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I never expected to find any ground for agreement with the odious Vince Cable, but I fear he is correct in predicting that a narrow ‘Leave’ vote will in effect be considered a vote to ‘Remain’.
Football Vignettes.
When is hair pulling allowed? One elegently coiffeured, liberated Dutchman has a view:
And when that hair is pulled what happens to it? Has soap on a rope and the legendary search for the golden rivet now been replaced by ‘hair in the plug hole?’
Fortress Europe Faces An African Migrant Tsunami
Sorry, but I couldn’t leave this dangling out the arse end of last week’s wall!
It had to happen…
Yes, it’s the “DOWNFALL” mashup we’ve all been waiting for
“HITLER REACTS to Ken Livingstone calling him a Zionist!”
the second Labour Muslim councillor outed this morning…
Not to be outdone by Labour, a CoE priest demonstrates his ‘rightt on’ street credentials.
May Day: The wheels are coming off Merkel’s clown car and, despite a media embargo, people are starting to notice!
h/t Pat Condell
“”Get out, Traitor!” – German People chase Minister of Justice Heiko Maas to his armoured Vehicle”
Zwickau, just across the former E-W border.
Following EC’s link, an analysis of Germany’s follows:
As Richard Littlejohn would say you can’t make it up .
Primary school in Glasgow with 222 pupils and none are Scottish
Clever! Top Notch!
“Not All Dark Alleys: #StopDarkAlleyPhobia” (2min:45)
Our security will be in good hands 🙂
James Delingpole’s keeps up the pressure on the Climate scamstares:
As the DM continues its campaign for the UK to grant ayslum to ‘child refugees’ in Calais, how many are the children of Hezbollah leaders?
Noa – 08:39
The “refugees” are in France, still a very large and wealthy country, which is a still deemed by the UN to be a safe country. It’s the duty of the French to look after them, Shirley?
I view the DM with almost the same distrust and disgust as I do the rest of the MSM.
(*) The socialist utopia getting poorer and more unsafe under Hollande.
Malfleur – 01:38
I wonder if we can sub contract The Donald to brick up our end of the tunnel! I was against it from Day1. One didn’t have to be Nostradamus to realise that is was a really bad idea, and where it could lead. The permission was granted on Maggie’s watch too. A dreadful decision. Flood it, now!
EC 09.47
And don’t call me Shirley! (Or Schama!)
EC 10.10
“Flood it, now!”
With or without turning off the electricity?
There are precedents.
In 1979 the Saudis flooded the cellars of the Grand Mosque and threw in live electrical cables to flush out the Salafian rebels hiding in them.
According to one report ‘they floated out like kippers…’
Noa – 08:39
Will these children be brought up as Christians, Atheists or taught that anyone creating mischief can, and should, be beheaded?
Frank P – 01:10
Do you think that anybody, particularly Times readers, really gives a shit anymore about what all these phoney Lords, Barons and Baronesses think, say or write?
I’d vote for anybody who would introduce legislation to restore the hereditary peers and cancel membership of the House of Lords of all other political fakes. I’d even vote for Jeremy Corbyn if he promised(scout’s honour n’all) to do that.
To date, Corbyn’s most attractive policy promise has been to say that he’d have Tony Blair (& hopefully Alistair Campbell) arrested and put on trial for war crimes at Den Haag.
Does anybody know when the Chillcott report will be published? Will it be in Tony Blair’s or Dave’s lifetime? Is Dave covering Tony’s back for some reason?
[Q. Why don’t snakes bite each other? A. Professional courtesy.]
I wonder if William Hill are offering odds on which happens first:
a) The FBI indicting Hillary.
b) The Chillcott report being published in full.
c) The Earth is destroyed by a meteorite. (following Brexit)
RobertRetyred 10.46
A fair question!
Surely, when acting ‘In loco parentis’ the Social Services could find no better candidate than Anjam Choudray, though both Mrs Balls-Cooper and Mrs Sturgeon both have as yet unallocated house rooms to offer, where the almost identical ideologies of marxist socialism and national socialism can be imbued upon and into these young impressionable minds inorder to create the activists of the future.
Guido demonstrating that Owen Jones is a gift that keeps on giving!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Rudyard Lake , near Leek , Staffordshire : a great resort for the Victorians and Edwardians ; apparently loved by the young Kipling’s a hundred and fifty years ago.
Called the Blackpool of the Potteries ; or The Geneva of England.
(Last Bank Holiday a traditional weekend was held there .)
Photos from a hundred years ago here :
The above link refers to Captain Webb : see also :
A Shropshire Lad by John Betjeman.
Here is the ‘other place’s’ Brexit debate:
To save everyone’s sanity, here are the advised presentations:
9:10 Nigel Farage
20:00 Kate Hoey
31:10 Dan Hannan
My favourite quote:
@26:00 Kate Hoey – The price of true freedom is uncertainty, the price of certainty is a form of servitude, and we need to set our country free from that future servitude.
Kate Hoey appeared on Fox’s Special Report with Bret Baier yesterday; they obviously flew her across to comment on Brexit and the Lame Duck’s trip in the other direction. Apart from being a little guarded about criticising the half-black Messiah, she did okay. Sadly I doubt more than three of the viewers Stateside gave a flying fuck! They have enough problems of their own.
Let’s hope that a trip to the Springtime States has energised her for the forthcoming campaign here.
Frank P – 22:01
I saw this and was surprised how little the interviewer intervened, so Hoey had the opportunity (responsibility 🙂 ) to include all the points that she wanted. But then, I am used to seeing Farage on the BBC:
Kate Hoey on Fox News
How to offend more than one audience at the same time, and frighten everyone else:
Sadiq Khan branded unfit to be London Mayor as it emerges he called moderate Muslims ‘Uncle Toms’
RobertRetyred – 22:50
Problem sorted 🙂 :
“Mr Khan has dismissed Tory attacks as baseless ‘smears’, and insisted that he was a moderate Muslim.”
Perhaps not 🙁 :
“But the fresh revelation appears to suggest that he views moderates with contempt.”
At the moment with early results in, it looks as though Trump has won Indiana by about 15-20 points.
Crutz is flailing around with some last minute shit-flinging; Carly Fiorina has the desperate look of a woman who had her last crust on the also-ran.
There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, to pretend that such an animal exists is nothing more than wishful thinking, and very dangerous. The moment these people feel they are strong enough they will turn on us, and the way they are flooding into this country we will not have to wait too long.
Stephen Maybery (00:47)
Exactly. I’ve believed that since the Shah of Persia was ousted. Never in any doubt. One hopes that somewhere in the subterranean corridors of the MOD there are still enough wise heads drafting plans to prepare some islands in Scotland to intern the whole bunch of them when the shit hits the van – as it surely must, as you say, before very long. This country has the worst government since the 1930s. Likewise with the US of A – and considering Carter and Clinton that’s saying something.
It’s a joy to behold the Septic pundits trying to regroup; having bigged up Cruz’s chances of winning The Hoosier State, one poll even suggesting that Lyin’ Ted would win by 20 points, it seems at the moment he will lose by about 20 points. So that poll was only about 40 points off kilter. ☺Bent bastards!
Megyn Kelly appears to be gripping a seeping lemon in her nether regions, with a thin rictus smile to camouflage the fact. Poor Carl Rove doesn’t know whether to shit or bust. But like a good slippery political apparatchik he’s now carefully repositioning his crap.
“WHEN YOU FIRST go on duty at CIA headquarters, you raise your hand and swear an oath — not to government, not to the agency, not to secrecy. You swear an oath to the Constitution. So there’s this friction, this emerging contest between the obligations and values that the government asks you to uphold, and the actual activities that you’re asked to participate in.” May 3rd, 2016
(h/t Drudge Report)
What does it mean to swear an oath?
Noddin’, lyin’ Ted just threw the towel in with an overblown speechifying load of old bollix. Good fucking riddance!
Detestable prick!
Lord Christopher Monckton in 2nd HOUR on Tuesday’s Alex Jones Show:
Whoops, correction – 3rd HOUR for LORD CHRISTOPHER MONCKTON – sorry:
Malfleur – 03:46
Many thanks.
In your first link L.C. Monckton makes his appearance at 1:37:00
This is an important interview and very worthwhile watching.
LCM has given Alex Jones two scoops there!
However…. Just a very minor point, but I do wish that Alex could contain his natural exuberance and refrain from talking over and/or interrupting his guests. He does it quite a lot, but not in the negative way that the Beeboids and other MSM do it.
Frank P – 01:16
“Megyn Kelly appears to be gripping a seeping lemon in her nether regions, with a thin rictus smile to camouflage the fact.”
Bwahahahaha! I suspect the Beeboids will be sucking on lemons today, too! 🙂
“Mad Gyn” Kelly lost all credibility when she fell hook, line and sinker for Michelle Fields’ story without any questioning, background checking, or fact checking.
Now Go Get Hillary, Donald!
EC – 09:31
So true!
Frank P,
This one made me laugh yesterday…
“How Women Can Save Western Civilization”
Stefan Molyneux
Fear not, it is only going to take 1min26sec of your time….
[ now, now… 🙂 ]
Another example of Labour’s visceral anti-semitism.
A Very English Scandal: Sex, Lies and a Murder Plot at the Heart of the Establishment
By John Preston (Viking, 352pp, £16.99/ebook £9.99)
Book review: “Seductio Ad Absurdum”
Discussing heterosexuality with Bessell (“How the hell do you fuck girls?”), Thorpe admitted he’d “gone out briefly” with a girl at Oxford in 1950. I was that girl, fresh from boarding school and now a scholar at Lady Margaret Hall, keen to meet Oxford’s elite (all male, of course). Jeremy was President of the Union and his instant charm worked, so I was wined and dined a few times. We even kissed — although, as I told the author, it was the most chaste kiss I’ve ever had in my life. On one occasion I recall nervously coughing and took a bite out of my wine glass. Huge embarrassment for me, but kindly laughs from Jeremy and his Union bar friends.
Cue Andy Carpark!
EC –
The poor girl was saved from a fate worse than a fate worse than death!
Frank P 0153:
John Jefferson told yall about Lyin Ted and how Donald would eat him. Now for pinko Hillary. If she gets that far.
You Limeys are trying to run backwards and forget your plebiscite.
But we have not forgotten. Even if Donald is moved to forgive for the sake of his golf courses, his team will not forget. And as you Euros let in more and more of these Muslims we will first laugh like drains. Then we will pull the plug as your economies go down the tubes. We know all about disloyalty and you should remember Suez.
‘It is right that we exclude people that are going to radicalise or encourage extremism.’
‘I think his remarks are divisive, stupid and wrong.
‘If he came to visit our country I think he would unite us all against him,’
Cameron’s only saving grace is that we all love the delightful Samantha.
Love to Andy Car Park.
Frank P, EC, JJB.
Sitting at my desk overlooking the Weald on this glorious day the adulation sticks in my craw.
The Flump Trump
Donald Trump, what a flump!
The name makes my blood boil
His views remind me of
Those poor Jews, when Hitler
Caused such immortal coil
Trump claims to be against
Extremism, yet it
Leaks through his core all the
Way to his brittle bones,
Brainwashing vulnerable;
Led to his blood stained throne
No blood shed but he speaks
Hell don’t be so naive,
Trump contemplated by
So many minds in this
Day and age shouldn’t be!
Building walls, make them tall
Then what? Is this the way?
Segregation, racism
Shuts his eyes, close off ears
Will not hear what we say
It’s devastating such
Man has chance to taint our
Minds with his bitter taste,
A catastrophe,
Shows no diplomacy
With ‘morals’ formed into
Very, very strange shapes
Yes, I agree something
Needs to change but believe
Me ‘Trump’ is not that thing,
Sheds empty promises
Causing controversy,
With ‘peace’ as the end goal
Trumps no way to begin
His immaturity
Is so apparent that
He will ruin the world
As we know it today,
I think Trump needs some help
Some mental help to drive
All those devils living
Within him far away!
Karen L Hamilton, January 2016
If and when Trump is elected, will Cameron still be in No 10 ?
Say sorry to Trump or risk special relationship, Cameron told
New York Post : Trump romps in :–
EC @ 09:31
“However…. Just a very minor point, but I do wish that Alex could contain his natural exuberance and refrain from talking over and/or interrupting his guests.”
I agree. It is very annoying.
EC @ 10:47
But do you know, EC, Marigold is the wife of Paul Johnson (you probably do, but it’s worth reminding those who don’t).
Radford NG @ 13:43
With audibly gritted teeth, the BBC today said ‘it’s very likely Donald will get the nomination by declaration, and even more likely many of the GOP elders will not back him.
A bunch of wankers, the elders, and as for the BBC, it cannot really happen to nicer people, ha?
Fergus Pickering @ 12:39
No rhyme, no depth, no great inside, Fergus, the barbarian’s surprised you’ve bothered to type it in full. You have nothing better to do then like sunbathing, knitting, nose picking?
Baron 15:01
I’m looking forward to a President Trump state visit to Downing St for a humble pie supper.
And the EU Peoples’ province of Scotland to oversee the personal removal of the turbines he objected to by Queen Nicola hersiel.
Has anyone watched BBC2 yesterday about the ‘conspiracies surrounding the flight MH17’.
A young guy who works from a north London office was the new addition to those who pontificated. He claimed to have traced the BUK missile launcher travelling by road from its base somewhere near Kursk (hundreds of miles inside Russia) to the actual firing spot, all from social media.
The BBC even obligingly furnished another man (not shown for security reason), who claimed the movements of the launcher ‘was an amazing event’ and ‘quite unusual’, and it was watched by all and sundry. This reminded the barbarian to consult the notes he took when talking to the Russians drinking beer in a Prague restaurant. They hailed from western Russia, the conversation started with Baron saying how noisy the traffic near the place of drinking was, they said it’s nothing, complained of the noise, traffic congestion, the movement of military hardware in the regions near the Ukrainian (Donbas). If they are to be believed it was unending, many apparently feared NATO will enter Ukraine, move east into Russia, hit the KGB Colonel (it was soon after the February putsch in Kiev).
And yet, if the north London pundit were to be believed instead the specific launcher was the sole object of attention. How TF did anyone know the BUK contraption (number 3 something 2) will down the plane in the days or weeks ahead?
Another intriguing piece of evidence emerged, not known to Baron before. A woman digging for potatoes saw the actual rocket after launch, mistook it for a plane, and a man took a picture of the plume the rocket left behind. Some questioned whether his picture was genuine, it has some cables and wires going across it.
The BBC obligingly took a shot of the high rise building from where the picture was taken. It showed many wires and cable all around the building attaching to the poles in front of it (that’s Russia for you). A bird’s eye view then showed the angle at which the picture was taken, proving again that it must have been genuine.
Amazingly, it didn’t occur to the BBC to go to the balcony from which the man claimed to have taken the shot (they must have talked to him, he didn’t appear in the programme though), take the same picture (obviously without the plume of smoke). Puzzling this.
To figure the truth from the physical evidence is near impossible, both the Russians and the Ukrainians must have polluted the area with objects intended to confuse to investigators who got working on the site only three months after the tragedy occurred. The only way is to do what the Romans so cleverly figured, ask cui bono, then follow the evidence to either prove it or ditch it.
Baron (14:58)
Haven’t heard much from Paul Johnson since W’Ancona decided that he was surplus to requirements at Trolltopia.
Come to think of it, haven’t heard much from W’Ancona either. Think there may be a cause and effect there.
I miss PJ’s acerbic wit and the breadth and depth of his political insight.
At 87, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom hanging on his study wall, he’s entitled to take it easy, I guess.
Must Google up his recent work to discover how he’s viewing the scatty world of today.
Noa @ 15:27
And right he would be, too, Noa, the Scottish scenery can be breathtaking, not that far from the congested south, the hills, glens and lochs have laid unspoiled for centuries until the deluded ecochondriacs arrived to spoil it all and simultaneously hike the cost of energy. It borders on the treasonous. If only it were possible the woman should be castrated, despatched to a monastery near the sea (preferably in it).
Frank P @ 15:42
We are perhaps too generous hoisting the adjective ‘great’ on many of those we admire. Well, Baron certainly is, but Paul Johnson more than deserve s it (Baron’s still to finish his tract on Christianity, shame that).
You’re right, Frank, his sharp witty eye, the style of writing, so relaxed and yet convincingly unrepeatable is missed on the pages of the Spectator, even if his judgment was not always without reproach (see below on (say) Mutti, but spot on on the KGB Colonel).
It must be his age that keeps him from the public view, so instead of him we have Charles Moore, what a letdown, ha.
EC @ 10:14
Not that the barbarian wants to contradict Stefan, EC, he can easily bury the poorly educated Slav with his natural loquacity in no time, but the guy who comes along finding the quarter tightly held may not only take it, but get unpleasant, nasty, violent demanding more quarters, the shag, too.
Donald: ‘I’m told people are being paid protesting at my rallies.Fancy that, I’m not President yet, and I’m already creating jobs’.
Not bad for a man from the building site.
Baron – 15:36
“Has anyone watched BBC2 yesterday about the ‘conspiracies surrounding the flight MH17’”
Yes, I watched it. I viewed ALL the claims being made with a great deal of suspicion. I don’t expect to get the truth from any of the state broadcasters when so many national faces need to be saved.
The guy from N.London (WTF?) stood out like a sore thumb. Who finances him, I wonder? The ex CIA Irish-American guy seemed to be casting doubt on him and pissing on everyone else’s chips at the same time. I thought his granddaddies quip about the British Empire was most amusing – I’d never heard that one before!
It seems I’m not alone in thinking Jellyface should be on his knees in the normal anticipatory position for British PM’s when approaching their US masters.
Baron – 15:36
PS. What the BBC forgot to mention was the background to that tragic episode.
i.e. The EU’s meddling and role in financing the destabilisation of Ukraine. The result was a needless war, and Russia feeling itself entitled to restore the Crimea to its previous ownership, thereby securing its naval base.
Nice one, Baroness(my arse) Ashton!
Noa – 18:18
Yes I think that he might well decide to resign before the end of the year! Like you suggest, his only alternative might prove to be along the lines of “Pucker up, Buttercup!”
EC @ 16:41
Good points, EC, the barbarian knows someone (not here) who has relatives in Kiev. The in-laws are saying it was manageable before the coup, now it’s dreadful, corruption reached new lows, apparently any visit to an office of state needs ‘a prompter’, a bottle of vodka is no longer enough, the officials bargain for takes, amazingly (or perhaps not), the richest are the lawyers, they drive mostly expensive foreign cars, consider themselves a caste on their own.
Millions of Ukrainians have fled, mostly the better educated, the jobs they’re doing in the host countries are manual. A man who sells vegetables in the Hol market in Prague was a scientist, attended conferences, was promised a job in the US or so he told Baron. He also said the corruption got worse because the money’s bigger, and it’s dollars, by far more ‘likeable’ currency than the rouble.
Btw, Victoria Nuland has been to Cyprus trying to convince the politicians there to back a permanent presence of the occupying forces in the north with a change, the Turks will be replaced with NATO boots with the majority (and command) of the alliance consisting of the Turkish forces. Not much change then.
Don’t you have a feeling 2016 may turn out to be the year of the unexpected?
Who would have thought the cumryd will be hoisted to lead Labour, would still be there today? Has anyone got even close to predicting Leicester will clinch the Premiership title? An outlay of £100 would have netted one a cool half a million quid.
Donald’s progress in the primaries is not only unexpected, anyone who suggested it at the start of the campaign was laughed at, as was he, and who’s laughing now, may laugh even more after November?
Could the next unexpected be our Brexit in June? One very much hopes so, virtually everyone Baron talks to is to vote ‘out’, but this, of course, is East Anglia, a bastion of old English conservatism.
The Turks are to be granted a visa free entry to the EU Schengen area.
In a sense, this isn’t bad news for it’s likely to work in favour of the unwashed voting for brexit, Baron reckons. In fact, more news of this kind cannot but be helpful before the June day of reckoning.
Noa @ 18:18
This only shows the boy should have stayed chairing the Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association forever, Noa, the post suited his talents well, he may have even won a reward or two if the bees were kind to him and he to them.
It’s not only in East Anglia that all are intending to vote no, here in Whitechapel everyone I speak to is of the same opinion, and have been since long before the campaign began. Folk have finally had a bellyful of Brussels and are determined that for once they are going to be heard. Take no notice of the polls, just remember what they were saying before the last election
Stephen Maybery @ 22:19
Let us hope you’re right, Stephen, the country needs it, we’ve had enough of the progressive nonsense, one can stomach it to a point, but not any further.
“There exist different types of socialism, depending on the chosen method of control, and therein lies the difference between communists (totalitarian socialists) and the likes of Bernie (‘democratic’ socialists).
“The former force people to work, thereby making them dependent on the state for their sustenance; the latter encourage people not to work, thereby making them dependent on the state for their sustenance. In both cases the underlying aim of socialism is achieved. There’s a difference, but it’s one of method, not principle.”
Today is an important day
Remember reasonableness and caring as you cast your vote
Tetley –
You’ll be voting for reasonable, caring Jew transportation, murder and genocide then.
Noa – 03:17
Could Mr. Boot have been watching Steven Crowder, perchance?
“Bernie Sanders” Why Democratic Socialism Doesn’t Work”
The very term “Democratic Socialism” is an oxymoron (oxymachus?) On the one hand it’s laughable that soviet era fossils like Sanders, Corbyn, and Fergymachus can still spout such bollox with a straight face, but on the other hand it’s frightening that “the children” appear to be swallowing it!
We have a PCC election in our area today.
I haven’t a clue who the candidates are, and neither has anybody that I’ve asked in our village. This is because none of the fully expensed prospective panjandrums have been bothered to let us know via election leaflets. I suspect the arrogant parasites are expecting the sheeple to vote for them on based their party affiliation – which is declared on the ballot paper?
I think PCCs are a trojan horse. As I’ve suggested in the past, vote Arthur Nebe today, get Heinrich Himmler tomorrow!
Should I..
a) Deny the process my democratic support?
b) Turn up, and vote for Arthur Nebe?
May 5th, 2016 – 09:47
There were no UKIP candidates in our ward
Spoil your PCC voting paper with one of your characteristic vignettes!
Welcome to the EU 🙂 :
EU in crisis as nations hit back at BRUSSELS ‘BLACKMAIL’ over fines for refusing refugees
BRUSSELS’ decision to fine countries €250,000 for every refugee they refuse to admit has been blasted as BLACKMAIL by furious European ministers.
“Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have all lashed out at the decision, which will leave countries who wish to control their own borders with bills of hundreds of millions of euros. “
Vote BRexit!
RobertRetyred May 5th, 2016 – 12:47
Those sort of stories always fail to name the nincompoop(s) in the EU Commission who proposed the plan in the first place. He/she/they should be named and shamed.
The size of the fine is beyond barmy. Total transparency, democratic and sanity deficits in that God awful fascist regime.
… and no a red hat in sight:
The troll lies again. But then he is a nasty communist deceiver, incompetent in disguise, peddling the Labour party – the party of supreme lies, lying and liars.
“So what are Farage’s views on the Jewish community? The Jewish Chronicle recently hosted a meeting with him. The meeting was packed, because Farage and UKIP, unlike other minority political parties in the UK (such as the Greens), are enthusiastic supporters of Israel – unequivocally so. The party even has a caucus called “the UKIP Friends of Israel.” ”
You might have noticed. Corbyn is surrounded by anti-semites and terrorist friends. Describing that motley crew of commie chancers and misfits as “reasonable” and “caring” is laughable tripe. All of them pose a clear and present danger to freedom and truth.
Perhaps the Daily Mail is paving the way for more Muslim Immigration:
After all we wouldn’t want to hinder a young Umma with a ‘sexual emergency’ problem, would we?
Another reason to get out of the yoke of Brussels, and quickly, this one by the great Douglas:
EC (10:03)
Louder Crowder – excellent!
Unfortunately his delivery is probably too fast for most socialists to keep up with. But it’s very entertaining for the rest of us. ☺
EC 10:03
Thanks for the link, I enjoyed Mr Crowder’s vigorous performance. However whilst he spent a great deal of time exposing the socialist sham in ‘democratic socialism’, he signally failed to consider the the equally inherent tyranny and weaknesses of ‘democracy’, as Americans understand it: that is, its aetheistic, indeed anti-christian, revolutionary, anti- British basis.
Time for him to be sent to Boot camp; in order to learn the real origins of conservatism and how the Neocons have plagiarised Kant, Marx and Burke to create a cross over political doctrine of both right and mainly left.
telemachus May 5th, 2016 – 11:37
Don’t worry tetley.
There will be a next time when you will be able to vote against the ‘Judenfrei’ policies of Islamic Labour.
Women! You just have to laugh 🙂 🙂 🙂 :
The UK feminist Women’s Equality Party has admitted it has no position on Sharia courts and laws.
“Ms. Waters asked the group what their stance was on Sharia courts to which the group replied: “The Women’s Equality Party is a non-partisan political party and the issue of Sharia councils is a partisan one so we do not have a party line.””
Sorry! Feminist! 🙂 🙂 🙂 !
Euro-coordination its best 🙂 🙂 🙂 :
‘There is NO place for Islam in our politics’ Shock poll highlights Germany’s discontent
MORE than half of Germans surveyed in a shock poll say there is “no place for Islam” in their nation’s political system.
‘It’s a HUGE error…the EU has rolled over to Turkey’ EU opens door to 79M from Turkey
EUROPEAN UNION bosses yesterday said they were near allowing Turkey’s 79million population to be handed visa-free travel across the Continent.”
Germany: “We Need an Islam Law”
1) “All imams need to be trained in Germany and share our core values. … It cannot be that we are importing different, partly extreme values from other countries. German must be the language of the mosques. Enlightened Europe must cultivate its own Islam.” – Andreas Scheuer, the General Secretary of the Christian Social Union party (CSU).
2)The Turkish government has sent 970 clerics — most of whom do not speak German — to lead 900 mosques in Germany that are controlled by a branch of the Turkish government’s Directorate for Religious Affairs. Turkish clerics in Germany are effectively Turkish civil servants who do the bidding of the Turkish government.
3)Erdogan has repeatedly warned Turkish immigrants not to assimilate into German society. During a trip to Berlin in November 2011, Erdogan declared: “Assimilation is a violation of human rights.”
And we think Germany is in control!
Melanie Phillips on Brexit and Obama
I think we all like to read the literary pages of The Sun
“Hugh Bonneville ditches his safe family man image for a performance packed with passion and desire as he fights to reveal a corrosive secret in his first return to the stage in more than a decade.
Forget the staid Earl of Grantham of TV’s Downton Abbey fame; this Bonneville character throws himself headlong into the fiercest of battles against lies and deceit with admirable determination.
The truth and who deserves to hear it, no matter what cost to reputation and image, is an age-old question as relevant today as when Henrik Ibsen posed it in 1882, and the Norwegian playwright could have wished for no better advocate than Bonneville …
TV fans of Downton’s slow-paced period drama might be surprised by the red-hot fervour the actor is capable of in his pursuit of satisfaction.”
Fuck! Is that dog-shit on my shoe, or has oxymachus (ack. EC :-)) wafted in again through the open window again?
Noa (14:33)
Thanks for that link Noa. I’ve been meaning to order it for months. As it is I just got a copy from Amazon for a couple of quid. Feel a bit mean really, but needs must …
Anyway, it compensates for the trouble I had to go to to acquire a copy of his “How the West Was Lost”. Eventually borrowed a copy from a library in Baltimore, much to the satisfaction of my local librarian who is a real ferret (or whatever is the female for ferret).
Ann Coulter on Trump (via American Digest):
Love the one-line slogan from Gerard: “Fuck it! Trump 2016!”
Trump should adopt it it. It’s would be landslide shifter.
Frank P
Your 1833 post was very clever and no doubt occasioned applause, but there was a serious point behind the preceding post
naughty naughty telemachus
I’ve never seen Downton Abbey ; nor heard of Hugh Bonneville before today.
” … but there was a serious point behind the preceding post.”
Well, why don’t you apply for a job with your old pal Frasier over at Trolltopia as TV Critic/cod-philosopher. You’d be a shoo-in. Obviously the Wallsters are not up to your ‘serious’ purple prose. You’re wasting your talent here.
Close the window, Peter. That fartilser odour is polluting the air again.
Daniel Hannan “Why Libertarians Should Be Eurosceptic” @ ESFLC Berlin 2015
Anyone who has any statistical knowledge must be able to work what the odds are of this happening, as thousands of mourners turn out for Manchester funeral of three young Muslim men killed in car crash:
The number of mourners wishing to pay their respects to the young men was so great that the funeral service had to be held at two sites. Women attended the Islamic prayer or Salat al-Janazah at the mosque, while men attended a separate ceremony at the heritage centre.
Frank P – 18:53
Noa (14:33)
I bought a copy earlier this afternoon, also for a couple of quid. I would have preferred it on Kindle though.
btw “How The West Was Lost” is now available again in paperback – on Amazon for £12.99
Frank P – 12:15
The deed was indeed done!
Although having read your @19:32 I wish I had written “Fuck it! Trump 2016!” on the ballot paper instead of wot I did write 🙂 🙂 🙂
Btw tks for the heads up on HTWWL.
Last time I looked on Amazon, the cheapest one available was £58.
“FTFAGOS!” I thought and embarked on a trawl via the library, finishing up in Baltimore as indicated above.
Frank P
Speak for yourself. You are obviously not up with the concerns of modern society….but then you probably don’t want to be…..but then it’s all just a candle blowing in the wind. I can not legally furnish you with further details.
To see what entrances and concerns modern society see ,drawn at random,from the Daily Mail :
Frank P -18.53 + EC
By the oddest of coincidences I had just finished reading something and the choice was, what was next. My copy of “How the West was Lost’ or something lighter. After a second’s thought I reached for my copy of “All the Ladies and the Gentlemen”. A past recommendation by some rambunctious copper with a mordant sense of humour. Still it could have been Jonathon Meade’s ‘Filthy English’ or ‘Pompey’. They and Boot will just have to wait
Still, there’s a tale to finish for the Bridport Competition and a laurel hedge to cut. Now I remember why I went back to work…
EC- Kindle indeed! But then we must be grateful for at least one technophile amongst us.
I got a Nook for a present last year, but found it didn’t like being flung at the wall and I can’t scrawl post it notes and leave them on the pages as simply….
We haven’t heard from our host, Peter From Maidstone, for months. I suspect he has other matters which take priority, but… How will CHW continue without support?
Tetley, cough up your fiver! Or in your case £20.
Consider it akin to the Council tax collection for those little black plastic bags that dog owners hang so carefully in the bushes by the footpaths.
Glad to see you’re back, well again I trust, and posting as perspecatiously as ever. And my apologies that I haven’t been as courteous in replying to your comments as you generally are to mine.
I’m upping the ante-it should be at least £50 for the chore of hopping over your stools.
Fraser Nelson, still editor of the Spectator and, elephant of British journalism, still awaiting gestation of his article on Andrew Neather, calls the rise of Donald Trump “a tragedy” in an article on which the Barclay Brothers do not invite comment:
To paraphrase Mr. Nelson’s article ‘a magazine that that has no proper message for readers at the bottom is a magazine ripe for destruction’.
If on the one hand The Spectator still has Fraser Nelson, on the other it still has Douglas Murray.As a former subscriber, I am sent the magazine’s weekly tempter and I see that in the current edition Murray writes about Erdogan bringing the EU to heel. As we know, “the Turkish president, has persuaded the EU to grant visa-free travel to his 75 million countrymen inside Europe’s passport-free Schengen area”.
The true tragedy exploding in our civilisation is not the threat of a Trump at the Dispatch Box.
Robert Retyred- I though Bonneville was something to do with car racing. and Downton something gay men watched before going out on Sunday evenings for a swift one at the Admiral Duncan.
Noa at 23:50
I’m assuming you’ve got confused over addressing this posting.
(UKIP expecting 8 seats in Welsh assembly.)
Noa – 23:50
RobertRetyred – April 29th, 12:16
“Peter, I was feeling generous today, but get ‘This recipient is currently unable to receive money.’ ”
I haven’t seen a response to this from Peter, and I still get the same message.
Frank P
Noa at 23:36
This is to a degree a private club [ but feel free to sign-in,as as an out of town member,and comment ] . I assume that commentors are contributing to the upkeep. If there are bores which other members wish to black-ball, then I suggest they should at least contribute to maintaining the site.
If anyone dos not wish to pay by `card`there are money transfer shops in the diverse parts of our country where `Paypal` payments can be made by cash. Give the clerk the CHW web ID; press `Paypal`;type in “From [user name] ” inthe msg. space. Pay the shop the amount + charge .Simple.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. What do you say?
OOOoK! Ooook Oook Ooook :Ooook Oooook.
Re : The Librarian at 01:08
You see ; he agrees with me.
RobertRetyred at 00:39
The same msg. comes up if one clicks on `Paypal`. Disconcerting.
RobertRetyred :
If I have it right the email address is
Radford NG (22:54)
Not sure to which post you were responding with that one, Radford. Further and better particulars would be appreciated. ☺
Noa (23:25)
“Both the Ladies and the Gentleman”:
One of these days, if ever we get to rendezvous before I cross the Styx, I’ll tell you the true story of “Knights & Mason”. Willy was a superb storyteller but prone to a little poetic licence (he would have enjoyed this platform).
And as we both know, sometimes the truth needs a little fiction as condiment to bring out the real flavour. But he and Jonathan Meades were/are one-offs. High end Aspergers I would guess, in a world of their own but brilliant writers and witticists to boot.
Trump interviewed by Bret Baier tonight on Fox. Opined that Britain would benefit from BRexit, but hastened to add that was merely his opinion and that we Brits should decide for ourselves.
That calls for a repeat of today’s bumper-sticker:
… and, of course, BRexit!
Btw, great punter on QT tonight who cleaned the clocks of the Remainers. Who TF let him in? Some researcher will get shit-canned at the Beeb tomorrow, odds on.
Ms Oakeshot was very good. Lord Lawson was okay, but he’s getting very dithery and his weight loss accentuates his age. The audience seemed to be a majority of BRexits. I’m beginning to believe.
Noa @ 23:36
That’s the barbarian’s worry, too, Noa, Peter’s absence does feel strange, not a word for months, one hopes he’s OK.
And please no apologising, it’s not an ‘reply equality’ game we’re running here, Baron hasn’t been through everything missed in his absence, no apology from him either, and weird as it may seem the world hasn’t missed anything.
Malfleur @ 23:47
The magazine subscription’s worth it if one ignores the politically tainted bits, one has Douglas, Liddle, Taki, Clark, book reviews …. the cost of it though puts many off, Baron passes his copy to another (single) household, he (not the household obviously a man who retired last century) to another one (we’re back to a household here) of eight.
Douglas’s piece on Erdogan, who just firmed up his hold on power by sacking the smiling PM, should be enough for those who are still calling for Turkey to join the Brussels monstrosity to drop the idea. Bu twould they? ‘Drop my arse they will’ is what Mr. Royale would very likely say.
Frank P at 02:00
It starts with telemachus being naughty at 17:49 (allegedly) . Any further information is literally illegal in England and Wales…..although it it is freely available in the USA,Nigeria,Malawi, and the Malay Straights (and presumably in Scotland).
That’s Malay Straits.
Radford G & Robert Retyred
Yup- apologies for the mix up.
As somebody recently remarked elsewhere : a lot of people are getting Erdogan’s goat.
From information elsewhere ; Peter has recently been in the ex-colonies and is otherwise busy.
Today:the 63rd birthday of Tony Blair ; George Bush Junior’s Shih-Tzu.
Radford NG @ 08:56
You, Radford, are a star, now the barbarian gets tele’s naughtiness, merci, and your reminder of the ghastly Blair’s anniversary deserves a reward, too, but why junior?
It was confirmed few minutes ago, a cable between somewhere and the exchange has been damaged, the reason for Baron’s experiencing difficulties posting this morning. Not that it matters, but you should know of it because it’s the age of caring, understanding, compassion, love ….
Womanly perfection – from the moslem perspective.
Here’s one for the constitutionalists amongst us…
Blair, Irvine and Falconer were successful in dismantling many or most of the provisions in Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights that gave the English people protection from the abuse of power by the state.
Do we still have the right to trial by jury of twelve of our peers, I wonder? Also, WTF these days constitutes “a peer?” I am prompted to ask this because somebody I know who hails from a God forsaken Scandinavian shit hole is currently doing three weeks of jury service. Has an unusually poor command of English [far worse than mine 😉 ] but even less of sense Englishness or common law. Vikings aside, there are potentially similar problems with jurors from countries like Germany and France where there are no jury trials, but especially with those who come from a country or a background that employs a code that is antithetical to Western civilisation.
The current situation regarding the qualification of jurors would seem to make obtaining “justice” even more of a lottery than it used to be. [I know, I know… Justice is an abstract slippery customer, second only to Democracy. ]
Wouldn’t it be a start just to say that only natural born English citizens can sit on English juries? Or for that matter be allowed to vote in national elections and referenda?
Radford NG
“…a lot of people are getting Erdogan’s goat.”
Don’t tempt me!
Are there no Taffs available?
Reportedly Neil Hamilton and Mark Reckless are to be UKIP’s “new” members in the Welsh Assembly.
EC 10.25
Whilst I’m in agreement with your commentsmay I pick a bone with you on the matter of referring to we Brits as ‘citizens’?
It’s a small point I know, but an important one. As the United Kingdom is not a republic formed like the US or France in revolutionary fire and blood, but a constitutional monarchy, we are properly referred to as ‘Subjects’.
That two, perhaps even all three, of our constitutional triumvirate are seriously malfunctioning, whilst operating under foreign supervision, does not yet obviate this crucial difference.
Frank P
As I have re-retired, for the time being at least, from Defence consultancy, we should look to meet.
Unfortunately I appear to have deleted your contact details and would be grateful if you could forward them again via the good offices of PfM.
Noa – 10:54
Yes, I remember the wording in our old navy blue and gold embossed ‘foreigner frightener’ passports. In those far off days the ‘subjects’ could, to a large extent, rely upon HM’s government to do its utmost to safeguard and protect us whilst at home and abroad. Sadly, these days we cannot rely upon that.
Long live HMQ!
Hitchens, on London’s mayor and constitutional sovereignty.
Noa May 6th, 2016 – 10:54
I’m afraid that you are wrong there. The British Nationality Act 1981 made everyone either a British citizen, British Dependent Territories citizen or British Overseas citizen. Use of the term British subject was discontinued for all persons who fell into those categories, or who had a national citizenship of any other Commonwealth country. The category ‘British subject’ now includes only those people formerly known as ‘British subjects without citizenship’ and people born in Ireland before 1949.
The term ‘British subject’ now has a very restrictive statutory definition in the United Kingdom—and it would be incorrect to describe a British citizen as a British subject—but the concept of a subject remains in the law, and the terms the Queen’s subjects, Her Majesty’s subjects, etc., remain in use in British legal discourse.
EC May 6th, 2016 – 10:25
The criteria for jury service is:-
Between the ages of 18 and 70.
Registered on local government electoral register.
Lived in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands for the last 5 years.
EU citizens resident in the UK can vote in elections to local authorities, devolved legislatures and the European Parliament but they can’t vote in General Elections.
Therefore the bar for jury service seems to be set rather low if it permits EU citizens and resident foreigners to serve.
Having said that I have little confidence any public servants follow such rules strictly. This country seems to consign far too many privileges to anyone who turns up from anywhere, which I suppose is a consequence of all the ‘equality’ nonsense.
May 5th, 2016 – 23:43
I offered some time ago to send Peter a postal order directly but he felt there were confidentiality aspects. I then suggested meeting with cash at The Admiral Gordon Milton Street but that offer was not taken up.
Incidentally, I think you should move to Wales
I note that through Jeremy’s magnetic personality, despite his Islington domicile, he kept our northern heartlands.
Further in areas we were expected to lose for example in Southampton and Hastings he maintained hegemony
As the Great Man said
“We are forcing them back on so many things, such as the forced academisation of our schools, such as the continuous under-funding of our NHS because as I said to the Prime Minister last week, there is a choice: either you continue this path of cuts, closures and inequality or you collect the uncollected tax and you pay for the services that everybody else needs. That’s what we understand – I don’t think they do.”
telemachus : as I’ve pointed out you can pay in cash over the counter in many places (mine 01:02).
I’m see that UKIP’s steady absorbtion of Labour’s WWC is delighting as it pleases me.
And I think you should fu*k off to Pakistan and embrace your fellow constituents and voters, pulsed or otherwise, more closely.
I see that UKIP’s steady absorbtion of Labour’s WWC is delighting you as much as it pleases me.
And I think you should fu*k off to Pakistan and embrace your fellow constituents and voters, pulsed or otherwise, more closely.
Please no more.
Ban the communist troll forever and let’s have no more of his idiotic hubris and boasting, let alone his repetition of lefty lies about non-existent cuts.
We had all this hagiographic nonsense with Brown and Miliband, now we’re getting the presumptive “Great Man” Stalinist crap about Corbyn, as though the irritating twat thinks just because he says it then it must be true. Put fucking Corbyn’s picture on a red banner and hang it in your exploited Pole-built bourgeois conservatory if it pleases your silly middle-class lefty Soviet fantasy but it is not welcome here.
For fuck’s sake get rid of him. There are more than enough outlets for lefty lunacy on the planet without giving them oxygen here. Every remotely right wing website has two or three of these Labour orchestrated trolls camped on it, invading safe space and heckling. Besides, not being able to post here would make the little egomaniac’s eyes water.
Did anyone else see Sir Simon Barnes MP, a supposedly Conservative politician, enthusiastically endorsing Hilary Clinton and the democrats on Daily Politics.
What is wrong with these people?
A very telling image of Labour – scroll down to the picture of Corbyn and chums.
Without “rubbing the right’s nose in diversity” would Labour ever have a 31% vote share in England?
Colonel Mustard
May 6th, 2016 – 13:11
Thank you |Colonel, duly and sadly noted.
Colonel Mustard – 15:29
“Without “rubbing the right’s nose in diversity” would Labour ever have a 31% vote share in England?”
It would be very telling if the postal voting figures for the London Mayoral election were published. i.e. What percentage of postal votes were ‘cast’ and how many for each candidate.
I think that ALL postal voting should be halted forthwith. No exceptions, if you can’t get to the polling station on the day, for whatever reason, then tough titty!
Foreign nationals should not be allowed to vote in UK general elections and referenda. Other countries don’t seem to have a problem with that. eg. My brother has lived in Germany for 45 years and has only ever been allowed to vote in town council or EU elections. German Federal elections are for Germans only!
Colonel Mustard – 15:25
Ah, you mean the Rt Hon Sir Simon “Third degree” Burns!
“the forced academisation of our schools”
I apologise
Colonel Mustard @ 13:23
Is the list of the criteria for a jury service exhaustive, Colonel? The barbarian has yet to meet someone who’s a member of a shooting club, and who’s served on a jury.
Who does the additional filtering, and why?
The old Labour party is dead. Long live the new ‘Judenfrei’ Labour party!
Who are the real Nazis and racists now? The views of Livngstone, Corbyn, Naz Shah and their ilk have been revealed for their hatred of all Jews, under the thin guise of ‘anti-Zionism’.
The disgusting anti-semitic worldview of its leaders shows the Labour party for what it now is.
No longer the representative of British working people, it has become the home of covert long march communists and islamified by moslem extremists with whom it makes common cause in plotting the destruction of Israe. These leaders now advocate the ‘transportation’ of Jews and support the terrorist front organisations Hamas and Hezbollah who, in their murderous daily rocket attacks on women and children, seek Israel’s complete extermination.
What both amazes and saddens me and must cause real fear for the future, is that anyone with any decency at all is prepared to defend and even justify these vile ‘beliefs’ and actually vote to put such creatures into positions of power.
And yet, by failing to throw Labour out of office en masse, that is exactly what has happened. It used to be said that the Labour faithful would vote for a dead donkey if it had a red rosette on it. Yesterday they proved that to be an overstatement of their tribalism and stupidity.
The red rosetted corpse of Reinhart Heydrich as favourite for Labour’s forthcoming leadership challenge, anyone?
So our Metropolis has fallen to the jihad without bloodshed on either side. All achieved with a modicum of political chicanery; demographic creep; a few decades of brainwashing through the ‘education’ process and the ovine submission of HM subjects (or citizens if you prefer).
Shame on us all!
Excuse me while I hi-jack Eliot:
“This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.”
The Unholy Alliance of The Long March and the jihad writ large in Londinium.
He may have been getting the wrong end of the stick, or he may have not, but scanning Guido’s past coverage of the new man in London (and his backers) leaves little room for rejoicing by anyone who believes in the substance of democracy rather than its mechanics. How on earth have Labour chosen the guy?
Don’t be downhearted chaps. The Nazis liked to boast and predict their victory too. Many times they seemed on top but in the end they lost everything and were ground to dust. I look forward to the day when every wretched thing the evil troll represents is also ground to dust, even if I have to wait for it from beyond the grave.
Justice WILL out though the road be long and hard with many a discouragement on the way.
Patronising twaddle. The establishment bubble closing ranks because Trump is not a member, not a politician, not “one of them”. Like Farage “not quite the right sort”, a man from business who stands for election rather than lobbying behind the scenes. Republicans trying to stop him and Conservative MPs rooting for Clinton show just how unprincipled those charlatans are. The cosy club is more important to them than any ideology or any truth spoken, however crudely. They and their media sycophants are perfectly interchangeable with their little corporate power games of who is up and who is down.
It really is ‘them and us’ now.
EC – 1611
Just to ‘rub your nose in it’, I officially become an Australian citizen on May 20 but retain my UK voting rights until 2026.
I left because the place had gone mad and is now beyond parody. I’ll be voting to leave the EU.
And to think that on Sunday we’ll be commemorating VE Day. Was it really? Or was it a postponement of defeat, pending a 71 year underground war of subversive attrition? June 23rd 2016 will tell us whether our Security Services are sequentially guilty of high treason, aided and abetted by politicians of all stripes who have handed government to one another either in collusion or in wilful and reckless neglect. How many of our armed services personnel died in WWII?
How many civilians died in air attacks during that conflict? What have our current weaselly crop of political ‘leaders’ to say to the heirs and successors of the fallen?
“We cannot stand alone in this world, we have to join forces with the rescued and the conquered in order to survive”.
Fucking despicable cowards: self serving traitorous douchebags!! The Prime minister – the Heir to Blair, masquerading as a conservative; the Leader of HM Opposition – a communist and erstwhile hippie, not to mention his support of terrorists?
For the first time in my life I feel ashamed to call myself an Englishman, given the constituency of my government. I disavow it.
So, the jihadist has won the London Mayoralty. Earlier today I was passing the Brick Lane Mosque, it was a warm day and the doors were open. A stream of Arabic wafted out of the building, naturally, I could not understand a word of the the sermon, except for one, Taliban. Says it all really does it not? I do not for an instance think moderation was being preached, anymore than this would be printed in the MSM.
The European “Gendarmarie” – Further Details – Further Concern
Some pertinent comments too on the article which turn on Baucent’s question on May 6, 2016 at 5:55 am : “Here is the issue, why would the EU Commission want such a force?”
Homa sees the result of the London mayoral election differently:
“The FBI is a political police force.”
Wayne Madsen, 3rd Hour, Alex Jones Show, Thursday May 5th.
Stephen Maybery – 00:44
That would be the moderate Taliban though. 🙂
Frank P May 7th, 2016 – 00:21
You should be no more ashamed to call yourself an Englishman than a Norwegian living under Nazi occupation would be to call himself a Norwegian.
Our English legacy and birthright do not cease to exist just because our national identity has been hi-jacked, our country declared multicultural and we are ruled over by a succession of malevolent idiots. They don’t own that identity. It is not theirs to determine. Look closely at the surnames and antecedents of those with the most to say about how this country is to be run, whether in government, in opposition or the punditry of the bubble, and you will find they are seldom of us, or for us. They don’t like us, faintly despise us, want to change us, feel embarrassed by the love of country that they appeasingly respect in others of this island, but like Basques and Kurds we are what we are, that is not defined by their power, or theirs to control.
And, like the Sex Pistols, I bet they don’t hate us as much as we hate them.
You and I will both greet eternity as Englishmen and though they might be glad to see us go they can’t change that or how we feel about it. You have nothing to feel ashamed of. The shame belongs to those who have sold us down the river for decades.
Saturday’s Telegraph is always a good read
Today Gordon Rayner perspicacious as always produced a few good quotes
The Drudge Report Headline: “First London Mayor of Londonistan”
Zac Goldsmith “If Labour win on Thursday we will have handed control of the Met and with it national counter terrorism policy to ..a candidate..(who) repeatedly legitimised those with extremist views”
I have had dealings with this man through our liason committee when he was at Wandsworth. He is a hard working pragmatist. I know his only focus will be to do his best for all London residents. Particularly, and this will help my 3 children who live in the capital, he will pull out all stops to help the young with the accommodation crisis
Cut him some slack
telemachus May 7th, 2016 – 09:07
You don’t get to tell us what to do here.
telemachus @ 09:07
Wasn’t there another pragmatic, peace loving, multy-culty mayor in Tower Hamlets? Stephen used to tell us about him. Does anyone know what has happened to him? (only joking).
The headline in Drudge, tele, reads: ‘The first Muslim Mayor of Londonistan’.
Clear Memories – 23:46
Well done. Good for you. At least you’ll be voting the right way. 🙂
However your I suspect your vote, and that of other ex-pats, will be nullified by EU nationals living in the UK, not to mention the votes of Blair’s caliphate enthusiasts, shipped in en masse during the 2000 – 2010.
I don’t think that Dave ever intended or wanted a Conservative to win the London Mayor election, otherwise he would have put up a more credible candidate. Goldsmith did unexpectedly well considering the demographic bias and the postal votes from the subcontinent were stacked against him.
After the Muslim Mayor debacle in Tower Hamlets I shudder to think what is going to occur now.
Baron 1001
Thanks and sorry
Pleased to see that the Drudge report then links to this
Sadiq Khan beats Zac Goldsmith to become London’s first Muslim mayor and says
Londoners have chosen unity over division
To loud cheering from supporters in City Hall, Mr Khan said: “I promise to always be a mayor for all Londoners.” ”
EC Lutfur Rahman never promised to be a mayor for all in the borough
He was an aberration
Taqiyyamachus (*)
Just before you fuck off, Pat Condell has a special message for you…
“I Vote Against You” (and so do the rest of us)
(*) The list of your ‘Google alerts must be getter longer by the day. Almost as long as long as your list of sock puppets.
EC – 10:14
My thoughts exactly:
David Cameron says he wants to see Britain’s first Asian PM in his lifetime as he warns that a lack of diversity is holding the country back
Not in London, it isn’t.
RobertRetyred – 11:09
I remember Dave 2008-2010 banging on about the need “to fix broken Britain” and also promising to ban extremists groups.
Yeah, right! He’s definitely “fixed” it, ain’t he…
A Short Guide to Increasing the Trump Vote
“In an exclusive interview with theWashington Examiner Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is “becoming a fan of” Clinton, who [sic] he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.”
Calling all lazy, uneducated, TV watching English drunks!:
EC May 7th, 2016 – 11:09
telemachus is busy spamming Guido as ‘Girlpower’ and ‘Rockman Rock’.
He will deny this of course. But we know what value to place on that, eh Jennifer Oldham?
The Russian government organized a classical music concert in Palmyra. It looked, felt, and sounded proper.
Colonel Mustard – 12:28
I cannot remember if it was on Guido or Breitbart, but I saw a “David Lindsay” commenting again the other day. Not that I could ever be bothered reading his stuff when it was really him, but nowadays I assume it is just you know who.
You asked for the latest on Lutfer Rahman, well ‘ere we go. The rat has lost two court cases this year seeking to have the ban on him standing for public office overturned. He is described as a bankrupt, and if you believe that you would believe anything. On top of all this the Met are refusing to bring charges against him, well I never!
Rahman’s tentacles are still all over the joint, his mignons in most cases remain in place. A clear line from Khan to Rahman is clearly visible to they who wish to see, unfortunately they who do not so wish will take pride in their blindness and call it-multiculturalism.
Palmyra Concert
Globalist philistine vassal responds to Bach in classical European amphitheatre.
EC May 7th, 2016 – 12:54
If it was ‘David Lindsay’ with a black labrador avatar then it was telemachus using his name “in homage”.
telemachus has been obsessing about black labradors and the dastardly Tory Home Counties since way back.
An extraordinary amount of time he wastes on those serial spamming games.
Malfleur @ 13:06
When the first cords hit the Palmyra air not that far from it at a place called Idlib, a small refugee camp was bombed from the air, over 30 civilians killed. Weird as it may seem nobody knows (not even the Pentagon) who was doing the bombing, but it is assumed it was the evil Assad, or the even more devious Russians.
Does anyone still listen to what the brainless beancounter in charge of our Foreign Office has to say?
What saddens the barbarian is not his hate of the Russians, this is understandable what with his unquestionable submission to the interest of the Republic, or rather the honorary Muslim who runs it, but that his behaviour is destroying irrevocably what was once one of the greatest offices of state anywhere. Not only did leaders of other nations listen, they responded to what they thought the Foreign Secretaries wished. Today, this man is just a sad tip of the tail of a dog that barks but never bites.
Radoslaw Sikorski and his wife, Anne Applebaum, are under investigation in Poland for failing to disclose all of their earnings last year.
A group of H-D bikers from Russia, the Night Wolves, favoured by the KGB Colonel has been denied transit through Poland on its way to Berlin for the V-E day celebration. They were allowed to ride through the Czech Republic, a prominent Czech politicians called Hasek who attended a rally organised by the Czech H-D chapter, the Wolves present, is getting pilloried for it in the media.
The Austrians want to introduce controls (five in total), build a 370m wall at the Brenner Pass with Italy, also tighten up railway checks. Some 2,500 trucks and 15,000 cars go through the Pass’s daily. The Brussels’s Jean-Claude Junker and the Austrian Home Secretary Wolfgang Sobotka have been involved in the war of words, the former calling the measures a ‘political catastrophe’.
““the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Stephen Maybery @ 13:00
Thanks, Stephen.
One would be less concerned about Sadiq Khan if he were of the same breed as the Muslim Public Prosecutor who re-dusted the sex abuse files, got the ball rollingl that led to the imprisonment of more than a hundred rapists, most of them Allah followers, or the Muslim parents who objected to the teaching of sharia in the Birmingham schools.
The ‘uman rites’ laywer is not of the same stock, however, he seems to be saying one thing when appearing on the BBC, and another when he addresses Muslim audiences in the ME. He shared a platform over and over again with someone who backs ISIL. He hasn’t loudly renounced any of the atrocities committed by the followers of his faith.
As a mayor, he will be in charge of London’s terrorist countermeasures, have access to classified reports, attend COBRA (?). How will he and the boy (and the saintly Teresa) who were both more than critical of him, co-operate on this issue?
And while you’re down there:
No comment; I’ll leave a clean page
(or two) for Baron.
Frank P @ 16:32
Good piece by Mr. Boot, Frank, except for one small flaw. London a Christian city? Hmmm
Democracy indeed stinks, but it stinks less than any other system of governance ever tried by men. Or is the barbarian wrong, you can put him right?
Voltaire (as Baron keeps pointing out) had an idea how to improve on democracy. ‘Temper it with assassinations’, he said.
Baron – 16:09
The ‘Night Wolves’ seem like a perfectly nice decent set of clean living, God fearing Christian lads to me. Are you sure that VE ban story wasn’t from last year??
A bit of a poor do from the Poles considering that this time the Russian Wolves left all their weapons at home!
Frank P @ 16:37
Two pages to do what, Frank? How could the barbarian ever contradict the omni-all one, the giant of interpretation of things historic, the well of knowledge of everything, the herculean of religiously inspired love for all?
His description of the Georgian thug is spot on except for his claim the thug would have moved west if Adolf got bogged down conquering Britain. No historian has ever made this claim, and there are a number of them who’ve searched the Russian files quite at some length.
He also fails to mention the huge portraits of the thug were displayed (and will be paraded in two days) by the communists who paid for them.
Yup, people imbued with the communist poison re-moulded to suit contemporary conditions do exist in Russia (as they do here, e.g. the cumryd, in the US e.g. Bernie), the country has a freedom of expression, of association, of religion (the communist doctrine is a religion for those who adopted it). It is the communists together with the nationalists who present the biggest danger for Putin, not the left-leaning Pussy Riot crowd, as Baron keeps saying. If the KGB Colonel, goes that will be the time to start worrying.
Democracy and capitalism are great ideas. If only someone, somewhere would put them into practice.
Colonel Mustard (09:02)
Not sure that Norway is a good examplar in that regard. Perhaps they should have been ashamed too:
I suppose they had at least the excuse of being threatened by overwhelming military force. So did we, but we didn’t cave in at that point in history.
This time it’s not overwhelming military force by which which we have been threatened and now subsumed, but a death cult, comprising a bunch of deluded savages, backed by a transparent Muslim Brotherhood propaganda machine,aided and abetted by the Comintern, apparently more than a match for our gullible and suicidal native electorate. It is that of which I am ashamed. We are judged by the company we keep. Even on this platform we are obliged to keep the company of a deluded quisling because of some fucked-up notion of ‘fair play’ and ‘free speech’.
Even though I did more than most while in public service to pragmatically oppose, with the tools I was given (not to mention a few I invented), the forces that have now engulfed us – and went out on a limb to augur what has indeed transpired, it was not enough and I could and should have done more. Mea Culpa. ‘Whistling in my tones’ here won’t help, ‘the world too wide for my shrunk shank’, but that’s all there is left. 🙂
EC @ 17:04
It’s largely the repeat of what happened last year, EC, the chief who runs the outfit (possibly few others) are on the American sanction list, hence he ain’t doing any riding this year, the others are OK as far as the Czechs are concerned, they behave well, don’t drink and ride, many of them are well educated, rich, apolitical.
Putin likes them because of the macho image of the bike, Baron reckons, an image he likes to cultivate to attract the young females. Pathetic really.
The Poles, well, the political elite of Poland, like Mr. Boot, hate the Russians whether they ride Harleys or not. Equally pathetic.
EC @ 17:10
Well said, EC.
Baron (17:08)
You disappoint me, my noble counterpart. You usually avail yourself of such opportunities somewhat more fulsomely. Could it be that your recent bout with the Heirs of Hippocrates has blunted your spear (so to speak)? 🙂 If so get well soon.
EC (17:10)
The first was doomed at conception (aren’t we all?) and the second is what it is, an attempt to enjoy life while it lasts, but also doomed to failure. Except in the case of of Phil the ‘Bust Out’ King. Tony Schneider taught him the tricks of the trade.
Girlpower, Rockman Rock, Fabian_Solutions, Peta, Declan, jockcoleman, Patriccia Shaw, David Lindsay
All great friends
I can guarantee that none live in East Anglia or the Home Counties
None own a shotgun or Labrador
None have a moustache
Mr Khan has vowed to do all in his power to make London “better”, as he was sworn in as the new mayor. Bristol also just announced to become a better place
“Mr Khan has vowed to do all in his power to make London better.”
Whaddaloada Kublas!
He’Siddiq head!
What’s more his mentor is Benedict Birnberg, one of the main marshalls of the Long March, who was the eminence grise behind most post-war Labour (Socialist) Governments. The fact that Khan is now the ultimate overseer of The Met Police should make the blood of all of you run cold. I note that Hattie was first out of the blocks to congratulate him. She is another accolyte of Benedict.
Get your digs in now, the intertubes will be their first target!
This piece says it all.
Frank P
May 7th, 2016 – 20:09
There are those sage individuals who think he may now challenge for Party Leadership
Jennifer Oldham May 7th, 2016 – 18:32
We already know that they are all “great friends” (sic) of yours.
But you couldn’t guarantee a cold rice pudding. You are an inveterate liar and deceiver.
Frank P – 20:25
“This piece says it all.”
Indeed it does, Roger that! Birnberg aside, I have always thought that Boateng’s swagger gave off the whiff of a slightly unsavoury character beneath. So imagine my surprise(not!) when I Googled, “paul boateng scandal” and got 113,000 results in 0.27 seconds. (NB. Hattie. I have taken the precaution of taking screenshots of the first two pages)
Some of the articles are an education! (which is why the days of the internet are undoubtedly numbered!)
Frank P @ 17:19
You may be on to something, Frank, for no reason at all the barbarian is losing interest in all that lamenting, moaning, ranting or whatever. What’s the fugging point? There is more to life, or the remnant of it still left for him to breathe in and out than hitting the keyboard with stuff that bores, has the shelf life of minutes (if that).
Just one simple advice to you (and others who may be listening). Avoid getting sick at all costs, if possible stay young and healthy forever, boycott old age.
Good advice m’Lud, but much too late.
One does one’s best to avoid the frailty of the flesh, but it’s innate and as we all know ultimately fatal. A day at a time, old friend. Every dawn a surprise and not always welcome, given what inevitably transpires around us beyond our control. But the s.o.h. is the best defence. So kttp!
A hundred years ago ( 3rd to the 12th of May ) The Sherwood Foresters (having suffered the highest loses in the Easter Rising ) were accorded the task of forming firing squads to execute MacDonagh and McBride,Connolly and Pearse, and others in Kilmainham Gaol.
Audio:Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal.His comments on Russia help us understand the context in which the Boot camp operates. The continuing debt crisis and the illegal rigging of the financial system prompts the exasperation of an old-timer.
Marius: The Battle of Aquae Sextiae*.html
Greater London .
It appears Khan got active support of 29.9 % of voters ; Goldsmith of 19.69 % .
I hear the london Mayor was created by a Blair referendum with 72% support on a 34% turnout. so 24.48% support for having a mayor.
Radford NG
May 8th, 2016 – 07:35 & 07:48
It’s the way it is now. The political landscape is being shaped by issue campaigners, activists, agitators and shouty mobs. The majority has withdrawn into apathy or acquiescence. The same is true of Parliament. It is full of activists rather than representatives.
Frank P
May 7th, 2016 – 17:11
Yes, that was the point. There was a patriotic Norwegian resistance as well as Quisling.
Interesting article and it addresses the very point I would have expected to be ignored.
Our assistance in the numbers.
I’d quite like to find out whether or not if/how postal votes are skewing elections. I cannot find anywhere where counts of these votes are published. There should be a statutory obligation to do so. If there is nothing to hide then why not publish them?
Frank P, May 4th, 2016 – 01:53
Noddin’, lyin’ Ted just threw the towel in with an overblown speechifying load of old bollix. Good fucking riddance!
Detestable prick!
As is Paul Ryan, and all the other ‘entitled’ GOP quislings.
“Reince Priebus” – if you were unfortunate enough to inherit a name like that then wouldn’t you change it?
“Gingrich: Speaker Ryan made a big mistake today”
“…Girlpower, Rockman Rock, Fabian_Solutions, Peta, Declan, jockcoleman, Patriccia Shaw, David Lindsay
All great friends…”
The question is, Wallsters, how many ‘personae’ can one deranged mind create and hold?
“Why this is hell…”
May 8th, 2016 – 11:47
Yes, the “all great friends” was the giveaway. Whether that was motivated by his need to claim friends, imaginary or otherwise, in order to bolster his insecurity at being the only one marching in step on many a website or just another revelation of his mania for multiple disguises is uncertain.
It was disappointing that he omitted Jennifer though and he never responded to my legitimate challenge as to why he had at first claimed that she was a real acquaintance and then subsequently admitted it was yet another disguise.
He is a serial deceiver and mischief-making troll with no redeeming features whatsoever who should not be permitted to comment here.
On Twitter, Melanie Phillips [@MelanieLatest] is commending this article to the world:
“Maajid Nawaz knocks out of the park all screaming ‘racist’ at those raising Sadiq Khan’s questionable associations”
Here’s a piece that you should read, it’s longish, will very likely upset you. Penned by the conservative homo columnist Andrew Sullivan it’s the best argued case against Donald except for this. In his hatred of the man of the people, Sullivan hasn’t thought through many of the claims he has against Donald, one can accuse the anointed horde, the honorary Muslim in particular of the same.
Baron hasn’t got the time right now to show you what he means, here’s just a couple of examples:
Sullivan: “But the most powerful engine for such a movement (i.e. populist movement such as Donald’s) – the things that gets it off the ground, shapes and solidifies and entrenches it- is always the evocation of hatred”
But what is it that has driven the ‘movement of the anointed’, has resulted in the unwashed having enough, is still visible in the policies they, the anointed, are pushing without the consent of the governed? Isn’t it the hatred of the old way of life, of habits, traditions, customs and culture, the hatred of the smokers, of people who believe in heterosexual families, sovereignty, border controls?
Sullivan: “What is notable of Trump’s supporters is preciously what one would expect from members of a mass movement: their intense loyalty”.
What TF has backed the Obama inspired movement if not super intense loyalty, for some based on the colour of his skin, for others on the dreamlike notion that soft power can conquer armies, tweets can defeat people who harbour hate, want to kill us.
(Apologies for the haste, please do read the rant, it will tell you more about those we are against than why one should not vote for the maverick).
Baron would expect the great Mark to have a response to it, it needs it. but it’s importance lies in it
Colonel Mustard (08:11)
I take that point, but the point I was making is that there appears to be no equivalent substantial resistance here, to either the Norwegian armed resistance movement, or the Maquis in France.
Occupation of the UK through government default and seceding of sovereignty, abysmal immigration policy and all the rest has been accepted with ovine submission by hoi polloi who think that multicultural Britain is fine because their Pakistani newsagent smiles at them as he hands them their tabloid. If they were to read even the filtered news about politics, rather than the sports pages and page 3, they should be able to deduce otherwise. I’m afraid the catharsis of this platform won’t crack it.
I’m ashamed that I didn’t do more when I was young fit and in the loop to organise resistance. That’s all. We allowed our issue to be nobbled by the bastards, via the education system. I despise my gullible compatriots who will probably vote to stay under the yoke of the Brussels behemoth next month; who voted to hand over the Toytown Mayoralty of the Metropolis to a Muslim activist masquerading as a Socialist. Watching the political discourse this morning as the MSM paraded the gloating leftists, did nothing to disperse my gloom and sense of shame. Clear Memories is right to ‘rub it in’. We deserve it.
I’m sorry about my Duff link to Judge Janine Pirro; it’s worth digging out by Googling it. It’s part two of her April 30 edition of ‘Justice’ on Fox News.
Last night’s edition was good too, but that may not be on You Tube yet.
Sorry – I don’t get link URLs on my tablet when I get through to You Tube for some obscure reason.
“Clear Memories is right to ‘rub it in’. We deserve it.”
CM is only recently departed – so to speak – so does that make him any less deserving?
Not that I think that “we” do ALL deserve “it.” Not that there was much of a choice after Maggie, but those who voted in Blair three times in a row, and for dhimmi Dave twice, they deserve it. They deserve it with nobs on!
“Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Donald Trump Vs Hillary Clinton & Elizabeth Warren – Clinton and Warren are documented liars”
“Judge Jeanine: Alleged Clinton hacker’s claims are credible”
“May 5 2016 Jeanine Pirro’s EPIC Rebuttal of Mitt Romney – SHARE IT”
“May 5 2016 Jeanine Pirro’s EPIC Rebuttal of Mitt Romney – SHARE IT”
Crikey!!! Judge Jeanine Pirro eclipses Ann Barnhardt in her detestation of the man!
Her latest rant was even better. 🙂 The one you linked was last week’s one that I tried to link, but apparently failed. This week, after he had already secured the nomination, she took on several ‘never Trump’ wonks.
I think she’s probably looking to replace Judge Scalia on the Supreme Court. That would be fun. 🙂 A ball-breaker with a gavel. Dangerous!
I think this is the latest Justice:
Colonel Mustard
May 8th, 2016 – 12:26
I have no issue with his being a marxist communist. Rather it is his cowardice in failing, Always failing to argue his professed cause to its logical conclusion with belief or courage.
A bullet in the back of the head, a terrorist murder, his support of the Red Terror. All clues to what this mordern Lord of the Flies would do to us, given the chance.
A vile execresence on humanity.
Question: Is it possible that a Trump like ‘outsider’ could crash the political system in Westminster the way Trump has in Washington. Farage should have infiltrated the Tory Party the way that that Corbinski has hi-jacked the Labour party. But as it’s too late for that now, I guess the Parliamentary system detracts against a real maverick leader getting into No.10. Unless of course the country continues on the course it has been navigating for the last two decades in which case we could finish up with Jezza in No.10, or even Kubla Khan. Arrrghh!
EC (12:30)
I think Melanie’s brief remark on the Nawaz piece is less than adequate.
Imho the article proves what I’ve always suspected about him, he’s taqiyya on a stick, as is the whole Quilliam thing. He praises Khan with faint damnation.
Alex Boot in whimsical flow on the local and mayoral elections:
Zac has described himself as ‘pansexual’.
Does that mean he has sex with pans?
David Cameron (Bilderberger Party) argues that Brext could lead us into WW3. I thought that that was what he and his chums had in mind. Is he saying whu bother to leave if you can stay and have it?
George Osborne (Bilderberger Party) says house prices will fall significantly if Britain votes to leave the European Union.If we stay, those prices will go up and up for ever and ever.
(h/t Drudge Report)
Frank & EC, thanks for the links, she’s quite a hitter, seems to be well informed, too. Baron wasn’t aware the FBI were trying to get a Romanian hackers extradited, a move that suggests the agency’s serious about the Clinton woman’s case.
You reckon it’s a smart move by the spooks to pursue the case? If they subpoena her, fail to get her indicted, would it not play in her favour?
The whimsy of Mr. Boot was quite enjoyable, and also informative for the barbarian seems to be missing on details of politicians’ sexual preferences.
You may recall Baron’s telling you a friend of his had it that Britain was governed by lawyers, Scots, and sexual deviants, or the combination thereof. Is she of the legal profession by any chance?
(No need to answer, Baron has just checked her Wiki entry, amongst her hobbies she also lists kickboxing. What do some lesbians get up to amazes).
Zachary Pansdown?
Noa @ 01:20
Not another politician with an intriguing sexual orientation, Noa, the barbarian feels rather old fashioned, shall he transition?
May 9th, 2016 – 01:20
Didn’t you have a grounding in the Classics at Stonyhurst? I should have thought that might have caused you to assume that the reference to Pansexualism indicated an attraction to billygoats?
May 8th, 2016 – 11:47
I am shocked to see my name on this list. I didn’t see it in the original post as I don’t read his comments. Please be assured that I am not a pseudonym for the teletubby. I rarely post here but I come to read and learn from my betters. Hence I skip over the drivel that he posts. I did post to put him in the bin when we were given the opportunities. I assure you that Declan is the name I was given at baptism and I am not a leftist troll.
May 9th, 2016 – 05:33
I am most grateful for your post
The whole point of 1832 May 7 was that one poster here and elsewhere spends his time trawling the internet to find posts, some of which I find offensive, and then attributing them to me
I can only surmise that this is his cynical way of attacking the Left leaning blogging community
The list (which follows others) itemises names I clearly recognise well but do not in the main relate to our enterprise
Of course I apologise to you, Peta, Girlpower etc for any offence but you have made my point better than I ever could
May 9th, 2016 – 07:39
Come off it. You are the one engaged in obsessive stalking. Your various sockpuppet pseudonyms intrude into safe spaces where I happen to be reading and your particularly peculiar style is self evident.
And to reinforce that you have readily admitted to your various deceptions on more than one occasion so don’t play the innocent. But cunning of you to include an innocent in your own list to elicit a denial which you can then respond to as the aggrieved party. I have NEVER stated a suspicion of you being Declan, you slippery, conniving fellow. So, knowing that you are not ‘Declan’, maybe, why did you include him in your list as a “great friend”? Perhaps the whole transaction is a cunningly contrived piece of theatre for your continued trolling deceptions.
“Enterprise” says it all. You and your “great friends” (remarkably some of whose posts you now say you find offensive) have an agenda. I simply comment, which you objected to and targeted from day one – as you have also admitted.
And why haven’t you apologised to Jennifer Oldham? You have still not explained why she went from being a “great friend” to being one of your own “in homage” pseudonyms.
Malfleur @ 01:44
The argument advanced by the two brainless individuals sounds rather persuasive, Malfleur, but not sufficiently for the barbarian to jump the brexit ship, swim to the safety of Brussels (only joking).
Had either of them suggested Britain, the whole island, could sink to the bottom of the seas surrounding her, (it cannot be ruled out, could it?) now, that would have been another matter. One wouldn’t bet another brainless twit may some up with it anyway.
You recall the Sullivan’s piece at 13.12? His having a go at Donald for spreading fear, running the show on the emotion of fear, using angst to attract followers? So what TF are the boy and Jeffrey doing scarring us?
What will happen in the years ahead is near impossible to say whether we remain in, or get out, the Chinese have it right ‘man can predict anything but the future’. What’s certain however is that when we brexit, it will be up to us and nobody else, if we fail we would have only ourselves to blame, our political clowns won’t be able to blame it on the apparatchiks of Brussel, we would be able to kick them out …. that and all that other stuff that comes with one’s independence, sovereignty, self-rule.
Brexit it must be.
(You know, when Baron types brexit, the fugging software changes it to brevet, it has to be re-typed three times to overrule the tosser’s code, and to confuse the poorly educate dSlav some more, the software still manages to morph the brexit to rev (why TF rev?) just as the sentence is being finished. Apple has had it, not the same outfit now, too clever by quarter, their current software. )
I think my prayer is being answered 🙂 :
May our fears be made visible to others.
Herbert 03:55
Billy goats? Are you saying he’s queer? It could be nanny goats y’know. ☺
Boris and his Brexit barnstormer today:
Very good script, mediocre delivery – hasn’t he a teleprompter available?
If only he could convince me that he sincerely believes in the cause and that it’s not a political ploy to get the keys to No. 10.
Regardless, he would probably make a better PM than the current dangerous dickhead.
Could Boris become our Trump?
The link to Boris’s speech:
You’been expecting this one, Baron:
After all it is May 9th.
An amusing headline from the Rumford Meteor on the new London Mayor:
Your presence is much appreciated. Don’t know why you were included. Problem is when a comparatively new name appears, it rouses suspicion that it is mucus building another guise. Another good reason to blackball him, but our host obviously disagrees as the “symptoms persist’ (as oiur old friend Anthony Daniels would put it).
Think what you like about Chomsky, but there isn’t much in this excerpt from his new book ‘Who Rules the World’ the barbarian would disagree with (as if it mattered if he did). The two areas of disagreement: the power of the multinationals is nothing new )e.g. the East India company), it hasn’t yet, and the barbarian would argue it never can exceed that of the states, and the issue of the Iraq invasion, which he views as a total disaster, the start of the disintegration of the ME region. The way the invasion and subsequent handling of the country’s affairs was implemented was indeed a catastrophe, but the principle of it wasn’t.
Still, you may like to peruse the excerpt, the second part will appear tomorrow.
Frank P @ 15:23
The world peace, or rather the low level of probability of WW3 engulfing the world, has been assured not thanks to NATO, and certainly not because of the undemocratic EU, but because of MAD, the possession of the nuclear arsenal and its delivery systems by the world’s and regional powers. If either the western military alliance, or the EU, or both were to implode tomorrow, the powers were to retain their nuclear capability, everything else remained as it is, the world wouldn’t move towards war any more than it does with NATO and the EU still functioning.
Frank P @ 16:00
Is he checking his watch for the countdown of the launch, Frank?
Peter Hitchen’s rebuts Cameron’s obscura.
Frank P @ 15:51
The man should be sanctioned, Frank, there’s no hope for him.
After Munich the Poles annexed a chunk of Czechoslovakia. Does this qualify for the same breaches of international treaties as he mentions re the Soviet Union?
His assertions that the Georgian thug was planning an invasion of the West is just laughable, there’s no evidence of it anywhere, no respected historian has ever made this claim, what does he base it on?
When Barbarossa got going, a large chunk of the Red Army officer corp, many foot soldiers were on holiday. This is well documented, the thug had many them shot even though they broke no rule, the permits were kosher. Does this suggest a move to the West was on cards?
The atrocities committed by the Red Army were real, no excuse for them, but they were equal to those committed by the Nazis in both Russia and the occupied countries of the east. Baron may have told you what his farther witnessed in Ukraine, something even more horrific than the example he quotes.
Whether the omni-all one likes it or not, the great Basil had it in one: They (the Germans) started it.
Christopher Booker stars in part 1 of ‘Flexit, the Movie’, with more to come
And page down afterwards for an excellect Richard North reprise of the origins of the EU. Monnet, Monnet monnet…it’s a risqueman’s world.
Baron – 19:22
Chomsky? Serpentine!
Clutch him to your breast at your peril.
Noa @ 19:48
Good link, Noa, thanks.
Peter right, Britain has never aspired to be a European power, it has been once a great world power, and could have retained its role as an adjudicator on the affairs of the world still if it didn’t decide to parrot the Americans, play a poodle to them.
And as for Churchill? The man was an Empire man through and through, to even think he would have surrendered sovereignty to a bunch of unelected apparatchiks in Brussels beggars belief.
Baron said it before, back to chairing the Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association for the boy. Pronto.
Chomsky?? Grrrr!! One hopes that link will remain untouched by Wallsters. You really do worry me at times.
Baron (19:35)
Dunno why I’m laughing. You may be right!.
But well spotted and exploited.
KTTP. I’d the only wreapon we wrinklies have at our disposal.
The perspicacious will have sided with telemachus in his spat with Hugh on the Speccie Christian culture thread
There is a major concern in respect of the dangers Sandy Miller, Nicky Gumbel and the radical Evangelicals pose to the Established Church
Those of us in Tariq’s group who were mentored by Donald Soper when first down from Oxford in the 60’s and 70’s will remember the efforts of his to draw radical Methodism back into the mainstream at Kingsway
I was surprised to find when reading William JW Roome at the weekend that such considerations extended beyond narrow European confines
“Theres a cry comes forth from the heavenly temple, Mid the hush of the seraphims song, Tis the souls of the martyrs under the altar: How long, O Lord, how long? Theres an echo falls from the heavenly temple. With a message so stern and so strong, Tis the voice of the Lord as He asks of His people: How long. My Church, how long? Theres a cry goes out from the whole creation, Like a burden of anguish and wrong; Tis the groan of the earth for the day of redemption, It is saying, O Lord, how long? Theres a bitter cry from the depths of the darkness, Where the perishing heathen throng; Tis the cry of a thousand millions pleading, How long, O Lord, how long? They are suffering, sinning, and dying yonder, With no one to pity their cry; They are passing away to a darker dying, How long will we let them die? There are weeping women, wronged and helpless. And their life is a living pain; There are murdered children, with none to save them, How long shall they weep in vain? It is long since the love of Jesus found us, But no one has cared for their woe; They have never been told of the Christ that saved you. Owhy do you not go? Would we speed the hour of the Masters coming, Would we bring the eternal song. Let us rouse from our slumber and hark to the summons How long! how long! how long! They are longing there for the Masters coming. And the meeting with loved ones again”
Common Purpose and the CPS.
Who does this remind you of:-
“Gordon Brown saved the world economy after the banking crisis.
His intervention in the Scottish referendum is widely credited with securing an “IN” vote.”
GirlPower (aka telemachus) at Guido 26 minutes ago.
Totally deranged.
Another history lesson:
Jim Comey has this and much, much more on her file. Why is the current investigation taking so long?
One hopes that Don Trumpolini has it on his file – it will spice up the next few months and we hope see the New Year in with a clear out of the Augean Stables.
Riveting footage, telling snapshots of the faces of evil and Bill and Hill in their own words. And it’s just part of the chronicle of crime of the Clintons.
Stay with it folks, it’s long and lively.
Colonel Mustard 10.30 May 9th & 10/5 00.06
Telemachus has no need to apologise to me. I was not on the list but I know him very well and am proud to count him a friend. Neither of us know GirlPower but he tells me that he does post in homage to David who we both knew from London days before we returned to our respective stations in Manchester and Durham.
Have a good day.
“Jennifer Oldham”
May 10th, 2016 – 08:04
More games eh? See the extracted posts below. telemachus already admitted on 8th April to using your name as a pseudonym. Why he should do that or use other peoples names/pseudonyms “in homage” has not been explained but that he has posted here and elsewhere under various pseudonyms is not in doubt and yours is one of them. That has the whiff of deceit and mischief about it.
Peter from Maidstone
August 26th, 2015 – 13:13
Just a post that I think I need people’s input on….
There is a recent lengthy post by Jennifer Oldham at 11:12 am. Sitting in my moderator pending list is the exact message, also by Jennifer Oldham, but the email which has been used, and which has caused it to go into moderation, is an address used by telemachus, and which does not appear on the site and so is not known to anyone other than myself as Administrator.
It would therefore seem that either i. Jennifer has accidentally typed in telemachus’ email address instead of her own when posting this message, or ii. that Jennifer is another of telemachus’ sock puppets.
August 26th, 2015 – 13:18
I know Jennifer
It was my goodself that suggested she post here
I also know that she is a member of the Tory Party
April 8th, 2016 – 16:08
Last word on this. The whole point of my posts was to say that the only pseudonyms telemachus has used here are Jennifer Oldham and long ago Patriccia Shaw.
Go to new CHW below.
Just in case anyone missed my last post on last weeks thread, in the Telenuisance copy, I repeat:
Another history lesson:
Jim Comey has this and much, much more on her file. Why is the current investigation taking so long?
One hopes that Don Trumpolini has it on his file – it will spice up the next few months and we hope see the New Year in with a clear out of the Augean Stables.
Riveting footage, telling snapshots of the faces of evil and Bill and Hill in their own words. And it’s just part of the chronicle of crime of the Clintons.
Stay with it folks, it’s long and lively.
At the other place, a good post:
IDS’s claim about Germany’s hidden EU renegotiation role is hugely damaging for ‘Remain’
fred finger; Your right about the MSM not giving much time to these stories. The biggest one is the MAIN concession Cameron gave away; that is the veto on closer political integration. Also by that logic Cameron has to call a referendum, as he is giving away powers to the EU.
We have gone to a new CHW now for 9th to 15th of May.