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We saw this in the fabulous North last night
Things are definitely hotting up over BrExit, what with the Spanish threatening to invade Gibraltar as soon as we leave, the Germans threatening they will cry if we left while banning sausages in cafes and schools so to ‘not offend refugees’, the suspension of the British Chamber of Commerce’s Director General (the BCC, not the BBC – I almost fainted when i misread it) and his subsequent resignation and his criticism of Cameron’s ‘Project Fear’, various EU elite saying the EU could lose more members if Britain left, Mervin King (the previous Governor of the BoE) saying the Eurozone will stumble from crisis to crisis before failing and detrimentally damaging the non-euro-zone countries, the report that Britain’s biggest environmental charities are using public cash to campaign to stay in EU, yet Cameron is still supporting Turkey’s membership bid and saying he needed a good deal, yet obtained so little, with so many appalled at the meagre performance. Still the Tory Party is loyal to a Euro-fanatic!
It seems so unreal, because it is! In spite of all the above, I think that the most significant item of news is this:
EDF finance chief quits as fears grow over spiralling costs of the ‘white elephant’ £18bn Hinkley Point nuclear plant set to be the world’s most-expensive power station
One assumes he has added up the figures and there is no way he can make them look better than dreadful, yet the ship steams on with the British and French governments and companies tethered to a doomed project, imprisoned by the agenda and political ‘influence’ of the EU and their agents (including the BBC) and the rest of the Green Blob!
What a start to a new week!
And so it continues
The ‘Rotherham Effect’ where the fear of being accused of racism, stoked by left-wing agitators who have misused and de-valued the word for political advantage, undermines the rule of law, justice, truth and best practice.
For goodness sake
1. The doctor in question got the Muslim doctor dismissed and then published details, a gross breach of confidentiality rules
2. How many germs does he harbour in his beard
3. It is totally disingenuous to attribute true breaches of employment law to any political groupings
4. Seeing the source I am not surprised
Radford NG March 6th, 2016 – 20:36
Daily Politics today was another Jo Coburn Labourfest. One of her guests was Mary Creogh MP, the daughter of Irish Republicans, who after a parachute descent in 2005 now represents Labour in Wakefield, England, a Labour safe seat since 1932 (they must be gluttons for punishment).
She has previous as leader of Islington Council, where she was described as “insensitive, lacking in balanced judgment and one who was prepared to make assumptions about honesty and integrity of others without any proper basis” and presided over the defeat of 15 fellow Labour councillors in 2002. Before that she was an intern and member of the EU Youth Forum in Brussels, lectured in entrepreneurship at Cranfield University (with little evidence of her ever being an entrepreneur) and was a charity trustee.
After repeatedly giving the EU Remainiac Creagh the uninterrupted last word in every discussion Coburn introduced a puff piece on Harold Wilson to mark the approaching centenary of his birth, aided and abetted by her fellow Labour party enthusiast Giles. Coburn found it hard to suppress her girlish party enthusiasm throughout and presided over a gleeful hagiography of Wilson as one of Britain’s “most important Prime Ministers”. Some of us who remember the Wilson Years remember them differently but then for Labour it is always about Labour and they presume, like Blue Peter presenters, that the whole country shares their enthusiasm.
Noa, thanks for the 600 age tome, as a reference source, superb, Baron has scanned it, it reminded him of Adenauer’s push for nuclear weaponry for Germany, a useful guide to excite Brexit backers, or the undecided (not to mention the ones who want to remain) it is not.
The barbarian has said it before, given our society moves by, reacts to and lives on emotions rather than rational thinking what we need is something that touches people’s feelings, and is short.
A longish chat with a Kurd, mid-thirties, married to an English girl, British for the last ten years, runs a service, Baron was a customer. His English is rather broken (he didn’t speak any before coming here), but he detected Baron’s accent very quickly.
The conversation is sold as Baron bought it, the barbarian’s questions are in brackets. You will see that man adheres to the theory of fear.
(Why cannot you sit down with the Turks, talk, work out a compromise). Talk, the Turks?, impossible, they want destroy us, always want destroy us, you know, you could not talk Kurdish language long time, it was punished, why? We Muslim, they Muslim, and they very much want to destroy us, you know why they want destroy us? They scared and money, (Who scares them, you?). Yes, we scare them, very much, we fight for right, they want money, oil, we have oil, they want oil, everyone want oil, the Americans, Syria, Iraq, Russia, we have oil, they want oil, they are scared of us because we are good fighters, Israel was good fighters, now we are good fighters.
Erdogan is scared also, (Who scares him?). Everyone scares him, soldiers scare him, and Russia and America … (But he’s a friend with the Americans, Turkey is in NATO ..), yes, but not for Erdogan, for Turkey, Erdogan no good Muslim, he like dog who bark, only scared dog bark, when dog is no scared he does not bark, he bits (you mean bites), yes, bits.
(Why do Russians want your oil, they have enough, and who scares them?). No, we have enough, Russia don’t, want more, Muslims scare Putin, he does not like Muslims, he scared of Muslims, Americans also are scared of Muslims, only we not scared of Muslims because we are Muslims, different Muslim, we want right, we want like Scotland, more like Scotland, be alone, we want our government.
I went to Kurdistan, by car, the Turks stop me ‘where you go?’ ‘Kurdistan’. ‘Where is Kurdistan, is it village, town, river? We not know Kurdistan’ They hold me two hours, tell me ‘you say you go to Iraq, you can go’. (Did you say you are going to Iraq in the end). Yes, I say, ‘OK Iraq’, but I do not believe it.
(You like it here?) Yes, very much, English good people, very good people, but also scared, they scared of Muslims, everyone scared of Muslims, why, we not different than other people, we have different God, the Muslims who kill no Muslims, the Christians who kill no Christians also. (And they kill because they’re scared?). Right, yes, people only kill when they are scared…
Nuffofit, but you get the gist. He also said other things, more personal, not for advertising on a blog.
telemachus @ 13:09
The rules are quite clear on one thing, no pieces of clothing other than the disinfected stuff supplied by the hospital, they says nothing about the removal of hair, beards, sideburns, all covered when in the operating theatre, again by sterilised cloth.
RobertRetyred @ 11:00
Baron has spotted that one, too, Robert. Unless the Government steps in, sorts things out quickly, we may find ourselves quite short on electricity even if (as they’re planning) the life span of the existing generating plants gets extended. Big problem this.
Colonel Mustard @ 14:34
You didn’t expect anything else, Colonel, did you? That’s the BBC for you.
It appears the Balkan route for immigrants has been shut at the latest EU get together, the V4 countries won the argument telling everyone they will not cooperate any more, the Mutti lost. Here is the full interview with Bavarian Governor Horst Seehofer, the fiercest critic of her:
Baron March 7th, 2016 – 15:02
Well, not really, but it is noticeable that this always seems to happen when Neil is away and Coburn is operating alone. Carswell was also a guest but appeared to let Creogh get away with a few incredible Remainiac platitudes of the Labour internationalist/social justice “our partners in Europe” kind that we have heard many times. Isabel Hardman, Fraser Nelson’s Labour-sympathising sidekick, was also wheeled on.
I know you are not interested but Isabel is a One Nation Tory in the Disraeli meaning of that
Baron March 7th, 2016 – 15:01
I’m still waiting for the government or Ofgen to do something about the overcharging by utility companies in 2014 and 2015 in the form of forcing them to reimburse customers for the amounts. So far all they have done is report the fact but they are never shy of interfering in commercial arrangements when it suits their sockpuppet lobbying and nanny agenda. I wrote to my MP about this but received the usual platitude in response about how the government does not seek to interfere in the contractual arrangements between private companies and their customers, which is nonsense as they are doing just that in pursuit of internet censorship and surveillance.
Vichy Dave’s government really is a vile combination of pandering to corporate cronyism and cultural marxism. Palliser’s admonition that MPs should be the guardians of their fellow countrymen, “that they may be safe, they may be prosperous, they may be well governed and lightly burdened, but above all that they may be free” was never more neglected than by that shower of useless parasites currently warming their arses to no good effect in Westminster.
Not if Hardman has any truck with a certain communist troll she isn’t. Vichy Dave pretends to be a ‘One Nation Tory’ too but that is now just code for New Labour Fabian-Lites Slithering About Within The Conservative Party.
Besides there is no longer ‘One Nation’ even in aspiration. Thanks to the idiots who rule over us this Disunited Kingdom is now full of artificially created identity groups, national socialists, foreigners and single issue agenda peddlers permanently at war with each other. And the term has never less applied to England which they are keen to deny, denounce and disown as any kind of entity deserving of self-determination or proper representation of its true people as opposed to all the lodgers.
One of the smallest members of the EU, Slovakia, has had a parliamentary election, in spite of all pre-election polls suggesting no change, there has been a noticeable move to the Right, so much so that an extreme right party called ‘Our Slovakia’ got 8% of the popular vote (its policies are close to the Hungarian Viktor Orbán party), will have 14 seats (out of the total of 150), the largest pro-EU (and pro-immigration) party got its share cut to 49 seats from a majority.
To make things worse, a representative of the second largest party (now with 29 seats), and the one it was hoped will be a part of the Slovakia’s future coalition government appeared on the Austrian TV defending Slovakia’s acceptance of only 8 refugees (as opposed to the 37,500 refugees Austria has plans for) saying it’s a blatant disregard of the Dublin Convention, the refugees ought to apply for an asylum in the first safe country they reach, comparing the help we should give them to that given to a homeless person, buy him a blanket, food, but not inviting him to one’s home.
The TV debate with four Austrian political pundits caused a massive uproar not only in Slovakia and Austria, Brussels was more than displeased, as you can imagine, the MSM papers on the eastern part of Europe are full of it. If any of you speak German, here’s a part of the debate.
Will the BBC even mention the election in that small, but ‘equal’ member of the EU?
Colonel Mustard @ 15:57
That’s an excellent point, Colonel, thanks, the barbarian has got a letter from his utility company a long time ago, has forgotten what it said, will have to dig it out, approach the supplier.
Baron March 7th, 2016 – 16:07
Mary Creagh, Labour MP and daughter of Irish Republicans (now redacted from Wiki), is in favour of an EU ‘institution’ being established to parcel out refugees (she was very keen to stress primly that they must be called ‘refugees’ rather than ‘migrants’). Labour are now in the magnificent position of crowing about this from the supposed moral high ground at the same time as aspiring to continue their New Labour era mass and unsustainable immigration “to rub the right’s nose in diversity” (and import voters) policy. A policy which Vichy Dave appears to have signed up to as he too rather likes to rub the right’s nose in things.
The EU Eurocrat/Bureaucrat species must be creaming themselves at the possibility of setting up another vast, taxpayer funded ‘institution’ full of lefties in order to continue the destruction of conservative Western Europe.
What appears to have been agreed by all (Baron got the news the ‘Balkan route is closed’ from a direct briefing by the Czech PM, he was unequivocal about it, no ifs or buts) has been changed by, wait for it, the Mutti:
If anyone needed THE reason we should get out of the Brussels club, this should be it. The members agree on something, an issue that of some significance, the future of Europe hangs on it, then the going German Führer changes it. And that’s it, forget the agreement of all, one person has the final say.
What sort of fugging club is it?
Colonel Mustard @ 16:26
The way things are moving, Colonel, the immigration issue may the iceberg that sinks the EU Titanic – see the election in Slovakia, at least one hopes it does.
If by now you’re painfully fed up with immigration, the political elites everywhere, or just telemachus here, you may unwind listening to this young and charming girl who, in around five minutes, will educate you about few Ukrainian traditions. If only the politicians everywhere copied her soft demeanour, velvety voice, and graceful interest in things that have lasting qualities.
Will the Conservative Party ever return to being Conservative?
Perhaps the better question is whether it has ever been conservative.
Peter from Maidstone :
Welcome back to die heimat.
Could you address the matter raised at the bottom of CHW 15/21 Feb and top of 22/28 Feb from RobertRetired and myself ?
Could you put a note at the end of each`wall`directing us to the next `wall`as this sometimes causes confusion?
Thank you in advance.
‘Two cannibals were eating a clown – one said to the other, ‘Does he taste funny to you?’
Malfleur – 22:03
I can beat that:
“The new power station [Hinkley Point C], the first nuclear plant planned in Britain for decades, is the centre piece of Government energy plans ”
Final nail in the coffin: Greece faces financial meltdown AGAIN amid threat of end of Euro
Sorry they aren’t new, but the old ones are the best 🙂
And here is another, but you need to book a therapist beforehand, because of the trauma:
Bowdoin Students in Therapy After ‘Culturally Appropriating’ Tequila Party
This just has to be the last 🙂 , for tonight anyway:
Proof No 10 did put the knife in: Cameron’s aide berated anti-EU business chief by telephone – and his fate was sealed
* PM’s senior aide berated BCC boss John Longworth over the telephone
* Cabinet minister Chris Grayling described his treatment as ‘disgraceful’
* Mr Longworth suspended as director general by BCC over anti-EU stance
* Number 10 has repeatedly denied putting any pressure on organisation
At least INTDWI, probably! 🙂
RR: it were Fraser cast off Dan Korski wot done it.
Colonel Mustard – 15:57
“Vichy Dave’s government really is a vile combination of pandering to corporate cronyism and cultural marxism.”
Beautifully and succinctly put!
huktra – 08:11
Not forgetting that in between Desperate Dan’s labours in the back office at No.10 and his surreal, unintentionally hilarious, stint at the Spectatesman he was special adviser to Baroness (my arse!) Ashton of Upholland – “High Representative of the [European] Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.”
Between the two of them they’ve got a lot to answer for.
The never elected Cathy, rose without trace thanks to the sponsorship of Gordon Brown. She was ideal material for a top job in the EU.
EC March 8th, 2016 – 10:14
Ashton is a classic example of the unelected public/charity sector female elite that sidestep their way up between influential jobs and finally end up in the Lords still unelected but still influencing government policy, usually of the socialist/SJW persuasion.
She was national treasurer and vice-chair for CND when in 1983 she moved into a statutory authority, the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work. She was then elevated to a Directorship in Business in the Community (BITC), one of Prince Charles’ charities. It is somewhat extraordinary (or perhaps not, knowing what we know now) that as a socialist and CND-er she rose to a position of Non-Governmental power under John Major’s supposedly Conservative government and Prince Charles.
Jails not covered by smoking ban, Court of Appeal rules
We can always go to prison!
Just watched Laura Perrins of Conservative Woman on Daily Politics. Very impressive but she was up against a particularly slippery Labour MP – Catherine West – another anti-Trident Australian import with an MP’s parachute via Islington Council. Only 43% of “English” MPs were born within the region they represent whilst the average across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is 76%. That figure is further skewed by a north-south divide with some parts of England having less than that – only 25% in the East of England, 39% in London and 38% in the East Midlands.
West repeated the claim that two women a week are being murdered by their partners or ex-partners but are there any demographics relating to immigration around this? Scroll down to the case studies:-
Huktra (08:11)
Not cast off; driven out! By our relentless analysis of his ludicrous posts. Analysis laced with an appropriate and deserved condiment of ad hom ridicule.
Mind you most of the renegades, now posting on this Wall, were blackballed as a result.
One game that was worth the candle, imho. The fact that Cameron rescued him and ‘placed’ him in No. 10 speaks volumes about both twats.
The LibDems announced this morning that they intend, when they become the government (bwaahahahaha), to legalise ganga then raise revenue to fund education, the NHS and better policing from the subsequent taxation collected from the legalised pushers.
Could I be forgiven for deducing that they have been smoking a little too much of their own policy? ☺
Colonel Mustard (10:48)
You are a brave man; once I saw JoCo , minus Brillo, but with Peter Kellner (life long lefty culture warrior – and spouse of Ashton) present for the complete programme, my immediate reflex was to zap to an alternative channel. Is your post a summary of everything useful in today’s episode, because the thought of torturing myself by foraging through a ton of horseshit to find a couple of pearl’s of wisdom, is depressing? ☺
The song is ended but the meldonium lingers on:
A bit like the communism of the USSR?
Mr Boot thinks so. Game set and match!
So the Big Bucks Bastards have used Carney, who is not a citizen of the UK, to join the scaremongers of the Remain lobby and point out the “short-term risks” of dumping the Brussels behemoth.
Short term risks to big money presumably. He should be sacked for gratuitous interference in a UK electoral
process. Canuck kunt!
And here’s another Canuck I would like to see shafted ( not that I have a dog in the race, but because he has a face that just begs to be punched).
Frank P – 16:38
I understand that growing weed is a cottage industry in Westmorland and Lonsdale.
Cue Andy Carpark…
Frank P – 18:43
At least Marco Rubio can speak Spanish!
“A reminder as Osborne unveils his Budget next week that public sector net debt in 2010 was £1004m (65% GDP) and now is £1581m (83% GDP)”
Lord Ashcroft
Also, see…
h/t Lord Ashcroft
Frank P
March 8th, 2016 – 16:38
I ninthly misread your post Frank, thinking you had written ‘gangs’, not ganga.
Still the net effect of such legalisation will be precisely that:the current financiers, importers, growers and processors of hashish and marijuana will move seamlessly from the black to the open market. No doubt they will be joined in due course by the purveyors of cocaine and heroin.
The Liberal Democrats may be the most forward of the political parties in propounding this morally bankrupt and socially destructive change, but their views are shared by both Conservative and Labour policy wonks. No doubt they will be watching the public reaction keenly.
Mine of 19.42
“ninthly”? That should have been entirely…
Speaking of ‘dogs in races’, this amused…
Noa – 19:50
One over the eight? 🙂
Mind you, who could blame you…
“Leave.EU Co-founder, Richard Tice said, “It is absolutely shameful that former BCC director-general John Longworth was effectively forced from his post for expressing a considered and honestly-held opinion. He has been thrown on Downing Street’s sacrificial altar; Project Fear has now become Project Intimidation,”
Let’s hope the appallingly smug New Labourite Korski gets his cummupance.
When did this Kulturnik creep back from the EU into the Downing Street venom tank?
It speaks volumes about the ‘Conservative’ government that they employed him and
I don’t see Slither sacking him at present: though, given enough pressure, even he may well join the growing list including Crosby, Salmond, Ashcroft and Gove, who in one way or another, have found that in the close balance of political affection, his greatest love will always be to lay down his friends for his life.…/201…/leaveeu-condemns-bcc-double-standards
EC – 20.06
Ha! I see that you’ve been borrowing Occam’s razor again!
Still, if only I had taken a dram, rather than Apple’s oh so dodgy spellchecker.
I’m back in the prohibition era until the end of Lent…
Sometimes, the thoroughly deserved public humiliation of a politician provides a little compensation for their habitual dissimulation, hypocrisy and lies.
And on International Womens Day Mrs Cooper is joined by another eminent woman demonstrating the firm irrevocability of her principles. To her credit she is joined by several eminent gentlemen, including the Archbishop of Canterbury and Sir Robert Geldorf.
Noa (19:42)
I was hoping someone would pick me up for misspelling ganja; had they done so I would have claimed it was a gee-up to discover the blasters among us. No takers! Refreshing. ☺
Everything the EU touches turns bad, from wine lakes, fishing, farming, the Euro-zone disaster, the EAW, immigration, internal security, vacuum cleaners, toasters, kettles, soon to be coastguards and just plain civility:
Women [in Östersund, Sweden] warned ‘don’t go out at night’ after migrant sex attackers target 10-YEAR-OLD GIRLS
WOMEN have been warned not to go out at night unless they are in large groups as Swedish police struggle to cope with a wave of migrant sex attacks in a once peaceful town.
Frank P 22.49
A splifflicating post!
RobertRetyred @ March 7th, 22:38
Thank you,
David Cameron receives the news of Brexit, June 1816:
We’re all going to pot, whether ya like it or not!
(ack. Willie and Merle)
Frank P @ 17:57
What ties Sharapova with Russia is her name, and the fact she was born there, the girl has lived in the West since her teenage (and formatting) years, has absorbed western habits, is culturally closer to the West than to her mother country, Frank.
When big money’s involved they’re all at it, but some are better at it than others, get away with it for years, too, e.g. in cycling (have you or he found many doped Russians there?).
Isn’t it telling though that the omni-one would gloat about her cheating, but missed on another story that many would regard to be of greater importance. But it doesn’t fit his hatred of things Russian, does it.
Btw, the barbarian has noticed you’ve paid a sensitively humble homage to the omni-all Mr. Boot. Is prostrating yourself in writing the max you can do, or are we to witness an even greater adulation of that omni-all God of yours? We should be told, no? Ha ha, ha.
One out of every three supporters of the Remain campaign is just as dumb as the other two, a poll has found.
Would anyone have though otherwise?
(Only joking).
The BoE Governor says if we brexit London will lose its prime position in international finance, sterling will suffer, jobs may go ….. then he says the BoE will be strictly neutral before the count, no taking sides, no interference ….
There are only two possible explanations of this puzzling dichotomy, either he thinks all of us are brainless, or he is. Smart money should be on the latter.
Malfleur @ 22:03
Late it may be, butt said it must be, too.
The barbarian wasted almost half an hour plodding through the bloody selection, the older quips were just about OK, but the newly minted ones were awful, Malfleur. The guy who did the selecting was a PC tosser.
Amongst the better ones (but not unknown to Baron):
A few decades ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs. Please don’t let Kevin Bacon die.’ Bill Murray.
God gave men a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.’ Robin Williams.
‘Just because nobody complains doesn’t mean all parachutes are perfect.’ Benny Hill
‘The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his chest.’ Roseanne Barr.
First the doctor told me the good news: I was going to have a disease named after me.’ Steve Martin.
If any of you would like to amuse yourselves with genuinely witty quotes, boys mots and such like ‘The Wit’ by Dec MacHale it is you should get. The paperback may be out of print, but Baron found it once rummaging (as he frequently does) through charity shops’ books. It truly is the best, even if you have to rely here on the judgement of the poorly educated Slav.
Baron (00:14)
Heh, heh, heh. AB is the best ground bait in the cybersphere.
Radio Tass on frequency, on sched and QSA 5 QRK 5. K
This was sent to the barbarian from one of his American friends, a retired man who was in uniform when younger. Not that you should read it, it’s longish, but his lament is the closeness of the top brass of the military with the companies that benefit from their procurement has gone too far. The former order what’s profitable for the latter, not necessarily useful for future combat.
Frank P @ 00:36
Is the frequency real (if perhaps from the times past), or have you mad eit up, Frank?
If only the barbarian could copy a piece from one of the blogs in the East about the KGB Colonel you couldn’t fail to agree the omni-all Mr. Boot’s ranting is as mild as the touch of a Spring breeze compared to it, the man who penned it wants to make Putin pay for the whole of the refugee crisis (ask not why), he plans to petition the EU with it. He may fail, Baron reckons, because if he were to remove all swear words from the open letter there would be little left in it.
Mistakes galore again, sorry.
The freshly baked accord between the democracy loving Turkey and the even more democracy worshiping EU calls for ‘resettling one Syrian refugee from Turkey in Europe for every Syrian refugee returned to Turkey from the Greek islands’.
Is this right? Why the swap then?
RobertRetyred @ 23:06
Appalling, Robert, but are you aware the Swedish liberals are proposing men should have the right to terminate pregnancies, too?
That’s not a joke, each man who has impregnated a woman will have two weeks to say he wants the child aborted. Presumably, if the woman disagrees he can just walk away, claim no responsible for the child when it’s born, impregnate another willing woman.
Is there no limit to the madness of the Swedes?
March 9th, 2016 – 01:19
No there is no limit to their madness. Indeed, I’m waiting for the Swedes to amend their law to redefine “rape”. Quite probably the amendment will be something like this –
“Rape includes sexual intercourse with a woman after giving her the expectation that she will reach orgasm, but failing to fulfill her expectation.”
It makes me wonder whether that – in Swedish law – is already the de facto situation and whether it is the real basis for the Swedish charges against Julian Assange.
Hey Limeys.
Y’all are manifestly still there.
With the old Mississippi rolling along, big Don is powering ahead.
Geez if you do the math he cannot lose now.
But pinko Clinton is not yet forging ahead of the unstable Sanders.
Don has a fund of advice
“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”
When I was visiting with you I noted too much PC everywhere but particularly on your communist BBC.
You folks need a Trump. I thought Farage was the man but he seems a lightweight. I saw a piece comparing your Mayor with Trump but hell that man is a scatterbrain.
Don stays on message.
Love you all.
My bestest to Andy.
The young woman has a point you’ll find hard to argue against, she isn’t the only one, there are millions of them there (and here), and Donald wants to make the Republic great again, what with people like her?
To take it from her may do doable, to take it from others like her may engender a social upheaval not seen in anywhere for a while.
Frank P, March 8th, 2016 – 18:43
“…because he has a face that just begs to be punched.”
…and ‘ere’s annutherrun !
Krapski get special mentions and his smug coupon the in the DM today.
“Longworth claims vast scale of govt threats/bribes over EU; German embassy hosted BBC bigwigs at pro-Remain dinners”
Melanie Phillips
JJB 0706 is spot on with the PC BBC I would also add SKY and C4News. Listening to the BBCR4 political programmes and watching to SKY and BBC television a Martian would think the majority population was Brown and Muslim. It has gone too far. You never see a Chinese newsreader or presenter, nor a Polish one and they have a large population in the UK! Perhaps they prefer to work hard instead.
JJB’s point of having a Donald Trump type character turn politics upside down here does not reaalise that the politicians have sewn the whole scene up, They select the candidates, they have lists and it is all controlled. We are lost I am afraid.
One has only to look at the utter chaos in the EU to wonder why we are still in it abd why anyone would support staying in. I am afraid the majority will vote to stay.
The fact that Krapski has been allowed to get his wanking spanners on such important levers of power at No. 10 is both revealing and disturbing. He is a Gramscian mole – which throws doubt on Cameron’s entire modus operandi. Or perhaps I should say confirms our long held suspicions. A running dog in sheep’s clothing and Mutti has the dog-whistle.
The tech industry moguls of Silicone Valley are teaming up with leading Republican establishment figures in a last-ditch attempt to derail Trump after his routs in Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii last night. An incongruous crew. Another indicator of whence power emanates these days and it has little to do with ‘democracy’.
The Donald really is the fox in the chicken coop. Feathers flying like a January blizzard!
More popcorn, mother!
Baron – 00:14
Maybe Mr Boot was talking about the Russian soul? “Ah, soul!” I hear you say, but it would be a courageous man indeed question Vlad’s in the same breath.
Regardless of whether there is a ghost in the Russians’ machine or nooo, there can be no doubt that Russia gets into your bones, and whether you stay or go… it stays there!
Just like the acquired U238, Pu239, Sr90, Cs237 depending upon one’s domestic region, or even Po210 if you have made it out and live in London.
Interesting, I’ve never thought of Comrade Merkel in the role of Barbara Woodhouse. The latter had a far better dress sense.
“Sir Ed Davey. Three words that tell you everything you need to know about the worthlessness of Britain’s honours system, the backscratching, sod-the-electorate trashiness of its political class and the still, as-yet-unaddressed lunacy of its energy policy.”
James Delingpole
Add the swivelled eyed Sir (my arse!) Ed Davey to that list, Frank!
Thousands of troops head to Hungarian border as migration emergency declared
A MIGRATION emergency has been declared by the Hungarian government which has sent thousands of soldiers and police officers to the border over fears of escalating violence.
Click, click, click …
EC @ 14:24
One shouldn’t dig up the unpleasant past too much, it unsettles, EC, but the barbarian has come to the view that the report on the Po210 and its victims actually exonerates the two Russians. Do you know why?
It says in the report quite clearly the KGB furnished the ampulla with the radioactive substance without telling the two agents what it was.
How likely is it the two were not told what it was, what it can do, how the two should protect themselves from getting killed administering it? What if the one tipping over the poison into a cup of tea dropped it, or the container broke, or it couldn’t be opened, had to be discarded. One can never rule out any of this, it must have been considered, we’re not talking about a joke, but about killing someone, one wants to ensure it goes without a hitch.
Imagine you are told to pour the stuff into someone’s tea or coffee, wouldn’t you want to know if it kills him straight away? Your self-preservation would force you to ask questions, no?
And above all, unless the MI5 had an agent present when the vial passed between the KGB officer running the case and the two field agents how could the judge be sure ‘they were not told what it was’?
By inserting into the report the sentence, ‘the two agents were given the poison, but were not told what it was’, the judge, who couldn’t really find against the Russians, is telling everyone the charge is false, wrong, silly.
Any shortcomings in the logic in the above? Anyone?
EC @ 14:34
You sure dear old Barbara ha a better dress sense, EC?
Even if you’re right, Barbara could never control more than a handful of animals, the Mutti seems capable of controlling hundreds of millions, no shouting needed.
RobertRetyred @ 14:56
No question about it, Robert, we need no more newcomers from the lands of Allah, but then why someone doesn’t say it to Mutti. She’s still on record as late as today saying ‘they can come, should not be preventing from coming’.
If the fleeing people follow what she says, perhaps the Germans Army would construct something that would accommodate them more humanly, not the boys and young men, but the women with kids, and not only for reasons of humanity or altruism, we need to also prevent spreading of diseases, infections, epidemics amongst us.
Frank P @ 14:06
If Rubio and Kasich cannot hold their home states, Frank, Donald will be unstoppable, Baron reckons. And by the look of things, this may indeed be the case, but six days is a eternity in politics, let’s just keep out fingers crossed.
Baron – 16:27
Can we at least rule out suicide?
Colonel Mustard @ 12:50
It’s only now the barbarian clicked on the Guardian piece, Colonel, was astonished by the number of cases of domestic violence, the culprits in the two (out of the three cases), the ‘mildness’ of the sentences.
Nothing as yet has convinced Baron that capital punishment would fail to cut the number of murders, and not only in domestic violence. Hanging a few of the evil doers each year with nationwide publicity of it would work wonders, no equation about it.
EC @ 16:50
How cheeky of you, EC, you just hold on, the barbarian shall seek revenge, apply it cooly, mercilessly, turning the knife slowly …. (only joking).
and: sorry for the mistakes e.g. no question rather than equation, arghhh. It really is the software, mostly.
It has become quite clear that the Republicans on The Hill would rather see the HillBilliaries back in the White House than allow Trump to win. They know that ‘bizniss as usual’ would prevail with the Clintons. It’s the status quo that is important to them; party politics is merely part of the game and buggin’s turn ensues. Trump OTOH has no loyalty to the status quo and would kick over the tables and Trumpify the whole show. What that entails, nobody knows (including him) but it would be fun finding out.
The media pundits don’t know whether to shit or bust. Those writers attached to the Washington elite, like the National Review mag., whose carefully cultivated inside sources rely on ‘the machine politicians’ are briefing agin Trump.
Fox News is schitzo over Trump; some of their anchors want to go with Trump but it seems that Ailes is reining them in which means that Rupe is anti-Trump – but even Ailes wants to keep the ratings that Trump engenders.
They keep engineering crisis days, but as each highpoint arrives such as Super Tuesday, then they change their minds and create another crisis point to engender the ratings.
The punters love Trump and if the machine screws him unfairly, there will probably be a real backlash. But that brings me back to my point. Rather Hillary than the Donald for ALL the Washington insiders – regardless of party.
Even more popcorn, love! What!? Only peanuts left. Better pop up to Aldi. Peanuts get stuck in the ‘ampsteads and activate the ol’ diverticulitis.
What are you going to do with the £1,200 you have got back for every £120 you have invested in the EU ?
Cameron was asked to confirm this figure at PM QT by Julie Elliot (Labour) Sunderland Central. This is a seat where the majority of votes were caste by postal voting.
The BBC reports : her figures come from the highly dubious figures claimed by the CBI as per the benefits per family , divided by 2.4 to get a figure per person.The BBC also points-out this is a figure for 2011.The current one is £154.
The BBC news-site puts-up a page titled “EU Referendum Reality Check”. Briefly running through this , many of the figures support GO> . Looking down the page I see my figure for EU membership constituting a poll-tax of almost £3 per week per person (for every man,woman and child) still stands.[That is net payments divided by projected population of 65 million.]
Baron March 9th, 2016 – 16:58
I was interested to learn just how much of the domestic violence was “imported” – honour killings, witchcraft, etc. As that aspect is curiously disregarded in feminist lore around the issue where the canard of “cultural sensitivity” often arises. For example are cases of FGM considered to be domestic abuse and reported as such in statistics or do they remain a separate (and unprosecuted) category? That is one area where the usual suspects simply cannot deploy the whataboutery that “other” men are “just as bad”
Also the issue of female domestic violence against males which probably goes unreported in the main. If a couple have a violent row and start throwing pans at each other how is that dealt with and recorded by a politicised Plod hypersensitive to the notion of violence (only) against women?
As a society we seem to be heading towards the territory of women can do no wrong and men can do no right, precisely because both the wrongdoing and the law are being skewed in gender terms from a political imperative.
On the one hand supposed equality between the sexes is being peddled and on the other hand the vulnerability of women. How can it be a logical position that men are more physically capable than women in a domestic environment, reducing the women to a state of vulnerability, whilst the notion of women being sent into combat as infantry soldiers is also being promoted.
Silos and cherry picking to suit agendas again.
March 9th, 2016 – 14:49
When reading that (excellent) link it led me to notice this one – and even though I’ve never been a golfer
I found it so fascinating that I forgot all about the daft Sir Ed. Davey –
“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever”, eh?
Neil Bush (the faceless brother of Dubya and Jeb), has now endorsed the oily shyster Cruz. That should be another nail in his coffin. Then along comes the also ran Carly Fiorina and also jumps on the Cruz handcart. In view of Trump’s allusion to her boat race I took a closer look today. Poor woman, obviously her mother had to squeeze too hard during childbirth, hence the elongated head and pinched mush. Not nice of Trump to draw attention to it, but all’s fair in love and politics I suppose.
Herbert Thornton – 17:43
Yes, well spotted! An instantaneous cure for the “Ed Davey” blues. 🙂
In addition, what a refreshing change from the stereotypical image of “lady” golfers, aka “bunker chunkers.”
telemachus has been hacked
“The whole agreement is built on an illegal and unenforceable premise. Turkey has got €6 billion for doing absolutely nothing and the EU will get 2 million refugees at least. Time to exit this madhouse.
Baron > telemachus • 44 minutes ago
Erdogan needs the money to fill in the hole left by the Russians cutting on trading with them, telemachus, the refugees will be lucky if they are allowed to breathe when in Turkey.
telemachus > Baron • 32 minutes ago
Erdogan is playing a long game with the EU and they have fallen into his trap. He has been instrumental in the destabilisation of Syria so he can wage war on the PKK and has assisted the mass migration of those he doesn’t want into the EU so he can get money and political concessions. He is looking to become head of the Muslim world – an Ottoman Nasser – and the idiots Merkel, Junkers and Tusk are helping him.
Baron > telemachus • 29 minutes ago
What has engendered the epiphany, telemachus, are you feeling all right?”
International Womans’Day :
Title : 16,000 Kurdish women stayed to fight IS;millions of men fled to EU.
Brenda Backs Brexit!
One for P Eye, if they haven’t already done it.
Good for her. Wish I had been there when she eviscerated the Deputy Ponce Minister. Y’know I’m having a senior moment and can’t even remember his feckin’ moniker. And I can’t be arsed to even Google him.
telemachus @ 18:17
The only way out is a name change by deed poll, telemachus, but think of the lost reputation (amongst the two supporters for life Kevin and Edna Bonkers), the diluted notoriety (amongst the two supporters for life Kevin and Edna Bonkers), the hard slog in the years past to gain the two supporters for life ……
Frank P @ 19:50
The Sun isn’t backing off, Frank, the once leader of the confused party didn’t deny she had said it, merely said, the paper shouldn’t have dragged her into it, the MSM poodles cannot ignore it, have given it a Full Monty of publicity.
Good on her, she knows the chances of monarchy here surviving is unquestionably higher if we brexit rather than remain.
Why has Sky News blown out the cache of ISIS files which have been handed to them by an unnamed source, which allegedly (according to SIS) are the most important intelligence files ever discovered about ISIS?
Surely it negates most of its usefulness?
Summat stinks here! If Sky were asked to keep the lid on the find until all possible leads were exhausted and refused, the government should have raised merry hell. If the MI5/MI6/MOD/FCO didn’t demand it – why not? Hmmnn.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:43
Good point, Colonel, squaring a circle seems to be indeed in vogue.
Frank P @ 20:20
What’s this ISIS, SISIS, piSIS all about, Frank, you’ve lost Baron, explain, please.
Radford NG @ 19:35
Gender fluidity for real, Radford?
Cologne Police have arrested two men linked to the Islamic State, who may have been plotting terror attacks.
Two down, only 9,998 to go!
Judge Christopher Kinch QC should be elevated into the top judicial layer, a High Court seat would do it, a sensible man he, after all what the old geezers did was nothing more than an effort to re-distribute excessive wealth in an unusual and today rare time tested British tradition. No animals or humans were hurt in the making of the robbery.
Jon Voight Endorses Donald Trump for President
ROP being peaceful 🙂 in Paris:
An HR bungle 🙂 :
“Andrew Klavan dissects the primary results, and explains why no one ever sees anything coming, ever.”
A really amusing intro, followed by some interesting analysis.
(h/t Drudge Report)
Lets have our inside mans opinion on basil , the mystery man with the keys to let them in. And no one, police or gang have any idea apparently who he is.
I believe them, just as I believe in the tooth fairy and Father Christmas.
RobertRetyred March 9th, 2016 – 20:49
A latter day Frank Luke, going in against the balloons, regardless, and flaming them one after the other. Those ‘other’ Republicans and Hollywood pussies might hate him, decry his boorishness, but they shrink from the courage he shows to face the enemy and take them down, to take the worst they can give and give them back Hell.
Frank Luke, the greatest role Jon Voight never played but should have.
Baron (20:24)
Just in case you’re not taking the piss:
SIS = Special Intel Services
ISIS= Islamic State in Syria (or the River Thames to Oxford dreamers – unless that has now been renamed for poetical purity).
Now give me your esteemed opinion – as a seasoned (ex?) spook, about WTF is going on with, as Robert Retyred amusingly describes it, the ISIS HR bungle? And why the spooks didn’t demand (with suitable inducements or imperatives) that Sky keep the lid on their windfall until said spooks (or Old Bill, even) had completed enquiries.
John Birch (22:21)
An amusing account the Sweeney told today, but to be fair – at least SOME of the loot was recovered and six collars isn’t a bad haul. ☺
Nobody really knows the real value of the proceeds; I doubt that many of the ‘victims’ would care to declare what was really lost (one way or t’other).
As for ‘Basil’? Bwaahahahaha!
EC @ 22:17
The guy’s right Rubio’s finished, EC, he’s right that what’s on offer both by the Democrats and the GOP stinks, he’s right Donald talks nonsense (the vinery business, what TF has it to do with the country, its problems), but he’s also right ordinary people see Donald as an honest man, and that seems to cut it for them.
Frank P @ 23:03
Thanks, Frank, the enquiry was honest, Baron didn’t catch the news, (didn’t even know SIS existed), still knows little about the whole affair of the dossier, give him time to educate himself on it, when he does he’ll come back.
Frank P @ 23:03
Just the first impression, Frank.
What if the stick was handed over some time ago, the spooks have already examined it, passed it back to Sky, who pretend to have got it only now? Possible?
Baron (01:37)
Possible, indeed. But ISIS is still intact and active (even though there seems to be less bestial propaganda via ‘social media). I’m guessing that Sky paid the snitch – why else would he/she take it to Sky, rather than directly to the authorities? The spooks would pay for such a vital coup and keep schtum about the source – was there a bidding contest? The whistle-blower would be in dire danger once the detail of the information was made public because the source would be easily inferred – probably obvious to ISIS. The spooks could provide better protection than Sky. All seems a bit flaky to me. Non?
It’s difficult to apply any logic to these crazy bastards (I mean the jihadists not the spooks ☺). But all factions involved in this complex conflict are using the meeja for propaganda. So who knows?
Then there’s this:
The enemy within.
How Britain deports the wrong people – and only the wrong people
We can’t get rid of jihadis, sex gang ringleaders and drug lords – so we try to deport old ladies like Myrtle Cothill
Rod Liddle
Rod Liddle
12 March 2016
For once it seemed that we were getting tough. Our patience had apparently snapped. We had been worn down by the constant news stories about foreigners whom the UK government was unable to deport — the child rapists, the fraudsters, the thieves, the gangsters, the jihadis who want us all dead, and just your plain old common-or-garden illegal residents. It always seemed that the more vile and murderous the individual and the more misery he or she intended to wreak upon the rest of us, the more likely they were to be given leave to stay here by some idiotic judge. But Myrtle Cothill was a bridge too far. When the Home Office read the case of Cothill they knew something had to be done, sharpish. So for once they acted with ruthless rapidity and decisiveness: Cothill was told, in no uncertain terms, that she must get on a plane within four days — the Home Office stipulated a Tuesday morning — and return from whence she came. Get out and stay out.
Myrtle is a white South African widow aged 92 who wished to see out her final days with her daughter in the UK. Ha — tough luck, Myrtle, pull the other one, you devious cow. We know your kind. The Home Office even prepared to send an official along to Heathrow with Cothill — presumably in case she turned nasty or tried to do a runner.
She had committed no crime other than to overstay the period stipulated on her visa — and in doing that, she performed for us a considerable service, which we will come to.
Myrtle has now been told (a little grudgingly) by the Home Office that she can die here if that’s what she really wants. This volte-face is a consequence of the furore and astonishment that was whipped up when her case came to light — a petition with 150,000 names on it demanded she should be allowed to remain here. And so her story has a happy ending. But it also proved a very valuable point. Myrtle is just about the only person the Home Office is capable of deporting. In order to be deported from the UK, the alien must be possessed of the following characteristics. They must be white. They must come from a comparatively pleasant country. They must have a valid passport. They should pose no threat whatsoever to the rest of us. They should have committed no crime. Any illegal resident who manages to tick all of those boxes had better start packing a suitcase. The rest of them — the murderers, rapists, head-chopping maniacs et al — well, they can stay. As long as they like. Despite all Theresa May’s promises, she’s barely changed the number of foreign criminals we deport. It was 5,500 back in 2009 and the latest figure is 5,600.
The Home Office minister Richard Harrington has recently admitted that there are more than 30,000 known (an important qualifier) illegal asylum seekers who cannot be deported because he doesn’t know where to send them. They won’t tell him where they’ve come from, no matter how pleasantly he broaches his enquiries. And they’ve all burned their passports. So under the Dublin Convention none of them can be kicked out, and in any case Mr Harrington hasn’t got a clue what country they should be deported to. The number of illegal asylum seekers we manage to get rid of has halved over the past five years.
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But that’s just the arrivals who have as yet committed no crime other than to come here illegally. Once they’ve committed a crime, and preferably a very serious crime, it doesn’t matter how much money the taxpayer spends on the merry-go-rounds of the immigration courts, they ain’t going nowhere.
Take the case of a chap called Baghdad Meziane. Baghdad is a convicted al-Qaeda terrorist, with links to the maniacs who blew up Paris quite recently. He was convicted in a British court of raising money for al-Qaeda (and also of the ubiquitous credit-card fraud) and sentenced to 11 years in prison. At his trial the judge pointed out, perhaps unnecessarily, that Meziane was a very dangerous man and recommended deportation once his term of incarceration had expired. Fat chance, m’lud. Meziane was actually released from prison five years early — and allowed to resume a useful and productive life in his adopted home town of Leicester, rather than put on the first available plane to Algiers (from whence, despite that cunning forename, he originates). Baghdad argued that to deport him would contravene his human right to a normal family life. And so despite lengthy legally battles, Leicester is where he will remain.
Or there’s J1. That’s not his name, of course. We haven’t been told his name because that would breach his privacy, heaven forfend. J1 is a known friend and colleague of one Mohammed Emwazi, usually referred to by his stage name of Jihadi John, the Islamic State’s late and most revered head-chopping lunatic. J1 is known to be a senior organiser for Somalia’s exciting Islamic terror franchise, al-Shabab, and has links to the Muslim extremists who tried to blow up London on 21 July 2005. For five years we tried to kick him out, but we have now given up and he is not even under surveillance any more. Hell, there are so many of these murderous maniacs running around, how on earth can one keep tabs on all of them?
Or how about CS — yes, it’s that privacy thing again. But at least we know that CS is a Moroccan woman and the daughter-in-law of the hook-handed madman Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri, now serving a life sentence in the USA for terrorism-related offences. It’s the European Courts of Justice blocking her deportation, because she is the sole carer of her son in this country (yep, and you are of course the sole breadwinner for the both of them, incidentally). She was found smuggling a sim card into Hamza’s Belmarsh cell. Can’t get rid of her.
Tired of the jihadis? There’s always the child rapists. Shabir Ahmed, aged 63, is serving a 22-year sentence for having been the ringleader of a gang of Pakistani paedophiles in Rochdale. Ahmed is petitioning the European Court of Human Rights to prevent his deportation. He claims that his trial was ‘institutionally racist’ because 11 of the jury members were white (i.e., roughly proportionate to the UK population as a whole). The Home Office may fight, but I suspect Shabir will be staying with us.
We can’t even get rid of the -criminals who actively want to leave. Mohammed Faisal is a convicted ‘drug lord’ who is reportedly ‘desperate’ to get back to Pakistan. But we’ve messed up his papers, so he’s staying put.
And what of the Yardies? The Jamaican crims, blud. We couldn’t send them to serve their sentences in Jamaica because the prisons are so bad it would breach their human rights. So in desperation we’re spending £25 million on building them a nice prison there, maybe with views over Montego Bay.
There is a plethora of national and supra-national legislation protecting the rights of the foreign criminal: the Human Rights Act, the Dublin Convention, the -European Court of Human Rights, the European Courts of Justice. But none protecting the rest of us.
And yet the problem is largely of our own making, much though we may blame ‘Brussels’, the catch-all scapegoat for this ludicrous charade. Between 2001 and 2010 we deported nine jihadis from the UK. During the same period the French deported 129. They act first and ask questions later, without giving the villains a chance of appeal. But we’re British and do things by the book — as Myrtle Cothill discovered.
Europe’s folly has made it a civilisation under siege
The borders were thrown open and now it’s too late for second thoughts
Douglas Murray
12 March 2016
There are two great deportation games. One is the carousel which Rod Liddle describes opposite — but even this, for all its madness, pales alongside the border-security catastrophe unfolding on the continent. Thanks to geography and a few sensible decisions by our government, Britain has so far been spared the worst of the migrant crisis. But we should pity most of the other European countries, because they are losing control not just of their borders but of their civilisation and culture — the whole caboodle.
Defenders of Europe’s disastrous recent border policies are keen to point out the technical differences between illegal immigration, economic migrants and asylum claimants. But the reluctance to create any serious programme of removal for the first two is not only sapping public sympathy for the third, it is part of the same failure that allowed millions of migrants into the continent in the first place, without checking where they were from or considering the consequences of them coming.
A tolerance for illegal as well as legal immigration has become a European principle in recent years. But over the last 12 months that attitude has been turbo-charged. European leaders have been searching for a rationale for their madness. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s first justification for opening the doors of Europe lay in the minority of arrivals fleeing Syria. But as a far larger number of economic migrants arrived from across Africa, the Middle East and Far East, the rationale changed. Instead it became a wonderful opportunity for an ‘ageing continent’ to acquire a new influx of workers; a new generation to keep us all in the style to which we have become accustomed.
Almost nobody asks why this position was adopted at a time when youth unemployment rates in much of Europe are hovering around 50 per cent. But today even the European Commission admits that most of the people who came to Europe last year should not be here. In January, the Commission’s vice-president Frans Timmermans admitted that at least 60 per cent of recent arrivals were economic migrants, not asylum seekers. Not Syrians fleeing a war prolonged by Turkey and all the other Muslim states of the Middle East, but people who, in Timmermans’s words, ‘have no reason to apply for refugee status’.
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Now futile second thoughts are everywhere. Even Sweden, the self-proclaimed ‘humanitarian superpower’, has been doing some thinking. The country’s own interior minister, Anders Ygeman, recently admitted that of the 163,000 people to whom the country opened its arms last year, at least 80,000 might be fake asylum seekers in need of deporting.
When, exactly, will Sweden deport those people — given that it managed to deport just 4,000 last year? Over many ensuing years, as Mr Ygeman pretends? Or never, as everybody else knows?
Even when Sweden does manage to arrange a deportation notice, three-quarters of the subjects immediately disappear. And since nobody bothered to check who was coming in from where, no one knows where to send most of the ones they do find.
It is the same story in Germany. How could it be otherwise in a country which brought in up to one and a half million people last year? Is Germany ever going to deport the more than three-quarters of a million people (according to the Timmermans estimate) who entered the country last year under false pretences? Of course not. They will slip into the black economy, a new generation of workers who will be on the run from the authorities and the law. In time, they will bring their families to join them.
Europe is expecting a similar number of migrants to arrive this year, and now the situation is so bad that last week Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council — appealed to the world: ‘Do not come to Europe.’ Too late. Last year, he and Angela invited them. And due to the incompetence, blindness or weakness of Europe’s leadership, everyone stayed. At last beginning to panic, those same leaders spent last week trying to slow the flow of migrants from Syria by doing a deal which flings the doors of Europe open to the citizens of Turkey.
Europe truly is on a suicide mission. All we have to decide is whether we want to be a part of it.
Bordering on insanity
We can’t get rid of jihadis, sex-gang ringleaders and drug lords – so we try to deport old ladies
For once it seemed that we were getting tough. Our patience had apparently snapped. We had been worn down by the constant news stories about foreigners whom the UK government was unable to deport — the child rapists, the fraudsters, the thieves, the gangsters, the jihadis who want us all dead, and just your plain old common-or-garden illegal residents. It always seemed that the more vile and murderous the individual and the more misery he or she intended to wreak upon the rest of us, the more likely they were to be given leave to stay here by some idiotic judge. But Myrtle Cothill was a bridge too far. When the Home Office read the case of Cothill they knew something had to be done, sharpish. So for once they acted with ruthless rapidity and decisiveness: Cothill was told, in no uncertain terms, that she must get on a plane within four days — the Home Office stipulated a Tuesday morning — and return from whence she came. Get out and stay out.
Myrtle is a white South African widow aged 92 who wished to see out her final days with her daughter in the UK. Ha — tough luck, Myrtle, pull the other one, you devious cow. We know your kind. The Home Office even prepared to send an official along to Heathrow with Cothill — presumably in case she turned nasty or tried to do a runner.
She had committed no crime other than to overstay the period stipulated on her visa — and in doing that, she performed for us a considerable service, which we will come to.
Myrtle has now been told (a little grudgingly) by the Home Office that she can die here if that’s what she really wants. This volte-face is a consequence of the furore and astonishment that was whipped up when her case came to light — a petition with 150,000 names on it demanded she should be allowed to remain here. And so her story has a happy ending. But it also proved a very valuable point. Myrtle is just about the only person the Home Office is capable of deporting. In order to be deported from the UK, the alien must be possessed of the following characteristics. They must be white. They must come from a comparatively pleasant country. They must have a valid passport. They should pose no threat whatsoever to the rest of us. They should have committed no crime. Any illegal resident who manages to tick all of those boxes had better start packing a suitcase. The rest of them — the murderers, rapists, head-chopping maniacs et al — well, they can stay. As long as they like. Despite all Theresa May’s promises, she’s barely changed the number of foreign criminals we deport. It was 5,500 back in 2009 and the latest figure is 5,600.
It always seems that the more vile and murderous the individual, the likelier they are to be given leave to remain
The Home Office minister Richard Harrington has recently admitted that there are more than 30,000 known (an important qualifier) illegal asylum seekers who cannot be deported because he doesn’t know where to send them. They won’t tell him where they’ve come from, no matter how pleasantly he broaches his enquiries. And they’ve all burned their passports. So under the Dublin Convention none of them can be kicked out, and in any case Mr Harrington hasn’t got a clue what country they should be deported to. The number of illegal asylum seekers we manage to get rid of has halved over the past five years.
But that’s just the arrivals who have as yet committed no crime other than to come here illegally. Once they’ve committed a crime, and preferably a very serious crime, it doesn’t matter how much money the taxpayer spends on the merry-go-rounds of the immigration courts, they ain’t going nowhere.
Take the case of a chap called Baghdad Meziane. Baghdad is a convicted al-Qaeda terrorist, with links to the maniacs who blew up Paris quite recently. He was convicted in a British court of raising money for al-Qaeda (and also of the ubiquitous credit-card fraud) and sentenced to 11 years in prison. At his trial the judge pointed out, perhaps unnecessarily, that Meziane was a very dangerous man and recommended deportation once his term of incarceration had expired. Fat chance, m’lud. Meziane was actually released from prison five years early — and allowed to resume a useful and productive life in his adopted home town of Leicester, rather than put on the first available plane to Algiers (from whence, despite that cunning forename, he originates). Baghdad argued that to deport him would contravene his human right to a normal family life. And so despite lengthy legally battles, Leicester is where he will remain.
Or there’s J1. That’s not his name, of course. We haven’t been told his name because that would breach his privacy, heaven forfend. J1 is a known friend and colleague of one Mohammed Emwazi, usually referred to by his stage name of Jihadi John, the Islamic State’s late and most revered head-chopping lunatic. J1 is known to be a senior organiser for Somalia’s exciting Islamic terror franchise, al-Shabab, and has links to the Muslim extremists who tried to blow up London on 21 July 2005. For five years we tried to kick him out, but we have now given up and he is not even under surveillance any more. Hell, there are so many of these murderous maniacs running around, how on earth can one keep tabs on all of them?
Or how about CS — yes, it’s that privacy thing again. But at least we know that CS is a Moroccan woman and the daughter-in-law of the hook-handed madman Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri, now serving a life sentence in the USA for terrorism-related offences. It’s the European Courts of Justice blocking her deportation, because she is the sole carer of her son in this country (yep, and you are of course the sole breadwinner for the both of them, incidentally). She was found smuggling a sim card into Hamza’s Belmarsh cell. Can’t get rid of her.
Tired of the jihadis? There’s always the child rapists. Shabir Ahmed, aged 63, is serving a 22-year sentence for having been the ringleader of a gang of Pakistani paedophiles in Rochdale. Ahmed is petitioning the European Court of Human Rights to prevent his deportation. He claims that his trial was ‘institutionally racist’ because 11 of the jury members were white (i.e., roughly proportionate to the UK population as a whole). The Home Office may fight, but I suspect Shabir will be staying with us.
We can’t even get rid of the -criminals who actively want to leave. Mohammed Faisal is a convicted ‘drug lord’ who is reportedly ‘desperate’ to get back to Pakistan. But we’ve messed up his papers, so he’s staying put.
And what of the Yardies? The Jamaican crims, blud. We couldn’t send them to serve their sentences in Jamaica because the prisons are so bad it would breach their human rights. So in desperation we’re spending £25 million on building them a nice prison there, maybe with views over Montego Bay.
There is a plethora of national and supra-national legislation protecting the rights of the foreign criminal: the Human Rights Act, the Dublin Convention, the -European Court of Human Rights, the European Courts of Justice. But none protecting the rest of us.
And yet the problem is largely of our own making, much though we may blame ‘Brussels’, the catch-all scapegoat for this ludicrous charade. Between 2001 and 2010 we deported nine jihadis from the UK. During the same period the French deported 129. They act first and ask questions later, without giving the villains a chance of appeal. But we’re British and do things by the book — as Myrtle Cothill discovered.
So Peter Dominiczak, and Christopher Hope (10:43PM GMT 09 Mar 2016 DT) were correct
Tony Gallagher, Coulson successor and scion of Prince William has just confirmed to Sarah Montague that it was Gove who was the traitor who shopped the Queen
First this Darwinian social engineer destroys Education
And now the Monarchy
Pure pure evil
Dougy Murray has form to be quoted here
But Rod Liddle?
(See Wikipedia entry….. member of the Socialist Workers Party[6] remaining a member …)
6.^ Rod Liddle “Britain’s great divide: London versus the rest”, The Guardian, 5 June 2002
Re Liddle
More and more interesting
I was 16 and in the Socialist Workers party….. These days, my political beliefs are fractured and episodic. I have .. moments of blind, bitter, nihilism and afternoons of noble socialistic intent….
Well I guess that qualifies him
Who opened the bag, oh sorry, I did.
Donald gets it, but scan the postings, avoid missing the one from MattBracken.
telemachus @ 07:39
Shopping the Queen?
You seem to be so childishly naive, telemachus, it’s genuinely touching.
The Brexit crowd wanted people to know where HM stood, people may have more than suspected anyway, she’s been never ever anything but level headed, sensible, caring about the country, getting it confirmed cannot do any damage, on the contrary, it should boost the army of those voting to quit.
John birch @ 07:39
The great Rod’s right, no argument about it, John, except when he says ‘we are in large part to blame for the level of immigration’ (you’ve missed copying this bit).
We are fully to blame for the predicament we’ve got ourself into. To jump at the immigrants, blame them for coming here, settling here, claiming whatever they can get here is stupid, counterproductive, plays into the hands of those who engineered this takeover of the country.
It’s the ones we keep voting for who are to blame, the political wankers of the establishment. Fully, no question about it. They’ve been passing laws allowing the tsunamis of migrants to hit us, and now when we are unhappy, the newcomers are unhappy, the two unhappy crowds attack each other, the tossers who orchestrated the whole thing step in, say ‘now, now, come on, both of you, behave, if you don’t, we’ll punish you’.
Unless we stop voting the progressives in, go for a another crew of sensible candidates who care about the country nothing will change, ever.
Sorry, mistakes again e.g. ourselves and others.
Hard to say if Britain when she was policing the world made similar mistakes, Baron doubts it, would suggest that we dig out our statesmen of the past, they take charge, the Americans take on the role of executioners only, do as they’re told.
Re: Boot vs Sharapova
So far as I am aware, only of them has a cocktail named after them.(*) For that on court unsportspersonlike behaviour alone, Wimbledon should’ve blackballed the noisy tart years ago!
(*) No, it’s not the Moscow Mule, but sounds like a full throated Moscow mewl.
For those of you interested in things Russian this may be of interest, it gives the flavour of the shite the Russian unwashed are currently in, the rating of political figures, and what worries people. It’s not fully objective, nothing can ever be, whoever pens the piece can hardly ignore his or her allegiance to one site or the other, but in Baron’s humble view, this Helmer’s slicing of it seems reasonable.
EC @ 15:52
Agreed on the blackballing front, EC, she never was Baron’s darling anyway, and as far as scenting goes, the one the barbarian prefers, and has done for decades, is Acqua di Parma, unbeatable that.
What have Vlad & Lucrezia Borgia got in common?
Why of course, it’s that both have been depicted bare chested, but I’ve gotta say that Lucrezia is the looker! 😉
Judge Napolitano: “Clinton email scandal is not going away”
FOX News, March 10, 2016
EC @ 16:10
Nicely drawn, EC, but wrong of course. Why doesn’t he hold a small vial, or a glowing beaker for the benefit of the dimwitted like Baron who paid too much attention to the ‘strong words’ rather than the ‘cup of tea’?
Yesterday, a US District Judge George Daniels ruled Iran must pay $7.5 billion to the families of those who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11, also awarded $3.0 billion to a group of insurers for property damage.
Apparently, the reason for the decision is that some of those responsible for the atrocity had visited Iran before they committed it.
This comes as a surprise to Baron, he knew nothing of Iran’s involvement in the barbaric act of terror. The perpetrators were Saudis, and one of of the group who didn’t make it, (he was late for the flight, if memory serves) claimed in a US court some in Saudi Arabia knew about it. Or is there another explanation, does anyone know?
So know we know what the leaked ISIS documents hoo-hah is all about.
NTDWI! It’s those awful Ba’athists that have infiltrated and corrupted the devout jihadists.
Who is pulling whose pisser here?
Cameron is such a transparent Bullshitter. Surely it’s possible to find a PM who (a) keeps his gob shut when for strategic reasons he can’t tell the truth; or (b) when he has to lie for tactical reasons, can lie to his back teeth without showing out to his front ones.
His shrill denial that Brenda didn’t clean Cleggover’s clock over Brexit was sooo risible on TV bulletins tonight. Thank fuck he’s brarn bredd (politically) before the next election. It’s time for a grown-up in No. 10. Where o where will we find one?
All this crap about The Donald being ‘not presidential’ makes me chuckle. What do they mean: that he hasn’t had a blow job under the Oral Office desk yet? Or dunked his ceegar in an intern’s Berkeley?
I hope he continues to be unpresidential until the day, after he he has taken the oath of office, he bangs his fist on the Resolute Desk (like Kevin Spacey in House of Cards) and shouts, “NOW I’ll show you ‘presidential’, but it’ll presidential like ya never seen before!”
Enjoy! –
The Lynch mob at the DoJ need to to be fired, Frank. The sooner the better!
EC (22:15)
Perhaps it’s time to remind folks of what the acronym ‘RICO’ denotes:
“Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act”.
It was enacted to help law enforcement fight The Italian-American Mob – ‘Cosa Nostra’ and all associated ‘outfits’ including Jewish facilitators (accountants, shysters, etc).
I knew several of the prosecutors and academics who help frame the legislation. Those that are still alive are appalled by the way it has been corrupted and stretched to suit the ends of bent politicians. Those that have now passed on are spinning in their graves.
I guess all of them would be happy to use it to bust the whole Obama administration. The Global Warming/Climate Change scam has now become one of the most lucrative international organised crime rackets ever devised.
EC / Frank P (above)
Breitbart : ” US Attorney General – We may prosecute climate deniers “.
Also from Breitbart :-
Iceland’s PM : Britain has no influence in EU . We will negotiate a UK trade deal.
Norway’s £584 billion sovereign wealth fund will invest in Britain outside the EU.
I see Norfolk is suffering a bout of inflation:
99p Store in Norwich’s Castle Mall to become Poundland
Herbert (22:09)
Thanks – I did!☺
Btw Herbert – caught the photo op: your PM with the POTUS. Had to look away; four limp wrists in one frame – just too much to bear. ☺
Our lives in their hands. Ugh!
President Embalmer gets down and dirty in a verbal rumble with other globalist misleaders of former nation states:
The Daily Bellylaugh is not taking comments on this article. In compensation, it does provide a link to this:
‘When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did – in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car.’
Bob Monkhouse (1928-2003)
Malfleur – 02:07
“When I was at school and I told everyone that I wanted to become a comedian everybody laughed. Well, they’re not laughing now…”
Bob Monkhouse
RIP Bob. You are greatly missed, by me at any rate, along with all the other departed old school, pre PC, comedians.
Does anybody here know why…
1) How can power companies (eg. NPower) can be in financial difficulties when they’ve been shamelessly milking/ripping off their customers for the last n years?
2) Given the ongoing slump in oil prices, why pump prices didn’t go even lower, an why they’ve just started to creep up again ? (in my area at any rate)
3) Exactly what use to the public good are the highly paid sinecure-rats known as “the regulators?”
EC March 11th, 2016 – 10:58
The regulators are all useless. British Gas were reported to have over charged their customers to the tune of hundreds of pounds in 2014 and 2015. Not a single shred of pressure to repay their ripped off customers, let alone any regulatory requirement to do so, has been deployed by either the regulator or the government.
The tariffs are still set up to hoodwink customers and extract the maximum cash from them. The baloney about choice, switching and asking for the right tariff is just that, baloney. The consumer must jump through hoops to get fair dealing and the government and the regulators facilitate that by pandering to corporate cronyism.
When I complained about this my MP replied that the government does not intervene in the contractual arrangements between private companies and their customers and yet they are doing just that with their bloomin’ Snoopers Charter and their plans to censor the internet.
EC – 10:39
When the commodity being transported becomes a third of its value, the fixed costs become relatively larger. When the market is distorted by government subsidy, control and an ignorance beyond imagination, which mandated for anyone at DECC, and a desire manipulate, anything can happen:
“Unsurprisingly the massive losses stemmed in large part from the area of power generation, where sales fell 34%. The operation of gas-fired power plants is no longer profitable due to the low prices on the energy exchanges.
Worse, the low prices from excessive production are not even making their way to the consumers. Although generated power is sold at low prices on the exchange markets due to surplus production from wind and sun, consumers are getting no benefit. German consumers are now paying near record prices for electricity (approx. €0.29/kw-h). Often coal-fired power plants run idle as well. experts have warned that the Energiewende may cost German consumers a trillion euros.”
RobertRetyred @ 17:10
What else to expect, Robert, when the politicians force the energy companies to buy electricity from solar cell based households? Serves them right.
You recall the Chinese households encouraged to make steel in their backyards when the communist principles ruled the economic model of the country? A similar idiocy to the energy model promoted in the West today. And the negative implications for all of us are far from over. Lunacy, unquestionable madness.
To break the purely pro-Western orientation of the postings this week, here comes three pieces of news linked to our new friends, Ukraine:
A high powered commission set up by President Poroshenko has reported on the state of the Ukrainian Navy: not enough to eat, deserting sailors, nepotism galore (source: An Odessa on-line paper called
Last year, 559 servicemen deserted, only 122 got caught (total count of naval forces: 9,000), this year already 87 have gone missing, the Navy shows reluctance to bring them back, covers the desertions up. The food is sub-standard, almost indigestible, no reserve stocks exist in case of an emergency. Drunkenness is widespread.
In spite of being warned not to travel to Crimea after the peninsula was annexed by Russia, 155 Navy officers ignored the warning, spent holidays there, amongst them the man who commands the service (from March 2014), Vice-Admiral Hayduk, whom the Russian arrested whilst he was relaxing on a Crimean beach, shipped back to Ukraine, ‘a rather embarrassing incident for the Ukrainian Armed Forces’, says the report.
The Commander in Chief of the Navy is now also blamed for failing to destroy secret files kept in Crimea at he time of the referendum, his son was chosen to attend an English course in Canada even though he shouldn’t have qualified, has no knowledge of the language, a step daughter of one of Hayduk deputies is a member of the General Staff. The paper also says other branches of the Armed Services suffer similar ‘shortcomings’.
The Americans have a job to turn it around, it would seem.
The personal choice of ‘fugg-the-EU Victoria Newland for the post of PM, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, hasn’t performed in the job, the GDP has sunk almost a fifth in the last two years, corruption flowers more than before, salaries and wages of state employees haven’t been paid for months, the country’s election has been postponed indefinitely, the approval rating for him (and the other top Government officials and the President himself) are lower than those for Yanukovych and his cronies .. ….
The solution? The current Minister of Finance Natalya Yaresko can become the new Prime Minister of Ukraine instead. It’s been rumoured for days she is to take over, but Victoria obviously hasn’t made up her mind yet. Yaresko’s a US citizen of Ukrainian parentage, adopted Ukrainian citizenship after Maidan.
The Western MSM have kept suspiciously quiet about the new failed state on the EU eastern borders. Why? To explain it cannot be easier. It’s bloody Putin who has been fugging it up for the Ukrainian leadership, simples.
On a more serious note.
As Baron told you before, it will take min 2-3 generations to combat the legacy of communism, of which corruption, bribing, nepotism are but three warts that anger the unwashed most, but sadly, still a large number of them engage in it, too, at every level, to a varying degree.
It’s worse now than before, and not only in Ukraine, in other former satellites of the USSR where the West, the Americans in particular, intervene. Officials backed by the West feel that much more secure, sheltered, protected by ‘democratic forces’, and also because the money’s bigger. Before the Americans appeared on the scene, it was only ‘local’ money, now it’s the ‘assistance’ cash as well, the ‘reward’ of pilfering is that much more lucrative.
And lastly, the MSM here have missed on the trial of an Ukrainian pilot turned freedom fighter Nadiya Savchenko. She was tried in Moscow for the murder of two Russian journalists, in custody went on dry hunger strike then came off, is allegedly thinking of resuming the strike again.
Facing the judge, she always wears a T-shirt with the symbol of the Right Sector (the same one chosen by the Bandera movement after WW2, an alleged mutation of the swastika), and doesn’t mince her words. On one occasion she shouted ‘Putin’s the murderer, he should stand trial not me’ (the omni-all one must love it), not the smartest of moves in Putin’s Russia.
President Poroshenko has promised her mother she’ll be back in Ukraine soon, said also publicly he would be ready to exchange her (for whom of what he didn’t say).
and apologies for the errors s.
Sorry: errors
EC @ 10:58
How about penning a letter to your MP, EC?
(The barbarian has made a similar complaint months ago, hasn’t got an answer yet).
Colonel Mustard @ 12:58
Seconded, Colonel.
Malfleur @ 02:07
(It’s indeed the boy’s fault, Malfleur, the ‘licking’ hasn’t been pleasing enough, he must try harder, ha, ha, ha, but what matters is the special relationship didn’t get dented, it’s still here, benefits the Americans).
It’s rich coming from the Americans who’ve managed to mess up everywhere they visited from Afghanistan to Ukraine. It was American money and weaponry in Syria, too, their backing for the Syrian rebels that gave birth to ISIL, the unceasing flow of refugees to Europe, the irrevocable islamisation of the Old Continent.
The sooner Donald takes over, the better, for all of us.
Another tour de force from Sultan Knish:
Brilliant in concept and eloquent in exposition. Don’t miss it.
Stupidity re-badged as charity.
“The first test of any government is security. Brussels fails that test. Attempting to represent an invasion as humanitarian resettlement is a symptom of the depth of EU incompetence. With no border controls, documentation, and vetting; the European door is open to division and national sedition. Indeed, migrants are destroying their papers of origin and refusing to be “processed” unless they are allowed their destination of choice. The arrogance of dependency is mind boggling…”
Liddle in the rough end of the trench….
Newsletter 2016/03/09 – The West’s Two-Pronged Strategy (I)
BERLIN/MOSCOW (Own report) – German foreign policy experts have
noticed the EU’s change of tune regarding its policy towards Ukraine
and sanctions against Russia. According to a representative of a
German party-affiliated foundation in Brussels, EU diplomats’
“patience with Kiev is noticeably coming to end” in view of Ukraine’s
desolate development and the oligarchs’ persistent intrigues. In
reference to internal debates, the foundation’s representative has
also confirmed that voices are growing “louder” with wishes to “renew
a constructive approach” toward Moscow, “not only at the economic” but
also at the political level. The same applies to the recent Normandy
Format ministerial meeting on the Ukrainian crisis. The German
business community is also increasing its pressure to end the
sanctions, because it is missing out on too many lucrative deals with
Russia. A recent survey among German entrepreneurs has revealed that
only twelve percent of the respondents are in favor of maintaining
sanctions. In the energy sector, which, thanks to Angela Merkels
engagement, has been excluded from sanctions, the German Linde AG was
able to land a three-digit million Euro deal in January. At the
beginning of this year, Linde CEO Wolfgang Büchele was named Chair of
the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (OA).
Noa (21:00)
Thanks for the heads up on Donovan’s essay. Utterly brilliant. Encapsulates everything we’ve been saying here and elsewhere for years. And then some.
And thanks too for Rod’s potpourri of pungent satire. I needed that after the serious shit in Donovan’s piece.
One wonders whether anyone refers this stuff to the in-tray at No.10. And if it ever reaches the eyes of the cabinet, whether there are any joined up synapses working behind the minces of the whole scaley bunch? I think I know your answer to that.
Noa @ 21:30
Typical of the Germans to negotiate an exception for the energy sector, Noa, and rather telling that it should be accepted by other EU members. The sanctions are unquestionably harming Russia’s economy, but they aren’t helpful to the economies of the EU members either.
The sanctions, or rather Russia’s ban on many agricultural products because of them, has done wonders for import substitution, Russia’s imports of stuff like cheese, pork, bacon, eggs, fruits and whatever have been slashed by almost half already from the insane level of $40.0bn pa.
Btw, the brainless Hammond and the boy are saying the KGB Colonel is dreaming of Britain doing a brexit. Dreaming he probably is, dealing with the EU sans Britain would be that much easier for him, the Germans would be rather accommodating (they are the largest inward investors in Russia), but did he (Putin) actually express a view? The honorary Muslim opposes our quitting the monstrosity, as does the Chinese Premier, but Putin hasn’t said anything on it, or has he (and Baron’s missed it)?
Noa @ 21:13
The great Liddle gets two things wrong, Noa:
The EU money for the Turks will come handy, the loss of trade and tourist money from Russia is hurting the Turkish economy quite seriously, it’s losing billions of dollars, the poor immigrants will be lucky to see much of the cash.
Also, we may not be a part of the Schengen agreement on free movement within the subscriber countries, but when the newcomers are granted permission to stay in the EU, they will be free to move to Britain, too, legally, no questions asked, nothing and nobody could stop them.
Noa @ 21:00
The link, Noa, is from October 2015, you’ve missed it because of your absence from the blog, it was posted here before.
A link to Donovan’s take on Islam, and what has to be done is below. Equally superb, the man should be elevated to the world’s top executive position without delay.
The delicious irony of 7 years of Cameron arse-licking the Alinski-ite Obama being repaid with a broadside of criticism from the POTUS for not pulling his weight in the Libyan fiasco is the best news of the year, so far.
I’ve yet to see CMD’s response. The fact that both of them are as guilty as hell for the whole sorry affair is even more risible.
Fox News are reporting a ‘massive’ protest outside a Trump rally in a Chicago stadium. Obviously contrived by the ‘stop Trump’ cabal. It’s a quite small mob of rent-a-crowd nutters, but Fox News are whipping it up to an anti-Trump frenzy.
Once again The Donald grabs the headlines, thus negating any adverse effect.
What will happen if some of the hairier Trump supporters leave the rally remains to be seen. Watch this space.
Mike Lee, Utah Senator endorses Crutz. The Mormon Mafia strikes again.
Trump has cancelled the rally due to security risk. A few black activists inside the stadium are trying to foment as punch-up. Police very thin on the ground inside, but outside they have divided the crowds into pro and anti Trump groups.
Apparently the rally was postponed at request of Chicago police. First Amendment v First Amendment.
First Amendment loses!
The donkey wallopers have now been called in. Hardly a case for the cavalry, really. But Fox are stirring the shit, obviously for ratings, as ever. Apparently Trump didn’t even leave his hotel. Nonetheless he got a full hour’s coverage during On the Record slot and it looks as though O’Reilly has been bumped, too. As far as Trump is concerned it’s good publicity.
Obviously organised via Twitter and Facebook if not indeed BY Twitter and Facebook after the anti-Trump cabal of California tech moguls met the GOP hard noses yesterday.
I guess Trump is now planning how to play the media to his advantage.
Frank P
It is not just any old Chicago stadium. It is the Chicago Pavilion on the campus of the UNIVERSITY of Illinois. So the poison injected into the education system over the years is now showing its symptoms at the heart of American democracy.
h/t Drudge
Btw Cruz has been exposed as a Bush family shill.
“Eric King: “Larry, I’ve got a quote here from Frank Zappa:
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it is profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Eric King continues: “Your thoughts on that.”
Larry Lindsey: “Wow … Wow. Well, we’re still in illusion time…
Larry Lindsey continues: “And I think we still have a little bit more than illusion. I mean there are illusions of freedom, but what they are doing now, in your story, is they are building the brick wall behind the curtain. And we have to knock down that brick wall before it gets complete.”
Meanwhile Hillary Rodham puts her foot in it by offending the second most violent group in America : the ones the most violent group want to kill.
Hillary mistakenly identifies Nancy Reagan as promoting discussion of A.I.D.S.–prompting outrage .
Two cliches which have been sleeping and are now due for a run around the yard:
Throw the bums out!
When America sneezes, England catches cold.
Trump has kept the conversation going on Hannity for almost the full hour by phone. So in the end he got more coverage than he would have if the rally had gone ahead. Masterly. And tomorrow’s bulletins will be loaded with Trump Trump Trump as The Donald starts his own Long March to the White House.
Go Donald!
President Trump ? Comments from `The Salisbury Review`.
(Precis….[when did you last hear that word ?].)
Trump….scares the bejesus out of the neocons ;less to do with his positions than with the difficulty neocons & the GOP establishment would have in managing him.
Trump is the opposite of the amiable dolt before Obama and whom advisers talked into launching a `preventive war`against Iraq.
The Republican establishment want a show down with Russia , which they tell their constituents is an extension of the Soviet tyranny ; or else a repressive nationalist regime that persecutes homosexuals.
[End of precis.]
Apotheosis and the beginning of the end
Trump said “He talked about the water company. Well, we sell water. We have water, and it’s a very successful, you know, it’s a private little water company, and I supply the water for all my places, and it’s good. It’s very good. We have steaks. Where are the steaks? We have Trump steaks. He said the steak company and we have Trump steaks…We have Trump magazine. He said Trump magazine is out. I said it is. I thought I read one two days ago…and the airline by the way, I sold the airline.”
Donald Trump then whined about the media not reporting the truth about Trump University, and that he has people that want to get back into Trump University. The “press conference” was a deranged event where most of the event was spent on Trump discussing his wealth and how great he is, but he had nothing to offer regarding policy.
Trump did promise that if he is elected president, he will make the country say Merry Christmas again. Of course, the country never stopped saying Merry Christmas, but Donald Trump gets his information from Fox News, so he believes that the war on Christmas is real.
After 20 minutes plus of deranged rambling where Trump promised things that have already happened like bringing the auto industry back, and that he will win states that he owns property in because property ownership means that he loves the state.
Donald Trump might be clinically insane, and Republican voters are on the verge of making him their presidential nominee.
Baron 00.03 + 00.17
Sharp as ever Baron, both comments, and inciteful too.
Funny isn’t it, how Wormtongue insinuates HM’s view on the Scottish referendum when it suited him and squeals like a herniated Tom when She is supposed to have said something about leaving the EU that he doesn’t?
IMHO Your Majesty, I petition you to forego the succession by your eldest silver spoon and go straight to the son of James, Henery the Nineth. Who if he was to follow the precedents set by the last H, would consign the veritable vipers’ nest of Westminsterphiliacs to the Tower for axe practice.
Donald Trump actually gets his information, in part, from the Alex Jones Show (Infowars), the Savage Nation, and Drudge Report.
telemachus seems more articulate than usual. Could it be there has been a re-shuffle in his group with the more batty moved to the rear as the crisis for the globalists grows sharper?
“Ted Cruz, A Bush By Another Name” “Neil Bush, the son of President George H. W. Bush, who defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of $1.5 billion dollars in the savings and loan scam, and later peddled influence for the Chinese government, (who plied him with Chinese prostitutes) has formally endorsed Senator Ted Cruz for president. You can’t make this stuff up.”
As usual – a large offering of distorted bollocks.
You are quoting from a previous Trump rally, not the one in Chicago that was cancelled last night by Trump at the suggestion of police and Secret service.
The previous rally you cite and your inaccurate verbals involved Trump refuting allegations that he is not the successful business man, hence the steak and water skit. It was theatre. Razzmatazz. American hokum.
The rally last night was disrupted: by a concerted mob, comprising a mixture of ” black lives matter”: left wing students organised by “Move on. org and some Cruz supporters organised by the GOP elite who want to stop Trump at any price.
While you have been studying RT and similar Warsaw pact propaganda and Marxist websites, I’ve been living EST and knobbing the American primaries since they started. You and the Alinaki-ite Clinton mob are obviously now afraid that Trump has traction.
This was all part of the usual concerted effort to stifle free speech throughout the West in favour of the unholy alliance of Islamic jihad and Gramsci’s Long March. We know which side you’re on. Get off Tariq Ali’s tit.
Go Trump.
And this was a week ago
P.S. Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.
But it only works if the conservatives put up a good candidate. A good smart conservative to face the liberal candidate so they can have a good argument and the country can decide which way to go this time.
Trump is not that. He’s an insane bigot. He is dangerous.
He already said he would expand libel laws to sue anyone who “writes a negative hit piece” about him. He says “I would open up the libel laws so we can sue them and win lots of money. Not like now. These guys are totally protected.” He said that. He has promised to decimate the first amendment. (If you think he’s going to keep the second amendment intact you’re delusional.) And he said that Paul Ryan, speaker of the house will “pay” for criticizing him. So I’m saying this now because if he gets in there we won’t be able to criticize him anymore.
Please pick someone else. Like John Kasich. I mean that guy seems okay. I don’t like any of them myself but if you’re that kind of voter please go for a guy like that. It feels like between him and either democrat we’d have a decent choice. It feels like a healthier choice. We shouldn’t have to vote for someone because they’re not a shocking cunt billionaire liar.
We should choose based on what direction the country should go.
I get that all these people sound like bullshit soft criminal opportunists. The whole game feels rigged and it’s not going anywhere but down anymore. I feel that way sometimes.
And that voting for Trump is a way of saying “fuck it. Fuck them all”. I really get it. It’s a version of national Suicide. Or it’s like a big hit off of a crack pipe. Somehow we can’t help it. Or we know that if we vote for Trump our phones will be a reliable source of dopamine for the next four years. I mean I can’t wait to read about Trump every day. It’s a rush. But you have to know this is not healthy.
If you are a true conservative. Don’t vote for Trump. He is not one of you. He is one of him. Everything you have heard him say that you liked, if you look hard enough you will see that he one day said the exact opposite. He is playing you.
In fact, if you do vote for Trump, at least look at him very carefully first. You owe that to the rest of us. Know and understand who he is. Spend one hour on google and just read it all. I don’t mean listen to me or listen to liberals who put him down. Listen to your own people. Listen to John Mccain. Go look at what he just said about Trump. “At a time when our world has never been more complex or more in danger… I want Republican voters to pay close attention to what our party’s most respected and knowledgeable leaders and national security experts are saying about Mr. Trump, and to think long and hard about who they want to be our next Commander-in-Chief and leader of the free world.”
When Trump was told what he said, Trump said “Oh, he did? Well, that’s not nice,” he told CBS News’ chief White House correspondent Major Garrett. “He has to be very careful.”
When pressed on why, Trump tacked on: “He’ll find out.”
Do you really want a guy to be president who threatens John McCain? Because John McCain cautiously and intelligently asked for people to be thoughtful before voting for him? He didn’t even insult Trump. He just asked you to take a good look. And Trump told him to look out.
Remember that Trump entered this race by saying that McCain is not a war hero. A guy who was shot down, body broken and kept in a POW camp for years. Trump said “I prefer the guys who don’t get caught.” Why did he say that? Not because he meant it or because it was important to say. He said it because he’s a bully and every bully knows that when you enter a new school yard, you go to the toughest most respected guy on the yard and you punch him in the nose. If you are still standing after, you’re the new boss. If Trump is president, he’s not going to change. He’s not going to do anything for you. He’s going to do everything for himself and leave you in the dust.
So please listen to fellow conservatives. But more importantly, listen to Trump. Listen to all of it. Everything he says. If you liked when he said that “torture works” then go look at where he took it back the next day. He’s a fucking liar.
A vote for Trump is so clearly a gut-vote, and again I get it. But add a little brain to it and look the guy up. Because if you vote for him because of how you feel right now, the minute he’s president, you’re going to regret it. You’re going to regret it even more when he gives the job to his son. Because American democracy is broken enough that a guy like that could really fuck things up. That’s how Hitler got there. He was voted into power by a fatigued nation and when he got inside, he did all his Hitler things and no one could stop him.
Again, I’m not saying vote democrat or vote for anyone else. If Hilary ends up president it should be because she faced the best person you have and you and I both chose her or him or whoever. Trump is not your best. He’s the worst of all of us. He’s a symptom to a problem that is very real. But don’t vote for your own cancer. You’re better than that.
That’s just my view. Trump has nothing to do with politics or ideology. He has to do with himself. And really I don’t mean to insult anyone. Except Trump. I mean to insult him very much. And really I’m not saying he’s evil or a monster. In fact I don’t think Hitler was. The problem with saying that guys like that are monsters is that we don’t see them coming when they turn out to be human, which they all are. Everyone is.
Trump is a messed up guy with a hole in his heart that he tries to fill with money and attention. He can never ever have enough of either and he’ll never stop trying. He’s sick.
Which makes him really really interesting. And he pulls you towards him which somehow feels good or fascinatingly bad. He’s not a monster. He’s a sad man. But all this makes him horribly dangerous if he becomes president. Give him another TV show. Let him pay to put his name on buildings. But please stop voting for him. And please watch Horace and Pete.
Alinski-ite, (typo above). Sri.
Back to cut ‘n’ pasting (agitprop biz as usual).
Oborne eviscerates Cameron in similar fashion to the bayonetorectomy he arranged for Mummer Gaddafi:
Is Krapski about to get his commupence?
Noa (15:58)
I doubt it, No.They’ll just find another subterranean posting for him to produce his Gramscian spiel. At least we’re upsides with his progress and can
Keep a listening watch – keep the info flowing. No Frasier here to shut us up. Just the resident troll with his text-book agitprop. The Colonel will sort that minor pestilence. Cameron naivety?
Hmmn! For some time now I’ve suspected worse and the twat confirms it as every day unfolds.
telemachus @ 14:05
Up to when the tosser who penned this trash says ‘the guy is Hitler’, was all Baron was prepared to read, telemachus, not a word more, that was enough. Only someone who knows less than FA about Adolf, and about as much about Donald could say it.
(For reasons not relevant for the point) the barbarian gets into many households, has a chance to get a glimpse of how other people live. Today, he visited a house, the TV was on, al-Jazeera Newshour on the screen, running Donald addressing a rally in Ohio.
The clip was short, all about the need to protect the first amendment, the right for free speech, nothing more, in a typical Donald’s style he repeated it, then again, only the structure of the sentences change, the words were the same.
The al-J’s anchor said: It’s always the same from the man ‘a hate filled rhetoric …”
What? Hate filled rhetoric’? There was nothing smelling of hate, not bit of it, unless the verb ‘protect’ were to be twisted, one were to imply that it may mean ‘protection using force’.
This is the Achilles heel of anyone attempting to dent the progressives’ hold on power, Donald fits into the challenger category well, disrupting his rallies, claiming he ‘divides’ the country, turns ‘people against people’, is not ‘a unifier’ is the weapon used more and more to stop him.
The honorary Muslim set his stall up talking about unifying the Republic, making the Americans a monolithic entity, removing barriers dividing the society under the banner of ‘hope and change’. And look at the result, the country’s divided more than ever, the hate of the progressives is boiling over, American has never been as ill at ease with herself.
Btw, the barbarian has asked the guy why al-Jazeera, the answer was ‘why not, they’re all lying, it makes no difference which channel one watched’.
and this, telemachus, on your darling woman (it links to what Frank was pointing to few days ago):
Surprised at you really Baron, reading tetley’s troperies and falsehoods…
Life’s too short…
Noa @ 15:58
Excellent link, Noa, when Simon gets angry he’s unbeatable, and here it’s raw anger that has guided his pen.
You know what puzzles the barbarian? He assumed that the politicos both here and in Brussels would do everything, whatever the cost, to suppress any piece of news, to avoid any action, to hide everything in the run up to the referendum that could push the unwashed to vote for brexit. Amazingly, they seem rather keen to do the opposite.
Take the idea that Turkey should again revive the talks on accession to the EU as a reward for saving us from what (say) a million or two of refugees, i.e. the EU will get enlarged with 75 million Muslims in 3-4 years rather than of 1-2 million in the next 2-3 years? Now, that’s going to go down rather well with the vast majority of the unwashed already fed up with what we’ve got so far?
The election in the three German states tomorrow will tell us something about the future of Europe and the Mutti, too.
Baron (17:49)
Thanks for the Herridge/Brown link.
Great inside intel. They have been on the case since the first inset. No-one with better sources.
I just hope that Comey has the cojones to strike with an indictment recommendation and that his team resign en bloc if the Lynch mob refuses to prosecute her because of Obama pressure. After all the first Alinski-ite President has nothing to lose and he wants to see another Alinski-ite pupil replace him in the Shite House.
Noa @ 18:01
We’re all sinners, Noa, the poorly educated Slav’s no exception, he’s sorry to say, but then, it was only a dozen words or so.
… onset not inset – fecking auto corrector!
And so the rot continues….
Nick Watt, the Guardian chief political correspondent, has been appointed the new BBC Newsnight political editor.
h/t Guido
If anyone can switch frequencies, here’s something that may excite, a high placed Russian dies in a shabby Washington hotel, someone allegedly hit him with a hammer, and not just once. A man who should know about these things is suggesting the expired apparatchik may have had connections with the secret service of the country where he met his maker.
Baron knows next to nothing about it even though the TV Rain has been going on about the death for days if not weeks (the authorities in the Republic have been rather slow to move on it), but to him it smells more of a KGB involvement than the polonium case.
Frank P @ 18:11
Temper, temper, Frank.
The worrying thing on the saga of the Clinton woman is that nothing has happened yet, Frank. The FBI has to come clean, either charge her i.e. get her to face the Grand Jury, or drop it. So far, it seems it has benefitted her more than Donald, people feel she may be victimised for reasons of politics. Baron suspects the top FBI men are playing for time, waiting to see which way the election’s likely to go. After all, they have mortgages to pay, kids to educate, wives to make happy, no?
Baron 18.06
A sharp observation. I’ve thought the same.
I can only explain it as hubris. Cameron has been given his gruel, sent home to feed it to the peasantry whilst the commissars get on with the real business of negotiating with Erdogen, using our money of course.
And they don’t really want to curb the migrants of course, just keep the citizenry quiescent.
Hopefully Mutti will get it in the ballot box tomorrow; but we cannot overestimate the residual war guilt of the new Germany…
Oh dear, Julie Bindel won’t be welcome back into to the feminists’ third fold anytime soon! No doubt UK Universities will continue to ban her from speaking for “Health & Safety” reasons. Good of her to speak up, though.
“It’s Sharia, Not Alcohol, That Threatens Women”
This from over the water to the West, embarrassingly un-PC:
Went to our local bar with my wife last night. Locals started shouting “pedophile!” and other names like that, just because my wife is 27 and I’m 50. It completely spoiled
our 15th anniversary.
My son was thrown out of school today for letting a girl in his class give him a hand-job. I said “Son, that’s three schools this year! You’d better stop before you’re
banned from teaching altogether.”
A man calls 911 and says “I think my wife is dead.” The operator says, “How do you know?” The man says, “The sex is about the same, but the ironing is piling up!”
EC 18.15
So, by importing a Guardianista, the BBC seeks to fight failure with failure.
I started looking for where it features in the viewing figures but gave up after ennui set in… if it has more than a dozen viewers marvelling at the thought of Evan’s dick ring I’d be very surprised.
This is the latest score, Donald’s ahead, Cruz’s cruising (sic) second, perhaps too close for comfort, what pleases the barbarian is the little rubbery Rubio si trailing, and badly. The guy’s strong resemblance to the ghastly Blair makes any clip with him in it unwatchable.
A pundit on one of the US TV network s was bleating something about pledged and unpledged delegates, lost everyone, certainly Baron, does this division matter?
How do we get to post?
Just like that!
But if you are another Telemachus sobriquet, beware! Here be dragons!
Noa – 18:36
A ‘no show’ for Evan’s Newsnight but he limps in with Dragons’ Den. Paxo eclipses both with University Challenge.
It appears that BRexit campaign really need to target the audiences of Call The Midwife, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Ant & Dec if they are going to get a result on June 23rd
Limps? Lisps in more like.
And Brexit definitely needs breasts to succeed. Wall to wall mammaries will do it. Never mind Jeremy Paxman, we want Jeremy Kyle exposing the EU!
Feckless fathers of ten and fat workshy women, writihng and fighting on stage with Wolfgang Scheuble interposing his wheelchair between them. Van Rumpey exposing his secret vice for oranges and chainware and Angela explaining a string of serial lovers.
Or perhaps that might all backfire. Make Brussels look vaguely interesting and what passes for human these days.
Ah well, Doomed if we do, doomed if we don’t.
With the money saved, we could keep our libraries open:
HS2 at risk of derailing at top speeds, report finds
Secret research for the rail project warns of catastropic (sic) track failure without costly alterations
What with that and John Longworth’s counterattack, CMD is becoming more of a liability every day! 🙂
David Cameron must end ‘sinister culture of spin and intimidation’ at No10 over EU referendum, warns Brexit-backer John Longworth
Former director general of British Chambers of Commerce says ‘you can’t trust the government in what they say at all’ as he joins Vote Leave campaign
Baron @ 17:47
“Btw, the barbarian has asked the guy why al-Jazeera, the answer was ‘why not, they’re all lying, it makes no difference which channel one watched’.”
If he has a computer, recommend that he switch to
Baron @ 18:23
It’s because the FBI is too busy with such more urgent matters as conspiring with the Oregon State police to shoot citizens in the back on their way to meet a local Sheriff. You can’t do everything, Baron.
“In the early 1990s, the triumph of democracy seemed complete with the fall of the Soviet empire and the transition to multi-party elections in many parts of Africa and Latin America. Yet democracy has always been more fragile than it is presumed to be. Far from being triumphant today, it continues to be subject to serious challenge. We forget to our peril that this applies also to the United Kingdom…”
Here’s some bedtime reading with a fun postscript, from Gerard Vanderleun waxing dark allegorical:
He probably still has access to some potent residue from his ’60s adventures. OTOH current affairs often rouse such urges in this aged and abstinent imagination. Luckily Imagination is all that’s left. There is no muscle left other than those in the arthritic digits still able to tap the keyboard or the iPad stylus. And it would be illegal to incite you youngsters to start the fire. But I’ve already stocked up with bully beef and a couple of cases of Peroni to ease the finale.
My own post-postscript:
Btw, there is a more up-to-date version of that by Billy Joel, but I couldn’t find it. Slightly slower tempo and with better wallpaper. I posted it a few years ago on Melanie’s blog, but … Frasier has locked that out.
Thanks Frank
Odd that you should choose that song, that version…
When I shared a villa in Riyadh with friends in 1989-91 it was our theme song, which would be played at every party we held. And we held a lot.
Appropriate too, when Saddam set the Iraqi oilfields on fire we could see the black haze on the eastern horizon, smell and taste the oil slick in our throats for weeks, until the fires were put out, the cowardly Al Sauds returned to run the family business, and the normal expat life of criminal (by sharia standards,) life could resume.
“I couldn’t care less what the CBI or the TUC or the Bank of England or the British Chambers of Commerce think about the EU. This isn’t a business transaction. You might as well go to the MCC or the British Federation of Lepidopterists, or a convention of stamp collectors, and ask them how to vote…”
Refreshingly vitriolic
Do we think that any negative effects of Leave ( Vote GO> ) can not be worse then the banking collapse of 2008 ? That created by the likes of Leahman Bros ,Goldman Sachs , Broomberg and George Soris : and originating from the Clinton White House.
The Heir to Blair needs to be removed.
Health Warning:
Rumour has it that Nicola Krankie will be being interviewed on “Brillo’s” Sunday Politics show today.
“Cameron naivety? Hmmn! For some time now I’ve suspected worse and the twat confirms it as every day unfolds.”
…and now THIS is happening on Cameron’s watch!
He’ll be giving them crap rifles next. Oh er…
Fuck me, it’s all over!
EC March 13th, 2016 – 11:28
Watched the car crash of an interview. Like the odiously pompous Angus Robertson MP, Splurge-on had the answer to everything and anything, everything, bad happening to Scotland is the fault of “Westminster” not the SNP. And she resolutely failed to acknowledge, let alone show any gratitude, for the fact that her tin pot, fourth rate, experimental government is being subsidised by English taxpayers.
The loss of parachutes and parachuting is probably the least of the modern Army’s travails as, like the police, it transforms itself into an essentially political entity more concerned with identity politics, diversity, the role of women “in combat” and all the other politically correct cultural Marxist shite that infests, rots and destroys everything that has ever been remotely good in this country.
I will be taking a break from participating in CHW, so if any good friends are concerned about me, I can assure you I am still hanging on to living in this mad world. The reason I am taking a break is simple. I enjoy reading CHW’s postings, and when I disagree find it a good exercise for my ancient brain to present logical replies for my side of an argument. Unfortunately the CHW has been taken over by the now very resident Troll. His (or Her or Its) postings appear more and more often, and my fellow CHW posters are foolish enough to respond to them. The only way to disarm a troll is to ignore it, but alas wiser men and women than I cannot resist replying to its garbage. I think this is the reason a lot of good posters, e.g. David Ossitt and Nicholas to name just two, have given up contributing. I wish all my old pals the very best, and urge you all to boycott this lumpof commie scum.
It’s sad, anne, you’ve decided to call it quit, after Verity you’ve been the only other regular contributor of the fairer sex here, an excellent one, too, perhaps you continue to chip in when and where you feel strongly about the stuff we’re arguing about?
As for trolls or ‘the troll’ taking over, anne, to be fair, it’s not trolling what tele does here (he may indulge in it elsewhere, has been caught at it), but on the Wall he just puts forward another view of how the world should tick.
Baron dislikes it more than you do, he had lived in the future tele seems so keen on, (only because he never tasted it), but depriving him of the voice here (or anywhere) doesn’t much help to wipe out, trim, or even neutralise the ideas of the phylum he’s a member of, ideas that warm one’s heart, sound compassionate, noble even, but are not doable in unreal life.
History shows banning a thought leads not to what the ban aims for, but the opposite, perhaps the best big example being the case of Christianity, banned for centuries before its acceptance by the governing powers, dominating for millennia ever since.
What happens to postings that have links the site doesn’t like?
The barbarian has been trying to post with a link to navalny’s blog, the system doesn’t even bother to acknowledge the posting took place. When you have a minute, could you explain, please?
Here is the posting that won’t get through. If you like to have a look at the form I-94 (in English) this is what you do: google ‘navalny blog’, ignore the English version (it’s not up to date), go for the Russian language one, find the heading where the number ’40’ appears, click on it, scroll down, there sits I-94.
Apologies for bringing it up again, nobody seems much interested (by nobody the barbarian means mostly the MSM, not you), but there’s more than a whiff of mystery in the Lesin’s case, (perhaps Malfleur can offer a solution).
The big fish arrived in the US, the LA airport on October 21 last year, and according to the US official form I-94 left on December 15, 2015 via the same airport i.e. 40 days from the date he was declared dead in the shabby Washington hotel. (You can see it if you scroll down the piece in Russian).
That was the story yesterday, today there has been an explanation. The Head of the US Immigration Service says that the entry about Lesin’s departure on the form was merely ‘to cancel his visa’, nothing unusual, it’s a standard procedure.
In a piece on the Navalny blog today (Navalny, another KGB officer of higher rank than Putin used to be the darling of the West, no more, he’s a staunch supporter of the Crimea’s annexation, no good for the West’s take on the peninsula. Btw, if you could read the Navalny’s blog, you would see there’s not much difference between its content and that of our Mr. Boot’s blog on things Russian, it’s better, it does have more ‘meat’ on the many allegations of corrupt Russian apparatchiks).
Still, the Navalny’s people have asked around about how ‘normal’ it is to cancel visas of people visiting the Land of the Free, dropping dead, getting buried there (Lesin is allegedly buried in LA), were told it’s nonsense. The form I-94 gets filled automatically with the person scanning its boarding pass, or (in case of a private jet), the entry is made by hand, but only when the individual, alive or dead, has actually left the US jurisdiction.
Baron March 13th, 2016 – 14:14
“it’s not trolling what tele does here”
Come off it. He posts deliberately provocative, often intimidatory stuff of no merit with no intention to engage and has been caught out using multiple identities to do so.
Don’t fall for his manipulative crap or become his “useful idiot”.
He should have been banned years ago. His presence here is a meme for the left’s insidious, intrusive control freakery and desire to dominate every narrative. This should be a “safe space” for people who have had more than enough of that.
Banning him is not banning the wretched ideology that motivates him but just getting rid of an unwelcome, irritating pest.
anne wotana kaye March 13th, 2016 – 12:47
The troll concerned would have you believe that ‘Nicholas’ is still here.
And maybe he is. Or maybe it is just an “associate” posting in tribute to his memory.
Colonel Mustard
March 13th, 2016 – 16:07
Hear hear!
Some years ago I read a description of an airport somewhere in India – apparently it was in such a state that passengers had to tread carefully to avoid stepping on human turds.
The troll’s postings in the CHW have very much the same effect as the turds in that airport.
Here is an example, from RUSI, of the gender fixated agenda to which the Colonel refers. With such mind sets, based on matters political rather than military, we are surely doomed.
Still once the fighting’s done, perhaps the women can make the boys all a nice cup of coffee.
so are the germans election results today good or indifferent?
hardly world shattering…
Noa March 13th, 2016 – 19:17
Indeed. The diversity peddling does not extend to matters of age and in fact the RUSI themselves pursue ageist policies:-
It says something when the potential benefits of generation-bridging experience and knowledge are deliberately eschewed by an arbitrary age determined exclusion. The imperative for that is mysterious but the term “next generation of policy makers and thought-leaders” provides a clue to the arrogance involved. Policy devised without the benefit of wisdom or experience and “thought-leading” (aka peddling dogma) are on the establishment agenda everywhere. Think of the participants eager to lead beyond authority as “Young Pioneers” perhaps.
I hadn’t realised that Robert Mugabe was from Yorkshire until I saw his name in the mirror.
If you missed ‘Fox News Sunday’ tonight, catch the repeat at 10pm. Trump hit Chris Wallace out of the ballpark. Wallace’s bollocks about only 120,000 Muslims being inimical to the West was such risible nonsense that it was clear that Saudi money behind Fox News was talking through Wallace’s prissy little gob.
The left has been foisting its shit on us for over 60 years. Trump is leading the fight back. The attempted disruption of Trump’s rallies has been met with firm resistance. They don’t like it up ’em.
Soros’s Move On.Org is behind the disruption.
Go Trump!
Noa (21:44)
Excellent!! ☺☺☺
Should the UK ever free itself from the maws of the EU it should, as a matter of urgency, consider the establishment of a strategic relationship with Russia in order to create a new nationally derived interest, to secure access to non muslim fossil fuel reserves, to re-establish the balance of power in Europe,(see below) and to make a new ally in the fight against Islam.
The West’s Two-Pronged Strategy (II)
BERLIN/MOSCOW (Own report) – Berlin is mobilizing universities and
intelligence services to evaluate Russian influence in Germany and
Europe, while expanding its counter-propaganda. Whereas, the German
government is creating its own German Institute for the Study of
Russia and Eastern Europe, to serve as the “point of contact” for its
future policy, the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is
calling for future research efforts on Russia to include the
“disclosure of Russian networks, the flow of Russian finances and its
economic relations within the EU.” Universities and other academic
institutions, which officially are non-political bodies, should be
included in these efforts. While the DGAP is moving forward and
striving to promote the analysis of Russian influence in other
European countries, the German government has tasked the Federal
Intelligence Service (BND) with “investigating” whether Moscow is, in
any way, interfering in German political debates. Counter-measures are
being considered, it was reported. For example, the German-language
edition of Brussels’ “Disinformation Review,” which makes an analysis
of the media for “pro-Kremlin disinformation,” will soon be published.
A seasoned practitioner of common purpose, Helen Boaden, the Director of BBC radio, accuses ministers of looking to seize control of appointments to the BBC’s powerful new governing board, amounting to “undue political interference” and threaten to turn the corporation into a “state broadcaster.”
She likens the proposals made by John Whittingdale, the culture secretary, to an Eastern European-style government takeover of the corporation, as she accuses the minister of a “cycloptic” obsession with “needlessly diminishing” the BBC’s services, “to the benefit of its competitors”.
One is at a los to know who or which is worse. this patently self-serving appratchik who has insinuated herself into a position of power which she has abused without reprimand or a government seeking to accumulate ever more power to itself.
Rather than she or the government controlling the BBC’s output, whether on radio or TV, let us see the listener and the viewer determining and judging the output of an independent broadcaster.
“…Boaden attracted criticism following the July 7 terror attacks in London when she issued a memo instructing BBC staff not to refer to the perpetrators as terrorists, arguing that the term “can be a barrier rather than aid to understanding”. Former BBC reporter Martin Bell was one of those who condemned the memo, accusing the BBC being “overcautious” and noting that the attackers seemed to meet the definition of terrorists. Writing in The Spectator, Michael Vestey suggested “it’s almost as if the BBC is afraid of offending suicide bombers in the Muslim world”.
n December 2012, Boaden was asked to temporarily step down from her position as the Director of BBC News while the BBC awaited the results of Operation Yewtree,[8] a wide-ranging police investigation of sexual abuse, primarily of children, by former BBC presenter Jimmy Savile (who died in 2011) and others. A second and parallel investigation, launched by the BBC into possible management failings at the Corporation, called the Pollard Report after the lead investigator, Nick Pollard (a former senior executive at Sky News), criticised the BBC and several executive members, including Boaden, for continuing with plans to celebrate Savile’s life, despite apparently having received advanced information that Savile was being investigated for multiple cases of sexual abuse. The report explicitly criticised Boaden for having handled the matter too casually.[9] Boaden returned to her position later the same month.
In February 2013, Boaden was appointed director of radio by incoming director-general Tony Hall. This was widely seen as a demotion.”
Well, if that’s what the BBC terms a demotion I can only speculate what a promotion entails.
Colonel Mustard @ 16:07
Most of what the progressives pump out is of the sort you describe, Colonel, or variations thereof, nothing new there, but an outright ban on a site that promotes a Full Monty of freedom of expression? Hmmm
You can ignore him, but at any time you care to hit back you are more than demolishing his argument, you score for the whole of our team, you hone your argument, too, make it sharper, your reputation gets boosted even more.
Still, what worries the barbarian more is we seem to be losing club members, not attracting new ones, perhaps our treatment of newcomers is abit harsh, perhaps it’s because we often run concurrently many themes, perhaps because we don’t have an anchor piece to hook onto, who can tell.
At one point, Baron thought that perhaps mentioning our site on other blogs might help (when appropriate), then gave up on the idea. Others may not be unduly bothered, but our little club is getting littler and littler, soon there may be no one left.
Noa @ 22:52
Nobody but the Germans could decide what and who they investigate, Noa, the order to check any unwelcome machinations by Russia or her backers in the West has come from Washington, we are planning to do something similar as you know.
What makes one chuckle is that the Americans had spent $5.0bn in Ukraine before the February 2015 putsch, presumably not only on the boxes of cookies handed over by the likes of Biden and Newland to the ‘forces of democracy’ that ended up chasing, with AK-47s at the ready the properly elected Rada Deputies. The spent EU 420mn Euros in just two years before the same date. We still don’t know what on. Was that proper?
Alexsandr @ 19:26
Not bad for a party that was nowhere a couple of years ago, Alexandr, but not enough to break the coalition of the CDU/CSU, or Mutti’s resolve to flood Germany with more immigrants.
The barbarian cannot help thinking she just got stubborn (not unlike Margaret with the poll tax), will push for more of the same, the obstinacy will if anything harden, will bury her in the end. (The German media are speculating she m ay take over the UN, the Ban ki-moon chap’s retiring, but then the Americans are pushing the honorary Muslim for the job, perhaps they both get it, ha, ha, ha).
Noa @ 23:25
Excellent take on the agitprop, Noa, the reason Boaden can come up with the bollocking is obvious, she knows the monstrosity’s feared by everyone, the politicians in particular, it can ruin not just one’s career, but one’s life, too, that’s why the politicians dance around it like a cat around a bowl of hot porridge.
Someone should have the guts to put an end to it, privatise the monstrosity, we do need a Donald, too, desperately for if the BBC were to go, the progressives would lose their fortress, their hold on the society would ease, possibly crumble altogether.
This Islamic filth must be eradicated from the planet Earth. By any means and all means necessary. Even the Japanese at the peak of their barbarity did not engage in bestiality of this kind and we in the West in 1945 (after only 5 years of bloody war) knew what had to be done to bring them to their knees. Unless our leaders and our military are prepared to implement the same measures we will be overrun and destroyed:
I suggest a medium sized nuclear device on Tehran pour encourager les autres. If that does not do the trick a second one on either Medina or Mecca.
How much longer are we going to stand by and submit to exponential destruction of our Judeo-Christian heritage and our peoples? Fucking suicidal idiocy and downright treason on the part of all Western Leaders in general and the sneering grinning so-called Leader of the Western World – Barak Hussein Obama. The clue is in the the name.
In Germany the AfD has done well for a new party,getting seats in three state assemblies with variously 12%/15%/25%. [This to the distress of Frazer Nelson.]
In Sachsen-Anhalt with 25% the CDU will need to form a three or four party alliance against them.
In the exit polls (below) LIN is the old communist party of the DDR plus left socialists.
`Sonst`,which got 9%,is interesting as the name seems to be a translation of Dylan Thomas’ Welsh motto : lla meht reggub .
Herbert Thornton
March 13th, 2016 – 17:12
A perfect analogy! Well done sir.
For nature lovers . Perigrine falcon on nest. (Live cam.) Those pesky pigeons better watch out.
Already have egg seen as falcon flew.
Alex Jones, Sunday March 13, alleges
(1) US government is importing jihadist sleeper cells
(2) George Soros and Hillary Clinton are behind the attacks on Donald Trump and his supporters at his rallies.
Good report on the fascist provocateurs at Trump rallies by English journalist, Paul Joesph Watson.
Radford NG @ 02:34
Except for Baden W where the CDU lost over 10%, the other two results didn’t show the Mutti’s party losing much, most of the AfD’s gains came from the other smaller parties, i.e. the protest vote simply shifted from a number of small parties to the new anti-immigrant outfit. The former’s different, the region has seen the major influx, it would have been interesting to see the feeling of the Bavarians who are Austria’s neighbours, and where most of the new future Germans arrive.
It seems to Baron the results and the banners ‘Mutti muss weg’ are not enough to convince the confused vertebrate to quit, Radford, and who will push her, apparently she gets angry, grown up men melt down.
Frank P @ 02:08
Instead of getting your blood pressure up, Frank, you should be learning the Koran, and how to stick your backside away from Mecca, (only five times a day, not that demanding, is it), and walk a step or two in front of your wife …. for if things go to plan, 75mn of them will join us, and soon, inshallah.
On a more serious note, you obviously haven’t bought the barbarian’s slicing of the boil, that it’s not the people, they are just the conduit for what’s been pumped into them, what they must obey, will be punished if they don’t, that it’s the creed, ideology, or here the religious school which is to blame, that’s the poison, the danger, the thing one has go after, alter it, made it more suitable for the age of gender fluidity, the mobile phone, and the reign of the Clinton woman, ha, ha, ha.
Radford NG @ 06:57
Instead of ranting about things we can do FAabout we should be marvelling at nature. Thanks, Radford, amazing.
Baron (12:06)
“It’s not the people”.
That argument didn’t wash in WWII, when we fought a no-holds-barred war to win against the axis.
Hence the flattening of Dresden and later Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
While ‘the people’ of Islam stand idly by and tacitly support the barbaric head-choppers and genocidal, suicidal, blood lusting maniacs and join in the ” death to America – death to Israel” chanting at gigantic gatherings with the mullah’s egging them on: then they are fair game. It needs a terrible message to be sent: firstly as many troops on the ground as can be mustered to eradicate the cancer (of which the Muslim mobs are a part, not a symptom) then a symbolic gesture (such as ones employed at Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the virtual destruction of Nazi Germany) to induce the enemy to sue for peace. That’s how we have won wars in the past and that’s how it should be done now. Fuck “the people” of the ROP aka, the Worst Barbaric Cult on Earth!
And Go Trump!
“We didn’t start the fire” – but he could fight it with superior fire.
No good expecting the UK government wankers to do it. The would rather invite the Alinski-ite trained wanker Obumma here to support further surrender to Yurrop.
The Left is rampant – and you have concern for the invaders of the unholy alliance? Get a grip!!
Did you know, has anyone mention anywhere, even whispered the following?
“US representatives routinely attend the EU’s Committee of Permanent Representatives (“COREPER”), though minutes of the sessions do not reflect this fact. This has been complained about on the floor of the European Parliament.
Since COREPER prepares the agenda for the EU’s Council of Ministers (the EU’s key law making body) and co-ordinates the work of some 250 EU committees and working parties — in effect the entire EU bureaucracy — US presence at these sessions gives the US a significant voice in EU policy.
This is why the US does not want to see the EU weakened via BREXIT. It has nothing to do with the UK’s influence within the EU it is all about American influence within the EU.
Since July 2014, when the European Council imposed sanctions on Russia, every decision to extend the sanctions has been taken, not by the European Council but by COREPER”.
You can read more, the posting are revealing, too, here:
This (the EuroPox posting) should be front news in all MSM papers, the BBC should run it over and over again. That’s how we are governed, the Westminster passes over what the Brussels apparatchiks are told by their American masters. And the political gnomes have the temerity to tell us we are a democracy.
And btw my blood pressure is fine – with a little help from my pharmaceutical friends. My anger is cold, clinical and cruel. It is born of over 60 years involved in attempting to counter The Long March, which has since gained the support of the Muslim Brotherhood and its own Long March – not to mention it’s current violent and successful jihad.
Frank P @ 15:55
Frank, please, please, do scan the Breitbart at 15.59, and enter the fight, you’ve been on Isabel’s blog, Baron’s noticed, here your wit&hammer brilliance would be helpful, too.
The existence of the COREPE goes to the heart of the EU subjugation to American interests, it makes mockery of our elections, explains the gradual censorship imposed by the MSM, throws a completely different light of many of the issues we’ve been talking about.
March 14th, 2016 – 15:59
Boris Johnson is no doubt right that Obama should keep his nose out of the matter of British sovereignty but doesn’t he go overboard when he writes –
“There is no country in the world that defends its own sovereignty with such hysterical vigilance as the United States of America.”?
If that were true, then how is the presence in the USA of many millions of illegal immigrants to be explained?
It seems to me that the only leading American voice calling for proper vigilance over his country’s sovereignty is that of Donald Trump.
Herbert Thornton @ 16:42
You may have a point, Herbert, but you should keep in mind sovereignty and immigration whilst intertwined are two separate issues.
A sovereign country may let in few or many immigrants, but the decision to go for the former or the latter lies within the jurisdiction of its elected representatives. In our case the House would decide, the MPs knowing they may be ex-MPs if the electorate doesn’t buy their decision.
Our being a part of the EU doesn’t allow for it, we are bound (or will increasingly be obliged, if we stay in) to accept the joint decisions of the 28 EU members, we would not be independent to decide for ourselves what level of immigration to allow.
One could stomach it even though it’s not ideal. What is happening now with immigration is it’s not run along the lines agreed in Dublin (the collective decision of all EU members), it’s the deluded fanaticism of the leader of the EU most powerful country that drives it. If the Mutti alone decides on immigration today, an issue of key importance, on what other issues is she going to overrun the will of all in the future?
Out it must be.
Frank P,
I simply refuse to believe that you have been gracing the trite Isabel Hardman’s blog (as Baron alleges @16:23) with your footfalls!
Ahem, I think that (the former?) Mrs Clarkson did that awhile back, Dellers old bean!
May, now empty, wallet has been saved in the nick of time. I was just about to subscribe to Amazon Prime!
Those cosy log fire winter Sunday/Christmas dinners at Dave & Sam’s gaffe in the Cotswolds obviously came at a price!
EC (19:02)
Indeed so! They won’t even let me read it, never mind post on it. Is someone using my moniker there, Baron?
You should be able to tell the difference by the style of delivery. It’s like handwriting.
B C E or ‘Before Common Era’
This is the abbreviation the BBC or “Before British Culture”, now routinely uses in place of BC. And as I’ve just seen on its Archaelogy programme ‘Digging for Britain’.
At least the winsome presenter, Alice Roberts, still uses the term BC.
Is it Cultural cringe, cowardice, a desire for self immolation or just a lack of pride in heritage and tradition, or all of the above?
Whatever it is the effect is of watching a pencil drawing of oneself, being systematically erased.
unknowing .
Frank P 20.19
Time for a CW invasion of the insipid Isabel’s ‘necessary on a bicycle’ blogs, Wallsters!
Et viola…
“I’m Frank P”.
“No, I’m Frank P!”,
And so it goes. We’ll soon have Fraser reaching for his smelling salts.
I see the ‘Dream team’ of Steyn and Farage will be battling, erm …debating the mass migration motion in New York on 1st April with Louise Arbour and the schnarling, pouting Simon Scharma.
“Be it resolved, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”
Let’s hope Nigel or Mark put it on the net.
At least Mrs Arbour, an eminent Canadian lawyer is starting to question the common purpose agenda she formerly espoused, though maybe its nothing more than a doctrinal division.
“On everything I’ve been engaged in – international governance, human security, the responsibility to protect, arms reduction, international criminal justice, all the good things that were happening – it’s either very stuck, or it’s very confused.” So says Louise Arbour, the former Supreme Court justice. “One doesn’t have a sense that there’s a general direction that is encouraging.”
Ms. Arbour has been rethinking many of her firmly held beliefs about the way those values are enforced in the world, she told me in a recent interview. Not that she doubts the universality of those values, or the basic value of international law – but she has come to have grave doubts about the way wealthy and powerful countries, such as Canada, deliver them. She recently finished a five-year term as president of the International Crisis Group, the non-governmental organization that tries to mitigate and resolve conflicts.
“Having worked in the human-rights field internationally, I now find it incredible how the West seems to be absolutely incapable of hearing what it sounds like to the rest of the world – a total disconnect, in the promotion of what it rightly believes are universal values, while being completely oblivious to the fact that others don’t take this at face value as being a good-faith pursuit of universal goods. It just doesn’t work.”
Perhaps Herbert Thornton can give us a more informed view from the Canadian perspective?
Mark Steyn on UKIP, Cameron and the Referendum
“Occasionally, the realities of electoral politics oblige the village’s denizens to dissemble to the barbarians beyond, as in David Cameron’s current pledge of a referendum on EU membership sometime after his reelection, which is intended to staunch defections to UKIP by seizing the nuanced ground of pretending that he’s not entirely opposed to adopting the position of conceding the prospect of admitting the possibility of potentially considering the theoretical option of exploring the hypothetical scenario of discussing in a roundabout way Britain’s leaving the EU. He doesn’t mean it, of course, but he has to toss a bone out there from time to time. Lord Feldman, the Tories’ co-chairman and Cameron’s tennis partner, rather gave the game away when he was overheard dismissing the massed ranks of his party as “mad, swivel-eyed loons.” Weary of being insulted by Cameron and his Oxford chums, Conservative voters began phoning the local UKIP office for membership applications. In nothing flat, “swivel-eyed loons” became a badge of honor, and the prime minister was giving speeches to the effect that, underneath the insincere unprincipled elitist veneer, he was a swivel-eyed loon himself.
If only. After UKIP cost the Tories control of Oxfordshire County Council, that body’s longtime leader offered some advice to the prime minister: “You have to work out how to be one of us without affectation.” Good idea; maybe we can focus-group it. As for the UKIP leader: “He is unafraid to be filmed with a pint of beer and a cigarette in his hand when all of our media training tells us to eschew either image. He also uses soundbites that appeal to Conservatives. I suspect many are unrehearsed — again something professionals are trained never to do.” Yet, oddly enough, untrained, un-media-handled, liquored up and lit up and detouring at whim into eccentric anecdotes about a night at a strip club with a French presidential candidate (“not Sarko”), Farage manages to stay effortlessly on message.
The most telling item on David Cameron’s thin résumé is the job he held in the Nineties, when it fell to him to supply au courant pop-culture references to heavyweight Tories before their appearances on the BBC’s top-rated discussion show Question Time — so they could sit across the table from the Labour guy and say, “You are the weakest link — goodbye!” or “I think we all agree we need to vote Mr. Blair off the island” or “I’m afraid the prime minister didn’t have me at hello” or “I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, and that’s for you to resign!” And the impressionable rubes would think wow, this dull middle-aged bloke in a suit is really cool. The man who provided fake populist flourishes was subsequently hired as party leader, with all too predictable consequences.”
Frank P @ 20:19
One of Baron’s many deficiencies is also his inability to recognise accents, Frank, the posting read like a mellow you, the barbarian gave you an uptick, you’re the leading poster on the piece about the duelling between the blond Mayor and the disastrous Barry.
Frank P. • 13 hours ago
If Obama does come over and shoot his mouth off on Europe, it will do wonders for the Out Campaign.
Now if it were Donald Trump, he would tell us to recognise the dangers of hordes of Muslims and tell us to get out.
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Ralph Frank P. • 13 hours ago
Barry will be as successful as he was trying to influence the last Israeli election and get rid of Netanyahu.
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Frank P. Ralph • 12 hours ago
Obama is an apologist for Hamas …..
Herbert Thornton – 16:42
You quote, someone else:
“There is no country in the world that defends its own sovereignty with such hysterical vigilance as the United States of America.”?
Does that include ambassadors?
Baron (22:46)
No Baron. Not me. Just coincidence. Perhaps like The Donald I should say “I disavow the Frank P doppelganger!” But as he seems to be more or less on message, I won’t bother.
I repeat – I’m blackballed on the Speccie blog; have been for years. How they achieve the blockage is beyond my pay grade – one for you techies. Obviously it’s not the moniker that triggers the block, it’s the footprints of my computer and my Nexus seven tablet, presumably.
Can’t be arsed to change my moniker here to avoid confusion, but if the other Frank P turns up here, I’ll let you know.
EC of course spotted the incongruity, being the observant analyst that he is.☺
News and views from Geert Wilders
Btw Baron, being a suspicious old codger, might I suggest that it might be a well known user of many monikers that infests this blog, easing himself into Issy’s outfit with some similar sentiments, intending later to post remarks inimical to my drift, in order to discredit my identity. But that borders on paranoia, so let’s stick with coincidence for now, but keep a weather eye open for developments? Keep me posted, if you will. And thanks for the heads up.
Was Slither ‘taking one for the team’ when Barack said he created a ‘sh@tstorm’ in Libya?
And was the quid pro quo POTUS coming over to little ole’ Britainshire to tell us quaint folks we need to stay cumfy with and the salacious French scooter driver?
Cue ACP and the cigar chopper….
Prevent Obama From Speaking In Westminster Regarding the In/Out Referendum.
March 14th, 2016 – 23:07
The ‘someone else’ was of course Boris Johnson, and it was he who wrote – “There is no country in the world that defends its own sovereignty with such hysterical vigilance as the United States of America.”
However, when you ask me ‘whether that includes Ambassadors’ I don’t understand your question. Are you you asking me what American Ambassadors’ stance on sovereignty is?
HM – 00:19
I was thinking of the one that was abandoned in Libya.
March 15th, 2016 – 00:43
Yes indeed. The abandonment was more than disgraceful. I think it should be treated as seriously criminal. Perhaps Treason?
Noa (23:57)
Shrewd observation, Noa. I mused on similar lines meself; it would explain the timing of the sit-down. Must have been a few sessions on the trombone to co-ordinate the visit and the quid pro quo is certainly a reasonable inference.
How I would like to organise the arrangements for security during his visit! ☺
March 14th, 2016 – 21:16
You pose a question that makes me shake my head every time I try to discern an answer to it.
A long time ago I heard Canada described as the Sweden of North America, but that was before Sweden had been invaded by Islam.
Canadians are especially good at hand-wringing and I suspect that a great many of them are wringing their hands over Justice Arbour’s apparent change of heart. But at the moment I think they’re mostly congratulating themselves over the reception given to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White House by President Obama and the widely publicised mutual admiration atmosphere that was reported.
Ask most Canadians what their take is on the possibility the Donald Trump may be the next U.S. President, or that Pakistan really will sell nukes to Saudi Arabia, or that Turkey’s Erdogan will go on committing genocide against the Kurds both inside and outside Turkey and all you’ll hear is an uncomfortable, embarrassed silence.
Political Correctness still reigns supreme in Canada’s Academia and one of the few comforts that I feel is the fact that the Atlantic Ocean is wider than the English Channel.
In the Canadian Parliament when the Sargent-at-Arms heard gun fire he got a pistol from his draw,went out into the corridor,shot dead a muslim terrorist who had killed the ceremonial guard at the National War Memorial and went back to his desk.
At last some good news
Htin Kyaw has been elected by the Burma Parliament (Myanmar) as President
He is a close ally of Aung San Suu Kyi, who is the liberal Oxford educated leader of the National League for Democracy which won victory in the elections in November
But sad
Suu Kyi should be President
The cunning military put a clause in the constitution designed to preclude her accession
They then rammed thru this constitution during Cyclone Nargis in 2010 announcing approval by an unbelievable 92.4% of the 22 million voters with alleged voter turnout of 99%
As Nyan Win wrote: “This referendum was full of cheating and fraud across the country. In some villages, authorities and polling station officials ticked the ballots themselves and did not let the voters do anything”.
So now Cameron needs to go to the United Nations to make Burma truly free
Suu Kyi is a true friend of Britain
We want no military hand of friendship such as that heinously given to Pinochet by Thatcher (“I’m also very much aware that it is you who brought democracy to Chile.”) despite his terrorism of Chile for 17 years up to 1990)
You’ve missed completely on the bulk of Russian withdrawal from Syria, the one in Kremlin said ‘enough’s enough’, will keep the Syrian military bases going though.
You may recall at the start of the Russian involvement somewhere around the end of September last year, the barbarian said two fatal dangers awaited Putin in Syria: the Americans, either directly (less likely) or through the regional proxies, and that he’ll overstay, will do America (anywhere the Republic shoved its nose to she has overstayed, changing targets, digging the hole deeper and deeper).
It seems the KGB Colonel has either managed to pacify the Yanks, or they got too awe struck what with the glittering flying machines the Russian put to a good use pummelling the ISIL headchoppers.
And does Kremlin read this blog, listens what the poorly educated Slav says? They must have read the barbarian’s warning about overstaying, building democracy, insisting on wimin rites, you know, the whole range of the things the Americans are so keen on exporting, but not necessarily sticking to at home. Having read what the barbarian said, they though ‘how ‘rite’ the man is, we must listen to him….
Or you reckon the Russians ran out of ammo?
(Baron will talk more, he always does, alas he’s got to go, duty calls).
I fear that Putin may be making a mistake as gross as the yanks when they abandoned Iraq
I was overjoyed when the Ruskies came in to begin to stabilise Syria and to input into the refugee crisis
I hope to god that things do not go backward
Since the Arab Spring, Iraq and Libya we have learned that what the region needs is strong dictators
If Assad goes I assume Putin will have earmarked a strong General to take over
Forget silly notions of elections
Socialists are an incestuous international brotherhood who always disregard the beam in the eye of their own ideology whilst bleating about the splinters, real or imagined, in the eyes of their ideological enemies.
It is a measure of their hypocrisy that monsters like Stalin and Mao with the blood of tens of millions on their hands are feted as heroes of the left whilst comparatively benign dictators of the right responsible for the deaths of a few thousand communist extremists and subversive agitators are frothed about endlessly.
Chile, a socialist basket case, was rescued by the military who conducted a ruthless campaign to eradicate the deep rooted cancer of the extreme left. Of course the “comintern” would whine about that, elevating it to an outrage never to be forgotten, unlike the millions more victims of their own monstrosities.
It is a measure of socialist mythologising to elevate the worst of their kind as heroes or martyrs, think Che or even the many Islamic terrorists who have been “rehabilitated” by the left as icons of the victimisation they so love to churn. Any enemy of what they conceive as an established order is to be supported and lionised if the cause serves to subvert and discredit that established order. It is why their trolls can glibly call on us to give “the Caliph” a fair hearing.
Like Frank I have observed their nasty game of lies for 60 years and been up close and personal with some of its more extreme and life threatening behaviours. If a strong and resolved leadership arose to eradicate once and for all the deep rooted cancer of the left in the UK I should not stand in its way. In fact I can think of dozens of the left’s more vociferous and unpleasant denizens whose “disappearance” would make this country an infinitely better and safer place to live in.
The Irish comic actor Brendan O’Carroll, who plays “Mrs Brown” is set to commemorate the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin for the BBC, no doubt encouraging British “progressives” to wallow in yet another orgy of historic self-hatred. Not that they need much encouragement as the definition of their “progress” usually involves distorting, revising, or ignoring the past in order to cynically manipulate the future as they wish to see it.
O’Carroll, apparently not the sharpest tool in the box, talks of the Irish rebels standing up to “the might of the British Empire”. Well, not quite, the might of the British Empire was mainly fighting and dying in the trenches of the Western Front at the time and the proto-revolutionary Marxists and others who seized the opportunity to take up arms against the Anglo-Irish establishment under the pretend flag of an Irish Republic were a tiny but vociferous minority. As Sean O’Callaghan observes:
“The total number of men from both the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army involved in the Rising comprised less than 1 per cent of the Irishmen who served in the British Army during the First World War.”
The rise of Corbyn’s politburo-in-waiting provides a graphic modern demonstration of how treason can find appeal amongst the disaffected, the deranged and those foreign agencies which benefit from that breed of home grown subversive traitor. In 1916 it was the German Kaiser. In 1968 North Vietnam. In 2016 Hamas, the zombies of the IRA and the Islamic State.
It wasn’t the Easter early risers who brought about the birth of the Irish Republic in the embattled Dublin Post Office. That mythology of nationhood has been grasped ex post facto. There was the Irish Free State and much bitter civil war to go through before that emerged. And all of it was brought about, pretty much as usual, by the incompetence and stupidity of British politicians, aided and abetted by a few dim Generals and dimmer Police grandees with the ridiculous throng of English Fabians giving succour to the enemy by jumping on their bandwagon as usual. It was that combination which turned Irish abhorrence into sympathy and sympathy into nationalism. No doubt the BBC commemoration will turn the usual socialist spotlight on the brutality rather than the stupidity.
But those who view the British response as barbaric should probably consider the probable outcome had a Pinochet or even the Kaiser been the authority rebelled against.
“The rise of Corbyn’s politburo-in-waiting provides a graphic modern demonstration of how treason can find appeal amongst the disaffected, the deranged and those foreign agencies which benefit from that breed of home grown subversive traitor. In 1916 it was the German Kaiser. In 1968 North Vietnam. In 2016 Hamas, the zombies of the IRA and the Islamic State.”
Fraser and respected posters have different ideas
13/3/16 1609
Hard to believe this perspicacious poster has gone
It goes back to my point about the marginalisation of minorities. Do you improve the situation by over-compensating to promote diversity – or make it worse in creating tension and resentment that didn’t even exist before the social engineering began (then make that tension and resentment worse by screaming “Racist!” when anyone complains). I believe that societies evolve and that pre-1997 Britain was a good example of this. The Left think that they can be engineered, and part of that engineering is to demonise aspects of our past, especially where it is not shared. This has been ramped up since 1997 with propaganda, censorship and coercive legislation. And since 2010 Cameron seems to have bought into this approach, the moralising, finger-wagging, coercive approach that, frankly, is guaranteed to get up a true Englishman’s nose. By implementing legislation that forces people to behave with decency and fairness you imply that they are not already decent and fair if left to their own devices. Some may not be but the legislation insults everyone. That is a horrible indictment and one that leftists deploy usually cynically and to advance their own power (“something must be done . . .” ). It saddens me greatly that a Conservative Prime Minister plays these tricks too.
Since the day he was recalled to Syria in 1994 Bashar Hafez al-Assad, the mild mannered ophthalmologist from W. London, has been a puppet of the Army. The poor sod was never meant to be leader, and he must curse the day when his elder brother, Bassel, died in a car accident.
Hubris reaches new levels of ghastliness.
The historic self-hating traitors of the left have never been the majority, that was not suggested, although because of their disproportionate voice in the narrative that impression can be given. It is the useful idiots who form their majority, elevate them to power or populate their protest mobs.
On the outer edges of right and left are the polarised extremists, the party rebels. Until recently in the centre, on the right and left, a professional political elite of mainly parachute wearing privileged PPE wonks which likes to call itself “moderate”. On the centre-right a corporate cronyism agenda appeasing cultural marxism and on the centre-left a cultural marxist agenda appeasing corporate cronyism.
Now the plates have been shifted and in the Labour party the polarised extremists of the left, the rebels, are occupying the centre-left ground and trying to come to terms with the paradox of their presence there. That explains McDonnell’s weird and incoherent speech on the economy promising not to spit in the bosses tea. The former occupants of this space, bandwagon jumpers and greasy pole climbers, are also perplexed. They want the power, want desperately to sit on the front bench but privately abhor the Trots and terrorist apologists that they would have to sit next to (except for Burnham who can happily put all principle aside to advance the cause of Burnham). It all depends on how far Corbyn and Co can advance the deception that in government they would behave like the Blairites they despise but without the discredited “Tory” bits.
The added presence of the ghastly SNP faction, giving legitimacy to the Westminster Parliament but there only to subvert it, makes this a time for much amusement. Imagine 56 Sinn Fein MPs sitting there. Unfortunately the media, who should be mercilessly lampooning it all, takes it seriously.
One thing is sure. Most of the grown ups are now gone and our country is in the hands of squabbling political children whose tantrum-articulated rights and grievances loom large in any discourse, in between the selfies, the paying of sanctimonious tribute to any deaths of the victim kind and ‘Je Suis Charlie’ pantomimes of “solidarity”.
The pattern of stalking behaviour is well known. No need to confirm it by presenting a carefully hoarded souvenir, the expression of which was transient and impulsive within a trivial discourse. That just brings to mind creepy psychopaths who paper the walls of their bedsits with newspaper cuttings about the targets of their obsession.
Yes, we know that it lurks, tracks and collects. That much is obvious. The desire for personal information about its targets even extends to incitement of others to breach the Data Protection Act.
The question is how much longer this unhealthy pattern of behaviour will continue until it has to be explained?
No hoarding
Simply an example from February 29th, 2012 – 14:31 taken from this blog to help folks understand the post of March 13th, 2016 – 16:09
A bit of irony:
WATCH: GOP Establishment Elites Discuss How to Stop Trump — ‘All He Has Going for Him Is a Lot of Votes’
And some more truth:
Chicago Cop: Anti-Trump Mob More Aggressive and Destructive than Reported
Alex Jones Show – Monday – The 100 Monkey Syndrome