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Agenda 21is still claimed to be a conspiracy theory by many people.
I read this in The Telegraph’s iPhone app and thought you’d like to read it:
NATO, and exiled Russians apparently, believe that the Russian Federation burns to drive west and, presumably, overrun Berlin, Paris, Madrid and London. Useful idiots however think this concept is a pretext for boxing the Russian Federation in with NATO forces encroaching closer and closer on its western borders.
A surprise may have been given to all and sundry then when Russia accepted an invitation from its fellow member of the United Nations in the SOUTH, Syria, to rid it of the turbulent NATO drone troops of ISIS which had entered illegally into its territory.
Russia has traditionally however had an interest in securing its southern border and extending its influence in that direction. In fact its vision, at least among the more imaginative Russians such as Prince Potemkin and Catherine the Great, was on a much grander scale and, who knows, may still motivate some Russians today.So since the Fall of Constantinople Russians with a certain sense of Russian destiny had imagined ‘the Third Rome’. The drive to force rhe Turks out of the Crimea set its sights on Istanbul.
So on November 23rd 1790,as a step in the move to push the muslims out of the Crimea, the Russians invested the mighty fortress of Ismail on the Danube.
On 2nd December 1790, one of the Russian generals dithering before Ismail ordered a retreat, but on the same day perhaps the most brilliant general in Russia’s history, Suvorov, arrived at Ismail at the call of Potemkin to assume command of the siege.
ON 7TH DECEMBER, 1790, ” a trumpeter was sent up to the fortress with letters from Potemkin and Suvorov demanding that Ismail surrender to avoid what the Prince called “shedding the harmless blood of women and children”.
“Suvorov was more direct: if Ismail resisted, ‘nobody will be spared’. [Simon Sebag Montefiore:’Catherine the Great & Potemkin ‘] …..
A surprise may have been given to all and sundry then when Russia accepted an invitation from its fellow member of the United Nations in the SOUTH, Syria, to rid it of the turbulent NATO drone troops of ISIS which had entered illegally into its territory.
Russia has traditionally however had an interest in securing its southern border and extending its influence in that direction.
John birch
December 7th, 2015 – 09:09
John, was interesting reading. The greatest conspiracy theory, carried out by Obama and his poodle Cameron, are the statements put out that the so-called refugees and migrants are anti-ISIS and are fleeing it. They are, in fact, bloody Trojan horses.
NATO, and exiled Russians apparently, believe that the Russian Federation burns to drive west and, presumably, overrun Berlin, Paris, Madrid and London.
Useful idiots however think this concept is a pretext for boxing the Russian Federation in with NATO forces encroaching closer and closer on its western borders.
A surprise may have been given to all and sundry then when Russia accepted an invitation from its fellow member of the United Nations in the SOUTH, Syria, to rid it of the turbulent NATO drone troops of ISIS which had entered illegally into its territory.
Russia has traditionally however had an interest in securing its southern border and extending its influence in that direction. In fact its vision, at least among the more imaginative Russians such as Prince Potemkin and Catherine the Great, was on a much grander scale and, who knows, may still motivate some Russians today.So since the Fall of Constantinople Russians with a certain sense of Russian destiny had imagined ‘the Third Rome’. The drive to force rhe Turks out of the Crimea set its sights on Istanbul.
So on November 23rd 1790,as a step in the move to push the muslims out of the Crimea, the Russians invested the mighty fortress of Ismail on the Danube.
On 2nd December 1790, one of the Russian generals dithering before Ismail ordered a retreat, but on the same day perhaps the most brilliant general in Russia’s history, Suvorov, arrived at Ismail at the call of Potemkin to assume command of the siege.
ON 7TH DECEMBER, 1790, ” a trumpeter was sent up to the fortress with letters from Potemkin and Suvorov demanding that Ismail surrender to avoid what the Prince called “shedding the harmless blood of women and children”.
“Suvorov was more direct: if Ismail resisted, ‘nobody will be spared’. [Simon Sebag Montefiore:’Catherine the Great & Potemkin ‘] …..
A surprise may have been given to all and sundry then when Russia accepted an invitation from its fellow member of the United Nations in the SOUTH, Syria, to rid it of the turbulent NATO drone troops of ISIS which had entered illegally into its territory.
Russia has traditionally however had an interest in securing its southern border and extending its influence in that direction.
With all the verbal diarrhoea the BBC have treated us to over the San Bernadino massacre they missed (as usual) the key point. Particularly in view of the almost trebling of our Muslim population since 9/11.
“Murdering infidels is what some GOOD Muslims do.
Syed and Tashfeen are in Muslim heaven now if what Muslims believe about allah is true.”
That’s a quote from a good piece on this distinctly odd religion at :
It may well be some Russians still entertain the idea of enlarging the country south, but whoever these people are, Malfleur, in power they are not.
What must worry Kremlin though is the Islamic underbelly of Mother Russia, have a look at the map, all of the ‘stan’ countries worship Allah, they all border with the Christendom of the Russian tribe to the north (Turkman-, Uzbek-, Kyrgyz-and Kazakh-stan), and the already destabilised Muslim region to the south. The appeasement of Iran fits into it, the Americans need to get the NGOs in to start working on a Maidan like revolt.
If they succeed turning the southern neighbours of Russia into pliable clients of theirs, it will neatly furnish the other part of the pincer, of which the NATO part in the west has already been accomplished (by and large).
A smart strategy that will also gain an opening towards the Mandarin speakers from the west.,40.0178136,3.03z
First real appraisal of the situation we’re in I think I totally agree with.
December 6th, 2015 – 09:15:
How can I in conscience endure Hendrix verse?
In 1857 Charles Baudelaire wrote an anthology entitled “Les Fleurs du mal”
Si le viol, le poison, le poignard, l’incendie,
N’ont pas encore brodé de leurs plaisants dessins
Le canevas banal de nos piteux destins,
C’est que notre âme, hélas ! n’est pas assez Hardie.
C’est l’Ennui ! — l’œil chargé d’un pleur involontaire,
Il rêve d’échafauds en fumant son houka.
Tu le connais, lecteur, ce monstre délicat,
Hypocrite lecteur, — mon semblable, — mon frère !
My brother!
My esteemed brother
The MSM seem to be rather quiet about Syria, here’re few bits of interest:
The Government controlled press in Turkey says Israel is a buyer of ISIL oil, no reaction from Bibi yet.
The Americans have put another oligarch, someone called Ilumzhinov on the sanction list. The man who chairs the international chess federation is charged with buying ISIL oil on behalf of the Assad’s regime.
The western coalition bombed Assad forces, killed three soldiers.
The Russians have been told not to go to Turkey on holiday, it was by far the cheapest destination for them. Tunisia has offered to accommodate them, at the same prices.
Well, don’t you know:
Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent: We’ve Received ‘Nearly Zero Help’ from U.S. Muslim Community Since 9/11
Dave,the gift that keeps on giving.
The man with no shame.
Possibly the most excruciating moment since he rode a bike, hugged a husky, hugged a hoodie, delighted HM, or wanted a ‘Big Society’
What Bill conveniently forgets in this excellent take on a young Muslim wizard are two things: America is run by an honorary Muslim, and what has registered with the American unwashed is the first, false, made up part of the story, nobody in the MSM will ever be interested in the truth he’s talking about.
It’s the same as the story of the unfortunate dead toddler found on the shores of Greece, it was staged, he wasn’t a part of a refugee run, he lived well in Turkey, his farther wanted to make some money smuggling escapees from the hell the Americans have created in the ME, took his family, too, the venture turned bad, his son drowned.
Baron @ 14:22
I do not know what Russians may or may not entertain. History however is a long conversation and the one over Constantinople between Russia and Turkey is far from over.The provocations by the Turks, whether or not they are on the instructions of the globalists, may have unintended consequences:
“Turkey angered by serviceman brandishing rocket launcher on Russian ship passing through Istanbul
Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkish foreign minister, accuses Russia of “provocation” as photographs show rocket launcher displayed aboard the Caesar Kunikov as it sails through Bosphorus Strait”
Your point on the threat to Russia from the “Stans” if they are turned by Soreos or some like-minded felon is well take.
What must also give the Kremlin sleepless nights is the thought of a double-cross by China in the far east.
Your post at 16:34 noting the globalists’ attack on Syrian government forces serves to emphasise the unstable situation. It also proves what had been argued all along, and scrupulously avoided as far as I can tell by all parties and factions in the House of Commons debate last week, that ISIS is the cat’s paw of “the coalition” and Assad’s government has all along been the target. Shame on Cameron and Benn! And shame on Corbyn for not himself speaking the truth!
Verily I say unto you that we are up the creek without a paddle – certainly without a leader anyway.
[Apologies btw for the earlier bungled double post.]
The opening of the borders in the United States to islamic terrorists and the parallel invasion of European borers by the same forces tells me that we have to interpret the crisis in the West today as a planned event.
European borders – sorry, fat finger syndrome again
A customer has been stabbed to death in a Poundland store in Oxfordshire.
Witnesses said a man carrying two knives was Tasered by police after running from the discount shop in Bury Street, Abingdon, at about 11:20 GMT.
Was San Bernadino another government operation? Does it have RFS?*
*Reichstag Fire Syndrome
Foreign aid conspiracy theory from the inside.
And the following….
Bear versus Turkey, a one sided contest?
Having been introduced by Robert Retyred to John Guandolo ‘s blog which takes against the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam in general – big-time, I wondered why he hasn’t been used as a ‘Fox News contributor’; why indeed he seems to be vehemently anti-Fox News. So I did a little digging:
Hmmn. Embittered dodgy ex-Gman – ‘hell hath no fury’ … or a justifiably irate officer who was forced out for telling the truth about the threat – and suggesting measures to deal with it?
The jury is out.
Frank P
Michael Savage (not to mention Alex Jones) says he is banned from Fox and that is despite the fact that for the last several weeks (and not for the first time) he has has a book at the top of the best selling list in the USA, Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture”.
Well he was obviously less than meticulous when he was handling witnesses on the job (so to speak); he is certainly something of a wild card and has some dodgy associates, but his general message about Islam seems based on an unpalatable (for some) reality. His output needs to be handled with oven gloves I would suggest, but it’s interesting nonetheless. One can see why Fox has rejected his ‘contributions’. Probably on advice from other FBI sources.
Ok, I take your point.
What is your professional view of MSNBC being allowed into the homes of the two suspects in the San Bernadino killings while it was still a crime scene or, at least, had a woman’s driving licence lying around to be filmed?
It may be of interest–especially to Malfleur–that Tommy Robinson has written his autobiography to be published this week titled `Enemy of the State`in which he reveals how he has been persecuted by the organs of the State since he protested against violent islam.
There is a great,and lengthy,review of it to be found at an Israeli web site.
See my post (16:50) 6th Dec which expresses not my ‘professional opinion’ but my post-professional opinion. When I was still officially designated and paid to opine, I may have couched my remarks in less sanguine language, but the essence would have remained much the same.
But to revert to official tone to answer your question seriously:
!! the failure of the Feebs to dress in appropriate forensic garb during their search of the home of two Islamic terrorists who who just pulled off a massacre of 14 folks; GBH’d 21 others – and attempted to kill dozens more, is beyond belief. To release a bomb factory to public scrutiny before the full extent of the heinous conspiracy had been fully investigated (conceivably many months of digging both there and abroad) amounts to criminal neglect of duty, leading to suspicion that political pressure is being applied to wrap up the investigation, so that the POTUS could replay his ‘workplace violence’ shtick (“they did it because a Jew made fun of his beard and insulted Mo.”)
Then again they may just be criminally negligent and thick as bricks. Given the press conferences – I fear the latter may be true. The case officer is almost incoherent at times, during the briefings, and is clearly out of his depth.
That’s my assessment FWIW.
But WTF do I know? I’ve been retired longer than he has served. ☺
Radford NG
Mordre wol out, that se we day by day.
Mordre is so wlatsom and abhomynable
To God that is so just and resonable,
That he ne wol nat suffre it heled be,
Though it abyde a yeer, or two, or thre.
Mordre wol out, this my conclusioun.
and may be taken to include character assassination…
I don’t suppose any body here has followed “The Returned/Le Revenants” on C4(Series 1;two years ago) and More 4(Series 2;currently) ?
Donald says the words that must not be said.
JB 0707
Loads of noise against him. But I wonder if he may do better in a secret ballot. With the FN doing well in france maybe the tide is starting to turn.
This piece should make us all reflect on just how far France has gone down the tubes; how long it will before the same phenomenon develops here. Would
like your take on this analysis of history Anne:
Frank P
December 8th, 2015 – 10:53
Hi Frank,
Will check this article out and give you my take on it. Will read it in the wee mall hours. Anne
The great Mark is having a go on Fox:
Few interesting bits from a longish piece on the oil smuggling from ISIL controlled Syria to Turkey. You can read more if you click the on the link below.
ISIS controls 60% of the oil-producing resources in eastern Syria, he (Yusuf) said, plus a handful of marginal oil fields in Iraq. The group sells most of it within its own territory in Iraq and in Syria — which covers more than 12,000 miles, a size comparable to Belgium, and includes some 8 million people, a population approaching Switzerland’s. Desperate residents need the fuel to run their cars, generators, and bakeries.
Sipping coffee in his office, Yusuf produced a contract. He said it showed the kind of oil deals ISIS is pushing for in Turkey now. The contract proposed an agreement between Yusuf, acting on behalf of a Turkish company, and a Syrian middleman acting on behalf of ISIS. It stated that ISIS would sell 3,000 158-liter barrels of oil to the Turkish company each day for a week, for a price of $45 per barrel, and that from there the quantities could increase “when both parties are satisfied.” (Yusuf didn’t like the smell of it, declined the contract).
But Yusuf did want to work with ISIS in another kind of trade: the ransom of foreign hostages. The freewheeling business of ISIS’s oil seemed to attract the same shady characters as the business of its prisoners. European governments have paid multimillion-dollar sums to retrieve their citizens from ISIS’s hands — and Yusuf thought that facilitating a deal using his ISIS contacts would net him a sizeable commission. From his office, he called the same ISIS middleman listed on the oil contract on his cell phone. “I don’t want to do this oil business with you. But I want to work with the journalists,” Yusuf said, referring to Western journalists imprisoned by ISIS.
An official with the Turkish government, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the matter with the press, said the scale of ISIS’s oil trade in the country had been “very much exaggerated.” He blamed local corruption for the smuggling that did exist. “This has nothing to do with the state,” he said. “The U.S. has big problems on the Mexican border as well. There are problems on any border.”
He added: “Assad has been buying ISIS oil for two years now. He has been funding ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra by buying their oil. And no one says anything about it.”
The Russians are talking to Cyprus, would like to use the island as another base for their airpower. Cyprus is an EU member, if memory serves, it wants to join NATO. The Syrian crisis is turning more bizarre than a 2nd rate fiction.
This is a 24-carat propaganda by the Russians, but it shows they can get it as sleek as anything we can do.
And lastly, the downing of the bomber, the bickering between the numerous warring parties that say they’re in Syria to defeat the evil of ISIS, the inability unwillingness of the bombing nations to co-ordinate the raids must have the ISIS thugs chuckling into their tent attires. And if it really does come to the Russians and NATO hitting each other in the region (sparing their own lands), the reach of iSIS will grow, the Chinese will not believe their luck.
Seems our old friend Yusuf is hot! There’s an Interpol Dubya out for him. I suppose he’ll escape justice by pleading a very nasty case of chronic Qatar:
I’m sure his ol’ buddy ‘Bama will grant him asylum; after all the POTUS wants to promote Brotherhood among religions, doesn’t he? ‘Cept those bigoted Christians … what a menace they are. As for the Joooos! ….
Did anyone see Nadine Norries on the Daily Politics show today working herself up into a lather about Donald Trump and his rather reasonable suggestion last night that America should refrain from importing its sworn enemy in every increasing droves, while spinning in ever decreasing circles until it’s in danger of disappearing up it’s own Mississippi Delta to the sound of the Muezzin’s call to prayer.
Nadine was wearing a new pair of of pink ‘intellectual spectacles’ which sadly made her appear to be even thicker than usual; she capped it by becoming incoherent in her effort to denigrate Trump and defend the ‘religion of peace’.
It’s worth a watch – Brillo was AWOL and the equiine-featured JoCo was i/c; but you don’t have to watch all the drivel because it was the opening segment, if you’re looking for titter – well a little larft, anyway .. not much titter on Nadine.
She is still a ‘conservative’. isn’t she? I know she had a dose of seconds before the last election, I’m unsure how that panned out? Thought at the time it was because she had reached a certain age. If so, it has now reached that ‘outbursts and hot flushes’ stage. Poor girl.
What a larf:
Muslim convert who held up ‘hug trust’ sign now faces jail over MP bomb threat
A WHITE Muslim convert who protested outside Parliament with a sign emblazoned with “I am a Muslim, do you trust me enough for a hug?” is facing jail after threatening to bomb a Tory MPs house.
John birch @ yesterday 14:28
Only now has the barbarian caught up with this link of your, John, and humbly, the barbarian disagrees on a t number of points, most importantly on whether the good Republic could reincarnate herself.
In this respect, the whole rant only confirms what Baron has been saying for some time, the Americans have lost the grip, they’re being dislodged from the post of the world’s policeman, that of the ultimate defender of freedoms, and the richest nation that has ever existed. All that not because of inadequate ‘language’, absence of new structures, or whatever other sophisticate verbosity Gingrich digs up, but because of down to the ground, ever present, always decisive factors that have underpinned as well as slaughtered every and each ’empire’, culture, civilisational commonwealth, amongst which factors the economy, money, social cohesiveness top the list.
Obama: ” I will not allow us to be drawn into a war with ISIL with boots on the ground. That is exactly what they want.”
Well … in that case, you pusillanimous prick, I suggest you give it to ’em. G-O-O-D and fuckin’ H-A-R-D!!
General Ralph Peters has been suspended for two weeks as a Fox News Contributor for calling the POTUS a ‘total pussy’. Bwaaahahahahaha! Is that the best a veteran could come up with?
Next time make sure you get suspended for 6 months Ralph. I can supply a few more suggestions that would invoke that, complete with riper adjectives to qualify the nouns. Get in touch at And fuck Fox, too!
He does have a point:
Trump Warns of ‘Many More World Trade Centers’ if US Doesn’t Ban Muslims
According to the politically correct Globe & Mail there is great hand-wringing over the prospect of modifying human genes –
If there is any prospect of modifying human genes to get rid of the human characteristic of gullibility I think it should be vigorously pursued and put into effect world-wide.
It would make both Islam and Political Correctness disappear would it not? Not to mention the Globe & Mail as well.
Herbert Thornton
“…If there is any prospect of modifying human genes to get rid of the human characteristic of gullibility I think it should be vigorously pursued and put into effect world-wide…”
Unfortunately it would depend on who is defining gullibility and how it is excised. One might as well remove the apple from Eden, or the farm deeds from from Napoleon’s trotter.
One for our baronial Russian oficianado:
Unfortunately the full article is denied me unless I cough up twelve quid for the already overflowing coffers of the Barclay Brotherhood. To paraphrase King George V, “Bugger Barclays!”
Not my last words, though – one hopes!
According to reports, the ‘loan’ of £28,000 to the terrorist Farook was arranged by a company called Prosper.
A quick search revealed this:
If that is the company involved, it acts as a go-between for peer to peer loans.
That could provide a cover for all kinds of nefarious transactions – including transfer of monies for the purposes.
… of terrorism.
Any potential POTUS candidate who can piss off Boris Johnson, Zac Goldsmith, David Cameron, Jeremy Corblimey, Nadine Norries, Nicola Sturgeon, wee Ecky, Sadiq Khan, JK Rowling and the entire arty-farty literati, would have my vote if I lived in the US,:
Sorry, I missed the top brass at Scotland Yard from that list of Trump haters. And I use ‘brass’ in the widest possible connotations.
Frank P
December 8th, 2015 – 10:53
Hi Frank,
Read the analysis and it was not happy reading! Hatred of Jews is something not unique to France, sadly it manifests itself throughout Europe. What however makes it especially bitter, for me, as a Jewish person, is that France is a Land which proclaims
Liberté, égalité, fraternité “liberty, equality, fraternity” as its National motto, has a noble culture of art, and is famous for its elegance and civilised life style. Yet, sadly beneath this high culture, there is a stink of decay. This was manifested in World War II. Whilst De Gaulle puffed himself up, and proclaimed the virtues of France, he stayed safe away from his occupied homeland. After France was liberated, he snarled like the cur he was, and turned against the very nations who had freed France. Britain was despised, as was the USA, and De Gaulle strutted through Paris as a conquering hero. The Church of course had played a huge part in the hatred towards Jews, and it is deplorable that the Catholic Church encouraged this hatred for generations. Western Europe had antisemitism in its very bones, yet still I find French hatred quite in contrast to its National motto. The hypocrisy is what I find so disgusting. Yes, Frank, it was horrible reading, but I have lived nearly eighty years aware that I am of a hated species, and I can only say, thank G-d there are people like you and others I have been lucky to know, who think for themselves and are free of blind discrimination and blind hate.
Frank P – 22:20
So many in Authority are oblivious to any threat at all.
It is said that we are only two generations from anarchy, and I think that is being a little optimistic!
Frank P @ 22:20
If Donald were smart he would give the widest possible coverage to the boy’s comment. What the American unwashed dislike more than anything else is someone telling them whom to back, vote for.
You recall the Guardian letter campaign years ago telling the rednecks not to vote for (was it) Bush (Baron forgets), and the result of it?
This site gives a short biography of Dr. Steve Pieczenik which reads in part:
“Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.”
His views on the significance of Donald Trump’s decision to be interviewed on the Alex Jones Show, on the significance of ISIS, and America cannot wait 12 months before removing Obama – he favours a referendum and his replacement by Donal Trump (sorry Mr. Cameron) – can be listened to on the Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday December 7 2015. Link to follow.
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday December 7 2015: Dr. Steve Pieczenik
The interviews starts at about 1:11 minutes in:
Vaut le détour.
Alex Jones comments on Donald Trump’s speech:
The Alex Jones Show (1st HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Tuesday December 8 2015: Trump “Ban Muslims”
Baron (00:36)
I agree; during my travels in America I found the natives hospitable, friendly generous and helpful beyond belief on many occasions. Unless … as a visitor, particularly an English visitor, one tried to tell them how to run their political system. Any attempt brought on an immediate spell of global freezing.
Given Trump’s experience with UK bureaucracy, I think the opinions the wankers who form our political class will hardly register on his consciousness.
Anne (23:20)
Keep on truckin’ old friend. We’ve got your back. Thanks for your wise response.
RR (23:23)
The threat that they are not oblivious to, is the loss of the Muslim vote, which now comprises a sizeable chunk of many marginal seats.
As for anarchy, I think I would prefer it to the current construct of pseudo conservatism, socialism and incipient Sharia law. An unholy alliance, indeed. It’s Dhimmitude that beckons, not anarchy, imnsho. ☺
Russia’s silent strongman
Sergey Shoigu is the real force behind Putin’s military aggression
‘Crimea is ours,’ President Putin boasted last May. He was speaking on a documentary viewed by millions of Russians, and it was the culminating moment in the militarisation of Russia. Moscow had attracted criticism for spending unprecedented sums on its armed forces under Putin, despite a weak economy over-dependent on oil. The successful annexation of Crimea seemed a perfect vindication.
Yet the huge expansion of Russia’s armed forces budget was instigated not by Putin but by the defence minister, the mysterious Sergey Shoigu.
The ascendancy of the military has propelled Shoigu up the ranks of the power elite to the extent that he is now regarded as the favourite to succeed Putin. And he has become a pivotal global figure after Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian warplane last week, which the Kremlin described as ‘planned provocation’. Shoigu is overseeing the investigation into the communications box of the aircraft, which will reveal if any warnings were delivered by the Turks in advance. And it was Shoigu who authorised Russia’s response: the deployment of S-400 missiles to the Russian air base in Latakia on the Syrian coast. As tension escalates, and Cameron and Obama dither, Shoigu has emerged as a key decision-maker.
He prefers to operate in the shadows, one step behind Putin and looking over his shoulder. His style is decisive but low-key. There have been no self-promoting TV interviews. Instead he prefers his spokes-man Igor Konashenkov to defend Russia’s Syria policy. When asked about the true targets of the air strikes, Konashenkov replied rather unconvincingly that the decision to bomb Syria was made at the last minute and executed within hours of the Russian parliament approving the use of force. In fact, Shoigu had been planning the military operation over several months.
As the brutal Russian pounding of rebel position in Syria intensifies, Shoigu remains a hardliner in Putin’s inner circle. During their meetings he told Putin that he had ‘no choice’ but to support President Assad. It was also, he said, an ideal opportunity to reinforce Russia’s last remaining ally in the Middle East. And there was the strategic benefit of shifting the debate away from Ukraine, which could lead to the easing of sanctions.
So who is this secretive, workaholic man overseeing Russia’s most aggressive foreign policy since the Cold War?
Sergi Shoigu was born in 1955 in Tuva, near Siberia’s Altai Mountains. After graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Institute, he became a construction engineer. He had some success, but showed no sign of entering politics. His opportunity came soon after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. At a time when Russia was ill-equipped to handle such catastrophes, Shoigu became chief of the Rescue Corps and then minister of civil defence and disaster management. During this period, he enhanced his reputation by personally attending every fire, flood and explosion. He ensured his ministry was sensitive to the families of the victims.
Shoigu became popular as someone involved in rescuing people rather than delivering soundbites. As a result, he built a power base of former military and intelligence officers and Kremlin insiders who realised that he was popular with ordinary Russian people and wanted to bask in his reflected glory.
He became an important ally to President Yeltsin. Then, in 1999, Shoigu again benefited — albeit unwittingly — from disaster. A series of deadly explosions in apartment blocks in Moscow resulted in the soon-to-be President Putin and Shoigu developing a close bond. It was always Shoigu who appeared first on the scene and at the flashpoints and he was awarded his country’s highest award (Hero of Russia) ‘for courage and heroism in the line of duty in extreme situations’. He remained minister for emergency situations during the Putin years.
Politically, Shoigu is not ideological; heregards himself as a man of action and a traditionalist. Like Putin, he looks back with a fond if rather misty-eyed nostalgia for the Soviet era when the nation was a ‘great power’ and Russians felt safe and financially secure. Shoigu hated the corrupt oligarchs and despised the liberal reforms of President Gorbachev. His critics say that he suffers from a selective memory. ‘There was just as much corruption in Russia before the oligarchs and since Putin came to power,’ one analyst told me. ‘It was just structured in a different way.’
In 2012, Shoigu was made minister of defence and became integral to Putin’s strategy of restoring Russia’s military prowess as a way of winning elections. He focused on a massive overhaul of all the nation’s outdated military hardware and aims to modernise 70 per cent of Russia’s entire armed forces by 2020. By last year the defence budget was up to 4.8 per cent of the country’s GDP. Serious concerns have been raised about spending so much in a time of slow economic growth, falling oil prices, rising inflation and western sanctions. But Putin and Shoigu defend their policy as a way of boosting Russia’s hi-tech industry.
Putin has also used conscription to revive the martial spirit in Russian society, alongside the reintroduction of military training in schools. But Shoigu believes that a modern army requires professionals and prefers contract soldiers. ‘An unoccupied soldier is a threat to the police,’ he once said.
Putin and Shoigu are both throwbacks to Soviet times. They regard themselves as ‘Muzhiks’ (real Russian men) who love sports and hunting. Shoigu rides horses, plays ice hockey and shoots and hunts for elk, roe and bear throughout his beloved Siberia. He has a vast collection of Samurai swords, sabres and knives. Perhaps more surprisingly, he paints with oils and makes wooden artefacts at his country house in the outskirts of Moscow.
Over the past three years Shoigu has become a confident, ruthless and demanding defence minister. But it is his close friendship with Putin that will determine whether he becomes the next president. As the world regards their often-indiscriminate bombing of Syria with increasing hostility and trepidation, that personal bond will be severely tested.
The fearless, fast and straight talking lady is judging again:
Frank P – 2:14
I describe stage 1, you stage 2.
Without the ‘baddies’, anarchy is a bit like an unruly market place, but you listed several ‘baddies’!
It is hard to predict what follows anarchy, which has its good and bad consequences.
If Ukraine can embrace the rainbow society why couldn’t we do the same?
The song needs to be worked on abit, but as a rallying cry it could be used to any other country you may think of, Britain including. You can shift the cursor, try not to miss the part towards the end when others can involved in dancing happily to the tune.
John birch @ 05:38
Very kind of you to copy it, John, the barbarian has commented on it on the Spec blog, it’s rather light on new information, insight, something juicy that would stick in one’s mind.
When one looks at the ME and elsewhere in that part of the world where worshipping of Allah is the way of life, and the American insane desire to change things ‘for the better’, one is reminded of another quip by Palmerston: ‘Change, change, change: aren’t things bad enough already?’
(Keep in mid, lynching ain’t legal in Britain)
If Donald said the inflow should stop forever, we need not import a group of people who have it as a duty implanted in them throughout their life to replace the way we rule ourselves, he would have been right.
If he said it to galvanise that chunk of the electorate which moans, occasionally shouts, but doesn’t bother to participate in elections, then perhaps he judges it right, next time round, they’ll put their vote where their anger is, America will shake off her lethargy, put up a real fight, revive her founding principles. It may not be Donald, the name on the ticket, though.
If he said it because he believes it can stop the spread of Islam to the lands occupied by the tribes that have found inspiration in Christianity, evolved from there, refer to the faith only for guidance rather than copy it onto their lives as written, then he’s somewhat mistaken, Baron reckons.
His critics will increasingly claim his rhetoric not only fails to eradicate the problem, it makes it worse, for those on the borderline of terrorism, it may be the last straw pushing them over to do harm.
It very much pains Baron to say it, they are right, the idea of a transient ban on Muslim to enter the US will exacerbate both short and long term threat to the Republic, those already in will have a go, those outside who want to have a go will wait until the ban’s lifted, no man-made security system can ever stop a determined harmdoer, particularly one one as cunning as the San B pair.
The jihadi killers, (where radicalised matters only marginally) are a boil that has to be cured, no argument here, but they’re just the hot-under-the collar youngster unit, a group of sharia worshippers impatient with the slow speed of islamisation, they want it now, it’s like all young people who want instant gratification of whatever it is they are seeking, in their deluded mind they believe that if they scare us, we will chicken out, their aim will be there for the taking, and who knows, perhaps they’re judging us right, we will make compromises, accommodate their wishes fully, surrender.
The bigger risk, problem, task, call it what you want is in that the mainstream aims for the same, it’s just they’re more patient, they believe they can get there using the mechanism of democracy, elections, freedom of religion, expression, association ….
To this end, Donald’s idea furnishes nothing.
The great Mark, bit wobbly at times:
The answer to the guy whose Muslim wife got injured should have been more robust, the jihadis regard Muslims who turn ‘westernised’ worse than infidels, for them she was as much a target, if not more so, than the whites, blacks or whoever in that place.
It would also help if Mark were to adopt Baron’s division of people versus the creed, it’s so obvious, history offers numerous examples of the unwashed behaving the way the leading, winning, most powerful ideology tells to behave. Liquidating few dozens of the hate peddler would go a long way in calming things down.
Baron – 11:18
It matters not a jot what policies we or the US have while our leaders are apparently oblivious to the global aspirations of Islam.
It is not as though being a Muslim in an Islamic country is a joy to behold.
This video is dated, but still worse looking at at least in parts (you can slide the cursor, skip parts that bore you).
Both the interviewer and the guy with a rather weird accent start not that well, but improve. The main reason Baron’s posting is to show you that neither man gets one thing right. The anchorman puzzles why Obama gloats about the damage sanctions have done to Russia when he wants Putin to co-operate with him. This is a total misreading of the passage though. Obama lists the the outcomes of the sanctions on Russia not because they’re true (Russia hasn’t collapsed, not yet anyway), but as warning to others not to displease the Americans, it’s a message to the countries of the world saying ‘behave, listen to what we have to say or else’.
Baron (11:18)
Trump is attempting to occupy the White House and he is stating the bleeding obvious: the American politicians who currently run the show have been derelict on both the Home front and in their Foreign dealings. They have allowed the Islamic Jihad to gather pace by sheer stupidity. Those who wish to believe that ‘moderate Islam’ is a reality are deluded. Trump knows that probably a majority of Americans believe that enough is enough. So he stated it in simple terms. Those who are conniving with the Muslim Brotherhood, will attempt to destroy Trump. If the US electorate have any sense they will give Trump a shot and choose a powerful President to replace ‘President Pussy’. As for the 86,000 people who have signed a UK petition to have Trump gated from the UK, one hopes they are all Muslims. If any non-Muslim UK citizens have signed it, they should be deemed by a duly authorised officer. We seem to breed useful eejits in this country. Is it something in the water?
Enough with abstruse arguments – its time to pull up the drawbridge. The enemy has already infiltrated in millions and their are hundreds of millions more storming the gates – see Calais.
Did anyone watch Simon Montefiere’s excellent History of Spain last night? A Jew himself, he focused on the muslim conquest. Interestingly he mentioned that the ‘famous’ muslim ‘tolerance’ and enlightenment was based on the jizya, and ended with the Jewish massacre in Cordoba.
Frank P
It will be interesting if the faux left, from Dave to Nikki, manages to get Donald Trump banned from the UK. (I suspect they will) and the man then becomes POTUS.
On the basis that he will I am forming a new company to promote, make and sell my new range of ‘Noa’s traditional Humble Pies’. Are any Wallsters interested in joining this new venture, which will establish my Pie stall franchises in Downing St, the House of Commons, the Lords, Fleet St, Horse Wynd and whatever other fruitful places and opportunities present themselves.
Frank P – 12:29
Those whose only source of news is the BBC will still be thinking of the ‘nice quiet muslims’ down the road, who ‘never did no one no harm’ and be oblivious of those who Mark Steyn mentioned, in Alberta (clip @ Baron 11:37).
Do you remember when football matches were plagued with hooligans? It was the football clubs themselves that sorted it. it wasn’t really their problem, but they were the only ‘players’ that could fix the problem because they were already involved. The same is true of ‘moderate muslims’: they are either for Western ways or they are not.
It does seem strange that they, and ‘liberals’, cannot see that any sort of muslim activity helps to bring on an Islamic way of life. When they have drip fed Islam into their children and are then surprised that their children become ‘extreme’ doesn’t say much for their apparent intelligence.
This should give us pause…
‘“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.’ These are foolish people, we have a lot of foolish people,” Trump said as he mocked those he expected would disagree with his plan to ban the Internet.’
DECEMBER 9th 1790 – The Siege of the Ottoman Turk fortress of ISMAIL (continued)
9 December a military council assembled by general Suvorov resolved to proceed immediately to the siege of the fortress, which was scheduled for 11 (22) December. At the council meeting Suvorov said: “The Russian army has twice besieged Izmail and twice fallen back; the third time here we must either win, or die with glory”
Trump said stop ‘them’ coming in until we have fixed the checking in system.
Are the liberals up in arms because they know it can’t be fixed? 🙂
someone needs to start a petition to ‘Allow Donald Trump to come to the UK’
Michael Gove is considering a scheme to send prisoners back to their places of origin. No arguments from me on that one. However the proposal is flawed from the start as the individuals concerned have to agree to repatriation, and how many of them will go along with that? The Aussies and the Yanks have the right idea, break thew law and you are out, no negotiation, ticket. Nothing so resolute could take place in this country, the Human Rights Act will put paid to that notion, and Dave and his band of shite peddlers have no intention of repealing the pernicious piece of legislation, Polly Toynbee won’t ever let them.
is Marion Maréchal-Le Pen tottie?
Scotland Yard spokesperson is lying:
Two police officers claim Donald Trump is RIGHT about parts of London being so ‘radicalised’ they are no-go areas
That’s the problem with Trump, he’s not being economical with the truth.
TIME magazine makes Angela Merkel person of the year.
A cautionary tale from Alex Boot; he’s right and Marine is wrong, not to mention left – as were Hitler an Musso:’t-right-left
Frank P @ 12:29
Nothing to even whisper against, Frank, let’s just hope his judgment turns right.
Noa @ 12:43
Yes, and yes again, Noa. It was a superb rundown, exactly what’s needed, some of it was new to Baron, and he did mention that even where and when the Muslim rule was enlightened, the adherents of faiths other than Islam paid for it.
There’s to be part 2, and the poorly educated Slav will procure the whole from the Open University, if possible.
At 12.06 it should have been ‘is worth looking’, sorry.
Baron has taken the gadget today to a place where an Apple genius had a look at it, he fiddled with it, the software behaved, then switched over again to the self-enforced judgmental status. Baron was told to wait for another upgrade to the Yosemite package, this may, not ‘will’ just ‘may’, cure it. And for this one pays dearly. Efdem.
An interesting interview:
One Must Also Liberate Europe
Robert Retrod (15:43)
As long ago as the early 1970s certain areas of London were abandoned by the Met. as no-go areas for any meaningful proactive policing, in some cases even effective reactive policing. This was because some senior officers at the Yard made sure that local commanders who were posted to those ‘sensitive’ areas were amenable to stripping out sanguine policing; thereafter treading water, rather than doing their job, for fear of incurring the wrath of minority activists. It has been all down hill ever since. One only has to observe the current ‘spokesman’ for the Met. to understand just how far The Job has been diminished. The front line officers have been stripped of the powers necessary for day to day policing. Magistrates are hobbled by ‘guidelines’. That was all even before the current upsurge in the jihad took off with a vengeance. I’d like to spend a day on patrol in anyone of the ‘occupied’ areas of London to report back. It would be heartbreaking for me, but even worse for you, the punters if I reported back. The fact that the blond buffoon is ultimately responsible for London’s finest is deeply insulting to the history and heritage of The Peelers. And as you know, I recognise the damage done by the cabal of bent bastards whose venality betrayed the force from within, particularly in the 60s and 70s.
The injection of political police and commissioners, elected by a miniscule electorate is another travesty that needs to be reversed. I could whittle on ad nauseam, but most of you have heard it all from me before.
The essential element of policing has been destroyed. It is now a political function and the statistics of crime are a bent concomitant of that phenomenon. Citizens of London who were alive in the 40s – 60s of the last Century know what is missing from London life. Those born, or matured into adulthood, anyway, from the 80s onwards, have no idea what an effective police force is, or even should be. The current mob of stuffed shirts at the Yard – most of them Bramshill butterflies from the provinces promoted beyond their abilities to police London, are risible. The Crime of the last Century was the destruction of the Met. The Crime of This Century will be the destruction of a England and with it Western Civilisation. America is already a goner, obviously – with a Muslim sympathising neo-Marxist in the Offal Office of the Shite House.
Who knows? Maybe Trump can lead us all out of the Wilderness.
Trouble is: the GOP will dynamite him below the plimsoll line. If he then runs as an independent, HillBilliary wins and four more years of descent into Marxist hell. That all may seem misanthropic. But believe me, it’s the reality of the status quo.
Thank you. You have not written anything I had not realised a long time ago, but it was good to have it spelt out by someone of your expertise and hand on knowledge. You often say we are going to hell in a hand cart, sorry my old son, we got there long ago, now we are just waiting for the boilers to be stoked up.
Gretchen Carlson on FNN has been playing clips from Senate armed Services, and Senate Judicial Committee hearings today. She also interviewed Bill Gavin a retired FBI Chief who I met during my American sorties on the Job and post-constabulary adventures as a TV investigator.
The evidence adduced from Comey and Carter today should be enough to justify a posse visiting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and busting Obysmal on a charge of conspiracy to commit treason. As I said yesterday. Comey should resign in a blaze of glory and blow the whistle, long and hard. He now must have enough on the whole administration to impeach the Pussy-in-Chief and indict his whole cabal for multi-faceted conspiracies.
Trump may be a self-publicising blowhard, but he seems to be the only one talking sense about immigration in general and the jihad in particular. If this energy is allowed to dissipate without radical changes in attitudes, we are all cattled.
Stephen Mayberry (19:30)
☺☺ Enough of the stoking already, at my age I can already feel a waft of the heat to come.
RobertRetyred @ 15:43
Only five of them, Robert? Most likely the others are too close to an age when pension becomes payable, have no desire to lose it.
Radford NG @ 16:56
That’s in the we’ll tested tradition of the Norwegian s awarding the honorary Muslim the Nobel trinket before he even sat in the Oval Office. Any wonder these rags are losing readers fast.
Stephen Maybery @ 13:25
It’s when one is told to rely on a parchment produced by politicians guaranteeing things that one has to hold on to those things tight, Stephen.
The San B’s killer ha s apparently thought of committing an atrocity way back in 2011-12, also asked his neighbour to procure for him a couple of high velocity weapons.
Well, here’s one loophole on arms ownership that can be plugged easily, one has to buy one’s own guns unless a good reason can be produced for one’s inability to do so.
Dinesh D’Souza DESTROYS Leftist College Students Arguments
The Leftist College Student does go on, and on, but, eventually, he is demolished! 🙂
Frank P – 18:52
Trump manages to hit the bullseye from quite a distance, again! He is a bit like a self righting lifeboat: he looks more than a bit wobbly, then there he is, with the liberal media trailing behind him. Will he be able to continue for another year? Does he want to or does he want to influence, with not too much grind?
Baron – 20:04
Yes, only five brave enough to let on.
Frank P – 18:00 ‘A.Boot’
It is one of his less disagreeable pieces. To the International Left, any disagreeable thought is Right Wing, especially the National/Patriotic Left!
As for his statement:
“Barring a global catastrophe, extremist parties don’t ascend to power in the high-rent part of Europe.”
There were quite a few in the Twentieth Century, or are Russia*2, Spain, Germany, Italy and Yugoslavia not high-rent?
RobertRetyred @ 18:50
Truly an interesting interview, Robert, thanks. Is it not amazing how close are our views to theirs, their reading of it differs so little from ours? The Americans run things, more precisely one man does, every other leader in the West is just parroting him.
What would it look like if the Paris massacre didn’t happen? The French clown would still be insisting Assad has to go for the Syrian people to be ‘free’, the ‘moderate forces’ must be supported bla bla.
One can be critical, admiring or whatever of the Americans for what they do, but what they’re up to is the ir business, why should we back their interests? We have ours to protect, and that hardly includes blindly backing them.
Why are they so opposed to having Assad in the election? If he were as hated by the Syrians as we’re told officially he is, he would not get elected. This, of course, is not the case. He may not be liked by everyone, is everyone behind the boy here? It seems from the blogs in the east European sphere Baron scans that he gets the support of a sufficient number of the Syrians to get re-elected. This would hurt the honorary Muslim’s badly, he knows it, will do everything to prevent it happening.
You may recall Baron saying when the Russians got involved their biggest enemy won’t be ISIL, the Ruskies are brutal enough in their determination to succeed to maul them to bits, it will be the scheming Americans, the Turks, the Saudis.
Baron – 21:06
Yes, quite a sensible, informative discussion overall, unlike so many on the BBC, and they appeared to believe what they said (even if they were briefed) and looked young for the wisdom that they had. In fact one was quite cute 🙂
They were completely different from the ‘ Leftist College Student’ at 20:18.
Baron @ 21:06
‘Why are they so opposed to having Assad in the election?’
Perhaps because the Assad family, as Alawites, holds the ring in Syria. With them out, the collapse follows as proposed in and desired since 1991 (see Wesley Clark); the country can be split up, the region further destabilised. Russia’s position would become untenable – or would have become so had it not been for its actions in the last few months. Now, who knows? Please note however that under cover of attacking their creature, ISIS, the USA in coalition with us has already started to attack Syrian government forces, its real target all along.
Incidentally, as an argument more aligned with Alexander Boot’s side of the equation, Joel Skousen takes the view that the “collapse” of the Soviet Union was a scripted affair and that the communist party still rules. Syria by this account is part of a long game. He argues that, when ready in four or so years’ time, Russia and China will attack the USA in its domestic military strongholds, taking out the US military. US forces held in secret reserve and comprising advanced technology will then attack Russia and China, etc.. Profiting from this scripted world war, the scriptwriters will call for and impose a world government to save humanity…Then the real beastliness can begin.
Joel Skousen’s views are found at various links, but his own website is at:
Baron @ 20:14
Who taught the San Bernadino killers how to make pipe bombs – or did they just improvise…?
Who made an unsecured loan of US$28,000 to them (patsies?) two weeks before the massacre and why?
And who is “the Third Man”?
Malfleur @ 22:30
It all depends how wild one’s imagination is, Malfleur. If need be, Baron, too, can conjure up a similar long term scenario involving Muslims, a theft of a couple of pounds of radioactive stuff, half a dozen blondes (to sex things up) ….
Russia has never ventured beyond her borders, they have enough land, natural resources, and in spite of alcoholism, still enough burghers to be content. China may be somewhat different because it lacks both landmass and resources as against the number of the unwashed. Why would they march into the good USofA though?
This may contradict what the poorly educated Slav was saying only few lines above, but he reckons that because of nuclear weapons, in future takeover of countries will happen not through military conquest, but through negotiation, the weapons will be trade, water, oil or other resource. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was good at it, survived quite well for quite long. The Americans have been doing something similar, but badly, the EU may at some point escape their yoke, whether only temporarily or forever remains to be seen.
“Russia has never ventured beyond her borders”
The relative (by marriage reportedly) who purchased the guns used in the San Bernardino, is ‘singing like a bird’ according to FBI sources. Problem with that is that with 14 bodies and 21 GBH jobbies perpetrated with said guns, he’ll be anxious to lessen his own involvement – his gonads are in a vice. The validity of his accusations will therefore have to backed up by reliable corroboration – difficult – as most of it will have been hearsay from the two main perpetrators, who are already in the morgue and irretrievably silent. I fear therefore that his verbals may accord with what will assist the Feds in covering their own arses regarding the perps easily slipping under their radar. Par for the course.
Malfleur @ 23:58
Well spotted, as the captain Manwearing would have it, Malfleur.
What Baron meant, the country has never ventured over and above the lands that surround it. Many other world powers have gone beyond the belt of neighbouring countries, established colonies, dominions and stuff. Russia has never done it, could you furnish an example of Russia’s colony, ever, anywhere in the world? Under the Tzars, the Red Menace, now?
Frank P @ 00:19
Good point, Frank, it’s the brain of a top cop engaging in top gear.
One aspect of the case is interesting, whether it’s true Baron knows not. Apparently, the two jihadists emptied all their bank account having maxed them with secured and unsecured loans. The article also claimed that all jihadists had done that.
This perhaps should be a signal to the security services, a sudden closure of accounts, or their being rundown to few bucks should trigger an alert, someone should go investigate.
Leaving poor Donald aside, the new boxing hero is under attack, he allegedly conflated pedophilia with homosexuality or some such mix up. He may also be stripped of all his titles because of it, but Baron hasn’t managed to find what exactly it was he said.
In one of the clips debating it he’s called dickhead, which of course must be OK because it came from a certified member of the PC club. In another clip, someone said that the boxer was ‘testing the limits of free speech’. That’s quite funny because free is defined as “able to do something at will; at liberty” without mentioning any limits, restrictions or boundaries to it.
Obviously, the PC brigade must have their own definition of free, and the guy hasn’t been told about it.
Strikes me that peer to peer loan companies should become of great interest to law enforcement across the board; they could easily be pimps for transfer of ill-gotten gains of all sorts -and for funding terrorists in particular. The Mob have always used Casinos for ‘washing’ money or easy transfer between mobsters. I’d bet my left testicle that Casino operators have already joined in facilitating the jihad, considering the number of high rollers that emanate from the Arab States.
You can’t imagine how frustrating it is to be out of the active loop at this time in history. And to be too old to go freelance, as I did post-officialdom: well … post-official-officialdom (wink-:smiley).
Peter, a minor point:
Until today, when Baron clicked the submit button, the page momentarily disappeared, then came back with the posting on it. Today, the page reappears with the first postings of the week, you know, at the beginning of the series of postings. Is it something you’ve set up?
Apparently the new heavyweight champion told someone that women belong in the kitchen or on their backs.
Known in the trade as the feed me or fuck me and keep your mouth shut philosophy, I believe.
He was also less than complimentary about those who are a little light on their loafers. Obviously Freddie Mills was not one of his heroes, or … well you know the list of those beefcake was not necessarily an indication of their copulative preferences. ☺
Thanks, Frank, your charming interpretation of the sinfully un-PC philosophy of the man will have to go enlarge Baron’s bank of memorable quotes that can, should and will be recalled when the need arises.
Here is a somewhat belligerent take on the turmoil we’re going through. One can only hope he won’t be right. Have a good night sleep.
Richard Fernandez is someone who I link frequently. His cerebral articles always inform and often enlighten. This one is a little abstruse and in my opinion gives too much leeway to the enemy: the obvious enemy; the enemy that has declared war against us, but whose gauntlet President Pussy refuses to pick up.
Religious freedom is a tenet of the US Constitution, if is true. But why would anyone grace a barbaric, murderous political cult with the designation of a’ religion’. And why would anyone who is not an adherent of the cult, care about the feelings of those who are deluded enough to still believe that it is a religion, when the founder of the cult was an assassin, rapist and paedophile. When the evidence of that is in their ‘holy’ book and when the current major leaders of Islam all espouse jihad, the ethnic cleansing of the Jews and the destruction of ‘The Great Satan’.
And who divide the human race into two sections: Islam or Infidels:
Trump is not a fascist, he is a realist, albeit a somewhat flamboyant one.
Trump Beat Reporters: We Can’t Find Supporters Who Won’t Vote for Him After Plan to Ban Muslim Immigration
“… even those who disagree with him and “wish he would say things in a calmer, nicer manner” still say that “their vote is with Donald Trump” and “that’s what we were hearing last night.””
December 6th, 2015 – 13:33
“A friend of Byron who lives in Camden Town tells him a leaflet got pushed through his letterbox telling him what to look for in young people to pick the first signs of their radicalisation: anger and disagreement with government policy, foreign policy in particular, MSM reporting …”
Except for the young bit that leaflet description fits you, me, and most of us Wallsters.
I shall therefore present myself for de-radicalisation at the local Telemachus Re-Training Centre forthwith and I ernestly recommend you to do the same.
Sorry to say that re-education centres are full with Members of the Republican Party
petition to allow trump to come to the UK
14,539 signatures at 1457
I quite like Trump. Has Boris not invited him to lunch?
Dftft! (14:40)
Frank P (December 10th, 2015 – 04:14)
You wrote – “Religious freedom is a tenet of the US Constitution, if is true.”
I think that the concept of “religion” that was in the minds of the men who framed the American Constitution deserves closer examination than I have been able to find anywhere.
My own thought about it is that their aim was essentially to prevent any attempt by one version of Christianity to suppress any other version of it. They could have had Judaism in mind too, but I find it hard to believe that they gave any thought to other theologies.
They most certainly never intended to protect the practice or practice of beliefs such as Thugee, or Head Hunting cults or Devil worship – or for that matter Islam or Hinduism or Inca or Aztec theology.
As a matter of Constitutional Law, I would argue that Donald Trump’s proposals ought to be held to be entirely legitimate.
Herbert Thornton at 17.00
I think it was John Quincy Adams who made a blistering attack on islam in 1815.I have to search out the reference.
John Quincy Adams on islam (1815) and its founder ;a blistering attack…..and a contrast with Christianity. Hardly more needs to be said.
The above probably comes from 1827-30.
Is it a fake, or for real?
Herbert (17:00)
Just noticed that I made a typo – should have read “it is true” not “if is true”. But the rest of your message indicates that you guessed that.
I’m sure the Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves if they could see what is happening to their concept and country; would be furious at those using their words to justify importation of deadly enemies. The linguistic gymnastics of the liberals (socialists) over there are a joy to behold, they’ll choke on their own horseshit eventually. But for the GOP to support the incoming Muslim hordes is more disturbing. It probably means that the party topcats have their heads up the arses of the Saudi arms customers -and their relationships with the Muslim Brotherhood string pullers are now so firmly established that they are inextricable.
That Obama is a believer in the aims of the jihad is, imho, now a stone bonker.
But Clinton will be back in the White House unless they give Trump his head.
Despite my early reservations, I now believe he has shown more political acumen than all the rest of the Presidents in my lifetime put together.
Despite the plaudits of the political pundits over the years.
Sooner or later the clash of civilizations had to happen again; history shows it was inevitable. I’m with Trump – bring it on and let’s crush the fucking savages for another Century or so. Trump will give the hawks their heads.
On this side of the Pond I wonder why the old rogue al Fayed has kept a low profile throughout the latest shenanigans; having sold half of Belgravia to the Qataris, unless he’s now senile, I’d bet he has a finger in the political pie somewhere. Adnan Khashoggi has slipped under the radar, too. Strange silences, but I would wager they are still ‘at it’. Both know where the bodies are buried. Jonathan Aitkin is keeping a low profile too. Is it all down to Anno Domini? Just musin’
☺ Must drop in on Diana West’s page and see what she is making of it all.
… as I was saying: she doesn’t disappoint:
Ironic, ennit?
Radford NG @ 17:22
A powerful rhetoric, Radford, thanks.
Just juxtapose any of Adams’s sentences with that of Tony Blair who’s writing in the Spectator this week e.g. Adams: “The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion, is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies”. Blair: “The moral dimension of Labour tradition has always been very strong, encapsulated in the phrase that the Labour party owed more to Methodism than to Marx”.
Quite telling, even in this randomly chosen example.
Also from the Town Hall site, this from Victor Davis Hanson:
Frank P @ 18:09
It’s all excellent links, today. Doesn’t she write succinctly and convincingly.
She has raised one point the barbarian made on another blog.
Why does Dick Cheney suggest Donald is invalidating the ‘freedom of religion’ (one of the Founding Fathers principles for the Republic) with his idea of stopping temporarily Muslim immigration? It’s a totally bogus accusation, Donald has not asked for the freedom to worship to be curtailed, temporarily or otherwise, for the American Muslims. It’s ‘constructing a straw man, shooting him down’ technique, nobody in the MSM seems to have spotted it, challenged him on it.
Actually, Baron, though Fox News was ambivalent about Trumps latest caper, more and more of its pundits are gathering on his side. His poll figures have risen again.
I agree about the power of John Quincey Adams’ utterances on Islam and indeed Christianity. It might be helpful if the Dhimmis among our own top clergy were as articulate in making the case for Christ and against Mo the Monster.
I must feed that JQA quote through to Hannity. Thanks Radford NG.
more lovely people. scamming pensioners to pay for terrorism.
hope they can be deported.
if someone calls you then tells you to call someone trusted, like your bank or 999, before you dial, check you have a dial tone before dialling. or use another phone.
more scum
over 25000 sigs and rising
have you all signed?
28000 now. seems to have gone viral
Yes! it’s now over 30,600
Frank P – 18:09
Diana West, about Hitler:
“He mourned the fact that Germany was not Islamized, which he believed would have made Germans better warriors.”
We shall soon see if that is true, won’t we?
It’s up to 48,000 now!
There is a ‘Show on a map’ button on the petition page that will display the distribution of those signing.
I would have thought that the map is a reasonable (the best we have, anyway) representation of who would vote OUT in the referendum, so I wonder if CCHQ is examining it in detail 🙂
map seems a reasonably even spread. its everywhere
It’s getting complicated 🙂
The foreign-funded, hard-Left group ‘Hope Not Hate’ – which has previously prided itself on its influence on the UK General Election – has today published a 130-page “exclusive” report detailing what it claims are the “Anti-Muslim” connections in the United Kingdom and United States.
“… readers were shocked to see that rather than being the usual Hope Not Hate report into the English Defence League (EDL), or American anti-Islamist activists, the authors, Nick Lowles and Joe Mulhall included Muslim reformers who oppose Shariah and fundamentalism.
The original report – now seemingly edited – includes a reference to the minority rights advocate and anti-Shariah campaigner Raquel Saraswati.
Mr. Saraswati, who wears a hijab, and considers herself a devout, practicing, reformist Muslim, was targeted due to her links to anti-Shariah campaigners. Her inclusion in the report drew ire from other reformist Muslims, including Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation, who took to Twitter to air his disgust …”
The petition is down to 20,505.
What is happening?
What is the background of those signing the petition to ban Trump from the UK? A little clarity on this question is in order I think, although we all know that is the last thing we will get as that could be construed as islamophobic. at the only comfort I take from the current situation is that they who are so cheerfully selling us down the river will be the first to get their throats cut when the religion of peace finally reigns supreme over our land.
The Fourth Reich is emerging:
With its military intervention in
Syria and Iraq, Germany is emerging as a “policy-shaping power in the
Middle East,” according to a government advisor of the German
Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). The
intervention in Syria, decided last week, could, therefore, last ten
years and could be accompanied by “long-term” efforts to “politically
reorganize” the entire region, with the cornerstone being military
units, equipped and trained by the German government, serving as
ground troops for the war against the “Islamic State” (IS/Daesh). In
Iraq, the militia of the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq
could take on this role, whereas Berlin only provides minimal support
to the Iraqi government’s armed forces. Whereas the government in
Baghdad has good relations with Iran and Russia, the Kurdish Regional
Government in northern Iraq is seen as loyal to the West. Having
illegally remained in office beyond the August deadline in an
insidious coup, the Regional Government’s President Masoud Barzani,
with whom German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier met
yesterday, is responsible for the brutal repression of civil protests.
Ultimately – and with Berlin’s military aid for his Peshmerga –
Barzani may be able to proclaim “Iraqi Kurdistan’s” statehood.
An interesting link, which I may have published before…
As the EU promotes anti-semitism, Russia opposes it.
Malfleur, what do you make of this?
Noa @ 22:26
It will do him no good, Noa, the only way he could ingratiate himself with the American political elite is to totally submit to their diktat, and then he be what he wants – semite, super semite, anti-semite, you name it he’ll get away with it.
Christopher Monckton was a guest on the Alex Jones Show on Wednesday (and Tucker Carlson – editor of the Daily Caller).
Question Time : Arrrgggghhh!
It defies criticism or satire. Who did this to my once proud country? We are populated by fatuous morons.
Noa @ 22:11
If you did post it before, Noa, Baron’s missed it, thanks, only a short read wetted his appetite, but its length will requite more time, something not at hand today, but read it will be.
Baron @ 22:55
I am tending to a false flag interpretation – but with what aim would it have been set up? One idea is that in due course there will be a government attack staged by “white men” (patriots, veterans, tea party members, or ‘constitutionalists’, etc.) against muslims which will be used as a pretext for gun confiscation and/or a more general attack on those groups. But who knows? We need Inspector Hound to look more closely at this. On the meantime, here is an interesting view by Dr. Steve Piecnik talking to Alex Jones (who interviewed Donald Trump live last week by the way):
Question Time is at Slough next week. Cue John Betjeman!
This is only for someone who wants to dig deep into it, and has plenty of time:
Does anyone know what happened to the Russian invitation to Britain to examine the black box of the downed bomber? The boy has said he would consider it, has he and what was the decision?
They have lost any credibility they ever had, which wasn’t much:
More UK Cops Back Trump’s London Terror Comments: ‘Yes There Are Places I’m Afraid To Go’
“The interventions will heap further pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron, London Mayor Boris Johnson, and London’s police headquarters, Scotland Yard, after they all dismissed and mocked Mr. Trump’s allegations that “parts of London are “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives”.”
“A TOUGH COOKIE” (Donald Trump on Roger Stone)
One of Donald Trump’s top advisors who has known him since the 1980s, Roger Stone, appears in the 2nd HOUR on Infowars, Thursday December 10th:
!st HOUR:
2nd HOUR: v=U3ymu5r6t4I&feature=iv&src_vid=-FqTo4W3m7A&annotation_id=annotation_742341325
Stone is introduced about 25 minutes into the 2nd Hour. Powerful stuff!
The interview with Roger Stone continues here:
3rd HOUR:
my useless MP has signed the Block Donald J Trump from UK entry petition. I shall email him
Littlejohn on faux-Fury:
Britain 2015: Dhimmified and Dianafied.
Melanie Phillips trumps Adolf.
Ferguson was long ago.
But the Fergus bit rankles.
And now Wood Green.
Enough! No more! Brutality needs to stop!
Screw the law, the peace, the drop!
Sure, you have the right but is it really okay.
Just cause you have one, you don’t get a parade.
Sure, crime may be high but no need for assumptions.
We need to work together for us to function.
Police, the gun isn’t the first option or choice.
When you pull the trigger, no one rejoices.
Maybe you stopped a good guy gone bad.
Even if so, his family is now sad.
Investigations on why you shot a man.
It could’ve been avoided, if the gun wasn’t in your hands.
Just hide your time.
Do not be a slime.
Around town, cause now he’s restricted.
I bet you wish the bullets would’ve missed it.
Could be a good man if that’s what you are.
Not aware if they’re drunk coming from a bar.
After the shots, life doesn’t go on for him.
Friends, family and more, You RUINED them.
Enough is enough! Let’s stand up for what’s right.
You claiming assault but you started the fight.
What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?
That’s all you really have to say.
The current meme that is being propagated on both sides of the Atlantic seems to be that there is a difference been those identifying themselves as Muslims and the ‘faith’ itself – Islam. Perhaps the unwashed need to be reminded that Muslims are those who follow the dictates of Mohammed, a 7th Century assassin, rapist and paedophile, who conquered all the Mediterranean Countries by malevolent barbarism and initiated the idea that Islam (meaning submission) should rule the planet under Sharia law. His legacy has been constant war, waged either overtly or covertly with the infidel (that’s us) for fourteen hundred years or so. Until President Pussy (ack. Col. Ralph Peters) occupied the White House, we were winning. Since then we have been losing big time.
If so-called moderate Muslims wish to be regarded, therefore, as integrated members of Western Civilisation, they should first seek to prove it by burning their own copies of the Qaran and declaring themselves as apostates to the murderous cult. Even then we should screen the lying bastards [remember taqiyya?] to make sure that their actions accord with their promises. We might then afford them a cautious welcome – maybe …!
Ohhhh. Fuck off, Fergus!!! Not just because your sentiments are stupid, but because your doggerel is dire!
DECEMBER 11th, 1790
At 3 a.m. on 11 December … [a] sustained artillery barrage pounded the fortress before a rocket zigzagged across the sky to give the order to advance. The Turkish artillery took a murderous toll on the attackers…
…By the time the sun rose,all the [Russian] columns were on the ramparts, but several had not yet descended into the streets. Then the Russians poured into Ismael like a ‘torrent thayt floods the countryside’. The hand-to-hand fighting between 60,000 armed soldiers now reached its bloodiest: even as late as midday, the battle was not decided.
Ismail assumed the incarnadine horror of a Dantean hell….The screams of children did not stop the Russians…Four thousand Tartar horses escaped from the underground stables to stampede over the dead and dying, their frantic hooves pulping the human flesh and shattering the skulls of the dying, until they themselves were butchered….The massacre continued until four in the afternoon, when the Turks finally surrendered….’
Catherine the Great & Potemkin – The Imperial Love Affair’ by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Btw. As the Wood Green shooting is likely to take Trump off the hit list for a day or two, I would like to clear up a point that is often distorted in public discourse when discussing discharge of firearms by police. The words “shoot to kill” is often bandied around as a malpractice on the part of armed police. Not so. No police officer should discharge his firearm unless he feels that his or the lives of others are threatened by a suspect. In which case he should always shoot to kill in order to stop the threat. Wounding only exacerbates the threat. One qualification in these modern times is the Taser, when it may be possible to disable a suspect without killing him. MAY be possible … but dodgy if he/she has a gun, rather than a knife. Just sayin’.
Frank P @ 14:59
A short, but in this instance a 100% valid critique of the ‘poetical’ puff, Frank. What is it that fuels Fergus’s brain? We should be told.
Frank @ 15:38
Do we know who the men were?
Just a guess: White, Christian, regular church goers, Anglo-Saxon heritage, pork eaters …..
Frank P @ 11:27
Could Baron add another D to your fitting duo, Frank – demoralised.
this cheered me up a bit. Someone is prepared to enforce the law against muslims and ignore the PC brigade
How many similar murderers have managed to sneak in, didn’t get detected, may be amongst the burghers of Europe?
alexsandr @ 18:24
Whatever punishment may apply, alexandr, it’s unlikely to be sufficient to stop the indoctrination, we should kick those guilty of it out, that’s the only way, there’s nothing to stop the peddlers of evil to cut the number of hours below 20, register the school as a charity, organise classes in private homes, if there’s a will there’s a way, and these people have a will that cannot be argued or administered away, they should be out of the country.
December 11th, 2015 – 18:38
“they should be out of the country.”
Well said sir.
Can’t say I really like the man, but my enemies enemy is my friend. Compared to the Wimp Cameron, he is certainly trumps! 🙂
By the way, good to see you David Ossitt.
My hope that we may live to see the emergence of new and even more determined version of Kemal Ataturk who will permanently rescue Turkey from it’s current relapse into religious backwardness and put it back on course to civilisation is probably no more than a pipe dream resulting from struggling to make sense out of the intricacies and interactions of the various murderous factions and follies now at large in Syria, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.
However, I think this, from what seems to be the only sane country involved, makes an interesting read –
“QUENTIN LETTS: How I was vaporised by the BBC’s Green Gestapo after daring to mock the Met Office and global warming”
George Soros’ and Victoria Nuland’s child,Ukraine, goes viral:
Dellers pulls it off!
A very useful film made by a Muslim who presents a picture of the statistical reality of the jihad. One for wide and urgent dissemination:
A clarion call indeed.
And this for the widest and most urgent possible dissemination throughout islam:
Wall to wall Corbynski on UK MSM over the past quarter makes me loathe in general to discuss the little hippie/commie douchebag, other than to occasionally hurl ad hom abuse at him, as I don’t wish to add to his oxygen supply. But I wonder whether anybody had the same feelings of joy as I did today when he turned up at some commie convention or other and was photographed in his Mao cap embracing Tariq Ali.
Or am I being overly optimistic in thinking that the GBP would in the great majority, even including traditional Labour Party members, be appalled at the sight of HM Leader of the Opposition flying his true blood-red colours. Somebody reassure me – he is a bit part actor from Citizen Smith, really, isn’t he? This spoof must come a tumble quite soon, musn’t it?
Btw – did anyone spot The Telytwat among the crowd? Was he the one with his head up Ali’s arse?
And talking of another Ali. Cassius Clay’s daughter wheeled the old Black Muslim agitator out today on Cavuto’s show and verballed him up with a tirade against Trump. As he is now completely ga-ga, it was clearly her words, not his. His role in kicking off the Black Power movement in this country in the 1960s, in conjunction with Stokely Carmichael and Michael de Freitas (aka Michael Abdul Malik) aided and abetted by John Lennon and his commie cronies, I witnessed at first hand. The gullible US punters revere him as a National hero. His first fight with Sonny Liston was rigged and he should have lost the fight with Henry Cooper, who knocked him out, but a stretched count took him up to the bell. His whole career was a charade.
Malfleur (01:10)
Yes indeed – two gingers making love in perfect unison and in public should offend nicely and qualify for a throwing from a cliff.
San Bernadino killings – another piece of the jigsaw puzzle
Of course with a jig saw puzzle, when we begin to play we usually have the overall picture as a guide. Here we lost the box lid before we started.:
“Whistleblower: Feds Shut Down Terror Investigation That Could Have Prevented San Bernardino Attack”
– interviewed by Alex Jones – get the real craic about the “CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE” (plan for world government by criminal gangs).
Now there’s a surprise.
There are fears the true scale of Britain’s secret schools could surpass that of the Trojan Horse scandal – in which state schools were infiltrated by hardline Islamists – as inspectors may have uncovered only the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
Yesterday, Ofsted chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw said he was forming a taskforce to investigate such schools and prosecute those involved. He told BBC Radio 4’s PM: ‘These schools are not registered with the Department for Education. Therefore they are not regulated and inspected by Ofsted.
‘We are finding many more of these places opening … Our inspectors are going into some of these institutions and seeing the most terrible conditions.
‘We are seeing open drains … absolutely filthy conditions, we are seeing staff who are unchecked and unvetted and the most appalling literature – homophobic literature, misogynistic literature, anti-Semitic literature … Children are at risk in these places and I think unless something is done to stem the increase of this unregistered provision we will see youngsters really, really, really at risk in our country of being abused and radicalised.’
He added that he believed there are ‘many more’ and that prosecutions for running illegal schools were ‘long overdue’. Sir Michael was critical of ‘confusing’ advice from DfE officials to the owners of properties where unregistered schools were located, giving them the impression they could continue teaching while applying to be registered.
Had just got up when I posted above. Now I’ve sat down with a cup of tea I see the story was commented on last night .
I agree with Baron, they should not be here and that’s exactly the point.
They and Islam are incompatible with western culture.
Frank P .01-05
Thanks for that link frank. Excellent, and blows the moderate Muslim fantasy out of the water.
Saudi Billionaire Prince Demands Donald Trump Exit 2016 Race
The Saudis are the real source of evil in the world at the moment.
To loosely adapt the famous line of Henry II. “Who will rid us of these turbulent princes?”
RobertRetyred @ 07:55
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016
11:53 AM – 12 Dec 2015
Conference of the Parties?
Conspiracy of the Parasites!!
The scam of two millennia, if indeed not of all human history.
The Appalachin meeting of the Mob in 1957 pales into insignificance beside the Paris COP21:
A kindergarten tea-party by comparison.
I didn’t have a keyboard to hand this morning, so here is the link:
Saudi Billionaire Prince Demands Donald Trump Exit 2016 Race
“Donald Trump collects the best enemies – now including a Saudi billionaire prince who funds Islamist advocacy in American universities.
The prince has already donated tens of millions of dollars to set up pro-Islam advocacy centers at several U.S. universities, including Harvard and Georgetown.”
I am sure Harvard and Georgetown will be pleased of the publicity! :worried:
And so will Trump! 🙂
Malfleur at 01:10.
Wasn’t Astaire an odious little man?
An icon of the American gay left-wing: now that his embarrassing dancing has been forgotten, he seems to be best known for his sexual dalliance with Gore Vidal.
Chris Morriss
December 12th, 2015 – 08:24
That’s my view too, Chris. Because they are so rich, the West prefers to stay quiet. I would like to see the Saudi slavers, torturers and perverts as dried bones in the desert!
So now he’s a National Treasure:
He should be cringing with embarrassment, but he probably wrote it.
He’s well past his shelf-life.
How tired I am of the BBC HEALTH news on its boring web. We keep getting headlines of wonderful new advances in cancer treatment, complete with illustrations of football -like images in brilliant technicolour, usually with star shaped extensions! It is only when we reach the last sentence in the final paragraph that we learn “more research is needed, and it will be completed many years from now.” Shades of the “Daily Mail” !
And something lighter from NYT:
In particular the vid of ‘The Guv’nor’ recording “It Was a Very Good Year” – my favourite track ever. Masterly!
Anne (15:22)
“I would like to see the Saudi slavers, torturers and perverts as dried bones in the desert!”
The way things are cooking up geopolitically, you and I may well see that, old as we are. But not if Jeremy Corbynski has his way. Itwould then be more likely to be our radio active bones hovering in the nuclear winter. In my case it would probably be an improvement. ☺
Frank P
December 12th, 2015 – 17:09
Jerry Pot really i is a horrible specimen. Apart from his commie politics, he actually looks physically dirty, and I’m sure he smells. Ugh! 🙁
Chris Morrrisss (14:54)
Agree; but you’ve got to give it to him – he couldn’t half trip the light fantastic. Better even than the stumpy Gene Kelly. Almost as good, even, as Ernie Wise:
Frank P @ 13:02
Wasn’t the last session of the Paris jamboree just puke inducing, ha? Arghhh
Arnold Toynbee had it right with his ‘cultures, civilisations don’t get murdered, they commit suicide’.
Every TV channel has been running it the whole afternoon, and that includes the normally cool NHK, a bunch of wankers applauding a deal that’s likely to cost us billions, and for what? To combat the changing climate, a natural cycle the earth has gone through for billions of years.
BBC Radio4 half an hour ‘From Our Correspondent’ before midday today, first item, the agitprop’s US reporter, the subject: Donald. Does Baron have to tell you what the take was?
Then the ‘Money Programme’ for 30 minutes, (mercifully the guy who runs it didn’t find it necessary to mention the maverick American), then there followed a comedy show, the name Donald in every other sentence, huge applause, laughter, merriment galore.
This overkill is counterproductive, it can only gather support for Donald, his chance of getting the nomination cannot but improve, he may even squeeze in to the top slot, if those who have never voted before do.
Patrick Buchanan slicing of it:
The postings of cumryds below the piece are good, too:
The postings of cumryds below the piece are good, too:
Trump & Saudi Prince – mutual insults on Twitter – quite entertaining –
The Mutti sticks to her guns:
On what authority is she letting the crowds in? Doesn’t the EU have a policy on immigration? Who’s she to run the immigration racket on her own?
The woman has gone loopy, and there seems nobody willing to stop her. Don’t the apparatchiks in the Brussels pigeon loft, the elected political clowns in the EU member countries realise that once the newcomers are granted permission to stay in Germany, they can move freely within all EU countries? Where is the boy we’ve elected to look after our interests?
The sooner we quit the EU monstrosity the better.
Herbert Thornton @ 18:48
What’s funny, Herbert, is that the Saudis have banned all immigration into their country, will not take any refugees, permanently, and yet this rich wanker is telling Donald his idea of a temporary ban stinks? What a loon.
It’s more the two sailors in the picture than the piece by Helmer that’s telling:
Boot on the button:’s-critics-are-worse-trump
This link is for you and all our other Jewish friends who visit this blog:
Even as a goy I can feel the power of Daniel’s message.
Perhaps Donald has got it wrong, he should have suggested the opposite, no?
Frank’s favourite does it again:
Frank P
December 13th, 2015 – 00:28
Thanks, Frank, The message is so strong and true. A message so relevant now, and that for me is one that reaches into the very soul of whoever wants to listen. Once again,thank you Frank.
AWK & Frank; & Wallsters all
Here is another example of Judaeo-Christian-Agnostic solidarity as the American Jew of Russian extraction,Michael Savage (banned from entry to the United Kingdom by the Home Secretary and her predecessor), makes a moving philosophical turn last Friday:
December 13th, 2015 – 07:49
Malfleur. I will be out today, but will read it on my return. Thanks.
December 13th, 2015 – 07:49
Well I had lunch out and returned home early and considered Michael Savage’s agenda carefully. Earlier, Frank P sent me a posting where he recommended I read Daniel Greenfield’s piece. To be fair, I was absolutely enthralled with Greenfield, maybe egocentrically, since his views exactly mirror my own. (Or perhaps I mirror his)! Forgive my ignorance, but both Greenfield and Savage are new to me, and so perhaps it is rash to so emote about writers on a one-time reading. Greenfield, as I have already said, has a new fan, ME!. Now, to Savage. Maybe I am too cynical, but after the measured tone, yet deeply spiritual voice of Daniel Greenfield, I found Michael Savage slightly hysterical. Of course it is ridiculous banning him from the UK, or indeed anywhere else, because he certainly isn’t politically correct, etc. etc. If he was anti-democracy, anti-Christianity and anti-Judaism, he would be welcomed by Obama, Hiliary, Cameron and the whole cabal pushing each other aside in the clamour to kiss ass. Because all this scum is against him, it is easy to be ‘on his side’, but to be completely objective, I will seek out and read more of his work, and then decide where I think he stands in my estimation. Thank you, Malfleur for pointing me in his direction.
Le pen should keep it simple and ask do you love Islam or do you love France.
I apologise fpr writing once again,but this piece of news has really made me sick. Shaker Aamer’s release from prison is, I fear, a ploy to appease the growing numbers of radical moslems in this country. His proclamations of innocence and being against Jihad activities do not convince me for one moment. Film of him at home, with his completely veiled wife do not appear to add credence to his story. What do other CHWers think?
I couldn’t possibly express my disdain for CMD better than Alex Boot does in his latest post, but to be fair to myself I have tried:
Cameron and Al Gore are two walking oil slicks. We can’t wait for nature to disperse their toxic effect of the tide of life, they both need to be negated by a very powerful detergent.
Anne (21:03)Two words describe the islamic douchebag: taqiyya personified. Now watch the Western MSM turn him into a cause celebre.
Frank P @ 21:06
His savaging of the boy is almost on par with that he usually reserves for the man in the Kremlin.
It was obvious from the start the negotiations were but a smokescreen, he doesn’t want Britain to leave the club, never did. If he does lead the campaign to quit it will be only to sabotage it, pissing into the tent from within.
Here’s why the refugees will keep on coming to Germany:
We are told the current floods are ‘unprecidented’. Bollocks. Its all happened before.