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Aaah, but the NN must have wonderful taste if she’s located herself here on the Sunshine Coast! And, after Coolum Beach, Maroochydore is a most pleasant location.
Have a look around –
Frank P @ 01:26
One or two do, Frank.
It’s rather courageous of you to post the link, it plays into the hands of telemachus, the richest man ever, Muslim, black on top cornering the market for salt and gold way back in the 14th century.
Still, few years ago, it was very much the news, it must have been the ST Baron learnt this piece of news, he also blogged about it, remembers roughly what the poster he was responding to said (that it was a Muslim, rather than a Jew or a Christian who has been the richest man ever even though Islam has a distinctly non-money making philosophy, or something like that), but for the hell of it he cannot recall what he said.
It was during the reign of this chap that Muslims came up with their latest contribution to the mankind’s bank of inventions, the curved sabre, what a help to the ISIS’s head choppers of today, ha?
The linked piece talks about the collapse in the price of gold, what was more important for the unwashed was inflation, which helped to break up his empire. More gold was chasing a rather stable supply of goods, no mass production, automation, shifting manufacturing to China then, hence prices of everyday goods soared.
There’s nothing new under the sun, is there, it all bloody repeats.
Clear Memories @ 12:08
After all the rain this piece of the Suffolk wilderness of Britain has had in the last few days who needs surf reports, Clear Memories, one could easily drown in the puddles around here, one down the village the size of a swimming pool. Last Friday, the entire month of rain hit us in just few hours. Who, TF, is responsible for it?
What’s new to the barbarian is that John Cleese of the ‘Fawlty Towers’ fame has been getting into politics, and making a good point.
Here comes not an explanation, but the explanation of the conflict in Ukraine that must be true – it’s all the fault of the Jews, they not only control worldwide banking i.e. money, they also are sneakily taking over the world, the conflict in Ukraine is just one step on the way.
Ode to a Lord
The purity is mysterious
Questionable at best
Subjective additives aiding the escape from a benign reality.
Harsh sedatives cloud my body
Instant relief from the mundane
It’s flame burns in my veins
This beast, is becoming difficult to tame
Beat it or fall prey, it’s really all the same.
You’re in a particularly mischievous mood on this wet and windy morning m’Lord. Thought I’d strayed on to a far-right blogsite for an our our so while reading through your links, then realized that sadly there is a heavy batch of the ingredents of home truths among the potent mix of pernicious propaganda that you served up for us today. Dangerous times.
On a lighter note, did you notice the striking resemblance between Jeremy Corbyn and Solzhenitsyn in the biblicism institute link?
Perhaps we should label in future the leader of the labour party Corbhenitsyn?
An historical chronicle of kettles calling pots blackasses?
“Lord Sewel of Gilcomstoun, 69, is said to have been recorded branding David Cameron “the most facile, superficial prime minister there’s ever been” during the session with two £200-a-night prostitutes at his Dolphin Square flat in Westminster.”
In coca veritas? 🙂
The barbarian won’t annoy you much longer, he’s to come to a fortune he could have never dreamt of, a chap called Thomas Kwan (telephone numbers, e-mail address supplied), a member of the legal profession in Hong Kong, Chief Investment Officer of Harvest Global Investments has sent him a letter telling him one of their clients by the same surname as Baron’s has pegged it, in his will left US $8.75mn.
Mr. Kwan has been looking into possible heirs to this fortune, discovered Baron in East Anglia, is keen to ascertain whether the monies could be legally passed to the barbarian. As any lawyer would, he asks Baron if he has ‘genuine intentions and willingness to assist’ in obtaining the inheritance, would like Baron to get in touch ‘in soonest possible time’, and is ‘looking forward to a successful business relationship’ with the poorly educated Slav.
What shall Baron do? The temptation to get hold of the millions is overpowering, just imagine what it could buy – a yacht, pounds of coke, blondes as sexy and willing as the ones his lordship Sewel has entertained ….
Frank P @ 13:50
No, Frank, unfortunately, the blue veined barbarian missed the likeness then, but after your pointing it out he looked again, and you’re right, in a twilight of a day these two could be mistaken for one another, the name fits, too, you are wasting your talents here, young sir, you should work for someone like the Mail or the Sun, they pay good money for stuff like that.
The new look also helped Baron to discover (on the biblical site) another link: “Jesus was not a Jew”. Hmmm
Btw, it would be jolly nice if his Lordship Sewel were to resist resigning from the House of the Perverts Galore, he cannot be kicked out, he’s there for life, he should stay, vote, pocket the attendance money. Arghhh
And apologies for misleading you in the post @ 12.26, inflation didn’t help to destroy the 14th century black oligarch empire, the empire collapsed after his death, Baron should google before he shoots his mouth.
Fergus Pickering @ 13:42
And then you woke up, Fergus, right?
Fergus Pickering July 27th, 2015 – 13:42
Sounds more like an ode to a narcotic substance.
In reality I wonder just how many of those who rule over us and the elite who spread their word, demonstrating time and again the unspoken mantra of “Do as we say and not as we do”, partake of cocaine?
Colonel Mustard – 16:11
Quite a few, reportedly…
(mind you, the MSM aren’t exactly Snow White when it comes to drug usage)
After the constant procession of the drug users and bum jockeys frequenting the Westminster bogs I expect the toilet attendants are relieved thus: “When somebody actually comes in for a shit its like a breath of fresh air…” Connolly/Everett
“The Houses of Charliement”
[amusing graphic]
Baron – 15:32
If Sewel refuses to resign over this issue then Dave will have to draw a line under it.
Colonel Mustard (16:11)
A majority of the parasitical sods, imho; evidenced by the tales of snouts from the yesteryear of my professional life; working among ’em in my meeja afterlife – and amply corroborated by the arrogant behaviour of his Lordship in assuming that his cavorting was par for the course within his ilk – and not indeed a honey-trap or a tabloid setup. What else would account for his complacency and stupidity. This was further bolstered over the weekend by the TV chatterati which bent over backwards to point out that the ‘snorting aside’, his bacchanalian behaviour is legitimate and therefore nobody else’s business. That explicit and taxpayer-funded debauchery involving a leading member of the legislature who sets the rules for others; not to mention the potential emotional damage to his own family, is regarded as well within the acceptable limits of today’s mores, seems to be an indicator of where we are now at.
I thought you might enjoy this:
“Who are these barons? I wonder as I finish up. Seems to me that they’re the overlords of the market, perhaps, whose shadow falls in this book like none other I’ve read. Maybe they’re also just the monsters in your closet that you can’t quite escape if you want a simpler reading. But their elegy, and I think it is an elegy of sorts, a clearing-out, is a fitting way to end this”
— Laura Carter
EC (17:30)
That a three-smiley-cracker!
Biased Beeboid Andrew Marr reads “Top peer” as “Tory peer”
He ain’t Tory.,_Baron_Sewel
Middle name: “Buttifant”.
I bet he was popular at boarding school…
This Sewel is not a Lord.
The House of Lords with it’s 800 years of history was abolished by Tony Blair when the neo-fascists came to power in 1997.What we now have is a Chamber of Fascist Deputies all nominated by the political parties.
Here’s a couple of good ones from Ezra Levant who is now at Rebel Media.
Iran’s threatening anti-American tweet shows who really has upper hand in nuclear deal – The supreme leader of Iran has sent out a tweet showing Obama with a gun to his head, with a message that if the U.S. picks a fight with Iran, America will lose.
As Venezula crumbles, Canadian and US socialists still admire it. So, too, does Jeremy Corbyn, reportedly.
Mr Boot offers a quirky summary of the latest Dolphin Square debauchery, fleshing out (so to speak) my previous “In Coca veritas?” quip:
Alex Jones Goes to London…
on July 27th and then will visit Europe including Spain, Italy and Greece
His thoughts on evil, fraud and what is to be done is broadcast here before he left Texas for Britain and his first broadcast on the road in England can be found here too:
Better prostitutes than rent boys:
“Lord Boothby, who was very close to Winston Churchill liked masochistic sex with rent boys and would often be known to use the Krays for procurement of young boys…“You will go home with Lord Boothby. You will do exactly what Lord Boothby wants. Or I will hurt you” ”
And what of the Commons?
It is of course the silly season, the season when local drama societies put on Oscar Wilde:
“I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being good all the time. That would be hypocrisy.”
( The Importance of Being Earnest)
So much talk of drugs.
In the Champs on Sunday we were not invited in joy with Frome to celebrate but regaled with parallels with Armstrong.
I would be more concerned that Mudoch and Sky can buy something else.
And another thing that is sending me into a spin EC and Frank, are drugs any worse as an escape than putting your forehead on a threadbare carpet in a local Mosque?
Jennifer Oldham – 08:05
Speaking of Boothby, who was undoubtedly a very nasty piece of work…
I get some of my best daytime Zzzz’s watching golf on TV, and in particular I find that the dulcet tones of the commentary given by Peter Alliss particularly effective in gently bearing me away to the land of nod. Peter Alliss is an all round (now-now) Top Bloke, a wonderful speaker and raconteur par excellence. This being the case he is no stranger to causing contriversy(sic) and angst to the PC Beeboids.
During the coverage of this year’s British Open Golf tournament at St. Andrews there was some discussion about how good looking & well dressed modern caddies were as opposed to those in the 50s etc.
Alliss then went on to relate how “one of his chums” had bumped into Boothby and challenged him as to why he had started an affair with Harold Macmillan’s wife when she wasn’t exactly, “a looker.” Boothby’s reply was “because she reminded me of a caddy of the xyz golf club.”
At least Alliss managed to survive longer than Clarkson and Inverdale. Good for him!
The Beeboids & feminazis were seemingly unconcerned about his Boothby anecdote, but went into total outrage and meltdown about his idle speculation about some yankee woman’s kitchen arrangements!
“contriversy” n. Contrived offence or outrage.
Here’s another slicing of his Lordship sex and coke romp:
Fergus Pickering @ 17:37
As the cliche goes, Fergus, to be brutally honest, no, Baron didn’t enjoy it. Any reason you said he should?
Jennifer Oldham – 08:15
Worry ye not about the carpet burns on all fours. If you want to attend Friday prayers at your local mosque, as a woman you will only gain admission through the rear entrance.
Jennifer Oldham @
July 28th, 2015 – 08:05
This has been around for a while, it’s good though, and couples with the place his Lordship used to get his income from (used to is the operative word, isn’t it? He has resigned as EC suggested he would):
Way back in the 60s last century, the Earl of Arran (born Arthur Gore, educated Eton and Balliol College) sponsored two bills, one to impose a ban on badger-baiting, the other to legalised homosexuality. The former bill didn’t make it, the latter was passed with large majority. When asked by journalists who interviewed him in the Upper House why the discrepancy he quipped: ‘Just look around, you see many badgers here?”.
the Earl of Arran in the Sixties, when he was asked to explain why the House of Lords had legalised homosexuality but refused to impose a ban on badger-baiting: ‘Not many badgers in the House of Lords.’
And lastly, before the barbarian lets you breathe freely again:
“A Russian submarine in Swedish coastal waters’ shouted a headline in many Scandinavian papers last week, and true, a submarine with cyrillic writing was discovered by sea treasure hunters. A small craft, undamaged, all hatches tightly closed. After the initial furore, experts agreed the craft was indeed Russian from her Tsarist days, made in the US in 1901, called initially Fulton, sold to Russia, patrolled first near near Vladivostok, then the Black Sea, and lastly in the Baltic Sea where it collided with a surface boat on May 10, 1016, sank.
The leader of the pro-Russian rebels in east Ukraine has praised the Right Sector fighters, calling them ‘Ukrainian heroes’, and ‘true patriots every country should be proud of’. This apparently didn’t please the Kremlin, which calls the members of the Right Sector ‘neo-fascists, neo-nazis, thugs.’ Puzzling this.
And lastly from the country of our new Ukrainian friends:
From July 7, everyone who wants to cross from the Kiev controlled Ukraine to the two rebel controlled areas in the east has to have a permit obtainable only on the internet. Since many people cross each way daily, queues at checkpoint are long, temperatures high (around 40deg C), nerves stretched, bribes the soldiers are demanding high but varying, the longer the queue the higher the bribe. People with kids go through first, many travellers ‘borrow’ a kid or two from villagers around the checkpoints, cross the checkpoint, let the kid go, the kids walk back, get hired by others, it cost 100 hrivna (around 3 quid) to hire one child apparently.
The measure has angered many Ukrainians, (both papers reporting on this worry it may boost pro-Russian sentiment even amongst Ukrainian patriots, in the rebel controlled areas one can move freely), the OSCE cars, many of them, (the OSCE are the people who monitor the ceasefire, the implementation of the Minsk agreement) never stop at the checkpoints, always pass, but when they are in the area the checkpoint gates stay opened, the soldiers don’t bother to check the permits, the traffic flows freely.
(This last info comes from two non-Russian papers, both staunch opponents of Putin).
Sorry about the badger/poofter repeat, Baron copied it, then forgot he copied it (a telephone rang, he spent time talking over it), wrote a somewhat different ending. Do forgive him.
Lord Sewer.
There must have been jollity in the square mile today as they listened to dave giving his no money laundering speech.
It must be the funniest thing they’ve heard for years.
Champers all round as we dry our tears of laughter.
Saudi millionaire blocks traffic on one of London’s busiest roads to get his £1m Porsche washed and polished for supercar season
INTDWI, but it is part of the softening up process.
We do have something in common with the French! 🙂
Tell us what it is you want, French urge Osborne
“A leading French minister declared yesterday that he was still waiting to hear what Britain required from the EU renegotiation despite having held private talks with George Osborne.
Emmanuel Macron, the French economy minister, said after a press conference with the chancellor that “we need to understand what the UK wants”, reflecting a frustration felt across Europe at Britain’s delay in spelling out its demands.”
Ben Shapiro shows you what you can expect if you openly challenge a delusional leftist narrative with science, facts and logic:
Their need knee jerk reaction is intimidation and violence. This is frequently demonstrated in the UK by the activities of the Labour sponsored fascists of the UAF, Feminists, and the Salmon/Sturgeon SNZP goons in Scotland.
What a wonderful and perceptive passage from the modern day prophet, Enoch Powell…
Make no mistake, the real power resides not where present authority is exercised but where it is expected that authority will in future be exercised. The magnetic attraction of power is exercised by the prospect long before the reality is achieved; and the trek towards the rising sun, which is already in progress in 1972, would swell to an exodus before long. What do you imagine is the reason why Roy Jenkins is prepared to resign the front bench and divide his party in the endeavour to give a Conservative Prime Minister a majority in the House of Commons? The motive is not ignoble or discreditable—I am not asserting that—but it is a motive which it behoves people in Britain well to understand. It is the ambition to exercise his talents on the stage of Europe and to participate in taking decisions not for Britain here at home but for Europe in Brussels, Paris, Luxembourg or wherever else the imperial pavilions may be pitched. He does not, I assure you, forsee his future triumphs and achievements where his predecessors have seen them in the past – at the despatch box in the House of Commons or in the Cabinet room at Downing St. These are not good enough: the vision splendid beckons elsewhere.
EC (18:57)
A brilliant riposte. Sadly only 8000 or so hits so far; which indicates how weak is the opposition to the Left’s propaganda, given the coverage of the spat originally. Perhaps it will gain momentum?
RobertC @ 18:12
The sickeningly super rich Arabs are as bad as the sickeningly wealthy Russians, Robert, showing off. The cars may cost close to a million bucks each, but they are rather ugly, just like their owners.
For those of you who subscribe to Netflix may i recommend the recently introduced history of ‘The Civil War’, produced in the late eighties by Ken Burns. Moving, majestic, magisterial it will take a mere 15 or so well spent hours of your life.
Two Tory peers were rushed to hospital after snorting curry powder instead of cocaine. One’s in a korma, the other has a dodgy tikka.
Noa – 00:20
Did they airbrush out out history all of Lincoln’s darker/mass murdery moments?
Noa – 00:25
Q. What’s the difference between Tarka Daal and ordinary Daal?
A. Tarka is ‘otter that ordinary Daal
… you had it coming!
EC (00:25)
“… You had it coming!”
Tut, tut! Unlike you to misspell cumin … 🙂
So that’s where you’ve been hiding. Welcome back. Sorely missed.
The sun just broke through here too, a double whammy.
OTOH – Christ! Just look at my poor Dolly Varden.
Frank P – 11:13
Cardamom me, I mustard been in too much of a curry…
Patch of blue sky!
Sun has just broken through here too.
‘Not many badgers in the House of Lords’
But wifey Fi kept badgers and always called her current favourite badger Rosie
Arran (known as Boofy) also kept wallabies, while pot-bellied pigs, llamas and alpacas, caged birds (including a macaw which volunteered rude comments on proceedings, and others that uttered further expletives), horses, a fox and assorted dogs
The family wore gumboots in the house to fend off their cete (brood) of ankle-nipping badgers
Although of course some said the gum boots and alpacas….
To be serious
Burnham’s death pathway is finally buried today with new rules.
Hopefully buried with Burnham.
I heard a splendid chap on today who said the following:
“The problem in a sense with an industrialised approach to managing dying people is that everyone gets preoccupied with ticking the boxes and not looking at the person in front of them.
“Let’s not forget we are dealing with people who are dying and who are distressed and actually bedside assessment, communication – the milk of human kindness – is what matters.
“It is often difficult in a modern health service with the pressures on staff – almost a compassion fatigue that sometimes people have engaging with those individual needs.”
And before I go.
Mullah Omar is dead!
Who was it said:
Rejoice at that news?
A couple of days ago, BBC4, a 90-min documentary on George Blake’s life, betrayal, escape, final days of his rotting in Putin’s Russia. Has anyone watched it?
The reason Baron’s asking is he believes Blake’s escape may have been either organised by the MI5 with the approval of the governing elite, or at least not interfered with when it got going. It’s too many blunders by everyone involved in catching Blake after he fled, the police, the security services, the border control are notorious for bungling things up, but in this case, the investigative errors were just too many.
A couple of journalists call a CND man within hours of the breakout, ask whether he knows anything about it, he of course does because he was locked up with Blake, only recently released, helped to organise the escape. The police have never ever interviewed the CND man.
Blake and the other escapee are moved around ‘safe houses’, in one, the owner nearly faints when the CND man tells her it’s Blake she’s helping to hide, she has to talk to a psychiatrist, tells him about Blake, the medical man attributes it to a shock from the reports of the escape in the MSM, never informs the police. Really?
The CND man, his wife, kids then hire a van, tuck Blake behind a collapsible rear set-bench, smuggle him to east Germany, on the border the guards open the van’s door, see children asleep, wave the vehicle through. (Pull another one). The CND man and his wife have never ever been interviewed about their role in the smuggling operation by anyone. Why not?
For anyone who asks, ‘why the hell would anyone want Blake to flee’, the answer is more than one: His presence here was a continuous and acute embarrassment to the MI5, the political elites, the establishment, his sentence (42 years) was far above what many though appropriate, and even tougher that the Red Menace’s punishment imposed on our spies caught by them, many with Blake’s help (except for the hangings).
Also, the thinkers within the Service may have figured that rather than burdening the taxpayers’ purse for decades for Blake’s stay, the Russian should foot for the bill, Blake could rot in the society of ‘the future of aplenty’ he had helped to build, maintain, and he admired. They were proven right, the collapse of communism in Russia must have been an even bigger blow for the traitor, a convinced communist (he apparently hates Putin, regards him as a renegade to the great idea, a killer, a hypocrite).
Also, we may have wanted the Russians to do us a favour (a favour other than letting us have our spy they apprehended), Blake was a swap for it, letting him go officially, in public view would have been in bad taste, an escape was the preferred way.
Btw, if you’ve missed the programme, it must be on i-player, it’s worth while to spend the time watching it.
Jennifer Oldham @ 11:45
And how do you know all this, Jennifer, tell us, please.
The Czech Republic has been the only country in eastern Europe that didn’t succumb to the American offer to stage a NATO military exercise on her sovereign lands even though the country’s leaders have been pressed hard to let the Americans show the nasty Russians who’s the boss.
This still remains the case, but to re-assure the Czech burghers that Putin will be kept at bay, the American military will ride over the country roads for weeks, criss crossing the tiny piece of land of the Czechs, waving to passers-by, stopping here and there, handing out sweets and cigarettes, embracing local females (or males as is now appropriate in the US Armed Forces).
The question that hangs over this gesture of enforced friendship is ‘will they ever leave or not’, not unlike the Soviets in 1968 who came, settled, stayed for ever (well, only until the Red Menace collapsed).
Baron June 29 12.24: Yes, I watched the documentary on George Blake & was struck by his easy escape. You make some good points but also, wasn’t his wife the daughter of a high ranking MI6 man? Could that have added another layer of embarrassment which would have made them want to wash their hands of him? It was all a little too close to home?
Damaris Tighe @ 13:16
Yes, she was, Damaris, and amongst the reasons for letting him flee it was probably the weightiest one, the barbarian didn’t think of it, but as you mention it, he reckons it topped the list. What if he resisted her divorcing him, or convince her not to divorce him.
A sad figure, this chap Blake, everything he had lived for tumbled: his career, marriage, the regime he spied for ….He ain’t going to peg it a happy man, is he.
“Just rejoice at that news and congratulate our forces and the marines.
Margaret Thatcher – 25th April, 1982
… upon the liberation of South Georgia from the Argy jackboot.
If you’re keen on classical music here’s a tip for you – consider joining the MCC – Music in Country Churches’, a registered charity with only a part time secretary paid, everyone else is a volunteer.
If you do, pay more than £50-00pa, your name will be printed in all programmes amongst those of The Viscountess of Norwich, Professor Sir Owen Chadwick, Lady Eliza Mays-Smith, you may also be lucky (or unlucky) to meet the Prince, the one who’s the world expert on climate change, but who also happens to be the Patron of the MCC (he set it up late eighties), but above all you’ll hear beautiful music performed by the top in the musical profession in the calm surroundings of old English countryside churches.
It truly is something unique, one cannot get the same dose of Englishness anywhere else, no worshipper of Allah ever in sight, just the quirky characters of white skin, almost all over the age of 60, many of the males dressed as only the old English eccentrics would, corduroy trousers of bright colours, leather elbow patches, M&S shirts, the old girls in floral dresses, straw hats on …. a delight, genuine delight that will help you to forget about Calais, the boy, the Ruskies. For Baron and the boss it has been one of the treats of the Summer each year, they haven’t yet got bored, most likely never will.
It helps if you live in East Anglia, Gloucestershire or close by because HRH seems to not like to travel far from his Sandringham estate. Last night, the concert was held in Dersingham, as is the one tonight, if you aren’t there you’ ll miss Hayden’s string quartet in G (op 77), Janacek’s ‘Intimate Letters’, and then to top it, one of Baron’s all time favourites Schubert’s Death and the Maiden’.
Whilst you watch the box tonight or whatever, you don’t have to spare a thought for the poorly educated Slav, he’ll be lapping up captivatingly luscious chamber music in a stoney church building that has been around for over a millennium (and one hopes it’ll still stand there for another millennium. At least).
Worrying about the tunnel when they are flooding in from Africa is like saying you don’t feel well and ignoring you have cancer.
The traitors who escaped are no longer the problem. It is the traitors who stayed and re-invented themselves after 1989 who have done the most lasting damage.
For an insight to the type of filth and their various manipulations:-
Becker, still with us, wrote about Cambodia without a clue. Dedman was responsible for delights such as his 1990 article “Pol Pot – brutal but no mass murder” a year after the Soviet Union “collapsed”. Of course he later tried to disown it in the same way that Owen Jones disowned his support of the IRA’s “military action” and the Blair regime is now Tory.
Soeren Kern in characteristic good form:
The current infestation at the other place began after this:-
and in the case of the Anglophobe van Lomborg just two days afterwards. At first I puzzled over the Danish angle but Google was my friend.
All the sites frequented by this “gang” are exactly the same:-
Not commentary but an agenda.
PS I draw your attention to the links on the Wings of Scotland site, especially the Zany Comedy Relief links and the Greek connection.
There’s something very wrong about killing this lion.
Forget the past, that’s a different place, a different world. I have no criticism of the old big game hunters.
But in today’s times I don’t like killing these animals for sport.
If culling needs to be done , so be it.
But how can you get any sort of pleasure or satisfaction from killing a magnificent animal.
I think it’s sick.
Baron @ 14.32:
The programme got me thinking about what makes a western spy turn traitor. Blake was a classic marginal man with several competing identities – making it easier to slough off a recently acquired British identity. I then thought of the traitors who were pillars of the establishment, but many of them were homosexual & in that day & age it marginalised them. Of course, there’s nothing inevitable about this link – most marginal people are loyal to their country by birth or adoption.
I found his account of escaping the North Koreans, capture & return to the prison camp (no beating, no bullet in the head) unconvincing. I suspect he was turned there & then, which would account for it.
ColM @ 15 58: Sorry to be dense but what am I looking for?
Every now and again telemachus is sad
Tough love:
Lucky shot? Benny might need to spend more time at the range.
EC – I see you’ve become even more incurryigible, if that were possible.
Frank P
Apart from watching Burns documentary I’ve been trying to persuade the MOD to augment their capability for airborne destruction. No doubt it will be deployed by our ‘bien pensant’ elite in the suppression of views they abhor. Peter should therefore be prepared to expect the carpet bombing of Maidstone suburbia if he doesn’t desist from publishing his extremist nonsense. 😉
There was an inordinate amount of firece growling and snarling in the skies above the environs adjacent to The Wash today. Didn’t realise they were lining up Maidstone; thought they were pelting their ordnance into the Holbeach mud as usual.
Sorry Noa, that should have been addressed to you.
Fred on Everything zooming in on the female of the species:
Brave fella. Mind – he is living in Mehico. 🙂
Holbeach? My youngest is promoting the arts down there! (Vegan and probably a born leftie. Still I have hopes she’ll grow out of it). Transported she is!
I’ll warn her about the dodgy paveways.
Heh, heh, heh! Perhaps they are just practising for CMD’s invasion of Syria.
Rod liddle. Tomorrows spectator
Imagine, for a moment, the following scenario. In 2016 Britain votes narrowly to remain within the European Union, despite the Prime Minister having achieved little in attempting to renegotiate the terms of our membership. The ‘out’ campaign — which was no longer led by a marginal party, Ukip, but by the majority of the parliamentary Labour party, under its new leader Jeremy Corbyn — came mightily close to securing our withdrawal, and thus, as it is put by proponents, our independence. Subsequently, Labour receives the same sort of bounce in the opinion polls as the SNP enjoyed following the equally close independence referendum in Scotland — helped by a continuing crisis in the eurozone and extravagant demands for the UK to do a bit more bailing out and take still more of the sub-Saharan immigrants who now constitute about 92 per cent of the population of Calais.
A year later, an infuriated British public sees its energy bills rise by three times the rate of inflation; the mood in favour of nationalising the utilities, as Corbyn demands, stands at 61 per cent in the latest opinion polls. In 2019 there is a government scandal — something perhaps involving drugs, whores and money — and yet the Conservatives are still just about ahead as the 2020 election campaign gets underway.
But only just about. About as just about ahead as they were in 2015, maybe a little less. In the end, the result is very similar to 2015, except that the government loses perhaps 20 or so seats on a 0.8 per cent swing. Labour gains 25, the SNP loses five. There was a strong Ukip vote in the south, especially the south-west, but its vote in the north collapsed.
As a consequence, Jeremy Corbyn is the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (although probably not that latter bit for much longer) and will rule with his Deputy Prime Minister, the hugely like-able SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. Our Foreign Secretary is Lord Salmond of Linlithgow. ‘I supported Corbyn in his leadership bid because I wished there to be a serious debate in the party about tackling our budget deficit. I didn’t expect this to happen,’ says a plainly appalled Frank Field on the 10 May 2020 edition of the Today programme. ‘Christ help us all,’ he concludes.
Be careful what you wish for, please, for all our sakes. This scenario I’ve outlined is not particularly outlandish
You lot, or many of you lot, are too busy tied up with accountants sorting out your financial arrangements, or emigrating to the Czech Republic (top tax rate 15 per cent), to have heard Mr Field’s lengthy apologia for having supported Jezza. Because just around the corner is Chancellor Diane Abbott’s first budget, and the likely introduction of a top rate of income tax of 60 per cent — Corbyn yearns for 75 per cent, but bear with us, we will have to get there in stages, he tells his impatient, adolescent and plainly mentally ill supporters.
At Buckingham Palace, meanwhile, the Queen is trying to work out the menu place settings for the upcoming dinner in honour of Khaled Mashal, the leader of Hamas. Probably a vegetarian starter and halal chicken is the safest bet — and of course the Queen herself should be appropriately veiled. She will also have to prepare a menu for the forthcoming visit of various Irish people who have tried, in the past and with some success, to murder members of her family. Colcannon potatoes, I would reckon. And bacon. Don’t get the two menus confused, now.
Be careful what you wish for, please — for all of our sakes. The scenario I outlined above is not particularly outlandish — indeed, most of it is more likely to happen than not happen. I accept that it gets a bit surreal towards the end, but hell — with a Corbyn premier-ship it will be surreal, believe me. If you’ve never tried LSD, a Corbyn government would be a fairly decent simulacrum of the drug, especially the bit where you have to come down and suffer recurring flashbacks, like the one where you’re in Rampton and all of your fellow patients, and the nurses, are actually fish.
Those of you who wish for Mr Corbyn to become leader of the Labour party do so for one of three reasons: a) you think he would be a bloody brilliant Prime Minister, b) you want there to be a ‘proper debate’ in the Labour party (à la Frank Field, Margaret Beckett etc) or c) you are Tories and wish — as my colleague Toby Young put it — to consign Labour to electoral oblivion. All three reasons are patently absurd, but at least option a) has a certain berserk nobility to it. The other two are self–indulgent and a consequence of either hubris or schadenfreude.
Tory voters have been gulled by the opinion polls and the unexpected outright victory for Mr Cameron back in May, I think. A victory it was indeed, but it was not a victory by very much at all, when push comes to shove. In electoral terms we came within a whisker of a Miliband-SNP alliance government, and our justifiable gratitude at being spared such an appalling eventuality should not be allowed to spiral into a spurious feeling of impregnability. Because spurious it is — this is not 1982, even if, for Labour party members like myself, those similarities seem to abound. For a start, the Conservative party will not come anywhere close to achieving 44 per cent of the vote in 2020, as it did back then; knock 10 per cent off and you might be nearer the truth. The electoral map is more fissiparous, volatile; the voters less reliable in what one might reasonably expect them to do. A Corbyn victory in 2020 is far more likely, for all of these reasons, than a Michael Foot victory was in 1983.
You have to understand that it does not matter that he is mad, or at the least terminally deluded; events may ensure that such a judgment is forgotten. The Labour party will not be consigned to electoral oblivion if Corbyn becomes its leader. But the country will be consigned to oblivion if, with the slenderest tweaking of the national mood, he becomes Prime Minister.
Frank P 29th – 22:15
“There was an inordinate amount of fierce growling and snarling in the skies above the environs adjacent to The Wash today.”
Maybe, but when something’s about to kick off we usually get the same growling and snarling from those skilled enough to tell a target from a sheep on the ranges at Otterburn. This week? Nothing – nix -nada. The skies are silent, apart from the usual holiday flights heading for the Costa del Crap.
Corbyn will not be Prime Minister. Simply because old fashioned communism does not suit the neo-fascist state we have become and are part of within the EU. The big business behind politics will not stand for communism.
PeterfromMaidstone. What is the difference between Communism and Neo Facism?
Liddle’s article is amusing but could happen. Corbyn is a very likeable chap and, let’s face it, people voted for Blair for a similar reason. Cameron / Osborne are certainly not likeable nor believable.
All the consternation about Comrade Corbyn is a bit of “un herring rouge” if you ask me. Kendal hasn’t got a prayer of winning the Labour leadership, and Labour is going to be stuffed whichever of the others win.
If the Labour party lurches to the left and abandons the centre ground of British politics then that could only be a good thing. The consensus politics of the last decades, with Lib/Lab/Con all vying for the centre ground, resulted in an unhealthy lack of democratic choice. Really serious issues where Lib/Lab/Con dare not disagree with each other were never subjected to a rational debate. eg. immigration, europe & climate. Only when the electorate got pissed off and started to vote UKIP & SNP did the cabal start to panic.
Hopefully, events might give the Conservative party an opportunity to ditch the Camer Rouge and elect a more convincing leadership.
The attraction to so many people, of nationalising industries, is high. Those of my age can remember when water was free, you only paid for sewage. Utilities were run by the Gvt and were, in comparison to today’s charges, fair. You could only buy gas cookers / fires etc from Gas Showrooms similarly Electric ovens etc from the Electricity shops. When the utilities and British Rail were sold off. We were promised it would lead to cheaper prices and more competition. Has it?
My view, as a man with views slightly to the right of politics, is that Corbyn will prove to be a formidable and convincing leader and many people will vote for his Labour Party. Y
Jerymyn Corbyn is not a “nice chap”: he is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist. He worshipped at the feet of Adolphe Miliband, who was installed at the LSE to implement the subversive plans of Gramsci and the Frankfort School. If, after rejecting the spawn of Miliband in the last election, the UK public starts to swallow the benign subterfuge of the “nice man” and stands by while he takes charge of the main opposition party, using the tittilation of ‘popular’ policies of renationalisation of utilities, it will be falling for a con. His steely eyed determination to work for the Comintern is pretty obvious to me. I despair when I hear this “nice principled man” crap. He is a ruthless commie! There is absolutely fuck all nice about communism. It ultimately enslaves and kills nice people in their multi-millions. ‘Subversive arsehole’ is my preferred description of the scruffy little ghit.
Cameron was wrong only in default when he called the impending invasion of UK bound immigrants as a ‘swarm’ he forgot the qualifying adjective ‘pestilent’.
Nigel emerged from torpor this morning and kicked off the No campaign with a rousing clarion call:
This should give the pestilent Shavian trolls the arse-ache:
Gerard quotes Kipling:
Timely! Read the comments btw.
Ostrich (08:23)
Pity. I was beginning to think that Dave was beginning to grow a pair. Should’ve known it is the usual posturing piffle. Hope springs eternal ….
… then I read this:
Beware, you old fuckers who are sheltering under the Wall, or leaning against it for support. The vans are revving up!
ColM: Notice how MikeF’s top rated posted dropped by around 10 downvotes when Fried Ch’i came on the scene (Rod Liddle’s latest on the Spectator).
Damaris Tighe
July 30th, 2015 – 14:11
I think I have posted before about the crazy posts over at Speccie
The continued bold print financial posts
The Abie Vee crowd
Your Flied Lice/Chi
And Speccie had the nerve to blackball David Lindsay (the real one)
Why today the blog was reduced to posts with the intellectual content of this:
“Squawk! Who’s a pretty boy then! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Squawk!”
FrankP I said likeable not ‘a nice chap’. I took the word from a number of politicians, all Conservatives, who described him as likeable.
I am of the view that Farage should take a ‘also starring’ role in the NO campaign. It is rather a pity that he did to Suzanne Evans what he has done to so many good people over the years I have observed him. A great flaw in his character and shows evidence of paranoia.
Yes he makes dynamic speeches but his ‘leadership’ in the General Election was poor.
Attempting to take the credit for the great work of many hard working people and other spokespeople who impressed greatly.
We are now back in the one man party mode where he can make policy on the hoof. The man hates manifestos and was gobsmacked when Suzanne Evans work made UKIP supportable in the General Election. That was the reason she was stabbed by him.
Bill Whittle educates Jon Stewart.
I wasn’t addressing your post, I was reacting to the general crap which is being propagated in the MSM portraying Comrade Corbyn as a ‘nice man and principled politician’.
… imo likeable only to the like minded.
Frank P: 1619
Eichman was nice and principled.
In the 29 hours of tapes of his work recorded in Argentina he apologised to future generations for not finishing his task. He was devastated that there were ten million to deal with and he only finished six.
Jerry wrote once on the SWP website in defence of the Gulag.
Same totalitarianism, just different divisions. Let’s face it, humanity is not nice. Nice is always a cloak. Honest is never nice – it’s brutal.
Which is probably why the National Institute for Health & Care Institute chose their acronym – the ultimate in being cruel to be kind.
All of which disqualifies me as being ‘nice’ – I insist! 🙂
telemachus July 30th, 2015 – 15:33
That was my comment, telemachus, and as usual you quote it mischievously and without context.
It was in response to the LOLZ troll cretins tendency of imitating words from other peoples comments (in this case FUBAR) in a weak attempt to gain traction for their own inane drivel. It is rather typical of teenagers to do that (and to use the fake hybrid German) but of course these days even Prime Ministers behave like teenagers. So, my comment was referencing the parrot’s imitative characteristics, something you will be very familiar with from your own propaganda squawks.
The other tendency of the left’s trolls, demonstrated by agenda operatives like yourself, Abie Vee and others across many forums is to address those whose political viewpoints do not conform to their own using inappropriate familiarities or diminutives – ‘chum’, ‘lad’, ‘son’. I presume this is intended to convey a superiority and/or attempt to belittle the other – a kind of power thing which is very indicative of their inherently unpleasant coercion routine. The mild virtual equivalent of marching dissenters (or Polish officers) into a basement with a Tokarev held behind their backs.
Still, at least confirmation that you are still trolling here rather than commenting.
Damaris Tighe July 30th, 2015 – 14:11
I did indeed!
Interesting that NICE have produced a new death pathway this week.
The other left candidate Burnham would like that.
Col M
I agree much of Coffee house blog is now squark.
I have stopped reading it.
However I will say Tele is almost cuddly now.
ColM: I’m still not clear what I should be looking for on the Wings of Scotland site. I found nothing of significance when I looked there.
That nice Ken Clarke is in the news again…
The BBC gets a mention too.
“Only 34% of British Muslims believe the Holocaust happened. 62% of Muslims here do not support freedom of speech. Only 7% of Muslims in the UK consider themselves as British first. CSP Poll this year reported that 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct.”
“Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster”
by Denis MacEoin
The Cardinal’s clock well and truly cleaned!
EC (17:30)
What a strange yarn, case and result!
EC – 17:40
A masterpiece. I expect, though, just as similar quality responses to the Climate Change Alarmism scandal get ignored by the faux-elite, this will not get any publicity without a concerted effort by those who support it.
We need to follow it up.
Frank P – 20:05
Yes, strange indeed. Im struggling to make any sense out of that case & verdict. Once again the BBC features. More to come?
Damaris Tighe @ 16:58
The MI5 thought he was turned in North Korea, and his vehemently denying it would suggest it was indeed the case, Damaris.
It’s hard to ever figure what makes people behave the way they do, and in the business of spying it isn’t any easier. The difficulty the spook recruiters face is that the more intelligent the spy, the greater the probability he may at least be a double, (the opposite also applies). It’s the intelligent ones the service needs for it’s they who get the most valuable stuff as they have steeper careers, use imagination, can sense danger and whatever.
Frank P @ 22:21
Fred cannot be righter, the piece fits neatly into the decades long trend of the rational being swapped by the emotional, that’s the killer disease that has engendered and still is underpinning many a change in the society, and it shows ‘no desire’ stopping.
Cumred Corbyn is the result of the sameness of politics, all three major outfits fighting for the middle ground, little to choose between them, people want choice, he provides an option, even if his take on things is but a rehash of old failed policies.
‘A swarm of people …’ was what the boy said, the clip was screened three times, everyone could hear it clearly, the news reader on the ITV News this evening said ‘swarm of immigrants ..’ repeated it few times, too, perhaps he should have twisted the qualifying word of the swarm even more, said ‘future offenders, welfare scroungers ….’
It serves the boy right for he meekly accepts to fight the battles with the delusional left on their grounds. When kicked for the use of ‘swarm’ he should have stood by it, tell those who bark at him to consult the dictionary, it gives as one of the usages of swarm ‘a great number of things or persons, especially in motion’.
EC @ 17:40
One of the best, EC, convincingly argued, clear, right, the Denis MacEoin’s letter, which may be the reason nobody in the position of power will react to it, and certainly not whilst the honourable Muslim remains in the White House.
EC @ 17:30
Not that Baron’s keen on the Europhile Clarke, but why was the lier found not guilty exactly?
Communism represents the state taking control of business. Fascism represents business taking control of the state. Corbyn will not be allowed power by the state. We are not a democracy and therefore are unable to direct or control the state by democratic means. Greece shows us that what we vote for is irrelevant.
Baron (21:41)
It took 8 hours for the jury to cave. Draw your own conclusions. I’ve already drawn mine. Have you ever done jury service?
So, on April Fool’s Day 2015 ACPO became the National Police Chiefs Council. I must have missed the bit where Britain suddenly had “police chiefs” but a quick check of their “key functions” leaves me puzzled as to where Sara Thornton’s discourse on why the police might not “respond” to Burglary fits in.
Determining police priorities? Surely that was what Police Commissioners were supposed to do?
Pontificating about the law? She is supposed to uphold it impartially and preferably silently, not use her public office as a vehicle for a bit of sly political campaigning.
She does have a responsibility for the “development of joint national approaches to staff and human resource issues (including misconduct and discipline)” so she might start by disciplining her own misconduct in exceeding her authority and bringing the public service into disrepute. Or maybe the useless and dripping wet Lord Chief Justice thinks it’s ok for unelected public servants to opine publicly and in defeatist manner about which parts of the law they intend to uphold.
Burglary is one of the oldest and most fundamental of crimes to be perpetrated in society against an unarmed and defenceless citizen’s hearth and home. In England it has been outlawed since Anglo-Saxon times. Then it was treated as seriously as it deserves to be, before any concept of “service transformation” had the forces – sorry, “agencies” – of law and order worrying more about agitprop and the terrifying danger of inappropriate words and fancy dress costumes than fulfilling their primary role.
A man writes: My wife and I decided to go on an organised trip to Afghanistan, to see for ourselves what the place was like. It didn’t start well as the train we were travelling on broke down just a few miles from the station.
We found ourselves stranded in a scary hell hole where no one around us spoke any English. The train, surrounding streets were full of Muslims. Angry bearded types glared at us, the wife stood out in her brightly coloured sun-dress, as all the local women were draped in black, head to toe burqas. We were extremely scared and convinced that we were in deep trouble. Just then, Jim our group leader ushered us off the train and round the corner from Bethnal Green Station to the bus stop, where we continued our journey safely to Southend Airport’.
Abit over the top, not not that much.
Frank P @ 22:28
Not one of the twelve jurors had the courage to object, Frank, what’s wrong with us?
The answer to your question is ‘no’, the barbarian has never had the pleasure to sit as a juror. What has he missed?
Colonel Mustard @ 22:35
Too lazy to google the current figures, but few years back when Baron was still in form the burglary data never failed to get his blood boiling at any time the MSM were telling the country that ‘the incident of burglaries in the current quarter, half-year, year or whatever are showing a marked improvement on the quarter, half-year… before’
Around the time we scrapped capital punishment, burglaries ran at the rate of around 30,000 in England and Wales, the level of reported burglaries few years back stood at some 9mn (nine million) annually, of which some half were ‘successful’, the other half ‘unsuccessful’ i.e. the perpetrators fled. More to the point, during the successful burglaries over 30,000 people got hurt.
That’s a statistic one seldom if ever sees in the MSM.
Damaris Tighe July 30th, 2015 – 17:25
It’s complicated and I’m not at liberty to spell it out. Suffice to say that there is much more to the SNP than Scotland and the Scots. It has a global following and both European and North American “branches”.
Baron July 30th, 2015 – 23:02
That angers me too. I detest thievery but detest even more political activists masquerading as senior police officers who suggest it be disregarded.
A task for your experienced hand?
“‘It’s like trying to swat moles’: Calais security losing battle to halt tide of desperate migrants” (DT)
Baron (22:52)
“What have I missed?”
In these days of ‘diversity’, blood spurting from both ears, I suspect.
The news that an airliner wing has washed up on the French island of Reunion is intriguing.
I wonder if MH370 got too close to Diego Garcia?
So……what else is news?
Police`might not`respond to reports of burglary.So what’s news about that?I’m surprized any body is surprized about it…..and that the Chairperson of the Commissariate of Police should have admitted it in public. I thought it was common knowledge that if you are burgled you don’t waste time calling the police unless you want a crime number for the insurance company.
Meanwhile, fresh from dealing with swarms our leader will sort it all out with the help of Ms May at COBRA this morning
He will come out and tell us how he will swat the moles
(“It’s like trying to swat moles,” said Claude Verri of the UNSA police union. “All we can do is take them out of the terminal area and then leave them there. And then five minutes later they can be back inside again.” )
Or will Peter Sutherland of the UN dictate the action
“Peter Sutherland, the UN Secretary General’s special representative on international migration, said the British reaction to the crisis was “grossly excessive”.
The great majority of migrants heading to Europe are genuine refugees, he said, and Britain receives far fewer applications for sanctuary than other European countries. ”
“Peter Sutherland, said Britain was not dealing responsibly with the crisis. He told BBC2’s Victoria Derbyshire programme that the number of migrants involved was grossly inflated, and that the people in the “Jungle” camp were “a relatively small number in the context of what other countries are having to do”.
“We are talking here about between 5,000 and 10,000 people in Calais who are living in terrible conditions,” he said. “The first thing we have to do collectively is to deal with their conditions. Instead of talking about sending Gurkhas or building fences, we should be thinking of the humanitarian crisis.” ”
I fear we will lose this one
Peter Sutherland is Bilderberg. Nothing he says has any meaning outside the context of the neo-fascism which is working against all expressions of European national identity and integtrity.
For once I absolutely agree with you
What makes me angry is that some Irish pipsqueak, whatever his views, can cloak himself with a label
“UN Special Representative”
And then think he can push us around
This thought bolstered by the legitimacy the UN label gives him in the corridors of world news
So we read in the Huffington Post
“We need to keep the perspective on the fact that Germany takes over 100,000 asylum seekers and Britain takes just over 20,000 every year,” he says. “Not all asylum seekers are trying to make it to the UK. For the ones that do want to, it’s usually down to the fact that they might have family members in the UK already so they think it might be easier for them to re-establish their lives, or they speak English.”
Whether or not that is true I do not see why we should tolerate such as Sutherland who has an anti-British agenda as strong as Gerry Adams telling the world what we should do
“What makes me angry is that some Irish pipsqueak, whatever his views, can cloak himself with a label”
Irony is dead.
This is what makes me angry.
I drove en famille along to Kent for a Celebration and needed to use the M20. I was shunted off into little lanes along with half the world and ended up 90 minutes late.
Hang what the French do, I can see no reason on earth to stack the motorway with lorries.
And while I am at my rant we should tax all lorries using any motorway between 6 am and 8pm. Our country is becoming impossible to traverse.
We spend our time lambasting Cameron for things over which he has no control.
He does however control the roads.
In Kent and elsewhere.
“When some NGO or charity or think-tank suddenly declares its support for the EU, ask one question: where’s the money coming from? ”
Daniel Hannan
Published on Jul 30, 2015
Jennifer Oldham – 11:03
Relax, at least you’re HGV negative 🙂
The last thing I read on the wall was your question, what is CB? Cui Bono, title of my next tome, a gentle and restrained satire on the fashionable religion of anthropogenic climate change If this gets through, which is doubtful, then will post some more.
Jennifer we are suffering from this situation in Kent every day. Our major road network is closed or overwhelmed with traffic avoiding roads that are closed. It takes hours extra to get anywhere and routinely illegal migrants are seen climbing out of lorries and walking up the motorway. If the French will not solve the problem then there needs to be a iron-clad defence around Dover and Folkestone so that every vehicle is checked and every single migrant is immediately sent back to Calais.
We are suffering invasion from inimical alien scum from a chaotic shit-hole known as North Africa while our government sits on its hands. It is the worst sellout in British history. And large tranches of our brainwashed idiot compatriots are in favour, because they wish to be considered ‘nice’. Wake up Britain FFS before the demographic pollution subsumes the indigenes.
It’s when, not if, I’m afraid.
The fourth plinth at Trafalgar Sq whould be reserved for a memorial statue of Blair, Brown, and Cameron. Underneath the single word epitaph, “Circumspice”
I borrowed that last bit from Mr. Boot who I sincerely hope will outlive Ms Hopkins!
Increasingly it seems to me that an Englishman, visiting the UK in the 25th century, would find it not dissimilar to the outcome of the Planet of the Apes. He would curse our generations.
The trouble with “Government/Progessive comedians” – They’re boring, predicatable & unfunny!
Ezra Levant’s take:
Pat Condell’s take:
typo: predictable!
… well that was predictable too, wurnt it!
(as did telemachus earlier)
“Sutherland – who is the Chairman of corporate giant Goldman Sachs International, the International Catholic Migration Commission, and recently finished his tenure as the Chairman of the left-wing London School of Economics”
stephen maybery @ 13:48
Wait he must and wait he will, stephen, if it’s as good as the other two it’ll be another winner.
I have often wondered whether Richard Dean is a sock puppet on CH; as well as generating many posts, he bats very solidly for the EU. Then today, in a response to my post, he accuses Dan Hannan of making things up:
Jennifer Oldham @ 11:03
You and many others like you won’t be angry any longer, Jennifer, the boy has it under control, he’s just told us, it’s ‘more fencing and more sniffer dogs’. That will definitely do it, the boy’s a genius, a Nobel Prize beckons.
The whole immigration affair is not unkin to an open pot of honey attracting wasps, the longer it stays open the more wasps come, many from afar, feed on the nectar, leaving less of it for those who collected it, so what can one do to ensure the swarm of wasps gets reduced, the sweet food of the gods doesn’t disappear altogether, remains in the jar for the rainy days for the collectors of it?
Well, someone armed with nothing but common sense would shut the jar tight, and if he were a wasp lover, he may spoon few ounces of the ambrosia, reward some of the wasps that were found struggling because of stormy weather, but someone inept, vacuous of intelligence, short on wisdom but full of ignorance would both try to catch the wasps, and to install some netting around the pot, endangering the unfortunate wasps caught either in the netting or getting swatted in the commotion of catching them.
Madness, indescribable madness.
Frank P @ 14:50
That’s another way of putting it, Frank.
EC @ 15:44
Did the said Hopkins really mean it, or was she being ironic? Baron hasn’t read the interview, he may look for it, but the female is known for views in the extreme on many subjects, she’s been the hate figure for Left for years.
EC @ 16:07
The Pat’s video, excellent as ever, is followed by an interview with Donald Trump. If only he were to get rid of this ridiculous hairpiece, he would be OK
I do find it a bit weird that so many non-Scots appear to support the Scottish National Socialists. There is a self-proclaimed ‘Quebecois’ (“Scots Papa, French Mama”) currently blowing hard and repulsively over at the other place. His hatred of the English is evidently acute and no doubt the imperative for his strange intrusion into UK politics.
I have more respect for the Scots cybernat frothers than those fakes.
Delingpole in overdrive:
Heh, heh, heh!
Wonderful Pat Condell video!
Thank you for the Pat Condell link, EC!
I had given up day-to-day interest in politics since the General Election, so baffled am I by the re-election of Cameron in a majority government.
Can it only be July, less than three months after this national failure to vote for UKIP, and day after day the angry public is thrown red meat by the MSM about immigration. ‘Call The Midewife? No, Call Immigration!’ wrote Richard Littlejohn last week. Very funny. But where were all these articles in-between Christmas and Cameron’s re-election?
Vanished. Just like the infamous Peter Hitchens’ column that vanished the Sunday before polling day. There’s another one by Littlejohn today. But why didn’t you write like this before the election?
Because it’s all there as a media sponge. ‘We’re outraged on your behalf. We’ll slag the French off on your behalf. We’re on your side.’
No, you’re not, MSM. This is all a distraction from your support for Cameron. The man who will fight tooth and nail to keep Britain in the EU, which is what gives access to these immigrants. The man who destroyed the barrier Libya once gave Europe from these immigrants. The man who sent the Royal Navy – for heaven’s sake – to bring a tonne of them to Europe (from whence they all run to the UK). And Michael Fallon – the man who ran a brokerage firm which, cough, cough, never noticed Libor was being rigged! – the ‘defence minister’ saying he will spend more on defence, while sitting on board the Royal Navy vessel actively importing Britain’s enemies.
I do not criticise the posters of this board, whom I know share much in common with my views, and some of whom are living out this nightmare on their doorstep.
For the first five years of this charlatan Cameron, I took the Melanie Phillips’ view that voters would turn their back on him and ‘serve him right’.
But for those sheep who turned their backs on UKIP – and I very much mean the voters of places such as Rochester and Strood – who ditched a UKIP MP for a Tory xxxxbag, I’m done with ‘serve him right’.
Serves them right.
Given what goes on in Kent through Dover (a cesspit of migrants in houses of multiple occupation and scary place to pass through) anyway, how could anyone vote Cameron.
And look at what he and his MSM spivs who covered his back for five slavish months have delivered. Immigration squared.
There’s no need to look at the Marc Steyn demographics, breeding charts any more (which already held a dire prognosis) – it’s actually going to happen purely through immigration.
And Cameron is the author of it. And the public voted for it. They’re in the blood and sand of the pit, while he and his MSM cronies throw lions on them and watch them get torn apart.
Here come tomorrow’s Muslim paedophile gangs, or like gang of 29 Asians filmed recently attacking a white on a London bridge (imagine if they’d been white attackers), here come the rapists, the robbers, the fraudsters, the pickpockets, the benefit spngers, the dregs.
And who voted for it? Not me.
EC – I took H.H. for an outing about a week ago, with gratifying results. The simple formula of cannibalising the speeches of Harriet Harman and Dawn Primarolo to create interminable sentences ending in ‘the diversity agenda’ or ‘denying the climate’ can send erstwhile rational beings into extremes of hydrophobia.
If I decide to repeat the stunt, I’ll open a new Disqus account, as shuttling between personae tends to create problems. It also places constraints on [H.H.] making extravagant lesbian passes at her female antagonists, thereby decanting a can of Castrol GTX on the flames.
When you hear the many esteemed NGOs shouting ‘we should stay in the EU’ ask yourselves how independent they really are. This short video may help to answer the question:
DM carrying another story about politicians being warned about perves years ago. This time it’s Corbyn’s turn and as always, he did nothing. (He’ll make a perfect Leader!)
Well, he wouldn’t want to see his mates in court would he?
Baron (23:56)
See EC – July 31st, 2015 – 12:19
It’s worth the repeat, but no nodding off, now, M’Lord.
Diane @ 23:45
OK, Diane, you’ve got it off your chest, but you’re rather unfair to the 4mn burghers who cast the vote for the UKIP outfit.
It’s the voting system that deprived them of a stronger voice in the House rather than the unwillingness of a large part of hoi poloi, wouldn’t you agree? Some 37% of people voted for the Tories, they got 330 seats, less than 5% voted for the SNP, they got 56 seats, over 12% backed UKIP, the party got one seat.
All this in a society that falls backwards to ensure equality. Could anyone point to the equality in votes cast for political parties in general elections? If it, equality, ruled the SNP would have fewer than 30 MPs, UKIP well over 70. Just think what difference it would make in the debate, and policy, on (say) immigration.
Frank P @ 00:18
A slap on the wrist then, Frank. No excuse, just laziness to peruse all the postings.
Re. That fellow Ben Fellows who accused Ken Clarke of sex abuse and was found Not Guilty by the Jury:-
What the jury considered was as to whether he deliberately,with malice and afore thought,made a false statement to the police:
a)he is delusional and honestly believes the statement he made (and hence is innocent of the charge):
b)he was pressurised to make the formal statement by the police who had heard it on social media (as claimed by the defence).
The jury decided it was a case of a) and/or of b).
This raises questions about the police similar to their “Red Queen” attitude of “charges first;investigation afterwards”,which has been mentioned here before now.
Only kidding me ol’ china. So much to read, so little time. 🙂
If you missed Fox’s ‘On the Record’ tonight, dig it out. Greta Van Susteran put together a cracking round up of the so-called ‘lone wolf’ attacks and had a panel of experts comprising Olly North, Kate Herridge and Frank Cilluffo (from the Homeland Security Policy Institute GWU), who joined the dots and rammed home the deficiences and idiocy of the Obama administration and its puppets in Westminster and Brussels. At least Fox is calling it the way it is now, albeit belatedly.
I’m amazed that Obama hasn’t been whacked. Mafia Dons and Dictators usually get hit by someone close, regardless of their henchman.
Oh, yes, Baron! I fully acquit the Four Million.
There’s a name for us all ‘Oh, yes, I’m one of the Four Million. Who were rewarded with one MP.’ I laud everyone who made the effort and who continues to make the effort.
I’m working up my appetite to disentangling the spin. I, like Peter Hitchens, really had my hopes up for UKIP. It just shows how powerful the MSM is.
Talking of which, I love ‘the swarm’ quote. It is, of course, Classic Cameron PR spivvery. Throw up a quote that looks on the side of the public, let pro-immigration people shout it down, and hope that deludes people into thinking he’s anti-immigration. ‘Look at this. There’s a debate here. Pick a side. My side. That means I’m on your side when it come to policy, eh?’ Wrong.
Pure Straw Man con-merchantery. He has no intention of cutting immigration or of stopping its primary route – the EU. Groundhog day for us Four Millioners.
The Ben Fellows case was very interesting. I don’t think the Powers That Be ever expected him to get convicted. It was more of a warning to complainants everywhere to shut up. Or else.
The sheer strain of a criminal trial would be exhausting. Months of waiting. How to pay for your defence (legal aid is very limited). And in the Old Bailey too. Fellows would have likely have been prosecuted by Treasury Counsel, a Jobs For the Boys role in which 18 barristers, as chosen by mates in high places, get private rates for public work (that’s why so many MPs are lawyers – even the remuneration and roles are a stitch up!). And Fellows was thrown into Wormwood Scrubs at one stage too. Despite his acquittal, will he still have the energy to complain? This was all about knocking the wind out of him. Psychologically draining him (he will be drained, all right – financially and emotionally).
Theresa May is currently working on laws whereby anyone who in future accuses high level politicians and the like of paedophilia can be branded an ‘extremist’ and so on.
The strange thing about the Lord Sewal case is it was minor by the standards of Parliament. He’s just a silly old sod.
It’s the Noncey Old Sods who never make the papers, let alone get prosecuted that matter.
A robust report from the Spain in the 2nd hour with some forthright comment on Greece and the European Union.
Welcome to the fascist monarchy and the destruction of freedom.
Diane August 1 04.43:
I think you can be sure that Cameron used ‘swarm’ deliberately. He must have been aware of the controversy around the word & the fact that Farage rejected it in his BBC interview. By saying ‘swarm’ Cameron spoke the language of the majority, earning a few brownie points, without committing himself to doing anything meaningful. As you say, a consummate PR man.
Dianne 04:55.
I too, swallowing my concerns on Farage but impressed by Steven Woolf and Suzanne Evans, voted for UKIP. The excellent manifesto ,made into a superb document by Ms Evans, was the killer punch in my view. It showed the party was able to answer the One issue party slur.
Obviously the result was quite shocking so many votes yet only one MP. But instead of driving on attracting more members Farage returned to form and stabbed those who proved to be excellent in their roles, Paul Oflynn and Suzanne Evans. Farage hates manifestos, he hates being confined and loves making policy on the hoof.
That Farage is a super public speaker he is also the one who will kill the party. So many good people joined, did good work and were stabbed by this man. I am of the view that the party should look for another leader. Or it is all downhill from here.
Damaris Tighe @ 07:34
Yes, he probably had in mind Margaret Thatcher’s use of the word “swamped”;_ylt=AwrTHRVda7xVTzYAgolXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYjk1Z2swBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjAzNDBfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Margaret+Thatcher+%22swamped%22&fr=mcafee#id=7&vid=881a338387b3904a5d6d97d73c9456b5&action=view
Alex Jones reports further from Barcelona on Spain – ‘the next domino to fall’ 1 hr 50 mins into the same link at 06:55 above.
Another way Jones could have summed up his analysis of the relationship of the Spanish monarchy and the European Union in Brussels might have been “ALL POWER TO THE SOVIETS”
Jones believes the Spaniards will resist successfully – but Spain is probably the next member of the European Union to be collapsed.
Malfleur Aug 1st 07.50:
Ha! Thanks for reminding me of Thatcher & ‘swamped’. In the 1980s the official terminology rammed down our throats was ‘we live in a multiracial society’ but the assumption was still that assimilation was the way forward. Then at some point multiracial morphed into multicultural, subverting even the hope of cultural assimilation.
Thatcher 1979 “swamped”, Cameron 2015 “swarms”. Same old same old.
But as the politicians dance around ineffectively between the largely silent majority who don’t like it and the gobby, powerful minority who do the numbers just keep increasing and the concomitant problems multiply. Delusional doesn’t begin to describe the situation because it now hones in on the use of words that some consider “offensive” towards illegal immigrants who aren’t even here yet. Barmy.
Sick – of – it.
Andy Car Park – 23:50
If you do, please make the disqus account public so we can follow her exploits auf dem fliegenden Teppich!
Here’s a reminder of more innocent, more tolerant and more enlightened times:
Blunkett had us swamped with immigrants. Not sure whether that before or after he swamped us with his pro…. (Censored when I mentioned this at DT)
A brisk cold shower ordered by the professor, in withering form, to invigorate the weekend:
Some excellent wordsmithery woven into the tapestry, too.
Strapworld – 15:53
“I am of the view that the party should look for another leader.”
I am in the awkward position of not really knowing what happened at the top table, and you may very well be right, but NF was exhausted after the GE, and from the abuse by the MSM and political mobs . It was accepted by everyone that he needed to recharge his batteries, for the good of his health, and he accepted all this, then suddenly he changed his mind.
Maybe Cameron’s short timetable for the referendum, which makes the whole thing meaningless if treaty change is the goal, caught him off guard. Maybe he heard on the Brussels’ grapevine opportunities/dangers that needed to be sorted, at least actively monitored. It might have been something else, but I find it difficult to believe he did it on a whim.
The party has been inflicted by numerous false champions, from the orange man to the false double barreled MEP, so I can see that a veteran may be more than a little sensitive to ‘new leadership’. Inside the inner circle it is much easier to see what is going on, and I am not there, so all I can do is to be generous in thought, to everyone.
Usually after a very demanding project, like the GE, there is usually a truce: less pressure means there is more time to discuss points, as people are weary. It is time to heal working relationships, clarify what happened in the heat of the moment, if only to work out what happened, and re-establish formality.
In my mind, all it would take to cause a problem would be for a small group of people to ‘forget’ to consult those who should have been consulted, especially if they would have said yes.
The public wouldn’t have seen it, and most wouldn’t understand the nuances of management.
This would be exacerbated by them being so exhausted and disappointed: only one MP. They hadn’t grasped the size of their overall vote.
I have been watching the Tour de France, and while Chris Froome won the overall classification (the yellow jersey) for the Sky Team, it has been Garante Thomas, Rich Porte and the others in the team (along with the non-riders) who have been supporting him that made it happen.
The other cyclists know their day will come, hopefully, but it isn’t their day, today.
Suzanne Evans was a Conservative councillor within the London Borough of Merton Council until 15 May 2013. She did a wonderful document: I think it may be pertinent for decades, unfortunately! But … but … but … why step out of line (if she did) at that point in time. It just doesn’t make sense at all. In the big Picture, nothing is up for grabs: the next GE is likely to be in five years, the next Euro-elections years away, and it was a time for consolidation, reconnecting with the party members. She hasn’t yet been elected to public office. She is currently a backroom worker, a good one, but still a backroom worker.
Steven Woolf, while being part of the party for much longer, is a criminal barrister and has spent several years as general counsel for hedge fund managers. The Party certainly needs the expertise he has, but he only assumed public office in July 2014, a year ago.
Farage warned, some time ago, that the ‘stay in’ group were vigorously campaigning, while the ‘self determination and trade with the rest of the world’ group hadn’t even started to organize themselves!
He has recently poked them, and told them to hurry up! They should.
Michele Malkin in vitriolic form too, paradoxically using the scalpel to ruthlessly remove Obama’s spare parts and expose his mendacity:
But a breathe of fresh air from EC’s Dick Emery link. Thanks David, I needed that after perusing Boot and Malkin.
Baron, July 31st, 2015 – 19:40
I think that the said “female” will say anything to gain a bit of attention or publicity. She is exploiting a gap in the UK media market place that is filled by “shock jocks” in the USA. (no SNsP/cyberNat connotations intended) Her main vehicle is her column in ‘The Sun’ but she gains ancillary income from ad-hoc gigs on daytime tv – for which she needs the traction of a constant flow of controversy. It’s a precarious living!
Her public persona is neither “Nice” nor “Likeable”.
Her redeeming features:
1) Sometimes she gets it right!
2) She gets PC types foaming at the mouth.
3) She is incredibly thick skinned and can take as much shit as she dishes out. This is refreshing because the majority of modern media whores are so incredibly conceited, pretentious & thin skinned, and turn very nasty at the first hint of unreserved agreement and adulation.
” turn very nasty at first hint of a lack of unreserved agreement or adulation”
Arrgh! You know what I meant, dammit!
One elderly gentleman trying to fulfil the poet’s promise – “at the going down of the sun and in the morning…”
Now I’m off to spruce up the Dolly before it becomes a “no go zone”:
Dick Emery – The driving test (full version- 6mins)
Robert C 1135. ‘Consult’ you mention. A word Farage does not do!
You sound rather critical of the excellent manifesto (I think it will be pertinent for decades….unfortunately). I knew,well, the authors of the previous manifesto which Farage did not read. Dedicated and worthy people. They left.
You talk of the Orange man, forgetting that he was dedicated to UKIP .At the Hartlepool By election, caused by Mandleson going to the Lords, RKS stopped the traffic and was mobbed by the crowds. Farage was ignored. That did not go down well in the Farage camp. I was there at my own expense fighting for UKIP. The in fighting and backbiting was directed at Knapman, RKS and others by? You have it?
I left not long after with many good people for Veritas which sadly was formed far too close to a General Election. H
Farage is not the man he wants you all to believe. But you carry on.
You draw an analogy with the Tour de France.That was Teamwork another word not in Farage’s vocabulary. He is the original I am the leader you follow me.
Sorry. No offence intended to you,sir, just be a little more judgemental.
ColM: After I responded to one of the hydra’s swipes at me I received 14 downvotes. Clearly I must do my lines: ‘I must not answer back.’
Frank P @ 11:31
Indeed, the omni-all Mr. Boot couldn’t be any righter when he says: “Yet those even remotely familiar with EU history know that it’s a political project, not an economic one”. The latter may have been the aim at the start of the monstrosity, but it has gradually morphed out of it, has FA to do with wealth creation, jobs, growth today.
Just take a broad brush, long term view of the mankind’s sources of wealth creation (excluding the communist aberration).
It begins with agriculture that provided the first, many a century long base for the society’s enrichment, somewhat limited in scope as it derived its capacity for stockpiling riches from land in itself limited to what was naturally available, could be reclaimed at affordable cost as the tool for working it was mostly labour.
This was followed by the phase of industrialisation lasting (what) 2-3 centuries, that enabled a greater spread of the riches it created, shared in its last leg not only by the owners of capital, but the workforce, too. The prevailing tool in this phase for moulding the few hard and soft commodities into whatever it was the markets desired had been the machine.
Then, the latest stage of the natural evolution of wealth creation came about with services taking over. The engine fuelling economic growth was that of ideas, concepts, brain waves aided by technological breakthroughs like the integrated circuit, the internet, the broadband. We’re still in it, but not for much longer, the inability of any of the world’s leading economies to resume noticeably meaningful growth attests to it: services can no longer furnish enough natural demand, something else has to take over.
The question is what’s the ‘something else’?
RobertC @ 11:35
Not unlike you, Robert, Baron’s also of two minds, cannot figure what’s what, what to think, Farage or someone else. Not enough hard, reliable evidence either way.
Frank P @ 12:16
One doesn’t have to move to Germany to come across ‘soft’ no-go zones, Frank.
You may recall Baron telling you he goes for his curry to Southall, a nice diner there, superb Bangladeshi cooking, tasty, fresh, reasonably priced. Once, about a year ago, the barbarian expressed the wish to come for an evening meal, the waiter, who’s been friendly to Baron for years, said ‘perhaps not in the evening, the streets are not very safe, not even for us, and for you, definitely not’.
EC @ 12:28
This comes from the ‘good old times’ when comedy was something that made one laugh, not despair. On BBC4 at lunchtime today, a young comedian was telling his audience he’s a Lefty because only a Lefty could do comedy, but in his 5 minutes of yapping he said FA that could be classed as funny.
George is back in the news
And I do not mean Smiley
Boot has an interesting take on his antisemetism
“On the strength of this eccentric taxonomy he proposes turning the Yorkshire city he represents in Parliament into an ‘Israel-free zone’.
Speaking ostensibly to Respect activists (an appropriate name for his party, wouldn’t you say?), but in effect urbi et orbi, he clarified his meaning:
“We don’t want any Israeli goods or services. We don’t want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college.
“We don’t even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford, even if any of them had thought of doing so. We reject this illegal, barbarous, savage state that calls itself Israel. And you have to do the same.”
Since Israeli visitors look like Jews from anywhere else, the only way to keep Israelis out is to bar Jews in general.
I don’t know if George has studied German history or language, but there places successfully purged of Jews in compliance with the Nuremberg Laws were in times olden called Judenfrei (‘free of Jews’) or Judenrein (‘clean of Jews’).
George didn’t specify how far he’d be prepared to pursue this obvious parallel, but he’ll be happy to know that the German manufacturer of Zyklon B is still in business, if nowadays restricting itself to a more benign product line”
Galloway has now started a one man attempt to thwart Corbyn’s pretensions by threatening to rejoin Labour if Corbyn wins
You would not believe the trouble I have had posting Mr Boot’s words (simply those above) on Speccie
Plumbing depravity to the depths that Judge Lowell Goddard is unlikely (but should try) to reach. Puts ‘gay marriage’ and “gay adoption” into perspective and goes some way to explaining the blatant and nonchalant persistence of the ‘great and good’ over the decades.:
Damaris Tighe August 1st, 2015 – 16:10
Ignoring them completely is probably the best policy.
Although Peter Hitchens had the infamous Dog That Didn’t Bark In The Night Time column, that mysteriously never appeared the Sunday before the election, in many ways Simon Heffer’s silence as he worked out his notice period at the Mail was more telling.
Heffer’s column was axed just before Christmas and he was allowed to write about politics and culture in the Mail – but only in the past as he worked out his notice. And it produced some painfully thin journalism.
So when he went back to the Shariagraph, I wondered if he would re-discover the acid tongue he used to have there before he went back to the Mail for a second stint.
Oh how I used to love his Saturday column and used to fall about laughing as he referred to Gideon as Little George!
But, with the Mail closed off to him, Heffer has decided to take the propagandist’s shill and is toeing the Tory line in the Shariagraph like a man who’s living depended on it. I read his first column on George Osborne – a Gordon Brown redux figure – after returning to the Shariagraph, ready for lots of little fun pokes at Little George. But there were none.
It was like a re-hash of a Tory press release, telling the world that Gideon and his ballooning are the Second Coming.
No. He’s Little George. And like all children who play with matches, Little George will get burned by that debt one day – and we’ll all be paying the consequences.
I did wonder what it feels like to be a Tory voter after the election and I got my answer when that Royal navy vessel went out to collect a load of vermin.
Cameron ordered the war in Libya that unleashed them.
He sent the Royal Navy ship to collect them.
The unlovely Michael Fallon was aboard the ship for PR photos.
So the Daily Mail publishes that story probably less than a month after Cameron’s re-election. Underneath it, what did the almost certainly Tory voters have to say about it? The verdict on Cameron’s project came thus from one poster: ‘These damned Leftists’ – I kid you not.
There’s a guilty conscience! Couldn’t possibly be that Davy Wavy, who you voted for, could it?
Better not Mis Mr Boot’s latest; some bones of contention there for you, no doubt?
Strapworld – 14:49
(Baron – 16:32)
I thought the earlier ‘manifesto’ was a long (internal?) draft, or something like that. I didn’t read it either and I saw some very selected quotes in the MSM that were somewhat amusing! If I remember correctly, I thought, “Too much detail!”
If what you say is true, and I don’t doubt your experience, wasn’t it poor judgement to at least simulate a coup while the leader was absent. It didn’t do the Tories any good in 1990! It was like attacking the yellow jersey when he had a stone in his gears. No matter the merits, it has no merit.
The public are looking for someone, in fact anyone, to change History, in order to avoid what most right thinking people are expecting our current ‘leaders’ to deliver. That is all they want. It needs a Party with a Leader, not one with several Leaders, each following their own agenda. The Tories have many with sound views, but their leader does not. They are disciplined and have been effective, if not in the way we want. The only way to success is to have a Leader, and in UKIP, the full membership have chosen. Maybe when the party has many MPs it might need to change, but it is still a grass roots plus Leader party.
I had a manager who made life much better that it would have been: it was only bad rather than very, very bad! 🙂 It was mostly, if not all, due to external reasons, mostly a very fast changing marketplace, but we had a stable team for what seemed like several years. I think it was, as well!
In one of our meetings our manager said that he had tried every means to get the team to work well and the only way that worked was to let each of us have our say, to the end 🙂 , and then he found that we didn’t mind what he decided (within reason 🙂 ). He didn’t understand that we didn’t mind, so we (it was another team member) told him.
We need to tell you, each of us, what we have done, have found out, found difficult and not done. You need to know. Then you, with all the information on the table, along with what we don’t know because we are not at your level, decide. That is your job. That is your responsibility. Just be polite and fair minded, remember that policy is a guide and forgive us when we make mistakes and help us to do better next time. (Wasn’t he lucky to have us in his team 🙂 )
And it was very rare, if ever, that a manager did not conform to his manager’s agenda.
You can see why I am perplexed that NF is described, derogatorily, as ‘the original I am the leader you follow me’.
In many forms of Dance the man leads, and the woman follows, but believe me, the relationship it isn’t as one sided as it sounds. 🙂
The manifesto was and is excellent. What I believe is unfortunate is that it will be pertinent, that is it will be suitable and relevant, for many years to come: why write another?
Frank P @ 21:03
Nothing that new in this piece, Frank, the murder of a crooked KGB agent, the Putin’s millions … this Baron has heard before (and commented on, too).
The new bit is the Russian refusal to let a tribunal take over the investigation of the downing of MH17. The reason for the Russian veto may be to prick a cover up by the Americans, it took them a year to organise it what with fake evidence and stuff, they very likely made an offer to the potential tribunal members they, the members, couldn’t refuse, the crime needed something convincing and that takes time, and the KGB colonel said ‘no’.
What is rather puzzling is why the omni-all Mr. Boot never addresses the qui bono equation. he seldom misses to rely on the thinkers of the past, why did he choose to ignore it here?
And another thing, Frank. Read this, ponder.
Baron reckons that whoever falsified the past fly paths of the Malaysian airlines planes, the ones before the fatal day, is the guilty party. It could hardly be the one who likes stripping to the waist, the fakes help the US/Ukrainian side.
And it should be ‘the qui bono’ question’ not ‘equation’, also ‘ignore them’ and not ‘it’.
Frank P @ 18:52
Nothing like that could ever appear in the MSM, but should, Frank.
Early Seasons Greetings!
…………………………………”Chipmonks Roasting On An Open Fire.”
Not too keen on Obama’s opinions then.
We have just had a general election in which the Number One issue was immigration. That issue was brushed under the carpet by the MSM and is now all over the newspapers again, the election barely over. It started less than a month after the election when that Royal Navy ship went to collect a load of vermin (headed for the UK).
But why do the newpapers say ‘summer’ of misery. There is no ‘summer’ about this. This filth isn’t landing on the doorstep. It’s here to say and we were all lied to about it between Christmas and May’s polling day.
Anybody feel like doing what Guida Fawkes did and jumping up and down because Ed Balls has lost his seat? Or gloating ‘Your boys took a hell of a beating’ Or saying ‘Our side won!’
Go down to Dover today and then gloat if you feel like that. That’s the UK’s future. Peter Hitchens writes:
Forget Chilcot – let’s probe our Libya folly
Let’s forget the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War. We all know who’s guilty, and the main actors are finished and disgraced in the public mind.
Instead, let’s have a new and urgent inquiry (report within a year please) into David Cameron’s equally stupid and irresponsible Libyan war, which is the direct cause of the scenes at Calais and Dover, and may, in the long run, mean the end of European civilisation as we have known it all our lives.
It is also thanks to people like him that we have, as a country and a culture, given up all the weapons and defences we might once have used to keep our island secure.
You think this can be stopped, or will be stopped? No. All that will happen is that we will get used to it.
The Daily Mail is utterly disingenuous to publish stories like this when it gags Simon Heffer, gags Peter Hitchens and dropped virtually all immigration coverage for five months up to the election (all it ran were stories on ‘benefit familes’ – always white ones, no blacks or Asians who, with their big families, are the largest recipients).
Nonetheless, today it’s in the mood to tell us this. Read and weep:
I’m loving the collapse of ‘Kids’ Company’ a faux charity that is nothing of the kind.
Camila Batmanghelidjh has walked out the door before the whole thing collapses to try to keep a bit of reputation, but don’t worry, she’ll be back. She’s part of the Common Purpose beyond authority clan who look out for each other. They’re past pasters at this. Walk out the door with a redundancy package and, hey presto, six months later, look who’s back in local government or charity/quango work.
Diane @ 09:01
This may not be widespread, Diane, but it doesn’t have to be for the news of the lavish treatment of immigrants to spread in the lands of these young men, and beyond. Many of them have mobiles, a picture or two sent back home tells the story better than a voice message ever can.
What one hears seldom mentioned, stressed, practised is the key condition for asylum seekers, namely that they have to apply in the first country they reach, no ‘asylum shopping’ or one is disqualified from ever applying for it. Why?
Quite so Baron.
It seems a lot of them just claim they are homosexual (often with a tribe of children falling off their arms) and that means they can stay.
There really was no other issue at the last general election – or in all elections since 1992 – other than this. Anyone who votes for a mainstream party is simply aiding and abetting it.
Hitchens is not wrong. The importation of these people is quite simply “the end of European civilisation as we have known it all our lives”.
And look where they run to, past Greece, past Italy, past France, past Portugal – there is only one country mug enough to put up with this. One country mug enough to vote for someone like David Cameron because he’s ‘on our side’. Cesspit UK.
Frank P, August 1st, 2015 – 18:52
The accelerating civilisational slide is chilling.
Following on from last week’s perplexing trial and judgement of Ben Fellows I thought that…
Radford NG, August 1st, 2015 – 01:28
Diane, August 1st, 2015 – 04:55
… made excellent points.
I remember back in the late 70’s/early 80’s reading a story in the Leicester Mercury about some guy, a former inmate of a local childrens home, who used his in appearance in the dock at the Crown Court, on another matter, to make accusations against Janner. At that time Janner was a well respected MP and “it was unthinkable that… etc.etc.” his accuser was rapidly dismissed as mad, delusional etc. etc. You know the drill.
Baron, August 1st, 2015 – 16:43
Also chilling.
If politicians got out and about in their constituencies more then they would surely know that these “no go zones” exist in every major city and town up and down the country, and predominately associated with a fascist cult posing as a religion. The MPs do really KNOW this, and their silence speaks volumes. Traitors!
The main architect of these “no go zones” was Tony Blair, for he and his chums were responsible for importing the major part of the fascistic pestilence that now run them.
“How dare you come into a muslim area…”
Look how in 2006 the New Labour Home Secretary, John Reid, was shocked as he reaped the whirlwind of his governments own making!
LibDems are such nice people, aren’t they.
😆 Also amusing is Guido’s scurrilous article (3rd down) …
😯 Did comrades Corbyn and Abbott once make the beast with two backs…
I do hope Andrew Neil gets to the bottom if this one when she collects her next £700 for appearing on “This Week”.
Diane Aug 2nd 09.12:
I went to a seminar chaired by Camila B in the 1990s. Despite the fact that so many of the satanic abuse cases of the 80s had been disproved, she was still pushing the idea that it was very widespread. I decided then & there that she had lost her marbles (or perhaps never had them).
Baron & Diane:
Soft borders & a full blown welfare state can’t co-exist. I suspect that when you came here, Baron, & certainly when my father’s family arrived, immigrants had to fend for themselves or rely on their own communities for support. This concentrates the mind wonderfully.
Of course, even without welfare a country would be mad to allow in very large numbers of people from a completely different culture. The left, of course, reject this point of view. But even from their perspective, if there is to be a comprehensive welfare state then there also has to be a selective immigration policy, strictly enforced. I think only ‘Blue Labour’ get this.
I think we should cut Camila Batmanghelidjh a bit of slack
After all she had a deprived childhood and education
“I ended up in a special Swiss school, aged nine, with three hours of education each day. Then they sent me to Sherbourne in Dorset”
She will not be joining the Heythrop Hunt or becoming a Malmesbury Councillor
telemachus August 2nd, 2015 – 12:38
She has always struck me as someone completely fake and I wouldn’t believe a thing she sad about herself.
As for the preposterous Camilla B and her daft clothes sense, give me Widow Twankie or Lady Bracknell any day of the week.
This country is not migrant based. There has always been a trickle of outsiders coming here, who have overwhelmingly brought talent and a capacity for hard work with them, and who have respected our culture and traditions. Such people have always been welcomed, and always will be. There is an immense difference between these folk and the millions of semi literate peasants from the Indian sub continent, imported for the sole reason of voting for the Labour party.
When I was in training in the early 90s, CB taught a few of my courses & she was a very gifted teacher – quite charismatic. Judging from history the lesson is, beware the Charismatic Ones.
stephen maybery:
Quite. Two things have to be said again & again: 1) This country is not a ‘nation of immigrants’ (proved by recent dna testing), & 2) Size matters.
Attempting to escape from the wild-eyed rantings of YAB and her bien pensant co-panellists (a vicar of some sort; a blonde bimbo author/journalist who pops up everywhere these days for some unfathomable reason ) on Sunday Morning Live, discussing the pestlilent swarms if invaders (or the sad, poor refugees, as the panellist would have it), I changed channel to Sky, having resisted the temptation to kick in the telly and throw it through my front window. I was then confronted by ten minutes discussion, on Sky News, of do-it-yourself tattooing with depictions of alleged human beings subjecting themselves to the ministrations of other nutters in order to have their major organs defaced for life with grotesque images and mindless slogans. Care in the Community has now obviously reached tipping point.
Then Cilla Black did Cameron a favour by popping her clogs, thus ensuring a distraction of at least three days of gush and Dianafication – and yet another opportunity for those obnoxious cunts McCartney and ‘Ringo’ to hog the headlines.
Ye Gods!
“I think we should cut Camila Batmanghelidjh a bit of slack”
And you can’t get slacker that! Even slacker than Larry Grayson’s ‘Slack Alice’, I’d bet. Ugggh!
Frank 14.16
Larry had, about the same time as Enoch funnily enough, the right idea about immigration – Oooo, shut that door!
Listening to and reading Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent speech about Islamic extremism in Britain, I realized why I could never be a practicing politician. Its mixture of good sense, half-truths, evasions, political correctness, and electioneering was anathema to me. It was the stock-in-trade of a man obliged by his position to balance a hundred considerations at once, an obligation that precludes intellectual honesty, even if the latter is desired.
In some ways, Cameron’s speech was welcome. He (or his speechwriter) has been “converted” from his previous view that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and now admits that such a view violates common sense, which was obvious all along. He also suggested that Internet providers and universities should be less complaisant toward Islamic extremists, and that the conspiracy theories the Islamists peddle should be vigorously countered and mocked. He also was right to say that Islamic terrorism is not caused by poverty or any other reason for complaint that supposedly justifies it.
On the other hand, he evaded some difficult though obvious questions. Extolling his own country, he said, “It is here in Britain where in one or two generations people can come with nothing and rise as high as their talent allows,” which is certainly true: but this correct assertion has a troubling corollary. For if, in aggregate, certain groups do not rise, this reflects more on their group characteristics than upon the host country. For example, the Sikhs, who came to Britain from the Punjab with nothing, are now the second-wealthiest group by household, as classified by religious affiliation; notwithstanding individual successes, Muslims who came from the Punjab at the same time remain relatively poor. The explanation for this difference may not be religious, but it’s an important question that no politician such as Cameron would dare to ask, let alone try to answer.
Similarly, the prime minister, who championed such “basic” values as democracy, freedom, sexual equality, and non-discrimination, did not pause to consider whether these were compatible with Islam. Certainly, they do not appear at first sight to be so, though no doubt some Muslim reformists would like to make them so; and Bangladesh, from which a large group of immigrants to Britain have come, is one of the few countries to have witnessed an explicitly anti-democratic mass demonstration. In most Muslim countries, it remains dangerous to be explicitly atheist. Criticism of Muhammad, even if reasoned and scholarly, would be even more dangerous.
When Cameron said that he wanted to build a more cohesive society, he didn’t pause to consider whether cohesiveness can be built, as if societies were made of Lego. When he said that many immigrants to Britain didn’t feel British, he deliberately missed the point that it’s not how immigrants feel that matters, but how they behave. No one has any idea how British the Polish, Brazilian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and other immigrants (of whom there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions in total) feel, but nobody cares, because none of them is intent upon the destruction of British institutions. This is not true of some unknown and probably unknowable—but possibly not negligible—proportion of Muslims, no matter which part of the Islamic world they come from.
Every politician, it seems, must tread on the eggshells of political correctness. Cameron felt constrained to say, “It is here in Britain where success is achieved not in spite of diversity but because of diversity . . . . Every one of the communities that has come to call our country home has made Britain a better place.” Suggestio falsi and suppressio veri can hardly go further. Success in Britain isn’t caused by diversity, but becomes possible for diverse people because of the rule of law—British law, not sharia, Jewish, canon, or any other law. And I doubt that the general population feels that the Kosovars, say, or the Romanian gypsies have, as a group (irrespective of any individuals among them), made Britain a better place. If asked for specific ways in which they have made Britain better, Cameron would no doubt answer, in best politico-sophistical fashion, that the problem is that, though resident, they do not call Britain home, and that they therefore need to be made to feel British by the building of a more cohesive society.
The price of power, it seems, is being obliged to say what you know not to be true and not to say what you know to be true. Such is the lesson of Cameron’s speech, by no means the worst of its genre.
The above is from
David Cameron’s Muslim Speech.
John Birch:
Theodore Dalrymple is as usual spot on. The section that stands out for me is –
“No one has any idea how British the Polish, Brazilians, Chinese, Vietnamese, & other immigrants … feel, but nobody cares, because none of them is intent upon the destruction of British institutions. This is not true of some … proportion of Muslims …”
We can’t assume to know a person’s thoughts, but we can judge behaviour & that is all that matters. Pursuing liberal thought crimes in schools simply targets all religious schools, whether they be Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Sikh. The result is the invasion of the private beliefs of many, without tackling real incitement & intimidation.
Colonel & telemachus:
But she, Camila Batmanghelidjh, looks the part, you must admit.
stephen maybery @ 13:39
Not only that, stephen, but the vast majority of the newcomers of the past have had no trouble assimilating, and not many, if any, paraded our streets holding placards saying they want to kill us. Baron’s guessing here, but this makes a big difference to how the indigenous unwashed see, feel comfortable with and treat those who seek sanctuary here.
That certainly applies to the EDL. Tommy Robinson & his cousin started the group after seeing Muslims burn poppies on Remembrance Day.
John birch @ 15:05
The good doctor has always spoken common sense, this may well be the reason he gets published now almost exclusively in the media not many read.
Damaris Tighe @ 12:38
When the poorly educated Slav arrived here in the 60s, Damaris, the culture of entitlement was yet to be invented by the pseudo-liberal fruitcakes. However, his family of three (wife, six month old baby) did get help from the Council for Refugees, he visited their offices, the whole set-up consisted of the boss (female of about 40, well spoken, warm, helpful) and a secretary, that’s it (Baron wonders how many refugee outreach staff the mutant of the earlier organisation employs today). The help was one hundred quid for a year, no interest. This was a reasonable amount of money though.
Baron, whose wages in one of his three jobs (mixing flour with poison packaging the mixture in small rectangular containers in a shed just outside Croydon) were 12/6/6, repaid the loan two months in advance, never bothered any other welfare office since. If only he knew what was to come he would have delayed, got here later, like now, live the life of a real aristocrat (only joking).
stephen maybery – 13:34
Camiila B makes the likes of Grayson Perry and Widow Twankie look underdressed.
Damaris Tighe – 13:46
She was a gifted teacher of what?
Frank P – 14:07
Whenever a member of luvviedom shuffles off this mortal coil the airwaves are full of the rest of the ‘tards. Have you ever witnessed a Crow’s/Jackdaw’s funeral? The skies go black as the rest of them circle overhead squawking.
“I think we should cut Camila Batmanghelidjh a bit of slack”
I ain’t diggin’ that! (Nutty Slack!)
The Authorities do not have a clue about the real world:
There is a new core maths test, a non-specialised, post GCSE course, and the DT has some examples. The second one is about Mohammed, who starts to pay off his student loan, which accumulates”interest of 1.5 per cent of the outstanding amount”, and asks how much he will owe after two years.
Under Islamic law, the receipt and payment of interest is forbidden.
Heads will roll! And the loan will remain unpaid!
The examiners thought they were being trendy. They were!
@Frank P 2nd – 14:07
“thus ensuring a distraction of at least three days of gush and Dianafication – and yet another opportunity for those obnoxious cunts McCartney and ‘Ringo’ to hog the headlines.
Ye Gods!”
Ah, don’t worry, Frank… may be sure neither of the above, nor any of their particular cohort, will have anything to say that is worthy of your analytical skills; just reach for the ‘off’ switch (or the ‘mute’ button)! You KNOW it’ll all be dross!
To quote Lord Ashcroft about an hour ago, “Unbelievable…”
Here is the man who presides over the small republic of the Bohemians (it’s the only piece in English Baron could find). He’s also said that the immigrants whom the Czechs volunteered to accommodate ‘should behave because nobody invited them’. The front pages of many East European papers carry the story, and are not pleased with him.
If you scan the page, there also is a video of a copter crash during an air show in Russia today.
EC @ 16:36
The likeness isn’t particularly striking, but for Baron the warm hearted charity leader looks like a younger sister of Dame Edna overindulging on cakes.
Watching this video one can be hard put to conclude these boys are traumatised by the atrocities witnessed in the countries they came from, glad to be in safety, thankful for the comforts of the host country.
George Orwell would be pleased listening to this chap who chairs the US Institute of Peace and advocates war, war, and war again.
Frank, is a gentle reprimand in order re EC’s post @ 19.12? Ha ha ha
And the last posting by Baron to test your endurance, and enlighten you on who’s Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece, come on, admit it, you didn’t know, did you:
You cannot deny it, she did look dishy when the alleged romp was going on, didn’t she.
Baron – 19:44
Ahem, cough!
Perhaps whilst Frank is investigating my (& Lord Ashcroft’s) oversight of 19:12 (Diane 09:01), he might be good enough to take a look at EC 11:50 & Baron 19:52.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Seriously, the more coverage these things get, the better.
EC @ 20:42
You know what’s funny? Baron has read the link you furnished at 11.50, forgot you supplied it, remembered, however, that he’s seen it, and today he thought, perhaps others might enjoy it, too, posted it. Arghhh
Old age is truly creeping on the blue veined barbarian, EC, time to call it a day?
On the subject of reiterated links, our blogroll is looking a little jaded. Some are out of date, some are defunct and some of the blogs regularly linked here are not on it. Suggestions for deletion and inclusion might be in order? I’m sure Peter wouldn’t mind tidying it up?
Baron (23:46)
Now, now! You know we can’t do without your daily input. Don’t fret, I’ll give you a nudge if obvious dementia sets in. Vice versa, please! 🙂
Imagine, Frank, one desires to take part in the arse kicking competition, or failing that at least for the role of Tarzan whilst having just one leg. Would it do?
Imagine further, one desires to post on a blog with the obvious deficiency in the brain cell division. I ask you, will that do?
Still, it’s a deal, you keep an eye on the poorly educated Slav, he’ll keep one (eye) on you.
O(o) (18:11)
You’ve been listening to Mrs FP.
“Stop swearing at it, turn it off and go outside and take it out on the weeds – you’ll feel much better if you do!” says she. She and Voltaire.
It’s a deal!
ISIS in London: How Many More Times Can We Say ‘I Told You So’ via @BreitbartNews
So Barnardo’s get the £3m job to fix Rotherham.
Wern’t Barnardo’s part of the problem in the first place?
And Banardos CE is Javed Kahn. Pakistani? Hmmmm.
Javed Kahn is a Brummy
“Growing up in the backstreets of inner city Birmingham, his comprehensive education led to a Mathematics degree and then on to teacher training. He began his teaching career back in the West Midlands, and then made rapid progress through the education sector holding posts of Head of Mathematics, Assistant Principal and then Director of Development in a further education college”
no he isnt. His parents are ‘South Asian’ (Accordng to Banardos webby) Is he moslem? What are his ties to the Pakistani community? Is there a conflict of interests?
The story of Dr. Barnado is an inspiring one. He was associated with the Christian community I grew up among. Unfortunately the organisation has little connection to its original foundation or founder, and that a Pakistani Muslim now runs it shows just how far it has ceased to be the Christian organisation he established.
Peter from Maidstone@August 3rd, 2015 – 09:34
Excellent link Peter. Thanks
Wallsters, read peters link.
Alexsandr @ 09:56
Not all followers of Allah should be dismissed offhand, one shouldn’t forget it was a Muslim who re-dusted the case of grooming. Baron was of two minds on this chap until he came across the link below. Barnados should think again, or at lest ask the man to explain his behaviour back in Pakistan.