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@JJB 04th 06:39
Well, gee thanks, JJB. But, with that perception, I’m surprised that you should should considering engaging with this yclept ‘diminishing band’ at all.
I do not know if anyone recently has told you to piss off, if that is the case, and you have not been so enlightened, then I would like very much to repair the gap in your life. Go forth and multiply, preferably to the other side of the pond.
John Jefferson Burns August 4th, 2014 – 06:39
“How are yall?
Or is it how is each of the diminishing band that I can number on my digits now?
This is the 105th comment in a week.”
I have always thought that many of the regulars who post here are elderly, as I most certainly am, if that is the case then some might well have medical conditions that will occasionally need time spent in a hospital and when not actually in hospital their conditions may be the cause of a reduction or temporary halt to their posting.
David Ossitt
August 4th, 2014 – 11:49
David, a compassionate and understanding posting, just what I would expect from a fine man like you. Be well, and let us soldier on!
stephen maybery
JJB is on his annual trip to Clovelly in Cornwall to deepen his understanding of English culture.
His time would of course be better spent planning and implementing the arrest and trial of his criminal president who has destroyed the American republic – if liberty’s his shtick….
Am i the only one annoyed at the silly restrictions on buying aspirin and paracetamol. I am an adult and if I need aspirin I should be able to get it in the quantities I need.
(Its good gargled for the tickly throat you get with hay fever)
so mrs A and I range round town buying packets here and there so we have enough.
so its a stupid, easily avoided restriction. it should be removed.
Michael Savage mentioned on Thursday that Debka carried a report that Israel used a drone to blow up 40 mosques last week because they were rocket factories.
In England the mosques are used to construct deadly ideological weaponry. What is the equivalent of destroying ideological rocket factories?
how come muslim charities, like ‘The Muslim Charity’ can have charity status when they are only for the benefit of Muslims.
Surely a charity should not be for one religious group. but look at their website and it clear they only help Muslims.
anyone know charity law and say if this is legal.
I am sure that much Qurbanu – which are similar to Christian alms – end up in the hands of fanatical islamists. This needs investigating.
there is evidence Hamas are moving dead bodies around to stage manage scenes for TV and newspaper photos. or even using people pretending to be dead.
Google Pallywood.
I am indeed going down to your Cornwall.
I am visiting with friends in Taunton where I will see the site of the 2012 crime of felling the Eisenhower Tree at Musgrove Park.
I had always thought you good folks were into your heritage.
Muslim problem in Australia .
The practice of human shields is an old and honoured custom in the Middle East. The leaders of that region are perfectly aware of Western sentimentality and the willingness of our press to play along with the charade. one of the most egregious of such episodes took place in Baghdad during the first Gulf War. Saddam was a dab hand at placing innocents in the path of death, which lead to the Adhamiyah incident. The Adhamiyah shelter was used by the Iraqi secrete service, they received advance warning that the shelter had been made a target. All evidence of the secrete service was removed and civilians were moved in. That night the Americans struck, a smart bomb entered the shelter via the ventilation shaft killing 400 odd people. The next day, the press were admitted and the World was suitably outraged, as they were meant to be. The Palestinians had a good teacher. What should never be forgotten the culpability of the press who will not disseminate the truth of what is happening in Gaza and refuse to interview the Hamas hierarchy who give the orders. Hamas will never allow untrammelled reporting therefore the reporters should withdraw, which they would do in practically any other situation.
Pat Condell deft use of Occam’s Razor.
Western ‘leaders’ (spits) to note!
John Birch,
,Muslim problem in Australia? john, there is a Muslim problem wherever these people go. There is only one way to resolve this situation, remove the lot of them, as Spain did in the 15th. century. There is no other way and the longer we defer this action the messier it will be.
Frank P@August 5th, 2014 – 09:52
good link
but did you read the comments?
I hope Oz has the balls to sort the problem out there. doubt we will in the UK.
Sperm banks on the NHS for single women and lesbians. Is there no lunacy which the left is not prepared to inflict on the long suffering taxpayers of this country? It makes my blood boil at the sight of all these single mums, what a cosy innocuous term that is, the accurate term is teenage trollops who can not keep their knees together and think that dropping a litter of bastards and having the taxpayer pick up the tab is a valid career option. This social aberration is compounded by the legion of social workers whose livelihoods depend in pandering to these women. As a said in a previous post, if you can’t feed them, don’t breed them, and if you do then don’t expect us to foot the bill. Without a doubt the poverty industry would go into hysterics at such a proposition, but, as our dear Lord said, the poor are always with us, and frankly my dears, he’s welcome to the buggers.
You may have heard there is a Cambridge professor who has produced a report on the economic effects of membership of the EU;and has found they are either negative or small.I haven’t read it;but UKIP are pleased with it.It can be found in full below:
JJB (06:46)
“I had always thought you good folks were into your heritage.”
Not necessarily, but usually we get our geography right. The good people of Somerset will be sad to here that Taunton has been annexed by Cornwall.
And ‘going down’ to Cornwall is fraught with danger. Muff-diving is illegal there – something to do with EU fishing regulations, I believe.
JJB (0646)
Sorry – not ‘here’ – ‘hear’ of course. My hereing aid is playing up today.
stephen maybery
August 5th, 2014 – 10:41
AGREE 100%! What are even worse than the teenage slappers are the lesbian couples, complete with butch hairdos, hairy armpits and vile tattoos. They produce unhealthy offspring and are a waste of time and space.
Alexsandr 14.46, I agree that trying to buy the most simple things at the chemist is now a nightmare, I tried to buy murine the other day and almost had the riot act read to me – I walked out. I buy paracetamol from Poundland 3 pks of 16 (500 mg) tablets for £1, they also sell Paracetamol plus and loads of aspirin; plus lots of other items: coughs, colds, flu, indigestion etc all for a £1. They don’t sell anything of the strength of Solpadeine so still have to run the gauntlet for that – in fact you cannot buy it if the chemist his/herself is not in!
No arguments with me on that one Sheila. The last time I went to the chemists I was bombarded with questions and had to sign a form. Now it is not as if I am unknown there, I am on continuous medication and have been for some time, they all know me there, but I still had to sign. As I said, they all know me, therefore I did not sound off, they are a great crew. The reason for all this rigmarole is that they run the risk of being sued, which is almost guaranteed in this ludicrous society in which we have been condemned to live, but much more of this lunacy and I will need a course of anti doollallee tablets. It is really time these damned lawyers were put back in the box, and the box nailed down. Something must be done, but as we do not have a government, only a benevolent society for lawyers there is fat chance of that.
Stephen, I have much the same experience and even when I have had a prescription the chemist has still questioned me to see if I am a responsible adult, and on occasion even made (unprofessional) remarks about what the doctor prescribed, again on the basis that I wouldn’t know how to take the tablets etc. I grew up (and survived) when there was no NHS and we paid for treatment. I remember our no nonsense family doctor seemed to prescribe a white mixture for everything, swallow it, rub it on, rub it in, stick it where you like – but it seemed to work. He used to leave it in a six-sided bottle on a small shelf in the waiting room, duly labelled for the patient and not one other person touched or removed it – we were well behaved in those days! Sometimes I don’t know how to control myself when going through all these interegations. I think our rotten society has become so paranoid. I wonder how long we can carry on like this?
Good news! Baroness Warsi has resigned from the Government!
Not good news, great news. One down and a hell of a lot more to go, but I suppose we have to start somewhere
“They don’t sell anything of the strength of Solpadeine so still have to run the gauntlet for that”
Sheila T, I don’t know if it’s still the case but I recall when you could get it at motorway services.
Peter from Maidstone
Great news indeed. But I fear the powers that be will scour the list of possible replacements for another ‘ethnic’.
Stephen, I see that Osborne has said that her resignation was “disappointing and unnecessary” but in fact those words entirely describe Warsi in any case.
SheilaT@August 5th, 2014 – 15:00
Dont bother with solpadeine. Ask for effervescent cocodamol. Its the same as solpadeine but cheaper. Solpadeine has some caffeine that helps absorption of the codeine, but you can get the same effect with a cup of coffee.
The only thing disappointing about Warsi’s resignation is that it took so long to materialise. This is what happens when tokens are appointed to responsible positions, who should never have been given such a lob in the first place. This brings to mind a lady I knew in Australia, Laura was London born and bred, she was fluent in French and Italian. Laura had wanted to join the foreign Office, for which she was admirably qualified, unfortunately her parents, although permanently settled in London were Italian, and so L:aura was turned down, she was not angry or bitter, she respected the reasoning of the decision. What a pass we have come to when someone like my friend was refused a job and the likes of Warsi are catapulted to the very top. Sic transit Gloria mundi.
AWK 1 5th, – 16:47
We-ell, maybe good news, maybe not…do you believe she resigned off her own bat, or only after taking ‘advice’ from an imam? ‘cos if an Imam wants her out of the government, that would have been sufficient reason for her staying in. And we don’t know the nature of said imam’s ‘advice’.
i am coming to the conclusion that we need to ensure our law enforcement agencies tackle the Muslim community with gusto. They should be in the ghettos checking cars are legal (I bet many are driven with no tax or insurance and are SORNed. Illegal parking near mosques while they wave thier arses in the air on a friday must not be tolerated.
HMRC should start a campaign to ensure all the Muslim businesses are paying the right amount of tax, are paying minimum wage and employees are entitled to work (or are even here legally)
One suspects they treat them with kid gloves in case they are branded racist. Plad will not want to upset them because of ‘community cohesion’
This is plain common or garden posturing. Without a doubt Warsi has something in her sights, and whatever that is it will be to her own advantage. As for her resignation this is not some damascene revelation, this must have been in her mind for some time. If there is any good in all this it is that it shows without a scintilla of doubt what a pillock Cameron is. He is currently on holiday, we should offer up prayers that he stay there.
Ostrich (occasionally)
August 5th, 2014 – 17:29
The ways of these characters is so convoluted that it is hard to assess how their ‘brains’ work. Warsi is a devious piece of work who knows how to climb the greasy pole. Let’s hope she has so much grease that she will drown in her own oil.
It will be very interesting to see where Warsi pops up next. And it will be hard to resist the thought that any such career move had a hand in her resignation.
Peter from Maidstone@August 5th, 2014 – 18:18
wonder if she has a room booked in manchester 21-24 sept?
“Was I Wazir?!” from “Kismet”
or Was I Warsi?
Alexsandr and O(O), thanks for info. on solpadeine.
That’s Baroness Warsi of Dewsbury.
When, doing geography at school, we were made to learn by heart the different woollen products produced by the Yorkshire mill towns, we learnt that Dewsbury produced “shoddy”.
An American General has been shot in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and the opium trade there has been reconstructed for circles within the American power structure so that from providing them with 7% of the world’s heroin supply a few years ago the figure has now happily been increased to a healthy 97%; but there’s a price to pay.
The Eisnehower tree in Musgrove Park was felled because, if I remember correctly, it had become diseased. So it is with the Eisenhower legacy in your country with its warning of the dangers of a military industrial complex.
When Benjamin Franklin, emerging from the Constitutional Convention in 1787, was questioned by a lady waiting outside Independence Hall who asked what form of government had been decided, he replied:
“A Republic, ma’am, if you can keep it”
JJB, you have not been able to keep it. You have allowed the tree of your heritage to become diseased. You have given a criminal organisation control of the US government and it has begun a war with its own people.
It remains to be seen whether the tree of liberty that you and your kind have infected will have to be cut down or can still be saved.
Enjoy your time in Clovelly, Cornwallshire.
I accidentally zapped into a BBC TV news bulletin yesterday when, unfortunately our ‘Acting Prime Minister’ was attempting, by inclining his head forward in an amdram didactic pose and, somewhat unsuccessfully, was attempting to drop the timbre his voice an octave to give an impression of gravitas …. My God! Gravitas? Clegg??
Anyway … the theme of this posturing, puerile prick’s little lecture was the resignation of that appalling Muslim Brotherhood agent, previously both elevated and promoted to Ministerial position by our actual ‘Prime Minister’ (who I believe is sunning himself somewhere on a sandy stretch somewhat less in tune with the current Zeitgeist of the Gaza Strip) – and the ‘proportionality’ of Israel’s reaction to the existential threat to their country by the savages of the evil cult of Islam.
As I watched this boy scout pontificating about ‘war-crimes’, an overwhelming nausea gripped me as I witnessed the actual war crime (yes – we are at war) of our own temporary head of government displaying (a) through his his Utopian internationalist socialist ideology his complete ignorance of the danger of Islamic jihad to our nation, our civilisation, our culture – or (b) his treasonous collaboration with an enemy that presents a greater threat than those of both WWI and WWII: one which threatens to drag the world back to the dark ages. Or, indeed, (c) – both the above.
What is more, I fear that come the next election, Clegg’s party of pusillanimous perverts may well once again find themselves in government to prop up a Labour
Party, that will accelerate our descent into the abyss. And that this will be facilitated by ex-conservative and labour voters who will opt for UKIP in disgust and desperation, after the conniving and bungling of Cameron and his crew in relation to the EU and immigration policy.
What a dilemma!
Proportionality my arse! We are at war. The purpose of war is to win – and bring the enemy to its knees, suing for both peace and mercy. That is the way to win a war. Queensberry rules do not apply.
Put up or shut up, Acting ‘Prime Minister’.
Clegg ‘thinks’ (if one can attribute such high level functioning to him.) he’s ‘acting’ Prime Minister.
If the sh*t really hit the fan and our beloved CMD couldn’t get home he’d find himself elbowed off the bandwagon into the gutter in a trice.
And the pig got up and slowly walked away.
Well, my first visit in three months, dammit if it JJB ain’t coming back to good ol’ down home Cornshire, to have a quaint li’l Limey Cornshire Cream Tea with Prince Charles and Fred West.
Hot diggety, JJB, goddam shame you missed your quaint li’l ol’ Dolly Parton at our quaint li’l ol’ Glasto! So now you’ll just have to sing to the cacti and coyotes in quaint li’l ol’ Cornshire. Jus’ all y’all make sure you tuck your li’l ol’ napkin into all y’all collar before a-tuckin’ into that down home scone, y’hear?
Be quick if you want to snap up a paperback copy of ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF DEWSBURY.
Amazon has 2 . One new, one used.
Both priced the same.
£4,308-68p + p and p of £2.80.
Buy quickly before the price goes up.
I don’t understand the amazon situation at all but I will say its a must read book for us here
cc Private Pike (aka ‘Acting Prime Minister’ Cleggover).
(Will somebody please interrupt his efforts to frame a case for ‘war crimes’ against our only freakin’ ally in the Near East and tell him we need a little ‘proportional’ resistance to the evil bastards engaged in over-running the world; while he’s scratching his empty scrotum and drumming up jew-hatred).
John Jefferson Burns August 5th, 2014 – 06:46
“I am visiting with friends in Taunton where I will see the site of the 2012 crime of felling the Eisenhower Tree at Musgrove Park.”
Some minor facts ‘Taunton’ is a town in Somerset not Cornwall, there is not a Musgrove Park but there is a Musgrove Park Hospital.
Andy Car Park my old mucker how are you?
To you and others I am well aware that Cloverly is in Devonshire and Taunton in Somerset County.
I did Musgrove Park today David. You are quite right it was a manager from your socialist health service that ordered the Eisenhower down.
Back home we hate your socialist health service as the model for the ridiculous health care system put on us all by that dangerous communist Obama.
I am tomorrow indeed on my way to Cornwall to look for my roots round St Columb Major.
I will be back in touch.
Cloverly is loverly.
…and very buttery…
Chapman Pincher, born March 29 1914, died August 5 2014
@Frank P 6th, – 17:09
“cc Private Pike (aka ‘Acting Prime Minister’ Cleggover).”
Hopefully, the electorate in his constituency will sort out the problem for us in May next year. Libtards on 8%, last time I looked!
Then Miriam’ll get him a sinecure, somewhere outside this country.
Is Britain still a Christian country? “Thousands of Iraqi Christians are reported to be fleeing after Islamic militants seized the minority’s biggest town in the country”. This is the heartbreaking news reported today, yet despite fund raising for Gaza, etc. Britain remains silent. One of the oldest Christian communities in the world are being destroyed by Isis and other moslem fanatics, yet Glasgow, in company with Tower Hamlets, raises the palestinian flag! Are teh BBC reporters afraid of being beheaded if they speak out?
AWK1 – 10:38
It has been taken over by the Marxists: ssm, humanistic values, scientific morality, relativism, multi-cultural, lets worship exam results and only believe in increasing global temperatures.
Yes, it’s not the public, its the QUANGOs, the Westminster bubble, the BBC, etc. Do you remember THE Bishop of Durham: the one that didn’t believe in God, and broadcast the fact?
Are the BBC reporters afraid of being beheaded if they speak out?
No, they don’t even know there is a problem! They don’t know how to think:
Totally agree Anne. The situation in this country is more bizarre by the day.
DT: Alex Salmond declares ‘it’s our pound & we’re keeping it’
He hasn’t only lost the argument, he’s lost it!
He thinks that, if he gets a yes vote, England will still be generous! 🙂
Is Ilkley Moor a muslim?
Salmond is right to think that if the vote goes his way, the English will be generous. Unfortunately he is confusing the political class with the English people, who if Scotland goes it alone will not be in any sort of mood for generosity. We are living on a powder keg, primed to go off at any minute, the powers that be will not dare to present England with the bill for Scottish independence for fear of the consequences. The result? the markets will panic, Scotland’s economy will go down the pan and the whole adventure will be over before it has begun. A terrible price to pay for Salmond’s insane ambition.
Turn up the audio and take note of the words:
In some ways I quite like the Islamic state.
Islamic State pulls down church crosses in northern Iraq as 200,000 flee
They are not interested in hearts and minds nonsense , they know what they want and get on with it.
Perhaps we can learn a few lessons as to what we need to do when the time comes.
John birch@August 7th, 2014 – 18:10
I’d start with a massive pig roast and bacon sandwich eating festival in Dewsbury.
Don’t forget the sausage rolls and a whiskey drinking contest, topped off by a gay pride march with the marchers belting out Onward Christian Soldiers.
Frank P @ 17:57
Great guy, deep lyrics, but to what avail when those in governance are deaf.
George G is on the prowl again. It may be advisable to avoid Bradford even if one isn’t Jewish.
many many Jews in Leeds just a few short miles away. Just go to Alwoodley and Moortown.
August 7th, 2014 – 18:35
stephen maybery
August 7th, 2014 – 18:47
Sod them! I’ll join the feasting by bringing along bagels, salt beef and my own genuine Jewish (penicillin) chicken soup. When the pot is empty I’ll smash it on Galloway’s head!
Anne Wotana Kaye 1@August 7th, 2014 – 19:16
Mmmm Bagels
I remember coming out of the pub in leeds on a saturday night and getting the night bus to Moortown. There was a Jewish bakery and would sell us proper bagels fresh from the oven at 1am. with real butter. Mmmmmm.
You may like to read and sign it. Baron has.
Signed up. and glad to do so, every little bit helps.
stephen maybery @ 20:54
Well done, stephen. There’s a reason for Baron’s posting the link now. For weeks now he’s been trying to post a simple message on the Ukraine crisis (when an opportunity arises) saying the following (he cannot tell you exactly the wording because no copies are ever kept, but trust the barbarian, the wording is never that different):
“This tit for tat idiocy has to end, only the unwashed are likely to get hurt, if the two protagonists cannot behave as grown up men, someone should step in, suggests a different course of action such as: Russia keeps Crimea, in return pays Ukraine half of the annual rent for the naval facilities for five years and promises to supply Ukraine gas and oil at half the market price for ten years. Ukraine promises not to join NATO, stay independent. The US, China to act as guarantors. For good measure, Russia also ensures an unlimited supply of golf balls for the advanced American golfer.”
That’s it. Does anyone find anything in it that would prevent it to appear on a blog? (Baron hopes Peter won’t block it though). Over time, thinking it was the ‘American golfer’, ‘golf balls’ bits that led to the posting getting ‘moderated out’, Baron changed it to messiah, the community organiser’, the one in charge in the Republic, but nothing doing, it gets blocked. What a bloody freedom of speech, ha?
An utterly pragmatic and workable solution, which why it probably not be put into action, governments do not learn from their mistakes, they sanctify them, the practice is called statesmanship, and the chanceries of the World are riddled with them.
As for censorship. fight it tooth and nail. I had the same problems with GKS on both sides of the pond, did they shut me up? Did they hell.
Believe it or not, Baron has just found why he got ‘moderated out’ for the short rant about Ukraine. You’ll find it on the Steerpike’s blog, very much at the bottom of the postings. One guy says he got blocked because he typed ‘tit for tat’ It’s the ‘tit’ that blocks it. Madness, truly madness.
stephen maybery @ 22:13
Glad you’ve mentioned GKS, Baron’s finishing it, it’s as good if not better than any other satirical book on politics Baron has ever touched. Your imagination, the ability to poke fun, the language versatility seem boundless, one would never guess it reading your postings here, in which you are often rather restrained. The direct speech of some of the characters sounds rough, but it fits in the narrative very well. No wonder you’ve found it hard to get it out. The one passage Baron enjoyed tremendously is the description of the ageing couple, you know who, their physical shortcomings, the chair wetting, the anguish and discomfort of their son, priceless.
You should do short stories in the same style, stephen, it would attract.
Not that you’re that interested in the things Ukrainian, but for the record:
Some 400 Ukrainian soldiers crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border when they ran out of ammunition, asked the Russians for sanctuary, Russia obliged, treated them well, foreign correspondents were free to talk to them (nothing on it on the BBC news though), some are already returning back to Ukraine. The self appointed PM of the Donetsk Republic, a citizen of the Russian Federation named Borodayi, has resigned, says he will stay as an advisor to the new PM. (Source: the Moscow TV station ‘The Rain’.)
It looks as if it’s all over for the rebels, The KGB colonel must have made a deal with the messiah.
August 7th, 2014 – 16:23
DT: Alex Salmond declares ‘it’s our pound & we’re keeping it’
The riposte to this from every Briton who has not been asked to participate in the referendum on the future of his country is: “It’s our Great Britain and we’re keeping it!”.
More “defence of the realm” stuff:
August 7th, 2014 – 22:50
Meanwhile, back in our ally’s capital…
You may wish to consider and comment on the lie of the ‘special relationship’, which is exposed by ‘Mystic Pete’ in his blog below.
Having assisted in the destruction of the British Empire the US now finds itself in a bizarrely similar position to Britain in 1914, being led towards destruction by an uncomprehending and self destructive political class. I would gloat, except that if the consequences of the dismemberment of American hegemony are disastrous for the US, they will be catastrophic for a decadent Europe.
“…But the fond and foolish idea that ‘America came in late’ to a quarrel in which it ought to have been a participant from the start, is sentimental drivel. The USA, like any rationally-governed nation, entered the war only when it had to, for hard-headed calculated reasons of its own advantage…”
But read it all as a corrective to the current torrent of curdled thought that passes for ‘understanding’ and the fatuous justifications given for a war that lit a slow burning fuse of destruction that continues to explode periodically around the world.
So Obama is going to bomb the Caliphate to glory to protect the Christians
About time
If Blair were back in we would have been in there long ago and Mosul would never have been lost to the Unified State
Latterly the actions of the rogue Israeli state have made the West nervous about targeting a Muslim People
Egypt has stopped the murder
And let the US get on with dealing with the Medieval Caliphate
Malfleur 23:21
Yes, it’s your Gt Britain, and why would you want any of Salmond’s racist bastards to have access to any part of it.
The sooner they’re fucked-off and there’s a wall and minefield across from Berwick-on-Tweed, the better.
When they’re knee-deep in free-movement detritus (like Calais), they can look back and consider whether those bastard English were quite as bad after all.
Clear Memories,
Agree 100%, but it will still be our fault. They are like the friggin Arabs, they have to find someone else to blame for their lousy mistakes and the English are their favourite scapegoats. I bet they blame us for the Darian fiasco, as good an example of hubris as ever was, but it was still our fault.
Thanks for your comments on GKS, unfortunately they are going to cost me a bomb as I now have to get some workmen in to widen the door so that I can get me ‘ead through it.
Never thought I would applaud Russia, and Putin as well. Good for him boycotting all EU products, and getting other ‘humanitarian’ parties to shove their goodies up their backsides.
Considering most present peers, and those now being created, I recall the old proverb, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a pig’s ear.”
Quite right Anne, you can not make a silk purse out of a pigs ear, but you can make a pigs ear out of a Muslim cow.
A caff, a caff, my skinny latte for a caff. Having a moan yesterday with my neighbour about the disappearance of the East End caff. This area used to be riddled with traditional greasy spoons where you could get a cuppa tea and a bacon sarnie for a quid or thereabouts, now there is not one insight. The caff has been replaced by fancy watering holes where a cup of the old brown and wet, no dears, not Baroness Warzi, and a Panini (poncey name for a cheese toastie) come with a mortgage application. We are being gentrified, the yuppies and their social pretensions are moving in on us fast. Well, having enjoyed my moan with Chris, I jumped on the 25 to Mayfair for some coffee, then up to Selfridges for Sushi and a couple of avocados. Honestly you can not get decent avocados in Whitechapel for love nor money.
stephen maybery
August 8th, 2014 – 13:22
Baroness Worsee?
Stephen, you take great care, it’s a flag firts, what next?
Once a frumpy Muslim camped outside of Downing Street,
Under the shade of a Cameron Tree,
And she bitched and she moaned and waited for a pig to pee,
You’ll come a waltzing with Warzi and me.
Waltzing with Warzi,
Waltzing with Warzi.
And she bitched and she moaned as she waited for that pig to pea,
You’ll come a waltzing with Warzi and me.
BBC news report about the first attacks on Muslim fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq. They have managed not to use the word Muslim at all. I’ve no idea what religion these people from ISIS embrace?
Attacks on ISIS? not before time, but what took them so long? Were they mesmerised by Gaza? Still, better late than never.
Stephen, it seems that Obama is willing to use force to defend the Yazigi religious group, but is still not willing to do anything to defend the Christian communities.
A friend of mine attended the recent Palestine protest in London, she is a Christian Egyptian. She says…
I went to the palestine protest. All the flags were black isis flags. Thats why I dont support the Palestinian protests. Those leading is are named “friends of al aksa” says it all really.
Peter from Maidstone August 8th, 2014 – 19:13
A friend of mine attended the recent Palestine protest in London, she is a Christian Egyptian. She says…
“I went to the Palestine protest. All the flags were black ISIS flags. That’s why I don’t support the Palestinian protests.”
No mention of this on the BBC News broadcasts nor did they mention the Douglas Murray article (Baron gave us the link) that tells of the black flags of ISIS are flying in London council estates.
More disturbing the BBC made no mention of Palestinian sympathisers having blocked the Blackwell Tunnel, a short video of this is shown on the same link from Baron.
David, yes, I’d not heard about the Blackwall Tunnel being blocked. That is serious. But ISIS death flags flying in London is serious too. I might ask my BBC News editor friend why its not been heard on air.
There are no shocks in the messiah’ actions, or lack of them to be more precise. It is almost as if the Western leaders are in an unholy alliance to exterminate Christianity. When they have finally destroyed our religion what next? Do the ignorant fools not realise that they who start a revolution are the first to be consumed by it? Is your friend a Copt? if so she is well acquainted with what these people are capable of.
You tube video in tunnel
Horrific new photographs of ISIS atrocities
About time dave gave us another little lecture about the religion of peace and how this is not the real Islam
Ha ha fucking ha.
John Birch
Muslims in Tower Hamlets are not becoming radicalised, that happened years ago, now it is a matter of consolidation. What is happening here is orchestrated from the East London Mosque, and it is an outrage that this insidious establishment has not been closed down, but then Finsbury Park was allowed to give houseroom to Abu Hamsa while the authorities pandered to his anti British hatred while the British taxpayer funded his verminous brood and continue to do so to this very day.
Massive Palestinian demos in London.Huge crowds(mainly of aliens)blocking roads outside Israel’s embassy.Photos of 17 youths standing on top of London red bus.
Compare this to when about 300 EDL supporters arrange a demonstration in any town.There is a UAF/SWP-Trade Union demonstration organized against them.The Police call in support from forces all around,and talk about it costing(usually)about £500,000.The local press takes a highly negative attitude(although comments are often favourable).
The EDL were only allowed 500 yards into Tower Hamlets and Tommy Robinson is still under arrest for having spoken 5 minutes longer then the police allowed him.He was in court the other day;the judge suspended the case till November as Robinson had no legal representation having been denied legal aid.
I forgot to mention the hate speech against the EDL from Eric Pickles(and Warsi when she was in his Dept.);along with Cameron being a founding sponsor of the UAF.
I shall be looking-out for what happens tomorrow when the EDL go to Batley (a few miles north of Dewsbury).
Radford NG,
Interesting to hear about the demo in London. There was nothing about it on the local news. Funny.
Re.Batley.Bishop condemns EDL:see below(also click on link to Chief Supt. Tim Kingsman).
Radford NG,
They who the gods wish to destroy, they no longer make mad, they turn them into Bishops of the church of England.
stephen maybery at 21-13.
This is from 12 July;(also click on `Nun tears down black and white..`
Here’s something for the opposition to the EDL to contemplate – watch the video!
And this…
Where are these people getting their weapons from? Can anyone identify their manufacture from photos?
Not sure what to make of this:
Why? C’mon, H.M. servicemen do get involved in brawls, not least because they get provoked by a*rseholes who think they’re hard enough to take them on. And this happens to any of them, whatever their ethnicity. So why’d this bloke have to leave? If the salient facts are as printed, the bootnecks would have welcomed him back in a trice. Or has he just decided it’s a better life being a weeping heart? Encouraged by his mum?
Those who need a short break from the stress of watching the unresisted assault on western civilization might want to resort to
where they can meditate on Monet’s painting of Jardin à Sainte-Adresse and then read The Real Nature of the Soul, an essay by by Rebecca Bynum.
O (O).
The question I ask is why was this case brought in the first place? the gobshite asked for it and was duly given it, a well deserved smack in the chops. And why did the army not give Ben Grant more support? Can I be the only one who detects a sacrifice on the altar of political correctness?
The compassion industry is at it again, the object of their heartache this time is Gaza. Well it was only a matter of time before they settled on this target, one that is too obvious to miss. Adverts are now appearing on the television asking for donation and many kind hearted but gullible folk will give. It really time these professional weepers for the woes of the World were speared with the lance of the bleeding obvious. Hamas is generously funded by Saudi and Qatar, if these cess pits of moral depravity can fund terrorism the why can they not fund humanitarian work, and more to the point why can not Western governments publicly and loudly point this out?
stephen maybery – 11:34
I have been reminded by a recent article that all of Israel’s victims are civilians. Hamas has no Army, Air Force or Navy, so all it people are civilians. None are ‘in uniform’, so they are not subject to any codes of conduct or discipline according to any recognised international body.
Is that why the Media refer to the victims as civilians?
So islamic hamas fires ordnamce into Israel. Israel defends itself and everyone says ‘naughty Israel’.
then Islamic ISIS go after Christians in Iraq, and the US drops bombs on ISIS and are heroes?
Is it just me or is that appalling double standards/hypocracy?
And sorry to bang on about this but are monies given to Mulsim charities getting diverted to ISIS or Hamas. Because if they are then the charities commission should investigate and remove their charitable status ( and the substantial tax breaks)
Alexander Boot has been in rattling good form for the past few weeks on the subjects of the Ukraine/Russia debacle and the Israel/Hamas flashpoint; but today he addresses mammalian and maritime matters in whimsical/serious mode. I’m just surprised though that he didn’t moot the gender of the lusty RN Captain’s subordinate, which seems to have been discreetly avoided in all the reports of the incident. I suspect no golden rivets were involved, unless of course they were pierced through the clitoris of the co-respondent. You’ll have to read it all to make the connections – so to speak.
OTOH Baron Bodissy gets a grip on JIM:
The backward somersaults of the leftist msm are a joy to behold as they grapple with the new pc terminologies.
And if any Wallsters are born under the sign of Capricorn – watch your step, the Muzzies are about. Who knew what CCTV surveillance would one day reveal?
Horny lot, aren’t they?
Regarding the female commander given the bums rush from the navy, I do not think it was a case of the little Dutch boy caught with his finger in the dyke. Had that been the case political correctness would have ensured that she would still be sailing the ocean wide.
Frnk P
Regarding that video, it was a pity that the drone didn’t deliver a Hellfire missile into the party. The operator probably felt sorry of the goat, not it’s fault after all that it was being sodomised by allah’s faithful….
I inadvertantly saw the same myself once, driving in the Nejd desert. Caught in the headlights I colud see only raised robes and frightened sheep bounding away.
As the arabs say; ‘a woman for business, a goat for preference, a boy for pleasure’.
The saying is actually, a woman for duty, a boy for pleasure, a melon for ecstasy. As for your experience in Nejd, well they are funny buggers in that locality.
For the first time visiting Scotland, I notice that the town in which I am staying has a growing and more evident migrant population, both of Eastern Europeans but also Africans and Pakistanis. In the main shopping centre a stall selling cheap mobile phone cases was blasting out Pakistani/Indian music, and it rather jarred. A Big Issue seller was clearly not an indigent Scot, and I wondered why he had come so far to live off the kindness of others.
With so much vibrancy in the world today, it is reassuring that the IS in Britain only want to fly a few flags. Bless them!
Stephen Maybury
“..As for your experience in Nejd, well they are funny buggers in that locality.”
Buggers certainly. though I doubt it’s confined to the Nejd, throughout the middle east the sheep have developed a leary look, as for the water melons, I never touched them, having seen where they grew…As for their treatment between plucking and consumption, I can only bless my narrow escape.
Walid Shoebat … arm the Christians in the Middle East and much other insight on Michael Savage’s Friday radio show.
Mr. Savage was banned fom the United Kingdom by two Home Secretaries because, er, well because…well, nobody knows why he was banned.
Could it be because he is sounding the alarm aganst the world rise of islamo-fascism and corruption centred in the White House that he remains banned by Obama’s cousins in Downing Street?
Tell me, is there anyone on the airwaves in Britain who is so royally pissed off with the disaster into western civilization is being plunged? If there is, I haven’t heard. Why not?
… and why isn’t Turkey, with its aspirations for full EU membership doing anything to assist the fleeing Christians? Not a mention of this throughout the MSM.
Btw Savage seems a bit miffed that the decision of Obama to bomb ISIS to save the Yazidi proved to amount to no more than the dropping of two bombs on an artillery unit, materiel was American, and then Obama goes on holiday…
Walid Shoebat comes on at about 47th minute after the Viagra discussion…
Mr. Shoebat will not cheer you up.
47.40 actually
I know this may seem facile, but a good political cartoon always tells a deeper truth:
I have watched that video Frank P.
Good grief. They really are mad, bad and dangerous to know.
This is my favourite video of the year.
It is the funeral of an Islamic terrorist who has a suicide bomb vest attached to him. They’re so zealous, they can’t keep trying to blow things up. I am sorry but I absolutely howled with laughter at the whole thing.
The funniest part is, whenever they bomb their victims, the scream ‘Allahuah Akbar’ (they scream that at most things actually), and here they scream it in response to being hoist on their own petard.
The irony. And, oh, the laughter.
For once, the cry achieves something good: ‘Allllaaaaahhhuuuaaaa akbarrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’
From the ‘Torygraph’:
“Gaza conflict: Palestinians threaten to leave Cairo truce talks”
So what? The Israelis aren’t there, so who are they talking to? Their navels?
Even the Egyptians are seriously p*ssed off with this lot!
Sweden (why Sweden?) is going to be the first over the cliff:
In the form of an old A level question:
“Compare and contrast these two statements, giving your reasons for asserting which is correct and which is self-deluding:-
“IS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Boko Haram—these four groups are the linchpins of the attempt to bomb an unstoppable modernity back into the Middle Ages.” — Editorial, Westfalen-Blatt.
“The religions of the world are increasingly being misused for ideological struggles and excesses of violence between people of different faiths. Religions are never violent per se, but the market criers of violence are using them to promote their own interests.” — Editorial, Neue Westfälische.
German authorities have long warned of the threat posed by Salafism, a radically anti-Western ideology that seeks to impose Islamic sharia law in Germany and other parts of Europe.
Membership in Islamic extremist groups in Germany rose to 43,185 in 2013, up from 42,550 in 2012, according to German intelligence estimates. The number of Salafists in Germany rose to 5,500 in 2013, up from 4,500 in 2012, and 3,800 in 2011.
“…Although Salafists make up only a fraction of the estimated 4.3 million Muslims in Germany, authorities are increasingly concerned that most of those attracted to Salafi ideology are impressionable young Muslims who are susceptible to perpetrating terrorist acts in the name of Islam….”
Ostrich (occasionally) @ 10:19
Not facile at all, Oo, rather courageous of the guy. Baron has sent him an email thanking him, saying ‘all the one under the cross has to do is stand up’.
Noa @ 12:59
The one fear Baron finds hard to shake off is that those in governance carry on as before, personally scared of the evil, unsure what to do, hoping the boil cures itself, until it’s too late, the mob steps in, executes its own solution.
Jeremy @ 12:35
One can never stop someone from getting completely loopy, legislate for whatever one fancies, not unlike Caligula elevating his horse to a place in the Senate, but what caught Baron’s eye was the explanation. Is race really a social construct? Could Baron change his race, could anyone?
Ostrich (occasionally) 11:43
The Egyptian media are hitting the Palestinians more than the Israel’s, Oo, it’s just we don’t hear about it because our journalists are ‘objective, fair, don’t take sides’. What never fails to engender a smile on the barbarian’s face is the claim that Putin reigns under strict censorship whilst we enjoy the freedom of expression fully. Priceless.
Last week, in the ST, a piece under the name of Bojan Pancevski glorified the Kiev’s militia that are fighting the rebels in East Ukraine, was highly critical of the pro-Russian lot. In today’s ST, the same guy discovers that the insignia of the same militia units is the Nazi’s Wolfsangel (wolf’s hook), a hospital was one of the their targets, all harbour racist views, some with tattoos ‘I’m 100% racists’ ….
Baron cannot wait what he is going to report next week.
Could you change tour race? of course not. we are what we are and that is that, to imagine otherwise is. as you so rightly indicate. stupid beyond redemption, but then, one has to admit, there are an awful lot of stupid people in this World and a disproportionate number of them are attracted to the political life.
Now as to Caligula and his old nag Incitatus, the fact that he made the creature a senator is one of the great myths of history. Wishing to express his contempt for the senatorial class, he told a group of them “My horse would make a better senator than you”, a statement which in the hands of the red tops of the forum soon got translated into a declaration of intent. Sticking to the subject my neighbours dog Sadie would make a better prime Minister than Cameron, but I do not fool myself that utterance will ever make the history books.
Jeremy – 12:35 ‘Why Sweden’
The Swedish Syndrome is just the Stockholm Syndrome, but on a national scale.
Another hoist on their own petard.
No laughter this time.
Kathy Lette, wife of Yuman Rights QC Geoffrey Robertson.
‘Kathy Lette was on the jury when Kirk Reid was accused of sexual assault’
‘Reid was acquitted, 13 years later jailed in connection with 71 assaults’
Lette rails at the prosecuting barrister and about society’s attitude to rape.
But the truth of the matter is why this London jury – brainwashed as they are – acquitted this creep. And that includes Lette:
Lette has the gall to write: ‘In the dock, Reid looked the picture of innocence, a black man victimised by a racist society and a xenophobic police force.’
That is why you aquitted him, Ms Lette.
You’re responsible.
It isn’t about the voice of the prosecuting barrister. It isn’t about society’s attitude to rape.
It’s about that. It’s about privileging someone because of the colour of their skin, which is what multi culti is.
Only you can’t deal with it. So you say women are oppressed and let down.
You sat on that jury.
And all that multi-culti brainwashing did the trick.
This is what multi-culti means: ethnics are ALWAYS victims. Stop trying to hide behind feminism and the justice system’s failings. Multi-culti rose-tinted spectacles are to blame for this. You and your husband sold them and wore them.
You and you appalling husband are a disgrace – even when you’re exposed by your own misjudgements.
It boils down to one thing Antonio Gramsci groupthink. And neither you, nor your husband can escape that groupthink.
Lette and Robertson, a pair of high-flying ‘intellectuals’.
Some hope.
Ostrich (occasionally)
August 10th, 2014 – 10:19
Great cartoon. I think there is also standing room for the leaders of the Christian Church – unarmed of course.
Jeremy – 11:39 ‘favourite video’
Basil thought it was funny as well:
at least the torygraph isnt painting this as bad news.
seem Darwin was right.
You may not be, Baron is, keen on Jewish music. Here’s a song ‘The Jewish Taylor’, one doesn’t have to follow the lyrics, the melody does it, as melancholic s only the Jews and the Russians know how to breathe out. Also note the suffering of the Russian burghers under the yoke of the one who likes stripping to the waist.
Baron – 13:50 ‘the mob’
It would, at least, be something!
If the IRA had put flags up at Town Halls and the Dartford Tunnel, I would have expected some response from Government, but flying Islamic State flags does not appear to be a problem for Cameron. Surely the Army should have advised on tactics, if not strategy, for displays of power and cunning are part of their game plan, and it is no game.
Maybe we are waiting to see the whites of their eyes. If only we had a musket or two, I would be a little more confident of survival.
I was reading the law on flying flags, (I note that Glasgow Council decided to fly the flag of Palestine this week). There are restrictions on those flags which may be flown without planning consent…
(a) Any country’s national flag, civil ensign or civil air ensign;
(b) The flag of the Commonwealth, the European Union, the United Nations or any other international organisation of which the United Kingdom is a member;
(c) A flag of any island, county, district, borough, burgh, parish, city, town or village within the United Kingdom;
(d) The flag of the Black Country, East Anglia, Wessex, any Part of Lincolnshire, any Riding of Yorkshire or any historic county within the United Kingdom;
(e) The flag of Saint David;
(f) The flag of Saint Patrick;
(g) The flag of any administrative area within any country outside the United Kingdom;
(h) Any flag of Her Majesty’s forces;
(i) The Armed Forces Day flag.
As far as I can see, Palestine is not a country and therefore does not fall into these categories. Therefore to fly the flag of Palestine requires local planning consent. I wonder if those councils which have decided to fly the Palestinian flag have gained such local planning consent?
Peter from Maidstone@August 10th, 2014 – 17:11
I Assume you would need planing consent for a jihadi flag too.
if someone erects something with no planning consent the council should take steps to enforce the law.
It’s brilliant isn’t it.
We have been trying to tell people what Islam is really like and now they are telling and showing what it’s like in a way we could never have got away with.
They are savages. They are scum , they are the dregs of the sewers of humanity.
The west should stand with Israel and wipe them out.
The human race without Arabs would be a good starting point for the future of the world.
have the last 2 days been another game changer. Are people (not just us on political blogs) coming round to the idea Islam is nasty?
Alexsandr – 21:13
It is not only nasty, it is unchanging. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali does describe the situation very clearly:
The West must face the evil that has revealed itself in the Iraq genocide
Do any of our politicians (and religious ‘leaders’, and feminists and ‘gays’) understand just quite what is happening and how concern should not just be confined to the ME?
They appear to think that EU directives, the Climate Change agenda and not offending minorities are more important. Does TB not realise that we are still war weary from his presence in No 10?
With Christopher Booker finding even more evidence against the EU’s consuming fight with Putin, we must be getting closer to the tipping point where our politicians will not be able to use ignorance as a defence and voters will not be able to vote as they have always done:
Fresh evidence of how the West lured Ukraine into its orbit
The West is demonising President Putin when what set this crisis in motion were recklessly provocative moves to absorb Ukraine into the EU
And Salmond appears to be throwing his toys out the pram even further than before:
“Alex Salmond has ignored opinion polls and growing signs of discontent inside his own party by insisting that an independent Scotland would keep the pound “come what may”.”
The chickens are coming home to roost, at last! There has never ever been any way to avoid it as the ‘liberal’ elite have eliminated everything that Britain stood for. All those who have fought for flim flam are now in positions of power and therefore, responsibility, and there are some hard decisions to be made, like new policy, policy that will have to upset at least some of the elites! Bring it on!
Unbelievable! Well, perhaps not:
War on golf: Obama is escorted by huge motorcade including SWAT team and two snipers peering out of an open trunk to a second day on the links as conflict rages in Iraq
Does he think, “Mission accomplished”?
Does he think mission accomplished? I am convinced the fool is unable to think in the first place, Having received the Nobel for sweet FA went to his head, upset his equilibrium and he has never been able to recover it. and I do not think that whoever succeeds him will be any better. If that successor is Hillary then god help us all.
How do we impress on government the unacceptability of the ideology of islam? They never address the content of the ideology and so can make anodyne comments about “moderate’ muslims. Immigration permits and visas to muslims have not apparently been checked by any specific regulation.
Perhaps if someone could communicate to, for instance, the Prime Minister what islam would do to him and members of his family on the authority of their ideology were they in a position to do so, then the freedom to demonstrate in our capital on the tops of double decker buses might quickly be cut short and measures to expel muslims from, and restrict their entry to, the country might be expedited and plans for alliances with other countries sharing the problem, Russia for example, might be advanced:
Or perhaps Mr. Cameron might find this persuasive:
Of course Mr. Cameron and representatives of other NATO members have been using their countrymen’s taxes to fund and arm ISIS (formerly Al Qaeda).
ISIS (formerly Al Qaeda) has now been allowed, nay encouraged, to take over large areas of Iraq which British troops, among others, were killed and maimed to capture.
How d’ye like THEM apples!
Or in twitter form:
Cameron in our name, and on our shilling, is murdering Christians in Iraq through NATO hired hitmen (ISIS – formerly Al Qaeda).
Oh how I lurv realpolitik! But don’t let him take holy communion again until he’s said he’s reely reely sorry.
I’m sure it’s all in the national interest anyway.
Kill a Christian for Britain!
Ex boxing promoter Frank Moloney intending to change gender…
Where’s Verity when you need her? I’d love to see her trumpeting on about this!
stephen maybery 11th, – 00:23
“If that successor is Hillary”…
then god will truly have rejected us as incorrigible.
stephen maybery – 00:23 ‘If that successor is Hillary …’
Even if the WH avoids her presence, she will still be ‘his successor’, and be continually in the news.
stephen maybery – 00:23 ‘A thinking BO?’
You are right, but he is surely experiencing an even higher form of smugness?
RobertC – 23:29 ‘chickens coming home to roost’
At least it is dawning on the US that geographical distance is no protection:
Iraq’s Islamist militants a threat to US, lawmakers warn
Warning of attack on US soil, lawmakers urge strong response to Islamic fighters in Iraq
And Cameron is still swimming in Egypt (in de Nile):
DT: “09.50 The Telegraph’s Political Correspondent Georgia Graham reports David Cameron refuses to recall Parliament to debate the Iraq crisis despite growing calls from his own MPs.”