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Radford NG @ 21:57
Thanks, Radford.
Radford NG, March 29th, 2015 – 20:36
You forgot to add that when St. Cyril reached letter #26 the court chanted,
“Let’s ‘ave another one…”
This line now rarely heard at the Meadow Lane ground, except from away supporters I believe 😉
Yes, I do know that Cyril Knowles used to play for Spurs and not County.
The 145 Solution
Sapience, not Sentience
March 1, 2015
In the modest and unassuming manner natural to this column, I advance a small proposal for the emendation of such tatters of the Constitution as can be found: For voting in federal elections, we should employ a literacy test to disenfranchise the majority of the population, to the infinite betterment of the country. This wise move should be accompanied by an increase in the voting age to twenty-five.
The necessity cannot be denied. Consider the following:
Forty-three percent of Americans think Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 9/11.
Sixty-four percent cannot name the three branches of the federal government.
Fourteen percent are illiterate.
Twenty-six percent think the sun goes around the earth.
These numbers may be understood in various ways. To a curmudgeon, who obtains a sour satisfaction from the endless repetition of human folly, they provide the satisfactions of confirmation. We all enjoy being right. In practical terms, they mean that democracy, or our mild approximation thereto, is a sham, a fraud, an impossibility, and a bad idea. No one so blankly ignorant, so mentally without furniture, so muddle-headed, limited, and barren, should be allowed within hailing range of a voting booth.
Such people cannot possibly know anything of national questions. Those who live in a featureless tundra of the mind usually do so from stupidity. It is unreasonable to blame them for a genetic condition over which they have no control, but it is equally unreasonable to allow them to vote. As for the fairly intelligent who through intellectual shiftlessness learn nothing, I have no patience with them. What possible cause is there for thinking the willfully dull, the deliberately ignorant, or the dull and ignorant, are ompetent to influence policy on matters that they cannot spell? Given that everyone today has access to virtually every book ever written and to the internet, there is little excuse for living in Oprah fog and Eminem darkness.
If fourteen percent are illiterate, a larger number must be nearly so. People who can barely read don´t. People so little engaged as to think Iraq attacked New York –forty-six percent!—vote almost at random, or in the direction in which they are shooed by cunning electoral mechanics and fixers.
The educated and thoughtful may have no idea of the night in which the rest live. We tend to associate with people like ourselves. Consequently if you know where Iran is, you probably don’t know anyone who doesn’t. But—a pre-Copernican quarter of the population believes that the sun moves around the earth? As we said in the Sixties, that’s a whole nuther head-space.
Thus a test of literacy, or more correctly of competence to vote. It might involve reading a paragraph of prose at the level of college, or of what used to be the level of college, and answering questions about it. There might be questions such as how many Congressmen are there, name a country bordering of Iraq, list three rights guaranteed (ha!) by the First Amendment, and when did World War Two take place.
This laudable proposal would transform politics. The basalt principle of current American governance is that you can fool enough of the people enough of the time. The smart can safely be ignored. People with capacious and well-stocked mental larders are statistically insignificant. Thus candidates campaign by grinning and smirking, hiding whatever intelligence they may have, and professing sympathy for orphans and the downtrodden. In France, a candidate with the mind of a lawn chair would be held in contempt, but in America he is thought to be of the people, and authentic. Unfortunately, he is.
The current fourth-grade posturing of politicians would last microseconds with an electorate well on the right side of the bell curve. We would have far fewer dolts and poltroons. I’m sure you can think of several of these.
I suspect people would be surprised to learn how little the members of the House of Representatives know. A Congressman of my acquaintance told me of going with a colleague on a junket to Thailand. His fellow legislator repeatedly referred to the country as “Taiwan.” Thus are we ruled. Allowing the foolish to vote makes likely the election of the equally fatuous, or of a wily confidence man.
Objectors to my splendid idea will assert that a government and electorate of the highly intelligent will exploit the rest. The franchise is said to protect the majority from the unscrupulous. But it does not. IQs on Wall Street are said to begin at 145. Has the franchise protected anyone from them? Allowing the dim and untutored to vote simply provides the bright and unscrupulous with gullible vote-fodder. It does not prevent but makes possible the exploitation.
A voting age of twenty-five would ensure some degree of maturity, or might, even in an age of mall rats. It is ludicrous to think that teenagers can vote sensibly. They haven’t lived long enough. Like so much of American life, the adolescent vote sprang from the unrealistic idea that we are all equal in everything. Girls can be SEALs, everyone should go to college, that sort of thing. During Vietnam, the argument was that if the young were old enough to die in Asia, they were old enough to vote. And if six-year-olds are old enough to die in car accidents, they are old enough to drive.
While we are at it, we might as a minimum require candidates for federal office to have scored in the ninetieth percentile on the GREs. Again, It is curious that while in France intelligence and cultivation are regarded as good things, in America the use of words of more than one syllable is regarded as evidence of elitism, both being mortal sins. The only offense worse than being superior is knowing that you are.
But why not do yet better? If I may soar even higher into wild and uncontrolled supposition, suppose that candidates for high national office–Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency–were required to have an IQ of 145 or better. This is the beginning of real intelligence, perhaps aproaching the entry level for Silicon Valley (though intelligence at the level of a valley may not be the image I am looking for). Such men—at this level, almost all are—can keep in mind the various pipelines proposed for Caspian hydrocarbons, the effects of shifting exchange rates, and so on. They are precious hard to con. When they travel, they usually know where they are.Intelligent government: What a concept.
So much for ineffable wisdom and preternatural insight. The implementation of my splendid system is left to the student as an exercise.
Book of the week if you haven’t read it: We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People,a wonderfully funny in a dismal way about the absurdity of the American “reconstruction” of Iraq, by a State Department guy who saw it.
Chris Morriss @ 19:27
Whether Macedonia was or wasn’t a part of the Bulgarian Empire, Chris, Baron knows not, cannot be bothered to look into it. The barbarian’s certain, however, both men were Greek by birth as much as someone born here from a long lineage of English ancestors would be English whether the country was run by the French, Germans or Putin’s Russians.
And as for the ersatz (or not) right wingers take on Putin, could you point to an instance where Baron idolised the man? Putin’s neither here nor there, he’s transient, it’s Russia, her people, their permanency that counts. The reasons for backing the KGB colonel is exactly this, Russia’s better off with him in charge, if he goes the replacement won’t be Nemtsov, Pussy Riot blonde or another PC, rainbow, moral equivalence leader, but a chauvinistic nationalist, the Russian unwashed will suffer.
The Yanks won’t give a crumb of desiccated shite, they care not whom they befriend, it’s enough he jumps as they whistle, just look at some of their friends of the recent past – the Shah of Iran, Saddam, the Libyan colonel (all gone), the Saudi despot, the Emirate little tyrants (so far alive) ….
In case you start bleating people only vote for Putin because they’re brainwashed, scared, intimidated, let the barbarian tell you just three fact (more available on request): When he took over: (1) Most of Russia’s natural resources were in the hands of few oligarchs, today, most of it is owned by the State, the wealth from it has trickled down, people feel richer than ever before. Whether he himself ha s a chunk Baron doesn’t know, rumour has it he has, it matters little because the bulk of it is owned by the Russian people, will be when he’s gone), (2) in the year 2000 Russia ranked 36th by the size of her GDP, today’s the place is 6th, (3) the average pensions have gone up 14times in the 15 years he was officially in charge.
The West battling Islam? You what, completely loopy? It will be the West that looks likely to succumb – slowly, painfully, irrevocably, in part because it has lost the will to defend its belief system, culture, past achievements, has embraced the poison pill of Susan Sontag’s ‘the white race is the cancer of human history’.
EC @ 10:27
A good and witty one, EC.
Post above is from fredoneverything.
Frank P .acouple of us left comments on fuel end of last weeks wall in case you didn’t see them.
John Birch & Ostrich
Thank you for your kind advice and assistance on the fiddling of fuel. As a non petrol head I was unaware of the technicalities, though I had begun to wonder whether cheap fuel was false economy. Your expertise seems to have confirmed that. P hierhaps I should have watched Top Gear which I’m sure must have discussed this? Perhaps if they relaunch it under my suggested new title “Overdrive” they’ll feature it, to alert more gullible punters to the scam. ☺
more filth
Douglas Murray has written a seminal piece on the failure of the government to publish a ‘review’ of the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities, in light of the ex-head of MI6’s appraisal of the organization as one of the most dangerous elements of the terrorist threat:
Don’t be put off by its rather uncharacteristic sloppy editing, because the gist of it needs blazoning into a headline somewhere. Let’s hope that Steyn, Delingpole, Warner et al. pick it up and run with it, because the MSM are obviously too busy spinning on behalf of The Millibrat, who looks weirder by the minute as his bald and overweening ambition reaches frenetic proportions – and the underclass seem to be swallowing his shit and believing it’s sugar!
A collection of what we already know but, taken together, damning evidence that our media do not inform or educate. There is too much to quote, so you will have to read the original article:
Allah’s Little Whelpers
“So, lots of questions to be asked. About the school. About the families. About morality. About Islam. About the lawyer. About Tower Hamlets Council. But this is Britain 2015, so the questions will never be asked. This whole sorry situation is the fault of entrenched racism within English society and its institutions, you see.”
Alexsandr – 12:10
Was she sitting on a swing?
He could have at least waited until she was nine.
Frank P. One of the cars that regulaly get stolen particularly in London are old mercades Which the police are sure are being sent abroad.
There will be a spate of them disappearing then it goes quiet for a while , then another lot disappear.
The reason is they were the last big cars with the old fashioned diesel engines with no computer controlled electrics in charge of everything. They would run on virtually anything you put in the fuel tank, which is why they are desirable in eastern Europe
They were the complete opposite of the modern diesel which has so much expensive stuff to go wrong.
A friend who’s dead now ran a big old merc estate which totally illegally he ran on central heating oil.
A few years ago people were using cooking oil, but now with computers checking sensors all over the injection, combustion, and lots of functions in the exhaust the only fuel to use to keep bills down is expensive fuel.
You may not realise that Virtually all modern engines controlled by computers can detect low quality fuel in the combustion process and when they do the computer alters a lot of the operating parameters to protect the engine.
This reduces power and efficient running of the engine.
So again, the engine works but not as well as the maker intended.
The BBC is softly peddling the idea that Andreas Lubtz seemed like a regular guy and everybody is shocked that crashed his plane.
This when Lufthansa knew he’d cracked up and taken 18 months off for psychiatric problems. His file at the Federal Aviation office is also flagged with a warning that he needed regular psychaitric check ups.
The BBC’s aim is to deflect attention from the elephant in the room. WHY THE HELL WAS A KNOWN DEPRESSIVE LET ANYWHERE NEAR THE CONTROLS OF A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER?
The answer is, of course, that good caring liberals have been pushing for employers not to discriminate against the mentally ill. Lufthansa followed their advice.
There’s a great piece on the theme called Killing With Kindness at:
Newt Gingrich on how we are loosing the war against cultural jihad (26 March 2015):
“…….how absurd it is for people who accept no church,no synagogue,no temple in their heartland to come into our society and define multicultural sensitivity totally to their advantage–meaning,in essence,that we cannot criticize their ideas.”
`…..*meaning we cannot criticize their ideas*.”
Thanks John, I’ve never been a diesel fan but often wondered why the chippies so used to report the theft of their discarded cooking oil; perhaps you’ve just explained it. 🙂
When HRH “Barry I” issues the Decree (Executive Order) to grab all the registered guns it looks like he’s going to have to seize all the $500+ 3D printers too…
No way, Bazza! 🙂
h/t Fox News [ @FoxNews 15m ago ]
Another Labour luvvie scumbag crawls out from under a stone.
via Guido
Anybody else having to sing Hymn #501 this afternoon?
Thought I’d check out BBC News 24 to see what strokes they are pulling now that the ‘election’ is now officially under way.
Immediately we were confronted with some batty old bird named Margaret Okole, apparently representing the Green Party of Birmingham. Now I know we’re approaching Easter, but to reincarnate E L Wisty and dress him up in drag to purport to be the new Messiah of Brum, via the Green ethos, is taking the piss, even for the BBC.
I suffered an inordinately long spell of her (or his as the case may be) waffle, during which she (he) suggested that the whole of Birmingham and environs should be covered with rented state housing. I also noted that Ms Okole (I assume she supports miscegenation, too), by comparison, makes Margaret Becket (Dracula’s first bride before he captured Teresa May) look almost vivacious. I switched over to Fox News, which now appears to be the only sane TV news outlet in the world (and I get worried about them too, sometimes, particularly when they keep allowing the ineffable Juan Williams so much time to defend the record of Manchurian Candidate in the effort to be ‘fair and balanced’).
I think I’ll just cast my postal vote and shut myself in the garden shed until May 8th. Then, if I’m still extant, I’ll join the local band of renegades with pitchfork and blunderbuss (appropriated from the armoury at Sandringham), to march on Whitehall and retrieve the Westminster gasworks from the Milibandits. I’m assuming by then that the Yeomen of England will have reached their breaking point. If not, I can only call on Sir Dickie Mottram to have his famous mantra set to music and played continuously on a pirate radio station in the hope that it will wake up the Great Unwashed and thereby provoke anarchy, which, in the short run, seems to be the only answer. In the long run … well! I’ll call on JM Keynes to finish that sentence.
In the case of most of us hereupon, I guess it amounts to the same thing, anyway. 😉
UKIP’s 5 point pledge to Britain.
Oh dear, oh dear, that Martin Freeman et uxor, eh?
I think that the Daily Mirror are going to be in Reverse Ferret mode after this:
Original Mirror article on Freeman & Abbington
Radford NG, March 30th, 2015 – 15:36
Pledge #4
UKIP’sLabour’s racist campaign mug!
This was first mooted by the Daily Star 3 days ago, whilst the rest of the MSM kept this aspect hushed up.
Now it seems that the Daily Mail has decided to come out, so to speak:
I hope Lufthansa/G.Wings get sued to hell and back over this!
EC (16:50)
Yes, the MSM seems to have bent over forwards to avoid the bleedin’ obvious!
As I noted to a friend, narcissism (in spades in this case) is at the bottom (sri) of most cases of sodomistic behavior and when it comes to suicide/homicide it’s the ultimate expression of it.
And we are now prohibited by law to not only ostracize and castigate the perverts who practice and propagate it, but in fact tolerate the intolerable under threat of arrest if we don’t.
Now that the election campaign is in full swing, my favourite daily is beginning to tell the truth about politicians on the Faragian Tory wing
“Detectives investigating claims of a VIP paedophile sex ring have been passed lurid allegations relating to Enoch Powell.
The late Tory MP, who was one of the most prominent and divisive politicians of the 20th century, was named in a Church of England review into historic sex abuse.
The claims relate to allegations of satanic rituals, often involving the abuse of children. ”
Your not going to get far with that crap here telly.
EC 15:36
That Lieborg trolling twat ‘JP Janson De Couet’ gets about.
Apparently Harvey Weinstein has been accused of touching a 22 year old Italian lady’s tits at the pictures and asking her if they were real. It is not reported what her answer was or if he believed her. I think we should be told. We may well be, eventually, as she called the fuzz. By the way, I don’t think he touched her fuzz, just her boobs:
Crisalmighty! That used to be par for the course in the back row of the cinema when I was a lad. Much worse if Ingrid Bergman or Jane Russell were starring.
Is it illegal now? I’ve seen much worse in Peckham High Road of a Saturday night of late: doggy fashion over a bollard midway on a pedestrian crossing quite often with Old Bill gawping and doing nowt!
And there was me thinking Tribeca was a trendy, swinging, Downtown Manhattan centre of licentiousness. It was last time I was there.
Frank P 20.47
That’s why we shouldn’t judge actions in the past by today’s mixed up attitudes.
While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in
the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with
the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their
role as our leaders.
The old farmer said, “Well, as I see it, most
politicians are ‘Post Tortoises’.”
Not being familiar with the term,
the doctor asked him what a ‘post tortoise’ was.
The old farmer said,
“When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with
a tortoise balanced on top, that’s a post tortoise.”
The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face so he continued to explain.
“You know he didn’t get up there by himself,
he doesn’t belong up there,
he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there,
he’s elevated beyond his ability to function,
and you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with.”
Best explanation of a politician I’ve ever heard.
John Birch (20:55)
I will assume there was a smiley after that comment and it didn’t materialise in the software. Otherwise I’m wasting me time and I’ll get me coat. 😉
Noa (21:11)
Brilliant! And as fresh as a daisy. Bwahahahahahaha.
John Galt – 14:48
‘Pilots with a history of depression should NOT be banned from flying’, says leading psychiatrist as he warns of knee-jerk reaction to Germanwings tragedy
Whose flying Lufthansa now? 🙂
The majority of voters doubt that Islam is compatible with British values
“These figures [in the article] hardly reinforce the idea of new partnerships and highlight a deeper problem that is unaddressed by a tub-thumping appeal to values: public concerns about extremism and Muslim concerns about alienation are currently locked in a vicious cycle, feeding each other in ways that fuel the atmosphere for extremists and their increasingly sophisticated portrayals of a war between Islamic and Western societies.
If the answer to extremism is united communities, then the first question is “how do we break this cycle?”.”
How do we break this cycle?
How about reading the koran, and comprehending it?
You will also be able to understand the Muslim concerns about alienation. 🙂
Chuka Umunna: I would not buy Labour’s immigration mug
That would be Tony Blair, and the rest of the Labour Cabinet. 🙂
If you forgive Baron, telemachus, he has long ago stopped buying stories that come from clergymen, particularly the ones at the higher end of the hierarchy.
RobertC @ 22:13
It’s bleeding obvious British value system differs from that of the Allah followers, if it didn’t the latter would have embraced rather than attack what we stand for, integrate, feel proud of our history …..
In the graph in the piece, only the UKIP supporters seem to grasp it, those who believe ‘it’s sort of compatible’ must be brainless.
The Academy guy who told us about the inclusiveness of teaching at the school, the help given to the students, everything else the bending backwards approach has to offer doesn’t get it either, it just isn’t enough for those brought up by the teaching of the ROP to see it the way he wants them to see it. In a society informed by common sense a change of approach would be the obvious answer for curing the boil. In the enlightened Britain, we’ll do more of the same. Insane this, just as Einstein said: Doing the same again and agai n, expecting different results.
Lets hope the May election restore sanity, Robert.
Noa @ 21:11
Puzzling this, Noa, who got him up there exactly?
I was stopped in WH Smith by someone on a British Red Cross stall and refused to donate. I told the guy that there were too many highly paid people at the top of the big charities, and I could be bothered to find out whether the Red Cross was one of them.
I still don’t know, but I did find this:
But then, the medical profession don’t know their arse from their elbow:
Doctors and academics call for ban on ‘inherently risky’ fracking
And heaven help the bishops:
Anglican bishops lead Holy week call for global climate action
Haven’t they heard of Engineers? With the building of sewers, they improved the nation’s health more than the medical profession, and what good could the modern day medical doctor do without his high-tech equipment, developed by engineers?
I am sure Cameron, Blair or Obama will be able to sort it out :):
Saudi oil infrastructure at risk as Mid-East conflagration spreads
And who needs oil or gas when we have all these solar and wind farms? 🙂 🙂 🙂
“The top earners whose pay increased included Sir Nicholas Young, the chief executive of the British Red Cross, who has received a 12% pay rise to £184,000 since 2010, despite a 1% fall in donations and a 3% fall in revenues”.
Colonel Mustard, March 30th, 2015 – 20:38
There are hundreds out of them out there patrolling every blog to shut down any troublesome views contrary to their cause.
I note, too, that my old chum Daniel “biomass” Maris is haunting Guido’s blog these days.
Dismal Dan, CHW-ers might remember, is the uber eco windturbine-biomass-swapable batterycar enthusiast. Dan is/was also great proponent of Cold Fusion and the Rossi Infinite [Improbability] power generator powered by Rossi’s secret mystery component -presumably magic beans. Recently, I asked him how that was going, but I don’t think he replied 🙂
Based on a 17th century idea, like windmills, the swappable car battery(horses) scheme did get actually off the ground in a small way but crashed in 2013, “Better Place” taking the 0.5 £billion investment money with it. Ran out of money! Would the scheme ever been scaleable, for example, for the 35 million vehicles on the UK’s roads?
How were all these batteries going to be charged up? Those good ole reliable bird n bat chompin’ Wind turbines? Burning fossil fuels to make electricity to do the job is an extremely expensive and inefficient waste of resources. By the eco’s own standards how much CO2 would ultimately be saved?
If petrol/diesel had subsequently been outlawed would the common man ever have been able to afford to drive a car again? Hence the Govt’s enthusiasm for cycling!
Peter from Maidstone – 09:19
Totally unacceptable!
RobertC 30th, – 22:13
“How about reading the koran, and comprehending it?
You will also be able to understand the Muslim concerns about alienation. :)”
Sorry, Robert. Not good enough, without a quid pro quo from Moslem communities.
PfM – 09:19
I am not surprised! But, according to wiki, that was last year. I expect the new guy is on a similar amount.
Funnily enough, what concerns me is not the amount of money. It is that they are paid enough to become a member of the ‘elites’.
I bet they get a suitably admirable pension as well.
On the Red Cross and “independent” Sir Nicholas Young:-
” . . . it was something of a golden era for the charity, as Young recalls: “We pulled off a stroke early on in my time there. It was 1997, coming up to the election that swept Tony Blair into power. About three or four months before the election we gathered six of the country’s top cancer specialists in a room with the shadow Labour health team and bombarded them with issues around cancer. Cancer was in a mess then – it was a real postcode lottery. At that meeting we persuaded them to adopt cancer as their number one health priority – they really saw the importance of it, and it meant we were able, with the new government, to transform cancer services over the next few years.
“It was a great time, we were very popular with Alan Milburn and the Labour government, and we raised lots of money.” In 2000 Young was rewarded for this work with a knighthood for services to cancer care.”
Probably working to a common purpose too.
Red cross.
Red crescent.
Jihadi medical students from Khartoum.
Why do we need any of them?
An episode of Portillo’s overblown and hammed up State Secrets (think Michael York on speed) prompted a re-acquaintance with the details of that fake Englishman and murdering communist scum George Blake.
“(Blake) remained a committed Marxist-Leninist. (He) denied being a traitor, insisting that he had never felt British: “To betray, you first have to belong. I never belonged.””
Britain seems to have an unfortunate track record of willingly importing not just those who will “never belong” but those who actively hate the country that provides them with sanctuary (and often more), pose as Englishmen and then presume to interfere in the country’s politics, usually subversively. Too trusting, too ready to share the privilege of nationality with those who don’t deserve it and who repay that trust with treachery. We now face the prospect of the communist son of one of those types becoming the next Prime Minister.
One might have thought that the history of treachery would have made the authorities more sceptical and less generous in hosting foreign all-comers but judging by recent events not a bit of it. The evidence of naive stupidity is staggering.
If those involved in the decision making had felt more responsible for the protection of their own than they felt sympathy for any chancer rolling up at the border with a sob story the UK might now be a much safer place.
You may like this more than anyone else, Malfleur, he guy resembles Savage but for the time it takes him to deliver the message, and the colour of his skin. Baron couldn’t decide for a while whether it’s a parody, or whose side the guy’s on. You should only watch it if you have time to spare.
Baron – 12:10
Liked it.
You might also like this guy:
EC, Baron, Colonel et al.
You’re all in fine form this morning – firing on all cylinders. Did you fill your tanks with higher grade juice or summat? Great links, too.
BTW, don’t miss Dellers on the ExxonMobile/Guardian spat; it’s a cracker:
I also just enjoyed Murgnahan pricking the over-inflated balloon of Ed ‘Mussolini’ Balls, too, on Sky this morning. Not usually keen on Dermot’s somewhat prissy interviewing style, but credit where it’s due, he demolished Bollocks today and left him gaspin’ for air like a beached whale.
Does anybody have a solid take on the Dimbleby Lecture last night? I was quite impressed by the Foxy lecturer, she’s got presence and balls and almost had me swallowing the message; then I started to listen to what she was actually saying and realised that it was pure common purpose; in fact CP on speed. What say other Wallsters? Her Wiki entry is worth perusal. A busy little lady, indeed. Didn’t realize they had elevated her to the red benches. Wonder what she makes of Karen Brady and whether they swap notes on internet porn? 😉
So much to keep up with; so little time!
RobertC (00:40)
Indeed. I once researched the complete charity industry for a proposed TV expose in conjunction with a hack who shall be nameless (who I naively thought would make good use of it). It never saw the light of day. It is corrupt from top to bottom and nothing more than a giant sinecure for the so called G & G; a vehicle for celeb publicity & propaganda. However, because some of the money garnered from the gullible (albeit a very small percentage) does find its way to front line services, the conspiratorial corruption involved, from Royalty to small time collectors, will never be fully exposed. And at that time, The Charity Commissioner was a toothless tiger – a travesty! Since then I’m sure they have made certain that the scams are even better protected.
I would exclude the British Legion, in particular the Poppy Fund, from that general condemnation. Perhaps others know of honest brokers, but they are few and far between.
Am sitting in a pub, and at the next table are two well spoken young mums with their small children, one mums white one very black.
The black mums boy is called Albert.
No reason why he shouldn’t be and maybe I’m showing my age, my attitudes , and who knows how much more.
He’s a nice little boy and she sounds a nice mum but am I wrong to think Albert and a little black boy don’t seem to chime
I really don’t mean this to sound racist even if it does.
Colonel Mustard – 10:36
I did start listening to the Dimbleby Lecture (excluding the intro 🙂 ) and managed to skip through it in order to survive. I think the question about Plan B, if she was pregnant, was valid, but, for the audience, it was so 20th century! Wasn’t the guy implying she was indispensable?
And then she wants another, public sector, institution, for ‘digital’. If only public sector institutions were of any use! Look at the discredited Royal Society!
She is talking from a Public Sector, ‘wimin’ promoting, viewpoint, but she does ask some pertinent questions, such as why can’t we get away from the public sector IT failures. Unfortunately, most of the answers require human intelligence and political stability (with common sense), which promoting ‘wimin’s’ issues does dilute, as it is a political solution to a non-problem, when we have so many other real problems to solve. She didn’t mention getting more ginger haired people into IT: there really needs to be more of them 🙂
She wants more education and training to help people into IT, then admits she is an ancient historian, so what does she want: better education, a better educated work force? Don’t we all, but does that include a little more respect for what made Britain great?
Most of the questions she poses are at a fairly high level, and requires experience in several fields to come up with anything of value, so are not productive until they have some potential solutions. If Ed M can promise to fix fuel prices, while they were at a local peak, he surely doesn’t have it. Tony Blair promised lower carbon dioxide emissions on domestic heating as well as electricity generation, so he doesn’t have it either. And anyone who ‘believes in climate change’ would be excluded, as they cannot understand the misconduct that has occurred within many universities. Understanding the fundamental laws of Physics and Chemistry, and having an empathy towards business and commerce is something she did not mention. And who sacked Shoesmith, so she could claim damages beyond belief. It is making these sorts of mistakes that stop progress!
Fox has a dream (@41:00): where the PM has an unprecedented level of ambition for this country ….
If only! I don’t think anyone heard that properly … but I am sure a load of dosh is being piled up for a post election announcement.
John birch @ March 31st, 2015 – 15:15
Had it been me I’d have felt very pleased to hear that he was called Albert and not Abdullah.
I have always considered most immigrants as a threat to my security
Sigmund Freud
Lucien Freud
Solely Zuckerman
Edward Stourton
Sandy Gall
Harry Selfridge
Joanna Lumley
Edward de Bono
And of course Boris Johnson’s Dad
I had to chase down to town prior taking my 5pm nap, on BBC Radio 4 a bunch of dim-wits were pontificating about man made climate-change, when one of these loving the sound of his own voice speaking in garbled metro speak said ” it depends on the ‘PROVISIONALITY.
I switched the radio off.
You obviously forgot the Miliband and the Straw peres, first water weasels both.
Frank P – 14:20
Yes, the British Legion, and the Barnabas Fund.
I’m glad you mention the Barnabas Fund, RobertC
EC @ 12:36
You right, EC, Baron likes it, too. The guy’s diction beats that of many professional politicians, and is he articulate.
Frank P @ 13:55
Baron has no view on the lecture, Frank, he boycotts the BBC, but from now on he’s the buyer of Exxon/Mobil petrol, and said so on the James’s blog.
Come on, telemachus, it’s a strawman argument, you should do better than that.
Not many here are against immigrants per se (Baron’s one, and the poorly educated Slav cannot be treated any better by the coffeehousewall crowd), but against uncontrolled, massive immigration, and one that lets in bad people, bad because they milk welfare, or commit crime. Simple, really.
David Ossitt @ 19:02
And serves you right, too, David, for listening to the anointed BBC tossers, you should listen to Classic FM instead – soothing, politically unattached, keeping one’s pulse down even though they seem to play the same stuff over and over again.
Anyone watched the England – Italy sparring tonight?
It may be that the barbarian expects too much of the boys, but everyone in the white shirt looked scarred, sheepish, unadventurous, kicking the ball mostly back or sideways. If we play like this, we won’t get very far even if we qualify.
There must surely come a time when we begin to build the game around someone other than Wayne, and the Spurs’ guy may be just the ticket, he’s light footed, can think, and seems to have a talent for scoring.
@Baron – 23:27
“even though they seem to play the same stuff over and over again.”
My wife’s perception is that every so often somebody knocks against the desk, spills the pile of CDs and picks them up in a different order…variety is the spice of life!!!
But why oh why do we only ever hear ‘Bailero’ from ‘Songs of the Auvergne’? Are the rest of the songs crap? And that’s just the first example that springs to mind.
Word is that Cameron has intervened to ensure his friend, the foul mouthed slope hating producer bashing Jeremy Clarkson gets back to the BBC in short order
“The BBC have confirmed Top Gear’s £10million live world tour will go ahead next month with Jeremy Clarkson at the helm alongside fellow presenters James May and Richard Hammond.
A BBC Worldwide spokesman said they will fulfil the series of gigs which have already sold 200,000 tickets worldwide”.
QUOTE “The move comes less than a week after Clarkson was dismissed from the BBC for an ‘unprovoked’ attack on a Top Gear producer.”
And as you wake up this day
Please look under your bed
You may find Ed
Reds are no longer under beds, telemachus, but sitting in plush CEO offices in fake charities, EU contrived “agencies”, taxpayer subsidised “campaigns”, ministry departments and council offices throughout the land, running courses to encourage mediocre civil servants to “lead beyond their authority” or gathered round programme planning tables at the BBC. Or posing as respectable leaders of HM Opposition.
There is you, an obvious hard line communist, embedded within and waving Labour’s red flag, peddling bien pensant socialist rhetoric but spiritually one with the fascist goons of the SWP and UAF.
Much amused to hear George Carey in the excellent Storyville George Blake documentary talk of communism “crumbling” when the Berlin Wall came down. It never “crumbled” but merely shape shifted and slithered out from under its stones to wage war on freedom by other means. The whole of Western government became April’s Fools in 1989. The grown ups were gone and the naive, indoctrinated children of hippies and duffle-coated socialist protestors – useful idiots and agents of influence alike – were coming into power.
But it took another eight long years before the forces of reason could begin to reverse the extremes of Josephism which had thrown many poor on the streets, alienated the Scots forever and all but annihilated our industrial base
And then it needed a Tory born front man to get the changes through the criminal lethargy of the Establishment
It was our good fortune that a great leader then came to embed egalitarian values back into our society and greater misfortune that Lehman blew in to allow interruption of reasonable administration five long and painful years ago
Fortunately the very alienation of the Scots induced by the extremes of Josephism will ride to rescue the project of reasonableness giving a true socialist sheen on the next administration which might otherwise succumb to a Mandelson tendency
telemachus is buoyant
The sun is about to shine
ACPO was abolished yesterday;(no joke).It has been replaced by the National Police Chief’s Council.It’s appointed head is Sara Thorton–ex Chief Constable of Thames Valley (another site of a muslim-child-rape-scandal).She is to receive pay and perks significantly greater then the head of ACPO.
Item on Times free preview page.No other news info. (scource;EDL)
Could this be a story for the first day of the forth month?
If not, God bless him (even though the man looks as if he’d be hard put to just remember a couple of names).
@telemachus April 1st, – 05:22
“Word is that Cameron has intervened to ensure his friend,”
Whose word? Yours? Although I guess it’s appropriate that you choose to use today as an excuse to get away with peddling your innuendo-laden tripe.
Were that so, how would I be able to tell the difference between him and the other cockroaches already nesting there. And talking of beds, does the time of your post indicates you shit yours?
telemachus @ 08:12
You are sure you were facing in the right direction, telemachus, when you penned this twaddl e?
When the end of last century, the beginning of this one will be written about in books historical, there is no doubt whatsoever the guy will remembered as the most ruinous individual ever to be in charge of this country. He and his lucripetous wife have done unimaginable harm to the most precious commodity a country possesses – its communal cohesiveness. It is this that makes up a country, he destroyed it, turned Britain into a nationwide M&S, a place to earn a living for anyone from anywhere in the world who cares to travel up up here.
How many of the newcomers would take up arms to defend Britain if the need arose? Baron reckons the vast majority would be on the way home at the first sign of any trouble.
Frank P 1st – 11:06
“does the time of your post indicates you shit yours?”
Doubt it…it’s all he exudes anyway…whatever the orifice. 🙂
A small part of the voice recording of the German Airbus 320, puzzling to Baron, can anyone interpret?
Btw, apparently, the plane did send an SOS signal (it was initially reported, the the reports disappear), was preparing for an emergency landing, dropped fuel (hence no explosion when it hit the ground, the tanks were empty).
Malfleur, where are you when we need you?
Sorry, here’s is the small part ….
Peter from Maidstone
March 31st, 2015 – 09:19
Just one of the reasons I never give to the huge so-called charities.
Ostrich (12:15)
Quite so; in fact a review of my knee-jerk reaction to Citizen Smith’s comment is really unfair. It was an insult to the poor cockroaches who have done nothing to deserve the comparison and I shall attempt to get down on my knees and apologise to them later.
They at least are a product of countless aeons of native forebears of this nation, unlike the brain-washed/damaged little runt to whom he refers, who is desirous of propagating his immigrant subversive papa’s Gramscian inspired dream of a land fit only for Marxist apparatchiks and KGB thugs – and a dumping ground for the rest of Europe’s dross. The useful idiots (like the early riser above) have already ensured that those plans have already been largely implemented, so even a moron like theMilibrat shouldn’t find it too difficult to exploit the already malleable sheeples into voting for the lunacy.
But the nation has lived through worse and has prevailed; it will rise again after another generation of decay that is imminent, when the mist clears and the dormant spirit of the old bulldog awakes. Perhaps … ???
Nah – you’re right WF! IFYF,WAFF! (Copyright SRM)
Turncoat Scott Ott the PJTV TRIFECTA Defector!
😯 Shock, HORROR! Hard words here!
The mouth-full-of-marbles muppet, Miliband minor, is surely the most malign and ill-equipped political prospect ever to vie for the keys to No.10? Can’t think of a worse one of any political stripe in my lifetime – and considering that the list includes Neville Chamberlain, Ted Heath, Michael Foot and Jeremy Thorpe that’s saying something. The fact that it is odds on that he will succeed is surely the most damning indictment against the political theory of ‘democracy’.
UKIP MEP calls to change name of German Measles to embrace spirit of European harmony and let bygones be bygones.
~~~~Breitbart:1st April.~~~~
Politically Correct people from the three main parties have secretly agreed to introduce legislation requiring that during Ramadan, all restaurants in Britain must remain closed during daylight hours in order to avoid causing offence to Muslims.
Radford NG @ 16:19
Easy to spot, this one, Radford.
Herbert Thornton @ 16:45
As above at 17.03, Herbert.
EC @ 15:57
This is seriously good, witty, buy equally transparent, EC.
What an accurate analysis:
Our Political Class Is Insane: The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum
I was waiting for the last of the winter Warner. Excellent. How about this for dessert:
Britishwings is getting lower and lower. The BBC is in the cockpit and refusing to listen to anybody. The mountains are getting closer and last week the plane took another dive with the firing of Jeremy Clarkson.
The last word on that is in a piece called “Clarkson’s Way” at:
It really is shame making to read that ‘British subjects’ have been arrested on the Turkish border en route to fight as islamic terrorists. The even more shameful British police have released them on bail. These are not British subjects they are fu**ing rubbish!
Herbert Thornton
April 1st, 2015 – 16:45
Proof please. I hate the bastards, but still provide proof as this is rather far-fetched, even for ass-crawling PC pricks!
Frank P 00:26 Excellent
I saw Bakewall recently on TV and she was spouting the most dreadful lefty tripe – almost a parody of some thawed out cryogenic hippy. Old Trout indeed. The years have not been kind to her but teamed up with Glenda Jackson and Toynbee no producer of the Scottish play need ever worry about how to cast the three hags.
And in the years to come, when those three harpies of the left have shuffled off their mortal coils, the junior trio of Powell, Reeves and Berger can take up round the cauldron:
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. Labour spin and Labour lies, weave the spell for pig that flies”
Mind you, after teaming up with the wasters of mumsnet to censor the internet with his Great Firewall of China Cameron has some nerve complaining about interfering busybodies.
Rather good:-
and in a “really stick it to the Labour scum” style that I appreciate. Just wish the whole country would follow suit but the treacherous Fifth Column is now too big and too well established in their propaganda/coercion.
So, it will probably require war at some point.
anne wotana kaye @ 08:24
Have a look at the date, anne, does it hint at something?
April 2nd, 2015 – 10:18
Thanks – I really am a dingbat!
anne wotana kaye – 10:21
Don’t beat yourself up, Anne. HT’s comment wasn’t really that far-fetched, considering the intimidation of shopkeepers etc. that is already going on in the “sharia controlled” parts of London and our other cities.
Not new, but witty:
Colonel Mustard (09:15)
🙂 🙂
Thing is though, Colonel, of late in reflective mood as my numbered days diminish, I’ve been retracing my steps and wondering what our ilk could and should have done to avoid the pretty pass we have now reached?
I’ve sadly come to the conclusion that because of myriad tributaries of happenstance, the answer is nottalot!
The determinist theory of all things looks more solid by the day. Our species is the victim of the collective failings and foibles of all its subjects; we all exist within a much greater fuck-up, which none of us either individually or collectively can, nor ever will, understand – and because we can only actually experience what has already occurred, it’s always too late to do a damn thing about it, except view with hindsight, aghast, and wish that it just wasn’t so. It was all ‘written in the stars’ long before our own brief appearance in the Big Game and we must all exit in the way of all flesh, by fire or as food for other organisms and so on ad infinitum.
Thus, I don’t decry those who delude themselves into other possible scenarios, but having been lucky enough to at least be granted a fairly comfortable front seat at the pantomime by the seven blind bastards of fickle fate, have also acquired, in the Great Scheme of Things, a perverse sense of humour that somewhat alleviates, for most of the time, the pain of my own decay and of others I love. It also gives me immunity from not only my own stupidity but the various stupidities my fellow travellers.
So keep on truckin’ and don’t let the bastards wear your down. Most importantly, please continue to describe the foibles and idiocies of the adversaries, with your inimitable, sanguine flair for words, thus keeping the like minded happy and Nick, aka tellytwat, struggling to provoke and respond: thereby exposing the stupidity of the sinistral forces of which he is also a hapless advocate. Such is life!
April 2nd, 2015 – 10:44
Alas, you are correct. I have become very vulgar, but when I look at the fecal matter pouring into this country it is a natural reaction.
Watching his performance on Daily Politics it is apparent just what an arrogant cnut Tristram Hunt is.
The dogmatic ideological bore Hunt, a privileged champagne socialist, is going to be bad news for British education. The Heir to Crosland no doubt.
Very ‘telling’ that the communist party scumbag invited to peddle his tripe on Daily Politics stated that they would not contest Labour party seats in the General Election.
Birds of a feather. Vote Labour get Communists pretending unconvincingly to be something that they are not.
Detest them all, whatever they call themselves.
Has Ed Miliband a deformed head or is it just that he goes to a bad barber?
Colonel Mustard (12.36)
Agree. He also has even more maniacal glint in his eye than that smooth old bon viveur, Crosland, who certainly had much to answer for, but regrettably never did. Nevertheless, the worms that consumed him could GAF and Twistwam will be equally satisfying when the time comes, no doubt.
Perhaps when they screwed up his nose job his cranium genes went awry in protest? The thought that the ugly, deluded twat may well have his hand on the nuclear button ere long is very disturbing. Not because he has the balls to press it when necessary, but because he will bottle out when that inevitability arrives quite soon, as Western ‘diplomats’ cede more and more to the conniving mullahs. Let’s hope there is an awakening coup d’etat here, before the shtf!
Frank P
April 2nd, 2015 – 13:19
Frank, I fear the SHTF is already in place.
It was nice to see Tristram make mincemeat of Murdoch placeman Brillo
Morgan has made some inroads into the damage Gove wreaked on education
But dear Tristram will have his work cut out for a couple of years reversing the Educational Social Darwinism entrenched in the system
PS I hope someone asks Farage about schools tonight. He will probably propose Baker days to get teachers up to speed
Brillo made mincemeat of the arrogant poseur. Hunt was memorable only for his relentless faffing waffle and rudely talking over everyone else. Every response to Brillo’s probing questions was an ideological generalisation of inconsequential waffle faffed out at a speed greatly in excess of his own bowel movements. A constipated Class A bore who will wreak havoc on the education system.
Starry eyed telemachus the slimer has no wit to see beyond membership of the Labour party and elevation by preference and privilege to the shadow front bench as the determinants for genius.
“He’s an ugly little spud . . .what we have here is what we call a non-repeating phantasm, or a class-5 free roaming vapour, real nasty one too”
As I indicated above, you can’t help it, but you were born with many unpleasant characteristics, including gullibility, envy and ideological stupidity. Notwithstanding culpability – fuck off anyway, as you are the only cyber-blemish on an otherwise amenable facility.
Peter. can’t you channel his incontinent effluent in EC’s proposed Lubywanker dungeon, where we can visit it occasionally and abuse him as an entertaining distraction, but at our pleasure rather than his? 🙂
AWK 2nd, – 13:03
“Has Ed Miliband a deformed head or is it just that he goes to a bad barber?”
We-ell, if the contents of said ‘ead, attached to Ed, are deformed, I suppose it’s difficult for it to take up what would be considered a normal shape? 🙂
Ostrich (occasionally)
April 2nd, 2015 – 18:36
Gotcha, mate!
anne wotana kaye April 2nd, 2015 – 10:21
“Thanks – I really am a dingbat!”
Well I for one do not think that you are a dingbat but if you are then you are our much loved and respected dingbat.
Sorry Frank
But I am contemplating
Charismatic Racism?
A female dragon with no fire
An evil ugly Antipodean
A Yellow wishy washy Sheffield has been
A passionate Dynamo Lady
A sincere understated Leader of Men
telemachus is salivating at the upcoming ITV extravaganza
Telemachus April 2nd, 2015 – 19:31
For heavens sake BUGGER OFF, till after the election.
OK David
“Holborn fire: Cause of blaze remains ‘unknown’
5 hours ago
Firefighters are still unsure what caused an electrical fire that forced the closure of a road in central London
The blaze is continuing to burn under the pavement and more than 35 firefighters and six fire engines are still at the scene in Holborn.”
Imagine if this fire was under the feet of the seven dwarfs in the so-called debate. What a tragedy!
The Times has a headline:
Christian massacre in Kenya terror attack
Surely, it’s:
Christians massacred in Kenya terror attack
Muslims massacre Christians in Kenya terror attack
telemachus, you might be salivating (sliming), but you are also transparent.
It is very clear that you and your bolshy comrades are already trying to cook up a nasty deal with the Scottish national socialists to impose more misery on the whole country.
You know that you are not going to win outright so the only chance for your “power by any means” is to jump into bed with the party which you have been at each others throats with in Scotland, the party which your party empowered to break up the UK, in a nasty, slithering, underhand deal to shaft the English taxpayer. That is why you keep sliming about with your daft buoyancy boasting.
Put a sock in it. It is puerile, risible and, given your party’s supposed stance during the Scottish referendum, deeply duplicitous and disgusting. Nothing to boast about, something to be deeply ashamed of.
It will be great if I turn out to be wrong, but I incline to say “Fat Chance” –
Kenya today, the LSE, Bradford or Manchester tomorrow?
RobertC @ 20:15
Breitbart knows how to write a headline:
Would that be the work of Obama’s family, by the way?
In the TV election debate Cameron and Miliband came out about even;depending on which media outlet is viewed.
Meanwhile Osbourne borrowed another £17millon;
And the National Debt went up by £12million.
In a Survation poll Nigel Farage came top on all the points asked;especially on immigration.
~~~~(Scource:UKIP home page)~~~~
UKIP on the National Debt:
Ruling Caste falls back on attacking Nigel Farage for saying 60% of those diagnosed with HIV are foreigners who are each costing the NHS £25,000 for treatment.
Not all Guardian readers are outraged by this.
Correction to above: criticised
Correction again:
Wonder what the viewing figures were for last nights charade.
Me? Masterchef and new tricks on drama.
Suspect it was only interesting to political wonks.
Great performance from Nigel Farage last night – when he was allowed to speak. Hackneyed cliches and weasel words from the rest.
And crack on Austin too. 🙂
A complete waste of two hours of Baron’s life (less few minutes of Nigel’s exposure of the truth), and he hasn’t got that much of it to fritter away. Never again, it’s been UKIP, it remains UKIP.
Baron – 10:40
I watched the “highlights” this morning.
I have no mercy, therefore I would dispatch Nicola Sturgeon to Pyongyang, along with that mad Aussie woman and the smug Taff. ASAP!
A cruel and unusual punishment for all four of them!
As an example of how cretinous our country has become, this on sunnation’s review of the ‘debate’:-
“The Ukip leader said 60% of people diagnosed as HIV positive in the UK each year were foreign nationals, and tried to say the NHS should only be focused on British people.”
He said and tried to say no such things.
‘Government’ by naff TV ‘talent’ show? Is this the level to which a once great empire has descended since socialism first seriously got its blood-soaked hands on the levers of power here
in 1945?
The resultant seventy years of educational decline, ceding of sovereignty, destruction of culture, heritage, traditional religion; dilution of the stock, has diminished us to the point where the agitprop media now calls the shots and the so called ‘politicians’ jump to their tune by submitting themselves for appearance in a freak show?
What is that whirring sound I hear? Ahhh! it must be the bodies of those delineated in the statistics of this link, spinning in their grave and regretting their ordeal and sacrifice? And the ghost of WSC hovers over the land with a sad grimace.
The Wankocracy of Westminster should hang its head in deep shame.
The link:
Simultaneously and appropriately, over in the land of the cuckoo clocks, the representatives of the dregs of Western Civilization ceded to the Mullahs of Islam in ‘negotiations’ over whether we should agree to them continuing with their ambition to impose a new Islamic Caliphate globally by acquisition of nuclear weapons – and help them finance their aspirations with Western money. According to the Mulatto Muppet in the Oval Office that is a ‘big fuckin’ deal’ and a fitting legacy to his stint as ‘Leader of the Western World’. And worthy of 7th billing on the 24 hour news cycle of the MSM in the UK.
Today I expected we might get a sanctimonious, preachy admonition of the Communist-Methodist persuasion from the resident slimer.
He must be tired after cheerleading for his two muppets last night.
While I detest what’s going on In the muslim world, I have to have some respect for their actions.
If we had any where near their commitment we could have sorted this out long ago.
They don’t care about hearts and minds, they see it as weakness.
Over whelming power is the only thing they undestand and we should have used it years ago.
The Iranian deal fits well into the messiah’s intention to promote things Islamic, and to either destroy Israel fully, or at least to get her to her knees, back a separate Palestinian state. The man must be more than half Muslim.
There already is a disagreement of what has been agreed, the American issued fact sheet talks about a 2/3 reduction in centrifuges, gradual relaxation of sanctions, the Iranian Foreign Secretary says sanctions will be lifted immediately, centrifuge based research will continue.
EC @ 11:08
This sounds rather mild, EC, but the substance of the punishment appeals. Perhaps, stripping the Scottish lassie naked, placing her in the middle of a bog when the midges are in full season would do the trick. So Scottish, too.
It seems the election may elevate the pink Millipede to No 10 with the help of the Scottish, Welsh and Irish cumrades. That should go down very well with the English.
Ms.Sturgeon seems to have been `bigged-up`in the media and on twitter;but then when the BBC did it’s poll for the hundred greatest Britons a Scottish University organized a `write-in`to get *James Clerk Maxwell*included:and quite right too.Le Grande Boris should commission a statue of him for the empty plinth in Trafalgar Square,and let the Scots Natz stuff that up Braveheart’s kilt.
Anyone eager to join the new campaign of the enlightened?
Radford NG at 15:50
He was certainly a great Scottish Physicist and mathematician, even though what most people think are Maxwell’s equations today are actually Oliver Heavyside’s differential form of Maxwells original and frighteningly complicated maths, which simplifies them enormously! (When I say simplify, I may be overdoing things a bit though!)
Baron at 16-13.
Maybe Vladimir the Shirtless.
Cameron: I lied about cutting immigration.
Tory press (Fraser Nelson, Alister Heath et al): He lied about immigration. But, get this. It’s OK he lied about cutting immigration because actually the UK needed more anyway. So how can you complain?
To summarise: Cameron is a proven liar who wants to be elected off the back of more lies: that there is a ‘recovery’, that he will have a referendum on the EU this time, no really, this time, that he will halt mass immigration, no really, this time.
I just can’t keep up with the lies, the ones told in the past and the ones we’re being sold about the future. No matter what the mouthpiece, it’s just all lies.
I didn’t see the debate, but I am loving the fall-out from it. I think the UK really has decided it’s the beginning of the end for ConLab (Lib’s dead already). Amen to the end of the Unholy Trio.
Britain’s ‘huge green spaces’ means immigration is NOT too high, says ex Labour minister
The LabCons will have to keep spinning about why immigration is good because it is not about to stop any time soon.
It cannot be stopped unless Britain leaves the EU, neither of which those parties will support.
And the numbers will keep coming. They are pouring up throught Africa and the Middle East into Libya. From thence to Italy or some other nearby shore. The Italians and Greeks and so on quickly give them a passport to get rid of them. And then, thanks to freedom of movement, they can go to the country with the most generous benefits system: the UK.
This is not the past (as if that weren’t bad enough). It’s the future.
Whatever mass immigration Britain has had in the past, it is going to get in the future. It is the square root of immigration. It is mass immigration squared. That’s what’s coming. Labour and Tories will not stop it and that’s why they all keep spinning about why there’s more room for immigrants. Or claim Britain needs immigrants.
And where’s it got the UK so far? Mass paedo rape epidemics in towns too numerous to list, suidice bombers on the tube and heads cut off in the street.
And no-one is talking about that in the MSM.
Radford NG @ 17:06
Baron cannot open the site, the system says iot doesn’t exist, Radford.
While the septet of residents manqué of No.10 babble on about ‘austerity’ and how they would impose it or abandon it, if elected, it is perhaps timely to once again study what our enemies, both external and internal, have in store for Western Civilisation; then reflect on how far they have travelled since this document was produced in 1991:’s-strategic-plan/
How come the words Islam or jihad did not fall from the lips of any one of the game show contenders last night?
Found this today
one could ask why the fuck they havent been doing this since the E111
I have often wondered at the Daily Mail’s decision to outcast Melanie Phillips and – as we approach election time – my long-held theory is this.
Unable to win the 2010 election, people like Michael Heseltine and Kenneth Clarke, both Bilderbergers, both the sorts of people who really run the Tory party behind the scene (the euphemism is ‘big beast’) and therefore run the country behind the scene, must surely have had a word in Paul Dacre and Lord Rothermere’s ear: we cannot have too many like that around in the MSM if we are ever to win an election again.
And off she was outcast to The Times, amidst whose army of Blairite Cameroon writers she is treated like a leper.
And from there, I saw headlines beside her name not seen in the Daily Mail: ‘This UKIP revolution is permanent’ was one I thought, yes, she wouldn’t be allowed to write that in the Mail. She’s only allowed to write it here because there’s so much bien pensant drivel to cancel out. Here, she is a token Cassandra, not taken seriously by Times editors or Times readers.
So, despite her popularity, why was she outcast from the big-selling mid-market paper (only Peter Hitchens is now left as a non-MSM thinker)?
I believe it boils down to this performance on Question Time.
Sat beside Bilderberger Kenneth Clarke (effictively putting your head in the lion’s mouth), she gave the best two minutes of television political commentary we have seen in the past five years under this appalling government.
And it is this, I think, that led to Kenny and Mikey whispering in a few people’s ears.
Melanie Phillips BBC1 Question Time TV debate, 7 March 2013:
‘Mr Cameron has made a tremendous rod for his own back, because he scorned UKIP as a party of – what was it? – “closet racists, loonies and fruitcakes” – rather like we’ve been hearing from members of the audience this evening.
‘And the problem is that since very, very large numbers of people who always used to vote Conservative have the same kind of views about immigration, about the EU, about human rights, about traditional values of one kind or another – Mr Cameron basically insulted his own core vote.
‘He insulted the vast majority of Conservatives.
‘And as a result, conservatives have felt for years – true conservatives – first of all, totally disenfranchised because their so-called “Conservative Party” had actually decided it had to become left-wing in order to gain power.
‘And not only did they become disenfranchised, but they became subjected to the kind of insults that we’ve heard from members of the audience, in which people who have a perfectly reasonable point of view, that while immigrants are going to add greatly to the value of the nation, there has got to be a limit. You cannot have everyone coming in.
‘That there are genuinely profound reasons why British people might want to retain democratic control over their government, rather than cede it to the EU.
‘These are legitimate points of view. You may disagree. You are welcome to disagree.
‘But to call people [as David Cameron did]: “scaremongering, racists, disgusting”. This is why… It is this vilification of the point of view of ordinary decent people in their millions which is what Mr Cameron has managed to achieve.
‘He’s managed to tell his core constituency: “I don’t want you on board, because I think you are disgusting! You backwards men. You conservatives. I’m going to turn this into Not The Conservative Party.”
‘And look where it’s got him. And it serves him right.’
And what has happened to the immigration debate since Christmas when election campaigning begun?
Look at how the MSM closed that down. ‘Narrow it down to two or three issues and fill the pages and the website pages full of drivel about those.’
Where’s the debate about David Goodhart’s book gone? Where’s The Spectator debate on immigration.
‘No. We don’t do it like that in the three months before a General Election.’
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?
And, yes – it serves him right!
Frank P – 20:16
News from around the world is the same, and has been the same for many years, whether it’s Nigeria, Iraq, Israel, France, Australia or now, Kenya:
Brutal reality sets in for Kenyans after ‘senseless’ massacre at university
As the world reacts to tragedy, a nation mourns and struggles to come to terms with deaths of loved ones murdered during 12-hour siege staged by al-Shabaab
“Emergency response staff described scenes of carnage with bodies piled three-deep in parts.
Salias Omosa, a 20-year-old education student, described the attackers as a cold and calculating bunch who seemed to delight in their grim mission.
“‘We don’t fear death; this will be a good Easter holiday for us,’ the attackers were shouting in Swahili, then shooting their guns,” Omosa told AFP.
Hundreds of kilometres away in a small town in the hills of the Rift Valley, Fred Musinai was struggling to come to terms with the loss of his daughter.
“When Elizabeth called, I tried calling back, but she was not picking,” said his wife, Rose Nafula. “I am a Christian. I knelt down and prayed hard as per her request asking God to spare her life.”
But it was not to be.
“He said: ‘She is already gone – you just pass the information to your president,’” Musinai said, recounting the words of the gunman who relayed news of his daughter’s death.
“It was so traumatising for us as a family, and we pray that God will liberate us from these terrorists.””
When are we going to come to terms with it?
When will our leaders acknowledge that we cannot just be liberal about it, treating it as cultural enrichment? It just won’t wash anymore.
The perpetrators all read the same book, have similar cultures, the same contempt, not for our culture, but for who we are?
We see it in Rotherham, Oxford, everywhere we see it, eventually.
They do not do it because of their own failings, but because of their desire to conform to their pious leaders agenda, the complete destruction of what we call civilisation.
Six of the seven leaders last night showed a complete lack of awareness that it is important that we remain a country, with our own sovereignty, with hope for the future.
Without that, what hope the world? There is so much low level stuff that could be done (alexsandr @ 20:59 is just one small example!), but our current ‘leaders’ are living on another planet.
Absolute panic on the decks of the Shariagraph and Daily Mail.
There have been days of ‘Sturgeon wants Red Ed in No 10’ – ooooooh! Are you scared enough now to vote Tory?
That didn’t work. So today the Shariagraph reports that ‘Sturgeon wants Cameron to remain prime minister’!
What irrelevant gibberish. She might do a deal with Ed. She might to a deal with Dave. Yes, so what? What’s new? We’ve just seen the Tory party do a dodgy deal for five years of coalition. Dave will do a deal with anyone can keep him in power. He’s a xxxxbag.
But why does it absolve the Tory party of despising its own voters? All the straw man nonsense won’t work any more.
And the MSM are spinning against Farage’s comments on health tourism and HIV. He has said that before. It was not part of some ‘shock and awful’ strategy. That is pure Lynton Crosby spin.
The MSM can’t deal with the fact that this point was extremely popular, so instead of putting words into their own MSM mouths to slag off Farage, the spin is ‘Look, Farage’s own team knew it was distasteful to say such a thing. We’re not slagging off Farage ourselves. Who? Us? The MSM? No. No, it was a UKIP “insider” told us that it was part of “shock and awful”‘.
Was it bollxxx! It was an old comment reiterated by Farage and you’re so scared to slag him off because he won the debate, you’re pretending UKIP ‘insiders’ had called it distasteful, not you. Because no one trusts you any more.
Now, why is that, MSM?
And RobertC, these stories have dropped right off the news agenda since Christmas, because it might remind the voters of, er, what was it happened in the UK now, er, uhm, something to do with mass rape and head slicing, I think.
Goodness me, I’ve a memory as bad as an MSM mouthpiece.
RobertC – 23:53
There are currently just two posts under the article, both foreboding which, for the Guardian, is not the usual response.
RobertC – 23:53
“World leaders condemned the killings, with Pope Francis describing the deadly rampage as a display of “senseless brutality”.”
It is brutal, but not senseless. It is part of a plan to destroy Civilisation.
Is the Pope lying, or is he stupid?
He maybe giving himself, and others, time to come up with a plan.
Then again, what are they waiting for?
I don’t know if I’d endorse every line of this commentary/satire on the US, but boy is it funny (only an extract) – to be honest, where is it not relevant?:
Weimar America
The economy declines, jobs leave for other climes, the petroyuan looms, college graduates crushed by debt find no work, the middle class shrinks, and the young begin to live perforce with their parents. Times of diminishing expectations are dangerous.
City after city joins the ranks of the bankrupt, semiliterate, corrupt black Bantustans which by honest naming would be called Lower Third World. Their culture is utterly alien to that of Eurowhites.
Across the open border to the south pour huge waves from the Latino slums, less alien to Eurowhites, less hostile, but nonetheless threatening to form yet another country within a country. The Third World proportion of America closes rapidly on a full third.
Despite desperate attempts to impose multicultural harmony, experience shows that widely disparate peoples who do not like each other do not enjoy happy endings. My country ‘tis of three, sweet land of dystrophy….
America can no longer be called a democracy. The Constitution recedes in memory. Congress and the Supreme Court amount to nothing.
Washington rests uneasily in the hands of a half-mad clique of geopolitical illiterates, warlike misfires playing dangerous games like little Kaiser Wilhelms in a sandbox.
Presiding over the city is Septimius Severus, Bokassa III, a negligible politician from Chicago who doesn’t like whites or understand European norms of government. He will keep the borders open and civil liberties in retreat.
A sort of insanity rules, warning of stress building along many political San Andreas faults waiting for the Big One.
A pathologically aggressive United States bombs countries almost at random while little boys are dragged from school in handcuffs for pointing a finger and saying “Bang.”
Girls suffer from bulimia and anorexia, lunacies nonexistent in psychically healthy societies. A crack-brained feminism makes cockamamie circuses of the universities.
Bastardy runs at a perilous thirty percent among white women, verging on cultural disintegration, and seventy percent among blacks. The epicene young grow in sheltered, meaningless hothouse-suburbs, never having worked, baited a hook, been in a schoolyard fight, or existed outside of a feckless bored helplessness.
From the cellars come prancing homosexuals, men in dresses and panties, the surgically altered inverts and sadomasochistic hobbyists.
The high schools are become drug markets, differing only slightly from the middle schools. Life is a cabaret, old chum, here in Caligula’s bedroom.
Life becomes interesting
Pete Wishart has stated that a condition for SNP support in the event of a hung Parliament will be Miliband stepping down in favour of Andy Burnham
Tellytubby @ twenty-five past ssven.
Ah. So the scots think mid stafford was a good thing then?
Spin it as you will
The facts indicate the pivotal role of Andy in exposing this disaster
“July 21: Health Secretary Andy Burnham announces there is to be a second independent inquiry into the failings which led to hundreds of deaths at the hospital.”
so tellytubby. you think burnham can carry being leader f the labour party when every PMQs starts with comments about mid staffs?
make no mistake, if he is leader he will have far more scrutiny than he does now.
That would be the chancer Burnham who on QT gave a public “cast iron guarantee” that there would be no coalition or formal agreement with the SNP.
Ignore the slimer. It is just another silly sliming provocation contrived to get a rise because he knows how much Burnham is detested around here.
“Looking at the witness statements it is difficult not to reach the conclusion that Burnham is guilty, at best of incompetence, at worst of gross negligence. He paints a picture of his position in the Foundation Trust approval process as that of a rubber stamp, a simple cog in the mechanism, expected to pass on the recommendations of those below him without applying even a basic level of scrutiny.
“Just how little scrutiny he thought was necessary beggars belief. He recommended Mid Staffs for Foundation Trust status on the back of just four lines of evidence, which don’t even make reference to quality of care. In fact in these four lines the only positive thing said about the Trust is that it has a ‘can-do’ attitude.”
“Former Health Secretaries Andy Burnham and Alan Johnson ignored 81 requests for a public inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust in the two years after it was first warned of poor NHS care, it has emerged.”
“The Department of Health was handed three reports raising concerns about the quality of care in some parts of the NHS in 2008. The reports for Lord Darzi, a former health minister, found targets were being met at the expense of patient treatment and identified a culture of fear among staff afraid to raise concerns. These documents were only made public in 2010 as a result of a freedom of information request by Policy Exchange, a think-tank.”
“Having already ignored 81 separate calls for an investigation into practices at the Trust, Hansard records show that in 2009, Andy Burnham and indeed most of the Labour party voted against a Public Inquiry into the Mid Staffs scandal.
“In early January of 2010, a memo (exposed by a freedom of information act by Tory MP Steve Barclay) sent by one of Burnham’s junior Health Ministers to a senior boss at the CQC called for the report into Mid Staffs “to be careful about its language” and “given the political environment” Labour and Burnham wanted the report to be “largely positive”. Only a few months out from the General Election, an already desperately unpopular Labour Government would have been put to the sword at the ballot box had a negative story of this scale dominated the news stand.
“Professor Sir Brian Jarman, of Imperial College London described the Labour health team as a “Denial machine” in a report for the Government published a few months ago, where he found 13,000 excessive deaths in 14 trusts since 2005.”
Trust tele to be a good little schoolgirl and support the two-party propaganda machine when the LabCon cartel feels the heat.
The SNP will do this with Labour, so vote Tory. But that fearmongering hasn’t worked, so it’s ‘The SNP will do a deal with Cameron, maybe he’d be more rough with her, eh?’
The Daily Mail is pooing its nasty little panties today:
“Is this the most dangerous woman in Britain? Nicola Sturgeon tells Red Ed: ‘We’ll call the shots now’ as it’s claimed she would rather see Cameron win election”
But a lot of the comments aren’t feeling like the sky is going to fall on their heads at all. Paul Dacre plays that card way too often these days. Here’s a choice one:
“Stevoid, Cameronia, United Kingdom,
“A LOT of comments based on horror of the spectacle of Scots having an active role in the running of the United Kingdom (which they were founder members of remember). But do NOT blame the Scots for that which the English set in place, for it is us here in the Shires who have created this cosy little duopoly and permitted SS Gravy Train to sail up the Thames every few years. We have the same voting system as Yemen and Zimbabwe, and it was NOT the Scots that created this! The Scots actually have a healthy, representative, sensible system of proportional representation that guarantees inclusion for all the people who vote. ENGLAND’S chosen system guarantees the disregard of millions of votes in every single constituency in the country. So there’s no point whining that the Scots are playing our game by the rules we imposed on the pitch we own in the season we dictate. Now you have these facts – its up to you how you deal with your self destructive rage. Personally, I’m voting UKIP.”
Hansard, 18 May 2009, on the motion for a Public Enquiry
Ann Keen (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Health):-
” . . . we believe that a public inquiry would, at this stage, obviously be very time consuming. It would add little more to our understanding of what happened and distract the new management and staff from improving the quality of care for local people, which we so want them to do.
“Public inquiries can be an important mechanism independently to establish the cause of a problem or a disaster, and I can understand that there are many who consider a public inquiry into the events at Mid Staffordshire to be appropriate and necessary, but in this case, even Sir Ian Kennedy, who we respect so much and who chaired the public inquiry into the tragic events at Bristol royal infirmary, has said that he does not feel that one is necessary.”
(Kennedy was Chair of the Care Quality Commission – CQC – formed in April 2009)
Noes to the motion included:-
Burnham, rh Andy
Keen, Ann
Alan Johnson, Secretary of State for Health at that time, was absent during the motion and has largely avoided being drawn into the scandal. Burnham replaced him as Health Secretary in a cabinet re-shuffle a month later.
There is no doubt that both the refusal to agree to a Public Enquiry and the replacement of Johnson were made for party political purposes. Brown knew that time was running out and that a General Election would have to come in the next 12 months. The setting up of a Public Enquiry into Mid-Staffs would bring Labour and the Health Secretary under more scrutiny in the months leading up to a GE. Refusing the Enquiry and appointing a new Health Secretary who could deploy plausible denial in the event of any further awkward revelations was a typically sly contrivance by Brown.
Kennedy and the CQC were subsequently implicated in the Furness Hospital scandal which originated in 2004 when in 2012 the new Chair (under the new Coalition government) instigated an independent investigation and report. This report concluded that the CQC had quashed an internal review that uncovered weaknesses in its processes” and had allegedly “deleted the review of their failure to act on concerns about University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust.” One CQC employee claimed that he was instructed by a senior manager “to destroy his review because it would expose the regulator to public criticism.” The report concluded: “We think that the information contained in the [deleted] report was sufficiently important that the deliberate failure to provide it could properly be characterised as a ‘cover-up’.”
The QCC is a box ticking useless quango. Like OFSTED.
We need to find a way of regulating stuff effectively. Too many regulators have ‘gone native’. like Offwat and Offgen.
BBC 23/6/13
Mr Burnham, health secretary from June 2009 until Labour’s general election defeat in May 2010, told BBC Radio 4’s The World This Weekend it was significant that he sped up the introduction of a system for assessing and registering NHS hospitals while he was health secretary.
“That was intended to flush out any problems that there were in the hospital system,” he said.
He added: “In that very clear way, it disproves the allegation I was trying to push away any bad news.”
Please Remember that Andy set up the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health. It was established in 2009 to regulate and inspect health and social care services in England.
Andy initiated the current drive to excellence in health on the back of Gordon’s doubling of NHS resources
The protege of Victoria Nuland and the top choice for a PM after the February putsch in Kiev is on his way out, the Poroschenko’s cabal appears to be in ascendancy in Ukraine.
Do stop trying to cover for Burnham, slimer, he is perfectly capable of doing that for himself.
“In July 2013 The Daily Telegraph stated that Burnham’s staff had edited his Wikipedia page to remove critical material. Burnham’s office claimed that they had removed false statements that had been drawn to their attention.”
“One of his employees has been deleting references on Mr Burnham’s Wikipedia profile, including allegations of ‘ignoring and suppressing information linked to the appalling standards of care’ at Mid Staffs NHS Trust. It had been alleged that Mr Burnham, Labour Health Secretary for 11 months from June 2009, ignored requests for a public inquiry into the Mid Staffs NHS Trust and failings at 11 hospitals.”
He did more than ignore them. As I have evidenced above he voted AGAINST them.
“The deleted Wikipedia passage also says Mr Burnham and predecessor Alan Johnson had both “been made aware of the issues through dozens of reports made by whistleblowers, but chose to ignore the information”, the Mail on Sunday reported.
Another removed excerpt claims Mr Burnham was accused by a campaigner whose mother had died of failing to meet grieving relatives at Stafford hospital. The removed passage was reportedly made from computers inside Parliament on July 1st (2013) – this is a breach of the website’s code of conduct, which discourages users editing profiles to promote their own interests.”
It is difficult to conceive of a more duplicitous member of New Labour’s ghastly gang and appalling that given the controversy and doubt about his fitness for the post he is still hogging the Shadow Health Secretary role.
alexsandr @ 11:20
Before the telemachus breed of the anointed appeared the best arbiter, regulator, judge of quality and stuff was the market, people like you, the Colonel, Baron.
You recall Skoda cars of the past? How do you double the value of Skoda? Fill it up with petrol. And yet the Skoda concern was regulated, quality assessed by no fewer than seven bodies with the help of research establishment charged with boosting quality, reliability. longevity …. After the Germans took over when the Red Menace got booted out, the judgment on the car was left with the market. Do note that the people assembling the contraptions were the same, literally the same, not just Czechs in general but the same Czechs who put together the joke of a car before began putting together the new cars.
And so it is with any other segment of human endeavour, the delivery of health ain’t nothing special, of course fatal mistakes will be made (today up to a 100,000 people die in hospitals due to something they were not admitted for), but in the end we’ll end up with the best we can get.
Baron has said it so often before his lips are chipped. The current mode of operation of the NHS will not survive, market forces will be brought in, the free at the point of delivery principle will go, gradually, for specific demands on the service, fully in the end.
Geordie Shaw @ 10:58
Baron fully endorses the sentiment of your posting that begins wit h “A LOT of comments based on horror ….”
The guy’s point about the voting system is valid, we could have changed the FPTP system few years back, not many on this blog were in favour, Baron was for it would have told the electorate that voting systems can change to get the best fit for given circumstances. If we had a proportional system, 15% of the electorate voted UKIP, we would have roughly 15% of UKIP MPs. By far better that what we’ll get now. A 15% popular vote for UKIP converted into a handful of seats whilst a 20% vote for (say) the Tories given them hundreds of seats. Fugging madness, criminal madness this.
Colonel Mustard – 12:12
Looking at the election blurb through my letterbox that man Burnham has given the Labour Party candidate for my current parliamentary constituency a ringing endorsement. If that wasn’t reason enough to vote elsewhere, this candidate describes themselves, amongst other things, as “a self-employed community relations consultant.” WTF is one of those when its at home, eh? Where do their contracts come from I wonder, Mm?
I’m voting UKIP whatever, and as UKIP’s election poster declares, “Sod the lot of them!”
Baron – 12:24
alexsandr – 11:20
“You recall Skoda cars of the past? How do you double the value of Skoda? Fill it up with petrol. “
Way back when, there was another joke about accepting a lift in a Skoda/Lada that went something like, “you’d feel slightly less embarrassed climbing out of a sheep.”
Can’t think who that one was gently targeted at 🙂
… but now probably classed as Hate Speech under Harridan’s Equality Act, 2010.
The confected hoo-hah over Rab Nesbitt’s mouthy little sister has deflected attention away from the real threat to the Westminster Wankoracy – UKIP.
Like EC – and any other rational thinker, though the outcome of the GE will probably be a mess, I’m now sure that the only way for a true English patriot to vote is for UKIP and see how it shakes out in this ludicrous lottery. Perhaps it will at least be the start of something, in the unlikely scenario that it isn’t already too late to save our country.
Please be careful
There is an election coming up
I will redress the balance for you
For the benefit of skoda drivers we have to declare the following:
These jokes aren’t to be taken seriously as if you are a skoda driver you have bought a very practical car. These jokes represent the old skoda and by no way the new improved version of our favorite brand
We also want to hear about your skoda. Take the oppurtunity to tell us how great your skoda is
BTW – I acknowledge the fact that Dellers coined that wonderful description of the current Westminster cabal – the Wankocracy! A wonderful neogolism that should be tattooed on the forehead of each one of them come the revolution.
How very droll – now fuck off!
Hmm. There seems to be a few new foul-mouthed anti-UKIP trolls at the Speccie lately.
The trouble with all the scare stories now is that they’re all so inconsistent. The MSM just thinks ‘ that didn’t work, try this’. I can’t tell what deal we’re supposed to be more afraid of: Sturgeon with Cameron or Sturgeon with Miliband.
And the ‘business leaders’ were trotted out the other day to order the public how to vote. Peter Hitchens gave them short shrift in a post mid-week:
And you add to all this spin that the economy is going nowhere, but – no, wait – it is! Gideon fixed it all for you in the Budget two months before the election, so rest assured you can trust him for another five years. Phew, just in time, Gideon. Don’t count your wages folks, look at Gideon’s lovely charts. Feel better?
And this time, really this time Theresa May is going to kick out jihadists and lower immigration. What absolute toss. She’s just a wretched spinning pest. Why is she scooping up jihadists in Turkey to return them to Britain? It’s this sort of back-to-front thinking that makes her such a shambles. When she finally rouses herself to do something, it’s to re-import jihadists we were just about to wave goodbye to!
And that’s her prospectus for the next five years! Go away, Theresa, you were less harm when you did nothing. Don’t write another stroke of that bloody pompous ministerial pen before you kill another Lee Rigby by re-importing terrorist filth. Theresa May – she’s the most dangerous woman in Britain.
EC @ 13:08
Good selection, EC, some of them Baron heard for the first time, the ingenuity of the common man of wit is truly boundless.
EDL march and speeches in Oxford town today.Photos etc.:
The case of the Rochdale Muslim Family currently in Turkey: The chief of the local police here says: “We have commenced an investigation to try and establish their reasons for travel and as this is a live investigation – which is very much in its infancy – we are not in a position to comment further”.
Could someone explain why the police should investigate a family travel plans? Why should it concern anyone where a family wants to travel? Some of us seek the sun, others prefer skiing, obviously this family finds it attractive to visit a place where thugs cut throats, burn prisoners alive, shoot many publicly.
The family must have known all of this, it was all over the radio, printed MSM, TV broadcasts. The elders in the family are gown up people, free agents, they should be allowed to go wherever they want, we should be free to prevent them coming back.
On the BBC Radio 4, in the ‘Any Question’ programme the question came up ‘what shall we do when they come back’. The consensus amongst the four anointed panelists was ‘to punish the farther, if crime was committed (sic), take great care about the children’. A woman called Angela (Labour) was bleating for some minutes about how we should ensure they are ‘de-radicalised’, how the the ‘society’ should ensure they are put on the right track, the kids helped to appreciate the values of our culture, to revisit something called ‘Prevent’ strategy ….., well, essentially a heap of platitudes one expects to hear from the PC brainwashed tossers in charge.
She also said ‘the Muslim community should work with us …’ Why the division of ‘us’ and ‘them’? Aren’t we supposed to be a nation of a shared value system, an entity that subscribes to the same principles, standards of behaviour, moral codes worked over centuries, slowly, often at high cost of treasure, human lives?
One doesn’t have to buy the Full Monty of UKIP policies (Baron doesn’t), but if the Nigel’s lot can help to purge, dump, eradicate this political dross, could anyone with any brain left fail to vote for them?
Radford NG @ 15:13
Also, Radford, there’s a planned demonstration today in front of Number 10 by the Pegida movement (their cousin, the anti-fascist crowd, will be there, too). Nothing of this has been mentioned in the MSM here, Baron has learnt about it from France 24 TV Channel. Funny that.
Colonel Mustard @ 13:38
Revealing links, Colonel.
“In my experience’, says the PC infused, rainbow Finan, ‘the great people of Bradford embrace tolerance reject intolerance’.
Pity, he didn’t tell us whether under his definition of the tolerance is also the grooming, intimidating, raping of young girls by Muslim gangs.
Coverage of Oxford march at the (biased) Oxford Mail:scroll down for comments.
Porn sites must have age checks, say Conservatives
er. most do already. its US law.
ITV leaders’debate watched by 7 million.
[Also scroll down ITV page for story;`Charity Commission demand Joseph Rowntree Foundation stop funding islamic group Cage`.]
Note in respect of the “anti-fascist” counter protest in London that the usual suspect trolls at the Speccie have been suspiciously inactive this afternoon!
Radford N G 15:38
Scrolled down for the comments and found this for groups supporting the UAF counter march:-
Oxford and District Trades Council
Ruskin UCU,
Banbury GMB No1,
Oxfordshire UNISON Health,
Oxfordshire Fed NASUWT,
PCS DWP South East Regional Committee
Oxford City Unison
Oxford Peoples’ Assembly
Oxford CND
East Oxford PPC for Labour Party, Green Party, and Trade Union & Socialist Coalition (TUSC)
The Oxford Peoples Assembly is organised and supported by:-
Anti-Academies alliance
Left Unity
Morning Star
Association of Indian Women
Muslim Council of Britain
Black Activists Rising Against Cuts
National Assembly of Women
British Muslim Initiative
National Pensioners Convention
British Pensioners & Trade Unions A.A.
National Unemployed Workers Centres
FFS. The Shire is well and truly f***ed.
Read Deler’s article here:
Farage’s Remarks On Health Tourism Are Very Offensive Explains HIV-Infected Health Tourist
… then this brilliant post, which was added under the article:
“Frankfurt 13 @ 17:40-ish
I’m pretty certain that if I asked an HIV infected health tourist baker to bake me a cake with the slogan “HIV infected health tourists are a massive drain on the NHS” and they refused, the court would not find in my favour.”
Religious bakery owners refuse to bake a gay wedding cake; liberal media yawns
Guess why!
Radford 3.38pm
There is a serious point here
Hundreds have condemned the EDL’s attempt to hijack the suffering of Oxfordshire victims of child sexual exploitation to stoke up racist hate against Oxford’s Muslim community.
Spreading racist lies was one of the tactics used in Europe in the 1930’s and ended with the Children of Israel being sent to the camps, with millions of “undesirables” – political opponents, mentally ill, Roma, dissenting clergy, and LGBT murdered too. We must not et the racists divide us.
Thinking about David Miliband, who, very wisely, has declined to campaign for his treacherous brother, I wonder whether he would prefer Labour to win, or for Ed to lose.
If I were in his shoes, being the selfless, compassionate person I am, I would want Ed not only to lose, but to be thoroughly humiliated as well. I would want him to be kicked out as “leader” and airbrushed from history. But maybe David M. having left these shores, has no interest in the election.
Although I detest her politics, I must say that Nicola Sturgeon has far more force and charisma than Ed and CMD. She wiped the floor with the pair of them.
This is about the future of our country
Not petty family squabbles
The best man won in a fair contest in 2010
David lacked the steel, the resolve and the wit
He was shown to be weak
Hell, yes
There he is again (19:42) wafting around The Wall like the miasma created in a morgue by the last farts of ten cadavers.
Frank P – 20:55
Do you know of a good vermin controller? 🙂
I wish I did. Rat Catcher doesn’t seem to convey the seriousness of the problem.
telemachus@April 4th, 2015 – 19:20
lets see what happens to the rag bag of lefties in oxford today when the muzzies take over. Gays chucked off the bodlean. the rest of em made to pay for the privilege of living in a caliphate or wiped out like the christians in Iraq and egypt. beheadings at the bridge of sighs. And while girls used as sex slaves, even infants abused by thighing like mo did to aishia.
and will all be Labours fault.
Frank P. 20.55
Brilliant Frank! Thank you!
A timely article:
David Cameron’s curiously sanitised Christianity
“Perhaps the truth [irony is present!] is that it’s OK if you say you’re a Christian, but you still shouldn’t appear to believe too much more than anyone else does, sticking to stuff about turning the other cheek, rather than the things about God doing stuff. Like raising his son from the dead. That kind of stuff is a bit awkward, so best leave it out. Though of course, the more you talk about something, rather than shuffle away awkwardly from it, even if you believe it to be true, the less weird it becomes.”
The great unpsoken story at this election (and previous elections), the seats controlled by the Mulsim lobby and their postal votes and so on:
Muslim group with links to extremists boasts of influencing election
A group suspected of being a front for Islamic extremists claims it can control as many as 30 seats in the general election and boasts of acting a “kingmaker”
The Afzal Amin story about using EDL marches to ramp up Islamic community budgets has been unbelievably neglected.
This was a Tory candidate out to rig an election in his favour and it’s been swept under the carpet like a bit of hair on a barber’s shop floor.
These people work night and day – night and day, 24 hours a day – to cream off taxpayer money, to seize influence through the law, through lobby groups, they simply never, ever stop. And they’re just being given a free pass.
And I never, ever take at face value EDL representatives or ‘Britain First’ representatives. They all come across like MI5 and special branch undercover officers who’ve completed their Common Purpose training and want to climb the ladder by proving they’re ready to incriminate – via entrapment- innocent people by luring them into staged riots.
Some of them must be genuine people but unless you can truly tell, the first assumption must be you’re speaking to special branch, the paramilitary wing of the LibLabCon cartel.
These taxpayer funded officers simply have no business being near legitimate political debate but they are there to engineer bad publicity and entrap people. The UK is a lot closer to China than people realise.
Propagandist-posing-as-satirist Quentin Letts had nothing critical to say of Camoron’s election campaign this week. Just a jolly hockey sticks thumbs up for the energy of Mr Slippery:
“Then: wham! In came Cameron. He was moving at the velocity of a ball of mashed potato catapulted off a schoolboy’s fork. He made such an athletic leap on to the podium, he nearly overshot it.”
But when he went to see UKIP, out came the smears. I am all for open democracy, but it is because of UAF (LibLabCon stooges) members turning up and causing trouble that UKIP has held some meetings privately.
Any argy bargy at these meetings is used to smear UKIP, the EDL and so on. So people learn. And they don’t let outsiders in to everything because it’s easy to turn things into a bun fight Paul Dacre can use to smear you with, instead of the troublemaker.
“Up close, the Ukip circus is not so cheeky or charming. Two security goons, telephone wires sprouting from their ears, lurked at the doors of the Coastguard pub under the White Cliffs of Dover. They barred us from hearing what Nigel Farage was saying to the electorate.”
Peter Hitchens on Mr Slippery’s security:
“Can you remember when you last saw a major politician heckled? These days, audiences are screened to prevent it and offenders are dragged from the hall by heavies, as poor old Walter Wolfgang was when he dared to shout ‘nonsense’ – quite accurately – during a speech on the Iraq War by the then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.
“And it is nearly incredible to note that, in quite recent Election campaigns, party leaders faced daily unscripted press conferences from an unvetted crowd of uncontrollable reporters.
“These events had almost vanished at the last Election (I think David Cameron gave three in the entire campaign).
“Entry to them required security vetting. Most of those who attended were members of the Parliamentary Lobby, that mafia of mutual flattery in which politicians and journalists eat so many lunches together that it becomes impossible to tell them apart. [Fraser Nelson, Camilla Swift, Isabel Hardman, in fact most of that crew of toe suckers posing as independent journalists – Hardman fell in so much with the Tory party they asked her to be an MP for them]
“Informal questioning is also discouraged. Back in 1992, Neil Kinnock (a gentleman when all’s said and done) had to rescue me from the clutches of his aides, who fell on me in large numbers after I tried to ask him an unwelcome question on his way out of the hall.
“On the final evening of the last Election, I attended a tightly controlled meeting addressed by Mr Cameron, hoping to get in a question about his astonishingly lavish parliamentary expenses, still largely unknown to the public.
“As he left, I slipped alongside him to pursue the matter but was shouldered brusquely aside by his muscular police bodyguard, who knew perfectly well that I was no physical threat to the Tory leader but took it on himself to guard him from unwanted queries.”
There’s a funny side to this election, which is how much propaganda is being spewed by an MSM in total panic and a LibLabCon cartel that can no longer compute how much it is hated. Despising the voters was their monopoly, what will they do now they are hated back?
But this sort of thing is going on eight days a week and once in a while you hear about it:
‘Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend) has built links with both parties – and been chosen as an “official partner” by the Electoral Commission for May’s poll – after claiming to promote “democratic engagement” by Muslims. However, it is actually a facade to win political access and influence for individuals holding extreme, bigoted and anti-democratic views.
‘Labour’s shadow equalities minister and vice-chair of its national policy forum, Kate Green, spoke at a Mend event last Friday addressed by a man, Abu Eesa Niamatullah, who has called British people “animals,” demanded that women should not work, attacked democracy and said that “the Creator is the one who should decide what the laws should be.”
‘Baroness Warsi, the former Tory chairman, also spoke at the event.’
If you haven’t got the message about LibLabCon, please, please, take note – and circulate. It ain’t that funny any more.
I am so sorry for copy and pasting again from the same article, but Jxxxx, fuxxing hexx. These people have got the wind in their sails and the Press are off their backs because there’s an election on and no-one’s allowed to talk about th number one issue: immigration. Well, here’s your blxxdy future:
Mr Ismail, a tax avoidance millionaire worth a reported £65 million, told the Bolton meeting how the group had organised to “batter the Israeli lobby” in the Commons.
Referring to the election, he said: “Right now, we are negotiating with the Labour leadership, we are negotiating with the Tory leadership and insh’allah [God willing] will start with the Lib Dem leadership as well, where we have a list of manifesto pledges.
“The Muslim vote is worth ten ordinary votes because… we are heavily concentrated in a few areas [and we have 35 Khans living in every house but on holiday in Pakistan should you call to check on that postal vote head count],” he said.
“Anybody who can give any one party 10, 20, 30 seats, like we can, they have to listen to you.”
How Ed Milliband got to be Leader.
The ballot was:Ed Milliband 50.65% \ David Milliband 49.35% [losing by 0.66%].
There were three voting colleges each of which had one third of the vote.The percentage of the vote for each candidate was:
———-MPs\MEPs…….Labour Membership………Affiliates
Affiliates are Trade Union members,Fabians and members of a rag-bag of ethnic and `gender`groups.
By the by in the first round the voting was:
Diane Abbot…..7.42
A feeble, anti-UKIP article:
Nigel Farage: Not un-Christian to stop treatment of foreign-born HIV patients
UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said his criticism of ‘HIV tourists’ is not at odds with a Christian attitude and that Christians should put their countrymen before immigrants
And it didn’t mention the worries from within the Tory Party:
Ban on HIV positive immigrants entering the UK proposed for Immigration Bill by Tory MPs
“Conservative MPs have been accused of trying to change the law to ban foreigners with HIV and Hepatitis B from living and working in Britain.
Nearly 20 Tories backed an amendment to the Government’s controversial Immigration Bill which would have required anyone coming to settle in Britain to prove that they were not HIV positive.
The amendment was backed by several senior Tory MPs including Graham Brady, chairman of the powerful back bench 1922 committee.
The amendment was introduced by Dr Phillip Lee, the Conservative MP for Bracknell who is a former doctor. It was also signed by Dr Sarah Wollaston, a former GP.”
You would have thought that those MP doctors might have some idea of the situation.
A huge Muslim problem: Inbreeding
Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first cousins.
This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world, since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.
The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health. According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan, the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%. The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia , 64% in Jordan , and Kuwait , 63% in Sudan , 60% in Iraq , and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar ..
According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.
The risks of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher, and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor.
Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages. (Similar effects were seen in the Paranoiac dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.)
In Denmark , non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army. Sennels says, “The ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world.” He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of what Greece alone does.
In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book. Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to succeed in the West. “A lower IQ, together with a religion that denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies.”
Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the “Peace Prize.” According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10 percent of the world average when it comes to scientific research measured by articles per million inhabitants.
In Denmark, Sennels’ native country, Muslim children are grossly over represented among children with special needs.
One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education, and anywhere from 51% to 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps in Copenhagen have an immigrant background. Learning ability is severely affected as well. Studies indicated that 64% of schoolchildren with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant dropout rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.
Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness.
The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of patients in Denmark ’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background. The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, “One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.”
Sennels concludes: There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. This has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences.
Bottom line: Islam is not simply a benign and morally equivalent alternative to the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Sennels points out, the first and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims.
Simple Judeo-Christian compassion for Muslims and a common-sense desire to protect Western civilization from the ravages of Islam dictate a vigorous opposition to the spread of this dark and dangerous religion. These stark realities must be taken into account when we establish public polices dealing with immigration from Muslim countries and the building of mosques in the U.S.
Surely its time politicians and believers of the various strands of fairy tales recognised the vileness and danger of this cult and worked together to counter and ultimately eradicate it?
teletubby – I hate to engage with you but two points (1) you can’t be racist against a belief system and (2) money spent on ovens would be a waste in dealing with Muslims, we need some form of fatal contagious illness but refuse to help them research a solution. Perhaps letting Ebola run riot but withholding the treatment from Muslims would be a good start.
Of course, they could always ask the world’s leading research scientists in Israel to help them ……………
Clear Memories
Did I misunderstand the Easter Message
Cousin marriages have been legal since henry viii set the rules.
But they are rare. I found one in my family tree jn the 19th century.
The difference is that we dont have cousins marrying, having kids then the nexg generation marrying cousins again. Thats when it gets dangerous.
Peter (call me Nick) Hadjinikos at 06:00 (!) said:
Did I misunderstand the Easter Message (no question mark in the original).
I’ve no idea if you did or didn’t. How about explaining your interpretation of it so that those of us with more wisdom can shoot you down in flames?
Clear Memories at 04.22
In Britain 55% of Pakistanis are married to first cousins.
75% of Pakistanis come from Miripur in the foothills of Kashmir,20 miles from the Indian border.They are to be found in the Pennine towns such as Rochdale.It is claimed they are controlled by their clan chiefs over whom the ignorant clerics have little power.
The Bangladeshis (as in Tower Hamlets) come from Sylhet in the North East corner of Bangladeshis.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Immigration:the best and the brightest?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Immigration)…how undiverse it is….from peripheral rural areas. This immigration is not of the`best and brightest`,nor is it`diverse`… the party leaders assert.It is mush less diverse then the internal immigration in the sob-continent into Karach,Bombay or Dacca.~~~~~~(Source;eurofacts)
For full article go to link below and scroll down to:`volume 18 No.8;19 April 2013`.
As I have said before PfM can examine IP records and confirm I have never ever posted from Richmond or anywhere near
It is my understanding that the Risen Lord preaches forgiveness and love inconsistent with the 0432 message
Does the Easter message include turning a blind eye to lying?
At the other place you wrote (about Farage):-
“Like the targeting of immigrant communities
And his proposals to deport migrants who get ill with HIV etc”
Those lies are as much incitement to hatred as anything else. So don’t strut and crow on your moral dung heap, slimer, because you are as debased and divisive as the rest of your crew.
There is a difference, you see, between actual behaviour, the doing, and the saying – or in your case the boasting – of moral superiority. You and your stinking party do much of the latter which is belied by the former. You live in a sort of one-upmanship tra-la land where you think that what you say is all that matters. That what you actually do and the consequences are exempt from moral judgement and can be conveniently ignored as you demonise and lie about those who refuse to conform to your orthodoxy or in pursuit of the power you crave.
You might not be as extreme as ISIS but you are cast in the same cultish mode of complete intolerance to real cultural and political diversity. Every time a UAF or Hope Not Hate mob screams abuse at legitimate political opinions that they disagree with they are channelling ISIS, just not quite so far down that road of hate.
You and your gang are a clear and present danger to truth, love, democracy, freedom, choice and tolerance.
So no pious lectures about the Easter message thanks.
The vile Archbishop of Canterbury is a craven coward as well fits a Mischling. I am not a Christian, but if I was I would find his words and his very person an Abomination.
The Archbishop of Canterbury
Christians should resist persecution without violence, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is set to say in his Easter Sunday sermon.
12 minutes ago
From the section UK
Full article Easter sermon to recall martyrs
Lynton Crosby is on a hotline to the island of Sark and the Rothermere mansion.
The Mail and Torygraph just get dirtier and nastier. First, we have a memo, the contents of which all the participants deny, but which neatly detracts from UKIP. Neatly enough, by the time the enquiry is over, the election will be too. It’s all part of a fill-the-pages with SNP narratives strategy only someone in a coma couldn’t see through.
And today in the Mail, ‘Sam Cam’ opens her heart! Well, I never. Why today? Why not after the election? What could you be up to ‘Sam Cam’?
Pixx poor.
Why not record the details, including religion, of all victims, and perpetrators, if they have one, of all hate crime?
Attacks on Muslims will become specific hate crime, say Tories in bid to establish full extent of Islamophobia in Britain
How do they manage to mention Lee Rigby without even considering that there are muslim perpitrators:
“Charities say there has been a steady rise of anti-Muslim hate crimes since 9/11.
But after incidents such as the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby outside Woolwich barracks in 2013 and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January, there are spikes in incidents in the UK, say experts.”
Unbelievable anywhere but in Britain!
And remember lefties hate religion.
(But they dont hate islam. which is mysogenistic. funny that)
A.W.K. at 10:51.
Yes, it gets difficult to turn the other cheek when your head is no longer attached to your body.
anne wotana kaye – 10:51
“AoC: Christians should resist persecution without violence”
He is only borrowing the MoD’s strategy and the FO’s strategy, but not the DFID strategy.
Policies such as Theresa May’s plan are because Muslims control – outright – at least 30 parliamentary seats.
They lobby day and night and can get what they want. The only way to stop it is to vote for something similarly strong: UKIP or Liberty GB.
As more and more sharia law beds down and more and more privileges are handed to Muslims, people will realise they have to turn to something like Liberty GB.
Isn’t it amazing that this creature May has the nerve to utter filth like this?
We are all what Medhi Hasan calls ‘kuffr’ and ‘dhimmis’ now – and it’s the traitors like May who are worse than the usurpers.
Funnily enough, I always thought Melanie Phillips’ stage play was very instructive. Its title? Traitors.
Always, always when you get attacked from the front by Islam, look behind you to see who threw you in front of the bus: LibLabCon, Common Purpose, the police, the security services, Agenda 21, Bilderbergers and so on.
To them, you’re just meat. Lee Rigby-style collateral damage. Shed a few crocodile tears and then back to fellating the Muslims. And if Theresa May doesn’t want to fellate them herself, she’ll make jolly well sure the children of Rotherham, Oxford and all those other towns will do it instead.
Throw them under the bus, eh, Theresa?
Ominous. Reportedly, Obama is attempting to compile a register of all firearms that are privately owned by his current armed forces servicemen. No prizes for guessing why!
Bill Whittle
Clear Memories @ 04:22
A superbly informative posting, Clear Memories, thank you. Baron was aware of the problem caused by consanguineous marriages but the short but concise expose of yours wraps it up convincingly. You are aware that our society is not entirely free of it, of course, Darwin (the Wedgwood clan) is often quoted as an example.
As we plough through the mud and misery of today’s seemingly relentless decline; here’s a chance to at least contemplate the possibility of something higher and indeed more profound than what we do or even can know:
Gerard VdL reprises his hardy Easter perennial:
with this as an accompaniment perhaps?
Enjoy your Easter folks (but gird your loins for the battle to come).
Clear Memories @ 04:22, and this:
Baron’s fully behind Sennels when she points out the ‘first and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims’. Here, the barbarian endorses telemachus’s take on things. No gas chambers, no ebola for him either.
The poorly educated Slav will never be convinced people of any skin colour, race, religious orientation or whatever are inherently evil, predisposed to evil, born evil. What’s evil is the creed, ideology, religious beliefs …..pumped into them.
The Muslim unwashed should be de-chained, set free of the creed, helped to re-join the human race of the 21st century. It would only boost the world gene pool if they stop marrying first cousins, mix with other DNA, a must if we, as a mankind, are to engineer another step up function in scientific cum technological fields, our best tool of survival. Even if this pool enrichment is only another four (former Muslim) Nobel Prize winners. Every little helps, as the Tesco guys are telling us.
Baron – 13:19
+1, or even +1000
Baron (13:19)
“The Muslim unwashed should be de-chained, set free of the creed, helped to re-join the human race of the 21st century.”
Yes. But remember the old saw “You can lead a horse to water…”
The last decade plus; many $b & £b; not to mention oceans of Western and Muslim blood have been wasted trying that. If you’re waiting for evolution to arrange it, you’re on the wrong horse and are offering the the wrong water. Neigh, neigh, me old China.
Sometimes the knacker’s yard is the only place for a dangerous old war horse that bites the hand that feeds it and kicks the feeder in the bollocks.
Bang! Destination glue factory!
As for Tesco – have you read their balance sheet lately?
As far as I’m concerned – fuck Jack Cohen’s legacy; every Lidl helps!
Frank P. 13:05
Hell fire Frank, that was good (both links). Well posted.
Frank P @ 16:53 & 15.69
You at your best, Frank, how TF do you do it, the barbarian’s green with envy. Every Lidl helps, arghhhh?
Here’s the clue why ew haven’t succeeded in the post common sense era, we never finished what we began. Example of how it should be done from the times we still had the guts – Japan: two nuclear blasts – awful, barbarous, quarter of million Japanese perished, followed with hanging few warmongering types, new constitution, several years of direct occupation, and voila, the country has never threatened anyone since, lives in peace, enriches us with trinkets we enjoy.
And if you tell the poorly educated Slav the Japanese DNA’s different from that of the Allah worshippers, well, ask few of our boys who tasted the behaviour of the former as war prisoners, recall the legions of kamikaze pilots is it that different from suicide bombers?), the young women jumping from Okinawa cliffs holding babies ……
If we did in the countries we’ve invaded in the last decade or so what Sisi’s doing in Egypt today, things may be different. No nation, however powerful can win a war if it’s a lawyer in Cal. who pulls the trigger on a drone flying over the lands of the mad, religiously mad in our case.
… and MArk Steyn’s message, Baron, probably neatly conflates both of our key arguments: (a) that we are cattle-trucked (my thesis) and inevitable will come to accept it ( yours, I infer). Can you argue with that, considering the lack of resolve of our ilk, the resolve of the heathens +the exponential demographical shift? I think not!
Sorry we were over-speaking each other’s posts there. But to address your Nippon comparison; I’m sure you remember there was one big difference in that conversion: one very BIG difference (and deference). As I recall the famous last words of the Mayor of Hiroshima (circa 1945) “W.T.F was THAT!!!!” … I wonder what the Mayor of Mecca would say? No, don’t tell me, I can guess: “Allahu Akbar – bring on the virgins!” 🙂
To which Allah might have to reply, “Whoops! Not enough to go round, effendi, you’ll have to go two’s up on some College Campus bints from Miami who got ganged banged to death at the Spring Break.”
Sorry I forgot to post the link to Steyn’s Easter message:
The Daily Shariagraph has spent years salivating over the success of Singapore. But because the Shariagraph sponsors Islamic finance conferences in London attended by London Mayor Boris Kemal, that ‘newspaper’ fails to explain what the political architect of Singapore’s success, Lee Kuan Yew, put it all down to.
What follows is the words of Lee Kuan Yew:
‘I started off believing all men were equal. I now know that’s the most unlikely thing ever to have been, because millions of years have passed over evolution, people have scattered across the face of this earth, been isolated from each other, developed independently, had different intermixtures between races, peoples, climates, soils… I didn’t start off with that knowledge. But by observation, reading, watching, arguing, asking, and then bullying my way to the top, that is the conclusion I’ve come to.
‘The Bell curve is a fact of life. The blacks on average score 85 per cent on IQ and it is accurate, nothing to do with culture. The whites score on average 100. Asians score more … the Bell curve authors put it at least 10 points higher. [He’s wrong here, it’s about 3% and that applies only to North-East Asians] These are realities that, if you do not accept, will lead to frustration because you will be spending money on wrong assumptions and the results cannot follow.
‘And now in America itself, after 30 years of experimenting with the Great Society programmes, there is widespread crime and violence, children kill each other with guns, neigbourhoods are insecure, old people feel forgotten, families are falling apart. And the media attacks the integrity and character of your leaders with impunity, drags down all those in authority and blames everyone but itself. The key question is: “do you make the Hispanics Anglo-Saxons in culture or do they make you more Latin American in culture?”
‘Multiculturalism will destroy America.
‘How does the Malay [Malay = synonym for Muslim] in the kampong find his way out into this modernised civil society? By becoming servants of the 0.3 per cent who would have the money to hire them to clean their shoe, open their motorcar doors?
And this is a quote from the WikiLeaks website:
Lee Kuan Yew responded that orthodox Islam was a powerful force capable of recruiting volunteers for terrorist groups. He noted Singapore’s experience in 2001 and 2002 in dealing with Jemaah Islamiyah’s terrorist plots in Singapore and characterized Islam as a “venomous religion.”
The problem of Islamic terrorism would not be easily extirpated, observed Lee Kuan Yew.
‘Other communities have easier integration – friends, inter-marriages and so on – than Muslims… I could say, today, we can integrate all religions and races, except Islam. If, for instance, you put in a Malay [Muslim] officer who’s very religious and who has family ties in Malaysia in charge of a machine gun unit, that’s a very tricky business.
‘If you don’t include your own women graduates in the breeding pool and leave them on the shelf, you would end up a more stupid society… So what happens? There will be less bright people to support dumb people in the next generation.
‘Equal employment opportunities, yes, but we shouldn’t get our women into jobs where they cannot, at the same time, be mothers…our most valuable asset is in the ability of our people, yet we are frittering away this asset through the unintended consequences of changes in our education policy and equal opportunities for women. This has affected their traditional role … as mothers, the creators and protectors of the next generation.
‘Had the mix in Singapore been different, had it been 75% Indians, 15% Malays and the rest Chinese, it [the Singapore success story] would not have worked.’
You may agree or disagree with Lee Kuan Yew, but why does the Daily Shariagraph not tell the whole story?
Don’t tell me, not telling the whole story is their stock in trade?
Steyn: ‘The rise of Islamic imperialism teaches a cruel lesson – that culture trumps economics, always.’
Hear, hear. You can see them all over the UK driving BMWs, huge houses, one of the 7/7 bombers had 125,000 in loose cash at home. The more power and money they get, the more spiteful and nasty they get.
Geordie Shaw
April 5th, 2015 – 18:59
Geordie Shaw
April 5th, 2015 – 18:59
Yes indeed – and things have got a lot worse since Lee Kuan Yu said it.
Not just the American civilisation, but civilisation in most of Europe including Britain is in rapid and probably irreversible decline.
The main exception to that is, I believe, Russia.
Frank P 5th, – 16:53
“You can lead a horse to water…”
The last decade plus; many $b & £b; not to mention oceans of Western and Muslim blood have been wasted trying that. If you’re waiting for evolution to arrange it, you’re on the wrong horse and are offering the the wrong water.”
Y’know, Christianity, by the 14th century, had become pretty intolerant. I concede they’d a perfect right to be, having spent several centuries trying to stem the tide of Islam, and still to spend more, but their insistence on orthodox forms of belief led to the Albigensian crusade, the Spanish inquisition, and puritan, non-conformist ‘hellfire and damnation’ preachers perfectly prepared to ostracise those of their own congregations who had erred. Christianity has evolved a bit since then…I think. Perhaps others can.
Why have the 16 and 14 year olds arrested for preparing acts of terrorism been bailed?
Ostrich (occasionally) – 20:18
” Perhaps others can.”
Some do, but they are eliminated before they mislead the rest.
“Lee Rigby’s mother blasts council.They promised me a memorial for Lee at Woolwich,then they said no.” (Source:Sun).Local council where Lee Rigby was murdered refuses to put up a memorial with his name on it.
[The minority ethnic make up of Greenwich is 48%;of the Woolwich area it is 60 to 65%]
The following link is free to view.
Peter from Maidstone
April 5th, 2015 – 20:21
Because the scum is always given bail. The judiciary is corrupt and unfit for service.
Frank P @ 18:40
We were, and we shouldn’t make a habit of it, there’s strength in unity.
And the great Mark? Great, of course, the man’s unbeatable.
Geordie Shaw @ 19:12
But abit of economics is there, too, Geordie, quite a chunk of it, in fact, the oil money. This is what gives them power, what has revived, for the top elites, their centuries long dream of the world caliphate. It’s also their Achilles heel, remove the moolah, they are back to sand dunes, camel racing, and the entertainment furnished by the KOran.
Geordie Shaw @ 18:59
Lee Kuan Yu’s take on the women’s role in the society is spot on, Geordie, but Baron would go further. Breeding is the only job we humans ought to do well because it’s our future, we mess up, we are toast as species. Instead of pushing women into jobs for which they are not by nature suited as well as men, we should affirm child rearing as a job equal to any other in society, pay women for it.
Radford NG @ 21:26
The ethnic breakdown says it all, Radford, but Baron reckons the memorial will get erected, even if it has to be guarded 24/7.
Baron (23:41)
” … we should affirm child rearing as a job equal to any other in society, pay women for it.”
You been talking to my other half??
Ostrich (20:18)
I don’t feel that I have to defend myself, my family and my culture and my country against the adherents of the Christian religion, whatever its history. Moreover I am prepared to tolerate it and view it benignly, because it does little harm and in some ways much good, though I have never been able to comfort myself with some of the tenets of its teachings because to me they are delusions, albeit in most cases harmless (there have been some disturbing exceptions to that last qualification though).
The exact opposite is true of of Islam and I cannot envisage how it could possibly evolve into a way of life that will improve the culture into which I was born, ever!
I therefore hope, for the sake of my children and theirs – and so on ad infinitum – that the foul cult is eradicated from the face of the earth. Likewise with communism/socialism (and all its euphemisms) which is equally both baleful and baneful. I fear that my hopes will be in vain because of the nature and frailty of man.
You are of course entitled to your optimism, which given the history of Islam from inception to now, is generous to say the least; good luck with it, but I fear it is misplaced. Sad to disagree with you because over the years I have enjoyed your wit, wisdom and mordant musing; adjudged you to be a good man. I doubt there is time for either of us to put your optimism or my pessimism to the test, so WTF? 🙂
“A devout Christian has launched an appeal against an employment tribunal which found she had ‘bullied’ a Muslim colleague by praying for her and inviting her to church
Victoria Wasteney, 38, says she was branded a ‘religious nutcase’ when she was suspended from her job as a senior occupational therapist, after her colleague Enya Nawaz, then aged 25, accused her of trying to convert her to Christianity
Her lawyers have now submitted a challenge to an employment tribunal, arguing that they broke the law by restricting her freedom of conscience and religion – enshrined in article nine of the European Convention of Human Rights”
The Mails Crusade against Islam will fail just as for all of its violence and destruction, the Albigensian Crusade failed to remove the Cathar religion from Languedoc
Frank P 6th, – 00:53
“I don’t feel that I have to defend myself, my family and my culture and my country against the adherents of the Christian religion, whatever its history.”
No indeed, Frank, but between 4 and 6 centuries ago you probably would have felt so.
I’m only suggesting that the ‘Sand Dancers’ are a much younger religion, and that they may well have matured into something moderate and acceptable once they have 2014 years of experience under their belts.
Admittedly that presupposes that Western Christianity ‘grows a pair’ and refuses to let itself be snuffed out by to the ‘horde in black’, as it did during the Crusades and the centuries immediately afterwards.
I think it’s pathetic that it now accepts the ‘atrocities’ done in its name by Richard with its head meekly bowed, instead of considering that Islam only got into Palestine (and beyond) in the first place by forcing the conversion of whole tribes to the creed of the paedo or putting them to the sword, and that the crusades and afterwards were a right and proper defence in kind, using the only language that Islam understands.
Meanwhile, the European Convention on Human Rights and Blair’s simulacrum thereof are twisted and distorted to the sole advantage of Muslims, as we read again today in the case of an NHS worker disciplined for ALLEGEDLY trying to convert a muslim.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 08:31
In Britain, Christianity has been overtaken by Marxism, Socialism, Multiculturalism, Corporatism, call it what you want, it isn’t Christianity.
For an example, this is the NUT at work, in our schools:
‘Promote gay relationships as positive in school,’ teachers say
The government should be forced to portray gay relationships in a positive light
And the Churches have been taken over, worshiping Climate Change, as if the climate never changed, having contempt for England, as if it wasn’t the Church of England!
While we have a treasonous Government, Christians need to keep their head down and consolidate:
This Culture War We Are In
Some local intel highlights the deceit:
Christian students at Kenya’s Garissa University foretold massacre
Malfleur @ 00:45
This chap Yarosh is on his way out, he’ll die in a car accident, will jump out of a window, but he doesn’t know it yet.
The fighting in Ukraine is between the President, Poroshenko who’s aligning himself with the Germans, Kolomoysky (and Yasennyuk, the PM) both coupled to the Americans, and Achmatov who’s in bed with the Russians (but doesn’t like Putin).
The new advisor has threatened to march his two battalions on Kiev if he doesn’t get a say, as an advisor he has either no influence (that’s what Poro wants), or he’ll have a go to take over. Baron’s money on Poro.
Promote gay relationships as positive in school,’ teachers say
The government should be forced to portray gay relationships in a positive light
NUT General Secretary Christine Blower looks a right ugly well-named Dyke. (See BBC Education) If I had a child I would educate him/her at home as the perverts are determined to interfere with the Faith Schools.