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“The Prime Minister sends his greetings to all Muslim communities for the holy month of Ramadan …….”
Just when we thought that PR DAVE couldn’t sink any lower, there he goes sharing a platform this morning with Nuttalie Bennett and Harridan Harman!
Every reason why we should vote out and remove Cameron.
He’s proved himself an outright liar who has lost any reason for respect.
Nothing will stop me from being a conservative but one thing is for sure, Dave isn’t.
“Former PM Sir John Major has hit out at the “squalid” and “deceitful” campaign to get Britain out of the EU”, screams the headline in the Independent.
The man should know everything about deceit and squalor, he indulged in both in large measure when in power.
Radford NG @ 12:17
El Wankah
Eventually, suddenly, Piers Morgan gets something right!
“…;For Bilderberg, as for Goldman Sachs, the idea that there might be any kind of push-back against globalisation is a horrific one.’
Goldman Sachs has two senior representatives on Bilderberg’s steering committee: James A. Johnson, a board member of the bank, and Robert Zoellick, the chairman of Goldman Sachs’ board of international advisors. We know from Charity Commission accounts that Goldman Sachs, along with BP, is one of the key funders of the group, and we also know that they’ve been pumping “a substantial six-figure sum” into the Remain campaign. … ”
This article is by a limp-wristed, sometime Guardian reporter; but Alex Jones is sending journalists….
(h/t Drudge Report)
(h/t Drudge Report)
Since the European Union through the good offices of the Cameron Cabinet, and with the tacit support of the Shadow Cabinet, has brought ISIS to Britain, bring the Turks and their child labour in too, say I. It will keep down the cost of the ISIS uniforms to be worn in Britain and the rest of the EU.
“Ah que je— Vous l’avez voulu, vous l’avez voulu, George Dandin, vous l’avez voulu, cela vous sied fort bien, et vous voilà ajusté comme il faut, vous avez justement ce que vous méritez. ”
Fortunately, this was a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing.
Pinko Hillary appears to have finally duped the Democrats into letting her have a crack at Donald. That is if she is not in Jail.
Y’all will have seen the report from Frank Hugenard in the Huffington Post yesterday.
“Hillary Clinton to be Indicted On Federal Racketeering Charges”
FBI Director James Comey will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General and head of the U.S. Department of Justice, that includes a compelling argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.
Huguenard, a Bernie Sanders supporter, says that he has sources within the FBI. They say the Bureau will recommend that the DOJ file Racketeering charges against Mrs. Clinton.
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime. RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.
So Pinko Hillary is a racketeer and we sure as hell not going to be led by a racketeer. We look forward to a great future with a Great America and a Great Britain, independent and re-energised by a new leader. Over here we do not want a Boris referendum triumph to get him top job. He said some bad words about Donald. Nigel Farage and Theresa May would suit a Trump Administration best.
John Jefferson Burns – 07:55
Donald Trump is quite right to complain about the liberal “progressive” political bias of judiciary that he is experiencing. If the USA is anything like the UK then they are now infected, rotten to the core, with wet gLiberals submissive to the Gramscian agenda. Here, for the most part, collaboratEUrs the lot of ’em!
John Jefferson Burns – 07:55
If not Hillary, then it has to be Bernie or Joe! Whether its Hillary, Bernie or even Joe then 2016 seems set to be the year when disgruntled Democrats will either stay home or vote for Donald!
We can thank Jesus Christ that the Democrats are fucked. Biden’s family will not let him run. Bernie is a communist and Hillary a racketeer. Y’all can take it as read that next January Donald will begin to shake the world up.
Radford NG @ 12:17
The barbarian has no time for the boy, agrees fully with John at 14.41 that he should be sacked, the sooner the better, but in a sense, Radford, he has little choice, as the one running the country, he wants to be seen to be all inclusive, his greetings kind of counterbalance the venom of the blogs.
If the message could help to pacify the Muslim community, prevent more of them getting radicalised, is it such a bad thing? Whilst they’re amongst us, shouldn’t the Government do everything it can to ensure that as few of them as possible get angry, plant something nasty (say) a bomb in a railway station, detonate it? Sending the greetings doesn’t bother the barbarian, it costs nothing, it may well be of the same value as his bleating about the benefits of the EU.
Didn’t he do the same the last time Ramadan was on?
EC @ 13:02
The three are all members of the club of the anointed, EC, would one expect anything else?
Malfleur @ 00:54
This is no joke, Malfleur. Even in London we now have case of TB, something we didn’t have before the great experiment of human imports began.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Winston Churchill
EC @ 18:42
A cunning guy, Piers, don’t you think, EC? He may well feel the direction of the political wind has changed, or may change soon, he wants to have proof of joining the bandwagon, too.
On the clip:
An eagle cannot build a nest with a pigeon and propagate any more than a human (of whatever skin colour) could marry a monkey, have offspring. Both Ali, and (surprisingly) Parkinson should have asked their biology teachers for their money back.
Eagles and pigeons are different species of the same class, that of birds; men of whatever skin colour are the same species (homo sapiens) of a different class, the mammals. A man from deepest African jungle can mate with a Swedish blonde, no problem there unless, of course, she (or he) objects, or the involuntary mating happens in today’s Sweden where her consent seems to matter not.
The difference between humans of varying skin colour, the shape of their noses, body hairiness or whatever is not biological, but that of culture. If one were to buy Ali’s take on it, one might as well argue that an Englishman should not marry a German woman because he likes Yorkshire pudding, she prefers the sauerkraut, a clash of cultures not of the same dimension as that of (say) a Japanese man marrying a girl from the Congo, but in principle there’s little difference between the two.
Amazingly, we seem to be more concerned with skin colour than the Romans. Why? The barbarian has come across white man whose ‘culture’ was more removed from his than that of a Japanese, black or a Chinese girl.
This clip of Ali’s loquacity is better: ali cassius clay
Baron takes it many you slice it differently, right?
EC @ 13:49
Was the target of the quote the barbarian, EC? Which posting then?
John Jefferson Burns @ 07:55
On Donald, John, the barbarian’s with you, on the one with the penchant for Blahnik shoes he isn’t.
The barbarian has just scanned the last week’s tail of postings, came across your chatting about the death of Ali.
Great man, Ali, an excellent boxer, sleek of body, light on his feet, powerful punches, and what topped it all, he had brains, something one doesn’t associate with top sportsmen, just listen to our Wayne.
His politics were more than suspects, but understandable, the black segment of the Republic’s population didn’t really have much to rejoice about when he was around, probably as much when slavery was on. He got angry, spoke his mind, rightly, the conduits for his anger often stank, it was his witty charm, undoubted boxing talent, the righteousness of his gripe against the racist bigots that cut it for the barbarian, he never missed any fight of his.
Was he a good Muslim? He only stopped drinking in the 80s, and only because it did no good for keeping the stamina up.
In his refusal to serve in the Vietnam war he wasn’t alone, far from it. Shall the barbarian remind you of both well known and ordinary Americans who else skipped it?
If all Muslims were like him, the world would be a quieter place.
June 7th, 2016 – 13:47
I don’t know where you find a joke in my post. Quite the opposite.
Baron (14:14)
Your bête noir’s piece on Cassius Clay takes a different stance:
Baron June 7th, 2016 – 14:15
“In his refusal to serve in the Vietnam war he wasn’t alone, far from it.”
Doesn’t excuse him. From 1966 to 1971 he argued the toss, eventually getting off, while many other poor ordinary men, black and white, were serving, fighting and often dying. I’ll remember them – not Ali.
Baron (14:14)
As is not unusual I agree with Alex, except in one regard. Clay was never really tested as a boxer until the mob discarded interest in him in his later years. He was then found wanting and that should be no surprise to anyone who remembers the pre-Clay champs. Clay’s success emanated from the ‘hidden seconds’ in his corner. Most of his bouts were a sham; professional wrestling was almost straight by comparison. As a boxer Clay was a good dancer. His wide open stance would have led to his decapitation if his opponents had been allowed to really take it to him. His solar plexus would also have suffered lethal damage. He wouldn’t have lasted a round with the Brown Bomber Joe Louis in his prime. And if Sonny Liston had not known that he would become Sonny Toast if he hurt Clay – likewise. You yourself drew attention to Henry Cooper’s left hook nailing him, but the referee came to Clay’s assistance with the count – and sadly ‘enery’s weakness of susceptibility to cuts delivered the scripted outcome. Henry was also over a stone lighter and with a much shorter reach.
Clay certainly had the biggest gob in boxing and I for one found him and his verbiage risible and distasteful. As for his ‘poetry’. He made our own bard ‘Fergus Pickering’ seem a contender for Poet Laureate by comparison. 🙂
Then we come to his pacifism (self interest – If not indeed cowardice). His ‘conversion’ was unadulterated bollocks. Pure racist propaganda. He allowed the black supremicist mob to use him and when he came to Britain he took the opportunity to provoke civil unrest here at a time when numerous Leftist and anarchist groups were at their most active in Notting Hill and Brixton. He gave the con man/ponce Michael De Freitis (aka Michael X) five grand to foment riots. de Freitis pocketed the cash to fund his own life style and John Lennon also supplied cash to The Black House in North London – another scam by de Freitis and Colin MacInnes (the left wing queer writer with a taste for black boys). When an emissary from the US ‘House of Isam’ came to London to check on the vfm of Clay’s investment, de Freitis immediately became ‘Michael X’ and made an inflammatory speech in Reading to prove he was a good disciple of ‘Malcolm X’ – and got himself nicked for inciting racial hatred. Thereafter he became a martyr for the cause. De Freitis later formed a cult, returned to the West Indes, was involved in murders there and was convicted and hung.
Cassius Clay was a dissolute racist phony. The Yanks love a manufactured legend, don’t they?
Baron – 14:15
“If all Muslims were like him, the world would be a quieter place.”
Bwahahahahahahaha! A devilish sense of humour there, Baron 🙂
It be Hovis us all to think about that…
EC (17:28)
Not sure that Baron meant it that way, but if he didn’t he should’ve.
Pun of the year – so far!
Of Frank Muir quality. 🙂
Btw in case you guys didn’t get the memo – ITV 9m tonight – Farage v Cameron. Not a debate, but both before the same audience in rotation. Slippery Sid bottled out on a mano a mano, apparently. It will be a necessary antidote after the biased Sky and BBC Agitprop all day, with the globalists rigging the short term market to bolster the Remainers. Bent bastards. They’ve also been pushing unregistered yoof to register by the intertubes. HTF can their applications be properly vetted before midnight tonight? Whole gerrymandering no doubt be the upshot. In this case the emphasis very much being on the Gerry part of the word.
[ 🙂 when I pokered ‘intertubes’ above, my silent ‘editor’ changed to ‘intestines’. He may be right about that.]
Wholesale gerrymandering – sorry. The ‘silent editor’ again – honest!.
Frank P @ 19:06
The memo has arrived, Frank, the barbarian will watch the sparring, his heart may pay for it, but what the heck, the debate forms a part of history to be savoured, recorded in one’s memory to tell the young about, or as the ghastly Blair would say it’s when ‘one feels the hand of history upon one’s shoulder’.
Btw, Baron has listened to another debate on the same subject on the BBC Suffolk frequency, the brexit guys scored heavily, the audience rewarded them with more applause than the other lot. Encouraging that.
Out we will vote.
Frank P @ 17:58
Quite, Frank, it wasn’t Ali’s ranting the poorly educated Slav was referring to, the ‘quiet place’ is that where human bodies (and things) don’t get blown up with a bang.
About five minutes ago, Baron received an e-mail about a Chinese guy who’s celebrating his 256th birthday, can still string logical sentences together. It’s not a joke apparently.
Colonel Mustard @ 16:16
Good point, Colonel, but then the barbarian did say he wasn’t keen at all on the man’s take on the world, merely that he (Baron) could understand it.
Frank P @ 17:07
Excellent slicing of both the man himself, but more so (in word count, too) of those who used him, Frank.
It wasn’t his political bend that shines, but his clever boxing even though he may have thrown a fight (once?). Corrupt people have been around then, they’re around now where big money’s involved.
Look, there’s no doubt the black burghers of America were treated badly, Ali not only sensed it, he experienced it. He won an Olympic medal, wouldn’t be served a meal in his home town. How civilised it that?
As for the others you mention, you’re spot on.
Clay was no underdog. He had a highly privileged life and abused that privilege, by braggardly behaviour and racist claptrap. His domestic life was also a mess, no doubt he justified it by adopting some of the tenets of the ‘ROP’ that sanctioned his promiscuity – but his assertion that his new found ‘religion’ demanded pacifism from him, was taking the piss on an Olympian scale. The fact that he was an amateur Olympian boxing champion, obviously convinced him that he had a gold in bullshit too. 🙂
As for Parkinson’s disease, when Jack Solomon’s gym was in full swing, in Great Windmill Street, Soho. I saw at least a dozen old pugs shuffling in and out of that notorious villains bolt hole, displaying identical symptoms. It was diagnosed in those days as ‘punch drunk’. In other words brain damage from excessive blows. But that would be an inconvenient label for a ‘national hero’ wouldn’t it?
I’m with The Colonel – the heroes were the ones who fought communism on the battlefield. He was no patriot and had no tangible excuse in my book.
But there again, I view it as someone who believes that my country is not only worth living in and defending, but should also be free of the shackles of the EUSSR. 🙂 Let’s call it a score draw or we’ll be at it for hours.
Just watched the non-debate on ITV. Farage won hands down – but I would say that, wouldn’t I?
BRexit! It’s a Gerry racket, aided and abetted by the high financiers of globalism who operate both overtly and covertly – and rob us blind every minute of every day. If we had a RICO Statute in the UK they could all be indicted.
… and speaking of the RICO Statute, I hear tell that Comey is going to recommend RICO indictments against the Clinton’s under RICO. Hope he times it as she announces victory in California. Wonderful! It’s also rumoured that Uncle Joe won’t be the substitute. As they won’t countenance Bernie, because he makes Carl Marx look like a Tory (what’s the difference these days 🙂 ), who will step up to the plate?
correction … against the Clinton’s Foundation. ( e & oe).
Those of you with investments might be interested in this:,24c999a0-28eb-3716-9868-2a0d2cbfd800,1465422793
Could debate such as the one tonight change anybody’s mind? Possibly only someone’s who’s lived on Mars, came over for a visit last weekend. Those who care about Britain, her rich history, her record in the observance of the law, her way of life that used to be admired world over cannot but vote leave. Those who don’t give a dry shite about all of this provided they have a job in the public sector, get fed at the taxpayers expense, or have an account in Panama will vote to remain whatever Nigel of anyone else may say.
On the debate itself: The questions put to Nigel were much harsher than those the boy was asked, those who put questions to Nigel kept interrupting him as he was answering, this didn’t happen once when the boy took to the stage, and the boy, more than Nigel, skilfully avoided answering specific questions, tried every trick in the book to sway the answer towards the economy.
Nothing new in the answers of either except for Nigel saying that GDP should not be the key criterium of government policy, a courageous statement, but a right one, and the boy mentioning the possibility of Britain falling apart if we leave (the chance for the Scots to get another referendum?).
Pity that Nigel was first because the boy could attack what he (Nigel) said in his stint. This was unfair, in particular when he (the boy) said Nigel appealed to ‘the little Englanders’. In fact, if Nigel were to respond to it he may have said that those little Englanders once ruled over a chunk of the world upon which the sun never set. They could do it again because there may be 500mn people in the EU, but there are over 6.5bn people outside the monstrosity.
Out it must be, out it will be.
Frank P @ 22:40
Frank P @ 22:40
Something’s fishy, Frank, about the delays of indicting the Clinton woman, or the outfit she’s associated with. She must know alot about the dealings and wheelings of the honorary Muslim, would he risk her bringing it up in a court of law?
The worst thing that can happen is she getting indicted, the court finding no case to answer, letting her go. This will secure her election hands down.
Frank P @ 22:57
Frightening enough, Frank, and not something the barbarian disagrees with except for one thing, the timing of the collapse. The guy may have predicted all he says he did predict, but he doesn’t tell us when the predictions were made. And timing is everything, one acts well before the disastrous event happens, and one loses almost as much as those who didn’t follow the advice, stayed put.
A friend of Baron owned a house in Chelsea, solid brick job in an excellent location. Well before the near meltdown hit Britain (in 2004), he decide to act, sold it for close for three quarters of a million for good reasons, he himself thought house prices could not rise forever, he wanted out before the collapse. If he kept the property till the end of last year, he would have done much better. The house was on the market in December last for £4.5mn.
Out of all the scary statistics in the guy’s spiel there is one missing, the bad debt still on the banks balance sheets. The figures aren’t available, but that’s the crux of the matter, the debt on the US Government books feels and is a risk, but a manageable one provided the cost of money stays reasonably low, the economy recovers sufficiently to start to repay it.
The non-funded printing of the greenback frightens, too, but to compare the dollar with the Weimar Mark is misleading, the latter wasn’t a reserve currency, the dollar is. Those holding it have as much if not more interest in keeping it going, its collapse would trigger a meltdown of biblical proportions for everyone.
It may be just a guess, but the barbarian reckons if any country were to start the doomsday domino rolling it won’t be the Republic, but a bank or another large financial institution of a country with different currency, and the reason for it will be the inability of the bank to roll over a dollar debt. Here, one can pick from any number of possible contenders – Spain, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Russia ….
EC @ 17:17
Not that end of the stick, EC, please look at B’s posting at 19.40.
At the time of the Ali/Foreman fight I was working in manhattan. There was a big guy with a small beard called Bart who used to bitch slap a little fellow, Martinez, and not in a nice way .
Bart bet large on Foreman and was invited to settle over a drink in a bar on the West Side. He was found later in an alley behind the bar with a bullet in his head.
Some say the fight was fixed. Bart sure was.
Baron yesterday @ 23:10
“Something’s fishy”! – fishy?! Washington DC is a stew where the fish are all rotted from the ar*****es up.
You’ll like this, Frank and the Colonel in particular. .
In 1978, when a communist thug called Brezhnev was in charge in the USSR, Ali came to Moscow on a 10-day visit. This is what he said:
“I was a little nervous when I landed in Russia. I thought I’d see the country in ruins, with a crowd of gloomy people who think like robots, and intelligence agents, who would follow my every step. Instead, I saw a country populated by a hundred nationalities, who are living together in harmony. I saw only one policeman, who was carrying no weapons. There is no crime, no prostitutes and no homosexuals.”
What did the commies do with homosexuals? Strangled them at birth?
Malfleur @ 00:20
You should have alerted the FBI, Malfleur, as far as the barbarian knows it was one of the Liston’s fights that was allegedly fixed.
I think it was George Plimpton who attended the bout and opined that it was fixed – but it was a long time ago and even Brain Force cannot repair a stopped clock.
Tuesday’s Alex Jones Show has some good stuff – you don’t have to watch the whole thing. Jones has some reporters in Germany in anticipation of the Billderberg Group conference which starts on 9th June and Dr. Bill Warner pulls no punches on the good-cop-bad-cop dualism of islam.
They are already pushing the “first woman candidate” spiel for Clinton. If she wins it will be because of that, because a whole multitude of brain dead morons think “it is time” for a woman president. As though ex-First Lady Clinton, rich, privileged, slippery, borne up by her ex-President husband, represents some mythic “struggle” of ordinary women. Race or gender held as the defining attributes of leadership quality demonstrate just how far stupidity has infused the human mind in the 21st Century.
And we haven’t had an albino Prime Minister yet. Why not? it is an outrage. . .
Nigel Farage bids Adieu to the European Parliament (this morning).
At 3min52:
June 7th, 2016 – 14:03
“the one with the penchant for Blahnik shoes he isn’t.”
I have little idea what Blahnik means but I assume you refer to the delicious Theresa who plays well over here. I just watched a few you tube clips and whatever her shoes her legs are a feast.
Not like the wizened elephant Pinko who screams she has made history as a woman but usually dresses like a man.
Colonel Mustard
June 8th, 2016 – 07:25
“rich, privileged, slippery, borne up by her ex-President husband”
Forget all that. Donald himself would fit the first two. The whole point is that “pinko” Hillary is near as damn it a Communist. She even tried an even more radical Obamacare before the Muslim pinko Obama started ramming his socialism down our throats.
John Jefferson Burns June 8th, 2016 – 10:46
And you missed my point completely. Try the WHOLE sentence instead of dismembering it and in the context of the comment . . .
Trump is not a woman.
Well, there’s a surprise…
I do see Hillary telling lies about the historic struggle of “ordinary woman.”
That is all a smokescreen. Strange that some 64% of women Democratic voters younger than 45 backed Bernie Sanders, while just 35% supported Clinton, according to a Wall Street Journal poll. I reiterate that she is a dangerous pinko using every trick in the book to impoverish us all with her socialism.
And now, something completely different.
Searching through the file drawers for an MOT Certificate (for some considerable time, the barbarian thought he didn’t have a current one, he did, it was mis-filed) a copy of one of Craig Brown’s ‘As Told To CB’ from the Private Eye appeared in the same file as the misplaced confirmation of the car test (it shouldn’t have been there either). Baron may have told about it before, it is about Tracy Emin, her new exhibition, it must be, the right-up, one of Brown’s best. Since the scanner refuses to scan the whole are of any page here are only few extracts from it:
“Frankly, I welcome the bravura debate engendered by so many of our exciting young artists. It is by turns shocking, amusing, wry and deeply disturbing. And this is just one of the reasons I am looking forward to next year’s MY TURD Exhibition by Tracey Emin.
Emin laid her turn in mid-morning – 10.44am, to be exact – on November 22nd of this year. I count myself privileged to have been there when the work – rich, earthy dark browns and beiges, soft and yielding yet somehow strangely visceral and concentrated – emerged from the artist. The whole experience was, for me – perhaps even more so for Tracey – intensely moving.
The moment I saw it, I knew that this was something that had come from the very depths of her being, something raw and pungent, juxtaposing the old and the new, the roughage with the smooth – bold and real yet with infinite layers.
And the more I confronted it, the more I realised it would repay prolonged attention. as its layers slowly disclosed other layers. And in confronting it, I knew for sure that, yes, Emin had indeed broken new ground, bringing something very hot and very pliable to contemporary art.
MY TURD has alot to say about birth and death, alot to say about nature of self, alot to say about the whole process of defecation and renewal in contemporary society, and it has a hell of alot to say about art itself. It is almost as if, in some extraordinary way, the artist were asking us to confront the very nature of what we call “shit’. What is it? Where is it? And who will buy it? For, studied closely, the gentle almost classical contours of MY TURD see to echo the gentle curves of Poussin and Boucher, its dark browns and blacks gaining strength from comparison to the rich, early colours of Rembrandt and Goya. While firmly perched on the cutting edge of contemporary art, MY TURD has its roots firmly buried in the past.
Advanced bookings for MY TURD have broken all records. Regardless of the critics, the public seem to welcome Tracey Emin’s savage attack on th wheels of commerce and convention. To prove it, Channel4 has already scheduled a tie-in Turd season, in which Waldemar Januszcak explores the Shock of the Poo, while minor turds by Tracey Emin are already selling like hot cakes for over £20,000 a piece, and the Tate Shop will soon be fully stocked with My Turd T-shirts, pencil sharpeners, calendars and desk diaries. And already all the committees I chair have voted it the exhibition of the year, even before seeing it …..”
Sorry for the errors like ‘the whole area’ not ‘the whole are’ Arghhh
John Jefferson Burns @ 10:46
You can have her then, John, the barbarian will cover the cost of the one-way ticket.
EC @ 11:31
And some people still think, EC, that Muslims cannot assimilate, adopt our ways of doing things, emulate the democratic ways of the indigenous political elite …..
Radford NG @ 10:08
Nigel’s excellent, relaxed, factual, and so right again, Radford, if we vote brexit on the 23rd, others must be encouraged to have a go, too.
Little Englander. The sneering class intend it as a pejorative but it has a curiously earthy and oak-like contentment to it, like the early morning tranquility of an English forest, horses in a country lane or the half-remembered recognition of hearing Anglo-Saxon or Old English spoken. It speaks more reassurance than insult unless you are a left-wing creature of corporate globalism fired in much imaginary grievance and guilt, bent on self destruction because you know what is good for everyone.
Little Englander washes over like a refreshing shower and when the swine in No.10 utters it a badge of honour is bestowed, the flag of St George flutters more defiantly.
Yes, Dave, a Little Englander from a “tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe, a cake-filled misery-laden grey old island”, but misery laden because you are in No.10 and have singularly failed to protect this old island, to respect its English people, those living, those who have gone before and those who are yet to come.
Shame on you Dave, that you would talk down the most of your own people in the service of foreign despots and think it gives you credit. Here’s two fingers for you and more where that came from, rooted in a Little England I love. You have made me want to get a lapel badge made to wear on my blazer.
Yes, well said, and the alternative to the Little Englander of Brexit would appear to be the No More Englanders of Remain.
Baron @ 1:06
Dr. Bill Warner’s lecture here entitled Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, which I think I posted in 2012 or 2013, is well worth viewing again today – more so.
Colonel Mustard @ 14:12
Well said, Colonel. One should be patient, nothing ever lasts to infinity, this ‘we’re all citizens of the world’ crap will not last either, it cannot last.
It may well be that in 2-4 centuries, the Old Continent (if it’s still here, un-nuked) may indeed be a federal state, but this will not come about because a bunch of unelected engineers of the human soul will it, but because the great unwashed will want it to be so.
Malfleur @ 14:27
Thanks, Malfleur, it’s a good clip, the barbarian remembers it, but you’re right it’s worth it watching again.
Baron – 13:06
All politicians lie, some more convincingly than others
The Holy month of Ramadan 2016 has kicked off to a promising start.
This site will help you keep to up to date with this year’s incident and dead body count totals.
Sitting in a pub in Colchester watching young guys with beards and odd haircuts passing by proving how individual and unaffected by fashion they are because they are individuals who have chosen this look totally by themselves.
If you really want to know…
“The Truth About Muhammad Ali”
Stefan Molyneaux
Fact checked chapter and verse here, but maybe you’d prefer the legend?
I read that the former doctor of Chelsea FC has been given a five mil pay off. Has the World gone barking mad, or is it just me?
Jarring revelations? Or business as usual?:
Frank P, June 8th, 2016 – 22:54
One hopes that the Clinton Foundation’s part in the great betrayal will soon be exposed to daylight!
h/t Lord Ashcroft
“We must never cease to proclaim in fearless tones the great principles of freedom and the rights of man which are the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world and which through Magna Carta, the Bill of rights, the Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and the English common law find their most famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence. All this means that the people of any country have the right, and should have the power by constitutional action, by free unfettered elections, with secret ballot, to choose or change the character or form of government under which they dwell; that freedom of speech and thought should reign; that courts of justice, independent of the executive, unbiased by any party, should administer laws which have received the broad assent of large majorities or are consecrated by time and custom. Here are the title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home. Here is the message of the British and American peoples to mankind. Let us preach what we practice — let us practice what we preach.”
Winston Churchill, Fulton, Missouri, March 5, 1946 .
Malfleur @ 14:27
And many still roll their eyes, doubt, will not even consider the unquestionable, that the one who lives in the White House is an honorary Muslim, Frank.
Stephen Maybery 16:41
Notyou, Stephen, but not the whole world either, just a chunk of it, it will be waved good-bye on the 23rd.
EC @ 15:10
Thank you very much, EC, only 20 minutes or so of viewing time so far, other things have prevented the barbarian finishing it. So far so goo, d he’ll report back when he can.
Errors have crept in, sorry.
E.C. at 15-05,Wed 8 June.
Your link leads to a lot of other links. One of these is to an archive of historic essays on Islam and it’s spread by force.
Yesterday 449 MPs voted to pass legislation to allow the state’s various “authorities” to spy on each and every citizen whether suspected of any wrong doing or not, to facilitate powers that are the equivalent of steaming open every private letter and copying its contents “just in case” and of standing behind everyone with a notebook to record their web browsing history.
Sadly only 69 MPs voted against this tyranny, from the SNP, Lib Dems and Greens.
“No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land.”
This new “law of the land” has quietly shelved the spirit of Clause XIX of the Magna Carta, condemned every citizen to default suspicion and “disseised” his right to expect privacy in his legitimate dealings.
The question every Englishman must now ask is “Am I still a Freeman as is my birthright or has this unlawful foreign Parliament declared me to be a bonded subordinate of the state’s authorities?”.
Coalition Programme for Government 2010:-
“We will be strong in defence of freedom. The Government believes that the British state has become too authoritarian, and that over the past decade it has abused and eroded fundamental human freedoms and historic civil liberties. We need to restore the rights of individuals in the face of encroaching state power, in keeping with Britain’s tradition of freedom and fairness.”
“We will end the storage of internet and email records without good reason.”
As it turns out, codswallop.
Colonel Mustard and EC
Sadly it also means, that even if we prevail and BRexit, we are still burdened by a majority of elected representatives and possibly a majority of members of the Upper House, whose objective is to enslave us rather than serve us and defend our heritage of freedom.
I see no ships – only hardships.
Civil disobedience on a revolutionary scale looms ahead.
Jerrymandering the electoral rules, quite blatantly, during the last 48 hours, by deliberately ‘failing’ the technology as an excuse to extend the registration deadline, in a desperate effort to garner the support of idle yoof, is another example of cross-party corruption of criminal proportions. These evil corrupt bastards will stop at nothing to suborn the will of Patriots.
We must punish them at the next General Election. All real conservatives including MPs should abandon the party hijacked by Cameron and Osborn’s cabal and make UKIP a viable proposition. Likewise with with Labour Party Patriots (and there are many).
But despite the foregoing difficulties – the essential first stage of the revolution is to vote LEAVE!
To remain is treason, by any yardstick, legal or rational.
This should cheer you up:–fnwftHI
Colonel Mustard – 10:27
Blair, Irvine and Falconer were responsible for the final dismantling of Magna Carta. They had to, in order to make way for the EU takeover, but no matter as long as their lawyer chums (&wife!) could make a mint of ECHR legislation. Venal, traitorous SCUM!
Unpleasant experience to accidentally find myself watching two has-beens sharing a Brexit scaremongering platform in Northern Ireland. Major and Blair, the usher and the architect of the Great Disaster of 1997, standing together and lying their heads off. What a spectacle of over promoted mediocrity and what a confirmation of the essential homogeneity and conniving of the political class who rule over us.
The Grey Major – prosperous, well fed, now Hain-tanned like a cruise ship widow, privileged, wagging his finger and upper lip at us and warning that the Northern Ireland peace process was/is dependent on the EU and Scotland might leave us if we leave the EU. Mass immigration and the pressures of over population in England won’t affect him. “I’m not in the elite” he lied.
The Grinning Blair – prosperous, well fed, Hain-tanned like a cruise ship widow, privileged, entreating in that ghastly over emphasised mockney, slagging off the Leave campaign and blowing his well practiced smoke into the eyes of the Northern Irish. Mass immigration and the pressures of over population in England won’t affect him.
The BBC News letting both harangues run at full length – of course.
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
I’m beginning to believe they were correct.
Colonel Mustard (11:58)
That must be worth a few hundred thousand votes – for BRexit! 🙂
The failed bus conductor and the successful scamster. Both rolling in delusory self-esteem, money ripped off from taxpayers and grade III horseshit. One with a demented top lip and a false moustache and the other with the eyes of a rabid ferret. To put into perspective, think of Edwina Curry, Carole Caplin and the two redundant, ousted tenants of No. 10 in a menage a quatre (with Crazy Cherie peeping through the drapes being banged by Peter Foster, the con man from Oz). YCMIU.
It is the far end. Now we have the big nanny state meddling in the High Court’s business.
Remember the Platt family whose family achieved all that was expected of them at school and had high attendance figures. Rightly their father got the High Court to overturn a ridiculous fine slapped on the family by a busybody council for the simple act of getting his family together for a holiday that over ran into term time.
Now Nick Gibb a draconian Gauleiter of the Himmler tradition has told the council to take the Platts back to court to make them pay.
And given them unlimited money to do this. How on earth Cameron lets this go on is impossible to understand.
Sorry not impossible. He is dreaming up yet more lies to frighten us about leaving the behemoth of the EU.
“The other day, for example, John ‘Edwina’ Major, whose cleverness is only matched by his taste in women, attacked Eurosceptics […] Sir John now preaches what he practised back in 1990-1992, as Chancellor and PM. Then his commitment to European integration cost the Treasury £3.4 billion in one day, known as Black Wednesday. Now the same genius agitates for more of the same – and people, mentally castrated by our ‘education’, listen.”
Alex on superb form! If it weren’t true, if it weren’t so serious, I might be laughing!
Cue: Sir Dickie Mottie GCB
Wiki: “Sir Richard Clive Mottram, GCB is chairman or board member of a number of private and public sector organisations. He is chairman of the board of Amey PLC, and a member of the International Advisory Board of GardaWorld”
GardaWorld? Pidgin?
dig deep enough and you’ll find Nicholas “wardrobe” Soames lurking in there!
Knit this lot into your meandering through Who owns Who. You’ll have to be very fleet of eye to keep up with ducking and diving and Sir Dickie has been dancing through the Global Corps since he admitted that he was well and truly cattle-trucked. As I said last week, I should be so fucked, already.
I enjoyed seeing the bust-out boyos on display yesterday. Next week Lord Phil of Monaco is the main event.
The EU? Just a subsidiary. As for the UK – we no longer compete in Petticoat Lane, even!
We no longer have a Country, it’s a cunt-tree. A whole forest of ’em. Cultivated over the past half century. And it’s suffering from severe blight.
Sorry – further to 18:33 – I forgot to link:
John Birch (21:00)
Fred on form. Equally applicable here in most respects. Not just, but two lost generations.
John Birch
Correction. My (21:30) was in reply to your (20:37). You slipped one in there, as the actress said to the bishop. 🙂
Question Time.
A demonstration before our very eyes of the insanity that now prevails in the UK.
The transvestite Lizzard, pink beret, scarlet lipstick and matching nail varnish, screeching inanely at Nigel Farage and us, and claiming that the EU has kept the peace in Europe.
Manipulative Hilary Benn, manufacturer of lies and spin, a suitable ‘ally’ of the oily Dave.
As for Lizzard’s claim that the EU has achieved ’72 years of peace’, the twat obviously forgets the Soviet partition of Europe and the ne-con destruction of the Balkans.
We’re trying to avoid pantomime here’.. says Dimbleby.
As a lady and Lizzard argue ‘Yes it is, no it isn’t’… about the strength of of the economy and sovereignty.
You shouldn’t have put a pantomime dame on the show then, Dimbles?
I remember a time when a nutcase fella in a pink hat, lipstick and fingernails to match, screaming incoherently and flapping his false eyelashes would have been restrained, deemed by a duly authorised officer and carted off in a green van to St Bernard’s at Hanwell. Now they are not only allowed to roam free but are invited to parade their insanity on television. Some would call that ‘progress’. It is! Progress to hell on a handcart.
Frank P.
As insane as the Lizzard patently is, he was seated next to Farage to silence him, in which he was in large part effective, and to taint him as equally insane by the very proximity of association.
Izzard’s personal and mocking accusation that Farage was an immigrant himself and yet “anti-immigrant” was relentless and of course completely missed the whole point. Throughout the programme Izzard interrupted and talked over the Leave panelists and was allowed to get away with it. Like their website trolling habits lefties simply cannot tolerate the freedom of others to disagree so must constantly heckle and disrupt.
Izzard’s passionately ranted virtue signalling about the world coming together was impressive. I think he is onto something there and could bring peace to the Middle East by running a marathon in ISIS territory. Off you go, Eddie, let’s see you create Utopia by putting your money where your mouth is.
The star of the show was the insane Frenchwoman in the audience who ranted that those wishing the UK to leave the EU were like the rise of the Nazi party in 1933. It is a measure of the (often self destructive) tolerance and manners of the British people that she wasn’t lynched. I could just imagine the reaction of a French audience to a single Englishwoman making a similar comparison.
The arrogance of foreign guests here is frequently astonishing.
I’m glad that I missed BBC QT. I think I’ll forego watching watching it on iPlayer too. Something really does need to be done about the looney left BBC. They’ve had their last penny of of me!
If, as seems almost inevitable now, the combined dumbed down and brainwashed left leaning masses succumb to Cameron & co’s lies and vote to “Remain” then, FUCK EM! They deserve everything they get! I’m upset to think about the upcoming dystopia and what might befall our grandchildren but I’m powerless to do anything about it. I have only one vote on June 23rd. Unless we regain control this is the last time that voting for anybody or anything will make any difference!
If BRexit fails, I would quite happily leave the UK and NEVER look back! Family ties prevent that.
Above: the fuggin WordPress software has worked its magic yet again!
A poem for the Twenty Third
Hypnotized and blind to lies,
a people showed no pity.
The truth is daily vandalised,
In every UK city.
And yet we know of our salvation,
For our gentle peaceful nation.
To shake off our bonds leave the EU,
And at last be rid of aggravation.
A picture is worth a thousand words…
…or a thousand years of dreadful doggerel from the bard of TW10.
Hilary Benn pompously declared that he was the son of an immigrant last night. Whilst technically correct it was disingenuous in the context of the debate over the current levels of mass immigration:-
She was an American radical, from a similar privileged background as Benn, attending university in the UK when Benn met and proposed to her.
A piece of news that has been embargoed (voluntarily?) by the Western MSM:’s-bloodshed
Here’s a thought for you.
Some eighty years ago, Germany had a go at taking over Europe with tanks, planes and gas chambers. It was left to Britain’s institutional set up, the vision of one man, Winston, to put an end to it.
This time round, it’s again Germany attempting to take over the Old Continent using the EU as the tool, a progress of sort, for which we should be grateful. It is again left to Britain, however weakened the country’s institution may be, and two individuals, Nigel and Boris (that’s political deflation for you) who still have the guts to oppose the takeover.
How will it pan out? (The barbarian’s hopeful we’ll win, even though apparently eight out of ten of those who registered in the extension period are for remain).
At 17.04, it should read ‘however weakened the country’s institutions may be’….Sorry, the haste ‘s to blame, the barbarian’s busy ferrying people.
EC @ 09:04
May the barbarian join your club, EC? Like you, he cannot stomach anymore the loonies, it makes him physically sick to watch them yapping about the risks, dangers, disasters whether they’re dressed as queens or not.
John birch @ 21:00
“Somebody needs to take command to end this nonsense before it becomes irremediable?’ Who, John, the honorary Muslim? Hmmm.
Fergus Pickering @ 09:11
Quite, Fergus, spot on.
“David Cameron is offering voters a false choice in the EU referendum. They should reject it”
Charles Moore
A very good takeover timeline contained therein. Boiling Frogs!
Baron – you may find this interesting, if you have not already read it –
The reference to mutual distrust between those Russians in power and those who are educated seems, to me, to some extent, to resemble the mutual mistrust between the many western politicians and their electorates.
Seems all the windbags of the world have congregated in Louisville KY today to pitch their spiel. The sentiment seems to be: never let a bandwagon pass without jumping on it. Even when it is a hearse: particularly when it is a hearse. What a dog and pony show!
Frank P @ 21:24
The France24 was showing the hearse, Frank, well, a large black limousine, moving slowly down the street, people, mostly black people, lining up the road, some running towards it, throwing flowers. The most remarkable thing about it was the size of the people, almost all well over 20 stones.
West Ham’s Dimitri Payet get’s France out of trouble with a cracking goal from 25 yards to clinch a 2-1 victory against Romania in the opening match of the tournament. Increases the potential coffers of the pornbrokers, as his price tag increased.
Herbert Thornton @ 19:44
Thanks, Herbert, the barbarian hasn’t read this piece, but he has all of his books, most of them in Russian. In fact, (and this is true), Baron possesses a copy of the Gulag Archipelago published by the KGB (yup, the spooks knew it would be popular, published it before the official samizdat’s edition, pocketed the money. In haste to get a copy, Baron bought it, found out later it was his tormentors he enriched).
The write up doesn’t make it clear, but the Georgian thug died the day Solzhenitsyn was on a train returning back from exile. Serendipity, fate, coincidence?
Still, in Baron’s humble opinion his best work is what the write-up calls ‘Matryona’s Homestead’ (Baron’s translation would be Matryona’s Shack, closer to the Russian ‘dvor’).
His work suffers from translation, however brilliant it may be, he was supreme in his language ability, nobody comes close to him, not even the writers of old, the Russian language, the best of all the Slavonic tongues, is melodic, words are often rooted in the sounds of whatever they describe, impossible to give you an example, Baron’s not that good in either Russian or English.
Frank P @ 22:26
They, the French, are supposed to be the favourites, Frank, their performance tonight was rather mediocre interrupted here and there with good passing but poor finishing. Dimitri’s goal was the exception, he, Pogba and Olivier were probably the best of the lot.
The Private Eye latest front cover has England’s team lined up on arrival, stepping down the plane steps. The heading reads ‘England backs Brexit’, and a caption next to the team descending the stairs says ‘we’ll be out of Europe in no time’.
Let’s see what we can do with Russia tomorrow. Hopefully beat them.
Baron (22:54)
No divided loyalty, then m’Lord? Good for you.
The 90th Birthday Honours List seems mainly to comprise businessmen who have funded the Remain Campaign. Cameron is an oleaginous, corrupt , spoon-faced, hens-arse-mouthed douchebag – and blatant with it.
Moreover he should sack his fucking barber.
Thanks to Colonel Mustard and Verity for the physiognomic components of that rant. 🙂
I first read the story in an English version (a long time ago).
That made me try the Russian version and I agree with you about the language. In particular, when a grief stricken woman passes on the news of “Nasha Matronya” having been killed by the express train it sounds far more moving than “Our Matronya”.
Current headline in Drudge Report: MASSIVE SWING TO BREXIT
Baron –
I now wonder whether I transliterated her name satisfactorily – “Matronya” or “Matryona”?
Show me where Marks is buried and I’ll show you a Communist Plot.
(Ack.BBC Radio 4 Extra)
Should that be Marx ? Not to us British.Have you heard of Marx and Spencer?
Is Alfred Marks dead?
Radford NG – 10:58
Ah, you beat me to it 🙂
Wouldn’t be surprised at any spelling on the BBC website.
Herbert Thornton @ 00:40
Exactly, Herbert, every piece of literature sounds better in the mother tongue of its creator. Reading the bard’s sonnets in a language other than English loses not only the ‘feel’, it often twists the meaning, too.
Btw, the barbarian tips his bowler to you, speaking Russian is a massive achievement, the language isn’t amongst easiest to learn.
A tasty 10 points lead for Brexit now, let’s push it to 20:
Herbert Thornton @ 05:59
Either will do, the latter’s probably closer, but English speakers will pronounce it each his or her own way. Herbert.
Malfleur @ 00:51
Sorry, Malfleur, you got there first, Baron missed your posting.
An auction to lunch with Warren Buffett in the Smith & Wollensky restaurant in Manhattan brought in almost $3.5mn. The proceeds will go to a charity.
What could one get from such a lunch?
Erdogan and the funeral of Ali, something missed by the MSM here:
“What could one get from such a lunch?”
In Manhattan, these days? Probably a 90% chance of campylobacter.
EC @ 15:15
The poorly educated Slav didn’t know what you’r e talking about, EC, googled it, this is what he got: Campylobacter is a genus of Gram-negative, microaerophilic, oxidase-positive, catalase-positive, nonfermentative bacteria. Campylobacter species are typically spiral-shaped and able to move via unipolar or bipolar flagella. Ha?
Still, apparently, more than quarter of a million people here suffer from it each year, one hopes not terminally.
On a matter more serious. What do you think the score will be tonight? Baron reckons we score 3, Russia zilch, both Kane and Alli on the score sheet, but not Rooney.
On 24 June
“We have collected flight cost data from across the web for travel from London to Pyongyang, and have found the average flight price for this trip to be £2,490.”
Postal Order best
Address to
Post Restante
Telemachus Shaw
Manchester Central Post Office
26 Spring Gardens,
Manchester M2 1BB
“26 Spring Gardens”
Shurely shome mishtake?
69 Arafat Gardens
telemachus @ 16:24
The offer was meant in jest, a kind of witticism, the barbarian wouldn’t wish it even on you to live in that ghastly place, that would be punishment too far, telemachus.
(Although the barbarian would honour it if you truly quit here, relocate to the people’s paradise of North Korea for life).
Btw, it wasn’t smart of you to move the sparring contest here, it may wake up the site’s gurus, you may get good lashing again.
Baron – 16:18
Dunno, Baron. England always lose when I watch, so it’ll my patriotic duty not to watch it live.
If the UEFA officials are up to their previous form then the refereeing will be so blatantly biased against England that it might well put another 10% on votes for BRexit.
The French cops have got us off to a good start by singling out England fans for special treatment.
This is seriously good…
“The Great British Wind Farm Scandal: These Are The Heads That Should Roll”
James Delingpole
“In England, we learned this week from the head of the wind energy lobby group Renewable UK, the wind levels are so puny and unreliable that turbines cannot generate economically viable quantities of energy.”
There’s hope for the CHW’ toyboys yet:
England v Australia highlights
The somewhat bizarre talk show entrance made by Jeremy Corbyn!
I do hope that all the England fans in North Morocco currently have registered a postal vote. Or is that illegal because they’re Caucasian?
England vs Russia
Wunt my fault. I did my bit by never watching it, as I promised earlier.
Please do not denigrate thyself!
It was barely a team of Englishmen.
Malfleur June 11 0051
As you say, massive swing to Brexit: may this be so but can it even be contemplated given the egregious, 3rd World-style abuses of our formerly pristine voting system?
Mon dieu: could they be any more arrogant about their control of the peasants / “cattle”?
“Wegotta-takea-lotta-pozzativs-outta-the-gime….” The Manager, the pundits and the players fronting the post match interviews all seemed to have been reading from the same script.
Bollocks! England were playing an inferior Russian team; they should have scored at least five times when they had open goals. Harry Kane was half asleep, Sterling ran a lot but got nowhere and both should have been substituted. Why wasn’t Jamie Vardy in the starting line up?
Woy Hodgson is a J Arthur. Defensive boredom when they should have been attacking and then they let the Ruskis sneak a draw in injury time.
If they don’t buck their ideas up, both Wales and the Slavs will beat them.
Not only that – the fans lost the street battles outside, too. 🙂
EC @ 22:13
Russia was poor beyond belief, EC, the only bit of their footballing skill came in the injury time, and only because of the height of their captain, we were brilliant, but unlucky, deadly unlucky, the first half we dominated the game so much it felt we’re against a local Neasden team. The only tactical error perhaps was not to put in Vardy for the last twenty minutes or so. A pair of fresh legs coupled with his unbeatable speed would have devastated the Russian backs.
Still, if we play as well as we did tonight we’re to go places.
EC @ 17:26
It may well be the case, EC, the wind monstrosities may even need conventionally produced energy to turn, but the political elites, the pseudo-scientists, the eco luvvies will keep on backing them.
We need to brexit, then have an election, get some sound men and women into the House.
There ya go Baron. Glass half full/half empty – take your pick. 🙂
Obviously, these are not roasted chickens, but those that run around. He should have included a bag or two of corn, perhaps.
Frank P @ 23:50
The hope was, Frank, we would get one of the two top qualifying places in the group as a minimum, it would help in the argument we’re good enough on our own. So, as you say, it’s the half full glass for the barbarian.
Two pieces of interest, loosely related: Mr. Boot on Putin and Bibi, and Dalai Lama and Putin:’s-bloodshed
June 11th, 2016 – 12:40
Your bowler tipping gesture is very kind, but my Russian was acquired during an 18-month military service cramming course 63 years ago and is now (alas) very rusted indeed.
Think independently; watch the independent:
Be independent: Brexit!
Noa @ 17:47
You sure it was what the paper says it was, Noa, it may have been two cadavers rattling in the wind, the result of a particularly unpleasant murder( of passion?), of which we seem to have quite a number now, passion in or out, at least where the barbarian resides, the local ITV news are made up of little more than murders, manslaughter, unexplained killings, rapes, other man made misfortunes.
Baron 10.42
All our news is ultimately subjective, Baron, based upon the stream of interpretation of the reporters who have (mis) handled it prior to the application of our own values and prejudices. In this instance the facts seem clear enough. Whether this is joyous news or not is less certain…
London Calling Verity….you were mentioned today on the Spectator,
could do with your imput right now, you have been sadly missed, please
come over and share your thoughts on Cameron…Love and Hugs London
Interesting article, in Spectator, about religion of gun-murderer at an Orlando gay bar.
Douglas Murray does write well.
Douglas Murray’s problem is that his one track mind has robbed him of all credibility
We all know that America almost once a week has a gun atrocity
It is in the psyche of the nation
And all comers are infected
The vast majority are crazed loners
And this one will be no different
Except that someone broadcast his name giving pathological Islamophobes like Murray yet another excuse for an Islamophobic rant
Redneck (16:38)
Unfortunately I am barred from reading Murray’s article, except for the opening paragraphs. However I can read the comments and note that the usual suspect has immediately piped up with a comment that the Orlando incident is NTDWI, no cause for Islamaphobia and that the perp is just yer average American nutter.
We can’t ignore the religion of the Orlando gay club gunman
Douglas Murray
12 June 2016 4:15 PM
Last night a gunman attacked a gay club in Orlando, Florida. At present at least 50 people are confirmed dead and another 42 are confirmed injured – which would make it the worst mass shooting in American history. The gunman appears to have been a US citizen called Omar Mateen. Even the FBI is now admitting that he would appear to have had ‘leanings’ towards radical Islamic ideology. His parents, from Afghanistan, have said they’re in shock.
Here’s a prediction. If the gunman from last night had proved to have been a Christian fundamentalist, every person he had ever associated with would by now be being crawled over not just by law enforcement but by the press. Senior church figures and political leaders across America and the rest of the world would have condemned the act and said how important it is to root out such hatred from people’s hearts. Every group, individual or fellow-traveller who was in any way associated with the gunman’s ideology would be forever tarnished by association even if they had no connection to the gunman himself.
But the Orlando attack would appear to have been carried out by a radical Muslim, not a radical Christian. And so law enforcement will play down the ideological component. Meantime US and other political leaders will try to deny the ideological connection or say – at the most – that it is important not to single out any one ideology. Almost every single Imam in America and elsewhere will deny that there is any connection between the gunman’s beliefs and theirs. If any journalists do look into which mosques or groups the gunman was associated with the entirety of the American Muslim community leadership will insist that any identification of the gunman’s beliefs is in fact ‘Islamophobic’. And so the hatred that propelled the gunman will not just live on, but grow. Which the rest of us might end up assuming was the aim all along.
It is just two months since we learned that 52 per cent of British Muslims believe that being gay should be made illegal in the UK. When that poll was released very nearly the entirety of the UK’s Muslim leadership and spokespeople attacked not the bigotry of their own community, but the poll. It is always the same story. And yet there is a perfectly straight line from that belief to what happened in Florida last night. With any other religious community we – and they – would admit that. But not with Islam.
O’Bummer just addressed the American people and gave a lecture on LBGT rights and plugged anti-gun politics. No word of Islam. It’ s a hate crime. How can anybody any longer doubt that the POTUS is a Muslim agent?
The guy is of Afghan origin, a Muslim, hates gays, before he started shooting he had called the emergency services told them he swore allegiance to ISIS (all Channel4 News tonight).
The honorary White House Muslim says ‘everything is under investigation, nobody knows for sure what his motivation was’.
As Douglas says if we carry on denying the connection with Islam, find ways of dealing with it, be serious about it, we will get more of the same.
By the way the perp worked for G4S, the global ‘security’ company that runs the world of ‘security’ – and I do mean the world. Cue Sir Dickie Mottram.
However tragic this atrocity is, it’s helping Donald as well as strengthening the brexit argument here. It’s unbelievable the authorities don’t get it, it may lead to serious civil disturbances, the suppressed anger at the official denial of the connection needs nothing more than a spark, there are enough thuggish elements in every western country, look at the brawling at the Euro2016, and when that gets going, who knows whether the agencies of the state charged with keeping law and order will be able to put an end to it.
The perp was interviewed twice about ‘suspected terrorist sympathies and connections’ but allowed to continue until he tooled up and shot over a hundred people, killing 50 (so far). How much longer do we have to put up with this shit? If the rules of engagement are not changed we will lose this war. What happens when the C in C over there and his buddy here, our PM, won’t even recognise that we are at war?
First priority BRexit. Second priority get rid of the Remainers in Parliament. Third priority stop Muslim immigration dead in its tracks. We are already deeply infiltrated. Londonistan already has a Muzzy Mayor. WTF is happening to the patriotic English?
BEFORE the #OrlandoNightclubShooting the “Holy” month of Ramadan 2016 body count was reportedly 472.
See for further updates!
NB. The totals for:
Murders by other religions 0;
Murders by so called “islamophobes” 0.
Frank P 19:09
Like you & me, almost all British & American citizens, want an honest, fair & even-handed approach. We’d like our Leaders to worry about their own citizens first: not inveigle legislation about transgender bathrooms etc.
When our citizens are under threat: name the perpetrators and do something about it. The BBC is the same: no mention of Islam on their banner headlines.
We are being totally duped and Caucasian societies wilfully replaced. One would almost suspect a conspiracy but that would be paranoid.
May I ask what your definition of “Islamophobic” is please?
Thank you.
“Obola” n. A deadly disease contracted by the USA in 2008. Spread via gLiberals, Democrats, Climate Alarmists, Feminists and SJWs.
Redneck – 21:32
FGS don’t encourage that virtual “virtuoso on the pink oboe”!
Judge Jeanine: ‘The Fix Is In’ With Hillary’s Email Scandal
Col. Richard Kemp on Israel, “Palestinians”, and the UN.
Eight minutes of truth that you will never hear on the BBC.
You recently signed the petition “Stop spending a fixed 0.7 per cent slice of our national wealth on Foreign Aid”:
MPs want to hear your views about UK aid spending before they debate this petition in Parliament.
On Monday 13 June Steve Double MP and Stephen Twigg MP will be on Twitter to ask the public what they think about UK aid spending.
Join the debate from 12 to 1pm on Twitter using the hashtag #UKAidDebate
More about the MPs involved:
Steve Double MP is a member of a cross-party group of MPs called the Petitions Committee. The Petitions Committee scheduled the debate. Mr Double is leading the debate in Parliament which means he will start it.
You can find out more about Steve Double MP on the Parliament website:
You can find out more about the Petitions Committee on its website:
Stephen Twigg MP is the Chair of a cross-party group of MPs called the International Development Committee.
You can find out more about Stephen Twigg MP on the Parliament website:
The International Development Committee looks at and questions how the Government Department for International Development:
– is run
– spends money
– decides on its policies
You can find out more about the International Development Committee on its website:
The Petitions Committee and International Development Committees are independent from Government. They are “Select Committees”. Find out how Select Committees work:
More about the Parliamentary debate:
On Monday 13 June you will be able to watch the petition debate live from 4.30pm on Parliament TV:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
My postal ballot has arrived down-under, been completed and is winging its way back.
On the day another loon carried out the instructions of the Koran, how anyone can possibly think staying politically linked to Europe is a good idea defeats me.
The worst President (so far) has proved his Muslim credentials yet again, claiming it was the gun that killed the gays that needs controlling! No it isn’t, you dumb fucking nigger, it’s the vile book of hate and the cult you can’t even mention that needs more than controlling – it needs eradicating.
Islamophobia is prejudiced hatred of the religion of Islam
I read from the BBC that IS may have claimed responsibility
If this is so we must turn the full force of Western might against this extremist military organisation
But not on moderate Muslims as is Murray’s wont
We have 2.6 million Muslims living in our midst
We need to redouble our efforts to integrate them
A phobia is not ‘prejudiced hatred’ but an irrational fear.
It’s been artificially contrived to mean hatred by communists* who use it to suppress truth but no-one speaks of their own ‘Toryphobia’.
Language evolves but communists manipulate and distort it to achieve political supremacy.
* communist = any adherent of the leftist, so-called “progressive” collective which has irreparably damaged this country and destroyed its future. A dangerous, manipulative, conniving, lying, supremacist mob who use the word “we” when they mean “I”.
I am absolutely fascinated by the current tendency to conflate reasonable views on religious tolerance with reasonable views on the governance of our nation
Even more fascinated how this has been distorted to equate political reasonableness with intolerance of the ancient religion of Judaism
The biggest source of sadness to telemachus is the tendency on many blogs to ascribe to myself and our group the epithet of anti semitism
I am less surprised that distorted minds conflate reasonableness with communism
It is the view of my team molded by giants of political thought including Donald Soper and Tariq Ali that in terms relative to the debacle of yesterday that a faith in Jesus or Mohammed leads by way of personal conversion to political radicalism. There is no place for any evangelism based on the uncritical use of the Bible or Koran. All forms of fundamentalism are abhorrent because we should believe in loving God with the whole of his mind. It is our duty to bring not just fervour but also hard thinking to bear on the life of our time.
I further write to indicate pause for thought induced by a commentator to the Murray thread on Speccie
lease also have no truck with aggressive Muslims….I’m from a Muslim background and I know that it has has become increasingly extremists due to the free reign of theocrats and dodgy imams and clerics….they love your sentiments. Luckily in the west christian natters are vilified as being christian natters….it should be the same with muslims. It is not insensitive to question the aggressiveness that comes out of religious tenets. We should call it out when it is there. I feel very angry about these religious fanatics – and it comes from the growing trend of theocracy in the muslim world. Just recently secularists and hindus were murdered in Bangladesh. Would it be insensitive to talk about that…that its coming from within the religion of Islam…The extremist theocrats grow stronger because no one dare challenge them. And the let are the worst – weirdly protecting theocracy for fear of being Islamophobes. The left has abandoned the muslim world to the extremists.
He went on in response to
“In my religion we challenge and ridicule extremist Christians
It is for you to challenge and ridicule your extremists”
Yes you are lucky – and its great that you can without your life being threatened….- There has been a hard won victory over theocracy in the west – so now you won’t get pummelled if you insult the local priest. When people do criticise within Islam – well we know what happens (see Bangladesh). when muslims in the west try to criticise or ridicule clerics or the tenets, they are branded as Islamaphobic – …often by the left wing intelligentsia (the very people who are against christian theocracy). People who put their head above the parapet on this are pretty much no-platformed, such is the fear of being Islamophobic on one hand and fear of the extremists who are pretty scary on the other.
I am more troubled by this than the standard Islamophobic rants I read
” left wing intelligentsia”
Trouble thyself not. You might be left wing but you are remarkably untouched by intelligence.
The Pakistani intelligence operative who tipped off Tariq Ali’s parents that his radicalism put him at risk has much to answer for. He did a great disservice to British politics.
Ali was a member of the shape-shifting International Marxist Group, part of the Fourth International, that slipped quietly and seamlessly into the Labour party. In 1972 he wrote “The Coming British Revolution”. The review by ‘Neutral’ sums up the book – and Ali – perfectly:
Tariq Ali’s “The Coming British Revolution” is like looking at those photos your parents took of you as a child and embarrassed you by showing them to your new girlfriend. It’s not just a book of its time but one dated beyond repair, a hotch-potch of Marxist terminology of no relevance to the real world. It’s reminiscent of the superficiality of Richard Dawkins when the latter tries to label religious teaching at home as a form of child abuse. If it is then it applies just as equally to Ali’s childhood which was grounded in communism and atheism from which he has never developed intellectually enough to extricate himself. It is a phenomenon endemic to left-wing politics.
Ali arrived in Britain after the trauma of Khruschev’s condemnation of Stalin’s “Cult of the Personality” had created an intellectual schizophrenia within the British Left. Attaching himself to the Trotskyism of the International Marxist Group, Ali became obsessed with the Vietnam War and was prominent amongst the leadership of the anti-war movement. The movement was, in many ways, a re-enactment of the upper and middle class communism of pre-war Cambridge. “Kindly Uncle Joe” was replaced by “Kindly Uncle Ho” and the opproprium of the appeasement policy of Chamberlain was replaced by savage attacks on Wilson’s refusal to condemn American action in Vietnam. It was a time when the political Left examined and mis-read current affairs, rejoicing in the idea they were “revolutionaries” without once mentioning the armchairs in which they sat.
Ali’s description of the international impact of the Vienam war was naive and ideological. To explain why opposition to Wilson’s policies was big on publicity but relatively small in numbers, Ali resorted to the Marxist ideology of consciousness. “Marxism maintains that consciousness determines history”. The concept is the epitome of arrogance, dismissing those who disagree with Marxist policies, however determined, as lacking the insight or understanding possessed by the supposed middle class revolutionaries. Yet, as Ali admits, many militants yearned for contacts with workers. The workers themselves – the real workers as opposed to the mythical workers of Marxist theory – were uninterested. Ali argued the the political situation had changed in favour of the revolutionary movement because of the changing character of universities. He did not understand that the expansion of university education did not necessarily lead to the organisation and training of militants by revolutionary groups. Many student “revolutionaries” were prats engaged in ego trips to nowhere or Channel Four. Nothing’s changed.
Ali’s interpretation of British society bears little relationship to the truth but a strong relationship with fantasy. He depicts nineteenth century trade unions’ support for apprenticeships as an example of class collaboration whereas the “aristocracy of labour” was rejecting Marxism and its politics of class. Although the New Unionism extended unionism to non-craft workers, the notion that, “if they had followed a correct strategy they would have been able to gain a massive base in the organised ranks of the working class….(which) would have provided a revolutionary challenge” to the Labour Party is wishful thinking. The New Unionism had the support of the Social Democratic Federation (headed and funded by the egocentric H M Hyndman) which favoured the Parliamentary route to power. Those who did not attempted to establish their own mass party but failed not simply because of the rise of Labour in Parliament but because their ideology was rejected by the public. As has been pointed out elsewhere the practical empiricism of the British was a rock on which Marxism floundered and sank. The “class struggle” which Ali espoused a power struggle between powerful trade union leaders and a government elected by the people. Ali is apopletic about right wing domination of trade unions in the 1950s but makes no reference to the Communists’ corrupt control of the Electrical Trades Union.
Ali regarded the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) as a “considerable hinderance to the cause of revolutionary socialism in Britain” by its association with Stalinism and its commitment to Parliamentary Socialism. He argued Parliament was losing its credibility which would lead to the termination of the CPGB itself. The latter came about, not because of a decline in Parliamentary politics (which carries even less credibility now than then), but because of theoretical sectarianism between Euro-Communists and anti-revisionists. The discovery that the CPGB had been funded between 1956 and the late ‘seventies by secret cash donations from Moscow brought the debate to a head. The Party was dissolved in 1991 and many members became involved in a variety of issues, including financial support for the Alternative Vote. The money which had kept the Party afloat long after its sell-by date is in the hands of a property management company which in 2011 declared assets of just under two million pounds! The rentier class lives on!!
Ali’s commitment to ideology over fact is demonstrated when he writes, “Scientific socialist theory….is formed by the constant struggle against the ideology and practice of the bourgeoisie and…..exists as a dialetical antithesis to that ideology.” Condemning empiricism he argues Marx’s ideas reached a British audience just at the wrong time, as the upheavals of Chartism subsided. He suggests that Fabianism was part of reformist ideology. He fails to understand there was no reformist ideology only the practical application of ideas tested by experience. Part of that failure lies in his use of the term bourgeoisie as a fact whereas it is an artificial construct created by Marx as part of his ficticious ideology of “scientific socialism”. So how should this book be rated? By defining everything in Marxist terms Ali loses touch with social reality. Even as a product of its time it is stilted and irrelevant, an historical curiosity rather than historical record. It’s no wonder it’s long been out of print.”
To call Ali a “giant of political thought” is the usual presumptive hagiographic idiocy that we have come to expect from a confused and conflicted communist who comes here only to troll, harass and provoke. The only things giant about Ali are his ego and his self publicity, the first trait shared in spades by his unwelcome cheerleader.
The alliance between Marxists and Methodists is almost as peculiar as the alliance between the motley post-modern leftist collective and radical, fundamentalist Islam, which we saw so demonstrably conflicted in Owen Jones trying to come to terms with Orlando.
Soper, another “giant of political thought” who spent the dark days of the Second World War preaching pacifism when Britain stood alone in the face of national socialism and better men than him were doing their duty and frequently dying for it. Fortunately for this country but unluckily for Hitler his “giant political thought” of letting your less fastidious enemies kill you never caught on. Soper was an early proponent of conflating Christianity and left wing politics, glossing over Christ’s “render unto Caesar” as latter day lefties have sought to re-interpret it to suit their own quasi-religious agenda. Soper punched the rest of the predictable British bolshy tickets by being active in the CND and being elevated to the House of Lords, an institution which he had hitherto condemned. His paltry excuse was that peerage would give him a platform for his preaching, thereby demonstrating the essential flaw of those who rail against the second chamber. There are currently 210 Labour peers in the House of Lords, including 4 hereditaries, (more than a quarter of the House), many of whom were vehement in denouncing that institution before their elevation but which, like their huge incomes and privileged lifestyles, now sits remarkably easy on their “egalitarian” shoulders. The Monster Raving Hypocrite Party now supplies the largest contingent of Peers of the Realm.
Trump’s Speech Touching on Orlando