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Should insomnia strike tonight here’s an interesting video:
No don’t… mock Sweden, that is, the UK isn’t far behind!
Should insomnia strike tonight here’s an interesting video:
No don’t… mock Sweden, that is, the UK isn’t far behind!
The future will be arriving more quickly than you thought:
Europe opens its door to 75m Turks as price of migrant deal
“Turkey’s 75 million citizens will be given the right to travel to and within Europe without a visa next year after European Union leaders took a gamble yesterday that the country could solve the continent’s migration crisis.”
November 30th, 2015 – 10:30
What a wonderful idea, Robert, the continent’s migration crisis will be solved once and for all. No more Europe, it will become Wogastan!
anne wotana kaye – 10:49
And all those 20th century novels, looking into the future, pictured us visiting strange planets when, all along, we didn’t need to travel anywhere!
With the dilemma over bombing Syria, if we do join in perhaps we should bomb both sides just to make sure.
John Birch
Couldn’t we include Paris – today!??
I rest my case:
Sorry, M’Lud. One more witness just arrived:
Forget the commentary, it’s not in English and, obviously, of no import, but, could you figure what caused this strange accident before the video provides you with the answer?
Few points on Ukraine, another contender Robert’s at 10.30 to join the EU, and by now the largely forgotten friend of McCain, Nuland and co.
The country has stopped buying gas from Russia (no money), has also been cut from supplies of coal from the two eastern ‘republics’ (yup, no money either). Stocks of the former may last through the Winter (with reverse supplies of Russian gas from the EU), if the coming winter happens to be mild, stock of coal should run out within a month.
(Perhaps as a result of it) Three quarters of whatever remains of the Ukraine’s 45mn inhabitants would like to emigrate, preferred destination: Europe (Germany, the UK).
Few weeks ago, four pylons in the network supplying Crimea with Ukrainian electricity got blown up, allegedly by the Ukrainian nationalists. A Chinese company is now installing an underwater cable from Russia to the peninsula to replace electricity supply.
The Ukrainian Rada (the equivalent of the House) put forward a suggestion to lease Crimea to the Americans for 50 years.
Ukraine has thanked the three Baltic Republic for not joining the fight against ISIL in Syria.
You may not be able to read it, but trust the barbarian. The link is a Kiev celebration of the first anniversary of Maidan, some of the placards say ‘let’s get rid of the Jewish pigs’, the speaker repeats it, too, not just once. Freedom of speech?
Ukrainian ornithologists have discovered a bird of the times (for the country in question), suggested it should be adopted as a ‘National bird of Ukraine’. The class Aves creature lives in Cambodia, Thailand, further east and is called Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos. Its beak is in Ukrainian national colours.
All’s well then.
Only seven minutes into the clip the message was clear, EC, (Baron will watch it in full tonight).
Let us hope we’ll never get that far, the Swedes seem to have lost it – shockingly, comprehensively, irrevocably.
RobertRetyred @ 10:30
As Christmas presents go, Robert, this one’s hard to beat for the country as a whole.
You recall the barbarian telling you he knows few Turks? Few days ago, he metone pf them again in the street, he’s growing a beard, his wife decided to go Full Monty on cladding, face included. ‘People are looking strangely at us,’ he says, ‘but it’s not as bad as in Germany’. The downing of the Russian jet he approves, thinks it should happen to other bombers who ‘threaten Turkey’ (fair enough, the Muslim community is tight, we would probably think the same if someone were to invade our territory), but he also says it saddens him it was a Russian plane because the Turks and Russians got on well together. He’s right on this, Turkey was a favourite holidaying destination for the Russian unwashed, and vice versa (the countries are next door to each other). What Baron couldn’t comprehend why the beard, niqab now, it’s not a smart move, is it?
Frank P @ 14:32 & 14.50
The good professor forgets on teeny thing, Frank. Rational argument doesn’t cut anything today, our lives are driven by emotions.
Until the crap of AGW appeared, got picked up by politicians, the ‘opium of the mankind’, the controlling level of those in governance everywhere (it still is mostly in the countries that oppose AGW) was the promise of material wealth, epicurean life-style, consumerism.
In the First World countries, this manipulative narrative has lost its power, people have found having anew car as often as they want, owning 100 shirts rather than a couple, gorging on carbohydrates until their waists bursts didn’t making them happy. A new emotion had to be brought in, that of fear.
Fear the planet will burn, the polar bears drown, and above all their children and their children’s children suffer agony, pain, annihilation. That’s what the Paris jamboree is all about.
Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.
Sorry, it’s controlling ‘lever’ and not level, the fugging software did it once more, plague and pestilence on the wanker who came up with it.
“Obama’s rose tribute to Paris victims”, shouts one of the headlines in the Times.
As a virtue signalling gesture it impresses just fine, yet one cannot help thinking it would be by far more appreciated by any potential victim, if he were to direct the might of the US military to flatten the armed jihadi bastards, punish severely those financing, backing, trading with them, choke everywhere the mullahs preaching hatred.
If he fails to do any of it, he might as well begin growing roses, he’ll need plenty of them.
Baron – 16:26
There will be enough natural fertiliser for those roses in Washington DC.
Baron – 15:40
“As Christmas presents go, Robert, this one’s hard to beat for the country as a whole.”
It isn’t often that turkey and Christmas have a happy ending.
(Thank you for being such a good ‘straight man’!)
‘Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.’
Indeed! Anybody that buys a Prius has to be demented. ☺
Btw. What happened to the “uneducated Slav, shtick? Any more of that Latin malarky and we’ll begin to think you were shittin’ us. 😉
Catch Nigel Farage live in Leeds at 7.50pm.
“Women of achievement?” FFS! This collection of narcissistic hags will not be replacing the Great Pubs of England calendar on my study wall in 2016.
Or should I call them Pubs of achievement in the mutilated language of the insane who live amongst us?
I’m not an engineer myself, but I have friends who are.
No one ever understands engineers.
Comprehending Engineers – Take One
A pastor, a doctor and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, “What’s with these guys? We must have been waiting for 15 minutes!” The doctor chimed in, “I don’t know, but I’ve never seen such ineptitude!” The pastor said, “Hey, here comes the greens keeper. Let’s have a word with him.”
“Hi George. Say, what’s with that group ahead of us? They’re rather slow, aren’t they?” The greens keeper replied, “Oh, yes, that’s a group of blind firefighters. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime.”
The group was silent for a moment. The pastor said, “That’s so sad, I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight.” The doctor said, “Good idea. And I’m going to contact my ophthalmologist buddy and see if there’s anything he can do for them.” The engineer said, “Why can’t these guys play at night?”
Comprehending Engineers – Take Two
There was an engineer who had an exceptional gift for fixing all things mechanical. After serving his company loyally for over 30 years, he happily retired. Several years later the company contacted him regarding a seemingly impossible problem they were having with one of their multi-million dollar machines. They had tried everything and everyone else to get the machine fixed, but to no avail. In desperation, they called on the retired engineer who had solved so many of their problems in the past. The engineer reluctantly took the challenge. He spent a day studying the huge machine. At the end of the day, he marked a small “x” in chalk on a particular component of the machine and proudly stated. “This is where your problem is.” That part was replaced and the machine worked perfectly again.
The company received a bill for $50,000 from the engineer for his service. They demanded an itemized accounting of his charges.
The engineer responded:
One chalk mark $1.00
Knowing where to put it $49,999.00
It was paid in full and the engineer retired again in peace.
Comprehending Engineers – Take Three
What is the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers?
Mechanical Engineers build weapons. Civil Engineers build targets.
Comprehending Engineers – Take Four
The graduate with a Science degree asks, “Why does it work?”
The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, “How does it work?”
The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, “How much will it cost?”
The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, “Do you want fries with that?”
Comprehending Engineers – Take Five
Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said, “It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints.” Another said, “No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous systems many thousands of electrical connections.” The last said, “Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?”
Comprehending Engineers – Take Six
An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship. The artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress, because of the passion and mystery he found there. The engineer said, “I like both.” “Both?” Engineer: “Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go to the lab and get some work done.”
Comprehending Engineers – Take Seven
An engineering student was walking across campus when another engineer rides up on a shiny new motorcycle. “Where did you get such a great bike?” asked the first.
The second engineer replied, “Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike on the ground, took off all her clothes and said.” “Take what you want!”
The first engineer nodded approvingly. “Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn’t have fit.”
China’s Renminbi Is Approved by I.M.F. as a Main World Currency
(h/t Drudge Report)
Noa @ 21:53
Thanks for those…I have sent them out!
A joy! A joy in a dark old time.
Advent Sunday yesterday, and a glorious service in the dying light of the afternoon in the amazing nave of Canterbury Cathedral. The boy choristers and the girls choir were absolutely stunning and a nave full of good English people singing with full voices, and I hope full hearts! Wonderful to be amongst ones own. And the occasion enhanced by the happy absence of the General Secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, Brother Justin!
Now put on your headphones, turn the volume up full, and enjoy! (Fabulously slow! This version conducted by the late and great Sir David Willcocks, Military Cross no less.)
RobertRetyred @ 10:30
“Turkey’s 75 million citizens will be given the right to travel to and within Europe without a visa next year”
Let’s hope they all head for Brussels. At least the news augurs well for the Oldham vote. Even if there is no New World Order orchestrating the scenarios we have seen playing out since the Bilderberg Conference last June, there may as well have been.
Lest We Forget
You don’t have to make it up:
English lessons for UK-bound Syrians scrapped as Home Office ‘can’t find them’
or this, in Germany:
Grateful refugees show their love by rioting in shelters
“I am shocked—shocked—to find that gambling is going on in here!”
This is good, (with many links):
University president has had enough of self-absorbed students in need of safe spaces
And this is even better (the last link):
An Open Letter to President Obama
“RAF pilots WILL carry guns in case they are shot down by ISIS over Syria and need to defend themselves in a shoot-out on the ground” (DM)
How about the citizens of London?
Simply sublime. Thank you for those moments of ethereal beauty. Let me offer something bach, equally relevant to advent.
That Bach is simply stunning! I’m a bit fussy about how I like him performed and this is jaw-droppingly good and I shall be seeking more from the same forces. Thank you.
Malfleur 23.17
All British subjects, my felow Wallster, should have the right to carry arms re-instated, not just the good citizens of London.
Agreed – and thanks for the link @ 19:38 to Nigel’s speech and Q & As in Leeds which I am now watching. Nigel Farage always makes me feel all is not yet lost.
Good to turn the clock back a few years in the current crises and remember what the soothsayers thought and said then. Chuck Colson interviews Mark Steyn in 2011. Worth a reprise:
The Alex Jones Show, Monday 30th November
Frank P @ 01:13
Good value!
Bill Whittle interviews Dinesh D’Souza
(Pt. 2 – Behind Bars: Dinesh D’Souza’s Life As a Political Prisoner)
EUROPE: We the People!
Tommy Robinson announces English participation in a new Europe-wide initiative next February before another Pegida meeting in Dresden’s Theaterplatz earlier this month.
Tommy Robinson has rejoined the fight.
A video of the rally including this speech, but shot from a better angle, is linked at this Gates of Vienna link.
All the petty partisan politics; internecine warfare inside the ‘Labour Party’ ; the posturing of both the hawks and the doves: sheer bullshit! The vote tomorrow, whichever way it goes, is not going to make even a scintilla of difference in ‘the war against IS’. Unless the US decides to commit an overwhelming ground war and takes back the territory ‘The Caliphate’ has gained, this shit is with for most of our lifetimes. And as IS has already taken territory, de facto, throughout the UK; as the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated most Western corridors of power; as we as a nation have allowed this to happen and clearly are not prepared to do a damn thing to reverse its progress, you’d better learn to adjust your taste buds to the above mentioned ‘shit’.
And take heart from the fact that Jock Murray and his ma won the Davis Cup. Be thankful for small mercies – and prepare for Sir Jock Murray and Baroness Jockie’s Mum. ☺
Only this, Baron cannot stop to have a chat.
In Paris, the KGB Colonel, still refusing to meet Erdogan face to face, says he has proofs Turkey has been buying oil from ISIL for some time, the Turkish strongman says, also publicly, he would resign if it were true, challenges the Kremlin boss to do the same it true it isn’t, no reply from the challenged one.
In a sense, Erdogan’s right, both he, the governments in Baghdad and Damascus are not buying oil from ISIL, they buy it through intermediaries, the ISIL controlled refineries flog the stuff to individual tanker drivers, their bosses if firms are involved (less on credit now, hard cash only), it’s the drivers who transport it, sell it to whoever wants to buy it. One of the routes is via the area the Russian bomber got downed, the old ending in a region called Adana.
On some blogs in eastern Europe there are pictures of Erdogan’s son with the ISIL thugs, one wouldn’t be shocked to find some of the south European mafia type outfits are involved, too. It’s very lucrative business, netting ISIL $2mn per day, allegedly.
In Turkey, a couple of generals and a colonel have been arrested charged with espionage, treason. The three were behind the discovery of weapons under a layer of drugs shipped from Turkey to Syria. That the same case, in which a leading Turkish paper, its editor, and the bureau chief in Ankara are involved.
The Americans have warned Turkey to behave, stopped buying the stuff, threatened the country with sanctions, possible exit from NATO. This is strange because it was the Americans who were instrumental in the Mutti’s change of of mind, rather than opposing the country’s entry (‘only over my dead body’ is what she allegedly said) to welcoming it now.
The earlier suggestion that Turkey orchestrated the influx in the first instance is re-emerging again, you may recall some of us were asking the question ‘why now’. Btw, the waves of immigrants have thinned considerably, fewer are coming across to Europe, and even fewer of those crossing over are women and children.
This should have been posted @ 11.36, Baron forgot.
It shows the jihadists are as obsessed with recording stuff on their mobiles as us, risk everything, and for what? You have to watch it till the end, it’s only just over two minutes, was recovered by the Assad forces.
It also shows the Russians carpet bombing the area from which came the rounds that killed the pilot, and a member of a copter crew. Quite a large carpet, too.
The Russian commanders on the ground apparently have discretion what to hit and how. If so they should be told to calm things down. This revengeful, collective guilt kind’a punishment is wrong both tactically, as it happens, and in the long term. It cannot but anger many Turkmen as it’s going on (would you like to have your house there?), men and women who don’t have a dog in the fight, ordinary people who just want to live. In the long run, it will do FA to improve relations either. Turkey and Russia are neighbours, they will have to figure how to live together peacefully, cannot bicker, kick each other all the time.
Noa, yesterday 21:53
A favourite of mine to add to your list –
A definition:
Engineering consists in the forming of materials, the nature of which we do not completely understand, into shapes, the dimensions of which we cannot perfectly control – in order to perform in such a manner that the general public has absolutely no idea of the extent of our ignorance.
Love it.
Climate conference comedy by Mark Steyn (on radio):
On comedy, Abbott the buffoon and the hollow laugh of resurgent Maoism in Britain’s young.
Michael Roberts 16.38
I like that definition. however I question whether it should apply to engineers who I invariably find to be, objective practical men and women, seekers after truth; after all if they were not would the steam engine steam, or the ship sail?
I found the definition worked much better for me when I substituted ‘politician’ for ‘engineer’!
Sky News have been pumping out climate-alarmist, poisonous propaganda all day, obviously intent on bolstering the gathering of piss-taking parasites rigging up the latest stage of the biggest global scam ever perpetrated on Western taxpayers, led by the Chief Witch Doctor Barack O’Bullshit. This is just an example – one of many mendacious agitprop computer-graphics expositions:
Who pays for this ludicrous bollocks, apart from me and other BskyB subscribers, that is? Who’s getting bunged and by whom?
Fuckin’ charlatans!!
Ofcom needs to look into this infamy.
And speaking of Witch-Doctors:
Another cold shower from Dellers.
“The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it.”
An essay considering the applicability of John Stuart Mill’s thoughts ‘On Liberty in the days’ of political correctness and gender insanity.
Noa (17:34)
What’s the Griff on this Emily Watson gal.? All that Google will give me on the name is the actress – obviously not she?
I’ve turned up nothing on her, Frank. Writes well though.
Noa – yes she does. She is an author and reviewer, apparently. So much to read, so little time. ☺The quadrapheme blog is one worth bookmarking. Thanks for the heads up. Here’s a piece from it that will appeal to those here who still possess the remnants of a soul, even an abused and battered one such as mine:
‘If you cannot name the enemy, you cannot fight it’
Le Pen makes one of the best and most passionate speeches the EU has seen in years.
Marine Le Pen blasts EU for ‘blind relationship with Islamist states’
The subtitle options can be changed to display English, but the text is in the article.
Another large demonstration in Dresden from PEGIDA.
Tommy Robinson makes a speech calling for demonstrations throughout Europe on 6th.of February 2016;for a Europe free from………..(all the impositions of islam).
(At 15mins20 to 32mins.)
You must be joking! No, it’s not a surprise at all:
Saudi Arabia Complains About ‘Hostility’ Towards [Muslim] “Refugees” While Taking In Zero Refugees.
I apologise for mistakenly posted this at the end of last week’s Wall –
Naught for our comfort…..
It seems to me that the Turkish government really are playing with fire.
An interesting discussion here, with some Irish, in Ireland. No revelations as it occurred before the Scotland vote, and so much has happened since then. If they only knew! 🙂
What will Ireland do if the UK leaves the EU?
I think this ties together what is happening in US Education establishments. I think it works because it describes known events and agenda to make a story:
What Do Yale, Missou, Alinksy, Cloward-Piven and Obama’s Organizing for Action Add Up To?
Is David Cameron really ready to interrupt the supply of oil to Turkey by bombing ISIS? What way is this to treat a NATO ally which is shortly to become a fellow member of the European Union?
A superb one again from Donovan:
A straw in the wind:
Knock me down with a feather! 🙂
We haven’t got a plan if UK votes for Brexit, Osborne admits to MPs
One can never be sure of anything, but Baron reckons if today, the man in the street in any country of Europe were asked ‘what’s the bigger threat to the future of the Continent, global warming or its islamisation?’ those picking the latter would beat the other set by a massive margin.
Nobody has bothered to ask the question, of course, the political clowns of our time are ecowanking in Paris instead.
To save her own skin burnt by the insane policy on the immigration, without any mandate from anyone, bypassing even a pretence of any democratic procedures, EU rules, the Mutti has opened the door to Turkey, promised a visa free entry into the EU, a fast track accession, and over $3.0bn of the Europe’s taxpayers money. Turkey, a country full of the followers of Allah, whose leader has said, not once ‘ the mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, the faithful our soldiers ….’
Bye-bye to the tsunami of millions of refugees each year, hello to a mammoth block of 75mn of them.
RobertRetyred @ 00:26
He’s right, Robert, a waste of time to prepare it, by hook or by crook they’ll force us to stay in even if we were to say ‘out’ over and over again. It won’t be a referendum that finishes off the monstrosity, it will be an internal economic collapse.
Baron – 23:26
What a peaceful piece of art! 🙂
Malfleur @ 22:43
A man bred by today’s American culture who says ‘we’re competent, we’re independent and we’re honest’ is anything but, Malfleur. The Clinton woman gets it then.
Turkey reportedly closes Bosphorus for Russian warships
No laughing matter, and I don’t think it will be all over by Christmas.
Herbert Thornton @ 22:23
This surprises, Herbert, last time Baron checked it was just the opposite, no problema.
The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria
Some pithy observations here on the Syria mess from Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst with the Kennedy administration and thereafter, and equally so from a variety of commentators on his article:
Welcome to the family of European Nations, Erdogan!
Turkish Shish Kebab-Dangerous When on Fire!
How do ya like them apples?
Geert Wilders prepares to lead the Netherlands-from prison?
“…a Wilders cabinet will reclaim Dutch national sovereignty. We want to be masters again of our own currency, our own laws and our own borders. And yes, this means that we will have to exit the European Union. Last year, we had this scenario researched. Provided that one keeps access to the single European market, an EU exit will cost money in the first year, but will be beneficial from the second year on…”
And in France Le Pen is becoming mightier than Hollandes’ sward.
Why would you consider absteyning from such good writing Fraser Nelson?
Conspiracy theory at its most fascinating… or is it just a theory?
H/T Robert Retyred
This is it.
Shock and awe.
Apologies to Gary Steven Corsari
They told us it would be over soon;
They told us it would save our lives.
But our children’s eyes hardened like peach pits.
More years passed than our youth.
They told us we needed more and more—
More cars, more “house,” more lovers, more money.
And we followed like rats on a treadmill
Cascading through a labyrinth.
We could not remember the unpronounceable names
Of battlefields, special ops, psy ops—the droned lands.
They told us we killed far more of their fathers.
And we rubbed that balm like salt in our wounds.
They cloaked themselves in our gory flag.
They went to our games, ate hot dogs… cheered!
Our warriors shone in their feral eyes.
They consoled us and wept with us, dribbling lies.
They told us we needed more and more,
Then shipped our livelihoods elsewhere.
We could no longer tell friends from foes—
Kids in hoodies were met by assassins.
Was there one thing to point to, one hard fact
That explained all the rest?
If we could say—“It was something ineluctable—
a tumorous growth—something we couldn’t help. …”
If we could say such things we would have found it
Easier to blame the standby gods.
But we had been sold a bilge of particulars
While gorging ourselves on freedom fries.
If only we could say, “It was something else—
Not John and Paul and Helen and Mary;
Not Mickey Rooney and Jimmy Stewart;
Not the nobility we saw on our screens.”
But we could not even remember our names,
As we wandered down odd corridors, looking
For lost keys to doors that sang like refuges
While the bombs fell and children glowed like candles.
Putin Syndrome
a turkish oppo
determined that putin
is an anti-social control freak
kind of vermin
(really? this required a genius
kind of keenness? really?)
darpa should stick to cool things
like the internet and invisibility cloaks
and drones armed with pork parts
a rodina rodent in the grain
needs spankin’
with more than just sanctions
cuz knocking out their incisors
doesn’t make them any nicer
– a rat with no teeth
is still a rat.
Noa (02:27)
Heh, heh, heh. The writer is not related to William Joyce, by an chance?
Wonderful parable. Thanks.
Malfleur (00:45)
Unlike you to endorse the theories of an erstwhile (??) CIA operative. Particularly one who was an active operative during Camelot, when the Septic spooks thought it would be a good wheeze to assassinate Castro by giving him a ‘sploding ceegar!
My Gaard! What an epiphany. You’ll be hinting next that there might be an honest copper or two in existence, somewhere in the world. Or would that be too much to expect? ☺☺
Cameron’s latest hairstyle makes him look even more like a bookies’ runner: or a managing clerk to a dodgy chambers of shysters in Lincoln’s Inn (much the same ilk). Oleaginous douchebag!
Noa @ 01:55
Winning the presidency would or rather may do it, winning at local, municipal, regional levels offers risks in that it’s the higher up authorities that hold the reins, could and often do strangle the lower layers of the elected representatives. It has happened here, too.
Noa @ 02:27
Sounds about right, Noa, except for one thing, the premise of the Plan rests on the assertion that politicians have brains. If ever there was a deadly fallacy, this one it is.
Fergus Pickering @ 08:15
Expect a rival entry, Fergus, when the barbarian returns.
Frank P @ 10:51
I have already spoken up in support of white hats from time to time including, for instance, Police Chief James Craig who argues that citizens of Detroit should be encouraged to carry arms as a solution to the rate of violent crime in that city.
Only yesterday @ 22:43, I flagged a piece on FBI Director James Comey who is leading the investigation of “Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of State” and admire (and believe) his statement that ““My folks don’t give a rip about politics,” the 6-foot-8-inch Comey said earlier this year. “We’re competent, we’re independent and we’re honest.”
I have also linked to interviews by Alex Jones with Tosh Plumlee, a white hat CIA spook and posted a while back in favour of your re-statement of Robert Peel’s principles of policing.
I’m just picky – or,as some would say, principled.
Fascism is on the rise at British universites.
In the 1930s Britain was almost alone in Europe in its resistance to fascism and communism. Simply put people were immune because they understood the value of liberty compared to utopian promises.
Now fascism is on the rise with the difference that there is now little resistance to the ideological enforcers. The latest example is the imposition of Consent workshops on men. Great piece on that at:
Milo Yiannopoulos at Bristol University, debating ‘Have We Reached The Age Of Gender Equality?’:
Bristol University Celebrates Free Speech Victory over Campus Crybullies
2nd December, 1790
Prince Grigory Potemkin had ordered the investing of the impregnable fotress of ISMAILand its Turkish garrison on the Danube in the Crimea, on 23 November 1790 and for just over the last week the three land-based Russian generals in command have been dithering.
Now, on the orders of General Gudovich all the Russian forces, except those in the flotilla on the river commanded by Major-General Ribas, began to withdraw.
On the same day, however, 2nd December 1790, Count Suvorov-Riminiksky arrived to take command of the siege and turned back the withdrawing Russian troops. Prince Potemkin had already decided on 23 November that this man was the only man who could take Ismail.
Suvorov was a general whose eccentricity would probably endear itself to British soldiers, though his habit of performing somersaults naked before his assembled men might raise an eyebrow in the British Army.
He began to make vigorous preparations over the next few days…
General Suvorov – (clothed).
And Cameron is oblivious to this?
‘Secret’ German plan to resettle 500,000 Syrian refugees across Europe unveiled this week
SECRET plans to bring up to 500,000 Syrian refugees into the European Union (EU) from Turkey are to be unveiled by Germany this week.
“According to the Hungarian prime minister, EU and Turkish leaders are set to announce a behind-the-scenes agreement to resettle hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the war in Syria.
It is not known how many of the 500,000 will arrive in Britain, but fears have been raised that a significant number could be drawn to the UK by its relatively generous welfare system.”
With the vote in this evening, I repeat my earlier posting, and wonder if anybody agrees with me?
anne wotana kaye
November 29th, 2015 – 22:08
I actually agree with Corbyn that Britain should not send bombers over Syria. He of course, has a different agenda to me, but I think bombing Syria would be a pointless enterprise and make no difference to the danger of IS. Far better to bomb Saudi Arabia, but none of the rubbish on both sides of the House would vote for this. Why cannot we have a public referendum and give the electorate a chance to show what they really want?
Noa at 02:27
Surely that’s just a slightly altered re-write of the Protocols of you-know-what?
Agreed. The Commons once again showing that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Chris Moriss. Is it? I must confess I haven’t read the wots-it.
anne wotana kaye @ 18:10
Seconded, anne.
The cumryd is opposing the move as of principle, it should be opposed on pragmatic grounds.
The boy was saying on the Classic FM news bulletin this afternoon that the ‘key question is ‘whether we’ll join our friends already there, fight ISIL, rid the world of ….’.
He’s wrong, and you’re right, anne, the key question is ‘could our joining the others be of such benefit to the campaign that the outcome of it outweighs the increased risk of an atrocity on out streets?’ The answer is patently ‘no’.
We are already involved bombing in Iraq, the debate is whether we should start pummelling Syria as well. Leaving aside the legal question (we haven’t been invited), what’s it is we bring to the party the Americans, the French and the Russians haven’t got?
The question of the 70,000 ‘moderates’ is truly akin to Blair’s WMD. There weren’t any WMD then, they are no ‘moderates’ now. The Kurds and the Turkmen have their own enclaves they’ve inhabited for centuries, they have no interest moving out, chasing the iSIL thugs, their hands are full defending what they have. The rest of the lot are just hired hands, soldiers of fortune, who pays the most buys their loyalty.
One can only hope the security services are on full alert, ready to thwart any attempt of the home grown nutters to do us harm, particularly now before Christmas, the season of goodwill.
RobertRetyred @ 14:41
If true Robert, it’s appalling.
It must be a first, a wealthy, successful and still a powerful culture voluntarily surrendering to a pre-medieval cult that has for centuries contributed FA to the world’s happiness, a cult that has bred a mutant of unheard brutality.
Fergus Pickering @ 08:15
As promised, Fergus:
(- a rat with no teeth
is still a rat…. ‘
is a man without a penis,
Still a hominis or a hominwas?
Is it a matter of medicine
Or made man laws?
Ponder it,
One day you too may be
Without a penis
To pee
If you keep bickering.
Here and everywhere
In blogosphere
(enough of this crap)
Malfleur @ 13:26
And the reason you’ve decided to dig up Potemkin is what?
You know, of course, that he was the one who snatched Crimea from the Turks somewhere around that time (1983 (?) any advance on the date?)
Baron – 19:18
Nigel has responded:
Rewarding Turkish blackmail is a dangerous game
I hope the people in Oldham take note.
Merkel is an abuser of the rest of the EU countries, and she will continue until stopped, but we are not in her constituency.
anne wotana kaye – 18:10
Well, Nigel agrees with you, as does David Davis.
I don’t think the Heir to Blair has a plan! I can see that he wants to support FH, but it is doomed, like all the other recent attempts.
And, as has been said, why kill them in Syria/Iraq when, if they return to this country, they get a slap on the wrist?
Here’s ani idea nobody dares talk about:
RobertRetyred @ 19:40
A courageous man, Nigel, and right of course.
You know, Robert, what saddens most is that by letting the people in in such massive numbers will not help them, certainly not the majority of them. The indigenous folk (bar the ones of the Geldof’s kind) will resent their being here, their integration will not happen because neither party will want it to happen, the refugees will grow frustrated, alienated, easy to radicalise. It’s a lunacy of biblical proportions, we will all, the locals as well as the newcomers, regret it.
Strange shooting in San Bernardino, California. A complex for disabled people. Three gunmen with long guns. Reported 12 dead. 20 injured. Believed white men in battle fatigues. Escaped in a black SUV.
Latest news a ‘group of people’ were having a meeting there, believed to be a Christmas party.
Obviously someone got left off the list of invitations.
I’d like to say “Only in America”. Could be anywhere these days.
It’s a mad, mad, mad world!
Shep Smith is on to it. Non-stop commentary on Fox News.
Not only in America!
University Islamic Society students ‘make death threats’ as they disrupt controversial blasphemy lecture by human rights activist who they said ‘violated their safe space’
* Maryam Namazie gave lecture on blasphemy to Goldsmiths atheist society
* The talk was disrupted by Islamic Society students who accused her of ‘violating their safe space’
* One student switched off projector when she showed Muhammad cartoon
* A member of the audience said he had received a death threat
“One student switched off the projector after the speaker showed a cartoon of Muhammad, while a member of the audience claimed that an activist pointed his fingers at his head in the shape of a gun and said ‘boom’ in a bid to intimidate him.
The Islamic Society spoke out in advance of the talk – titled ‘Apostasy, blasphemy and free expression in the age of ISIS’ – insisting Ms Namazie should not be allowed to speak because of her ‘bigoted views’.”
Benn has just made one of the best speeches I’ve ever heard. Corbyn is now, without any doubt, completely finished.
Did you think he was a fictional character?
No! Gollum is alive and well.
David Cameron ‘will campaign to leave’ if EU leaders don’t agree to in-work benefits demands
Prime Minister plans to make take-it-or-leave-it offer to fellow leaders at Brussels summit this month that would pave way for early UK referendum
Anything to avoid losing power.
Meanwhile, in France:
Socialists will back conservatives in bid to thwart Le Pen
Clear Memories (21:35)
I dunno; seemed more like a call for the full restoration of the UK arm of Comintern to me.
As a bullshit exercise he delivered it well and he certainly defined the threat that the Caliphate poses; but unless the Yanks agree to the use of overwhelming force on the ground to winkle out the jihadists, bombing is tokenism. No chance of that for at least a year, and the way the election is shaping up – not even then.
The other thing that seems to belie your tailpiece about Corbyn, was Benn’s opening remark backing Corbyn and calling upon Cameron to apologise to the twat for calling him a terrorist sympathiser – which he is! Principled (as Benn declared the little prick to be)? My arse!
The whole charade today was pointless; it changes nothing. And the demographical jihad continues apace. Benn wants to facilitate that by importing more Muzzies. What’s good about that?
Commons votes 397 to 223 to bomb islamic S.S.
And reports come from California that the name Farouk Saheed is being heard over San Bernardino police radio after the killing of 14 people.
Here’s a post by Rod Liddle from his blog which sums up today’s Westminster farce.
Does anyone else think that Cameron has a face one would never tire of smacking?
Article by Rod Liddle
There are at least two good reasons to bomb Syria, as far as I can see. First, the undoubted feel-good factor in seeing people we really hate blown to smithereens by first world, high ordnance, hi-tech, weaponry. Kaboom. Take that, Abdullah, from Luton. You left this country to fight for the Islamic State. You are coming back, if at all, in very small packages indeed. Infidels and kuffars we may be, but we have the cool military gizmos and the dosh. You don’t, so sayonara. Second, it would really upset Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy and his pet gimp, John McDonnell, are opposed to bombing Syria. It seems to be popularly assumed from their stance on the issue that they are therefore “pacifists”, which is a really lovely thing to be. No war, let us instead lie down in front of the tanks! This canard plays very well with the sort of tampon-headed adolescents and half-wits who elected Corbyn in the first place. But they are not pacifists at all, of course. Jezza and John are firmly in favour of military action if it is directed against the United Kingdom, rather than by it – and at foreigners – an interesting mindset, you might argue, for a British politician. Both supported the IRA’s campaign of terror against the UK and seemed mildly disappointed when it all came to an end. The Mao-quoting Gimp-boy McDonnell even joked that Labour members who didn’t agree with the IRA’s famous and award winning bullet and ballot approach to “Irish freedom” should be “knee-capped”. They are not remotely pacifists – they’re just, y’know, on the other side. If a bomb is directed towards London – or, for that matter, Tel Aviv – then it is a legitimate expression of revolutionary anger against an imperialist, fascist or Zionist state. All other bombs are horrid. There was an echo of this in Ken Livingstone’s appearance on Question Time last week, when he eulogised the Islamists who murdered 52 Londoners in July 2005. The Islamists were people who died for their beliefs, he said. I suppose, given the ideology of the Labour Party leadership right now, Ken should be described as a “moderate”. God help us.
So, those are the two reasons. And I suppose they’re ok. Reason number two – annoying Corbyn – has galvanised the Parliamentary Labour Party which, reasonably enough, wishes to rid itself of its vacuous and inept leader. And so they are scurrying around attempting to acquire his resignation by dint of the fact that he opposes bombing Syria. Hell, I would go along with most pretexts designed to get rid of the idiot, as a Labour member myself. But waging war? I would simply suggest to those otherwise sensible members that there are one or two reasons not to bomb Syria, and that voting to bomb Syria to get rid of Corbyn may be a bit tail-wagging-dog kinda thing.
Here are some of those reasons, briefly. Because whenever we take military action in the middle-east we make things worse. For them and for us. Always, every time. Because our allies – the Free Syrian Army – either do not exist at all or are an entirely ectoplasmic entity of no military significance whatsoever. Because our other supposed allies out there are “nicer” than ISIS only in the way that a Malaysian Pit Viper is “nicer” than a Thai Spitting Cobra. Because our NATO allies in the region, Turkey, is using the crisis to annihilate the Kurds and pursue its own questionable local agenda. Because ISIS is not a domestic threat to Britain – radical Islam is, for sure, so we may as well bomb Luton. Remove ISIS and there will still be radical Islam: some new allegiance of head-chopping lunatics will take their place. Because there are no clear parameters to any military action, nor a clear sense of what we are trying to achieve. Because we will almost certainly shoot down a Russian jet on day two and start World War Three and, what with the Christmas shopping, I haven’t got any iodine tablets in stock. Because bombing will increase the flow of refugees and animus against the west. Because it is a knee-jerk reaction and thus stupid. Because people will be killed: awful people, innocent people and our people. But hell, you think it will annoy Jezza – go ahead. But just remember Iraq.
As Rod says “……. whenever we take military action in the middle-east we make things worse.”
That’s because we never do the job properly. The whole area needs purging, starting with the Saudis and the Iranians, and Islam needs to be recognised for what it is – an intolerant, supremacist political cult encompassing a spiritual facet. It is not and never will be a religion, especially a religion of peace. It has more in common with the KKK than normal humanity.
San Bernardino:two suspects shot dead;one on the run.[]
Turkish soldiers allegedly chatting to ISIL fighters in the video below. Perhaps the country we are going to bomb should not be Syria.
So, before we were fighting “terror”; now we are fighting “evil”.
Is it necessary to repeat that General Wesley Clark already gave the game away when he stated publicly a few years ago that the seven target states of the Middle East had been sighted for destruction as early as 1991 before time ran out to remove Russian influence from the area. Here is Infowars in 2011:
The boys and girls in the House of Commons have been largely co-opted to this policy. The “bombing of Syria” to which they have now given their seal of approval means of course the bombing of Assad. ISIS itself is already an ISIS tool in place to justify this shamelessness.
Meanwhile, the “neoconservative” war party continues its game of draughts:
Russia is the target abroad. Our freedom is the target at home.
Baron @ 19:33
At 01:24 you are beginning to get my point…
“ISIS itself is already an ISIS tool” at 01:50 should read “ISIS itself is already a NATO tool” – sorry, had my acronyms in a twist.
Naomi Wolf – a clip in which she discusses false flags and the assessment of public events.
DONALD TRUMP is interviewed by Alex Jones on Wednesday, 2nd December:
For those who want the link for the full Wednesday Alex Jones Show in which they will get not only the interview with Donald Trump, but also that with CHRISTOPHER MONCKTON at the Climate Alarmist Conference in Paris and more, see:
San Bernardino shooter confirmed as Syed Farook.The police seemed to have got his identity early on.He was an employee and present at the `party`in the conference centre;before leaving and returning again.The police appear to have intercepted him when on their way to his address.
UK air strikes on IS in Syria
This page automatically updates
NATO financing ISIS through Turkish oil purchases.
Whose side are YOU on Mr. Cameron?
Radford NG
December 3rd, 2015 – 04:58
Wpuldn’t you guess it!
San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan has named the dead suspects as Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Mr Burguan said Mr Farook was a San Bernardino County employee.
Malfleur @ 05:44
Was it really smart for the Russians to push it this far, Malfleur?
If they think revealing the truth will change either the take on Syria by the dumb American unwashed, the American elite’s approach to the country, to Turkey and whatever, they’re naive. Nothing of this sort will happen, on the contrary, the honorary mUslim will bait Russia more viz. the Macedonian admission to NATO.
anne wotana kaye@December 3rd, 2015 – 08:35
NTDWI then
Exactly Anne! At the moment Obama’s puppeteers are still spinning the ‘workplace violence’ shtick. And of course it’s the GOP’s fault. Stand by for Susan Rice and HillBilliary to blame it all on a video and insist it’s nothing to do with the ROP.
And Valerie Jarrett smiles enigmatically behind the scenes while Obama immediately jumps on the gun control message.
What is needed, you streak of maid’s water is jihad control! Unleash the dogs of war!!!
Meanwhile CMD preens himself in Parliament, having ‘won’ the bullshit war!
Frank P – 11:19
“Exactly Anne! At the moment Obama’s puppeteers are still spinning the ‘workplace violence’ shtick.”
It is what came to mind last night, as the news broke.
Probably had pork sausages served up at the party …
Like that guy in SW France who killed a manager where he regularly delivered goods, he was just like a normal muslim going about his daily business, and then …
It is like a radioactive nucleus: it sits around, sometimes for centuries, years or milliseconds, doing what it normally does, and then ….
Breaking news:
Erdogan says he has proof Russia is buying oil from ISIL, the TV station ‘The Rain’ is running the news, says a Siberian businessman with a Russian passport (English name, Islamic sounding surname, hard to catch both) has been a keen buyer of the stolen oil. Nothing more on it, it just appeared on the broadcast.
Our Tornadoes have successfully bombed a target, nobody knows exactly what. Could it be the target was an oil refinery controlled by Assad, or a group allied with him?
Baron @ 09:29
It has been said that the truth is revolutionary; someone else also said that it will set you free.Yet another said man is born fee and everywhere he is in chains. The dumb unwashed are not only Americans, but found in every NATO country.
What has changed for the House of Commons between 2013 and yesterday’s vote? In 2013, the House of Commons did not want to be caught up in a plot to remove Assad from office in Syria by committing the Royal Air Force to direct attacks on Syrian government forces. NATO therefore renamed Al Qaeda as ISIS and, since that vote in 2013, has allowed or encouraged or permitted it to enter Syria, to sell looted oil to Turkey and to enter Europe to pose a threat to England and other European countries.
If Russia now however illuminates the dark corner where ISIS, seen as the creature of NATO, operates to harm NATO forces and European populations, there is the possibility that NATO’s ideological construct for justifying its opposition to the Assad regime and to Russia’s support of Syria, not to mention by extension NATO’s position on Crimea, will come unpinned. With the evidence of a corrupt Turkish government cooperating to the advantage of the ruling family with the terrorists that NATO has identified as the threat justifying its committing members to military action ostensibly against ISIS rather than the Syrian government, NATO would be deprived of its ideological justification for military action in Syria.
Smart to allow the truth to come out? I thhink may be so.
A cerebral (in two senses) diagram of socialism:
Malfleur @ 13:05
Get real, Malfelur.
That Turkey has been buying ISIL controlled oil has been known for years, it peaked last year, his son purchased a couple of oil tankers to ship the stuff. Everyone knew that, Putin, the White House, the journalists …
Why then did the KGB Colonel decide to ‘break the news’, now? He feels upset about the downed bomber, that’s why, is full of rage, knows it’s partly Russia’s fault (it’s a war zone down there, a fighter jet should have accompanied the bomber, he should not have trusted an ROP member, his ‘contacts’ in Turkey have failed him).
The revelation will do FA to anything because everyone knew anyway, Erdogan’s son has had enough time to destroy evidence, and even if some were to be found, what chances are there the brainless Americans (the elite Americans) will do anything to the Turks, ha? A valuable NATO member, future member country of the EU, a country whose leader, not unlike our honorary member of the cult, dreams about the glory of the Ottoman Empire, would like to resuscitate it more than Putin does the Soviet gulag.
You may recall the ‘offshore’ guru of our site, Mr. Boot, once said Putin was like the Georgian thug. Well, here you have a proof he isn’t. One feature of the top murderer the world has ever bred was Stalin had never ever threatened anyone, said he would bring up evidence against, punish someone. Nope, the thug had always kept his cool knowing revenge is best served cool. The KGB Colonel has a thing or two to learn.
Frank P @ 14:28
A good one, Frank, but the poorly educated Slav puzzles about something equally cancerous. What is it that clouds the mind of the ROP followers?
He’s been watching the Allah followers at prayer, hundreds of them, many with intelligent faces, more than likely some are well educated, engineers, doctors, people who must have sufficient capacity to think.
What TF do they find so appealing on the creed? what furnished this magnetic power for them to obey the ROP’s postulates, what are we missing they’ve discovered in it?
I have written an account of my recent adventures, laughing all the way to the undertaker. This is on There is also a fragment from the first chapter of Cui Bono.
And speaking of the cerebral: I was watching Fox News from the get-go of the San Bernardino terrorist attack and remained with it until 4am today.
The mental gymnastics of the police, politicians and press, as they attempted to avoid facing up to what we were witnessing and describing it for what it was, was a clear indicator of how far Western Civilisation has already been degraded by infiltration, political activism, direct terrorist violence and demographic jihad, the latter being probably the most insidious and lethal to our way of life.
The hand-wringing and agonising continues apace today.
Wake up America! We have been at War with Islam since long before your country existed – fourteen centuries in fact. The latest ‘active’ phase has been in progress for over two decades.
The West is losing the war and our national Neros are fiddling while the West burns.
Stop the mealy-mouthed, self-denigrating, sackcloth and ashes guilt trip and fight Islam, tooth and claw. It’s the only language they understand. Anything else that emerges from their pens or mouths is taqiyya. Their is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Their religion is not only immoderate, it is bellicose and barmy.
And neither Jezza Corbynski’s nor Hilary Benn’s version of socialism is the answer to our decline.
It is probably too late for even a sanguine POTUS (if once such manages to get a grip next year – doubtful) fights the war with intent to win.
But the least we can do is accept the truth and demand action from our elected ‘leaders’.
Obama on CBS:
“Our hearts go out to the victims and the families. The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that is unparalled anywhere else in the world.”
Perhaps, you dim-witted douchebag, if you were to take heed of the happenings in the Middle East, you would realise that that puerile statement is bullshit. And if you’d stop defending Islam you could discover that such carnage is not a weekly, but a daily event, during the internecine strife that emanates from the ROP in most Muslim countries.
Now we are told that Obysmal is about make another mendacious utterence from the offal office. We await with bated breath.
What TF do they find so appealing on the creed? what furnished this magnetic power for them to obey the ROP’s postulates, what are we missing they’ve discovered in it?”
Simple answer – the promises of the New Caliphate and the prospect of reward in Paradise if they martyr themselves to bring it about.
A bit like evangelical Christianity in the latter regard, but thankfully that strand of delusion has eschewed violence – most of them even in self-defence, sadly.
Baron – 14:37
Frank P – 15:46
They don’t realise that the crocodile will get them (and their children) in the end 🙂
Sorry, I should have addressed (15:46) to Baron.
And while I’m at it, read this lying bastard’s taqiyya:
Really? No fucking idea??
Perhaps he objected to the brandy in the Christmas pudding at the party? Such things can trigger of religious indignation, can’t they. One remembers the ire of Donald Soper on Hyde Park Corner?
Obama from the Offal Office. “We don’t know the motivation for the attack”.
Translation: ” I will not admit the truth even if you put me on the rack and pull out my finger nails.”
“Now let’s address the problem of law-abiding folks with their guns ….”
HTF did this lying cunt manage to fool most of the people – TWICE!
Don’t even try to answer my last question. It was rhetorical. I already know the answer – and is means more trouble next November when they go to the polls and swallow the next serving of bullshit – this time from the waitress Hillary.
We are in a mess:
5:30 a.m.: Political correctness may have played a role, as suspicious neighbors declined to report the suspects for fear of “racial profiling.” CBS Los Angeles reports:
Neighbors in Redlands were shocked that the suspects had ties to their area.
“I was in awe that it was happening four houses down form my property,” one neighbor said.
A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.
“We sat around lunch thinking, ‘What war they doing around the neighborhood?’” he said. “We’d see them leave where they’re raiding the apartment.”
Stephen Maybery @ 14:41
Thanks, Stephen, it looks that Albertina fits the age of sex galore just fine, but does Sir Grimsdyke have sufficiently warm underwear for the get together, that is the question.
Btw, h
ave you ever thought switching to nicotine lozenges, spray, patches?
RobertRetyred @ 17:07
Frank has raised it, too, Robert. How come nobody in the family, amongst the relatives, people they worked with suspected anything? What they did just doesn’t feel like an act of someone who loses it, a spontaneous reaction to a seeing a pork chop, they must have been getting ready for it for weeks, if not months.
Good stuff, Frank, enjoyable to read, too, but in a calmer manner: Not only this atrocity does link to what the poorly educated Slav asked. What is it in the texts of the Koran that turns what may have been sane individuals into monsters ready commit an act of such abhorrence?
There are individuals of other creeds, people of no religion, agnostics who feel deeply about an issue, but they don’t take it on others in such a calculated manner. Finding the trigger in those who worship at the altar of Allah would go a long way to help to reduce, if not eliminate fully future barbarity of this kind.
Ranting about guns availability won’t do it, there must be something else that needs to be done for there will be more of it, if the Americans decide to put boots on the ground in the ME again, as seems likely.
No, I have not considered nicotine patches, I have never done the sensible thing in my life and am too old and too stubborn and too daft to change my ways, however I have not touched a drop in the last two months.
By the way, Sir G is the one who got away.
old but still good
Two pieces of news, significant:
The Saudis have offered to cut oil output to kick prices up. Russia (2nd or 1st producers depending who does the ranking) and Iran say they’re not interested.
The San Bernardino killers were in contact with terrorists both by phone and social media. Could that be a hint to decide what their motives were?
Is not this is the epitome of rationality and common sense? –
While we are supporting the French, what do you think they are doing to us?
British motor sector jobs at risk from French power grab
The future of Britain’s largest car plant, Nissan in Sunderland, is under threat in an increasingly toxic row between the Japanese company and the French government.
“More than 7,000 jobs are at risk, as well as hundreds more at Nissan’s design facilities in Paddington, central London, and its engineering centre in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, should Paris go ahead with plans to take control of more than 30 per cent of Renault.
Renault owns 43.4 per cent of Nissan after the companies formed an alliance in 1999 when the Japanese carmaker was close to bankruptcy.
The proposal, reports The Times, has put pressure on the tie-up and is being seen as a possible backdoor attempt by Emmanuel Macron, the French economics minister, to nationalise Renault and move jobs back to France.
There has also been speculation in Paris that Mr Macron has his eyes on the hundreds of millions of pounds that Nissan has ploughed into Sunderland in recent years.
One industry source close to behind-the-scenes negotiations, said: “The alliance is based on trust and co-operation. Mr Macron has shaken these principles and brought the alliance to the brink.”
The sooner we are out of the EU the better!
It looks like it was a work place altercation that occurs so often that they rarely get reported, and only then by Islamophobes:
San Bernardino shooting: Suspects had 3,000 bullets and 12 pipes bombs as police investigate ‘terror mission’ – live
Chris Christie, the Republican presidential candidate, says the shooting proves “we are in the midst of the next World War” as husband and wife Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik shot dead by police after killing 14 in California
UKIP report loosing Oldham bi-election after a large postal vote against them.Farage previously said there was a problem there of a large block demographic.
Rod Liddle wrote in The Sun:the muslem vote makes up a quarter;and they all vote Labour,often by postal vote,whether they know it or not (allegedly).
Turn out 27,795 (40%) / postal votes 7,115 (25.60%).
Farage : “As a veteran of over 30 by elections I have never seen such a perverse result.Serious questions need to be asked.”
Baron – December 3rd @ 14:31
We don’t seem to be quite clear whether we are talking about ISIS or ISIL (or DAESH), do we? I wonder why that might be.
“That Turkey has been buying ISIL controlled oil has been known for years, it peaked last year, his son purchased a couple of oil tankers to ship the stuff. Everyone knew that, Putin, the White House, the journalists …”
ISIS has itself only been in existence for less than two years…
“Putin, White House” – of course.
“the journalists” – link please.
Anyhow, more to the point, what is your view of the reason for the Commons voting “No” in 2013 and “Yes” in 2015?
Lab……17,200 (62.2%)
UKIP …..6,487 (23.3%)
Con……..2,596 (09.3%)
L/D………1,024 (03.7%)
Grn………0,249 (00.9%)
Loon…….0,142 (00.5%)
In 2013 Cameron was seeking to join Obama in making war and over-throwing the government of the Arab Socialist Republic of Syria against the clear wishes of the electorate.This pulled the rug out under Obama,who was saved by Putin brokering a deal with Assad over Obama’s `red line`re chemical weapons.
In 2015 Cameron and Obama are still obsessed with regime change but,after the attack in Paris,The Commons has voted to join-in air attacks against the Islamic State (which is what Cameron says it should not be called;because `it’s not Islamic or a state`).
Radford NG @ 01:36
Yes, and so the determining factor was the introduction into the equation in the 2015 debate of NATO’s own islamicist terrorist organization.
No wonder Turkey, the ISIS funding arm, thought no one would get upset if it bought looted oil from ISIS.
May it continue to backfire:
“Congressman Dana Rohrabacher – Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats – wrote last week:
Not radical Islam, but the Russians have been portrayed to us as the villains in this chapter of history. Yet our government demonstrates a lack of will, incompetence, or both, in confronting the most monstrous of the radical Islamic marauders now spilling vast quantities of innocent blood in the Middle East – as well as in Africa and France.
When Russia courageously stepped into the breach we should have been applauding its willingness to confront ISIS. Instead, we continue to denigrate Russians as if they were still the Soviet Union and Putin, not Islamic terrorists, our most vicious enemy.
So now we see the travesty of a harsh condemnation of the Russians for introducing air strikes against terrorists who will murder Americans if they get the chance.
Yes, Russia does this to protect Syria’s authoritarian Assad regime, which has close ties to Moscow. So what?
Assad, like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, is no threat to the United States or the Western world. If Assad is forced out of power he will eventually be replaced by an Islamic terrorist committed to raining down mayhem on Western countries.
Today we witness the spectacle of American decision- makers, in and out of the Obama administration, joining forces with a Turkish regime that grows more supportive of the radical Islamist movement. There is ample evidence of President Erdogan’s complicity in ISIS’s murderous rampage through Syria and Iraq.
Yet, we hold our public rebukes for the Russians, who are battling those terrorists. A Russian plane on an anti-terrorist mission did violate Turkish airspace, just as Turkish planes have strayed into Greek airspace hundreds of times over the last year. This overflight was no threat to Turkey. Still, it was shot down, as was a Russian helicopter on the way to rescue the downed Russian pilot.
Why do Americans feel compelled to kick Russia in the teeth? Russia’s military is attacking an enemy that would do us harm. Why ignore the hostile pro-terrorist maneuvering of Turkish strongman Erdogan?
President Obama is wrong. American politicians who try to sound tough at Russia’s expense in this case are not watching out for the long-term interests of the United States by undermining those fighting our primary enemy, Islamic terrorists.
Russia should be applauded. Instead, it is being castigated for doing what our government is unwilling to do to confront the terrorist offensive now butchering innocent human beings from Africa, to the Middle East, to the streets of Paris.
If being in NATO means protecting Erdogan in this situation, either he shouldn’t be in NATO or we shouldn’t.
Rohrabacher is actually 100% right on this one …
Turkey Tries to Lure NATO Into War Against Russia”
Radford NG @ 00:38
Is there any good argument for the postal vote? I can’t think of any significant justification, in light of the potential for gross abuse by unfriendly elements.
Ban it!
Friends of the current National Security Agency and its English Ilk
To those who feel a tremor of excitement run up their inside leg at the thought of mass surveillance of the population, consider the bad news linked by “George Washington” appended as comment at 20:41 to the Zero Hedge article which I failed to link at 02:01 above:
“California Terror Attack PROVES Mass Spying Doesn’t Keep Us Safe
Top security experts agree that mass surveillance is ineffective … and actually makes us MORE vulnerable to terrorism.
For example, the former head of the NSA’s global intelligence gathering operations – Bill Binney – explained to Washington’s Blog that the mass surveillance INTERFERES with the government’s ability to catch bad guys, and that the government failed to stop 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the Texas shootings and other terror attacks is because it was overwhelmed with data from mass surveillance on Americans…[continued].”
Russia and China as part of the New World Order
This article in Zero Hedge may serve as a means of reconciling the pro and contra views of Putin’s Russia expressed here by showing that the two views are subsumed within the role set to be played by Russia and the other nations in conflict in the unfolding of NWO government. It may be that we are blinded by an obsolete concept of a world of nation states that are in fact increasingly controlled by intra-national or rather supra-national forces who agree among themselves to play the nations off against each other.
The article concludes on this chilling, if not entirely hopel;ess, note:
“This is not to say that the ultimate endgame of the new world order will result in victory. But the cold, hard, concrete evidence shows that internationalists do have a plan; they are implementing that plan systematically; and all major governments around the world are participating in that plan. This plan involves the inevitable collapse and reformation of America into a Third World enclave, a goal that is nearly complete, as I will outline in my next article.
As the U.S. destabilizes, we are not escaping the clutches of the Federal Reserve system, only trading out one totalitarian management model for another. It is absolutely vital that the liberty movement in particular finally and fully embrace this reality. If we do not, then there will truly be no obstacle to such a plan’s success and no end to the tyrannies of the old world or the new world.”
“If You See Something… shut up,racist.”
Mark Steyn with post mortem on the San Bernardino massacre, and a bleak prognosis for the rest of us.
Non-citizens of Britain should not be able to vote. Postal voting should be restricted to those genuinely unable to vote otherwise. Non-citizens of Britain who are living in Pakistan should certainly not be able to vote. Households with above average voter registration should be required to provide additional verification.
The rules about who is allowed to stand for parliament, and other elected offices, need tightening up too.
Regarding the latest outrage. this time in California:
Authorities still have not found a motive in the attack by Farook, 28, and his wife or fiance Tashfeen Malik, 27.
Are the authorities mad or do they think we are?
Seem to have got a ban from the speccy.
Maybe they dont like me pointing out islam is paedophile, myogenist, intolerant and violent…
anne wotana kaye @ 08:40
It takes time to bend, destroy, make up evidence that fits the outcome desired by the honorary Muslim, anne, those in authority aren’t geniuses, cannot do it convincingly quickly, have patience, they’ll get it ‘right’ in the end.
Alexsandr @ 09:38
It’s surprising you’ve lasted that long, Alexandr, but wait abit, they’ll let you in again. Baron has found he can post once more, not that he often does, but it can be fun to interfere here and there.
Peter from Maidstone @ 08:13
You’re so right, Peter, but it’s Nigel’s fault, he should have complained about inequality in the value of individual votes after the last nationwide count, that is what need s changing, the fugging FPTP.
It would have done BA to win Oldham, one of the safest, if not the safest Labour stronghold, high proportion of immigrants, the voting to bomb in Syria so freshly in their mind, but the PR voting systemwould have ensured he had a small army in the House to drastically cut the postal vote fraud.
Alexsandr – 09:38
At least ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ knew what he was doing was disapproved by (most) others.
There are some who expect that sort of behaviour to be followed by others, praised even!
Here is someone pointing out that the mess he created, here and abroad, needs to be addressed:
Support for ISIS runs ‘deep into parts of Muslim societies’, claims Tony Blair as he praises MPs for backing airstrikes
This is a good one.
A Manchester journalist working for the Guardian went to Oldham, asked who Corbyn was, nobody knew, when he asked whom they’ve voted for, they said Labour.
EC @ 06:32
An excellent take on things linked to the ROP by the great Mark, thanks for the link, EC.
Baron must say he’s better writing than talking about it, it’s just one of those things, some people can talk, some write better, he’s in the latter drawer, Baron prefers if, the chances that a written stuff will be preserved for posterity are higher than for recoded films, videos. And his output more than anyone else’s deserves to be kept safe for future generations to enjoy.
Baron@December 4th, 2015 – 11:17
when I started voting in the 70’s it didnt say the candidates name. when you went to the polling station you had to know the name of who you wanted to vote for. Maybe they should bring that back. It at least means people have to have made some sort of effort.
Malfleur @ 01:11
For the poorly educated Slav IS=ISIS=ISIL=Daesh, whatever you or anyone else may say, argue for or insist on. A deal?
It’s funny how often people get hot under the collar about totally insignificant, trivial, absolutely non-consequential aspects of an issue. What TF does it matter whether the poisonous hydra is called ISIL or Dash? Every one of the acronyms fits, it has ‘islamic’ in in whether in English or Arabic, so what’s the problem, Malfleur.
Alexander at 09:38
My ban from the Speccie seems to be permanent, as it’s been in place for around 11 months now.
I have installed the TOR clandestine browser on my PC which does allow me to post as it makes it appear that my router and PC have a new IP address every time I use it, but it’s a right pain in the rectum to use.
Chris Morriss
December 4th, 2015 – 11:53
bollocks to em. its stuffed with labourites tribal crowing.
any talk of electoral fraud is shouted down as sour grapes.
In the intense two-week period following the horrendous November 13 jihadist attacks in Paris, French counterterrorism forces have already raided 2,235 homes and buildings, arrested 232 people and seized 334 weapons, of which 34 were war-grade, according to reports.
That’s the way to do it!
December 4th, 2015 – 10:49
As usual you’ve hit the nail on the head! 🙂
Baron @ 11:40
This poorly educated Englishman lacks the skills to enlighten slavs with their superior civilisation as to the significance of the plethora of names for NATO’s single islamic hit group.
Still no comment from Inspector Hound on the failure of mass state surveillance to prevent the 14 murders in San Bernadino California by the muslim terrorists.
Well, you can’t say the expatriate Britons were responsible for this you dumbos:
“…Gun confiscation leads to a loss of freedom, increased crime, and the government moving to the left. This has already happened in England and Australia. After Great Britain banned most guns in 1997, making armed self-defense punishable as murder, violence skyrocketed because criminals know that law abiding citizens have been disarmed. Armed crime rose 10% in 1998. The Sunday Times of London reported on the new black market in guns: “Up to 3 million illegal guns are in circulation in Britain, leading to a rise in drive-by shootings and gangland-style execution.” There has been such a heavy increase in the use of knives for violent attacks that new laws have been passed giving police the power to search anyone for knives in designated areas.”
Sense is coming to some:
Bridge linking Sweden to Denmark set to be closed to stem tide of migrants
SWEDEN is poised to stop all traffic crossing a major bridge linking the country to Denmark, as it struggles to cope with the sheer number of refugees crossing its borders.
Malfleur @ 13:41
Whatever the honourable Muslim says, homicides aren’t a function of gun ownership. in America anyway (in other countries, too, but it’s hard to say it because other countries do ban gun ownership to a varying degree, or have had gun ownership allowed for too short a time span e.g. Russia).
Since the 18th century the spread of guns amongst the American unwashed has been trending upwards, there are now over 300mn guns in circulation, yet the homicide rate has been moving south (bar an upswing in the latter part of the last century, one can guess why, whether the guess is right Baron doesn’t know, it (the guess) may be labelled racists though).
The country may well go through another upswing in homicides due to those whose grievances we haven’t yet addressed getting upset, offended, angry, amassing weaponry, killing indiscriminately.
To think the atrocities may be eliminated if gun ownership gets curtailed borders on insanity, but since it is insanity that seems to rule the Republic, the honorary Muslim will probably issue an executive order, the unwashed will shout, but obey.
RobertRetyred @ 16:04
A measure that cannot fail to please the sensible Danes, Robert.
This will take over three minutes of your life. The best moment is the blue blonde saying ‘yes, ISIL’s oil was going to Turkey but they didn’t know about it’. Who says blondes aren’t clever?
Baron – 16:13
May this ‘cannot fail to please’ travel towards Brussels. 🙂
Palestinians – The Invented People
H/O to:
The jihadist and the Messianic Jew
The woman involved in a deadly gun attack in California pledged allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State (IS) group on Facebook, US officials say.
Hate to admit it, the ‘impartial’ BBC on BBC 6 o’clock 1 News says “it appears they may have been involved with terrorist activities’. And they haven’t even brought Orla Guerin in yet!
I wonder how much hand-wringing there was at the Telegraph before they decided to print the news of this straw in the wind? –
Murdering infidels is what some GOOD Muslims do.
Syed and Tashfeen are in Muslim heaven now if what Muslims believe about allah is true.
That’s the key point that is always missed in the coverage.
That’s the start of a pretty good piece on this odd religion. It’s at :
During the debate on joining, uninvited by its legitimate government, the war in Syria the most impressive speech was by Andrew Tyrie.
Watching Hilary Benn’s pro-Syrian bombing speech irresistibly reminded me of the following passage from George Orwell’s essay ‘Politics and the English Language’.
“When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases — bestial atrocities, iron heel, bloodstained tyranny, free peoples of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder — one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy: a feeling which suddenly becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them. And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself.”
Did Wallsters have similar thoughts as Benn perorated his way around the rubbish tip of Socialist cliches; of robots, stolen cliches and unseasoned flavourless thoughts?
And would the vote have been different if Tyrie’s speech had been the first?
Herbert Thornton @ 18:23
The Germans say they will aid the Kurds, Herbert, the Turks have been bombing the Kurds. Both countries are NATO members. Could one make it up?
Noa @ 18:30
You are right, Noa, but if our politicians dropped the trite they would have little to say.
New York Post changes `Murder Mission` headline;and goes `incorrect`.
Baron @19:00
No indeed – and doesn’t it highlight the untrustworthiness of Turkey’s Islamist government, Frau Merkel’s sudden, conspicuous flash of realpolitik, and demonstrate the absurdity and fragility of NATO,?
Nest question – how soon are we going to hear that Russia’s recently deployed S400 missile system in Syria has shot down a Turkish aircraft while it is over Syria, attempting to bomb Kurdish forces?
Noa (18:30)
I concur 100%!
He may as well have sung the ‘Internationale’. The fact that the
Westminster gasworks stood up and applauded him is another indication that it was a Socialist rant. Likewise with the MSM. An indicator that both are riddled with fellow travellers – the so-called Tory Party NOT excepted.
I’m a little concerned that even Clear Memories was impressed with Benn’s bullshit. I think perhaps CM was just stirring the shit and that it was more of an invidious comparison with Benn’s ‘leader’ than praise for the latest issue of the barmy Benn borgata.
Wow! What are they going to do about it?
Breitbart News Daily: Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent: ‘Vast Majority’ of US Mosques/Islamic Centers Part of ‘Jihadi Network’
RobertRetyred – 21:06
Further link:
Dhimmi Dave is out of his depth.
And another:
Malzberg | Ex-FBI Agent John Guandolo: DC’s National Muslim Day Pushes Radical Islam
And two more hard hitting clips:
Understanding the Threat: John Guandolo explains Radical Islam
John Guandolo: “Time to step aside and let the big boys act”
This was one of the last segments on a discussion about Islam Vs. Islamism, whatever that is, in terms of where exactly the threat comes from.
I hope Guandolo is watching the news conference
Click below for a bit of festive cheer!
Mark well the decidedly camp posture of the security guard.
Noa 18:30, I have been following the career of Andrew Tyrie ever since learning he was one of the mighty handful that voted against the Climate Change Act 2008 (kudos too to Ann Widdecombe, Christopher Chope, Peter Lilley and Philip Davies).
It will ever be the case that righteous Tories are countable on the fingers of a mutilated hand, but he has won that accolade twice.
Baron @ 16:12
I agree.
The point I was making was that a proliferation of U.S. Federal “security” agencies, including a metastasized National Security Agency which illegally spies on every single American citizen in the USA, not to mention also-rans in and outside the country, and which can monitor a cockroach calling to its mate, and including also the new Department of Homeland Security which feels around in people’s underpants metaphorically and in some cases literally, none of these busy,busy state snoopers got wind of the two muslim terrorists or their cache of guns, bombs and bomb-making tools until after the muslims had finished their murders and were themselves dead, and notwithstanding the travel of the husband to Saudi Arabia, the arrival of the wife from Pakistan on the Obama administration’s “fiancee visa” which requires “background checks” on the applicant, and the high-profile organized opposition by the people of San Bernadino County to the building of a mosque in their community.
… with the family lawyers of the family of the Bernardino assassins. It will make interesting reading when he looses his sarcasm on the charade; once again the media provides a platform for Muslim Brothers’ propaganda/aka risible horseshit.
‘David Videcette was a Scotland Yard detective with the Anti-Terrorist Branch at the time of the London 7/7 bombings.’
Andy Car Park (23:21)
‘Hmmnn. You’re right: he does look a bit like Ian Dale. Anyway – WBGTDWI? ☺
But congrats! You managed to drag your eyes away from the exposed crevices of the honking harlot, which probably became as active as the other end of her alimentary tract soon after the picture was taken. Wonderful capture of London by Night. Cue Sinatra:
Btw, you didn’t recognize the ailing lady, did you?
“It blew the cobwebs out of me”. N.S.W. man finds a four and a half foot goanna in his back garden;and up the side of his house.
If you are in the market for real shooting in which nobody dies, panicking dumbed lowlife, and a pint-size grandma with more courage than one would expect, click on the link.
one to bookmark
This Busch’s piece runs some distance, but it’s worth your attention, it tells you what underpins the behaviour of Erdogan.
Swedish site that says how it is
use google translate to make it english
Carson states the obvious:
Carson: If CA Attacker Passed Vetting, It ‘Should End the Conversation’ About Refugees
Obama shrugs:
Geller: ‘Motive Unknown’–The Consequences of Jihad Denial
““We do not yet know why this terrible event occurred,” said Barack Obama.”
And some questions that haven’t been asked:
8 Unanswered Questions about the San Bernardino Attack
Accusing others of Islamophobia isn’t quite as effective as it once was: the evidence is becoming plain to see that concern is valid.
I’m so very glad that Lenny Henry has been knighted. I agree entirely with him that there should be a quota system on TV so that it can be ensured that people of African backgrounds can be employed in comedy programmes whether they are amusing or not. It was certainly amusing that during a news item on ITV about Sir Lenny Henry the producers showed some video of Ainsley Herriot. To be fair they do look similar and are equally funny.
but not as funny as citizen kahn, peter (sarc)
Peter from Maidstone – 16:13
I know instant soups are not the same as freshly made soup, but when the needs arises, Ainsley Harriott’s ‘cup soups’ are quite acceptable: easily made and taste of the ingredients from which they are made.
Peter (16:13)
Arise Sir Premier Inns!
I always check with the receptionist when I use that chain, to make sure he hasn’t occupied the bed previously and then turn over the promo blub on the dressing table to avoid his grinning boat race.
The guy ‘was living a dream’, his new wife ‘was soft spoken, an exemplary home maker’, that’s the couple from San Bernardino for you, according to their neighbours.
A friend of Byron who lives in Camden Town tells him a leaflet got pushed through his letterbox telling him what to look for in young people to pick the first signs of their radicalisation: anger and disagreement with government policy, foreign policy in particular, MSM reporting …
Perhaps, the Camden people should learn from the evidence of the Californian town, the two terrorists were publicly everything but unhappy, irritable, angry with the world outside, but just the opposite. Quite smart on their part, the best camouflage for the act there were preparing for.
Had only one of those present at the SB party that turned into the killing spree been armed, the outcome could have been at least the same, but very likely better.
Twelve years ago, the Americans, aided by others, invaded, quite rightly, Afghanistan, first to dislodge Al-Queda training camps, then, stupidly, to defeat the Taliban. The latter proved impossible to beat, the Americans settled on making a deal with the ‘moderate’ wing of the nutters, are reducing their presence in the country.
It seems the Taliban leaders in place, at least in some of the regions, aren’t really up to it, the ISIL headchoppers are moving in.
Today, we’re dislodging the Assad’s clique, Britain has joined only recently. If we are as ‘successful’ in Syria as we have been in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the ME, the ISIL thugs would have their Caliphate in no time.
Can anyone remind Baron what’s the Einstein’s definition of insanity?
Baron @ 20:51
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.”
— George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788 [ibid. Comment section]
RR – couldn’t agree more, LH has never been funny since Tiswas (and he wasn’t that funny then). But Harriott gave me the best laugh I ever had on “Who Do You Think You Are?” when the PC, sanctimonious prick found out a forefather was a slave master! Look it up on YouTube and scroll through until you see the part where the smug grin disappears from his face.
Perhaps he’d like to hand over the lucre he’s stolen from us (in BBC fees) as reparation for the sins of his ancestors.
RobertRetyred @ 15:34
Point Counterpoint – August 2014
Live feeds
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Leytonstone stabbing: Man ‘screams this is for Syria’ after horror attack in Tube station
20:38, 5 DEC 2015 UPDATED 22:14, 5 DEC 2015
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT: Man tasered as police swarm underground station while onlooker shouts “you ain’t no Muslim”
“Why the US, France and Britain are destroying Syria”
Wallsters try to understand what is really going on in this darkening world and, more precisely, who is doing the darkening and to what end.
I think we are aware that there is “social engineering” being conducted on a geopolitical level, though we might be uncertain as to who are the directors and their aims. They do as much as they can to keep these hidden from the common view – the Wizard of Oz comes to mind as the metaphor du jour.
Once the interests of the Russian government have been taken into account so far as possible, RT deserves attention and in particular the following link, especially the video interview with an Irish journalist whom I have not previously heard of, Gearóid Ó Colmáin.
As all seems quiet along the Wall’s watchtowers at the moment, I will post the following extract from the last link which strongly implies that the main subject matter of the article in the above link, for Greece and for all other EU member states in due course, was pre-planned:
“…Our Greek friends at KTG are hardly enthused about ceding control of their borders to Europe:
Dramatically increase EU powers over national territories? Be my guest. Brussels and Berlin should not be surprised to see the increase of Eurosceptics spreading like mushrooms. Brussels and Berlin may save the Schengen zone and the Euro zone, but in the end they will stand there with their pants down.
Maybe, but that would require Europe’s “sovereign” states to take a stand against the oppressor. So far, they have all failed and refused to do that as any attempts to exit the Euro and Eurozone, would mean immediate loss of all Euro-denominated savings and a collapse of the financial sector as Greece found out the hard way.
For the time being however, we bring to mind the May 30, 2008 presentation from then-AIG’s Bernard Connolly who laid out precisely what is happening now in Europe some seven years ago.
Here is his answer to the question What Europe Wants:
To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:
environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance) EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”
The full presentation, uncannily prescient then, can be read below…” [continued]
Curiouser and curiouser? –
December 6th, 2015 – 00:37
As all seems quiet along the Wall’s watchtowers at the moment,……..
Oh dear, we seem to have let our guard down – mayhem and murder at Leytonstone station, and the BBC very slow in reporting it and admitting it is a terrorist act. Do we have Obama as our spokesman now?
Anne Wotana @ 00:37
Jimi Hendrix – All Along The Watchtower – Lyrics
“There must be some kind of way out of here, ”
Said the joker to the thief,
“There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief.
Business men – they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line
Know what any of it is worth.”
“No reason to get excited, ”
The thief – he kindly spoke,
“There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I we’ve been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour’s getting late.”
All along the watchtower
Princes kept their view
While all the women came and went
Bare-foot servants too
Outside in the cold distance
A wild cat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl, hey.”
“Walid Shoebat is a Palestinian American who converted to Christianity from Islam. Shoebat stated he used to be a Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorist in a CNN television interview. Wikipedia”
Michael Savage interviews Walid Shoebat mainly on ISIS’ penetration of the country on his Friday December 4 radio show at about 51 minutes in that I have just been able to listen to.
Shoebat’s message is not a happy one. If his message is not a happy one for the USA, does anyone think it would be any more optimistic for England?.
Listen, please1
December 6th, 2015 – 09:15
Thanks, pal. Such happy Christmas and Chanukah messages!
By the way, the wind was so strong yesterday, a 90 year old man was blown into the road and killed here in London. My husband who is well-built, was nearly blown away en route to the supermarket. “And the wind began to howl, hey.”
“A friend of Byron who lives in Camden Town tells him a leaflet got pushed through his letterbox telling him what to look for in young people to pick the first signs of their radicalisation: anger and disagreement with government policy, foreign policy in particular, MSM reporting …”
Except for the young bit that leaflet description fits you, me, and most of us Wallsters.
I shall therefore present myself for de-radicalisation at the local Telemachus Re-Training Centre forthwith and I ernestly recommend you to do the same.
Just found the opportunity to listen to the whole of Hillary Benn’s speech in the Syria debate.
I was not impressed by this prissy socialist aristocrat. His invocation of a comparison of “Daesh”with Hitler and Mussolin, which set the government front bench heads a-nodding, echoing Gaitskell and Eden’s parallel of Hitler with Nasser at the time of Suez, was bog standard rhetoric for this kind of occasion.
For those who had ears to hear, which does not seem to have included anyone on either side of the House, the one thing that Benn did NOT mention which would have been the petard to hoist Benn’s disingenuous casuistry was that the “fascists” as he called ISIS are OUR fascists, selling looted oil to our NATO ally, Turkey,with the connivance of the American military and in channeling into England illegal ISIS men and arms caches, while our other allies bought and paid for and supplied ISIS with the latest weapons, Toyota trucks and, no doubt, beheading knives, for use in Syria where the RAF was now supposed to engage with them.
Benn and Corbyn both had time since August to research material supporting these allegations for their speeches in the Commons last ween. Neither thought it important enough to explain to the House why for instance the testimony of retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn is consistent with support for the Cameron’s case for British military action against ISIS in Syria. I wonder why not…
“Retired Army Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, the former director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency is accusing the Obama regime of lying about the rise of ISIS and the assertion that they were somehow caught off guard. He says that far from being surprised by ISIS, the Obama regime allowed them to form in a deliberate act intended to unite Sunni Muslims against the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria.”
Bloody Germans:
How are you faring with your property oop north? Has diabolical Desmond damaged your domain? I know you’re currently working in the flatlands, but back home, how’s that shaping up? Sad state of affairs for lots of folk. Idyllic locations can quickly transmogrify to hell-holes in that part of the patch.
I just contacted EC, who is currently visiting sunnier climes. Hope his home is trouble free. Christmas and Chanukah always seem to bring natural disasters in recent years. In the deep midwinter … !
Noa @ 13:33
Quite, Noa, quite.
If things progress they way Loretta sees it, this blog won’t celebrate many happy returns.
Jim Comey pisses me off. He allowed Loretta Lynch to sit beside him when he held his press conference a couple of days ago. Clearly she was there to prevent him from telling the truth about the San Bernardino slaying, viz. that it was a Jihadi massacre on American soil perpetrated by a native born Muslim who had been brainwashed by a Pakistani woman with connections to enemy agents.
Comey has allowed his agency to be infiltrated, and dictated to, by Muslim Brotherhood ‘spads’ who have insisted that instruction manuals been stripped of any wordage that relates to Islam or Islamic jihad. If he had any balls he would have banged up Hillary Clinton, her husband and many of the staff of the Clinton foundation, because both the Benghazi fiasco and the email server scandal have produced a plethora of evidence to convict the whole bunch of the bent bastards with serious offences. Why is he sitting on his hands? He can retire with pension if he is being deliberately thwarted. He should do so, then campaign to have Obama impeached. Disgraceful dereliction of both duty and decency!
The suit i/c of the enquiry is another dickhead. How they can justify opening up the home/bomb factory of the perpetrators to the public before all the ramifications have been fully explored is mind boggling. Even the Fed agents turning the gaff over were not forensically clad. One could be forgiven for thinking that they had been instructed to compromise the forensic evidence. Un-fuckin’-beleeeeivable!
The guy who says we are ‘making war against God, nor Muslims’ gets it right, that’s what they’re taught at home, in schools, in mosques. Allah is the one to be worshipped, obeyed, and defended.
‘NOT’ Muslims rather than nor Muslims, sorry.
Someone has just been arrested for sending death threats to an MP. He used to be known as Craig, but now he goes by the name of Muhammad Mujahid Islam. The police are still trying to establish if he belongs to any violent religious group.
Haven’t got this all worked out but in the Provincial elections scores are:
FN (Marine LePenn) 41.9% \Rep 25%\Soc 18%.
Provence-Alpes-Cote D’Azur:
FN (LePenn’s young niece) 41.9% \ Rep 24%\ Soc 15%.
It appears Brittany and Gascogne voted socialist;most of the north and the south was predominantly FN;centeral France was Rep.(pseudo conservative)–also the Paris region.
The FN could still be screwed in the 2nd round by an establishment coalition.
Roses are shining in Picardie….Richard Tauber.
“…the police are still trying to establish if he belongs to any violent religious group…”
Violent? That’ll be the Methodists again.
Wotcha Frank,
Thank you for the kind enquiry. I’m fortunate in that Noa Towers is on the crest of a valley, the rain, of which there is of course lots in Lancashire, runs past, harmlessly.
It’s not quite some much fun in the Ribble valley though, wending our way home from Harrogate yesterday we drove gingerly through a foot of water in Ribchester’s main street , where the Ribble had broken its banks and flooded the village’s lower reaches. It could be much worse, Kendal folk are evolving webbed feet.
Radford NG 20.45
Ah Tauber!! Gorgeous link. When I was a singing student I had some coaching from a man called Norman Feasey who was for a time Head of Music at Covent Garden and he told me that often during rehearsal breaks, Tauber would come over, lean on the piano and the two of them would perform Schubert songs quietly together. Can you imagine! Very different from rehearsals at Covent Garden today. Miserable, ego stroking events. Anyway, here is this wonderful singer singing wonderful music wonderfully!
Good to hear that you’re not too badly affected. EC tells me he and his are more or less high and dry but friends and neighbours are less lucky. Problem with idyllic homesteads, nature can turn the tables. Such is life and luck.
Tessa fucking Jowell on Sky Press Preview speaking of the Clerkenwell Tube knife attack: “We must embrace the Muslim community!
Headline: Erstwhile Mafia Connected Moll Mollycoddles Murderous Muslims?
Robert Retrod
Another on-the-button piece from John Guandolo:
Breathtaking arrogance and treachery from the Obysmal Misadministration.
We await further bullshit from the Offal Office in about 1 hour.
Radford NG/ Irishboy:
I remember Tauber as my father’s favourite singer during the war. On Sunday evenings he had either an hour, (or was if half an hour?) programme on BBC. His signature tune was “You are my heart’s delight.”
Thanks – brings back fond memories of my dear old Dad (d. 1961).
Strangely, Richard’s BBC slot is not mentioned in his Wiki entry.
Not one of those doing the talking even hinted that perhaps the motivation of the two killers came from a certain book, that it may have been the narrative penned by a man who lived many many centuries ago, his instructions how to spread his vision of the world to those who followed him. Strange that.
The farther of the killer is closer to figuring the source of the motivation of the atrocity than any of the highly trained, sophisticated, clued-on people investigating it. This is what he said in an interview published in today’s edition of the Italian newspaper La Stampa:
“My son said that he shared [IS leader Abu Bakr] Al Baghdadi’s ideology and supported the creation of the Islamic State. He was also obsessed with Israel.
I told him he had to stay calm and be patient because in two years Israel will not exist anymore. Geopolitics is changing: Russia, China and America don’t want Jews there any more. They are going to bring the Jews back to Ukraine. What is the point of fighting? We have already done it and we lost. Israel is not to be fought with weapons, but with politics. But he did not listen to me, he was obsessed”.
Go figure.
What’s more …. I learned to dance, under tutelage, to Victor Sylvester’s recording of Roses of Picardy. ☺
The Russians have been consistently pilloried for helping the rebels in east Ukraine where the majority of population are Russian.
The Turks have actually invaded with infantry and tanks Iraqi territory, no Turks live there, merely Kurds whom they’re been bombing.
Strange world indeed.
Baron (00:27).
Dripping sarcasm is no longer enough, me ol’ china. Somebody has to start sticking some straightforward fucks into these treasonous scumbags. Satire in no longer sufficient. Our leaders need to start being afraid of hoi polloi of the indigenes, rather than the potential voters of the enemy.
Listen to Fox News folks – the shit bag is about to deliver his latest flim-flam pitch.
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
He’s going after the 2nd Amendment.
In a nutshell: he read the script from Valerie Jarret and proved that he is the empty shell that we have suspected all along. He is a device – and the evil douchebags who are feeding his teleprompter are hell-bent on destroying Western Civilisation. The lack of authority, his glazed delivery, was surreal. Were Verity stll contributing to this blog, she would point out that from day one she nailed him as the Manchurian Candidate. As each year passes that metaphor becomes more vivid.
As I said earlier, it is time for Comey to put in his papers and blow the whistle – hard and long. What this Misadministration had done to the Military and Law Enforcement of the USA is the most heinous crime against The West in its entirety – let alone America. The graves of those who laid down their lives for freedom over the generations are rumbling with fury. One can only hope that the ground swell of frustration and anger will grow to a crescendo from now to the General Election.
Judge Pirro is lining up a two hour barrage on Fox and has lined up some heavy duty ammo. Break open the popcorn.
I’m recording it, it can wait until after some shut-eye.
Exit polls: FN 30.6%\Rep.(Sarkozy)27%\Soc.22.7%.
MAP. FN (Navy)\Rep (Blue)\ Soc.(Pink).
Meanwhile, in the Far East, the natives are restless:
“…the rising labor discontent is forcing the government to retaliate. Only this time the Chinese government is hopeless: if and when the angry workers, several hundred million of them, decide to take their anger out on their communist rulers, not all the arrests in the world, not even the full mobilization of the PLA, will do anything to stem this unprecedented tide of bodies which, simply due to its vast numbers, is practically unstoppable….”
The woman muslim assassin in San Bernadino not only had a fake passport not spotted by the National Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, etc., but a fake name.
Her fake terrorist name, Tashfin Malik, is the name of a muslim king, the Almoravid king Yusuf ibn Tashfin, who imposed a humiliating defeat on Alfonso VI of Castile at the Battle of Sagrajas in 1086.
The name of the woman, Tashfin Malik, therefore means “King Tashfin”.
(Hat Tip: a caller to the Alex Jones Show, Sunday December 6)
So much for the the multi-billion dollar skills of the United States security services. They were either too busy spying on patriots or they turned a blind eye to the intel or…
Agenda 21is still claimed to be a conspiracy theory by many people.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it: