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It isn’t often that posters under Guardian articles lay into the Labour Party as strongly as they have done here. The problem is this sexist quote from Yvette Cooper that also ignores domestic violence in ‘gay’ relationships:
“Labour has promised to bring in a violence against women and girls bill that would end the use of community resolutions in cases of domestic violence.”
It looks like many believe that there are sufficient laws, but they don’t get enforced, the law should be ‘gender’ neutral, controlling behaviour by continually generating new law devalues the law, lowering the threshold for unacceptable behaviour will turn the law into farce and overload the justice system and, oh, there is a general election next year. And all this is in the Guardian!
@Clear Memories 28th, – 02:14
Thanks, CM, for giving us the opportunity to read this. It’s good to know that some journalists, nay, polemicists, do still have the sense they were born with. OTOH, it’s appalling to know that they will be ignored, reviled and sneered at by the knee-jerk liberal ‘elite’ who don’t have said sense. (except that elites are supposed to comprise the best.) And while he has outline the problem, and where it is leading he, like pretty well the rest of us, lacks a solution…probably because there isn’t one.
O(O), I also am grateful to CM for posting this. It was an important article. I do think that the issue of runaway populations in Africa is a critical one since it prevents any solution being found to their systemic social problems.
I note this report…
A new report predicts that sub-Saharan Africa will record the world’s largest population growth between now and 2050. According to the Population Reference Bureau, the world’s poorest region will more than double in population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion.
By the year 2050, the report states Africa’s population is likely to grow by a staggering 1.3 billion people — the largest growth of any region in the world, including Asia, which currently has about 60 percent of people on the planet. Sub-Saharan Africa, where fertility rates are among the highest in the world, will account for the majority of the increase. In sub-Saharan Africa, the population is expected to grow from 926 million people to nearly 2.2 billion people.
Since Africa is unable to bear the burden of the existing population we can only guess who will be required to pick up the burden of this additional 1.3 billion people.
We know it already, but it’s ‘heartening’ to see it packaged so well (4.75 minutes):
Heartland Institute: International Conference on Climate Change
Peter from Maidstone@July 28th, 2014 – 11:26
We had high birthrates in the late 19th century when child mortality was high -people had kids in the knowledge they would lose a few.
as child mortality dropped in the early 20th century, the birthrate dropped as people started to have an expectancy of their kids becoming adults. I can see this quite clearly in may family tree.
Condoms became viable in the late 19th cent too.
people from the 3rd world have not caught on to the fact that their kids will survive and are still breeding for child mortality. Even when they come to the UK.
As an aside we have to stop paying people to breed. benefits for kids should taper sharply after the first child.
Exactly, if you can’t feed them, then don’t breed them. What is more do not allow them over here. Africa’s problems are of Africa’s making, and if Africa is unable or, more likely, unwilling to sort itself out, then tough. It is not our problem.
stephen maybery
July 28th, 2014 – 16:24
Hear hear!
Alexsandr, part of the problem in much of Africa is the very low value placed on girls and women. In many places a teenage girl is more likely to be raped than receive an education. Promiscuity is also rife in many countries. It is not just a matter of lower death rates though of course that applies in some places. It is a lack of sexual control, either on the part of males, or males and females. Many African men also refuse to use condoms and allied with male promiscuity this has caused an epidemic of AIDS.
This is a video Fox News wanted to air, has been blocked to do so by the Obama Administration. The question is why because it a collage of clips of Obama talking.
Peter from Maidstone @ 11:26
In 1984, Michael Burke, a BBC journalist went to Ethiopia, which had some 40mn people, found famine there, sent a report back: Please help, over four million people are starving. The Irish ‘national treasure’ screamed ‘give us your fugging money, many did, Baron included, quite alot for what he earned then.
The amount of money poured into Ethiopia in the years ahead topped $9bn in forms of loans, assistance, write offs, investment ….
In 2004, the same journalist visited the same country, which by then had 60mn people give or take a million, found massive starvation, sent back a report ‘please help over 12mn people are starving’.
Since then, the amount of money that has gone into Ethiopia has more than double that of the proceeding 20 years. The country population today tops 90mn, the per capita income has hardly changed since 1984.
It cannot be long before a journalist sends a request for help “because 25mn people are starving there”. Baron has said it before, we have done more damage to Africa with our assistance, charitable or other, than the years of colonialism. Lunacy.
It’s interesting that in the UK, even with the higher birth rates of some migrants, it is expected that a woman will bear 1.80 children in her lifetime. In Niger it is expected that each woman will bear 7.19 children.
In 1960 the population was 1.7 million, it is now 15 million. Half the population is under 15 years of age. And 800,000 of the population are slaves. The child mortality rate continues to be unbelievably high at 248 deaths per 1,000 children between 1 and 4.
It’s morbidly fortunate that the death rate is so high otherwise the population would explode even more.
Who is to blame? What is to be done? If there is no contraception and no self-control then a predominantly young population will grow exponentially.
Ofcom has ruled Jeremy Clarkson’s ‘sloping’ comment was racist. To be frank, Baron had no idea the word ‘slope’ has any racist meaning, he couldn’t find even a light colouring of racism in it. When the story broke, Baron thought it was a joke he couldn’t get.
With regard to Africa’s starving millions, many years ago on some high-brow chat program, it might well have been News Night or something very similar, an opinion was given from one man (I can’t remember who) that had the rest of the panel up in arms.
This chap clearly stated that we should not give any form of aid to anywhere in Africa, he went on to state more precisely that we should not interfere in trying to combat diseases and pestilence but to allow them free rein, in order to reduce population levels to numbers that could live comfortably on the food produced by the country.
I think that he had a valid point.
Peter from Maidstone – 18:06
The West has sunk £ trillions into the 3rd World. I remember, years ago, the figure was over £4,000 billion and, as has been said here, the problems have only grown, exponentially!
And it is not only population growth. It is no change of culture, no framework that encourages individuals to carry a small fraction of the burden. Having fewer, healthier children, with a better education, would help enormously, as would a less corrupt political world. In fact their culture is growing in Britain, and we haven’t grasped the nettle! We, as a nation, are still spending more than we earn. Children leave school still not realising that school was where they could have received a lot of help in preparing to enter the real world.
Western Charities, and any government with an aid programme, need to be confronted: what is their long term goal and is it feasible, given the figures that you have and our knowledge of what has happened to foreign aid and its recipients.
There are people in these countries that say that aid damages the recipients by destroying their markets, so that their businesses are not sustainable, causing corruption and giving the impression that successful people have contacts with rich foreigners, which does not encourage hard graft,with the expectation of eventual success.
I think a key strand of Myers article is the impact of poor nutrition and upbringing on the IQ of Africans and the subsequent effect that has on the Continent.
It might go a long way to explain why, although there are examples of high achievement, the majority in that blighted Continent are thuggish, savage and intellectually-challenged. It also explains why, when raised in the west with its higher living standards, better mortality rates etc, too many who trace their roots back to Africa remain thuggish, savage and stupid.
I suspect the whole point of the article is that, whilst many here have highlighted failings amongst the African population despite the best efforts of St. Bob of the Gob, they are possibly too stupid to save themselves.
RobertC @ 14:44
The tide on AGW may have turned in the scientific community (Baron wouldn’t bank on it though), but the politicians got hold of it, will not let go, every breeze or a drop of rain will be blamed on it. Madness, and a costly one, too.
She gets it:
Here is someone who knows a thing or two about Hamas:
Baron – 22:14 ‘CAGW’
Yes, the Science doesn’t interest most of the public, but asking why we are closing our coal fired power stations when we need more capacity has a better response.
The Didcot cooling towers were demolished early this morning.
“Britain is to send more than 1,300 British troops to eastern Europe as a show of strength against Russia’s annexation of Crimea and ‘destabilisation’ of eastern Ukraine.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced the details of Exercise Black Eagle in Poland, as EU member states prepare to impose tough sanctions on Russia’s financial, defence and the hi-tech energy sectors…
…Herindoors, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 8 minutes ago
The skies over the Yorkshire Dales have been busy for weeks with low flying military aircraft. All the locals have known something was afoot because it was like this in 2003. Now we know. Please don’t let any of our lads get hurt this time. Not our problem.”
Malfleur @ 00:12
One can only hope this sabre rattling doesn’t spill into something bigger, Malfleur.
The way Baron reads it is the messiah wants to provoke Vlad to do something foolish, like lopping few missiles into Ukraine, Poland or wherever, we shall see whether his KGB training equipped him with patience and strong nerves. Also in the news, the Russian Internet TV called ‘the Rain’ has covered it intensively, is the decision of the Hague’s arbitraging court on Yukos, Russia was found guilty, the penalty $50bn. Not a restful night for the one who likes stripping to the waist.
If the West hopes for the Russian unwashed to start demonstrating, calling for new election, dethroning Putin and stuff they’ll have a long wait before them. The opposition in the Duma calls for a response from Russia, and not just the right wing opposition, the communists and the Zhirinovsky lot, the left leaning SR party members, too.
The saddest thing on the whole affair is the peaceful interregnum lasted but twenty years. You may not slice it the way Baron does, but the Russians have never before had it as good, despite all the boils and warts, as now. It may sadly come to en end for them, the messiah will never forgive that a majority of 2 to 1 of the Americans would rather have the colonel than him. That’s unforgivable, it must be punished, and punished the Russians will be, their economy is just below $2tr, the combine might of the West well over $30tr. Russia’s no match on that score. Militarily though the Russian Armed Services could well stand up to the Yanks, demoralised and reduced in number in the skirmishes around the world, but thank be to God if He can prevent it.
Malfeur, this is of interest:
Who are these, do you know?
These spotless passports !!!
Same as 9/11.
John birch @ 10:40
Thanks, John, very helpful.
The passports were an obvious plant, but how would the rebels benefit from planting them, and where did they get them from with the names of real passengers, only the Ukrainian authorities were in possession of the names, isn’t it a requirements for the list of passengers, the passenger manifest, to be furnished to the countries the plane flies over?
Baron has checked the credentials of the guy who set it up, runs it as editor. He’s a regular contributor to RT, one has to be careful here. De omnibus dubitandum est
Baron still leans to the the view the rebels are the guilty party, shooting the MH17 by mistake, but not as much as before mainly because of the silence of the Americans, no submission of their satellite, radar data. Why are they so reticent? Also, they seem to be piling up a range of misdemeanours on the Russians as if there was no tomorrow, like the Hague Yukos decision two days ago, and today some violation of a treaty signed way back in 1988. This all smells like a camouflage for some bad news they expect to emerge from the investigation.
Is anyone here speaking Russian? Baron has a subscription to an Internet TV called ‘the Rain’. It’s an anti-Putin outfit, it gets news far quicker than anyone else. Superb, all young people speaking Russian at a speed of a KA47. If you click on it, scroll doen abit, there is a picture of the German Frau and the boy, the title says: “Putin acts like a bandit in Ukraine, wickedly, foolhardily. This is what the West thinks”.
Ra-Ra Vlad Putin
Leader of the Slav Regime.
Ra-Ra Vlad Putin
Russia’s greatest love machine.
“because of the silence of the Americans, no submission of their satellite, radar data.”
We-ell, if they give up the raw data, they then have to answer the question of how they came by it. And answering that may disclose more of their capabilities than they’re comfortable to do.
In their position I’d release only such information as could be used to ‘nudge’ the course of events in the direction they want.
Radford NG
July 29th, 2014 – 16:50
Witty, Radford. If you were the one figuring it, Baron bows deeply to your ingenuity.
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 19:47
That’s one explanation, the other is that by releasing the info they would confirm what they hinted at in the first press conference, that the soldiers firing the deadly rocket not only wore Ukrainian uniforms, but were a part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. We shall see what the Dutch can come up with, if they are after the truth.
Thanks to John Birch for the link to 21st century Wire – one to watch.
Overall, I still think that the dog that did not bark is the text of the air traffic control conversations with MH17.
A comprehensive round-up, by Soeren Kern, of the Gatestone Institute, of the multifaceted movement of the global jihad during the month of June. He is to be congratulated on his assiduous work to keep us informed. Please read it all as you will not see a similar summary anywhere from the MSM.
Simply put, it describes with source links, empirical evidence of the methodology of the Muslim Brotherhood worldwide. I can sum it up crudely (as is my wont) in three words which Wallsters will understand:
Bombing, Buying and Bullshit!
It’s a horrifying chronicle and what’s horrifying about it is not the determination of the evil cult – that’s a given and always has been – but the weakness, stupidity and treason of Western Leaders who are accommodating the jihad.
Meanwhile, the only country with the cojones to take the fuckers on is being widely condemned by the Western Media as ‘disproportionate’ in their defence of Western Civilisation. Go Israel!!
Apologies – the link:
… or more specifically:
Seems June (and Jihad) was busting out all over!
Frank P
July 30th, 2014 – 10:26
G=d bless you Frank.
Excellent summary from the Gatestone Institute. Thanks Frank.
EBOLA: Shouldn’t we be requiring all visitors from high risk countries to have a medical certificate showing that they have been tested for Ebola and found clear? Although symptoms are not definite in the early stages, a blood test does confirm the presence of Ebola.
Germany is apparently considering joining the BRICS block. It would seem to Baron to be quite a logical step for them to do. The insistence of the messiah on sanctions for fossil fuels is designed to weaken Germany most, the messiah, as Baron told you before, doesn’t want any country in the EU to be dominant (that’s not bad, Baron reckons), but he wants ‘an EU of equals’ only because he wants the Republic call the shots (that’s bad, Baron reckons).
Lutfur Rahman, the ayatollah of Whitechapel, has lost his bid to have an enquiry into voter fraud blocked. It will now go ahead. Slowly slowly catchee monkey.
Definitely, virtually every country I have worked in requires foreign residents to undergo some form of medical examination. Why should we be any different, particularly in light of the noxious hoards we are importing. Of course this will never be done, racist don’t yer know. Best keep shtum and let the population go down with galloping eboli.
Hark the squawks and hawks of outrageous hypocrisy as they harangue Israel for having the temerity to defend itself, for not supinely allowing the Arabs to commit genocide, and to wreak revenge on those perfidious Jews for having the temerity to create the most successful state in the Middle East, the only one which is a genuine democracy, and if that were not bad enough, being the only friend the West has in the region, the last alone is enough to justify the setting up of a war crimes tribunal.
So Osbourne was a naughty boy at college.
Hookers and Coke.
On the upside, a variety of Muslim groups are having their bank accounts closed by HSBC because of the risk that their activities represent to the bank, which has been fined for facilitating terrorist funding.
On the downside, an illegal immigrant has been told by the Supreme Court that she has the right to take her employer to an employee tribunal even though she was working illegally.
PfM 30th, – 12:59
“EBOLA: Shouldn’t we be requiring all visitors from high risk countries to have a medical certificate”
Nope. I wouldn’t believe such a certificate, under ANY circumstances. Quarantine ’em instead…the incubation period isn’t that long!
O (o) I’d have UK staff in these countries providing the tests. Why would we want thousands of Africans who might be ill with a plague landing in the UK under any circumstances?
Peter from Maidstone@July 30th, 2014 – 17:33
Yes – I bet there will be quite a queue for those jobs….
why not just stop flights from the affected areas till the epidemic has gone.
Alexsandr, I’d imagine that there are lots of UK medical staff already in these countries. It is not quite like the plague years of England yet. Stopping flights is not entirely possible I guess because people could subvent it be travelling to other neighbouring countries. If all Africans had to have a certificate at least from the countries all around the outbreaks then that would perhaps be workable. There must be some restrictions surely?
Alexsandr, (and others) are you aware of any previous travel restrictions on migrants based on outbreak of disease in other countries?
I know if a ship has come froman infected area it can be made to be in quarantine. I imagine we could do the same for a plane. – dont know
paper certificates will be forged, peter, so are worthless.
You must have missed this, stephen:
Also, let Baron know when the enquiry finds against Lutfur, pleasde.
Peter, here’s a piece of news that should ‘please’ you. Other progressive states are also considering the same statute, alot of lobbying goes on to have a federal law banning the words ‘husband and wife’. It has usually taken few years for an American innovative law making to reach our shores, but who knows, the boy may speed things up, he’s keen on the lot.
Baron has heard on the BBC, other media that ‘ebola has come to the UK’, taht was the exact wording. Could someone explain to the poorly educated Slav how did ebola manage to come, was it on its own, or was it accompanied by someone who brought it in?
sorry. ship quarantine only applies to yellow fever, plague and cholera, Public health act 1896
Baron – 19:05
And this:
Outrage as Muslim mayor of Tower Hamlets orders the Palestinian flag to fly over town hall ‘in solidarity with Gaza’
Come on Cameron, tell us how well we are integrating!
Tower-Hamlets? Isn’t that where democracy has been redefined?
DT: “20.12 Pierre Krähenbühl, the commissioner-general of the UNRWA, says that initial evidence indicates that the UN school was hit by Israeli artillery shells.
‘This is the sixth time that one of our schools has been struck. Our staff, the very people leading the humanitarian response are being killed. Our shelters are overflowing. Tens of thousands may soon be stranded in the streets of Gaza, without food, water and shelter if attacks on these areas continue.'”
So the UN, who have been “leading the humanitarian response” within the communities that have fired thousands of missiles into Israel are now moaning that they are now on the receiving end!
Why did they not tell these missile firing bozos that it would lead to trouble?
They had long enough to tell them!
What has made them change their mind, after nearly ten years?
Democracy has not been redefined in Tower Hamlets, it has been demolished.
Thanks for the link, I had missed it, but there were no surprises in the piece, one sees it all the time around here, demonstrations in the street, the brothers soliciting donations for Gaza (not from me, they ain’t that daft), funny you don’t see them rattling the can on Poppy Day.
As for the Rahman scenario, I will keep you posted, commeth the hour, commeth the riots, and we will be waiting, and the ghosts of cable Street will be cheering us on.
Two casas of suspected Ebloa in Brum, there will be more to come, and nothing will be done until it is too late. This time the victims were cleared, but it is only a matter of time, and when that time does arrive it will be amusing to hear what excuse the multi culti moron will trot out.
And now for some straight talking:
Caroline Glick’s Capitol Hill briefing
RobertC @ 23:53
An excellent link, Robert. Baron’s instinctively suspicious of any video that runs for hours, but this girl has more than a point, was well worth listening to. Her saying ‘we, the Jewish people, didn’t come here (the ME) to be destroyed fuller than before in other places’ seems obvious, but it tells one it’s indeed a fight for life and death for them. Her argument for a one state solution sounds very convincing. They, the Palestinians, are already a part of that chunk of land that borders on Israel proper, they already interact with Israel, but in a hostile way. By combining the Jewish contingent with the Palestinians in one state (under certain condition like no Knesset voting for a time, acceptance of Israeli citizenship and stuff) the Palestinians will be enjoying the same rights the Israelis have, if many only after some years.
The two state solution, on the other hand, will not end the hostility of the Palestinians towards Israel, but give it a more legitimate status.
The problem she has is how to get rid of Hamas, and the approval of their current backers.
This is hard t beat, colorful, is relevant not only to the what’s going on in the Republic, and lasts only over six minutes:
stephen maybery @ 22:23
Enjoying the GKS, stephen, still waiting for the other. This is only to let you know that Baron not only rants.
Read Stand up for Britain’s Jews by Melanie Phillips at
Sent from The Spectator Magazine app. Find out more at
Glad to know you are enjoying GKS. As for PPM, did you order it from I have had reports of difficulties in getting the book from them. Would you please let me know, and I will get a copy in for you.
Here is someone putting forward an argument Baron subscribes to, someone who can hardly be accused of arselicking the KGB colonel.
A well argued position in that telegraph piece, the current state of affaires is too close to the events of 1914 for comfort. As for economic sanctions against Russia which the nations of the European empire are so eager to implement, who pays for them? Most of those countries do not have the economic clout to damage Russia but are more than happy to have the UK pick up the tab for this moral posturing, especially the Imperator himself, who would do anything to damage the dominance of Britain in the banking sector.
I am drawn to a comparison with the situation which evolved from the Rhodesian declaration of UDI, sanctions were implemented, and Britain, sanctimonious as only this country can be, rigorously implemented them, to detriment of British trade, while other nations, e.g. France and Germany leapt in to take up the slack. The same would happen if sanctions were levied against Russia. Gormless old blighty would obey them to the letter while others would continue to trade with Russia. Any bets folks?
stephen maybery @ 15:11
Totally agree, stephen. Apparently, Russia has imposed a full ban on fruit, vegetables imports from Poland. Another insanity, the struggling Polish farmers, not a rich one amongst them unless they did what the oligarchs in other industry branches have done, got it on the cheap from the State, will bear the brunt of the colonel’s response, EU money will be channeled to Poland, end up in the pockets of those who own the few large agricultural holdings.
This comes from Peter Hitchens blog. Long, informative, but detailed to the point of exhaustion. It shows what many of us have suspected, the Maidan coup was planned, organised and carried out by the Americans.
Nice one Baron, as you so rightly said, this is what many of us have suspected for a long time. Its the Yanks wot done it, and they are trying to fit Vlad the bad up for the crime. I would say it is a racing certainty that there is a EU footprint somewhere in the evidence box.
If only this were true:
Falkland Islands offer to govern Argentina as a protectorate following bankruptcy
RobertC 1st, – 13:10
A dependency?
I am so pleased I don’t have to go to school and learn these lies:
Lessons in lies: How the BBC, school text books and even exam boards have twisted history to smear Florence Nightingale and make a saint of this woman
* Site for memorial statue of Mary Seacole was blessed in London last month
* Seacole has been treated with huge reverence – but is surrounded by myth
* Presented as medical pioneer – though she was never even a nurse
* Even school exams award marks for repeating falsehoods about Seacole
* Florence Nightingale – an actual pioneer – is often denigrated in comparison
By Prof Lynn McDonald
O(o) – 15:03 ‘Falkland Islands’
I think, if I was in the Falkland Islands position, having a dependency would be associated with too many burdens, while a protectorate would provide a suitable framework, while leaving the mainland free to choose the style in which to do it.
It might even catch on in the rest of South America, and the Commonwealth Games would be even bigger!
History is the recording of actual events with as much accuracy that is possible, and not something to be played with and twisted to coincide with current political prejudices. Mary Seacole was a kind woman, much beloved in her day, but she was no nurse. Her activities in the Crimea mainly centred around providing booze and food, often on tick, to the officer class. Anyone who attempts to compare her to the outstanding Florence deserves to be punished with an enema of prussic acid, an act which would do nothing to improve their brains but at least would have the advantage of putting some fire in their bellies.
The Dutch Queen goes to a concert of classical music, a Muslim conductor gives her and the audience a lesson on things Islamic, the orchestra walks out. At the start, the quality of the clip’s poor, better later on.
Dave goes to Eastbourne to empathise with the locals over the loss of their pier. Could anything highlight the fatuousness of this individual and they who advise him? The man is like Justin Beiber, a child, surrounded by yes-men who’s jobs depend on telling the boss what he wants to hear. All that was needed to complete this end of the pier turn was for the star of the show to be seen wearing a kiss me quick hat and nibbling on a stick of candy floss.
I haven’t known what to do about Syria. I have many friends who have family there and in Iraq. So I decided that I’d not eat for 24 hours and offer that as some simple sort of effort to raise some funds. I thought I might try for a target of £250 but I am pleased to see that with some hours to go various friends and anonymous individuals have donated over £1000. I am well aware that it is not very much at all, but there are good people in the world still, and often they just need to be given a means of doing something good.
I hope that this applies still in some sense to our political and social circumstances in the UK. Maybe we just need to find the way to allow people to d something good, I mean in the political and social sense.
what do you do with the cash now. how do you ensure the nasties dont get it?
Seems Ed Milibands cousin, Dr Mike Keen, is tweeting some non PC jokes
Guido is running this.
Jokes are quite funny
(He is GP and former police surgeon. He is the son of Ralph Mllibands sister.)
this may work better than the long link above
It goes directly from the website that collects it to a small agency that is working directly with those suffering in Syria.
Baron fears the messiah will be much harder to convince to accept the deal the German Frau has put on the table than the KGB colonel.
I’d be willing to make a donation to a fund which is prepared, not to turn the other cheek, but to use the money to arm itself against the jihadist onslaught.
Does anyone know of such a cause?
Are the French recovering their senses after a long dalliance with “le socialism?”
Is Comrade Hollande in a pickle, or a marinade?
Hamas violate the ceasefire after less than 2 hours. But claim they didn’t. More Taquiya anyone?
Noa – 00:49
Front National is Socialist, but it is national Socialist, not international Socialist, but then, they are French!
Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you. Ebola. The disease is out of control in Africa according to the press, but we have to remember that the silly season is up and running, nevertheless I believe there is a direct threat to this country. Bush meat has been allowed in without hindrance, customs officers have turned a blind eye for cultural reasons, likewise health officials have declined to prosecute traders in bush meat. Africans are addicted to this muck and want it available here. If these people are so fond of this produce, which they regard as a touch of home then let them return home to enjoy its benefits, but I’m damned if I can see why my life should be put on the line to satisfy their primitive urgings. I can’t help wonder what Diane Abbot will have to say on the subject if Ebola breaks out in Dalston.
Another day, another demonstration under my windows, the cheerleaders screaming “We are all Palestinians now”. To coin a good old Australianism, “In a pigs ear”. It was noticeable that here, as in other such manifestations of sympathy for the murdering bastards of Gaza, that the event was being led by those who revel in the rich diversity of Whitechapel and who spoke in accents redolent of the home counties. Me cynical? too bloody right I am.
stephen maybery @ 13:34
How about asking the Israelis to furnish you with a couple of gallons of this stuff, together with a hand held tool enabling you to deliver it sumptuously to the lovely people demonstrating under your windows?
The bastards are at it again, I am trying to watch Sherlock Holmes on the TV, and there are those sods squawking away under my windows. Baron I howled at your last post, we really do think alike, I was wishing I had a bucket of liquid pig manure to hand with which to bestow the blessings of Allah on them.
stephen maybery @ 3:24
The import of bush meat beggars belief, how do they get it in, why isn’t it stopped by all the animal lovers charities, what prevents the Government to stop it?
You may be right, stephen, it is now some years, coming back to London from his East European fact finding tour, Baron brought with him a stick of the Hungarian salami. (Waitrose used to sell it, as did Tesco at much lower price). The thing was wrapped in a protective, see through plastic. The Custom woman stopped Baron, asked whether he had anything he shouldn’t have like explosives ….. items of food. ‘A stick, not of dynamite, but of Hungarian salami’, he said. She wasn’t amused.
Two hours later the barbarian was leaving the custom area free of both the salami and a can of red caviar (salmon roe), something which pained him, not so much because of the cost, but because he likes the stuff. During the lengthy discussion with some four officials Baron raised the issue of bush meat three times (always as another official arrived). He was told, politely but firmly, to shut his mouth about it. Multi-culti Britain indeed.
There is a sort of balance on the BBC on Gaza. Reports are sent from both sides of the divide.
But on one we see images of a vast array of sophisticated weaponry and hear the reasoned (clinical) tones of Israeli officialdom.
On the other we are assaulted with upset, maimed or dead moppets.
There is the show of balance but the effect on the uninformed viewer is obvious:repugnance at Israeli barbarism.
So the exact opposite of the truth is conveyed.
There’s a great post on that called: Not Even Close at:
I was listening to a radio programme as I was driving home from Windsor this morning. It featured a correspondent in Gaza. Although everything he said was true, about the effects of the shelling etc. and the growing support for Hamas, he failed utterly to mention that Hamas was firing ordnance into Israel and made it sound completely as if a subject people were being targeted without any cause.
and for downright stupid
Peter from Maidstone – 19:32
And why you don’t see Hamas firing rockets on TV:
PfM, I saw exactly the same situation on a Sky News report. The ‘journalist’ reporting from Gaza made it seem that Israel was bombing Gaza for no reason at all, as if this was a one-way situation; no mention of why this started or is continuing and no mention of Hamas! Breathtaking and shameful.
Sorry to note the death of Mike Smith. Met him a few times in my youth when he drove race cars. Nice guy. Remember Noel Edmunds flying him from Snetterton to Mallory Park to race and, of course, he famously crashed his own helicopter.
Leading to the infamous joke that Sarah Greene left him because he couldn’t keep his chopper up!
Shock horror: the BBC not being PC:
Here is old, prophetic, relevant interview:
Daniel Hannan — A Letter of Warning to America (and Europe!)
August 2nd, 2014 – 14:20
We have no right to criticise Africans for eating bush meat as long as we allow scientists to perform evil experiments on primates. It seems that scientists remove chunks of animal brains and place coils in their eyes in the course of their laboratory work. Even though it is a disgusting and unhealthy practice, killing and eating the poor beasts is more humane. Actually, the primates are the closest living creatures related to man, therefore the Africans are practising a form of near cannibalism. When cannibalism was legal there wasn’t the problem of starving masses and over population in Africa.
All those innocent Gaza civilians killed by the wicked zionists!
AWK1 – 16:07 ‘Ebola’
There may be some who may, from what you say, agree to have bush meat imported, with the risk of bringing Ebola into Britain, so that “scientists can continue to remove chunks of animal brains and place coils in their eyes”.
And I don’t think you meant that! 🙂
There are also the misdemeanours of the Authority to be corrected: allowing the law to be broken. What they are paid to do and what they are doing are not the same, so they should be returning the taxpayers’ money that they have received under false pretences?
It might just be a good moment to wonder if our united national leadership, utterly wrong on every foreign policy issue they have ever faced, are also wrong now, as they march towards what may well end up as war with Russia.
People still don’t grasp how dangerous the conflict in Ukraine already is, or how powerfully Russia believes it has been wronged by an arrogant, aggressive West….
….Let us have no more moves towards conflict with Moscow without a full recall of Parliament. And let us pray that our MPs are reading some history on their holidays.”
and some alternative media:
“Britain will have just one tank regiment from today, meaning that it will have more horses than tanks…”
No problem; we can go straight to nuclear war.
Interesting news and views on Ebola in 1st hour audio version of the Alex Jones Show from Sunday 3rd August here:;_ylt=A2KIo9j7295TNz4AOYz7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ–?p=The+Alex+Jones+Show%281st+HOUR-
USA and Germany are repatriating Ebola victims to regular hospitals. The Ebola virus is airborne…
The second hour of Alex Jones’s Sunday show by the way has English journalist Joseph Paul Watson report that the CIA in 1967 outlines in its document 1035960 how the term “conspiracy theorist” was to be “weaponised” in the arena of public debate as a pejorative term Any person questioning of the official narrative, at that time the Warren Commission on the Kennedy assassination, was to be demonised as “a conspiracy theorist”.
How are yall?
Or is it how is each of the diminishing band that I can number on my digits now?
This is the 105th comment in a week.
That will make Karl Marx and Allah shiver in their boots.
How do you pay for this little cosy self congratulating club?
I suggest you donate that instead to AJWS.
Alex Jones in Wednesday’s show asserts that the British Labour Party was involved in child-sex trafficking, using the minorities as a cover.
About 39-40 minutes in as an extension of his explanation to a first time caller from Canada of “Fast and Furious”.