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A Glorious Easter Monday
A belated Happy Easter to all
A Happy Easter Bank Holiday to one and all.
My youngest daughter emigrated to New Zealand yesterday.
Aww david. You will miss her. Hope you can go often.
fly air new zealand via LA, and have a stopover in LA. Makes the long flight more bearable I think.
Fly Emirates to Auckland
Recently back from a wedding at Stoneridge Vinyard, Queenstown
NZ has a lot to commend it. The welfare system in the country is very wide ranging, offering support for housing, unemployment, health, child care, and education as well. New Zealand has many of the characteristics of a socialist country, even while remaining officially free market
Ostrich (08:31)
It seems that the only way we differ in our disregard for the evil cult is that you see a slim possibility for it evolving into something better (modified Mohammedanism) and I see no such prospect.
Seems to me that Christianity started with a basic humane ethos – the Golden Rule – and, despite its corruption by avaricious or power hungry priests over the ages, and at times its militancy in the face of Islamic aggression, it has always maintained its basic precept. Whereas Islam sees infidels as targets for submission and dhimmitude or death if they refuse to submit. There is a profound chasm between those mind sets that make the possibility of a merger between the two impossible, imho.
As you say, Christianity is currently failing to defend itself, so whence the optimism?
And there is a difference between Christians standing their ground – and foisting their beliefs on others: the senior occupational therapist employed by the NHS ‘trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity’ – whoa! Unsurprising that she got shit-canned. She was ‘leading beyond her authority’, surely, of which we all oft complain in another context. It’s not her job to foist her beliefs on anybody. She can set an example by living the life of a Christian, but proselytising from her vantage point is surely exploitation?
I can remember in my early career being badgered by an evangelistic Roman Catholic senior officer who tried to exploit a traumatic domestic incident in my life by attempting to convert me to his creed as a solution to the problem, then giving me a hard time professionally when I resisted. That’s just not on!
As for resorting to the ECHR to back up her case; not many advocates for the ECHR on this forum, I would have thought? It should have been sorted at management level with a swift bollocking by the ‘occupational therapist’s’ line manager, and the complainant getting a kindly rub down with the Sporting Life. But in the age of political correctitude, everything becomes a Federal Case. 🙂
David Ossitt @ 10:31
Forget airlines, swim, good for your health (only joking).
Lovely country, kind, but marginally too old English, the locals, and obsessed with All Blacks, magnificent beaches though, empty, first class roads, and plenty of sheep (only for your ears, David, you know the definition of New Zealand? A country of 50mn sheep, of which 5mn think they’re human, only joking agaun).
Baron hopes your daughter likes it there (she will), and you see her as often as you want.
One would hope nobody but telemachus (?) is backing the ECHR here, Frank, why should we have basic freedoms guaranteed on a parchment by a bunch of transient politicians?
In Russia, in the thirties, the Stalinist Constitution gave guarantees for freedom of expression, religion, association, you name it, the Georgian thug guaranteed it on a piece of paper, the Western apologisers salivated over the document, and yet in real life, Soviet Russia was the one country one would want to avoid living in. Not that the unwashed had a choice, their freedom of travel, guaranteed by the Constitution, was restricted, they couldn’t get out of the nationwide Gulag, they couldn’t even move freely within it.
Forbes claims the Ukrainian president directly offered President Putin the opportunity “to take Donbass”, but that the Russian head of state turned him down, suggested declaring it an independent territory if Ukraine does not need it.
This sounds about right, confirms Baron’s belief the KGB colonel was only interested in the Crimea and its naval facilities, got sucked in into eastern Ukraine because he had n o choice, over two thirds of the people living there are Russians, abandoning them would have been bad for Putin’s standing in Russia proper.
Apropos our little hinwag on the prospects for a reformed Islam; this little essay seems to broaden the discussion, perhaps:
Apologies – ‘chinwag’!
Frank P @ 13:43
The West seems to have lost the capacity and the will to criticize political Islam? Hmmm, it’s more that the West has lost the capacity and the will to criticize anything and everything except itself, the political Islam has been merely exploiting this lack of critical judgment on the part of the West, guided by the half-Muslim in the White House.
If we treat child rearing as a paid state activity then we abandon the proper tension and opposition between state and family. We will have sold our family independence, such as is left, for a mess of pottage.
anne wotana kaye
April 6th, 2015 – 11:55
Promote gay relationships as positive in school,’ teachers say
The government should be forced to portray gay relationships in a positive light
NUT General Secretary Christine Blower looks a right ugly well-named Dyke. (See BBC Education) If I had a child I would educate him/her at home as the perverts are determined to interfere with the Faith Schools.
David Ossitt, of course you will miss your daughter and her family, but think of the positive aspects of their move. Wishing you all the very best.
Peter from Maidstone @ 15:34
Good point, Peter, except that the state today employes (and pays from taxes) well over 5mn people directly, roughly the same number indirectly (on contract with private sector companies). Baron would rather it didn’t, paid mothers to bring up the next generation well. It may even be that if wwe were to do it, the need for welfare (drug abuse, illiteracy, crime and stuff like that) would be noticeably lower that what we have to fork out now.
Sorry about the Englihs @ 15.34, done in haste again.
The barbarian cannot be helped, keeps making mistakes even when he wants to correct them, have mercy upon him …
Then we disagree, Baron. The state should have little part in bringing up the children of the population it should serve. If mothers were paid then the state would absolutely own the population and every aspect of our family life. It would be the end.
Peter from Maidstone April 6th, 2015 – 15:34
“If we treat child rearing as a paid state activity then we abandon the proper tension and opposition between state and family. We will have sold our family independence, such as is left, for a mess of pottage.”
Absolutely, we need less interference not more.
My paper yesterday tells of a mother who has been given a telling off and a community service order by the courts because she slapped her eight year old daughter, she (the mother) had taken her and a friend to a Justin Bieber concert, the child got hysterical and tried to leave her mother in order to fight her way to the front.
The mother slapped her to bring her out of her hysteria.
That is good parenting being punished, whilst bad (remember Rotherham and all the rest) is never punished.
anne wotana kaye and others thank you for your kind words.
I do not think that I could survive a flight to New Zealand, unless I flew 1st class and did the trip in three or four separate stages!
Peter from Maidstone – 15:34
Yes, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Peter from Maidstone – 19:00
Yes, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
We used to have tax relief for children. It meant the State taking less from those who had earn it.
David Ossitt – 19:21
I’m embarking on just such a plane journey next winter. I’ve heard it can be a bit physically demanding, so I’m in training for it now!
Have you thought about going by boat?
Peter from MaidstoneApril 6th, 2015 – 19:00
“The state should have little part in bringing up the children of the population it should serve.”
I agree.
Meanwhile Salmond & Sturgeon’s Scottish National Socialists are planning to appoint a state guardian for every child up to the age of eighteen. Creep!
These proposals are already out on “consultation”, and we all know what that means!
Much of this creeping legislation/regulation is from self-lobbying. Government funded or subsidised minority lobby groups come up with scaremongering “reports” with often dodgy or at least challengeable statistics. These are always trailed in the media a few weeks before the suddenly government announces new legislation. The “consultation” mentioned by EC seldom changes anything and most of the ‘initiatives’ turn out to be a fait accompli with little or no debate in Parliament.
The House of Lords does get involved in questioning a lot of it which is probably why certain parties want that abolished.
It always feels like there is an agenda behind the scenes working all this stuff out, regardless of which party is in power and it always seems to pander to lobby or campaign groups, including the notorious fake charities.
There is far more of this now than there ever was. In 2011 it was estimated that the number of people employed in the charity sector had risen by 40% in the previous decade and many charities are now overtly political and campaigning by nature. The vast mass of ordinary people, the silent majority, are being constantly nannied by this combination of self-interest pressure group and knee-jerk government and I for one am getting mighty sick of it.
With so many people now employed in this Third Sector it is unlikely to diminish and as the nannies get what they want they have to extend their remit in order to continue to justify their existence, lucrative salaries and pensions. I find it hard to understand people with a zealot’s drive to make a career out of interfering in what other people do and trying to control it. But there seem to be more and more of them – charities, campaigns, “agencies”, quangos. And despite “austerity” the government always seems to be able to find money for new quangos, regulators and “tsars”.
Colonel Mustard – that is an excellent link. The Third Sector is Common Purpose’s huge orc army. And it cannot be questioned because it’s for chariddeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter Hitchens wrote a commentary on the same link you posted, worth re-reading – it’s the BIG chariddees that are the offenders, not the local hospice, but the Red Cross, Oxfam – all that – the ones with chuggers – Common Purposers all.
Sweet and Sour Charity
Many years ago, in a terrifying third world city, I and a colleague were looking for a safe place to stay. We didn’t want much, just a compound in which to hide from the local gang militias, have access to clean water, reliably electricity and a good phone link.
It chanced that we heard that such a place existed, owned by a charity. We went round, introduced ourselves and said that, if they would put us up, we would arrange for our office in London to donate to them what we would normally have paid for a good standard hotel.
We were in need, though not desperate. We wouldn’t have been much trouble, and there was space. Other journalists had, so far as we knew, stayed there recently. But the local representative of the charity turned us down flat. Maybe he didn’t like our paper, or me. That was his choice. But what astonished me most of all was that a charity would so breezily reject several hundred pounds, possibly more than a thousand if we stayed any length of time, in return for services that would have cost a tiny fraction of that.
I was told the charity didn’t need our money. They were already on the government payroll, and did not really rely on individual donations any more.
Since then, I have never given so much as a bent penny to the charity involved. I have also known what most people don’t know, that many major British charities are in fact semi-nationalised organisations. It is seared on my memory and so I often forget that other people don’t know this.
So I am particularly grateful to Christopher Snowdon of the Institute of Economic Affairs, who has produced a fascinating pamphlet ‘Sock Puppets: How the Government Lobbies Itself and Why’ which can be found by going here
Its basic points are these. That many (but please note, by no means all ) British charities (some very major ones) get millions of pounds from central and local government; that the rules which used to ban them from engaging in political lobbying have been greatly relaxed, so that almost anything short of direct party political propaganda will probably be passed by the Charity Commission; and that in effect, British government money, ostensibly spent on good causes, often ends up being used to lobby the government to do things it wants to do anyway.
As Mr Snowdon rightly points out, these tend to be minority causes, not great popular movements. These need no lobbies to get themselves son to the political agenda.
Even so, it occurs to me as remarkable that increased spending on foreign aid, which is dubious in itself and also widely unloved, is a successful cause, whereas nobody much is defending the armed forces from cuts, and much of the treatment of men badly injured in wars is met through genuine charitable donations.
I quite like some of the organisations he picks on (such as those which campaign for better public transport), but I did laugh at his brief history of the ‘Child Poverty Action Group’ which wrote in 1965 to the then premier, Harold Wilson about ‘at least half a million children in this country’ who were ‘in homes where there is hardship due to poverty’.
Billions of pounds of welfare spending later, the same CPAG now speaks of 3.8 million children living in poverty. All that time, and all that money, and ‘child poverty’ has increased sevenfold and more. Or perhaps something else has happened?
I’ll leave you some other figures from Mr Snowdon (he provides references) . The ‘voluntary’ sector employs more than 600,000 people. Between 1997 and 2005, the income of Britain’s charities almost doubled, from £19.8 billion to £39.7 billion, with the biggest growth coming in grants and contracts from government departments (state funding rose by 38% in the first years f this century, while private donations rose by 7%).
27,000 charities depend on the state for more than three quarters of their income, more than a third of the sector’s total income – £12.8 billion in 2007-8) came from the state.
By the way, you will be pleased to know that most British charities remain small organisations which take no cash from the state. The problem is confined to the big organisations. Yet even among the big organisations some – for example the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and the Donkey Sanctuary – are wholly independent of the state (so why, I ask, does the RNLI irritatingly use metric measurements for wave-heights in its advertisements? Feet, please).
My advice on charities is to check before giving. Do they take government cash? If so, how much? It will be in their accounts, though not always as obvious as it ought to be. And do they engage in propaganda? In which case, is it propaganda you don’t mind helping to support?
But in general, be aware of the fact that many very important lobbies are in fact funded by the government, so that it can lobby itself to do things it wants to do, but which you may not want done.
I am not sure ’charity’ is the right name for such organisations. Mr Snowdon has done us a valuable service.
Good ole Sam Cam telling the world how her marriage to David has gotten stronger over the years! No mention of why Louise Mensch decided to suddenly leave after two years as an MP to ‘spend more time with here family’!! Stronger marriage, indeed.
And there are pictures of Davey Wavey with lambs and children and lovely chart after chart with number after number telling the world how his government done a great job.
And yet the discount supermarkets keep getting more customers and B&Q closes 30 stores. And the deficit roars – and most of all – the borders crumble.
I don’t think you told Sam Cam the truth Davey. And I don’t think you’re telling the voters the truth either.
And if you think I’m going to fellate your lies, you’ve got another thing coming.
David Cameron tells Ukip voters – it’s time to come home
I have heard the message of frustrated Tories loud and clear, says Cameron
Yes, the message involves procreation and travel.
EC April 6th, 2015 – 20:07
David Ossitt – 19:21
Have you thought about going by boat?
Now there’s a possible solution.
Cameron should have thought about that before insulting UKIP supporters. A good leader identifies the enemy of greatest danger and secures alliances against him.
A bit late in the day to suddenly realise that Labour present a greater threat to the stability and well-being of the country than UKIP!
Had he not alienated his core vote as well as UKIP to flirt with lefties who still hate his guts anyway he might now be in a position of more strength. Bad strategy. Not enough diplomacy, discretion or circumspection before giving the country the “benefit” of his opinion.
Never mind, maybe the Mothers Union will rally to him on the promise of his Great Firewall of Mary Whitehouse.
Noah – if you have time to read the Wall during the campaign:
I would like to see UKIP put its cat among the Labour (and ConLab) pigeons by broadcasting on all appropriate occasions Hugh Gaitskell’s speech on the European project in Brighton in October 1962 which is treated in an article by John Torode in Standpoint March 2015.
This from the article:
“…The speech ripped into the European Economic Community (as it then was). Gaitskell committed Labour to opposing Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s ill-fated application to join the Club of Europe. Civilised, cultured, cosmopolitan moderates—especially highly educated, urbane, public school types like Gaitskell—were not meant to come out as vulgar backward-looking Little Englanders. That sort of stuff was for nutters, fruitcakes and nasty proletarian types. Shades of today?
It was unforgiveable….
…His approach was intensely emotional and deeply patriotic. Joining the EEC “does mean the end of Britain as an independent European State”, he warned. “It means the end of a thousand years of history. You may say ‘Let it end’, but my goodness it is a decision which demands a little care and thought.”
He warned against the creeping federalism inherent in majority voting, which would inevitably embrace more and more areas. He warned that it would put an end to an independent British foreign policy and the right to implement our own economic policies. He talked (rightly) of the damage our accession would do to our Commonwealth partners. It was obvious to the delegates that he felt this country’s natural home was as the head of the Commonwealth and closely allied to the US.
Then came another pleasingly populist outburst from that quintessential Wykehamist. The EEC idea that governments (today he might have said Brussels bureaucrats) know best and should take crucial decisions was “an odious piece of of hypocritical, supercilious, arrogant rubbish”. The people should have the final say. It was an argument—and choice of words—which Nigel Farage or Norman Tebbit would have been proud of.”
Can’t find the speech on You Tube. Funny thing that. May be I’m not looking hard enough – or may be someone doesn’t want it disseminated. Anyone have a copy?
Noa not Noah – apologies.
ConLib not ConLab – apologies.
A bit late in the day to suddenly realise that Labour present a greater threat to the stability and well-being of the country than UKIP!
I can see why those steeped in Osborne’s for-us-and-ours philosophy of the priveleged would say that
But there is a moral dimension here
I brought up my children to understand that we as a priveleged Western populace which had brought the civilising influences to a savage world had a duty to our fellow man
How can we, in conscience, abolish our overseas aid budget
How threaten immigrants with deportation
How threaten to turn our back on the tenets of justice in the ECHR that we ourselves imposed on recalcitrant regimes
If I had any suspicion that such policies might hold sway, I would campaign vigorously for Cameron to stop them
As it is the Sturgeon/Miliband juggernaut is looking unstoppable
There is no moral dimension to a party that seeks to preserve the Union in order to retain its Scottish MPs in Westminster and then jumps into bed with a party that wants to split the country apart in order to preserve their power over us. Labour and the SNP are at each others throats in Scotland so their combining to make life miserable for the English would take Labour’s duplicity to new lows of abhorrence.
Boasting about such a dark alliance is repulsive, even for you. You think that Labour’s silly claim to a monopoly on morality and ‘social justice’ justifies winning power by any means. You have told us so. But both you and your party are full of shit.
David Ossitt @ 19:18
So, if the court punishment of a mother for slapping her daughter isn’t a state interference in the affairs of the family, it is exactly what, David & others? More to the point, the meddling of the State doesn’t stop there.
The state has always interfered, will continue to interfere, it’s one of its primary function to ensure the survival of as many of its citizens as possible (to pay taxes).
The question is whether a child cum mother upbringing with the state poking its nose in beats that of a child (1) deprived of his/her mother’s love when it matters most, and (2) controlled by others who are, in turn, controlled by the State. You may have missed it, but exams for the 4-year olds are on the way in.
Colonel Mustard 07:49
Hear, hear, hear.
(A second hand shite, perhaps?)
Baron’s off for a few days, on his travels again.
Teletubby – you can’t have raised your kids, because you surely haven’t procreated any, being, to use the parlance, a complete Merchant Banker.
Colonel Mustard, April 6th, 2015 – 20:57
Geordie ShawApril 6th, 2015 – 21:07
Both excellent links. Thanks
When I said “Consultation, and we know what that means” it was code, for the fellow Ambrose Bierce fans on the CHW.
eg. CONSULT, v.i. To seek another’s disapproval of a course already
decided on.
In many ways Brierce’s 19th definition is still applicable today, but modern goverment has even more cynically turned that definition on its head by only consulting itself!
Baron – 08:43
“Baron’s off for a few days, on his travels again.”
šťastnou Cestu, Baron! If your going to sit on top of an active volcano for a week I might see you. However, if you’re back to old Czecho for spell then make sure that old Makarov is clean. 😉
@09:36 – edited
“In many ways Brierce’s 19th century definition is still applicable today, but modern government has, even more cynically, turned that definition on its head by only consulting itself, resulting in universal approval!”
I was intrigued to receive a Labour party leaflet through the door this morning. It contained a pledge to restore the 10p tax rate for 24 million people without mentioning the implications, if any, for the Coalition raised personal allowance. This has not been much mentioned in the media. Knowing Labour I suspect a Brownian sleight of hand is at work that will actually draw more low paid people into paying tax on the pretence of “reducing” the rate.
I telephoned the local Labour candidate to clarify this policy and got an answer phone message . . .
The leaflet also promised that Labour will build 200,000 homes a year by 2020 without mentioning immigration at all. So their direction of travel is clear. They become house builders (which should be a private enterprise) whilst ignoring our broken borders and security (which should be a government responsibility).
Blair is babbling bollocks on the telly as I write this. A desperate effort to bolster the EU and all who ride the gravy train, on which his own share of the gravy is disproportionate. Fucking meglomaniac hypocrite!
Frank P 10.59
Come on frank , don’t be shy.
Tell us what you really think of Blair.
There are no expletives sufficiently disparaging to describe the reptile – which is why I coined one: “meglomaniac” (you thought it was a typo, didn’t you?) 🙂
Frank P
April 7th, 2015 – 10:59
I look at him and think he deserves that goggle-eyed old sow of a whore that he is married to.
Anne (14:25)
Together they form one of the most evil and corrupt political partnerships ever to emerge from the swamps of socialism. But it is the element of hypocrisy that is so nauseating. The treason and far left ‘Internationale’ is par for the course with all their ilk, but their joint acquisition of undeserved wealth by abuse of office and peddling influence around the globe, often to the benefit of slugs inimical to Britain’s interest amounts to criminal conspiracy. The damage their regime did to this country is immeasurable. It anyone remains to write the history of ‘le fin de siecle’ when Islam finishes the job that Blair inaugurated, he and his hobby spouse
… correction … gobby spouse will head the list of those responsible for the collapse of Western Civilization.
Frank P
April 7th, 2015 – 15:00
Frank, Brilliantly erudite, you at your finest and best!
AWK 7th, – 14:25
“I look at him and think he deserves that goggle-eyed old sow of a whore that he is married to.”
Looking at her photographs it’s not her eyes that strike me (perhaps because the lens has splintered.) but somewhere slightly to the south. That’s why I feel that, since the word ‘Satchmo’ is currently lacking an owner, I apply it to her! 🙂
Plans are clear
Announced 13 Feb 2013
At the tax bands then
“If the Coalition reaches its target of raising the threshold for when you start paying income tax to £10,000, then Labour would plan to introduce the 10p rate for incomes up to £11,000”
Ostrich (occasionally)
April 7th, 2015 – 16:18Yes, but Satchmo has sweet memories of Louis Armstrong. What about Fat Gob?
Roger Scruton’s latest essay on the corruption of Universities as part of the agitprop assault on Western Culture:
h/t Gerard VdL.
Malfleur 6 Apr. at 00.45
Baron …6 Apr. at10.32
Here’s to Cameron’s (and Obama’s) gallant allies against Putin.Note the NATO flag and the yellow and blue of the Ukraine Republic.
April 7th, 2015 – 17:22
Hmm. Tories propose raising the personal allowance to £12,500 in the next parliament.
I finally got through to Labour and all they would say is that there are “no plans at this stage” to change the personal allowances increased by the Coalition. Stumped when I asked them how the reduced tax intake from a 10p rate would be off set.
The whiff of a very large rat permeates the air.
Radford NG
With friends like these…
Meanwhile, ‘Go! Anglosphere:
“You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security” (op.cit)
” Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.”
John birch
April 7th, 2015 – 12:44
Perhaps I can put it into a context some here might understand.
I suffer the occasional attack of gout, usually during the night and stereotypically, usually in the big toe. You cannot even stand the weight of a bedsheet on it until the painkillers kick in.
It is so bad, I always say I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy except Tony Blair.
Clear Memories
April 8th, 2015 – 09:31
You are indeed a man of measured moderation. I too suffer from gout (or so the Quack says). I wish all the politicians should have big toes, middle toes, and little toes all f*cked up by gout 🙂
Today, reforming Islam is harder than ever, if only because the bulk of Islamic energies are devoted to political issues, with theological work not getting even a stool at the high table. The last credible Islamic theologians one could cite died over 50 years ago. The few noteworthy theologians one finds in the seminaries of Mecca, Medina, Cairo, Najaf and Qom, among other places, are focused on either esoteric topics or tinkering at the margin of practical problems of modern life.
What France, and the West in general, face today is a war waged by a part of Islam against the democratic world. The most effective way for the West to deal with this situation, and eventually win this war, is to mobilize the resources of its nation-states for facing the challenge on all fronts — political, economic, and cultural and, when needed, military. The silly slogan “this has no military solution” is self-defeating, if only because it is based on a denial of the reality that the Western democracies and their allies in the Muslim world are being challenged and attacked in a veritable multifaceted war.
Once the Western democracies have admitted to themselves that this is a war, they would be in a position seek allies in the Muslim world by posing the only question that really matters in a state of war: Are you with us or against us?
Today, they cannot pose that question because they are dancing around the issue, talking of social injustice, education, colonial heritage, racism, ethnocentrism and other fashionable shibboleths already mentioned.
The unwillingness of Western democracies to agree on a common analysis of the situation, enables opportunist Muslim powers to hedge their bets by helping or at least tolerating the terrorists under the banner of Islam. And that is bound to prolong the deadly struggle, which terrorism in the end cannot win.
To read the whole very long article that the above is from go to
@Frank P 6th, – 11:24
“As you say, Christianity is currently failing to defend itself, so whence the optimism?”
Only a vague sense that Christians, and the civilisations that have grown up based on a Christian ethos, are slow to anger but when they do get p*ssed off their anger is awful to behold.
And, while I concede that my 1950s/60s upbringing had Christianity at its core, like you, I hew to no religion at all but, if push came to shove, I’d be quite prepared to don the white surcoat bearing the red cross, take up my sword and line up with Christianity to defend…..what?…..well. I guess it’d be my freedom to reject organised religion. 🙂
Ostrich (10:34)
Heh, heh, heh! In that case I’ll drag my old carcass into the front line beside you, bolstered by like principles and dressed in my white nightshirt emblazoned ; the enemy would undoubtedly flee in terror at such an apalling apparition. We are now at one regarding this temporary haggle over the semantics.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 10:34
“I guess it’d be my freedom to reject organised religion.”
I have heard said that it is the Priest’s job to ensure everyone’s eyes are on Jesus, because looking at everyone else would terrify all and sundry, so you might have something there. What I have found is that organised anything creates hierarchy, and requires ‘leadership’ and some degree of authority, which appears to beyond so many church goers. Perhaps it is because they see the ritual, but do not understand what’s behind it.
Many jobs were taken on by the religion of the day because there was no other group around. We still haven’t untangled what belongs where. In fact, did you know that Britain is, in fact, a theocracy?
(@ 3:00)
Too many people have taken their Judeo-Christian heritage for granted, to the point where they are against it. For example, John Cleese moved to Bath (?) because London wasn’t English any more, yet he amassed his fortune by mocking everything that be probably now holds dear! A small example, but repeated so many times.
Our country’s elite are Marxists at heart, though they may not know it themselves. In the Sixties, so many went to university to study Social Science which as we know, isn’t Science, and it isn’t social. They all thought they had won when they beat the Christian Establishment! When they realise what they are rejecting, the country might have a chance.
As John says (10:09) “Today, they cannot pose that question because they are dancing around the issue”
They do not understand that the individual’s code of conduct needs to reflect the bigger picture, and vice versa. For example, with the State taking on the responsibility of childcare, we now have ‘benefits’ children’, without a functioning family to support them; we are not only protecting murders and rapists, we are spending millions on giving them a lifestyle that most could not afford ourselves; we encourage children to study subjects at university that will not sergve them well.
And I find is that many people do not understand what Science is, does or claims, and think it removes the need for a Faith!
No wonder we are in a mess!
The parents of the two Dewsbury 17 year old school youths (not boys) state that they are in a state of shock that their offspring have gone to join ISIS.
Bollocks and baloney, how did they pay for the air tickets?
Who advanced the cash?
Did the two youths hide behind burkas?
I am sick to the back teeth with the BBC telling us that two/four/three/eight British boys/girls/youths/families have gone to join ISIS, they are Pakistani/Bangladeshi not real brits at all.
They are certainly not English, I think that all of their families should be sent to join them.
I’ve said it before. The passports of all at risk youths and students, i.e from Pakistani families, should be removed and held by the police and returned only to parents who sign a request for a particular visit abroad and hold themselves liable for their children’s activities.
David. 16-18.
David , I am getting so angry with the BBC take on all of this I am switching off when the social worker voice tells us in despair about how these poor children are being led astray on line by mysterious others.
It’s their own family obsession and their own fucking religion that’s radicalising them.
We can see it clearly and I am getting seriously angry with the lies and excuses.
John birch April 8th, 2015 – 16:35
Peter from Maidstone April 8th, 2015 – 16:31
With Dewsbury being within the sphere of our local BBC news, we get it on our local news, what was sickening was the mention of two Yorkshire Lads then later the parents thought that they were going on holiday to Turkey, what a load of codswallop.
PS the will never be local lads they will always be young Pakistani’s.
David Ossitt – 19:26
“… teenagers going on holiday to Turkey”
Single to Ankara, please.
Malfleur at 14.04
A man from Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster who wanted to pose for photo with a colander on his head discriminated against by DVLA.
I’ve long claimed the same for members of The Order of the Blessed Frederick Dibnah M.B.E……..for the wearing of the traditional English flat-cap.
The Spectator’s Coffee House is infested with Labour, SNP and EU trolls.
“Wed, 04/08/2015 – 15:06 | 59722041000yrdstare
Just last month, in the 31 days of March, police in the United States killed more people than the UK did in the entire 20th century. In fact, it was twice as many; police in the UK only killed 52 people during that 100 year period.”
Vive la différence!
The Colonel is right
We should forget May 7 for a minute
“The man accused of bombing the Boston Marathon in 2013 has been found guilty of all 30 charges that he faced, many of which carry the death penalty”
Do we as a civilised society support putting folks to judicial death?
And so the push-back starts.
Riots last weekend and more to come, Supermarkets and Producers being specifically targeted – and caving in (the Dairy group that supplied Qantas and then inherited the Emirates contracts as well when they code-shared has dropped the Contract in the face of a public boycott due to its halal compliance.)
And now this doing the rounds:-
We ain’t having it folks. Aussies know when smoke is being blown up their arses.
“Do we as a civilised society support putting folks to judicial death?”
No. But these are not ‘folks’, you disseminating Socialist prat, these are inhuman, murderous scum, low-life on a par with bacteria on the civilisation scale.
Were that we could find a suitable ‘Domestos’ that would kill 99% of all known Muslims.
Ok, folks, back to May 7th – the minute is up:
Here is his speech on Britain:
Latest from rod liddle
Like you, I suspect, I have been terribly worried these last few weeks over the plight of 15-year-old Amira Abase. Amira fled the country on 17 February in order to take up an exciting and challenging position as an in-house whore for the vibrant and decapitating warriors of the Islamic State somewhere in Syria, probably Raqqa. She travelled with two like-minded school friends from the local caliphate of Bethnal Green and not much has been heard of her since. We wring our hands in anguish at the fate which might have befallen this girl. It is of course commendable that she, along with so many other fervent young British Muslim women, should wish to become a jihadi bride. What kind of life would she be forced to endure in the Islamophobic hell of the United Kingdom? As Russell Brand has sagely pointed out, these kids feel they have no future here, they are without hope, innit.
But the real worry is that Amira may have taken up with a jihadi who may be less than liberal in his views about, say, women’s equality and the very real struggles endured by lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgendered folk. Poisonous views quite counter to those which we have expensively inculcated in her. I can imagine Amira’s husband coming home one evening after a long day of decapitating and standing before her, scimitar in one hand, head of a Christian in the other, and expressing perhaps slight but meaningful worries over the rectitude of gay adoptions and, more so, IVF treatment for homosexual married couples. ‘I’m just not convinced, love,’ I hear him saying, looking a little forlorn. And Amira replying: ‘You’re dripping infidel blood on the carpet, Tariq.’
‘But we haven’t got a carpet. It’s just compacted mud and dust.’
‘Um. Yes, you’re right. I want to go home to Bethnal Green now, please.’
Certainly his lovely daughter was never exposed by the family to Islamic extremism, he told the press
This is the problem — that Amira may not have thought things through.
We know why she went. Because, as Russell told us, of the lack of hope and the Islamophobia. And also, according to the BBC and the Guardian and indeed her own father, Hussen Abase, because the more usually fascistic police were less than diligent in trying to stop her getting to Gatwick airport. It is undoubtedly the job of the police to stop Muslims going anywhere near Gatwick airport — not because they might blow up planes or anything like that, you total ’phobe, but because we will all be greatly diminished by their departure from our country. It is the job of the police to enjoin them to stay here, inshallah.
Or it may be that — again according to the liberals — she was ‘groomed’ online by the deranged Islamists. Grooming, incidentally, was once something that chimps did to one another, or what my colleague Melissa Kite might do to a horse. But it has been appropriated by the left and now means nothing at all, except to absolve the groomee of even the slenderest vestiges of culpability. To be groomed is to be a victim, and that’s an end to the discussion.
Or it could be — as again, the left has it — that the intrusive behaviour of our security services somehow radicalised Amira and made her want to pack her bags for Syria immediately. Or that the glamour and chutzpah of the Islamic State maniacs had much the same effect upon Amira and her friends, that, say, Justin Bieber has on other girls of her age. This hilarious thesis is quite au courant — largely because, like all of those other theses, it removes any notion of blame from Amira and from her family and from the mosques and from the local Muslim community. They are never to blame. It is always someone else’s fault — the filth, the spooks, the vicious anti-Islam mindset of the British people, the oh-so pernicious influence of the internet, glamour, grooming and so on. That’s what did it, that’s what made Amira head for Gatwick. All that stuff.
Amira’s dad, Hussen, cleaved to the view that the police were to blame. Why didn’t they warn him? Certainly his lovely daughter was never exposed by the family to the horrors of Islamic extremism, perish the thought, he told the press. Any intimation of that and he’d have come down hard on her, he opined — just before the video was released. The footage of Hussen Abase on a march in London organised by the proscribed terrorist organisation Al-Muhajiroun, holding a burning American flag and screaming ‘Allahu Akbar!’, his face a rictus of hatred, standing near Michael Adebowale, who was one of the murderers of British fusilier Lee Rigby, and just behind the extremist nutjob Anjem Choudary.
And Hussen was kind enough to take Amira to two marches, much as any dad would do with his kids on a quiet Saturday, either demand the death of the cockroach infidels or visit Ikea — what’s it to be, children?
Hussen is an Ethiopian and of course — of course — unemployed. He came to this country, he said, for democracy and freedom. And also, presumably, so that he and his appalling family can be heavily subsidised by the taxpayer while they scream for the destruction of the civilisation which has treated them with such ludicrous, arguably insane generosity. I came here for the right to demand your utter and complete destruction while being extravagantly remunerated for so doing. Any problem in that?
Hussen Abase is just the one we know about: I wonder how many others there are who were similarly disposed, the dads or the mums or the imams or the state school teachers. We know about Hussen because some sharp-eyed journo spotted his face in the crowd. What is he doing here? Wouldn’t he be happier in Raqqa, with his daughter? Amira is the victim of extremism, Hussen later told the press. Yes indeed — your own.
No politicians with a backbone like this in the UK:-
Check out this great Podcast:
Re the latest white on black shooting in USA some observations.
The first footage shown by the BBC appeared to show a scuffle and the suspect attempting to pick up something from the ground – the officer’s tazer? This footage was cut on later BBC news programmes.
The suspect then attempted to run away. Why? If he only had a broken tail light on his car why did he run away?
The news reports say the suspect was shot 8 times in the back. Do they mean he was shot and hit 8 times or shot at 8 times? If so how many shots hit him? This was not clear from the reports.
Having watched the Labour non-dom tax gaffe on Daily Politics yesterday and followed the various online news feeds I thought the BBC Six O’Clock News coverage of it was an absolute disgrace.
They played down the scandalous lies told by Miliband in his speech claiming ‘independent experts’ had verified the policy (it was a single Labour party activist who later admitted his claims were more or less guesswork) and wheeled out the Labour-supporting weirdo Peston to play up the supposed ‘moral’ aspects.
On the Daily Politics the shadow treasury BME token and Israeliphobe Shabana Mahmood’s performance was appalling. She was in robotic waffling talk over mode, failed to listen to or answer Brillo’s questions and kept saying “Look . . . ” and “It’s the right thing to do”. She is the daughter of the Birmingham Labour party chairman which no doubt had no influence on her selection as a Parliamentary Candidate. She is only 34 and if this is an example of what we might expect from a Labour government minister then God help us all.
No doubt slimer will slither in to attempt to counter this outrage by glibly telling us that she is magnificent, a genius, blah, blah, blah, which will just provide the unnecessary confirmation that he is as mad as a box of frogs, incapable of objective reasoning and has a block of dense red-painted hardwood between his ears and under his Mao cap instead of a brain.
Clear Memories April 9th, 2015 – 04:02
“No. But these are not ‘folks’, you disseminating Socialist prat, these are inhuman, murderous scum, low-life on a par with bacteria on the civilisation scale.”
They are worse, many ‘bacteria’ are beneficial but not those murdering bastards they are lower than a dog turd.
But then they hate dogs.
Black tazer man was a respectable customs officer. He was behind on maintenance and afraid he was being nabbed for that. He did not fall until shot 8.
The blatant sinistral bias of the Sky/BBC is now becoming farcical, as is their determination to air-brush UKIP from the pre-election debate and replace Farage’s palpable challenge to the Westminster Wankocracy by inserting the irrelevant Scottish hag as a red herring (or perhaps we can now change that metaphor to red sturgeon)!
And the weird, effete Millibrat, whingeing because ‘David Camerwon’ is calling him nasty names like ‘back stabbing brother’ (an accurate factual description) is being bigged up by the MSM, depicting Cameron’s justified description as ‘dirty negative politics’ and ‘likely to upset decent conservative voters’ across the country’ . Bwaahahahaha!!
So let’s upset a few more ‘decent conservatives across the country’.
Milibrat Minor has a face that obviously spontaneously combusted at some stage and one suspects his brother tried to put it out with a shovel – hence the internecine animosity.
Both were sired by an immigrant East End spiv who, like Peter Rachman, originally made a living by knocking out recycled bomb-damaged goods of London victims of the blitzkrieg, then was elevated by his Fabian sponsors to ‘Marxist intellectual’ (aka traitor) and given a key role in implementing Gramsci’s ‘long march through the institutions’ as a lecturer at the LSE’.
The mother is another Marxist intellectual, so the brothers we suckled on the sour socialist sophistry, are irretrievable strivers for the Internationale of communism and if the useful idiots of Britain’s hoi polloi are now sufficiently idiotic to vote this egregious spawn of treasonous pedigree into a term of tenancy into No.10, it will be the the death knell of the United Kingdom and cause irretrievable destruction of all that those who those who understand what it means to be truly English hold dear to their hearts.
And now UKIP’s spokesman Patrick O’Flynn is jumping on the bandwagon and decrying the phrase ‘back-stabbing’. WTF?!!
Read Isabel on the Defence thread
” If Miliband was able to stab his brother in the back, doesn’t that make him ruthless, not weak”
In short the kind of chap we need to run the Nation’s defence
Shabama knows how we should all live together in harmony as she wrote in the Huff Post
“And offended not at the mischaracterisation of the religious makeup of the city – the city is 21% Muslim – but at the mischaracterisation that our diversity is something that separates us rather than something that brings us together.
In my own constituency I see this coming together in abundance. It’s not just the Irish you’ll see tapping their feet to the Irish tunes at The Spotted Dog; or just the Chinese community enjoying the amazing Chinese New Year Celebrations in the Arcadian. The thriving shopping centres of the Soho Road and Coventry Road (which serve predominately African Caribbean and Muslim populations respectively) are visited by discerning shoppers from across the city”
Truly magnificent, as you say
huktra April 9th, 2015 – 12:29
Thank you, but according to one report although 8 shots were fired he was hit by 5, three in the back and one in his buttocks with one shot hitting his ear, and he was in the US Coast Guard rather than a customs officer.
9th.April:on this day 150 years ago Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S.Grant.
Illustration to Lee’s surender:
Contemporary sketches of Lee’s surrender:
At 14.49:
I meant to say;Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S.Grant.
WTF is happening over on Speccie?
You should be pleased. The place is infested with commie, Labour, SNP and EU trolls that almost make you look sane.
Nice try on BBC’s ‘Coast’ programme to blame the 1855 exodus of Chinese refugees to Australia on the ‘chaos’ caused by the British and French Opium Wars 1839–1842 and 1856–1860. They conveniently ignored China’s home grown chaos:-
Nien Rebellion 1853-1868
Miao Uprising 1855-1872
Panthay Uprising 1855-1861
Taiping Rebellion 1850-1864 (20–30 million deaths)
BBC propaganda or ignorance? One might think a programme focussing on history would make a better effort to present an objective, balanced view.
It never ends:Lord Stevens (former Chief Commissioner of the Met.) is being investigated by the IPCC [nothing to do with Climate Change] re. the evidence he gave to the Macpherson (aka Macloonie) enquiry.
This arises from the `Stephen Lawrence Independent (independent?) Review`by Mark Ellison Q.C.
Will they never give it up:there are over one million cases of rape against young English girl children (just work out the figures).
Ref.the above: `IPCC investigating former Met chief`.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.
Bilderberger’s army, or one of them, comes at Damascus wearing a different mask:
Nigel Farage said that the European Union in its adventure in the Ukraine has blood on its hands.
Same hands – different blood.
Radford NG April 10th, 2015 – 00:39
It’s an agenda. The scale of historical revision on the internet is appalling. The Soviet Union is being rehabilitated with their war plans being steadily expunged from online archives. Current PC manipulation of language is being retro-woven into articles at Wiki, especially within political and sociology subjects. The persecution/prosecution of historical establishment figures is prioritised and all part of it.
Colonel Mustard
“The Soviet Union is being rehabilitated with their war plans being steadily expunged from online archives. ”
I am not sure what this means, though I am willing to entertain it. Chapter and verse first though, please.
Please, if you know a social worker, go out and kill them.
Has anyone a link for the latest Gerald Warner article?
So, 150 years since Appomatox Court House, seems just like yesterday. Mind you I can’t help thinking that if general Grant could have seen into thee future, he would have declined Lee’s offer and joined the Confederacy instead.
Clear Memories
April 10th, 2015 – 11:02
Social worker? The very title is an oxymoron.
Clear Memories April 10th, 2015 – 11:02
“Please, if you know a social worker, go out and kill them.”
This case that you linked us to is a dreadful example of the misuse of power of Kafkaesque proportions, a living nightmare for the mother and grandparents.
The fact that the mother was monitored for weeks (tested) without the knowledge that she was being scrutinized is dreadful and quite evil.
It invokes folk memories of the Witch-finder General, Salam and the fact that they were living in an exaggerated ‘Catch 22’ situation.
From the Telegraph;
“Labour ‘dead’ in Scotland, MP says as candidates turn to Gordon Brown to save campaign”
Getting Brown in is guaranteed to be the final nail in the coffin. Alastair Darling would be a better choice (not that I care two hoots about Labour’s prospects anyway).
PS to mine of David Ossitt April 10th, 2015 – 16:22
Lest we forget, up until recently these Social Workers were able to present their cases to compliant judges in secret courts, without those who were being ruled on had no idea that a court was in session.
Election 2015: Cameron pledges ‘paid volunteering leave’
What a load of rubbish! Takes all the individual unselfish spirit away and replaces it with government controlled activity. And how will charity be accepted?. Can it be an activity to prevent same-sex marriage? Can it be against PC behaviour? Somehow I do not think so.
‘Ex-jihadist’ – or so he says, and anyway he says it so the BBC treat him like God’s gift – Maajid Nawaz is now a Lib Dem in a strip club:
Imagine Tommy Robinson trying to become an MP! As if LibLabCOn and the MSM would let him.
You’re Muslim? And ‘ex’-jihadist? Red carpet, please.
Taqqya’s never far from Muslims and when you hear the word ‘ex’, reformed and so on, you watch out, because that just means taqqya’s about.
They all say Alluah Akbar several times a day – that’s all you need to know.
Starkly Starkey:
But why is he voting Tory?
Colonel Mustard
April 9th, 2015 – 20:45
Well said!
I see that Wikipedia says of Frank Dikötter that he stressed the adverse effect of prohibition of opium on the Chinese people as opposed to the effects of the drug itself in ‘Patient Zero’ – I shall have to read that!
But someone here, last week I think, was trotting out the old saw that Asians, meaning the Chinese, are x% more inteligent than others. I am in fact presently reading Frank Dikötter’s books, The Tragedy of Liberation and Mao’s Great Famine – a bit at a time I have to say as they are so depressing and, I fear, augurs of we ourselves can expect in the near future if the Bildingberger’s have their way.
How though is one to reconcile intelligence with at least seventy years of wilfully induced and largely accepted murder, sadism, disease, brutality, economic and social collapse or savagely pointless wasting of the good in the old society and the construction of an artificially potemkinised gulag riding for a fall?
And I would ask the question of mainland China also.
– But what we need is UKIP’s plan to see off Brussels and organize against the economic and geopolitical storm which is about to break. Not easy – we should all contribute and in particular make sure no enemy from within or from without takes out Nigel if he looks to be moving to a position of power.
Do we need to begin to think along the lines of the Committee of Correspondence in 18th century America or the Committee of Safety in 17th century England? I am sure that the Anglosphere has civilized precedents which we can draw on.
My main concern about being drawn into the debate about islam is that it is being used as a cat’s paw by those who wish the country -or Europe as whole – ill.
10 Apr 2015
This week we heard the tragic story of a retired businessman who killed himself and his wife having told friends he was deeply worried about the fact that his rural neighbourhood had been surrounded, at the local council’s behest, by officially designated ‘traveller’ camp sites.
Which do you think is the most likely explanation for poor John Knott’s radical and desperate measure?
Was it
a) he had a pathological aversion to lovely, colourful people in their brightly painted, horse-drawn caravans with their rich cultural heritage, deep understanding of rural lore and their fine traditions of coloured-headscarf-and-hoop-earring-wearing, crystal-ball-gazing, heather-sprig-selling, fiddle-playing, horse-bartering jollity
b) he was a racist, that’s what he was, a racist who’d been taken in by all those appalling myths about the well-loved Roma people and Irish Traveller folk and is probably the kind of person who votes UKIP
c) he’d retired to what he thought was a rural idyll only to realise that by government fiat about £125,000 was going to be knocked off the value of his property, he’d never be able to leave his doors unlocked, his neighbouring fields would be filled with stagnant rubbish, there’d never be any peace by day or night, and he’d constantly have to worry about semi-literate urchins pilfering his toolshed and defecating in his hedgerows, while their feckless parents badgered him every other day explaining they’d got a bit of gravel left over from another job and did he want his drive tarmacked?
Well, obviously it couldn’t have been c) because under Tony Blair’s hate crime laws that would have constituted an offence which might have landed Knott in prison. So it must have been one of the others, clearly.
But it is slightly odd, don’t you think, that whenever – literally 100 per cent of the time on all occasions, ever – a gipsy/traveller/Roma encampment descends on a particular area, the response of all those living there tends to be less than enthusiastic; and that the longer that encampment manages to stay in place the more frantically desperate the local community grows to get rid of them?
Pure racism, I suppose.
Except here’s a thing. If you go to Ireland, whence many of these ‘traveller’ communities emanate, I think you’ll find that they are not – do correct me if I’m wrong – granted special ethnic status or peculiar legal privileges.
That’s why so many of them have left Ireland (where they own houses: the kind of things they’re theoretically supposed to hate living in because it’s their ‘tradition’) to take advantage of Britain’s more enlightened approach to the “traveller community” – as framed in official documents like this called Planning Policy For Traveller Sites.
Under these planning regulations, local councils are legally obliged to provide sites for traveller encampments.
It explains at the beginning:
“The Government’s overarching aim is to ensure fair and equal treatment for travellers.”
But clearly – you can tell this document was drafted by a Liberal Democrat – “fair and equal treatment” is precisely what these travellers are NOT being given.
On the contrary, they are being granted privileges over and above those accorded so-called “settled” communities. Some of these privileges are official (eg this allocation of “free” land for them to park their vehicles on, regardless of how their new neighbours might feel about this incursion). Some of them are unofficial. (Apparently, for example, you’ll never get the RSPCA intervening where it turns out that stray horses grazing willy-nilly belong to travellers).
This injustice was the subject in 2013 of a private members bill by Conservative MP Philip Hollobone, who in his speech to the House refused to mince his words:
Members may not realise that local residents have told me, on the basis of police evidence, that many distraction burglaries are undertaken by members of the Gypsy and Traveller community. It is a speciality of theirs. Likewise, farmers and rural dwellers are, frankly, terrorised at the theft of, and damage to, farm equipment and rural properties. The idea that these sites could be set up near to long-established communities both within towns and villages is bringing a huge amount of distress to my local residents.
Hollobone can say stuff like that under parliamentary privilege. The rest of us, unfortunately, have to be more careful – not least because there’s a particularly tenacious gipsy grievance lobby ready to pounce on any perceived injustice against their wholly delightful, thoroughly law-abiding and not remotely antisocial, whiny, vulgar, rapacious community of exquisitely dressed and superbly well-educated model citizens.
But it is a bizarre situation we’ve got, isn’t it?
One of the most basic obligations of any government is the protection of its citizens’ property rights. And one of the most basic principles of English common law is that everyone is equal before it.
Yet as regards travellers we have planning laws which flagrantly breach both of the above.
An alien landing from space would marvel at such an arrangement. “These traveller people must be very special to have been granted such privileges,” he might well wonder. “They must bring especial richness and joy and abundance to the communities they visit! They must pay vast sums in taxes to compensate for all the money councils seem to spend on policing and rehousing operations! They must be particularly law-abiding and morally upstanding! Their travelling traditions must be especially reverend and noteworthy for them to be protected in this way!”
“No, no,” you’d have to explain to the alien. “None of your assumptions are quite accurate. It’s more that, well, someone somewhere decided that they ought to be a protected minority whose special way of life needs preserving, even at the expense of everyone else, and no one in authority, not even Conservatives who are supposed to care about the country, has quite had the gumption to change it.”
“But aren’t burglars are also minority with a special way of life lived at the expense of everyone else? Aren’t locusts?” the alien might reply.
“Now you’re getting there…” you could say.
And while you are reading Breitbart
You will see support of my repeated underlining of “vote UKIP get Labour”
And the promised delivery of 43 Tory Marginals to Labour by the UKIP Tory vote splitting
“Say what you like about UKIP – and you will – the insurgent party has never been shy of attracting attention at the expense of the older, legacy parties. Refreshingly, it also exhibits a sense of humour on the campaign trail.
Witness Thursday’s visit by Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps to Sandwich in Kent, an area presumed by the Tories to be theirs and theirs alone. Shapps was met on arrival by a small group of Conservative faithful as well as a dozen UKIP supporters keen to get their message out in an area Nigel Farage will have to claim if he is to win the South Thanet constituency next month.
As our pictures show, UKIPers left nothing to chance on the day and made sure Shapps’ official Tory campaign bus did some advertising for them.”
“As expected the Hun unleashed his morning ‘hate’ at precisely 07:16. The shelling was perfunctory and off target, more noise than lethality and the troops burrowed in their ration tins unconcerned. The Colonel merely rattled his day old newspaper as though irritated by the temperature of his breakfast kippers.
“‘Boo!’ the explosions seemed to say as they walked to the horizon behind the trenches. ‘I am still here. Still trying to rattle you English lords. You Home Counties Labrador walkers.’ The grim faced Tommies knew the boasting bursts were hollow. Empty shells. Just the making of noise by a persistent pest who was no gentleman. The real fight was yet to come, to be decided by grenade and bayonet, across the barbed wire where words meant nothing. The grim English faces said it all. ‘We are coming for you. Maybe not today or not tomorrow. But when we do the precious marginals won’t matter any more’.”
From ‘Four Years at the Front’ by Capt Ivor Hankering-Forte, MC
Malfleur April 11th, 2015 – 04:07
I forgot to mention that there was a Plague outbreak at that time too.
Your final paragraph is as perfectly expressed as your final sentence!
telemachus out to herd the sheeple!
Back to the Guardian tele.
I have always had a love hate thing with Starkey, but I do not know of any TV personality of his standing who would be allowed on CHannel 4 and openly support UKIP.
The interview was full of subtexts about genetics, eh, Tele?
Because even if we entertain the idea of James Watson (the discoverer of DNA who had to sell his Nobel Prize because of people like tele), well, where would be be? Having to admit some people are different to others genetically and that perhaps multi-culti-stink and mass-immigration-stink aren’t so good.
James Watson was given his Nobel prize back by the man who bought it:
Malfleur April 10th, 2015 – 10:55
Much as I should like to provide chapter and verse in the form of a carefully structured and referenced paper it is too tedious to contemplate. Like roaming a large garden to collect scattered leaves of a single tree type. So it has to be a crude summation without a formal case being made.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the apparent collapse of the Soviet Empire, there was a period, about ten years, when the intentions of that Empire were incrementally revealed. Official documents and military plans were placed in the public domain. Senior Soviet officers gave interviews and revealed secrets. Sensationalism from former spies and intelligence operatives emerged. The Spectator even ran an article on the less than savoury associations of the Labour party with and within that Empire.
Then, as New Labour began to get to grips with history and the former Warsaw pact countries were rehabilitated and joined the EU, their anonymous apparatchiks jumping sinking ships for a gravy train, the narrative slowly and slyly began to change. The documents began to disappear, the Wiki entries were modified and the interviews rebutted. Then came the revisionism much relished by lefties of the CND persuasion that the Soviet Union was never any threat. Had no belligerent intent. That the Cold War was a Western pretence to maintain a military-industrial complex and to bolster ‘neo-liberalism’.
The sub-text of the laudable East Germany emerged – the Osti nostalgia. The euphoria of the crumbling Wall and the great exodus was brushed aside for much lyrical waxing about the communitarianism, the sport and the simple life. As Stasi behaviours were exposed a counter cry went up:-
And the Stasi files were only opened online just a few months ago, with 25 years to weed and feed them to appeal to a new European social ‘democrat’ appetite. It is estimated that at least 70,000 former Stasi officers work for the current German government and many of them have moved seamlessly into apparatchik positions within the European Commission. But the anonymous ‘agents of influence’, collaborators and fellow travellers have disappeared into the political matrix.
Former communist activists reviled in countries that had had a bellyful of Marx found a welcome in the cod-communist left of the United Kingdom, still eager to pursue the totalitarian experiment that had spectacularly failed in the East. Objection to such people agitating in British politics was easily countered by cries of ‘free movement’, ‘xenophobe’ and ‘racist’. For their election coverage the BBC trundled out a Czech woman to rant obliquely at UKIP as a ‘victim’ of their supposed anti-immigrant stance. She was obviously of the left and had come here a year after the Czech Republic joined the EU, contributing a little more leftism to a country that already has no shortage of socialist parties, campaign groups and agitators. We must not make her feel uncomfortable as she lectures us with a heavy Czech accent on what is wrong with our country and how it should be run (by Labour no doubt). Our own discomfort at her brazen impertinence is immaterial.
I kept links to archives with Soviet war plans and military interviews. I should have kept copies as they are now rapidly disappearing. ‘The document you are looking for cannot be found’. Word meanings invented and connived at by the left find their way, anachronistically, into Wiki entries as though long established, accepted and unquestionable. There must be an army of lefty ideologues monitoring and re-constructing this stuff, believable judging by the number of them that devote so much of their time to tagging ‘unreconstructed’ comments at the Spectator with evidently scripted revisions. The end justifies the means in their mean little minds.
So rather than a sudden shadow I describe a steady, creeping, amorphous change. A sly encroachment against truth. Whether it be orchestrated centrally, the spontaneous sparking of a Borg-like entity or the outcome of a core cultural shift indoctrinated across other fields – or maybe a bit of all three – is difficult to establish.
Just seen the ‘Torygraph’s pictures from Ladies Day at Aintree. Now I know why the Burqa was invented! 🙂
We must be getting s promise a day now: tax allowance, frozen rail fares, non-doms.
And it’s all lies. Because none of it need ever happen. LabCon can only get power via a coaltion, so Bob’s Yer Uncle – fill the manifestos with as many lies as you like: ‘Sorry, chum, if we’d won outright we’d have been on the hook, but we’re in coalition, see? Should have read the small print. Now xxxx off and give us your vote like a good Muggins.’
You gotta love the Hatton Garden heist.
It’s the Sudanese directors, eh? We’ve got to chalk that up as a victory for you, tele!
You win that one!
‘Yes, you’ve got to have Muslims in London. Oh, yes, they bring their money and power and it’s not like they’d ever rip you off. Imagine the the ‘benefits’ if Muslim mayor Boris Kemal made London a global hub for shariah finance, eh? What could possibly go wrong?’
Case of beer to you on that, tele. I hand it to you.
Only, one thing, just like the 7/7 bomber and his 125,000 (in cash) – how does it make them ‘ghettoised’?
Good ole multi-culti trade and friendship London, where your Muslims show their civil side. Oh, yes. And wouldn’t rip you off. Oh, no.
And to anyone who lost jewels in that heist: just remember, London is the multi-culti epicentre of the world. And once you pull the wool over people’s eyes with that sxxx, you can do whatever you like. Multi-culti. Indeed.
There’s a word I’ve not seen in newspaper websites a lot since Christmas: mulitculturalism. Why wouldn’t we want to debate that in the run-up to an election? Surely it’s up there with mass immigration.
A story a day on welfare families in the Daily Hate Mail. With one very odd quirk. All the families are white. Because the Daily Hate Mail wants to push welfare as an election issue, but not immigration – which is where most of the welfare money goes.
Geordie Shaw:
No Muslims outside London of course.
Here in SE London we’re having a VE street party next month. Next street probably having one as well because they usually do on these occasions.
Keep your ignorant northern prejudice to yourself – and I know that’s what it is because I grew up with it.
Fox News presents Obama’s top ten insults against Britain (25 May 2011).
Anne April 11th, 2015 – 11:00
“Geordie Shaw:
Keep your ignorant northern prejudice to yourself – and I know that’s what it is because I grew up with it.”
Hello Anne a very slight correction, it is all in the name ‘Geordie’ they are strange beasts, do remember that Blair, Mandelson, and others of their ilk, represented Geordie constituencies.
They can’t help it brainwashed to a man.
Lesbian love in on the BBC at the moment.
I didn’t mean that in a derogatory way , I fully support the idea of a ladies boat race.
Why not.
Frederick Forsyth tells the story of Royal Marine Sgt.Alex Blackman;imprisoned for killing a terrorist in Afghanistan.
Boot on the brink:
Boot has nailed it again
“In the first instance, Miss James is stupid. In the second, she is stupid and ignorant. In the third, she is stupid, ignorant and immoral. If there is any other possible interpretation, I’d like to know what it is.”
He omitted to say the statements were generally applicable to leaders and potential leaders of said party
Frank P at 20:37.
The admiration that Farage and his next-in-line have for Putin is both bizarre and disturbing. Even more disturbing is the near homo-erotic worship of Putin by one or two frequent male posters to this site. Up until now, I was sure that I would vote UKIP in the coming election, but it’s no longer certain. I don’t know the full list of candidates standing in the Amber Valley constituency, but it may well be that my vote will go elsewhere if there is someone suitable. A labour government now looks likely, which is a horrifying prospect, though as someone of the verge of retirement, it is unlikely to hurt me in the way it will hurt those in gainful employment. Perhaps some good will come out of the disaster in a restructuring of the right in British (or more likely English) politics.
Just remember the name
Kevin Gillott
Oh no Tele! I get red leaflets through the door from him, and blue ones from the (otherwise decent) player of games on his tablet pc in the H of C.
Gillott wants to throw even more money into the failed NHS, instead of doing a complete root and branch paring down of it to be what the name says: a National Health Service. Not a service for every sick day-tripper from every third world country on earth to get their free treatment, nor a service that continues to waste money on the indigenous feckless, wanting their modern-day “Soma” to be given free of charge to keep them (barely) on the right side of sanity.
Any party who states they will cut back the NHS will get my vote!
Chris Morriss at 21.49
So you wont be voting then.
DO @ 15.24 re. ‘They can’t help it brainwashed to a man’ How can I put this politely? Testes.
Hexhamgeezer:wasn’t it in S…….(?),some-where in Northumbria,Labour won a by -election (from UKIP?) on postal votes?…..and we know what that means:one man,a wive and three daughters :five votes.
The election campaign on all fronts gets more and more like the auctioning of the Roman Empire in 193AD.The winner should consider the fate of Didus Julianus……..but who is going to be our Septimius Severus?My vote would go to Gerard Batten MEP for London……Paul Weston (Liberty GB) not having made a break-through.
Mine at 22.15
I must be thinking of South Shields (after David Miliband resigned).
Labour 12,493 votes ;50.4%
UKIP……5,988 votes ;24.2%
Postal votes c.14,000 :in person c.10,000.
Lib Dems….don’t ask.Raving Loonies and BNP did quite well.
To return to our hero.
Apres Putin,le deluge.
Yeltsin Knew his man.Boris Nikolayevich,after destroying the house of Special Purpose (for the Communists) and then the USSR,brought Putin down from Petersburg to take over from him.There are no `moderates` in Russia with ability to gain power (no more then there were in Libya,Egypt,Iraq or Syria).What is needed is a strong (and cunning) man to keep the peace.
As some-one said about England in 1485:They got rid of Richard (usurper,regicide and infanticide as he was) only to get something worse.
As far as our allies against Putin goes I refer you again to this gallant band whose leader has been appointed Advisor to the Chief of the General Staff of that ramshackle group The Ukranian Army.
We have a long way to go:
The bullying behind the SNP’s smiles
Scots separatists’ leaders may present a respectable face to voters but at grassroots level some members are less genial
Chris Morriss @ 21:20
“…as someone of [sic] the verge of retirement, it [a labour government] is unlikely to hurt me in the way it will hurt those in gainful employment…”
In your retirement, you may have time to familiarize yourself with the extent to which the laws of England are made in Brussels.
If assiduous, your researches may lead you further.
You may learn that Brussels itself is run by corporate fascists sometimes represented by old Trotskyists and members of the former East European nomenklatura. You may discover that these people reflect the interests of the leading banking houses such as Goldman Sachs ( known to the unfriendly as the Squid) and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. whose chairman, president and chief executive officer, Jamie Dimon, just promised us interesting times ahead -” We have an outstanding franchise — our company has emerged as an endgame winner … well on our way to having fortress controls”. Hm.
Mr. Morriss, they’re going to take your savings and your pension.
Incidentally, is it not a bit late in the day to be still unfamiliar with the full list of candidates in your constituency?
Radford NG
April 11th, 2015 – 23:34
Isn’t there a whiff of near homo-erotic worship of Putin about your choice of photograph?
And as if on cue, these two articles from today’s despatches online:
OOOOOOOK!? Ooook Ooook Oook! Ooooook Oook Ooooook.
The Librarian at 02.58.
Yes;I spent last night with the first five episodes of `Good Omens`by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett on BBC iplayer.Especially note-worthy the exchange between the Angel Azraphale and the American radio evangelist.
Radio Preacher:`Before the four horse men there will be the Rapture….True believers will be swept-up in the air…..looking down on the sinners`.
Azraphale:`Nice try…..only it won’t really be like that……..we don’t have time to pick people up in the air to sneer at other people dying below them;if that’s your idea of a morally acceptable time,I might add.`~~~~~~~[episode 5 @c.17.39 mins,]
So I’m now going to listern to Episode 6:The Finally.
Agnes Nutter (witch;deceased):`If you want to imagine the future,imagine a boot…No;imagine a trainer,laces trailing,kicking a pebble.Imagine a stick to poke at interesting things and to throw for a dog who may or may not decide to retrieve it.
Imagine a figure-half angel,half devil,all human-slouching hopefully towards [home] for ever`.~~~~~Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman.
Telegraph reporting ukip have a pornstar candidate johnny rockard. Farage rightly says he has done nothing illegal so whats the problem.
I think rockard should be castigated for a shite stage name though!
‘A Ukip spokesperson said: “Mr Langley is not doing anything illegal and it is a little bit unusual, but at the end of the day he is a businessman. ‘
My daughter pointed out to me that he is no businessman she would wish to meet
And more
“Ukip is a working class party which appeals to working class people. Normal people go to the pub and enjoy a pint and then probably go home and enjoy adult entertainment. What people do in their private lives is really up to them. What people do in the privacy of their own homes is nothing to do with politics and I cannot see why there should be any problem with any of this.”
So, when UKIP get into coalition, we could make him Home Secretary
As you have always said Alexandr, there is a moral dimension here
What moral dimension?
here is an adult who does sex videos with other consenting adults.
all quite legal.
why is he a lesser person for doing that?
and he has been quite up front with UKIP about his job.
has to be a better than some of the paedos in the labour party.
posted this but it weet into mod as I typed in my email wrongly. Durrr!
What moral dimension?
here is an adult who does sex videos with other consenting adults.
all quite legal.
why is he a lesser person for doing that?
and he has been quite up front with UKIP about his job.
has to be a better than some of the paedos in the labour party.
Another from the ‘Torygraph’s “Cynics Alphabet” ca 1968
Xenophobia: A typical British attitude, occasionally relieved by bouts of sympathy when one bunch of bloody foreigners is invaded by another.
Chris Morriss – April 11th, 21:20
Putin exhibits qualities, such as standing up for his fellow man (Russian speakers in the Ukraine), his patriotism and dislike for Climate Alarmists (WWF gets short shrift, as do climate summits), his understanding that his oil/gas industry is vital to his country’s health, his walking the walk rather than incessantly talking the talk, and he doesn’t want ‘ever closer union’ with Brussels. He doesn’t panic either!
If our ‘leader’, CMD, could exhibit just ONE of these qualities …..
Instead, he does the opposite, panicking over the ‘Northern Britain’ referendum, talking the talk over EU negotiating – without even planning a plan, wanting a prime minister from the 7th century to run Britain, telling us to be more like those with ‘grooming skills’, continuing to agree to subsidise windmills (and his Father-in-Law), making a complete mess in the wider Middle East politics, announcing policies that cannot be enacted because of EU regulation (or Nick Clegg). The list is endless.
It doesn’t mean that we agree with Putin, or his policies, or how he is going about it, but we do wish we had a Prime Minister with just a hint of back bone, and a Deputy Prime Minister that could disappear, back to the next country that he wants to adopt!
telemachus April 12th, 2015 – 07:23
If your daughter is anything like you she is no woman I would wish to meet.
The bogus morality of the puritan, dressed up as feminist empathy, is one of the more repulsive aspects of the Neo-Left. It was well lampooned, probably unintentionally, in the BBC’s ‘Inside No.9’ ‘The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge’.
Colonel Mustard April 12th, 2015 – 11:09
“The bogus morality of the puritan, dressed up as feminist empathy, is one of the more repulsive aspects of the Neo-Left. It was well lampooned, probably unintentionally, in the BBC’s ‘Inside No.9′ ‘The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge’.”
Hello Colonel I would think that it was intentional those two fine actors who write act and produce No.9 are not your usual left wing luvies, the lampoon was in my opinion intentional.
Having despaired at the trivial pap of today’s political coverage on the UK (ha!) TV, I clicked into American Digest hoping that Gerard had posted something quirky and uplifting.
There at the top of the page was neither, but instead a profound and completely appropriate quote:
To save your world you asked this man to die; Would this man, could he see you now, ask why?” –Wystan H. Auden, Epitaph for an unknown soldier
What the hell is wrong with the Democrats over in America? Is this really the best they can do? After the useless presidency of the arrogant narcissist Obama are they really going to chose this woman who’s spent her whole life achieving precisely nothing apart from power?
My own particular favorite Hillary scandal is the Hillary Tapes in which she laughs about getting the rapist of a 12 year old girl off with two months prison time. More on that one here:
But really, how is it possible in a country of 320million that there’s gonna be a choice between another Bush and another Clinton?
What the hell is wrong with the Democrats over in America? Is this really the best they can do? After the useless presidency of the arrogant narcissist Obama are they really going to chose this woman who’s spent her whole life achieving precisely nothing apart from power?
My own particular favorite Hillary scandal is the Hillary Tapes in which she laughs about getting the rapist of a 12 year old girl off with two months prison time. More on that one here:
But really, how is it possible in a country of 320million that there’s gonna be a choice between another Bush and another Clinton?
The election campaign seems to have descended to the corporate PR level.
1. Identify focal interest group:- Pregnant women, volunteers, etc.
2. Offer promise of bribe:- tax break, bung, benefit, preferential law, etc.
Not yet to the level of offering free gifts, probably difficult since voting is secret ballot.
First US woman president. That is all that the ‘progressives’ will be voting for.
If the Republicans are canny they will select a black female candidate pronto. Any white man is going to lose, regardless of the merit of policies.
This is the age we live in. Figurehead tokenism.
The Librarian
OOOOOOOK!? Ooook Ooook Oook! Ooooook Oook Ooooook.
That was what “Hemingway” was writing over and over as recorded by the narrator on the last page of Howard Jacobson’s Zoo Time, no?
Colonel Mustard
April 12th, 2015 – 12:27
How about a multicoloured hermaphrodite?
Extraordinary and disturbing assertions at the Speccie by one ‘van Lomborg’, claiming to have proof in writing that Alexander, telemachus and myself are in collusion there delivering an agenda “in a well orchestrated setup”.
I have held suspicions about the integrity of the comments threads at the Speccie and of the Disqus system for some time now, suspecting a degree of insider mischief. What, if anything, do you know of this allegation telemachus?
Colonel Mustard@April 12th, 2015 – 18:20
von lomberg has his d1ck in a biscuit tin
(Fcucking crackers)
telemachus has oft wondered about the coincidence of views between Wessex Man, Alexandr and the Good Colonel
And what of Baron, conveniently on manoeuvres at the time of this discovery
(Well I got no support when my partner had extraordinary allegations involving Melanie Phillips and Richmond)
And of course I learned at my mothers knee that the moon was made of green cheese
telemachus@April 12th, 2015 – 19:33
have you not seen wallace and grommit in ‘A grand day out’ when it is established the moon is made of wensleydale
I have looked at the relevant comment
“I have no issue with you, Alexandr and Telemachus delivering your agenda in a well orchestrated setup. I just find it interesting that you would deny it even though we have proof in writing.”
This is Dalai/Dado on a different tack
Interesting targeting if you read the whole thread
I suggest we stick to core business of ensuring the continued slide of Busted Flush Farage and promoting peace and love through all religions at this (Orthodox) Eastertide
Time to muzzle the muzzies.
Malfleur 12th, – 23:09
As in, “At the muzzle end of a barrel, up which a small lump of lead is travelling at several hundred feet per second”? 🙂
Home Thoughts from Abroad
Home Thoughts from Abroad
“…Opening the book at page 4, the first words I read were as follows:
Moreover Gloucester is so old a city and is so little changed that one can look to-day upon most of the very buildings that, for young Henley, gave life its setting.
This was written in 1930, but it couldn’t possibly be written now. I almost cried as I read it. Gloucester has since been comprehensively destroyed, so that Henley would not have the faintest idea where he was, and is now only a glorious cathedral surrounded by a modernist slum. (Let no pedant point out that one or two mediaeval buildings remain: they serve only to emphasise the dispiriting slumminess of all that was built in the second half of the twentieth century, and in a way the survivals make everything worse by the starkness of the contrast.)
The destruction of old Gloucester was not the consequence of German bombing during the Second World War: Gloucester was little bombed. Indeed, the German bombing of Britain was much used by modernist architects and town planners as an excuse for doing what they wanted to do in any case: spit upon their ancestors for being so much better and more talented than they….”,_Dickens,_Henley_and_Pascal/
lacrimae rerum
May we all join “Anglos for Hillary”
Now, Nigel was told he should be ashamed of himself and was pilloried right across the left-leaning MSM.
But, when the dust had settled, all the politicians realised (a) he was right, (b) the public agreed with him and (c) as usual, they were all out of touch with the electorate. And they collectively shat themselves. And this is the result. Expect many more similar, populist stunts before polling day.
How about a sweepstake on how much CMD cuts the foreign aid budget?
Taken from a comment after rod liddle article.
A phobia is an irrational fear. I think it’s time for a new word – Islamaloathia.
Hillary Clinton would be a disaster. She is already peddling the ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’ rhetoric that always results in anything but.
It just elevates whingers and grievance minorities above the majority. It is never equalising law but preferential law. Disastrous for society.
It would be like Cherie Blair as PM.