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Frank P,
“I always sussed Carswell and Hannan as Trojan Horses.”
Add BORIS to that list!!!
And so it came to pass…
It’s exactly as most of us feared when the EU compromised Electoral Commission awarded OUT franchise to Vote.Leave. Boris only out for himself!
The establishment had an each way bet! Bastards!
I do hope that Nigel Farage has got some reserves of fight left in him!
Britain. When it comes to referendum voters apparently a country of 17 million courageous patriots and 16 million fearties, useful idiots and communists.
A measure of the insidious infestation of “social Europe” is the vast left of centre shadow establishment backlash to the Brexit vote (which of course includes many supposed conservative politicians like Soubry). Much of this is coming from unelected bodies dependent on the EU troughs, gravy train and coercive doctrines, and of course that secretive, overarching leftist collective that controls the Borg hive mind.
Paradoxically the furore over the vote and the desperate attempts to reverse it demonstrate how right and necessary the Brexit vote was in the first place. It has shone a dazzling light onto the anti-democratic powers that have been at work in this country and the lengths to which they are prepared to go to retain their control, so dependent on their EU masters to coerce conformity to all their unchallenged dogma. Lets see how far they are willing to go with scorching their own earth to discredit Brexit.
The concern now is that those charged with negotiating the terms of release have been part of the problem rather than the solution and seem to be reverting to Heseltine type of wanting their EU cake and eating it. We don’t want “Eurosceptics”, let alone “Europhiles”. We want and need Britons., pure and simple.
EC June 27th, 2016 – 10:27
I wrote mine before I had seen yours! It’s not a response although there are some connected themes.
Farage is indeed the only Brexit champion and leader outside and untainted by what is looking more and more like an establishment stitch up.
These supposed anti Poles stories seem to me to be a smokescreen, there’s only one group who are a problem
That should be fun, add more colours to the rainbow flag of the LTBFRGT (or whatever it is labelled at this hour today):
John birch @ 10:59
Three things worry on immigration:
The large numbers that raise the level of unhappiness of the locals.
The short time span in which these large numbers arrive. It puts a massive strain on infrastructure, the taxpayers cannot get hospital appointments, schools are overflowing, courts have to hire interpreters and stuff like that.
Lastly, the the baggage of cultural inheritance the newcomers bring with them. Here, John, the barbarian agrees with you fully. The Poles are culturally closer to the indigenous culture than (say) the Somalis, most of the east Europeans are here to make money, go back, those who remain should be able to assimilate easily, they have no plans to build new places of prayer, have never been known to strap a belt of explosives round the waists ….
This is penned by a guy who calls himself Grandito, it wa published on one of the Spectator blogs, attracted not much attention.
In Baron’s humble view, it hits the core of what we should do in the negotiations with the EU. Fugg any trade deal, we’ll pay the poultry 2.4%, will control who comes in.
“The Leave campaign has made the terrible error of going along with the idea that a trade deal with the EU is actually worth having. It is hard to overstate how utterly unimportant a trade deal with the EU really would be for the UK.
Import tariiffs to the EU (for any WTO member without a trade deal) amount to 2.4%. averaged over all imports. A fall of 2.4% in the pound against the Euro completely wipes out any effect of EU import tariffs and at the same time makes imports to the UK from Europe less competitive with UK produced goods.
The reciprocal tariffs against imports from the EU would only increase further the competitiveness of UK produced goods whilst increasing government revenues.
Further, EU import tariffs are weighted towards things the UK does not export to any significant extent i.e. agricultural products and textiles. Currency movements therefore completely swamp any effect of trade tariffs.
The EU negotiated very badly during the Uruguay round of trade talks and must apply very low tariffs to its imports (these commitments are legally binding). Other countries have much higher tariffs so it is no wonder that when the EU offers tariff free trade deals to other WTO members it finds no takers.
In fact the EU has only ever managed to negotiate two trade deals with other WTO members of any consequence (S. Korea and Mexico). The oft cited 50 trade deals negotiated by the EU are otherwise with such giant economies as those of St. Kitts, The Faroe Islands, Barbuda, The Occupied Palestinian Territories, Papua New Guinea, Kosovo, Macedonia etc etc. The reason these countries accepted an agreement with the EU is that it eliminates tariffs on their agricultural exports to the EU, but as they produce little else, allowing tariff free imports from the EU does little damage to their local industry. The same rationale does not apply to the UK at all.
In my opinion the Leave campaign should have poured scorn on the value of a trade deal with the EU from the outset, pointing out how Chinese goods make up the vast majority of goods in stores throughout the EU and how companies from countries that don’t have a trade deal with the EU such as Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung etc seem to do very well selling their goods to it”.
EC @ 09:37
As you know, EC, it’s not only the flowing output that gets coloured by the veg.
BTW, the grandito guy is a practitioner, a businessman who actually does exporting, alot of it, both to the EU an elsewhere. The pity is we don’t have enough people like him on blogs, mots of us ranting are all blind as to what goes on in the real world of selling and buying.
Anna Soubry MP (Broxtowe), Minister for small businesses [of all things] , is not the most popular person around. She declared the Leave vote came from white working class voters who have never seen an immigrant.
To take a sample of the various news reports in her local paper:
Sorry about the puny error, it should have been paltry, the barbarian does know the difference between the size of a thing and a chicken, the fugging software for some reason changed the word, he hasn’t checked, the same old story.
Radford NG @ 12:12
Someone should ask her, Robert, since when it has been a requirement to meet an immigrant in order to have a view on the subject of immigration.
As it happens, Baron has never seen face to face an amino acids, the rain forest, the sulking Anna Soubry, he has views on all three.
“In my opinion the Leave campaign should have poured scorn on the value of a trade deal with the EU from the outset, pointing out how Chinese goods make up the vast majority of goods in stores throughout the EU and how companies from countries that don’t have a trade deal with the EU such as Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung etc seem to do very well selling their goods to it”.”
And in my opinion too, Baron.
The problem is that the EU referendum campaign fought by by Remainers and Brexiters was, by and large, knowledge free and opinion heavy. Jacob Rees Mogg was an honourable exception to the profound fog ignorance in which most debates were conducted- and I include Nigel Farage in that.
For years the most consistent and informed source of information and strategy on the EU has been Richard North’s EU referendum blog. e.g.
Baron 11.17.
Quite so Baron, I have nothing against immigration, but as Nigel always said, controlled immigration.
My wife is proudly English, she has been a benifit to this country since the day she arrived and I proudly was with her at the welcome ceremony when she became a citizen of this country.
We need to bring (welcome) people we need and encourage our own people into work.
We shouldn’t need to bring in low skills until our youngsters have been skilled.
Noa (12.28)
Yes indeed. Jacob Rees Mogg is the only serious politician in Westminster at the moment. But there is no way the ‘Paahty’ poobahs would vote for him. So we will transition from an oily PR man, to an ex-journo exhibitionist, whose only real political experience was running a rigged up Toy Town Mayoralty, which was always an unnecesaary encumbrance, just providing jobs for cronies from whichever multi-culti meister got the popular vote. Now the jihad has captured it. Our Capital has already fallen and it its citizens are already behaving like French whores under occupation. This country is in dire shite and I doubt that Brexit will make much difference, unless somebody with cojones gets a grip of the helm. The mutinous crew of The Good Ship GB in Westminster, are steering us on to the rocks, rather than heading for the open sea of independence.
Baron June 27th, 2016 – 12:19
Rather brilliant put down of Ms Soubry there! 😉
She was in the SDP at one time and I’m convinced that she is a Long Marcher. Anyone who talks about “compassionate Conservatism” probably is.
“Compassion – a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.”
Carswell writes for the Guardian and complains about Farage’s “breaking point” posters:
What exactly is he? (No obvious answers required).
Frank P 13.06
Although not particularly prominent in the campaign John Redwood has also been an informed and thoughtful Brexiter. Owen Paterson too.
But there has been little light or vision to penetrate the dense fog of ignorance which has shrouded the most momentous decision in modern UK politics.
Having achieved Brexit the blond buffoon and the Rump Cabinet need to acquaint themselves with how to leave i.e. Frexit. As they have the collective attention span of a dragon fly at dusk and expect an equally ignorant Civil Service to tell what to think and how to act.
Given the general state of unpreparedness I have little confidence in the end of the beginning starting anytime soon.
One of the comments on that article:-
“Your lies stole our country and have led to it being broken in bits. You’ve also stolen our children’s futures. To hell with you and the rest of you Leavers.”
God Almighty.
Noa June 27th, 2016 – 13:44
Redwood is slippery. All mouth and no trousers. I remember him on QT going with the flow of platitudes about immigration. His impeccable logic and reasoning on issues are distinguished by the extent to which he does nothing about them.
Our revered leaders are apparently having a bit of a falling out, nothing new here except that this time it is being carried out under the full glare of publicity. In 192 AD, after 78 days in the job,Emperor Pertinax was butchered on the steps of his palace. There was no obvious replacement, so the Praetorians put the job up for auction, the successful bidder was one Julius Didianus.
Now, cynical I may be, but can I possibly be the only individual who sees reflections of that event in what is happening in the here and now? Plus ca change and all that.
Colonel Mustard 13.48
“His impeccable logic and reasoning on issues are distinguished by the extent to which he does nothing about them.”
Indeed, this has been a material dischord previously in his career.
A reminder from Peter Hitchens of one underlying reason for leaving it, naturally it was never discussed during the EURef.
The Brexit divide wasn’t between young and old, but Ponces and Non-Ponces
Julie Burchill
27 June 2016 12:22 PM
Ever since Friday’s Glorious Victory, one of the chief recreation activities of we Brexiters of a childish bent has been the Taunting Of The Remnants, mostly online. ‘How are you comforting yourself?’ one Facebook post asked. ‘In the usual way – with the tears of the vanquished,’ I replied. ONLY ONE LIKE!
For self-proclaimed ‘progressives’, what a bunch of doom-mongering, curtain-twitching, tut-tutting stick-in-the-muds they’ve proved to be! For this Remnant Zombie Army, out to do in our brains with their bed-wetting ways and bleats for more referenda until they get the result they want, everything that goes wrong over the next few months – the weather, the football – will be Brexit’s fault. And yes, it will be irksome at a time when this country needs to put its best foot forward and proceed with the merry dance of freedom. But I’m not worried that they’ll do us much harm in the long run – because, basically, they’re such a bunch of ponces.
We have been told that the vote – and the nation – is divided between rich and poor and young and old but frankly I believe that the biggest divide was between Ponces (Remain) and Non-Ponces (Leave). When I use the word ‘ponce’ I refer not to the gayers (bless ‘em) but to people who really believe that they are inherently better than others. I found this pleasing definition online:
ponce about/around
British informal. Behave in an affected or ineffectual way:
‘I ponced around in front of the mirror’
ponce something up
British informal. Make overly elaborate and unnecessary changes to something in an attempt to improve it:
‘They would not let the food alone, they had to ponce it up in some way or other.’
I’m using Ponce in a class-war way, I suppose. Reading between the lines regarding the contempt Remain had for the white working-class, I had a feeling that as soon as Brexit scented victory the C-word would not be long in coming. And sure enough in the Sunday Times account of Glastonbury, ‘’The chavs have won, mate,’ one cut-glass raver told his mate. ‘I’m already looking into dual citizenship.’’ Elsewhere in the paper a Brighton Remnant commented ‘If you give a vote to every man and his dog, you have to be prepared for the answer you get.’ WELCOME TO CHAV BRITAIN was a friend of a friend’s FB status the morning of the result.
The snowflakes quickly began demanding that London – Ponce Central – be allowed to secede from the rest of this churlish isle, with just a unicorn-shuttle-service to keep them connected to Scotland. The prospect of getting shot of 99 per cent of man-buns and clean-eaters in one fell swoop was almost parasexually thrilling, but as Suzanne Moore pointed out in an excellent piece in the Guardian, what did these Little Londoners plan to do with the whopping 40 per cent of Londoners who voted Leave? There are two nations in London itself, one doing the dirty work of the other, unseen and unheard – and nowhere is safe now from the wrath of the wraiths.
As well as the Passport To Pimlico Ponces, we had the legions of sobbing Remnant Child Ponces who were all doing a very good impersonation of Violet Elizabeth Bott if the Facebook updates of their doting, if distressed, parents were anything to go by:
‘Stella asked me this morning, Mama I can see you are sad, what happened?’
I had no idea how to explain it to her, and so my little daughter who is oblivious to the implications on her future, cuddled and stroked me, reducing me to tears.
I promise you Stella and Sven, we will do whatever is necessary to ensure that you have a free, open future full of colourful opportunities.
This is my pledge to you. This is my job as your parent.
You can safely trust me.’
I also enjoyed the status which informed me that a little Remnant boy called ‘Rufus” had bleated ‘I’m scared of the future, Mummy’; he’s scared of the future because she called him Rufus, obvs. When an awful Tory Remnant M.P told the story of how his ‘half-German’ son burst into tears on hearing the result, my delight was complete. British Democracy: Making Children Cry Since 1918.
During the course of this splendid campaign, every Ponce in Christendom seems to have stuck his patrician nose about the parapet, sniffed the Great Unwashed and called on the waddling geese of Strasbourg to stand between them and us ruffians. Luvvies and musicians (acting and music being two former escape routes for we chavs now colonised by public school spawn) of course, identity politics social justice warriors (writing the most currently disadvantaged people around – white working class males – out of history, one gripe at a time) naturally. And Eddie Izzard! There have never been a greater number of people I’ve loathed who have been made to cry all at once.
It’s like being a kid again. My friend Karl – a gay Welsh working-class self-made multi-millionaire socialist Brexiter living in Brighton: make a pie chart out of that, pollsters! – said to me on victory morning ‘It’s really exciting, like when Labour won an election when we were young!’ The Remnants will never understand that, and that’s another reason why they’re so out of touch. Yes, maybe our side are motivated by a desire to shake things up, but what’s so bad about that?
Like a lot of celebrity grief-mongering, I can’t help thinking that a lot of those currently *mourning* are actually mourning their own dashed dreams – dashed due to their own personal limitations – and projecting this onto a grander scenario. Prince, Bowie, Pinky and Perky – THE EUROPEAN DREAM! Well – like poor Rufus – they’ve really got something to cry about now. It is widely accepted that Brexit happened because the people of England and Wales – the chavs, townies, Tommies – no longer felt like holding patiently still and taking the punches of outrageous fortune and cheap foreign labour, as they have been trained to do, but rather turned around and finally served it to the Establishment. The pathetic petulance which has come from the Remnants in the face of this victory stems from the fact that many of those who prided themselves on being progressive were, actually, differently-styled parts of the Establishment all along. We have finally called them out on this – as well as on being cowards, and conservatives – and, of course, as right royal ponces.
Some good news from over t’pond:
The fix was supposed to be RemaIN. Nobody thought that RemaIN would lose. Not Cameron, not Merkel, not Juncker, not Boris, not even Nigel Farage. The Civil Service had not prepared a contingency plan. Hence the rolling balls up since last Friday.
Brexit: David Cameron Has Salted the Land, Poisoned the Wells for Boris
@15:29 BTW I’m not holding my breath about Hillary being indicted. But it sounds like Donald J. Trump is going to be provided with a lot of ammo to skewer her.
John has pasted the piece by Julie at 15.15, but you should read also the postings, some of them too good to miss:
Noa @ 14:26
That’s a timely reminder, Noa, but the barbarian did mention this angel in one or two of his postings (but then who gives a shite what the poorly educated Slav says).
EC @ 15:29
The case just drags on and on, EC, they should either indict her, or let her go. Many voters must be feeling she’s hounded unfairly, not something that Donald can make use of.
Noa @ 14:26
Thanks for the speech by Peter Hitchens and the question and answer period. When a strong and informed mind locks itself into answering political and historical questions which are of such importance to us, I find I get locked in too.Intellectual effort of this kind is exciting, and moving.
It’s angle, not angel, however much Baron would like to be one (angel, that is).
This software is truly a curse. The barbarian posted the same long spiel about the EU-UK trade on the Spectator, the same mistake, Baron edited it immediately, but you know what happened? Just as he clicked on the submit button, the software switched it to poultry again, forced the barbarian to go for puny. The software must do more than just inserting what it thinks the world should spell like, it may even formed a syntax associations, act accordingly.
For Noa, Frank, EC, others:
If not Boris who?
The barbarian is ready to be convinced, do convince him, please.
If we lose tonight, in football that is, playing against a team from a country of not more than few dozens, Baron will go mad.
Just back from the probers, feeling much better, now the colour of pink Champagne and about as drinkable, I would think.
My thoughts on the news cycle:
Brexit and fucking Quixit!! In the name of God go! I’m addressing CMD, the heir to that rat faced zombie – who keeps sitting up in his mouldering political grave lined with schnide gold and squawking like a wounded weasel. Die you bastard – die!!
Now is the time to unleash the Chilcot indictments. Let’s be ‘aving you, Sir John, the fuckers are on the run. Tally Ho!!
And while I’m at, someone better than Boris from the Brexit mob, please.. No more Janus-headed pretenders. A full- throated England First and Fuck the Rest, if you please. I would have liked to make either Cambridge or Norwich the new Capitol, but the incomers in those cities swung the vote the wrong way. All surviving on EU socialist grants, for bent climate research, tailored to order, to keep the scam alive for another round of boondoggles.
Removal vans at the ready – a convoy of them heading towards Westmnster and environs.
A PM who really will have a bonfire of the quangos, rather than the empty promises of the last one.
Apropos the unease felt about Cameron continuing to be Prime Minister, I looked up the matter of the Constitutional Controversy in Australia a few decades ago, when the Governor General removed the Prime Minister of Australia and replaced him, temporarily, with somebody else.
Wikipedia’s account of it is long but fascinating. Are we going to see something similar happen to Cameron and his pals to safeguard against their committing too-clever-by-half sabotage? I do hope so.
(but then who gives a shite what the poorly educated Slav says)
Well, I do, for one, Which is one of the reasons why, other than the troll’s stoolings, I like to visit the Wall.
As for alternatives to Bojo;the jury is out at present. Perhaps, as with Cameron, we should wait and see whom the rabid loon Heseltine decides to appoint.
And do stay sane, Baron.
If England loose I will bear the defeat with the fortitude with which I have borne such incidents since 1966. My upper lip will require no starch to stiffen it and I will, if the numpties in white perform as dismally as their predecessors, probably switch my affections to the tough Viking clan who prefer to eat their fish after it has been buried in the permafrost for half a year.
After Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, and Teresa May, is there a future for the trouser suit?
Exhibit A:
Baron cont’d….
As to the angle (or even the better angel of our natures), I wasn’t really referring to the bellicose. germane and informed observations of t’Wallsters, but the mewling, crabbing and evasive Krapspiel pumped out of their bilges during the recent EURemain barrage.
Malfleur 17.23
“After Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, and Teresa May, is there a future for the trouser suit?”
The harpies in question certainly a case to be made for the re-habilitation of the scolds’ bridle. To which one adds, Soubry, Morgan and the entire monstrous regiment which until today transformed the Labour front bench into the finest collection of gargoyles outside Linclon cathedral.
Nos 17.26
Tut tut Noa ! Edit before posting damn you, edit!
It should have read
“…but the mewling, crabbing and evasive Krapspiel pumped out of their bilges {by the debating politicians} during the recent EURemain barrage.”
No Wallsters were intended to be offended by any alternative interpretation of this post.
We will have to wait until the closure of nominations on Thursday to see who actually puts themselves forward in the Tory leadership parade. Here’s Guido’s view of the runners and riders.
My personal preference would be Nigel, the only proven conviction politician of the lot, but hell freezing over and all that….
I notice that Ben Wallace, my MP, remainer and arch Cameron sycophant, has swiftly changed horses and is devilling for Boris.
Another ‘conviction’ politician.
At last Cameron does ‘the right thing’- in his usual half baked leftie-liberal manner.
Does anyone else think this isn’t the end of the affair?
Our lords and masters seem to be dragging their feet, ain’t that a surprise. The nation voted to get out, so make the exit swift and the break clean. Slowly slowly catchee pneumonia.
Noa @18:37
Cameron doing “The right thing”? The end of the affair? Some hope. He’s as sincere as a Chameleon changing its appearance to persuade the world that it’s really a piece of tree bark.
Herbert Thornton
Well, to be fair to myself I was being whimsical, counter-intuitive, even sarcastic. After all it’s a variation of his favourite phrase;
“It’s the right thing to do ooo!”
Much more offensive was his mole hill mountain making classification of a few offensive and idiotic cards shoved through the doors of Polish migrants as ‘hate crimes’ upon which he will ‘stamp down mercilessly’.
Baron – 16:50
Just my personal opinion, but THAT WOMAN is evil personified. She deserves to be hounded to hell and back, and then back to hell again!
Judge Andrew Napolitano is convinced that there is enough evidence to indict her for perjury, treason and corruption. Much of this evidence is already in the public domain! AG Lynch and Obama have her back. The sulphurous stench is emanating from the DOJ and the White House is unprecedented, even when BJ was in residence in the Oral Orifice! Add to that Benghazi, and fucking up the entire ME then things don’t look good for her.
Donald J. Trump will go after her ruthlessly, and a tenner says he will prevail in November!
Baron – 17:00
Eng 1 Ice 2 (HT)
Mm, it could even go to penalties.
Get those Chinese Worry Balls grinding, Baron!
My wife thinks real men will rise from the ranks to take control in our hour of need. I’m not so sure, I think politics has attracted a load of useless tossers who are unemployable in other fields.
I just don’t see the people we need in parliament today.
I suspect they had no plans if Brexit won.
All statements made since have the feel of being cobbled together at the last minute.
Still it’s good to see the implosion of the Labour Party.
My wife thinks real men will rise from the ranks to take control in our hour of need. I’m not so sure, I think politics has attracted a load of useless tossers who are unemployable in other fields.
I just don’t see the peoiple we need in parliament today.
I suspect they had no plans if Brexit won.
All statements made since have the feel of being cobbled together at the last minute.
Still it’s good to see the implosion of the Labour Party.
Baron – 17:00
Looks like Roy Hodgson’s term as England manager is coming to an end in about 5 minutes.
Barnstoneworth United: The useless, USELESS bastards!
The second BRexit of the month. This one rather less welcome!
Come back Ron Knee, all is forgiven.
After Brexit, Twatxit.
The Bookies candidates to led England forward.
Gareth Southgate 6/1
Brendan Rodgers 6/1
Gary Neville 8/1
lan Pardew 8/1
Eddie Howe 14/1
Jose Mourinho 20/1
Arsene Wenger 20/1
Carlo Ancelotti 25/1
Sam Allardyce 33/1
Rafa Benitez 33/1
Unfortunately the favourite, Oliver Letwin, has already appointed elsewhere.
Impossible to say what went wrong because everything did, 90 minutes of disasters, one after another, embarrassment galore, and testing time for anyone’s heart.
If Baron were to pin the blame on just one individual it would be the guy in charge, and the one crucial decision he made years ago, stuck with throughout his abysmal coaching tenure, to run with Rooney who has the intellect of a stale cottage cheese, and who today lost even the meagre ability to kick the ball well.
His 2nd half performance would have been laughed at if he played for our village team. The man’s passes missed the target with a consistency that must have pleased the Islanders no end, his kicks were all too long, his heavy body just couldn’t stand the pace. He shouldn’t have been captaining the team, she shouldn’t have been on the pitch, he should have been retired, pensioned off, stuffed as an example of a footballer no nation needs or wants.
Wiltshire’s substitution would have helped if Rooney were taken off, too, the guy Marcus Rashford brought in at the same time.
A disaster, but like all disasters some good may come out of it. One can always hope, there always is tomorrow. And who knows what may happen when the French play them.
Noa @ 22:48
Good one, Noa, the barbarian e-mailed his friend in the US with ‘brexit, mark2’.
EC @ 21:43
Thank you, EC.
Is it meant to help? Arghhhhh
John Pilger on Brexit. From time to time Socialists and Conservative views converge…
John birch @ 21:26
More to the point, John, the barbarian is begging to sense the governing classes (eagerly aided by the BBC) have a second thought about the validity of the referendum, beginning to play the joker in the pack, the House’s final say whether to invoke the Article 50.
The BBC is testing the waters suggesting many of those voting for brexit didn’t really mean it, were simply registering their displeasure, dissatisfaction, dislike of the political set up both here, but more so in Europe, are now regretting voting for leaving the EU. Bastards.
And you’re right, they have no contingency plans prepared, it’s all done in haste on the hoof now. If only we did have someone of Winston caliber, someone with the ear of the people, who would mobilise public support for a new snap election. But we don’t, and the Tories are more interested in staying in office than about the country. What a mess.
EC @ 20:43
Let’s hope you’re right, EC, the world’s biggest democracy needs an urgent MOT, too.
Noa @ 23:31
Not a full, but a substantial agreement with the argument, Noa, It will be interesting to see if anything changes when the dust settles. Baron fears not, the pyramids of power from government agencies through universities to councils have been taken over by the same breed, the anointed, and no Tyler is in sight.
A rare voice of reason and accurate insight –
The Alex Jones Show on Monday – 1st Hour –
– LORD CHRISTOPHER MONCKTON interviewed by Jones on the Brexit result, the EU long-standing proposal to take-over of member state armies as a European Army for domestic control to supplement NATO, the EU’s external arm; the attempt toblocking of the right of member states to leave the EU; and proposed arrests for criticism of climate change, the just-aired proposal for a super state. Lord Monckton pays tribute to Sir Nigel as the fascists and the communists make common cause against the people of Europe who hate them.
Lord Monckton calls for a “Freedom International” party – a democratic freedom loving movement.
And in the five minutes allowed him in the Show’s 2nd hour, Monckton touches briefly on the role of anti-democratic forces such as Jean Monnet in transforming the Coal and Steel Community into a vehicle for Europe’s elites and of the then KGB head of Ceaușescu’s Securitate in organising of 1,000,000 communists to penetrate western media.
Alex Jones then interviews Joseph Farah of World Net Daily (WND).
“No credible evidence,” Inspector Hound.
Well yall in fine fettle. Donald was visiting with you in England to open his golf course when you made the best decision in many a long year. I read what he said:
“People want to take their country back. They want to have independence, in a sense, and you see it with Europe, all over Europe. You’re going to have more than just — in my opinion, more than what happened last night, you’re going to have, I think many other cases where they want to take their borders back. They want to take their monetary back.
They want to take a lot of things back. They want to be able to have a country again. So, I think you’re going have this happen more and more. I really believe that, and I think it’s happening in the United States.
But I really do see a parallel between what’s happening in the United States and what’s happening here. People want to see borders. They don’t necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don’t know who they are and where they come from. They have no idea.”
And he could not have been more right. Pinko Hillary is quaking. Donald, together with your Mayor of London soon to be PM will work well together.
They have the same hair!
Yesterday afternoon I watched the referendum questions and answers session in the House of Commons. It was profoundly depressing. The overall impression was of a gathering of noisy provincial numpties and barrack room lawyers. Dave, fair play to him, stressed the need to honour the will of the people, but Corbyn’s response was sour, churlish, angry and negative – an impoverished little speech. Again and again the £350m for “our” NHS was raised, as though a) its lie ought to disqualify the referendum result and b) the Tories should still guarantee to spend it on the NHS.
One of the main concerns of the House seemed to be the feelings of foreigners, whether in this country or abroad, and that they should not be made to feel “unwelcome”. Many denouncements of the suspicious racist attacks on Poles and anecdotes about European children in primary school classrooms weeping en masse as Remain teachers attempted to comfort them. Only two MPs mentioned the abuse of Leavers and the old to not much in the way of reaction or concern. The House was Foreign Aid personified, the emotional well-being of expatriate Europeans being much more important than those ghastly working class Brits in the North-East who didn’t know what was good for them. It was the alleged racism inspired by Leave that reddened faces in indignity.
The session was dominated by the SNP, outraged by the result and defiantly claiming UDI. Scots voices abounded throughout the chamber which from too many quarters was negative, woe laden and bitter. It was difficult to believe that this House supposedly represented the whole United Kingdom population rather than just 8.4% of it. But the representatives of that 8.4% believe themselves omnipotent and made a lot of noise, weighty in tone but featherweight in substance. One SNP blowhard in an equally loud suit by the name of O’Hara declared that he had been stripped of his EU citizenship against his will. This coming from a Scottish nationalist determined to throw of the yoke of his British citizenship was rich beyond belief.
London MPs with constituencies where Remain had won more votes were quick to join them. This morphed into “all” their constituents being dragged out of the EU against their will. The idea that in a democracy not everyone gets the result they want appeared lost on these supposed guardians of it. Could they be so stupid and contemptuous of the wishes of 17 million people when their party only received 9 million votes at the last election? Well, yes they could and they were.
The aptly named and decidedly lunar Labour MP Madeleine Moon plaintively asserted that Leavers had woken “sick at heart and angry” at what they had done to their own country. The second thoughts of Leavers were being second guessed by other MPs in desperate attempts to de-legitimise the referendum result.
Behind the scenes, as might be expected from a place stuffed to the gunwales with shyster lawyers, all sorts of legal kites were being flown as to how Brexit might be avoided and the “little people” ignored. Of all these the protestations of one David Lammy MP stand out as a master class of pig ignorance and arrogance combined.
It was all, in a word, disgusting. A stark demonstration of the attitudes that contributed to the country rejecting the coercion of this remote, self-absorbed, virtue signalling elite. A Parliament utterly at odds with the people it supposedly represents.
Colonel Mustard – 08:40
Magnificent. I wholeheartedly agree with every single word you said.
But we all knew that the piggies would object to having their noses yanked out of the trough.
There has never been a greater need for HMQ to act, to ask a trusted military man to march into parliament and deliver Cromwell’s get thee gone speech to the assemble bastards!
Col. Kemp, are you listening!
Simple as that really…
Pat Condell [@patcondell Jun 26]
“There is NO good reason why Britain should be governed by people we haven’t elected and can’t remove. That’s where it begins and ends.”
The hypocrisy of #fauxahontas
Hillary is an aspirational figure to her!
EC @ 09:47
Excellent, EC, but given the barbarian’s bigheadedness, he would tweak it (corrupting the bard’s English doing it):
“There not only isn’t ONE good reason why Britain should be governed by people we haven’t elected and can’t remove. There isn’t ANY reason, good or bad, that that should happen. That’s where it begins and ends.”
Colonel Mustard @ 08:40
Excellent, Colonel, but democracy has never been any different in times of crisis, it’s all messy, confused, tempers flying. But it will deliver. Whether the new package will suit us, God only knows, but deliver it will.
Baron’s somehow unsure of the EC’s hinted Cromwell solution. Anyone recalls how it all ended, do you?
Only last weekend Baron visited a church with few precious wall painting s from pre-Cromwell’s days, listened to a long lament about him, the damage he and the reformation did to such treasures. Tyler’s OK, that’s the voice of the unwashed (and the Colonel’s if he decides to join in), but the military? Hmmm
John Jefferson Burns @ 07:50
Boris was, no longer is the Mayor of London, John, we now have an ROP man running the vibrant, rainbow city of LTHGDWFRER (or whatever the moniker for the gender fluid is today). You’ve got to keep up with things, you know.
Baron – 10:03
I think that Pat was having to contend with Twitter’s 140 character limit on comments. It’s a terrible restriction.
Baron – 10:11
“Reformation’s damaged treasures” Sorry, which Cromwell was that?
Wat Tyler(*): Not sure it ended all that well for him, Baron.
(*) It was Which Tyler that led the pedant’s revolt (© Barry Cryer)
EC @ 10:47
Clever ofyou EC, Barry Crier indeed.
The man giving the impromptu lecture (he surveys church graffiti) was blaming, rather gently, the reformation, and Cromwell for the destruction of alot of the country’s heritage, physical, literary, of old rituals…It was him Baron quoted on Cromwell (didn’t the warrior who cut Charles’s head destroy the original crown jewels?).
More to the point, the Colonel (was he a colonel?) isn’t on Baron’s list of people he likes, he insisted on life with no pleasures, either abolished or changed the Christmas rituals (you may tell Baron which, he doesn’t remember), but above all he closed down theatres. The puritans were in a sense as bad and as loopy as some of the ROP followers are today, what’s there to like, ha?
Still, the point the lecturer was trying to make (Baron thinks) was that this country should avoid revolutionary moves, stick to evolving slowly.
Baron June 28th, 2016 – 12:10
“More to the point, the Colonel (was he a colonel?) isn’t on Baron’s list of people he likes”
Careful now. You might be misconstrued by someone! 😉
Cromwell began as the Captain of a troop of horse, was promoted to Colonel in a year, eventually to General and then ‘Lord Protector’ as he morphed into a sort of 17th Century version of Gaddafi.
Always difficult in his case to separate the soldier from the politician and religious zealot. He was a good irregular cavalry leader whose first action in command of light horse was to successfully prevent the King’s forces seizing the silver plate of the Cambridge colleges, going on to secure most of East Anglia for Parliament. Can you imagine those lanes around you, unmetalled then, echoing to the thumping of hooves, the defiant shouts of allegiance and the crack of pistols?
But at Edgehill he had realised he would need to emulate the superior discipline and elan of the Royalist cavalry. By 1644 he was a lieutenant-general of horse with a reputation for leading stoic and very well disciplined puritan zealots in troops of heavy cavalry – think the Taliban in buff coats and breast plates. The famous ‘Ironsides’. This was the origin of both jackboots and the nursery rhyme “goosey goosey gander”. The cavalry boots were so thick, rigid and heavy to protect the troopers riding knee to knee that they walked about like geese. You can still see a pair from the later 17th Century preserved at Audley End and marvel at their inches of thickness.
I see Jeremy Hunt is calling for a second referendum after negotiations.
Never was cockney rhyming slang more apt.
Boot; on generals, politicians, fascists, plebs and getting it wrong;
Baron 1015:
Got you. When I first read ROP, I assumed you meant our party (GOP), but I now comprehend.
I watched you tube and he is a funny little brown critter. But do not worry Donald has a plan for those peace loving followers of Allah.
Baron – 12:10
Let’s get the chap’s name right, shall we.
Amazingly gifted bloke, he’s written comedy scripts for virtually anyone that’s worth mentioning.
Colonel Mustard – 12:38
The Irish speak nearly as well of Cromwell as you do!
Noa – 12:46
I’m afraid that any problem the Vatican has with burgeoning populations might be of its own making!
Back to the front…
Farage: Tory Leavers Already ‘Backsliding’ on Referendum Outcome, ‘Effectively Selling Out’
No trade “deal” is worth compromising our newly won sovereignty! We can trade successfully without any deals. Others do.
Peter Hitchens on an early GE
“In my view, the referendum cannot possibly take full effect( and will have been waste of time) unless the composition and the balance of forces is irrevocably altered now in the Commons.
If an election is held soon enough (certainly before October) then all candidates can reasonably be asked to state without equivocation whether they support or oppose the verdict of the referendum, and how they will vote on the matter if elected. This must then be more important than their party allegiances. It will compel local alliances which could make almost all ‘safe’ seats unsafe. And it would also compel the elected members in such a Parliament to seek new allegiances, refusing the old Labour or Tory whips. It could be the first step towards the complete realignment our political system so badly needs. If it does not happen, then some sort of Norwegian arrangement under which we remain in the Single Market and lack full control of our borders, will be what we will get. It will resolve almost none of the problems described above. Good luck with that.”
I’m not convinced that it would work out that way. UKIP might be the ultimate arbiter.
Colonel Mustard @ 12:38
Thank you, Colonel, enjoyable and informative at the same time. It’s the detail that helps the information to embed – the thumping of hooves, the shouts of allegiance, the crack of pistols?
(The barbarian has copied it for future use, he will reference it, of course) .
EC @ 14:26
Baron had a word with the software, EC, cannot promise anything for the coding seems rigidly fixed, impossible to persuade, naughty coding, yes?
But Cryer it is, indeed a gifted man, and yet not recognised with a gong on any merit. Why’s that?
John Jefferson Burns @ 13:13
An easy mistake to make, John – GOP, ROP, MOB, not that different from each other, are they (only joking).
Baron has signed this petition:
Noa @ 15:18
Peter’s right, but the Tories of either EU orientation won’t let it happen unless pushed. Nigel should pick the idea, run with it, Baron would attend any demonstration demanding an early count.
Baron, June 27th, 2016 – 16:50
Oh dear, how unfair! Today, every day, more ugly truth is emerging about poor “hounded Hillary.”
Oliver Cromwell wasn’t the `wowser`he is portrayed. He would engage in ink-pellet fights with his staff; but his real idea of fun at a party was to coat the wooden benches with strong beer so when the gents in their leather trousers and ladies in their dresses rose to dance they found their seats stuck to the bench.
(He politics were another matter.)
Noa @ 12:46
One of Mr. Boot’s best, Noa, if not the best, one has to tip one’s hat to him, except that he may be somewhat overdoing it calling the Brussels apparatchiks fascists.
It depends like Bill’s ‘it depends what the definition of ‘is’ is’, what the definition of fascism is, but in no way is the present set-up on par with those run by Adolf or the Georgian thug. There still remains the control by politicians elected in the individual member states, the freedom of expression may have been nibbled somewhat, but not fully extinguished, the movement in and out of the EU by individuals whilst restricted is as free as it has ever been, too free to the cost of the indigenous people.
It may be that one of those politicians ‘in control’ has the upper hand, but then it’s the Germans who fund the undemocratic construct the most. The one who forks out most of the money wants to have most of the say how the money’s spent.
It’s not a benign dictatorship either, but a beast half way between a totalitarian set-up run by an elite and a democratic arrangement where those who govern have to submit to the will of the people regularly.
You and others may disagree with he barbarian, side with Mr. Boot, but you should keep in mind that overdoing criticism of the Brussels hydra may be counterproductive, the unhappiness of the great unwashed doesn’t stem exclusively from it, it’s more widely spread, the spiritual dysphoria is engendered by many a reason amongst them the growing gap between the richest and the poorest in every European state being the most obvious one, and probably underpinning the revolt, exacerbated further by the injection of the even more impoverished newcomers from outside Western Europe.
Radford NG @ 16:28
Thank you, Radford, the barbarian seems to learn something new and useful each time any of you post.
Corbyn loses No Confidence vote from the Parliamentary Labour Party 172 to 40.
We’ve lost a THIRD of our value because of Brexit and cancelled a deal worth 3,000 jobs, says Virgin boss (and Caribbean tax haven resident) Richard Branson
Pity about the new jobs, but it can’t all be about good news. And would they have gone to the right people?
EC @ 16:24
You seem to harbour the illusion, EC, the barbarian is somehow enchanted with the Clinton woman. Far from it, it’s a false illusion, he cannot stand her, and not only because she’s a habitual lier, he finds her quite repulsive physically, too. Hard to explain this one, but the barbarian could’n warm up to her even if he and she were cremated together.
What worries here is what Newt remarked on. Everyone knows she lies, lies about everything, and yet many Americans still go for her. It matters not what the polls are saying in terms of who leads, who trails behind. There still are millions of voters who say they prefer her to Donald. Why?
The barbarian reckons it’s because the constant barking at her turns her into a victim, an underdog, almost a martyr. One of Baron’s friends from over there, the one who hugs trees, says: “If they have so much on her, why don’t they go ahead?’ And Baron has no answer to it. What would you say?
Radford NG @ 16:47
This is turning into a joke that may have serious consequences for the party of the temeachuses, Radford, the members will vote him back.
Couldn’t that be used in the argument for a snap election? Getting the Left leaning crowd to back it?
RobertRetyred @ 16:57
Drip by drip, Robert, these wankers are going to scare the public into submitting to the Brussels gnomes on the knees, One hopes not.
Baron at 17.06
A General Election would probably return the same pro-EU members as now,who would use this as an an excuse to ignore the results of the referendum.
““If they have so much on her, why don’t they go ahead?’ And Baron has no answer to it. What would you say?”
They have all the evidence they need and more, Baron, and much it is now in the public domain but the MSM won’t report it. Lynch is blocking H’s indictment to protect Obama who has endorsed Hillary despite her being under TWO separate FBI investigations! This is the same Lynch that had the 911 calls from the Orlando gay club shooter edited and had “Allah” changed to “God” and all references to ISIS removed. It’s now a Christian hate crime! YCMIU! but Lynch did!
On the recent opinion polls, if you listened to the video you’ll have discovered that the MSM are rigging them as much as they are able. Now, there’s a surprise!
btw. You never answered my question earlier. Thomas or Oliver? Your man was obviously clued up on both?
They don’t like it up ’em ; and they are not laughing now.
Farage MEP addresses the EU Parliament today;rather like an English comedian at the Glasgow Empire.
PS. I happen to share OC’s views on Christmas! 🙂
Baron 16.33
One rarely agrees in toto with any polemic, Baron.
That applies in Mr Boot’s case. I have debated with him, for example, on the subject of whether Hitler attacked Russia a mere matter of days before Stalin launched a pre-emptive strike on the Third Reich. He has insisted this is the case, referring to Russian sources which I cannot access; and refuting other primary sources. He may well be correct. Yet I am not convinced. The crushing size of the initial German success strongly suggests that neither Stalin or the Red Army for conflict. The following year perhaps, but not in 1941.
Perhaps the good Colonel, our first point of contact on all matters of military history, can inform the debate? I for one would be interested in his, and indeed other Wallsters’ thoughts.
Back to your point about whether or not the EU is ‘fascist’. A definition of fascism is:
“A totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini , who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco Franco in Spain.”
You are correct that the EU is not a fully totalitarian state, at least not yet. Yet, it seems to me that the EU, if it does not yet fit all the criteria in the definition, has made considerable progress and is accelerating its activities towards their completion.
We are of course in agreement that
Baron (17:03)
Clinton an habitual lier? Damned right! Usually in the soixant-neuf position with one of her dyke sidekicks. She’s also an inveterate liar. 🙂
Forgive me if I scrambled you double entendre – but just case it was another auto-correct, thought I’d take advantage and kick the robot in the slats.
Worthwhile Larry Elliott post linked within the Hitchens blog post I shared earlier.
Twatxit- the socialist perspective.
Radford NG @ 17:38
Not one of the TV news channels the barbarian has watched so far gave a full summary of Nigel’s speech, only the bit about his saying ‘you’re not laughing, now’.
It pains Baron to say it, but this wasn’t what was needed, he should have been more restrained, more thoughtful, a touch of magnanimity would have been in order, too. He should have speculated as to the motives that underpinned the vote of the leavers, tell the apparatchiks that unless the project is abandoned, or at least slowed down others may follow. It may not have done much good to those present in the chamber, but he was speaking to those outside the hall, the masses of Europe, the same hoi polloi who backed him here.
A missed opportunity, Baron reckons.
Frank P @ 19:45
Apologies, Frank and others, it’s ‘liar’, of course, the barbarian cannot say for certain fi it was him or the evil software, the guilt should be shared this time, not because the poorly educated Slav is unaware of the spelling of the word, but because of the haste he cobbles up his postings.
Noa @ 17:57
Seconded, both parts, Noa.
Mr. Boot has made the claim about the Red Army missing the opportunity to attack the West first before, he’s never produced any credible evidence, well, any evidence at all. There’s a speech by the Georgian thug who ruled the Soviet Union at some graduation ceremony, in which he seems to have suggested that the Red Army should be ready to go (the ‘go’ being interpreted as an attack posture), but no serious historian has ever backed this take on the subject.
Btw, isn’t it curious that not one MSM source here has mentioned the attack on Russia by the Nazis on June 22, its anniversary was about a week ago?
You’re also right about the EU, the barbarian’s slicing of it is the same. On a road to, perhaps, but fascist? Hmmm
The Colonel and Frank may enlighten us on both issues.
Noa @ 20:03
One shouldn’t link every failure of our football to ownership, money, the shenanigans of those in charge, the men in grey suits. In Spain, the league is also full of money, as it is in other European countries, and they do better.
The length of the competition here, the rare occasions for the English club players to get together, the quality of management are equally, if not more important.
The one noticeable difference in the last game was the freedom the Islanders moved around, our boys looked as if their legs were cast in concrete, there was virtually not one of our players who would take on the opposition, dribble abit (unless forced to because of a bad pass, and then they failed because that skill is totally missing from the game now, the players just cannot do what (say) Iniesta, Messi, Ronaldo can.
“Dribbling, the ability to carry the ball past an opponent while being in control, whether by using a series of simple taps or a fantastic move around a foe. If a player can’t dribble a ball, then he cannot play the game”.
You look at games played before in the 60s, 70s, it was totally different, now only someone like Sterling had a go at dribbling, but it’s his speed rather than technical ability, acquired skill that sometimes propels him to pass the opposition, Sturridge tried, too, without any success for the same reason.
The biggest mistake though, Baron sticks with it, was to build the team round Rooney. This cost us the match, and dented our reputation deeply. A team chosen at random from the League would have done better essentially because Wayne doesn’t play for any. He though shouldn’t bear the blame, he tried, he just hasn’t got it any more, it’s the man in charge who should be blamed.
And another thing:
Have you noticed how often our attacking boy (players from other teams are guilty, too) would beat the opposition, gets closer to the goal either on the left or right side of the pitch, tries to pass the ball across the goal only to hit the defending player. It never occurs to them to fake the pass, to pretend to want to kick, but instead to steady the ball, let the defending player go down (they often do), or at leas extend their leg, lose balance, and only then carry on with he kick across the goal. It could be learnt, why isn’t it?
EC @ 17:35
On Hilary:
Would it not be more prudent, since the White House man will do everything to protect her, to find a different angle of attack rather than nibbling at something that may never happen?
On the Cromwells:
If Baron knew you were so keen on knowing which Cromwell the graffiti hunter was talking about he would have asked him, the impression was it was Oliver Cromwell he was talking about because he mentioned the number of theatres before the puritans had a go, and after, but Baron forgot the numbers. It may well be that Henry, and his temporary sidekick the Earl of Essex weren’t in favour of theatrical performances either, but they couldn’t have been worse than the men in black of the 17th century, or were they?
If you (or anyone else) can enlighten the poorly educated Slav on it, please do, he’s willing to learn, as you may have gathered he knows not a lot about your history.
Btw, the church surveyor of graffiti also mentioned another period in your past where cultural development got hit, the barbarian forgot what or when it was, he wasn’t listening attentively, but taking pictures.
Another blast in Turkey, if the EU thinks the country will be a replacement for us, they must be mad:
We have enough boils to attend to, but this has been a long running saga, but not a mention of it in the MSM for years:
How petulant can one be?
Apparently, Juncker switched to French (not English) when debating the UK withdrawal from the bureaucracy. It was, if the reports are correct, for the first time he didn’t use English in the Chamber.
Here, our new Londom Mayor wants ‘greater freedom for London’ because the city voted to remain. A young man interviewed at a demonstration in the capital said ‘it was unfair that ‘those who wanted to remain must suffer because of the overall vote to exit’. It didn’t occur to him that in the last election, four million voters backed UKIP, have just one MP in the House. How fair is that?
And lastly, where are your suggestions for the new leader of the Tory party? If not Boris, who?
Never the twain shall meet.
Freedom of movement and the single market non negotiability fallacy.
Baron – 22:22
Some French geezer has said that English should now be removed as an official EU language. Strange as it wasn’t Edward Heath that requested it be one, it was the Irish!
Maybe, now that Britain is (?) leaving, now would be the time for English to become the only official language of the EU. It would reduce costs and everyone would be speaking in a foreign language as Ireland has a language of its own.
Baron 22.22
Frank identified Jacob Rees Mogg-buts he’s not a runner.
Probably Better to wait till the closure of nominations on Thursday before we commence the slaughter of the innocents eh, Baron? 😉
It will probably be Boris, God help us. And him.
I would not trust Boris an inch, nevertheless I feel he should be the next PM, with Gove as his deputy. What will not happen is that Farage has any involvement in the negotiations with Brussels. However if there is an election later this year then all bets are off.
You seem to have an interest in Oliver Cromwell, his family was Welsh, the Williams of Glamorgan who moved to England where they married into the family Thomas Cromwell and promptly changed their name in order to gain advantage of the association. Shortly after old Thomas had his head chopped off.
There is turmoil ( (C) Project Fear ) and confusion around the Brexit process in Britain, but the turmoil and rancour on the Continent does appear be helping our cause.
RobertRetyred June 28th, 2016 – 22:46
We should copyright it and insist on licensing fees being paid wherever it is spoken as the official language of an institution or organisation.
Whether they like it or lump it, English has been the lingua franca of the wor!d for yonks, mainly because it is the language of international radio commnications. The other major factor is that Hollywood, for all its warts, dictates so through its film industry.
Remember as far as continental Europe is concerned those we conquered in two world wars can never forgive us – and deep down, neither will those we liberated, Weakness is exposed in both those emotions. The quicker we extract ourselves from this toxic conglomerate, the better.
Britain is better alone, than the sum total of all the others. I say that with a thousand years of verifiable history (not the shite that is taught in schools or propagated by the meeja these days) to substantiate my claim. Those born within the British nation who claim otherwise are either fools, or knaves – and treacheous knaves at that.
The 17m or so who voted to cut the tow rope were brave to Brexit. Hold your nerve my compatriots! You did good. Let the con men of NWO and all its tributaries, fuck themselves. As they surely will if they don’t read the rubes. Some are making a killing financially, others are trying to foist their murderous ideolgical, cultish, poisonous and lethal objectives upon us. Resist at all costs. As old Winnie instructed us, “Fight them on the beaches, fight them on the landing grounds, fight in the fields and in the streets, fight in the hills; never surrender!”
Those words inspired me about 75 years ago, what inspires today’s 7 Year olds? Is there hope? Where is today’s leader? David Cameron, already chickened out! Corbyn – an aged, yet immature, fucking hippie quisling!
Farage? The jury is still out with regard to stamina – he may, having taken 25 years to prize open the escape hatch, say, “Through you go boys, I’m knackered, you’ll all have to do the rest.” Hope I’m wrong, stick with it Nige, your reward may be around the corner. Much depends on what happen in the next 7days. We sink or swim on decisions made during that period.
I am so pleased that this guy is ‘over there’:
It is a pity this woman isn’t:
Although the theatres were closed in Charles 1’s reign under Puritan pressure and only began to show faint signs of life towards the end of the Commonwealth, keep in mind that England as a republic became respected again for a strong foreign policy and a first rate navy under the formidable Blake. She also had a pretty good propagandist and poet laureate in the Secretary for Foreign Tongues and the Commonwealth, to its eternal credit, readmitted the Jews to England 360 years ago, after an almost equivalent period of exile..
Why is no motion of no confidence in the government being tabled in the House of Commons?
The answer would be the same as the one I made to an American friend a short while ago after he commented that the MEPs didn’t look too happy during Sir Nigel’s speech linked by Radford NG on June 28th @ 17:38:
“because their gravy train is threatened!”
“”We’re moving into a global recession that has nothing to do with Brexit,” warns Marc Faber stressing that Britain leaving the EU would not be disastrous, saying that if Switzerland can operate in a “single” market and outside of the EU so can Britain.”
Now, Alex rambles, so stay away if that is a problem for you. You have been warned!
Alex Jones Show 1st Hour – Tuesday 28th June
In the 3rd Hour of the AJ Show above, Dr. Steve Pieczenik slams Congressman Trey Gowdy, the Benghazi Committee Chairman, for incompetence and for failing to understand the real scandal. Pieczenik identifies those he thinks should really have been the focus of the investigation, and why.
EC June 28th, 2016 – 14:36
Yes, but much of the condemnation of Cromwell for Ireland is presented from a modern Republican context. The historical reality is more nuanced. For example at Drogheda the governor Aston, who already had a reputation earned at Reading for disregarding the fate of women and children, refused to surrender when convention dictated that he should have. Cromwell warned him of the consequences. In holding out at Reading he had declaimed that the women and children in the town should die with him but of course he didn’t die! The sacking and massacre of men of military age that followed at Drogheda was little different to siege practices all across Europe at the time. Cromwell had ordered all men under arms to be put to the sword once the town was taken, as was condoned under the conventions of war at the time. But of course the Republicans seized upon it and wove it into their mythology of Irish insurgent heroism for modern times.
In fact after landing at Dublin Cromwell had issued strict orders for the army not to pillage, a faint hope when any 17th Century army marched across the land with its huge tail of non-combatants.
It is also debatable whether any real concept of Irish nationality existed at the time as the war in Ireland then, as now, was one of factions. Indigenous Irish, expatriate Danish, English and Scots settlers were mixed back to Norman times and before as in Britain. If the English are a nation of immigrants upon which migrants can make claim then so are the Irish. It is a curious 21st century bigotry that demarcates and romanticises Irish and Scots identity nationalism whilst condemning expressions of English identity lest modern immigrants be offended. Perhaps that lies in which of those countries are seen as underdogs and which as overlord as well as a particular form of English racism connected to football culture, characterised and exploited by various self-hating left wing film and documentary makers to make it seem more important and more central to English identity than it is. For every racist chant at a football stadium there were harvest festivals, Maypole and Morris dancing a plenty in English villages that harmed no-one beyond the self infliction of hangovers. But those are not negative things so they do not interest the Left, other than as objects of their scorn.
Malfleur June 29th, 2016 – 07:27
“In the 3rd Hour of the AJ Show . . . ”
!!! I’ve struggled with some two hour director’s cuts! Your fortitude is impressive and we owe you thanks for distilling it for us. Back in the old days they reckoned 40 minutes was the limit of endurance for delivered lectures.
Who would have believed it? 🙂
Guess who is looking like they have understood the British public, apart from Farage, of course?
DE: Cameron and Farage tell EU: Brexit vote is ALL your fault after ignoring migrant fears
DM: Cameron tells the EU it was YOUR immigration policy that led to Brexit: PM warns Brussels that freedom of movement was key reason for Leave victory and says no trade deal without border crackdown
DT: David Cameron demands EU migrant deal: free movement must be reformed to maintain Britain’s economic ties, PM says at his final meeting in Europe
What difference a (referendum) day makes!
Even Merkel isn’t doing Brexit any harm, in this statement, at least:
DT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she saw no chance that Britain might go back on its decision to leave the European Union.
Colonel Mustard – 08:49
Thank you. Irish republican grievance mongers have always made a big fuss about the sad events at Drogheda as if it happened as an isolated event. They completely ignore the fact that in the previous years there had been 1000’s of Protestants killed, even crucified, as part of a campaign of sectarian/ethnic cleansing. They never mention that. What was Cromwell supposed to do about that? Just ignore it? Religion, eh?
Oliver Cromwell was a product of his times. One of those men thrown up by events as Mrs Birch suggests (June 27th, 2016 – 12:57) Oliver Cromwell was, perhaps, the original Marmite soldier? (i.e. love him or hate him)
Sitting in our comfortable armchairs today how can we really appreciate how life was centuries ago? For most people, nasty, brutish and short, I imagine. Daily life ruled by superstition/religion, the ever present fear of disease and death. Not much in way of food or reliable clean water, no sanitation, no antibiotics, no NHS, no central heating, no pensions!
I lost count of the number things, historical, that Tony Blair, apologised for.
When, and who, will apologise for Tony Blair?
I note that the British MSM are giving little coverage to the massacres
at Istanbul airport, obviously it doesn’t jig with the current anti-Brexit narrative here. Fox are all over it and it’s dominating the news cycle. Total deaths 36 so far and around 150 injured in three separate shootings/suicide bombings.
You’ve just gotta watch this.
A disgruntled England fan delivers his candid opinion on the team’s performance.
Who am I to disagree with him?
The BBC should HIRE that red blooded man…
To replace the anaemic pundits on MOTD
As the new presenter of failing Top Gear makeover.
Audience figures would skyrocket!
Frank P – 10:38
Surprised the BBC/Grauniad/Merkel haven’t leapt in and blamed it on BRexit!
EC June 29th, 2016 – 10:26
Life in Britain at that time was almost unimaginable compared to today. The whole economy and transport system relied on the horse or boat, the main roads were dusty tracks and poor country people often had to walk many miles to local towns. News was days or weeks old and rumour fear was rife (although lefties are doing a good job trying to recreate that). Most people carried with them a collection of fleas and lice, their stink if they were wealthy enough suppressed with perfume. Night time was dark and scary. There were no telephones to call 999. Officialdom could be miles, hours, days away. It made communities more tight-knit and self-sustaining with a hierarchy to provide protection and order. The brutal treatment of criminals has to be seen in the light of all that, where the response to crime was intensified by fear.
That fat lisping tub of lard, TV cook Jamie Oliver has announced he will leave England if Boris becomes Prime Minister, we can but prey for our deliverance. I think Boris is a lying shit, but to get rid of the eternally preaching Oliver, then win Boris, win.
Stephen Maybery June 29th, 2016 – 11:47
They all say that. But the thought of him pissing off and annoying some other country is nice.
Colonel Mustard @ 08:54
I think it must be because I am taking Brain Force.
EC @ 10:47
Yup, EC, not a bad summing up of our boys’ play, short, too, which always helps.
In the Times today, their chief sports correspondent has a piece applauding Wayne’s decision to stay, play for England in future matches. He admits the player has been past his best for years, but says his experience is invaluable, should be exploited. How about asking Jack Charlton to also have a go, his experience stretches over a longer span of years?
On the same page, there also is a table showing he (Wayne) has played in 21 matches that mattered since 2004, scored three times.
It’s not only madness galore in politics (just look at the Labour’s leadership sitcom), other walks of life have been similarly touched with the same malady.
EC – 10:47
Quite a tonic! 🙂
RobertRetyred @ 02:06
Who’s this guy anyway, Robert, the barbarian has never heard of him.
Malfleur @ 02:25
Thanks, Malfleur.
Is yours (the others’) interpretation of the Cromwell’s years a positive one. Please, do tell, because the barbarian must be honest with you, he has always argued (when an opportunity arose) that it wasn’t. It nicely fitted his following the Burke’s idea of England evolving rather than progressing through revolutionary upheavals of one sort or another.
Malfleur @ 05:30
How did the children acquire drug resistance, Malfleur?
This is not meant ironically, it’s a genuine question.
RobertRetyred @ 09:32
Some newspapers, and many blogs Baron scans in the East are awash with news the EU will not reflect, calm down, adjust, but will go ahead with full speed towards federalisation. This doesn’t seem a smart idea, because the Visegrad countries (Poland, Hungary, the Czechs and Slovaks) got together two days ago together with Austria and Portugal, complained about the meeting of the ‘founding six’, said they would have their now programme for the future of the EU, which will not only argue for a delay in any moves towards federal Europe, but proposed scaling down of many of the current policies towards it.
NO mention of this Visgrad group meeting in our MSM.
Stephen Maybery @ 11:47
The barbarian doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other about the young cook, Stephen, but his stance on Boris’s election is way over the top. If anyone who has ever disliked any of the top dogs governing the country would do the same, Britain would by now be an empty island.
Colonel & EC:
Thanks for the postings, but Baron must admit, he has lost interest in anything that even remotely connects with the Irish question, he cannot be bothered any more.
Frank P @ 10:38
Be fair, Frank, the MSM are getting their priorities right, focusing instead on the 100 cases of hate crime, ‘a massive increase on the level before’, said the ITV newsreader. ‘A massive increase only because of a small number before, no? Statistically ‘rather significant’ said a pundit on another channel (France24?). Significant in a population of almost 65mn? Hmmm.
This morning, the barbarian visited a local Polish shop to get a piece of ham, asked the proprietor, a young Polish girl:’ Has anyone said anything nasty to you this week?’ After a quick thought, ‘yes’, she said, ‘a man complained very much because he ordered alot of sausages for a barbecue, I sold some of them before he came to collect, it’s his fault, he promised to collect them on Monday’.
‘Not about that’, Baron said, ‘but something like that you’re Polish …’ Before the barbarian could finish, a young bloke, his hands tattooed with exotic birds stepped in, said ‘what are trying to say?’ in a not particularly friendly manner, but with distinct Cockney accent. Baron has seen him in the shop before, he may be fancying the sales girl.
After a short explanation with the girl backing the barbarian (who frequents the shop often), the young man calmed down, but didn’t look particularly keen on Baron staying around, and Baron didn’t.
When he related the story to the Boss she said ‘it won’t be long before someone wallops you, you’re asking for it’. She may have a point, of course, but Baron was genuinely trying to find out whether there has been any display of animosity locally towards immigrants after the vote because as he’s told you before, the remain crowd backed by the MSM will do everything to find as many molehills blow them up to the size of Ben Nevis. Tossers.
Fully in the spirit of the Good soldier Shweik, a group of young protesters in Prague, dressed as chimneysweeps climbed the Prague Castle, the seat of the Republic’s President, took down the Presidential Standard, replaced it with a pair of large male cotton knickers, red in colour, then issued a statement to the press saying the new Standard fits the President ‘who has no capacity for shame’ better.
(The Head of State invited the Chinese Premier, was critical of the sanctions against Russia, publicly criticised the US Ambassador in Prague, is not keen on gays, but is very much in favour of the EU, wants the Republic to adopt the Euro, amongst other sins).
The boys then cut the original piece of cloth that cost some £1,000 to make into 1152 pieces, shipped them to randomly chosen burghers of the Republic.
The group calls itself the ‘Hundredshite’.
It happened on September 12, last year, the case came to court this week, the offenders, all university graduates, are refusing to accept the court’s jurisdiction, the lawyers are having a field day what with the fees rolling in, the taxpayer funds the show, the unwashed are divided what to do with the group, two thirds say ‘let them go, but make them pay for a new proper Standard’.
Nobody’s bothered that the stunt was a serious breach of security, that aspect of it hasn’t been hardly mentioned by anyone. Yet, if you were to visit Prague, you’ll find on the streets of the city many a threesomes (an armed policeman accompanied by two even more heavily armed soldiers) as the country has raised its security level to 2nd highest following the recent spate of terrorism in Europe.
One couldn’t make it up, could one.
It should read ‘has been hardly mentioned’, in the past but one para at 17.07, Baron inserted ‘hardly’ after he discovered one journalist ranting about the security consideration, but forgot to remove the negative. Apologies.
Never a fan of John Bercow I was pleased to see him stopping the ungrateful wretches in the Commons shouting down Douglas Carswell. Now must come efforts to the second part of the project as articulated last Friday by Nigel. “I hope this victory brings down this failed project and leads us to a Europe of sovereign nation states, trading together, being friends together, cooperating together, and let’s get rid of the flag, the anthem, Brussels, and all that has gone wrong.”
1. Fom the Montreal Gazette –
”Former Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski says … Russian President Putin was “the happiest man in Europe” following the news that Britain voted to leave the European Union.
He said that depending on how the break-up with Europe happens…… the City of London…….. could “compensate for lost business of, say, trading of the euro bonds, by making London even safer for dirty money from around the world,” adding ….. “the Russians might welcome that.”
More knee-jerk anti Russian sentiment? Whatever, ROTFLMAO.
2. I don’t know about Putin, but Peter Hitchens sounds very happy indeed –
3. Turkey.
The most secular populations in Turkey are concentrated in the cities, and including of course Istanbul.
Erdogan is clearly determined to transform Turkey into a fully Islamic governed state. He has long been surreptitiously helping terrorists in Syria. He has already taken all power away from Turkey’s secularist armed forces.
Is it possible that Erdogan actually acquiesced in the Daesh atrocity at Istanbul airport in order to intimidate Istanbul’s largely secular population?
At the same time we are told that Putin and Erdogan (who haven’t been on speaking terms since Putin complained of the stab in the back) are about to confer by phone.
Erdogan is so devious, two-faced and untrustworthy that nothing would surprise me.
It all makes me ask – like Trump – “What’s going on?”
Baron – 16:16
I had heard of those developments, but hadn’t put them in the jigsaw as I don’t have many pieces yet, and I haven’t found the lid of the box with the finished picture on it.
I wonder what it will look like?
Herbert Thornton @ 17:42
One would be hard put to find a good reason, even just one reason, good or bad, for Putin to welcome Britain’s cutting herself from the yoke of Brussels. He, like the honorary Muslim, must find it easier to deal with a bunch of bureaucrats whom nobody elects (hence nobody can dismiss) than with people who are accountable to the voters.
If you were to watch Russia Today in the days prior to the count, the news in particular, you couldn’t miss their displeasure with the Leave crowd. This wasn’t mentioned in the MSM here because it contradicts the narrative that the KGB Colonel wanted Britain out.
Here’s a piece of news the barbarian finds rather puzzling, cannot fit in his slicing of the Russia- West love – hate rapport. Helmer isn’t the only one mulling it over, other sources have mentioned the secret deal, too, not in English. Could it a ploy by the FSB? Do you, or anyone else, have any idea what it’s all about?
Btw, you may like to bookmark this guy’s blog, occasionally he comes up with stuff (both for and anti-Putin that surprises).
RobertRetyred @ 17:47
Nothing will come out of any of it, Robert, if one accepts that the EU is but a PR front for the Germans. They run the Brussels bureaucracy, but for public consumption the EU gnomes have to do the talking.
And this on Turkey:
Erdogan has already apologised to Putin in writing, the Russian media have been full of it in the last few days, he also set up a commission to report on the jet shooting incident, wants to patch up both with Russia and Israel, too.
He (Erdogan) has now accepted that the Turkish boat that got intercepted by the Israelis few years back, some people shot, was a mistake, Turkey promised to deliver any future aid for the Palestinians to a dedicated Israeli port, also dropped claims for a compensation).
The one most frequently given reason for the change of tune on Erdogan’s part in Russian media was the huge drop in Russian tourism to Turkey, which sounds rather unconvincing to the barbarian.
What fuels the hatred that engenders this man, young, healthy, good looking, to blow himself up?
A posting by one called 100 on a Spectator blog:
Theresa May = Cameronmore = Blairmore
Same S H I T different knickers.
I think you’ve hit a nail on the head (to some extent) when you say that Putin must find it easier to deal with
“…… bureaucrats whom nobody elects (hence nobody can dismiss) than with people who are accountable to the voters.”
I said “to some extent” because it made me reflect on the fact that for far too long, British politicians have also been out of touch with the voters – to the point where the politicians have acted very much like bureaucrats so that the voters have been disdained instead of being genuinely represented.
A similar state of affairs exists in the USA does it not?
I incline to think that Putin could find an independent Britain – and for that matter a Donald Trump Presidency – less hostile and more inclined towards realpolitik and cooperation.
I haven’t yet read your link to johnhelmer but will do so straight after lunch.
EU Army on way? EU cannot rely on NATO and needs new defence policy says Brussels chief
The EU cannot rely on NATO … to do what?
Herbert Thornton – 19:59
“I incline to think that Putin could find an independent Britain – and for that matter a Donald Trump Presidency – less hostile and more inclined towards realpolitik and cooperation.”
But required to be respected more because they are supported by the people?
No harm in trying 🙂
Baron –
My first impression of the johnhelmer site is that it has a crackpot ring to it.
Apropos Erdogan & Turkey I think this is worth reading –
RobertRetyred –
‘The EU cannot rely on NATO … to do what?” Indeed. I have the same question.
“…… required to be respected more because they are supported by the people?”
Quite possibly, but wouldn’t that basis for respect be mutual?
Baron @ 16:06 Wednesday
Shorthand under pressure I’m afraid – it’s the TB, scabies and other bugs which are “drug resistant” not the children and I was using “drug” in the American sense of anti-biotics and other medicines as in ‘drug store’ (Chemist).
By the way, the matter is not news:
(Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Number 1 Spring 2005)
The frightening aspect is the scale of the problem over the last couple of years since the US Federal government wilfully abandoned control of borders and adopted a deliberate policy of transporting diseased illlegal aliens throughout the USA.
2014: “As the unaccompanied children continue to be transported to shelters around the country on commercial airlines and other forms of transportation, I have serious concerns that the diseases carried by these children may begin to spread too rapidly to control,” the congressman writes. “In fact, as you undoubtedly know, some of these diseases have no known cure….”
Zika virus joins list of diseases brought by illegals –
Feb 1, 2016 – Zika virus joins list of diseases brought by illegals … Published: 02/01/2016 at 7:53 PM … well as drug-resistant tuberculosis and malaria – on the list of diseases brought … in time and place, between infection with the Zika virus and a rise in … of world wide de-population (death by disease, death by plague).
‘Epidemic Alert’: Contagious, Deadly Disease Found Among Migrants…/2016/…/doctors-diagnose-sudden-outbreak-highly-contagious-...
Apr 14, 2016 – Breitbart News Daily – Oliver Lane – April 15, 2016 … There is a form of TB called XDR-TB (extensively drug resistant) that is some cases is …
June 1st 2016
ETON COLLEGE’S VERY DISTANT PROSPECT OF ENGLAND: Thought would destroy their paradise
Fortunately, this is not a problem which needs to worry us in England where it has no ramifications because we are an island and, more important, because Prime Minister and Cabinet are blissfully ignorant of it. As the poet wrote:
To each his sufferings: all are men,
Condemned alike to groan;
The tender for another’s pain,
The unfeeling for his own.
Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
Since sorrow never comes too late,
And happiness too swiftly flies.
Thought would destroy their paradise.
No more; where ignorance is bliss,
‘Tis folly to be wise.
Is the Chinese Communist Party Colonising the USA, is Hillary Clinton a Chinese Communist agent? – and other matters of interest…
Alex Jones Show – 1st Hour – Wednesday June 29th.
(Goldfish are not recommended to click on the above link,)
The Trump Speech on the Current Trade War; Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger as Chinese Communist Agents, and other matters of interest
Alex Jones Show – 2nd Hour – Wednesday June 29th
Thought for the Day: Should we work for Donald Trump and Sir Nigel Farage to set the foundations of a real Anglosphere movement but without that name. As Mozambique applied for membership of the British Commonwealth, let’s build a Commonwealth that would strengthen the links among the Anglosphere countries but also work to bring on board countries like France and Russia in an expanding anti-globalist, freedom-loving confederacy.
3rd Hour – It’s a spiritual battle; the TPP; Sovereignty; Traitors, and other matters of interest…
An honest and very accurate woman, my wife ( who works in London) was convinced out would win for the exact reasons in this article.
Why I lie about voting Leave
There are lies, damned lies and pretending to back Remain. I lie because I am a coward. I hug friends who burst into tears, petrified by life without the European Union. I sympathise with strangers, who act like Lady Di just died and there’s nowhere to lay flowers. I obfuscate, I mutter, I am evasive. And I am not alone. There are hordes of us who’ll not admit we voted Leave to our best friends, our next of kin.
We learned to keep schtum a long time ago — thanks to social media — since they’d defriend us if said we’d vote to leave. Now they are outraged, deeply confused — and unsure which of us to blame. ‘Literally no one on my timeline said they voted out, so it was just an echo chamber of smugness,’ says one of my friends — who has at least 500 on Facebook. Now they are howling: ‘I am never one to be political but you are racist scum.’ Or, ‘I can’t stomach a single thing today, let alone a scone or some cream tea.’
Just as the Stepford Students deny a platform to anyone with a view they disagree with, Twitter was purged of Leavers who — knowing the vitriol they’d attract — No Platformed themselves.
Of all the things to fall out about, for ever, the EU debate seemed most absurd. But it’s been weird to realise how personally others will take an EU voting preference that is the opposite of theirs. We learnt early on: vote Remain and you were pro-sunshine, a cure for cancer and world peace — a perfect dinner-party guest. Vote Leave and you were for fascists, rabies and the apocalypse — and not worth a handshake, even in gloves.
In a society compelled to share everything online, the ballot box is beautiful, and rare, for its secrecy
Young people voted overwhelmingly to stay in — or at least that’s what they told YouGov — so it’s not surprising that they treat the referendum result as a mortal insult. ‘Who the hell are we walking among?’ demands one whose status is: ‘Disillusioned. Sad. Looking on Rightmove Europe.’ But what’s genuinely concerning is the number of mothers who have gone online to advertise that their very young children are sobbing inconsolably thanks to Leave. There is reason to suspect Project Fear was part of the school syllabus. A Spectator colleague had to comfort his son because he’d been told that if he voted against the EU in a mock election, he’d be left all on his own, and did he really want that? At high school, such dunce-cap teaching would be inappropriate. When meted out to five-year-olds, it’s downright cruel.
We are all of us supposed to be soul-searching since the result was declared. Leavers are supposed to agonise and regret their decision. Remainers must come to terms with, uh, democracy. But most of all, we’re in a state of shock because the political class, the pollsters, the bookies told us that this wasn’t going to happen. And by the bookmakers, I mean we the punters — who created a market that reckoned staying in the EU was 80 to 90 per cent likely.
Partly, the odds were skewed by ridiculous bets by Remainers with loadsa money (such as the woman from London who staked £100,000 in her first, and most likely last, ever flutter), but I think the betting markets were also manipulated by something quite new: bare, shamefaced lying. When telephoned by pollsters, we lied. When directly asked by neighbours, we lied. When accosted by In campaigners with stickers, we smiled and we lied. Or perhaps it’s kinder to put it like this: we kept quiet. We did not tell the truth. Because there was, among Remainers, total and absolute intolerance for the (ironically) more popular point of view. They didn’t just reject Leave — they’d eject Leavers.
Punters staked the largest amount of money ever on a political event. Betfair took more than £60 million by Thursday afternoon. But weirdly — for people all hoping to make a fast buck — nearly all of it was squandered on the wrong result. And that’s because we were not merely evasive with each other, we were really convincing, so nobody suspected.
Pollsters have been fooled with increasing frequency. At the last general election, the pollsters called the election wrong thanks to the ‘shy Tories’ — voters who claimed they’d vote anything but Conservative when asked to declare publicly, while secretly planning to restore David Cameron to No. 10. Also busy fibbing were ‘lazy Labour’ voters, who promised to back Miliband but on the day couldn’t force themselves to bother. In 2015, the pollsters were fooled but the punters were not — since shy Tories confessed their true preference to those closest to them and bets were cast accordingly, losing bookmakers millions.
This time, however, something strange happened. Of the 17 million people who voted to leave the EU, the overwhelming majority went to bed believing they had voted alone and would wake up to Remain. In a society that feels increasingly compelled to share everything online, picturing it, cataloguing and preserving it, so it can be ‘liked’ by people we know, the ballot box is beautiful — and rare — for its secrecy. It is private. You don’t have to tell a soul. Although usually you do. Last week the atmosphere was so toxic — Remain so very ‘right’ and Leave so evidently ‘wrong’ — the truth only revealed itself in that furtive, pencilled cross.
Now, of course, there’s no point admitting what we’ve done: it’ll only make things worse. Like a cheating husband whose dalliance is done, it’s better to deny how it felt, or that we ever wanted to be free. If it comforts a broken-hearted Remainer to believe that we are leaving the European Union because of bigoted ‘stupid people who read the Daily Mail’, as a man ranting into his phone on the Thames path had it, or thanks to ‘peasants revolting’, as another mate’s lawyer claimed — then let them. They might cheer up quicker, as we all hope, if they can blame how they feel on bogeymen on a council estate far, far away. Not their neighbour, their sister, their son or their friend.
Three great myths of the sulking Remainers
I think my favourite moment of the referendum campaign was John Major’s intervention, a couple of weeks before polling day. In that immediately recognisable tone of condescension tinged with snippy petulance, which we all remember and love so well from the time of his magnificent stewardship of this country, he said that people who didn’t want some degree of pooled sovereignty should go and live in North Korea, oh yes. No, John, that’s where you should go. I’m sure you can persuade the fat idiot who runs the place that his people need and deserve a motorway cones hotline, even if there are no cars on the roads.
It’s time for a duck shoot. Time to blow a few canards out of the sky, from where they have been flapping around our heads these last few days, quacking in a demented manner. Of course, it was to be expected that if Leave won the referendum, the Remainers would whine piteously and refuse to accept that the result was democratic and binding. That is how many of them are. People entirely unused to being gainsaid, unused to not getting their way. So they shriek and scream and stamp their little feet and there are tears before bedtime, and after bedtime on the social media websites. Effusions of disbelief, sorrow and sadness — and a real, visceral loathing of those who had a different opinion to them.
‘Hate won!’ a hilariously silly cow, sobbing her eyes out, said on a video now doing the rounds among the jubilant Brexiteers. Well, maybe it did, my little poppet. But it also lost. There seems to me rather more hatred among the Remainers, or ‘remnant ponces’ as Julie Burchill called them, than there ever was among those who wished to get the hell out. Hatred towards the elderly, hatred towards people who don’t live in London, hatred towards people who do not share their views. But it is the mindset of the liberal elite that hate could not possibly exist within them, just as they are utterly convinced that they are our intellectual superiors. All the Brexit voters were thick, whereas we know so much better.
Their post-vote caterwauling devolves to canard number one: the electorate was lied to. Well, heaven forefend. Have these people never experienced a general election? Are they not aware that politicians on all sides make exaggerated claims, spout idiocies and tell porky-pies almost as soon as they open their mouths? The Leave camp certainly did. If I thought for one minute that the money we would save from our EU contributions would go straight into the gaping maw, the black hole, of the NHS, I’d have voted Remain. But that is what voters were assured, although I doubt it shifted many votes. On the issue of migration, Leave was at least disingenuous. Worse still, considering it was the crucial issue for, I would guess, at least 70 per cent of the people who voted for Brexit, the politicians are already rowing back on the notion that we might now begin to limit the numbers of people who arrive in our country each day. But the principle on both issues holds: if we wanted to spend that money on the NHS, we could. And we are a little better placed to control immigration, if we have the will to do so.
Let’s be clear: politicians exaggerate, spout idiocies and tell porky-pies as soon as they open their mouths
And the lies from the Remain camp? Legion and staggering — the end of western civilisation, war likely, our homes worthless, our jobs taken away. And the continual intimation that anyone who was pro-Brexit was a hate-filled xenophobic shitbag about to go out and lamp a Pole. Leaving the European Union was a racist thing to do, apparently. Or the thing racists did. Billy Bragg, that faded liberal luvvie, remarked that while not everyone voting for Brexit was a racist, every racist would be voting for Brexit. I suspect Billy thought that was on a par with Confucius, bless him. Not all twats buy Billy Bragg records. But all people who buy Billy Bragg records are twats.
Following on from this, canard number two, which I have heard a lot — from the BBC, the pollsters and academics. Looking at the voting map of the UK, they point out that areas where immigration is high tend to be the most welcoming of it and also most strongly for Remain. This supports the liberal view that it is not immigration per se, but thick people’s fear of immigration that is the real problem. They then point to multicultural London, pro-immigration, pro-Remain — a society happy in its diversity, etc.
The answer to this should be self-evident to any normal person: the inner London boroughs voted heavily for Remain not because of enlightened white British folk who welcome diversity, but because the overwhelming majority of people in these boroughs are immigrants, or the offspring of immigrants, themselves. Newham, Tower Hamlets, Lewisham, Southwark, Hounslow, Lambeth, Waltham Forest, Brent, Islington, Camden and many more all have a white British population which is below 50 per cent. In Newham the figure, staggeringly, is just 16.7 per cent, in Brent 18 per cent. The white British have moved out a long time ago, to the ring around London — which is why Sutton, Bexley, Barking and Dagenham, Hillingdon and Havering all voted out. And yet the BBC trotted out this canard once again as soon as the votes had been counted. Is it surprising that immigrants, or the offspring of immigrants, would vote heavily in favour of immigration, as they saw it? It doesn’t seem terribly surprising to me.
Canard number three — the young, the yoof. The poor betrayed young let down by the wrinklies. A lot has been made of this. So a greater number of older people than younger people voted Remain — the young didn’t turn out to vote. They had better things to do. They didn’t care. Three ducks dead, then. Bring on more ducks.
John birch
07:44 Good!
08:05 Better!
Thanks. The extent of moronic emotion, faux outrage, hatred and extreme hyperbole from supposedly intelligent twenty-something Remainers on social media is staggering. Far more frightening as a societal trend than the prospect of a few racist nutters bellowing “Leave!” at hapless Poles.
The internet was down on the barbarian territory yesterday, most of the night, the BT missed it.
To give you a flavour what the Moscow bad TV station The Rain is offering me to watch today:
A major, unprecedented cleansing of the Baltic flotilla command, 50 top officers got kicked out including the Commanding Officer and the the Chief of Staff. Shoigu, that’s the man who runs the armed forces, took the decision after an unplanned inspection of the boating military community.
The Government is getting ready for the lifting of sanctions against Turkey. The PM Medvedev is expected to make the announcement today, government resorts have already put together their own plans of action.
Importers of alcohol based drinks have complained there may be shortage of foreign brands, new excise stickers haven’t been printed yet, moreover their printer hasn’t yet been chosen. One importer says the shortage may hit as soon as the end of July (God forbid, Putin better watch out, to deprive the Russian of spirits of any sort may lead to his de-throning more swiftly than a shortage of food would have done).
##Beaking News#
Michael Gove standing for leader – withdraws support from Boris!
Here’s his statement:
John birch @ 08:05
Spotted also by the barbarian, John, who wanted to post for it, failed. What you reckon is wrong with the following:
“For Baron, the greatest lie by the Remainers was the imminent collapse of the economy if we walk out, there wasn’t one institution, both home and overseas, that missed contributing its vivid, pennyworth picture of an Armageddon, only the man who lives in Rome (the tried alternative: the Pope) failed to join in.
So, here’s the repeat of the prediction this Leave member made before: The EU currently couldn’t be in a bigger shite (alternative s h i t e, and $hite) economically if it tried, they will do nothing, nothing at all to disrupt the flow of trade, they will even swallow our controlling the borders. You’ll see.
What else could Baron alter?
EC @ 09:13
Baron has feared the saintly woman with the penchant for Blank shoes may get in. with Gove in the race, her chances must have been boosted.
The yesterday’s posting by the guy 100 was right: same shite, different knickers.
Here you have it, the tears of the Remainers haven’t yet dried, and the EU instead of calming down, reflecting what may have gone wrong, engaging in a dialogue with members states does the opposite, pushes for further integration.
Why they want Turkey in puzzles given the attitude to the followers of Allah of the European unwashed, they cannot be that blind. There’s is the honorary Muslim, of course, who has always said the Turks should be in, but tactically the timing cannot be more wrong.
The Armed Forces idea makes sense. Not every continental member of the EU would follow our example of quitting – a civilised campaign, an orderly voting, an acceptance of the results (except for the tears of the bad losers). Other countries may have their own routes to freedom that may involve force, barricades building, the use of AK-47s, the EU would need the armed units to ‘liberate’ such misguided, hot blooded freedom fighters from themselves.
Theresa May’s opening statement…
My favourite comment on here was ” Go back to your crypt.” 🙂
But I fear that the last laugh may be on us! 🙁
“Why did AG Lynch secretly meet with Bill Clinton?”
Do we believe her?
Ultimately the Brexit vote was Britain’s popular contribution to the debate on Europe’s future and whether that will be Christo-secular or Islamic.
The leadership struggles within the Conservative and Labour parties may appear to be different but are fundamentally over this same issue. The candidates will be judged on their perceived ability to deliver effective immigration control, which is the fundamental point.
The different electoral processes between the parties should not obscure the threat to both parties.
If the Tories elect May or another non performer their destruction at the next GM is assured.
Similarly, with Labour, the election of the Liverpool lesbian (that’s now 34 LGB(T?) MPs may return a neo-Blairite, but will assure the loss of the white working class vote.
UKIP will be needed more than ever, both to hold the quisling tendancies of the government to account in negotiations and to provide a home for the disillusioned of Labour and Conservatism.
Here is a reminder of what is at stake.
When a commentator asked Sir Bobby Charlton how the 1966 World Cup winning side would have fared against Iceland he replied;
“We would have won 1.0.”
“Only 1.0?” the commentator replied, incredulously.
‘Yes,” Sir Bobby replied. “Most of us are in our 70’s now.”
Noa – 11:27
🙂 🙂 🙂
Have you already informed us of this bravura performance that Vlad gave on Radio Tass earlier this month? (pre-Brexit)
Every time I see/hear him do one of these public forums, I’m in awe at just how good he is at it. The low calibre of the people that the west is sending into bat against him really quite frightening. Vlad is in a different league to the likes of Obama, bHillary, Merkel, Cameron, the current EU High Priest/ess for Foreign Affairs etc.
So , boris not standing . ???
Frantic meetings to sort it the situation now we’ve come up with the wrong answer.
Jewish Decline and the Rise of China: In the US
Posted on June 28, 2016 by Fred Reed
Years ago, when I was tech writer for weird magazines such as Signal and for other more-normal techish pubs, Jews littered the intellectual landscape. They were all over high-end research, such as Bell Labs. The big names were often Jewish, Einstein, von Neumann, Feynman, Gell-Mann, Minsky. The staff list for the Manhattan Project read like a Yeshiva yearbook. The same happened in the arts. Bernstein, Landowska, Rubinstein, Stoppard (“Maidens in search of Godhead…and vice versa.”)
Jews were smart, most people figured, not necessarily liking it. I wondered why without great interest. Genetic determinists of course cooked up evolutionary explanations involving undiscovered genes acted upon by unquantifiable selective pressures to produce assumed results not correlatable with the pressures. Business as usual.
Later I began to notice without thinking about it that the Jewish names were growing thin on the ground. These were not systematic observations. But Asian names were becoming prominent almost everywhere. The Feinsteins seemed to be in recession, if only anecdotally.
Something odd was happening, I barely noticed.
Then Ron Unz published The Myth of American Meritocracy, documenting a stunning turnaround of which I had been only vaguely aware. The book deals substantially with corruption in admissions to Ivy schools, with some (I think) good ideas for reform. It also charts the sharp decline in Jewish achievement and the meteoric rise of the Asians. (Actually I think falling is more what meteors do, but cliches are cliches.)
As one example, consider the NMSQT, the National Merit Scholastic Qualifying Test, given nationally to high-schoolers. To be a Semi-Finalist a student has to test in the top one half of one percent–sort of upper middle-brow intelligence.
in 2010 there were about 2000 Semi-Finalists in California, the state with the second highest Jewish population after New York. Citing an analysis of last names, Unz notes that there was only one Cohen, Levy, and Kaplan, but 49 Wangs and 36 Kims.
This pattern, Unz notes with lots of documentation, repeats across the country. For example, in the ultra-high-end high schools such as Thomas Jefferson in Virginia and Stuyvesant in New York. These places are scary smart, CalTech in short pants. Unz:
“Jews and Asians today are about equal in number within New York City but whereas a generation ago elite local public schools such as Stuyvesant were very heavily Jewish, today Jews are outnumbered at least several times over by Asians.”
“In 2012, Asians were 72.5% of Stuyvesant students, with all whites at just 24%, of whom an unspecified fraction were Jewish.”
Which is to say that even if all the whites were Jews and no HAGVACAS (House and Garden Variety (non-Jewish) Caucasians), the Asians would be outperforming the Jews by three to one.
Which is crazy strange.
Now the reader may say, “But Fred, this objection and that objection, and what about…?” Fair enough, but in condensing a book into three paragraphs one leaves things out. The sources are there and the analysis careful. And no, the book is not an attack on Jews, Unz himself being Jewish and a Harvard grad.
Methinks, subject to correction, that his findings shed considerable darkness on what we think we know about intelligence. Jews still perform better than Hagvacas, but less better than before, and the Asians are way ahead of the Jews. It seems unlikely that the Asians have suddenly risen in biological intelligence, or that Jews have gone down. Putting it otherwise, when one group falls almost overnight on a wide variety of tests thought to measure intelligence, and another rises, it follows that either intelligence can change very fast or the tests are not measuring intelligence. So what is happening? What do the aptitude tests measure?
The easy explanation is that the Chinese kids are of about normal intelligence but just work harder. Yet when a kid gets into Stuyvesant or MIT, he can’t get by on hard work and modest aptitude any more than I could play for the Chicago Bulls by practicing hard. You have to be smart to do, say, computational fluid dynamics. Actually really, really smart with tensors and things.
Which is why I have trouble buying the explanation offered by a Jewish friend: “We’ve lost our hunger.” I think he means that in his day there were Jewish quotas in universities and no room in the country club so when those barriers lifted the Jewish kids were going to show the goyim what was what and went at everything fang and claw and, well, showed the goyim. Then they got comfortable, moved to the suburbs, and maybe even watched football.
I have known people with very high pre-dumbing-down SATs, and Merit Semi-Finalists, and people with IQs in excess of 150. They didn’t just know stuff. They were bright. Was intrinsic intelligence raised in the Asian young by hard study?
Whatever is happening, it is grave. Consider CalTech, which probably has the highest standards for admission in the country. Further, it does not practice affirmative action. The demographics of the studentry: Black, 2%; Hispanic, 12%; White (including Jewish), 28%; Asian, 44%. This is worse than it seems at a glance because Asians are only 15% of the population of California,and six percent of the national.
Whatever is happening, it is not a statistical fluke. A couple of quotes from the book among many similar ones:
“For example, among Math Olympiad winners white Gentiles scarcely outnumbered Jews during the 1970s…but since 2000 have become over fifteen times as numerous.”
“Over forty percent of Putnam winners prior to 1950 were Jewish…but since 2000 the percentage has dropped to under ten percent, without a single likely Jewish name in the last seven years.” The Putnam is a very high-end math test.
Another of my friends has an Asian wife and thus entree into the Asian community. He quotes their (wisely private) outlook: “Whites are lazy and stupid.”
If you like succinct, you just got it.
The curious thing is that the Asians are not just way ahead of Jews, but wayer ahead of Hagvacas. The gap is huge, and seems to me too large to be explained by the few points of extra IQ sometimes attributed to East Asians.
The Asian rise may have consequences. It is not thought proper to notice that the white population of America, numbering very roughly two hundred million, provides nearly all of the scientific advance, engineering, and entrepreneurship. China has, again very roughly, a billion Han Chinese–you know, the kind that dominate Hagvacas and Jews in the US.
I watch Chinese technology as best I can. In fifteen years, China has gone from having no supercomputers to having slightly more than the US has, including the world’s two fastest, the most rapid of which (TaiHuiLight) is a Chinese design using Chinese semiconductors. (Obama, ever brilliant, stopped Intel from selling them chips, so they apparently decided the needed to supply their own.) The quantum-crypto line from Beijing to Shanghai, said to have been spurred by a desire to keep NSA off China’s back, is noticeably more advanced than carrier pigeons. The type 093B nukey attack sub just launched seems a major improvement over its predecessor. The 300 mph plus Shanghai Maglev trains uses foreign technology, but now they know how to do it. China is by far the world leader in high-speed rail, of which America has none.
Beijing is trying hard to advance technologically and with success With Jews going dark, and Hagvacas worried about safe spaces and microaggressions, who is going to protect America against competition by potentially five times as many engineers as we have, especially if they perform as well as our Asians do?
Noa @ 11:18
That’s a first class take on things, Noa, the barbarian has said exactly the same (different words) on one of the Spectator blogs.
Immigration is the key, not primarily because of the east Europeans (culturally, they’re not a threat, some may stay, assimilate easily, most will depart when they make some money, they’re the counterbalance to the 3mn British people in the EU), it’s the lot that has no intention becoming British, every intention of installing sharia.
Noa @ 11:27
Add another one to EC’s, Noa, on a second thought, add several.
EC @ 11:54
The translation isn’t that good, EC, in Russian he comes over as a man on the street, Baron doesn’t like it much, the Russians seem to love it. The short answer was peppered with expressions that are hard to translate ‘who gives a toss’, the Germans say ‘it’s not my beer’ i.e. ‘not my business.
The point about Europe’s being hit by the sanctions, the US not is valid, he keeps making it over and over again, the two components of the policy (ban on Russian banks raising credit over 90 days, the ban on the latest oil exploration gear) must be hurting Russia alot, and they are unlikely to be lifted, the Russians will have to find a way around them.
Baron – 13:57
Isn’t it Russia’s pensioners that are being advised, “to hang on in there,” and “try and stay cheerful?”
I still find it perplexing that all those players, like Cameron, Merkel, Schulz, Juncker and Obama, and even Christine Lagarde, to say nothing of Izzard and Geldof, contributed to much to the devastating (to some) result last week.
As good as Farage, Gove, Boris, Angela Leadsom, Gisela Stuart, Kate Hoey, Hannan, and the rest, were, all those named in the first paragraph, along with their crowd, contributed in the only way they knew how, by setting the scene and providing some contrast to the highlight the stark choice.
And so many headlines on which to ponder:
* Spain and France KILL OFF Nicola Sturgeon’s hopes of joining the EU in brutal humiliation
* Europe FINALLY talks on migration: French say UK could have trade deal AND border control
* REVEALED: Merkel NEEDS free trade deal with UK or 750,000 German jobs could face the axe
* Brexit Britain bounces back: Fears subside as FTSE 100 SOARS to highest level since April
And, lastly 🙂 :
BREXIT ROW: Germany’s anger at claim it should pay UK’s share of ‘bloated’ EU budget
And none are really a surprise.
RobertRetyred @ 15:07
If Europe were to say, things stay on trade with the UK as they were before Brexit, let Britain have her controls on immigration, Europe also scrapped sanctions on Russia (as Turkey and Russia are readying to do), the economies of both the continental Europe and ours would get a boost. That would do more good keeping the Brussels monstrosity together than letting the Turks in, or setting up EU Armed Forces.
On immigration:
One has to make a strict distinction between the movement of people, and the movement of labour. On the former, we should say no, except for genuine asylum seekers. On the latter, we should go for it provided it’s controlled the same way movement of capital is controlled.
If someone gets a guaranteed job here, the prospective employer can justify it, a nurse from the Philippines in the NHS, a carrot picker from Poland in a farm in East Anglia, a Chinese IT man in the City, that’s fine. Someone just coming here to fish for a job, displacing someone at a lower rate should be stopped, sent back.
I need to look closely into Stephen Crabb and Andrea Leason as potential leaders of the Conservative party.
Radford NG – 16:22
Never heard of either of them before yesterday.
Newcomer: Andrea Leadsom; MP since 2010; An ex? bankster.
Robert Retyred 15.07
If Germany is reluctant to pick up Britain’s EU contribution Scotland will no doubt be happy to make up the shortfall.
Baron 13.41 & 15.45
Agreed Baron, I have no concerns about decent people trying to better themselves.
I spoken long and hard with my Latvian neighbour in Lincoln last Saturday, trying to assuage his concerns. He came to the UK 3 years ago, has worked hard and is now proud to have a job empying bins with the County Council. He supports a wife and small boy, who live with him in the UK.
I have no issue with him working in the UK; but query whether he should have a permanent, public sector job and whether his family should have full settlement rights. They now have a far better life in the UK and have no plans to go home.
So, they and a similar Latvian couple rent a house, which would otherwise be available for rent or to buy, by a British couple. They obtain housing and other benefits, their children have school places at no cost.
They are part of Labour’s “13,000 per year”, somehow grown to millions. They are a significant burden on the taxpayer. Yet I agree they are not the existential problem which Neather exposed and for which the control of mass muslim immigration is the real sub plot in the referendum.
Brexit. Are we addressing the issues at last?
shenanigans n. pl. “secret or dishonest activity or manoeuvring”
Any body but May.
EC @ 17:37
Here we go again, EC, what did the two talk about? A deal, Baron reckons, the Justice department does nothing, she keeps shtum, carries on campaigning, the unceasing barking at her in the past actually helping her because she’ll be able to say ‘I told you so, nothing to see, I’m innocent’.
What Obama’s afraid of is she talking, she must know alot about what went on with either full approval, or just the nodding by the honorary Muslim.
It’s getting harder for Donald to fight it, because ‘innocent till proven guilty’ rules, and nobody can be proven guilty in the media, but only in the court of law. No court of law, no guilt, simples.
Radford NG @ 18:00
Agreed, Radford, but can any of us do anything to stop her?
Noa @ 17:35
Sensible guy, Noa, but like millions of other sensible people he can do next to FA.
Noa @ 17:22
If we did have the policy advocated by Baron at 15.45, the Council that employs him would have had to justify it, it if could, fine, if not the guy would have had to be refused visa, stopped from coming here.
Years ago, well in the last century, after the barbarian retired, he approached his local Council asked if he could join the dustbin collection crew, was told the union would have to have a say, told to talk to their rep, who told Baron ‘possible, but there’s a queue, estimated wait – several years’.
(Baron wasn’t really serious about the job, it was a bet with his Left leaning friend, something to do about employment, the barbarian forgets what exactly, the friend remembers the bet, forgot the reason for it, too, Baron called him just know).
Baron – 15:45
All good ideas, but I think we need to build a system that can control all movement of people across our border, and then we can relax or tighten the flow of labour as we want. I think to build up to a level, and want it, as we might, a little higher is folly, and expensive.
The problem is that people come in declaring they are one thing, and then disappear. We need to stop allowing students permission to stay here for ever: a place at a British educational establishment must guarantee, with a bit of bending the rules or cheating, a British passport, for them or their offspring.
Baron 18.25
Working ion the bins has always been a prized sinecure, Baron. Finish work at the end of the round, has first pick of the rubbish.
Even my Latvian friend (he would have voted Leave if the reereudum had been held in Latvia, he told me), had succomed to the British disease, had joined the Union, complained that his boss had told him he must stay till 4pm. As if Britain needs to import bolshie trade unionists from the old Soviet bloc…
There’s none so blind, none so deaf …..
Apologies – incomplete link:
Dalrymple’s take on the referendum. Who remembers Von Werra?
The One That Got Away(1957) starring Hardy Krüger
One of the few films in 1957 where the ubiquitous Sam Kydd didn’t make an appearance!
Sam Kydd – Britain’s most prolific actor. Never turned a part down, no matter how small, speaking or not.
Mis-spent youths, you and 1. And Sam Kydd too, now there’s a blast from the past.
Noa @ 22:33 & EC @ 22:18
Come on, you two diggers of the past, cheer up, the weather’s charmingly British, no end to the pissing, the Wimbledon is about to start, and we’re out of the sovereignty destroying Brussels hydra. What else could one wish for, ha?
With his body, why not:
Frank P 21:08
Thoughtful, Frank, almost to the point of feeling his pain.
Could better education about the nature of Islam help? Baron reckons not, most people are more than aware of it, are impotent to do anything about it. They’re not in power. Even if they were in a position of power, that power was of controlling nature i.e. the Republic’s presidency, a success in doing something about it couldn’t be guaranteed because of the inertia of the construct that natured this particular attitude, the thousands upon thousands of apparatchiks in Government agencies, the lecturers in universities, officers in the Armed Forces ….
The plethora of the societal institutions that has been staffed with people who will carry on with what was injected into them, what they’ve embraced, defended, staked their reputation on. For them to change suddenly would look at best as a loss of face, at worst as proof they’re stupid.
The last years of the communist dictatorship furnishes a good example (but there’re many others). By the late 60s, virtually nobody, that includes the top layers of the people in government and the party, believed the system could continue, but nobody did anything about it because everyone knew that raising a voice meant the loss of a job, career, education for his kids or whatever. Standing up against the established orthodoxy was suicidal for one, the others around him would have used it to their advantage.
You know of the Claus von Stauffenberg assassination attempt on Hitler’s life in the Summer 1944, the one that failed. Many of the Wehrmacht officers who were chasing the conspirators were themselves preparing an assassination, too, but they had no choice but to hunt, arrest Stauffenberg’s accomplices. This is an extreme example of the dangers one faces if one opposes an established system, but essentially it doesn’t differ much from what does happen when one challenges less brutal form of a societal orthodoxy.
It’s hard to articulate, one has to live it to understand the nature of such a challenge. The closest to it is the behaviour of some of our retired politicians, military officers. When in office, they’re blind to it, when they retire, their pensions secured, they ‘wake up’ to the treat, but their MSM exposure is limited, they get castigated for it, and more to the point, can do FA about it anyway.
June 30th @ 21:12
“It needs more Tommy Robinson’s.”
Like a good many others, I thought that Boris Johnson was probably going to replace Cameron, but I sometimes wondered whether his ancestral connection to Turkey raised the question of whether he would be more inclined than some to accept Turks as immigrants? I have no problems with Turks on account of their race, but most of them are encumbered by their connections to Islam, and that is a far more serious matter than their race.
I don’t know enough about the other candidates to have a firm preference among them, but I certainly want the new P.M. to have the strength of character and determination of someone like Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill – someone on whom we can rely to rescue Britain not only from every last shackle of both the continental Executive and the continental Judiciary, but from Islam.
One of my more bizarre dreams has the Queen conferring peerages on Tommy Robinson and two other people of similar mind to him. Then instead of appointing a single Prime Minister, she appoints the three of them as a Triumvirate Cabinet to govern from the House of Lords for a period of at least 5 years. The House of Commons would be dissolved and remain so until the Triumvirate has completed it’s rescue mission.
As I said, a bizarre dream – but are not the suicidal national policies that politicians have imposed on Britain not just worse, but actually insane?
Tommy Robinson is still being persecuted by the Bedfordshire Police;for spreading race hate. His crime is to put on-line an English flag with the words “F–k ISIS”. This is seen as `racist`. (No need to explain to the present audience that there is `shurly shumthing wrong here`.)
T.M.has also put on line a photo of three of Bedfordshires finest in yellow tabards along with a friendly m-sl-m, all grinning and raising their index finger. (For anybody who doesn’t know;this is the symbol of ISIL/daesh/the Islamic State/the Islamic SS.)
Baron – 01:17
That cheered me up no end!
Baron – 01:17
“Could better education about the nature of Islam help?”
What else is there, though education in other areas, to facilitate it would help.
For example, there needs to be explanations that show why these retorts are missing the point:
All religions are the same
They obviously haven’t heard the message of Jesus Christ! Did you know, 🙂 , some ‘religions’ even deny that very message? So they are different.
The Bible is no different
It does not instruct the reader to automatically kill someone if a particular action is seen, without any analysis of the situation. Instead, the Bible informs the reader of what happened years ago and what the characters believed would happen in their future. When we read about the Battle of Hastings or the Hundred Years War (which was about the Norman Kings fighting in France and not about the English 🙂 ), we are are not told, or expected, to repeat those tales, only that that is what happened.
The Bible has some stupid laws too
Much is set 2500 to 4000 years ago, about a small tribe sandwiched between much larger political forces, empires, and were attempting to survive as a nation. Some of the laws were harsh, but times were harsh, and the Laws enabled some power to be removed from the powerful and given to the people: even the privileged had to obey the law. A big step towards the culture we have today, or at least when we leave the EU :).
How can we complain when we have the Bible
It isn’t ours, it belongs to the Jews, and we borrow it. We have a Judeo-Christian based culture, with the Laws made in Parliament (when we leave the EU), not one based on the Old Testament. And today, there are very few Jews who have a way of life completely based on the Torah, and they don’t inflict it on others. They, like us, have developed their Faith in line with increased knowledge and understanding of the World.
There are only a few extremists, so you are being racist
We are talking about a set of ideas, not a race, so it has nothing to do about being racist. Those ideas that we find completely alien, common to many sub-groups and destroying our culture, are grounded in one set of literature, and have, for 1400 years, invariably led to a ‘breach of the peace’. So it isn’t just a few individuals. (Current count this month, around 50 deaths a day)
Well, that literature needs to be amended, so they aren’t misinterpreted
Air travellers get stripped almost naked at airports whilst potential murderers are allowed to roam free, protected by the fugging uman rites crap, until they decide to strike.
EC, what you make of this then?
Baron 00.44
Really sir, as you know it is every Englishmans’ right to be as miserable as he wishes! How else could we be cheerful?
Too late we saw the fox –
saliva from its mouth did drip;
hungry was it, and food were we
for it.
This July morn’, so cute were we:
On stump you sat, and I
explored within the fox-tail sock
when in the fox’s mouth you went
as horrified
I watched him eat.
Then public anger two barrels charged
Dispatched him then to hell.
EC @ 10:05
Nothing to despair about, EC, all of such orthodoxies collapse in the end through internal contradictions (more than outside pressure). The progressive orthodoxy of the anointed (that embraced the ROP) will trend south, too, vanish in the black hole of history.
The French Revolution did, communism, too, The West believes it was Reagan a Thatcher ‘what did it’. Their pressure may have helped, speeded up the implosion of the evil ideology, but it would have fallen apart anyway. It couldn’t feed its people. If Hitler prevailed, given 2-3 generations after his victory, Nazism would have also mellowed, morphed into something like benign dictatorship, then a construct that worshipped national socialism, but one with ‘a human face’.
Revolutionary upheavals happen when those hungry for power but kept away from it use the unhappiness of the unwashed to displace the old guard, install themselves at the top of the pyramids of power.
This country has avoided Bastille, communism, nazism or any other radical attempt at power switchover because the British model has had (will regain it after brexit) the capacity to accommodate the power hungry, e.g. Sinn Fein.
RobertRetyred @ 10:34
To make an argument based on comparative slicing of religious texts will get you nowhere ina society that worships at any altar but that of old scriptures, Robert.
The argument should be simpler that that, root itself in a question ‘which societal arrangement furnishes one with the greatest spectrum of freedoms, provides for one’s maximum profiting from one’s limited abilities, delivers happiness for the largest number?
If one looks at people voting on this question with their feet one cannot miss noticing the flow of people is massively from there to here. Is there any better endorsement of the superiority of our secular governance over that based on the Koran?
Baron – 13:30
Vlad has these emails, without a shadow of a doubt.
I wish he would publish them, but he won’t….
as I suspect he’s using them as leverage on the Obama-Clinton mob!
Fergus Pickering @ 13:48
Under the banner of ‘BritArt’ it may not only pass but be hailed, Fergus, but the barbarian failed to get it. Is this the point of the verse, not getting it?
EC @ 14:09
Excellent point, EC, but it would imply he’ll have the Clinton woman cornered if she gets in.
Doesn’t politics stink?
And another thing:
Don’t you miss Frank and the Colonel? They seem to have gone into hiding. It may be OK for Frank, he’s recovering, but the Colonel? The barbarian would like to hear his take on the Tory selection of the new leader.
Baron – 14-19
Theresa May is unfit to be PM – will continue in Dave’s footsteps…
On the one hand she says:
“There is only one rule of law in our country, which provides rights and security for every citizen”
then in the next breath hails sharia courts as “beneficial!”
ALL religious “councils”/courts should be outlawed. Sharia, Beth din the whole damned lot of them! If people want to avail themselves of the “benefits” provided by those type of courts they should piss off and live in a country where the religious code of their choice is enforced.
EC @ 14:59
Spot on, EC, as is the the solution for those who want to worship Allah. We’re a land where secular law making rules, no place in it for people who want to be judged by a set of pre-medieval paradigms.
Will the leak worshippers make it tonight? It would be nice if they did, it’s not exactly what Baron wished for when the competition started, but it’s close.
That the Europiloc Ken Clarke is now attacking Gove re-inforces my deep distrust of the Tory party grandees.
The odious, ever-obedient May is obviously their shoe-in.
This is how democracy works in the real world:
O erudite Barbarian,
Thou knoweth much.
And understand more.
This very week
Not difficult to seek
Signs of treachery and death,
To that Boris so meek.
Twill not be long,
Afore the Fox of song
Suffers the same,
In pursuit of the game.
The game that ends in the grave of Ten
The Welsh do not worship leeks, everyone knows it is sheep we adore, although God alone knows why.
Stephen, thank you, it’s indeed ‘leek’ not ‘leak’, how TF has this slipped in only He knows, but Baron cannot blame it on the software, it must have bene him. Apologies.
Fergus Pickering @ 15:34
Much better, Fergus, well, at least the barbarian thinks he gets it, the sarcasm of ti.
‘It must have been him’ and ‘of it’. So sorry, it’s not done deliberately, but it’s particularly painful after the leek affair. Trust the barbarian when he says it’s not done on purpose, some of it is because of his poor education (although he knows how to spell ‘leek’ he buys the veg often enough, sees the label), some because of the speed he hits the keyboard, some due to the evil software ….
(The above has been checked before submission and just as well because the software switched ‘deliberately’ to ‘delicately’).
Yes, I think Leadsom is worth a punt, as the old timers say in Ireland…
Noa – 16:29
Andrea Leadsom is polling very well at the moment!
Last night the Beeboids were salivating over Theresa May being the “front runner.” This, in itself, is enough to set the alarums ringing!
This morning Andrew Neil was poo-pooing Andrea Leadsom on the grounds that she hadn’t had a lot of experience. He was, until her campaign manager pointed out that she had actually has a lot more experience than Dave when he became leader, and that she had had real jobs at a senior levels before becoming an MP! {CHWs will remember that PR Dave only ever had one job, at Carlton. It emerged that only got that job because “an equerry at Buck House” phoned them up and suggested that they employ him. Bob’s your uncle, indeed! To think that the Tory party, and then the nation, has been a hostage to fortune of that vapid wanker (et uxor!) for the last eleven years! Grrr! ]
Poor Michael Gove, how ill advised he was. He now seems about as popular as Gollum in the Lord of the Rings!
Poor BoJo, I bet he wishes that he hadn’t renounced his American citizenship last year now! He could have joined the GOP and ran for the nomination! (everybody else did)
Whether Gove has shafted Bojo in a carefully crafted coup, or whether it was a ‘principled’ stand against Johnson’s slippery deviousnous and overweeing ambition, the fact remains that Gove made a good declaration of intent today. He’s clearly a committed Brexiteer, he’s not part of the Bullingdon Cabal and as far as I know has never attended the Bilderberg bash. Not sure about Common Purpose involvement, as Cameron underwrote CP I suspect Gove may have been. I’m worried that when he was Education Secretary he cited Gramsci’s plans for education in glowing terms. That means he was a Gramsci student. Is he therefore a Long Marcher?
It looks as though May is now a shoo-in. Are we really destined for a triumverate of Crooked Hillary as POTUS, Dracula’s Bride as PM, and Angela Eagle as Leader of ‘HM Opposition’. The era of the Amazons?
Where have all the young men gone …?
Hubble, bubblr, toil and trouble. ….
“It looks as though May is now a shoo-in.”
That’d be a “Fuck me shoo”in, then!
Frank P 17.39 and EC 19.26
I refer you to mine of 15.17.
You’re nicked, my sons!
A tribute by Peter Hitchens on the first day of the Somme battle.
I’d rather have Boots than shoes on this crucial matter.
Ach, you poor Brexiters. Your car industry ist done for. VEE are goink to flood ze markets mit ZEES –
Mit kind regards to you all.
Your everlasting freund,
J.C. Druncker
Wales v Iceland European Championship final anyone?
Bloody Belgexit!!
It’s also time for a Clintonexit, if not indeed an Obamexit:
Wales through to the semi. They’ll be barmy in Cardiff tonight.
Stephen Maybery @ 23:45
The best match so far, Stephen, by a mile, the Welsh team performance electrifying, up there with the best, and compared to ours in the Icelandic match, over the horizon in the enclave of footballing legends.
Pity, Ramsey won’t be in the semi-finals, if the boys from the land of the valleys play with the same purchase, they may end up not only in the finals, but the winners overall, no other team has impressed as they did today facing what is supposedly the 2nd best team in the world. (Notice how neatly the barbarian avoided mentioning leeks).
It took Baron half a bottle of Chilean Merlot to get through it, he would have made it full bottle, but there wasn’t time to re-fill the glass, he had to stay focused.
Frank P @ 23:11
The posting by ata777 (the one with the largest number of upticks) sums it up right, Frank, but will the voting public do the same come November?
Noa @ 21:55
Weirder things have happened, Noa, who would have predicted (say) last year we’ll be out from the Brussels undemocratic bureaucracy today, for example.
July 1st, 2016 – 20:00
“And here’s the clincher: Ken Clarke has endorsed her. Now Ken has maniacally devoted the last 20 years of his career to dissolving Britain’s sovereignty in the EU’s. Single currency, single army, single taxation, you name it, Ken loves it all.
One has to believe he knows something about Mrs May we don’t.”
Theresa May
1st rule of #Bilderberg club is to bring your pass for the #Bilderberg club
Herbert Thornton @ 20:18
Clever, Herbert.
The Germans sell to us in three months what they sold in a year to the Russians before the honorary Muslim decreed Russia should be punished for snatching Sevastopol from their grasp. The sanctions hit the German economy, it has stagnated since they were imposed. How likely is it the Mutti will sanction us, lose the trade with us as a consequence?
Baron @ 00:18
“…who would have predicted (say) last year we’ll be out from the Brussels undemocratic bureaucracy today”
We’re not out yet, Baron, not by a long way.
Baron 00.18
Will the FA adopt the Wales and Iceland models after its latest humiliations?
No footballers from above the Championship.
Pay a part time manager £60 quid a week plus a £25 bonus for winning the World Cup.
Sack the hangers-on and Sports Directors.
Play 4-4-2, the English form of Catenaccio’, regardless of fashion changes.
No WAGs, No wasters.
No thick, fat serial millionaire under-achievers.
Would that work, Baron?
And whilst on the subject of football, perhaps we can draw parallels with modern governmental systems.
Are its manifest failures due to do the simple things well, to over-elaboration, interference, too many ‘experts’, too much taxation and waste thereof.
When a full time dentist and part time manager can take his team to the QFs, should we even have full time politicians at all?
Perhaps we should limit the HofC to 250 unpaid MPs, two sittings and 5 new laws per year, and insist on the repeal of 10 old laws before those can become law. And have a sunset clause on all laws so their usefulness is regularly checked.
Edmund Burke would surely have supported Iceland and Wales, as should we.
Noa @ 09:01
You’re right, Noa, when we last won the World Cup the players were paid just above the average wage, today, the likes of Rooney wouldn’t appear on the pitch to discharge a medium size fart for the same money.
Unfortunately, what you suggest is about as doable as turning pigs to perform full flight. Isn’t that strange, the richer a society, the more corrupt, perverted, untrustworthy everything becomes?
Emotions have taken over, it’s feelings that govern what we do more than common sense, thinking, logic. As the gum ball man explains (remember him?) letting the poor of the world invade the richer countries solves FA, yet we keep doing it, like lemmings move gradually to the cliffs of our destiny. (Sorry to change the subject, the barbarian has just finished debating immigration with a friend of his, he reckons those supporting brexit are ‘the killers of the human race’, arghhh, and also the ‘dismantlers of the United Kingdom’, arghhhhh arghhh.
To be an MP wasn’t a job in the past as it is today, the sittings happened in the evening, occasionally ran overnight, the MPs didn’t rely on it as a source of income, they may have had an interest in one piece of legislation or another, but by and large it was the country’s interest as they perceived it from what their constituents told them. Turning the seat in the House into a job to secure one’s income was, in Baron’s humble view, one of the key mistakes we’ve made pushed us further to the cliff.
Malfleur @ 00:33
You may be right, Malfleur, if the old Guard takes over the talks we’re fugged.
(No time to rant any more, the remain man has returned, says he has more to add, what other crap is it this time Baron cannot say, will tell you).
Malfleur @ 00:33 and Baron @ 15:52
Agreed. The old Guard are as useless for their country as their Generals were in the first world war.
This sets out very clearly who is – and who is not – the best choice for the next Prime Minister.
Herbert Thornton at 16-43
Bollox (provisionlly). I forgive you as you are (how many hours ?) behind the times.
Andrea Leadsom is coming up fast by the rails . Currently at 5/2.
Andrea Leadsom has been has been supported by I.D.Smith (who is not my favourite Conservative). Breitbart predicts 30 of Boris’s supporters will declare for her.She is clearly way ahead of Grove.
There is good reason to think Andrea Leadson will be on the Conservative member ballot against Ms.T.May.
Every good reason to think the Conservative membership will not support T.May.
Telegraph-on-Line pulls damning article about Theresa May.See Guido Fawkes for the text.
The article can be accessed via Breitbart.This includes an inter-active pole.Last time I looked it was 78% for `anybody but Theresa May`.
Herbert @ 16:43
Dellers reports that Gove has pictures of Trotsky and Malcom X on his Whitehall office wall. Paradigms that indicate his resolve, apparently. Resolve to do what? Add to that his previous praise for Antonio Gramsci’s ideas for education of children and have you a man who is vying for a new pair of boots to continue the Long March?
What a mess this Brexit purge is becoming. The only Leader in sight – Nigel – is being shafted by his own party, which means he’s a one msn band. Very sad – particularly as the Brexit vote was almost entirely due to his ground campaign. We truly are a fucked up nation.
Telegraph/Archive now 84% against May.
For everyone to unwind:
You may have seen this, it may even be it was posted here, if so, the barbarian has missed it, posts it again because it’s funny.
We could never do without the Germans, they’re the undisputed innovators, nothing too small for them:
Good news from Austria.
The postal voters from the cemeteries of Old Istambul will be spinning, dervish-like, in their graves.
Not much to add to the barbarian’s chat with his deluded friend except to tell you he turned his car around (walking is hard for him) to tell him that ‘millions of brexiters are saying now they made a mistake, voted out because they were told lies …’.
Does anyone think that if the vote was the other way round, the margin even smaller, the BBC wankers would be yapping that it (the vote) was unfair because the remain camp was telling porkies?
Herbert Thornton @ 16:43
Clarke and Major, the two most prominent Europhiles, are backing the saintly Teresa. That alone should be enough for everyone to be against her.
On the complexities of Brexit:
Over a quarter of century ago communism collapsed in the East, the satellite countries e.g. Poland, the Czechs, the rest of them, whose trade was overwhelmingly orientated towards the Soviet Union (nobody in the West would buy the crap their plants were turning out), lost most of the markets overnight, they all survived the initial turmoil, turned their economies around, the people didn’t die, the plague didn’t strike ….. Why the fear our businesses cannot cope?
China, a country with no trade agreement with the EU sells to Germany twice as much (in value) as we do, perhaps we go the Chinese way. (Baron has singled out Germany because this is the country that will again decide what sort of trade relationship we are to have with the EU).
Here is a key source of legally illegal immigration that could be plugged easily, or at least policed better:
The leadership race latest:
And lastly before the kick-off, here’s a piece on Andrea who is 53, the same age Margaret was when she took over the Tory party in 1975.
Radford NG
July 2nd, 2016 – 17:52
I’m at least 8 hours behind the times, and Frank has certainly made me wonder what Gove might really do.
In the meantime, I’m entirely happy to hope that Andrea Leadson will be chosen.
Rex Murphy in today’s National Post has written that we have to consult “the Lamentations of Jeremiah to find a grim parallel to the wailing and gnashing of Europhile teeth” after the Brexit side win.
I wonder what Shakespeare would write about it? Maybe –
“Now is the winter of our discontent,
Made glorious summer by the Vote to split.”?
I hope that’s not premature……
“Indifference, to me, is the epitome of evil.”
(h/t Drudge Report)
This is good, the lovely Diane, who is shadowing the Secretary of State for International Development, asked her a written question on Thursday.
Diane Abbott:
To ask the Secretary of State for International Development, what steps she has taken to assist people in the Indonesian province of Davao del Norte affected by the drought in that province.
Justine Greening:
There is no province called Davao del Norte in Indonesia.
And she is one of the people who wants to govern not a non-existent far away province, but a country of over 60mn people.
Malfleur @ 23:06
Thanks, Malfleur, a principled man if there ever was one, the barbarian knew of him, or rather of his book Golem from Prague (or Prague’s Golem), a story quite popular in the Czech Republic, but to his shame he has never read anything else.
Amazing for a camp survivor to have such a long life, but many who got through the horrors did.
Could it be curtains for the Mutti and the EU?
Well, ‘tis voting day down here and what a choice we have. The one choice we don’t have is not to vote. That attracts a hefty fine and when we became citizens a few weeks back, there was the voting commission ensuring we signed up and registered so they can get their $1000 should we fail in our civic duty!
The system here is proportional and complex. Also, the PM has called a double dissolution so both the house of reps and the senate are being voted for. Rules have been adjusted as the minor parties (many one-seaters) have been holding the balance of power and thwarting government legislation. This time, minor parties will find it much harder to gain seats. The senate ballot paper is rumoured to be a metre long!
In truth, as with the UK, there are only two choices – Liberal/National Coalition or Labour. Labour here are worse than the UK, backed by the Unions and with a taste for thuggery and corruption amongst their supporters. Recall the UK in the late 60’s/early 70’s. The LNP are akin to the Tories but without the inherent snobbery. The Greens fulfil the role of the UK Liberals – over to the left, anti-business and as mad as a bucket of monkeys. There are a number of right-wing parties – Hanson, Family First, Australian Alliance etc – and a growing antipathy against Muslims. There is a real backlash against Halal-labelled food – the biggest selling cheese here is called Coon (honest!) and they have taken to hiding the labelling inside the wrapping. The Muslims that are here are still very quiet and low-key as there aren’t that many but we have looked to Europe and seen your mistakes. We expect our lawmakers to wake up to this threat – if they don’t, they shouldn’t be surprised if the single-issue, anti-Muslim parties gain ground.
Many results in but it will take some time to sort out all the preferences and swaps though it looks very much like a hung Parliament in the House of Reps – too close to call between Coalition and Labor. This is the problem with AV – at the moment, it looks like the final result won’t be known until Tuesday so everything is in limbo, accusations flying in every direction, backroom deals trying to be sorted and all pretending that they can’t see how well Hanson and the other (primarily) anti-Muslim parties have done. Heads in the sand the world over – it’s not racism, it’s the anti-freedom, murdering Muslims we all fear and detest. The (potentially) up-side of AV is that these parties will get representatives, unlike in the UK where UKIP by all that is honest should have had a greater number of seats.
Voting a very different experience here (sunny for a start!). The Senate paper was indeed a metre long with 30+ candidates (apparently, there is a law that limits the length to a metre and the font must be adjusted so they all fit). Representatives of the main parties at the station with helpful cards advising who to vote for to support them (the Greens don’t like being told to recycle their card where the sun don’t shine, obviously not used to political argy-bargy.) and this was a great help as a first-time voter. Also, the votes are counted at the station – this place is far too big to be running around with vote boxes. I think the boxes then go to a central location where they can be checked if necessary. This means each polling station has members of the Australian Electoral Commission present to resolve any concerns, issues etc on the spot so anybody who appears unregistered can be sorted and any fines avoided. There is also usually the ubiquitous sausage sizzle run by some local charity where you can get the traditional “snag-in-a-rag-wiv- orse” being a sausage diagonally across a slice of bread, doused with ketchup. And a cake stall with Lamingtons. And coffee – all very sociable.
Much talk of Brexit here veering from the likes of the wine-growers rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of stuffing the French and Spanish when the tariffs drop to those with long memories who feel Britain threw Australia and New Zealand to the wolves and turned their backs on us when they joined the EEC (the implicit statement being a pox on your house). Much talk of rejecting the Monarchy and becoming a Republic but nobody seems to be able to come up with anything better than Liz as an alternative. Looking at the US system, an Australian Trump is no advert for a Republic (and I don’t think even the staunchest multi-culturalist could stomach an abo in the lead role). Other systems seem to end up with retired (and rejected) politicians in the lead role and there’s no way we want Gillard or Rudd at the helm, even in a symbolic role.
Delighted to read of the talk to impeach the vile creature Blair. We had people who died because of that lying bastard, so more power to their elbows.
Clear Memories @ 02:17
Enjoyable, informative and timely, Clear Memories, thanks.
The size of the fine seems harsh, you know what happens to those unable (or unwilling) to pay it?
Not all AV systems produce single, one seater mavericks, it all depends on the cut-off in the popular vote, but even a minority of (say) 10 seats may be considered by some unfair in the size of the chamber like ours, and a near 50-50 split between two major parties.
Baron favours it, take the last count here, it’s sickeningly unfair for 4mn voters to have just one MP in the House, and (initially) a turncoat to boot, when just over 11mn votes yielded the tories 330 seat.s Equality indeed.
At least you had the sun shining whilst you were deciding who should ruin the country, here it’s more like a pissing competition for the days of Summer, which one manages too bring more water in the shortest time possible. If you’re somewhat cheesed off read this and count your blessings, the future here doesn’t make one jumping with joy either.
Sir Nigel Farage has shown integrity in his long commitment to the cause of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. He has more than ordinary knowledge of how the EU works and how best to disengage from it consistent with the interests of our country. He is largely untrammeled by the internecine political warfare in Westminster. He should be involved in the negotiations to leave.
Time to examine the runners and riders:
Theresa May
An utter disaster. She has presided over a year on year increase in immigration and allowed police forces to retreat in the face of Islamic Asian gangs. She caved in to Osborne’s demands to butcher the Border force and decimate the police. If it is not possible to rely on her as a credible Home Secretary then what confidence should there be in her abilities to orchestrate the complexities of Brexit?
Michael Gove
While a competent and credible figure he shot himself in the foot by the way he announced his candidacy.
Stephen Crabb
Almost as left wing as Corbyn and unknown outside Westminster.
Andrea Ledsom
Competent and charming but unknown outside Westminster, although she did make a good fist in the television debates.
Liam Fox
Absolutely sound as his bid statement attests.
“We do want to develop a more clear sense of our first principles. Instead of talking about the deficit, we should just be telling people that we should not spend money that we don’t have. You can’t spend today and pass the debts onto the next generation because that’s immoral.
“On welfare, we should be saying we have a moral duty to look after people who cannot look after themselves, but not people who will not look after themselves.”
Perhaps the time has come to seek what the Doctor ordered
Clear Memories @ 02:17
Thanks for the rundown on the Aussie election. It seems that political chaos reigns in both our countries at the moment! On my one and only visit to Australia I was struck by how young everybody seemed to be, and how many Asians(not Pakistanis) there were. I suppose as time goes on, and there are fewer people left alive who feel ties to our cold wet island then there might well be a vote to become a republic. HMQ as suggested as much. The gloomy prospect of King Charles III might not help either. The UK’s raping descent into barbarism with the first televised public flogging/beheading of a rape victim in Trafalgar Square might also serve to wake the Aussies up, before it’s too late!
NZ’s recent referenda on changing their flag didn’t work out too well for the “progressives” 🙂 Wasted a lot on money that could have been put to better use though!
Long Live Her Majesty!
I can confirm that Coon Cheese Slices are ideal for sandwich making, and are indeed very tasty. The ignorant “progressives” would like to ban it, because they are the true racists! What’s in a name, eh?
” Coon cheese is named after its American creator, Edward William Coon (1871–1934) of Philadelphia, who patented a method, subsequently known as the Cooning process, for fast maturation of cheese via high temperature and humidity.”
E.W. Coon was of Russian descent.
On a lighter note, back to the Aussie election…
This is only 2mins 30sec but very it is well done!
“The UK’s raping descent into barbarism”
Should have been “rapid,” however…
Germany vs Italy
So glad that I only caught, by accident, the last half of extra time!
Come on you Taffs !
btw. Any of you footy masochists out there know how many of the German team are actually really German?
Bach on Sunday
Baron, as promised, here are some statistics. We are averaging a steady stream of over 600 people visiting the site each day. That is down on numbers when I was getting blog posts produced and advertising the site every day. But it indicates a serious and committed readership. Someone must be enjoying it, or we’d be down to about 10 visitors.
WEEKEND FINANCIAL TIMES – Papers Over the Cracks
Last week’s Weekend FT came a little too hard on the heels of the Brexit result for the editorial board and the Japanese publishers (as they they now are) to overcome their discombobulation and general state of gobsmacked incredulity at the waywardness and unreliability of the British people even after so may years of strenuous propaganda.
Poise has since been recovered by The Nikkei pinko New World Order rag, lair of the Bilderberger Wolf, and it has performed sufficiently creditably this weekend to reduce me to spluttering apoplexy this Sundat morning over my “English bangers”, fried eggs, hashed browns and, God help me, baked beans.
Every section except How To Spend It, and not excluding House and Garden, has its Brexit articles; and there is an additional 12 page supplement, Brexit Aftermath,with a slew of pieces on the referencum though the Editor finally ran out of them on the last page and had to fill the gap with an advertisement on the back for – the Financial Times.
What really had the mouth froth topping up my coffee though was the article on the front page of the Life and Arts Section by the luvvy author of that mean-spirited novel, the Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. The burden of his prestige is devoted by the FT to arguing, quelle surprise, that only a second referendum might just save the majority of the English Brexiteers from their ingrained racism.
The Life & Arts section in the Death & War sub-section, a little incongruously until one remembers the ambitions of the New World Order to meld totalitarian social control with total war, and no doubt to remind us just what we will be missing by Brexit, carries a long and interesting article entitled ‘NATO’S WAR GAMES – Rehearsing for Combat in Eastern Europe’. The FT defence and security editor, Sam Jones, makes a good fist here, but seems to lack full confidence in the ability of NATO at the tactical level to resist the Russians; more so in the strategic sphere however- and we all know what that means…
The slug Blair has been touring the studios today trying to bullshit his way to a second referendum. Why hasn’t this example of noxious vermin been seen to by the pest control people. Btw – has his barmy bride left him? They don’t seem to be an item anymore, after the the Murdoch divorce. Which leads to the next question – why hasn’t Rupe had him banned from Sky News Studios?
EC (11:10)
Steady, we’re adding to the concept that the Brexit vote may be reversible. The whole of the MSM have been propagating that notion since the result.
Brexit was an overwhelming vote to extract ourselves from the scam of last Century and this one – so far. And I count the sub-scam of Global Warming/Climate Change as just a component of it.
If these fuckers try to reverse the outcome, yesterday’s Wanker’s Carnival in Whitehall will look like a vicar’s tea part by comparison. Let loose the dogs of war – and frail as I am, my bite is worse than my bark.
I note that Toby Young who made a half-reasonable vid on the benefits of Brexit before the vote is today trimming his sails to “we can use Brexit as a negotiating ploy”. WTF??
Obviously a Boris fan, whose whole ploy was designed to actually Remain with him as PM pulling off a New Deal. How did that work out?
What is wrong with these Kuntz??
Since Brexit, there has been lots of hand wringing about how complex the leaving negotiations are going to be plus a complete stalling by Cameron on the excuse that everything must wait until there is a new Prime Minister in several weeks time.
No doubt discussions will be needed, but why can Britain not take some steps without the need for any discussions at all?
For example why is Cameron not already seeking new and better trade arrangements with countries outside the E.U.?
And, for that matter, why should Britain go on complying with whatever requirements of the E.U. are burdensome, harmful or unnecessary including making any payments whatsoever to the E.U.?
E.U. bureaucrats can be expected to protest that Britain is not allowed to do any of those things, but is not the proper response of a sovereign nation – “Really? What are you going to do about it? Get lost.” (Expressed in more diplomatic language of course, but to the same effect).
Frank P – 17:16
I didn’t read that article in that way.
I agree with your sentiments about backsliders, and in particular about Toby Young. To him, you can also add May, and BoJo to the list! Not sure about Gove, but would like to ask him why it took so long for him to suss BoJo out!!!
In the main, the Vote.Leave campaign contained many of the EUfederasts’/globalists’/establishment’s ‘PlanB’ place men. That is why the compromised Electoral Commission awarded the OUT franchise to them, instead of Grassroots Out, thereby leaving Nigel Farage and UKIP frozen out. Despite that, GO turned out to be far more effective campaigners!
Meanwhile the meddling madam north of the border is stirring the shit again!
Frank P @ 17:01
What an evil creature Blair is, Frank, it’s not often a country has to put up with an adulterated evil, the Germans had to, the Russians, the Chinese, so one supposes our turn had to come, too. But why someone as evil as he?
He was the guest on World at One on BBC Radio4, Mark Mardell in the chair.
‘Of course, we must respect the voice of the people, honour their vote’, he kept saying, ‘but we must keep our options open. If they (the people) change their mind, it will be reflected in the House, and the MPs could then vote on it, follow the people’s wish as it adjusts’.
Two contradictory thoughts in the same sentence.
‘It wasn’t 70-30, it wasn’t even 60-40 in favour, it was only 52- 48. Those 48 feel disenfranchised’ he also said.
Mardell didn’t interrupt asking ‘wouldn’t the 30 in the 70-30 results felt also disenfranchised? And if not why not. Why should it matter what the result is, doesn’t the losing side always feel ‘disenfranchised’?
‘What if’, Mardell should have asked, ‘the Remain crowd were to win? Wouldn’t the Leave voters feel disenfranchised? Would he, Blair, make an argument for them?’
Logic of the argument would have, hopefully, pushed Blair to answer in the affirmative. But then Mardell could have asked him ‘what’s the bloody point of the referendum, every Dick and Harry knew the country was divided anyway? The referendum was bound to deliver a result in favour of one or the other, the losing side being ‘disenfranchised. No point having it, no?
In every election there is a losing side e.g. UKIP, or the Austrian presidential race, or whatever. Those who come short accept it with good grace, that’s what democracy’s all about. (In Austria, it wasn’t the hurt feelings of the losers, but discrepancies in counting).
Still, one may argue that the referendum wasn’t the same as an election result that can be reversed at the next count. This is true, but then one could counter argue the referendum was a verdict on an aberration in the chain of history.
Britain had always been an independent country until she was taken into the Common Market, a different animal to the EU that aims to become a federal set-up, not then what we initially went into. Those who favour the morphing into federalism had close to half a century to convince people of this country to buy this fundamental change of the country’s status. They’ve failed, so in a sense, the referendum was about our willingness to continue with an experiment, or return to what Britain had been for centuries, a sovereign nations with full control of her borders, in-house law making, the ability of the unwashed to be governed by people they can vote in or out, and not some bunch of perhaps well meaning, but unaccountable apparatchiks.
The rumour has it the cumryd in charge of Labour wants to lead the party until Chilcot’s published, then initiate criminal proceedings against Blair. Hard to say if it’s true, politicians would say anything to cling to power. If it is what Curbyn intends to do though, Baron would seriously consider joining his lot, temporarily of course, give his vote to him.
It was an immeasurably pleasant experience to see ‘ the healthy core of Englishness’ awaking from decades of hibernation, regaining sovereignty. It would be the icing on the torte to see the ghastly evil Blair facing a judge, convicted, sentenced.
(Sorry about this rant, the barbarian’s lunch got close to getting spoilt because of the evil Blair, hence the unloading of his (Baron’s) anger unto you).
Sorry for the errors, it was done in greater haste than is usual, the barbarian’s too busy, he wants to watch the match at eight tonight.
One for Clear Memories:
France has put England’s defeat by Iceland into perspective. Half time:
France 4; Iceland 0.
Wallsters, Did you expect anything else?
The BBC’s on-going march against democracy and the popular will.
Baron 18.35
“In every election there is a losing side e.g. UKIP, or the Austrian presidential race, or whatever. Those who come short accept it with good grace, that’s what democracy’s all about. (In Austria, it wasn’t the hurt feelings of the losers, but discrepancies in counting).”
Not so.That’s one injustice being righted.See my post of July 2nd 18.58.
Re: Germany vs Italy – Germany?
Re: France vs Iceland – France?
Noa @ 21:10
But that was exactly the point the barbarian was making, Noa. The reason for the new election in Austria isn’t the losers’ shouting ‘we don’t like it’, it was the shenanigans wit h postal votes that engendered the re-run.
The sentence in brackets should have read ‘it wasn’t the hurt feelings of the losers, but discrepancies in counting that led to the Constitutional Court ordering a re-run’.
What a treat, and what a performance by the the losers.
The most amazing feature of the match was the ease with which the Icelandic players moved forward particularly in the 2nd half. What takes our boys many minutes, took them virtually seconds, and the were close to the goal. Heroes they are.
If, but that’s not guaranteed, the French kick the ball as well as they did today Germany has no chance. They’re only a marginally better replica of our Golem like team. The win on penalties wasn’t at all convincing.
The yesterday’s match was a rather boring affair, in the first half just 5 attempts on goal, only one hit it. The Italians were livelier, technically better, penetrated the German half much quicker. The Germans were pedestrian, but kept going, they always do.
The second half livened up with a couple attempts at football on both sides, Ozil was the man in the German team, scored for the team, Eder for Italy. The hand ball by Boetang that gifted the Italians a penalty (which they converted) was an example of momentary stupidity.
Not that the barbarian supported either, would have preferred the Italians to win, better entertaining value, awful hitting the ground at every opportunity though. If the championship was about falling down the Italians would have been the winning side hands down.
In today’s match both Pogba and Payet excelled, the replacement for Giroud didn’t fit, Loris made superb save in the 2nd half. On the Icelandic side, it was more the teamwork that pleased. Their combined pay probably doesn’t match that of any of our top players, but the feel they had for each other was near perfect. Baron expects plenty of ranting about ‘the Icelandic approach’ in the weeks ahead. Perhaps, we should dispatch our stars to spend few years in the country, it may help.
Noa @ 21:05
There isn’t one BBC Radio programme that doesn’t pick at something about the outcome, or castigates Nigel, or just in passing carps about the lack of knowledge of the voters. From ‘You and Yours’, to ‘Loose Ends’, it’s always there, the idea must be to condition the public so that they keep silent when the MPs debate the bill to invoke Article 50, refuse to pass it.
If the BBC keeps doing it, it may lose the support amongst the old members of the ‘healthy core’, those who listen to the Archers, and that will be their undoing.
Peter from Maidstone @ 10:33
Thank you, Peter, it’s appreciated.
We are not yet at the level of following of the honorary Muslim (75mn on Twitter), but doesn’t every journey start with a small first step?
While we are quaintly distracted by the notional Brexit fixit – and whether the sheepshaggers can beat Germany in the final of the EuroNations kickabout, Fred takes a close look at the real world:
2050 UK? You tell me. Accelerating changes (for the worse) in the commitment to intellectual improvement will leave our issue floundering.
We have little ink left in our pens. A dried up culture cannot survive. Just take a look at the eejits vying for power across the Western World? We have had our shit stolen whilst we were sleeping.
Baron July 3rd, 2016 – 23:33
As Verity used to say, “BBC DELENDA EST!”
Baron July 3rd, 2016 – 23:38
There are so many “Barons” on Twitter, which one are you?
Another arrogant German cheating
bastarder… “sportsman”.Yesterday’s outrageous behaviour by Nico Rosberg, twice trying to elbow Lewis Hamilton off the track, brought back memories of when Schumacher deliberately drove into Damon Hill to prevent him winning the 1994 F1 title!
Schumacher’s reputation will be forever tarnished by that incident.
Frank P, July 3rd, 2016 – 23:45
Brexit: Don’t worry, this morning there are rumours of Dave putting Oliver Letwin on the case!
The appalling incident of the one year old boy critically injured by an airgun. Some curious aspects relating to the arrest and charges.
The news first reported that the couple were arrested for “negligent behaviour”. Is “negligent behaviour” now an arrestable offence? If so then surely large numbers of those who rule over us ought to have been banged up. Does this imply that they were arrested by officers with an imperfect knowledge of the law?
Now they are reporting that the couple have been charged with causing grievous bodily harm. How so if one airgun and one pellet fired? Presumably one of the couple has been charged under the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 or section 44(1) of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, implying that the shooting was not accidental.