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I have been reading an excellent book: Religion for Atheists, by Alain de Botton in 2012, ISBN 978-0-141-04631-0.
By rejecting the supernatural claims of religion and, instead, stating what a religion can do for us in a practical way, Alain de Botton shows how it can be found behind many of our cultural activities that enrich our lives, including in the secular sphere. There are critics who, I think, are looking for some sort of proof (that they can reject 🙂 ? ) but it is more of a wander, a ‘Down Your Way’, through our every day lives, commenting on some well spotted observations. It doesn’t set out to prove anything, only to take note of coincidences. I am only part way through the book, but I gather that there are some unlikely suggestions to replace a religious ritual or two (for the Atheist), to reverse the decline in our quality of life, but that could show that a religion can reach the parts that mere ideologies cannot reach.
It is easy to read, but very challenging, as so many of the positive points made highlight how far our social infrastructure has deteriorated. Our ‘trend setters’ are taking all the benefits of our heritage for granted, are understanding nothing and are unlikely to have any idea how to remedy everyone’s feeling of loss. Social Science is not a patch on Divinity, especially the right sort!
It is quite frightening to think how the unthinking masses are going to survive. And, as there are so many of them, everyone will be swept along.
The book highlights what would be endangered if religion faded, or at least what would be much harder to do well, and that includes relationships, education, work, culture, love and death.
Selling a religion on its practical, earthly benefits may be unusual, but it may be the best chance to inform the non-spiritual. 🙂
Robert Retrod. (10:04)
Define the ‘non-spiritual’. There is a cheeky assumption there.
What’s his next book – Communism for Conservatives? How Marxist principles are ingrained in our daily lives and practices and without them we would be anarchistic rabble?
He needn’t bother, if that’s the case. It’s already encompassed in the Tory Party manifesto.
As usual, Alain is talking out of de Bottom.
EC @ 18:00
All solid points, EC, but how does any of it contradict Baron’s take on the issue? The Americans should have either charged the man or let him go. And as far as evidence of his being linked to the jihadists goes, the barbarian believes the Full Monty of it would be unlikely to convince a court of his guilt, secure a conviction.
(It was years ago, the barbarian came across a well argued legal essay by an American lawyer, no, not a ‘uman rite’ fruitcake, a genuine thing, quite a long piece, too, the legal man went through the evidence, argued as Baron just said ‘none of it was likely to convict’. Since then, the barbarian has adopted what the lawyer concluded because there hasn’t been anything more convincing. Baron would have been ha ppy to change his mind had something better popped up, as far as he knows nothing has, hence the man was let go).
Baron (12:22)
Why are you applying the rules of civil society, when the rules of war should apply? Once a war starts, the enemy are all guilty by association.
Trouble is a lot of bien pensants won’t accept we are at war, including our dozy ‘leaders’ who are sending our troops into harms way with their hands tied behind their backs. Hitherto, I excluded you from the half-arsed bp’s. Don’t prove me wrong, me old china, please.
Does Baron take it, Frank, this chap de Botton isn’t on the list of people you would have a pint with?
How come you’re living in a county of ‘many people, not enough surnames’ and yet are able to come up with the ‘communism for the conservatives’ gibe just like that? An exception to the rule, are you?
Strange that the Yanks would keep that Shaker chappie so long if he is utterly innocent. I guess they just didn’t like him which is odd given his winning smile. Maybe we are not being told everything.
Great post by the way on why just about every war in the world is either Muslim on Muslim or Muslim against their lucky local neighbour. Here’s a taste:
“Instead we live on a planet where Muslim world is delineated by an ever bleeding boundary that is forever expanding. And that boundary is no longer far away in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Thanks to the insane immigration policy of western governments it now runs right through our major cities.”
It’s aat:
Frank P – 10:48
My first thoughts were that his next book would be ‘Conservatism for Communists’, ‘Toryism for Leaders of the Conservative Party’ or ‘Common Sense for the Elite’, but I don’t think this book strives to convert.
It is pointing out how religions bring many useful things, often appearing as a by-product, that are rare elsewhere, if they exist at all. The problem addressed is not what religions bring but, if religion does disappear, how can the ‘useful things’ be replaced. Reading the book makes me realise that the Western World relies on so many assumptions, many derived from our Judeo-Christian past: that we trust our work collegues, trust people in the street, trust that Scientists work to find the truth, doctors to uphold life and politicians to perhaps have a bit of a selfish streak, but not an alien agenda.
The dictionary says, for non-spiritual: not associated with or interested in religious or spiritual matters.
It is a bit of a cop out, so I would add that ritual is very useful, part of our survival tool kit, especially when it allows freedom to remain with the individual. The Highway Code is full of rituals: passing on the left of oncoming traffic being an example, yet it doesn’t force anyone to any particular destination, at any particular time. We have arbitrary speed limits (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 mph and not 25, 35, 45, 55 as in the US), but very few argue about it as we all know that speed limits are necessary, even though we may disagree with the exact choice in every case. It also makes common knowledge that going too fast is dangerous; a truism, but still a concept that is useful to establish. A ritual is also a routine, something that improve productivity, especially if it can be modified. It also brings people together, lessens individualism and educates the next generation, even if it appears arbitrary, like a 30 mph speed limit.
We can accumulate rituals to improve our quality of life, like washing our hands before meals, but the resulting culture is stronger if there is some unifying force that will hold everything together; often an underlying explanation provides that unifying force. It also allows behaviour to be changed, as long as there is an explanation that can adapt. It also stops the worshipping of the ritual itself, which arrests progress.
Progress in Science is based on a similar motive: reducing the number of assumptions that need to be made to explain phenomena that appear unrelated. No matter how strange the assumptions, nor how bizarre the connection, it is what Science is all about.
It is what humans want: rationality, an explanation. So in our way of life, we search for underlying connections, even though we may not understand the explanation at first or that that they may be wrong. In Science, we never know whether our models are correct, but many outside the discipline believe they are real, exactly as forgeries such as Brian Cox, like to promote. He, a Physics professor, follows ‘Consensus Science’! So too, with any religion.
So, I think the book ignores the underlying, theological connections between disparate observations, and focuses on how religious practice has allowed human needs to be satisfied, without trying to force any proofs. For example, it says, ‘The art gallery legitimates the practice of peering silently at a canvas, the night club of swaying one’s hands to a musical score. And a church … gives us rare permission to lean over and say hello to a stranger without any danger of being thought predatory or insane’.
All it is pointing out is, if there are no churches, how do we meet people. And there are a lot of lonely people, even though there are plenty of Day Centres.
Bill Bobbs – 12:52
I remember reading an (unsubstantiated) post that stated he held a KSA passport but had indefinite leave to remain in Britain and that he had decided to remain imprisoned, even though he was offered the certainty of returning to Saudi. I think though, the reception there would have been not ‘favourable’. 🙂
If all that is true, I don’t know why Britain should be spending any money on this foreigner.
Frank P @ 12:36
Holding a man incarcerated for almost fourteen years without a charge or trial doesn’t feel like the application of any rules, war’s or civil society’s, Frank, it feels like the application of rules by a power that thinks it can break any rules at will.
We’ve been through it many times before, if the Americans had enough evidence on him they should have taken him to court, secure a conviction (even in camera), then hang the bastard. If they didn’t have enough, what they had wasn’t good enough, they should have let him go. For the barbarian it’s that simple.
Bill Bobbs @ 12:52
Why is Shaker here, why some Muslim families focus on replicating in large numbers, why are immigrants coming into country in large numbers, why County councils employ many in outreaching jobs, why ….
The answer to the above, Bill, is because the laws either allow it, fail to stop it, or even demand it. To have a society without the Shakers, the replicating-in-large-numbers Muslim families, the army of outreachers or whatever, all we have to do is remove, tweak, substitute those statutes that facilitate the things most of us object to. Or rather, vote for those candidates who will be prepared to carry it out, change the law.
That’s the only way, shouting at the Shakers of this world will do FA, the same goes for our arguing amongst ourselves.
For the last time: We still are, thanks be to Him, ruled by and large by the Lex Terrae, it’s only a change in the statutes that will put a stop to events that break the nation’s cohesiveness, engender divisions, destroy the country’s centuries evolved way of life …… and raise one’s blood pressure.
Peter, sorry to tell you this, it takes very long for postings to get through, and many an attempt, too.
Baron can just about guess what the question asks, and the answer. Is there anywhere on the page or elsewhere an explanation of the sample construction i.e. who the respondents were?
Baron (13:45)
Not trying to justify holding him for 14 (?) yonks, particularly in Cuba of all feckin’ places. They should have whacked him where they found him. By that time the rules of war were well in play. Post September 11th 2001, for me it’s a no-holds-barred game and will be until I pop me clogs. Us ‘n’ Them! And ‘Them is Islam in all its variety and factional
… barbarity and bullshit. ‘Us’ is the infideligentsia. Which I sincerely hope includes you …
Sorry about the coitus interruptus (or perhaps prem ejectulation) there … GCHQ obviously tried to shut me up. ☺
Colonel Mustard lat week
“That the subjects which are protestants, may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions, and as allowed by law.”
So what makes you proddies, so used to hanging, drawing and quartering Jesuits and otherwise murdering Roman Catholics in various diverse ways, the sole arbiters of who should be in possession of firearms?
Oh yes, the right of the winners after 250 years of bloody persecution and civil war.
Well, that being the case, the Islamists will have a similar right by acquisition of a majority, in about 2030.
Frank P. 14.41
Yes, should have shot the bastard under the rules of engagement, not brought him to Gitmo to continue the war by political means, with the added insult of our paying Jizya to support his foul brood, for now and ever.
Baron – 12:22
IDGAS. All the ‘uman rights handwringing is irrelevant as far as the UK is concerned. The man’s fate and was entirely a matter for the Americans until Ken Clarke and the rest of the Westminster Wankocracy stuck their noses in. The man is a subject of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he holds no other passport. He should have been repatriated.
Frank P – 14:50
Noa – 15:00
Even better!
Frank P last week
The compulsory buggerisation of rugby is well under way.
Witness the canonisation of Gareth Thomas in numerous advertisements during rugby matches, or the appointment of Nigel Owen to referee the Final.
October 30th, 2015 – 19:53
“…Sitting in my Polish built extension…belch, fart, rub embrocation on privates… expectorate..”
I can see and support the (Catholic) French argument for expelling those bloody Huguenots, what damn fool let them come here?
And an analogy, the first Cuckoo…
Noa – 14:55
Not only that…
as Austin Barry pointed out, we also demand that we are able to turn left at red traffic lights just like our American cousins can turn right at theirs.
Noa – 15:10
Rugby has its origin in Public Schools of the boarding variety.
Their Dorm Chorus: “They were only playing leapfrog… etc.”
Robert Retrod (13:05)
Sorry, abstruse explication on his modus operandi can’t camouflage the fact that it’s subtle propaganda for the perennial power of the priesthood. I can experience ‘spirituality’ without believing in the tooth fairy. The assumption that self-delusion about the Great Scheme of Things (GSOT) is a superior concept to that of the acceptance of limitations of human knowledge and the fact that some questions have no answers outside experience at any given time; that when answers emerge through pragmatic discovery, they inevitably lead to other questions and so on ad infinitum, is the pseudo-intellectual arrogance of condescension that we find in so many god botherers and philosophers past and present.
None of them, of whatever stripe, can answer me one simple question:
Why (if there exists an omnescient, omnipotent, loving Creator of the GSOT), is my poor 95 year old sister, who lost her first husband to a brain tumour, when they had three children under the age of 6 years; who later married and supported a man whose adherence to his Christian faith ultimately led to his being ordained as a Deacon, when both never did anyone any harm throughout their long lives, but rather did much good for myriad souls, me included, why should she have had to spent her last 10 years in the agonising pain of chronic illness and and why is she now imprisoned in a high sided cot and kept alive only by the services of Glaxo-Smith-Klein and their concoctions, in a Nursing Home, in a state of horrific dementia, surrounded by many similar souls in corridors reminiscent of Dante’s inferno.
In the unlikely event of me meeting such a Creator, rather than subsiding into numb oblivion at the end of my spell on this mortal coil: that will be my first question. If ‘He’ is such an all-knowing, loving Power, how come her and pain (and the pain of those who are obliged to observe this sorry state of affairs) is necessary in ‘His’ game plan?
As for the rituals that formed a structure for homo sapiens to practice enlightened self-interest, there were plenty of those, prior to AD.
Moreover, the contractual laws and practices of secular societal arrangements, seem to lead to less bloodshed than warring nutters who do believe in their various sectarian tooth fairies – and kill those who don’t, willy-nilly.
Which neatly brings me back to ‘Them’ – the epitome of the god botherers.
Noa November 2nd, 2015 – 14:55
I can assure you that I have never personally or knowingly hung, drawn or quartered Jesuits or otherwise murdered any Roman Catholics in various diverse ways.
I have played rugby though.
As to your question I’m afraid I have no idea, the authors of the Bill being long dead.
Frank P @ 14:50 & 55
We’re in a foul mood today, are we not, Frank, the barbarian’s glad he’s anywhere near you.
Baron’s fully onside provided it’s within the law, the barbarian cannot give up on it, it’s the only guarantee of freedoms we the unwashed have, but only if we’re vigilant, without it the politicos would enslave us.
Here’s something to cheer you up, give you hint what not to consume before the fight with the monster we all fear:
In the same spirit of good humour, the NN came up with this one a few moments ago, which seems apposite to today’s craic:
Four Pints of Foreign Blood!
Fred, a lifelong white racist living in the Western End of Sydney is in a major car crash.
When he comes round 3 days later in hospital the surgeon says: “I’ve got good news and bad news…..
……..the bad news is you have had 2 pints of African blood and 2 pints of Muslim blood”.
Fred screams “What the hell is the good news then?”
“Your penis is 6″ longer and you are top of the housing list.”
Frank & Noa
That’s what they should have done when they had a chance, but didn’t they bought him from a bunch of headhunters? One can only guess now, but those who paid the money had to justify the bargain, couldn’t admit they got the wrong, the case dragged on, they knew they were in a hole, and as it’s often the case kept digging deeper and deeper ….
Just as well Mr. Shaker wasn’t held for 14 years by the Russians, if that were the case we would be probably nuking the KGB colonel now, WW3 in full swing.
Frank P @ 16:59
Priceless, young sir, beats the fart hands down.
As ever mistakes and omissions, sorry, but you would have guessed anyway.
How lucky the Americans are, and they still grumble, moan and wail:
Baron – 16:49
It amused me.
Frank P – 16:00
Some questions are unanswerable at the best of times, and this is one of those occasions.
Alain de Botton is a non-believer, and he states in the book’s introduction, ‘… let us bluntly state that of course no religions are true in any God-given sense. This is a book for people who are unable to believe in miracles, spirits or tales of burning shrubbery …’, so I don’t think he would be plotting for more power for the priesthood. In fact, he offers suggestions for alternative arrangements.
Frank P – 16:59
It amused me too.
EC @ 15:03
Are you certain, EC, his being held at Guantanamo has nothing to do with us? The hush puppies wearer is a lawyer, would he have raised the issue if it were of no concern to us? Shaker’s wife is British, his kids were born here, he himself has an indefinite leave to remain, was applying for a citizenship when he got caught.
It’s a case one would be well advised to stay away from if one could. Our politicians have looked silly asking our special relationship friends to let him go for years, it did no good either to us or the Yanks. Whatever you may think of our political elite, Baron reckons if they could have unburdened the case onto the Saudis, they would have, no?
Colonel Mustard
But the Bill would not have Catholics armed and able to defend themselves, where protestants would be. As for the intent of the law, res ipsa loquitur.
November 2nd, 2015 – 15:16
I do not understand
But in response to your difficult post 6 minutes before
“…Shaker’s wife is British, his kids were born here, he himself has an indefinite leave to remain, was applying for a citizenship when he got caught.”
Let me remind you of the Duke of Wellington’s retort on being asked whether he was Irish by virtue of being born there;
“Just because one is born in a stable doesn’t make one a horse.”
No more is this woman and her children English, except by the geographical happenstance and the payment of the jizya by we Kuffirs, which supports the NHS, that creation of Beveriges’ New Jerusalem which produces Islamic shellcases’ in ever-increasing quantity, whilst our birthrate verges rapidly to extinction.
Why don’y you just f**k off.
Noa November 2nd, 2015 – 18:55
Yes, but your post addressed me with “So what makes you proddies, so used to hanging, drawing and quartering Jesuits and otherwise murdering Roman Catholics in various diverse ways, the sole arbiters of who should be in possession of firearms?”
A presumption which in my case is not true since I am not used to such activities and a question that I cannot answer since I was not privy to drawing up the Bill in 1688.
Also, the fact remains that prior to the restrictions placed on private gun ownership in the middle and later years of the 20th Century there were no such restrictions conferred by religious affiliations in the 19th Century.
Noa November 2nd, 2015 – 19:23
Noa – 19:22
“Just because one is born in a stable doesn’t make one a horse.”
It’s too close to the pantomime season to be trolling our contrarian friend thus!
With regard to Frank P’s post at 14:55 above, it is unlikely that GCHQ would have been interested in shutting him up by cutting short his post perpetuating the myth that September 11th was muslm run. Building 7 anyone? Carry On Investigating!
And talking of groundless conspiracy theories, Noa above: “I can see and support the (Catholic) French argument for expelling those bloody Huguenots”. I suppose that is one way to characterise the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day. Or is he just talking about the revocation of the Edict of Nantes – who knows?
Any connection with the limitation on Catholics bearing arms in the Bill of Rights in England by the way?
Faced with the Bilderbegers’ plan to destroy our sovereignty along with western civilisation, we had better dust off the history books; or better still buy some.
Colonel Mustard,
If memory serves correctly the Bill of Rights was passed to secure the Protestant succession to the Throne, (an unfortunate by-product of which was the flood of Huguenot migrants, the consequence of which we continue to suffer directly, here, today.
I am very pleased, though not surprised, at your repeated assurances of non involvement in the hanging, drawing and quartering of roman catholics. Indeed I had never thought you were.
However this being the time of year for the widespread celebration of burning catholics, in effigy, an argument for the right of one group of indigenous British subjects to bear arms in order to persecute and suppress another, based upon the difference of religion, is of questionable merit.
Even the pantomime horse worries about its extinction;
Noa @ 09:35
The Edict of Fontainebleau which revoked the Edict of Nantes was promulgated in 1685. The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689. It is therefore unlikely that the latter encouraged the flight of the Huguenots from France, since at the time it was enacted they were enjoying the benefits of protection of the laws of the perfidious king of France. The treatment, or I should say the mistreatment, of French protestantstans is a bleeding would of France not yet healed.
With New World Order forces attempting to instigate civil war in the nations of Europe by the criminal channeling of millions of militant muslims into the continent this is just the time for you NOT to try to re-open divisions in the Christian church in England especially at a time when the Jesuit pope is carrying out his own Mission anti-Civilisatrice as a shill of the United Nations.
Let us see Christians and atheists come together urgently to expel islam from Europe and to jail the pro-globalist politicians and other purveyors of sedition.
Last week I posted a comment which ended that we need to take back the constitution. I added, with some regret, “and perhaps the monarchy”. On that score I shall probably have your partial support from your republican viewpoint. We are probably both asking what the monarchy has to gain in the dismantling of sovereignty promoted by the likes of Peter Sutherland and and George Soros – soon we hope to be the subject of an international arrest warrant issued by the Hungarian government
Noa (09:46)
I note with some satisfaction that the Tesco store in question was almost devoid of punters. Seems the slogan I coined last year – “Every Lidl Helps” – is taking its toll. ☺
Serves the buggers right! They have changed the the topography and character of Britain. Their comeuppance was overdue!
A newly built Tesco in my birthplace has been abandoned. before it was even opened for business. It stands as a glum symbol of overweening ambition and greed.
Btw. Go easy on the Huge-nuts. I confessed hereupon some time ago that my paternal line was part of the fllght to Britain; their issue is spread across East Anglia. A prolific bunch – my paternal grandad knocked out 13 and once described himself on an official document as ‘Baby Farmer’.
Sadly, it seems I share that part of my heritage with Telemucus (if his claims are genuine and not indeed just another false construct to further a thread of the agitpropaganda).
How that all jigs with my antipathy to Frogs, I’ll leave to the shrinks. But I must say that on my first trip to Provence I did discover an inner peace never before experienced. But all that did was to convince me that we should not have given France back to the French post WWII.
You’ve entirely mis-understood my posts on the Huguenots, nor am I linking them with any other responsibility than the spawning of telemachus.
Still, now that you mention it, do you enjoy and more importantly, support the annual national celebration of the hanging, drawing and quartering of an English Jesuit and the forcible suppression of the original religion of England to satisfy Henry VIII’ s personal lusts and greed?
As to your comment that “…this is just the time for you NOT to try to re-open divisions in the Christian church in England especially at a time when the Jesuit pope is carrying out his own Mission anti-Civilisatrice as a shill of the United Nations….”
Well, I wasn’t the one that advocated the re-arming of certain of the Queen’s subjects by referring to a Bill of Rights that provided such a right for Protestants at the expense of Catholics.
Why, when there are two ends to a stick, do you always grab the wrong one?
Frank P 10.28
I’m a little hoarse myself at the moment. The onset of my first bout of flu in 5 years, together with my annual ‘fu jab in it’s first, undiagnosed stages, has rendered me Horse de combat and, though it be-hooves me to say so, make me a neigh sayer to any stray shibboleth that I may canter across in the stables of CHW…
Wallers will be interested in this (abridged) chilling comment from Feminist_Fighter (The Conservative Woman, 2nd Nov.)
‘”Ultimately you can’t re-educate human nature away.”
Why not? We’ve done it before …
Through a comprehensive educational & media programme, we can, must & will mould beliefs of future generations in order to permanently extinguish reactionary hate-beliefs such as sexism, racism, misogyny & homophobia. This must become the social & legal duty of schools & parents.
Already we are seeing the fruits of our labours in the fact that most people, especially the under-30s, are now overwhelmingly pro-gay marriage. Something that was unthinkable even 20 years ago …’
Noa @ 11:27
Yes, I support and enjoy, or used to enjoy. Guy Fawkes’ Day. I support the bringing to justice those who conspire to blow up and murder Parliament in order to substitute an unwelcome, illegitimate, unconstitutional junta under foreign control. Generally speaking, that seems to be the plan of the New World Order and is no more acceptable today than in November 1605.
My Bill of Rights today would revive the old freedoms secured in 1689 but would necessarily require and receive review. In particular, the right to bear arms would be, I submit, denied to muslims in place of Catholics (except possibly followers of the bogus “Francis”) but asserted in favour of all other British subjects.
Thank you Hillary Clinton, George Soros and other the globalist banker-conglomerates.
Malfleur 12.02
I disagree entirely with your first paragraph. Parliament then, as now, was no more than a shill and vassal for the promulgation of the will of the ruling elite.
The conditionality of your apparently generous ‘offer’ to re-arm some Catholics doesn’t inspire me at all. Where is the unity of which you speak?
And I hold no brief for Pope Francis, his infallibility on matters of doctrine falls far short of a remit to lecture his flock on matters of global warming. I for one prefer the message of an earlier Pope, Urban II:
“..Oh, race of Franks, race from across the mountains, race chosen and beloved by Godas shines forth in very many of your works set apart from all nations by the situation of your country, as well as by your catholic faith and the honor of the holy church! To you our discourse is addressed and for you our exhortation is intended. We wish you to know what a grievous cause has led us to Your country, what peril threatening you and all the faithful has brought us.
From the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople a horrible tale has gone forth and very frequently has been brought to our ears, namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, a generation forsooth which has not directed its heart and has not entrusted its spirit to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by the sword, pillage and fire; it has led away a part of the captives into its own country, and a part it has destroyed by cruel tortures; it has either entirely destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of its own religion. They destroy the altars, after having defiled them with their uncleanness. They circumcise the Christians, and the blood of the circumcision they either spread upon the altars or pour into the vases of the baptismal font. When they wish to torture people by a base death, they perforate their navels, and dragging forth the extremity of the intestines, bind it to a stake; then with flogging they lead the victim around until the viscera having gushed forth the victim falls prostrate upon the ground. Others they bind to a post and pierce with arrows. Others they compel to extend their necks and then, attacking them with naked swords, attempt to cut through the neck with a single blow. What shall I say of the abominable rape of the women? To speak of it is worse than to be silent. The kingdom of the Greeks is now dismembered by them and deprived of territory so vast in extent that it can not be traversed in a march of two months. On whom therefore is the labor of avenging these wrongs and of recovering this territory incumbent, if not upon you? You, upon whom above other nations God has conferred remarkable glory in arms, great courage, bodily activity, and strength to humble the hairy scalp of those who resist you.
Let the deeds of your ancestors move you and incite your minds to manly achievements; the glory and greatness of king Charles the Great, and of his son Louis, and of your other kings, who have destroyed the kingdoms of the pagans, and have extended in these lands the territory of the holy church. Let the holy sepulchre of the Lord our Saviour, which is possessed by unclean nations, especially incite you, and the holy places which are now treated with ignominy and irreverently polluted with their filthiness. Oh, most valiant soldiers and descendants of invincible ancestors, be not degenerate, but recall the valor of your progenitors…”
As true now as when first spoken nearly a thousand years ago.
Damaris Tighe November 3rd, 2015 – 11:44
Sounds like one of telemachus’ mischievous sock puppet provocations. Another alter ego of his, ‘Fabian_Solutions’, was posting provocative tripe there too.
“They” are trolling the site because the very notion of conservative + woman offends their Fabian feminist bigotry.
Noa November 3rd, 2015 – 09:35
It would not be feasible today anyway, because the concept of a ‘suitable person’ and a ‘gentleman’ have been so degraded and traduced. UK society is now so illiterate, ignorant, facile, loutish and bolshy that finding decency, integrity and responsibility, let alone codifying it, would be near impossible. The old hierarchical system has not been swept away but simply replaced with one of much inferior quality that bends to whoever shouts the loudest.
And even if it could be the British government has deliberately dodged the criteria for what constitutes indigenousness as they know full well that their mass immigration and coerced multi-cultural policies would bring them into direct contravention of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
There are just too many competing and clamouring ethnic, gender and/or religious identity groups and any attempt to speak for the homogeny of the indigenous English is met by howls of ‘racism’, ‘xenophobia’ and ‘little Englander’. A majority has been silenced and forced to pretend that it doesn’t really exist anymore.
Noa @ 19:22
Apologies for the delay, Noa, not only busy, under the influence of fugging flu also, Baron was, the early October jab didn’t help.
An admirably witty answer, but sadly of no help to resolve what we’re arguing about.
Virtually every country in the world accepts one’s place of birth as a sufficient condition for citizenship, and it was the British that started it, everyone born in the land controlled by you became automatically ‘a subject of the Crown’. In fact, citizenship predates nationality, the latter being a part of it, for example, it trumps it, too, only those who have citizenship can claim the right of residence bla bla.
This sorts out the kids and, given the current progressive environment, this alone would have been sufficient to qualify the man for British consular protection when he was held in the Cuban shitehole.
Having said all this, Baron must say he fully understands your frustration, anger or whatever feelings you may harbour towards those who don’t conform to the traditions, customs, way of life of yours, have no or little affinity with the past of this country. But that’s just tough titty, because, as the barbarian keeps pointing out over and over again ‘it’s the law, the law’, and unless we change that nothing will change.
John birch @ 20:32
The Hungarian is also behind the movement of world citizenship, that’s the bunch of people backing the world government, google it, one may register, the HQ in the States, where else. That’s what being truly progressive is all about.
What the site doesn’t explain is what would be the legal status of the citizens of the world from China and the Republic if these to powers were to decide to have a stag like fight for who’s to inseminate the rest of the world. Pity that.
Malfleur @ 00:56
Stopping further immigration from non-Judo-Chritian countries – it can and should be done if only to deal with the numbers already here; Deporting those who’ve done harm to us – it also can and should be done; Offering an inducement for voluntary repatriation – it should be considered, many immigrants may not be entirely happy with the anti-Islamic sentiments;
Doing an Amin, Malfleur, repatriating everyone – not doable, waste of time to even think about it for one and one only reason – if Britain were to ever go for it, she would no longer be worth living in, she wouldn’t be the same Britain we all dream about.
Noa @ 09:35
It wasn’t just the Catholic who were not included in the Statute of Toleration (1690?), the non-believers got the same treatment, too, and it lasted for centuries.
Isn’t it ironic that the one branch of the Christian religion that has survived mistreatment for centuries here, is growing today is the Catholic one, or rather its more esoteric mutations like the Jesuits. Had to explain that.
Frank P @ 10:56
Right with you, Frank, when you make a move to reclaim what’s yours. In fact, the claim to the French throne was only fully abandoned around 1820(?). A big mistake that.
Noa @ 12:28
Powerful words, Noa, and indeed very applicable to today, but then they would be as the Koran hasn’t changed, it cannot change, hence those informed by it must behave as they have always done.
The ascendancy of the club of Allah may not last long, the genius of the West will find a substitute for oil, and regain self-respect. Also, the Allah warriors are facing not toehold faith Christians, but now mostly unbelievers, and whatever one may think, the latter have, as a big number, by far fewer moral scruples than the former when it comes to any sort of fight e.g. Adolf, the Georgian thug, Mao.
Latest on the Sinai disaster:
An explosion in the aircraft’s hull, a luggage full of explosives detonated soon after the take off, is now offered as an explanation of the nosedive of the plane.
If true, the Egyptians have a problem, tourists are unlikely to flock in. Will they find the culprits though?
Damaris 1144
Was that in the Dan Hannan article?
“Daniel Hannan: If we want to stop the migrant horrors, we have to stop the boats”
If so I think it must have been deleted
For avoidance of doubt by others less perspicacious than your goodself I have never posted as Feminist_Fighter
Further I rather took to Dan Hannan at the Euro Debate at the Cheltenham Literary Festival last month
Certainly knocked spots off Clegg who was bowling for Merkel
A simple argument, convincing, too, and unquestionably correct. But will it change anything?
Baron 13.55
“…Offering an inducement for voluntary repatriation – it should be considered, many immigrants may not be entirely happy with the anti-Islamic sentiments…”
I entirely understand and agree with the points you identify. However other steps can and should, be taken: most important would be the reform of the NHS and welfare benefits systems from being non contributory to requiring a minimum ten years of contributions. Other similar changes would overhaul to the voting system to make it meritocratic, the more achieved the greater the number of votes. Habitual Benefits dependents would naturally lose their right until they returned to work, migrants would be barred. All the sorts of things, ni fact, which formerly applied in a conservative, hierarchical and meritocratic society that Britain was formerly.
telemachus November 3rd, 2015 – 15:22
“I have never posted as Feminist_Fighter”
As if anything you ever said could be considered credible when you have a proven track record of using multiple account names and causing mischief.
Although, having said that, there is no-one more indignant than the habitual liar accused of lying on the one occasion that he is telling the truth.
For the benefit of the less perspicacious here is the thread Damaris was referring to:-
Too much of Feminist_Fighter’s technique has the stench of ‘telemachus associates’ about it.
And just to clarify the matter for those less perspicacious, Feminist_Fighter’s assertion was first posted in the Daniel Hannan thread here:-
Then when it was deleted it was re-posted in the Belinda Brown thread.
A provocation, and we all know who excels at those.
“The Truth About Gun Control”
Some fascinating facts, figures and analysis on this topic [with some uncomfortable conclusions for some] delivered in a 25 minute presentation by Stefan Molyneaux
Baron – 15:05
“… the genius of the West will find a substitute for oil, and regain self-respect.”
Do you remember Cold Fusion, around 1989, with Fleischmann and Pons?
It has renamed itself, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, or LENR:
(To move to the next slide, click the ‘right arrow’ half way down and some way from the right edge)
It is still a ‘not quite believable’ process, considering its History. The explanation of what is happening is still uncertain, but progress is being made on all fronts so, hopefully, confidence and progress will be shortly forthcoming. If shown to be all that it seems, it will solve so many of our current problems (and, of course, create a few more) 🙂
Here’s hoping 🙂
Charges dropped against woman who allegedly tweeted #killallwhitemen
Quite right too, after all no one would complain if we said #killallmuslims would they.
Perfectly understandable.
Anne are you well, missing your comments lately.
Conspiracy theories confirmed
Conspiracy theories confirmed
“…The ascendancy of the club of Allah may not last long, the genius of the West will find a substitute for oil, and regain self-respect. Also, the Allah warriors are facing not toehold faith Christians, but now mostly unbelievers, and whatever one may think, the latter have, as a big number, by far fewer moral scruples than the former when it comes to any sort of fight e.g. Adolf, the Georgian thug, Mao…”
Unfortunately Europe’s leaders, Merkel, Cameron et al offer the worst of all options, suffering from any lack of scruple and being without the will, never mind the courage to defend the very nations and civilisations they were elected to protect.
With no compass, whether of faith, belief or intellectual grounding, other than their liberal consciences and the poisonous vapidities of Marcuse and the Frankfurt School, they are incapable of defending western civilisation. Rather they embrace its destruction by an ancient enemy, suddenly re-born.
Good work Soros and Sutherland! Globalist Award of the Year to you!
Main headline at the moment at
Baron @ 13:36
“…under the influence of fugging flu also, Baron was, the early October jab didn’t help.”
The flu jab has never identified the virus de nos jours. Moreover, additives to the virus can be worse than the flu that the jabs are not preventing.
Young girl profusely vomited within hours of receiving shot, paralyzed from the waist down and blind by next day” (November 2)
This is by no means an isolated case. It is another tragic case of a long-documented history of a medical outrage.You would do more for your health and for your already sharp understanding of the world by becoming a regular listener to The Alex Jones Show than by taking the pharmaceutical industries promotions and watching the BBC.
Get well soon.
Noa @ 12:28
“Parliament then, as now, was no more than a shill and vassal for the promulgation of the will of the ruling elite.”
‘no more than’…?
I think that is at least arguable. Moreover, Elizabeth 1 had been dead only twp years and the Spanish Armada had been defeated less than 20 years earlier – what do you think would have been the consequences had Mr. Fawkes successfully carried out his orders?
“then, as now”: is this something you are in favour of today as a solution to inadequacies of Parliament?
Baron @ 13:55
I have never proposed an Idi-Amin-solution to the muslim problem at 00.56 so I am not sure what you are on about here. A packed lunch and a ticket to France (or Sidi Barrani) would be my approach. It was a refugee from Idi Amin by the way who withdrew scotch eggs from his little shop near Balham Underground back in the early 1980s when he discovered they were made with pork and, for me – a scotch egg eater and thus alert to the danger that the shopkeeper’s action represented – started this whole thing off.
EC @17:40
Gun Control: all very well – but please don’t confuse me with the facts.
My enemy’s friend is my friend…is that how it goes?
“SINJAR MOUNTAIN, Iraq– While the U.S. is claiming to be on the move against ISIS, the reality on the ground is that ISIS has brought in more than 100 vehicles as reinforcements in the Sinjar area alone, with an increase in heavy shelling by Islamic State on Sinjar Mountain…”
November 3 The Alex Jones Show
1st Hour: Dr. Michael Savage – see who two consecutive British Home Secretaries banned from entry into England – he’s calling for a people’s tribunal in the USA
2nd Hour: Lieutenant Colonel Shaffer – On the Benghazi hearings and the situation in Syria
3rd hour: Dr. Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily – “Operation Chaos”: Bill Ayres and ‘Black Lives Matter’; total border collapse in Europe;international economy grows closer to collapse; situation in Syria
Malfleur 23.15
“…I think that is at least arguable. Moreover, Elizabeth 1 had been dead only twp years and the Spanish Armada had been defeated less than 20 years earlier – what do you think would have been the consequences had Mr. Fawkes successfully carried out his orders?”
Feel free to make your arguments. Just how many MPs were democratically elected to Parliament then? Then, as now, it was a club for the obsequious, self-seeking and greedy.
From what little is known,
Catesby and his fellow conspirators saw the Plot as the prelude to a popular revolt in the Midlands during which James’s nine-year-old daughter, Princess Elizabeth, was to be installed as the Catholic head of state. Catesby may have embarked on the scheme after hopes of securing greater religious tolerance under King James had faded, leaving many English Catholics disappointed.
Nigel, a pedant who tries to teach
But now useless is he
So useless he will soon be gone
And Carswell will at last be free.
The Bombast that once was proud
The fag in hand
At least clean living youth will find
Not lager of any brand.
His grovelling to Geert Wilders cease
The credulous betrayed
A conjuror he has become
That spurned us yet greyed.
Fergus Pickering (or perhaps telemachus) November 4th, 2015 – 08:42
Have you considered fishing as a hobby? Many men do it, it has the blessing of being mainly solitary and silent, and above all the rhythm and balance of the fishing rod are straightforward to master.
Noa- the barbarism of the treatment of John Johnson aka Fawkes was horrifying:
Not just hanging, drawing and quartering. He was hanged but kept alive and conscious to watch his genitals cut off and burned in front him. Still alive, his bowels were torn out.
Mercifully he was then decapitated and dismembered.
The birds then ate most of his flesh.
It was the Lords Chamber he tried to explode. I note George Osborne is currently out of the Country.
Colonel Mustard recommends you take up fishing. Better perhaps to work on your scansion rather than catching scallops, it may mitigate your excruiating mangles and then – self publish!
And Guido died from a broken neck.
He threw himself of the scaffold to avoid the fate you so gloatingly describe.
Malfleur – 23:15
Scotch eggs:
imo, one of the finest ready meals (pause) in the w-u-r-l-d !
… along with proper Cornish Pasties, of course.
In the UK, the supermarket shelves are full of them. I do worry about where they all come from, and, more to the point, where they are all going! Can they really all be real? If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to experience a McDonald’s Breakfast “Egg McMuffin” then you’ll understand my concern.
Having sampled the offerings from most the UK’s supermarkets I think that Tesco’s (*) are the best, with M&S a close second. Waitrose were the bottom of the pile. For me, it’s all about the seasoning.
(*) Despite Noa’s scurrilous video casting doubt on their provenance
Malfleur – 23:15
Are you familiar with the abuse of “no knock warrants” happening in GA, USA following their legalisation earlier this year? Heavily armed paramiliterized police playing at soldiers have been busting unannounced into people’s houses, sometimes with grenades, usually in the middle of the night, quite often on the flimsiest of pretexts, and quite often, depressingly, at the wrong address. The NKWs are a recipe for disaster and have created a shocking state of affairs with many innocent people being murdered & maimed.
Noa – 09:14
So Fergymachus’ “pile of genitals,” steaming in the cold of an Autumnal morn, was a load of bollocks then!?
(I think it was William Wallace that met that grisly end?)
Noa 9.14
“mangles’?? Should have been Manglish” bloody Jobsworth spell check….
The wonderful Scotch Egg seems to be a special target of the reptilian vegan “leaders” in their agenda to wean us off meat in favour of various weeds and insects. If this agenda follows the usual pattern the scaremongering will be followed by incessant nagging, emotional blackmail about the horrors of the slaughterhouse and finally coercive legislation. The thin edge of the legislative wedge will be contrived “nasties” like Scotch Eggs.
The conspiracy theorist in me suspects that the tolerance of halal slaughter processes (another example of application of the law being tailored to suit) is part of this “conditioning” agenda.
I was also alarmed to learn that a very young male relative was required to bullet point the benefits of eating insects for his homework. A UN proposition that for once failed to respect cultural sensitivities I seem to recall. I do have some experience of this in warmer climes, having travelled at speed in open vehicles with my young mouth at times gaping in wonder. Never pleasant. My offer of assisting in his homework with some bullet points of my own was not taken up.
This was the big mistake, giving the vote to the brainless:
Noa @ 16:31
Seconded, Noa.
EC November 4th, 2015 – 09:46
NKWs involving door battering by masked paramilitaries now seem to be de rigueur routine in the UK, to the extent that Noel Edmonds can parody them as something humorous for National Lottery adverts. Whether any warrants that provide judicial authority for Mr Cameron’s EU puppet Staatspolizei to use unreasonable and unnecessary force are actually involved seems uncertain. I suspect that it is something connived at by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (née ACPO) in fawning imitation of European practice if not directed as such for “standardisation”.
Even the Gestapo knocked, which is a sad reflection on the clueless muppets wasting oxygen in the Houses of Parliament who have presided over if not sponsored this vile imposition of un-English police power.
In the old Oliver Twist film there is a scene where the peelers hammer on Fagan’s door and shout “Open in the name of the King” and the assembled hue and cry then bellow in unison “In the name of the King”. It is a majestic reminder of the original intention for a police force, of the now apparently abandoned Peelian principles and the sanctity in law even of a suspected criminal’s abode.
Colonel Mustard
My wife has succumbed to vegetarianism, my daughters to that and Veganism, the new credo, a sub plot of the Green agenda, entirely lacking in realism. Could the UK’s agricultural resources support the diets of 60 million Vegans any better than it fails to feed it at present? I suspect not.
More than anything, Veganism appears as a new manifestation of state control and manipulation, the bleatings of the young vegan have echoes of the young Komosol, (or Hitler Youth) certain in their righteousness as they denounce their parents for holding deviant views.
I wonder whether any of those teachers selling peaceful Islam could explain why apart from the Russia/Ukraine conflict all the world’s sixteen or so wars are between Muslims and Muslims or Muslims and non-Muslims?
It’s almost incredible how the simplest and most obvious reality of Islam can be misunderstood by liberals. There’s a witty piece on that at:
RobertRetyred @ 18:20
Good links, Robert, also the New Scientist did a massive write-up on it some time ago, but whether it’s cold fusion or something else, someone somewhere will come up with the right solution, as so often happened in the past: the need arose the ingeniousness of an individual was up to the challenge.
Malfleur @ 22:45
Now you’re telling the barbarian, Malfleur, and thanks.
EC @ 09:46
The Federal government of the USA has been taken over by the lawless. Although I am not familiar with the situation in GA to which you refer, I am generally aware of the trend in the States.
Michael Savage in the interview I link at 4:12 above, for ease of reference click on, communicates the sense of urgency and anger among those who understand what the Federal government is doing across the board.
I expect Dr. Savageto refer to this interview, and to elaborate on the themes, in his his own show. I will link that on the Wall too when I have the link. For better or for worse, as goes America, so by and large goes England. I notice that the Home Secretary who banned Dr. Savage from entry to England for being Jewish has introduced new spying legislation. It does not appear to be as draconian as in the USA, but in view of the false flags flown by government on both sides of the Atlantic and what appears to be the concerted attack by the globalists on western law and culture across the board, it should be looked at with the greatest care and suspicion.
Dr. Savage’s call for public tribunals should for starters be considered here – and in Germany.
Malfleur @ 00:56
That’s what puzzles, Malfleur, they have drones above, informers on the ground, or so they are saying, and yet the ISIL thugs can move re-inforcements around with ease.
It feels the White House says one thing, does something different. It’s instructive to read the postings for the link.
Noa November 4th, 2015 – 11:19
That must be exceedingly tedious at mealtimes. Are you forced to “respect” it or do you do your own thing? Can’t imagine life without snorkers!
The insect thing seems to be a NWO parry to over population alarmism. Since the global order seem determined to eliminate all life threatening disease, eradicate still birth and infant mortality and are propagating not just a massive population explosion but mass population movements of barbarism into civilisation we can all learn to eat insects.
Those who bleat on about nature and the planet seem to have a blind spot when it comes to nature’s way of dealing with over population. Selfishly I’m glad that I’m my age and not faced with experiencing what the future will bring.
Fergymachus November 4th, 2015 – 09:00
One might think that would make you more circumspect about inflicting the horrifying barbarism of your “poetry” on this poor website.
Fergus Pickering @ 09:00
Baron’s afraid you may be getting the execution of Fawkes wrong, Fergus, perhaps you’re confusing it with that of Anthony Babington twenty years earlier (plotting the assassination of Elizabeth I). It was the rich, young and handsome Anthony whose execution was as you say, but it was the last time such gruesome punishment was carried out because even the crowds were sickened by it.
The gunpowder guy John Johnson leapt to his death from the gallows, broke his neck, didn’t avoid subsequent quartering though, and having the four unfortunate parts of his body dispatched to the ‘four corners of the Kingdom’ to warn others.
Johnson was a remarkable man, a two day torture couldn’t break him. When on the third day he finally broke down, was asked why he answered “to blow the Scotch beggars back to their native mountains”.
Baron November 4th, 2015 – 11:28
It is indeed a far cry from Normandy, 71 years past, where German vehicles had to creep slowly and festooned with greenery along overhung tree-lined roads for fear of less than complete surveillance in an era without satellites or drones but only prop driven spotter planes and observers in church towers.
The sight of those ISIS tankers speeding along open roads in daylight, plainly visible from several miles off, is nothing short of absolutely astonishing.
EC @ 09:28
Funny, how each tribe favours its own culinary outcome.
For Baron, nothing can better a heap of caviar and a glass or two of champagne. You may not believe it, but when the barbarian lived in the capital of Russia this is what he often had for breakfast. It was cheap, also always available, which cannot be said of bread, butter, eggs.
In the place of his birth, when younger, he wanted to have, was not allowed another nourishment – a glass of vodka with a couple of fresh eggs in it. That’s what the local men, or rather many of them, had before descending into the mine in the cold of the winter or summer mornings. It was never on the menu when they got back up, then it was all lager, and a lot of it, measured in length. That was to counter the dehydration from underground.
I have eaten caviar, although I never deserved to. Like oysters I found it to be mysteriously overrated in taste. I suspect it is the notion of it and its connotations that take precedence in boasting about it. Personally I’d rather eat Branston pickle – with cheese. Followed by a Scotch Egg of course.
Colonel Mustard @ 12:03
Exactly, Colonel, you echo Baron’s thoughts exactly.
If Baron were running the anti-ISIL operation he would hire a couple of dozens of infiltrator operatives, equipped them with satellite linked mobile phones, very portable, capable of being a part of a man shoe heel, send them into the territory controlled by the thugs, tell them to switch the mobiles on when they come across a gathering of the thugs, their hardware worth attacking, then remove themselves from the area as far and as quickly as possible because a precision missile would land there within (say) 15 minutes.
Baron would also promise to pay each operative a cool $1mn for each successful kill, and pay he would, the whole thing would be based on trust.
Noa @ 11:19
If only we consumed everything nature offers in moderation, Noa, neither the nature nor our physical caskets and mental wellbeing would be under much strain, everything would be neatly balanced, even Frank would be at peace with the world at large.
Bill Bobbs @ 11:20
When Moloney’s good he’s very good, Bill, thanks for the link, and this lament is one of the very good ones.
He’s right, in virtually every current killing conflict, accident e.g. the Boston marathon, the Charlie Hedbo massacre, the Sinai crash, there’s more than just a drop of Islam in it. Amazingly, those in charge in the West just don’t see it.
Baron @ 11:28
“That’s what puzzles…”
The White House is playing FOR THE OTHER TEAM, Baron!
Baron 1159:
Are you sure?
There are many myths around his execution.
Many start with the statement “it is alleged”
Or “it is suggested”
For example if you gooogle through popular history tracts:
“Guy was sentenced to death by being hanged, drawn and quartered – a typical ‘traitor’s death’ at the time. On 31 January 1606, Guy took to the scaffold in Westminster in London. It has been suggested that after the noose had been placed over his head, Guy purposely jumped from the scaffold in order to break his neck. By doing this, he avoided being cut down after being hanged and having his organs cut from his body while still alive.”
(From the BBC rewritten history 2015)
I prefer my version which is certainly what happened to all the other traitors.
Colonel Mustard @ 12:17
Caviar, oysters, Cuban cigars all cost a fortune today, century or so ago it was the grub and the smoke of the poor, so much so caviar was used as fertiliser by Russian peasants, oysters were objected to in England if they were stipulated as meals for domestic servants on more than one day a week, and cigars from Cuba were give-aways to induce people to buy other stuff.
What’s attractive on caviar (egg yokes) is that it’s almost pure protein, easily digestible, too, men who use muscles at work need more than 50-60gr of protein each day, hence the caviar, yoke ‘indulgence’ (the peasants, miners, other physical labour jobs).
On caviar for breakfast: Yuck! First, the very idea of eggs from a fish.
Secondly, when I was a very small child, the British government kindly provided, and I was fed each day by the spoonful, bottles of orange juice – yeh! 🙂 – and of cod liver oil – yuck! 🙁
Never managed to be a fish fan after that – though I have added some of those which don’t taste of fish to the repertoire: plaice, trout, sole, etc.
Fergus Pickering @ 13:02
Baron isn’t even sure of things he personally witnessed, Fergus.
You are right, it’s never easy to get to the truth, many (those of the Popish bend, there were, still are many here) had interest in presenting Fawkes as a hero, someone who out-smarted the powerful. The reason Baron prefers the breaking neck outcome is the authorities then were very sensitive to the feelings of the crowd, and it’s documented that those watching the gruesome execution of Babington turned away in disgust, booed the executioners. It was for this reaction that the same punishment was never applied again, or so the barbarian believes.
Perhaps we ask Starkey to adjudicate, he’s the best expert on this phase of British history.
In the more distant past, killing people with unbelievable cruelty wasn’t uncommon at all.
Take the murder of Edward II at the start of the 14th century. It is carried out on the order of his wife Isabella, and her lover Roger Mortimer. To leave his body unmarked, they insert a cow’s horn up his rectum, into which they push a red-hot poker, the poor chap dies having his intestines burned out. The screams are apparently heard miles around.
Isabella considers it to be the right death for her husband because he neglected her. But what else should she expect of him, the guy’s homosexual, spends time and alot of the country’s money on his favourite Hugh Despenser, who suffers an equally brutal death, his penis, scrotum get cut off, stuffed into his mouth, he’s left to bleed to death.
Not exactly the right time to be gay and enjoy life, was it.
Malfleur @ 13:10
One has to get used to it, Malfelur, it’s like sushi or sashimi, first it feels weird, after while one cannot get enough of it. Yum, yum.
Fergymachus November 4th, 2015 – 13:02
Your latest comment is most interesting in its spacing. Now, what does it remind me of?
Perhaps if you added a * in the gap between paragraphs it might jog my memory . . .
Pat Condell
Take a look at this video on YouTube:
The Savage Nation – Michael Savage, November 3, 2015:
On George Soros, Pope Francis,the Virtual President, the dissolution of western nations – and Galileo
Is there anyone in England approaching Alex Jones or Michael Savage?
Colonel Mustard
There’s no positive discrimination towards the ‘carrion eater’ , but I don’t expect to find bacon in the fridge unless I’ve put it there.
Still, there are compensations. My Irish stews are well spoken of by my fellow carnivores. And my pea and ham soup, made with ham hocks of course, are to die for…
On such occasions complaints about the awful smells from the kitchen are loftily ignored.
John Birch @ 14:49- Pat Condell
Great piece. It complements Michael Savage’s call for public Nuremberg tribunals for Merkel and other EU (Evil Union) politicians to be tried for crimes against their nation or a “Wichita Tribunal” for those in the USA.
Algerian national in court accused of south London sex assaults
As I’m sure you all did, I expected the culprit to be the usual suspect. And sure enough he’s another fucking Muslim.
Every time I log in I see my name besmirched
These are nowt to do with telemachus
I do confess to paying homage to David Lindsay whose downfall it is reported that you had a hand in
And Damaris, I see that the posts of your complaint have now been deleted but not before blandings gave an interesting quote from Socrates
Comments are now closed but I say to him that what you heap on the flames determines the colour and the heat of the flames
“I do confess to paying homage to David Lindsay whose downfall it is reported that you had a hand in”
And who exactly reported that and on what evidence?
“Paying homage” is an odd way to describe impersonation. You “besmirch” your own name by your long history of less than honest behaviour, of which the Jennifer Oldham routine was a classic and ought to have got you permanently banned. Why should anyone pull the shapeshifting stunts that you do? To gain what? Only the tiniest and most malevolent of minds could construe any merit from those fabrications.
Your continued presence here given your track record of impersonation, deceit and mischief making is a wonder. The other cheek turned indeed.
And the most damning evidence that the trolling of Conservative Woman is being perpetrated by “telemachus associates” is the fact that telemachus posted there yesterday re-quoting Feminist_Fighter’s deleted tripe.
Give it up, telemachus, you twerp. Instead of using multiple accounts to stalk, harass and troll conservative websites and their genuine commentators with Spartist drivel which is neither welcome nor meritorious go and find yourself a commune of like-minded communist extremists where you can reinforce each others prejudices, delusions and bigotry to your heart’s content. Let conservative people have their “safe space”. After all it’s not as though you lot don’t have a big enough platform for your gobby control freakery already.
Noa November 4th, 2015 – 15:08
You have my admiration, sir. Couldn’t do it. Could no more live with a veggie vegan than with a lefty.
Colonel Mustard 16.11
“…Let conservative people have their “safe space”. After all it’s not as though you lot don’t have a big enough platform for your gobby control freakery already.”
Seconded Colonel.
Peter should re-establish his troll house for the egregious git if he wishes to maintain the principle of free speech for all. Those who want to read him – there may be some poor soul- could visit him there with the appropriate charitable word – or two.
Fortunately they are entirely redeemed by their inherant Burkean conservatism. I did not entirely fail in my paternal duties.
Our family bonds are strengthened by the many peels of laughter arising from the statement of some delusional politician like Frau Merkel or ‘progressive’ posting by Alex Massie, the oh-so fastidious Parris, or even an exceptional stupidity by Telemachus.
Colonel Mustard
November 4th, 2015 – 16:11
My last word before I go silent
I rarely visit Conservative Woman and post there exclusively as telemachus
As I said I did become exercised when David was excluded by I think Mr Payne from Speccie
There was considerable activity that day antagonistic to David from certain posters which some felt may have precipitated this
Sadly I cannot get the back posts to illustrate this since the changes in the website to make it mobile friendly
My last word
What is going on here? This obsession with Guy Fawkes bollocks, Scotch Eggs and caviar. Now the first two you can keep, but as for caviar, that’s a different kettle of fish altogether. I’m with Baron on that one. When I was in Siberia I used to live off the stuff. back to the hotel after a hard days toil and a plate of caviar and a couple of cans of gin and tonic. Ah, them woz the days.
telemachus November 4th, 2015 – 16:52
Absolute tripe. I often disagreed with Lindsay, sometimes agreed with him. But he was in a different league to you because his comments were genuine and he would engage on the points. If I had the sort of influence to get anyone banned you would not have been trolling there these past several years. As I recall you were the one always recommending to the staff there that various commentators should be “proscribed”.
Your attributions are as wild and unfounded as the rest of your guff.
Let’s hope your silence is now permanent.
Here is a future of the Republic, and one wonders how many new supporters an ad campaign like this can yield:
(Sadly, the answer in today’s American society may be ‘quite a number’).
Baron – 11:21
Thank you. I have been reading a bit more about it. I remember that there was a ‘misunderstanding’ and the researchers unfairly took the blame and life became very difficult, with the research field being sent to Coventry.
Fortunately, things have moved on, including the name: I believe the latest to be Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR).
From an Ozian correspondent – to clear the air:
A Muslim couple preparing for their wedding met with the Mullah for
The Mullah asked if they have any last questions just before they leave.
The man asks “We realise it’s a tradition in Islam for men to dance with
men, and women to dance with women. But, at our wedding reception we’d like
your permission to dance together.”
“Absolutely not!” says the Mullah. “It’s immoral and disgusting and leads to
depravity. Men and women dance separately.”
“So after the ceremony I can’t even dance with my own wife?”
“No!” answered the Mullah, “It’s forbidden in Islam.”
“Well” says the man “What about sex? Can we finally have sex then?”
“Of course!” replies the Mullah “Sex is OK within marriage in order to have
“What about different positions?” asks the man.
“No problem” says the Mullah.
“Woman on top?” the man asks.
“Sure!” says the Mullah.
“On the kitchen table?”
“Yes, yes and under it!”
“Can I do it with all my four wives together on rubber sheets with a bottle
of hot oil, leather harnesses, a bucket of honey and a porno video playing
“You may indeed! Sounds like fun!” said the Mullah excitedly.
“And can we do it standing up?”
“No!” says the Mullah.
“But why not?” asks the man.
“It could lead to dancing.” (h/t Drudge Report)
Meanwhile in LOGIC 101 they are studying the following syllogism:
ISIS planted the bomb; ISIS was created by the USA and allies; ………………
Three headlines at today’s Zero Hedge site worth further attention:
Global Trade In Freefall: China Container Freight At Record Low; Rail Traffic Tumbles, Trucking Slows Down
Have You Heard Of This Digital Currency That’s A Total Scam?
Yellen Says Negative Rates On The Table “If Outlook Worsened”
[Headline #2. Hint: it’s your bank account -“And any rational person should consider parking at least a rainy day fund outside of this system”.]
Today’s news on vaccines and your friendly :international agencies”:
“Mass sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine’
(h/t Public Intelligence Blog)
Here’s a novel plug for Trump:
There’s some logic in the thesis.
h/t Gerard VdL.
And this neatly sums up the state of play Stateside:
It will be interesting to watch Vlad’s reaction to the latest theories over the Sanai plane crash. Coincidence that al Sisi is being hosted in London? Still a lot of bullshit in the air, but a luggage is looking more likely. But if it was al Sisi’s visit was the bone of contention, why not a UK plane?
Who wants you? Who needs you? Only the banksters
“European Union outsider Norway has been named the most prosperous country in the world for the seventh year in a row.
Norway has come out top because of the freedom offered to citizens, the quality of its healthcare system and social bonds between its people, according to The 2015 Legatum Prosperity Index.
The index was published on Monday, less than a week after David Cameron launched his most open defence to date of his country remaining in the EU, telling Eurosceptics that Norway was no model to emulate.”
I see the EU is functioning as well as ever:
Another nail in EU’s coffin as member states REFUSE to accept migrants under quota system
THE European Union lurched ever closer to total disintegration today as it emerged that its flagship migrant quota policy is already in tatters…because NIMBY member states are REFUSING to take their share of refugees.
Guess who have effectively reneged on the agreement already?
Yes, France and Germany! 🙂 🙂
And will they keep all their promises negotiated by CMD?
Of course they will! 🙂
I do think that if V.W. are allowed to get away with their emissions scandal, the EU will be doomed even more. Collusion writ large, in the land of the collusionists.
How can their Engineering Professions not react? Like the medical professions at Stafford hospital, I suppose.
Ted Cruz (American republican senator) puts the cat among the pigeons:
Would someone in the House of Commons please borrow that cat when Mr. Cruz has finished with it?
A footnote to the discussion of WINDOWS yesterday:
‘Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Automatic Spying Cannot Be Stopped’
Egypt has a population approaching 90 million, and has one of the largest GDPs in the region. Destabilising Egypt would result in a flow of migrants that would make the current exodus look like a trickle!
But who are the real conspirators and who are the useful idiots?
(no shortage of candidates for that last category)
Malfleur at 22:48
If only!
Now that’s what I call a public nipple!
All very well, but can these ladies service/repair a wheelchair/mob scooter?
There’s a comedy sketch forming, involving Daleks…
Speaking of things bouncing, Czechs or otherwise, I had no idea, until today, that (Sir) Cliff Richard was a midget…
An interesting collage, followed by some revealing comments:
Which led to this:
Colonel Mustard’s territory. ☺
The Daily Politics today was a perfect exposition of a once great imperial power, on its deathbed, babbling incoherently in its dementia, while its bastard issue surround the cot squabbling over the meagre spoils. If you didn’t catch it, you must Google it up on the iPlayer. If it wasn’t so serious, it would be the ultimate in satirical comedy. Profoundly depressing!
Good to know all that US/EU “palestinian” aid money to Gaza isn’t going to waste.
Lewes (Sussex):Bonfire Night effigies of near naked Cameron [with a pig’s head ] and of Sepp Blatter to be burned tonight….to commemorate the 17 protestant martyrs from Lewes under Bloody Mary…..and the Gunpowder Treason.
And it should be:
The fifth of November:
Gunpowder Treason,and Plot.
Gunpowder,Treason and Plot.
Why has every successful civilisation to date, collapsed?
A very interesting exposition on Gene Wars, and r/K Selection Theory
“On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse”
Bill Whittle in conversation with Stefan Molyneux
EC @ 15:08
That’s what one would call a brain stimulating rant, EC, a superb link, thanks.
It’s long, they go fast, (one needs time to digest the ideas), the barbarian managed to listen to a third of it, will have to return, will do so after he read the book (ordered few minutes ago).
Frank P @ 13:10
Reduced sweating, the hotness of his decaying body down, the aching also subsiding yielded the time for the barbarian to indulge in watching your link, too, Frank. To be honest, this wasn’t the worst of what the BBC fruitcakes usually come up with.
On the suspension of flights: The boy’s right, the primary duty of the Government is to ensure the safety and security of British subjects, the suspension unquestionably harms Egypt, but if an explosive device was planted on the aircraft, it was because of the failure of Egypt’s security arrangements, they have only themselves to blame for the consequences. It saddens nevertheless because, as you may recall, Sisi sits high on Baron’s list of people who know how to deal with those whose religious fanaticism turns them, and their followers, into common thugs.
On tax credit: The State should have nothing to do with the remuneration of those in employment. Why should the Government subsidise wages of anyone? Interference in remuneration doesn’t encourage those who benefit from it to acquire more and better skills, hence pay, but it does encourage job providers from searching for ways to improve productivity (they can carry on employing cheap labour), which has always been the best tool for boosting wealth creation.
How long before we replicate the Red Menace model in which people pretended to work, the Government pretended to pay them?
On the ‘Stop the War’ gathering: Rather confusing what it was all about, Baron’s lost interest completely when the invited Syrian female said: ‘We the Syrian people …”
On books peddling communism: Anyone buying Das Kapital must be loopy, should be interned. The book’s unreadable. Trust Baron, he knows, he memorised large chunks of it by heart (when he was at the loopy age).
The Russians withdrew flying certificates for Boeing 737s until further notice. Apparently, the Kremlin was only told about the decision, is mulling it over.
Baron:I have read the first five pages of Das Kapital three times;or it might have been the first three pages five times:Iforget.
Radford NG @ 18:25
That’s about the measure of it, Radford, you have Baron’s sympathy.
In the past, when any of the terrorist groups managed to commit a front page atrocity they shouted about it loudly. The ISIL did claim to have shot the Russian airliner down with a missile, but it was almost immediately dismissed because they have no missiles, and they shut up about it.
If it was a bomb, the probability’s high is it was planted by a lone wolf, someone employed at the airport with an access to the planes, someone who is a Brotherhood sympathiser, but keeps quiet because jobs are scarce in Egypt, or someone who was bribed to do it.
It could not have been a very sophisticated device, it detonated when the plane was still over a territory of Egypt, device of greater sophistication would have detonated over the sea, better for the perpetrator.
Baron @ 18:40
Yes, it appears to have been a bomb on board; but on another point however: “…ISIL…have no missiles…”.
Where and to whom did the approximately 400 Stinger missiles go that “went missing” on Hillary Clinton’s watch at the State Department? How many have not yet been used? Who has them now?
Baron – and just noticed:
EC November 5th, 2015 – 15:28
It really is a demonstration of the puerile pettiness and spinelessness of Euro politicians that they would wring their hands and argue over the semantics of the word ‘fence’. One stupid woman with more empowerment than brains wants to call it something else, to pretend that it isn’t what it is – a fence. Echoes of the manufactured furore over the word ‘swarm’.
Never mind the consequences, feel the (manipulated) word.
Some critical thoughts on the BBC drama The Last Kingdom, based on the novels of Bernard Cornwall which I haven’t read.
Apparently the Anglo-Saxons, despite the climate, lived in open structures similar to derelict and broken down garden sheds if they were poor or old warehouses if they were rich.
The costume designer must have had very limited research resources. Anglo-Saxon dress is well documented in manuscripts and did not consist of stiff Kosovorotka style tunics borrowed from a Covent Garden production of Boris Godunov. According to the BBC the Anglo-Saxons were also incapable of dyeing cloth.
Ango-Saxon warriors used round shields, daubed white. The peculiar rectangular ‘garden fence’ shields used in the series are presumably to differentiate them, cowboy matinee black hat/white hat style, for the thickos watching. Historical education not being high in the BBC’s priorities.
The Anglo-Saxon armour is anachronistic, better suited to the 12th Century than the 9th. The high status warriors in the series look more like 12th Century knights complete with mail coifs, long mail sleeves and surcoats. There are no Coppergate or Sutton Hoo style helmets.
The ‘hero’ has wandered in from Conan the Barbarian via a Boy Band with hair styled as a crusty SJW complete with topknot hairpiece. Like the Danes he wears Conan-style studded leather ‘Roman’ armour and huge fur shoulder pieces, carrying his sword strapped across his back. Bare heads proliferate – modern luvvies do not like wearing ‘hats’.
Alfred is a slippery Blair-like dweeb who looks as if he would be more at home in a corporate high-rise plotting mass redundancies or risky investment strategies than a 9th Century Anglo-Saxon war leader fighting back against marauding Danes (my criticism here is probably influenced by the Alfred the Great Ladybird book).
Breda, the love interest and an exceptionally ugly looking woman, makes a miraculous transformation from demure Viking serving girl to axe wielding martial arts expert within one episode. She is exceedingly irritating throughout, whining and moaning all the time with the bolshy attitude of a chippy 21st Century British feminist.
As a BBC drama there has to be a lot of gratuitous rough sex with snogging of the aggressively slobbering, face-eating kind. The BBC teenagers still think this is ‘edgy’ rather than boring and distasteful.
Very surprisingly for BBC drama there have so far been no gays, gay sex or BMEs contrived into the story.
Colonel Mustard – 08:26
Yes, as the invasion of Europe continues so the fences will follow – as sure as night follows day. Europe’s political elites, and the rest of its gliberal wankocracy can do their hand wringing, virtue signalling, schtick as much as they like as soon as they realise that the threat is existential then the fences will go up, though by the time that this happens it’ll probably be too late – very little or no point in locking the door behind Mr Fox after he has entered the hen coop is there!
Sadly, Europe’s only hope is a series of coordinated military coupes which wont happen.
I was going on to say, sarcastically, that life was rosy in the Cotswolds, Wassenaar(NL) etc. i.e in all those places where the elites (with their armed guards!) like to live in splendid isolation from the problems they have caused, but then I read this…
The mosque will be built, eventually, and I look forward to seeing the photos of a Burka clad SamCam and daughter Ginster striking a blow for wimmins’ rights by attending Friday prayers at the Chipping Clarkson mosque – thru the rear entrance of course!
Colonel Mustard – 09:05
Nice one, I enjoyed that review. Please, it’d be great if you did more of them!
Unfortunately I did catch a bit of it. The section that I saw was just pictures of people talking at each other. As pacy as woodworm, all very arboreal, and very boring!
Do let me know if anybody gets transgendered.
EC November 6th, 2015 – 09:27
Cameron is always presuming that everyone has the same personal values as he does and if not should be coerced into them. He acts like a CEO who thinks the country belongs to him as his own corporate entity and its people are his employees who should abide by the code of conduct he sets for them rather than understanding that he is just a caretaker PM with responsibilities to its heritage.
There has been too much change, much of it ill conceived, and far too fast with no caution or careful thought about the consequences. Nothing demonstrated Cameron’s shallow whimsical approach than his applause of Blair leaving the Commons. He got up to clap on impulse and urged everyone else to with that arrogant CEO “I’m in charge” gesturing. It defines his character. He is a very foolish and dangerous PM.
He is too stupid to realise that the “appalling” behaviour he criticises has been created by the foolish, reckless policies of his and previous governments.
EC November 6th, 2015 – 09:50
Thanks. I watched it as I have an abiding interest in the Anglo-Saxon period and especially its warfare.
The dreariness is most unfortunate. Anthropology, let alone history, teaches that even the most primitive and poor peoples adorn themselves and celebrate finery. The national costumes of the peasantry across Europe ought to have registered with the BBC producers. Elaborately embroidered clothing was common in rural communities with nothing better to do over long winter nights (you can’t indulge in BBC sex all the time). There is the heritage of samplers – that girls were traditionally taught to embroider from an early age right up to Victorian times. And the spinning wheel is a consistent meme in European folklore. I don’t think there was a single example of rich Anglo-Saxon or Danish embroidery in The Last Kingdom. Just brown mud and brown clothes.
Anglo-Saxon England was known as a rich and thriving country. It’s why the Danes and William of Normandy coveted it. The BBC would have us believe it consisted mainly of tented crusty protest camps and communes filled with squatters and that bread magically appeared from nowhere without the need for field systems and ploughing.
It would be nice if there was a facility for longer comments to be edited before posting though!
EC at 9-27
Cameron signed founding statement of the UAF.
Chipping Norton (pop.6,300….8% non-white).I think we can demand they take about 900 refugees to bring it up to a more equitable number compared with provincial cities.
Having not travelled by air for several years, I’m somewhat out of date with airport security arrangements. Please help me. When exiting airports in UK, how is luggage screened when checked in for stowage in the hold by baggage handlers these days?
I ask, because it strikes me that given the demography of baggage handling staff at most UK airports, there is as much chance of an enemy agent planting a fizzer here, as there is in Sharm el Sheikh. Isn’t there? Or am I being unfair to security authorities here?
Effigy of Nude David Cameron with Pig’s Head Burned in Lewes (with Sepp Blatter and Jeremy Clarkson).
Islam may damage your health.Cartoon:-
“We wunt be druv”
This link has some fascinating graphics, just scroll down, read how to get them going:
Colonel Mustard @ 09:05
Many months ago, to compete with Downton Abbey when the drama series began on ITV, the BBC came up with an offering of its own, Baron forgets the label, something ‘a road to…’. One of the characters in it was a thoughtul man in search of self education with the liking for books. The one book he was reading, admired, told others about was Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
And you complain about an Anglo-Saxon armour, Colonel.
Radford NG @ 10:49
That’s a first class suggestion, Radford, it shows that if only we could all contribute, chip in, or better still chip out of the tsunami a chunk here, a chunk there, the placing of the newcomers amongst us would no be problem at all.
What’s ‘druv’, Malfleur? And anyway, why cannot you speak properly, it’s enough the site has the poorly educated Slav to confuse everyne.
This is an automatic posting: sorry for the errors.
This may be of interest to you.
In the posting @12.33, Baron spotted the missing letter immediately after he pushed the ‘comment’ button, positioned the curser quickly, corrected the word just as the page began reloading. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quick enough, the system beat him.
EC @ 09:27
The shop to mosque conversion, EC, is the almost inevitable outcome of the worshippers of Allah moving into the Chipping village, to object to their having a place of worship seems rather futile, and certainly late, no?
Baron November 6th, 2015 – 12:25
“And you complain about an Anglo-Saxon armour, Colonel.”
I do. Although to be pedantic the armour I was complaining of was not Anglo-Saxon – which was rather the point!
DM: ‘When will we get home!’: Furious tourists stranded at Sharm airport heckle British ambassador as flights back to the UK are blocked by Egyptian government angry at damage to tourism
These people must have the r-style behaviour, as exhibited in rabbits, still not acknowledging the wolves are still around.
Baron – 12:33
“We wunt be druve!” was a banner that was being carried in the procession at the Lewes firework proceedings last night. See the photos in the excellent link provided by Radford NG at 11:35.
h/t Wiki
“We wunt be druv” is the unofficial county motto of Sussex in southern England. It is a Sussex dialect phrase meaning “we will not be driven”. The motto asserts that people from the English county of Sussex have minds of their own, and cannot be forced against their will or told what to do.
We need more public displays, more slogans like this!
Mass stabbing at a California university. No guns involved so MSM not at all interested, no cries of “Ban kitchen knives now!” Particularly since the perp’ was yet another boring, everyday, commonplace, run of the mill lone wolf.
In a stunning interview, the Maronite patriarch of Antioch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, has contended that Islam has a clear, two-pronged strategy to take over Europe: religion and procreation.
Roll on that mosque in Chipping Norton!
It will quite convenient for Dhimmi Dave.
Colonel, sorry, the posting of Baron wasn’t to scoff at or disparage your pointing out the armour as a prop that didn’t fit, merely to say that the agitprop hydra is guilty of skewing everything it touches the anointed way, it amazes they didn’t find the roots of Marxism in the times of the Anglo-Saxon excursions.
EC, thank you, it’s hard for the poorly educated Slav to cope with the Queen’s English, a local dialect seldom fails to beats him. What we need is not only more slogans like this, but the people to behave as the slogans tell them.
Frank P – 11:31
Mm, the rush by politicians to attribute the cause of this tragic crash before a proper investigation has been conducted causes me to reserve judgement. As for the “intelligence”? Ha!
I’m not sure that you are going to thank me for this, but see the video below…
(you can’t actually see the ground so hopefully it won’t trigger your problem)
British Airways Flight 5390
(this one was due to careless maintenance!)
EC @ 15:43
After a 10-minute chat with the boy, the Kremlin CEO suspended all flights to and from Egypt, EC.
It does seem the security arrangements are not what they should be, travellers are offered to skip a long queue for a bribe the equivalent of a tenner see DM site. Could this be a hint of what may have happened before the Russian plane took off except that the one who squeezed through then didn’t want to beat the wait, but to plant something lethal on the aircraft?
Baron November 6th, 2015 – 15:37
No need to be sorry at all. Your point about the BBC was well made. Invariably if the historic plot calls for an MP who is not a villain it is as a member of the Labour party. So your observation shows their love for socialist “heroes” and icons.
It is also the reason they portray English history in such depressing, class war terms, part of that boasting socialist presumption that everything was terrible until socialists came along and improved it.
Frank, scan through the link, it can give you an idea what it’s like at Stansted, the airport Baron flies from and to. It’s all done so well one would be hard put to smuggle a needle through the security check.
Frank P @ 11:31
The @16.25 doesn’t really answer your question about the baggage handlers, Frank, but this is something nobody but only someone who’s directly on the job could answer. One can only hope those in charge of this operation are fully aware of the potential risks, have measures in place to prevent any unauthorised planting of anything, certainly of anything that can explode.
All I can add to this situation is the fact that I’ve been in and out of all these countries for many years and they are corrupt . Bribery is completely normal . Denying the obvious is completely normal. It’s fascinating because in my opinion the more you travel the world you’re more you realise just what a huge gap there is between cultures . This nonsense that all cultures are equal
is clearly an absolute nonsense And you just get used to it .how anyone can think that planes are safe when they have people crawling all over them who would sell their grandmothers for tuppence is beyond me.
Thanks EC for that cheerful little documentary about human fallibility and its consequences. The permutations of that in all the circumstance of life are of course endless and we’re all still here because we are each very, very lucky. Eventually of course, luck runs out for each of us, so WTF?
But what I was really getting at was the bullshit that is involved in the machinations of the Camel Corps at the FCO and the various sub-agendas of the Cobblers Committee, as each element takes the opportunity to exploit an incident for its own advantage – and not necessarily pro bono publico. The Ruskis have now been obliged to join the clamour to over-react. Thus terrorism works without necessarily having had a hand in the incident at all – we still don’t know that it isn’t a catastrophic mechanical failure and there is good reason to suspect any so called ‘intelligence’, which could just as easily be a multi-agency CYA exercise. And I repeat – if terrorists want to get a bomb into a public arena and cause massacre and mayhem, there’s very little we can do about it, particularly if they are suicidal nutters. And it’s just as likely to occur here as it is in Sharm el Sheikh.
What we need to do is make the Mullahs and other Maestros of Terror (the ones who don’t volunteer for suicide themselves but urge their ‘flocks’ to do so) pay for the deeds of the useful idiots who do. They should be made to feel very, very sorry indeed. We have discussed ways to do that ad nauseam. Unfortunately, that is not the way of the current bunch of so called ‘leaders’ of the West, who were voted in by the brainwashed idiots who now form a majority, it seems, throughout what was once regarded as Western Civilisation. I see very little reason to believe that we, in our (lucky) lifetimes, will see any discernible improvement in that state of affairs or indeed the affairs of state.
Enjoy your runs of comparatively extremely good fortune and keep taking the piss. It’s the best medicine in the manual. Cheers me up, anyway – no end!
And this helps me prove my point about ‘useful idiots’:
Some of them look almost ‘normal’ and the sad fact is that they think they are. And if normal means ‘with the common characteristics of a he group under discussion, then THEY FUCKING WELL ARE!!
Baron – 16:18
1) I don’t trust politicians, but I suppose that even a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day.
2) Aircraft did, and probably still do, actually drop out of the sky unaided by foul play. eg.
3) The security shambles at Sharm el-Sheikh airport didn’t start happening just this week, this month, or even this year. Why did it take the politicians so long to act? Were they playing Russian Roulette – literally – with passengers lives?
Frank P,
“Enjoy your runs of comparatively extremely good fortune and keep taking the piss. It’s the best medicine in the manual. Cheers me up, anyway – no end!”
Frank P – 17:33
Here’s Scott Ott with a spot of (gallows) satire…
EC (18:03)
☺ Excellent.
Here’s an interesting round up from a blog which is new to me:
h/t Gerard.
Frank P @ 17:33
If one needed a proof, not Baron though, that the Republic’s finished, kaput, dead as the parrot, the links furnishes it, Frank.
EC @ 17:42
All solid, rational, admirable points, EC, but the barbarian sticks to his hunch, it was a bomb, the sooner the KGB gets cracking finding the culprit the better for us all.
Frank P @ 18:49
Everything the excellent piece says applies equally to us, Frank, we may have jumped the queue on healthcare, hence have had to deal with permanent and systemic crisis of the HNS (currently a massive overspend), the ‘federalising of the police force’ translates here as amalgamation of forces, the borrowing is in sterling, but on the whole, we are but a replica of the US push towards a State-controls-it-all-future, too:
“The vast administrative state we call our government is socializing health care, micromanaging industry, dictating education standards, underwriting mortgages and student loans, federalizing local police departments, and borrowing trillions of dollars from itself to the detriment of future generations to come as the massive welfare and entitlement state expands and implodes”.
“The New Deal,” writes Jonah Goldberg in Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change, “was conceived at the climax of a worldwide fascist moment, a moment when socialists in many countries were increasingly becoming nationalists and nationalists could embrace nothing other than socialism.” Many of Roosevelt’s ideas and policies were entirely indistinguishable from the fascism of Mussolini. In fact, writes Goldberg, there were “many common features among New Deal liberalism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism, all of which shared many of the same historical and intellectual forebears.” Like American progressives, many Italian Fascist and German Nazi intellectuals championed a “middle” or “Third Way” between capitalism and socialism.”
This “Third Way” (aka Crony Capitalism & quangocracy) was also “New Labour’s” “big idea”, wasn’t it?
“Samuel Adams warned of the days in which we are living as he wrote in his letter to James Warren in 1780, “If ever the Time should come, when vain and aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.”
Prescient. B & H2B, there is no question !
Not good news from the White House:
Obama rejects Keystone XL
The comments are also of interest as many are from the US or Canada.
Baron @ 19:26 commenting on Frank P @ 18:49
Good to read the name of Michael Savage being mentioned in the same breath as Samuel Adams.
Savage, banned from entry into England by two successive Home Secretaries for being Jewish, does not yet believe the game is yet up – in the USA, though Europe is another matter. Conservatives swept the off-year elections across the country earlier this week. This may have been caused by a low moron turn out.
First Aid:
“…how can a free people remain free to access the information they need to guarantee freedom of decisions for themselves, their families and their futures?
The best way we know of is a program you can install on your computer or web browser called a ‘VPN’, or, ‘Virtual Private Network’. This is a handy little tool that tricks the internet into thinking your computer is somewhere other than in a zone which is information-restricted so sites like this one, or any other site you wish to see, may be blocked and you may be tracked for trying to see them. A VPN puts your computer in Australia or New York if you want or anywhere on its list of proxies….”
EC (22:53)
Jonah is , of course, picking up on the research of Diana West? Wonder whether Horowitz et al will give him a bad time also for pointing out some home truths about the 30s and the repercussions that are still eating away at our civilisation through the treachery of Marxism and the even more dangerous crypto-Marxism that now pervades the West.
Btw did you catch O’Reilly cleaning George Will’s clock tonight. Don’t think it was a contrived spat. How will Ailes deal with it, I wonder? I doubt there’s room in the ‘Fox News family’ for that kinda vitriolic internecine stuff.
Frank P November 6th, 2015 – 18:49
Excellent but depressing. There really is a new breed of politicians who are arrogant control freaks and see their role as controlling and coercing everyone to do as they say, waving the deceit that because they have been elected that gives them carte blanche to turn into despots.
And there are now far too many of the blighters. Not only do we have more and more of unelected but gobby and opinionated “leaders” in the public and third sectors but multiple tiers of politicians in Westminster and Brussels projectile vomiting laws, regulations and red tape in a sort of incestuous talkathon.
Merkel, who had the gall to stand in the laughable ‘Je Suis Charlie’ pantomime, is now coercing social media outfits and getting an ex-Stasi agent to monitor sites for the sort of verbal resistance that has been created by her own stupid policies. It is quite simply oppression of the nastiest East German and Communist Chinese kind.
And look at the imminent Climate Change jamboree – politicians, lobbyists, celebs and media. Yet all the crap that lot churn out will affect ordinary people who are wholly unrepresented by them. Why should celebrities get to influence climate change policy? Who elected them? Who are the nincompoops who invited them? Why is their opinion any more important than the man on the Clapham omnibus?
Sick of it.
As you can imagine Russian media are full of the Sinai act of terror. The Rain TV talked to a Russian military advisor, had a phone-in on the subject ‘what should be Russia’s response to it’.
The military expert says the preparation for the terrorist attack must have started a long time ago, it’s not easy to pull if off, the security set-up in the resort was as good as in other Western airports, the bomb appears to him to be very sophisticated, compact but immensely powerful, a home made device would not have downed the plane (the aircraft was registered in Ireland, was on loan to the Russian travel company).
His advice was to talk to the terrorists, one cannot beat them, there is massive support for the ISIL thuggery not only in the territory they currently hold but in surrounding countries, in Saudi Arabia in particular. He also said intelligence agencies have evidence other airlines were to be targeted, too, the choice of a Russian aircraft shows this wasn’t an act of an individual or an ad hoc group, but a well organised, deeply imbedded organisation.
The impact on Egypt as well as Russia will be massive, the income from tourism from just two countries (Russia and Britain) accounts for up to two fifth of Egypt’s Government budget. It will hurt Russia, too, because Egypt has already cancelled (is going to cancel) contracts for Russia’s military hardware.
Apart from some 80,000 Russian tourists there are tens of thousands Russians in Egypt who were until recently employed in sectors coupled with tourism, construction, many are already being laid out, don’t know what to do, stay or go back to Russia.
Two of the four callers were from Russians who emigrated to Israel long time ago. Both advocated hitting the thugs hard, one cautioned that the fight is perceived amongst the ME Muslims as that between Shia and Sunni, the former cannot win, not enough of them. Both also implied the Americans will rather join the ISIL thugs, albeit covertly, rather than help Russia.
Colonel Mustard @ 11:55
If the Paris get together is just a virtue signalling it wouldn’t be that bad – delusional, costly, sickening yes, but not materially injurious to the unwashed. If, on the other hand, the political clowns are to come up with a binding reduction of CO2 the unwashed, particularly in the developing countries, but in the West, too, will get harmed. If the coming winter’s temperatures are not harsh but average, even we here in Britain may get power cuts.
Another few millions of the worshippers of Allah marching into Europe, including Britain, in the next year or so coupled with power shortages hitting the industry will create perfect conditions for the Muslim takeover, unless the fruitcakes of the cumryd get there first.
After many a year boycotting the programme, Baron watched HIGNFY last night, it was chaired by Kathy Burke, whom he liked, admired even in the series that got buried by the BBC called Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
(The link may not be to your taste, her performance and that of James Dreyfus cannot be bettered, they so much to type it pains).
Nothing much that wouldn’t single out the last night show as a BBC approved production. The two anchormen, Ian Hislop and Paul Merton, were also still in attendance. The latter said little, he seems to have dried out, the former looked old, chipped in some nonsense the barbarian doesn’t remember.
Why does Baron bother you with it? Because of the longevity of the instantly funny/morally correct duet that has survived for decades. The fact that the two will probably be there the minute each of them pegs it underpins a feature of the monstrosity that should bother even those who back it.
Once one gets approved by the anointed of the corporation one has a sinecure for life, it matters not one’s passed it, the hydra will keep on giving one the airtime. Why has it been assumed by everyone that Hislop is the final moral arbiter on any issue that goes has always puzzled the barbarian, too.
Fred Reed, in lacerating mode:
As we are in an even more advanced state of decline, it is worth reading, if only as a yardstick.
I see the shadow of the hidden hand of the Muslim Brotherhood in the chaos of the machinations of the diplomacy of the West in relation to the downed Russian kite. The Bros are deeply embedded, both in Washington and Westminster. Dirty work is afoot and al Sisi’s regime will be seriously undermined by the damage to the economy caused by resultant de rease in tourism.
Re:The Russian Metrojet disaster.
I have big doubts about it being a bomb on board.From the evidence we are given it could still be that a vane in the turbo-fan broke,shattering the engine,the parts of which would be shot out devastating the rear air-frame;and piecing the fuel pipes or tank.Both of these things would have been unrecoverable from.
What is the likely-hood of this?It might be a million or more to one;but things happen.
Baron at 15-15
What colour is the sky in the world where this expert from Russia lives?(This is a sarkie remark which comes via American English.[Sarkie;English vernacular=sarcastic]).
All other reports say security there is rubbish.There again whilst security(persecution) of passengers is strict in the west,that of air-side personal (maintenance,catering,baggage) might not be so hot.
As for support for the Caliph El Bagdadie:he is loved the same as First Secretary J.V.Stalin.(Although this might be doing a disservice to the latter.)
Beeb and mail reporting a UK tourist plane had a near miss with a missile in August. they kept that very quiet. Thats Egypts tourist industry gone.
Alexandr at 19-13.
According to the DM this was a SNAFU by the Egypt army,firing a rocket into civil aircraft space.A wire-guided or heat-seeking missile would have followed the plane.
Has anybody noticed this in the Telegraph? The author of it appears to be by somebody called Edward Lucas. –
What do you make of this headline? –
“Vladimir Putin’s showmanship in Syria has left him without a strategy”
and in particular what do you make of of this couple of lines? –
“As the apparent bombing of a flight from Sharm el-Sheikh shows, the enmity he has aroused among Islamists will be longlasting”.
Edward Lucas is clearly implying that Islamists would have no lasting enmity for Putin if Putin had not provoked it. Is that not hysterical propaganda and twisted thinking?
Fred should get a Congressional Medal, Frank, it reads like an obituary of a much loved, life beaten, recently deceased mesomorph, the last words of the lament should be chiselled on the tombstone: ‘Scared, fat, weak, fragile, narcissistic, herd-minded, prissy, censorious and, increasingly, ignorant’.
Having said that, Baron reckons it’s all reversible, if only there was the will to reverse it.
Radford NG @ 17:52
A friend of Baron, his sister, her friend returned via the airport exactly two months ago. According to them, the security was tighter than at Heathrow.
Baron has not been to the place, the Russian military expert said the airport had a three layer security (whatever that means). If you know of evidence to the contrary Baron’s more than willing to accept it.
The expert was talking about the idea of a Caliphate, the purest expression of the Muslim faith, Baron should have made it clear. Again, not having a first hand experience, having talked to nobody from the territory controlled by the thugs Baron’s willing to listen. More to the point, the barbarian was merely telling you what the guy said, he himself doesn’t necessarily hold the same views.
baron – i have seen tales of lax security at sharma. people bribing guards to bypass security to avoid queues, x ray screens unwatched. but no security is 100%
Herbert Thornton @ 19:40
The guy writes for the Economist, he spent few years in Russia, goes as an expert on the country, writes books that could have been penned by the omni-all Mr. Boot, not as deeply knowledgeable about the Slavonic tribe though, but sans the deep hatred of it.
The funny thing is he says things that fit the West’s behaviour like a glove, yet he attributes them to Putin, whom he seems to dislike even more than Mr. Boot, if that’s possible.
Example from today’s piece: “It (Russia) befriended Israel and opened ties with Saudi Arabia. It had good relations with secular dictators like Colonel Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, sold weapons to the Shia regime in Iran, and played a background role in the Israel-Palestine peace process”. Substitute Russia for the UK with Blair, France with Sarkozy…, tweak the involvement abit, the destination of the military gear sales and voila it fits, too.
In an another piece on Russia (busy and very likely profitable time for him, hard to blame him for it), he accused Russia for shooting down the MH17, the invasion of Ukraine, the destabilising of neighbouring countries … just stopped short blaming the KGB Colonel for the near financial meltdown, the West’s anaemic growth, global warming.
More tossers li ke him, and we have a nuclear meltdown on our hands in no time.
Alexsandr @ 19:13
You would have had the same response furnished by Radford.
On security: The boil when discovered will be found to go deeper than taking someone through the gate for a bribe, Alexandr. Frank is very likely on the right track, the Brotherhood may have something to do with it.
The airport must employ thousands of Egyptians, is it improbable that none of them harbours some affinity with the religious organisation that has a long history in Egypt?
Now, for something by far more important:
What the hell’s wrong with the club, another loss to Stoke. Is it to punish the Russian oligarch, or has the Special one lost the special touch?
Will Mr. Boot put this guy on the list of people Vlad has had despatched to the peace and tranquility of Heavens?
Baron at 19-52
The quality of security at Sharm comes from the high authority of the Daily Mail & the Mirror.
That a great many support the Caliphate may be true;but not where the Islamic SS appear;hence all the displaced persons.Which brings us to the old Jewess joke:
Rabbi,Rabbi.Can you have socialism in one country?
Yes my son:but first you must live in another.
Amenda: Jewess=Jewish.
And so;it’s Good Night Vienna (Jack Buchanan).
Jack Buchanan – did the British male dress better back then? Or is that just an illusion created by the then lack of consumer choice…?
Baron 20:20
Last night, I saw MOTD (for only a few minutes ) and they explained how they kept running towards the ball instead of away, and not into space, so no chance of scoring.
Radford NG @ 22:48
It’s a joke of the strain Baron saves in his bank of the best, Radford, and it’s there already, thanks.
RobertRetyred @ 09:28
Last nigth, Baron saw the whole of MODT, Robert, he never misses it unless the war’s on, listened, pondered, came to the view the team is made up mostly of prima donnas, young boys who more than the other young boys who like kicking ball believe that their talent will show even if they don’t apply themselves, don’t deliver a good day’s work, don’t extrude a drop of sweat.
Btw, it’s not Chelsea the barbarian’s adopted, he favours Arsenal.
Did you know about this, isn’t it also a breach of security, has anyone done anything about it?
John birch
November 3rd, 2015 – 18:54
Thanks for missing me John. I took a ten day holiday in Israel and just returned on Guy Fawkes day! Felt like I needed some sunshine as October/November is usually nice. Not too hot and comfortable for this weary soul! What did I get? Gales, Floods, Storms and then a few days’ sunshine. After the rains had subsided then came the dust storms. Well, at least I wasn’t stabbed or shot although the arab buggers were doing their usual business. Despite all this it was a great experience, and truly this is the only real democracy in the Middle East.
The DM carries a piece commenting on a new security review which identified Russia as a major threat, quote “Russia’s increased aggression including increased military spending and apparent willingness to display force”.
The postings below the piece by and large disagree, what pisses the barbarian is the transparent imbecility, and not just of the quote. It’s more an insult to one’s intelligence than anything else. It can only happen because those in power feel they can tell a lie knowing we know it’s a lie, they know we know it’s a lie but can do FA about it. It truly is just as it was in the east when the Red Menace was in charge.
An example – the Soviet Union’s suppression of the Hungarian uprising in 1956 was explained as a friendly help to a country that asked for it. Everyone knew it was a lie, yet massive meetings got organised, petitions in support signed, many individuals at these meeting would speak endorsing the invasion, thanking the USSR, pledging to break a new record in milk production, the amount of buttons stamped, farts extruded (well, Baron made this one up).
What’s wrong with the West, why cannot we tell the truth e.g. our democracy stinks, it stinks less than the model they have in Russia, most people favour to live in conditions with as little stench as possible, we’re trying to do everything to replace the Kremlin man with someone who’ be keener on air fresheners ….That would be an approach Baron would buy.
Baron November 8th, 2015 – 11:08
“What’s wrong with the West”
The. Long. March. Through. The. Institutions.
Courtesy mainly of the Fabian Society but also as a result of the well-funded activism of former “agents of influence” following the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War.
They re-invented themselves and burrowed. Common Purpose rose from Chicago Community Activism and both were generated at the end of the Cold War. The Reds aren’t under the beds anymore. They are in positions of power and influence, calling themselves other things – “ex”-Marxists, communitarians, progressives, in some cases Compassionate Conservatives. Aided and abetted by a host of useful idiots produced by the colonisation of academia and the arts.
This country, like others in the West, has been subverted and subjected to a quiet revolution. Only now are the true colours showing and those responsible becoming less quiet, more noisy, more brazen about their intent.
There is no effective counter to it simply because the right has no agenda, no strategic plan. It just tries to keep its head above water and to defend its territory against a considerable onslaught. The end game of the leftist collective is a single party state with a coerced singular political narrative dressed up as a “progressive” arrival at Utopia.
You would have seen all that before. Unfortunately the West never had to learn the lesson. It will now.
PS The existence of the SWP and other hard line Marxist fringe parties is a useful red herring to distract from what the “moderate” left have been up to. The reality that they are just the many different looking heads on the same Hydra is revealed by the Labour Party’s embrace of Corbyn. The “moderates” huff and puff but they are all still there, tribal Labour, riding the bandwagon, ready to follow the leader and reveal their inner Beria. The best (worst?) example is Burnham. Happy to be empowered under Blair. Now happy to be empowered under Corbyn, as Shadow-y Home Secretary no less.
McDonnell, a vile, ignorant specimen who endorses violent revolution and anarchy, emerging from the hard, anarchic left and now central to the operations of a mainstream political party. And the “moderates” who are happy to sit next to him, to treat him as a respectable Parliamentarian who hasn’t been an apologist, if not covert supporter, of terrorists who murder innocent people.
PPS And telemachus, who endorses and propagandises for all that poison and who is apparently welcome here. Their tentacles are everywhere and like the vampires they are we let them in to peddle their lie and suck the life out of our country. We bleat about not abandoning our fine, gentlemanly principles of fair play and giving the other chap a chance to bat, whilst they want to deny dissenters a platform and form violent mobs to assault and intimidate those they demonise.
Remember how telemachus, mischievously malevolent, demanded we should give “the Caliph” a fair hearing and used the words of violent jihad to call Bush a “crusader”? Here you go, large as life and in a university near you:-
In 1975 when Saigon fell to the aggressive, war-waging communists of the North, “agents” emerged, young, male and female, mainly students, dressed in civilian clothes but sporting red armbands and carrying pistols. They shoved people around, did a lot of shouting and rounded up the “counter revolutionaries” and “imperialist lackeys” to begin the first “cleansings”.
When the red armbands go on the pistols are never far behind. Amongst those so-called “progressives”, those “caring”, “compassionate” SJWs there is always a relish for violence and oppression, for coercing people, for dictating what people are to be permitted to do, say, write and think.
It is why their agents like telemachus monitor and intrude here, tag comments elsewhere. They simply want to control everything and to destroy the dissenting voice.
Teachers Union Warns Girls Against ‘Sexual Adventures’ With ‘Attractive Muslim Migrants’
“A German teaching union has warned young girls to stay away from migrants, especially “attractive Muslim men,” or else they face being sexually assaulted.
It claimed that while these migrants are often “young, strong, mostly Muslim,” they are also “often uneducated” and enter the country “under dubious pretences.”
The article has caused outrage among German politicians, who have called it “base” and accused it of pandering to the “far-right fringe”.”
Outrage? 🙂
After reading Lord Carlile’s apologia for government snooping in today’s MoS, advancing an insinuating and (imo) ultimately implausible argument that we should surrender our personal freedoms for security and support May’s counter terrorism snooping Bill.
In particular he displays a touching faith in the probity of ministers; he is not at all keen on judges issuing snooping warrants, preferring for politicians to do this. As one who has little faith nowadays in either judges or politicians I was nevertheless staggered at his argument that politicians might be forced to resign if they were wrong in their decision to do so. When was the last time that happened? After all the doctrine of ministerial responsibility is now as dead as the Black Rhino.
“But there is a second aspect of the Bill about which I am more worried – for judges to be involved in verifying warrants for the interception of content. This has been accepted by Mrs May. Is she right? Up to a point.
When a Minister approves an interception warrant, she is accountable to Parliament. If there is a serious error, she will be forced to resign, possibly even her seat.”
Intrigued I did a little research on this undeniably bright son of Polish migrants, QC and former Liberal Democrat MP. The following fascinating analysis by Jonathan Boyd Hunt ‘In the Public Interest’ on Youtube popped up. He was instrumental in securing the political destruction of Neil Hamilton over the Fayed ‘cash for questions’ affair, but later, following standing down as an MP, accepted directorships in no less than four of Al Fayed’s companies. The link between them has never been clearly explained.
Furthermore, as Peter Hitchens notes in the same paper today, extensive surveillance powers already exist
“… Mrs Theresa May’s most interesting revelation last week was that, thanks to hidden provisions in a 1984 law, her officials had for years been trawling through our phone and email records without our knowledge. What similar provisions are hidden in her vast new Bill, or will be by the time it becomes law? Call me old-fashioned. I am old-fashioned. But I still think the presumption of innocence is vital, and that the police and MI5 should stay out of my business unless they have a good reason, which they can explain to an independent judge, to do otherwise.”
‘That may mean additional costs, it may mean additional delays at airports as people check in.
‘We know that there are people in this country who would love to smuggle an explosive device onto aeroplanes, who would do it if it was possible.
‘But because our airport security is what it is, we’ve been remarkably successful for over 25 years in ensuring that nobody is able to get an explosive advice onto a plane.
What an admission to make by any politician about the people who have been allowed to come here.
Noa November 8th, 2015 – 17:01
The government’s position:-
“We created by our foolish, short-sighted and reckless policies the risks that now threaten the public in this country. We have also created the laws which deter and prosecute the public for complaining about that and which limit their freedom to protest about it. Now we want more law which presumes the whole public to be suspect and which denies their right to privacy or a private life into which the government cannot intrude without good reason.”
It is outrageous. It is not English and Peter Hitchens is exactly correct when he writes:-
“I still think the presumption of innocence is vital, and that the police and MI5 should stay out of my business unless they have a good reason, which they can explain to an independent judge, to do otherwise.”
That is until provoked at 1231 & 1240
We all believe in our country and freedom
That is why General Sir Nicholas Houghton must be fired
Tomorrow morning Philip Hammond must call him in and remind him of the fundamental tenets of democracy before requiring his head
We are not Egypt or Thailand where the military when affronted simply seize power and put the opposition to death
Even in South America things have moved on since Allende in 1973-In 2002 the Venezuelan army were prevented from seizing power by street protests
While in Europe the Colonels toyed with taking back The Old Palace from Tsipras until the people rallied in Syntagma Square
Were Houghton to try his tricks, events in Trafalgar Square would make the Poll Tax riots seem like a Sunday School picnic
The one poll there has been on this surprisingly supported the right of the current Leader of the Opposition to Govern
When asked about the general possibility of a military takeover, 25 per cent of the public said they could imagine a situation, however unlikely, where they might be in favour
But of this number a majority – 52 per cent – said they would not support one to stop Mr Corbyn becoming prime minister, with 34 per cent saying they would
I look forward to firm action from Hammond on the morrow
telemachus, are you up to your old trick of cutting and pasting uncredited texts using multiple account names, often stolen from other people?
A “Frank Frontbottom” posted uncredited Corbynista garbage from the Guardian at Guido Fawkes an hour ago, just before the time you posted that garbage above.
Correction: Cut and pasted from here:-
Noticed a few coincidences at Mr Angry’s blog too. Yorkshire. Started in 2010. Thinks conservatism is incompatible with Christianity. Born in 1979 though, so never walked arm in arm with Tariq Ali at Grosvenor Square.
Tales my father told me perhaps?
PETER OBORNE: Are we finally to learn the truth about Britain and torture?
It is always Tweedledum and Tweedledee!
RR (22:34)
Always keep in mind that O’Bore is at least 50% spook. And I, for one, have never been quite sure on whose behalf. Not even sure if he knows, either; which in the end always arises in spookery.
Colonel Mustard 17.48
As ever, succinctly put.
Corbyn is a nonentity; his Mickey Mouse ‘leadership’ is a contrived joke. His ‘public role’ is a five minute wonder; he, like all turds, will quickly pass through the system, into the sewer of history, via Barking Creek. He is Michael Foot minus a brain. His half-arsed posturing at the Cenotaph today says it all. He looked like a ‘care in the community’ patient who had been rescued by the Sally Ann from sleeping in a shop doorway, given an ill-fitting rig-out and had wandered into Whitehall and accidentally stumbled into the front row of the ceremony, where none of the VIPs knew him, assumed he was a nutter and therefore pretended he wasn’t there – as ya do. ☺
You’re wasting your time here. You know that; why do you persist? I can’t believe any longer that you get paid as an agitprop useful idiot to infest the blogs that you frequent, so it must be a sickness. Just fuck off and get some help. Mental illness has now become a government priority – avail yourself of the extra resources allotted to the NHS, there’s a good fella.
Noa @ 17:01
Spot on, Noa, and Peter Hitchens’s right, the powers are already there, no ‘tightening’ i.e. granting of any new additional powers to the spooks is necessary.
It’s the same about the tighter airport security. Shouldn’t we wait to see if the planting of the device was because of a breach of existing security arrangements before we bring in a package of even more intrusive, time consuming, common sense vacuous measures that make life a misery for the flying public?
Baron suspects the Egyptians were simply not doing their job properly, the existing security procedures were not followed properly. Whatever we do in the future will never be enough if what should be done isn’t done well.