following comment on Alexander’s anti-British article on Brexit?
Alan Burdon
April 23rd, 2016
10:04 AM
There appears to be a huge black hole at the centre of this piece. The effects of mass migration, and largely Moslem migration at that are barely mentioned, yet it is this that is promoting the ‘unraveling’ of Germany. So to talk about loss of culture whilst avoiding mention of that which is substantially involved in the undermining of that culture ignores the major weakness in today’s Europe. Britain is already well on the way to Islamification with the demographic time-bomb ready to explode within its institutions within twenty years. That can only be addressed from outside the EU and the glib assertion that mass migration into Britain would continue after a Brexit would not be born out if Britain’s government acted to deal with it. Recent history indicates that such actions are unlikely, but we live in hope. The comment that UKIP failed to have an impact at the last election ignores the 12% of the electorate who thought otherwise. It is only the unrepresentative electoral system that prevented these votes being turned into seats. Britain was a member of NATO for 24 years before it was a member of the EU. I don’t recall it being any the less influential as a result. It would still be the biggest armed force in Europe and so would retain its influence because of that. Your perpetuation of the demonisation of Russia and Vladimir Putin, with a sideways stab at Hungary, ignores the fact that many Europeans despairing of sanity in their leaders look increasingly to the east to find those leaders who address legitimate concerns about the demolition of national identities and reject the insidious promotion of Open Borders and other social activist agendas with their Frankfurt School underpinnings. These millions of disregarded denizens of the EU probably do not see Putin as a threat but as a potential saviour. Perhaps you might factor that into any future security analysis. It changes things.
Because it says it all?
Is Standpoint Magazine, as each of Boot Père & Fils appears to be, a polemicist for the Bilderbergers?
And why do I call Woolfson’s article “anti-British”? As Peter Sutherland has made clear, the alternative to BREXIT is the dissolution of British sovereignty; and the disappearance British sovereignty means no more Britain.
ADHD? How did the guy pass the banking exams required for the manager job?
CMD’s mob doing a Hillary, but using a private WhatsApp group instead of a private server:
EU Remain camp leaders ‘using encrypted messages on WhatsApp to discuss their tactics meaning crucial decisions will not be open to public scrutiny’
So, is Remain a Government policy or is it individuals who happen to be in government?
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
Yall still there?
Well Donald is cleaning up. All the delegates in Connecticut, Delaware and Pennsylvania yesterday and most from Maryland and Rhode Island. And Now Lyin Ted has thrown his lot in with Ohio’s sump cleaner.
Pinko Hillary we are coming for you. And then ISIL look out. Mexican drug barons watch out. And Donald will not be over there working a PR brief for Cameron. What the Kenyan Imam Barak did in London at the weekend shamed our Great Nation. Your plebiscite on Donald still smarts and he will not give you Limeys time of day.
Love to Andy.
EC 9.12
“I hope that now all the press and especially the relatives will let the dead rest in peace.”
The chances of that happening are zero.
The witch hunts are already starting within the offices of WitchFinder General Alison ‘Torquemada’ Saunders.
Bonfires are being prepared as I write and career paths burnished, in anticipation of the downfall and banishment of the already guilty (but not yet tried and convicted). Wiithin the Inns of Court themselves countless disk drives are being emptied and several thousand gross of wigs to hold the prodigious amounts of data generated by the class actions currently being prepared for Liverpool’s grievance tribes. Even now butts of Pommeroy and entire harvests of are being trans-shipped to fuel the labyrythine legal tought hives. As career soldiers used to drink to ‘a long war and a bloody one’ so lawyers will toast a long court list and a host of litigants.
After all, still ‘grieving’ after a quarter of a century, such unfathomable hurt, inflicted by the old class enemy of the ‘working class’, the police, can only by assuaged by the vast amounts of ‘compensation’ for the emotional loss and infringement of human rights soon to be extracted from Yorkshire’s and the nation’s tax payers.
Still, it provides relief for the jaded palate of a public bored with peadophile celebrity scandals and the relative sizes of the Kardashian females’ arse.
Noa – 16:06
I fear that you might be right.
I could never understand why Rupert M. coughed up £2million to the Dowlers… The Milly Dowler case was tragic, and what the NOTW did in hacking her phone was illegal and scandalous, but she was already dead. I really don’t understand how the Dowlers could bring themselves to accept the money. Your bette noir “Kennybhoy” call me “pond life” at the time for expressing that thought, but there you are. IDGAS what he thought then and ICGAS what he thinks now, whichever stone he lives under!
If you find this headline puzzling in itself:
Confused by Brexit? Here’s why voting remain is the sensible option… for now
… it is nothing to to this gem from JEREMY WARNER:
“… in fact the EU is an entirely voluntary club of nations, not an empire …”
in here:
Europe doesn’t work for Germany either, as Schauble’s faux pas demonstrates
What do they put in the tea at the DT?
This farmer deserves an Oscar. Make that two:
Get off my fracking land! Furious farmer sprays MANURE at Oscar winning actress Emma Thompson after she breaks a court injunction to protest on his field
RobertRetyred – April 15th, 09:56
Re: The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Destroyed for Telling the Truth
An production:
Bombshell: Top CDC Whistle Blower: We Were Ordered to Cover Up Vaccine-Autism Link
Kennybhoy eh?
And calling you ‘Pond life’ for expressing a perfectly reasonable view?
Well, his posts were generally short and reactive, as I recollect, taking a side rather than expressing a point of view. He had a toughness of mind and a tendency to slide into incomprehensible ‘dialect’.
He and I exchanged heated views over my treatment of some pre-Tetley type troll that infested the Speccie, accusing me of using language more suited to Julius Streicher than a good Jesuit educated boy and having my post moderated.
He may have had a point.
However it got quite personal on both sides for a while and we both should have known better. He annoyed me considerably by saying he would pray for me, the sort of comment which, in its attempt to sieze the moral high ground, I find extremely sanctimonious. After all, it was not for him to define what ‘sin’ is and then seek to apply that definition to others. My redemption, or otherwise, was not a matter which concerned him, indeed it smacked of the socialist totalitarianism which he otherwise abhored.
However such is the arbitrational nature and proble of Catholism. He called my views Calvinist, I recollect, which I took as a compliment, though I’m sure it was not meant as such!
We’ve exchanged views several times since and often found common ground.
If he’s still well and posting, or visits this site and reads this post, my best wishes go to him.
EC continued.
As to the Dowlers, if, for example, they used the money to seek justice and the restoration of the death penalty for the murderer of their own daughter and other murdered children, I would consider that to be a just cause and basis for its acceptance.
April 27th, 2016 – 17:29
Many thanks for the link to the Msssses Thompson being sprayed with slurry in the Fylde.
Our sceptic tank was emptied recently and the Gulper used for that odiferous task looks remarkably similar to the one dispensing nature’s bounty on Labour’s Luvvies!
Perhaps there is a God who hears me after all.
Noa – 20:02
I have just realised that it normally hits the fan and rarely the fan’s idol! 🙂
Noa – 19:16
Talking about religion, there’s trouble t’mill, lad!
The official referendum prayer released by the Church of England…
“Give discernment to… those who vote, that our nation may prosper and that with all the peoples of Europe we may work for peace and the common good; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The question is, will Rome be outdone by the CofE ?
You tube has The Donald’s Foreign Policy speech today up in full. Worth watching. Sorry I don’t seem able to harvest the link to make it easy for you.
Krutz has declared that Carly Fiorina will be his VP. Jumping the gun seems to be catching today.
Trump’s foreign policy speech
EC – 21:00
It has, at least by one of its number, but a more realistic view from the Pope Emeritus, before he was even the Pope, is also presented:
Archbishop of Cologne Blasts Germany’s Anti-Islam Party: Churches ‘Same As Minarets’
Radford NG (23:53)
Thanks very much for helping me out with the link.
A musical interlude for insomniacs:
EC April 27th, 2016 – 21:00
‘The question is, will Rome be outdone by the CofE?’
A good question. It’s truly difficult for the Catholic church to compete with the bastardised dogma and creation of the grand thief and wife mass murderer. No offence taken, I hope, by those Wallsters who see it as an independent minded affirmation from the all controlling Great Satan of Rome.
If Stalin’s Communist party had survived for 400 years it too might have acquired a similar patina of respectability and the veneer of integrated constitutional legitimacy given by the guilty beneficiaries of Lords and Commons combined.
At least the Catholic church of Pope Urban II instigated a Europe wide crusade against an alien relgion and culture bent on its destruction.
It may do so again in the future, despite the suicidal tendencies being displayed by the current Pontiff.
Not playing. I withdraw, as the bishop/priest/vicar said to the actress/choirboy/ etc. etc. You didn’t, by any chance, do History at Oxford under the tutelage of Simon Schama did you? 😉
South Yorkshire. WTF is going on there?
Brillo, Horse Face, Cleggover and John Mann gang-banged Red Ken this morning on DP. Not a pretty sight. He came out of it looking like a cur from a too-large litter of an unwanted mongrel bitch on a campsite of diddycoys after a failed attempt the drown him in two buckets. He barked on, off camera, during the next segment. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost! Then I remembered the pedigree of the parasitical little shit and rejoiced instead. Whether it was fair or not is neither here nor there. But it probably was, despite the cant of the kangaroo court. Wonderful seeing the Left in internecine war. Of course nobody mentioned the fact that Naz Shah is Muslim, which is clearly the root of her anti-semite outcrop. NTDWI – of course not!!
The Daily Mail has announced that in the latest poll (didn’t say which one) on the referendum since Obama’s visit, the Brexiteers have moved into the lead. So much for Cameron & Obama’s collusion, much good it did them.
“What Obama effect? First poll after US President’s dramatic intervention during visit shows Brexit camp has moved into the lead in the EU referendum campaign…..”
So the two snake-oil salesmen can cry on each other’s shoulders now.
Lesley (16:32)
If it’s true, it’s good news. But as a full-time media watcher, I’m disappointed that the Brexit movement seems incapable of coalescing and getting an articulate front man, who is truly committed and has his shit together to exploit the opportunities presented by the blatant strokes the Staysters are pulling. Boris is suspect in the eyes of many, because he spoke of using the result of a Brexit vote as a lever to cut a new deal to stay in. The meeja are not giving Farage a fair shake. He needs to take lessons from Trump on hogging headlines. When he gets the chance, he’s good and articulate. He needs to work harder for the next two moons.
Lesley (16:32)
If it’s true, it’s good news. But as a full-time media watcher, I’m disappointed that the Brexit movement seems incapable of coalescing and getting an articulate front man, who is truly committed and has his shit together to exploit the opportunities presented by the blatant strokes the Staysters are pulling. Boris is suspect in the eyes of many, because he spoke of using the result of a Brexit vote as a lever to cut a new deal to stay in. The meeja are not giving Farage a fair shake. He needs to take lessons from Trump on hogging headlines. When he gets the chance, he’s good and articulate. He needs to work harder for the next two moons.
Apologies if the above comment posted twice, but the autocorrect corrupted my moniker and put me in the moderator’s bin first time.
Muslim Council Of Britain Appoints Pro ‘Death To Apostates’ Imam To Investigate ‘Death To Apostates’ Group
“Welcome to America, White Man!”
Short, and to the point!
“The Propaganda War: How You Might Be Murdered”
Stefan’s version of Plato’s cave
Livingston has shown us just where Corbyn and his poisonous cabal are at.
“Let’s remember when Hitler won his election in 1932,” he told BBC Radio London, “his policy was then that Jews should be moved to Israel.”
Hitler for a start never won the election- he gained 196 seats in a Reichstag of 584.
Hitler never said the Jews should move to Israel. For a start Britain ruled Palestine under League of Nations Mandate and it not accepting European Jews in significant numbers.
In fact Hitler did not care where they went until the Madagascar Plan of July 1940 when it was suggested they be shipped to places where they would die of pestilence and starvation.
So not only was the foul newt lover wrong but his motives in invoking Hitler were to heap bile and loathing on the Jewish people.
He is loathsome and should himself be shipped to North Korea.
“He is loathsome and should himself be shipped to North Korea”
Along with the communist troll, and ALL his sock puppets!
“Britain Keen To Forge ‘New Links’ With Cuba
Philip Hammond is expected to raise human rights as he becomes the first Foreign Secretary to visit since the 1959 revolution.”
Bullshit from Sky spinning Hammond’s shameful visit to Cuba!
Hammond posting for a photo op’ in front of the image of Castro’s state executioner, just like Obama! When will someone rid us of Cameron and his creeps?
Emma Thompson sprayed with manure, undoubtedly the performance of her career, worth a BAFTA by any yardstick. The woman is so busy protesting about anything and everything it is nothing short of a miracle she manages to fit any acting into her schedule. Like all self absorbed thesps, the woman is as thick as pig shit, it is entirely appropriate that she has been sprays with the stuff, poetic justice. Was this life imitating art? you bet.
Watched QT last night and Burnham’s performance was sickening. The “Conservative” panelist, a weird sort of suited, spectacled social democrat called Greg Clark who used to be in the SDP and the BBC before becoming the Tory Director of Policy, with a nice line in sucking up to the socialists on the panel, was fulsome in his praise of Burnham for Hillsborough. No one mentioned Mid Staffs. No everlasting crusade for those poor victims of Labour party policy.
Salmond was fulsome in his praise for the EU and the concept of unlimited immigration and filling this country with anyone who wants to come here. No one asked him why he is so keen to remain in a 24 year old Union with 27 other countries and a Parliament in Brussels where Scotland’s representation is only 0.8% but wants to leave a 300 year old Union with three countries that are his closest neighbours and a Parliament in London where Scotland’s representation is 9%.
Also someone needs to tell him that his party only represents 33.6% of Scotland’s population not all of it and only 2.78% of the UK’s population so it is difficult to understand why the BBC insist on having the SNP represented on almost every political programme and invited to voice their opinions on matters that have nothing to do with Scotland anyway.
As if it wasn’t bad enough having Salmond pontificating his contradictions from Hull, his gurning face looming large over the other panelists like the love child of Shrek and Jabba the Hutt, another SNP smoothie channelling the odious Angus Robertson MP with all the answers for everything appeared on This Week too.
None of the journos or media pundits ever nail those SNP creeps on the essential contradiction of their position.
Nigel Farage managed to get a full five minutes or so on Sky News this morning. Mostly about immigration, which should provoke squeals from the Remainers and from the usual suspects. Unfortunately the Livingstone suspension and the Hillsborough fall out are hogging the headlines. So the reaction to Nigel’s speech may be stifled or at least curtailed.
Events, dear boy, events!
But it was a good start. Kudos, Nigel, keep it up!
Colonel Mustard – 11:51
“The “Conservative” panelist, a weird sort of suited, spectacled social democrat called Greg Clark who used to be in the SDP and the BBC before becoming the Tory Director of Policy”
Sometime you reveal the problem, and without even trying! 🙂
Peter, I was feeling generous today, but get ‘This recipient is currently unable to receive money.’ 🙁
Colonel Mustard (11:51)
Excellent critique of QT. And Noa’s prognostications at 16:06 about the reaction to the Jury’s verdict on the Hillsborough affair have been spot on, too. Pots, kettles and blackarses in abundance.
“It appears that many popular songs – such as Any Old Iron and Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bow-Wow – contain coded gay content.”,3605,448635,00.html
Cor blimey!
Frank P April 29th, 2016 – 12:32
I have to say that I am struggling to understand how what happened can be interpreted as “unlawful killing’ and lead to potential prosecutions for gross negligence manslaughter. The CPS’ own website provides the following guidance:
Gross Negligence Manslaughter
This is where the death is a result of a grossly negligent (though otherwise lawful) act or omission on the part of the defendant. The law in respect of this has been clarified in the case of R v Adomako (1994) 3 All ER 79 where a four stage test for gross negligence manslaughter known as the Adomako Test was outlined by the House of Lords:
The test involves the following stages:
a) the existence of a duty of care to the deceased;
b) a breach of that duty of care which;
c) causes (or significantly contributes) to the death of the victim; and
d) the breach should be characterised as gross negligence, and therefore a crime.
What they say about the duty of care and the grossness of the breach is worth reading:-
But I would question whether a police duty of care can extend to a large crowd which is beyond police control. That whole matter seems to lie on the field commander’s instruction to open of a particular gate, which was done in good faith to relieve an existing situation of risk. I’m not convinced that any ‘reasonable person’ could have foreseen the consequences. And once the crowd began pushing in it was beyond a duty of care to manage.
It looks as if the matter will be brought to prosecution as part of the “someone must pay” principle and to avoid further recriminations against the authorities for not acting or for suspected covering up, which seems to drive so many questionable prosecutions these days.
Frank P April 29th, 2016 – 12:08
Farage was on Daily Politics too but Andrew Neil was finding it hard to conceal his contempt. There was some ghastly freelance female journalist as a guest, who kept Islington dinner party fulminating about the “right wing” and compared Corbyn’s chumminess to Hamas to the Leave campaign’s apparent chumminess to Marie Le Pen – shock horror. Someone should tell the silly cow that not everyone in this country is irrationally “triggered” to frothing outrage by left wing code words like “Marie Le Pen”, “right wing”, “Murdoch” or “Daily Mail”.
And last time I looked the FN had not thrown anyone out of buildings, dragged them behind vehicles, fired rockets into a neighbouring country, blown up buses full of women and children with suicide bombers or murdered innocent families in their sleep.
Puerto Rico: Death by socialism.
(see also Venezuela)
Could the paltry sum $70 billion default trigger the next financial crisis?
If anybody is interested, Peter Hoskin is moving on from
If I remember correctly conservativehome was where Isabel Hardman came from when Pete left the Spectatesman. It wasn’t a swap, but ! reckon that conservativehome got the better deal!
A good one, EC, in the spirit of Dick’s ‘the first thing we do is kill all the lawyers’, it seems the reputation of the legal profession hasn’t changed that much.
On the Red Ken’s story only this. However much one may dislike the man, and Baron cannot dislike him more than he does, he has a point in that Adolf’s idea of dealing with the Jewish tribe had evolved, initially, he allowed many Jews to leave the Reich, if they paid for the exit ticket, got truly barbarous with gas chambers and stuff after meeting the Mufti of Jerusalem around 1941, the Mufti allegedly convinced him that nothing short of total physical annihilation of the Jewish people will do.
“The new, virulent strain of anti-semitism is driven by an unholy alliance between militant Islam and the Fascist Left. No, I didn’t write that yesterday, I wrote it in this newspaper nine years ago to accompany a TV documentary I made called The War On Britain’s Jews”
How does one apportion a guilt in a situation one cannot control?
This is really the question, but in contemporary Britain where fanatical lobbying groups seldom if ever fail to gain the upper hand – here their grievances being backed by the regrettable death of many – one could have hardly expected the decision to go the other way. There’re calls now to put the South Yorkshire Force under ‘remedial measures’, whatever that may mean. That the police force must share i n the blame for the loss of life is hard to deny, but to condemn it for the full stretch of it defies common sense.
What it’s all boiling down to is an outcome one suspects has always been the aim of the pressure group – individual prosecutions that will deliver a juicy monetary compensation.
How could anyone of a sound mind ever want to join the ranks of the law enforcement agencies today beggars belief.
EC …
and Alex Boot expands on RL’s excellent essay, but with some qualifying emendations in red (and brown) ink.
As we have oft averred here and elsewhere that the differences between Nationalsocialism and communism are semantics. The both involve oppression and murder on the grand scale, while they squabble over the detail.
I hope you are feeling better than you were at the start of the week.
Try running this one past your auto correct spellchecker!
EC @ 16:11
A stinging expose of the maligned Left, EC, thanks.
The Left’s alignment with the creed of Islam leaves little room for accommodating the two other Abrahamic faiths that the Koran says are false, must be wiped out.
Buy one/some for the gLiberals/Progressives in your life!
An ideal Christmas present 🙂
If somebody wrote this book, for real, it would be a best seller…
Frank P @ 16:25
Not that the barbarian has any intention to enter into an argument soon after his recovery (thanks, EC), but this piece you’re referring to, Frank, is rather confusing.
One can be antisemitic without embracing either the Red or Brown take on life, Baron reckons, more to the point, anti-Jewish sentiments (more importantly deeds) had been around well before either of the two political schools of thought emerged. It may well be the case anti-semitism has been incorporated in either, as the omni-all Mr. Boot suggests, but equally, one can point to a case where at least one proponent of socialism, Castro, didn’t promote anti-Jewish sentiments of any kind, on the contrary, backed the Jewish tribe and Israel.
The point being the animosity against the Jewish people knows no political divisions, it’s roots probably embedded in deep human vices, e.g. envy, fear, no?
“How could anyone of a sound mind ever want to join the ranks of the law enforcement agencies today beggars belief.”
Sadly fewer and fewer do, and those that are of ‘sound mind’ rarely make it to the upper echelons if they do. They are weeded out as ‘dangerously pragmatic’. And they also refuse to be dragooned into the Common Purpose brainwashing courses, or submit to the dictates of the various racial and perverted minority group associations, which are themselves deeply discriminating and destructive to independent apolitical policing. Robbed of its prosecutorial powers, its discretionary powers of arrest, plus its imposed subservience to a political CPS; subjected to yet another layer of interference with recently inaugurated and deeply unpopular PCCs, the Office of Constable is now a risible shadow of its original purpose. But it will have to get worse before the whole function is wrested from its political chains and restored to the roots planted by Peel and Mayne.
The fact that the behaviour of a some within the police itself have periodically behaved corruptly or incompetently makes it difficult to defend them against public outcry. But the fact remains that as George Orwell is reported to have said, ‘Rough men are prepared to stay out o’nights so that we can all sleep safely in our beds’. That still remains largely true and most of the rank and file coppers do a great job, despite their so-called superior officers, not because of their so-called leadership.
But I repeat my question in an earlier post – WTF is going on in South Yorkshire? Is it the terrain, or something in the water?
EC @ 16:25
It’s indeed amazing, EC, at it adds to the barbarian’s list of excuses for his bad English, thanks.
Baron 17:01
I see not a cigarette paper’s width between you and your bête noir this time. And if your aversion to the ”omni Boot’ for Russophile sentiments is factored out, none whatsoever.
But let’s not split hairs when you’re not firing on all cylinders. Get well soon. ☺
… But just to agree with your last point,
In all the diasporas of the Jews, they have managed to assimilate within the communities that have accepted them and use the opportunities to succeed in their new circumstances by availing themselves of the opportunities that exist there, rather than attempting to destroy the systems they are hosted by.
They succeed because of their inherent business skills, particularly in their financial acumen. That does create envy. But to be fair, as one who has studied organised crime cartels, it is not unknown for those skills to be co-opted for various and nefarious reasons. But just as not all Italians should not be blamed for ‘Cosa Nostra’ not all Jews should be blamed for Kosher Nostra and ethnically speaking, Jews have less entries in CRO than any other ethnic group. And some of my happiest lunches were spent in the Nosh Bar in Great Windmill Street, too. Salt Beef on Rye! With dill pickle… I still salivate at the thought of it.☺
As for Israel. I’m four square behind that benighted land. It’s currently the only true ally we have in the Near East.
And the fact that agitprop’s teleprompter is programmed to pro-Palestine propaganda says it all.
Frank P @ 17:44
Agreed, Frank, and if you allow, the barbarian would take your take on Israel a notch further, the country’s is our ally not just in the ME, without it, too, it’s the only bearer of the banner that has common sense sewn in.
Frank P @ 17:01
Quite, Frank, like you, the barbarian has nothing but admiration for the men who walk (well, today more often drive along) the streets of Britain, and certainly for those he’s come in contact with.
Night walks were, hopefully will become again, the feature of the barbarian’s life. When the moon’s out, it’s lustily gratifying to pace the rural roads, free of cars, horse riders and anything else that would spoil the enjoyment. One hears distant barking of frightened dogs, the hooting of the resident owl (we have a pair living on a farm next door, the creatures often responds to a figure moving slowly down below in the depth of the night), only the tree leaves whisper in the breeze. On some days a herd of deer is crossing the road (over two hundred of them are living in the fields nearby, one’s well advised to drive slowly day or night, to stop at considerable distance from them).
Twice on his walks was the barbarian stopped by the police. On the last occasion, the car window came down, the young copper asked, politely, what was it the barbarian was up to. Baron explained stressing the benefits of walking, also told him where he lived (the car didn’t stop at the gate to make sure Baron wasn’t fobbing them off). Having noticed a young female copper on the passenger seat, Baron made a joke about some being lucky having a sexy partner on a job. Both officers laughed, the female one said ‘join us then’. ‘Only if you promise to make it worthwhile’, Baron said.
Given the time of night, the incidents of theft in the countryside, and Baron’s accent, the coppers’ handling of the first part of the ‘stop and search’ was exemplary, exactly as one were told the man in the blue related to the community in the past. (Both must have been a part of what the barbarian calls the ‘healthy core of Englishness’).
One thing you’ve missed (the barbarian is scanning the past postings) is the visit of the honorary Muslim to his mentors in Riyadh. Not only was he not met at the airport by any of the top honchos, the TV networks failed to noticed him, too.
One of the disagreements he was trying to patch up with the despots was the possible release of the 28 secret pages to the 9/11 report. Only few people have seen it (one needs special permission to get access to it, can only read it, no notes can be taken).
Allegedly, it talks about the Saudi involvement in the atrocity (two middle ranking officials paying Osama hundreds of millions to stay away from Saudi Arabia, messing thing elsewhere was OK). If the reports from the East are to be believed the Saudis told Barry if he were to allow the 28 pages to be released they will dump $750bn of the Treasury paper on the market.
The Donald is scheduled to make a speech at the Hyatt Hotel, Burlingame CA. About 250 protesters seem to have caught the cops napping and they have had to sneak him in through the back door.
I think the local cops must have had a crowd control course from the South Yorkshire Police. A small group of rentacrowd were allowed to pull down barriers and crawl all over the hotel.
He needs to beef up his protection. Lee Harvey Oswald could have done this one on the hoof.
Here is a poster whose hope was dashed, as mine was:
“Well Philip Hammond certainly seemed to have great potential when he was first appointed as Foreign Secretary.
But two years on, he has turned into nothing more than the puppet of David Cameron. A mouthpiece and nothing else. Nobody takes him seriously and nobody cares what he has to say.
A great shame, but that’s just sometimes how it goes in politics.”
RobertRetyred @ 22:54
Hammond, Robert, is in Baron’s book by far the worst member of the Government whatever post he holds. The barbarian will never forgive what he did to our Armed Forces, for this alone he should have not been entrusted to run any office of the State but retired. His parroting of Obama’s three major threats showed him to be unsuitable as Foreign Secretary. The threats from ebola, ISIS and Russia may indeed be what we have to confront, but repeating Obama’s words was just too pitiful and embarrassing.
April 28th, 2016 – 16:36
Only in the deluded minds of the Westminster bubble could anyone have thought the musings of the uppity nigger would push the Brits in any direction but towards the door.
I’ll be voting out from here.
Frank P.
Reputedly South West Yorkshire has bred the majority of serial killers in this country ; also the majority of public-hangmen.
Radford NG.
By God! I think you’ve got it! ☺
Clear Memories (23:20)
Apparently the ‘millennials’ like him. Whatever they might be. [to paraphrase Nubar Gulbenkian].¿
Baron – 23:15
Hammond always looked very capable of doing the basics and being efficient; they call it showing promise, but he never showed that he had an idea in his head, and never was a decision made. As an assistant to a good leader, they can be very good at ensuring the (good) leader is effective. In his case, you are so right, as the poster quoted confirms.
Baron (23:15) and RR (00:23)
Hammond has a patrician nose which gives a first impression of haughty intelligence. His general lack of ability and his overall performance completely belies that. The man is a prick and a downright menace in his incumbent position (not to mention his recumbent position). Taking part in the Iran ‘deal’ qualifies him as a traitor. Future historians will confirm that.
Well that seems to have comprehensively evaluated the career of our Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
Baron, yesterday 15:56
“…got truly barbarous with gas chambers and stuff…”
I have a lower bar for barbaric stuff, for instance the state forcing elderly people to scrub a city pavement with toothbrushes or to lick the cobblestones.
“For the English Cats are the best in Europe”
Buchanan on Trump
Frank P @ 01:29
Hopefully no cigar will be needed, Frank, the weed is just too good for her.
Radford NG @ 23:30
It’s the water, Radford, it’s full of dog poo.
Alex Jones in the first 20 minutes of his Friday show analyses inter alia the collaborationist media in its coverage of the anti-Trump riots in California.
Malfleur @ 02:39
You beat Baron to posting the link by what? 90 minutes, Malfleur, it’s an excellent precis of Donald’s speech on foreign policy.
The push towards ‘nation building’ has been the biggest folly the American political elite have embarked on in the field of foreign policy ever. Adams got it right, they should have listened to him.
Not only it cannot be done in a hurry, past evidence shows that even for peoples willing to pursue it, it has taken centuries. It also is undoable in a legal environment of statutory human rights embedded in the contemporary American psyche for it requires the military to often behave in a way that contradicts such rights. To be victorious in imposing the construct on other cultures with little or no seeds of it necessitates the military to do stuff that invariably hurts the innocent as much as removing a cancerous growth from the human body always destroys healthy cells surrounding it.
The goal itself, the spread of democracy with all it entails, is indeed commendable, meritorious and worth the effort, but as is always the case it’s not what what but how.
The Bolsheviks ideas of a more just and equitable society based on Marx’s writing fall into the same category of desirable aims yet the way the dreamlike goal had been forced onto the masses in the East had resulted in death and such pain and suffering as to negate the aim itself. Were it not for the West still moving defectively in the same direction the idea would have been shelved for generations.
It seems that the outcome from the time limited nation building exercise by the Americans (some 15 years since Bush junior first applied it in Afghanistan) has been an unmitigated disaster, too, in terms of lives (both American and others) as well treasure. As if that wasn’t enough, we have to also deal with the secondary fallout, waves of immigrants arriving at our shores.
It should be back to the writing board, Donald shows how.
Malfleur @ 01:10
Good point, Malfleur, except that one can recover from licking cobblestones, but not from an exposure to Zyklon B.
Malfleur @ 01:48
The next task: A collar for the humans to shut up, Malfleur, you on?
We should come up with some ideas for the British people, outside the state, to undertake some nation-building in the United Kingdom.
I am not sure that even if you survive you can always recover from a concentration camp. When I lived in New York, there was a tiny little woman who cowered from me, Aryan as I must have seemed to her, as she slipped mouse-like past me up and down the stairs of the old apartment building that we shared. She had spent some time in a camp at a time when, as my landlord informed me, she must have been a child or a very young woman.
Being forced to lick the cobblestones of Vienna is an experience that can grievously scar the memory. A government that makes you lick the street is barbaric.
Baron @ 04:9
Priority to a collar for politicians which would translate and broadcast what they are REALLY saying.
H.R. Clinton’s language in her leaked speech to Goldman “the Squid” Sachs, which I link at April 26th – 02:37, gives an idea of what the result might be…
Re Hammond:
This received no comment here, or elsewhere yesterday. The act is no less shameful or sickening as when Obama did it.
EC @ 08:13
You’re quite right giving us a drubbing for our failure to furnish a direct response to the picture, EC. It falls into the same bin of sins as Drummond’s word for word reproduction of Obama three threats.
The special friend did a visit, the pale clone of his must follow, do the same. What irks about this picture more than any taken when Barry was there is that it’s the group stands in front of the neon lit face of the still celebrated psychopathic killer, as you point out, the Cubans must have insisted on it, one hopes, for it would call for an immediate sacking if our man were to suggest it.
Amazingly, the Germans were there a year ago or so, if Baron remembers, they didn’t wait for the honorary Muslim to give the signal.
The people may do it, rid us of the ghastly H2B and few others, in June, and thanks be to Him if they do.
In arguing that Isrealis should be ‘transported’ to the Wertegau of America, the Right Honorable member of Parliament for Bradford West, Naz Shah should understand that if her argument is accepted, an identical argument and justification arises for the transportation of all moslems and their supporters in Europe and the West back to their countries of origin.
Douglas Murray keeps up the pressure:
And Donald Trump, in similar vein:
And just a little historical info to explain why I keep highlighting Trump’s somewhat -er- leaky personal security set-up, evidenced by his entry and exit of the Hyatt Hotel yesterday. I wonder whether anyone has shown him this:
You’ll need to get yourselves comfy, with the coffee-pot topped up, but stay with it. Riveting stuff.
“Dr. Cynthia McKinney reveals what a Trump presidency could look like and how the globalists will attempt to fuel race wars in response. And Robert David Steele explains how Trump can crush Hillary by thinking way outside the box. Tune in!”
“…Breitbart London reported that the exercise was attended by 600 members of various European police and military forces, in a bid to prepare the united troops of the European Gendarmerie Force…”
NB. Extensive and generally interesting comments on the article linked at 00:55.
An Arab family was considering putting their grandfather Abdullah in a nursing home.
All the Arab Facilities were completely full, so they had to put him in an Italian home.
After a few weeks in the Italian facility, they came to visit Grandpa.” How do you like it here?” asked the grandson.
It’s wonderful! Everyone here is so courteous and respectful,” said grandpa.
“We’re so happy for you. We were worried that this was the wrong place for you since you are a little different from everyone.”
“Oh, no! Let me tell you about how wonderfully they treat the residents,” Abdullah said with a big smile.
“There’s a musician here – he’s 85 years old. He hasn’t played the violin in 20 years, and everyone still calls him Maestro!
There is a judge in here – he’s 95 year old.. He hasn’t been on the bench in 30 years and everyone still calls him Your Honor.
There’s a dentist here – 90 years old. He hasn’t fixed a tooth for 25 years, and everyone still calls him Doctor!
And Me? I haven’t had sex for 45 years, and they still call me The Fucking Arab.
Andrew Marr is a fucking disgrace!
also YCMIU!
Re: Hammond, Westminster weasels etc.
He’s a solid bloke, and he normally responds but when I suggested to Col Kemp yesterday, “Your country needs YOU!” nothing came back. I do really hope that there’s a plot afoot!
An EU Gendarmerie empowered to operate in Britain would be a massive change to the status quo even though the trend has been towards militarising the UK police in their appearance and operational practices.
When the police was first instituted in Britain there was considerable Parliamentary suspicion and resistance to the concept of a European-style Gendarmerie – essentially a military police force. It was the reason the early police here wore a civilian type dress with top hats and were unarmed. As an arm of the military a Gendarmerie conducting routine policing would put the military on the streets. This might be acceptable in Europe with those traditions in France and Italy, and even eventually necessary here in the face of increasing terrorism and sectarian violence, but it is a massive change to the traditions and legacy of British policing and should not be presumed without extensive Parliamentary debate and commentary in the public narrative. It is difficult to see how it could be construed as ‘policing by consent’ when it is imposed by the EU from a Parliament (even if it was ever endorsed by that Parliament) where the UK is outnumbered and outvoted.
Peel’s Principles constituted an approach to policing described by Reith in 1956 as “unique in history and throughout the world, because it derived, not from fear, but almost exclusively from public co-operation with the police, induced by them designedly by behaviour which secures and maintains for them the approval, respect and affection of the public”.
Difficult to be affectionate towards someone intimidating in black, masked, combat-booted and tooled up in a manner where life now imitates the ‘art’ of Terry Gilliam’s 1985 ‘Brazil’ and employing as routine the same smashing down doors at dawn intrusions upon the populace filmed for sensationalised TV entertainment of a sleepwalking public. Respect through fear maybe. But a very far cry from what was ever intended or wanted. Have Parliamentarians forgotten their responsibilities? Why do they sanction, or at least turn a blind eye to, the routine use of unnecessary force and of “lawful” criminal damage in the pursuit of law and order? The presumption of guilt by dint of law enforcement rather than a fair judicial process is already apparent.
The 7th Peelian Principle states that the police are “To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”
Well, maybe not any more. Whilst Peel’s Principles have not been officially abandoned or revised, the direction of the police has clearly moved away from them, by design and de facto, apparently without debate in Parliament or the public narrative. The public have been well and truly disenfranchised in terms of their responsibilities to community welfare and existence. Any citizen rash enough to undertake those responsibilities now is more likely to be collared by the police than appreciated for them. The ACPO zombie, whose new acronym I forget but which involves the word ‘Chiefs’ never before associated with British police, probably still pays lip service to the Principles whilst “progressing” procedure away from them in ways in which they appear entirely unaccountable.
So weak is conservatism in Britain today that far reaching constitutional and operational changes in the relationship between the public and the police are wrought by unelected bureaucracies with little or no challenge from politicians or even much questioning commentary by the media. Issues over stop and search or profiling are red herrings when there is a much more fundamental problem.
It might be nice to think that PCCs would tackle this, be aware of Peel’s Principles and resolute in championing them. But there is little evidence of it. They seem more bought into the whole ‘Policing by Political Correctness’ theme which cherry picks the law to appease vociferous minority campaign groups.
Malfleur @ 06:38
Not bad, Malfelur, and short, too.
Colonel Mustard – 11:41
Re: Terry Gilliam’s ‘Brazil’ (1985)
That impossibly absurd dystopia is now upon us!
Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside (VIDEO) [RT]
Colonel Mustard @ 11:41
Sadly, Colonel, the principles advanced by Peele won’t do today, the unwashed are no longer respectful of the law as they once were because seldom do they consented to it, it has been forced upon them in the name of progress, enlightenment, equality or whatever goes at the time the statutes are hoisted on them.
Add to it, mostly in London and other major cities, the preponderance of burghers from other cultures with no experience of Peel’s style policing and voila, those in charge can do what they want.
What will happen is the EU gendarmerie will start walking the streets of London first, Baron reckons, then gradually begin spreading into the country. The rural unwashed will be unhappy, but will be unable to do anything about it. But then, when that occurs we’ll be just a provincial region of the Germanic Empire, will it matter?
Peter lll and Paul l of Russia were obsessed with Prussian military uniforms and Prussian military culture. Their reigns were short.
Cromwell may not have put it quite as succinctly as that, but that rant sure do fit today’s parliament and its attendant media circus!
Col. Kemp, Get yer arse in gear!
File under: Westminster, Weasels, Dhimmis, Quislings, Traitors.
Colonel Mustard (11:41)
A brilliant reminder of what policing should be, no longer is and sadly, never never will be again.
Moreover, so many of our social problems are a direct result of the deliberate departure from Peel’s and Mayne’s tenets for policing and the systematic politicisation of the function by interference in the powers of arrest and prosecutorial discretion subsumed by the CPS. The recruitment criteria and politically correct elements of training are another component in the destruction of policing by both consent and common sense.
The prospect of the Stasi looms ever closer.
Baron May 1st, 2016 – 12:05
I think the oft heard platitude that the country has “moved on” merely conceals a refusal to discuss a largely undebated and arguably unwanted “progress”.
Your view might be justified had Peel’s Principles been subject to that debate and discarded by consent, as it were, but they haven’t been and are not – which was really my point. They are simply ignored by those who ought to take responsibility for them. And instead of such sound principles being dusted off and innovatively applied to be relevant again by those responsible they embrace instead sociological twaddle, political ideology and preside over an imbalance in enforcement that corrodes the very things those principles were intended to maintain.
Far from the change being inevitable it has been contrived at and slipped upon us, through a combination of political collusion, ignorance, incompetence and the sublimation of the largely silent majority by the cheerleaders of vociferous, politically active minority groups. A conservative narrative has been discredited, to the extent that the Tory party must now pretend to be socialist in nature with a bow to corporate bean counting. And change has been conflated with progress everywhere. One hears wonks talk about a process of managing continuous change or chaos as thought that is non-negotiable. The extent to which so called lawmakers now produce bad law and worse regulation as lucrative industry is unsustainable. We have tiers of them at it. And the more they produce the worse the problems seem to become.
But just because we live in the Age of Platitude doesn’t mean that it’s right or should just be accepted. One should still rage against the dying light and let the bastards who are engineering the encroaching darkness know that their activities are to be detested and opposed.
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
PS I consider myself rural but not unwashed. I suspect that I am not alone in that.
EC @ 12:17
…and why do I find this so exciting? A Jew, Prof. William D. Kolbrener, lecturing on John Milton’s Paradise Lost:
JJ socks it to ’em, yet again:
I see that a certain troll is busy at Conservative Woman and Guido’s with a new pair of pseudonyms.
That drew him out. Obsessing about Nicholas again too.
‘NATO Deploys 4000 Troops To Russian Border As EUCOM Chief Urges “Return To War-Planning”
“NATO military infrastructure is inching closer and closer to Russia’s borders. But when Russia takes action to ensure its security, we are told that Russia is engaging in dangerous maneuvers near NATO borders. In fact, NATO borders are getting closer to Russia, not the opposite,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter daily….’
With only 50,000 troops, NATO should go straight to nuclear war in the event of “an incident”,no?
May 2016
The Spectre Of Mayor Khan’s Islamist London
After Paris and Brussels, Londoners need to wake up to the alarming reality of a capital in which Islamist enclaves are allowed to flourish
On a crisp, sunlit morning in March, I ceased to feel at home in London. It dawned on me that the city where I had been born 58 years ago was no longer safe.
“May 2016
The Spectre Of Mayor Khan’s Islamist London
After Paris and Brussels, Londoners need to wake up to the alarming reality of a capital in which Islamist enclaves are allowed to flourish
On a crisp, sunlit morning in March, I ceased to feel at home in London. It dawned on me that the city where I had been born 58 years ago was no longer safe. ..”
It had to happen…
Yes, it’s the “DOWNFALL” mashup we’ve all been waiting for 🙂
“HITLER REACTS to Ken Livingstone calling him a Zionist!”
Colonel Mustard @ 13:22
You, Colonel, have misunderstood the poorly educated Slav, he tried to explain why sticking to the Peel’s principles had been shelved, in no way does he approve of it. His point was one needs the law to be restored to the place it rightfully must occupy for the agency charged with ensuring it is observed to again become one of us and we one of it.
Malfleur @ 12:13
The former made a mistake marrying, paid for it with his life, the latter indeed admired Prussian uniforms (what is it that makes the Prussians to spend good money on this rather useless piece of man’s attire?, in WW2 they did the same, but then they had Boss to help), but didn’t he rule for years? Certainly long enough for a Russian ruler to qualify for a medal of near longevity. The chief assassin or one of the party that killed him – they were all drunk – grabbed his young son who was in bed sleeping shouting ‘grow up lad, time to rule Russia’, or words to that effect.
In a sense that did one half of what Voltaire advocated as the best model of societal governance, democracy tempered with assassination.
Frank P @ 15:01
The barbarian keeps trying, it doesn’t work, Frank.
Football Vignettes.
When is hair pulling allowed? One liberated Dutchman has a view:
And has soap on a rope been replaced by ‘hair in the plug hole?’