This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
Your support is needed, without it the Coffee House Wall can’t function. Please consider a donation of even just £5.
Bill gets it, at least a part of it, but to expect the reigning lot, the covert, half baked Muslim in particular, to force themselves to utter anything near it?
Frank P – 00:15
Noted, and I take your point, but the irony of, “Not only has this man not got a shred of principle, his acquaintance with the truth is distant to say the least” cannot have escaped you. GG might just as well have been talking about himself!
The next 100 days? To paraphrase W.C.Fields, “I’d rather be in Andalucía!”
Maybe a good time to lock the TV in the cupboard! It might also be a good time for Peter to switch the all too predictable Tele off for a while too …
BTW. I read up on Fratianno and Ferritto. Very interesting and educational. Amazing that they both managed to dodge the electric chair, death by ‘family’, and die of natural causes!
Peter, you are the one with the hand on the plug, but as for Baron, he’s still marching under the Spinoza’s banner saying ‘a man can think what he likes, say what he thinks’.
Of course, this doesn’t suggest the man should also expect someone else to give the air of publicity to whatever it is he thinks and says, but Ostrich’s point is valid, Baron, too, would regret missing the display of logic, wisdom, deep knowledge, the verbal craftsmanship of the Colonel, Frank, EC. Noa ….. as a response to our mutual enemy.
But above all, isn’t there enough hypocrisy already? How could we justify kicking the MSM tossers for banning us if we also banned a man whose views we disagree with?
I’m not a great one for banning people, but there is a difference between free speech and deliberate subversion, and there is also a difference between free speech and the freedom to use someone else’s platform.
TELEMACHUS: For the time being, I think there is a vague consensus ever so slightly in favour of allowing you to post here, but I would suggest that you tone down the level at which you p**s everyone off or the vague consensus might shift. I would especially recommend that you do not repeat here any of the posts made elsewhere in which you even suggest that you have some policing role. You are here entirely on sufferance and have no authority and such posts are not amusing even in some ironic manner. So post left-wing drivel, but do not p**s off the regulars here beyond what they will countenance because I’d rather any one of them were here than you.
I respectfully suggest Peter that you “police” him and simply remove any trolling or provocative posts.
There were a couple last week that amounted almost to veiled threats.
It is quite simple. When he demonstrates that he respects pluralism and the right of people to hold views that differ from his own without trying to impose his dogma of bogus moral absolutism then respect will be demonstrated towards him.
My friend was looking for a book by Nigel Farage.
He asked the nice ethnic lady at the Library if they had a copy but she got very upset and furiously hissed
“Get out, stay out and don’t f**king come back”
“Yes” he said “that’s the one”
Happy Australia Day all.
Colonel Mustard (11:08)
A reasonable and civilized compromise IMHO.
Now let’s stop discussing the pillock; he seems to thrive on our exhaled carbon dioxide.
Colonel, I am more than happy to do that.
Clear Memories (11:10)
That already travelled well from Oz. It will do some more travelling from hereon and will remain as sturdy, I suspect. 🙂
Much has been written here with regard to our very own ‘troll’ and so I will keep this short, banning him/her/it goes against our principals of free thought, opinions and speech so I would rather let him/her/it be.
However copying and pasting without acknowledging the author should stop.
From this day forward, ‘bashing the Bishop’, takes on a whole new connotation.
I think it is wonderful that the CHW allows anybody to post. It is the true expression of free speech, which the Left and the Pseudo-Conservatives and Liberals have crushed. This is the reason I support Peter from Maidstone and the way he manages this ‘blog’ – for want of a better word. However, I feel many fellow posters encourage trolls to spew forth their mucus and vomit over the web. Just ignore them, without acknowledgement of their existence they cannot survive. I make a point of never responding to a troll, they are like the nuisance cold callers, who once you give them an ‘in’ will haunt you ever after. Remember, he who wrestles in the filth with rubbish will emerge feeling dirty, whilst the troll will believe he has succeeded.
I wonder whether there is a PLACE called Libby Lane, btw?
Anne (12:15)
Profoundly put!
One for our pusillanimous politicians:
My feelings exactly. I ignore the shite and do not read his postings as I regard them as an insult to my intelligence, and if there is one thing such people can not stand is being ignored.
Much merriment in the Maybery mansion over the Bashir affaire. A serial liar and an over promoted PR spiv. A perfect coupling if ever there was one.
Mr Boot at his scathing best, wherein he manages to piss on an unmarked grave of one of theirs and an already sullied reputation of one of ours, in one relieving catharsis:
Piss be upon them both!
Frank P
January 26th, 2015 – 12:19
I wonder whether there is a PLACE called Libby Lane, btw?
Frank, how about Pudding Lane? We all know what happened there!
Libby Lane, Pilling, England
Is this the Amjad Bashir currently in the news, I wonder?
Here’s a handy little search tool to probe other names in the news.
h/t “Mr_Twister” on Delingpole’s Breitbart Bashir thread.
Frank P January 26th, 2015 – 12:19
“I wonder whether there is a PLACE called Libby Lane, btw?”
Libby Lane, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire PR3
Sorry Frank. I did not see Peters reply on Libby Lane.
anne wotana kaye January 26th, 2015 – 12:15
“I think it is wonderful that the CHW allows anybody to post.”
A fine sensible post.
anne wotana kaye @ 13:37
But there’s puddingstone, and plenty of it, mostly in Hertfordshire, anne. The barbarian used to live ina house, the garden of which had a large puddingstone that resembled the head of a fox, if observed from a certain angle.
Btw, your advice on how to deal with trolls is hard to beat.
Regarding the threadworm that infests this and other places, could a separate section be created for it (and any others) so anyone can read it’s meanderings, threats and insults if they wish but it doesn’t pollute the main Wall? Call it the Recycle Bin or Restroom perhaps.
I am waiting for the BBC to show something similar:
German TV show mocks green policies of grand coalition
RobertC – 17:58
Wunderbar! Especially for their state broadcaster! The BBC? Don’t hold your breath.
The Germans have had to suffer consensus politics for a lot longer that we have – even before the advent of “GrKo”. Upon that which the main parties were privately agreed there was no debate, and no meaningful electoral choice. They were never allowed a vote on massive subsidies to the French via the CAP, any of the EU treaties, the Euro, Green taxes and subsidies, immigration etc. etc. Sound familiar? The ordinary hardworking German is feeling overtaxed, disenfranchised and really pissed off! Hence AfD, and Pegida.
Peter from Maidstone@January 26th, 2015 – 15:42
There is a minge lane in upton upon severn, a twatling road in Barnt Green, near Lickey and a hornyold road in Gt Malvern
Sorry. childish, but they always make me giggle.
RobertC (17:58)
You are obviously another Alex Pope fan. 🙂
The knives are out for UKIP and I suspect many more nasty stories will be read in the next 100 days until the general election.
The highlighted headline below is referring to a speech given in the USA about six years ago.
“Top Ukip official forced to apologise after ‘unforgivable’ anti-trans rant and ‘she-males’ slur”
RobertC @ 17:58
Not bad, Robert, but our local talent would handle it better (if it were allowed or willing to handle it).
Still, the Germans, the vast majority of them, are still in a kind of repentance trance, a state of near catalepsy for the events more than half a century ago. The price for the sins of their recent past hasn’t yet been fully paid, they think. it’s the younger generation that’s beginning to question the obedience to the PC orthodoxy of the progressives, who turned the compass 180deg. It will take some time yet for this submissive docility to crack up fully, but when it does, the Germanic DNA will reassert itself strongly again, Baron reckons. The Pediga is but a start.
When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon subscribes to the old canard that ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ we really are in deep cacky:
Cue Richard Littlejohn. “YCMIU!”
Add to that the news that the Leader of the UK Greens, the harpie from Oz, has announced that she would ‘disband the armed services and let all the immigrants stay” ; perhaps we should all wave our pencils and wear a placard enscribed “je suis Abdullah”.
That will sort Al Queda, ISIS; ISIL; the Hutsi Tutsis; Boko Haram; the Muzzies Bros – and the rest of the RoP around the Globe.
That’s my entry for the competition. Think I stand a chance?
Sorry to keep bashing the Bishopess, but just saw her take the oath of ordination or whatever they call it. In a room full of men in dresses, she was the butchiest one in the room – and a baritone to boot. What is the world coming to?
Hexhamgeezer @ 17:11
How about calling it a purgatory, Hexhamgeezer, for who knows, some of them may yet see the light?
The risk of any such arrangement though is in that Baron (well, Baron as well as you, everyone, but the barbarian more likely than anyone else) may find himself in this chamber of ill repute, too.
Frank P @ 19:46
Baron has said it before, Frank, he rather likes it, so here comes again.
The pen may be mightier than the sword except in a sword fight, and the last time the barbarian had a look, we were definitely in a sword fight.
And you definitely stand a chance, the ‘je suis Abdullah’ will trump it all anyway, promoting it now will only enhance your standing as a guru with a vision.
Bless the good old Church of England, after all they have just appointed their first woman bishop today.
That’ll soon have the empty aisles filling up again.
In the meantime will Anjam Bashkir and his new ‘get out of jail card’ boss, David Cameron now lobby the Muslim Council of Britain to demand that we see the first female (and unmutilated) iman appointed at t’local mosque?
Darn it Frank, I just noticed you’ve already commented and got your blow job on the bishopy thingy in.
And apologies- I’ll reply to your email later this week.
Frank P – 19:46
Here is something to cheer you up:
… but have something with alcohol in it first.
On snotty,
Freedom of speech is all well and good, but I’ve yet to find any trace of an original, witty or intellectually challenging thought amongst the acres of ‘cut n’paste’ i have bothered, with revulsion, to scan.
Frank P @ 19:53
Rather a disappointment, Frank, the ordination of someone who claims to be a female of a rather robust make-up as you so charmngly point out. A candidate from one of the Facebook’s gender classification (over 50 different gender options, including transsexual, bigender, androgynous, intersex, genderfluid ….) would have been more inclusive.
For example this gender unknown individual from San Francisco would do just fine.
Baron, EC.
I’m of the view that when trouble comes, it will come in Europe; Germany, Holland and France.
Britain will follow, in its usual lukewarm way.
RobertC @ 20:14
Superb, Robert, to the point, funny, and above all, witty.
Noa @ 20:23
Agreed, Noa, except for the ‘Britain will follow” bit. What with, Noa?
Compare us with (say) the Chinese (remember the figures in the link below don’t include the recent cull in our Army personnel, nor the future cuts, the Tories allegedly thinking to lower the military to 60,000, the Greens proposing to abolish the Armed Services altogether).
Btw, this is a useful site for comparison with other countries e.g. Russia, India ….
Breitbart opens the floodgates for the shite that will surely flow for the next few years:
The pustules of the pox of politics have now become running sores, after years of festering. Oh for a sanguine General, who could perform an overnight coup d’etat. Or at least a Heracles to muck out the Augean stables. It seems impossible that only 60 years after the death of WSC, there is not even one solitary figure left: in politics, the military or even the civil police who seems capable of halting the depravity that now pervades public life.
“…the Greens proposing to abolish the Armed Services altogether…”
Well I wasn’t prophesying military coups d’tat across northern europe, including Britain, more a steadily growing upsurge of popular anger than will lead to something more akin to the revolutions of 1848 than 1917.
Still, if the Greens win, reminds me of my dear old Mum’s exhortation to “eat your greens up”. Ughh!
Then, as a gurning Watt Tyler lookalike, I shall join their People’s Defence Force” and as a member of the ‘Farting 44th’, the infamous Lancashire Turnips, I shall seize hold of my regulation pitchfork and join the march on Westminster, there to assist in the lashing of the Greens to their own windmills in the estuary.
Now that will truly introduce proper spin into politics!
Baron @ 19.55. It’s a risk I’m willing to take! Call it ‘Quarantine’ from which one is released after the disease has abated.
BENGHAZI – THE DIFFERENCE THAT IT MAKES – ‘Christopher Stevens: ’1st U.S. envoy to al-Qaida’
With Clare Lopez in agreement, the Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi’s interim report concludes that the Obama administration was using Ambassador Stevens to head a gun-running operation to al Qaida through Benghazi.
“WND reported Monday that in exclusive interviews conducted with 11 of the 17 members of the commission, it is clear that while the CCB is still enthusiastic to work with Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and hopeful that Boehner is serious about the investigation, various members of the CCB, speaking on their own behalf and not as spokesmen for the commission, are expressing concerns, wanting to make sure the Gowdy investigation is not compromised by elements within the GOP.”
and for those who think, from the vantage of not watching his programme, that Alex Jones’s show is not a news service, note the first comment below the article:
“Spongebob • 17 hours ago
Alex Jones reported this 2 years ago!”
(Btw, je ne suis pas Spongebob.)
I hope the drone that crashed on the grounds of the White House last night is another straw in the wind that the US military, in accordance with their oath to uphold the US constitution against domestic enemies, are running drills to get the republic back for the American people. (Drudge Report)
Noa (20:12),
As you are a well-travelled Lancastrian, I think it’s only fair to ask, have you ever been through Libby Lane … Pilling, (or without medication, even)?
Sorry – but these militant wimmin’ do set themselves up for it, do they not? Come back Oliver Cromwell – all is forgiven.
Noa – 21:42
If the Greens take control …
… you might end up with Edward G. Robinson on your plate.
Erm Yes Frank.
I’ve…how can I put this without raising the double entendre stakes even higher-or lower…ah yes…DRIVEN…down Libby Lane a good few times. Quiet remote Pilling, nothing but farms and sheep…a great train robbers, Vietnamese cannabis farmers’ or Latvian distillers’ dream.
On a related theme, I visited a lovely CofE church in central Lincoln recently. My youngest daughter having been involved in a conservation project there. The church was huge, having been built in Victorian times, its congregation until the 1950’s, had been in the region of 2,000. It had now fallen to about 30 people, all in their 70’s or older, and was in a desperate state.
Libby and her mates need to get with the real programme: in ten years time the last surviving members of Henry VIII’s divorce club will have departed., leaving many fine buildings for conversion to the local mosque.
Noa – 21.42,
“the lashing of the Greens to their own windmills”
Far too good for ’em. They, and the current board of the RSPB, should be catapulted from trebuchets at the rotating blades so that they can get a bird’s eye view!
Thank you for that, I long since came to the conclusion that your mordant SOH and mine had been cloned from much of the same material.
Soylent Green was of course based on ‘Make Room, Make Room’ Harry Harrison’s dark Sci-fi story about world over population. I also enjoyed his stories about the Stainless Steel Rat, a clear allegory of the Israeli-Arab conflict and its inevitably violent climax.
All of which prophesy will come true if La Bennet’s loons ever got near enough to the levers of power to lower the drawbridge for the third world to move here en mass. Even if they have to do so by bicycle convoy rather than by jet.
Noa – 23:33
Ah, The Stainless Steel Rat alias “Slippery Jim” DiGriz. The one-man job creation scheme for journalists and law enforcement! 🙂
For those who identify with the Irish…..and those who don’t but may, nevertheless wish to take offence.
• Definition of an Irish husband: He hasn’t kissed his wife for twenty years, but he will kill any man who does.
• Murphy told Quinn that his wife was driving him to drink. Quinn thinks he’s very lucky because his own wife makes him walk.
• An American lawyer asked, “Paddy, why is it that whenever you ask an Irishman a question, he answers with another question?”
“Who told you that?” asked Paddy.
• Question – Why are Irish jokes so simple?
Answer – So the English can understand them.
• Reilly went to trial for armed robbery. The jury foreman came out and announced, “Not guilty.”
“That’s grand!” shouted Reilly. “Does that mean I can keep the money?”
• Irish lass customer: “Could I be trying on that dress in the window?”
Shopkeeper: “I’d prefer that you use the dressing room.”
• Q. What do you call an Irishman who knows how to control a wife?
A. A bachelor.
• Finnegin: My wife has a terrible habit of staying up ’til two o’clock in the morning. I can’t break her of it.
Keenan: What on earth is she doin’ at that time?
Finnegin: Waitin’ for me to come home.
• Slaney phoned the maternity ward at the hospital. “Quick!” he said. “Send an ambulance, my wife is goin’ to have a baby!”
“Tell me, is this her first baby?” the intern asked.
“No, this is her husband, Kevin, speakin’.”
• My mother wanted me to be a priest. Can you imagine giving up your sex life and then once a week people come in to tell you the details and highlights of theirs?
I do like the trebuchet idea, and would welcome its more general application to the occupiers of the slime green benches.
Interesting, even if it is boy’s stuff…
Noa (00:05)
Awe inspiring! The things we take for granted!
Imagination, ingenuity, planning, skill, expertise, dedication, cooperation, coordination, effort, pride in work, inspection and all the other human attributes involved. Then – take-off!
Humbling. Thanks for that. Boy’s stuff? Well … here’s one old boy who appreciates the finer achievements of homo sapiens sapiens, despite the parasites among our species who exploit them and don’t deserve that appellation.
I received this news today…
From Internet News Service via email — Jihadists on Strike in England
Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement.
The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death would be cut by 25% this February from 72 to 54. A spokesman said increases in recent years in the number of suicide bombings has resulted in a shortage of Virgins in the afterlife.
The suicide bombers’ union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs (B.O.O.M.) responded with a statement saying the move was unacceptable to its members and called for a strike vote. General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the press, “Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don’t ask for much in return but to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth.”
Speaking from his shed in Tipton in the West Midlands, Al Qaeda chief executive Haisheet Mapants explained, “I sympathize with our workers concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a position to meet their demands. They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-day Jihad in a competitive marketplace. Thanks to Western depravity, there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It’s a straight choice between reducing expenditures or laying people off. I don’t like cutting benefits but I’d hate to have to tell 3,000 of my staff that they won’t be able to blow themselves up.”
Spokespersons for the union in the North East of England, Ireland, Wales and the entire Australian continent stated that the change would not hurt their membership as there are so few virgins in their areas anyway.
According to some industry sources, the recent drop in the number of suicide bombings has been attributed to the emergence of Scottish singing star, Susan Boyle. Many Muslim Jihadists now know what a virgin looks like and have reconsidered their benefit packages.
PfM 09:42
Another hit from Pat:
#GE2015 TV Debates
I think that it is quite right, and only fair, that Dave should hold out for inclusion of Mebyon Kernow (Sons of Cornwall) on the platform. It is a bona fide political party with four county councillors.
Dave loves Cornwall (JJB, “Cornshire”) often holidaying there, and even named his daughter, Demelza Ginster Cameron, after one of the county country’s biggest exports.
Famous Cornwallers: London metropolitan corn merchant, and faux Scot, Fraser Nelson was actually born in Truro.
Noa @ 00:05
Is this supposed to be reassuring, Noa, boosting an air traveller’s confidence in the quality of the flying contraptions, bolstering one’s belief the monsters are put together well, will not nosedive, break apart, suffocate?
In this case, for the barbarian it produced the opposite result. Just imagine, how many rivets? Hundreds of thousands?, millions, tens of millions?? What if just a couple of them get fixed badly, hold for a while, then give up, and a wing falls off.
Or the wiring. Miles of the stuff, surely at some point of this length there must be a weakness that one day will turn the whole of the flying machine into an inferno ….
How could you, Noa, the barbarian is flying next week, unable to rub off the image of your link, will suffer, arghhhh
Not to worry Baron. Failure invariably results from cumulative factors rather than just one so the chances of it happening become very much less.
Mechanical failure is currently running at about 9% of the causes of fatal air accidents. It is far more likely that it will be pilot error (57%) or weather (12%) that kills you rather than anything inherently wrong with the aeroplane. Also, the number of fatal air accidents has been steadily dropping from a peak of over 40 in 1973 to 6 in 2014.
The odds of being involved in a fatal accident whilst flying with one of the major airlines is 1 in 4.7 million. And even the odds of being killed flying with airlines with the worst safety records is only 1 in 2 million. But these statistics are skewed because a fatal accident is considered to be any where at least one person is killed. In actuality even if involved in a fatal air accident you have a 24% chance of surviving it.
To put this in perspective the risk of being killed in a car accident in the UK is almost 1 in 20,000.
Aircraft are inherently robust, even when something isn’t working properly. And when something does go wrong it is usually down to the response of the air crew whether it causes a crash or not. Besides, if your number comes up . . .
When I wrote “Aircraft are inherently robust” I meant to add that if you saw how much an airliner wing flexes in flight and the stresses it endures that film would be the least of your worries!
Colonel Mustard – 11:10
“Not to worry Baron. Failure invariably results from cumulative factors rather than just one so the chances of it happening become very much less.”
Terrorism and AoW apart, may I suggest that it is the pilots that might now be the weakest link? Too many jets taking a nose dive into the oceans recently for my liking!
Wallsters have not yet got to grips with Tsipras.
I think he has a thing or two to show David Cameron about dealing with Frau Merkel.
A bloke in Sunderland has been cautioned for tweeting a joke about the Glasgow bin lorry tragedy (you know the one where we’re not allowed to know the names of the workers involved).
Two things wrong with that; It’s not the State’s job to criminalise jokes especially when they don’t name individuals and secondly, the Scottish Herald themselves re-print the tweet.
Hexhamgeezer – 15:35
I agree with both your points.
Not exactly side-splitting humour, and offensive to some, but what was David Cameron saying only last week about having the right to cause offence in a free society?
Two further problems here:
1) The lad handed himself in after being Twitter-mobbed by PC hypocrites taking 3rd party offence – as permitted by Harriet Harman’s “Equality Act, 2010”.
2) He accepted a police caution. He should have refused and gone to court. Nobody should ever accept a police caution as it encourages cynical, lazy and bad policing.
By accepting a caution, probably without proper legal advice, I think he rather pissed on his chips.
This taking “3rd party offence” provision has to go!
Colonel Mustard @ 11:10
Thank you, Colonel, your rational dissection of the risk of flying does it for the barbarian, he’ll will travel happy. As far as he knows the pilots of the airline he flies with don’t have a habit of shouting ‘allahu akbar’ just before the dive.
EC @ 11:23
That’s a very valid point. We seem to be responding to what they do rather than thinking ahead, and the crews are the obvious avenue to harm.
huktra @ 11:50
One can have some sympathy with the the guy if only because his party undermines the EUSSR, huktra, but deep down it really was the Greeks who fugged up big, borrowed far too much, want the prudent Huns to bail them out now.
Hexhamgeezer @ 15:35
EC @ 16:20
If Billy Connolly, Frankie Boyle or any other of the ‘approved phylum’, new breed of comedians were to make this ‘joke’ in front of a large audience it would be OK, avant-garde, cool, but because it was some unknown young plebeian the law reacts, jumps on him.
You right, EC, the young man should have insisted on a judge to rule on it.
How did we get here, ha?
Russia and the Dutch were the biggest gold buyers last year. What for? Russia has a massive rollover to deal with this year, the Dutch are an even bigger puzzle.
The one commodity that looks appetising to Baron is uranium. Ten years ago the prices were around $140, today one pays just $40 per pound. Anyone knows of a company with a noticeable gearing into the compound.
Baron – 16:52
I was just thinking about double standards and the example Frankie Boyle et al. He has made some pretty ugly remarks about the English, disabled kids and other sensitive topics over the years in the cause of his “comedy” and nobody has sent the police to see him.
So until Police Scotland and the English twitter squad get around to monitoring Boyle’s, and evening Salmond’s, remarks 24/7 for racism and phobia etc. then they should go and fuck themselves!
Baron – 16:52
“How did we get here?”
“Here” being the DDR – courtesy of Harriet Harman et al !
If this is true then I imagine that someone at Moscow Zoo has only got hours to live!
h/t Gerard Vanderleun (@Van_der_Leun)
Oh NO! HorseShit Sherlock!
h/t Gerard Vanderleun (@Van_der_Leun)
EC January 27th, 2015 – 18:06
My McAfee does not want me to access this site?
EC @ 18:06
This isn’t new, EC, and may be true because some papers in the former satellites of the old USSR printed it, too, a weeks or so ago. Nobody got sacked from the zoo, as far as Baron knows, but many visitors are apparently objecting to it (that’s according to a Czech equivalent of the Sun). It may still be a joke though, one can no longer trust anyone.
David Ossitt @ 19:20
The site is safe, David, it must be the anti-virus setting on your PC.
‘a week or so ago’, rather than ‘a weeks …’ damnit. Apologies.
David Ossitt – 19:20
Hello David, sorry about that. I recommend never taking any chances if you have a PC. Baron seems to be OK though.
Sorry, also, for hogging the board of late. I really should be getting on with other things.
If the pilot is wearing a gutterah and is followed up the aircraft steps by 72 virgins I would be inclined to change my flight.
Having spent most of my career in, on and negotiating aircraft sales I stopped worrying about what might happen to me when in them in 1991.
I have never understood the attraction of virgins. One imagines that it would be rather like having a ski instructor who had never been on the slopes; but then I suppose if one has all eternity…
Malfleur – 22:05
I guess, if wearing skis, it would be like skiing down a snow covered mountain, with no ski tracks in sight.
Ukip just sent me a list of their top 100 aims (if elected):
Well that’s the waterfront covered.
Frank P @ 22:53
It sounds good, Frank, nothing to strongly disagree with, but for one emission. They should have included the scrapping of the Firearms Act, 1997, or at least an amendment t o it: Those law abiding, taxpaying burghers who wish to be armed should be allowed to be armed. Not only would this cut crime, it would also signal the UKIP party trusts the people.
Noa @ 21:05
Thanks for the tip, Noa, but 72 virgins on a single flight? Today? In this country? You what, believe in miracles?
So Baron,
You’re not travelling on Saudia then.;-)
EC January 27th, 2015 – 20:44
Hello David, sorry about that.
No apology needed, keep on posting
Peter, multiple attempts to post have failed. Could it be the attachment?
Charlie’s at it again:
Can’t Dellers invite HRH and Mark Steyn to Simpsons for a long lunch, get him rat-arsed and clue him in on the facts of life.
Baron @ 23.20 27 January
I agree with you Baron. Why only the Swiss? The Swiss are ready for enemies foreign and domestic – we import the former and breed the latter.
You ain’t seen nothing yet…
Papieren bitte!
You’re gonna love it!
An attachment or a link, Baron?
How are folks getting on with the 503 error at the moment?
! haven’t had a #503 for at least 7 days or so.
Germany protests: As with what usually happens in the UK, all the violence is coming from the fascist anti-fascists!
Malfleur @ 02:11
Frightening, Malfleur, truly abhorrent what with Baron e xperiencing something similar as the Papieren Bitte clip shows. But as for the NY closure?, hmmm. Imagine the uproar if the authorities did nothing, lf people were left to enjoy the blizzard, few broke a leg and stuff? But anyway, the weather forecasters may not have got it right anyway, the expected disaster seems to be less of a calamity.
Btw, where the heck is global warming when one need it?
Global warming? Snow in Alexandria a couple of weeks ago. Gives “Ice cold in Alex” another meaning.
[On behalf of Baron]
For the true connoisseurs of the ROP this may be of some use. Don’t be put off by the toilet protest on page one, the content is broadly educational, Baron has been studying it for weeks now (the more he reads the chapters from the list on the left the more baffling it becomes). The value of it is in that it explains simply the Full Monty of the creed, you may like to bookmark it (unless, of course, you have something better).
Well, if Ben (the QC acting for the widow) is right, and who knows, he may be, he should take the case to the ICC in Hague, argue it, get a conviction in absentia.
There’re few things that worry the barbarian about this case, but the key one is this: What do villains try to ensure when they’re committing an evil deed, apart, of course, completing it successfully? That they leave as little track of themselves as possible, no clues as to who’s done it, nothing that would lead to their doors.
Here, we have just the opposite, one would be hard put to leave a better trail that the two alleged culprits. Whether they knew or not the stuff rubs of on everything it comes to contact with is neither here nor there. The FSB, or the people who passed the poison to them, must have known. Why didn’t they tell the two to handle it with extreme care? The FSB is either not fit for purpose, run by total nincompoops, or they botched it up because they want to get rid of the KGB colonel.
Can anyone have ago, put an argument against Baron’s.
Sorry, here’s the lonk:
PfM – 10.24
Very remiss of you not to post a link with any mention of “Ice Cold in Alex”, there may be one or two who haven’t yet been slain by Sylvia Syms, so here she is!
Irishboy, since I know that I am one of the younger regular posters here, I assumed everyone else knew the film better than I do.
PfM – Just providing what I hope is a welcome aide-memoire!
My illusions were crushed when I discovered that Sylvia Syms is a life-long Labour party supporter. I had always seen her as a free thinker of independent spirit.
Another example of muslims turning on other muslims:
@CM 11:54
“Sylvia Syms is a life-long Labour party supporter.”
She’s an actress, isn’t she?
Maybe a LibLabCon coalition government wouldn’t be such a bad result. It would reflect their common purposes:
Election polls point to Tory-Labour tie and three-party alliance
Exclusive Guardian analysis of current polling suggests main two parties are neck-and-neck and would have to create a multi-party alliance to form a stable government
Colonel Mustard, how very disappointing to hear that, though if there are any gorgeous free thinking actresses possessed of an independent spirit I rather think they’ll be amongst the ranks of the unemployed, a situation that Benedict Cumberbatch clearly doesn’t want to find himself in, hence his abject behaviour yesterday. If he doesn’t win an award for his “brave” performance of Alan Turing, he should get it for his apology – has anyone seen a tow being more kowed? And can anyone explain why refering to a black man as coloured rather than a person of colour is such a sin. The height of PC onanism if you ask me.
I have been saying for some time that we will quite possibly see a Government of National Unity and the establishment of what is essentially a one party state. Who would stop them? How would we stop them?
Peter – 13:04
What you suggest could happen. The leadership of the three main parties are not that dissimilar from one another. They are mostly from privileged backgrounds, they all patronise the electorate to the point of contempt, and there might come a time when they find uniting in their common purpose is easier than keeping up the tiresome charade of democracy.
Only the army could stop them, presuming that we still have any generals that haven’t been nobbled.
The prospect of a “rainbow coalition” is probably more real than a government of national unity.
All the rag, tag and bobtail loons of the left united. And because of the recent and very dangerous emphasis on presidential-style politics it means that even with only a few MPs the likes of Natalie Bennett, Galloway and Sturgeon could be sitting at the cabinet table demanding quid pro quo to impose their lunacy on England whose majority of Conservative/UKIP MPs would be impotent. It would be like the EU but in Westminster.
Irishboy January 28th, 2015 – 13:03
“And can anyone explain why refering to a black man as coloured rather than a person of colour is such a sin. The height of PC onanism if you ask me.”
It sickens me but then every aspect of Political Correctness does drive me up the wall, I am old enough to remember that 50 or 60 years ago we had to use the word black but then this changed to coloured, followed by African American, now we are back to black.
The supreme irony was that Benedict Cumberbatch was attempting to speak up on behalf of Black English actors that he felt were given more acting roles in the USA than they are in the UK.
Our world is now full of people that are looking to take offence on behalf of another group or individual.
And while all of this is going on black rappers call each other Niger.
One other aspect of Political Correctness is driving my wife to despair, she watches the three major ‘soaps’ Emmerdale, East Enders and Coronation Street.
The producers and writers of these three soaps are in a competition with each other as to who can have the most homosexual men and lesbian women in their casts.
Sorry I missed a ‘g’.
I think that one aspect of the PC agenda is to keep the permitted use of language moving so that no one is sure what they may say without falling foul of the thought police. Most people speaking of coloured people would be wanting to be considerate, especially in the UK, but the idea is to not allow us to speak of such minorities at all without fear. And then they become majorities and we have a fearfulness embedded in our society.
If the Democratic Unionists in northern Ireland do well at the General Election and if UKIP can make inroads in England then a coalition with the Conservatives might well be possible.
Peter – 15:23
Very few people are actually Black, White or Yellow.
Perhaps SAG-AFTRA, the American Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, would care to issue us clueless Brits with a list of acceptable PC terms for people of “colour” – including “old whitey”
eg. pigmentationally challenged?
differently pigmented?
Peter from Maidstone @ 10:25
Thank you, Peter, it’s very much appreciated you posted the link Baron had failed to push through.
@David Ossitt 28th, – 15:09
“black rappers call each other Niger”
I’ve long been awaiting the moment when the intelligentsia in Niger and Nigeria finally twig that their nations’ names use as a root a word from a 2200 year old (roughly) European language that was used to describe their skin colour and decide to change them to something bombastic in one of their local languages (If they can find agreement on which language to use 😉 )
As the punchline to an old joke goes, “Hey, see what you get for $5 !!!”
David Ossitt and PfM
Quite. The insane narcissistic vicious over-reaction to matters as trivial as Holywood castings of course means that one cannot point out other more serious societal issues. Why can’t all the talented black actors and producers form their own companies in America, here or Africa? I mean they have a far far bigger potential market for their films than have whites. Remember, we whites are the actual measurable minority in the world, just a mere 8% of the worlds population. The Jews with a tiny % of the world population seem to be able to make an outsized contribution for the good of all without special treatment. And that’s before we speak about more nitty-gritty (I know, I know, that’s verboten too) matters such as crime rates of all kinds, welfare dependency, educational achievement (ahem!) or how whites fare in black majority countries et cetera et bloody cetera.
And as David has mentioned N.Irish Unionists, I would like to point out that as I am of that “community”, the Ulster Protestant is the only victim group in Western Europe and N.America which suffered a campaign of murder and terror for 35 years and more resulting in hundreds of millions of pounds of damage to property and thousands of deaths, rather more in fact than all the more perniciously vocal victims of racism, homophobia, islamophobia and mysogeny put together.
I was reading about a UN appeal to the corrupt Eritrean government to release the aged and infirm Patriarch Antonios from 8 years of cruel house arrest, and this led me to discover that 56 per cent of the DFID’s £3.11 billion bilateral aid budget in 2012 went to countries that persecute Christians. It’s good to know that our generosity is put to good use.
Malfleur@January 27th, 2015 – 22:05.
you can only deflower a virgin once.
remember, virginity is a bubble in the sea of life that disappears with the first prick
I take your point.
I suppose on arrival you would want that iron-cast guarantee that that Mohammed had not been there first.
But those who have researched into the more arcane corners of islamo-fascist ideology must wonder if there is an imam alive who could answer whether the favoured then has to stay with the same 72 ladies throughout eternity.
Or is there a roll-over every 500 years?
Abstruse and arcane.
Abu Umama narrated: “The Messenger of God said, ‘Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.’ ”
Sunan Ibn Majah, Zuhd (Book of Abstinence) 39
Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.
Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur’an, p. 351
It’s all getting very steamy here – has everyone been watching that clip of Sylvia Syms?!
PfM – 22:38
I can remember when the Christian clergy used to quote the Bible. 🙂
After studying the problem for 20 years, Alex Jones spends the first 40 minutes of his show on Wednesday summarising the globalists’ destabilisation programme.
Of course Jones is a conspiracy theorist – what more need be said?
Well, er,
Very moving when he talks about the temptation to move his family to New Zealand, but resists it and “bet everything I have on black”.
Stay away from Doritos if you like sitting on park benches
I am not sure of your aims but I came across you when I was researching one of your fairly prolific posters via the Spectator Coffee House Blog.
I was pleased to see the Banner to Alexander Boot, one of my saved favourites.
I may visit again.
Or at least I thought I might but I see my post is awaiting moderation!
Jennifer, all new posters have their first message wait for moderation. This is fairly usual to prevent trolls and spammers.
Peter from Maidstone @ 22:37 22:38
Randy bastards, Peter, but tempting, to say the least.
Gerald Warner on whats’s behind the abuse of children by OFSTED inspectors:
And a related blog post:
“The Conservative Party is a very dangerous political party. It is clear that in the wake of the “Ofsted-imposed British Values scandal” they are dangerous because they are leftists/progressives/socialists pretending to represent the conservative world-view.”
The two enabling factors of the above were the advent of the National Curriculum and OFSTED itself. Much as I admire her, the first occurred on Maggie’s watch and the second, I think, that John “shagger” Major was to blame for. Just goes to show that the road to hell is paved with good intentions? At least OFSTED’s cover is blown now. As a mechanism for ensuring the quality of education in schools it is a complete waste of time and money, grossly inferior to the previous HMIS system.
Malfleur @ 01:26
The art of the theorist proper is to pin down the genuine conspiracy theory, Malfleur, Jones’s problem is he sees one under every and each pile of merde.
Baron – 09:47
Peter from Maidstone @ 22:37 22:38
Randy bastards, Peter, but tempting, to say the least.
Jihadi fantasies: Apart from their cock in one hand and a koran in their other, it’s all in their minds!
Sorry, did I just say “minds” ?
Here’s one for Frank P’s notebook.
If you here a boom in the night, its probably the ATM at your local Budgens being done.
This is all a bit 19th century for me, but good to know that the criminal fraternity are giving a nod in homage to their forefathers. A spot of unofficial “quantitative easy?” If these guys worked for BoE or Treasury they’d be given a knighthood!
‘tarnation! “Hear” NOT “here”
MH370 now officially confirmed as an accident. And all presumed dead.
And yet, still not a single piece of floating debri found.
EC (09:49)
Another barn stormer from Warner. Expands beautifully on what we jointly espoused last week here when the story first broke. I repeat what I said then: the parents who complained should go to the local nick and complain that their children were sexually and religiously harassed, naming the officials. Their seems to be a prima facie case for both. If the police refuse to investigate, then the must take it further, by an official complaint to the home office: it’s one for Ukip to follow up. Surely there’s a local lawyer who could take up their case and if they started a petition they could raise funds. Can someone remind me which paper covered the story first?
Sri ‘theirs seems to be’
EC@January 29th, 2015 – 10:54
or an earthquake in rutland!
Frank P
January 29th, 2015 – 11:34
It was all over the Daily Mail on a few separate occasions.
I am sure that yesterdays edition had a piece on the new totally useless Education Minister backing these idiots she said that they were trying to instil British values or some such rubbish.
Woman TV announcer stood in the middle of a street during an outdoor broadcast, tell of dozens of schools closed because of two centimetres of snow.
I can never remember any schools closing when I was a lad.
And in those days we had real falls of snow.
Last year we had a new kitchen installed my beloved and I shared the responsibility 50/50 she chose everything whilst I paid for everything.
The gas hob that she chose was a Fisher Paykel and was made in New Zealand, it has four burners each with its own pan stand each of these four legged stands have at the ends tiny rubber plugs that cushion the cast iron stands from scratching the black glass hob.
Yesterday she said one of these rubber plugs was loose, so I determined to speak to the maker in order to order a couple of dozen spare plugs.
I can’t, I am told that these tiny little plugs can only be supplied attached to a pan stand, they are now sending me a new pan stand for free.
I would suspect that the stand would cost about £30 + postage, and would guess that the rubber plug about 0.01 of a penny.
Somebody needs to be fired.
So with 98 days to go why are we seeing so little of Farage on TV?
We see inordinate amounts of Cameron, Clegg and the Womk. And even the Green women, but no Nigel.
I hope he has not lost his zest for the fight.
Farage was on the Daily Politics today, in the studio, commenting about Greece and the EU.
Even if his socks were alarming he was a welcome but all too brief corrective for the programme guest Baroness Bakewell of the (impartial) BBC and Labour Party who began by railing against Tories. The studio guests seem more often than not to be lefties these days.
It must be difficult for him because whichever programme he appears in it is as if he is the only grown up in the room.
EC 10:54
re atm bombers: thanks for this – this is EXACTLY what happened at the bottom of my street about a fortnight ago. This in Lancs, so the two names at the end, as yet unapprehended may even have been the perps.
Just popped out for some milk, so called in the bank and passed the link over the counter with a bit of assumedly appropriate badinage: one girl was quite amused and at least seemed interested; the other looked at me accusingly as if it was my fault: “Well, if they know who it is, why haven’t they arrested them?”
“Well I don’t f*****g know, you silly bitch” I thought, but of course did not say. One tries,but some people.
Col. Mustard 15:00
Saw a couple of minutes of the Bakewell woman, so slapworthy I had to turn it off. However if Farage was on, I’ll pick it up later.
Speaking of Nigel – and this cannot be an original thought – but it occurs to me that one possible origin of his name (and I have checked) may be rooted in the Dark Continent. But I suppose it would be pushing it a bit for him to try to make use of this? Just a bit of whimsy, probably been brought up before, if so apologies.
David Ossitt 13:34, 13:42, 13:59
Yes, yes and yes. Saved me a rant.
I missed Brillo.
I just watched iPlayer.
Having got over his red socks, I agreed with his common sense but was also amazed at the common sense of Lefty Bakewell. ‘The EU is sclerotic’
Probably the best description this year.
telemachus wishes my “pale shadow” dead but is ambiguous about whether he will dance on my grave. Upticks himself for that “caring” comment.
“The law of karma is neither fatalistic nor punitive; nor is man a hapless, helpless victim in its bonds. God has blessed each one of us with reason, intellect and discrimination, as well as the sovereign free will. Even when our past karma inclines us toward evil, we can consciously tune our inclination towards detachment and ego-free action, thus lightening the karmic load.” (J. P. Vaswani)
Baron @09:50
Jones’s problem is that he documents everything.
In an article on Greece, Paul Craig Roberts ( foreshadows what we in the United Kingdom may expect if UKIP prospers in May:
telemachus has now amended his original comment to remove the bit about dancing on graves and his own uptick.
To anybody contemplating watching BBC QT in a moment (with Dreary Greer, Sunlamp Hain, random Welsh Bloke et al ….) then I salute your indefatigability!
To anybody thinking of staying up for Esther Rantzen on Brillo-time after that – then likewise!
EC @ 09:59
This, EC, was a poor attempt at irony on the barbarian’s part.
huktra @ 14:48
It’s the other way round, huktra, Nigel simply doesn’t get invited.
As is my occasional habit, I sit watching parliament tv and business statements, possibly the best comedy show of the week, after PMQ’s of course.
This ran into a statement on the ‘Trojan Horse’ disgrace and the efforts made to drive out Muslim extremism from schools. As I listened to the actions and efforts made, it struck me there must be an enormous cost involved in dealing with the fallout caused by this vile cult. Further thought suggested that the cost to the Police, to Airports and other transport infrastructure due to the activities of the permanently-aggrieved bastards must be enormous. Putting to one side the degradation of the quality of life the very existence of Islam creates, the costs must have become massive.
So make the buggers pay! Remove the charitable status – this is not a religion. Introduce VAT on all their propaganda sales, with a special tax on their little book of hate. Charge swingeing property taxes on the mosques and madrassas. Double the airport taxes on flights emanating from and going to Muslim states. How about a special tax on halal foods and a turnover surcharge on those outlets that sell it? Given the slyness of our politicians (here and in the UK) in inventing ways of stealing our money, I’m sure they could come up with some seriously revenue-raising and novel taxes.
This nasty cult, by the direct actions of some of its adherents and the inaction of the majority of its followers in addressing its vilest extremes, causes the rest of the planet enormous financial costs and its only fair they started to meet some of that cost. Perhaps faced with those costs, the so-called peaceful rag-heads might turn against and control the insane death-cult factions.
I don’t know about more taxes, I would like to see a bit of evidence to show most of them are paying the taxes that already exist.
I suppose one thing that could be said in a positive manner about the ROP is its a job creation scheme for the government, a bit like a liberal attitude towards crime which encourages more of it.
Just think how many people are employed to deal with the problems the state has created in the first place.
And these are well paid jobs.
I am convinced that most of today’s problems exist to give employment to the middle classes who without that type of work would be unemployable in the private sector.
Clear Memories – 02:05
” ‘Trojan Horse’ disgrace”
For one moment I thought you were talking about the Greeks turning their trojan horse back on themselves. i.e. “Nicky” Morgan, education minister, and her OFSTED inspectors targeting of Christian schools.
With regard to your intended point, you are correct and something really ought to be done but it won’t be will it? People like Boris Johnson, engaging in a piece of theatre last night, might enlarge upon my comment of 09:59 yesterday but nothing will be done.
The only UK to speak in public with any clarity about the threats posed to us all, not just Israel, is Colonel Richard Kemp. He has many videos up on YouTube and, imho, it’s well worth wallsters looking him up.
BBC QT anyone?
I couldn’t resist taking a peek. Germain Greer, clad in grey as always, came across as sounding quite reasonable and normal at times. But that was in contrast to the ranting, delusional, swivelled eyed Peter Hain, and we know her form. She must have a book out.
David 1334; And EC 8.51
I hope this gets through moderation.
You refer to this totally useless Woman.
Mrs Loughborough, whose only good action in life was to vote against same sex marriage, is an embarrassment and a profound disappointment as Health Secretary.
I know she followed a giant who had the measure of indolent teachers and obstructive local authorities.
But Morgan is almost as bad as Gove’s immediate predecessor and has allowed the Free School project to stall. The teachers are again pursuing their own agenda which is not excellence in our children’s education.
When Cameron gets in in May he should send her back to her Law Practice.
EC @ 08:51
Good man – can’t fault him – except perhaps to hope that in other videos Colonel Kemp goes the one step further and links Hamas and other terrorist muslim organizations to their funders and those funders’ motives. I shall look at more of them.
A day of mourning here and heart-wrenching eulogies from wives of some of the 44 police commandos who were ambushed and murdered by islamo-fascists seeking to arrest a Malaysian muslim bomb expert in the South of the country last Sunday.
Who is funding these people across the world? Hunt the funders down and destroy them, whichever country they are from. Are any Western governments free to do that? Isn’t it time for the military in the West to reconsider the meaning of the word ‘honour’?
Thank you mohammed:×360.jpg
EC 09:17
Awful. It was too easy to spot the Labour activists in the audience with their prepared soundbites but I’d love to know how, with so many people with their hands up, Dimblebore always manages to pick them to declaim their bilge in every programme. In almost every recent QT there has been a gobby, stroppy “long-time NHS employee”, eyes glaring with grievance, who peddles Labour’s line.
I thought The Greer did rant a bit but Hain was truly loathesome. At least Dimblebore did attempt to shut him up when he tried to interrupt Javid and talk over him. The whooping and clapping being introduced as a regular feature by the Labour terrorist contingents in the audience is tedious. The Labour rabble rousing, long, stridentm uninterrupted declamations followed by deranged clamour, is beginning to feel like an evangelist rally.
Jennifer Oldham January 30th, 2015 – 10:19
David 1334; And EC 8.51 I hope this gets through moderation.
This site is open to all free speech, nothing is stopped by moderation.
Though we all try to be polite most of the time.
Anybody in need of an emetic need only take a look at “Dame” (my arse!) Esther Rantzen’s performance on “This Week” which followed QT. It’s on iPlayer.
The standard “panellist” or “guest” fee on BBC shows used to be about £800 a pop. Nice work if you can get it.
Colonel Mustard January 30th, 2015 – 11:14
“The Labour rabble rousing, long, stridentm uninterrupted declamations followed by deranged clamour, is beginning to feel like an evangelist rally.”
Spot on but his brothers radio ‘Any Questions’ is even worse, each and every week there is a ‘clack’ in the audience who whoop and holler at every opportunity they spoil every program.
I didn’t watch Brillo last night because of that old self-aggrandising cow Esther Rantzen. She purports to be Jewish, although I doubt she recognises any god save the one she sees in her looking glass. Rantzen denies there is any antisemitism in Britain, as I have seen in the media. Sadly, as a Jewish woman I detest her, and find that most women of all or none religions do too. Too be fair, I exclude the bubble-brains who compose the “Daily Mail” readership.
anne wotana kaye – 12:51
It was truly sickening to watch but, after Maureen Lipman spooked the horses by going “off message”, Rantzen’s command performance was required by the Beeboids and/or our Dhimmi-crats to maintain the fiction of their narrative about “Literal Islam.” (© Scott Ott, Trifecta, PJ Media)
Makes me wonder, not for the first time, about Andrew Neil.
anne wotana kaye January 30th, 2015 – 12:51
“I exclude the bubble-brains who compose the “Daily Mail” readership.”
I never knew that I was a bubble-brain Anne.
anne wotana kaye January 30th, 2015 – 12:51
“I didn’t watch Brillo last night because of that old self-aggrandising cow Esther Rantzen.”
Neither did we Anne and for the very same reason.
We have never rated her, she took another woman’s husband and I believe that she behaved badly and showed great disloyalty to Bernard Braden in his hour of need.
David Ossitt
January 30th, 2015 – 15:34
anne wotana kaye January 30th, 2015 – 12:51
“I exclude the bubble-brains who compose the “Daily Mail” readership.”
I never knew that I was a bubble-brain Anne.
You most certainly are not one, David! I apologise for poor writing – I meant to write about the silly comments one finds below articles, most of which are horribly PC despite trying to appear the opposite.
anne wotana kaye January 30th, 2015 – 15:42
Thank you.
Bombers ‘porn-driven losers’ – Boris
Violent religious extremists are often tortured men with a history of using pornography, London Mayor Boris Johnson says.(From BBC web)
Boris has once again caused a storm. I do not always agree with him, but I don’t always agree with anybody all the time. This time he has hit the nail on the head.
To chop off or cut off pieces of a female’s sexual organs, and then sew her up is in itself extreme porn. What mad man would devise such a torture? These needy men, are usually happier having relations with their own sex if donkeys or camels are unavailable. Believe me, this is true! They are so inferior as males that they not only insist on virgins who cannot compare them with other men, but they render their wives and female partners frigid, because after their bodies have been ruined, they cannot enjoy normal sexual pleasures. I have tried to write this as factually as possible, to show what porn and perversion these religious extremists practice. Boris has received a poor reception for his remarks in many quarters. Saying it like it is is not acceptable in this hypocritical politically correct country. If Churchill was alive today, I think he would applaud Boris’s words.
anne wotana kaye January 30th, 2015 – 19:45
” If Churchill was alive today, I think he would applaud Boris’s words.”
And so should we all.
Some idiot poured scorn on a photograph of Boris laid on the ground taking aim with a rifle, but a soldier disagreed, he said we wear a uniform we like those who visit to be as equally well dressed, Boris’s suite is his uniform, those who seek to be pally by wearing casual gear, just don’t get it.
Today we must dissect the evil force that has become known as the “Greens”
As a starter, any party that cannot grow its own leader but has to rely on an Antipodean reject is suspect
This foreign upstart has demanded that any politician who does not believe in climate change should be removed from office
Notwithstanding the critical shortage of housing, she opposes the provision of social housing for the homeless.
She favours throwing money away to the Green Industrial Complex(wind), her paymasters, while neglecting our escalating energy needs thus ensuring power cuts not too many winters away
She whines on about tuition fees and the inexactitude that these were the fault of the Blair Government who clearly only started a small contribution, not the gross robbery of LibCon
How can Caroline Lucas demand an open and honest debate on overpopulation and then support open and free immigration
Liars all
And remember this party is part of the network of Greens including German Greens, notwithstanding Jurgen Trittin (Google him)
These charlatans are targeting vulnerable teenagers and early twenties with these heinous messages
They must be stopped
Wallsters we have at last found common cause
Hmm…let me cudgel the old brain for a moment…ah, yes! Bryan Gould? Peter Hain?
Telemachus 2102
I know a good few Greens.
They are very sad people.
They are the kind of people who used to drive Morris Minors.
They have swapped their Greenham Common Sandals for sensible shoes to accommodate their corn plasters.
The Greens attract a few votes from the University Brigade, but only those who have bothered to register.
They do not threaten the fabric of our Society like Miliband, Balls, Burnham and that dreadful witch Harman, whose gender I am ashamed to share.
Watching the Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders unveil her rape clampdown debate this week, I detect, as ever, a ‘make an opportuniy out of a crisis’ sleight of hand. As is often, it’s not even a politician doing the sleight of hand. It’s a Common Purpose placeman: DPP Alison Saunders.
You may recall that Alison failed to prosecute at least 1,400 of Muslim rape paedophilia in Rotherham, which makes the national total much higher. This week, the Rotherham figure was revised up to 2,000. The real national figure for Muslim paedophile rape must be astronomical.
At the same time all this Muslim paedo rape has been going on, Alison’s Common Purpose colleagues in local councils and the police, bent over backwards to ignore it all. It’s their culture, innit?
This left huge amounts of sex crimes reported but uninvestigated. The Muslim rapist’s modus operandi was often along the lines of get the girls drunk, use drugs and cigarettes. The girls become more pliant, their memory of the incident is blurred and they also feel guilty about going to the police because they too then have to admit criminality in the shape of underage drinking and drug use. Illegal substances help, in so many ways, to facilitate rape and to keep it a secret.
Now Alison, my Common Purpose colleague, do you think that you could help to clear all that up? Show the public that you really are tackling rape? And that, instead of being all the hordes of Muslims invited into Britian doing it, that it’s the ‘white male patriarchy’ all the feminists learn about in their Frankfurt School Universities?
Of course you can, you Common Purpose weasel. So all these statistics are wheedled out that relate in large part to Muslim paedophile rape and this, it is suggested, means making non-Muslim paedo rapists ‘prove’ consent.
In short, Ms Saunders had a Muslim problem, but has distorted that so that it becomes an ‘ordinary man about town problem’ and she wants to twist the justice system against them.
If this Saunders woman gave two figs about rape, she’d have paedo Muslims in their thousands (2,000 in Rotherham alone on an official estimate) on trial and that would be followed up with trials of all the Common Purpose town hall officials and Common Purpose superintendents who turned a blind eye to a Muslim paedo rape-fest of Mohammedian proportions (their Prophet raped a nine-year-old).
And that is Common Purposer Alison Saunders’ spin campaign unspun.
If telemachus’ recent predictions and denouncements are anything to go by Labour seem to be more worried about losing English votes to the Greens than the prospect of having to form a coalition with their replacement party in Scotland, the SNP.
They think it’s a win-win for them. The SNP can be left to take the blame for anything that goes horribly wrong north of the border whilst Scots MPs can still bolster the Labour grip on England – as always.
Quite how and why Labour envisage the Greens as a threat to them is interesting but their public propaganda won’t give away the back room details of that.
Whether the Shire English would endure for long that tripartite foreign government, from the EU, London and Scotland, remains to be seen. I am reminded how the loathsome Hain attempted to justify the student fees and prescriptions apartheid of New Labour’s devolution as the “democratic will of the people”, ignoring the fact that the English have no devolved representation to champion their democratic will.
New Labour’s devolution was a travesty of the Act of Union and has opened a constitutional can of worms, maintaining a Union parliament with Scots representation at Westminster whilst recreating a Scottish parliament in Edinburgh to pander to Scots national identity, all the while doing every thing they can to obliterate English national identity, the latest wheeze being empowering Labour-controlled cities over ‘regions’. The English parliament that existed before 1707 was effectively abandoned to history so it is hardly surprising that England-deniers sneer at our country as just a ‘region’ whilst conniving to break it into sub-regions.
The incredible thing is the way the denizens of Westminster shamble along, apparently fat, dumb and happy with this outrageous mess and too bone idle to either to resolve it or impeach Labour for bringing it about.
Ms Saunders’ spin campaign was neatly timed to fit in with the release of this ‘research’ (surely one of the most debauched words used in media) – again, I note the type of male being targeted for smearing here:
In world of Alison Saunders’ smearing and politically correct nastiness, I note this headline:
If as many women killed themselves as men, we’d never hear the end of it
These are some comments taken from that Telegraph story: If as many women killed themselves as men, we’d never hear the end of it
‘Sunnie Mitchell’ is a woman, Robjam01 is a gay man. I think they make some interesting observations:
Sunnie Mitchell
I’m a woman in my late fifties and abhor, loathe, despise feminazis – they are the reason so many more men are topping themselves nowadays, frankly. The rising rate of male suicide is strictly down to the hopelessness and despair feminazis and their ilk create.
‘My way or the highway’ is their mantra, motto, driving force, and battle cry, and they’ve brought along greenies, professional victims (you know who you are, you professional grievance finders!) with them in their war on white middle-aged men they perceive as having ‘done ’em wrong’ by ‘stacking the deck’ against women, and so-called social/religious/racial ‘disadvantaged’ minorities.
Sick of it, they’ve ruined the world for all of us and mean to take us down with them. In their quest to ‘even the score’, ‘save the whales’, ‘create a kinder and gentler new world order’ they’ve wreaked havoc – few women raise their own children anymore (and those few who do are scorned as lazy, stupid layabout benefits scrounging even when not on any benefits at all); they’ve forced ‘equal rights’ to the point where credit HAS to be easily available to avoid accusations of ‘gender/racial bias’ – and oh hey, that easy credit world has worked out so well for us; ‘civil rights’ that go to the point of lunacy (hate speech?! WTH is ‘hate speech’ when what’s being said can’t possibly be found to be incitement to violence yet still lands one in prison!) – I could go on and on – connect the dots, people, it seems subtle but it’s there!
Adding it all up clarifies it – men look down the tunnel and see nothing but endless hopelessness for themselves and their loved ones. The only ‘wonder’ in all of this is that more despairing men don’t take their loved ones with them into the Long Sleep!
Feminazis were used to start a domino effect war on men and they’re too stupid to see it or think in the end they’ll triumph and be the new Amazons (female dominated society that ended by war, attrition, and finally die-off).
God help us because the sisterhood is determined no-one else will be able to!
Robjam01 replying to Sunnie Mitchell
Things are getting worse for men with feminazi Alison Saunders making men guilty of rape until they can prove their innocence – where the hell does an innocent man who is accused go with this? He will be found guilty purely on the woman’s say so. I am sure this will also increase the suicide rate and feminism will be directly to blame for this
Sunnie Mitchell replies to Robjam01
I felt sick when I read the news about the new rape law. What is a man supposed to do now, carry a contract with him in addition to a condom?! What are the implications for marriage – does the simple act of marrying give a tacit consent, or will marital rape still be on the books as a crime – and if yes, how the h*ll are they going to prove that one?!
What an idiot law this one is, amongst a vast ocean of idiotic laws brought to pass since the feminazis mission creep became overwhelming zeal!
‘Sunnie Mitchell’ replies to a poster called ‘joydot’
Newsflash – governments are ALREADY encouraging single motherhood.
As for being one of the ‘ladies of old’ – I’m 58. I was on the front lines back in the day fighting for your generation (you do sound, er, young) to get equal pay for equal work, and the right to work unhindered in ‘male dominated’ fields. I was one of the first women back in the USCG after WWII when living in the USA and put up with one helluva lot of bs from Old Guard men who thought women should be in the kitchen awaiting the next childbirth. So don’t get snarky with me, child, I’ve been there-done that paved the way for you.
But I look around and yes, I absolutely agree with many of the men commenting here today – there is a very real war on against men, primarily white men, and that damned war was started by feminazis who gave me no end of hell for choosing to leave the CG for the kitchen when my children were born.
And yes, single parenthood IS sad. My 33 year old son is raising my grandson alone. Why? Well, because my former DIL the baby mamma decided parenting wasn’t fulfilling enough for her.
Pretty sure we’re done here. PS-you still sound bitter. Very. I feel sorry for you. I’ll pray for you to open your heart instead of your mouth.
‘Robjam01’ replying to ‘pigknickers’
I am gay and sorry to rub it in but there is sex on a plate if we want it, freedom to express our sexuality without being demonised by feminists and, being mostly single, more money to spend on our lovely selves! With the new rape laws coming in I thank my lucky stars I don’t want to shag women. If feminazis dared attack gays the way they attack straight men we would not stand for it, we would fight back with a vengence. Absolutely no one gets in the way of a gay man and his sex life!
This is the last comment I will reproduce from that Telegraph comments section. Apologies for cutting and pasting but I found those three contributors fascinating (and saddening) even if I don’t agree with all that they say. This is a straight white male called ‘GreatBrithole’:
A long-winded rant follows – you have been warned.
The state and its army of mainly unconscious fighters (everyone else but us) armed with the latest psychological weaponry such as the tyranny of ethics, generational guilt inheritance and political correctness is at war with the male of the species – in particular white, heterosexual, Western males.
A typically average British male will have been the victim of attempted feminisation and found themselves afflicted with all manner of anxiety related issues as a tiny child thanks to the actions of their mother who sees the emotional and intellectual crippling of the son by proxy as the best way of avenging the father who divorced her.
Then this poor, disorientated and stressed out boy will be shoved at four and a half years old into the joint brutalisation of the school teachers in the discipline room and the even worse brutalisation of the alpha-male psychopath future bankers/lawyers running amok in the playground.
As an adult, they will typically struggle to balance the demands of soap-opera brainwashed reincarnations of their mother, who want everything in exchange for a little of that love thing which has been so scarce up until now, with the nightmare of a rigged economy, rigged and biased legal system and the threat of more brutalisation waiting in prison if they can’t cope with minimum wage debt-soaked wage-slavery any longer and go off the rails.
One of the reasons that men don’t very often talk openly about the type of things like this which grind them down is because ‘society’ doesn’t talk about them.
When I say ‘society’, I am talking about the heirarchy of discussion which is controlled by and starts with the state, is promulgated by the media and is then adopted by social media and the hidden hand of the state which is doing a good job of pretending to be Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe on those social media sites and can be found directing the direction of the chatter via their many shills and sock puppets using their political correctness skills to silence, ridicule and drive away.
I’ll give you a very topical example. How often do you read in this newspaper about racism against whites in Britain? I read about racism (and similar forms of abuse) all of the time when it relates to anyone but me and my own. Just in the last week I cannot pick up a newspaper or watch the news without having ‘anti-semitism’ rammed down my throat and much of the time I can’t help noticing how it’s blown out of all proportion, for example –
The headline screams that hate attacks on Jews have soared. It’s only near the bottom that they elaborate on what their definition of a ‘hate crime’ actually extends to –
‘Last week police in London launched an investigation after posters for a Holocaust memorial event were daubed with graffiti including the words “liars” and “killer”. The Metropolitan Police said the incidents, which took place at three locations in Stratford, in the east of the capital, were being treated as a “hate crime”.’
Yes, they’re classing ‘graffiti’ as a hate crime and then turning this into a headline about ‘hate attacks’.
When I was fourteen me and a friend of the same age were both attacked by a group of about twenty Pakistani youths and were kicked around on the floor in the dark amongst a crowd of thousands of non-whites, simply for the ‘crime’ of being white and for daring to (accidentally) wander into ‘their’ area – Small Heath in Birmingham.
I had no idea what racism was or that it existed up until that point. Afterwards, I realised I was lucky to get out of there alive. That’s a proper hate crime, is it not? Nobody’s collating figures for that crime against me because nobody’s interested in doing so, are they, because crimes against me don’t exist, right?
Later on as an adult, I was forced to sell my house and move away because of the arrival of Bangladeshi neighbours. I tried to tolerate them for nearly a year and the stress of constant noise and air pollution invading my home made me ill. When I investigated what rights I had I found that I had NONE. The law had been changed not long before that so that if you sell your house and don’t reveal any information which might affect the value of the house to the buyer, then you are breaking the law and liable to get sued for compensation.
Therefore if I had tried to resolve the disturbances by going down the route of complaining to the council, if the council were not able to solve the problem (which I know that they would not) then I would not be able to sell my house without telling the potential buyer that I had complained about the neighbours and was moving because of them. I effectively had no rights and no way of resolving this issue without selling up and running away, which I ended up having to do.
Nobody is even recognising these kind of issues which I believe have affected many more people than me. Nobody talks about violent racism against white children in their own country. Nobody is talking about white flight, yet I noticed in this article today –
…my old area where my house was, is in the top ten areas outside London where there is a high amount of foreign born voters (Hall Green, Birmingham.)
At the time, the neighbour told me that he was a victim of ‘brown flight’ – he used to live in the more traditionally inner city Asian areas like Small Heath, but the communities there were moving further out because ‘the Somalians had moved in and taken over.’ So there was a ripple effect occurring, which pushed him out and consequently pushed me out. It’s worth noting that the difference was that he was being socially irresponsible with his behaviour (which was driving me out), whereas I wasn’t. Plus I was born here, he wasn’t. If I had responded to his behaviour with something similar, can you imagine the outcry and the likely consequences? Another ‘hate crime’ for the statisticians and headline writers.
Nobody in government is talking about or addressing any of these issues in terms of how they affect white, indigenous men. Neither is anybody in the media. I have to fight my own battles, the state is never there for me, they are continually at war with me along with their armies of ‘politically correct’ quangoes, charities and legions of other mercenaries, in particular those emanating from that horrible organisation, the EU.
I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m not about to commit suicide and I am in a happy relationship (admittedly, I ended up with a non-British girlfriend after giving up on British women.) I’m just pointing out the facts because NOBODY ELSE is ever going to fight my corner for me because I am a white, heterosexual, British male and apparently everybody is at war with me and always has been.
Well, despite all of your efforts, I am still standing. I might be impoverished, I might have been driven half around the bend with your constant psychological warfare and you did a great job of wrecking my childhood and my first attempt at creating a family, but I am not giving in to tyranny, so there. I WILL make something out of this life, despite the continual attempts of the British state system and their vile cohorts in Brussels to annihilate me and my kind.
Watched the documentary film Bitter Lake (Adam Curtis) last night – it’s on iPlayer – and thought that the potted history of Saudi Wahhabism might interest some here. The lefty face kept suddenly grimacing from behind the mask of an objective documentary but it was all very depressing, making me think that the whole post-war period in Britain from 1945 to 1997 was wretchedly impotent and sleazy and then got infinitely worse. I think of my own family during that time and how they were unknowingly on a rotten road but filled with false optimism and hope, defraying the evil of the machinations of the powerful with domestic trivia and family love.
There is a review at the Register which nails the Thatcher myth peddled in the film:-
“In another sequence, Bitter Lake argues that almost all of the UK manufacturing industry was destroyed in the 1980s by the Margaret Thatcher-led government’s high interest rates, except for the defence industry. This is a myth that makes British inventors and exporters despair – they’re now “un-persons”, according to this account, they don’t actually exist.
“The industrial production story is quite different: output was higher in 1990 (a recession) than in 1979. So who benefits from perpetuating this myth? It’s actually the city, the advocates of the “weightless economy”, and Silicon Roundabout like Steve Bong. And a lasting consequence of the myth that Britain doesn’t do manufacturing is that companies sell out before they can have a global impact: the City takes the spoils.”
Caught between corporate thieves and communist ideologues Britain is in for a rough time again – or maybe it’s a continuum.
The ‘spiked’ editor on PC, a piece worth reading. His take on it is best summarised by the Girl Guide change of their constitution, a part of the essay. And O’Neil is right, you know.
“The important thing here is that nobody invaded the Girl Guides’ head office and forced its top women at gunpoint to refashion their values. Rather, the Girl Guides did it themselves, in instinctive recognition of the fact that the three institutions they were previously based around – God, queen and country – no longer enjoyed unquestioned authority. All of those three huge political entities of the modern British bourgeois world – church, monarchy and nationalism – have suffered severe crises of legitimacy over the past 20 to 30 years. The Girl Guides’ adoption of a more ‘appropriate’ way of presenting themselves, their overhauling of their mission, illustrates very well what is the engine of political correctness: not so much an external onslaught by a ‘PC lobby’, so much as internal moral rot amongst more traditional sections of society”.
Colonel Mustard @ 12:00
It all depends which prism one looks through, Colonel.
In value terms, manufacturing has done OK, the underpinning trend still points marginally upwards (see manufacturing real output graph in the link), but it has been in a steady decline for years as a percent of GDP well before Margaret took over (see the top graph), at best, one can only argue for an acceleration of the decline engendered in part by the discovery/recovery of North Sea Oil, in part by a deliberate policy decision to go for services (the bright future for all), financial services in particular.
What it boils down to is one can make either argu,ment, and be right.
“The important thing here is that nobody invaded the Girl Guides’ head office and forced its top women at gunpoint to refashion their values.”
Not at gunpoint but their head office certainly was invaded by one of the usual suspects imbued with a common purpose.
Baron – 12:48
What disappeared were manufacturing jobs not requiring any education, jobs stamping out widgets on the production line. The jobs became more technical, more highly skilled, requiring a more highly educated work force, with a higher added value.
Britain makes more components, like aeroplane wings and engines, and fewer finished products, like aeroplanes, because work has become, by necessity, more specialised.
Services can more easily employ non-STEM educated people, like Social Scientists. Remember them in the Sixties? I don’t remember any policy for preferring Services. It was just that ‘finance’ is what politicians needed, and it was one of Britain’s traditional industries. Rigour and attention to detail were out, and ‘feelings’ were in.
The decline North Sea Oil has always been inevitable. We still have mobile phones, but the people building the masts were out of a job years ago: the masts get repaired, but with a much smaller work force. Fraccing could easily take over from North Sea Oil, but the ‘feeling’ Greenies think their world will end if it ever start. It will, it will show up how dismal, uneconomic and not-fit-for-purpose the windmills are.
Kermit January 31st, 2015 – 11:36 number of words 574.
Kermit January 31st, 2015 – 11:46 number of words 1321.
A tad long winded, far too long to read.
Baron January 31st, 2015 – 12:48
An excellent link thank you.
I am tempted to watch the Adam Curtis film, but I will have to overcome my loathing of him, which is based on his utterly false Power of Nightmares films.
Peter Hitchens has given a good review of this new iplayer-only Adam Curtis film and I cannot help wonder whether its iplayer only status is due to the embarrassment Curtis caused the BBC with the Power of Nightmares.
The BBC gave huge fanfare to the three-part series the power of nightmares. It was hyped up, the Press lapped it up and it was garlanded at the awards festivals. But this new film is being held at arm’s-length in case it – I have to use this metaphor given the flaw in the Power of Nightmares – blows up again in the BBC’s face.
This was not some clerical error. The entire premise of The Power of Nightmares was proven wrong. Islamic terror is not a fiction. The blood and bodies of 7/7 and Lee Rigby are all real enough. The Leftist response to Islamic terror has always been to downplay it. Only after 7/7 they had some serious recalibrating to do. We went from Curtis’ spin of Islamic terror is a fiction to Islamic terror is something new and stirred up by foreign policy. Nothing to do with The Koran’s instruction to make war on infidels.
Adam Curtis is another one of these Leftists who is allowed to make collosal ‘mistakes’ and yet gets to keep his career. I can recall Robert Kilroy-Silk losing his BBC show and Daily Express column all because of a cheeky remark he made about arabs in the Express. He never got his media profile back.
Contrast Kilroy-Silk with Adam Curtis. Three hour-long shows for The Power of Nightmares, big budget, Press adulation, awards. Then 7/7 happened and it has never, ever been repeated by the BBC.
Instead, it now appears on YouTube, where it is once again garlanded by the online Leftists. And Mr Curtis? He still works for the BBC. Unlike Kilroy-Silk.
It’s the way it is if you’re on the Left. Mehdi Hasan is a proven racist, who calls non-Muslims cattle and kuffr. He was on BBC Question Time the other week lording it over the event, interrupting other speakers, and Dimblebias did nothing to stop him.
Johann Hari? A proven liar. Yet he is back with a book on drugs. He spent his exile being funded in America by Elton John (the Godfather of the media gay mafia) where he hooked up with Russell Brand. Mr Brand’s knowledge of politics was so slim he hadn’t heard of Johann Hari or his disgrace. Hari helped Brand with his Trews show and his Revloveution book. Mr Brand makes some valid points on his Trews show, but they are drowned out by howlers, such as using Johann Hari as a creative adviser on it.
I cannot think of any ‘rightist’ couterparts to Curtis, Hasan and Hari. Well, I can – but they never got their jobs back.
I might watch that film, but please, folks, sup with a very long spoon when dealing with Curtis. The traitors, not just the jihadists are your enemies too – even more so. Unless you recognise them, you won’t be able to deal with the jihadists.
Apologies, David, they are copied and pasted from the Telegraph!
I should have chopped the really long one in half. Poor lad.
RobertC January 31st, 2015 – 14:37
“What disappeared were manufacturing jobs not requiring any education”
The old radio program “Have a Go” staring Wilfred Pickles, would invite members of the live audience on stage to answer amusing questions and chat.
An often asked question was ‘what do you do for a living’ one young woman said she worked for the jam factory, digging deeper Wilfred asked ‘what do you do there, her answer was, “I make the wooden raspberry seeds for the raspberry jam’ it was a wartime measure making jam from whatever was available, hence the need for wooden seeds.
Those were the days.
I know many of you have been interested in the Glasgow bin lorry mystery. This story is still front page news in Scotland this week, but you would never guess it from the wall of silence in the English Press.
It was the timing of the event that smelt so fishy. Similar things were going on in France, where jihadists were driving at people. We are told the driver was called ‘Harry’. Perhaps this is true. Perhaps it wasn’t an Islaimc terror attack. Yet this is what is going on (from this week’s paper, not December’s):
Glasgow bin lorry tragedy: Brother of gran killed in horror crash accuses council of ‘wall of silence’ as he demands answers
FORMER bin lorry driver John Morton says he has resorted to asking bin crews on the street for information because Glasgow City Council have failed to respond to his requests for answers.
THE brother of a gran killed in Glasgow’s bin lorry tragedy yesterday accused the council of a “wall of silence”.
John Morton, 52, says he has pictured the horror which claimed the life of 51-year-old Jacqueline and five others every day since the disaster.
But he cannot understand how it happened and he says the city council have failed to respond to his requests for answers about the disaster.
John, a former bin lorry driver himself, added that he expected to hear first-hand accounts of the tragedy in the days that followed the crash on December 22.
But he has now resorted to asking bin crews on the street for the information he is desperately searching for.
He said: “We have had no answers from the council. We’ve phoned several times. It’s like a wall of silence.
“At this stage I would at least expect to have heard testimonials from the people in the lorry, as a relative of one of the victims, but there’s nothing.
“I want the council to realise we are not daft and we won’t just accept the lack of information they’re giving us.
“I have even gone up to the bin crews in the street and said, ‘Do you know what’s happening?’ There’s nothing.”
Colonel Mustard @ 14:31
Agreed, Colonel, but the DM link only confirms Brendan O’Neill’s key point: If we, the people, were to resists, refuse to bend, stand firm to the PC imbecility, it would be ‘ no pasaran’ for the PC mob, they would have to give up, or at worst compromise.
One can only regret there aren’t more of Glynis Mackies, the Guide leader who refused to meekly accept the fruitcakes’ push for a change. If other groups did the same, they could have united, pressed for an AGM, dislodged the progressive nutjobs, and keep things as they had been.
Btw it’s people like Glynis who make up what Baron calls the ‘healthy core of Englishness’, the bunch, currently impotent, often maligned, that continues with a belief system that was once the envy of the world for as by Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland said: “If it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change”.
A wonderful neologism over on Breitbart yesterday: “communislam”: definitely one for the ” wish I’d said that” list. I can’t remember who coined it and can’t be arsed to plough through the hundreds of comments to find it again, but acknowledgements to whomever did so, because ‘The unholy alliance’ thereby becomes redundant. The only question that remains is when the conflation will become unzipped because one side or the other realizes that the two objectives are each inimical to the other. The rifts within the Islamic cult are already obvious, as are the scism
s within communist ideology. Sadly the lack of resolve within the non-communislam sectors of Western civilization is even more pronounced. Thus the current chaos in geopolitical affairs.
Not for the faint-hearted, please, be warned.
This is a clip from the Web TV broadcasting from Moscow (Baron isn’t sure you can activate it, one has to have a subscription to watch, you can try, but again, be careful, if contains gruesome images). It cover the attack on Mariupol, a town in eastern Ukraine (the Donetsk region) that’s under the control of Kiev. It occurred on January 24th, was only briefly covered by the MSM here.
The commentary is sparse, not particularly instructive, anti-Putin and the rebels, and rightly so. Towards the end, the guy in the car says ‘some blame the Americans, but it’s God who should be blamed.’
Two things strike one. First, a minor one, everyone speaks Russian, the other is the abject fatalism of many of the people in the clip, they walk around, chop wood, talk about hoarding things (‘in case there’s war’ one of them says ), oblivious, blind, unconcerned to the dead around them.
LAST WARNING – avoid watching it if grisly images upset you, please.
RobertC @ 14:37
Very valid points, Robert, except that some of the highly specialised trades have also disappeared. The best to point this out is to compare Britain with Germany, the two countries were roughly on par before the switch to services began at earnest here. No longer. The Germans haven’t lost as much of their manufacturing know-how as we did. We couldn’t have build the Olympics infrastructure, had to get engineers from abroad, for instance.
I wouldn’t avoid the Curtis Bitter Lake film on the basis of his others. The reason it has been closeted is probably because it is so highly critical of Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism, pulling no punches about the nature of that twinned beast. But it also makes the case that our intervention in Afghanistan was utterly futile and misdirected. That depressing reality would be hard for the bereaved to accept and fly in the face of the self-congratulory politicians responsible for the whole mess.
The film is, however, deeply depressing and distressing. I found the footage of very young Russian conscripts eagerly surrendering to the Mujahideen and then the latter explaining cheerfully how they afterwards stoned them to death very hard to take.
Thanks Colonel Mustard. Yes, your explanation makes sense. The BBC wouldn’t want to offend King Abdullah and chums. I will watch this when I get a chance!
Frank P, I detect absolute panic over Leon Brittan and it’s because of three reasons. Brittan held one of the four highest roles in the land: Home Secretary. The Big Four are Prime Minister, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary.
Brittan belongs in the same file as Ted Heath: it can never, ever come out. Ever. It would shatter faith in all public institutions.
The Brittan revelations (although not new on the internet) come at a terrible time for LibLabCon: there is an election in the offing.
Leon Brittan has very strong connections with Nick Clegg and with David Cameron. Shortly into office, David Cameron could not find anyone who would take a job as Trade Minister. Cameron appointed Leon Brittan as a consultant to do the job ‘full time for £500 a day’ – or roughly £170,000 per annum. Brittan worked in the role from September 2010 until February 2011, taking time off from his Vice-Chairmanship of UBS investment bank to do it.
Leon Brittan was also Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s first political boss in Europe. On LBC radio a few years back David Mellor mentioned that Brittan had promoted Clegg: “He [Clegg] got the job because Clegg’s father was a very close friend of Leon Brittan”. It is not clear whether Clegg promoted Brittan’s cause for the 2010-11 consultancy job, but the LibDem leader admits himself that Mr Brittan first introduced him to Paddy Ashdown – that’s how close Brittan and Clegg were.
Leon Brittan is enmeshed all over the place with the elite. That’s why he has to be protected.
Just as before when celebrities (some of whom were genuine paedophiles, others just caught up in the melee) were thrown to the wolves, as if to say ‘we’re doing something about this paedophilia’, so there is much spinning this weekend to throw more bodies to the wolves and take them off Lord Brittan’s scent.
Ex-MI6 boss Sir Peter Hayman is named as the man on the file sent to Margaret Thatcher.
Hayman’s paedophilia is not a new revelation. This press release is simply an attempt to say, yes, we know there are high profile paedophiles and this is who they are. Please don’t ask about Lord Brittan.
That the authorities are hanging out Hayman again shows just how desperate they are. They are having to admit that an ex-security service chief was a paedophile. Which meant many of his staff would have had to be (a fish rots from the head down) and many people of his rank in public life are also paedophiles. The re-heated admissions on Hayman are being done the throw the scent away from Leon Brittan.
This is Frederick Forsyth’s take on Leon Brittan:
Leon Brittan, the mandarins and the ferrets
One of the odd things about the late Leon Brittan is the complete volte-face he accomplished over the question of the European Union.
When he was a British minister (Home Office and Trade and Industry) he was pretty much an EU-sceptic.
Then he blew his career away by leaking an injudicious letter about Michael Heseltine to the media and had to resign.
Margaret Thatcher gave him a UK Commissionership in Brussels.
Within months, he had “gone native” faster and more passionately than civil servants there could recall anyone else doing – although they almost all do it.
I only met him once – in Paris for a debate on that very subject at the UK Embassy.
Needless to say, I was on the other side.
Up front he was courteous and affable, but behind the veneer it was impossible to avoid the impression he regarded anyone sceptical of his new-found Utopia as a complete cretin.
As to the smears that have sullied his last years, we will probably never now learn more than what he said.
The late Geoffrey Dickens MP came to him and deposited a fat file on his desk, supposedly with hair-raising details about paedophile perversions in some very high places indeed.
Without even opening the file, he simply handed it over to senior mandarins and it has never been seen since.
They managed to “disappear it.”
He never even enquired after it.
His heart-of-Establishment fan club tells us now he had a brilliant intellect.
Odd. Great brains usually have a lively bump of curiosity.
In this case, apparently not. If enquiry into this murky alleged episode is to continue, it might be wise for the ferrets to look hard at the mandarins who took the file off him back then.
Of course, at the moment they can’t even find a chairman, let alone a complete enquiry.
But I’ll bet if the targets of the suspicions were brickies or cabbies there’d be a team of top investigators blazing away as you read these lines.
Also from the same Frederick Forsyth column:
Murky forces are afoot in the land…
There is a major misunderstanding at large in this country.
It is that the Chilcot Report has been delayed for years and will be for years yet to come because of the machinations of the incredibly powerful Tony Blair who may be indicted by what is in it.
Nice idea but Blair is not that powerful anymore; not by a long chalk.
Now I have no time for the fellow ever since I discovered that he had personally choreographed his Palm Sunday-style stroll up Downing Street on 2nd May 1997.
It seemed to me that a man who has just won a 175-seat majority in the House of Commons and still needs to be hailed like a risen Christ; and pretends the cheering crowd was spontaneous Londoners when they were ordered-to-attend Party staff, has a major vanity problem.
But this time, it is not his clandestine finger behind the Chilcot delays.
It is overlooked that much more powerful bureaucratic mandarins were also part of the secret rush to declare war on Iraq in 2003 and I believe they are also exposed in Chilcot.
Never under-estimate the power of the real rulers of this country, the Civil Service mandarins, i.e. the secret Establishment.
You doubt me? Think back. The Met.
Police and other forces across the country have been relentless in their pursuit of “historic” child-abuse cases and their perpetrators.
Hundreds have been unmasked, exposed, prosecuted and jailed.
But the one single sleeping scandal concerning and Establishment paedo-ring has gone absolutely nowhere.
The Home Secretary can’t even get a chairman in the post for 10 minutes before resignation.
Now it is shelved until further notice. And you really think that is a coincidence?
No, that is real power, the power to prevent, the power to cover up.
In both cases David Cameron is helpless.
Of course, he’s only the elected Prime Minister.
There is a war of attrition currently raging between the White House and the Pentagon currently over the release of five Taliban chieftains from Guantanamo in return for Bowe Bergdahl, a US Army deserter. The MSM on both sides of the Atlantic are ignoring the scandal. Only Fox News is doggedly exposing the political chicanery and downright treachery involved. Megyn Kelly did an excellent segment last night wherein she kebabbed the Pentagon press spokesman Rear Admiral Kirby; his body language indicated that someone from the White House had his nuts in their hand and their thumb up his fundamental orifice – and was applying pressure on each before he parroted his responses to Megyn’s lacerating interrogation. It was comical, albeit blood-chilling, to watch.
Unless somebody finds a away of ousting the ‘Manchurian Candidate’ and his string-pullers before 2016, then the West is cattle-trucked!
I’m unable to find the link for yesterday’s Kelly File, but if one of you techi-savvy Wallsters could dig it out, it’s well worth the effort. In the meantime the sewage of simpering pro-Obama propaganda continues to pour from the BBC/Channel4/SkyNews channels. Un-fuc’n’-believa-fuc’n-ble!!
Baron – 16:13
So true, the Germans can still ‘Engineer’, but even they are building windmills!
And some highly specialised trades have gone, but many more have been created. I think what is a problem is the general lack of basic knowledge and understanding of the basic Laws of Physics, Economics and Human Nature in the upper echelons, along with a lack of generosity. Probably because the State takes so much: wealth, time, focus and hope.
Frank P – 16:52
[There is a need to skip the ad’ at the start]
Megyn Kelly was on fire last night! The uncomfortable, shifting Rear Admiral looked like he was taking incoming from all sides – not the least from Megyn Kelly!
Megyn Kelly makes Paxo, Squark and Snow et al look like amateurs!
Frank P @ 16:52
It’s not over yet, Frank, the Bergdahl affair still has mileage attached to it, there’re suggestions a court martial may take place, allegedly, the military have told the White House ‘we insist on it”, that’s why the messiah has been sitting on the report for six months.
Baron can recall the deserter’s father talking in Arabic, quoting Koran, thanking the messiah standing next to him. All that’s needed now is one of the five released jihadists getting caught plotting against us, and may be, just may be, the world saviour’s fate will get sealed.
Kermit @ 16:42
An excellent summary of the man’s ‘illustrious’ career, Kermit, short, but illuminating, thanks for the link.
Frank P – 16:52 – additional:
“Important: Ed Lasky reveals hypocrisy & agitprop behind WH/US media maliciously manufactured Netanyahu/ Congress row.”
h/t Melanie Phillips (@MelanieLatest”
Robert c at 1650
the germans fuck things up quite well you know
the new airport has gone tits up
and the Berlin hautbanhof station has had issues
EC & Frank
A superb interview, she nailed him so well, that’s what interviewing those in power should be like (talk about dumb blondes, ha). The star studded guy wasn’t so much lost for words as for true answers. The one thing still missing from the ‘strategy’ (whether limited to the individual groups or wholesale) is how to deal with those who brainwash the young, instill evil in their hearts, preach hatred.
It takes years to indoctrinate, but only hours to teach how to shoot the AK47. Unless we home on the former, there’s no end to the latter.
Also, read this, Frank:
Here’s Greece’s possible trump card, they will keep vetoing another round of sanctions against Russia, until or unless the EU, well, the German Frau really, writes off another chunk of Greece’s Eu280bn debt. You’ll see.
Baron (20:13)
Lustige Alte Weld, night?
EC (18:20)/Baron et seq.
Thanks for mining/watching the link. I record O’Reilly/Kelly/Hannity each weekday. Not much escapes them collectively. Ignoring the commercial aspects, they are streets ahead of any anchor in the UK; likewise their political reporters.
Can’t understand why the Murdoch outfit hasn’t jacked up a similar channel here. Bolton, Murnaghan, Brazier, Jones, Burley, et al. – wankers in comparison.
Jeremy Thompson has potential, but is bland; all dress well to the left.
I can only suppose that Murdoch ishappy with a comprehensive sinistral TV news set-up here, but saw the profit of a right-leaning outfit in the States. Or perhaps it’s the lack of right leaning TV journos here?
Sri ‘nicht?’ not ‘Night?’ Auto speller again. That’ll teach me to attempt bilingual piss-taking. 🙂
Whistling in the dark?:
Yet another beheading. This time the Japanese man. Surely, this is war, and in wartime traitors receive the death penalty. Those swine returning from Syria to leech off the benefits this country gives them are mainly British subjects. As such, they are traitors and in time of war, as I mentioned earlier, are liable to receive the death penalty. Hang the bloody islamic bastards!
Cigar-Chompin’ John Jefferson Burns
Frank P @ 22:04
His comparing Stalin’s Russia to Putin’s is about as accurate as (again) his parring the EU with Hitler’s Germany. Eye catching, but as off target as it gets.
The bleedingly obvious difference for the former comparison is in that Stalin’s Russia was a nationwide Gulag, nobody could move out of it, not even within it freely, a Gulag in which all but very few were equal, equal in poverty. One can get out of Russia today easily, and as uncomfortable as it may be for Mr. Boot, not only Putin’s cronies have a penny to their name.
The same goes for the resemblance of EU with the Nazi Germany. Whatever warts and all the Brussels monstrosity suffers from, to equate them with the boils of Adolf’s creation just beggars belief, the mere fact he can make the comparison, get away with it says it all. If he uttered it in Germany when the brown shirts ruled the streets he would be swiftly re-educated to the point of ceasing to write and breathe almost simultaneously.
Also, he forgets that the West isn’t the only source of credit, there are other countries that may and will provide it, even if it costs Russia more. But then, it would have cost them more still if NATO moved into Sevastopol, Crimea.
Lord Lamont advice to Brussels is to forgive Greece all her debts, to write them off, move on. It surprises Baron he isn’t advocating a wholesale scrapping of all debts, everywhere. Perhaps, someone should tell the great philanthropist there’s another side of the debt equation, that of the creditors, ordinary people with savings of whatever shape and form (bank deposits, mutual, unit trusts, pension funds…). The money lent to Greece could only have come from such savings. Will he himself give up on his to let Greece off? His fat state pension perhaps?
Apologies for the many errrors in Baron’s last postings, he cannot multitask, obviously.
‘Errors’ not ‘errrors’ (shite, he shouts as he’s typing it, and gets chided by the boss, and again, and again…. What a life without a wife, even worse with one).
Many a true word said in jest…
“Attack of the But-Heads! They’ve come to devour your rights one exception at a time.”
Baron – 01:07
The problem is that there is no ‘logical’ tidy solution and the longer that continues, the less likely the outcome will be civil. The Greeks gave up their sovereignty unknowingly. It won’t take much for them to collapse, so how much old debt do you think it will take to destroy any hope? Not much, yet they DO need to take responsibility to ‘manage’ their present, and future.
The EU took over, and exacerbated their addictions! It is like punishing a young addict, without providing any care. Care is expensive, but the alternative is terminal decline, or alliances with ‘not so pleasant’ foreign powers. Those in charge need to take responsibility. People forget what it took for Britain to run an Empire.
“Mega Mosque Gouda is even bigger than planned”
The Dutch have sold a former army barracks complete with cold war underground nuclear bunker to “three islamic organisations.” No prizes for guessing who provided the finance!
This below is one of the rolling news items on today’s MSN News, I apologise for copy and pasting the full item but I could not find an appropriate link.
What have we come to, reporting children and infants for sexual improprieties that are probably only in the mind of the accusers.
Hundreds of children under 10 have been reported to police for sex offences including rape, according to reports.
Figures obtained by the Sunday Mirror through a Freedom of Information (FoI) request from 33 police forces across England and Wales showed 776 children aged up to nine had been investigated for sex crimes.
Data released by the Metropolitan Police appears to show a four year old was recorded as suspected of committing rape between January and September 2014.
NSPCC spokesman Jon Brown told the paper: “These figures may seem hard to believe but, unfortunately, there are cases of children as young as three committing sexual offences.
“These children may well have experienced very severe trauma and abuse themselves. That kind of behaviour won’t just have come out of nowhere. They will undoubtedly have been victims of sexual abuse. It’s terrible.
“There should be no cases like this. These children are not paedophiles – they are victims themselves.”
The paper said the number of children committing sex crimes had doubled from 128 in 2012 to 254 last year and the figures could be higher as several forces did not respond to its FoI request.
No legal action was taken over the incidents as the criminal age of responsibility in England and Wales is 10.
Figures from the Met suggest they recorded a total of 2,823 crimes of all types perpetrated by one to 10 year olds between 2011 and 2014.
But the force warned there were errors in the recording of some its data, citing a rape suspect’s age being entered as one and many other ages simply recorded as zero because the suspect’s age was unknown to the officer entering the data.
Just had a 503!
David Ossitt – 11.54
And that’s not all. There are over 200,000 (well that’s a figure I’ve read) children who have been placed on local authority registers for being guilty of so-called racist, homophobic comments. A blackmark for life and done without telling parents so therefore no right of redress.
I reel everyday from the evil that is being imposed upon us and never thought that England would so easily turn into a totalitarian state. And who is there to speak for us? The only one with any balls at all and a realistic sense of reality is Paul Weston. Over 1500 MPs and Peers in Parliament and not a single one for whom I have anything other than seething contempt.
Irishboy February 1st, 2015 – 12:25
Come the revolution!
“Earlier this year (2011) the Coalition pledged to crack down on the legacy of Labour’s surveillance society.”
“A legacy of suspicion: How RIPA has been used by local authorities and public bodies”
Frank P, the Mail story on Ed Miliband just seems like a go-for-broke story on the old song of two parties: ‘Make it look like a two horse race or we’re all xxxxed.’
THe object is to bang on day after day about Lab versus Con and drown out UKIP with the noise of the Lab/Con straw man battle. There is very little coverage on UKIP in the Mail at the moment, unless it’s smear-related (Bashir). They’re not carrying the story about the school that had a talk on Holocaust Day and put up a picture of Nigel Farage in the middle of it. It’s the trick that’s kept them in power all these centuries so it’s worth playing the same old song.
If the public are smart enough to vote in enough numbers for UKIP, Greens, SNP etc, LabCon have a plan in place to fight like a cornered dog to hold on to their power base:
Are we on the Road to a Grand Coalition between Tory and Labour Blairites?
Ghastly lobby journalist James Forsyth, whose Sunday column is basically a press release from Tory HQ whines about the success of Marine Le Pen. I wish people could celebrate her success but she willbe poisoned by the sort of smears now being used against Pegida:
Note the language Forsyth uses ‘ugly’ politics. And Isabel Hardman – another lobby journalist who sits there taking dictation – writes of voters who are ‘vulnerable’ to UKIP.
They’re all so enlightened at the Spectator, it’s just that their smears are more low key than the Daily Mail’s.
Good news at last, on the front military, the country will be protected so much better with 2000 soldiers twittering on the Net. How will they figure who won, who came second?
EC @ 13:10
Soon, EC, we’ll be all tagged, watched 24/7, permitted to breathe only on request, well the breathing bit may be overstretching it, the watching however has already been successfully accomplished, we are the most watched burghers of any country in the world. Who says modern, progressive, rainbow Britain cannot get to the top of anything?
Why do people keep voting for the bunch that got us here?
From Rod Liddle (£Sunday Times) quoted by EDL:
“Not all faith schools are devils…..But of cause in order to make sure Muslims don’t feel picked upon,Ofsted has taken the opertunity to stick it to all faith schools,even where the faith is tepid and unthreatening as that of the C of E.”
“There is no threat to our society from Jewish schools,or C of E or Catholic schools.The claims of equivalence are odious and promalgated by the deluded or the disingenuous.”
Climate of Hate:
“I’ve never supported the British National Party or the Ku Klux Klan. I’ve never belonged to the Paedophile Information Exchange, or denied the Holocaust, or made a penny from the banking crash. But if you read The Guardian newspaper’s website, you might think otherwise. A commentator on it urged my own children to murder me.
He did so because of one of the many stories I’ve written for this newspaper about climate change.”
Kermit – 13:23
I agree with Hitchens, a German style “Grosse Koalition” is on the cards following the May 7th General Election. A hastily constructed “constitutional crisis” and a Con-Lab marriage of national convenience might suit both Ed and Dave.
Ed would get to put both the SNP and his internal opposition in their place, and Dave would get to raise two fingers to UKIP and wriggle out of another EU referendum.
Another five glorious years for the Westminster piggies (*) whilst they sort out their exit strategy and pension plans. (*) actually, they are more like a giant tape worm!
I’ve been saying for ages. There will be a National Unity Government of the three parties. This creates a one party state without any need for locking people up and executing opponents. It will be democracy in action!
I am hoping that the LibDems are going to be decimated or even wiped out on May 7th. They deserve it! Tuition fees? Bonfire of Quangos? Grand Reform Bill ?
Peter from Maidstone @ 16:30
If that were to happen, Peter, Farage should take the case to the courts, argue that the voters aren’t treated equally, one party needing far fewer votes for an MP to get elected than another. He should have a strong case what with equality trumping all (except of course the grievances of the ROP, homosexual lobby).
Here’s your chance to sign a letter to Her Majesty initiated by the great actor of all times Benedict Cumberbatch.
February 1st, 2015 – 18:42
I guess it will fall on the fact that the law relates to equality for the individual, not a group of alienated voters or anything else
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:
being or becoming a transsexual person
being married or in a civil partnership
being pregnant or having a child
race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
sexual orientation
These are called ‘protected characteristics’.
You’re protected from discrimination in these situations:
at work
in education
as a consumer
when using public services
when buying or renting property
as a member or guest of a private club or association
PS may I take this opportunity to express the gratititude of telemachus to your goodself, David Ossitt and Ostrich (occasionally)
Kermit February 1st, 2015 – 14:36
“Ghastly lobby journalist James Forsyth, whose Sunday column is basically a press release from Tory HQ whines about the success of Marine Le Pen.”
I have always liked James Forsyth but I can fully understand that others might not like him or that they find his opinions ludicrous or even preposterous but to call his journalism ghastly is just silly.
Ghastly = Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror, gruesomely indicative of death or the dead.
EC February 1st, 2015 – 16:53
“I am hoping that the LibDems are going to be decimated or even wiped out on May 7th. They deserve it! Tuition fees? Bonfire of Quangos? Grand Reform Bill ?”
Decimated = Kill one in every ten.
I suspect that you mean annihilated and I am with you on this.
I am also hoping that they will wither and dwindle so as to be the nonentities that they truly are.
Baron, Ostrich, is mucus taking the p*ss?
Baron at 19-16/1st Feb.
Turing in his own day was most publically known for being moved on by the police from hanging around school gates for the crime of `pooftering`.(The police had a way with words in those days.)
This comes from someone who says his maternal family were related to Turing,who was”far from being the nice man you see on TV.” He”enticed and buggered a 15 yr. old backward boy”.
This comes from an anti-peado web site which is fairly reliable.Last year the Web-master went off message with a few diatribes about Russia.This lead to the above comments being made [dave….May 28/2014 at 5-21am].It not being part of a campaign reinforces it’s truth to me.
I am very sorry that when I try to conciliate I am misunderstood
For the avoidance of doubt
David Ossitt
January 26th, 2015 – 11:46
Ostrich (occasionally)
January 25th, 2015 – 23:22
January 26th, 2015 – 10:05
Call the Midwife – excellent and usually gentle amusement. But today it is all homo-sexualist propaganda! Why? How? Who?
Crikey, there must’ve been something weird in that drink I had this evening. 🙂
Radford NG @ 20:08
Point taken, Radford.
It’s goes beyond the treatment of homosexuals, it’s goes beyond the pathetic, too. Why should we apologise for, correct, overturn what our forebears did?
It’s nonsensical, it changes nothing, it’s just a sign of our losing it that sets a very dangerous precedence. Many witnesses to what the homosexuals did, the law took exception to may still be alive today. What’s their legal position? Could any of the gays who suffered go to law today, ask the CPS to prosecute the witnesses not perhaps for the substance of their testimonies, but for the language they used testifying, their prejudices in agreeing to testify?
Our re-writing or even re-interpreting the past legal statutes may get us into a real mess, as often totally unintended.
telemachus @ 20:14
As for Baron, telemachus, that has been, and continues to be his take on the issue of freedom of expression, it’s not to defend any one individual (even though it seldom is anything but the backing of an individual, group of individuals to speak freely), but the principle itself. When the time comes we have intelligent robots, the principle should still apply, it’s universality should never be question ed, it’s the key component of human interaction that keeps us free.
Telemachus, you are not misunderstood. All here recognise you as a socialist, an apologist for an endless line of murderers, a follower of the belief that you are right and have the right to mislead, lie or even kill to enforce that belief. You adhere to a creed that denies personal freedom, the right to be different, the right to think.
Everywhere you take power, your belief system fails and it is left to those you decry to pick up the pieces and save humanity.
F**k you and all like you.
Sultan Knish describes the greatest threat to our Western Civilization that has ever loomed over it; our elected ‘leaders’ have collectively gone insane and will deprive us of the right to defend ourselves against an implacable enemy:
What is to be done?
Clear Memories 00.22
One of the attractions of this political blog over other atheistic or care not less blogs is its Christian ethos
As fate would have it our Parish Priest yesterday at the 8 O’clock preached from Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians
He, in fact spoke from Chapter 12 but flicking through I was taken by Pauls instruction in Chapter 8
2 Corinthians 8:13-15
For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness. As it is written, “Whoever gathered much had nothing left over, and whoever gathered little had no lack.”
telemachus is no apologist for an endless line of murderers but one who like Donald Soper$ my hero feels the needs of fellow man
$ We would all do well also to live by his pacifist creed
‘Love and trust and sacrifice are the weapons which are perfectly effectual to achieve all that men have tried – and failed – to secure by terror and the sword,’
One single, sadly unknown and un-trumpeted Tommy, prepared to do his simple duty by his country and thereby dying far from his family is worth more than ten thousand Sopers.
Without that sacrifice sanctimonious windbags like Soper would soon have found themselves in places like Auschwitz where their determination not to confront violence with violence would have meant NOTHING.
Soper’s sad delusion endured because he was fortunate enough never to have to confront violence with non-violence. His words were cheap and predicated on the foolish idea that evil has a conscience and the violent can be assuaged by appeasing them. So instead of facing reality he provided succour to the enemy by trying to undermine the will of his own people to fight to defend the precious liberty that he enjoyed.
No, let’s not remember Soper or eulogise him. Let’s remember that anonymous Tommy, for all the Tommies, instead.
Marx considered religion as an opiate for the masses that had been used for centuries to keep the ‘lower orders’ subjugated with the promise of false hope, whilst Lenin considered religion retarded human development.
Even the blessed Blairites avowed ‘they don’t do religion’. So what would an avowed Socialist such as yourself be doing God-bothering of a Sunday morning? Just spreading a little more of that left-wing hypo-criticism around no doubt, a little socialist taquiya maybe?
As for Soper (surely Soaper?), clearly not devout or he wouldn’t have abandoned Cricket. True believers surely follow the creed that ‘all is the will of God’ so the inadvertent and unintentional death of an opponent was surely not his fault – indeed, his withdrawal could be viewed as a deliberate attempt to frustrate the will of the deity.
Take a little time to view this and it’s first part and consider the damage blind faith causes.
Dawkins is one of the most stupid people I know. Hardly an advert for reason.
@Colonel Mustard 2nd, – 09:47
Dawkins may be many things; stupid he is not.
Oh he most certainly is.
Colonel Mustard @ 09:47
Very well put, Colonel.
And like O(o), Baron’s shouting ‘bravo’, too.
What never ceases to puzzle, intrigue and baffle is how intelligent, evil free, well educated men with a genuine desire to boost the poors’ outcome in life can be getting it so spectacularly wrong.
The critical, the sole yet unsurmountable hurdle their ideas face is that they sound right, noble, compassionate in theory, but aren’t doable in real life. Human traits being what they are, the ideas just cannot work, will not work, and paradoxically, wherever these ideas have been tried, they never failed to be found undoable, detrimental to the society’s generation of wealth, the maintenance of basic human rights, those promoting them had to always turn to violence to keep the utopian construct going.
In the recent past, the Slavs, the Germans, the Cubans, the Koreans, the Chinese have tried what telemachus preaches, they all failed, all of them. Surely that should have been a hint to the likes of tele, the failure of the Mandarin speakers in particular. Almost 1.5bn people living in abject poverty when communism ruled down to just below 0.5bn after only 20 years of a system tele and his nutjob supporters are busy dismantling. Arghhh