This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation, of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
This means that Clegg is now minding the shop!
I would like to start the week off on a really positive note, especially to encourage all those emerging from hibernation in this English Spring. I therefore draw your attention to the following new interview with Mr. Tommy Robinson given on the eve of the non-partisan Support Our Forces gathering at Downing Street today:
Is Mr. Robinson sounding like Mr. Boris Johnson or is Mr. Johnson coming around to Mr. Robinson’s point of view? Hard to slide a piece of paper between them…
Daniel Maris – where are you now?
Read this and weep! Oh and btw, I told you so!
How’s it going with the Rossi generator, Dan? It’s powered by magic beans you know.
No, I think it’s probably Boris Johnson. He is featured prominently at the DT where he has developed a 10 point policy for dealing with islamism. Am I dreaming or has his original article been amended towards a more forceful stance since the previous edition a few hours ago? He is slowly backing himself into a popular position. Let’s see if he also issues a statement on the “Support our Forces” gathering at Downing Street later today.
David Cameron should remember the consequences for Trotsky’s career of his failing to attend Lenin’s funeral…
Not to be missed!
This great link was posted by Frank P, on last week’s wall.
I was very disappointed to see Melanie Phillips’ Mail piece conclude we need more web monitoring.
Let’s be clear. The beheading needed nothing digital to be carried out.
Even if they spouted jihad on the internet, they didn’t need the internet or mobile phones to cut that man’s head off.
The jihadists know they are spied on.
Who in their right minds puts something they don’t want the authorities to see in a text or email? Or chats about it on the phone (listened into by Yorkshire’s famous ‘golfball’ interceptors)?
All that would happen with more web monitoring would be more people charged with thought crimes for daring to criticise Islam.
The police have spent the past week running around on Twitter patrol.
They make me sick.
As with so much in political life it boils down to one thing and one thing alone: a failure to control our borders and enforce mass repatriations, where people can ‘celebrate’ their diversity in situ and enjoy it all the more better for that.
The climate wars are hotting up, and I don’t mean the weather:
Met Office admits claims of significant temperature rise untenable
It has been widely claimed that the increase in global temperatures since the late 1800s is too large to be reasonably attributed to natural random variation. Moreover, that claim is arguably the biggest reason for concern about global warming. The basis for the claim has recently been discussed in the UK Parliament. It turns out that the claim has no basis, and scientists at the Met Office have been trying to cover that up.
I think the whole MI5 business is a red herring. Nobody in their right mind expects the secret service to know when a couple of muslims are going to get out the hatchets regardless of the number of years that those muslims are surveilled.
The question from which that focus distracts is the larger one of the creeping encroachment of islam and its ideological demands into the political, cultural and social life of the country. The mosque, the school, local government, national government – and as their strength increases the less the need for machetes because their hold on the monopoly of force in the country, the state, grows firmer.
I agree Malfleur. One point that MP did make was this, the government “poured money into Muslim community groups, many of which turned out to be dangerously extreme”.
That’s the understatement of the year.
Each terrorist atrocity is used by Muslims to suck on the teat of the taxpayer even harder than before.
That is the bigger scandal.
“Give us money to stop this” is the message and they use that money to embed Islam even more into society and give it more power over Muslims.
It really is a classic good cop (taqyya cop) / bad cop routine.
They are playing the authorities like a fiddle.
I notice how many mosques have been on the TV over the last week and nearly all of them have something like Islamic Cultural Centre and Mosque in the title.
They have learned how ot exploit the language and hide the mosque bit in a piece of language that makes it look like the mosque is something less important than the first bit of the title.
This is how so many of these mosques have got planning permission.
The application was made as Islamic Cultural Centre and so on because they knew that if a mosque was being asked for that the public would be furious.
This atrocity will be leveraged by Muslim leaders to secure more posts in public life for Muslims and more taxpayer funding for Muslims – all on the grounds that it will prevent terror.
That’t the taqyya playbook.
Some comments underneath MP’s article:
Why should the British people have their civil liberties further eroded in order to defend themselves against these extremists. If there were no extremists in Britain there would be no need for a Communications Bill. There are other options open to the Government but they dont have the courage to employ them.
– HarryFaversham, Rotherham, United Kingdom, 27/5/2013 2:11
This man [Cameron] and all politicians and governments of ALL colours are the real enemy within, for decades they have been doing very good impressions of ostriches, all have been unwilling and running scared of the immigration issue, this country should have had the closed sign up as early as the 70s if not earlier.
– livelong, London, 27/5/2013 5:51
They should declare a State of Emergency and close our borders.
– Gillian Byrne, London, United Kingdom, 27/5/2013 4:36
I find the belief that the majority of Muslims are so-called Moderates is rather hard to credit. Islam has always been an exceptionally narrow missionary religion determined that the world should convert to its faith. Intolerant of apostates, infidels and all enemies of the faith in general, Islam, in spite of various spokesmen spouting weasel words to the contrary, does actually encourage their murder.
Surely, by now, there are sufficient instances of Offenders Against Islam having been murdered for us to face up to the fact that this religion and Western liberal values will never mix.
At best we will only be able to live side by side in a very unstable balance.
With the righteous anger of those who are sure they are on a mission from God, they can never really see us as anything more than an evil enemy of that God.
– KG, London, United Kingdom, 27/5/2013 1:35
The English have had enough. I’m talking of the majority. The trouble is we are divided between ourselves. We still think Labour represent the English working class. I know,I know, what a joke. That the Tories are every single one a blue nosed toff with a castle in Oxford..Stupid,maybe one or two… but we are simply not focusing on how our culture and future prosperity is being affected by mass immigration, multi-culturalism and diversity…Why is it the responsibility of the English to happily allow themselves to be displaced and replaced?
I would suggest that people across the political spectrum vote for UKIP, the Referendum on Europe and controlling our own borders again….We are running out of time
– Tommygun, london, 27/5/2013 1:26
It arises from an interpretation of Islam which takes the words of the Koran literally as a command to kill unbelievers in a jihad, or holy war, in order to impose strict Islamic tenets on the rest of the world. Yes but it is exactly this translation that make even Muslim moderates extreme or not opposes the extreme Muslim. Any Muslim going against the Koran statement above is as much a non beleiver as a Christian. THE ONLY RELIGION WAGING WAR IS ISLAM, WE KNOW IT BUT DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. IT IS A MUSLIM CRUSADE.
– les G, Wales, United Kingdom, 27/5/2013 1:24
Most people have known about this for years but political correctness has kept us silent. As long as the same lib lab con trio are in power, things will continue to get worse
– Josh, sunderland, United Kingdom, 27/5/2013 1:15
Someone famous has written a novel under a pseudonym.
Nick Cohen reassures us: “you cannot concentrate on producing your best work if you are anticipating the disapproval of others and adjusting your work to suit their tastes”.
So this pseudonym writer wasn’t anticipating public reaction to his/her book.
Why, then, are “The most frightening characters in the book are white racist thugs, who burn mosques and murder British Muslims in the chaos that follows the explosion.”
I find Mr Cohen’s assertion that “The reader never feels, however, that ‘Jospeh Clyde’ drew them in a panic because he felt he had to balance Islamist terrorists with white terrorists to counter accusations of some phobia or other” utterly disingenuous.
I have often thought about the sort of scenario in Joseph Clyde’s novel.
I think many people in the UK can expect to become refugees on mainland Europe, where, despite their problems with Muslim immigration they have never succumbed as Britain has (which is why so many Muslims head here in the first place).
Look at somewhere like Greece. They have hardly any North African migrants because the country just won’t put up with it.
Because this is about political ideas and not a geographical conflict, Britain is the worst place in the West to be if you’re a non-Muslim.
The Long March through the institutions has taken away the UK’s safety as an island.
I have to repeat this ridiculous idea again: “The most frightening characters in the book are white racist thugs, who burn mosques and murder British Muslims in the chaos that follows the explosion.”
In a country where Muslim paedophile rape gangs have run amok (one girl in Blackpool was murdered – body never found, by the way) to the extent that all the authorities effectively aided and abetted them by turning a blind eye, what can one say? Life truly is a lot worse than fiction.
Or should that be politically correct fiction?
Anyone know any campsites across the Channel?
As Cameron and his lefty spouse sun themselves in Spain, perhaps we should once again remind ourselves of what an erstwhile Conservative Prime Minister once wrote about the forebears of our Muslim citizens:
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property‹either as a child, a wife, or a concubine ‹must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science‹the science against which it had vainly struggled ‹the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
Seems Winston ‘got it’. But then, in the last year of the Nineteenth Century when he wrote it, he had already been around the block a few times and unlike call-me-Dave, didn’t achieve the highest office until his mid-sixties.
One wonders what occurred in the meantime for our current PM and his Deputy, (not to mention the Toytown Mayor of London) to regard Islam as a peace loving religion ‘perverted by a few extremist fanatics.’
I note this morning that even Mr Harris a.k.a. etc, etc. seems to be halfway towards conversion to the ‘religion of peace’ , though it seems for him to be a toss-up between that and the Sikhs. Real integration at work. Perhaps Nigel Farage should order his turban to keep up with the trend – as he’s keen on headgear.
I suppose we should also take into account that Winnie was somewhat ambivalent in his ‘Conservatism’ also.
Worth remembering what happened to this girl murdered by the British Establishment:
With the law against double jeopardy now gone, why has this case not been revisited?
There was some footage of Beslan the other day on mainstream TV, no explanation of why the escapees were so often naked:
Watching the news this morning I note that the Hollywood Queerfest in Cannes voted the Palme d’Or award to a film about two Lesbians. Now that was a surprise, was it not? The director exhorted all you bigots out there who oppose ‘gay marriage’ to see it forthwith in your droves (thus enriching him and his bent cohorts and quickening the Long March Through The Institutions to trotting pace in one fell swoop). Book your tickets now.
Frank P@May 27th, 2013 – 13:06
I find celebs navel gazing events so annoyingly boring. The oscars, grammys,batfas etc etc. SHUT UP, no-one cares.
Frank P @ 13:06
The producers of the Liberace biopic really will “be crying all the way to the bank” !
In case you need to get rid of your lunch in a hurry then take a look at this:
EC@May 27th, 2013 – 14:34
No comments 🙁
Two War Memorials have been vandelized in London:the Animals at War memorial in Hyde Park;and the Bomber Command memorial……spray painted in red `ISLAM`. [BBC News London web page]
Radford NG@May 27th, 2013 – 15:02
Now that is appalling desecration. The Bomber Command memorial was long overdue, men who fought for freedom.
Alexsandr – Seconded! Who cares what these people think of each other’s efforts or each other’s productions?
I imagine the preachers of hate have laughed themselves hoarse over the past week.
They have desperately need a terrorist atrocity to unleash a wave of taxpayer money for the Muslims as happened after 7/7, purportedly for ‘anti-terror’ activities.
That’s the sickening thing about all this.
The more hateful, contemptuous and murderous they are, the bigger the taxpayer cheque the government will hand over.
The message is this: if you don’t hand over more taxpayer money, the worse the terror will get.
It’s a con.
It’s a gravy train of terror.
We need to talk about Al Johnson.
Two things. His sickening piece in the Telegraph today.
I won’t link to that because no comments are allowed and because you can guess what it says anyway about the religion of peace.
But there’s a whole lot more shady stuff in that man’s life.
His ‘green’ adventures are hidden away because the BBC and Guardian won’t admit there’s any such thing as a green con and the Telegraph and Mail won’t put the spotlight on Al Johnson because they’re grooming him as a future prime minister.
James Delingpole might have touched a bit on this on the Yeo angle but Al Johnson is pretty uch untouchable.
Who was talking about their ‘productions’? It was the propaganda contained therein and the tramp, tramp, mince, mince of the Long March that I was addressing and the pending legislation to change the status of marriage.
EC (14:34)
Forgive me if I don’t accept your invitation to watch a fictional depiction of Liberace; I remember only to well having to hold back his heavily scented and adioring fey friends to prevent them from tearing the sequinned togs off of the real live one, outside the London Palladium, back in the days when everyone thought Rock Hudson was macho and before AIDS thinned out the pack a little.
You’re right – my lunch has been eaten and would do me more good going through the normal channels, so to speak.
To think that the simpering sack of skitters got £30g off Cassandra for suggesting that he was a little light on his loafers? Actual quote: “He is.the summit of sex – the pinnacle of masculine, feminine, and neuter. Everything that he, she, and it can ever want… a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love.”
Of course, these days the quirky William Connor would have been knocked up at 6am and marched off to some nick where the local Supt. is the Chairman of the local NPLGTS&MA and charged wit a ‘hate crime’.
As you say, Alexandr/Verity … as you say… nothing to see here … move on. 🙂 Fucking boring having your culture buggered, stolen, traduced or wantonly ceded by successive traitors posing as government officials, ennit?
According to Mail Online the Met are keeping an open mind about whether the Bomber Command and Animals in War memorials were defaced by Moslems or “Far-right groups attempting to stir up hatred”. Reassuring to know that no knees are jerking in Scotland Yard.
You need to make the Muslims affluent as have we.
“Throughout Europe, cultural barriers separate Muslim ghettos from mainstream society. In general, European Muslims belong to the underclass. British Muslims are mostly Indo-Pakistani; French Muslims are largely Algerian, Belgian Muslims are immigrants from Morocco, etc. In many of these countries where Muslim populations are largely homogenous, the forces of isolation are stronger than the forces of integration, partly because of the socioeconomic status of Muslim communities throughout Europe and partly because of self-imposed isolation.
In the United States, it has been a different picture and a different reality. Because American Muslims are relatively more educated and affluent than European Muslims, they are typically far more interested in integrating into mainstream society. That American Muslims do not have a “ghetto problem” may be one reason U.S. officials consider al Qaeda more of a threat in Europe than within the United States.”
You see it is not misplaced to invest.
It is a small point, but wasn’t Cameron in PR before he became PM?
‘He should have cancelled his holiday and been here supporting that poor family’: Mother of soldier killed in Iraq savages Cameron for Ibiza break in middle of terror crisis
PR or no PR, it typifies the man, completely disconnected with the rest of the universe!
‘He should have cancelled his holiday and been here supporting that poor family’
No I do not think so, next they will ask the Queen to lower her standard to half mast. Life must be seen to go on.
John Jefferson Burns@May 27th, 2013 – 18:52
I thought the USA way was to make immigrants conform as to habits and language so 2nd generation immigrants were generally amercanised.
In Europe we have gone for multi culturism encouraging immigrants to keep their language and customs thus making the ghettos.
And that, together with shut out of racial groups from the economic levers might be the problem.
It is difficult for us to comprehend the mad European Multicultural experiment.
It seems to be conceived in political correctness but keeps your Muslim immigrants in ghettos
Alexandr, Selena,
I suggest you read Clare Lopez’s reports on the Muslim Brotherhood and her latest one before you start boasting about ‘integration’. And perhaps you missed the reports of the Fort Hood Massacre and the Boston Marathon bombing? And the little matter of Benghazi … while not on the North American Continent, was perhaps an indication of how much Muslims want to integrate into Western Culture. And if you still feel complacent – read Mr Mark Steyn’s two books ‘America Alone’ and his change of mind ‘After America’. If you’re still feeling part of a superior culture after that – don’t bother to report back; there is little else that can be said. You could look up ‘taqiyya’ too. That might help.
Sorry EC – you may be right – Telemachus draped in a faux Stars and Stripes?? Mind you, I do get word of such sentiments being expressed over there by people who otherwise seem quite sane and intelligent. Amazing.
EC@May 27th, 2013 – 19:50
David Ossitt – 19:09 ‘Life must be seen to go on.”
And that would include being the PM, being seen to be the PM, and not scarpering off to foreign lands for a break.
RobertC@May 27th, 2013 – 20:23
at least his ability to screw things up is restricted while he is abroad.
Frank P @ 12:42
“I note this morning that even Mr Harris a.k.a. etc, etc. seems to be halfway towards conversion to the ‘religion of peace’ , though it seems for him to be a toss-up between that and the Sikhs. Real integration at work.”
Does this mean anything?
Meanwhile, the Chicago mob threaten Britain’s more-or-less elected government:
(h/t Drydge Report)
Brought to the Guardian by the Drudge Report, I noticed a classic Grauniad link: “OJ Simpson’s awful appearance shows need to take better care of prisoners 21 May 2013”.
Frank P
I too visit the Spectator – Telemachus Troll – has a good ring.
However he comes over as a dangerous red, although oftentimes he seems plain stupid.
Bang on time Hazel Blears wants to repeat Labour’s Rahm Emanuel-style: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
Having used 7/7 to shore up Labour’s Muslim voting clientele by throwing taxpayer money at them, she sends out the signal that she would do it again:
Hazel Blears says Coalition was wrong to cut ‘Prevent’ budget
Labour, quite literally, used terror via the ‘Prevent’ programme to harvest Muslim votes.
And because so many of them are gerrymandered postal votes – umpteen Kahns at one address and so on, it really is big numbers of votes (if not real voters) we’re talking about.
So you find the notion that ‘the majority of Muslim are so called moderate Muslim hard to swallow’, do you, Selina? Would it be easier for you to swallow the notion the majority of non-Muslim are moderate? It would, wouldn’t it? Then, could you explain to Baron whether the majority of those Germans who worshipped, followed the Austrian corporal, gassing Jews, burning Russians, castrating the disabled were also moderate the way you understand the word ‘moderation’? If not, how come?
More to the point, you reckon the Koran today is any different from the Koran of 50, 200, 1400 years ago? Nope, it isn’t. It’s exactly the same. So why didn’t we, other European countries, anyone else for that matter have the same problems vis-a-vis Islam and the Muslim world up to about 1950 as we have today? Germany, as an example, imported hundreds of thousands of Muslim Turks since the 70s, they settled, didn’t revolt, did what they were asked to do, behaved. We had Muslim regiments in India, loyal, good fighters. What has changed if the Koran with all the ‘kill the infidel’, apostasy, jihad, sharia and other sword hadiths remained unchanged since it was cobbled up together most likely by a man drugged from eating psychedelic mushrooms, ha?
Baron reckons two things have happened between the mid-20 century and now.
First, the Muslim countries have become immensely rich through oil money. We need the stuff, they have alot of it, sell it to us, pocket billions. The enrichment brought with it what wealth engenders everywhere, the desire of the wealth possessors to get counted more, the dreamy pinnacle of which for the Arabs, who once ruled a chunk of the world, meant the rekindling of the idea of the world Caliphate. Islam, as a religious construct, came in handy in that it was the religion of the masses for centuries. Here, the dreamers of the new Caliphate have it all on a plate – a 1.5bn strong army of the unwashed already worshipping Allah, and plenty of money to spread the creed beyond the borders of their sandy pits.
None of it would have mattered, however, if the West were still confident in its own culture, if it still prided itself in what it has achieved in science, literature, technology rather than apologised left and right for the wrongs of our predecessors whether real or perceived. If we remained steadfast in sticking to the belief system that has evolved over centuries, insisting for inst. any new incomers must assimilate or leave, if we didn’t adopt an open borders policy….
It is the West’s morphing into a new pseudo-liberal mutation of itself that has been the key element enabling, amongst other unwelcome and mostly unexpected outcomes, Islam to gain a foothold. It’s the poison of moral relativism, the legislation backing the rot of PC, the multy-culty idiocy, the vandalised education, the double speak Orwelian language, the Uman Rights and thought crime legislation, the corrupted justice system vacuous of any real punishment for serious crime like murder, rape…..
(sorry, Baronhas to stop, duty calls, he should be back though)
JJB – 18.52
You use the word invest in the Brownian sense I think, that is you confiscate with the threat of legal sanctions from those who stand on their own two feet to give to those who sit on their own two cheeks with the sole proviso that you give your postal voting ballot form to your local community leader once every 5 years to fill in on your behalf.
In the last ten years our immigration levels have been at a rate hundreds of times greater than in the previous 1,000 years, and sadly because of religiously imposed dogma more than 200 years ago, we lost rather two many of the stand-on-your-own-two-feeters to your continent, and it is the same category of Briton who are leaving our shores for much the same reasons today at the rate of 350,000 a year.
As for the shut out of immigrants from economic levers, that is utter tripe. 4 or 5 million Muslims in this country run an entirely closed economic system with stock bought from the same Muslim lands where the profits are returned with minimal money making its way into the UK economy.
But other than that, you’re as spot on as ever.
Alexsandr – 20:29 ‘screwing things up is restricted while abroad’
Malfleur – 20:37 ‘Chicago mob threatens EU exit risks trade deal’
Did you see the last line of the article?
Gary Hufbauer, a former US Treasury official, told The Guardian: ‘If the UK separates from the EU, I think will go a long way to derail the TTIP project entirely.’
So not all bad news.
BENGHAZI Scandal – Update
“According to two former diplomats who spoke with PJ Media’s Roger Simon, more Benghazi whistleblowers will emerge and blow a giant hole in the Obama administration’s already shaky narrative regarding the deaths of four Americans. Their revelations will focus on two subjects: the real purpose of Ambassador Christopher Steven’s mission in Libya, and the pressure put on former AFRICOM commander Gen. Carter Ham to stand down from any attempt to rescue those under attack. What emerges could be devastating for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.. [Read on]”
I thought that this Bank Holiday Weekend needed at least one positive post, so here goes:
Here is an unusual introduction to Thorium as a fuel, in that it focuses on its use on the Moon, then goes on to say that, if it’s so good, why not use it here, on the Earth!
I chose it because it does explain (well, if rather quickly) why conventional nuclear reactors are so expensive and unwieldy to operate and gives a few reasons why Liquid Fuel Thorium Reactors have such a distinct advantage:
Kirk Sorensen: Thorium, an alternative nuclear fuel
The reference at the end is: and gives more details.
The technology was working over sixty years ago in the USA but was abandoned because it did not generate the weapons grade nuclear material that was required during the Cold War. Now it is seen as a major advantage! Apart from fear of the unknown, the industry is battling against those with vested interests in conventional nuclear, such as the French, and, of course, the Greens, who are still adhering to that other destructive World Faith, Climate Change!
There is, of course, the problem of lack of money, but with our expertise in conventional nuclear sold off and retiring, due to age of those concerned, it would be low risk as we could leverage the experience that we do have and be, if not ahead, at least among the leaders. China, Japan, Russia, France and the USA have already started programmes in recent years.
There is even more information here:
IRISHBOY 27th, – 21:03
“sadly because of religiously imposed dogma more than 200 years ago, we lost rather too many of the stand-on-your-own-two-feeters to your continent”
And then, 100 years ago, we compounded it by wiping out the next generation of
stand-on-your-own-two-feeters in Flanders’ fields and then did it again from 1940 to 1945. Whoever it was that voted Attlee in in 1945, it wasn’t them.
Baron 21.01: Seconded. A timely post from Sultan Knish amplifies the west’s role in this.
Frank Sutton
“Child Rowland to the dark tower came,
His word was still ‘Fie, foh, and fum
I smell the blood of a British man”
“..Governments have been successfully terrorized. It has fallen on the people not to allow themselves to be terrorized, to keep a stiff upper lip when the bombs go off and bloodied bodies roll into the gutter. They are expected to convince themselves that the presence of large numbers of Muslims in their cities is a strength, rather than a dangerous threat.
…It’s not that our governments can’t protect us against Islamic terrorism. It’s that they choose not to…
…There aren’t enough flowers in the world for every man, woman and child murdered by Islam since Mohammed. There aren’t enough cards or teddy bears or words. There certainly aren’t enough tears. The best way to remember them is with a determination to tell the truth about their killers.”
Frank P (17 May 12:42) –
Thanks for reminding us of Churchill’s assessment of Islam.
I think that more thought should be given to what he wrote, especially these words in capitals –
“……..Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and WERE IT NOT THAT CHRISTIANITY IS SHELTERED IN THE STRONG ARM OF SCIENCE…………. THE CIVILISATION OF MODERN EUROPE MIGHT FALL……”
That was published in a book by Churchill in 1899. There can be no doubt whatsoever that by ‘the strong arm of science’ Churchill meant the weaponry of every kind that was then possessed by Europe and to which Islam then had no access at all worth mentioning. But even more, and vitally important, he was referring to Europe’s willingness to use them to repel and thwart Islam’s bloodthirsty ambitions.
European civilisation still possesses a level of science that gives it vastly superior weaponry but despite that, the situation is utterly remote from that in 1899 – and there is only one reason for it.
The reason is that the so-called leaders of European civilisation are so deeply infected by political correctness that they have virtually lost any willingness to use their superior weaponry. Even the U.S. use of drones – which might be called too little and too late – causes unease. As for taking any other effective measures whatsoever against the tide of Islamic infiltration – European leaders believe that they can stem it by throwing money at it.
Perhaps, after a few of the many Muslim terrorist cells have detonated nuclear bombs in some western cities, there will be a western awakening to reality, but I very much doubt it.
Ostrich (o) – 23.03
Indeed so. And how shamefully their sacrifice has been besmirched by the chinless wonders.
And as for soldiers voting for Atlee, obviously the dead ones couldn’t, but there was a Government organisation, which name I can’t remember, whose purpose was ostensibly to help army conscripts back into society after the war, but which Anthony Burgess in his brilliantly written and illuminating volumes of autobiography described as blatant socialist propaganda designed to return a socialist government.
Herbert Thornton – 02:12 ‘the strong arm of science’
I agree that our superior technology has given us comfort, but our need for oil has been a weakness, a weakness that could have been addressed, but hasn’t until very recently, and only North America.
Also, this superior technology has come from superior inquisitiveness, by a few. We have visited the moon (supposedly 🙂 ), we have plunged to the depth of the oceans, to the depths of the atomic nucleus to discover and use the world of Quantum Physics to our advantage, we have seen that Relativity explains reality better (or more exactly) than Newton’s Laws. Yet many, not understanding Science, think this is a substitute for understanding ourselves. In fact they use the product of this understanding, Technology, to denigrate any attempt at Reflection. Our ever increasing wealth (up unto recently), a product of our intellectual advances rather than just though hard graft, has been handed over to the unproductive to stop them from bothering us. Unfortunately, this has allowed them to consume resource without giving anything back to the community and grow in number to such an extent that they can now destroy the safe environment of the productive.
In ancient Greece, a parasite was a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks. Today, we don’t even get that.
Those who built the Welfare State assumed that everyone would have the same integrity as those left standing after the Second World War. Sadly it is not true any more.
After we have addressed these deficiencies, the remaining problems will be easier to resolve.
As the tame media in the UK desperately try to undermine support for the EDL, the BNP and UKIP and others prepared to ignore political correctness and take on the Muslim hordes, perhaps the lessons here in Australia might help people make up their minds.
Islam is not a big issue here and Muslims are not a visible problem. In 7 years, I have never seen an example of their politicised dress, either for men or women. Perhaps thats because the average Australian won’t tolerate it their intolerance.
When Lebanese Muslims tried to claim a beach as their own, the Cremorne riots were the result and the scum have kept their heads down ever since.
When one of the religious leaders (and this is the only one I’ve seen in fancy dress) basically described Australian women as uncovered meat who deserved to be raped, one of the main stream comedy shows dealt with him thus
Note the absence of local Plods. So, can you look forward to HIGNFY taking the piss? Perhaps a few anti-Muslim comments on Eastenders or Coronation Street to reflect the real world?
These desert scum and their demented ‘faith’ are bullies. When they get kicked back, they melt away. I note they are not an issue in China or Japan, nor do those nations have to take the kind of steps around the world that the western powers do. Is that because the Muslims know, instinctively, what will happen to them?
Watched the Moslem leader whose mosque was fire-bombed. So upset! Suggest they get used to wringing their hands in despair because I feel that might become their default position over the next few months.
More interesting than the question of whether or not the EU should embargo arms to Syria is the question of how and why the EU has a policy on the subject. Each member state has its own foreign office and its own foreign policy. I suppose trying to forge a common policy gives Cat Herder in Chief Cathy Ashton something to do.
Surely its time for member states to abandon their pretence of having an independent voice in foreign affairs. Perhaps the only reason this hasn’t happened is that it would make foreign offices – generally the most EUphile of government departments – redundant.
In future, they will continue to exist but will have no say or influence on EU policy – an expensive piece of window dressing with no more power than the EU Parliament.
“John Jefferson Burns”
Your posts become more amusing! Your conflation of race and religion is textbook lefty stuff. I loved the bit about your “Southern Baptist Maw”, a nice touch that. Not forgetting the reference to Rosa Parks – now that really was class!
[…] but keeps your Muslim immigrants in ghettos”
Our towns and cities were, in the main, safe, pleasant places and definitely weren’t “ghettos” before and until our muslim friends were invited in. They set Bradford alight in 2001, was it? (over two months before 9/11) BTW They were celebrating on the streets of Bradford/Leeds etc as the Twin Tower
Strange how the “mad multi-kulti experiment” didn’t affect our other asian immigrants isn’t it, John? eg. our friends in the Indian and Chinese communities who are hardworking, law abiding and make a positive contribution to our society. They have become affluent by their own efforts, have assimilated very well and live anywhere they choose. Of course these people are not held back by their various religions.
Our muslim friends are always claiming “victim status”. Of course their claims are entirely justified because here in the UK they are brutally repressed and victimised in so many ways.
Here are just few of the onerous conditions that these poor people are expected to put up with:
Free housing. (*)
Free medical care.
Free schooling.
Free living expenses – even including a special “winter fuel” allowance.
Free transport(bus passes)
Freedom of movement within the UK
Freedom of Speech.
Freedom of Expression/Dress etc. (Yes but… er, no the women don’t have that)
Freedom of Association ((Yes but… er, no the women don’t have that)
Freedom of Religion? (er, no, they don’t have that.)
In additon to ALL this they are expected to put up with:
A Free Vote. (incl. additional postal votes)
(*) Much of the “free” housing is actually private rented housing in many cases owned by one of their own, but paid for by the largesse of the benefits system – courtesy of the taxpayer.
You are quite right John, we should all hang our heads in shame!
IRISHBOY at 07.49:During the War the Forces Educational Unit (and the Ministry of Information) was staffed by people like John Mortimer who used their position to promote the Labour Party.
Frank Sutton, abit strange, nothing but silence except for you, not a murmur around Baron’s rant, a piece he did only because he cannot bear the thought of people with whom he feels comfortable, shares the same take on life, whom he respects, admires, often feels envious of their writing skills, insightful observations could make such a phenomenal error of judgement.
Winston, and quite few others have condemned Islam not the unwashed who fell under its spell, follow it. And Sultan does better than usual, the savage murder must have been what inspired him.
Well, since nobody wants to do any sparring with Baron, just keep in mind this: societies, cultures, civilizations don’t get murdered, they commit suicide. That’s the historian Arnold Toynbee talking, and he couldn’t be any more right.
We’re committing suicide, slowly, visibly. and most probably irrevocably. It’s of our doing that we are where we are, nothing to do with anything else like the immigrants whether Muslim or any other. We’ve been electing, giving license to represent us to people who kept on enacting sets of laws allowing all the stuff many, if not the majority, are now not happy with. It’s up to us to stop the insanity, to turn around leave the sky for the birds, land on the tested grounds of accumulated wisdom and experience of the generations past. Like the Slavs in the East we’ve had enough experimenting with new concepts which are inimical to human nature, it patently doesn’t work, the limitations of the human condition don’t shift because we pass a statute or two, we cannot all be equal unless we all were to possess the same physical and mental attributes, an if we did we couldn’t set up a society because how would we decide who sits in No10 and who’s to sweep the road before it…
The delicious and (apparent) unintended irony contained in the outpouring of this old bat, trying to peddle her latest tome to the Hay audience, is breathtaking:
I am pleased that you have infinite capacity to reflect.
On the other hand I love your Farage-not only for his political stands on Europe, Immigration and the economy-but for his lack of bending his knee to political correctness.
At your elections a couple of weeks back he was spied mostly lighting a Camel before sneaking in for a draught of warm ale.
Baron (11:28)
Often (but not always) silence means assent, do not be discouraged by it; your previous post was excellent. The problem with concurrence and praise on a blog that is overwhelmingly in accord is that it can sometimes sound patronising. Just keep plugging away, chum. We are listening. Sad that you spend more time at Trolltopia than here, where not only are your posts here appreciated, but your protracted periods of absence are viewed with some regret by your friends here that have been debarred from the ‘other’ forum. Welcome back. Don’t be a stranger (as our transatlantic counterparts would express it).
Frank P at 12.06
What can Baron say without blushing? If only an infinitesimal bit of what you say were true, it would be more than the poorly educated Slav deserves for his rants.
Still, the ‘Help for Heroes’ charity apparently refused to accept a donation from th EDL. That pains, and not only because the money would have come handy. One could remonstrate with even object to the way the EDL goes about promoting its views, deep down they aren’t any different from the vast majority of us who have a preference for a culture that doesn’t indulge in mediaeval savagery.
More unintended irony….
“and the former Home Secretary, Jack Straw, warned that threats to ban extremist preachers from television would act as a “recruiting sergeant” for extremists and damage democracy.”
Frank P @ 12.06:
and this
She, the Rimington female, is a prefect example of the tossing elite governing us. What is truly tragic on that suggestion of hers that we should spy on each other is that she means well, it’s sort of hard to argue with her until one recalls what it would inevitably lead to, the Nazis, the Red Menace encouraged the hoi polloi to do the same, for the latter the spying was the most important pillar underpinning the system.
Nobody needed spying on the two medieval Woolwich thugs, all of the Services supposedly protecting us knew about themm, about their views, their immediate intentions. The reason they didn’t jump on them was not dissimilar to that which prevented the Welfare services, the police to jump on the girl groomers in in Oxford. They feared being accused of Islamophobia. And they feared that accusation because of a set of statutes designed to prevent people from abusing, offending the followers of Allah. Baron would rather live a society in which members offended each other than one where they hacked each other with meat cleavers.
John Jefferson Burns May 28th, 2013 – 11:57
“At your elections a couple of weeks back he was spied mostly lighting a Camel before sneaking in for a draught of warm ale.”
John to say that you are behind the times would be an understatement; yes it is true that there was a time when English public houses dispensed ales and beers that were not chilled, just as there was a time when it was virtually impossible to find a half decent cup of coffee but these times are long gone.
Serving warm beer went out with the influx of draught lagers (horrible stuff more like natt’s piss than proper ale) and that must have been fifty years ago, the improvement to the coffee served came a bit later.
David Ossitt@May 28th, 2013 – 16:37
‘…the improvement to the coffee served came a bit later.’ – except in Starbucks.
RobertC May 27th, 2013 – 20:23
“And that would include being the PM, being seen to be the PM, and not scarpering off to foreign lands for a break.”
Robert such emotive language ‘scarpering’ e.g., to flee, to take to one’s heels, to cut and run.
I do not particularly like the man, as a life-long conservative I do not think that he is the best man for the job, however for him to take a pre planned short break in no way demeans the poor sod who was so savagely murdered nor should it offend his family.
Alexsandr May 28th, 2013 – 16:38
“ …the improvement to the coffee served came a bit later.’ – except in Starbucks.”
Alexander Boot’s latest (and one of his very best):
Cameron the Clown, Hague the Hapless and Obama the ‘opless – nota bene!
David Ossitt – 16:48 ‘Crisis, what crisis?’
Dave’s expertise is in PR, and while the caption in Richard Littlejohn’s Daily Mail article is a little flippant:
“If Dave was serious about politics, he’d have spent the Bank Holiday having his photo taken supping a pint with a bunch of squaddies in a country boozer run by a UKIP-supporting landlord”
it shows that Dave has forgotten what PR is!
So often PR is embarrassing, but then so is this PR-car crash.
Just when you want some leadership …..
Though, as an earlier post has said, it should restrict his ability to screw things up, as there there isn’t much he can say.
I fear you are wrong.
I went to The White Horse, Clun near my cousin’s home town, apparently highly regarded because of its ales, but ended asking for a bottle of Budweiser from the fridge.
If you think I have a downer on ale over here you need to hear my wife’s views on pub food-all as far as I can see microwaved from the freezer.
A wry smile when I see “Good Home Made Pub Food served here.
Robert C (17:27)
Tks for the heads-up on Littlejohn’s latest. I was out of sinc – what with all these freakin’ bank holidays – and missed it.
I know it’s not really a laughing matter, but a dose of Littlejohn is better than a gallon of junk when black dog bites after being poked by the posse of political pricks currently ‘in charge’. I agree with Richard: that monumental misjudgement will go down as his ‘ Callaghan moment’, though I suspect it was merely the last straw.
@JJB 18:07
“Good Home Made Pub Food served here”.
It WAS good home-made food…until the landlord’s missus let it go cold, sliced it into servings and bunged them in the freezer. Then she had a brilliant flash of inspiration, “I could get a catering service to do all of this for me”…
Proper draught beer – aka ale – should be served at cellar temperature, no cooling required. The reason lagers are chilled is when cold enough they have no taste. Warm lager reveals that cooling is generally a wise precaution.
Stella Rimington – what a wicked woman.
And she’s part of a chorus of spinners caling for more cameras and more internet surveillance.
Spy on each other?
The solution is simple: close our borders and enforce mass repatriations.
Why do we all have to live in a multi-cultural 1984 nightmare?
Oh, I remember now, because the elites want to brainwash us all and have de facto totalitarian control over us for social engineering.
Radford NG – 11.24
Thank you letting me know.
According to the Guardian, “Muslims in a province of Burma have been ordered not to have more than two children in an attempt by the government to stop Buddhist attacks on Muslims.” –
That strikes me as a typical Guardian attitude – one that constantly peddles the lie that when there is a conflict betweem Muslims and others, the Muslims are never the attackers, but always the victims.
To my mind the 2-child policy for Muslims in Burma is the beginning of common sense – and moreover very moderate indeed.
It would have been more encouraging if they imposed a 1-child limit – and for Islamic clerics, a zero-child rule (and before anybody denounces that idea, let us remember that what amounts to the very same rule has been accepted in Europe for Roman Catholic clergy for centuries).
But is there the faintest chance of Britain imposing the same common sense policy as Burma’s? In Britain, where no matter what the field of government activity, common sense no longer exists? Fat chance, eh?
Anyone can be an Islamic cleric. There is no single authority. So anyone of us could read a few books and call ourselves an imam. That’s one reason for the spread of the most violent interpretations.
PfM 28 May (20:10) –
Yes, I know – but that is an Islamic principle. Britain shouild have the sense to enact law that over-rides it – as well as requiring they be celibate. On pain of suitable enforcement of course. Deportation or sterilisation spring to mind. Or perhaps both…..
It would be reasonable to insist that all religious leaders, including those in my own Christian communion, are fluent (enough) in English as a requirement for entry and activity.
Peter from Maidstone@May 28th, 2013 – 20:10
Now there is an idea. Make Nick Clegg an Imam. He could spout bollocks all week and stick his arse in the air on fridays. He could just about manage that.
Peter from Maidstone,. 20.10: Anyone can set up as a Christian cleric. Although the mainstream denominations may have fairly rigorous requirements before they’ll consider ordaining you, there are any number of sects offering other routes to a ministry. And you can always start your own. Surely a defining feature of the nonconformist denominations is their rejection of the previous authority.
AS an aside to my continuing (and solitary) quest for the essential definition of right (or left) wingness, I’ve been considering the topical phrase “swivel eyed”. A term of abuse, no doubt, but why? Presumably its opposite would be the fixed stare, eyes unwaveringly to the front – like a nervous driver trying to ignore traffic hazards.
At least the swivel eyed are open to the possibility of other points of view than the one dead ahead. Maybe that’s why they inspire such loathing.
Non-conformity is heterodox. Just because someone calls themselves Christian doesn’t mean they are. Most modern Protestant groups are increasingly non-Christian.
Frank. Some people don’t like me discussing Christianity here so I didn’t say this earlier, but as I was posting I was aware of the similarity between some forms of Protestantism and Islam. This is not a new discovery of course.
P from M/Frank Sutton:”….as a requirement for entry….”is the point.We have clerics here coming from the back-woods of the middle-east with little English or knowledge of society.
Allah has a message for the Arab oil states:
“Eric King: “What other surprises do you see going forward?”
Saut: “I think the move toward energy independence [for the USA] is going to be huge. The latest figures show that we are producing 725,000 barrels a day out of the Bakken, but it’s going to be over 1,000,000 barrels a day by the end of the year.
Here’s the key, the resource we are currently drilling on in the Bakken is only 36 feet thick. But there is another resource underneath that called the ‘Three Forks Resource’ that’s a staggering 4,000 feet thick. They expect it to contain over a stunning 7 billion barrels of oil.
But it’s not just the Bakken, this is going on all over the country. So the move to energy independence is very, very bullish for America over the long-run.”,_I_Havent_Seen_Anything_Like_This_In_50_Years.html
Apropos Islamic clerics – I propose that no-one should be allowed to practise as an Islamic cleric unless he has an official licence. In effect that is no different from what is required of people who practise other other professions and occupations – lawyers, doctors, dentists, engineers, accountants, nurses etc.
Selina @ 19:40
The Chinese people have a saying vis-a-vis their government by the Communist Party which roughly translates as: They have policies; we have counter-policies.
What we need is therefore perhaps more spying – on the elites.
Journalism of the honourable kind can of course do a lot with information which is already available, but which needs as they say to have the dots connected. So for example this in the USA:
“The Washington Examiner reported on Monday that Mark Everson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue from 2003 to 2007, during the Bush administration, visited the White House exactly once while in office. Indeed he felt like he’d “moved to Siberia” so out of the ordinary political loop was he. But Douglas Shulman, Commissioner from 2008 to 2012, during the Obama administration, visited the White House 118 times just in 2010 and 2011.His successor, Steven Miller, also visited “numerous” times….”.
Pat Condell on Woolwich (h/t Frank P for originally drawing the Wall’s attention to him some years ago) can be viewed today and also separate pieces by Paul Weston of Liberty GB at
Herbert Thornton 28th, – 21:55
“no-one should be allowed to practise as an Islamic cleric unless he has an official licence”
Indeed…such licence to be issued solely by an organ of the British government.
Ostrich (28 May 21:55) –
It occurs to me that there’s a rather vital flaw in my proposal.
For it to work, we’d need to have an honest and patriotic government that was determined to prevent Jihadist incitement and to protect idigenous British people..
So far as recent (and the present) government is concerned there is already an informal system of allowing Islamic clerics to incite violence against us.
The evidence for that it that we seldom (or is that ‘never?) hear of them being prosecuted under the existing law. Instead they get both protection and all sorts of support and benefits.
The only really effective policy would be to prohibit the practice and preaching of Islam.
Anne Wotana Kaye 1
May 26th, 2013 – 03:32
Illegitimi non carborundum. 🙂
Frank P
May 29th, 2013 – 03:03
Hi, Frank
I’m grinding my teeth! 😉
“Non-conformity is heterodox. Just because someone calls themselves Christian doesn’t mean they are. Most modern Protestant groups are increasingly non-Christian.”
In the Mid West most towns are 98% Christian. All you have to do is pray a prayer one time and you are saved.
JJB, that’s not Christianity though. It is more akin to Islam or magic.
Herbert Thornton@May 29th, 2013 – 01:13
It is a cause of concern to me that minoroties, including the islamists, are not properly minitored for racism and incitement etc.
We need to raise this issue to get this changed.
At the other place, under the blog entitled ‘Spectator debate: Assad is a war criminal — the West must intervene in Syria’, a commentator, anyfool, raises the question of Qatar and the British government’s relationship with that dubious outfit of upmarket towelheads which has exercised us here from time to time. I quote in full:
“anyfool • 2 days ago
Why is the British government acting like a branch of the Qatari government, why are they so desperate to arm the Saudi sponsored Islamic rebels.
Britain has no strategic aims in that area, the US and Israel can sort that out in a more timely fashion if they so desire.
Blair set this stance in motion in the Middle East, so why are Cameron and the 14 pint wonder in collusion with France pimping around the world for two of the most vile regimes in the region Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
What reason can there be for this, it does not make sense, I do not see Cameron and co as bleeding hearts, casualties in a civil war should not play any part in who to favour with arms nor should a country like Britain prostitute itself for a couple of wealthy but disgusting regimes like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, no matter how we arrived at this situation it is time to let the murdering scum on both sides get on with their own carnage.”
Since then, the other place has opened another thread, by Paul Wood, whose title suggests that the magazine’s editorial policy on Syria may be getting itself, if not yet its knickers, in a bit of a twist: ‘Free Syrian Army is being taken over by jihadist thugs”.
Paul Weston of Liberty sums up how most of us feel and states some important truths. A truly depressing scenario of how we indigenous Brits are on the road to annihilation.
Peter 8.31
You would all benefit from a dose of Paul Washer.
Start with the shocking youth message and work deeper.
You will know them by their fruits: Matthew 7v16
Is this part of your southern baptist “out-preach” mission? You’re not by any chance trying to rustle Pete’s flock, are you?
Why don’t you flock off back home to the good ole US of A and save the arseholes down at your Westboro Baptist Church before you start trying to save our souls. There’s a good chap.
A very good essay, hot off the press, from Fr. James Thornton, on Gramsci’s Game Plan:
The penultimate paragraph is sound advice.
It gives a message of hope for the Christians here; wish I could agree with the final paragraph, but despite the good advice in the penultimate paragraph, I fear the damage already wreaked by the Grand Plan is irreparable – and there is probably worse to come.
The creed of Islam, the Koran in particular, contains both the hadiths of the sword and those of peace. Our Government cannot do much changing any of it, or insisting which of the hadiths the Muslims should follow, it’s up to the followers of Allah to argue and decide. What the Government can do, however, is to scrap some of our own statutes, the Uman Rights Act is an example, that prevent us kicking out those Muslims who are convinced they must follow the hadiths of the sword, shout ‘kill the infidel’, and occasionally do us great harm. If there was a will on part of our ruling elite, this would be eminently doable.
Frank P’s fear that there is worse to come makes me ask – what do you all think western Europe – and the rest of the world – will be like by the end of this century?
I think that by the year 3000, the population of western Europe will be 80% Muslim. (mostly of Arab and Pakistani origin). The remainng 20% will be a nondescript mix of a subordinate class of people.
That makes me wonder –
Will western Europe be united as a single, Muslim-governed entity? I’ve no idea, but if I incline to think that there will be at least some violent sectarian Muslim conflict.
Will western Europe, or its components be economically and militarily strong? Here,
I incline to think that western Europe’s Islamic form of government (or forms of government) will very much tend to stifle most freedom of thought, inventiveness and action in the economic field – but on the other hand will devote an immense amount of effort to becoming militarily strong. The result will be rather like the examples of North Korea, Pakistan and (by then) Iran – nuclear-armed to a formidable degree, but at the same time with much of the population (especially the non-Muslims, poverty stricken.
I also expect that if it has not alread happened, some Muslim government (whether part of Europe or somewhere else) will organise – though some unidentifiable terrorist organisation – a nuclear attack on Israel.
And what will the rest of the world be like? Will political correctness have put the USA on the same course as western Europe, or merely weakened it? Will Pakistan launch a nuclear attack on India? What condition will Russia be in? Which will be the far most prosperous and militarily powerful nation on earth?
The only one of those question that I feel like answering is the last one. I believe it will be China.
And what will then be the relationship of the Muslim Caliphate (or Caliphates ) to the rest of the world? Mark Steyn will by then be, along with most of us, long dead. Perhaps people will still be reading his book ‘America alone’ but perhaps somebody wil be inspired to write ‘CHINA ALONE’?
All this may be too far-fetched – but it would be interesting to hear other ideas.
A new video posted up since last Wednesday:
A piece by the vile Dan Hodges:
But some of the comments are wonderful. I have to paste this here before they take it down from The Telegraph website:
Today 12:00 PM
In these Orwellian days , when I click on DT Blogs and see any one like Dan Hodges staring blankly out from the the page at me ……yeah really .. .
I suspect it has something to do with his links to the far left extremist racist organisations like Searchlight/UAF/ Hope-not-Hate .
I see an android , a terminator . A robot that is not programmed to think . You can’t negotiate with it , you can’t reason with it . All you can do is defeat it .
It’s an all or nothing deal .
Paul Weston had an e-mail exhange of views with Sonia Gable of the far left racist extremist organisation Searchlight , during which Paul Weston asked Sonia Gable if she believed that the indigenous people of Britain had a moral right to exist .
Sonia Gable representing Searchlight, and employing the usual Left Wing rhetorical acrobatics and clever sounding syntax whereby truth , logic, common sense are stood on their head , and all words mean what Left. Inc say they mean , claims to be at war against
” racism ” ” hate ” and ” extremism ” .
In her reply to Paul Weston , Sonia Gable basically argued,in her collective indictment against an entire peoples and all their children’s children , that the indigenous people of Britain do not morally deserve to exist , and the reasons given were that the British peoples have colonised , killed and made war against other peoples so they deserve everything they get , and now its our turn to suffer .
Pay back time , it seems .
Don’t forget now , that Sonia Gable and Searchlight, who by the way work closely with goverment , civil sector , media , journalists and our intelligence services , are referring to their own country , their own majority population . The very same society, the very same race and civilisation , that has done more than any other to create the social capital , the concepts of democracy , individual human rights , freedom from poverty and oppression, than any other , and the life style to which Sonia Gable , Searchlight and the rest of her Western student faculty middle class student faculty has become so accustomed to benefiting from .
And these people claim to be in a crusade to crush
” racism ” ” extremism ” and ” hate ” upon our planet
( sorry , I meant in any White countries , of course )wherever they can sniff the last remnants of it out .
And yet , at in the same breath have the chutzpha to unshamedly confess that motivated by some racial revenge vendetta of retribution and justice , they are conducting towards a specific ethnic / racial group , a campaign of demographic , territorial , cultural , psychological , political ,ethnic terror warfare against tens of millions of innocent people , with the goal of dispossession them from their ancestral homelands .
Well , if that does not conform to the definitions of what International Law and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples classifies as ” genocide ” , than what in the name of hell does ? And it DOES !
But far worse , this same hateful , evil, malicious, pathological narrative employed by Gable / Searchlight is peddling with fantatical religious zealotry as a life vocation, and which is sewing the seeds of bloodshed and conflict on a vast scale , has the backing of our own UN / EU , corporatist , political , media , ” jornOlist ” civil sector, police force , intelligence services , and educational establishment .
And even worse still ( and purely concidentally of course ) , this very same blood libel with its supporting lexicon of Orwellian nightmare terminologies of DoublePlusUngood, DoubleSpeak , Doublethink , is being employed by a vast interlinked network of Searchlight’s , Hope-not-Hate , UAF affliliated Antifa / ENAR / Runnymede Trust , George Soros –Open Society , Common Purpose type sinister organisations and all the instruments of state , media , and academia that support them , across Europe , North America , and Australia .
Notice a familiar pattern here ? This same clandestine , subversive, insidious , wicked , perilous agenda is being carried out with relentless and determined efficiency in every White country , but ONLY in every White country .
Here’s a link to Paul Weston’s take on all of this .
[And that was where I got the link to the video above]
Excellent link Frank. I have enjoyed it very much, though I think it dates from 1999? I’ve also just read this other essay by Father James Thornton which I also think is significant..
May 29th, 2013 – 20:27
Excellent post.
Mrs Thatcher put a stop to the worst excesses of the unions by turning honest union members against the dishonest ones.
To destroy the ethnic cleansing of white people within their own countries, conservatives must simply try to turn non-white people that don’t hold grudges against white people against non-white people who do.
Put simply, the intellectual capital must be reclaimed so that it becomes as foul to hate white people as it does to hate the non-white.
Herbert Thornton
May 29th, 2013 – 20:05
According to Glen Beck the USA is destined for a Muslim future.
She’s obviously not a fan of ‘keep calm’. Thank goodness:
“A Saudi writer of self-help books has urged his 97,000 Twitter followers to sexually molest women cashiers in order to dissuade them from working.”
Read more:
The Mail recently serialised a book by Guardian writer David Goodhart.
It was suggesting, oh so sotto voce, that maybe we’d had too much immigration too quickly.
I read the serialisation and thought it was rubbish. It just seemed to me to be the Left pooping its pants that the white working class have rumbled how much the Labour Party hates them and this is part of the propaganda effort to soothe the voters.
It was a nonsense of a book.
Today I read this, by another Lefty:
‘Free speech is not inviting everyone to talk
‘David Goodhart, the author of a controversial Left-wing critique of British immigration policy, believes he has been blacklisted by the literary establishment. The British Dream has been one of the most widely reviewed books of the year, which would normally be enough to get Goodhart an invitation to speak at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival. However, Peter Florence, the festival’s founder, informed Goodhart that his book was “sensationalist” and “not very good” and so refused to have him along.
‘A denial of free speech? Hardly. Goodhart may thrive on the idea he is saying the unsayable but so do plenty of people one would rather not listen to. It is Florence’s festival. He should no more be obliged to invite Goodhart than Michael Eavis should heed calls to put One Direction on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury. Isn’t that a form of free speech also?’
Isn’t it just extraordinary how even the mildest criticism (and it was uber mild) of immigration draws this kind of response?
And could you imagine the writer making the same argument for payers of the BBC licence fee?
I’ve always thought that Hay-on-Wye thing was just a Lefty outing in the country and so it proves.
Talking of Guardian writers, Seumas Milne, a writer who has written that communism’s “crimes are now so well rehearsed that they are in danger of obliterating any understanding of its achievements, both of which have lessons for the future of progressive politics and the search for a social alternative to globalised capitalism” has inherited £1.3 million from daddy.
Front cover headline of Time magazine this week: ‘The Good European’
And who is the photo of?
Mr Slippery.
The man who promised a referendum on Europe and broke his promise.
And that’s ‘good’.
This is exactly what Mr Slippery has had his eye on all these years. A seat on the board of a globalist bank, a multi-national or two, work with UN perhaps, all that stuff.
And you don’t get that by standing up for the people of your country. No. You get that by fellating big business and helping to prop up the globalist order.
How Mr Slippery will love that front cover. So many truths contained in it.
Has Al Johnson had a third love child?
Selina @ 22:57
Time to start a “Fringe” at Hay-on-Wye then. May be the Wall could sponsor it next year.
This report in the Daily Mail is very disturbing. Are we reading about a group that is inciting the murder of the named EDL people? I suspect so.
Will the police do anything about it? I suspect they won’t.
Can most of us any longer feel safe? I doubt it very much.
A preview of the kind of future Britain is heading for –
Yesterday was the 560th.anniversary of the fall of Constantinople.
Wild Bill telling us what most of us outside the Metro-elite already know
So what seems to be being said is that because the marxists have the levers of power they will not allow any reasoned response to the threat of Islam to be implemented, so we must imagine a fantasy world where all Muslims in the UK are forcefully and violently expelled by the same marxists who hold the levers of power? Don’t quite see how that works. Fantasy is all very well but as a political programme it will not get us very far.
I’d say that repeating over and over again a simple set of reasonable responses and demanding that politicians respond to them is a way forward. The reasonable responses must be embraced by the British population if they are to be adopted. No point handwringing about it being too late. No point complaining that politicians won’t do anything. If action is not taken then we have only ourselves to blame. We must persuade people, in large numbers, and by we I mean the still present British population who wants to preserve our British way of life.
Where is Farage in this?
There is a piece in the Daily Mail on a couple of churches and a mosque in the East End. I know the area well and the article is a load of cobblers..
It shows the two churches with small congregations and the mosque spilling into the street and suggests it is a matter of the decline of Christianity. It is not. It is a result of the fact that the British population which lived in the area – and features in the books and TV programme ‘The Midwives’ – has been almosy entirely replaced by recent immigrants from Bangaldesh.
There are few Christians left in this borough. Not because of a lack of faith, I don’t know a more faithful man than the vicar of one of these churches, but because of the creation of a Bangladeshi ghetto and the flight of the British population. This article should be about the effects of immigration and ghettosation on areas of Britain. The local schools are almost entirely Bangladeshi Muslim. Its not to do with a loss of faith, it is to do with being overwhelmed by an immigrant and non-Christian culture and population.
In fact here is another piece by the Daily Mail, about the same vicar, describing how he was beaten by a gang of three Muslims shouting anti-Christian abuse.
Agreed, Peter.
It’s about getting wise.
One of the reasons I like Paul Weston’s new party is that it reclaims the language hijacked by the Left and in this case the Common Purposer Shami Chakrabarti.
Her outfit never used to be called Liberty, but they wanted a shorter name and hijacked that word.
Weston is quite right to take it back.
Why do the EDL persist with their title?
It seems to me that if you have to turn up agaist a group that calls itself Unite Against Fascism, you should change your name to Unite Against Islamofascism.
It’s just an open goal waiting to be scored.
‘We must persuade people, in large numbers, and by we I mean the still present British population who wants to preserve our British way of life.’
That’s true. I think the blueprint is Greece and Italy, where voters are learning to live without long-term loyalty.
They’re learning to kick the system by changing their allegiances with whatever kicks the system.
It is harder for the UK because of First Past The Post, but it can definitely still work.
If the SNP can rock the boat and George Galloway, why can’t we get other new parties to do the same?
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
Thomas Jefferson
mebbe one thing we can all do now is to not spend money in businesses run by moslems. Just dont buy takeaways, and leave the corner shop alone. Hit them where it hurts – in their pocket.
Maybe a I’m buying english campaign.
This sucks!
Or rather it doesn’t!
Now EU cuts power of your vacuum cleaner
THE suction power of new vacuum cleaners is to be reduced under yet another “Mad Hatter” diktat from Europe.
Another thing to be added to my list of immediate actions is to prevent voting by all non-British citizens and to severely restrict all postal voting to necessary cases (in hospital or on holiday).
“Tommy Robinson on BBC Three Counties Radio
Posted on May 29, 2013 by Baron Bodissey
EDL leader Tommy Robinson was interviewed today by what can hardly be … considered a friendly organization, and handled himself commendably. He overcame the interviewer’s attempt to force the conversation into the preferred, predictable politically correct “narrative”, and was able to make his points before a radio audience that rarely hears such facts and opinions: ”
In his filmed interview shortly before the muslim atrocity, if I remember correctly Tommy Robinson voiced some ideas for a policy which included separation of prisons into muslim and non-muslim sections, self-reform of the mohammedan ideolgy to remove its programme of murder and domination and an end to shariah law centres.
This seems to me the way forward – the development of a policy around which people can rally. I will go back and watch it again and take a couple of notes. In principle, it sounds to be on the right track and it should perhaps be fused with some of the acts which Mustafa Kemal Atatürk saw necessary to bring Turkey out of the islamic Middle Ages. These included closing down islamic schools and banning the veil. Immediate severe restrictions on further immigration of muslims is vital; forced repatriation or exile for muslim criminals, and a programme of voluntary and, if necessary, subsidized repatriation of as many of the others as can be persuaded.
In the meantime, one can imagine what news of the following kind will do for support for UKIP in the country. Outrage at abuse of our hospitality on the orders of the unelected authorities in Brussels can be harnessed to sweep out the Koranisers with other abusers without, if political tactics dictate discretion, UKIP having to have the focus of its policy falling to exclusively on islam :
We don’t want this murderous ideology to spread any further in our country – it’s as simple as that – no matter how many cups of tea and plates of biscuits are offered to persuade us otherwise.
The shops around me are run by Hindus, not Muslims. And I am sure that the local Indian takeaways are also Hindu. Some of the Chicken places are perhaps run by Muslims but I never shop there because they have a sign saying ‘Halal’ on the front. In regard to food I am more concerned about that. It is time we had another media investigation of the stealth diet of halal meat offered to Allah which is being forced down our throats. I have not eaten lamb for the last few years because all New Zealand lamb is offered to Allah.
The Cambridge bag lady is back in the news, this time pursuing a worthy cause? She wants to save a terrace of crumbling Victorian hovels from demolition and redevelopment. Our heroine! Presumably she’ll be using her own money for any restoration required to save them? Oh, er…
What’s wrong with Croydon anyway, Mary? Would Cambridge becoming Croydon bring all that vibrancy and diversity, that you prescribe for the rest of us, just a little too close to home?
EC@May 30th, 2013 – 10:13
I fear many academics seem to have had some sort of labotomy when appointed -to remove the common sense.
Why we worship these people i haven’t a clue.
North Korean People’s Army Funky Get Down Juche Party
It’s a real foot-tapper! The most impressive piece of coordination I’ve seen since the Rome Police’s Motorcycle Display Team.
(h/t @iowahawkblog – It’s time to get down on SEOUUUUL TRAIN with your host Kim Jong-Il )
See what I mean….
Truly impressive!
May I have a silly little moan?
I find it is the silly little things that drive me mad, such as black actors of both sexes (yes Verity there are only two) who use the word ‘axed’ when they mean ‘asked’ or axing for asking.
The scripts of television dramas set in the north miss out the letter ‘t’ whenever it is in the middle of a word, rarely is Peter pronounced with a ‘t’ the word brother has the ‘oth’ replaced with ‘uv’ and so it goes on.
I was in my local Morrisons Supermarket looking to replace a pair of she laces, without exception each little box was entitle ‘shoe lace’ I nearly bought two just in case the package did in fact contain a single lace, it did not there was a pair.
On the local television news last night they were discussing a rare specie of beetle found only on the banks of one Yorkshire river, the zoologist informed us that it was only found on 14 kilometres of river bank, we are in England why did he not say it is found on almost 9 miles of river bank?
At my age and with my experience I thought I had heard it all, fat chance. The British Government is being sued by an Ethiopian for the deleterious effect British aide is having on his country, i.e. it is being diverted to provide nasty mechanical devices to ensure the hoi polio stay in place. Naturally this joker is being aided and abetted by an ambulance chasing Brit while our gutless politicians prepare to spend limitless amounts in legal fees to defend the Nation. A similar situation pertains with the three Kenyans late of the Mau Mau. Now the last time I checked, the Mau Mau were not a sewing circle in rural Kenya. When is the British Government going to call time on all this nonsense? We all know the answer to that, roll on UKIP.
“Now the last time I checked, the Mau Mau were not a sewing circle in rural Kenya. When is the British Government going to call time on all this nonsense?”
Not whilst CMD is being strong-armed by an aggrieved Al O’Barma!
Malfleur 30 May (09:47)
I don’t mean to quibble, but some people may be led, by your mentioning that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk banned the veil, to believe that the ban applied to all women. It didn’t.
In fact he made the ban all the more effective by decreeing that the veil MUST be worn – by prostitutes.
I’ve tried to imagine the ban being implemented in that way in Britain. If rigorously and honestly applied it would cause a good many women in the upper levels of society, as well as those lower down who like to be more open about it and call themselves ‘sex workers’, to become rather indignant. In the case of the upper class women it could also lead to what, these days, is a rare public pleaure – i.e. general mirth.
David Ossitt 16.17: Where can I get some she laces? I’m sure they’d come in handy.
Frank Sutton May 30th, 2013 – 18:42
“David Ossitt 16.17: Where can I get some she laces? I’m sure they’d come in handy.”
Hello Frank, I had thought that I had typed shoe.
This country needs a lot more brunels and a lot less people who are not available because they are in a meeting.
Scrap the postal votes. Exactly. But Labour and Lib Dems would never allow it because they know how many of their seats rely on phantom votes that get awarded on the say so of ‘community leaders’.
Here’s another doable thing (one Conservative MP) has tried to get it on the agenda this Parliament: decriminalise non-payment of the BBC licence fee.
Licence fee evasion makes up around one tenth of all cases prosecuted in magistrates’ courts.
How can they decriminalise so many things and yet have police out and about helping Capita execute search warrants?
It’s actually very easy not to pay the TV licence and there are some wonderful YouTube videos showing how to deal with the knock that door.
First thing is never engage with the licence people by phone or by post. No, no, no. That won’t stop the visit.
Phase two the knock at the door.
Three things, have a camera going so they can’t fabricate evidence of what you said.
You must have the camera going (let them see it).
Then, to all verbal enquiries you say this: ‘Am I obliged to answer your questions? You have no implied right of access.’ And just repeat formulas of that until they go away. If they’re on film, by God they will!
They have no rights whatsoever to ask you squit.
All prosecutions come from personal confessions or – more usually – fabricated confessions.
Filming will stop that.
They often won’t declare themselves until they know you’re the occupier, so they do use sneaky opening questions to hide who they are: ‘Have you just moved here?’ ‘Are you the occupier?’ ‘Can I speak to the head of the household?’
They have lots of sneaky formulas.
If you answer yes, that shows you are the occupant.
You can still fall back on ‘Am I obliged to answer your questions?’ – remember if that is on film, they will not dare say yes.
That’s why you have to film the vermin.
Wikipedia records that they have a track record of fabricating doorstep confessions:
‘TV Licensing is managed as a sales operation and its officers are motivated by commission payments.
‘In 2005, a TV Licensing officer was found guilty of false accounting and perverting the course of justice after he deliberately forged the confessions of four people to obtain commission payments.
‘There have been numerous cases of TV Licensing officers engaging in threatening and bullying behaviour and several have been convicted of offences committed in the course of their duties.’
That is why you have to film the encounter, folks.
They are not allowed to look through windows, but of course they will try to do so.
If they don’t see a telly, they can’t ask the police to join them to execute a search warrant.
They can only ask the police for a search warrant with a confession from the occupier.
If you can cope with a personal visit, that will pretty much be the end of it. They cannot afford to do that over and over again.
Still, never ever engage with them by phone or post.
Ignore those nasty letters.
If you do what a lot of the YouTubers do, don’t shout or swear or threaten or abuse or follow the TV licence man, but because of Jimmy Savile, I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with – once the guy has turned on his heels – just scream ‘BBC paedophile scum’.
That’s not threatening or intimidating. That’s just the truth.
Want to see how it’s done?
This guy here sees off a TV licence goon:
It’s then a full two years before they come back.
It’s too expensive to keep sending inspectors to one door. They have to cover the whole country.
This time the occupier does not have a hand-held camera and the TV licence inspector, unaware he is being filmed, says: ‘We’lll just come back with a search warrant.’
He won’t. Unless he’s fabricated a ‘confesssion’. If the TV licence goons turned up with police and a search warrant, that TV licence guy could be charged with perverting the course of justice because there is no confession in that footage.
That’s how earlier inspectors have been convicted of perverting the course of justice.
Put a cameron on them they can see and they’ll be gone quicker than you can say: ‘David Dimbleby knows the audience in Question Time is rigged.’
Talking of which, it’s Thursday night.
Anyone got a sickbag?
By the way, if you do own a TV, you only have to have a TV licence if it is used to watch live broadcasts.
Not live TV shows, but live broadcasts.
Watching iplayer does not incur a licence fee because it’s not being broadcast live.
You can say that at the door (again, film that), and they should go away.
If (unlikely) anyone came back with a warrant, say you want to film them so they don’t shove the ariel in the back of the telly, because you never have it connected or watch live TV broadcasts.
If they were filmed on your doorstep hearing you say you had a TV but you only watched DVDs/videos, they’d have to have fabricated the evidence to get a search warrant so I’d also show that to the police and get them prosecuted for making up that confession.
The inspector shouldn’t ask to come in after you’ve said that on film and should just leave you alone.
The inspector won’t try any monkey business if they know you have filmed evidence.
I do so love helping Chris Patten, Ian Hall, James Purnell and Ian Katz.
I’m certainly more of a public servant than any of that scum put together.
David Ossitt – 16:17 ‘May I have a silly little moan?’
Yes, you may moan, but it is not silly.
My gripe is that there are people who would write the previous sentence as: Yes, AND it is not silly. They would also say: it’s raining, BUT no one went to the park. As if anyone would when it is raining!
But my ‘moanest’ moan goes to those who let kilometre rhyme with gasometer: Gas-Ometer, Kill-Ometer! It should be kilo-metre. No one says Mill-Imeter, do they?
There are a large number of `walks` to local war memorials being arranged for tomorrow P.M. all around the UK.[These are to be found at Twitter under Tommy Robinson] There has also appeared a group called `Woolwich Strong`.It appears to be a patriotic group raising money for a variety of armed forces charities with groups around the country.It is on `facebook`[to which I don’t have access].On `facebook` there is open access to a statement from it’s vice-leader;and a considerable amount from a group called `Mansfield Strong`.The movement was started by a Joshua Bonehill.I think we can assume that`Joshua` isn’t a Muslem or a supporter of yer-actual neo-fascists groups[there are some about].
Jailtime for Holder
“One of Mr. Holder’s predecessors, Nixon administration Attorney General John Mitchell, went to federal prison after he was convicted of lying to Congress. The same attorney general who told Congress he had “not been involved” in the Rosen search warrant before the Justice Department he runs revealed that he not only was involved, he personally approved the decision to seek the search warrant.”
Is the Anglosphere Committing Suicide?
“…we have just seen the biggest theft of US defense secrets since the Soviet penetration of our nuclear program in the 40s–and who knows if the wave of hacks is anywhere close to ended…
…Alexander Hamilton fully understood that economic and technological strength was the key underpinning to military power. And so he helped organize the framework of the US economy around the imperative of national security…
..That’s the same vision we need today, now more than ever–because the Chinese, and radical Islam, are a lot scarier than the British.”–and-What-He-Would-Do
“Obama press secretary Jay Carney says the Administration has “been clear in our concern about cyber-security, and our concern about the fact that there have been cyber-intrusions emanating from China.”
The Obama Administration’s “concern” over Chinese cyber-espionage, however, was not front and center in Tuesday talks between White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and Chinese military officials at the Chinese Defense Ministry.
Indeed, according to Reuters, the topic of Chinese cyber attacks never came up.”
The `walks` refered to above are on Saturday 1st June.
worth a read
Seems the EU want UKIP to win the next elections. Dont these muppets realise that each one of these idiocies puts another 1% on UKIP’s support. (In England)
John birch 30th, – 20:52
“This country needs a lot more brunels and a lot less people who are not available because they are in a meeting.”
Remind me again…you’re a teacher, aren’t you?
RobertC 30th, – 23:05
“But my ‘moanest’ moan goes to those who let kilometre rhyme with gasometer: Gas-Ometer, Kill-Ometer! It should be kilo-metre. No one says Mill-Imeter, do they?”
In the fifties, a teacher of my acquaintance used to assert as a rule, “Anything ending in ‘-Ometer’, like speedometer, micrometer, etc. is an instrument.”
This rule did have exceptions to “prove” it. :-p
Ostrich (occasionally)@May 31st, 2013 – 10:14
The one that gets me is Ass. Ass is a donkey. its an arse.
There have been suggestions that at the Support our Forces meeting on 10 Downing Street last Monday, our police reneged on arrangements agreed with one of the groups of citizenry assembled there and deliberately placed them where they would be most compromised. Hard to believe.
But here comes another story:
“After two Muslim terrorists beheading a British soldier in London, cops arrested an 85-year-old woman for shouting “Go back to your own country” at mosquegoers. Not only did they arrest her, but they even handcuffed her.
The wording of the original story , “the pensioner was handcuffed and taken away in a van by officers attending the Canterbury Street mosque for Friday prayers” appeared to suggest that the officers arresting her were Muslims, which explains their abusive reaction to a British citizen exercising her rights.” [More]
What inferences are we to draw from these seemingly disparate and unconnected events, both for the present and for the future of our country?
To what extent do they reflect the “enemies within” which Douglas Murray discusses at the other place?
To what extent are the police, or at least the higher echelons who take and pass on orders, now the enemies of the British people?
Meanwhile Fraser Nelson, that old school Wet, has passed on to discussing in the DT today the more pressing problem of marriage, gay, straight, as you like it. How are the wardens in our prisons feeling about one of their number being stabbed by an islamist? Why comment? Why ask? Who cares? What difference does it make? Our political class on both sides of the Atlantic are the Masters of Indifference. je m’en fouistes to a man.
Benghazi Terrorists: ‘Dr. Morsi Sent Us’
“Morsi? Who he? Duh!”
“The terrorist attack in Benghazi is far more disturbing than previously thought. Although it has not been reported in the U.S. media, the possibility exists that the Egyptian government may have played an operational role in the attack. YouTube videos of the terrorist strike raise a serious problem that only an Arabic speaker would detect: some of the terrorists are speaking in the Egyptian dialect of the Arabic language.” (Front Page Magazine)
Morsi? Why, one of the new friends of the leader of the free West! It doesn take a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows.
Other silent walks which should be scheduled for tomorrow: the Coalition – a long one, off a short pier.
Alexsandr 31st, – 10:42
“The one that gets me is Ass.”
We-ell, when its used by a citizen of the land of the free, whether describing a body part or the complete person, it does have a certain appropriateness…
Ostrich (occasionally)@May 31st, 2013 – 11:19
Reginald d Hunter on HIGNFY hit the nail on the head. he said ‘Arse’ sounds far more classy than ‘Ass’
And it does.
Back in the 60s during the winter of non stop snow I was an apprentice at a small family firm.
The bosses sister who was a bit upper class was telling us all about a little incident on the slope in the yard covered in ice.
She said ” hi slipped hover and fell on my harse”
Never forgot that.
David Ossitt
Robert C.
Alexandr .. posts recently passim
My inner pedant stirs, although this may be becoming a DT letters-page style exchange …
Die-sect: No, no, for God’s sake no! Dis-sect, not as in bisect, and with a double s, how can anyone pronounce it wrongly? But they do, all the time.
Feb-you-erry: pretty well all newsreaders do it.
Homogenous: no such word, it’s homogeneous – but it’s becoming one.
I have to say I do approve of Rod Liddle’s use of ‘homosexualist’ – it just sounds worse :o)
Selina mentioned electoral corruption, and the part played by community leaders, but there is far more to this than meets the eye. Here in Tower Hamlets, elections are decided in Silhet. The details of the candidates are sent out to the tribal leaders, who decide on the candidates, who are then voted in on multiple postal votes. This was how Galloway got in, he was taken to Bengal where he was vetted and approved. The current mayor, who is as corrupt as a maggot in a bowl of week old custard, is up to his neck in extremist politics at the East London Mosque (Don’t believe me, check it out on the net) runs a council by and for his cronies. All this is of course known to the relevant authorities, you know, the ones who knew of and allowed a pair of disgruntled thugs to murder a British soldier on the streets of our Capital.
Alexsandr 31st, – 11:48
I like Reginald D Hunter…he’s the only bloke I know who can utter the word ‘nigger’ without a cheep of protest, thus making a couple of valid points that the bien pensants are too thick to understand.
Another QUOTE from Reginald D Hunter:”I like the way you British talk about us.`Jungle Bunny`;that’s kind of cuddly:`Nig-nog`;that sounds like something we drink at Christmas.”
I’ve been thinking about ‘gay marriage’ and the inevitable development into polygamous marriages being celebrated here in the UK. The Government already recognises (without bothering to ask us what we think) polygamous marriages as long as they take place outside the UK.
It would be possible therefore for two men to be ‘married’ here in the UK, and then for them to go to a suitably ‘progressive’ country where a third man then ‘married’ each of them in turn. This would then create a polygamous marriage which would be recognised in the UK. It would, I imagine, then be against the law and a hate crime, to express any criticism of such an arrangement.
An article on why the English don’t as a rule eat horse meat appears in the June edition of History Today. Apparently the roots of our aversion go back to the arrival of Christianity. Unfortunately, I don’t have any further details because I don’t have a subscription…
I am still thinking about blackberry jam and it has led me on to consider the medlar and the quince. We had one of each of these trees in our garden when I was a boy. I was very fond of quince jam, but I can’t remember what we did with medlars, though I do recall their extraordinary taste. There was not much quince jam at home because the tree was small and often reluctant to bear much fruit. These trees, like the marvellous mulberry, do not appear to lend themselves to commercial cultivation, so you have to be a country boy to appreciate them.
I did a quick bit of googling on the medlar because I seemed to recall that Shakespeare had mentioned them. In view of the correspondence by Ostrich, Alexsandr and John Birch, I feel free to mention that Mercitio says of Juliet:
Now will he sit under a medlar tree,
And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit
As maids call medlars, when they laugh alone.
O, Romeo, that she were, O that she were
An open-arse, thou a pop’rin pear!
That is quoted in a 2010 blog by “Ben”who knows the fruit as Open-Arse. I think he is perhaps a Norfolk man…
The blog is still up and running, though the entry for last month was a bit brief. May be it has something to say about the quince…
I have that edition to hand and enjoyed the article. I think, because I am abed now, that it was suggested that horse was a royal sacrificial animal and therefore not commonly consumed and with the spread of Christianity not sacrificed.
I wonder, how many Muslims have air-side passes?
Just watched QT, the question asked of the Huffington Post, extremist-supporting chap by the Jewish Gentleman was met with a ripple of applause from a massive two members of the audience.
That gobsmacked me: who’d-a-thunk-it?
Clear Memories
Astute as always.
Illuminating to look out of your window at most major International Airports: look closely at the baggage handlers. Remember, it is a religion-of-peace: to think anything different marks you as a clear bigot…
Herbert 29th 2005
I do not fear for the future of Israel: totally secured.
PfM 17:39
How dare you try to put a limit on the number of males in a gay, polygamous marriage. You clearly are evil. Our society can only be strengthened by their bonding: what possible detriment could there be?
Malfleur 11:05
You may find the Egyptian involvement appalling but I think you overreact: nothing bad happened in Benghazi.
You know as well as I do that it was that darned insulting video, no more, no less.
Last question ce soir.
What is the absolute number of non-British-born amongst our 60 million-ish population?
Looking at the number, who don’t look British in my small, remote, northern town, I’d guess upwards of 20%. Not long before we reach that tipping point, eh?
Please let us go down in a honourable manner and not cowering and cowed.
Sorry, that should have been penultimate, last point is a comment: hope the Bruins can go all the way to Lord Stanley.
Would be fitting for Boston Strong to come up trumps this year but will probably justify Benghazi II.
Redneck – 1 June (00:22)
You believe that Israel is totally secured FOR THE WHOLE of the coming century”? I hope you’re right, but my opinion is that during this century the current jihad is going to turn nuclear.
My next guess is that at least one of the USA, India, Russia or China is going to decide they’ve had enough. Whether the Islamic world or the Non-Islamic world will survive, is far from clear.
And for those of you unable to sleep anyway:
“it’s important to remember that the very same U.S. policies that created al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in the 1980s—leading to the horrific attacks of 9/11—are today allowing al-Qaeda to metastasize all around the Muslim world. As in the 80s, these new terrorist cells are quietly gathering strength now, and are sure to deliver future terror strikes that will make 9/11 seem like child’s play.”
“… The 27-year-old Queen swore her oath and was anointed (concealed under a canopy) on her hands, her breast and her head with holy oil of orange flowers, roses, cinnamon, jasmine and sesame with benzoin, musk, civet and ambergris, in imitation of the anointing of the kings of ancient Israel… ”
(Charles Moore – Daily Telegraph)
Not bloody islam!
Malfleur (1 June 04:01)
You mentioned some of the symbolism during the Queen’s coronation. It put me in mind of other symbols.
Today I saw a picture of a pedestal outside some official building in Brussels Strasbourg. At its top was an imposing sculpture of the curved form of the letter E that’s used as a logo to represent Europe & the Euro.
It looked remarkably like both the sickle of the Marxist Hammer and Sickle logo, and the crescent moon in the symbol associated Islam.
The similarity is extra striking when all three are photoshopped in a row as a black & white picture. If I could I’d post it here, but I don’t think the Wall includes that facility.
Maybe it could be useful as a poster at election time – the three symbols with words something like “Britain needs none of them! Vote for ……!”
I think the Daily Mail deserves credit for drawing attention to this –
Herbert, I was just going to post a link to that myself!
It is disgusting.
When people go to law school, the first thing they learn is ‘justice must not just be done, but must be seen to be done’.
The state, of course, has a problem with this and says ‘but…’
And the buts keep getting bigger and more mendacious.
And those lawyers, once such pure-hearted students, grow up to be judges – or worse, a lawyer becoming an MP so they can meddle with the legal system even more than if they were in practice – and decide it’s all rather inconvenient, because you can’t get the result you always want with a rule like ‘justice must not just be done, but must be seen to be done’.
So, hey presto, we’ve seen an exponential rise in secret courts.
The case in that Mail story is one of the less chilling cases.
Once you get secret courts all manner of ‘professional’ can then hide behind them: bent judges, bent social workers, bent coppers, bent psychiatrists.
Because there’s never any danger of sunlight revealing what these vampires are up to.
And secret courts are only a mechanism for these warped people – the perfect mechanism for hiding their own crimes.
The same type of ‘professionals’ cross each other’s paths again and again in these courts.
What a cosy network.
And so many of the cases involve children.
What are these ‘professionals’ up to that they need to hide?
The Daily Mail is excelling itself today:
SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: Five suicides. One common thread: They all fell foul of the RSPCA
HT – “My next guess is that at least one of the USA, India, Russia or China is going to decide they’ve had enough. Whether the Islamic world or the Non-Islamic world will survive, is far from clear.”
I’m sure PfM can correct me, but which ethical mindset contains a statement along the lines of “…. build not your house upon sand.. ”
And which bunch of divots founded their so-called religion based in just such a place?
I wonder which will survive.
Unfortunately CM I’d want to reflect that modern Western society is built on sand and is proving unable to withstand the mounting storm. If we return to the solid foundations of British culture and tradition we still have some hope. But the cowboy builders who have built our modern property on the beach always intended it to be washed away.
For anybody wanting a trip down memory lane then here’s what is on offer at Brooklands “Historics” motor auction today:
Car auction starts at 14:00 BST so still time to register 🙂
(Goto to homepage for motorbikes)
One of the shiniest on offer is Lot 319, the 1962 Triumph TR4 “police car”. A snip, today, at only £35K !
Tempted to wonder if the wife of the then chief constable of the Southend-on-Sea County Borough Constabulary liked the wind in her hair?
Today, one is unlikely to get caught speeding on the autobahn in this hoc, but the numberplate might actually attract the attention of the German police. The two letter suffix is one several prefixes/suffixes actually forbidden by German law! BTW in Germany virtually everything is forbidden by German law – not just that which might remind them of their recent past.
Malfleur@May 31st, 2013 – 23:16
Quince jelly is a perfect accompaniment to a delicate cheese, like Wensleydale, or Monkland Little Hereford.
Tiptree do a Quince Jelly
Alexsandr 1st, – 11:06
I was once mug enough to buy from a local nursery a quince tree. It was only about four years later as it sat there, the fruit developing, that I was told that this far north they would never ripen. Well, they looked so well developed that I refused to believe what I’d been told but sure enough, come autumn they just rotted on the bough. The tree didn’t see another summer!
“bunch of divots” 🙂
Behind the scenes: a look at the current Attorney of the US of A, Mr Eric Holder, as the scandals over the Pond become more complex:
The buggers may have over-reached a little this time, but their sticky fingers are still on the levers of power. I think he’s more likely to retire in extreme comfort (probably with his relatives in Barbados), rather than than ‘going under the bus’ as some are currently suggesting. He not only ‘knows where the bodies are buried’ – seems he buried most of them himself.
btw, if that’s the pedigree of the top lawyer in the Western World, just think what the underlings must be like.
And if our Muslim friends need even more reassurance about their interest being in good hands, they should read some of Andrew McCarthy’s articles linked in the margins of the ‘discoverthenetworks’ file on Holder.
And remember shipmates; our own administration is dancing to Obama’s tune, both in regard to the Middle East and our Membership of the EU. Comforting, ennit?
… and remember, ‘Istanbul was Constantinople once’ ….
I always call Istanbul Constantinople.
Ostrich (occasionally)@June 1st, 2013 – 12:00
Alexsandr 1st ? Am I a king now?
Thanks mate 🙂
Sickening story.
I am so glad she has paid the ultimate price.
What annoys me is that the Mail is running two versions of this story.
The US version is running the one above, but the British version is running a story about a ‘Briton’ being killed.
As usual, it is left to the most green-arrowed commenter to point up the truth:
‘Ali Al-Manasfi. British?’
– Bruce , Fort William, 31/5/2013 21:16
Can’t they just run both versions of the story under the headline ‘Celebrate’?
I’ve been reading some Rudyard Kipling today. So under-rated at present. I was going to write about this particular poem in a post, but it would have turned too much into a sermon. So I will just post the poem and hope some others find it apposite.
For all we have and are,
For all our children’s fate,
Stand up and take the war.
The Hun is at the gate!
Our world has passed away,
In wantonness o’erthrown.
There is nothing left to-day
But steel and fire and stone!
Though all we knew depart,
The old Commandments stand: —
“In courage keep your heart,
In strength lift up your hand.”
Once more we hear the word
That sickened earth of old: —
“No law except the Sword
Unsheathed and uncontrolled.”
Once more it knits mankind,
Once more the nations go
To meet and break and bind
A crazed and driven foe.
Comfort, content, delight,
The ages’ slow-bought gain,
They shrivelled in a night.
Only ourselves remain
To face the naked days
In silent fortitude,
Through perils and dismays
Renewed and re-renewed.
Though all we made depart,
The old Commandments stand: —
“In patience keep your heart,
In strength lift up your hand.”
No easy hope or lies
Shall bring us to our goal,
But iron sacrifice
Of body, will, and soul.
There is but one task for all —
One life for each to give.
What stands if Freedom fall?
Who dies if England live?
Story in mail on line about EDL seems to have backfired, every comment supports the EDL.
Alexsandr 1st, – 13:09
Am I a king now?
We-ell, bad things happen to Tsars…
“Who dies if England live?”
Beautiful, Peter. Ave!
Now the comments seem stuck at 28. I wonder why.
New story mail on line ,clashes between police and BNP outside parliament .
Not taking comments.
Again, why .
They were reporting the violence and arrests were all UAF.
It gets worse every day (no comments facility – of course!):
No comments allowed at all now on the Mail.
If the demonstrators want to get better publicity, I would have thought they would have been better using banners that read: ‘Islamo-Nazi racist thugs’
They must stop letting ‘UAF’ have ownership of that language.
It’s possible they do have placards saying that and the Press just don’t publish the photos (the Press will always try to smear them), but perhaps all the placards should say that.
The UAF is playing with taqyya language.
Just as the S/S BNP sinks under the waves after the May elections,the UAF throw them a lifeline:20 UAF street-fighters arrested by the Met.for attacking the BNP.//….//Now elements in the media[from Dublin to Hong Kong]are linking this violence with the EDL(see google `news`).As also has Ed MILLIBAND who issued a statement condemning the BNP AND EDL for making today a Day of Hate.IN FACT there have been peaceful `walks` all around the country organized by the EDL (except where spoiled by the UAF);and `walks` as far afield as Sydney(N.S.W.).//……//Nick Griffin had urged the EDL to throw off it’s “Zionist” shackles and join him on his march;and was properly ignored.
I am very depressed by the UK government’s Legal Aid reforms because, as ever, there is room to cut, but they are targeting the worng people.
Just as there is no justification for foreign aid, there should be no taxpayer funding for illegal immigrants, Abu Qatadas and so on – let Edward Fitzgerald (Qatada’s very well remunerated QC) do all that work pro bono.
If you’re not British – no public funding via Legal Aid.
But where is the axe falling?
On the British.
The people who pay the damn taxes.
They want to cut the Legal Aid budget on all criminal cases.
Imagine knocking someone down in a car accident and facing a criminal charge – would you have the money to fund yourself in a crown court?
Or would you like a ‘Tesco’ (give me strength) lawyer doing job?
One tenth of the Legal Aid budget goes on immigration cases – they will not be forced to pay because they will not be earning enough to be denied Legal Aid – unlike other British people.
It is madness.
That is where the axe should fall: no Legal Aid budget for any immigration cases or for any criminal defendants who are not British, or any civil defendants who are not British.
You didn’t pay in, so you get nothing out.
Why is Chris Grayling (yuck!) setting up a system that creates the opposite?
Abu Qatada gets Edward Fitzgerald QC representing him and ordinary people get no choice of lawyer, just some underpaid Eddie Stobart (I’m not kidding that company is trying to get this work off the government) employee.
It morally stinks to pay foreign aid and it morally stinks to pay Legal Aid to people who aren’t British and then clean out the life savings of middle class people who might one day have to face the wrath of the state (and it is an evil, rotten state) trying to charge them with a criminal offence or take their children away from them in a civil court.
Just when the S/S BNP sinks under the waves after the May elections,the UAF throw them a life-line:20 UAF members arrested by the Met. for attacking the BNP.
Meanwhile the media link the BNP/UAF violence with the EDL [see goole `news`] in papers from Dublin to Hong Kong.As did Ed MILLIBAND who condemned the EDL for making today a day of hate.
IN FACT there have been peaceful `walks`all over the country sponsored by the EDL (except were they were attacked by the UAF):and further afield as far as Sydney(N.S.W.).
Nick Griffin had invited the EDL to throw off it’s “Zionist” shackles and join his march;an offer properly ignored.
It is very illuminating how the “United Against Fascism” thugs are never described as far left or thugs. Similarly, there is no loud denouncing of their attempts to thwart free-speech.
My word, our media, in its broadest sense, is so controlled by these eejits that words fail me.
Even the BBC’s headline is something like “58 UAF arrested at BNP rally” i.e. still managing to smear the right: quite clever really.
The UAF website is quite scary: they even have a section for those “bands” who “support” them! Good grief! Selection below:
The Libertines
Suggs and Madness
Massive Attack
Max Tundra
The Rebel
Saint Etienne
The Strokes
Teenage Fanclub
X is Loaded
You may notice next to the DM article one on Colour Sgt. Huges,who has been called into line.After Tommy Robinson raised c.£3,000 for a sponsored walk,Help for Heroes refused to take it.Huges offered to take up the walk in his place but has now obviously been put in HIS place by the Army.The article writes of concerns service members are becoming linked to the EDL.[The item is still open for comment.]
Why does the BBC allow their presenters to talk such rubbish?
On the BBC this morning a female presenter blithely told us that the month of May had been colder than for ages, despite the fact that a colleague had just said that May was the coldest since 1962, she then compounded her stupidity by telling us that today the 1st of June was the first day of Summer, it is certainly not it will be June 21st.
David, the Met Office seems to have unilaterally decided that it can redefine Summer as the months of June, July and August, whether we like it or not.
In fact I have just sent the Met Office a message asking them exactly why they think they can change the seasons without our permission as the British people.
The band/culture thing with UAF is interesting.
If you are asked by the UAF to say you support them, do you turn them down?
‘You don’t support anti-fascism?’
You see what they did there?
That could lead to very bad publicity. Would the band fear their refusal would be fed to culture page journalists?
Some bands can use the excuse ‘we are non-political’, but if you have ever let your band be used in a cause, the UAF may feel it can approach you.
Would bands fear the UAF telling tales behind their back to arts page editors about how you wouldn’t support them?
It’s interesting, too, how ‘comedy’ is now entirely PC and has had nothing to say about Woolwich, unless, of course, it’s to smear the EDL and so on.
By the way, ‘comedian’ Marcus Brigstocke, who seems to get the bulk of his earnings from the BBC and corporate gigs (that he keeps very quiet about) earned £350,000 last year.
His cosy relationship with the BBC seems to have nothing to do with the public liking him and everything to do with his political correctness.
That’s why the BBC seems to hire him so much.
Selina@June 1st, 2013 – 19:33
Brigstocke is the most unfunny champagne socialist ugly tw@t
Followed with Russell Howard in a close second.
and Steve Punt on the Now Show is a lefty unfunny tw@t too.
Now here is an idea,Peter. Why not start a wazzocks corner where we can abuse useless lefty slebs?
But no abuse of victoria coren alowed, despite her liason with David Mitchell, cos she is thinking mans tottie.
Agree entirely.
Your examples further delineate the level of control being exercised by enemies of the UK.
Same applies in workplace: HR depts. would be “delighted” should you express support for this group, UAF, who wish to silence free speech.
However, should you express any form of support for the EDL, and probably soon UKIP, I suspect you’d be in big trouble.
Selina@June 1st, 2013 – 17:49
You have simply failed to understand the new order. The brits work and pay taxes. The foreigners come and have the benefits. But when brits go abroad we get f*ck all.
June 1st, 2013 – 20:03
In the sort of words of the major, now now I can’t accept that, there’s a guy called will self and he’s a bigger cxxt than all those put together.
Now here is an idea,Peter. Why not start a wazzocks corner where we can abuse useless lefty slebs?
It’s a good idea , but its going to have to be a bloody big corner to fit them all in.
In this latest scuffle, lets see if I’ve got it right.
The BNP Is against the murderous Islamic scum who committed this atrocity, and therefore the UAF supports them..
Is that correct.
John birch@June 1st, 2013 – 20:32
Oh god I had forgotten him.
and mark steele.
Just a thought. It took a long time, but the word immigration, for so long the great no-no and attracting vile presumptuous opprobrium should it be even whispered, is now a topic out in the open, even if it still attracts that vile presumptuous opprobrium. How long will it be before the word deportation can be uttered? Has anyone seen any mention of it in mainstream press or even by a politician?
Good point. I have not seen deportation mentioned and suspect we never shall.
I think it is interesting to see the level of disconnect between most Conservative politicians and the UK public on the issue of immigration. Suspect most citizens want 0-10000 per annum but I have no idea what level the Tory hierarchy want. Even Mr Cameron uses this vague “tens of thousands” term. What does that actually mean?
And a hobby-horse of mine is the usage of “net migration”, a completely disingenuous example of truth-speak used to make the actual number of new immigrants per annum very opaque indeed.
Redneck, we know the net migration figure is bogus because if all the indigenous British people left and were replaced by migrants then the Government would have hit its target.
Christopher Booker has a piece on the family courts, this time not secret:
This is the specific case he is writing about:
Let’s not mince our word here.
In Britain and many other countries ‘care’ homes are the one place where there are strangers and no cameras.
Children are truly alone in these places.
Now who might a job in a place like that appeal to?
‘Care’ homes in many allegedly civilised societes are filled with paedophiles with unfettered, unconstrained access to them and who ‘loan’ them out.
They’re not all mindless dunks like Stuart Hazell or Mark Bridger.
The clever ones belong to the aristocracy, work as judges, senior lawyers, senior police, senior social workers, psychiatrists, hold posts in local government (heaps of those).
Some are even MPs.
And what about Lord Mountbatten and the Kincora boys’ home in Northern Ireland.
The thing with boats, you see, is that you can take people out in them and no-one will hear the screams.
Why do we have a surveillance society that doesn’t have cameras on children 24/7 when there are no parents to protect them?
Funny how MI5 don’t care about that, but then they want everyone else snooped on.
Mind you, they were implicated in the Kincora boys’ home scandal too.
So it really does run very deep.
The National Fostering Agency, which has a title that makes it sound like a state organisation, is in fact owned by a private equity company and has been increasing profits exponentially in the past few years.
The more adoptions and care home placements there are, the more money councils get from the government and the more privately owned agencies get to cream that off in commission.
We have a system whereby it profits councils and private adoption agencies to make more adoptions.
Why, then, would they think of reducing the number of adoptions?
It would hit profit margins and reduce central government money funnelled out to local government.
I think most of you are familiar with the wonderful UK Column.
If not, here’s a couple of links:
John birch at 20.48:Yes!Up to a point,Lord Copper,up to a point.I’d take one half of it that some here may not be aware of;or like.As I wrote above;the leader of BNP urged the EDL to throw off it’s “Zionist” shackles.That should tell you everything.BNP is an offshoot of Colin Jordan’s National Front[and `The National Front is a Fascist front]. Nick Griffin now keeps quiet about his former remarks about the Shoah and the K.K.K. Griffin and the BNP are the equivalent of David Duke and the Ayrian Nation.//….//UKIP and the ENL reject them;whilst Cameron and Milliband and the UAF make no distinction between the three.
Meanwhile back at the ranch:UKIP officialy has 28,000 members;and Guardian sponsored poll gives them 21%.
Guido has a poll for the European elections with UKIP as winner.
I wonder if that would help them in the following election:
The Downing Street affair: there are only 5-6 Lib Dems in the Cabinet – do we think one of them has had hanky panky with a Conservative?
What a typical Tory government: no policies worthy of the name and behind closed doors they spend their time with their pants down and their fingers in the tiill!
Peter from M;at 12.47 ,1st June.QUOTE:”Take my camel,dear,”said my aunt Dot,as she climbed down from this animal on her return from High Mass./……/..we were to sail on a ship that took camels and plan our campaign from Istanbul./”Constantinople,”said Father Chantry-Pigg,who did not accept the Turkish conquest./”Byzantium,”said I,not accepting the Roman one.UNQUOTE.[The Towers of Trebizond by Rose Macaulay]//……….//It has to be the last place I look,that it is.Flicking through I seem to remember it has some thoughtful things in it.
Just read on twitter the secret love affair which stunned dave when he was told about, is between Eric pickles and salad.
Has Plod finally woken up? Or did somebody poke Mr Big Ears with a very large stick?
The flatfoots have always known the unwashed lefties caused all the trouble under their anti-fascist guise. It was always an excuse to keep the lid on the multi-culti lie and prevent debate with violence – just like another crowd we can now name!
And it was obvious Plod knew who caused the trouble but, previously, chose to do nothing, as today, the Met turns up with big shiny buses to ship the violent away. And, surprise, surprise every single one was a lefty rent-a-mob agitator from whatever scumgroup is being supported by the Metro-set this week – and that includes Camoron, backer of the UAF.
Is this the start of free speech? This is not the UK as we know it.
Clearly, the sight of a man with big rubbery lips holding a blood-dripping knife as he rants at the camera has triggered some deep primeval instinct causing the pollies to face the truth – Multi-culturalism doesn’t work, never has and never will. You have to have a common basis to rub along together amicably. North and south Europe and other areas share a common ethic base. Indians and Chinese can be added in, sharing a common wish to trade and improve one’s societal standing.
That leaves Muslims and Africans. No culture, nuff said.
Radford NG, June 1st, 2013 – 23:17
Gravitas? I fear that Nige is being distracted by the celeb thing.
He’s definitely not Boris. He should stop fannying about a start putting the boot in. eg. William Hague is a sitting duck on both EU “renegotiation” and arms to Syria.
EC@June 2nd, 2013 – 09:32
Nah. he should keep quiet. Liblabcon and the EU are doing very nicely passing votes to UKIP without his help.
Oh dear, looks like it’s going to be bad week ahead for Dave:
If it turns out to be two middle-aged married blokes, then how delightfully progressive! If it turns out to be a coalition “partnership” then it’ll be informative to discover who comes out on top.
Selina 2nd, – 01:08
“they spend their time with their pants down and their fingers in the till!”
Perhaps they believe they’ve come into money?
Selina 1st, – 22:21
“Why, then, would they think of reducing the number of adoptions?”
Adoption, I guess, is supposed to be a ‘one-off’.
Fostering, if properly mismanaged, can be the gift that keeps on giving?
Proper scary (and not Spice)
Matron Matty gets into a hissy fit and lectures us after our rejection of his last lecture:
Clear Memories (12:12)
Yep – and let’s remind the lefties who still get off on the message, “There were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq”b of a little recent history:
Lest we forget.
Matthew Parris really is a vile creature.
It really is this simple, if we can restore the idea of the nation state, it’s all over for Lib/Lab/Con and the EU.
George Galloway was on TV the other day arguing for federalism and Scotland to stay part of the Union.
But both he and Parris know that their kind would face obliteration if the idea of the nation state was restored.
The first thing to go would be their political fiefdoms, followed by multi-culti, followed by mass immigration.
This is why Europe is fighting so hard to keep the euro and not have any exits. Euro exits mean the end of the EU.
Just one exit would let other electorates see what would happen if they exited.
And we know what would happen. The borders of that state would be closed, there would be no European directives on subsidising immigrants and many would just leave of their own accord, creating a trend among the immigrant population to leave.
They wouldn’t necessarily head back to their land of origin, they’d probably ship up somewhere else in Godforsaken Europe.
That’s why all these new parties in Greece and Italy are being politically bribed and blackmailed once they get people in office.
I think once it gets under way, it will be marvellous to watch. Whether it is a Grexit, Scottish independence (they cannot go into the euro now), or a UKIP General Election win (very remote), it will cause so many shockwaves.
Immigrant populations will be displaced and will head to other European coutries, agitating their electorates even more than they are now and re-inforcing the idea that far from being obsolete, the idea of the nation state is essential to a country’s existence and survival.
That really is the pivot that would end all the nonsense we’ve had to put up with since 1945.
Having laid out in my comment yesterday at 12:12, with the help of, the pedigree of the West’s top Law Enforcement official Eric Holder, I think it’s only fair to balance it with his declaration of contrition, with the help of Glen Beck:
Doesn’t that make you all feel better? Given his form, I’m sure all here will give him the benefit of the doubt and accept the true confession of a sinner. All together now – Three “Hail Mary”s!
Selina (13:51)
Forgive me, but I must congratulate you on your (13:51). Excellent post.
There’s a parable here somewhere, perhaps?
Thanks Gerard. A nice Sunday morning distraction from the woes of the world (for the non-churchgoers, only of course) The remainder of you don’t need such distractions having just done your duty. Have a nice lunch.
Frank P @ 13.35, Selina 13:51
Parris’s civil partner is Cameron’s speech writer.
A small, cosy world, ain’t it.
Hello, for what it’s worth I’ve enjoyed reading your above posts especially the one about not paying the BBC (I’ve not since 2000) and excepting the one where you seem to celebrate the murder of a stupid woman (?).
Would you care to reply to Baron’s comments addressed to you on 27th of May?
I’d like to read your response.
I make no comments .
“Pity Blair didn’t have this insight when he was making the UK a notorious international hub of Islamic terrorism.”
Pat Condell (@patcondell)–Tony-Blair-launches-brave-assault-Muslim-extremism-Woolwich-attack.html
The Telegraph exposes the Islamophobe industry.All the reports of the tsumie of attacks against Muslem in the last week come from Fiyah Mughal who is paid £214,000 per yr. of tax-money to run Tell Mama;an ant- muslim-abuse-reporting group.It is revealed that of 212 reported cases,57% were on-line abuse,not all from inside UK.And 16% are unverified.Only 8% are physical attacks[17 cases].Six were things thrown,and eleven attempts to pull off hijabs.Of attacks on Mosques:only 1% of them have been targeted.Only two were in anyway potentialy serious.//………..//One the other hand Tommy Robinson has pointed out if you want to see TRUE Islamophobia look at Sweden where the police are too feared to stop the riots.
EC at 10.12 : What is this secrete love affair in Downing St?[D.M.]/……./ I suspect it’s Osbourne’s street-fighting cat from Notting Hill and Samantha’s moggy.
John Ricahrdson, I think Baron was responding to me quoting a selection of people in the Mail.
His first paragraph is addressed to that comment in the Mail. I was just showing a selection of what was there (comments often vanish from the Mail).
This is not me:
“I find the belief that the majority of Muslims are so-called Moderates is rather hard to credit. Islam has always been an exceptionally narrow missionary religion determined that the world should convert to its faith. Intolerant of apostates, infidels and all enemies of the faith in general, Islam, in spite of various spokesmen spouting weasel words to the contrary, does actually encourage their murder.
“Surely, by now, there are sufficient instances of Offenders Against Islam having been murdered for us to face up to the fact that this religion and Western liberal values will never mix.
“At best we will only be able to live side by side in a very unstable balance.
“With the righteous anger of those who are sure they are on a mission from God, they can never really see us as anything more than an evil enemy of that God.”
– KG, London, United Kingdom, 27/5/2013 1:35
I’m not sure I understand the point that Baron is making.
But those are not my words.
He mentions the extreme actions of some people in the German war.
But how many Germans went to extremeties and how many knew the extremities being done in their name?
Being German is very different from being a Muslim.
A Muslim follows The Koran.
What they follow is set out in clear language, page after page.
Did every German in World War II have such a clear agenda as that set out in The Koran?
If you are not a believer, you become an apostate.
That’s very different from an ordinary German combatant being caught up in World War II.
Did everyone really know what they were signing up to in the way that followers of The Koran know what they’re signing up to?
Did every German have a manual like, which they worshipped?
I think the rest of what Baron says is broadly true.
Why are we where are:
They have the means (money) and the West has lost its natural defences (what is commonly called the culture war – it has literally started to attack its own values).
As a result, it’s borders have come down and what had been suppressed and contained now has free rein – and rights, lots and lots of yuman rights.
The UN is even trying to outlaw criticism of The Koran and Islam.
Islam can go slow – using the womb to outbreed – and it can go fast, using violence. And it can use taqyya to hide its real agenda for years, if necessary.
If you can get hold of it, there is a wonderful Victoria piece of fiction called Venus In India.
I think it was anonymously authored for its sauciness, but the portrayal of the Islamic characters is remarkable for showing just how much of a threat our forebears understood them to be: jihadists after jihadist fills the pages, raping and killing.
Sound familiar?
‘Tell Mama’ knows that if it doesn’t produce statistics of a raft of Islamophobic [sic] ‘attacks’ it won’t get any money.
It’s part of the con.
Same with the ‘Prevent’ programme.
It finds moral justification in the codes of taqyya.
It is designed to capitalise on the suffering of non-Muslims and make money out of it.
It is insult to injury.
You go Tell Mama that I know that if a British person is beheaded in the street by a Muslim, the first thing she’ll try to do is shift the blame off Islam by pretending it’s Muslims who are under attack and she’ll have the gall to use the whole thing to fill her pockets with money – unlike calling the police which is what non-Muslims have to do.
Mama really is sanctimonious phoney.
Hello Selina & thanks for your response.
(I did appreciate that you were cut ‘n pasting from a comment thread btw & as for comments being deleted from the ‘Daily Fail’, I’ve been barred from commenting there for a few years now…..who’d have thought they would be so sensitive to my crtitique of alleged aborigonal ‘art’? But they were. )
‘He mentions the extreme actions of some people in the German war.
But how many Germans went to extremeties and how many knew the extremities being done in their name? ‘
Well, the whole State was engaged in an attempt to murder millions of innocent people. After my lifetime of reading on this subject & speaking to the odd Nazi. These days I think that every single German who cared knew all that they wanted to know eventually (gassing of Jewish people was not even attempted until well after the war began so could not have been known about). The question of ‘who cared’ is another issue. Certainly by 1945 it would be hard not to appreciate the physical destruction Jewish people was Nazi policy.
Y’know, some people DO actually regard the mass civilian deaths we caused with the fire bombing to be justified in light of the fact we were ‘fighting evil’.
So, that would mean the people of evil Nazi Germany were, well, evil people.
Either way we burnt alive 100,000s.
The vast majority were women & children. You can easily estimate women, children and the elderly to be 90% of those we killed.
‘But how many Germans went to extremeties and how many knew the extremities being done in their name?’
My views on this I have addressed to P. from M. on his ‘200 Britons Join Muslim Terrorist (and SAS) in Syria’. I respect his views & share his faith but totally disagree with him so lets see what he says. My arguments are there anyway.
You further write…….
‘I think it was anonymously authored for its sauciness**, but the portrayal of the Islamic characters is remarkable for showing just how much of a threat our forebears understood them to be: jihadists after jihadist fills the pages, raping and killing.
Sound familiar?’
Nothing from the pre-war past should seem familiar to the contemporary English. My point being that in an organised and ruthless manner the old ‘England’ has been destroyed by white atheists; mostly from England. Being English must be about behaviour and values, self control and manners (off the top of my head). Nothing of this remains in the public sphere so as for your interesting book I would ask how did the protagonists defeat the predatory enemy?
In that answer we will see why things are so different today and ‘blaming the Muslims’ is just an elaborate game of avoiding the issue a little bit.
Crikey, the NHS geriatric wards needlessly slaughter more old fogies EVERY DAY than than the Muslims have managed since….well since forever if we count a puny 57 on the tube (I don’t) then add the soldier killed in the street (I do).
So that’s either 58 or it’s 1, depending on how often you accept the government story on terrorism*.
Surly, the reality is that with destructive degenerates in control, supported by the equally destructive ‘tribal voters’ who have now destroyed democracy with their ‘party loyalty’ if it wasn’t the Muslims it would be someone/thing else?
They hit us around the head with a stick and some people rail against sticks.
It’s easy to have fun hating sticks once you’ve been hit. Hatred is addictive and who can say that they have bathed in the hatred of others WITHOUT becoming addicted or a little obsessed?
Without Chri….without a cogent moral & cultural code; without that no people are civilised and no society deserves to exist.
Look around for the proof of that.
The issue of Islam just isn’t that important in this regard.
what do people want to ‘defeat islam’ for?
So Policemen and ambulance staff and armed forces personel can join sodomite parades in safety and ‘pride’?
So our healthy democracy can continue to thrive?
So we can use any money we save on better choices of meals for violent criminals temporarily visiting our ‘jails’?
What would victory look like Selina?
*a surprising number of people know full well that our government lies all the time but they ALWAYS believe EVERY WORD about muslim terrorism as long as it’s bad news. Strange.
** you claim it’s saucy yet decline to cut ‘n paste a few extracts so we can decide. I’d be prepared to offer my opinion of…oh forget it…..
John, I see where you’re coming from, but you seem, with all due respect, to be in agreement with me on some issues.
Gassing did not start until after the war had started.
Who knew exactly what they were signing up to?
And when?
It’s all debatable. Some knew more than others.
But there was no manual of beliefs that every German subscribed to.
Verse 8:12 of The Koran:
‘[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.”‘
I will not talk about Woolwich as that case is sub judice.
So let me talk about Kenneth Bigley, a not unusual case of smiting on the neck.
The instruction is in the scripture.
That is a statement in every Koran that every Muslim will have read at some point.
That is very different from being a German citizen in the 1930s.
People do die in hospitals every day, but there is no moral intent to kill people in those hospitals to make them submit to a deity and to make them submit to having the code of the sharia enshrined in law.
These are huge differences between negligence and murder.
Yes, you are right that the West has degenerated.
Why is Islam in the spotlight? Because, unlike other religions, it carries an enormous political aspect to it – one that is indivisible from the religion and so is muscling in on all our lives where Western degeneration has made society weak.
Islam is the religion that wants to supersede the legal system with sharia.
I don’t want to ‘defeat Islam’ at all.
I want Islam to stop defeating us.
So that our children don’t get raped, so people don’t get blown up in rivers of blood on the underground, so that there aren’t non-Muslim no-go areas, so that our legal system doesn’t create special privileges for Muslims, so schoolchildren aren’t force-fed halal meat, so the banking system stops creating sharia products (given sharia money’s history of funding terrror).
If you want to look at it chronologically, yes, the West made its first mistakes by trashing its own bedrock values.
But that doesn’t suddenly make Islam OK.
Just because things are getting worse, that is no reason to all get on our knees.
All of the corrosive effects of the Frankfurt School, the Fabians, the Common Purposers have been bad enough.
Islam threatens to make those effects much worse and to replace them with something worse.
This is where the Long March through the institutions has led us.
If No.10 think that they are going to prevent the sewers from exploding then they are sadly mistaken! The longer that they cover it up then the greater the fallout will be!
“The identities of those involved cannot be revealed for legal reasons, …”
Has the press been muzzled due to Leveson? Surely any “goings on” in No.10 actually are in the public interest to be disclosed? They’re supposedly running the GD country FFS!
‘John, I see where you’re coming from, but you seem, with all due respect, to be in agreement with me on some issues.’
Hi Selina.
Thanks for the response & yes we clearly agree on fundamentals. I always thought so from reading your posts. However…..
Nazi Germany is a bad example of ‘group guilt’ for lots of reasons (deaf children were gassed in huge numbers in the 1930s everyone knew about this euthenasiam programme btw).
‘Mein Kampf’ was a state guift to every newly married couple & would count as a kind of blueprint. AH only made one ref to mass murder of Jewish people in it but it was significant (he wondered if slaying 200,000 (from memory) might have saved 2 million soldiers during WW1).
How many Soviet citizens would escape ‘guilt for the crimes’ of unfettered socialism? Not too many survivors I suppose. Certainly none in positions of power or none who enjoyed succesful careers.
‘People do die in hospitals every day, but there is no moral intent to kill people in those hospitals….’
Well on one level I agree. On another level we could ask if socialised medicine must have it’s ‘sacrifices’ and these will be the elderly, the mentally ill and children. Those least able to defend themselves. I count 2 from three.
A bit bizzare?
Not if we consider the issue of America’s ‘Death Panels’. These are the necessary product of socialised medicine; ‘ObomanationCare’. See ‘The Case for Killing Granny’ front page ‘Newsweek’ .Socialism has always declared it’s moral intention to exterminate/liquidate anyone who stands before it and total power.
Even the French Revolutionaries decided to kill off the excess population beyond the cities they controlled in the name of freedom & equality. I understand the minutes of said revolutionary council (Committee for Public Protection or somesuch) meeting are available online.
They know what they are doing and they do concoct a twisted ‘moral’ purpose.
They’ll stop me in my chosen prof (teaching) one day because it would be ‘immoral’ for someone with my views to remain in the classroom*
What happens in our NHS geriatric wards goes way beyond simple neglect. I’m sure we will basicaly agree on that as well. Systemic neglect ensuring painful unnecessary death?
You would not defend the total lack of criminal charges for said neglect I’m sure.
My point is that what happens to ‘our society’ that really pains us, is all generated from inside that society and ‘Islamisation’ of once free countries is the consequence & not the cause of these problems.
(I would add Hinduism has it’s caste system that must be political. Does anyone know how many die becasse of ‘intercommunal’ violence?)
Your point about the slaughter of apostates is undeniable and important.
This obscenity cannot be justified & to have such evil laid down in a ‘holy’ book is a form of madness. As evidenced by the fact no-one in this country has ever murdered anyone because of this. No-one.
Butchering women & girls is not (just) Islamic though. The Brit Empire had to stamp out the wife on bonfire stuff in India.
Remember the line, ‘In Sicily…women are more dangerous than guns.’ from the Godfather Pt 1?
Personally I think that we have murderous people who murder. Not kind sweet folk who, because of their devotion, are forced to kill their daughters. Or sisters or wives. Some exceptions but not enough to undermine western society.
I have always thought of Islam as a form of energised humanity that offers men sexual slavery of women in exchange for those men forgoing all spiritual and intellectual freedom.
Hence the ‘devotion’ the fanatacism the poverty and the total absence of any cultural or scioentific development within Islam.
Socialism & Islam are brothers. One offering heaven on Earth. Both allow slavery. Both are joyless etc etc
‘All of the corrosive effects of the Frankfurt School, the Fabians, the Common Purposers have been bad enough.
Islam threatens to make those effects much worse and to replace them with something worse.’
All agreed.
Yet, without Islam we would still have had PC and the fabians.
Without those, would we still have had Islam here in the West?
The answer must be ‘Yes’ if dark agents managed to unhinge Christianity.
The ‘something worse’ would always have arrived once our ‘cultural shields’ were down.
For a while I thought progresives were attempting to erect a new religion in the green agenda. That certainly would have it’s ‘sacrifices’ counted in the millions and all to achieve ‘sustainability’ or ‘balance’.
‘Islam is the religion that wants to supersede the legal system with sharia.’
Boy, that legal system is looooong gone, superceded by ‘equality’ and ‘social justice’. WEhen white English atheist Judges release child molestors because jail would be ‘a shock’ for example….am I alone in a-hankering for a little Sharia?
Again, we agree.
This degenerate west is ripe for some kind of conquest or Fall.
Not Their fault though.
‘I don’t want to ‘defeat Islam’ at all.
I want Islam to stop defeating us.’
I would like to ask then what?
A return to Christianity free secular social democratic welfare States?
That won’t work. The necessary social unity can never exist for long.
These states would bankrupt themselves and be required to trigger mass immigration to facilitate cheap short term wages to keep ‘consumerism’ going and then war for resources to keep their promises to themselves meaning …..oh wait….that’s already happened.
Our ancestors defeated Islam with something much better.
As Baron pointed out, why not even more violence from you-know-who over the centuries. It wasn’t the bomb that kept us safe in the past.
So who’s getting defeated and who’s in control?
The Imams nearly got turfed out in Iran the other day.
The Saudis?
Those ‘Princes & Kings’ would not exist without….well you know who.
Well, at present we have 3/4 days of rioting in the capital as the crowds fear the govn is too Islamic. 4 days is a long time to lose control of your capital (Camerons record is two days but he had a lot of foreign help) . The military cannot disaprove or it would not have gone on for so long& if the govn call them out it might be the end of the govn not the rioters.
If the west masters itself it can be free. This is impossible (to me) without Christianity.
I am not free without my faith.
Lose the Christianity and western civilisation withers as we all can see.
I don’t really care who or what enslaves me as a consequence. It seems obvious that my new ‘masters’ will be dishonest, spiteful, spiritually ugly and truly dangerous. That describes the Tatchel brigade along with the Greens.
Must go to bed or I’ll be too tired tom.
Look forwar to reading any response.
*Dontmeannoting to me. Then I will simply have more time. Then I can finally arrange the coup. With total power in my grasp we can bring an end to this madness. And less marking for me. Everyone wins.
John, when you say:
“My point is that what happens to ‘our society’ that really pains us, is all generated from inside that society and ‘Islamisation’ of once free countries is the consequence & not the cause of these problems.”
I say that doesn’t get Islam off the hook.
I cannot be morally responsible for the Fabians and the Common Purposers.
And I can’t be morally responsible for that lot and then the Islamic lot.
That’s why I’m shooting my mouth off while I still can!
“This degenerate west is ripe for some kind of conquest or Fall.
Not Their fault though.”
That second sentence I cannot agree with.
I can see how the door has opened, but just as I cannot be held morally responsible for hospital neglect, I cannot be held responsible for the actions of Muslims.
That is why we have Muslim apostates.
They know that they are responsible for Islam if they stay Muslim and it is why they leave the religion – often risking their lives in doing so.
I think that saying it is ‘not their fault’ would disincentivise people who want to leave that religion.
You have to be morally responsible if you read that book as an adult and then say ‘I want to be a Muslim’.
To suggest otherwise is to condescend to them. They are capable of morality.
The same goes for white converts. They read the book, they convert – they know what they’re getting into.
I cannot hanker for a little sharia in the legal system.
This is what I do not understand.
I can see the legal system has changed and not always for the better, but it purports to be fair and equal, yet we have legal radicals saying sharia should be allowed privileges that extend above the rest of us.
What do I want? I want our borders controlled. I want Islam subjected to the same scrutiny and criticism as every other religion and I don’t want its followers being privileged over the rest of us by having one law for them and one for us.
If Muslim apostates in Egypt can go through what they go through to say no to Islam, I – and everbody else – shouldn’t find it too difficult to hold Islam morally responsible and say: ‘No, no, no!’
‘That’s why I’m shooting my mouth off while I still can!’
Well I certainly can’t at this hour. Look forward to responding tomorrow!
Toodle pip
Trevor Loudon maintains his relentless exposure of Obama’s Marxist connections:
Most of what is currently afoot – and not happening that should be, can be ascribed to the O man’s communist upbringing and his Islamic childhood – a potent and poisonous mix. It’s a weird blend, but it suits the programme … the programme that is being implemented by his puppeteers. Its architects are capable of adaptability, deeply subversive cunning and infinite patience. The stupefying of the American electorate via the education system by the infiltraitors (sic) of academia and concomitant popular culture through Hollywood and its offshoots has been a brilliant masterpiece of ideological strategy. There is no way for Western Civilisation to reverse the Long March. But Islam may well halt it in its tracks. That clash may well be beginning. Those of us who abhor both elements of that struggle (and the internecine conflicts within both) can only observe and wait. There is no political figure in sight that is capable of doing anything about it. When one does arrive, it will be bloody and very, very messy.
Europe (and the UK … in or out of the EU) will be mere battlegrounds, eventually scorched earth, in that mullti-faceted conflict. And that’s without addressing the other two little problems of the future: Russia and China.
Meanwhile …. back in Constantinople …
And now … over to Georgie Thompson, for the sports news! Georgie?
Breaking News …. a search began today for an ex-pat blogger known as Verity aka Caroline, currently believed to be domiciled ‘South of the Border, Down Mexico Way’, who has not been seen for several days; her friends are getting very concerned. They are hoping she was not found on a US bound ‘bus with 20 keys of Mary Jane under her seat and whisked off to a hell hole of incarceration in Chihuahua. Any sightings should be reported immediately to the CHW 24/7 emergency watch. Cue the test card. I wonder whatever happened to that smiling little girl? Perhaps she emigrated to Mexico …
… to get away from all those people who used to stop her in the street and say, “I know you, you’re the smiling little girl that used to be on the TV test card.”
After Boston we had intemperate comment in much of the media, but now wiser councils prevail.
“As if the crime and manhunt weren’t terrible enough, now in the aftermath we can bask in the hateful rhetoric and blatant misinformation spewing from various right-wing media outlets. This past week, we’ve seen the “conservative entertainment complex” reach a new low, even by its own meager broadcast standards. Islamophobic rants have been coupled with irrational attacks on everything from education and immigration policies to government assistance programs.”
May I respectfully counsel you to temperance.
“You have to be morally responsible if you read that book as an adult and then say ‘I want to be a Muslim’.”
I am assuming you mean their little book of hatred – the Koran – and if so, I think yours is perhaps the profound comment I have come across to dismiss any adult Muslim as inhuman, degenerate and not worthy of consideration.
Or have I misunderstood?
Verity may have gone into shock after seeing England again after long absence. I hope she will nail a blog to this Wall offering her salient impressions and experiences.
Frank P 3rd, – 02:45
I love it when people’s thoughts fly off at a tangent and bloom into flights of fantasy .
Ostrich (O)
🙂 I’m sure you penned many flights of fancy beneath the stars on the seven seas.
I’m afraid mine are now clinically inspired. Blame my quack; he’s managed to acquire me five Coffin Dodger of the Year awards; good man, but his cocktail of jungle juice leads to sleepless nights and strange thoughts. As you well know!